Bun creatine

High BUN/creatine. Vet suggested euthanasia.

2024.06.01 13:25 kondusvzz High BUN/creatine. Vet suggested euthanasia.

My vet suggested euthanasia for my 15 year old Yorkie, she also said hospitalisation is an option but I wouldn't want him to spend his last few weeks on fluids in a vet hospital. I am currently not in a position to spend a lot of money on second opinions from other vets so I wanted to ask if these results can be indicative of anything else/potentially not as severe as kidney failure (to quote my vet, "it's a matter of days rather than weeks"). I've already booked him in for euthanasia on Monday but I'd appreciate any input. Thanks in advance.
Test results: https://imgur.com/a/bHAy0xq
submitted by kondusvzz to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:48 Dazzling_Sport_3946 Please read. I really need some insight.

Hi, I am a 34 y/o female, I am currently 100 lbs.
I’m a recovering addict and alcoholic who got sober Jan 1, 2024. I’ve had a lot of medical issues in life and I’ve been medicated on psych meds since I was 12.
I’m currently taking 500 mg of Depakote daily, 100 mg of gabapentin, and 10 mg of Lexapro.
I’ve been having some weird symptoms that have gotten worse over the last month.
I’ve lost 10 lbs in the last year, all my teeth hurt, my bones hurt, my skin and hair is weird and dry, I have horrible headaches, pain in my flank areas, gastrointestinal issues, I’m peeing like 25 times a day, pooping around 8 times a day, I have 3 nodes on my thyroid and hyperthyroidism, I have HPV I just found out, tinnitus in my ears, muscle twitches, I sweat a lot at night time, insomnia, the zio patch I had on for a week came back with 3 times where I had tachycardia and my doctor who’s not my doctor anymore seemed a little concerned when he talked to me today which was the last day I will be seeing him. I also have bipolar 2. I know. It’s a lot.
My labs are weird. The doctor I had isn’t my doctor anymore because he hasn’t taken me seriously at all, treated me like I was a liar and a child and did nothing for me at all so I changed providers and now I have to start all over with a new one and all the referrals I had in progress are null and void and it’s setting me back weeks/months since it’s such a long wait to get into a specialist.
I’m hoping someone can read my current labs and tell me what you think…
BUN 20 Mg/DL
HGB 14.2 mg/dl
Pulse 105
Systolic 168
UA-RBC 3-5
POCT-Ketones trace abnormal
Salicylate 2.5
The doctor I had was so dismissive of me and I feel like there is something wrong with me. I live in a small town and the docs are notorious for missing things and chalking them up to something that’s not really the case. I know my body better than anyone else and something is not right!
I got sober to live a new life and now I feel like dog shit. I’m a mom, a partner, a daughter, a sister, a friend, amongst a lot of other things and how I am now, I can’t even work, I can barely function. I hope that this post isn’t missed like my other ones have been. Please help me❤️‍🩹
submitted by Dazzling_Sport_3946 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 01:29 Kimcha87 Cat with super high SDMA, but fairly low other kidney values

Hello everyone,
We took our cat for a checkup and received a strange SDMA result of 67.7 ng/mL, which suggests advanced stage 4 kidney disease on the IRIS scale.
But, all the other kidney markers suggest an IRIS stage of 1 or 2. Only 8 months ago his SDMA was just 10 (normal) and the other kidney values were approximately the same.
(You can find all the lab results below.)
The vet had trouble collecting enough blood for the result, said it may not be enough, and that we might have to come back to collect another sample. But in the end, they were able to run the test on the original sample.
On top of that the result they gave us had the wrong date on it.
Since the SDMA result is completely misaligned with all the other results, I think that perhaps they swapped the sample with another cat by accident or maybe they didn't have enough blood to run an accurate report.
But our vet seems to think this result is not out of the ordinary and insists this is the correct value.
Understandably, we are very worried and stressed out about this result. At the very least I would like to know what causes it and why it is so out of line with the other kidney-related values.
But our vet doesn't have an answer, doesn't think it's a problem, and doesn't seem to be interested in pursuing it further.
The vet made recommendations to start early kidney disease food and to recheck in three months.
I could be way off, but based on the reasons listed above, I feel there's a necessity to retest SDMA to see if it is an accurate result or an error. And if it is an accurate result then we should investigate what causes it.
It can't be normal for an otherwise healthy cat to have stage 4 CRF SDMA results. Perhaps there is an acute issue that is suppressing kidney function that needs to be dealt with now instead of in 3 months.
What do you think? And how would you handle this?

Patient Info

Lab Work

Here are the relevant biomarkers from his latest test, as well as the previous one 8 months ago.
Biomarker 2023-08-03 2024-05-20 Ref Range
SDMA (ng/mL) 10.00 67.70 0 - 14
BUN (mg/dL) 27.00 29.00 10 - 30
Creatinine (mg/dL) 2.30 2.30 0.3 - 2.1
Phosphorus (mg/dL) 5.50 5.20 3.4 - 8.5
Urine Specific Gravity (x100%) 1.020 1.024 > 1.045
Urine PH (%) 6.00 7.50 6.0 - 6.5
Urine Protein / Creatine < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.2
Urine Protein (Qualitaive) 0.00 1.00 0
Urine Leukocytes (Qualitative) 0.00 3.00 0
You can find all his lab work history here: https://ul.orna.me/KOge/share/?s=4n6FKBx3OQ

Diet Info

We feed him homemade food made from beef with the TCFeline completer.
In addition to the already wet food, we always mix in extra water and serve it as "meat soup".
There are some arguments that this type of diet has much more high-quality protein, which can show up with increased BUN and Creatine value in lab work.
Additionally, I found several studies that show that well-hydrated cats on a wet food diet have significantly lower USG value.
All of this makes me think his bloodwork may look worse than it actually is.
Please correct me, if you think that's just wishful thinking.

Patient Status and Behavior

We took him for a check-up because we noticed a slight change in behavior.
Usually, he is very sticky and affectionate, but he started to spend more time alone and started spending more time in "cave-like places" (drawers and his bag).
But overall he is still in a good mood and continues to eat well. He is very active, runs up and down the stairs, and frequently asks to be chased.
The vet has also found a lot of dental plaque and potential gingivitis, which could explain his change in behavior as it has affected him similarly in the past.
submitted by Kimcha87 to RenalCats [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 01:19 Kimcha87 Cat with super high SDMA, but fairly low other kidney values

Hello everyone,
We took our cat for a checkup and received a strange SDMA result of 67.7 ng/mL, which suggests advanced stage 4 kidney disease on the IRIS scale (stage 4 is 38 and up).
But, all the other kidney markers suggest an IRIS stage of 1 or 2. Only 8 months ago his SDMA was just 10 (normal, less than 25% kidney damage) and the other kidney values were approximately the same.
(You can find all the lab results below.)
The vet had trouble collecting enough blood for the result, said it may not be enough, and that we might have to come back to collect another sample. But in the end, they were able to run the test on the original sample.
On top of that the result they gave us had the wrong date on it.
Since the SDMA result is completely misaligned with all the other results, I think that perhaps they swapped the sample with another cat by accident or maybe they didn't have enough blood to run an accurate report.
But our vet seems to think this result is not out of the ordinary and insists this is the correct value.
Understandably, we are very worried and stressed out about this result. At the very least I would like to know what causes it and why it is so out of line with the other kidney-related values.
But our vet doesn't have an answer, doesn't think it's a problem, and doesn't seem to be interested in pursuing it further.
The vet made recommendations to start early kidney disease food and to recheck in three months.
I could be way off, but based on the reasons listed above, I feel there's a necessity to retest SDMA to see if it is an accurate result or an error. And if it is an accurate result then we should investigate what causes it.
It can't be normal for an otherwise healthy cat to have stage 4 CRF SDMA results. Perhaps there is an acute issue that is suppressing kidney function that needs to be dealt with now instead of in 3 months.
What do you think? And how would you handle this?

Patient Info

Lab Work

Here are the relevant biomarkers from his latest test, as well as the previous one 8 months ago.
Biomarker 2023-08-03 2024-05-20 Ref Range
SDMA (ng/mL) 10.00 67.70 0 - 14
BUN (mg/dL) 27.00 29.00 10 - 30
Creatinine (mg/dL) 2.30 2.30 0.3 - 2.1
Phosphorus (mg/dL) 5.50 5.20 3.4 - 8.5
Urine Specific Gravity (x100%) 1.020 1.024 > 1.045
Urine PH (%) 6.00 7.50 6.0 - 6.5
Urine Protein / Creatine < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.2
Urine Protein (Qualitaive) 0.00 1.00 0
Urine Leukocytes (Qualitative) 0.00 3.00 0
You can find all his lab work history here: https://ul.orna.me/KOge/share/?s=4n6FKBx3OQ

Diet Info

We feed him homemade food made from beef with the TCFeline completer.
In addition to the already wet food, we always mix in extra water and serve it as "meat soup".
There are some arguments that this type of diet has much more high-quality protein, which can show up with increased BUN and Creatine value in lab work.
Additionally, I found several studies that show that well-hydrated cats on a wet food diet have significantly lower USG value.
All of this makes me think his bloodwork may look worse than it actually is.
Please correct me, if you think that's just wishful thinking.

Patient Status and Behavior

We took him for a check-up because we noticed a slight change in behavior.
Usually, he is very sticky and affectionate, but he started to spend more time alone and started spending more time in "cave-like places" (drawers and his bag).
But overall he is still in a good mood and continues to eat well. He is very active, runs up and down the stairs, and frequently asks to be chased.
The vet has also found a lot of dental plaque and potential gingivitis, which could explain his change in behavior as it has affected him similarly in the past.
submitted by Kimcha87 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 05:44 RedRocks1996 Lab tests - pancreas/kidney issues or just signs of aging?

Hello, I have a 13 year old cat who I took to a vet for a respiratory issue. We had some cultures taken and some bloodwork taken along with a urinalysis.
All of a sudden we are going down a road of lots of medicines based on the bolded text below while we wait on the cultures. I'm hoping to get some advice as this vet has made it clear that we must treat these issues with meds and change his diet.
The vet also want to put him on prozac due to some belly licking. She says he's stressed out. Now, I've had many cats and this one is the happiest and least anxious animal I've ever had. I'm just confused as to the severity of these results and the need for prozac. Thanks in advance...
The endocrinology section shows the Total T4 result as 2.1 μg/dL, within the reference range of 0.8-4.7 μg/dL. The notes state that cats with no clinical signs of hyperthyroidism and a T4 within the reference interval are likely euthyroid. Controlled clinical assessment may be needed for cats being treated for hyperthyroidism with an adequate therapeutic response.
submitted by RedRocks1996 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:14 JustAChillDude057 Help with anion gap and health issues

TL;DR: Can you help me with what I should be getting tested for to help figure out a high anion gap?
Hello, I am turning here after having about 5 years of worsening health issues. There is a lot in my history that I might have a hard time remembering right now because I am not feeling too well. But essentially, I wanted to ask for help in doing more bloodwork on my own to look into a "pure anion gap acidosis" of between 10-20 mEq/L over the past few years in this chart of 5 past blood test dates. I also want to share basic problems I have been having in case this can help. This has happened between the ages of 15 and 20.
Starting with five years ago, I had an extreme episode of stomach pain which got worse after having Ibuprofen (15). It would leave me somewhat bedridden. Later that year, I had a paralysis on the left side of the throat which made it so I couldn't eat for about a month before getting better (they put me on antibiotics). Later that year, I had hyperthyroidism and they put me on a medication, and eventually this went away too (16). Around this time, I also noticed constant sore eyes which made focusing on the computer and books more difficult. I also noticed around this time or in the following months that my eyes didn't look quite right, kinda bulgy. By the next year, I wasn't able to play video games for more than an hour due to the eye pain (18).
Over the next several years, my recurring eye soreness has turned into constant pain where I was learning Braille. It's worst when I am driving or listening to speaker and watching their body language, and I have problems focusing my eyes on the road for more than 30-60 minutes which is highly dangerous (19). I was diagnosed with BVD (Strabismus) a year ago and got prism lenses which seemed to help a lot. Originally, I noticed that I was having major issues with watching my surroundings, bumping into stuff, focusing, and needing to sleep a lot. I was having "warped vision" where my phone or other stuff didn't look right as I wasn't processing depth correctly. I wasn't able to look at the Speedometer before prism lenses because looking back at stuff that was too close was really difficult. It was weird in that it seemed like an "attack" where things got so much worse for a month, but equalized out eventually.
The really annoying thing is being told I don't have any clear health issues, which has made me feel like a crab that is slowly being boiled in a pot by now. In these past months, I am having fatigue issues, the gut pain has been constant but a bit worse. I got tested for allergies again; I originally had none, but at 15 developed 6 new ones when going out of network with an allergist, and we did the same thing ago a month ago and I have 24 new allergies and the original 6 are gone. I have begun a diet eating only stuff I tested negatively for, as a food log seems useless when I am depending largely on items with a +2 rating for allergies and unable to tell what is hurting me, and my eyes seem to feel better and look better, although I am still having major issues with fatigue, now mixed in with huge issues with memory, taking care of myself, mental confusion, studying (when before I was an A+ student no problem), etc.
I am seeing a Neuro-Ophthamologist in a couple weeks, but I am scared that because I tested negatively for Graves disease (which I heavily suspected I had due to these past history) they'll not be able to help me. I linked my blood results, which have a couple elevated things, but the main thing I wanted to focus on was figuring out the high anion gap, which I think may have something to do with it. If there is other stuff I should mention, I can answer questions, I am sort of here as a last resort. I am going to ask them about Orbital Myositis, because even if I don’t have that, it and TED are good references for the symptoms of the eye problems I am having. But once again, in the absence of easy answers, I want to check the anion gap because other abnormalities in the chart I linked can be related to IBS/IBD. Thank you for your time and consideration.
I am 20M, five foot eight, 150 pounds, mixed European/Latino.
Isaiah's Lab Results History Type of LabRange6/20/20198/19/201910/8/201911/21/20196/9/233/22/213/6/244/29/245/14/2024 Glucose85-99 mg/dL 921029652 91 Hemoglobin A1c4.8%-5.6% 5.3 5.4 Uric Acid(F) 3.2-5.5 mg/dL (M) 3.7-6.0 mg/dL 6.6 BUN13-18 mg/dL 13121314 13 Creatine(F) 0.65-0.9 mg/dL (M) 0.85-1.1 mg/dL 0.790.890.990.99 1.02 (if non-African American)eGFR .59 mL/min/1.73 113 108 (if African American)eGFR .59 mL/min/1.73 BUN/Creatine Ratio10-20 1613 14 13 Sodium135-140 mmol/L 139143138139 139 Potassium4.0-4.5 mmol/L 4.0 Chloride100-106 mmol/L 100103102101 102 Carbon Dioxide22-27 mmol/L 24212625 21 Anion Gap7-12 mmol/L 15/19~19/24~10/14~13~18 16/20~ Calcium9.2-10.1 mg/dL 9.7 Phosphorus3.5-4.0 mg/dL 3.4 Magnesium2.0-2.5 mg/dL Total Protein6.9-7.4 g/dL 7.3 Albumin4.0-5.0 g/dL 4.9 Globulin2.4-2.8 g/dL 2.4 A/G Ratio1.5-2.0 2.0 Bilirubin (direct)0.0-0.4 mg/dL Total Bilirubin0.1-1.2 mg/dL 1.0 Alkaline Phosphatase44-90 IU/L 15216074126 90 LDH140-180 IU/L 167 SGOT (AST)10-26 IU/L 22241720 20 SGPT (ALT)10-26 IU/L 15161718 19 GGTP(F) 10-60 IU/L (M) 10-65 IU/L 21 TIBC250-350 ug/dL 319 UIBC150-375 ug/dL 209 Serum Iron80-130 ug/dL 110 Iron Saturation15%-55% 34 Ferritin(premenopause)10-122 ng/mL (postmenopause)10-263 ng/mL (male)33-236 ng/mL 85 Transferrin200-370 mg/dL Cholesterol150-199 mg/dL 181 167 Triglycerides75-100 mg/dL 165 61 HDL55-100 mg/dL 50 49 VLDLAbove Lab Range 12 LDL<99 mg/dL 103 106 Cholesterol/HDL Ratio<3.1 3.6 3.4 CRP (high sensitivity)0-3 mg/L 0.88 Homocysteine<7 umol/L 10.7 TSH1.8-3.0 ulU/mL 0.981.371.641.120.950.831.261.44 T46-12 ug/dL 6.57.9 9.7 T3 Uptake28%-38% 31 FTI1.2-4.9 mg/dL 3.0 T3100-180 ng/dL 123110 95 116 Free T32.0-4.0 pg/mL 43.5 3.3 Reverse T39.2-24.1 ng/dL 29.9 Free T41.0-1.5 ng/dL 1.281.481.43 1.501.401.511.81 Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO), Ab0-34 IU/mL 1210 <9 <9 Thyroglobulin, Ab0.0-0.9 IU/mL <1.0<1.0 <1.0 TBG18-27 ug/mL Thyroid Stim Immunoglobulin <0.10 Calcitriol(1,25 di-OJH Vit D)24.8-81.5 pg/mL 89.4 25-OH Vitamin D332-100 ng/mL 28.1 26.2 1,25-Dihydroxy Vitamin D10-75 pg/mL Fibrinogen Activity193-507 mg/dL 336 WBC5-88.1 5.6 RBC(F) 3.9-4.5 (M) 4.4-4.94.63 4.794.564.995.14.96 4.86 HGB(F) 13.5-14.5 (M) 14-15 g/dL14.2 14.91415.816.215.1 15.1 HCT(F) 37%-44% (M) 39%-55%41.9 44.341.345.147.844.1 45.8 MCV85-92 fL91 939190.49488.9 94 MCH27.7-32 pg30.7 31.130.731.731.831.3 31.1 MCHC32-36 g/dL33.9 33.633.93533.935.1 33.0 RDW11.7%-15%13.3 12.61312.111.912.2 12.6 Platelets155K-379K326 284293302256301 316 Neutrophils40%-60%68 5446 4755.1 50 Lymphocytes25%-40%20 3336 3730.5 34 Monocytes4%-7%12 912 1211.6 12 Eosinophils0%-3%0 35 32 3 Basophils0%-3%0 11 10.8 1 Magnesium, RBC6.5.-6.8 mg/dL 4.5 Immature Granulocytes 0 Immature Grans (Abs) 0.0 Specific Gravity 1.0008 pH 7.0 Urine Color Yellow Appearance Clear WBC Esterase Negative Protein Negative Glucose Negative Ketones Negative Occult Blood Negative Bilirubin Negative Urobilinogen,Semi-Qn0.2-1 mg/dL 0.2 Nitrite, Urine Negative AChR Binding Abs, Serum0.00-0.24 nmol/L0.04 AChR Blocking Abs, Serum0%-25%15 ANA Direct Negative Tryptaseug/L 3.8 Sedimentation Rate-Westergrenmm/hr 52 Endomysial Antibody IgA Negative t-Trasglutaminase (tTG) IgAu/mL <2 Immunoglobulin A, Qn, Serummg/dL 137 Ambig Abbrev CMP14 Default results? Calprotectin, Fecalug/g 30 WBC, Stool None H. Pylori Stool, Ag, EIA Negative
submitted by JustAChillDude057 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 16:18 Meaganderocha Acute Kidney Failure in Feline

Species: cat Age: 8 Sex/Spayed: female/spayed Breed: tabby Body weight: 12 lbs History: previous obesity (her highest weight was 16.5 lbs) got her down to 12 lbs within the last year Clinical signs: vomiting (green/foamy), lethargic, walking funny, arched back, not being her self, tired, not using the bathroom, not eating. Duration: 2 days Location: indoor cat, Massachusetts
8 year old female cat suddenly vomiting green foam substance and not finishing food. No prior signs of illnesses or diagnosis. Diet consisted of Optim Plus weight control dry food and she drank regularly from the water fountain. Brought her in to the vet and they recommended blood work. Didn’t get a call back until the next day (her health declined even more) the vet said her kidneys are failing and recommended brining her to get her kidneys flushed for 48 hours. Upon arriving another vet said that due to her high values, euthanasia was recommended and the best option.
Please note that there are no toxic plants in the household and no anti freeze. This came to a complete shock and am left with guilt and questions on how/why this happened and so suddenly. Any information would be appreciated as I felt I dodged not get enough from the vet. I’m also confused why no further tests were done, such as a urine sample or X-rays. The conclusion was jumped to kidney failure and euthanasia. Below are her bloodwork results. I included what was in bold on the paperwork.
Bloodwork results:
Urea Nitrogen 239 Creatine 17.4 BUN 14 Phosphorus 16.0 Calcium 7.8 Magnesium 2.8 Sodium 153 Potassium 9.2 NA/L ratio 17 Triglycerides 213 CPK 816 Lymphocytes 15 Eosinophils 13 Absolute Eosinophils 1157 T4 0.6
submitted by Meaganderocha to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 00:40 UNC00023 BUN and BUN/creatinine question

41 male,5’11, 188 pounds
Did a blood test yesterday, I didn't fast, 1 drank a 25 G protein shake before I went in, about an hour or an hour and a half before they took the blood. I have a personal trainer three times a week and hit the gym pretty hard. I also take creatine... the docs office is closed and this is making me nervous, all other tests were perfect except these two... should I be worried? Please give me your opinion, thanks! The BUN is 27 and the BUN/ Creatine ratio is also 27... ... it wouldn't let me post a picture of it.
submitted by UNC00023 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 23:24 KaleidoscopeShot1869 Opinions on lactated ringers for subquotaneous fluids in cats?

Hi, this question is in general and specifically related to my kitty who we had to put down yesterday :(
We took her to the vet 2 days ago to get blood work since she had been losing weight and also to get her breathing checked again since she has been breathing more abdominally which changed a month or two ago but the vet checked her heart and lungs with a stethoscope again and said it sounded normal.
He didn't do anything else to check her heart or breathing.
Before getting the blood tests back since she has had CKD for a while, he suggested subquotaneous fluids and chose lactated ringers. I believe the dosage was 150 ml and he told us to do it for like 7 days in a row (I think the 7 days in a row was instructed about blood results were back).
We administered her the lactated ringers on Tuesday night and then Wednesday morning she looked to be having difficulty breathing and was eventually mouth breathing (she also didn't go onto my mom's bed at night which she ALWAYS would do :( so that was a big sign). I know mouth breathing is not normal in cats and she was getting out of breath very easily.
She was 17.5 and had CKD so I know this would have happened sooner or later, but I'm wondering if the vet should have prescribed lactated ringers without further testing on her heart and if the lactated ringers were related to her having a fairly recent change in breathing after being administered that led us to having to put her down. I'm not sure if the added stress of the vet could have contributed to it either. Either way I'm obviously very upset at the very least over losing her and want to know for the future and for others to know more about lactated ringers and subquotaneous fluids for CKD and dehydrated kitties in general.
She was (☹️) again 17.5, a short hair domesticated cat, weighted about 8 lbs 10 oz and had steadily lost weight since January where she was around Or over 10 lbs). She's been diagnosed with CKD for a fair while and has been on Prescription wet food, and after the blood test we were gonna try the dry food. The BUN and creatin were higher but not alarmingly high, like worse, but not super duper bad to where you would expect her to pass within two days.
I know the lactated ringers administration could have just been a coincidence but if it was a possibility for her rapid decline I would like to know for my own sake, for potential future kitties sake, and others. And potentially let my vet know in case he was unaware so that other kitties can get proper assessment.
I'd appreciate any input any vets have and would greatly greatly appreciate any response from a vet even if they are unsure.
Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to read this and thank you for all that you do. I know being a vet can be sooo hard and plz know I am ever greatful for vets help. Y'all mental health and well being matters and y'all should be proud of all the work you put in to get here. Thank you for caring for our other family members.
Plz let me know if you have any questions or need more information. I could get specific numbers from her blood work if needed I would just have to ask. Overall I'm just glad I was able to be there with her at the end for at home euthanasia. I just graduated college 2 weeks ago so I was able to have most of the days leading up to it with her, the quickness of it all was just unexpected.
submitted by KaleidoscopeShot1869 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 19:06 Queasy-Profession363 Very Confused by my Blood Results and Testosterone Levels

Hi Everyone,
Hope to get some insight into my situation as I've been left very confused about my health and the care Ive been provided by my doctors. I completely understand this is not medical advise from you all but it almost seems like there is more experience on these boards compared to what is available for me with my actual docs.
I'll provide a few general details about myself before getting into my blood work. I'm a 43 year old man of Indian descent based in London. Approx 5'11, at 85Kgs. I would say I am slim but would normally be known as skinny fat. Not very muscular, just very average. I was doing gym 2-3 times a week (just to keep shape, weights and running but not like mass building) and playing football once a week, until about 2 years ago. I've never taken any testosterone in my life. The most I've done is when I was working a little harder in the gym, I took protein, BCAAs and Creatine and some multivitamins. Also, a few years ago I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism so I take levothyroxine 50MG once a day.
So about 2 years ago, I started having some issues with my knee. It happened after playing football. I did not injure it, and in fact I didn't even notice it until a day later. It just seemed to make some clicking noises and was a bit inflamed but I couldn't run anymore. I let it rest for a few weeks and it went back to normal. However when I tried running again, I started noticing it acting up again. All this time I also started noticing I was having a neck ache on the right side, affecting the back of my head all the way to the top and the forehead. I was also getting odd twitches on my right toe. Soon I started noticing my neck ache was being triggered by my upper back, which also started stiffening up. The doctors did some general blood work and other tests (MRI, CT, etc) but nothing showed up apart from the fact that I've had a bit of non-alcoholic fatty liver and mid-high cholesterol for many years (even though I've always eaten relatively healthy and stayed away from junk food).
I was given painkillers, which helped somewhat during the day but the problem didn't go away. There were nights when it would get very bad and I couldn't even lie down. This went on for almost a year, without a solution, all the while I started also feeling very fatigued and lacking focus on things, feeling irritable and very low moods. There were times when I just felt like crying for no reason. I still got through work but by now I was feeling crap, as I could no longer go to the gym, feeling very weak, and couldn't play football. I was referred to various physios who provided exercises for the knee, neck, back but none of it was really helping, and in fact sometimes triggered things to get worse. Late last year I saw another physio who looked at my upper leg muscles and my glutes and said they seemed very weak which could have been affecting my joints. During this time my other knee, as well as other joints in my body were also acting up a bit and I started noticing my body and joints creaking/cracking/clicking all the time. The physio said I should test my Vitamin D levels. I went back to the doc, explained to him what the physio had said but I also told him something else I was noticing recently and that was that my libido was very low and it was affecting my relationship with my girlfriend. He said fine, let's get more tests done, and when the results came back for the first time testing vitamin D and Testosterone - they were both very low. See below:
Vitamin D - 30 nmol/L Testosterone - 7.1 nmol/L
So the next course of action from the doc was to get my Vitamin D levels up first and to see if it helps my Testosterone. I went on a month-long course of Vitamin D and my next blood test was as follows.
Vitamin D - 84 nmol/L Testosterone - 6.5 nmol/L
My symptoms did not improve. I was then referred to a Endocrinology specialist at the start of the year and since then I've had more and more blood tests without any actual action as my doc seems just as confused and not really sure what to do even though initially she said TRT is the next step. I've had poor follow up issues from the NHS on this but I rather not get into that. The level of care was just not there and they just left me chasing up and trying to get tests and appointments sorted and sometimes just left me hanging.
I just want to figure out what is the best course of action for me. I was feeling great 2 years ago, getting on with life and this has really affected everything from my career, to my relationship to the point that I am feeling depressed. I don't want to necessarily get on a lifelong TRT treatment if I don't have to. I want to have children in the future, and also am worried about other side effects like losing hair (a little context to this, I'm the only one among my dad, uncles, cousins, that has a full set of long hair, and in a man-bun) Could it be genetics or hormones? But all this blood work now seems to make me very cautious. The issue seems to be that my Total Testosterone is very low and so is my SHBG, however my Free and Bioavailable seem somewhat OK.This is why my doc and myself seem unable to figure out what the next course of action should be. And I seem to be having so many symptoms that correlate to all this.
Last Blood Details:
Testosterone - 7.6 nmol/L Albumin level, plasma - 48 g/L Luteinising hormone level, serum - 4.0 unit/L SHBG - 14.9 nmol/L Free testosterone (FT) - 0.197 nmol/L (2.6%) Calculated bioavailable testosterone - 5.14 nmol/L (67.7%)
I would appreciate anyone's opinion or guidance on this, and if you have any questions, and want to know any other blood tests, I'd happily share them.
Sorry for the long post but thank you.
submitted by Queasy-Profession363 to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 01:39 AnyNecessary2038 UTI Lab Work/Second Opinion?

32 F Background: Clockwork normal periods, copper IUD. One tumor on my liver thought to be benign hemangioma. I have gallbladder sludge. 6 weeks ago I started gaining weight, getting very bloated, had cramps in my lower abdomen lasting 2 weeks, started my period 1 week early. Cramped the entire week. Dr. did labs and urine/swabs. Everything was normal. Dr had an ultrasound of abdomen done and was normal.
After period ended, cramping has continued on and off. Pain in my lower and upper abdomen started during sex started. New period started 3 days late. Pain during sex has gotten worse- mostly in the right ovary and upper right side under my rib cage. Lots of pain when I press down on my right upper abdomen.
Yesterday, Dr did CMP, urine, wetprep swabs and std panel. And urine culture.
Dr. sent me a message saying “everything looks fantastic! No evidence of a UTI. Start Flagyl for BV”
I need a second opinion since my urine seems so off, and I’m having bladder and abdominal pain. I know SOMETHING is wrong with me. It was like a switch turning when I became ill 6 weeks ago.
Urine: blood trace Ph 7.5 Everything else negative
Wet prep: WBC Abnormal
CMP: low Bun 7 Creatine/bun ratio: 12 EGFR CKD-epi Value >90 Low Calcium 8.4
Urine: Bilirubin: Large Spec grav 1.025 Blood: Moderate Ph: 6 Protein: Trace Urobilinogen: 1.0 mg/DL
WBC Abnormal Clue cells abnormal
CMP: Bun creatine ratio: 17 EGFR CKD >90 Low glucose 67 Low calcium 8.6 Chloride way down but still Within normal range Anion Gap way up but borderline normal
Urine culture was normal.
Can anyone tell me if this is normal??
submitted by AnyNecessary2038 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:33 AssyMcFlapFlaps I think being on PPIs are what I need to do for now.

Long winded, but wanted to vent to people who could maybe relate.
I think my gastritis was largely stress related + toradol use the first time, then stress related this second flair. its getting to be obsessive thoughts that i cant seem to clear from my head. Im starting to feel like i desperately need a break from these stomach symptoms. im trying to analyze the sequence of events that got me feeling better, to when i got symptoms again. I felt pretty much 99% normal when i was taking the omeprazole. Took it for 6 years, had 0 side effects. Had a major, major stress event that caused gastritis diagnosed via scope. Also diagnosed with functional dyspepsia. Got put on stronger omeprazole & carafate, moved in with some friends, got my stress levels under control. Then they had me stop those and switch to pepcid and things were still hunky dory for the most part. Then i got here to WA to start another work contract. I started falling back into the whole stressed & depressed mood, then symptoms came back & worse. Definitely flared things back up. Stress is moderately better, but ive developed food anxiety with all this. i lost weight again, gained some back & have stagnated cause i feel not hungry. i cant eat my normal larger portions anymore so meal prepping is getting harder to make sure im getting enough variety without adding a big volume to it. Im starting to watch the clock again for when i can next eat which tells me im in a sizable energy deficit, but just dont feel like my stomach can hold it all right now. Trying to get enough calories is consuming my day to day life, plus the added symptoms are driving me nuts. Making sure i wake up early enough to start eating. Waiting 4 hours between each of my 4 meals. Making sure i can finish eating by a certain time so i have a 3-4hr buffer between the meal and bedtime. I never had a problem with that but i do it just to be safe. My diet is 90% whole foods with minimally processed extras like protein powders, nutrition bars, etc. My blood work was normal aside from low sex hormones, & very slight elevation in BUN/Cr. Probably very stressed/depressed, dehydrated & the creatine i take. I cut out a bunch of stuff that i eat because of reading what doesnt agree with gastritis, so pretty much a low acid diet now. Im wondering if i have SIBO with how much i burp after eating/drinking.
Im very highly considering saying fuck it, jumping back on the OTC dose PPI, taking the carafate regularly again until i get in to see the GI doctor back there in the town i live in a few weeks. I see a lot of mixed stories on PPI use, and the long term study reviews ive seen dont ever seem to identify if the people experiencing side effects were living a healthy active lifestyle or a sedentary typical american lifestyle. I understand that things can happen but id consider myself a very healthy individual otherwise so do i really need to worry about PPI side effects vs GERD making my life complicated & increasing cancer risk?
Idk if this is like a no-no type decision, but my god i miss being able to eat a donut, at an asian or mexican restaurant & socializing with people over food. I was a huge foodie and this has almost completely taken away the pleasure of eating from me.
TL;DR: Im sick of symptoms, im pretty healthy otherwise, PPI risks seem to be very unlikely to my situation & i might would rather just take those.
submitted by AssyMcFlapFlaps to Gastritis [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:12 Getpeaceogo 5 years out from duodenal switch and dealing with the consequences.

5 years out and dealing with consequences.
High pth levels since 2020
I'm 35 female and my recent blood results are concerning me. I have an appointment on Thursday with my surgeon. I had the duodenal switch in 2018. Since then I've had polyoplastic surgery, blind loop surgery and hernia repair surgery and surgery to lengthen my common channel because I was unable to eat without my blood sugar tanking and throwing up/running to the bathroom.
Going back to 2020 my pth levels have been around 100. Just got my results back and it's 213 vitamin d levels are 10 but calcium is normal. I was in kidney failure years ago due to sepsis but it's been resolved after I recovered.
My bun and creatine levels are low and I've had kidney stones since 15 with a current stone on my left kidney for the past few years.
The past 6 months I've dealt with fatigue, bone pain, worsening mental symptoms and painful leg feet and toe cramps. I've lost 7lbs in less than a month and I'm down to 110 which is still normal weight for my height but I feel so unwell guys.
It looks like now I have secondary hyperparathyroidism because of my vitamin d deficiency. I take Dr vitamin d supplements and I'm just at a complete loss of where to go from here.
submitted by Getpeaceogo to BariatricSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:09 Getpeaceogo 5 years out and dealing with consequences.

High pth levels since 2020
I'm 35 female and my recent blood results are concerning me. I have an appointment on Thursday with my surgeon. I had the duodenal switch in 2018. Since then I've had polyoplastic surgery, blind loop surgery and hernia repair surgery and surgery to lengthen my common channel because I was unable to eat without my blood sugar tanking and throwing up/running to the bathroom.
Going back to 2020 my pth levels have been around 100. Just got my results back and it's 213 vitamin d levels are 10 but calcium is normal. I was in kidney failure years ago due to sepsis but it's been resolved after I recovered.
My bun and creatine levels are low and I've had kidney stones since 15 with a current stone on my left kidney for the past few years.
The past 6 months I've dealt with fatigue, bone pain, worsening mental symptoms and painful leg feet and toe cramps. I've lost 7lbs in less than a month and I'm down to 110 which is still normal weight for my height but I feel so unwell guys.
It looks like now I have secondary hyperparathyroidism because of my vitamin d deficiency. I take Dr vitamin d supplements and I'm just at a complete loss of where to go from here.
submitted by Getpeaceogo to wls_duodenalswitch [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:55 Getpeaceogo Has anyone dealt with secondary hyperparathyroidism and what fixed it?

High pth levels since 2020
I'm 35 female and my recent blood results are concerning me. I have an appointment on Thursday with my surgeon (who looks after and treats my malabsorption) I've had quite a few abdominal surgeries including duodenal switch and blind loop correction for my small intestine so I malabsorb fat sol. Vitamins.
Going back to 2020 my pth levels have been around 100. Just got my results back and it's 213 vitamin d levels are 10 but calcium is normal. I was in kidney failure years ago due to sepsis but it's been resolved after I recovered.
My bun and creatine levels are low and I've had kidney stones since 15 with a current stone on my left kidney for the past few years.
The past 6 months I've dealt with fatigue, bone pain, worsening mental symptoms and painful leg feet and toe cramps.
Is this all because of secondary hyperparathyroidism? Should I be seeing a specialist beyond my surgeon for this? I feel like recently I've been feeling so much worse and I'm concerned about how to fix it.
submitted by Getpeaceogo to ChronicIllness [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:51 Getpeaceogo Is this all because of my vitamin d?

High pth levels since 2020
I'm 35 female and my recent blood results are concerning me. I have an appointment on Thursday with my surgeon (who looks after and treats my malabsorption) I've had quite a few abdominal surgeries including duodenal switch and blind loop correction for my small intestine so I malabsorb fat sol. Vitamins.
Going back to 2020 my pth levels have been around 100. Just got my results back and it's 213 vitamin d levels are 10 but calcium is normal. I was in kidney failure years ago due to sepsis but it's been resolved after I recovered.
I can't absorb vitamin d from food and I take dry vitamin d supplements but apparently they're not helping.
My bun and creatine levels are low and I've had kidney stones since 15 with a current stone on my left kidney for the past few years.
The past 6 months I've dealt with fatigue, bone pain, worsening mental symptoms and painful leg feet and toe cramps.
Is this all because of secondary hyperparathyroidism? Should I be seeing a specialist beyond my surgeon for this? I feel like recently I've been feeling so much worse and I'm concerned about how to fix it.
submitted by Getpeaceogo to VitaminD [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:49 Getpeaceogo Is this secondary hyperparathyroidism and how to fix it?

High pth levels since 2020
I'm 35 female and my recent blood results are concerning me. I have an appointment on Thursday with my surgeon (who looks after and treats my malabsorption) I've had quite a few abdominal surgeries including duodenal switch and blind loop correction for my small intestine so I malabsorb fat sol. Vitamins.
Going back to 2020 my pth levels have been around 100. Just got my results back and it's 213 vitamin d levels are 10 but calcium is normal. I was in kidney failure years ago due to sepsis but it's been resolved after I recovered.
My bun and creatine levels are low and I've had kidney stones since 15 with a current stone on my left kidney for the past few years.
The past 6 months I've dealt with fatigue, bone pain, worsening mental symptoms and painful leg feet and toe cramps.
Is this all because of secondary hyperparathyroidism? Should I be seeing a specialist beyond my surgeon for this? I feel like recently I've been feeling so much worse and I'm concerned about how to fix it.
submitted by Getpeaceogo to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:46 Getpeaceogo Looking for advice and reassurance

High pth levels since 2020
I'm 35 female and my recent blood results are concerning me. I have an appointment on Thursday with my surgeon (who looks after and treats my malabsorption) I've had quite a few abdominal surgeries including duodenal switch and blind loop correction for my small intestine so I malabsorb fat sol. Vitamins.
Going back to 2020 my pth levels have been around 100. Just got my results back and it's 213 vitamin d levels are 10 but calcium is normal. I was in kidney failure years ago due to sepsis but it's been resolved after I recovered.
My bun and creatine levels are low and I've had kidney stones since 15 with a current stone on my left kidney for the past few years.
The past 6 months I've dealt with fatigue, bone pain, worsening mental symptoms and painful leg feet and toe cramps.
Is this all because of secondary hyperparathyroidism? Should I be seeing a specialist beyond my surgeon for this? I feel like recently I've been feeling so much worse and I'm concerned about how to fix it.
submitted by Getpeaceogo to Parathyroid_Awareness [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:44 Getpeaceogo High pth levels since 2020

I'm 35 female and my recent blood results are concerning me. I have an appointment on Thursday with my surgeon (who looks after and treats my malabsorption) I've had quite a few abdominal surgeries including duodenal switch and blind loop correction for my small intestine so I malabsorb fat sol. Vitamins.
Going back to 2020 my pth levels have been around 100. Just got my results back and it's 213 vitamin d levels are 10 but calcium is normal. I was in kidney failure years ago due to sepsis but it's been resolved after I recovered.
My bun and creatine levels are low and I've had kidney stones since 15 with a current stone on my left kidney for the past few years.
The past 6 months I've dealt with fatigue, bone pain, worsening mental symptoms and painful leg feet and toe cramps.
Is this all because of secondary hyperparathyroidism? Should I be seeing a specialist beyond my surgeon for this? I feel like recently I've been feeling so much worse and I'm concerned about how to fix it.
submitted by Getpeaceogo to endocrinology [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:42 Getpeaceogo 35F consistency high pth levels

Hi, I'm 35 female. I take Adderall, heartburn medication (I forgot the name but it's prescribed), and Klonopin as needed . I've been diagnosed with ADHD, social anxiety, depression and asthma. I was diagnosed with kidney failure back when I was battling sepsis but it's been resolved. I have heartburn and a minor hiatal hernia again.
I have history of duodual switch surgery polyoplastic surgery. My gallbladder's been removed, a hiatal hernia repair In surgery to fix a blind loop in my small intestines.
I noticed my pth levels have been consistently high for the past year elevated over 100. My most recent blood work shows it's 236 with low bun and creatine levels. High AST levels and vitamin d levels of 10. My calcium levels are in normal range.
I have a history of kidney stones going back to since I was 15 and have a kidney stone on the left hip kidney that's been there for a few years but hasn't moved.
Over the past 6 months I've dealt with incredible fatigue, muscle spasms in my legs and feet and bone pain along with poisoning symptoms of my ADHD and depression. Could this be linked and what could it be an even more importantly, what can I do to fix it??
submitted by Getpeaceogo to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 11:48 Riz07 My cat is sick

First post got removed
My cat she has been vomiting since 8 days, twice I took her to the vet. Giving her medication is being difficult doesn't eat anything just spits out the medicine. When I showed her food & favorite treats started drooling and then vomited. Has anyone experienced this with their cats
Update: I took yumi back to the vet in zoo care mahabula for the third time. Today I was told to take her to their hospital in shuwaikh for xray. I enquiried in many places about the price.
Companion 25kd doctor consultation is included
Royal animal hospital 45kd
Hope animal hospital 15kd xray + 15kd doctor consultation
Al dohamaa 30kd xray + 3 kd doctor consultation
Zoo care 25kd xray + 3kd doctor consultation
I'm going at 3pm to zoo care in shuwaikh that's where I got my cat neutered. Open from 3 pm - 7 pm
May 18 - Today i took her to zoo care shuwaikh for endoscopy and the doctor told me 250kd for anesthesia but in the end got it down to 120kd need cbc later said she has kidney problem because of dry food now needs operation. I admitted her in the hospital they will do operation, I'm so worried feel restless because he said she might not survive. I'm writing everything so if any of you ever be in my position would know what to do most animal hospitals in Kuwait has very bad reviews but if you can afford it please go to ivh their services is pricy but treatment is good
May 19 - I searched and contacted the doctor on Instagram and whatsapp and in the morning I received a video yumi was eating and the doctor said good boy even though it's a girl. I did ask what's the treatment plan but still no reply doctor's update
May 20 - I was thinking to go hospital today to check on yumi but didn't go because yumi was supposed to be hospitalized for 3 days
May 21 - doctor called to say yumi is eating now but they are treating her. When I asked about the operation. He said she is very weak now can't operate. After 2 days you might be able to take her home
May 23 - I got update from the doctor Today, your cat's General health is improving. Liver and kidney function tests were performed, but the creatine level did not decrease, but the BUN levels decreased a lot, which means the kidneys will improve. A CBC was also performed. There is a complete deficiency in white blood cells and a severe breakdown of red blood cells. According to my assessment, there is no improvement in The condition is cured, but we will continue to try
May 25 - I went to check on yumi today and the doctor discharged her. He said 60% improvement take her home gave some royal canine wet food packets if in 3 days she doesn't have any bowel movement bring her back to the hospital. Must try if she eat herself or blend and feed with syringe. She is back home now yumi's picture
May 28 - it's been 3 days since I brought her home she stopped eating yesterday had lose motion. I'm feeding her with syringe tomorrow taking her back to the vet
If anyone of you wanna see yumi Yumi
submitted by Riz07 to Kuwait [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:54 Old_Foundation6949 Low Testosterone Levels

Hello, I am looking for opinions and maybe people similar in my shoes.
28y/o Male 150lb
I recently good my blood work done and there were biomarkers that certainly alarmed me. Prior to this lab I did do heavy intense work out 2 hours before. (Don’t know if that affects it.)
Testosterone: 200ng Free Testosterone: 3.7ng FSH: 4.8 LH: 1.7 Bun/creatine: 23.3 GFR:77 RBC: 4.06.
I am very fit, I workout 7x a week. Run roughly roughly 35 miles per week. I have a very active job. I eat extremely healthy. High protein, minimal carbs and sugar (outside of fruit). Little to none processed foods.
I however have struggled with anxiety a good portion of my life. Every now and then it’s gets worse, or it can get better. My job creates a lot of stress and high pressure situations.
My doctor is wanting to put me on TRT in which I am considering, being my levels are that low and last year or so, my energy levels have been low, little to no labido, recovery from workouts have been mid to not good, just not necessarily feeling my best, even though I take care of myself as much as I can.
Thank you to anybody who responds🙌🙏🏼
submitted by Old_Foundation6949 to Testosterone [link] [comments]
