Cool texts letters

Danks Mîms of the Silmarillion

2018.03.27 16:50 jetsfan208 Danks Mîms of the Silmarillion

Dank Mîms of the Silmarillion and Greater Tolkien Lore

2014.05.01 01:56 J0j2 Found Pieces of Paper

Photographs of found pieces of paper with writing on them, photographs or discarded cutouts. Appreciate the forgotten artifacts of everyday life. Share any paper that you found (on the ground, stuck in some bushes or between cans of soup at the store for example) and you do not know who wrote it. Love letters, doodles, interesting to-do or grocery lists, notes from the past - share your discovery with us!

2021.10.27 07:17 Hijel Infuriating texts, emails, calls, tweets, stories, etc. from the boss

Shit Boss? Vent here.

2024.06.01 12:04 InnovationOo Extruded Text with Overlapping Letters Leading to Holes During Remeshing

Extruded Text with Overlapping Letters Leading to Holes During Remeshing
I would like your insights. I wish to create a 3D text and apply textures to it, but I am encountering problems because the font I am using connects the letters, leading to overlap as you can see in the picture below.
As a result, when I want to apply a remesh to adjust the topology of the extruded text, I end up hold where the area overlap.
Does anyone have any suggestions for correcting this situation?
submitted by InnovationOo to blender [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:00 AutoModerator Weekly Requests Thread

Rules for Submissions
Rules for Responses
Thank you everyone, and have fun with the requesting! Please also consider sorting the comments in this thread by "new" so that the newest comments are at the top, since those are most likely to still need answers.
submitted by AutoModerator to iphonexwallpapers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:56 Global-Artist-2776 Intro

My name is Joshua Sinclair, MSW. I specialize in creating programs that organize and bring the community together. Recently, I’ve headed a Wellness Coaching program through my company, We Are Many. What is wellness? And how do you get there? Take a minute to read my background and approach.
It has been 36 years since my foster dad threw hot coffee in my face. I was temporarily scalded and blinded. The terror and humiliation of that cruel moment took a long time to heal.
Today, I continue to have contact with that man. Due to aging he is now the one whose sight has left him. I help him not out of obligation but out of empathy and the recognition that he had his own demons. At least he showed up and fed me and housed me. I have forgiven him, most days. Not for his sake but for mine. A heart full of hate hurts me more than anyone else can.
You may have your own coffee stains that are causing you pain. Maybe they burn a little less maybe they burned a lot more. In any case I’ve become an expert at helping people cool off and clean up.
The Masters degree in Social Work I hold can help assure you the wisdom I give is professional, evidence-based and trustworthy.
But people often need more than evidence and a college degree.
They need someone who has been burned.
I might be the guy for you.
Call, text or email today to make an appointment.
All appointments are electronic.
Most forms of payment accepted.
submitted by Global-Artist-2776 to wearemanypllc [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:44 sandal2019 CHALLENGE: Can You Trick ChatGPT into Writing a Story Without Certain Letters?

Hey fellow Redditors,
As we've seen, ChatGPT and other language models have become incredibly skilled at generating human-like text. But, have you ever wondered if it's possible to push their limits and challenge them to write a story with a twist?
Here's the challenge: Can you come up with a prompt or trick that would force ChatGPT to write a story without using certain letters, such as "s" or "m"? Yes, you read that right - a story without the letters "s" or "m"!
The Rules:
  1. Choose a letter (or multiple letters) that you want to exclude from the story.
  2. Craft a prompt or trick that would encourage ChatGPT to write a story without using those letters.
  3. Share your prompt or trick in the comments below.
  4. I'll try out the prompts and tricks on ChatGPT and share the results.
The Goal:
The goal is to see who can come up with the most creative and effective prompt or trick to restrict ChatGPT's language output. This challenge is not only a fun exercise in language manipulation but also a way to explore the capabilities and limitations of language models.
Let's See What You've Got
So, Redditors, get creative and show off your language hacking skills Share your prompts or tricks in the comments, and let's see who can come up with the most innovative way to restrict ChatGPT's language output.
Update: I'll be updating this post with the results of the prompts and tricks shared in the comments, so be sure to check back and see how ChatGPT responds to your challenges
submitted by sandal2019 to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:07 CardiologistCurious I (23M) met a girl(23F) had a good time then she Ghosted. Why does this happen?

A few months ago I connected with someone from reddit and i thought we hit it off. She seemed genuine, nice and intentional. She also gave me all the green lights anyone would expect. We video chat, She was texts back quickly (almost instantly when i text her) and asks follow up questions. she seemed genuinely interested in knowing me.
Since i’ve had a string of bad experiences with girls i was skeptical but open to her. She came to visit my city during the first quarter of this year and i showed her around . we had fun and she seemed genuinely happy. she was smiling, laughing and we took lots of pics together. She even showed me pics of her trips when she was younger when we had dinner together.
Then the next day she turned cold. I wished her a safe flight back home and she didn’t respond and naturally i started to worry if i did something wrong but i couldn’t think of anything. She then started to take days and now weeks to respond to my texts. She also straight up just ignores some of the questions i ask her.
This behavior makes me want to believe that she didn’t enjoy the time we spent together but i also find it hard to believe that because she and I spent the entire day together not once did she look uncomfortable, anxious or scared. The way our conversations via texts flowed in texts also flowed the same way in person. It felt so natural talking to her. Sigh.
Idk why this happens. it’s quite a shitty feeling and i’ve been drowning in it for the past 2 months. I would have been fine being friends but cutting me off for no reason isn’t cool.
I just wanna ask y’all, why does this happen. if you were the girl in this case, why would you disappear from someone who doesn’t give creepy vibes? Am i too nice? should i have hooked up? idk. at this point any advice or perspectives would help
Tl;dr: I met an amazing girl, we had a good time and she ghosted. idk why or what i did but she no longer responds to my texts. i feel like shit and i’ve been feeling depressed for 2 months because of this. any advice or perspectives would help.
submitted by CardiologistCurious to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:06 SnooDoodles8961 17m

Hey I’m bored I’m really cool to text I need new ppl to talk to
submitted by SnooDoodles8961 to InternetFriends [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:03 helpme139931 Ok so it happened AGAIN

Ok so it happened AGAIN
Still playing fallout shelter, and I open one of those vault tech lunch box things, and...I mean just look at these f*cking pictures.
So the rap I wrote I was like "I'm just going to come up with the sh*ttiest lyrics I can think of and write a horrible rap. The line I'm specifically referencing tho is my "everybody loves Raymond" line..
You can see by the dates and times of all my texts that this is real there's literally no possible way I faked this
submitted by helpme139931 to Fallout [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:59 Bullseye_Bailey [01/06/2024] Boardgames @ The Hope Smithfield, Farringdon

TOP FLOOR, right set of stairs as you enter.
This is a Saturday alternative to our usual Wednesday meets and located in north London rather than central. we have space for about 22 people.
Preface We're a casual boardgame meetup group that has been running in various venues over London for over 3 years, we meet up every Wednesday (and now Saturdays) and have games to suit every kind of player, from large casual party games to competitive 4 player strategy games. Saturday's tend to pull about 15-25 attendees.
Venue 3 minute walk from Farringdon Station 5 minute walk from Barbican station 12 minute walk from Chancery Lane
The tables are booked from 4:00pm, we have the top floor (Juniper Room), text Adam if you're shy and we'll sort you out!
Summary Where: 94 Cowcross street EC1M 6BH
When: Saturday June 1st from 16:00 to 22:00 (show up whenever)
What: Play board games, have a chat and eat/drink in a nice bar.
Contacts Adam 07895 doubleZero7 doublezero1
Text if you get lost. No RSVP is required, you can just show up on the day if you want, there's a WhatsApp group if you'd like to be invited (please text, it's easier to invite that way)
FAQ Do I need to know any games? No, we'll be more than happy to teach some.
Should I bring any game with me? Not mandatory, but if you have some games you want to play then bring them! We will supply some.
What games do you have? We have 7 Wonders, Alias, Anomia, Articulate, Azul, Bang!, Brass, Carcassonne, Cartography, Castles of Burgundy, Catan, Century Spice Road, City of Spies, Cockroach Poker, Codenames + variants, Coup, Decrypto, Dixit!, Dog Park, Eclipse, Flamme Rouge, Forbidden Island, Hero Realms, High Society, Jaipur, Jungle Speed, Just One, Keyflower, Letter Jam, London, Lords of Waterdeep + Skullport/Undermountain, Lost Cities Roll&Write, Love Letter, Magic Maze, Modern Art, Mystic Vale, Pandemic, Photosynthesis, Ricochet Robots, Salem, Shifting Stones, Skull King, Splendor, Teotihuacan, Terraforming Mars Ares Expedition, Terraforming Mars + expansions, Ticket to Ride Europe/Germany, Trapwords, Village Green, Viticulture, Wingspan + European expansion, and many more, if you're interested in anything post or message.
Will there be drinking involved? There's no pressure to drink. (Although the venue likes us more when we spend money)
submitted by Bullseye_Bailey to LondonSocialClub [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:56 HerFinalStraw My parents have put me last their whole lives. Why does the idea of upsetting them by telling them how I feel, fill me with the worse sense of dread and panic I've ever felt?

My counsellor would say something about childhood trauma and being taught my needs aren't important. But I just don't understand my own reactions, and would really love some insights.
My parents are separated and have been since before I remember. My Dad and his wife are both disabled. My Dad is currently being prosecuted for benefit fraud and has tried his best to implicate me over the years. He's tried asking me to look after cash for him, to write some fake receipts for cleaning so he can claim them back as a benefit, to buy things on my card and to pay me back in cash. Luckily I've made excuses everytime and I've never done anything illegal. I've never come right out and said "no, this makes me uncomfortable" though. I always lie and make an excuse. Once I booked a holiday and just left the country to avoid "helping" him.
My Mum obliterates all my boundaries and pushes every rule I do try to enforce. We went out on a trip for my birthday recently. She brought a dog which wasn't allowed in many of the boutique shops she wanted to visit. She bitched and moaned about how it wasn't fair that she hadn't been able to look at any of the things she wanted to, and made the day uncomfortable and tense enough that me and my husband stepped in and offered to look after the dog in turns so she could go into the shops. (Yes I know, we completely enabled her here).
My husband has had an equally traumatic childhood. His Dad abandoned him at aged 8 and his grandparents on his Dad's side have always blamed my husband for the fact they aren't close with him (not the fact their son walked out). After another passive aggressive letter recently received about how they feel we have "dismissed them from our lives - again", I blew up and sent a big, emotional text telling them the impact their jibes and snipes have on my husband. I opened up about his time of sick with his mental health and how he sobs at the fact his Dad abandoned him... the message was met with a laughing face emoji reaction.
Despite all of this, despite knowing I am in the right: I only stand up to people when I've reached a limit, and I blow up and become hysterical. Afterwards I feel a huge, huge sense of guilt and feel terrible in case I've hurt or upset them (even though I know they deserve it). It envelopes me for days and I feel like I've committed a gravely cruel deed. I know the solution would be to put my boundaries up in the first instance and not let it get to the point that I explode... but I just can't seem to do it! It feels so difficult and I get hugely, hugely emotional and panicked - even just telling a parent I disagree with one of their views.
What the hell is wrong with me? I'm really keen to understand why I'm reacting like this, so that I can work with my counsellor to address it.
submitted by HerFinalStraw to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:55 main1984 Referenzzinssatz update next week

I tried looking up but haven't found anything recent.
Hopefully, next week the Referenzzinssatz will be updated (and lowered) since the Central bank lowered the interest rates, right?,from%201.75%25%20to%201.5%25.
Lowered rates on 21st March / Referenzzinssatz was updated on 2nd March, so the window of opportunity was missed by 19 days in March :(
So, when the Referenzzinssatz goes down, what would be the correct approach to ask your vermieter to lower the price of your rent?
My guess is: - Write them a letter (found a template): - Wait for them to reply (should not take longer than 30 days) - Change the bank transfer to the new rent once confirmed
Am I missing anything? Besides the fact that they can try to "not give me the rent reduction because of... whatever?" Vielen Danke!!
submitted by main1984 to askswitzerland [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:46 simu_r 3P-TA: to the Moon, Deimos, Phobos, Mars and back on just 3 parts.

3P-TA: to the Moon, Deimos, Phobos, Mars and back on just 3 parts.
3 Parts To Anywhere, the most simple SSTO possible.
so i just made a quick rocket (took me ~2 minutes to build lmao) that can do missions like this with only 3 parts (ion engine, fuel tank and probe), just because.
Literally anyone could copy this (or make one on their own) so i'll just give it away.
And yeah just keep in mind that for ascent to LEO you shouldnt follow the inclination guide, and instead go up at like 10-20º until you are going high and fast enough.
Also, this mission (Moon + Mars Tour and back) only leaves you with like 5% fuel (tho it was my first try and it was quite bad tbh), and you have to try and not burn in the atmosphere (on final decent on Earth i did a "belly flip" to get down to a speed of ~35m/s), tho if you only go to Mars it will probably be way easier.
Specs: • Height: 4m • Width: 0.5m • Weight: 9.5t full, 2.75t dry • Thrust: ~10.5t
BP: • Normal version (non heat resistant): • HR version:
I would make more screenshots but i literally just woke up and im too lazy to even edit/add text to the images, so that will have to do.
Also, you can use it for anything, no need to credit me (tho if you do it would be cool)
Anyways, have fun!
submitted by simu_r to SpaceflightSimulator [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:38 CardiologistCurious Why does this happen?

A few months ago I connected with someone from reddit and i thought we hit it off. She seemed genuine, nice and intentional. She also gave me all the green lights anyone would expect. We video chat, She was texts back quickly (almost instantly when i text her) and asks follow up questions. she seemed genuinely interested in knowing me.
Since i’ve had a string of bad experiences with girls i was skeptical but open to her. She came to visit my city during the first quarter of this year and i showed her around . we had fun and she seemed genuinely happy. she was smiling, laughing and we took lots of pics together. She even showed me pics of her trips when she was younger when we had dinner together.
Then the next day she turned cold. I wished her a safe flight back home and she didn’t respond and naturally i started to worry if i did something wrong but i couldn’t think of anything. She then started to take days and now weeks to respond to my texts. She also straight up just ignores some of the questions i ask her.
This behavior makes me want to believe that she didn’t enjoy the time we spent together but i also find it hard to believe that because she and I spent the entire day together not once did she look uncomfortable, anxious or scared. The way our conversations via texts flowed in texts also flowed the same way in person. It felt so natural talking to her. Sigh.
Idk why this happens. it’s quite a shitty feeling and i’ve been drowning in it for the past 2 months. I would have been fine being friends but cutting me off for no reason isn’t cool.
I just wanna ask y’all, why does this happen. if you were the girl in this case, why would you disappear from someone who doesn’t give creepy vibes? Am i too nice? should i have hooked up? idk. at this point any advice or perspectives would help
Tl;dr: I met an amazing girl, we had a good time and she ghosted. idk why or what i did but she no longer responds to my texts. i feel like shit and i’ve been feeling depressed for 2 months because of this. any advice or perspectives would help.
submitted by CardiologistCurious to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:12 Equivalent_Cow4856 Should I leave the relationship ?

Hey everyone !
(This is going to be long)
So basically I (28) met a guy (40) last summer at a music festival. Lets call him Paul. Ive met Paul at a music festival last summer and we ended up hooking up the same night. I slep over. The sex was kinda meh because we were both very drunk but we spent the next morning cuddling and talking. He told me lived with his soon to be ex-husband (they're now officialy divorced since January). After that we kept seeing each other for dates. I liked Paul but knew not to get too attached because of the divorce he was going through (they were married for 7 years). He was sometimes telling me about why the marriage failed. Paul also told me he hated the fact that most gay couples were open relationships and that he hated Grindr. Months pass and we're gettimg closer. Like he met my friends, the sex is amazing. he just appears to be the PERFECT guy and i end up falling in love with him. It coincided with the time he filed for divorce and moved out of the apartment he shared with his husband. Things are great until the first argument ... He basically texted me a Saturday afternoon asking me to meet up the next day. To witch I say yes. Sunday comes and I text him asking when are meeting. He tells me he's with friends and will reach when he's done. 6 hours pass and nothing from him. I kept waiting until I decided to reach out. He basically told me he went home. He basically bailed on me without even informing me. I got really pissed and his excuse was this is normal in his country (he's from Chile). He kept doing this often which always pissed me off and he always came with an excuse. Next offense was 2 days ago. We were speaking and he told me he is not expecting fidelity in a relationship and said his previous relationships ended because of his cheating. I kept cool but was devasted inside. I thought if he did this in previous relationship he would degfinitely do this with me. Now Im confused because Im very attached to him but I know deep inside me he will hurt me without even thinking about it. Im questionnong whether I should stay or invest my time amd expectations on this relationship. What do you think ?
submitted by Equivalent_Cow4856 to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:08 Litell_Johnn The lyrics of and parallels with the Loona discography

One of the recurring characteristics of Loona's discography up to [X X] was lyrical self-referencing: phrases and motifs that would occur in one song and then reappear down the line. It could be a little too much sometimes, but it was a reliable way to keep up the fan engagement and build something like a lyrical identity for Loona alongside a sonic one.
I wrote a post about this five years ago, and I think Dall is the first album since then to really obviously lean into it. So that warrants a follow-up. This is not a theory post - it only examines the text of the lyrics and what connections I draw there.
Translations below are from our Team Subbit versions. Along the way, I also wanted to highlight a few translation notes for discussion.

Virtual Angel

The last time we saw reference to an angel was "Egoist"'s MV, which cast Jinsoul as a "fallen angel" in big neon letters. It's interesting to me that this song, with its broken wings and vision of Eden, leans most heavily on the yyxy era, with none of those members belonging to ARTMS. Looking past that, lyrically I think it does enough to give a sense of closure to the yyxy stories.
In my frozen heart Flowers have newly bloomed And what I’d hidden inside the freezing point Is my heart for you, encased in ice Your angel
This is a reprise of yyxy's "Frozen", which is entirely about the narrator being trapped in a metaphorical ice castle and being thawed out of it by love. We see the same imagery of flowers blooming to signify the thaw. Here's the chorus of that song:
Frozen, frozen Thaw me before it's too late Shine your light And bloom a flower upon frozen lands Hold me, hold me, oh now, right now Thaw me, thaw me, even warmer for me Hold me, hold me, deeper and deeper Would you become my sun
The sin of having swallowed the sun Forgiven in this moment
The most overt reference in the album is, of course, from "Singing in the Rain"'s iconic prechorus 1:
For the sin of having swallowed the daytime sun Burning up, here I am
And you may remember Jinsoul already called this back in "Egoist"'s rap break:
Hey, for the sin of having swallowed you You, beautiful, grow larger You are me, now I am you
Also a translation note: I think the Modhaus sub on this line is mistaken. It currently reads "The sin of absorbing the sun // The moment it causes harm", which is just not what the original says. My best guess is that someone misread "사해진" ["forgiven", archaic] as "상해진" ["spoiled"].
The Moon’s risen and my heart is complete Your angel
Moonrise is such a common image with Loona that you could name a whole bunch of songs here - "Loonatic", "Satellite", "PTT", "Wow", "Need U", and "Pale Blue Dot" just to name a few. But the way this is written specifically reminded me of two things. One is the chorus of "Let Me In", in the sense that both lines begin with the words "달이 뜨고" ("Moon rises and") followed by some kind of transformation:
The moon rises and I become you
The other is the final chorus of "Heat", where moonrise also functions as a signal:
Today I prepared for you A beautiful star is shining bright (I want to float up higher, above) This isn't the end, look up and look for me (Turn around) There, the moon is risen tonight (tonight, oh)
When I open my eyes as a butterfly Save me, savior
References to Loona's most representative song, "Butterfly", have been the most common shared thread among post-lawsuit work: see Loossemble's "A Butterfly's Signal" or Heejin's "Sad Girls Club". This one is kind of random and I think it actually takes away from the song's focus a little, but it's there.
Another translation note that the "저장" ("save") in "save me" is not the word for "rescue", but instead the one for "preserve" or "keep" - like saving a digital file. So the line is not as redundant as it looks, and also helps prime for the next line where Haseul says happiness is "through the line" (which I'm reading as in electronic cords and cables).


Before the Sun goes down Come fetch quickly For the Moon will rise soon
It's moonrise again, but with a subtle difference. The verb used in "Virtual Angel", "Let Me In", and "Heat" is "뜨다", literally just "to rise". This one is "차오르다", which is actually more commonly used to mean the waxing of the Moon. The translation chosen here is "rise" because it's not unheard of for it to be used as "rise" and it contrasts with the sundown line above, but worth highlighting.
Trivia: has any Loona song used the "wax" verb before? Yes! One I recall is "365", where Loona liken themselves to the Moon:
I'd grow ever so small but then A tad closer towards you Again I wax and wane
A different emotion We follow the light
I don't actually think this is a throwback because it's a common phrase, but I just wanted to highlight just how many times "follow the light" is used in the discography because it's a lot. All of these use the exact same phrasing ("빛을 따라") even when translated slightly differently for context.
Sonatine, bridge:
Following the faraway light
Chaotic, bridge:
Following that light, reach out to me
Rosy, bridge:
Following that light, shining on me quietly
Day & Night, prechorus:
Like a habit, I walk towards your light
Flip That, prechorus:
Following the new light that pulls me still
Day by Day, verse 1:
Following the light engraved in old memories

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

This is one of the most celestially-themed tracks any of them have ever done, which is saying something given the entire discography. As a result it has passing shades of a lot of different tracks that I won't bother to name, like the blooming image of "Chaotic" and the orbiting of "Satellite". The 12 constellations and 12 months bits are super on the nose and I'm all for it.
Following the twinkling Morse code I am called dimly Click click, right here [...] The signal comes through clearly Click click, here
The most obvious parallel is another yyxy song, "Rendezvous 18.6y". Both tracks use radio signals and scanning/tuning them as a metaphor for yearning and connection, and Hitchhiker massively expands the scale of that metaphor. Here's the opening verse of Rendezvous:
Where is it from? A sound coming from somewhere Seems to have found me again, this familiar radio tone (8 point 5, what is your signal?) Among the many faint noises, coming clear Is your feelings, making me fly (fly fly fly)
While we're at it, even this jazz-standard line is kind of a throwback.
Fly me to the moon
Let's stay on the moon On the way back there [...] Let me fly to the moon
Tonight perhaps two Moons may rise
The obvious comparison is Loonatic, which goes:
Three moons rise up (I'm not insane)
and also has Milky Way references just like this song. The other line that's kind of written like this is "PTT"'s "Keep open the 12 different doors", though I think I'm content to let those lyrics lie.

Flower Rhythm

Adorning the sky, mystical sway Causes your heart to open too
So this reminded me of OEC's "Starlight", but only because I thought that song also combined the word "수놓다" ("to embroider", but more often used metaphorically for stars or other shiny things in the sky) with a sense of something opening. What "Starlight" actually says is this:
Like lighting in the sky The starlight slowly turns on The password solved, this night unlocks
So it was kind of similar (the "unlock" there is the same word as "open"), just without the word "adorn".
More trivia: that embroideadorn word is used in four songs -
D-1, verse 1:
Rainbow of shining stars, the studded bridge
U R, chorus:
It’s like the dotted starlight Is surrounding me
Newtopia, verse 1:
Following the tip of the star-adorned orbit
Day by Day, verse 2:
Adorning my heart full

Candy Crush

Given the subject matter, there are some natural similarities to Choerry's "Puzzle" and the aforementioned "Starlight". I love the spilling/showering light imagery at the start, which "Need U" also pulled off well:
The deepest night Light showering above my head (Candy Crush)
And stars of such faith rain down They rain to make the whole universe shine (Need U)
But I didn't notice any specific wording that hearkens back to older songs. (Obviously "Plastic Candy" can't count since it's the whole song's reference.)


Been been there and I’ve been been there Feel it, what what, a totally different deja vu
As we know, this is just "Butterfly". The first line is obvious and the second line is the opener of that song:
Will you whisper, you're the deja vu that wakes me up
I'm not sure there's anything else in this one, other than "Air Force One" which again shouldn't count. Daft Punk I guess?


This one stands out lyrically from the rest of the album, because of how down-to-earth and comparatively mundane it is. Reminds me of "Valentine Girl" and "Ding Ding Dong" in vibes, if not in expression.


It's a little curious to me that they translated this title to "Distress". It's not totally wrong, but the word "조난" specifically refers to a shipwreck or stranding. That's the reason why the song refers to signs, lights and sirens, and the context for its overall sense of being lost and drifting. I guess a distress call is maybe what they were going for.
Between the time I’ve waited Always that same light
The concept of being or going "between time" is not uncommon in lyricism, probably because it's evocative yet ambiguous. I also don't think this one is an intentional callback, just a reused phrase. We see it in a few spots in the discography (interestingly, they're all songs mentioned already).
Puzzle, prechorus 1:
Between the cracks of time that passed by, you graze through
Loonatic, last chorus:
Three moons rise up (I'm not insane) Between time that has stopped
D-1, verse 1:
Between a changed passage of time
Rendezvous 18.6y, verse 2:
Beyond the gaps between renewed time and space

Butterfly Effect

As they have said, this is basically a Butterfly sequel. Perfect title as well.
Do you remember The way it began as a little fluttering of wings I’m still believing Ever since that day, it grew, the hurricane in my heart (Butterfly Effect)
It starts with a little fluttering of wings Now inside my heart a hurricane (Butterfly)
The torn paper moon It’s drifted too far away now, can’t reach it (Butterfly Effect)
A folded paper moon, as if to circle between it (Butterfly)
Full of newness, at the end of the long journey I think I’ve reached it, dream of mine Look at the world, distant, at the end of the long journey I think it’s a new beginning, dreams of mine (Butterfly Effect)
The world becomes smaller Take me way too far, become new In this moment dreams, dreams may come true (Butterfly)


I've posted a comment before about how the Modhaus translation departs from the original. Other than that, this is a wholly original text that doesn't really have a comparison among Loona's past lyrics. Maybe it could be a new archetype for ARTMS.
I will make one shoutout to the "My birth through a false smile" line. It's like a yandere version of the "My day filled with fake smiles" bit from "See Saw".
submitted by Litell_Johnn to LOONA [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:06 ronitabonita Whiny SD

I’ve been holding out for an SD I find interesting and attractive, and I finally had a date with one who I felt I wouldn’t be settling for. We had a $400 dinner (no alcohol) a few nights ago and I was ready to see him again right after the M&G but played it cool. Bonus that he was staying very close to my house.
I texted a thank you message and it took him about 48 hours to respond due to travel and technical issues - but when he finally got back on the line with me after I told him I wanted to see him again, he criticized me for not asking enough questions about him (I have gone on countless dates and have the gift of gab, so it was strange feedback for me to hear). He also demanded that I set the allowance instead of discussing it first - but he never told me how often he would want to be together (he doesn’t live in my town year round) and what his other expectations of me would be. When I couldn’t really set an amount without the data I needed to make a careful suggestion about allowance, he accused me of making this too transactional and wished me well.
Needless to say, I wished him a good day and asked him if he would rather I chose an arbitrary number with no idea about how often we would see each other and/or communicate between dates…. and he seemed to get the point but was still somehow offended that I couldn’t bring up a figure without his input about how often we could expect to get together.
In short, it sounded like he kept getting his feelings hurt, even after he told me he wanted to see me again and had visualized us together intimately. I am often told I’m a good communicator and very thoughtful. I have a feeling if he resurfaces, there will be drama and I’m not sure I will have the capacity to deal with it.
On the other hand, I think this will be a really good SR given how much he travels and how much space I will have between visits. Should I cut my losses and block or leave the line open for if/when he invites me out again in the future?
submitted by ronitabonita to SugarBABYonlyforum [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:03 Sea_Carpenter_8778 21 [NB4A] PST/Online - Be my soulmate!!!

Hi! ^
My name is Astra (online name). I’m a 21 year old nonbinary person, sort of androgynous and genderfluid! I’m also pansexual. Though due to real life stuff I still mask as cis irl. Basically I’m here because I’m looking for my soulmate! I’m wishing for a real relationship that’s long-term and serious and very romantic. :3
I’m a very nerdy person. I have lots of interests in exploring random philosophical and scientific stuff, especially things that relate to the nature of the universe and nature. And because of that I’m actually a university student with a background in history and physics!!! :DD I can ramble on and on all day about pretty much anything related to that or my other interests. Just as much as I love learning about things, I also have a strong passion for talking and teaching others about it….. I’m thinking that after that I’m gonna pursue becoming an educator of some sort since I love helping people learn and discover their passions for things. Though the specifics of that I’m not sure yet lol. Oh and in terms of me physically, I’m white, 5’8, and AMAB with an average build, with some tiny curves?, blue eyes, and semi-long hair (kind of in an awkward phase)
Outside of all that stuff, I love exploring media like TV and films and books and so on. My favorite stuff are ones that can be action heavy, fantasy, apocalyptic, sci fi, or horror (cosmic and existential horror is great). I don’t really have anything super SPECIFIC absolute favorite in mind, but I’ll just come across them and like them. I also like brainstorming and producing my own stories, worlds, and characters in fantasy and fictional universes too, and hoping to become a published author! (in addition to being a teacher). I also really like roleplaying too!! It’s so fun and satisfying building a world with someone else so BONUS POINTS IF YOU DO THIS TOO. Honestly bonus points if you do or are interested in ANY of this stuff hehe. But anyway…… Speaking of rp I also like immersing myself in a few games and fandoms of the same themes I mentioned. But I would say the fandom I’ve been ABSOLUTELY immersed in the longest and the greatest is the Warcraft fandom, so many memories and roleplays and etc in this. I guess I’d say with games I’m more of a creative person? Like I love using them as a sandbox for stories and creativity or building things (like Minecraft). But of course I love playing the actual games themselves too lol. And I also really like music (almost forgot to add this)!!! :D
Ok, so I need to mention some more things and some deal breakers and what I’m looking for and all that. First off I’m quite shy and introverted and reserved, but this basically kind of just applies to people I’m not that familiar with. I’m especially very awkward with that. HOWEVER, I open up very quickly to certain people, especially cool people I meet online . Next, I’m also autistic and have anxiety which I’ve dealt with basically my whole life. PLEASE understand this!! I may stumble on my words and stuff or not know what to say right away for example lol. I also won’t send pictures right away. Just I need to check your vibes first for my comfort (you just never know peoples intentions here). For the darker stuff, which I love and adore, it’ll take me some time to do more than just texting stuff, again for similar reasons. (If all you want quick nsfw exchanges and just a partner for that, I’m not for you!! I want an actual deep and loving romantic connection for us!)
As I said, I’m looking for something long-term and serious, for a soulmate pretty much. What this means is I want something exclusive and monogamous, with the goal basically being us being together physically, living together, and all that cool stuff. But no specific timeline for that of course! Just in the long term pretty much :) Something that may be a dealbreaker - is that someday, I want to raise children of my own. Though they don’t have to be biological (surrogacy or adoption would be lovely too ). I also don’t smoke, drink, or do drugs, and have no plans to change this. And as I said I also enjoy nsfw stuff too! I’d kind of need our relationship to have that in the future. I’ll also mention that I’m a switch (so both/either) and willing to experiment with what you like. So most dynamics should work for me <3
Overall, I hope to find someone that is willing to put up with me and support me, being there and comforting to me. And I hope to do the same for you! I hope we can grow to be basically best and romantic loving friends, very cute and adorable and kind and caring for each other, where we care about each other a lot. I think you get the picture :). For what you are physically, I’m pansexual so I don’t really care what gender you are. However, I do have a soft spot for people who are femme, or for people who are my height or shorter (I think it’s cute :3). Trans and nb and cis people, all are welcome! Anyone can reach out if you think we’ll be lovely together!! One last thing is that I’m hoping for people around my age (so like 19-22 ish or close to). AND even if you feel like you don’t fit what I’m looking for in a relationship, you can still reach out to be my FRIEND!! I’ll take anyone to be my friend too, so please don’t be shy!!!!
Please PLEASE please reach out to me if anything about this is interesting to you!! And include something you liked about my post!! <3
submitted by Sea_Carpenter_8778 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:57 ukwttimeitis Got offer from redhat

I've recently got a message from one of the talent acquisition person from redhat. They offered me data science apprenticeship role (AI/ML), and I agreed and gave an interview later. Which was quite average but I pulled it at the end.
I got a call from the HR and I was told I cleared the interview and will shortly receive my offer letter.
I got the offer letter and it is a 6 months apprenticeship, and the stipend is 35000 rupees.
They also mentioned the transition to full time after 6months and the chances are above 80-85%.
I would like to know how much can I expect in my full time role and wanting to know all cool stuff being an RedHat employee. 💪🏻Thanks
submitted by ukwttimeitis to redhat [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:57 South-Proposal5691 AITAH for hanging out at a friend’s house when her brother is my ex

Backstory for this:
My ex (James - m20) and I broke up my junior year of high school after his best friend (David - m21) told me that James cheated on me at a party. James has a sister (Katie - f21) who was in my class. We have been close friends since 6th grade. David and I became friends through James, but during my relationship with James, David and I were never more than acquaintances. I had heard from others about the cheating before David told me, but I didn’t believe others because they were not at the party, and it came up in “I heard…”. David was the only person to tell me who was at this party, and said “this did happen.” It was impossible to chalk it up as a rumor at that point. David then began to distance himself from James because he didn’t like what he did. He wasn’t the only person to distance themselves from James, but David and I became friends after a bit. A few months later, David and I started dating and we’ve now been married for 1.5 years.
Everyone moved away and now for the summer, I am back home visiting by myself this week for a family event while my husband is deployed, and my old friends who I’ve kept in touch with are as well. Katie is back for the first time since moving and I haven’t seen her since graduation.
While a couple other girls and I were running around, we made a last minute choice to pick up Katie as well. Later, Katie invited up to join her and smoke on the roof at their place because James was supposed to have plans and leave. Katie called James to ask if he was gone yet, and when he said he wasn’t she asked if it was cool that we go up to her room. He wasn’t happy about it, but eventually she argued him into just going to another room while we walk in, since we would head straight up to her room. I guess his plans were canceled since he never left, but he called at 1am to ask if me and my friends had left yet. It turns out that the 4 hours we were there, he stayed in his bedroom with the door locked, in the basement, while we were shut in her room on the second floor with the door locked. Katie got irritated with him, saying we’ve been shut in here the entire time and she didn’t know why he wouldn’t just go about his time like we weren’t even here. My friends and I left shortly after as I didn’t want to make things anymore heated.
Yesterday I picked up Katie to go to the mall, and we made another last minute decision to get another friend, go back to my family’s place, and get in the hot tub. We needed to run by Katie’s place to grab her clothes, and on the way she called her mom to let her know. Katie’s mom invited us in for dinner, but we declined. Considering he stayed in the basement while we were on the roof, I didn’t think he would be thrilled to find me at their dinner table. While we were pulling in to the drive, Katie got a text from James that said “don’t bring her in.” She argued to him that it’s been years, but when we got there, I waited in the car.
Now today, James is going to spend a long weekend at his father’s house about an hour away. Katie invited me over to do my nails (she’s a nail artist) and I did her eyelashes (esthetician). Then later we were going to have some wine and watch a movie. However, even though James is gone, he’s still upset that I’m here. Katie has asked him to explain why it’s a problem when he isn’t here, but he won’t.
The whole reason I came over the first night was because I thought James and I were cool. We’ve previously chatted over text, caught up, wished each other well. I thought we were on good terms. I understood him not necessarily wanting to come face to face, but I didn’t realize I made him so uncomfortable that he felt the need to lock himself in the furthest part of the house.
I’m really starting to feel bad. Yes, I do want to hang out and see my friend’s family after not seeing them in year. But I feel like I’m crossing an unspoken boundary. I thought we were in a place where I could hang out with Katie and not be stepping on his toes. Hell, I thought we were at least able to coexist, especially in a social setting, like around friends.
AITAH? Am I crossing the line by being around?
submitted by South-Proposal5691 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:16 No-Beautiful579 heartbreak...(get some popcorn this is a long story...)

dude...i just got this girl thats like...the girl of my dreams. For a recap, when i started 9th grade (school year 2022-2023), we were seatmates. We usually didint talk but one time, during a hard leason in maths which was like quadratic equations and stuff. I was struggling hard. I legit was just staring at the activity sheet. After a while she noticed and helped me which brought the start of our friendship. We always talked through chat, sometimes irl, but its mostly through chat. The first few weeks of talking, she usually sent me videos of herself doing math problems that i can watch if i need help. It continued untilthe math lessons didint get hard the following quarters. Summer vacation came, and i thought it would be great. Guess what...IT WASNT. I hate my family, my dad isn't with us, so it was only me(oldest), my mom, my lil brother, and my sister. Me and my siblings are all 3 years apart from age. I dont know why its always me getting scolded back then for the things my siblings do. It was so bad...i wanted to commit suicide. Like, my mental state was not OKAY. I didint know who to cry to, who to talk to. But then, thats when i thought, why not talk to her? So i ranted and ranted and ranted, i wanted to kill myself. I wanna rnd my life. Things were rough and on the outside, i might look tough or emotion less, but in reality. Im just a sensitive loser thats emotional, easily cries, and sucks at everything. I told her i wanted to kill myself. She kept stopping me. And take note, we rarely talk irl too shy yo approach her. Then she said the most out of the blue thing "If you can't find a reason to live, why not make me your reason to live?" IT HIT HARD. I didint know what to say or reply. I just dropped my phone and continued crying in my room. A few days passed, i talked to her again, but i guess that was the wrong day because she was NOT in the mood. Her parents were about to go divorce because of a problem(i cant rlly say). She told me stuff like she already cried abt it and stuff. We were both there for each other. after that talk with her...summer vacation went, just a little smoother. We always get to play games on roblox, because we cant rlly meet up. We always chat from morning till night. It was perfect. Then, 10th grade came(school year 2023-2024). This time, we weren't seatmates. Since we both go to a special school which has a robotics class, and our T.L.E(Technology and Livelihood Education) was specialized on animation. Like, the whole thing was about 2D and 3D animation. Beinh the perfect most smartest person she is (atleast in my eyes) she was assigned the role of 3D animation for her group. After that...we never got to play most of the time...during our mid year break, she was still busy...a few months pass and on the 4th quarter(final quarter) of the school year. THEY ANNOUNCED THAT OUR BATCH WAS HAVING A PROM. So naturally, i was so excited. I immediately invited her and asked if she wanted to go with me. She said she's gonna think about it so I waited. I asked her about 3 weeks before prom. Then when our batch representative announced in the groupchat that since theres more girls that boys in our batch, they made a poll on who wants to volunteer to go individual to prom. SHE IMMEDIATELY WENT SOLO AND VOTED. It kinda hurt...she said she was gonna think about it and well...she went solo. I asked her why she did that and then she said "I wanna go with my other friends", which was okay with me since i have no rights to make her my partner because...well...we weren't a thing yet, and i still havent confessed. After that...a few more weeks pass, and take not of this specific detail: She asked me what my discord was because she said she forgot what my discord name was because she lost count and alot of her discord friends changed names. THEN I REMEMBERED, my discord bio was basically, me telling that i like her and hoping she doesnt find out and stuff. So i immediately change it then send her the screenshot of my discord.
After 1 week, prom night came. I went in a cool looking suit and stuff when it was time for the red carpet... she eas absolutely stunning. Her eyes sparkled, her pink dress was beautiful. In my eyes, shes the one that stood out the most. She went solo for the red carpet...and i did too..i told my self if i wasnt gonna get partnered with her, then im not gonna get partnered with anyone. Our tabled were far apart but i could still see her from the distance. When it was time for the slow dance part of prom. I went outside because well...i wasnt gonna dance with anyone. When i went outside i saw her with her friends. I just passed by and sat near the bench outside of the venue. I didint know what to do but just admire her beauty from afar. She was perfect. As time passed, only a few more minutes were left before prom night ended so i worked up my courage and went to her. I was about to confess but then when i looked at her, my mind went completely blank. Her eyes weren't the ocean, but i still drown...get lost in them. I was panicking on the inside but on the outside, I was just staring at her. Then the moment of silence was broken when she suddenly said "I already know you liked me"...i smiled...then she said "gotta go" as she want back into the venue because her friends were calling her she looked back for a second then shouted "I knew from your discord bio" AND I WAS SHOCKED. Because...after the discord incident...she never distanced herself from me. We kept talking, and one time, she even asked me "Be honest, Do i text badly? Do you feel ignored?" Which was like...dude...bro i love her. I just sat on the bench the whole night thinking about what i should do. After prom, when i got home i immediately texted her and said "sorry for mind went black ahahahaha" she said "its okay" then i said " you like me back...?" She said "sorry i dont feel the same..i wanna keep things platonic" SO THAT SHOOK MY TO MY hurt alot. But still, we kept talking, she still didint distance her self.
This is my confession btw: If you ever get this message, it may be because when i confessed to you, I had a lot more to say(i didint confess😭). You made me feel the most special person in the world, for once i felt i wanted and i guess you're the reason for that. I know you might not like me back, and i know I'm probably not even close to your standards, but i just wanted to tell you how i feel about you. Do you know the saying: "you cant love others without loving yourself first." I never believed in that because I never loved myself, but you...I love YOU so much that i forgot what hating myself felt like. You're the reason i catch myself smiling out of nowhere in the middle of the day. You are the sunshine in my thoughts, and the unexpected joy that fills my heart. Every time I think of you, everything seems just a little brighter and a little lighter. You make waking up the best part of the day, seeing you at school always makes me the happiest person on earth...and i really just like you...i hope this won't ruin our friendship, and that things won't get awkward between us.
A few more weeks passed by and it was our moving up. I didint get to go because i was sick. Before that she was showing me a necklace that she found on Instagram then...well...i thought to myself why not buy it. Atleast i can give jer something for moving up. I bought it for her..then thats when fever struck me. I didint get to go to moving up so i just told her about the necklace. Then she said "Oh i wanted to give you something too, a Friendship bracelet." Since we both didint get to see each other for moving up, i just told her..."lets give our gifts for each other next school year" and she said "sureee". After that well..A FEW MORE WEEKS PASSED BY. And i was thinking to myself. I wanna pursue her. I loved her. And like...i dont know how to say it. So i made this whole ass paragraph again.
WHAT I SAID: I've been thinking abt this for a while now...and i really wanna try pursuing you. I know you're still prioritizing ur studies and time with ur fam but, i do wanna try pursuing you, i know that you never felt the same and stuff but like...yk..i guess that's the point? who knows you might fall or maybe feel the same too? I'M NOT FORCING U OR ANYTHING. Just... you're one of the people who made me feel this tingly feeling like, when someone mentions your name or your chat head pops up on my screen..i just get this feeling, it only has ever happened when its about you...i cant really express through words what or how i feel about you...but im POSITIVE..i can show them through my actions. i wanna give you the best hugs you deserve(im rlly into hugs). I wanna get to know you even more, i want to get to share unforgettable experiences with you. You're the first person that just I REALLY WANNA PURSUE AND BE WITH. You are the most perfect person in my eyes...i know perfect people don't exist but your imperfections, your flaws, everything about just makes me go bananas. about...we try it...? Like...trying to learn how to love me too...? ARGH I DONT KNOW MY HANDS R SHAKING AS IM TYPING THIS...i just with you...i wanna stay with you and...i dont know what to say anymore...but maybe...just maybe even if its the slightest chance, maybe you'd fall for me too like how i fell for you? I know I'm putting our friendship at risk of awkwardness and stuff and maybe even the end of it...but I'm willing to take those risks for you. I know I'll just get hurt but...can you really experience love if you don't feel pain too?
IM NOT PRESSURING U OR ANYTHING DWWWWW!! dam I yap alot😭 just answer with a yes or no. And i know what to do next. Anyways, iloveuu🫶🏻(?)
I sent it to her after a few hours of procrastinating. She replied a few hours later and this is what she replied.
HER REPLY: Idk, like I said I don't really care, but I don't wanna, and u shouldn't get ur hopes up, liek I said last time, I really don't want to get into a relationship at all, I'm sorry if this hurts your feelings but you did say that you aren't forcing but I don't want to "try" or anything like that, I see you as a friend and only a friend. I appreciate that you think of me that way but I won't be returning those feelings back to you in any point of my life.
IT HURTS. It hit me hard. Its like getting shot straight to the heart. Her reply was the last time we talked to each other(3 days ago). We still havent talked after that. Im legit gonna cry...the first person i actually had feelings for...damn.
submitted by No-Beautiful579 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:09 native_212 (Dead) Grandfather's Handwriting

Text: Aadit is growing and becoming intelligent by the day and soon will become leader in his age group. (although there are a few grammatical errors in this sentence, keep in mind that my grandfather was a learned man who knew how to write and speak 4 languages fluently [Hindi, English, Punjabi, and Urdu])
I was wondering if someone could decipher any kinds of traits in my grandfather from his handwriting. He mostly lived in a different state and died when I was about 6-7 years old, so I never really got to know him at all.
From what I could tell, though, he was a proud Indian man, and must've been at least a little intelligent as he was an engineer.
I don't remember that many things about him, and what i do remember is limited to his love for English movies (Jackie chan, James bond, etc.), and the way he ate his omelette.
He seemed like a really cool guy, and there was so much that I could've learned from him. My brother(older by 2 1/2 years) learned how to play chess and solve sudokus from dadu(informal Hindi term for 'paternal grandfather's), but alas, I was too young to properly soak up any lessons from him.
All I have of him now is a box of pens that my dadi(Hindi term for 'paternal grandmother') gave me, and a box of cool erasers that he bought for me and my brother.
Hope that any of you have some insight on the matter and reply.
submitted by native_212 to HandwritingAnalysis [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:08 t3rribletales B

There’s a lot of B’s running around right now so hopefully you won’t recognize my writing. I don’t have the energy to be evasive and I’ve learned our story isn’t that unique. Limereance I called it. Sounds fitting. But it’s been months, and I still yearn for your voice. I still hope every time I open my phone that there is a good morning pretty text or good night lover message…..there never is. Is it still limerance or an unhealthy attachment to feelings not produced by any other relationship friendship or otherwise.
I’m sure by now you and the MD are getting along great! Woot woot. You deserve all things good you have worked so hard for them. Good for you. I may be selfish. I may have narcissistic tendencies but my fibers miss your being, my soul yearns for yours….and I selfishly want to hear your deep voice and silliness that always made me so happy.
I am attempting to release your energy from my being. I am attempting to unattach my heart but every time I think I’m getting closer the universe sends me little “sign.” A song. A phrase. Your name. Something you would like, or not like….whatever. And I’m right back in this cycle.
You have made it clear that you don’t want to hear from me. Ever. I’ve been deemed unsafe. Good. I’m sure it’s for the best. I’m sorry I gave up. I’m sorry everything was too much all at once and you were what I thought needed to be cut off and with a swift quickness.
If only I could explain in such lovely words. If only I could properly put emotion into phrases. If only I was more experienced and more sure, if only.
I could say this is my last letter but it won’t be. Like a lighthouse my light will burn through the night and should you ever need it to find your way back, I can’t reach out first. You set the expectation and I cannot breach that boundary….that to me is love, but I told you once and meant it a million times over it was written in the stars.
So live my dear. Love. Laugh. Have a happy life and make good memories. Make good choices. Go to bed with peace in your heart and your mind. I love you. Unconditionally. I could apologize a million times but it will never be enough. Once one has been deemed unsafe that’s that and that’s okay with me.its taken a long time to be okay but I think I am now, Shouting to the void. Hoping for a whisper in your heart.
Much love
submitted by t3rribletales to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:08 HeavenlyZero The hedgies have no idea whats coming...

Gamestop Squeeze Analysis in comparison to FFIE

I've seen a lot of comments about how long the squeeze may take and speculation about the peak price. I'll quickly add a comparison to GME squeeze:
A ChatGPT Summary of the squeeze:
  1. June 1, 2019: GameStop stock closes at $7.47.
  2. August 30, 2019: GameStop stock closes at $3.97.
  3. December 31, 2019: GameStop stock closes at $6.08.
  4. July 2020: Keith Gill begins promoting GameStop.
  5. August 31, 2020: GameStop stock closes at $6.68.
  6. November 30, 2020: GameStop stock closes at $16.56.
  7. December 8, 2020: GameStop's Q3 earnings report causes a drop in after-hours trading.
  8. January 4, 2021: GameStop stock closes at $17.25.
  9. January 11, 2021: Ryan Cohen joins the board, and the stock closes at $19.94.
  10. January 13, 2021: GameStop stock jumps to an intraday high of $38.65, closing at $31.40.
  11. January 19, 2021: Citron Research criticizes GameStop, stock closes at $39.36.
  12. January 22, 2021: GameStop's stock closes at $65.01.
  13. January 25, 2021: GameStop's stock closes at $76.79.
  14. January 26, 2021: Elon Musk's tweet sends the stock surging, closing at $147.98.
  15. January 27, 2021: GameStop sees its highest close of the squeeze at $347.51.
  16. January 28, 2021: GameStop hits a pre-market high of over $500, closing at $193.60.
  17. February 2, 2021: GameStop stock closes at $90.00.
  18. February 4, 2021: Robinhood lifts trading restrictions, and GameStop stock closes at $53.50.
  19. February 18, 2021: U.S. House hearing held, and GameStop stock closes at $50.31.
  20. February 19, 2021: GameStop falls to its post-squeeze low, closing at $40.59.
  21. March 12, 2021: GameStop reaches a post-squeeze high, closing at $264.52.
Now, its really important to note that on January 28th, Robinhood and other stock brokers stopped allowing GME from being bought. This is the primary reason that the price did not continue to increase past the pre-market high of $500.
Key points:
1) It took MONTHS for GME to be squeezed to its peak, and there were plenty of highs and lows.
2) GME was shorted around 20-25%
3) Last couple of weeks as FFIE share price increased 7000%, it was only shorted 9% (which is crazy)
4) FFIE is currently shorted at 30-35%
5) Subjectively, I believe that FFIE is heavily undervalued as well. GME was more fairly valued to the company benchmark in comparison.

How high can FFIE go based on Market Capitalization?

Okay cool, so how high can this bad-boy go? I'm gonna do some pretty beginner math, financial experts can correct me if I am wrong here:
Current Figures for FFIE:
Maximum Stock Price: Desired Market Cap / Shares Outstanding
Now, as we all know: The more we buy the more the Market Cap increases and the price of the shares increase. Its as easy as that.
For shits and giggles, lets look at some other EV manufacturers:
Cool. Lets say that we are able to capture Rivian's market cap. In our equation:
  1. Desired Market Cap: $10 billion
  2. Shares Outstanding: 450 million
Maximum Stock Price = $11 billion / 450 million = ~$24
Thats pretty fun right! How about if we take as much market capitalization as Tesla?
Maximum Stock Price = $558 billion / 450 million = ~$1240
Looking at just these numbers, it seems like the possible range of the squeeze could land us as high as in the thousands if we are lucky. For shits and giggles, lets look at how GME's market cap increased during the squeeze:
The market cap for Gamestop in May 2020 was $220 million. Right before the squeeze early January, the market share was $1.15 billion. The squeeze shot it up to $21 billion.
AMC went up even higher, starting from $200-$400 million in May 2020, rising to $47 billion in its peak in June 2021.
Putting those two in our equation, we get the following Maximum Stock Price:
GME: $21 billion / 450 million = ~$45
AMC: $47 billion / 450 million = ~$104
Feel free to do more analysis with other historical shorts. Some have higher numbers and ratios than GME and AMC, and some have fewer. Using my best estimate as a dumb ape and using just AMC and GME, we can definitely hit between $45 - $104. Based on the EV industry and analyzing the TSLA squeeze, I would like to believe that we can push $200 and $300. While unlikely, the stock can push to possibly even to the $1000's. BUT IT ALL DEPENDS ON US HOLDING AND OVERCOMING THIRD-PARTY INTERFERENCE.
Finally, even if you miss the peak, history has shown that the price of the stock tends to linger quite nicely post-squeeze. This may be due to the investor optimism in the company, but there will be multiple exit points and bounces regardless of the squeeze. The easiest thing to do is to HODL and patiently wait. Let the feels guide you, not hedgie interns.
Key points:
1) FFIE has low market capitalization right now, at $256 million
2) Industry manufacturers have capitialization that ranges from $6.5 billion to $558 billion,
3) If FFIE were to reach those manufacturers market capitalization, the price range would be $14 - $1240 per share
4) GME and AMC jumped market capitalization from around $200 million to $21 and $47 billion after their respect squeezes
5) If FFIE were to reach GME and AMC market capitalization, the price would be $45 and $104 respectively.
TLDR: HODL my fellow apes, diamond hands.
Financial experts, feel free to correct me if I am wrong in here. NFA
submitted by HeavenlyZero to FFIE [link] [comments]