Online phone porn games

Looking For Group

2009.11.18 22:36 rednightmare Looking For Group

LFG is a place for tabletop gamers to organize groups for the games they love to play.

2016.03.26 23:31 fuzzyglory For when the scam is just that shitty.

People trying to sell clearly fake or overpriced games.

2013.01.12 19:27 Cut price work by redditors, for redditors

This is a place to find casual online work and get jobs done well below market rate. PayPal and Amazon gift cards are the most widely accepted payment methods, cryptocurrencies (BTC, ETH, LTC, etc.) can also be used.

2024.06.01 15:52 BeginningGarbage753 Looking for a local pvp game on ps4

Looking for a game that'd be good for just two people to play that has some pvp features and where you can sort of mess around.
Really liked this free online game and was wondering if there might be something similar on ps4:
I don't really mind the quality of the game, moreso how it plays. Thanks.
submitted by BeginningGarbage753 to ShouldIbuythisgame [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:52 Ok_Replacement_8251 "Downloaded all game assets" reset after an update?

I recently downloaded all game assets to my phone to ensure the smoothest possible experience. An update was pushed a few days ago, and I realized the state of the "Download game assets" option has changed - it doesn't show up as "Complete" anymore.
Do I have to manually download all the assets after every update?
submitted by Ok_Replacement_8251 to pokemongo [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:50 onlinepaperwriting Effective Time Management Plan to Improve Your Studies

Time management is a crucial skill for students aiming to excel in their studies. Balancing academic responsibilities, extracurricular activities, part-time jobs, and personal life can be challenging. However, with a well-structured time management plan, you can enhance your productivity, reduce stress, and achieve your academic goals. This article provides practical tips and strategies for creating an effective time management plan to improve your studies.

1. Set Clear Goals

Begin by setting clear, specific, and achievable goals for your studies. These goals should be both short-term and long-term, giving you a sense of direction and purpose. For example:
Having clear goals helps you stay focused and motivated, making it easier to prioritize your tasks.

2. Create a Study Schedule

A study schedule is a cornerstone of effective time management. Allocate specific time slots for studying, attending classes, and other activities. Here's how to create an effective study schedule:

3. Avoid Procrastination

Procrastination is a common obstacle to effective time management. To overcome it:

4. Use Productivity Tools

Several tools and apps can help you manage your time more effectively:

5. Implement Effective Study Techniques

Using effective study techniques can maximize your productivity and improve retention:

6. Maintain a Healthy Balance

While studying is important, maintaining a healthy balance between academic and personal life is crucial for overall well-being:

7. Review and Adjust Your Plan

Periodically review your time management plan to assess its effectiveness. Ask yourself:
Based on your assessment, adjust your plan as needed. Flexibility is key to accommodating unforeseen changes and maintaining a balanced approach.

8. Seek Support When Needed

Don't hesitate to seek support if you're struggling with time management or specific subjects:


Effective time management is essential for academic success and overall well-being. By setting clear goals, creating a structured study schedule, avoiding procrastination, using productivity tools, implementing effective study techniques, maintaining a healthy balance, reviewing your plan regularly, and seeking support when needed, you can enhance your study habits and achieve your academic goals. Remember, the key to successful time management is consistency and adaptability. With these strategies, you can take control of your time and make the most of your educational journey
submitted by onlinepaperwriting to CollegeAdmissionGuide [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:50 rheannahh Therapist falsified information in clinical documentation after destroying the last of my sanity (long)

I had an abusive therapist in 2021 whom I recently, and so kindly, made a review page for on RateMDs (Canada); turns out a lot of people feel the exact same way about her, and one person claimed they are reporting her to the ethics board due to her verbal attacks.
My next therapist in 2022 was abusive, even worst than the last. It was so bad I ended up reporting to the ethics board, and the therapist is now doing coaching for the time being. If I had recorded the sessions it would have been game over for that therapist. It killed me for a long time that I didn't record the sessions.
I later sought out a new therapist; my friend warned me that the one I chose had "crazy eyes" and it was red flags all over (based on their PP profile). I should have listened.
This new therapist, Alex, almost killed me, again. He was awful. The second I walked in the room, I warily mentioned my past experience with the abusive therapist. In response, Alex started accusing me of having "destructive" behaviours - despite that I didn't tell him anything about my behaviours yet. I hadn't told him anything at all, just that I was anxious due to a past experience. I think he has issues with younger women.
I saw Alex from August 2023 - April 2024. In this time, he became delusional from his own assumptions, confronted me constantly for things he pulled out of thin air (he would twist anything I said and then confront me for some alleged bad behaviour or cognitive distortion), and was entirely unwilling to try a different approach despite my (at first) gentle attempts to communicate that his approach wasn't working and was making me very unwell. I can gladly provide examples but it'd end up being a long ass post if I do that, so bear with me. He couldn't handle me even trying to talk about my past therapy abuse, because it was assumed to be my fault. Any dissent was "resistance" or rigidity. He refused to do trauma work despite that being the foundational problem. He refused to let me "free associate" (psychodynamic therapy) because he was convinced it would cause me some wild regression (as if his current approach wasn't fucking me up.
There was nothing for me to work with in the therapy. It wasn't grounded in reality; it was just all about how awful I am, yet not even in a way that was tangible - he could never explain himself. I was already hanging on a thread from my past abusive therapists, and I pretty quickly developed a substance use disorder (prescription) to try to cope. Began to vape nicotine constantly to try to stabilize myself. I began to isolate myself. By December 2023 I stopped going out at all - again. You know, almost died from the therapist in 2022, my life was almost ruined, and couldn't go out at all, and there I was basically back in the same place.
I never missed a single session. I even opted to increase to twice a week session in an attempt to resolve whatever was going amiss. I continuously tried to establish a working relationship with him. My self-confidence and sense of reality and self were devastated.
Anyway, March 2024 comes around and it comes out Alex diagnosed me with BPD and that was why he was been so confrontational (and delusional). Now, I'm pretty darn sure I have either schizotypal or a psychotic disorder. I was under the impression he was treating me for this, as he himself said he dx'd me with schizotypal. But I was also very confused because being confrontational with the kinds of populations I fit into is exactly not what you're supposed to do and has been proven to fuck them up. It's one of the reasons I stayed so long; I just dissociated into oblivion. Not to mention the CPTSD.
I end up sending Alex an email detailing my experiences, which was hard to do. He never asked me about my experiences before (it was all about his assumptions of me), and I thought I needed to try to put an end to this, to again try to establish a working relationship.
The next session, Alex immediately begins to apologize, tells me how he misdiagnosed me, that he's been treating me for a Cluster B disorder when he should have been treating me for a Cluster A, that the "treatment" not working wasn't my fault. He also was convinced that this is what went wrong in my past therapies; that they misdiagnosed me with BPD when the issue was schizotypal, and that it just so happens that applying the confrontational treatment for BPD to schizotypal can basically end the schizotype. (TBH he was way too generous to these past therapists; all him saying that proved to me was that he never believed me in the first place.) He told me he "failed me" and that I "humbled him." He was almost crying he seemed so sorry.
I was already looking for a new therapist, but I was grateful that at least it seemed like things were set straight with Alex. I mean, I now had a substance use disorder and all the more therapy trauma, but I'm pretty happy with little. It was mutually agreed upon that the termination was due to the ways in which the misdiagnosis made the treatment inhospitable for me. It was ended amicably but I noticed he began to act weird around me, very distant, etc. I didn't think much of it, figured maybe he was more emotionally involved when he thought I had BPD for whatever reason.
Found a new therapist at the beginning of April - a formally trained, international psychoanalyst who lives in Prague out of all things (was getting desperate) - and things are going well, finally. No therapy abuse; no issues that even closely resemble the issues I've had with the abusive therapists, etc. Things are finally "easy" with a therapist; the sailing is as smooth as it can be.
Well, two days ago I contacted Alex as I wanted to go to a boutique treatment centre for my prescription substance use issue and they were requesting recent past therapist notes. I thought what a better option than to have Alex send his notes with an explanation that he misdiagnosed me, that he thinks I have been misdiagnosed continuously in past therapies and that's why I've been "treatment resistant," and so on and so forth. Also, given that I developed the issue because of the stress from Alex, this way my story would be corroborated.
Alex was adamant sending his notes was a bad idea, and that the ethics board actually recommends that psychologists write summary letters of the treatment instead. I thought that was nice that Alex was looking out for me. I explained to Alex what I'm looking for in the letter (with the central focus being on the misdiagnosis issue), and that my main goal is to help prove my eligibility for the program (they only take "highly motivated" clients; it's more relaxed in terms of restrictions and what not). I agreed to pay Alex around $400 for his time. I really thought Alex and I were making further amends and that it was so nice he could have my back on this.
Alex gets back to me with the worst letter imaginable. All about how the treatment failed because of ME, how we never made any progress because of ME, that the "lack of consensus on treatment goals and methods" was a massive barrier, and that this all happened despite that the frequency was increased to twice a week (which he failed to mentioned only occurred because I requested it, in an effort to save the therapy!). He made no mention of the fact that I never missed a single therapy session or any fact that would make me sound good, not to mention that he didn't even so much as touch on the fact that the therapy failed because of HIS misdiagnosis. He made it sound like the termination occurred because of how treatment resistant I was.
He also downplayed my trauma (I asked him to speak out this in the letter), saying only how I have a family history of "neglect" and being "scapegoated." My mother would scream at me, like to the point her lungs were going to burst, as a small child until I blacked out, this continued up until I was kicked out at 18, and I have serious CPTSD. I was even diagnosed with PTSD at one point. Like? Alex is supposed to be a specialist in trauma.
So I read the letter and was confused. Got back to him assuring that I'd still pay him, but suggested maybe he remove some parts of it if he can't revise them. Told him I disagree with the reasons for termination and why the treatment didn't work out, and reminded him of the fact he misdiagnosed me. I was honestly very confused and thought maybe he forgot. Told him it's probably not helpful to minimize my trauma.
Cue a minute after I send that email, and it suddenly dawns on me. The pathetic excuse of a therapist never recorded his fuck up in my clinical file. He obviously maintained his delusional narrative within his notes, presumably to cover his ass in case I reported him or sued him for malpractice (unlikely anyway), given his misshapen and misapplied "treatment" caused me a ton of harm due to his incompetence.
I was seeing red and sent him another email informing him that I actually recorded our final session, given what happened with my previous therapist (and Alex knew about my regret of not recording those sessions, and I'd often leave my phone out during our sessions). It's one-party consent in Canada, and Alex at the very beginning told me he was fine if I recorded the sessions anyway. So yeah, I emailed Alex whilst appalled telling him all about how I recorded him stating he misdiagnosed me, was treating me for the wrong disorder, that therapy not working wasn't my fault, and so on.
Told him he can either write me a letter based on facts - facts I can corroborate given my session recordings - or I'm not paying him for shit. Told him to not even bother replying if he isn't willing to write me a letter grounded in reality. Shockingly, he never got back to me.
And now he'll never know if I was bluffing and he gets to spend the next few months in terror that I'm going to use session recordings to report him for knowingly putting false information in clinical documentation.
What the hell. He could have at least TRIED to make me sound decent in the letter given that he knew what he was saying was bullshit. I guess dissonance is a real bitch. I also don't for a second buy that if I had BPD, his shit-tier "treatment" would have magically worked. It was gaslighting and abusive. You can't just make horrible assumptions about people or create a false reality, shove that in the person's face, then gaslight them all the more when the person is fucking confused and, eventually, distraught.
What a gaslighting loser. I should legitimately report him. Leaving him a bad review as we speak.
submitted by rheannahh to therapycritical [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:49 YoSoyMcloVio My ps5 not connecting to certain things

My ps5 struggles to connect to different things, I can play online just fine and I can download games, but when I go to ps plus it says something went wrong and I just can’t go in, it also struggles to load the ps store and lastly when I tried to play x defiant and it redirect me so I can log in with a Ubisoft account it just says that something happened and the connection with the host has been lost. I’ve tried the normal methods like resetting my PlayStation, unplugging the PlayStation and my modem but nothing seems to work, anyone have any idea of what to do?
submitted by YoSoyMcloVio to playstation [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:48 Legitimate_Mouse2614 Is my husbands company crazy?

Hello so my husband works for evolution gaming okay we got married when we both worked there. They told us no diamond rings if we wear our ring at work so we did as they said we got gold bands (settled just cause not getting fired over it) anyways, now 2 years later I don't work there (awful management and discrimination) but my husband still does.
All the sudden they wrote him up. Apparently you can't wear any rings at all. He works for online gambling so I don't see how it would be safety or sanitary issue. 2 years we are wearing our rings how is it a problem? The rings they basically made us pick so we could wear them no issue. Can someone tell me maybe why he can't wear his wedding band at work?
submitted by Legitimate_Mouse2614 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:48 Nika99_plays Modded characters crashing

Everything is normal, except when trying to use any modded character (for example: samuel). It just freezes for a second and crashes the game.
-- Last part of crash logs [INFO] - Done Reading Special Seed Counters
[INFO] - Reading chunk 11
[INFO] - Reading Bestiary Counters
[INFO] - Done Reading Bestiary Counters
[INFO] - Saving PersistentGameData to Steam Cloud: rep_beta_persistentgamedata1.dat.
[INFO] - Loading GameState 1 from SteamCloud!
[INFO] - GameState Version Loaded: 147
[INFO] - Menu Game Init
[INFO] - Menu Daily Init
[INFO] - Menu Character Init
[INFO] - Menu SpecialSeed Init
[INFO] - Menu Challenge Init
[INFO] - Menu Collection Init
[INFO] - Menu Stats Init
[INFO] - Menu Mods Init
[INFO] - Menu Options Init
[INFO] - Menu Controller Init
[INFO] - Menu Key Config Init
[INFO] - Menu Cutscene Init
[INFO] - Menu Bestiary Init
[INFO] - Menu Custom Challenge Init
[INFO] - Menu Online Lobby Init
[INFO] - Menu Friend Lobbies Init
[INFO] - Menu Multiplayer Init
[INFO] - Menu Options Online Init
[INFO] - Saving PersistentGameData to Steam Cloud: rep_beta_persistentgamedata1.dat.
[INFO] - [warn] no animation named Idle
[INFO] - Setting PersistentGameData ReadOnly to False
[INFO] - RNG Start Seed: LWJ9 27A6 (1535017865) [New, 1]
[INFO] - Level::Init m_Stage 1, m_StageType 2 Seed 1410562545
[INFO] - delete 0 generated rooms.
[INFO] - [RoomConfig] load stage 3: Burning Basement (mode 0)
[INFO] - allocate 1311 rooms.
[INFO] - [ModManager] load stage 3: Burning Basement (mode 0)
[INFO] - reallocate 19 rooms.
[INFO] - [ModManager] load stage 3: Burning Basement (mode 0)
[INFO] - [ModManager] load stage 3: Burning Basement (mode 0)
[INFO] - [ModManager] load stage 3: Burning Basement (mode 0)
[INFO] - [ModManager] load stage 3: Burning Basement (mode 0)
[INFO] - [ModManager] load stage 3: Burning Basement (mode 0)
[INFO] - [ModManager] load stage 3: Burning Basement (mode 0)
[INFO] - [ModManager] load stage 3: Burning Basement (mode 0)
[INFO] - [ModManager] load stage 3: Burning Basement (mode 0)
[INFO] - [ModManager] load stage 3: Burning Basement (mode 0)
[INFO] - [ModManager] load stage 3: Burning Basement (mode 0)
[INFO] - [ModManager] load stage 3: Burning Basement (mode 0)
[INFO] - [ModManager] load stage 3: Burning Basement (mode 0)
[INFO] - [ModManager] load stage 3: Burning Basement (mode 0)
[INFO] - reallocate 1831 rooms.
[INFO] - [ModManager] load stage 3: Burning Basement (mode 0)
[INFO] - [ModManager] load stage 3: Burning Basement (mode 0)
[INFO] - [ModManager] load stage 3: Burning Basement (mode 0)
[INFO] - [ModManager] load stage 3: Burning Basement (mode 0)
[INFO] - [ModManager] load stage 3: Burning Basement (mode 0)
[INFO] - [ModManager] load stage 3: Burning Basement (mode 0)
[INFO] - [ModManager] load stage 3: Burning Basement (mode 0)
[INFO] - [ModManager] load stage 3: Burning Basement (mode 0)
[INFO] - [ModManager] load stage 3: Burning Basement (mode 0)
[INFO] - [ModManager] load stage 3: Burning Basement (mode 0)
[INFO] - [ModManager] load stage 3: Burning Basement (mode 0)
[INFO] - reallocate 157 rooms.
[INFO] - [ModManager] load stage 3: Burning Basement (mode 0)
[INFO] - [ModManager] load stage 3: Burning Basement (mode 0)
[INFO] - [ModManager] load stage 3: Burning Basement (mode 0)
[INFO] - [ModManager] load stage 3: Burning Basement (mode 0)
[INFO] - [ModManager] load stage 3: Burning Basement (mode 0)
[INFO] - [ModManager] load stage 3: Burning Basement (mode 0)
[INFO] - [ModManager] load stage 3: Burning Basement (mode 0)
[INFO] - [ModManager] load stage 3: Burning Basement (mode 0)
[INFO] - reallocate 12 rooms.
[INFO] - generate...
[INFO] - place_room: shape 8
[INFO] - place_room: shape 3
[INFO] - place_room: shape 4
[INFO] - 10 rooms in 7 loops
[INFO] - not enough dead ends, trying to make new one
[INFO] - not enough dead ends, trying to make new one
[INFO] - not enough dead ends, trying to make new one
[INFO] - placing rooms...
[ASSERT] - PlayerManager::GetPlayer() : There are no players!
[ASSERT] - PlayerManager::GetPlayer() : There are no players!
[ASSERT] - PlayerManager::GetPlayer() : There are no players!
[INFO] - Map Generated in 1 Loops
[INFO] - Room 1.2(Start Room)
[INFO] - SpawnRNG seed: 3473286958
[INFO] - Lua stack trace:
[INFO] - [C](-1): GetGridIndex
[INFO] - ...stom stage api/scripts/stageapi/grid/altRockOverride.lua(43): Function
[INFO] - resources/scripts/main.lua(73): ?
[INFO] - Caught exception, writing minidump...
submitted by Nika99_plays to themoddingofisaac [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:47 vaca_conderechos Touchscreen

I used to often play games like Malody on my phone (Rhythm games, VSRG), where I require tapping with 4 or more fingers to play and hit notes. Now I have bought a new phone, and it doesn't work the same way. There are times that it stops responding when I press the screen with more than 2 fingers or when I tap too fast, sometimes it shows that i'm pressing that part of the screen, but I'm not.
Help? (My English is not good enough to write it myself, part of this was translated.)
submitted by vaca_conderechos to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:42 Stunning_March_8286 Discovering Ex’s Kink mid divorce

Ex (45m) and I (43f) have been married for 24y w 2 kids (23&13). Filed earlier this year. I recently discovered he met his gf (21) two years ago at a strip club where she was stripping. I since have discovered content where she poses as an underage minor for fetish kink teen sex assault porn & found bdsm porn of the two of them online.
He’s now planned a vacation w gf and 13. Haven’t mediated yet, and limited on what I can do w/o evidence 13 has been exposed. There’s grooming going on - making gf out to be more the girl next door than the sexual deviant she/they are.
He’s not listening to reason and doesn’t see how this make him look. Wtf can I do?
submitted by Stunning_March_8286 to Divorce [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:42 ThisIsWhatLifeIs I want to buy a gaming router. Which one should I purchase?

So I just upgraded my internet where I now receive 1000Mbps upload and 100Mbps upload on fibre optic broadband through Virgin Media (in the UK).
I want a gaming router that would make my experience of gaming better.
I only game on console, PS5 and Xbox Series X if that matters. I do not game on PC.
Currently I have 3 Ubiquiti Access Points set up on each floor via ethernet cable. It used to be a mesh system but now after it crashing and multiple resets it's basically bugged out and it's now 3 separate "routers" around the house and I can't get it back to a mesh system no matter what I try. it's not really a big deal as I just connect to my downstairs router when I'm on my bottom floor and then it (usually) connects to the other routers when I move between floors.
My devices are the 2 consoles, a personal laptop, 2 phones ( for me and my partner), 2 work laptops. Google doorbell, thermostat, smart speakers etc. Set top box which is normally for streaming Netflix and a bunch of other stuff that I'm forgetting about. Basically whenever I'm gaming there's a good chance that my partner is streaming a 4k movie on Prime or Netflix whilst also watching YouTube videos or Instagram stuff. We both work from home basically 98% of the month.
I want a router that can handle my speeds but that's best for giving me the lowest ping possible in gaming with no lag and no bufferbloat.
Also another question is: will any of these routers help combine the ubiquiti access points and make them into a mesh WiFi system?
What router would be best for me to purchase? I don't really want to spend anything more than £300 however please mention any at any price so I can get a good idea of what I need and how much it will cost.
Thank you
submitted by ThisIsWhatLifeIs to HomeNetworking [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:42 Immediate-Owl5540 Introducing HugeWin: Your Premier Crypto Casino Destination

User-Friendly Design, High Winnings, and Vast Game Selection
HugeWin aims to establish itself as a top-choice casino by focusing on user-friendliness, high winnings, and a wide array of games. Developed with ease of use and high wins in mind, HugeWin caters to all crypto gambling enthusiasts, regardless of their experience or budget.
Constant Evolution and Trustworthiness
Despite being a newly launched platform, HugeWin is dedicated to becoming a top choice as soon as possible. This goal requires constant work and a team of passionate developers, both of which HugeWin possesses. Additionally, HugeWin has already obtained a Curaçao eGaming License (CEG), further demonstrating its trustworthiness.
Extensive Game Selection
HugeWin offers a staggering selection of games, including almost 8,000 slots from 58 game providers, ranging from classic versions to various game variations. Additionally, users can choose from over 700 casino games, including roulette, poker, blackjack, baccarat, and table games. For those seeking a more dynamic experience, live casino tables are also available.
Sports Betting and Popular Regular Games
For sports enthusiasts, HugeWin provides a variety of virtual sports, including football, basketball, cricket, baseball, tennis, dog racing, horse racing, table tennis, golf, and ice hockey. Moreover, HugeWin offers almost 70 popular regular games, such as Aviator, Spaceman, and Zeppelin, setting it apart from other platforms.
Numerous Bonuses and Special Events
HugeWin goes above and beyond in terms of bonuses and special events. The casino organizes two main tournaments: the Monthly Turnover Tournament and the Weekly Multiplier Tournament, each with impressive prize pools. Additionally, users can benefit from four jackpots (Mega, Major, Minor, and Mini) and five types of bonuses, including a 15% casino discount, a 5% deposit bonus, and a $100 referral bonus.
HugeWin is committed to becoming the largest online casino in the world by relying on an expert team and developing a leading product. Join HugeWin today for an unparalleled gaming experience!
submitted by Immediate-Owl5540 to CryptoDose [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:41 Madrugada_Quente Some advice for newcomers: Hydration, protein, fiber, sleep issues help

F50, SW 225, CW 194, GW 145 (3 months in, started on M, moved to Z, now on C - NO differences between them).
I learned these things over the course of the last 3 months the hard way. Hopefully this will help someone.
On day one, be prepared with a few things that will make your transition using this med a whole lot smoother for you.
Hydration, protein, and fiber are essential. If this med affects your sleep (it does me), see below.
ELECTROLYTES: Get yourself some electrolytes that you like and will take daily. I don’t like sugary things, and use ‘HRDWRK (electrolytes powder that is sugar free with magnesium, potassium, and sodium)’ once or twice a day. I discovered how essential this was by getting dizzy 2 times to the point of nearly passing out when trying to garden. It was my own fault because I hadn’t eaten enough and plain water wasn’t enough. Electrolytes stopped my dizziness completely (was even happening just bending over) and occasional headaches. I take this first thing in the morning before I do anything else. Sometimes, if I had a super busy day, I will drink another glass of it in the evening.
PROTEIN: After thinking I could possibly get enough protein through food (hardheaded know it all syndrome 🙄😂)only for 6 weeks, I finally gave in and got some readymade protein drinks. I use ‘Lean Body’ strawberry and vanilla (others taste too sweet to me). This has really helped with my weight loss and not losing muscle. I drink them for lunch only now (with some fruit on the side), which frees up my lunch hour to go to the gym. Never in a million years did I think that sentence would apply to me!!!
FIBER: Constipation for many on this med is a daily reality. Get a good fiber routine. I use ‘NOW: psyllium husk powder’ once daily in the evening and it helps tremendously. Fruit and other things help, but I still find I need the supplement daily.
SLEEP ISSUES/INSOMNIA: I have always had sleep issues, but had finally gotten them worked out before starting on this journey. That ended with the first shot. After several types of trial and error and 4-5 hours of sleep for 6 weeks (!!!!), I finally found the combination that works for me - Magnesium with Zinc combo that also has Vitamin D for absorption PLUS a TIME RELEASED melatonin. I took regular melatonin before and woke up like clockwork at 3am. The time release changed everything. This has helped me get back to 7+ hours of sleep consistently. I take the Magnesium supplement in the morning and then take the melatonin (3mg) when I’m completely ready for sleep…not just getting in bed, but turning everything off and going to sleep. I also got a blue screen protector for my phone because I like to read on my phone for about an hour while in bed. These things have been a game changer for me in the sleep department.
My last suggestion is to set a weigh and measure day each MONTH (with photos, because it’s an amazing transformation). I see so many posts on here where people weigh every single day and get discouraged because the scale goes up a couple of pounds. This happens naturally in our bodies depending on so many factors. None of us need any discouragement when it comes to getting healthy. It’s a process that is individual for each of us. I will say since starting I have not one single time been discouraged or disappointed when seeing the numbers on the scale after a month of waiting. The number is always less…and that is a HUGE win!
I hope this helps someone - best of luck to all of you. I really enjoy seeing everyone’s progress and stories. It’s how I end my night every day, seeing how great everyone on here is doing and I especially love the transformation photos. These posts really keep me encouraged and positive!!
submitted by Madrugada_Quente to compoundedtirzepatide [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:41 RowBig8091 Here's some content ideas for their 'co-parenting' sh1t show of a podcast.

Gross. Hilton is a terrible parent and treats women terribly. His idea of parenting is to make his ex wife do all the hard work and he just appears to force them to perform like trained monkeys as he shoves a camera in their face. He has never cooked them a meal, washed their clothes or anything. Laura also exploits her children for online views and profits which is so so unethical and it will only be a matter of time before the law catches up with this child exploitation. Laura has showed Alfie riding a scooter at full speed down a ROAD (with cars - not in a playground or bike park) with no helmet multiple times . They both think touching a bat with their kids is funny.
Hilton thinks the vaccination caused his sons autism -which is unfounded on any medical peer reviewed science and more likely related to his advanced sperm age when Alfie was conceived. What part of co-parenting is Hilton going to talk about- the part where he reminisces how much better it was when he was spying on Laura by electronically tagging her vehicle and monitoring it online for months after their break up.
Maybe in their podcast Hilton can talk about how he used his online platform to slander his ex wife, destroy her brand, paint himself as the never ending victim with lies (I built that house poor me! and I gave up my successful career to support my wife- lies, I was only depressed in my last relationship because it was Laura's fault, or I wasn't masculine because it was Laura's fault) , talk about his porn addiction and how he never wants to leave the house or even go into a restaurant or ever take his kids to a playground or a park just wander around in a lost and dazed stupor trying to find an ice cream shop that isn't closed. Maybe Hilton can talk about how he goes AGAINST the mother of his children's wishes constantly by feeding Alfie food that he's either allergic to or causes reactions or exacerbates his autism and then when she brings it up he just laughs in her face and changes the subject to name drop about some celebrity that he knows -- something far more important in his mind...
Maybe he can talk about their kids are going to be subjected to endless bullying at school when they're older because of the content they choose to put up - including personal and private health issues about their kids and even when their daughter has a poo accident and all of his hatred and bullying content towards gay and lesbians, trangender folk, women, fat people, old people, women, etc.....
Maybe Hilton can talk about what he's modelling to his children about healthy relationships, treating women with respect and honesty and morals.
Ah maybe not.
submitted by RowBig8091 to StephenHiltonSnark [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:41 False_Pudding_2008 Buy mk11 or mk1?

MK1 is currently on sale for like 28 dollars and I was curious if it’s worth buying or not. I know the game doesn’t have a lot customization/content compared to mk11 but from what I’ve seen in this sub the gameplay makes up for it .but I’m not too sure which game has the most healthy online experience because from what I’m seeing the community is divisive between mkx mk11 and mk1.which game do you think would be the better route for me if i want to have a good time with multiplayer?
submitted by False_Pudding_2008 to MortalKombat [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:40 RiftWard Friend threatens to quit game if I use AI art

Hey y’all, came here hoping to get some advice. I have a private game amongst friends that’s sci-if / space themed. In the past we primarily use Pinterest for 99% of the art we use for characters or game references. But for this game, since there’s so little good sci-fi artwork on Pinterest that I can find to depict what I’m trying to describe, I’ve resorted to using AI for some things.
To me the idea of using AI to generate a picture is morally equivalent to using Pinterest to find a picture. Either way artists are having their work stolen. Just in one case, it’s directly stealing from them and relying on dubious/unenforced copyright laws to get away with it. And with the other it’s taking the essence of it and making something heavily inspired by it but slightly different (sometimes falling in the category of breaking copyright law but either way unenforceable). If this was a streamed or public game that’d be one thing but it’s an at home private game with friends..
A good friend of mine is incredibly against all this AI art thing. Their stance seems to be that there’s nothing good coming from AI and it should be boycotted. When I started using AI art they were super against it. And they told me that if I keep using AI art they’re gonna quit the game. I respect their opinions and I don’t want to do something that makes them uncomfortable. But I’m not using AI for the sake of it, there’s literally nothing I can find online that depicts what I’m trying to convey - there’s so much fantasy artwork out there to use but probably 5% as much sci-fi artwork.
I know this sub is quite anti-AI so I was hoping y’all could help explain this to me / give me some advice on how I should handle this. I don’t think I could afford to pay real artists to draw everything I’m looking for. I mean I don’t know what to do here. Should I resort to continuing to steal from artists through Pinterest and maybe just occasionally drawing a crappy napkin sketch of everything else?
submitted by RiftWard to Pathfinder2e [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:40 valdirunars Is Generating Scout Reports on Opponents Before Online Chess Games Cheating?

Hey fellow chess enthusiasts,
Regarding tools that allows players to create detailed scout reports on their opponents before an online match. The app analyzes opponents’ past games, highlights their strengths and weaknesses, and even suggests strategies to exploit their weaknesses.
This got me thinking: Is using such a tool considered cheating in the world of online chess, or is it just another form of preparation?
On one hand, it seems similar to studying an opponent's games before a tournament match, which is a common and accepted practice in professional chess. However, the ease and depth of the analysis provided by such an app might give users an unfair advantage, especially in casual online games where players usually don't have access to such detailed information.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this!
Full disclosure: The reason I ask is that I created one such tool ( and don't want to promote usage that would be considered cheating by the chess community.
Do you think this type of tool would enhance the game by adding a new layer of strategy, or do they undermine the spirit of fair play? How should online chess platforms handle the use of these tools?
Looking forward to your opinions and insights!
submitted by valdirunars to chess [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:37 _nothing_but_trouble I need to spread some positivity

There are a lot of posts about doubting, cheating, considering breaking up, difficulties in general. But long distance relationships can work if both are commited.
I met my boyfriend in real life, so maybe, finding each other online is more difficult. We try to see twice a year because the intercontinental flight is expensive and the both of us are busy working. But we chat whenever we've got time, keep each other updated on what's going on and we make 1-2 phone calls (voice or video).
We trust each other completely. That's the crucial point. Trust and open communication. I think the struggle is not worth it when you don't trust the other person because that nagging doubt is terrible. Learning to trust is important.
All I want is to marry that guy and grow old with him. Best person I've ever met.
submitted by _nothing_but_trouble to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:37 GnosisRa I've finally started to win online games.

For a short while, I found myself losing pretty much every round I played. I started to get frustrated and figured I just didn't have the right brain to win. I'm no stranger to card games, so this was a bit defeating for me. I know there are quite a few people on her who had the same experience.
But things have tipped over for me now - after reading some guides on and watching a few YouTube videos, something just clicked. I've got a pretty solid U7 Son Goku deck that allows me to aggro pretty hard. Works pretty well against most decks, the only ones I seem to struggle against are Frieza and ToP Goku.
I encourage anyone who is finding it difficult to win matches to keep at it! Do some research, watch some videos, pay attention to what other players do and hopefully the same will happen for you. I'm looking forward to exploring deeper into some other colours and expanding my knowledge of the card database.
These tips may seem obvious to most, but for new players these fundamentals will hopefully help:
Much love!
submitted by GnosisRa to dbsfusionworld [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:37 just_a_ricey_mess Looking for an affordable android phone with good storage, battery life, and camera

Hey guys, I'm looking for a new phone. I used to have an S9 up until 2022, when I dropped it on a drill but and it shattered. Unfortunately, I was leaving for a backpacking trip that week (that I am still on) and didn't want to use up too much of my travel budget so I bought a cheap TCL phone for like a hundred and something bucks.
I am currently in Australia. As I am still traveling a lot I'd love a good quality camera. Good battery life is also important to me, as is storage since I downloaded a lot of movies, manga, and shows to watch. I am currently working, so I can save up for a good quality phone, but I'm not in a position where I can completely ball out. I'd out my upper limits on a budget to maybe 1000ish AUD? Could maybe do a couple hundred more if it's well worth it.
Not against buying a refurbished phone if it will serve me well, I just want something I can use for maybe 3-5 years comfortably. Not a big gamer outside of Arknights, Reverse 1999, and Marvel Snap, which I assume is very doable on most modern phones. I also have a Samsung tablet anyways, but I would like something that can handle those games with their storage as well.
submitted by just_a_ricey_mess to PickAnAndroidForMe [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:37 CozyCraving Cozy Craving [Semi-Vanilla] {Survival} {Java 1.20.6} {Geyser Bedrock} {No Whitelist} {Diamond Economy} {Expanding Perma Map} {CoreProtect} {Dedicated Server} {Dynmap} {USA}

🌐 「 Our Server in a Nutshell 」 🌐

We are a new server - our community and buildings are all since mid February of 2024. Our current map is 14k by 14k, and will continue expanding to make new vanilla content accessible as it is released and accommodate more players as the server grows. Our vision is to have a server that is as vanilla as possible, while also addressing various QoL issues that come along with a large playerbase on an unwhitelisted server. As such, we have implemented a handful of plugins including renewable elytra (via the ender dragon fight), a simple chest shop system using currency that is interconvertible with diamonds, and night skip with just one player sleeping.
We have an outstanding community of builders! From skyscrapers and cozy villages to high-efficiency iron and raid farms, we have it all. We also have a nether roof transportation hub easily accessible from spawn and with blue ice boat paths. Want to see more? Our photo galleries linked below. There are plenty of active players who are happy to help you get started and fill in the gaps for you!
We have no land claims plugin, but rest assured your builds and items are safe. We use CoreProtect, a plugin which keeps detailed logs of blocks, items, entities, and more. It allows for custom, precision rollbacks of specific players, time ranges, locations, and more. This allows for convenient grief reversal in real time. The CoreProtect inspect command is enabled for all players which allows you to check the logs of containers and blocks; you can see if alterations have been made by someone who does or does not have your permission without needing staff assistance.

🧭 「 Our Principles 」 🧭

Community First: Our primary goal is to foster a fun, cooperative, supportive community on our server. Profit from the server is not a short or long-term goal. We want to scale and develop our community, but at a pace that is reasonable and sustainable.
Long-Term Map: We plan to never reset the map. We want builds, farms, and communities made on the server to be permanent, and this is why we have opted for an expanding map to incorporate content from new releases.
Golden Rule: Respect. Other. Players. You can see a more precise list of rules on our spawn board or Discord server, but in general all rules follow from the simple principles of respecting others and using common sense.
Work Hard, Play Hard: The server is on hard difficulty. There is no keepinventory, no /tp, no /back, no warps other than /spawn and /home, and staff will not use tools to roll back legitimate deaths or mistakes that do not violate the rules. We hope in our community you will become a pro gamer, and this means learning to navigate all the difficulties of the Minecraft world, even if they are sometimes frustrating or inconvenient. We aim to preserve the minimalism and realism of Minecraft, as we believe these features are essential for maximizing players' sense of immersion in our world and community. We hope you will feel the same way if you give it a try!
No P2W: We do not and will not even remotely resemble a Pay to Win server. We do accept donations. There are currently no perks for donors, but if any future perks are added they will be purely cosmetic (e.g. colored names or tags in game or on Discord).

📀 「 Discord Overview 」 📀

On our Discord you can:
  • Submit help tickets to notify staff of problems
  • Submit suggestion tickets with your ideas about how to improve the server
  • Read our FAQ and Info sections for additional information
  • Check out photos of many of the server's coolest builds
  • Share pet photos and memes
  • Voice chat and listen to music
  • Ask any questions and engage with our awesome community!

🔗 「 Server Details 」 🔗

  • Server Name: Cozy Craving
  • IP Address:
  • Hardware: Dedicated server
  • Discord: Join Here!
  • Photos: Builds Art
  • Version: Java 1.20.6 with ViaVersion and Geyser Bedrock - Will Update to 1.21 ASAP When Paper Updates!
  • Activity: 20+ players online during peak hours
  • PVP: Enabled, PVP looting not allowed
  • Difficulty: Hard

👏 「 Thanks 」 👏

Thank you for taking the time to read through our server description. Even if our server is not the one for you or not your final destination, we wish you the best of luck on your server-finding journey! Feel free to share our server and this post with others you think may enjoy it. An upvote if you like our server or found the post easy to navigate would be much appreciated as well. And wherever you end up, don't forget that the main point is to enjoy yourself and have fun!
submitted by CozyCraving to mcservers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:36 XD_Indie Our Rotary Rhythm Baby Turns Two! Free to Download for a Limited Time to Celebrate the Anniversary :D

Our Rotary Rhythm Baby Turns Two! Free to Download for a Limited Time to Celebrate the Anniversary :D
It feels like just yesterday we were tinkering with prototype and now here we are celebrating Rotaeno's second birthday. To celebrate this milestone, it's time to give back to the community :D
Free-to-Download ($2.99 > $0)
From May 30th to June 5th, Rotaeno will be available for free download on both iOS and Android. Whether you're an avid rhythm gamer or just looking for some musical fun, this is a fun time to jump in! Here is the link to the App Store:
We know we're quite a small team and game, so some of you might not be familiar with us. Here’s Rotaeno in a nutshell:
Rotaeno is a rotary rhythm game where you use your phone's gyroscope to tilt and turn your device like a steering wheel to catch notes. With songs ranging from J-pop to heavy metal, and collaborations with Lanota, WACCA, KAPLA, Phigros, and more, there's something for everyone on this musical journey.
Thank you to all who supported us every step of the way. Enjoy the beat, enjoy the game 🎵
submitted by XD_Indie to iosgaming [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:35 _-Hiraeth_- 20+/PC/EU LF friends!

Me and my boyfriend (23 & 25) are looking for more friends to play games with! :)
Our games consist of:
We are mainly looking to make friends and have fun so skill doesn't really matter
If you're interested feel free to send me a dm :)
submitted by _-Hiraeth_- to GamerPals [link] [comments]