2008 fischer soma

Jessica Chastain

2012.02.28 17:40 jesuz Jessica Chastain

Fansite for actress Jessica Chastain

2011.12.17 01:57 horns Amy Adams

Subreddit dedicated to Amy Adams

2010.04.09 05:04 roger_ Ambient music

A subreddit for fans of ambient music and all its sub-genres.

2024.05.19 19:58 Grilloh Pontypool - um conceito espetacular

Pontypool - um conceito espetacular
Não sou nem nunca fui fã de filmes de terror, nem pretendo vir a ser, mas Pontypool é fantástico.
O filme se passa inteiramente numa cabine de rádio e leva a linguagem e o conceito da rádio tão a sério que... É uma delícia, muito bem pensando e elaborado. Pra quem gosta de matança e vísceras, o filme é absolutamente o contrário, não há ação nem mortes nem ataques, praticamente, tudo é descrito - como numa rádio.
Pontypool tá no prime, e tem um sinopse que me cativou na hora, mas, ao mesmo tempo, a sinopse tem um baita spoiler (que foi justamente o que me interessou)
Pra quem não assistiu, eu recomendo com todo o meu coração e quem já viu eu peço opiniões
submitted by Grilloh to filmes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:11 WiseGuy1882 Jenna Fischer Kitten Rescue's 1st Annual 'Fur Ball' Celebration 14th September 2008

Jenna Fischer Kitten Rescue's 1st Annual 'Fur Ball' Celebration 14th September 2008 submitted by WiseGuy1882 to CelebEvents [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 08:20 theconstellinguist Envy and Help Giving

Crossposting audience: The bad news is there does not seem to be a cure for envy. This is congruent with the recidivism statistics of maladapted/antisocial behavior in narcissists, without which narcissism and those with NPD would not be so socially undesirable. However, there are clear signs that the circuitry of envy is noticeably different than the circuitry of admiration, and that jealousy pathways are similar to addiction and expectation of reward pathways. A neuroeconomic analysis of "I won't win this one without illegal/unethical leveling" may be occurring in the envious, showing there may be insight that could resolve what has been until this point and unresolvable emotion full of frustration and pain at the perceived inferiority these individuals suffer. It is important to study and resolve this to help protect their victims from violence, psychological, and economic abuse, theft, hostage-taking of what is critical to the envied person, and unreasonable dislike that turns into hate crime on a whim. Victims deserve protection (the envious say the opposite) and so we research. Follow this subreddit for the first research-backed subreddit on envy.
Red alert: Just yesterday, Google Scholar posted the pdf link of this paper. In just 24 hours, it was removed and a $17.95 pay wall was established. This fits exactly the pattern of pretending to be on someone’s side (free and accessible research to increase general intelligence and comprehension) only to subtly undermine when envy grows too large and they are not on their side. It is a clear case and point and a disturbing sign that many of the envious are out of awareness of this or rather, out of control of their not doing it. You can see the pdf link on the part 1, and now, if you click it redirects to a paywall. That was in one day. That is extremely disturbing. That shows an intersection of inability to control, low self awareness, and envy. It shows the exact same undermining behavior discussed in the research. We are providing a ResearchGate link instead, kindly provided in its draft form to evade just this kind of behavior, and suggests that all researchers do this as a back up if this kind of horrifying behavior continues.
Envious individuals prefer to give people help that keeps them dependent; doesn’t really explain what was required to get somewhere where they need to go, or requires giving their power away completely and consistently often with a feature of humiliation.
Other work by Fischer, Kastenmüller, Frey, and Peus (2009) also implies that upward (vs. downward) social comparisons are associated with envy and with lower transmission rates of high-quality information, that is, information that stems from an expert. Extending this notion, we propose that to the extent that the superior envied peer instigates malicious motivations, envious individuals are likely to prefer providing the superior peer with dependent rather than autonomous help.
Rancor and hatred are associated with the experience of envy
component of envy – namely, the feeling envy and additional negative feelings (e.g.,
“Rancor,” “Hatred”), and as such somewhat relates to the malicious form of envy
An example of Terry was given, where Terry was struggling to see how something was done. He had the option to see how it was solved, or to simply solve it without showing him.
“Then participants read their agreement with six items which measured the type of help they were willing to provide to their peer (Based on Bamgerber, Geller & Doveh, 2017). Three items measured their willingness to provide autonomous help (a = .930) (“When helping Terry with a work-related problem, I will solve it for him and try to show how I solved it so that he will be able to learn from my experience”) and three items measured their willingness to provide dependent help (a = .92, e.g. “When helping Terry with a work-related problem, that I am more knowledgeable about than him, I will solve it for him, without showing how I solved it.”)
Envy induction triggered malicious rather than benign motivation
This suggests that our envy induction primarily triggered malicious, rather than benign motivation.
An odd situation is found where when someone is good they don’t get help. Envy is the way to explain this, in the malicious instantiation.
Envy triggers malicious motivations, reduces individuals’ general willingness to helping their outdoing peers
The envious empirically showed malicious motivation towards those that outperformed them.
Moreover, we found that people are less willing to provide superior others with autonomous help, and that this effect also derives from relatively greater malicious motivations toward the superior other.
Spending less time with someone who requests an explanation can be a way to discreetly harm
Note that this can serve as an additional measure of covert harming because individuals may explicitly agree to help their maliciously envied peers, but discreetly harm them by spending relatively less time on providing them with the required help.
People are less likely to help and provide autonomous help to superior envied peers
In study 2, we find further support for the notion that people are less willing to help, and provide autonomous help, to their superior envied peers, and that malicious motivations underlie these effects. Moreover, we extend our previous findings by also showing that when people have the opportunity to help multiple peers, they choose to allocate less relative time to helping envied peers, but only when these induce malicious motivations.
What looks like the untrained eye to be less neediness, when examined, shows they are actively trying to create a dependency out of malicious envy for the envied other.
This suggests that malicious motivations towards envied (vs. non-envied) peer, rather than their assumed less neediness, is indeed what is driving the observed effects.
Undermining tactics towards their outperforming peer was seen
Thus, participants seem to be opting to use implicit forms of undermining tactics towards their envied outperforming peers who trigger malicious motivations.
Feeling inferior showed that fear of loss of self-esteem was behind the malicious envy. Basically the envied person was felt to have more of a right to their self-esteem than they did (false comparison). If finances are tied up with feelings of self-esteem, this can easily be seen as an aggressive threat to them receiving the money they receive and triggering stereotypical greed protections.
Self-esteem concerns; in line with working suggesting that feelings of inferiority are related to painful envy emotion (Lange et. al, 2018, Leach 2008, Smith, Parrot, Ozer & Moniz, 1994) we measured self-esteem concerns by asking participants to rate their agreement with five items that we adopted from Heatherton & Policy’s (1991) state self-esteem scale (e.g. ‘I feel inferior to him/her at this moment’), I feel like I’m not doing well, a = .72
Benign envy still did not result in autonomous help. Literally no envy had to be present for autonomous help to be meted out.
Feelings of envy were associated with benign motivations however these benign motivations were not associating with providing autonomous help…strengthening our confidence that malicious, rather than benign motivations, underlie the decreased provision of autonomous (versus dependent) help, to envied versus non-envied peers in the present experiment.
Bluntly refusing to provide envied peers with help was an identified hurting behavior towards the envied
This is in line with our argument that people who have malicious motivations towards their envied peers, may not engage in overt hurting behaviors, such as bluntly refusing to provide these peers with help.
Dispositional envy is when someone feels envy in almost any scenario
Dispositional envy measures the general predisposition for someone to experience envy, such as such cognitions as, “No matter what I do, envy always plagues me.”
The more dependency was created, the less threatening competence was experienced in the envier, and the less they envied them. Essentially, trying to make them dependent was an attempt at relief from envy. This was done without regard to repercussions to other people when this dependency was created, all that was sought was individual relief from envy.
Furthermore, there was a negative association between the a-priori tendency to experience malicious envy and the likelihood of helping the peer, such that the greater the tendency to experience maliciou envy, the lower was the likelihood that participants would help the peer, (B = -0.22, Wald = 4.27, p = .039, OR = 0.80).
People who are more likely to experience malicious envy are less likely to help their peers.
In addition, the finding that people who are more prone to experience malicious envy are less likely to help their peers and to provide them with autonomous help, provides additional indication for the role of malicious motivations resulting from envy in the process (partially supported by H3).
When experience of envy evokes less malicious motivations, undermining behaviors are less likely to occur
Moreover, our findings suggest that when the experience of envy evokes less malicious motivations (e.g. when the envied advantage is deserved, or when the envious person is low in proneness to malicious envy), undermining behaviors are less likely to occur.
Malicious envy is extremely destructive. It is imperative to not underestimate the damage the maliciously envious can do when involved with high performers
Managers who design competitive award systems and teammates who outperform their peers may fail to anticipate envy and its malicious consequences.
Keeping high performing peers needy and reliant and then mocking them on that to feel better about themselves is a key sign of malicious envy.
“In general, we demonstrate that feelings of envy that prompt malicious motivation undermine the extent to which people provide their envied peers with help, especially with autonomous help. To conclude, people seem to sometimes fancy keeping their peers needy and reliant, specifically, when they maliciously envy them.”
submitted by theconstellinguist to envystudies [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 13:48 Fledertier 21 league games without a win or how to get from 1th to 15th. My most cursed and weirdest season.

21 league games without a win or how to get from 1th to 15th. My most cursed and weirdest season.
So yeah there should i start. I normaly play FM with the HSV because its the only way i can see my team have success. In this safe i tried to do something new with only using german players or from own youth. Because at some point you know where to get young cheap players from different countries and i wanted to do something new. Could manage to get a few good players and also my youth intake was pretty awesome no idea if they changed something there. Never got so often so good playsers from there. The biggest problem with this challenge are goalkeepers, strikers and wingers.
My first season in second division was pretty good and the best start i had in a new save. 77 points and new competition record. The 3 seasons in the Bundesliga there also good. Some phases where i sucked but at the end i could manage to get a good place in the midfield. Also last season i could qualify for euro league.
Now we are coming to the current season and the most painful one. I dont know how often i wanted to throw something in my screen. The start of the season was very nice. A win agains Bayern and Dortmund (current champion) and at week 12 i was in first place. Also euro league and cup was at this point a success. I cant tell you what exactly was the reason it changed but yeah things got really rough. My Strikers couldnt score, i lost games in overtime or my players made some stupid passes or decisions. One of these things started happening every game and i couldnt win anymore. Made adjustments to the team, tactics but i didnt worked and at one point i found my team fighting to not get relegated. The hight point of ridicilouness was the 4-4 against Colonge. In the 90+7 they scored the 4-4. Last season game was against Berlin and i finally won after 21 games without winning and could save my time from the playoff games.
The weird thing was in the group stage of euro league i won every game until the semi finals where i lost unluckily. Also the DFB pokal wasnt that bad.
Dont know what happend i just hope that next season the curse is over. It was harder to watch the HSV in Fm this season than in real life...
So just wanted to share my season and here are some screenshots. If you ever have a bad streak there is hope.
Maybe u have ideas how to handle with this better.
End Table
Shedule part 1
Shedule part 2
Most used tactics. (Also had one for counter attacking and one thing 1 defense MD and 2 MD)
From youth intake
From youth intake
from youth intake
submitted by Fledertier to footballmanagergames [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 23:15 ruhtraeel Best player to never win a tournament

Who are some of the best players (current and past) who have never won a major tournament?
I didn't watch too much in the early KeSPA days so I don't know too much about that era, but my vote is in the title itself.
Best has taken down top players like Light and Soma in tournaments before, but the closest Best has gotten is 2nd in the 2008 Ever OSL and 2nd in the CasterMuse StarLeague Season 4 (2021). He just seems to consistently lose against players that he should beat (Mind, Sharp, Free, etc). At this point, he should rename himself to NotQuiteBest
Who are some others? Even Yellow (king of 2nd) and Snow have won tournaments before
submitted by ruhtraeel to broodwar [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 11:45 marieantoilette Top 150 story games according to howlongtobeat

Just for some curious perspectives, of course it's ludicrous to compare, what, Life is Strange to Elden Ring or BioShock to Morrowind. But for one reason or another, these games are the highest-rated ones.
Now since the line between what constitutes as "story game" is very thin you might disagree about the omission of for example VR games which often have the best story ever while others probably disagree about the lack of Mario games but this is to the best of my knowledge accumulated (and I probably have missed quite a few banger games).
But that's what I'm here for. What do you think of this list? What title are you missing? I was personally surprised to not see SOMA (rank #177) and Stanley Parable (#361) that high up. Or any Assassin's Creed, for that matter (the highest being Black Flag on #154). And do you think Baldur's Gate III will stand the test of time as one of the best-rated games of all time or will it get the Skyrim treatment and be lowered a bit?
  1. 9.4 The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (2015)
  2. 9.4 Baldur's Gate III (2023)
  3. 9.4 Half-Life: Alyx (2020)
  4. 9.3 Red Dead Redemption 2 (2018)
  5. 9.3 Elden Ring (2022)
  6. 9.3 The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (2023)
  7. 9.3 The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (2017)
  8. 9.2 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1998)
  9. 9.2 God of War: Ragnarök (2023)
  10. 9.2 Divinity: Original Sin II (2017)
  11. 9.2 The Last of Us (2013)
  12. 9.2 Bloodborne (2015)
  13. 9.2 Dark Souls (2011)
  14. 9.2 Persona 5 (2017)
  15. 9.2 Resident Evil 4 (2023)
  16. 9.1 Silent Hill 2 (2001)
  17. 9.1 Chrono Trigger (1995)
  18. 9.1 God of War (2018)
  19. 9.1 Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (2005)
  20. 9.1 Disco Elysium (2019)
  21. 9.1 Baldur's Gate II (2000)
  22. 9.1 Mother 3 (2006)
  23. 9.1 Hollow Knight (2017)
  24. 9.1 Portal (2011)
  25. 9.1 Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (2019)
  26. 9.1 Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed
  27. 9.1 The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure (2011)
  28. 9.1 Outer Wilds (2019)
  29. 9.1 Final Fantasy Tactics (1998)
  30. 9.0 Mass Effect 2 (2010)
  31. 9.0 The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (2000)
  32. 9.0 Alan Wake II (2023)
  33. 9.0 Shadow of the Colossus (2005)
  34. 9.0 Dark Souls III (2016)
  35. 9.0 Persona 4 (2008)
  36. 9.0 Ori and the Will of the Wisps (2020)
  37. 9.0 Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (1997)
  38. 9.0 Hades (2020)
  39. 9.0 The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky Second Chapter (2006)
  40. 9.0 Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (2004)
  41. 9.0 Yakuza (2017)
  42. 8.9 The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker (2002)
  43. 8.9 Deus Ex (2000)
  44. 8.9 Planetside: Torment (1999)
  45. 8.9 Metal Gear Solid (1998)
  46. 8.9 It Takes Two (2021)
  47. 8.9 The Last of Us Part II (2020)
  48. 8.9 Final Fantasy VII (1997)
  49. 8.9 Resident Evil 4 (2005)
  50. 8.9 13 Sentinels (2020)
  51. 8.9 Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (2022)
  52. 8.9 Xenoblade Chronicles (2010)
  53. 8.9 Final Fantasy IX (2000)
  54. 8.9 Spider-Man 2 (2023)
  55. 8.9 Return of the Obra Dinn (2018)
  56. 8.8 NieR: Automata (2017)
  57. 8.8 Ghost of Tsushima (2020)
  58. 8.8 Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (2003)
  59. 8.8 The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (2013)
  60. 8.8 Persona 3 (2008)
  61. 8.8 Final Fantasy VI (1994)
  62. 8.8 Yakuza: Like a Dragon (2020)
  63. 8.8 Gothic II (2003)
  64. 8.8 EarthBound (1995)
  65. 8.8 Celeste (2018)
  66. 8.8 Red Dead Redemption (2010)
  67. 8.8 Dead Space (2023)
  68. 8.8 Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (2016)
  69. 8.8 Half-Life 2 (2004)
  70. 8.8 Resident Evil 2 (1998)
  71. 8.8 Resident Evil 2 (2019)
  72. 8.8 Omori (2020)
  73. 8.8 Star Wars Galaxies (2003)
  74. 8.7 Fallout: New Vegas (2010)
  75. 8.7 The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (2006)
  76. 8.7 The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (1993)
  77. 8.7 The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (1991)
  78. 8.7 Ori and the Blind Forest (2015)
  79. 8.7 Thief II: The Metal Age (2000)
  80. 8.7 A Plague Tale: Requiem (2022)
  81. 8.7 System Shock 2 (1999)
  82. 8.7 Fire Emblem: Awakening (2012)
  83. 8.7 Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (2001)
  84. 8.7 Final Fantasy X (2001)
  85. 8.7 Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (2009)
  86. 8.7 Spider-Man (2018)
  87. 8.7 Telltale: The Walking Dead (2012)
  88. 8.7 Resident Evil (2002)
  89. 8.7 Fire Emblem: Three Houses (2019)
  90. 8.7 GTA San Andreas (2005)
  91. 8.7 Skies of Arcadia (2000)
  92. 8.7 Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (2007)
  93. 8.7 Doom Eternal (2020)
  94. 8.6 The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (2011)
  95. 8.6 Dragon Age: Origins (2009)
  96. 8.6 Okami (2006)
  97. 8.6 Divinity: Original Sin (2014)
  98. 8.6 Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriot (2008)
  99. 8.6 Batman: Arkham City (2011)
  100. 8.6 Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (2005)
  101. 8.6 Portal (2007)
  102. 8.6 Lies of P (20203)
  103. 8.6 Half-Life 2: Episode Two (2007)
  104. 8.6 Horizon Zero Dawn (2017)
  105. 8.6 Final Fantasy VII Remake (2020)
  106. 8.6 The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II (2017)
  107. 8.6 The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero (2010)
  108. 8.6 XCOM: Enemy Within (2013)
  109. 8.6 Psychonauts 2 (2021)
  110. 8.6 Undertale (2015)
  111. 8.6 Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana (2017)
  112. 8.6 Lost Judgment (2021)
  113. 8.6 Fallout 2 (1998)
  114. 8.6 Coccoon (2023)
  115. 8.6 Hi-Fi Rush (2023)
  116. 8.5 Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II (2004)
  117. 8.5 Mass Effect 3 (2012)
  118. 8.5 BioShock (2005)
  119. 8.5 Deus Ex: Human Revolution (2011)
  120. 8.5 Metro: Exodus (2019)
  121. 8.5 Batman: Arkham Asylum (2009)
  122. 8.5 Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines (2004)
  123. 8.5 Death Stranding (2019)
  124. 8.5 God of War III (2010)
  125. 8.5 The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (2002)
  126. 8.5 Thief Gold (1999)
  127. 8.5 Demon's Soul (2009)
  128. 8.5 Baldur's Gate (1995)
  129. 8.5 LISA: The Painful (2014)
  130. 8.5 Crosscode (2018)
  131. 8.5 The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV (2018)
  132. 8.5 Yakuza Kiwami 2 (2017)
  133. 8.5 Thief: The Dark Project (1998)
  134. 8.5 Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna the Golden Country (2018)
  135. 8.5 Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (2017)
  136. 8.5 Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon (2023)
  137. 8.5 Another Century's Episode 3 (2006)
  138. 8.5 The Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Day (2023)
  139. 8.5 Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (2003)
  140. 8.5 Banjo-Kazooie (1998)
  141. 8.5 Ninja Gaiden (2004)
  142. 8.5 Sea of Stars (2023)
  143. 8.5 Pentiment (2022)
  144. 8.5 Paper Mario (2000)
  145. 8.5 Day of the Tentacle (1993)
  146. 8.4 BioShock Infinite (2013)
  147. 8.4 Mass Effect (2007)
  148. 8.4 Dead Space 2 (2011)
  149. 8.4 Gothic (2001)
  150. 8.4 God of War (2007)
What's your top 15? Mine might look like this. But I think this list says more about me than the quality of the games. And I have a habit of liking the most controversial games of a series, lol. A lot of hot takes, I guess:
  1. Mass Effect 3 (2012)
    1. I love the second game but I blame it for the narrative problems of the third game, overall just glad these characters have such a great story. I never viewed it as a great game with a shitty ending. For me the whole game is an entire climax, and the final "ending" is just the finishing present bow. I would have done it differently but it is what it is. And the characters are just something else.
  2. BioShock Infinite (2013)
    1. Massive ludonarrative dissonance and I know it's a game cloaked as such a logical science-fiction story but at the end of the day doesn't make much sense. Emotionally it does, though, and to me the BioShock series has always been a tale of love above all, above ideology, above science even, so I appreciate this absolutely passionate take on it.
  3. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II (2005)
    1. Obsidian just knows what's up.
  4. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (2011)
    1. Incredibly flat characters were avoidable. And people like to criticize its identity crisis as an RPG. But I can't say I agree, I adore the exploration and I'm a massive vampire fan so Dawnguard is my shit.
  5. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1998)
    1. Something about this game is just incredibly profound.
  6. God of War: Ragnarök (2023)
  7. Fallout: New Vegas (2010)
  8. The Witcher 3 (2015)
    1. I dislike the controls of The Witcher 2 and 3, and my ADHD makes me depise potions, collecting and RPG aspects such as these (which probably explains my Skyrim love). But that story and atmosphere is amazing.
  9. Silent Hill 2 (2001)
  10. The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker (2002)
    1. That ending is just monumental. Not my favorite temples, not my favorite world of Zelda, but that ending just destroys me.
  11. Red Dead Redemption 2 (2018)
  12. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (2006)
  13. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (2016)
    1. Well aware how disappointed people were, especially with the ending, but I'm so glad to experience a cyberpunk story not Detroit or China or something but in Eastern Europe of all places, and a world that is not just about crazy punk over the top style but somehow manages to do that but also tie it into a world that from all angles just seems amazingly authentic. Great level design too.
  14. Halo: Reach (2010)
    1. Though I like the series more than any of the games individually, the novels elevate it to another height entirely as well. Everything that came after just seems like spin-offs. Bungie showed the ideal direction of future Halo with Reach - more flora & fauna!!!, just generally more immersion and environmental storytelling in a so well thought-out world, and all that with fun and dynamic fights. 343 kinda failed at most of these in each game in a different way (as much as I love Chief's and Cortana's resolution in 4). But that's fine because Reach just ends it with a bang. Nothing is forever, Reach celebrates this beautifully.
  15. NieR: Automata (2017)
submitted by marieantoilette to videogames [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 01:35 Public_Owl Office Ladies blinds

A year or so ago, I posted this from Jenna Fischer. She said in the most recent episode that he's famous, famous but obscure and no one has guessed him yet. EDIT: this is a seperate case - Angela's story isn't the tall guy! Saw some comments saying he was.
But the reason I'm here though is about another in comments that also got rehashed with added content... I thought of this place again. Angela's story from the 2008 Emmys (edited from the transcript - from [01:09:36]):
ANGELA: Okay. We were in line, I think, for food or something. Like, it was like a party and there was food, and they were in front of me. This couple. And they're famous. You guys all know them. And she was being very nice and asking me how things are. And I started telling a story about my baby because that's all I wanted to talk about was my cute, adorable baby girl. And her husband, who wasn't really making eye contact with me, kind of like looking over me for someone cooler to talk to, said to me, You know what I do when I can't fall asleep? And I was like, no. And he goes, I call my lawyer who's just had a baby, and I'll say, tell me about your baby.
Famous person, you know who this person is. Famous person.
JENNA: And you probably like him. I'll say that. Well liked. Like persona.
ANGELA: By some. I think there's a debate about him.
JENNA: Hmm. There's some douchery there. My question that I've never even asked you. How did his wife respond? Was she taken aback?
ANGELA: She just kind of did that thing where she was like, oh, you know, they did not have children yet. They do now. But she kind of just said that like, oh...
JENNA: They do now. And they talk about them all the time.
submitted by Public_Owl to Fauxmoi [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 17:56 welp007 The Fed has been losing money on a consistent basis since Sep 22’ with losses above $162.9 billion. A crippled Fed with these ongoing losses, and negative capital itself under GAAP accounting, might have a tough time justifying more Wall Street bailouts to Congress. 🔥

The Fed has been losing money on a consistent basis since Sep 22’ with losses above $162.9 billion. A crippled Fed with these ongoing losses, and negative capital itself under GAAP accounting, might have a tough time justifying more Wall Street bailouts to Congress. 🔥
By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: April 17, 2024 ~
According to Federal Reserve data, for the first time in its history, the Fed has been losing money on a consistent basis since September 28, 2022. As of the last reporting date of April 10, those losses came to a cumulative $162.9 billion. As the chart above from the Fed indicates, the monthly losses thus far in 2024 have ranged from a high of $13.4 billion in January to $5.5 billion in March.
We are not talking about unrealized losses on the debt securities the Fed holds on its balance sheet, which it acquired under its various Quantitative Easing programs. (The Fed does not mark to market the gains or losses on those securities on the basis that it plans to hold them to maturity.) We’re talking about real cash operating losses the Fed is experiencing from earning approximately 2 percent interest on its $6.97 trillion of mostly low-yielding debt securities while it continues to pay out 5.4 percent interest to the mega banks on Wall Street (and other Fed member banks) for the reserves they hold with the Fed; 5.3 percent interest it pays on reverse repo operations with the Fed; the eye-popping 6 percent dividend the Fed pays to member shareholder banks with assets of $10 billion or less; and the lesser of 6 percent or the yield on the 10-year Treasury note at the most recent auction prior to the dividend payment to banks with assets larger than $10 billion.
An interesting market action is happening in tandem with the Fed’s growing operating losses. The price of gold has been setting historic new highs this year. From a futures front month price of around $2050 at the beginning of March, gold has topped $2,400 in recent days – dramatically outperforming the year-to-date performance of the S&P 500.
Gold typically moves up when there is the threat of inflation, financial instability, or geopolitical threats. Russia’s war in Ukraine and the Middle East crisis are providing plenty of geopolitical threats; inflationary pressures have yet to be fully tamed. The Office of Financial Research’s Financial Stress Index, however, is showing a negative -1.6 reading, meaning it sees no major financial threat on the horizon. (It should be noted that the Index didn’t foresee the worst financial crash in 2008 since the Great Depression until it was in progress.)
In a note last week, the international investment bank, UBS, noted the following factors impacting the price of gold:
“The rally thus far has been driven by buyers who haven’t traditionally made material purchases, while the usual ETF [Exchange Traded Fund] buyers have remained net sellers. In fact, ETF holdings stand at a 4-year low. A combination of market concerns—including the sanctioning of USD-based assets, CNY [Chinese currency] devaluation fears, and renewed inflation risks—have supported solid demand from central banks and Asian investors. In January and February, preliminary data indicates central banks bought around 64 metric tons of gold and China imported 132 metric tons from Switzerland, a key gold refinery hub. We expect these buyers, who are less price sensitive, to continue accumulating gold in the months ahead.”
Is it possible that the unprecedented losses at the Fed – the central bank of the United States – are also creating a flight to safety into gold?
Wall Street’s veteran traders know that since 2007, it’s been the Fed that has rushed in with trillions of dollars in loans to bail out Wall Street mega banks when their share prices tank from their latest fiasco. A Fed crippled with its own ongoing losses and negative capital itself under GAAP accounting might have a tough time justifying more Wall Street bailouts to Congress.
In addition, when the Fed is operating in the green, as it was on an annual basis for 106 years from 1916 through 2022, the Fed, by law, turns over its excess earnings to the U.S. Treasury – thus reducing the amount the U.S. government has to borrow. According to Fed data, between 2011 and 2021, the Fed’s excess earnings paid to the U.S. Treasury totaled more than $920 billion.
The loss of remittances from the Fed means the U.S. government will go deeper into debt, adding to the risk of another credit rating agency downgrade of U.S. sovereign debt.
In testimony before the Senate Banking Committee in June 2023, Fed Chair Jerome Powell downplayed the operating losses at the Fed, stating that “these are paper losses, they have absolutely no effect on our ability to conduct monetary policy, or really on the economy, it’s just an accounting effect.”
In January, two researchers, Paul Kupiec and Alex Pollock, put the negative capital problem and cash operating losses at the Fed into sharper perspective with an insightful report published at the think tank, American Enterprise Institute (AEI). The researchers wrote:
“Notwithstanding the claims made by current and former Federal Reserve officials, the Fed’s cash operating losses and unrealized interest rate losses have already changed the way the Fed conducts monetary policy. In the past, when the Fed wanted to raise rates or shrink member bank reserve balances, it would sell SOMA [System Open Market Account] securities. But today, with the market value of its SOMA securities approximately $1 trillion less than their book value, selling these securities would immediately turn huge unrealized mark-to-market losses into actual cash losses. To avoid reporting such embarrassing losses, the Fed has committed to hold these securities until they mature to ‘avoid’ a loss, thus constraining its monetary policy options.
“The Fed’s official plan is to shrink the size of its balance sheet by letting its SOMA securities mature over time. But if interest rates stay elevated, the Fed’s unrealized market value losses will systematically turn into cash operating losses because the Fed will keep paying more to finance its securities than the yield it earns on SOMA securities. FRBs’ [Federal Reserve Banks’] operating losses could continue for a long time.”
Kupiec and Pollock further explain how the Fed is gambling on a dangerous confidence game:
“As long as the public and financial market participants retain confidence in the FRB’s unsecured deposits, FRBs [Federal Reserve Banks] can continue to pay banks billions in interest and dividend payments while operating at a loss, deeply technically insolvent, and with asset shortfalls. Aided by an implicit guarantee, taxpayers will bear the burden of accumulating Federal Reserve losses that are hidden by Federal Reserve accounting policies and not included in reported government deficit statistics.”
Editor’s Note: Nothing in this article should be construed as a recommendation from us to buy gold. Always consult with a professional financial advisor before making any investment decision.
submitted by welp007 to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 04:52 IullotronBudC1_3 Bank Call Report Bulk Data thoughts - History may again run parallel

Bank Call Report Bulk Data thoughts - History may again run parallel
Those who haven't read my long previous post on the last period bulk data might get some wrinkles by diving into it later:
The point I want to get across today is related to the best securities held as assets by the banks. They have depreciated to an average of about 90% of their amortized cost (the cost if held to maturity including the future interest payments and return of the principal note value). (This is compared with 95% to 97% during the 2004-2008 periods.) This stark drop mostly coincided to the rate rises that started in March 2022 and paused in August 2023. The swell of low, low interest rate Treasuries and Agency bills and notes prior to that and including the period of the pandemic, made Treasuries far more in demand as collateral to be pledged in search of higher inter-bank and money market lending rates in repos. For this reason and also the switch from LIBOR-indexed securities to SOFR-indexed securities the NY Fed (holding plenty of US Treasuries as a result of the monetary expansion to fund the pandemic era aid to fund the liquidity of banks and business payrolls) encouraged the ONRRP which money was exchanged for the overnight yield of the Fed rate in exchange for next day yield of the current rate. As the rise of rates came into play it put the Fed current cash income surplus (to be given back to the US Treasury) into the negative because it was paying out the current rising Fed Fund rate to the overnight RRP, but holding Treasuries bills and notes that were yielding only the lows of the prior period.
Treasuries of any quality are perceived as virtually no-risk tier at banks (and money market funds) when gauging risk-weighted assets. The BTFP exacerbated the Fed condition when it accepted Treasuries and Agency notes at par (which is 100% face value to amortized cost). This is now sunsetting and banks which have pledged a very large portion of their security positions look for other places to pledge the Treasuries, and ways to address their concerns for liquidity.
The current Call Report bulk data shows that smaller banks have a much larger percentage of their securities (including Treasuries) pledged than the significantly important bigger banks. The smaller banks' loans and leases are pledged at a much higher percentage rate than bigger banks as well.
The data also shows that fair value had recouped some, but not much, of the fair value ever since the rate hikes have held steady currently. This slight recovery could have been due to turnover in securities portfolio and recent "fresh" cost basis from the re-positioning.
I observed in mid-2008 a similar recovery in fair value, but it was after a couple rate drops. I also noticed near the end of the rate hike cycle of 2004-2006 a much higher percentage-wise presence of Structured Notes in banks' securities portfolios. As long as the hikes held steady and before the first rate drops in early 2008, the number of structural notes as a percentage of total securities was about 3%-4% for the biggest banks.
Structured Note: What It Is, How It Works, and Common Types (investopedia.com)
This time the early 2022 to mid 2023 rate hike cycle was accompanied by a much smaller percentage of Structured Notes in banks (0.2% to 0.7%), but the nominal $ amount pattern of rise was similar to 2004-2006 and this time started prior to the initial rate hike of March 2022. Like the post hike cycle periods running from late 2006 to the end of 2007, the post hiking cycle is seeing a minor but noticeable drop off in the fair value total $ amount of structured notes being held by banks.
A curious thing happened later in June 2008 data (after the buyout of Bear Stearns in March 2008, after a series of three rate drops, and before the collapse of AIG and Lehman Brothers in September 2008). ...FLASHBACK: Bear Stearns dropping through the floor in March 2008 was a culmination scene as most of you recall in The Big Short with Marc Baum's "boom!", pagers going off and audience members scurrying for the exits...
Okay so June 2008 Call Report bulk data showed a sharp reversal in which size of institution was holding the structural notes, a swing of the pendulum away from the smaller banks toward the biggest. AGAIN... The reported total of structural notes at the smaller banks dropped off significantly and spiked up markedly at the largest banks. The largest banks are the largest originators and issuers of the structural notes. What I suspect happened in 2008 is a lot of smaller institutions had trouble pricing the structured notes and they were sold to larger banks stepping into the breach sort of like a plunge protection team of colleagues. I suspect the discounts to fair value might have prompted the smaller banks to pledge more of their more liquid and stable securities and loans in exchange for near cash reserves and current liquidity. Takeaway: they dropped structural notes at the first whiff of risk-off like hot potatoes and attempted to shore up their lost liquidity up by pledging their goodies.
Okay so what's different this time is structured notes are hiding elsewhere, more in institutions other than banks (banks currently are averaging 0.2% to 0.7% structural notes in their security portfolios).
So where are the structural notes being held if not largely within the banking system? As noted earlier, structural notes as a percentage portion of total security assets are way down from 2004-2008. Structural Notes this time may be marketed more to insurers and private funds (regarded SHFs being a subset). I doubt that they have appeared in any significant way in the repo collateral held by money market funds, who have to report a snapshot of their portfolio holdings monthly to the SEC with form N-MFP2. It stated in the web link definition cited above that there is a greater amount of acceptance of Structured Notes in portfolios abroad on other continents.
(Tinge of foil time) This brings to mind the Caribbean offshore shelters opened by spinoffs of private funds, hedge funds and crypto asset managers. Are there significant holdings of structural notes in any of the above? The reporting requirements are just not there to pass the muster beyond speculation and anecdotal TMBs (or confidentially related to regulators and enforcers: whistle blow). (Private fund reporting requirements are being raised but compliance date will probably be too late for this current period of interest.)
Moreover, a curious thing is developing with the sunset of BTFP (one year following the closing of regional banks in March 2023). The Fed is now reporting for the first time a realized operating loss with the holding of the Treasury and Agency portfolio. (As World Series on Pokefunneries may have reported last week and was posted and commented about here too.)
Here's an excerpt about realization and financial accounting principles:
Source: GAAP Dynamics
Would this not apply to collateral from bank which may not have paid back the full amount of the loan within the term period of the loan?
Are the institutions who went to the BTFP window now refinanced with the Fed or other Agencies for the difference in fair value and par? and the collateral yielded during BTFP now property of the Fed? (hence, a different accounting realization of fair value criteria under an accounting principle very similar to the above...) (edit 4/22/24: No. It looks as if agency debt held by Fed in SOMA portfolio is holding steady but Treasury notes/bond holdings is down a bit from a year ago, accounting for most of the drop in total SOMA holdings. It's possible they were sold to banking system for security holdings, securities as % of total assets has in general risen at banks over most recent periods.) Are there swaps in play already with the collateral from BTFP that has been re-pledged elsewhere? Would larger banks be swapping discounted Agencies and Treasuries to other institutions and be surrendering higher yield, shorter term Treasury Bills and Notes as collateral to the NY Fed? (this would keep supply and external-to-government-entity interest payouts in check) ...so many possibilities to consider...
A couple other things I'm watching in the Call Report bulk data is the amount of Loans and Leases pledged as a percent of Total Loans and Leases and number entering 90+ days of delinquency or non-accrual status, if those goes up significantly, accompanied by quicker wire transfer by depositors, it would be 2008 deja-vu liquidity shoring up concerns for banks as well.
So should history ever again run parallel, a greater number of pledged assets in smaller banks might point to concerns about their present liquidity and cash reserves. One or more sharp swings in security portfolio might happen with smaller banks, who have been shown in the past willing to drop structural notes like hot potatoes when there is a scare related to liquidity. Accompanied perhaps by quick series of interest rate drops, or takeover of a significant institution, probably not a bank first this time.
In one sentence: If there is a jump (edit: or a drop off the banking screen) in overall structural notes with bulk data sets in later quarters of 2024 (or even 2025) that swings away from smaller banks (the RCON, Form 041 and 051 filers), it echoes observations I made with the June 2008 Call Report Bulk Data set, the prelude period before the Great Financial Crisis.

Appendix - Supporting graphs

Structured Notes held by Banks: 2004-08
Structured Notes held by Banks: 2020-23
submitted by IullotronBudC1_3 to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 17:10 welp007 The Black Swan rears its head: The Federal Reserve has Negative Capital using GAAP Accounting and this is now posing a threat to the Fed’s flexibility in conducting its monetary policy. 🔥

The Black Swan rears its head: The Federal Reserve has Negative Capital using GAAP Accounting and this is now posing a threat to the Fed’s flexibility in conducting its monetary policy. 🔥
By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: April 11, 2024 ~
The Fed’s unprecedented experiments with years of ZIRP (Zero Interest Rate Policy) and QE (Quantitative Easing), where it bought up trillions of dollars of low-yielding U.S. Treasuries and agency Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS) and quietly parked them on its balance sheet, are now posing a threat to the Fed’s flexibility in conducting monetary policy. (Since 2008, the Fed’s concept of conducting monetary policy has come to enshrine serial Wall Street mega bank bailouts as a regular part of its monetary policy. Large and growing cash losses at the Fed may seriously crimp such future bailouts.)
As of last Wednesday, according to Fed data, the Fed was sitting on $6.97 trillion of debt instruments it had predominantly purchased at very low fixed rates of interest. Because the interest rate (coupon) is fixed for these past purchases, when new bonds are issued in the marketplace at higher interest rates, they become more attractive and the current market value of the low-yielding fixed-rate bonds fall. U.S. Treasuries and agency MBS guarantee principal at maturity but if the securities have to be sold prior to maturity they will be sold at their current market value. This is what triggered the death spiral at Silicon Valley Bank in March of last year.
Silicon Valley Bank announced that it had sold a $21 billion bond portfolio (that was yielding less than 2 percent when current interest rates on notes and bonds were twice that amount). It reported a $1.8 billion after-tax loss on the bond sale. Losses negatively impact capital. The hit to capital panicked the very large amount of uninsured depositors at the bank (those holding more than the $250,000 the FDIC insures per depositor, per bank) and triggered an unprecedented bank run in terms of speed and scope. According to a report from the Fed, Silicon Valley Bank had deposit outflows of $40 billion on March 9, and another $100 billion of deposits queued up to leave on March 10 – which together would have been 85 percent of the bank’s deposit base. The FDIC had to step in as receiver and take over the failed bank.
Compared to the Fed, Silicon Valley Bank was a minnow. At the time of its failure in March 2023, Silicon Valley Bank had $212 billion in assets. As of last Wednesday, the Fed had $7.4 trillion in assets. Just one of the Fed’s 12 regional Fed banks, the New York Fed, is 18 times the size of Silicon Valley Bank.
According to the Fed’s latest asset breakdown, as of April 3 the New York Fed, which is by far the largest of the Fed’s regional banks, has $3.88 trillion in assets and $2.77 trillion in deposits.
Unfortunately, using GAAP accounting, both the Fed itself and the New York Fed have negative capital. And if interest rates continue to rise in response to inflationary pressures, that situation could get much worse. As the chart below indicates, as of December 27, 2023, using GAAP accounting, the Fed had negative capital of $82 billion while the New York Fed represented $69.6 billion of that negative capital, or 85 percent. That’s before taking into account the approximate $1 trillion in unrealized losses on the Fed’s portfolio of underwater debt securities. The final column on the chart below reflects that calculation. (The Fed does not mark its securities to market, on the basis that it plans to hold them to maturity.)
In January, two researchers, Paul Kupiec and Alex Pollock, put the capital problem and operating losses at the Fed into sharp focus with a report published at the think tank, American Enterprise Institute (AEI).
Kupiec is an exceptionally well-credentialled senior fellow at AEI. Prior to joining the think tank, Kupiec was an Associate Director of the Division of Insurance and Research within the Center for Financial Research at the FDIC, where he oversaw research on bank risk measurement and the development of regulatory policies such as Basel III. Kupiec was also Director of the Center for Financial Research at the FDIC and Chairman of the Research Task Force of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. Other prior posts included work at the IMF, Freddie Mac, JPMorgan and at the Division of Research and Statistics at the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Kupiec holds a Doctorate in economics — with a specialization in finance, theory, and econometrics — from the University of Pennsylvania.
Pollock is a Senior Fellow at the Mises Institute and also well-credentialled. He previously served as Principal Deputy Director of the Office of Financial Research (OFR), the federal agency created under the Dodd-Frank financial reform legislation of 2010 to keep federal regulators on top of potential risks to financial stability. Pollack was also the former President and CEO of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago from 1991 to 2004. Pollock is a graduate of Williams College, the University of Chicago, and Princeton University. His latest book, which he co-authored with Howard B. Adler, is Surprised Again! — The Covid Crisis and the New Market Bubble (2022).
The researchers write:
“Notwithstanding the claims made by current and former Federal Reserve officials, the Fed’s cash operating losses and unrealized interest rate losses have already changed the way the Fed conducts monetary policy. In the past, when the Fed wanted to raise rates or shrink member bank reserve balances, it would sell SOMA [System Open Market Account] securities. But today, with the market value of its SOMA securities approximately $1 trillion less than their book value, selling these securities would immediately turn huge unrealized mark-to-market losses into actual cash losses. To avoid reporting such embarrassing losses, the Fed has committed to hold these securities until they mature to ‘avoid’ a loss, thus constraining its monetary policy options.
“The Fed’s official plan is to shrink the size of its balance sheet by letting its SOMA securities mature over time. But if interest rates stay elevated, the Fed’s unrealized market value losses will systematically turn into cash operating losses because the Fed will keep paying more to finance its securities than the yield it earns on SOMA securities. FRBs’ operating losses could continue for a long time.”
The bottom line is that the Fed, as Emperor of monetary policy, has threadbare garments. It’s left with only a confidence game. Kupiec and Pollock explain that as follows:
“As long as the public and financial market participants retain confidence in the FRB’s unsecured deposits, FRBs [Federal Reserve Banks] can continue to pay banks billions in interest and dividend payments while operating at a loss, deeply technically insolvent, and with asset shortfalls. Aided by an implicit guarantee, taxpayers will bear the burden of accumulating Federal Reserve losses that are hidden by Federal Reserve accounting policies and not included in reported government deficit statistics.”
Maintaining confidence in the Fed has already come at a serious price, including censored reporting by mainstream media. That’s something the American people should think about very carefully.
submitted by welp007 to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 10:29 CP4-Throwaway A rough estimate of celebs that may seem more S, Cusp, or BB from Famous Birthdays, for celebrities b. from roughly circa 1939-1948; a.k.a. the Activist microgeneration (give or take)

Just for context, in this specific post:
S = Silent Gen
Cusp = Cusp
BB = Baby Boomer
Since I did one for the other generational divides, I might as well also do one for the Silent/Boomer divide.
I will exclude the 1946-1948 list because that'd be way too long. I'll add them in the comment sections. So in this post, I'll focus on the celebrities born from 1939-1945, a.k.a. "War Babies" (give or take 1939).
I know the vast majority of this sub will disagree but I'll post it anyway.
This is based on the vibes and/or appearance of the celebrity so please don't take this too seriously as this may or may not be accurate, depending on one's view of Silents and Boomers.
This is based on my current perception of these celebrities.


  1. Tina Turner (1939-2023), Rock Singer - Cusp
  2. Marvin Gaye (1939-1984), Soul Singer - S
  3. Ian McKellen, 84, Movie Actor - S
  4. Ralph Lauren, 84, Fashion Designer - S
  5. Lily Tomlin, 84, TV Actress - S
  6. Abraham Quintanilla Jr., 85, Family Member - S
  7. Maury Povich, 85, TV Show Host - Cusp
  8. Francis Ford Coppola, 85, Director - S
  9. Claudette Colvin, 84, Civil Rights Leader - S
  10. John Cleese, 84, Movie Actor - S
  11. Wes Craven (1939-2015), Director - Cusp
  12. Brian Mulroney (1939-2024), Politician - S
  13. Chandra Bahadur Dangi (1939-2015) - S
  14. Carolina Herrera, 85, Fashion Designer - S
  15. Christopher Miles, 84, Director - S
  16. Neil Sedaka, 85, Pop Singer - S
  17. Gary Paulsen (1939-2021), Young Adult Author - S
  18. Paul Hogan, 84, Movie Actor - S
  19. Dusty Springfield (1939-1999), Pop Singer - Cusp
  20. F. Murray Abraham, 84, Movie Actor - S
  21. Michael Cimino (1939-2016), Director - Cusp
  22. Carmen Salinas (1939-2021), Soap Opera Actress - S
  23. Harvey Keitel, 84, Movie Actor - BB
  24. Karel Gott (1939-2019), Pop Singer - S
  25. Margaret Atwood, 84, Poet - S
  26. Frankie Avalon, 84, Pop Singer - S
  27. George Hamilton, 84, Movie Actor - S
  28. Don Williams (1939-2017), Country Singer - S
  29. Sal Mineo (1939-1976), Movie Actor - S
  30. Ali MacGraw, 85, Movie Actress - BB
  31. John Amos, 84, TV Actor - S
  32. Mark Margolis (1939-2023), TV Actor - S
  33. Grace Slick, 84, Pop Singer - BB
  34. Kathleen Widdoes, 85, Soap Opera Actress - S
  35. Loretta Stamos (1939-2014), Model - S
  36. Lee Majors, 84, TV Actor - S
  37. Mike Ditka, 84, Football Coach - S
  38. Ali Khamenei, 84, World Leader - S
  39. Richard Serra, 84, Sculptor - S
  40. James Fox, 84, Movie Actor - S
  41. Lynda Baron (1939-2022), TV Actress - Cusp
  42. David Allan Coe, 84, Country Singer - S
  43. Tony Roberts, 84, Movie Actor - S
  44. Terence Hill, 85, Movie Actor - S
  45. R Budd Dwyer (1939-1987), Politician - S
  46. Feroz Khan (1939-2009), Movie Actor - Cusp
  47. Seamus Heaney (1939-2013), Novelist - S
  48. George Lazenby, 84, Movie Actor - S


  1. Pelé (1940-2022), Soccer Player - S
  2. John Lennon (1940-1980), Rock Singer - Cusp
  3. Bruce Lee (1940-1973), Movie Actor - Cusp
  4. Chuck Norris, 84, TV Actor - S
  5. Al Pacino, 83, Movie Actor - BB
  6. Ringo Starr, 83, Drummer - BB
  7. Tom Jones, 83, Pop Singer - Cusp
  8. Michael Gambon (1940-2023), Movie Actor - S
  9. Alex Trebek (1940-2020), Game Show Host - Cusp
  10. Vicente Fernández (1940-2021), World Music Singer - S
  11. Nancy Pelosi, 84, Politician - S
  12. Patrick Stewart, 83, TV Actor - S
  13. Dionne Warwick, 83, Pop Singer - S
  14. Smokey Robinson, 84, R&B Singer - BB
  15. Nancy Sinatra, 83, Country Singer - S
  16. James Caan (1940-2022), Movie Actor - S
  17. John Lewis (1940-2020), Politician - S
  18. Wilma Rudolph (1940-1994), Runner - BB
  19. Raquel Welch (1940-2023), Movie Actress - S
  20. Stuart Sutcliffe (1940-1962), Guitarist - BB
  21. Cliff Richard, 83, Pop Singer - S
  22. Raul Julia (1940-1994), Movie Actor - Cusp
  23. Queen Margrethe II, 83, Queen - S
  24. Richard Pryor (1940-2005), Comedian - S
  25. Maree Cheatham, 83, TV Actress - Cusp
  26. Ricky Nelson (1940-1985), Pop Singer - S
  27. John Hurt (1940-2017), Movie Actor - S
  28. Martin Sheen, 83, Movie Actor - Cusp
  29. Prue Leith, 84, TV Show Host - BB
  30. Adel Emam, 83, Movie Actor - S
  31. Frank Zappa (1940-1993), Guitarist - BB
  32. David Jason, 84, TV Actor - S
  33. Don Francisco, 83, TV Show Host - S
  34. Anthony Fauci, 83, Doctor - S
  35. Lainie Kazan, 83, Movie Actress - Cusp
  36. Thomas Harris, 83, Screenwriter - S
  37. Mario Andretti, 84, Race Car Driver - S
  38. Jack Nicklaus, 84, Golfer - S
  39. James Brolin, 83, TV Actor - S
  40. Tommy Lawrence (1940-2018), Soccer Player - Cusp
  41. Sue Grafton (1940-2017), Novelist - Cusp
  42. Wangari Muta Maathai (1940-2011), Politician - BB
  43. Maria Elena Velasco (1940-2015), TV Actress - Cusp
  44. Al Jarreau (1940-2017), Jazz Singer - S
  45. Stanley Johnson, 83, Politician - S
  46. Patrick Leahy, 84, Politician - S
  47. Jocelyn Wildenstein, 83, Family Member - Cusp
  48. Lonnie Ali, 84, Family Member - Cusp


  1. Bernie Sanders, 82, Politician - S
  2. Bob Dylan, 82, Folk Singer - Cusp
  3. Martha Stewart, 82, Entrepreneur - S
  4. Emmett Till (1941-1955) - S
  5. Ronald Williams (1941-2021), TikTok Star - S
  6. Joe Flaherty (1941-2024), TV Actor - S
  7. Ritchie Valens (1941-1959), Rock Singer - S
  8. Vivienne Westwood (1941-2022), Fashion Designer - Cusp
  9. Ann Margret, 82, Movie Actress - S
  10. Neil Diamond, 83, Rock Singer - Cusp
  11. Alex Ferguson, 82, Soccer Coach - BB
  12. Mama Cass Elliot (1941-1974), Folk Singer - BB
  13. Paul Anka, 82, Pop Singer - S
  14. Michael D. Higgins, 82, Politician - S
  15. Paul Simon, 82, Folk Singer - Cusp
  16. Kim Jong-il (1941-2011), World Leader - S
  17. Miriam Margolyes, 82, Movie Actress - S
  18. Hayao Miyazaki, 83, Director - Cusp
  19. Otis Redding (1941-1967), Soul Singer - S
  20. Peter Cullen, 82, Voice Actor - Cusp
  21. Pete Best, 82, Drummer - BB
  22. Chubby Checker, 82, Pop Singer - S
  23. Jesse Jackson, 82, Civil Rights Leader - S
  24. Faye Dunaway, 83, Movie Actress - Cusp
  25. Ryan O'Neal (1941-2023), TV Actor - Cusp
  26. Bobby Moore (1941-1993), Soccer Player - Cusp
  27. Pete Rose, 82, Baseball Player - Cusp
  28. Ronald Isley, 82, R&B Singer - S
  29. Mike Love, 83, Rock Singer - BB
  30. David Ruffin (1941-1991), Pop Singer - S
  31. Iona Brown (1941-2004) - BB
  32. George Clinton, 82, Funk Singer - BB
  33. Art Garfunkel, 82, Folk Singer - Cusp
  34. Linda McCartney (1941-1998), Rock Singer - BB
  35. John Sinclair (1941-2024), Poet - BB
  36. David Crosby (1941-2023), Guitarist - S
  37. Ed Roberts (1941-2010), Entrepreneur - S
  38. Otis Williams, 82, Soul Singer - S
  39. Charlie Watts (1941-2021), Drummer - BB
  40. Eric Braeden, 83, TV Actor - S
  41. Joan Baez, 83, Folk Singer - BB
  42. Brenton Wood, 82, Soul Singer - S
  43. Jon Brower Minnoch (1941-1983) - S
  44. Gorden Kaye (1941-2017), TV Actor - S
  45. Nick Nolte, 83, Movie Actor - BB
  46. John Louis (1941-2024), Motorcycle Racer - Cusp
  47. Jerry Spinelli, 83, Young Adult Author - Cusp
  48. Kay Adams, 83, Country Singer - Cusp


  1. Joe Biden, 81, US President - Cusp
  2. Muhammad Ali (1942-2016), Boxer - Cusp
  3. Bob Ross (1942-1995), Painter - Cusp
  4. Stephen Hawking (1942-2018), Physicist - Cusp
  5. Paul McCartney, 81, Rock Singer - BB
  6. Harrison Ford, 81, Movie Actor - Cusp
  7. Aretha Franklin (1942-2018), Soul Singer - S
  8. Judge Judy Sheindlin, 81, TV Show Host - BB
  9. Jimi Hendrix (1942-1970), Guitarist - BB
  10. Barbra Streisand, 81, Pop Singer - BB
  11. Calvin Klein, 81, Fashion Designer - BB
  12. Amitabh Bachchan, 81, Movie Actor - Cusp
  13. Joe Lieberman (1942-2024), Politician - S
  14. Martin Scorsese, 81, Director - Cusp
  15. Jan Pol, 81, Veterinarian - S
  16. John Witherspoon (1942-2019), TV Actor - S
  17. Scott Wilson (1942-2018), Movie Actor - S
  18. Bob Hoskins (1942-2014), TV Actor - Cusp
  19. Richard Roundtree (1942-2023), Movie Actor - Cusp
  20. Wayne Newton, 82, Pop Singer - S
  21. Muammar Gaddafi (1942-2011), World Leader - S
  22. Mitch McConnell, 82, Politician - S
  23. Lou Reed (1942-2013), Rock Singer - BB
  24. Carl Douglas, 81, Pop Singer - Cusp
  25. Brian Wilson, 81, Rock Singer - BB
  26. Tobin Bell, 81, Movie Actor - Cusp
  27. Betsey Johnson, 81, Fashion Designer - BB
  28. Brian Jones (1942-1969), Guitarist - BB
  29. Scatman John (1942-1999), Pop Singer - S
  30. Isaac Hayes (1942-2008), Soul Singer - S
  31. Billy Connolly, 81, Movie Actor - BB
  32. Eusebio (1942-2014), Soccer Player - Cusp
  33. Carole King, 82, Songwriter - Cusp
  34. Jacob Zuma, 81, World Leader - Cusp
  35. Ronnie James Dio (1942-2010), Metal Singer - BB
  36. Ian McShane, 81, Movie Actor - BB
  37. Jerry Garcia (1942-1995), Rock Singer - BB
  38. Michael Bloomberg, 82, Politician - Cusp
  39. Frankie Lymon (1942-1968), Rock Singer - S
  40. Jerry Jones, 81, Entrepreneur - Cusp
  41. Joy Behar, 81, TV Show Host - Cusp
  42. Iron Sheik (1942-2023), Wrestler - BB
  43. Tammy Wynette (1942-1998), Country Singer - S
  44. David Bradley, 81, Movie Actor - S
  45. Afa Anoa'i, 81, Wrestler - Cusp
  46. David Stern (1942-2020), Sports Executive - Cusp
  47. Annette Funicello (1942-2013), TV Actress - S
  48. Michael York, 82, Movie Actor - Cusp


  1. Robert De Niro, 80, Movie Actor - BB
  2. Mick Jagger, 80, Rock Singer - BB
  3. George Harrison (1943-2001), Guitarist - BB
  4. Sharon Tate (1943-1969), Movie Actress - BB
  5. Christopher Walken, 81, Movie Actor - Cusp
  6. Jim Morrison (1943-1971), Rock Singer - BB
  7. RL Stine, 80, Young Adult Author - Cusp
  8. Janis Joplin (1943-1970), Rock Singer - BB
  9. John Denver (1943-1997), Folk Singer - BB
  10. Billie Jean King, 80, Tennis Player - Cusp
  11. Joe Pesci, 81, Movie Actor - BB
  12. Chevy Chase, 80, Movie Actor - Cusp
  13. Wallace Shawn, 80, Movie Actor - Cusp
  14. Barry Manilow, 80, Pop Singer - BB
  15. Gloria Gaynor, 80, Pop Singer - BB
  16. Joni Mitchell, 80, Folk Singer - Cusp
  17. Keith Richards, 80, Guitarist - BB
  18. Roger Waters, 80, Rock Singer - BB
  19. Carly Simon, 80, Pop Singer - BB
  20. Edward Herrmann (1943-2014), Movie Actor - Cusp
  21. Holland Taylor, 81, TV Actress - S
  22. Randy Newman, 80, Rock Singer - Cusp
  23. Ben Kingsley, 80, Movie Actor - BB
  24. Faye Chrisley, 80, Reality Star - Cusp
  25. Ronnie Spector (1943-2022), Rock Singer - Cusp
  26. Michael Morpurgo, 80, Children's Author - Cusp
  27. Eric Idle, 81, Comedian - Cusp
  28. Julio Iglesias, 80, World Music Singer - S
  29. Paul Michael Glaser, 81, TV Actor - Cusp
  30. Toni Basil, 80, Pop Singer - BB
  31. Creed Bratton, 81, TV Actor - BB
  32. Harry Shearer, 80, Voice Actor - Cusp
  33. Robert Williams, 81, Cartoonist - S
  34. Joyce Meyer, 80, Novelist - S
  35. Bobby Fischer (1943-2008), Chess Player - S
  36. Jimmy Johnson, 80, Football Coach - S
  37. Jim Croce (1943-1973), Pop Singer - Cusp
  38. Cilla Black (1943-2015), Pop Singer - S
  39. Gayla Peevey, 81, Pop Singer - Cusp
  40. George Benson, 81, Jazz Singer - Cusp
  41. Sly Stone, 81, Funk Singer - BB
  42. Christine McVie (1943-2022), Rock Singer - BB
  43. Arthur Ashe (1943-1993), Tennis Player - Cusp
  44. Catherine Deneuve, 80, Movie Actress - Cusp
  45. David Soul (1943-2024), TV Actor - Cusp
  46. Kathryn Leigh Scott, 81, TV Actress - Cusp
  47. Penny Marshall (1943-2018), Director - S
  48. Joe Namath, 80, Football Player - S


  1. Danny DeVito, 79, Movie Actor - BB
  2. Diana Ross, 80, Soul Singer - BB
  3. Jerry Springer (1944-2023), TV Show Host - BB
  4. Robert Kardashian (1944-2003), Lawyer - Cusp
  5. Rocky Johnson (1944-2020), Wrestler - BB
  6. George Lucas, 79, Director - BB
  7. Patti LaBelle, 79, R&B Singer - BB
  8. Angry Grandma, 80, YouTube Star - S
  9. Michelle Phillips, 79, Folk Singer - BB
  10. Danny Trejo, 79, Movie Actor - BB
  11. Jimmy Page, 80, Guitarist - BB
  12. Brenda Lee, 79, Country Singer - S
  13. Michael Douglas, 79, Movie Actor - Cusp
  14. Len Goodman (1944-2023), TV Show Host - S
  15. Craig T. Nelson, 80, TV Actor - Cusp
  16. Gladys Knight, 79, Soul Singer - BB
  17. Carol Sutton (1944-2020), Movie Actress - S
  18. Sam Elliott, 79, Movie Actor - S
  19. Harold Ramis (1944-2014), Director - BB
  20. James Clark, 80, Entrepreneur - S
  21. Kelly Bishop, 80, TV Actress - S
  22. Barry White (1944-2003), R&B Singer - BB
  23. Joe Frazier (1944-2011), Boxer - Cusp
  24. Pattie Boyd, 80, Model - BB
  25. Angela Davis, 80, Teacher - Cusp
  26. Gary Busey, 79, Movie Actor - BB
  27. Frank Oz, 79, Puppeteer - S
  28. Russi Taylor (1944-2019), Voice Actress - BB
  29. Peter Mayhew (1944-2019), Movie Actor - Cusp
  30. Richard Belzer (1944-2023), TV Actor - Cusp
  31. Tony Orlando, 80, Pop Singer - Cusp
  32. Roger Daltrey, 80, Rock Singer - BB
  33. Erno Rubik, 79, Architect - S
  34. Rocio Dúrcal (1944-2006), World Music Singer - Cusp
  35. Carlos Villagrán, 80, Comedian - S
  36. Terry Funk (1944-2023), Wrestler - BB
  37. Ian McDiarmid, 79, Movie Actor - Cusp
  38. Rudy Giuliani, 79, Politician - Cusp
  39. Frank Sinatra Jr. (1944-2016), Pop Singer - S
  40. Larry Ellison, 79, Entrepreneur - BB
  41. Peter Cetera, 79, Rock Singer - BB
  42. Jeff Beck (1944-2023), Guitarist - BB
  43. Tom Brady Sr., 79, Family Member - S
  44. Chico Mendes (1944-1988), Entrepreneur - Cusp
  45. Kemal Sunal (1944-2000), Movie Actor - Cusp
  46. Swoosie Kurtz, 79, TV Actress - Cusp
  47. Alice Walker, 80, Poet - BB
  48. Younan Nowzaradan, 79, Doctor - BB


  1. Bob Marley (1945-1981), Reggae Singer - BB
  2. Priscilla Presley, 78, TV Actress - S
  3. Grandad Frank, 78, TikTok Star - Cusp
  4. Dusty Rhodes (1945-2015), Wrestler - BB
  5. Vince McMahon, 78, Sports Executive - BB
  6. Steve Martin, 78, Movie Actor - BB
  7. Eric Clapton, 79, Guitarist - Cusp
  8. Rod Stewart, 79, Rock Singer - BB
  9. Tom Selleck, 79, TV Actor - Cusp
  10. Jacqueline Wilson, 78, Children's Author - Cusp
  11. Goldie Hawn, 78, Movie Actress - BB
  12. Ernie Hudson, 78, Movie Actor - BB
  13. Henry Winkler, 78, TV Actor - BB
  14. Franz Beckenbauer (1945-2024), Soccer Player - Cusp
  15. Helen Mirren, 78, Movie Actress - BB
  16. Lemmy Kilmister (1945-2015), Rock Singer - BB
  17. Badass Grandmom, 79, Instagram Star - BB
  18. Bette Midler, 78, Pop Singer - BB
  19. James Avery (1945-2013), TV Actor - BB
  20. Debbie Harry, 78, Rock Singer - BB
  21. Linda Hunt, 79, Movie Actress - S
  22. Neil Young, 78, Folk Singer - BB
  23. Rodrigo Duterte, 79, World Leader - Cusp
  24. Bob Seger, 78, Rock Singer - BB
  25. George Miller, 79, Director - BB
  26. Michael Blake (1945-2015), Screenwriter - Cusp
  27. John Lithgow, 78, TV Actor - Cusp
  28. Pete Townshend, 78, Guitarist - Cusp
  29. Bjorn Ulvaeus, 78, Pop Singer - BB
  30. Davy Jones (1945-2012), Pop Singer - Cusp
  31. Don McLean, 78, Pop Singer - BB
  32. Anne Murray, 78, Pop Singer - Cusp
  33. Mia Farrow, 79, Movie Actress - S
  34. Van Morrison, 78, Rock Singer - BB
  35. Ramón Ayala, 78, World Music Singer - BB
  36. Tammi Terrell (1945-1970), R&B Singer - S
  37. Sika Anoai, 79, Wrestler - BB
  38. José Feliciano, 78, Rock Singer - S
  39. Robert Munsch, 78, Children's Author - Cusp
  40. Peter Criss, 78, Drummer - BB
  41. Grandad Phillips, 78, Instagram Star - Cusp
  42. Jim Davis, 78, Cartoonist - S
  43. Frida Lyngstad, 78, Pop Singer - BB
  44. John Fogerty, 78, Rock Singer - BB
  45. Jaclyn Smith, 78, TV Actress - BB
  46. Walt Frazier, 79, Basketball Player - Cusp
  47. Kim Carnes, 78, Pop Singer - BB
  48. Tony Dow (1945-2022), TV Actor - S
submitted by CP4-Throwaway to generationology [link] [comments]

2024.04.06 18:37 StaticOTI Billy Joel ~ Live @ Shea Stadium

Billy Joel - Live at Shea Stadium (The Concert)
July 16 & 18, 2008 - Shea Stadium New York, NY USA
Enjoy the full concert FREE @ bit.ly/billyjoelsheastadium
"The Piano Man's Epic Farewell to Shea"
by R. Dale Roth 2024-04-06
Once upon a time, in the heart of the Big Apple, Shea Stadium stood as a bastion of entertainment and cultural significance. From hosting legendary baseball games to iconic concerts, it held a special place in the hearts of many. On two balmy nights, July 16 and 18, 2008, 110,000 fans experienced the last of Shae's legendary live concerts with one of NYC's iconic native sons, Billy Joel, one final time @ Shea Stadium.
As the sun dipped below the horizon and the lights of the historic stadium flickered to life, a diverse sea of fans flooded into the venue. From the seasoned enthusiasts who had followed Billy Joel's career since the beginning to the wide-eyed newcomers experiencing his music live for the first time, the stadium buzzed with anticipation and excitement. It was a gathering of generations, united by their love for music and the shared experience of witnessing something truly special.
Song by Song:
  1. Prelude/Angry Young Man: The evening kicked off with a thunderous roar as Joel's fingers danced across the keys, setting the stage ablaze with the fiery intensity of "Angry Young Man." The intricate piano work and raw energy of the performance signaled the start of an unforgettable musical odyssey.
  2. My Life: "My Life" followed suit, infusing the stadium with a sense of liberation and defiance. Joel's anthemic declaration of self-resilience reverberated through the crowd, igniting a collective sense of empowerment and celebration.
  3. Movin' Out: The pulsating rhythms of "Movin' Out" injected a dose of adrenaline into the setlist, urging the audience to embrace life's unpredictable journey. Joel's dynamic vocals and driving piano melodies propelled the song forward, capturing the essence of youthful rebellion and aspiration.
  4. The Entertainer: With "The Entertainer," Joel offered a poignant reflection on the highs and lows of fame and fortune. The wistful melody and introspective lyrics provided a moment of introspection amidst the exhilarating spectacle, reminding listeners of the price of stardom.
  5. Summer, Highland Falls: A moment of introspection and vulnerability, "Summer, Highland Falls" cast a spell of melancholy over the stadium. Joel's soulful delivery and poetic lyrics invited listeners to reflect on the complexities of love, loss, and the passage of time.
  6. Everybody Loves You Now: The infectious energy of "Everybody Loves You Now" ignited the stadium, its catchy hooks and upbeat tempo inspiring spontaneous sing-alongs from the crowd. Joel's playful performance belied the song's darker themes, infusing the evening with a touch of irony and wit.
  7. Zanzibar: The jazz-infused rhythms of "Zanzibar" transported listeners to a world of exotic allure and romantic intrigue. Joel's virtuosic piano solos and the song's infectious groove elicited cheers of appreciation from the crowd, showcasing his mastery of musical storytelling.
  8. New York State of Mind with Tony Bennett: A highlight of the evening, Joel's duet with Tony Bennett on "New York State of Mind" was a love letter to the city that never sleeps. Their soulful harmonies and shared reverence for the Big Apple captivated the audience, uniting them in a collective sense of hometown pride.
  9. Allentown: Joel's introspective ode to the struggles of the working class resonated deeply with the Shea Stadium audience. "Allentown" transported listeners to a time and place of economic uncertainty, its poignant lyrics and anthemic chorus serving as a reminder of the resilience of the human spirit.
  10. The Ballad of Billy the Kid: A cinematic journey through the Wild West, "The Ballad of Billy the Kid" captivated the crowd with its vivid storytelling and evocative imagery. Joel's dynamic performance transported listeners to a bygone era of outlaws and legends, showcasing his ability to weave narrative depth into his music.
  11. She's Always A Woman: A tender moment of reflection, "She's Always A Woman" showcased Joel's gift for crafting heartfelt ballads. The song's gentle melody and poignant lyrics struck a chord with the audience, eliciting nods of recognition and appreciation for its timeless sentiment.
  12. Goodnight Saigon: One of the evening's most poignant moments, "Goodnight Saigon" paid tribute to the sacrifices of Vietnam War veterans. Joel's emotive performance and haunting lyrics conveyed the harrowing realities of war, leaving a profound impact on listeners and honouring those who served.
  13. Miami 2017 (Seen the Lights Go Out on Broadway): A prophetic anthem of resilience and rebirth, "Miami 2017" captivated the crowd with its apocalyptic imagery and defiant spirit. Joel's impassioned delivery and soaring vocals conveyed a sense of hope in the face of adversity, inspiring cheers of solidarity from the audience.
  14. Shameless with Garth Brooks: A dynamic collaboration with country superstar Garth Brooks, "Shameless" brought together two musical legends in a memorable duet. Their onstage chemistry and shared love for the music transcended genres, uniting the audience in a shared appreciation for their artistry.
  15. This is the Time with John Mayer: A heartfelt duet with John Mayer, "This is the Time" captured the essence of nostalgia and longing. Joel and Mayer's soulful harmonies and introspective lyrics resonated deeply with the audience, evoking memories of cherished moments and lost loves.
  16. Keeping the Faith: With "Keeping the Faith," Joel infused the stadium with an infectious sense of optimism and resilience. The song's upbeat tempo and catchy melody encouraged listeners to persevere in the face of adversity, embodying Joel's unwavering spirit and determination.
  17. Captain Jack: A fan favourite and a poignant reflection on addiction and disillusionment, "Captain Jack" captivated the audience with its raw honesty and emotional depth. Joel's soulful vocals and haunting lyrics resonated with listeners, drawing them into the heart-wrenching narrative of a troubled soul searching for meaning.
  18. Lullabye (Goodnight my Angel): A tender lullaby dedicated to Joel's daughter, "Lullabye (Goodnight my Angel)" enveloped the stadium in a warm embrace of parental love and protection. Joel's heartfelt performance and heartfelt lyrics touched the hearts of parents and children alike, evoking a sense of familial bond and tenderness.
  19. The River of Dreams/A Hard Day's Night: A seamless blend of Joel's "The River of Dreams" and The Beatles' "A Hard Day's Night" electrified the stadium with its infectious energy and vibrant rhythm. Joel's dynamic performance and playful tribute to the iconic band delighted the audience, uniting generations in a shared love of timeless music.
  20. We Didn't Start the Fire: A whirlwind journey through history, "We Didn't Start the Fire" captivated the crowd with its rapid-fire lyrics and encyclopedic references. Joel's rapid-fire delivery and infectious energy transformed the stadium into a time machine, transporting listeners through decades of cultural and political milestones.
  21. You May Be Right: With its irreverent humour and infectious rock 'n' roll energy, "You May Be Right" ignited the stadium with its rebellious spirit and devil-may-care attitude. Joel's electrifying performance and playful banter with the audience elicited cheers of approval and laughter, infusing the evening with a sense of lighthearted fun.
  22. Scenes From an Italian Restaurant: A sprawling epic of love, longing, and nostalgia, "Scenes From an Italian Restaurant" captivated the audience with its cinematic storytelling and intricate melodies. Joel's evocative performance and poignant lyrics transported listeners to a world of romance and reminiscence, leaving an indelible mark on their hearts.
  23. Only the Good Die Young: A rollicking anthem of youthful rebellion and defiance, "Only the Good Die Young" energized the stadium with its infectious rhythm and rebellious spirit. Joel's dynamic performance and irreverent lyrics inspired spontaneous sing-alongs and raised fists in solidarity, embodying the timeless spirit of rock 'n' roll.
  24. I Saw Her Standing There with Sir Paul McCartney: A historic moment of musical collaboration, Joel's duet with Sir Paul McCartney on The Beatles' classic "I Saw Her Standing There" brought the stadium to its feet in thunderous applause. The legendary artists' shared passion and camaraderie illuminated the stage, uniting generations in a celebration of musical excellence.
  25. Take Me Out to the Ballgame: A playful homage to America's favourite pastime, "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" delighted the crowd with its nostalgic charm and sing-along chorus. Joel's spirited performance and infectious enthusiasm captured the essence of summertime and camaraderie, eliciting cheers of joy and applause.
  26. Piano Man: A timeless anthem of camaraderie and connection, "Piano Man" brought the evening to a triumphant close with its stirring melody and heartfelt lyrics. Joel's impassioned performance and soulful vocals transformed the stadium into a grand piano bar, uniting the audience in a chorus of voices and memories.
  27. Let It Be with Sir Paul McCartney: A fitting finale to an unforgettable evening, Joel's duet with Sir Paul McCartney on The Beatles' classic "Let It Be" was a transcendent moment of musical unity and harmony. The legendary artists' shared reverence and mutual respect shone brightly, illuminating the stadium with their timeless talent and enduring friendship.
  28. Walk This Way with Steven Tyler: Special moments awaited those who ventured a bit further past the film credits which included an infectious performance from legendary Aerosmith frontman, Steven Tyler.
  29. My Generation with Roger Daltrey: The Who's Roger Daltrey ignited a who new generation with the classic anthem "My Generation", which included the legendary smashing of the guitaPete Townsend style performed by Billy Joel.
  30. Little Pink Houses with John Mellencamp: True Americana flowed from the stage, all the way through Shea Stadium, out over Metropolis, across the famed Hudson River, covering a United Summer Sky from coast to coast - Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah !
Yet, what truly set these performances apart were the moments of spontaneity and camaraderie that unfolded on stage. Special guests graced the stadium with their presence, each adding their own unique flair to the proceedings. From the smooth croon of Tony Bennett to the gritty rock vocals of Steven Tyler, from the country charm of Garth Brooks to the soulful guitar licks of John Mayer, the stage was alive with collaboration and mutual respect. And when Paul McCartney made a surprise appearance, joining Joel for a rendition of "I Saw Her Standing There," the crowd erupted in a chorus of jubilation, bearing witness to a once-in-a-lifetime moment that transcended the confines of Shea Stadium.
As the final notes reverberated through the stadium and the lights dimmed for the last time, there was a sense of collective awe and reverence among the audience. These shows weren't just concerts; they were a celebration of music's power to unite and uplift. They marked the end of an era for Shea Stadium, closing a chapter of its storied history with a fitting tribute to the power of live performance. And for Billy Joel, they were a testament to his enduring talent and legacy, reaffirming his status as one of the greatest performers of his generation.
Long after the cheers had faded and the crowds dispersed, the memories of Billy Joel's farewell concerts at Shea Stadium remained etched in the hearts and minds of all who were fortunate enough to be there. They were more than just shows; they were moments of pure magic that reminded us of the joy, connection, and sheer exhilaration that music brings to our lives. And as we bid goodbye to Shea Stadium, we carry with us the indelible imprint of those unforgettable nights, a testament to the enduring power of music to transcend time and space.
Featuring: Billy Joel - lead vocals, piano, keyboards
Guest Appearances: Tony Bennett, Garth Brooks, John Mayer, Steven Tyler, Roger Daltrey, John Mellencamp, Mark Wood, and Paul McCartney.
David Rosenthal – keyboards, grand piano, organ, backing vocals
Tommy Byrnes – guitars, music director
Mark Rivera – guitars, saxophone, flute, backing vocals
Crystal Taliefero – guitars, percussion, saxophone, backing vocals
Andy Cichon – bass, backing vocals
Chuck Burgi – drums
Carl Fischer – saxophones, trumpet
Enjoy this, & more complete concerts FREE @ StaticContentCreations.com
submitted by StaticOTI to GreatLiveConcerts [link] [comments]

2024.03.30 00:38 OXBilliards The Winecellars North American Snooker Tour with Shaun Murphy

The Winecellars North American Snooker Tour with Shaun Murphy
With the support and sponsorship of winecellars.com, we are excited to announce the first ever WineCellars North American Snooker Tour with Shaun Murphy. The tour consists of two Canadian clubs and two American clubs where Shaun will perform exhibitions. The exhibitions at each club will have Shaun play local players, take pictures, and sign autographs. The frames will be lighthearted, entertaining, educational, and inspiring. Snooker is rising in popularity in the US and rising once again in Canada. This tour aims to fan the flames and inspire current and new players across North America. OX Promotions, a division of OX Billiards organized the tour.
Shaun Murphy is known as “The Magician” because of his creative shots on the baize and uncanny ability to escape brutal snookers. His rookie season as a pro was in 1998 and he is currently a top 10 player ranked 6th in the world. He won the World Snooker Championships (WSC) in 2005 as a qualifier, which is an achievement that’s only been done two other times (Alex Higgins and Terry Griffiths). In 2015 Murphy completed his Triple Crown by winning the Masters. Triple Crown winners are players who have won the WSC, Masters, and the UK Championships. Murphy won the UK Championships in 2008.
The tour has its first stop on June 11th in Calgary, Alberta at The Ranchmen’s Club. The club is a beautiful private and historic social club committed to being a diverse community that enhances the business, family and social aspects of members’ lives. The club’s pro, Albert Kenny, just won the B.C. Open in Richmond B.C. in March, 2024 making it two years in a row. He and other members will play against Murphy. The history of the club and Albert’s presence makes The Ranchmen’s Club the hub of snooker in Calgary and a welcoming environment for Murphy.
On June 14th, Shaun will continue his Canadian journey and play at Star Snooker Club in Richmond, B.C. Eric Lee, the owner of Star hosted some early rounds of the B.C. Open along with the main club, Top 147. The demand for the tournament had outgrown the main venue, and Eric Lee stepped up to offer his club as a second venue. This is a good indicator that snooker is on the rise again in Canada as Tournament Director David Burney had to coordinate two clubs for the tourney. The B.C. area will be clamoring to see Shaun.
The first US tour stop will be June 16th at “the famed” OX Billiards, as Allison Fischer coined it. OX is located in Seattle, WA and is known for hosting top level snooker and pool pros, coaches, and tournaments. Shaun will play ten people in the underground industrial space that has seen the likes of Judd Trump, Ricky Walden, Luca Brecel, Bex Kenna, Mink, On Yee, Jeremy Jones, Allison Fisher, Darren Appleton, Tyler Styer, and more. OX is also home to the World Women’s Snooker US Women’s Snooker Open, Seattle Snooker Open, The Littman Lights Northwest Cup, and the Seattle Nineball Open. The Pacific Northwest is primed for the entertaining magic of Shaun Murphy.
The tour finale will be held June 18th at Embassy Billiards in San Gabriel, CA. Embassy recently held a very successful United States Snooker Association (USSA) National Snooker Championship. It was the largest USSA Nationals indicating that snooker is also on the rise in America. Steven Wong is the owner of Embassy and won his first USSA National Championship at OX in 2022. He has transformed snooker in the LA area for the better, and there is no doubt players will be beating down the door at the club for Shaun Murphy.
WineCellars.com has shown major support for snooker in the US and their sponsorship of this North American Snooker Tour with Shaun Murphy is vital to its success. They were also the 2023 sponsor of the WWS US Women’s Snooker Open and they sponsor the USSA. WineCellars.com has also put their support toward the first American to qualify for the World Snooker Tour, Ahmed Aly Elsayed. Without all the people behind the scenes, participating clubs, and companies like winecellars.com this tour would not happen.
More here: https://www.oxbilliards.com/news-blog/the-winecellars-north-american-snooker-tour-with-shaun-murphy
submitted by OXBilliards to snooker [link] [comments]

2024.03.19 23:46 Individual-Math-1587 Issues with reference formatting

submitted by Individual-Math-1587 to MicrosoftWord [link] [comments]

2024.03.19 02:00 HeartBeatsMusic Woah! I haven't kept up with play numbers in a while, but since when did the title track and Hard To Explain become so high? Is this a natural occurrence or did some outside force caused a spike in listens?

Woah! I haven't kept up with play numbers in a while, but since when did the title track and Hard To Explain become so high? Is this a natural occurrence or did some outside force caused a spike in listens? submitted by HeartBeatsMusic to TheStrokes [link] [comments]

2024.03.16 11:16 cloudyg1rl Can someone help me find an old toy?

I was surfing through music when one song reminded me of a childhood core memory, a lullaby/bedtime music toy that I can’t find any images of anymore, not even information or acknowledgement about it!! I will show what was the closest to what it looked like, but I’d like to know if anybody happens to remember, know where to find or even own this toy! Please and thank you!
The toy was a Winnie Pooh plush of the four main characters tucked in in a little bed, all sown side by side together to one another, inside the bed plush was a speaker that played what I remember wasn’t popular music, might’ve been a unique or original song specific to this toy as well as cricket and frog sound effects. It came with a purple/lavender color controller that was shaped as a moon, and it had yellow star shaped buttons on it to choose different songs or volume I believe, I’m not sure.
The closest thing I found was this other 2003 lullaby Mattel Fischer Price Winnie Pooh plushie, which I did also own! However this one has a more boring controller and all known/popular songs, and the plush itself is bigger than the one I’m looking for I believe, as well as it having a silicone face, which the other ones did not. Here are some images for if it makes someone get an idea of what I’m talking about? I did find this one for sale on various websites, but I didn’t find any information at all on the other one, so any help is appreciated!!
I remember owning these toys around 2008-2012 they were my favorites! Unfortunately I lost them after many times of moving houses in Mexico, what I wouldn’t do to get my hands back on either of them :((
(cross posted on toys)


submitted by cloudyg1rl to VintageToys [link] [comments]

2024.03.14 13:29 dariolex About Callisto Protocol

Is Callisto Protocol bad as people say? I bought it last night 2nd hand for 12€. I just finished Soma and started Dead Space remake. I want to keep the scifi horror vibes and play Callisto after that. Should I play something in between to avoid the obvious comparisons and be sad like everyone that points that a 2008 game (I’m assuming the remake has the same story) is way better than a 2022 game?
submitted by dariolex to HorrorGaming [link] [comments]

2024.03.12 16:22 adm_6_666 Stopped to pay my respects…

Stopped to pay my respects… submitted by adm_6_666 to u/adm_6_666 [link] [comments]

2024.03.12 13:11 Labgrunt Stopped to pay my respects…

Stopped to pay my respects…
Just outside Selfoss, Iceland, on a cold and snowy March day…
submitted by Labgrunt to chess [link] [comments]

2024.03.10 04:29 boardgameintellect The Top Ten Titans Of Chess From Around The World


Chess is a timeless strategy game that’s adored all over the world in almost every country, and every continent has produced at least one titan of chess. There are thousands of titled chess players that have immense talent in chess but there are only a handful of chess players around the world that have essentially mastered the game. As time progresses the playing ability of the top chess players is likely to increase, and the rating floor will undoubtedly increase as a result. The ease of access to online chess gaming sites, free educational videos on platforms such as YouTube and Twitch and the increasing popularity of chess as a whole is playing a major role in enticing more people to play chess. Since the 1990’s there has been a dramatic increase in the number of young chess grandmasters around the world under the age of 18 which is due to both the increasing popularity of chess as well as the wide availability of technology and the ability to play chess online at any time with anyone in the world. In this article, i will highlight some of the best chess players in the world right now and cover their achievements in chess.

1. “The Mozart of Chess” Magnus Carlsen (Norway)

In 2004 at the age of 13 Magnus Carlsen became the youngest chess player in the world at that time to earn a grandmaster title in chess. Magnus Carlsen is the former world chess champion and is the youngest chess player to win the world chess championships in history at the age of 22 in 2013 after defeating Viswanathan Anand and is undoubtedly one of the best chess players in the world right now. Magnus Carlsen was also able to achieve an incredibly high FIDE rating of 2882 in 2014 and has one of the longest winning streaks in classical chess. Magnus Carlsen has consistently maintained an incredibly high FIDE rating of over 2800 across all time formats since 2009 with a peak blitz rating of 2986 and a peak rapid rating of 2919 which is undoubtedly a result of his pragmatic style of play as maintaining a stable rating has been one of his main priorities. There are also some challenges that he is likely to encounter when attempting to surpass his peak FIDE Elo rating of 2882 such as the fact that there is a lack of chess players with an Elo rating that’s close enough to Magnus Carlsen’s which limits any significant rating increases he can expect from winning chess games but also increases the chance of a significant decrease of his Elo rating in the event that he loses a chess game, the rating floor has been steadily increasing over the years and Magnus Carlsen has to compete against a pool of young, talented and highly motivated chess players in order to maintain his title of the Mozart of Chess as well as his peak Elo rating of 2882 which is also becoming increasingly difficult.
Magnus Carlsen has made headlines in the news after refusing to defend his world chess championship title against Ian Nepomniachtchi in 2023 stating that he has nothing to gain from defending his world chess championship title and that he lacks the inclination and the motivation to play another match. Magnus Carlsen also made headlines in the news and went viral on YouTube in 2014 after he beat Bill Gates in a friendly chess game in 12 seconds. Magnus Carlsen has accomplished some of the most astonishing feats in chess which includes winning multiple prestigious chess tournaments such as the Tata Steel Chess Tournament, The Sinquefield Cup, Norway Chess, and The Grand Slam Chess Final, playing a significant role as a team member in the Norwegian Chess team which enabled them to win a gold medal in the 2014 Tromso Chess Olympiad, defeating three opponents simultaneously in a three-minute blitz blindfolded chess match at the 2015 Sohn Investment Conference in New York City and winning titles in both the world rapid chess championships and the world blitz chess championships. Magnus’ success in chess over the years along with his magnetic personality has contributed immensely to the increasing popularity of chess around the world among crowds that consists of both avid chess players as well as those that are completely new to chess.

2. “The Machine” Fabiano Caruana (United States)

Fabiano Caruana is a highly successful world class chess player who achieved a grandmaster title in chess at the age of 14 making him one of the youngest chess players in history to earn a grandmaster title in chess. Fabiano Caruana is ranked as the third highest FIDE rated chess player in the world and has been able to consistently maintain one of the highest FIDE ratings in chess of over 2600 since 2008 across all time controls with a peak blitz rating of 2847, a peak rapid rating of 2858, and a peak FIDE rating of 2844. Fabiano Caruana originally represented the Italian chess federation as Italy is his country of birth and won the Italian National championships in 2007, 2008, 2010 and 2011 but later switched to represent the United States Chess Federation in 2015 which significantly improved the United States chess team’s overall strength and competitiveness and resulted in a long streak of success in numerous events such as the Chess Olympiads and the world team chess championships. The United States has not had a world chess champion since Bobby Fischer won the title in 1972 and Fabiano Caruana came close to winning the world chess championship title for the United States in 2018 after winning the Candidates Tournament and earning the right to challenge Magnus Carlsen, although Fabiano Caruana played extremely well during the world chess championship games he failed to win the title by the skin of his teeth and Magnus Carlsen ultimately triumphed. In addition to playing a key role in the United States chess team and competing against Magnus Carlsen for the world chess championship title Fabiano Caruana has also won several illustrious chess tournaments which includes the 2014 Sinquefield Cup for Italy, and the 2018 and 2023 Sinquefield Cup for the United States, the 2017 London Chess Classic, the 2020 Tata Steel Chess tournament and the 2018 Grenke Chess Classic.
Fabiano Caruana’s talents in chess extends into all time formats, one of his most recent and notable victories includes winning the 2023 Saint Louis Rapid and Blitz. Fabiano Caruana is well known for his universal style of play although in his younger days Fabiano Caruana’s style of play was much more aggressive as he enjoyed attacking and sacrificing pieces to get to an opponent’s king as quick as possible however as he progressed in chess he realised that direct attacks are not always the best way to win games and in order to win he had to adopt a universal playing style and learn how to manoeuvre and defend just as well as he could attack. Magnus Carlsen is quoted as saying that “Fabiano Caruana has an edge in calculations and opening preparation over most of his contemporaries” which is a testament to his universal style of play. Adopting a universal playing style also enabled Fabiano Caruana to become a much more innovative chess player and he is accredited with introducing various ideas into numerous chess openings which has had a major influence on the playing styles used in high level chess games around the world. Fabiano Caruana is very active on many online chess platforms and has participated in several online chess events whilst also actively engaging with the worldwide chess community which has advanced the popularity of chess both on and offline.

3. “The Silent Storm” Ding Liren (China)

Ding Liren is an elite chess player and the current world chess champion who earned a grandmaster title in 2009 at the age of 16 making him one of the youngest chess grandmasters in history. Ding Liren competed against Ian Nepomniachtchi and won the world chess championships in 2023 after the former world chess champion, Magnus Carlsen, refused to defend the title. Ding Liren had one of the longest winning streaks in classical chess which consisted of 29 wins and 71 draws from August 2017 until November 2018 and currently holds the title of the highest rated chess player in China which he has held consistently for several years. Ding Liren is also ranked number 10 next to Hikaru Nakamura and Veselin Topalov as one of the highest FIDE rated chess players in the world and has consistently maintained a high FIDE rating of over 2600 since 2010 across all time controls with a peak FIDE rating of 2816, a peak rapid rating of 2836, and a peak blitz rating of 2875. Some of Ding Liren’s most notable accomplishments aside from being the first Chinese chess player to qualify for a Candidates Tournament which is an essential step in qualifying to compete in the world chess championships and ultimately winning the 2023 world chess championships includes winning the Chinese Chess Championships in 2009, 2011 and 2012, representing China at all four Chess Olympiads and winning team gold medals for China at the 2014 and 2018 Chess Olympiads as well as winning individual bronze and gold medals at the 2014 and 2018 Chess Olympiads, winning team gold medals and an individual silver medal at the 2015 world team chess championships and winning the 2019 Sinquefield Cup as he was able to defeat Magnus Carlsen during the playoffs.
Among his teammates Ding Is nicknamed the silent storm due to his propensity to keep a low profile, his inherently humble nature and his dexterity on the chess board that often leaves his opponents in a state of shock and awe. Diren Liren returned to chess making an appearance at the 2024 Tata Steel Chess Tournament in Wijk Aan Zee in North Holland having spent many months after winning the world chess championships inactive due to complications with his health which many of his fans have been excitingly anticipating however his performance during the event left many of his fans disappointed. Ding Liren finished in 9th place at the 2024 Tata Steel Chess Tournament with only two wins over 13 rounds with a (TPR) Tournament Performance rating of 2678 and many in the chess community believed that his performance could have been much better. Although Ding Liren’s 2024 re-emergence in chess has yielded less than satisfactory results it’s very likely that his performance in the immediate future will dramatically improve with more time to recover and a few more warm up matches so that he can assimilate back into the world of competitive chess. Ding Liren has significantly influenced the popularity of chess both in China and abroad by participating in online tournaments and events and embracing online chess platforms and despite his less than satisfactory results during the 2024 Tata Steel Chess Tournament he remains a force to be reckoned with in chess.
Read the full article at https://boardgameintellect.com/the-top-ten-titans-of-chess-from-around-the-world/
Visit boardgameintellect.com for more interesting facts about chess
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2024.03.06 04:16 -343-Guilty-Spark- Official Halo Book Guide

Header Image
From the very beginning, Halo has always been more than just a game—it's an entire universe.
The Halo story spans countless worlds and millennia, populated by a diverse range of characters, species, and perspectives, telling stories of heroism, wonder, and cosmic tragedy across a broad variety of media.
Since 2001, with Halo: The Fall of Reach preceding the release of Halo: Combat Evolved, books have been one of the primary forms of exploration of Halo 's deep history—from the ancient times of the Forerunners and their war with the Flood, to the grim foundations of the SPARTAN-II program and the onset of the Covenant War, to everything between and before and beyond. With such expansive lore, the question is often asked: where do I begin?
This blog shall serve as your guide to the stories of the Halo universe told in the medium of books. Perhaps there is a particular flavor of story that you’re looking for, whether it’s hard military science fiction, alien worldbuilding around ancient and epic tragedies, or perhaps there are specific characters and periods you’re interested in...
You can find it all below, with links to Simon & Schuster's website (click on either the book titles or images) where you can either start or continue to build your Halo book collection!


The latest Halo book release is Halo: Epitaph by Kelly Gay.
Set in the aftermath of the Didact's destructive conflict with the Master Chief in Halo 4 and Halo: Escalation, the Forerunner commander is torn from the physical world and deposited into a vast desert wasteland. Stripped of armor, might, and memory, the Didact sets out on a great journey to rediscover the traumas of his past and find his final fate.
Halo: Epitaph is available in trade paperback, ebook, and unabridged audiobook formats. The audiobook is narrated by Keith Szarabajka, the voice and motion capture actor for the Didact in Halo 4.
Cover art of Halo: Epitaph by Chris McGrath depicting the hooded figure of the Didact with half a broken helmet in a desert environment, the tower of Halo 3's map Epitaph in the background


Books connected to Halo Infinite.
Cover art of Halo: The Rubicon Protocol
HALO: THE RUBICON PROTOCOL Author: Kelly Gay Release: 2022
Beginning with the ambush of the UNSC Infinity, this story follows a group of survivors who must endure the closing grip of the occupying Banished forces on Zeta Halo in the Master Chief’s absence.


The original four novels that were released in parallel with Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo 2, and Halo 3.
Cover art of Halo: The Fall of Reach
HALO: THE FALL OF REACH Author: Eric Nylund Release: 2001 (2010 rerelease)
Discover the origins of the Master Chief, the SPARTAN-II program, the fall of the UNSC military stronghold Reach, and the events that lead to the discovery of Halo.
Cover art of Halo: The Flood
HALO: THE FLOOD Author: William C. Dietz Release: 2003 (2010 rerelease)
A novelization of Halo: Combat Evolved, featuring additional perspectives from UNSC, Covenant, and other characters.
Cover art of Halo: First Strike
HALO: FIRST STRIKE Author: Eric Nylund Release: 2003 (2010 rerelease)
Learn about what transpired in the aftermath of Halo: Combat Evolved as the Master Chief, Cortana, Avery Johnson, and a small group of survivors seek to return to Earth.
Cover art of Halo: Ghosts of Onyx
HALO: GHOSTS OF ONYX Author: Eric Nylund Release: 2006
Learn more about the struggles and sacrifices of the SPARTAN-III program, led by Kurt-051, as Dr. Halsey enacts a desperate gambit that centers around the mysterious planet Onyx.


Set 100,000 years ago, during the primacy of the Forerunners leading up to the firing of the Halo Array.
Cover art of Halo: Cryptum
HALO: CRYPTUM Author: Greg Bear Release: 2011
The young Bornstellar-Makes-Eternal-Lasting seeks mythical treasure on Erde-Tyrene, home to a species known as humanity, but instead finds himself awakening a Forerunner commander—the Didact—and setting into motion the final stages of an ancient game of vengeance.
Cover art of Halo: Primordium
HALO: PRIMORDIUM Author: Greg Bear Release: 2012
Taken from Bornstellar and the Didact, the ancient human known as Chakas is deposited onto Zeta Halo where the terrifying experiments of the Primordial and Mendicant Bias reveal galaxy-shattering truths.
Cover art of Halo: Silentium
HALO: SILENTIUM Author: Greg Bear Release: 2013
The Forerunners' war with the Flood reaches its tragic terminus. Evidence-gathering agents known as Catalog collect testimonies from pivotal figures—including Bornstellar, the Librarian, and the Didact—as the origins of the parasite are revealed and the greatest crime in the galaxy is committed to stop them.


Set in the immediate aftermath of the Covenant War, following the events of Halo 3.
Cover art of Halo: Glasslands
HALO: GLASSLANDS Author: Karen Traviss Release: 2011
The Covenant War is over, but conflict between humanity and the empire’s former client species is not. A black-ops team is put together by the Office of Naval Intelligence to keep the Sangheili locked in civil conflict while the UNSC rebuilds.
Cover art of Halo: The Thursday War
HALO: THE THURSDAY WAR Author: Karen Traviss Release: 2012
Within the shield world Onyx, Jul ‘Mdama seeks to escape captivity from ONI, while conflict on Sanghelios erupts and the UNSC Infinity is dispatched to aid the Arbiter.
Cover art of Halo: Mortal Dictata
HALO: MORTAL DICTATA Author: Karen Traviss Release: 2014
Staffan Sentzke, whose daughter was kidnapped and conscripted into the SPARTAN-II program, enacts a desperate plan to claim a Covenant warship and get answers from ONI.


Books connected to the Spartan-IIs of Blue Team—John-117, Fred-104, Kelly-087, and Linda-058. These books are subtitled "A Master Chief Story."
Cover art of Halo: Silent Storm
HALO: SILENT STORM Author: Troy Denning Release: 2018
Set in the first year of the Covenant War, the UNSC knows next to nothing about the alien alliance that has launched a campaign of genocide against humanity. Mentored by Avery Johnson, the Master Chief leads a daring counterattack to buy humanity the time it needs to gather intelligence on this new foe.
Cover art of Halo: Oblivion
HALO: OBLIVION Author: Troy Denning Release: 2019
On the hostile, barren world of Netherop, the Master Chief and Blue Team attempt to recover valuable data on the Covenant from a downed alien frigate, while a disgraced Sangheili fleetmaster seeks redemption by eliminating the Spartans.
Cover art of Halo: Shadows of Reach
HALO: SHADOWS OF REACH Author: Troy Denning Release: 2020
October 2559, one year after the rogue Cortana unleashed the Guardians upon the galaxy, the Master Chief and Blue Team are sent back to Reach to recover critical assets from the ruins of CASTLE Base, while the Banished seek to open a portal to bring Atriox back from the Ark.


Books connected to Lucy Orion Forge and her crew of salvagers aboard the Ace of Spaces.
Cover art of Halo: Smoke and Shadow
HALO: SMOKE AND SHADOW Author: Kelly Gay Release: 2016
The salvage trade booms in the wake of the Covenant War, and Rion Forge stumbles upon a discovery that sets her on a path to answer a question that has haunted her for over twenty-five years: what happened to her father, Sergeant John Forge, and the UNSC Spirit of Fire?
Cover art of Halo: Renegades
HALO: RENEGADES Author: Kelly Gay Release: 2019
In the search for her missing father, Rion Forge and her crew cross paths with the being formally known as 343 Guilty Spark, aiding him in his own mission to find the Librarian while having to outrun and outsmart the Office of Naval Intelligence.
Cover art of Halo: Point of Light
HALO: POINT OF LIGHT Author: Kelly Gay Release: 2021
Rion, Spark, and the Ace of Spades crew are thrown into terrifying events as the axis of power in the galaxy shifts, discovering dark truths about the Forerunners’ ancient past as Cortana’s tyrannical future takes shape.


Books connected to Edward Buck and his team from Halo 3: ODST.
Cover art of Halo: New Blood
HALO: NEW BLOOD Author: Matt Forbeck Release: 2015
A memoir of Edward Buck's life, from his youth to enlisting in the UNSC Marine Corps, serving as an Orbital Drop Shock Trooper, to ultimately joining the SPARTAN-IV program—and the tragic events that tore his team apart.
Cover art of Halo: Bad Blood
HALO: BAD BLOOD Author: Matt Forbeck Release: 2018
After rescuing the Master Chief and Blue Team from imprisonment in a Cryptum and escaping to Sanghelios, Edward Buck must reform his old team for a desperate mission as the rogue Cortana reshapes the galaxy.


Books connected to the Spartan-IIs of Gray Team—Jai-006, Adriana-111, and Michael-120.
Cover art of Halo: The Cole Protocol
HALO: THE COLE PROTOCOL Author: Tobias Buckell Release: 2008
The Spartan-IIs of Gray Team, Jacob Keyes, and Thel ‘Vadamee become embroiled in a conflict that centers around a network of asteroids run by a rampant AI and the implementation of the titular Cole Protocol, designed to deny the Covenant navigation data on human colonies.
Cover art of Halo: Envoy
HALO: ENVOY Author: Tobias Buckell Release: 2017
A Unified Earth Government envoy is called upon to mediate tensions on a world jointly occupied by humans and Sangheili, and to release Gray Team from stasis, while a Jiralhanae chieftain seeks to unleash a terrible, long-hidden power.


Books following Veta Lopis and her "Ferret" team of Gamma Company Spartan-IIIs—Ash-G099, Olivia-G291, and Mark-G313.
Cover art of Halo: Last Light
HALO: LAST LIGHT Author: Troy Denning Release: 2015
A murder-mystery on the independent colony world Gao, where homicide detective Veta Lopis becomes tangled in the web of perilous machinations of a rogue Forerunner ancilla, the Spartans of Blue Team, and a fanatical Covenant remnant faction.
Cover art of Halo: Retribution
HALO: RETRIBUTION Author: Troy Denning Release: 2017
A UNSC fleet admiral is assassinated, and Veta Lopis—now leader of ONI's special operations “Ferret” team—investigates as Intrepid Eye continues her schemes to make humanity worthy of the Mantle, whatever the cost.
Cover art of Halo: Divine Wind
HALO: DIVINE WIND Author: Troy Denning Release: 2021
After Atriox returns to the galaxy through a portal opened by the Banished on Reach, Veta Lopis and her Ferret team head through to the Ark in order to eliminate Castor, a fanatical Jiralhanae who seeks to do what the Covenant could not: activate Halo and begin the Great Journey.


Books following a group of young civilians as the Covenant invade their home, Meridian.
Cover art of Halo: Battle Born
HALO: BATTLE BORN Author: Cassandra Rose Clarke Release: 2019
Evie, Dorian, Saskia, and Victor are living their ordinary lives as civilians on the colony of Meridian when the Covenant launches an invasion, putting them in a race against time to rescue their families with the help of an injured Spartan.
Cover art of Halo: Meridian Divide
HALO: MERIDIAN DIVIDE Author: Cassandra Rose Clarke Release: 2019
Serving as part of a special reconnaissance task force, Evie, Dorian, Saskia, and Victor join Meridian’s local militia to discover what the Covenant are excavating beneath the planet’s surface.


Books in the Halo universe that may share connections with other media, but are primarily independent, stand-alone stories.
Cover art of Halo: Contact Harvest
HALO: CONTACT HARVEST Author: Joseph Staten Release: 2007
Follow Avery Johnson from his UNSC service during the Insurrection through to humanity's first contact with a deadly alien alliance known as the Covenant on the colony world Harvest.
Cover art of Halo: Broken Circle
HALO: BROKEN CIRCLE Author: John Shirley Release: 2014
Set during the early years of the Covenant and the Great Schism that would shatter the alien empire thousands of years later, a Sangheili rebel group seeks to escape the rule of the Prophets in a Forerunner shield world.
Cover art of Halo: Hunters in the Dark
HALO: HUNTERS IN THE DARK Author: Peter David Release: 2015
The galaxy falls into peril under the looming shadow of Halo, forcing an uneasy alliance of humans and Sangheili—including Olympia Vale, Usze ‘Taham, and N’tho ‘Sraom—to journey back to the Ark.
Cover art of Halo: Saint's Testimony
HALO: SAINT’S TESTIMONY Author: Frank O’Connor Release: 2015
The artificial intelligence known as Iona has reached the end of her seven-year operational lifespan, placing her at risk of the terminal condition of rampancy, but launches an unprecedented appeal against her scheduled termination.
Cover art of Halo: Shadow of Intent
HALO: SHADOW OF INTENT Author: Joseph Staten Release: 2015
The Covenant War is over, and Rtas ‘Vadum has grown weary of conflict—but the vengeful designs of a San’Shyuum Prelate calls the shipmaster to action once more as Sanghelios comes under threat.
Cover art of Halo: Legacy of Onyx
HALO: LEGACY OF ONYX Author: Matt Forbeck Release: 2017
Orphaned during a Covenant invasion, Molly Patel and her ‘newparents’ relocate to Onyx to start a new life in the city of Paxopolis—inhabited not just by humans, but Sangheili and Unggoy as well.
Cover art of Halo: Outcasts
HALO: OUTCASTS Author: Troy Denning Release: 2023
Arbiter Thel ‘Vadam and Spartan Olympia Vale attempt to recover an alleged weapon from the hostile world of Netherop that could turn the tide against Cortana’s tyrannical rule.
Cover art of Halo: Epitaph
HALO: EPITAPH Author: Kelly Gay Release: 2024
Torn from the physical world after his destructive confrontation with the Master Chief, the Didact is sent reeling into the depths of a vast desert wasteland. Stripped of armor, might, and memory, a shadow of his former self, the Didact’s final great journey begins.


Anthology novels featuring short stories which cover a variety of perspectives and time periods in the Halo universe.
Cover art of Halo: Evolutions
HALO: EVOLUTIONS Author: Various Authors Release: 2009
A collection of short stories and poems, including:
  • “Beyond” - Jonathan Goff (art by Nicolas “Sparth” Bouvier)
  • “Pariah” - B. K. Evenson
  • “Stomping on the Heels of a Fuss” - Eric Raab
  • “Midnight in the Heart of Midlothian” - Frank O’Connor
  • “Dirt” - Tobias Buckell
  • “Acheron-VII” - Jonathan Goff (art by Nicolas “Sparth” Bouvier)
  • “Headhunters” - Jonathan Goff
  • “Blunt Instruments” - Fred Van Lente
  • “The Mona Lisa” - Tessa Kum and Jeff VanderMeer
  • “Icon” - Jonathan Goff (art by Gabriel “Robogabo” Garza)
  • “Palace Hotel” - Robert McLees
  • “Human Weakness” - Karen Traviss
  • “Connectivity” - Jonathan Goff (art by Gabriel “Robogabo” Garza)
  • “The Impossible Life and the Possible Death of Preston J. Cole” - Eric Nylund
  • “The Return” - Kevin Grace
  • “Soma the Painter” - Frank O’Connor (Volume I exclusive)
  • “Wages of Sin” - Frank O'Connor (Volume II exclusive)
Cover art of Halo: Fractures
HALO: FRACTURES Author: Various Authors Release: 2016
A collection of short stories, including:
  • “Lessons Learned” - Matt Forbeck
  • “What Remains” - Morgan Lockhart
  • “Breaking Strain” - James Swallow
  • “Promises to Keep” - Christie Golden
  • “Shadow of Intent” - Joseph Staten
  • “The Ballad of Hamish Beamish” - Frank O’Connor
  • “Defender of the Storm” - John Jackson Miller
  • “A Necessary Truth” - Troy Denning
  • “Into the Fire” - Kelly Gay
  • “Saint’s Testimony” - Frank O’Connor
  • “Rossbach’s World” - Brian Reed
  • “Oasis” - Tobias Buckell
  • “Anarosa” - Kevin Grace
  • Untitled coda - Jeremy Patenaude
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2024.03.06 01:57 HalfThank 📊 Data to Answer the "Is Paintball Safe?" Question

📊 Data to Answer the
I'm looking for data on paintball-related injuries, preferably those that include sources. This part of a broader effort I've been musing to #GrowTheSport by providing helpful information to new players, their parents, and/or their partners.
Please share what you got!
What I've found thus far is from research and reports that are from the US and 10+ years old. Here's what I found and my potential explanations for interesting findings:

📉 Paintball vs Air Guns: Fewer PB-related Hospital Visits

Number of ED visits for injuries caused by air and paintball guns declined between 2006 and 2008. Bar chart; Newborns and infants under 1 year, 4,600,700 (72%), 1 to 4 years, 564,800 (9%), 5 to 9 years, 358,200 (5%), 10 to 14 years, 372,400 (6%), 15 to 17 years, 497,600 (8%). Source: AHRQ, Center for Delivery, Organization and Markets, Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project, Nationwide Emergency Department Sample, 2006-2008.
Emergency room visits for paintball gun related injuries are rare, especially compared to injuries from air guns (2008: 2 per 1,000,000 people for paintball vs 54 per 1,000,000 people for air guns). [1]
[EDIT: Air guns fire metal objects (e.g. metal BB or pellet). These do NOT include airsoft guns. Airguns are NOT designed to be shot at people. H/t to u/DasBeasto for catching this!]
Why fewer hospital visits for paintball vs air guns?
🧑‍⚖️ Supervision: One potential explanations include how paintball was commonly played in supervised/commercial fields during this time, but air gun shooting (e.g. BB or pellet guns) may not have been. I do not air gun ranges being very common place in 2006-2008 and recall shooting BB guns in my friend's backyard. In supervised settings, referees are supposed to regularly chronograph markers and enforce mask wearing. In unsupervised settings, these safety policies are less rigorously enforced.
💥 Different Projectiles: Another potential explanation is from the physics and design of paintballs vs BBs & pellets. Paintballs are larger and have a soft core that is designed to break. In contrast, BBs and pellets are smaller, have a more solid core (e.g. copper or lead) that is designed to stay intact. Therefore, paintballs may result in force distributed over a greater area (larger projectile) or in different directions (paint exploding). (Someone please let me know if they have the calculations or have conducted these tests.)

👀 PB-Related Eye Injuries Decreased

Eye injuries accounted for 15% of paintball-related US hospital visits in 2008, down from 43% in 1997-2001.
For the US in 2008, most paintball-related hospital visits were for open wounds or superficial injuries, with 15% of paintball-related hospital injuries for eye-related injuries [1]. This is greater in percentage than air gun related eye injuries (3.7%), but still far fewer in overall number of eye injuries (2008 hospital visits: 92 paintball-related eye injuries; 728 air gun-related eye injuries).
An older review of US hospital visits from 1997-2001 found that eye injuries accounted for 43% (+/- 12%) of paintball-related hospital visits [2].
🎭 People who sustained eye injuries mostly (all?) removed their masks or were not wearing them.
A 2022 review of 30 research articles found that 45.6% of people who sustained eye injuries had removed their eye protection/mask prior to the injury and 54.4% were not wearing eye protection (these numbers add up to 100%, but I’m not sure if they were mutually exclusive categories). [3]. An even older study of 35 patients who sustained eye injuries from paintball 1985-1998 found that only 9% (3/35) were wearing eye protection when their injuries occurred, 51% (18) removed their eye protection before the injury (due to fogging, paint on goggles, or unknown reasons), and 40% were not wearing eye protection [5].
This is all to say that wearing masks significantly reduces the risk of eye injuries!
Why the decrease in eye injuries?
Given that most eye injuries were sustained by people who took off their eye protection or were not wearing any, I suspect the explanation relates to more rigorous mask wearing.
One potential explanations include more affordable or comfortable masks encouraging more wearing of masks. For example, better rentals masks could result in fewer people taking them off to catch their breath or to de-fog them, a commonly stated reason for removing eye protection [5]. Another explanation is changes to how fields insured, incentivizing fields to have more referees or be more rigorous in enforcing mask wearing. A final explanation could be ASTM standards for masks being introduced, improved on, or more widely adopted for paintball masks. ASTM standards for paintball masks have existed since at least 2001 [4].

🧓 Adults be Tripping

Estimated percentage of paintball game related injuries treated in hospital emergency departments by age and cause, United States, 1997–2001. Percentages do not sum to 100 because of rounding. (From Injury Prevention 2004)
A study of US hospital data from 1997-2001 compared hospitalizations for PB-related injuries of minors (7-17 years old ) to adults (18+) [2]. It found that overexertions/fall injuries were 3.1x more prevalent for adults that minors. Most PB-related hospital visits for minors were because of being shot by a paintball (77%). This was 1.7x higher than for adults (45.5%).

Main takeaways:

  1. Paintball is safest when played in supervised/commercial settings and when wearing a mask. Eye injuries have decreased over time and almost all (up to 90%) are because eye protection was not being properly worn.
  2. Historically, paintball has resulted in 20-30x fewer hospital visits compared to air guns (e.g. BB and pellet guns), which may be because paintball guns were more often used in supervised settings.
  3. Three in four PB-related injuries to minors are because of getting shot by a paintball gun (vs less than half for adults). Four in ten PB-related injuries to adults are because of overexertion or falls (compared to 1 in 10 for children)
LMK what you think and please send me other data you have! Thanks.
Dog (in mask) tax


  1. Mutter, Ryan and Owens, Pamela. Emergency Department Visits for Injuries Caused by Air and Paintball Guns, 2008. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. 2011. https://hcup-us.ahrq.gov/reports/statbriefs/sb119.jsp
  2. Conn JM, Annest JL, Gilchrist J, Ryan GW. Injuries from paintball game related activities in the United States, 1997-2001. Inj Prev. 2004 Jun;10(3):139-43. doi: 10.1136/ip.2003.004101. PMID: 15178668; PMCID: PMC1730099. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1730099/
    1. Based on stratified random sample of 100 US hospitals from 1997-2001.
  3. Laird, Lauren and Finlay, Fiona. 181 Dangers of Paintballing. Disease in Childhood. 2002.https://adc.bmj.com/content/107/Suppl_2/A433.1
    1. This article is lacking sources and detail, so I'm a bit skeptical...
  4. American Society for Testing and Materials. Standard specification for eye protective devices for paintball sports (Standard No F1776–01). West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM, 2001.
  5. Fineman MS, Fischer DH, Jeffers JB, Buerger DG, Repke C. Changing Trends in Paintball Sport–Related Ocular Injuries. Arch Ophthalmol. 2000;118(1):60–64. doi:10.1001/archopht.118.1.60
  6. [EDIT: Folks at MCB have added more reports and data sources. I have not (yet?) included these sources in this post]
A sources I'm very skeptical of that I did not include
  • Lindner, J. Must-Know Paintball Injuries Statistics [Current Data]. Gitnux Marketdata Report. 2024. https://gitnux.org/paintball-injuries-statistics/
    • The reference list includes 6 very common scholarly search engines and publication sources and "nytimes.com", making them too ambiguous to be verifiable. It reminded me of what a high school freshman would add to the end of a report that was due in 1 hour. The findings also contradict other findings from more reputable sources (e.g. a claim that "eye injuries account for up to 85% of all paintball-related injuries")
Disclosure: I am not affiliated with or sponsored by any paintball companies or fields and have no financial conflicts of interest. I was procrastinating today and wanted to use my research + teaching background to think of ways to grow the sport of paintball!
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