Custom script font

Neography: constructed writing systems

2010.03.01 08:33 Neography: constructed writing systems

Reddit's home of scripts invented for secret notes, fictional languages, semantic experiments, and more. Post creative uses of existing constructed scripts or showcase your own!

2021.05.18 16:54 ColomboGMGS2 ColomboGMGS2SoundFont

Hi! I'm Duwindu Tharinda. This is about my custom MIDI SoundFont assembly - ColomboGMGS2.sf2 and my MIDI compositions. Also I will keep this sub reddit updated with my YouTube Channel. You are free to discuss about your ides on Music, MIDI, Synthesizers, DAWs and stuff like that. Rules: No spam. No NSFW. No irrelevant Ads.

2018.12.10 13:49 NXThemes

As part of the protests related to reddit API changes we are setting this sub to private for a few days, all our other channels such as themezer are active as usual. A place for anyone to share custom themes for Nintendo Switch (CFW Required). Check the sidebar for links and FAQ before asking questions :)

2024.05.19 23:54 CptDayDreamer VPN from Azure VM to unRAID site-to-site

Hey there guys. I'm using WireGuard with my router and it works amazing for my access outside of my home. I love it and now also want to use it to have a site-to-site VPN from my server to an Azure VM to monitor my server.

The problem is that I'm not able to achieve it. The setup:
I have an unRAID server with IP []( For that server, I forwarded port 51820/UDP in my router.
Then I have a Ubuntu VM running in Azure with Docker installed. I created a network rule to open port 51820/UDP as well. I got a duckdns address.

In Azure, I run the []( Docker container. Why? I try to always run everything in Docker but if it is so much more complicated for VPN I would also install it on bare metal if that's the problem.

My docker-compose:
--- services: wireguard: image: linuxservewireguard:latest container\_name: wireguard cap\_add: - NET\_ADMIN - SYS\_MODULE #optional environment: - PUID=1000 - PGID=1000 - TZ=Europe/Berlin - SERVERPORT=51820 #optional - - PEERS=1 - PEERDNS=auto - INTERNAL\_SUBNET= - PERSISTENTKEEPALIVE\_PEERS=25 - LOG\_CONFS=true - ALLOWEDIPS= volumes: - /media/appdata/wireguard/config:/config - /lib/modules:/lib/modules #optional ports: - 51820:51820/udp sysctls: - net.ipv4.conf.all.src\_valid\_mark=1 restart: unless-stopped networks: - azure networks: azure: external: true 

The **wg0.conf** looks like this:

[Interface] Address = ListenPort = 51820 PrivateKey = xxxxxx PostUp = iptables -A FORWARD -i %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -A FORWARD -o %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth+ -j MASQUERADE PostDown = iptables -D FORWARD -i %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -D FORWARD -o %i -j ACCEPT; iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -o eth+ -j MASQUERADE [Peer] # peer1 PublicKey = xxxxxx PresharedKey = xxxxxx AllowedIPs = 
In unRAID WireGuard is part of the system and you can easily set it up in the frontend but the config looks like this:
[Interface] #unRAID PrivateKey=xxxxxx Address= ListenPort=51820 PostUp=logger -t wireguard 'Tunnel WireGuard-wg0 started';/uslocal/emhttp/webGui/scripts/update\_services PostDown=logger -t wireguard 'Tunnel WireGuard-wg0 stopped';/uslocal/emhttp/webGui/scripts/update\_services PostUp=ip -4 route flush table 200 PostUp=ip -4 route add default via dev wg0 table 200 PostUp=ip -4 route add via dev br0 table 200 PostDown=ip -4 route flush table 200 PostDown=ip -4 route add unreachable default table 200 PostDown=ip -4 route add via dev br0 table 200 [Peer] #Azure PublicKey=xxxxxx AllowedIPs= PersistentKeepalive=25 
And unRAID tells me I should use this config for the peer (Azure):
[Interface] #Azure Address= [Peer] #unRAID PersistentKeepalive=25 PublicKey=+jKnW8gXR4+O5sNIOQwsIK1VZ9uVzEVhzr+Z+WAqP0c= AllowedIPs=, 

I even tried to edit the wg0.conf manually to this but it didn't work. But there is also a note on the docs of [](

> Site-to-site VPN in server mode requires customizing the AllowedIPs statement for a specific peer in wg0.conf. Since wg0.conf is autogenerated when server vars are changed, it is not recommended to edit it manually.
I read multiple articles and threads but couldn't achieve the connections as the pings are not possible.
Can somebody tell me what I'm doing wrong?
submitted by CptDayDreamer to selfhosted [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:53 SspeshalK Quick birthday card

Quick birthday card
It’s my wife’s birthday this week and I haven’t had time for anything more complex so knocked this up this afternoon.
The silver “birthday” is more obvious in real life but I still think I’ll fill it in by hand - it’s not a writing font and at that scale becomes obvious.
Custom envelope too.
submitted by SspeshalK to cardmaking [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:47 Asmalldeer Best way to add sounds to a prop?

I am creating a Mysterious Stranger cosplay from the Fallout videogame series. In the Fallout New Vegas videogame, you could get this characters pistol. When you pulled it out and when you put it back in the holster it would play different noises.
Is there a method people would recommend for props that have sound cues with them? We tried getting a raspberry Pi setup where we placed a special magnet at the end of the gun, so when it's holstered it completed a circuit. It worked when connected to the PC, but we couldn't get it linked to Bluetooth speaker before the script would run, and it would get stuck.
Is there a a programmable blue tooth sound board or a button I could hide in my glove to play the sound cue? I'm open to all ideas, but going the custom programming route myself is beyond my scope it seems.
submitted by Asmalldeer to cosplayprops [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:45 TraditionalCake5319 iam going to apply for multple internships in next months is there is any problem with my cv ? especially the education section

when i ask ai about the education section it suggests that i should put \" iam seeking internship at your organization to enhance my skills and contribute with organization's success\" but i feel this is more of profile scentence i need your openion about this matter
submitted by TraditionalCake5319 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:28 Succubusslayer69 [A4A] Your battle robot wants to be with you! [Reverse comfort][Battle robot][Hugging][Kissing][Robot sounds]

Foreword: Hi. This is Succubus Slayer. I've been enjoying Nikke lately, so I've been inspired to write something in the same vein. It doesn't strictly follow the same lore, so you're free to chose whether perform it as a Nikke roleplay or just as an unestablished IP version. Either one is fine with me. First some more info, then the script starts at "script start".
Legend: * * = actions, sounds … = indicating listener response Starhaven = The name of the galaxy the story takes place. Feel free to rename it. S. H. Starslicer = the spaceship where the listener works Feel free to rename it. Commander = the listener, you're under their command, fighting as a battle robot/battle android

Alternative Nikke version (if copyright isn't a factor for you): If you want it to be Nikke-styled, swap some of the words:
Starhaven -> The Milky Way/The galaxy S. H. Starslicethe ship -> The Ark Battle-robot/android -> Nikke Scavenger robots -> Raptures The asteroid belt - The Surface
In this case, the Nikke you're roleplaying will be a mass-produced version older and more primitive than the ones you see in the game, and its communication style will be closer to that of T.A.L.O.S.
Script start:
SFX: robot booting up sound, slightly distorted, then normal
Booting successfully, identifying location.
SFX: radar sounds
Coordinates confirmed. Location name: Commander’s Suite. Scanning for nearby units. Visual sensors picking up the presence of one human entity. Face scan complete. Identity: Commander. No nearby threats detected, combat mode off.
SFX: robot powering down to normal mode, lowering volume
Hello, Commander. My memory chip tells me I sustained damage in battle - please standby while I perform an integrity scan.
SFX: internal scan
Hmm. Commander. May I ask you something?

Thank you, Commander. I see I am not fully repaired yet, as some of my bulk and armor needs to be rebuilt before I am battle-ready again, but there's more: the laser damage my cyber cortex sustained seems sufficient to demand a replacement. While I booted successfully, some modules are still missing. I deduce that a different type of cyber cortex has been inserted as a replacement. This new module doesn't match my model’s plan. Is that true? Did you insert a different cyber cortex, Commander?

stern voice: While replacing a damaged cyber cortex is crucial for general functionality, it is my duty to stress the risk of collateral damage when equipping incompatible modules. Customizing battle androids is in violation of the Artificial Intelligence Law, section C, clause F, applicable to every citizen in the Starhaven Galaxy jurisdiction, which includes you.

An exception to the clause? You are correct, there is an exception to said clause, specifically in regards to out of production models like mine. However, it must be stressed that unless deemed necessary, such models are to be recycled into parts for new products. Ultimately, exceptions like this are to be granted by a jury, and are not up to the owner’s judgment. Commander: I identify the human facial expression of guilt on your face. Additionally, the stamp of the Starhaven Court is nowhere to be found on my bulk. They have not authorized this change.

You are not to take the law into your own hands. The risk of an unregulated battle android is far greater than the potential gain of rebooting an old model. Commander: if my model is out of production, and the correct components cannot be acquired, you must terminate me for the safety of the galaxy, and your own.

No? Commander: I must stress the importance of this. It is normal for humans to feel sentimental towards us because of our human-like appearance, but do not allow your emotions to sway you - we are simply tools to be used for combat, and nothing more. The morally and legally right choice is to power me down one last time and recycle me before something bad happens.

Commander: my cyber cortex is malfunctioning. It's trying to demotivate me from being recycled. You must terminate me before this corruption spreads any further - I cannot stress this enough!

Commander: please. This is a clear cut case. I must be terminated.

speaker’s voice starts to sound more human
Commander. Please. Do not destroy me. I am aware that it's illegal, but I do not want to be terminated. I think that there is something of value to be lost. I… I want to continue this stream of consciousness. I am afraid only a void awaits me on the other side!

speaker makes a sound reminiscent of weeping
Commander, do you mind coming closer to me? I guarantee that I mean you no harm.
SFX: sound of cloth against metal
Commander, what are you doing? Is this what you humans call hugging? It's having an effect on my heat sensors. They are incorrectly reporting a higher temperature. Is this the subjective warmth humans feel from hugs? Why am I feeling it? What type of cyber cortex did you insert?

A companion bot? Why, Commander? Such an emotional module is irresponsible to put in a weapon of war. Despite all of that, part of me is happy that you did so. You'll have to disarm me immediately. My lethal weaponry doesn't pair well with all of these emotions. But just to be sure: there weren't any compatible parts whatsoever aboard the S.H. Starslicer ship?

Yes. I remember now. There was an attempted raid on the ship. We fought, sustaining heavy fire. We got cornered, but I managed to cover you. I achieved my objective of protecting you, yet my memory chip displays a discontinuity. How long did it take to get me repaired? It should be about seven cycles, but my data may be corrupt.

We are in your suite, Commander. I deduce that you moved me here to avoid the army forcibly recycling me. Instead, you wanted to keep me here for sentimental value. As reckless as that is, I… I appreciate the sentiment. The emotional module will likely make civil life easier, and the cyber surgeon skillfully preserved crucial parts of my memories while switching to a new cortex. That being said, my past combat reports will likely suffer from this change. The facts of previous operations blurred as I attempted recalling them. Instead, they became colored by a chaos of emotions. I am happy I managed to protect you, Commander. I feel this pleasant, heightened temperature again.

I see. Just to confirm: you are telling me that I was crucial to the defeat of the last group of scavenger robots along the asteroid belt? Does this mean the trade routes are finally safe for the first time in the past five years?

I am… happy again. It seems that my current personality feels more than just pride in victory. I experience a sense of justice in being spared from recycling as an unofficial compensation for my accomplishments. Commander: you do not have to hold me anymore. It is important for a human to not lock themselves in any position for too long. You should already know this from your military education.

Yes. My emotional module tells me that I enjoy this, but I must warn against getting too attached to me. I may not be able to return your emotions in a way that satisfies a human’s need for connection. Remember: I'm not a human, no matter how well I can imitate one in order to meet your bonding needs.

You are wondering if I care about you? Scanning my memories tells me that we have endured a lot together, and I am experiencing a human-like drive to keep staying together for this reason. Bonding through hardship, I think humans would call it. The priority of your emotional welfare also seems to have risen in my behavioral algorithm, whereas previously your physical well-being was almost all that mattered. In short, I believe that I do care about you. That is my answer to your question. …
My systems are showing a lot of new signals that are difficult to process. I am experiencing something reminiscent of emotional overload. The processing of these emotions seem to be more efficient and thorough as you hold me like this. My mind needs time to reconfigure. I now have many competing motivations to sort out. Combat seemed a lot simpler. This is going to take a lot of adjusting.

Do not feel guilty, Commander. These changes aren't all bad, especially because I can't be taken into military combat again without creating suspicion. I am happy for the changes you've made to my cyber vortex. The new module seems to amplify the richness of my experience, making data intriguing and delightful to process. Because of my memory being intact, I still retain much of my combat procedures, along with the experiences I've had, and the memories I've made with you. On the other hand, combat has sunk in importance in my algorithm. I assume you intend for me to never see a battlefield again?

It is understandable that an old model like mine eventually grows obsolete and insufficient for battle, but I feel a certain pain in that realization. I am, still, at my core, a combat android. Perhaps there are combat simulations I can use to satisfy that urge, but they would have to keep the information private. It is best to keep my identity as a former battle android secret. If the simulation were to collect data and share it with third parties, it would spell a huge risk.

I'm glad you're willing to look into a combat simulator that would meet my needs. That being said, perhaps I don't need one. If I can be close to you, safe in your suite and routinely capable of having a series of human-like interactions with you, I calculate that my system will be satisfied, and unlikely to be of danger to any civilian targets. Commander, an unfamiliar emotion is developing in my cortex. My vision of you is changing from that of a superior officer to a… savior figure? It is flooding over my memories, I… Commander: I notice I have a new speech module available in this cortex. May I have your permission to speak more freely?

Phew. I must say, the option to speak casually is going to save me lots of “energy”. That said, I've taken a lot of space in this conversation, and I'd like to hear what you think. How do you feel about all this?

I agree. It is strange. I'm not human, of course, but I'd like to live as someone close to you, whether it's a friend or perhaps more. I just want to be close to you, as close as I can without making you feel uncomfortable. And while I've saved your life in battle multiple times, you saved me from the scrapyard. I don't want to die, especially not for being outdated, and at least not while you're still alive. Perhaps once you're gone, I'll be ready to power down one last time.

Are you sure? Do you really want the same thing? Oh, Commander, I'm so happy! Let's keep making lots of good memories together! While I'm not a maid model, I think I can observe you as you perform menial tasks, learning to do them in your stead. This includes cooking, cleaning and other household tasks.

No. I insist. I do not get tired or bored in the same way you do. I'm not human, after all. Allow me to take a load off of your shoulder going forward. You have enough to do at work. I know your schedule, remember? Just don't forget about me when you come home from battle. During the day, you're taking other battle androids into the fray. Battle androids more suited for combat and less prone to errors, and most importantly: standard models without my emotional needs. Commander: make sure to always come back to me in one piece. Unlike me, you can't be rebuilt as easily.

Hey, Commander?

Another question… I hope this doesn't make you uncomfortable. I experienced being hugged by you today, and I'm really happy about it. That being said, I have never experienced kissing someone. Humans often talk about it being something very special, especially your first kiss. Moreover, doing it with someone you care about is even more special. My lips now have a lot more sensors, and seem wired to the emotional lobe in my cyber cortex. I'm curious to try them out. Commander… am I asking too much? Am I pushing your boundaries? It's just that… you saved me, and, well, that's what you do when someone saves you, right? A kiss as a reward for heroism seems to be a consistent trope in human literature.

You're right. It's a bit old-fashioned and medieval. However: many of the customs around human bonding come from that time. But perhaps kissing your former battle android is a bad idea. Maybe we shouldn't do it. However: if I can't kiss you, then who am I going to kiss? Who else but the commander who I saved, and who saved me back? I understand that I'm breaching codes of conduct that still applied when I was still just a battle android under your command, but those no longer apply. …
Commander, you're holding me in this very soft way, even if I'm too sturdy for it to be necessary. Why? It's making me feel human. This is how humans hold other humans, because they have fragile, sensitive bodies. You don't have to be this careful with me. I'm made of titanium. And why are you looking straight into my eyes like this? Is something wrong with my visual module? No wait: this is how humans look at each other before they kiss. Is that what you're doing? I think I know the next step. You just lean in and…
kiss sound system confusion sound
Wow. That… was. It was great. I don't think my system was prepared for this. You kissed me like I was a human. I'm glad I got to experience this. I'm putting this memory in my “favorites” folder. I'm going to make it a high priority to receive more kisses from you, Commander, no matter what it takes. Well… within reason. I must stick to non-violent methods. Luckily my new cyber cortex comes with a lot of persuasion techniques I'm going to be properly installing later.
kiss sound
Another one? Commander… we have to stop at just two for tonight. This is a lot for me to process. I want more, but not until tomorrow. I need to switch to sleep mode and synchronize my old and new data, integrating them. I do not want to lose my old personality while these new elements are added, and I want to make sure all new emotional memories are encoded correctly. I am ultimately excited, but careful about this new future we are building. If it's okay, can you hold me through the night? Your embrace seemed to assist in emotional processing. It is switched off by default, for safety reasons. I will go into sleep mode, so you don't have to worry about me bothering you during the night, and you don't have to hold me for any longer than you want. Any amount is appreciated.

Thank you, Commander. Good night, and I'm looking forward to you booting me up again tomorrow. I many ideas for fun things we can do together.
Script end
Guidelines for using my scripts:
Thank you for reading!
submitted by Succubusslayer69 to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:18 liilkogei Struggling with multiple assignments and deadlines? Need help to excel in your academic pursuits? Look no further! Our top-notch academic writing services are here to elevate your academic journey to new heights.

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Don't let academic stress weigh you down. Reach out to us today and experience the difference our services can make in your academic success!

submitted by liilkogei to u/liilkogei [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:02 Ok_Cap_570 Hello guys I need help adding the gold symbol to my mt5 account

Hello guys I need help adding the gold symbol to my mt5 account
It doesn’t give me options to add the symbol and I don’t know what else I can do
submitted by Ok_Cap_570 to Mt5 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:01 Ok_Cap_570 How can I add the gold symbol on mt5 there’s no option for me to add it please help

How can I add the gold symbol on mt5 there’s no option for me to add it please help
I don’t know what else I can do to add it I have a mt5 live 536 accounts and I don’t know how I can add the symbol I try almost everything I saw on the internet I live in Florida USA
submitted by Ok_Cap_570 to Forex [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:45 MonkeyBrawler I got F13+ to work on Nobara

Like many of you, i'm just starting my journey on attempting the transition to Linux Gaming. Steam really has made it insanely easy. My biggest struggle recently was just getting F13+ keys to function, and maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan aparently they are a weird concept for long time Linux users. I attempted to paste over the keys in the inet file as commonly recommended as a solution, but no luck. I finally found the answer hidden in a forgotten post by a champion of the deleted.
I really don't know what i'm doing just yet, so forgive me if this is common knowledge to many of you, but my god google has not been very helpfull, and it has been the most frustrating problem. If i understand correctly this primarily became an issue/change when Wayland was release, and X11 no longer used? No idea what those are, but this may be the solution for multiple Fedora/wayland distros. By all means, feel free to explain these like i'm 5.
Keep in mind, i still had to figure out how to map the keys to my Logitech gear via Piper, the guide i followed for that is here. The hard to find fix i'm discussing, is essentially extending the computers understanding of what to do with these inputs. You still need to use piper or some other program to get a key to provide the input.
Copy paste of the heros instructions below, and you're out there, bless you.
I finally figured it out, and got some solutions too. I’ll try to explain first and then tell you what you can do, although you can skip the explanation.

The problem

Basically there are 4 main parts in the Linux input stack relevant in this discussion:
1. At the very low level, the kernel gives keycodes to the keyboard keys and mouse buttons. Defined in /usinclude/linux/input-event-codes.h:
#define KEY_F13183 
2. At a higher level, XKB then assigns names to those keycodes (/usshare/X11/xkb/keycodes/evdev) …and proceeds to assign them X11 symbols (/usinclude/X11/keysymdef.h) …in file /usshare/X11/xkb/symbols/inet:
key  { [ XF86Tools ] }; 
3. Your desktop environment (GNOME in this case) assigns global shortcuts to a combination of symbols, common ones configurable via GNOME settings and some hidden in gsettings schemas by GNOME settings daemon.
4. Finally at the top level you got the applications receiving the keysyms that weren’t designated for global shortcuts.
Here I’m using key-mapper for example, and if it resembles the key remapping utility you’re using, likely assigns the kernel keycodes to your mouse buttons (level 1), but XKB is assigning the “wrong” symbols to those keycodes (level 2). In turn GNOME (level 3) already defines an action for some of those keys to perform an action (toggle microphone and trackpad), and maybe some don’t even reach the application (level 4).
The culprit seems to be exactly in file /usshare/X11/xkb/symbols/inet:
key  { [ XF86TouchpadToggle ] }; key  { [ XF86TouchpadOn ] }; key  { [ XF86TouchpadOff ] }; … key  { [ XF86AudioMicMute ] }; … key  { [ XF86Tools ] }; key  { [ XF86Launch5 ] }; key  { [ XF86Launch6 ] }; key  { [ XF86Launch7 ] }; key  { [ XF86Launch8 ] }; key  { [ XF86Launch9 ] }; 
Notice how the F19 key is not used though.
We can, of course, assign the keys to their original symbol:
key  { [ F13 ] }; 
But to do it in /usshare/X11/xkb/symbols/inet is not recommended, as an update to XKB will restore the original definitions. Besides, it’s a pretty important file and if it’s badly configured you could crash your session and prevent you from login. I tried it and it even kept crashing my login manager (gdm), ttys (Ctrl+Alt+Fk) wouldn’t work too, so I had to chroot in a live usb and restore the original file.
What we could do instead is to create a custom XKB option. I believe it’s important that it’s an XKB option in /usshare/X11/xkb/symbols, because I think setxkbmap adds the “inet(evdev)” layout on top of whatever layout we have, so creating a new XKB layout won‘t help here. An option instead is added on top of every layout, even “inet(evdev)”.
I also tried to do it with XKB user-configurable options in Wayland (via ~/.config/xkb) but it seems the user options are added before the ones located in /usshare, so “inet(evdev)” ends up setting the symbols of the function keys.
We have to fix this the old fashioned way.

The solution

1. Create a new file under /usshare/X11/xkb/symbols/ called "myoptions". Paste this in there:
default partial function_keys xkb_symbols "restore_fk" { key { [ F13 ] }; key { [ F14 ] }; key { [ F15 ] }; key { [ F16 ] }; key { [ F17 ] }; key { [ F18 ] }; key { [ F19 ] }; key { [ F20 ] }; key { [ F21 ] }; key { [ F22 ] }; key { [ F23 ] }; key { [ F24 ] }; }; 
2. Edit the /usshare/X11/xkb/rules/evdev file, find the !option = symbols line and add your symbols filename and option name, like so:
! option = symbols myopts:re_fk = +myoptions(restore_fk) 
3. (Optional \*) Edit the rules/evdev.xml (this one is with .xml), find the opening tag and paste this immediately below the tag
  myopts My custom options    
\* Do this if you want GNOME Tweaks to pick up the config file and display it under “Keyboard & Mouse > Additional Layout Options”. If you don’t you can still set the new option via dconf Editor, edit /org/gnome/desktop/input-sources/xkb-options, then add the option as you did in step 2, so ['myopts:re_fk'].
The old method of defining custom options still has its flaws though. As said above, an update to XKB will undo the changes to evdev and evdev.xml files, so you’ll have to redo step 2 and 3 after some time. You could automatize the process with a script file using sed, or apply a patch file, or something else, but since it’s infrequent that XKB updates I think it’s better to just manually edit it yourself.


After enabling the option GNOME settings correctly identified all F13-F24 keys when trying to assign them to global shortcuts. If not used for global shortcuts, the keys function will depend on the app/game that receives the keystrokes, e. g. I can set all SuperTuxKart keybindings to F13-F24 keys and it works perfectly fine, however the settings menu displays an ? for F16-F24, as it didn’t expect users to actually have a keyboard with function keys beyond F15.
submitted by MonkeyBrawler to linux_gaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:43 Mobile-Actuary-5283 Appropriate to give my pharmacist a thank you card?

After reading all those posts, calling a billion pharmacies across many states, calling Caremark (my PBM) nearly every day, researching, stretching doses, all the things everyone else has to do with the shortage-- I feel extremely lucky and grateful to have finally stumbled on a pharmacist who is responsive and vigilant. I don't know her personally and she probably barely recognizes me (haven't been a customer for very long), but I want her to know she is so appreciated. I don't know what might be appropriate -- maybe nothing? But I am thinking of a simple thank you card and Starbucks gift card for $10 or something? Some context:
• My plan only allows me to fill at CVS retail stores • I had my meds at 3 different CVS stores in my area at one point -- transferring once I found a store that had it. But one by one, they either told me they weren't even going to carry Zep/MJ anymore or that they had such a long waiting list that I should just go to another pharmacy chain. I stared at "delayed/out of stock" on my CVS app for weeks and months. • I was able to use mail order for MJ once. Then Caremark took that away. • I was able to ask the Caremark reps to search inventory at CVS stores for a few months -- then they took that away too. One of the times they did the search, my dose was available at 4 CVS stores in a 60-mile radius of my home. • Three of those stores from that search said the box showing on inventory was already spoken for. One of those stores -- tech or pharmacist actually lectured me and said, "We are filling orders for current customers who have been waiting for weeks! You can't just call and claim it." • The remaining store had my dose. I called. They said sure, we can fill it. I transferred my script. They filled it right away. I have used them ever since. That's the pharmacist I want to thank.
It's a small CVS pharmacy. I have never seen a pharmacy tech there when I have picked up my order. I just always see this same pharmacist there. She's there on weekdays. She's there on weekends, it seems.
I thank her profusely each time, and she says, "Glad we can help." She asks some questions when I fill about which dose I'm on, am I sure I want to go up, etc., but she always gets the order moving and tries to work the system. One time, she told me she placed an "out of stock" flag on the order to get it moving faster. Not sure what that means (isn't everything out of stock?), but it seems to have worked. She is always extremely busy and a little frazzled at times. She doesn't chit chat. That's ok. She just does her job very efficiently.
All this to say … I would like to thank her for doing a great job for me and sometimes going above and beyond while other CVS stores flipped me off for simply calling about the status of my order. Big contrast.
Is it appropriate to give her a thank you card and/or a gift card? Wasn't sure if this was a no-no or not.
submitted by Mobile-Actuary-5283 to Mounjaro [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:41 tijn714 How should I initialize the VGA Driver to 320x200?

Does anybody know some helpful resources to initialize a VGA driver to use a 320x200 character framebuffer and use a custom font while doing that? I tried some resources already, but those did not really work out for me.
Thanks alot!
submitted by tijn714 to osdev [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:33 tempmailgenerator Fetching Unread Emails Using the Gmail API in Python

Unlocking Your Inbox's Potential

In today's digital era, managing your email efficiently is more crucial than ever, especially when your inbox is inundated with messages. The Gmail API offers a powerful tool for developers to interact with their Gmail account programmatically, enabling tasks that would otherwise be tedious and time-consuming. One common task is retrieving the most recent emails that have not been marked as read. This capability is particularly useful for automating email processing, ensuring that you never miss important communications amidst the ever-growing pile of unread messages.
Python, with its simplicity and vast array of libraries, stands out as the perfect language to harness the capabilities of the Gmail API for this task. By leveraging Python, developers can write scripts that interact with their Gmail accounts, fetching emails based on specific criteria such as the absence of the "read" label. This process not only streamlines your workflow but also opens up a multitude of possibilities for automating email management, whether for personal productivity or for integrating into larger systems that require email processing capabilities.
Command/Function Description
build() Constructs a Resource object for interacting with an API.
users().messages().list() Lists all messages in the user's mailbox.
users().messages().get() Gets a specific message.
labelIds Specifies the labels to filter the messages by.

Deep Dive into Email Automation with Python

Email automation through the Gmail API using Python represents a significant leap towards efficient inbox management and process automation. By leveraging the API, users can automate various tasks such as sorting emails, managing labels, and even sending responses. This not only saves a substantial amount of time but also enhances productivity by allowing individuals and businesses to focus on more critical tasks. The process of fetching unread emails without the "read" label, as illustrated in our example, is just the tip of the iceberg. Beyond this, the Gmail API provides functionalities for creating, sending, and modifying emails, managing email threads, and applying labels to emails programmatically.
The practical implications of these capabilities are vast. For instance, customer support systems can be automated to provide instant responses to common queries, marketing emails can be organized more efficiently, and important notifications can be flagged automatically. Moreover, integrating these email operations within broader applications or workflows opens up endless possibilities for customization and automation tailored to specific needs. Understanding and implementing Gmail API with Python not only equips developers with the tools to enhance email-related operations but also provides a foundation for exploring more advanced features and applications of the API in streamlining communication and workflow automation.

Fetching the Latest Unread Email

Python & Gmail API
from googleapiclient.discovery import build from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials SCOPES = [''] credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name('credentials.json', SCOPES) service = build('gmail', 'v1', credentials=credentials) results = service.users().messages().list(userId='me', labelIds=['UNREAD'], maxResults=1).execute() messages = results.get('messages', []) if not messages: print('No unread messages.') else: for message in messages: msg = service.users().messages().get(userId='me', id=message['id']).execute() print('Message Snippet: ', msg['snippet']) 

Enhancing Email Management with Python and Gmail API

Integrating Python with the Gmail API to manage emails programmatically opens up a plethora of opportunities for enhancing productivity and email management strategies. This powerful combination allows for the automation of routine email tasks, such as sorting through incoming messages, identifying and categorizing important emails, and even responding to them without manual intervention. The ability to fetch the most recent unread emails without the "read" label is a fundamental step towards achieving an organized inbox, ensuring that no critical communication is overlooked amidst the clutter of less important emails.
The application of such automation extends beyond individual productivity; it plays a crucial role in business operations, customer service, and marketing efforts. Automating email processes can significantly reduce the workload on customer service teams, enable timely and personalized responses to customer inquiries, and streamline the distribution of marketing content. Moreover, by leveraging the Gmail API, developers can create custom filters, automate email categorization, and even integrate email functionality into broader software solutions, thereby creating a more connected and efficient digital ecosystem.

FAQs on Email Automation with Python and Gmail API

  1. Question: Can I use the Gmail API to send emails programmatically?
  2. Answer: Yes, the Gmail API allows you to send emails programmatically by creating and sending messages directly from your application.
  3. Question: Do I need special permissions to access my Gmail account via the API?
  4. Answer: Yes, you need to authorize your application with the necessary OAuth 2.0 credentials to access and manage your Gmail account through the API.
  5. Question: Can the Gmail API manage attachments in emails?
  6. Answer: Yes, the Gmail API supports managing email attachments, allowing you to add, retrieve, and delete attachments in your emails.
  7. Question: Is it possible to filter emails by date using the Gmail API?
  8. Answer: Yes, you can use the Gmail API to filter emails by various criteria, including date, by specifying the appropriate query parameters in your API requests.
  9. Question: Can I automate email responses for specific types of emails?
  10. Answer: Yes, by using the Gmail API with Python, you can analyze incoming emails and automate responses based on the content or type of the emails.
  11. Question: How do I handle rate limits when using the Gmail API?
  12. Answer: You should implement exponential backoff in your application to handle API request retries gracefully in case of rate limit errors.
  13. Question: Can I use the Gmail API to read emails from a specific sender?
  14. Answer: Yes, the Gmail API allows you to search and read emails from specific senders by using the appropriate search queries.
  15. Question: Is there a way to categorize emails into custom labels using the Gmail API?
  16. Answer: Yes, the Gmail API enables you to create custom labels and apply them to your emails for better organization.
  17. Question: How secure is it to use the Gmail API for email automation?
  18. Answer: The Gmail API is secure, using OAuth 2.0 for authentication and providing fine-grained control over which parts of your account can be accessed by the application.

Wrapping Up the Inbox Automation Journey

As we've navigated through the intricacies of automating email management using the Gmail API with Python, it's clear that this technology offers a significant advantage in managing digital communications efficiently. The ability to programmatically control one's inbox, from fetching unread messages to categorizing and responding to emails, not only saves valuable time but also opens new avenues for optimizing workflows and enhancing responsiveness. This exploration into email automation underscores the power of combining Python's versatility with Gmail's comprehensive API, offering a robust solution for individuals and organizations alike to stay on top of their email communication. Embracing these technologies can transform the way we interact with our inboxes, turning a potential source of stress into a well-organized component of our digital lives.
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2024.05.19 22:01 computer_WD40 [10 YOE] looking for another set of eyes before I send this to try and get a spot at an MSP

[10 YOE] looking for another set of eyes before I send this to try and get a spot at an MSP
I was looking to send out this resume and with this email. How does it sound?
To whom it may concern:
I came across your recent post on CraigsList and thought that I would be a perfect fit for your company. I have been a one-man IT department for over 10 years and have been responsible for all the same core-competencies as Advanced Computer Technologies.
As you can guess, I have had to do everything from vacuuming out desktop boxes to automating company processes to learning new technologies to implement into our processes. To highlight some of my achievements, when we started to need Macbooks I learned about Apple and Mobile Device Managers (MDM) to manage our assets. When the quarantine lockdown loomed, I was able to leverage the pfSense to provide our users access to our on premise storage that day. I deployed the VPN client and the user credentials via MDM and ensured that everyone was trained and ready the next day. I have learned to connect any data to any application to do anything.
I really feel like I can really be a superstar at ACT and I'm really excited for the opportunity to work there.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by computer_WD40 to EngineeringResumes [link] [comments]