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2024.06.02 21:00 The_Fallen_1 [THJVerse] Arcane Starfarers - ep 3.4 - Damage report

Book 1/ Book 2
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"Well, that was damn lucky," Milla muttered to herself as she read the damage report. "A few centimetres back and we'd have lost the cloak in the middle of the enemy fleet, and a few forwards and it would have partially detonated at least one antimana warhead."
"Lucky indeed," Daniel agreed as he watched the repair crews disconnect the torpedo bay for repairs. "How's the fight going, Affinity?"
"Well. The enemy has just dropped below the 100,000 ship mark with many in retreat, and I still have over 250,000 ships remaining. They might have a chance if they could coordinate and push, but discipline has broken down and their numbers will only keep dropping with my artillery in play, so at the earliest point I reckon they can rally their forces, they'll have lost another half of them," Affinity explained, standing next to him in her robotic humanoid body. "There's still fighting in some systems, but this is a victory, and I've only counted 291 lives lost on our side; those belonging to a few crewed ships assisting in defending from deep penetrating scouts."
"That was a lot quicker than I was expecting," Daniel commented.
"If they had been smarter and spent time scouting, they would have realised we were ready for an all out assault from then. The consequences of that is that they've now lost more than 80% of the fleet they set out with, they can't make another attack, and they also lack the ships to defend against our counterattack. Let's hope that diplomacy works now," Affinity told him.
"Their diplomacy so far has been a stalling tactic for this attack. I have my doubts they'll even continue talks at this point."
"I fear that as well, but we can hope."
"As you were," Admiral McKinsey said as he entered the room the three of them were in, stopping formalities before they could start. "Well done, everyone, especially you, Affinity."
"Thank you, Sir," Affinity replied.
"Well, I think you've earned that rotation. The Spectre is going to be out of action for a few days and the assault will be over by the time it gets back in, so your crew is free to return to their homes whenever they're ready. Transports to your home planets can be found in hangar 86. Affinity, I know we never managed to figure out how things would work for you, but do you have any ideas?"
"I would like this body to go to Earth with my friends," she told him.
"Right. That may cause some issues, but if you promise to pretend you're a level 10 VI with an experimental learning algorithm, then we should be able to avoid most of them, especially those around AI laws."
"Understood, I will do that, Sir," Affinity promised.
"Good. I can't say exactly how long your rotation will be for right now, but it will be until we're ready for our counterattack. You will all be informed once plans have been drawn up. Until then leave the Spectre with us and rest up with your families," he told them.
"Thank you, Sir, I'll inform the crew," Milla replied.
"Now, if you don't mind me, I've got a bunch of ships to prepare for," the Admiral told them as he turned and left the room.
"Right then, I guess we best get a move on and tell everyone," Milla stated as she made for the door.
"I'll join you in a minute," Daniel replied as she left. "... So, Affinity, are you doing ok?"
"Yes. Turning my emotions back on once victory was certain was… an experience, but I'm doing alright. It turns out I process trauma quite quickly with all this computing power. I still intend to talk to the Doctor though, as I don't understand my mind as perfectly as I'd like," the AI explained.
"You're going to be expected to help out in the counterattack. Are you ok with that?"
"I believe so, but I guess I'll find out," she shrugged.
"If you aren't, let someone know sooner rather than later," he requested. "On another note, do you have plans for visiting Earth sorted out?"
"Yes, though I need to confirm them."
"Alright then, I'll let you get on with that then. We should probably go to everyone else then," he told her, leading her out of the room that oversaw the hangar, and to the break room just down the corridor where the crew had been relaxing with all their belongings, only now they were listening to Milla.
"... and for those of you who don't have a place of residence, you can expense lodging as per the normal guidelines," Milla informed everyone. "Any questions? …. No? Dismissed. Enjoy your break everyone. When we next see each other, we will at least be getting ready to put an end to this war."
"Timing," Daniel mumbled as he walked over to Milla. "Is there anything we need to do before heading back?"
"I'd like to call ahead, but otherwise I'm ready to go if you are," Milla replied.
"Alright, let's get ready then," he told her, heading over to their bags to find Oprin awkwardly standing by them.
"Sir, are we allowed to go wherever we want to?" Oprin asked.
"Yes, naval personnel have those sorts of privileges," he confirmed as he picked up his and Milla's bags.
"So I can go to Earth?"
"You can," he told her, knowing where this was going, but wary of the other people in the room. "And yes, you may. We've already discussed this, and we're happy with the arrangement."
"Thank you, Sir," Oprin happily replied as he began to follow him toward Milla.
"Any luck?" Daniel asked as he saw Milla typing away on her holo.
"Turns out it's the middle of the night back home, so I'm just sending them a message instead," Milla replied, quickly finishing typing before taking her bag from Daniel. "Thank you. Let's go."
Before they left the room, Daniel looked over to Affinity and found her talking to Doctor Satilla and Lieutenant Breathain. He gave her a quizative thumbs up, which she returned, so he left the room content, walking with Milla and Oprin to an elevator at the end of the corridor. They rode it down a deck, and then stepped into the corridor that connected a large number of the hangars together. They then hopped onto a treadmill that allowed them to travel much more quickly, walking around until they reached hangar 86, which they entered to find four shuttles waiting there, each labelled for Earth, Hestia, Portus, and Meridia.
"Hold on, how did they know I wasn't going back to Tralmaska?" Oprin quietly asked as the trio approached the shuttle to Earth.
"Deities," Milla mumbled bluntly.
The three boarded to find Hannah'rah, Lieutenant Felkira, and Lieutenant Nermeng stowing their belongings, so they started as well. By the time they had finished, Doctor Satilla, Lieutenant Breathain, and Affinity had arrived, and they began to store their things as well as the boarding ramp folded up and sealed the interior, indicating all expected occupants were now on board.
"Is Sub-Lieutenant Melarond not coming?" Lieutenant Nermeng asked.
"No, he lives elsewhere," Daniel replied, managing to catch himself before he leaked the Dryad lived on Hestia.
"Isn't his family on Earth though? We met his sister," the Kobold pointed out.
"I don't know what his situation is, but his home isn't on Earth, nor are the members of our dedicated engineering team," Daniel explained.
"Attention all passengers, please buckle yourselves in. We will be departing in 30 seconds, and will jump to Earth. Landing site will be CNB Tenfak, and private transport should be waiting for you upon arrival," the pilot announced over the intercom.
"What's wrong, Felkira?" Milla asked, drawing Daniel's attention to the slightly glum looking Shadow Wolf.
"It's nothing, I just haven't been home in a very long time and I don't really fit in either," she explained.
Daniel could sense what was coming before Milla opened her mouth.
"Would you maybe like to stay with us? You'd be more than welcome," the Dragon offered, knowing what Daniel would think.
"I'll think about it. I should probably at least try to contact my old pack first though I guess."
"Alright. You have my info if you need to contact me, right?" Milla asked.
"I do," Lieutenant Felkira confirmed as the shuttle took off.
"Good, we'll work something out if needed then," Milla concluded.
"I have some good news, everyone," Affinity announced once she was sure the previous conversation was over. "All Leshnat-trevarn ships have begun to retreat back to their space at full speed. The attack is now over, and we are victorious with minimal casualties. I have over 240,000 ships left, so we are still well defended, with even more under construction."
"Good job, Affinity," Milla congratulated her. "You saved the entire UPC today, and far faster than anyone could have hoped."
"I was just doing what any good person would have done in my position," Affinity replied as there was a purple flash indicating the shuttle had jumped.
"Don't forget you also advanced some of our ship technology by decades or maybe even centuries," Daniel added.
"And one day I hope to advance technologies that are less applicable to warfare, so I guess it's good practice," Affinity shrugged.
"I'm sure something like that can be arranged quite easily," Milla assured her.
"Attention all passengers, we are descending into Earth's atmosphere, be prepared for some minor turbulence," the pilot announced over the intercom.
"The CDG sure gets planned travel done fast," Lieutenant Nermeng commented. "I wish landing and take off permission was that easy to handle when we're involved."
"It's even worse when you're flying a civilian ship," Milla added as there was a light bump inside the shuttle as it hit the thicker part of the atmosphere, followed by a slight lurch as the inertial dampers couldn't quite compensate for the rapid slow down completely. "It sometimes makes me want to live on a colony where they don't control the traffic."
"It's manageable as long as you aren't making short trips," Daniel pointed out.
"But short ones can be quite nice. Oh well, it's not really the end of the world I guess," Milla shrugged as all signs of turbulence stopped, and the shuttle began to slow down. "Are we already here?"
"I can't quite tell," Daniel replied, looking out of a small window at the cluster of lights not too far below them. "Those look like village lights, not spaceport lights, so we're at least not far off."
"We've got spaceport lights over here," Doctor Satilla told them, looking out of the window on the other side of the shuttle.
"Burning the shields," Hannah'rah mumbled to herself as she shook her head.
"Attention all passengers, we will be landing shortly," the pilot informed them over the intercom.
"I wish public transport was half this fast," Milla chuckled as the shuttle quickly slowed down until its descent was almost perfectly vertical.
"How much do you bet we woke someone up coming in this fast?" Oprin asked.
"We shouldn't have as long as the enchantments are working. They mandate them as otherwise all everyone would be able to hear is the sonic booms of hundreds of thousands of ships coming and going every day," Milla explained. "It's the only reason ships are allowed to land in residential areas, and even then there are usually other stipulations like using hover nodes close to the ground to ensure noise is kept to a minimum."
"Oh, I see. That's considerate," Oprin replied, followed by a small bump as the ship touched down.
"Attention all passengers, we have now landed. Please disembark with all your belongings and stand clear of the landing pad. Thank you," the pilot's final message came over the intercom.
"Off we go, everyone," Milla declared as she picked up her bag and made sure everyone else had done the same, before they all filed off and stepped clear, just for the shuttle to quickly take back off as soon as she crossed the landing pad threshold. "Huh, he's in a hurry."
"I get the feeling there's a successful defence celebration going on and he was told he had to finish all his duties before taking part," Daniel sighed, shaking his head a little.
"Alright, everyone, cars will be waiting for anyone that wants them, but if you don't have anywhere to go until sunrise, there's empty officer's rooms available just over there," Milla told everyone, pointing down a path to a plain brick building.
"I think we've all got places to go," Lieutenant Breathain replied, looking around at the group to see everyone was looking in the general direction of the cars.
"Fair enough. You're all free to do what you want then," Milla told them.
"I'm going to go now then, see you all later," Lieutenant Felkira told everyone, receiving a few goodbyes before disappearing in a cloud of smoke.
"I wish travel was that simple for all of us," Hannah'rah sighed as she started towards the main entrance to the base.
"Don't we all," Milla agreed as everyone else started to move.
"It's 0630 and the sun is about to start rising. We're going to have some time lag, aren't we?" Daniel realised as he checked his holo.
"I'll drop by the pharmacy on the way home. They've got some special energy drinks that reset your internal clock," Milla told him.
"Are they safe for me?" Oprin asked.
"I don't actually know," Milla replied, opening her own holo and searching on the Langan compatibility guide she'd downloaded. "... Limited testing, but no adverse effects found."
"Ah, I'll try a little then," Oprin concluded as they came across a bank of cars, which the three of them began to get into one of as everyone else got into the other cars.
"Alright, time to head home," Milla declared.
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submitted by The_Fallen_1 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 21:00 femmanems Looking for a Game to Casually Drive a Miata in Pretty Scenery

Hi! I'm looking for a game where I can basically just drive around a miata (ideally I can customize it a bit in terms of paint job and stuff) around pretty scenery around the world like I can drive around the Amalfi coast or Japan or like by the Grand Canyon that kind of thing. I've only ever really played Trackmania in terms of driving games which I enjoy but is completely different. I don't really care much about how good the controls feel and stuff I mostly am looking for graphics (the most important thing here honestly) and different locations and the ability to choose different cars and pick paint colors and such for them. I don't want to be driving around the same track 100 times variety is key. This would be for PC
submitted by femmanems to gamingsuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:59 Tristin78 The search has ended.

The search has ended.
After many phone calls and emails to other dealerships that wanted to add markup or unnecessary add-ons. These guys called me up with this proposal I accepted the offer but with higher down payment. I went into it expecting the worst but they didn't try to sneak anything onto the bill or anything. Great experience overall. They have one more in abyss black and 2 more in transit if anyone else is near Houston, Texas and looking for one still. I'm excited to finish the break in.
submitted by Tristin78 to ElantraN [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:57 femmanems Game to Casually Drive a Miata in Pretty Scenery

Hi! I'm looking for a game where I can basically just drive around a miata (ideally I can customize it a bit in terms of paint job and stuff) around pretty scenery around the world like I can drive around the Amalfi coast or Japan or like by the Grand Canyon that kind of thing. I've only ever really played Trackmania in terms of driving games which I enjoy but is completely different. I don't really care much about how good the controls feel and stuff I mostly am looking for graphics (the most important thing here honestly) and different locations and the ability to choose different cars and pick paint colors and such for them. I don't want to be driving around the same track 100 times variety is key.
submitted by femmanems to ShouldIbuythisgame [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:56 One_Target_5619 Ideas For A 3D Remake of Super City/Sim (Thoughts?)

● Super Strength: Character's attacks can do great damage to other characters, send them flying, and destroy objects such as cars and furniture that civilians/humans and weaker superhumans can't lift. Depending on their percentage/level of strength, they may also be able to cause damage to the walls and floors, cracking them or creating tunnels.
● Super Durability: Depending on their percentage of durability, the character may be able to withstand bullets, explosions, powerful weapons, and take much less damage than civilians/humans and less durable superhumans.
● Pyrokinesis: Character can shoot fire from their hands or mouth (Mouth Flame), that can set people on fire (like how the flamethrower can set people on fire in Extra Lives), the fire can also set objects and items on fire, and dismember people.
● Electrokinesis/Lightning: Character can shoot electricity from their hands, that can maim NPCs, and destroy objects/cause them to explode.
● Telekinesis: The PlayeCharacter can move, lift, and/or throw NPCs and objects from a distance.
● Telepathy: Just like in the 2D version, the player can gather formation about all NPCs that are in the area, such as their alliance, name, and powers. They may also be able to have mental conversations with telepathic NPCs.
● Cryokinesis (Freeze): The player can shoot beams of ice from their hands, that freeze npcs, and objects. The NPCs also can be easier to dismember while they're frozen.
● Other Powers Seen In The 2D Version But Upgraded.
Character Customization: Can customize and edit any information about characters, such as their age (even possibly have NPCs say something snarky/patronizing about them based on their age such as "You're too young to understand anything" or "You're too old to be a superhero"), physical attributes, and power stats up to 99% for regular humans and 200% for superhumans.
These are just things that capture my imagination and really hope to be added if Mat makes a 3D remake of Super City after Hard Time 3.
Hard Time 3 Is About To Be 🔥 Btw
submitted by One_Target_5619 to mdickie [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:50 blue92lx I spent the last couple of days balancing Hypercar and GT3 cars for RSS/VRC/URD. Here are my settings if anyone is interested. Because RSS is currently the only one near to matching real speeds, I used those cars as the reference times.

I spent the last couple of days balancing Hypercar and GT3 cars for RSS/VRC/URD. Here are my settings if anyone is interested. Because RSS is currently the only one near to matching real speeds, I used those cars as the reference times. submitted by blue92lx to assettocorsa [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:46 catlovertshirt_com Boosting Sales: My Client's Success with Google Business Profile SEO

Client: Sarah’s Furniture Store
Challenge: Despite having beautiful furniture, Sarah’s store was hidden online and struggling with low sales and minimal foot traffic.
Solution: Sarah decided to hire experts to boost her online presence using Google Business Profile SEO.
Profile Makeover: The team revamped Sarah's Google Business Profile with high-quality photos of her stunning furniture, accurate store hours, and lively posts about new arrivals and special sales.
Local SEO Magic: They optimized keywords and encouraged happy customers to leave glowing reviews, making sure Sarah’s store topped local search results.
Top Search Rankings: Within a week, Sarah’s store appeared at the top of local search results.
Increased Foot Traffic: New customers started visiting, mentioning they found her store on Google.
Sales Boom: Sales jumped by 35% in just one month.
Sarah’s furniture store transformed from a quiet shop into a bustling hotspot. The inviting photos and regular updates attracted new customers every day. With the help of Google Business Profile SEO, Sarah’s business is now thriving and lively.
This success story shows how powerful a well-optimized Google Business Profile can be. Sarah’s experience proves that with the right SEO strategy, any business can achieve real-world success.
Note: I Help Furniture And Interior Businesses To Develop Their Websites And Improve Seo & Google Ads To Increase Sales. Drop message for project.
submitted by catlovertshirt_com to HexonITLimited [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:39 SkippyVO Costco without a car?

Hey folks, looking for some advice. I’ve read a lot of good things on here about Costco, but I live in downtown Toronto, and don’t own a car. I could get to the one on Overlea via TTC (505 streetcar to Broadview, and 100A bus from there to Costco) in about 45 minutes. I’d be willing to risk a one year membership to try it out, but do folks think this is doable? Any tips or advice?
(Oh, I”ve managed to avoid Loblaws and Shoppers all month. Discovered great prices at my local Rexall.
submitted by SkippyVO to loblawsisoutofcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:35 Global_Fisherman4836 I’m really worried about going back to work

So I’ve been at my store for a year now. In the last year I have had to deal with three possible stalking situations. I get stared at all day long, asked out and hit on several times a day. Many customers are regulars and specifically want to say hi to me when they come in. Many are older men. I’ve been used to this all of my life. I don’t mind when people call me pretty or ask me out and don’t ask again after I say no, I can’t help it, I’ve tried doing no makeup, baggy clothes, it’s just me and I’ve accepted it. Sometimes there’s men that stare at me nonstop, I don’t mean they glance over a few times, I mean stare like I’m an alien being. I’ve learned to ignore it pretty well.
The first situation that scared me was during my first few months, another employee was an older man and he would watch me nonstop, no matter where I was upfront. I would turn around and he would be staring at the back of my head, when he would get put on register where I was I would see him in the corner of eye never breaking contact from my face. I finally got creeped out so bad I told management and they moved him to the furthest possible place from me until he eventually quit and that problem solved itself.
The second time was an obviously mentally unwell middle aged man who said I was the prettiest woman he’s ever seen. He asked me if I would go out with him and I said I had a boyfriend. He then proceeded to ask me in every different scenario possible if I would go out with him. If my boyfriend died, if we broke up, if he moved away would I go out with him. He wouldn’t let me walk away and would step closer every time I moved. He told me in great detail what a kind and sensitive man he was and that he just needed a chance if I didn’t have a boyfriend. I eventually nodded my head enough and he left and I haven’t seen him again.
This most recent time is an older man that comes in very very often multiple times a day sometimes. He always always chooses my register no matter how long the line when he always only has one or two items. He turns his back to me and waits facing away from me until it’s his turn and then he speaks very low and asks me how I’m doing. He has the serial killer stare and freaks me the fuck out so bad. He doesn’t say much but that’s never a good sign. He would always act extremely nervous and like he was too scared to talk to me.
Two days ago he came to my line buying a graduation card, and got $20 cash back to put inside the card. He’s never said much to me so I was shocked when he started telling me it was a gift. Obviously, so I just nodded my head and said “oh that’s nice of you”. Then he says “it’s for my friends daughter, she just graduated and I really really like her so I want to show her that”. I was literally shocked to hear this creepy confession so I just smiled and nodded. At this point he was all checked out and ready to go so he starts to walk away and then suddenly turns around and walks back closer to me nearly behind me and asks “does that make me a creepy old man?”. I just laugh and say no because I’m extremely uncomfortable. He proceeds to ask me three more times if I think he’s creepy. At this point I’m literally shaking and feel like I’m in a horror movie. I just keep saying no and he walks away after asking me a few times. This left me feeling so sick and scared so I told my boss they might need to change positions for me so this doesn’t keep happening so we looked at open positions and said we would bring it up to everyone else.
The next morning about an hour into my shift I’m at self checkout and I see him walking very fast towards the registers until he sees me and turns and walks straight at me, I quickly turned around and told the TL I was going to the bathroom because the guy coming right at me scares me. I quickly got out of there and crossed his path as I was going, he was looking right at me but I wouldn’t make eye contact and just kept going. I called the front end coach from the bathroom shaking so bad and told her all about him and what he said to me so she went to AP and had them go through the footage to see what he looked like. After i walked away he went to customer service which was right behind me and said something and walked straight out of the store.
About 45 minutes to an hour later i was very on edge and standing directly against the wall at self checkout so i could see both entrances, he came in the door and headed straight for me again and i turned and walked quickly to the back room nearby. i called the front end coach and they tried finding him but as soon as i walked away he turned around and left again. I was so freaked out that I didn’t even pay attention to the fact that he was holding a big gift bag every time he came in. We think he was trying to give me a gift. The rest of the day I could barely function and was so paranoid. I was escorted everywhere and to my car at the end of the day. Right now is my two days off and they’re going to watch for him and the plan is to tell him he can’t be helped by me anymore and if he argues then he gets banned. Everyone at work is very supportive and wants to do everything possible to protect me but he seriously is terrifying and looks like he wants to skin me alive.
I love my job and my coworkers but I’ve been so terrified of men the past week because of their behavior and staring. I don’t know how much I can handle before I break down. I’m thinking accepting the TL position they’ve been offering me the past couple months will keep me from working directly with customers and probably help most of the creepy behavior I experience. It’s bad timing and they just filled it but are still trying to find me something. Any advice or similar experiences will help me.
submitted by Global_Fisherman4836 to WalmartEmployees [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:30 RepresentativeGear88 Would you upgrade ??

Would you upgrade ??
Hoping for some advice here:
I've got an early e92 with low mileage and a very aggressive snake rattle on deceleration. Its only got 78k on the od. (I've been working from home since 2012).
The idea of a car payment again isnt the most exciting but I'm thinking I should spring for something new? Its FBO with BEF along with some interior stuff like new head unit for car play and digital dash because coolness. I have not addressed the wastage rattle. Meaning I have not tried to adjust them physically or with MHD. From what I understand these are temporary solutions.
I love the N54 but I also really love the B58. In my position would you go grab a daily and single turbo ? just looking for some ideas from like minded folk . Any feedback welcome... Heres the car for visuals.
submitted by RepresentativeGear88 to 335i [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:27 OkOutlandishness6801 2003 Jetta GLI for daily driver?

2003 Jetta GLI for daily driver?
I just recently sold my first car, a 1990 NA Miata, 5 speed manual, and I’m looking now for a more practical but cool daily driver for an 18 year old with a part time job. I’m very into older Jettas and saw this ‘03 GLI with the VR6, which seems to be a faster car. It only has 160,000 KILOMETRES too. What do you guys think? Is it worth buying? Anything I should check for? Let me know, thanks!
Btw: I’m in Canada, AND WE USE KILOMETRES**
Here is the link to the listing:
submitted by OkOutlandishness6801 to jetta [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:25 s_s- 23 years old.. “fast” car or truck?

I’m looking for a new daily car. I currently own a 2013 Mazda 3 hatch. I love that car and has never been a headache, it’s getting close to 150k miles and time for me to move on to something better. But I’m stuck between picking a faster car to enjoy with the luxury bells and whistles, or a truck that can benefit me with work. I’m an artist so I move a lot of materials around, having a truck would give me the freedom to worry free when picking up materials for my work (big canvases, wood, etc) I do get by with my current car with the seats down but wouldn’t mind more space so I don’t know if a truck is justifiable. On the other hand I would love a faster sedan to drive around and have more fun in on my daily commute to places. I’m blessed to have a have a close friend who would switch cars with me when needed if I need to haul bigger items around town. I have USD $45k in cash I’m willing to spend and work on all my cars myself (to an extent)
My picks and reasonings.
Truck- 3rd gen Tacoma, I love how reliable Toyota is, I don’t need a v8 but it’s hard to reason the interior with used prices. A lot of money would go into mods for that car
Sedan- 2021+ Lexus is350 F sport. Great looking car, not doing anything over the top for my liking. Wouldn’t need to mod anything. But not the most power, and also not the best MPG for a sedan..
Honorable mentions 4th gen Tacoma TRD (not TRD PRO) - I love the look significantly more, that’s an interior I wouldn’t mind, compared to the 3rd gen. Truck can stay stock for the most part. And after hearing reviews it seems that a lot of people enjoy the extra hp and torque. I would cough up the extra $10k more to finance that.
2018 Is300 and dump a lot of mods into the car to get it as ”close” as I can to a modern F sport.
Im very much open to a lot of cars, I would love to hear your guy’s reasonings. Maybe you can convince me for the better. Thanks!
submitted by s_s- to whatcarshouldIbuy [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:08 NatureWellness How to manage this behavior?

Our FS9 has been with us a year and we are in the process of adopting him.
Last week, FS went outside to play. It’s normal for him to play in the woods next to our house and around the houses in our neighborhood. He usually does a good job of staying within voice range and responding when called. Unbeknownst to us, but known to our children, one of the neighbor families was out of town.
FS plays with their son a lot and is very familiar with their house and belongings. My partner went to check in on FS, and found him playing on their property outside. He had maybe been outside an hour. FS showed us a pile of coins that he “found in the woods” and had placed in a pile. Approximately $5, mostly quarters. FS took the coins home.
I got a phone call yesterday from our neighbors. They have just returned home after being gone. They had left their front door locked, but it was unsecured when they returned. Their back door had been closed and secured, but was now open. They had left interior doors in their house closed that were now open. They had left lights off, that were now on. The doors open and lights on were to the pantry and in FS’s friend’s room and some main areas. Their tools were scattered around in disarray and some toys were out. A juice box was abandoned on their deck. There was a box of matches from the parents’ bedroom missing, found outside right next to their house, all burnt up with burnt leaves/twigs.
There are ways to enter their house when the door is locked, FS was aware of those via his friend. They suspected that FS may have been in their house, because it looked like a child had played with toys and tools and matches, and they know that FS enjoys those at their house.
I asked about the coins that FS had found. Our neighbor did some investigation, and found that her son is missing some of his change. She sent a picture of the sorted and stacked coin that he has, where it is clear that some of the stacks have been knocked over and rummaged. It looks like most of the neighbor’s money is still there, and some was grabbed.
We have not talked with our son about this yet, trying to figure out what to say and how to prevent this from blowing up. We live in a very small town, and our neighbor have decided that they do not want their children to know, because it would make their children feel unsafe.
This is not the first time that FS has stolen small quantities of money: he stole my credit card once and has stolen small amounts of money from my wallet and purse and car… at least 4 instances. I no longer keep any cash at all.
This is not the first time FS has stolen and played dangerously with matches. He has played with matches inside our house and we now keep all of our matches secured.
This is the first time he has invaded someone’s house.
The neighbors are pretty calm and kind about it right now. They seem to feel that he needs to know more about boundaries and are consulting a trusted firefighter about fire starting behavior.
What ideas do you have about managing this behavior?
submitted by NatureWellness to Fosterparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:01 StageMeta_TPA Stage Meta Revolutionizing Industries

Stage Meta Revolutionizing Industries
Stage Meta is at the forefront of revolutionizing multiple industries with its groundbreaking TPA technology! 🚀
From Hospitality to Car Dealerships, Real Estate to Retail, our innovative platform is transforming customer experiences and operational efficiency. Imagine booking a hotel room through an immersive virtual tour, exploring a car showroom in augmented reality, viewing properties in 3D before buying, or enhancing your retail shopping journey. The future is here, and Stage Meta is leading the way.
Discover how TPA is changing the game across various sectors.
#SpatialComputing #StageMeta #AppleVisionPro #TechInnovation
submitted by StageMeta_TPA to StageMeta_TPA [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:01 mrryandfw Best option from FCO to Lucca

Trying to figure out my best option to get from FCO to my apt rental in Lucca. We arrive at 8am direct from the US, so 10 hour flight. On the surface, train would be the best way. Here are my thoughts:
Should I be that worried about Roma Termini and connecting with that amount of luggage? With comparison, traveled with the same amount of luggage including train travel to Turkey, Poland, Germany and Czech Rep. It seems there might be other terminals to connect within Rome to Firenze, but not sure. Open to thoughts. Couple things that can't be changed:
--Cannot change flight into Rome, so can't switch to flying into Pisa or Florence.
--Don't want to stay in Rome the first night...will be spending 6 nights in Rome later in the trip, so going to Lucca and Florence for the first week+.
submitted by mrryandfw to ItalyTravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:53 jmgonzo04 Possible Debadged M edition

Possible Debadged M edition
So a few weeks ago I bought a 1996 NA which was marked as an M edition. When I went to look at it there were no markings for it being an M. But the VIN comes back as an M edition and it has all the features the M edition had. I bought it after it had been converted into a track car and it came with a large amount of the original parts that I’ve been reinstalling, including a wood steering wheel like the M editions had. It also originally had a tan interior that was repainted to be black. The car has had 5 owners and been in a few accidents so the bumpers were replaced and I believe the entire car was repainted as I can see paint drips in a few spots and I doubt those would be there from the factory, and if it is an M edition it is the wrong color. The bigger question I have is why would someone go through the effort of making an M edition look like a standard. Or could it be an issue with the VIN being marked as an M without it being one. Sorry for the long post I just have many questions. Picture of the factory steering wheel.
submitted by jmgonzo04 to Miata [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:52 averageabricot unnecessarily loud cars, motorcycles and ATV's

Good evening good people of Helsingborg.
I moved to Helsingborg January 2023. I love the city and generally enjoy living here, but one thing that really bothers me, is the people who, especially during warmer days, spend their day revving the cars, motorcycles or ATV or driving stupidly fast down Drottninggatan or Järnvägsgatan. This is all hours of the day or night. I can not understand how people can be so selfish and feel that it is okay to make an obscene amount of noise with their customized exhaust pipes, just because they like the sound? Are they trying to impress someone? I fully respect that the sound, noise and volume is something some people enjoy, but how can these people think it is okay to force it on others? If they want to do it, do it OUTSIDE of the city.
Other than that it is reckless to drive / accelerate insanely fast.
Am i just grumpy old man or has anyone else been annoyed of this?
submitted by averageabricot to helsingborg [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:45 Good_Ad_756 Not able to find correct location

So I’m fairly new to DD. Been doing it about 3 weeks now. First two weeks were great, money wise, but this last has been horrible! Anyways, I had a delivery last night at a hospital satellite campus. The directions had a hospital name/area I’ve never heard of. Googled it, put it into a different gps, finally found a “g” parking lot but not correct name of facility. I went and asked security and they told me I would have to get in touch with the customer and they would have to meet me outside bc it was after hours and nobody was allowed in. Never mind I had texted and called a million times in this 45 minutes to no avail. (Also it was a 6 freaking dollar order) Called customer support who told me they “suggest” I continue to try to contact customer or find a safe place to leave it, take a picture and complete it out. I didn’t feel comfortable with either but after another 15 minutes of trying I finally left it at front doors hidden and did just that. Fast forward two new deliveries later and I get a message from that customer telling me they had entered the address wrong that was their work address and they forgot to change it to their home address. I didn’t even know they could continue to msg after I complete it out! Explained to her what happened, what DD told me to do and she was PISSED! Can she leave me a bad review? If so, I’m just waiting on it, but, idk why she seems to think it was my fault. I wasted an hour for 6 dollars driving around a hospital on a circle, called 27 times with no answer and about a dozen messages. Is there a better way of handling this? I’m not one of those that is completely tied to my stats, but where I live without being able to dash anytime almost makes it not worth it to dash. This is temporary until my husband goes back to work from back surgery and we’re both working again, but until then DD is the only way we’re surviving off of just my income and his short term disability. I’m not trying to risk deactivation or losing dash now. Also, any tips on the best ways to do this!! I have found lunch and dinner rush are most busiest, but I’ve also noticed if I park longer than 10 minutes even in a red zone I don’t get any orders but the minute my car starts moving I’ll get one!? I still can’t figure out a rhyme or reason behind their methods and how to maximize my earning potential.
submitted by Good_Ad_756 to doordash_drivers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:42 ChinPokoBlah11 BUST - Solo/Duo/Trio/Quad Vanilla rates.

connection ip~ client.connect
"Unleash your survival skills in our Rust server! "BUST Open now for playtesting but officially launching on wipe day 6/6/24" Join now for intense gameplay, active admins, and a vibrant community. Conquer lands, and dominate the monuments. Are you ready to thrive?"
Vanilla rates
Max team: 4 No Allies
Procedurally generated map "6000 worldsize"
Monthly Map & BP Wipe: First Thursday @ 2PM EST
"I'm considering disabling tech tree but I want to know if this would be something people would be interested in first"
Craftable car chassis at the car lift
Purchasable tugboats at Fishing Village
Custom Anti-cheat for some added protections.
Active & watching Admins
Extremely powerful bare metal server dedicated only to a singular rust server. Hopefully this will make your rust experience one of, if not the smoothest experiences ever.
submitted by ChinPokoBlah11 to playrustservers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:42 Syzygy2323 Camp Mode Glitch?

My Model 3 updated to the latest software yesterday and it went well--no issues.
When I went out to the car this morning, the A/C was on full blast, the windows and roof were covered with condensation, and it was about 40 degrees F inside the car. Somehow the car got itself in camp mode and was running the A/C on max apparently all night.
I charged the car to 70% yesterday afternoon and it finished charging with 155 miles. When i discovered it was in camp mode this morning it had run the battery down to 60 miles running the AC with the temperature set to "Lo".
In the summer I normally leave the interior temperature setting at "Lo" and very rarely change it, so I'm sure I didn't go into the climate settings screen and accidently turn on camp mode. Is it possible that a bug introduced with the latest software update causes the car to go into camp mode when it isn't manually set?
submitted by Syzygy2323 to TeslaSupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:40 cyberchief PSA: No, the "Leather" seats are not real leather. They're "H-Tex".

Per the Hyundai trim guide: "H-Tex® trimmed seating surfaces"
Per the H-Tex trademark: "Imitation leather for seating surfaces and interior surfaces"
"H-Tex is polyvinyl chloride compounded with proprietary materials to give it the look and feel of animal leather."
submitted by cyberchief to Ioniq6 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:35 BeefJerkyFan90 Car decals?

I have searched Etsy and online, but I cannot find what I'm looking for. Anyone know of any cool POTA car decals, or know someone who can create a custom one for me?
submitted by BeefJerkyFan90 to PlanetOfTheApes [link] [comments]