Amy mcree plastic surgery

Sharing my private browsing tabs with my 100k closest friends.

2024.05.19 23:57 AnchovyJones Sharing my private browsing tabs with my 100k closest friends.

Sharing my private browsing tabs with my 100k closest friends. submitted by AnchovyJones to redscarepod [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:53 DonkeyOT65 Why are young people despoilling their looks by having " work done " ?

Trust me, at your late teens/ early twenties you look amazing and this will be the best version of yourself, when you look back on photos of yourself in future years. Don't follow temporary fashions and plump your lips or have cosmetic enhancements.
Cosmetic plastic surgery is primarily for older people trying to look younger. Enjoy your youth. Celebrate your amazing young beauty. Don't slavishly follow trends.
Save that shit for later, if you feel you need it. For now, just enjoy your healthy young features.
submitted by DonkeyOT65 to AskUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:37 User564368 Photo Timeline: 2011-2012 (requesting your faves)

Photo Timeline: 2011-2012 (requesting your faves)
Happy Sunday Pepinos! šŸ’š
Iā€™ve been working on a visual timeline of Hilzā€™ devolution through the years.
This lil project initially started out awhile back as an attempt to create timelines for plastic surgery & childbirth/breastfeeding (specifically how they overlap) & has now pretty much evolved into my magnum opus šŸ« 
Iā€™ll post years 2013-2014 maƱanaā€” just didnā€™t want to flood the sub with 100 throwback pics all at once šŸ™ƒ
Please reply below with your favorite photos from the early years! Iā€™ll include the top replies in the final version šŸ«¶
Ā”Viva PaĆ­s Pepino! // Long live Pepino Nation! šŸ„’
submitted by User564368 to HilariaBaldwin [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:21 SG300598 I hate my face and my body

This is the first time I post in here. I never imagined I would ever post here because I never thought I would be this furious. After so long , there is nothing else I can hold back on. I hate my face . I hate that I am ugly . I hate every detail in my face. I would do anything to be a white, tall blond woman with blue eyes. I , am on the other hand is a woman from Middle East, very short and have been struggling with acne my whole life. For the shithole country I come from we do not even have proper food health situation so my teeth are all crooked and yellow. I need braces but I could never afford them. I hate that I am born in this body. I hate that I never experienced to be attractive to the opposite sex because guess what, there is nothing to be attracted about. I hate my eyes , my nose, my skin, the colour of my skin, everything that belongs to my face is bad. I just want enough money to be able to have plastic surgery and change everything about my face. I cannot do anything about the skin colour , but at least I want to have a picture , one nice picture of my face . Being ugly is the most ruthless thing that could ever be done to a woman. It does not matter how smart you are, how nice you are. The only thing that would play the biggest part of your life is how attractive you are.
submitted by SG300598 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:10 Lunasole_ Should I get plastic surgery according to my birth chart?

Should I get plastic surgery according to my birth chart?
Iā€™ve read that some people have placements that indicate plastic surgery isnt a good idea. Just curious as Iā€™d like to get plastic surgery, especially on my face.
submitted by Lunasole_ to AskAstrologers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:02 Now-done My current tape collection!

My current tape collection!
The last two pictures are my collection of private releases/demo cassettes.
submitted by Now-done to cassetteculture [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:09 Fighting_King_ Where I see every character EoS

Where I see every character EoS
Charles: dead (killed by any of the main cast, maybe even Jinyoung)
Jinyoung: probably dead (some sort of sacrifice by the end)
James/DG: Mia (likely fleeing the country after Charles gets taken down, maybe he goes to Mexico)
Gitae: I have no fuckin clue
Tom: also no fuckin clue (maybe happy with those danglers)
Big Daniel: returned to his original host (maybe even destroyed)
Little Daniel: looking just like big Daniel with barely any difference in their skills, happy with his friends. DATING JAY
Vasco: the lawmaker, the guy who fights for justice, but doesnā€™t have to anymore
Gun: likely dies protecting Charles, accomplishing some grand feat
Goo: eh nobody cares
Eli: happy with hostel and out of the fight
Vin: at peace with his eyes, slightly a better person (but not much stronger)
Taejin: paralyzed, crippled, had his dangler looked at and then cut off by Tom, and constantly plagued by the ghost of Sujin (maybe insane?)
Eugene: in prison for the rest of his life
Mandeok/VIP: also in prison (?)
Jake: basically where Gapryong was, but without the murder part
Jay: after getting his backstory, starts dating Daniel, and we get to see his eyes
Hudson: a friendly relationship with Eli (still stays with them, and jokes about beating Eli)
Warren: in hostel
Jerry: serving Jake
Zach: happy with Mira, occasionally visiting that sad monk
Gen 1 kings: either n/a or hunting down James
Reporter Kim: DEAD (her plastic surgery failed her and was toxic)
Johan: blind, but happy with his mother
Doo: hopefully we never see him again
Ryuhei: finally with Mitsuki (in hell)
Kojima brothers: beaten by Vin
Did I miss anyone? Let me know in the comments
submitted by Fighting_King_ to lookismcomic [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:54 Optimal-You-8238 Should I get rid of this ā€œRPā€ friend and if so how?

Hello all,
Thanks for reading. Some context: I moved to the city Iā€™m in now about a year and a half ago to be w my partner. Iā€™ve never had problems making friends even tho Iā€™m more of an introvert and donā€™t like seeing people more than once a week, but because of school or work I always attracted extroverts and in general always have a nice social life. Because I now work from home itā€™s been a lot harder to make friends and this past year I was so focused on work, adjusting to a new city, and my new relationship that it wasnā€™t a priority till I became p miserable.
My fiancĆ© introduced me to his ex nutritionist in the hopes that weā€™d make friends. at first I was super excited. We started texting a lot (which I associated w simply getting to know ea other), and saw ea other a few times. Sheā€™s a nice girl but I feel like we are not very compatible. We come from different cultures and given her job sheā€™s extremely health driven, and wonā€™t even have a single drink and judges people who do. Thatā€™s fine, I donā€™t care, but w this I mean that she is that kind of judgemental person. For instance I like to take certain supplements for sleep, drink w gfs or w my fiancĆ© sometimes, maybe get a little tan in the summer, idk dumb normal stuff like that and sheā€™s just judgemental ental towards it all in general. Her boyfriend is the same.
What kills me most is that Iā€™m quite busy on my life projects in general and just donā€™t wanna be texting all day or be on my phone, especially during the week (Iā€™d much rather do better things w my free time, ie read a book, chill tf out, go on a walk etc), but I guess she has wayyy more free time and is ALWAYS on her phone, to the point that she texts me daily whether thru messages or sharing stuff on social media which I mostly ignore at this point. The messages are harder to ignore though. And worst of all, itā€™s such superficial things. I love beauty and taking of my looks and do a few cosmetic things here and there, but I 100% donā€™t want to be talking about these things all the time. Itā€™s also terrible for your mental health and I already have a history of dysmorphia and just donā€™t want to think/talk about my looks more than I naturally do.
All she talks about is stuff like this. Oh you look like X celebrity, oh if you lose a little body fat you could look like this (I go to the gym and she gives unsolicited trainenutrionist advice), oh what plastic surgery should I do to my face, does this color look on me etc etc.Itā€™s all she talks about. Sheā€™s not the most attractive girl and is clearly insecure, but sheā€™s constantly like oh Iā€™m so hot. Sure girl thatā€™s why you need to text about it. Iā€™m at rhe point where just getting a notification from her annoys me to no end. Sometimes Iā€™ll go days or even a week without replying only to return to 30+ substance-less messages from her. What does this add to my life? Literally nothing.
However she is a good girl in general, is very RP oriented which is so hard to find and Iā€™ve been burned by friends in the past because I didnā€™t think like them. Unlike the girls I go out w now who might not even live here in some years, I feel like sheā€™s more of a reliable friend to have. However I donā€™t see why she needs to text me sm especially when we barely even see ea other. We also went on a trip together where I met one of her friends who lives in another country and you could tell sheā€™s clearly annoyed by this girl for the same reasons.
On one side she seems like a good, like-minded friend to have (regarding relationships etc) on paper but in real life just seeing daily messages from her drives me insane, to the point that I just fantasize w blocking her. She does give good relationship advice and is a good ear to vent to when I very rarely wanna tell her something, as usually itā€™s just her coming to me at this point. Btw she has no other friends at this point (except that other girl in another country) and told me how she had one other friend who blocked her out of the blue, and Iā€™m starting to understand why as mean as that is.
Is this worth keeping only bc shes ā€œRPā€ even tho she drains my energy and I donā€™t even feel like we have that much in common in terms of fun/conversations to have? Bc part of me thinks life is too short to put up with this.
Edit: I have tried to drop hints that I donā€™t like to talk about certain things and w so much frequency by simply taking very long to respond to the point that sheā€™ll text me again to ā€œcheck inā€ w me, and she just doesnā€™t take the hints. She acts like itā€™s all the same to her and continues to Bombard me. So it really feels like itā€™s gonna require ne telling her this upfront somehow
submitted by Optimal-You-8238 to RedPillWomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:51 Desperate_Resource73 Injury after dog bite

Pitbull bit my little niece in the thigh and left a huge wound for which she got stitches.
The wound has closed and itā€™s healing nicely now but thereā€™s lump there now thatā€™s visible and doctors said that thatā€™s because thereā€™s space in the flesh below the skin (or something along those lines, weā€™re definitely getting 2nd opinion), and in order to fix that, sheā€™ll need plastic surgery with incisions in the flesh for which sheā€™ll also be under anesthesia for it.
My question is if anyone knows whether acupuncture or TCM in any way can fix that lump without having to go to such extremes of plastic surgery for the little child?
submitted by Desperate_Resource73 to acupuncture [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:32 Additional-Tooth-27 middle school ruined me

im 18 now but when i was in like 7th-8th grade my body was growing. like triple Ds on a 120 lb 5'1 body, so you know how boys are, theyre nasty and they bother you about it. girls were mean about it too and talked about how my boobs were fake and how i had ass implants (plastic surgery at 13 is strange but i guess the common sense wasnt there for them yet)
but i just feel like sitting alone at art class wearing a TURTLENECK btw and having boys swarm my table and not even look me in the eyes when they were talking to me really changed me for the worse. i thought they were just trying to be friends, so whenever i talked to them back girls would call me a hoe, homie hopper, thot, etc. which i obviously wasnt having sex with any of these people i interacted with lmao
it affected me and it made me feel like my only worth was my body and i was genuinely considering having like an onlyfans when i was of age because i thought that was the only thing i had going for me and that i was stupid and dumb and had no purpose or worth, because thats what people were telling me.
obviously i have changed now and i dress modestly with the occasional mid-thigh skirt, but my chest and arms are covered up in public always.
i never thought i was ugly back then, i mean i did get called a butterface but i didnt care. its all behind me now but i feel bad for the 13 year old girl who had to hear all of those things and i feel like i wouldve been a completely different person now if i just had a normal body
i dont know if i need feedback but im curious if this is a universal experience for those who were early bloomers
and to any young girls or boys reading this, no one likes when people talk about their bodies.
submitted by Additional-Tooth-27 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:56 wayne62682 Alternate models?

I bought a box of plastic Waffen-SS Grenadiers this week, and while they're not bad I do not like that so few of the poses are actually engaged in shooting. Specifically, the only pose for the MG42 has it slung over his shoulder like the SchĆ¼tze is going for a stroll in the countryside as opposed to, you know, actually being in the process of firing it against some Amis, Tommies, or Iwans.
What other 28mm models for the SS are out there that mesh well with the Warlord range if I wanted to add some variety to my squads? I am located in the USA also so if any of these have US distributors that would be welcomed too to avoid heavy shipping costs.
submitted by wayne62682 to boltaction [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:55 Veev364 I believe I will be alone forever

I(17M) have recently improved my body dramatically. I lost 80 pounds and put on some muscle. My face still has a bit of fat, though, and would still be considered a baby face. I tried asking the girl I liked out on a date, but was rejected. After a few months of thought, and a loot of looking at my face and body, trying to see myself how someone would see me for the first time, I realize that I have an average body, and a below average face. I am nothing special to look at, and no woman will be attracted to me. I am not so ugly as to be repulsive, so everyone will glance over me and assume someone else will take me, but nobody else will want me because I am not desirable enough. I will continue working on my body, but am considering plastic surgery when I turn 18. Why donā€™t women seem to find me as a real option?
submitted by Veev364 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:55 Thick-Pop-9388 Litter box advice for cat who is very sensitive to smells?

Background: 5-6 year old male cat, adopted around 3 years old, neutered. Started having pee issues shortly after entering my home. Occasionally peeing outside of the litter box and spraying in his litter box. Eventually developed multiple blockages and received PU surgery March 2023. He had no accidents for a few months after his surgery, but ever since about July 2023 he has gone outside of his litter box every so often. I have one other cat in the home who was here before he was adopted. We have 4 litter boxes with 2 different types of litter (breeze system and sand litter), they are located in different parts of the home. Recently did a medical work up on the peeing cat in question and he has a clean bill of health.
Current issue: I have noticed that when he needs to go, he will first go to his litter boxes, smell them and then seem disgruntled and look for somewhere else to pee outside of the litter box. I am under the impression he is very sensitive to smell and wants his litter box to be immaculately clean, because if they are freshly cleaned he happily uses them. There are no issues with pooping in a "dirty" litter box, just peeing. And his sister doesn't pee in the litter boxes he pees in, so it's not an issue of them smelling like another cat.
I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this with their cats and if a specific type of litter box/litter helped. I obviously can't clean out the litter boxes completely every single day so I'm looking for what system seems to hide odors the best. I currently have all plastic litter boxes, so I think a switch to stainless steel could help but that is expensive to replace them all. Any advice would be appreciated
submitted by Thick-Pop-9388 to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:50 pick_meisha feeling worthless & ugly. i hate being a woman.

iā€™m 25f w no family or close friends. everywhere i go people seem to think im weird or standoffish. i have BPD so i constantly feel empty & worthless. i dont think there is such thing as unconditional love since my parents left me, my old friends stopped talking to me, and as a woman men only want to talk to you if you look like their favorite pornstar.
on the outside i seem relatively successful but deep down im barely able to function. my room is a mess, i constantly obsess over my appearance, i compare myself to others, and i have no real interests or hobbies besides rotting in my bed and obsessing over which plastic surgeries to get so maybe someone will actually love me.
i also want to dress pretty etc but i have been sexually assaulted multiple times and have trouble looking & acting feminine. i am jealous of all the girls who are comfortable in their femininity because i am not.
ive tried to fill the void by hooking up with randos off of the internet but its just made my depression worse because i know im just a number to them and i will never be loved. seeing the way all these porn addicted men my age treat women is disgusting and gives me zero hope of ever being happy.
i donā€™t do anything right. the only time people talk to me is when they want something from me. i am running out of steam and donā€™t see the point of living. am i just going to work, sleep, and repeat until a die? just seems like a waste of timeā€¦
submitted by pick_meisha to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:35 mamoviefan mom making me relapse

I got back home from college and thereā€™s barely any food on my house, thereā€™s like jello cups in the fridge and barley any snacks or anything. It pissed me off cause I know if my brother were coming home then the house would be stocked up for him. Why is it different for me?
Couple of days later my mom starts talking about getting plastic surgery and telling me i should consider getting some thigh fat removed like she did when she was around my age. I keep trying to get along with her and itā€™s just impossible every other thing she says is some disordered bullshit and I canā€™t stand it. If I get mad then all she says is that itā€™s like walking on eggshells around me and that she canā€™t say anything without me getting mad. Then she has the nerve to look upset when i skip dinner. I hate who I am around my mom, itā€™s so frustrating and itā€™s so not me. Does anyone have any advice on how to deal with toxic moms?
submitted by mamoviefan to EDAnonymous [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:31 Hypnotic8008 Red is Red

What if they didnā€™t reveal who Red truly was because it doesnā€™t matter? He has been pretending for 30+ years which was half of his life and he got plastic surgery to erase whoever his old self was. He knows most of the real Reddingtonā€™s history to a T and assumes Reddingtonā€™s story to be his own. Heā€™s said multiple times that it doesnā€™t matter who he once was, just who he is today and that he isnā€™t even acting anymore. He knows he isnā€™t the real reddington but I know he believes heā€™s an extension of him or a continuation of his story and that the person he was before he took on the role of reddington is gone forever.
submitted by Hypnotic8008 to TheBlackList [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:19 orangtino If Victorious was on another network, what storylines would happen?

If it aired on the CW or ABC Family I think they would expand on these storylines:
-Tori and Trina finding about the mom cheating and struggling through their divorce
-Explaining in detail why Beck would rather live in a RV instead of his house. His rules, his house? What were the rules his parents implemented that he didnā€™t like
-Jade continuing to try to get her fatherā€™s approval
-Rex was seen less as the show went on but Robbie continuing his therapy work with Lane and trying to let go of Rex. Why is he such a masochist?
-Trina dealing with insecurity issues because no one likes her. Maybe a plastic surgery storyline since she made a joke about getting a boob job
-Andre dealing with family issues and why he seems to be the sole caretaker of his mentally ill grandma
-In teen drama fashion everyone in the friend group dating and discovering their sexuality
-Someone gets taken advantage of in the music/acting industry
-Trying to balance regular life while breaking out in the industry
-The Cat of it all
-There was a throw away joke about Robbieā€™s mom leaving and Sinjinā€™s mom being missing but getting found
-Sinjinā€™s speech about how the mains are popular and how thereā€™s clear favoritism. And Tori trying to fit in with the group. The Ping Pong episode kinda showed how she wasnā€™t close to them yet
-Showing more of the teachers and if Helenā€™s new position changed the school
submitted by orangtino to victorious [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:10 hummingbird0420 ā€œShout out to everyone that has made a fake page just to spy on me, you are obsessed and sickā€

ā€œShout out to everyone that has made a fake page just to spy on me, you are obsessed and sickā€
Coming from the person obsessed attention, fitting into the smallest size possible, plastic surgery and procedures, feeding her husband and watching, promoting anorexia, pretending to have a number of conditions to seem interesting and CLEARLY sick asf herself, this is GOLDšŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€
submitted by hummingbird0420 to MamaJillSnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:53 Historical-Fill5214 Why canā€™t I just be pretty

Iā€™m 20(F) and Iā€™ve begun seeing all my flaws at once rapidly Iā€™m noticing lines on my neck and abdomen and I have had bad acne so there is scarring from that . Iā€™ve never been pretty and my peers in school liked to tell me as much , they still do . So itā€™s not as though I didnā€™t know I was ugly . Itā€™s just not fair that everyday I see people on the streets who are gorgous and everyone around my is so naturally pretty while I have to have Botox and plastic surgery and skincare and hair care and makeup to even just be considered okay looking . I know I wonā€™t be pretty or gorgous like the people around me but I just wish I was. Iā€™ve created lists of all of the things I need to get done and what parts are wrong with me and everyday Iā€™m adding something else . Recently itā€™s that I have bad tech neck and dents just above my eyebrows that make me look angry and letā€™s not forget my asymmetrical eyes . If im not asleep or working Iā€™m looking up how to get rid of my flaws . Itā€™s just too much.
submitted by Historical-Fill5214 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:35 endlesseffervescense Teddies/Babydoll lingerie for 36G?

Hey everyone!
Iā€™m looking to expand my lingerie collection. I recently-ish had a hysterectomy and as a result, my boobs grew quite a bit. Guess my body didnā€™t know what to do with all the extra hormones flying around. šŸ¤£
Now my lingerie collection looks really funky on me since my breasts are always escaping the cups. I prefer to wear teddies and babydoll lingerie since Iā€™m very self conscious of my stomach and my recent searches for replacement lingerie looks like the cups are for average sized breasts or women who have had plastic surgery and have their breasts high on their chest. I am neither.
Have any recommendations? Iā€™d love to start feeling sexy again.
submitted by endlesseffervescense to LingerieAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:41 starbies0303 HWCOM vs Albany Med

Hello Everyone!
I recently got out of the waitlist for two schools, HWCOM and Albany Med, and I have less than 2 days to decide. The thing is, fordermany Med, I received a conditional acceptance which depends on taking a year-long post bacc (fully paid + stipend for rent and food) and getting above a B in all classes. HWCOM seems like the obvious choice since I would not have to delay my education by another year but for some reason, I am still leaning toward Albany Med. Here is my list of cons and pros for both schools. Could you share your thoughts? My interests are derm and surgery.
Albany Pros
-Clinical experiences begin as early as M1
-Active guided learning during M4 rather than shadowing in patient care
-MD/MPH or MD/PhD available
-School is invested in community work
-School has a Level 1 Trauma hospital
-Research areas (Molecular and Cellular Physiology, Neuroscience and Experimental Therapeutics, Immunology and Microbial Disease, Regenerative and Cancer Biology, Clinical and Education)
-Match for 2023 included competitive schools like Harvard, Stanford, Wake Forest, Duke, Dartmouth, etc
-Very well-established school (1830)
-In-house residencies: anesthesiology, diagnostic radiology, Emergency medicine, family medicine, general surgery, integrated interventional radiology, Internal medicine, internal medicine - peds, neurology, neurosurgery, OBGYN, ophthalmology, orthopedic surgery, otolaryngology, pathology, peds, physical medicine and rehabilitation, plastic surgery, psychiatry, urology surgery, vascular surgery, pharmacy, family medicine
-Pass fail coursework except for top 15% of the class
-NBME exams
Albany Cons
-CONDITIONAL acceptance on my post bacc at Buffalo University - I need at least a B in all classes to get my guaranteed admission to Albany Med
-Having to wait that extra year to get into med school
-Moving from South Florida to Buffalo, NY (for a year), and then to Albany, NY (for 4 years of medschool)
-Cold weather plus snow - Most of my clothing include shorts and sandals
-National rank 252
-Additional cost of living
FIU Pros
100% match rate into residency
-National rank 146
-Research areas
-Simulator center - Two procedural skills suites for demonstrations, simulation activities, and didactic instruction - used as early as first and second-year students
-Standardized patients being utilized in M1
-Pass-fail coursework for all students
-NBME exams
-My family and boyfriend are both in South Florida
-Not having to take a loan for the cost of living since I can live at home - having a shared apartment of $1500 monthly is 180K a year not accounting for other expenses
-Beautiful weather and plenty of things to do in Miami
FIU Cons
-Rotations are at Baptist Health - the school does not have its own hospital
-In-house residencies are limited: Emergency medicine, family medicine, internal medicine, and psychiatry.)
-Fairly new school (2006)
submitted by starbies0303 to PreMedInspiration [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:35 starbies0303 HWCOM vs Conditional Acceptance Albany Medical College

Hello Everyone!
I recently got out of the waitlist for two schools, HWCOM and Albany Med, and I have less than 2 days to decide. The thing is, for Albany Med, I received a conditional acceptance which depends on taking a year-long post bacc (fully paid + stipend for rent and food) and getting above a B in all classes. HWCOM seems like the obvious choice since I would not have to delay my education by another year but for some reason, I am still leaning toward Albany Med. Here is my list of cons and pros for both schools. Could you share your thoughts? My interests are derm and surgery.
Albany Pros
-Clinical experiences begin as early as M1
-Active guided learning during M4 rather than shadowing in patient care
-MD/MPH or MD/PhD available
-School is invested in community work
-School has a Level 1 Trauma hospital
-Research areas (Molecular and Cellular Physiology, Neuroscience and Experimental Therapeutics, Immunology and Microbial Disease, Regenerative and Cancer Biology, Clinical and Education)
-Match for 2023 included competitive schools like Harvard, Stanford, Wake Forest, Duke, Dartmouth, etc
-Very well-established school (1830)
-In-house residencies: anesthesiology, diagnostic radiology, Emergency medicine, family medicine, general surgery, integrated interventional radiology, Internal medicine, internal medicine - peds, neurology, neurosurgery, OBGYN, ophthalmology, orthopedic surgery, otolaryngology, pathology, peds, physical medicine and rehabilitation, plastic surgery, psychiatry, urology surgery, vascular surgery, pharmacy, family medicine
-Pass fail coursework except for top 15% of the class
-NBME exams
Albany Cons
-CONDITIONAL acceptance on my post bacc at Buffalo University - I need at least a B in all classes to get my guaranteed admission to Albany Med
-Having to wait that extra year to get into med school
-Moving from South Florida to Buffalo, NY (for a year), and then to Albany, NY (for 4 years of medschool)
-Cold weather plus snow - Most of my clothing include shorts and sandals
-National rank 252
-Additional cost of living
FIU Pros
100% match rate into residency
-National rank 146
-Research areas
-Simulator center - Two procedural skills suites for demonstrations, simulation activities, and didactic instruction - used as early as first and second-year students
-Standardized patients being utilized in M1
-Pass-fail coursework for all students
-NBME exams
-My family and boyfriend are both in South Florida
-Not having to take a loan for the cost of living since I can live at home - having a shared apartment of $1500 monthly is 180K a year not accounting for other expenses
-Beautiful weather and plenty of things to do in Miami
FIU Cons
-Rotations are at Baptist Health - the school does not have its own hospital
-In-house residencies are limited: Emergency medicine, family medicine, internal medicine, and psychiatry.)
-Fairly new school (2006)
submitted by starbies0303 to premed [link] [comments]