Things to send in the mail


2008.11.17 01:16 Pasta

For lovers of pasta. Homemade pasta, pasta making, pasta dishes, favorite non-chain restaurants, recipes, news and more.

2012.04.29 22:16 MaeBeWeird Baby Bumps Graduates

A place for new parents, new parents to be, and old parents who want to help out. Posts focusing on the transition into living with your new little one and any issues that may come up. Ranting and gushing is welcome!

2014.07.05 23:37 DemandsBattletoads Proton Mail - Swiss-based private email

Official subreddit for Proton Mail, Proton Mail Bridge, and Proton Calendar. Proton Mail is a secure, privacy-focused email service based in Switzerland. It uses end-to-end encryption and offers full support for PGP. Proton Calendar is an encrypted calendar app that helps you stay on top of your agenda while keeping your data private.

2024.06.02 19:23 Late_Consequence_101 Dalton/Wicked/Lia

Is anyone else tired of the Wicked/Lia lives? All of this talk about there being an "investigation" and the rudeness that is coming out of lia lately? They way they blocked a bunch of creators, kept threatening to turn names over to the police even tho most of those people have done nothing to them. The way theyre constantly saying that they want their lives to only have a few people in the boxes so that people are not talking over each other, but Lia is consistently talking over everyone screaming slamhawg, mike hunt, vvvvvv, glizzy glizzy glizzy.. So why is it ok for her to do so, but nobody else can talk over them with actual things relevant to the conversation. I feel like most of the things theyre claiming never actually have any proof. They claimed the cops were going to show up to Adrielles house, heathers house, and yet nothing was said since then regarding that. They sent someone past Adrielles house to yell slamhawg when driving past, but are pissed that heather is sending people into their lives. They had no issues with going real life tho. They constantly come across as bullies at this point.
Dalton was far more respectful than i could have ever been. I get they squashed it, but what about all of the followers they have disrespected? Why are they not being unblocked? Why is there still only one side of the conversation being allowed? What happened to wanting to raise awareness for Adrielle? Theyre not even doing that currently. The issue that i have is with them gaslighting the hell out of casper and dalton. When lia went off (WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU DID) on Dalton, wicked absolutely was commenting on the situation and backed lia. When Casper was blocked for coming in on a second account, wicked literally said that it was weird and she should have just come in on her main.
Lia once told her followers that they have to prove that theyre against adrielle or heather ( i cannot remember exactly who it was regarding) and to figure it out, so why are we not asking more questions and taking things at face value? Why are the silent watchers being blocked for absolutely no reason? Why cant lia show ANY type of proof that these people are actually coming to her with factual information. My gut says that shes believing anything that anybody says and running to lives to give the tea. Thats not what should be happening. First off, the police do not care who is watching. Why did lia ask people the other night to go see if they can spy on heather and then block those who were letting them know what was going on?
i think i will stick with watching dalton at this point. At least he shows the proof of whats going on behind the scenes. Sure, hes abrasive, but he does it the correct way in my own opinion.
lesson to be learned... wicked and lia will block you for being a small account and dalton does not mind both sides being educated.
submitted by Late_Consequence_101 to adriellesiglersnarkk [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:23 Honorhim Why am I so drawn to beauty?

Hey so I've noticed a pattern in myself that I'm curious of.
To explain, I've always been artsy and aesthetically inclined, whether it's photos, objects, stories, music, speech, plants, people, words, my appreciation always centeres around beauty and elegance.
I've found it because a close friend and I are completely opposed with this, he likes everything you could call "ugly" and I mean on Instagram he will send me diseases, puke, feces, malformations, poverty, the most cursed things that makes me want to bleach my eyes, I on the other hand need everything to be beautiful (but I don't mean in a completely shallow way, more like it needs depth) to summarize with LOTR he likes dwarwes, I like elves and it's always like that.
submitted by Honorhim to Jung [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:22 mitchmochi I (F20) AM SEEING MY BOYFRIEND (M20) FOR THE FIRST IN 24 HOURS! NEED ADVICE

im seeing him in 24 hours and im kind excited! im also nervous. he’s gonna be traveling for 30 hours and is arriving around 1am. I have basically prepared a welcome box for him with his essentials for the stay and a handwritten note. We are staying at an airbnb so i plan to check in first and stock the fridge with food/ ingredients we need in the next few days and his favorite beverages.
im meeting him for the first time after knowjng eachother for 4 years and dating eachother for 5 months. Im a little bit on the bigger side so im also feeling a huge wave of insecurity thinking about it. we video call everyday and talk on the phone, send eachother pictures. he says he really loves me and he loves how my body is but the only thing going through my head is what if he thinks im way way bigger than i look, what if i gross him out, what if he regeets coming to see me..?
Idk.. how did it all go for you when you first met?
submitted by mitchmochi to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:22 tryptomania Possible glitches related to art?

I’ve been playing ACNH since April 2020, and I think I finally came across my first set of gameplay glitches in the past couple weeks.
1.) I bought a real Academic painting from Redd (without the coffee stain). I double checked to make sure it wasn’t already donated to my museum and it wasn’t. I receive it in the mail, go to Blathers to donate, and he tells me I have nothing in my pockets to give him. I double check and yeah, I don’t see the Academic painting anywhere in the art section of the museum. Confused, I try to donate again and the same thing happens. I double check to make sure it’s authentic and it is. Right now I just have this art piece displayed outside the museum since he won’t accept it.
2.) I buy a legit Beautiful statue from Redd. I don’t play the game for a couple days. I check my mail, and don’t see ANY mail from Redd. No packages, nothing. I’m so confused. I genuinely don’t understand this. I swear to god I bought the statue, and I only have 20 messages in my inbox so I know it’s not because it’s full.
This has been enough for me to not want to play the game anymore at this time. I’ve been trying to complete everything in the game to perfection slowly for years, so this has been very frustrating because I want to finish the museum.
submitted by tryptomania to acnh [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:21 No-Equivalent-3971 My baby is missing

My baby is missing
Gideon accidentally got out of our house early yesterday morning at 5am. He got swept up with the dogs when my husband let them out, and he panicked and bolted. By the time my husband had called me he was gone. I am so distraught I can hardly function. He is my special baby. We don’t have kids, he is my child. He was a live trapped feral kitten, and has always been so scared of people he doesn’t know, and new environments. He never wanted to go outside, he always ran away from the door when it opened. My husband feels so guilty, I am so devastated. We set all his favorite things up in the garage, cat tree, litter box, blanket, food, water, some of my clothing etc. and left it cracked open. We canvased the entire neighborhood, let everyone know he was missing, got permission then searched yards, sheds and decks for any small spaces multiples times, including in the dark with a flashlight. We posted flyers with his photo on all the community mail boxes. He is microchipped and we set up a lost pet alert. I stayed outside all day yesterday, and all last night in the driveway hoping he’d find is way back but he never came….💔 We are going to hand out more flyers today, and I’m still refusing to go inside until he comes back. It’s supposed to storm this afternoon and tomorrow, and I’m so worried. I haven’t showered or eaten. I am covered head to toe in bug bites, I have only dozed off a few times and tried to stay awake so I don’t miss seeing him. I need stories of lost cats coming back home please. I need some hope. I am so discouraged and heartbroken.
submitted by No-Equivalent-3971 to cats [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:19 JMO_the_1st My Village People - Chapter 1

I hear footsteps approach and turn to see Dr. Berie with a plate in his hand. As he sets the plate down on the table with a ‘Bon appetit’, I turn my gaze back to the ceiling and continue trying to decide how many atoms there are in a single ceiling board. A fruitless effort obviously since that would have been a difficult task even for a bonafide genius and I’m not even anything close but it’s a worthy distraction.
“Eat your food, Duke.”
“I’m not hungry. And besides, what’s the point? My life is as good as over anyway so might as well starve to death.”
“Young man, if you do not eat something now, then you can take your chances out there because I will not allow you stay in this house any longer like this.”
When I shoot him a mortified expression, he says matter-of-factly. “Yes now, whose house do you want to come and die inside? Not mine for sure. You haven’t eaten anything in six days and you still don’t want to eat. Well, you don’t have to, I won’t force you to.”
With that, he gets up and claps his hands together like it’s a decided matter. “So, you can just pack everything of yours and leave now. Of course, you have to leave all my protective charms behind when you go out.” He threateningly points toward the window where raindrops pattered on the glass. I instinctively inch away from it on the couch and look at the doctor pleadingly.
“Don’t look at me like that. There are no two ways about it. It is either you eat or you leave. Simple.” I reluctantly sit upright in my chair and begin my meal. It isn’t bad in fact, it’s really good. Roasted yam and roasted vegetables is nothing to sneeze at. Thing is, eating and drinking one thing for two straight months does nothing to improve your impression of that food.
Seeing me eat my food, Dr. Berie nods. “Good choice. You know, I never would have followed through with kicking you out. I’ve grown rather fond of you in the time we’ve spent together. Well, keep your strength up, good night.”
I clear out my plates and lay back down in the chair. I haven’t eaten anything else because Dr. Berie says these are the only foods he can completely rid of water, along with a drink he continuously assures me is freshly squeezed fruit juice – it isn’t like any fruit I’ve ever tasted but… I have to drink it. Not like I can leave here to go get myself something else for the same reason none of my food can have water in them.
You’re probably wondering what problem I could possibly have that would make me put myself under such conditions. Well, it might shock you, but I have a spiritual problem. Now, I know lots of Nigerians say this, but in my case, it’s actually true. My village people are after me. No, seriously, they are!
Here, how about I give you a little backstory and you’ll see just how dead serious I am?
It all started with an innocent visit to my hometown. I don’t ever really go back there but I had to attend my twin sister’s traditional wedding right? If I’d known how it would turn out, I probably would have just mailed them a gift or something.
Anyway, I got there for her wedding and it was a total shutdown. Like, really, I danced and sprayed money on the couple like there was no tomorrow. Took pictures with my brand new phone and just generally showed off. Nigerians in general believe it is unwise to show off in the village but I’ve never been as superstitious as the rest of my nation y’know?
When the party was nearly done, I decided it was time to mingle and probably the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen caught my eye. She wasn’t dressed spectacularly or anything, but there was no denying how she radiated elegance. It was a surprise she wasn’t already crowded by men trying to ‘shoot their shot’ but I suppose everyone was just turned off by her plain clothes. Were people honestly so shallow nowadays?
“Nice evening isn’t it?” I ventured when I found myself in front of the lady without even realizing how I’d gotten there.
“Not really.” She replied with a smile. “I just cannot stand gatherings like this. Dellia.” She added, motioning to an empty seat beside her.
“Duke. Duke Obaìsàlè. Pleasure to meet you.” I said as I settled into the seat she’d shown me. “Personally, I love weddings.” It was true. As a social animal, a wedding for me was just another opportunity for me to meet people.
“But that’s just it, isn’t it?” She seemed to reply to my thoughts. “We have to mingle with all these people and pretend we like or even know them. Tell you the truth?” she looked around like she thought someone was eavesdropping before using a fan to hide her face. She seemed to pull that fan from thin air (I hadn’t noticed it before.) “I can’t stand any of these people.”
“You know, now that you mention it,” playing along, I looked round and leaned in conspiratorially. “People in general really can be such a pain to be around.”
She gasped and affected a hurt expression. “All people?”
“Well… there are a few – oh, so very few – notable exceptions.”
“Hmm.” With a smile that could start wars, she lifted her glass. “To the exceptions then.”
I returned her smile and lifted a free glass I found on the table. “To the exceptions.”
After the toast, we talked for hours and hours. I honestly don’t remember much of the conversation but you can’t blame me, I was looking into her eyes all through. You wouldn’t be able to pay attention to anything either if you were in my shoes.
Shortly after sunset, Dellia said she had to leave for home. Something about her father needing her help to prepare for guests.
“Are you sure you can’t stay just a little bit longer?” I asked, trying my best to sound like a heartbroken child.
“Aaw… aren’t you just the cutest? Don’t worry darling, we’ll see each other again really, really soon. I’m sure of it. So, chin up, yeah?”
I didn’t reply. Mainly because I knew the chances of meeting her again were slim to none. After all, I never came to the village.
“Seriously, smile for me before I leave.” She asked. I affected my best smile for her.
“That’s more like it. Bye now. Mwah!” She blew a kiss, picked her purse and left the venue heading off into the village beyond. I watched her walk away and it was only after she’d turned a bend and gotten out of view that I realized I hadn’t even gotten her number.
Well, no use now. She was gone, probably forever. It was already dark out. Time to go find the newlyweds before they left for their traditional honeymoon. What the hell was a traditional honeymoon anyway?
I found the couple about to leave for the airport. As soon as my sister saw me, she got down from the car and would have ran to me if her tight gown had allowed her anything beyond a hurried walk.
“Duke! Where have you been, ehn? My husband and I have been looking for you for only God knows how long.”
“I’m fine, baby sis. I no fit loss inside my own village now.” I replied her, switching to pidgin English.
“Which your village? You wey you no dey ever come house. Make I tell you something, this village people no mean betta for you o! Me, I no know why you no go just pack your things dey go house now as us too we dey comot.” She replied me, also using Pidgin English to emphasize her point.
“See Duchess, forget all that village people nonsense. I, Duke Obaìsàlè, do not fear witches. I don’t believe in any of that crap.” I returned to English this time. “Besides, Uncle Jimmy said he wanted us to go meet Bámí together later tonight.”
“NO!” my sister shouted with perhaps a bit too much force. “What do you people want to go to his house for? I don’t trust that man one bit. Just tell them you have work tomorrow or something.”
“I don’t work Saturdays sis. But tell you what? I won’t eat anything at or from his house and from there, I’m going straight to the hotel room so no harm done. Deal?”
Duchess sighed. It was the same sigh she sighed whenever she gave up asking my mother for a favor when we were kids. “Fine. But please promise me you’re not going to eat anything, hug or touch anyone. Please promise me.”
“My superstitious sister!” I teased. “I’m not afraid of witches. I’m not.” She didn’t look convinced. "Yo Ricky!” I addressed her husband who was leaning on the car watching us argue with amusement. “You afraid of witches man?”
“Well, damn man. Uh… pftt” he blew out some air while he thought. “Well, my grandmother was a witch. So… ain’t no reason to be scared of family right?”
“There you have it.” I joked. “The witches are family. I’m good.”
“I’m serious Duke.” She insisted, trying her best not to smile at the jokesters that were the men in her life.
“Okay, okay.” I finally became serious. “Even though I don’t believe in all the superstitious nonsense, I won’t eat or drink or touch anyone until I leave. And for good measure, I’m leaving before daybreak tomorrow morning.”
“Good. Still be careful though, because there is night before daybreak and-“
“Darkness functions best at night.” I chorused it with her.
She’d said that so much, it might as well be her anthem. How I got such a superstitious sister, I’ll never know.
Going with Uncle Jimmy to Bámí’s house was an uneventful, almost boring thing and the visit was looking to be the same until Bámí called for his daughter to bring out refreshments.
“Dellia!!” The elder bellowed into his house. “Where is this girl now? Dellia!”
I didn’t want to get my hopes up even though it was unlikely to be another Dellia. I was proven right when Dellia walked out with plates of food in her hands. My Dellia, not any other. The same one I had met during the traditional wedding. At this point, I was certain she was the one fated for me.
When she set the plates down in front of us, I attempted to initiate a conversation. “Hello Dellia. Remember me?”
No response. She simply walked back into what I assumed was the kitchen since I saw a fire in there. “So you’ve met my daughter ehn?” Bámí asked me. Seems he was her father and I was the visitor she had to prepare for.
“Yes sir, yes. I met her at the traditional wedding earlier today.” I said, trying to look my most respectful and respectable.
“Good, good. That is a very good thing.” Bámí seemed pleased with that development for some reason.
“Yes sir.” I replied while eyeing the food set before me. The bushmeat looked especially delicious but I had promised my sister I wouldn’t eat and so it would be. “I hope you won’t be angry sir, but I’ll be taking my food back to my hotel room with me.”
“No problem at all young man.” Bámí replied. “In fact,” just as he gestured toward the curtain, Dellia appeared there. “my daughter Dellia will take the food to your hotel room with you.”
I leaned in to whisper so only Uncle Jimmy could hear. “Do you think she’ll stay for dessert?”
My uncle knew exactly what I meant. “If I were you, I’d even turn my dessert into the main dish.” He whispered back with a grin. If Bámí or Dellia heard us, they didn’t let on.
Back at the hotel room, I tried initiating another conversation with Dellia. She remained unresponsive. I thought perhaps it was because of the situation we found ourselves in so I tried putting her mind at rest.
“Dellia listen, if it’s about sex, we don’t have to do that if you don’t want to. If it’s your father forcing you, we can just talk. We don’t even have to talk about that, we can talk about anything. Come on now, I really enjoyed our conversation earlier.”
More silence.
“Dellia, say something.” Even more silence. “Toh, if you don’t want to say anything, let’s just go to sleep then.” I said laying on the bed in frustration, facing away from her.
“You say something.”
“What?” I was happy to hear her voice again but her words confused me.
“I said you should say something. But not just anything. I want you to tell me you love me.” She said as she got up and walked toward me while undoing her gown. “Unless that’s a problem?” She asked with a raised eyebrow and the naughtiest of looks in her eyes.
“No problem here, no problem at all.” If this was what it took to get her worked up, I’d play along. Some answers first though. “But can I ask why you refused to speak to me all this while? I thought it might have been something I-“
“Shhh.” She shushed me with a finger to my lips. “Say everything else later. For now…” she punctuated her line with a kiss on my lips. The best kiss I’d ever had. “…just say you love me.”
“Oh my God! I love you Dellia!” I gasped as she broke the kiss and undid my shirt buttons.
After pulling my shirt off, she traced her fingernails across my bare chest. The sensations she gave me were like nothing else. “I love you Dellia, I love your hair, I love your deep, beautiful eyes, I love ev-“
“Seriously Duke, just say you love me. Don’t say anything else, just say you love me. Say you love me seven times.”
“Uh… sure.” I thought I was making it better complimenting different parts of her and the specific number of times kind if weirded me out but whatever she wanted was alright with me.
As she worked her fingers down from my chest to my stomach, I told her I loved her again, by the time her hands got to my belt, I’d said it again. On the third ‘I love you’, she was unbuttoning my trousers and going “Yes, tell me you love me.” Like some sort of high had taken over her.
My trousers were already off by the fourth ‘I love you’ but then something shifted. I couldn’t place my finger on it, but I could tell there was an off vibe in the room. I remembered my sister’s warning. I’d definitely done more than hug Dellia.
“Dellia, stop. Get off me.”
“No, no, no. Don’t stop now, keep going. Keep telling me you love me. Just three more left.”
“I don’t want to Dellia. This isn’t doing it for me, okay?”
“Don’t be silly. Look, I’ll blow you if you just say it three more times.” She motioned to pull down my boxers, I had to stand up, knocking her off me.
“Dellia, why do you need me to say ‘I love you’ seven times?” I was now standing in a corner of the room with my hands over my manhood with Dellia kneeling where she’d fallen on the floor.
“Just say it and you’ll find out. Trust me.” She crawled towards me on the floor with movements so seductive, they should have been illegal. I was starting to consider just going through with it.
“By the way, you have to start over from one now ‘cause you broke the chain.” She winked up at me. When had she gotten across the room? She looked so pretty. What was the worst that would happen? Maybe I should just-
RIINNGG!! RIIIIIIINGG!! My phone interrupted my thoughts. “I-I’ll get that.”
“No. Leave it. Don’t let anyone interrupt us right now okay?”
“It could be important. Let me just-“
“Just shut up and say it!!!” She screamed. My phone and a few other things got knocked clear across the room seemingly by nothing. My phone even embedded itself in the wall. It also stopped ringing which I believe was what she aimed for.
That settled it. This girl was no normal woman and I needed to get lost immediately. She stood up, and pulled me by the chain I wore around my neck, guiding me to the bed.
Seeing an opening, I reached into a reserve of power I didn’t even know I had. I pulled my neck back with enough strength to cut the chain and sprinted out the door only bending to pick up my briefs. I wore them as I ran. I could hear Dellia in the distance calling me back.
I didn’t listen, I ran to the taxi that brought me to the village. Driver always slept in his car. I knocked frantically on the windscreen as I ran up to him.
As soon as the car was unlocked, I got in and locked all the doors.
“Lagos. Take me to Lagos now. Quickly, quickly!”
“But boss, why are you not wearing any clothe?”
“I said drive!!” I yelled at the poor man as loud as I could. “Can you imagine? He’s asking why I’m not wearing clothe. Better face what you’re being paid to do and mind your business.”
“Yes sir, sorry sir.”
On our way out, we met a curious trio. Fat, elderly women. Typical village grandmothers except in that they stood blocking the only way out of the village in the middle of the night.
Driver had to stop in front of them when he saw them. Once he stopped they moved toward the car. I didn’t know what they wanted, and I did not care. I motioned with my hand for driver to move as soon as they’d cleared the way.
As though they knew, they moved to block the way again. This scared me even more since I’d put my hand in a place they couldn’t possibly have seen it.
Turns out, all they wanted was for me to advertise some handmade wooden beads for them back in Lagos. They seemed ominous though. Especially when one of them spoke to me and I could swear she had at least ten voices leaving her mouth at once.
All in all, I’d left the village in one piece and thought I was free, little did I know, the village went back to Lagos with me. And that the hotel would be far from my final encounter with Dellia.
This is a series based on a movie of the same name which I think had a great concept but terrible execution. I am also aware that I had a series I begun here but did not finish and that is because i haven't worked out some things. But once I do, I'll get back on it.
submitted by JMO_the_1st to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:19 negrek Pokémon One-Shot Contest: Magical but Mundane

The Pokémon World is a place of adventure, full of legendary heroes, outlandish villains, and world-ending threats. However, it’s also full of people living peaceful lives: spending their days at work or school, keeping up with their hobbies, and taking for granted the fact that they live in a world full of magical monsters. How would the life of a farmer, a chef, an accountant be different in the Pokémon World than here on Earth? How do heroes spend their days when their adventures are done? For Thousand Roads’ fifth annual one-shot contest, we want you to show us what daily life’s really like in the Pokémon World!
Here's how it works:
  1. Over the course of June, write a one-shot fanfic of 10,000 words or less that focuses on daily life in the Pokémon World
  2. E-mail your story to
  3. Sit back and wait for judging to complete!
Everyone who enters will receive the following:
In addition, the judges will select their top three stories for the opportunity to feature in our zine focused on daily life in the Pokémon World, which will be released later this year.
Sound fun? Check out the detailed contest guidelines, and then it's time to get writing! You have until midnight UTC on June 30th to submit your entry. Good luck, and we look forward to reading your story!
If you have questions, feel free to comment on this post, message negrek, or send an e-mail to
submitted by negrek to FanFiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:16 negrek Pokemon One-Shot Contest: Magical but Mundane

The Pokémon World is a place of adventure, full of legendary heroes, outlandish villains, and world-ending threats. However, it’s also full of people living peaceful lives: spending their days at work or school, keeping up with their hobbies, and taking for granted the fact that they live in a world full of magical monsters. How would the life of a farmer, a chef, an accountant be different in the Pokémon World than here on Earth? How do heroes spend their days when their adventures are done? For Thousand Roads’ fifth annual one-shot contest, we want you to show us what daily life’s really like in the Pokémon World!
Here's how it works:
  1. Over the course of June, write a one-shot fanfic of 10,000 words or less that focuses on daily life in the Pokémon World
  2. E-mail your story to
  3. Sit back and wait for judging to complete!
Everyone who enters will receive the following:
In addition, the judges will select their top three stories for the opportunity to feature in our zine focused on daily life in the Pokémon World, which will be released later this year.
Sound fun? Check out the detailed contest guidelines, and then it's time to get writing! You have until midnight UTC on June 30th to submit your entry. Good luck, and we look forward to reading your story!
If you have questions, feel free to comment on this post, message negrek, or send an e-mail to
submitted by negrek to pokemonfanfiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:16 Ill_Coffee_6821 Thank you gift - what’s most appropriate

Hello. I’m trying to choose the right way to thank a friend of mine. I have also been generous in the past, picking them up and dropping them off because they don’t have a car etc. We have been friends for 7 years and live in an expensive HCOL area.
I recently ended up in the hospital unexpectedly and am very far from family. I was injured and was scared. My friend took an Uber all the way to the hospital (about 40 min each way), stayed with me all day through tests, took me home after. The next day she came back to my house and helped me with a bunch of things around the house. Also Uber each way. It may not sound like a huge deal but I am far from family and it meant the world to me to have someone there. She did it without me asking.
I have been struggling with how to best say thank you. I have thanked her in person and in follow up texts, but would like to do something more. At a minimum I plan to send a handwritten thank you card.
I was thinking a massage might be nice, but the nicer places are all so expensive (the place I’d like to get the gift card to would probably be around 250 to cover the massage, as I’d hate to get a gift card that covers only part of the treatment). The money is not an issue for me and I’m MORE than happy to do this, but I also don’t want her to feel guilty or bad like she did something out of the kindness of her heart and I got her an expensive gift in return (like in a transactional way). I am wondering if a nice thank you card with an offer to take her to dinner sometime as a thank you would be more appropriate. Or really any other ideas someone might have. Or if you think the massage isn’t too much as well.
Thank you so much, I really want her to understand how much this meant to me, even if it wasn’t a huge deal to her. :)
submitted by Ill_Coffee_6821 to etiquette [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:13 Riewa00 Alien(?) egg movie with drugs and smart(?) people

A rich dude sends secret invites to a handful of people to come meet at this secret bunker house thing. They do a bunch of drugs (one person specifically does not like drugs or that everyone is doing them I think) the rich guy eventually shows them this room with what appears to be an egg or meteor or something. One of the people smokes in the room and the smoke seeps into the object and it hatches into some monster and destroys the house
submitted by Riewa00 to whatmoviewasthat [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:11 Complete_Ad9556 Future MIL w uBPD

Hello I’m new to this community, and might get some terms wrong. I’m writing because I’m in need of some perspective given how frustrating things have been for me and my partner. Basically, I’ve been dating my partner for more than a year now and I’ve always suspected that his mother (I’ll refer to her as MIL) is emotionally dependent on him as he’s the youngest child and only son. I also also suspect she has uBPD with all the self esteem issues, impulsive behaviours etc (Also pls lmk if this is inappropriate here I’ll take it down I’m sorry)
All this escalated over the last year when her husband began cheating on her, and along with years of marital neglect and I think low self esteem and worth (she married young, didn’t have her own life, spent years controlling the household), her actions became more toxic. I don’t know the full story as I hear them from my partner but MIL has threatened violence and suciide a few times, emotionally guilt tripped her children but more so for my bf (her son) and rant about her failing marriage multiple times a day (for >1 year) despite the practical advice from her family and lawyers. They all live together and eat together when they can but she claims her children are not siding with her or are not seeing her pain etc. At this point i can tell they’re all really exhausted by her constant ranting, self victimisation and emotional manipulation. The informal diagnosis from her own children is “mom is controlling the kids just because she can’t control her husband anymore”. The emotional incest part still stands because my bf’s her only son.
MIL has made our relationship difficult by always asking him why he chooses me over her (Mind you, she’s definitely putting expectations of her husband on her son), why he doesn’t tell her everything about us, all this STILL being done after reminders and pleas for healthy boundaries. Even now, he still eats with her updates her and follows her to the lawyer office (not his sisters), so I wouldn’t say he’s abandoning her like she claims. She just has the tendency to dramatise things and assume the worst intentions in people, even when things are literally not about her.
My bf never realised this emotional codependency was a problem until I pointed it out, and he even broke up with me recently over what his mother said about me (she basically compared me to other girls and planted really negative thoughts about me in his head). Even till now MIL still sends threatening messages to him about not liking me or accepting me as her future daughter in law. But now my bf recognises that he doesn’t care that much about what she thinks and knows to stand for himself.
I guess I’m just frustrated because I know MIL has a therapist but probably isn’t being honest and getting the real help she needs. Nothing my bf and his sisters can say will change her at this point. We are all adults over 21 and can definitely go no contact (but Asian families have this thing about filial piety), and although I sympathise with MIL, I find her actions inexcusable and unforgivable. I know I can’t control her and my bf, but it’s been really hard for me to share my feelings w my bf about my hurt over his breakup with me especially since he’s alr emotionally overwhelmed w his mother’s moods and emotional outbursts. He hasn’t sought therapy yet but I’ve been pushing him to do so. We try to communicate better now and support each other but things have gotten so pressurising with her toxic presence around. There’s always this looming chaos of her being permanently in my life too if I choose to marry my bf, who I love very much. And Idk how to navigate through this invisible competition she created with me.
I would really appreciate if someone can relate or provide some perspective and or hope about situations like this.. I myself am in therapy but this just seems so difficult.
submitted by Complete_Ad9556 to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:10 tylerlw1988 35 [M4F] #Knoxville, Tennessee #Online - Nerdy guy looking for a best friend and eventually a possible romantic connection

I have been contemplating making a post on here for some time and finally decided to do it! I hope to find someone here that I share a connection with and could eventually result in something long term developing although I'm open to short term.
About me: Physically I'm 5'11'', 150lbs, and 35 years old with light brown hair and blue eyes. I'll be glad to send you pictures after we start talking. I enjoy a lot of the typically nerdy things like board games, card games and video games. I am pretty into learning new scientific type stuff as well. I find it fascinating. I also have an outdoor enjoying side. I like to take strolls through the woods and just enjoy the outdoors. In terms of exercise, I play tennis, bike, go on walks, and golf. There are probably other activities that I enjoy, both indoor and outdoor, that I forgot to mention here. I'm a bit of a romantic in that I like to both give and feel affection and compliments. It feels nice both ways. I enjoy deep conversations. It feels bad for to carry an entire conversation mostly by yourself! In terms of work, I am a software engineer so if you're into computer science stuff we can talk about that. I tend to lean slightly left politically and I am not a religious person but am open to hearing about different points of view.
About you: I'm pretty open to conversing with and getting to know pretty much any females on here but I'll talk about what I'm ideally looking for. Feel free to message me either way! Physically your height doesn't matter to me in the slightest, I prefer someone of similar physique as myself (once again that doesn't matter a tremendous amount), and preferably between the ages of 21 to 38. I would also prefer that you do not have children. I'm looking for someone that is pretty good at having a conversation and is interesting to talk to. It would be great if we shared some common interests so that our conversations could have some passion in the subjects we talk about. If you aren't mature enough not to ghost me, please don't message me.
I hope this post gets some attention because it would be nice to have someone to talk to. I look forward to your messages and getting to know you!
submitted by tylerlw1988 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:10 TheChildrenNeedMe 30 [M4F] Oklahoma/Anywhere Looking for a connection/friend to talk with regularly

Have you ever been sitting in your house thinking “wow I could really use the perfect man, someone who’s incredibly confident, funny, caring, thoughtful, entertaining, and exciting”? Well that guy doesn’t exist, but I do and I came in second in a mini tractor race as a kid so I like to think that I’ve also got a lot going for me.
Does having someone send you music, news articles, and unnecessarily prying questions sound like a good time to you? Well probably not but I’ll do it anyway.
If that somehow isn’t enough to win you over my interests are music, gaming, politics, science, psychology, serial killers and cereal mascots to name a few.
Things I enjoy
Thing I don’t enjoy
Here’s me
If you’re now thinking “wow this guy sounds amazing!” but you aren’t sure what to say, well first off lower your expectations and secondly you could introduce yourself and answer one or more of these questions.
  1. What is the best thing and worst thing about you?
  2. What’s your biggest fear?
  3. What is your deepest darkest secret?
submitted by TheChildrenNeedMe to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:09 Flaky_Vegetable_9850 Bankruptcy is my Power Move

This story starts three years ago. During Covid I had watched my family almost lose their lives to it . And all I could picture was my tombstone saying "Here Lies "the Flaky Vegatable" she worked hard . I didnt want it to be all about work . After seeing my parents fighting for their life, I started my No era. By that I mean I worked hard as a assistant manager for 8 years and I started telling my boss no when he asked me to work extra. I was already doing his job for him (he did nothing but sit down on his phone all day) . I never had asked for days off before and I was suddenly taking days off to do things I wanted to do or missed out on because I had spent the last eight years working . Countless Holidays, Birthdays, last moments with family, etc that I missed for a job.
My Store Manager didn't like that I started developing healthy boundaries and absolutly hated the word no . I was asking for morning shifts after working 2nd shift for 8 years . I wanted something tiny for myself . Like a day or 2 where I didnt do second shift. He had it in his head , that he must get rid of me. Now he was stealing money from the job for years. There had been numerous issues . But He was a toxic boss and always put in the fear of god into us if we tried to report him. I started report him to loss prevention . And then he set me up to take the fall. And I lost my job. I was 600$ in debt at the time. No biggie
Losing my job ended up being a Blessing as I was able to become a Store Manager at a great company seasonally. My first year was one fo the toughest. My boss was a old man who thought women belonged barefoot , pregnant, and at home. Another toxic environemnt , but after months of abuse, he was let go . But i endured alot. I cried nearly everyday, was in constant fear of losing this job, and this man was honestly hiring people to low key replace me . Dealing with this man showed me I was stronger then I ever gave myself credit for.
After this job ended , I got what I thought was my dream job. It came into my life so fast and I was thankful for the opportunity , I had to take it. I got paid weekly, doing what I love doing. I thought I had the best job and boss in the world . I was a store manager here too, meanwhile doing something I loved which didnt even feel like working. While I was getting getting experience doing something that eventually I wanted to do. Learning the business, so I could run my own company. My boss even worked with my schedule and made accommodations to fit my personal life. I thought I had won the lottery, until it came crashing down about a month later. The first check bounced, she had told me it was an error. and I was stupid enough I believed her. The hecks after that cleared for a while, until they didn't . All she did was make excuses for the next month . In that time, I barely had money to make my car payments, food, my lifestyle . I stopped getting my nails done , getting my hair done. I was begining to live below my means. She kept saying she would pay me and beause it was my dream job I stayed until I showed up one day and there wasnt Power. That was the last straw, i knew in my heart that at that point she was never going to pay me , so I walked away. But I did grieve. I grieved for the life I wanted to have, the information I would have learned, and started to cry at night again. 3000$ in debt with
2 months went by and I was applying, getting nowhere with applications. I had applied at this shop and I had gotton per diem. During the week I would door dash. The first month I didnt get paid, apparently a "techinal error" in payroll or so he claimed. He gave me a check and from their I was getting paid weekly, minmum. 2 months go by I needed a full time job. I couldnt make ends meet. I had a job for about a week, where I absolutly hated it and I would come come crying every night . I was grossly over qualified and at night I grew bored. Something regular people would take hours to do took me 15 minutes to do. This man from the shop called me and told me he needed me full time and offered me a pay raise to come work with him. So I agreed. Now I was working liveable hours . While there, I was paying my bills down . I got to live a little, I went to 2 free concerts that summer , and White Castle. (yes the hamburger place) The way I was getting paid, I had thought taxes were getting taken out of my check, because to me thats the only way the math was mathing. So i was oblivious. I dealt with , customers complaining about expired products, melted products, I had no toliets for week, unreasable Karens , and he would come in and constantly berate me . He told me not to touch the shelves, but whined that they weren't dusted. I pulled expired product and he would put it back out. This started bothering me a little until the cherry on top of the cake happened. He asked me if I would do sexual favors for him if he paid me . Of course I said no, and bam magically 2 weeks later ( a week after i complained about not recieving that paycheck ) I was "Fired" . His reasoning I was lazy . My reasoning he was an arrogant asshole. That missing 800$ paycheck broke me . (I barely had enough to pay for food, and credit card bills that month) After the fact I found out taxes were not being taken out and while he said and I signed saying I was being paid what I was. He was in fact paying me well under the minimum wage. Also found out I couldnt even go after him , because this man did not even have a business license.
I had gone back to my seasonal job , they had welcomed me with open arms. And I was so greatful for them even though, I was late in the season and would only have it for 2.5 months. In that time I was able to catch up on my bills . I had gone to a convention so now I was 5000$ in credit ard debt. It wasnt bad for me.
I had doordashed after my seasonal job ended I picked up doordashing. This time, I fell in love with it. I made it my full time job and I was making enough money each day where if I didnt feel like working that day. I didn't. I didnt care when pay day was because I loved my job and I had they money . I had mastered it , I was a 5 star dasher and genuinly cared about my customer base. You ordered food in the rain, I got it covered in plastic so it wouldnt get wet, etc. 3000$ in debt .
Then last year my world crashed and burned literally. I was driving and suddenly the world started spinning. I had been hit. The witness who heard the crash i guess opened the doro and told officers I was door dashing. I had a concussion , they asked me the president I said Trump (It was Biden) and I couldn't speak coheartly it was taking extra long to comprehend things. Now the cops didnt ask me what happen nor had I recalled it. I was rushed into an ambulance. It wasnt til the next day I realised how bad things were. I was bruised and broken. My car was totaled . And I was convinced , I had died and came back in my car. My car was on track to be paid off in 4 months that year. Paying it off 2 years early.
Point Blank , Insurance didn't cover it . Because the cop wrote in the report that I was doordashing and fialed to stop. I had the right of way . The girl who hit me was going 80 miles and hour in a 30. Completely destroyed my car and she ended up stopping a half mile uop the road. But according to the police report I was wrong. Mind you I had not talked to confirm this, the witness had assumed. No one would take my case because I guess Doordashing is a complete gray area. I had no one to fight my way out of this situation , and honestly I feel like if I had fought harder (just after I felt like I had died) something would have changed. I could prove she was also in the wrong . I was out of work with no car , no job . 3 months while I healed. 5000$ credit card debt , 5000$ my car (to which I has signed over to the insurance company because they said they would take care of it) . My mom had cosigned a car with me after my foot healed .
September comes around ( I had already started my season job) and I get papers saying I owe this money. 34,000$ for this ladys car. Apparently she was on the clock in her corperate car. Decemeber come around I get another bill in the mail for this girls medical bills.
$5,000 in her medical bills
34,000$ for her car
5000$ for my car
300 a month for my current car
8000$ in credit card debt
Now I had contemplated bankruptcy ( i didnt go through with it at the time) , after I saw the Police report, even though I didnt agree with it. I had the hardest time finding a job after my seasonal position , as I usually take Christmas off. It took me over 600 job applications in 6 months, to find a job. Now I work a job I hate . I come home crying everyday, its definatly a toxic work environment, I feel like I get threatened every day and it seems I get yelled at for drinking some water . I'm grossily over qualified for the position and now I'm waiting for my seasonal job to start. I need to get out asap.
I'm 8 days out from meeting with my lawyer. I have debt collectors calling me and my family left and right. I am potentially getting sued pretty much I imagine for everything. Ive been threatened by them for months. Everyday I live in fear that I'm going to be served papers before I see my lawyers. Its been a year since this accident robbed me of my whole life.
Now, I tried explaining my situation to a friend. And she keeps thinking the worst case senario. She doesnt want me to go through with it because she thinks its wrong. She thinks I should suck it up and pay on it because she paid off her debt. I think its because she doesnt understand . (ive read so much , and i still dont completely get it ) Ive explained it to her and even told her I paid for the best attorney in our state. She thinks the worst will happen (because I dont have the best luck) and I'll be stuck with paying it anyway. She doesnt understand how I feel, not getting my hair done, or my nails, or not being able to sleep at night beause I'm living in a nightmare. I'm so tired of fighting. I'm so tired of just existing and not living.
Bankruptcy is my Power Move . I know that sounds crazy. In fact when I first said it sounded crazy to me. But I feel like its going to give me back my power. Ive been in this constant state of fight or flight for so long, I forgot what it feels like to breathe. I wanna take back my power and my life! I want to be able to sleep peacefully. I want to know what it feels like to not live in this toxic, fight or flight state. After the pandemic I decided I wanted to truely live, I wanna travel, experience my life.
This feels like the only way I get my power back. It still sounds crazy. I just want to be able to wake up and be able to breathe again. I honestly feel like when this is all over that I will get up and let out a breath I didnt even know I was holding. I'll wake up and my heart wont be so heavy. I honestly have no idea what the future holds, but after this is over , I feel like I owe it to myself to find out.
If You sat through this whole post Thank You. I needed to get this off my chest with people who would understand.
submitted by Flaky_Vegetable_9850 to Bankruptcy [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:08 Vib_ration The most powerful transmitter and receiver of frequency/vibration is your brain.

You have the most powerful transmitter and receiver of frequency or vibration in the universe at your control and at your command.
How amazing. Do you use it. Do you even know you have the power?
You are a powerful being, you have all the power and all the energy to make all your dreams come through.
The key is just getting your vibration correct. How?
When you emit a frequency (through your thoughts, states of mind, point of views or emotions), the exact same frequency is drawn to you. The entire universe works together to mimic that frequency and bring it towards you in events, situations or people.
More importantly, bringing up your Spiritual Energy while doing that allows your frequency to travel virtually in three dimensions all throughout the universe, in all directions simultaneously with the same intensity and this can even be picked up all over the globe by other people.
Spiritual Energy, just like Qi, Prana, Vayus, Piti, Odic Force, Tension, Aura, Mana, Orgone, BioElectric, Euphoria, Ecstasy, Nen, Secret Fire, Aether, Rûah, Intent and more is another word to define the Vital Energy/Life Force that you and every other living thing has.
This Spiritual Energy can be most easily felt within us when experiencing Frisson, or as the Runner's High, as the Vibrational State before an Astral Projection, as Qi in Taoism / Martial Arts, as Prana in Hindu philosophy, during an ASMR session and felt within us as Chills from positive events/stimuli.
This energy has been researched and documented under many names, by different people and cultures such as Bioelectricity, Life force, Prana, Chi, Qi, Runner's High, Euphoria, ASMR, Ecstasy, Orgone, Rapture, Tension, Aura, Mana, Vayus, Nen, Intent, Tummo, Odic force, Kriyas, Pitī, Frisson, Ruah, Spiritual Energy, Secret Fire, The Tingles, on-demand quickening, Voluntary Piloerection, Aether, Chills, Spiritual Chills and many more to be discovered hopefully with your help.
Here are three written tutorials going more in-depth on how to control this energy and on the technique to use your spiritual energy to consciously send out something you want to attract back in your life.
P.S. Everyone feels it at certain points in their life, some brush it off while others notice that there is something much deeper going on. Those are exactly the people you can find on the subreddit community Spiritualchills where they share experiences, knowledge and tips on it.
submitted by Vib_ration to wanttobelieve [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:07 TristinMaysisHot AHK Script for AFKing in Lego Fortnite (Sandbox/Creative)

You can turn off hunger etc when creating the Sandbox world. Once you spawn into the world. Press Tab, go to "all items" and then click on food. Spawn in a bunch of raspberry and fill your hot bar with them. Press F1 to turn on the script after you launch it and then it will just eat berries from your hot bar. Works while tabbed out as well.
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0 ; AES (Auto-Execute Section) #SingleInstance Force ; Only 1 instance can run at a time SetKeyDelay(300000) ; SendEvent has a 6000ms delay between keystrokes return ; Marks the end of the AES ; Make a section for your hotkeys $*F1::use_functions(1) ; F1 starts/stops the script *Esc::ExitApp() ; This is an example of a kill switch (You can remove this if you want) ; Make a section for your functions use_functions(flip := 0) { ; Flip is an optional parameter and is used to start/stop/reset things. Static toggle := 0 ; Track on/off state T := Random(100, 3000) ; Timer L := Random(100,200) ; FailSafeTimer If flip ; If flip parameter is true toggle := !toggle ; Switch toggle On <-> Off ControlSend("{Click}",, "ahk_exe FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping.exe") ; Send count and other keys ControlClick , "ahk_exe FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping.exe",, "WheelDown",, "NA" Sleep L Sleep T ControlSend("{Click}",, "ahk_exe FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping.exe") ControlClick , "ahk_exe FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping.exe",, "WheelDown",, "NA" SetTimer(use_functions, -1) ; Set timer to run func one more time } 
submitted by TristinMaysisHot to FortniteAFKXPMethods [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:07 Vib_ration The most powerful transmitter and receiver of frequency/vibration is your brain.

You have the most powerful transmitter and receiver of frequency or vibration in the universe at your control and at your command.
How amazing. Do you use it. Do you even know you have the power?
You are a powerful being, you have all the power and all the energy to make all your dreams come through.
The key is just getting your vibration correct. How?
When you emit a frequency (through your thoughts, states of mind, point of views or emotions), the exact same frequency is drawn to you. The entire universe works together to mimic that frequency and bring it towards you in events, situations or people.
More importantly, bringing up your Spiritual Energy while doing that allows your frequency to travel virtually in three dimensions all throughout the universe, in all directions simultaneously with the same intensity and this can even be picked up all over the globe by other people.
Spiritual Energy, just like Qi, Prana, Vayus, Piti, Odic Force, Tension, Aura, Mana, Orgone, BioElectric, Euphoria, Ecstasy, Nen, Secret Fire, Aether, Rûah, Intent and more is another word to define the Vital Energy/Life Force that you and every other living thing has.
This Spiritual Energy can be most easily felt within us when experiencing Frisson, or as the Runner's High, as the Vibrational State before an Astral Projection, as Qi in Taoism / Martial Arts, as Prana in Hindu philosophy, during an ASMR session and felt within us as Chills from positive events/stimuli.
This energy has been researched and documented under many names, by different people and cultures such as Bioelectricity, Life force, Prana, Chi, Qi, Runner's High, Euphoria, ASMR, Ecstasy, Orgone, Rapture, Tension, Aura, Mana, Vayus, Nen, Intent, Tummo, Odic force, Kriyas, Pitī, Frisson, Ruah, Spiritual Energy, Secret Fire, The Tingles, on-demand quickening, Voluntary Piloerection, Aether, Chills, Spiritual Chills and many more to be discovered hopefully with your help.
Here are three written tutorials going more in-depth on how to control this energy and on the technique to use your spiritual energy to consciously send out something you want to attract back in your life.
P.S. Everyone feels it at certain points in their life, some brush it off while others notice that there is something much deeper going on. Those are exactly the people you can find on the subreddit community Spiritualchills where they share experiences, knowledge and tips on it.
submitted by Vib_ration to theunexplained [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:07 nayimvaid123 22 [M4F] U.K. - Looking to find my person <3

Hey there random person on the internet, thank you for reading my post and giving me a chance. If I seem interesting, feel free to send me a message.
Even if you don’t end up messaging me, I’d love to put a smile on your face regardless so here’s a joke:
Did you hear about the mathematician who’s afraid of negative numbers? He’ll stop at nothing to avoid them!
About me: - I’m a 22 year old guy from England and I’ve graduated with a law degree. I’m currently working at a law firm.
What I’m looking for:
I’m very patient and non judgemental so don’t be scared to message me if I piqued your interest.
submitted by nayimvaid123 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:07 Vib_ration The most powerful transmitter and receiver of frequency/vibration is your brain.

You have the most powerful transmitter and receiver of frequency or vibration in the universe at your control and at your command.
How amazing. Do you use it. Do you even know you have the power?
You are a powerful being, you have all the power and all the energy to make all your dreams come through.
The key is just getting your vibration correct. How?
When you emit a frequency (through your thoughts, states of mind, point of views or emotions), the exact same frequency is drawn to you. The entire universe works together to mimic that frequency and bring it towards you in events, situations or people.
More importantly, bringing up your Spiritual Energy while doing that allows your frequency to travel virtually in three dimensions all throughout the universe, in all directions simultaneously with the same intensity and this can even be picked up all over the globe by other people.
Spiritual Energy, just like Qi, Prana, Vayus, Piti, Odic Force, Tension, Aura, Mana, Orgone, BioElectric, Euphoria, Ecstasy, Nen, Secret Fire, Aether, Rûah, Intent and more is another word to define the Vital Energy/Life Force that you and every other living thing has.
This Spiritual Energy can be most easily felt within us when experiencing Frisson, or as the Runner's High, as the Vibrational State before an Astral Projection, as Qi in Taoism / Martial Arts, as Prana in Hindu philosophy, during an ASMR session and felt within us as Chills from positive events/stimuli.
This energy has been researched and documented under many names, by different people and cultures such as Bioelectricity, Life force, Prana, Chi, Qi, Runner's High, Euphoria, ASMR, Ecstasy, Orgone, Rapture, Tension, Aura, Mana, Vayus, Nen, Intent, Tummo, Odic force, Kriyas, Pitī, Frisson, Ruah, Spiritual Energy, Secret Fire, The Tingles, on-demand quickening, Voluntary Piloerection, Aether, Chills, Spiritual Chills and many more to be discovered hopefully with your help.
Here are three written tutorials going more in-depth on how to control this energy and on the technique to use your spiritual energy to consciously send out something you want to attract back in your life.
P.S. Everyone feels it at certain points in their life, some brush it off while others notice that there is something much deeper going on. Those are exactly the people you can find on the subreddit community Spiritualchills where they share experiences, knowledge and tips on it.
submitted by Vib_ration to outsideofthebox [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:07 Realistic-Pop8460 Stop obeying your parents (Only way to stop Zaniyahs)

We need to understand something clearly our parent's generation are one of the main reasons for the Zaniyah crisis. The western Muslim parents treat their male and female offspring the same, which is a huge crime according to the Quran, Allah is very clear that the Male is not like the Female (3:36). We should not be expecting our daughters to go to mixed University and get a job, that should not be their main soulless goal in life, their main goal should be to get married, they can also get educated and get jobs but that should be secondary or done in parallel.
It does not matter what you will become in the future, Doctor, Engineer, Professional Athlete, University Professor, etc ... every young Muslim man (15-25) is entitled to go about his life with a female Muslima in hand in lawful engagement first then marriage. Do not let anyone, especially your parents or the immoral West, take that right from you as a young man for their selfish mostly financial goals. Man up and take the initiative even if you are in high school. Getting into a halal lawful relationship with a Muslima that you intend to marry as early as possible will allow you to reach your full potential as Muslim Man in this life, you will have reason and her presence will allow you to fight the challenges of life properly. The lack of her in your life will lead to misery and you will get depressed and see no reason to try your hardest.
Your parents want you, the Muslim Man (18-25) to wait until you are 30 to get married. These same parents send their 18 year old western hijabi Muslima daughters to mixed University where a large portion of them not only do not wait for marriage, but commit Zina or get into relationships with K#phirs, which should be extremely enraging for the so called Muslim parents, especially the fathers who are supposed to have Gheerah over their women, but you find that they do not care. The parents will choose this option over getting her married young and protecting her with the excuse that marrying young will led to her not completing her education because she will not be focused on studying, which in of itself is a horrible excuse, as you can do both marriage and education if you really want to (You have a lot of energy when you are young which is a blessing from Allah that we western Muslims are not using to the fullest).
Young western Muslim men (15-25), you have every right to get engaged/married and enjoy the partnership of a Muslima at as young as you can, do not get told otherwise by your money-worshipping so-called Muslim parents. Allah blessed you with the feelings of inclination to females that you have at your young age for a reason, he does not want you to wait until you are 30 for feelings he instilled in you at 12, it just does not make sense, logically, morally, and in every way possible.
You also need to understand that every soul is responsible for their own self, what I mean by that is if you as a Muslim man commit Zina because you cannot wait until 30 to touch a woman (which is completely normal by the way, you want to get into a relationship as a Male at 15 and your expected by your so called Muslim parents to wait until 30 which is absolutely insane) and you end up committing Zina, your father (mother as well but to a lower extent) will say on the day of judgement that it was none of his business and that you (the son) committed the crime of Zina and that he has no fault although he prevented you from getting married at 18 either directly or indirectly by discouraging it. What I am saying is, they (your parents and society at large) will lead you down the path of Zina and then say that it was none of their business when you actually do fall into it, truly the Shaitan's work. You need to man up as young as possible (12-15) and hold responsibility for your sins and actions. Your parents will not be able to save you and they will say that they are innocent when they are asked for your crimes like Zina. You also need to understand that you have some degree of responsibility over your Muslima sisters, to varying extents of course. You should not accept immoral behavior from them, regardless if they are your direct sister, or some girl at University. If they choose to wear the hijab, a clear sign that they are one of us, they need to respect it and not act immorally in public especially with males that are not even Muslim. If they can't do something as simple as this, they should not be wearing it in the first place, it is completely fine if they take it off and live their life of sin to the fullest, just do not identify with us and go wild (Note, this is what all groups do, when you do something against what ever citizenship of Western Nation you hold, they can legally take your citizenship from you for going against what they deem as immoral). It is the same thing in this case, if the western feminist Muslima cannot handle the fact that she should not be acting immorally in public, she can just not wear it and act as immorally as she wants.
I know Muslim men who wanted to get married at 18 or young in general and even went to the fathers of the girls to ask for them politely for lawful engagement to their daughters but were insulted by their own fathers and rejected by the fathers of the girls, remember the same fathers that send their girls to mixed University so they can complete projects with their K#phir Male University buddies so they can get that useless piece of paper in 4 years which is currently not even helpful in finding a job. You know how many of those father's daughters ended up committing Zina and getting into relationships in University behind their Muslim parent's backs? You want to get shocked? Let alone with men that are not even Muslim, which in of itself makes it much worse and should be enraging to the fathers. These so-called Muslim fathers if they had any sense (which is strange seeing they themselves were young men before) would happily welcome the young men that wanted to marry their 18-year old daughters knowing that the young man was respectful and that the fitna is unbearable in the K#phir Universities, but instead they forgot Allah and worshipped money and this led to the Zaniyah crisis we see today. Don't they realize that young men need a goal in life to get anything done? IF you get a young engaged at 16 and married at 18, he will work 200x more than he normally would had he been single during those formative years of 18-25.
So, what is the solution for the young Muslim men, 15-18, in the west. First, you need to understand that we understand what you are going through and what your going through is perfectly normal and if Allah blesses me with a daughter and a young man asks to get engaged or marry her, I would happily agree and even help him in the sense that I would make things easier, examples include renting out a room in my house to him for cheap. But that is me, not all Muslim fathers in the west. The solution is you break free from the shackles of modern K#phir slavery, you man up and get a job, if even part-time, as young as you can, in my province the age of work is 12 and that is what my 12-year old younger brother is doing now, working. In some other places it is 14 or at worse 15, so you have no excuse, you start work part-time then aside your normal schooling and at 16 you ask to get engaged to a girl that you intend to marry at 18. If the father says no and the girl likes you and wants to get married to you, you have no choice but to continue talking to her without his knowledge with the intention of marriage or get a sheikh involved for an initial engagement which will at least make it lawful. Then you focus as hard as you can on working on your craft and keep your word and marry her.
This is the only way the Zaniyah crisis can be stopped in the west, this is the only way that Muslimas can be protected, get them married young. Any other suggested solution will fail. I cannot force all Muslims in the west to follow this way but I can at least do my part and follow through with it if indeed I get a daughter, I will definitely get her married young and if it is a young Muslim man that wants to get married, I will be understanding and helpful, regardless of how young he is.
submitted by Realistic-Pop8460 to MuslimCorner [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:06 Vib_ration The most powerful transmitter and receiver of frequency/vibration is your brain.

You have the most powerful transmitter and receiver of frequency or vibration in the universe at your control and at your command.
How amazing. Do you use it. Do you even know you have the power?
You are a powerful being, you have all the power and all the energy to make all your dreams come through.
The key is just getting your vibration correct. How?
When you emit a frequency (through your thoughts, states of mind, point of views or emotions), the exact same frequency is drawn to you. The entire universe works together to mimic that frequency and bring it towards you in events, situations or people.
More importantly, bringing up your Spiritual Energy while doing that allows your frequency to travel virtually in three dimensions all throughout the universe, in all directions simultaneously with the same intensity and this can even be picked up all over the globe by other people.
Spiritual Energy, just like Qi, Prana, Vayus, Piti, Odic Force, Tension, Aura, Mana, Orgone, BioElectric, Euphoria, Ecstasy, Nen, Secret Fire, Aether, Rûah, Intent and more is another word to define the Vital Energy/Life Force that you and every other living thing has.
This Spiritual Energy can be most easily felt within us when experiencing Frisson, or as the Runner's High, as the Vibrational State before an Astral Projection, as Qi in Taoism / Martial Arts, as Prana in Hindu philosophy, during an ASMR session and felt within us as Chills from positive events/stimuli.
This energy has been researched and documented under many names, by different people and cultures such as Bioelectricity, Life force, Prana, Chi, Qi, Runner's High, Euphoria, ASMR, Ecstasy, Orgone, Rapture, Tension, Aura, Mana, Vayus, Nen, Intent, Tummo, Odic force, Kriyas, Pitī, Frisson, Ruah, Spiritual Energy, Secret Fire, The Tingles, on-demand quickening, Voluntary Piloerection, Aether, Chills, Spiritual Chills and many more to be discovered hopefully with your help.
Here are three written tutorials going more in-depth on how to control this energy and on the technique to use your spiritual energy to consciously send out something you want to attract back in your life.
P.S. Everyone feels it at certain points in their life, some brush it off while others notice that there is something much deeper going on. Those are exactly the people you can find on the subreddit community Spiritualchills where they share experiences, knowledge and tips on it.
submitted by Vib_ration to paradigmchange [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:06 Vib_ration The most powerful transmitter and receiver of frequency/vibration is your brain.

You have the most powerful transmitter and receiver of frequency or vibration in the universe at your control and at your command.
How amazing. Do you use it. Do you even know you have the power?
You are a powerful being, you have all the power and all the energy to make all your dreams come through.
The key is just getting your vibration correct. How?
When you emit a frequency (through your thoughts, states of mind, point of views or emotions), the exact same frequency is drawn to you. The entire universe works together to mimic that frequency and bring it towards you in events, situations or people.
More importantly, bringing up your Spiritual Energy while doing that allows your frequency to travel virtually in three dimensions all throughout the universe, in all directions simultaneously with the same intensity and this can even be picked up all over the globe by other people.
Spiritual Energy, just like Qi, Prana, Vayus, Piti, Odic Force, Tension, Aura, Mana, Orgone, BioElectric, Euphoria, Ecstasy, Nen, Secret Fire, Aether, Rûah, Intent and more is another word to define the Vital Energy/Life Force that you and every other living thing has.
This Spiritual Energy can be most easily felt within us when experiencing Frisson, or as the Runner's High, as the Vibrational State before an Astral Projection, as Qi in Taoism / Martial Arts, as Prana in Hindu philosophy, during an ASMR session and felt within us as Chills from positive events/stimuli.
This energy has been researched and documented under many names, by different people and cultures such as Bioelectricity, Life force, Prana, Chi, Qi, Runner's High, Euphoria, ASMR, Ecstasy, Orgone, Rapture, Tension, Aura, Mana, Vayus, Nen, Intent, Tummo, Odic force, Kriyas, Pitī, Frisson, Ruah, Spiritual Energy, Secret Fire, The Tingles, on-demand quickening, Voluntary Piloerection, Aether, Chills, Spiritual Chills and many more to be discovered hopefully with your help.
Here are three written tutorials going more in-depth on how to control this energy and on the technique to use your spiritual energy to consciously send out something you want to attract back in your life.
P.S. Everyone feels it at certain points in their life, some brush it off while others notice that there is something much deeper going on. Those are exactly the people you can find on the subreddit community Spiritualchills where they share experiences, knowledge and tips on it.
submitted by Vib_ration to plasmacosmology [link] [comments]