Make your own guns game

Make Your Own Gear

2011.02.28 08:42 thomas533 Make Your Own Gear

Join our community to learn and share how you make your own gear (MYOG). Tents, tarps, hammocks, stoves, packs and anything else you can think of outdoor gear related.

2010.04.30 21:21 make your own bow

Reddit's friendly bow making community. Talk bows and archery, share your creations, and get help from fellow bowyers. Topics include bows, archery, woodworking, woodcarving, artwork and finishing, DIY crafts, wood selection, tree identification, history, archeology, experimental archeology and much more.

2010.07.12 17:30 hmhgmr Handspinning: make your own yarn

Handspinning is an old form of twisting together fibers to form yarn that can then be used to create clothing, and other items. Use this subreddit to discuss everything related to Handspinning. Asking for Advice, sharing tips & tricks, participating and creating meaningful and valuable discussions; you name it! Post it all here.

2024.05.20 04:27 Rhaynebow I reached my Stopping Point in Winds of Anthos! Here are my final thoughts! (Long read and language warning)

I reached my Stopping Point in Winds of Anthos! Here are my final thoughts! (Long read and language warning)
I overall had a fine time with this game. I've gotten my kid fully-grown, did the family outing event and grew everything but the giant crops because I don't have the patience to grow those. Every Harvest Fruit has been eaten and most of my tools upgraded.
Forging for stuff was probably my favorite thing to do because it felt great to run around on my horse (or dinosaur), picking up truffles, stopping to pick fruits and nuts off trees and fishing. I felt like a genuine explorer!
That said, I didn't like being responsible for all of bitch work in the villages. The word "materials" has been cursed by this game. Most of these towns are surrounded by trees and have mines a few feet away, why can't they just cut down their own trees?
And don't get me STARTED on the high quality lumber. You would assume you could obtain that stuff through an upgraded axe, but NNNNNNOPE, you can only occasionally get that stuff by winning contests, otherwise you'll have to buy it from the shop in Herbstburg for like, 2700g A PIECE. Yes, you can ALSO craft it, but you need to grow the rarer flowers as part of their recipe (a recipe you have to unlock the option to buy). And most of the time, any building or storyline quest that needs the high quality lumber needs quite a bit of it.
The clothing options are sadly quite limited, as cute as they are. And unlike One World, there's no all-weather clothing, so if I wanted to go to the desert, I'd have to ditch my winter outfit, which sucks because I love the winter clothes. (You can also just go to the desert at night because it becomes a cold weather climate at night).
Getting feed is a pain in the ass because only high quality fodder corn gets you the best crop-fodder ratio. It's easier to just cut the obnoxious pasture of weeds in Lectenbury to get you 29 bushels of fodder.
A few of the contests in the game felt straight up broken or at least rigged. The Advanced Equestrian Challenge race could easily be lost by your opponents pushing you out of the way as your character gets shoved around so easily. Each race has these stupidly narrow checkpoint fences that you HAVE to run through, but the game is so slippery, I've lost races thanks to Judy pushing me outside of them (She's lucky she was practically my son's wet nurse). The carrots are pointless too because they just make you risk missing the checkpoint even more.
Both of the "Rush" contests; the Fish Frenzy and Mining Meet give you too little time to get to the spots where you can actually do the thing you're trying to win the most points at. For the Fish Frenzy, you can only fish from certain spots in Lilikila, so you'll lose time just running to a dock. Most of your time in the Mining Meet will be spent trying to avoid pitfalls, smashing boulders to reach gem nodes and digging for the stairs.
The Anthos Expo is a legitimate challenge though, as you have to make sure your crops get as many nutrients as possible. Every 8th day of the month, which is 2 days before the Expo, there's a special moon that shines, giving a boost to your crops. The Tiny Goddess will tell you the theme for the Expo a few days before the 8th, so you'll have to calculate which crops to grow and when so their quality can be boosted by the moon. This is especially important with fast growing crops like turnips as they tend to not take fertilizer well thanks to how fast they grow. Unfortunately, winning the Anthos Expo is based on the star rank of your crops, dishes and animals. I've submitted giant crops and still lost because it only had 1 star. The only way to get 2 star crops is by growing a shit ton of them until you've reached the highest rank for that crop. And even then, a 2 star isn't guaranteed, moonlight and all of that magic crap. I gave up on winning the Advanced Expo, the rewards for the contests tend to be extremely weak if they're not the high quality lumber, typically a single gem or a bag of strawberry seeds.
As is the case for Natsume, their marriage candidates look great, but have the personalities of cardboard. What they're introduced doing is basically all that they are and what they'll talk about. Judy only talks about animals, Neil only talks about cooking, Kaimana only talks about fishing tackle, Aolani only talks about fish. And they tend to suffer from Spot the Main Character Syndrome as the NPCS are painfully under-designed compared to them. Your introduction to Nikolai is particularly hilarious because you walk into the clinic and see the plain Dolph in his gray sweater and behind him is this Emo Gakupo reading a book behind him.
Sometimes it's the opposite and they look TOO plain. Westley and Jacques look virtually the same and although I married Arnold, he looks more like the younger brother of a marriage candidate than a candidate himself. But he seemed like the type of overworking guy that could only be stopped by a kiss, so I picked him over Nikolai, Kaimana, and Judy.
Raising our kid Legato (because music) was a struggle, although it makes having kids in a farm sim actually feel like a challenge. The baby will be wolfing down milk for 3 seasons straight, so do Judy's requests often as she'll give you milk as a reward. Feed the little blob around 3-4 times a day and hopefully Tiny won't pester you.
WARNING: I encountered a glitch where while I was in the middle of charging my sickle to cut some weeds, Tiny alerted me that my baby needed me. I ended up stuck with my charging circle still around me, but I was no longer holding my sickle. I was unable to move nor pause the game to warp around, so I had to close the game entirely.
One really interesting thing I noticed though is that aside from two instances, your kid is referred to with gender neutral pronouns. At no point in the game was Legato called our son, not even in his character bio. He's simply our child and even the family outing events have the NPCs call him a child.
The game may have been rough around the edges, but I had a lot of fun with what worked. The world was huge, with lots of nooks and crannies to fish, forage, farm and tame. Sunsets were glowing and I was genuinely impressed by the night sky, the northern lights appearing every time. New seasons meant tides changing, which meant more areas to explore. Mining just a bit longer could lead you to underground ponds with rare fish. Storylines asking for hard-to-find materials were annoying, but also made the game last longer. Your stamina would deplete as you walked, but it was all the more reason to pace yourself. Explore a bit more everyday so you could find Harvest Fruit and boost your energy. Learn to cook for more replenishing meals, meaning learning how to grow better crops. Experimenting with crop locations so you can collect all of the mutations.
The length and size of the game leaves you with a sense of accomplishment. Things like crop mutations, forging, taming animals, fishing and mining take just long enough that you feel great when it's done.
Wrap up time.
FAVORITE VILLAGE: Lectenbury. Easy to navigate.
LEAST FAVORITE VILLAGE: Tie between Herbstburg and Lilikila. Both were hard to remember the location of certain stores.
FAVORITE FARM LOCATION: Herbstberg. Far from town, but the land is just big enough for crops and animals.(I'm currently at the Goddess Farm though because I'm the Supreme Leader fite me)
FAVORITE BACHELOR: Kaimana for his looks. But he was all about that (sea)bass, so I ultimately dumped him
submitted by Rhaynebow to harvestmoon [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:26 Saintly009 26 [M4F] Adam seeking Eve

I need to preface this by saying that I am not interested in having a back-and-forth in the comment section. If you are interested in speaking with me, kindly message me in DMs.
I'm told women want a man who knows what he wants, so here's the whole nine yards. If there is anything here that you are not willing to accept, then don't. You will not change me now or years down the line. Obviously I intend to grow and mature (as one ought to), but I have decided who I am and what I want out of a relationship.
I am looking for a woman that I can make a permanent covenant bond with; I have no interest in flings or "long-term relationships."
I don't intend to come across as bitter or angry with any of this, just clear and up-front. It makes things easier for both of us.
Age gap is not mandatory. Don't be put off contacting me if you are closer to my age.
A bit about me:
My faith in Christ is paramount in my life. I would not be where I am without him. In taking interests in various things, I've learned a lot about God's character and design. Each new thing I learn fills me with more worship of him and wonder at his works. It is very important to me that you share this admiration of God.
I have a full-time job that I am very satisfied with, but what I feel truly passionate about is art and storytelling. To be honest, I've hit a bit of a block lately as far as my output. But I've been trying to find my feet so I can make something valuable to share with the world. I think that art and stories are a fundamental part of being human, not just a luxury. So pretty much any kind of art will spark passion in me, be it music, cinema, video games, literature, video essay, sculpture, etc. I could go back and forth for hours on a lot of things. My hope is that you and I will be able to enjoy art together and create some of our own.
I frequently spend time with another gentleman from my Church and we enjoy conversations about personal projects and contemporary issues, along with walks along beaches and park trails. He is a very important friend in my life, and I am lucky to know such a kind soul. Things aren't well with my family, so I really need that kind of presence.
While I rely on my bicycle for transport (no car), it's not a problem for me. I've been riding bikes since I was in elementary school (maybe even before). It would be really nice to ride down some trails with you.
What I expect from you:
-You need to be a follower of Jesus Christ. God needs to be an active part of your life because I intend to raise our children under Biblical values.
-You need hobbies and interests apart from me. I'm fine with helping you find things you like.
-You need to be a virgin.
-You must be humble and respectful. "Boss babe" attitudes are not attractive to me.
-You cannot have any tattoos or piercings, or have undergone any kind of surgery that affects your reproductive organs (reassignment, colpocleisis, FGM, tubal ligation, etc). I am not a doctor, so I don't know every situation that could require surgery. If you've had to undergo surgery or medication because of circumstances beyond your control, please let me know; I'm willing to hear your side of things.
-No cosmetic products. It's not good for your body and I am attracted women, not makeup. This includes fake nails and fake eyelashes. I don't need you to look "pretty." You character is more important to me.
-Related to the previous, no use of image filters in photos. I do not like the type of people who are vain and vapid enough to feel the need to use filters on their photos.
-Again related to the previous, you need to have a limited social media presence. If you have a business or post something of value (like art, for example), then I have no problem. What I'm talking about is having an Instagram or Facebook account where you make random posts to nobody in particular to "update" the internet on your life or post tons of pictures of yourself online. Basing your self-worth on the comments and likes from strangers on the internet is unhealthy, and I find people's obsessive need to take pictures of themselves very unattractive and vain.
-If we marry, I expect you treat me as the head of the house. There can't be two leaders in a household because one will have to defer to the other.
-I expect you to view marriage as something that you put work into. Marriages are a team effort, so I expect you to be a help meet.
-You need to treat me like a partner, not an adversary. Getting into arguments and nagging me helps neither of us. You must have conflict-resolution skills and a solution mindset.
-You need excellent communication skills. This means understanding yourself, putting your thoughts into words other people can understand, and verbalizing things rather than expecting me to read your thoughts.
-You cannot play games with me. Telling me about other guys to make me jealous or planning dates for specific days to pressure me into committing to you are wicked and manipulative.
-While we are dating, you cannot have a "backup plan." I expect you to not be splitting your attention between me and other men. This includes spending time outside of work with other men (family excluded).
-You must be in shape. Don't be dishonest with yourself about your weight; check your BMI. This includes being underweight, anorexic, and bulimic.
-You cannot have taken any COVID-19 vaccinations from any provider.
-No smoking, drugs, or drunkenness.
-I expect you to completely renounce fast food if we date or marry. We will never feed our children McDonald's.
What you can expect from me:
-While we are dating, I will not be speaking to other women.
-I cannot meet your height, money, or attractiveness expectations. I am simply an average dude. I am critical, abstract, and imaginative in my thinking though.
-I will not ask you to do something that is unreasonable or demeaning. I will only ask of you what I expect from myself. No relationship is going to be 50/50 100% of the time, but I will put forth the effort I am able to. I expect the same out of you.
-I will not raise my hand against you. My hands will be a safe place for you.
-I will be available to listen to your troubles and help you bear through them.
-I will not demean you or humiliate you, whether or not you are in the room.
-I will show leadership in our house and exercise restraint with a mild temper.
-I will cherish you and treat you as my own body.
-I will devote myself to displaying my love for you in a language you understand, even if I am feeling distant from you because of troubles we face. I expect the same from you.
-I will not turn to another woman and betray you.
-I intend to keep every promise that I make with you.
-I will treat our children with patience and kindness, but diligently discipline them and instruct them appropriately.
Please tell me a bit about yourself and what you expect out of a relationship, but be practical and clear. A list of platitudes like "loyal, honest, etc" does not help me understand what you're looking for. Think about what your expectations look like in a tangible, everyday way.
submitted by Saintly009 to Christianr4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:24 Ecstatic-Ebb1909 Who's the king in fanfic making?

Ok before anyone get offended or anything, it just a fun discussion on who is the best fanfic writer on danmachi. Just comment who is your favourite and if your favorite is already mentioned just vote. And if any writers seen this, its just a fun tournament who gets the crown making danmacho fanfic this includes crossovers from different series. and wattpad respectively. Just reminder it just a fun tournament is like game without a reward but still enjoyable if you(writers) are mentioned. At the end of the day we have are own style making fanfics and taste in theme and plot. No bias or any slander on other writers you dislike or never heard of. Remember its just a fun ranking. Enjoy 😉
submitted by Ecstatic-Ebb1909 to DanMachi [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:24 AnyaGoblessed Unknown 關於未知的我們, aTaiwanese Series: Discovering Family and Love Through Self-Sacrifice — (Part 1)

Unknown 關於未知的我們, aTaiwanese Series: Discovering Family and Love Through Self-Sacrifice — (Part 1)
Over the last few weeks, I have been watching the Taiwanese series "Unknown,", based on Priest’s famous work, "Big Brother." Throughout its twelve episodes, this series has captivated my attention, challenged my viewpoints, encouraged me to reevaluate some deeply-held beliefs, and left me eagerly hoping for a second season that delves further into the saga of Zhiyuan and Qian. However, I am also grateful for the opportunity to experience even a single season of this thought-provoking series.
"Unknown," features Chris Chiu as the main character Wei Qian, telling the story of a young man who, at the age of 14–16, resorts to working for a gangster. Driven by the death of his abusive, drug-addicted mother and a desire to support his sister, Qian accepts various jobs including cleaning toilets and billiard equipment, eventually working his way up to become a bouncer at the hall.
During the first episode, Qian’s altruistic nature expands beyond his immediate family when he encounters a homeless boy a few years younger than him. Moved by the boy’s plight, Qian takes him in, names him Zhiyuan, and gives him his last name, Wei.
At a live fan meet for the show, actor Kurt Huang, who portrays Zhiyuan, mentions an ongoing debate on social media regarding who is the “better” character in the series: Zhiyuan or Qian. Displaying humility and admiration for his co-star, Yuan encourages fans to pick Chris Chiu’s portrayal of Qian, acknowledging Chiu’s remarkable performance and personal difficulties he has faced.
This moment during the fan meet serves as a testament to the genuine nature and selflessness that is so characteristic of Taiwanese people and their culture. Although it is true that exceptions exist, the willingness of Taiwanese people to help friends and even strangers, often at their own expense, is a quality that continues to astonish and inspire me.
Chris Chiu and Kurt Huang share a long-standing friendship that dates back to their childhood. Despite a seven-year age gap, which is often significant in Asian cultures, the two actors have maintained a strong bond, spending time together as kids and frequently gaming at each other’s houses.
Reflecting on their unique relationship, Chris has mentioned that he does not perceive any sense of seniority over Kurt, despite the age difference. Instead, he values their friendship and regards Kurt as an equal, highlighting the genuine connection and mutual respect that has developed between them over the years as well as just the hilarious antics they can get into.
Age gaps in friendships often fade into insignificance when shared interests, experiences, and mutual understanding take center stage. A prime example of this is my friendship with Mr. R., who, despite being a decade younger than me, has become one of my closest friends. The age difference rarely comes into focus, except for the occasional moment of lighthearted teasing when Mr. R. laments his advancing age. In these instances, I jokingly remind him that I will be sure to bring up his concerns in ten years’ time, when he will have a different perspective on the matter.
The friendships between Chris Chiu and Kurt Huang and myself and Mr. R. serve as a testament to the power of friendship to bridge gaps in age and of the potential for enduring bonds to form based on common ground.
Returning to "Unknown," it’s evident that this series subverts the conventional notion of a “better man,” presenting instead a balanced narrative that showcases the strengths and qualities of both Qian and Zhiyuan. In this context, the question of who is the better character becomes redundant, as each individual brings their own unique set of attributes that make them indispensable to the story and to the people they cherish.
The multifaceted nature of the characters in "Unknown" contributes to the series’ appeal, as it challenges viewers to appreciate the diverse qualities that make each character “best” in their own right. This refreshing approach to character development encourages a deeper understanding of the complexities that make up human relationships and the ways in which individuals can complement one another.
Despite the flaws and setbacks faced by Qian and Zhiyuan in Unknown, their characters remain endearing and worthy of admiration. While confusion, misunderstanding, and passion occasionally lead them astray, their enduring care and love for each other, their family, — their unwavering commitment to those they hold dear, even in the face of adversity, resonates deeply with viewers and embodies the spirit of the One Republic song “Nobody.” As such, it becomes difficult not to root for both characters and to acknowledge their efforts with an internal standing ovation.
As the first episode of "Unknown" progresses, Qian’s dedication to his family and friends is further demonstrated as he takes on multiple responsibilities. In addition to caring for his sister and Zhiyuan, whom he considers as a brother, Qian becomes a professional gamer to supplement his income with livestreams.
The turning point in the first episode of "Unknown" arrives when Qian decides to break free from the gang’s control, but his attempt to leave is met with resistance. Hu, a member of the gang, retaliates by kidnapping Zhiyuan. This then forces Qian to participate in three critical matches as a means to secure Zhiyuan’s release.
The high stakes of these matches take a toll on Qian’s physical well-being, as he sustains a punctured lung and a head injury. The consequences of these injuries are severe, leaving Qian with a blood clot on his optic nerves and debilitating migraines. This intense and emotionally charged sequence of events showcases Qian’s unwavering determination to protect his loved ones, even at great personal cost.
In a touching display of brotherly devotion and sacrifice, Qian manages to win the matches despite his injuries, securing Zhiyuan’s freedom. Overwhelmed with emotion, the 11-year-old Zhiyuan breaks down in tears, expressing his belief that Qian should have prioritized his own safety.
Qian, however, reassures Zhiyuan that leaving him behind was never an option, emphasizing that without Zhiyuan, he has nothing. Qian’s heartfelt admission, declaring that without Zhiyuan and his sister Lily, he would have nothing in this world, reveals the depth of his love and commitment to his family.
With the support of his friend Sang Pang, whose parents offer him affordable housing, Qian also joins a startup gaming company and finishes a four-year college degree in three years. Alongside Sang Pang, Qian works with Xiong, an individual whose life experiences have shaped him into a resilient and driven person. After facing the adversity of his wife leaving him, Xiong sought refuge in a monastery but was encouraged by the monks to reintegrate into society. The diverse backgrounds and journeys of these characters, brought together by their shared passion for gaming, add depth and richness to the narrative of Unknown.
The poignant mantras uttered by Qian and Zhiyuan in the first episode of “Unknown” encapsulate the essence of their individual journeys and the heart of the series itself. Qian’s powerful statement, “Stay alive. . . live on. . . so you can find your home,” highlights his unwavering determination to create a better life for his family, even in the face of adversity.
Zhiyuan’s words, “In the end, life comes down to just a few things. . . where you come from, where you linger, what you want, and what’s left,” resonate with a deep understanding of the complexities of life and the importance of staying true to oneself and one’s loved ones.
"Unknown" explores the ways in which Qian and Zhiyuan navigate these mantras, grappling with the notion that sometimes, prioritizing the safety and well-being of one’s family may require the willingness to lose or give up personal ambitions. The characters’ growth and resilience in the face of these challenges ultimately culminate in their ability to overcome obstacles and emerge victorious, all while protecting the people they hold most dear and gaining what they most want/need in their lives, one another.
This series has had a profound emotional impact on me, offering a powerful exploration of themes such as love, family, and self-discovery. Its ability to connect with viewers on a personal level is a testament to the depth and authenticity of its storytelling.
This intense emotional engagement has been both cathartic and demanding, requiring introspection and self-reflection to fully appreciate the complex themes that Unknown presents. The delay in writing this series of posts is a result of this necessary process, allowing me to fully absorb and understand the impact of the show on a personal level.
"Unknown" has provided me with a newfound understanding and appreciation for the complexities of interpersonal connections and the transformative power of love and resilience. I am forever grateful to the creators for crafting such a powerful story that has not only captivated my attention; but also, aided in my personal growth and emotional healing.

#Unknown #TaiwaneseBL #關於未知的我們 #ChrisChiu #KurtHuang

submitted by AnyaGoblessed to u/AnyaGoblessed [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:21 Saintly009 26 [M4F] Christian man seeking Christian woman #Washington #Online

I'm told women want a man who knows what he wants, so here's the whole nine yards. If there is anything here that you are not willing to accept, then don't. You will not change me now or years down the line. Obviously I intend to grow and mature (as one ought to), but I have decided who I am and what I want out of a relationship.
I am looking for a woman that I can make a permanent covenant bond with; I have no interest in flings or "long-term relationships."
I don't intend to come across as bitter or angry with any of this, just clear and up-front. It makes things easier for both of us.
A bit about me:
My faith in Christ is paramount in my life. I would not be where I am without him. In taking interests in various things, I've learned a lot about God's character and design. Each new thing I learn fills me with more worship of him and wonder at his works. It is very important to me that you share this admiration of God.
I have a full-time job that I am very satisfied with, but what I feel truly passionate about is art and storytelling. To be honest, I've hit a bit of a block lately as far as my output. But I've been trying to find my feet so I can make something valuable to share with the world. I think that art and stories are a fundamental part of being human, not just a luxury. So pretty much any kind of art will spark passion in me, be it music, cinema, video games, literature, video essay, sculpture, etc. I could go back and forth for hours on a lot of things. My hope is that you and I will be able to enjoy art together and create some of our own.
I frequently spend time with another gentleman from my Church and we enjoy conversations about personal projects and contemporary issues, along with walks along beaches and park trails. He is a very important friend in my life, and I am lucky to know such a kind soul. Things aren't well with my family, so I really need that kind of presence.
While I rely on my bicycle for transport (no car), it's not a problem for me. I've been riding bikes since I was in elementary school (maybe even before). It would be really nice to ride down some trails with you.
What I expect from you:
-You need to be a follower of Jesus Christ. God needs to be an active part of your life because I intend to raise our children under Biblical values.
-You need hobbies and interests apart from me. I'm fine with helping you find things you like.
-You need to have no mileage.
-You must be humble and respectful. "Boss babe" attitudes are not attractive to me.
-You cannot have any tattoos or piercings.
-No cosmetic products. It's not good for your body and I am attracted women, not makeup. This includes fake nails and fake eyelashes. I don't need you to look "pretty." You character is more important to me.
-Related to the previous, no use of image filters in photos. I do not like the type of people who are vain and vapid enough to feel the need to use filters on their photos.
-Again related to the previous, you need to have a limited social media presence. If you have a business or post something of value (like art, for example), then I have no problem. What I'm talking about is having an Instagram or Facebook account where you make random posts to nobody in particular to "update" the internet on your life or post tons of pictures of yourself online. Basing your self-worth on the comments and likes from strangers on the internet is unhealthy, and I find people's obsessive need to take pictures of themselves very unattractive and vain.
-If we marry, I expect you treat me as the head of the house. There can't be two leaders in a household because one will have to submit to the other.
-I expect you to view marriage as something that you put work into. Marriages are a team effort, so I expect you to be a help meet.
-You need to treat me like a partner, not an adversary. Getting into arguments and nagging me helps neither of us. You must have conflict-resolution skills and a solution mindset.
-You need excellent communication skills. This means understanding yourself, putting your thoughts into words other people can understand, and verbalizing things rather than expecting me to read your thoughts.
-You cannot play games with me. Telling me about other guys to make me jealous or planning dates for specific days to pressure me into committing to you are wicked and manipulative.
-While we are dating, you cannot have a "backup plan." I expect you to not be splitting your attention between me and other men. This includes spending time outside of work with other men (family excluded).
-You must be in shape. Don't be dishonest with yourself about your weight; check your BMI. This includes being underweight, anorexic, and bulimic.
-You cannot have taken any COVID-19 vaccinations from any provider.
-No smoking, drugs, or drunkenness.
-I expect you to completely renounce fast food if we date or marry. We will never feed our children McDonald's.
What you can expect from me:
-While we are dating, I will not be speaking to other women.
-I cannot meet your height, money, or attractiveness expectations. I am simply an average dude. I am critical, abstract, and imaginative in my thinking though.
-I will not ask you to do something that is unreasonable or demeaning. I will only ask of you what I expect from myself. No relationship is going to be 50/50 100% of the time, but I will put forth the effort I am able to. I expect the same out of you.
-I will not raise my hand against you. My hands will be a safe place for you.
-I will be available to listen to your troubles and help you bear through them.
-I will not demean you or humiliate you, whether or not you are in the room.
-I will show leadership in our house and exercise restraint with a mild temper.
-I will cherish you and treat you as my own body.
-I will devote myself to displaying my love for you in a language you understand, even if I am feeling distant from you because of troubles we face. I expect the same from you.
-I will not turn to another woman and betray you.
-I intend to keep every promise that I make with you.
-I will treat our children with patience and kindness, but diligently discipline them and instruct them appropriately.
Please tell me a bit about yourself and what you expect out of a relationship, but be practical and clear. A list of platitudes like "loyal, honest, etc" does not help me understand what you're looking for. Think about what your expectations look like in a tangible, everyday way.
submitted by Saintly009 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:17 CSRyl Quest for 3266, Entry 4, 2024/05/19

Howdy and Happy Victoria Day to my fellow Canadians o/
Intro: I'm CSRyl and I recently decided I wanted to 100% SA2 after recently rediscovering it for the umpteenth time in my life. Not much to tell for the reason why. I played the game a lot when I was a kid as I'm sure a lot of anyone reading this did and I feel ready to take it serious and complete the game. As I did back then I'll be doing this completely on the gamecube version of the game.
Starting today these journals will be starring a new number! No longer 'Quest for 3266', but for 3375. Thanks to insight and tips from u/Affectionate_Yard I now know that Sonic Adventure 2 (SA2) has a soft cap of 4000 for chao stats though they may not be achievable without hacking the game. I won't speak the entirety story as its not really mine to tell but apparently in the Tiny Chao Garden (TCG) there is the possibility to get +31 on level ups in the Sonic Advance games AND those numbers will show in SA2.. So with that being said if I'm on this journey anyways I may as well go all the way. I've already ordered the link cable and Sonic Advance 2, have my old GBA SP, and I'm going to complete the game around finishing Cheese's current life. I've already run my numbers and have 2 more lives before I complete her 100%.
Weekly Recap:
This week I hit my goals exactly as I've hoped which I am absolutely satisfied with (honestly I'm sure I could have done even more but I felt like golfing yesterday). I'm also worried about this my progress as Cheese is older than I would have hoped she would be (currently 4 years) and I'm not sure if I can make the cutoff with finishing Fly, Swim, and Run. I've decided to gun it and see if I can make the cutoff. They're all 12 from last week so its not like I'm entirely from square 1. I've got a pretty fluid system now for my resets and even moved my gamecube to my bedroom that makes my setup SO much more comfortable, its literally beside me while I sit up lol. All in all good week with just as much planned for the next.
Current weeks thoughts and status:
This week I'll be looking to finish Swim and Fly, both to 99. Run is last because catching a chao with high run is just nightmare fuel by itself and Cheese's clock is already ticking for reincarnation. I have Monday off and meal prep for the week ahead is ready so I'm looking to do as much as I can tonight and tomorrow.
Stats as of 2024/05/19
Stats: Current: Projected: (2024/05/26) Max Allowable 29's
Swim: Lv.12, 0605 Lv.99, 3200 15
Fly: Lv.12, 0604 Lv.99, 3200 14
Run: Lv.12, 0607 SAC 17
Power: Lv.99, 3200 SAC N/A
Stamina: Lv.99, 3202 SAC N/A
**SAC = Same as Current**
Burnout hasn't approached a problem yet, like I mentioned being comfortable in my bed helped a TON. Even if I've welcomed a lot of crumbs from my snacks. Definitely excited to get my Sonic Advance file started. Haven't played that game in like a decade so may take the whole two weeks to finish that up while I balance other stuff.
Thank you for reading and enjoy some Cheese for your troubles.
Chao for now o/
submitted by CSRyl to chao [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:17 iLLEGAL_Burrito87 Who's Up There?

Hey all! This is just a quick little thing that happens to continue to this day. So, I'm here to tell you what that is...feel free to share your thoughts.
My wife and I purchased a home here in Kentucky. After three years of apartments, we finally got a house that fit all the requirements. We signed the paperwork Jan 2023. Which happened to have landed on Friday the 13th. Of all days.
The seller of the home insisted that she has nothing but good luck on Friday the 13th, even to go as far as telling us that her and her husband were wed on Friday the 13th. This had been a first, so we went with it and signed on the dotted line.
We have now lived in the home going on a year and a half. Things are great. The reason I'm writing this is because December of 2023, there was a sudden shift in normality here within the home. It was a Wednesday night, and it was getting close to midnight. My wife was playing Fortnite, while the baby was asleep on the couch next to her. I was just getting out of the shower and headed back downstairs. My wife was telling me that she was ready for bed, and asked if I could carry the baby up to the room and put him in the crib. I said yes and picked him up, carried him up to the room and gently placed him in the crib to sleep for the rest of the night in his snug bed. I kissed my wife goodnight and told her that I was going to game for a little while before I came to bed. She didn't like it too much but assured me that I need to come to bed within in a decent time. I agreed and headed back downstairs. It was about 1 hour into the early morning after my wife had gone to sleep, and I was getting tired slowly. I had taken my headphones off and closed the game app that I had running. Now, to quickly give you a vision, our front door entrance leads either upstairs, or left, to the dining room, or right, to the living room. In the living room, just above, is the master bedroom. I was sitting on the couch facing away from the front door. Out of nowhere I hear, clear as day, footsteps going all over the bedroom. It wasn't just creaking of the house either. This was the exact sound of footsteps, going from one part of the room to the other. I was stuck to my seat just listening to what sounded like an actual person in the room. Just creeping around.
My wife was dead asleep, so I know that she was not moving about the room. Once I had heard enough, I began to head upstairs to see what the hell was going on. I slowly opened the door and to my surprise, there was nothing at all. Not a thing in the room that would prove that someone was in our home walking around about the master bedroom. I was so confused. I closed the door and headed back downstairs to lock up the house, turn the TV off and get the dog to come up to the room.
The next day, I woke up and got the baby to go downstairs, while my wife slept in. It was about two more hours until she woke up, so I made sure the coffee was made and that breakfast was done. Once she was awake and settled in, I felt like I needed to tell her what I heard. "Babe, I wanted to tell you something", I said. She looked at me and smiled and said, "Okay, what is it"? I was really hoping that I wasn't going to scare her too much, but I had to just tell her what it was. " Okay, well, last night after you went to bed and I was gaming downstairs, it was about an hour into the night, and I heard very clear footsteps going from one part of the room to the other. As if they were creeping and walking slowly around the room". Her smile went from cheerful, to just straight faced. I knew it, I scared her and now I really stepped in it. " Are you kidding me"? She exclaimed. I took a step back and reassured her that I came upstairs to check on the room, to find that there was nothing there at all. So, I turned everything off and headed up to bed to be with them.
" Well, that's great, we have a ghost that's just walking about the room at night while we sleep", my wife said. I rolled my eyes and told her that I wanted to give it a few more times to see if maybe this was just a onetime thing. " Let's see if I hear anything else this coming week, and if I do, we will make the next move and possibly do some paranormal work on the house", I told her. What makes it harder is that my wife works overnights as a nurse in the ICU. So that means that it's just me, the dog, and the baby every weekend. It was Saturday night and my wife headed to her shift at 7pm. She would be home the next morning around 8am. So, I had plenty of time to see what's going on with the room. My baby went to bed around 9 that night and I was up watching a movie. It was about 10:30 pm, I was on the couch with the movie playing and as clear as I heard it before, there were footsteps. Fucking footsteps. Creaking from one part of the room to the other. It was like there was no rush in their step. As If they had all the time in the world to move about.
" No fucking way", I said to myself. I sat there listening to what yet again, had the feel of someone upstairs in the room, roaming like a zombie. Taking slow steps and taking time to move around. I decided to throw something at the ceiling just to see what would happen. I picked up a baby toy and tossed it above my head, watching it hit the ceiling, and coming back down. I sat there and breathed very shallow. I was wondering If I startled the " spirit". Because from that point on, there was never a creep or creak or anything that sounded like footsteps.
Fast forward to today, the 19th of May 2024. Its 10:25 pm, my wife is at work. Baby is asleep in his own room, and Im gaming. I took my headphones off and headed to the kitchen to get a drink. On my way back from getting my Dr Pepper, I stopped dead in my tracks. My heart was pumping. And without fail, I heard that sound once again of footsteps above me. This time it lasted longer, and there were heavier steps in the room. I can't really explain what's going on, but I am certain that there might be a spirit that lingers in our room and likes to walk around. The steps are too real to sound like the house is creaking. We have a fire brick, 2 story home. Built in the 70s. So, it's not like the wood is making the sound from the interior of the walls.
These are footsteps. Without a doubt.
I haven't said anything to my wife yet, but I feel like we need to do some type of investigative work on the room.
and most of all.
what do you all think is going on?
submitted by iLLEGAL_Burrito87 to LetsReadOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:13 Thraway_TrashRacoon [ONLINE][DND 5e][RP heavy] Party of 4 looking for a DM!

Heya everyone!
🧭We are a group of four wanderers looking for adventure! We are setting out in the search of a DM!
⭐About us:
•I am 20F, have started playing DnD in 2020 when I was 16. Have played a total of 6 games, finished three, the other ones naturally fizzled out or are in hiatus. I'd say I'm somewhat experienced. Typically play male characters but recently have been branching out and making female ones, I implement voices to all of them and enjoy creating interactive backstories;
•My irl partner is 25M, he owns almost all the books, has also played since he was 16, he is the kind of person who's ready to take charge and play lots of different roles. He is very experienced with the rules, races and spells;
•Winter, who has joined our group about two weeks ago, he is 33M, a writer and a DM of an on-going campaign, very chill and honest guy, has 3+ years of experience;
•And lastly, Jessi, our newest member. She is 23F, has been playing for two years, has been in a couple campaigns and is in one currently;
🐲What I said about myself in my paragraph is also true for the others! We are fans of character-driven campaigns, focused on roleplay. We enjoy a healthy dose of combat and puzzle solving, as well as exploring and discovering the lore and secrets of our world! We like going in depth with our characters and being part of the world, creating backstories, family ties and putting on voices for our characters. We're into medieval, high fantasy, typical DnD-ish style of world. •Homebrew is welcome, as well source/book material!
🛡️We enjoy chatting OOC, we're generally laid back and chill, we enjoy being silly and cracking jokes as well as working with each other to create characters and dynamics.
🔮We're looking to play via Discord VC, keeping either all of the game there or also using a VTT! (like Roll20 or DnD Beyond) Three of us are PST, while one of us EST, accepting any timezones that may work with ours! Our schedule tends to be very flexibe and at least two of us are usually awake most of the day.
🪄DM or comment if you're interested! Any questions are welcome. Thank you for reading, have a good day!
submitted by Thraway_TrashRacoon to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:57 dreamcrushlove Vyvanse Experience day 3

I just started vyvanse and I wanted to share my experience ( 21 f) for context I’ve been taking lexapro 10mg for 2 weeks and I started vyvanse 30mg 3 days ago
Day 1 was the worst I felt like my heart was gonna jump out of my body, I felt anxiety like symptoms - high HR nervousness sweating and very speedy hyper like I could run a marathon and crazy lip biting I stayed up all night. I took it late in the day after I finished eating around 2 (which was way too late ik) since I stayed up I contacted my doctor and the pharmacy and they said it was normal and to try again the next day then go back to sleep
Day 2: I woke up early around 8 and quickly put some food in my stomach and took the vyvanse, physical symptoms weren’t as bad as they were the first day but it just felt like I was having anxiety. I didn’t feel more focused but definitely felt all the psychical symptoms. I was working too so I thought it would make a difference but nope
Day 3: exactly like day 2 I can hear my own heart beat still a little speedy and now I feel extremely fatigued and my appetite is far gone.
I’m gonna stick it out since this is my first time ever taking anything like this let alone an amphetamine. I’m very anxious and a hypochondriac so I don’t want to jump the gun but I hope to notice a difference soon! I already feel like the lexapro is working too. Wanted to see if anyone has a similar experience or if my dose is too high/low. Let me know your thoughts
submitted by dreamcrushlove to VyvanseADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:56 dookiehed Tonsillectomy Experience (38m)

Hey, figured I'd share my tonsillectomy experience because this sub was a great resource for me leading up and after my surgery.
I had surgery on May 2, after quite a bizarre experience with my tonsils. I've had tonsil stones for as long as I can remember, but as everyone here can attest to, ENTs and doctors don't really treat stones. Also, at about the base of my left tonsil, the tissue had hardened a bit, and I suspected that I had a tonsil stone wedged deep that I could feel. After seeing about four ENTs and two oral surgeons, they all gave me the same recommendation: get those suckers yanked out.
I still wasn't convinced so I asked about getting some imaging done (I'm in the US with good private insurance, so relatively easy to schedule, but still decent $$$). I got an MRI and it didn't show anything nefarious, but interestingly enough the tech noted a "lesion" on my right tonsil, the one that felt perfectly fine. Given this new information my ENT suggested a tonsillectomy because it was really the only option I had left and every other doctor suggested the same.
I scheduled my surgery and soon enough the day came. I've had surgeries before (2x ACL, 1x meniscus over a 30 year soccer 'career') so I knew what to expect. I didn't anticipate being in the surgery center with 6 year olds as I was the only adult getting the procedure that day!!
Day 1: They wheeled me back and knocked me out, and when I woke up I remember being surprised that the pain I was in was probably a 9/10. My second ACL surgery was like an 11/10 when I woke up (interestingly enough my first ACL surgery was like 3/10) so I was initially surprised how uncomfortable I was.
They fed me ice pops and gave me ice water and tried talking to me, but before I knew it, I was on my way home. In the US, if you go to a private surgery facility, they generally wheel you out within 10 mins of waking up.
The rest of the day was pretty brutal as swallowing was uncomfortable, but my mouth kept filling with saliva so I essentially had to keep drinking water and swallowing, which wasn't great. Eating was completely out of the question, but I had stocked up on some ready to drink protein drinks that kept me relatively satiated. I kept to a pretty strict medicinal schedule which helped me sleep a bit.
Day 2: Still uncomfortable but the pain was significantly less, maybe a 5-6/10. I took about 5ml every 4-5 hours of liquid oxycodone and caught up on Vanderpump Rules. I kept a large cooler by my bed stocked with ice from Sonic, Alo Water, protein drinks, a million water bottles and ice packs. I had a couple of ice pops, but honestly, I just didn't have any appetite for ice cream or ice pops or the like. Ice cold water and the Alo Water were great.
Day 3-4: Pain was about a 4/10 and getting better. I kept to the same schedule for medicine, trash TV shows, and water + ready to drink protein. My wife made me some pastina pasta with butter and although it took me 45 mins to eat a couple of spoonfuls, it did a lot for my mind. I also ate one scrambled egg, but it took me a while. I also had my bowel movement! This is very important after surgery!! Please take some stool softener!!!
However, on Day 4 right before bed around midnight, I "spit" (aka let drool fall out of my mouth) and noticed blood in my saliva. My doctor just said to call if you see any bright blood in your saliva and I noticed it more and more, but not a lot of volume. Of course I freaked out and called at 1am, but my understanding is that a little blood is ok and should resolve itself with ice water and ice gargling. It's really only if your mouth is filling with blood rapidly that you should head to the hospital.
Day 5: I woke up out of a decent sleep at 4am not in pain, but seriously uncomfortable, like my throat and mouth were incredibly sore. The painkillers really helped and I felt like I had taken a step back in the recovery. I could start to talk a little bit more, but nothing more than a couple of whispered sentences at a time.
Day 6: Still sore, but I remember feeling like I turned a corner finally.
Day 7: Back to work! I work hybrid so I was home to recover and didn't have any problems concentrating or typing or anything. I had only been taking the painkillers maybe once a day, usually at night.
I'm a little over 2 weeks now and I feel as though I'm completely back to eating normally and speaking normally, though I can't talk too loud or for too long. After living with tonsil stones for so long, my mouth feels a lot cleaner if that makes sense.
No regrets on the surgery. Looking back, spending time in front of a mirror pushing calcified food particles out of crevices in your mouth is a wild way to spend your time. The recovery was tough I'm not gonna lie, but it is relatively short.
I found myself just like drooling saliva out of my mouth over a sink because I didn't want to swallow anymore. Ice cold water makes swallowing way more tolerable so try to always have ice cold water on hand at all times. I drink water like a psychopath so I was super hydrated, to the point where I was peeing every 45 mins the first two days. I couldn't imagine being dehydrated and trying to recover.
If I could do it over again, I would brew more tea with plenty of honey and let it cool down and then drink it cold. Honey is basically a wonder drug but I didn't utilize it enough in the beginning.
I found and downloaded a text to speech app, which was pretty handy. My kids loved it.
Here are some essentials that other people have mentioned here but I'll list them below. Good luck!!
Pillow Wedge for elevated sleep - I actually still use this as I enjoy sleeping a bit elevated now
Alo Water with Honey - I didn't realize there are clear pieces of aloe vera "pulp" in the drink, which was a super weird experience. I wound up straining the pulp out. Also, try to cut this with water, there's an insane amount of sugar in the huge bottles and you don't want any unnecessary discomfort while you're trying to recover.
Warm and Cool Mist Humidifier - I already owned this and I had it running basically 24/7. I still woke up with a dry mouth which is kind of miserable, but I think it would've been worse if I didn't have this.
Fairlife Core Power Protein Drinks - 26 or 42 grams of protein is amazing when you're recovering. They are a bit expensive, so I picked up a case of the Fairlife Nutrition Plan from my local Costco.
Sonic Pebble Ice - Pebble ice is so much better than regular ice from a freezer or if you're freezing a tray. I don't know why. It's so much easier to chew and it's so much more satisfying to put in your water, especially recovering from a tonsillectomy. If you don't leave near a Sonic, try to find pebble ice somewhere!
Miralax, 7 Once Daily Doses - You NEED a stool softener. The opioids will back you up. The worst part of my ACL recovery was that first bowel movement. I didn't stay on top of my stool softener game. You gotta get that first BM out of the way ideally within like 2-3 days.
RTIC 52 QT Cooler - It's not necessary to have a $200 cooler next to your bed, but if you already have a nice one like a Yeti or RTIC, I'd definitely recommend keeping it near where you are recovering.
Tongue Scraper - I didn't brush my teeth for like 3 days and I felt awful about it. I'd recommend at least a tongue scraper to keep up on the hygiene.
Ice Pack Head Wrap - I thought I would use this more, but it came in handy on days 5-6. I didn't need it, but I'm glad it was around.
submitted by dookiehed to Tonsillectomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:51 TomatoSpecialist6879 Upgrading 2 PCs and on the fence about building a completely new one now, need some opinion on things

I originally wanted to post this in Simple Questions thread but I realize it's not just one simple question as I yapped more.

tl;dr at the bottom if you're not interested in the yapping, no full build as I just need to see some opinion on motherboard choices

I'm finally back in the market after 7 yrs, the goal is to:

1. Upgrade my 7 yr old Ryzen 1700 to 5800X3D

2. Upgrade my wife's old but trusty i7 Haswell to Ryzen with my Ryzen 1700(She only plays Maple Story and board games like Armello or Strategy games like InkBound)

The opinion I need help on is:

1. Building a new com for wife to do work on(Some science software that's quite CPU and GPU intensive since she's in Aqua Science field) and for me to do 3D rendering and code compiling on as a separate user

I already bought the 5800X3D when it was on sale a few months back. I'm currently overseas for work assignment and decided to browse the local 2nd hand market websites for X570 motherboard, I came across a unique listing(for the sake of ease all prices already converted to USD):

2nd hand X570 ASUS Crosshair Dark Hero with 1 yr 11 mths international manufacturer warranty remaining - $370

Is this board still worth $370? Seller bought it on impulse, immediately had buyer remorse since he didn't need the OC functions and other high end features meant for overclockers(I am definitely overclocking it, especially since it comes with Probelt Measurement point which makes it much easier for my multimeter).
That motherboard currently retails for $850 in the country that I'm currently staying for work assignment and $580 on Amazon in the states, so he essentially bought and listed it. No worries about scam since he already cut price 4 times from $700 to $370 and have about 100+ reviews from selling a bunch of his own stuff over 14 yrs timeline.
My alternatives are
  1. 2nd hand X570 GIGABYTE Gaming + Ryzen 5 3400G - $190 no warranty($270 if I buy his 2x32gb ram too), basically a whole PC since I already have rest of the parts
  2. 2nd hand ASRock Taichi X570 - $140 no warranty
I already own a X370(ASUS Crosshair VI Hero), do I even want to get a X570 board(I have a 3090 so I definitely benefit from upgrading to PCIE 4.0)
Of course I can wait till I head back to US next month to browse 2nd hand market or look for new ones instead, but the prices got me thinking if I should just buy it here first and bring it back. If I'm not buying it then I might try to find a 2nd hand X370 or X470 board for the Ryzen 1700 so it can be upgraded with a 5700X3D or something in the future

Assuming I buy the Dark Hero or any of the alternatives:

Type Item Price
CPU AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D 3.4 GHz 8-Core Processor
Motherboard Asus ROG Crosshair VIII Dark Hero ATX AM4 Motherboard or any of the alternatives $370, $190/270, $140,
Generated by PCPartPicker 2024-05-19 21:19 EDT-0400
My wife's PC
Type Item Price
CPU AMD Ryzen 7 1700 3 GHz 8-Core Processor
Motherboard Asus CROSSHAIR VI HERO ATX AM4 Motherboard -
Generated by PCPartPicker 2024-05-19 21:21 EDT-0400

Assuming I'm not buying any of the alternatives

Type Item Price
CPU AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D 3.4 GHz 8-Core Processor
Motherboard Asus CROSSHAIR VI HERO ATX AM4 Motherboard -
Generated by PCPartPicker 2024-05-19 21:29 EDT-0400
My wife's PC
Type Item Price
CPU AMD Ryzen 7 1700 3 GHz 8-Core Processor
Motherboard Basically any X370 or X470 2nd hand motherboard I can find for cheap

For the new PC...

Should I wait till AMD 9000 series drop before building it? It's 100% going to be an AM5 so it's future proof as I do not want to build a 3rd AM4 PC when it's already kinda end of the line in-terms of RAM(DDR4) and in spite of the 5000 series XT refreshes that's coming later this year. I'm not in a rush to build it for now since I have a workstation loan to me for work that's rocking a i7-14700K, I just wanted one that can be used by my wife too since I have strict usage condition with the workstation and she can't use it.

tl;dr Is the 2nd hand Dark Hero worth the price? Should I buy a X570 at all? Should I build an AM5 system now or wait for 9000 series?

Thanks in Advance, I'll check back and respond after work in abt 9 hrs time
submitted by TomatoSpecialist6879 to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:50 BamcorpGaming Lifesim/building game?

Hey there, ive played games like from the depths, stormworks, space engineers, planet nomads, empyrion etc for years and love them to death. BUT something ive always thought would be a very cool idea is a multiplayemmo style of game where you could build your own vehicles, in order to accomplish things like running cargo/ exploring/ fishing etc, emphasis on building and designing your own vehicles, and earn currency, and its all pretty low key/relaxing more of a life sim type thing. Are there any kinds of games like that? think kind of along the lines of ECO, but with voxel based building of vehicles, centered around ocean gameplay, or at least has ocean gameplay in it. again emphasis on multiplayer. used to enjoy games like atlas , especially on their old grid system that was like 32x32 where you could travel from grid to grid in a pretty customized ship and trade goods youve made or farmed, and the sense of community was pretty cool. However atlas made some changes that ran me off, including the portal system and making strange changes to the map, as well as the playerbase being pretty low these days
submitted by BamcorpGaming to gamingsuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:46 LaughAccomplished295 For the Boys

Hey Guys. Just wanted to reach out to everyone here and let you guys know how I’ve handled the Disconnect onects and NOT losing my gear.
Let’s say for example you Disconnect or your game crashes mid gun fight. You load back into the main menu and you see your character fully kitted….just to log back in naked , at base camp.
Sad to say I’ve lost more kits to the disconnection issues and server crashes than actually pvp gunfights.
But no more !! . When your game crashes and you load back into the menu, make sure to switch over to the PVE mode. You will spawn back at base camp with all your gear. Safely leave the game and cross back over to PVP. Hope this issue is fixed soon, but hopefully this method helps you guys save your gear, money and sanity .
submitted by LaughAccomplished295 to GrayZoneWarfare [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:46 unibattles I wonder if Jenny got the gameplay of Starcruiser backwards

Firstly, I want to say I love the video. Regardless of how Starcruiser was supposed to function, what matters is it failed creatively and commercially, which the video captures well. That said, I wanted to give my theory of how the gameplay did (or didn't) work, and explain why.
I suspect that Jenny kinda got the experience backwards. The "gameplay" isn't there to allow guests to change their story path, it's there to gaslight guests into thinking the story path chosen for them was their preference all along.
It's the lightsaber game in macro. The gameplay doesn't actually matter, it's just establishing a set of rules so that it can break them to manipulate you. To be fair, it seems there were some issues with her experience, but I don't think the system working perfectly would have changed much. Jenny talks about the possibility of sacrificial guests, the idea that like 70% of guests get to pick their journey, but the other 30% are SOL. But I think that's way too high a ratio for a few reasons.
Firstly, the system was any good at choosing paths. Given what we saw, I have no confidence it could have chosen the proper path for most people even if they wanted to.
Secondly, a consistent number of people are interested in each story path between journeys. The actor's schedules are likely fixed between journeys, so there's a limited capacity for each path. If the schedule is set for 300 resistance, 200 smugglers, and 100 First Order, and like 400 First Order people show up, 50% of people are SOL right out the gate.
Lastly, scheduling doesn't pose a major problem. Even if one scene is "correct" for a guest's preference, it limits the other possible activities. Add on having to deal with many activities like the dining hall and Jedi training being set in rooms which couldn't hold everyone (meaning the times aren't consistent between guests) and it would be a nightmare to accommodate everyone.
Under real world conditions, any system wouldn't be far off from random chance no matter what Disney tried. I think they just opted for the far simpler decision to just use the first day to gaslight everyone into an already chosen set of activities, and hope guests fall for it. It's less honest, but I suspect you could gaslight like 75% of people consistently.
I think this also explains the awkwardness of the prerelease media. The whole thing is a bit of a magic trick. Disney needed to maintain the illusion of choice, while avoiding lying too much. I don't think they ever explicitly said "You get to chose from one of three paths." It was closer to "Your journey will take you to meet many characters from The Resistance, First Order, and Smugglers, who might guide you in your authentic immersive Star Wars adventure." It implies choice without actually making claims which could get them sued for false advertising.
I think the best evidence for this is that they don't like ask you what experience you want when you book. If they wanted to be coy they could have dressed it up like a personality test so they had an excuse if they couldn't accommodate you. It would have solved the preference uncertainty entirely and given them insight into what stories guests actually wanted. Changing the schedule on the fly is almost impossible, but if they knew the distribution at booking time they'd have months to course correct. The fact they didn't even bother indicates that they didn't care.
TL;DR the Star Wars hotel didn't have any meaningful gameplay, and the illusion of gameplay only existed to gaslight you into thinking you had a say. This is consistent with what's easiest to implement, and Disney's own statements about the experience.
submitted by unibattles to JennyNicholson [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:43 RCBroeker Roaring Kitty's recent clips clearly indicate 3 things: 1) Giant run-up for GME incoming 2) RK will be exiting his positions of GME and 3) He will not be involved (as Roaring Kitty nor DFV) with the stock or the Ape community again afterward.

I know, I know.
This is FUD (to some of you). I'm a shill for even thinking this.
Shills get paid to spread FUD. I'm a GME hodler since January 2021 and certainly have NOT financially profited from my GME investment, or anything related to it, in any way, shape or form.
If you are a rational person, and are curious as to why I think the way I do, please read the following arguments for my title theses.
  1. Giant run-up for GME incoming:
There are way too many factors lining up over the next two weeks for GME not to run hard. RK re-appeared to let us know that's what exactly what is about to happen. His clips do not explain why. Just that it will. I submit that it will for the following reasons:
a) TA shows evidence of several trend breakouts (Dorito of doom being one) that have been sustained above the upper resistance. Price climb could be from institutional buying, some short positions closing, but it's unclear.
b) Volume steadily increasing over the past month, along with a steady rise in price. (Lean forward)
c) A HUGE pile of swaps is expiring (see Peruvian Bull on X) AT THE SAME TIME CAT regulations are kicking in. The CAT regulation will find naked short positions and hopefully force those who hold those naked positions to close. (Happy CAT day! Love to u/avocado-in-my-anus)
d) AT the SAME TIME as above, T+1 comes into effect. Shit's gonna go down FAST.
e) GME shelf offering - same type of offering as just before the sneeze, except 9 TIMES MORE SHARES than last time. WHY? BIGGER PRICE ACTION. RC isn't diluting for the sake of it, you moron: he plays by the rules and ensuring the coming price action builds the company's war chest for the years to come.
So, if you're holding GME, you're gonna be excited even more over the next few weeks (as also indicated by DFV's clips - NO FIGHTING)
2) DFV will be exiting his GME positions during this upward price action.
In the Bourne Identity clip, where Jason Bourne TAKES THE ROUTE MARKED EXIT STRATEGY (en Francais) RK is indicating VERY CLEARLY he now intends to exit. Then, he parks and walks out of the vehicle a transformed person, no longer Matt Damon but now Ryan Gosling - donning a cap to cover his identity.
So many people have all kinds of interpretations of this clip, without ever stating the most obvious one, because it kinda hurts: Roaring Kitty is now planning his exit strategy, is going to take it, and will hide his identity going forward in his life. WHY? Because he's practically a celebrity at this point and will wind up being that much richer than he already is.
If he has any hope at leading a normal life after this, he will need to make his exit and disappear. Mind you, he would not exit unless he stands to make SIGNIFICANT GAINS from historic upward price movement.
If and when he does exit and move on, as I believe he has indicated, all I can say is good luck brother, I wish you all the best - may you find the joy and peace you deserve.
Side note: Notice I didn't say "during the MOASS". I'm not sure if the fabled MOASS will happen the way we've been lead to believe. Yes, infinite risk and all that...
Realistically, the powers that be will not let happen what has been described to have happen. 3-letter organizations have way too much sway over everything to allow for the destruction of key financial entities as has been described.
Our RCEO plays by the rules. RC isn't out to destroy anything. He's out to build. Yes, the price will go up fantastically - but after seeing what has happened over the last 3 years, how 80$ is talked about being a high price point when fucking CHIPOTLE trades in the fucking thousands... I just don't see phone numbers being a realistic thing. I could be wrong, we'll see.
3) No more Roaring Kitty, just a wealthy Keith Gill.
Finally, the E.T. clip. He leaves us for the Green planet.
Obvious, this. A clear interpretation is the obvious one. Occam's Razor. Convoluted interpretations belong in the same ranks as the crypto scammers who abuse the RK 'brand'.
I understand the desire to believe that this was somehow the 'start', that running the clips backwards will somehow have RK continuing as he has ... a theory that suits our feelings. I accept that RK has done his work, and wants to move on. He certainly deserves to.
We will have our own rockets to the green planet - just not directly alongside our dear friend. Sure, he probably has a whole lot more rocket fuel than most of us. But we can get there, if we hang in there.
GameStop as a company will grow through this process. THAT saga will continue on. Some of us may cash out completely as well. Some of us partially. Some of us may sell some, and then re-buy the (expensive) dip. Whatever you choose to do, I personally believe the stock price will surge, climb, pull back, and go on as any stock. It will forever be a significant part of my portfolio.
The one thing GameStop will not do for the foreseeable future is go bankrupt. Under RC, it will grow.
And that, ladies and gents, is my take on Roaring Kitty's return and the memes he left us with. There is a lot to be excited about, and hopefully this ride will last us the rest of our mortal days, long after we've been to the green planet and returned to help our loved ones on this blue one. We'll see.
Whatever happens, I am grateful to Reddit, to Wallstreet Bets, to all the GME subs big and small - I've visited you all. I am grateful for the ups and downs, the shills and shill-callers, the drama, the songs, the memes, the runic glory, the anchormen, DRS-ers and options players, TA crayon-eaters and DD-writing-wrinkle-brains. Heck I'm even grateful for those toxic Meltdownsies. All of it added to this fantastic tapestry of the GME saga the last 4 years.
The Zen Master said, "We'll see'"
submitted by RCBroeker to u/RCBroeker [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:39 SageJarosz Ep 14: Celestial Immortal

Previous chapter
“I hate it.”
Mareus slapped his mouth and bit down on his lips in a futile attempt to capture his half-asleep words. His body tensed while listening for any signs of the stranger, bracing himself for some monster of a person to come rushing from the dark to finish him off.
Though, it didn’t matter in the end if they were paying attention to him or not. They clearly already knew where he was and, for some reason, chose to leave him alone after pulling him from the rubble and treating his injuries.
He clutched at his stomach, his hunger pangs goading him to push aside the anxiety and crawl his way towards the bowl still waiting patiently for him. There were no signs of it being changed or infested by any of the creatures hiding away, in fact, a gentle warmth still radiated from it. A pleasant aroma floated through the still air as if it had a will of its own, enticing him like some carnivorous flower lying in wait.
Mareus ignored his pain and fatigue as he absentmindedly made his way closer to the beckoning meal. What was he so worried about? If the stranger hadn’t done anything yet, then they probably weren’t going to from the start. It wasn’t like he was in any state to resist them anyway.
That’s right. He justified. It’s just sitting there, waiting for me.
The bowl was only a breath away now. Mareus stretched against his bandages enough for the wrappings around his fingers to brush the rim before the markings let out a faint light and constricted his body. He was almost there and wouldn’t give up, one more time he resisted their binding and was able to hook his finger on the inside of the rim.
Putting all the strength he had into the one finger he fought against the rough, uneven ground to reel in his catch. A faint glow lit up the black stone and his heart stopped before his restraints forced his arm back. Spilling his only food in a mocking halo as the bowl rolled on its side.
That was it, his only food mixed in with the wet dirt of the cave floor. He almost dove at it before realizing the intense hunger and drive he had was now fading away. His hunger was still there to some degree, but now it was more like an emptiness scratching at the back of his stomach. The overwhelming desire to eat was almost entirely gone.
A faint breeze brought his attention back to the bowl and he watched as markings like the ones on his bandages let out one last dim breath of light. When they went dark his hunger returned to the back of his mind.
After crawling back into his hole, the cave was filled with the sounds of hundreds of insects rushing over and feasting on the spilled meal. The echoes of chitin tapping on stone and trudging through the mush assaulting his ears. Covering his ears only replaced their frenzy with the sound of his blood flowing through his ears.
Mareus alternated between listening to the rhythmic thumps lulling him to sleep and the chittering that convinced him, more than once, that the insects had crawled in his ears. The minutes drawing into hours, maybe even days, as reason began slipping away.
A gentle clack of wood being placed on stone silenced the world.
He carefully rolled over and saw another bowl, the insects were gone, the mess was cleaned. It was like everything that happened was a dream, only this time he didn’t have this unnatural drive compelling him to reach the bowl.
Whatever the markings were meant to do, this one didn’t seem to have them. He watched as the cave life made their way back to his food. They didn’t attack it right away this time, instead they circled their prey waiting for the right time. Mareus closed his eyes and focused on listening for their movements when he heard a damp thud that must have been one of them falling in the food.
That sound must have been the signal the rest were waiting for because they converged on the meal and devoured with a gluttony he didn’t know they were capable of. Despite the gut churning sounds, he focused on every bit as he counted his heart beat.
Two thousand four hundred and twenty…seven.
The cave had finally settled down again as the insects returned to their hiding places. Mareus kept counting though, he had to stay focused so he could figure out how to tell when the stranger was coming. He had no idea how often they came by but he needed to learn anything he could if he wanted to make it back home.
Twenty-eight thousand seven hundred and ninety-five.
Muffled steps approached the bowl and wordlessly replaced it with another, the gentle clank dancing around the cave walls. Words wanted to leave his mouth, to ask the stranger questions, to make demands. But, what would he say, what could he say?
Mareus’ chest tightened as he tried to find the words, his mind struggling with the growing distraction of the empty feeling in his stomach. They were gone as silently as they arrived.
He started counting again. Using the hunger pangs to fight his body’s cries for sleep he waited out another four or five changes of the bowl. He couldn’t remember exactly anymore as his guard lightened and the exhaustion wrapped around him like a warm blanket. Against his best effort sleep finally took him.
The elders were watching over the younger generations going about their routines. The whole village was in the middle of doing their morning exercises with the sunrise, the bigger clans and families had their yards filled with people flowing from stance to stance, while the smaller families gathered in front of the Elder’s Hall or practiced in their gardens.
Before he knew it, Mareus was running errands and was racing pass villagers tending to fields of medicinal herbs and vegetables while guards kept their eyes on the edge of the forest for any signs of wild beasts.
Then one day a doctor from some big sect visited them and told him that he had the cure to his diverted meridians. The village elders held a big celebration in front of their hall and they had a special ceremony where Granny Hua accepted him as a disciple. When he looked out to the crowd, the sun shone on hundreds of smiling faces.
Tears ran down his face as he smiled and waved at everyone. The salty taste made the world shimmer like a painting being washed away.
Please don’t go. He thought.
The infection of reality found its way into his heart and the dream continued to shimmer before warping and twisting the scene from before.
Mountains of rubble replaced the beautiful homes that stood for generations. One after another the people fell while letting out muted screams. Smoke began to fill the air like some ghostly fog and ash painted the now faceless bodies strewn everywhere. Bodiless cries fought with one another to be helped.
Mareus fell to his knees at the center of the destruction while pleading. “Please, don’t do this. Don’t take them from me again.”
The one eyed man towered over him, tall enough for his hair to brush the clouds. The evil in his clenched grin poured out like a thick miasma that choked him as he watched Sister Mai rushing over.
He tried to scream at her to stay away but his voice was now completely cut off. Mareus now stood over himself watching the helpless child he truly was, he followed his own pleading gaze and turned to watch a young woman he recognized but couldn’t place at the moment.
She picked up a piece of a wooden beam and charged at him, her tears turning to blood as she let out a voiceless scream.
Mareus quickly searched the sky for his enemy, Where are they? Why is it so quiet?
When he looked back down his arm was through the back of the woman and he finally recognized the angry face staring daggers at him as the light left her eyes.
He watched as the giant man turned back to him and let Mai’s lifeless body fall to the ground. The crimson drenching the monster’s hand leaking and painting his own with the blood of the woman he called his big sister.
The one eyed man shot into the air and the force of the impact shook him awake.
It was easier to fight his exhaustion this time as he waited for the stranger to replace the bowl. When they replaced it this time, they lingered as if they wanted to say something. This time the anger and pain he felt didn’t let him hesitate.
“Wh-“ His dry unused voice turned into a breath. He cleared his throat and tried again. “Why…”
The effort of forcing that whisper was already difficult, he wanted to say so much more. He couldn’t tell if they were still waiting in the dark, or if they were even willing to listen. His voice was clawing to get out, he was tired of waiting.
His skin buzzed as he waited and moistened his throat. The question was out there now, at least the most important part. ‘Why?’ There was so much more racing through his mind that he could add while the presence remained silent.
Why me? What made you save me? Why didn’t you leave me with them? Why do I have to be alone?
An unseen pressure grew in the dark as his question went unanswered. It was like the chill he would get coming back late at night and he felt like something was watching him from the forest, waiting to pounce. It kept growing sharper until a sudden cool warmth touched the nape of his neck and gingerly ran down the length of his back.
A cold, yet familiar feeling voice finally broke the silence. “It would be a waste. Letting such a potential vanish from this world.”
The stranger brushed the matted hair from his neck. Their simple and straightforward gesture giving off the feeling of a beast playing with its catch knowing it could kill it at anytime.
“I feel for your loss, truly. My heart aches for the ill fate that placed those ‘experts’ in your home. I couldn’t allow your path to end because of a game between mere children.” Their voice danced between compassionate and venomous.
The gentle pressure of them rubbing his back relaxed him and Mareus became even more aware of how tired and sore his body was. Although, as they continued it felt like everything faded away. Not so much as if he was being relieved of everything, it was more like everything was being taken away and swallowed by a void that wouldn’t make him take it back.
Mareus sat up slowly and with a hoarse voice he asked. “What makes me so special?” He inhaled, “Why didn’t you stop them?!” His scream tore into his lungs and filled his throat with the taste of iron.
Water filled his eyes as he faced the disembodied presence.
The stranger gently embraced him, their cool robes enveloping him. “Poor child.”
“You could have saved all of th-em.” His trembling voice couldn’t hide the pain any longer. Still, Mareus stared through blurry eyes and did his best to look them in the face.
A thin hand brushed away his tears. “My sweet boy, I’m sorry I couldn’t be there sooner. Their battle had already moved south, and what they left behind…” They trailed off.
While wrapped in their arms he listened to the grief in their voice. Unsure of what to think anymore. Why did they wait so long? Why did they leave me here in the dark? Were they hurt too? Mareus found himself wondering if he was being selfish.
“Before I could chase after them, I sensed the faint trace of your life clinging on to any shred of hope. After digging you out and applying some emergency medicine I lost track of their energies. Instead of searching for them I made the decision to at least make sure you survived.”
Mareus realized that there was something ethereal in the way they talked. Their tone wasn’t distant, but at the same time it felt like they were a world away from him. The image of a mother apologizing for something she wasn’t responsible for popped in his mind.
His body began to feel lighter than it had been since he woke up in the cave. “Thank you.” He relented.
He gingerly wiped away his tears as if testing if his body would suddenly start listening to him. When he opened them again, the dark world that surrounded him expanded and he could now see all the way to the other wall of the cave.
Am I really not in the afterlife? He thought.
The formless shadow of his savior was replaced with a celestial fairy that stepped out from one of Elder Guo’s stories and descended into this pit to comfort him. She wore a snow white hanfu with a wide sash that hugged tightly against her. The sleeves and hem were far longer than normal like if the seamstress forgot to remove the excess material.
Her otherworldly appearance stood out against the darkness with her iridescent skin illuminating the cave. Her shadow like hair, even darker than the surroundings blackness. She looked like a master craftsman had picked the most exquisite material to craft a lifelike doll that would shatter if you looked at it the wrong way. Only to the fill that doll with the essence of deepest parts of the night sky.
Mareus completely forgot his fatigue as he collapsed into a bow and laid his head to the floor. In an attempt to imitate the older members of his village when speaking to the elders, he said. “I apologize for being so disrespectful. I humbly want to thank the generous immortal for saving this life.”
His body trembled from the effort of supporting his weight, but he continued to wait as sweat formed on the back of his neck and ran down his face. Unsure of what this heaven-like being would do to him if he had disrespected her further.
Next chapter
submitted by SageJarosz to FitKiwiStories [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:33 SkiesIsh My Crazy, Stupid, Women’s WarGames Pitch (Updated)

I know this is pretty early, but screw it. The WarGames match for the women will likely be on Raw because 1. There is no obvious feud for the women on SmackDown and 2. The Bloodline story will likely lead into WarGames for that brand anyway.
Damage CTRL is on Raw, and if there is a WarGames match this year, of course they would be involved. They’re the only female faction, and they’ve had main-event level feuds with basically all of the top names. But they’ve also confronted Rhea recently, with her and Iyo specifically staring each other down leading into Mania.
Now, they’re stepping to Becky and have teased problems with Liv as well. Lyra Valkyria is also tied into this, having eliminated Dakota in the first round of QOTR, and coming to Becky’s aid for two weeks straight.
When Rhea comes back, it’s only natural that she’s gonna eventually cross paths with Damage CTRL. I think they have potential to include all of these women in a big story heading into Survivor Series.
My theory is that Damage CTRL will be the dastardly heels that they are throughout this year, but they’re gonna continue targeting Becky and Lyra. This makes a common enemy for Liv and Damage CTRL. In the most recent episode of Raw, Liv attacked Becky after Damage CTRL attacked her, and it got me thinking that it could be possible for Liv to become friendly with them all, although I don’t see her fully joining them. It almost looked like Damage CTRL was nodding Liv on after the attack. So they can be buddy-buddy for a while, making Becky’s life hell. Lyra can also have little scuffles with Liv because she’s loyal to Becky.
However, I’m a little unsure about when to give the title to Liv. It could happen in Saudi, but I don’t really know if that’s the right crowd. Plus, I have a weird feeling that she won’t get the title until SummerSlam. How this could work is Liv loses in some kind of screwy way in Saudi that takes her out of the title picture briefly, while Becky can defend against people like Lyra, and maybe Dakota gets a crack. But Iyo is likely to win QOTR, so this could lead into a match for the title at SummerSlam. But Liv gets under Becky’s skin in the weeks leading up to the show. So, Becky is compelled to add Liv to the match and it becomes a Triple Threat. Damage CTRL is understandably pissed off. But Liv assures them that Iyo will get the first crack if she wins.
Liv wins the match by capitalizing at the last second. But it’s fine enough, because Iyo still has that guaranteed title match.
Enter: Rhea Ripley.
This goes pretty much like you’d expect. She wins that title back ASAP, likely in Berlin. How this match could work is in the match, Rhea hits a Riptide, and Liv kicks out. Liv can hit an Oblivion, but Rhea kicks out. Toward the end of the match, Rhea hits a second Riptide, but does so sloppily because she’s fatigued from the match and her injured shoulder starts to hurt. Rhea fails to make the cover, and Liv rolls over to the ropes and uses them to pull herself up. Rhea looks over, her face a mix of annoyance, confusion, and pity (like Thanos to Cap in Infinity War). She walks over to Liv, grabs her face and starts insulting her. “Stay down.” “You’re dead to me.” “This is my division.” Liv can slap her, spit at her, flip her off, or something else that conveys defiance. I had Omega vs Ospreay and Michaels vs Taker on the brain when I came up with this. Similarly, Rhea can headbutt Liv (who will sell it like death) and hit a third and final Riptide for the win. So Rhea retains, but Liv still shows an undeniable, never-say-die spirit. On the following Raw, Rhea can cut a celebratory promo that also gives Liv her flowers to some extent. This promo also makes it clear that Rhea is now a face.
Liv is pissed that she lost, but Damage CTRL is pissed that Iyo didn’t get the match she was owed. Around this time, Damage CTRL will have had a few run-ins with Rhea, and this heats up a bit after she wins the title because they still believe Iyo is owed a match. Liv apologizes and explains that she was blinded by getting revenge on Rhea, and simply forgot about the promise. They give her a hard time about this for a while until they turn on her on an episode of Raw. Then, Rhea comes out and makes the save. She tries to take Liv’s hand, but she refuses. Rhea’s reasoning is that she gained respect for Liv after their match. She says that being out gave her a lot of time to think, but seeing Liv for the first time in months made her go blind with rage. But their match gave her clarity again. Even though she was the better woman in Berlin, she gained respect for Liv and realized that they’re both the same.
In the following weeks, Liv makes it clear that she doesn’t want or need Rhea’s help, and that she still hates her. Rhea has betrayed her to join Judgement Day, crushed her WrestleMania dreams by eliminating her from the 2023 Royal Rumble, took six months off of her career, then takes her title away after having the gall to blame Liv for the bed that she (Rhea) has made herself. Then, she comes out and saves “poor little Liv” as if none of these issues ever happened. Liv explains that her and Rhea are not the same, and that she still hates her.
Meanwhile, Becky and Lyra try to mind their own business but keep running into issues with Kairi and Asuka. Also, Dakota starts to show interest in the Rhea’s title, even though Iyo is the one that is owed a match.
On one hand, imagine being Rhea. Imagine trying to turn over a new leaf, but your enemy wants to dwell on the past. But can you blame Liv for being angry with Rhea? Can you also blame her for being angry with the fans for turning on her?
And now because Rhea has inserted herself into Damage CTRL business, she’s a part of this overarching storyline. They’re constantly attacking her and catching her off guard. Mind you, Judgement Day is no longer around. Rhea and Dominik aren’t together anymore either. And on top of Liv not wanting anything to do with her, neither do Becky and Lyra. All three of these women have history with Rhea, and it’s not good. Rhea is trying to rally the troops but they’re not having it. So, Rhea is all alone.
There will likely be a title defense or two against Iyo and/or Dakota in the following couple of months. Unfortunately, I’m not sure what the schedule is gonna be for the PLEs later this year.
These will be successful defenses that Damage CTRL can’t let go of. So, they’re still giving all of these women trouble. And the other faces are saying that this is karma for all of the bad things that Rhea has done to others. And Rhea has to accept the fact that they’re right. But a few weeks out from Survivor Series, an episode of Raw’s main story is that Damage CTRL is hunting the faces. Throughout the show, they attack Liv, Becky and Lyra. At the end of the night, Rhea gets ambushed after a match. Then, the faces all come out and make the save.
This is a very uneasy alliance. Remember, Becky and Liv don’t like each other. Rhea and Liv don’t like each other. Rhea and Becky don’t like each other. Liv and Lyra don’t like each other. Even Rhea and Lyra don’t like each other going back to their run-ins in NXT. But the main story here is that Rhea has to confront the ghosts of her past while leading the charge through such a rocky road.
Instead of a typical rah-rah speech that the faces give before WarGames, the promo between these four women largely consists of Rhea being chewed out. But in the end, Damage CTRL is their main focus, and WarGames commence. The faces ultimately win and water is mostly thrown under the bridge among the faces. And from here, the Damage CTRL split is officially underway.
I think this idea works because like I said, there is no obvious match for the women on SmackDown. Plus, I can’t really see any other top faces on Raw being involved in this storyline outside of the ones I named. Plus, I think it would be interesting to see Rhea’s character develop as she suffers the consequences of her past. I understand that she’s popular, but I can’t get behind her returning as mega-face and getting ‘revenge’ on Liv. The promo she cut where she was playing the victim just rubbed me the wrong way, because Liv was the real victim. But I think this story is a nice way to address that, as well as her history with Becky and Lyra, while still keeping Rhea on top of the division. This also gives Rhea and Becky— two top names— a noteworthy program to be in, and it recruits Liv, who doesn’t always get big opportunities like this. It also puts Lyra on the map even more by being in such a high-profile feud in her rookie year.
Sometimes I think the characters lack depth and that’s what I’m trying to remedy. Make us feel something. These are characters at the end of the day. No different than your favorite one-hour drama.
I will admit that it’s a bit of a risk because Asuka and Rhea are both injured right now. As I said, I know this is very early. But I don’t think either of them are gonna be gone for too long. So I think that this idea could work. In my opinion, this is a rather compelling storyline, and the women’s division is in desperate need of storyline with more substance than just wanting a title. Of course The Bloodline will always and forever take priority, but there’s no excuse for there not to be other captivating stories across the board.
I’d appreciate any feedback.
Tl;dr- WarGames: Rhea, Liv, Becky, Lyra vs Damage CTRL.
submitted by SkiesIsh to WWE [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:25 NinthChimera Hot Warzone Take (I think)

I think Warzone shouldn't have Loadout drop. The core things about Battle Royals is that you gotta work with what you can find. That's what makes the experience different each game is that you'll be using gear that you find and you probably aren't comfortable with.
And i think being able to just call in your own Guns that you have perfectly fined tune to be perfect for warzone defeats the whole purpose of scavenging and looting
submitted by NinthChimera to ModernWarfareIII [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:24 SneaselSW2 Dynasty Warriors Battleground Trivia: Sizhou/Si Province, AKA Sili

Part of a fanfic project I've been doing where I basically re-enact subtitles for battleground locations for the DW games from 2-to-5XL, as the Orochi games stopped adding extra prefixes and suffixes to the location names (likely for good reason given the combined world's setting).
These said subtitles are seen in the stage intros, and I mainly try my best to take from the original Japanese versions to translate them into English without using their localized versions.
For any geology experts and/or those who have access to the original Japanese text versions of the classic PS2 era Musou games, please feel free to debunk and/or add to the info of these location subtitles.
This time, I'll be tackling Si Province, AKA Sili. There's gonna be A LOT to cover here unlike Ji Province.

>司州 AKA 司隸州 (Sizhou AKA Silizhou/Shishuu AKA Shireishuu)

>Si Province AKA Sili Province (Admin Province AKA Admin Servant Province)

>司州, 河南尹 (Sizhou, He'nan'yin/Shishuu, Ka'nan'in)

>Si Province, He'nan Directory (Admin Province, River South Directory)

>司州河南尹, 大谷關 (Sizhou He'nan'yin, Daguguan/Shishuu Ka'nan'in, Daikokukan)

>Si Province He'nan Directory, Dagu Gate (Admin Province River South Directory, Big Valley Gate)

>司州河南尹, 汜水關 (Sizhou He'nan'yin, Sishuiguan/Shishuu Ka'nan'in, Shisuikan)

>Si Province He'nan Directory, Sishui Gate (Admin Province River South Directory, Stream Water Gate)

>司州河南尹, 虎牢關 (Sizhou He'nan'yin, Hulaoguan/Shishuu Ka'nan'in, Koroukan)

>Si Province He'nan Directory, Hulao Gate (Admin Province River South Directory, Tiger Gaol Gate)

>司州河南尹, 洛陽 (Sizhou He'nan'yin, Luoyang/Shishuu Ka'nan'in, Rakuyoh)

>Si Province He'nan Directory, Luoyang (Admin Province River South Directory, Luoyang)

>司州, 洛陽城内 (Sizhou He'nan'yin, Luoyangcheng Nei/Shishuu Ka'nan'in, Rakuyohjou Nai)

>Si Province, Luoyang Castle Interior (Admin Province, Luoyang Castle Interior)

>司州中牟縣, 官渡 (Sizhou Zhongmuxian, Guandu/Shishuu Chuumuken, Kanto)

>Si Province Zhongmu Prefecture, Guandu (Admin Province Middle Moo Prefecture, Guandu)

>司州弘農郡, 潼關 (Sizhou Hongnongjun, Tongguan/Shishuu Kou'nou'gun, Doukan)

>Si Province Hongnong County, Tong Gate (Admin Province Vast Farming County, High Gate)

>司州京兆郡, 長安 (Sizhou Jingzhaojun, Chang'an/Shishuu Kyouchougun, Chou'an)

>Si Province Jingzhao County, Chang'an (Admin Province Capital Trillion County, Long Peace)

That'd be all until further updates.
submitted by SneaselSW2 to dynastywarriors [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:15 DeadFoliage I am sick and tired of feeling different from everyone

I have always felt like the odd one out in every social circle I've ever had. Not saying I didn't like these people or they didn't like me but I have always felt different enough where it's noticeable. These differences ranged from minuscule insignificant things to major ethical/personality differences.
Here are some examples.
I grew up outside my home country and kept moving around to different countries. My parents didn't teach me my native language or culture. As a result, I'm always getting comments from family about how I don't understand the culture or don't speak the language and how it's a shame. Even for people who aren't family, the confusion, disappointment, and judgment is always visible on their faces. I try to ignore it as much as I can but every now and then some poor soul will do or say something that will set off years worth of pent up frustration.
With my friends, I've always just been different. This isn't so much problematic as it is lonely. We may share common interests but they're also different at the same time. For example, we all like playing video games, but I'll never be into the games that the rest of the group plays so I feel left out at times. I don't want to spend money on a vacation since I've traveled plenty already and I'm kinda over it but this is met with something along the lines of "OOH rich kid over here too cool for vacations"
My girlfriend and her family are from the same country I am originally from but immigrated to the US a while back. I get similar comments from them about me not speaking the language or knowing the culture. At least my gf makes an effort to teach me about the culture and language but even sometimes she gets frustrated and gets that same look on her face. She also doesn't seem to get me on many things like not wanting to go out and spend a lot of money and save and invest it instead. Whenever I tell I don't want to do this or that, she doesn't out right say anything but again I know her enough to know when I'm being a buzzkill for her.
I'm super strict about my diet and workout regimen. I track my calories and macros, record my gym progression things like that. While I'm not looking for approval from people for this, I am met with comments like "How can you eat like that" or "As long as you're happy, I could never do that". It makes me feel much more alien to the people around me.
I'm not the type of guy to be super inquisitive about other people's lives. Never have been tbh. I just figured if someone wants to share they'll tell me. That's what I do anyway. My girlfriend will sometimes get angry with me if I don't ask her family/friends about their lives and says I sometimes checkout of conversations. For example, we were hanging out with her friends and one of them mentioned they're going on a trip somewhere. I responded with "Cool! That sounds exciting" and didn't really ask any questions beyond that because in my mind I felt like I got the full story.
I just wish I could find someone that thinks like me. LIkes the things I do in the same way I do, wants to achieve the same things I do. Socializes like I do. It's not like I don't have friends or a social circle, it's just that I don't have anyone around me who's like me and it's a very alienating and lonely feeling that I've dealt with throughout my life, from family to friends to relationships. It leads to me isolating myself sometimes. Even enjoying my own company over that of others.
I don't know why in 27 years on a planet of 8 billion people I haven't found a single person that thinks like me. Maybe I have some condition like autism or something. Who knows, the only thing I know for sure is that I'm tired.
submitted by DeadFoliage to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:09 ALFighter27 I miss the connection

It’s been almost four months, and I can’t believe it. I still think about the last conversation we had. We knew it would be the last, we knew that this was the end. Your “final days” you called them. God I hate cancer.
You told me that I was one of the only people that “just gets you”. I was always so proud of that. I still am. Every reference, every podcast with the most obscure title. Every 90s video game that only you and I ever played and ever remembered the dumb name of. That feeling, when you reference something and I was the only one in the room to know what you were talking about, and we would just laugh and laugh and laugh. Always on our own wavelength. I miss you so much. I miss that feeling, like someone understood me, like you were on the same level, no matter how silly. That we could talk about anything, and I’d be excited. That I felt so connected.
I’ve lost so many friends. So few ever came close to the feeling of talking to you. Every piece of news, every game I play, I just want to talk to you about it. Tell you about it. Hear whatever insightful thing you’d take away from it. Every silly little joke you’d make about how I’d play, or what I’d say. I still can’t believe you’re gone. I know you said that I would carry a piece of you with me forever, but I just wish I could talk to you. Just one more time. About anything. Something silly. Something beautiful. Anything.
I miss you Brian. I love you.
submitted by ALFighter27 to GriefSupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:04 FrankieClasson [Start] Am I the only living person in my early 40's that plays instruments, writes songs & plays video games?

I'm just looking for ANYONE within maybe 10 years of my age (so, like 31 - 51) that just wants to play some music (online collab, l'd imagine, unless they happen to live near Myrtle Beach, SC) and ideally also some games with a headset, where we can talk about said music while we do. None of my friends seem to ever play instruments, so l'm saying fit and just making a post. As far as the type of music I like to play and/or record goes..... well, the instrument that I'm most fluent with and have to most confidence with is guitar, for sure..... but using music theory, I can dabble with most instruments. As far as genres and specific bands go, it runs the gamut.... One thing I CAN tell you is that I def. tend to lean more towards minor keys and often am of the mindset that, unless you're Bob Marley, "happy music" sucks (to me, at least)... it just doesn't feel as authentic. If anyone can empathize with any of this, thus far, hit me up and we can talk more about specific bands or whatever you want. I CAN tell you that more often than not, I prefer musical acts that play actual instruments..... not so much edm or house/techno/trance, etc.... essentially, NOT stuff you'd hear "in da club". ..... more stuft you'd hear at a bar that books bands or something of the sort. Bonus points if you're an audio gear head, and double bonus points if you're so obsessed with pedals that you even try to make some of your own. :)
submitted by FrankieClasson to BedroomBands [link] [comments]