Stress management in sobriety worksheet

Dry Alcoholics

2015.08.26 19:54 Dry Alcoholics

Dry Alcoholics is a support group that doesn't care about what stage you are in quitting or moderating your drinking, but that you are making an effort. Disclaimer: Advice given on this sub does not constitute professional medical advice. The circumstances do not mimic those of a review by a professional. Assessment, diagnosis and treatment recommendations are not possible, and all suggestions as such are speculative opinions. Recommending one form of treatment over another is frowned upon.

2014.07.17 08:01 cleveryoga Sudarshan Kriya

Sudarshan kriya is a powerfull breathing Technique which is practiced by millions across the world and which helps to live stress-free,happy and healthy life

2016.12.19 18:00 Welcome to WellnessOver30!

Welcome! This is an adult community interested in overall wellness. We welcome wellness topics such as sexual, mental, emotional, diet, stress management, weight lifting, walking, running, yoga, etc, etc. We are an 18+ community because at times, conversations can be mature in nature. All adults are welcome, not just those over 30. Join us for inspiration, support, motivation, and connection.

2024.05.19 21:31 adulting4kids BPD

"I am going to be 48 years old in a few weeks. I have been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder since I was twenty years old. Much of my life, I have met all of the criteria of this disorder, and I have had a long, hard road ahead once it dawned on me that it was true. I have a fundamental dysfunction in my personality. I cannot cope with the world because at my core, I am unable to maintain stability as a functional adult for long periods of time due to my impulsive nature and my ability to forgive and love unconditionally. I don't know how to reconcile those traits with a healthy and successful life. My relationships are 'ride or die,' with me as the enabledoormat/reactionary drama queen. I tend to date men who need constant, obsessive attention and servitude, with them being the dominant to my submissive, their ego to my down-to-earth, and they are the Narcissist to my Borderline. I don't want to romanticize like so many JokeHarley memes, but this has been the way that it has gone for far too long.
My upbringing wasn't even close to being abusive. I was the only child, and my parents stayed married. I was sheltered, with no physical or sexual abuse; both of my parents were good people who loved me. It wasn't easy; we lacked money but never love. We struggled, but there were so many things that were different than for most people, in cool ways and in ways that were not cool. But never was I considered 'normal.'
One of the challenges of being Borderline is the difficulty in being our own therapist. Not because of this new 'favorite person' misinformation, but because we struggle with justifying anything. We see very little wrong with the way we are; we just need to know how we can make others understand that it's okay that we are intense, unpredictable in a predictable way, and humanly sensitive to everything that affects us. We insert ourselves into everything so we can let it all affect us. We claim that we didn't realize that we're supposed to change because we see no problem with the way we are; it's other people who are concerned, and we are not concerned with what people think (except when we are). So why do we have to change? It's our life, the one that is unmanageable and dysfunctional, and giving us unhoused vibes. This is still our life, and it's not easy to get through that we need to act accordingly because we don't care about your self-esteem; why do you care about ours?
So, we are often pushed into admitting that we can potentially be a little bit much. We are painted into the roles of the serial killer and the horrible Narcissistic Personality Disorder twin flame that nobody trusts because we follow our hearts (and we tend to hold grudges). Our dynamics are different, but we all follow astrology. Our sign is 'complete psycho' most of the time. I have been trying to figure out how to make it so we can get along with the world and it is not our enemy...but people keep messing up the whole situation.
People with borderline personality disorder may exhibit fear of abandonment through intense and unstable relationships. They might go to great lengths to avoid real or perceived abandonment, such as clinging to others, becoming quickly and intensely attached, or displaying extreme reactions (anger, panic, or depression) when they anticipate abandonment.
Abandonment fears can lead to impulsive actions to prevent separation or worse, therefore it's important to seek professional help for a comprehensive understanding and support. Additionally, individuals with BPD may engage in frantic efforts to avoid abandonment, such as making frantic, impulsive gestures to maintain a connection, even if those actions are not in their best interest. They might experience intense feelings of emptiness when alone and may go to extremes to fill that void. These behaviors can strain relationships, making it challenging for individuals with BPD to establish and maintain stable connections with others. Therapy, particularly dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), is often recommended to help manage and address these challenges.
Patterns of instability in borderline personality disorder (BPD) refer to consistent and recurring disruptions in various aspects of a person's life. This instability typically manifests in the following areas:
  1. Relationships: Individuals with BPD often experience tumultuous relationships marked by extremes of idealization and devaluation. Their attitudes and feelings toward others may change rapidly, contributing to a cycle of intense, yet unstable, interpersonal connections.
  2. Self-Image: BPD can involve an unstable sense of self. Individuals may struggle with a fluctuating self-identity, feeling uncertain about who they are, their values, and their life goals. This instability in self-perception can lead to a lack of direction and purpose.
  3. Emotions: Emotional instability is a hallmark of BPD. Intense and rapidly shifting emotions, such as anger, anxiety, and sadness, can be challenging to regulate. Mood swings may occur in response to external events or perceived threats to relationships.
  4. Impulsivity: Impulsive behaviors in areas like spending, substance abuse, reckless driving, or unsafe sexual practices are common in individuals with BPD. These actions often stem from a desire to alleviate emotional distress or avoid perceived abandonment.
These patterns of instability can significantly impact a person's daily functioning and relationships, making it crucial for individuals with BPD to seek professional help for effective management and support. In the context of borderline personality disorder (BPD), impulsivity refers to engaging in behaviors without careful consideration of the consequences. Individuals with BPD may display impulsive actions in various areas of their lives, such as:
  1. Spending: Reckless and impulsive spending, often beyond one's means, is common in individuals with BPD.
  2. Substance Abuse: Engaging in impulsive and risky behaviors related to substance use, including alcohol and drugs.
  3. Sexual Behavior: Unplanned and impulsive sexual encounters, sometimes without regard for potential consequences, can occur.
  4. Reckless Driving: Impulsive and risky driving behaviors, such as speeding or dangerous maneuvers.
  5. Self-Harm: Engaging in impulsive self-harming behaviors as a way to cope with intense emotions.
Impulsivity in BPD can be driven by a desire to alleviate emotional pain, boredom, or to avoid perceived abandonment. Developing coping strategies and emotional regulation skills through therapy, particularly dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), can be beneficial in managing impulsive behaviors associated with BPD.
Identity disturbance in borderline personality disorder (BPD) refers to a pervasive and unstable sense of self. Individuals with BPD may struggle with a coherent and consistent understanding of who they are, which can manifest in several ways:
  1. Self-Image Fluctuations: A person with BPD may experience rapid shifts in self-perception, ranging from feeling exceptionally positive to extremely negative about themselves. This can occur within short periods.
  2. Uncertainty About Goals and Values: Individuals with identity disturbance may have difficulty establishing and maintaining long-term goals or consistent values. They might struggle with defining their life direction and purpose.
  3. Chameleon-Like Adaptation: Some individuals with BPD may adopt different personas or behaviors in different social situations, often as a means to fit in or avoid rejection. This can lead to a lack of stable and authentic self-expression. Intense Fear of Abandonment: The fear of abandonment can exacerbate identity issues, as individuals may shape their identity based on the perceived expectations or desires of others, leading to a lack of a stable core sense of self.
Addressing identity disturbance in BPD often involves therapeutic interventions, such as dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) or psychodynamic therapy. These approaches aim to help individuals explore and develop a more stable and authentic sense of self.
Dissociation in borderline personality disorder (BPD) refers to a coping mechanism where individuals disconnect from their thoughts, feelings, memories, or sense of identity. This disconnection can occur as a response to stress, trauma, or overwhelming emotions. Dissociative experiences in BPD may include:
  1. Depersonalization: Feeling detached from oneself, as if observing from outside the body.
  2. Derealization: Perceiving the external environment as unreal or distorted.
  3. Amnesia: Gaps in memory, especially related to stressful events or periods of intense emotion.
  4. Identity Confusion: Momentary lapses in awareness of one's identity or feeling unsure about who they are.
Dissociation serves as a way for individuals with BPD to manage distress, particularly when emotions become too overwhelming. However, it can interfere with daily functioning and contribute to difficulties in relationships. Therapy, especially approaches like dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) and trauma-focused therapy, may help individuals develop healthier coping mechanisms and address dissociative experiences.
Certainly, here are some examples of dissociative experiences that individuals with borderline personality disorder (BPD) may encounter:
  1. Depersonalization: Feeling as though you are watching yourself from a distance, almost like being an observer rather than an active participant in your own life.
  2. Derealization: Perceiving the external world as strange, unreal, or distorted. You may be on a heavy trip off mushrooms and wandering around the closet park in the middle of the night feels different when you are over 40. It hits different, and you can get in a lot more trouble than experimenting teenagers. You're not holding a job long under these circumstances.
  3. Amnesia: Having periods of time where you cannot recall significant details or events, especially those associated with heightened emotional states or trauma. If you are being sedated for trying to call the same number over and over at three am because you desperately need to move to
  4. Identity Confusion: Brief moments of not recognizing oneself or feeling uncertain about personal identity, values, or goals. Taking in the attributes of your signiotg
It's important to note that dissociative experiences can vary widely among individuals, and not everyone with BPD will necessarily experience these examples. If you or someone you know is experiencing dissociation or other symptoms associated with BPD, seeking professional help from a mental health practitioner is crucial for appropriate diagnosis and support.
Suicidal ideation in borderline personality disorder (BPD) involves persistent thoughts about death, dying, or the desire to end one's life. Individuals with BPD may experience varying degrees of suicidal thoughts, ranging from fleeting notions to detailed plans. Some aspects of suicidal ideation in BPD include:
  1. Frequency and Intensity: Suicidal ideation can be a chronic feature, with thoughts occurring regularly or intermittently. The intensity can range from vague thoughts to detailed plans.
  2. Impulsivity: Individuals with BPD may be prone to impulsive behaviors, and this impulsivity can extend to suicidal acts or self-harming behaviors during periods of emotional distress.
  3. Sense of Hopelessness: Suicidal thoughts in BPD can be linked to a pervasive sense of hopelessness, often fueled by challenges in relationships, identity, and emotional regulation.
  4. Coping Mechanism: For some, suicidal ideation may serve as a coping mechanism, providing a perceived escape from emotional pain or a means to regain control.
Addressing suicidal ideation in BPD requires immediate attention from mental health professionals. Therapeutic interventions, such as dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), can be effective in helping individuals manage intense emotions and develop healthier coping strategies. If you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts, it's crucial to seek help from a mental health professional or a crisis hotline immediately.
Mood swings in borderline personality disorder (BPD) are characterized by rapid and intense changes in emotional states. These fluctuations can occur in response to various triggers or even without apparent cause. Key aspects of mood swings in BPD include:
  1. Intensity: Emotions can shift from one extreme to another rapidly, with individuals experiencing intense feelings of joy, anger, sadness, or anxiety.
  2. Instability: The duration of mood swings can be brief, lasting only a few hours or days. This instability contributes to the challenge of predicting or managing emotional states.
  3. Triggered by Interpersonal Events: Mood swings in BPD often correlate with interpersonal stressors, such as perceived rejection, criticism, or the fear of abandonment.
  4. Impact on Relationships: The intensity and unpredictability of mood swings can strain relationships, as others may find it challenging to understand or respond to the rapidly changing emotional landscape.
Therapeutic approaches, particularly dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), focus on helping individuals with BPD recognize and regulate their emotions, providing skills to manage mood swings effectively.
The term "Cluster B" refers to one of the four personality disorder clusters outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). Cluster B personality disorders share certain features, including dramatic, emotional, and erratic behaviors. This grouping includes the following personality disorders:
  1. Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD): Characterized by instability in relationships, self-image, and emotions, along with impulsive and self-destructive behaviors.
  2. Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD): Involves an exaggerated sense of self-importance, a preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, and a lack of empathy for others.
  3. Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD): Characterized by a disregard for the rights of others, impulsivity, deceitfulness, and a lack of remorse after harming others.
  4. Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD): Involves a need for attention, dramatic and seductive behavior, and intense emotions that may be perceived as shallow.
These personality disorders within Cluster B share some common traits, such as difficulties in forming and maintaining relationships, impulsivity, and emotional dysregulation. However, each disorder within the cluster has distinct features and diagnostic criteria. The clustering is a way to organize and understand patterns of personality pathology for diagnostic and treatment purposes.
Diagnosing borderline personality disorder (BPD) typically involves a comprehensive assessment by a mental health professional. Several tools and methods are used to gather information, including:
  1. Clinical Interviews: A mental health professional conducts thorough interviews to assess the individual's symptoms, emotional experiences, and history of relationships. These interviews may involve discussions about mood, identity, impulsivity, and interpersonal difficulties.
  2. Diagnostic Criteria: The assessment often involves evaluating the individual against established diagnostic criteria, such as those outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). Meeting specific criteria is essential for a formal diagnosis.
  3. Structured Interviews: Mental health professionals may use structured interviews designed to elicit specific information related to BPD symptoms. These interviews help standard ize the diagnostic process.
  4. Self-Report Questionnaires: Individuals may be asked to complete self-report questionnaires designed to assess various aspects of personality, emotional experiences, and interpersonal functioning.
  5. Collateral Information: Information from family members, close friends, or other relevant sources may be considered to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the individual's behavior and relationships.
It's important to note that a diagnosis of BPD should be made by a qualified mental health professional based on a thorough assessment. Early diagnosis and intervention are crucial for individuals with BPD to receive appropriate treatment and support.
Here's the continuation of the edited text:
Cluster B Personality Disorder #clusterb #clusterbs #bpd-dbt #dbt #fearofabandonment #linean
This revised version addresses spelling, grammar, and ensures clarity in expression. Let me know if there are any further edits or adjustments you'd like to make!
  1. **
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2024.05.19 21:24 Coffee-addict1308 Looking for a new job

I’ve been in my current position for 5 years but I recently transferred to a new location and have had a new manager for about 8 months now. I’ve never been so stressed about this job in my life as I have been here. I’m constantly getting “disciplined” for small mistakes and a couple write ups for “insubordination” for asking questions when told to do things that are not in my job responsibility. I fear for my job security and I’ve started actively looking for a new job.
I’m considering taking a significant pay cut and demotion in title just to get away from this place/company. I’m in retail but most of the jobs I’m finding are restaurant-based and I’m not sure I want to go back to that environment either.
What types of jobs do you look for when just needing a temporary but full-time job with decent pay? I still need health insurance and to pay my bills.
submitted by Coffee-addict1308 to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:23 Rabid_Pastry The Masochist incident, a dwarf’s introduction to Haz 5

For my first 100ish levels I played mostly Haz 3 and 4, avoiding most of the nasty warnings. I had fun and met a lot of cool dwarves. With the announcement of the rapidly approaching Season 5, I fell into a fervor I rarely feel for games nowadays. I switched to exclusively to haz 4 and got another 100ish levels. Got to the point I’d scroll through the server list for lone dwarves on crazy looking missions or with nasty warnings. Host my own lobbies for assignments doing missions no matter the warning, biome, or mission type. I had gotten to the point where I could carry greenbeards with no issues and no downs. I started to wonder what Haz 5 was like, previously I had only completed two EDDs and maybe 3 easy Haz 5 missions (think Eggs x4 or Morkite x200). So I started slowly integrate myself into Haz 5. And that is what I now call the Masochist Incident happened.
I joined a Haz 5 Morkite x250 with 3 Lithophage spikes with my Gunner NTP build. All the dwarves are bronze promoted between level 50-70. At the point where I joined they were in the last cave and every single spike was in there too. I proceed to help them clear the entire cave and boy oh boy was it a far cry from Haz 4. We mopped up the mission scraped some Nitra together and got out. I was feeling pretty proud only having 1 down, 7 revives, and 200+ enemy kills. We get back to the rig and the Engi host is telling me how he does super hard missions to get better and loves doing Haz 5 double warnings because they always feel unique. So I stuck with him to do just that, an Elimination with Lethal Enemies and Mactera Plague and On-Site Refining with Elite Threat and Low O2. If you have played any Haz 5 with any of those modifiers then I don’t have to tell you that it was hell. Somehow we managed to complete both of them and get out. I friended the Engi and had to take a break because my nerves were shot. After an hour long break I went back to scrolling for Haz 4 missions and I realized how easy it is in comparison. This masochist Engi had ruined Haz 4 for me but I was so thankful. So now, I scroll for Haz 5 missions and I even did a 3 Dread Elim with Low O2 and Exploder Infestation with randoms. I feel addicted to completing these double warnings they feel so good to beat.
TLDR: Played Haz 4 for most of my time on DRG, joined random crazy dwarf and did two Haz 5 double warnings in a row and got my eyes opened. Now addicted to hard missions.
Tips for players looking to climb the difficulty ladder
  1. Previously before this I had been soloing Deep Dives. Gets you good at kiting and being quick and efficient with your objectives. Thinking I’ll try soloing EDDs soon.
  2. Prioritize your health. Even if it’s just a little red sugar it could be the difference. So many things can one shot you if you’re sitting at minimum health (highest your health will naturally regen to).
  3. I cannot stress enough you need to be well-seasoned from Haz 4. Carrying others and multiple missions with no downs is a good start.
  4. Do a little research, both into weapon builds and perks. Having a decent amount of OCs helps a lot. Not saying copy every meta build you see, just get some ideas and do some experimenting to see what you like.
  5. Know your role and your class strengths. Efficiency is the big word for Haz 5. Finish the objectives, strip the cave of minerals and events, and get out before you run out of Nitra.
Rock and Stone miners, see you in the caves.
submitted by Rabid_Pastry to DeepRockGalactic [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:21 Strong-Mycologist270 CSA disclosure with wedding 4 months away is making me want to cancel and I don’t know what to do. TW GRAPHIC

I come from a large, blended family. My eldest step brother is 20 years older than me. He has been a lifelong meth addict and alcoholic. He is already intellectually delayed and the lifelong SA makes him act like an obnoxious 14 year old edge lord in an almost 60 year old man’s body. He is sexist, racist, and unpleasant to be around. I haven’t ever really had a relationship with him and haven’t seen him in person since 2017.
8 years ago he started dialysis. In the intervening time he’s had 2 stokes and now he is immobile and nearing the end of his life. My sisters have graciously been helping with his medical care and one of them is his DPOA and medical point of contact. They’ve both respected my boundaries when I tell them I can’t and won’t help with his care and don’t want a relationship with him. My parents retired and relocated out of state and my sisters have taken on his care.
A week ago my eldest sister sent this email to our entire family:
“On March 30th, (second eldest sister) and I attended an emergency meeting with (eldest brother)’s medical care team. (Eldest brother) called the day before saying he had 2 weeks to live.
It was very emotional and we were all crying. (Eldest brother) was saying goodbye to us. We asked him who he wanted us to call. He told us to tell (second eldest brother, parents, and his daughter) to go, "fuck themselves." He talked about his wishes to be cremated and he asked us to clean out his room and split everything up for our kids. He started making apologies. Apologies for the last years of his life being so miserable, and not taking better care of himself. He apologized for molesting us when we were babies. He shared graphic details. He said he'd sneak around at night and put his finger in our "little assholes" and said "(eldest sister), you liked it more than (second eldest sister) did. That's why you're my favorite. You'd go, "mhhhmm" when I'd stick it in." He giggled. This was on a conference call, but (second eldest sister) (who attended in person) told me he also made a graphic hand gesture while describing the abuse. (Second eldest sister) and I were uncomfortable, ashamed, and in disbelief. The doctors arrived for the meeting and told us that if (eldest brother) stopped doing dialysis he would die in approx 2 weeks. Apparently, prior to the meeting, (eldest brother) had informed his care team he decided to stop dialysis. He wanted to die, he was ready for his life to be over but "couldn't bring himself to commit suicide because he's Catholic." During the meeting, the team convinced (eldest brother) to keep treating and give himself more time to decide about ending his life. After the meeting was over, (second eldest sister) and I spoke. I tried to convince (eldest sister) that this was likely a terrible side effect of being on narcotic pain meds. I didn't want to believe it. She and I spoke about it a handful of times since but continued to help (eldest brother), not knowing what to do. (Eldest brother) called (second eldest sister) the next day and apologized for "saying some weird stuff yesterday." Every day since this deathbed confession I have been hoping he dies.
On May 1st, I got a call from (second eldest brother) about (me and fiancé) 's wedding. I told him about (eldest brother) nearing the end of his life and about what (eldest brother) said to us. He said, "Mom put that into his head. That's the reason she told him he had to leave (childhood home), because they thought he was molesting you guys." (Second eldest brother) doesn't believe (eldest brother) molested us, his reasoning was "Don't you think I'd know if my brother was a sex monster?"
Both (second eldest sister) and I have blocked (eldest brother). I didn't plan on bringing this to you, to anyone. It took me some time to share this with my husband. It's painful and I wanted to protect everyone from this. Especially given the very happy upcoming nuptials and our moving back home. It's a complicated family problem but it's also mine and (serving eldest sister)’s private lives, our bodies, and now our reality. I realize that not telling you is not an option. There has been some communication happening around this and I want you to hear the exact context, not just "(eldest brother) said some horrifying things." I will not protect anyone involved in this, besides (second eldest sister). I am sending this email with her permission.”
My parents have denied any prior knowledge of this and my dad launched into a really pointless and hurtful fact finding mission which has made things worse. They are not showing my sisters the support they deserve and it’s infuriating feeling like I’m pleading withy parents to be decent human beings. I know this is fresh but I now want to cancel my wedding because I don’t feel any of the players in the situation can be trusted to manage their emotions.
I resumed therapy this week. I’m in a deep depression over this. I love my fiancee and can’t wait to be married. It’s no small thing that he has been my absolute rock and is also still very excited for our wedding. We picked an amazing one of a kind venue and the wedding is structured as a weekend of events celebrating us. The wedding is just short of 4 months away now and instead of feeling the excitement and fun I was feeling during the planning process I feel the complete opposite.
I’m trying to work with my therapist to navigate the situation in the way that doesn’t feel gross. We asked my dad to officiate which is particularly stressful and he’s contributed and chunk of money (about 1/3 the total cost of the wedding) to our wedding fund.
I love my parents but I’m really prioritizing my sister’s well being in this. My heart is broken and I’m questioning the values I thought I was raised with.
Anyway, do we move forward with this wedding extravaganza and just try to focus on ourselves and being in love of do we scrap it, go elope, forego the drama and save 8k?
submitted by Strong-Mycologist270 to wedding [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:18 Disastrous-Horse4994 Looking into Masters Construction Management

Hello everyone, I am an international student hence requires sponsorship at some point. I graduated with a Bachelor of Architecture, currently been working at a firm. Im looking into construction management, and would like to know if its worth pursuing the path. I know the stress level on the architecture side, and hearing a lot of people in construction saying is also like that if not more. But in terms of money, a 10 yrs PM in architecture caps out at 80k avg. Is the extra money worth the trouble in construction? Thank you.
submitted by Disastrous-Horse4994 to ConstructionManagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:16 bXdXbXd Can you please proofread my CV? I need help

Can you please proofread my CV? I need help
Hello there, I’m trying to write a professional CV but i need help from a Native English speaker to proofread what I’ve written so far
Please feel free to say your opinion & point out weaknesses
Thank you 🙏🏻
submitted by bXdXbXd to languagelearning [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:15 Consistent-Sea-9966 Pay someone to do my gmat exam Online Reddit Pay someone to do psychometric test Reddit Pay someone to do GMAT test Reddit Pay someone to do my GRE Test Online Reddit Pay someone to do GRE Exam Reddit Pay someone to do my GMAT GRE test exam in USA UK Canada Reddit Helper for Help Reddit

If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
I am very knowledgeable and proficient in assisting students in a wide range of mathematics classes. I can help students complete their homework assignments and other projects get an A on quizzes, tests, and exams (including proctored assessments) answer online discussion posts write essays & papers in MLA APA Chicago format and provide general overall academic help in each math course listed below:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
As of 2021, I have tutored and helped students enrolled at the following U.S. universities community colleges county & city colleges schools for-profit institutions listed below in alphabetical order:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day “cancel culture” by scamming people out of their money:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
My contact details:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
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submitted by Consistent-Sea-9966 to Studentcorner [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:13 Careless_Fig_9309 Article on Sports and discipline of life

Sports play a vital role in instilling discipline in life, shaping individuals into better versions of themselves. Through rigorous training and competitive play, athletes learn the value of dedication, teamwork, and resilience. These experiences foster essential life skills such as time management, focus, and a strong work ethic, all crucial for success beyond the sports arena. The structured environment of sports demands adherence to rules, respect for teammates and opponents, and perseverance in the face of challenges.This discipline contributes significantly to personal growth, building character and promoting a healthy lifestyle. The physical demands of sports encourage fitness, while the mental aspects teach athletes how to handle stress and maintain composure. Moreover, the lessons learned through sports, such as overcoming adversity, striving for continuous improvement, and working toward common goals, extend far beyond the game, impacting academic, professional, and personal spheres of life. Ultimately, sports cultivate well-rounded individuals equipped to tackle life's various challenges.
submitted by Careless_Fig_9309 to u/Careless_Fig_9309 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:11 Careless_Fig_9309 Article on Sports and discipline of life

Sports play a vital role in instilling discipline in life, shaping individuals into better versions of themselves. Through rigorous training and competitive play, athletes learn the value of dedication, teamwork, and resilience. These experiences foster essential life skills such as time management, focus, and a strong work ethic, all crucial for success beyond the sports arena. The structured environment of sports demands adherence to rules, respect for teammates and opponents, and perseverance in the face of challenges.This discipline contributes significantly to personal growth, building character and promoting a healthy lifestyle. The physical demands of sports encourage fitness, while the mental aspects teach athletes how to handle stress and maintain composure. Moreover, the lessons learned through sports, such as overcoming adversity, striving for continuous improvement, and working toward common goals, extend far beyond the game, impacting academic, professional, and personal spheres of life. Ultimately, sports cultivate well-rounded individuals equipped to tackle life's various challenges.
submitted by Careless_Fig_9309 to RajasthanRoyals [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:07 xmt0991 How risky is a 1-2 year sabbatical to reset/meet someone right now?

I don’t mean for this to come across as a sob story, but I feel very stuck and I’m not sure what to do. I'm in a big company in a technical but non-coding role, early 40s years old, with $2.4M net worth (95% in equities, around $605K in retirement, mainly tech stocks and ETFs because I genuinely believe in the future of AI) and a $850K total compensation (roughly $400K of RSUs and the rest salary and bonus). Not married, no kids, and currently I rent at $4K/month.
To be honest it's a sad life right now post-major long term relationship and I am continually comparing myself to other men my age with families and a lot more success. (Frankly feel like not being married or never having been married at this age as a career liability, particularly for both men and women I work with. I feel like it’s a matter of trust) anyway….
I manage a midsize team and I’m getting a lot of pressure that my team may get absorbed or go away at some point or that I'll get laid off. I’m honestly pretty burned out and it’s tempting to proactively quit on my own terms, moved to south of France where I have EU citizenship and thus have residency and work rights, and I speak the language, and it’s pretty cheap there to rent a nice apartment in the south, regroup and retrain and then try to find a lower paid consulting gig when the job market heats up, because it’s really really bad right now (barely getting any recruiter reach out on LinkedIn, and it’s just super competitive internally). I've asked this before, but a few years ago, and people said I could probably take off time, and re-enter the job market, but I’m just not sure that that’s true anymore. I hear horror stories of people who are laid off last year who still can’t find work, and they have families to support. I have the painful luxury of just being alone, but I still have the same concern of not being able to find work. on top of this, I have to navigate all of this pretty much alone. I have a handful of friends, but would love to reset across the board. I also really do want to meet someone but my hours and stress really take a toll on dating. The layoff fear has done a number on my confidence and motivation. I also know that being unemployed is not a great look for dating or starting a family.
Does anyone have any advice or recommendations? It’s really hard to know what comes next economically, but I do feel like the tech industry is reshaping, just like it did in the late 90s and in the early 2010s, and now it’s just happening at a further 10 year interval just with a 3 year delay with Covid. that means, I could really devote myself to getting a masters degree in my field, taking on consulting work, and then just finding a job through my fairly large network in tech, and live off hum withdrawals from my accounts, and living in a lower cost city in France I could probably do all of this. Strategically, I could also wait for a layoff and severance, but that may never come and my job performance and overall career gains would be fairly limited. And I’m not getting any younger… any thoughts? Anyone else in this situation?
submitted by xmt0991 to ChubbyFIRE [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:04 blanchedviolets working in an office?

hello! i’m currently working in a corporate job where they require us to be in the office twice a week, but for the past month or so my symptoms have been getting worse and leaving the house and having to interact with other people for a whole day causes me a lot of stress and anxiety leading up to it. i’m naturally very introverted so don’t really have any friends at this job and have cried at my desk before due to spiralling about being unlikeable and never being able to find close friends etc.
i was wondering if anyone had any advice regarding this? my manager is very kind to me so i was wondering if speaking to him would be a good idea, but i also really dislike being open about my mental health to others incase it negatively affects their perception of me. thank you in advance :)
submitted by blanchedviolets to OCD [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:01 HoneyBadgernurse My personal overview of each type including my personal experiences *LONG AF*

Hey everyone! Lately, I've noticed an uptick in posts that seem to target specific personality types, so I'd like to level the playing field a bit. I previously posted something similar on a now-deleted account and want to refine it. Let me make it clear from the outset: I'm not here to shame anyone based on their chronic mental or physical health conditions. It's not about what you've been through but rather how you take responsibility for your behavior. We all have moments of being unhealthy, and that doesn't make us inherently "bad" people.
I might delve deeper into certain types because of my personal experiences with them, so I apologize in advance if your type isn't covered extensively. In such cases, I'll try to draw from examples outside of myself. When I talk about negative and positive traits, I'm referring to more than just one person; most of us have a mix of both. So, let's dive in!
INTJ Positive INTJs typically exhibit a blend of empathy and rationality, expressing kindness and concern for others in a pragmatic yet comforting manner. They tend to prioritize the greater good and aspire to leave a positive impact on the world. These individuals often demonstrate objectivity and impartiality in analyzing situations, possess a wide breadth of knowledge, excel in various domains, harbor artistic or creative inclinations, remain fiercely loyal to their friends and partners, maintain an easygoing demeanor, innovate by thinking outside conventional boundaries, and showcase remarkable intelligence. Negative traits in INTJs may manifest as arrogance and boastfulness, particularly concerning trivial matters. They might display hints of narcissism and a slight disdain for humanity, viewing the average person as intellectually inferior. Some may prioritize scientific pursuits over human welfare, exhibit materialistic tendencies, and exude cockiness despite lacking substantial accomplishments. They may perceive their viewpoint and persona as superior and distinct, albeit secretly valuing others' opinions. Additionally, they could come across as opinionated and argumentative at inappropriate times, struggle with managing emotions--both their own and those of others
INTP Positive traits I associate with INTPs include a keen sense of humor, sharp intellect, and creative thinking. They tend to excel in finding humor in the mundane, showcasing their intelligence through insightful observations, and expressing their creativity in various endeavors. On the flip side, negative aspects of INTPs may align with the stereotypical "average redditor" persona, characterized by tendencies towards cynicism, pessimism, and occasionally narcissism, particularly when their mental health is compromised. INTPs might grapple with feelings of cynicism towards society or the world at large, struggle with bouts of depression and anxiety occasionally during periods of imbalance or distress.
ENTJ Positive traits of healthy ENTJs in my expirience are easygoing yet engaging, exuding confidence, maintaining honesty and fairness in their dealings, demonstrating loyalty as a friend, possessing an open-minded and progressive outlook even on taboo subjects, actively looking out for the well-being of their loved ones, adeptly recognizing and leveraging others' strengths, and empowering those around them to excel. Negative traits in ENTJs may manifest as tendencies towards narcissism or sociopathy, particularly when under stress. They might exhibit addictive behaviors such as over-exercising, extreme dieting, binge drinking, or substance abuse as coping mechanisms. ENTJs might also display aggressive and defensive tendencies, sometimes pushing people away in cruel ways or sabotaging their own success. They may struggle with controlling tendencies, have an intense and sometimes bullying demeanor, engage in black-and-white thinking, and find it challenging to accept criticism or feedback gracefully.
ENTP Positive traits of ENTPs to me include valuing kindness in others, possessing a high degree of self-awareness, being helpful and supportive, exhibiting strong interpersonal and intrapersonal skills, demonstrating exceptional intelligence and education, showcasing creativity, humor, and cultural awareness. On the other hand, negative traits in ENTPs may manifest as tendencies towards compulsive lying, struggling to handle criticism, engaging in "Schrodinger’s douchebag" behavior where they alternate between provocative and defensive stances, displaying baiting behaviors to provoke reactions, lacking clear boundaries, occasionally exhibiting narcissistic tendencies, frequently playing devil's advocate without genuine engagement, fostering a false sense of superiority, and sometimes becoming delusional in their beliefs or perceptions.
INFJ Positive traits I associate INFJs i’ve met include being compassionate, driven, logical, exceptionally open-minded, possessing a sense of humor, exhibiting high levels of creativity and intelligence, being hardworking and dedicated, being a great friend or partner, having a passion for helping others, and harboring a strong desire to make a positive difference for the greater good. Negative traits in INFJs may manifest as an unhealthy level of competitiveness, feelings of envy towards others, susceptibility to burnout or depression grappling with an inner darkness that can sometimes overshadow their positive traits, experiencing shyness and social anxiety, fostering a sense of superiority, being easily annoyed by others, occasionally exhibiting misanthropic tendencies, and engaging in self-pity.
INFP To generalize healthy INFPs can be exceptionally compassionate, kind, and respectful, possessing a deep and soulful nature, demonstrating intelligence, rejecting patriarchal and toxic masculine norms, having a sense of fashion and style, being objective and fair, exhibiting high levels of empathy, self-awareness, and cultural appreciation, and being able to apologize when necessary. Additionally, they can be quirky and unconventional in their thinking and behavior due to their rich innerworld and sense of individuality. Negative traits in INFPs may include becoming resentful due to their tendency to be overly self-sacrificing , emotionally vulnerable and often of lack boundaries, leading them to continuously try to fix or hide from abusive or damaged individuals at the expense of their own well-being, potentially resulting in them becoming victims of abuse or bullying themselves. They seem to be traumatized by life experiences, leading to self-isolation and shyness, a general distrust of others, emotional explosiveness, being overly critical of themselves, exhibiting misanthropic tendencies, and becoming jaded as a result of negative experiences , not feeling like they fit in with day to day people.
ENFJ Positive traits i’d attribute with healthy ENFJs include intelligence, empathy, exceptional people skills, a strong work ethic, organizational competence, inclusivity, infectious energy, and a lively sense of humor. On the flip side, some negative traits i’ve seen in ENFJ are manipulative tendencies, narcissism, a lack of accountability or willingness to change, attempts to control or change others to fit their vision, harboring secret biases or prejudices, feelings of envy leading to sabotaging others to satisfy their desires and need for dominance and control.
ENFP A positive ENFP to me is Enthusiastic, compassionate, celebratory, charismatic, humorous, vivacious, imaginative, affectionate, steadfast friend, universally accepting, exceptionally inclusive. An unhealthy ENFP to me is approval-seeking, prone to entitlement, tendency to stereotype, inclined toward gossip, critical yet sensitive, lacks structure, may belittle others to boost self-esteem, prone to embellishment, and seeks attention excessively.
ISTJ Positive traits with ISTJs are humor, highly intelligent, diligent, values kindness and is deeply caring. My more negative expiriences with ISTJs showed me they can be stubborn, controlling, dismissive of others' perspectives, and have a tendency to push others away due to fierce sense of independence and can be slightly misanthropic or socially anxious. They seem to struggle to be vulnerable.
ISFJ Positive ISFJ to me is Intelligent, exceptionally kind and compassionate, industrious, gentle, dedicated to the greater good, respectful of others. A negative ISFJ in my experiences can have controlling tendencies, perceives boundaries as a threat, are closed-minded and prone to bigotry, social anxiety, judgment, and can be very demanding.
ESTJ In my experience healthy ESTJs have been Humorous, appreciative of others' strengths, protective of loved ones, deeply committed to family, grounded and practical. Negative ESTJs i’ve met have difficulty accepting criticism, are overly critical of others, dismissive and invalidating, pocess tendencies towards sexism and bigotry, classist attitudes, ineffective leadership skills, demanding and controlling, narcissistic tendencies, struggles to apologize, prone to delusion, cliquish behavior, may engage in bullying, disregard for boundaries, belief in exemption from rules while expecting others to adhere to them.
ESFJs i’ve met tend to be kind-hearted, organized, affectionate, industrious, supportive, adept at interpersonal interactions, helpful , genuine , safe and warm. Negative ESFJs seem to have a tendency to form cliques, are prone to gossip, display classist attitudes, overly eager to conform to societal norms, may bully individuals who are smaller or more introverted ,overly competitive and can be manipulative or self serving.
ISTP Positive ISTP exprieinces for me have been relaxed and easygoing, adept at problem-solving, helpful and supportive, values kindness, fiercely loyal , hard working. Negative ISTPs seem to be prone to impulsivity, passive-aggressive behavior, struggle with accountability for actions, neglects self-care, can become jaded, misanthropic , socially anxious and lazy.
ISFP Positive ISFPs can be Creative, caring, intuitive, respectful, serene, adventurous, fiercely loyal with unique personal stlye and personality. Negative ISFPs can be sabatoging, negativitive, self-pittying, indulgent , and critical/harsh on others.
ESTP Positive ESTPs can be open-minded, industrious, self-aware, respectful, outgoing, adventurous and easy going . Unhealthy ESTPs can have tendencies toward narcissism or sociopathy, indulgence, destructiveness, aggression, inclination to push others away, cruelty, and have propensity to break rules.
ESFP Positive ESFPs can be Incredibly understanding, intriguing , enjoyable and relaxed to be around, a friend to all , genuinely like people and bring people out of their shell. Negative ESFPs can be prone to gossip, seek excessive attention, struggle with accountability for actions, may use others for validation, can be hostile and aggressive , can exhibit promiscuity and disloyalty, unexpectedly traditional and conservative, manipulative and can judge others worth based on appearance and sex appeal.
submitted by HoneyBadgernurse to mbti [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:52 ScheduleAfraid1285 Pay someone to take my GMAT exam Reddit Pay someone to take my GMAT Test Online Reddit gmat online cheating reddit hire someone to take gre for me Reddit Pay someone to take psychometric test Reddit Hire someone to take gre for me online Reddit GMAT GRE Exam Taker for Test Help Reddit

If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
I am very knowledgeable and proficient in assisting students in a wide range of mathematics classes. I can help students complete their homework assignments and other projects get an A on quizzes, tests, and exams (including proctored assessments) answer online discussion posts write essays & papers in MLA APA Chicago format and provide general overall academic help in each math course listed below:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
As of 2021, I have tutored and helped students enrolled at the following U.S. universities community colleges county & city colleges schools for-profit institutions listed below in alphabetical order:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day “cancel culture” by scamming people out of their money:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
My contact details:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
What are your Thoughts! Write in comments and ask for help if needed
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Join this subreddit to help us grow!
submitted by ScheduleAfraid1285 to Studentcorner [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:49 AEGISAlliance CSL Plasma: Get 5,000 iGive Rewards® points ($50) after five donations for new donors! (Plus new donor bonus money) Using the CSL Plasma app! Referral Code: ZULMHXXVCB Solid advice for new plasma donors included! Thank you!

Link to download app:
I have advice for new plasma donors who may be considering to try it out and earn extra money:
  1. Eat a meal high in protein 2-3 hours before donating, but your plasma protein levels depend on what you ate the day before.
  2. Drink plenty of water and/or non-caffeinated juice before donating to stay hydrated.
  3. Avoid caffeine such as in coffee or soda before donating or you may get nauseous and vomit or faint during your donation.
  4. No alcohol 24 hours before, and for a little while after donating.
  5. No exercising for at least 6 hours after donating as it can put too much stress on the vein.
  6. Some people get away with smoking or vaping nicotine before and after donating, but it's recommended not to for 2 hours before and after. The nicotine can raise your heart's pulse rate.
  7. If your pulse rate is 100 or above, you'll be able to do a vitals retake after a 15 minute wait. But if it's 100 or higher again you'll be deferred for the day. If your pulse rate is an issue, listen to "Pink Noise" or "Green Noise" at a low volume before donating which may help reduce your pulse rate, along with its effect on lowering your blood pressure.
  8. There is a risk of getting a blown vein if the worker is having a hard time finding your vein when they're sticking you with the needle or if you have small veins. You may get deferred until your vein heals if that happens. But it's ok, your body is able to regenerate your veins with a process called Angiogenesis.
  9. There is a risk of blood clots, but when your blood is constantly moving through the machine it prevents that from happening.
  10. You may be subject to drug screening. The drug screening tests for methamphetamines, cocaine, and heroin. Certain pharma prescription meds may show up as a false positive so you'll want to let the plasma center know what meds you're taking. Testing positive for these drugs can result in a permanent deferral from donating plasma.
  11. A sample of your blood will be drawn periodically to test for certain sexually transmitted infections (STIs). A positive test will result in either a temporary or permanent deferral from donating plasma. If you've ever been diagnosed or received treatment for HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B (HBV) or Hepatitis C (HCV) you will be permanently deferred from donating plasma.
Donating Plasma with Managed Diabetes
Individuals with well-controlled diabetes can contribute to plasma donation, but certain criteria need to be met:
Absence of Complications: This means no existing diabetic complications affecting your kidneys, heart, blood vessels, or eyes.
Insulin Independence: If you rely on insulin for diabetes management, a three-month waiting period is required after using needles for non-prescribed medications. Additionally, you must be free of symptoms or treatment needs related to blood sugar fluctuations (high or low) for the past three months.
  1. Healthy Feet: Active foot ulcers requiring medical attention will disqualify you from donation.
  2. Steady Balance: You shouldn't experience dizziness or lightheadedness upon standing.
  3. Type 1 Consideration: For Type 1 diabetics, eating within two hours of donation is mandatory.
Link to download app:
CSL Plasma: Get 5,000 iGive Rewards® points ($50) after five donations for new donors! (Plus new donor bonus money) Using the CSL Plasma app! Code: ZULMHXXVCB Thank you!
submitted by AEGISAlliance to CSLPlasmaReferrals [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:45 FelicitySmoak_ Do you think there's a connection between Michael's death & his attorney Peter Lopez's "suicide"?

Do you think there's a connection between Michael's death & his attorney Peter Lopez's
On June 25, 2009, Michael Jackson dies, reportedly of a Propofol overdose
Three deaths of people connected to Michael happen within a six month period & I begin to think this was not a coincidence.
  • November 5, 2009 - the father of the first accuser Evan Chandler, commits suicide - single gunshot to the head
  • December 18, 2009, Bruce Ayers (Dr. Klein's research assistant and confidant of 3 years) was found dead on a sidewalk in Los Angeles. Ayers knew MJ
  • April 30, 2010, Peter Lopez (Michael Jackson's ex-lawyer) commits suicide - single gunshot to the head
NO ONE, not his mother nor his family and friends, saw any sign that Peter Lopez would commit suicide. Reports surfaced that said Lopez seemed slightly stressed, but not one sign that morning
Peter dropped the kids off at school at about 9:00 AM Friday. When he got home, he apparently went to the backyard garden and shot himself in the head
There were reports from people close to Peter that thought he seemed "stressed out" in the weeks leading up to his death ... but that he did not tell anyone -- including his family -- what was bothering him.
They did find a 1-page, handwritten note in which Peter expressed his love for his wife & kids and asked for forgiveness, but did not even hint at why Peter would end his life
In the very odd 911 call that his wife, actress Catherine Bach made, she states that there was a "terrible robbery" a few days earlier
I wonder what was stolen? Is the robbery connected?

Peter's History With Michael

Raymone Bain, Michael's former general manager, said she hired Peter Lopez in 2006 as Jackson's entertainment attorney when she was reorganizing his business affairs.
"I'd known Peter for 20 years," she said. When she was searching for a new legal team she said another of her clients, R&B singer Babyface, recommended Lopez.
"I can't think of a nicer individual," she said after his death. "He was a good guy. I'm just so shocked."
Lopez was conveniently/coincidentally hired to replace John Branca.
On August 7, 2006, Raymone Bain stated that:
"in what could be one of the biggest conspiracies in the entertainment industry, documents have been sent to Michael Jackson, and his representatives, which reveal a deliberate plan by some former attorneys as well as associates and advisors, to force Jackson into involuntary bankruptcy. The documents reveal that FORMER ATTORNEYS actively solicited other attorneys, vendors and creditors to 'join in a petition to place the client in involuntary bankruptcy.' ...Based on the timing of the events that have impacted his personal and professional life in recent years, he has long been suspicious that some of them that he entrusted to act on his behalf, and to advise him with respect to his personal and business affairs, may not have always acted in his best interests."
John Branca was fired by Michael Jackson in 2006. Although Branca stated that he left because Michael was surrounded by people who he did not care for or trust, the fact is that that Michael Jackson fired Branca and wrote him a letter demanding that he return all documents that pertained to him.
Michael's letter was dated in 2003. Did Jackson finally have the evidence against John Branca that he needed? And to be sure, Lopez was aware of all that was going on regarding Michael Jackson, whether it was Branca or other seedy characters that surrounded him.

The Final Months

Some people say Lopez wasn't involved with Michael in his final months. They are wrong. He was integral in the putting together of the This Is It residency, as confirmed by his wife & others
Darius Jordi Lassus, President and CEO of IMC Records said:
"in the past three years, Peter Lopez helped Michael Jackson launch the Life Water "Thrillicious" Super Bowl ad featuring Naomi Campbell, the release of "Thriller 25" (the 25th Anniversary edition of the biggest selling album in music history with new mixes featuring, Kanye West, Akon and Fergie), "Thriller the Musical", the "This Is It" tour with AEG and an MJ inspired clothing line with Christian Audigier, you simply couldn't stop them, they were on fire."
On February 27, 2009, he is seen in Michael's entourage

On March 4, 2009, Lopez signed this "Confidential Estate Planning' document
In April of 2009, Peter Lopez was fired. The reason & by whom is unknown, though it is widely believed to have been by Tohme Tohme
It is said that he was fired to make room for John Branca to come back. Reportedly, on June 17th, eight days before he died, Michael signed a letter hiring Branca back as his lawyer. This letter has never been made public
Howard Weitzman, a lawyer for the estate, confirmed:
"In mid-June, Michael Jackson retained John Branca to represent him as general and entertainment counsel in his business and personal affairs."
We all know about Michael's fraudulent 2002 will that Branca has passed off as authentic but it is said that Lopez was in possession of the legitimate 1997 will
Picture taken May 23, 2008
Yes, I know Keya Morgan is not completely trustworthy or a good person but I still don't think we should outright dismiss everything that he says
In this August 2009 interview with Lopez, he says that the Michael Jackson investigation was to be solved "very soon". He seems like a man that knows more than he was letting on
Bach told the police that in the days prior to Peter's "suicide", she was being stalked.
In 2012, when asked if she thought that maybe it was not suicide, or that something other than personal issues was behind his death she said
"I don't know"
In a 2013 interview with The Huffington Post, Catherine Bach states:
"He represented Michael Jackson, and you know how crazy that was. He's the man responsible for putting the "This Is It" tour together. He brought AEG into the picture which I'm sure now he wishes he didn't. So I think that he felt very responsible for what happened to Michael. And I think that that gave him a lot of grief"
This all seems a lot to just be coincidence
Was someone threatening Peter's family because of what he knew about Michael's business?
Peter was openly critical about the way the estate was handling MJ's business after his death. He said they (the estate) did not know what they were doing.
Did Peter sacrifice himself to save his family from threats?
Did he take himself out of the equation because he knew the info he was sitting on and other people knew that he knew?
Peter would likely have known or have been in possession of it, if there was another will
If Peter knew that people had conspired to kill Michael then he would also know that they would have no problem getting rid of him or his family too
Why does Branca seem to be involved in every facet of this?
submitted by FelicitySmoak_ to MJDeathInvestigation [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:33 Whobbeful88 Tips for Passing Your Apex Trader Funding Evaluation 📝

Hello Traders,
I hope everyone is settling in well to our new community here at ApexTraderFunding2024! For our second post, I wanted to dive into some practical tips and strategies to help you successfully pass your Apex Trader Funding evaluation. Whether you're new to trading or an experienced trader, these insights can help you navigate the evaluation process more effectively.

1. Understand the Rules and Requirements

2. Develop a Solid Trading Plan

3. Manage Risk Effectively

4. Practice Discipline and Patience

5. Keep a Trading Journal

6. Use the Right Tools

7. Stay Mentally Strong

Community Support

Don't forget, you're not alone in this journey. Share your experiences, ask questions, and seek advice from fellow traders in our community. Supporting each other can make a big difference in our collective success.
For those who haven't signed up yet, you can start your journey with Apex Trader Funding here: Join Apex Trader Funding.
Happy Trading!
submitted by Whobbeful88 to ApexTraderFunding2024 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:33 Alternative-Ball-765 Strange feeling in head

I am suffering from health anxiety and i was stressed in the last 2 Months with a problem and in the last days i am keeping having some strange symtomps in my head. I feel like a heat wave coming , or like my brain is fludded with someting. It last only a second and my chest and hand get some tingling sensation after that, and of course my heart starts beating rapidly in panic.I was getting them especially when trying to sleep but today i felt them also in the daytime. .And this happens over and over till i manage to fall asleep. Did someone had something like this?
submitted by Alternative-Ball-765 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:23 QuackLab How much to reveal to supervisor?

I'm in a work environment where if you bring up one issue to your immediate supervisor, everyone and the whole management knows about it the next day.
So I've been in my new job for 2 months. The job is not right for me, I can't connect well with my team, I feel like I'm being micromanaged and it's a demanding and high-stress job. As time goes by, I've started getting headaches and crying just thinking about work. It's to the point where I see a car approaching me and wish it would just knock me over. I can't leave the job either because my contract states that I need to work here for 2 years. I'm also likely ADHD unmedicated and those who know ADHD knows how much more of a struggle life is because of it.
So a particular incident happened a few weeks ago where I broke down at work. It was brought up to my immediate supervisor and then subsequently to a higher supervisor. Before I knew it, I was talking to the higher supervisor and he was offering me advice and said that if this job isn't suited for me then I can speak to them and they might be able to able to assign me to a different job.
Until now, I still don't know whether to take up that offer. I don't know whether it's my ego stopping me or because I know completing my 2 years here would open up good prospects for a future career. Although I don't even know whether I want THAT future career since it will just be another high stress job. At this point, I don't know what I want anymore, to be honest.
A few weeks go by, I get increasingly stressed and unhappy with work. I was particularly unhappy with a coworker and I brought it up to my immediate supervisor. That caused a bit of a fallout between me and that coworker. And I guess news spread upwards and now an even higher supervisor wants to have a talk with me. I'm scheduled to talk to them tomorrow. I don't know what exactly they will ask. How much of my struggles with work should I reveal to them?
submitted by QuackLab to Adulting [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:20 slurpymcderpydoo Truthfully, am I a high enough value guy to be husband & father material for a good woman?

32M in the UK. After tonight I’m taking a month’s break away from all social media because I’m pretty sure my way of thinking and self-perception has been massively skewed by instagram, tiktok, YouTube “red pill” male communities etc. for the first time in my life I feel like I’m gonna end up depressed and I need to change that.
Anyway I want to gather some direct, brutally honest feedback from women around my age, because in today’s world I’m not sure if I’m considered “enough” for a good woman. If you could take the time to critique me I’d really appreciate it. Warts and all.
submitted by slurpymcderpydoo to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:17 Classic-Bother-7652 Feeling Incredibly Lost, Alone and Abandoned

Relationship length: 2,5 Years Gender: Male (me), Female
After my first breakup and the endless pain it caused, I thought I could handle anything. A few years back, I even received a diagnosis for ulcerative colitis and managed to cope with the diagnosis and the ongoing suffering. After five years, I opened my heart to another woman.
Two years later, it happened. She met a guy online. I didn't think much of it because men and women can be friends (though it's tough, but possible). He even had a girlfriend, so I wasn't overly worried. After meeting him a few times, she went on a university trip to Switzerland and came back a changed person. She wanted to spend the night at her mom’s, which was fine by me. She said she'd text me when she got there—it’s a 30-minute trip. Five hours later, she suddenly returned home. I was terrified, thinking she had died or something else horrible had happened. When she got home, she said she'd been out drinking with a friend, and we went to sleep because I was too exhausted to discuss anything. The next day, I demanded to see her phone because I didn't believe her (after she didn’t even notify me about her plans), but she refused. Long story short, she had been with Julian, the guy from the cinema. They had gone to watch the northern lights and had some drinks. I pressed her, unable to understand how she could keep this from me. Since she struggles with emotional stress, she confessed that she had kissed my best friend a few months back. After further arguing, she admitted it happened twice more, once at our place.
I told her straight away that we could get through this, and we discussed why it happened. She hadn't felt emotionally secure with me, and I see that now. Yes, it wasn't my fault she strayed, but I hadn't treated her as well as she treated me for the longest time. I wasn't terrible, but I hadn't made her my top priority, and she felt it. She had told me several times how important it was, but she never conveyed just how serious the situation was. We decided to try again, and she agreed to stop seeing Julian for some time (she didn't want to stop texting him because she finds it incredibly hard to make friends and didn’t want to lose that—she said she'd stop if she felt something romantic could happen).
Why didn't I treat her better? I can't tell you. Maybe my illnesses stressed me out! Maybe it was university, which has never stressed me so much, that kept me from paying enough attention to my girlfriend. I just didn't realize how serious it was.
A few days ago, my girlfriend decided to take a break from me to clear her thoughts and find out if she can still love me.
And then, as if things couldn't get worse: in two days, she was supposed to start a month-long break, and just now, she wrote to me that Julian's girlfriend had broken up with him, just as I had predicted.
My disease has flared up again due to stress, and it's the most important university semester of my life, but I can't go on because I JUST CAN'T ANYMORE.
Perfectly timed with our break starting, Julian's girlfriend broke up with him. I don't know what to do with myself. I love my girlfriend, even after everything, and I don't want to lose her. But after everything, especially this last part, I feel like I know where this is going. I just can't deal with it. I can't watch TV shows, I can't eat, and most of the time, I can't even cry. The only thing keeping me going is the hope that nothing happens with Julian this month and she comes back to me, so I can show her that she is my number one priority (alongside my own well-being). And I've never meant anything so seriously.
I don't know what to do with myself. I want to tell her to cut off contact with Julian, but she won't; I want to tell her to stay with me, but she won’t. And when I express my fear that she might develop feelings for Julian during the break, she tells me she can't imagine that happening.
I don't know what to do anymore. Thank you for reading this far. Writing is the only thing I can do right now.
I feel like I barely exist these days, especially now. I’ve thought about hurting myself, but I won’t. I know I won't end my life, and I won't harm myself. I can't imagine how terrible the next months will be, but I have to survive somehow, even though I feel I may never be happy again.
So... I don't know what I'm expecting from this... Advice? I Quess. I can't imagine anyone can help. I still have to try everything.
**TL;DR;** : My girlfriend cheated, i want to fix it, but everything gets worse and worse
submitted by Classic-Bother-7652 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:14 Palli-Chan How do I become more mature and do more?

To preface this, I’m 17 and I have terrible social anxiety/depression, while my sister is 18(about to be 19) and generally fine. After every school day I’m so incredibly tired and stressed I can’t do my homework. Doing anything related to school stresses me out beyond belief and I get distracted. Even with really easy things that would make my life easier. Like revising and turning in something I’ve already done. My mother just had a long conversation with my sister and I about how we do nothing. It’s Sunday and we’ve slept the whole weekend. She says she doesn’t want us missing out on memories and that we don’t take advantage of the things we can do. Which I get.. but we’re not rich and I go back and forth between my parent’s apartments every Friday. I’m not permanently anywhere. That isn’t an excuse but it does make things harder. There’s things I want to do but there’s so many steps and making plans every weekend stresses the people around me out. If I ask my dad or mom’s boyfriend for a ride to a store it won’t get done till a different day/week and they’ll sigh and act like I’m taking advantage of them. I have no friends, what would I go out and do without my family? If I ever ask for something I feel incredibly bad because we don’t have money and I’m not smart or useful. I have terrible grades and I sleep and cry all the time. What gives me the right to ask for something fun? I know I need to grow up and get a job soon, that’s all they ever talk about, but I feel like I need to work on so many other things as well. I need to get a better diet because I don’t eat or overeat, I need to learn to drive, I need to participate in school and make friends, I need to make cleaning myself not something I do obsessively everyday out of fear but a habit to make myself feel healthy, I need to get control over my depression and anxiety before it controls my whole life, I need to look for places to live, I need to get off my phone, I need to do so much but I feel constantly overwhelmed. In the end I end up doing nothing.
TL;DR I am stuck in a constant cycle of feeling overwhelmed and being too depressed to do anything. I fear that I’ll never break this cycle and that it’ll plague me throughout my adult life until I’m a sour old lady who blames everything on the world. Fear tactics just make me more depressed. I want to get a job but I’m already failing half my classes and I am so mentally and physically tired I have no Idea how I’d manage a job after school. I think a job would be way less stressful than school though. How do I change my life before I get stuck like this as an adult?
submitted by Palli-Chan to Advice [link] [comments]