Benner theory

Learn more about AGP and AAP! (and spread the knowledge further)

2023.09.07 01:02 gockstar Learn more about AGP and AAP! (and spread the knowledge further)

Here are links to papers, studies, and books about autoheterosexuality (male autogynephilia and female autoandrophilia.
When I couldn't find a link to the paper PDFs, I typically marked it as "paywalled" (you can still access these using scihub).
If you want to repost this information elsewhere on Reddit, download this .txt file and copy+paste the parts you want to use (while in "Markdown Mode"). Bookmark this post if you think you might want to share it with others at some point.

Books about AGP

Ray Blanchard

Empirical Typology Studies
Reviews and Theorizing:

Anne Lawrence

Priority reading:
Other papers:

Kevin Hsu and Michael Bailey

Empirical AGP and GAMP studies:
Empirical studies on other autosexual orientations:
Autosexual orientations—review and theory:

The Dissenting Point of View

Charles Moser
Julia Serano
Jamie Veale

Autoandrophilic Transgenderism

Note concerning these putative AAP sources: they don't use the term "autoandrophilia", but I'm pretty confident that's what they're ultimately describing even if they aren't using the appropriate term.

In-Depth Accounts of Autoandrophilia

Elsa B: “Analysis of a case of transvestitism” (1930) -Emil Gutheil
Mr. G: Splitting: A Case of Female Masculinity (1974) -Robert Stoller
Lou Sullivan:
Maia Kobabe: Gender Queer (2019)
submitted by gockstar to askAGP [link] [comments]

2023.04.06 16:02 ASICmachine Is Samuel Benner's Theory pointing us to the next Bull Run (x-post from /r/Cryptocurrency)

Is Samuel Benner's Theory pointing us to the next Bull Run (x-post from /Cryptocurrency) submitted by ASICmachine to CryptoCurrencyClassic [link] [comments]

2023.04.06 15:51 Zealousideal-War6206 Is Samuel Benner's Theory pointing us to the next Bull Run

Is Samuel Benner's Theory pointing us to the next Bull Run
This Analysis is amazingly accurate. Made in 1875 by samuel Benner shows periods of panic , good time to sell assets and good times to buy.
If you look at the Top row it actually predicted the great depression, WW2, Dot com bubble and the Covid crash which we recently went through. Kind of Mind blowing.
Currently we are in a period of hard times and lowering asset prices and indicates a good time to buy assets soon.

credit: ProblemSnipper

Who Is Samuel Benner? First he wasn't an economist but a famer bankrupt by 1873 crisis.
He tried to work out the causes of market fluctuations. He came across a large degree of cyclicality and published it in his 1875 "BENNER PROPHECIES" which included an 11 years cycle in corn and pig prices, with peaks alternating every 5 to 6 years. Cotton prices cycle peaked every 11 years . A 27 years cycle in pig iron prices dropped every 11, 9, 7 years and peaked of the order of 8,9,10 years.
submitted by Zealousideal-War6206 to CryptoCurrency [link] [comments]

2023.03.22 17:09 Frequent-Ebb6310 Benner Cycle Theory: Can Pigs, Corn & Natural Cycles Predict Financial Market Movements?

submitted by Frequent-Ebb6310 to stockanalysis [link] [comments]

2023.03.22 15:47 Frequent-Ebb6310 Benner Cycle Theory: Can Pigs, Corn & Natural Cycles Predict Financial Market Movements?

Benner Cycle Theory: Can Pigs, Corn & Natural Cycles Predict Financial Market Movements? submitted by Frequent-Ebb6310 to StockMarket [link] [comments]

2022.09.27 21:45 avocadotoast996 Have y’all ever literally been able to “feel” yourself increasing in competency as a nurse? Like in Benner’s theory - moving from competent to proficient to expert?

Hear me out. So you remember what it was like as a new grad. Always scared, you have no idea how to prioritize anything, you basically just follow the tasks/what you’re told to do and get through the day. Then you’re off orientation for a while. You start being able to identify problems before they happen. You develop your own work flow. You feel like you have more of a grip on things.
All of a sudden - you’ve been at it for two to three years. Your pattern recognition has come in. You start having “hunches” that are right. You can focus on more than just the immediate- you see the bigger picture.
Then… over time… you don’t even need the rules to guide you anymore. You just know what needs to be done by intuition. You can smell a patient crashing from a mile away. You’re flexible. When you’re handed something you don’t immediately know how to do, you figure it out. Fast. You are the nursing embodiment of “roll with the punches.”
I can feel myself slowly becoming the last stage and it’s just cool. Like I don’t need to rely on reading policies and procedures and going exactly by the book/orders anymore. It’s like my brain just knows what needs to be done, and we get it done. I’ve become so much more adaptable too. My skills are more easily applied to every situation, if that makes sense. I can’t believe how far I’ve come.
Anyways, I don’t know what the actual point of writing this out was. Just thinking if anyone else has felt this.
Explanation of Benner’s theory:
submitted by avocadotoast996 to nursing [link] [comments]

2022.07.17 11:31 agentfitzsimmons Theories and wishes for Season 5

With the season 4 being over I’ve gone through this sub reading all the insane and awesome theories y’all have and I thought I’d write down some of my most favourite theories and wishes for the final season:
(SEASON 4 SPOILERS AHEAD, for obvious reason)

That's all I could've think up at this moment. What else would you like to happen in the final season, what are some of your wishes/ theories? And what do you think about the ones I've written above? I'd love to hear your thoughts on it!
submitted by agentfitzsimmons to StrangerThings [link] [comments]

2022.07.14 05:37 MysteriousGarden4962 Henry is Janes Father?! (First theory)

I believe Henry Creel/One/Vecna is Jane/Elevens father. Not only that but I believe since doctor benner wanted to recreate Henry’s powers he would use his dna(sperm) and impregnate mothers then to take their children as he did with Jane. Also Terry Ives(Elevens mom)was participating in the Mk Ultra project around 1969. Henry was born around 1947 so he would have been 22 years old. This would line up since he and brenner would be both at the lab where the Mk ultra project would take place. Terry would have Jane in 1971 when she was about 20. In the novel “Suspicious minds” it tells us Andrew Rich was Terrys boyfriend but this does not mean Henry didn’t manipulate Terry into having a kid since he is shown to be very manipulative to Eleven in season 4. Also we do see he is very hellbent on getting Eleven on his side although this could just be because he seen her as a “competitor” or “too strong” so he didn’t want to be against her. And we see he can kill anyone by just moving his fingers so it looks like he was holding back against Eleven. But this is just a theory that took some inspiration from various YouTube videos and my first theory.
submitted by MysteriousGarden4962 to StrangerThingsTheorie [link] [comments]

2022.06.25 07:22 GodandJesusSave Hidden Messages in the Bible Pt. 3

[These Hidden Messages Posts will begin with the same opening paragraph and end with the same ending paragraphs more than likely. Then, the middle will have the hidden message.]
So apparently God sent messages to the Israelites, and those messages are embedded into the Hebrew language of the bible. It seems that each letter of the Hebrew language can represent several things. I guess much like we have many words in the English language, whereas one word may have several meanings. Also their letters have numerical values. So, in translating the bible, you can either read straight across to read the bible like a standard book, but if you analyze the individual words, or use the spacing of biblical numbers that some refer to as holy numbers, then the bible can be decoded many times, to find hidden messages. A proof that God Almighty exists and is with us. Praise to God Almighty!!
So, with regard to the book of Genesis, Chapter 38 kind of stands apart from the rest of Genesis. So they did a little in-depth look regarding the 7squared (as in Hidden messages Part 1) situation points out the name of Boaz in 49 letter increments. Then the name of Ruth, and the name of Obed and Jesse and David. Now if you are familiar with the book of Ruth and the line of David, this is David's ancestry, whereas Boaz married Ruth and gave birth to Obed, who fathered Jesse, who fathered David.
Thus, the line of David, who would not come along until the book of 1 Samuel, was fortold in the book of Genesis in a hidden message. Now how fascinating is that ?!?!?!!!!
There are so so so many of these kinds of things just baked right into the bible.
You may find this information via Chuck Missler or Jeff Benner, but I have found no man to be 100% accurate in life, as everyone makes mistakes including myself. So as a disclaimer I find Chuck Missler to have some amazing information when he is correct, but I find him to be correct only about 65% of the time, might be a good estimate. Jeff Benner, on the other hand, also has some amazing info, and I find him to be correct abotu 95% of the time if I had to venture a guesstimate.
Going back to Missler, he is just full of historical & geographical information. It's some of his theories that I don't always agree with, such as his perspective of the line of Cain vs. the line of Abel prior to the flood, and he's left it wide open to be refuted. Long Story. Another story.
God bless you :)
submitted by GodandJesusSave to ChristiansPonder [link] [comments]

2022.06.25 07:11 GodandJesusSave Hidden Messages in the Bible Pt 2

[These Hidden Messages Posts will begin with the same opening paragraph and end with the same ending paragraphs more than likely. Then, the middle will have the hidden message]
So apparently God sent messages to the Israelites, and those messages are embedded into the Hebrew language of the bible. It seems that each letter of the Hebrew language can represent several things. I guess much like we have many words in the English language, whereas one word may have several meanings. Also their letters have numerical values. So, in translating the bible, you can either read straight across to read the bible like a standard book, but if you analyze the individual words, or use the spacing of biblical numbers that some refer to as holy numbers, then the bible can be decoded many times, to find hidden messages. A proof that God Almighty exists and is with us. Praise to God Almighty!!
So as it turns out people who have studied the Hebrew translations of the names in the Genesis 5 genealogy, have discovered that the names & their meanings actually reveal a message from God Almighty. Just another thing that proves that the Holy Bible is the one true book of God. I've seen this from 2 different Hebrew translators now.
This is so great! I love it!
Adam .............Man
Seth................(is) appointed
Enosh.............(a) mortal
Cainan............dwelling/sorrow ..... [one interpreter says dwelling and one says sorrow]
Mehalaleel.....(the) Light of God
Jared.............(will) come down
Enoch............dedicated/teaching .....[again 2 different translations but it still works]
Methuselah...his death will bring
Lamech.........(the) despairing
So, God has baked messages right into the bible. This is a fortelling of Jesus obviously... long before Jesus was born of men and died for us. I've learned one or two more messages that I'll try to share soon. But this is SO GREAT!!!
There are so so so many of these kinds of things just baked right into the bible.
You may find this information via Chuck Missler or Jeff Benner, but I have found no man to be 100% accurate in life, as everyone makes mistakes including myself. So as a disclaimer I find Chuck Missler to have some amazing information when he is correct, but I find him to be correct only about 65% of the time, might be a good estimate. Jeff Benner, on the other hand, also has some amazing info, and I find him to be correct abotu 95% of the time if I had to venture a guesstimate.
Going back to Missler, he is just full of historical & geographical information. It's some of his theories that I don't always agree with, such as his perspective of the line of Cain vs. the line of Abel prior to the flood, and he's left it wide open to be refuted. Long Story. Another story.
God bless you :)
submitted by GodandJesusSave to ChristiansPonder [link] [comments]

2022.06.25 07:00 GodandJesusSave Hidden Messages in the Bible Part 1

So apparently God sent messages to the Israelites, and those messages are embedded into the Hebrew language of the bible. It seems that each letter of the Hebrew language can represent several things. I guess much like we have many words in the English language, whereas one word may have several meanings. Also their letters have numerical values. So, in translating the bible, you can either read straight across to read the bible like a standard book, but if you analyze the individual words, or use the spacing of biblical numbers that some refer to as holy numbers, then the bible can be decoded many times, to find hidden messages. A proof that God Almighty exists and is with us. Praise to God Almighty!!
So to the point, evidently a thing I never thought of was that all languages east of Israel go from right to left (obviously these are God's designs). And all nations west of Israel read left to right. The meet in the middle at Israel. Many people know that 7 is considered a holy number of God (as is 3 and 12 for instance). So in Genesis chapter 1, if you go to the first Tau (or T) and read 49 (7squared) to an O and 49 letters to an R and 49 letters to an H, which is the Hebrew word for "torah." If you go to Exodus, the same thing happens from the first Tau. Every 49 (7 squared) letters, makes the word TORH. It doesn't happen in Leviticus, so we come back to that. Then we go to Numbers, it happens backward spelling HROT, and then you go to Deuteronomy, and again, its found backward HROT. So then the experts went back to Leviticus and look 7 letters apart they found YHWH. So you end up with something like this:
western languages > Israel < eastern languages
Gen > Exo > Lev < Num < Deut
7 sq > 7 sq > 7 < 7 sq < 7 sq
There are so so so many of these kinds of things just baked right into the bible.
You may find this information via Chuck Missler or Jeff Benner, but I have found no man to be 100% accurate in life, as everyone makes mistakes including myself. So as a disclaimer I find Chuck Missler to have some amazing information when he is correct, but I find him to be correct only about 65% of the time, might be a good estimate. Jeff Benner, on the other hand, also has some amazing info, and I find him to be correct abotu 95% of the time if I had to venture a guesstimate.
Going back to Missler, he is just full of historical & geographical information. It's some of his theories that I don't always agree with, such as his perspective of the line of Cain vs. the line of Abel prior to the flood, and he's left it wide open to be refuted. Long Story. Another story.
God bless you :)
submitted by GodandJesusSave to ChristiansPonder [link] [comments]

2022.01.21 10:59 Visual-Shape-7176 [Gann Theory]There be any cycle in the stock market? US market crash every 7 years?

[Gann Theory]There be any cycle in the stock market? US market crash every 7 years?

Absolutely, the answer is yes, but we can't apply a simple and fixed model to all stock markets. Each stock market is an independent viberation with its own cycle and development laws. Therefore, the cycle and law of the stock market will be introduced before presenting the text of this book.
Since the 1900's, economists in western countries have engaged in the study the law of the cycle, and all believed that there was a long-term law in the economic growth or recession. There is noting new thing under the sun.
In 1930, the American economist S. Kuznets proposed a business cycle applying to housing construction, with an average length of 20 years. This long-term cycle is known as the "Kuznets" cycle, or building cycle. C Juglar, a French economist, published his Business Crisis and Cycle in France, Britain and the United States in 1862. In this book, he pointed out that the capitalist economy fluctuated every nine to ten years, as generally called "Juglar cycle". Joseph Schumpeter took this as the "medium-term cycle", or the "Juglar cycle".
Edward R. Deway, known as the father of cycle analysis, believed that the most statistically reliable cycles were 9.2 years and 3.83 years. He was also the founder of many institutions studying the cycles. Edward R. Dewey (1895-1978) dedicated his life to study the cycles (not limited to the business cycle) and in 1931, he was appointed as the Chief Economic Analyst by the U.S. Department of Commerce. Trying to find the cause of the Great Depression in 1929 and 1930 in the United States, Edward R. Dewey established the Foundation for the Study of Cycles in Pittsburgh in 1940. The following are some graphs about the cycles proposed by Edward.
Business cycles can be categorized into long-term, medium-term and short-term ones. You may ask, is there any business cycle in the stock market or the economy? Let's begin with the stock market cycle and then we will talk about the real estate cycle.
The 30-year cycle is one of the cores of Gann's cycle theory. When making a prediction, the 30-year cycle can be divided in further, including the following different cycles.
• 30-year cycle
• 22.5-year cycle - (360 X6/8)
• 15-year cycle - (360X4/8)
• 10-year cycle - (360X1/3)
• 7.5-year cycle - (360X2/8)
If this 30-year cycle is applied to calculate the stock market cycle, you will get an amazing discovery . For example, Hong Kong's stock market crash in 1987 followed with another one 7.5 years later, namely in 1994, because of the upsurge of red chip speculation by foreign investors in 1993 and the United States' increase of the interest rates for 7 successive times. 15 years later, around the year of 2002 and 2003, the stock market underwent a huge decline because of the outbreak of avian influenza. In 2009, namely 22.5 years after that, HSI hit the bottom as a consequence of the financial tsunami. When it came to 2017, exactly 30 years later, HSI witnessed a depreciation in 2018 after experiencing the bull market.
When the 30-year cycle is applied to Shanghai securities composite index, there will also come something incredible. As shown in the chart below, the first peak after the establishment of Shanghai Stock Exchange occurred in May 1992. Following Gann's 30-year cycle, another peak appeared in the half of 1999, exactly 7.5 years later. 15 years later, the year of 2007 witnessed the climax of the bull market. After 22.5 years, the year of 2014 marked the starting point of the bull market in 2015. It is thought that the year of 2022, 30 years later, will be another high or low point.
Just as the old chinese sayings go that "both people and things undergo great changes in a decade", "gold may become worthless in a decade" and "we cannot predict what will happen in a decade and don't laugh at poor people wearing rags". These sayings point out the essence of the 10-year cycle. Juglar proposed that there was a 9 to 10 years' cyclical fluctuation for the market economy in his book Business Crisis and Cycle in France, Britain and the United States in 1862. In Business Prophecies of the Future Ups and Downs in Prices, Samuel T Benner stated that the highest point of trade price followed a repeated 8-9-10-year pattern. The 10-year cycle also plays an important role in Gann Theory.
Shanghai Securities Composite Index with a Cycle of 120 Months
Take Shanghai securities composite index as an example. After reaching a low point of 998 in 2005, the high point of the bull market appeared in 2015, 120 months (ten years) later. After the low point of 1,664 in October 2008, another lowest point came in 2018, 121 months later.
Shanghai Securities Composite Index with a Cycle of 52 Weeks
The above chart shows that the Shanghai securities composite index also subjects itself to a 52-week cycle. In the weekly column chart of the Shanghai securities composite index, the time interval between the peak in October 2007 and the low point is 52 weeks. After that, there will be return in every 52 weeks, either the peak or the bottoming out of the market index.
Let's see the weekly column chart of the Shanghai securities composite index and take "7" weeks as a cycle. It is found that from the high point of 2015, there is a relative turn in a cycle of 7 weeks or its multiples, namely 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63 and 70.
Is this a coincidence or an accident for the above change in the stock market?
Now, one question. Whether the movement in the stock market is driven by events or the high and low points at the previous time point (cycle)? Therefore, China's stock market proceeds in a cyclical way. The turning point can be predicted as long as the right starting point can be realized.
There is also a cycle for real estate. Although economists all over the world hold different opinions towards the research of the real estate market, but they serve the same effect. I will state the opinions of the following economists for your reference.
·Michael Hoyt, the author of One Hundred Years of Land Values in Chicago, studied the price of real estate in Chicago in a time period of 103 years since there were only dozens of wooden houses, and he found that its price cycles about every 18 years.
·Edward R. Deway, known as the father of cycle analysis, believed that each real estate cycle lasts for about 18 years.
·Fred Harrison, a British economist studying the real estate market in the Britain and United States in the past 200-plus years, found that the housing price cycled about every 18 years.
·Simon Smith Kuznets believed that the building cycle is 15 to 20 years.
It is coincidentally acknowledged that the real estate market cycles every 18 to 20 years. Starting from 1965, it is generally believed that the real estate market in Hong Kong has gone through three major cycles, the first cycle from 1965 to 1981; the second one from 1981 to 1997; and the third one from 1997 to now. The housing price often goes up or down along with the change of both internal and external elements.
I have mentioned the Hong Kong real estate market cycle in different situations. It is not difficult to draw a conclusion from the cycle of Hong Kong's real estate market that the cycle works every six years. Since 1997, great changes occur every six years, including 2003, 2009, 2015, and 2021. With Gann's 50% segmentation method, we can get that three years constitute a secondary cycle, namely in 2000, 2006, 2012, and 2018.
The change of the real estate market can also be concluded with the 18-year cycle, which has worked since 1985. Undoubtedly, the real estate market in Hong Kong goes up after experiencing the lowest point in 2003. Predicably, that the year of 2021 is likely to witness the completion of an 18-year cycle. Stepping back again, the rise of the real estate market in 2003 can be explained with the 6-year cycle mentioned above since the signing of the Sino-British Joint Declaration in 1985.
It is likely that the upsurge of Hong Kong's real estate market will end in 2021, and then we should turn to the turning point that may appear from 2023 to 2024.
The economic cycle of U.S. stocks has a very obvious 7-year cycle.
-In 1966, the United States experienced a "credit crunch". In August of the same year, the U.S. Treasury market suffered a severe "liquidity crisis.
-In 1973, seven years later, the world suffered the "first oil crisis", with stock market and economic problems and the first stagflation.
-Seven years later, in 1980, Wall Street forced the Hunt brothers to stop hoarding silver , which helped some banks and securities firms to avoid bankruptcy.
-In October 1987, the Dow fell 22% in one day on "Black Monday".
-Seven years later, in 1994, the FED raised interest rates six times in a row, and interest rates rose sharply from 3% to 6%, resulting in the most famous bond massacre in history.
-Seven years later, in 2001, the Black Swan event of 9/11 triggered a severe setback in the global stock market, and the U.S. declared an emergency stock market closure from 9/11 to 9/14, but the market resumed on the 17th, the U.S. stocks still had a panic sale, the S&P 500 index opened at 1,092 points and closed almost at the low of 1,038 points, down 5%, while the Dow Jones Industrial Index was killed to 8,883 points, down 7%, and the stock market fell 14% in one week.
The 7-year cycle came to 2008, the financial tsunami, Hong Kong stocks and U.S. stocks plunged.
-In 2015, Hong Kong stocks and U.S. stocks crash.
I would predict that in 2022, there may be a significant pullback in US stocks.
submitted by Visual-Shape-7176 to StockMarket [link] [comments]

2022.01.21 06:28 Visual-Shape-7176 [Gann Theory]There be any cycle in the stock market? US market crash every 7 years?

[Gann Theory]There be any cycle in the stock market? US market crash every 7 years?
Absolutely, the answer is yes, but we can't apply a simple and fixed model to all stock markets. Each stock market is an independent viberation with its own cycle and development laws. Therefore, the cycle and law of the stock market will be introduced before presenting the text of this book.
Since the 1900's, economists in western countries have engaged in the study the law of the cycle, and all believed that there was a long-term law in the economic growth or recession. There is noting new thing under the sun.
In 1930, the American economist S. Kuznets proposed a business cycle applying to housing construction, with an average length of 20 years. This long-term cycle is known as the "Kuznets" cycle, or building cycle. C Juglar, a French economist, published his Business Crisis and Cycle in France, Britain and the United States in 1862. In this book, he pointed out that the capitalist economy fluctuated every nine to ten years, as generally called "Juglar cycle". Joseph Schumpeter took this as the "medium-term cycle", or the "Juglar cycle".
Edward R. Deway, known as the father of cycle analysis, believed that the most statistically reliable cycles were 9.2 years and 3.83 years. He was also the founder of many institutions studying the cycles. Edward R. Dewey (1895-1978) dedicated his life to study the cycles (not limited to the business cycle) and in 1931, he was appointed as the Chief Economic Analyst by the U.S. Department of Commerce. Trying to find the cause of the Great Depression in 1929 and 1930 in the United States, Edward R. Dewey established the Foundation for the Study of Cycles in Pittsburgh in 1940. The following are some graphs about the cycles proposed by Edward.
Business cycles can be categorized into long-term, medium-term and short-term ones. You may ask, is there any business cycle in the stock market or the economy? Let's begin with the stock market cycle and then we will talk about the real estate cycle.
The 30-year cycle is one of the cores of Gann's cycle theory. When making a prediction, the 30-year cycle can be divided in further, including the following different cycles.
• 30-year cycle
• 22.5-year cycle - (360 X6/8)
• 15-year cycle - (360X4/8)
• 10-year cycle - (360X1/3)
• 7.5-year cycle - (360X2/8)
If this 30-year cycle is applied to calculate the stock market cycle, you will get an amazing discovery . For example, Hong Kong's stock market crash in 1987 followed with another one 7.5 years later, namely in 1994, because of the upsurge of red chip speculation by foreign investors in 1993 and the United States' increase of the interest rates for 7 successive times. 15 years later, around the year of 2002 and 2003, the stock market underwent a huge decline because of the outbreak of avian influenza. In 2009, namely 22.5 years after that, HSI hit the bottom as a consequence of the financial tsunami. When it came to 2017, exactly 30 years later, HSI witnessed a depreciation in 2018 after experiencing the bull market.
When the 30-year cycle is applied to Shanghai securities composite index, there will also come something incredible. As shown in the chart below, the first peak after the establishment of Shanghai Stock Exchange occurred in May 1992. Following Gann's 30-year cycle, another peak appeared in the half of 1999, exactly 7.5 years later. 15 years later, the year of 2007 witnessed the climax of the bull market. After 22.5 years, the year of 2014 marked the starting point of the bull market in 2015. It is thought that the year of 2022, 30 years later, will be another high or low point.
Just as the old chinese sayings go that "both people and things undergo great changes in a decade", "gold may become worthless in a decade" and "we cannot predict what will happen in a decade and don't laugh at poor people wearing rags". These sayings point out the essence of the 10-year cycle. Juglar proposed that there was a 9 to 10 years' cyclical fluctuation for the market economy in his book Business Crisis and Cycle in France, Britain and the United States in 1862. In Business Prophecies of the Future Ups and Downs in Prices, Samuel T Benner stated that the highest point of trade price followed a repeated 8-9-10-year pattern. The 10-year cycle also plays an important role in Gann Theory.
Shanghai Securities Composite Index with a Cycle of 120 Months
Take Shanghai securities composite index as an example. After reaching a low point of 998 in 2005, the high point of the bull market appeared in 2015, 120 months (ten years) later. After the low point of 1,664 in October 2008, another lowest point came in 2018, 121 months later.
Shanghai Securities Composite Index with a Cycle of 52 Weeks
The above chart shows that the Shanghai securities composite index also subjects itself to a 52-week cycle. In the weekly column chart of the Shanghai securities composite index, the time interval between the peak in October 2007 and the low point is 52 weeks. After that, there will be return in every 52 weeks, either the peak or the bottoming out of the market index.
Let's see the weekly column chart of the Shanghai securities composite index and take "7" weeks as a cycle. It is found that from the high point of 2015, there is a relative turn in a cycle of 7 weeks or its multiples, namely 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63 and 70.
Is this a coincidence or an accident for the above change in the stock market?
Now, one question. Whether the movement in the stock market is driven by events or the high and low points at the previous time point (cycle)? Therefore, China's stock market proceeds in a cyclical way. The turning point can be predicted as long as the right starting point can be realized.
There is also a cycle for real estate. Although economists all over the world hold different opinions towards the research of the real estate market, but they serve the same effect. I will state the opinions of the following economists for your reference.
·Michael Hoyt, the author of One Hundred Years of Land Values in Chicago, studied the price of real estate in Chicago in a time period of 103 years since there were only dozens of wooden houses, and he found that its price cycles about every 18 years.
·Edward R. Deway, known as the father of cycle analysis, believed that each real estate cycle lasts for about 18 years.
·Fred Harrison, a British economist studying the real estate market in the Britain and United States in the past 200-plus years, found that the housing price cycled about every 18 years.
·Simon Smith Kuznets believed that the building cycle is 15 to 20 years.
It is coincidentally acknowledged that the real estate market cycles every 18 to 20 years. Starting from 1965, it is generally believed that the real estate market in Hong Kong has gone through three major cycles, the first cycle from 1965 to 1981; the second one from 1981 to 1997; and the third one from 1997 to now. The housing price often goes up or down along with the change of both internal and external elements.
I have mentioned the Hong Kong real estate market cycle in different situations. It is not difficult to draw a conclusion from the cycle of Hong Kong's real estate market that the cycle works every six years. Since 1997, great changes occur every six years, including 2003, 2009, 2015, and 2021. With Gann's 50% segmentation method, we can get that three years constitute a secondary cycle, namely in 2000, 2006, 2012, and 2018.
The change of the real estate market can also be concluded with the 18-year cycle, which has worked since 1985. Undoubtedly, the real estate market in Hong Kong goes up after experiencing the lowest point in 2003. Predicably, that the year of 2021 is likely to witness the completion of an 18-year cycle. Stepping back again, the rise of the real estate market in 2003 can be explained with the 6-year cycle mentioned above since the signing of the Sino-British Joint Declaration in 1985.
It is likely that the upsurge of Hong Kong's real estate market will end in 2021, and then we should turn to the turning point that may appear from 2023 to 2024.
The economic cycle of U.S. stocks has a very obvious 7-year cycle.
-In 1966, the United States experienced a "credit crunch". In August of the same year, the U.S. Treasury market suffered a severe "liquidity crisis.
-In 1973, seven years later, the world suffered the "first oil crisis", with stock market and economic problems and the first stagflation.
-Seven years later, in 1980, Wall Street forced the Hunt brothers to stop hoarding silver , which helped some banks and securities firms to avoid bankruptcy.
-In October 1987, the Dow fell 22% in one day on "Black Monday".
-Seven years later, in 1994, the FED raised interest rates six times in a row, and interest rates rose sharply from 3% to 6%, resulting in the most famous bond massacre in history.
-Seven years later, in 2001, the Black Swan event of 9/11 triggered a severe setback in the global stock market, and the U.S. declared an emergency stock market closure from 9/11 to 9/14, but the market resumed on the 17th, the U.S. stocks still had a panic sale, the S&P 500 index opened at 1,092 points and closed almost at the low of 1,038 points, down 5%, while the Dow Jones Industrial Index was killed to 8,883 points, down 7%, and the stock market fell 14% in one week.
The 7-year cycle came to 2008, the financial tsunami, Hong Kong stocks and U.S. stocks plunged.
-In 2015, Hong Kong stocks and U.S. stocks crash.
I would predict that in 2022, there may be a significant pullback in US stocks.
submitted by Visual-Shape-7176 to StockMarket [link] [comments]

2022.01.21 06:22 Visual-Shape-7176 [Gann Theory]There be any cycle in the stock market? US market crash every 7 years?

[Gann Theory]There be any cycle in the stock market? US market crash every 7 years?
Absolutely, the answer is yes, but we can't apply a simple and fixed model to all stock markets. Each stock market is an independent viberation with its own cycle and development laws. Therefore, the cycle and law of the stock market will be introduced before presenting the text of this book.
Since the 1900's, economists in western countries have engaged in the study the law of the cycle, and all believed that there was a long-term law in the economic growth or recession. There is noting new thing under the sun.
In 1930, the American economist S. Kuznets proposed a business cycle applying to housing construction, with an average length of 20 years. This long-term cycle is known as the "Kuznets" cycle, or building cycle. C Juglar, a French economist, published his Business Crisis and Cycle in France, Britain and the United States in 1862. In this book, he pointed out that the capitalist economy fluctuated every nine to ten years, as generally called "Juglar cycle". Joseph Schumpeter took this as the "medium-term cycle", or the "Juglar cycle".
Edward R. Deway, known as the father of cycle analysis, believed that the most statistically reliable cycles were 9.2 years and 3.83 years. He was also the founder of many institutions studying the cycles. Edward R. Dewey (1895-1978) dedicated his life to study the cycles (not limited to the business cycle) and in 1931, he was appointed as the Chief Economic Analyst by the U.S. Department of Commerce. Trying to find the cause of the Great Depression in 1929 and 1930 in the United States, Edward R. Dewey established the Foundation for the Study of Cycles in Pittsburgh in 1940. The following are some graphs about the cycles proposed by Edward.
Business cycles can be categorized into long-term, medium-term and short-term ones. You may ask, is there any business cycle in the stock market or the economy? Let's begin with the stock market cycle and then we will talk about the real estate cycle.
The 30-year cycle is one of the cores of Gann's cycle theory. When making a prediction, the 30-year cycle can be divided in further, including the following different cycles.
• 30-year cycle
• 22.5-year cycle - (360 X6/8)
• 15-year cycle - (360X4/8)
• 10-year cycle - (360X1/3)
• 7.5-year cycle - (360X2/8)
If this 30-year cycle is applied to calculate the stock market cycle, you will get an amazing discovery . For example, Hong Kong's stock market crash in 1987 followed with another one 7.5 years later, namely in 1994, because of the upsurge of red chip speculation by foreign investors in 1993 and the United States' increase of the interest rates for 7 successive times. 15 years later, around the year of 2002 and 2003, the stock market underwent a huge decline because of the outbreak of avian influenza. In 2009, namely 22.5 years after that, HSI hit the bottom as a consequence of the financial tsunami. When it came to 2017, exactly 30 years later, HSI witnessed a depreciation in 2018 after experiencing the bull market.
When the 30-year cycle is applied to Shanghai securities composite index, there will also come something incredible. As shown in the chart below, the first peak after the establishment of Shanghai Stock Exchange occurred in May 1992. Following Gann's 30-year cycle, another peak appeared in the half of 1999, exactly 7.5 years later. 15 years later, the year of 2007 witnessed the climax of the bull market. After 22.5 years, the year of 2014 marked the starting point of the bull market in 2015. It is thought that the year of 2022, 30 years later, will be another high or low point.
Just as the old chinese sayings go that "both people and things undergo great changes in a decade", "gold may become worthless in a decade" and "we cannot predict what will happen in a decade and don't laugh at poor people wearing rags". These sayings point out the essence of the 10-year cycle. Juglar proposed that there was a 9 to 10 years' cyclical fluctuation for the market economy in his book Business Crisis and Cycle in France, Britain and the United States in 1862. In Business Prophecies of the Future Ups and Downs in Prices, Samuel T Benner stated that the highest point of trade price followed a repeated 8-9-10-year pattern. The 10-year cycle also plays an important role in Gann Theory.
Shanghai Securities Composite Index with a Cycle of 120 Months
Take Shanghai securities composite index as an example. After reaching a low point of 998 in 2005, the high point of the bull market appeared in 2015, 120 months (ten years) later. After the low point of 1,664 in October 2008, another lowest point came in 2018, 121 months later.
Shanghai Securities Composite Index with a Cycle of 52 Weeks
The above chart shows that the Shanghai securities composite index also subjects itself to a 52-week cycle. In the weekly column chart of the Shanghai securities composite index, the time interval between the peak in October 2007 and the low point is 52 weeks. After that, there will be return in every 52 weeks, either the peak or the bottoming out of the market index.
Let's see the weekly column chart of the Shanghai securities composite index and take "7" weeks as a cycle. It is found that from the high point of 2015, there is a relative turn in a cycle of 7 weeks or its multiples, namely 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63 and 70.
Is this a coincidence or an accident for the above change in the stock market?
Now, one question. Whether the movement in the stock market is driven by events or the high and low points at the previous time point (cycle)? Therefore, China's stock market proceeds in a cyclical way. The turning point can be predicted as long as the right starting point can be realized.
There is also a cycle for real estate. Although economists all over the world hold different opinions towards the research of the real estate market, but they serve the same effect. I will state the opinions of the following economists for your reference.
·Michael Hoyt, the author of One Hundred Years of Land Values in Chicago, studied the price of real estate in Chicago in a time period of 103 years since there were only dozens of wooden houses, and he found that its price cycles about every 18 years.
·Edward R. Deway, known as the father of cycle analysis, believed that each real estate cycle lasts for about 18 years.
·Fred Harrison, a British economist studying the real estate market in the Britain and United States in the past 200-plus years, found that the housing price cycled about every 18 years.
·Simon Smith Kuznets believed that the building cycle is 15 to 20 years.
It is coincidentally acknowledged that the real estate market cycles every 18 to 20 years. Starting from 1965, it is generally believed that the real estate market in Hong Kong has gone through three major cycles, the first cycle from 1965 to 1981; the second one from 1981 to 1997; and the third one from 1997 to now. The housing price often goes up or down along with the change of both internal and external elements.
I have mentioned the Hong Kong real estate market cycle in different situations. It is not difficult to draw a conclusion from the cycle of Hong Kong's real estate market that the cycle works every six years. Since 1997, great changes occur every six years, including 2003, 2009, 2015, and 2021. With Gann's 50% segmentation method, we can get that three years constitute a secondary cycle, namely in 2000, 2006, 2012, and 2018.
The change of the real estate market can also be concluded with the 18-year cycle, which has worked since 1985. Undoubtedly, the real estate market in Hong Kong goes up after experiencing the lowest point in 2003. Predicably, that the year of 2021 is likely to witness the completion of an 18-year cycle. Stepping back again, the rise of the real estate market in 2003 can be explained with the 6-year cycle mentioned above since the signing of the Sino-British Joint Declaration in 1985.
It is likely that the upsurge of Hong Kong's real estate market will end in 2021, and then we should turn to the turning point that may appear from 2023 to 2024.
The economic cycle of U.S. stocks has a very obvious 7-year cycle.
-In 1966, the United States experienced a "credit crunch". In August of the same year, the U.S. Treasury market suffered a severe "liquidity crisis.
-In 1973, seven years later, the world suffered the "first oil crisis", with stock market and economic problems and the first stagflation.
-Seven years later, in 1980, Wall Street forced the Hunt brothers to stop hoarding silver , which helped some banks and securities firms to avoid bankruptcy.
-In October 1987, the Dow fell 22% in one day on "Black Monday".
-Seven years later, in 1994, the FED raised interest rates six times in a row, and interest rates rose sharply from 3% to 6%, resulting in the most famous bond massacre in history.
-Seven years later, in 2001, the Black Swan event of 9/11 triggered a severe setback in the global stock market, and the U.S. declared an emergency stock market closure from 9/11 to 9/14, but the market resumed on the 17th, the U.S. stocks still had a panic sale, the S&P 500 index opened at 1,092 points and closed almost at the low of 1,038 points, down 5%, while the Dow Jones Industrial Index was killed to 8,883 points, down 7%, and the stock market fell 14% in one week.
The 7-year cycle came to 2008, the financial tsunami, Hong Kong stocks and U.S. stocks plunged.
-In 2015, Hong Kong stocks and U.S. stocks crash.
I would predict that in 2022, there may be a significant pullback in US stocks.
submitted by Visual-Shape-7176 to options [link] [comments]

2022.01.11 08:47 Visual-Shape-7176 [Gann Theory]There be any cycle in the stock market?

[Gann Theory]There be any cycle in the stock market?
Absolutely, the answer is yes, but we can't apply a simple and fixed model to all stock markets. Each stock market is an independent viberation with its own cycle and development laws. Therefore, the cycle and law of the stock market will be introduced before presenting the text of this book.

Since the 1900's, economists in western countries have engaged in the study the law of the cycle, and all believed that there was a long-term law in the economic growth or recession. There is noting new thing under the sun.

In 1930, the American economist S. Kuznets proposed a business cycle applying to housing construction, with an average length of 20 years. This long-term cycle is known as the "Kuznets" cycle, or building cycle. C Juglar, a French economist, published his Business Crisis and Cycle in France, Britain and the United States in 1862. In this book, he pointed out that the capitalist economy fluctuated every nine to ten years, as generally called "Juglar cycle". Joseph Schumpeter took this as the "medium-term cycle", or the "Juglar cycle".

Edward R. Deway, known as the father of cycle analysis, believed that the most statistically reliable cycles were 9.2 years and 3.83 years. He was also the founder of many institutions studying the cycles. Edward R. Dewey (1895-1978) dedicated his life to study the cycles (not limited to the business cycle) and in 1931, he was appointed as the Chief Economic Analyst by the U.S. Department of Commerce. Trying to find the cause of the Great Depression in 1929 and 1930 in the United States, Edward R. Dewey established the Foundation for the Study of Cycles in Pittsburgh in 1940. The following are some graphs about the cycles proposed by Edward.

Business cycles can be categorized into long-term, medium-term and short-term ones. You may ask, is there any business cycle in the stock market or the economy? Let's begin with the stock market cycle and then we will talk about the real estate cycle.
The 30-year cycle is one of the cores of Gann's cycle theory. When making a prediction, the 30-year cycle can be divided in further, including the following different cycles.

• 30-year cycle
• 22.5-year cycle - (360 X6/8)
• 15-year cycle - (360X4/8)
• 10-year cycle - (360X1/3)
• 7.5-year cycle - (360X2/8)
If this 30-year cycle is applied to calculate the stock market cycle, you will get an amazing discovery . For example, Hong Kong's stock market crash in 1987 followed with another one 7.5 years later, namely in 1994, because of the upsurge of red chip speculation by foreign investors in 1993 and the United States' increase of the interest rates for 7 successive times. 15 years later, around the year of 2002 and 2003, the stock market underwent a huge decline because of the outbreak of avian influenza. In 2009, namely 22.5 years after that, HSI hit the bottom as a consequence of the financial tsunami. When it came to 2017, exactly 30 years later, HSI witnessed a depreciation in 2018 after experiencing the bull market.

When the 30-year cycle is applied to Shanghai securities composite index, there will also come something incredible. As shown in the chart below, the first peak after the establishment of Shanghai Stock Exchange occurred in May 1992. Following Gann's 30-year cycle, another peak appeared in the half of 1999, exactly 7.5 years later. 15 years later, the year of 2007 witnessed the climax of the bull market. After 22.5 years, the year of 2014 marked the starting point of the bull market in 2015. It is thought that the year of 2022, 30 years later, will be another high or low point.

Just as the old chinese sayings go that "both people and things undergo great changes in a decade", "gold may become worthless in a decade" and "we cannot predict what will happen in a decade and don't laugh at poor people wearing rags". These sayings point out the essence of the 10-year cycle. Juglar proposed that there was a 9 to 10 years' cyclical fluctuation for the market economy in his book Business Crisis and Cycle in France, Britain and the United States in 1862. In Business Prophecies of the Future Ups and Downs in Prices, Samuel T Benner stated that the highest point of trade price followed a repeated 8-9-10-year pattern. The 10-year cycle also plays an important role in Gann Theory.

Shanghai Securities Composite Index with a Cycle of 120 Months

Take Shanghai securities composite index as an example. After reaching a low point of 998 in 2005, the high point of the bull market appeared in 2015, 120 months (ten years) later. After the low point of 1,664 in October 2008, another lowest point came in 2018, 121 months later.
Shanghai Securities Composite Index with a Cycle of 52 Weeks

The above chart shows that the Shanghai securities composite index also subjects itself to a 52-week cycle. In the weekly column chart of the Shanghai securities composite index, the time interval between the peak in October 2007 and the low point is 52 weeks. After that, there will be return in every 52 weeks, either the peak or the bottoming out of the market index.

Let's see the weekly column chart of the Shanghai securities composite index and take "7" weeks as a cycle. It is found that from the high point of 2015, there is a relative turn in a cycle of 7 weeks or its multiples, namely 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63 and 70.

Is this a coincidence or an accident for the above change in the stock market?

Now, one question. Whether the movement in the stock market is driven by events or the high and low points at the previous time point (cycle)? Therefore, China's stock market proceeds in a cyclical way. The turning point can be predicted as long as the right starting point can be realized.

There is also a cycle for real estate. Although economists all over the world hold different opinions towards the research of the real estate market, but they serve the same effect. I will state the opinions of the following economists for your reference.

·Michael Hoyt, the author of One Hundred Years of Land Values in Chicago, studied the price of real estate in Chicago in a time period of 103 years since there were only dozens of wooden houses, and he found that its price cycles about every 18 years.

·Edward R. Deway, known as the father of cycle analysis, believed that each real estate cycle lasts for about 18 years.

·Fred Harrison, a British economist studying the real estate market in the Britain and United States in the past 200-plus years, found that the housing price cycled about every 18 years.

·Simon Smith Kuznets believed that the building cycle is 15 to 20 years.

It is coincidentally acknowledged that the real estate market cycles every 18 to 20 years. Starting from 1965, it is generally believed that the real estate market in Hong Kong has gone through three major cycles, the first cycle from 1965 to 1981; the second one from 1981 to 1997; and the third one from 1997 to now. The housing price often goes up or down along with the change of both internal and external elements.
I have mentioned the Hong Kong real estate market cycle in different situations. It is not difficult to draw a conclusion from the cycle of Hong Kong's real estate market that the cycle works every six years. Since 1997, great changes occur every six years, including 2003, 2009, 2015, and 2021. With Gann's 50% segmentation method, we can get that three years constitute a secondary cycle, namely in 2000, 2006, 2012, and 2018.

The change of the real estate market can also be concluded with the 18-year cycle, which has worked since 1985. Undoubtedly, the real estate market in Hong Kong goes up after experiencing the lowest point in 2003. Predicably, that the year of 2021 is likely to witness the completion of an 18-year cycle. Stepping back again, the rise of the real estate market in 2003 can be explained with the 6-year cycle mentioned above since the signing of the Sino-British Joint Declaration in 1985.

It is likely that the upsurge of Hong Kong's real estate market will end in 2021, and then we should turn to the turning point that may appear from 2023 to 2024.

The economic cycle of U.S. stocks has a very obvious 7-year cycle.

-In 1966, the United States experienced a "credit crunch". In August of the same year, the U.S. Treasury market suffered a severe "liquidity crisis.

-In 1973, seven years later, the world suffered the "first oil crisis", with stock market and economic problems and the first stagflation.

-Seven years later, in 1980, Wall Street forced the Hunt brothers to stop hoarding silver , which helped some banks and securities firms to avoid bankruptcy.

-In October 1987, the Dow fell 22% in one day on "Black Monday".

-Seven years later, in 1994, the FED raised interest rates six times in a row, and interest rates rose sharply from 3% to 6%, resulting in the most famous bond massacre in history.

-Seven years later, in 2001, the Black Swan event of 9/11 triggered a severe setback in the global stock market, and the U.S. declared an emergency stock market closure from 9/11 to 9/14, but the market resumed on the 17th, the U.S. stocks still had a panic sale, the S&P 500 index opened at 1,092 points and closed almost at the low of 1,038 points, down 5%, while the Dow Jones Industrial Index was killed to 8,883 points, down 7%, and the stock market fell 14% in one week.

The 7-year cycle came to 2008, the financial tsunami, Hong Kong stocks and U.S. stocks plunged.

-In 2015, Hong Kong stocks and U.S. stocks crash.

I would predict that in 2022, there may be a significant pullback in US stocks.
submitted by Visual-Shape-7176 to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2021.12.17 04:05 thinkingstranger December 15, 2921
A year ago today, Trump retweeted pro-Trump lawyer Lin Wood’s declaration that Georgia governor Brian Kemp and Georgia secretary of state Brad Raffensperger would “soon be going to jail” because they would not overturn the election results in Georgia.
Today the House of Representatives sent its contempt resolution concerning Trump’s White House chief of staff Mark Meadows to the Department of Justice.
The Federalist, a pro-Republican media outlet, exposed Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) as the author of the text to Meadows proposing that “On January 6, 2021, Vice President Mike Pence, as President of the Senate, should call out all electoral votes that he believes are unconstitutional as no electoral votes at all.”
In an attempt to defend Jordan, the author of an article in The Federalist claimed that Adam Schiff (D-CA) a member of the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol and chair of the House Intelligence Committee, “misrepresent[ed]” and “doctored” the text message. The original, the author’s article explained, was actually Jordan forwarding a legal article that made this argument. While it’s not clear that forwarding the article is significantly less troubling than writing original words, The Federalist was also the first to identify Jordan as the sender.
Jordan’s office confirmed his authorship of the text but claimed the text was only him forwarding a legal theory by Joseph Schmitz, a Federalist Society lawyer who was President George W. Bush’s inspector general for the Defense Department; an executive officer with Erik Prince’s private military company, Blackwater Worldwide; and a foreign policy advisor for Trump’s 2016 campaign.
This, of course, raises other questions.
Hugo Lowell of The Guardian reported that a deposition scheduled tomorrow before the January 6 committee for Jeffrey Clark, the Justice Department lawyer who fed Trump’s attack on the 2020 election results, has been postponed for the second time because of Clark’s medical condition.
Today, before Clark revealed his ongoing illness, Clark’s former deputy, Kenneth Klukowski, testified before the committee.
The vice chair of the committee, Representative Liz Cheney (R-WY), continues to push the idea that Trump acted criminally. She emphasized today that Fox News Channel personalities Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham “are standing by the texts they sent to Meadows on January 6 urging that President Trump take immediate action to stop the violence.”
“...[F]or multiple hours, President Trump chose not to take the specific and immediate action many urged - as the violent mob besieged & invaded the Capitol, attacked & injured scores of Capitol Police, & obstructed Congress’s count of electoral votes,” she reiterated. “This was a supreme dereliction of the President’s duty….”
The texts showing lawmakers, as well as journalists, media personalities, and even the president’s own son, begging Trump to call off the rioters while he refused to do so for more than three hours add teeth to the question of whether Trump criminally obstructed an official proceeding of Congress. The committee is clearly contemplating this question.
Members of the committee say they are following the trail wherever it leads, and a piece today by New York Times reporters Katie Benner, Catie Edmondson, Luke Broadwater, and Alan Feuer identifies six members of the House Freedom Caucus, which Meadows co-founded when he entered Congress in 2015, whom they might find on that trail.
Representatives Jim Jordan, Scott Perry (R-PA), Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Paul Gosar (R-AZ), Louie Gohmert (R-TX), and Mo Brooks (R-AL), who wore a bullet-proof vest to give his speech at the Ellipse on January 6, were all actively involved in the attempt to stop Biden’s election.
The Fox News Channel is also under pressure for its role in the insurrection. It’s dealing with the news that three of its own personalities texted Meadows frantically on January 6 begging Trump to call off the rioters, then went on television that night and claimed those attacking the Capitol were left-wing activists.
It is also facing a demand from voting technology companies Dominion and Smartmatic to see emails from FNC’s top executives Rupert Murdoch and his son Lachlan, to prove either that the men knew the accusations on-air personalities were making against the technology companies were lies, or that they made no effort to determine whether they were real before airing them. The tech companies are suing FNC for defamation and are asking for billions in damages from FNC and Trump loyalists who pushed the Big Lie.
The Democrats continue to try to legislate in the midst of the storm of insurrection news. But they are bogged down in their attempts to pass the large infrastructure package known as the Build Back Better bill or the reconciliation package through the Senate, attempts that have dragged on for months. This was the bill that was supposed to move in tandem with the smaller, bipartisan infrastructure bill for traditional infrastructure measures like repairs to roads and bridges and the extension of broadband across the country.
With Republicans united in their opposition to the larger infrastructure package, progressive Democrats agreed to back the bipartisan measure in exchange for moderate Democrats’ support for a larger package that includes funding for child care and elder care, education, and measures to address climate change.
Biden signed the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill into law on November 15, but now Democratic Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia refuses to back the second measure unless it comes in under $1.75 trillion over the next ten years, significantly smaller than progressives wanted or than the $3.5 trillion Biden initially proposed. Manchin told CNN reporter Manu Raju that he objects to the bill’s inclusion of a one-year extension of the child tax credit because he believes it will likely be extended further and thus is far more expensive than projected. He says his limit is $1.75 trillion, and the Democrats must cut to reach that number, one way or another.
While Manchin is framing his objection as one about the budget, it is also a statement about the nation’s priorities. The monthly distribution of the child tax credit, included in Biden’s American Rescue Plan passed in March, by July had kept 3 million children out of poverty. It dropped the child poverty rate by almost 4% with the first payment alone.
In West Virginia, that translated to 170,000 children who became eligible for payments. Those payments dramatically lowered the food insecurity rate in households with children, which in July dropped from 11.6 percent to 8.4 percent. By September, 86 percent of West Virginians with children felt the payments had made a “huge difference.”
And yet, despite Republican and conservative Democratic concern about the deficit, today by a vote of 88 to 11 the Senate passed a $768 billion National Defense Authorization Act, which gives the Pentagon $25 billion more than Biden’s budget asked for in a measure that funds the military for only a single year. Progressives in the House tried to hold the bill down to the amount Biden requested but were overruled. It passed the House by a vote of 316 to 113.
The measure focuses on a growing threat from Russia and China, and seeks to bring the country’s military up to speed on emerging technologies, but lawmakers were also reluctant to let go of older technologies built by their constituents. The measure also includes funding for an investigation of the country’s 20-year war in Afghanistan and takes sexual assault prosecutions out of the chain of command of those accused, a practice that has been associated with whitewashing sexual assault.

📷Hugo Lowell @hugolowellNew: Jan. 6 committee aide says deposition with Trump DOJ official Jeffrey Clark tomorrow has been postponed again due to “his medical condition”
December 15th 2021
1,631 Retweets6,527 Likes
📷Christian Vanderbrouk @UrbanAchievrA year ago today, the sitting president retweeted a call to jail Georgia's governor and secretary of state because they wouldn't help him overturn his election defeat.
Christian Vanderbrouk @UrbanAchievr
Trump retweets martial law supporter Lin Wood's claim that Georgia's governor and Secretary of State "will soon be going to jail."
December 15th 2021
280 Retweets680 Likes
📷Manu Raju @mkrajuSpoke with Manchin tonight about why and Biden are at odds over BBB - Manchin said bill must not exceed $1.75T - Said that he's objecting to a one-year extension of child tax credit because he believes it hides true cost since will likely be extended. Said it should be 10 years
December 16th 2021
205 Retweets652 Likes
submitted by thinkingstranger to HeatherCoxRichardson [link] [comments]

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17271.Inclusive Early Childhood Education: A Collaborative Approach 1st edition Suzanne M. Winter
17272.Core Curriculum Introductory Craft Skills Trainee Guide in Spanish (Domestic Version) 1st edition
17273.3D User Interfaces: Theory and Practice (paperback) 1st edition Doug Bowman, Ernst Kruijff,
17274.Logics of American Foreign Policy: Theories of America's World Role 1st edition Patrick Callahan
17275.Religious Experience, The: Classical Philosophical and Social Theories 1st edition Irving M. Zeitlin
17276.Thinking in C++, Volume 2: Practical Programming 1st edition Bruce Eckel, Chuck Allison
17277.MIPS Assembly Language Programming 1st edition Robert Britton
17278.Managing Software Requirements (paperback): A Use Case Approach 1st edition Dean Leffingwell, Don Widrig
17279.Short Introduction to Classical Myth, A 1st edition Barry B. Powell
17280.Evaluating Software Architectures: Methods and Case Studies 1st edition Paul Clements, Rick Kazman,
17281.From Novice to Expert: Excellence and Power in Clinical Nursing Practice, Commemorative Edition 1st edition Patricia Benner
17282.Advanced CORBA® Programming with C++ 1st edition Michi Henning, Steve Vinoski
17283.Developing a Creative and Innovative Integrated Marketing Communication Plan 1st edition James R. Ogden
17284.Networking Essentials: A CompTIA Network+ N10-007 Textbook 5th edition Jeffrey S. Beasley, Piyasat Nilkaew
17285.Computer Security Fundamentals 4th edition Chuck Easttom
17286.Developing Cybersecurity Programs and Policies 3rd edition Omar Santos
17287.Network Defense and Countermeasures: Principles and Practices 3rd edition
17288.CompTIA Security+ SY0-501 Cert Guide, Academic Edition 2nd edition David L. Prowse
17289.Routing TCP/IP, Volume II: CCIE Professional Development 2nd edition Jeff Doyle, Jennifer DeHaven Carroll
17290.Security Program and Policies: Principles and Practices 2nd edition Sari Greene
17291.Information Security: Principles and Practices 2nd edition Mark S. Merkow, Jim Breithaupt
17292.Enterprise Networking, Security, and Automation Companion Guide (CCNAv7) 1st edition
17293.Switching, Routing, and Wireless Essentials v7.0 (SRWE) Companion Guide 1st edition
17294.IT Essentials Companion Guide v7 1st edition
17295.Introduction to Networks Companion Guide (CCNAv7) 1st edition
17296.Linux Essentials for Cybersecurity 1st edition William Rothwell, Denise Kinsey
17297.Complex Networks: A Networking and Signal Processing Perspective 1st edition B S Manoj, Abhishek Chakraborty,
17298.Command and Control: ICS, Strategy Development, and Tactical Selections Book 2 1st edition
17299.Penetration Testing Fundamentals: A Hands-On Guide to Reliable Security Audits 1st edition
17300.Fundamental Concepts and Computations in Chemical Engineering 1st edition Vivek Utgikar
17301.CompTIA Security+ SY0-401 Cert Guide, Academic Edition 1st edition David L. Prowse
17302.Deploying IPv6 Networks 1st edition Ciprian Popoviciu, Eric Levy-Abegnoli,
17303.Design of the UNIX Operating System 1st edition Maurice J. Bach
17304.The Social Work Practicum: Preparation for Practice 8th edition CYNTHIA GARTHWAIT
17305.Fire and Life Safety Educator 3rd edition
17306.Life Skills for the 21st Century Print+6 year CSPS eBook Package Pearson School 1st edition
17307.Fire Protection, Detection & Suppression Systems 5th edition
17308.Understanding and Implementing the 16 Life Safety Initiatives 1st edition
17309.Cisco ASA: All-in-one Next-Generation Firewall, IPS, and VPN Services 3rd edition Jazib Frahim, Omar Santos,
17310.ServSafe Essentials 5th Edition with Online Exam Voucher, Updated with 2009 FDA Food Code 5th edition
17311.Logistics & Supply Chain Management 5th edition Martin Christopher
17312.Designing and Implementing Mathematics Instruction for Students with Diverse Learning Needs 1st edition Pamela P Hudson, Susan Miller
17313.Pearson's Federal Taxation 2018 Comprehensive 31st edition Thomas R. Pope, Timothy J. Rupert,
17314.Pearson's Federal Taxation 2018 Comprehensive 31st edition Thomas R. Pope, Timothy J. Rupert,
17315.Revel for Introduction to C++ Programming and Data Structures 4th edition Y Daniel Liang
17316.International Business: The New Realities 4th edition S Tamer Cavusgil, S Tamer Cavusgil,
17317.C++ Programming Language (hardcover), The 4th edition Bjarne Stroustrup
17318.Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications 3rd edition Grady Booch, Robert Maksimchuk,
17319.CMMI for Services: Guidelines for Superior Service 2nd edition Eileen Forrester, Brandon Buteau,
17320.Counter Hack Reloaded: A Step-by-Step Guide to Computer Attacks and Effective Defenses 2nd edition Edward Skoudis, Tom Liston
17321.Interconnections: Bridges, Routers, Switches, and Internetworking Protocols 2nd edition Radia Perlman
17322.Revel for Starting Out With Java: Control Structures through Objects 1st edition Tony Gaddis, Tony Gaddis
17323.Introduction to Python Programming and Data Structures 1st edition Y Daniel Liang
17324.Revel for Starting Out With Python 1st edition Tony Gaddis, Tony Gaddis
17325.Revel for Introduction to Java Programming and Data Structures 1st edition Y Daniel Liang, Y Liang
17326.Revel for Starting Out with C++ 1st edition Tony Gaddis
17327.REVEL for Gaddis C++ -- Access Card 1st edition Tony Gaddis
17328.Revel for Deitel Java 1st edition Paul Deitel, Harvey M. Deitel
17329.A Changing Planet 1st edition Jason Neff
17330.Revel for Liang Java 1st edition Y Daniel Liang
17331.Digital Archaeology: The Art and Science of Digital Forensics 1st edition Michael W Graves
17332.Mathematical Foundations of Computer Networking 1st edition Srinivasan Keshav
17333.CERT Resilience Management Model (CERT-RMM) (paperback): A Maturity Model for Managing Operational Resilience 1st edition Richard A. Caralli, Julia H. Allen,
17334.Introduction to Computer Security 1st edition Matt Bishop
17335.File System Forensic Analysis 1st edition Brian Carrier
17336.Application-Specific Integrated Circuits 1st edition Michael Smith
17337.Application-Specific Integrated Circuits 1st edition Michael Smith
17338.TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 2 (paperback): The Implementation 1st edition Gary R. Wright, W Richard Stevens
17339.Basic Materials in Music Theory: A Programed Course 13th edition Greg A. Steinke, Paul O. Harder
17340.Applied Physical Geography: Geosystems in the Laboratory 10th edition Charles E. Thomsen, Robert Christopherson
17341.Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications (Classic Version) 9th edition Bernard Kolman, David Hill
17342.Essentials of Children's Literature 9th edition Kathy G. Short, Carol M. Lynch-Brown,
17343.Readings in Social Psychology: General, Classic, and Contemporary Selections 8th edition Wayne A. Lesko
17344.Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis (Classic Version) 6th edition Richard A. Johnson, Dean W. Wichern
17345.Building Java Programs: A Back to Basics Approach 5th edition Stuart Reges, Marty Stepp
17346.Building Java Programs: A Back to Basics Approach 5th edition Stuart Reges, Marty Stepp
17347.Biostatistical Analysis (Classic Version) 5th edition Jerrold H. Zar
17348.Introductory Combinatorics (Classic Version) 5th edition Richard A. Brualdi
17349.Discrete Mathematics (Classic Version) 5th edition John Dossey, Albert Otto,
17350.Introduction to Linear Algebra (Classic Version) 5th edition Lee Johnson, Dean Riess,
17351.Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics (Classic Version) 5th edition Ralph P. Grimaldi
17352.Managing Classroom Behaviors: A Reflective Case-Based Approach 5th edition James M. Kauffman, Patricia L. Pullen,
17353.Literary Criticism: An Introduction to Theory and Practice (A Second Printing) 5th edition Charles E. Bressler
17354.Creative Arts, The: A Process Approach for Teachers and Children 5th edition Linda Edwards
17355.Friendly Introduction to Number Theory, A (Classic Version) 4th edition Joseph Silverman
17356.Real Analysis (Classic Version) 4th edition Halsey Royden, Patrick Fitzpatrick
17357.Data Analysis with SPSS: A First Course in Applied Statistics 4th edition Stephen A. Sweet, Karen A. Grace-Martin
17358.Learning Human Anatomy 4th edition Julia F. Guy
17359.Interactive Statistics (Classic Version) 3rd edition Martha Aliaga, Brenda Gunderson
17360.Discrete Mathematics with Graph Theory (Classic Version) 3rd edition Edgar Goodaire, Michael Parmenter
17361.Essentials of Young Adult Literature 3rd edition Kathy G. Short, Carl M. Tomlinson,
17362.Learning to Program with Alice (w/ CD ROM) 3rd edition Wanda P Dann, Randy Pausch
17363.Intrigue: langue, culture et mystère dans le monde francophone 3rd edition Elizabeth A. Blood, Yasmina Mobarek
17364.Guide to NATE/ICE Certification Exams 3rd edition Robert Featherstone, Jesse Riojas
17365.Through the Looking Glass: Observations in the Early Childhood Classroom 3rd edition Sheryl A. Nicolson, Susan G. Shipstead
17366.Time Series Analysis: Univariate and Multivariate Methods (Classic Version) 2nd edition William W.S. Wei
17367.Differential Equations (Classic Version) 2nd edition John Polking, Al Boggess,
17368.Differential Equations and Linear Algebra (Classic Version) 2nd edition Jerry Farlow, James E. Hall,
17369.Topology (Classic Version) 2nd edition James Munkres
17370.Mathematical Thinking: Problem-Solving and Proofs (Classic Version) 2nd edition John D'Angelo, Douglas West
17371.Introduction to Graph Theory (Classic Version) 2nd edition Douglas West
17372.Laboratory Manual for Chemistry: Structure and Properties 2nd edition Nivaldo J. Tro, Daphne Norton
17373.Laboratory Manual for Chemistry: Structure and Properties 2nd edition Nivaldo J. Tro, Daphne Norton
17374.Laboratory Manual for Chemistry: Structure and Properties 2nd edition Nivaldo J. Tro, Daphne Norton
17375.Topology (Classic Version) 2nd edition James Munkres
17376.Elementary Linear Algebra (Classic Version) 2nd edition Lawrence E Spence, Arnold J Insel,
17377.Proactive Security Administration 2nd edition George E. Curtis
17378.Agendas, Alternatives, and Public Policies, Update Edition, with an Epilogue on Health Care 2nd edition John W. Kingdon
17379.Research Methods for Social Work: Being Producers and Consumers of Research (Updated Edition) 2nd edition James R. Dudley
17380.Writing Proposals 2nd edition Richard Johnson-Sheehan
17381.Introduction to Microelectronic Fabrication: Volume 5 of Modular Series on Solid State Devices 2nd edition Richard C. Jaeger
17382.Issues, Advocacy, and Leadership in Early Education 2nd edition Mary A. Jensen, Mary Anne Hannibal
17383.Exploratory Data Analysis (Classic Version) 1st edition John W. Tukey
17384.Data Analysis and Regression: A Second Course in Statistics (Classic Version) 1st edition Frederick Mosteller, John W. Tukey
17385.Gramática básica del estudiante de español 1st edition SL Difusión
17386.Management of EMS 1st edition Bruce E. Evans, Jeffrey T. Dyar
17387.Manual of Spanish-English Translation 1st edition Kelly Washbourne
17388.Early Childhood Special Education - 0 to 8 Years: Strategies for Positive Outcomes 1st edition Sharon A. Raver
17389.Guide to Dental Front Office Administration 1st edition ICDC Publishing Inc.
17390.Teaching Social Studies: A Literacy-Based Approach 1st edition Emily Schell
17391.User's Guide to Engineering, A 1st edition James N. Jensen
17392.Single-Case Designs for Educational Research 1st edition Craig Kennedy
17393.Writing and Community Action: A Service-Learning Rhetoric with Readings 1st edition Thomas Deans
17394.Visual Design Primer, The 1st edition Susan G. Wheeler, Gary S. Wheeler
17395.Elements of Parliamentary Debate: A Guide to Public Argument, The 1st edition Trischa Knapp, Lawrence Galizio
17396.History of Western Philosophy 1st edition James Jordan
17397.Fitzgerald's: The Great Gatsby 1st edition
17398.Hazardous Materials for First Responders 5th edition
17399.HVAC Linc C2 Volume 2 Trainee Guide 1st edition
17400.HVAC Linc B2 Trainee Guide 1st edition
17401.HVAC Linc C2 Volume 1 Trainee Guide 1st edition
17402.ServSafe Manager, Revised with ServSafe Exam Answer Sheet 6th edition
17403.ServSave Chinese Essentials 5e Update Edition with Answer Sheet 1st edition
17404.ServSafe Essentials Korean 5e Update Edition with Answer Sheet, ServSafe Essentials with AnswerSheet Update with 2009 FDA Food Code 1st edition
17405.Learning Microsoft Office Deluxe 6 year coursesmart ebook package 1st edition
17406.SNMP, SNMPv2, SNMPv3, and RMON 1 and 2 (paperback) 1st edition William Stallings
17407.Essentials of Fire Fighting 7th edition
17408.The Neighborhood 3rd edition
17409.Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement 8th edition
17410.From ASICs to SOCs: A Practical Approach 1st edition Farzad Nekoogar, Faranak Nekoogar
17411.Tennessee Plumbing Level 1 Trainee Guide 4th edition
17412.Carpentry Fundamentals Level 1 Trainee Guide, Looseleaf 4th edition
17413.C++ How to Program 10th edition Paul Deitel, Harvey M. Deitel
17414.CCNA Cyber Ops (SECFND #210-250 and SECOPS #210-255) Official Cert Guide Library 1st edition Omar Santos, Joseph Muniz,
17415.DB2 Developer's Guide: A Solutions-Oriented Approach to Learning the Foundation and Capabilities of DB2 for z/OS 6th edition Craig S. Mullins
17416.Algorithms 4th edition Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne
17417.Technical Analysis: The Complete Resource for Financial Market Technicians 3rd edition Charles D. Kirkpatrick, Julie R. Dahlquist
17418.Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and Iterative Development 3rd edition Craig Larman
17419.Algorithms in C, Parts 1-4: Fundamentals, Data Structures, Sorting, Searching 3rd edition Robert Sedgewick
17420.Pearson eText 2.0 for A Guided Approach to Intermediate & Advanced Coding 2nd edition Jennifer Lamé
17421.Storage Design and Implementation in vSphere 6: A Technology Deep Dive 2nd edition Mostafa Khalil
17422.Corporate Finance Online 2nd edition Stanley Eakins, William McNally
17423.UNIX Systems Programming: Communication, Concurrency and Threads: Communication, Concurrency and Threads 2nd edition Kay Robbins, Steve Robbins
17424.Concrete Mathematics: A Foundation for Computer Science 2nd edition Ronald L. Graham, Donald E. Knuth,
17425.Organizational Behavior: Developing Skills for Managers 1st edition Eric Lamm, Jennifer Tosti-Kharas
17426.Personal Finance Experience 1st edition Bill Pratt, Mark Weitzel,
17427.Revel for InMacro 1st edition Glenn Hubbard, Anthony Patrick O'Brien
17428.Revel for InMacro 1st edition Glenn Hubbard, Anthony Patrick O'Brien
17429.Revel for InMicro 1st edition Glenn Hubbard, Anthony Patrick O'Brien
17430.InMacro 1st edition Glenn Hubbard, Anthony Patrick O'Brien
17431.CompTIA Network+ N10-007 Cert Guide, Deluxe Edition 1st edition Anthony J. Sequeira, Michael D. Taylor
17432.Definitive Guide to Warehousing, The: Managing the Storage and Handling of Materials and Products in the Supply Chain 1st edition Scott B. Keller, Brian C. Keller
17433.Definitive Guide to Warehousing, The: Managing the Storage and Handling of Materials and Products in the Supply Chain 1st edition Scott B. Keller, Brian C. Keller
17434.Service Management: An Integrated Approach to Supply Chain Management and Operations (Paperback) 1st edition Cengiz Haksever, Barry Render
17435.Comprehensive Guide to Mergers & Acquisitions, A: Managing the Critical Success Factors Across Every Stage of the M&A Process (Paperback) 1st edition Yaakov Weber, Shlomo Tarba,
17436.Clegg:FT Briefing Sustainable_p 1st edition Brian Clegg
17437.MyLab Nursing for the Practical/Vocational Nurse (text + access code) 1st edition Elaine Polan, Daphne Taylor
17438.Managing Information Security Risks: The OCTAVE (SM) Approach 1st edition Christopher Alberts, Audrey Dorofee
17439.Routing TCP/IP, Volume 1 2nd edition Jeff Doyle, Jennifer DeHaven Carroll
17440.Introduction to Wireless Digital Communication: A Signal Processing Perspective 1st edition Robert W. Heath
17441.LabVIEW for Electric Circuits, Machines, Drives, and Laboratories 1st edition Nesimi Ertugrul
17442.Process Quality 2nd edition
17443.Electrical Level 1 10th edition
17444.Power Generation I & C Maintenance Technician Level 1 TG 1st edition
17445.American Government: Readings and Cases 19th edition Peter Woll
17446.Understanding Public Policy, Books a la Carte 15th edition Thomas R. Dye
17447.College Accounting Chapters 1-12 with Study Guide and Working Papers 14th edition Jeffrey Slater, Mike Deschamps
17448.College Accounting Chapters 1-12 with Study Guide and Working Papers, Student Value Edition 14th edition Jeffrey Slater, Mike Deschamps
17449.Genetics Laboratory Investigations 14th edition Thomas Mertens, Robert L. Hammersmith
17450.Conscious Reader, The 12th edition Caroline F. Shrodes, Michael F. Shugrue,
17451.Case Studies in Abnormal Behavior 9th edition Robert G. Meyer, Christopher M. Weaver
17452.Philosophical Foundations of Education 9th edition Howard A. Ozmon
17453.Writing Well, Longman Classics Edition 9th edition Donald Hall, Sven P. Birkerts
17454.Across Cultures: A Reader for Writers 8th edition Sheena Gillespie, Robert Becker
17455.Helping Relationship, The: Process and Skills 8th edition Lawrence M. Brammer, Ginger MacDonald
17456.Macionis/Parrillo-Cities and Urban Life,7/e 7th edition
17457.Course Design: A Guide to Curriculum Development for Teachers 7th edition George J. Posner, Alan N. Rudnitsky
17458.Conversación y controversia: Tópicos de hoy y de siempre 6th edition Nino R. Iorillo, Andres C. Diaz
17459.Ecology: The Experimental Analysis of Distribution and Abundance 6th edition Charles J. Krebs
17460.Basics of Web Design: HTML5 & CSS 5th edition Terry Felke-Morris
17461.Engineering with Excel 5th edition Ronald W Larsen
17462.MATLAB for Engineers 5th edition Holly Moore
17463.Strategies for Theory Construction in Nursing 5th edition Lorraine Olszewski Walker, Kay Coalson Avant
17464.Scott, Foresman Writer, The 5th edition John J. Ruszkiewicz, Daniel E. Seward,
17465.Creative Writer's Handbook 5th edition Philip K. Jason, Allan B. Lefcowitz
17466.Linguistics for Non-Linguists: A Primer with Exercises 5th edition Frank Parker, Kathryn Riley
17467.Case Studies in Business, Society, and Ethics 5th edition Tom L. Beauchamp
17468.Arts Integration: Teaching Subject Matter through the Arts in Multicultural Settings 4th edition Merryl Goldberg
17469.Hotel Operations Management 3rd edition David K. Hayes, Jack D. Ninemeier,
17470.Young Adult Literature: Exploration, Evaluation, and Appreciation 3rd edition Katherine T. Bucher, KaaVonia M Hinton
17471.Consider Ethics: Theory, Readings, and Contemporary Issues 3rd edition Bruce N. Waller
17472.Strategy and the Business Landscape 3rd edition Pankaj E. Ghemawat
17473.Administrators Solving the Problems of Practice: Decision-Making Concepts, Cases, and Consequences 3rd edition Wayne Kolter Hoy, C John Tarter
17474.Concise Guide to Technical Communication, A 3rd edition Laura J. Gurak, John M. Lannon
17475.Pleasures of Children's Literature, The 3rd edition Perry Nodelman, Mavis Reimer
17476.L'Essentiel de la grammaire française 3rd edition LeonFranco Hoffmann, Jean Marie Schultz
17477.Modelos: An Integrated Approach for Proficiency in Spanish 2nd edition Agnes L. Dimitriou, Frances M. Sweeney,
17478.Leadership, Ethics and Policing: Challenges for the 21st Century 2nd edition P J. Ortmeier, Edwin Meese
17479.Statistics and Data Analysis for Nursing Research 2nd edition Denise F. Polit
17480.To the Point 2nd edition Gilbert H. Muller, Harvey S. Wiener
17481.Bonne Continuation: Approfondissement à l'écrit et à l'oral 2nd edition Nina Furry, Hannelore Jarausch
17482.Minerals in Thin Section 2nd edition Dexter Perkins, Kevin R. Henke
17483.Elements of ML Programming, ML97 Edition 2nd edition Jeffrey D. Ullman
17484.Introduction to JavaScript Programming The 'Nothing but a Browser' Approach 1st edition Eric Roberts
17485.Socrates Comes to Wall Street 1st edition Thomas I. White
17486.Traffic Enforcement and Crash Investigation 1st edition Ross Olmos
17487.Social Work and Health Care: Policy, Practice, and Professionalism 1st edition Joan M. Borst
17488.Research Essentials: Foundations for Evidence-Based Practice 1st edition Susan L. Norwood
17489.Research Primer for Communication Sciences and Disorders, A 1st edition Timothy Meline
17490.Building ASL Interpreting and Translation Skills: Narratives for Practice (with DVD) 1st edition Nanci A. Scheetz
17491.Cultural Competence in Process and Practice: Building Bridges 1st edition Juliet C. Rothman, Juliet C. Rothman
17492.Writing for the Government 1st edition Libby Allison, Miriam F. Williams
17493.Introduction to Programming in Java: An Interdisciplinary Approach 1st edition Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne
17494.Investigating High-Tech Crime 1st edition Michael Knetzger, Jeremy Muraski
17495.Math Skills for Allied Health Careers 1st edition Daniel L. Timmons, Catherine W. Johnson
17496.Teaching Elementary Physical Education: Strategies for the Classroom Teacher 1st edition Peter Hastie, Ellen Martin
17497.Ecology on Campus 1st edition Robert Kingsolver
17498.Practical Introduction to Literary Study, A 1st edition James S. Brown, Scott D. Yarbrough
17499.Writing in the Health Professions 1st edition Barbara A Heifferon
17500.In a Field of Words: A Creative Writing Text 1st edition Sybil Estess, Janet McCann
17501.C++ for Java Programmers 1st edition Mark A. Weiss
17502.Artists, Critics, Context: Readings in and Around American Art since 1945 1st edition Paul F. Fabozzi
17503.Doing and Being: Selected Readings in Moral Philosophy 1st edition Joram Haber
17504.Primacy of Caring, The: Stress and Coping in Health and Illness 1st edition Patricia Benner
17505.Calculus with Analytic Geometry 7th edition Dale Varberg, Edwin J. Purcell
17506.Tennessee Electrical Level 1 Trainee Guide 8th edition
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2021.12.04 19:16 textbooks6 Google Drive eTextbooks release thread (part-9)!+ Accepting requests every day

Google Drive eTextbooks release thread (part-9)!+ Accepting requests every day
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Please find the list below
  1. Understanding Human Sexuality, 11th Edition:Janet Shibley Hyde & John D. DeLamater
  2. Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases,1st Edition: Jeffrey H. Dyer & Paul Godfrey & Robert Jensen & David Bryce
  3. New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2018: Introductory, 20th Edition:June Jamrich Parsons
  4. The Everyday Writer with 2016 MLA Update, 6th Edition:Andrea A. Lunsford
  5. Shelly Cashman Series Microsoft Office 365 & Word 2016: Intermediate, 1st Edition:Misty E. Vermaat
  6. Writing about Writing: A College Reader, 3rd Edition:Elizabeth Wardle
  7. March's Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms and Structure, 7th Edition:Michael B. Smith
  8. Contemporary Sport Management, 5th Edition: Paul M. Pedersen &. Lucie Thibault
  9. Database Concepts (7th Edition): David M. Kroenke & David J. Auer
  10. Global Shift: Mapping the Changing Contours of the World Economy, 7th Edition:Peter Dicken
  11. Gould's Pathophysiology for the Health Professions, 5th Edition: Karin VanMeter & Robert Hubert
  12. Global Business, 4th Edition:Mike W. Peng
  13. Introduction to Criminal Justice: Systems, Diversity, and Change, 2nd Edition: Callie Marie Rennison & Mary J. Dodge
  14. Essentials of Ecology, 4th Edition: Michael Begon & Robert W. Howarth & Colin R. Townsend
  15. Operations and Supply Chain Management, 9th Edition: Roberta S. Russell & Bernard W. Taylor
  16. Digital Design and Computer Architecture, 2nd Edition: David Harris & Sarah Harris
  17. Manufacturing Engineering and Technology, 7th Edition: Serope Kalpakjian & Stephen R. Schmid
  18. Managing Business Ethics: Straight Talk about How to Do It Right, 7th Edition: Linda K. Trevino & Katherine A. Nelson
  19. International Project Management, 1st Edition:Kathrin Koster
  20. Organizational Behavior, 1st Edition: Afsaneh Nahavandi & Robert B. Denhardt & Janet V. Denhardt & Maria P.
  21. A Teacher's Pocket Guide to School Law (3rd Edition):Nathan L. Essex
  22. Corrections in America: An Introduction (14th Edition): Harry E. Allen & ‎ Edward J. Latessa & ‎ Bruce S. Ponder
  23. Fundamentals of Construction Estimating, 4th Edition:David Pratt
  24. Psychology Around Us, Canadian Edition, 2nd Edition: Ronald Comer & Nancy Ogden & Michael Boyes & Elizabeth Gould
  25. Sociology: Exploring the Architecture of Everyday Life, 11th Edition:David M. Newman
  26. Deculturalization and the Struggle for Equality, 8th Edition:Joel Spring
  27. Research Methods in Psychology: Evaluating a World of Information, 3rd Edition:Beth Morling
  28. The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People, Volume I: To 1877, Concise,7th Edition:Paul S. Boyer
  29. Financial & Managerial Accounting,14th Edition: Carl S. Warren & James M. Reeve &‎ Jonathan Duchac
  30. Natural Resource Economics: An Introduction,3rd Edition:Barry C. Field
  31. Marketing Management: A Strategic Decision-Making Approach,8th Edition: John Mullins & Orville C Walker
  32. Microeconomics, 2nd edition: B. Douglas Bernheim & ‎ Michael Whinston
  33. Microeconomics: A Contemporary Introduction,11th Edition:William A. McEachern
  34. Excursions in Modern Mathematics (8th Edition):Peter Tannenbaum
  35. College Physics,10th Edition:Raymond A. Serway
  36. Psychology in Everyday Life,3rd Edition:David G. Myers
  37. Chemistry The Science in Context , 5th Edition: Thomas R. Gilbert & Rein V. Kirss
  38. Starting Out with C++ from Control Structures to Objects,9th Edition:Tony Gaddis
  39. Precalculus, 6th Edition :Robert F. Blitzer
  40. Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter, 7th Edition: Neil D. Jespersen & James E. Brady & Alison Hyslop
  41. Precalculus with Limits,4th Edition:Ron Larson
  42. Occupied America: A History of Chicanos (8th Edition):Rodolfo F. Acuna
  43. Development Economics,1st Edition:Gérard Roland
  44. Chemistry: A Molecular Approach,2nd Edition: Nivaldo J. Tro & Travis D. Fridgen & Lawton E. Shaw
  45. Construction Contracting: A Practical Guide to Company Management,8th Edition:Richard H. Clough, Glenn A. Sears, S. Keoki Sears, Robert O. Segner, Jerald L. Rounds
  46. Statistics for the Life Sciences (5th Edition): Myra L. Samuels & Jeffrey A. Witmer & Andrew Schaffner
  47. Financial Management: Core Concepts (3rd Edition):Raymond Brooks
  48. South-Western Federal Taxation 2018: Comprehensive,41th Edition: William H. Hoffman & David M. Maloney
  49. Human Resource Management,15th Edition: Robert L. Mathis & John H. Jackson
  50. Disorders of Childhood: Development and Psychopathology,3rd Edition: Robin Hornik Parritz & Michael F. Troy
  51. Public Speaking for College & Career,10th Edition:Hamilton Gregory
  52. Interpersonal Communication: Relating to Others (8th Edition): Steven A. Beebe & Susan J. Beebe
  53. Student Solutions Manual, Chapters 10-17 for Stewart's Multivariable Calculus,8th Edition:James Stewart
  54. Exploring Management,5th Edition: John R. Schermerhorn & Daniel G. Bachrach
  55. English Vocabulary Elements, 2nd Edition: Denning, Keith, Kessler, Brett, Leben, William R
  56. Linear Algebra and Its Applications,5th Edition: David C. Lay & Steven R. Lay
  57. Principles of Macroeconomics,12th Edition: Karl E. Case & Ray C. Fair; &Sharon E. Oster
  58. Cultural Psychology (Third Edition):Steven J. Heine
  59. Database System Concepts, 6th Edition: Abraham Silberschatz & ‎ Henry F. Korth & ‎ S. Sudarshan
  60. Principles of Engineering Economic Analysis,6th Edition: John A. White & Kenneth E. Case
  61. Essentials of Epidemiology in Public Health,3rd Edition: Ann Aschengrau & George R. Seage
  62. Essentials of Business Processes and Information Systems,1st Edition: Simha R. Magal & Jeffrey Word
  63. Introduction to Human Disease: Pathophysiology for Health Professionals,6th Edition: Agnes G. Loeffler & Michael N. Hart
  64. New Perspectives Microsoft Office 365 & Excel 2016: Intermediate,1st Edition:June Jamrich Parsons
  65. Introduction to Networks Companion Guide v5.1,1st Edition:Cisco Networking Academy
  66. Introduction to Physical Anthropology, 2013-2014 Edition,14th Edition: Robert Jurmain & Lynn Kilgore
  67. Loose-leaf Version for Scientific American: Presenting Psychology: A Concise Introduction,: Deborah Licht & Misty Hull
  68. Chemical Dependency: A Systems Approach (4th Edition): C. Aaron McNeece & Diana M. DiNitto
  69. Microeconomics: Principles for a Changing World,4th Edition:Eric Chiang
  70. Contemporary Project Management, 3rd Edition:Timothy Kloppenborg
  71. Marketing: Real People, Real Choices,9th Edition: Michael R. Solomon & Greg W. Marshall & Elnora W. Stuart
  72. The Architecture of Computer Hardware and System Software: An Information Technology Approach,5th Edition:Irv Englander
  73. Communication Skills for the Healthcare Professional,: Laurie K McCorry & Jeff Mason
  74. Construction Jobsite Management,4th Edition: William R. Mincks & Hal Johnston
  75. Culture and Psychology,6th Edition: David Matsumoto & Linda Juang
  76. Our Global Environment: A Health Perspective,7th Edition:Anne Nadakavukaren
  77. Streetwise: Race, Class, and Change in an Urban Community,1st Edition:Elijah Anderson
  78. content details,:Signature Kisses
  79. Code of the Street: Decency, Violence, and the Moral Life of the Inner City,:Elijah Anderson
  80. Storytelling with Data: A Data Visualization Guide for Business Professionals,1st Edition:Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic
  81. Introduction to Human Disease: Pathophysiology for Health Professionals,6th Edition:Agnes G. Loeffler
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  83. Bureaucracy and Democracy: Accountability and Performance,4th Edition:Steven J. Balla; William T. Gormley, Jr.
  84. CPNE Study Guide: Pass Your First Time Study Guide Edition,:Sheri Taylor
  85. Care Plan Study Guide: How to Write Passing Care Plans for the CPNE Study Guide Edition:Sheri Taylor
  86. NYSTCE Secondary Assessment of Teaching Skills-Written Practice Questions:NYSTCE Exam Secrets Test Prep Team
  87. CNOR Exam Practice Questions,1st Edition:CNOR Exam Secrets Test Prep Staff
  88. The Nurse, the Math, the Meds: Drug Calculations Using Dimensional Analysis,3rd Edition:oyce Mulholland, Susan Turner
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  97. Alcohol and Drug Counselor Exam Secrets Study Guide: ADC Test Review for the International Examination for Alcohol & Drug Counselors,:ADC Exam Secrets Test Prep Team
  98. CNOR Q & A: Boost Your Confidence: 200 Questions, Complete Rationale, Test-Taking Strategies,:Jennifer Vieau
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  192. MCAT Biology Review 2018-2019: Online + Book (Kaplan Test Prep):Kaplan Test Prep
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  314. Pharmacology: An Introduction, 7th Edition: Henry Hitner & Barbara T Nagle
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  318. MOS 2016 Study Guide for Microsoft Excel Expert,1st Edition:Paul McFedries
  319. MOS 2016 Study Guide for Microsoft Word Expert,1st Edition:John Pierce
  320. Scope of Practice:National League for Nursing
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2021.08.24 04:16 AffectionateAd6068 More misappropriation of terms: NP ‘Residency’ at the Vegas VA! One goal: Transition from entry-level novice to advanced beginner APRN, levels defined by Benner’s “Novice to Expert” theory (1984). Is that a thing? Heaven help our Veterans!

submitted by AffectionateAd6068 to Noctor [link] [comments]

2021.08.03 16:47 ReviewEquivalent1266 Tuesday's Anti-Conservative Headlines: The media just can't quit President Trump.

2:25 AM Mike DeBonis Washington Post: As many Republicans try to rewrite history of Jan. 6 attack, Sen. Ron Johnson suggests FBI knew more than it has said.
7:35 AM Kelly Weill The Daily Beast: MyPillow Guy Punts Timeline for Trump Retaking Power as Conspiracy Theories Get Wackier.
10:05 AM Katie Benner New York Times: Trump says he will not try to stop former Justice Dept. officials from testifying to Congress.
10:05 AM Meridith McGraw Politico: Trump raised millions but spent none of it on audits and GOP candidates.
10:25 AM Lindsay Watts WTTG-TV: Capitol police officer describes racism experienced during Jan. 6 riot.
submitted by ReviewEquivalent1266 to Deplatformed_ [link] [comments]

2021.06.16 07:32 Megaseelanti The Rachel Maddow Show (June 15, 2021)

"Very unsettling": Mike Flynn's brother is in charge of U.S. Army Pacific
Rachel Maddow points out lingering questions and the unsettling fact that while disgraced former Donald Trump NSA Mike Flynn tours the country stoking conspiracy theories and entertaining the idea of a military coup to reinstall Donald Trump as president, his brother, Charles Flynn, has been put in charge of commanding the U.S. Army in the Pacific.
MacKenzie Scott's Amazon wealth grows even as she gives away billions
Rachel Maddow marvels at the fact that MacKenzie Scott, ex-wife of Jeff Bezos, is giving away billions of dollars to philanthropic causes, but her 4% stake in Amazon produces so much wealth that she still comes out ahead.
Juneteenth on track to become new federal holiday after passing Senate
Rachel Maddow reports that the Senate has passed a bill to make Juneteenth, a celebration of the end of slavery, a federal holiday, sending it to the House, where it is expected to pass and go on to President Biden who is expected to sign it into law.
Rachel interviews NYT's Katie Benner & Jodi Kantor.
submitted by Megaseelanti to CableNewsArchive [link] [comments]

2021.05.13 20:55 beleafinyoself 1-year new grad nurse residency at Orlando VA hospital

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I am a new nurse and I am seeing some of my new grad friends drowning in their first jobs and wanted to recommend this program. I work at a different VA and am not affiliated with the Orlando VA in any way, but I have a good relationship with the people who run the program at my hospital. I highly recommend this position to new nurses (anyone with less than 1 year of experience) who are looking for a supportive transition into the workforce. Gov't benefits are also very good. Please understand the population you would be working with (e.g. no babies). I sent the link to a friend who was very excited that she could go to Disney on her days off, so that is a perk, I suppose. The application closes soon, so apply ASAP
The RNTTP program assists the post-graduate RN in the transition from academia to a complex practice environment. The RNTTP Program consists of a comprehensive 12-month curriculum built upon standards related to clinical, leadership, and professional dimensions. Additionally, Veteran-centric content is reviewed during the RNTTP Program. The program may contain both didactic and experiential learning components. Each post-graduate RN is assigned a Preceptor who is an experienced RN who has completed preceptor training. The 12-month RNTTP program consists of a series of learning lessons, and work experiences, focused on direct patient care. This nurse residency program promotes and supports an enhanced orientation to assist in transitioning entry-level nurses to competent professional nurses, defined by Benner's "Novice to Expert" theory. The residency includes diverse content, clinical experience, and a peer support network providing the opportunity to refine nursing skills, enhance knowledge, and develop relationships as a new nurse transitioning into professional nursing. The program is directed by the RNTTP coordinator who will facilitate the program and serve as valuable resource for the new RN, enhancing the traditional preceptor model.
submitted by beleafinyoself to nursing [link] [comments]