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Science-Informed Addiction Recovery

2012.12.21 22:55 Science-Informed Addiction Recovery

We are a community of SMARTies - people who use SMART Recovery principles and tools to help us on our addiction recovery journeys. SMART Recovery teaches us how to change our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in order to achieve long-term life satisfaction. It is a science-informed and self-empowering approach. ---[DISCLAIMER]--- This sub is moderated by trained volunteers but is not officially affiliated with SMART Recovery.

2013.05.13 11:21 myfavor8throwaway Surviving Infidelity

Welcome to Surviving Infidelity. If you're here, it's because you are surviving, or have survived, infidelity in a relationship that you thought was life-long. This is a support sub, a safe place to ask for advice and guidance. Regardless of your decision to stay in your relationship or to go, we are here to support you on your path to recovery. We ask that you please read our sub rules before posting.

2011.10.09 01:24 mmmTurkeyLeg A Subreddit for Pharmacists

**An exclusive subreddit for pharmacists, or soon-to-be pharmacists, asking for peer advice and discussion.**

2024.05.20 05:49 No_Preference8788 Best program/school for teens

Looking for the best possible program for my son who is a rising senior. Can pay for it. Some substance abuse issues in the past but now mainly daily self medication with pot, anxiety, baby bipolar (bipolar II), some narcissism. Some violent tendencies. He just needs to sort himself out within a really loving and grounded environment.
submitted by No_Preference8788 to troubledteens [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:46 michachu FMD and fanaticism - the dangers of it, and navigating it (spoilers)

Of everyone I've read, the one I'm most consistently reminded of day-to-day is Dostoevsky. This isn't because I spend too much time on dostoevsky (I do) but because the news is constantly filled with what I've come to call examples of "possession" - people acting against their better judgement and often their own self-interest in spectacular ways.
Just from the last day's page from news:
(The news is also riddled with examples that make Ivan's Rebellion pale in comparison but that's for another day.)
And obviously there are the more enduring examples:
Obviously this topic isn't new to Dostoevsky - Notes, C&P, Demons, and TBK all have some germ of this.
But I was keen to get thoughts on how relevant FMD's work still is, in light of all this. How complete do people think his thoughts are around it (they're not) and where are the gaps? Who else have you read has been helpful navigating the topic?
The obvious gaps for me in FMD's work is his general optimism. Raskolnikov repents, Svidrigailov and Smerdyakov go to America, Demons is a farce, Stavrogin confesses. Napoleon didn't repent and history is full of people who haven't. FMD underestimated humanity's stomach. But also it doesn't always help to compartmentalise on 'ideological reasons' as that line is getting blurrier (kill the rich).
There's the dilemma of being true to oneself, e.g. "to go wrong in one's own way is better than to go right in someone else's" - which I could see many of you appreciate is terrible advice. It underscores the importance of critical thinking but also the relative difficulty of it, e.g. am I really going my "own way"? Moreover, is it enough?
I still fall back to Camus sometimes for his thoughts on this from The Plague - rather than any single sweeping philosophy, he stresses the importance of kindness in the face of the unknown and treading carefully ("No, we should go forward, groping our way through the darkness, stumbling perhaps at times, and try to do what good lay in our power").
At the end of TBK, FMD stresses the importance of the family unit and love in forming a well-adjusted next generation, and others have echoed this (I'm currently getting through Steinbeck's "East of Eden"). This is one that was originally lost on me on my first reading, but I see it everywhere now (youth crime, general crime, terror events, bad manners). "Going one's own way" is important once it's fully formed; family sets that up, and until maturity it's generally helpful to err on kindness.
Then there's the question of education - and I think FMD either outright misses this or glosses over it because he was riling against the Europen intellectualism of the time, but I don't think it can be ignored. Love is plenty but is it ever enough? Would 2 parts love to 1 part education be better than its reciprocal? 9 to 1? Maybe you raise well-adjusted boys who are just less suicidal when they're finally charmed by some smooth-talking heel - but maybe that's still better than an orphan looking for any family they can be part of. The examples above certainly don't come from one demographic.
I'll stop there for the moment.
I realise this is a bit of a ramble, but I've been keen for a while now on getting people's thoughts on how Dostoevsky's thinking is still very relevant today. I think fanaticism is one topic that's still very relevant that you don't specifically have to be atheist/theist to appreciate.
submitted by michachu to dostoevsky [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:44 Steffy_Cookies I managed to write part of the lore of my world, its 14 pages and I'm only like 50% done 😔

Evergreen, a rather welcoming name. Perfect for a land full of calm, peace and beauty. Evergreen in this case is the name of a vast kingdom. This kingdom is an incredibly complicated but majestic land and its people as well. Now sit back, relax and enjoy as I tell you about Evergreen.
First of all, where did Evergreen come from? Well the most early evidence of anyone living here was over 8000 years ago though if you truly think about it it could be as far back as 50 000 years. You see, the oldest trace of civilization in the kingdom is a large ancient hotel in the center of Heatherlea. No other building outdated this and that record is still held up to this day. The actual date of foundation of the kingdom is completely unknown and absolutely no one can tell when it could ever be because of the incredibly vague amount of information on anything before the recorded history of Evergreen. Though not everyone is so clueless, one person may know the answer on the timeline and that is The One Hundred.
You may be asking who this One Hundred person is. He is the oldest person in Evergreen and supposedly some sort of God. Very little is known about him but all that is known is whoever this person is, they are the most powerful in the kingdom.
Now I think you’ve heard enough about the kingdom itself and the basics on it now why don’t we get to work on actually unraveling this massive mystery. But with so many things to explain, how can this ever have an order? Well that’s very easy to do, this is a catalog of everything to know on the topic of Evergreen. Let’s begin.
Cities of Evergreen
Evergreen is the main city of the kingdom, it is used as a capital as well as the largest megalopolis of the city. Though in Scriptorium, the language of Evergreen, they don’t have terms for city, megalopolis or metropolis. So to them everything is a settlement, village or town. In this kingdom the size of a village does not matter only its population and Evergreen having over 1 000 000 people living in it, it’s considered the largest village in the kingdom. Which is quite a fitting label for the capital of such a large kingdom. Though not only Heatherlea contains an important building. Evergreen has the Main Hall and Steffy’s Mansion, both constructions are very important because they contain Aletine. Aletine is a rare gem that will be explained later on but for now all you need to know on Aletine is that it is very rare and very precious. The buildings each have an arch constructed fully of this material.
The whispers of Evergreen
Not everyone in Evergreen is happy with what they know about the kingdom. Certain things are very secretive and though on the outside it seems like a perfect place it is shrouded in mystery and entangled in a web of unknown like a huge tapestry of mystery. The people of the villages are mostly happy with how everything is going except for one thing. They want to know more about the village’s origin. You see, Steffy, The One Hundred, Heathotel and Aletinian do not want too much information to escape into the public’s hands. A disquiet hums beneath the seemingly idyllic surface of Evergreen. Whispers flit through bustling marketplaces, hinting at an enigmatic past shrouded in secrecy. Kept under lock and key by Steffy and the other main powers of Evergreen, the population never ceases to speculate what they could be hiding. Is it a secret civilization before us? Or could it be that Aletine is the secret to the lost time? No matter what the citizens say not one word has been spoken by anyone in control. And there is a good reason behind all of that which will be explained later on.
Architecture and style of Evergreen and it’s settlements
A warped image of Evergreen is fabricated when you dig deeper than what’s on the idyllic surface of Evergreen. But the kingdom is still a majestic land. Its architecture is primarily biomimicry as the villagers are very connected to their surroundings and the flora that they share the world with. The respect for nature in Evergreen is reflected everywhere, in the architecture, in the culture, celebrations and many more subtle depictions. The style that the land has adopted over the millenia is a very calming one, they believe in living life to its fullest so the architects try to make things as pleasant to live in as possible in almost every way possible. You will never find any hostile architecture in the city as its capital status means that it must show a good example for the other settlements to follow. However, the pervasive calmness of Evergreen's architecture raises questions. Could this serene aesthetic be a deliberate ploy? Is biomimicry a way to mask the secrets hidden beneath the tranquil surface? The One Hundred, with their knowledge of the lost civilization and the interdimensional threat, may have a vested interest in maintaining this facade of idyllic peace. Steffy, with his atmosphirec gem of unknown origin, might also find solace in the calming influence of these biomimicry structures. No one can know for sure but until more is learned why not enjoy centuries of perfected design and let the peacefulness wash over you as you stroll through the markets and quiet neighborhoods of the town.
The rest of the settlements
Evergreen does not have that many large towns, only about 4 main ones, Evergreen, Azalea, Heatherlea and Islafield. Those main towns are surrounded by much smaller ones but the main focus is on the four towns above.
Islafield is, as the name suggests, mostly for farming hence the ‘field” in its name. The town is near a lake also named Isla The lake is used for fishing as well as a way to water the crops of the town. This majestic town is the main source of nourishment for the entire kingdom with 60% of its land consisting of fields and crops. The kingdom contains 5.6 million inhabitants which is a vast amount of mouths to feed and according to the way Steffy wants to run the kingdom, everyone should have the same chance with life per se he just doesn’t want anyone to starve or die before their time that is the primary reason why he allowed Islafield to become such a large producer of food. He would usually want people to get their produce from the same town in which they live in though since he has 5.6 million people to feed he made the exception that Islafield can export its harvest to the other towns. Other than the beautiful fields of flowers and crops Islafield doesn’t really hold much interest in the eye of the population of Evergreen. Though it is considered the most naturally beautiful town in the kingdom, its beauty does not help it much with population, it has been on a decline ever since the vault of Aletine became public knowledge. Perhaps the Aletinians, a secretive cult entrusted with crafting tools made of Aletine, might hold knowledge about this strange and sudden decline. Despite the dwindling population, Islafield remains a vital part of Evergreen. However, its idyllic facade now masks a layer of intrigue, begging the question: is Islafield truly just a farming town, or is it a cornerstone in a larger, undisclosed operation of the Aletinians?
Heatherlea, a town of beauty and intrigue
Heatherlea, nestled in Evergreen's north, throbs with a unique energy.This bustling town transforms into the kingdom's prime tourist destination during warmer months, welcoming an influx of 700,000 visitors. The undeniable allure? The enigmatic Ancient Hotel, an 8000-year-old structure, the oldest human-made wonder in Evergreen. However, Heatherlea's charm extends beyond the Ancient Hotel.,underneath the ancient hotel hides a vault. The most secure place in the entire kingdom. Inside of that vault is a supply of Aletine. Since Aletine is only found in that singular spot underneath the hotel a vault was built around the mine to keep everyone out of there given how precious Aletine is.Other than its main attractions, its marketplace features the kingdom's tallest stand, showcasing the rare blue and orange Heatherberry. Yet, the exclusivity of these berries in Heatherlea raises questions. Found primarily in the south, their presence here seems curiously deliberate. Is it simply a marketing ploy, or could it be part of a larger scheme? Heatherlea's vibrancy and tourist appeal are undeniable, but a disquieting question lingers: is it a genuine haven, or a meticulously crafted facade designed to distract from the secrets buried beneath the surface?
Azalea, a town shrouded in floral mystery
Azalea is known for one reason, if you look closely at its name you will notice that it contains the name of a flower. Azalea is named after the rhododendron by the same name, Azalea. This specific flower only grows in the town for unknown reasons and once again the reason for the flower's appearance in this one part of the kingdom is gatekeeped by the main powers The One Hundred, Steffy with his atmosphirec gem, and the Aletinians, each with their vested interests in the mysteries of Evergreen, all seem particularly invested in keeping the reason for the Azalea's exclusivity under wraps. Intriguingly, Azalea attracts a disproportionate number of Aletine sellers, who use the flower's beauty to showcase their wares. Why this specific town, rather than a more prominent location? Could there be a connection between the Azalea's unique properties and the Aletine gem? The motives of the sellers remain shrouded in secrecy, adding another layer to the mysteries swirling around Azalea and deepen the mystery of Evergreen.
Shadows in Evergreen: Unveiling the Kingdom's Cults
Evergreen's power structure extends beyond the readily apparent figures like Steffy and The One Hundred. Shrouded in secrecy, a network of cults weaves its influence through the kingdom. While some, like the Aletinians, maintain a relatively benign presence, crafting tools from the enigmatic Aletine, others operate with a more veiled agenda. The Heathotels, shrouded in mystery themselves, stand out for their potential hostility. Their enigmatic purpose and unknown connection to the Aletinians, an exclusive society rumored to possess knowledge on the craftsmanship of Aletine weapons, fuel speculation about their true motives. Do they cover the Aletine's power for their own gain, or are they safeguarding Evergreen from a yet-unknown threat? The secrecy surrounding these cults casts a long shadow, leaving the question unanswered: are they guardians or hidden dangers lurking within the kingdom's idyllic facade? The Heathotels: Enigmatic guardians of the ancient stone The heathotels are a mostly harmless cult. They are in charge of the protection of the Ancient Hotel and are the only ones who have full access to the vault containing all the Aletine. They seem to worship the hotel itself and treat Aletine adorned objects with the same respect as they would do to Steffy himself. They are highly secretive with the reasons on why they respect the precious stone so much and what connection they seem to have with the ancient hotel. While the other power players, like The One Hundred and Steffy himself, strive to keep the Heathotels' activities shrouded, their efforts only heighten the intrigue. This raises the question, if the Heathotels are truly a benign force, why such a concerted effort to conceal their practices? The Heathotels' enigmatic presence throws a long shadow, leaving the question unanswered: are they protectors of the Aletine and the Ancient Hotel, or are they guardians of a far deeper secret? The Aletinians: Sworn Crafters of Aletine Wonders Among Evergreen's enigmatic factions, the Aletinians occupy a distinct position. Eschewing the rigid structure of traditional cults, they follow a oath instead of a set of rules.The specifics of this oath remain a closely guarded secret, fueling endless whispers and speculation. The Aletinians, as their name suggests, possess a unique bond with Aletine. Interestingly they do not worship the Aletine but instead they treat it with reverence, viewing it less as an object and more as a potent material.The true purpose of the Aletinians is to forge everything that is created out of Aletine. They are hand picked, allegedly to safeguard the kingdom's precious Aletine supply, to ensure the safety of the kingdom’s supply of this majestic gem they can only be of a certain sanity. Once again the villagers have their own theories, whispers abound about an Aletine-infused substance used in the selection process, a method to ensure only the "worthy" wield the gem's power.Though to be granted the incredible privilege of handling Aletine directly is very prestigious as only 30 people have the privilege of handling the precious Aletine. But many things are still unclear with them as well. Why do these artisans operate outside the Ancient Hotel, traveling all the way to Azalea to practice their craft? And why, despite their seemingly benign nature, does Steffy strive to keep them hidden from the public eye? The Aletinians remain a captivating enigma, their purpose and connection to Azalea hinting at a deeper role within Evergreen's veiled secrets. The Nevergreen: Shadows Reaching for Forbidden Power In stark contrast to the Aletinians, who utilize Aletine for crafting, stands the enigmatic Nevergreen cult. Driven by a sinister agenda, they seek to weaponize the gem's power, a truth known only to Steffy and The One Hundred. Whispers abound of their attempts to breach the Aletine mine's containment, a reckless act that some speculate triggered a deadly conflict, the War Of Gods, shrouded in secrecy. Steffy himself, it seems, remains unaware of the Nevergreen's potential role in this ancient war. He and The One Hundred instead attribute it to a nebulous embodiment of darkness. The Nevergreen also strive to make the deepest secrets of Evergreen public knowledge. They are the reason why the Aletine vault became known to the villagers of Evergreen. The One Hundred and Steffy tried to cover it up by saying that the villagers deserved to know the truth of where the Aletine came from. But in reality it was an elaborate plan birthed by the leader of the Nevergreen. The identity of the Nevergreen's leader is a captivating mystery. Villagers whisper of a connection to Steffy's ancient enemy, this enigmatic embodiment of darkness. They are also rumored to have connections to the mysterious interdimensional threat looming over the kingdom, a danger only The One Hundred seems fully aware of. This raises the question, if The One Hundred knows everything about Evergreen, why do they still remain passive? Are they truly guardians, or are they somehow entangled within the complex web woven by the Nevergreen?
Gleams of Forbidden light and beauty Aletine, gem of untold power Aletine, a captivating gem shrouded in mystery, sits at the heart of Evergreen's enigmatic power structure. Its existence fuels whispers, speculation, and a fierce struggle for control amongst the kingdom's secretive factions. Here, we delve into the mystery concerning this precious stone. First of all, what are the origins of Aletine? Evergreen's bustling streets are rife with speculation regarding Aletine's origins. Villagers, known for their colorful theories, theorize that it is a form of interdimensional material, arrived here at the mysterious cataclysmic event that destroyed everything. Rumors abound of a ripped veil between dimensions, spewing Aletine into Evergreen while leaving devastation in its wake. While most of these village tales are dismissed as mere flights of fancy, the recent revelation of the Aletine vault beneath the Ancient Hotel has given some credence to the notion of an extraordinary origin. However, the truth remains shrouded in secrecy. Only Steffy and the other powerful factions possess any concrete knowledge about Aletine's arrival in Evergreen. Unveiling Aletine: Myth and Reality Clash The truth behind Aletine shatters some village myths while confirming others. While not interdimensional as some theorized, the gem undeniably originates from beyond Evergreen's reality. Its arrival coincided with the cataclysmic event that reshaped the kingdom, a truth only The One Hundred truly understands. This revelation validates a part of the villagers' extravagant theories, a devastating event did occur. However, it disproves the notion of a dimensional tear bringing Aletine here.The gem's origins remain shrouded in secrecy, fueling speculation about the civilization it hailed from. Unveiling the Secrets of Aletine Aletine is the most precious and most protected thing in all of the kingdom. The amount of secrecy surrounding Aletine is almost enough to rival the secrecy surrounding The One Hundred. With so much secrecy surrounding the gem you might be wondering why it is such a big secret. Well as explained before Aletine is hidden under the ancient hotel, the oldest building in Evergreen. Located beneath the ancient hotel, the oldest structure in the kingdom, Aletine predates all other known resources. The exact date of its arrival remains locked away in the archives of The One Hundred, who possess the sole understanding of its properties. Historically, they reveal information only in dire circumstances to safeguard the kingdom. Steffy's mansion and the main hall boast massive Aletine arches, a testament to the gem's power: repelling dark energy and matter. Steffy had the arch built in his mansion after the battle with The Embodiment of Darkness. The gem releases an aura around it stopping anything that contains darkness from passing through whatever it is built in. The shape of the arch is also a key detail to securing the room at the maximum. The arch shape lets the aura bounce off of it and spread to the rest of the mansion but in smaller quantities. Steffy and The One Hundred are the only two who possess this key information about Aletine. Aletine's potential extends beyond this defensive ability. Could it hold further, untapped properties? The possibility of weaponizing this powerful gem remains a question with potentially far-reaching consequences. Aletine’s connections Aletine is not only known to Steffy and The One Hundred. The public knows about this gem as well but so do all the cults in Evergreen. The Heathotels’s archives contain the largest collection of knowledge on Aletine other than what Steffy and The One Hundred know. A single, crucial truth about Aletine's connection to an interdimensional entity eludes even Steffy. Only The One Hundred and the enigmatic leader of the Heathotels are privy to this knowledge. Aletine is connected to some other worldly being. Since its roots can be traced to outside of Evergreen’s world, there must be some other civilisation that made contact with the gem before the Great End. Another thing to take into perspective is that Aletine is one of the oldest substances in the world. Its age could suggest a lost civilization predating the cataclysmic "Great End." Could this civilization have been the first to harness Aletine's power? The gem's connection to another world fuels this speculation. Aletine has undoubtedly passed through countless hands over millennia. Are the Aletinians, with their oath of secrecy, truly in control? Or is Steffy merely a pawn in a larger game? Perhaps a hidden organization, like a rogue faction within The One Hundred or a descendant of the lost civilization, manipulates events from the shadows. The question of who truly controls Aletine lies at the heart of Evergreen's mysteries. Aletine’s potentials Aletine reigns supreme as Evergreen's most potent gem, rivaled only by the enigmatic atmospheric gem. It has many magical properties,Its most celebrated property being the fact that it can repel dark energy and dark matter which came in handy during the War Of Gods. It can also be used for a multitude of different things. One of the most outstanding creations with Aletine is the arches in the Main hall and Steffy’s mansion. They are guarding the archives which contain precious and secretive documents on Evergreen as well as artifacts that have not been exposed to the public. With so many possible uses for Aletine only a select few are actually used. The Aletinians have been told only 6 times in the last century to forge weapons out of Aletine. With those orders coming straight from Steffy himself. With the looming interdimensional threat it is highly likely that a war will start in the next millennium. Who will be the 2 sides is still a mystery. Steffy is also worried about a rebellion, Aletine has caused unrest in the villages which have caused small riots and raids of the libraries and archives yet all of them end in failure. It is another very likely possibility that a civil war will start in the next few hundred years. The main powers may be aware of this and are preparing to defend themselves if this possibility becomes a reality. Yet, the question lingers: with Aletine's apparent defensive capabilities and no documented harm to Evergreen, why such secrecy? Are the powers hiding something more sinister? Could they be preparing for a threat far greater than a civil war, a threat hinted at by the whispers of an interdimensional entity connected to Aletine? Lempty, a gem of mysterious beauty Lempty gems, with their captivating light blue hue and characteristically rough, quadrilateral edges, are a ubiquitous presence in Evergreen. Lempty is not much of a very interesting gem. It is mostly used for decorative purposes and not very much in weapon smithing.Though it has a lack of properties, It has very famous use, Steffy himself has a 5000 year old Lempty encrusted egg. It is originally made out of the bedrock of Evergreen, Eslud, with a few pieces of Lempty embedded in it’s surface. Even with such a useless facade with no redeeming qualities, it is still widely used in architecture especially in the northern villages to portray the cold and the snow that those villages usually experience. Lempty can be found in almost every mine in Evergreen, since it is very widespread it has a very small value. Compared to Aletine it is 7 000 000x less valuable. Since it is so cheap it can be found in almost every piece of jewelry and almost every building contains even a bit of Lempty. Rumors of Lempty's untapped potential for healing pique curiosity. Though currently as mere folklore, such mystery raises intriguing questions. Is Lempty truly just a decorative gem, or is there more to its story? Perhaps Steffy's undying devotion to the Lempty egg holds the key to unlocking its secrets. The parasitic presence of Lempty throughout Evergreen hints at a potential significance waiting to be discovered. Eslud, the foundation of Evergreen Eslud reigns supreme as the most common stone in Evergreen. It literally forms the foundation of the world, as the very mines themselves are carved from this versatile material. Eslud is used most commonly in construction since it can resist high temperatures and immense amounts of pressure. The only interesting property of Eslud is that no matter how much pressure is on it, it stays flexible allowing for buildings made out of it to withstand high winds and earth-shattering quakes. It is also the stone of choice when making heirlooms since it can withstand so much damage keeping the heirloom good as new for generations. The most famous example of this is the 3000 year old Eslud box that has been passed down as the Retule family heirloom. More than just a common stone, Eslud embodies the resilience and unwavering spirit that lies at the heart of Evergreen itself. Atmospheric gem, a power of nature The atmospheric gem is the true rarest gem in Evergreen as it is only found in one place, on the tip of Steffy’s magical staff. It has the power to control the atmosphere hence the name atmospheric gem, thanks to its power to control the atmosphere, Steffy chose this gem as his crystal of choice to harness its magical properties. Though Steffy never found this gem in nature since it is a mix between Aletine, Lempty and Celusi. The exact process of how the Atmospheric gem came into existence is still a closely guarded secret with only Steffy and The One Hundred knowing how the gem was fabricated. The exact origins of the Atmospheric Gem remain a closely guarded secret. While Steffy acknowledges the possibility of finding such a gem naturally in a faraway corner of the universe, he downplays the chances of it existing on Evergreen. It takes intense heat and pressure to let it form correctly and there were many failed attempts to create Atmopsheric with the failures themselves playing a crucial role in the final product. It is quite obvious what Atmospheric does, however, how it achieves this control remains a mystery. Steffy and The One Hundred keep the details shrouded in secrecy. This secrecy fuels speculation: what truly powers the gem, and what drove Steffy to dedicate over a century to crafting it for a seemingly limited ability to control the weather? Could there be a grander purpose behind its creation, a power yet to be revealed? Celusi, the geriatric gem of Tyrlosuh Celusi is one of the rarest gems in the kingdom rivaled only by Aletine. It can only be found in Heatherlea, usually near a patch of heatherberry; studies have shown that the heatherberry benefits from the light residue that emanates from the Celusi. The major families of Evergreen usually have a reserve of Celusi to pay the more hefty fines as well as create new heirlooms for each generation. Unlike the highly sought-after Aletine, Celusi possesses no outwardly magical properties, at least to the casual observer. Steffy and the other major powers seem largely uninterested in the gem. Yet, a single, magnificent purple Celusi, a rarity in its own right, resides with the Tyrlosuh family, one of Evergreen's wealthiest and most prominent lineages, containing almost 250 current living descendants and over 10 generations are currently in the lineage which means they’re are 140 year old people in the family. Botinelosi, is the oldest person in the family standing at 164 years old and is the first person to ever use Celusi in the art of crafting. He stumbled across it while mining in the outskirts of Heatherlea near the village where the family originated, affectionately also named Tyrlosuh. Steffy originally seized control of the mine where Botinelosi found it. The quick seizure of the mine raised suspicion on the properties of Celusi. Steffy eventually allowed Botinelosi to have full control over the mine. Rumors spread through the kingdom like a wildfire, Botinelosi's silence on the matter, coupled with the Tyrlosuh family's secrecy, fuels the rumors. What truth are they hiding? Could Celusi's beauty mask a more significant purpose, a power that rivals even Aletine's? Polompty, a concoction of nature Polompty, a breathtaking gem with an allure unlike any other, shimmers with the colors of Lempty, accented by veins of Eslud embedded deep within its interior. It also comes from the same location as Celusi, near the Tyrlosuh village. By taking its location into consideration it may lead you to believe that Polompty is simply an underdeveloped version of Celusi, which is what Botinelosi originally believed when first discovering it in the abandoned Reveras mine right near the Tyrlosuh mine. Polompty was originally put under extensive studies to discover more information on it, all the studies ended up coming with one answer: Polompty is a marvel of nature, a harmonious blend of 6 different stones and gems. Which explains the presence of Eslud in its core as well as the colors of Lempty. Since it has such a strange yet intriguing beauty it captivated crafters's curiosity which caused an influx of its use to fabricate jewelry. However when Lomi, daughter of Botinelosi, became head of the family the mine was closed off to the public and all sales of Polompty stopped causing shockwaves in the gem market, sparking the infamous Polompty rush. The Polompty rush, a desperate search After Lomi shut down the mine, the supply of Polompty slowly trickled to a stop. Lomi's aged father, Botinelosi, allowed his son Bisel to sell the remaining stones stored in the Tyrlosuh archives. With the Polompty market back on its feet, the family had satiated the market’s hunger. However, Lomi had a different vision for the family's future. She declared her son, Utigo, as her heir, bypassing Bisel's claim. Bisel sadly accepted to avoid being ostracized by the family ending the power struggle for the leadership of the Tyrlosuh lineage. The gem market, unable to sway Lomi, eventually turned its attention elsewhere. It wasn't long before the Retule family, sworn rivals of the Tyrlosuh family, discovered a small grove of Polompty near their Heatherberry fields. With the supply restored, markets everywhere flourished and the Polompty rush ended. This new source rekindled the market for three years, until this supply dwindled as well. Now, with both sources depleted and demand still high, a question lingers: Why did Lomi close the mine, causing economic turmoil? Does she possess knowledge of a hidden danger associated with Polompty, or is there a deeper secret to this extraordinary gem's origin? Families of Evergreen, cults in disguise Tyrlosuh family, from gemstone guardians to fallen shadows The Tyrlosuh family is the largest and wealthiest family in the entire history of the kingdom, they originate from Heatherlea and their family founder is Botinesoli and his loving wife Temorla Tyrlosuh who had 2 children, Lomi Tyrlosuh and Bisel Tyrlosuh. Bisel was originally the next heir for the head of the Tyrlosuh family but after Lomi took power as the first heir she decided to declare her son Ugito as the next heir. Bisel accepted his fate to never be head of the family to avoid being exiled by Lomi. With her decision she completely bypassed Bisel’s bloodline from the lineage, completely extinguishing any chance for any of his descendants to ever ascend to the title of head of family. Though this has never been done in the family, Lomi received backlash from both family members as well as the public as this was seen as an unforgivable act of treason to her own blood. With her destructive decision she removed over 30 descendants from having the last name Tyrlosuh. Bisel’s new family line, the Bisenoty, decided to declare a familial war against the Tyrlosuh. Sparking the Biserlosuh familial war. The Biserlosuh Familial war After Bisel declared a familial war against the Lomi, the population of Azalea and the, affectionately named, Tyrlosuh town, started to pick sides. At the time Bisel had the most support by the villagers considering Lomi was the cause of the Polompty rush. Which brought both fortune and misfortune, and had threatened to burn villager’s houses unless they followed her orders as their new leader, which sowed distrust between the populace. The war was not particularly disastrous since it was between 2 armies of around 400 people. Though the amount of lives lost caused an impact in the surrounding area and sent a shockwave in the gem trade market since the Tyrlosuh family were the largest exporters of stones and gems. Both families ended up losing a combined 86 members, 21 from the Bisenoty family leaving only 13 people left and the rest were from the Tyrlosuh family. This disaster would leave over 1300 civilians injured and over 700 dead, it also caused the partial destruction of the town of Tyrlosuh and the complete destruction of the Bisenoty town. Though not only the family’s town were left in ruin, entire neighborhoods of Azalea were utterly ravaged thanks to the supporters of the 2 families. With Evergreen on the brink of a civil war, Steffy himself had to step in and end the war. Though his attempts failed and the war continued for another 2 years before Lomi and Bisel decided to end the battle for the safety of the kingdom as more and more supporters began to sprout and begin fighting in the other towns. With Evergreen on the brink of absolute and utter chaos, Evergreen’s main entrances were shut down and the capital went into lockdown as protests arose, those protests leading into more chaos with the 2 sides arguing and fighting right outside the Main Hall. The Tyrlosuh archives were burned, the Tyrlosuh and the Reveras mines caved in in certain parts and the majority of the Tyrlosuh made jewelry was either sold to another crafter or destroyed entirely sending hundreds of thousands of objects into the Gray Realm causing a widespread jewelry shortage as well as worries on the safety of the Gray realm. After the war ended the Tyrlosuh family was fined 400 pieces of Celusi and their entire Polompty fortune was seized by the Heathotels. Downfall of the Tyrlosuh After the end of the Biserlosuh war, the Tyrlosuh family lost control over the Polompty mine, the majority of their Celusi hoard, their archive was burned to the ground and their hometown was partially in ruins. With Lomi’s dictatorship over the family and her undying hate for the Bisenoty family as well as the Retule family, she forced the Bisenoty family, which was ravaged by the war, to merge back into the Tyrlosuh family name, unifying the rivals and stopping any further familial civil wars from happening. Bisel decided to step down from the lineage and instead become the first person in the history of Evergreen to not be part of a family, whether it is big or small. With Bisel now gone Lomi had no one to challenge her in her dictatorship of the Tyrlosuh family. Until Botinelosi, founder of the family, decided that the lineage had embarrassed itself enough and removed Lomi as ruler. But Lomi refused and since Botinelosi was in his early 160s he couldn’t fight back against her and allowed her to continue her rule. The public had already lost interest in the family and was now fully against it destroying any hope of any new ruler to repair the damage caused by Lomi’s reckless decisions. The Tyrlosuh family, once revered, now exists as a cautionary tale. Their fall from grace serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of unchecked ambition and the devastating consequences of family discord. However, whispers still linger. Is Lomi truly broken, or is she biding her time, waiting for the opportunity to reclaim her lost glory? And what secrets lie buried beneath the ashes of the Tyrlosuh archives? The answers to these questions may hold the key to the Tyrlosuh family's redemption or their complete downfall. Retule family, fruit fanatics or fantasy fighters? The Retule family stands as a beacon of peace in the often-turbulent world of Evergreen. Unlike their gem-obsessed counterparts, the Tyrlosuh, the Retules view conflict with a deep aversion. Witnessing the devastation of the Biserlosuh War solidified their pacifistic stance. They famously disarmed themselves, donating all their Aletine weaponry to the Aletinians. But they still needed to make a profit, so their founder, Ruservi, created the Reveras mine right near the future area for the Tyrlosuh mine. Ruservi was the first person to explore and exploit that part of the kingdom since it was usually used as a tourist attraction for the rest of the towns to visit the lovely northern flora. He eventually discovered a cave which led into a large cluster of Celusi, which eventually led him to create the Reveras mine to mine out this new source of gems for the kingdom. After extensive testing his scholars noticed that Celusi had positive benefits to Heatherberry and enhanced its growth which led Ruservi to found the largest Heatherberry farm in the history of the kingdom. He led the family into a fruit empire for 140 years until he grew too old to lead the family anymore, at his 178th cycle he decided that his son Rymo would become the new leader of the Retule family. This decision came after the end of the Biserlosuh war which started a large change of ruler in many sections of the kingdom, families were giving way to new rulers and the cults were discussing the leaderships. Steffy decided to join in the massive leadership change adding new managers into the departments and a new Head Librarian into the archives. By the end of the leadership changing era Ruservi had already been ruler of the Retule family for a few months, during those few months he had commissioned the construction of a new town for the Retule family and everyone else who wanted to live there. Though this new project was a cover up for a more devious plot, he was in fact commissioning the Aletinians to forge Lempty weapons for his descendants, which caused distrust in the family after news of this plan came into the light. This revelation cast a shadow over the family's pacifistic ideals. Was Ruservi preparing for a war he alone foresaw? Or was there another, undisclosed reason for the clandestine weapon production? These questions continue to plague the Retules, a family caught between their commitment to peace and the shadows of a hidden agenda. Gatosi family, shadows of the kingdom Hidden within the bustling kingdom of Evergreen lies the Gatosi family, shrouded in secrecy and wielding a power unseen. The Gatosi are in charge of the safety of the archives which explains their secrecy and low popularity amongst the populace of Evergreen. They do not have any famous appearance nor have they ever participated in a war since their founding 3000 years ago. Their founder, Guvn, created the family after he noticed the amount of hate that the concealed archives would get from the public. Forever haunted by the everlasting threat of misuse in the archives. He decided to found a new family that would be in charge of protecting these archives and maintaining their secrecy. But considering the fact that Guvn founded the family over 3000 years ago it means he is long dead, he was 343 at the time of his death which leaves him as the longest serving Head Of Family in the history of the kingdom. They originally were treated with hate because the archives were seen as a threat thousands of years ago. But nowadays the archives are a staple in the culture of Evergreen. Captivating the public’s knowledge on what could be hiding in those labyrinth-like buildings. Now, nestled away in the secluded neighborhoods of Islafield, the Gatosi cultivate their unique Yoern vegetables, rumored to enhance mental clarity, a necessity for navigating the labyrinthine archives. While whispers of their reclusive nature follow them, the Gatosis family silently fulfills their role, the shadows of the kingdom their only companions. Fruits of Evergreen, source of nourishment and mystery Heatherberry The humble heatherberry is a ubiquitous presence in Evergreen's northern villages, especially Heatherlea, its namesake. This incredibly common fruit harbors a rare variant, the purple and orange heatherberry found only in one singular farm in Heatherlea. The farm’s owner has kept their identity to protect this incredibly rare variant of heatherberry. The whispers of Evergreen have always condensed into a wide array of conspiracy theories, in this case they believe that the heatherberry is a mystical edible stone that was brought to the kingdom from the forgotten civilization before Evergreen. Despite repeated debunking. A plethora of people still believe that this outlandish theory is true. The purple and orange heatherberry has been widely known for its rarity but also for its properties. The purple and orange heatherberry has been subject to multiple tests, including Eshwar Mestec’s famous 7676AGE experiments. Controversy and mystery cling to the heatherberry, yet it remains the kingdom's beloved snack, a daily indulgence for an impressive 96% of the population.
If you took the time to read everything please give me feedback or some sort of constructive criticism please
submitted by Steffy_Cookies to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:40 WorkoutScene Living In 2014 Era!

Living In 2014 Era! submitted by WorkoutScene to oldyoutubelayout [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:39 S0ng81rd Hold on, it's going to be okay.

There is someone out there reading this waiting for a message from someone that may be drawing my attention towards because of my topics I write about.
I am a former and currently struggling addict. I'm not perfect, I don't try to be someone I am not. I am blunt, honest, alone.... Mostly alone.... A lot!
I am a human being that has stumbled many upon many times..... I'm doing it again not all or all at once, but I did all in my past.
Let me break the ice and list some of my sins and addictions.
watching inappropriate films of all topics.
In a nice way to list it without the drama story attached to it. I'm guilty of it all.
Don't give in, even though you messed up today. I did too....
Just socializing, I take a drag of a cigarette and then another and then another....
Well, I just smoked and broke my promise again for the millionthteenth time.... So, I'll just smoke for tonight only......
It's 1am now, but I didn't fall asleep yet, so I can smoke until my day actually ends.
F* it, I'll just buy a pack because I'm already smoked yesterday and broke my promise.
You see my demons there!
Yeah, this is current and I'm ashamed and holding myself accountable. I told my person my struggles and allowed them to share their anger towards me for falling back into my old patterns. I still told them and I am working on myself. I am reminding myself where I was and how long I stopped and how far I've come and to not fall back into hurting my body anymore. To love myself more and not harm it because I am not afraid of dying. I need to stop wanting it to happen to me. I need to accept that my life has a purpose and masking my pain won't stop when I am hiding my emotions for a nicotine buzz when I take a break at work.
That is no excuse to pick up the habit. Let your coworkers do it without you. Don't go back to your old habits. Stop it!
That's my Dad yelling at me. I get him interrupting when I free write.
I want you to see that I struggle everyday. I miss smoking every day. I chose the other options to seek a substance over another. I am just like my father. I have an addictive personality and behavior pattern.
I also see where I need to work on myself and I get back in the game. I don't keep with the habit because I fell out of it for a weekend. My Dad won't shut up.
My father died of lung cancer and he never smoked and he is very upset at me for smoking so I could be with him in heaven. He cried next to me as I cried and I gave up singing. I left choir and I had throat problems when I was a senior in college. I didn't get to sing my recital to my father, he passed away before he saw me graduate.
He doesn't want anyone to give in to their addictions. He wishes he followed his dreams of being a service with God by his side. He gave into alcohol and pills. He sees me talking about him on here. I'm letting you see me for who I am and I am not afraid of how you read my story. This is real. This is me. Deal with it or move on.
Sorry about that side tangent. Suz showed up.
She helps me get my throat chakra open so I can share my feelings and stick up for myself. She is well aware of my past and been warning me ever since.
This is about addiction. This is about letting go.
They show up at the worst times, sorry you guys....
I am here to receive and share my story and I fall apart. I am being tested by my enemy and I am sharing my struggles to show my gratitude for awareness. I am more aware to see where I am falling short and work on nurturing those wounds to avoid the old habits of treating it. My inner child, my 20 year old self showed up and what I did back then was miss my Dad and smoke.
I can never fall too far, my Dad shows up and reminds me to write and he helps me get back on track with the topics I write about. It's him taking over my hands and I just start writing.
It's really cool. I miss him and it's weird how he does this, it took me a few tries after becoming very intoxicated with a substance I don't want to trigger you anymore..... Sorry....
I'm not the only one that has this problem. When some of us become intoxicated, we are more intune with spirits. It's not a psychotic break down. It took me a long time to see why my father kept escaping when he had no reason.
He had good reasons, but I wasn't old enough to understand. Until he passed, we are very close, he shares with me many memories and stories of my family I never knew. He taught me how to talk to my Grandmother through music. He lets me know how to handle my mom. He calms me down when I am having a breakdown and my arms hold my body in a hug. I don't move my body, I let my body move on its own. When I allow this to happen, especially when I drank, I saw my father in my memory hugging me tightly. That was when he taught me how to see and communicate with him.
I got used to wanting to be around him more, I kept trying to find how to bring him back, it only happens on special occasions. I don't get to decide how he wants to show up. He just does and I have to be ready to see his signs and feel every moment to enjoy the experience.
He told me today.
"Knock it off! Go write!"
So, here I am. I was wrong. This journey doesn't let me get away with much anymore. I have a purpose why I chose to stray away from God after I went to college and do this stuff.... My adult self is really mad for smoking and drinking so heavily.....
If you are still young, but feel like you did yourself enough damage you don't see the point in stopping......
Just stop.
There's no plan to it, you just do it. It's gonna suck. That part you got to fix is how you think about it once you stop.
This isn't me talking, this is still my Dad teaching me a lesson to not smoke. Because he died a terrible death and he doesn't want me to go the same way. We are working on forgiving each other in giving into our patterns we learned from our family patterns of raising kids. We all have a story. We all came from some form of trauma.
They want to show me how to stop repeating it. I failed this week. It's been a week, not gonna lie and I enjoyed it, but now, I feel regret. Because I do know better.
I know someone out there wants to be serious and stop, but feel alone without someone to show active encouragement.....
Be my cheerleader too!
I need one so I can stop messing up my clean lungs. I worked hard to get them there. I'm gonna get back on track and stop. I hope you are able to get a hold of your addictions too, Whatever it may be.
I feel a little weird about posting this, but they are double dog daring me to do it.
SO, don't judge, but yeah..... Here it is.... Unedited. All me.... Being weird.
submitted by S0ng81rd to u/S0ng81rd [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:38 No-Werewolf-2610 Well, well, well

Well, well, well
I see it’s finally been confirmed that you’re with Erick. This is so sad. Sad because of the lies you’ve told others and yourself. Sad for your child; to be subjected to such behavior from individuals and for a mother NOT to put her child first and keep harmful, toxic people out of their lives. One who lied about cancer when so many of us have lost loved ones from it and still suffering from it, lied about DV and went as far as filing a protection order only to turn around and try to get it dropped and miss court multiples times for contempt of it, and throw away your entire marriage and your ability to be what you’ve wanted to be and “loved” the most which is being a “mother.” A mother protects her children from people who are liars, abusers, manipulators, no income, no vehicle, lies every single day and continues to lie for no reason at all other than money and attention. This is so disappointing and the fact that you claimed to be “single” and working on yourself only to throw yourself right back into the pits of low life behavior. BE A BETTER EXAMPLE FOR YOUR CHILD!!!!!!!
submitted by No-Werewolf-2610 to becca_Sharkpage [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:34 catfarmer1998 My parents are overprotective of me but I’m 25.

How do I deal with overprotective parents but I’m 25?
Hi. I am an individual with multiple disabilities/health conditions (anxiety adhd and possible autism) and I’m 25. I was wondering how you go about dating if you rely on your parents for transportation. Unfortunately I have a condition that causes limited depth perception so I am not sure driving is the best option for me and I’m also afraid to learn even though my doctors say it wouldn’t hurt to learn. I also have t1 diabetes. Unfortunately I live in a rural area with limited transportation options too. Given that I am My mother’s only child she is very overprotective of me (and the few friends I have always comment this). However, she does talk about me moving out but I’m almost certain she wouldn’t let that happen because she’s over protective even though we fight all the time. I should also clarify that I love my mother and she can be my friend but she’s also very overprotective.
Case in point: I needed to get somewhere the other night and neither my parents (my father seems to think my mom is the only one who needs to drive me around sometimes) could take me, and I put it out on fb (just my friends list) that I needed a ride but my mom saw it and said I’m not letting you get in car with someone I don’t know. I mean I wouldn’t have gotten a ride from a murderer
but she yelled at me and made me take it down. Thankfully I did get a text from a family member that they could take me where I needed to go. But that incident made me think what if I met a guy on a dating site and we clicked but I needed a ride to get there and my mom said no. I mean dating is part of how I would move out, but I’m not sure my mother understands that online dating is how the majority of people meet these days. I don’t feel like my mom is abusing me or necessarily being mean but she’s just way over protective. I do plan to bring this up with my therapist as well. Does anyone have any ideas?
submitted by catfarmer1998 to self [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:33 odd_pigeon Has anyone made a character they absolutely loved but the party never followed through?

I meant “party” in the sense that the campaign itself never started and totally understand we all have busy lives. But about a year ago my friends and I decided to start a new campaign that would begin as a “who done it” prior to a tournament we would all participate in. We start at lvl 7 and just create wealthy badasses is what the guide lines basically were for the whole party. Other two members were both sorcerers and I was a bard who would not use instruments but allocate my bonuses towards stunts thats I perform. Honestly felt like I made my most favorite character ever and been dying to see what playing as them would be like. Sadly we couldn’t be able to find the time to start it yet and I can’t blame em. Life just be going on and whatnot. Each time we talk about it and remember our players we hype up the idea again and how we would play them. At this point I’m just dying to play them. Starting to give up on the idea of it happening but I want this character to exist somehow. If anyone is interested here is my character. Hope anyone enjoys it and sorry for the long read. Dm also has my stats btw, sorry. Feel free to talk about your characters also.
Oslo Winmore
Backstory Long ago- an outlaw named Lazlo Winmore had found power, wealth and fame like no other pirate during “The Age of New Beginnings”. Lazlo’s accomplishments made his bloodline wealthy beyond imagination for many generations to come. With such wealth within a family there had come a point where his lineage had adapted to wealthy behaviors and adopted similar mindsets to those of a higher class... Ultimately becoming what their great great great grandfather had once despised. After finding out the history of his family’s bloodline and source of wealth: Oslo Winmore had a moment of clarity. A vision of freedom that made himself feel comfortable inside his skin for the first time ever. He decided to became an outlaw of the sea with his younger brother in hopes to achieve the same notoriety of his ancestor by stripping themselves of all titles and possessions for a life of adventure. After a few years of unforgettable laughs, achievements and looting of many sorts- a tragic battle left himself and his crew on the verge of death with few survivors. Leaving the disheartened bunch shipless and broke. They were left off the coast of Windwall. His small group had to scrape up whatever they could in order get by for awhile. No weapons, no spirit, no destination in mind, they decided to settle at Windwall and wait until their wounds would eventually heal. Upon discovering the kingdom of Windwall operating in ways that lead to common folk suffering, Oslo decided he couldn’t stand the sight any longer. His group of friends started performing impressive stunts at a close proximity to the capital in hopes of obtaining funds that would later be used to aid those in need. Project XP had then become established as an organization of Oslo’s and provided protection to the lower class residents. Inspiring hope amongst the kingdom peasants, Oslo became a voice of the people. As these events grew larger and large they reached a point of success to where he became recognized by lords and the king himself. After word had spread of his amazing performances, his presence alone attracted many visitors to the area which brought economical prosperity to Windwall like it’s never seen. Many refer to him as “King of the Common” but King of the underground had a better ring to it in his mind. Activities in the shadows were monitored and eventually spearheaded by the young group of individuals to which the king had no choice but to look the other way so that his kingdom could still prosper. His image became a topic of discussion to both sides of wealth and poverty. Whether or not you loved him or hate him, he showed nothing less than compassion to those who deserved it. However, a strange new drug called “Baby Blue” has been invading the lands of Cornwood and eventually made its way to Windwalls shipment or substances. Horrified by the effects led by this drug, Oslo is determined to find out who is manufacturing and distributing this abomination and total buzzkill.
The grout: Home of Project XP Warehouse area where events are held and stunts are practiced. Some activities may be under the table and somewhat shady. Others are awe provoking. Areas include: Pray room, slay room, weight room, safe room, blaze room, trade room, stage room, boom room Entrance fee is lifted to those who are considered an outcast. Some are allowed to crash where there’s space if we recognize they’re about that life.Multiple areas are marked as “Danger Zone” where intense practices are held.
You are passing through at your own risk of harm. PROJECT XP does not take responsibility for any injury and/or death that may occur.
Project XP members
Oslo: Ring leade Daredevil Stunt Maste ((Considers Project XP his magnum opus. Has a lot of internal monologues)) [drow-tiefling Bard]
Knievel Winmore: Performative Arsonist/ Fire dancer ((Brother of Oslo Winmore, occasional loose cannon, wishes they were pirates again instead of performers)) [Drow-Tiefling Rogue]
Clam: Right hand man/ Tiger Tame Swordsman ((Always covered in jewels. Pet Tiger named Oro. Twin blade wielder )) [Human Fighter]
Boe & Beaux : Twin Bouncers/ HandyMen ((Unusual consumption, hard to give orders when names sound similar)) [Dwarven barbarians]
Aderet Lavish: Heale Illusionist/ Restoration Expert/ ((Gender bending abilities. Considers everyone annoying. Sees everyone like younger siblings)) [Wood Elf Cleric]
ROD: Announce Hype Man/ ((Loyal to The Grout. Merchant of illegal substances. Still can’t afford cost of living. Unable to speak quietly)) [Human -Monk Free spirit being]
Craddoc Dudum: Condemned Magical Scientist/ Cleanup crew/ ((Collects corpses due to stunt casualties. Research is unknown)) [Changling Wizard]
Bibbins: Demolitions expert/ Stunt Coordinato Enginee ((Ex mob boss- formerly known as “The Big B”. The guy who knows a guy. Old timer who can finally cut loose)) [Gnome tinkerer]
Patches: Practice Dummy ((Sentient crash dummy. Lives to fall apart. People tend to confide with him most)) [undead]
Masami Yano: Quartermaste Legal Advisor ((Constantly stressed. Former New York City resident. Had switched dimensions by a witches spell)) [Human Attorney]
submitted by odd_pigeon to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:32 catfarmer1998 My mother is very overprotective of me but I’m 25

How do I deal with overprotective parents but I’m 25?
Hi. I am an individual with multiple disabilities/health conditions (anxiety adhd and possible autism) and I’m 25. I was wondering how you go about dating if you rely on your parents for transportation. Unfortunately I have a condition that causes limited depth perception so I am not sure driving is the best option for me and I’m also afraid to learn even though my doctors say it wouldn’t hurt to learn. I also have t1 diabetes. Unfortunately I live in a rural area with limited transportation options too. Given that I am My mother’s only child she is very overprotective of me (and the few friends I have always comment this). However, she does talk about me moving out but I’m almost certain she wouldn’t let that happen because she’s over protective even though we fight all the time. I should also clarify that I love my mother and she can be my friend but she’s also very overprotective.
Case in point: I needed to get somewhere the other night and neither my parents (my father seems to think my mom is the only one who needs to drive me around sometimes) could take me, and I put it out on fb (just my friends list) that I needed a ride but my mom saw it and said I’m not letting you get in car with someone I don’t know. I mean I wouldn’t have gotten a ride from a murderer
but she yelled at me and made me take it down. Thankfully I did get a text from a family member that they could take me where I needed to go. But that incident made me think what if I met a guy on a dating site and we clicked but I needed a ride to get there and my mom said no. I mean dating is part of how I would move out, but I’m not sure my mother understands that online dating is how the majority of people meet these days. I don’t feel like my mom is abusing me or necessarily being mean but she’s just way over protective. I do plan to bring this up with my therapist as well. Does anyone have any ideas?
submitted by catfarmer1998 to helicopterparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:31 DougDante A father in a Facebook group reports that the mother of his children will not let him see his child unless he has sex with her.

A father in a Facebook group reports that the mother of his children will not let him see his child unless he has sex with her.
Here is my response in the hopes that it helps other fathers and their children, and to protect parents from exortion, domestic violence, and sexual abuse. Those doubting the authenticity of reports such as this are invited to join fathers groups on Facebook and observe how sadly common such posts are there.
I'm not an attorney and this is not legal advice.
You wrote:
What Is Domestic Violence?
Does your partner ever
Insult, demean or embarrass you with put-downs?
Stop you from seeing your friends or family members?
Make all of the decisions without your input or consideration of your needs?
Tell you that you’re a bad parent or threaten to take away your children?
All victims have equal access:
"No person in the United States shall, on the basis of actual or perceived excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination underany program or activity funded in whole or in part with funds made available under [VAWA]"
Denying a parent access to their child unless they perform a sex act may be extortion:
(c)Whoever transmits in interstate or foreign commerce any communication containing any threat to kidnap any person or any threat to injure the person of another, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.
18 U.S. Code § 875 - Interstate communications
18 U.S. Code Chapter 41 - EXTORTION AND THREATS
A victim cannot freely consent under threat of being denied access to their children.
You are a victim of sexual assault or rape.
Abuse & Incest National Network
1-800-656-HOPE (1-800-656-4673)
Advocates are also available to chat 24/7.
National Center for Victims of Crime
1-855-4-VICTIM (1-855-484-2846)
National Sexual Assault Hotline: Confidential 24/7 Support
Please be aware that some men and boys have experienced a hostile and sexist response from RAINN. I may consider contacting them with a witness present.
Consider an emergency motion to change custody to prevent the abusive parent from using access to the child for the puroposes of domestic violence. Illinois but other states are similar:
When There Are Grounds for An Emergency Motion
When considering restricting parental responsibilities the court will consider additional factors and the factors set out below will give you an idea of what the court deems an emergency:
Abuse, neglect, or abandonment of the child;
Abusing or allowing abuse of another person that had an impact upon the child; Use of drugs, alcohol, or any other substance in a way that interferes with the parent’s ability to perform caretaking functions with respect to the child; and Persistent continuing interference with the other parent’s access to the child, except for actions taken with a reasonable, good-faith belief that they are necessary to protect the child’s safety pending adjudication of the facts underlying that belief, provided that the interfering parent initiates a proceeding to determine those facts as soon as practicable.
Children Over 14
If your child is over the age of 14, they are able to testify in court as part of your custody battle unless the judge finds that doing so is not in the best interests of the child. They must also state the reasons for the prohibition on the record. Although a child over the age of 14 is likely to be allowed to state a preference regarding custody, the final decision still resides with the judge.
Please keep us updated.
I wish you the best of luck in your search for justice.
submitted by DougDante to MensRights [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:28 catfarmer1998 My mother is overprotective

How do you go about dating if your over 21+ but you rely on parents for transportation
Hi. I am an individual with multiple disabilities/health conditions (anxiety adhd and possible autism) and I’m 25. I was wondering how you go about dating if you rely on your parents for transportation. Unfortunately I have a condition that causes limited depth perception so I am not sure driving is the best option for me and I’m also afraid to learn even though my doctors say it wouldn’t hurt to learn. I also have t1 diabetes. Unfortunately I live in a rural area with limited transportation options too. Given that I am My mother’s only child she is very overprotective of me (and the few friends I have always comment this). However, she does talk about me moving out but I’m almost certain she wouldn’t let that happen because she’s over protective even though we fight all the time. I should also clarify that I love my mother and she can be my friend but she’s also very overprotective.
Case in point: I needed to get somewhere the other night and neither my parents (my father seems to think my mom is the only one who needs to drive me around sometimes) could take me, and I put it out on fb (just my friends list) that I needed a ride but my mom saw it and said I’m not letting you get in car with someone I don’t know. I mean I wouldn’t have gotten a ride from a murderer
but she yelled at me and made me take it down. Thankfully I did get a text from a family member that they could take me where I needed to go. But that incident made me think what if I met a guy on a dating site and we clicked but I needed a ride to get there and my mom said no. I mean dating is part of how I would move out, but I’m not sure my mother understands that online dating is how the majority of people meet these days. I don’t feel like my mom is abusing me or necessarily being mean but she’s just way over protective. I do plan to bring this up with my therapist as well. Does anyone have any ideas?
submitted by catfarmer1998 to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:28 catfarmer1998 My mother is very overprotective of me

Hi. I am an individual with multiple disabilities/health conditions (anxiety adhd and possible autism) and I’m 25. I was wondering how you go about dating if you rely on your parents for transportation. Unfortunately I have a condition that causes limited depth perception so I am not sure driving is the best option for me and I’m also afraid to learn even though my doctors say it wouldn’t hurt to learn. I also have t1 diabetes. Unfortunately I live in a rural area with limited transportation options too. Given that I am My mother’s only child she is very overprotective of me (and the few friends I have always comment this). However, she does talk about me moving out but I’m almost certain she wouldn’t let that happen because she’s over protective even though we fight all the time. I should also clarify that I love my mother and she can be my friend but she’s also very overprotective.
Case in point: I needed to get somewhere the other night and neither my parents (my father seems to think my mom is the only one who needs to drive me around sometimes) could take me, and I put it out on fb (just my friends list) that I needed a ride but my mom saw it and said I’m not letting you get in car with someone I don’t know. I mean I wouldn’t have gotten a ride from a murderer
but she yelled at me and made me take it down. Thankfully I did get a text from a family member that they could take me where I needed to go. But that incident made me think what if I met a guy on a dating site and we clicked but I needed a ride to get there and my mom said no. I mean dating is part of how I would move out, but I’m not sure my mother understands that online dating is how the majority of people meet these days. I don’t feel like my mom is abusing me or necessarily being mean but she’s just way over protective. I do plan to bring this up with my therapist as well. Does anyone have any ideas?
submitted by catfarmer1998 to toxicparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:27 catfarmer1998 My mother is very overprotective

Hi. I am an individual with multiple disabilities/health conditions (anxiety adhd and possible autism) and I’m 25. I was wondering how you go about dating if you rely on your parents for transportation. Unfortunately I have a condition that causes limited depth perception so I am not sure driving is the best option for me and I’m also afraid to learn even though my doctors say it wouldn’t hurt to learn. I also have t1 diabetes. Unfortunately I live in a rural area with limited transportation options too. Given that I am My mother’s only child she is very overprotective of me (and the few friends I have always comment this). However, she does talk about me moving out but I’m almost certain she wouldn’t let that happen because she’s over protective even though we fight all the time. I should also clarify that I love my mother and she can be my friend but she’s also very overprotective.
Case in point: I needed to get somewhere the other night and neither my parents (my father seems to think my mom is the only one who needs to drive me around sometimes) could take me, and I put it out on fb (just my friends list) that I needed a ride but my mom saw it and said I’m not letting you get in car with someone I don’t know. I mean I wouldn’t have gotten a ride from a murderer
but she yelled at me and made me take it down. Thankfully I did get a text from a family member that they could take me where I needed to go. But that incident made me think what if I met a guy on a dating site and we clicked but I needed a ride to get there and my mom said no. I mean dating is part of how I would move out, but I’m not sure my mother understands that online dating is how the majority of people meet these days. I don’t feel like my mom is abusing me or necessarily being mean but she’s just way over protective. I do plan to bring this up with my therapist as well. Does anyone have any ideas?
submitted by catfarmer1998 to radicalmentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:27 Cautious_Sugar7987 Encouraging advice for my brother

Hello all.
My brother has been with the same girl for over 10 years. She has been a sister, best friend, and an integral part of our family for a long time. Her family left years ago to move to another state and she's been visiting them more frequently lately. Well she just got back from a trip and dumped my brother after 10 years and said she was moving cross country to be with her family. That quick. They have had some problems and my brother can be harsh with his words, but he has never cheated or hurt her really bad and a few months ago she gave him an ultimatum to start treating her better etc and he was genuinely doing everything she asked. Apparently it wasn't enough and he became "too nice" and she's just making excuses and being pretty cold about it. I can empathize with her and the hurt she has received over the years. But the way she did this so abruptly and so cold has really deeply hurt not only my brother but others in my family as well. My brother wasn't a very stable person mentally to begin with and doesn't have alot in life to be happy about. She was literally the only thing keeping him together and providing him any sort of joy in his life. And i know you can't place that burden on people, it's unfair. But he was very good to her too and she is just throwing in the towel after over 10 years without even considering counseling, temporary separation, etc. My brother has never really loved anyone like her, and they basically grew up together so he doesn't want anyone else. Unfortunately he took too long to come around and work on himself.
I must also add that he had a very special day and proposal planned for her when she got back and then this happened. They had also just signed a multi year lease on a new home and now he is stuck in this situation and has to figure out how he will financially pay for it on his own. She had apparently been having mixed feelings for months so it's dually messed up that she signed a lease and all that knowing there was a possibility she would be leaving him. So he is just crushed.
So long story short, I am really deeply worried about my brother and worried he will do something to harm himself from the impeding pain he is going to face from here forward. We have all been messaging him every day and offering our support, trying to get him to do activities etc. But he keeps to himself and I am just really concerned he will hurt himself or relapse. If you have any kind words, suggestions, advice on what more we can do to help him over the next few months/years as long as it takes for him to start feeling better, it would be appreciated.
Please don't be rude and don't make any negative comments. Just some personal life advice would be great especially if you or someone you know has been through it.
submitted by Cautious_Sugar7987 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:25 Smashy_ashy Neighbor selling drugs out of rental property landlord has been made aware and does nothing. Can they be held liable? CA

I’m in California and live in a rental house. A man in my neighborhood also in a rental by the same landlord is selling (and doing) drugs. He has OD’d multiple times in the front yard and shady characters go to the house or to the end of the street to buy drugs from him. He’s admitted to being a convicted felon and says he has guns. There are 2 small children in the house that are at least verbally abused and neglected. He is also domestically violent, I called the cops twice one night when his girlfriend was screaming for help out front and he was swinging at her.
I have told the landlord what is happening twice and asked if they could do anything and I was told they can’t. My neighbor called the landlord today and told them about it after she was threatened by the girlfriend today for calling the police (guy was nodded off and newborn baby was in direct sunlight screaming with nobody else home). They were again told by the landlord they can’t do anything. We are all on month to month leases, so no lease would be broken by making them leave. Can the landlord be held liable for being aware of the illegal activity and doing nothing? I just want my family and neighbors safe and moving isn’t an option because this is the cheapest rent around.
submitted by Smashy_ashy to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:24 TheLotStore Your Guide to Finding Permanent Campsites for Sale Near Me

Your Guide to Finding Permanent Campsites for Sale Near Me
Your Guide to Finding Permanent Campsites for Sale Near Me
Your Guide to Finding Permanent Campsites for Sale Near MeDid you ever envision possessing your own small slice of paradise, an area where you can break away from the hustle and bustle of daily life and immerse yourself in the vast outdoors? If the idea appeals to you, then acquiring a permanent campsite might be the ideal solution for you. This handbook will delve into all the crucial aspects of uncovering permanent camps for sale in your vicinity.What Constitutes a Permanent Campsite?A permanent campsite, alternatively recognized as a seasonal campsite or a leasehold campsite, is a parcel of land within a campground that is leased or owned by an individual or family for an extended duration. These campsites usually come equipped with amenities such as water, electricity, and sewer hookups, as well as recreational facilities and communal spaces, making them ideal for extended camping stays.Reasons for Opting for a Permanent CampsiteThere is a myriad of reasons why individuals and families opt for the acquisition of permanent campsites. Firstly, it grants a sense of ownership and stability, enabling you to establish a home away from home in a stunning natural setting. Owning a permanent campsite also eliminates the inconvenience of searching for available campsites during peak seasons, as your designated spot is secured for the entire camping season.Moreover, having a permanent campsite enables you to customize and modify your space to align with your specific requirements and preferences. From cultivating a snug outdoor living area to cultivating a garden or erecting a storage shed, when you have a permanent campsite, the possibilities are limitless.How to Discover Permanent Campsites for Sale in Your ProximityNow that you comprehend the benefits of owning a permanent campsite, you might be pondering how to locate one that perfectly suits you. Here are some beneficial pointers to guide you in your quest for permanent camps for sale in your area.1. Investigate Local CampgroundsInitiate your search by exploring local campgrounds in your desired vicinity. Many campgrounds offer permanent campsites for sale, and they frequently have waiting lists owing to high demand. Visit the websites of nearby campgrounds or directly get in touch with them to inquire about available sales listings and waiting list information.2. Leverage Online ResourcesIn addition to reaching out to campgrounds directly, utilize online resources such as real estate websites, camping forums, and social media groups to scout for permanent campsites for sale in your preferred location. These avenues often showcase listings from private sellers as well as campgrounds, giving you a wide array of options to explore.3. Consider Your Preferences and RequirementsPrior to purchasing a permanent campsite, contemplate your specific preferences and needs. Ponder on the amenities and facilities that hold significance to you, such as proximity to water, proximity to bathroom and shower facilities, and access to recreational activities. Furthermore, evaluate the size of the campsite and its capacity to accommodate your favored camping setup, whether it's a motorhome, trailer, or tent.4. Pay a Visit to Prospective CampgroundsOnce you have singled out potential campgrounds or campsites for sale, schedule a visit to the properties to acquire a firsthand impression of the facilities and surroundings. Take note of the general ambiance and cleanliness of the campground, as well as the affability of the staff and other campers. This will aid you in gauging whether the campground is a good match for you and your family.5. Review Campground Regulations and GuidelinesPrior to making a purchase, meticulously review the rules and regulations of the campground or homeowners association where the permanent campsite is situated. Ascertain that the guidelines align with your lifestyle and preferences, and acquaint yourself with any restrictions or requisites that could affect your ability to relish your campsite to the fullest.6. Contemplate Long-Term ExpensesWhen assessing permanent campsites for sale, factor in the long-term costs linked with ownership. Apart from the initial purchase price, consider annual maintenance fees, property taxes, utilities, and any other outlays that might be incurred. Gaining a comprehensive understanding of the entire financial commitment will empower you to make an informed decision.7. Solicit Professional SupportIf you find yourself uncertain about the process of procuring a permanent campsite, seek assistance from real estate professionals who specialize in campsite sales. They can furnish invaluable guidance and expertise to help you navigate through the purchasing process and ensure that you make a well-informed decision.Advantages of Owning a Permanent CampsiteOwning a permanent campsite bestows a plethora of advantages that extend beyond the delight of having a destination to retreat to. Here are some of the key privileges of owning a permanent campsite:1. Autonomy and AdaptabilityHolding your own permanent campsite bestows you with the liberty and flexibility to tailor your camping experience in line with your preferences. You can leave your camping gear and personal belongings on-site, doing away with the need to pack and unpack each time you visit. Furthermore, you have the flexibility to come and go as you please, enabling you to embark on spur-of-the-moment trips without the hassle of securing a campsite.2. Community and UnityOwning a permanent campsite frequently fosters a sense of community and unity with other campers within the same campground. You can establish enduring friendships with fellow campers, share experiences, and establish a support network within the campground community.3.Customization and ComfortWith a permanent campsite, you have the opportunity to personalize your space and create a comfortable and inviting environment. Whether you relish landscaping, setting up outdoor furniture, or adding personal touches to your campsite, you have the freedom to make it your own.4. Investment and HeritageObtaining a permanent campsite is an investment in your leisure time and well-being. Furthermore, it presents the potential for a legacy to be passed down through generations, creating enduring memories and traditions for your family and loved ones.Considerations When Owning a Permanent CampsiteWhile owning a permanent campsite is accompanied by numerous benefits, there are also some factors to bear in mind. Here are a few key elements to contemplate when owning a permanent campsite:1. Maintenance and CareOwning a permanent campsite necessitates ongoing maintenance and care to keep the property in good condition. This encompasses landscaping, cleaning, and general upkeep of your camping setup and personal belongings.2. Financial CommitmentIn addition to the initial purchase price, owning a permanent campsite entails ongoing financial commitments such as annual fees, utilities, and any probable property taxes. It's essential to budget for these expenses and ensure that you are comfortable with the long-term financial commitment.3. Compliance with Rules and RegulationsWhen owning a permanent campsite in a campground or association, it's imperative to adhere to the rules and regulations set forth by the management. This may include adherence to quiet hours, pet policies, and guidelines for property maintenance.4. Contemplation of Future PlansPrior to purchasing a permanent campsite, contemplate your future plans and potential lifestyle changes. Ensure that the location and amenities of the campsite align with your long-term objectives and aspirations.In ConclusionPossessing a permanent campsite presents a distinctive opportunity to establish a personal sanctuary in the vast outdoors, providing a sense of ownership, stability, and community. By conducting comprehensive research, taking your preferences and needs into account, and seeking professional guidance, you can discover the ideal permanent campsite for sale in your vicinity. With thorough planning and thoughtful consideration, owning a permanent campsite has the potential to bring years of joy, relaxation, and cherished memories for you and your loved ones.
View our amazing property deals at TheLotStore.Com.
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submitted by TheLotStore to u/TheLotStore [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:17 a_bored_furry The duality of anti-furs

The duality of anti-furs submitted by a_bored_furry to AntiFursInAction [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:15 IntelligentRisk8572 AITA?

im new to Reddit so I apologize if im doing this wrong, i think im asking for advice/opinions.. im 21f and two or three years ago i started hanging out with an old friend again after a few years, it was right after a serious relationship for me so honestly i was just rebounding and having fun with an old friend. Anyways.. after about a month of hanging out everyday with him and his friends, and three hookups later, hes driving me home and says “ive started talking to this one girl recently and id feel bad if we kept seeing each other while I pursued her”. Very understandable, i told him thats no problem, no worries and that were all good. That was the last i heard of him until a year later. 
After about a year, im back together with the ex i was hung up on while rebounding with (well call him jake). Im at the mall with my friend and i get a “hey girly” text from a girl well call sara. Anyways, sara proceededs to say that her and jake were dating and she thinks jake was cheating on her with me, she then said when she found out abt the cheating he cried and said that while he tried to break it off with me, i “screamed and cried” and said “i love you, ill off myself if you leave
 that I assaulted him during one of our hookups. I was blown away.
Sara clarifies and assures me she knows the truth and that hes a lying cheating loser and i fill her in on what really happened between us, keep in mind, I know woman can hurt men like that, but the three times we hooked up I was stomach down face down the whole time and it was during a very sickly time in my life, I was under 90lbs. It just wasn’t possible unless i drugged the mf somehow, he was very big
 anyways, after that jake tried reaching out to me to hang out again and i literally said “if i assaulted you why would u wanna hang w ur abuser?” And blocked him after that. 
For the next year n half Sara and I aren’t close friends but we are mutuals and frequently interacted via instagram, the typical liking posts and replying to stories
 i didnt start noticing anything off about Sara until it was basically too late, essentially it started with a TikTok she reposted on instagram saying something like “when she copy’s you” idk just something along those lines. I cant tell you why i had a feeling it was about me, but i did.. i ignored it and immediately pushed down the idea that she posted that directed towards me, i remember thinking to myself “there’s no way, i mean we’ve had literally no issues lol”.. and i mean her and i are still interacting completely normal still atp.
i cant remember how long after the TikTok repost till the indirect, direct posts, started getting really personal. Things like “the girl they cheat with is always uglier.” But it really started going downhill till i noticed.. no matter what time it is.. 4am..1pm.. she was my first instagram story viewer, without fail, everytime. 
In my head at this point im just thinking like “yk i post a lot, its not weird, maybe she’s just really active like me” during this time im really just trying to avoid the truth which is, that girl isn’t my friend, her and I weren’t close but i hold friends more dear than anything and i always have, she went through something hurtful that i was involved with and although i didnt know she and jake were together i felt i owed her loyalty and at least someone that’ll be real with her.
Now im getting to the main event.. i know.. this is already insane enough. Trust me. Anyways very very soon after i clock it that Sara is always my first viewer, thats when the eerily similar post come up. It started with random little things, and maybe thats why it took me so long to notice but it started with me posting a picture of a bush outside and, im not joking, two minutes later after being my first viewer, posts a SOMEHOW “prettier” (subjectively) bush than i posted. Then id post a selfie in a certain pose and minutes later shed post the same exact thing of herself. By this time ive NOTICED what’s slowly happening but I truly didnt want to believe this shit again im thinking to myself “youre not that bitch, why would someone COPY you” i mean this girl is pretty! Smart! Insane daddy’s money! Why tf would she be pressed over me, at the time i was sick and depressed and lowkey Emo.
the basically blatant copying continued for a few months, i really didnt want to bring it up and it had gotten to a point where i was thinking of this situation pretty often, it made me feel gross and weird and mean, i felt mean thinking she’d copy me. It was horrible. I had gotten Into a new Relationship at this time and i was just ignoring it until one day i lost a picture of a hummingbird and the caption says “omg a hummingbird has never been so close to me” those birds are very important to me they remind me of my grandmas old cottage. NOT EVEN A WHOLE 2 MINUTES GO BY and she posts a video of a hummingbird flying CLOSER to her. 
That was the breaking point for me honestly, i didn’t say anything to her nor post anything bout her, i simply unfollowed her on instagram and that was that, I unfollowed her and refreshed her account 5 seconds later SHE BLOCKED ME. It had all clicked, she was on my account all day. Everyday refreshing my account, always my first viewer, post exact lookalikes to what im postng, purchasing clothes and random things i own. It was all on purpose and she knew what she was doing. But that was that, what’s done was done and i moved on, literally forgot about her existence.
UNTIL THREE MONTHS LATER i get a. Message from one of those fake phone numbers saying “come get ur man girl” and sends a photo of my bf at the time liking a body photo of Sara’s on instagram. Now I wasn’t mad at the obviously photoshopped screenshot, like that shit was fucking stupidly photoshopped the fonts were completely different, i was mad about her HUNG UP on me. I replied saying stuff like youre nothing but a spoiled brat who cries when she doesnt get her way, i said she complains about these things in her life that she causes herself, all the drama she was in and i blindly defend her, somehow she was always in beef with ppl that stalked her and copy’s her an all these People want to be as rich and pretty and smart and funny her and they cant so they hate her, i said you are the evil one and now i see it, you cause these issues and when people defend themselves or disengage with you because of your behavior towards them you blast them on social media painting them as the bag guy because you know people will blindly believe you. I said much more in much better wording but thats basically that.. AND BOY DID SHE NOT LIKE THAT
here begins the relentless posting of me, she’s posted blatant insane lies like im a pedo and a racist,, that i support mass genocide and im a rapist, im a stalker who wants to be her so bad but ill never be as educated and wealthy and ill never have a good job and will be a lifeless loser my whole life. INSANE SHIT LMAOO, i entertained it for a while, shed post lies and id post “un actually here’s what happened” and she’s post my post and cover out the parts she sounds bad and only post the parts where I admittedly went wrong, but like i willl literally admit Where i said sum I shouldn’t have so wtf. 
This cycle goes on for months, she contacts these older girls who previously had beef with me and had them give her all my information so now she’s signing my phone number up for the national guard, my address, my full name and family’s name. She’s actually lost her mind atp, it’s been two years and biweekly she Post about. me, pushing this narrative that im all these things yet has no proof to back up anything, even tho i have timeline proof of my posts then hers, i buy something then she buys it after, saying Vietnamese noses are ugly. Proof of her asking for my information. She has her army of blinded losers constantly stalking me along with her and talking about me, texting me talking all this ignorant shit and ive sat here all by myself just flabbergasted, for the first year it really did get to me, id feel sick, i felt the need to prove to her and her instagram followers that im not who she’s saying i am, and even she herself knows that. I eventually just stopped fighting back, i stopped trying to clear my name and clear the air.. i learned she’s a Narcissist , no matter the response. She’s going to feed off of it, i’ve been nice, i’ve been rude, i’’ve been empathetic, and ive been cruel. nothing stopped her and im afraid nothing but time will.
This started when i was 19 and i’m now 21, i’’ve called the cops but since this is classified as “cyber bullying” there’s no laws and nothing they can do, after learning i called the cops on her she started posting about a case she’s making against me for defamation which is confusing bc i never told a lie, she did. I notice After two years she just projects everything, her deepest insecurities are right there if you look, it’s what she brags, and shows off the most, herself. She has everything, anyone could want and need yet she’s still so Miserable, yet me, broke as fuck, pretty but nothing to brag abt, i don’’t materially have what she has and she thinks because of that i created this whole mess, but ive always been richer,, im happy with myself, im content most days and thats incredible, i have the most beautiful friends who love me. And would die for me, family i adore. I have everything. The great job, the loads of money and gucci purse can fucking wait, thats my even what i want truly, i want to be a mother. there’s much more detail but this post is already so long and draining, i honestly dont know what to say, I haven’t gone on her account in months but ill still hear and see screenshots every now and then of what she says, the most recent one was yesterday and its that i apparently have been calling her little brothers phone, who’s also a minor. Just untrue, honestly sinister, evil shit. Evil person. And i regret befriending her.. 
submitted by IntelligentRisk8572 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:13 ObviouslyNotALizard John Bunting accidentally created an nganga

Hail all.
I was listening to the recent series on the snowtown murders and had an interesting thought.
John Bunting in a dipshit ass backwards way accidentally made a Palo Mayombe nganga in the same style as Adolfo Constanzo.
John Bunting:
-horrifically tortured victims and kept their remains in a container. -repeatedly visited and focused on that container. -the containers were horrifically disgusting. -John Bunting and crew avoided not only capture but police attention for a disturbingly long time given how bad and stupid they were at crime.
Adolfo Constanzo:
-horrifically tortured victims and kept their remains in a container. -repeatedly visited and focused on that container. -the containers were horrifically disgusting. -Constanzo and crew avoided not only capture but police attention for a disturbingly long time even after killing an American and only being caught after leading an active police chase directly to their base of operations. And even then it took the police a shockingly long time to uncover the murders even at the scene.
Now, John Bunting more than likely never heard about the magical concept of an Nganga or the religion of Palo Mayombe and (I believe) magic requires a huge amount of intention.
But I would also posit that there is something about keeping the remains of torture victims and focusing on that container that has intense magical abilities.
Just like if you had no idea about electricity or what a lightning rod is, if you put a metal pole on top of your roof you’ll get lighting strikes just the same.
All of the above are easily explainable as coincidences and police work not being able to track down individuals who either intentionally or unintentionally made their whereabouts and doings difficult to follow.
But wouldn’t it be way cooler if it was all ooky spooky.
submitted by ObviouslyNotALizard to lastpodcastontheleft [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:13 theconstellinguist Envy and Extreme Violence
Crossposting audience: The bad news is there does not seem to be a cure for envy. This is congruent with the recidivism statistics of maladapted/antisocial behavior in narcissists, without which narcissism and those with NPD would not be so socially undesirable. However, there are clear signs that the circuitry of envy is noticeably different than the circuitry of admiration, and that jealousy pathways are similar to addiction and expectation of reward pathways. A neuroeconomic analysis of "I won't win this one without illegal/unethical leveling" may be occurring in the envious, showing there may be insight that could resolve what has been until this point and unresolvable emotion full of frustration and pain at the perceived inferiority these individuals suffer. It is important to study and resolve this to help protect their victims from violence, psychological, and economic abuse, theft, hostage-taking of what is critical to the envied person, and unreasonable dislike that turns into hate crime on a whim. Victims deserve protection (the envious say the opposite) and so we research. Follow this subreddit for the first research-backed subreddit on envy.
Intense envy is associated with shame, depression, inferiority, isolation, anxiety, paranoia, and even violent criminal behavior.
Envy is an emotion capable of producing distorted perceptions and cognitions. Intense envy is associated with adverse states such as shame, depression, inferiority, isolation, anxiety, paranoia, and even violent criminal behavior.
The envious can become violent when they want to destroy goodness as perceived advantage, especially if they do not feel they possess goodness
There may come a point at which the envious person's goal is to harm the other's ability to enjoy the perceived advantages—the wish to destroy goodness as formulated by Melanie Klein.
Obliterative envy is the violent instantiation of envy focusing on a desire to obliterate what is perceived as an unjust, intolerable reality
The psychodynamics are discussed by which destructive envy produces or enhances a persecutory mindset and desire for revenge so powerful that lethal violence is chosen as an option. The concepts of obliterative envy and pseudo-spiritual transformation are introduced, and forensic case examples are used to demonstrate how envy produces persecutory cognitions and facilitates the desire to “obliterate” what is perceived as an unjust, intolerable reality.
Increased projection of the malicious or terrorist impulse is the sign of an escalation in the violent envious person’s ability to commit violence. As they grow more out of control in this respect, the more likely they are to actually engage in these actions.
The false logic of envy convinces the individual that they have an unfavorable and immutable disadvantage—thus, the other appears enhanced while the individual feels diminished. This depressing, humiliating position generates resentment toward the other. Depending upon developmental experience and other psychosocial factors, the individual with envy may increasingly use projection, projective identification, and experience persecutory thoughts.
The envious other wants to harm or destroy the other’s ability to enjoy these perceived advantages
There may come a point at which the envious person's goal is to harm or destroy the other's ability to enjoy the perceived advantages.
A bizarre scenario is witnessed where someone sacrifices their own life from spite to hurt the envied
. In some cases, extremely envious individuals are willing to spitefully sacrifice their own lives in an act of violence. The act may be felt as revenge for some perceived or actual injustice, but the driving emotion is intolerable envy, consciously recognized by the attacker or not.
We conclude by reviewing the challenges of detecting severe envy and preoccupation with lethality in treatment and in non-treatment settings where threat assessment protocols may be applied.
Obliterative envy is the state of mind arising from overwhelming narcissistic rage and resentment
. Obliterative envy is the state of mind arising from overwhelming narcissistic rage and resentment, leading the individual to destroy the envied other, and simultaneously himself, to negate the detested situation in its entirety. Pseudo-spiritual transformation is the state of mind by which the perpetrator's personal grievance is justified and elevated to the level of a spiritual or religious imperative.
Proximal warning signs are pathway, fixation, identification, novel aggression, energy burst, leakage, last resort, and directly communicated threat
The TRAP-18 consists of 8 proximal warning behaviors—pathway, fixation, identification, novel aggression, energy burst, leakage, last resort, and directly communicated threat—and 10 distal characteristics—
10 distal characteristics are found, however odd patterns shown in intelligence of purposefully creating these conditions should be noted for terroristic envy from the inside themselves
personal grievance and moral outrage, framed by an ideology, failure to affiliate with an extremist or other group, dependence on the virtual community, thwarting of occupational goals, changes in thinking and emotion, failure of sexually intimate pair bonding, mental disorder, greater creativity and innovation, and history of criminal violence.
Acknowledging envy declares one’s inferiority which causes shame
To acknowledge envy is to declare one's felt inferiority, which in turn triggers additional feelings of shame (Ronningstam, 2005).
Enviers can be seen in both ideation of crime and premeditated crime experience a fierce kind of sadistic pleasure when contemplating violence toward the envied
Among all the so-called seven deadly sins (pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, sloth), Milic (2019) argues that envy produces nothing but mental anguish and is devoid of even an initial burst of pleasure or immediate gratification. We would suggest that envy may hold within it both masochistic pleasure, and well as a fierce kind of sadistic pleasure when contemplating violence toward the envied.
Painful and resentful awareness of an advantage enjoyed by another joined with a desire to possess the same advantage can be seen
Confusion of terms has long been the case where envy and jealousy are concerned; examples abound. For instance, “I am jealous of her good looks,” is more accurately an admission of envy. Envy, in its simplest form, is defined in the dictionary as a “painful or resentful awareness of an advantage enjoyed by another, joined with a desire to possess the same advantage” (, 2021).
Romantic jealousy is fear of loss of mate and mate retention behaviors, and envy is seen as someone threatening to take away advantage personally
Romantic jealousy has been found to be positively correlated with feelings of insecurity, low self-esteem, and mate retention behaviors (Chin et al., 2017). Whereas in envy, advantage is perceived as belonging to the other; in jealousy, a rival is seen as threatening to take away the advantage (Anderson, 2002).
Narcissistic injury too unbearable to tolerate causes violence. A poisoning quality is specific to the violently envious
In the case of both tension states, it is a matter of degree—how much does the negative comparison lead the sufferer to experience painful feelings of inferiority and shame that result in a narcissistic injury too unbearable to tolerate? Is there the potential for narcissistic rage in its various manifestations, including violence? As the UK advice columnist Irma Kurtz wrote, “jealousy fights duels, envy poisons the soup (Kurtz, 1987).” Table 1 lists the comparative characteristics of envy and jealousy.
Insatiability, and excessive willingness to even take out themselves and their own security, even if it be financial, to take out the person they are envious of can be seen in the violently envious person. They are competitive and will do anything to stop being thrown into relief as less advantaged with the envied person.
Moreover, envy is historically and consistently referred to as hidden and insidious (Epstein, 2003; Minou, 2017). Envy may often be denied because of its implication of inferiority, unwarranted malicious temptation in the envier, and especially its potential for destructiveness. Envy increases within the sufferer the likelihood of developing depression, lowers resilience, and destabilizes self-esteem (Xiang et al., 2020). Those laboring under strong envy are insatiable, competitive, and may be willing to sacrifice their own outcomes to diminish the envied person's perceived advantage (Smith & Kim, 2007
As a result, people report greater feelings of envy and inadequacy.
Passively browsing Facebook apparently incites lots of envy in the envy prone who may try to destroy or at least erase the presence of the one who makes them feel that much envy. Out of sight, out of mind for the envier is desired for and they try to make it a reality
Even passively browsing Facebook can lead to negative social comparison, envy, social isolation and a significantly impaired sense of life satisfaction (Morawska, 2019). Younger persons who spend more time on social media are more susceptible to these effects than older persons.
Consumed with envy and shame (violence most likely) becomes over time guilt-ridden and self-punishing as they continue to avoid feelings of narcissistic inaccessibility, aka, being reminded of what they can’t or don’t have.
Klein first theorized that mature development required transition from the persecutory position (consumed with envy and shame) to the depressive position (guilt-ridden and self-punishing) in order to avoid feelings of victimization and narcissistic inaccessibility (Klein, 1975).
Envy can be a driving emotion in some who go on to commit acts of extreme violence
Those with strong paranoid and narcissistic traits have been observed to suffer from a desire to destroy the goodness they perceive they have been unjustly denied. Such individuals seek to destroy the other's ability to enjoy the whole object pleasures of love or achievement (Zizek, 2008). Envy can be a primary driving emotion in some who go on to commit acts of extreme violence (Hyatt-Williams, 1998; Knoll, 2010a, 2010b).
Narcissism starts to distort senses of justice in envy. The “justice sense” suddenly becomes distorted and no longer justice in the envious instantiation.
Other main themes associated with envy in the psychological literature involve the envious person's perception of fairness and justice, narcissism, hostility, and grudge holding (Anderson, 2002; Milic, 2019; Nauta, 2009).
Entitlement is part of envy; the envious feel that they are withholding the goodness or justice of things like “having sex with the girls in the hottest sorority”. Externalization, projection and projective identification can be seen. These individuals show impaired ability for sympathy, empathy, regret, reconciliation or gratitude which all require an ability to see someone else as human who may feel things like they do, aka, an increased disposition to commodify agents is seen.
In the P-S position, the individual's worldview is based on feelings of mistreatment and frustration at what is perceived as intentional harm, injustice, or purposeful withholding of advantages. The P-S position is associated with the use of maladaptive defense mechanisms such as splitting, externalization, projection, and projective identification. Such individuals will have an impaired capacity for sympathy, empathy, regret, reconciliation or gratitude—emotions that necessitate an ability to represent others in one's mind as whole, real, and meaningful individuals. Via projection and projective identification (an incomplete projection wherein the projected content continues to threaten the self), such individuals perceive others as actively persecuting them by withholding the goodness, justice, or fairness to which they feel rightfully entitled (Grotstein, 1981)
Not getting what they feel entitled to is a profoundly depressing and humiliating experience for those who have an excessive predisposition to commodify and then feel entitled to things that should not have ever been commodified
As a result of their perception of intolerable injustice, some may become overwhelmed with a sense of loss that cannot be mourned (Feldman & De Paola, 1994). Grief is subsumed by personal grievance. There is then the potential for hostile revenge fantasies, followed by an unwillingness to forsake a martyrdom fantasy of ultimate and final revenge. Envy may defy common sense, yet its logic can be understood. Envious persons see the object of envy as big or advantaged, while they feel small and disadvantaged. This is a profoundly depressing and humiliating experience for the envious who are left harboring resentment and injustice, emotions which are often a product of depleted omnipotent fantasies (Anderson, 2002).
Defense of projection may hypertrophy to distort their perceptions of others as greedy, spiteful, and intentionally persecutory–aka, someone very rich may start projecting on others as greedy to project off the shame they feel for greed. Or, someone who is antisemitic with lots of wealth may suddenly become fixated on Jews to relieve themselves of the guilt they feel for not helping people.
They may come to experience—whether acknowledged as compensatory or not—a “malicious glee” (schadenfreude) over other's misfortune, which can develop into an addictive like pursuit of sadistic joy over others' sorrows. Their defense of projection may hypertrophy to distort their perceptions of others as greedy, spiteful and intentionally persecutory
Social pain over a perceived failure to meet some internalized level of value is seen
in contrast to the dynamic of a negative comparison defining envy, shame is “a painful feeling of an interrupted sense of joy, relationship, status, or pride, because of exposure of one's failure to meet standards or ideals” (p. 37). The key phrase here is not meeting “standards,” which suggests social pain over a perceived failure to meet some internalized level of value. S
Shame for feeling hate then leads to self-hate, and this suffering sees no relief until they decide to commit extreme violence
A vicious cycle may ensue, in which the envier is ashamed of feeling hateful, and then hates himself for feeling such negative emotions—which make him further aware of his inadequacy. In actuality, we suggest that these powerful negative emotions—shame, envy, hatred of others and hatred of self—are so interrelated that they may all be in play in the sufferer who chooses extreme violence.
Irrational suicidal behavior often called a “psychic death” can be found on people with extreme narcissistic injury and envy.
Gilligan's interpretations may not explain all instances of extreme violence, but they are consistent with what we call the obliterative mindset. The perpetrator has lost the capacity for undistorted judgment and to sublimate aggression. The “self” is already dead. He is now ready to override the survival instinct and fully embrace a drive toward death (Anderson, 2006).
A deep sense of victimizations promotes a righteous vengeance that then aggressively devalues the other to promote the self, as they do not feel like they will compare organically without aggressively manufacturing the devaluation of the other
. In the distorted logic of severe envy, a deep sense of victimization allows martyrdom and/or righteous vengeance to devalue the other and promote the self to heroic status.
The envious person decides he is going to show the world his true self, which in the end is nothing but another terrorist, one of many people who did nothing with their lives but just kill other people out of rage, envy and entitlement
Intolerable conditions and even the imperfect self are wiped clean, leaving only the perpetrator's final judgment, which is not open to appeal. The violent extremist warped by severe envy is drawn to a statement of self-affirmation to counteract overwhelming shame. By obliterating the unacceptable reality, his sacrifice seems worthwhile to him to re-establish his sense of self. Or as the violent perpetrator Elliot Rodger wrote: “Finally, at long last, I can show the world my true worth” (E.R. Manifesto, 2014). The paradox, however, is compelling: obliterating the actual self to realize just before death the perfect and omnipotent self.
Around the time of extremism, rigidity can be seen and is palpable on the one engaged in covert or overt acts
. Beliefs in the superiority of one's cause become rigidly fixed and overvalued (Rahman et al., 2019).
Extreme imbalances of what is given from what is taken is a clear signs of extreme envy, suggesting economic abuse is motivated by envy in many cases
: “Everything is gone. What I own is just gonna be a pittance compared to what I am going to take.” The distorted logic of severe envy can be seen at play in MH's statement: “It's a kind of a community that in order for you to get ahead, you have to keep the neighbor down. It's not
you know, building yourself up on your own merit, it's tear the other guy down.” There is no ambivalence or relativity at this point for MH. His world is split into only those who are building up and those who are tearing down. Deep in his persecutory position, MH gives about as clear an explanation, in our opinion, of the logic of violent, destructive envy as can be found in such cases:
Genocidal obliteration is seen on those so envious they become violent
. When I do this, that levels the playing field in my favor, so now we've got a lopsided playing field because when I come back at you, I'm gonna destroy your side of the playing field
Addicted to revenge, they make patently unreasonable decisions
Various townspeople interviewed in the documentary note how MH had been given numerous financially appealing options, including an offer of six times what he paid for his land. The object of MH's envy was his perception of the success of several businessmen whose family had lived in the town for generations. Offers to provide MH with a financially advantageous resolution held no sway since he was fully in the grip of an obliterative mindset. Or, as the town news editor stated, “He had a way out. He had a way out to make some good money and, and go on about his life, but he chose that path for whatever reason.” Instead, he narrowed his focus and proceeded according to the dictates of violent envy and revenge.
Peacefulness after extreme painful turbulence is a tell-tale sign of premeditated homicidal action in the envious
Tied to these signs of PST is MH's statement that “a peace came over me
,” perhaps describing an almost spiritual feeling of relief after having finally resigned himself to die. Such descriptions of emotional reprieve have been associated with anticipatory and relief-oriented permissive beliefs in suicidal crises (Del-Monte & Graziani, 2020). Perpetrators of mass murder and other forms of targeted homicide-suicide have similarly described a state of peacefulness and relief that arises once they have come to terms with their own death as not only inevitable and acceptable, but planned, either by their own hand or as a “suicide-bycop.”
“I wasn’t supposed to caught”; an exceptionalism is seen on the violently envious
ambivalence. MH proceeds to strengthen and amplify his violent intent via a combination of PST and teleological thinking: “I wasn't supposed to get caught! God built me to be here to prove to you that what you have been doing for God knows how many years is wrong.”
Resolving the crisis would be an intolerable sign of weakness and inferiority (Gilligan & Richards, 2021).
This statement suggests his intensifying envy, often apparent in pathologically narcissistic states and traits (Kernberg, 1992). What MH deserves is beyond question, and now God expects him to harm the objects of his envy. The conviction of transcendent moral and spiritual righteousness is a common justification for violent lashing out by those in the persecutory position. Resolving the crisis nonviolently would require more psychological degrees of freedom and capacity for gratitude and empathy than MH possessed. To him it would be an intolerable sign of weakness and inferiority (Gilligan & Richards, 2021).
When people are happy an aggressive raging need to ruin it is seen on the envious
As poetically described by Gilligan and Richards (2021), the most direct, immediate and literal way to wipe tormentors' mocking smiles from their faces is to make them weep through violence.
Fixation is a huge sign of extreme envy and ability to commit envy-based violence
MH's PST would be associated with the TRAP-18 (Meloy, 2017) distal characteristic of Changes in Thinking and Emotion. These changes are often complex, and appear to occur in three domains: interpersonal relations become more limited and isolation increases; there is evidence of fantasy that is both grandiose and violent (often leaked through social media); and emotions shift from just anger, to also contempt and disgust for the target. We also see continued TRAP-18 evidence of the proximal warning behavior of Fixation, in this case motivated by extreme overvalued beliefs (Meloy & Rahman, 2020). Fixation, a preoccupation with a person or a cause that is accompanied by deterioration in work and love, is often the first proximal warning behavior to appear in a case of targeted violence (Meloy et al., 2021).
Last resort behavior can be seen when they think they were never going to get caught, a desperate attempt to commit violent envious action to secure the envied’s punishment for making them feel envy
Last Resort proximal warning behavior is defined as a violent action and time imperative: the person must act, and he must act now. Such warning behavior is often precipitated by a triggering event—often a loss in love or work--or one that is anticipated, and is sometimes accompanied by feelings of desperation or distress (Meloy, 2017).
Envy that powerful pushes them into the obliterative mindset, where violence occurs
Such intense devaluation of the desired object suggests envy powerful enough to push him into the obliterative mindset.
ER repeatedly used the word “envy” to describe his misery.
ER repeatedly used the word “envy” to describe his misery. He understood the difference between envy and jealousy, which he also experienced at an early age when there would be a third boy on playdates with his best friend (E.R. Manifesto, 2014).
He shows that the desire to torture is motivated by envy, showing that envy is indeed a product of envy and with it its links to narcissism
ER went to a Starbucks coffee shop there, where he became “livid with envious hatred” upon seeing a couple kissing. He proceeded to throw his coffee on them. What he actually fantasized doing was to “kill them slowly
 strip the skins off their flesh.” The sight of a couple enjoying themselves brought out sadistic urges to destroy them, but not before torturing them by removing the very organ they would use to enjoy each other—their skin.
Entitlement is also linked to the torture as envy milieu saying “if I cannot have it, I will destroy it”. That is extreme entitlement
Just as MH described the true nature of destructive envy so well, so does ER, with jarring precision: “If I cannot have it, I will destroy it.
A hatred for someone from a younger generation enjoying things they didn’t can be seen in the envious
That was the day that I decided I would have to kill him on the Day of Retribution. I will not allow the boy to surpass me at everything, to live the life I've always wanted. It's not fair that he has the chance to have a pleasurable life while I've been denied it. It will be a hard thing to do, because I had really bonded with my little brother in the last year, and he respected and looked up to me. But I would have to do it. If I can't live a pleasurable life, then neither will he!
Fixation and pathological preoccupation followed by deterioration is seen on those who are capable of and/or commit envious violent action
The ER case is rife with examples of the proximal warning behavior of Fixation on the TRAP-18: “an increasingly pathological preoccupation with a person or a cause, accompanied by a deterioration in social and occupational life” (Meloy, 2017)
Envy based torture premeditation and enaction is seen on those envious who fit the description for TRAP-18
When ER saw the couple kissing at Starbucks he also wanted to kill them, “slowly.” What he actually did was throw coffee on them (and, incidentally, at great risk of physical retaliation). Such a behavior is an example of the proximal warning behavior on the TRAP-18 of Novel Aggression: “an act of violence that appears unrelated to any targeted violence pathway and is committed for the first time” (Meloy et al., 2012), and is done to test one's violent capability.
Acute narcissistic injury can trigger a suicidal crisis
An acute narcissistic injury in the patient's life could trigger a suicidal crisis in the absence of a depressed state. Ronningstam (2005) discussed the various meanings of suicidality in narcissistic patients, among them, an illusion of control and mastery (as well as preserving the perfect self), a shield against anticipated narcissistic injuries (death before dishonor), and an act of revenge: an individual may commit suicide to spite someone else.
Even envious hatred for therapists can be found, with therapists witnessing boredom with the sessions and withdrawing from direct engagement. This suggests extreme dispositional envy.
. He may pronounce boredom with the sessions or withdraw from direct engagement; his envious hatred may be hidden underneath an attitude of indifference. Alternatively, he may attempt to compete with the therapist, claiming superior knowledge or understanding (Abraham, 1927)
Envious individuals suffer from an encapsulated murderous aspect of their personalities

most envious individuals suffer from an encapsulated murderous aspect of their personalities. If this concealed enclave is suddenly detonated by external circumstances, homicidal or suicidal violence can erupt.
Envious people see the world as zero-sum and try to reinforce back to zero-sum when people prove it is not inherently zero-sum. They will aggressively try to renormalize it back to where their envy seems less pathological and distorted.
In the zero-sum game of envy, there is a myth that if someone has something good, the other person is diminished. A major goal of therapy is to help patients see that self-esteem is not dependent on what someone else has and that their accomplishments are not connected to those of others. The therapist works to interpret to the patient that his zero-sum view undermines the chance in his life that he and others can simultaneously feel successful and gratified (pp. 128–129).
Envy influences the subject’s violent motives
s. Understanding the powerful psychodynamics of severe envy, the obliterative mindset and pseudo-spiritual transformation, contribute to the knowledge base for threat assessment practice. Threat assessment clinicians on these teams may identify the signs of envy, often subtle or revealed indirectly, and its influence on a subject's violent motives.
Desire for revenge becomes so powerful they commit revenge-based homicide or attempt it, and may even sacrifice their own lives and careers just because of the burning narcissistic envy
When the desire for revenge is powerful enough, such individuals may conclude an act of lethal violence is wholly necessary and the only logical remedy, even if it means sacrificing their own lives.
This act of extreme violence risks the lives of both self and other while providing a relatively brief period of shelter from intense narcissistic injury.
Obliterative envy describes the process by which envy, and its related mental and emotional states, are negated through an act of extreme violence. This act of extreme violence risks the lives of both self and other while providing a relatively brief period of shelter from intense narcissistic injury. Pseudo-spiritual transformation is the perpetrator's belief that violent revenge, in response to a personal grievance, is being guided and sanctified by some transcendent power, usually of personal religious significance.
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2024.05.20 05:06 Loose-Apricot8689 PVD queer culture? Also differences from MA and CT?

Hey all,
I am a late-30s queer woman with an early-40s non-binary partner who recently bought our first home in central CT. We had previously lived in Boston for 7 years before getting priced out. For more context, I'm originally from the western states and have experience living in CA and the PNW, while my partner is from NY.
Since moving to CT, I've found it jarring how different the vibe is from MA (Boston area or western MA). Especially as a childfree couple, it's been hard to find our scene, as everything in our pretty bougie town seems to be very kid- and parent-focused. It also has an undeniable WASP vibe that makes me feel very uncomfortable. I'm finding myself missing the vibe of an actual city, specifically one that feels quirky and artsy. (I love my indie theaters showing weird arthouse films, edgy street art, culinary diversity but not only in a fine dining context, opportunities to get involved in local activism, etc.) We both also looove the ocean. I'm finding myself wondering if we should relocate to Providence pending a bunch of factors like timeline, interest rates, job stuff, the rate of escalating gentrification there and how that impacts affordability, etc etc.
My caveat: I have an extremely toxic and abusive ex who lives in PVD, and I was wondering how realistic it would be to think I could avoid running into this person in such a tiny city in a tiny state with even tinier circles of fellow queer people. I haven't seen this person in a decade, but it was honestly one of the biggest reasons I didn't move to PVD and ended up elsewhere. Do you think this is an unfounded concern? Could you say more about the queer communities in PVD and your own experiences navigating the question of exes / folks you'd rather no longer interact with?
I'm also curious to hear what you think about how RI culture / mentalities / interacting with neighbors is similar to or different from MA and CT. I saw a recent comment here where someone said that RI is definitely a different vibe from MA. Could someone expand on that?
Thank you in advance for your generosity and thoughtfulness :)
submitted by Loose-Apricot8689 to providence [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:02 Meatrition A Metabolome-Wide Mendelian Randomization Study Identifies Dysregulated Arachidonic Acid Synthesis as a Potential Causal Risk Factor for Bipolar Disorder

In conclusion, our study suggests that higher levels of ARA may reduce the risk of BPD. Preclinical models and randomized clinical trials are needed to rigorously assess a potential role for ARA supplementation (and other PUFAs) in facilitating BPD prevention and treatment, particularly in individuals who carry BPD risk alleles at the FADS1/2/3 cluster. More broadly, our findings also support potential avenues for precision health interventions focused on early-life nutrition to ensure that infants and children are receiving enough ARA and other PUFAs to support optimal brain development, which may also reduce the risk of BPD.
This 2-sample MWMR study revealed 33 circulating metabolites associated with BPD, most of them lipids. Chief among these metabolites was ARA in its free form along with several complex lipids containing either an ARA or LA side chain. We showed that most of these metabolite associations were driven by genetic instruments at the FADS1/2/3 cluster, which encodes a family of fatty acid desaturase enzymes responsible for the desaturation of omega-6 PUFAs in the LA to ARA pathway as well as omega-3 PUFAs in the αLA to eicosapentaenoic acid to docosahexaenoic acid pathway (22). Taken together, these findings suggest that the conversion of LA into ARA by the FADS1/2/3 cluster genes may play a key role in BPD etiology. A potential role for PUFAs in BPD has been widely posited over the past decade, although attention has primarily been focused on omega-3 PUFAs such as eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid (22). A key finding from this 2-sample MWMR study suggests that increased synthesis of ARA, an omega-6 PUFA, may lower BPD risk. Although the ARA pathway has previously been implicated in the pathophysiology of BPD (23), to our knowledge, ours is the first study to highlight a potential causal role. Additional work is required to uncover the relevant downstream mechanisms, although studies have shown that ARA plays a vital role in the central nervous system, both as a major phospholipid constituent of neuronal and glial cell membranes and as a signaling molecule (24). Given its presence in human milk, ARA is considered to be essential for infant brain development and is added to infant formulas in many countries (25). Therefore, ARA may exert an effect on BPD risk by affecting neurodevelopmental pathways, which would be consistent with contemporary views of BPD as a neurodevelopmental disorder (26). In children and adults, ARA can be sourced either directly from meat and seafood products or indirectly by de novo synthesis from dietary LA (e.g., nuts, seeds, oils) via the FADS1/2/3 cluster genes (21). Conversely, infants lack the ability to synthesize ARA from LA and so are completely reliant on human milk or formula for their ARA intake (27). Therefore, future studies to assess ARA supplementation as a potential preventive strategy for BPD may be warranted, particularly with children or infants with poor natural dietary sources of ARA. A GWAS of fatty acid levels in breast milk from >1000 Bangladeshi mothers revealed that the FADS1/2/3 cluster was the primary driver of fatty acid levels and that of the 33 fatty acids measured, ARA was the primary fatty acid influenced by this gene cluster (28). Specifically, the authors found that the sentinel variant at the locus, rs174556, was associated with a per major allele effect size of 17% higher ARA levels (28). This is a large effect, and so lower levels of ARA in human milk due to genetic variation at the FADS1/2/3 cluster could play a role in modulating BPD risk. The sentinel variant associated with ARA in breast milk is in moderate to high LD with the BPD sentinel rs174592 (r2 = 0.67, 1000 Genomes Project [European Super Population]), which suggests that the 2 signals do overlap. However, if the levels of ARA in breast milk were a driver of the BPD signal, then the mother's genotype at the FADS1/2/3 cluster would be more important than that of the infant. Thus, a hypothetical cross-generational effect like this would suggest that the FADS1/2/3 cluster exerts a larger effect on BPD risk than current data suggest. In this study, we have shown that the BPD GWAS signal at the FADS1/2/3 cluster is likely driven by PUFA metabolism, suggesting that ARA may be the primary effector. Although the liver is generally considered to be the central organ of PUFA metabolism, the FADS1/2/3 cluster genes are expressed widely across human tissues and cell types, including in the brain (29). Therefore, it is unclear whether this cluster impacts BPD risk via distal mechanisms either in the liver or another peripheral tissue or by local activity in the brain. A recent study using a Fads1/2 knockout mouse model of BPD showed that peripheral, but not central, Fads1/2 gene knockout was necessary to recapitulate the BPD-like phenotype, as evidenced by a loss of the phenotype after conditional knockout in the brain (30). ARA and other PUFAs are actively transported into the brain across the blood-brain barrier (31), and recent GWASs have uncovered genome-wide significant associations between variants at the FADS1/2/3 cluster and several brain imaging-derived phenotypes including cortical thickness and surface area (32,33). Taken together, this is all consistent with peripheral PUFA metabolism having the potential to impact central mechanisms. A major clinical implication of the associations observed here between circulating metabolites and BPD relates to the search for biomarkers. There are currently no clinically approved psychiatric biomarkers, although predictive modeling has been widely applied in attempts to identify biosignatures of different psychiatric disorders. For example, a recent study identified a lipid signature for schizophrenia that also translates to both BPD and major depressive disorder (34). High-resolution profiling of circulating PUFAs in psychiatric patients may therefore prove to be crucial in facilitating psychiatric biomarker discovery. There are several potential limitations to this study. First, although we observed an inverse correlation between the BPD and lithium response GSMR estimates across the 33 BPD-associated metabolites, the lithium response estimates were based on a GWAS of only 2039 patients with BPD (2). A potential role for these metabolites in modulating lithium response should therefore be considered suggestive at best, although several previous studies have shown that lithium and other mood stabilizers impact the ARA pathway in animals (35,36). Second, it is unclear to what extent patients from the BPD GWAS by Mullins et al. (5) who participated in this study had been prescribed lithium. Although MR studies are more robust to confounding from medication and other lifestyle factors than observational studies, it is possible that the signals detected in our study reflect a lithium-responsive BPD subtype. Therefore, additional studies to explore this in more deeply phenotyped participants are needed. Third, because our findings were based on GWASs of European participants, the extent to which they are applicable to other populations is unclear. However, the GWAS signal for BPD at the FADS1/2/3 cluster was originally identified in a Japanese population (37), which suggests that the relevance of our findings likely does extend beyond Europeans. Fourth, although we found little to no evidence to support a role for these 33 BPD-associated metabolites in other related psychiatric disorders, it is possible that they may be relevant for certain psychiatric subtypes. For example, the depression phenotype used in the Howard et al. (38) GWAS was very broad, and so MR studies utilizing future GWASs focused on specific depression subtypes that adhere to more uniform and clinically relevant diagnostic criteria may yield different results. Finally, our replication efforts were hampered by differential metabolomic coverage between the metabolomic discovery and replication datasets. Future studies should therefore focus primarily on replication and validation. Studies that apply the Metabolon HD platform and other high-resolution platforms to independent population cohorts will be crucial to enable comprehensive replication analyses. Moreover, the application of platforms with ever-increasing coverage of PUFAs will help to pinpoint the most relevant metabolites involved in BPD etiology. We propose that future validation studies should utilize the Fads1/2 knockout mouse model of BPD (30) discussed earlier. These mice may represent a suitable preclinical model to assess the efficacy of PUFA supplementation (including ARA) in treating BPD-related symptoms, thereby highlighting specific PUFAs for subsequent randomized clinical trials.
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