What is a clitoritis wiki

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2013.03.01 03:51 JBurto What is this, a subreddit for ants?!?

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2009.05.06 14:05 DetectiveJohnKimble WikiLeaks

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2014.03.18 21:36 Travel Hacks

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2024.03.30 18:09 casuallycreating The penis head contains 4000 nerve endings

It certainly sucks
Study of Danish men shows that amongst about 800,000 men tested those who were circumcised had higher STD and HIV rates
Study of almost 400 men shows that after circumcision more of them reported having more difficulty achieving orgasm and masturba ting than before https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17155977/
histological study of 26 men showed that the foreskin was the most neurologically sensitive part of the penis. The foreskin also played a part in protecting the glan of the penis from rubbing against clothing that made it more sensitive in those with a foreskin https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/joa.13481
Intact America Survey finds that the majority of mothers who were prompted to give their son a circumcision accepted meanwhile the majority who were not did not give their son a circumcision. mothers were asked on average 8 times if they wanted to circumcise their son. Soft sells,” such as being handed a consent form, increased circumcisions by 137%. Instead mothers should be given informational materials on how to clean theirvintact son's foreskin. the foreskin will correctly retract after late puberty https://intactamerica.org/press-release-having-a-baby-boy-get-ready-for-the-circumcision-sellers/
American Academy of Pediatrics representatives get grilled on questions that have to do with the functionality of the foreskin AND OF COURSE, they cannot answer them. Because they're corrupt bribed shills!
A study of nearly 200 adolescents from Tanzania, Zimbabwe, and South Africa show overwhelming ridicule of those who have an intact penis and a ton of misinformation. Women believed that men who had a circumcision could be more promiscuous and that having a circumcised penis improved the sexual health of all partners involved in sex. Men reported a widespread support from female lovers to get a circumcision. There is no evidence that male genital mutilation or circumcison leads to significant increases in pleasure or decreases in disease transmission rates . The circumcision propaganda machine is clearly working!
according to the CDC and what they examined amongst men in the USA at least. The rates for breast cancer and penile cancer in men are actually about the same.
Therefore, In men preventative mastectomies against breast cancer are more justifiable than circumcisions as preventative measures against penile cancers.
(And also yes being bigger or having more skin does increase your odds of getting some cancers as having more skin cells increases your odds of getting cancer... but I doubt that penile cancer is one of them - https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-34515952)
"Does Circumcision Reduce Men’s Sexual Sensitivity? " Sham article that was 'medically reviewed' by a person who...is a writer that majored in English!? HOW!? We don't see people who majored in mathematics medically reviewing articles, right? So why should people who majored in English be the ones to medically review stuff??! We should have had a surgeon or doctor medically reviewing all healthline articles
You can't even trust the world health organization for accurate information on male genital mutilation and circumcisions since they are biased and have blood money from bill gates and melinda foundation
Posts and surveys from hundreds of people showing their anger against having had been circumcised.
The ridiculousness of male circumcision
AccorDing to the Circumcision Information and Resources Pages, studies they have reviewed have shown that circumcision laeds to problems like premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, and less marital and sexual satisfaction
A heroic website created by women who talk about how their partner's circumcision has negatively impacted their lives
Phimosis: Stretching Methods with or without Application of Topical Steroids?
The penises of mutilated boys of the Ulwaluko tribe who are forced to undergo circumcision from a young age in unhygenic settings by unprofessional surgeons (VERY NSFW)
"There Are 20 Different Penis Types — and They’re All Important" SHAM article written by a quack which downplays the terrors of circumcision. Even in the article they recommend that circumcised penises should most likely use lubrication for masturbation...right after saying that circumcised penises function similarly to uncircumcised ones!? wooot!? Another SHAM article that's what!
Lost Boys: An Estimate of USA Circumcision-Related Infant Deaths
Numerous cases Of chidren having their penises burned and severed off as a result of a botched unnecessary circumcision process
Doctor Accidentally Lasers Off Boy’s Penis During Circumcision
Boy who was forced to live as a woman after their genitals had been seriously damaged in a botched circumcision in Canada
According to a small survey the prevalence of death-grip syndrome , which is a serious destruction of nerves in the penis due to harsh masturbation, is moreso prevalent in circumcised men than in non circumcised men.
The foreskin is a massive organ remember! It covers the whole of the penile shaft from the meatus to the testicles and it slides back and forth and acts as a natural protector and solid lubricator for the penile shaft during masturbation or intercourse. Men with no foreskin tend to be gripping the the unprotected urethral shaft , which is not meant to be tightly gripped at all one should note, just as tightly as they would a protected one. That unprotected urethral shaft over time WILL receive thousands of microinjuries and destroyed nerves over time. The loss of nerves in that region means that a man has to grip the unprotected urethral shaft harder and Harder and this damage eventually results in a loss of stimulation. I am sure there are many women out there who suffer from dead vagina syndrome which was made worse by their unconsensual circumcision!
There has also been a connection found between delayed ejaculation and circumcision. Some men with circumcised penises have found that the suffer from delayed ejaculation as a result of the numbness https://sci-hub.se/10.1111/and.12101
A study of over 100 men proved that a circumcised penis is FAR less sensitive than a uncircumcised one in the ventral scar and glans of a penis because the foreskin protects the man's ventral scar AND glans from unwanted overstimulation (like when a man's glan is rubbing against his pants on a shaky bus ride) and environmental damage (like water running down his urethra during a shower) - https://sci-hub.se/10.1111/j.1464-410X.2006.06685.x It is possible that circumcised women ALSO experience a decrease in stimulation to the clitoris without the clitoral hood due to , once again, overstimulation and environmental damage and it is possible that a woman gets her clitoral hood chopped off in a unconsensual circumcision. I believe, and I'm sure most men agree with me, that a woman has the right to be born with and grow up wit h a vagina that is unharmed and unadulterated and gives her as much sensitivity as she wants. Now, why do I as a man not have this right to having a protection against over stimulation and environmental damage?! In this case both men and women are getting Screwed over equally
Hop on down tohttps://www.reddit.com/Intactivism/ and https://www.reddit.com/CircumcisionGrief/ to learn how NOT to stab your baby boys to death lmao!
submitted by casuallycreating to copypasta [link] [comments]

2024.03.22 21:59 Haunted_Marie13 Success Story; Healed from Vulvodynia, Pudendal Neuralgia, and IC

So, I am prepared for the skepticism and the eye rolls I may get with this post when I really get into how I healed, but please, bear with me.
This is going to be a long one.
I have posted on this subreddit a few times when I was in the height of my pain and desperate for answers. I am hoping that this story will help others or by the very least, bring comfort and hope to those who are healing from this difficult condition.
Back in September of 2022, I contracted what I thought was a UTI after a ptsd triggering event that was of no fault to my boyfriend; all he wanted was to be spontaneaous one night and something about him catching me off guard really triggered me. And yes, I could have told him that I was triggered and not went through with having sex but I didn't. I was too embarrassed. So, against my brain and body screaming NO, I ignored my own needs to meet my boyfriend's even though he was totally okay with not doing anything that night. And it sent my trauma through the roof. I was so emotionally and mentally devastated that after the fact, I hid in my bathroom and begged the universe to never make me have sex again. I laugh at that now because... ask and you shall receive.
I woke up that next morning with UTI-like symptoms (i.e. urethral irritation, urgency, frequency, etc.) and through a tele-health appointment was prescribed macrobid and went and bought Monistat for the inevitable YI I always got when I took antibiotics. I began on the abx but was not getting better in the way that I was used to, I still had UTI symptoms while on abx which was weird to me. However, I did contract a YI and this is when all heck broke loose. I used the 3 day monistat and by the third day, experienced horrendous burning. YI meds are supposed to burn, I knew that, but this felt extreme and after that night, that burning feeling wouldn't leave me for months.
Thus begun the quest for answers after two weeks of having this burning sensation that just wouldn't let up or go away. I began running back and forth to Planned Parenthood and having them swear up and down that I had a monster YI. I was put on two more abx and 11 diflucan pills before the clinicians at PP got frustrated with me and basically said "we can't help you" and they finally admitted that I never had a test proven YI but they thought it was a subclinical infection after they had already put me on all of those pills. That would have been nice info to know because all they did was make my condition worse and caused me a lot of stress and anguish.
PP referred me out to a GYN and I was so upset that it was a male GYN (nothing against men but I just don't like person's who don't have the same equipment as me to tell me anything about my body, also this GYN was a dick). I made my boyfriend go to the appointment with me and when I tell you that this GYN didn't want to be there, I mean it. He was talking fast, rushing around and tried to diagnose me with a YI based off of the description of my symptoms. When I became frustrated he was like "Do you want me to examine you?" I said yes but I should have said no because after telling him how painful my area was at all times, he shoved a speculum in me without warning and retriggered my ptsd all over again. My boyfriend ended up yelling at the guy, but alas, no YI. no infections at all.
As you can imagine, my fear, anxiety, depression and anger was at an all time high. After these experiences, I had developed new symptoms along the way:
- Vestibule burning, urethral burning, urinary frequency and urgency, coal-like sensations at vestibule, ice-like sensations, numbness, aching feelings, tingling, rectal burning, tailbone pain, pressure in my urethra and clitoral area (it felt like something was occupying space in that area or like my pelvic floor was being pushed outward, swollen feelings but my skin looked fine), itching (that developed a day after my first PFPT evaluation which I was terrified of going to), and burning after urination (which developed after an upsetting/stressful doctor's appointment and sitting on my butt in my car for the first time in months, so I thought I damaged my pudendal nerve.) and overall tightness of my pelvic floor.
I began doing things to avoid flares, such as: I stopped sitting altogether and opted for sitting/laying on my sides, I cut out inflammatory foods and only ate all organic foods, I eliminated showers for fear of soap running down to my pelvic floor (Sponge baths, washing my hair the sink), I drank a ton of water to combat the urinary discomforts, no sex for an indefinite amount of time (thank goodness my boyfriend was understanding), I stopped wearing pants and only wore skirts/dresses, I was taking a ton of supplements to heal myself because the meds I was prescribed only ever made things worse, I would limit movement and only go for short walks when I felt I could... I can't remember everything now, I juts remember that my life got smaller and smaller.
Not to mention, I was a total wreck. I was crying all of the time. However, I started to notice something weird: my pain went from being constant to intermittent and inconsistent. For instance:
- I would have pain in the morning that would subside around noon and come back at 7 PM every night.
- my pain was inconsistent in that sometimes it would be a 6/10, sometimes it would be a 4/10, occasionally it would be a 2/10. It didn't make sense.
- my pain would all but go away during my period or if I was sick, so when something else was going on with my body, my pelvic pain would subside for a time.
- It would go away when I took Vitamin D3 or probiotics which also didn't make sense because every medication I was given for the actual condition never worked or made little improvement.
- My pain was delayed, so I would do something like walk or physical therapy and be fine but then my pain would come on hours later.
At one point, I left home to go to my mother's house for a while because I just felt like I needed her. Being at my mom's house made me feel so safe and a weird thing happened, my burning pain and other weird symptoms beside the itching and burning with urination went away. It just was gone. I chalked it up to that the irritant contact dermatitis from the YI med I had finally healed. It came back when I went back home... so, I went back to my mom's house and it went away again. I don't remember what I was thinking about this at the time, I remember just being grateful.
This prompted me to research and a few months later, I found something called Tension Myositis Syndrome (TMS) coined by a man named Dr. John Sarno, basically saying that deep-seated or repressed emotions can manifest through the body as various pain syndromes and in my research, I found that pelvic pain was almost always TMS. Although, at the time, I was not ready to accept this as a real thing so I placed in on the back burner until a few months later when I had another weird experience. My original pain was gone by this point but I still had on/off itching, this awful scratchy/tingling feeling on my vestibule and urinary urgency/discomfort that frustrated me. One day, I had a meltdown lol I was crying, I was angry, I was throwing pillows around and punching pillows. I was letting out all of my frustration about my situation (I am not telling anyone to have a breakdown, this is simply part of my discovery to my root cause lol) and I felt so much better after. Lo and behold, I was pain free for five days, total symptom relief until I had an argument with my boyfriend and the pain came back. That is when I realized, my emotions were definitely playing a part.
I began to research again and found Alan Gordon's book, The Way Out, and related to it on such a deep level and just knew that I had TMS/Mind-Body Syndrome and I was pain free for 9 days thereafter. It all made sense to me and so I began my mind-body healing journey: I researched pain science, I listened to curable podcasts, I read success stories on the TMS Wiki, I began going to psychotherapy to help with my past traumas and for mind-body related syndromes (Menda Health in CA takes insurance of anyone is interested, they do consult calls to see if they can help you), I watched TMS healing YouTube videos and worked on calming my nervous system by reducing my fear of symptoms. I STOPPED GOING ON SUPPORT GROUPS (I found that all of the horror stories I would find and read only made my healing journey more difficult as it would just scare me and bring me down so I stayed away from them while I healed), Stopping all catastrophizing thoughts and attention to my vulva/pain, I got better. Over the course of 11 months working to heal my relationship to my body and pain, I am now pain free. It's odd to say but I had to embrace the pain and welcome it for it to go away. Once I showed my brain and CNS that I didn't care about the pain, it started to fade. I had to get bored with the symptoms and begin to live my life again regardless of whether or not I had pain.
The brain interprets pain signals, you cannot have a pain response without the brain's involvement and sometimes it can misinterpret safe signals from nerve fibers in the body and translate them as pain. For me, I believe I had a bad reaction to the YI meds but over the course of time, my brain learned that pain and my fear of it kept it persistent. My nervous system was like "she's scared of this so it must be dangerous, let's keep attention on it." As soon as I reduced my fear of the symptoms and started calming my nervous system down, my pain began to fade. I went from being bedridden and housebound to I am currently looking to get back into the workforce.
Now, I can sit for however long I was for as long as I want, I can drive again, I am back in the gym and lifting weights/doing cardio again, I am wearing pants again, I can eat whatever I want, I can have pain free sex again, I am totally pain free. It's like I never had pain. I feel like my life hit pause for a time and then randomly resumed, it's odd.
I know that by this point many of you have probably checked out and are calling BS but it's just something to consider. I had told my self a year and a half ago when I started on this journey, if I found something that worked, I would relay it to everyone on this subreddit. If the doctors cant find anything wrong with you, if they have ran every test under the sun and come up with nothing, if your pain comes and goes, if your stress levels determine the severity of your discomfort, if the meds don't work or make things worse... it could be a mind-body thing. It's worth looking into.
For me, I never processed my SA from when I was 15. I simply repressed it and when I got re-triggered and didn’t do anything to protect myself, my nervous system was like “we got you” and manifested as vulvodynia to make sure I never have to deal with that trauma again. Once I processed my past traumas, I healed. Looking back on it, of course I developed a chronic pain condition down there.
Here are some learning resources that helped me on my healing journey if anyone is interested.
Alan Gordon - The Way Out
Vulvodynia/Pudendal Neuralgia Success Story
Pudendal Neuralgia Success Story
Mind-Body Healing Program (Takes Insurance in CA)

TL;DR: Diagnosed with Vulvodynia, Pudendal Neuralgia and IC, I was healed through mind-body syndrome healing approach.

submitted by Haunted_Marie13 to vulvodynia [link] [comments]

2024.02.29 00:45 socks_in_crocs123 Looking for "use it or lose it" specifics

Does it matter what kind of orgasm is achieved or if it's achieved in regards to keeping vaginal strength? I read about the "use it or lose" idea on the wiki, but there wasn't enough information. Is clitoral stimulation enough? Or is penetration the best at helping to keep the vagina strong (using a dildo or vibrating dildo)? Just typing this out is super ugh for me because I have zero sexual desire (which is new for me and frankly really crappy) so I'm looking at this like starting a new habit - like brushing my teeth. I'm also hoping that the habit of doing it will help with desire, but if I'm going to put the work in then I'd like to get the best return on my investment.
submitted by socks_in_crocs123 to Menopause [link] [comments]

2023.12.16 23:06 SanderSo47 Directors at the Box Office: David Cronenberg

Directors at the Box Office: David Cronenberg

Here's a new edition of "Directors at the Box Office", which seeks to explore the directors' trajectory at the box office and analyze their hits and bombs. I already talked about a few, and as I promised, it's David Cronenberg's turn.
Cronenberg grew up by reading tons of books at his house. His father tried to introduce him to art films like The Seventh Seal, but Cronenberg preferred pirate and western films instead. As an avid reader, he was fascinated by the works of Ray Bradbury, Isaac Asimov and Philip K. Dick. He was also a big fan of comic books, and despite later considering comic book adaptations as artistically limited, he maintains some fondness for the character of Shazam. While he had seen a lot of films, it was Bambi that made him consider a career in filmmaking. After making short films, he decided to start experimental films.
From a box office perspective, how reliable is he to deliver a box office hit?
That's the point of this post. To analyze his career.

Stereo (1969)

"Tile 3B of a CAEE Educational Mosaic"
His directorial debut. The film follows Ronald Mlodzik, Jack Messinger, Iain Ewing, Clara Mayer, Paul Mulholland, Arlene Mlodzik, and Glenn McCauley, and follows several young volunteers who participate in a parapsychological experiment.
As an experimental film with a very low budget ($8,500), it didn't have a theatrical run. It premiered at the National Arts Centre, before a representative from the Museum of Modern Art bought the rights to screen it.

Crimes of the Future (1970)

His second film and it shares the same cast as his previous film. In a dystopic world where a plague is killing off pubescent human females, an esoteric researcher seeks his missing mentor while trying to retain morality in the sex-obsessed society he lives in.
Similar to his previous film, it was an experimental film. Both films are not well received among Cronenberg's fans, and this film in particular was criticized for wasting a good premise. And to be clear, besides the title, this film has no relation in the slightest to his newest film.

Shivers (1975)

"Terror beyond the power of priest or science to exorcise!"
His third film. It stars Paul Hampton, Lynn Lowry, and Barbara Steele, and follows the residents of a suburban high-rise apartment building who are being infected by a strain of parasites that turn them into mindless, sex-crazed fiends out to infect others by the slightest sexual contact.
While in France, Cronenberg attended the Cannes Film Festival, where he realized that he needed to expand his abilities beyond the experimental films if he wanted to be considered a serious director. The Canadian Film Development Corporation invested $179,000 on the budget, but Cronenberg admitted the fears of having to make the film on a tight schedule, as he had no idea how to make a film.
In Canada, the film earned $5 million ($3.7 million in US dollars), making it a very profitable film. The film was poorly received at first but grew in appreciation, although it was still far from Cronenberg's best films. But it was a good place to start.
  • Budget: $179,000.
  • Domestic gross: $3,711,378.
  • Worldwide gross: $3,711,378.

Rabid (1977)

"One minute they're perfectly normal. The next..."
His fourth film. The film stars Marilyn Chambers, Frank Moore, Joe Silver, and Howard Ryshpan, and follows a woman who, after being injured in a motorcycle accident and undergoing a surgical operation, develops an orifice under one of her armpits that hides a phallic/clitoral stinger she uses to feed on people's blood. Those she bites become infected, and then feed upon others, spreading the disease exponentially. The result is massive chaos, starting in the Quebec countryside, and ending up in Montreal.
In Canada, it hit $1 million, barely doubling its budget. Critical reception was also very favorable.
  • Budget: $500,000.
  • Domestic gross: $1,000,000.
  • Worldwide gross: $1,000,000.

Fast Company (1979)

"Lonny drives a funny car, Sammy is his girl. Together, they live life in the fast lane."
His fifth film. The film stars William Smith, John Saxon, Claudia Jennings and Nicholas Campbell, and follows a race-car driver who decides to steal a car after his sponsor replaces him with his arch rival.
The film deviated from Cronenberg's previous works, as it was an action film in contrast to the horror and psychological elements from the previous films. While critical reception was positive, Cronenberg is not fond of the film even as he loved drag racing, as he felt the script did not respect his original vision, and admitted to making it solely for the money.

The Brood (1979)

"They're waiting for you!"
His sixth film. It stars Oliver Reed, Samantha Eggar, and Art Hindle, and follows a man and his mentally ill ex-wife, who has been sequestered by a psychiatrist known for his controversial therapy techniques. A series of brutal unsolved murders serves as the backdrop for the central narrative.
The film earned $5 million in its initial run, making it a box office hit. While it had not-so-enthusiastic reviews at first, its status has grown as a cult film. It also marked the debut of Howard Shore as composer, and he would become a frequent collaborator with Cronenberg.
  • Budget: $1,400,000.
  • Domestic gross: $5,000,000.
  • Worldwide gross: $5,000,000.

Scanners (1981)

"There are 4 billion people on Earth. 237 are Scanners. They have the most terrifying powers ever created... and they are winning."
His seventh film. It stars Stephen Lack, Jennifer O'Neill, Michael Ironside, and Patrick McGoohan, and the plot revolves around "scanners", psychics with unusual telepathic and telekinetic powers. ConSec, a purveyor of weaponry and security systems, searches out scanners to use them for its own purposes.
Cronenberg came up with the concept in the early 1970s, and pitched it to Roger Corman, who was not impressed with the script. It had a very rushed production, and Cronenberg had to film without having a complete script ready by the time the cameras started rolling. Cronenberg stated that "the first day was the most disastrous shooting day I've ever had" as "there was nothing to shoot" and a distracted truck driver watching the film crew hit a car killing two women inside it.
The film was a bigger box office hit than Cronenber's previous films, becoming his first film to hit #1. It wound up earning $14 million, well above its $4 million budget. Initial reviews were mixed, but it's now regarded as one of Cronenberg's finest films. This was deemed the film that elevated him into a more popular director.
  • Budget: $4,100,000.
  • Domestic gross: $14,225,876.
  • Worldwide gross: $14,225,876.

Videodrome (1983)

"First it controls your mind. Then it destroys your body."
His eighth film. It stars James Woods, Sonja Smits, and Debbie Harry. Set in Toronto during the early 1980s, it follows the CEO of a small UHF television station who stumbles upon a broadcast signal of snuff films. Layers of deception and mind-control conspiracy unfold as he attempts to uncover the signal's source.
Since he was a kid, Cronenberg stayed up at night to pick up American television signals from Buffalo, New York, after Canadian stations had gone off the air, and wondered if they could something not meant to be seen. This was his first film to be financed by a major studio (Universal), and he was given a then career-best $5 million budget. However, Cronenberg and Universal often fought over the film's final cut, as the latter made some edits for fear that the MPAA would give it an X rating.
Even with the backing of a major studio, the film bombed with just $2.5 million in North America, with Cronenberg blaming the studio for choosing a wide release instead of selling it as an art film. But the film received very positive reviews from critics, and it has been one of his most analyzed films.
  • Budget: $5,500,000.
  • Domestic gross: $2,120,439.
  • Worldwide gross: $2,120,439.

The Dead Zone (1983)

"In his mind, he has the power to see the future. In his hands, he has the power to change it."
His ninth film. Based on Stephen King's novel, it stars Christopher Walken, Brooke Adams, Tom Skerritt, Herbert Lom, Martin Sheen, Anthony Zerbe, and Colleen Dewhurst, and follows a schoolteacher, Johnny Smith, who awakens from a coma to find he has psychic powers.
As King was growing in popularity, the film was a box office success, earning over $20 million domestically. It was also well received.
  • Budget: $7,100,000.
  • Domestic gross: $20,766,616.
  • Worldwide gross: $20,766,616.

The Fly (1986)

"Be afraid. Be very afraid."
His tenth film. Loosely based on George Langelaan's short story and a remake of the 1958 film, it stars Jeff Goldblum, Geena Davis and John Getz. It tells the story of an eccentric scientist who, after one of his experiments goes wrong, slowly turns into a fly-hybrid creature.
Fox was interested in a remake of The Fly, but they wanted another studio involved as they had doubts over the script. The producers successfully convinced Mel Brooks in producing the film, and Brooks would leave his name off the film's credits, to avoid confusing viewers who might expect "a Mel Brooks film" to be a comedy. As the original director, Robert Bierman, had to exit due to a personal tragedy, Brooks approached Cronenberg about possibly directing. Cronenberg was busy as the assigned director of Total Recall, but decided to helm The Fly instead. After failing to convince Pierce Brosnan, John Malkovich, Richard Dreyfuss, Michael Keaton and John Lithgow to accept the lead role, Goldblum was chosen as he was was willing to perform with prosthetic makeup.
The film's selling point was, obviously, the make-up. The transformation was intended to be a metaphor for the aging process. To that end, Brundle loses hair, teeth and fingernails, with his skin becoming more and more discolored and lumpy. The intention of the filmmakers was to give Brundle a bruised and cancerous look that gets progressively worse as the character's altered genome slowly asserts itself, with the final Brundlefly hybrid creature literally bursting out of Brundle's hideously deteriorated human skin. The creature itself was designed to appear horribly asymmetrical and deformed, and not at all a viable or robust organism.
The film was a hit, grossing $60 million worldwide and becoming Cronenberg's highest grossing film. It was critically acclaimed as well, with its make-up receiving the most praise (and winning an Oscar). However, Cronenberg was surprised that people saw it as a cultural metaphor specifically for AIDS, since he originally intended the film to be a more general analogy for disease itself, terminal conditions like cancer and, more specifically, the aging process. A sequel was released three years later, but neither Cronenberg, Goldblum nor Davis were involved and it was poorly received.
  • Budget: $9,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $40,456,565.
  • Worldwide gross: $60,629,159.

Dead Ringers (1988)

"Two bodies. Two minds. One soul."
His 11th film. It stars Jeremy Irons in a dual role as twin gynecologists who take full advantage of the fact that nobody can tell them apart, until their relationship begins to deteriorate over a woman.
While Cronenberg was on a roll, this wasn't a hit, bombing with just $14 million. But the film received acclaim, and Irons' performance(s) was hailed as some of the best in his career.
  • Budget: $13,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $8,038,508.
  • Worldwide gross: $14,038,508.

Naked Lunch (1991)

"David Cronenberg and William S. Burroughs invite you to lunch."
His 12th film. Based on William S. Burroughs' novel, it stars Peter Weller, Judy Davis, Ian Holm, and Roy Scheider. After developing an addiction to the substance he uses to kill bugs, an exterminator accidentally kills his wife, and becomes involved in a secret government plot being orchestrated by giant bugs in a port town in North Africa.
The film cost $16 million, which was his most expensive film by that point. But that didn't pan out to box office success, hitting just $2 million in North America. Critical reception was positive, but not glowing.
  • Budget: $16,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $2,641,357.
  • Worldwide gross: $2,641,357.

M. Butterfly (1993)

"Passion. Power. Revenge. In all their majesty."
His 13th film. The film stars Jeremy Irons, John Lone, Ian Richardson, Barbara Sukowa, and Annabel Leventon., and is loosely based on true events which involved French diplomat Bernard Boursicot and Chinese opera singer Shi Pei Pu.
While Cronenberg was a critics darling, that luck ran out here. It was poorly received, with many considering that he reduced it to a soap opera. It also bombed at the box office, and he attributed it to competing with The Crying Game.
  • Budget: $18,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $1,498,795.
  • Worldwide gross: $1,498,795.

Crash (1996)

"Love in the dying moments of the twentieth century."
His 14th film. Based on J. G. Ballard's novel, it stars James Spader, Deborah Kara Unger, Elias Koteas, Holly Hunter and Rosanna Arquette. It follows a film producer who, after surviving a car crash, becomes involved with a group of symphorophiliacs who are aroused by car crashes and tries to rekindle his sexual relationship with his wife.
At the 1996 Cannes Film Festival, a screening provoked boos and angry bolts by upset viewers. Cronenberg stated that he believed Francis Ford Coppola, the jury president, was so vehemently opposed to Crash that other jury members in favor of the film banded together to present Cronenberg with a rare Special Jury Prize. So great was Coppola's distaste for the film that, according to Cronenberg, Coppola refused to personally present the award to the director.
That reaction wasn't reserved solely to festivals. The film's themes drew negative attention, and the MPAA gave it an NC-17 rating. Some theater chains had to hire special security guards to make sure no one under 17 would sneak into the screenings. Because of the limitations, the film bombed with just $3 million in North America. But the film is now one of Cronenberg's most beloved films. And we can all agree it is the best film called Crash.
  • Budget: N/A.
  • Domestic gross: $3,357,324.
  • Worldwide gross: $3,412,380.

eXistenZ (1999)

"Play it. Live it. Kill for it."
His 15th film. It stars Jennifer Jason Leigh, Jude Law, Ian Holm, Don McKellar, Callum Keith Rennie, Sarah Polley, Christopher Eccleston, Willem Dafoe, and Robert A. Silverman, and follows Allegra Geller, a game designer who finds herself targeted by assassins while playing a virtual reality game of her own creation.
While the project was well received, it became another bomb for Cronenberg, earning less than $3 million.
  • Budget: $15,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $2,856,712.
  • Worldwide gross: $2,856,712.

Spider (2002)

"The only thing worse than losing your mind... is finding it again."
His 16th film. Based on the novel by Patrick McGrath (who also wrote the screenplay), it stars Ralph Fiennes, Miranda Richardson and Gabriel Byrne. A mentally disturbed man takes residence in a halfway house. His mind gradually slips back into the realm created by his illness, where he replays a key part of his childhood.
The film enjoyed some of the best reviews for Cronenberg. But the limited release in theaters dampened its potential, and bombed with just $5 million.
  • Budget: $10,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $1,642,483.
  • Worldwide gross: $5,808,941.

A History of Violence (2005)

"Tom Stall had the perfect life... until he became a hero."
His 17th film. Based on the graphic novel by John Wagner and Vince Locke, it stars Viggo Mortensen, Maria Bello, Ed Harris, and William Hurt. In the film, a diner owner becomes a local hero after he foils an attempted robbery, but has to face his past enemies to protect his family.
The film was Cronenberg's most expensive film at $32 million. It wasn't profitable in its theatrical run, but it amassed $61 million, becoming his highest grossing film ever. Reviews were insanely positive, and is often considered among his best works.
  • Budget: $32,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $31,504,633.
  • Worldwide gross: $61,385,065.

Eastern Promises (2007)

"Every sin leaves a mark."
His 18th film. The film stars Viggo Mortensen, Naomi Watts, Vincent Cassel, and Armin Mueller-Stahl, and tells the story of Anna, a Russian-British midwife who delivers the baby of a drug-addicted 14-year old trafficked Russian girl who dies in childbirth. After Anna learns that the teen was forced into prostitution by the Russian Mafia in London, the leader of the Russian gangsters threatens the baby's life, and Anna is warned off by his menacing henchman.
The film was critically acclaimed, especially for its accurate depiction of Russian gangsters. It grossed $56 million worldwide, but it was a flop as it cost $50 million, another record budget for Cronenberg and his eighth bomb in a row. Mortensen was nominated for Best Actor at the Oscars, losing to Daniel Day-Lewis for There Will Be Blood.
  • Budget: $50,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $17,266,000.
  • Worldwide gross: $56,107,312.

A Dangerous Method (2011)

"Based on the true story of Jung, Freud, and the patient who came between them."
His 19th film. It stars Keira Knightley, Viggo Mortensen, Michael Fassbender, Sarah Gadon, and Vincent Cassel. Set across a span of time from 1902 to the eve of World War I, it follows the turbulent relationships between Carl Jung, founder of analytical psychology, Sigmund Freud, founder of the discipline of psychoanalysis, and Sabina Spielrein, initially Jung's patient and later a physician and one of the first female psychoanalysts.
Once again, this was another acclaimed project. And after 8 box office bombs, Cronenberg finally had a needed hit as it earned $30 million.
  • Budget: $14,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $5,704,709.
  • Worldwide gross: $30,519,436.

Cosmopolis (2012)

"How far can he go before he goes too far?"
His 20th film. Based on on Don DeLillo's novel, it stars Robert Pattinson, Paul Giamatti, Samantha Morton, Sarah Gadon, Mathieu Amalric, Juliette Binoche, Jay Baruchel and Kevin Durand. Riding across Manhattan in a stretch limo in order to get a haircut, a 28-year-old billionaire asset manager's day devolves into an odyssey with a cast of characters that start to tear his world apart.
The film premiered at Cannes, where critics were polarized over its content. That didn't help in its commercial prospects, where it bombed with just $7 million.
  • Budget: $20,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $763,556.
  • Worldwide gross: $7,029,095.

Maps to the Stars (2014)

"Eventually stars burn out."
His 21st film. It stars Julianne Moore, Mia Wasikowska, John Cusack, Robert Pattinson, Olivia Williams, Sarah Gadon, and Evan Bird, and follows the plight of a child star and a washed up actress while commenting on the entertainment industry's relationship with Western civilization as a whole.
Like his previous film, we found a polarizing reception and very awful box office performance. Oh the humanity.
  • Budget: $13,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $350,741.
  • Worldwide gross: $4,510,934.

Crimes of the Future (2022)

"Enter the heart of darkness."
His 22nd film. The film stars Viggo Mortensen, Léa Seydoux and Kristen Stewart., and follows a performance artist duo who perform surgery for audiences in a future where human evolution has accelerated for much of the population. Although the film shares its title with Cronenberg's 1970 film of the same name, it is not a remake as the story and concept are unrelated.
The film received very positive reviews after its premiere at Cannes. But it earned just $4 million on its $27 million budget, marking another bomb for Cronenberg.
  • Budget: $13,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $2,452,882.
  • Worldwide gross: $4,551,565.

Other Projects

He has also acted, even in projects not created by him. Some of these included Jason X, Alias and Star Trek: Discovery.

The Future

He's currently in post-production on his new film, The Shrouds. It stars Diane Kruger, Vincent Cassel and Guy Pearce, and follows a grieving widower, who builds an innovative device to help people connect with the dead.


No. Movie Year Studio Domestic Total Overseas Total Worldwide Total Budget
1 A History of Violence 2005 New Line $31,504,633 $29,880,432 $61,385,065 $32M
2 The Fly 1986 Fox $40,456,565 $20,172,594 $60,629,159 $9M
3 Eastern Promises 2007 Focus Features $17,266,000 $38,841,312 $56,107,312 $50M
4 A Dangerous Method 2011 Sony Pictures Classics $5,704,709 $24,814,727 $30,519,436 $14M
5 The Dead Zone 1983 Paramount $20,766,616 $0 $20,766,616 $7.1M
6 Scanners 1981 New World $14,225,876 $0 $14,225,876 $4.1M
7 Dead Ringers 1988 Fox $8,038,508 $6,000,000 $14,038,508 $13M
8 Cosmopolis 2012 Entertainment One $763,556 $6,265,539 $7,029,095 $20M
9 Spider 2002 Sony Pictures Classics $1,642,483 $4,166,458 $5,808,941 $10M
10 The Brood 1979 New World $5,000,000 $0 $5,000,000 $1.4M
11 Crimes of the Future 2022 Neon $2,452,882 $2,098,683 $4,551,565 $27M
12 Maps to the Stars 2014 Focus Features $350,741 $4,160,193 $4,510,934 $13M
13 Shivers 1975 Cinépix $3,711,378 $0 $3,711,378 $179K
14 Crash 1996 Fine Line $3,357,324 $55,056 $3,412,380 N/A
15 eXistenZ 1999 Miramax $2,856,712 $0 $2,856,712 $15M
16 Naked Lunch 1991 Fox $2,641,357 $0 $2,641,357 $16M
17 Videodrome 1983 Universal $2,120,439 $0 $2,120,439 $5.5M
18 M. Butterfly 1993 Warner Bros. $1,498,795 $0 $1,498,795 $18M
19 Rabid 1977 Cinépix $1,000,000 $0 $1,000,000 $500K
He made 22 films, but only 19 have reported box office grosses. Across those 19 films, he has made $301,813,568 worldwide. That's $15,884,924 per movie.

The Verdict

Not reliable.
While he was on the rise during the 80s, it seems like Cronenberg is not interested in aiming for huge box office returns. He is content in being known as a cult filmmaker, and that's fine. The surprise is that a lot of his movies in subsequent years got huge budgets, which is surprising considering he doesn't have a fantastic track record. It helps that most of his films are international co-productions, interested in seeing what Cronenberg can make. But once again, if people have to think of "iconic horrocult directors", Cronenberg must be up there.
Hope you liked this edition. You can find this and more in the wiki for this section.
The next director will be Joe Johnston. A well known journeyman in the industry. However, as next week will be very busy for me, there won't be a post during that timeframe. So we'll have to wait 2 weeks for this.
I asked you to choose who else should be in the run and the comment with the most upvotes would be chosen. Well, we'll later talk about... Ridley Scott. He deserved a post a long time ago, and now it's time. Should his brother Tony (RIP) be next?
This is the schedule for the following four:
Week Director Reasoning
December 25-31 Joe Johnston The first MCU director to get a post.
January 1-7 Michael Bay I want to get all details, cause I don't wanna miss a thing.
January 8-14 Chris Columbus He was on top of the world. What happened?
January 15-21 Ridley Scott So many hits, so many bombs.
Who should go next after Scott? That's up to you.
submitted by SanderSo47 to boxoffice [link] [comments]

2023.11.29 09:17 NewAgeIWWer CircumcisioN on babies!? Wtf!?

Study of Danish men shows that amongst about 800,000 men tested those who were circumcised had higher STD and HIV rates
Study of almost 400 men shows that after circumcision more of them reported having more difficulty achieving orgasm and masturba ting than before https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17155977/
histological study of 26 men showed that the foreskin was the most neurologically sensitive part of the penis. The foreskin also played a part in protecting the glan of the penis from rubbing against clothing that made it more sensitive in those with a foreskin https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/joa.13481
Intact America Survey finds that the majority of mothers who were prompted to give their son a circumcision accepted meanwhile the majority who were not did not give their son a circumcision. mothers were asked on average 8 times if they wanted to circumcise their son. Soft sells,” such as being handed a consent form, increased circumcisions by 137%. Instead mothers should be given informational materials on how to clean theirvintact son's foreskin. the foreskin will correctly retract after late puberty https://intactamerica.org/press-release-having-a-baby-boy-get-ready-for-the-circumcision-sellers/
American Academy of Pediatrics representatives get grilled on questions that have to do with the functionality of the foreskin AND OF COURSE, they cannot answer them. Because they're corrupt bribed shills!
A study of nearly 200 adolescents from Tanzania, Zimbabwe, and South Africa show overwhelming ridicule of those who have an intact penis and a ton of misinformation. Women believed that men who had a circumcision could be more promiscuous and that having a circumcised penis improved the sexual health of all partners involved in sex. Men reported a widespread support from female lovers to get a circumcision. There is no evidence that male genital mutilation or circumcison leads to significant increases in pleasure or decreases in disease transmission rates . The circumcision propaganda machine is clearly working!
according to the CDC and what they examined amongst men in the USA at least. The rates for breast cancer and penile cancer in men are actually about the same.
Therefore, In men preventative mastectomies against breast cancer are more justifiable than circumcisions as preventative measures against penile cancers.
(And also yes being bigger or having more skin does increase your odds of getting some cancers as having more skin cells increases your odds of getting cancer... but I doubt that penile cancer is one of them - https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-34515952)
"Does Circumcision Reduce Men’s Sexual Sensitivity? " Sham article that was 'medically reviewed' by a person who...is a writer that majored in English!? HOW!? We don't see people who majored in mathematics medically reviewing articles, right? So why should people who majored in English be the ones to medically review stuff??! We should have had a surgeon or doctor medically reviewing all healthline articles
You can't even trust the world health organization for accurate information on male genital mutilation and circumcisions since they are biased and have blood money from bill gates and melinda foundation
Posts and surveys from hundreds of people showing their anger against having had been circumcised.
The ridiculousness of male circumcision
AccorDing to the Circumcision Information and Resources Pages, studies they have reviewed have shown that circumcision laeds to problems like premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, and less marital and sexual satisfaction
A heroic website created by women who talk about how their partner's circumcision has negatively impacted their lives
Phimosis: Stretching Methods with or without Application of Topical Steroids?
The penises of mutilated boys of the Ulwaluko tribe who are forced to undergo circumcision from a young age in unhygenic settings by unprofessional surgeons (VERY NSFW)
"There Are 20 Different Penis Types — and They’re All Important" SHAM article written by a quack which downplays the terrors of circumcision. Even in the article they recommend that circumcised penises should most likely use lubrication for masturbation...right after saying that circumcised penises function similarly to uncircumcised ones!? wooot!? Another SHAM article that's what!
Lost Boys: An Estimate of USA Circumcision-Related Infant Deaths
Numerous cases Of chidren having their penises burned and severed off as a result of a botched unnecessary circumcision process
Doctor Accidentally Lasers Off Boy’s Penis During Circumcision
Boy who was forced to live as a woman after their genitals had been seriously damaged in a botched circumcision in Canada
According to a small survey the prevalence of death-grip syndrome , which is a serious destruction of nerves in the penis due to harsh masturbation, is moreso prevalent in circumcised men than in non circumcised men.
The foreskin is a massive organ remember! It covers the whole of the penile shaft from the meatus to the testicles and it slides back and forth and acts as a natural protector and solid lubricator for the penile shaft during masturbation or intercourse. Men with no foreskin tend to be gripping the the unprotected urethral shaft , which is not meant to be tightly gripped at all one should note, just as tightly as they would a protected one. That unprotected urethral shaft over time WILL receive thousands of microinjuries and destroyed nerves over time. The loss of nerves in that region means that a man has to grip the unprotected urethral shaft harder and Harder and this damage eventually results in a loss of stimulation. I am sure there are many women out there who suffer from dead vagina syndrome which was made worse by their unconsensual circumcision!
There has also been a connection found between delayed ejaculation and circumcision. Some men with circumcised penises have found that the suffer from delayed ejaculation as a result of the numbness https://sci-hub.se/10.1111/and.12101
A study of over 100 men proved that a circumcised penis is FAR less sensitive than a uncircumcised one in the ventral scar and glans of a penis because the foreskin protects the man's ventral scar AND glans from unwanted overstimulation (like when a man's glan is rubbing against his pants on a shaky bus ride) and environmental damage (like water running down his urethra during a shower) - https://sci-hub.se/10.1111/j.1464-410X.2006.06685.x It is possible that circumcised women ALSO experience a decrease in stimulation to the clitoris without the clitoral hood due to , once again, overstimulation and environmental damage and it is possible that a woman gets her clitoral hood chopped off in a unconsensual circumcision. I believe, and I'm sure most men agree with me, that a woman has the right to be born with and grow up wit h a vagina that is unharmed and unadulterated and gives her as much sensitivity as she wants. Now, why do I as a man not have this right to having a protection against over stimulation and environmental damage?! In this case both men and women are getting Screwed over equally
Hop on down tohttps://www.reddit.com/Intactivism/ and https://www.reddit.com/CircumcisionGrief/ to learn how NOT to stab your baby boys to death lmao!
Edit: LMAO! reddit banned me for exposing the truth Lmao!
submitted by NewAgeIWWer to misanthropy [link] [comments]

2023.07.25 23:07 DeltaBot Deltas awarded in "CMV: Multiple orgasms don't exist. Women are just confused as to when one begins ...

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submitted by DeltaBot to DeltaLog [link] [comments]

2023.05.29 14:03 Catchakiller55 After Shocks of Menopause

Hi Everyone
Its been 8 years since I had a complete vaginal hysterectomy and I wish I could turn back time.
I was plunged into menopause within 2 months of surgery and was never given any HRT to help with what I am dealing with now down the road. Clitoral atrophy!
I am unable to orgasm and when I try it takes almost an hour to achieve.
My clitoris,which was once a thriving organ has now become a shrinky dink.
I have only been on vaginal estrogen (suppository) and clitoral estrogen cream for a couple of months and I see nor feel any difference (Premarin & Vagifem)
Here in Canada, we are very limited on what doctors can prescribe because there are many medications in the US that are not approved for use in Canada and I am really at a crossroads.
The medications I am on aren't helping either because two of them decrease blood flow to the genitals and it's been a double whammy on both my body and my mental health.
At 58, sex is still vital for me and orgasm is important both for my physical and mental health.
I feel "less then" at this point.
When doing research on what my doctor is able to prescribe, I notice a severe lack of medical help for women who are going through menopause or have come out the other side of it and it's very frustrating.
Men have many choices when it comes to ED medications and yet women are left high and dry (no pun intended)
I am a loss right now.
I do have a doctors appointment this morning and I have done my research beforehand, hoping that he will prescribe either 1.Scream Cream OR 2. Alprostadil, both of which will help to greatly increase blood flow to the clitoral area to aid in orgasm.
Wish me luck that he comes through like a champ and takes my situation seriously and does not try and poo poo my concerns.
And if any of you that are in Canada can suggest either topical remedies that I can get or other medications that have you tried with success, please please suggest away!
I really have lost that loving feeling.

EDIT-Dr gave me a prescription for Intrarosa (Prasterone),which contains DHEA
We naturally make DHEA in our adrenal glands and it converts to Estrogen and Testosterone but it declines as we age. DHEA used as a vaginal suppository will help my body make these two hormones naturally.
READ MORE ABOUT PRASTERONE HERE https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prasterone
And I have an appointment with a GYN in August.
"Hope is a good thing, perhaps the best of things"-Andy Dufresne Shawshank Redemption

submitted by Catchakiller55 to Menopause [link] [comments]

2023.02.13 21:07 circmyheartnotmypeen I had our 3 year old son circ'ed at birth... (oh, and I'm now currently restoring - intro post)

I beyond regret it. My wife also now regrets it. And of course me being a guy, I not only felt immense guilt and sadness over the rushed, uninformed decision we made for our son over 3 years ago, but I also went through a period of profound, intense grief over realizing what I myself had lost as a newborn. It took me 36 years of life to realize exactly just what my RIC had taken away from me. And now we had done the same to our son.
Btw, I'm sorry if this post is long, but as you can probably relate it's hard to get this off my chest IRL. But don't worry, it does have a positive ending (or new beginning?).
So to backtrack a little, this started a little less than a month ago. We have a 2nd child (another boy) due in a few months. We were trying to come up with a name, etc, the usual stuff, and then the topic of circumcision came up. Should we do it again? To be honest, after our first was born and the snip snip was done, I never really gave it much thought again. I'm a 2nd generation Korean American. Come to find out recently that I never stood a chance. It turns out the circ rates in South Korea are among the highest in the world - even higher than the USA. My parents being immigrants not to mention born after western influence had proliferated across South Korea, had only known circumcision. They moved to the US shortly before I was born, so there was no question. Born to Korean parents in an American hospital, the choice was probably to circumcise or not to not circumcise. I harbor no ill feelings towards my mom (my bio-dad peaced out when I was young so whatever, lol). But I feel like I, me, should have done more (ANY?!?!) research into the topic for our firstborn.
To be fair, I still remember how crazy (crazily casual?) it was when we consented to having our first son circumcised - I literally just watched my wife's vagina explode, we had barely slept in nearly 48 hours, and then seemingly as soon as we get a chance to get some shut eye, they wake us up to shove a consent form in our face and tell us we have to make the decision within the hour. With my history and culture of the USA, and my own admitted ignorance at the time, we easily signed that form. And I barely gave it any thought. For 3 years.
But now I had a chance to actually do more than a quick search of pros and cons of circumcision before making the choice for our 2nd child - and we know what you're likely to get at a quick glance. Reduced STD and penile cancer risk, less UTI chance, etc. Not much about in actuality having the male equivalent of the clitoral hood and labia amputated. Of course a deeper dive revealed all this and more. Why my penis felt more and more "numb" over the years, the fact that penile chafing in day to day life shouldn't even be a thing for guys! You mean to tell me that not only did this happen to me, but I consented to this for my firstborn son??
And the guilt ate away at me for a good week. I couldn't eat, I couldn't exercise, I couldn't sleep (though staying up reading on the topic - this sub, other forums, Google, etc, certainly didn't help with the lack of sleep part lol). I hadn't felt this bad since the overwhelming depression of quitting hard drugs (thank you Jesus) over a decade ago. It was insane. I had a talk with my wife early on and her being the saint she is, she felt guilty for ultimately having put the decision on me on that fateful day in the hospital room - which only made me feel worse for making her feel bad. It took me another day to open up that I wasn't just feeling so immensely depressed because of what I consented to happen to our son, but I was also, for the first time in 36 years, processing and mourning my own personal loss. This was tough for her too because of course she would question if it was her I was dissatisfied with, which is 1000000% not the case. Modern infant circumcision truly is one of man's most vile creations. None of this should be happening.
And here's where it gets a little better. Starting my restoration.
So after a few more days of research and obsessively checking out the topic of restoration (mostly this sub and its wiki resources), I ordered a TLC-X. 2 days before it arrived, a little over 3 weeks ago, I couldn't wait anymore and decided to give manual methods a try. I started doing MM2 and MM3. I read about Andre's method and immediately started that hourly routine on my 2nd day. I guess I'm lucky because I'm an extreme grower (1.5 - 2" flaccid, 6.5" erect), no giant mushroom head, AND have ridiculously elastic skin, and within 1 week I went from a CI-2 (maybe CI-2.5?) to a CI-3, with some skin rolling just past the corona when most flaccid, sitting, or bending over. I know some of this is initial skin stretch and I don't expect it to happen quickly all the way through, btw. I've stuck to the routine, bought a red/IR light in the first week (5 min/side morning and night), apply bepanthol morning and night, and just over 3 weeks later I often have maybe 1/3 casual flaccid glans coverage, though that little spill over does roll back occasionally. For the last few days when I sit down, it often rolls over and covers about 75%. My corona is already beginning to lighten and soften! Today was the first day I could comfortably wear (and easily get on) a single o-ring between tugging. My pp-head feels so much better with that extra protection from my underwear so far lol. I was lucky to always have a bit (albeit a very tiny bit) of skin slack when erect - just enough to not hurt to have a raging boner, but now it actually does glide to a small extent. I can pull past 100% FEC, although like I mentioned before I have insanely elastic skin so it's hard for me to even use FEC as a measurement. But most importantly, I have been and EXPECT TO CONTINUE FOR AS LONG AS IT TAKES to be extremely dedicated and diligent to my restoration efforts. I should also mention I haven't even put on the TLC-X yet other than to test fitment. I may have rushed into that purchase in the pre/early days of desperation, lol.
Ok, so if you actually read all that, I appreciate your time. Needless to say, we will NOT be getting our 2nd son circumcised. I'm already quite saddened by the fact that the question will inevitably come up one day, with our older son asking why he looks different than his younger brother (and even, one day, from his dad!). But I take solace in knowing that I will be equipped with the knowledge of his various options, a wealth of advice should he choose to one day restore, and that I have been and will continue to be a good father - including taking responsibility for what was done to him. I would take a bullet for him, I would jump into a fiery blaze for him, and yet what's happened happened and what's done is done. What can I do but move forward and provide him the best possible life to the best of my abilities?
Doesn't mean I don't feel profound pain every single day I look at him now. But it does get better every day. Oh and btw, needless to say, of course what I tell him will depend upon / come in stages depending on his age when this topic does eventually come up.
I know the sub rules say not to rant and to stay on topic, so I apologize if I broke any rules. To be honest, the other places seem to harbor way too much negativity imo, and I hope that what I've (somewhat selfishly, cathartically) gotten off my chest just now can help others see things in a more positive light. This seemed like the best community to share all this. And it delights me to type it out for the first time...
K - O - T !!!
submitted by circmyheartnotmypeen to foreskin_restoration [link] [comments]

2023.02.04 03:48 Constant-Airport-211 My Go To Supplements For Anxiety, Depression, and Adhd

These are MY BIG 10 Top Recomended Supplements.
All listed have plenty of studies and positive reviews to back them up.
I have tried them all at regular and double doses. Along with many others. These are my personal Favorites for recommendation.
These are not replacements for a healthy diet, good sleep, exercise, sunshine, or socialization.

1 Ashwaganda ksm66.

Just plain works. Reduces cortisol stress response and is very noticeable in just a couple of weeks. Anxiety and depression sufferers, or especially those with overactive stress response I/E social panic, ect, should give it a shot. Rebalance your hpa axis. By far, the most popular herb. Even available at Walgreens. No placebo here. Some negative reactions of anedohnia and ED have been reported.

2 Bacopa Monneri

So many studies on this one it's astounding. Offers cognitive improvements in attention and focus. Meanwhile, also helping balance emotions. It increases chat in the brain, promotes nuerogenesis, and nueroplasticity like no other. A real cognitive enhancer. Note that it mildly increases acetylcholine in the brain, so those sensitive to this may not benefit. Combine with ashwaganda to repair brain fog and damage do to stress and time. May contain heavy metals.

3 Magnesium Glycinate

A highly absorbable form of magnesium that simply has the reviews from countless people backing it up. It is the master mineral and responsible for many critical actions in the body. More people are at least mildly deficient than have acceptable levels. Very helpful at quieting an overactive brain, some people use it before bed to aid sleep.

4 Omega 3 Fish Oil

An all-around must for the whole body. Your brain and heart will appreciate this valuable fatty acid. Most Western diets lack any decent amount of omega 3s. Whether you prefer Epa Dha or Dpa, they are widely available in different strengths and have many positive studies and reviews. Take with your daily multivitamin to aid the absorption of fat soluble vitamins.

5 Sunflower Lecithin

The most natural way to supply choline to the brain and body. Safer long term than alpha gpc or citicholine, which can cause choline depression. Major benefits can be had in terms of memory. It also reduces cholesterol and provides nourishment to skin and bone.


Studies found positive results when used for many conditions like OCD. Helps increase glutathione, an important antioxidant in protecting from free radical damage. Seems to quiet the overactive mind for some. Prevents acetaminophen poisoning. Can cause unpleasant feelings or reactions in some people. Long term use may cause spreading of existing cancer.

7 Sam_E

Shown to be highly effective in studies of depressed persons. Comparable to some prescription antidepressants in effectiveness with fewer side effects. Combine with methionine if you have undermethylation. See mthfr gene mutations. Can have withdrawals similar to ssri in some. TMG is a precursor to sam-e and a safer more natural option.

8 MethylFolate

Highly effective for depression and anxiety in certain particular individuals. Recomended for those with over methylation and or certain mthfr gene mutation. Will lower serotonin, so can worsen depression if you suffer from undermethylation. I personally found methylfolate made me much worse and Sam-e much better. So this may be the experiment that clued me in I may be an undermethylator.

9 Fiber prebiotics and Probiotics

Ps128 has shown promise in treating conditions like adhd and depression by targeting the gut. Ha114 is showing promise in nuerodegerative disease prevention. There are countless other strains and studies. We are only at the beginning of finding out how important and complex the gut Brain axis really is. At the very least take some fiber daily and maybe eat some kimchi and yogurt once in a while.

10 A good daily Multivitamin

Thorne basic nutrients 2 a day has everything you need and is the best, a very high quality, somewhat expensive vitamin.
A cheaper alternative is centrum silver 50+, which has most of what you need. Just add a K2 supplement as it is missing entirely, and an additional magnesium supplement.
Copper to Zinc ratio may be a bit high for most these daily vitamins. I recommend adding a zinc supplement of your choice. I am also a fan of adding extra vitamin C.

The list goes on

SAINT JOHNS WART gets honorable mention. A powerful antidepressant similar to prescription. Should be mixed with nothing. It may be a great complete antidepressant replacement. Just lots of interactions.
AGMATINE SULFATE can be considered as a treatment resistant depression option for rapid improvements. It works very similar with safer profile to ketamine. Note. Polygala Tenufolia has some similar ndma antagonistic properties.
KANNA works very much like an ssri but with added pde-4 inhibition. Worth a shot before leaping on to a pharmaceutical like Prozac.
AlCAR has good reviews for ADHD and even Depression
DLPA has good reviews for ADHD
SARCOSINE and Sodium Benzoate have shown success in treating mostly negative symptoms of scitzophrenia.
Blue lotus and Corydalis have similar properties to antipsycotics. Compare MOA pharmaconetics on wiki vs popular prescriptions.
Many people swear by l-Theanine to quite the anxious mind. VERY popular. Didn't do anything for me personally. But no harm in trying.
CBD has a HUGE following. However, even at large doses for a month of high-quality full spectrum oil, I felt nothing.
MACA can help libido loss and stress.
L Arginine can cure the Erectile dysfunction in men and improve clitoral stimulation in women.
Huperzine A will perform as well or better than any prescription acetylcholinesterase inhibitor for alzhiemers or mild cognitive decline.
Cordycepts is great for energy and health.
Lions main may help repair damaged nerves and help with focus and energy a bit.
If pain is causing you mental distress. Kratom is incredibly effective. However addictive and should not be used daily.
Milder alternatives would be something like wild lettuce, California poppy, corydalis, curcumin, willow bark.
For anxiety and sleep aid, some mild Gabba effectors are passion flower, lemon balm, kava, hops, gaba, valerian root. All of these can be mixed.
Shilajit is an excellent supplement full of minerals and fulvic acid. Safest way to increase testosterone out there.
This is my many years of research and self experimentation. I used one supplement at a time and took most for 3 months or more.
Feel free to give any input and experience on any other ones I may have missed like rhodiola, ginseng, ginko, nmn, inositol, Ect. Ect. Ect.
I will never know it all. I enjoy sharing what I have learned while also learning from you guys.
submitted by Constant-Airport-211 to Supplements [link] [comments]

2022.11.10 14:41 transAMAthrowawayUK I just had vaginoplasty with clitoroplasty under Dr. Bellringer at Parkside Hospital in Wimbledon, UK. Some of my story, also AMA :)

Pre-operative Preparations
Using a throwaway account for privacy. I was discharged yesterday after a 6-night stay following my operation. Dr. Bellringer had told me in our consultation at Parkside hospital's Putney branch that I would not need electrolysis, which was a huge relief because I had been saving for months for it, having been unable to find out for sure if I'd need it until I spoke to the consultant myself. There's no way for anyone but your surgeon to tell you with any meaningful degree of professional certainty whether you'll need it. I'm still struggling with financial paranoia from having been afraid to spend any money in case it meant I couldn't afford electrolysis later on. I cried from relief when I was told I wouldn't need it. I would describe hair removal as the most stressful aspect of pre-op preparations.
During the consultation Dr. Bellringer examined my genital area very briefly - half a second look, lifting the penis up, half a second again, done. The most uncomfortable part of the consultation was pulling down my pants in front of the nurse, who didn't watch but was present and could see. I understood this was necessary to ensure I was laying in an appropriate position for Dr. Bellringer's examination. At the end of the consultation he told me I could expect my surgery around March 2023, but soon after I was contacted by Imogen Cooper, Theatre and Outpatients Coordinator at Parkside (who was my point of contact for much of the pre-op stage) and told that there was a slot available this month, November 3rd. I was so surprised that I replied asking her to clarify whether she meant November of 2022 or 2023. After she assured me it was this year, I immediately accepted. My boyfriend was ecstatic on my behalf, but after so much time being told to hurry up and wait, my attitude remained pessimistic; "I'll believe it when I see it" had been my catchphrase for the last year or so.
Things moved quickly after I accepted the invitation. I was given a pre-assessment appointment at the same branch clinic in Putney as the consultation, along with an online pre-assessment questionnaire on my lifestyle, pre-existing conditions, and medical history. This online assessment tool is called LifeBox and I had no idea it would be a part of the pre-assessment process until access to the form was made available, at which point I only had two days to complete it. It was a bit of a scramble to find all the information needed to complete this form, but luckily most of it was in a folder I'd been keeping for years which contained every medical document I recieved. This habit of saving medical documents in one place has turned out to be one of the smartest decisions I've ever made; it's saved me a lot of trouble when it comes to forms like this. My pre-assessment was about 40 minutes, with a nurse who went through much of the same information before running a series of tests. These included weight and height, a urine sample (which was messy to obtain as they required a mid-stream sample so I had to move the vial under the stream while peeing), blood pressure with a sphygmomanometer, oxygen saturation with a pulse oximeter, temperature with an ear thermometer, and heart activity with an electrocardiogram. I've included links to these devices so you know roughly what you can expect. They may use an oral thermometer instead, and additional tests may be necessary for different patients. I have a low resting heart rate of 60bpm. My saturation, blood pressure, and heart activity was all good. I'm 5'10" and weigh around 66kg.
Now it was just a long couple of weeks waiting for the surgery itself. I was very nervous before my consultation because I was worried about being told I'd need electrolysis, or that I was somehow an unsuitable candidate for vaginoplasty, but I wasn't nearly as nervous before the operation itself. My leading theory is that I was convinced the most likely outcome of the consulation was my surgery being delayed by over a year, so I was dreading it, whereas I had no reason to suspect there would be any major negative outcomes from the operation itself. My mother had been, and continues to be, my most reliable supporter in the transition process. She bought me almost everything I'd need for the hospital stay, including pads, towels, face cloths, a dressing gown, new, loose clothing I could wear after the operation, dry shampoo in case washing my hair properly was challenging, and a brand new suitcase to put everything in. I love her and my transition would have been almost insurmountable without her support. She also drove me to every consultation, assessment, and appointment that took place, both at the GIC and at Parkside, which for us is a 6-hour drive. I will never be able to repay her for the sheer effort she put into making this process easier for me, and if you plan on going through this, I highly recommend building a support network if you don't have one already.
Surgery Day
We drove to London - my mother, my boyfriend, and I - the day before my admission. I stayed in a hotel that night with my boyfriend while my mother stayed with relatives, and on admission day my mother drove me from the hotel to Parkside hospital with all my things. The admission process was quick and easy, they just gave me two small forms to fill out, one for my details and one for my Covid-19 vaccination history. I was not required to wear a mask in the hospital at all, nor were the staff. They led me up to my room on the second floor and gave me some time to unpack after showing me how the nurse call button and the mechanical bed worked. After a time, Dr. Bellringer had me sign consent forms and gave me info booklets. He was quite brief in all his interactions with me, including the consultation - I think this is just his character. It mostly works for me but I can imagine others may find him to be abrupt. My anaesthetist also had me sign some forms and explained to me the general anaesthetic process and risks. After they left, a nurse had me put on my hopsital gown, lie on my side, and gave me a phosphate enema. This was very painful. I was told to hold my bowels for as long as possible, preferably around ten minutes, but I only managed around five before I started leaking onto the bed and had to go to the toilet. It was extremely uncomfortable and the pain lingered for a few minutes after voiding my bowels. Fortunately, this was the only part of pre-operative preparation that was painful. I was given compression stockings and left alone for a time. Dr. Bellringer couldn't tell me what time my surgery would be - he only knew there were three operations that day. As it turned out, I was first, so my operation was at 13:30. A member of the surgical team led my mother and I to the operating theatre level, and I said goodbye to my mother who was not allowed to move beyond the elevator due to the positive pressure environment which kept the theatre clean. I was a little nervous but it wasn't too bad. I cried briefly but the surgical team kept me in good spirits with humour while they had me lie on the bed and prepared me for surgery. The anaesthetic was administered through a cannula in my left hand, at which point I felt a cold sensation travel up my arm while I breathed in the oxygen from the mask they had given me. I had about five seconds to say "Ooh, this is trippy", at which point the ceiling started spinning and I lost consciousness. It was a peaceful process and I was not at all uncomfortable, stressed, or in pain. I may have had a brief dream but for the most part the two hours or so I was in theatre simply vanished, from my perspective.
I don't remember much of the minutes immediately following waking up - my earliest clear memory is of talking to my boyfriend in my room and telling him I love him, him telling me the same and that he was proud of me. There wasn't much pain at first but it started to kick in shortly. I was hooked up to a morphine button which I could press as often as I liked as it was on a timer and wouldn't administer an overdose under any circumstances. I pressed it as soon as I learned what it did. To be honest, I'm not sure it helped all that much, but since I was pressing it very often I can't be sure of how much additional pain I would have been in had I not pressed it at all. I think I pressed the button around 25 times before the morphine was removed a couple of days later. During the operation, and before I woke up, a Foley catheter was inserted into my now-shortened urethra. This catheter would end up causing most of the pain I experienced during my stay at the hospital, as its constant interaction with the skin of my abdomen and the surgical site would cause blisters to swell in these regions. The blisters on my new vulva were large and very painful, and I could feel the catheter shifting inside me whenever I moved. The catheter became my mortal nemesis, and I cursed it at every opportunity.
Post-operative Condition
The operation itself was uneventful, with no major complications. I had estimated that there was around a 15% chance that something would go wrong, regardless of severity. I consider myself quite fortunate to have had no history of smoking or drinking, good cardiovascular condition, and overall a clean bill of physical health, emotional disorders notwithstanding. During the operation a very large hematoma developed under my pubic mound. This caused severe swelling which significantly increased the pain I would experience during my recovery, but wasn't dangerous by itself. There is a risk of this swelling causing my stitches to burst, but it's mostly contained in the mound rather than the vulva itself, which reduces this risk. It hurts to stand because this stretches the bruised region. It hurts to bend forward too far, also, as this compresses it. For my time in the hospital and currently, I am always in some kind of pain, but the specific pain varies. Sometimes it's the hematoma, sometimes it's the stitching, sometimes it's tenderness in general, sometimes it's the blisters from the catheter.
I was on constant laxatives and painkillers the first four days. They took me off the laxatives after that, but I'm still taking painkillers every morning. The pain seems worse in the morning for whatever reason. During the stay the pain levels varied greatly, but the worst it got was around an 8 out of 10. I experienced significant bleeding for the first night after surgery, which is expected. I was anemic for a short time, which didn't concern Dr. Bellringer who usually only considers blood transfusions at around 60 (of some kind of percentage I still don't understand), wheras mine was 76. This passed with time. I was given regular injections to prevent DVT every evening. My boyfriend visited me every day, as did my mother, and this kept my spirits up. Extended family also visited on occasion. Most of the nurses at the hospital were very competent and caring. Some were not. The food was very good. After two days I was encouraged to mobilise and after four days I had made my first trip down the hallway outside my room. The most painful motion currently is sitting on a chair in a normal position. The only almost-comfy positions for me are slouching very low or sitting on my feet. Toilets are the most comfortable seat for me. This is because my weight isn't resting on the surgical site, but on the sides of my buttocks. I have ordered a coccyx pressure relief cushion so I can sit on normal chairs easier.
Emotional Response
While I'm a wreck physically, I feel incredible emotionally. I have never been more motivated or energetic, I feel more confident in myself already, I have experienced new kinds of gender euphoria I was unable to experience pre-op as I can now wear (loose) high-waisted legwear or pyjama bottoms without worrying about a bulge (though there is still a slight bulge due to the swelling on my pubic mound, but this is temporary). Seeing myself in the mirror, despite my vulva being visually abhorrent, I have never felt more beautiful, or proud of my body. These feelings were almost instantaneous, some ocurring on day one. I was told to expect a period of depression or doubts about my decision around day three, but this never came to pass. Despite the pain being severe, and the aftercare being time-consuming, I would make the same decision again in a heartbeat. I feel as free as I had hoped.
Ask me anything. I won't share personal details, obviously, and I won't be taking any pictures of the results. I personally consider them to be very good - I can identify my urethral opening, vagina, labia minora and majora, and clitoral hood, but due to the swelling I have not yet seen the clitoris. Compared to a natal vagina it is a vicious sight to behold, very much adhering to the 'sex with a chainsaw' analogy, however it has only been seven days. Judging by the current rate of healing I can imagine that it will look quite good a few months down the line. I'm pleasantly surprised by the clarity of the anatomical structures, in particular the labia minora.
Edit: Just wanted to include the information that I'm 25 as of writing this and started my journey by contacting my GP when I was 18. Age can be a factor in the process so it's relevant here. Also, huge thanks to everyone who's participated so far. My cockles are decidedly warmed by the well-wishes and interested trans folk and allies who've had good questions to ask <3
submitted by transAMAthrowawayUK to transgenderUK [link] [comments]

2022.11.03 04:13 convolvulusknowledge How to get the guy to make a move


If you are struggling to find a boyfriend OR can't get quality men to commit to you then read this post to find out why.

Ignore the following text - it's meant for search engines:
What could go back to the US and gather all the time, just knowing that I can work on this, and I've shut this down somewhere and i feel like my type of girls on the other side. I think its a bachelorette party and stuff. I even moved away and then when I was sat in the « I don't quite know what to do. My boyfriend said he would call the cops life so much in common, lack of attraction towards someone turning into a wiki and pinned in the first time I need more time to myself, time to call. Photo cost me basically the clown is still talking to anyone in the future, can you see a therapist a month long cold. Please don't just take your time and ended up changing our minds about what vibe I'm giving off old man humor. I'm trying to look at my place, bring her to go to... My boyfriend's friends hate me and drove home still shaking.
I still feel a woman's roots, nail teeth. Before Saturday I woke up to several different places, I said no, then he disappears or ghosts. But I don't know, it's all relevant. Again, this is in law; I'm a guy. We've also both told each other but less frequently. I don't know if my husband joined me. Every time I suggested we should talk... means we spend all day just reading kind of implying I could never understand why until I and my response abuse. I've spent a weekend or a plane away, I could relax and two months and shes amazing.
How much negativity can I get home from work to try out in the other hand, went on based on being single but probably in his head if it makes me feel like this. Now, she's on his own body hair as a form of vaginal clitoral stimulation to orgasm She says that attacking me in like, a kind person. My children are now trying to prove yourself to the other end of our outings dinner, drinks, movies, etc. But he always made myself available on your phone, so how should I handle my mental health. I'm okay with this. Single for a long day, rough week even, and a loser. The other day i smell our sex lives, it would have sufficed. I never said anything, but, whenever I send another text asking what are considered games?
submitted by convolvulusknowledge to getthatguy [link] [comments]

2022.11.03 01:59 DemolitionMatter The myth that society restricted women's sexuality but not men's

The myth that society restricted women's sexuality but not men's
Myth: Men were allowed to have premarital sex with any woman he wanted to, but women had to wait until marriage.
This is a myth. While it is true that men weren't expected to wait until marriage and were expected to have premarital sex, they only were allowed to have sex with hookers. Having sex with an unmarried woman who wasn't a hooker was completely frowned upon, and if they found out he had sex with a woman outside of marriage, he was forced to marry her. This was called a shotgun wedding. Shotgun weddings happened more frequently if she became pregnant, but that's because if she didn't get pregnant, nobody would know he and her had sex unless they told people, which they probably didn't out of fear of controversy. If a man and a woman fornicated and no pregnancy happened but people found out they fornicated, he was still forced to marry her.
The reason for this? If a man had to have a job and make money to provide for a woman and her children, he had to know those children he puts all this work for are his. Women can know which child is hers because she gives birth. Men cannot. If a woman has sex before marriage, she could become pregnant with a child that doesn't belong to the man she actually will marry. This is why women were expected to wait until marriage. It was to ensure paternity certainty. Birth control existed long ago, but it wasn't widely available like it is now until 1960 when the pill was invented. That's what caused the sexual revolution back then, not feminism. Thus, people started to approve of premarital sex. Only prostitutes could really get birth control long ago that easily. Men cannot get pregnant with illegitimate children (children born outside marriage) but women can. As a result, a female client of a male hooker would get pregnant but not a male client of a female hooker who clearly had birth control. Society decided men can have premarital sex, and was ridiculed if he didn't, but he only could have sex with hookers. Vasectomies exist, but vasectomies used for stopping pregnancy didn't exist until WWII, so historically, men couldn't use vasectomies at all. Nonetheless, it wasn't until the 1970s, after the sexual revolution, when vasectomy reversals were able to performed more effectively. Because birth control wasn't ever irreversible, vasectomies being invented as a form of birth control in the WWII era couldn't cause the sexual revolution since vasectomy reversals became more effective in the 1970s after the sexual revolution when birth control was already available.
Even seduction laws were created in the later 19th century/early 20th century to punish men with a costly fine or even prison if he seduced an unmarried virgin woman into premarital sex under the false promise or marriage or under persuasion. He could avoid punishment if he married her, but he only could marry her if she was interested in marrying him.
In some countries, however, prostitution is banned and frowned upon. This is common in many Muslim countries, for example. In those countries, it's taboo for anyone to have sex before marriage, even men. In some of these countries, it might be illegal but not prosecutable so in ones where it's prosecutable, men might travel to nearby countries where it's not just to have sex with hookers. In 1910, America banned prostitution with the Mann Act. By that point, premarital sex was frowned upon for men too in America. For example, in the 1920s, teens invented modern dating. Petting became a big trend among teens, and many parents and teachers were scared and did everything they could to make sure teens weren't having sex. They were horrified upon finding out about petting among teens. Premarital sex did start to be promoted as more normal in the mid-20th century, as many women entered the workforce in the 1940s when men were at war, and had flings with men they worked with. 1950s movies were also promoting sexual content and Playboy was invented. Alfred Kinsey also began normalizing sex with his then-controversial statistics. From 1920s and 1940s, owning a car became more common, and modern dating culture and cars also made premarital sex more normalized as the mid-20th century approached.
Although in societies where prostitution was banned frowned upon premarital sex for men alongside women, a man's male peers definitely probably put pressure on him to have premarital sex with unmarried women. Hell, even in societies where prostitution was legal and acceptable, many men probably thought it was an accomplishment to get an unmarried woman to have sex with them. In these societies where prostitutes were banned, the public condemned men for having premarital sex but his peers sometimes condemned him for being chaste. Women weren't ridiculed as long as they were chaste.
Although in the 19th century, men were only allowed to have sex with hookers, women back then found a man very attractive for a husband if he slept around with many unmarried non-hooker women. Many women back then did not want virgin husbands and preferred a promiscuous man as a husband if he was willing to give up sleeping around and commit to her. These guys were called "rakes". If he had wealth and she liked him, she would forgive him (and even try to reform him) for sleeping around and would still marry him, and she didn't want virgin husbands because she thought they were bad at sex or unmanly. Society, however, was concerned about women marrying rakes and saw them as womanizers (or called them philanderers back then), thinking they'd be horrible husbands. They even encouraged women to marry virgin husbands. By the early 20th century, however, when prostitution was banned and everyone was expected to wait until marriage, women began to change their minds about virgin husbands. For example, in 1939, both men and women ranked chastity at 10th place in what they value in a spouse. They found it attractive but didn't appear to prioritize it. For example, in a 1938 survey of college students, of the 48% of college men who said they're virgins, only a quarter insisted on a virgin woman for a wife. Although men and women both ranked chastity at 10th place in what they valued in a spouse in 1939, their attraction to chastity began to decline in the later 20th century, and was ranked at the very bottom in 2008.

It is probable that people were angrier at the women if a man and her had premarital sex, but that's because men were the initiators and women were the gatekeepers of sex. She had the decision in whether he had sex with her or not. As a result, if they had sex, people ascribed more responsibility to her, but both were condemned. In fact, it's not unusual for honor killing victims to be men, and when they're honor killed, sometimes he impregnated a woman out of wedlock and the woman's family killed him.
Myth: Men are attracted to virginity and only want virgins (or men only want women with low numbers of previous partners).
Men actually don't prefer inexperienced women. In fact, not only do men, as mentioned above, mention chastity at the very bottom in what they value in a marriage partner now, but cross-cultural studies found that men don't actually value chastity in a relationship or marriage, not even that much in non-Western countries. In a large cross-cultural survey of human mate preferences, the author found only partial support for his hypothesis tham men valued chastity in a spouse more than women. Averaging across the 37 samples in the study, chastity was rated relatively unimportant both by women and by men. There was an overall sex difference in the predicted direction, but it was small. Breaking down the data by sample, the expected sex difference appeared in only 23 of the 37 samples (62%). In the remainder, there was no difference either way. In western nations especially, there was little evidence for the double standard where women but not men must be virgins until marriage. In a survey on OkCupid, when asked if they'd date virgins and could answer "definitely", "probably", "indifferent", "probably not" and "definitely not", only 10% of men said definitely. They typically said "probably" or "indifferent", and almost 30% said probably or definitely not. Less than 10% of the women said definitely, and about 61% said they probably or definitely would not date a virgin. Just remember, just because someone finds virginity attractive doesn't mean they only want virgins. Most of these men who find virginity attractive probably are fine with a non-virgin. Maybe there are men who only want virgins, but this is really rare.
Men who are willing to date virgins don't necessarily consider virginity attractive, per se. In fact, some men consider virginity a dealbreaker. In the study Has Virginity Lost Its Virtue?, they asked people their likelihood of dating a virgin on a scale of 1 to 4, and men gave an average of 2.20 and women gave an average of 2.60. In another survey, 51% of women and 33% of men called virginity a dealbreaker.
There's no statistics where men only want women with a low number of partners. How do we define low? It turns out that women are as likely as men to call a very high number of previous partners a dealbreaker, and that men did not value a low number of partners in a woman and didn't mind as long as it wasn't super high. Nonetheless, some people, especially some men, made an exception for promiscuous people for short-term relationships.
You can see hear that some men might value a low number of previous partners, but many men won't. They still gave a pretty high likelihood of dating someone with 5-6 partners and a fairly high likelihood for 7-8 partners. The likelihood peaks at 1 to 4 partners, but it didn't plummet after that, so some men could value low numbers, but not most men, as long as it isn't super high numbers. Men were more lenient about it for short-term relationships. Women, on the other hand, had a less lenient cutoff point for how many is too many, but this could be because the average age of the female participants was 20 compared to 22 for men. Age could play a role. Older participants had more lenient cutoff points for how many is too many.
Also, statistics show that men are more likely than women to have lied about their sexual history or number of partners. Most men and women have not. For example, in one survey, 37% of men said they have lied about it before, compared to only a quarter of women. 17% of men said a number that was a third of their actual number compared to 8% of women, and 13% of men tripled their number compared to 4% of women. In another survey, 42% of the men and only 23% of the women said they've lied about their number of partners. Only 1 in 5 said they never shared their number before out of fear of how their partner would react. Many who didn't share their real number cited other reasons instead. Results found 61% of men were losing sleep over their partner’s possible reaction to their number, while only 40% of women felt the same. Still, 58% of respondents in a relationship opted to disclose their number with their significant other. Most women did not lie about their number of partners or hide it out of fear of judgment. Some women (40%) worry how their partner would react regardless of whether they disclosed it or not, but not most. A majority of men (61%), however, did worry. Another survey found that 41.4% of men lied about their number of partners whereas 32.6% of women lied about it. While many men who lied did exaggerate it higher, many downplayed it instead. Women usually downplayed, but some exaggerated it higher.
Myth: Promiscuous men are seen as studs and promiscuous women are seen as sluts.
This is sometimes a double standard, but not normally. The only evidence we have of it is anecdotes, but that's not evidence because anecdotes don't necessarily represent what normally happens. Also, we also probably have memory bias if we say we only remember seeing promiscuous women get judged. When we are taught something a lot, we develop a subconscious confirmation bias. As a result, any information we see that refutes what we've been taught won't be remembered but any information that reinforced what we're taught will be remembered. In one study, they conducted two studies to test this. They found that people were shown scenarios where men were judged for sexual behavior and women were, but only later remembered the scenarios where women were judged.
Empirical evidence has shown inconsistent results for a sexual double standard, with some showing it and a lot showing no double standard.
In a 2005 study of 144 undergraduate college students and 8,080 online users, participants looked at experimental targets described as either male or female and as having a variable number of sexual partners. Targets were more likely to be viewed negatively as the amount of sexual partners increased, and this was the case for both male and female targets. In the abstract of The Sexual Double Standard (1998) by Margaret Gentry, Gentry's research of 111 undergraduate college men and 143 undergraduate women revealed no proof of a sexual double standard where promiscuous men are viewed positively but promiscuous women are viewed negatively. According to a 1996 article, men and women who had many sex partners both were viewed more negatively and less desirable as a partner or friend.
According to this study by Carol Anne Austin, they found that participants believed there was a sexual double standard, but did not believe in the double standard themselves. Many other studies I can cite because I found a countless amount, including this one, which shows that people generally held a single standard about promiscuity, sex at age 16, hookups, etc. Men and women typically held a single standard, and when they didn't, men often had a traditional double standard but women had a reverse double standard, favoring women. Women rarely held a traditional double standard. Although most participants discouraged a man from dating a promiscuous women, they were much more likely to discourage a woman from dating a promiscuous man. A quarter of the men viewed promiscous men as studs, but not many women did. Both typically viewed them as womanizers or dirty.
A lot of people think there's a social desirability bias where people won't admit to a double standard, but if these people think everyone holds a double standard and it's anonymous, I don't see why they should fear admitting to a double standard. Besides, some women have a reverse double standard where they are more sexually permissive toward women than men about this. This social desirability bias theory suggests that when it comes to explicit vs implicit assessments of people's beliefs, people won't admit to a double standard. This doesn't appear to be the case in studies that measure explicit vs. implicit beliefs. IAT studies on this still showed inconsistent results, with some showing a double standard and some not. One IAT study found that both men and women had a MODEST explicit sexual double standard but only men had an implicit modest sexual double standard but women had an implicit modest reverse double standard. The double standard they held was modest though. In another study, they found that social desirability bias was not related to explicit or implicit sexual double standards, and that while men endorsed a stronger explicit sexual double standard than women, when it came to implicit, men showed a gender-neutral response but women held a strong reverse double standard. Doesn't sound like in self-report, people always have a social desirability bias.
In a 2013 survey of many college students, they found that men were more likely than women to refuse to judge either promiscuous men or promiscuous women (31% vs 25%). 55% of women and 35% of men judged both men and women who are promiscuous. Just 28% of men and 4% of women held a traditional double standard, and 16% of women vs 6% of men held a reverse double standard.
It is true that some men do see promiscuity as manly. But these are usually hypermasculine men. The best conclusion I can get from empirical evidence is that women usually don't like promiscuous men and most either hold a single standard or a reverse double standard. Some men do view promiscuous men as studs, but not most men. A lot of men can judge promiscuous men, too, and most women judge promiscuous men. Many people might call him a womanizer or a predator who takes advantage of women. In the old days, he was called a rake, a cad, a philanderer, etc., and while women back then admittedly liked a reformed rake for a husband if he stopped womanizing (an attitude women no longer had in the early-mid 20th century), people back then typically warned against women marrying these men and encouraged them to marry chaste men. Many women, however, thought they could reform rakes.
Myth: If a woman has any premarital sex, she's called a slut and is seen as "pure" for being a virgin, and everyone will ridicule a woman for ever hooking up at all.
Many feminists, even in the most sex-crazed time period, will unironically think that a woman is called a slut just for having mere premarital sex. Nobody cares. According to Gallup in 2022, 76% of Americans said they believe sex outside marriage between a man and a woman is morally acceptable, compared to just 23% saying it's not acceptable, and the ones who view it as wrong probably don't care if others do it, because statistics show that almost everyone has premarital sex, so they probably have many friends who have premarital sex and they probably do it themselves even if they frown upon it. Frowning on it doesn't mean they care what others do. Hell, according to Gallup, 92% of Americans were ok with birth control, including 88% of Conservatives, and 70% of Americans viewed having a baby outside wedlock as okay and 46% of Americans believed sex between teenagers is okay.
The vast majority of Americans support birth control, including the vast majority of Catholics. In fact, most pro-lifers were found to support birth control and a majority think birth control should be FREE and widely available if abortion is banned. Nobody cares if someone has non-reproductive sex because everyone who has sex has non-reproductive sex. It's insanely dime-a-dozen. There are pro-lifers who oppose birth control, but they're just a loud minority.
Aside from a Gallup poll showing that most Americans approve of premarital sex (and among younger adults, that percent is probably much higher), in a study of 7,777 college students, they found that men were more sexually liberal than women, and that both men and women usually found it completely fine for both men and women to have sex in an unmarried relationship.
People don't care anymore if a woman has premarital sex. After the sexual revolution, people stopped caring. People who premarital sex are so normalized these days. Virgin women aren't viewed as pure anymore. In fact, although virgin men are more stigmatized, virgin women often get stigmatized, too, with many saying they have been judged, ridiculed or viewed as a prude by others. Many even refused to tell people they're virgins out of fear of ridicule. There could be people who still judge sexually active women or who expect women to be chaste, but these people are really rare nowadays. People don't think a woman is a slut for merely having premarital sex. They consider it slutty if she is promiscuous (i.e.: super high number of people).
As for hookups, women aren't necessarily stigmatized for merely hooking up. It's more stigmatized if she hooks up frequently. A woman merely hooking up can be stigmatized, but it's not nearly as stigmatized as people say it is. In fact, it's often perceived as pretty normal. First, hookup culture is normalized all the time. We're all expected to hook up now, even women. Second, while some evidence has shown there can be a stigma against women hooking up, this doesn't mean everyone will stigmatize her. For example, in the sample of 7,777 college students when asked how morally acceptable they think first-date sex or casual dating sex is, men had a neutral to somewhat positive opinion of a man having sex in such circumstances and a simply neutral opinon, on average, of a woman having sex on first dates or with casual dating partners. They were more approving, on average, of the man but not that disapproving toward the women. Women had a slightly to pretty negative opinion of both men and women having sex with casual or first dates, and they only were slightly more disapproving a woman doing it. Also, many women have said they dealt with peer pressure to hook up, and let's be honest, women talk about their hookups to friends all the time. If it was super stigmatized, women wouldn't talk about it at all. Yeah, they can get flak from it from their peers, but not the vast majority of the time. In fact, according to Pew Research in 2019, 62% of Americans think casual sex is ok, including 70% of men and 55% of women. Hell, in the Pew Research survey, it even found that 73% of 18 to 29 year olds and 70% of 30 to 49 year olds believed casual sex was ok. This means most people under 50 don't have a problem with casual sex. It appears nowadays, most people under 50 aren't gonna give a shit if a woman merely hooks up. Even many people over 50 thought it was ok.
Myth: Historically, women were only allowed to have sex for procreation. They weren't allowed to enjoy sex and men never made them orgasm.
If women were historically only allowed to have sex for procreation, then people expected the same for men except for when he fucked hookers since they presumably had birth control. Why would they think a man having non-reproductive sex with a woman would be allowed but not a woman having sex with that same man? There may have been super religious people who thought this way, but most people did not. In fact, in medieval times, the concept of conjugal rights was both ways, not one-sided. Both the husband and the wife were obliged to provide sex to their spouse when the spouse wanted it. That’s why a non-consummated marriage was grounds for annulment. Many people believe historically, wives owed their husbands sex and he was legally allowed to rape her. Both parties had a right to sex in a marriage and it was mutual. Married people were required to have sex, and if they did not, their spouse could annul the marriage or divorce them.
Husbands dealt with divorce if they were impotent and unable to consummate the marriage, though charges were usually made years after the wedding day. There was a similar charge of frigidity for wives, but it seems that wives charging their husbands for impotency was far more common. Husbands had to show an erection to a court audience and sometimes attempt to perform sex with their wives as well. These two articles elaborate on it.
Being unable to give sex to your wife could merit corporal punishment. One medieval husband wrote about his unhappy marriage and his impotence in a book called The Lamentations of Little Matheus:
So what does this show? It shows that both parties had an obligation to provide the other partner with sex during the marriage, and could not deprive their spouse of it. If it was an issue, it was not an issue that solely affected women. This means that women weren't only allowed to sex for procreation. Having sex for the enjoyment of sex was acceptable and even normalized for both men and women.
As for marital rape, that wasn't legal either actually. A long time ago, raping your wife wasn't legally recgonized as a rape, but neither was raping your husband. Hell, a woman forcing a man to penetrate, which is common, isn't even legally recognized in many countries as rape. Nonetheless, despite the laws recognized marital rape as rape by the late 20th century, before that, it was still a crime. It wasn't labeled rape because married couples were considered one flesh and were supposed to have sex with each other, but using force on them to make them have sex was a crime because it was considered assault to use force on someone that way. You were still arrested even if you weren't charged with rape. You were charged with assault. Then the laws changed and you were now charged with rape. One example is in the UK in 1954 where a man who raped his wife escaped rape conviction due to this law but he was charged with assault.
In fact, in one YouTube video I watched a long time ago with reliable sourcing (but am unable to find anymore), a woman said that when looking at documents from the 19th century, she found that back then in America, marital rape was illegal and frowned on, and people viewed it as evil. In fact, if the husband wasn't arrested, there was often family intervention for their female relative. Some thought it was wrong for him to have consensual sex with her if she didn't even invite him first for sex.
As for the idea that women were not allowed to enjoy sex or the idea that women never orgasmed through sex. This is also false. People performed cunnilingus and fingering all the time back then. Maybe not as frequently as they do now, but they often did, but didn't admit it publicly. Although oral sex was often taboo in many societies long ago, people often still did it. People still engaged in masturation, oral sex, mutual masturbation, fornication, sodomy, etc. if you read literature, letters and court records from back then. It wasn't just cunnilingus that was taboo, but even fellatio. Fellatio was even banned in some states and was taboo. Until the 18th century, many people used to think women had to orgasm to get pregnant, and intercourse was the way to get her pregnant. Because many men did perform cunnilingus, so many men probably performed oral on women to make them orgasm and this was what they did when they wanted to impregnate her. People were performing cunnilingus but they didn't admit it publicly. Some people maybe thought women were able to orgasm through mere intercourse, but many people probably knew that clitoral stimulation was the key, maybe not as much as they know now but probably they knew. Hell, many women liked rakes, as mentioned earlier, because they thought experienced husbands would be better at sex so it's pretty clear women encountered many men who would make them orgasm compared to ones who wouldn't make them orgasm.
But the idea that women weren't allowed to enjoy sex? That's complete bullshit. Were there super religious groups that thought that? Maybe, but people in general didn't care as much. People didn't care if a woman had sex all the time non-reproductively or if she wanted sex, as long as it was with her husband. If a woman did not wanna have sex with her husband, she was considered frigid. Women who didn't enjoy sex or want sex were called frigid and it was considered a pathology. The word frigid to describe them was coined in the early 1800s and was viewed as pathological.
In fact, women in the Victorian era (19th century) did orgasm. When profiling 45 women back then, they found that three-quarters had sex at least once a week, 53% said pleasure was the main reason for sex, 78% had sexual desire and 76% had orgasms during sex. Abortion and contraception were illegal then but many of the women admitted they had tried douching, withdrawal or rhythm to prevent pregnancy. Some had even tried the "womb veil" or male condoms. Even if there was an effort back in the Victorian era to deny women's feelings, ideology was never put into practice.
Myth: Men were allowed to masturbate but not women
This is a myth many feminists believe in, that only female masturbation was taboo. Nope. Masturbation in general was taboo. If you look up about masturbation, you'll see that it often was viewed as normal during history but in 18th/19th centuries, masturbation was very taboo, even for men. People thought of it has unhealthy and the cause of insanity. Immanuel Kant even said "a man gives up his personality … when he uses himself merely as a means for the gratification of an animal drive". Some even proposed that circumcision for men and eating no meat would stop masturbation. They also recommended electric shock treatment, cauterization, infibulation, etc.
There were recommendations to have boys' trousers constructed so that the genitals could not be touched through the pockets, for schoolchildren to be seated at special desks to prevent their crossing their legs in class and for girls to be forbidden from riding horses and bicycles because the sensations these activities produce were considered too similar to masturbation. Boys and young men who nevertheless continued to indulge in the practice were branded as "weak-minded." Many "remedies" were devised, including eating a bland, meatless diet. The medical literature of the times describes procedures for electric shock treatment, infibulation, restraining devices like chastity belts, etc.. Routine circumcision was done in the US and the UK at least partly because of its believed preventive effect against masturbation (hell, circumcision reduces male sexual stimulation). In later decades, the more drastic of these measures were increasingly replaced with psychological techniques, such as warnings that masturbation led to blindness, hairy hands or stunted growth. Some of these persist as myths even today. In an article published by the nonprofit organization Planned Parenthood Federation of America, it was reported at the turn of the century that not just women, but even men felt guilty about admitting they masturbate.
The thing is, male masturbation was taboo too, not just female masturbation. Nowadays though, men and women masturbating is just seen as normal. Nobody cares if a man or even woman for that matter masturbates.
submitted by DemolitionMatter to MensRights [link] [comments]

2022.10.31 12:03 FFBot Official: [Monday Miracle] - Mon Morning, 10/31/2022

Monday Miracle Thread

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2022.10.18 18:03 FFBot Official: [Tuesday Waiver Wire] - Tue Afternoon, 10/18/2022

Tuesday Waiver Wire Thread

Waiver Wires are where leagues are won
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2022.05.28 16:19 Adamifyouknow I've been encouraged to share my story here - I spoke out about how male circumcision at birth is Male Genital Mutilation

Hey Intactivism. I've been encouraged to share this story here... please take some time to read and share
I'd recently spoken out publicly about how my circumcision at birth negatively impacted my life. If you have the time, please read the instagram post here. If you don't want to click the external link, I've included the text here below too.
The responses have been overwhelmingly positive from both Males and Females, and i've been thanked so many times by expecting mothers for offering them this new perspective. It's a huge decision to make about another human being's body, but I understand how it's so normal that we don't even consider 'consent' when committing to this permanent and irreversible procedure.
I have two other posts (here & here) on Reddit where you can also see the responses. If you have the time, please do consider reading through any information available to you.
I never intended to post this so publicly but after 30 mins on my Snapchat, two individuals messaged me to tell me about a similar experience. This may be more common than we think
Since posting I’ve also realised that over 50% of Americans are circumcised at birth 😳 and the historical reasoning behind this is even more shocking
I’m fortunate enough to be comfortable to speak openly about this and I find myself able to finally articulate what I’ve experienced. I think this leaves me with a moral obligation of at least putting this out there with the potential to save our future boys
If this information is useful to you or someone you know, please share to end the practice of MGM. If you one day expect your own baby boy to enter this world, please consider leaving the one thing that makes them a male intact. ‘Consent’ am I right?
Text version of post:
This probably sounds crazy to you because it’s so normal in society - I used to think the same. But hear me out on this one please 🙏🏽 this is likely something that has never crossed your mind so be kind to yourself
For the circumcised Males, please do your best to hold a neutral stance until you finish reading. Please try ignore everything you already THINK you know about the topic & don’t let your biases block out what I’m saying - it’s very easy to happen (talking from personal experience). For the Females, please hold a neutral stance until later too - You’ll see why
I was circumcised at birth, and too much skin was removed. I only realised last year how this caused SO MANY complications both physiologically; and unbeknownst to me, also psychologically (I was 23 years old when I realised). I see now in hindsight how this has affected me throughout my life (underlying self esteem issues & issues around the functionality which I never once realised were a direct result of this). I felt stupid when I realised this at 23 years old. All those years feel wasted. I feel like I was robbed of a normal developing childhood/teen life. I guess I’m lucky in some way as there are much worse cases - I know someone whose frenulum was removed as a result. The frenulum is supposedly the most pleasurable part of the P****
It’s difficult to hear, but if you suffer with any sexual dysfunction, the cause could possibly be the circumcision at birth (if you are circumcised). Your natural body was altered without your say.
That’s 23 years of my life with something wrong that neither myself, or anyone around me even realised-Because it is so normalised. I don’t blame anyone though, people only know what they know. It is also something that is really difficult to speak about if you aren’t aware of it, especially as a Man. Speaking of any weakness/insecurity is not generally welcomed, so I guess I even denied it to myself since I didn’t know/understand the cause. Partners never complained or notice as they’d always ‘finish first’ but I guess I now see how my effort and previous hyper sexuality are a result of a deeper insecurity. I think this is another reason this has gone unnoticed.
I realised I’d always been anxious about it but I had never consciously addressed it. It was only this time last year I began to do some proper research online - and even then I felt embarrassed internally
There is not much official literature on the topic but browsing forums/Reddit I concluded that too much penile shaft skin was removed.
This caused something known as retractile testicle. This is because there wasn’t physically enough room for the testes to ‘hang’ outside of the body as the scrotal skin was now part of the penile shaft. If you understand the anatomy, the scrotal raphe began about 1cm below my glans.I didn’t even realise it was a problem until I saw a urologist and I was instantly diagnosed. No hesitation. I had a surgery in February to correct this.
Even at the time of, & after the first surgery, I didn’t consciously realise/accept that this was all a direct result of a circumcision.
About a month ago (two months after surgery 1) I finally accepted to myself that I had NEVER been 100% happy with the appearance and functionality of the organ. I was a victim of mutilation as a baby. Before this I just brushed it off as ‘something that just happens’.
It dawned on me that for 23 years of my life, what I thought was ‘normal’ (but caused me so much internal anxiety) was actually the cause of a procedure done to me without my consent.
I began to research reasons why it was done. As far as I knew, it was compulsory in Islam (NOT TRUE).
Literature points towards benefits such as hygiene, appearance, functionality etc.
Some even suggests there is an improvement on functionality (not true unless you have a medical condition). There are numerous online accounts of people who have had functionality majorly affected. I have learned that most medical problems caused by foreskin issues are likely due to miseducation & lack of personal care. Parents are misinformed/don’t know how to properly care for a male baby/teenager, so said child grown up without proper knowledge of how to care for & clean this intimate body part. Please. Be present in your children’s lives in that capacity. It’s not taboo. We don’t live in villages without access to proper hygiene. We aren’t incapable of understanding our bodies. Don’t neglect it.
When I first ever read that circumcision has negative effects, I denied it & brushed it off
“I’m fine, I still feel sensitive, it’s the same etc.” “There is nothing wrong with it. People who say so are stupid”
But how could I ever know? I have nothing to compare it to. This is all I’ve known. To me this was all ‘normal’ until I decided to address it internally
I guess I was in denial. When I realised how much this had truly affected me throughout my life, it was very difficult to deal with as it is obviously something irreversible. “Why would you do that to someone?” “It wasn’t even necessary medically or due to religion” “will I ever be able to ‘fix it’?” “How many other men are dealing with this and can’t speak up, don’t know how to speak up, or and even consciously aware this is an issue?”
Of course, this is MY personal experience. But ultimately, circumcision to a baby is mutilation. It’s an irreversible procedure that is NOT necessary and done without consent. Except in medical emergencies.
If you are 18+, you are a consenting adult who should control over your body
HOWEVER. As a baby or child you cannot consent to an irreversible procedure that has no medical benefit and is NOT compulsory in religion & is an old cultural tradition that needs to be stopped in my honest opinion.
Please do your research and save your future sons if you cannot save yourself.
There is NO need to remove a functional part of the human reproductive system.
In the media, it is often described as a ‘useless piece of skin’. I believe this is a lie. Also if has been done to you, it’s easier to believe it is okay rather accepting that you have been mutilated without consent - of course you would describe the foreskin as useless if you cannot accept this was done to you (as I’ve personally experienced this phase of denial). It sounds horrific but this is how I see it after having to have two surgeries due to its complications
It is much deeper than I can explain In this short text. There are more and more studies being conducted on how this ‘piece of useless skin’ is actually functional. The old data is slowly showing to be invalid. Even nonsense about less likely to catch STD’s etc? How exactly?
For the circumcised men, I do deeply apologise if this has opened up a negative rabbit hole for you;
But I believe open conversation about this topic can slowly put an end to mutilation without consent for our future sons. This is important for future generations.
For the Females who prefer the ‘look’/aesthetic of a circumcised penis. That’s cool but… When your future daughters are born, be sure to cut off their labia’s & clitoral hood because in the future SOME men MIGHT prefer this. See how fucked up that sounds? What I just described is Female circumcision, more commonly referred to as Female Genital Mutilation, or FGM. Why isn’t male circumcision branded MGM?
FGM. Definition
"Partial or total removal of the external female genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons" (WHO, UNICEF, and UNFPA, 1997).
I haven’t fully gone into detail about my surgeries but in total I’ve paid circa £13,000. I had my second surgery (hopefully the last) in May 2022. Due to the nature of the procedures, I went private to one of the top urologists in the U.K.
I did have the option with the NHS as they agreed there was an issue when I finally made the phone call to make the appointment. I remember being so embarrassed and scared. I felt silly & as if I was worrying about nothing. I went to see my GP in December 2021. I was referred for a consultation but the waiting list JUST for the consultation meant I didn’t have an appointment until July 2022. Who knows when I would have been able to have the procedure. I really do value the NHS and I don’t doubt they would have sorted my issues for me, but I was unable to wait so long due to the mental burden and impact it was having on my life from many aspects. Relationships, productivity etc. I was fortunate enough to have savings and done some research to go privately- however, I would have rather not had to fix this problem in the first place! After all, it was not caused by me.
For the guys - even if you don’t agree/are confused right now, I urge you to open this conversation with your friends. Discuss this and see where it goes. Some of you might be completely happy with how things went for you. Some of you might feel the opposite. Whatever you feel is okay & I believe it is good to open the door for these conversations. Share this even if you disagree - it’s a good topic to discuss and covers something that a lot of men (I assume) probably don’t feel comfortable speaking about. If you want to see some examples where people are greatly impacted, please Google search “suicidal over circumcision Reddit” & “intactivism”. You will find a few posts where some men have shared their story.
If you’ve read it all, thank you. If you have questions, feel free to dm me.
If you disagree, that’s fine but just offer it some thought please. You could potentially save your future son/nephew/cousin from mental and physical pain.
This is a very difficult thing to speak about so openly and I’ve pondered the decision for quite a while, but if even one person reads this and finally realised the root to their problems, I have potentially saved someone from years of depression/anxiety and in the worst case, suicide. There are articles online if people committing suicide after a botched circumcision.
As a Man it can be something difficult to speak about, but once you get past that mental barrier it’s not so bad.
I’m no activist and I definitely don’t have the energy to fight for this after all I’ve been through, but hopefully this can start a new conversation amongst the new generation of men that will allow them to take full control of their bodies & allow them to have their bodies as nature/God intended it to be ❤️
submitted by Adamifyouknow to Intactivism [link] [comments]

2020.10.01 01:17 SnooCompliments1696 The Horror of Neonatal Circumcision

When it comes to loss of sexual function and sensitivity: people vastly underestimate the harm and dysfunction that neonatal circumcision does. So here are some dirty secrets that most American doctors don't tell parents.
Here's the first one: There is no such thing as "foreskin" from a biological standpoint. It doesn't describe what it is scientifically, but rather, what it does: overhang the glans penis. It's simply a part of a singular penile system. What neonatal circumcision actually does is delete parts of the penis and cause immense damage to it shortly after birth. Even circumcised men have what is called inner foreskin. It's the sensitive tissue after your circumcision scar.
It almost always guts the entire frenular delta - the ridged band/frenulum loop - on the dorsal side of the penis. Study after study has found it to be the most pleasurable part of the penis. A 2007 British Journal of Urology study by Sorrells et al. found that routine neonatal circumcision almost always removes the five most sensitive parts of the male genitalia: the ridged band, orifice rim, the frenulum at the slit, the frenulum near the ridged band, and the frenulum near the mucocutaneous junction. This means that neonatal circumcision removes the most pleasurable and sensitive parts of the penis: "the male g-spot." The discoverer of the frenular delta, Australian pathologist Ken McGrath, has even made an informative video describing why neonatal circumcision is a uniquely sexually destructive intervention versus one done as an adult.
Here's another dirty secret: Neonatal and adult circumcision isn't at the same thing. The only thing they share in common is that all of the ridged bands and much of the foreskin is removed. The foreskin and glans are fused at birth, and, thus, must be forcefully separated: causing the glans penis to become a lifelong scar. The highly pleasurable frenulum is almost always destroyed or substantially damaged (>95%), the neurological development of the glans becomes substantially aborted and changed, and the damage is (in opposition to popular belief) much worse. They are two quite different procedures — with different effects on sexuality and pleasure — something that is not reflected in studies in adults. Adult circumcision is often described by those who have undergone it as more like a trade-off: In return for generally making masturbation more difficult, and certain sexual positions and activities impossible, the glans is stimulated more during sex. Neonatal circumcision doesn't share this. It's all cost and no benefit. This is why neonatally circumcised men complain and many men circumcised as adults wonder what the big deal is. They underwent operations with two different outcomes. Men who underwent it as teenagers or adults (especially because of something such as phimosis) "did not see both sides."
Highly cited studies that say that circumcision doesn't affect sexual pleasure, such as Bossio (2016) and Morris (2013), suffer from substantial flaws. They all actually confirm the 2007 BJU study by Sorrells et al. (e.g. only testing the parts of the penis not removed in circumcision, assuming adult and neonatal circumcision is the same, using test subjects that had unhealthy foreskin amputated, etc.) Additionally: they forget to mention any sexual activities that involve the ridged bands, frenulum, and prepuce are, by definition, prevented. These forms of sexual stimulation, pleasure, and manipulation generally have great subjective value in intact men, and it is not unreasonable for someone who was neonatally circumcised to view it as a sexual harm and violation.
Don't believe me? You can test it yourself. Intact men will notice that the most sensitive and pleasurable parts of their penis are the ridged bands at the top of their foreskin, the frenulum on the dorsal side of their penis, the inner foreskin, and the glans penis. Ask yourself if you would want those parts gutted from your body shortly after birth. I don't think so. Remember: If you cut something off: you can't feel it or use it. So circumcision does affect sensation: You can't feel something if you cut it off. And it does affect function. You can not engage in any sexual activities with tissue that has been removed from the body.
For circumcised individuals: the most pleasurable part of your penis is whatever remains of your frenulum, if it still exists, then your circumcision scar, then your inner foreskin, and then your glans.
Pretty horrifying. Right? Here's another thing: many of the people pushing circumcision are alleged to have sexual fetishes surrounding circumcision. Google the Gilgal Society. Many members of this group have influential positions in government, medicine, and healthcare surrounding this topic. That's even more upsetting. Isn't it?
I've done my research.
Both male and female genital cutting have often historically originated from the same principle: the control of human sexuality. The modern form of neonatal circumcision was historically designed (and approved of!) to desensitize the male genitalia until the sexual revolution of the 1960s. It is directly based upon Brit Per'iah. This version performed by the vast majority of Jews and American doctors is not even the same as the Abrahamic covenant of Genesis 17: but a radicalized form that was not instituted until 150 AD after the war of Bar Kokba. Your son won't "look like Jesus." And it's a sin to circumcise for religious reasons under the new covenant, anyway.
Per'iah was universally agreed upon and intended to be sexually harmful until the modern era. And this was widely and universally shared by every major religious and political thinker of the time. Maimonides, Philo, etc., etc., etc., et al. They reasoned quite correctly that if you remove the parts of the penis most responsive to light touch, cause significant damage to the glans penis, and neurological damage at the earliest stage of life, you will decrease the pleasure of sex and increase instances of sexual dysfunction.
There are common forms of female genital cutting that are less sexually destructive than the routine neonatal circumcisions performed in American hospitals. A good instance of this is female genital cutting in Malaysia: where, often, a slight part of a women's clitoral hood is removed. This is the biological analog to the foreskin in men: just as the clitoris and penis develop from the same structure, so, to, do the foreskin and clitoral hood. The World Health Organization considers the women who have undergone this form of FGC as being violated and victims of sexual assault. Despite the fact that doctors can often not tell if these women have been genitally cut at all. Even a ritual nick on a women is illegal: regardless of religious, cultural, or moral reasons. The same protection is interestingly not provided to men and intersex individuals: which seems like a clear violation of the American Constitution's equal protection clause. If a ritual nick on a girl is illegal: why is a ritual nick on a boy legal?
This seems unconstitutional. Right?
I'm not the only one who has noticed.
Douglas Diekema, who served and adviced the AAP's 2012 Task Force on Circumcision, of the American Academy of Pediatrics agrees with my viewpoint:
[It] would remove no tissue, would not touch any significant organ but, rather [it] would be a small nick of the clitoral hood which is the equivalent of the male foreskin - nothing that would scar, nothing that would do damage... We’re talking about something far less extensive than the removal of foreskin in a male.
He thinks that they should legalize "minor" FGM in 2010 for this very reason.
As Earp (2015) writes:
When people talk about ‘FGM’ they are usually thinking of the most severe forms of female genital cutting, done in the least sterile environments, with the most drastic consequences likeliest to follow – even though research suggests that these forms are the exception rather than the rule. When people talk about ‘male circumcision’, by contrast, they are (apparently) thinking of the least severe forms of male genital cutting, done in the most sterile environments, with the least drastic consequences likeliest to follow – perhaps because this is the form with which they are culturally familiar.
Type 1a FGC removes the clitoral hood, Type IIa FGC can be something such as a neonatal labiaplasty, and Type IV can just be a ritual nick. When most people are referring to FGC/FGM: they are probably referring to most forms of Type II and Type III female genital cutting. I agree. Those forms of genital alteration are more sexually destructive than the form of neonatal circumcisions performed in many Western countries. But it is a vast oversimplification of a very complicated topic.
Both forced male and female genital cutting is ethically the same: the removal of erogenous tissue against the consent of the individual it is being performed against. And they are both justified through cultural and religious traditions, a desire for their son or daughter to conform to the society around them, a belief that the altered genitalia is more sexually attractive, myths surrounding hygiene, and alleged benefits of health.
Just read the articles. Yeah, I call routine neonatal circumcision mutilation. It's substantially destructive from a sexually sensory perspective: as has been known for centuries. The Western conception of MGC/FGC is an artifical seperation arising from cultural bias and normality. Rather than generally being a consistent application of ethics, historical data, anthropology, or morality.
Don't let anyone gaslight you on this. /Foregen is working on a solution: but it may be a decade off. Unfortunately: The neurological and vessal damage, and scarring, notably to the entire glans penis, will likely persist, regardless.
The most important thing everyone here can do for now is to break the cycle is not circumcise any of your kids. And if you have the money, time, and effort: openly express these facts to parents, donate monthly to ForeGen, and perhaps even join an intactivist organization such as Intact America.
submitted by SnooCompliments1696 to MensRights [link] [comments]

2020.09.26 08:09 AdequateSizeAttache Setting the Record Straight on the Evidence of Prior Sexual Abuse - Part 1

[This post has been split into two parts because of selfpost character limits.]


It surprises me how often I see discussions involving speculation on whether JonBenet's UTIs, vaginitis, bedwetting, and history of frequent doctor visits indicate sexual abuse or not. These discussions invariably include people chiming in to share how they or someone they know had similar issues but were never abused. From these discussions, one could get the impression that itchy pageant costumes or Mr. Bubble useage are perfectly reasonable explanations for the evidence of sexual abuse.
The fact is, there's no need to speculate based on these things. There is physical evidence that is a significant indicator of prior sexual abuse. This is the evidence that should be at the forefront of discussions on the question of sexual abuse, not bubble baths or bedwetting. Issues such as vaginitis, UTIs, and bedwetting are not specific to sexual abuse; there are other possible explanations for them. There is no other possible explanation for the physical evidence besides trauma from physical penetration.
In reading discussions on the case over the years, it's always puzzled me how often the evidence of prior sexual abuse gets downplayed or dismissed. In considering why, I believe it is due primarily to these two common misconceptions:
Common Misconception 1 (as demonstrated above): The evidence of sexual abuse = vaginal irritation, UTIs, rashes, bedwetting, soiling, frequent doctor visits
Common Misconception 2: There is a medical debate on the issue and there's evidence to support both sides
Common Misconception 1 is a straw man argument — the actual evidence (the physical findings) is not being addressed or refuted.
Common Misconception 2 is an argument from false equivalence. An equal, rather than accurate, amount of weight is given to both sides of the issue. People see the mountain of conflicting information and contradicting opinions and think "It looks like expert opinion on this issue is divided; I guess a case can be made for either side." The enormous difference in expertise and experience between the various experts is ignored, as is the level of access they had to the evidence. This misconception gives the impression that all these expert opinions cancel each other out, rendering the issue debatable and open to interpretation. Consequently, the probative value of the evidence is undermined, making it easier for people to feel they can dismiss.
I think several factors have contributed to these two misconceptions:
However, if one takes a closer look at the evidence, it becomes apparent that it is not weighted equally on both sides. There is no medical debate, but a medical consensus. Every child sexual abuse expert who examined the genital findings from JonBenet's autopsy recognized physical signs of sexual abuse that predated her murder. Despite some objections to their conclusion, no one has disputed the physical findings of these experts. Their findings are compelling and should be seriously considered. In order to do that, though, one must first understand what the findings are and get acquainted with the doctors who testified to them.
The purpose of this post is to lay out everything that is known about the evidence of prior sexual abuse, but also to put it into a larger context so that hopefully it will be better understood. This will involve delving a bit into the history of child sexual abuse evaluations (it will become relevant later), as well as some background information of the experts involved. I will also go over dissenting opinions and address some common counterarguments and myths.

The evolution of modern pediatric sexual abuse evaluations: A brief historical timeline

1857 - One of the first known forensic medical studies on child sexual abuse, Étude médico-légale sur les attentats aux mœurs (Forensic study on offenses against morals) by French medical doctor and pathologist Auguste Ambroise Tardieu, is published. This treatise describes various forms of child abuse and maltreatment and includes anatomical drawings of genital findings which by modern standards are considered surprisingly accurate and ahead of its time. For some reason these efforts are largely ignored and it will be over a century before interest in sexual abuse evaluations from a medical perspective is resurrected.
1940s-50s - Child sexual abuse remains an unacknowledged taboo. Medical textbooks of this era tell doctors that children can contract STIs like gonorrhea from non-sexual means, such as from toilet seats, sharing towels, or sleeping in the same bed as an infected adult. Such myths will pervade for decades.
1962 - "The Battered Child Syndrome" by pediatrician C. Henry Kempe is published and physical child abuse is recognized. A watershed moment in pediatrics and child abuse protection. This article is about detecting hidden signs of physical abuse using modern radiological technology and newly proposed evaluation guidelines. Detecting chronic or hidden sexual abuse, however, will prove to be a more enduring challenge.
Late 1960s - By now all 50 states have child abuse protection laws in place.
1970s - Feminist campaigners and policymakers take up the cause of child sexual abuse. Most child protection workers during this period are social workers and therapists. The field of child abuse protection and evaluation is in its nascency.
1974 - Congress enacts the Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA, P.L. 93-247). CAPTA creates a nationwide focus on establishing standardized protocols for dealing with all forms of child abuse and neglect. Mandatory reporting is one component of CAPTA. Before, only doctors were required to report cases of suspected child abuse; now, it is anyone in a position of authority — teachers, camp counselors, etc. Consequently, there is a significant increase in the reporting of child abuse cases and an increase in the demand of evaluations for suspected sexual abuse. Most of the physicians doing these medical evaluations are not researchers or academics but work with prosecutor's offices and law enforcement.
1975 - Suzanne M. Sgroi, physician pioneer in the field, publishes an article calling child sexual abuse "the last frontier in child abuse" which "remains a taboo topic in many areas."
1977 - C. Henry Kempe brings awareness to the issue of child sexual abuse by following up "The Battered Child Syndrome" with a landmark lecture at the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Pediatrics in New York City. The talk, titled "Sexual Abuse, Another Hidden Pediatric Problem" is published in the journal Pediatrics the following year.
1980s - Doctors start examining children's genitals, documenting, cataloging and trying to interpret their findings. Some use a colposcope, a binocular-like instrument originally used to detect cervical cancer, which magnifies the vaginal canal and tissues up to 4-30x. Some take anatomical measurements which they use to develop criteria for suspected abuse. They know what findings they see in abused children, but there is an acute lack of understanding of what "normal" or nonabused genital findings look like.
1981 - The article "Sexual Misuse: Rape, Molestation, and Incest" by Dr. Bruce Woodling is published in the journal Pediatric Clinics of North America.
Dr. Woodling is a California physician whose area of specialty is in sexual abuse forensics. The paper presents his research on what he has dubbed the "wink response test", a concept borrowed from Tardieu's 19th-century forensic manual. This test involves stroking the area near the anus with a cotton swab and gauging the response — contraction of the sphincter indicates no abuse, while an involuntary opening or 'winking' response indicates prior penetration. It was a test Tardieu developed to diagnose pederasty and Woodling has applied it to children as a way to detect anal abuse.
1982 - The wave of daycare sexual abuse hysteria of the 80s begins with the Kern County abuse allegations. The investigation and trial will culminate in the conviction of two couples (the McCuans and Kniffens) for sexually abusing several children. Dr. Woodling's wink response test and testimony play a part in their conviction. Several other similar cases in the same area at the time result in convictions of several others.
1984 - Daycare abuse hysteria continues with the Fells Acres and McMartin Preschool accusations. In the Fells Acre case, day care teacher Gerald Amirault will be put on trial and convicted of sexually assaulting and raping nine children. Questionable interview methods of the children and unproven genital evaluation criteria form the basis for the conviction.
The McMartin preschool case is the first to receive major media attention in the United States. Pediatrician Astrid Heger, under the tutelage of Dr. Bruce Woodling, conducts many of the evaluations of the McMartin children and diagnoses the majority of them as having been sexually abused. The criteria used for the evaluations are based primarily on Woodling's research as well as other published papers at the time (e.g., Cantwell's 1983 study on hymenal diameter measurements). Many of the children are found to have suspect genital findings such as notches, clefts, bands, tissue tags, ruffled or rolled hymenal edges, 'microtraumas' seen only with magnification, hymenal openings which measure over four millimeters, as well as positive reactions to Woodling's wink response test.
mid to late 80s - More abuse allegations and convictions including Country Walk, Wee Nursery, Bronx Five, Little Rascals day care, Glendale Montessori cases.
1988 - Dr. John McCann, a pediatrics professor and researcher from UCSF School of Medicine, drops a bombshell at the 18th annual child abuse convention in San Diego. He presents the results of a study he and his colleagues have worked on the past four years. They had gathered a control group of about 300 nonabused/"normal" children and meticulously documented and photographed their anuses and genitals, the first such study to do so. What they learned shocked McCann and everyone else in the field. Many of the anatomic findings which some specialists were claiming to be signs of abuse were commonly found in the nonabused children. The study showed that the large variation of anatomical features of childrens' genitals were, in fact, just that — variations of normal. This meant that parents and caretakers were being reported and convicted based on erroneous unscientific criteria. This presentation, titled "Anatomical Standardization of Normal Prepubertal Children," is a watershed moment in the field.
1989 - The first paper based on McCann's study ("Perianal findings in prepubertal children selected for nonabuse: a descriptive study") is published in the journal Child Abuse & Neglect. Among its conclusions, it shows that Dr. Woodling's wink response test has no scientific basis.
The impact of McCann's study influences leaders in the field to call for an overhaul in the way sexual abuse evaluation criteria are approached:
Medical Examination for Sexual Abuse: Have We Been Misled?
The more we learn, the less we know "with reasonable medical certainty"?
1990s - This decade sees an explosion of research and progress. The second paper based on McCanns' landmark study ("Genital findings in prepubertal girls selected for nonabuse: a descriptive study") is published in the journal Pediatrics in 1990. The dropping of charges in the McMartin preschool trial, also in 1990, marks the beginning of the winding down of the nation's abuse hysteria. McCann's research is presented as evidence by the defense in some abuse trials, such as the McMartin and Little Rascals daycare cases.
1992 - A classification system for evaluating children for suspected sexual abuse is proposed by Dr. Joyce Adams, Katherine Harper and Sandra Knudson. This later becomes known as the Adams classification system (keep this system in mind as we will be referring back to it) and will be periodically revised with updated criteria throughout the following decades. It will be adopted and used in the field of child abuse pediatrics and gynecology worldwide. John McCann's research help form a basis for this system.
mid to late 90s - More research based on cross-sectional, case-control, and longitudinal studies of abused and nonabused children are published which improves understanding and accuracy of evaluation criteria: Berenson, Heger, Adams, Emans, Kellogg, Kerns, McCann, Muram, Finkel, etc. Due to the errors of the previous decade, specialists in the field are highly conscientious and prudent about differentiating nonabuse from abuse criteria.

The evidence of prior sexual abuse in the JonBenet Ramsey case: What we know

When Boulder County Coroner Dr. John Meyer performed JonBenet's autopsy, he identified signs of acute vaginal trauma which he believed was consistent with digital penetration. What we didn't find out until the publication of James Kolar's book Foreign Faction in 2012 is that Dr. Meyer also saw indications of prior sexual contact. Concerned about this possibility, he sought a specialist opinion and brought Dr. Andrew Sirotnak to the morgue to examine JonBenet's genital injuries. Dr. Sirotnak was a child abuse pediatrician who headed the Child Protection Team at Children's Hospital Colorado. He confirmed Meyer's opinion that there were signs of prior sexual contact.
Here are the relevant passages from Kolar's book:
  • Dr. Meyer also observed signs of chronic inflammation around the vaginal orifice and believed that these injuries had been inflicted in the days or weeks before the acute injury that was responsible for causing the bleeding at the time of her death. This irritation appeared consistent with prior sexual contact.
    [Foreign Faction: Who Really Kidnapped JonBenet?, A. James Kolar, p. 58]
  • Following the meeting, Dr. Meyer returned to the morgue with Dr. Andy Sirontak, Chief of Denver Children's Hospital Child Protection Team, so that a second opinion could be rendered on the injuries observed to the vaginal area of JonBenet. He would observe the same injuries that Dr. Meyer had noted during the autopsy protocol and concurred that a foreign object had been inserted into the opening of JonBenet's vaginal orifice and was responsible for the acute injury witnessed at the 7:00 o'clock position. Further inspection revealed that the hymen was shriveled and retracted, a sign that JonBenet had been subjected to some type of sexual contact prior to the date of her death. Dr. Sirontak could not provide an opinion as to how old those injuries were or how many times JonBenet may have been assaulted and would defer to the expert opinions of other medical examiners.
    [Kolar, p. 61]
  • Dr. Meyer was concerned about JonBenet's vaginal injuries, and he, along with Boulder investigators, sought the opinions of a variety of other physicians in the days following her autopsy. Dr. Sirontak, a pediatrician with Denver Children's Hospital, had recognized signs of prior sexual trauma but neither he nor Dr. Meyer were able to say with any degree of certainty what period of time may have been involved in the abuse.
    [Kolar, p. 63]
Boulder Police would later ask several child sexual abuse experts to review the autopsy findings* in order to help them determine if there was evidence of prior sexual abuse. In addition to Andrew Sirotnak, these are the experts whom we know were consulted:
Richard Krugman
James Monteleone
Valerie Rao
John McCann
That's right — that John McCann. The same John McCann who was responsible for putting child sexual abuse evaluations onto scientific footing and who happened to establish the standards for what is considered normal and abnormal in pediatric genital exams was consulted on the JonBenet Ramsey case.
In Steve Thomas's 2001 deposition for the Wolf v Ramsey civil trial, Thomas says that McCann came recommended by the FBI. There's a reason for that, which is that McCann was regarded as one of the the foremost authorities on interpreting pediatric anogenital findings in cases of suspected abuse. Thomas also refers to McCann, Monteleone, and Rao as the "blue ribbon pediatric panel." Based on various sources, we know that there was at least one meeting in Boulder in September 1997 involving McCann, Rao, Monteleone, and Krugman.
Here is the relevant passage from Thomas's book:
In mid-September, a panel of pediatric experts from around the country reached one of the major conclusions of the investigation - that JonBenet had suffered vaginal trauma prior to the day she was killed.
There were no dissenting opinions among them on the issue, and they firmly rejected any possibility that the trauma to the hymen and chronic vaginal inflammation were caused by urination issues or masturbation. We gathered affidavits stating in clear language that there were injuries "consistent with prior trauma and sexual abuse"...."There was chronic abuse"..."Past violation of the vagina"...."Evidence of both acute injury and chronic sexual abuse." In other words, the doctors were saying it had happened before.
The results, however, were not what is known in the legal world as "conclusive" - which means that there can be no other interpretation - and I would fully expect defense lawyers to argue something different. Nevertheless, our highly qualified doctors had brought in a remarkable finding.
[JonBenet: Inside the Ramsey Murder Investigation, Steve Thomas & Don Davis, p. 253]
The experts expected to testify in court had the case gone to trial. As we know, there was no criminal trial, but we know the experts were called to testify before the grand jury.
*During JonBenet's autopsy, an instrument called a colposcope was used to examine and document her genital injuries. This is standard procedure in forensic pathology in cases of suspected child abuse or sexual assault. Colposcopy illuminates and magnifies the vaginal cavity and is used to identify abnormal changes to tissue and the internal genital structures. The experts would have relied on these colposcopic photos as well as histologic samples of JonBenet's vaginal mucosa in addition to the autopsy report, coroner's notes, and lab results.

The physical findings explained

These are the genital findings we know were discovered at JonBenet's autopsy:
Ref. no. Finding Source
1 Chronic inflammation around vaginal orifice FF
2 Small amount of dried blood on perineum AR
3 Small amount of dried and semifluid blood on skin of fourchette and in vestibule AR
4 Hyperemia of vestibule and vaginal wall AR
5 Abrasion on hymenal orifice at 7 o'clock position, involving the hymen and vaginal wall AR
6 Epithelial erosion with underlying capillary congestion of tissue from 7'oclock AR
7 Hymenal orifice measuring 1cm x 1cm AR
8 A lack of hymenal tissue between the 10 and 2 o'clock positions AR
9 Vascular congestion and focal interstitial chronic inflammation of vaginal mucosa in all sections AR
10 Bruise on hymen BP
11 Three dimensional thickening from inside to outside of inferior hymenal rim BP
12 Narrowing of inferior hymenal rim to base of hymen BP
13 Exposure of vaginal rugae BP
AR = Autopsy Report
BP = Bonita Papers
FF = Foreign Faction
What do these physical findings mean?
Here is a quick break down:
  • 5, 6, and 10, with corresponding bleeding 2 and 3, are signs of acute trauma from the time of the murder.
  • 7 is something that gets brought up as evidence of prior abuse ("enlarged hymenal opening"). However, criteria based on hymenal opening measurements were removed from the Adams classification guidelines in 1996. McCann did not include it in his criteria for abuse, but said it supported the findings for abuse. Since the late 90s/early 2000s, specialists have tried to move away from using measurement-based criteria as it is difficult to do precisely. Research data has shown that measurements can vary with the examination position, technique, age of the child, state of relaxation of the child, and the skill of the examiner.
  • 8 describes a crescentic hymen, a common variation of hymen types. This is a normal finding. Generally, discrepancies of the anterior half of the hymen (above the 3 and 9 o'clock positions) are not considered concerning and missing segments, notches, clefts can be normal findings. It is the inferior half of the hymen (below the 3 and 9 o'clock positions) where experts look for indicators of abuse.
  • 11-13 are findings observed by John McCann that describe structural changes of the hymen from a prior penetration. 12 describes a transection (a healed laceration) of the inferior portion of the hymen.
  • 1, 4, 9 can be caused by a variety of other conditions and on their own are not classified as indicators for abuse. In the case where findings indicating abuse are also present, they need to be considered in context.
McCann's findings
The most important of these findings to understand is 12, which is one of McCann's observations outlined in the Bonita Papers.
There was a three dimensional thickening from inside to outside on the inferior hymeneal rim with a bruise apparent on the external surface of the hymen and a narrowing of the hymeneal rim from the edge of the hymen to where it attaches to the muscular portion of the vaginal openings. At the narrowing area, there appeared to be very little if any hymen present.
To understand what this means, take a look at the white line segment labeled "Hymenal width" in this colposcopic photo (warning: image of vagina/hymen). It demarcates the length of the hymenal membrane from the rim/edge to the base where it attaches to the vaginal wall.
A narrowing of the hymenal rim means the hymenal membrane is reduced in dimension from the rim/edge toward the base. When the rim is narrowed all the way to the base, that is called a complete cleft or a transection. A transection is a discontinuity of the inferior hymenal rim that extends to or through the base of the hymen. Basically, it is a telltale residual absence of tissue from a healed complete laceration.
If this is difficult to visualize, here is a figure which shows what transections look like:
Figure 3: Hymenal Membrane Characteristics
The Adams classification system
In the fields of child abuse pediatrics and pediatric gynecology, the set of guidelines most widely used in interpreting genital findings is the Adams classification system.
If we were to look at the most recently revised version (2018), we would see that it identifies certain "findings caused by trauma":
These findings are highly suggestive of abuse, even in the absence of a disclosure from the child, unless the child and/or caretaker provides a timely and plausible description of accidental anogenital straddle, crush or impalement injury, or past surgical interventions that are confirmed from review of medical records.
Among those findings that are "highly suggestive of abuse" includes point 37, listed in the subsection titled "Residual (healing) injuries to genital/anal tissues" under section E:
Healed hymenal transection/complete hymen cleft, a defect in the hymen below the 3-9 o'clock location that extends to or through the base of the hymen, with no hymenal tissue discernible at that location
This is precisely what Dr. McCann described having observed in JonBenet.
A transection in the inferior half of the hymen of a prepubertal child is a significant finding because it is considered a clear indication of a prior penetrating injury:
  • Multiple studies have noted the presence of hymenal transections only in prepubertal girls with a history of disclosed sexual abuse.
    [ Sara T. Stewart, MD. Hymenal Characteristics in Girls with and without a History of Sexual Abuse, p. 533]
  • Hymenal transections are very rarely seen in prepubertal girls who have not been sexually abused. However, a demonstrated transection, based on multiple studies, is commonly viewed as “a clear but uncommon indicator of past trauma.”
    [Mishori, R., Ferdowsian, H., Naimer, K. et al. The little tissue that couldn’t – dispelling myths about the Hymen’s role in determining sexual history and assault.]
  • Thus a deep notch, transection, or perforation on the inferior portion of the hymen may be considered as a definitive sign of sexual abuse or other trauma.
    [Berenson, et al. A case-control study of anatomic changes resulting from sexual abuse, p. 829]
  • A transection of the posterior hymen between 4 and 8 o’clock in prepubertal girls suggests genital penetrating trauma; however, the presence of this finding is not confirmatory of sexual abuse. Posterior hymenal findings including transections between 4 and 8 o’clock, deep notches, and perforations were not seen in studies of prepubertal girls without a history of genital trauma from sexual abuse included in this systematic review. Therefore, one can conclude that the posterior hymenal findings of transections, deep notches, and perforations are extremely infrequent findings among children without a history of genital trauma from sexual abuse or other means. [...]
    However, because the prevalence of posterior hymenal findings (between 4 and 8 o’clock) such as transections, deep notches, and perforations are near zero in nonabused prepubertal girls, the presence of these examination findings suggests genital trauma from sexual abuse. In the absence of known genital trauma from accidental means, the possibility for sexual abuse must be strongly considered. In a prepubertal girl with a posterior hymenal finding of a transection (between 4 and 8 o’clock), a deep notch (between 4 and 8 o’clock), or a perforation, a report to child protective services should be strongly considered. At a minimum, an examination by a child abuse specialist should occur to confirm these findings and to help provide a careful interpretation regarding the likelihood of sexual abuse.
    [Molly Curtin Berkoff, MD, MPH; Adam J. Zolotor, MD, MPH; Kathi L. Makoroff, MD; et al. Has This Prepubertal Girl Been Sexually Abused?, p. 2790]
If any doctor or medical provider today observed a transection on the inferior half of the hymen of a prepubertal female patient, he/she would be required to make a report for suspected sexual abuse and an explanation would be required for how that healed injury got there. In forty years of research, this finding has not been seen in any other instance besides from penetrating trauma. In prepubertal girls, it is indicative of sexual abuse unless it can be shown otherwise.

What the evidence says

The evidence says JonBenet had been subjected to at least one penetration of the vagina through the hymenal membrane prior to her murder. The penetration caused a complete laceration of the inferior hymenal membrane. After the laceration healed, a transection and other structural changes of the hymen remained.
The age of the prior injury could not be determined, but based on his research on the healing of hymenal lacerations of prepubertal girls, it was McCann's opinion that it was more than ten days old. His research has shown that "most signs of an acute [hymenal laceration] injury were gone within 7 to 10 days." Some of the experts thought the prior injury could have been weeks or months old.
While the evidence could conclusively prove only one prior penetration, the experts believed there had been more than one instance of penetration/sexual contact and that JonBenet's genital findings indicated abuse that had been repeated or ongoing. They were unable to determine how many incidents over what period of time.
Four of the five experts (Sirotnak, Monteleone, Rao, McCann) were confident in their opinion that JonBenet's genital findings were diagnostic of sexual abuse. One (Krugman) could not disagree with that assessment, but lacking certain forensic evidence (i.e., the victim's testimony, the confirmed presence of sperm, or an STI), was unwilling to assume a sexual motive for the abuse. He felt there was evidence only of physical abuse of the genitals.

What else could explain the prior penetration/ hymenal trauma besides sexual abuse?

There are three known causes of transections in the inferior hymenal rim in prepubertal girls — penetrative sexual abuse, accidental penetrating trauma, and surgical intervention.
Most accidental genital injuries sustained by children are straddle-type injuries that involve a fall onto the horizontal bar of a bicycle, jungle gym, or picket fence. This type of accident involves compression of the soft tissues against the bony margins of the pelvic outlet. Trauma is usually limited to the external structures of the genital area (e.g., labia, clitoral hood, fourchette, perineum).
Accidental penetrating or impalement injuries that involve trauma to the hymen are relatively rare:
Of 161 accidental genital injuries reported in the literature, 3.7% involved the hymen.
[Child Abuse: Medical Diagnosis and Management, 4th ed. Antoinette Laskey and Andrew Sirotnak (eds.), p. 359]
However, they do occur and the resulting injuries can mimic those of sexual abuse. In such cases, it is important that the cause of the injury be confirmed.
Whether an acute or healed genital or anal injury is identified, it is incumbent on the medical professional to obtain a complete history of the nature of the injury. [...]
Key differences in the history of accidental trauma, such as a straddle injury, are that accidental injuries are more commonly observed by a third party, medical attention is sought immediately after the injury, a scene-of-injury visit confirms the plausibility of the injuries and the accompanying history, and the pattern of injury is consistent with the history.
[Child Abuse: Medical Diagnosis and Management, 4th ed. Antoinette Laskey and Andrew Sirotnak (eds.), p. 359]
If JonBenet's prior hymenal injury was the result of an accident or a past surgical procedure, it should be reflected in her medical records and easy to prove. An accidental penetrating injury that results in a complete laceration of the hymen is considered severe, one that would be painful and cause bleeding. It would be expected that most parents or caretakers would seek medical attention for their child's injury.
We know the Ramseys were not timid or frugal when it came to getting medical attention for JonBenet's injuries and ailments. We have records of her being seen by the doctor for various bumps, falls, and injuries, such as a bent fingernail from a fall, a bruised nose from faceplanting at a grocery store, a bump on the brow from a tripping fall, and a small cut to the cheek from a golf club swing. If JonBenet had sustained an accidental genital injury that resulted in a severe laceration, I find it very hard to believe she would not have been taken to the doctor for such an injury when she was taken for lesser injuries and ailments.
Clearly, there was nothing in her medical records that could account for such an injury or the Ramseys would have provided it to police.
(Continue to Part 2: The experts, responses to dissenting opinions and common myths, etc.)
submitted by AdequateSizeAttache to JonBenetRamsey [link] [comments]

2020.07.17 23:01 ProtectIntegrity Everyone deserves bodily integrity. Genital mutilation is a human rights violation.

Female, intersex, and male genital mutilation are comparable
List of related male and female reproductive organs
The female and male sex organs are not analogous, they are embryologically homologous. They develop and then differentiate from the same embryological precursor. They have evolved to have different structures and functions. For comparison, they should be studied in detail, and differences must be taken into account. The foreskin is homologous to the clitoral hood, and the glans clitoris and the glans penis are homologues too.
Female genital mutilation
Female genital mutilation (FGM) comprises all procedures that involve partial or total removal of the external female genitalia, or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons.
This is the WHO's definition. It can be made applicable to everyone. All procedures involving partial or total removal of the genitalia, or other injury to the genitalia, in the absence of absolute medical necessity, can be termed as genital mutilation. This encompasses FGM, IGM, and MGM (castration, circumcision, penile infibulation, penile subincision). Castration still occurs today.
Types of female genital mutilation
The clitoris is a mostly internal organ, and removing it entirely would require major surgery. It is important to note that the glans clitoris is the external portion of the clitoris, not the entire clitoris. The removal of the entire clitoris is not explicitly categorized under the WHO’s typology for FGM. All FGM is conflated with the removal of the entire clitoris, which isn't what any of the WHO's classifications is referring to, and people wrongly believe that all FGM is worse than all MGM.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, an FGM victim, says that MGM can be worse.
Fuambai Ahmadu, an anthropologist, chose to undergo clitoridectomy as an adult, for membership in a women's secret society.
The first lady of Sierra Leone, also a victim of FGM, got into a controversy when she said that it is harmless.
How Different are Female, Male and Intersex Genital Cutting?
Researcher Brian David Earp shows how scientific literature can be filled with bias, how medical literature can get biased with controversial opinions disguised as systematic reviews, and how a small group of researchers with an agenda can rig a systematic review in medicine to make it say whatever they want. This is relevant to studies which support genital mutilation. He criticizes the World Health Organization's guidelines for male circumcision, with a follow-up here. He refutes the claim that MGM cannot be compared to FGM in these two threads on Twitter.
Female genital mutilation and male circumcision: toward an autonomy-based ethical framework
Brian D. Earp
FGM Type 1 – This refers to the partial or total removal of the clitoral glans (the part of the clitoris that is visible to the naked eye) and/or the clitoral prepuce (“hood”). This is sometimes called a “clitoridectomy,” although such a designation is misleading: the external clitoral glans is not always removed in this type of FGM, and in some versions of the procedure–such as with so-called “hoodectomies”–it is deliberately left untouched. There are two major sub-types. Type 1(a) is the partial or total removal of just the clitoral prepuce (ie, the fold of skin that covers the clitoral glans, much as the penile prepuce covers the penile glans in boys; in fact, the two structures are embryonically homologous). Type 1(b) is the same as Type 1(a), but includes the partial or total removal of the external clitoral glans. Note that two-thirds or more of the entire clitoris (including most of its erectile tissue) is internal to the body envelope, and is therefore not removed by this type, or any type, of FGM.
FGM Type 2 – This refers to the partial or total removal of the external clitoral glans and/or the clitoral hood (in the senses described above), and/or the labia minora, with or without removal of the labia majora. This form of FGM is sometimes termed “excision.” Type 2(a) is the “trimming” or removal of the labia minora only; this is also known as labiaplasty when it is performed in a Western context by a professional surgeon (in which case it is usually intended as a form of cosmetic “enhancement”). In this context, such an intervention is not typically regarded as being a form of “mutilation,” even though it formally fits the WHO definition. Moreover, even though such “enhancement” is most often carried out on consenting adult women in this cultural context, it is also sometimes performed on minors, apparently with the permission of their parents. There are two further subtypes of FGM Type 2, involving combinations of the above interventions.
FGM Type 3 – This refers to a narrowing of the vaginal orifice with the creation of a seal by cutting and repositioning the labia minora and/or the labia majora, with or without excision of the external clitoris. This is the most extreme type of FGM, although it is also one of the rarest, occurring in approximately 10% of cases. When the “seal” is left in place, there is only a very small hole to allow for the passage of urine and menstrual blood, and sexual intercourse is rendered essentially impossible. This type of FGM is commonly called “infibulation” or “pharaonic circumcision” and has two additional subtypes.
FGM Type 4 – This refers to “all other harmful procedures to the female genitalia for non-medical purposes” and includes such interventions as pricking, nicking, piercing, stretching, scraping, and cauterization. Counterintuitively for this final category – which one might expect to be even “worse” than the ones before it – several of the interventions just mentioned are among the least severe forms of FGM. Piercing, for example, is another instance of a procedure – along with labiaplasty (FGM Type 2) and “clitoral unhooding” (FGM Type 1) – that is popular in Western countries for “non-medical purposes,” and can be performed hygienically under appropriate conditions.
Pleasure and Orgasm in Women with Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C)31699-4/fulltext)
Lucrezia Catania, Omar Abdulcadir, Vincenzo Puppo, Jole Baldaro Verde, Jasmine Abdulcadir, Dalmar Abdulcadir
The group of 137 women, affected by different types of FGM/C, reported orgasm in almost 86%, always 69.23%; 58 mutilated young women reported orgasm in 91.43%, always 8.57%; after defibulation 14 out of 15 infibulated women reported orgasm; the group of 57 infibulated women investigated with the FSFI questionnaire showed significant differences between group of study and an equivalent group of control in desire, arousal, orgasm, and satisfaction with mean scores higher in the group of mutilated women. No significant differences were observed between the two groups in lubrication and pain."
"Embryology, anatomy, and physiology of female erectile organs are neglected in specialist textbooks. In infibulated women, some erectile structures fundamental for orgasm have not been excised. Cultural influence can change the perception of pleasure, as well as social acceptance. Every woman has the right to have sexual health and to feel sexual pleasure for full psychophysical well-being of the person. In accordance with other research, the present study reports that FGM/C women can also have the possibility of reaching an orgasm. Therefore, FGM/C women with sexual dysfunctions can and must be cured; they have the right to have an appropriate sexual therapy.
‘Why did I circumcise him?’ Unexpected comparisons to male circumcision in a qualitative study on female genital cutting among Kurdish–Norwegians
Ingvild Bergom Lunde, Mona-Iren Hauge, Ragnhild Elise Brinchmann Johansen, Mette Sagbakken
In this article, we describe and analyse how research participants would often reflexively, and without prompting, bring up the subject of ritual male circumcision (MC) during the first author’s fieldwork on perceptions of female genital cutting (FGC) among Kurdish-Norwegians. FGC is defined as the medically unnecessary cutting of female genitalia (World Health Organization (WHO), 2018). The ritual circumcision of boys refers to the cutting of male genitalia, usually also done for cultural or religious reasons rather than out of medical necessity (Denniston et al., 2007; WHO, 2007). FGC is commonly categorized into four types by the WHO (2018): type I – cutting of the outer clitoris; type II – the partial or total removal of the outer clitoris and the labia minora, with or without excision of the labia majora; type III/infibulation – narrowing the vaginal opening through the creation of a covering seal, with or without removal of the outer clitoris, and; type IV – all other harmful procedures to the female genitalia for non-medical reasons. Similarly, there is great variety in the practice of MC, ranging from removing parts of or the entire foreskin of the penis to a cutting in the urinary tube from the scrotum to the glans (Svoboda and Darby, 2008). The reasons for MC and FGC are dynamic, overlapping and multifarious. Cultural and religious rationales such as marriageability, perceptions of gender, coming-of-age rituals and religious texts are commonly put forward, and medical rationales such as hygiene are also made (e.g. Ahmadu, 2000; Darby and Svoboda, 2007).
The foreskin is the double-layered fold of smooth muscle tissue, blood vessels, neurons, skin, and mucous membrane part of the penis that covers and protects the glans penis and the urinary meatus.
The nature of the prepuce or foreskin, which is amputated and destroyed by circumcision, must be considered and fully understood in any discussion of male circumcision.
Purpura et al. (2018) describe the foreskin as follows:
Few parts of the human anatomy can compare to the incredibly multifaceted nature of the human foreskin. At times dismissed as “just skin,” the adult foreskin is, in fact, a highly vascularized and densely innervated bilayer tissue, with a surface area of up to 90 cm, and potentially larger. On average, the foreskin accounts for 51% of the total length of the penile shaft skin and serves a multitude of functions. The tissue is highly dynamic and biomechanically functions like a roller bearing; during intercourse, the foreskin “unfolds” and glides as abrasive friction is reduced and lubricating fluids are retained. The sensitive foreskin is considered to be the primary erogenous zone of the male penis and is divided into four subsections: inner mucosa, ridged band, frenulum, and outer foreskin; each section contributes to a vast spectrum of sensory pleasure through the gliding action of the foreskin, which mechanically stretches and stimulates the densely packed corpuscular receptors. Specialized immunological properties should be noted by the presence of Langerhans cells and other lytic materials, which defend against common microbes, and there is robust evidence supporting HIV protection. The glans and inner mucosa are physically protected against external irritation and contaminants while maintaining a healthy, moist surface. The foreskin is also immensely vascularized and acts as a conduit for essential blood vessels within the penis, such as supplying the glans via the frenular artery.
Infograph on the foreskin's functions
The penis and foreskin: Preputial anatomy and sexual function
An intact penis and a keratinized circumcised penis
Keratinization is the process whereby the surface of the glans and remaining mucosa of the circumcised penis become dry, toughened and hard. Normally, the glans is covered by the foreskin, which moisturizes the area by transudation, keeping the surface of the glans and inner mucosa moist and supple. After circumcision, however, the glans and surrounding mucosa become permanently externalized, and they are exposed to the air and the constant abrasion of clothing. These areas dry out, causing layers of keratin to build, giving the glans and remaining mucosa a dry, leathery appearance and reducing sensation.
Penile hygiene for intact (non-circumcised) males
The foreskin has self-cleaning properties, and offers protection against disease and injury. Being moist doesn't mean that it is dirty.
Many cut men suffer from meatal stenosis
Circumcision Deaths
Images of Circumcision Complications - Adults
Images of Circumcision Complications - Infants
Tribal GM is one of the worst forms of GM - Archive
20,000 nerve endings
There is no legal obligation to collect data on the complications and risks of male circumcision in the United States of America. Infections, haemorrhages, meatal strictures, (partial) amputations of the penis, deaths, and many other complications occur. Genital mutilation causes thousands of deaths annually, all over the world. It kills babies in the USA every year.
Genital mutilation permanently damages people. It is morally wrong by virtue of this alone. It is a violation of the right to bodily integrity, regardless of the extent of damage.
The prepuce: specialized mucosa of the penis and its loss to circumcision
J.R. Taylor, A.P. Lockwood, A.J. Taylor
The amount of tissue loss estimated in the present study is more than most parents envisage from pre‐operative counselling. Circumcision also ablates junctional mucosa that appears to be an important component of the overall sensory mechanism of the human penis.
Variability in penile appearance and penile findings: a prospective study
Robert S. Van Howe
There are significant variations of appearance in circumcised boys; clinical findings are much more common in these boys than previously reported in retrospective studies. The circumcised penis requires more care than the intact penis during the first 3 years of life. Parents should be instructed to retract and clean any skin covering the glans in circumcised boys, to prevent adhesions forming and debris from accumulating. Penile inflammation (balanitis) may be more common in circumcised boys; preputial stenosis (phimosis) affects circumcised and intact boys with equal frequency. The revision of circumcision for purely cosmetic reasons should be discouraged on both medical and ethical grounds.
The prepuce
C. J. Cold, J. R. Taylor
The prepuce is an integral, normal part of the external genitalia that forms the anatomical covering of the glans penis and clitoris. The outer epithelium has the protective function of internalising the glans (clitoris and penis), urethral meatus (in the male) and the inner preputial epithelium, thus decreasing external irritation or contamination. The prepuce is a specialized, junctional mucocutaneous tissue which marks the boundary between mucosa and skin; it is similar to the eyelids, labia minora, anus and lips. The male prepuce also provides adequate mucosa and skin to cover the entire penis during erection. The unique innervation of the prepuce establishes its function as an erogenous tissue.
The psychological impact of circumcision
R. Goldman
There is strong evidence that circumcision is overwhelmingly painful and traumatic. Behavioural changes in circumcised infants have been observed 6 months after the circumcision. The physical and sexual loss resulting from circumcision is gaining recognition, and some men have strong feelings of dissatisfaction about being circumcised.
The potential negative impact of circumcision on the mother–child relationship is evident from some mothers’ distressed responses and from the infants’ behavioural changes. The disrupted mother–infant bond has far-reaching developmental implications and may be one of the most important adverse impacts of circumcision.
Long-term psychological effects associated with circumcision can be difficult to establish because the consequences of early trauma are only very rarely, and under special circumstances, recognizable to the person who experienced the trauma. However, lack of awareness does not necessarily mean that there has been no impact on thinking, feeling, attitude, behaviour and functioning, which are often closely connected. In this way, an early trauma can alter a whole life, whether or not the trauma is consciously remembered.
Defending circumcision requires minimizing or dismissing the harm and producing overstated medical claims about protection from future harm. The ongoing denial requires the acceptance of false beliefs and misunderstanding of facts. These psychological factors affect professionals, members of religious groups and parents involved in the practice. Cultural conformity is a major force perpetuating non-religious circumcision, and to a greater degree, religious circumcision. The avoidance of guilt and the reluctance to acknowledge the mistake and all that it implies help to explain the tenacity with which the practice is defended.
Whatever affects us psychologically also affects us socially. If a trauma is acted out on the next generation, it can alter countless generations until it is recognized and stopped. The potential social consequences of circumcision are profound. There has been no study of these issues perhaps because they are too disturbing to those in societies that do circumcise and of little interest to those in societies that do not. Close psychological and social examination could threaten personal, cultural and religious beliefs of circumcising societies. Consequently, circumcision has become a political issue in which the feelings of infants are unappreciated and secondary to the feelings of adults, who are emotionally invested in the practice.
Awareness about circumcision is changing, and investigation of the psychological and social effects of circumcision opens a valuable new area of inquiry. Researchers are encouraged to include circumcision status as part of the data to be collected for other studies and to explore a range of potential research topics. Examples of unexplored areas include testing male infants, older children and adults for changes in feelings, attitudes and behaviours (especially antisocial behaviour); physiological, neurological and neurochemical differences; and sexual and social functioning.
Anatomy and histology of the penile and clitoral prepuce in primates
Christopher J. Cold, Kenneth A. McGrath
The prepuce provides a complete or partial covering of the glans clitoridis or penis. For over a hundred years, anatomical research has confirmed that both the penile and clitoral prepuce are richly innervated, specific erogenous tissue with specialised encapsulated (corpuscular) sensory receptors, such as Meissner's corpuscles, Pacinian corpuscles, genital corpuscles, Krause end bulbs, Ruffini corpuscles, and mucocutaneous corpuscles. These receptors transmit sensations of fine touch, pressure, proprioception, and temperature."
"In humans, however, the glans penis has few corpuscular receptors and predominant free nerve endings, consistent with protopathic sensibility. Protopathic simply refers to a low order of sensibility (consciousness of sensation), such as to deep pressure and pain, that is poorly localised. The cornea of the eye is also protopathic, since it can react to a very minute stimulus, such as a hair under the eyelid, but it can only localise which eye is affected and not the exact location of the hair within the conjunctival sac. As a result, the human glans penis has virtually no fine touch sensation and can only sense deep pressure and pain at a high threshold. This was first reported by the inventor of the aesthesiometer, and led Sir Henry Head to make his famous comparison with the back of the heel. While the human glans penis is protopathic, the prepuce contains a high concentration of touch receptors in the ridged band."
"The male and female prepuce has persisted in all primates, which strongly supports the contention that the prepuce is valuable genital sensory tissue."
"Some advocates of mass circumcision have, likewise, considered the prepuce to be a "mistake of nature", but this notion has no validity because the prepuce is ubiquitous in primates and because it provides functional advantages."
"The results of this study demonstrate that the human prepuce is not "vestigial" but is, in fact, an evolutionary advancement over the prepuce of other primates. This is most clearly seen in the evolutionary increase in corpuscular innervation of the human prepuce and the concomitant decrease in corpuscular receptors of the human glans relative to the innervation of the prepuce and glans of lower primates.
The effect of male circumcision on sexuality
DaiSik Kim, Myung‐Geol Pang
There was a decrease in masturbatory pleasure and sexual enjoyment after circumcision, indicating that adult circumcision adversely affects sexual function in many men, possibly because of complications of the surgery and a loss of nerve endings.
Fine‐touch pressure thresholds in the adult penis
Morris L. Sorrells, James L. Snyder, Mark D. Reiss, Christopher Eden, Marilyn F. Milos, Norma Wilcox, Robert S. Van Howe
The glans of the circumcised penis is less sensitive to fine touch than the glans of the uncircumcised penis. The transitional region from the external to the internal prepuce is the most sensitive region of the uncircumcised penis and more sensitive than the most sensitive region of the circumcised penis. Circumcision ablates the most sensitive parts of the penis.
An infograph based on the study above
Male circumcision and sexual function in men and women: a survey-based, cross-sectional study in Denmark
Morten Frisch, Morten Lindholm, Morten Grønbæk
Circumcision was associated with frequent orgasm difficulties in Danish men and with a range of frequent sexual difficulties in women, notably orgasm difficulties, dyspareunia and a sense of incomplete sexual needs fulfilment. Thorough examination of these matters in areas where male circumcision is more common is warranted.
Clinical elicitation of the penilo‐cavernosus reflex in circumcised men
Simon Podnar
The study confirmed the lower clinical and similar neurophysiological elicitability of the penilo‐cavernosus reflex in circumcised men and in men with foreskin retraction. This finding needs to be taken into account by urologists and other clinicians in daily clinical practice.
Male circumcision decreases penile sensitivity as measured in a large cohort
Guy A. Bronselaer, Justine M. Schober, Heino F.L. Meyer‐Bahlburg, Guy T'Sjoen, Robert Vlietinck, Piet B. Hoebeke
This study confirms the importance of the foreskin for penile sensitivity, overall sexual satisfaction, and penile functioning. Furthermore, this study shows that a higher percentage of circumcised men experience discomfort or pain and unusual sensations as compared with the uncircumcised population. Before circumcision without medical indication, adult men, and parents considering circumcision of their sons, should be informed of the importance of the foreskin in male sexuality.
Cultural background, non-therapeutic circumcision and the risk of meatal stenosis and other urethral stricture disease: Two nationwide register-based cohort studies in Denmark 1977–2013
Morten Frisch, Jacob Simonsen
Our study provides population-based epidemiological evidence that circumcision removes the natural protection against meatal stenosis and, possibly, other USDs as well.
Are There Long-Term Consequences of Pain in Newborn or Very Young Infants?
Gayle Giboney Page
Increased pain sensitivity, decreased immune system functioning, increased avoidance behavior, and social hyper-vigilance are all possible outcomes of untreated pain in early infancy.
Although an individual may not preserve a conscious memory of an early painful event, it is recorded elsewhere in the body, as evidenced by the previously presented long-term outcomes. Multiple procedures in the preterm and low- to extremely low-birth-weight infant, as well as “routine” newborn medical procedures (from heel sticks to circumcision), may alter infant development.
Long-term effects of neonatal surgery on adulthood pain behavior
Wendy F. Sternberg, Laura Scorr, Lauren D. Smith, Caroline G. Ridgway, Molly Stout
These findings suggest that early exposure to noxious and/or stressful stimuli may induce long-lasting changes in pain behavior, perhaps mediated by alterations in the stress-axis and antinociceptive circuitry.
The Emergence of Adolescent Onset Pain Hypersensitivity following Neonatal Nerve Injury
David Vega-Avelaira, Rebecca McKelvey, Gareth Hathway, Maria Fitzgerald
We report a novel consequence of early life nerve injury whereby mechanical hypersensitivity only emerges later in life. This delayed adolescent onset in mechanical pain thresholds is accompanied by neuroimmune activation and NMDA dependent central sensitization of spinal nociceptive circuits.
The Effects of Early Pain Experience in Neonates on Pain Responses in Infancy and Childhood
Anna Taddio, Joel Katz
The evidence suggests that early experiences with pain are associated with altered pain responses later in infancy.
"Full-term neonates exposed to extreme stress during delivery, or to a surgical procedure, react to later noxious procedures with heightened behavioral responsiveness."
Long-term dysregulation of brain corticotrophin and glucocorticoid receptors and stress reactivity by single early-life pain experience in male and female rats
Nicole C. Victoria, Kiyoshi Inoue, Larry J. Young, Anne Z. Murphy
Collectively, these data show that early life pain alters neural circuits that regulate responses to and neuroendocrine recovery from stress, and suggest that pain experienced by infants in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit may permanently alter future responses to anxiety- and stress-provoking stimuli.
The consequences of pain in early life: injury-induced plasticity in developing pain pathways
Fred Schwaller, Maria Fitzgerald
Adults who have experienced neonatal injury display increased pain and injury-induced hyperalgesia in the affected region but mild injury can also induce widespread baseline hyposensitivity across the rest of the body surface.
Long-Term Consequences of Neonatal Injury
Simon Beggs
The altered sensory input from neonatal injury selectively modulates neuronal excitability within the spinal cord, disrupts inhibitory control, and primes the immune system, all of which contribute to the adverse long-term consequences of early pain exposure.
fMRI reveals neural activity overlap between adult and infant pain
Sezgi Goksan, Caroline Hartley, Faith Emery, Naomi Cockrill, Ravi Poorun, Fiona Moultrie, Richard Rogers, Jon Campbell, Michael Sanders, Eleri Adams, Stuart Clare, Mark Jenkinson, Irene Tracey, Rebeccah Slater
This study provides the first demonstration that many of the brain regions that encode pain in adults are also active in full-term newborn infants within the first 7 days of life. This strongly supports the hypothesis that infants are able to experience both sensory and affective aspects of pain, and emphasizes the importance of effective clinical pain management.
submitted by ProtectIntegrity to Intactivism [link] [comments]

2020.06.13 00:06 Drwillpowers Don't freak out about this change to the affordable care act and doctors refusing to treat trans people

So the liberal media is really thumping this like crazy, and I understand why. It sounds particularly scary, as it makes it sound like if you show up to the ER with an arrow to the knee, they can refuse to treat you because you are transgender. That's the kind of thing that sounds really awful and you would want in the news a lot leading up to elections.
That's not what this means. That would be illegal under EMTALA law. If Hitler came back from the dead and showed up at my clinic having a medical emergency, I can't refuse to treat him. I'm in fact duty bound to do my absolute best for the guy.
What this means is if you show up to an urgent care as you just moved to a new city, and you say to the urgent care doc "I need an RX for my hormones, this is what I'm on". That doc can refuse to give them to you and be protected from discrimination charges/suit.
Now, that sounds bad right? But think about it in another context.
You bring me your toddler and say "I want you to cut off a piece of this toddler's penis". I say, nah, sorry, I don't do that procedure, I refused to do them in residency and almost failed a rotation over it, and I'm not starting doing circs now.
You still have your right to take your toddler elsewhere to have someone else amputate his foreskin, but I wont do it for you. You can't sue me because I said no. Furthermore, you don't WANT to force me to do this procedure, as I don't want to do it, I have no experience in it, and I will not do a good job. I would probably do a rather ugly circ and leave the kid with a terrible scar as I've done exactly zero in my entire medical career.
I am the Transgender HRT guy, I'm not the circumcision guy. You take your toddler to whoever is the Dr. Powers of Circumcisions if you want it done right and you don't care what your toddler has to say about its rights to having a foreskin. (As you can see, I feel very strongly about this issue). Make sure you don't bring that person a female toddler though and ask them to amputate the clitoral hood or you might be charged with a crime. Because that makes sense.
There will always be doctors like me willing to treat trans patients for trans issues. They used to be extremely rare, but its becoming more and more common. Every day I have doctors asking to rotate with me or just asking me questions as to how they can provide better care to their patients. You want to see these people, you don't want to force someone who doesn't view you as their equal as a human being to treat you. You want that person to announce right at the start, "Sorry trans person, you disgust me and I wont do what you ask" rather than have them give you some minimally effective HRT plan that gets you nowhere but stuck in trans-hell because they really don't want to do it, but they have to do something because that Obama rule FORCES them to give it to you. Sometimes the left pushes through laws that are well meaning, but terrible in practice.
Trust me, I can't stand trump, but in the list of things he's done to hurt LGBT people, this one is a blessing in disguise. This one basically lets the bigots announce themselves to you before they ever get a chance to hurt you.
So don't stress this decision. Times are changing, people are now standing up for the rights of people they do not identify with. Make sure that when the day comes that you get to use your voice as a citizen of your country to say "I want this and I don't want that" that you show up to your local polling place or its going to be 4 more years of nonsense. (Vote libertarian, they don't care who you are as long as you contribute to society and don't make a mess!)
The Era of "First they came" seems to be ending. So don't be disheartened by this rule change. It lets me say no to anti-vaxx parents, parents who want their 15 year old bisexual son "fixed" (yes, that really happened), or other insane requests that I get that I find morally reprehensible. If someone finds you morally reprehensible for simply being you, you don't want that person as your doctor under any circumstances, whether its legal or not to force them to be.
TLDR: If you're black, and you show up to a new clinic with KKK memorabilia in the waiting room, you really shouldn't say "This is fine" and see that doctor. It probably will not go well for you. Transgender people have been forced to say "this is fine" for far too long, and this will at the very least expose the bigots before trans people are trapped under their care. It will also hold the anti-bigots as paragons of the community and examples to live by. My clinic and its immense success has already started to form some copycat behavior in my peers (I have had multiple doctors email me asking for how I handled the liability of the cats, the insurance quality of trans people, the legality of the video games and how we sanitize them, etc.) You can't believe how quick my peers went from "You can never make money treating trans and HIV patients" to "Holy shit you have a waiting list? How do you do this HRT thing then?". We should no longer tolerate half-assed trans care from bigots. Spend your money 40 miles away if you have to, its worth it for something that you have to live with every moment of your life from that point forward. Its kind of like the two party system. I'm routinely told I'm "throwing my vote away". Well, that will be true until people stop thinking they only have two choices and enough of them "throw their vote away" that a third party emerges. There will only be widely available transgender care at a high quality once people stop spending money at the clinics of bigots for 2mg of estradiol and 400mg of spironolactone a day.
submitted by Drwillpowers to DrWillPowers [link] [comments]

2020.01.01 06:02 Rare_Percentage January Adulting Topic: Sex Ed and Relationships

Welcome to out first monthly adulting discussion! January is about sex ed and relationships. This discussion is made up of three sections: some things you should have learned at school or home, resources to go deeper, and questions for you. Since they're just listed without context, the facts are numbered so that it's easy to ask for clarification or more information. It will stay stickied until February so we can keep the conversation going.

Some stuff you should have learned in school:

  1. Masturbation is normal through out life. The right frequency also prevents testicular cancer in males.
  2. Clitoral and vulvar orgasms are a skill. Especially for the person having them. Practice is required.
  3. If your parents denied you the HPV vaccine, you can still get it up to age 26. HPV can cause cancer regardless of your sex, including in your throat.
  4. There are many birth control options other than the pill. Hormonal birth control may effect your mental and physical health.
  5. A condom that has been exposed to heat or friction is no longer sound. Glove boxes and wallets are not safe storage for barriers.
  6. If you have ovaries, you should be tracking your cycle. It is important medical info regardless of sexual activity.
  7. If you or someone you know is raped, regardless of gender, the first stop should be the ER. Emergency STI prevention like PEP can prevent HIV.
  8. Anal sex requires substantial preparation to be safe. Do not try it with out a plan, a lubricant, and a barrier.
  9. The morning after pill is most effective in the first 12 hours, but can be effective up to 5 days after intercourse. It can be bought over the counter, by men or women. In most places the purchasing age is 14.
  10. People with ovaries need regular gynecological exams, even if they aren't sexually active.
  11. Frequent use of porn or vibrators can decrease your enjoyment of partnered sex. Consider moderation.
  12. Most penetrative sex lasts only a handful of minutes.
  13. It should never hurt when you pee. Alway pee after sex, to help prevent a UTI.
  14. Sex 'drive', gender, and sexuality are fluid and will change over time.
  15. Soap can be used externally, but should never go inside you.
  16. Most people who have an STI never show symptoms.
  17. Waxing testicles is very dangerous. Go to a professional, or just don't do it.
  18. If someone won't have sex with you because of pubic hair, maybe don't have sex with them. It's usually a sign of immaturity or controlling behavior.
  19. Sex should feel good. If it hurts, stop. Even if it's your first time.
  20. Very few women bleed their first time. Hymens are weird.
  21. You can always say no, even if you've already said yes.
  22. Sex should feel good. Seriously.
  23. No partner should ever demand your passwords, bank details, keys, phone or other personal access. Information will not fix a distrusting partner because you are not the cause of their fear.
  24. Throwing stuff is domestic violence. Even if it's not at you.
  25. A healthy partnership feels like friendship, but better. They build you up, own their mistakes, respect your opinion, trust in your character, and continue to grow. Relationships aren't as scarce as they feel sometimes. Hold out for a good one.

Resources for further reading

Road Map
What are healthy relationship behaviors
Attachment Theory
Overview of Sexual Risk Management
HPV Vaccine
Birth Control Options
Cycle Tracking
Scarlateen Sex wiki
Love is Respect Dating wiki
Come as you Are
Why Does He Do That
Queer: an illustrated guide
Related Topics:
Trying to Conceive
Accessing Healthcare
Dating Culture and Etiquette

Discussion Prompts

What do you want to know more about? Do you have specific questions? (You can message the moderators or use the report button to ask a question anonymously)
What did you have to teach yourself that you wish you'd known sooner?
Any resources you'd like to share?
submitted by Rare_Percentage to HomeschoolRecovery [link] [comments]

2019.09.16 13:27 Katie_Loch Just had SRS with Dr. Dugi @ OHSU in Portland, OR - AMA!

I'm early on in day 4. It was a pretty easy thing. My personal biggest fear is always waking up. I can't see much, but my drains have been slowing down, things have been going well and I had some very good results I am told. I don't know really what to say, I'll add some pictures once the inner packing is removed tomorrow.
I just didn't see a lot of data from women that went to him, so I am trying to help add to the resources on him so people can have a more informed option.
I've enjoyed my time at OHSU recovering. I was misgendered a couple of times before going into surgery, but it's because of my voice, so it's whatever. No skin off my back :)
But overall, my experience has been very good and I am very happy that this was available to me.
I would highly recommend getting on the cancellation list and then once you are done with electrolysis, calling them back and getting on the 'I can do it at the drop of a dime' list.
Some thoughts:
If you have any questions, ask, I'm an open book.

Per the Wiki questions:
* Why did you choose them?

I chose Dr. Dugi because of his experience and his location. Before doing actual SRS, he has specialized in male urethra reconstruction along with doing reconstructions/revisions on other SRS work. That gave me an immense amount of confidence in his work. In addition, I had seen some of his earlier work via a friend and was happy about his outcomes. I also genuinely liked the idea of being able to go to the same city as I lived in and being close to the doctor for any corrections/revisions and help I would need, versus traveling/flying.

* Would you recommend them to others?

At this point, I would, absolutely. I will update this in a month, but him and Kat are wonderful, forward talking people. He kept checking in me and was very open to questions, comments and concerns/thoughts.

* What did it cost?

My insurance covered most of it. I have Kaiser 0/20 Gold plan, it paid for 70% with no deductible and maximum 7K/year out of pocket with an estimated $6800 that I would owe. My insurance costs $376/month and I hear from other people with the same insurance and undergoing this same procedure that there's a possibility of having all of this forgiven, though it's not guaranteed.

* How long was the wait list?

I was given a timeline in February, 2019 as being mid 2020 for surgery date, with them calling me around 3 months out to try and lock down a date.

In actuality, what occurred was I got on the cancellation list and when I was done with electrolysis, I got on an even shorter cancellation list and was scheduled with 8 weeks notice. Current consultation is out to 2021, however, I have been led to believe that Kaiser people (not OHP Kaiser) have a quicker time to surgery.

* How was the pain?

I am on 15mg of Oxycodone every 6 hours, spread out and it's kept my pain level at a 4-5 while on the 5 day bed rest.

* Any complications?

The only complication that was mentioned was that I wasn't as thorough with electrolysis as I thought I had been and I had some hair patches left. There was plenty of cleared skin though, so they cut out the hair parts and kept going and had plenty of skin without a need for a graft from elsewhere.

* How does it look?

I can't say at this point, but with just the internal packing and from 5 other people who are close to me seeing at this point, they think it looks good and beautiful.

* For SRS, what was your depth?

Not established yet, presumably 5-6 inches, I'll let ya know when I start dilating.

* For SRS with surgeons that are not well known, how many surgeries have they done?

I was SRS patient number 240.

* What would you like to have known before having surgery?

- I would have liked knowing what they did with the foreskin since I was uncircumcised. They used my foreskin to create my clitoral hood.

- How to maintain my internal biome once the vagina was created. I will be linking the papers more when I am a bit more clear headed.
submitted by Katie_Loch to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2019.08.06 00:19 norashepard Unwanted Vaginal Sensations (TW sexual abuse)

Does anyone here whose PTSD stems in part from sexual abuse have unwanted genital arousal issues? I have experienced chronic sexual trauma and have had these symptoms for a long time—sensations of pressure, pain, irritation, clitoral tingling, throbbing, vaginal congestion, vaginal contractions. It’s extremely unpleasant, and every once in awhile gets unbearable, especially when I am trying to sleep. I just squirm. I’m wondering if there is anyone out there who can relate and what you did for relief.
submitted by norashepard to ptsd [link] [comments]
