Odd descriptive words that begin with u

Watch People Die Inside

2016.10.21 15:38 relayrider Watch People Die Inside


2016.03.01 20:50 adamdavenport Unethical Life Pro Tips

An Unethical Life Pro Tip (or ULPT) is a tip that improves your life in a meaningful way, perhaps at the expense of others and/or with questionable legality. Due to their nature, do not actually follow any of these tips–they're just for fun. Share your best tips you've picked up throughout your life, and learn from others!

2009.02.06 06:07 Etymology: appreciating word origins

Discussing the origins of words and phrases, in English or any other language.

2024.05.19 22:47 Hashi856 The Bible never specifies the birthplace of the Messiah

Micha 5:2 supposedly prophesies that the Messiah will be born in Bethlehem.
And you, O Bethlehem of Ephrath, Least among the clans of Judah, From you one shall come forth To rule Israel for Me—One whose origin is from of old, From ancient times.
The one who will rule over Israel is obviously the Messiah, but the verse itself makes it quite clear that Bethlehem is a reference to the clan of David (David, who is from Bethlehem), not the city itself. It says right there in the text that Bethlehem is a clan - The least of the clans of Judah. And we know which clan it's talking about because David is from Bethlehem and is the bloodline from which the Messiah will come. This makes no sense as a refernce to the physical city of Bethlehem. The person that comes from Bethlehem is David, not is eventual decendent.
Most people point out that it says his origins are from ancient times. We're told that the term "days of old" or "ancient times" only ever refers to God. Therefore, the Messiah must be God. This is trivial to disprove. The terms "days of old" and "ancient times" are used multiple times in the OT, and there a plenty of instances where it doesn't refer to God or the beginning of time.
Clearly, "days of old" "ancient time" don't only refer to God or the beginning of time.
But what about the word "Owlam", meaning everlasting? that's the word that Micah used. Surely, that can only refer to God. Well, we actually already covered that in Deutoeronomy 32:7. The Hebrew word used for "of old" in Deuteronomy 32:7 is the exact same word used in Micah 5:2. You can check this for yourself. The Hebrew word owlam can refer to either the past or the future. In reference to the future, it means everlasting or forever. In refernce to the past, it simply means a long time ago. You can verify this with an conconrdance and it's even confirmed by Christian sources.The generations of long past clearly are not from the beginning of time.
https://www.biblestudytools.com/lexicons/hebrew/kjv/owlam.html https://www.bibletools.org/index.cfm/fuseaction/Lexicon.show/ID/H5769/%60owlam.htm https://biblehub.com/hebrew/5769.htm
Given that owlam does't mean "from the beginning of time" and doesn't necessarily refernce God, there's no evidence that Micah is saying that the Messiah will be God. The plain reading of the text is that the Messiah will have very old origins. Those origins being king David.
submitted by Hashi856 to DebateAChristian [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:45 Traditional_Rope1604 Signs from a loved one?

My mom passed away almost two weeks ago. I am Heartbroken and finding it a little difficult at times. A few things happened after that that I found a little interesting. Before she passed she told my father that she was worried most about me when it came to her death as she knows how emotional I am. My father and I were the only ones in the room when she passed and I cried, but found myself oddly, very calm (unlike during her almost two year struggle with a very aggressive cancer). I can’t explain it because it made no sense and is very different to how I would normally act. In some way, I knew it was my mother somehow comforting me and I just can’t explain it. Three days before she passed she told my father she was really worried about me specifically if she passed that she knew I would lose it. I even shocked myself at how I reacted. Has anybody felt this before? Another incident just occurred. I speak to my mom when I’m alone- it tends to make me feel better. And I uttered the words out loud “I love you mom” and as soon as I said that I heard two electronic beeps that I have never heard before. I have NO idea where they came from and I was the only one on the second floor Anybody else have any similar stories? i know people cope with things differently and ive never really been into the supernatural but im choosing to believe these incidences were my mothers way of communicating with me. i cant explain it but i definitely feel her presence. anybody else with similar stories?
submitted by Traditional_Rope1604 to GriefSupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:44 Thin_Aerie_2808 Boyfriend (20M) Doesn’t Know If He Wants to Get Married Anymore (I’m a 22F). Any Advice?

Hi… this is a throwaway account, and I will be deleting this after getting some advice. I don’t want this becoming popular, I just need some unbiased opinions. My (20M) boyfriend and I (22F) have been together for almost 7 months. We started out long distance, having met online through our university. He’s residential, and I just graduated from the online program. He and I went on a trip together with friends over winter break, which is where we met in person for the first time.
In the beginning of our relationship, we fell hard. We were talking about marriage and children by the second or third month of dating (to the point of making a guest list for the wedding and writing down names for future children). I will add that he and I are both religious (Christianity). After meeting him in person, it became very difficult to stay long distance since during that week-long vacation, we had gotten used to being physically near each other. I began driving back and forth between him and where I currently live (6 hour drive) to spend my off weekends with him. He does not have a car right now since he lives on campus and because of his class schedule and work, he’s not able to come to me.
(Side note: my parents didn’t know about him prior to the trip and were extremely unsupportive of my decisions and the relationship… more on that later).
He and I talked about me moving closer to him, and I began looking for jobs and apartments near our university. I currently have an apartment where I stay when I’m in town, but it’s now been over 4 months of unsuccessfully searching for a job.
I will sugarcoat it for the sake of this post, but for my safety, it’s best if I move out of my parents’ house (no SA, but threats of violence have become more frequent the more independent I become). That being said, my boyfriend and I had a bad fight the other night, in which he said that there “wasn’t anything he could do about it” in response to me saying that I was upset about something. We talked about things and I didn’t realize me telling him about the things my parents said and did was effecting him so negatively. I also said some harsh words, specifically that I was the one that had to live with what I talked to him about. After settling with that for a bit, we both apologized.
Out of that same fight, my boyfriend backed out of a lot of the things he’s said he wanted from our relationship. He assures me that he loves me, but he’s not sure whether he wants to get married or have kids. He said that that wasn’t something he should have committed to so early on in our relationship (it’s the first relationship either of us have had). Over the last few months, “getting married by the end of the year” turned to “getting engaged by the end of the year,” which morphed to “engaged after he graduates,” and the last time we talked about it, we had settled on waiting a couple years for marriage.
I feel like in this relationship, I am being forced to live by his timeline. Being the older of the two of us, that’s understandable, and I was completely okay with waiting for marriage until he’d graduated and found a good job. I made it clear months ago that I don’t want to move in together until we’ve gotten married. He seems content with just being in a relationship for now, but the uncertainty and open-ended-ness of him not knowing whether he wants marriage from our relationship is causing a lot of emotional distress for me, in addition to the worry, stress, and anxiety that living with my parents/not being able to find a new job continues to cause.
I have a therapy appointment tomorrow to hopefully work some of this out, but my biggest concerns are that I’m moving six hours away from home to be with someone I love, and that someone isn’t sure what they want from our relationship anymore. It makes me feel like I’ve wasted time, money, effort, and energy on something that may leave me alone in an unfamiliar city in the end.
He and I have agreed to sit down and talk about our expectations from this relationship, but he’s currently at his parents’ home (3 hours away from the city I’m moving to) packing the rest of his things so that he can move into an apartment with his roommate off campus for his last year of college. He plans to go to graduate school at the same college immediately after graduating (I’m in an online MFA program, btw).
We love one another, but being so far away from each other makes it hard to really sit down and discuss what needs to be discussed. I want to marry him, but it doesn’t have to be right this second. I told him that until he makes a decision on what he wants, I don’t want us to be intimate again. He agreed to that, saying that he accepts my reasoning, but that I don’t need one if I ever don’t feel like being intimate. He’s incredibly kind, loving, and supportive. I think I’ve just put too much on him, both in expectations and emotional stress. The main reason I was upset with him during our fight was that everything he was saying was in direct opposition to what he’d said previously about what he wanted from our relationship. He himself said that the decision/realization of not wanting to get married or have kids yet hit him just as hard as it hit me.
Any advice? I love him. I don’t want to lose him because of crappy circumstances.
TL;DR - My boyfriend has told me that he doesn’t know whether or not he wants to get married, when in the beginning of our relationship we both expressed that’s what we wanted.
submitted by Thin_Aerie_2808 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:44 solthebaneful Mace Blacktyde , Twice Drowned

Discord/Reddit Name: Sol.re
Discord/Reddit Name: Sol.re u/SoltheBaneful
Name and House: Mace Blacktyde
Age: 32
Cultural Group: First Men (Westerosi)
Appearance: Standing at a solid 6'2" with the robust, broad-shouldered build characteristic of a man at sea. His physique, while muscular and powerful, has the beginnings of a slight paunch developing around his midsection. His hair is shoulder-length, oily, and black, hanging in thick, greasy strands that resemble seaweed. His skin is weathered and tanned from years at sea, and his dark eyes are deep-set, often reflecting a cold, calculating glint when focused, and a faraway stare when not.
Trait: Reaver
Skill(s): Axes, Footwork, Brute, First Man Warrior, Tactician
Talent(s): Cooking, Sketching, Fishing
Negative Trait: N/A
Starting Title(s): N/A
Starting Location: Opening Event
Alternate Characters: Red Denys


Mace Blacktyde was born into House Blacktyde, a once-proud lineage among the Ironborn, renowned for their seafaring prowess and fierce loyalty to the Drowned God. He grew up amidst the salty winds and crashing waves of the Iron Islands, surrounded by tales of conquest and glory. But told from the eaves of old, broken men. The dragonfire stole what true pride any Ironborn could fetter up from their abysmal depths. From a young age, Mace showed promise as a warrior, displaying a natural talent for swordplay and a keen mind for strategy. A promising yet hollow future for anyone born in the Islands during their sequestering. While many fled the Islands, he and his family remained. However, his life took a drastic turn when the Westerlands launched brutal assaults on the Iron Islands. House Blacktyde, like many others, suffered greatly. Mace, then in his late teens, witnessed his house's fortunes plummet from lofty heights of wealth and power to the depths of destitution and despair. The once formidable coffers and vaults of Castle Blacktyde were emptied, leaving behind a hollow shell of its former self. At the culmination of this dark hour; he drowned.
This period of upheaval and loss left an indelible mark on Mace's psyche. It ignited a fire within him—a fierce determination to reclaim what was lost and restore honor to his house. Empowered by his youth, Mace's resilience and resourcefulness became apparent as he navigated the chaos of total upheaval. Like many, his eyes focused on distant Essos. Once he could recover what ships and able bodies; and willing souls that the Drowned God had not yet claimed - he set out to reave. It was during these perilous journeys that Mace truly came into his own. He honed his skills as a captain and fighter, earning a fearsome reputation among both friend and foe. Each successful raid brought back spoils, wealth, and knowledge of distant lands and cultures. This ignition of such fervency drove him deeper into the mythos of his religion, his culture. He took a salt wife of a bested adversary. Then drowned again.
However, his newfound success did nothing for the man as an individual, Mace's heart remained tied to Blacktyde. With each return to his homeland, he brought with him treasures and stories of his exploits, with the hope to reignite the flames of prosperity of a bygone age. His efforts, ultimately, were met with greed and dissatisfaction. House Blacktyd's leadership, the main branch. Though not many they still possessed the maxim of what little social power that an Iron Islander could possess after what the West did to them; and of course they craved more. The stories of old, provoked within them the so-called Old Ways. And by that; Mace suffered. This time he would not drown. When met with conflict of greed, as unsustainable as it was, he took his wife and now child away from Blacktyde. Away from his home. Away from his identity.
A year passed on the water, independent, sailing, from port and jetty. A hard year. That is when he found the Blue Sails, and people who were at least familiar to him, welcoming to his kind. Though he is rough to fit in, he understands that this way means life, while the old way only lead to death.


8 BC - Born

2 AC - Dragonfire & Ruin of the Iron Islands
Sometime before 7 AC - Westerlands Incursion, First Drowning
7 AC - Gather Allies & Sail for Essos
10 AC - Essosi Reaving, Second Drowning
16 AC - Salt Marriage to Red Denys
19 AC - Return to Castle Blacktyde & Unrest
20 AC - Alannys is born
21 AC : Exile till encounter Blue Sails
25 AC: Present day, with the Blue Sails

Supporting Characters

Auxiliary Character

Name and House: Red Denys
Cultural Group: Essosi (Lyseni)
Appearance: Red Denys is an arresting figure, standing at a lithe and agile 5'9". Her skin has the alabaster tone typical of Lyseni, contrasting sharply with her shoulder-length, fiery red hair, which cascades in loose waves. Her eyes are a striking shade of emerald green, often described as piercing and unwavering. Denys also bears a faint scar across her left cheek, a testament to her countless duels and battles
Trait: Champion
Skill(s): Daggers, Dual Wielding , Essosi Blademaster,
Talent(s): Singing, Dancing,
Negative Trait: N/A
Starting Title(s): Red Denys of Lys

Archetyped/Notable NPCS

Leng (37) - Crewmate Mace met early in his time reaving. Once rivals, now fast allies. Leng lends his expertise with people and markets periodically. Trader Archetype
Yohn Pike (30) - Crewmate that has been with Mace the longest. Yohn pledged his sword to Mace's crew wherever that might be. He is proficient with the Longsword. Warrior Archetype
submitted by solthebaneful to ITRPCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:43 cloudysquidink Help plz

I know I made a thread less than 24 hours but I don’t know what this is, and it’s freaking me out. It wasn’t too bad at first, but now I just constantly feel like I’m not who I am. Like someone died before me or like I’m suddenly taking over someone else’s life, either way I just don’t feel like me? Or if I even existed before in a way? I think my identity is in shambles because even though I can recognize when someone says my name, that’s about it, like I’m just not real. I know this might just be depersonalization/derealization, but I think it freaks me out I’ve never felt it being this extreme until now? Its presence is a lot stronger, and it often feels like I have to act instead of just do.
I’m really sorry about the vague description, I know what I feel, I just can’t put it into words. All I know is that it’s way more extreme than before, and that it’s really messing with my head, like I can obviously tell that some thing is off, but don’t know what. If anyone knows what I’m talking about, how’d you get rid of it? Or at least minimize the symptoms, so it doesn’t get that bad?
submitted by cloudysquidink to Dissociation [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:43 thayeryan I learned how to speak to shadows.

I was brought up in a church. It was always boring and strange and I never really felt welcome, despite everyone's persistent attempts to tell me how happy they were to see me every week. Nevertheless, the stories I was taught there were all I had. And even if I didn’t fully understand them, to me, there was a god and good and evil, and I was just a mortal caught in the middle of it all.
I was around 12 or 13 years old at the time. I remember it being spring time outside, beautiful but tainted by a plague of allergies that had come over me. I was stuck in a habit back then of reading books late into the night. My mom was mostly supportive of it though and bought me a book light to use in the dark, with the caveat that I put the book down by 10PM at the latest.
On the first night that it happened, I remember being very sucked into the story I was reading. I had started a new book and I distinctly remember thinking that the story wasn’t for someone my age, and if my mother found out what I was reading, she might not let me keep it. The feeling that I was doing something wrong had me on edge in a sort of fun and exciting way, and my heart was beginning to beat somewhat quickly as I continued.
And then I heard it. A rustling sound like something had slid off of a hanger in my closet. I jumped in place, dropping my book down on the blanket, the clip-on book light casting a long and imposing shadow across the room. What I saw next was difficult to make out and is even harder to picture in my mind all these years later. I remember my clothes hung up in the closet, swaying in place, almost shivering or jittering from the movement coming from behind them. The book light was cut off along one edge of the closet opening, only showing the bottom of my hanging clothes and part way down onto the floor where some old shoeboxes and retired sports equipment was stored. But there was something odd and quite noticeable partially in view within the small glow of light that existed there. At the time it was puzzling to interpret as I had been expecting my angry mother to have somehow divined that I was reading something she didn’t approve of. But with time and reflection it became clear that the dark shape I saw amongst my belongings was an abnormally long and trembling leg.
“P-please!! P-put that down!”
It spoke with a frantic whisper, as if I was inadvertently pointing a loaded gun at it. I froze for a moment, staring at the indiscernible shape, watching my jacket and button down shirts shivering on their hangers when it suddenly occurred to me. I frantically grabbed the book light and pulled it to my chest. I could have quickly turned and shown it directly into the closet, but for some reason, I didn’t.
The nights that followed were difficult. I kept looking over my shoulder, staring in the direction of my closet, wondering if something would happen instead of falling asleep or reading. My mother even took notice of the sudden change, asking me, “Is something wrong, sweetie?” before tucking me in one night.
I shrugged. “I don’t know. I think I’m just bored with my book,” I lied.
“You can’t give up on it now, dear! Even if it’s not for you, at least try and finish it so you know for sure.”
That night I pulled the book out again and continued from where I left off. I felt bad, as if I was taking advantage of my mom’s ignorance as she advocated for me to read a book that she must not have known the full story behind. But still, I wasn’t really bored of it. In fact, once I had the book out and in my hands again, I felt that same itch I had before. An excitement to see what came next. To know what else lies between the pages of the coming chapters. And as I read further, my heart began to race again. I felt a tingle going up my spine now, and for some reason, I began to sweat.
“Can you hear us?”
The voice was closer this time, somewhere off to my side now, away from the closet and more toward the center of my room. I remained still, careful not to bounce the book light around in fear that I would drive the being away.
“Yes.” I told it. The moment after I spoke back to it for the first time, the strangeness of the situation became somewhat mildly apparent to me, although it still did not deter me or drive me toward fear.
I had church that next morning. What I didn’t realize that day, as we piled into the car at the crack of dawn, was that it would be the last time I would ever go to church for the rest of my life. I remember this day very well, as you’ll soon be able to tell.
“Did you sleep okay?” Mother asked me, peering into the backseat through the rear view mirror.
“Okay, yea.”
“How about your book? Did you read any?”
“Good! I’m glad.” She said, smiling with her eyes as they returned to the road ahead.
We pulled up to the church and parked in the small parking lot out front. It was altogether a poorly cared for area with faded yellow lines on the ground separating the parking spaces, and chunks of concrete broken apart as if the urban environment had somehow fallen victim to a recent bombing. Our church service was held in an office park of all places, down a flight of stairs and through a long hallway that always smelt like damp carpet. The church pastor had acquired the space for a good deal, and always talked about the location as if it were merely the humble beginning compared to where they would someday be.
We took our seats in the cramped room as usual and an eerie silence was broken by the sound of an old, muffled electronic organ that tried and failed to lift the energy of the room before our pastor walked out center stage.
“Welcome and good morning to everyone on this fine, somewhat humid day. I hope you all are doing well and the drive in wasn’t too problematic, what with all the traffic cones blooming for the summer.” He gave a sort of wincing smile as a few members of the crowd let out a light chuckle. “I’m sure we’re all eager to get on with service today as this is the day we’ve all been waiting for for almost 18 years now - wow! But I just wanted to take a brief moment before we begin to acknowledge the significant achievement of everyone here, and the endless effort you all have gone through in order to make sure that today happened at all.” The room filled with gentle clapping, everyone turning toward one another as they nodded in approval.
“Very good. Now, without any further delay. Let us begin.”
Several quick yet world changing events occurred in the minutes after his speech. Minutes that have dominated my life and memory ever since they happened. My mother stood up and took me by the hand, looking down at me with a large smile across her face.
“Come on! It’s time!”
“What for?” I hesitated, only slowly scooching off of my seat.
“It’s ok, you’re just going to read something out loud for everyone. Think of it like a speech in class, except everyone here is excited just to hear you speak. You won’t do anything wrong, I promise.” I nodded nervously and followed her up to the front of the congregation where she positioned me in front of a mic stand, adjusted down to my height, before leaving to stand next to the pastor. And then I saw her do something quite strange. She took the pastor's hand in her own and kissed him on the lips. The room was deadly silent as the lights overhead were shut off, suddenly leaving us all in a thick darkness. I squinted my eyes as I tried to look back towards my mother, hoping to god I could catch even the slightest hint of her familiar face.
The shadows were pierced by something on the far side of the room. A glow of red light parting the darkness like a curtain, illuminating the pages of an old looking but familiar book that was slowly making its way down the aisle and toward me. Somebody placed the book in my hands and opened it to the first page.
And then a familiar voice spoke.
“But… I’ve already read the beginning before.” I replied quietly.
“But they haven’t.” The voice explained with a seductive hiss. I held the book closer and looked it over. It was my book. It was my light.
As I began reading the words from the pages, I could hear people in the crowd whispering. Some of them were praying, some were crying, one woman in particular I could hear whispering excitedly to her partner: “He can read it! Can you believe that?”
And there were other noises as well. Chanting. Whaling. A sound that I can only explain as a guttural choking noise. I tried to stay focused. To read loudly and not stutter. But as I read further, another noise began to distract me. A drumming or clanging of metal, followed by a rhythmic grinding, over and over and over. Eventually the noise was so loud it was hard to hear my own voice, but I could tell that the audience was loving it. In fact, they were beginning to yell out their approval: “Amazing,” “We’ve finally found him,” “Praise be!”
The tingling had returned up my spine again and my skin felt electric, like I was being filled with some sort of strange energy. It was as if I was moving with momentum as the words of the book were flowing from my mouth like I had somehow memorized every page - even the parts I hadn’t read before. It was so easy I didn’t even need to look at the pages at a certain point, but by that time, something had started to come over me. A hesitance or doubt. I felt wrong and I desperately wanted to leave.
I looked at my book light, examining the streaks of red marker across the glowing plastic, and without a second thought, I scratched it off with my thumb nail. The rhythmic sounds of metal ceased and a blood curdling scream sounded off across the room, followed by several animal-like growls from the now seething congregation. I had stopped reading now and dropped the book to the ground, clutching the light firmly in my trembling hands as the light showed all around me.
“Mom?” I called out with no reply. There wasn’t a sound in the room now apart from the heavy breathing of the congregation, as if they had all just finished running in a triathlon. I started inching my way forward, stepping down the aisle way between all the seats, swinging my head over each shoulder as the sound of bare footsteps sounded off the linoleum floor, mere inches around my glowing circle of protection. I had considered aiming my light around the room, but couldn’t stomach to see what I might reveal. “Mom?” I called again. A sea of hisses erupted from everyone in the room, and without any further investigation, I ran. I pushed open the office door, turned down the long hallway and made short work of the stairs leading up and out of the building. The light outside was blinding, and everything after that was a blur.
The people who found me, wandering alone around a park, brought me to the police who quickly started a search for missing children. Shortly after that, an investigator was brought in who had already been tipped off that I may not have been the child of the woman who raised me.
Years later, I have now learned who my true biological parents are. The woman who I had once called mother had kidnapped me from the hospital on the day I was born, and several lengthy trials later, she has been placed in prison.
I don’t know what the book really was, and for some reason I have no recollection of its contents either. While these events do haunt my memory, it also helps me to share the bizarre and horrifying tale with others. As time has gone on the days have gotten easier to get through, while the nights are still haunted by the feeling of something lingering in the shadows, watching me with anger but unable to act as I always keep my book-light nearby and ready.
submitted by thayeryan to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:43 imverycoldnow backpack for study + travel?

I (F) am gonna do a semester abroad in latino america for 5 months. After that I want to travel through the continent for about 2 months.
Currently I am looking for a new backpack. I travelled with a old 55+10 backpack before, but I am pretty sure it will be too small for my planned study/travel. This summer I did a month long europe trip. In the beginning it was fine, but during the trip i bought some souvenirs and new clothing and I pushed the backpack to the limit.
And this time I not only travel, but I also live and study in another country. I know, it can be enough if i am more minimalistic. But I don't want to be. I know it's unnecessary stuff to take with me while travelling after, but it's worth it to me. I know I need it out of my experience so far.
Some requirements I have:
I also need a daypack for when I go to university, or have a daytrip planned.
I came across the deuter voyager aviant 60+10 sl. It seems perfect for my purposes, especially with the built-in daypack with a padded back. I like that i can easily pack it in the backpack, or clip it to the front (and don't have to carry it in my hand, or throw it over my shoulders on top of the big packpack). Also the plane-cover (that can be a raincover as well) sounds very good.
I want something very long-term. In the future I am thinking about living kind of a digital nomad life for a few months in a year. So I need same requirements: big enough backpack for my belongings, easy accessible but also daypack for when i go to work in a café or something.
Do you think the deuter voyager aviant is a good choice for me?
Or should i prefer another backpack and buy a daypack seperately? Which ones can you recommend?
TL; DR: I need a backpack for travel + study (in the future travel + work). I am not minimalistic (and don't want to be), so I am looking for something around 60l+10 to 65+10l.
submitted by imverycoldnow to backpacks [link] [comments]

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  5. Proctored Exam Help: I have developed multiple highly effective methods of helping students with exams, tests, and quizzes that are proctored by software like: Respondus Lockdown Browser with Webcam, Honorlock, Examity, Proctorio, Proctor360, Proctortrack, and ProProctor using 3 highly effective proven methods. Option 1 - WhatsApp: I use WhatsApp to have the student discreetly text me photos of the exam questions outside of the webcam’s view and I text them the correct solutions to the exam questions. Option 2 - Screen Share: Using screen share software like Zoom to see the student’s screen displaying the exam questions and I text the correct solutions. Option 3 - Remote PC Access & Control: Using remote computer access software like to control the student’s mouse and keyboard from my own computer.
  6. Study Help Apps: I have over 15+ paid subscriptions to a wide range of study help apps, software, websites, and programs to help me solve exam & homework questions faster and more efficiently. Some of these resources include: Brainly, Chegg, CourseHero, Quizlet, SymboLab & WolframAlpha.
  7. Calculators & Math Software: I have access to a very sophisticated graphing calculator and various mathematical software that provides step-by-step solutions to complex mathematical problems within seconds, allowing me to provide exact solutions to the student in a timely manner.
  8. Test Taking Techniques: I have developed highly effective methods to determine the correct answers to questions that I’m not already familiar with including process of elimination, working backwards, quickly searching for similar questions online, and utilizing standardized test taking techniques taught only in elite standardized test prep tutoring programs.
  9. Handwriting & Scanning Apps: I have impeccable handwriting and a high-quality mobile scanner app that allows me to scan written solutions in very legible high-definition JPG, PNG, and PDF formats.
  10. Live Exam Help Videos: I am the only verified U.S.-based online exam hw online class help tutor with a highly successful YouTube Channel where I regularly upload live unedited videos of me actually completing exams, quizzes & homework assignments for other students and clearly explain my entire thought process and display on-screen all the steps, apps, websites, and software I use to compute the correct answers.
  11. Flexible Payment Methods: I offer negotiable rates, multiple payment methods (PayPal, Venmo, Cash App, Zelle, anonymous credit & debit card payments via online invoice), and flexible payment plans: weekly (most expensive), monthly, half-now / half-later, and all-up-front (least expensive).
  12. Money Back Guarantee: I have won multiple academic awards for my exceptional skills & expertise in math. I guarantee overall A & B grades for all coursework completed. Plus. I also offer a 50% refund for C+, C, and C- scores, and a full 100% refund for D+, D, D-, and F scores.
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your comptia or any other WGU Exam or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day “cancel culture” by scamming people out of their money:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your comptia or any other WGU Exam or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
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submitted by Azurecertificates to Statisticshelpers_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:40 bridgersz I enjoy intimacy less with my current boyfriend compared to my ex

I've only been physically intimate with two people: my ex and my current boyfriend. I find myself comparing the two, I get that it's odd to do so, but I was just so much more comfortable with my ex physically. I want to make it clear I don't miss my ex or anything, I love so many things about my boyfriend and I don't want to break up with him over this. However, it's a problem.I've turned into this insecure person who hestitates to get naked and when I do, trying to cover myself up. I don't want to blame my boyfriend for this, but it's a stark contrast to how I acted with my ex, only a couple of months before me and my current boyfriend met.
My ex would always have either his lips or hands or both constantly on me, and showered me with compliments, many times he'd say I had a perfect body, it's like he made me in a computer, etc, all really nice stuff. It was impossible to feel insecure with him near, he made me feel so confident, I was so vocal about what I wanted and he was so eager to "comply". He also very much shared a kink of mine and we used to partake a lot in that.
I feel like my current boyfriend almost avoids eye contact, for example closing his eyes when I give him oral or how he often likes having me on my stomach, meanwhile my ex was very adamant on us keeping eye contact which made me more confident, as well. When comparing the way he acts when I am naked and/or horny to how my ex used to, it almost feels like he's disinterested. My current boyfriend also used to give my boobs a lot more attention in the beginning when we started dating, now it feels like he barely acknowledges them. I find myself feeling so insecure with being naked in front of him. I feel like I expect the same reactions from him as happened with my ex, and when I'm not given them, I don't feel as eager to continue. I've made it clear to my current boyfriend I have a praise kink and that words go a long way for me, but it hasn't really helped.
I also have small/medium sized boobs, and in my ex's porn history that he showed me that was reflective of that: he wasn't really into bigger boobs, he always preferred my size even in pornographic material. Whenever I've seen video my current boyfriend has shared, it's always been big boobs, which I'm guessing also contributes to my insecurity.
It seems he's much less eager to have sex in general, as well, I wonder if we even have the same sex drive. I could do something pretty much every day but we only really do stuff maybe two times per week. We've also had other problems sexually, in short about him expecting blowjobs from me but not giving anything in return. It makes me question if he's even physically attracted to me, and I've started to miss me and my ex's sexual life more and more, as awful as that sounds. No thoughts about going back or anything, I just really wish me and my current boyfriend had the same dynamic.
It's odd because this current relationship is definitely more serious, me and my current boyfriend has discussed our future together in many ways me and my ex never did: marriage, kids, etc. I feel like it should be the opposite.
I don't even know how to bring this up to him, I wouldn't really know what I was asking for. I'm also thinking it might've something to do with my ex being a virgin as well, and my current boyfriend has had sex before, albeit only one time with one person, but still. How do I handle this?
submitted by bridgersz to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:40 Shadowolf75 Losercity ban

Losercity ban submitted by Shadowolf75 to Losercity [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:38 abutterflyonthewall How Jesus Reveals the Invisible God

In Christianity, Jesus is regarded as God incarnate, embodying the full revelation of the invisible God as we see in Colossians 1:15, which refers to Him as "the image of the invisible God."
If I were to show you an image of myself - would it not be the true me?
The understanding of Jesus being God is supported through a mix of theological reasoning and scriptural evidence.
As always:
The Concept of the Trinity: - The doctrine of the Trinity is central to most Christian understandings of Jesus as God. It describes God existing as three distinct persons (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) but is ONE in essence, ONE God. This is not a contradiction but a unique characteristic of God's divine nature. - Logically, if God can be one and three simultaneously, then Jesus, as part of the Trinity (the Son), can be fully God while also being a distinct person from the Father and the Holy Spirit.
Revelation of God's Nature: - If God wishes to reveal Himself fully to humanity (which sought for a tangible sign of God), a logical method would be through a tangible, relatable, and fully observable manner. In Christian theology, Jesus as the incarnation of God (God taking human form) accomplishes this by living as a human, teaching, and interacting directly with people.
Several key scriptures support the belief that Jesus is God and the revelation of the invisible God:
John 1:1, 14 - "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." - "The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us." - These verses establish that Jesus (the Word) was both with God and was God, emphasizing His divine nature and His incarnation.
Colossians 1:15-17 - "The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him." - This passage declares that Jesus is not only the image of the invisible God but also the agent through whom all things are created, attributing divine qualities and actions to Him (Jesus).
Hebrews 1:3 - "The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of His being, sustaining all things by his powerful word." - Here, Jesus is described as the exact representation of God’s being and sustaining all things, a role that could only logically belong to a divine being.
Philippians 2:5-8 - "Christ Jesus, who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness." - This describes Jesus' incarnation as an act of humility and service, asserting His preexistence and divinity before becoming human.
Logically, if God aims to reveal Himself fully, the most effective means would be through an incarnate form that participates fully in human nature while maintaining divine nature.
Biblically, scripture affirms Jesus’ divinity and His role as the full and final revelation of God. He embodies the nature and authority of God, makes the invisible God visible, and personally delivers the divine message and salvation to humanity.
Understanding Jesus' identity is crucial because it shapes our understanding of God's nature and His intentions for humanity.
submitted by abutterflyonthewall to JehovahsWitnesses [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:37 bridgersz I 22F enjoy intimacy less with my current boyfriend 25M compared to my ex 23M. how do I bring this up to him and how do we improve together?

I've only been physically intimate with two people: my ex and my current boyfriend. I find myself comparing the two, I get that it's odd to do so, but I was just so much more comfortable with my ex physically. I want to make it clear I don't miss my ex or anything, I love so many things about my boyfriend and I don't want to break up with him over this. However, it's a problem.I've turned into this insecure person who hestitates to get naked and when I do, trying to cover myself up. I don't want to blame my boyfriend for this, but it's a stark contrast to how I acted with my ex, only a couple of months before me and my current boyfriend met.
My ex would always have either his lips or hands or both constantly on me, and showered me with compliments, many times he'd say I had a perfect body, it's like he made me in a computer, etc, all really nice stuff. It was impossible to feel insecure with him near, he made me feel so confident, I was so vocal about what I wanted and he was so eager to "comply". He also very much shared a kink of mine and we used to partake a lot in that.
I feel like my current boyfriend almost avoids eye contact, for example closing his eyes when I give him oral or how he often likes having me on my stomach, meanwhile my ex was very adamant on us keeping eye contact which made me more confident, as well. When comparing the way he acts when I am naked and/or horny to how my ex used to, it almost feels like he's disinterested. My current boyfriend also used to give my boobs a lot more attention in the beginning when we started dating, now it feels like he barely acknowledges them. I find myself feeling so insecure with being naked in front of him. I feel like I expect the same reactions from him as happened with my ex, and when I'm not given them, I don't feel as eager to continue. I've made it clear to my current boyfriend I have a praise kink and that words go a long way for me, but it hasn't really helped.
I also have small/medium sized boobs, and in my ex's porn history that he showed me that was reflective of that: he wasn't really into bigger boobs, he always preferred my size even in pornographic material. Whenever I've seen video my current boyfriend has shared, it's always been big boobs, which I'm guessing also contributes to my insecurity.
It seems he's much less eager to have sex in general, as well, I wonder if we even have the same sex drive. I could do something pretty much every day but we only really do stuff maybe two times per week. We've also had other problems sexually, in short about him expecting blowjobs from me but not giving anything in return. It makes me question if he's even physically attracted to me, and I've started to miss me and my ex's sexual life more and more, as awful as that sounds. No thoughts about going back or anything, I just really wish me and my current boyfriend had the same dynamic.
It's odd because this current relationship is definitely more serious, me and my current boyfriend has discussed our future together in many ways me and my ex never did: marriage, kids, etc. I feel like it should be the opposite.
I don't even know how to bring this up to him, I wouldn't really know what I was asking for. I'm also thinking it might've something to do with my ex being a virgin as well, and my current boyfriend has had sex before, albeit only one time with one person, but still. How do I handle this?
TL;DR: I feel insecure about physical intimacy with my current boyfriend compared to my ex. My ex made me feel confident with constant praise and physical attention, while my current boyfriend seems less interested and avoids eye contact during sex. This difference has made me self-conscious.. Despite a serious relationship with future plans, our sexual dynamic feels lacking, making me miss the confidence I had with my ex. I’m unsure how to address this with my boyfriend, as I'm concerned about our mismatched sex drives and lack of mutual sexual fulfillment. How can I handle these feelings and improve our intimacy?
submitted by bridgersz to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:36 Wide-Parsley-684 Scammer ebay. Well lying scammer with no feedback beware

Scammer ebay. Well lying scammer with no feedback beware
Because the card is a panini prizm he thinks calling it a silver prizm is not deceiving. Smh
submitted by Wide-Parsley-684 to footballcards [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:36 Marmadon1 My friend is a victim of human trafficking and tonight I am helping her escape. Am I doing this right??

Hello all, long story short, my friend (she is from India and so are her captors/employers) is a victim of "forced labor" human trafficking. She has gone to hell and back in the last 7 years and has finally mustered the strength to leave, I am picking her up tonight at 10:30 p.m. and I am terrified... If you're interested in reading more details about her ordeal, read the long paragraphs below, but in short... my plan is to drive her up to the Indian Consulate in San Francisco, CA (she has recently talked to her sister in India who informed her that this is what she should do in order to go back to India, but what if she's wrong?) which is where she will get help and be on her way to India? Is this correct? I have never done this before and I am not sure what to do... The last thing I want to do is to drive my friend (who has zero money, an expired visa, no passport, speaks broken English, and is extremely vulnerable) to a place where she won't be helped and she has nowhere to turn to.
I met (let's call her Maria) Maria, about 2.5 years ago. We are both vendors at local Farmers markets here in Los Angeles, CA. From the MOMENT I met her, I knew something was very wrong. On my first day arriving at a specific farmers market, she and her boss were my next-booth neighbors. I asked Maria, "Hello, it's my first day here at this market, do you know if I can park at xy street or would I get a ticket??". She looked at me and immediately walked away. Her boss right away stepped up and said "Don't ask her, she wouldn't know, yes you can park at xy street". I thought well that's strange... why did she not let her talk... that girl looks scared. I had never seen such a tired and defeated looking human in my life. Most times her boss left her there to work while she went and worked other markets. Well I got to know maria and she became a very special friend of mine, she is caring, selfless and has all the good traits any good and decent human does. I don't know where to begin with describing what she's gone through. Her English is broken but I can understand 95% of what she tells me. I will try my best but I don't know every single detail.
She knows these people since when she lived back in India with her mom, dad, brothers, sisters. These suspects have businesses here in the U.S and over in India and employ both her father and uncles. They told Maria that they had an opportunity for her if she was interested. There was a man who was looking for a wife and they had told this man about Maria, he was interested. The plan was for Maria to travel to the U.S, marry this man, and employment with these suspects was guaranteed. Since her life was hard over there, she was intrigued and accepted. When she arrived they gave her the runaround...seems there was never a man for her to marry, instead they had her work endlessly on their business that is ran from a remote farming community here in Southern California. They threatened her by telling her they'd hurt her family back in India AND they'd lose their jobs, they'd hurt her, they'd do this, they'd do that. They have beaten her so many times, I've seen the bruises and begged her to let me take pictures that I would keep privately (but for proof if in the future they were needed) but every time I would ask, she'd always immediately refuse and said she'd have hell to pay if they found out. They have told her that she will never talk to her family back in India and she has not been able to do so since she left India.
They have her sleep inside a barn with the animals. They humiliate her, the husband and wife (and sister of wife) hit her so often and even broke her nose once. You can actually see where her nose healed crooked. There's been times where I did not see her for 2 or 3 weeks straight and sure enough, it was because she had some sort of injury she was healing (black eye, etc.). She has ran away several times only to go back several hours later because she has nowhere to go and is scared shitless. She basically works 24/7 too. She is not allowed to talk to anyone and when she and I are both at the same market (and her boss is dropping her off) we have to pretend to not know each other. Her boss picks her (and the equipment) up from the farmers market sometimes at 5-6 p.m. Mind you... all us other vendors have left at 2pm. So she just waits and waits to be picked up. She is not allowed to have ANY technology. She is not able to watch TV (she doesn't live inside a house anyway), when I was getting to know her... i realized she doesn't even know what is going on in the world (doesn't even know school shootings exist in this country). Her captors go through her things, they get extremely upset if vendor friends gift her items, (little pastries, gifts, etc. that they sell) or make conversation with her. For Christmas, my birthday, any holiday, she will go out of her way to give me a little gift (even if it's an insignificant little thing like a nail polish etc.) and she has given me her food when she knows I'm having a hard day and I'm upset (she knows I deal with an abusive husband and we bond over our difficult experiences) just to cheer me up. Little by little I have convinced her that she can trust me and that I would drive her to the airport and pay for her ticket, etc to get her back to India and escape from this abuse. I got her a cell phone that she only uses for internet that she has to keep hidden. Well with that cell phone and apps she was finally able to contact her family. She said that they said that they had not had jobs with these people for years and basically all the fear they put into her was B.S. They have for years been looking for her. She's still scared shitless but she says she cannot take it anymore. I have lost sleep over what my friend goes through. I don't know anyone who has suffered as much as she has. Again, what I described above is not all she has shared with me.. it's worse.
She doesn't want me to meet her at the ranch where she lives because she fears for my safety. She worries they will do something to me out of desperation (because they might be facing legal issues now), so I have to meet her in front of a store tonight, she will walk hours to get there. She doesn't trust the police, the last time she ran away she flagged down the police, told them the situation and basically said hey you don't have proof, there's not much we could do. I'd imagine that this distrust for the police is shared in these migrant-rich farming communities. I recently got a new job (in order to leave my own abusive relationship) and I will have to miss work to take her there, which I'm willing to do, I just want to make sure that we are going about this the right away. I also have two little kids at home (6 and 4 y.os) I am willing to pay for her ticket...I can make that money back. But gosh... I'm terrified. All these government offices are closed right now, since it's the weekend. I will make so many calls early tomorrow to make sure I know what my friend is getting herself into. Does anyone here have any advice? Tips? Anything that might be helpful.
I really hope she presses charges and these people pay for what they have done but I am discouraged by the fear I see in her. I can't blame her. I look forward to seeing their business crumble as they no longer have her endless help. Thanks for reading all this..
submitted by Marmadon1 to HumanTrafficking [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:33 funnysquidclub Queen of Clubs (Q♣️) - Wanted

Game: Wanted
Difficulty: Queen of Clubs (Q♣️)
Venue: Mall with six floors
Player limit: exactly 6
Time limit: 15 minutes in the basement, 45 minutes from when the players are released onto the first floor
submitted by funnysquidclub to AliceInBorderland [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:33 funnysquidclub Queen of Clubs (Q♣️) - Wanted

Game: Wanted
Difficulty: Queen of Clubs (Q♣️)
Venue: Mall with six floors
Player limit: exactly 6
Time limit: 15 minutes in the basement, 45 minutes from when the players are released onto the first floor
submitted by funnysquidclub to AliceInBorderland [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:32 SadSprinkles6102 How do I tell my mom that she is the reasons my mental health is bad?

Hi, I'm asking for advice on how to approach a situation with my mom that has been festering for 5+ years. I, (19F) had a good childhood, with loving parents and a good relationship with my younger sibling. However, things changed freshman year of HS. My mom asked my dad for a divorce and despite his attempts to work on the marriage, she was persistent and got the divorce. Just to let you know, my dad never cheated, never hit, or yelled at my mom, and he never mistreated her in his entire life physically, mentally, or financially. The marriage was solid and good. (or so we thought.) However, my mom constantly yelled at my dad, and I now realize that my father was taking the brunt of my mom's anger and yelling so that my sibling and I didn't have to hear them fighting when we were younger. When they were divorcing, I would sit and listen to their fighting, mostly about money. My dad is a Lawyer and my mom was a SAHM. What stuck with me was my dad's calm voice as he tried to reason with my mom as she began to raise her voice at him until it became full yelling.
The next few months were hard for my sibling and me. I couldn't look at my mom without being angry at her for destroying the safe and happy life I lived in. I see now that without her blowing my life up, I would have continued to be a naive girl. My mom honestly lost her mind when she divorced Dad. She got angry and began to drink a lot. When my sibling and I would get to her house on the week she had us, she had already had a drink or was getting ready to begin drinking. We knew to be cautious and try not to upset her. But she would have good days and bad days. Some days she was the fun and loving mother that we knew growing up. Other days we would stay in our rooms to stay out of her way because we could do the smallest of things and be yelled at, or made to feel worse about whatever we had done. For example, we were late for dinner (about 2 minutes), and when we got upstairs, Mom had put dinner away and yelled at us for being late while throwing dishes in the sink and storming away. Luckily her drinking began to stop once she got a job and got a boyfriend (now husband). She also began to stop yelling and me and my sibling
In my Junior year of HS, my mental health declined again. I've always struggled with mental health, and on a road trip to a popular town in our state (will not say for privacy reasons), I told her about how I was struggling with food and found the idea of it bad. I told her that I needed help, and needed to go to therapy again because I was afraid I was going to spiral harder. She listened to my words and promised to help. When we got to the house we had rented for the weekend, she and a few of her friends I had never met before began drinking. She made two jokes about my eating habits and depression during that trip while drunk. I had never met these people before and felt like my entire mental health history, (I've struggled with depression since the 7th grade), was on display to strangers. When I told my therapist about it, I was told that if I wanted, I should talk to my mom and let her know that It hurt me. I did, I told her my trust had been shattered and I didn't know If I could tell her important things like that again. While I felt like she heard me, and is trying to improve, I am not sure If I can be honest with her about important topics such as this.
During my graduation, we got into an altercation for a reason I cannot remember. She said if we (me and my sibling) were so miserable at her house we should go to Dads. So when we packed an overnight bag and left, I said love you, Mom. See you tomorrow. She responded with "Yeah sure you do". This is not the only comment she's made like this. When I got accepted to my dream college, I was eager to go. I picked a college out of state and far away so that I would be free of any pressure from my mom and I could just be me without feeling like I was just a trophy to her. When I arrived back home for winter break from college, I was invited to my mom's house to come and give her a hug. I brought my cat I had adopted at college (she is my ESA for depression and anxiety), I was greeted by a party. I was swept into a small crowd of people as my mom introduced me to her work friends. My cat began to shake and I said my hello, gave my mom a hug, and left. That encounter stuck with me, and I'm beginning to think that to her I am nothing more than a trophy. A daughter she raised to be shown off. That thought had been persistent in my mind.
I have been meaning to sit down with her again and tell her how I feel about our relationship. About the things she said during my graduation, about her constant personality shifts, My therapist said this is a good idea, and I agree. However, I don't know how to begin this conversation. How do I start this conversation? I know that it'll probably never be a good time to have it, but it needs to happen. I also don't know what to say when the convo does begin. How do I even hold and begin this with her? She is my mom, and I do love her, but I don't know how much longer I can continue to act as if nothing is wrong and she's the best mother ever. How do I get things across to her?
submitted by SadSprinkles6102 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:31 kolaman92 Psst, I See Dead People (260+ Discussion)

I'm sure everybody was taken aback by the sudden return of the Glorious King Gojo. Of course, there are so many explanations ranging from it being Gojo to a possible Yuuji domain. I love all of these explanations but wanted to explain one that I think is somewhat likely and very fun to consider:
Yuta returned and has inherited the Six Eyes
A key aspect as to why I do not believe the ghost is Gojo is due to my belief he should be dead. However, if he has returned, I ain't mad at it. Furthermore, the term 'ghost' is the same word Sukuna used to describe Kashimo - who is an incarnated player. The incarnation aspect suggests that this is not truly Gojo but a body that has taken his abilities - or even appearance like the granny's seance for Toji in Shibuya. Additionally, the editor's note placed special attention to the eyes rather than the overall appearance.
translated as 'revenant' here
EDIT: Though ofc this could just refer to someone who has "resurrected" like Gojo seemingly has.
This is assuming Yuta did not die following his first encounter with Sukuna. Considering he still had tricks up his sleeve like fully manifesting Rika, combined with Sukuna's decreased output, and Rika continuing to rescue Yuta - chances are high he comes back imo.
I will also be assuming that Yuta can inherit the Six Eyes due to his distance relation to Gojo via Sugiwara-no-Michizane. The Six Eyes is inherited via the Gojo clan; however, I do not believe this eliminates Yuta as a possible host. Furthermore, there seems to be an aspect of divination in choosing Six Eyes users which I will reference later.
Gojo and Yuta's relation confirmed
Stemming back to his reintroduction with Yuuji, Yuta has been described with similar energy and abilities as Gojo without the same skill set.
Chapter 143 when Yuta appears in front of Yuji, Choso, and Naoya
I believe discussion regarding this translation specified Yuta as second to Gojo in special abilities. Can't glaze him too hard as I am a Hakari enjoyer lol.
Either way there is a clear connection that Yuta is only a couple steps, give or take, behind Gojo. He has accumulated all sorts of techniques and may even have the limitless; however, the barrier separating them is the six eyes.
Sukuna noting that even if Yuta copied Limitless, the Six Eyes is essential for its use
Confirmation Sukuna's CE has dropped to Yuta's level
The comparison that Sukuna CE has fallen to Yuta's CE levels emphasizes to me that a revived Yuta, Yuuji, and Todo are necessary to seal the deal. Though Todo and Yuuji are of course putting in major work right now.
The final nail in the coffin is the six eyes.
Finally, I will be reviewing the seemingly intertwined destiny of the Six Eyes, Star Plasma Vessel + Tengen, and Kenjaku - as confirmed by Tengen.
Were they born again or awakened?
In the description, Kenjaku successfully killed the SPV and SE users as newborns. Despite this, both reemerged on the day of the merger to prevent Tengen's evolution. Similarly, a SPV was found shortly after Riko's death. Additionally, we learned that Yuuki was a SPV candidate for Tengen as well.
In parallel, I am suggesting that there are multiple Six Eyes candidates existing at once. This will allow the Six Eyes and SPV users to always facilitate Tengen's merger or counteract Kenjaku. These candidates could simply awaken since newly born users would be useless in helping Tengen.
Kenjaku transforming Tengen into a fetal form could be an indicator that the great merger is his evolution that fate has worked so hard to prevent. With Gojo dead and Tengen's ascension imminent, I believe destiny has awakened a new Six Eyes user - Yuta.
This ability will essentially raise Yuta to the level of Gojo - accompanied by a fully realized Yuuji and Optimized Todo. This trio could complete the fight against Sukuna while achieving Gojo's dream of allies on his level.
We'll see the embodiment of this panel. Insert Hakari and Megumi somewhere tho lol
Thank you all for viewing this post. I hope you enjoy and please share your thoughts. It would be greatly appreciated since this post hurt my soul a little as a Hakari stan. I do not doubt Gojo was right about Hakari reaching his level but his path there will be tough - especially when compared to a Yuta with the Six Eyes.
P.S.: I also recognized a Yuta with SE could be insanely broken which is a major factor why I consider this less likely.
Anyway, yall enjoy and have a good one!
submitted by kolaman92 to Jujutsufolk [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:29 Captain_Chipz The Coven of Christian - Faction

Faction Song Inspiration:Screaming Jay Hawkins - I Put a Spell on You (Audio)
The Book of Founding from the Holy Tome.
In the days of upheaval, when fear gripped the heart of man, the Gods whispered unto the first of our order, he who would be known among men as The Christian.
And The Christian, seeing the shadow of doom stretch across the land, spake unto the remnant, "Come forth and follow me, for I shall lead thee to safety beneath the wings of the divine."
Thus he led them to the place that would be their sanctuary, the venerable St. Patrick’s Church, and laid his hand upon its ancient stones, and behold, it was consecrated anew.
We adorned the sanctuary with the visages of gods of old—mighty Odin, wise Isis, and sovereign Zeus—and the windows shone with their countenance, casting divine light upon all who dwelled within.
The Christian then established the sacred rites, teaching his followers the paths of communion through offerings of the earth’s bounty.
First were the beasts of the field, brought forth as burnt offerings, their essence ascending as sweet incense to the heavens.
And when the stars aligned in the firmament, revealing signs of ancient power, The Christian decreed the deeper covenant of sacrifice.
Brave souls, pure of heart, stepped forth, laying down their lives upon the altar of salvation, their spirits rising to join the celestial choir.
Thus was the bond between the divine and the Coven sealed in blood and fire, a testament to their faith and devotion.
The Christian, knowing the weight of eternity could not rest upon a single soul, established the Circle of Elders, wise and steadfast.
And he proclaimed, "Upon my departure, another shall rise to wear the mantle, chosen by divine will and the council of elders."
Thus each Christian who ascended to lead was as a star in a dark sky, guiding the Coven with the light of the ancients.
In the fullness of time, the Coven grew, its roots stretching far beyond the sanctuary, into the broken world.
And The Christian’s teachings were as seeds sown on fertile ground, sprouting in the hearts of those who wandered in desolation.
The Elders walked among the towns and wastelands, their words a balm to the weary, their rituals a spectacle of hope for the forlorn.
Now, I, Brother Marcus, by the grace of the Circle, inscribe these sacred texts as a beacon to those who shall come after.
For as long as the night endures, and as long as the stars wheel overhead, so shall the covenant of The Christian remain unbroken.
We are the keepers of the flame, the stewards of the divine path, and through us flows the eternal power of the covenant.
So it has been written, and so it shall forever be.”
The Coven's origin is shrouded in betrayal. Initially founded by a Catholic priest seeking to provide sanctuary amidst the chaos following the Great War, the group was soon infiltrated and overtaken by a charismatic figure formally a member of the Church of Satan, who possessed a deep knowledge of religious studies and mythology. This individual, exploiting the despair and vulnerability of the survivors, incited a rebellion against the priest's Christian teachings, warping the sanctuary into a stage for his irreligious cult. The sanctuary was desecrated with pagan imagery, and the group was torn by internal strife that escalated into violence and sacrificial rites in the name of forgotten gods.
Over the centuries, this brutal beginning was mythologized into a divine founding narrative, detailed in the "Book of Founding" within their Holy Tome. The horrors and betrayals were recast as prophetic visions and holy sacrifices, with the role of The Christian evolving into a title bestowed upon the coven’s leader, who is viewed not merely as a guide but as a direct conduit to the divine. The title now is seen as holy and endearing, but originally was an insult to the man who originally tended the church as its priest. This brutal beginning has been forgotten by its followers, but not by the elders, who keep their "lessers" in a pool of “blissful” ignorance. The Christian and the Elders are all aware of the original plot, and are aware of the sham religion, but they maintain the Great Psychodrama to this day. This faction is not a descendant of the original Christianity, but is instead a division of the idea of Satanism taken to a militant degree and perverted into a cult of control. The original cult leader whose name was lost to time due to all documents referring to him as The Christian, was an ardent practitioner of the text Might is Right, and he used this philosophy after this war to conquer his own following. The current Coven secretly uses this text as their holy text, and not the text that was written by the Circle of Elders to control the “lessers.” Potential elders are promoted from promising "lessers," their trial is if they can accept the facade. If they fail, they are executed and fail the trial. These tests are held in private. So far no one has discovered the secret of the elders.
The Book of Ascension from the Holy Tome.
Lo, in the time of gathering shadows, the Elders shall perceive among the faithful a stirring of the spirit—a readiness to ascend.
For this spirit is marked not by worldly signs but by a divine clarity of purpose and steadfastness of faith.
The chosen shall enter the Crypt of Visions at dusk, where the silence of the saints and the whispers of the divine converge.
Surrounded by the sacred relics of the forebearers, the chosen shall spend the night in contemplation and communion with the eternal.
Those who emerge with hearts unshaken are affirmed in their faith and prepared for greater revelations.
Upon the new light, the chosen partakes in the Feast of Enlightenment, where the Elders and the faithful gather to share divine sustenance.
At this feast, the chosen is nourished by the bread of wisdom and the cup of courage, embodying the sacrifices of those who walked the path before.
Here, the scrolls of ancient teachings are unrolled, revealing the deeper truths of our faith and the duties it entails.
Should the chosen prove true, they are presented before the assembly of the Elders and The Christian to affirm their commitment.
In the presence of the congregation, the chosen swears an oath upon the Holy Tome, vowing to uphold the tenets of our faith and to guide the flock with integrity.
They partake of the Chalice of Fellowship, signifying their unity with the leaders past and present, and their readiness to serve the divine will.
Thus consecrated, the chosen ascends to the Circle of Elders, tasked with preserving the light of our teachings and nurturing the spiritual growth of the community.
They stand as guardians of the faith, exemplars of divine virtue, and shepherds to the flock entrusted to their care.
As it has been written, so shall it continue; the cycle of ascension sustains the lifeblood of our covenant through the ages.
For as long as the heavens wheel above, the line of The Christian shall endure, a beacon to those who seek refuge in the divine embrace.

Link to full WIP setting: Texoma Valley 2284
submitted by Captain_Chipz to Fallout2d20 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:29 nota12yo Sundown

A flicker of light started to drain away the darkness I was so used to. The darkness where I felt most comfortable and at peace. The flicker slowly enveloped the entire pitch black room within minutes. I could do nothing but sigh in disappointment and open my eyes.
My adjusting eyes were being harassed by the tiny beam of light that made it through my curtain. Where it's at the precise angle that you swear some higher power is just messing with you.
My groggy eyes focused on the clock, it was 7:00 a. M.
Time for work.
The day was April 14th, 2014. A Monday. I knew I only had about an hour to get up, get ready for work, shower, make breakfast and make sure I get to work a few minutes early so I didn't clock in late.
I was only 28 years old and I hated my sales job. I had gone to college and got my marketing degree but I never thought I'd end up here.. selling bullshit products at incredibly hiked prices to unsuspecting or oblivious customers.
I had been doing this job for 3 years and it felt like everyday was just going to be worse. Just a buildup of hatred for your job overtime is natural I guess. Typically people find ways to cope with the constant 9-5 grind. Like going out with friends or clubbing or whatever...but I had none of those.
When my days ended I would go home and watch Netflix and drink then do it all again. I wish it was different, I wish I had the motivation to change myself. But it's difficult when you have no one to support you in your efforts. My mom died from breast cancer when I was 12. Seeing her on hospice for several months suffering from stage 4 cancer was...something you shouldn't see as a 12 year old. To see your once lovely, athletic, hilarious, loving and caring mother degrade into an 85 pound, drug-induced, horrifyingly thin creature that in no way resembled her from my memories of when she was cancer free.
I remember one morning my dad woke me up and said "come to the living room...your mother is taking her last breathes". As soon as he finished that sentence, my memories flooded back...memories of her taking care of me when I was sick, being at my soccer games cheering me on, asking how my day was when I got back from school, leaning on her shoulder as we sat in church. The memories came and went in an instant and the reality set in. My heart at first skipped a few beats but then accelerated to an unhealthy pace. My head started to spin, tears slowly started swelling up on my eyes.
I had jumped off the bed and sprinted to the living room. She was facing away from me and the first thing I noticed are how purple/ blue her feet are. I walk around the hospice nurse and look at my mother's face. She was pale, her breathing was almost non-existent for almost 2 minutes but still there...until it wasn't...she was gone.
I was lost, my dad was bawling. I was crying too but at 12 years old I didn't know how hard the reality would hit as time goes on.
In my lost state, I turned on the TV show "MONK" on the laptop. It was a show my mom and I used to watch, and I figured watching it would make me feel like I'm with her again.
Time went on and I realized how losing a mother truly impacts your younger years. But time still, moved on yet.
I got in my car and left for work. The drive to the office was only about half an hour. I put my sunglasses on as I'm travelling east for almost the entire drive, something I was used to by this point. The drive to work was uneventful other than the usual jackass that cuts you off or is speeding down the road.
I made it to work and stepped out of my car. For some reason, grabbed my backpack and shut the door. For some reason the thought of my mother came across my mind. The sighed, looked down at the ground and stared at the concrete for the few seconds while only thinking of how I missed her. Then the thought vanished and I got on with my life.
The day was incredibly boring, only sold a couple of products, I dealt with people in the east coast of the U.S. and customers there are always so nasty and rude with their comments. It's impossible to build rapport with them. I'm jealous of the employees that have West coast as their territory.
The day ended with my last call but no sales for the day. Hopped in my car and drove back home.
Now I've already told you what I do when I get home. Just drink and watch Netflix. And that's exactly what I did. I can't remember the name of the show( probably because I was already tipsy) but it had to do with strange phenomenons.
I don't even remember passing out but I do remember being there in that dark room again; it was so comfortable and cozy. I sat in the corner of the room with eyes wide closed ...no people, nothing to disturb me, just... nothingness of warmth.
For hours this went on until I heard a woman's voice saying "I'm glad you're here". suddenly realizing that I had overslept my body jolted awake, completely forgetting about that eerie voice. Drinking on a Monday night is not a good idea. Blurry and in a haze trying to concentrate my focus I made out the clock saying 7:00 a.m. April 15th, 2014.
I thought how odd that was. I've been doing the same job with the same schedule for 3 years now and I know when I oversleep. Yet knowing this brought a mental smile to my mind, as my supervisor won't get on my ass for showing up late, again.
I got up lazily and stretched and got on with my morning routine. Finally got dressed and hopped in my car to leave for work. I was only about 5 minutes in when I realized something was off...why was I wearing sunglasses? The sun was behind me, not in front. I took my glasses off and read my car dashboard compass; "EAST".
I have taken this drive for 3 years now every Monday through Friday and I had always worn sunglasses for the drive to the office. I looked behind me and saw the sun rising from the west.
I was still calm, but subconsciously I could tell my panic and anxiety were building with what I was experiencing. I decided to pull over at a gas station, took my phone out and opened my GPS. 'I was still facing east.
I quietly stated "what the fuck". I looked up and asked the person next to me pumping gas " look! The sun! It's rising from the west" with an ecstatic and speedy tone. He looked at me with a smile on his face and said "yeah? Don't ya know it's always rose from the west".
The reality of this was starting to set on, anxiety building, I got back in my car and just sat there... Running my hands through my hair, pulling and stretching my face wondering what the hell was happening? My eyes were staring wide at the brake and gas pedal...trying to find some kind of logical explanation for this while still running my hands over my face and hair.
I decided to take my phone out again and click on trending news hoping to see something explaining or even acknowledging this phenomenon. Nothing. I opened Google search and looked up "sun rising in west" the first thing that popped up said Earth is rotating about its own axis from East to West".
This wasn't right.
I figured I would try to get to work and maybe one of my coworkers would have some answer. My entire body was shaking for the entire drive but I made it".
I got out of the car and the strangest thing came across my mind. A memory. A very unique memory of back when I was 12, in the back yard playing capture the flag with my neighbor that lived behind me. A time which I could go back when.
The memory came and vanished in an instant, but left the overwhelming feeling of nostalgia and sadness.
I walked into the office and started asking around about the sun. Again, none of them knew what I was talking about, but before they answered my question, they would say "oh hey, it's nice to have you here" or "we're glad to have you here" all with a smile on their faces.
Not super weird as my coworkers are typically super energetic happy people. But it did become weird when my east coast clients started answering their phones saying "hey, you're always welcome here"
I couldn't see their faces but I could tell by their tone and attitude that they were smiling. This was not normal. I rushed to the bathroom, opened a stall and sat on the toilet. I started having a panic attack. Nothing was right, the people, the sun, the specific memories... I started to run my hands over my face, stretching and contorting it, trying to calm myself down with feeling my heart bursting out of my chest. I started to whimper, I didn't want anyone outside of the stalls to hear me. None of my coworkers were right, the guy at the gas station wasn't right...nothing. years swelled up in my eyes and a brief memory of my mom came back.
It was me, coming home from school, I walked inside and could smell the pizza she was making. I see and her and asks me hey, how was your day?".
This memory helped calm me down from the wreck I was turning into. I took several deep breaths, tried my very best to compose myself, and stepped out of the stall. I ended up taking some paper towels and wiped away the tears that were caught in my eyes.
I decided that I will just try to finish this day because tomorrow everything would be back to normal...I have to reassure myself that I would be, I just knew it would be....it had to be.
I sat down back at my desk and my phone rang, picked it up and a voice came through. The voice of my mother asking " I am so glad you are here, Luke".
I was frozen, shocking, tingly sensations ran through my entire body. My demeaner instantly changed into fight or flight mode...but I chose the 3rd... freeze.
Phone still up to my ear, I heard her speak again. "Oh honey, Luke my sweet boy, don't you remember?".
I didn't reply verbally, but mentally I was thinking "remember...what is...remember what?"
Then she spoke one last time, "last night, when you saw the sun".
Then the memory of the night before races back into my mind. I was on my drive home from work, watching the beautiful sunset over the horizon. With all it's beautiful mixtures of orange, red, purple. I was just staring at it...in a trance, thinking of how I wanted to go back and just be a kid again, play with my back door neighbor, come home to my mom. Why couldn't I just go back.
I suddenly hear a blaring horn and then darkness.
I believe I died on April 15th, 2014. And I don't mind it. I like being in this black empty room just sitting in the corner..with nothing but warm emptiness to fill my cold shell. I like feeling the embraces of it's comfort over the tiring lifestyle I was living. My only dream was that I could dream forever...and now it's finally been achieved.
I miss my mother, and I know she misses me, the memories I have of her will keep me warm in this blackened wasteland forever.
submitted by nota12yo to nosleep [link] [comments]

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2024.05.19 22:28 cubchoo230 is this typical for a navel piercing?

sorry no images as it is out now :(
not long ago i had to remove my navel after over a year of constant irritation and the occasional infection, because it was beginning to reject.
i'd like some feedback on the actual piercing experience because it felt kind of wrong, but i'm not sure if it's the source of my issues or if it was just a shitty experience that has nothing to do with the wellbeing of my piercing.
when i went to get it pierced, the lady set me up and everything and got me to lay down. she told me to breathe in, then she got the needle in place, then she told me to breathe out (maybe it was the other way around). she looked at me a bit oddly and then told me that it didn't go all the way thru and she began basically just shoving it thru lol. it was really painful and made me nauseous, but to be fair that isn't exactly that hard to do to me lmao
i actually thought absolutely nothing of it and walked out happy with my new navel. only in the past few months am i beginning to look back and think hm that seemed weird. is this typical?? has anyone had a similar experience
submitted by cubchoo230 to piercing [link] [comments]
