Griffin dog breed

Breed Identification

2013.04.06 03:02 SQLwitch Breed Identification

Post pictures of your dog for some amateur speculation regarding its breed.

2020.09.26 18:30 WhatDogBreed

If you need help figuring out what breed your dog is come here!

2014.04.07 21:50 rWoahDude ID my dog

Post pictures of your dog, and we'll try to determine its breed.

2024.06.02 19:46 Rebeccathesim Sims 4 more breeds and animals

So all of u that play the sims 4 with animals what would you like more of? I would like more dog breeds my favourite being a cane corso is not there. I would also like to see more house hold pets like rabbits (not wild ones) pigs for the cottage living pack. I only just started with horse ranch. I don't know much about horses so can't say if the selection of breeds are any good.
submitted by Rebeccathesim to thesims [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:43 AutoNewspaperAdmin [UK] - Dog breeds must be ‘rebooted’ to halt health problems, says expert Guardian

[UK] - Dog breeds must be ‘rebooted’ to halt health problems, says expert Guardian submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:36 Bot-alex Dog breeds must be ‘rebooted’ to halt health problems, says expert

Dog breeds must be ‘rebooted’ to halt health problems, says expert submitted by Bot-alex to NewsOfTheUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:33 rahulbhat007 Adopted a dog, can anyone tell me the breed ?

Adopted a dog, can anyone tell me the breed ?
Adopted an 8 week old dog from a dog shelter recently. They said mother is a chihuahua but they don't know the father. Can anyone please tell me what the breed, I am hoping for him to be a calmer and friendlier than chihuahuas.
submitted by rahulbhat007 to DOG [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:26 AutoNewsAdmin [UK] - Dog breeds must be ‘rebooted’ to halt health problems, says expert

[UK] - Dog breeds must be ‘rebooted’ to halt health problems, says expert submitted by AutoNewsAdmin to GUARDIANauto [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:12 Madi_Paige247 Teenage girl fighting goblins

Okay so I read this book in highschool so it’s been a handful of years, but I have been CRAVING to read it again. I tried looking through my things but can’t find it anymore😭 and I can’t remember the name so I’m hoping yall can help me!
She lives in a world where these little goblin creatures (not big usually if I’m remembering correctly but like the size of a small/medium dog normally) and one of her first “fighting” scenes is in a library and she makes a huge mess and makes a fool out of herself. She lives or lived with her dad who is a well known to be good at hunting them (I’m pretty sure). They use “orbs” to fight them and a goblin scratch is pretty gnarly! And in the book they start doing odd behaviors that they normally don’t do, like the goblins start going in groups with different “breeds” of goblins that normally would NEVER work together.
Im trying to remember all that I can, she still went to school but it wasn’t like a formal school. It was in an abandoned store building type thing. There was also like a hunters “council” I guess where they would decide if you are good enough to be a hunter or something along those lines?
PLEASE tell me someone knows what I’m talking about 😭 I’ve searched EVERYWHERE and nothing pops up
submitted by Madi_Paige247 to whatsthatbook [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:00 BeanCrusade Just got a Rottweiler yesterday, need advice.

Just got a Rottweiler yesterday, need advice.
I have had dogs a long time but this two year-old female Rottweiler has me baffled and I’m looking for training techniques to help.
First off she’s very flighty as in everything scares her and her response is to hammer down, put it in low gear and pull her way to safety (comes to me). This has caused a problem several times already with her on a retractable leash, getting spooked and about taking out two bush’s and a dining room table at separate times because she was still connected to a leash when I let her in.
Second she won’t go the bathroom outside, I let her out every 1-2 hours and she just stands there next to me or wants to just walk circles around me, she always wants to be behind me or circle around, shortened the leash a few times and she just pulls like a draft horse to get behind me and I let her go feeling like she’s gonna try to hurt herself, then she proceeds to circle me and does it again. I can outmuscle her, but I do not want to at this point.
I know she doesn’t know me that well but she runs to me when she’s scared, not away from. When she hammers down if she gets the leash wrapped it’s always to me.
As far as her going outside, she started to pee inside in front of me, I told her no and what she did was bad, grabbed her collar and had her go outside and all she did was stand in the yard doing what I said earlier, for 15 mins, when I went back inside I let her in a dog kennel (not trusting her) with the door open and she sat there and just peed sitting down looking at me telling her that was bad, I took her back outside and she pooped a little on her way outside and again did nothing outside despite having other dogs out there going potty at the same time and their poo in the yard which she sniffed a few times. She just stands or circles me, I walk her around the yard, it’s a big yard, over 2 acres, still nothing. I get dogs don’t use the bathroom in new areas in the beginning, but usually after 8-10 hours of trying they normally go outside, this one held it for almost 24 hours, I let her outside every 1-2 when I was awake, no accidents when I was sleeping, the accident was after I let her out twice this morning.
So one concern is the other dogs were trained on a wireless electric fence, I have trained 5 dogs that way that stayed at the house or dogs I owned, never been a problem but if I’m honest, I fear that her flight response would kick in with a wireless fence and she won’t learn to use it, I have never had a 2 year old dog that scared of stuff and that flighty.
I asked the previous owner before I picked her up if they worked with her at all, if she knew any commands and the owner said “no, we never needed to use any commands on her so we didn’t teach her any”, later I found out they had a small fenced in back yard that her and other dogs spent a lot of time in and basically they got her to breed, they later said when I picked her up that they tried to breed her and all she did was sit down. So they just fed her and let her out in a small fenced in yard. She’s pretty overweight also.
So being it’s an issue I haven’t come across before, do you have any training techniques for me to help her out? The ones in my book of experience hasn’t seemed to be effective so far. I’m used to working with labs, Shepard’s, collies, even a few pit bulls, this would be a first with a Rottweiler.
submitted by BeanCrusade to Rottweiler [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:58 kraftysprouts Bracco Italiano Dog Breed Profile and Information

Bracco Italiano Dog Breed Profile and Information submitted by kraftysprouts to kraftysprouts [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:58 kraftysprouts Bracco Italiano Dog Breed Profile and Information

Bracco Italiano Dog Breed Profile and Information submitted by kraftysprouts to u/kraftysprouts [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:56 Ijust_WantHappiness Crate training?

Hi everyone! So we got our BMC about 2 months ago from our neighbors, and they got her from the pound, the pound found her has a stray. She’s about 1 1/2 years old, she’s been great at training, but she is sooo nervous. Especially with her crate, she absolutely freaks out when we lock her up. Whenever we leave the house she goes crazy and tries to chew through the door to get out, so that’s when we started to put her in the crate. She destroyed her first one, so we got her a new and stronger but she still freaks out when we leave her behind. We even tried locking her in at night, we positioned the crate so she can see us but she cries and barks all night. Idk I’m thinking she’s had a bad past with crates, she was in the pound for a long while before the neighbors got her. The neighbors kept her outside pretty much all day, then they gave her to us, and she’s an inside dog with us but we still take her on long adventures throughout the week. Does this breed get really attached to people and it’s just normal for them to act like this or are we dealing with trauma?
submitted by Ijust_WantHappiness to Blackmouthcur [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:27 mukudori_erin Immigration with a dog

How hard is it to immigrate to Brazil with a dog of a large breed? Anyone got experience?
submitted by mukudori_erin to Brazil [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:21 Due-Way4250 Help me find a dog game on Android

I can't find one very old dog game on my phone. I don't remember much of it. It was 2d. There were several locations that were switched by arrows. At the very first location, the dog is sitting on the grass and there is a kennel behind it (if I'm not mistaken) There may have been a Doberman or several different breeds. The dog had to be fed, watered, trained, etc., it seemed to stretch on the horizontal bar and there were other simulators. If you don't support her indicators, then she was offended or angry with you.
submitted by Due-Way4250 to HelpMeFind [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:07 K_Rivera8485 Trying to teach an old dogs new tricks.

I have never trained my dog. Never even thought about it. However, I think he might be happier if I knew how to deal with him. Full disclosure I wanted to get some advice before going to the vet to try to avoid unnecessary medication. My dog is about 8 years old. I’ve had him for just about 2 years. He was rescued. I was working at an animal hospital and picked him up when someone called and said that he was just abandoned by his owners and their kids were allergic. I have a feeling they were the owners but I can’t judge based on my assumptions alone. Anyway, he is a mixed breed if that matters. I think he looks like some type of terrier. Golden brown/auburn hair that is thick and full around his top half almost like a mane, that gets a lot thinner on his lower half (not sure maybe this will help if we know what type of breed he’s mixed with). Anyway my biggest problem is he seems super protective. Maybe he’s been abused, but if my kids come in my room he barks, if I go into their rooms he barks, if anyone physically touches someone else he barks (I can’t hug my kids or do their hair around him bc he will just bark and jump up at us). He doesn’t bite us, but his bark is so loud and annoying. He seems to have anxiety bc he follows me around quite literally all day. He howls for long periods if he’s ever home alone. Especially, if I’m the last one to leave. We also have cats so technically he’s not alone but I mean with no humans. Lately I’ve opened the windows in my bedroom since it’s warm and he would be at that window all day trying to bark and just see what was going on. So I closed the one he could reach bc it seemed to be making him obsessed. We take him on walks two times a day as we always have. However my schedule has changed in the past 8 months and I do work longer hours. I have no idea what to do with him. I’m a tired single mom of 4 and we also have 3 cats. By the way he gets along great with the cats. Accept he doesn’t let them play. Cats like to play together and chase each other around and as soon as he hears the noise he jumps up and barks and chases them. It’s almost like he trying to keep the house in order. I feel like he was abused pretty badly because if I pick up the broom or the mop he gets nervous and will bark. If I dust off my bed by hitting it with a towel or something he barks. I feel terrible for him and I want him to know that he’s okay. I have never hit him and neither have my children. I work really hard so I don’t always have energy but I try and I would love to learn about training so I can try and help him. Do you guys have any suggestions or sound advice? Again this is my first attempt and I’ve never trained a dog and know very little about it so please be kind. Thanks!
submitted by K_Rivera8485 to OpenDogTraining [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:04 Responsible_Doctor93 Can anyone tell me what breed these two dogs might be? I’m thinking either All White German Shepherd or Swiss Shepherd for the first one and German Shepherd for the second one

Can anyone tell me what breed these two dogs might be? I’m thinking either All White German Shepherd or Swiss Shepherd for the first one and German Shepherd for the second one submitted by Responsible_Doctor93 to dogbreed [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:51 Weary_Hiker Senior quality of life with BOAS

My senior girl will be 14 in July and even though she is not a flat-faced dog, she is a mixed breed and she has a few breeds in her that are prone to respiratory episodes, especially BOAS (Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome). Although she has had respiratory episodes for the past few years, I only recently figured out what it was, and her veterinarian agrees. (That's a different story and not the point of this post, just wanted to provide that for context.)
I've always known what triggered her episodes and what made them resolve, however now that I know what her respiratory episodes are, I know it's important to avoid anything that might cause her stress or too much excitement. That being said, she's not used to being home and indoors all the time. She loves walks, the beach, car rides, etc. I took her kayaking with me one time and she really seemed to enjoy it.
My question is, for those of you who have a dog with BOAS, what can I do for her to help prevent these episodes while still allowing her to have a good quality of life? I want her to still be able to enjoy these activities while she can. I don't want her to have to spend what remains of her life indoors and without fun activities. Her veterinarian recommended calming chews and a calming collar, both of which I have now, plus she gave me tips on how to quickly cool her down in the event of an episode. She does tend to get worked up very easily, so I don't know if the calming chews and collar will be enough. I really want to take her kayaking because it won't be nearly as hot or physically strenuous, plus we can stop at the beach where she could cool off a little bit in the water. (I plan to take her during a cooler time of day.)
Any suggestions on other things I can do that will allow her to still have a good quality of life while hopefully preventing an episode? Any suggestions on things I can do with her that are better for dogs with BOAS?
submitted by Weary_Hiker to dogs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:21 ampersanders57 My dog is afraid of everything outside

My dog (55lb male mixed breed, 1.5 years old) is only comfortable inside. He will go outside to potty and walk around a little on the leash (apartment living) but he outright refuses to go on an actual walk around the building, or anywhere for that matter. He won't go outside at all if there's another person out there. He backs out of every harness and nearly gags himself with every collar trying to run away to get inside, thrashing like a shark. I am unable to get him enough exercise without proper walks and so he destroys his bedding and everything. Ham helps a little but as soon as I run out, he's back to trying to freak out and run inside. When we go to the dog park so he can be off leash he just stands at the gate and wants to go home. Any help is appreciated.
submitted by ampersanders57 to DogAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:14 Wyomingdogrunner My tiny “pyrenees” isn’t actually pyrenees! We were sort of shocked the results but it makes sense! He’s 70 lbs and so derpy!

My tiny “pyrenees” isn’t actually pyrenees! We were sort of shocked the results but it makes sense! He’s 70 lbs and so derpy! submitted by Wyomingdogrunner to DoggyDNA [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:05 Life_Wolf Lost Blue Bone Chew Toy 2022

Lost Blue Bone Chew Toy 2022
Translucent blue, flat and petite, a different texture on each elegantly crafted corner, a couple bands across the middle, and a flash of extra color for visual intrigue; a little grippy to the touch, soft rubber that gives easily but puts up slight resistance. Intended for a puppy, it was inexpensive and made me happy at a time when I needed all the help I could get.
I’m heartbroken. My Petstages Mini Orka found me in 2014, and I carried it everywhere; school, work, social settings, shows, every major trip I took away from home, and most experiences with psychedelics. I was always careful with it, usually keeping it in a pocket, until I got reckless and decided to start carrying it on the outside of packs.
Since losing my original I’ve gone sleuthing online to find a replacement, and it appears to be gone. The company redesigned it, and I bought it, but it’s the wrong size and just not the same. I reached out to Petstages to plead with them, and they were very unhelpful, obv not understanding the gravity of the situation. I’ve acquired plenty more chew toys in the meantime, many with the specific intent of replacing my original EDC bone, but none have been able to fill the space in my heart.
Last I remembered having it was a section hike on the AT, and figured there was no chance I’d see it again. Getting hyped for EF24 I was browsing pictures from 2022 and it’s THERE!! My heart skipped a beat or two, there’s HOPE!!! Based on this one photo as proof, I still had it during EF22, suspended by a knot that I am deeply regretting at the moment.
Please, PLEASE someone tell me it’s sitting on their little shrine of objects from the Forest, I would be overjoyed to have it returned to me in any condition.
Included are pictures of the toy I’ve found online; if anyone can help me find one which is not my original, seriously even if it’s partially chewed, it would still be hugely appreciated.
submitted by Life_Wolf to ElectricForest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:50 unitedfan6191 What’s the best dog breed?

submitted by unitedfan6191 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:47 fatefuldawn FE Engage Maddening Low Turn Count (LTC) Ironman in 70 Turns

So I have previously posted about my No Paid DLC/No RNG Drops Engage Maddening LTC a few months back, and I’m back with a new spin on this run - an Engage Maddening LTC Ironman. This run operates under all the conditions a regular Ironman playthrough of any Fire Emblem game would whereas the game must be completed without any form of resetting. This means no use of the Draconic Time Crystal, no Retrying maps, and if Alear dies, it’s Game Over. Simultaneously, since this is a Low Turn Count (LTC) run, I will be aiming for the lowest turn count I can under these restrictions. My goal was to complete the game in 70 turns, which saves 3 turns from my previous run. The full ruleset is as follows:
The run has finally been completed on its fourth attempt after some additional changes were made to make early game more reliable after failing three times before reaching Chapter 7. I have placed the full run in this playlist for easy viewing. The run was streamed since I think the unedited nature of streams fit Ironmans better, but do note that a substantial amount of time was spent in the Somniel for preparations, including playing the Bond Fragment minigames that have guaranteed rewards. For those who prefer to just see the map clears, I intend to publish individual, commentated videos in a traditional LTC format like my previous run in the future so please look out for those!
But for now, if you're interested in seeing some of the changes, I would like to highlight some of the more notable chapters in this playthrough (either because I implement a new strategy or because of a turn save):
Chapter 4, 5, 6, 7 are chapters I'm grouping together because there's a common thread linking them together. For those who are familiar with my previous run, I had two chapters (Ch. 6 and 7) where I relied on a crit to get the boss kills. In order to have enough reliability to attempt the same turn counts in an Ironman setting, my strategy was to get Louis 2 levels before Teronda attacks him in Ch. 6. The EXP management is very tight and my Ch. 4 and 5 clears were changed a lot in order to accommodate for that. And finally, for Ch. 7, that level 8 Louis is once again helpful in taking down Hortensia.
Jean Paralogue is now completed in 1 turn. Admittedly, this turn save is risky in an Ironman context because Amber and Diamant face a chance of death. Amber really needs to either dodge the Poleaxe (due to its large amount of effective damage) or dodge the first two enemies to survive enemy phase. And Diamant faces a 2% crit chance that surely results in his death. Nonetheless, it's a rout map with some interesting AI behavior and the power of a Mt Augmented Seraphim is put on display here.
Chapter 13 is still a somewhat risky chapter in this Ironman because getting the kills on Tetchie and Totchie is quite demanding in 5 turns. In order to increase reliability, I donated to Elusia level 3 before this chapter (whilst also donating to Solm level 2) to get an early Bolganone without the need to forge because I do not have enough ore for that. After getting the Spirit Dust and class changing to Sage, Pandreo is able to cleanly one-round Totchie with that Bolganone. Despite that, I believe Pandreo could potentially face a chance of death if Amber gets hit by Tetchie as Tetchie seems to attack Pandreo in that situation. And Merrin's crit rate on Tetchie is a bit suspect since I've seen Tetchie attack her if his Cornered Beast skill activates due to being under 50% HP. There's other small parts of this chapter like how Pandreo absolutely cannot crit a 3% on turn 1 that need to go in my favor, but overall, it's not too bad in terms of reliability after the countless changes that were implemented.
Chapter 16 is now completed in 2 turns. In order to get a 2 turn with my restrictions, a lot of staves were used to facilitate movement. Sniper Citrinne shows her power here and despite a lower turn count compared to my previous run, it's much more reliable as it has a 100% chance of success.
Chapter 22 is now completed in 4 turns. In order to get a 4 turn on this map, the heroes on the left side need to have a prompt answer. For other runs, that answer may be deploying a Panette with Wrath/Vantage or Lindon with Elsurge to get one-shot crits. In my case, I used Goldmary as an Axe General to choke the point with a Lyn Engraved Silver Greataxe+2. She just perfectly reaches the two-round benchmark against those heroes and survives three hits against them. And with some Luck and Hit inheritance, she's able to reach 100% hit as well. More optimization went into Kagetsu's combats and everyone's movement so that the map can be completed in one less turn. I do want to make a note of the jumpscare I got due to not inheriting Staff Mastery 2 on Hortensia. Luckily, if I forgot to inherit any skill, it was that one since Kagetsu was awesome and dodged lot in the clear so the extra healing from Staff Mastery 2 wasn't needed, but normally, that Staff Mastery 2 should be on Hortensia in case Kagetsu sustains more damage throughout the map.
Chapter 26 is a bit notable because I had requests to have Jean, Bunet, and Diamant deployed in this chapter. So I showcase how low some of the Dark Emblem benchmarks are for the users of the matching Emblem. A level 2 Jean that reclassed to axe fighter was able to kill Veld, base Bunet was able to kill Loptous, and a Diamant that got 1 level in Griffin Knight would've obliterated Medeus with a Georgios Lodestar Rush if I allowed him. Alas, I did need to make it so that Diamant did not kill Medeus for the rest of the chapter's clear because I was going to use Engage+ this time around.
Thanks for reading!
submitted by fatefuldawn to fireemblem [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:46 Previous-Ad984 Desperately in search of help (pics for tax)

Desperately in search of help (pics for tax)
Hey guys! Long time lurker! Three years ago my family rescued a 3 year old Collie named Winnie. It was about 3 months after our previous family dog passed after 15 years, and I am not sure we were ready for a new dog. However, Winnie ended up with us and I love her. But we’ve been having some problems for the last couple years. I’m not sure my mom did any research, so that’s not helpful at all. (I told her to do research, I swear!!) I’m curious what you guys think. I’ll make a list here! • Horrible barking problem- she barks at such a high tone when something scares her or even if we simply move to a different side of the couch. It hurts our ears so bad, it’s insanely yippy. • She is from a farm, so I’m sure she has had no training what so ever. I’ve been trying to teach her to lay down, but she can’t even conceptualize how to do that. All she knows is “sit”, and that’s only if she WANTS to. • Again with the farm dog point- I have a theory that she lived in a barn with other animals and no other dogs. When she got to our house for the first time, she had no idea how to play. We have another dog as well and she tries to play with her, but all she does is a super loud and constant yipping sound. This year, she has finally started to understand that if you bring a human a toy, they will throw it back. It’s difficult trying to teach a dog how to play when all they do is a deafening screaming sound. I know it is part of the breed, but this seems a bit different than other videos I’ve watched of collies playing. • She does NOT listen to us. When she gets into one of those barking panics, it’s like she has tunnel vision and nothing will stop her unless we yell at her, and i hate doing that, but it is seriously the only way to get her to stop. • We are having trouble with diet- she has started eating not only her food, but our other dogs whole food bowl as well. I’m sure she is overweight based off of other pics I have seen in the sub.
I have grown to love this dog so much, and my family is getting there too. I just want us to understand her and try to do what we can to train and love on her. Thanks for reading this long post, I feel stuck and don’t know what else to do, I am so worried about being judged because my parents didn’t do research.
submitted by Previous-Ad984 to roughcollies [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:45 lindaecansada Why do people buy breeds that are known to have severe health problems?

I just came across a post about a specific cat breed where a lot of people were talking about their cats experiencing sudden death and cardiac problems at a very early age. The same happens with certain dog breeds that are known to have severe health problems. I'm not looking to blame anyone for their choices nor am I guilt tripping anyone. I feel deeply sorry for anyone who's dealing with an ill pet or in the process of grieving. But I really don't understand what would make someone buy an animal (and therefore promoting the breeding) that they know is very likely going to have serious health problems or an early death.
submitted by lindaecansada to Animals [link] [comments]