Blackberry animal print cases 9700

22 [M4R] PST/Anywhere — Hey, choose this post! OVER HERE!! (pics inside)

2024.05.20 07:43 MySearchForBruhs 22 [M4R] PST/Anywhere — Hey, choose this post! OVER HERE!! (pics inside)

Here’s a picture of me in case you’re wondering!
Hello everyone. Been looking for new friends lately, so I’m hoping this time I’ll be lucky. I’m in college right now, studying Computer Science (physics is a pain in the ass). Another avid video game and anime fan (how original), although I’ve honestly haven’t had the time or drive to indulge in either lately due to how busy I’ve been. :(
I guess a fun fact about myself is that I’ve broken my high school’s record for the 800 meter race. Believe me, it wasn’t easy. :”)
It’s not required, but it would be nice if you shared a selfie. I only ask since I like to put a face to the name. I’ll leave it at that for now, message me if you think we got something.
submitted by MySearchForBruhs to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:42 MySearchForBruhs [22M] Hey, choose this post! OVER HERE!! (pics inside)

Here’s a picture of me in case you’re wondering!
Hello everyone. Been looking for new friends lately, so I’m hoping this time I’ll be lucky. I’m in college right now, studying Computer Science (physics is a pain in the ass). Another avid video game and anime fan (how original), although I’ve honestly haven’t had the time or drive to indulge in either lately due to how busy I’ve been. :(
I guess a fun fact about myself is that I’ve broken my high school’s record for the 800 meter race. Believe me, it wasn’t easy. :”)
It’s not required, but it would be nice if you shared a selfie. I only ask since I like to put a face to the name. I’ll leave it at that for now, message me if you think we got something.
submitted by MySearchForBruhs to Needafriend [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:42 Darned-Tundra Different feelings when seeing depictions of sex in different media types

So, titles kinda weird but I just am wondering if anyone else feels like this. I am aroace and I have never really been sex-repulsed, UNLESS it is in movies or videos. I physically cannot watch animated or real life scenes without getting horrifically disgusted and weirded out. I get the same way whenever I see kissing in real life or animations. But I can view these scenes when it is in a comic, drawing, or when it is written just fine. I have read some in books have read and I never even bat an eye at them. Idk why this is the case, does anyone else feel like this?
submitted by Darned-Tundra to asexuality [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:41 MySearchForBruhs [22/M] Hey, choose this post! OVER HERE!! (pics inside)

Here’s a picture of me in case you’re wondering!
Hello everyone. Been looking for new friends lately, so I’m hoping this time I’ll be lucky. I’m in college right now, studying Computer Science (physics is a pain in the ass). Another avid video game and anime fan (how original), although I’ve honestly haven’t had the time or drive to indulge in either lately due to how busy I’ve been. :(
I guess a fun fact about myself is that I’ve broken my high school’s record for the 800 meter race. Believe me, it wasn’t easy. :”)
It’s not required, but it would be nice if you shared a selfie. I only ask since I like to put a face to the name. I’ll leave it at that for now, message me if you think we got something.
submitted by MySearchForBruhs to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:41 MySearchForBruhs [22M] Hey, choose this post! OVER HERE!! (pics inside)

Here’s a picture of me in case you’re wondering!
Hello everyone. Been looking for new friends lately, so I’m hoping this time I’ll be lucky. I’m in college right now, studying Computer Science (physics is a pain in the ass). Another avid video game and anime fan (how original), although I’ve honestly haven’t had the time or drive to indulge in either lately due to how busy I’ve been. :(
I guess a fun fact about myself is that I’ve broken my high school’s record for the 800 meter race. Believe me, it wasn’t easy. :”)
It’s not required, but it would be nice if you shared a selfie. I only ask since I like to put a face to the name. I’ll leave it at that for now, message me if you think we got something.
submitted by MySearchForBruhs to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:41 MySearchForBruhs [22M] Hey, choose this post! OVER HERE!! (pics inside)

Here’s a picture of me in case you’re wondering!
Hello everyone. Been looking for new friends lately, so I’m hoping this time I’ll be lucky. I’m in college right now, studying Computer Science (physics is a pain in the ass). Another avid video game and anime fan (how original), although I’ve honestly haven’t had the time or drive to indulge in either lately due to how busy I’ve been. :(
I guess a fun fact about myself is that I’ve broken my high school’s record for the 800 meter race. Believe me, it wasn’t easy. :”)
It’s not required, but it would be nice if you shared a selfie. I only ask since I like to put a face to the name. I’ll leave it at that for now, message me if you think we got something.
submitted by MySearchForBruhs to LetsChat [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:40 MySearchForBruhs [22M] Hey, choose this post! OVER HERE!! (pics inside)

Here’s a picture of me in case you’re wondering!
Hello everyone. Been looking for new friends lately, so I’m hoping this time I’ll be lucky. I’m in college right now, studying Computer Science (physics is a pain in the ass). Another avid video game and anime fan (how original), although I’ve honestly haven’t had the time or drive to indulge in either lately due to how busy I’ve been. :(
I guess a fun fact about myself is that I’ve broken my high school’s record for the 800 meter race. Believe me, it wasn’t easy. :”)
It’s not required, but it would be nice if you shared a selfie. I only ask since I like to put a face to the name. I’ll leave it at that for now, message me if you think we got something.
submitted by MySearchForBruhs to InternetFriends [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:40 MySearchForBruhs [22M] Hey, choose this post! OVER HERE!! (pics inside)

Here’s a picture of me in case you’re wondering!
Hello everyone. Been looking for new friends lately, so I’m hoping this time I’ll be lucky. I’m in college right now, studying Computer Science (physics is a pain in the ass). Another avid video game and anime fan (how original), although I’ve honestly haven’t had the time or drive to indulge in either lately due to how busy I’ve been. :(
I guess a fun fact about myself is that I’ve broken my high school’s record for the 800 meter race. Believe me, it wasn’t easy. :”)
It’s not required, but it would be nice if you shared a selfie. I only ask since I like to put a face to the name. I’ll leave it at that for now, message me if you think we got something.
submitted by MySearchForBruhs to discordfriends [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:40 MySearchForBruhs [22M] Hey, choose this post! OVER HERE!! (pics inside)

Here’s a picture of me in case you’re wondering!
Hello everyone. Been looking for new friends lately, so I’m hoping this time I’ll be lucky. I’m in college right now, studying Computer Science (physics is a pain in the ass). Another avid video game and anime fan (how original), although I’ve honestly haven’t had the time or drive to indulge in either lately due to how busy I’ve been. :(
I guess a fun fact about myself is that I’ve broken my high school’s record for the 800 meter race. Believe me, it wasn’t easy. :”)
It’s not required, but it would be nice if you shared a selfie. I only ask since I like to put a face to the name. I’ll leave it at that for now, message me if you think we got something.
submitted by MySearchForBruhs to DigitalFriendz [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:30 rdk67 Spring Day 61: Hot Cicada Sunday

Today! Today issued forth these existential moments, when the absence of human activity is the defining feature of the landscape – not because there is a disaster or a change of heart about the human project but because, well, I don’t know, so I grab my backpack, which stands for aspects of the soul that only sprout in alternate realities – and charge into the day to find out. By noon, the heat is like a flickering color in the mind – unseasonably early for this sort of highlight, and then I remember the cicadas are appearing, which might explain the sudden interest by the rest of the universe. Not halfway down the block, I’m startled by the first cicada of the season – near the top of the tallest tree by the building that houses the renowned music program. The cicada makes music all by itself, and it is like a siren made of clicks, a drumstick pulled across bones.
This is just the beginning of the historical emergence, and the location where I live is one of the nationally recognized hot spots. The people, I don’t believe, have evacuated, but they certainly aren’t rubbing their hands over the trembling earth, waiting for bulging eyes and knobby legs to drag a dirt-stained cicada out of the ground, then off to a place to molt. The molting process is brimming with the sort of metaphor we associate with heaven – something below ground for its whole remembered life, save for a brief time after it hatches, falls out of a tree and into the grass, crawls down into the soil to find a tasty dandelion root to suck on. That original body, on the brightest day of the year, goes searching for a hard vertical surface to cling to, like the side of the tree it was feeding on, then escapes out of its body through the hind end of its own skull.
The heat seems to have its own sense of choice in evidence. While I’m standing there, listening for more clicks, the heat generates a crackling sensation across my shoulders, like patches of my skin are sparkling below my shirt. The clouds – more of those cumulonimbus dreams-come-true – are simultaneously isles and aisles – two bulging eyes – both work, so whichever, either one a somewhat brawny pronunciation, like the words have to walk with a slight bow about the legs, because of the pronounced thigh muscles. Just as I turn to walk away from the lone cicada at the top of the school of music’s tallest tree, the clicking begins again. I stop and turn back to the tree – it stops. I turn to walk, and the clicking sounds again. Maybe the cicada brood will be so large, the movie we call reality has given them final cut, at least for the next few months, so I carry on.
That cicada was a female – they make that clicking sound by rubbing their wings together, and I picture the males all hearing the clicking as a variation of – could some big strong male crawl on over and open this jar for me? The male call is the more familiar whooping siren, which is made with a spasmodic diaphragm on their abdomens – Jerry Lee Lewis at his most raucous – though I believe he did play piano with his feet, so there are dissimilarities, too. The big winners will be the birds and fish, which are looking forward to extra animal protein wherever they look for the next couple of months, second nesting seasons all but in the bag. At the height of his fame, Jerry Lee famously wedded his 13-year-old cousin. Myra Williams was her name, and she said later, after the divorce, she was always the adult in the relationship. They stayed married for 13 years.
Scientists speculate that cicada broods follow such irregular cycles – 7 years, 13 years, 17 years – because they are prime numbers and therefore difficult for predators to sync to over time in the performance of their own boom and bust cycles. I like this theory, though I wonder why the rest of the animal kingdom hasn’t likewise worked the numbers – like cicadas launched themselves into a probabilistic deep-space orbit inside the mind of nature, and never looked back. I picture Neil Armstrong on the ladder of the lunar module, freezing in place, mission command busy on the radio but no reply from Neil until, all wet and new, he bursts forth through the back of his space helmet, as naked as the day he was born, gets busy inflating his wing casings, as mission control cheers, and the scientists all light cigarettes to relieve the stress, maybe hand out cigars.
The heat is a measure of energy in the system – to the extent it also accounts for human absence, we stay huddled inside on hot days like today due to chronic overabundance – nature is giving us too much – which is also true for many allergies and fevers – but with the overabundance of energy, you can find relief through the judicious application of even more energy, which option I used to always forego on general principle – I want to feel the reality of days overabundant as surely as days where the molecules are all optimally excited. These days, I’m in charge of a mid-sized HVAC operation, and thus, feel part of my body living inside a factory of probability that stretches around the world. We humans, on days like today, take it as a given that temperature-controlled climates are part of the deal, that molecules should be in optimal states of excitement.
Which, with self-similarity across scale in mind, might suggest nature treat our excitability with similar regard. Oh to live the life of temperate climes, where fairness and passion are concerned! I’m on my way to the library to borrow a book about love and rage, written by a Buddhist, who examines the roll of anger in transformation. I have no truck with my fellow human sufferers – literally no anger at all – but with human systems? Disembodied intelligences? Those aspects of the hyperform that privilege torment and indifference? When it climbs to a high enough part of the tree to be heard, I can indeed hear my anger. What’s that? A false reality precipitates false authority? Yet knowing this, hyperforms readily believe wealth confers merit. The exaggerated accumulation of capital is an existential disease assuaged with the delusion of personal success.
A block from the library, I come upon two boys playing in a pile of sand beside a garden. The one boy seems to be trying to burrow inside it, and the other is battering the sand with the flat side of a child-sized metal shovel. He has the wrong shovel for the job, a fact I choose to keep to myself, especially since the one really is trying to thwack the tall pile just as hard as he can. The sort of thing kids do in a spirit of curiosity – what happens to the world when the force of one’s anger is applied to a giant pile of sand? Perhaps the urge to use force for no reason is the human behavior we end up with when ambient energy gets so overabundant. This is what life seems to be – the planet’s novel approach to dissipating heat. We are much more than that, of course, and fortunately, the kids have plenty of time and energy to prove it. Their parents tell them to stop.
When a cicada molts, the effect is more than just a body crawling out of a body – for instance, in the moments before this happens, the cicada is visibly squirming inside its former self, which is permanently clinging to the side of a tree, and all the while, it is feeling the pronounced effect of gravity for the first time in its life, not to mention terrestrial life in the trees, where the sap flows freely and sunshine dances on those giant globular eyes for the first time. Emerging cicadas first do a backbend, then hang upside down by their hind ends, letting the legs, wings and abdomen inflate and adjust to the atmospheric pressure, which pressure gracefully draws the body back to an upright posture. They stay that way, letting their wings inflate, flatten out, stiffen. Veins in the wings were veins, were flesh, before the flesh became the will to fly, a means of saying hello.
Nearer the library, I catch sight of someone squatting in the subsurface terrace of the Unitarian-Universalist peace church – I spot a bedroll and backpack, a forty-ounce can of something cold to drink on such a sweltering day. The guy is leaning against the brick wall, staring into space, and I picture him being the pile of sand from the block before – the one repeatedly hit over the head with the flat side of a shovel. At the library, they’re resetting the furniture after a musical performance. I don’t really know who it was – I just see my favorite librarian thanking someone with a violin case, the sort of hardened case they used to carry machine guns around in, and for a moment I hear the rat-a-tat-tat that stands for the sound of anger overcoming us – but then it becomes that highest cicada, back at the top of her tree, rubbing her wings, building railroads.
The heat on the walk home – neighborhoods still evacuated – is like a drunken horse I’m forced to ride. I can feel my body swaying from side to side a little more than usual, so I try to imagine some other time – for instance, when our bodies will be able to take the heat on a day like today and do something with it – cranial stimulation or micromachines to repair the body or even just a way for the body to stay cool without installing an HVAC system. A crow stops me cold when I hear it imitating the sound of a cicada – it doesn’t have the tone exactly right, but it’s doing the clicks, and I know this is true of crows – they acquire new elements of language from what they hear, and the crows must be hearing female cicadas calling out to the others. What a witness! I call up to the crow – or maybe it’s just got a cicada in its beak. In instant reply, the crow shrieks.
submitted by rdk67 to MetaphysicalWeather [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:28 lovelymargarethe Online Baby Boy Bodysuits: Comfort and Style from Lovely Margarethe

Shopping for online baby boy bodysuits can be both an exciting and daunting experience. With so many options available, it’s important to find outfits that are not only adorable but also comfortable and practical. At Lovely Margarethe, we pride ourselves on offering a selection of baby boy bodysuits that tick all these boxes, making it easier for parents to find the perfect clothing for their little ones.

Why Bodysuits are a Must-Have for Your Baby Boy

1. Convenience Bodysuits, also known as onesies, are a staple in every baby’s wardrobe due to their practicality. They are designed to be easy to put on and take off, which is essential for quick diaper changes and dressing a squirmy baby.
2. Comfort Made from soft, breathable materials like cotton, bodysuits provide maximum comfort for your baby. The snug fit keeps your baby warm and cozy without restricting movement.
3. Versatility Bodysuits can be worn alone or layered under other clothing, making them suitable for any season. They come in various styles, from short sleeves to long sleeves, allowing you to dress your baby appropriately for the weather.
4. Style With a wide range of designs available, bodysuits can be both functional and fashionable. From simple, solid colors to playful prints and patterns, there’s a bodysuit for every occasion.

What to Look for When Buying Baby Boy Bodysuits Online

1. Quality of Material The fabric of the bodysuit is crucial. Look for 100% cotton or organic cotton options, which are gentle on your baby’s sensitive skin. Avoid materials that can cause irritation or allergies.
2. Ease of Use Snap closures are a common feature in bodysuits, making diaper changes hassle-free. Check for well-placed snaps that are durable and easy to open and close.
3. Size and Fit Babies grow quickly, so consider buying bodysuits in multiple sizes. Look for options with a bit of stretch to accommodate your baby’s growth and movements.
4. Design and Aesthetics Choose designs that reflect your style and preferences. From minimalist and classic looks to vibrant and quirky patterns, there’s something to suit every taste. Remember, practical doesn’t have to mean plain!

Top Picks from Lovely Margarethe

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2. Playful Prints and Patterns For parents who love fun and whimsy, our collection of bodysuits with playful prints is a hit. From adorable animal motifs to bright, geometric patterns, these bodysuits add a splash of joy to your baby’s wardrobe.
3. Seasonal Specials Our seasonal collections include long-sleeved bodysuits for winter and sleeveless options for summer. These bodysuits are designed to keep your baby comfortable regardless of the temperature, ensuring they are well-dressed all year round.
4. Personalized Bodysuits For a special touch, consider our personalized bodysuits. Add your baby’s name or a cute message to create a unique outfit that also makes a wonderful gift.

Tips for Shopping Online

1. Read Reviews Check customer reviews to gauge the quality and fit of the bodysuits. Other parents’ experiences can provide valuable insights.
2. Check Size Guides Always refer to the size guide provided on the website. Sizes can vary between brands, so it’s important to measure your baby and choose the correct size.
3. Look for Deals Online stores often have sales and discounts. Keep an eye out for promotions on Lovely Margarethe to get the best value for your money.
At Lovely Margarethe, we understand the needs of both babies and parents. Our selection of baby boy bodysuits combines comfort, quality, and style, ensuring your little one is dressed in the best. Shop with us today and discover the perfect bodysuit for your baby boy!
Feel free to modify these posts to better fit your blog's style or add specific product links from your collection.
submitted by lovelymargarethe to u/lovelymargarethe [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:06 Be_The_Light1 I want to share my morning game changer!

I’m not a morning person. Never have been and probably never will be. But that doesn’t stop my kids (3.5yo & 12mo) from being up at 5am every morning. And no they can’t be left in their room until I’m ready to get up. And of course the moment we are downstairs they want to drag out all the toys and they want me to play every game. I’ve tried screen time and they’re interested for about 5 minutes before they just want to play.
So I started laying out activities for them to start the morning with. Our living room doubles as the play area. I’ve started pushing the coffee table to the side in the morning to make more space to play, particularly for my youngest since he isn’t walking he still plays on the floor all day. So for him I put out a basket of random toys and items and he goes to town just pulling things out. I mean he spends a solid 30 minutes just putting things in and out of the basket. Then he moves on to actually playing with the items.
For my oldest I’ve actually discovered we have so many activities I can lay out for her I haven’t even ventured into Pinterest for ideas yet. I always lay out at least 2 activities. When she was 2 we bought her a preschool busy book that has been AMAZING. Half of the pages come with little pieces that Velcro on and you match the pieces. It’s so educational too. It’s things like matching shapes, dinosaurs, zoo animals, numbers, body parts, soooo many things. The other pages are dry erase and they’re a mix of colouring pages and learning to write/trace pages. I love this book so much.
In addition to the busy book I lay out either a sensory activity or puzzles. For sensory activities we have kinetic sand, butter slime (purchased off Amazon, not sticky or greasy and came with fun accessories), and play doh. She also enjoys things like dry lentils, noodles, and water for sensory play. I put her activities on the coffee table to let her play without her brother interfering.
Over the last two weeks I’ve noticed that doing this has not only affected our mornings, but our whole day. Less toys get dragged out, they play more independently, and I start my day in a better mood.
This got kinda long, but I wanted to give as much detail as possible in case this would help anyone else.
submitted by Be_The_Light1 to Mommit [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:05 TraditionalTour9468 Garou Vs Metal Bat

So I’ve been rewatching and talking with a few of the fans and reading Reddit threads and I never knew that the majority of fans agreed that Metal bat beats Human Garou in they’re encounter? My question is why is this the case at all?
I rewatched the fight in both the anime and manga (manga is more detailed and has some extra scenes and dialogue) and it’s clear to me that Garou was pummeling metal bat with ease? I mean metal bat didn’t land a single hit while Garou landed every hit he threw at him without missing ONCE meanwhile Metal Bat couldn’t touch him ONCE…
…but apparently Metal Bat wins in peoples eyes because he could’ve possible killed him at the end with a sucker-punch type of swing? Like doesn’t that just prove that head on or in a face to face encounter Metal bat stands no chance against Garou? Like I get it we can agree Metal bat has more striking power sure, but Garou is just a bad match up for him because of his Martial arts skill level. Garou even calls him a meathead and laughs during the entire fight even calls it a game in the anime.
Not to mention Garou is seemingly much much faster than Metal bat since he not only can dodge his swings even after they’re swung but he also PARRYS them even after Metal bat enters fighting spirit. Also in a moment where Garou launches a Manhole cover at Metal bat, Metal bat can’t track Garou because of his speed Metal bat even says “He’s Gone” and Garou whose already at Metal bats feet by the time he relives replies with “I’m right here Dimwit” and proceeds to pummel him more.
Now I know here come the fans that say oh but Metal bat was already hurt, uhhh do we not know these character? Metal bats entire thing is that he gets stronger the more he takes damage and the fight continues he literally gets stronger and faster so damage isn’t an issue as long as he doesn’t have any limbs or organs ripped out from the evidence we’ve seen.
Another argument I saw in the Reddit threads is “ but Metal bat was able to keep up with monster Garou when they went against Sage centipede!!” ; but was he really?
The author clearly makes multiple statements to show Metal bat should not be keeping up with Garou or Sage centipede by stating that they’re are in a “vast raw power difference” and that the only reason Metal bat can keep up is because of Garous resonance and amplification effect he had on Metal bat, basically Garou gave him a massive massive power boost.
People still might say oh but Metal bat was fighting Sage centipede before Garou showed up and holding his own.. but no Sage centipede says and I quote “The one with a stick is not an issue” also Metal bat had hit him with one of his strongest a attacks and Sage just ran through him, and lastly about this fight may I remind everyone that Garou killed Sage centipede all on his own, Metal bat only served as a meat shield since Garou by himself punched through Sage and took his healing core and threw it into the atmosphere then ricochet off of it and came down and Karate chopped all of Sage centipede in half. (This is the same Garou who was lowball calculated to be going 40x FTL when he fought and defeated PS AND FF.
Needless to say Metal bat really was only ever going to land 1 hit on Human Garou because Garou is a softie and doesn’t willingly kill Hero’s/Humans (of course Always threatens them but as we saw in his hero hunting Career never willingly did it) he just knocked Metal bat out and decided to let him live and have another day in the sun.
Basically if your opinion is to say Plot armor saved Garou because of Zenko interrupting the fight which supposedly saved Garou from Metal bats final swing; then other hand it can also be said that Plot armor basically saved Metal bat a bunch of times basically during the entirety of the fight (Garou not using killing intent/showing mercy), another is while he was temporarily unconscious (which was at the end because of Garou knocking him out briefly again showing mercy), and also after Zenko showed up Garou could’ve taken advantage of the situation and killed Metal bat since he promised he wouldn’t expose Zenko to Violence meaning he couldn’t fight back. (Again showing mercy).
Even with fighting spirit and strength and speed upgrade during the fight Garou could still dodge and parry easily as he states in the manga at the end.
(Also if your main reason why you say Metal bat Won is because Murata himself said Garou would’ve died, may I remind you that in all his glory and perfect illustrations Murata is simply the illustrator not the Author; sure ONE and Muratas version is not the exact same as the webcomic but the manga is still ONES OWN story he is the only author and what HE says goes. So this statement is not authentically confirmed by the author. Something else to bear in mind is ONE has made Garou say various times that he would in fact die to a certain attack and this happened many times during the story some examples are: when he fights Overgrown Rover, Garou gets hit with one of Rovers blasts and says “No way in Hell I survive this.. I’m Dead!” another time is when he fought Bang and Bomb at the same time as a human hero hunter he says “I’m blacking out, I’m really going to die” and another time is when he fought Darkshine and Darkshine fully flexed and charged a tackle at him and Garou couldn’t deflect it and he stated right before the attack hit him “If that hits, I’m a goner!!” He never did die in any of these even though the Author wrote for him to say he would die. So really if these attacks couldn’t kill him whose to say if the last and only swing from Metal bat did finally land would it fully kill him? And my last point on this one hit than never landed is just that, it didn’t happen this isn’t a hypothetical this is what was in their fight what actually happened and who became victorious.
If this were a boxing match and they were judged by points and it came down to a judges unanimous decision (since both were left standing): Metal bats hypothetical knock out would not count for any points cause it didn’t happen, they would only count the hits that landed during the fight and who was shown as dominating the fight and that clearly was Garou.
Anyway that’s how I interpreted the fight. Garous skill is too high for Metal bat to compete it’s due to bad match up.
submitted by TraditionalTour9468 to OnePunchMan [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:03 wolfman2021 Remember the animation guy from a few months ago?

Remember the animation guy from a few months ago?
Well, IM BACK!😆 Unfortunately, however, it brings me much regret, and no small amount of shame, to inform you, ALL of you, every one of my cherished fans, I hate to let all seven or eight of you down, but I return, NOT with any updates for any of my work posted here previously.😓
BUT HEAR ME OUT!!😬 I DO have some new material. But there's a little bit more to THIS post than my simple, "Here's a thing I made. If you like it, check out my other stuff on YouTublah blah blah" Don't get me wrong. That IS still a pretty major point of this post. Hell, if I'm being honest with MYSELF, at it's core, that really is still the MAIN point of this post.😅 I mean, who am I kidding?😅🤷🏻‍♂️ See?
Those of you still reading, I appreciate it, and I know what you're thinking by now, all six of you are thinking "20 WORDS OR LESS!" And you're right. So, I'll get to the point.
I've been an animator, for fun, for about five years now, and last September is when I began to share my work, some here, but primarily on YouTube. So, my channel is little more than half a year old. Recently, maybe a week ago, I discovered another animators YT channel. Now, this animator's channel is significantly older than mine, but only by like a decade. So it'd be fair to say this person has been animating for, AT LEAST, twice as long as I have, right?
So, I'm not gonna lie, what I'm REALLY hoping to get out of this exhaustingly long post, is one of two things. Or maybe even both of these things.🤷🏻‍♂️
Simply put; I think my animations are better. Not meaning any disrespect, nor am I suggesting I'm a "better animator", simply voicing my own, admittedly biased, opinion. What I humbly ask of anyone reading, is to hear some other opinions, from UNbiased strangers!😅
My request is pretty simple, I think. All I ask, is that you spare a bit of your time, viewing some content from each of the channels linked above. Just a couple, two or three from each would suffice, no need to watch EVERYTHING from either, unless of course you want to, in which case, I hope you enjoy.😁👍 But, ideally, for the sake of forming articulate comparisons, I suggest viewing THEIR "Goku vs. Saitama" animation(5years old), and MY latest animation, which is just the first minute of what is, essentially, a remake of their animation, just done by me in my own style. And, for the cultivation of the most INFORMED opinions, a few details about each of us that, I believe, are both highly relevant and KEY points, to keep in mind when deciding for yourself; is my own opinion valid, or am I just to blinded by my own arrogance to comprehend the superiority in their work?
Years Spent Animating- Them: 10 years minimum, possibly more. Me: 5 years, give or take a month or two.
What We Use- Them: Macromedia Flash on, what I can only assume, is a more capable device with substantially better processing than your average smartphone. Me: FlipaClip. A pretty basic, although deceptively versatile, animating app on my very average, and highly outdated smartphone.
In conclusion, to those few who will actually read this in it's entirety, you are ABSOLUTE FIRST CLASS FUCKIN TROOPERS, and I commend and salute each and every both of you!😤
TL;DR Do me a favor and check out some of my content, as well as some from this other animator, then, once you've enjoyed your fill of each, maybe swing back by this post here and either feed my ego, or feed ME some rich, homemade humble pie.😅👍
submitted by wolfman2021 to OnePunchMan [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:57 GhoulGriin Best Center Mass Laser

Best Center Mass Laser

The Top 5 Best Center Mass Laser

  1. Garage Laser Park Dual with Motion-Activated Light: Effortless Parking Solution - Easily navigate tight garages and perfectly park your cars with the motion-activated Sccy Laser's Park Right Dual Garage Laser Park Dual Lasers with Light.
  2. High-Accuracy Rail-Mounted Laser for IndooOutdoor Use - DeWalt DCLE34220GB-QU 20V Max 2-Spot Cross Line Combo Green Laser: Streamline your job with fine adjustment, 23-hour runtime, and robust magnet connection.
  3. Self-Leveling Construction Laser for Interior and Exterior Applications - The Trimble Spectra Precision HV301 Laser - a reliable and versatile construction tool for interior and exterior use, perfect for leveling, aligning, and creating accurate plumb and perpendicular references with ease.
  4. Accurate Green Beam Line Generator Laser for Outdoor Levels - The Craftsman Green 55-ft Self-Leveling Outdoor Line Generator Laser Level with Cross Beam offers exceptional visibility and accuracy for all your stud finding, measuring, and leveling needs.
  5. Canon Wireless Laser Multifunction Printer with High-Speed Printing and Expandable Paper Capacity - The Canon imageCLASS MF751Cdw Wireless Laser Multifunction Printer offers fast and easy printing, with duplex print capabilities and a customizable 5" color touchscreen, making it perfect for small and medium-size businesses.
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🔗Garage Laser Park Dual with Motion-Activated Light: Effortless Parking Solution
The Maxsa Innovations 37314-W-RS Park Right Garage Laser combines safety and ease in one sleek package. Its laser-guided parking system illuminates the way for up to two cars, even in the tightest of garages. Installation is a breeze - simply use the included screws or double-stick tape, and plug it in to your choice of AC power source. If power goes out, don't worry - the laser park comes with a battery backup option, ensuring it remains a reliable navigation aid.
But the real winner is the motion-activated LED light. No more fumbling for switches as you enter or exit the garage with your hands full. Its sensitivity is on point, turning on as you approach from up to 10 feet away. This smart feature not only makes parking a breeze but also prevents potential trips or falls in the process. Overall, this Park Right Laser with Motion Activated Light is not just a nifty gadget, but a game-changer for the garage parking experience.

🔗High-Accuracy Rail-Mounted Laser for IndooOutdoor Use
I recently tried out the DeWalt DCLE34220GB, a 20V Max 2-Spot Cross Line Combo Green Laser. This powerful tool impressed me with its fine adjustment feature, which made setting it up faster and more accurate. The 20V Max platform offered a range of possible runtimes, with an impressive 23 hours on a single 2 Ah battery (not included).
One of the standout features was the magnetic mount, which made it a breeze to attach to most steel construction materials. However, I noticed that the locking pendulum could sometimes be a bit fiddly to adjust. Overall, this laser is a valuable addition to any toolkit, especially for those building rail mounted structures.

🔗Self-Leveling Construction Laser for Interior and Exterior Applications
Using the Trimble Spectra Precision HV301 laser has been a game-changer for my construction projects. It's a versatile device, ideal for both indoor and outdoor work, and can handle an impressive range of tasks, including leveling and aligning forms and footers. The laser's impressive clarity makes it easy to spot from any angle - it even rotates 90 degrees, offering both plumb and perpendicular references.
The HV301's self-leveling nature saves me a significant amount of time and effort in making sure the device is perfectly level before beginning each task. I also appreciate how the package includes everything one might require in the field, such as a carrying case, a laser receiver, rechargeable batteries, and a charger.
That being said, the device did not come with a manual, which I found a bit inconvenient. Additionally, the device's battery life could be extended - it ran out after just a few hours of use.
Overall, the Trimble Spectra Precision HV301 laser has become an indispensable tool in my construction projects, due to its adaptability and high visibility. Despite the few drawbacks, it's a worthwhile investment for anyone in the construction business.

🔗Accurate Green Beam Line Generator Laser for Outdoor Levels
I recently had the chance to test out the Craftsman Green 55-foot Self-Leveling Outdoor Line Generator Laser Level with Cross Beam, and let me just say, it's been quite the adventure! Now, I'll admit, I'm not exactly the handy type of person, but I figured it was time to step up my game and tackle a project or two around the house. As a complete novice, this laser level seemed like the perfect tool to help me out.
The first thing that stood out was the brightness of the green laser beam. It made the cross beam visible like never before, even in the daylight. The self-leveling feature was also a fantastic addition, as it made my life so much easier. Instead of trying to figure out the angle on my own, I simply turned the switch on and off until I heard the beep, and the laser level did the rest of the work for me.
However, there were a couple of minor drawbacks I ran into. The first issue came when I tried to use it outside. Although the product description said it could be used outdoors, I found that the laser beam didn't have quite the range I had hoped for. In fact, the brightness started to fade at around 10 feet, and completely disappeared by the time I reached 20 feet. I had to rely on a tripod and position it very close to the wall in order to see the laser line.
Additionally, the 3 position lock switch with manual mode felt a bit tricky to use at first. I needed to refer to the instruction manual to figure out exactly how it worked and how to move between the different modes. Once I got the hang of it, however, it became pretty straightforward.
Despite these small drawbacks, I can honestly say that I'm quite happy with this laser level. Its brightness and ease of use made an absolute novice like me feel confident in tackling a few projects around the house. If you're just starting out and need a reliable tool to help you level, this little green machine just might be the perfect fit for you.

🔗Canon Wireless Laser Multifunction Printer with High-Speed Printing and Expandable Paper Capacity
Canon's imageCLASS MF751Cdw is designed to meet the needs of small and medium-sized businesses. Its speedy performance and minimal maintenance make it a perfect fit for the modern office. Setting up the printer is a breeze, and once connected to a wireless network, users can easily print on-the-go using compatible mobile apps. The printer's media versatility allows for printing on a variety of media types and sizes, including envelopes, banners, and more.
The MF751Cdw features a customizable, 5-inch color touchscreen that delivers an intuitive user experience. The printer can produce crisp, colorful documents with fast print speeds of up to 35 pages per minute using high-quality Canon Genuine Toner. With Poster Artist Online, users can create professional-quality posters, banners, and signage. The printer has an optional cassette PF-K1, which can hold up to 550 sheets, and an expandable paper capacity of up to 850 sheets, with a plain paper capacity of up to 250 sheets.
Easy connectivity options include high-speed USB, Ethernet, and wireless printing from computers or mobile devices. Users can also print using a variety of mobile apps, such as the Canon PRINT Business app. The printer includes a 3-year limited warranty and is backed by Canon's Service and Support network.
While the imageCLASS MF751Cdw offers many impressive features, its bulkiness may be a drawback for users looking for a more compact printer. Additionally, the printer can be a bit noisy during operation, which may be a concern for those working in quieter office environments. However, the printer's speed, ease of use, and print quality are top-notch, making it a worthy investment for small and medium-sized businesses seeking a reliable and versatile multifunction printer.

Buyer's Guide


What is a Center Mass Laser?

A Center Mass Laser is a sight designed to improve the accuracy of your shots, especially when shooting at longer distances or in low-light conditions. It provides a crisp, bright dot to aim at, making it easier to concentrate on your target and maintain proper eye alignment with the gun. It is an essential accessory for serious gun enthusiasts and competitive shooters.

How does a Center Mass Laser work?
The Center Mass Laser works by using a small laser to project a dot or target marker onto the front sight of your firearm. This light helps increase the visibility of the front sight, making it easier to target accurately. The laser is powered by a battery, and most Center Mass Lasers have an adjustable brightness setting so that you can control how much light is being emitted.

What are the benefits of using a Center Mass Laser?

Using a Center Mass Laser can improve your accuracy and efficiency when shooting, especially when the lighting conditions are not optimal. It helps you find and maintain a proper sight picture, allowing you to make more accurate shots, especially for long-distance targets. It's also useful for shooters with visual impairments or when using night vision. Additionally, it can help you build muscle memory for consistent shots and can be used as a training aid for beginners.

How do I install a Center Mass Laser on my firearm?

Installation of a Center Mass Laser on your firearm requires a few essential steps:
  • Choose the correct Center Mass Laser model for your specific firearm type and caliber.
  • Follow the manufacturer's instructions for installation correctly.
  • Attach the laser to the front sight base, ensuring a snug fit that does not move when you shoot.
  • Secure the laser with the appropriate screws or clamps, depending on the model.
  • Test the Center Mass Laser to ensure it functions properly and aligns accurately with your gun.
  • Familiarize yourself with the adjustment settings and practice shooting with the new laser.

How long does the battery of a Center Mass Laser last?

Battery life depends on the model of the Center Mass Laser and the brightness setting. Most laser sights can operate for hundreds of hours on a single battery, but some models may use more power and have a shorter battery life. It's essential to check the battery life of your laser sight regularly and replace the batteries as needed.

Can I use a Center Mass Laser together with a red dot sight or a holographic sight?

Yes, you can use a Center Mass Laser together with a red dot or holographic sight. Many serious shooters and gun enthusiasts use both types of sights together, as they offer different advantages in different situations. The Center Mass Laser can help you find the front post of your firearm more easily, while the red dot or holographic sight provides a larger, more easily-seen reticle for faster target acquisition.
As an Amazon™ Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.
submitted by GhoulGriin to u/GhoulGriin [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:57 Relevant-Act-8890 $1.5k(INR 1.25L) Editing PC

**What will you be doing with this PC? Be as specific as possible, and include specific games or programs you will be using.**
* Video Editing (Premier Pro, After Effects), Blender, Graphic Designing (Photoshop and Illustrator) and Casual Gaming (AAA and PVP)
**What is your maximum budget before rebates/shipping/taxes?**
* 1500 USD (INR 1.25Lakh)
**When do you plan on building/buying the PC? Note: beyond a week or two from today means any build you receive will be out of date when you want to buy.**
* June End 2024
**What, exactly, do you need included in the budget? (ToweOS/monitokeyboard/mouse/etc\)**
* Just the PC (1.5k Budget is only for the PC)
**Which country (and state/province) will you be purchasing the parts in? If you're in US, do you have access to a Microcenter location?**
* New-Delhi, India
**If reusing any parts (including monitor(s)/keyboard/mouse/etc), what parts will you be reusing? Brands and models are appreciated.**
* Have a gaming laptop which i don't think i would use *with this PC but will use it when travelling Laptop Details:- ROG Strix G531GT_G531GT Processor-Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9300H CPU @ 2.40GHz 2.40 GHz Ram- 24GB Graphics Card- GTX 1650 4GB SSD- 256GB SSHD- 1TB
**Will you be overclocking? If yes, are you interested in overclocking right away, or down the line? CPU and/or GPU?**
* I don't really have any knowledge about "overclocking", would consider your suggestions
**Are there any specific features or items you want/need in the build? (ex: SSD, large amount of storage or a RAID setup, CUDA or OpenCL support, etc)**
* min. 1tb SSD
**Do you have any specific case preferences (Size like ITX/microATX/mid-towefull-tower, styles, colors, window or not, LED lighting, etc), or a particular color theme preference for the components?**
* No case preferences, and not interested in RGB or paying extra for some RGBs, would prefer Performance over Looks.
**Do you need a copy of Windows included in the budget? If you do need one included, do you have a preference?**
* No
**Extra info or particulars:**
*I am getting into a Filmmaking school in which i will specialize in Post-Production and will learn Animation, Editing, VFX and Sound design. This PC will be used for professional use mostly and will play some games on it for fun with friends but like hardly on weekends. Will be doing heavy editing and rendering on this PC. For games it must get 60FPS for AAA Titles... Wont upgrade this PC for next 3-4 Years. *Open to any suggestions, if you think that spending 100-200$ above the budget will be better, please mention it and i will take it under my consideration Thanks for spending your time reading it. Good Day!
submitted by Relevant-Act-8890 to buildapcforme [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:43 Excellent_Rip_6605 ISIS is practicing pure Sunni Islam as Mohammed did in 7th century Arabia

Yes. ISIS does exactly what Muhammad did in the 7th century. And it also adopts a lot of what the subsequent “rightly guided” caliphs did. Because after all, ISIS is a Salafi organization (Salaf- as in “Al-Salaf Al-Saleh” = the rightly guided predecessors - referring to the four “rightly guided” caliphs following Muhammad).
Long answer:
Let’s take a look first what ISIS is doing. If we can agree what these “atrocities” are, then we can look further and dig deeper whether we can find something similar in Islamic scripture and history.
So, here’s what ISIS does:
Scriptural base:
Qur’an 8:12- “I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off.”
Qur’an 47:4- “Therefore, when ye meet the Unbelievers (in fight), strike off their heads; at length; then when you have made wide Slaughter among them, carefully tie up the remaining captives”: thereafter (is the time for) either generosity or ransom: Until the war lays down its burdens.”
What Muhammad did:
Then the Messenger of Allah commanded that ditches should be dug, so they were dug in the earth, and they were brought tied by their shoulders, and were beheaded. There were between seven hundred and eight hundred of them. The children who had not yet reached adolescence and the women were taken prisoner, and their wealth was seized.
Tafsir Ibn Kathir - The Campaign against Banu Qurayzah
Narrated Aisha . . . No woman of Banu [tribe] Qurayzah was killed except one. She was with me, talking and laughing on her back and belly (extremely), while the Apostle of Allah . . . was killing her people with the swords. Suddenly a man called her name: Where is so-and-so? . . . I asked: What is the matter with you? She said: I did a new act. [Aisha] said: The man took her and beheaded her. [Aisha] said: I will not forget that she was laughing extremely although she knew that she would be killed. (Abu Dawud)
Scriptural base:
Qur’an - 4:24 - "And all married women are forbidden unto you save those captives whom your right hand possess. It is a decree of Allah for you.
What Muhammad did:
Sunan Abu Dawud, Vol. 2, # 2150:
Abu Said al-Khudri said: "The apostle of Allah sent a military expedition to Awtas on the occasion of the battle of Hunain. They met their enemy and fought with them. They defeated them and took them captives. Some of the Companions of the apostle of Allah were reluctant to have intercourse with the female captives in the presence of their husbands who were unbelievers. So Allah, the Exalted, sent down the Quranic verse, "And all married women (are forbidden) unto you save those (captives) whom your right hands possess". That is to say, they are lawful for them when they complete their waiting period." (See Qur’an 4:24 above)
Sahih Bukhari Vol.3 #432
Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri that while he was sitting with Allah's messenger we said, "Oh Allah's messenger, we got female captives as our booty, and we are interested in their prices, what is your opinion about coitus interruptus?" The prophet said, "Do you really do that? It is better for you not to do it. No soul that which Allah has destined to exist, but will surely come into existence."
Sahih Muslim, Vol.2, #3371
Abu Sirma said to Abu Said al Khudri: "O Abu Said, did you hear Allah's messenger mentioning about al-azl (coitus interruptus)?" He said, "Yes", and added: "We went out with Allah's messenger on the expedition to the Mustaliq and took captive some excellent Arab women; and we desired them for we were suffering from the absence of our wives, (but at the same time) we also desired ransom for them. So we decided to have sexual intercourse with them but by observing azl" (withdrawing the male sexual organ before emission of semen to avoid conception). But we said: "We are doing an act whereas Allah's messenger is amongst us; why not ask him?" So we asked Allah's messenger and he said: "It does not matter if you do not do it, for every soul that is to be born up to the Day of Resurrection will be born".
Kitab al-Tabaqat al-Kabir, page 151
"He [the Lord of Alexandria] presented to the prophet Mariyah, her sister Sirin, a donkey and a mule which was white....The apostle of Allah liked Mariyah who was of white complexion and curly hair and pretty.... Then he cohabited with Mariyah as a handmaid and sent her to his property which he had acquired from Banu al-Nadir."
Tabari's History, volume 39, page 194
"He (Muhammad) used to visit her (Mariyam) there and ordered her to veil herself, [but] he had intercourse with her by virtue of her being his property."
Scriptural base:
Qur'an 4:16 If two men among you are guilty of lewdness, punish them both. If they repent and amend, Leave them alone; for Allah is Oft-returning, Most Merciful.
Sunan Abu Dawud 38:4447 Narated By Abdullah ibn Abbas : The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: If you find anyone doing as Lot's people did, kill the one who does it, and the one to whom it is done.
What Muhammad and companions did:
Mishkat, vol. 1, p. 765, Prescribed Punishments
Ibn Abbas and Abu Huraira reported God's messenger as saying, 'Accursed is he who does what Lot's people did.' In a version...on the authority of Ibn Abbas it says that Ali [Muhammad's cousin and son-in-law] had two people “burned” and that Abu Bakr [Muhammad's chief companion] had a wall thrown down on them.
Modern Exegesis:
Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid, Islam Q&A, Fatwa No. 5177
Abu Bakr al-Siddeeq judged in accordance with this, and he wrote instructions to this effect to Khaalid, after consulting with the Sahaabah. ‘Ali was the strictest of them with regard to that. Ibn al-Qasaar and our shaykh said: the Sahaabah agreed that [the person who does homosexual acts] should be killed, but they differed as to how he should be killed. Abu Bakr al-Siddeeq said that he should be thrown down from a cliff. ‘Ali (may Allaah be pleased with him) said that a wall should be made to collapse on him. Ibn ‘Abbaas said, they should be killed by stoning. This shows that there was consensus among them that [the person who does homosexual acts] should be killed, but they differed as to how he should be executed. This is similar to the ruling of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) concerning the person who has intercourse with a woman who is his mahram [incest], because in both cases intercourse is not permitted under any circumstances. Hence the connection was made in the hadeeth of Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him) who reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, “Whoever you find doing the deed of the people of Loot, kill them.” And it was also reported that he (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever has intercourse with a woman who is his mahram, kill him.” And according to another hadeeth with the same isnaad, “Whoever has intercourse with an animal, kill him and kill the animal with him.” (Narrated by Ahmad, 2420; Abu Dawood, 4464; al-Tirmidhi, 1454; al-Haakim, 4/355).
Imam Sirajudeen Bakrin, Nigerian Tribune, December 30, 2011
However, there is a divergence of opinions on the methodology to be used in executing the punishment. While some scholars such as Abu bakr [the first Rightly-Guided Caliph] and Ali [Muhammad's son-in-law and the fourth Rightly-Guided Caliph ] were of the view that such a person should be beheaded and set on fire thereafter, Umar [the second Rightly-Guided Caliph] and Uthman [the third Rightly-Guided Caliph] thought the wall should be fell on him. To Ibn Abbas [Muhammad's cousin], he should be taken to the tallest building in the town, thrown upside down while some men stand on the ground waiting to meet him with stone in replication of the destruction done to the people of Lut (Lot) by Allah.
Scriptural base & what Muhammad did:
Sahih Bukhari (6:60:79) - Two people guilty of illegal intercourse are brought to Muhammad, who orders them both stoned to death.
Sahih Muslim (17:4192) - "in case of married (persons) there is (a punishment) of one hundred lashes and then stoning (to death). And in case of unmarried persons, (the punishment) is one hundred lashes and exile for one year"
Sahih Muslim (17:4196) - A married man confesses to adultery. Muhammad orders him planted in the ground and pelted with stones. According to the passage, the first several stones caused such pain that he tried to escape and had to be dragged back.
Sahih Muslim (17:4206) - A woman who became pregnant confesses to Muhammad that she is guilty of adultery. Muhammad allows her to have the child, then has her stoned.
The description is graphic: "Khalid b Walid came forward with a stone which he flung at her head and there spurted blood on the face of Khalid and so he abused her."
Ibn Ishaq (970)
What Muhammad did:
Bukhari vol.3 book 45 ch.3 no.687 p.415.
(687) Narrated Jabir bin 'Abdullah: Allah's Apostle said, 'Who would kill Ka'b bin Al-Ashraf as he has harmed Allah and His Apostle? Muhammad bin Maslama (got up and) said, 'I will kill him.' So, Muhammad bin Maslama went to Ka'b and said, 'I want a loan of one or two Wasqs of foodgrains.'" After dickering over what to hold as mortgage, they agreed that Muhammad bin Maslama would mortgage his weapons. So he promised him that he would come with his weapons next time."
Source: Ibn Ishaq, pp. 675-76 / 995-96.
Asma was a poetess who belonged to a tribe of Medinan pagans, and whose husband was named Yazid b. Zayd. She composed a poem blaming the Medinan pagans for obeying a stranger (Muhammad) and for not taking the initiative to attack him by surprise. When the Allah-inspired prophet heard what she had said, he asked, "Who will rid me of Marwan’s daughter?" A member of her husband’s tribe volunteered and crept into her house that night. She had five children, and the youngest was sleeping at her breast. The assassin gently removed the child, drew his sword, and plunged it into her, killing her in her sleep.
The following morning, the assassin defied anyone to take revenge. No one took him up on his challenge, not even her husband. In fact, Islam became powerful among his tribe. Previously, some members who had kept their conversion secret now became Muslims openly, "because they saw the power of Islam," conjectures Ibn Ishaq.
Al-Tabari vol.9 p.167:
Al-Aswad was assassinated because he claimed that he was a prophet, after coming out of the Khubban cave. He was killed a day or two before Mohammed's death.
Al-Tabari vol.9 p.121
"The Messenger of God called me and said, 'It has reached me that Khalid b. Sufyan b. Nubayh al-Hudhali is gathering a force to attack me. He is either in Nakhlah or 'Uranah, so go to him and kill him.'"
Abu Dawud vol.1 no.1244 p.328
"He (the prophet) said, :Go and kill him. I saw him when the time of the afternoon prayer had come. I said : I am afraid if a fight takes place between me and him (Khalid b. Sufyan), that might delay the prayer. I proceeded walking towards him while I was praying by making a sign. When I reached near him, he said to me : Who are you? I replied : A man from the Arabs ; it came to me that you were gathering (any[sp] army) for this man (i.e. the Prophet). Hence I came to you in connection with this matter. ... I then walked along with him for a while; when it became convenient for me, I dominated him with my sword until he became cold (dead)."
Al-Tabari vol.8 p.122
According to Ibn Ishaq: Kinanah b. al-Rabi' b. Abi al-Huqayq who had the treasure of the Banu al-Nadir, was brought to the Messenger of God, who questioned him, but he denied knowing where it [the treasure] was. Then the Messenger of God was brought a Jew who said to him, "I have seen Kinanah walk around this ruin every morning." The Messenger of God said to Kinanah: "What do you say? If we find it in your possession, I will kill you. "All right he answered. The Messenger of God commanded that the ruin should be dug up, and some of the treasure was extracted from it. Then he asked him for the rest of it. Kinanah refused to surrender it, so the Messenger of God gave orders concerning him to al-Zubayr b. al-'Awwam, saying, "Torture him until you root out what he has." Al-Zubayr kept twirling his firestick in his breast until Kinanah almost expired [died]; then the Messenger of God gave him to Muhammad b. Maslamah, who beheaded him to avenge his brother Mahmud b. Maslamah."
The list goes on.
All the included sources are Muslim sources. A lot of scholars are using this material to come up with Fatwas and also material for their sermons.
If you have read through my brief write-up, you can see that what ISIS is doing today is almost an exact carbon copy of what Muhammad and his warband were doing back then.
Therefore I urge you all to study all the facts about Muhammad and Islam first, before defending the narrative that ISIS is not Islamic.
submitted by Excellent_Rip_6605 to exmuslim [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:43 Dark3ndAspect Is the Bount Arc anime "canon"?

I'm rewatching Bleach after leaving off on the Hueco Mundo arc years ago, from the start obviously. Anyways I literally just finished the Soul Society arc where they saved Rukia and immediately skipped the Bount arc. Everyone hates on the bount arc and warns you to skip it...
But if that's the case why is it that right away in the next first "canon" episode of the anime they spend like 5 minutes talking about the arc. If it's talked about for that long surely it's important. I understand that usually filler is used for episodes that aren't in the manga, so I was wondering, is the arc still canon to the anime?
I'm probably not going to watch it (yet) because it's like 50 episodes which is longer than any arc the show has had thus far and I'm also racing my friend to see who can finish the anime first (even though he doesn't know that, I'm just competitive like that) and don't have the time for it. I may watch it in the future after I finish the actual anime but is it worth it? Good? Lmk your thoughts. Thanks.
submitted by Dark3ndAspect to bleach [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:36 Shibababy02 Caroline, Justine, and Joker

Caroline, Justine, and Joker
Friends and I cosplayed these guys this weekend at Anime Central!! I did Caroline, did Justine, and @techatticup did Jail Bird Joker. Yes, we dragged him around the con chained up all day. Yes, he tried to escape. Yes, we caught him. Everything was made and put together by the Justine cosplayer and I could not be happier with the outcome. I styled the wigs and 3D printed the hat and eyepatch decals and installed them. Same with the clipboard design! I hope you love it!!
submitted by Shibababy02 to Persona5 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:34 NormiePoo I am attempting to print out a list of prime numbers, but nothing is printing out, what is wrong / what could I change in my code?

I have written an assembly program where my goal is to print out prime numbers the amount of times that the user enters. The user only has to enter one number, say, 15, and the first 15 prime numbers will be printed. The range the user can enter in is between 1 and 200.
My error-catching works, so entering anything below 1 or above 200 re-prompts for another number, but when I enter a number in the correct range that is supposed to be valid, nothing is printed out and the program pretty much stops in its tracks, but does not end. Any help would be greatly appreciated, here is the code I have as of right now.
INCLUDE ; Constant definitions LOWER_BOUND = 1 UPPER_BOUND = 200 .data ; All text prompts and statements nameAndProgram BYTE "Prime Numbers Programmed by Norman O'Brien", 13, 10, 0 promptPt1 BYTE "Enter the number of prime numbers you would like to see.", 13, 10, 0 promptPt2 BYTE "I'll accept orders for up to 200 primes.", 13, 10, 0 enterNumberOf BYTE "Enter the number of primes to display [1 ... 200]: ", 0 outOfRange BYTE "No primes for you! Number out of range. Try again.", 13, 10, 0 certified BYTE "Results certified by Norman O'Brien. Goodbye.", 13, 10, 0 spacer BYTE " ", 0 ; This is for separating the prime numbers when it is printed ; Variables validNum DWORD 0 userInput SDWORD ? .code main PROC call introduction call getUserData call showPrimes call farewell Invoke ExitProcess,0 ; exit to operating system main ENDP introduction PROC ; Print the my name and program name MOV EDX, OFFSET nameAndProgram call WriteString call CrLf ; Print first part of prompt info MOV EDX, OFFSET promptPt1 call WriteString ; Print second part of prompt info MOV EDX, OFFSET promptPt2 call WriteString call CrLf ret introduction ENDP getUserData PROC top: MOV EDX, OFFSET enterNumberOf call WriteString call ReadInt MOV userInput, EAX call validate MOV EAX, validNum CMP EAX, 0 JE top ret getUserData ENDP validate PROC MOV EBX, userInput CMP EBX, LOWER_BOUND JL rangeError CMP EBX, UPPER_BOUND JG rangeError JL valid rangeError: MOV EDX, OFFSET outOfRange call WriteString JMP ending valid: MOV EAX, 1 MOV validNum, EAX ending: ret validate ENDP showPrimes PROC MOV EBX, userInput ; set EBX to number of primes MOV ECX, 0 ; counter, start at 0 MOV EAX, 2 ; EAX starts at 2 because it is the first prime printPrime: ; checks if the current number is a prime number PUSH EAX ; push current number to stack CALL isPrime POP EAX ; restores number from stack after it is checked by isPrime CMP EAX, 1 ; check if the number is prime JNE notPrime ; if it's not prime, skip displaying ; display the prime number CALL WriteDec MOV EDX, OFFSET spacer call WriteString INC ECX ; increment prime count ; after 10 primes have been printed, make new line and reset the count CMP ECX, 10 JNE nextPrime ; go to next prime if 10 have not been displayed CALL CrLf MOV ECX, 0 ; reset count CMP ECX, EBX ; see if enough primes have been displayed based on the user input (EBX) JL printPrime ; display the next prime if not ret nextPrime: INC EAX ; move on to the next number by incrementing EAX JMP printPrime ; if not prime just move on to the next number notPrime: INC EAX JMP printPrime ret showPrimes ENDP isPrime PROC MOV ECX, 2 ; checking for the primes will start at 2 ; 1 does not count as prime, so jump to notPrime if that is the case CMP EAX, 1 JLE notPrime checkDivisor: ; divide the number in EAX by the current divisor (ECX) and if there is ; no remainder, then the number is not prime, so jump to notPrime MOV EDX, 0 DIV ECX CMP EDX, 0 JE notPrime ; increment the divisor and see if we have checked all possible divisors ; when we compare, if total number of divisors is great than the input (ECX > EAX), it's prime INC ECX CMP ECX, EAX JG prime JMP checkDivisor notPrime: MOV EAX, 0 ret prime: MOV EAX, 1 ret isPrime ENDP farewell PROC MOV EDX, OFFSET certified call WriteStringINCLUDE ; Constant definitions LOWER_BOUND = 1 UPPER_BOUND = 200 .data ; All text prompts and statements nameAndProgram BYTE "Prime Numbers Programmed by Norman O'Brien", 13, 10, 0 promptPt1 BYTE "Enter the number of prime numbers you would like to see.", 13, 10, 0 promptPt2 BYTE "I'll accept orders for up to 200 primes.", 13, 10, 0 enterNumberOf BYTE "Enter the number of primes to display [1 ... 200]: ", 0 outOfRange BYTE "No primes for you! Number out of range. Try again.", 13, 10, 0 certified BYTE "Results certified by Norman O'Brien. Goodbye.", 13, 10, 0 spacer BYTE " ", 0 ; This is for separating the prime numbers when it is printed ; Variables validNum DWORD 0 userInput SDWORD ? .code main PROC call introduction call getUserData call showPrimes call farewell Invoke ExitProcess,0 ; exit to operating system main ENDP introduction PROC ; Print the my name and program name MOV EDX, OFFSET nameAndProgram call WriteString call CrLf ; Print first part of prompt info MOV EDX, OFFSET promptPt1 call WriteString ; Print second part of prompt info MOV EDX, OFFSET promptPt2 call WriteString call CrLf ret introduction ENDP getUserData PROC top: MOV EDX, OFFSET enterNumberOf call WriteString call ReadInt MOV userInput, EAX call validate MOV EAX, validNum CMP EAX, 0 JE top ret getUserData ENDP validate PROC MOV EBX, userInput CMP EBX, LOWER_BOUND JL rangeError CMP EBX, UPPER_BOUND JG rangeError JL valid rangeError: MOV EDX, OFFSET outOfRange call WriteString JMP ending valid: MOV EAX, 1 MOV validNum, EAX ending: ret validate ENDP showPrimes PROC MOV EBX, userInput ; set EBX to number of primes MOV ECX, 0 ; counter, start at 0 MOV EAX, 2 ; EAX starts at 2 because it is the first prime printPrime: ; checks if the current number is a prime number PUSH EAX ; push current number to stack CALL isPrime POP EAX ; restores number from stack after it is checked by isPrime CMP EAX, 1 ; check if the number is prime JNE notPrime ; if it's not prime, skip displaying ; display the prime number CALL WriteDec MOV EDX, OFFSET spacer call WriteString INC ECX ; increment prime count ; after 10 primes have been printed, make new line and reset the count CMP ECX, 10 JNE nextPrime ; go to next prime if 10 have not been displayed CALL CrLf MOV ECX, 0 ; reset count CMP ECX, EBX ; see if enough primes have been displayed based on the user input (EBX) JL printPrime ; display the next prime if not ret nextPrime: INC EAX ; move on to the next number by incrementing EAX JMP printPrime ; if not prime just move on to the next number notPrime: INC EAX JMP printPrime ret showPrimes ENDP isPrime PROC MOV ECX, 2 ; checking for the primes will start at 2 ; 1 does not count as prime, so jump to notPrime if that is the case CMP EAX, 1 JLE notPrime checkDivisor: ; divide the number in EAX by the current divisor (ECX) and if there is ; no remainder, then the number is not prime, so jump to notPrime MOV EDX, 0 DIV ECX CMP EDX, 0 JE notPrime ; increment the divisor and see if we have checked all possible divisors ; when we compare, if total number of divisors is great than the input (ECX > EAX), it's prime INC ECX CMP ECX, EAX JG prime JMP checkDivisor notPrime: MOV EAX, 0 ret prime: MOV EAX, 1 ret isPrime ENDP farewell PROC MOV EDX, OFFSET certified call WriteString 
submitted by NormiePoo to Assembly_language [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:32 JadedSympathy1392 Bitcoin vs Inflation: Can Bitcoin Hedge Against Inflation?

Bitcoin vs Inflation: Can Bitcoin Hedge Against Inflation?
Inflation is a critical economic concept that impacts the purchasing power of money over time. Traditionally, assets like gold, real estate, and bonds have been used as hedges against inflation. In recent years, Bitcoin, a decentralized digital currency, has been proposed as a new form of hedge against inflation. This analysis explores whether Bitcoin can effectively serve as a hedge against inflation by examining its characteristics, historical performance, and comparison with traditional inflation hedges.
Understanding Inflation
Inflation is the rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services rises, eroding the purchasing power of money. Central banks, like the Federal Reserve in the United States, manage inflation by adjusting interest rates and using other monetary tools. While moderate inflation is considered normal, high inflation can significantly reduce the value of money, leading individuals and investors to seek assets that preserve their wealth.
Bitcoin: An Overview
Bitcoin, created in 2009 by an anonymous entity known as Satoshi Nakamoto, is the first and most well-known cryptocurrency. It operates on a decentralized blockchain network, ensuring transactions are secure, transparent, and immutable. Bitcoin's supply is capped at 21 million coins, a feature designed to mimic the scarcity of precious metals like gold.
Characteristics of Bitcoin
  1. Decentralization: Bitcoin is not controlled by any government or central authority, making it immune to political and economic interference.
  2. Fixed Supply: The maximum supply of Bitcoin is limited to 21 million, contrasting with fiat currencies, which can be printed in unlimited amounts by central banks.
  3. Portability: Bitcoin can be easily transferred across borders without the need for intermediaries.
  4. Divisibility: Bitcoin can be divided into smaller units (satoshis), making it practical for various transaction sizes.
Historical Performance of Bitcoin
Bitcoin's historical price performance has been highly volatile. Since its inception, it has experienced significant price swings, with periods of rapid appreciation followed by substantial corrections. For instance, Bitcoin's price surged from around $1,000 in early 2017 to nearly $20,000 by the end of that year, only to drop to about $3,000 by the end of 2018. Despite this volatility, Bitcoin has shown a long-term upward trajectory, leading some to view it as a potential store of value.
Comparison with Traditional Inflation Hedges
  1. Gold: Gold has been a traditional inflation hedge due to its intrinsic value and limited supply. Unlike Bitcoin, gold has a long history of being used as a store of value and medium of exchange.
  2. Real Estate: Real estate tends to appreciate over time, providing a hedge against inflation. It also generates rental income, adding to its attractiveness as an inflation hedge.
  3. Bonds: Certain types of bonds, such as Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS), are specifically designed to protect against inflation. They adjust their interest payments based on the inflation rate.
Bitcoin's Potential as an Inflation Hedge
  1. Scarcity and Fixed Supply: Bitcoin's capped supply creates a sense of scarcity similar to gold. As central banks continue to print money, Bitcoin's fixed supply could make it a valuable store of value.
  2. Decentralization: Bitcoin's decentralized nature protects it from government manipulation and policy changes, making it a potentially stable store of value during economic uncertainty.
  3. Liquidity: Bitcoin's growing acceptance and liquidity make it easier to buy, sell, and trade, increasing its attractiveness as an investment.
Challenges and Risks
  1. Volatility: Bitcoin's price volatility is a significant drawback. Its value can fluctuate widely over short periods, making it a risky asset for conservative investors.
  2. Regulatory Uncertainty: Governments worldwide are still grappling with how to regulate Bitcoin. Changes in regulation could impact its value and utility.
  3. Adoption and Acceptance: While Bitcoin's acceptance is growing, it is not yet universally accepted as a medium of exchange or store of value.
Empirical Evidence
Empirical studies on Bitcoin's effectiveness as an inflation hedge provide mixed results. Some research suggests that Bitcoin exhibits properties of a safe haven during economic turmoil, similar to gold. However, other studies highlight its high volatility and lack of consistent correlation with inflation rates.
  1. Positive Correlation with Inflation: Some studies indicate that Bitcoin's price tends to rise during periods of high inflation, suggesting it may act as a hedge.
  2. Safe Haven Properties: Research has shown that during periods of financial crisis, Bitcoin often exhibits characteristics of a safe haven asset, similar to gold.
  3. High Volatility: The high volatility of Bitcoin poses a challenge to its role as a reliable inflation hedge. While it may protect against inflation in the long run, short-term price swings can be significant.
Case Studies
  1. Venezuela: In Venezuela, where hyperinflation has eroded the value of the national currency, some citizens have turned to Bitcoin as a store of value and medium of exchange.
  2. Argentina: Similar to Venezuela, Argentina has experienced high inflation, leading some to adopt Bitcoin as an alternative to the unstable national currency.
Bitcoin's unique characteristics, such as its fixed supply and decentralized nature, position it as a potential hedge against inflation. However, its high volatility and regulatory uncertainties present significant challenges. While Bitcoin may serve as a valuable addition to a diversified portfolio, relying solely on it as an inflation hedge could be risky. Investors should consider a combination of traditional assets and Bitcoin to effectively hedge against inflation. Future developments in the regulatory landscape and broader adoption could enhance Bitcoin's role as a hedge against inflation.
In summary, Bitcoin shows promise as an inflation hedge, but its effectiveness is not yet fully proven. As the cryptocurrency market matures and more empirical data becomes available, the understanding of Bitcoin's role in hedging against inflation will likely become clearer. For now, it remains a speculative but potentially rewarding component of an inflation-hedging strategy.
submitted by JadedSympathy1392 to 1ATHStudio [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:17 Vexxade Possible thylacoleo sighting

First and foremost, it was sighted about 30 years ago by a friend of mine in Upper Darkwood via Bellingen NSW Australia. He’s never known what it was and he’s 84 now, but he’s always talked about it.
Straight to the point. He saw it at night digging through his garbage. He said it had jet black, curly fur that had mange down its back into its scruffy tail. It was about hip-height and had a very bear-like head (he’s never heard of a thylacoleo so he’s not just referencing depictions) it had a yellow eye-shine under torchlight and didn’t really show signs of aggression, more of fear.
They looked at each other, and it turned and loped over the back fence (into a dense rainforest) and was never seen again. What I find really strange is the smell. My friend said it let off the most putrid, vile smell imaginable. It burnt the inside of his nose and blinded him (after the sighting, his vision wasn’t impaired when he saw it). A while Later on he saw massive paw prints that were about 7 or so inches wide it had left on the ground.
He specifically described how its face was broad, flat, and bear like. It didn’t have a snout like a dog. It also had very small ears.
I’ve never been one to care much about sightings, I’ve never believed in them. But he so vividly seemed I describe an animal he’d never heard of. And all I can say is that he doesn’t lie, never.
submitted by Vexxade to ExtinctionSighting [link] [comments]