Ecological pyramids worksheet

is it worth switching from animation bfa to sciences? (18 year old)

2024.05.19 23:55 Ill_Sink8741 is it worth switching from animation bfa to sciences? (18 year old)

I'm one of those people that decided on a career when they were 8 years old and then charged headfirst towards it for the next 10 years (with some delineations). That being, animation.
As I struggled more with my mental health growing up, academia, math, science, reading--it all became intimidating and inaccessible. My grades dropped, I didn't do extracurriculars, depressed teen etcetc. On the other hand, art was always the one thing I excelled at.
I had to go to college right after graduating high school so I thought, sure, I'll study this. Got into a top school, moved across the globe, now I'm nearly done my first year. My mental health has vastly improved since the start of my first year. Which has had the complete opposite effect from what I expected.
Because the more my mental health improves, and I find better connection with myself and others, the more I wonder in the back of my head... is this actually what I want? I spend more of my time these days getting back in touch with literature + fun research rabbit holes, looking at the horizons beyond what I've dedicated my whole life to, rather than, you know, doing my current homework.
This question is also rooted in disinterest towards making art as labor for employers, as opposed to making art for and with community. Which has been where my love of art roots from. I like indie projects and fan works and making things from the ground up just to enjoy with people who like the same thing.
The more I go through college with the understanding I am preparing to somehow simultaneously foster my own artistic growth, and also cater to big monopolies for an entire career span... it's all antithetical to why I like art. Animation college is lowkey a pyramid, industry is always on the fritz, there's poor unionization & worker treatment in my home country and current study country, and after spending all day making art for a company I don't think I'd have energy to make art I want to. It's also a very contract-based sort of career and I'm not too fond of the prospects surrounding that. I know a lot of people who thrive and are excited for this, but idk if it's my lifestyle. I've fallen for the trap that suggests hobbies are only worth pursuing if eventually done for money.
However, I also recognize I am in a privileged position, especially in terms of art school and how I have the financial support to actually try a career like this. I.e., art school expensive. If I set my mind to this and succeed or flop, I have the support web to catch me.
The other hand of this is that I have the safety web to change my mind. Giving up the position where I am is something I can do, but I cannot go back on. I've looked a bit into ecology but not any further than this as this post is honestly the first time I'm seriously considering the possibility of a different direction. I just really don't know much at all about careers in sciences and likely am missing a lot of perspective because of this.
Which brings me to the question, is it worth it? To do all the research on other careers, then leave animation behind and go somewhere else with a lot of catching up to do on poor high school grades and missing math/science credits? Does anyone have experience with switching from arts to sciences? Or choosing careers after recovering from mental health struggles/high school grade struggles? Would I still have time to make art on the side?
Thanks if you read this whole thing and any advice is appreciated! Sorry if I sound over my head at all, I really am years behind on non-art or literature related education :,).
submitted by Ill_Sink8741 to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:30 FunnyWay4369 Why are we born only to Die?

These are the questions we have been trying to answer ever since we as a species first evolved the ability to ask such questions.
Let us first briefly consider our ability to voice those questions and how is it we can formulate any questions at all. There has been some discussion recently on how we in essence 'hallucinate' our reality. While this is true to a large degree, it would be more accurate to say that we 'read' our reality. We process the stimulus we receive from external world and then transform it into language through the neural dynamics found in our cortical thalamic complex.
As we develop and mature our cortical/thalamic complex gradually creates a VR type experience for our consciousness, so gradually we no longer see what arrives at our eyes but rather is what is constructed from the direct sensory experience in the occipital lobe of the cortex - our visual center. By the time we are adults our awareness can no longer directly perceive the external world. It can only see and hear the reprocessed reality as it is reconstructed from direct sensory stimulus, in our cortex. As adults we never see the outside world. We don't see the mountain. We only see the image of a mountain created in our visual cortex. Only when we encounter something that cannot be fit into any existing linguistic category do we see it before filtering and reconstruction within cortical visual centers.
We linguistically interpret and assign meaning to raw stimulus within our cortex which determines our subsequent response and behaviors. Under normal conditions if what we are experiencing cannot be translated into our existing vocabulary then we cannot act coherently and we will either freeze up or become completely uninhibited and out of control. The parsing of external reality into language is a reflex and it is normally beyond our ability to perceive this neurological process as it is occurring.
The answers to the nature of life, why we are born and die and how we can ask such things all lead to the same place and if one question is answered then all of them will be. Therefore I will begin with the nature of life itself. I will use one of the tools that western science adopted early in its history and that is dissection. Lets first dissect life and look at it in the detail that has been revealed throughout the hundreds of years we have been using this tool.
The first medical dissections were performed at the University of Salerno in about the 12 century. Now all these years later we have dissected much and we now have little pieces of everything lying around everywhere. Now we are dissecting some very large things and some very small things. Dissection reveals information contained or hidden beneath the perceptual paywall of physical boundaries like the biological membrane of the cell, or an organ like our skin or the boundaries of the earths gravity. What we see in the modern world is the result of centuries of dissection and reassembly.
Now after all the thousands of years of humans history there is one item that has been produced more times than any other single thing made by humans and their ancestors...transistors. Most people have no idea what this item is or how it works yet humans have made more of it than anything else by orders of magnitude. These things also require more electrical energy than anything else ever mass produced by humans to perform their function as intended. This is a result of a history of dissection and reassembly without any underlying worldview or morality to guide the technological exploitation of the discoveries uncovered through the process of dissection and analysis.
Now at the pinnacle of our evolution we have completely remade ourselves and the world and the results appear to be anything but enlightening and emancipating. We have server farms that are using the energy of a small city and space tourism is well on its way. Unfortunately during our history of dissection we have ignored certain things discovered that do not support the underlying ideology motivating our technological innovations. The problem hasn't been in the scientific process but in what aspects of what we have discovered that have been followed up and not relegated to the the dark shelves of history and ignored. Our cultures idea of progress and evolution as a driving force of nature may be entirely misplaced and as 'superstitious' as any of the other antiquated views our culture has abandoned and transcended along the way.
The long delay in accepting the evidence of developmental neuronal death has been regarded as an historical enigma. Here is how the puzzle may now be solved.
Nineteenth-century biologists saw that development has an overriding telos, a direction and a gradual approach to completion of the embryo, and also saw a terminal regression and final dissolution of the adult; but a fallacy arose when the progression and regression, which coexist from early development, were separated in their minds.
Development was conceived in terms of progressive construction, of an epigenetic program—from simple to more complex. For every event in development they attempted to find prior conditions such that, given them, nothing else could happen.
The connections and interdependencies of events assure that the outcome is always the same. Such deterministic theories of development made it difficult to conceive of demolition of structures as part of normal development, and it was inconceivable that construction and destruction can occur simultaneously. It became necessary to regard regressive developmental processes as entirely purposeful and determined. For example, elimination of organs that play a role during development but are not required in the adult or regression of vestigial structures such as the tail in humans were viewed as part of the ontogenetic recapitulation of phylogeny. Regression in those cases is determined and is merely one of several fates: cellular determination may be either progressive or regressive.
The idea of progress in all spheres, perhaps most of all in the evolution and development of the vertebrate nervous system, has appealed to many thinkers since the 18th century. Such ideas change more slowly than the means of scientific production; thus new facts are made to serve old ideas. That is why the history of ideas, even if it does not exactly repeat itself, does such a good job of imitation.
In the realm of ideas held by neuroscientists, the idea of progressive construction, of hierarchically ordered programs of development, has always been dominant over the idea of a plenitude of possibilities, from which orderly structure develops from disorderly initial conditions by a process of selective attrition.
How revolutionary could be the idea that there is a plenitude of possibilities, from which orderly structure develops from disorderly initial conditions by a process of selective attrition. The universe is not learning, experimenting, progressing, evolving and neither are we. The universe is already full of a 'plentitude of possibilities' and it already is what it is and is already all it will ever be... as are we. Whatever it is we think we are observing it is not progress or evolution in any sense of the word but is rather the processes of 'selective attrition'. The universe is something else much more and we are a part of it and need to look no further than within our selves since we are also part of that 'fabric' of the universe. Humans are not standing atop the pyramid of life but we are only one of many different morphological manifestations of the natural processes of 'selective attrition' which find us only different and in no way better than the other morphological and metabolic forms and components of the earths biosystem and its holobionts.
The processes of attrition affects 2 vectors in the realization of a particular existence from a plentitude of possibilities. In order for life and consciousness to exist in the earths biosystem 2 vectors must work together to maintain a fragile stasis between reoccurring periods of geological and cosmic instability. These vectors influence morphology and metabolism. Morphology is influenced and regulated by viruses and that still ill defined aspect of our biological reality they represent. Multicellular metabolism is regulated and influenced by chromosomal and nucleic genetics. When the environment changes then the viral component of the tree of life induces morphological changes in the life forms currently inhabiting the biosphere. Within the nucleus of the cell the genetic code is changed now producing biological forms that after development have the metabolism to exist in the new environment. Life consciousness has within it already all the plentitude of possibilities needed to exist in many different potential worlds and it doesn't need to evolve as it is already capable of arising in almost any conditions. Look at the many amazing ways that nature is already incorporating plastics into its ecology.
Unfortunately for us, our ill fated venture into space has triggered processes of attrition between these 2 vectors that are now adapting the morphology and metabolism of the earths biome in response to the time many of its lifeforms have already spent living in a gravity free environment. The different forms of life we have have brought too and from a gravity free environment are also changing. Switching from a model based on evolution and progress to one based on a preexisting plenitude of possibilities may affect the statistical significance of our predictive models. If we are not progressing and evolving towards something then what exactly is it we are doing with all our technologies but creating the conditions for our own morphological extinction?
The human species is an embodiment of the force of attrition in nature. As a species we have introduced a plentitude of possibilities into the biosphere by reshaping ourselves and our environment through our behaviors and in doing so we have fulfilled our biological function. The model is no longer based on the idea of progress so our behavior as a species need no longer be seen as progressive but as simply transformative. The organisms with the largest genomes are creatures like amoebas and lungfish which could be considered as very important gatekeepers and librarians of the biological information accumulated from eons of harvesting 'information' from an ever changing plentitude of biological possibilities. This information is stored within many levels of biosystem and are all connected by the viral ocean in which the overall biosystem is immersed.
It is creatures like these along with long living organisms like trees and fungi that are at the heart of the biosystem while the human species seems doomed to be little more than a brief biological storm arising and passing away in but a few minutes of geological time. We are no longer talking about a universe born from simplicity and its slow progression towards consciousness of which we are the ultimate manifestation.
Consciousness is the fundamental universal force that gives rise to the biological reality we inhabit. Most everything around us has consciousness and it flows through the underlying fabric of our existence via 'fields' generated by metabolic life, much like how electricity moves along a wire...flowing via the field surrounding the wire and not really within the wire itself. It is what is perceiving the perceptual experience created within the cartesian theatre of our human mind. It is the cortical thalamic complex that creates the unique type of perceptual experience that humans have. There is nothing unique about human consciousness only our perceptual experience. The human experience does not represent any type of progression or evolution of consciousness along an evolutionary timeline.
The only thing modern humans bring to the table is their own unique type of perceptual experience which is initiating behaviors that results in biological information that will find its way throughout the biome and will be stored for eons to come and long after we as a species are gone. The introduction of plastics into the ecology represents a new type of information that the natural biological world is already starting to use in many creative and unexpected ways.
The study of the basic philosophies or ideologies of scientists is very difficult because they are rarely articulated. They largely consist of silent assumptions that are taken so completely for granted that they are never mentioned. The historian of biology encounters some of his greatest difficulties when trying to ferret out such silent assumptions; and anyone who attempts to question these "eternal truths" encounters formidable resistance.
In biology, for hundreds of years, a belief in the inheritance of acquired characters, a belief in irresistible progress and in a scala naturae, a belief in a fundamental difference between organic beings and the inanimate world, and a belief in an essentialistic structure of the world of phenomena are only a few of the silent assumptions that influenced the progress of science. Basic ideological polarities were involved in all of the great controversies in the history of biology, indicated by such alternatives as quantity vs. quality, reduction vs. emergence, essentialism vs. population thinking, monism vs. dualism, discontinuity vs. continuity, mechanism vs. vitalism, mechanism vs. teleology, statism vs. evolutionism, and others. Lyell's resistance to evolutionism was due not only to his natural theology but also to his essentialism, which simply did not allow for a variation of species "beyond the limits of their type." Coleman (1970) has shown to what large extent Bateson's resistance to the chromosome theory of inheritance was based on ideological reasons.
One can go so far as to claim that the resistance of a scientist to a new theory almost invariably is based on ideological reasons rather than on logical reasons or objections to the evidence on which the theory is based.
The Growth of Biological Thought: Diversity, Evolution, and Inheritance ERNST MAYR(Page 835).
What do we see when we look at a lion feeding on a fresh kill that is still alive while being eaten? Or a grizzly bear keeping its prey alive for days as it eats it? How about a herd of orca's slowly killing a blue whale? We look away in horror and disgust because we have no idea what it is we are actually observing. Our everyday perceptual experience provides no insight into what is actually happening as this untamed savagery unfolds before us. We have no words for the world as it really is since we very rarely ever perceive it as it really is before being processed and recreated in the cortical thalamic complex. That is what we see and we do not see the outside world as it really is.
A lion consuming a deer is not unlike 2 galaxies colliding. When one animal eats another 2 very large populations of trillions of separate and specialized cellular organisms merge together combining all their biological information as it is being generated in real time. This biological material is processed within the lion and then the viral components and other transgenic organisms move this information between different creatures picking up bits of information and moving it around the biome to be integrated into existing info and/or stored for later retrieval and integration. Very little information is lost when the biosystem is working correctly. When it is not working properly then much information can be permanently lost very quickly. We see this as viruses mutate as they pick up new pieces as the processes of recombination unfold. In times of biological instability plagues are common as insects and rodents are very effective means of consuming this biological information before it is lost due to factors such as changing climatic conditions producing famine. The goal is not evolution or progress but the maintenance of a repository of biological information that allows the biosystem to self regulate its morphology and metabolism. If the organisms that act as gatekeepers, storehouses and librarians are lost then the whole biosystem will collapse.
It is the fundamental energy of consciousness as it 'flows' through metabolic life that powers the biosphere. Earths metabolism and morphology may not look like anything resembling how morphology and metabolism may arise elsewhere in the universe. Unusual organic molecules are being found in the atmosphere of Titan. One such molecule has only been previously found in interstellar clouds. As these molecules break down fairly quickly something must be producing or metabolizing them to maintain their presence in atmosphere. Like electromagnetism if consciousness is also a fundamental force then we can expect it to be active in many different environments.
The nature of consciousness as I am describing it gives rise to one quality that would make space travel somewhat irrelevant. This quality is also behind much of the fuss and importance that humans have made about different types of 'spiritual' experience from their earliest beginnings. Our consciousness is not attached to our own perceptual experience but can move freely between all the perceptual experiences arising anywhere in the universe right now. Every point on the torus is connected to every other point. The perceptual experience of the lion and the deer can be experienced and perceived through the shared dynamics of our own metabolic entanglements as we are all made from the same stuff. It is the 'one topology' suggested to exist in Velinde's and Hooft's model of entropic gravity and the cellular automaton. Morphology is the universal vector for perceptual experience. Metabolism is the universal vector for consciousness.
Biological organisms produce heat/entropy. Think about how significant it is that life can live in external temps well below its own internal heat. Metabolic cellular processes are producing this heat. Biological organisms are not unlike little suns with their ability to produce internal heat. Our bodies are literally made up of trillions of little suns. From metabolism/consciousness arises morphology/perceptual experience. The positive energy generated by the activities of morphological organisms, each with their own spectrum of perceptual experience, counters the negative heat energy of the many metabolic states of consciousness which permeate the universe. When an organism is producing more entropy than the system can absorb that organism is removed or reabsorbed and replaced with one whose metabolism is in balance with rest of biome. When there is too much entropy things like the 'time-reversal of a phenomenon occurring naturally' are no longer available as part of our perceptual experience or vocabulary. Invariably most spiritual practices inadvertently result in the production of less entropy or in the balancing and stabilization of existing entropic forces.
The shamans of old may of been much more in tune with things then we give them credit for. It is a shame that most of their languages and way of life are gone. Like the American Indian I hold the view that the animals and plants around us are our older brothers and sisters and we should learn from them, take our place beside them and not seek to dominate and control but to share the world with them. We have become a species of attrition and seem incapable anymore of transcending our own nature. We cannot help but destroy what we cannot dominate and now we have turned on each other as there is very little left in the natural world for us to conquer. We are no more aware of what we are doing than the couple of meteorites that changed life forever for the dinosaurs. Maybe as Emerson suggested we have learned to ride in a carriage and lost the use of our legs while our giant follows us everywhere.
submitted by FunnyWay4369 to awakened [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 20:01 Nuvola_Rossa Building up an ecological pyramid out of only 1 data? [high school activity]

Dear all,
Teacher here.. and ecology is not my strongest field of teaching. To make it short, I'm taking a class on a ecological field trip and we'll do quadrats. I would like to bring the ecological pyramids in a practical way and tie it to that abundance count. So my idea was to make an excel where they insert the total abundance they calculated and, out of just that, the excel gives an expected results for all the trophic levels.
Now, I know that's a hell of a shortcut, but I would like to have an expert advice anyway. Does that make sense at all? What is the best way to make a prediction with just a couple of quadrats? I mean, how would you advice I should mutliply the data?
We'll be measuring grassland and undergrowth.
Any tips?
Thanks! :)
submitted by Nuvola_Rossa to ecology [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 17:31 CatWatt April 22nd Special Days - Featuring Earth Day Freebies!

April 22nd Special Days - Featuring Earth Day Freebies!

April 22nd is... Earth Day (1970)
-- Our planet and our homes are being neglected. Climate change continues unabated. There is a new ecological disaster happening almost every day. This Earth Day, it's time to mobilize our planet from the ground up to send a message the Earth won't wait!

Free Printables, Coloring Pages, Activities, and Crafts:

🌎 Earth Day Freebies and Offers
🌎 What to Expect From Earth Day Deals in 2020
🌎 Earth Day Sales, Freebies and Deals
🌎 Endangered Species: Save Our Species Coloring Book
🌎 Earth Day Printables
🌎 Earth Day Projects for Homeschool Families
🌎 Earth Day Activities For Everyone
🌎 - give and get free stuff - Free membership
🌎 7 Fast Activities for Earth Day and Free Printables
🌎 Earth Day Theme Activities and Printables
🌎 20+ Free Earth Day Printables for Kids Totschooling
🌎 Earth Day Archives Woo! Jr. Kids Activities
🌎 LEGO Earth Coloring Pages Little Bins for Little Hands
🌎 Celebrating Earth Day at The Holiday Zone: Printable Puzzles
🌎 Earth Day Archives - Buggy and Buddy
🌎 Home Composting – A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Started
🌎 Earth Day Bingo - Wondermom Wannabe
🌎 Earth Day Posters NASA
♻️ Herman the Composting Worm's Fun Place
♻️ Backyard Magic - The Composting Handbook
♻️ Recycling Worksheets for Kids
♻️ Free Composting Printables and Worksheets
♻️ Composting 101 {+ FREE Printable} - Stacy Risenmay
♻️ Do the Rot Thing: A Teacher's Guide to Compost Activities
♻️ Composting Goes to School
♻️ A Kids' Guide to Composting
♻️ 31 Day Zero Waste Challenge - For Kids! - Going Zero Waste
♻️ 100Tips - Zero Waste Home
♻️ Composting for Kids - C.R.A.F.T. with coloring page
♻️ EEK! - Nature's Recyclers Coloring Book
♻️ KIDS: COLORING PAGES – Ottawa Valley Waste Recovery Center
♻️ Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Resources for Students and Educators
♻️ Caring for Earth and Earth Day Activities Printables, Worksheets, and Lesson Plans
♻️ Top 20 Earth Day Coloring Pages
♻️ 22 Earth Day Activities to Help the Planet
♻️ 8 Ways to Keep the Earth Clean
♻️ Quick and Easy Eco-Activities
♻️ Earth Day Resources and Activities
♻️ 25 Recycled Crafts Inspiration
♻️ Help Clean Up Your Neighborhood!
♻️ 11 easy ways you can help save the planet this Earth Day
♻️ FREEBIE: Learning about the Environment (ALL)

Earth Day Recipes:

🌎 Earth Day Cookies
🌎 50 Ways to Eat Green
🌎 Eat For The Planet This Earth Day With These 10 Recipes That Are Sustainable and Delicious!
🌎 Earth Day Cupcakes With A Surprise - Simply Today Life
🌎 Earth Day Food Ideas - 9 Best Snacks and Desserts for Kids and Party
🌎 Earth Day 2021: Tips To Make Your Kitchen Zero-Waste
More: April 22nd Special Days - Featuring Earth Day Freebies!
submitted by CatWatt to FrugalFreebies [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 19:58 ecohubmap PFAS regulation around the world

PFAS present high potential dangers, which has led to many national and international institutions establishing regulations to control their production and use. The Stockholm Convention was a critical global treaty signed by 152 nations. It mandates signatories to ban or substantially limit PFOA's production, import, and export.
European Union
The European Union (EU) has several regulations that restrict the use of PFAS, including:
Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability: Published in October 2020, this strategy includes phasing out the use of PFAS in the EU unless their use is essential.
Drinking Water Directive: The revised directive includes a limit of 0.5 μg/l for all PFAS.
Proposal to restrict PFAS chemicals in the EU: Published by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) on February 7, 2023, this proposal includes a ban on around 10,000 PFAS.
United States
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued its final National Primary Drinking Water Regulation on April 10, 2024, setting legally enforceable levels for six PFAS in drinking water. These are PFOA, PFOS, PFHxS, PFNA, and HFPO-DA with individual MCLs.
In addition, the EPA finalized health-based, non-enforceable Maximum Contaminant Level Goals (MCLGs) for these PFAS. The EPA also makes a record amount of funding available to ensure everyone can access clean, safe drinking water.
According to the new regulation, approximately 100 million people should be protected from PFAS exposure through drinking water over many years, thousands of deaths will be prevented, and tens of thousands of serious illnesses attributed to PFAS will be reduced.
Before the EPA's final regulation of PFAS, several states were already enacting laws ahead of the federal regulation. Maine, for instance, passed a first-in-the-nation law prohibiting products made with PFAS chemicals intentionally added. By January 1, 2023, companies will be required to report their PFAS usage under the law that will take effect in 2030.
There are no statutory standards for PFAS in drinking water in England and Wales. However, in England and Wales, there is guidance on PFAS in water, including a 'wholesomeness' guideline value of 100 ng/l for any of the 47 individual PFAS listed in the DWI's Information Letter 05/2021.
In recent years, growing pressure has been to tighten regulations regarding using PFAS in drinking water in the UK. It was recommended by the UK's Royal Society of Chemistry in October 2023 that the DWI's guidelines be revised to reduce the limit for PFAS from 100 ng/l to 10 ng/l and to introduce a new overall limit of 100ng/l for a broader range of PFAS in drinking water.
As a participant in the Stockholm Convention on persistent organic pollutants, Japan has enforced a ban on using and importing PFAS chemicals. Despite this, the regulation of most PFAS, including PFOA, PFHxA, PFHxS, and PFOS, remains partial, indicating a lack of comprehensive control over these substances in the country.
Similarly, no maximum levels of PFOS, PFOA, or any PFAS chemical are set for tap water in Japan. In the firefighting industry, there are no regulations regarding using firefighting foam extinguishing agents containing PFOS or any other PFAS substance.
Russia regulates certain PFASs to align with international conventions and agreements. These include the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (HELCOM, Recommendation 31E/1), the Stockholm Convention on POPs (Annexes A & B), the Rotterdam Convention, SAICM, and the current OECD program on PFASs management and transition to safer alternatives.
Currently, there is no mandatory regulation of PFAS in China. However, voluntary standards are for some PFAS chemicals. China is currently moving towards stricter PFAS regulations.
PFOS and PFOA were published on the List of New Poluatants for Priority Management by the Chinese Ministry of Ecology and Environmental. Since March 1, 2023, the list has come into effect, which might affect the textile industry in China.
In Canada, only a limited number of PFAS chemicals are subject to regulations, which exist only at the federal level and in limited ways in British Columbia and Ontario. However, PFAS remains unregulated in other territories.
Under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act 199, enacted in 2008 by the federal government, the imports and sales of PFOS or products containing this substance are limited. In 2016, this regulations were repealed. The Canadian government 2018 introduced drinking water guidelines for various PFAS substances.
While India is a signatory and participant of the Stockholm Convention, PFAS chemicals are unregulated. While the convention added PFOS to its restriction list, India has yet to accept the amended listing. The substances remain largely unregulated among other PFAS chemicals.
Latin America
PFAS are poorly regulated in Latin American countries. As most Latin American countries are signatories in the Stockholm Convention listing, there is little regulation on PFOS and PFOA that aligns with this convention.
However, some countries in Latin America are making efforts to regulate PFAS. For instance, Mexico has proposed restrictions on PFOS and PFOA, two common PFAS compounds. Conversely, Brazil references the U.S. EPA’s lifetime drinking water health advisories for PFAS and has included PFAS in its risk assessment worksheets for contaminated areas.
submitted by ecohubmap to u/ecohubmap [link] [comments]

2024.04.13 20:47 MrManicMarty So... How long did the truce with Eggman and Sonic last at the end of SA2

So Eggman over the course of SA2 has:
Some pretty fucked up shit, within his usual ballpark of course, but still. Now, when the Space Colony ARK begins plumeting towards Earth, he obviously doesn't want the world completely obliterated, doesn't want to die himself etc. so he teams up with Sonic and friends to stop the crash. Good stuff.
After the battle with the Biolizard, and Shadow's sacrifice, everyone ruminates on the events that transpired, even admitting to Tails that everything worked out because they worked together (Tails phrasing, but he didn't disagree).
So... given how unhinged Eggman is, how long until they decided bets are off and they can go back to trying to kill each other again? Eggman doesn't seem like the kind of bad guy who honours a promise for the sake of the promise. You reckon the moment they were off the ARK it was back to business as usual?
submitted by MrManicMarty to SonicTheHedgehog [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 05:47 cheapandbrittle Native Plants 101 Workshop: Select the Right Native Plants for Your Eastern U.S. Garden

Native Plants 101 Workshop: Select the Right Native Plants for Your Eastern U.S. Garden
Backyard Ecology is offering an online native plant seminar on Monday April 22, 2024, from 7:00-9:00 p.m. CT / 8:00-10:00 p.m. ET. (Replay included). It's $28, which I understand may be a barrier for some but the speaker is actually a professional who owns a native plant nursery and has published a couple books. I've interacted with them on Youtube and they're genuinely knowledgeable and always answering questions and giving free advice, so this is a great opportunity to learn and support the native plant community.
What’s included: * 2-hr live, interactive, online workshop * Full replay access for 1 month * Native Plants 101 Worksheet * Bonus: 20-minute follow up call to answer that “Oh, I wish I had thought to ask _______” question which almost always seems to come up after an event is over. ($125 value)
submitted by cheapandbrittle to NativePlantGardening [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 20:37 chilylugia UBC Courses Review (from a graduating 6th year) :)

Now that I’m about to finish my last semester here as an undergrad, I thought I’d share my experiences for all the courses I’ve taken! I remember going on reddit a lot to look for courses (and the profs) to take, so I hope this will be helpful to some of y’all with the course selection! :)
Some background about me:
Without further ado:
BIOL 121 (Dr. Bridgette Clarkston): my very first course ever taken at UBC, had a very fun time! Bridgette is amazing, definitely one of my fav profs as she is very knowledgeable but also very fun and a huge algae nerd. I found the content pretty interesting too, and the workload wasn’t too bad. I learned about a little bit of genetics, evolution, and ecology at what feels like a basic level, but that’s when I found out I love ecology (because it’s a lot of math in bio lmao).
BIOL 112 (Dr. Jared Taylor): another one of my fav profs! He is super relatable and really makes the class fun, he even streamed Among Us and played with his students/TAs during the COVID era as well! There is a lot of content in this course, but we got to bring a cheat sheet to all of our exams. I learned quite a lot about how genes work, like the promoters and stuff like that, which I think it’s interesting too.
BIOL 140 (Dr. Lynn Norman + TAs): this course was mostly run by a TA I think, and the course load wasn’t too bad. We did some field trips, and also took care of some beetles and did experiments on them. Not super memorable, but Lynn is such a sweetheart of a prof! I just remember doing some random labs, but honestly don’t remember what I actually learned…
BIOL 200 (I forgor): don’t remember who the prof was, but it was awful for me LOL. It was a lot of work and memorizing, and we even had to write an essay on our exams. I don’t remember what I learned, just remembered it wasn’t a fun experience. The only thing I remember is something about core histones, because that’s one of my groupchat’s name LOL. Too bad it is a required course…
BIOL 209 (Dr. Bridgette Clarkston, Dr. Jaclyn Dee, Dr. Shona Ellis): since this course covers algae, fungi, and bryophytes, we had 3 profs who specialized in each of those subjects. One of the reasons why I took this is because of Bridgette, who is a big algae nerd and made the class really fun for the algae unit. Jaclyn is also a very fun prof for the fungi unit! She incorporated quite a lot of memes and other fun material, so I really liked her too. For the bryophytes unit, Shona isn’t as fun, but she is still a very sweet and knowledgeable prof who taught well. Overall fun course, though the lab work was a lot of work. I got cheat sheets for the lab exams and the final!
BIOL 230 (Dr. Rachel Wilson, Dr. Rachel Germain, Dr. Laura Parfrey): one of my fav courses taken here, as someone who enjoys learning about ecology. Laura isn’t a great prof tbh, I didn’t feel like she cared about us that much lol. Though the two Rachels are some of my fav profs as well. Rachel W is the lab coordinator, and she led us on some pretty fun field trips. She even held meme contests before the exams, which was super fun! Rachel G is the second lecturer other than Laura, and she has some really fun stories and makes the class really engaging! This course is pretty much just ecology 101 with some lab experience.
BIOL 233 (Dr. ??? Rosemary): awful course, I hated it… a LOT of work and the content I found was pretty boring. I don’t see it on the SSC anymore, so glad nobody had to suffer like me hahaha. I think BIOL 234 is the same course, I don’t know the difference so maybe it’s better?? Also the prof I had was pretty mean, and didn’t really teach us anything tbh… I don’t remember what I’ve learned here also…
BIOL 260 (Dr. Caitlin Donnelly, Dr. Santokh Singh): took this for summer school during the COVID era (2020S), and honestly, it was a lot of work. This was the first full semester when COVID hit, so I’m sure a lot of courses were in shambles hahaha. Since this is physiology, a lot of memorization as expected, though it probably would’ve been easier if it’s in-person and not condensed into 2 months. I learned just general physiology of plants and animals, so things like the xylem and the gills.
BIOL 300 (Dr. Michael Whitlock): took this during the COVID era, honestly it was a lot of learning how to use R. I’m not good at coding, so it took me a while to learn, but it wasn’t too difficult. Though do be warned, there’s quite a lot of stats in this course, covering things like t-tests and chi-squared tests in the context of biology.
BIOL 301 (Dr. Sarah Otto): this is pretty much BIOL 300 with more math, since we are building mathematical models in biology, which I liked quite a lot given my background loool. We had to learn a new language called Maxima, but it wasn’t too bad. We got a chance to develop a biological model for our final project in this class (I did mine on the ecosystem from a video game called Subnautica), I had a lot of fun with it. I really like Sarah too, she is very sweet and relatable.
BIOL 306 (Dr. Sean Michaletz, Dr. Rachel Wilson): very excited to have Rachel again as the lab coordinator! Despite taking this during the COVID era, this class was super fun, another one of my favs since it’s just ecology with more ecology. Sean is also a very relatable and understanding prof, making him one of my fav profs as well. And of course, just like BIOL 230, Rachel held meme contests too, which was surprisingly a good review for the final for me lmao.
BIOL 325 (Dr. Philip Matthews): the class is pretty interesting, because it has a lot of math involved with biology. I honestly really enjoyed the homework assignments, since it was a lot of fun ways to use math to understand how animals work, like how much buoyancy does a blue whale have. The prof is alright, he just kinda reads off the slides, but he isn’t a bad prof at all. We got some cheat sheets too for exams.
BIOL 330 (Dr. Stella Lee): one of the sweetest profs I’ve had here :) She is super wholesome and very understanding, especially since I took this during the COVID era. She made the class interactive and always checked up on us over Zoom, and I thought her exams were pretty fair too. I don’t think this class is offered anymore, though I think BIOL 331 is the same thing. The content of this course is quite a lot though, a lot of memorizing for sure, but still interesting. I learned about how a fetus developed, so things like how hormones work to develop the spinal cord.
BIOL 335 (Dr. Craig Berezowsky, Dr. Stephanie Cheung): took this during the summer of the first COVID semester, had a horrible experience lol. The profs weren’t great, especially Craig, this man is not a good teacher LOL I would cut him some slack though, since it was the first COVID semester, but I struggled quite a lot in this class. I think I learned the PCR and stuff?? I don’t know lol
BIOL 336 (Dr. Wayne Maddison, Dr. Sarah Otto): I found this class pretty interesting, since I enjoyed learning about evolution as well. Wayne looks like Charlie Darwin tbh, and Sarah, like I mentioned for BIOL 301, is a very sweet prof and hilarious. Honestly, nothing else to say, I learned about things like natural selection and stuff.
BIOL 416 (Dr. Jonathan Davies): the class itself is cool, as I learned about how to conserve biodiversity and what is essentially killing life on the planet. There’s a LOT of writing in this course though, with a big report and a smaller report, and a lot of R, even though they didn’t really teach you how to use R during class. The tutorial was definitely a lot of work, and the prof just kinda reads off the slides, with some occasional dad jokes.
BIOL 398/399/498/499: four terms of science co-op. I worked at a biotech lab in Richmond and a summer camp on campus. That’s when I confirmed that I hated working in a lab and loved teaching LOL. I think I sent more than 60 resumes + cover letters overall, not a fun experience but it’s a lowkey numbers game with little to no experience.
MATH 100: I skipped this course because I took AP Calc AB in high school, kinda regret skipping this in uni since it would’ve just been a easy course to get used to university math. So I’ve nothing else to say.
MATH 101 (I forgor): this one was rough since I skipped MATH 100, as I don’t remember much from AP Calc at this point. The prof, who I forgot, was hard to understand and didn’t teach us much. It’s pretty much just calculus but harder (I guess it is Calc II), and it kinda traumatized me with the Taylor Series (I still don’t know what that is).
MATH 200 (Dr. Brian Freidin): I found this pretty interesting, since I learned about calculus in the third dimension. This class was only midterms, WebWork, and a final, so a typical math class lol. This course ended during the COVID era, so we had 95/5 midterm/final policy, and so I got lucky with the grade I got. The prof was alright, he wrote everything on chalkboards, so it was a bit hard to understand things. I think we did MatLab here too…? Struggled with that because I can’t code :D
MATH 220 (Dr. Jingyi Chen): I HATE THIS COURSE SO MUCH I HATE PROOFS SO MUCH. Yeah I took this during the COVID era, and I got like 57%... definitely hurt me mentally quite a lot… anyways, I thought it would be fun to prove maths, and now I’m traumatized by all the random greek letters in math. This is a required pre-req for a lot of the math courses here, so it may be unavoidable. Also the prof sucked lol, he was very dismissive with my questions and all.
MATH 221 (Dr. Daniel Coombs): first time learning linear algebra, thought it’s alright. It was hard to understand for me, but the prof is honestly pretty funny. I went to a few of his office hours, and he was quite helpful. The course load was alright, with exams, WebWork (I think..?), and a big final. Also had to learn python to do matrix calculations in this class, struggled a lot for that because I don’t know how to code lol
MATH 302 (Dr. Jonathan Hermon): didn’t have a great time here lol. Took this during the COVID era, with quite a few proofs and some pretty difficult homework assignments. I struggled quite a bit, but maybe it’s just the whole online school thing. It was definitely a lot of probability stuff, but I don’t remember anything I learned.
MATH 307 (Dr. Ming Zhang): he is very sweet and a great teacher, one of my fav math profs for sure! He checks up on us often, and is just an overall cool dude. It was hard for me to learn linear algebra over Zoom during COVID era, but still had an enjoyable class regardless. It’s pretty much just MATH 221 part 2 electric boogaloo, with some more definitions and stuff, don’t remember doing a lot of proofs though thankfully.
MATH 312 (Dr. John Macdonald): decent amount of proofs in this class, but it was manageable since it’s still a lot of arithmetics. Honestly pretty interesting class as well, as we learned a lot of cool theorems and learning about some niche questions that we can solve. The prof is alright, his lecture isn’t that engaging, as he just reads off of his notes, but he is super helpful in his office hours. The course grading was hella rough though, 5 tests each 10%, and a final with 50%.
MATH 317 (Dr. Sebastien Picard): THIS GUY IS A LEGEND. Honestly the best math prof I’ve had, a very relatable and hilarious guy. This man uses Taylor Swift references and talks about random concerts he’s going to in lectures, yet gets the point across as well. I also enjoyed the class itself as it’s all arithmetics and no proofs. We got weekly homework with a midterm and final, and the prof even dedicated the lecture before the exams to do practice exams with us. Honestly, can’t recommend this prof and course enough, it’s pretty much just Calc III with a bit more stuff.
MATH 340 (Dr. Mathav Murugan): this class kinda sucked LOL. The prof, as sweet as he is, isn’t a great teacher, and it’s hard for me to understand him with his unreadable writing. The homework is very tough, often involving proofs, while we don’t cover much of the content in lecture. Hated it for sure by the sheer amount of proofs involved, in a class where I expected it to be mostly arithmetics oops
MATH 446 (Dr. Costanza Piccolo): honestly a super interesting course! There’s a lot of reading, but not much actually doing the math at all. Most of the assignments are making presentations (my group did a presentation on how the Ancient Mesopotamians used clay tablets to do math) and writing a final paper on a math topic (I wrote mine on the history of the golden ratio, pretty interesting stuff). The prof is sweet and understanding, but her lectures aren’t the most engaging. Feels like a nice GPA boost too since I didn’t have to worry about a final and WebWork, just a lot of writing.
CHEM 121 (Dr. Erin Lindenberg): I actually wanted to do biochem in my first year, but this course made me just want to do bio instead LMAO. The prof is great, she’s super sweet and fun, but man the course was ROUGH. Going from high school chem to this is a humbling experience. I remember learning quantum mechanics stuff in like week 2, and was already behind by that point. It is a required course, so that didn’t help lol. The labs are a lot of work too, but it wasn’t too bad after going through the textbooks and lab manual.
CHEM 123 (Dr. Erin Lindenberg, I forgor): top 10 worst experiences in uni lmao. It is split into physical chem and organic chem. Erin taught us one of the sections, which was quite enjoyable, but the second prof SUCKED. He didn’t teach us anything, and felt like he just went there to get paid and go home (fair enough lol). The labs are a lot more work too, and our class was in the chem building basement. So yeah, very horrible experience for me.
CHEM 233 (Dr. Jason Hein): unfortunately, I didn’t end up in the GOAT Jay Wickenden’s class, but Jason is still a pretty good prof. I remember camping at the chem resource centre every week trying to do the worksheets lol, it wasn’t fun. I struggled with CHEM 123, so this course was hella rough. No lab though, which was nice, but I didn’t think it was that bad (maybe it’s because I was in second year, so got more used to uni?). I understand the meme of why nobody likes ochem now, and I still don’t :)
CHEM 235 (TA: William Primrose): this is just a once-a-week lab course, ran by one of the only TAs that I still remember by name. He is a legend of a TA, super helpful and super chill. Taught us quite a lot too. I actually had fun in this lab, since we got to do some pretty cool stuff, and the lab work was honestly not too tough. Again, could just be me getting more used to uni, but I still had some fun in this lab.
PHYS 101 (I forgor): I don’t think this course is offered anymore, but it was hella rough. A lot of work in labs, and pretty much grade 12 physics on absolute crack. The material is a lot harder than high school, but honestly still pretty manageable, just took a lot of time to figure things out. That’s all I remember tbh
PHYS 438 (Dr. Scott Oser): this prof is honestly so funny lol. He makes the class super fun, and the homework is actually really fun too, like calculating how much flesh a zombie would need to eat to stay alive. It’s pretty much just a lot of math in biology, like an add-on to BIOL 325. I enjoyed it a lot. We had a final project on any physics in biology topic, so my group and I did a presentation on how many Canadian geese it takes to fly Santa’s sleigh lmao (it was between 155,220,253 and 244,717,718 geese).
CPSC 100 (Dr. Oluwakemi Ola): fun prof, fun class, and not too stressful. I honestly don’t remember what I did here, since I took this in the first semester of first year, but I remembered it to be decently fun…
CPSC 110 (Dr. Oluwakemi Ola): now, if MATH 220 was the PTSD for me in math, this course is the PTSD for me in compsci. I needed this course for some of the higher level math courses, and yeah it sucked a lot since I don’t know how to code lmao. It was a LOT of work, taking up like 5 hours weekly. Got the same prof as CPSC 100, again, makes the class fun. One biggest W in this course is understanding all of the Gregor memes, and honestly, hilarious. Trust the natural recursion fellas.
MICB 201 (Dr. Jennifer Sibley): took this during the COVID era as a summer class, it was a LOT of information, but honestly manageable. Took it the same time as BIOL 260, so quite a lot of work, but I found it somewhat interesting. I don’t really care about microbes, but I ended up finding them interesting. We did a mini infographic for one of the assignments too, had quite a lot of fun. The prof was pretty nice, and great at teaching!
EOSC 114 (Dr. Lucy Porritt, Dr. Leah May Ver, Dr. Brett Gilley, Dr. James Kelly Russell, Dr. Douglas McCollor..?): got an Avengers cast here for this class, with each prof covering a speciality: general disaster (Lucy), extinction (Leah), earthquake/landslide (Brett), storm (James), and volcano (Douglas I think..?). So naturally (haha), I had some of the best and some of the worst profs lol. Leah didn’t teach us anything, James just read off of his slides, Brett is hilarious and a legend, and Lucy is super sweet and funny, and Douglas is knowledgeable and makes volcanoes interesting. Overall though, a LOT of work for a first year course, and a lot of exams for the different sections, but it’s all multiple choice with a lot of memorization.
EOSC 474 (Dr. Leah May Ver, Dr. Yevhenii Pakhomov): a lot of memorization in this class again, with Leah again unfortunately. She didn’t get better tbh :( Yevhenii is alright, he just kinda read off the slides too. The class is kinda boring, even though I found the content to be interesting. There’s a lot of work in this class, with a challenging midterm and final.
EOSC 475 (Dr. Curtis Suttle): hands down the best EOSC prof and one of the best I’ve had! THIS MAN IS HILARIOUS. He is very knowledgeable, and very kind and cares a lot, as he always checks up on us. He has some of the most unhinged stories I’ve ever heard, y’all need to take this course just for him lol. The material is kinda rough though, with a lot of memorization, but the exams are very fair. We also have a final project where we have to write a Wikipedia article on a marine microbe topic, which is honestly pretty fun. This is one of those courses where I don’t like, but the prof made it super fun :)
SCIE 113 (I forgor): don’t think this course is offered anymore, but it wasn’t that enjoyable lmao. A lot of work, and had to listen to some pretty boring seminars. Felt ironic because this course is about science communication, but it wasn’t done that well :/ it sounded so interesting…
ENGL 110 (I forgor): took this during COVID era, don’t remember anything.
ENGL 112 (I forgor): also don’t remember anything, I think I have repressed my memories of English requirements LOL
SWED 100/110/200 (Dr. Lena Karlstrom): I knew a bit of Swedish before uni, so I thought I’d continue learning it, it was so fun! Lena is super funny, and a great teacher especially in office hours. We watched quite a few Swedish movies in class, and did a lot of writing assignments. But I enjoyed it quite a lot, and still am keeping up my streak on Duolingo lmaooo. If you want a good teacher for a random language course, I would recommend those courses :) (sorry Lena, I don’t have time in my schedule to complete SWED 210…)
CRWR 208 (Dr. Taylor Brown-Evans): the highly suggested comic-book writing class, an absolute blast! I had a lot of fun in this class, especially with Taylor. He is a super caring prof, checking up on us and making the class very fun. There’s quite a lot of work (comics take longer than I thought to make), but I had a lot of fun going through all of them. There’s also a lot of great in-class activities, which feels like a nice break from my other classes. Like many people, I very much recommend this great class :)
Whew, thanks to anyone who has read through all that hahaha, it was a fun (with some trauma) nostalgic trip for me to reflect on my 6 years here. I hope that this helps y’all to pick your courses, and I will try to reply to any more questions! And of course, please leave your experiences too, I’d love to hear them as well :D
submitted by chilylugia to UBC [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 19:24 2639enthusiast rate my grades

rate my grades
For context I’m a freshie Idek why I’m posting, I know they’re an 11/10 smh 🙄
submitted by 2639enthusiast to school [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 17:10 ineverusereddit2020 Feedback on one week CDMX itinerary

I’m planning a one-week trip to Mexico City for mid-May. Going with one other person and staying in a hotel in the centro. It will be our first time there. We both speak Spanish fairly proficiently.
Looking for some feedback on this itinerary. I’m trying to create something that is balanced and not too hectic, as I know there is no way to see everything in just a week. Neither of us are huge nightlife people, hence the lack of evening activities on the itinerary. At most planning on stopping by some bars for some live music in the evening.
Our main interests for this visit are archeology, history, and art. Trying to visit Teotihuacán as well as some of what seems to be the lesser visited archeology sites. Is a whole day too much for visiting Teotihuacán not on a tour? Additionally, we are excited about the Museo Nacional de Antropología, but does anyone have experience with the guided tours that the website lists as occurring at 10am and noon?
For art museums, we are keeping it a bit flexible and may save stuff for another visit as there are just so many great art museums in CDMX. Decided to skip the Museo Frida Kahlo because it doesn’t seem to have much of her art and don’t want to worry about getting a ticket ahead of time. Wanted to see Museo Dolores Olmedo after our tour of Xochimilco, but looks like it is closed temporarily, so that will have to be for another trip. I’m assuming that Sunday will be a hectic day to see museums since they are free, but hoping it will still be doable to visit some museums, especially the Museo del Arte Popular, as I’m excited for that one.
Budget for food is $20 USD per day per person, as the hotel includes breakfast. Planning a mix of street food, cheaper eats, and some sit-down. One of us is vegetarian, any tips for that? Budgeting $50 USD per person for the week for transportation as we will mostly take transit besides a few ubers/didis. Besides the entrance fees and such, budgeting $100 USD per person for buying souvenirs and miscellaneous expenses.
submitted by ineverusereddit2020 to travel [link] [comments]

2024.04.05 17:16 NerdusOlympiadicus Biolympiads training camps this spring! Join at

Biolympiads training camps this spring! Join at submitted by NerdusOlympiadicus to USABO [link] [comments]

2024.04.05 17:09 NerdusOlympiadicus Biolympiads training camps this spring! Join at

Biolympiads training camps this spring! Join at submitted by NerdusOlympiadicus to biologyolympiads [link] [comments]

2024.04.02 09:57 Realistic_Ad_7371 ECONOMY, ENVIRONMENT and SCIENCE prelims IMPORTANT themes

part1 History themes:
1.Basic concepts:
a.Open market operations, Sterilisation, T-Bill, Certificate of deposits, CRR, SLR, MCLR, MSF, LIF
b.Fiscal Stimulus, GDP, GNP, NNP
c.Repo rate and reverse repo rate
d.Mixed economy, market stabilisation schemes, Sun rise industries
e.Deficit: fiscal, budget, revenue and primary
f.Closed economy, Legal tender of money, BOP, Devaluation of currency, Bank rate, call money, commercial papers, convertibility of rupee, PPP, MFN status, Hundi system, Base effect, Bank Board Bureau, Operation Twist, NEER and REER
g.Current account and capital account convertibility, Money multiplier, P-notes, opportunity costs, venture capital.
a.MSP, FRP, Land ceiling and land reforms, crop insurance schemes, seed village, seed replacement rates
b.Kisan Credit Cards, Operation flood, export and import data
3.Organisation and departments: APMC, CACP, FCA, NPCA, TRIFED, Labour bureau, CSO, NSSO, IREDA and FSSAI.
4.Banks and their operations: RBI, NABARD, LEAD Bank, EXIM bank, Land Development Bank, Commercial Bank, Regional Rural Banks, Primary agricultural credit societies, District cooperative banks, Urban cooperative banks, small finance banks and payment banks, deposit insurance
5.Acts: FSSAI act 2006, FRBM 2003, National Food Security Act 2013, SARFAESI Act 2002
6.Important Schemes from Current Affairs, Index and reports,
7.Bonds: G-secs, debt bods, Zero coupon bonds, masala bonds, bearer bonds
8.Monetary policy: components and monetary policy committees
9.Finance Commissions: 15th and 16th
  1. 8 core industries and their weightage. Inflation, Financial stability development council
11.Important committees, BASEL-1,2 and 3 norms
12.Foreign trade, IPR, NIIF, Credit rating agencies, ECOMARK, AGMARK, BISMARCK, MGNREGA
13.WTO: TRIPS, TRIMS, Uruguay rounds
14.National Income, budget and taxation. FDI and FII.
15.Money and Capital market

1.Ecology and Biodiversity Basics
2.Food chain, food web, and food cycle. Ecological pyramids, gaseous and sedimentary cycles
3.Species adaptations to extremes Climatic conditions like deserts etc
4.Ecosystem productivity
5.Environmental problems and solutions: global warming, greenhouse gases, carbon fertilisation, ozone hole, coral reef threats and survival, algal blooms, types of pollution and their effect on humanity,
  1. Solution for environmental problems: Carbon Sequestration, Pyrolysis, Plasma gasification, Bioremediation, BOD.
7.Chemical pollutants and their sources: CO, Methane, Ozone, SO2, Benzene, mercury, petrochemical smog, chlorofluorocarbon, lead, Bisphenol A, Tricloson, Acid rain, microbeads, Fly ash, Steel and copper slag
8.By product of the sugar industry.
9.Impact of agri-fertilisers, acidification of oceans, phytoplankton
10.International Initiatives: summits/conferences/conventions/Declarations/organisations: UNCCD, UNRED++, TRAFFIC, IUCN, UNEP, UNFCCC, CITES, CBD, MONTREUX RECORDS,
11.Climate smart agriculture
  1. Important environment funds
13.National Initiatives: Indian forest act 1927, Forest Rights Act 2006, Environmental protection act 1986, WPA-1972, Central Pollution Control Board, CAMPA act 2016, GEAC, Eco-sensitive zones, NTCA, National Ganga River Basin Authority, NBA, NGT, Central ground water authority, Wetland Conservation and Management Rules 2010, Solid waste management rules 2016, Biodiversity act 2002, E-Waste Management Rules 2011, Bombay Natural History Society, Green India Mission, National Water Mission
14.Protected Areas and Conservation sites: Biosphere reserves, Wild-life sanctuaries and National parks, State animals
15.Indian State of Forest Report. Species, their location and threat.
16.Fauna - their location and their threats

  1. General Science (Biology and few chapters of physics)
2.Space: concepts Indian and International initiatives
3.Communication Technologies
4.Health: Diseases, Virus, Bacteria and fungi.
5.Emerging technologies and research: Genetics Engg, Electronics and IT
For more visit :

submitted by Realistic_Ad_7371 to UPSC [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 20:39 m0thgirlgf What is the answer for this question

What is the answer for this question submitted by m0thgirlgf to UPSC [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 07:53 ProfessionalGood187 [REQUEST]: WHAT'S MY IDEOLOGY


- The type of government should be rule by the one person, one family, one bloodline, one dynasty, and one clan only that this one ruling family-one bloodline-one dynasty-one clan government should be possessing an extreme power, total absolute authority, extreme militant strenght, extreme wealth, extreme treasure, extreme influence, and divinely manifestation over the state
- the succession of the leader should be in hereditary, passing throughtout generation to the next generation in one leading family in our country
- our country's official full name should start in "Great Empire of Great Empires", then our name of our country
- the leader should wear the crown, regalia, globus cruciger, sceptre, diadem, ring, sword, rosary, crucifix cross, sash, shoulder insignia, and collar insignia to show and display the legitimacy, total authority, wealth, power, influence, strenght, and divinity over the state
- The leader should be a strongman and total absolute dictator over the state and the leader is both combined syncretic head of state and head of the government
- The title of the leader should be Great Emperor of Great Emperors (Male Leader), Great Empress of Great Empresses (Female Leader), Crowned Prince (Male heir leader), and Crowned Princess (Female Heir Leader)
- I strongly support the cult of personality, because the Great Emperor of Great Emperors, Great Empress of Great Empress, Crowned Prince, and Crowned princess is refers to the " Great Divine Catholic Monarch" that possessing the divine miracle powers that granted by god to legitimize the rule, reign, power, wealth, treasure, influence, extreme strenght, government, and legitimacy and automatically cannonized as saints of catholic church
- we should enforce the decentralized lossed confederate empire like in holy roman empire to grant the greater high degree of autonomy to all of empires, ethnic ethnarchies, tribal tribarchy, ceasardoms, kingdoms, monarchies, chiefdoms, chieftaincies, grand principalities, and principalities to prevent separatism and they have a right to operate these administrative divisions independently without the intervention of imperial central crown government to avoid separatism and i strongly hate and i strongly condemn separatism because separatism destroys our mighty powerful empire
- The party system should be only one and only one party state that named "National Imperial Crowned Party" and the other political parties than national imperial crowned party and opposition parties should be ban
- The representatives only should be the regalia crown throne leadership caste peoples only
- The elections should be in show elections and the contestants in the elections is the regalia crown throne leadership caste peoples only from the different factions of national imperial crown party but their ideologies and their platforms should be same
- The Great Emperor of Great Emperors, Great Empress of Great Empresses, Crowned Prince, and Crowned Princess should hold an 100% Total Absolute Power authority control over the state


- The police should held the political power to enforce its laws
- The courts, justices, magistrates, judges, lawyers, fiscals, prosecutors, and persecutors should have an political power to function our judicial system
- The martial law should be declare because the crime rates, terrorism, and corruptions are very high and the martial law is 100% helpful to decrease the crime rates, terrorism, and corruptions in government
- I support the mob justice, street justice, vigilante justice, kangaroo courts, and public shamming trials becuase the accused and the criminal suspect should be humilate in front of public
- The criminals, murderers, hijackers, rapists, pedophiles, drug lords, corrupt governments, smugglers, hoarders, thieves, heretics, schismatics, infidels, apostates, terrorists, homosexuals, dissidents, rebels, and traitors should be punish by the death penalty in front of public and the death penalty method should be burn at the stake and the death penalty should held in execution plaza square and should be broadcast live in television, radio, internet, social media, screen billboards, and in speaker sound systems
- I strongly advocate the mass surveillance program that CCTV cameras, Automatic Picture caption cameras, trackers, sound recorder microphones, and surveillance systems should be deploy in the streets to monitor the country


- The military should have an political power like in myanmar, south korea in 1961 to 1988, and pinochet's chile
- I strongly support the warlordism because the military generals should have an political power over civilians
- We should implement the mandatory military service in all of 100% of the population and all of men, women, infants, toddlers, kids, children, tweens, adolescence, teen, youth, young, young adult, adult, mid life age, senior citizens, pwds, pregnant women, and all of sectors of society should join mandatory in the military service
- The military equipment should be upgrade into advanced, strong, nuclearized, and AI robotic military equipments such as tanks, fighting jets, missiles, bombs, guns, warships, warboats, and other military equipments
- we should use the military forces in our defense, law enforcement, politics, religion, economy, traffic enforcement, and other aspects of life


- I have an strong love, devotion, and extreme fanaticism in my own country, the philippines because iam 100% proud to be a filipino because iam born here in the philippines and iam filipino in blood and my citizenship and iam always ready to defend my country in the violent and destructive forms of war against the other countries that has a threat to the philippines
- the filipino people is the no.1 best people in the world
- we should recover the lost territories of the philippines such as sabah, spratly island, west philippine sea, miangas island/las palmas island, palau, guam, northern marianas island, taiwan, malaysia, indonesia, singapore, brunei, and papua new guinea as part of "Greater Philippines"
- i will declare the destrutive bloody violent deadly barbaric terroristic war against china to recover the west philippine sea and i urge the filipino people to commit the war crimes against china to recover the west philippine sea and i will glorify the war crimes that commit by the filipino people against china to recover the west philippine sea and i urge the filipino people to commit terrorism in china to recover the west philippine sea
- genocide all of the 100 million chinese communist party members including the xi jinping and his family of xi jinping to recover the west philippine sea
- we should expand and enlarge the territory size of the philippines
- the philippines should establish the colonies, vassals, and tributary countries abroad
- the philippines has a right to conquer the whole 7 continents and 5 oceans of the world
- we should defend, recognize, and legitimize the souvereignty of the philippines, because the philippines is souvereign country and the philippines only recognize as the souvereign state
- the united nations and other pan-global international organizations should be abolish because united nations is the worst pan-global international organization in the world because united nations and other pan-global international organizations are evil, satanic, freemasonry, and anti-christian organizations in the world
- we should never again to the membership of other pan-global international organizations
- the member nations of association of southeast asian nations should be unite under the one banner of southeast asia
- the immigration of foreign nationals in the philippines as non-tourist immigrant foreign nationals should be more stricter than its now to prevent crimes, terrorism, and illegal immigration of foreign nationals in the philippines
- only the extremely talented foreign nationals, the foreign nationals that have an clear, legal, and good moral record, the foreign nationals that their religion is christianity, and the foreign tourists only to allowed to enter the philippines
- the refugees should be chased out and expell in all of territories of the philippines
- we should build the strong fortified demilitarized great border walls like in great wall of china, korean demilitarized zone, and us-mexican border to prevent illegal immigration, smuggling, crimes, terrorism, and invasion to the philippines
- we should patrol the international borders of the philippines


- the businesses, owners, managers, labors, cooperatives, professions, jobs, and economic sectors should be unite and should be join in Corporation Body Union
- i strongly condemn communism, socialism, democratic socialism, social democracy, capitalism, neoliberalism, cronyism, and independent privatized monopoly corporatocracy because it is exploitive and unjust that destroys the lives of the people and destroys the businesses of their competitors
- we should set the 5 to 10 year economic plans to ensure the stability of the country
- the state has a best to know to run the economy and the management of the economy should be the state
- the imperial crown monarchy should own, control, manage, and possess the 80% of the economy
- the monarchy should have an command the compass of the economy to ensure the economic prosperity
- i respect the private property rights and the private property rights should be protect
- i strongly support the land reform programs to ensure that citizens has a private property rights and the private property rights of the citizens should be protect
- I respect the private property rights of the landholders, landowners, and hacienderos and the landowners, landholders, and hacienderos should have an political power to represent their right to own their property
- The lost state owned enterprises that becomes privatized should be renationalize again and should be recover it as a state owned enterprises
- we should create more state owned enterprises
- we should establish the crown owned enterprises that owned by the monarchy
- we should go towards post-work economy and we should promote the self employed economy, informal economy, enterpreneural economy, and non-traditional employment economy and the hobbies, habbits, recreational activities, and leisure activities should be convert into employment to prevent unemployment
- The minimum wage should be abolish because minimum wage is failure and it is failed to lift out to the poverty
- we should introduce the dividend income because the dividend income has more larger and more effective than minimum wage and the profit of the enterprises should be equal to the divident income that reccieved by the owners, employers, bosses, managers, staffs, employees, workers, and laborers
- the profits should be based on what we produce the products
- we should self reliant in our agricultural products and we should buy only local produced agricultural products and we should protect our domestic industries and we should export our raw materials in the world and we should have the free trade in terms of luxury products and we should have an mass importation on second hand surplus products
- we should produce our products and we should consumme it and we must live in the luxurious lifestyle and we must invest our money to strenght the financial literacy in our country
- we should support the micro-small-medium enterprises to ensure the free and fair competition in the market
- we should create the multinational chartered megacorporations, because the multinational chartered megacorporations are more humane and more natural monopolies than independent multinational megacorporations
- the foreign direct investment should be open in 100% open foreign direct investment
- the usury should ban and the usury should criminalize because usury is the destroyer of the economy
- the central bank should be 100% government owned and dependent to the government
- restore the gold backed up currency because gold has much value than fiat paper money
- we should introduce the digital currency on smartphones and we should introduce the card currency (not credit card) because they are same as gold that has a absolute unlimited value than fiat papaer money
- we should print more polymer banknotes because polymer banknotes has an absolute unlimited value than fiat paper currency
- the fiat paper money should be abolish
- the inflation rate should be abolish because inflation rate is obstacle to the economy
- the national debt should be abolish because it destroys our economy
- we should introduce the universal basic income, basic guaranteed income, welfare programs, free necessities, and corporate welfare to almost 100% of the population
- the free universal healthcare should be establish to order to have an free and access to the free healthcare


- enlightenment should be reject because enlightenment is failure, enlightenment is disaster to the human race, and enlightenment should never happen because enlightenment destroys our modern and contemporary world
- reject modernity, embrace future, because modernity is outdated, modernity is primitive, modernity is spook, modernity is low tech, modernity is disaster to the human race, and modernity is immoral
- reject reason because reason is spook
- empiricism is spook, empiricism is creepy
- the nobles should have an political power in our country
- society has better years ago than its now
- i strongly support collectivism because we are the society and we are the country
- the persons of disabilities are deserves to have an human rights and protections than criminals and the criminals should no and never have an human rights
- the hierarchical state is the best
- we should establish the extreme strict highly rigid highly formalized hereditary ascribed caste system and we should divide our society into caste layer level ranks such as 1.) Regalia Crown Throne Leadership Caste; 2.) Throne Power Leadership Caste; 3.) Head Ones Caste; 4.) Ecclessiastical Church Caste; 5.) Nobility Caste; 6.) Representative Elected Council Caste; 7.) Wealth Treasure Caste, 8.) Warrior Caste; 9.) Bourgeoisie Caste; 10.) Famous Notable Popular Caste; 11.) Specialized Profession Caste; 12.) Occupation Livelihood Caste; 13.) Proletariat Caste; 14.) Technology Caste; 15.) Artificial Enhanced People Caste; 16.) Other Economy Caste; 17.) Gender Role Caste; 18.) Unproductive Caste; 19.) Commoner post-work citizen masses with absolute unlimited basic income caste; 20.) Mean Caste; 21.) Rat Race Caste; 22.) Domestic Caste; 23.) Freedom Caste; 24.) Treated Like A Personal Property Caste; 25.) Subjugated Machine Caste; 26.) Non-Technology Caste; 27.) Disadvantage Caste; 28.) Bad Damnation Caste
- the social mobility should be abolish and should be total ban
- i strongly condemn and i strongly hate and i have a strong phobia to the equality, egalitarianism, and equity because it creates chaos, civil disobedience and civil disorder to the country
- we should revive the ancient, archaic, antiquity, medieval, renaissance, and old cultures and we should transform them into rebirth and revived and vital ones to make our country and the world civilized and great again
- we should assimilate the white americans, native americans, europeans, slavics, turkics, middle eastern peoples, latinos, black americans, africans, white australians, and australian aborigines into filipino austronesian culture
- we should have an cultural exchange between indians, east asians, and indochinese peoples
- we should destroy the western anglo-zionist culture because the western anglo-zionist culture is new modernist enlightened immoral primitive barbaric uncivilized culture that never existed in thousand of years ago
- the accepted cultures in the world is orientalist culture of asians, europeans especially the hispanic roman greek culture, latinos, africans, and indigenous cultures because these cultures are standing for the thousands of the years
- the filipino culture and austronesian cultures is superior than other cultures
- we should declare the 40-1,000 child policy to boost the population and prevent the population decline
- the contraceptives, condoms, iuds, and sterlizations should declare illegal should be criminalize and should be ban totally to avoid ageing population and population decline
- the population pyramid should be the youthful population that contains 50% of the population are in ages 0-14, 48% are in ages 15-64 and 2% of population are in 65 and over
- the population growth rate should be rise in 2,456.78% per year population growth rate and the population growth should be exploding growing population like a bombs
- we should increase the birth rate into 3,455,123.00 births per 1,000 population, increase the fertility rate into 800.90 children born per woman, decrease the death rate into 0.00010 deaths per 1,000 population, increase the life expectancy into 2,000.90 years, and decrease the infant mortality rate and maternal mortality rate into absolute total zero to promote explosion of population groth like the bomb
- we should embrace, romanticize, and normalize the overpopulation because overpopulation is the best way to repopulate the nation
- the overpopulation alarm are hoax because overpopulation is hoax, myth, fake, and false
- we are overdensity of the population and the over density/extreme density of the population should have an solution
- The catholic theocracy should be the form of government because iam devout roman catholic and the catholicism should be the state religion because the catholicism is the real religion
- The roman catholic church, eastern orthodox church, oriental orthodox church, and coptic church should be reunite again and must re-establish the "Great Catholic Christian Church" again
- the non-catholic religions such as protestantism, islam, hinduism, buddhism, atheism, judaism, satanism, and other non-catholic religions should be ban, persecute, destroy, genocide, and abolish because they are heretic, schismatics, infidels, and heathens
- i strongly support the sacerdotalism and sacerdotal state because the ecclessiastical church is most powerful people in representative elected advisory court caste peoples in the world
- the propaganda should be establish and we must deploy the propaganda posters and propaganda flyers in the streets, in the billboards, in the screen billboards, in advertisements, in television, in radio, in internet, and in social media
- The media should be the state media and we should establish the government owned media, government owned television station, government owned radio station, government owned newspaper, government owned broadcasting, government owned newsagency, government owned internet browser platform, and government owned social media platform
- we must strongly promote censorship and all of the inappropriate content on television, radio, news, internet, social media, advertisements, and propaganda
- the press should be extremely tightly control by the crown monarchy
- the type of the family structure should be in the clan multigenerational immediate extended family and living in one compound unit territory and one compound unit land
- the family of choice, single families, familylessness, and nuclear family should be abolish and reject
- the men and women should have an equal opportunity in terms of employment, voting, conscription, property, religion, law, politics, travel, and diplomacy
- we should preserve the strict traditional gender roles in terms of facial expression, movements, body shapes, body size, weight, reproductive organs, organ systems, voice, clothing, fashion, style, linguistic register styles, and hair styles
- sex outside of marriage should be ban and the punishment for sex outside of marriage is marriage by the state
- the homosexuality and same sex marriage should be totally ban because homosexuality and same sex marriage are the sodomy and sodomic acts
- i strongly support the diverse multinational and multiethnic nation state because my country is diverse ethnic country
- the austronesian race and the brown race is superior race
- i strongly condemn the genocide of other ethnic groups
- we should create the artificial ethnic groups and artificial races to order to make the world more diverse in terms of ethnicity groups and race groups
- the tagalog language and philippine accent english should be the universal language
- the baybayin alibata alphabet should be revive and restore and just add new character letters that translated as c, f, j, q, v, x, and z
- the baybayin alibata alphabet and latin alphabet should be the universal writing systems and should be tandem in terms of translation of the languages and other writing systems
- i also recognize the cyrilic, greek, chinese characters, devanagari, bengali-assamese, burmese, hangul, hiragana-katakana-kana, perso-arabic, hebrew, thai, burmese, khmer, javanese, sundanese, and other writing systems as official writing systems
- i strongly hate abortion because abortion is mortal sin and god hates abortions
- i strongly hate divorce because divorce is mortal sin and god hates divorce
- i strongly hate euthanasia because euthanasia is mortal sin and god hates euthanasia
- i strongly hate drugs because drugs is mortal sin and god hates drugs
- we should declare the total and bloody war on drugs against drug lords and the drug addicts should confine in hospital and rehabilitate them
- the obscenity should be ban totally especially the malicious obscenity
- the profanity should be ban totally


- we should build the infrastructure projects and we should build more megastructures in the world
- we should expand and build more roadway networks, railway networks, walkway networks, waterway networks, and cyclingway networks especially the long distance expressways, long distance railway networks, long distance canals, long distance walkways, and long distance cyclingways
- we should introduce the nuclear energy, renewable energy, dark matter energy, microwave energy, fission energy, fusion energy, internet powered energy, tesla powered energy, unlimited energy, and wireless energy and we should build and build more nuclear power plants, renewable power plants, dark matter power plants, microwave power plants, fission power plants, fusion power plants, internet power plants, tesla power plants, unlimited power plants, and wireless power plants to continue the power and energy supply
- we should build smart grids to promote electricity supply
- we should abolish the coal energy, gas energy, fuel energy, and fossil fuel energy because it is dirty, polluted, and outdated and we should demolish and decommission the useless coal powerplants, useless gas power plants, useless fuel plants, and useless fossil fuel plants
- we should build more dams to provide water supply, irrigation, flood control, electricity, recreation activity, tourism, and livelihhood to the people
- the ownership of private transportation such cars, van, motorcycle, truck, flying cars, private jet, private boat, private ship, and private space ships should be compulsory mandatory in households
- the public transportation should be still valued and should introduce, establish, and build more public transportation and its facilities
- the landports, waterports (seaports, riverports, lakeports, and harbors), railports, airports, spaceports, pedestrianports, and cyclingports should be establish and build more
- we should introduce and establish the bullet train high speed railway networks
- we should abandon and abolish the diesel trains, locomotive trains, gas trains, and steam trains because it is outdated and polluted
- we should introduce and establish the vactrains and hyperloop trains
- we should embrace, romaticize, and normalize the traffic congestion because it is part of technological advancement and economic growth
- we should introduce, establish, and build more mrt metro rapi transits, subways, light rapid transits, trams, bus rapid transits, monorails, and personal rapid transit in short distance areas
- we should upgrade our transportation vechicles such as land vechicles, water vechicles, air vechicles, and space vechicles into futuristic one
- we should introduce and establish the level 5 automated autonomous self driving vechicles and we must abolish the steering wheels in the driver seats
- the technology and industry is gift from god and the technology and industry is granted by the god and we should appreciate it
- we should invent, introduce, establish, and develop the robots, robotics, artificial general intelligence,artificial intelligence, smart machines, and technological singularity
- we should embrace, romanticize, and normalize technological unemployment and ai takeover because it is part of technological advancement
- we should automate the industries totally and the idea of manual labor, repititive tasks, and menial work should be abolish
- the robots, cyber systems, machines, and computers should have an political power and influence over the populace
- the ownership of gadgets such as smart cellphones, telephones, tablets, computers, laptops, and netbooks to all of individual populations should be compulsory mandatory in all of 100% of individual populations should have these gadgets
- the ownership of appliances such as flat screen smart television set, radio set, refrigirator, washing machine, electric stove, and microwave oven should be compulsory mandatory in all of households
- the gadgets should be in a super smart form of technology and these gadgets should be supersmart such as supersmart cellphone, supersmart telephone, supersmart tablet, supersmart computers, supersmart laptops, and supersmart netbooks
- the appliances should be in a supersmart form of technology and these appliances should be in supersmart form such as supersmart flatscreen television set, supersmart radio set, supersmart refrigirator, supersmart washing machine, supersmart electric stove, and supersmart microwave oven
- we should upgrade the celluar networks into 1 billion to 1 quintillion G celluar network
- we should build more cell sites and we must upgrade the internet speed into decillion absolute infinibytes per seconds
- we should upgrade the internal storage, sd card storage and memory storage into quattrodecilion absolute infinibytes to have a more spaces in internal storage, sd card stoarage, and memory storage of supersmart cellphone, supersmart telephone, supersmart tablet, supersmart computers, supersmart laptops, and supersmart netbooks
- we should embrace the genetic modifications, transhuman, cyborgs, and cybernetics because it is part of our country
- we should go towards post-industrial world and we must build factories that no chimneys and totally operated by the robots and the chinmeys should be demolish
- we should have renew the urban areas and we should build another new urban planning that in the center core of urban area contains church, plaza public square, park, school, university, palace, government buildings, marketplace, shopping malls, and supertall high rise skyscrapers on their background
- we should build the overtall high rise skyscrapers that has height of 50 to 100 kilometers high height of skyscrapers
- we should preserve the rural areas and the rural areas must transform into cybersmart rural area and we must build the rural skyscrapers that has height of 100 to 300 meters high rural skyscrapers
- we should embrace, romaticize, and normalize the slum buildings because it is part of urbanization experience and we must build the slum buildings that has height of 2 kilometers to 5 kilometers high
- the urban size should be expand more while the rural areas should be expand more the size of rural areas
- we should build the strong fortified great walls that inside of strong fortified great walls should contains urban areas, build up areas, co-urban areas, outskirt areas, suburban areas, exurban areas, semi-urban areas, peri-urban areas, urbral areas, urban-rural fringe areas, fringe areas, rural-urban fringe areas, rurban areas, peri-rural areas, semi-rural areas, exrural areas, subrural areas, in skirt areas, co-rural areas, build down areas, and rural areas
- we should transform the urban areas, build up areas, co-urban areas, outskirt areas, suburban areas, exurban areas, semi-urban areas, peri-urban areas, urbral areas, urban-rural fringe areas, fringe areas, rural-urban fringe areas, rurban areas, peri-rural areas, semi-rural areas, exrural areas, subrural areas, in skirt areas, co-rural areas, build down areas, and rural areas into cyberpunk, teslapunk, solarpunk, and biopunk form of landscape styles
- the arcology buildings should be build to populate more our urban areas
- we should preserve the agricultural lands, arable lands, permanent crop lands, and pasture lands
- we should preserve our nature
- we should plant more trees and we should reforest our forest areas
- we should clean our waters and we should make the bodies of water clean, clear and blue again
- we should totally ban the use of plastics
- we should build the sewerage treatment plants to make the wastes into clear and clean water
- we should make the garbages into reusable and the biodegradable should turn into soil
- we should have an strong strict proper discipline when comes in garbage disposal
- we should invent the home sewerage equipment to recycle the water and prevents sewerage leaks and to order to preserve the clean and clear water
- the climate change is hoax because climate change is man made and manipulated by the weather remote control devices that operated by the evil satanic freemason globalist antichrist people to kill and genocide all of 100% of the population of the humans, animals, plants, and trees that created by the god


- I strongly reject the left, center, right, syncretic, big tent, catch all party, and non-quadrant politics because they creates divisiveness a.k.a. left-center-right and confusion a.k.a. syncretic-big tent-catch all party-non quadrant politics in our country
- I am strongly agree to the unity politics because we need to unite the people
- I strongly reject the non-political, apolitical, political, and politicized methods because it creates ignoarace a.k.a. non-political and apolitical and chaos a.k.a. political and politicize
- I strongly reject the non-radicality, moderate, mainstream, radical, and extremist politics because these radicalities creates ignorace (non-radicality, moderate, and mainstream) and chaos (radical and extremist) in our country
- My transition to establish my ideology should be in destructive violent bloody barbaric terroristic psycopathic dangerous revolution to establish my ideal ideology in my country
- my ideology is inspired in ancien regime with cyberpunk characteristics and ancien regime with science fiction fantasy characteristics
submitted by ProfessionalGood187 to WhatsMyIdeology [link] [comments]

2024.03.27 00:54 EliteAdventuresT Luxury and Heritage: Journey from Cancun to Tulum

Luxury and Heritage: Journey from Cancun to Tulum
Embark on an 8-day Smart-Inclusive tour from Cancun to Tulum, combining luxury and cultural immersion, as you explore Mayan heritage, visit stunning cenotes and archaeological sites, and engage with local communities.

Introduction to the 8-day Smart-Inclusive Tour

Embark on a transformative 8-day Smart-Inclusive tour from Cancun to Tulum, where luxury meets cultural immersion in a seamless blend of opulence and authentic experiences. This meticulously curated journey offers a unique opportunity to explore the Mayan Heritage Path, delving into the ancient civilization's mysteries while avoiding tourist traps and embracing comfort throughout the adventure. One of the key highlights of this tour is its private and customizable nature, allowing travelers to tailor their experiences to align with their interests and preferences, ensuring a truly personalized journey that resonates with each guest.
As travelers step into Cancun, they are greeted by local guides who not only provide essential information but also share captivating stories about the region's history and culture, setting the stage for an enriching exploration. The Smart-Inclusive concept is introduced, emphasizing the exclusivity and attention to detail that define this extraordinary tour. Each guest is presented with a personalized travel kit, comprising maps, local SIM cards, eco-friendly water bottles, and insider guides, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable travel experience. For example, imagine receiving a personalized travel kit that includes a handwritten note from a local guide sharing insider tips on the best spots to witness breathtaking sunsets in Tulum.
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Arrival in Cancun

Upon arrival in Cancun, guests are not only welcomed by friendly local guides but also provided with a comprehensive overview of the Smart-Inclusive concept and detailed itinerary for the upcoming days. This warm reception sets the tone for a journey filled with cultural discoveries and luxurious experiences. In addition to receiving personalized travel kits, guests are also briefed on the exclusive amenities and leisure facilities available at the hotel, ensuring they make the most of their leisure time in Cancun. For instance, travelers may have access to private beach clubs, spa services, and culinary experiences that showcase the vibrant flavors of Mexican cuisine.
Once settled in Cancun, travelers have the opportunity to explore the city's vibrant offerings, from bustling markets to serene beaches. Optional tours cater to individual preferences, allowing guests to tailor their experiences to align with their interests. Whether it's embarking on a culinary adventure to taste local delicacies or immersing oneself in the cultural heritage of the region, Cancun offers a myriad of experiences to suit every traveler's desires. Guests can choose to visit the El Rey Ruins to uncover the ancient history of the area or indulge in water activities like snorkeling in the clear turquoise waters of the Caribbean Sea.

Leisure Time in Cancun

During leisure time in Cancun, travelers can choose from an array of activities that cater to diverse interests and preferences. From exploring the vibrant underwater world of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System to relaxing on the pristine beaches of Playa Delfines, Cancun offers a plethora of options for every type of traveler. Guests can also opt for cultural experiences, such as visiting the Mayan Museum of Cancun to delve into the rich history of the region through ancient artifacts and exhibits. Additionally, the city's bustling markets and lively streets provide a glimpse into the local lifestyle and traditions, offering a holistic view of Cancun's cultural tapestry.
Indulge in the leisure facilities of the exclusive hotel, where guests can unwind in luxury and tranquility. Imagine basking in the sun by an infinity pool overlooking the azure waters of the Caribbean Sea or pampering yourself with rejuvenating spa treatments that transport you to a state of blissful relaxation. For those seeking culinary delights, the hotel's gourmet restaurants offer a fusion of flavors that showcase the diversity of Mexican cuisine, tantalizing taste buds and creating memorable dining experiences. The leisure time in Cancun sets the stage for the adventures that await on the rest of the Smart-Inclusive tour, ensuring that guests are rejuvenated and ready for the upcoming explorations.

Day 4: Exploring Suytun Cenote and Ek-Balam

On the fourth day of the 8-day Smart-Inclusive tour, travelers are treated to an immersive exploration of the stunning Suytun Cenote, a natural wonder that captivates with its crystal-clear waters and breathtaking rock formations. Guides provide insights into the geological significance of cenotes in the Yucatan Peninsula, shedding light on their formation and cultural importance. Guests have the opportunity to swim in the cenote's refreshing waters, surrounded by the natural beauty that defines this unique geological feature. For example, imagine floating in the serene waters of Suytun Cenote, gazing up at the sunlight filtering through the natural skylight above, creating a magical play of light and shadow.
After the cenote experience, the journey continues to the lesser-known Ek-Balam ruins, where travelers can explore the ancient Mayan archaeological site in a more secluded and intimate setting. Ek-Balam, known for its well-preserved structures and intricate carvings, offers a glimpse into the architectural and artistic achievements of the Mayan civilization. Guides share stories of the site's history and significance, providing context to the structures and artifacts that dot the landscape. Guests can climb the Acropolis, the main pyramid of Ek-Balam, for panoramic views of the surrounding jungle, immersing themselves in the mystique of this hidden gem along the Mayan Heritage Path.
To culminate the day's adventures, a traditional Yucatecan lunch awaits in Valladolid, a charming town steeped in colonial history and local traditions. The culinary experience introduces travelers to the vibrant flavors of Yucatecan cuisine, featuring dishes that highlight the region's unique ingredients and culinary techniques. Guests can savor specialties such as cochinita pibil, a traditional Mayan dish of slow-roasted pork, and papadzules, tortillas filled with hard-boiled eggs and topped with pumpkin seed sauce. The meal not only satiates hunger but also serves as a cultural immersion, allowing travelers to appreciate the gastronomic diversity of the Yucatan Peninsula and the fusion of indigenous and Spanish influences in its cuisine.

Day 5: Unveiling Chichen Itza and Tihosuco

The fifth day of the Smart-Inclusive tour unveils the iconic Chichen Itza archaeological site, a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the New Seven Wonders of the World. Travelers are guided through the ancient city's impressive structures, including the renowned Kukulkan Pyramid, also known as El Castillo, which serves as a testament to the Mayan civilization's architectural prowess and astronomical knowledge. Expert guides provide historical insights into the significance of Chichen Itza, allowing guests to appreciate the site's cultural and historical importance. For example, imagine standing in the shadow of El Castillo, marveling at the precision of its construction and the intricate carvings that adorn its steps, while learning about the Mayan calendar and cosmological beliefs.
In addition to exploring Chichen Itza, the journey extends to Tihosuco, a lesser-known Mayan village with a rich history and cultural heritage. This hidden gem offers travelers a glimpse into the daily life and traditions of the Mayan people, showcasing their resilience and enduring connection to their ancestral land. Guests can interact with local community members, gaining insights into their customs, traditions, and the challenges they face in preserving their cultural identity. By engaging with the residents of Tihosuco, travelers foster a deeper appreciation for the Mayan culture and the intricate tapestry of traditions that define this vibrant community.
After a day of archaeological wonders and cultural immersion, guests retreat to the picturesque town of Tulum for an evening of relaxation and reflection. Tulum, known for its stunning coastal views and ancient cliffside ruins, offers a serene setting for travelers to unwind and soak in the beauty of the Caribbean coast. The overnight stay in Tulum allows guests to savor the tranquil ambiance of the town, with its blend of natural beauty and historical intrigue, creating a seamless transition from a day of exploration to a night of tranquility.

Discovering Sian Ka'an Reserve

The Smart-Inclusive tour takes travelers on a captivating journey through the Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve, a vast expanse of natural wonders and ecological diversity. A boat tour through the reserve's diverse ecosystems offers guests a chance to witness the region's rich biodiversity, from colorful bird species to lush mangroves teeming with life. Guides provide insights into the delicate balance of the ecosystem, highlighting the importance of conservation efforts in preserving this unique habitat. Imagine gliding through the tranquil waters of Sian Ka'an, surrounded by the sights and sounds of nature, as you immerse yourself in the beauty of this pristine wilderness.
In addition to exploring the natural wonders of Sian Ka'an, travelers have the opportunity to engage with local Mayan communities residing within the reserve. These interactions provide a deeper understanding of the cultural heritage and traditional practices of the Mayan people, allowing guests to learn about their connection to the land and the sustainable living practices that have sustained their communities for generations. By participating in cultural exchanges and hands-on activities, travelers gain a profound appreciation for the interconnectedness of nature and humanity, fostering a sense of respect and admiration for the indigenous cultures that call Sian Ka'an home.

Morning Visit to Tulum Ruins

As the sun rises over the ancient city of Tulum, travelers embark on a morning excursion to explore the archaeological site in the serene glow of dawn. The tranquil ambiance of the early hours allows guests to appreciate the beauty and grandeur of Tulum's cliffside ruins, perched above the turquoise waters of the Caribbean Sea. Expert guides lead the way, sharing stories of the site's historical significance and architectural marvels, offering insights into the daily life of the Mayan inhabitants who once thrived in this coastal city. Envision standing atop the cliffs of Tulum, gazing out at the vast expanse of the sea as the first light of day illuminates the ancient stone structures, creating a scene of ethereal beauty and historical intrigue.
Explore the secrets of Tulum as you wander through the labyrinthine paths and sacred spaces of the archaeological site, uncovering hidden corners and ancient artifacts that reveal the city's rich history. The morning visit provides a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the mystical atmosphere of Tulum, where the echoes of the past resonate through the stone temples and ceremonial platforms. Guests can capture the essence of this ancient Mayan city through guided interpretations of its architecture, art, and cultural significance, gaining a deeper appreciation for the legacy left behind by this once-thriving civilization.

Inclusions and Exclusions Details

As part of the Smart-Inclusive tour package, travelers can expect a set number of nights of accommodation included in the itinerary, ensuring a comfortable and relaxing stay at each destination. From luxurious beachfront resorts to boutique hotels with local charm, guests are treated to a range of accommodation options that cater to their preferences and needs. Imagine unwinding in a spacious suite overlooking the turquoise waters of the Caribbean Sea or enjoying the personalized service of a boutique hotel nestled within the vibrant streets of Tulum.
In addition to accommodation, guests can indulge in an All-Inclusive meal plan during the initial days of the tour, where a variety of local and international cuisines are served to tantalize taste buds and satisfy hunger. The culinary experiences range from traditional Mexican dishes to gourmet creations inspired by global flavors, offering a gastronomic journey that mirrors the cultural diversity of the region. For example, guests can savor freshly caught seafood at a beachfront restaurant in Tulum or sample authentic street tacos at a local market in Cancun, immersing themselves in the vibrant culinary scene of the Yucatan Peninsula.
To ensure that travelers make the most of the diverse activities included in the itinerary, it is essential to meet the specified physical fitness requirements. Whether it's trekking through ancient ruins, snorkeling in pristine waters, or engaging in cultural interactions, maintaining a certain level of physical readiness enables guests to fully immerse themselves in each experience. By adhering to these requirements, travelers can participate in a range of activities with confidence, knowing that they are well-prepared to enjoy the adventures that await along the Mayan Heritage Path.

Booking Requirements and Conditions

When booking the 8-day Smart-Inclusive tour from Cancun to Tulum, travelers are required to provide specific passport details to secure their reservation and ensure a seamless booking process. These details are essential for verifying traveler identities, complying with travel regulations, and facilitating smooth transitions during the journey. For example, accurate passport information can streamline check-in procedures at hotels, airports, and attractions, minimizing potential delays and ensuring a hassle-free travel experience for all participants.
In addition to passport requirements, guests are advised to familiarize themselves with the tour's cancellation policy, which operates on a non-refundable basis with specific penalties for cancellations. Understanding these conditions is crucial for managing expectations and planning accordingly, as unforeseen circumstances may arise that necessitate changes to travel arrangements. By being informed about the cancellation policy, travelers can make informed decisions and take necessary precautions to protect their investment in the Smart-Inclusive tour. Moreover, the tour's assurance of operational readiness under various weather conditions provides peace of mind to guests, ensuring that their safety and comfort are top priorities throughout the journey.

Embracing the Smart-Inclusive Experience

The 8-day Smart-Inclusive tour from Cancun to Tulum offers a transformative journey that combines luxury with cultural immersion, promising an unforgettable exploration of iconic destinations and hidden gems. Travelers are encouraged to seize the opportunity to embark on this extraordinary adventure, where every moment is meticulously curated to deliver a blend of opulence, authenticity, and personalized experiences. By unraveling the mysteries of the Mayan Heritage Path and engaging with local experts, guests are invited to delve deeper into the rich tapestry of history, culture, and natural beauty that defines Cancun, Tulum, and the Riviera Maya.
The Smart-Inclusive tour stands out for its commitment to customization, ensuring that each guest's preferences and interests are catered to throughout the journey. Whether it's exploring ancient ruins, indulging in culinary delights, or immersing in cultural experiences, travelers have the flexibility to shape their itinerary and create memories that resonate with their individual passions. The personalized approach of the tour, coupled with exclusive amenities and expert guidance, sets a new standard for luxury travel experiences, elevating the journey from a mere vacation to a transformative odyssey of discovery and connection.
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2024.03.20 05:45 Zoiduniverse [AP Biology] I need help this is too confusing

[AP Biology] I need help this is too confusing submitted by Zoiduniverse to HomeworkHelp [link] [comments]

2024.03.10 21:21 DaShadyLady WEEK 12: Day 6 - Collection 2 - Shoulders, Glutes, & Abs Breakdown

Yo, that spring forward came out of no where! I wake up at 5 am every day, and I just knew something was off when I woke up. One hour of sleep truly makes a big difference. Anywho, the show goes on, and I still got my workout in. Today was Shoulders, Glutes, & Abs which is another good workout. I mean, let's get real, all of these workouts are great. Collection 1 was the only set that I had some issues with. The workouts individually were good, but I still don't think you need that much muscle endurance training. A couple times a week would be very complimentary along side the Collection 2 & 3 workouts. I'm sure they'll add a Super Block for this program to give it a nice mix. I don't really keep up with the super blocks, and I haven't tried any of them either, so I'm not too sure how often they are released. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Boy, you know Shaun T is gonna be lookin like a monster next program he puts out. Or who knows, maybe this is his last program. 🤔 I heard he was working on getting his pro card. 10 bucks he'll get it one day. Say what you will about him, but it's pretty obvious that he's extremely dedicated and disciplined. I have no doubt that he is gonna make it happen. Now, go ahead and tell me what kind of drugs you think he's on 🤪 I personally don't look down on anybody for taking PEDs. It's not for me, plus imma cheap ass. I like blowing my money on sneakers, bakeware, and yarn 🤤🤤🤤 Everyone has their own way of life and as we know, life is absolutely temporary. Dream big they say. Side note: Shaun T, you owe me a tshirt. I'd like it signed near the top please because I'm most likely gonna crop it. I'll pay for shipping. Thanks 😘
Oh yeah, I guess I'll actually talk about the workout now. Ha! So, Shoulders, Glutes, and Abs is part of the Collection 2 workouts, and this collection focuses on time under tension. This workout in particular does not use this technique (aside from the modification option in the ab moves), but if you're using a heavy enough weight, you will feel the tension. I ended up modifying 3 moves, the 7 rep ones. These 7, 7, 7 rep workouts are worked by pumping 7 reps one side at a time, and then following up with 7 more reps worked both sides together. Really tiring move. You see this technique used in Collection 3 also. My only issue with it is the arm you lead with works 7 reps and breaks for 7 reps, while the second arm rests for 7 reps and pumps out 14 consecutive reps. I have a deficit on my left arm so I experimented with leading with my left which allowed it to rest for 7 reps, then tried the 14 reps with the left. My right arm felt much stronger than my left whenever my left had to pump out 14 reps, and I wasn't sure if I was making my right arm even stronger by allowing it to rest or forcing it to work more. Maybe I'm overthinking this, but I decided to work 14 reps, alternating each side (7 reps each arm) and then worked the last 7 reps together. When I did this, I was actually able to increase my weights for these moves, and it just put my mind at ease.
Anyway, you'll be working 3 Giant Sets and ending the workout with another Dig Deeper Moment. Each set has 3 moves: first move targets the shoulders, second move targets the glutes, and third move targets the abs. Small break after each set and each Giant Set is worked 3 times. I didn't use my EZ Curl for this workout, and I love using it for upright rows. It was part of the 7s. 🥲 And today's Dig Deeper Moment is probably the most brutal out of all of them, but they are all very torturous. Shaun T yelling in the end is actually very believable because you can't wait to get that shit over with. 😂😂😂 Whelp, here are the workouts. All of the moves are worked using dumbbells (DB) except for the ab moves (not on worksheet). You will repeat each Giant Set 3 times. Moves are worked at normal speed. Rep count (R) will be noted per move.
Giant Set 1- Repeat 3 times Shoulder Press (7, 7, 7R) - 2 DB - (25lb, 25lb, 25lb) Heel Dig (12R) - 1 DB - (50lb, 50lb, 50lb) Bench Knee Sprints - 60 seconds
Giant Set 2 - Repeat 3 times Lateral Raise (7, 7, 7R) - 2 DB - (15lb, 15lb, 15lb) Sumo Deadlift Sumo Squat (12R) - 1 DB - (45lb, 45lb, 45lb) Full Body Crunch - 60 seconds
Giant Set 3 - Repeat 3 times Upright Row (7, 7, 7R) - 2 DB - (20lb, 20lb, 20lb) Reverse Lunge Leg Kickback (12R) - 2 DB - (20lb, 20lb, 20lb) Oblique Knee to Elbow - 60 seconds
Dig Deeper Moment 10 and 2 Shoulder Raise - 2 DB - Work once - Holding dumbbells at shoulder height, work 7 reps one arm, holding tension with the opposite arm, switch arms and repeat 7 reps. Continue pattern, but drop one rep each time until you reach 1. No rest. (8R, 7R, 6R, 5R, 4R, 3R, 2R 1R) Very T25 pyramid style and should feel like death. I used (8lb, 8lb, 5lb, 5lb, 5lb, 5lb, 5lb)
One more workout left. There's a cake waiting for me 🤤🤤🤤
submitted by DaShadyLady to BeachBodyWorkouts [link] [comments]

2024.03.10 17:12 Sweet-Count2557 15 Free Things to Do With Long Island Kids This Summer

15 Free Things to Do With Long Island Kids This Summer
15 Free Things to Do With Long Island Kids This Summer Are you tired of searching for affordable ways to entertain your kids this summer? Well, look no further! Long Island offers an array of free activities that will keep your little ones entertained and make this summer one to remember.From outdoor adventures like picnicking at Mitchell Park or visiting the Big Duck, to cultural experiences at Sagamore Hill and indie bookstores, there is something for everyone.And that's just the beginning! Stay tuned to discover even more exciting and budget-friendly options that will have your kids begging for more.Key TakeawaysLong Island offers a variety of free summer movies and outdoor activities for families to enjoy.There are cultural and educational experiences available, such as visiting historic sites and attending free events.Nature and outdoor recreation opportunities abound, including exploring nature centers, hiking, and visiting beaches.The arts and entertainment scene on Long Island provides options for wandering through sculpture gardens, attending live shows, and participating in street fairs.Free Summer MoviesGet ready for a summer of cinematic fun without breaking the bank with these free summer movies on Long Island. The Town of Islip is hosting a drive-in series of free summer movies, perfect for a night under the stars with your family and friends. Bring your own blanket or chairs and cozy up for a movie night like no other. And if you're in the Town of North Hempstead, they've free movies in the parks events, where you can enjoy outdoor movie screenings in various town parks. It's the perfect way to unwind and enjoy a film while surrounded by nature.These free summer movies are family-friendly, so there's something for everyone. From animated adventures to heartwarming classics, you won't be disappointed. And the best part is, it won't cost you a dime. So grab your popcorn, sit back, and relax as you watch your favorite movies on the big screen.But the fun doesn't stop at the movies. Long Island offers a plethora of free things to do this summer. Have a picnic at Greenport's harborfront Mitchell Park or visit the iconic Big Duck in Riverhead for a prime family selfie location. Explore local elementary building grounds with unique playground equipment or go fishing from Long Island piers and beaches. Take a nature walk at the Elizabeth A. Morton Wildlife Refuge and immerse yourself in the beauty of the outdoors.Outdoor ActivitiesNow that we've explored the excitement of free summer movies on Long Island, let's venture into the world of outdoor activities that will keep you and your family entertained all summer long. Long Island offers a plethora of options for enjoying the great outdoors, from picnicking at Greenport's harborfront Mitchell Park to fishing from the piers and beaches. To help you plan your summer adventures, we've put together a handy table showcasing some of the best outdoor activities for you and your family to enjoy:Outdoor ActivitiesDescriptionHave a picnic at Mitchell ParkEnjoy a leisurely picnic while taking in the beautiful harbor views in Greenport.Visit the Big DuckSnap a family selfie with the iconic Big Duck in Riverhead, a must-visit photo spot.Explore local playgroundsDiscover unique playground equipment at local elementary building grounds.Go fishingCast your line from Long Island's piers and beaches and try your luck at catching fish.Take a nature walk at Morton Wildlife RefugeImmerse yourself in nature with a peaceful walk at the Elizabeth A. Morton Wildlife Refuge.These outdoor activities provide ample opportunities for fun and adventure. Whether you're enjoying a picnic in a scenic park, exploring playgrounds with one-of-a-kind equipment, or casting a line into the ocean, Long Island has something for everyone. And if you're looking to connect with nature, the Elizabeth A. Morton Wildlife Refuge offers a serene setting for a tranquil nature walk.Cultural and Educational ExperiencesLooking to add some culture and education to your summer adventures on Long Island? We've got you covered! Check out these free cultural and educational experiences that are perfect for kids and families:Visit Sagamore Hill, the former home of Teddy Roosevelt: Step back in time and explore the historic home of the 26th President of the United States. Learn about Teddy Roosevelt's life and legacy through guided tours and exhibits.Catch the 4th of July fireworks at various locations: Celebrate Independence Day with a bang! Watch spectacular firework displays at different spots across Long Island. Pack a picnic and enjoy the show with your loved ones.Meet farm animals at Catapano Dairy Farms or Suffolk County Farm and Education Center: Get up close and personal with adorable farm animals. Visit these local farms and learn about animal care, farming practices, and sustainable agriculture.Attend free storytime events at indie bookstores: Nurture your child's love for reading by attending storytime events at independent bookstores. Listen to captivating tales, engage in interactive activities, and discover new books to add to your summer reading list.Nature and Outdoor RecreationWant to explore the beautiful natural landscapes of Long Island? Get ready for some exciting outdoor adventures and immerse yourself in nature and outdoor recreation. Long Island offers a wide array of activities for families to enjoy the great outdoors. From nature centers to hiking trails, there's something for everyone to experience and appreciate.Start your outdoor journey by visiting nature centers like Holtsville Ecology Site & Animal Preserve or Sweetbriar Nature Center. These centers provide a unique opportunity to learn about local wildlife and ecosystems. Get up close and personal with animals and take part in educational programs that are both fun and informative.When the summer heat gets too intense, cool off at the free spraygrounds in Long Island. These water parks offer a refreshing escape for kids of all ages. Splash around, have a water fight, and enjoy the laughter and joy that comes with playing in the water.For those who love the beach, Long Island's state parks and beaches are the perfect destination. During specific hours, you can search for seashells and build sandcastles along the shore. Take a dip in the ocean or simply relax on the sand while soaking up the sun.If you're looking for a more adventurous activity, hike the majestic Mashomack Preserve on Shelter Island. With its diverse ecosystems and scenic trails, this nature reserve is a haven for nature enthusiasts. Take in the breathtaking views, listen to the sounds of birds chirping, and feel the serenity of being surrounded by nature.End your day with a visit to Port Jefferson Village. Explore Rocketship Park, a playground that will ignite your child's imagination as they climb, slide, and play. And don't forget to treat yourself to an ice cream cone as you stroll through the charming village.Nature and outdoor recreation on Long Island offer endless possibilities for families to connect with nature and create lasting memories. So grab your sunscreen, put on your hiking shoes, and embark on a summer filled with adventure and exploration.Arts and EntertainmentAs we continue our exploration of Long Island, let's dive into the vibrant world of arts and entertainment that awaits both residents and visitors alike. Long Island is home to a thriving arts and entertainment scene that offers a wide range of free activities for kids to enjoy this summer. Whether your child is interested in movies, live shows, or exploring the local art scene, there's something for everyone.Here are some free things to do with Long Island kids this summer in the realm of arts and entertainment:Wander through sculpture gardens: Nassau County Museum of Art and Parrish Art Museum both have stunning sculpture gardens that are perfect for a leisurely stroll. Let your kids marvel at the unique works of art and take in the beauty of their surroundings.Attend live shows: The Huntington Summer Arts Festival hosts a variety of live shows throughout the summer, including music, theater, and dance performances. Pack a blanket and some snacks, and enjoy an evening of entertainment under the stars.Hit the bike trails: Long Island is home to numerous bike trails that offer scenic views and opportunities for exploration. Grab your bikes and helmets, and embark on an adventure with your kids. Discover new areas, take in the natural beauty, and get some exercise along the way.Join the street fair fun: Riverhead's Main Street comes alive on 25 with its vibrant street fair. Enjoy live music, delicious food, and fun activities for the whole family. It's a great way to experience the local culture and support local businesses.In addition to these activities, don't forget to take advantage of the perks offered by local libraries, such as free museum passes and beach passes.Long Island is a treasure trove of arts and entertainment, and with these free options, you can create wonderful memories with your kids this summer. So go out and explore, and let the freedom of creativity and expression guide your adventures.Picnic at Greenport's Harborfront Mitchell ParkLet's continue our journey through the arts and entertainment scene of Long Island and now shift our focus to the delightful experience of having a picnic at Greenport's Harborfront Mitchell Park. This picturesque park is the perfect spot to relax, enjoy the beautiful scenery, and savor a delicious meal with your loved ones.To help you plan your picnic, here's a handy table with some essential items to bring along:Must-Have ItemsNice-to-Have ItemsPicnic blanketPortable grillSunscreenFrisbee or ball gameCooler with drinksBluetooth speakerNow that you have your picnic essentials ready, let's talk about what makes Greenport's Harborfront Mitchell Park so special. Located in the charming village of Greenport, this park offers stunning views of the harbor and a variety of amenities for visitors to enjoy. Take a leisurely stroll along the promenade, watch the boats sail by, or simply find a cozy spot on the grass to spread out your picnic blanket.While you're there, make sure to check out the iconic carousel, which features hand-carved animals and is a favorite among children and adults alike. After your picnic, let the little ones burn off some energy at the playground, complete with swings, slides, and climbing structures.Greenport's Harborfront Mitchell Park also hosts various events and festivals throughout the year, so be sure to check the schedule before your visit. From live music concerts to art shows, there's always something happening in this vibrant park.Visit the Iconic Big Duck in RiverheadWe can't wait to take you on a journey to visit the iconic Big Duck in Riverhead, a must-see attraction that's sure to quack you up! Here are four reasons why you should make a stop at this unique and charming landmark:A Piece of History: The Big Duck isn't just any ordinary duck. It's a historic building that was originally built in the 1930s as a duck-shaped shop selling Long Island duck eggs and poultry. It has since become a symbol of Long Island and a beloved icon that represents the region's agricultural heritage.Perfect Photo Opportunity: Visiting the Big Duck is like stepping into a larger-than-life postcard. You can't help but smile as you stand in front of this giant duck and snap a family selfie. It's a picture-perfect moment that you'll treasure for years to come.Quirky Souvenirs: Inside the Big Duck, you'll find a small gift shop where you can browse through a variety of unique and quirky souvenirs. From duck-themed t-shirts and hats to cute little rubber ducks, there's something for everyone to bring home as a memento of your visit.Family Fun: The Big Duck isn't just a static landmark. Throughout the year, it hosts various events and activities that are perfect for families. From craft fairs and live music performances to petting zoos and food festivals, there's always something happening at the Big Duck that will entertain and delight both kids and adults.Explore Local Elementary Building GroundsAfter quacking it up at the iconic Big Duck in Riverhead, let's continue our exploration of Long Island and discover the hidden gems found on the grounds of local elementary buildings. These school campuses offer more than just classrooms and playgrounds; they provide unique and exciting opportunities for kids to learn, play, and let their imaginations run wild. Here are some ideas for making the most of these hidden treasures:IdeasDescriptionBenefitsNature TrailsMany elementary buildings have nature trails that wind through wooded areas, offering the perfect setting for a leisurely stroll or a scavenger hunt.Encourages outdoor exploration and appreciation for nature.GardensSome schools have beautiful gardens maintained by students and staff. Take a walk through these vibrant spaces and learn about different plants and flowers.Provides a peaceful and educational environment for children to learn about gardening and plant life.Art InstallationsExplore the captivating art installations displayed on the grounds of elementary buildings. From sculptures to murals, these artworks inspire creativity and spark the imagination.Exposes children to different forms of art and encourages artistic expression.Outdoor ClassroomsSome schools have designated outdoor spaces for learning, complete with benches, whiteboards, and shade structures. Take advantage of these outdoor classrooms and enjoy a change of scenery while studying or reading.Provides a refreshing and stimulating environment for learning, promoting creativity and focus.Go Fishing From Long Island Piers and BeachesWhen it comes to enjoying the abundant fishing opportunities on Long Island, piers and beaches are the perfect spots to cast your line and reel in some memorable catches. Here are four reasons why fishing from Long Island piers and beaches is a must-do activity this summer:Variety of Fish: Long Island's coastal waters offer a diverse range of fish species, including striped bass, fluke, porgy, and bluefish. Whether you're a seasoned angler or a first-timer, you're bound to find a fish that will challenge and excite you.Scenic Locations: Imagine standing on a picturesque pier, casting your line against the backdrop of a stunning sunset or the sound of crashing waves on the beach. Fishing from Long Island piers and beaches allows you to immerse yourself in the beauty of nature while pursuing your passion.Family Bonding: Fishing is a great activity for families to enjoy together. Teach your kids the art of casting, baiting, and reeling in their own catches. Create lasting memories as you cheer each other on and share stories of the ones that got away.Cost-effective Fun: Fishing from Long Island piers and beaches is a budget-friendly way to have a great time. All you need is a fishing rod, some bait, and a sense of adventure. It's an affordable activity that guarantees hours of entertainment and relaxation.Take a Nature Walk at Elizabeth A. Morton Wildlife RefugeAt the Elizabeth A. Morton Wildlife Refuge, embark on a captivating nature walk that immerses you in the serene beauty of Long Island's diverse ecosystem. This enchanting refuge, located in Sag Harbor, offers a haven for nature enthusiasts of all ages.As you step onto the winding trails, you'll find yourself surrounded by lush greenery, towering trees, and the peaceful sounds of birds chirping and leaves rustling in the breeze.The refuge is home to an array of wildlife, making each step a thrilling adventure. Keep your eyes peeled for the vibrant plumage of various bird species, such as ospreys, egrets, and herons. You might even catch a glimpse of the elusive red fox or the adorable eastern chipmunk scurrying through the underbrush. Don't forget to bring your camera to capture these magical moments!The nature walk at Elizabeth A. Morton Wildlife Refuge not only allows you to appreciate the beauty of nature but also provides a unique educational opportunity. Along the way, you'll find informative signs and exhibits that teach you about the refuge's ecosystems, including its salt marshes, woodlands, and freshwater ponds. You'll gain a deeper understanding of the delicate balance that exists within this precious habitat.As you stroll through the refuge, you'll also encounter picturesque boardwalks and scenic overlooks, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. Take a moment to pause, breathe in the fresh air, and let the tranquility of the refuge wash over you. It's a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life.Visit Sagamore Hill, Teddy Roosevelt's Former HomeEmbark on a fascinating journey through history as you visit Sagamore Hill, the former home of Teddy Roosevelt. This iconic landmark offers a glimpse into the life of one of America's most influential presidents. Here are four reasons why you should include Sagamore Hill in your summer plans:Immerse Yourself in History: Step inside the rooms where Teddy Roosevelt lived and worked. Explore the beautifully preserved house and get a sense of the president's daily life. From the study where he made important decisions to the dining room where he entertained guests, every corner of Sagamore Hill tells a story.Discover the Natural Beauty: Sagamore Hill is surrounded by stunning natural landscapes. Take a leisurely stroll through the grounds and marvel at the lush gardens, rolling hills, and breathtaking views of Oyster Bay. The estate also features miles of scenic trails, perfect for a family hike or a peaceful nature walk.Learn from Knowledgeable Guides: Knowledgeable guides are available to lead you through the house and share fascinating anecdotes about Teddy Roosevelt's life. They'll provide insight into his accomplishments, his conservation efforts, and his legacy as a leader. Don't miss this chance to learn from experts who are passionate about history.Engage in Interactive Exhibits: Sagamore Hill offers a variety of interactive exhibits that cater to visitors of all ages. Kids can participate in hands-on activities and discover the world of Teddy Roosevelt through games and interactive displays. These exhibits make learning about history fun and engaging for the whole family.Visiting Sagamore Hill isn't just an educational experience, but also a chance to connect with the past and gain a deeper appreciation for our nation's history. So, gather your family and make a trip to this historic treasure.Catch 4th of July Fireworks at Various LocationsGet ready to celebrate Independence Day with a bang by catching 4th of July fireworks at various locations across Long Island. It's the perfect way to spend a summer evening with your family, enjoying the dazzling displays of lights and colors that light up the night sky. Whether you're looking for a beachside show or a community celebration, Long Island has plenty of options to choose from.To help you plan your 4th of July festivities, here is a table highlighting some of the best locations to catch fireworks on Long Island:LocationEvent DetailsJones Beach State ParkEnjoy a spectacular fireworks display over the ocean at the annual Independence Day celebration. Arrive early to secure a prime viewing spot on the beach.Eisenhower ParkJoin the community at Eisenhower Park for an evening of live music, food vendors, and a grand finale fireworks show. Bring your lawn chairs and blankets for a comfortable viewing experience.Long BeachHead to Long Beach for their annual 4th of July fireworks extravaganza. The show takes place on the beach and is accompanied by live music and a festive atmosphere.Fire IslandTake a ferry to Fire Island and enjoy a unique fireworks experience on the beach. Lay down your beach towel, relax, and watch the fireworks illuminate the night sky over the ocean.Glen CoveGlen Cove hosts a family-friendly 4th of July celebration with live entertainment, food trucks, and a fireworks display that will leave you in awe. Don't forget to bring a picnic blanket to enjoy the show in comfort.These are just a few of the many locations where you can catch fireworks on Long Island. Keep an eye out for local community events and check with your town's website or social media for updates on additional fireworks displays. Remember to bring a sense of freedom and excitement as you celebrate Independence Day with your loved ones under the brilliant bursts of color in the night sky.Meet Farm Animals at Catapano Dairy Farms or Suffolk County Farm and Education CenterWe had an incredible time meeting adorable farm animals at Catapano Dairy Farms and the Suffolk County Farm and Education Center. It was a perfect opportunity for our kids to learn about these animals up close and personal.Here are four reasons why you should visit these farms this summer:Educational Experience: Both Catapano Dairy Farms and the Suffolk County Farm and Education Center offer educational programs for kids. They can learn about the different types of farm animals, how they're cared for, and even participate in hands-on activities like feeding and grooming the animals. It's a great way to teach your children about where their food comes from and the importance of animal welfare.Adorable Animals: From fluffy sheep to playful goats and cuddly cows, these farms are home to a variety of adorable animals. Your kids will be delighted to see them up close and may even have the chance to pet and interact with them. It's a unique experience that they'll remember for years to come.Family Fun: Visiting these farms is a great way to spend quality time with your family. You can take a leisurely walk around the farm, enjoy the fresh air, and bond over your shared love for animals. It's a relaxing and enjoyable activity that the whole family can participate in.Support Local Farms: By visiting Catapano Dairy Farms and the Suffolk County Farm and Education Center, you're supporting local farmers and their sustainable practices. It's a way to show appreciation for the hard work they do and ensure the future of farming in the community.Attend Free Storytime Events at Indie BookstoresAfter our enjoyable visit to Catapano Dairy Farms and the Suffolk County Farm and Education Center, we were eager to continue our summer adventures with another family-friendly activity - attending free storytime events at indie bookstores. We love the freedom of immersing ourselves in the magical world of books and sharing that experience with our kids. Indie bookstores are the perfect place to foster a love for reading and support local businesses at the same time.These storytime events are a wonderful opportunity for kids to engage with literature and participate in interactive activities. The indie bookstores on Long Island often host these events during the summer months, providing a cool and welcoming space for families to gather. The best part? They're completely free!During these storytime sessions, talented storytellers captivate young minds with imaginative tales and enchanting characters. Our kids love sitting on the cozy carpets, surrounded by shelves filled with colorful books, as they listen to the stories unfold. The storytellers bring the books to life, using expressive voices and animated gestures to engage the children.Not only do these events promote a love for reading, but they also encourage creativity and imagination. Some indie bookstores even incorporate crafts or sing-alongs into their storytime sessions. It's a chance for kids to express themselves, interact with other children, and learn in a fun and relaxed environment.Attending these free storytime events at indie bookstores is a great way to spend quality time with the family while nurturing a lifelong love for books. Plus, it's an opportunity to support local businesses and connect with the community. So grab your little ones and head to your nearest indie bookstore for a magical storytelling experience that will create lasting memories for everyone.Take a Virtual Trip to Famous Landmarks Around the WorldImmerse yourself in a world of wonder and adventure as you embark on a virtual trip to famous landmarks around the world. With just a few clicks, you can explore iconic sites and experience different cultures, all from the comfort of your own home.Here are four virtual trips that will transport you to some of the most renowned landmarks on the planet:The Great Wall of China: Take a virtual stroll along the world's longest man-made structure, spanning over 13,000 miles. Marvel at the architectural feat and learn about the history and significance of this ancient wonder.The Pyramids of Giza: Step back in time to ancient Egypt and discover the magnificent pyramids. Explore the intricate structures, including the Great Pyramid of Giza, and learn about the pharaohs and their burial practices.The Colosseum: Travel to Rome and witness the grandeur of the Colosseum, an iconic symbol of the Roman Empire. Take a virtual tour of this amphitheater and imagine the gladiatorial battles and spectacles that once took place within its walls.The Taj Mahal: Transport yourself to India and marvel at the beauty of the Taj Mahal, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Learn about its rich history and the love story behind its creation as you explore its stunning architecture and intricate details.These virtual trips offer a unique opportunity to expand your horizons and educate your children about different cultures and landmarks. So, grab your virtual passport and get ready for an unforgettable adventure that's just a few clicks away.Frequently Asked QuestionsAre There Any Restrictions or Guidelines for Attending the Free Summer Movies in Long Island?There are no specific restrictions or guidelines mentioned for attending the free summer movies in Long Island. However, it's always a good idea to bring your own blanket or chairs for a cozy movie night.The movies are family-friendly and suitable for all ages, so it's a great opportunity to enjoy some quality time with your kids. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the outdoor movie screenings in various town parks.It's a fun and cost-free way to entertain the whole family this summer.What Are Some Other Popular Picnic Spots in Long Island Besides Greenport's Harborfront Mitchell Park?There are many popular picnic spots in Long Island besides Greenport's Harborfront Mitchell Park.One option is Eisenhower Park in East Meadow, which offers spacious grounds, beautiful gardens, and even a miniature golf course.Another great spot is Planting Fields Arboretum in Oyster Bay, where you can enjoy a picnic amidst stunning gardens and historic mansions.And let's not forget Heckscher Park in Huntington, which features a lovely pond, walking trails, and plenty of space for picnicking.Can You Provide More Information on the Unique Playground Equipment at Local Elementary Building Grounds?Oh boy, let me tell you about the unique playground equipment at local elementary building grounds! We're talking slides that twist and turn like a wild rollercoaster, monkey bars that make you feel like a superhero swinging through the city, and swings that let you soar to new heights.These playgrounds are like a kid's dream come true, with structures that challenge their imagination and keep them entertained for hours. Trust me, your little ones won't be able to get enough of these one-of-a-kind play areas!Are There Any Specific Rules or Regulations for Fishing From Long Island Piers and Beaches?Yes, there are specific rules and regulations for fishing from Long Island piers and beaches. It's important to check with local authorities or the Department of Environmental Conservation for any fishing permits or licenses required.Additionally, certain areas may have restrictions on the type of fish you can catch or the size limits. It's always a good idea to familiarize yourself with these rules to ensure a fun and legal fishing experience.How Can I Access the Virtual Trip to Famous Landmarks Around the World? Is It Available Online or Through a Specific Platform?To access the virtual trip to famous landmarks around the world, you can find it online or through a specific platform. It's a great way to explore iconic sites from the comfort of your own home.You'll be able to virtually visit places like the Eiffel Tower, the Great Wall of China, and many more. It's a fun and educational experience for the whole family to enjoy together.ConclusionIn the vast expanse of Long Island, a summer of wonder and adventure awaits.From the magic of outdoor movies under the stars to the serenity of nature walks and the thrill of live shows, there's something for every child to enjoy.Let this summer be a symphony of laughter and joy, where memories are etched in the sands of time.Long Island beckons, ready to embrace you and your little ones in its warm embrace.Let the adventure begin! Read More :
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.03.08 02:23 future_flora List of prohibited products!

TikTok Shop Prohibited Products Policy 02/05/2024
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2024.02.27 16:49 InfamousSardine Could you please help

Could you please help
Hello everyone. Can I please ask you to check if I have done my ecology assignment correctly? Thank you in advance! 1. Construct an age pyramid of a Great Tit population if in spring before hatching, 60% of the population is made up of birds born last year and breeding for the first time, two-year-olds account for 20%, three-year-olds for 8%, four-year-olds for 5%, five-year-olds for 4%, the proportion of individuals aged 6 to 10 years is 3% 2. How will the age pyramid of the great tit change after the chicks leave the nests if the pre-nesting population was 10,000 individuals, and the clutch averages 8 eggs, with a sex ratio of 1:1. Conditionally consider that there is no mortality of individuals during this period.
submitted by InfamousSardine to ecology [link] [comments]

2024.02.27 15:54 InfamousSardine [2 Year College] Biology/Ecology

[2 Year College] Biology/Ecology
Hello everyone. Can I please ask you to check if I have done my ecology assignment correctly? Thank you in advance!
  1. Construct an age pyramid of a Great Tit population if in spring before hatching, 60% of the population is made up of birds born last year and breeding for the first time, two-year-olds account for 20%, three-year-olds for 8%, four-year-olds for 5%, five-year-olds for 4%, the proportion of individuals aged 6 to 10 years is 3%
  2. How will the age pyramid of the great tit change after the chicks leave the nests if the pre-nesting population was 10,000 individuals, and the clutch averages 8 eggs, with a sex ratio of 1:1. Conditionally consider that there is no mortality of individuals during this period.
submitted by InfamousSardine to HomeworkHelp [link] [comments]