Contoh dialog drama untuk 2 orang

Cerita kusung saja

2024.05.20 05:41 xentanicx Cerita kusung saja

Bukan mau cerita pulitik yang malatup-latup tapi hanya cerita kusung yang kupi-kupi di kedai cina ah wong dengan pesanan kupi-O dan mee hun ayam. Kalau tengok keadaan Sabah sekarang boleh dikatakan 50-50. Mau cakap ok tidak juga , mau cakap tidak ok pun tidak juga.
Masalah masyarakat Sabah yang umum sekarang adalah 6 perkara saja :
  1. Infrastruktur
  2. Jalan Raya
  3. Air
  4. Elektrik
  5. Pendidikan
  6. PTI
These 6 perkara ini memang kadang-kadang bikin kita fed up sebab even though kita sebagai rakyat tidak kira la bayar cukai atau tidak memang sukar untuk Kerajaan kasi lulus. Now sia tidak pertikaikan Kerajaan sekarang dan dulu sebab for me there are certain things diorang macam KIV sampai sekarang tiada cerita that's why kita mau tau apa jadi sudah dengan perancangan yang mereka rancangkan. Instead abandon that huge project they're talked why not give us some update at least we're informed.
Kadang sia terfikir juga tiadakah macam badan bebas or bahagian swasta ambil alih sekiranya Jabatan-Jabatan tertentu tidak dapat tunaikan sebab fokus ke projek lain? lebih-lebih lagi yang melibatkan keperluan seharian macam Air dan Elektrik? ini dua perkara ada perkara paling essential dalam kehidupan seharian kita.
Now, sia tidak mau huraikan semua itu cuz kadang saya terfikir juga after all these messed up things that happening in Sabah tiadakah yang betul-betul step up and fix this thing? I cannot help but hope that there will be someone yang berani , someone yang don't give a fuck but do the talk instead banyak cakap.
Talk about PTI , i guess there's someone behind this and kita tau sedia maklum with these "Project IC" but my God the amount of illegal immigrants in Sabah are too damn high sampai kita sendiri pun tidak dapat bezakan lagi samaada orang local or not. I'm not surprised yang satu hari nanti diorang pelan-pelan take over lebih-lebih lagi sektor kerajaan dan ekonomi.
How can we as an individual Sabahan prepare ?
Dan macam mana mau satu hati kalau sebagai individu pun tidak bersatu hanya kerana perbezaan pandangan politik?
Can we overcome this? or sekadar biarkan macam penyakit yang pelan-pelan menjadi kanser.
Banyak persoalan namun siapakah yang menyelamatkan Sabah yang tercinta? us or politician?
ps: kalau sia tersilap atau pun terdapat kesalahan boleh betulkan saya. I don't take comments yang tiba-tiba bawa gaduh atau troll cuz it's just a waste of time untuk layan.
submitted by xentanicx to Sabah [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:01 Happy-Study-981 [PEMBETULAN] Boikot Menurut Pandangan Islam

[PEMBETULAN] Boikot Menurut Pandangan Islam
Baca sampai habis
Aku setuju antara Ayat di bahagian terakhir Artikel Jabatan Mufti Negeri Selangor berkaitan isu Boikot Barangan Israel.
Ini pandangan aku berdasarkannya
1) Jangan duk boikot menonong takda hala tuju. Kalau melibatkan kepentingan ekonomi dan negara. Boikot tu perlu dipertimbangkan supaya tak beri mudarat kepada ekonomi dan kepentingan negara
2) Boikot dengan Ilmu atau Tabayyun. Boikot dengan tepat bukan main tibai suka hati. Kenal betul betul produk yang perlu diboikot. Bukannya label semua barangan sokong Israel lagi lagi barang nampak nama cam omputih atau luar negara sikit terus boikot. Sekarang banyak kot website untuk check jenama yg sokong Zionis
3) Buat Penyelesaian atau Solution jika takda pilihan untuk Boikot(Contoh kat Malaysia ni Industri Kopi. Ramai boikot Starbucks dan mungkin kini Zeus sbb Sokong Israel dan Neutral. Tapi penduduk tempatan bangkit dengan kepakaran industri tempatan. Sebab tu penting untuk semua industri ikut bab benda ni. Bukan boikot takda hala tuju. Harus bersama kita cari penyelesaian supaya boleh boikot penuh. Kena sedar yang kita masih ada barangan atau industri bergantung kepada syarikat berkaitan Zionis atau yang menyokong Zionis)
Kuatkan buatan tempatan dalam semua industri dan sektor supaya boleh berdiri sendiri dan boikot penuh
Baru betul cara Orang Islam Berfikiran Strategik. Berstrategi dan teratur
Kenal diri dan musuh baru boleh menang perang. Bukan sekadar yakin kita di pihak benar. Bermain dengan kekuatan kita
Nanti kat bawah aku bagi link baca sampai habis. Sekali dengan Rajutan dari Ustaz Muzuck sekali bab Hukum Fiqah
Rujukan Jabatan Mufti Negeri Selangor:
submitted by Happy-Study-981 to NegarakuMalaysia [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:00 Chadthunderflock Toy Gun for HSC Drama Major Work

Toy Gun for HSC Drama Major Work
I'm doing a Western scene for my Drama Monologue, and I'm gonna be holding 2 guns (I've put them below) They are both toy cap guns (Diecast Metal with plastic grips), and I'll have them empty when I use them - but will I be allowed to use them in my HSC? And if not, can I cover them in like orange tape or something so that they would be okay to use?
submitted by Chadthunderflock to aus [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:35 Ambitious_Branch_946 Breaking Down How Paul Looks at Chani during the Feyd Fight: The Deeper Meanings behind Those "Glance Passes"

The beautiful thing about Villeneuve's movies is that they are highly rewatchable, and you can pick up on more subtleties with each viewing. We know Villeneuve prefers visual storytelling to explicit dialog, and he uses key shots to portray plot points, requiring the viewers to go further than simply listening to lines but rather to pick up on visual cues. One way he does this is through the characters' gaze, their eye contact--for Paul and Chani, what the cast has referred to as "glance passes."
There are actually some deep plot points we can infer from the glance passes throughout the film. In this post, I will specifically analyze the shots where Paul looks at Chani during the final fight scene. Paul's glances here indicate his motivations at this point in the story.
(Note: This commentary is my one humble interpretation, of course! It is based on my reading of Dune: Messiah and Children of Dune. I've redacted my references to those books as spoilers. My interpretation is also based on my understanding of Villeneuve's narrative goals for Dune: Part Two and the hints he has dropped in interviews about his plans for the Messiah film. Villeneuve has clearly stated that the love story between Paul and Chani is at the heart of this film. He has also stated that his favorite book is Dune: Messiah, which absolutely centers Paul's love for Chani and fears about her death.)
You can interpret these shots of Paul's glances on two levels, by design: (1) the level of a viewer who is casually enjoying the scene, and (2) the level of someone who knows the other "possible futures" that Paul saw after drinking the Water of Life and who generally knows what is likely coming in Dune: Messiah (the film version). This latter level is the level Villeneuve is operating on.
Key Background: Paul's Two Fears
To appreciate Paul's expressions during the Feyd fight, you have to reflect on his major motivations in this film. Without this background, you might miss the looks between Paul and Chani, and when you see them, you might think it's purely for the drama of the scene, but these glances are weighty: they communicate Paul's fears, which relate to his visions, what he saw when he drank the Water of Life, and what is to come in the next film.
The third act of the film is Paul acting out his "narrow way through." The clear vision that he saw when he drank the Water of Life becomes his battle plan; it's the only path where their enemies do not prevail. How did Paul determine this plan? Well, initially, the last thing he wanted to do was go South, because going South seemed to suggest (1) a war in his name where billions of people die, and (2) Chani dying. These are the two visions that he has during the film. He conjures these two separate visions up after Feyd's forces attack Sietch Tabr and he is talking to Stilgar. These two separate visions are what make him initially refuse to go South. It's important to note, in the book Dune: Messiah, these are also the two things that haunt Paul: "And he saw how he'd been hemmed in by boundaries of love and the Jihad." (p. 46).
But before going South, he conjures a vision of Jamis, who informed him, "You need to see"--you need to clearly see the future so that you can stop these bad things from happening. Paul still had his doubts, even after this message from Jamis. This is why he tells Chani, "If I go South, I might lose you." He does not mean "You might walk out on me," he means, "You might die." And she tells him, "you'll never lose me as long as you stay who you are," (she clearly didn't understand that his statement was about her potentially dying; instead, she's thinking he is referencing her leaving him as a result of his worries about the fundamentalists and fears related to him taking control--at this point, these are the only "nightmares" and concerns of Paul's that Chani is aware of). Paul in that moment resolves to go South, to drink the Water of Life so he can see his past (that's what the Water of Life does, gives you intergenerational memory) in order to gain clearer visions of the future. The voices in his Jamis vision tell him, "you cannot see your future without seeing our past." Paul wants this new and improved future vision so that he can figure out how to prevent his two big fears: billions of people dying and Chani's death.
Notably, by including Paul's vision of Chani's death in this film, Villeneuve made the choice to embed elements of Dune: Messiah into Dune: Part Two. Pauls' vision of Chani's death is not in the first Dune book. This is a plot point Herbert developed in Messiah, when Paul is essentially trapped into his vision and afraid to veer from its path, lest worse consequences ensue. As a reminder, Paul has a vision of the "moon falling," and he spends most of Messiah lamenting his role in the Jihad and grieving Chani's future death while desperately trying (and failing) to save her (recall his bargaining with Reverend Mother Mohaim to save Chani's life). He basically settles on the fact that the path he chose was Chani's least terrible death, with alternatives being her put in a cage, tortured, put in slave pits, etc. (See Dune: Messiah pp. 196, 314).
His Water-of-Life vision is never fully visually revealed to us, the viewers, but when he mentions the "narrow way through," we get a quick shot of Paul's hand stabbing Feyd. The "narrow way through" is the one path where their enemies do not prevail--where the crisis of Chani's death is averted. I actually think this is why Paul answers Chani's "Are you okay?" with "Thanks to you" after he wakes up from drinking the Water of Life. I think that "Thanks to you" has a double meaning--thank to you for waking me up and thanks to you for being my compass, essentially, the determining factor guiding my decision on which possible future to choose. Remember, Paul sees multiple possible futures, so the path we see in the third act of film is not an inevitable future: Paul still has to make choices and act out the future that he wants to happen. He still has to work to make that narrow path happen. Otherwise, another possible future will happen and his enemies will prevail, Chani will die, and everything will be terrible.
What does all of this mean? By the time we get to the Feyd fight, preventing Chani's death has become one of Paul's main motivations. What about preventing the billions of deaths in the upcoming Jihad!? Welp, the Jihad ultimately pops off despite this "narrow way through," so apparently Paul realized he couldn't prevent the Jihad (or maybe he could have...but at a price he didn't want to pay). In fact, based on the books, you can make a good argument that Paul makes a choice: to save Chani's life at the cost of billions of lives. We get some insight into Paul's choices regarding Chani in Messiah and in Children of Dune. (Messiah, p. 46: "And what was one life, no matter how beloved, against all the lives the Jihad was certain to take? Could single misery be weighed against the agony of multitudes?"; Children of Dune, p. 518: "I accepted the Mahdinate. I did it for Chani, but it made me a bad leader." <--these quotes suggest that Paul chose Chani--and for a while really thought he could save her--by allowing himself to become a religious figure and allowing the Jihad to happen. Basically, he chose one life over billions of lives.)
So: the "narrow way through" is how Paul saves Chani. And this is his internal monologue when he looks at her throughout the fight. I invite you to rewatch and pay particular attention to every instance when Paul looks at Chani during this fight.
Glance right before the fight: As Paul is positioning himself across from Feyd before they fight, he walks near Chani, looking at her. We get a clear shot of this look and Paul's lingering gaze on Chani as he turns towards Feyd. This is not just an empty glance. It is Paul is reminding himself what is at stake in this fight: Chani's survival.
Glance from the floor when Paul gets knocked down: Paul also glances at Chani when he is knocked down by Feyd's kick. He immediately looks at her, because falling means he is potentially losing the fight, and he knows if he loses, she dies. The "narrow way through" is for Paul to win this fight, and if he fails to enact that future, one of the other possible futures is in play--one in which Chani dies. So this fearful glance at Chani communicates, "Oh no! I'm potentially going to lose this fight and Chani's fate is sealed."
"She's your pet?" glance. Feyd just aggravates Paul's fears when Feyd follows Paul's eyeline, sees that Paul is looking at Chani, and taunts Paul, "She's your pet?" Paul hears this and looks at Chani again. We, the viewers, know at this point that Feyd keeps women as his pets. While, yes, calling Chani a "pet" is a belittling insult to Chani and to Paul, it is serving another purpose in the story: It clearly evokes one of the terrible possible futures where their "enemies prevail" and Chani actually becomes Feyd's pet>! and, if Villeneuve is borrowing themes and content from Dune: Messiah, in that book, a possible future Paul envisions for Chani is her literally being put in a cage (pp. 196, 314)!<. This, of course, reinvigorates Paul to get back on his feet and get back on that narrow path. He is now laser-focused on fighting Feyd and winning.
Glance after getting stabbed. The next glance, though, is after Paul gets stabbed by Feyd. Feyd flings him across the room and he stumbles backs toward the area where Chani is. Feyd advances towards Paul, and then there is a clear, almost slow-motion shot of him turning to look at Chani. Paul doesn't look at anyone else but Chani. And his expression is outright worry, essentially panic. Why is he panicked? He knows the future! Reminder: He's not locked into a particular future; he knows possible futures, and he has to stick to the "narrow way through" by making choices and taking actions to commit to that path. So at this moment, he is openly concerned that he may fail and that he is truly about to die--and if he dies, we jump to one of the possible futures where Chani dies. We then get a shot of Chani looking right back at him, drawing in a desperate breath, panicked as well. Paul sees her panic. With every glance at her, Paul is getting a reminder of what is at stake. He looks back to Feyd, motivated again to try anything to win--including grabbing the knife end of Feyd's blade. Again, these are not throwaway shots; knowing Villeneuve's style and thoughtfulness, these are all very intentional moments.
Glance when he stands up after winning the fight. After Paul stabs Feyd, Paul takes the knife out of his shoulder, stands up, and what is the first thing he does? He immediately looks at Chani. We see him look at her and literally sigh with relief. Chani's expression is certainly relief that Paul survived, but Paul's expression is not mere relief that he, himself, survived. His face is communicating relief with respect to her, to Chani. It's saying, "Good. I saved her." By winning the fight and acting out his vision of the "narrow way through" (stabbing Feyd, which we literally saw as a snippet of his Water-of-Life vision), he ensured that Chani did not die. He then turns his attention toward the Emperor.
Final glance at Chani. The last glance between Paul and Chani is right before Chani exits the room. The thing I'll note about this is that, in this adaptation, Paul probably knows Chani is going to leave before he even looks at her. This was all part of his vision. So, he is turning to look to get his final glance at her, at least for the time being. And after she leaves, he sort of looks down as if to say, "It's okay. This was the only way...the way that keeps her alive." Also, we know from earlier that Paul foresaw that Chani would "come to understand." So he might also be thinking, "It's okay--she is upset now, but she will come to understand why I made these decisions." Also, since we know their relationship is at the heart of the Messiah plot, he might also be thinking, I know I will see her again. We then see Paul turn back towards the Emperor, but then turn around again to anticipate Gurney's statement that the Great Houses have refused to accept his ascendancy.
And then the "Holy War" begins...apparently, Muad'Dib's "narrow way through" was not a path where the Holy War didn't happen. Which goes to my point that maybe Paul made a choice between his two fears, the two visions that plagued him: The Holy War and Chani's death. And he chose Chani.
I hope you enjoyed this read, Dune fam! As always, these are just my interpretations, my lone opinion. You may have an entirely different take. Or you may agree with aspects of mine. Regardless, I'd love to hear what you think!
submitted by Ambitious_Branch_946 to dune [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:20 lolitawins Just wanted to express my sadness for discovering we have 2K movies. I thought it was gonna be easy to get 4K movies for 9 star challenge but I need 81 parts AFTER I complete the 2K and that’s my first one!! 😫

Just wanted to express my sadness for discovering we have 2K movies. I thought it was gonna be easy to get 4K movies for 9 star challenge but I need 81 parts AFTER I complete the 2K and that’s my first one!! 😫
I’ve been neglecting the screening room for to long
submitted by lolitawins to Resortopia [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 13:16 akangmacho RADIASI NUKLIR

RADIASI NUKLIR submitted by akangmacho to u/akangmacho [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 20:43 swtogirl [New Updates] The Epic Saga of 2 Brothers and a Truck

I am not the OP. That is u/No_Chrysler-4-Me. Originally posted on EntitledPeople and pettyrevenge.

There are two previous BORUs I posted last year:
First Post Jan 8, 2023
Second Post Jan 8, 2023

Trigger Warning: Domestic Violence

Editor's Note: THIS IS VERY LONG! OP posts a lot about his family. I will include links to other posts at the bottom of this BORU, but I will keep this post focused on the brother and OP.

TL;DR of the above BORUs: OP's older brother is lazy and a cheapskate. OP bought a truck, an '03 Toyota Tundra. Brother gets jealous and buys a 01 Dodge Ram 1500, but it's crap. OP tries to help brother fix up the truck despite warning him not to buy it. Once it was running a little better, brother challenges OP to a race. Brother loses and becomes obsessed with practicing racing, ruining the truck further. Eventually they go camping, have more shenanigans, brother finally blows the transmission. Brother has to drive his ex-girlfriend's minivan, which he hates, tries to LS Swap the Ram, but no one will lend him the money. He eventually sells it. Brother doesn't stop there. He NEEDS a truck, so he has the brilliant idea of chopping the minivan up to make it into a truck. He needs money to Frankenstein the minivan, no one will pay, but eventually he cuts it up, uses recycled wood to make the truck bed, etc. He calls it the "Mini-Ram."

My brother sold the Mini-Ram and got a Silverado. That was fine. It's what happened after that made things worse May 5, 2024

I've been gone for some time. But I'm back with a bad one. I've spoken before about how my older brother competed with me needlessly. And he did a lot of beyond stupid shit. Well he finally pushed the whole family over the edge, and got disowned. And I'm going to be explaining a lot of what happened the past year, and then some from before that. But it's too long for one post.
Well going back more than a year. Some may remember my brother getting a free minivan from his ex after the Dodge Ram truck I warned him not to buy became a moneypit. I helped him work on that truck and even repaint it. And I helped him remodel his camper trailer too. Why? Because he's my brother. And I guess some part of me deep down kept hoping he'd one day change. But he tried to take credit for things I did. Especially with remodeling the camper. And he had tantrums when called out on his lies. He also became temporarily obsessed with my truck, and even implied he'd just take it from me because he hated driving a minivan. He referred to it as a chick car. He acted like a complete child because I refused to trade vehicles, and even got our parents involved. It was just a really stupid and needless situation that my brother tried to make a hill to die on.
It started when my brother bought his Dodge Ram simply because I bought a Toyota Tundra. He had a perfectly running Subaru Baja before that. Then he said he wanted a man's truck and bought the worst barely running pile he could find that was also overpriced considering the condition. He could have at least aimed for a diesel since he wanted a dodge so bad. Lots of dumb shit happened after that. Including my brother wanting to LS swap the Ram after destroying it's engine and two transmissions. But I'm pretty sure the person who offered to do the LS swap for him was a scammer. Not to mention LS swapping any vehicle basically means replacing the ECU. But it never happened anyway since the engine and transmission my brother wanted sold before he could get them. And he had no running vehicle anymore. So my brother's ex, whom he has a young child with, gave him her old 90s Ford Windstar van. It was admittedly an ugly, dent riddled POS with the rear window busted out. But it still ran and drove surprisingly well, considering that's not one of Ford's better vehicles. And then my brother decided to cut it up into some sort of van/truck. Or a ute as they're called in some places. But he made this thing ugly. Lots of spray foam, recycled wood, and rattle can paint. Even mismatched sub-lights above the cab. He frequently raided the junkyard for parts. And he even glued a Ram badge onto the grill of that van/truck. He called it the Mini-Ram. Lots of stupid cheap mods done to that vehicle too. Someone once asked me how ugly the Mini-Ram was on a scale of 1 to 1000. And I said about a 667.
My brother did a lot of other dumb things in this time. Like following me camping just to piss me off. He was a general leech who stole power from my generator, and tried to steal beer from my camper fridge repeatedly. He was so brazen as to just walk right in, and then tried to pretend to be so drunk he didn't realize what he was doing when caught. I've spoken many times about how he stole booze from me. Until my friends and I revenge pranked him and his near equally douchey friends with a growler full of laxative tainted beer. We admittedly used way too much laxative. But my brother never stole from me again because I threatened to tell everyone about his humiliation. He crapped on his own shoes squatting in the woods. And that's just a bit of it.
Eventually my brother seemed to learn his lesson. He sold the Mini-Ram to someone who actually paid him well for it. And no, I don't know what they did with it. And I don't care. But, when the 2K he sold the Mini-Ram for was combined with his savings, my brother had a bit over 4.5K to buy a better vehicle with. And he spotted a 99 RWD Silverado truck with an extended cab for sale online. He really shouldn't have sold his only method of transportation before having a replacement vehicle ready. But I couldn't fault him for taking the deal when presented, considering what he sold. And as much as my brother annoyed me, I still cared about him enough to help. He showed up begging me to drive him over 60 miles to look at this truck he found on Market Place.
So I reluctantly drove him out to see this truck. It wasn't that bad actually. Save for the rough mismatched paint, the rusty hood, the dents, the cracked windshield, and.... Actually, I guess it was kinda that bad. But not compared to the clapped out Ram my brother bought previously. The Silverado had a manual transmission, which we both confirmed shifted great as the records showed it had been rebuilt a few years before. The engine had been swapped at one time too. So it was kinda hard to gauge the odometer as it had not been rolled back for the new engine. It was at about 350.000 miles, but those numbers don't really mean jack when the engine and tranny have been replaced or rebuilt. Admittedly the engine ran like a top. The tires on the truck were in pretty damn good shape too. And on steel rims. Which I like. Very practical. I asked my brother if this was the manly kind of truck he'd been looking for. And for once he spoke logically and said that he'd rather have this than risk what happened with the Ram again. Fair enough. Besides, Chevy trucks are cool and reliable. I've always liked them. Like a rock as they say.
My brother and I scrutinized this truck in detail like a pair of pawn brokers, and talked the price down to 3K. They wanted 4K. But we could hear a sound while test driving it that was either bad ball joints or wheel bearings. We jacked up the wheels, and the bearings felt and sounded fine. But the ball joints were pretty bad. And that's not a cheap fix unless you can do it yourself. The truck was owned by the seller's father, who'd passed away a year prior. So the guy took 3K for it after we listed the problems. After driving it back, I insisted my brother get the truck to a mechanic ASAP. And he listened that time. The mechanic said the ball joints were about to come apart, and it's have caused a very bad situation if they had. And it cost him a grand to get them replaced. The truck also needed new plates ant the title registered. Which ate up a lot of the remaining budget. Then came the paint. My brother wanted the Silverado painted black right away. I told him to wait. But he didn't listen and DIY'd some body work, and then rattle-canned it with Rustolium turbo cans. The paint was full of orange peel, and overspray. He didn't even use primer. And the truck looked kinda mediocre. Then the southern weather had at it. Already numerous chips, scrapes and fades. Whatever. I stopped caring.
You'd think that'd be the end of this part. But no. There's more. What's behind door number 3? If you guessed a dumbass with a knife stuck in his ass. Then you'd win the gold! Yeah that's right. My brother got a knife in his ass.... How? How else... He and his friends all got high and decided they were gonna go outside and build a fort in the back yard of the house they rent out of scrap they found laying around. My brother while stoned wanted to show off how he can flip out a butterfly knife really fast, and decided he was gonna act like he was in an action movie, and did some sort of stupid thing where he was running and flipping out the knife really fast. The ground was wet, he slipped, and somehow got the knife in his right butt-cheek. They called me to come take him to the hospital because they were all too stoned to drive. I had to lay my brother down in the bed of my truck on a mattress because we were too scared to pull the knife out, and I drove him to the hospital like that. They rushed him in, and thankfully he only needed about 5 stiches on his butt and some antibiotics. Then I drove him back home the same way, and he insisted I take him to a drive through. He also tried to get me to pay, because...reasons! I told him to buy his own damn food.
After that there was more dumb BS that I won't bother getting into. But eventually my brother was seemingly getting bad. He was a bit sore his Silverado wasn't a 4X4, and my Tundra is. But being RWD kept him from trying to take it off-roading. He did try once, and had to pull the truck out of mud with a come-along. And he didn't try it again. He did want to drag race my truck again too. I said hell no. Not gonna risk either of our piles breaking down. And he was a complete douche about that too. I told him to stop acting like his dick was bigger than it is, and act his age. He didn't take that well. But he seemingly really was improving. Even being a much better dad to his daughter. Things got pretty good for him. Until I decided to buy a house. That's when the serious drama started.

My entitled brother threw a massive fit, just because he was mad I bought a house May 6, 2024

Yeah, I'm aware of several similar stories involving entitled family members wanting houses they have no claim to. But I guess this shit really happens. And it's no picnic when it does.
I suddenly became a homeowner some time ago because friend of mine's grandfather was moving to Florida. And his house was ripe for picking. I knew the old man well. RIP, he passed a few months later from a sudden stroke. Anyway, he offered the house and property to me for 200K. I practically ran to the bank to apply for the loan. The house is a manufactured home from the 80s. But it was remodeled repeatedly by the former owner, and has a separate garage building. The home and property could have gone for more. But he offered the house to me because he knew I'd take care of it. I had 30K saved that made a good down payment. And I was happy to leave my apartment. I'd wanted to eventually move out of there after what my cheating ex did anyway. But that's a story for another time.
As for my brother. Well he went bonkers when he found out I bought a house. He had this repeated history of copycatting me for the past decade. But this... There was no way in hell he could copycat buying a house with his terrible credit and inconsistent income. And he got in an argument with me over how I was just trying to make him look bad by doing something he couldn't. No, I just wanted a damn house. And the price was too good to refuse. Then he told me I should have turned it down because...(He had no good reason) I could practically see his screws getting looser with every dumbass excuse he made as to why I shouldn't have done it. But I pointed out all those excuses were just because I did something he currently can't. And when I bought the house, it had nothing to do with him. I just wanted to be a home owner for the security and extra space. I finally don't have to store my camper at my parents' house. And I have a garage that I can store stuff and tinker in.
I bought a camping cot, he bought a camping cot, went to the gym, he went to the gym, bought good booze, he bought good booze (Or stole it from me), I bought a new TV, be bought a new TV, I bought a truck, he bought a truck, I bought a camper, he bought a camper, I bought a used portable DVD player, he bought a used portable DVD player, I went camping in a specific place, he went camping in that specific place, I bought a house, he...(404 Error! Insert tea kettle noises and Benny Hill chase). He also acted like a complete child toward me when he built his Mini-Ram thing. He actually confronted me and said it was keweler than my boring Tundra, because it was something original. I swear, he did the dumbest mods to that vehicle. Like putting twist studs in the suspension coils to raise the ride height.
Well after weeks of openly fuming about me being a home owner, my brother suddenly acted like he had another brilliant idea. He wanted to move in with me. I laughed at him. Then he ended up demanding I rent one of my rooms to him. And for only $200 a month (Utilities included) because he shouldn't have to pay any more than that since we're family. He flipped his lid when I said fuck no! Then he got our parents involved again. Only this time they actually sided with him at first. Though it was mainly our mother. She and my brother showed up demanding I let my brother move in. And my brother had a shit eating grin on his face that I could tell he was thinking he was getting his way thanks to mommy dearest. I said "FUCK NO!" to both their faces, and my mother cried that I was using foul language to her and being an ass when I had the space now. I called my dad, and he told my mom that he'd warned her I wouldn't do it. And to leave me the hell alone. Mom whined my brother was living out of his camper next to a shabby house he was renting space from. I said that wasn't my problem to fix. And my brother has proven countless times that he cannot be trusted. My brother was fuming to the point of being red with veins popping out. My mom tried one more time to convince me with tears. And that just made me angrier.
I went on a rant that was something like this. Bro can't buy a house, so he wanted to invade mine. I refuse to ever live with my brother again. I would sooner live in the woods without electricity than with him. He's intentionally irritating as all hell. And if I had him as a roommate, I just knew he'd steal my booze, take my stuff, and invade my privacy none-stop. Not. Fucking. HAPPENING! No matter how many tears mom tries using on me. My mom broke down and finally conceded she'd never convince me after that rant. And she had to take my brother by the hand and leave with him because he initially refused to go, and kept begging her to turn back and make me let him move in. And then I yelled to him that it was a laugh that he called me a mama's boy before. Because he'd become exactly that. And this was just like the time he tried to get our mother to make me trade vehicles with him because he felt ashamed to be driving a minivan. He yanked away from mom, then told me to go fuck myself and the horse I rode in on. I laughed and pointed out I didn't ride in on anything, because I was already home. But his rattlecan horse was waiting for him in the driveway. He flipped his lid again, and looked like his head was going to explode. But mom got in front of him, and told him to just go. Then he drove off in his rattlecan Silverado without her. He'd driven her there. And then I had to take her home.
While taking her home, I made things very clear with my mother over why I could never trust my brother again. And his life was not my burden to bear. And then told her how little my brother was offering for rent anyway. Which he'd conveniently not told her. Then I later rented that same room to one of my best friends for $600 a month, and he pays for utilities. The other two rooms are my bedroom and a home office. There's an extra room in the separate garage too. So my mother tried to make me let my brother live in the garage instead. There's enough room in it's storage room for a bedroom. Again I said fuck no. And that's since been turned into another friend's rented room with a bit of a plywood remodel. Yeah, I kinda rented both the spare bedroom and garage room out to friends out of spite. But I wasn't letting my brother live with me in any capacity!
My brother later ended up having a complete meltdown in front of our parents over how he's the older brother. He should be the one who owns a house first. He's supposed to be successful, and I'm supposed to be the big loser in his shadow. Our dad poked him with his cane and told him that's not how life works, and they had a big argument. They told him to get out and not come back until he's cooled off and learned that he's just being a pointlessly jealous asshole.
The next part I post, my brother did the dumbest thing of all.
Edit: I came home late to over 600 comments, and still more pouring in. Far too many for me to answer. So I'll clear some things up here. Yes, I am no contact with my brother. And he's NC with the rest of the family as well. I do have cameras inside and outside my home. And a dash cam too. My brother knows this, and has stayed the fuck away since he left town. I'm told I'm an asshole too. Not arguing that, because it's true. I'm not exactly the nicest guy. But have someone like my brother in your life, and see how peachy you turn out.
Some have mentioned to having siblings just like my brother. Sadly I know very well people like him are increasingly common these days. My dad said a number of times that my brother probably would have ended up dead in an alley if he lived here 50 years ago with the way he behaves. As for our ages. I'm 30, and my brother is 32. I have not given my parents a spare key to my house. One is with a friend, and another is very cleverly hidden.
My house is a manufactured home. But it's not in a trailer park, and has been significantly modified with new siding and a new roof, and has a separate garage building. The previous owner was a former general contractor, and he loved to build and repair. And yes, I do have good insurance.
I keep seeing comments about a clock radio. Pardon me for not getting the reference. But I do own a digital alarm clock that has a built in CD player. Currently plays Tina Turner's Proud Mary to wake me up.
My brother and I were raised pretty evenly. He was always a jerk. But went full asshole after moving out. But our mother didn't favor him. She chewed him out plenty. And she didn't normally side with his stupidity. She just wanted him to live in a better place than in a camper next to a house filled with potheads. Addition: My brother willingly moved into that camper. He was renting half a room in that house of potheads. Then convinced the landlord to let him live in his camper on the property for the same price instead. And he bragged about his camper a lot. Which he has a full gaming center in, complete with PlayStation. He only wanted to invade my house to piss me off and make his cost of living even lower. He also doesn't like camping nearly as much as me. He mainly liked just pissing me off by following me. He loved to make me miserable. In fact, he felt entitled to make me miserable. That's the kind of person he is.
Do I have a restraining order against my brother? Not really. Just didn't bother. Because even if I did, it'd only be for like a year. And my brother wouldn't let something like that stop him if he was truly determined anyway.

My entitled brother lost his mind and attacked me, his ex, and our father. That got him disowned by the family. But not before I beat the crap out of him May 8, 2024

Warning: Contains domestic violence, small town drama, and idiocy. Read at own risk.
My brother's major downhill spiral started with jealousy over my house, but only got worse thanks to this next part. He started smoking pot more heavily and drinking harder. And that was making him more aggressive and violent. He got in a brawl outside of a bar for reasons I still don't know. But he got his ass handed to him on a platter. He eventually found out his ex has been seeing someone else. And ironically that someone is another friend of mine. Which was news to me. But it's not like he wasn't around my brother's ex a fair bit. They're both fairly social people, and were also friends for years. Once the secret was out, he confessed to me it wasn't planned. But my brother's ex Sara (Fake name) and my friend just clicked one day about a year ago. This sorta thing can only happen in a town like ours. I admit, Sara is very beautiful. But I've always seen her as a big sister figure ever since she started dating my brother in high school. So I never thought of getting with her myself. She kept her new boyfriend a secret for some time. I didn't even know until someone else spilled the beans. And the word traveled. When my brother found out, that was the last he could mentally take.
My brother was hoping for years that Sara would take him back. But no such luck there. When he lost his mind over the fact my friend was dating Sara, he started hunting for the poor guy. My friend is not a fighter, and a self described beanpole. So that's what I'll call him. Sara seems to like Beanpole because he's everything my brother is not. He isn't really a brave person. And came to me when he found out my brother was looking for him. He has a rather distinctively painted car. So it's easy to spot. My brother caught wind Beanpole was at my place, and came roaring his truck down the street.
When my brother showed up to my house, he started screaming and banging on my door because he wanted to kick Beanpole's ass. And when I refused to let him in, he attacked me. We had a redneck brawl right there in my front lawn. I want to say I won. But the fight only stopped when one of my friend/tenants yelled he was gonna call the cops. I sucker-punched my brother while he was distracted, and told him to never come back to my house again. And if he ever tried to hurt Beanpole again, I'd make sure he'd up in the hospital with two broken legs. This was backed by the other friends/tenants I had there. My brother is an idiot. But even he knew that pissing off my entire friend group was not a good idea. So he picked himself up off the ground and started leaving. But he clearly looked like he wanted to do something to my truck because he stopped and just stood there staring at it with his hands in his pockets, like he was debating scratching the paint with his keys. I yelled at him that I have CCTV. But then he turned around, pulled his pants part way down, and started rubbing his ass directly onto my truck's passenger side door. Then he forced out a nasty fart and said he sharted a little, and laughed like a nutbar when he took off. I immediately got the hose. I'm just glad I didn't leave windows open or doors unlocked. Otherwise he'd have done far worse. And the smell of what he did was pretty much what you'd think.
Everyone already knew Sara was never going to take him back. She avoided dating for years because my brother is so unhinged that she knew he'd do something like this. That's why she and her new boyfriend kept it secret. I went to ice my bruises and call Sara. But my brother was already calling and texting her. Over and over again, he wouldn't stop. He was begging she break up with her boyfriend and take him back. He even said he wanted to marry her and move to the northwest. Not sure why he specified that part of the US. Maybe because we live in the southeast. But she flatly told him no, never again, not happening even if hell froze over. He cried that it wasn't fair, because she was his first love (she wasn't), and they have a daughter together. Then he started sending her flowers, love letters and gifts. She sent them all back. Then she announced online that she and Beanpole had been dating for some time, and recently made plans to eventually move in together. That's when my brother really went off the deep end.
A few hours after he saw that post, my brother got wasted and then barged into Sara's parents' house by body ramming the back door. He actually cut his face because the door had a glass window. But he was so drunk that he didn't notice he was bleeding. Sara understandably freaked out, and my brother grabbed and tried to force her to kiss him. She pushed him away and he hit her for refusing him. He slapped her and threw her to the floor really hard like an angry pimp wanting his money. And his daughter saw it all and started screaming at the top of her lungs. Sara screamed too, and my brother fled. Police were called, and Sara was taken to the hospital. My brother threw her down so hard that she had a dislocated shoulder. My brother was found by police at his camper, where he was even more drunk than before, and half his face was covered in blood. He had to be taken to the hospital, where he got stitches. Then taken to jail. He got charged with trespassing, breaking and entering, and assault. (Surprisingly not DUI too, as he'd actually walked there) When our parents and I found out, well the family finally couldn't take it anymore, and went into an uproar. Our parents had it out with my brother after he bailed himself out from jail, and then he tried to fight our dad when they argued. And no surprise, he tried to blame everything on me.
My brother actually said I let Beanpole steal his woman. But couldn't really explain how. He also refused to believe I did not know until recently. Then he said that Sara was supposed to be his. Dad not only disagreed, but told my brother that he was a fucking disgrace, and that was an absolutely disgusting way to talk about Sara. She's not his property. And then my brother shoved dad as hard as he could. Dad got knocked to the floor, and my brother started kicking him. Dad isn't a small man. But he's old with a bad back and a bad knee. And needs a cane just to get around. Since we knew my brother would only have gotten crazier if he saw me, I was hiding in another room with the door cracked and listening in. I knew he might do something crazy. So I insisted on secretly being in the house when he was confronted. And I'm glad I was, because I came to dad's defense before my brother could do too much damage. I knew we were roughly even in a fight. So I ambushed and hit him in the back with a rubber mallet, and then beat the shit out of him. No police were called that time. I attacked him in defense of our dad. So he probably would have been screwed if he tried to get me charged anyway. And then he'd have gone right back to jail. Someone also once asked me if I enjoyed beating up my brother that day. I did not. I was just in an adrenaline fueled rage protecting my dad. But all things considered, I could have done far worse to my brother with that rubber mallet, as he only really got bruises. My dad gave hm a good smack in the face with his cane too though. But it's just hollow aluminum. Not exactly a damage dealer.
Our parents (mainly my dad) disowned my brother as I threw him out the door. And he spent some time crying on the porch and saying he was sorry and didn't mean it, then switched to saying we could all regret this, and we could go fuck ourselves before finally leaving. My mother spent hours crying. She'd stuck up for him before, and this was how he repaid her. My brother managed to avoid real prison time, or a trial for attacking Sara by taking a guilty plea deal. He signed away custody of his daughter. And Sara got a restraining order against him. My brother got a fine, somehow only a couple months in county jail, probation, has to abstain from alcohol for six months, and he had to pay for the property damage. Sara's dad already put in a new door, and billed my brother for it. My brother also understandably lost his job due to the situation.
Our mother secretly kept in contact with my brother, and agreed to look after my brother's truck and camper while he was serving his two month sentence. And she didn't ok it with dad first. He was pretty pissed at her for going behind his back. But she reasoned that it would be the last thing they ever did for him, because she didn't want my brother to have no place to go after getting out of the clink. And even she made it clear it was the last of her good will towards him too. Once my brother got out of jail, mom drove his truck and camper to a store to meet him, and gave him back the keys. She told me there was barely a word of thanks from him. Mostly just grunts when she tried to get him to talk to her. Dad said he still looked like an ungrateful sod. After that my brother lived wherever he could park his camper for a while until one of his remaining friends somehow got him a new job as a welder in another town 40-ish miles away that he was having to commute to with his camper for a while. But he was back every weekend. Apparently he only got the job by agreeing to work for less than what the job would normally pay. So he could move there permanently as soon as he got the ok from his probation officer. Which said officer didn't make easy I heard. I don't know the red tape of it. But he managed to pull it off. He can't leave the state. But he could still move to another county it seems. He's probably renting a space in a trailer park right now or something. And maybe he's back to doing his side hustle of hauling trash for people.
Before leaving town, my brother showed up outside my house to give me the double middle finger and dance around like a monkey while cursing at me in the street when he knew I was watching from the window. I guess it was his stupid way of trying to get in a last laugh without breaking the law or something. But then I got an idea. I've heard plenty of people say to kill with kindness. So I tried it in my own way. I grabbed an unopened bottle of my favorite honey whisky from the pantry because I know my brother really loves that stuff too. Then I went outside and walked right up to him, and shoved the bottle into his hands. I think it was the last thing he expected me to do in the moment. And I know he'd NEVER willingly break a bottle of good booze. Especially when it's free. Then I told him to have a drink on me to start his new life. I could barely keep myself from laughing when I turned to walk away. When I looked at my CCTV footage later, he actually stood there looking really glum while just staring at the bottle, and then moped back to his truck.
And then he was gone. Off to start his new life as a career welder. My brother is a childish, narcissistic, misogynistic, asshole to an extreme degree. But he's actually damn good at welding. Both with steel and aluminum. Mostly self-taught too. It's practically his only real talent. He's even done basic forging and auto body work. I've seen him do shit with scrap metal I wish I could. But that's the only real compliment I can still say about him. Maybe he'll make a decent new life and career for himself doing metal work elsewhere. He's better off away from us, just like we're better off away from him. He deleted all his social media, and I assume blocked us on everything. Not that we'd bother to contact him. One of his few remaining pothead friends in town told me my brother wants to legally change his name when his probation ends. Knowing him, he'll likely do it.
Things are much more peaceful and far less dramatic without my entitled leech of a brother here. Some part of me missed him for a while. But he's just a terrible person. And the only one who's still missing him, is our mother. She's still kinda broken up about it. But dad has been unwavering that they did the right thing by disowning him. He made his own bed. Now he's lying in it. I doubt my brother will come back any time soon. And if he does, he will not be welcome.
Edit: Got home and cracked open a bag of salt & pepper pork rinds, and was half expecting hundreds of comments like last time. I'm thankful it wasn't. Still, I'm also thankful to everyone who gave their support. To answer some questions I got in comments and DMS. I've got cameras inside and outside my house. Beanpole and Sara are still dating. But they've put off moving in together for now. My niece is doing good. But says she has no daddy anymore. My brother was barely a father to her anyway. Yes I know it was a bit much giving a known alcoholic a bottle of booze. And good booze at that. But I knew he wouldn't be able to drink it for months anyway. Which is why I was trying so hard to hold back laughter when I gave it to him. Besides, he's just gonna drink like a fish on his own dime when his court ordered sober time runs out.
I'm hoping this is the last post about current antics involving my brother. Maybe I'll tell other past stories about him. Or the story of my cheating ex. Still couldn't bring myself to post that. I typed it out and everything. But I guess it still ate at me because I really liked that woman. And yeah, this situation with my brother eats at me too. But he's toxic. And I'm better off without him in my life anymore.

Related Posts:
My entitled brother wanted my cot and tent for the camping trip
The time my brother stayed over and stole all the alcohol from my fridge

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Salah satu faktor yang paling penting bagi para pemain dalam memilih situs Game online adalah legalitas dan keamanannya. MPO108 Thailand adalah situs yang sepenuhnya legal dan diatur oleh otoritas Game Thailand. Ini memberikan kepercayaan kepada pemain bahwa mereka bermain di platform yang sah dan aman, dengan jaminan perlindungan data pribadi dan keuangan yang ketat.
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2024.05.16 19:20 legacyhunter47 Let's talk: Unknown (2024), Taiwan

Long post incoming!
I recently finished watching Unknown, a Taiwanese BL, and have a bunch of thoughts on it. I know you do too. So, let's talk Unknown.
The story, themes, and characters
The premise is, at the surface, quite straightforward. Wei Qian takes Zhi Yuan from the streets and raises him like a brother. Zhi Yuan develops feelings for his “brother” as he grows up. However, underneath all the love, we have childhood trauma, death, violence, homelessness, drug addiction, and lots of emotional drama.
The romance between Qian and Zhi Yuan may seem inappropriate, given that Qian literally raised Zhi Yuan. But Zhi Yuan clarifies it (for us and especially Qian) many times that he is not Qian’s “blood brother.” I didn’t have any issue with this relationship for the same reason. Plus, the age gap between the two wasn’t much. Even though Li Li calls Qian her father figure, Zhi Yuan does not feel the same. For Zhi Yuan, Qian was always the big brother who he looked up to, took care of, and eventually fell in love with.
Despite their hardships, I was pleased that Qian opened up to his “brother’s” affections. What worked in this series was that we were shown how the characters grew to be who they are. The love doesn’t happen quickly (the NC scene did, though, and I thank the BL gods for that), Qian’s problems don’t automatically disappear, and happiness is not permanent. The series shows Qian building a life for himself and his family that his mother couldn’t. And that takes time. In a series, about a couple of episodes. Many may find this progression slow. But the character development (and Chris’ cuteness) is what kept me interested.
Qian takes his sweet time to finally realize his feelings. In the meantime, we get a lot of hugs, touches, and longing looks from Zhi Yuan. Maybe to keep reminding Qian that he (Zhi Yuan) is always there for him. I ate up every scene with any sort of affection between these two angsty lovebirds.
Both brothers are supported by their playful sister, Li Li, the forever friend, San Pang, and a host of others who, even in small roles, make an impact. For example, Doctor Lin Zu Yuan was mesmerizing in the two episodes he was in. His one-liners and “do as you please” attitude had me in splits. He brought a little light-heartedness amongst all that angst and sorrow.
I absolutely loved that the story focused more on the characters rather than the love story. While the love between the brothers is what ties the story, the narrative centers around each one’s growth. There is not a single frame or dialog that is wasted.
The actors
The casting director struck gold with this cast, especially the leads. Chris Chiu and Kurt Huang were the perfect Qian and Zhi Yuan. They had amazing chemistry and complemented each other quite well. I usually don’t watch cast interviews, BTS, and other promotional videos. The few I watched of these two show that they get along well off-screen and that translated onto the screen.
The supporting actors had unfortunately not much screen time although they all were well-cast too. I, at first, did not recognize that Sam Lin (from We Best Love) was the quirky doctor. He looked a bit different in his first episode, but I couldn’t take my eyes off him.
I must appreciate the child actors. They embodied the characters well, especially Max Kuo (teenage Zhi Yuan). I think he had the most screen time out of the other child actors. He was superb as Zhi Yuan with the right mix of playfulness, affection, and growing love for his big brother.
The music
The somber background score was perfect for this series. Even the songs (although I cannot hum any) are very pleasant. I especially loved the one during the NC scene sung by Kim Jae Hoon (San Pang in the series) mainly because I’ve replayed that scene so many times (sue me, won’t you?) it’s stuck in my head. You can’t dance to any song, but you listen to them if you need something relaxing and chill.
The NC scene
It's quite rare that I really think about an NC scene once a series ends. This is not to say that there aren't any good ones, but the fact that most of them aren't memorable (for me).
In Episode 11, Qian gives in to his feelings and takes his relationship with Zhi Yuan to a more intimate level. They no longer remain just brothers, they become each other’s everything.
Unknown has one of the best NC scenes among the BLs I've watched. It's aesthetic, hot, consensual, and meaningful.
It also has one of the most orgasmic dialogs in all of the BL-verse, "You don't even know what I dream of at night..." The moment I heard it, I had to pause the video and gather my train of thought. I mean, WOW! Besides being steamy and arousing, that dialog is super relatable. I cannot count the number of times I have replayed that dialog. I just can't get it out of my head.
Dialog aside, the entire scene is shot really well. The voiceover and flashback scenes during the lovemaking and the music keeps you hooked and keeps it from becoming a hump fest. I am also happy that it was Qian who pulled Zhi Yuan for their first official kiss (not counting the drunken one), and not the other way round.
It was an emotionally evocative scene. I felt that for the first time in his life, Qian unclenched his mind. He could stop worrying about every little thing and simply relax. He was finally able to experience something uncomplicated with someone who loved him unconditionally.
The montage of Zhi Yuan during this scene was just chef’s kiss.
A fun video I came across was Kurt talking about how Chris moaned during the scene. Kurt did not expect that and his ears went red. I just want to say, "Good job, Chris!" I don't know about others, but I love it when a man moans in an intimate situation, be it kissing, sex, or touching. It elevates the intimacy. And Chris' improvisation did that, it elevated that scene.
In conclusion
When I started this series, I had no idea what it was about. I did not even read the description on MDL and just dove in because a lot of people kept recommending it. And you know what, I'm glad I did. Because this series is something else.
I often read about Taiwanese BLs being superior to their Thai, Japanese, and Korean counterparts. I am beginning to see why. So far, all the Taiwanese BLs I've watched have been really good. Unknown takes the crown, of course, but I must say I was impressed with Plus and Minus, We Best Love, and Kiseki: Dear to Me.
Unknown is officially one of my top 3 BLs (the other 2 being I Feel You Linger in the Air and Only Friends).
What did you guys think about this series? Was it a hit or miss for you?

submitted by legacyhunter47 to boyslove [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:36 Guru_Sam [RevShare and long-term partner] Artist needed for VN and story-heavy JRPG (we are worth your time, I promise)

We are a two-person team from Northern Europe (Germany and Denmark) looking for an artist to partner with us! We want to release a visual novel soon (more than 70% completed with a playable demo, see link) and create a JRPG sequel (passion project with 5 years worth of love going into the project) set in the same world after that. The world we are working on is set in a dystopian Solarpunk future. The visual novel is a coming-of-age drama full of interesting choices, while the JRPG is a humorous dramedy, offering a balanced blend of thought-provoking themes and laughter.
Play the demo for our VN here ( to play it, use Password 1234 since it’s an alpha version and therefore delisted right now):

1. The VN project offers:

Rottenroots is a coming-of-age visual novel where every decision you make has an impact. A teen must try to get love and life under one hat in a mysterious sci-fi world where a wrong move could be your last. Will you help him make the right choices?
Features include
-6+ endings with very different outcomes
-Packed full of decisions that make a difference
-Around 20.000 words long and can be finished in 1,5-2 hours (in the final version)
-A mysterious sci-fi world to get lost in
-Three-dimensional characters full of flaws, dreams, and desires
-Forbidden love, extraordinary adventures, the whirlwind of teenage emotions... and night swimming?
-Join a game that will be released soon and a dedicated team!
- Needs: 11 Backgrounds, 7 characters (3 with additional outfits and 5 expressions each), and UI.

2. The JRPG project offers:

-A sequel to the VN, set 20 years later.
-A balanced blend of comedy and mature drama, bringing depth to characters and narrative.
-Innovative dialog fighting system based on psychological research.
-Meaningful choices lead to distinct endings, empowering players' agency.
-The fresh world is set with Solarpunk aesthetics and a colorful ocean to explore.
-Educational aspect, shedding light on the horrors of WW2 and the dangers of fascist movements.
-A detailed and long GDD full of visual explanations.
Needs: Character designs, enemy designs, tile sets, facial expressions, and more are needed
We are seeking a (pixel) artist to join us two! The revenue generated from the game's launch will be shared equally (we are considering releasing the VN for free in a basic version). We work with the GameMaker, but you don't have to know that engine. Our (pixel) artists will have ample creative freedom within the project, enabling them to infuse their artistic vision. Let's create great game visuals that will get the players' attention! We would also consider other art styles if they fit the world.
We are a dedicated team that has already put in a lot of work. We have social media profiles for these projects ready to go with hunderts of followers, just waiting for more concrete content. We also have a structured approach to project management with a detailed Notion board that lists and categorizes every aspect of these games. We would love to work with someone reliable who is 18 or over and ideally has a portfolio.
So please give us a swing, and let's build a game we'll all be proud of!
submitted by Guru_Sam to INAT [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:41 lazercheesecake Hear me out: Yapping doesn't have to be boring

Hear me out: Yapping doesn't have to be boring
EDIT 2: Thank you all for those you read my Wall of Text (tm). I know it's a lot to go through, but these are my honest thoughts on why this season fell flat for a lot of us who love Tensura. Personally, these scenes are my favorite in the manga, but I saw room for improvement in the anime. I felt it would be an injustice to add to the whine pile if I didn't at least put in the genuine effort to point out exactly why it deserved the whine. To those who enjoyed these last 6 episodes, good for you. If you enjoy these meeting scenes. I have recommendations because I feel you would like them: 12 angry men, The Conspiracy, Margin Call (obviously), Up in the Air, Dr. Strangelove, Hunt for Red October, Oppenheimer, The Hateful 8.
EDIT TLDR: Since some of y’all are either allergic to reading or straight illiterate, let’s clarify. I love meeting scenes if they’re done well. I love Margin Call, and the entire film is a meeting. Tensura doesn’t do it well. Actually Tensura s2 does it pretty decently. I want the series I like to succeed. I point out areas to improve. I don’t get this acceptance of mediocrity, but I see some people are content to be just mid.
I think we can all agree that this season of Tensura has been extremely yap/meeting heavy and that is negatively impacting the enjoyment of the viewers. Even if you are a big world building fan, 5 episodes of meetings is not exactly what some would call peak entertainment. Now the next episode is where we'll start to get that sweet sweet action we've been craving, but half a season to reach some fights is a long stretch.
However, I argue that meetings don't have to be boring (I mean the ones at my work are, which is why I'm writing this up instead of doing anything productive). The picture I posted is from "Margin Call" which is a phenomenal film about the actions that would precipitate the financial crisis of 2008. It is 90% board room meetings, 99% yapping, and you get one "action" scene during the fire sale. You are on the edge of your seat the entirety of the movie. The tension, the energy, it's all palpable through the screen.
Tensura's meetings have a HUGE problem where the same information is told to the audience multiple times. The example that is most egregious is Archbishop Rayhiem's death. In one episode we are told in a meeting scene what that the plan is ABC because of XYZ, then we have another meeting where diablo gives an update and that builds up Rayhiem and ABC because XYZ, and then we see another meeting with Hinata and Rayhiem doing ABC because of XYZ, and then finally we have another meeting where we see the aftermath of how ABC went wrong because of XYZ. It's too much. As important as that event is for the story, we lost an entire episode's worth of content over that. It's the same problem with Hinata's story, with the Farmenas story, with the Granbell story.
Part of the problem is that the LN and as a result the anime tries to softball foreshadowing to it's audience because lets be honest, Tensura isn't exactly a cerebral experience. It tries to make the audience feel smart by telegraphing the story so that we can say, "I knew that was going to happen." It's fine in LN format where these meetings take a few minutes to chew through and read, but in an AV format, a 1-1 adaptation isn't going to work.
This leads to the second problem which is that everything is told not shown. Even in "Margin Call," the movie uses clever framing, camera shots, pacing, attention, direction to show what is happening. You can turn off the audio for the movie and still follow along. BUT the most important part of showing in "Margin Call" is the telling, the dialog. Kevin Spacey's character (obligatory fuck Kevin Spacey) is clearly not on the best terms with the CEO, Jeremy Irons, but he and the CEO are on a first name basis during the meeting while Irons calls everyone else Mr(s). Last Name. There is another scene where Kevin Spacey simply asks "Are you going to call him?" to Simon Baker's character, who replies "I already have." Who "him" is is not revealed until later, but the way the question is asked and answered reveals a strained history between the two characters without them having to explain to the audience what that history is. When Zachary Quinto's character is being questioned regarding his math for the disastrous forecast, there is a double play where the higher ups are trying to determine if the math is correct but also to shift blame and reward on who found what problem. There are layers.
The last big problem is that these meeting scenes are static and shot straight. There is no cinematic flair with how people are portrayed or how characters are framed. Meeting and yap scenes are when character drama can shine especially hard. In "Margin Call," the CEO is almost always framed with a clean background or against a floor to ceiling window with Manhattan's skyline in plain beautiful view. When we see the peons, they are framed tightly amongst other people or desks, making us feel cramped alongside them. When it's revealed time is of the essence, the movie opens a scene with the camera focusing on Baker's expensive watch, which he never uses, he asks someone for the time. The angle of the shot makes Baker's character less confined and more free as he is the protege of the CEO, despite being much younger than Spacey, who is framed more tightly.
Not all of the yap scenes in Tensura are bad though. Why the fuck do I care how many goblin riders, how many new Kurenai, how many blah blah blah are sent to fight. What's the important part of that scene? It's the promotion of Gobta as a capable military leader. It's the rebirth of the Oni race. It's about the growth and establishment Jura as a militarily capable nation. As clumsy as it is, the military planning of the upcoming fight *is* showing the world building. Hinata yapping with her two sects *is* showing the political tension and powder keg that is Luminism. Some of these meeting scenes *are* necessary.
But most of them are not. When these yap scenes devolve into talking *about* some other action that we could have just seen in person, It's hard to keep interest. How many times do we have to hear about this "mysterious trader" across 3 seasons before we meet the guy in another meeting scene. The dialog is clunky and holds zero subtext regarding anything. The meeting room framing is non existent. The closest we really get is the introductory shot of Gobwa (new bae) where the low shot off center frame helps bolster the image that she is a capable, confident, disciplined upcoming leader.
In truth the source material was never going to get us anywhere close to an actual cinematic story, but damn they could have at least tried to make things interesting instead of dialing it in.
submitted by lazercheesecake to TenseiSlime [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:12 StinkySteak Nyari Playtester buat Game PC Lokal

Saya adalah seorang game developer dari Indonesia. Saat ini, game PC buatan saya sudah hampir rilis, dan saya butuh bantuan dari kalian untuk konsultasi.
Apa yang saya cari:
Game Description
Saya juga mau tanya nih:
  1. Ada komunitas gaming yang aktif di Indonesia, seperti Discord atau Facebook, yang bisa saya hubungi untuk mencari playtester?
  2. Kira-kira lebih baik mencari anak SMA atau mahasiswa untuk menghemat biaya?
    1. Seperti bagi brosur di depan sekolah
  3. Atau mungkin ada yang di sini tertarik untuk jadi playtester?
  4. Atau bisa cari di negara lain yang rate-nya juga nggak terlalu mahal seperti india, bangladesh?
Kalau dari kalian ada saran lain, saya akan terbantu sekali.
Bisa Langsung PM, kalau tertarik
submitted by StinkySteak to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:31 Prize-Dinner-7418 AITA for getting drunk and turning off my phone

TW: Alcoholism, drug addiction, violence, suicidal ideation, sex abuse
This is going to be a LLLLLOOONNNNGGGGG one. This story goes back quite a way, but yesterday was the tenth anniversary of the ending to this story and I'm feeling it, still got some guilt about everything that happened, wondering what I could have done differently and I just want to vent it out and hope to get some closure from it.
This story started in 2010.
Characters in this story (names are fake, duh!):
Background and intro
I had known Stephanie for many years and we had the kind of friendship that made her BFs and my GFs uncomfortable to put it lightly. We had never crossed that boundary and I wouldn't consider us in the friendzone, we were just friend, but the kind of friend where she would sit on my lap with her arms around my neck or her head on my shoulder.
At the start of 2010, Stephanie met her then boyfriend, Stephen. He tolerated me and my friendship with Stephanie because I also had a gf back then. She liked Stephanie, wasn't at all jealous of my friendship with her, so he didn't deem me too suspicious. Then my gf and I broke up for reasons unimportant and all hell broke loose for Stephen. He became convinced that I would try and steal Stephanie from him. He insisted that Stephanie introduce me to her female friends or female friends of his. Thus began what I called the year of the 50 blind dates. It was probably closer to 20, but still I like saying the year of 50 blind dates. Most of them were unremarkable and never went beyond the first date. There are some fun stories in there if anyone wants to hear them eventually!
In July of that year, I had to switch gears because I had to focus up and study for a professional exam for a certification important to my career. This exam required close to 600-800 hours of study over a 3-4 month period. So I hunkered down, told Stephanie to stop the blind dates for now because I had to focus on that. She respected my wishes and, other a text here or there, we went low contact for the last two months before the exam.
Except for one fateful night in September. Her birthday was in September and she always threw these big bashes at her house. She would throw a big pool party that started around noon and would go on to the wee hours of the morning. I knew she would harass me to go to her party, so I made some quick math and figured I would lose more energy and time trying to dodge her calls, texts and most likely visits at my place than by just going to the party itself. So when she called me to ask, I just said: "Okay I'll go to your damn party, now git." I texted her I would get there in the evening probably around 8. She texted back "Great, can't wait. Now study, bitch!"
So I ultimately get there around 8PM. Basically everybody is already drunk off their gourd. Stephanie sees me, squeals in excitement and runs to me in her bikini and just jumps in the air and slams into me, wraps her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist and gives me a big hug. I hug her back and just keep walking back to the pool where she had started, carrying her with me. I just duck my head around hers and say hi to Stephen, who just glares at me.
She drops back down and I give her her gift. We chat for a few seconds and says "There's beer in the fridge and food in the dining room." I told her I'd be right back.
I go inside and grab a beer from the fridge. I head to the dining room and the table is against the wall with a buffet of sandwiches, tomato pizza, salads, etc. I grab a plate and start putting food on it. I was focused on the task because I was starving. I barely noticed, sitting at the end of the table one of the most stunning woman I have ever seen. I just see her in my peripheral vision and I do a quick double take, quick glance at her and back to the food. I do that a second time. And finally a third time. At that point she is just straight up staring at me and I can't help but chuckle and whisper under my breath "Subtle Guy, sub-tle".
Thankfully she starts laughing too, saving me some embarassment. I look at her and greet her. She says "Hi, I'm Maryse and I'm guessing you're Guy?" I just nod and we start talking. At that point, I just thought I have no shot with her, she's so far out of my league that I'm just gonna talk to her until she sees one of the "models" hanging out by the pool and ditches me for him.
So I'm not feeling like I'm playing for anything, so I'm just myself and not nervous, just talking to her as I would any friend. We chat and she laughs at all my jokes, she gets all my cultural references. She never gets up or ditches me. The plate of food I had made and the beer I had gotten are sitting on the table next to me untouched, I was too busy with the convo to think about food or beer anymore.
After what felt like only 20-30 minutes, Stephanie comes in and tells me, fake grumpy: "So that's where you disappeared to. I invite my best friend to a party and he spends the whole night talking to someone else." I laugh and go: "What do you mean the whole night? I haven't been here that long." She says "Dude, it's 2AM. You've been here for 6 hours..." My jaw dropped and I just said: "Wow, time flies when you're having fun." Maryse chimes in, with a big smile: "It sure does!" That made me happy as you can imagine.
Now I was a little stuck because where Stephanie lived, there's no night service for the bus and the subway had been closed for an hour or so. I figured I would cab it. So I turn to Maryse and tell her: "It was absolutely lovely to meet you and I enjoyed our conversation very much." She says that she did too. I continued with "At the moment, my schedule is incredibly hectic. I'm basically working full-time, studying full-time and sleeping part-time. So I don't have a lot of free time, but if she was interested, whatever little free time I had, I would love to call her or text her to keep on getting to know her."
I see Stephanie in the backgroudnd, looking like a proud mama at how smooth that came out, knowing I was always anything but smooth with women, as proven by the string of blind dates! Maryse has a big smile and we exchange numbers. I go to Stephanie to wish her a happy birthday again. While I'm talking to her, my phone buzzes with a text from Maryse: "Just checking!"
I asked Stephanie "What's the best cab company to call in this area?" Maryse chimes in: "Where do you live?" I tell her where I lived and she goes "It's on the way to where I live, I can give you a ride if you want." Stephanie raised an eyebrow in surprise. I learned later, she did it because it absolutely was not on the way to her place, like, at all. I say that I would love that as it would give us a chance to keep talking.
We get in her car, driving to my place. We talk, she asks me what I'm studying as I hadn't mentioned it earlier. I tell her all about the boring maths I had to study. Much too quickly, we get to my place. She parks in front of my building and we keep talking. At some point, I tell her: "Normally, this is where I would try to "trick" you into coming up to my place..." She interrupts me: "You wouldn't need to trick me. I'm willing and able!"
I tell her that "As tempting as that sounds, I know who I am and I know that if you come up and things proceed to where they're going, I'm not going to be able to study for the rest of the month. I have a kind of obsessive mind and when I find someone or something I like, I can push everything else to the side in favor of that. So to make sure I can still focus on my studying, I have to go up by myself."
She looks at me, a little disappointed but then says, half-jokingly: "We don't have to go up, there's a backseat right there!" We laugh and I give her a kiss and wish her a good night. I managed to stay strong and go back to my condo. Damn it, why did I have to stay strong!!!
My exam was at the beginning of november. During the month of october, we texted a bunch of times and talked on the phone. We went for coffee a couple of times and dinner once. She respected my boundaries and never pushed for more, which I appreciated but also hated at the same time, if that makes sense. The exam came and it was a monster of a Friday. I slept for basically 18 hours after the exam as the adrenalin dropped and my system crashed.
I texted her when I woke up at around 1PM. She was working at the clothing store Stephanie owned. She said "I'm off at 5PM, wanna meet me." I said: "Duh! Why do you think I'm texting? ;)" So I met her at the store downtown. I asked if she wanted to grab a drink, go for dinner, or what. She proposed going to her place and getting some take out. Stephanie who was closing the store at that moment, came up to us and said: "Hey, so what are we doing?" I said: "WE, that is Maryse and I, are going to her place and getting some takeout. Bye!" I'm sure you'll understand when I tell you that no food was ever ordered that night!
Thus followed a whirlwind month of November where any free time we had was spent together, and I wasn't going to complain!
The troubles
By the start of december, things were still going great with us. One saturday night, we were having dinner at a restaurant and I mention that this coming Friday is my office Christmas party, that it's employees only, so we wouln't see each other that night. She tells me: "Oh sure, that's fine! It'll give me a chance to go see some girlfriends I've been neglecting lately." I said "Great! BTW I also got us a reservation at [this great restaurant she had mentioned a few times] for next Saturday, so we could go there and I'll tell you all about my party and you can tell me all about her night with the girls!"
That was settled, I thought. I was wrong. On Thursday, we had spent the evening together at her place and I was about to leave to go back to my place. She tells me: "So are you coming to meet me at the store tomorrow or do I go to your place?" I reminded her: "Neither, tomorrow is my office Christmas party and we won't see each other tomorrow." She said: "Oh right, I forgot." I asked her if she had made plans with her friends like she had mentioned last saturday. She said that they were all busy tomorrow and weren't available.
She suggested "If your party is boring, maybe you could come meet me." I retorted that it wasn't going to be, knowing who was going to be there.
"Yeah but what if?"
"But it won't"
"But what IFFFFFF?" she kept insisting and I kept saying no. After what felt like 30 minutes of that (probably only 2-3 minutes in reality), I had enough and just said to end the argument: "Okay, if it's boring, I'll come. but it won't be." She said: "Cool" with a big smile on her face. I came to learn that that smile meant "Challenge accepted".
The following night, my colleague and I were pregaming in a conference room before leaving for the party proper and my phone buzzes. Maryse was wishing me a good party. I replied. She texted me again. I replied. She texted again, but I was in a conversation with a colleague so I didn't reply or even look at the phone. My phone buzzes again. Still talking, and didn't want to be rude to my colleague. Another buzz. I just kept talking. Phone buzzes differently, she was now calling because I hadn't answered her texts.
"Why aren't you replying to my texts?"
"Hey, sorry, was talking to my colleague Patrick."
"What? you don't want to talk to me?"
"I am talking to you now."
"Why didn't you reply to my texts?"
"Because it would have been rude to my colleague to pull my phone out while talking to him."
"But you're talking to me now."
"Because I thought something was wrong, maybe it was an emergency."
"I wanted to talk to you, that's all."
"Well, gotta go back to the party. Talk to you later."
She kept texting and if I didn't reply right away, she would call after two or three missed texts. After about 2 hours of this, I stopped answering the texts. When she called back, I asked her: "Aren't you supposed to be working?" which started another round of guilt-tripping of "why are you asking me this? you don't want to talk to me?" At that point I had had enough and wanted to enjoy my party. I remembered that the Blackberry (no shaming old tech!) I had had an annoying feature, but I was hoping to put it to good use at that moment.
Whenever the battery would get really low, like less than 1%, it would let out an ear-piercing BEEP for about 3 seconds, reminiding you to charge it and giving you a heart attack all at the same time. It would do that even when you were in silent mode. It had happened a few days earlier when I was with Maryse. I figured, if I press a button on the Blackberry, it would make a beep too that could be heard through the phone. So while I was talking to Maryse, I pressed my thumb on the space bar for a good 3 seconds and sputtered; "what... the .... what?" trying to put on a somewhat believable performance.
She asked what that noise was and I tell her that it was my blackberry letting me know I was low battery and it might shut off any second. I told her "Listen I'm gonna wish you a good night, I'm having a good time at my party so I'll see you tomorrow at 5PM to go spend our evening together. I hope you have a good....." and hung up mid-sentence. I promptly shut my phone off and went back to the party. I concede that I may be a bit of an AH for that move.
The party was great, I got drunk much quicker than I expected owing to the fact that I hadn't had a drink in over two months because Maryse didn't drink so I didn't either when we were together, and we were always together. At 1AM, I went home and passed out on my bed.
This is another place where I may have been an AH. I didn't turn my cell phone back on and I unplugged my home line too, because I wanted to sleep the deep sleep of the drunkard. I woke up at around 1:30 PM, not knowing it was already too late. In my mind, I was meeting Maryse at 5PM to go out on the town that night. Maryse had other ideas as you'll see.
So like I said, I woke up at 1:30PM and was sticky with alcohol sweat, so I went straight for the shower to get clean again. While in the shower, my stomach grumbled with hunger and I started daydreaming of bacon and eggs. That pushed me out of the shower right quick. I dried myself off quickly, tied the towel around my waist and went to the fridge. No bacon.... booo. Looked at the egg compartment... no eggs... booo again. Okay then, how about a cream cheese bagel. No cream cheese, damn it. Look in the pantry, no bagels.... god. I was starting to get angry. Okay, cereals then. I pick up the cereal box, that mofo was empty and I get mad: "who's the idiot who puts the empty box back in the pantry?" I remembered I live alone.
I close the fridge dejected and see the grocery list stuck on the fridge, taunting me with everything I wanted to eat for breakfast written on it. But I felt like if I went to the grocery store hungry as I Was, I'm just gonna pay 600$ and not get one single healthy thing to eat. I then remembered there's a restaurant next to the grocery store that serves breakfast until 3PM. I get excited! I get dressed quickly, grab my wallet and keys, put my boots on, my coat on, wrap my scarf, my tuque and my gloves and go to the restaurant. If you notice, I didn't mention my phone in there.
I get to the restaurant and confirm that they still have breakfast and get even more excited when she confirms it. I order the "heart attack", at least that's how I nicknamed it: 3 eggs, 3 servings of bacon, 2 sausages, and, I guess to give one peace of mind, fruit (or to be precise, one single solitary slice of orange). Now that the food is ordered and coming I figured I would check if I have any messages. I pat the pocket where my phone always is. No phone. uh-oh. I start clutching evert pocket, no luck.
I wonder if I should go back home after the meal before going to the grocery store and decide against it, it would be too long a detour. So I scarf my breakfast down, rush through the grocery store. I get home and set my bags down in front of the fridge. I go pick up my blackberry. I turn it back on. The little tape icon tells me there are messages on my voicemail, at that time there were no red dots with a number in it to tell you how many.
I connect to the voicemail while starting to put the groceries away. The little automated voice tells me "You have 25 new messages." I pull the phone away from my ear, look at it in disbelief as if saying: "are you f'ing kidding me?" So I press 1 to start playing the messages.
Remember: Maryse knew I was at a party with a dead phone, no chargers and I probably wouldn't get home until 1AM. From 6:30PM, when my phone died, to 11:34 PM, when she went to sleep she left me 9 messages. BTW I know she went to sleep at 11:34PM because she left me a message saying "it's 11:34PM and I'm going to bed. Thinking of you." The 9 messages were in the same vein. These are the salient details, but the messages were all much longer.
She woke up at 7:15 the following day, I'll let you guess how I know that tidbit of information! She left me 5 more messages like those from the day before: 7:15 woke up. 7:35 going to take a shower. 7:55 out of the shower. 8:25 getting ready to leave for work 8:50 walking out of the subway to go to the store.
She leaves me another message at 9 that was different. She sounded very excited as if she had had the best idea in the world: "Hey it's 9AM, I'm about to start my shift. I know we're only supposed to meet after my shift, but what if you came and met me for lunch so you could tell me all about your party." I just did my best Scooby-Doo "Ruh-Roh" and chuckled that I blew that, not thinking the calamity that was awaiting me.
Another couple of messages to talk logistics: "I could take my lunch at 12 or 12:30, let me know which you prefer." "I'm taking my lunch at 12:30"
A slightly worried message: "It's 11:15 and you stil have not said if you were coming or not, are you okay?"
The first bomb goes off and I knew I was in trouble then: "Where are you? We're supposed to meet for lunch and you still haven't given me any sign of life, you're not answering your home phone either, what happened?" Reminder: we were not supposed to meet for lunch, she suggested doing so a couple of hours earlier and I never agreed to anything. I guess she told her colleagues I would meet her for lunch and it was now fact and could perhaps make her look bad in front of her colleagues.
The second bomb drops: "It's almost noon now, WHERE ARE YOU? Stephanie says you're probably sleeping off your drunk, but I don't believe her. I'm sure you got yourself a slut and cheated on me. Didn't you? didn't you, you asshole." Stephanie knows me very well, but that wasn't enough for Maryse it seems.
Ensued four more messages from 12:30 to 1:15, where she starts sounding more and more drunk and accusatory, spewing more attacks like in the message above. At that point I already knew it was over, there was no coming back from that. I can understand having trust issues, but that was nuclear. I don't tolerate jealousy because of horrible experiences with a couple of jealous toxic exes.
A final message comes in, and it's a different voice, that of my best friend being more than a little angry: "Hey Guy, listen, Maryse tells me you had a Christmas party yesterday, so I'm guessing you're sleeping off your drunk, still. But call me when you get this. I put Maryse, who's f'ing drunk, in the backstore so she can dry off and "do inventory". She can't be on the sales floor obviously and I just don't feel safe sending her home in the state she's in. Call me to tell me how you want to handle this."
At that point I had finished putting away my groceries and had put my boots and my coat on and was making my way to the subway to go to the store. I call Stephanie and tell her I got the messages and I was coming. She was right, I was sleeping off my drunk and had just woke up (didn't feel the need to mention the breakfast and grocery store). I ask her if she knows what I'm gonna do when I get there. She says that she knows and understands. She knows my bad history.
When I get out of the subway, I call her again before getting to the store. I ask her how she wants me to do this. It's her store and I don't want to create drama in front of her customers. Does she want me to wait outside and she tells Maryse to meet me in the street or do I go in the store and she takes me to the backstore and I do it there? She says to come to the store.
I walk in the store and every saleswomen on the floor looks at me and gives me the biggest case of the stink-eye. They only have Maryse's side of the story, so they think I did all these horrible things. I see Stephanie in the middle of the store and I walk towards her. She shakes her head and points me towards the cash register. I look over there and see Julia, a salesperson that I've known for a couple of years and really like, who also happens to be the biggest gossip in the store. I understand what Stephanie is trying to do. She's gonna make me tell her my story in front of Julia so Julia can spread the "good news" to the other employees and rehabilitate my name possibly.
So I get to the register and say Hi to Julia. She barely acknoledges me. Steph joins me. She asks me:
"How are you?"
"I was better an hour ago, before I listened to those voicemails. I had gone to our office party last night, had a great night, got drunk off my ass, got home at around 2 and woke up around 2."
Julia asks "Maryse told us you were supposed to meet her for lunch."
"No we weren't. I have a reservation for tonight at XYZ restaurant. I was supposed to take the day to do errands, stuff around the condo and meet her here at closing time. She suggested that it could be fun if I came at lunchtime to meet her, but that was never the plan."
Julia asks again "But why didn't you answer your phone?"
"It ran out of battery last night during the party and when I got home, I was so drunk that I forgot to plug it back in. I only plugged it when I woke up at 2. That's when the messages came in."
Julia asks "She says she tried calling your home line and you didn't answer and your machine didn't kick in."
"Yeah, that one's my fault, I knew I wanted to sleep and telemarketers have a habit of calling me early saturday mornings so I didn't want to be awoken by a call for a rug cleaning service, so I unplugged it yesterday morning, knowing I would be drunk when I got home and forget and be angry if I was awakened by a telemarketer."
Julia gave me a hint of a smile, showing me she was starting to believe me. She asked me a few more questions and then she asked what I was gonna do. I told her that whatever I'll do, I would tell Maryse first.
I looked at Stephanie and said: "Can you open the back store so I can go see her?" So we went to the backstore. As we reached the door, it swung opened and out popped Maryse, looking absolutely terrifying, I actually jumped back when I saw her. Her usual perfect makeup was completely smeared, her mascara streaking down her cheeks from the crying. Her hair was disheveled. She was a mess. Apparently, she had had enough of waiting back there and was planning on leaving the store to go home and had put her coat and boots on.
When she saw me, she went into an unhinged rant about me being an asshole for cheating on her, me not being great in bed, me not treating her right, etc. I let her vent everything she had to say, I looked at Stephanie and apologized for creating such a scene in her store. I tell Maryse we should go outside and talk in private. She keeps on yelling, but when I grab her hand to lead her outside, she follows.
When we get outside, her anger had started to wane a little, or maybe just her energy. I was able to talk to her to explain everything, how I had gotten drunk, had overslept (alone) and woke up at 2PM. I reminded her that we were only supposed to meet at 5PM not for lunch. The anger was leaving her and a smile almost appeared on her face. Through all of this I was being very calm and patient with her, which she interpreted as me not being mad at her. I then said in a firmer tone: "However..." and let it hang for a second.
The beginning smile vanished. I continued: "When you accused me of cheating on you, that broke me. That triggered memories of toxic exes who would always accuse me of cheating, not trusting me when I would tell them where I was, snooping on me, stalking me. Because of those experiences, I have a zero tolerance policy for jealousy. I told her that if she was behaving like after only two months of dating, it didn't bode well for the future and I have to protect myself."
At that, the tears started again and she just turned and ran/waddled away. I told her to wait, but she didn't hear me. I turned towards the entrance of the store to see basically all the employees and customers milling around the door trying to catch the drama. I went back inside to talk to my best friend. The mood had definitely changed and no one was giving me the stink eye anymore, but I didn't really care. I was just sad that it had ended, but proud of myself for having stood up for myself.
So AITA for getting drunk and keeping my phone turned off?
There is a lot more to this story and if you want to learn what happened afterwards, then read on.
The immediate aftermath
So I went back inside the store and talked to Stephanie. I told her that I had a reserrvation for XX restaurant and if she wanted to go with Stephen, she could take it, I wasn't in the mood for a dinner. She said "I already have plans for tonight, but thanks for offering." Julia said she would go with me if I wanted, but I just said that I wasn't in the mood to go out. I just wanted to crash and eat a pizza and get into a food coma.
Stephanie said she didn't feel comfortable leaving me by myself and I should join them at her house. They were having friends over to play board games and it could at least distract me a little. I said why not. So brimming with enthusiasm, I went to play bored games. I left early as I wasn't in the mood. I was feeling a little better, but still a bit down. I thanked Stephanie for the invite and left. I got home and just passed out on the bed.
I woke up at around 7AM the next morning and I saw along the corners of the window the tell-tale signs of a snow-drift and got excited as it was the first snow of the season. I pushed the curtains aside and looked on to see a beautiful white carpet outside. It was early enough that very few cars had marred the whiteness. I was admiring it when I noticed that, against the red bricks of the building across the street, there was a pink blotch. As I focused, the blotch became human shaped and I cleared my eyes enough to realize that it was Maryse and she was raising her cell phone to her ear.
On cue, my phone rings. I pick it up. Still sounding drunk, she asks me if we can speak. I ask her to give me five minutes to get dressed and I'll meet her down there. She asks why she can't come up. I say that I'm not sure I want her in my apartment. She says that it's cold out. I say: "Good, then this will be quick."
I get dressed and meet her outside. I'm still bleary-eyed from having woken up 5 minutes ago, but I try to get my wits together. I tell her that we're going to walk to the subway. It 's a 10-minute walk normally, but with her drunkenness, it might take 15-20 minutes. That's how long she has to tell me what she wants to tell me.
She wants to apologize for accusing me of cheating on her. She says she knows I'm a great guy and... I may be the A-hole at this point too, but I start to drift off in my little bubble and start daydreaming about, if I go back to bed, would there still be some residual heat or would it be cold? I could take a hot shower and warm the bed that way. I could still hear her in the background making excuses, saying how she had been cheated on, but I wasn't really listening.
During the daydreaming I notice it got quite quiet. I look on my left and she's not there, I turn around she's a good 5-6 steps behind me looking angry and she says: "you're not listening" I just say: "when you're right, you're right." I tell her that I understand she's been hurt too in the past, and I hope she can work to resolve her issues, but I was done and I'm going back to bed. I was a bit harsh there, but I was tired and still down.
I walk past her and get maybe 10 paces past her when I hear a scream coming from her. I turn around and I see her messing with something inside her coat. She pulls out a chef's knife with like an 8-inch blade. That wakes me the fuck up. Byebye bleary eyes, hello wakefulness. better than a cup of coffee or a red bull I tell you!
So she's got the knife, she's screaming something that I can't quite understand. She gets quiet and then she charges at me with the knife. If I'm being honest I could have stayed where I was and she probably would have missed me anyways, but someone charges at me with a knife, I'm gonna nope out of there. I take a massive side step and once she gets to where I was and realizes that I'm no longer there, she turns her head towards me and says heyyyyy.
At that point, I have a moment of clarity and see what's gonna happen. She's drunk running one way and looking another, I know she's gonna trip. As I predicted, she stumbled over her feet and starts falling to the ground. I start praying to god and anybody who would listen: "Please don't let her cut herself. I don't want to have to explain this to the doctors, EMTs and nurses. I don't want her drunk ass deciding to take revenge on me by saying I did it."
Thankfully, she winds up in a sitting position on the sidewalk holding the knife up and it was clean. Thank god for small miracles. She starts crying and, other moment of clarity, I know she's gonna turn the knife on herself now. I jump towards her and I realize I was right, the knife starts moving towards her left wrist. I tackle her, grab her right wrist and twist it so she drops the knife. I pick the knife back up and put it in my pocket. She looks at me crying and says: "Why did you stop me?"
I pick her up and take her back to my building. In my building there was a couch in the lobby, so I take her there and I sit her down and plop myself next to her. I look at her and wonder out loud: "What am I gonna do with you? What can I do?"
She goes: "Just let me go, I'll be good." I tell her that's not going to happen. I realize I have three options and I give her the three options.
"So here's the choice I give you.
1- I pull out my phone, call 911 and tell them about the attempted murder back there and they send the police to arrest you. I don't want to do that because that could derail your life and not get you the help you need. Besides, they might not do anything anyway as it's your word against mine.
2= I pull out my phone, call 911 and tell them about the attempted suicide back there and that you need to be placed on a 72 hour hold. I could do that, but at the same time, again it's my word against yours, so maybe they don't believe me.
3- I'm gonna hazard a guess here. From what I've seen, you have alcohol problems. So I'm gonna guess you were in AA, had been sober for a while, I want to say 6 months, maybe less, when we met."
She confirms my guess.
"alright so option 3, I'm guessing you had a sponsor in AA." she nods "we call them up and tell them about your relapse and what happened this morning. Can they come get you and take care of you?"
She takes her phone out and picks a contact and calls. She hands me the phone. Someone answers and I explain the situation. They said they were coming right away. I give them my address, they get here 15 minutes later. Maryse had fallen asleep in the meantime, so I wake her up gently and help her to the car. Off she went.
I went back to my apartment and just crashed back to sleep.
A month later
Mid-january, my phone rings and I see Maryse's number on there. I send her to voice mail. Another call. Voicemail again. 5 minutes later, Private number calling. "Gee I wonder who that could be." Voicemail once more.
Afterwards, I didn't get any unidentified callers for a little over a week. One afternoon, I was at work and my phone rings and it's a number I do not recognize. I pick up.
"Hi, is this Guy?"
"Yes, to whom am I speaking?"
"This is Hannah, Maryse's sponsor. we spoke last month." I started fearing the worst.
"Yes, I remember. How can I help you?"
"Maryse tried to reach you last week and you rejected the calls. I think it could help Maryse if you listened to what she had to say. You're obviously not obligated to entertain her, but I think despite everything that happened, you still care about her or you would not have called me that morning."
"You are right, I do still care about Maryse. I'm just not sure how good it would be for her to meet me this soon after everything that happened. I understand wanting to work through the 9th step and making amends, but..." She interrupts me.
"So you know about the steps."
"Yes I have friends in the program. which is how I could guess that she was in the program too that morning."
"You know it's important."
"I know. I know. How about this: we meet in public at a cafe, you would have to be there. Not necessarily at the table with us, but nearby in case she needs help, in case meeting me causes her pain. Tell her I promise to be in a more receptive mood than I was that morning."
So we make an appointment for that saturday afternoon.
I get to the coffee shop. She's already there, and so is her sponsor. I realize happily that she's not wearing makeup. I say happily because that means she understands that this is not a date, but something serious. She's still stunningly beautiful, and I feel sad almost right away.
I grab a coffee and go join her at the table.
"Hey" I say,
"Hey. So this is gonna be uncomfortable, but thank you for agreeing to meet me and for coming, I appreciate it more than you know. I'm sure you heard I quit the store."
"I have, I'm sorry about that, I hope you didn't do it just because of me."
"No, I needed time to focus on myself for now."
She proceeds to tell me about how I wasn't far off with my guess. She had been sober 4 months when we met. Now she had 39 days. She tells me that in AA, if you are single, they recommend not dating anyone new for at least the first year of your sobriety as it can cause issues, similar to what happened with us. I was like her "drug" and as long as I was available, she could get her fix. But the moment I wasn't available all hell broke loose, and that is what led her back to drinking that day.
I told her I'm glad to see her back sober again this quickly and I hope she can get all the help she needs from it. I ask her if she wants to talk to me about her drinking.
She starts to share a story about how she started drinking at around 11 years old. When puberty hit her, she got into a deep depression because the sexual feelings she was starting to feel were triggering responses. As a child she had been abused by two of her uncles repeatedly and her parents never believed her. They accused her of trying to make herself interesting. That was until they caught one of those uncles red-handed.
They finally believed and took the necessary steps to protect their daughter. But they were poor and they couldn't afford therapy. So she never really got help for it. At 11, she started self medicating the depression with alcohol. When alcohol wasn't enough, she added drugs.
At that point, I was full on crying. She asked me if I wanted her to stop. I told her that she doesn't have to stop. That the tears are there because that was one more thing we had in common. I was also a survivor of sexual assault as a child. In my case, it wasn't a family member, it was only a stranger, so it only happened once. But I also self-medicated with alcohol at the onset of puberty, switching to drugs later on too. I was lucky to avoid the pitfalls of addiction, but I was still dealing with my demons, slowly making peace with them.
So there we were, sitting at a coffee shop, both crying and holding each other. I tell her that I think it's great she's getting help for her alcoholism and addicion, but was she doing anything to help with the underlying issue, the original trauma? She said no, she couldn't afford therapy. I tell her that I am a member of a survivors group and if she is interested, I could get her into a meeting and perhaps learn to heal that part of herself too.
She said that she could give it a try. I tell her I have to talk to the other members to know if I can bring someone new and I would let her know. If they said yes, we would go to her first meeting together, I would introduce her and then we would coordinate so that I never went to meetings where she was. I wanted to do that because I wanted her first few meetings to be about healing and I didn't want our own history to be intertwined or mixed in with that.
After that, we left both feeling content and, while not necesarily happy, at peace if you will. Later on, I contacted Stephanie who was one of the "pillars" of the support group (that's how we met) to ask her if it was okay for me to bring in a new member to the group. She said sure. She asked if it was anyone she knew. I told her she would have to meet her at the meeting if she decides to come.
We were having a meeting the following day. I called Maryse, told her the time and place, and she said she would be there. She came to the group meeting and was shocked to see Stephanie there but Stephanie kinda guessed that it was Maryse I was referring to.
I introduce her, we start sharing stories, talking about how we're feeling, etc. The meeting was good and Maryse liked the vibe. So for the first six months after that, I never saw Maryse and we planned which meeting we would be attending to ensure we didn't cross paths. She started feeling much better.
After maybe 2 and a half years, she finally felt ready and she started dating again. She met someone and she fell for him. They were together for about six months, she looked happy. Unfortunately after about six months, she caught him cheating on her. We tried supporting her, being good friends, cursing his name, doing all the things we could to make sure she didn't relapse. But on April 5th 2014, she ODed on heroin. She was hospitalized for 2 weeks after that.
Hannah took her in and she set up a room for Maryse. She was still in a fragile state, so a group of her friends and I started taking turns watching over Maryse, making sure there was always at least one person there with her to keep her company.
Despite our vigilance, on May 14th 2014, when Hannah was out running a quick errand, she was gone maybe 15 minutes tops, Maryse found a way to cut her wrists and she died. We found a note saying that "the OD was not an accident, and neither was that. Thanks for everything you did for me. I love you all, but I can't do this anymore."
It feels good to write that story (I'll just ignore the fat tears rolling down my face!). Thanks for reading this far and sorry for the long story, I just started writing and couldn't stop. I apologize if it was a bit of a bummer.
submitted by Prize-Dinner-7418 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:05 DanielAnakBudi Sebuah harapan dibalik orang yang tidak berduit

Di post ini, aku mau cerita bedasarkan kisah nyata dari sebagian besar orang yang pernah ngobrol sama aku (plus dengan pengalamanku pas bersama mereka) dan mungkin ini bisa menggerakkan hati atau kita makin positif sih. Ada 2 cerita yang bakalan aku bahas, dan kalian bisa pilih aja mau cerita mana yang mau kalian baca. And ofc, i make it short to save everyone's time.
The story has 2 perspective : Gojek, dan Tukang parkir (niatnya mau ada tambahan 1 lagi, yaitu cerita tentang guruku.. maybe next time i guess.)
Let's start with Gojek.
Gojek Kejadian ini terjadi pasca tahun 2021-an (kalo ga salah). Ceritanya, Sahabat jauh dari solo pulang ke sentul dan aku main sama beliau sambil ngobrol bareng kondisi-nya disana. Kami bercengkrama sampai dengan jam 8 malam, dan aku memutuskan untuk pulang (karena nyokap udah nyariin). Aku akhirnya dianterin pulang dengan mobil nyokap sahabatku yang kebetulan lagi satu jalan dari AEON. tapi, aku denger kabar kata-nya bokap-nya temen tiba-tiba sakit dan Nyokap-nya perlu beli obat. Aku nawarin untuk nemenin beli obat + nunjukin apotik terdekat, tapi akhirnya aku cukup minta diberhentiin aja di Lampu merah dekat CCM. Karena aku takut-nya mengganggu juga + takut pulang kemaleman. Cukup ucapan semoga cepat sembuh, dan akhirnya pergi ke kantor polisi perempatan CCM buat pesan Gojek.
Jujur, aku kaget ketika yang dateng ketika pesen Gojek yang dateng adalah perempuan. Aku ga permasalahin kamu kerja jadi apa... tapi dengan kondisi malem seperti ini dan beliau berani narik Gojek? oh my. That's a daring move and deserve my respect. Tapi pas aku mau naik, beliau bilang.. ini baru pertama kali dia ambil pesanan malem-malem dan kebetulan aga capek (kalo ga salah inget). Aku tawarin untuk ngendarain motornya (it was a scoopy. its has good handling but slow as snail speed. but it has good fuel economy. hehe, maaf terlalu mendiskripsikan motornya).
Kami ngobrol di jalan dong... tanya-tanya abis ngapain dan ini itu. Sampai aku nanya ke beliau "Ibu kenapa mau kerja jadi Go-Jek?". Beliau dengan lumayan santai-nya bilang something along like "Karena ada-nya ini pada saat ini, dan saya harus membiayain kedua anak saya". Aku sambil mengucapkan maaf nanya kepada beliau "Maaf bu, saya kalo boleh nanya.. Suami ibu apakah tidak kerja?". Beliau bilang "Suami saya kabur". That bring a chill on my spine... karena ini ngobrol secara langsung. Beliau bela-belain Nganter barang sampai malam, dan bahkan nyoba nge-gojek. it's somewhat shows how mother figure should always be. She wants nothing but her kids to become succeed and didnt end up like her.
And today 2024, i share her story to here... it shows that maybe even at the very rock bottom, you cannot see down but only up. and you need to keep on going whatever your situation is.
okay, Mari kita langsung aja cerita kedua.
Tukang Parkir Mixue Miksu (ga boleh nyebut merek meskipun keliatan dikit, atleast its for the sake of the funni)
Nah, ini sebenarnya kejadian yag masih baru-baru banget. Cerita-nya ini abis ngampus.. Karena lagi kepengen makan eskrim, pergilah aku ke Miksu deket Sate Tegal Laka-laka yang ada di cibinong. Kebetulan disitu ada tukang parkir (yang kebetulan sering ketemuan dan dia ramah).. ngobrol lah aku sama beliau. He give me many wise words dan saran sebelum beranjak ke dunia yang bener-bener dewasa. it was all fun and game.
But then, i ask him... "Tapi pak, dengan pemikiran dan wawasan yang luas. Kenapa bapak jadi tukang parkir?" He said ketika beliau di pelabuhan tanjung priuk, dulunya dia kerja sebagai pengangkut barang dan disukai sama bos-nya karena etos kerja-nya yang tinggi (Sambil nunjukin kertas kerja-nya, dan dokumen penting lainnya ketika kerja di pelabuhan tanjung priuk. I was surprised how did he trust me to the point to show me this). He got paid handsomely, dan dia kerja dari pagi ke pagi. Sampai ketika orang dalam plays along dan kompetisi yang ga sehat mulai masuk. Dia suka disenggol dan begitu sebagai-nya... dan bahkan sudah berfikir kalo sebagai pengangkut barang udah bukan passion dia lagi (karena terkadang dia mesti berantem pas ngangkut barang di jalan entah sama pungli, dll).
Dan dimasa dimana dia udah kepala 5 atau 6 ini (kalo ga salah). Dia hanya ingin meninggal dengan tenang aja. Dia bilang sama aku "Keinginan muda dan tau pasti berbeda. Semakin kamu tua, kamu semakin belajar kalo dalam hidup itu ga semuanya bisa kamu dapatkan. tapi kamu ga boleh nyerah, dan harus tekun".
He's respectable person... even as tukang parkir. Maybe some people doesnt have a choice and ended up like him. Bahkan orang berjasa kayak beliau aja di-injek". like damn..... Hope he's having a good day
That's the story for today folks. Have a good day !
edit : typo :b
submitted by DanielAnakBudi to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:42 nuggetsofchicken The GND Expanded Universe and what people get wrong about NDAs

There's been much discussion, both on the podcast and on this sub, about the extent to which those involved in the Playboy inner and outer circle were subject to NDAs. Most recently, Crystal has been criticized by Marston and HB for supposedly obtaining NDAs near the end of Hef's life and "silencing" his close friend. I think there is some fundamental misunderstandings about NDAs and what their role might be in this story.
Who am I? I am a silly little lawyer, practicing in California, and I love the intersection of law and popular culture. I wrote a journal article in law school about NDAs and the MeToo movement but sure as hell didn't try to get it published, so I've done deep dives into this topic but I am by no means an expert. I do love to learn, however, so if anyone has expertise in this area and wants to correct me or add onto any of this I would greatly appreciate it.
What is an NDA?
A non-disclosure agreement or an "NDA" refers to the broad spectrum of contractual agreements where the terms of the agreement bind at least one party from communicating about a pre-determined topic. Basically, a contract that makes at least someone keep quiet about something.
A contract requires (amongst other things) consideration by both parties. This means both parties have to give and take something for the contract to be valid. A contract, or an NDA, cannot just be a piece of paper where someone promises to do something. There has to be something in it for both sides.
Consideration, most commonly, takes the form of money. I pay you X, so you will do Y. But it can also be in the form of permission to engage in a certain activity. For example, I did an escape room once that had an NDA clause in the waiver so that people wouldn't go blabbing about how to solve the room once they were done. In exchange for getting to do the room, I agreed to the NDA. If I didn't want to agree to those terms, I could just not do the escape room.
The terms of the contract have to be reasonably balanced. You can't pay one cent for someone to agree to give you their firstborn child. Courts generally aren't in the business of scrutinizing the fairness of terms of contracts unless there's something grossly egregious about them, but it still has to make some modicum of sense.
Misunderstanding #1 - Anyone who signs an NDA is a victim being silenced by the other party.
This seems to be the assumption that HB and Marston are operating off of. There's this notion that Crystal forced all of Hef's circle to sign NDAs near the end of his life and now they're being silenced because of it.
First, you can't just have people sign NDAs and expect them to be enforceable. If Crystal did get NDAs from Hef's circle later in life, they had to have been paid consideration for it. Either Crystal offered them a sum of money (which they accepted) or the NDA was a requisite to partake in movie night, buffet dinner, etc. Either way, those who signed NDAs did so with an acceptance of what would be offered in exchange.
Obviously, there's argument that most people don't really understand the contracts they sign and wouldn't agree to them if they understood what they were giving up. But Hef's inner circle? These are people who have been in the entertainment industry for years, if not decades; these are people who have money to hire a lawyer, if not already have a lawyer on speed-dial. I am skeptical that if Dickie Bann was handed an NDA before entering the mansion for movie night he would've just signed it blindly.
Let's also consider the fact that the value of one's ability to speak out is inherently subjective. The criticism of an NDA assumes that the right to speak on a matter is something otherwise desired by the person agreeing to the NDA. It's easy to wonder why a victim would ever agree to an NDA and be prevented from speaking out about their experience. Frankly, before MeToo and the rise of social media, most victims of traumatic experiences were more inclined to speak less about their abuse than to go public. If you're a victim, and you already have no reason to speak to the public about your trauma, getting a significant payout to remain silent is actually a pretty solid deal.
Hef's friends are not victims by any means. But they showed a great amount of loyalty to him and the Playboy brand for decades before his death. I am incredibly skeptical of the notion that Hef's friends, but for some NDA, would have otherwise planned on ratting him out and showing the world that his health was declining.
The value of silence is subjective. Someone signing an NDA does not necessarily mean they are now restricted from publicly communicating something major. It very well might mean they just now have a legal obligation to do the thing that they would have done otherwise.
If, somehow, Crystal had been able to get Hef's friends to sign NDAs, I do not think that it influenced their behavior enough from what would have otherwise been that anyone needs to be that concerned about it. If it did, great, they probably got a great payout from it.
Misunderstanding #2 - NDAs are counter-intuitive to free speech and Hef would have never stood for them
As I'm sure many of you are aware, the First Amendment protection of free speech refers to the government's ability to restrict speech. Someone choosing to sign an NDA is not the same as the government preventing your broadcast from reaching its desired audiences. Someone choosing to not enter a private preschool with an AR-47 has nothing to do with their Second Amendment rights. The free speech that Hef specifically was known for advocating for had to do with censorship at the hands of the government from the broadcast of "obscene" content.
Maybe Bridget meant just the general philosophical idea of "free speech," which you would hope her masters in communication would have taught her to clarify the difference between. Regardles, remember, NDAs require consideration. This is not just ruthless silencing of innocent people who'd love to speak out about how awful Crystal is. These are wealthy, if not also highly educated, people in Hef's inner circle who, if they signed an NDA, surely understand the gravity (or lack thereof) of what they're agreeing to.
Likewise, I don't think Hef was against the idea of an NDA. Holly speculated that Hef wouldn't have required NDAs for those going into the bedroom because it would have given them a second to think about their decision. There's probably truth to this, but courts are also -very- reluctant to enforce any contracts that seem as though they would implicitly be authorizing sex in exchange for money. Also keep in mind the limited opportunities for women at that time to "speak out" if they even wanted to share about what happened in the bedroom. Hef probably would've loved for the public to hear what happened. There wasn't social media or the same understanding of power dynamics as there are these days. Who is someone who went into the bedroom and didn't sign an NDA and had a horrible time going to go to?
Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that Holly said she signed an NDA to work at the studio. This is perfectly reasonable. Anyone who is on a salary or signed a contract with an employer probably has signed off on an NDA clause and are currently bound by it. You couldn't keep something like who the Playmate of the Year was under wraps without some strict confidentiality provisions. The Playboy empire could not exist if there was some kind of blanket rule against NDAs.
Additionally, part of the allure of the mansion parties, per the podcast, were that no outside cameras were permitted inside. You're really gonna rag on someone not wanting a bunch of shitty iPhone shots of a man in his dying days, meanwhile you're singing the praises of exclusive parties that for decades wouldn't let people take and share photos of the event?
I am fully confident that Hef did not have issues with NDAs for business purposes, and certainly did not see that as contradicting his stance on free speech. In the podcast they said the mansion staff signed NDAs as part of their employment contracts There are countless examples of the Playboy company trying to silence people in Secrets of Playboy. Hef made it very clear that his stance was that free speech was important when it could help his bottom line. Anything else was negotiable.
Misunderstanding #3 - If someone signs an NDA it's automatically enforceable/If an NDA is unenforceable that will be obvious from the get go
To play devil's advocate to myself, I will say that whether an NDA is enforceable by a court of law and whether the parties abide by the terms are two separate issues. In many cases, a contract may not hold up in court if someone seeks to litigate over alleged violation of the terms. Most contracts don't get litigated over let alone actually get a final determination of their enforceability by a Court.
I will say that there's possibility that Crystal had people sign NDAs that were shotty but that the signers didn't understand that the NDAs weren't legitimate and so they still complied with the terms of the contract. (for example, often those waivers you sign for various activities wouldn't hold up in court, but people think they do, which precludes a lot of people from even considering bringing a claim) But this goes back to the type of people who would be signing these NDAs who otherwise might have access to sensitive information about Hef or the company. These are not girls coming out to do test shoots or the larger guest list at the mansion parties. These are people who are wealthy, powerful, and educated and would not be duped by the idea that merely signing an NDA with ridiculous terms would mean the contract is enforceable. Or perhaps they just didn't give a fuck enough about blabbing so there was no reason for them to even question the NDA that would stop them from saying something they weren't playing on saying.
Not a misunderstanding but one closing note in defense of these hypothetical NDAs - The power of speech for the average person has increased exponentially in the digital and social media age. HB acknowledge that the mansion parties were unique from anything currently because there weren't the same tools we have now to disseminate information. I think it's sort of an apples and oranges comparison in terms of confidentiality to compare the vibes of the buffet movie nights from the early 2000s to the 2010s, not even taking into account the nature of Hef's health.
I think Bridget talked about how a lot of screen contracts didn't allow for residuals from streaming services because they literally hadn't existed then. By the time smartphones and social media were ubiquotus I don't think Hef really gave that much of a care about protecting his or the brand's image. Hef never had a policy or strategy to address social media because it just wasn't even a problem for him to consider, not because he had some absolutely stance on letting anyone who came to the mansion say whatever they wanted about it to the masses.
Ok, I think that's all I have for now. Happy to talk about this or debate this more, but wanted to clear some things up since I feel like this drama with Crystal and allegations about NDAs is going to come up in the near future.
submitted by nuggetsofchicken to TheGirlsNextLevelPod [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:58 VeeQueue [US] Open to offers! ABH, Armani, FAB, Julep, Jo Malone, MAC, Penhaligon's, Tom Ford, Urban Decay and tons more!

Hi there, welcome to my post! Feel free to make an offer for anything listed :D
The Boring Stuff: - Items come from a non-smoking home, and are all new / never used unless noted. Used items have photos showing usage. - Prices exclude shipping & insurance, to be calculated to your zip code ($5+).

ISO List

(trades only, not looking to purchase at this time. Will also look at lists!)

Palettes, Kits, and Sets

Anastasia Beverly Hills eyeshadow singles, listed L-R, top then bottom. $25 for the 4 shadows, or priced individually below: - ABH eyeshadow single in Wine, full size, swatched - $8 - ABH eyeshadow single in Surface of the Sun, full size, swatched - $8 - ABH eyeshadow single in Chocolate Crumble, full size, new - $8 - ABH eyeshadow single in Metal, full size, swatched - $8
Benefit Greeting From Cabana Glama DesTANation Makeup Kit, used as shown - $15
Karl Lagerfeld x ModelCo Minaudière with Mini Lip Kit, full size, NIB P - $100 Includes: - Minaudière hard clutch / makeup bag, with attachable (heavy) chain to use as a shoulder bag and dust bag - Full-size Lip Liner in Rosewood (0.05 oz.) - 2 Mini Lip Glosses in Ramatuelle and St Tropez Sunset (0.04 oz. each) - 2 Mini Lipsticks in Kate and Stella (0.05 oz. each)
Flesh Starshine eyeshadow palette, full size, new. Open. Back of palette. - $20
Kat von D Shade + Light eyeshadow palette in Plum, full size, used 2x as shown. Back of palette. - $10
Make Up For Ever MUFE 9 artist shadow palette Volume 4 (shades 100, 842, 240, 620, 806, 536, 126, 546, 530), full size, used 2x as shown. Back of palette. - $25
Smith & Cult Book of Eyes quad palette in Noonsuite (bronzey), full size, NIB - $25
Tarte Be Your Own Tarteist Eye & Cheek Palette, used as shown - $20
Urban Decay Naked Cherry palette, full size, NIB - $40


Anastasia Beverly Hills ABH Clear Brow Gel, travel size (2.5ml), NIB - $7
ModelCo More Brows in Light / Medium, Full Size - $10
Ulta Brow Tint in Medium, full size, new - $6
BareMinerals Lasting Line Long-wearing Eye Liner in Absolute Black, Full Size, New - $10
Beauty For Real I-Line 24-7 Eyeliner in Black Magic, full size, new - $10
Estée Lauder Automatic Eye Pencil Duo Refill in Charcoal, full size, NIB - $10
Lancome Drama Liqui-Pencil in Noir Intense, Travel Size, .018oz - $5
Laura Geller I-Care Waterproof Eyeliner in Charcoal, Full Size - $10
NYX Jumbo Eye Pencil in Milk (white), full size, new - $3
Sephora Waterproof Contour Eye Pencil in 33 Love Affair (plum), new, travel size (.017oz) - $3
Stila Smudge Stick Waterproof Eyeliner in Stingray (jet black), full size, NIB - $15
Tarte Sex Kitten Eyeliner in Black, travel size (half size, .0035oz), new - $8
Ulta Dual-Ended Liner, in Halo & Black/Brown, Full Size - $3
Victoria's Secret Very Sexy Sparkling Eyeliner in Blacklight, Full Size, cracked cap used 2x - $5
Kat Von D KVD Metal Crush Eyeshadow in Thunderstruck (warm white gold), full size (.1oz), swatched - $12
Laura Geller Baked Marble Eyeshadow in Amethyst, full size, new - $12
Maybelline Expert Wear Eyeshadow in Amethyst Smokes, used 3x - $2
NYC HD Color Trio Eye Shadow in Late Night Latte, Full Size, used 5x - $2
NYX Prismatic Eyeshadow Single in Punk Heart (plum with purple shimmer), full size, used as shown - $3
Trestique Color and Smudge Shadow Crayon in Marimoto Pink Pearl, full size, NIB - $15
Ulta Eye Shadow singles Duo in Petite (light beige matte) and Beauty Junkie (mauve glitter), both full size (.06oz), both new - $8 for the pair
Ulta Eye Shadow Palette in Lace, Charm, Nostalgia, Vintage, Delicate, and Seaside, .21oz, new - $6
Eyelure London Limited Edition Party Lashes in Snow Princess, full size, NIB - $3
Wet n Wild Fantasy Makers Blue Glow in the Dark Lashes, full size, NIB - $2
BellaPierre Volume Lash Waterproof Mascara, full size, new & sealed - $10
Butter London Double Decker Lashes Mascara in Black, travel size (.18oz), NIB - $6
Clinique Chubby Lash Mascara in 01 Jumbo Jet (black), travel size (4ml), NIB - $5
Clinique High Impact Mascara in black, half size (.15oz), new - $10
Clinique Lash Power Flutter-to-Full Mascara in 01 Black Onyx, travel size, new - $8
Estée Lauder Sumptuous Knockout Mascara in 01 Black, travel size (.09oz), new - $10
Julep Length Matters Mascara in Jet Black, travel size (.2oz), NIB - $8
Laura Geller StyleLASH Intense Lengthening Mascara, FS (.33oz), NWOB - $14
Maybelline Great Lash Mascara in Black, travel size (.15oz), new - $2
Pur Big Look Mascara with Argan oil, full size (.12oz), new - $6
Ulta Amped Lashes Mascara in Jet Black, full size, new - $6
Ulta Beauty Maximum Lashes Defining and Lengthening Mascara, full size, new - $6


Lip Gloss, Balms, & Stains:
ChapStick Lip Butter in Green Tea Mint, full size, NIB - $2
First Aid Beauty FAB Ultra Repair Lip Therapy, full size (.5oz), new - $8
Jane Iredale SPF 15 Lip Drink Lip Balm in Flirt (sheer pink), full size, NIB - $10
MAC Vamplify Lip Gloss in Suggestive, FS, new - $12
Mally Beans High Shine Lip Gloss in Pilar Bean, DS (.07oz), new - $6
NYC City Proof Extended Wear Lip Gloss in Mauving All Night #458, Full Size - $3
Philosophy High-Gloss Lip Shine in Fresh Cream, full size (.4oz), new and sealed - $6
Pur Chrome Glaze High-Shine Lip Gloss In DIY (pinky nude), full size (0.07 oz), NIB - $10
Ulta Double Duty Lip Stain and Balm in Drama (Dark Red), full size, new - $4
Ulta Double Duty Lip Stain and Balm in Romance (Pink), full size, new - $4
Urban Decay Revolution Lip Gloss in Savage (bright pink), travel size (.05oz), new - $5
Whole Foods organic lip balm in Peppermint, full size, new and sealed - $1
Whole Foods organic lip balm in Pomegranate Orange, full size, new and sealed - $1
Whole Foods organic lip balm in Tangerine, full size, new and sealed - $1
Victoria's Secret Beauty Rush Lip Balm in Minty Kiss, Full Size - $3
Lip Liners & Primers:
Kat Von D Everlasting Lip Liner in Homegirl, full size (.25g), used 2x as shown - $10
Milani Color Statement Lip Liner in 02 True Red, full size, new - $2
Tarte Tarteist Lip Crayon in Thirsty (bright red), .01oz, NIB - $10
Lipstick - Liquid:
Julep It's Whipped Matte Lip Mousse in At Midnight (Fireball Red Matte), full size (.14oz), new - $10 for 1, $16 for 2
Julep It's Whipped Matte Lip Mousse in Love Potion (Bronzed Black Metallic Matte), full size (.14oz), new P - $10 for 1, $16 for 2
Julep It's Whipped Matte Lip Mousse in Pillow Talk (Victorian Pink Matte), full size (.14oz), new - $10 for 1, $16 for 2
Julep It's Whipped Matte Lip Mousse in Say Hello (Rich Marsala Matte), full size (.14oz), new - $10 for 1, $16 for 2
Julep It's Whipped Matte Lip Mousse in XOXO (Femme Fuchsia Matte), full size (.14oz), new - $10 for 1, $16 for 2
Laura Geller Lip Silk Liquid Lipstick in French Kiss (soft pink), full size, new - $10
Maybelline Color Sensational Vivid Matte Liquid Lip Color in Nude Flush , Full Size, swatched 1x - $3
NYX Suede Cream Liquid Lipstick in Orange County (bright orange), travel size (.05oz), new - $4, or 2/$6
NYX Suede Cream Liquid Lipstick in Pink Lust (bright pink), travel size (.05oz), new - $4, or 2/$6
NYX Cosmetics Soft Matte Lip Cream in Transylvania (deep wine), full size (0.27 oz), new - $4, or 2/$6
OCC Lip Tar in Disintegration (pale plum metallic), full size, NIB - $12
OCC Lip Tar in Hoochie (magenta / purple), full size, NIB - $12
Tarte Lip Sculptor, Lipstick & Lipgloss, in VIP (cool nude), travel size (1.5g lipstick 1ml lipgloss), new - $10
Tarte Tarteist Lip Paint in Bae (red), full size, new - $13
Lipstick - Bullet & Pencil:
Almay Demi-Sheer Creme Lipcolor in 80 Demi Mauve, full size, used 3x as shown - $8
Bite Beauty Luminous Creme Lipstick Topper, no shade listed but a shimmery bronze, full size, new - $18
Bite Beauty High Pigment Pencil in Rhubarb, full size (.09oz), used 1x - $10
Bite Beauty Matte Cream Lipstick in Barberry (cool dark plum), full size, used as shown - $16
DCA Lipstick in No. 108, full size, used 2x as shown - $4
Estée Lauder All-Day Lipstick in Ancient Brick, full size, swatched as shown - $12
Estée Lauder Pure Color Envy Sculpting Lipstick in Irresistible, full size (.12oz), new P - $15
Illamasqua Glamour Lipstick in Tease (pale Nude), full size, used 3x - $12
Kat Von D Studded Kiss Lipstick in Homegirl (satin matte berry), travel size (.04oz), used as shown - $6
Kat Von D Studded Kiss Lipstick in Poe (cool metallic blue), full size, NIB - $12
Kat Von D Studded Kiss Lipstick in Roxy (purple), mini size (1g), used 1x as shown - $6
Korres Matte Twist Lipstick in Tempting Coral, full size (.05oz), new - $10
Lancome Rouge Absolu Lipstick in Rose Espace, full size, used 3x as shown - $12
Laura Geller Color Brilliance Lustrous Lipstick in Cute, full size, new - $12
Laura Geller Italian Marble lipstick in Strawberry Toffee, full size, new - $12
MAC Retro Matte Lipstick in Flat Out Fabulous (bright pink/purple), full size, new - $12
Makeup Academy Lipstick in Persian Rose (bright pink), full size, used 1x - $3
Makeup Revolution Scandalous Lipstick in Depraved (violet), full size, used 1x - $3
NARS Velvet Matte Lip Pencil in 413 BLKR (fuchsia), full size (.08oz), new - $16
NARS Velvet Matte Lip Pencil in Let's Go Crazy (cool fuchsia), 3/4 size (1.8g, FS is 2.4g), new - $10
Nudestix Magnetic Matte Lip Color in Greystone (greige), .088oz (FS is .1oz), new - $12
NYC Lipstick in Fragile Pink, Full Size - used as shown - $2
NYC Ultra Moist Lip Wear in Blossom #316, Full Size, Used 2x - $2
NYC Ultra Moist Lip Wear in Ruby #305, Full Size, Used 2x - $2
Sephora Collection Rouge Cream in #49 Belly-Dancing (red), mini (.03oz, FS is .14) - $2
Smashbox Be Legendary Cream Lipstick in Inspiration (cool fuchsia), .08oz (FS is .1oz), new - $10, or 2/$15
Smashbox Be Legendary Cream Lipstick in Legendary (cool red), .08oz (FS is .1oz), new - $10, or 2/$15
Smashbox Be Legendary Cream Lipstick in Tabloid (cool violet), .08oz (FS is .1oz), new - $10, or 2/$15
Ulta Lipstick in Cherry Picked 202 (medium true red), Full Size, Used 1x - $4
Urban Decay x Gwen Stefani lipstick in Spiderweb (satin red cream), full size, NIB - $12
Urban Decay Matte Revolution Lipstick in Temper (red-orange), full size, NIB - $12
Urban Decay Vice Lipstick in Phone Call (bright pink with cream finish), full size, NIB - $10
Wander Beauty Wanderout Dual Lipstick in Wanderberry (rich burgundy), half size (.07oz), new - $10
Winky Lux Matte Lip Velour in Royal (purple), .14oz, NIB - $10


Lancome Blush Subtil in in Rose Fresque, full size (.18oz), used as shown - $12
Ulta Cheek Palette in Fresh Glow Highlighter and Nude Pink Blush, .155oz, new - $5
Bronzer & Contour:
BareMinerals BareSkin Serum Bronzer in Sheer Sun, Travel Size (.1oz) - $3
St. Tropez One Night Only Finishing Gloss, travel size (.16oz), new - $2
Foundations, Concealers, CC Cream, & Powders:
Bee Naturals Tinted Moisturizer in Shade 2 (Medium/Dark), Full Size (1oz) - 1/$15 or 2/$20
Benefit Porefessional Pore Minimizing Makeup in Shade 1, travel size (.16oz), new - $10
Dermablend Loose Setting Powder, travel size (.11oz), new - $10
Jane Iredale Smooth Affair, travel size (.24oz), new - $8
Julep Cushion Complexion concealer 5-in-1 Skin Perfector with Turmeric in 200 Nude, full size, NIB - $18
Laura Geller Balance-N-Brighten Baked Foundation in Medium, full size, new - $15
Laura Mercier Translucent Loose Setting Powder, travel size (.12oz), new - $6
Pixi by Petra Beauty Bronzer in Summertime, Travel Size, .16oz - $4
Laura Geller Baked Gelato Lace Illuminator in Ballerina, full size, new - $15
Laura Geller Baked Golden Rose Highlighter, full size, new - $12
P/Y/T Upgrade Highlighter in Backstage Pass (warm shimmer nude), .07oz, NIP - $8
Primers & Setting Sprays:
Becca First Light Priming Filter, travel size (.2oz), NIB - $7
Japonesque Velvet Touch Primer, travel size (.3oz), new - $8
Laura Geller Spackle Even Tone Primer, travel size (.5oz), new - $6
Pur Correcting Primer, travel size (.3oz), new - $10
Too Faced Hangover 3-in-1 Face Primer & Setting Spray, travel size (.06oz), NIB - $4
Too Faced Hangover Replenishing Face Primer, travel size (.16oz), NIB - $4
Urban Decay All Nighter Long Lasting Makeup Spray, travel size (.5oz), new - $6

Skincare & Body

BareMinerals Skinlongevity Vital Power Infusion, full size (1.7oz), new - $35
Bliss Leave it to Cleavage, Travel Size, .5oz - $4
Bliss Triple Oxygen Instant Energizing Foaming Mask, new, travel size (.16oz) - $3
Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizing Gel, new, Travel Size (.5oz) - $4
Clinique 7 Day Scrub Cream, travel size (1oz), new - $5
Daily Concepts Exfoliating Body Scrubber - $5
Elizabeth Arden Prevage Daily Anti-Aging Serum, Travel Size, .17oz - $8
Erborian Bamboo Creme Frappe Skin Reviving Gel, new, travel size (.17oz) - $4
Estée Lauder Advanced Night Micro Cleansing Foam, travel size (1oz), new - $6
Estée Lauder Revitalizing Supreme+ Global Anti-Aging Cell Power Creme, .5oz, new - $15
First Aid Beauty FAB Facial Radiance Intensive Peel, travel size (.34oz), new - $6
First Aid Beauty FAB Ultra Repair Cream, travel size (1oz), new - $6
First Aid Beauty FAB Ultra Repair Cream Intense Hydration in Honeysuckle, travel size (1oz), new - $6
First Botany Cosmeceuticals 50X Strength Hyaluronic Acid Serum, .5oz, new - $8
MAC Cleanse Off Oil, travel size (.2oz), new - $4
Milk Makeup Sunshine Oil, Sample, .1oz - $2
Murad Age Reform Nutrient-Charged Water Gel, travel size (.25oz), NIB - $10
Omorovicza Budapest Magic Moisture Mist, full size (1.7oz), NIB - $65
Omorovicza Balancing Moisturizer, full size (30ml), new - $50
Perricone MD Blue Plasma Cleansing Treatment (gentle cleanser), travel size (2oz), new - $18
Perricone MD Cold Plasma Plus + Eye Cream, travel size (.25oz), new - $30
Proactiv Skin Purifying Mask, travel size (1oz), NIB - $10
Shiseido Ultimune Power Infusing Concentrate, travel size (.33oz), new - $15
Strivectin TL Advanced Light Tightening Neck Cream, travel size (.25oz), NIB - $10
Toulon Mineral Infusion Serum-92, 1oz - $6
Whish Self-Tanner, Travel Size (.75oz) - $2

Hair / Tools / Nail Polish / Etc

Alterna Haircare Caviar Anti-Aging Miracle Volume Mist, travel size (1.4oz), new - $6
Bumble & Bumble BB Pret-a-Powder, travel size (.5oz), used 1x - $8
Essie Nail Lacquer in Say it Aint Soho (metallic copper), full size, new - $5
Fatboy Spray Putty, full size (4.8oz), new - $15
Julep Color Treat Polish in It Girl Lillian (pink creme), full size, new - $8
Living Proof TBD Multi-Tasking Styler, travel size (1oz), new - $7
OPI Nail Lacquer in Can i Bairro This Shade (dusty teal), full size, new - $5
OPI Nail Lacquer in The Taupe of the Iceberg, full size, new - $5
Phyto Paris Phytoelixir Cleansing Care Hair Cream, travel size (1oz), new - $8
Phyto Paris Intense Hydrating Brilliance Mask (Dry Hair Phytojoba), 1.7oz, NIB - $8
Matrix Total Results Miracle Creator Multi-Tasking Treatment, travel size (1oz), new - $3
Urban Decay Heavy Metal loose glitter in Reverb (blue), full size (.10oz), NIB - $10


Full Size
Aromachology Exotic & Spicy EDP, full size (1.7oz), used 1x - $40
Jo Malone English Oak & Redcurrant Cologne, full size (3.4 oz), sprayed 1x - $100
Penhaligon's Heartless Helen, full size (75ml) in box, used 3x - $160
Ralph Lauren Polo Sport for Women, used as shown - $12
Travel Size
Armani Air di Gioia EDP, travel size spray (.5oz - bigger than a rollerball), NIB - $20
Armani Sky di Gioia EDP, travel size spray bottle (.5oz - bigger than a rollerball), NIB - $20
Bvlgari Au The Rouge EDC, travel size (.17oz), used 2x - $10
Candie's Candie's EDT, travel size (.5oz), about 60% remaining - $5
Lush All Good Things solid perfume, travel size (12g), used 1x as shown - $15
Origins Ginger Essence Sensuous Skin Scent, travel size (.5 oz), used as shown (about 80% remaining) - $12
Philosophy Pure Grace EDT spray, travel size (.5oz), NIB - $15
Samples 3/$5
Atelier Cologne Vanilla Insensée Cologne Absolue, sample size + postcard, new - $3
Burberry Mr. Burberry EDT, sample size (2ml), new - $2
Calvin Klein Eternity for Men EDT, sample size (1.2ml), new - $2
Clean for Men Classic EDT, sample size (1ml), new - $2
Versace Eros EDT, sample size (1ml), new - $2
Viktor & Rolf Spicebomb EDT, sample size (1.2ml), new - $2.
submitted by VeeQueue to makeupexchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:35 Only-Cat-7260 Worried about Scams, BAORUI Is My Choice

Note that I am not a cryptocurrency expert because I have not made too much money in cryptocurrencies, just a bit more than my salary.
I am a user of BAORUI Exchange, started using it in June 2023. Recently, many people on WhatsApp have been asking me for recommendations on cryptocurrency exchanges. Is BAORUI a scam? BAORUI is not a scam, so my answer is negative.
Regarding cryptocurrency scams, I believe BAORUI has made a significant contribution to the market. Of course, this requires some verification to prove that my answer is not unfounded.
Let us start with some basics.
After all, there are relatively few people in Malaysia involved in cryptocurrency trading, and some readers may be new to cryptocurrencies, so I need to briefly introduce what cryptocurrencies are.
MATA wang kripto atau mata wang digital ialah sebahagian daripada evolusi mata wang maya yang dicipta dan disimpan secara elektronik.
Ia konsep terbaru yang wujud dalam ekonomi global menggunakan konsep kriptografi serta teknologi lejar yang diedar kepada semua peserta sebagai sistem keselamatan yang mendukung kestabilan dan kebolehpercayaannya.
Mata wang maya ini membolehkan pemiliknya membuat pembayaran secara maya untuk barang dan perkhidmatan tanpa pembabitan orang ketiga seperti bank, memudahkan proses serta mengurangkan kos transaksi.
Antara contoh mata wang kripto ialah 'Bitcoin', 'Ethereum', 'Rip-ple', 'Nem' dan banyak lagi, namun yang paling popular adalah Bitcoin yang dilancarkan pada November 2008 oleh Nakamoto Satoshi.
Source:Fahami risiko pelaburan mata wang maya
Although I am a cryptocurrency trader, virtual currencies have significant volatility, so investment needs to be cautious. Let us continue talking about BAORUI. BAORUI can be checked on the Tigermonitor website, and readers can also find out more on their own.
submitted by Only-Cat-7260 to FreeAdvertisingArea [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:36 Even-Singer5241 Main Poker Online Jadi Lebih Mudah dan Seru di DragonPoker88

Main Poker Online Jadi Lebih Mudah dan Seru di DragonPoker88
Poker online telah menjadi salah satu hiburan favorit bagi banyak orang di seluruh dunia. Kelebihan bermain poker secara online adalah kemudahan akses, variasi permainan, dan kesempatan untuk bermain kapan saja dan di mana saja. Salah satu platform yang menonjol di antara banyak situs poker online adalah DragonPoker88. Dengan fitur-fitur unggulan dan antarmuka yang user-friendly, DragonPoker88 menjadikan pengalaman bermain poker online lebih mudah dan seru.

Kelebihan Bermain di DragonPoker88

  1. Antarmuka yang Mudah Digunakan DragonPoker88 menawarkan antarmuka yang intuitif dan mudah digunakan bahkan oleh pemula. Tata letak yang rapi dan navigasi yang sederhana memastikan pemain dapat fokus pada permainan tanpa terganggu oleh kerumitan teknis.
  2. Variasi Permainan yang Beragam Di DragonPoker88, pemain dapat menikmati berbagai jenis permainan poker seperti Texas Hold'em, Omaha, dan berbagai turnamen menarik lainnya. Variasi ini memungkinkan pemain untuk mencoba berbagai strategi dan meningkatkan keterampilan mereka.
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Cara Memulai Bermain di DragonPoker88

Bagi yang baru mengenal DragonPoker88, memulai permainan sangatlah mudah. Berikut adalah langkah-langkah untuk bergabung dan mulai bermain:
  1. Registrasi Akun Langkah pertama adalah mendaftar akun di situs DragonPoker88. Proses pendaftaran cepat dan sederhana, hanya memerlukan beberapa informasi dasar seperti nama, alamat email, dan nomor telepon.
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  3. Memilih Permainan Setelah deposit berhasil, pemain dapat langsung memilih permainan poker yang diinginkan. Antarmuka DragonPoker88 yang user-friendly memudahkan navigasi dan pemilihan permainan.
  4. Mulai Bermain dan Menangkan Hadiah Kini, pemain siap untuk mulai bermain. Dengan sedikit strategi dan keberuntungan, pemain bisa meraih kemenangan dan menikmati berbagai hadiah menarik yang ditawarkan DragonPoker88.

Tips Bermain Poker di DragonPoker88

Untuk meningkatkan peluang menang, berikut beberapa tips yang bisa diikuti:
  1. Pelajari Aturan Dasar dan Strategi Sebelum bermain, pastikan untuk memahami aturan dasar poker dan beberapa strategi dasar. Ini akan membantu membuat keputusan yang lebih baik selama permainan.
  2. Kelola Bankroll dengan Bijak Tetapkan anggaran untuk bermain dan patuhi batas tersebut. Jangan tergoda untuk bermain lebih dari yang mampu Anda pertaruhkan.
  3. Bermain dengan Sabar dan Disiplin Poker adalah permainan keterampilan dan kesabaran. Hindari membuat keputusan terburu-buru dan tetap tenang dalam menghadapi situasi sulit.


DragonPoker88 adalah pilihan tepat bagi siapa saja yang ingin merasakan serunya bermain poker online. Dengan berbagai kelebihan seperti antarmuka yang user-friendly, variasi permainan yang beragam, keamanan terjamin, dan dukungan pelanggan yang handal, DragonPoker88 memastikan pengalaman bermain poker online yang lebih mudah dan menyenangkan. Jadi, tunggu apa lagi? Daftarkan diri Anda di DragonPoker88 dan nikmati permainan poker online terbaik sekarang juga!
submitted by Even-Singer5241 to u/Even-Singer5241 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:34 Even-Singer5241 Rasakan Pengalaman Bermain Poker Tanpa Ribet di DragonPoker88

Rasakan Pengalaman Bermain Poker Tanpa Ribet di DragonPoker88
Poker adalah salah satu permainan kartu yang paling populer di dunia, dan banyak orang menggemari tantangan serta strateginya. Namun, untuk banyak pemain, pengalaman bermain poker bisa menjadi rumit dengan berbagai aturan, strategi, dan platform yang tidak user-friendly. Inilah mengapa DragonPoker88 hadir sebagai solusi sempurna bagi Anda yang ingin menikmati permainan poker tanpa ribet.

Mengapa Memilih DragonPoker88?

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Cara Memulai Bermain di DragonPoker88

Memulai bermain di DragonPoker88 sangat mudah dan cepat. Berikut langkah-langkahnya:
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    • Setelah mendaftar, Anda akan menerima email verifikasi. Klik tautan dalam email tersebut untuk mengaktifkan akun Anda. Langkah ini penting untuk keamanan dan memastikan Anda bisa menikmati semua fitur yang disediakan.
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DragonPoker88 adalah platform poker online yang menawarkan pengalaman bermain tanpa ribet dengan berbagai keunggulan seperti antarmuka yang mudah digunakan, varian permainan lengkap, transaksi aman, bonus menarik, dan dukungan pelanggan 24/7. Dengan langkah-langkah pendaftaran yang sederhana dan cepat, Anda bisa segera menikmati permainan poker favorit Anda kapan saja dan di mana saja. Jadi, tunggu apa lagi? Daftarkan diri Anda di DragonPoker88 dan rasakan pengalaman bermain poker yang menyenangkan dan menguntungkan!
submitted by Even-Singer5241 to u/Even-Singer5241 [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:35 tersxin Malaysia berdikari

Sudan tiba masa untuk Malaysia jadi berdikari dan independent dan kurang bergantung kepada negara luar..Ini bukan pasal Bangsa tetapi Malaysia.Aku tak cakap tentang dasar negara,tetapi kita sebagai rakyat perlu cuba berusaha untuk menjadi berdiri di atas kaki sendiri kerana ia boleh membela nasib kita pada masa hadapan kerana bertepatan dengan cita rasa tersendiri..Contoh,kereta import terlalu mahal di Malaysia padahal murah di negara asal mereka.Malaysia pernah menjadi negara OG bila membuat satu bangunan terrtinggi dunia pada suatu masa..Kekuatan kita datang dari kebolehan untuk berdikari..Sedia maklum negara yang beljaar berdikari menjadi kuasa kuat seperti Jepun dan’s about time young blood..Kerja bagi maruah dan kuasa kerana Negara berdikari yang mengikut Islam boleh menjamin keamanan dan kesejahteraan,walaupun kau bukan Islam,kau juga akan dapat manfaatnya berbanding negara yang tidak beragama
Kelebihan berdikari -(Produk lebih mesra Muslim dan lebih murah -Tidak memerlukan buruh luar terlalu ramai sehingga menggadai keamanan negara) -(Membuat produk seperti filem atau baju bersesuaian dengan budaya tempatan tanpa budaya lucah) -(Lebih banyak bahan ilmu bahasa Melayu membolehkan minda masyarakat bertambah maju) -(Boleh memberi suara dan kesan di pentas dunia apabila berlaku ketidakadilan seperti Palestin) -(Kualiti dan kebersihan yang baik kerana rakyat Malaysia pembersih integriti disebabkan agama Islam dan budaya) -(Menjaga keamanan negara Malaysia yang tidak keras dan heartless seperti negara lain seperti India atau negara barat) -(Agama dan budaya dapat dilindungi) -(Setiap negara mempunyai keistimewaan tersendiri,dan ia dapat dilindungi) -(Mendorong rakyat Malaysia untuk bertanggungjawab atas nasib sendiri dan tidak lemah kerana mengharapkan orang lain) -(Keyakinan yang tinggi dan tidak rendah diri bersama bangsa lain diri sama tinggi duduk sama rendah seprti Us atau Jepun atau Korea)
Ini semua tidak akan dicapai tanpa kesedaran terlebih dahulu untuk menjadi berdikari dan kuat menentang anasir dan masalah
submitted by tersxin to NegarakuMalaysia [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 13:48 xtremexavier15 TMA 6

Killer Grips: Anne Maria, Brick, Jasmine, Justin, Millie
Screaming Gaffers: Chase, MK, Ripper, Scott, Sky
Episode 6: The Aftermath I: Trent's Descent
A riff from an electric guitar opened the episode as a pair of purple concentric circles flew across and back in the screen towards the upper-left corner, a group of smaller, bluer circles flying through them in the same direction but at a higher speed. As it neared the top of the screen a large and blocky red 'T' flashed into existence and descended back down, and the background music continued into a theme fit for an evening talk show. A similarly-styled 'D' and 'A' appeared next as a few more purple or blue rings crossed the screen, then the three letters slid in from the left to spell out 'TDA'. The word 'AFTERMATH' popped up from the bottom of the screen, temporarily bumping up the first three letters before they slammed back down and centered the text in the middle of the screen.
A gleam swept across the text from upper-left to lower-right, and the 'D' briefly popped forwards with the faint sound of a camera, turning a little bit counterclockwise before reversing into its former position.
Clip 1
"Any final words?" Chris asked the eliminated contestants.
“Yeah. You guys actually voted me off. I respect that,” Eva nodded with a smirk.
“Good luck dudes. Wicked play,” Geoff smiled as he and Eva got off the bleachers and went to the red carpet.
The 'D' popped out briefly again and another bout of recap footage began.
Clip 2
"Here's the deal," Chef stated, pacing about slowly in front of the teen. "I'll help you man up and win this thing. You don't ask any stupid questions and you split the prize with me.” He leaned in closer towards Brick's face. “Like they say, it's an offer you can't refuse. I won't let you," he finished with a deadly scowl, much to Brick's discomfort.
The 'D' popped out a third time, signaling the start of another set of recap footage.
Clip 3
“Trent, it's time to go!” Chris informed the eliminated contestant.
Trent got off the stands. “Before I do, can I at least say goodbye to Sky?”
“You could, but it'd be pointless since Chef will just carry you to the limo,” Chris smiled.
“Alright,” Trent sighed and faced his former teammates. “I'm really sorry about my actions, guys. I'll see you later.” With nothing left to say, he turned and walked down the red carpet.
A fourth time the 'D' popped out, and the last set of recap footage played.
Clip 4
"Izzy!" Izzy was left gaping. "Time to go!" Chris announced.
“I'm not going anywhere,” Izzy objected. “That's not my name.”
“Can I get a pen over here?” Chris raised his hand in annoyance. A pen was given to him, and he started to write on the paper. “It says "E-Scope" now, okay?!” This made Izzy finally stand up.
"And remember," Chris told her as she started to walk past the stage, "you can never come back, ev-er!" The host pressed an orange button next to his microphone, and two identical guards came over and grabbed Izzy by her arms.
(Theme Song)
The same sequence used to open the recap was replayed, an unseen audience cheering wildly after the 'TDA AFTERMATH' logo shined. The camera faded into a shot of a stage from the shadowed audience; it was set up like a talk show with one couch and table in the middle, and two tiers of couches on either side. A variety of lights both stage and decorative were scattered around, and to the left was a passage backstage half-hidden by dividing walls and the dark red curtains that framed the set.
And most importantly, sitting on that central couch, were two figures. Damien on the left and Priya on the right.
The camera zoomed in on them as the applause died down, a pair of computer displays visible on the table turned towards the hosts as Priya waved. "Hey there everyone!" she greeted with a smile. "Welcome to the brand-new Total Drama Action Aftermath Show!"
She paused as the audience cheered and applauded again, and once they'd died down, Damien spoke up. "We're coming to you live," he said, "to dish everything Total Drama Action!"
"This is where the real action is!" Priya said to another bout of cheering. "I'm Priya!" she added in with a smile.
"And I'm Damien!" Damien beamed.
"You may remember us from the hit series Total Drama Island," Priya continued.
"And it's thrilling sequel, Total Drama Action," Damien said, “even if we're not on it.”
"I hate that we missed out on the season and a chance to get the money,” Priya grumbled but regained her positivity, “but we have our own show, so I think it compensates."
"Being in the sequel could've given me the possibility of being rich, but when I'm with you, money doesn't matter," Damien smiled happily at Priya, and the crowd awwed.
"Aww, that's so sweet!” Priya gushed and turned to the audience. “And with no competitions here, we get to talk to all of you."
“So about that new season. Pretty cool, right?" Damien asked, looking out at the camera.
"Of course," Priya nodded. "They get to be on a film lot and do different kinds of movie challenges. How spectacular is that?" The crowd cheered in agreement.
"Super spectacular," a voice said from off-camera, the shot zooming out to show that the couches on the right had been occupied by the other non-competing contestants. On the top row were Rodney, Sam, and Gwen, while the bottom row had Topher, Katie, and Sadie.
“We were being rhetorical," Damien pointed out, "but hey, thanks for reminding everyone that you're not invisible! Topher, everyone!" The camera focused on the dirty blonde, who took stride in the applause from the audience.
"We also brought along all the others from the first season," Priya said.
"They may be considered losers," Damien said, "but not to us."
“Aww,” Katie gushed.
“That is so sweet, you guys,” Sadie added.
"The pleasure's all ours," Damien replied. "Give it up for Topher!" he said, and the crowd cheered as the camera cut back to the fanboy. He shot a wink as the screen was split and a clip played of him smacking a fly onto his eye and getting it swollen.
"And Rodney!" Priya added, the camera cutting to the country boy waving at the camera. The screen also split to play a clip of him, showing him returning back to the game on boat.
"Katie and Sadie!" Damien introduced the two girls.
“Oh my gosh!” Katie cheered.
“We are so super excited to be here!” Sadie expressed her happiness.
"Next we have Sam!" Priya said as the camera moved to the gamer smiling at the camera as a clip played in the split screen showing him hanging from a tree by his knees before falling down.
"And how about a shout out to Gwen!" Damien said. Gwen smiled at the camera while the split screen showed a clip of the goth eating blueberries from a bush.
The camera cut over to Topher, who was engrossed in a phone call. "How long are the papers going to take?" he asked before noticing the audience. "Sorry mom, but I'll have to call you back later!"
Priya and Damien shared a glance before Damien smiled at the camera. "We've also got a lot of texts and emails from all of you!" he said excitedly.
"Plus," Priya said, "we'll have a couple of you on webcam!"
"Eva and Geoff will be here," Damien announced, and the crowd went wild.
"And let's not forget our favorite nutcase, Izzy!" Priya added with a smile, earning another roaring cheer from the crowd.
"Plus the guy with the soul of music, Trent!" Damien finished to another round of applause.
"You know what's strange? The four that you two mentioned were part of the final six in Island along with Scott and you, Priya," Topher said.
"That is pretty shocking," Priya added. "Eva and Geoff especially."
"Eva could have won the season again, but I guess no one wants a repeat," Sam laughed a bit.
"We've got a lot to talk about," Damien told the audience. "It's almost time to welcome our first guests," he announced, "but first, take a look at this!" The nervous wreck looked up to the wide and flat television hanging above the central couch.
The television's static cut to a clip of Geoff and Eva running together to escape the monster. "Geoff and Eva's time on Total Drama Action may have been short," Damien said.
"But it sure was packed with the action that we grew to love," Priya continued as Eva and Geoff stuck their heads out from behind a cardboard cutout of a small red car.
"Eva managed to recover from her broken ankle from last season," Damien continued as the muscle woman was shown running through the sidewalk.
"And Geoff proved that losing a tooth doesn't mean losing your positivity," Priya said as footage of Geoff showing off his golden tooth replacement was shown.
"And they both did well for themselves, even if they didn't win the second challenge!" Damien followed up as clips of Geoff and Eva being shown on the ground along with being shot with paintballs courtesy of Chef played.
"But unfortunately, they weren't able to play for another day!" Priya continued.
"I don't even blame the contestants since Eva and Geoff were last season's Final Two," Damien spoke as a clip played of the two going into the limousine. "At least they still have their friendship!"
"One has eaten dog food," Priya said, "and the other has taken control of a forest fire. Our first two guests are Geoff and Eva!"
The Aftermath theme tune played and the crowd went wild as Eva and Geoff pushed open the backstage doors and walked out, smiling at both the audience and the hosts as they took their seats on the lower couch on the left.
"Hey guys!" Priya greeted with a smile as Damien waved.
"Damien! Priya! Glad to see you two again!" Eva said happily.
"Yeah!" Geoff added. "You two getting the hosting gig is impressive!"
"Great to have you guys!" Damien told them. "Sorry you two got eliminated first."
"No need to apologize," Geoff said. "We didn't leave completely empty-handed!"
"Wait, how so?" Damien asked in confusion. "You didn't win the money."
"Not like that," Eva answered. "Geoff managed to take pictures of everybody and everything from the first two seasons to put onto his scrapbook."
"And Eva managed to use part of her money to get construction to build her dream gym," Geoff added. "It's still in construction by the way."
“So how did you two manage to become the Aftermath hosts?” Eva asked them.
"The producers took note of me and Damien's relationship and decided on us being the hosts," Priya answered. "I couldn't pass up this opportunity."
"And plus, the other non-competitors either refused or were turned down," Damien added.
“They especially turned me down,” Topher grumbled. “I would've made a great host.”
"That's pretty understandable," Eva said. "I sure as heck don't want to run my mouth longer than I need to."
"Yeah, hosting a show is something I won't be able to perform well in," Geoff added.
"Moving on," Damien said, "how does it feel being the first two voted off the show?"
"Honestly, I gotta say it was kinda like a punch to the gut," Eva admitted. "I know I'm strong, but I didn't think the contestants would team up to vote us out in just the first episodes."
"I didn't mind as much," Geoff interjected. "I mean, I did want to win the million dollars, but given how we competed in every episode of the first season, it seems fair for us to go home early this time around and give the others a shot. And besides, money isn't everything."
"Thanks for your inputs," Priya said as the camera cut over to her and Damien, "I think it's time for a game called 'Truth or Hammer'!" The crowd started to go wild.
A grand tune played as a shot of a golden statue of Lady Justice was shown. The camera slowly pulled back from it, and as the music ended a large wooden mallet swung down from the left and smashed it to pieces.
Damien stood up as the scene cut back to the hosts and guests. "Here's how this works: we ask you a question, and if you give the wrong answer, a huge hammer will swing down on you."
"Uh, what?" Geoff said as he and Eva looked at each other nervously.
"Eva, Geoff, move out of the way as we do a test run!" Priya announced, and a giant wooden hammer immediately swung down at Eva and Geoff, the two barely avoiding the hit.
"Looks like the hammer is working well. How about we get to the questions?" Damien turned his head to the reality TV fan.
"Absolutely," Priya agreed. "So Eva, after winning last season, why do you think things didn't go well for you this time?"
"Like we both said, we were big time threats. If we didn't get voted off in the second episode, one of us likely would've been in the final two again," Eva answered and looked above her, the hammer still remaining in its position.
"I'm a strategic player, and if I wasn't the first season's winner, I obviously would've voted out the strongest player just so I could get closer to winning," Eva continued.
"Good answer!" Damien said. "So Geoff, are you even remotely mad at not winning the first season and getting kicked off in the second?"
Geoff looked up. "I'm not going to lie at all, especially when there's a hammer that can crush me," the party guy said. "I'm kind of upset."
Everyone was silent for a moment before it became clear the hammer wasn't going to swing down. "I mean... it's like you got dreams for this money and to see them flushed down the drain is disappointing," Geoff explained. "But it is what it is. I had a good time competing, and I got news from one of my brothers that my golden tooth can be sold for money, so at least I got some compensation."
"I'd suggest cleaning the tooth before you sell it," Damien advised before looking at the camera and smiling. "So how about we hear from one of the viewers!"
"Let's see," Priya said, looking down at the computer display on the table in front of her. "CunningLinguist316 asks: Who are you rooting for now that you've been eliminated?"
"Well, I'm rooting for Sky," Eva answered. "I can see some parts of myself in her, and she's one of the more worthy players in the game."
"I'm hoping my man Chase wins," Geoff answered. "He's super athletic and fast, and we're sorta like each other in many ways."
"Good to hear your thoughts," Damien told them.
"Exactly!" Priya added. "But I think it's time we bring out our next guest."
The camera panned up to the wide-screen television as footage of the wild child began to play. "Izzy's time on Total Drama Action may have been short," Damien said over a clip of Izzy pushing Ripper out of the way and getting captured by the animatronic monster.
"But it was a thrill ride," Priya added.
“Seriously, Izzy can make a bowl of paste tasty by adding herself to it,” Damien quipped over Izzy getting dropped into the bouncy castle.
"Later on, she suffered a serious blow at the hands of Chef," Priya added over the footage of Izzy falling onto the ground after getting shot in the chest with a paintball and Chef looking over her in worry.
“Chef thinks he's killed her. Look how scared he is!” Damien chimed in as the recap footage paused on Chef; a red circle was drawn around Chef's face.
“Never thought he'd have a sense of humanity. Check this part out! Super hilarious!” Priya giggled over Izzy standing up and laughing about her fake death. “Unfortunately, it was Justin that ruined Izzy's chances when the two took to the stage.” The clips of Justin performing his role and Izzy grumbling over her loss played.
"Dramatic and devious, Izzy will be back for more," Damien continued as the footage showed Izzy getting up from her seat and blowing kisses as the limousine took her away.
The scene returned to the hosts. "Our first guest has impersonated a grizzly and was caught peeing in a pool. Currently number eight on the RCMP's most wanted... Izzy, A.K.A Kaleidoscope!!"
The crowd went wild as the Aftermath theme played, but it suddenly stopped as the hosts looked up at the television. It was now showing footage of a room backstage where Izzy was currently sitting on a couch and eating crackers. The crazy girl had a snack tray-laden table in front of her, and to the left was a television showing the same feed as the one on-stage.
Izzy took notice of the television set. "I'm on TV!" she exclaimed before accidentally spitting out her chewed-up crackers, making the audience laugh quietly. “Oh, oops. Cracker crumbs, you get back here!” She grabbed the crumbs, along with a few grapes and a cracker sandwich with cheese in the middle, and put them all in her cleavage, prompting more laughter.
Izzy stood up and walked out to the stage, the Aftermath theme playing again as she opened the backstage doors and walked out. The audience cheered, and Damien and Priya, along with Eva and Geoff - who were now on the top row of the couches - waved at her, causing her to return the gesture.
“Hello E-Scope!” Priya eagerly greeted her friend.
"Hi, Priya. Hi, Damien," Izzy greeted back as she sat on the couch. "So glad to be here."
“Awesome to have you, but it must be hard losing out on a million bucks,” Damien talked to her.
“Yeah, well... you would know,” Izzy responded, unamusing Damien and Priya while the audience gasped. “Hi, you guys!” she focused on the Peanut Gallery.”
“Hi, Izzy!” Rodney waved.
“Hi, everyone out there in TV land!” Izzy turned to the camera and noticed someone in the audience. “Graham Cracker! That's my old boyfriend Graham! He got a restraining order against me last year. Remember that, Graham?” The audience started mumbling. “So funny. Okay. We were in the courtroom and the judge was all like, "You cannot come within two hundred meters of the plaintiff or you shall suffer the consequences of this courtroom."
After taking a moment to laugh, Izzy continued her story. “The long distance was hard, but we made it work. By the way, Graham, you should get new blinds for your room. What are they made of, lead? I couldn't see a thing with my binoculars! Miss you, Graham Cracker!” She took a cracker out of her cleavage. “I am totally into crackers right now. They're just so flaky!” She giggled and put the cracker into her mouth.
“Kind of like someone we already know,” Damien muttered quietly.
“So Izzy, how did it feel to be the third one voted off the show?” Priya asked.
“My life is an open book. Well, not yet, but it will be once I write it. And you open the book!” Izzy guffawed.
“What was going through your head after being voted off?” Damien questioned.
The music turned sad. “When you realize you're not getting a Gilded Chris Award, well, I can't lie to you,” Izzy sniffed in a rare moment of sadness.
“Oh, it was that painful?” Priya expressed her sympathy.
“No, I just can't lie to you,” Izzy returned to her normal state. “I was outfitted with a lie deterrent microchip that sends shock waves at the first hint of dishonesty. Those are really nice pants, Damien.”
Izzy then got shocked in her neck, demonstrating the microchip inside the body part, but the wild child laughed it off.
“Carrying on,” Damien said uncomfortably. “So what exactly did losing out on the Gilded Chris mean to you?”
“It means I missed out on that buttery chocolate statuette. Ooh, I once took an art class sculpting chocolate nudes, my instructor said I had a real flair for cocoa,” Izzy brought up and earned another electrocution. “Okay, okay, okay. He said I was totally loco. That's what he's actually said.”
"Let's see if you can be honest while answering our questions,” Priya said sneakily, “and the giant hammer will come down if you don't tell the truth!"
“If my implant doesn't get me, the hammer will!” Izzy said, earning laughs from the audience.
Priya and Damien shared a look of bewilderment before facing the camera happily. “Want to know which questions we'll be asking Izzy?" Priya asked the camera.
"Be sure to stay tuned," Damien said. "Right now, we have to take a quick break! We'll be right back!"
The show's logo was shown again, and the 'D' popped out and transitioned the scene to a close-up of a plate of brown mush sitting on a tan-and-goldenrod striped table. Flies were buzzing around it, and part of a familiar torso could be seen standing behind it.
"This episode of the TDA Aftershow," Chef Hatchet said to a catchy elevator music-like jingle as one of the flies buzzing around died and the camera began to zoom out, "was brought to you by Chef's Roadkill Cafe, where Sundays are Bring Your Own Meat!" The camera stopped moving to show the hulking man in full, standing between the table with the plate of mush and a large stone fireplace in the background. In his left hand he held a skewer of a reddish and steaming hunk of meat resting on a plate-like guard piece. The tail of a skunk extended from the top of the meat hunk.
"You hit it, we spit it," Chef said with a motion to the steaming dish in his hand.
(Commercial Break)
submitted by xtremexavier15 to u/xtremexavier15 [link] [comments]

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Apakah Anda penggemar poker online yang mencari kesempatan untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak dari permainan favorit Anda? DragonPoker88, salah satu platform terkemuka untuk permainan poker online, memiliki tawaran menarik yang bisa Anda manfaatkan: Bonus Referal 10% seumur hidup!

Apa Itu Bonus Referal?

Bonus Referal adalah insentif yang diberikan kepada anggota situs web atau aplikasi untuk mengundang orang lain bergabung dan bermain di platform tersebut. Jika Anda adalah anggota DragonPoker88, Anda dapat menggunakan kode referal Anda untuk mengajak teman, keluarga, atau siapa pun untuk mendaftar dan bermain di situs ini. Setiap kali seseorang mendaftar menggunakan kode referal Anda dan bermain, Anda akan memperoleh bonus sebesar 10% dari keuntungan mereka.

Mengapa Anda Harus Menggunakan Bonus Referal di DragonPoker88?

  1. Keuntungan Seumur Hidup: Bonus Referal di DragonPoker88 bukan hanya satu kali. Anda akan terus menerima 10% dari keuntungan setiap referal yang Anda bawa selama mereka aktif di situs.
  2. Tanpa Batasan Waktu: Tidak ada batasan waktu untuk mengumpulkan bonus. Selama referal Anda tetap bermain, Anda terus menerima manfaatnya.
  3. Potensi Penghasilan Pasif: Mengajak orang lain untuk bermain di DragonPoker88 bisa menjadi sumber penghasilan pasif yang menguntungkan. Semakin banyak orang yang Anda ajak, semakin besar potensi bonus yang Anda terima.
  4. Saling Menguntungkan: Referal tidak hanya mendapatkan akses ke platform poker online yang terpercaya tetapi juga dapat bermain dengan bonus selamat datang dan menikmati permainan berkualitas yang ditawarkan DragonPoker88.

Bagaimana Cara Menggunakan Bonus Referal?

  1. Dapatkan Kode Referal: Setelah Anda menjadi anggota DragonPoker88, Anda akan diberikan kode referal pribadi.
  2. Bagikan Kode Anda: Bagikan kode referal Anda kepada teman, keluarga, atau siapa pun yang berminat untuk bermain poker online.
  3. Daftar dan Bermain: Orang yang Anda undang harus mendaftar menggunakan kode referal Anda dan mulai bermain di DragonPoker88.
  4. Nikmati Bonus Anda: Setiap kali referal Anda bermain dan menghasilkan keuntungan, Anda akan menerima 10% dari keuntungan tersebut.

Mengapa DragonPoker88 Layak Dicoba?

DragonPoker88 adalah platform poker online yang terkenal dengan reputasi yang solid dan berbagai fitur menarik:
  • Beragam Permainan: Tersedia berbagai jenis permainan poker yang dapat dipilih sesuai preferensi Anda.
  • Keamanan Terjamin: Transaksi keuangan aman dan data pribadi dilindungi dengan teknologi enkripsi terbaru.
  • Dukungan Pelanggan: Tim dukungan pelanggan siap membantu 24/7 untuk memastikan pengalaman bermain yang lancar.
  • Turnamen Seru: Selain permainan reguler, DragonPoker88 juga menyelenggarakan turnamen yang menarik dengan hadiah besar.
Jadi, jika Anda ingin menghasilkan uang tambahan sambil menikmati poker online yang berkualitas, manfaatkan Bonus Referal 10% seumur hidup di DragonPoker88. Bergabunglah sekarang, undang teman-teman Anda, dan mulai nikmati keuntungannya! Jangan lewatkan kesempatan ini untuk meningkatkan pengalaman bermain poker online Anda.
submitted by Even-Singer5241 to u/Even-Singer5241 [link] [comments]