Review pharmanex vitamin

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2014.07.03 00:49 stufstuf A UK-centric skincare subreddit.

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2024.06.02 15:22 FearlessEffort7577 Discover the Benefits and Convenience of Buying Mustard Oil Online

Mustard oil, extracted from mustard seeds, has been a staple in various cuisines and traditional medicine for centuries. Its robust flavor and numerous health benefits make it a valuable addition to any household. In this article, we will explore the advantages of mustard oil, its various uses, and the convenience of purchasing it online.

What is Mustard Oil?

Mustard oil is derived from the seeds of the mustard plant. Known for its strong aroma and pungent taste, it is widely used in cooking, skincare, and traditional remedies. The oil is rich in essential nutrients, making it a powerhouse of health benefits.

Nutritional Profile of Mustard Oil

Mustard oil is rich in:

Health Benefits of Mustard Oil

Promotes Heart Health

The high levels of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats in mustard oil help reduce bad cholesterol levels, promoting a healthier heart. Regular consumption can aid in preventing heart diseases and maintaining overall cardiovascular health.

Boosts Immunity

Mustard oil contains powerful antioxidants and essential vitamins that strengthen the immune system. Its antimicrobial properties also help in fighting infections and keeping the body healthy.

Enhances Skin Health

Topical application of mustard oil can improve skin texture and treat various skin conditions. Its anti-inflammatory properties help soothe irritated skin, while the antioxidants promote a youthful and radiant complexion.

Supports Joint Health

The anti-inflammatory properties of mustard oil make it an excellent remedy for joint pain and stiffness. Massaging the oil onto affected areas can provide relief from arthritis and other inflammatory conditions.

Aids in Digestion

Mustard oil stimulates the secretion of digestive juices, enhancing the digestive process. It also has mild laxative properties that help in preventing constipation and promoting regular bowel movements.

Culinary Uses of Mustard Oil

Mustard oil is a versatile ingredient in the kitchen. Here are some popular culinary uses:

1. Cooking Oil

Mustard oil can be used as a primary cooking oil for frying, sautéing, and tempering. Its high smoke point makes it suitable for high-heat cooking.

2. Salad Dressings

Adding a few drops of mustard oil to salad dressings can impart a unique flavor and boost the nutritional value of your salads.

3. Pickles and Preserves

In many traditional cuisines, mustard oil is used for making pickles and preserves. Its strong flavor and preservative qualities enhance the taste and shelf life of these delicacies.

4. Marinades

Marinating meats and vegetables with mustard oil can enhance their flavor and make them more tender. The oil's robust taste pairs well with various spices and herbs.

The Convenience of Buying Mustard Oil Online

Wide Range of Options

Purchasing mustard oil online provides access to a wide variety of brands and product types, including organic and cold-pressed options. You can easily compare products and choose the best one for your needs.

Competitive Pricing

Online platforms often offer competitive pricing and discounts, making it more affordable to buy mustard oil in bulk. This can be especially beneficial for households that use the oil regularly.

Home Delivery

One of the significant advantages of buying mustard oil online is the convenience of home delivery. You can have this beneficial oil delivered right to your doorstep, saving time and effort.

Customer Reviews

Online shopping allows you to read customer reviews and ratings before making a purchase. This feedback can help you make informed decisions and select high-quality products.

FAQs About Mustard Oil

Is mustard oil safe for cooking? Yes, mustard oil is safe for cooking and is commonly used in various culinary applications.
Can mustard oil be used for skin care? Absolutely, mustard oil can be applied topically to improve skin health and treat various skin conditions.
How should mustard oil be stored? Store mustard oil in a cool, dark place to maintain its freshness and prevent it from going rancid.
Is mustard oil good for hair care? Yes, mustard oil can be used to nourish the scalp and promote healthy hair growth.
Are there any side effects of using mustard oil? Mustard oil is generally safe for use, but it should be used in moderation. Excessive use can cause skin irritation or digestive issues.
What are some popular recipes using mustard oil? Mustard oil can be used in a variety of dishes, including curries, stir-fries, pickles, and marinades. It adds a unique flavor and enhances the overall taste of the food.
Mustard oil is a nutrient-rich oil that offers numerous health benefits. From promoting heart health to enhancing skin and joint health, this oil is a valuable addition to your diet and wellness routine. The convenience of buying mustard oil online ensures that you can easily incorporate this beneficial oil into your lifestyle. Embrace the health benefits of mustard oil and explore the culinary possibilities it offers. Read about it more here .
submitted by FearlessEffort7577 to u/FearlessEffort7577 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:28 fiftyshadesofbrands Unlock Radiant, Youthful Skin: Discover the Magic of TruSkin Vitamin C Serum!

Achieve Radiant Skin with TruSkin Vitamin C Serum: A Comprehensive Review

✨ Unlock Your Skin's True Potential with TruSkin Vitamin C Serum! ✨ Brighten, tighten, and hydrate your way to a radiant, youthful complexion. See why everyone is raving about this skincare must-have! 🌟#BeautyEssentials #TruSkin #VitaminCSerum #GlowingSkin #AntiAging #HydrationBoost #SkincareGoals
In the quest for flawless skin, finding the right skincare product can be daunting. Fortunately, TruSkin Vitamin C Serum offers a powerful solution for those seeking to enhance their skin's appearance and health. This serum has garnered rave reviews for its ability to brighten, tighten, and hydrate the skin. In this comprehensive review, we delve into what makes TruSkin Vitamin C Serum a must-have in your skincare routine.

Key Benefits of TruSkin Vitamin C Serum

  1. Brightens Skin Tone
    • Vitamin C is renowned for its brightening properties. TruSkin Vitamin C Serum effectively reduces dark spots and hyperpigmentation, giving your skin a radiant and even tone.
  2. Fights Signs of Aging
    • The serum's potent blend of antioxidants helps combat free radicals, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Regular use can lead to firmer, more youthful-looking skin.
  3. Hydrates and Plumps
    • Infused with Hyaluronic Acid, this serum deeply hydrates the skin, improving texture and elasticity. It locks in moisture, making your skin feel plump and refreshed.
  4. Boosts Collagen Production
    • Vitamin C stimulates collagen synthesis, which is essential for maintaining skin’s structure and preventing sagging.

Star Ingredients

How to Use TruSkin Vitamin C Serum

  1. Cleanse: Start with a clean face. Use a gentle cleanser to remove any impurities.
  2. Apply: Dispense a few drops of the serum onto your fingertips and gently massage it into your face and neck. Focus on areas with dark spots and fine lines.
  3. Follow Up: Allow the serum to absorb fully, then follow up with your favorite moisturizer. For best results, use twice daily, in the morning and evening.

Real Customer Experiences


TruSkin Vitamin C Serum stands out as a top choice for anyone looking to enhance their skincare regimen. Its blend of potent ingredients works synergistically to brighten, hydrate, and rejuvenate the skin. With countless positive reviews and proven results, it's a product worth investing in. Transform your skin and boost your confidence with TruSkin Vitamin C Serum today!
Ready to transform your skin? Click here to purchase TruSkin Vitamin C Serum on Amazon and start your journey to radiant, youthful skin!
submitted by fiftyshadesofbrands to u/fiftyshadesofbrands [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:55 Pretty-Mulberry2773 I’m curious and want to feed my kitten raw but I am completely clueless

I’m curious and want to feed my kitten raw but I am completely clueless
Pls tell my everything you know about feeding raw so I can decide if I want to make this change. She’s turning 4 mths soon. These are some of the options available to me and their ingredients list. Pls advise my on which one is better thank you
submitted by Pretty-Mulberry2773 to rawpetfood [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:01 Parking_Wolf_4159 [26M] Is there really not much that can be done for neuropathy once you get it? Is there no chance of full recovery even with small fiber neuropathy? Any common treatments besides meds like Gabapentin/Lyrica and vitamin supplements?

I've been dealing with what's been deemed idiopathic neuropathy in the left side of my body for almost 4 years now. It's gotten better over time but never fully healed. I've been through 4 neurologists and other than gabapentin/vitamin supplements, nobody suggested much for it. I believe I've posted here a few times about it. Not going to link previous posts unless asked to.
It affects the left side of my face, neck, and genital area. It used to affect the bottom of my foot and left side of my chest, along with my left inner thigh, but those areas healed. It causes me ED issues and sensitivity issues with sexual activity. The left side of my face some days feels 90% better, the genital area not so much, but has improved.
I was very unhappy with the two neurologists I first saw, which meant it's taken me years to see a neurologist I like. The neurologist I saw the longest gets a lot of 1 star reviews and I was basically forced to keep seeing him by a PCP unwilling to change to a new neurologist so soon. I found out he settled a malpractice lawsuit while I saw him which makes me feel very concerned he didn't do all he could for me. The neurologist I saw before him dismissed me after one visit and said to "wait out" my symptoms/issues. He also gets bad reviews and I've heard from other people he's condescending to a lot of patients. My current neurologist, who I first saw this year, said he didn't see anything previous neuros missed, and said he couldn't think of any long term medications to try, saying something like prednisone he would have tried for two weeks at most at a high dosage taper, but no longer than that. He said a spinal tap may have been helpful early on, but didn't see anything indicating atypical GBS/CIDP.
Is there really not much given for neuropathy? I'm guessing steroids aren't considered unless you're losing motor function or something? Sensory neuropathy doesn't have many medication treatments, I assume? It's been sensory neuropathy for me, not motor function. I never lost function of my face or other areas.
I am convinced I have/had a chronic inflammatory/autoimmune issue that still hasn't been found. Since this occurred during the COVID pandemic, I believe I caught that and it spurred this on. Every reasonable blood work test was done including for autoimmune disorders/ANA testing, but never a lumbar puncture/spinal tap. I had many issues besides neuropathy, such as head pressure, memory loss, dizziness, ear ringing, vertigo, muscle twitching, etc. A lumbar puncture to me seemed warranted, but since my EMG/NCV was normal, my neurologist didn't consider it I guess, even though he told me the EMG/NCV wouldn't find nerve damage in my face, which is where it was, not my arms.
Is there no chance for a recovery at this point? Did doctors miss anything they should have done? I'm not sure what could have been done. Long term steroid usage like with Prednisone carries major risks, but would a low dosage of it, like 5mg, for a few months, been that risky? Anything besides that, that could have been considered?
submitted by Parking_Wolf_4159 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:59 Parking_Wolf_4159 Is there really not much that can be done for neuropathy once you get it? Is there no chance of full recovery even with small fiber neuropathy? Any common treatments besides meds like Gabapentin/Lyrica and vitamin supplements?

I've been dealing with what's been deemed idiopathic neuropathy in the left side of my body for almost 4 years now. It's gotten better over time but never fully healed. I've been through 4 neurologists and other than gabapentin/vitamin supplements, nobody suggested much for it. I believe I've posted here a few times about it. Not going to link previous posts unless asked to.
It affects the left side of my face, neck, and genital area. It used to affect the bottom of my foot and left side of my chest, along with my left inner thigh, but those areas healed. It causes me ED issues and sensitivity issues with sexual activity. The left side of my face some days feels 90% better, the genital area not so much, but has improved.
I was very unhappy with the two neurologists I first saw, which meant it's taken me years to see a neurologist I like. The neurologist I saw the longest gets a lot of 1 star reviews and I was basically forced to keep seeing him by a PCP unwilling to change to a new neurologist so soon. I found out he settled a malpractice lawsuit while I saw him which makes me feel very concerned he didn't do all he could for me.
Is there really not much given for neuropathy? I'm guessing steroids aren't considered unless you're losing motor function or something? Sensory neuropathy doesn't have many medication treatments, I assume? It's been sensory neuropathy for me, not motor function. I never lost function of my face or other areas.
I am convinced I have/had a chronic inflammatory/autoimmune issue that still hasn't been found. Since this occurred during the COVID pandemic, I believe I caught that and it spurred this on. Every reasonable blood work test was done including for autoimmune disorders/ANA testing, but never a lumbar puncture/spinal tap. I had many issues besides neuropathy, such as head pressure, memory loss, dizziness, ear ringing, vertigo, muscle twitching, etc. A lumbar puncture to me seemed warranted, but since my EMG/NCV was normal, my neurologist didn't consider it I guess, even though he told me the EMG/NCV wouldn't find nerve damage in my face, which is where it was, not my arms.
Is there no chance for a recovery at this point? Did doctors miss anything they should have done? I'm not sure what could have been done. Long term steroid usage like with Prednisone carries major risks, but would a low dosage of it, like 5mg, for a few months, been that risky? Anything besides that, that could have been considered?
submitted by Parking_Wolf_4159 to smallfiberneuropathy [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:05 WittyEvaluator TestoPrime Review: My Honest Take on Results (2024)

When I first heard about TestoPrime, I didn't know what to think. As a guy in my thirties, I was aware of the need to keep my testosterone levels up. I was feeling the effects of lower testosterone, like losing muscle, being tired, having less interest in things, and feeling off. I wanted something that could help. TestoPrime seemed promising, claiming to help with muscle, energy, libido, mood, and brain function. This review will tell you how it went after a few months of trying TestoPrime.
Right from the start, I felt better. My energy and mood improved a lot. The formula with things like vitamin D3, B vitamins, and zinc made me hopeful. After starting, I saw my muscles get bigger and felt stronger when exercising. It was clear the supplement was raising my testosterone1. I was also much less tired and more productive every day.
As time went by, my sex life got better, too. TestoPrime is made to boost libido and sex performance. It does this by keeping testosterone in a healthy range without making it too high. This kept me balanced and healthy sexually1.
But something I didn't expect was better thinking. More testosterone made me clearer in the head. It helped my mood and well-being a lot1. TestoPrime wasn't just about muscles; it was about improving my life in many ways. It really tackled the low testosterone symptoms I was feeling.

Key Takeaways

Introduction to TestoPrime and Its Claims

TestoPrime is getting a lot of interest as a natural way to boost testosterone for men. Its goal is to enhance overall health and well-being. It is made from natural ingredients to help older men deal with low testosterone signs and feel more energized.

What is TestoPrime?

TestoPrime is a special product for men, boosting testosterone with 12 natural ingredients. It's seen as the top choice in a market full of testosterone boosters2. This formula helps with gaining muscle, a strong metabolism, better sex, and clear thinking, showing its all-round health value2.

Why Testosterone Levels Are Important

Testosterone is key for men's physical and mental health. After age 40, men start losing about 1% of their testosterone yearly2. Recognizing low testosterone signs early is crucial for a good life quality. It's important for keeping muscle, energy, stable moods, and sexual health, all making a difference to well-being3. Between 2001 and 2011, there was more use of testosterone replacement therapy in the U.S., showing growing awareness of its benefits3.

How TestoPrime Works

TestoPrime shows its strength through selected natural ingredients. These work together to raise testosterone safely and effectively. They fight low testosterone symptoms by improving how the body absorbs and creates testosterone. Over 75 studies were used to create this powerful mix2. It contains vital things like zinc and vitamins B6 and B12 for optimal health and testosterone boost4. TestoPrime is serious about health and well-being, backed by science. It aims for real changes like more muscle, better metabolism, stronger sex life, and improved thinking4.

TestoPrime Review: User Experiences and Ratings

Learning how users feel about TestoPrime gives us a close look at its effects. Their stories, scores, and tips shed light on this supplement's results.

Positive User Reviews

People using TestoPrime often feel better in many ways. They say they gain more muscle and strength. Some see their strength jump by 92.2%5.
Others talk about higher energy and sharper focus. Many notice they're losing weight, turning fat into energy better. They drop their body fat by up to 16%5.
Improvements in sex drive are also common. This boost is thanks to Pomegranate Extract in the formula. Half of all reviews rate TestoPrime 5 stars6.

Mixed Feedback and Criticisms

But, not everyone highlights only good things. About 11% give it 3 out of 5 stars, mentioning ways it could be better6. 7% felt the results were only okay6.
Then, 24% rate it the lowest, sharing their disappointments6. Some talk about product misjudgments and expectations not being met. Issues regarding refunds and time to see effects are main concerns.

Customer Service Experience

Opinions on TestoPrime's customer service are diverse. Many praise the quick and helpful support. They value easy and fast solutions6.
But, some feel the service isn't as good, mentioning slow responses and refund troubles. Understanding these comments helps future customers know what to expect6.

My Honest Take on TestoPrime Results

After using TestoPrime for several months, I've learned a lot. I saw a big jump in my energy levels quickly after I started7. This helped a lot in the gym and with my daily tasks.
I noticed my strength increase just like Darrell Dubbya and Scott Grygo6. They said they felt stronger and had more stamina by the time they were halfway through their second bottle. Also, my body started looking better over time. This shows TestoPrime helps with muscle and getting into shape7.
But, TestoPrime doesn't work the same for everyone. Andreas and Michael didn't see much change even with a healthy lifestyle and using TestoPrime for a long time6. My experience was better, but I did notice some downsides. Although I liked the energy and improved gym results, I did hit a point where I stopped seeing progress. This made me wonder about the long-term impact.
In the end, my review shows both the good and the not-so-good parts of TestoPrime. It does boost your energy and helps in the gym quite quickly. However, its effects on testosterone levels and muscle gains might not be the same for everyone over time7. Anyone thinking about trying it should know the pros and cons to make an informed decision.


What is TestoPrime?

TestoPrime is a natural supplement that boosts testosterone. It's made for men over thirty to enhance health. It improves muscle, energy, libido, mood, and brain functions.

Why are testosterone levels important?

In men, testosterone is crucial for both physical and mental health. It's needed for strong muscles, a speedy metabolism, good sexual performance, and clear thinking. Keeping testosterone at the right levels helps men lead healthy lives as they age.

How does TestoPrime work?

TestoPrime uses natural ingredients to kickstart testosterone production. This fights signs of low testosterone like weak muscles, extra weight, low sex drive, and poor memory. It helps build muscles, raises energy, and makes men healthier overall.

What are the benefits of TestoPrime?

TestoPrime boosts muscle, cuts fat, ups energy, makes libido stronger, balances mood, and sharpens mind. It battles the drop in testosterone that comes with getting older.

What have users said about TestoPrime?

Reviews on TestoPrime are mixed. Good ones talk about gains in strength, losing weight, quick recovery, and improved sex. Others found the effects less noticeable and mentioned issues with refunds and service.

How is TestoPrime different from other testosterone boosters?

TestoPrime is unique for its natural ingredients and broad focus on male health. It improves physical, mental, and sexual well-being. And it does it without synthetic chemicals.

What has been my personal experience using TestoPrime?

Using TestoPrime, I saw better results in my workouts, more energy, improved body, mood, and daily performance. While it affects everyone differently, the gains I saw matched the promises, giving a fair view for others considering it.

Are there any side effects associated with TestoPrime?

Since TestoPrime is all-natural, side effects are low. Still, people respond differently to supplements. Talking to a doctor before trying it is wise.

How long does it take to see results with TestoPrime?

How fast TestoPrime works varies person to person. Age, lifestyle, and initial testosterone play a role. Some feel better in weeks, others need more time. But, sticking to the dose is important for results.

Source Links:

submitted by WittyEvaluator to RedditRealTalk [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:48 Glittering_Paint4404 Advice for 5?!

Starting 5 next Monday. I have been on 2.5 for 3 weeks. First week minimal side effects, 2nd week felt like I was pregnant w/ constant nausea and lingering "sick" feeling, 3rd week similar to the first with minimal side effects. I have lost about 8-9 lbs so far, but also made lifestyle changes within these 3 weeks from a huge change in diet to also exercising!
I've heard/read mixed reviews from others such as staying on 2.5 until plateau (esp if minimal side effects) and that 5 could be worse with side effects.
I noticed my hunger comes back around day 4-5 and my dr said if I did good on 2.5 to up to 5 so that is what I'm going to try. Any tips/suggestions?! Any supplements or vitamins to add as preventative measures? Just praying I don't feel like I did that second week of 2.5 or worse. It was a horrible week and I lost minimal weight compared to the other weeks.
submitted by Glittering_Paint4404 to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:07 nilarzu My son has been diagnosed with celiac disease, but apart from medical evidence, everything is very complicated. Is it gluten or casein that causes this?

(I definitely don't want medical help or diagnosis, I'm just curious about your opinions. Our doctor has already made the diagnosis.)
He is my wind, he is my sunlight, my dear son who is 10 years old and has been diagnosed with celiac disease. I feel like I’ve been pulled into a black hole’s gravitational field. When he was just 5 years old, questioning the universe, he said, “Mom, who knows, maybe our world is inside a black hole…”
He has always been a fun-loving and life-loving child. When he was 5, I took him to a pedagogue to learn about his cognitive profile, and the pedagogue said his cognitive age was 3 years older and that such children might develop attention deficit disorder and what we could do for his development. How could I have known that his distraction could have been due to celiac disease in the following years?
He loves eating, especially pasta, pastries, and other junk foods like other kids. I managed to protect him from junk food until he was almost 5 years old. Even if there were tricks, you only realize this after starting school and you can’t stop it (this is the point where I blame myself the most). I always cooked at home, everything was made at home with vegetables and meat. These should have been the rules of healthy eating for me, and even though eating out has increased a bit in the last year, this hasn’t changed; I still cook homemade meals. I am a vice-principal at a school, which requires me to be at school 5 days a week, including summer holidays. I’ve been doing this job for almost eight years. And now I’ve decided to resign and switch to teaching because I know I need to cook more homemade meals at home and pay attention to cross-contamination. I have a 5-year-old daughter, her tests came back negative, and I think I need to be home to protect her (another point where I blame myself is that I should have been home).
Rüzgar generally didn’t have any issues after meals. All my observations showed this except for milk. Whenever he went through a heavy milk-drinking phase, his stomach pain would increase. Like every child, we thought it was an infection he caught from school when he had diarrhea. Actually, maybe he had diarrhea 5-6 times in his life, but we had to go to the emergency room a few times due to stomach pain and gas pain. He was generally a very healthy child. In the last few years, he mentioned a few times that he had numbness in his hands and legs, usually when he stayed in the same position for a long time, and we interpreted it that way (but maybe because I was very worried as a mother, I took him to the doctor and everything was said to be normal). We went to orthopedics because of leg pain and had an X-ray taken. It was said that his legs were growing and this was normal. When he said he had headaches, we went to the doctor again and came back with the explanation that everything was normal. I didn’t listen to those who said I was exaggerating and didn’t stop taking him to the doctor, but no doctor listened to the mother either. Maybe if they had, the diagnosis could have been made earlier (when I reviewed past records, I found that the emergency doctor diagnosed him with gastroenteritis colitis in 2022 when we went for gas pain. But he said gas and sent us home. Now I blame myself for not looking back on this).
(Rüzgar’s peers usually complained about the same issues; headaches, leg pain, numbness, we witnessed these, and this was always considered normal by the mothers, even if I didn’t find it normal and visited doctors.)
And the date is February 20, 2024. Rüzgar had a three-day, non-feverish diarrhea. No vomiting, generally fine, but stomach pain and diarrhea lasted three days. On the third day, we went to the pediatrician and the diarrhea had subsided. I explained all the previous symptoms, but the diarrhea was like all other children and the doctor was going to give us probiotics and send us home (actually, his sister also had diarrhea on the fourth day). Rüzgar loved eating, but didn’t eat much, his weight and height were in the 95th percentile, but he had a slight belly. I expressed my concern and asked for his liver enzymes to be checked and the doctor agreed. I asked the doctor to check these values for Rüzgar because his father and aunt had thyroid disease. Suddenly, the doctor thought of something and said if there is an autoimmune disease in the family, the child might have another celiac disease, let’s check. (But every time blood was taken, I would say these things for Rüzgar and have them checked, no doctor would think of this). And of course, the value came out to be 200 (tissue transglutaminase reference: <20) and then we were referred to gastroenterology. The gastroenterologist gave us the anti-gliadin antibody test: negative, EMA: positive, and performed endoscopy + biopsy. When we found out it was Mars 3b (stage 3b), we were in shock. Rüzgar’s vitamin and mineral values were good, liver enzymes were normal, iron was at its highest level, thyroid and sugar were normal.
On the day of the endoscopy, my son and 4-5 other children were going to have an endoscopy for celiac disease, and I talked to their families. When they saw Rüzgar, they were all very surprised and said it was impossible because Rüzgar was almost twice the size of all the other children (some were older and some were the same age). When Rüzgar saw the children, he turned to me and said, “Mom, I guess I’m an exceptional case.” Even then, he made me laugh.
Everything happened so fast that, as Rüzgar said, I feel like I’m being pulled into a black hole.
After getting the celiac screening results on February 23rd and reading all the scientific articles (I think all the available articles are crazy), I gave him more gluten than usual until April 26th to avoid disrupting the endoscopy. I used to feel very sad about his belly, I wouldn't make pasta unless he wanted it and I would limit bread. Until the endoscopy, he ate pasta, ravioli, pastries, sandwiches, etc. every day. Even though he ate so much gluten, he didn't experience a single headache or stomach ache. In fact, her belly shrank and her bloating decreased. We went to the doctor on May 7 with the biopsy and gene result (HLA-DQ2: positive) and the diagnosis was made. The doctor talked to Rüzgar, gave a diet list, and explained what we needed to do: Switch to a gluten-free diet and check the values ​​again after two months (he was a very gracious and good doctor). My husband and I were devastated. I almost couldn't look at Rüzgar for two months. I cried every time I saw him. However, the day I was diagnosed, I was unresponsive, too unresponsive to understand anything. And I was trying to understand that I had to be strong.
The doctor said we could consume dairy products but it should be lactose-free for a few weeks. And we did as he said after the diagnosis, Rüzgar started drinking lactose-free milk, I completely changed and cleaned the kitchen, bought new pans, cutting boards, and gluten-free products, and baked the bread myself. I had enough knowledge to prevent cross-contamination, but something wasn’t right. Since Rüzgar started drinking milk, almost 9 days have passed, and his stomach has been hurting for 3 days, and his belly is more bloated than ever. I feel very confused. If gluten bothers him, he ate more gluten for a month and a half; yet he wasn’t bothered at all when I removed milk. He is currently on a gluten-free diet and is very uncomfortable because he drinks milk. I don’t know if I should consider that Marsh 3b grade damage could affect serology due to casein protein. I explained the situation to the doctor, and he said it was no longer necessary to question celiac disease and that he could consume dairy products, but we should stop milk. In two months, we will see if the strict gluten-free diet has worked. I won’t know which one is the reason.
On the day of diagnosis, the doctor referred us to measure bone mineral density with a bone mineral densitometer. The measurement was done with a device, and the specialist who performed the measurement said, “Your son has the healthiest bones I’ve ever seen. What kind of celiac is this?” He consoled me because I was very upset. He said he did not think it was celiac, but that I should still trust the doctor.
For the past three days, the middle part of his chest has been hurting just like when he drank milk (we took him to the cardiology professor the day after the diagnosis, and he said everything was fine).
Intelligent children may have attention deficit disorder, right? I didn’t give up on this, and the doctor I saw in September said it was normal and recommended fish oil. In the past, he had small itchy rashes on his scalp, and we took him to the doctor for this. Medications were given for eczema, and when we went again, they suggested changing the shampoo.
Celiac patients can develop sensitivities to many foods due to intestinal damage, but since gluten is the main trigger in these patients, they primarily react to it. However, we are on the 25rd day of a strict gluten-free diet, and Rüzgar’s belly is still swollen and hurting. He is currently consuming dairy products except for milk. Despite having a Marsh 3 score, Rüzgar always reacted to casein, not gluten, and this contradiction confuses me.
(Please forgive me as this is a very long post.)
submitted by nilarzu to Gluten [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:27 meothfulmode The Common Principles of Health - a synthesis of reading 32 different nutrition books and 30 different papers

Because I am a dork who has been interested in nutrition for years I was curious how much overlap there was between nutrition advice across the medical, scientific, and consumer self-help spectrum. So, I went through and read a whole bunch of books[1] on the subject, government guidelines across the globe, as well as a number of scientific articles (meta-analysis, editorials, etc.) and wrote down all the general principles they suggested.
Then I ran that through ChatGPT 4Omni and asked it to give me a list of the most common principles from most-often repeated to least. The answers were... not surprising! Turns out common sense really is common.[2] I suspect a lot of people will read these and say "yeah, no duh" but it was a fun exercise for me and it increased my confidence in the general intelligence of humanity and the value of the scientific method.
Below is the list of Healthy Habits organized by categories (Diet Principles, Eating Principles, Living Practices) and arranged in order from the greatest impact[3] to the least. So, if you want to try adopting any of these principles into your life start at the top of each list and work your way down.

Healthy Diet Principles

Healthy Eating Principles

Healthy Daily Practices

[1] I started by reading through everything at Red Pen Reviews and then I moved onto the best-seller list for diet and nutrition on the NYT and Amazon.
[2] What I did find surprising is how rarely Calorie Counting was mentioned as a healthy habit. It was associated with weight loss in the short term, but most of the meta-analysis showed that over the long term most people gain the weight back so it wasn't considered a "general solution for health and longevity." I've excluded it from the list because it was way low down on the list of principles that GPT spit out and because it feels like a thing one can do on top of these habits, but the habits can also be practiced without writing down what you ate and how many calories were in them.
[3] I use the term "impact" to mean "basically a lot of studies showed significant and strong evidence in observational cohort metaanalysis that doing this is good for you"
submitted by meothfulmode to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:09 anchal1202 How Does KeraBiotics Works?

In the intricate ballet of bodily health, every element plays a pivotal role, more so in areas we seldom consider, like our toenails. The innovation that KeraBiotics brings to the table is akin to a finely tuned orchestra, each component working in harmony to restore the natural splendor of our nails. But what underlies this symphony of healing? Let's unravel the science behind KeraBiotics, exploring how it redefines the approach to combating nail fungus and ensuring the vitality of our toenails.

Central to KeraBiotics' remarkable efficacy is its carefully curated composition. A blend of nature's finest—plant extracts, essential nutrients, potent herbs, vital vitamins, and minerals—each selected for their proven benefits in nurturing nail health. But it's not just about the ingredients; it's how they synergize to address the root causes of nail concerns.

One of the standout features of KeraBiotics, as noted in several KeraBiotics reviews, is its holistic approach to managing inflammation. Inflammation, often the body's response to invasion or injury, can compromise the nail's integrity, making it a breeding ground for fungus. The antioxidant-rich components within KeraBiotics serve as the first line of defense, neutralizing free radicals and, thereby, mitigating inflammation. This pivotal action enhances the body's own reparative processes, allowing it to more effectively combat toenail fungus.

In the intricate ballet of bodily health, every element plays a pivotal role, more so in areas we seldom consider, like our toenails. The innovation that KeraBiotics brings to the table is akin to a finely tuned orchestra, each component working in harmony to restore the natural splendor of our nails. But what underlies this symphony of healing? Let's unravel the science behind KeraBiotics, exploring how it redefines the approach to combating nail fungus and ensuring the vitality of our toenails.

Central to KeraBiotics' remarkable efficacy is its carefully curated composition. A blend of nature's finest—plant extracts, essential nutrients, potent herbs, vital vitamins, and minerals—each selected for their proven benefits in nurturing nail health. But it's not just about the ingredients; it's how they synergize to address the root causes of nail concerns.

One of the standout features of KeraBiotics, as noted in several KeraBiotics reviews, is its holistic approach to managing inflammation. Inflammation, often the body's response to invasion or injury, can compromise the nail's integrity, making it a breeding ground for fungus. The antioxidant-rich components within KeraBiotics serve as the first line of defense, neutralizing free radicals and, thereby, mitigating inflammation. This pivotal action enhances the body's own reparative processes, allowing it to more effectively combat toenail fungus.

Moreover, the narrative of healing doesn't end with inflammation control. Immune support is another cornerstone of the KeraBiotics formula. By bolstering the body's natural defenses, KeraBiotics ensures that the immune system is primed and ready to fend off bacterial and viral adversaries. This aspect is particularly crucial, as a compromised immune system can often lead to recurring fungal infections, a concern echoed in numerous KeraBiotics reviews.

Moreover, the narrative of healing doesn't end with inflammation control. Immune support is another cornerstone of the KeraBiotics formula. By bolstering the body's natural defenses, KeraBiotics ensures that the immune system is primed and ready to fend off bacterial and viral adversaries. This aspect is particularly crucial, as a compromised immune system can often lead to recurring fungal infections, a concern echoed in numerous KeraBiotics reviews.
submitted by anchal1202 to u/anchal1202 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:29 kataraya Discover the Top 3 Phentermine Alternatives: Best OTC Adipex Brands Put to the Test

Phentermine is a well-known prescription medication for weight loss, but it's not always the right fit for everyone due to its potential side effects and the need for a prescription. Fortunately, there are several over-the-counter (OTC) alternatives that mimic Phentermine's effects without the same risks. In this article, we will explore the three best OTC Phentermine alternatives, providing you with safe and effective options to aid your weight loss journey.
#1 – PhenQ: The Top Phentermine Alternative. Type: Natural fat burner and appetite suppressant; Price: $69.99 single – $41.80 per bottle

What is Phentermine and Why Seek Alternatives?

Phentermine is an appetite suppressant that affects the central nervous system. It's typically prescribed for short-term use in combination with exercise and diet to treat obesity. However, it can cause side effects such as increased heart rate, dry mouth, insomnia, and more. Moreover, it’s not suitable for everyone, especially those with certain health conditions.
This is where OTC alternatives come in. These supplements are designed to replicate the benefits of Phentermine, such as appetite suppression and increased energy, without the adverse effects. Here are the top three OTC Phentermine alternatives you can consider.

1. PhenQ


PhenQ is one of the most popular OTC alternatives to Phentermine. Manufactured by Wolfson Berg Limited, PhenQ combines multiple weight loss benefits to help you achieve your goals.


Key Ingredients


Take two capsules daily, one with breakfast and one with lunch.

Customer Reviews

PhenQ has received positive reviews for its comprehensive approach to weight loss and minimal side effects. Many users report significant weight loss and increased energy levels.

2. Leanbean


Leanbean is a powerful OTC weight loss supplement specifically designed for women. It's formulated by Ultimate Life Ltd. and addresses the unique challenges women face when trying to lose weight.


Key Ingredients


Take six capsules per day, two with each meal.

Customer Reviews

Leanbean is praised for its gentle yet effective approach to weight loss. Women particularly appreciate its appetite-suppressing properties and the absence of harsh stimulants.

3. Instant Knockout


Instant Knockout was originally developed for professional fighters and athletes. Manufactured by Roar Ambition, it’s designed to deliver powerful weight loss results.


Key Ingredients


Take four capsules daily, one with each meal and one before bed.

Customer Reviews

Instant Knockout is highly regarded for its fast-acting and effective formula. Users report noticeable fat loss and improved energy levels, making it a favorite among athletes and fitness enthusiasts.
#1 – PhenQ: The Top Phentermine Alternative. Type: Natural fat burner and appetite suppressant; Price: $69.99 single – $41.80 per bottle


While Phentermine is a powerful weight loss medication, its potential side effects and prescription requirement make it less accessible for many people. Fortunately, OTC alternatives like PhenQ, Leanbean, and Instant Knockout offer effective and safer options for those looking to lose weight. Each of these supplements has been tried and tested, delivering impressive results without the downsides of prescription medication. Always remember to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement to ensure it’s suitable for your health needs.Phentermine is a well-known prescription medication for weight loss, but it's not always the right fit for everyone due to its potential side effects and the need for a prescription. Fortunately, there are several over-the-counter (OTC) alternatives that mimic Phentermine's effects without the same risks. In this article, we will explore the three best OTC Phentermine alternatives, providing you with safe and effective options to aid your weight loss journey.
submitted by kataraya to hansgoreview [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:19 stripeyhoodie A BPAL Review Roundup of 14 Scents

This is a compilation of two days' worth of testing & reviewing perfumes from Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab that I previously left in Indie of the Day comments. Please keep in mind that these are "first impression" style reviews, so I can't comment on throw or wear length. With the exception of I Know You're Watching Me, everything here came as a free sample included with my orders, and will be available in the GC.
Day 1
A Countenance Foreboding Evil (Patchouli, ylang ylang, blood orange, and vetiver). I didn't like this when I first received it, with no idea of the scent notes. Coming back to it today wasn't any better. Sweet and musty. Like an old attic that hasn't been kept totally dry. Dusty, fussy, and sickly sweet. Not a winner for me. I'm very patchouli skeptical and hate oranges. I vaguely recall maybe disliking ylang ylang as well. We just weren't meant to be. Destash.
Depraved (Earthy black patchouli swelling with apricot). There wasn't really hope for this one either. I don't loathe it, though. The apricot is nice and I could see how this might work for me layered with something else. The apricot has a nice tanginess to it that brightens the patchouli enough to be tolerable. Husband thinks it smells like vitamin C tablets. Probably nice on someone else. Destash.
Hecate (Deep, buttery almond layered over myrrh and dark musk). I was excited by the name alone and applied without checking the notes first. Internal monologue on applying this went something like, "Jesus that's sweet. Bubblegum? Or is it fruit punch!? Wtf am I smelling?" Then 10 seconds later, "Oh I like this what's in it 🥺". The almond is intense in the bottle but immediately calms down upon application. It's rich without being foodie. This one oozes confidence; sensual without being lusty. Piercing eyes and a quick wit. A very adult fragrance that says "I have arrived". The myrrh is resinous rather than dry. A hint of citrus brightens things up just a bit and the musk keeps everything grounded and warm and full. Absolutely lovely. Keeping.
Jezebel (A gloriously decadent blend of honey, roses, orange blossom and sandalwood). My nose must be getting better. I was able to identify honey, and not-quite-orange off the bat without the scent notes. This one is very smiley. A bright, happy fragrance. Positivity liquefied. Sunshine and flowers in your hair and an unselfconscious toothy grin. The rose and honey are so beautifully matched here, and the orange blossom is pretty and just east of true citrus. The sandalwood feels like an afterthought, but may simply be playing a supporting role to allow the rest of the notes to flourish. I'll wear this on days I need a feminine pick-me-up. Keeping.
Black Annis (A mixture of damp cave lichen and oak leaf with a hint of vetiver, civet and anise). I remembered liking this in the imp so I put it on without much further thought or care. It goes on spicy, almost smoky. There's a bite to it that's adjacent to black pepper. Later I forgot what I was wearing and was surprised to find I smelled black licorice - ah yes, anise. This one is complex. Musky, sweet, spicy, earthy, rich. There is a lot going on, but it's oddly harmonious. I think I like it, but Black Annis is such a singular experience that I can't quite wrap my head around it yet. This one will need further testing to be fully appreciated. In limbo.
Urd (Muscadine, black and red patchouli, cereus and nag champa). This imp was poorly behaved and splortched all over the side of the bottle upon opening. I instinctively spread the spillage onto my hand and wrist so as not to waste it. After 2 minutes I smelled like a headshop and promptly scrubbed it off. "Urd" might be exactly what came out of my mouth while crinkling my nose. 😖 Destash.
Jack (True Halloween pumpkin, spiced with nutmeg, glowing peach and murky clove). After my Urd experience, I decided to actually check the notes before diving in with this one. To me, Jack smells just like a fall themed candle from a place like Bath & Body Works. Maybe the candle is called Autumn Sweater. It's sweet. It's spiced. I don't know that I can smell pumpkin, but I don't know that I can't smell pumpkin - just like the candle. I feel like I've met the kind of woman who loves this perfume for fall. She's a perfectly lovely person, but we find we don't have much to say to each other. Destash.
Black Tower (Long-dead soldiers, oath-bound; the perfume of their armor, the chill wind that surges through their tower, white bone and blackened steel: white sandalwood, ambergris, wet ozone, galbanum and leather with ebony, teak, burnt grasses, English ivy and a hint of red wine). My last scent for the day. I let a friend sample this imp and liked it on them. I'm glad I gave it a try myself because I adore this. These long dead soldiers are ghostly, not embodied. The burnt grass and ozone in this add a perfect crispness to an otherwise heady scent. The smell has a vapor-like quality to it somehow. Like picking up a scent in the breeze after rain. The metal in this is gorgeous. I love BPAL's metallic notes and this is no exception. The ivy and wine sweeten things up just enough to keep this from feeling dismal. It feels like looking out on the sea from a high window in a drafty tower, wrapped in a thick shawl and holding a leather journal you're about to pour your heart out to. Gorgeous. I want 6 bottles of this. Keeping.
Day 2
I Know You're Watching Me (A smear of flushed, pearly skin musk splashed by a sophisticated vintage aldehyde perfume and drenched in the secretions of high-pitched arousal). I looked high and low for a decant of this. Upon application, it smells like extremely fragrant laundry. The way you dream your laundry would smell when your maids are finished washing and neatly folding it. As it dries, I start to get the faintest hint of honey, then something savory, but it's lurking quietly behind the aldehydes, which are now giving the impression of something almost lemony -but there's definitely no lemon. After some time I'm not sure if I'm getting the skin musk or secretions, but I'm definitely smelling a person. It smells like skin that is just developing a light sheen of salty sweat from exertion. It's sensual and absolutely lusty. But the bright, breathy aldehydes keep this very wearable as a daily perfume. It's perfectly clean and perfectly dirty at the same time. A housewife consumed by daydreams of carnal animal passion. Shockingly true to the description. Keeping & upgrading to full size.
Anteros (Throbbing red musk and shimmering chypre with saffron, sweet patchouli, Italian bergamot, red currant, and vanilla bean). Off the bat, the red musk is front and center, smelling of a swirling blend of warm, dry spices. The bergamot peeks out fairly quickly, smelling of orange wood. I almost don't recognize the chypre, as the spices totally dry it out. Anteros begins to take on a traditionally masculine quality at around this point. I get a hint of the patchouli but no red currant at all, which I'm pretty disappointed about. I think a bit of fruit juice would really brighten this up and round it out. The overall effect for me is bitter, dry spices and woods. It does seem to liven up a bit after a longer wear, but I've got a masculine-leaning chypre that I prefer on myself. Passing this on to my husband.
Harlot's House (Angel's trumpet, violet, white sandalwood, oude, copaiba balsam, angelica, white tea, olibanum, and oakmoss). This goes on as a riotous, bright floral. Sweet and lively. These harlots aren't the sultry, seductive type. They're sitting on bar tops and telling tall tales. They're doing the can-can while breathless with giddy laughter. Flushed and beaming and one more round of drinks. The olibanum gives a tartness to the florals, while the oak moss and sandalwood add a touch of sophistication. Truly lovely, upbeat, and with surprising depth. The angel's trumpet is simply gorgeous in this. On me this is a scent for leveraging feminine wiles and exercising inconspicuous power. However, my husband also enjoyed wearing this one. Keeping.
Mag Mell (The warmth of amber, the puissance of white ginger and the clarity of verbena, with fresh green grass, lush sage and cleansing droplets of summer rain). This goes on wet like a bar soap with the word "zest" or "spring" in the name. As it dries down, a wave of verbena threatens to overtake everything else. Luckily the verbena settles down almost as quickly as it appears, allowing the grass and sage to come out to play. The whole effect is very green, crisp, and breezy. The ginger only just peeks out here and there, very elusive and almost shy. I think it's the summer rain component that gives the "clean" impression. This would be a perfect scent on a sweltering day. With further wear, the bright herbaceous plant matter is softened by the amber. I think this would be an easy go-to during the warmer months for any gender. Keeping.
Port Royal (Spiced rum and ship’s wood mixed with the body-warmed trace of a prostitute’s perfume and a hint of salty sea air on the dry-down). My initial thoughts are "bitch, you smell like rum". Suffice to say, this is very rum-forward on application. It does feel like a beach party scent. You've got a hibiscus flower in your hair and by the end of the night you can't tell what's perfume and what's real rum, and you don't care. The wood in this isn't overbearing, it gives me the impression of the wood planks of a coastal pier; weather worn and salt crusted. Not sure if this scent is for me, but I'll give it another go on a warm day. In limbo.
Bayou (Spanish moss, evergreen and cypress with watery blue-green notes and an eddy of hothouse flowers and swamp blooms). This is all floral on me, with evergreen & cypress playing second fiddle somewhere in the background. It's a scent that feels humid, like sitting on the back porch and fanning yourself as you pick up the scent of trees heavy with blooming gardenias. I think I pick up other white florals as well, maybe jasmine. I am missing the water, the bayou itself, almost entirely. Gimme that murky swamp water. This is pretty, but I can't see myself reaching for it often. I'll use up this imp's ear but won't repurchase. Keeping.
submitted by stripeyhoodie to Indiemakeupandmore [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:58 thepoetfrommars I need guidance

about me. 26M. Have a job to provide. Live alone away from hometown due to job. Parents recently divorced. I am connected with them. Long term relationship (8+) with my gf (currently longdistance); i love her. Have hypothyroidism and consistent low b12 and vitamin d.
Post the diagnosis (its been 7 yrs) I have never came back to who I was earlier. I had so much energy and positive outlook. I dont see that now. I am always lethargic procastinating. No sleep feels enough. I am not discipline and not tidy. I weekly clean up my flat but thats all there to tidying. I currently started slogging at my job; ( i still perform well as per reviews ) i feel there is much more I could have done if I didnt scroll through reels, watch videos during office work. The field I am in, there is many scope of research and deepdiving. I did 0 in the last 2 years. Started smoking ( which i really wanna quit so bad) heaily and drinking ( seldomly as it makes me feel very bad next day). I rarely exercise. I want to get hold of my life before its too late. I want to excel in my personal relationships and also have a good career which I believe I can if I try enough. But still I get distracted very very easily. I need help and guidance on how to take control of my life.
Just remembered, sometimes while reflecting I feel I waste too much time thinking than taking action. But i get lost very fast. I want to tackle all of this one by one.
Thanks for taking time to read.
submitted by thepoetfrommars to Adulting [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:06 pr30061 [ review]Chemist at play underarm roll on

Skin conditions - hyperpigmentation Climatic conditions at the time of using the product - normal to hot ( pune wheather) Your age range - 29F Usage timeline - started in Feb Ingredient List- Purified Water, Lactic Acid, Fragrance, Propanediol, Mandelic Acid, Phenoxyethanol, Polysorbate-80, Xanthan Gum, Allantoin, 3-O-Ethyl Ascorbic Acid, Sodium Hyaluronate, Rice (Oryza Sativa) Phytoceramides, Konjac (Amorphophallus) Phytoceramides, Phospholipids, Sphingolipids, Di-Sodium EDTA-
Fragrance - right now I am using the fragrance free ( on my 2 nd bottle), it smells okayish I really liked their Aqua varient roll on
"I purchased the Chemist at Play Underarm Roll-On 4 months back I am already done with one bottle purchased because because I was looking for a reliable deodorant that could handle sweat oder. The product had good reviews, from this sub."
[Product link 🖇️ ](
Key ingredients Mendalic acid, lactic acid and vitamin c
Personal Experience: "After using the Chemist at Play Underarm Roll-On for almost 4 months, I found that it does at provide all-day protection against odor. The roll-on is easy to apply and dries quickly without leaving any residue. I appreciate the gentle formula, which didn’t irritate my sensitive skin.
Pros and Cons:
Gentle, skin-friendly formula Quick-drying and non-sticky Effective odor protection for regular days Pleasant, subtle scent
It did nothing for my hyperpigmentation
My verdict I will repurchase for the odour control 4/5
submitted by pr30061 to IndianSkincareAddicts [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:50 petitegonewildaf Skincare collection of the past and present & some reviews

Skincare collection of the past and present & some reviews
Skincare type: Super oily during summers and dry during winters. Age: 26, F. Region: Hilly/ mountainous region
Following are the reviews of some of the decent/ best ones that I've used in the past and present and will mention some that aren't a part of the picture too.
Klairs Supple Preparation Facial toner: This one is the best out of all the toners. I have three members in my family relying on this toner with varying skin types and they've all vouched for its efficacy. It’s a no-nonsense toner. Does its job in hydrating the skin without making it oily. The texture isn't exactly as watery as the Isntree green tea one but is comparable to the mochi mochi one. WRP.
Klairs Daily Skin Hydrating Water: This one is a bang for the buck! I got this from Limese( plus I got unlimited freebies lol) for around 1k and the 500ml bottle lasts for a year! The texture is literally like water and gets absorbed quickly. People living in hot regions can use this without getting their skin barrier disrupted or making it further oily. WRP.
Aquasoft FC: I’ve used many bottles of this in the past too. Dermat recommended it to my mom. It’s a budget-friendly pharma moisturiser which suits dry and combi skin well. WRP if other options aren't available.
Soon Jung emulsion: A basic emulsion that suits all skin types. The texture of this and Etude’s collagen emulsion is exactly the same, thus making it a decent option for oily skin ppl too. I've used it as a moisturiser and does the job well. MRP
Cosrx lightweight soothing moisturiser: I think this is my fav new moisturiser. It has a faint smell of tea tree and instantly calms and cools down the skin once applied. The texture is gel-like and gets absorbed in a jiffy. WRP.
Blynds Ac SPF 30 and Emugel SPF 40: Before I switched on to k- beauty sunscreens, this used to be my HG and I've used more than ten tubes of it. Emugel is way better than the AC version as it’s lighter and the texture of it mimics K-beauty sunscreens. I stopped using it later only because it started pilling. Don't go for the AC one as it’s silicone based and you’ll feel like you’re applying cement on your face. WRP if I have no other option.
Isntree sunscreen watery gel SPF 50: Used to be my HG too and I do use it sometimes. It’s better than the BOJ one as the texture is a tad bit lighter, but not too moisturizing like the BOJ one. The best part is it doesn't pill and works great under makeup too. WRP.
BOJ sunscreen: A decent option but would probably rate it lower on the order of Korean sunscreens. People living in warm regions( esp if you've oily skin) should skip it as it’s a bit heavier than the Isntree and the Klairs ones. MRP
Klairs All-day airy sunscreen: Just got this today from Nykka and I'm blown away by how light its texture is. Will review this someday later.
Serums/ treatment:
BOJ eye cream: I think you can skip this and just lather on a good moisturizer under your eyes because I didn't notice any sort of change. Instead, my sister with sensitive skin reported that she got those milia-like rashes under her eyes because of this. WNRP because it’s a waste of 💵
Klairs Vitamin C: This was the first vitamin C serum that I was introduced to in my skincare journey and I still swear my allegiance to it. I know people hate it because of its oily texture but this really helped a lot in reducing my light pigmentation/ freckles. I use it only at night. WRP always.
Paula’s Choice BHA: Does its job in removing blackheads. MRP
Cosrx AHA: The first AHA that I was introduced to and still use this to this day. A bottle of it goes a long way and this product single-handedly brightened my dull complexion. I sometimes even use it on my scalp and armpits and it gets rid of the dandruff too. WRP.
Innisfree Retinol CICA: Nothing revolutionary, you can skip it, lol. Plus the bottle feels like you're carrying a rock in your hands. WNRP
Deriva BPO: Dermat recommended when I got a boil on my face. Did nothing for boils but really helps get rid of those pesky little pimples. Always use it at night though. MRP.
Klairs BB cream: Oily skin people who live in hot regions, please avoid it! I live in a hilly area so I’m able to work with it. I don't have to use a primer underneath when I apply this cuz it’s super moisturising. If you're looking for the Korean-ish glow then this product will give you that. WRP
Other products that I've used- Klairs midnight blue cream, Cosrx snail mucin and cream, isntree hyaluronic acid cream, Innisfree clay mask and face wash, and Laneige Cream skin toner. PS- If you wish to know the review of any other product, I would be happy to comment 🥰
submitted by petitegonewildaf to indianbeautyhauls [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:57 Bgold31 Luteal Phase after losses

My wife (31 YO) and I (32 YO) have been TTC since mid-2022. We conceived in the first month of tracking with OPK (Sept 2022) but my wife had a spontaneous miscarriage at 6 weeks. The doctors were concerned about a potential molar pregnancy due to an abnormal scan, but it was ruled out after the D&C and further ultrasound review. My wife’s hormones took a very long time to get back to normal and she didn’t have a period again for about 5 months. Her OB wasn’t concerned at the time because the HCG was going down and the post-D&C scan looked normal.
We started trying again in mid-2023 and conceived in Oct 2023 after 5 cycles. We had a normal 6.5 week scan with heartbeat, but MMC measured 7.5 weeks at 9 week scan. POC tested normal and then we began RPL testing. Everything returned normal, including checks on hormones, clotting disorders, karyotyping, etc. HSG was performed and was normal. Only thing that flagged was her being vitamin D insufficient, but doctors weren’t concerned that was a risk factor. I did a sperm analysis and DNA Fragmentation test, and both returned okay.
We just started to try again, 2 unsuccessful cycles so far. My question is related to luteal phases. My wife always had a 12-14 day luteal phase through the first pregnancy (28-29 day cycle), but after the 1st loss and her irregular cycle, it dropped to around 9 days – still a 28-29 day cycle but ovulated around Day 19. I don’t know if this was a sign that something was off, but looking back it’s fueling our thoughts that maybe something went wrong during her recovery after the 1st loss and it set up a poor environment for 2nd pregnancy (along with her hormones being abnormal for a while and delayed onset of period returning).
Fast forward to now and the recovery after the 2nd D&C is very different. My wife’s period returned within 8 weeks and by the 3rd cycle, her luteal phase returned to 12-14 days (still ovulating around Day 19 but now on a 31-32 day cycle). I guess we just want to know if this means anything compared to the 1st recovery/2nd pregnancy. I know maybe grasping at straws, but just looking for some hope since no answers from all other testing.
submitted by Bgold31 to recurrentmiscarriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:33 MichaelBon Best Collagen Powders for 2024 - Top 5 Picks and In-Depth Reviews

Hey Redditors,
If you're looking for the best collagen powders to kickstart 2024 with healthier skin, hair, nails, and joints, I found a great article on that lists the top 5 collagen powders for this year. The article provides comprehensive reviews and comparisons of each product, making it easier to choose the right one for your needs. Here’s a summary of their top picks:
1. BioTrust Ageless Multi Collagen
2. Collagenius 2.0
3. Collagen Refresh
4. Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides
5. Ancient Nutrition Multi Collagen Protein
Pros of Collagen Supplements:
Cons of Collagen Supplements:
For those interested, you can read the full detailed review and comparison of these top collagen powders here.
Have any of you tried these collagen powders? What were your results? Let’s discuss! 😊
submitted by MichaelBon to MenSupplement [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:31 MichaelBon Collagen Refresh Review - The Ultimate Guide to This Top-Rated Supplement

Hey Redditors,
I came across an in-depth review of the Collagen Refresh supplement on and thought it would be helpful for anyone considering adding collagen to their routine. This review provides a thorough analysis of the product, including its ingredients, benefits, and overall effectiveness. Here’s a summary of the key points:
What is Collagen Refresh?
Key Ingredients:
User Experience:
Final Verdict: The review concludes that Collagen Refresh is an excellent choice for those seeking a high-quality collagen supplement with added health benefits. Its comprehensive formulation targets multiple aspects of health, making it a versatile addition to your wellness routine.
For those interested, you can read the full detailed review here.
Have any of you tried Collagen Refresh? What were your results? Let’s discuss! 😊
submitted by MichaelBon to MenSupplement [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 09:30 abdulmoeed11 [Article] Direct Oral Anticoagulants versus Vitamin K Antagonists in Cirrhotic Patients with Atrial Fibrillation: Update of Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

DOI: 10.1007/s40256-023-00598-1
PMID: 37639201
submitted by abdulmoeed11 to Scholar [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 08:33 deloramajii AeroSlim Product Reviews: Pros, Cons, and User Feedback!

In the world of health and wellness, finding effective supplements that provide real benefits without adverse effects can be a challenge. AeroSlim has emerged as a promising product, capturing the attention of many health enthusiasts. This review delves into what AeroSlim is, how it works, its ingredients, usage, benefits, and potential drawbacks.
What is AeroSlim?
AeroSlim is a dietary supplement designed to support respiratory health and overall wellness. It combines a unique blend of natural extracts and essential vitamins, aimed at enhancing lung function, reducing inflammation, and supporting the immune system. AeroSlim is particularly appealing to those looking to improve their respiratory health naturally, especially in times when maintaining robust respiratory function is critical.
Transform Your Body with AeroSlim Weight Loss. Find out more!
How Does AeroSlim Work?
AeroSlim works by leveraging the therapeutic properties of its natural ingredients to target different aspects of respiratory health. The supplement contains anti-inflammatory, mucolytic, and soothing properties, which work synergistically to alleviate respiratory discomfort. Here's a closer look at how each component contributes to AeroSlim’s effectiveness:
· Anti-inflammatory Action: Ingredients like Umckaloabo Extract and Serratiopeptidase help reduce inflammation in the respiratory tract.
· Mucolytic Effects: Mullein and Ivy Extracts work to thin mucus, making it easier to expel and clear the airways.
· Soothing Properties: Coltsfoot and Peppermint Essential Oil provide soothing effects, reducing irritation and promoting easier breathing.
How to Use AeroSlim
Using AeroSlim is straightforward. The recommended dosage typically involves taking one or two capsules daily with water. It's best to follow the specific instructions provided on the product label or as directed by a healthcare professional. Consistency is key to experiencing the full benefits of AeroSlim, so it's important to take the supplement regularly as part of a daily routine.
Ingredients in AeroSlim
AeroSlim's effectiveness lies in its carefully selected ingredients, each known for its respiratory benefits:
· Vitamin D3: Essential for immune health, Vitamin D3 helps reduce inflammation and supports respiratory function.
· Umckaloabo Extract: Known for its antimicrobial properties, this extract helps combat respiratory infections and supports lung health.
· Ivy Extract: Ivy leaf extract is commonly used to relieve bronchial conditions and improve airflow by reducing mucus.
· Mullein Extract: Mullein has been traditionally used to soothe the respiratory tract, reduce inflammation, and expel mucus.
· Coltsfoot Extract: Coltsfoot is known for its expectorant properties, helping to clear mucus from the lungs and ease breathing.
· Serratiopeptidase: This enzyme helps reduce inflammation and promote the breakdown of mucus, improving respiratory function.
· Peppermint Essential Oil: Known for its soothing properties, peppermint oil helps clear the respiratory tract and provides a refreshing sensation.
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Benefits of AeroSlim
AeroSlim offers a range of benefits that make it a valuable addition to any wellness regimen:
· Enhanced Respiratory Function: The natural extracts in AeroSlim help to clear the respiratory tract and reduce inflammation, promoting better lung health.
· Immune Support: With ingredients like Vitamin D3 and Umckaloabo Extract, AeroSlim boosts the immune system, helping the body fend off respiratory infections.
· Natural Expectorant: Ingredients like Ivy Extract and Mullein Extract aid in loosening mucus and clearing the airways.
· Reduced Inflammation: Serratiopeptidase and Coltsfoot Extract work together to reduce inflammation in the lungs and respiratory tract.
· Overall Well-being: By supporting respiratory and immune health, AeroSlim contributes to overall physical well-being.
Drawbacks of AeroSlim
While AeroSlim has numerous benefits, there are also some potential drawbacks to consider:
· Individual Reactions: As with any supplement, individuals may react differently to the ingredients. Some users might experience allergic reactions or gastrointestinal discomfort.
· Not a Replacement for Medication: AeroSlim is a supplement and should not be considered a replacement for prescribed medications for serious respiratory conditions.
· Requires Consistency: The benefits of AeroSlim are best realized with regular, consistent use, which may be a commitment for some users.
AeroSlim presents a compelling option for those seeking to enhance their respiratory health naturally. With its blend of natural extracts and essential vitamins, it offers a holistic approach to supporting lung function and immune health. While it may not be suitable for everyone and should not replace medical treatments, AeroSlim can be a valuable addition to a daily wellness routine, promoting overall health and well-being. As always, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement.
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2024.05.31 08:14 ecosclinic What is Acne Scars?

What is Acne Scars?
Acne scars are a common fear among those who have had severe or chronic acne. Scars can have an impact not just on the skin, but also on one’s self-esteem and confidence. Understanding what acne scars are, how they occur, and the various treatment options will help you manage and perhaps reduce their appearance.

What Are Acne Scars?

Acne scars are caused by inflammation in the skin’s dermal layer, which happens when acne lesions penetrate deep into the skin and harm the tissues beneath. As the body tries to heal the damage, it creates collagen. Scars occur when there is either too little or too much collagen generated.
There are several types of acne scars, each with distinct characteristics and causes:

Types of Acne Scars

1. Atrophic Scars: These are the most common type of acne scars and occur when there is a loss of tissue. They can be further classified into three subtypes: — Ice Pick Scars: Deep, narrow scars that extend into the dermis, giving the skin a pitted appearance. — Boxcar Scars: Broad, box-like depressions with sharp edges, often found on the cheeks and temples. — Rolling Scars: Wide, shallow scars that create a wavy texture on the skin.
2. Hypertrophic and Keloid Scars: These occur when the body produces too much collagen, resulting in raised scars that can be larger than the original acne spot. Hypertrophic scars are confined to the boundaries of the original wound, whereas keloid scars can grow beyond these boundaries.

Causes of Acne Scars

Several factors contribute to the development of acne scars:
- Severity and Duration of Acne: Severe and prolonged acne increases the likelihood of scarring. - Inflammation: Greater inflammation leads to more significant damage to the skin. - Picking and Squeezing: Manipulating acne lesions can worsen inflammation and damage the skin. - Genetics: Some people are more prone to scarring due to their genetic makeup.

Treatment Options for Acne Scars

While acne scars can be stubborn, various treatments can help improve their appearance. The best treatment depends on the type and severity of the scars.

Topical Treatments

- Retinoids: These vitamin A derivatives can promote cell turnover and improve skin texture. - Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs): AHAs help exfoliate the skin and reduce the appearance of mild scarring. - Silicone Gels: Effective for reducing hypertrophic and keloid scars by hydrating the skin and flattening raised scars.

Medical Procedures

1. Chemical Peels: These involve applying a chemical solution to the skin, causing it to exfoliate and peel off, revealing smoother skin underneath. 2. Microdermabrasion and Dermabrasion: These techniques mechanically exfoliate the skin to reduce the appearance of superficial scars. 3. Microneedling: Tiny needles create micro-injuries in the skin, stimulating collagen production and improving the appearance of scars. 4. Laser Therapy: Laser treatments, such as fractional lasers, can target deeper layers of the skin to stimulate collagen production and resurface the skin. 5. Fillers: Injecting fillers can help lift depressed scars, making them less noticeable. 6. Surgical Options: In severe cases, surgical procedures like punch excision or subcision may be necessary to remove or break up scar tissue.

Prevention Tips

Preventing acne scars starts with effective acne management:
- Early Treatment: Treat acne early to prevent severe outbreaks. - Avoid Picking: Resist the urge to pick or squeeze pimples. - Sun Protection: Protecting your skin from the sun can prevent scars from becoming more pronounced.


While acne scars are difficult to maintain, the appropriate therapy can substantially minimize their appearance. Consulting with a dermatologist is essential for designing a tailored treatment strategy that targets the exact type of scars and your skin type. Understanding the nature of acne scars and reviewing various treatment options allows you to take proactive efforts toward smoother, cleaner skin.
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2024.05.31 06:17 anchal1202 How Does KeraBiotics Works?

In the intricate ballet of bodily health, every element plays a pivotal role, more so in areas we seldom consider, like our toenails. The innovation that KeraBiotics brings to the table is akin to a finely tuned orchestra, each component working in harmony to restore the natural splendor of our nails. But what underlies this symphony of healing? Let's unravel the science behind KeraBiotics, exploring how it redefines the approach to combating nail fungus and ensuring the vitality of our toenails.

Central to KeraBiotics' remarkable efficacy is its carefully curated composition. A blend of nature's finest—plant extracts, essential nutrients, potent herbs, vital vitamins, and minerals—each selected for their proven benefits in nurturing nail health. But it's not just about the ingredients; it's how they synergize to address the root causes of nail concerns.

One of the standout features of KeraBiotics, as noted in several KeraBiotics reviews, is its holistic approach to managing inflammation. Inflammation, often the body's response to invasion or injury, can compromise the nail's integrity, making it a breeding ground for fungus. The antioxidant-rich components within KeraBiotics serve as the first line of defense, neutralizing free radicals and, thereby, mitigating inflammation. This pivotal action enhances the body's own reparative processes, allowing it to more effectively combat toenail fungus.

kerabioticsMoreover, the narrative of healing doesn't end with inflammation control. Immune support is another cornerstone of the KeraBiotics formula. By bolstering the body's natural defenses, KeraBiotics ensures that the immune system is primed and ready to fend off bacterial and viral adversaries. This aspect is particularly crucial, as a compromised immune system can often lead to recurring fungal infections, a concern echoed in numerous KeraBiotics reviews.

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