How to unblock attatchments on hotmail

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2024.05.18 11:15 throwaway7677787 I stopped talking to the girl because she gave me silent treatment twice. After a fight she told me she slept with someone else when we were dating and now I can't function properly.

Throwaway because I only lurk on reddit. I'm 27, the girl was 24. Dated for 2 months.
Like I don't know where to even begin. I even have no idea why am I writing this but I just feel so ultimately broken that it hurts in a way that I thought is impossible. I feel so empty, like I wanna cry and scream but there are no tears and there is just silence and me staring at the wall and having thousands of thoughts at once and I'm not sure what to do about it.
I started dating this cutest girl on March and everything was as smooth as a butter. We met on an app. I knew she has attatchment issues and etc but I was patient and honest and wanted to wait with physical stuff because she mentioned its important for her to feel comfortable and stuff and I was very understanding as always and thought that I finally found someone who has the same approach to relationship and wants to build something on honesty and go with the flow, don't force anything and so on. I did not want to rush anything and we were going at our own steady pace. I never want to do any physical stuff very early on in the relationship, we only did some light stuff, like kissing, touching each other above the waist and such. Very "polite". We both communicated our goals, relationship-wise and such. We both wanted the same thing, a life partner. We both said we are monogamous and we just need one person and no one else and everything was peachy.
So we always were on good terms in person but texting was a bit of a struggle, we usually had fights (like twice) on texting apps (never in person though). Time spent IRL though was like the best time possible for both of us and we were super comfy with each other like I never felt before actually.
Now, there was a time (like 2 weeks) when we didn't see each other at all. During that time we had one of those fights she gave me silent treatment for like 3 days. Now I think this is passive aggressive manipulation technique which is a deal breaker to me. But I thought "damn this girl is really cool besides that little issue, I'll give her a chance, maybe she's just stressed out or something". It went on for like 3-4 days and we started talking again and it was good.
The fight was about something we were supposed to talk about IRL (and I panicked because it sounded very serious) but then she mentioned it was just that she won't be able to spend a day with me in next month (a specific, special day that we were supposed to spend with each other). Not a big deal and I was suspicious that this was the thing she wanted to talk in person. She mentioned "I have no idea what is your approach to these things" when I asked what she wanted to talk about in person (before we had fight) and it keeps ringing a bell now - I'll explain later. We met up later after making up and, we have good time, everything felt right, idk. The fight was caused by me because apparently I "freaked out" (because I've never heard good news in my life when I've heard "we have to talk" from someone I'm dating).
I won't mention that she was talking like relationship is a huge step and she isnt sure about it and she wants to go at her own pace and things like that. I was okay with that, I was affectionate and she was usually cold towards that saying that she doesnt want to get attatched and similar things and at the same time talking dirty to me sometimes. I also should mention that she has a ton of guy friends.
Then we had another fight about some stupid thing like before too. Like basically meaningless stuff that did not matter at all. It ended with her not messaging me for 6 days straight and I just got tired and deleted her everywhere besides one app because if she acts like a child so be it. Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Like 1-2 hours after I have done that she messages me like nothing happens. I am 100% sure its not a coincidence and she only messaged me because she noticed that. And then she mentions that I deleted her everywhere and how nice it is of me. Then I just told her that I don't see us having a future because she keeps using silent treatment which is a deal breaker to me. And she laughs at me saying that I was not on silent treatment (though we ended last convo on a fight) and I'm a clingy insecure incel or something like that. I was over it anyway since the last fight and didn't feel a thing so we just had few messages back and forth - I was trying to be as polite as possible, she was trying quite the opposite. Then she blocked me. Then she unblocked me after 20 minutes. Just to mention that now she does not regret having sex with her "situationship" 2 weeks ago.
The "situationship" is like a close guy friend that had a crush on her but she rejected him. She had multiple of those. She had more guy friends than I have lol. She had multiple of exes with which she was still very close and friendly. At the same time she says she only slept only with one guy ever (its not like it matters but Im pretty sure it was a lie now). I'm not jealous or anything. I am just scared that this is the type of girls I will be seeing now in the future. It's like 3rd time I'm seeing someone like that. I know we didn't promise each other anything but we became close and we dated exclusively and she had sex with someone (and felt guilty about it for a reason).
I was over it yesterday and didn't want to date her anyway but now it's like somebody stabbed me multiple times in my stomach and twisted the knife badly. I feel physically ill, I didn't eat since that conversation and it was like 5 hours ago. I just don't know what to do with myself. Are those girls the only girls that will date me? Can I for once be a first option for someone and not just a spare part? I'm just so sad, man, I wish someone would just hug me and tell me it's okay to cry. I feel like vomiting after finding out she was seeing me and kissing me after having sex with a guy 2 weeks before.
I just can't stand how she intentionally decided to hurt me in the worst way possible, I wish she didn't say that but at the same time I deserve the truth though. But it was said like "in your face, bitch, I had sex with someone when we were dating and that wasn't you, you loser".
"I have no idea what is your approach to these things" rings a bell now. Because she said it like 3 days after she fucked that "friend" of hers. So she felt guilty because she knew that she has done something shitty. She gave me specific date when they had sex and it all adds up. She lied to me. Multiple times apparently. She didn't know what is my approach to those things meaning she did not know how I would react to "oh i had sex with someone else". And she only informed me about it when we had a huge fight. So she never thought about me seriously and just wasted my time.
By the way - throughout those 2 months I saw multiple times her pics on dating profile change, her bio change, her location change and other details about her change in the app. Constantly. Like every 10 days or so there was a small change. It's not like I was checking it every hour but like once every 2 weeks or so just to look at her mostly lol because I really liked looking at her.
I bought flowers for this girl. I was pouring compliment after compliment until she was blushing and almost cried with happiness. I was there for her mental breakdowns and I just always provided support, I was thinking about her all the time. I fucking bought a post card for her when I had small vacations. I wrote it specifically for her putting some easter eggs inside that only we both can laugh at. I almost told her that I love her and I only said that to 2 people in my life so far. We both assured each other multiple times that we are exclusive and we both don't want to date any other person and we want to keep dating each other and progress into relationship phase. I was doing literally anything I could thought of to make her feel secure and comfortable. Meanwhile she had sex with someone and stated that she doesn’t feel any guilt about it because we weren’t in the relationship. Like what? We were already going on dates, several dates. And she stated that she did „what a good friend would do”. Like I don’t really want to date anyone after reading all of that. How shitty can one person be?
Is there a chance that I will meet a girl who won't do things like this ever? This is like second time I'm going through some kind of infidelity stuff and it's just... I'm tired boss. My last relationship ended after 2 years because my gf was unfaithful. She basically was sleeping around and sexting multiple people. I just want to find my one and only and be the romantic guy who appreciates the other person 24/7 and is caring and loving and would do literally anything for that special someone. I want to see sunsets and sunrises and look into her eyes and think that I don't want to look into any other eyes. I want to fall in love so deeply that I literally want to spend each hour with that person. I am always honest, focused 100% on only the person I'm seeing and not seeing any other people around and not caring about any other "date opportunities" or stuff like that. She made me open up about things that previously took years for me to speak about. She gave me more compliments in those 2 months than I ever heard in my whole life previously. She made me feel loved. She made me feel wonderful, blissful. And at the same time she stabbed me multiple times and I bleed it out.
Like I have all these questions:
If you will read this – I know you use reddit – I wish you to never feel the way you made me feel. I’m absolutely destroyed, you ruined me. I told you that I trust you. You destroyed it. I will always have trust issues towards any woman in my life forever until I die. I hope you’re proud of your little manipulational psychological tricks and immature behaviour. Your actions always have consequences.
submitted by throwaway7677787 to heartbreak [link] [comments]

2024.04.02 04:23 Overall-Thought7840 I (24M) noticed my ex (28F) has unblocked my facebook and not sure how to proceed

Sorry if this is not allowed here and that it will be a long post, not sure where this post should really go, but to give background on the situation. I will be dividing the times my ex has come back into my life into separate paragraphs. I met my ex when I was 21 and she was 23 in February 2021, I had just gotten out of a bad relationship with lots of mental and emotional abuse, and I had met here looking for friends to play video games with online. She also just gotten out of a marriage and told me her ex husband was abusive and cost both of them to have custody of her kids etc and she found out she was pregnant from a dude she messed around with like a week before I first messaged her. While I was not looking for a relationship at the time in less than a month me and her were saying we loved each other and were dating. About a month after that the one kid she did have custody over was taken away by cps and she started ghosting for about a month and I figured it was just her wanting to be alone and losing her kid that it was hard on her so I thought nothing of it at the time but eventually found out last year she was cheating on me during this time and proceeded to after as well. After the month of ghosting she was texting again but over a few months it was less and less until eventually I was lucky to hear from her maybe twice a day claiming she slept the whole time cause she was pregnant (this was during covid when stuff was slowly opening up but people still stayed home a lot.) I end up asking if something was going on leaving it open ended to mean basically anything like if I was doing something wrong or if she was too upset to talk or even if it was cheating but she immediately took the question as me accusing her of cheating and got offended which is ironic in hindsight but it let to a big fight and us breaking up and her blocking me.
About 4 months later she has come back, by this time she already was back with her ex husband and she had the baby she was pregnant with and said she calmed down and was sorry for how things ended that she understands I was not flat out accusing her of cheating etc. She came back because she needed help (I will mention that I was usually helping her with a lot financially because she struggled with getting jobs and couldn't take care of herself majority of the time) but she was struggling to take care of the baby she had and needed money. I was still in love with her at the time and I did care a great deal about the kids even though I never really got to see them so I helped. She told me her ex husband was still being bad to her, that she wanted me again and she was waiting for things to get broken off with him because he would break up with her randomly and we could be together again then. About a month passes by and cps ends up taking the baby she had too which causes her and her ex husband to fight and I am there picking up the pieces and doing my best to make her feel better. They eventually break up but with everything happening she is a mess and says she wants to work on herself to be better before going into a relationship again cause she did not want the same happening as before. I understood that and waited still talking with her as much as I could and helping where I could meanwhile she keeps promising she is going to pay me back everything saying she feels bad that I help so much and she does not want me to feel like she is taking advantage of me. About 6 months pass and I am just about to start training on a new job and I am stressed out cause of the work and all the expectations the company puts on the employees so I try to talk to her about it cause I am always there for her and I don't usually have problems like this but I wanted someone in my corner for once. Eventually it leads to another fight, her telling me to stop complaining and etc even though she complained about every job she has and says she can't handle it when she is at work but when I have trouble I have to "man up". Gets to a point where she says she won't pay me back anything and she is done with me. I get mad for the first time with her since I had met her and I am bipolar so when I get like that I take it to extremes and decide if she is burning the bridge with me I will burn her bridge with her ex husband for her too. I take screenshots of the texts when she came back and said she was wanting to be with me instead of him and then send them to him. He gets absolutely mad and about 10 minutes later she is calling me screaming, crying, begging me to tell him I photoshopped it and it was not real. Eventually says she is sorry and will pay me back the money if I tell him it was fake because she was just gonna block me for a week to cool off, so I decide sure why not if I am gonna get the money back then it does not matter cause after her showing colors like that I was done and so told him it was fake and she blocked me saying she will start paying me back when she gets a job.
About a month and a half passes and she unblocks me, she is trying to include me in her life yet again talking about the kids and her new job saying she still wants me in her life after what happened but that if anything like that happens again she will block me and never come back so I decide sure why not whats the worst I can lose. She is back with her ex husband by this point and she is working at a mall, claims she is still unhappy with him and wants me again. About 5 months pass, I am still helping her with money and my dad was on the verge of being unemployed when my mom ended up having a stroke and I did not take it well cause I was the one who found her and called an ambulance all that. When I was done that night at the hospital she was still up and I asked if I could call just to talk cause I didn't want to be alone then but she said she couldn't had some generic excuse like ex husband was around (this was one of many red flags that I could see but I would tell myself I was too paranoid and that I was just too worried because of how the relationship was that I had left when I met the ex I am talking about.) A couple weeks pass by and her and ex husband break up, he kicks her out and she ends up having to move to another town because she had nowhere to go claiming to stay with a cousin who I had found out was actually a friends with benefits she has had for years. Its around this time that she starts sending me explicit videos and pics of herself because she says she would feel bad she didn't do anything for me while I always helped her when she asked, I told her she didn't have to if she did not want to and I felt bad that she thought of it that way and it was how to "help or pay me back" but she said she wanted to and that is something that carried on till she blocked me again about 9 months later. About 3 weeks after she started living with the fwb the ex husband asked her to come back so she did and they got back together and he saw her messaging me and freaked out. In about 3 minutes I had 4 texts and 2 calls from him trying to get me to tell him that she had lied to him and all that. I covered for her cause I still felt bad about the last time and she wanted to move back with him so she could be closer to friends and family. Dude eventually accepts the lie and me and her keep talking. About 4 months after that the ex husband broke it off again but let her stay because she had a job and he did not feel like arguing with her. That last for about 2 months until they got in a fight and he ends up accidentally hit her with a car and she is in the hospital, when she is discharged she goes back to live with fwb in the other town. By this point she is talking to me less, she gets more irritated easily and just a whole bunch of shit that started to make me question everything up to that point. She stays with the fwb for 3 months until she has to go back to where she was from cause on of her friends was having problems and needed help. It is at this point we are at August of 2023, her friend did not need help, she actually started secretly dating another dude and when he saw that she texted me he forced her to say to me that she was dating him and this is where shit hit the fan. I was helping pay for each trip she had to go from where was from to the town with the fwb, it was revealed to me she was in the town she was from 2 weeks before she asked for momey to go there so she used me for money so she could see her boyfriend she had. I am beyond pissed at this point everything fell into place in my mind, all the times I thought I was paranoid I was right, so to confirm my suspicions and accusations I called her ex husband to have a 2 hour long chat about everything. According to him she attatches to people easily and when I first met her she probably did love me but at some point she stopped and I just became a support of money and comfort when she was upset. I was also not the first guy she did this to and the whole time I was helping her she had other exes helping too. Apparently while she was with her new boyfriend she was also talking to ex husband asking to come back so I used that against her and told the boyfriend showing the screenshots the ex husband sent and he lost it. It was also here that I found out she started cheating on me the mo th she ghosted in the beginning, that its actually her fault that she does not have custody of the kids, that the money I would send for her to get to go see the kids and buy them food and presents went to weed and other ridiculous stuff she did not need, and that the ex husband did not do basically anything she ever said he did. Its at this point that she has blocked me the final time and I feel beyond fucked up by all of the revelations I had heard where I would wake up in cold sweats in the middle of the night because I dreamt of her, the thought of her made me sick like just absolute hell. The ex husband says she is planning on going back to him and when she does he will have her start paying me back the money she basically stole under false pretences which came out to be just over 30k. Of course he screwed me over too, they were back together 6 months ago and since then has not even read my messages on when she will pay me back.
So now we catch up to last month about 2 weeks ago I notice my ex has unblocked me on facebook and I know it was on purpose because when you block and unblock someone on facebook it asks if you are sure because you can't block them again for like 24 hours. She has not said anything but I have the ability to message and I have no idea how to handle it. On one hand I could say nothing and block her but I know there is a reason I am unblocked, she could be trying to ask for help again which she would not get but would certainly be the final nail in the coffin for her relationship with the ex husband cause while he screwed me over on the money he was also getting fed up with her lying to him all the time. And then on the other hand I have so much to say that would take a weight off my shoulders but I already know it will end with her blocking me before I can finish what I say. So my question is what do yall think I should do, my friends tell me to just leave it but I just find it odd its been 2 weeks and she has not said anything?
TLDR my ex who manipulated, lied, cheated and used me randomly unblocked my facebook and I am not sure what I should say or do.
submitted by Overall-Thought7840 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.01.06 06:39 sadxdeon Me (M18) and my gf (F17) have both agreed that she is an avoidant attatchment style whilst i am an anxious attatchment style

WARNING: there is a lot of yapping ahead so i’m gonna break it down into headings so you can choose to skip through any of the reading.
Summary: —————— Me (M18) and my gf (F17) have both acknowledged that i have an anxious attatchment style whilst she has an avoidant attachment style. ——————
Deep Context: —————— however she’s not like many avoidants and i’m not like many anxious. she loves me and when she’s with me she realised how much she loves me and wants to be with me forever but the second she leaves sight of me, as she says herself “forgets how much she loves me” or something along those lines. she admits she feels trapped and wants to escape but she also wants to be with me at the same time. she’s extremely loyal and wouldn’t cheat, yet sometimes to push me away says she would or name calls me and uses my insecurities to put me down. most people recommend i leave her cos i deserve better but the truth is she’s let herself get hurt so much horrible things i’ve done and done so much more than what most avoidants would ever do, i’m sure she’d do what she can to try and make things better rather than other avoidants never believing they are in the wrong and just leaving immediately. we break up a lot but recently it hasn’t been as common but still a weekly or fortnightly occurrence, (used to be daily or every 2 days). she cares about me enough to hurt her own mentality and i’m the exact same. in the case of how i’m different to other anxiouses, i would feel okay to truly let her leave if i knew she’d be okay without me. before meeting me she used to cut herself and bite her thumbs until it bled and left hard rough patches of skin, also leaving scars and cut off good friends and make so many stupid decisions, in which thanks to my help she’s stopped. for eg. yesterday she was so stressed out due to a bunch of things, that she didn’t want to cancel on her friend even though she needed to, as she’s scared she’s going to lose her friend since they’ve been so distant. so i messaged her friend and explained the whole situation and asked her to reschedule saying it was her idea in which she did so, whenever she feels alone and like she has nobody besides me, i encourage her friends to plan something with the all of us (as she will never let me plan something with her friends and struggles too much in balancing spending time with both of us) in which when her friend does she tries to keep me out of the plans which hurts but i’m okay with as long as she’s happy (she doesn’t like friend groups where the partner is also friends with the partners friends. due to taking sides). like i said before whenever she leaves, i have panic attacks and go one hour at whatever time to see her, stalk her locations and text her through anything i can even burner phone numbers. i know it’s crazy but once she finally sees me in person she changes her mind and realised again how much she loves me. (one time when she broke up with me i told her i was coming over and then when she threatened a restraining order and i didn’t go, she said i was actually excited to see you, you used to wait across the street all day and all night until id come and talk to you even if i called the cops). i used to be like her and break up with her every day at the start of the relationship while she begged for me back, id push her away and she’d come crawling back (i have severe abandonment issues and pushed her away before she could hurt me, i never even pictured it becoming a serious relationship because i never felt true love before and always left the relationships first before they did). when i finally let her into my life and stopped verbally abusing her when she lied or made me mad, and i finally had stopped breaking up with her (keep in mind this was only the first month into the relationship and we’ve been dating for almost a year,it’s like we switched places. (aka i only did it for a month whilst she’s been doing it for so much longer). now i don’t fear that she won’t regret the breakup as i know she will. it’s how her inability to apologise or come back to me, or even make a mistake that could cause me to never forgive her all because she thought she was trying to move on but realised she loves me too much to. i know she’ll want to be with me even after a break up. she likes how i chase after her (one time i stopped chasing and she broke up with me again after already breaking up with me “because i don’t care enough about her to go onto her accounts and unblock myself”) sometimes i know she does it for validation or for time alone and she always wants to get back again. but if i let her go she’ll think i don’t love her or care anymore and then try her best to move on which in her case could be getting with someone else to try and forget me, and then when she finally comes back which is rare for avoidants, but she has done before. i won’t be able to forgive her for getting with someone else. she has helped me change in such positive ways and make something out of my life even if the way she did it was cruel or toxic. she still made me become better. and i helped her life turn around for the better too which she will rarely ever acknowledge and i doubt she will believe. ——————
Request for Advice: ——————
i’m not sure if i said this before, (my phone gets really laggy while typing long reddit posts.) but the advice given from professionals is for an anxious attatchment style to go against their natural coding and to pull away and you might get lucky enough to have the rare case of an avoidant coming back to you. whilst the avoidant does nothing while the anxious does all the work. i think it’s bullshit because both me and her know we love eachother, and if she can admit to being an avoidant and even agreed to do couples therapy (in which we decided not to as we are too young), then surely there’s gotta be a way or strategies that she can be assigned and i can be assigned in order to make the relationship not as hurtful for the both of us whilst still being together. ——————
Second Advice: —————— Thought about buying a kitty cat to raise together, she’d love it and it would bring us more together whilst also giving us a better excuse to visit eachother more.
can anyone help please?
submitted by sadxdeon to teenrelationships [link] [comments]

2023.10.17 05:05 Anonymousmuzzy33 My Fiancé (20F) is mad at me (20M) for telling her to block a guy

I am in love with this woman, let's call her "Zoey", and want to live the rest of my life with her. She is such an amazing girl and is perfect for me. We fit each other like a puzzle and fulfill each others needs so well. However, her and I have been having some issues recently.
There is this guy that Zoey used to talk to before me who broke her heart by blocking her and just cursing her out. We'll call this guy "Jack".
Jack is a guy that she met online and lives in a completly different country. We live in the United Kingdom while Jack lives in Ireland, so they never even met in real life, they only spoke for 2 months from June to August, then she got attatched to him and has not moved on ever since.
Last year from August to February this year, he's been telling her stuff like "oh I love you" and "I swear to God I wanna marry you" then blocked her the next day. He would then unblock her and tell her lies such as, "my sister made me say that" or "my friend stole my phone off me and typed it themselves". He has done that multiple times to her and she believed him every time thinking that he is a good person even though he just took advantage of her kindness. To Zoey, Jack was her only hope to escape from home as her family is extremly abusive.
Zoey has been through a lot, she has had the worst life possible such as being abused as a kid by her family in every possible way (yes its worse than you think). I have done my best healing her from all that trauma and thank god she is doing much better already. We have been together 7 months now and she has brought so much spark into my life. I cannot imagine life without her, she means that much to me.
I met her back in March and since then she finally decided to move on from Jack and promised me she wouldn't involve him in our life at all. I have watched her cry for him so many times and tell me how much she misses him, it was painful seeing her cry about another man but I did not say anything as its from her past and does not involve me as this is my first relationship that I have ever been in so I wanna make sure it is as good as possible. It is technically her first real relationship too as everything with Jack was all online and nothing in person. It was simply a talking stage filled with so many lies from him. Ever since Zoey has been with me, Jack did call but I made her block his number so he could not contact her.
We have had such a healthy relationship since she started to move on from Jack and did not care about his existence at all because I was taking her to many places and restaurants that her parents never took her. I was also the first person to ever treat her right, so everything nice I do for her is always a shock.
After five months of dating, when she has finally healed a lot from Jack, a mysterious person with no name adds her on Snapchat, she adds her back and surprise surprise, Jack has returned and this time he has another manipulation game for her. This time he comes back crying, apologsing for everything he did to her and that he's in the hospital currently because he attempted suicide. Zoey was on call with me when he called she then cut the call so that she could speak to Jack. She told me it was him on the phone. I told her to cut the phone and to not listen to anything he says. She did not listen to me and spoke to him for 1 hour 40 minutes and then started to believe that he was a good person again due to the amount of times he apologised.
I got so mad at her for speaking to him that long and not listening to me telling her to cut call. It felt like she betrayed my trust since she promised not to involve him in our lives again. I told her to never do that again and to block him completly because what she did was very disrespectful to me. She should not be giving that waste of space any of her time. So, she blocked him, or at least, I thought she did.
2 months later, last week, I find out she still talks to him. I saw her texting this random guy all the time, she told me it was Jack's cousin, let's call him "Joe", who was sending updates about Jack, telling my fiancé how his mental health is and how he is doing in his exams, this guy Jack was held back a few years, he is in his final year of school. When I first confronted her about Joe and questioned who he really was, she got so defensive and wouldn't swear to me that it Jack all along, we got into a fight about it and instead of answering the question, she lied down on her bed crying telling me that she should have been with someone else that would not do this to her. Literally all I did was ask her if Joe was Jack all along but since she was upset, I comforted her and told her I believe her and that she can do what she wants because she kept calling me controlling and said I treat her like a pet.
A week later, I catch her talking to Joe on the phone again, this time they're saying stuff to each other like "my love" or "my world". I start to question her why she is saying this, then she tells me "it is just an inside joke between us". Obviously that made me mad because that kind of lamguage should only be reserved for your spouse.
Guess what, Joe was Jack the whole time. Now that I have found out about it, she is not blocking him and says that she needs to talk to him. She told me that she wants me to be friends with him too, she has to be delusional if she thinks I want that to happen. I told her many times to block him because she is making our relationship so much worse by talking to him. She lied to me for TWO months about him and keeps begging me to believe that this guy is a good person and regrets everything he did. She actually believes it was just his sister and friends saying all that disgusting crap to her.
Zoey told me she will only block him after they end their relationship on good terms this time because last time it ended horribly. This is such bullshit to me but she is BEGGING me to let her do it her way as it will take a toll on her mental health again because she doesn't want to hurt Jack and also she does not want to cause mental health problems for herself again as last time she lost 20kg in a year due to the eating disorder she got from breaking up with Jack, who she never met in person once. What the fuck do I do in this situation? I am runnning out of patience with her.
submitted by Anonymousmuzzy33 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2023.03.14 10:38 TemporaryBee7314 How Do I Set Up a Hotmail Account?

How Do I Set Up a Hotmail Account?
The first step is to log in to your Hotmail account. You will need to provide your full name. This will be the name that will appear in the "From" field of all emails you send. After that, you should follow the instructions that are displayed on the screen. It is also important to follow the privacy policies of the different Hotmail services. Once you've signed in, you can begin to send and receive emails from Hotmail. buy edu emails
Outlook Express
If you want to use Outlook Express to read your email, you must first set up your email account. Once you've done that, you should open Outlook and go to the Internet Accounts window. Then, click on the Mail tab. You should then see the settings of your new email account.
Once you've selected the new account, you should see a wizard. This is where you'll enter your Hotmail account information. You can then select additional email accounts and add them as well. The process of adding an email account is similar for both. The only difference is that Hotmail is designed for Outlook Express.
If you're using Outlook for Mac, you can choose to sync it with your iCloud account. This is recommended if you use your phone or laptop. You can also use Outlook's autodiscover feature. buy old gmail accounts. It will add your email account automatically and sync it with your other accounts.
If you want to connect to your Hotmail account from your iPhone, the first step is to update the iOS software. You can do this by going to Settings > General > Software Upgrade. This will make sure that your device is running the latest version of iOS. To get the Hotmail app to work properly, you will also need to have Internet connectivity. This can be from your mobile network service provider or a Wi-Fi network.
If you use Hotmail, you can use your iPhone to access and manage all your email messages. You can also use the Hotmail app to send and delete emails. This way, you can check your email anywhere, even on the go. Hotmail allows you to sync your contacts, calendar, reminders, and notes.
After signing in to your Hotmail account, you can download the Spike app for your iPhone. This app can help you get the most out of your email, as it features ad-free Hotmail email. Besides that, it also has great calendar features and conversational email.
Hotmail is one of the most popular email services. It is estimated that 306 billion emails are sent every day. However, there are a few issues with Hotmail that can make it difficult to keep in touch with people. Fortunately, there are many troubleshooting steps you can take to fix the issue and keep your email up to date.
The iPhone uses the POP3 email protocol to connect with your Hotmail account. It is possible to view your Hotmail inbox and email folders in mobile Safari. After logging in, you can view your email folders and view your inbox. You can also use the Hotmail app to send and receive emails.
Next, you can add your Hotmail account to your Mail application. You can add your Hotmail account by going to Mail -> Add Account - Outlook. If it doesn't work, you can remove it from the list. To do this, you must also remove it from the list of "Send mail as" and "Add Another Email Account. buy google voice accounts
Hotmail users who want to add their Hotmail account to their iPad Air may have some trouble figuring out how to do it. This is because the Hotmail option isn't included in the configuration process. To add a Hotmail account to your iPad, you'll need to add the account to your iPad by using the settings app.
If you're using Outlook, you can sync your Outlook inbox with the iPad's Mail app. To do this, you need to download the Outlook app. Then you'll need to enter your Hotmail password. After you've done that, you'll be able to sync your other items from Outlook, such as your contacts, calendar information, and reminders.
You can also install the Spark mail app for iPhone and iPad to sign into your Hotmail account. The app is compatible with the Hotmail account, and you can skip the intro screens. Once you've installed the app, you'll need to enter your email address, and select "I agree to the Spark terms of use and privacy policy". Then, you're ready to sign into your account.
After you've entered your email address and password, tap "Operating System Settings." Then, tap the gear icon to open the settings menu. You'll find your Hotmail account in the list. To remove the account, scroll down and tap Delete Account. If you want to add the account again, just add it back using the same steps.
The next step is to add your Hotmail email to Spike. You'll need to enter your Hotmail email address and password. If your current password is invalid, you'll have to create a new one. If you're able to remember this new one, you'll be good to go. You can then use the app to check your emails. Unblock On Pinterest
Android device
You can set up a Hotmail account on your Android phone or tablet by using the email application. The application comes standard with all Google mobile operating systems. It features an icon that looks like a white letter envelope. Once you've tapped on this icon, you'll be prompted to enter your username and password. After you have entered these details, you should click on the next button to save your settings. You're now ready to send and receive Hotmail on your Android device.
First of all, make sure that you have an internet connection. Hotmail may not send you emails if you're not connected to the internet. If you're on an Android device, make sure your mobile data and WiFi connections are working properly. If they're still not working, try uninstalling any apps that are interfering with your email access. If none of those steps work, you may need to change the password on your Hotmail account. To reset the password, you can use the account recovery feature.
In order to set up a Hotmail account on your Android device, you'll need to download the Outlook app from the Google Play store. This app also allows you to set up your other email accounts. The app will detect whether your account is compatible and ask you to confirm your email address. Once you've done this, tap the Done button to finish the process.
Once you've completed this, you can go ahead and sign in to your new Hotmail account. The app uses Direct Push technology to sync with your exchange server. It also supports multiple email accounts and is compatible with OAUTH2 authentication. While this app isn't free, it does offer basic email functions and a good user interface. buy twitter accounts
To send email, you need to be logged in. You can do this by tapping the Gear icon in the upper right corner of the app. In the next window, click Outlook settings and scroll down to the Hotmail account. Tap Remove Account to remove it. You can also add it back by tapping Add Account.
submitted by TemporaryBee7314 to u/TemporaryBee7314 [link] [comments]

2023.01.17 19:22 Funny_Ad7549 my fiancé 23F said she needs me 22M but didnt say she wants me.

So I (22M) had some concerns with my fiancé (23F). Everything started off great and was for a while. All of a sudden i noticed she was talking to her guy "friend". I have no issues with this because im not controlling but i didnt recognize him. When i asked her about him she informed me he was her ex but they werent compatible. I expressed that the fact they were together bothered me and she decided to block him. I told her that wasnt necessary but she insisted. Few days go by and we take her kids to her familys place and i sat in the car. Note: these are her kids not mine. While waiting in the car she recieved a facetime call from none other than the "guy friend" ex that she "blocked". I let it ring and didnt answer it. When she came back i asked her how he was unblocked but she claimed she didnt know. I told her dont worry about it, i wont come between her and her friends. Years ago i probably wouldve beat the guy but ive tamed myself. She still told me she'll distance herself because she saw it bothered me. Then she was about to leave for work for a few months she asked me if she could go see him. Said he was throwing a small get together at his house and wanted to see her before she left. I told her i wouldnt stop her and she decided not to go because at this point i was very visibly frustrated. After some long conversations about how we felt about this situation she told me she would never do anything to jeopardize our relationship because she loves me. I then asked her if i was what she wanted and she then told me "Your what i need" i asked again with the same response and my actual question not being answered. Im not as angry as i was when i was younger and therefore alot more patient but will say whats on my mind. In this situation ive decided to just wait and see what happens but i feel like ive been blatantly disrespected. I still love her but i dont want to be with someone whos not happy with me. One of my biggest issues is that ive become attatched to the kids and im more scared of leaving them. This is also another thing shes told me is that "sometimes i feel like i cant deal with you but then i see you with the kids and it goes away". I feel like shes only with me for stability but again i love her and those kids. I dont know what to do
submitted by Funny_Ad7549 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2021.06.11 06:06 ihatemen2021 i need help

i need help
i am not trying to self diagnose myself or get someone to diagnose me, but i want to explain genuinely how i feel. i have never even been to a physiatrist for any type of evaluation on my mental health. this is mainly because I just never thought I had anything, and i was always so happy to say i was normal. and also because me and my family were always occupied with my sisters mental health needs, because she went to the mental hospital and is diagnosed with ADHD and Depression. but- i genuinely do feel like i could possibly have this disorder, or something similar. from a young age my mom always told me that i would cry for hours, throw horrible tantrums over little things, and was always a “bitch” basically. growing up, i honestly don’t remember a lot of my childhood because i forget about the traumatic parts. it’s really hard for me to go into detail about what even happened, and i still experience this feeling of not remembering certain things correctly, it’s the weirdest thing ever. i do know that my mood can be switched and triggered by something that is so small. like if i hear my moms tv from downstairs it causes me to lash out and become disturbed and focused on that sound. it is honestly sad. i will get so mad because my brain cannot ignore the sound and i become hyper fixed on it to the point of almost crying. not to mention, the smallest things can make me lash out or completely have a mental breakdown. like when I get a pimple on my face, i just start crying, and freaking out. like especially with family members when they say or do something that slightly triggers me i will start going into defense and say things i am fully aware are wrong and hurtful but genuinely can’t stop it. and then once i cool off in about 10 minutes i just forget about it and act friendly or my normal self again and they’ll be like wtf, you cant just say those things and act like nothing happened. i cant explain it. like when i get mad, i get so fuckinf mad to the point of screaming/crying and becoming so angry i cant even control it. and my therapist that i had knew about my anger problems because my family sees it too and she would just give me tips to control it, but it’s not that easy. my whole family thinks i’m this fucking bitch when in reality i’m not. also let’s just say relationships i cannot fucking do. i get so fucking obsessed. an example of a situation would be my most recent ex, who EVERYONE FUCKING WARNED ME ABOUT, and i still fucking decided to talk to him anyway. basically he showered me with attention and love and i loved it but i also knew not to trust him and was really trying to not get to attatched. i would get annoyed with him a lot and unblock him and block him because when he would be busy i would assume he was cheating or doing something or i would convince myself he was lying and i would literally beg him to leave me alone. and then i’d regret it and we’d move on from it but then he kept giving me love and i craved it to the point i let him minipulate me and even degrade me and say toxic ass shit to me. but everytime is try leaving he would beg and beg me to stay. i wanted to believe him but i found out he was talking to other girls and he was slowly distancing himself from me and i could tell bc he wasn’t giving me the attention he use too. and that’s when i would blow up his phone saying some of the most craziest fucked up shit, and it’s honestly embarrassing looking back. while we were still together he called me, this is before it was officially over, and he told me he just wanted to be friends. i was distraught. i felt like i lost my identity and actually changed my hair and my whole style because i felt so fucking lost. then he ended up fucking texting me the next day saying he didn’t mean it and ofc i took him back. then when he just stopped talking to me completely i genuinely went into a deep deep depressive state where i couldn’t even sleep or eat and all i could think ab was him. and then 3 days later i stopped caring. i was so upset about it and depressed i couldn’t move in my bed for a whole day and actually lost my job. i also cant hold a job down bc i have rlly bad motivation once i am working for an extended amount of time. but yeah once i stopped caring i actually died my hair i think the third time back to what it was before my mental breakdown and dressed the way i use too. another crazy bitch thing i did was i would like get upset w him bc i would cry and he wouldn’t comfort me and the one night i ran out of his car like 6 times and i wanted him to chase after me. instead i just looked crazy. so yeah after that i’m like done w relationships bc it genuinely drives me insane where i almost try living through them and start neglecting my own health and responsibilities all for them. it’s bad. and honestly it was rlly toxic bc he would say shit to me because he def has npd bc he lovebimbed me belittled me and then discarded me but when he would say weird shit i would almost blank and ignore it so i couldn’t remember it or something i don’t even know how to explain it. like i remember him saying he was brainwashing me or something along those lines while we were in bed together and i remember just ignoring him completely and being in my own state. it was bad. i also get very paranoid that when i’m out in public everyone is looking at me and thinking i’m ugly in their heads or i convince myself everyone is in love w me and wants to fuck me. and sometimes i have thoughts of people being able to see what i’m doing, like guys i like. i like freak myself out and think that it’s like a game and they r watching or something. i feel like i just sound crazy. but yeah i go from thinking i’m hot and can pull anyone to something happening and me thinking i’m the ugliest person ever. i also go from thinking i’m skinny to looking at myself and thinking i’m overweight. it’s just hard living like this. i also have rlly bad impulses like when i was 15 and randomly took my moms car and crashed it, being a kleptomaniac and stealing getting caught multiple times, and sneaking out for no reason and getting in trouble. i also over share everything w my mom. like i cant help it like i tell her about my sex life, all the drama, like i literally snitch on myself and over share details that should be kept to myself. i also say things randomly and i cant help it. like i’ll say something weird and then i’ll be like why did i say that? like the one time when i was fucking this guy i remember telling him right after that if i was pregnant i was getting an abortion. like who says that? also i keep toxic ppl and friends around for so long no matter what they do to me or say bc when i loose someone i feel like i’m dying. i also tend to have a smaller circle and i like hanging out with one person mainly. and i use to get so upset when my one best friend would hang w other people bc she was my only friend and i only cared ab hanging out w her. i get like that w people it’s bad.
submitted by ihatemen2021 to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2021.06.11 04:27 ihatemen2021 i need help

i am not diagnosed with BPD. i have never even been to a physiatrist for any type of evaluation on my mental health. this is mainly because I just never thought I had anything, and i was always so happy to say i was normal. and also because me and my family were always occupied with my sisters mental health needs, because she went to the mental hospital and is diagnosed with ADHD and Depression. but- i genuinely do feel like i could possibly have this disorder, or something similar. from a young age my mom always told me that i would cry for hours, throw horrible tantrums over little things, and was always a “bitch” basically. growing up, i honestly don’t remember a lot of my childhood because i forget about the traumatic parts. it’s really hard for me to go into detail about what even happened, and i still experience this feeling of not remembering certain things correctly, it’s the weirdest thing ever. i do know that my mood can be switched and triggered by something that is so small. like if i hear my moms tv from downstairs it causes me to lash out and become disturbed and focused on that sound. it is honestly sad. i will get so mad because my brain cannot ignore the sound and i become hyper fixed on it to the point of almost crying. not to mention, the smallest things can make me lash out or completely have a mental breakdown. like when I get a pimple on my face, i just start crying, and freaking out. like especially with family members when they say or do something that slightly triggers me i will start going into defense and say things i am fully aware are wrong and hurtful but genuinely can’t stop it. and then once i cool off in about 10 minutes i just forget about it and act friendly or my normal self again and they’ll be like wtf, you cant just say those things and act like nothing happened. i cant explain it. like when i get mad, i get so fuckinf mad to the point of screaming/crying and becoming so angry i cant even control it. and my therapist that i had knew about my anger problems because my family sees it too and she would just give me tips to control it, but it’s not that easy. my whole family thinks i’m this fucking bitch when in reality i’m not. also let’s just say relationships i cannot fucking do. i get so fucking obsessed. an example of a situation would be my most recent ex, who EVERYONE FUCKING WARNED ME ABOUT, and i still fucking decided to talk to him anyway. basically he showered me with attention and love and i loved it but i also knew not to trust him and was really trying to not get to attatched. i would get annoyed with him a lot and unblock him and block him because when he would be busy i would assume he was cheating or doing something or i would convince myself he was lying and i would literally beg him to leave me alone. and then i’d regret it and we’d move on from it but then he kept giving me love and i craved it to the point i let him minipulate me and even degrade me and say toxic ass shit to me. but everytime is try leaving he would beg and beg me to stay. i wanted to believe him but i found out he was talking to other girls and he was slowly distancing himself from me and i could tell bc he wasn’t giving me the attention he use too. and that’s when i would blow up his phone saying some of the most craziest fucked up shit, and it’s honestly embarrassing looking back. while we were still together he called me, this is before it was officially over, and he told me he just wanted to be friends. i was distraught. i felt like i lost my identity and actually changed my hair and my whole style because i felt so fucking lost. then he ended up fucking texting me the next day saying he didn’t mean it and ofc i took him back. then when he just stopped talking to me completely i genuinely went into a deep deep depressive state where i couldn’t even sleep or eat and all i could think ab was him. and then 3 days later i stopped caring. i was so upset about it and depressed i couldn’t move in my bed for a whole day and actually lost my job. i also cant hold a job down bc i have rlly bad motivation once i am working for an extended amount of time. but yeah once i stopped caring i actually died my hair i think the third time back to what it was before my mental breakdown and dressed the way i use too. another crazy bitch thing i did was i would like get upset w him bc i would cry and he wouldn’t comfort me and the one night i ran out of his car like 6 times and i wanted him to chase after me. instead i just looked crazy. so yeah after that i’m like done w relationships bc it genuinely drives me insane where i almost try living through them and start neglecting my own health and responsibilities all for them. it’s bad. and honestly it was rlly toxic bc he would say shit to me because he def has npd bc he lovebimbed me belittled me and then discarded me but when he would say weird shit i would almost blank and ignore it so i couldn’t remember it or something i don’t even know how to explain it. like i remember him saying he was brainwashing me or something along those lines while we were in bed together and i remember just ignoring him completely and being in my own state. it was bad. i also get very paranoid that when i’m out in public everyone is looking at me and thinking i’m ugly in their heads or i convince myself everyone is in love w me and wants to fuck me. and sometimes i have thoughts of people being able to see what i’m doing, like guys i like. i like freak myself out and think that it’s like a game and they r watching or something. i feel like i just sound crazy. but yeah i go from thinking i’m hot and can pull anyone to something happening and me thinking i’m the ugliest person ever. i also go from thinking i’m skinny to looking at myself and thinking i’m overweight. it’s just hard living like this. i also have rlly bad impulses like when i was 15 and randomly took my moms car and crashed it, being a kleptomaniac and stealing getting caught multiple times, and sneaking out for no reason and getting in trouble. i also over share everything w my mom. like i cant help it like i tell her about my sex life, all the drama, like i literally snitch on myself and over share details that should be kept to myself. i also say things randomly and i cant help it. like i’ll say something weird and then i’ll be like why did i say that? like the one time when i was fucking this guy i remember telling him right after that if i was pregnant i was getting an abortion. like who says that? also i keep toxic ppl and friends around for so long no matter what they do to me or say bc when i loose someone i feel like i’m dying. i also tend to have a smaller circle and i like hanging out with one person mainly. and i use to get so upset when my one best friend would hang w other people bc she was my only friend and i only cared ab hanging out w her. i get like that w people it’s bad.
submitted by ihatemen2021 to BPD [link] [comments]

2020.06.15 13:27 Near_To_Me How to recover Hotmail Account When it is blocked?

How might I recuperate my Hotmail account when it is blocked?
Hotmail is a free Microsoft account which is utilized to send and get messages. This is the record which gives you a decent quality cloud-based email stage. Presently known as Outlook with the name change, this email offers heaps of highlights that a client requires in an email and is Contact Hotmail Support searching for it since long. It is this email administration which gives best highlights like a moment reaction to any order, higher capacity limit, accommodating Hotmail account recuperation support and so forth makes this email an exceptional email for windows clients. Hotmail Customer Care Number
Furthermore, much the same as some other email administration, Hotmail is likewise secured with an exceptional username and secret phrase which is made by the clients themselves while making the record. What's more, clients are encouraged to not share their record passwords to keep up the record protection and security. However, on the off chance that you don't utilize this email represent an extensive stretch and stay dormant then it may either square you or deactivate your record. Along these lines, on the off chance that you don't Contact Hotmail Support have the foggiest idea how I can recuperate my Hotmail account, at that point you may allude the means beneath.
Getting Back Your Blocked Hotmail Account!
To get back the entrance to your record, you may need to follow certain means. Furthermore, these means are expressed underneath to assist you with giving back your Outlook account. Hotmail Customer Care Number

How to recoup Hotmail account on the off chance that you overlooked your secret phrase?
Here are a few stages for Hotmail account recuperation, when you have overlooked your secret key:

What are the means to recoup the hacked Hotmail account?
Overlooking the secret word of online records particularly the mail handles can be irritating. We as a whole have been there shuffling with either the overlooked secret key or hacked accounts as a result of which can't sign in to our Hotmail accounts. Be that as it may, rather than freezing, you can take the assistance of Hotmail account recuperation steps and recoup the secret phrase.
Steps for how to recuperate the hacked Hotmail account as demonstrated as follows:-

What's more, consequently that is totally supportive of the record recuperation steps of hacked Hotmail account. On the off chance that you have any questions with respect to secret word recuperation or need more data, at that point contact client care group.
What is the procedure to recoup erased Hotmail messages?
It is safe to say that you are anticipating recouping your erased messages from Hotmail? At whatever point clients erase their messages, it doesn't eradicate for all time and gets re-established in the erased envelope. Hotmail clients can recoup back the messages from the erased organizer by playing out a couple of simple advances. Besides, clients can likewise recuperate an erased account by experiencing account recuperation. Be that as it may, the procedure to recoup erased Hotmail messages is clarified beneath, notwithstanding the means for Hotmail account recuperation.
Steps to recoup erased messages:

Steps to recoup Hotmail account:

Thusly, you can recuperate your erased Hotmail messages. Additionally, the entire procedure to recuperate the Hotmail account is clarified previously. Besides, you can likewise get specialized help from the client care group of Hotmail in regards to any issue, by dialling their telephone number.
Hotmail account recover process not working?
Subsequently, with the assistance of above strides on Hotmail account recuperation, you can undoubtedly get back your record. Also, in the event that, you find that Hotmail account recuperation not working at that point are invited on Hotmail client care. This client service is all day, everyday dynamic to loan some assistance.
submitted by Near_To_Me to u/Near_To_Me [link] [comments]

2020.06.10 01:12 outlooknumbers Outlook Number 1 855 338 0710, Outlook Support Number

Outlook Password recovery

Microsoft outlook email password recovery
takes place with multiple ways with the recovery email,phone number and trusted app.
Let's discuss why we need password recovery and why it's important to make these recovery options up to date in your Microsoft outlook account.
Due to high scam taking place with the fake websites and calls taking place with the name of Microsoft and other fake bank organisations.It is important to update your all the password recovery options up to date so that if any how you are the victim of such kind of fraud activities at least no body able to access your personal information like your email and billing.Microsoft outlook account always gives you two step verification process if any body got unauthorised activity on your account then also ,not able to change your current password without verifying your account with your current security settings.

Let go with proper explanation
If any body or you try to access your Microsoft hotmail or outlook account from any other device or any other location it ask you to verify your identity.With the help of your current security either your registered phone number or alternate email account,by stating that suspicious activity found on your account and also send the copy of email or text notification on your preferred notification options. Some time we forgot to update our security updates for recovery and due to suspicious activity like spam mails and virus activity on your device may be your account will be locked out or blocked by Microsoft.
In such situations we have two options first option is you will add your mobile phone number and verify your account with the Microsoft phone verification text message and second option is that we have to verify our account ownership by filling verification form.
Outlooknumber support team will help you to setups these password recovery options correctly and guide to some technical steps so that you will not be the victims of such scams. Outlooknumber at 1855 338 0710 have live real time executives who will try to recover your lost password in front you with the live remote tool like gottoassit,TeamViewer and anydesk.Outlook number support team is independent services provider and will not have any association with Microsoft.We provide technical support for any problems related to your outlook account password recovery.
Some time account owner does not follow the correct process and result of that unable to get the access of the account.Our outlook number support team will help to clean out the virus from the device so that customer will not face the same issue again in future.If the customer do not have any other email account we also help customer to set a new email account so that customer can fill the account recovery form and get the update of his account on his new email send by the Microsoft verification team.

In sort we have to follow these steps to get our account recover..
Update your security options Enable the account security notification
Do not share your account personal details to anybody
Do not share your password
Never share account recovery OTP with anybody.
If you follow the above information from your own you are able to get the access of your account without sharing your device to any body and it's free.These are the only password recovery option present for your Microsoft account password recovery. Outlook support number at 1855-338-0710 team also guide you these steps only and cleaned out your device so that this problem will not occur in future also give you the validity according to plan which you select guide by the outlooknumber technical team.

Outlook Support

Outlook support stands for outlook or any email client application support,this outlook support comes under Microsoft office outlook or other email client application.In Microsoft office outlook is
an application comes with office 365, standard,professional and enterprise version for PC,for android and other mobile device it's free application,email clients application is mail applications for the devices. Outlook support also include the issues of your any email account in sending and receiving.
We can add any official or personal email account in the outlook or email client applications like thunderbirds,Windows live mail.
Some common issues in outlook or mail applications:
Send and receive error
Pop or imps setting issue
Incoming and outgoing server setting
Connection type
Port setting
Synchronisation problem with calendar
Unable to load emails
Our outlook number support at 1855-338-0710 team will help to resolve these above problems or more which creating trouble to access your outlook application.Outlooknumber support executive have more than 7 years of experience to work on such kind of applications and have huge number of professional and individual clients who appreciate our support and issue solved.As an online remote technical support provider we can request our customers to solve there issue with the bellow information first.
Before setup a new account in outlook application we need the following informations:

* Account Email address
* Account password
* Type of account setting (POP IMAP or Exchange ).
* Incoming server information and connection type with incoming port
* Outgoing server information and connection type with outgoing port
* Authentication type

For most of free email service providers like yahoo,gmail,hotmail,outlook and others,outlook or email client automatically catch the above information and configure the account.

We can also find all these information with our email service provider directly and setup our outlook application without any issue. Some times customer does not have the above information and In that case do not panic outlook number at 1855-338-0710 support team will find and fix your outlook application issue with the help of paid remote tools. We recommend you to follow the above steps so that your issue fix automatically and avoid remote support.Our Outlooknumber support team will also guide you the steps why this problem occurred and how can you will fix this issue in future.To take the support from our technical team is more the service its gain of knowledge which helps our customer to avoid possible risk of scam in future

Outlook Account recovery

Outlook account or Microsoft account recovery process is belonging to all type of account recovery like Xbox, Skype,office 365 and many more.

Due to standard email service any customer is free to create Microsoft or google account with their current email address and do not bound to create the a new email account to use the Google and Microsoft services.

We recommend account recovery term to recover your social media account and dependent services like Twitter,Facebook,LinkedIn and many other accounts.
We highly recommend customers to update account security information time to time,so that customer recovers their account easily.

Some common problems in account recovery:

Unable to receive verification mail

Unable to receive verification text code

Forgot security question's answers

Do not worry if you have the same technical problem with your account recovery. These are the common problems if your account recovery information is updated in your account. Outlook account, your email service provider or account provider also block your account for 24 hours with your device and IP address.In that case we ask you to recover your account from any other device and different locations or wait for 24 horse to unblock your account and your ip.
If you do not want to wait or any other device option than reach Outlook number at 1855-338-0710 support team will resolve your issue remotely by unblocking your IP address.Outlooknumber support team recommend you to contact. Your account provider first so that you will get the free assistance from them.We do not guarantee you to fix your issue 100%.If your information is update and you are able to verify the verification process of your concern account provider our team will 100% help you to recover your account.Outlook-number team will help to unblock the IP address and device so account will accessible once again from the same device once again.
Outlook account recovery is also guided on your account login page. once the user enter the wrong email id or password concern email account provider gives the option to recover account email and password. We have to follow the instructions carefully and we recovered our account without sharing any information to anybody else.Due to privacy policy we recommend to resolve your account recovery without help of any third party company.
outlook number at 1855-338-0710 support team helps you at any level with your authorisation,we also keep you in conference with your account provider and also let you connect correctly with your provider on chat or call according to avail option given by your account provider.
We are independent service provider for these kind of services and request to contact your account service provider first.

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2020.02.29 07:53 contacthelpforyou ☎ +1-(888)-500-6562 Hotmail Not working on iPhone

☎ +1-(888)-500-6562 How to Recover Hotmail Account Password What is the process to recover deleted Hotmail emails? Hotmail account recovery not working? Hotmail Customer Service Phone Number
How to Recover Hotmail Account Password?
Hotmail is a loose Microsoft account which is used to send and get hold of emails. This is the account which gives you with a good great cloud-based email platform. Now called Outlook with the name change, Hotmail Not Working on iPhone this electronic mail offers plenty of features that a user calls for in an e-mail and is seeking out it considering long. It is this e mail service which gives exceptional capabilities like an instant reaction to any command, better storage capacity, helpful Hotmail account restoration aid etc makes this e mail a unique email for home windows users.
How to Fix Hotmail Not working on iPhone 2020?
And much like every other email provider, Hotmail is also blanketed with a unique username and password that's created via the users themselves while developing the account. And customers are cautioned to no longer percentage their account passwords to keep the account privateness and security. Hotmail Customer Service Phone Number But, in case you do no longer use this email account for a protracted length and stay inactive then it might both block you or deactivate your account. So, if you do now not recognize how I can get better my Hotmail account then you can refer the stairs below.
Getting Back Your Blocked Hotmail Account!
To get returned the get right of entry to on your account, you may ought to observe certain steps. And these steps are stated below that will help you deliver returned your Outlook account.
  1. Open an internet browser and visit Hotmail.Com from its search bar.
  2. Enter the username in the sign-in web page that you need to recover and then faucet “Next”.
  3. In the subsequent step, tap on “Forgot Password?” option so you are taken to Hotmail account healing
  4. Hotmail will ask you to pick out a single technique to get lower back the blocked account. Hence, you may pick out either text, email or security question shape of restoration to unblock your account.
  5. If you choose the method of texting to get better the account then take a look at the telephone quantity linked to account and faucet “Send Code”.
  6. Check the SMS obtained and input the identical in the space provided and pass further.
  7. On selecting the approach of healing with the help of e-mail, enter the alternate email and observe the instructions supplied to you on restoration electronic mail.
  8. Upon deciding on the healing option using the safety question, answer it effectively and tap “Next”.
  9. Hotmail will test your answer or verification code from its server and could ask you to create a brand new password. Hence, ensure you create a password which is robust and smooth for you to take into account at the same time and faucet “OK” to confirm.
How to Recover Hotmail Account if you Forgot your Password?
Here are some steps for Hotmail account recovery, How to Recover Hotmail Account Password when you have forgotten your password:
· The First and foremost, Go to the official website of the outlook.
· On the house web page, click on “Can’t get right of entry to your account?”
· Now on the next page, you'll be asked ‘Why are you having hassle signing in?’ Click on the “I forgot my password” choice and click on on “Next” button.
· Enter your hotmail e-mail address in Microsoft account field and enter the ideal characters within the captcha verification. Then, click on on “Next”.
· Select your verification option to get a safety code on that preferred choice to get better your hotmail password.
· Hit “Next” button however if you click on on “I don’t use these anymore” option. You will ought to fill the short form to recover your password.
· Once you are performed with this, a message may be displayed to your screen that “Your facts has been submitted”.
· If you submitted the accurate statistics, a achievement message will come from Microsoft to your given e mail cope with.
· You will receive an account healing code in case your above details are correct.
· Enter the healing code in the required subject and click on “Use Recovery Code” button.
· Now your Hotmail password recovery method will start.
· Follow the commands of the password recovery.
· Then, input a new password and click on on “next” button. Now you may directly visit the sign in page where you may sign in your account the usage of a new password.
What is the process to recover deleted Hotmail emails?
Are you searching ahead to getting better your deleted emails from Hotmail? Whenever users delete their emails, Outlook Email Not Working it does not erase completely and receives restored in the deleted folder. Hotmail customers can get better again the emails from the deleted folder via performing a few clean steps. Moreover, users also can recover a deleted account by means of going thru account restoration. However, the process to recover deleted Hotmail emails is explained below, in addition to the stairs for Hotmail account recuperation.
Steps to recover deleted emails:
· Open Outlook website and register on your Hotmail account
· Find deleted items on the left facet and right click on on it
· Then choose “recover deleted objects” choice
· Now all of the deleted emails within 14-30 days will seem
· Press recover or OK button at last to get better your deleted emails
Steps to Recover Hotmail Account:
  1. Go to Hotmail login page and click on password reset link
  2. Type your Hotmail electronic mail address and click next button
  3. SelectI forgot my password alternative and circulate to subsequent page
  4. Then CAPTCHA code will appear type it correctly in clean box
  5. On subsequent web page you will see “email” or “smartphone quantity” as recovery choice
  6. Select anybody among them to acquire verification code from Hotmail
  7. Then go to your chosen recuperation alternative and replica the code despatched by way of Hotmail
  8. Now paste the code inside the assigned subject on recovery page and post it
  9. Then you may get transferred to password reset web page where you may create a new password
  10. Enter a unique mixture of alphanumeric code and keep it as new Hotmail password
This way, you may recover your deleted Hotmail emails. Also, the whole manner to get better Hotmail account is explained above. Moreover, you can also get technical support from the customer care team of Hotmail regarding any issue, via dialing their smartphone wide variety.
Hotmail account recovery not working?
Hence, Microsoft Account Not Working with the help of above steps on Hotmail account recuperation, you could without difficulty get returned your account. And in case, you discover that Hotmail account restoration not running then are welcomed on Hotmail customer support. This customer support is 24/7 energetic to lend a assisting hand.
submitted by contacthelpforyou to u/contacthelpforyou [link] [comments]

2020.02.17 08:20 ukanoldai Our domain is blacklisted since 2 weeks. No answer from Microsoft.

We had an account hacked 2 weeks ago, and it sent dozens of mails, we were blacklisted from many systems. We were unblacklisted rapidly from all systems except from Microsoft. We have been using this form but without success:
It seems evident for me that they are blocking us as the delivery failure we receive: Serveur de génération : [] Remote Server returned '<[] #5.0.0 smtp; 5.1.0 - Unknown address error 550-"5.7.1 Unfortunately, messages from [] weren't sent. Please contact your Internet service provider since part of their network is on our block list (S3150). You can also refer your provider to []" (delivery attempts: 0)>' En-têtes de message d'origine : X-IronPort-SBRS: None X-IronPort-Size: 61048 X-IronPort-MID: 3267317 X-IronPort-HAT: $RELAYED X-IronPort-FileTypes: image/png, image/png, image/png, image/png, image/jpeg, image/png X-IronPort-FileNames: image001.png, image006.png, image007.png, image008.png, image009.jpg, image010.png Received: from unknown (HELO ([]) by with ESMTP; 17 Feb 2020 08:06:49 +0100 Received: from by with Microsoft SMTP Server (TLS) id 15.0.1320.4; Mon, 17 Feb 2020 08:06:49 +0100 Received: from ([fe80::9910:3409:cba8:8d7e]) by ([fe80::9910:3409:cba8:8d7e%12]) with mapi id 15.00.1320.000; Mon, 17 Feb 2020 08:06:48 +0100 From: John Doe To: "" CC: "", "" Subject: Request to authorize to view Hotmail traffic data for Thread-Topic: Request to authorize to view Hotmail traffic data for Thread-Index: AQHV4OAF4CHAqrcGh0ezNazSjg0pd6ge/wsA Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2020 07:06:48 +0000 Message-ID: References: In-Reply-To: Accept-Language: fr-BE, en-US Content-Language: fr-FR X-MS-Has-Attach: yes X-MS-TNEF-Correlator: x-ms-exchange-transport-fromentityheader: Hosted x-originating-ip: [] Content-Type: text/plain MIME-Version: 1.0
How can i be unblocked?
submitted by ukanoldai to Outlook [link] [comments]

2020.01.16 23:11 ickyyyyy i(16f) am not sure where to go from here

theres this boy that at one point, i really liked. we dated for about a week at first and i then broke up with him to get back with my ex (yeah i know thats shitty). after being with my ex for a bit i then realized that i really liked the guy i originally dated, so i broke things off with my ex and proceeded to chase the original guy. i explained to him that i was really sorry for breaking things off with him so suddenly and that i was just scared of something new. he forgave me and we began talking again. we talked almost every day for about a month before making things official, and a little bit after we started dating, he told me he was having suicidal thoughts and that he couldnt be in a relationship right now, but that he was still attracted to me and wanted to remain friends. i agreed. i really empathized with him, because he was struggling in the same way i did which made me open up to him more and be more vulnerable. he started talking to me a lot less and when i confronted him about it ad told him if he didnt wanna be friends then i understand, and to just tell me. i must add that when we he began drifting from me, i became even more attatched to him. i would often tell him how great of a person he is and send long messages telling him how much i cared and that i really liked him. i guess that must have made him a bit uncomfortable, because when i ended up confronting him, he called me selfish and said for me to move on. i blocked him out of frustration, and ended up unblocking him pretty quickly but i didnt message him. weeks later i started school back up, and i did feel pretty selfish and wanted to apologize to him. every attempt i made to contact him and tell him i was sorry ended in him telling me to just leave him alone. i havent talked to him since, but i still hold a lot of feelings for him, and i want to talk to him so very badly. i dont know how. i keep letting my emotions get the best of me. i have been crying for so long almost daily because of this boy and i just want it to stop. i have tried forgetting about him but i cant. it is so fucking hard and i dont know what to do at this point. please help
submitted by ickyyyyy to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2019.11.12 21:10 NayamAmarshe JOT Magazine - The facebook page that never was

JOT Magazine - The facebook page that never was
I think this piece is important and too ‘normal-looking’ to pay attention to at the same time, but it still is surprising.
This is my first post and I don't expect any attention but here are my 2 cents, speaking on behalf of a lot of people from around the world.
A few days ago I was checking my liked pages list and a page comes up, JOT Magazine. Never heard of it? Now you do. I haven’t heard of it before but it was very strange for it to appear in the list. I’m very very very selective about the pages I like and the posts I like (for some reason) and this has led me to this sub.
So when I was scrolling through the list of liked pages, a total of 70 or so, the name appears - JOT Magazine. It was weird, I opened it to see that it was liked and followed. Well, the next thing I did was to ask my mother to check her account and it was in her Liked Pages list too! Surprising? Well, my father’s account had the page in the list as well.
Now, I can understand that my mother and father would have accidentally clicked like as the promotion would have appeared in their newsfeeds but me? Not a chance.
So I decided to start searching for it on a google.
NO TRACE! It doesn’t exist, not even the posts on reddit or other forums talking about JOT Magazine. How can someone manage to have, stay with me,
22 Million Likes!! and yet stay untraceable on Google? Some kind of Anti-SEO or something?
Yes, 22 Freaking Million Likes and followers!In their about section, there are 2 important things:
  1. A Hotmail email, so I guess pretty old one, [](
  2. A dead ecommerce website : with a dead facebook link.
The website many a times redirects to those ‘virus links’ websites so be careful.
The page is pretty active, they post normal content, the type of content facebook moms would like and share but that’s not the point.
Do something for me, go to this link and check the Community tab. Let me know if you find even a single positive comment.
These are some of the wholesome reviews posted by the page followers:
“Yeah this is a fucking lie. Fucking page shows up 15 times a month.”
“Admins of this page are holocaust deniers. Mark Zuckerberg is a terrorist who eats babies. If my profile gets deleted in the process it will all be worth it. I’ll be a martyr and the rest of the JOT rebellion will worship me. Seriously, if you help run this page put a gun in your mouth.”
“This page is the malignant cancer of Facebook. Nobody wants it and it won't stop coming back”
Oh and btw, the page has 1.0 rating out of 5.0. You get the point. The page keeps coming back. The day I saw it, I unfollowed it, blocked it and reported it. Today, it showed up in my feed again and hence the investigation and this post.
Now, my theory is, they somehow are related to facebook but facebook is too shy to accept it and they keep hacking people's accounts to unblock the page and go even further by following it.
This has messed up my privacy and I won’t be using facebook anymore. I just can’t trust it.
You too should check if you have the same page in your likes list, if it isn’t, don’t worry it will be soon.
Now, continuing the search, I found they are connected to this crap.
They list all their insta handles here :
Surprisingly, even after having millions of followers there too, the posts’ views and likes are very low, so somehow they’re botting it?
Check the website on
They get around 100 visits a day which is very bad considering that google’s crawl-bots could be those 100 visits but it doesn’t show up in Google unless you search for the whole website address.
Big question, how are they still in business if they don’t profit from anything and are literally getting into people’s accounts forcefully.
It goes much deeper than this, I know but I can’t get to the end of this. There is no explanation at all!
One user in the comments posted a theory:
they're abusing a feature that allows unclaimed pages to be merged. So this page has been merging with popular unclaimed pages. Like Harambe, Nail painting, Cats, etc. And when they merge it even bypasses a block because your like and follow comes from the other page. It's extremely annoying and I'm genuinely surprised Facebook hasn't shut it down yet.
This seems like a good explanation but it’s very wrong for a few reasons,
  1. Facebook merge requests are denied if the pages are of different categories.
  2. JOTM would not appear in my facebook page if they’re blocked.
  3. JOTM would not appear in my facebook page even if they’d have merged a different page that I liked, which to my knowledge is just not the case.
Can somebody please get to the bottom of this? Millions of people are being affected without ever realizing. We could be hacked for all we know. Out privacy is at stake and a page reappearing, breaking all of facebook rules and still not being called out is just infuriating!

UPDATE: It seems like we have an update. JOT Magazine started appearing in my feed again!

My blocked pages list
So, I checked my block list and guess what?
2 Pages named JOT Magazine! And one is still out there! I wondered why it was appearing in my news feed, here's why

Mysteriously Liked and followed by me (which I never did)
They're still hacking facebook to get people to like the page. I've done everything but there seems no end to this.
Here's everything we know so far about this third page

The admin is from Kosovo

The page history shows us the older names of the page
So, the page name change theory is confirmed (ONLY FOR THIS 3rd PAGE) but the 'liked and followed' thing is still a mystery, definitely a hack group.
submitted by NayamAmarshe to barelysociable [link] [comments]

2019.04.20 22:18 infiniteplusultra My best friend's first boyfriend. The predatory abusive "nice guy"

Ooookay. This is gonna be really long and all over the place. So before I start, I won't be using any real names for the sake of safety. So it all started in 2016. My best friend (we'll call her Ann) started dating this "nice" guy (we'll call him MG). And I gotta say, not to brag but I saw so many red flags. Starters, she was 16 and he was 23 i believe, so yeah. Huge sign that he's a predator. It was a long distance relationship, and if you guys think that those relationships don't affect reality, you are wrong. But I'll get to that later on. Anyways, MG would excessively mail her with so many (and probably expensive) gifts and presents, which got Ann attatched to him quickly since she was pretty naïve and she was never in a relationship during the time which I can understand, but I always thought it was really sketchy and creepy because in situations like these, it's not being romantic and flattering, it's GROOMING. MG barely allowed her to talk or hang out with me and my friends (who are also her friends), even her sister. He would throw a tantrum and hissy fit whenever she has her own plans and wants to hang out with her friends, sister, or even me and would guilt trip her into declining and cancel them for him. He doesn't take no for an answer and according from what Ann told me after they broke up, he even pressured her to send nudes (thankfully she never did). And just like other predators, he would blame it on his depression, PTSD and anxiety. And sadly, my best friend was manipulated. Even when she had the opportunity to hang out with me, my friends, or her family, he would get in the way by spamming her with sad texts and would even call her, not just to check up on her, but to also spend time with her. Idk if I'm the only one but I think it's rude to call or text hust to spend time when your s/o is already spending time with their friends. MG constantly wanted to get every detail on where Ann is, what she's doing, and who she's with. Me, Ann's sister, and my friends knew how toxic the behavior was, but Ann had a bit of Stockholm Syndrome during the time. In fact she knew how she wasn't being treated right and knew that we knew the relationship was toxic but she denied denied denied. One point she was missing out on school for weeks and yes it was because of her relationship. She was so stressed and depressed because of him. Whenever me or my friends confronted or called MG out on the shitty things he does, he gets aggressive, denies, deflects, and of course, gaslighted. He blamed her stress on us, making us the bad guys. He's one of those people who will point out other people's flaws but will freak out when someone points out his flaws. Typical red flag and "nice" guy. In fact, he's fully aware of what he does and only says that he'll "change" just to silence us. A few months later, Ann was in a discord voice chat and MG was DMing her, aggressively asking her what she was doing, who she was talking to, and got upset when Ann's friends didn't want MG to join. He snapped at Ann, saying she can't be in the chat if he's not in it, and threatening to beat the hell out of her friends. He started to force her to choose between him and her friends, leading to their first break up. After that I told MG off. And me, Ann, and our friends thought this wad the end. But we were so wrong. A few months later on December 2017, MG DMed one of our friends, LYING about him and Ann being back together, and he bought a plane ticket to see her. He knew DAMN well that Ann wanted nothing to do with him but had the audacity to fly from Ohio to Florida, showed up to her house UNINVITED, and forced her to let him stay over for 3 weeks. Now that is just horrifying because he's definitely stalking and tresspassing, which are 2 punishible crimes. When me, Ann's sister and friends found this out, we freaked and messaged Ann to try to get help. But MG was in her room, going through her discord and blocked everyone there. Thankfully my phone number wasn't blocked so I called Ann to see if I can hang out with her (I wanted to see what MG was like) and fortunately she obliged. When I arrived I asked her why she blocked me (at that time I didn't know it was MG who actually did it, which shows how much of a pathological liar he is) and she gave me a confused look, then MG was like "yeah why did you block her? She's your best friend" and because of how manipulative he was, Ann played along and apologized and unblocked me. Things went ok I guess? Then three weeks later, MG returned to Ohio and then in February, me, Ann, her sister, and friends decided to hang out, and holy shit, MG was messaging me, guilt tripping and manipulating me to cancel, and he was spamming Ann with messages. We got to a point that we all had to discuss on ways for Ann to cut MG off. Ann was sad and wanted do that. She talked about how a week ago, MG didn't allow her to come to her sister's birthday and how whenever she tried to break up with him, he threatened to move into her house and hurt her. And then one of our friends opened up how at the time MG was at Ann's house back in December, MG threatened to kill her friend. We all agreed on how abusive MG is. 2 hours later, Ann's mom came to pick her up, and I went and told her mom about how toxic Ann and MG's relationship is. And no offense but her mom is pretty neglectful since she admitted that she was completely aware of how toxic the relationship was and she admitted that she chose not to do anything about because Ann "allows MG to treat her that way". Like wtf? Anyways about a week later I got the news saying that Ann and MG broke up once and for all and that was when the chaos ended. In case any of you are wondering, Ann is ok now and is in a healthy relationship, in which her new boyfriend is respectful, kind, and respects her boundaries Here is some advice: -If you're a minor and a guy in his 20s shows any interest in you, RUN! FUCKING RUN AND NEVER LOOK BACK
Also, if you or a friend is in a abusive relationship, there is always a way out. National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233 Love Is Respect 1-866-331-9474
submitted by infiniteplusultra to niceguystories [link] [comments]

2019.02.12 12:46 johnwilson111 hotmail email error 550

If you’re encountering any difficulty with Hotmail then view the status of service. If the status is not green then wait for service to run normally and do it again
I didn’t get an email that was sent to me on my Hotmail account
There are various things that you can do to fix your problem and some of them are:
why email cant sent on Hotmail?
If you can’t send or receive the email then it might be because of temporarily blocked account and it might be blocked due to unusual sign inactivity. Steps to unblock the account:
Visit to gain access of account and reset the password, enter the email address of blocked account and enter the character present on the screen and click next, get the code on your Smartphone, after entering security code change password and complete unblocking process
why can’t you send an email from a mobile phone?
You will keep on approaching your current email, contacts, and timetable information that is as of now put away in Windows Live Mail 2012 on your PC. Be that as it may, to get to new email, new timetable occasions, and new contacts information from your account, you should change to one of the options referenced underneath.

Steps to resolve Hotmail error 550:

But the good part of the Error 550 is that you don’t need to be technically sound to resolve it. With the help of the following steps, you can easily fix the Hotmail Error550.
*In your record, you will discover the Tool tab.
*Under the Tool tab, there is Account. Snap on it.
*After choosing Account; you have to tap on the Email server settings
*Now go to the SMTP and ensure that the server name is
*Then go to the More settings
*Click on the Outgoing server
*Check on the alternative My server requires confirmation
*Now spare the settings and close the Tab
*Now attempt to send email from your Hotmail account.
enable SMTP authentication in outlook if you still get error 550 in Hotmail. If you don’t have SMTP authentication and you’re using Microsoft Outlook email client then there is a possibility of that mail going in spam. A person has to follow the instruction to enable SMTP authentication.
submitted by johnwilson111 to u/johnwilson111 [link] [comments]

2019.01.09 22:57 hopZey XSOLLA? huh thats how support help you nowadays.

I know you dont care about this much that but i'm so nervous about this and makes me that angry so i would eat my monitor and throw my pc out of windows cuz of this.
I wanted to buy a CSGO SUB on redit, then my friend who was carding cards( i know i made this wrong ).. he gave me some cards like 2-3 cards but they were unable to pay with them, so i was like f*ck it im going to use my own credit card and buy myself a csgo sub because every match on faceit was me and 4 russians in team, and i went to upgrade my account, and got error 3032 xsolla, okey i was like maybe they have some problem with system rn, ill try later.. and all time same happens i tried skrill, paypal all same error .. i contacted xsolla they said like my account is locked, i was okey lets make this right and ill provide my all informations(incl. photos of my ID, of my credit card aswell and all you need), There was some support named Kate, she said to provide a photo of frontal side of your bank card, i was going to make a photo then when i tried to send she dissapears from livechat...
So im asking here again to FACEIT Supports is there anything i can do so you can help me to unlock my account because im using my credit card, or the only solution is to quit the game and just really throw the pc out of window and live a life without games anymore?

Here is the chat with support; Me: Hello
Just a moment...
Hello. How can I help you?
Me: Hey i got problem with faceit csgo sub
i have contacted you here and ticket, you are saying that my account is blocked for abnormal payment
what is it?
mail used [l***-s******](
and how can i get unblock because i need to buy faceit premium
Kate: Please clarify, do you have an online account for your card where you can see your transaction history? There should be a HOLD or PENDING transaction less than 1$ in here. If you find such a transaction, please tell me its amount for the most recent charge.
Me: No i dont have a pending trasnaction
when i try to buy i got problem 3032
Kate: Please provide us with the photo of the frontal side of your bank card. The photo must include the first 6 and last 4 digits of the card. You may blur or hide other information on the card. Please note that we are not requesting any personal information, only the first 6 and last 4 digits to identify the payer as the holder of the physical copy of the card. In case your card has any personal information, please feel free to blur it.
Me: can i write you
here or i need photo?
i will make a photo of my credit card is it okey?
without any blur
Kate: Please stand by online, as it may take some time to resolve the issue. Thank you for your patience. I'll provide you with an update in a few minutes.
Safe gaming and secure payments are of the highest importance to Xsolla. We take online fraud very seriously.
We have detected abnormal payment patterns in your account, and we have decided to block your access to our system for security reasons.

Thank you for your patience and understanding,
submitted by hopZey to FACEITcom [link] [comments]

2019.01.05 21:38 throw-away23457 Dox-ing attack, nothing has been done. What do I do?

Hi All.
Using a throwaway for reasons you'll see below. Also, key information:
I'm over 18
From Scotland

Got doxxed, details stolen by colleagues at workplace, details used to attempt blackmail me. Got given a deal that would obviously make me leave my job. Guy is still online doing his shit and still causing issues, police have done nothing and I still have lingering anxiety attacks because of all of this. What do I do to get this dealt with and get compensation?

So the story starts with my old workplace. I worked as a support rep for a console manufacturer, covering console, network and account support. I had worked there for a number of years, and had been quite dedicated to my job, learning the ins and outs of the systems and such.
I was also one of the longest standing members of staff (Average lifespan of an employee was about 3 months. I was over 3 years). Recently, they had started employing more staff, with some even working from home based offices. Unfortunately, when it comes to interviewing people to work away from the main office, the quality of the staff starts to suffer.
We also had recently started receiving calls pretending to be users, trying to access accounts with specific names (For example, the words "Reddit") without any numbers or any altering characters. These accounts were being sold on a website as I had found out.

The incident:
One day, I receive 2 texts from Microsoft (legitimate) asking to confirm my 2 factor authentication (2FA from now on), then shortly afterwards, I get 2 texts from 2 different numbers claiming to have a Hotmail, and that they accidentally entered my number instead of theirs, and needed the code. This started to concern me as I had set up 2FA myself about 3 months back and still had the original text which states clearly that it is being set up and the texts I had received were for an attempted login. I ignored them and I thought that was it over.
So with our systems, every morning to check they were working correctly, I would search my own personal account, just to see if it brought it up (We were encouraged to do so as we know the account exists and what should be appearing on ti). The morning following these texts, I notice some attempts to access it, failing each time. I also have 2FA on here so there should be nothing to be concerned about.
What was worrying however, was that I also noticed an admin (colleague) looking at my account for what appeared to be no reason at all and sending a forced password reset to my mailbox (This coincided with the 2FA notifications to my Hotmail account which is what that account was associated to). There was no notes from the colleague to say why he did this, with a blank call reference attached to it.
I also received messages on the same day on Facebook from 4 different people asking to have people's accounts. I ignore them.
Of course this is going to cause some issues, so I bring it up to the top level manager, who proceeds to tell me to forget about it. This is a massive compliance breach so I obviously don't "forget about it". I speak to a colleague who is trusted that has higher level access than me, explain the situation and make sure that it stays with him. He checks the call logs and sure enough, there is a call. Quite short, but its still there.
He listens to it, and someone (Who we are going to call "Steve" from here on) calls claiming to be me. Now, I have a VERY pronounced accent and speech impediment. You can tell when you are speaking to me. Steve starts talking saying that I'm locked out of my account and I need a password reset. The guy doesn't go through any data protection procedures and just immediately starts going through my account, making alterations without any security questions asked. (I also believe that he gives away some of my info too, not that it will matter as shown below). Good news though, as I have 2FA, he still can't get in.
I have this brought up to the top level manager again, with the recordings. The colleague has his hand slapped and no further action is taken. Of course I'm livid but what can I do?
Then, 4 days later the calls start. I receive a call in the middle of the night from someone, asking if I worked for that gaming company. I don't answer and ask who this is. He states that he has all of my info and that he wants access to accounts of customers. I obviously tell him no and hang up. I quickly bash on a call recorder for my phone just as the second one comes in. Once again, he states the same thing, then gives my address, bank details, passwords as well as my family's details as well. He has a pretty interesting accent. (Unique to 1 or 2 areas from the UK) and mispronounces Scottish words in a way that you can tell where he's from.
I still say no and hang up.
He calls back another 2 times, this time I mute myself and just let him talk to himself. He states he's going to bomb my house, swat my house and send hookers to my house if I don't do what he says. He then gives up and stops calling.
At this point, I have a meltdown and don't sleep for the whole night. I call the police and they offer to come into my workplace for an interview. The top level manager obviously only comes in when shifts start so you could imaging how happy he was to be greeted by me having a meltdown and 2 coppers. We go to a backroom and chat about it, with the workplace offering to help.
Now at this point, I think it's over. I go back to work, do my job and thats it. Well, in my spare time (During lunch breaks) I used the system to take a look at my account. More access attempts. So at this point I decide to do a little snooping. I look and of course the original access is coming from hardware using a VPN. No big suprise there. The major thing is that, once I have the hardware information, I can just look at it behind the VPN. I can see the local IP of the device on it's own network, and it's assigned. Then, the VPN disconnects and I can see it goes inactive for a few hours, then another user signs on, with the same local IP but different public IP, with no VPN in action. I check and the system shows as being in an area where Steve's access comes from, with a town nearby with the same pronunciation as he used in the call for one of the Scottish words. I now see a registered address, name, and phone numbers.
I confirm with the workplace if I'm OK to pass this on to the police, they say "whatever" because they are just done with all of this.
Once again I think it's all over. It's not. I start receiving whatsapp messages, asking once again for people's accounts. I don't reply to any of them but the messages constantly come in. I get bombarded with messages with all of my information again, this time with more card details (Brand new card, because they knew the details for the old ones). This card had just been added to my account for the games console which rung alarm bells.
The guy says he will dump money into my paypal if I give him accounts. He then dumps money in saying it's in advance. I check my PayPal, and sure enough, there's 10K sitting in it. I continue to ignore him and report this to my work.

I report all of this, real name, address and phone number to the police, adding it to my report and explain the methods I used to find Steve. They take this and state they need a Data Protection form to be filled out by my workplace for this to be looked at.
I say fine and report this to them and nothing happens.
A week or 2 goes by, and I notice another admin looking at my account. It's a new guy that works from home. I gloss over it as the bosses all think I'm some kind of paranoid mess (And yes, yes I am for a good reason.)
Then, I get pulled aside by the boss. They tell me to go home and that I am not allowed near the work building. They will have a meeting in 2 weeks and I am not to contact any staff or anything. I'm obviously full of anxiety and not sure of what the hell is going on. On my way home, I receive a call from an unknown number from someone that isn't Steve. They say that XYZ colleague has been leaking information and that all of this is an inside job, then hang up. The name of the staff member is the same as that of the guy that had recently looked at my account.
2 weeks go by with several breakdowns. I obviously think I'm going to get fired for something and I manage to snag an interview elsewhere, and they are happy to let me see what the HR meeting was for before I accepted their job.
The meeting happens over the phone, they tell me that the top level boss received a threatening call stating I was an insider and that I was leaking all information. They suspended me while they investigated if this was true but decided to keep me in the dark. They decided it wasn't true (Because the guy that's had 3 mental breakdowns in the office because he's been doxxed apparently didn't do this to himself). They decided they didn't want me anymore as I had caused too much trouble and wanted me to work elsewhere. They wanted me to work in a different office with less pay outside of my normal area of expertise. I declined and went to my new workplace.

This was a year ago, Steve is still kicking about online and causing mischief for my old workplace. The work from home guy got taken by the police. Turns out he was friends with Steve and got the job exclusively to do this. He had given my information to Steve and others.
The 10K in my PayPal got removed and my account was frozen for 9 months while they investigated me. I gave them the police details and it was eventually unblocked but I lost my seller status.
Someone else got arrested for the same thing recently and this got me thinking about what I should do. I seriously think that I got fucked by this. I am forever paranoid, I can't ever do anything online without being scared of this guy doing his shit again.
What should I do? I want this guy to go to prison or at least pay for all the trouble he caused.
Ask any questions you like.
submitted by throw-away23457 to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2019.01.05 21:28 throw-away23457 Dox-ing attack, nothing has been done about the person that did it, what do I do?

Hi All.
Using a throwaway for reasons you'll see below. Also, key information:
I'm over 18
From Scotland

Got doxxed, details stolen by colleagues at workplace, details used to attempt blackmail me. Got given a deal that would obviously make me leave my job. Guy is still online doing his shit and still causing issues, police have done nothing and I still have lingering anxiety attacks because of all of this. What do I do to make this move forward and get compensation?

So the story starts with my old workplace. I worked as a support rep for a console manufacturer, covering console, network and account support. I had worked there for a number of years, and had been quite dedicated to my job, learning the ins and outs of the systems and such.
I was also one of the longest standing members of staff (Average lifespan of an employee was about 3 months. I was over 3 years). Recently, they had started employing more staff, with some even working from home based offices. Unfortunately, when it comes to interviewing people to work away from the main office, the quality of the staff starts to suffer.
We also had recently started receiving calls pretending to be users, trying to access accounts with specific names (For example, the words "Reddit") without any numbers or any altering characters. These accounts were being sold on a website as I had found out.

The incident:
One day, I receive 2 texts from Microsoft (legitimate) asking to confirm my 2 factor authentication (2FA from now on), then shortly afterwards, I get 2 texts from 2 different numbers claiming to have a Hotmail, and that they accidentally entered my number instead of theirs, and needed the code. This started to concern me as I had set up 2FA myself about 3 months back and still had the original text which states clearly that it is being set up and the texts I had received were for an attempted login. I ignored them and I thought that was it over.
So with our systems, every morning to check they were working correctly, I would search my own personal account, just to see if it brought it up (We were encouraged to do so as we know the account exists and what should be appearing on ti). The morning following these texts, I notice some attempts to access it, failing each time. I also have 2FA on here so there should be nothing to be concerned about.
What was worrying however, was that I also noticed an admin (colleague) looking at my account for what appeared to be no reason at all and sending a forced password reset to my mailbox (This coincided with the 2FA notifications to my Hotmail account which is what that account was associated to). There was no notes from the colleague to say why he did this, with a blank call reference attached to it.
I also received messages on the same day on Facebook from 4 different people asking to have people's accounts. I ignore them.
Of course this is going to cause some issues, so I bring it up to the top level manager, who proceeds to tell me to forget about it. This is a massive compliance breach so I obviously don't "forget about it". I speak to a colleague who is trusted that has higher level access than me, explain the situation and make sure that it stays with him. He checks the call logs and sure enough, there is a call. Quite short, but its still there.
He listens to it, and someone (Who we are going to call "Steve" from here on) calls claiming to be me. Now, I have a VERY pronounced accent and speech impediment. You can tell when you are speaking to me. Steve starts talking saying that I'm locked out of my account and I need a password reset. The guy doesn't go through any data protection procedures and just immediately starts going through my account, making alterations without any security questions asked. (I also believe that he gives away some of my info too, not that it will matter as shown below). Good news though, as I have 2FA, he still can't get in.
I have this brought up to the top level manager again, with the recordings. The colleague has his hand slapped and no further action is taken. Of course I'm livid but what can I do?
Then, 4 days later the calls start. I receive a call in the middle of the night from someone, asking if I worked for that gaming company. I don't answer and ask who this is. He states that he has all of my info and that he wants access to accounts of customers. I obviously tell him no and hang up. I quickly bash on a call recorder for my phone just as the second one comes in. Once again, he states the same thing, then gives my address, bank details, passwords as well as my family's details as well. He has a pretty interesting accent. (Unique to 1 or 2 areas from the UK) and mispronounces Scottish words in a way that you can tell where he's from.
I still say no and hang up.
He calls back another 2 times, this time I mute myself and just let him talk to himself. He states he's going to bomb my house, swat my house and send hookers to my house if I don't do what he says. He then gives up and stops calling.
At this point, I have a meltdown and don't sleep for the whole night. I call the police and they offer to come into my workplace for an interview. The top level manager obviously only comes in when shifts start so you could imaging how happy he was to be greeted by me having a meltdown and 2 coppers. We go to a backroom and chat about it, with the workplace offering to help.
Now at this point, I think it's over. I go back to work, do my job and thats it. Well, in my spare time (During lunch breaks) I used the system to take a look at my account. More access attempts. So at this point I decide to do a little snooping. I look and of course the original access is coming from hardware using a VPN. No big suprise there. The major thing is that, once I have the hardware information, I can just look at it behind the VPN. I can see the local IP of the device on it's own network, and it's assigned. Then, the VPN disconnects and I can see it goes inactive for a few hours, then another user signs on, with the same local IP but different public IP, with no VPN in action. I check and the system shows as being in an area where Steve's access comes from, with a town nearby with the same pronunciation as he used in the call for one of the Scottish words. I now see a registered address, name, and phone numbers.
I confirm with the workplace if I'm OK to pass this on to the police, they say "whatever" because they are just done with all of this.
Once again I think it's all over. It's not. I start receiving whatsapp messages, asking once again for people's accounts. I don't reply to any of them but the messages constantly come in. I get bombarded with messages with all of my information again, this time with more card details (Brand new card, because they knew the details for the old ones). This card had just been added to my account for the games console which rung alarm bells.
The guy says he will dump money into my paypal if I give him accounts. He then dumps money in saying it's in advance. I check my PayPal, and sure enough, there's 10K sitting in it. I continue to ignore him and report this to my work.

I report all of this, real name, address and phone number to the police, adding it to my report and explain the methods I used to find Steve. They take this and state they need a Data Protection form to be filled out by my workplace for this to be looked at.
I say fine and report this to them and nothing happens.
A week or 2 goes by, and I notice another admin looking at my account. It's a new guy that works from home. I gloss over it as the bosses all think I'm some kind of paranoid mess (And yes, yes I am for a good reason.)
Then, I get pulled aside by the boss. They tell me to go home and that I am not allowed near the work building. They will have a meeting in 2 weeks and I am not to contact any staff or anything. I'm obviously full of anxiety and not sure of what the hell is going on. On my way home, I receive a call from an unknown number from someone that isn't Steve. They say that XYZ colleague has been leaking information and that all of this is an inside job, then hang up. The name of the staff member is the same as that of the guy that had recently looked at my account.
2 weeks go by with several breakdowns. I obviously think I'm going to get fired for something and I manage to snag an interview elsewhere, and they are happy to let me see what the HR meeting was for before I accepted their job.
The meeting happens over the phone, they tell me that the top level boss received a threatening call stating I was an insider and that I was leaking all information. They suspended me while they investigated if this was true but decided to keep me in the dark. They decided it wasn't true (Because the guy that's had 3 mental breakdowns in the office because he's been doxxed apparently didn't do this to himself). They decided they didn't want me anymore as I had caused too much trouble and wanted me to work elsewhere. They wanted me to work in a different office with less pay outside of my normal area of expertise. I declined and went to my new workplace.

This was a year ago, Steve is still kicking about online and causing mischief for my old workplace. The work from home guy got taken by the police. Turns out he was friends with Steve and got the job exclusively to do this. He had given my information to Steve and others.
The 10K in my PayPal got removed and my account was frozen for 9 months while they investigated me. I gave them the police details and it was eventually unblocked but I lost my seller status.
Someone else got arrested for the same thing recently and this got me thinking about what I should do. I seriously think that I got fucked by this. I am forever paranoid, I can't ever do anything online without being scared of this guy doing his shit again.
What should I do? I want this guy to go to prison or at least pay for all the trouble he caused.
Ask any questions you like.
submitted by throw-away23457 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2017.07.23 00:10 MrsWhyNot "We couldn't connect to Instagram. Make sure you're connected to the internet and try again." Login Help!

I know this isnt a tech support sub, so if you know a subreddit that might help me, please let me know. Anybody with any kind of help is so greatly appreciated. I just want my instagram account back :(
I'm getting this message when I try to sign in on my laptop. When i try to use the app on my android, I get 'Checkpoint Required' When I try to reset my password on my laptop, I get the reset password email, I reset it, and then I get a blank white page that simply says 'error' in the top left. Its an annoying cycle of problems. I can't report the problem to instagram because, according to their help center, I can only report an issue once I'm logged into my account.
I travel a lot so have had to put up with lots of security log in problems. I also suspect I have been hacked in the past, as my hotmail, instagram and twitter all blocked me out one day. After a lot of security emails to and from microsoft to unblock my hotmail ( and subsequently unblock my twitter and instagram) I had finally sorted it and changed all my passwords and upped my security. This time, I'm not getting any 'We think there has been suspicious activity on your account' like before, I'm just getting vague error messages and internet conectivity problems.
Interestingly, when I try to log in on my laptop, I enter my password and it says "We couldn't connect to Instagram. Make sure you're connected to the internet and try again." -But when I tried to enter an old password, I get a 'wrong password' message.
I just hope I havn't been hacked again.
Let me know if theres an alternative way to get in touch with instagram, or if you have any thoughts on what might be wrong here. How would i know if my account had been hacked, abused, and then disabled?
[Edit: I've tried using different browsers. Same deal.]
submitted by MrsWhyNot to Instagram [link] [comments]

2017.07.12 22:51 toxicsleft Gentlemen Gaming wants you!

Tired of the same old you? Tired of being out of shape and out of luck with the opposite sex? Tired of being bad at games and under-attractive? Yeah!
Oh, hello. I’m Toxics_left, Co-Owner, Operator, and Co-Founder of Gentlemen Gaming America Corp, and I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to be stuck with what ya got.
Here at Gentlemen Gaming, we understand that “Ugliness” and “Noobiness” are genetic disorders, much like baldness or necrophilia, and it’s only your fault if you don’t hate yourself enough to do something about it.
Gentlemen Gaming recruits a highly-trained, quasi-cultural staff of personal alterational specialists. And with our competitively-priced on-site cosmetic surgery, we can turn that Frankenstein you see in the mirror every morning into a Franken-fine! Of course you’ll still be you in a legal sense, but think of it as a thinner, more attractive, better you than you could ever become without us. How do I know? Well, I’m not only the founder of Gentlemen Gaming. I’m also a client.
(Points to photo attatchment) That’s me. Six years and 600 Albion GvG's ago… before I knew how much I hated myself. But that all changed once I founded Gentlemen Gaming.
So don't wait! Act now! Join Gentlemen Gaming today to become a new and better you.
Why are you still here?
Oh you want that useful stuff about how it works?
Well, we are a pvp orientated guild that accepts everyone to the cause because we recognize that everyone has a purpose For instance: If your only goal in life is to wash your week old underwear. We aim to make you the best damn underwear washer you can be.
We recognize that organization is important and that's why we have our top officials in charge of administration to ensure you get every penny out of your time here in Gentlemen Gaming.
What's that? How do we stay connected?
I'm glad you asked because here at Gentlemen Gaming we never want out members out of the loop. In fact our top scientists have vigorously refined different methods and techniques to keep our members together.
We utilize a teamspeak based service during the day so you'll know who's jealous even while you flip burger 9-5.
Have any more questions? We have people waiting by the phones just to answer your questions. Just open your favorite email app and dial
Or.... leave your information below and one of our highly trained specialists will contact you!
For the TLDR crew (boy tough crowd)
Is your guild looking to transcend the other smaller guilds? Did your guild recently quit? Are you new to the game? Are you just looking for one stable family to play this damn game with? If you answered yes to any if these questions message an officer today!
*Blackzone guild, utilizing Caerleon *primarily pvp based *strong multi-gaming community *Required teamspeak *Will accept newer players that demonstrate eagerness to learn and grow *Daily chest runs *Daily Hell gates and dungeon runs
Message one of these officers to join today!
submitted by toxicsleft to albiononline [link] [comments]

2017.04.05 20:34 dietotaku Complaine figures out snail mail in time for my son's birthday

Over the past month or two, Complaine has been sending "flying monkeys" (to the best of her abilities, I don't think she's a true narc so she doesn't really get how the whole thing is supposed to work nor does she really have people "in her corner"). She texted me, she had my brother text me, she texted my husband, then she had my dad text me. I finally told my dad, yes, I know she's unblocked me, I know she wants to talk to me, I'm not very keen on talking to her. Dad said he understood, he knows how she gets when somebody doesn't do things the way she would. It was nice to know he was on my side, but then he did divorce her, lol.
This whole time I was wondering when it would occur to Complaine that the only means by which she could definitely get her message to me was regular old mail, and today I got my answer.
I've unblocked you on hotmail & tried emailing, texting & calling you to no avail so here is your letter. I was going to write you to try to resolve this but was told you're not interested. I'm sorry to hear that. I don't think I'm so critical that I deserve to be shunned and kept from my grandchildren. That's your call tho. I try to say things in a kind way so I don't sound like my mother. You know that. Your comments on Facebook were very mean and hurtful. I have always been there for you and would like to always be there for you. Hopefully someday soon you will let me back in your life.
I assume you are planning a party for [DS]'s birthday. I would like to know if I can come. I promise not to make any suggestions or negative comments. I love you & I miss you.
I wish I could have found an appropriate "you started it/you've learned nothing" gif for that bit about how mean MY comments were. Like her being mean & hurtful isn't exactly why I flipped out on her and haven't spoken to her in 4 months.
I'm tempted to let her come to the party, and let that be the litmus for how I proceed going forward. If she's actually nice and polite and positive and encouraging, low contact. If she says one fucking word about what I should have done or why don't I do this or tries to get weepy about the whole not-speaking thing, permanent NC.
submitted by dietotaku to JUSTNOMIL [link] [comments]