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Hi han més articles avui -05/20/2024. Aqui estan tots els titulars que he trobat...

2024.05.20 07:33 apocalypse_then Hi han més articles avui -05/20/2024. Aqui estan tots els titulars que he trobat...

Cada dia recullo molts titulars, pero publico pocs. Aqui va un recull de tot per els que volen veure una mica més.
El Comú d'Andorra la Vella actuarà en 11 reductors de l'avinguda d'Enclar
El museu Casa Cristo rep més de 150 visitants amb motiu del Dia Internacional dels Museus
On hi ha vida, hi ha esperança
El Comú d'Escaldes-Engordany entrega un xec solidari de 534 euros a Unicef
L'esport minoritari també triomfa a Andorra
L'Andorra HC assoleix la fita i puja a Primera Catalana
El mercat immobiliari d'inversió estrangera 's'anima' i els notaris confien que es normalitzi
La Batllia posa en marxa la investigació efectiva de la suposada fallida delictiva de Buiques
Ubach contesta a la CEA: 'Els sindicats no fem propostes de màxims, sinó de mínims'
El consum energètic de les escoles es redueix un 5% l'any 2023
Clam a la presó: 'Com es pot dir que hi ha els recursos necessaris si cal pagar un munt d'extres'
Cadena Ser Andorra:
Una cinquantena de persones s'autoprohibeixen entrar a les sales de joc
Dos joves en estat crític en precipitar-se des d'un tercer pis a Sant Julià
Les obres del projecte Caldes es mantenen aturades per ordre judicial
La història dels vint joves que van fugir dels nazis a través d'Andorra
Dol per la mort de l'agent de circulació Damià Pineño
L'examen forense revela que la dona trobada a una bossa al costat d'Andorra va morir per causes naturals
Un dels joves que es va precipitar pel celobert evoluciona favorablement
Rescat en helicòpter a la via ferrada de Sant Vicenç d'Enclar
Un home intenta aturar el trànsit, insulta la policia i acaba detingut
180.000 euros en la setena edició de les subvencions empresarials d'Andorra Business
Intercanvi cultural de La Xarranca
Tot el sector del taxi unificat
Cap de setmana llarg per sota les expectatives
Rescat a la via ferrata de St.Vicenç d'Enclar
Poble Andorrà:
S'enfada a l'autobús, es planta enmig de la carretera per aturar el trànsit i insulta als policies
Es troba a l'ex a la disco i com no vol parlar amb ell li acaba llençant un got de vidre
El jove que va caure per un celobert d'un edifici de Sant Julià es troba fora de perill
'Què passaria amb un nou 'cas Rubius sense acord amb la UE?'
Traslladat a l'hospital després de ser rescatat en helicòpter a la via ferrada de Sant Vicenç d'Enclar
Els vint joves que van fugir dels nazis i del treball obligatori a Alemanya a través d'Andorra
submitted by apocalypse_then to andorra [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:58 Equal_Ad9738 Vous en pensez quoi vous de CHOI 98.1 radioX?

submitted by Equal_Ad9738 to villequebec [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:39 Comfortable_Load3743 barsa-madrid directo

barsa-madrid directo
Transmisión en vivo Barsa-Madrid
Bienvenidos al emocionante enfrentamiento entre el FC Barcelona y el Real Madrid, dos de los equipos de fútbol más emblemáticos de España. La transmisión en vivo del clásico Barsa-Madrid es uno de los eventos más esperados por los aficionados al fútbol en todo el mundo.
Este partido no solo representa la rivalidad histórica entre dos de los clubes más importantes de España, sino que también es un espectáculo deportivo lleno de talento, emoción y pasión. Los fanáticos de ambos equipos se reúnen para apoyar a sus jugadores favoritos y vibrar con cada gol, cada jugada y cada decisión del árbitro.
La transmisión en vivo del Barsa-Madrid permite a los espectadores disfrutar del juego en tiempo real, desde la comodidad de sus hogares o lugares de reunión. Gracias a la tecnología de transmisión en vivo, los aficionados pueden sentir la intensidad del clásico como si estuvieran en el estadio, celebrando cada gol y sufriendo cada fallo.
Ya sea que seas seguidor del Barcelona o del Real Madrid, la transmisión en vivo del enfrentamiento entre estos dos gigantes del fútbol es una experiencia que no te puedes perder. Sintoniza el partido, anima a tu equipo y disfruta de 90 minutos de puro fútbol en estado puro. ¡Que gane el mejor! ¡Visca el Barça! ¡Hala Madrid!
Puntaje en tiempo real Barsa-Madrid
El puntaje en tiempo real entre el Barcelona y el Real Madrid es un tema de gran interés para los aficionados al fútbol en todo el mundo. Estos dos equipos históricos de La Liga de España han mantenido una intensa rivalidad a lo largo de los años, lo que convierte cada encuentro entre ellos en un evento emocionante y lleno de expectativas.
Cuando se juega un partido entre el Barcelona y el Real Madrid, tanto en el Camp Nou como en el Santiago Bernabéu, los seguidores de ambos equipos se mantienen atentos al marcador en tiempo real. Cada gol, cada falta y cada oportunidad de gol son momentos cruciales que pueden definir el resultado final del partido y, en última instancia, influir en la clasificación de la liga.
Los puntajes en tiempo real proporcionan a los aficionados la información actualizada que necesitan para seguir de cerca el desarrollo del juego, ya sea a través de la televisión, la radio o las redes sociales. Estar al tanto de cada detalle del partido entre el Barcelona y el Real Madrid genera una gran emoción y tensión en los seguidores de ambos equipos, que esperan ansiosos el desenlace de cada encuentro.
En resumen, el puntaje en tiempo real entre el Barcelona y el Real Madrid es una parte fundamental de la experiencia de los aficionados al fútbol, que viven con pasión cada minuto de estos emocionantes enfrentamientos entre dos de los clubes más importantes del fútbol español.
Actualizaciones minuto a minuto Barsa-Madrid
¡Bienvenidos a nuestra cobertura en vivo de la emocionante disputa entre el Barcelona y el Real Madrid! En este artículo te mantendremos al tanto de todas las actualizaciones minuto a minuto de este enfrentamiento que mantiene en vilo a los aficionados de ambos equipos.
El ambiente en el estadio es eléctrico mientras los jugadores saltan al terreno de juego para dar inicio a este encuentro histórico. Los seguidores de ambas escuadras están ansiosos por presenciar en directo esta batalla deportiva llena de pasión y rivalidad.
En este primer tiempo, el Barcelona ha tenido el control del balón y ha generado varias oportunidades de gol, manteniendo a la defensa del Real Madrid alerta en todo momento. Por su parte, el equipo merengue ha demostrado su calidad en el contraataque, poniendo en aprietos a la portería del Barcelona en más de una ocasión.
Con el marcador aún en tablas, ambos equipos están luchando con determinación en busca de romper el empate y llevarse la victoria en este clásico del fútbol español. Los entrenadores han realizado cambios tácticos para reforzar sus líneas y buscar el gol que pueda decantar la balanza a su favor.
¡No te despegues de tu pantalla, porque te mantendremos informado de cada momento crucial de este emocionante partido entre el Barcelona y el Real Madrid! ¡Sigue con nosotros para no perderte ni un solo detalle de esta batalla futbolística sin igual!
Estadísticas del partido Barsa-Madrid
El Clásico entre Barcelona y Real Madrid es uno de los enfrentamientos más esperados en el mundo del fútbol. Cada vez que estos dos equipos se enfrentan, el mundo entero se paraliza para presenciar el espectáculo.
En cuanto a las estadísticas del partido entre Barça y Madrid, podemos destacar algunos datos interesantes. En términos de victorias, el Real Madrid tiene una ligera ventaja sobre el Barcelona, ​​pero los enfrentamientos suelen ser muy parejos y emocionantes hasta el último minuto.
En cuanto a goles, Lionel Messi es el máximo goleador en los enfrentamientos entre estos dos gigantes del fútbol, seguido de cerca por jugadores como Cristiano Ronaldo y Raúl. Los partidos suelen estar llenos de intensidad y emoción, con goles espectaculares que hacen vibrar a los aficionados de ambos equipos.
Además, la presión y la rivalidad entre Barcelona y Real Madrid hacen que cada partido sea una auténtica batalla en el campo. Los jugadores dan lo mejor de sí mismos para defender los colores de sus equipos y dejar su huella en la historia de este prestigioso enfrentamiento.
En resumen, los partidos entre Barcelona y Real Madrid son mucho más que simples enfrentamientos deportivos. Son auténticos espectáculos que reúnen a millones de personas frente a la pantalla para disfrutar del mejor fútbol del mundo.
Comentarios en directo Barsa-Madrid
El clásico entre el Barcelona y el Real Madrid siempre genera gran expectación entre los aficionados al fútbol en todo el mundo. Los comentarios en directo durante el partido son una forma emocionante de seguir cada detalle y momento crucial de este enfrentamiento tan apasionante.
Los comentarios en vivo durante el partido Barsa-Madrid ofrecen a los seguidores la oportunidad de estar al tanto de las jugadas más destacadas, los goles, las tarjetas y las decisiones arbitrales que pueden cambiar el rumbo del encuentro en cuestión de segundos.
Además, a través de los comentarios en directo, los aficionados pueden interactuar entre sí, compartir opiniones, celebrar los goles de su equipo y debatir sobre las jugadas polémicas que surjan durante el encuentro. Es una experiencia única que permite vivir la emoción del clásico de una manera más intensa y participativa.
Ya sea siguiendo los comentarios en directo a través de redes sociales, plataformas digitales especializadas o aplicaciones móviles, los aficionados al fútbol pueden sentirse parte de la atmósfera única que rodea a un partido tan trascendental como el Barsa-Madrid.
En resumen, los comentarios en directo durante el clásico entre el Barcelona y el Real Madrid son una ventana al mundo del fútbol donde la pasión, la emoción y la interacción se combinan para hacer de este enfrentamiento una experiencia inolvidable para los amantes de este deporte. ¡Que comience el partido y que los comentarios en directo nos mantengan en vilo durante los 90 minutos de juego!
submitted by Comfortable_Load3743 to u/Comfortable_Load3743 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:48 holeyshirt18 DEBATE/EVENT SCHEDULE

UPDATED May.19.2024 If you have any info/links, or suggestions, please post below. \*for new changes*





Anything Else May 22 7pm EST/11pm UTC Destiny's stream
Bridges Podcast: Episode 10, Jordan Harbringer June 8 3pm EST/7pm UTC Bridges YT Channel
NEW YORK CANVASSING June 22-23 Yonkers, New York Info/Sign up! (No prior experience necessary)
Bridges Podcast: Episode 11, Mr. Beat June 15 3pm EST/7pm UTC Bridges YT Channel
Jubilee June 15
Bridges Podcast: Episode 12, Aella June 18 3pm EST/7pm UTC Bridges YT Channel
Anything Else w/ Harley Morenstein June 26 8pm EST/12am UTC Destiny's stream
Bridges Podcast: Episode 13, David Pakman June 28 Bridges YT Channel
Bridges Podcast: Episode 14, Harley Morenstein June 29 3pm EST/7pm UTC Bridges YT Channel (Maybe on Anything Else)
Bridges Podcast: Episode 15, Drew Pavlou July 6 3pm EST/7pm UTC Bridges YT Channel
Bridges Podcast: Episode 16, Lily Pichu 💙 July 13 3pm EST/7pm UTC Bridges YT Channel
Bridges Podcast: Episode 17, Sean Fitzgerald Aug 03 3pm EST/7pm UTC Bridges YT Channel

Shawn Mike Kelley (filmed May 15) Digital Social Hour Podcast
Hodge Twins (filmed May 15) Twins Pod YT, 3hrs
Bridges Podcast: Episode 09, R.A. the Rugged Man Bridges YT Channel
Vice Documentary: (Redpill: Will air on their cable documentary channel (Tubi), 60-75 minute documentary exploring masculinity, manosphere, & economy of the internet, hosted by Vegas Tenold. Releases summer, 2024. (Watch Destiny Video: filmed feb 21- Destiny talking to Vice while they film, 1hr)
- David Beir: Immigration (TBR) - DJ Akademiks (To Be Rescheduled, TBR) 
UNCONFIRMED (tentative time frames, 3rd parties scheduling, creators interested to chat)
Maybe: Decoding The Gurus In Talks, have yet to set up a date for "Right to Respond"
Wants to Chat: Michael Knowles) (said on Iced Coffee Hour Podcast)
Maybe: Dave Rubin Valuetainment trying to set debate
Maybe: Jynxzi podcast appearance
Maybe: Kevin McCarthy saw the debate w/Shapiro, in talks
Invite: Michael Sartain invites Destiny to Vegas





Podbean linkSpotifyApple PodcastsAmazon MusiciHeartRadioPodbeanPocketcast






Cenk Uygur: Israel - Hamas War
Lisa Elizabeth: Systemic racism
Meghan Murphy: Is sex work immoral?
(2019) Hasan Piker: Kamala Harris (Bridge Burn)
(2019) Sargon of Akkad: What is a woman?
DESTINY'S OBSIDIAN NOTES Direct Link Israel-Palestine Reddit Post
Self Identifies: Liberal - Capitalist - Center Left
Many thanks to:
If you have any suggestions, info/links or additions, please post so I can update.
submitted by holeyshirt18 to Destiny [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:51 Svastyckh HAL TURNER publico: Programa de Radio de Hal Turner - ¡Presidente y Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Irán en accidente de helicóptero! ACTUALIZACIÓN: Todos muertos
Cable noticioso traducido al español y archivado
submitted by Svastyckh to ActualidadMundial [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:03 Evening_Shape_1584 No vayan a plaza Andenes Gpe

No vayan a plaza Andenes Gpe
Para informarles y que tengan mucho cuidado.
El día de ayer fui a cenar a las Aliadas con mi chica y un amigo, al bajar íbamos a tomar el corredor que da para el OXXO y nos intercepta un chavillo con un radio preguntándonos a dónde íbamos, que el OXXO ya estaba cerrado. Total, procedimos a irnos por el lado que da al Palax, casi llegando al Palax nos grita un tipo gordo y con mariconera que a dónde vamos 2 veces, yo le respondo que si lo conozco? Que a él que le interesa a dónde vamos, de forma prepotente me dice que si yo soy el de un carro City muchas veces, que no me puedo ir y que me va a bloquear la salida (nosotros íbamos en didi). De esa idea no lo sacamos y se puso cafa vez más violento, nos amenazó con hablarle a no se quién, y se metía la mano a la mariconera como si fuera a sacar una pistola a cada rato, hasta le hablamos a un policía y el policía ni hizo nada (hasta parecía con miedo el policía). Esa persona es de los que se encargan del estacionamiento de la plaza andenes. No se con quien estén coludidos o trabajando con quién, pero queda claro que son criminales, a un amigo le robaron su motocicleta ahí en el estacionamiento, está claro que son de los mismos. Por favor, tengan cuidado y no dejen a sus hijos o personas queridas ir a esa plaza. No saben lo que pueda pasar.
submitted by Evening_Shape_1584 to Monterrey [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:41 Sean_Wolf [REQUEST] [XBOX] Killing Floor 2 Ultimate Edition Upgrade (Fourth Attempt) (Currently On Sale for $12.49 for eight more days)

Hi, guys! Back for a fourth try in requesting this DLC.
I think, between KF1 and KF2, I honestly love KF2 more than the first game, which is a surprise seeing as I logged many hours into the game. I love the improvements that KF2 made, like the look and feel of the weapons (laying down the trigger on the AA-12 on a horde of approaching zombies never fails to bring a smile to my face and get the adrenaline running) to the sheer satisfaction of just seeing the game go all zed time/slow-mo when you kill a zed and you see it ragdolling as you continue to rip and tear into the corpse. Add to that the awesome metal soundtrack, some fun locations, with my favorites being the Airship and Monster Ball as they remind me of a classic arcade game I used to play a lot called CarnEvil and you got a recipe for some good ole fashioned zombie killing! Honestly, I've been playing the game since it came out on Xbox in 2017 and I consider it one of my favorite zombie killing games to date. The game also holds a very special place in my heart: It was the very first game I ever reviewed professionally as, back in the day, I used to work for an online radio station called The Cove Radio before they shut down in 2020 (In fact, out of all the companies whose games I reviewed, they were the most enthusiastic of all of them to hear my thoughts).
Now, the only thing that I didn't care for, and this is honestly the only thing that hurts the game for me personally: Most of the weapons that been released since 2019 are now locked behind DLCs, which I personally never understood. Skins and other cosmetics I can sort of understand but why weapons were put as DLC and not offered as free content to go along with each update, I just don't get. Now, yes, I know KF1 had DLC weapons and skins but, oddly, that didn't really bother me as much (I attribute that to the addition of the Steam Workshop and all the weapons on there). Fast forward to now when I saw there was an Ultimate Edition of KF2 which, after doing a lot of research to see just what it includes, I found out includes not only a bunch of cosmetics that were released via DLC...but all the DLC weapons ever released as well! From the G36C, a gun I first fell in love with when I saw it in the original (can't believe I have to say that) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, to the MG3 Shredder, a gun I used a lot in Call Of Duty Vanguard's multiplayer (Hey, don't laugh! I actually like this game), to even the Rhino Revolver, a gun which I always thought was the coolest looking revolver out there. Heck, even the skins, something I usually just gloss over in games, look amazing too! The Reaper outfit gives me some mad Ghost Rider vibes and, come on...Gary Busey as Santa. I'll say that again, GARY BUSEY as Santa! Can't get much better than that!
So, why am I'm coming here to make this request for the Killing Floor 2 Ultimate Edition Upgrade? Right now, money is tight for me as I currently need whatever money I have to afford minutes for my phone (Tracfone) and, until I'm able to find a job again and be finically stable once again, items like this is just not something I can afford to get myself at this time.
Really don't have much else to say, so I'll just say this: Thank you for taking the time to read my request and I hope you have a wonderful day!
My GamerTag -
Store Link -
submitted by Sean_Wolf to GiftofGames [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:31 Disastrous-Machine10 Trying figure out why my NR State is restricted (5G) Fold 5

Trying figure out why my NR State is restricted (5G) Fold 5 submitted by Disastrous-Machine10 to CricketWireless [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:30 NASCARThreadBot Race Thread: NCS NASCAR All-Star Open and Race at North Wilkesboro Speedway, starting at 5:30pm EDT on FS1 (NCS-S5)

NCSNASCAR All-Star Open and Race at North Wilkesboro Speedway
Start Time: approximately 5:30pm EDT on May 19th
Television: FS1 @ 5:30pm EDT
Radio: MRN @ 5:30pm EDT
Race Length: 200 laps (125 mi / 201.17 km)
Race Stages: 100-100
Track Information: North Wilkesboro Speedway is a 0.625 mile (1.01 kilometer) oval located in North Wilkesboro, NC USA.
Weather Forecast: /
Current Standings at
Race Center at
NASCAR Drive at
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  • Have a fun time and enjoy the race!
Support NASCARThreadBot, an automated bot maintained by XFile345.
submitted by NASCARThreadBot to NASCAR [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:11 janek500 [Brag Post] My set of Cyberpunk stuff

[Brag Post] My set of Cyberpunk stuff

"Mindless consumerism wins the day again."

(Pics inside)
As I like to brag about things I buy, here's my collection od Cyberpunk-branded stuff, excluding digital goods.
I don't like dust collectors, so my collection lacks figurines or keychains. I prefer physical media that I can enjoy by flipping pages and watching pictures. Collection is still incomplete, my ambitions won't let me rest until I waste all my money for more stuff with "Cyberpunk 2077" logo on it.
Night City Radio Deluxe Vinyl Set
To start with the most recent hunt: Radio Deluxe Vinyl Set includes two bright yellow-colored records and 12-inch felt turntable slipmat with radiostations logos (too big for my turntable) and extra packaging. Tracklist includes "No Save Point", "Night City", "PonPon Shit", "Delicate Weapon", "I Really Want To Stay At Your House", "Hole In The Sun" and others. The only flaw is lack of "Makes Me Feel Better" in the songs selection.
Edgerunners Vinyl Soundtrack and Phantom Liberty Vinyl OST
Yellow vinyl strikes again in more vibrant, lemonish version. There's an Edgerunners logo with sandevistan visual effect from the show printed on the both labels. Package includes two-sided sleeve with David Martinez and Lucy, OBI-like strip, cardboard insert with Lucy art and credits. Track listing includes "This Fffire" by Franz Ferdinand, which is opening theme from the show, Akira Yamaoka compositions and selections of songs from the anime and the game by Marcin Przybyłowicz and P.T. Adamczyk, like "Cloudy Day". The songlist is crowned with "Let Me Down" by Dawid Podsiadło.
Phantom Liberty OST has very similar packaging - Vinyl and cardboard insert with Songbird art, tracklist, credits and note from composers P.T. Adamczyk and Jacek Paciorkowski. I find this one more appealing visually, probably because of elegance of black and red mix and classic black vinyl, compared to Edgerunners' edgy yellow. The record's opening "I'm a Netrunner" gives the chills, there's no better track to start audio from Phantom Liberty. It also features "Hardest to Be" and Idris Elba "Choke Hold". Again, the final track of the compilation is Dawid Podsiadło's song titled "Phantom Liberty". Only thing I'd like this release to have is "Phantom Liberty" lyrics printed on the insert.
Cyberpunk 2077 3LP Soundtrack box set
This one is special, it's a 100-pieces limited copy signed by Marcin Przybyłowicz and P.T. Adamczyk. It includes a selection of OST tracks, with "V theme", "Rebel Path", "The Streets Are Long-Ass Guts", "Wushu Dolls", "Scavenger Hunt", "Patridiots", "Been Good To Know Ya", "Never Fade Away feat. Olga Jankowska". Also, it features Samurai EP in badass gatefold package, with brief info about Refused band.
vinyl collection in whole
In regard of music, the only thing I'm missing is Kerry Eurodyne's guitar, because the gonk who initially wanted to sell it to me changed his mind and now is straight up lying that someone stole it from his apartament. Also, original Johnny Silverhand's Deluze Orphean signed by famous actor Keanu Reeves was sold at charity auction in 2023 for ~7700 usd.
When it comes to other media, I mostly own paper - comicbooks and artbooks.
My cellulose set includes (left to right, top to bottom):
  • "No Coincidence" by Rafał Kosik;
  • "World of Cyberpunk" in both regular and deluxe versions - the deluxe one is exactly the same as basic version, but comes with set of gadgets like extra cardboard packaging, custom textured cover with Night City map art, temporary tats (XD), Johnny Silverhand poster and vehicles postcards. Funny thing is, it's more difficult now to buy regular version than deluxe one;
  • Limited edition of official game's guide coming with premium access code for Piggyback interactive map;
  • Limited "Art of Cyberpunk 2077" artbook - 216 pages of concept arts explaining different fashion styles, gangs design, some weaponery concepts, cars and main and side characters. It's basically physical, richer version of official digital artbook, and as far as I know it's the same one that was included in collector's edition. It's fascinating thing to see for one reason - some of character concepts visible on artbook's pages evolved into ingame characters in basically unchanged visual form;
  • Steelbook;
  • DVD box including OST on CD;
  • "Your Voice" comicbook in hard cover - I don't know much about this edition, why it is so small and where it was initially released. It's in polish, smells like poligraphic chemicals and it's the same thing as its bigger brother. Definitely rarest and most mysterious thing in my collection, if someone knows its origin, please share your wisdom;
  • Comicbooks - Trauma Team, Where's Johnny, Your Voice, Big City Dreams, You Have My Word and Blackout;
And that would be it. My next objectives are upcoming comicbooks and maybe collector's edition. Steelbooks would be nice addition too.
submitted by janek500 to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:08 jakgem Lovely Runner [Episode 13]

Lovely Runner [Episode 13]
  • Drama: Lovely Runner
    • Also Known As: Time Walking on Memory, Carry Sunjae and Jump
    • Korean Title: 선재 업고 튀어
    • Adapted from: Tomorrows Best/ 내일의 으뜸 (webtoon)
  • Director: Yoon Jong Ho (Flower of Evil)
  • Screen Writer: Lee Si Eun (True Beauty)
  • Starring:
  • Network: tvN, TVING
  • Premiere Date: Monday April 8th, 2024
  • Airing Schedule: Monday and Tuesday at 8:50pm KST
    • Duration: 1 hour 10 Minutes
  • Episodes: 16
  • Streaming Sources: Viki, Viu
  • Plot Summary: In the glitzy realm of stardom, Ryu Seon Jae shines as a top-tier celebrity, captivating the spotlight since his debut. Despite the facade of a perfect life, the demanding nature of the entertainment industry has left him utterly exhausted. Im Sol, an ardent admirer, holds an affectionate love for Ryu Seon Jae. A childhood accident derailed her dreams, yet the solace found in Ryu Seon Jae's music on the radio transformed her into an unwavering fan. The narrative takes a poignant turn when Im Sol, reeling from the breaking news of Ryu Seon Jae's tragic demise, experiences a miraculous twist of fate. Transported back 15 years into the past, she confronts Ryu Seon Jae in his 19-year-old high school self. Im Sol grapples with the formidable challenge of altering the trajectory of his future, driven by an unyielding determination to avert the impending tragedy.
  • Major News Summary : 4 Reasons To Anticipate The Premiere Of "Lovely Runner"
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submitted by jakgem to KDRAMA [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:57 ninjastar527 [WTS][USA-CA][H] Logitech Squeezebox Touch Streamer [W]$165 Paypal or $150 Local Cash

[WTS][USA-CA][H] Logitech Squeezebox Touch Streamer [W]$165 Paypal or $150 Local Cash
Logitech Squeezebox Touch in very good condition (sides and back still have original protective coating) for $165 Shipped CONUS ($150 local sale Orange County, CA)
Music streamer with touchscreen for Spotify, Tidal, SoundCloud, Deezer & more. Also play your local music files (mp3, FLAC, etc.) wirelessly through your home network or connected directly from a USB drive.
Digital outputs (coax and optical) to connect to your favorite DAC.
Costs less than a Bluesound Node, and unlike the Node, this has a screen. The screen displays cover art, track, artist, album or you can have it show VU Meters or a spectrum analyzer.
Darko called it "The GOAT of Music Streamers" even in 2023:
Product info here:
Comes with everything that came with it originally (Squeezebox Touch, remote, AC adapter, RCA cable, manual, all original packaging).
I will also include a DC to USB cable that I purchased from here:
You can use this cable to power the Touch by a USB portable phone charger. The purpose would be to isolate it from your surge protector for cleaner power. Some people found improvement with a linear power supply and that using a portable USB charger to be just as effective as a separate linear power supply (portable charger is not included).
When it was released it retailed for $300.
submitted by ninjastar527 to AVexchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:03 Kmarita21 Me siento malagradecida

Realmente no sé cómo funciona esta app pero veo que la gente ha podido desahogarse y me gustaría aprovechar para lo mismo. En el 2018 me dio cáncer de seno a mis 26 años y fue uno bastante difícil de diagnosticar y sin reconocer el origen, es decir, tocó un tratamiento muy agresivo por casi dos años (quimios, cirugía, radio, más quimios). Hoy en día estoy en remisión Gracias a Dios. Por lo fuerte que fue la radioterapia, se me quemaron los nervios del brazo y esto me dejó un dolor crónico que ha sido difícil de manejar. No se sabe si tendrá cura o será de por vida. Considero que tuve muy buena actitud durante el proceso del tratamiento para que mi familia no le diera tan duro verme enfermita y no les afectara tanto, pero actualmente, he tenido un desaliento muy fuerte y me siento totalmente cansada de todo lo que estoy viviendo y estar con dolores constantemente. Me siento mal agradecida porque tengo varios compañeros de quimios que no sobrevivieron en el proceso y conozco también otros que quedaron en peores condiciones o mejor decir, menos calidad de vida. No puedo andar sola, no puedo manejar, no he podido trabajar, me siento soñada 20 horas al día y me dan convulsiones y desmayos cuando el dolor es muy fuerte, y esto me está desesperando MUCHOO y me siento que esto no es calidad de vida cuando solía ser muy hiperactiva e independiente desde los 19 años y si me hubieran dicho que así iba a ser mi después del cáncer, creo que no lo hubiera luchado tanto para ganar la batalla. Me gustaría que las personas fueran objetivas con mi situación y que intenten ponerse en mis zapatos y decirme si estoy siendo mal agradecida con la vida al quejarme cuando estoy viva al menos.
submitted by Kmarita21 to Desahogo [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:31 zlaxy On this day 116 years ago, Nikolay Pilchikov, a scientist-physicist, developer of radio-controlled devices, died in Kharkov from a shot in the heart

On this day 116 years ago, Nikolay Pilchikov, a scientist-physicist, developer of radio-controlled devices, died in Kharkov from a shot in the heart
On this day 116 years ago in Kharkov Nikolay Dmitrievich Pilchikov – scientist-physicist, inventor in the field of radio engineering, author of works on optics, terrestrial magnetism, electrical and radio engineering, radioactivity, X-rays, electrochemistry, geophysics, meteorology – was shot in the heart.
At about seven o’clock in the morning of 6 May 1908, a shot rang out in a ward of an expensive Kharkov hospital. Breaking open the door locked from the inside, the doctors saw its only patient – it seemed that his life had been cut short in his sleep. The man was lying in his bunk, as if he hadn’t woken up yet. And if not for the bloodstain on his chest, no one would have realised the tragedy. A revolver lay on the tea-table beside the bed. It was from this revolver that the bullet that had pierced the scientist’s heart had been fired. Could a man who was undergoing medical treatment have carefully placed the gun beside his tea glass and folded his arms across his chest after shooting himself at point-blank range? Nevertheless, the “cadaver book” records ruled the death a suicide.
For some reason forensic experts did not do dactyloscopy – the investigation was not puzzled by fingerprints on the black “bulldog”, which became the murder weapon. And the authoritative professor Nikolai Bokarius, whose name now bears the local Institute of Forensic Medicine, even described Pilchikova’s case in a textbook for lawyers and doctors as an example of temporary purposeful capacity of suicides with fatal gunshot wounds in the heart area. At that, the luminary recommended to take into account not only anatomical features of the injury, but also the functional state of the central nervous system. The picture was completed by the conclusion of pathologists, who found in the killed after the autopsy of the corpse modifications in the structure of the brain.
A purely “police” justification for not considering the murder version was the fact that the incident took place in a locked room on the first floor (as if this could be an obstacle to unauthorised entry).
And a week after the scientist’s death, on 13 May 1908, the head of the police department received a report from the head of the Kharkov security service about the unreliability of the “extreme leftist” Professor Pilchikov, who was known for his active participation in “criminal agitation activities of engineering students”. This was confirmed by a search of the scientist’s house, during which propaganda literature from the period of the first Russian revolution of 1905 was found.
What was Professor Pilchikov doing before he was “worked out” by the police? The scientific fate of Nikolai Dmitrievich was as unusual as his death was mysterious and the fate of outstanding discoveries inexplicable.
The scientist, whose life was cut short at the age of 51, was not only a physicist, but also a lyricist: he was no less talented in composing poetry, painting pictures and playing the violin. But he considered his life’s work to be his scientific career, which was unusually successful.
The son of a public and cultural figure, who was a friend of Taras Shevchenko, was born on 9 May 1857 in Poltava, and already during his studies in gymnasium showed remarkable abilities in exact sciences. Entering the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Kharkiv University, he experimented in new at that time experiments in the field of sound recording, while still a student invented an electric phonograph.
After graduation, the graduate was left to work at the Department of Physics. His first scientific monograph was devoted to optical analysis. Later the scientist made a number of discoveries on the topics of scattered light polarisation and atmospheric ionisation, atmospheric electricity and geomagnetism, radioactivity and X-rays. Pilchikov was awarded the Silver Medal from the Russian Geographical Society for a series of studies of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly, during which iron ore deposits near Prokhorovka were predicted.
After defending his thesis at the University of St. Petersburg, the master of physics was appointed privat-docent of the Kharkov University, and two years later he went to practice at a magnetic observatory in Paris, where he discovered flaws in the design of the seismograph and offered his mentors a way to correct them.
Soon the young professor of Kharkov University becomes famous outside Russia, becoming a regular at international scientific conferences and a member of the Toulouse Academy of Sciences.
Nikolay Pilchikov returned to Kharkov as a university professor, where he created a meteorological station that still exists today. To study the upper atmosphere, the professor developed a stratostat and then a high-altitude spacesuit to equip the pilot. The atmospheric optics researcher created his own seismograph and designed equipment to determine magnetic pressure.
Having moved for some time to Odessa (to work at the Imperial Novorossiysk University), in 1894 the scientist invented an original lamp for the study of X-rays, called “Pilchikov’s focus tube”. The optical and galvanic version of the study of electrolysis developed by him made it possible to obtain images on metal plates – so the inventor became the author of electrophotography or photogalvanography.
And on 25 March 1898, Nikolai Pilchikov demonstrated for the first time a device working with radio waves of a certain length and rejecting interference. During his experiments in Odessa he lit a lighthouse with the help of radio waves and moved a railway semaphore, blew up a yacht and made a cannon fire.
The scientist characterised his contribution to radio physics as follows: while Popov and Marconi were looking for a way to transmit a signal over the greatest possible distance, he was solving the problem of cutting off wireless power transmission from extraneous electrical waves. Thus appeared the first device with a protector – a security filter, allowing only the waves addressed to it to reach the mechanism and protecting the equipment from atmospheric and radio interference. The scientist not only designed and manufactured different types of the first protectors, but also tested them in practice.
With the help of his revolutionary device, Professor Pilchikov made it possible to create radio-controlled mine boats that could sink enemy ships without a crew and fire on enemy targets. In proposing the idea to the Russian military, the inventor characterised it as a way of detonating objects at a considerable distance without cables or other visible communication.
Applying for financial assistance from the military department, Pilchikov planned to spend 15,000 roubles on laboratory equipment, manufacture of devices and their testing with the support of the Sevastopol naval forces. For his part, the scientist undertook to keep the know-how in strict secrecy and not to publish any information about the development in scientific literature. As a result, this circumstance may have contributed to the fact that the scientist’s works disappeared and he himself may have been eliminated.
Military engineers discussed the professor’s petition for research funds with reference to foreign experience. Specialists compared Pilchikov’s achievements with the developments of foreign scientists experimenting with wireless telegraph, to whom the authorities did not refuse anything. For example, Preece was authorised for experiments by the postal department of England, Marconi obtained in 1897 large sums of money from the naval department of Italy, and the Berlin scientist Slaby received aeronautical parks, watercraft and troops of the Potsdam garrison from the Emperor of Germany. Pilchikov, on the other hand, had a much more extensive programme and was naturally expected to produce the most ambitious results.
On his return to Kharkov in 1902, the professor continued his research in the best-equipped physical laboratory of those times, the local University of Technology. He was also allocated a ship “Dnestr” and funds for marine experiments. On the ship in 1903 the scientist equipped a receiving radio station, and on the Chersonese lighthouse – transmitting.
Alas, neither the scheme of those protectors, nor the content of the experiments, nor their further fate are known today. In the archives we found only information about a letter of gratitude to Professor Pilchikov from the Commander of the Pacific Fleet. It was dated the beginning of September 1904. It is clear that in the midst of the war with Japan secret military developments could be of interest to both belligerents. Moreover, other external enemies were also interested in preventing Russia’s military advantage.
Professor Pilchikov’s research competed with American experiments in the Maritime Ministry under Tesla, who was also working on the task of wireless control of a minelayer from the shore. This is a case in science when “an idea is in the air” and the same discovery is independently made by scientists at different ends of the world.
It is believed that the first radio-controlled telemechanical system in the world was developed by Nikola Tesla – he patented and presented an unprecedented ship model in the summer of 1898, but came to the discovery the day before, in spring. And “Russian Tesla” Nikolai Pilchikov tested a similar invention in March of the same year, which was reported in a note in the “Odessa Review”, which for some reason remained unnoticed by the scientific community.
The “two Nicholas” had a lot in common, despite the fact that they lived and created on different continents. Scientists were almost the same age. Both had no family – neither wives nor close relatives. Both were undividedly attracted to physical science – the mysteries of radioactivity, X-rays and lightning. But to Pilchikov did not appear one day George Westinghouse with a million dollars for four dozen patents. And an understanding friend, as Tesla had in the person of Katharine Johnson, next to Nikolay Dmitrievich was not there either…
Being left without further state support, Pilchikov could not complete the work on his wireless protector. In 1905 he left to observe the solar eclipse in Algeria, from where he returned with failing health. Ill-health was aggravated by an acute feeling of loneliness.
1908 was a fateful year in the fate of the scientist. It was the best time of the year, the beginning of May, a time of intoxication with life and romantic dreams. But for Pilchikov, the “delight of nature” had no inspiring meaning: five days before his own birthday, he went to a psychoneurological clinic. And it happened under very mysterious circumstances.
According to police reports, the owner of a private hospital and a well-known doctor I. Y. Platonov received a call from an unknown man on 3 May with a request to hospitalise Nikolai Dmitrievich Pilchikov. It was asked to prepare a separate room where the patient would be alone.
When the professor appeared in the clinic, the doctors saw nothing critical in his condition. He was elegantly dressed, and in his hands held a suitcase with papers. Two days later, a shot rang out in the ward, and the papers were gone. Not a single piece of his war work was found among his household belongings. The blueprints of inventions of world importance, which the scientist had not even had time to patent, disappeared.
Wasn’t the murder then the final fat point in the planned operation? And didn’t the inventor-physicist take with him to the ward what the special services hunting for his military developments were tracking down?
Perhaps it was in the hospital that Nikolai Pilchikov, who had a premonition of trouble, tried to hide from his threatening pursuers? Or maybe they put him there so that it would be easier to realise what they had planned? And who were these mysterious killers?..
We will probably never get answers to these questions. But it is known how the brilliant ideas of the tragically departed scientist were put into practice.
In 1913, the first radio-controlled aeroplane took to the skies. Four years later, a German boat controlled from a plane blew up the quay in the English harbour of Newport. In the same year, 1917, a German ship was damaged by a British minelayer guided from a radio-controlled aeroplane. In 1925 the first mine without wires appeared. And in 1943 the Soviet troops destroyed the Nazi headquarters with General von Braun in Kharkov occupied by the enemy by controlled explosion from Voronezh.
Radio warfare has long been supplemented by radio defence, where the first role is played by devices like Pilchikov’s protectors. Thanks to radio defence, in 1944 the British were invulnerable to German fighters in the Libyan desert. Radio locks of increased complexity are used in satellite navigation and launching systems for space and military rockets. And all responsible radio electronic equipment is protected from interference by modern devices working on the principle of Professor Pilchikov’s protector – the “Russian Tesla”, who became a hindrance to someone himself…
Source: Vyacheslav Kapreljants
submitted by zlaxy to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:21 UncleWillysFartBox The Persecution Complex of the American Voter

(posted this in a different subreddit earlier)
The year is 2024, and things are not looking good for the Democrats.
Joe Biden is constantly plagued by infighting within his ranks. The Democratic Party, in addition to being hamstrung by institutions that are by nature biased towards conservatives, like the innate design of the Senate, and the conservative makeup of the Supreme Court, are constantly struggling with infighting by the purist far-left, and the impotent center. On one side, they are dealing with an increasingly irrational “far-left” that refuses to the see the bigger picture of defeating Trump, as well as dealing with a middling center that frequently resorts to “both-sideism” and shrugs their shoulders instead of calling out the clear threat of Republican rule. On top of that, the Democrats have been OBSESSED with decorum, following the rules, ALWAYS compromising, and holding their members to higher standards as Republicans refuse to do so. Do you see the Republicans compromising? Following norms? Nope. The Republican apparatus, from Mitch McConnell to the fringes of the Freedom Caucus, are constantly moving in lockstep, pushing their right-wing vision through the finish line. Some, like political scientist David Faris, argue that Democrats must realize that "It's Time to Fight Dirty", after years of pussyfooting around, finally, at long last? It's as the old saying goes, “Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line”. It’s a situation worthy of a Greek Tragedy….
….Or is it?
Because if you speak to the average Republican voter, they will absolutely not agree with what I wrote above. Rather, it is the Democrats who are enacting win after win, and getting their left-wing agenda through their finish line while the middling Republicans trip over their shoelaces. Left-wing activists, like Rudi Dutschke, have conducted a Long March Through The Institutions, like a nation proudly marching through the battlefield and conquering their enemies. The liberals control everything.The culture. The education system. The legal system. The youth. Republicans have lost the Culture War, a war that men like Chris Rufo argue that the Right barely even attempted to fight as the Radical Left had their eyes on the ball, onwards through the battlefield. Marching on. The Left has always possessed a machiavellian spirit, and an ironclad grip on every avenue that we as Americans hold dear. Men like Jon Askonas, looking at the rubble of conservatism, ponder "Why Conservatism Failed". That’s how much the Left has won! The ideology of Conservatism itself is DEAD! Meanwhile, the conservative movement, or shall I say, Conservatism Inc., is obsessed with maintaining tired platitudes about “small government” and “low taxes” as Democrats are focused on controlling every inch of the American body. Conservatives aren’t winning, they are impotently flailing. Pathetic.
Does that really make sense? Are both the political right and the political left united in lockstep, but weak and plagued with endless infighting? Can both sides be obsessed with playing the rules and compromising, but also be steadfastly seizing control of all major institutions?
A lot of the above is me rambling, but I believe this ties back to what Gallup has reported recently, as “most Americans (71%) say that, on the issues that matter to them, their side in politics has been losing more often than winning. Just a quarter say their side has been winning more often than losing.” The article also mentions that this varies based on which party is in power, and is right now "eight-in-ten Republicans and Republican-leaning independents (83%)" as well as "six-in-ten Democrats and Democratic leaners (62%)". But this a sentiment I have noticed the past several years. Dare I say, “Both sides”, having identical complaints about their political allies.
Republican voters complain that their side is obsessed with following norms, espousing platitudes, and playing by the Democrats' rules, while the Democrats are motivated and pressing forward with their left-wing agenda.
Democratic voters complain that their side is obsessed with following norms, espousing platitudes, and playing by the Republicans’ rules, while the Republicans are motivated and pressing forward with their right-wing agenda.
Our side is obsessed with compromise. Their side never compromises.
Our side is obsessed with preserving “muh norms”. Their side couldn’t give a shit about norms.
Our side is constantly held to a higher standard. Their side is constantly treated with kid gloves.
Our side is fighting with a knife. Their side is fighting with a gun.
Our side always holds ourselves accountable. Their side never holds themselves accountable.
Now, I am someone who leans more on the political left (especially the economic left), but this is a sentiment I see expressed by a lot of Republican and Democratic voters, who both feel like they are the unfairly maligned underdog.
The staticy of our current federalist, two party, FPTP system creates a significant amount of deadlock, especially as the two parties realign on class, geographic, and educational lines. Landslide elections are becoming less and less common. Neither Republicans nor Democrats seem to have the ability to break through landslide sweeps and reshape the country with a governing mandate, instead dealing with gridlock and incrementalism that is inherent to the American experiment.
I believe this situation leads to both groups of voters turning back to a comforting narrative of how their side is effectively persecuted by various forces. How their side is always held to a higher standard compared to the opposition. How they have been plagued historically by infighting and a fetish for norms and holding your pinky up.
Now, I’m not giving my opinions on which side is correct. Democrats are at a disadvantage in the Senate (I think that is partially due to Democrats bleeding away rural votes over decades). Republicans are at a disadvantage in mainstream culture (I think that is due to an incompatibility with social conservatism and capitalism, but that’s another discussion for another day).
I am simply stating that I have observed this exact same sentiment among both Republican and Democratic voters/pundits. Whether it’s left-leaning internet forums, or conservative talk radio, I see and hear the exact same lines, but flip a few words. How our side is impotent, infighting, and constantly snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, unlike our enemies. Republicans and Democrats, faced with years or decades of painful incrementalism, at best, resort back to the same narrative. Our side is weak and divided, their side is strong and united.
submitted by UncleWillysFartBox to stupidpol [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:15 UncleWillysFartBox The Persecution Complex of the American Voter

(Hello, long time observer, first time caller!)
The year is 2024, and things are not looking good for the Democrats.
Joe Biden is constantly plagued by infighting within his ranks. The Democratic Party, in addition to being hamstrung by institutions that are by nature biased towards conservatives, like the innate design of the Senate, and the conservative makeup of the Supreme Court, are constantly struggling with infighting by the purist far-left, and the impotent center. On one side, they are dealing with an increasingly irrational “far-left” that refuses to the see the bigger picture of defeating Trump, as well as dealing with a middling center that frequently resorts to “both-sideism” and shrugs their shoulders instead of calling out the clear threat of Republican rule. On top of that, the Democrats have been OBSESSED with decorum, following the rules, ALWAYS compromising, and holding their members to higher standards as Republicans refuse to do so. Do you see the Republicans compromising? Following norms? Nope. The Republican apparatus, from Mitch McConnell to the fringes of the Freedom Caucus, are constantly moving in lockstep, pushing their right-wing vision through the finish line. Some, like political scientist David Faris, argue that Democrats must realize that "It's Time to Fight Dirty", after years of pussyfooting around, finally, at long last? It's as the old saying goes, “Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line”. It’s a situation worthy of a Greek Tragedy….
….Or is it?
Because if you speak to the average Republican voter, they will absolutely not agree with what I wrote above. Rather, it is the Democrats who are enacting win after win, and getting their left-wing agenda through their finish line while the middling Republicans trip over their shoelaces. Left-wing activists, like Rudi Dutschke, have conducted a Long March Through The Institutions, like a nation proudly marching through the battlefield and conquering their enemies. The liberals control everything.The culture. The education system. The legal system. The youth. Republicans have lost the Culture War, a war that men like Chris Rufo argue that the Right barely even attempted to fight as the Radical Left had their eyes on the ball, onwards through the battlefield. Marching on. The Left has always possessed a machiavellian spirit, and an ironclad grip on every avenue that we as Americans hold dear. Men like Jon Askonas, looking at the rubble of conservatism, ponder "Why Conservatism Failed". That’s how much the Left has won! The ideology of Conservatism itself is DEAD! Meanwhile, the conservative movement, or shall I say, Conservatism Inc., is obsessed with maintaining tired platitudes about “small government” and “low taxes” as Democrats are focused on controlling every inch of the American body. Conservatives aren’t winning, they are impotently flailing. Pathetic.
Does that really make sense? Are both the political right and the political left united in lockstep, but weak and plagued with endless infighting? Can both sides be obsessed with playing the rules and compromising, but also be steadfastly seizing control of all major institutions?
A lot of the above is me rambling, but I believe this ties back to what Gallup has reported recently, as “most Americans (71%) say that, on the issues that matter to them, their side in politics has been losing more often than winning. Just a quarter say their side has been winning more often than losing.” The article also mentions that this varies based on which party is in power, and is right now "eight-in-ten Republicans and Republican-leaning independents (83%)" as well as "six-in-ten Democrats and Democratic leaners (62%)". But this a sentiment I have noticed the past several years. Dare I say, “Both sides”, having identical complaints about their political allies.
Republican voters complain that their side is obsessed with following norms, espousing platitudes, and playing by the Democrats' rules, while the Democrats are motivated and pressing forward with their left-wing agenda.
Democratic voters complain that their side is obsessed with following norms, espousing platitudes, and playing by the Republicans’ rules, while the Republicans are motivated and pressing forward with their right-wing agenda.
Our side is obsessed with compromise. Their side never compromises.
Our side is obsessed with preserving “muh norms”. Their side couldn’t give a shit about norms.
Our side is constantly held to a higher standard. Their side is constantly treated with kid gloves.
Our side is fighting with a knife. Their side is fighting with a gun.
Our side always holds ourselves accountable. Their side never holds themselves accountable.
Now, I am someone who leans more on the political left (especially the economic left), but this is a sentiment I see expressed by a lot of Republican and Democratic voters, who both feel like they are the unfairly maligned underdog.
The staticy of our current federalist, two party, FPTP system creates a significant amount of deadlock, especially as the two parties realign on class, geographic, and educational lines. Landslide elections are becoming less and less common. Neither Republicans nor Democrats seem to have the ability to break through landslide sweeps and reshape the country with a governing mandate, instead dealing with gridlock and incrementalism that is inherent to the American experiment.
I believe this situation leads to both groups of voters turning back to a comforting narrative of how their side is effectively persecuted by various forces. How their side is always held to a higher standard compared to the opposition. How they have been plagued historically by infighting and a fetish for norms and holding your pinky up.
Now, I’m not giving my opinions on which side is correct. Democrats are at a disadvantage in the Senate (I think that is partially due to Democrats bleeding away rural votes over decades). Republicans are at a disadvantage in mainstream culture (I think that is due to an incompatibility with social conservatism and capitalism, but that’s another discussion for another day).
I am simply stating that I have observed this exact same sentiment among both Republican and Democratic voters/pundits. Whether it’s left-leaning internet forums, or conservative talk radio, I see and hear the exact same lines, but flip a few words. How our side is impotent, infighting, and constantly snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, unlike our enemies. Republicans and Democrats, faced with years or decades of painful incrementalism, at best, resort back to the same narrative. Our side is weak and divided, their side is strong and united.
EDIT: Corrected a slight detail in the intro.
submitted by UncleWillysFartBox to AngryObservation [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:14 EdisonsChildren Any violinists in the Northeast PA region? We are a very prominent band that writes very dark haunting music and we need a violinist who isn't looking to join a pop band.

We are Edison's Children (Wiki Page) and we are famed for writing very dark emotional music. I don't think we're capable of writing a happy song. That said, we have 4 albums and had a song on the top 40 FM Radio in the U.S. and are having a hard time finding a violinist that is capable of staying in Minor Keys and playing very epic intense music that leans heavily on loss and the supernatural.
if anyone is interested and lives near the southern tier / northeast PA area let us know!
Our biggest hit was A Million Miles Away (I Wish I Had A Time Machine) which was in the Top 40 for 10 weeks
This is an example of our last few albums: In The Last Waking Moments... 1st album about the ramifications of an Alien Abduction
The Final Breath Official Video
Think Pink Floyd meets Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds meets A Perfect Circle-Puscifer-Tool but with no happy songs at all!
submitted by EdisonsChildren to sadmusic [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:13 Nohan07 Suivez l'émission radio Rétro Mélodie réalisée en direct du Zéphyr à Cayenne

Suivez l'émission radio Rétro Mélodie réalisée en direct du Zéphyr à Cayenne submitted by Nohan07 to Guyane [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:08 ArmadilloOld4561 Povraćaj poreza

Ako je neko radio ovo molim da mi objasni jer imam mindfuck u glavi oko ovoga. Našao sam ovo, vidim da vraćaju VAT
E sada, pošto ću ja tu robu da naručim iz Austrije gde ću se nalaziti, roba je Nemačka i šalje je Amazon iz Nemačke, zanima me prvo da li mogu da vratim VAT, u takvoj situaciji?
Ako može da li overavam dokument za nemce ili za austrijance? I kako to dođavola ide.
submitted by ArmadilloOld4561 to finansije [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:43 Dalailai Yoga pro 9i vs legion pro 5i

Any benefit of one over the other? Both are in the 1800-1900 price range.
I haven’t had a personal lap to since college and want something other than my work laptop. I’ll have it set up up in my home office to my dock and monitors but still want the ability to take to work.
It’s going to be for home use and maybe some work stuff. Compiling large spread sheets creating tables and charts. I’ll program radios on it which shouldn’t take much power but also occasionally gaming on it as well.
I couldn’t find much on the weight of the legion to compact to the yoga. Any thoughts are appropriated.
submitted by Dalailai to Laptop [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:28 TheRepublicAct GTA VI should definitely have an extreme metal radio station - like a cross between GTA VC's V-Rock and EFLC's "Blood, Fire, War, Hate" - due to Florida's contribution to metal IRL.

For those not in the know, Florida isn't only the birth place of Florida Man memes, but also the birth place of Death Metal.
Yes that Death Metal: the next step of the metal genre's brutal evolution. It took the new found speed, chaos, and mayhem of Thrash Metal (Metallica, Slayer, Exodus, etc.) and turned it up to 11 with even faster tempos, wilder solos, harsher vocals, tech-ier drums, and bloodier, gorier imagery. While death and gore was just flavoring to Thrash Metal's relentless pursuit of destruction; Death Metal put death and gore center stage and turned it into its main protagonist. The themes of death and gore was either played straight (early Death), turned up into 11 (Cannibal Corpse), or used as a graphic metaphor for IRL issues (late Death).
Florida didn't just give birth metal, but also pioneered it. Floridian Bands like Death), Nasty Savage, Deicide), Monstrosity), Morbid Angel, Atheist), Obituary) took Death Metal and evolved it past its "ooga booga br00tal" phase. Not only that, but Death metal has become so ubiquitous that it also gave birth and influenced other genres - genre's like Deathcore, Death'n'roll, Goregrind, etc.
Basically, because of Florida's huge contribution to the Metal genre as a whole, it would be fitting for GTA VI, a game set on an expy of Florida, to have a radio station dedicated to extreme metal. Bonus points if its not an official radio station but an underground pirate radio station - a contrast to the other mainstream radio stations that would operate in new vice city. Vice City already did it with V-Rock which hosted a couple of radio friendly hard rock and glam metal songs with an occasional bit from Slayer and Megadeth; and Vice City Stories version of the radio station had even more hard hitting hard rock and NWOBHM hits.
submitted by TheRepublicAct to GTA [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:37 cynycal Washington Journal: 'News Headlines & Viewer Calls' Live: 7:00--10am EDT (optional audio-only)

Washington Journal: May 19, 2024
7:00 thru 10AM. Every. Single. Day.
"Join us with your calls and comments on social media as we review the latest news headlines out of Washington." The Washington Journal is C-SPAN's early-morning news show--with some body heat. During the 'Public Forum' segments, viewers are invited to participate by phone-in or social media. (BTW, getting yourself on the air entitles you to special flair; just come back to the thread and boast!)
Variety is the hot-sauce of life. Besides, we dig the calls.
Today's Guests:
Talmage Boston discusses his book, "How the Best Did It: Leadership Lessons From Our Top Presidents and Dmitri Alperovitch discusses his book, "World on the Brink: How America Can Beat China in the Race for the Twenty-First Century."
Line-up: with links to the individual segments where you might check a real-time transcript, create clips (Show us yours to get special flair!) or watch/share individual segments. This page is viewable a bit ahead of time.
Home page: The 'just press play' page gets going at 7am sharp with no previews or running transcript.
C-SPAN 1: (Use your provider guide for channel line-up.) Good for a co-watch with Mom. Ring her up! Have her turn on her set; that it's this or no calls at all. :)
Audio only:
C-SPAN Radio: Livestream audio. Try your smart speaker even: 'Play C-SPAN radio live.'
If you'd rather get the app, go straight to the download page: C-SPAN Now
submitted by cynycal to PopcornPundits [link] [comments]