Clyde s car crusher for sale

Just Rolled Into the Shop

2012.03.30 00:22 xG33Kx Just Rolled Into the Shop

For those absolutely stupid things that you see people bring, roll, or toss into your place of business and the people that bring them in.

2011.04.24 03:39 kevmac The Mazda RX7 Reddit

The Mazda RX-7 Subreddit, home of the brap.

2009.01.09 00:12 Volvo

Boxy, but good.

2024.06.02 20:14 LumpyPreparation2707 Opinion and price about id4 s

Good afternoon everyone!
I’m in the process of looking to purchase an id4 but I don’t feel like I need the big one so ce its main function will be a city car for me.
I wanted to see if some of you got the id4 s ? Price is reasonable and there are some small perks extra.
Speaking of price what did you guys paid for ? I live in Quebec and we have 12k in tax credit. So far I see the id4 s msrp is 53 plus heat pump = 54500 cad
With the tax and deductions and the rest I get a total of 41k.
There must be someone who has a better deal than that?
First time buying a volks. Used to buy fords so we could haggle a bit but I’m unsure about volks.
Thanks for you help and insight
submitted by LumpyPreparation2707 to VolkswagenID4 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:12 imperfectgalaxy St John’s Advice

Good neighborhoods to live near St John’s University for someone in their mid 20’s? Budget is $2,500 max for a 1B or studio. Don’t plan on getting a car so it needs to be close to public transportation.
submitted by imperfectgalaxy to NYCapartments [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:12 matttinatttor MX3 or wait for Sting R?

Sup squids!
I was wondering if it would be worth waiting for the Sting R MX4 or go ahead with the MX3 while it’s on sale.
Mainly using the bike just to cruise and hit some light trails - I’m a bigger dude (6’6”; 36” inseam) and I want the bigger frame of the MX3/4 over the XXX.
Thoughts? I know that the Sting R is a better bike in terms of power, but am I getting 90% of the bike at 70% of the price with the MX3?
submitted by matttinatttor to Talaria [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:11 Livid-Sheepherder521 Am I stupid for wanting to return to retail from corporate?

Hi! I (24F) need some advice or a second view on this. I worked for 3,5 years in a big retail company while studying at Uni. I started as a regular sales advisor and quickly moved up to multiple management roles and ended up working as a Visual Merchandiser there which I loved. I mostly styled the store’s windows, mannequins, planned the store’s layout and created outfits for displays. I’ve always loved fashion and styling at the job was a nice combination of creativity, planning and analytical thinking + i got to move around a lot. After getting a BA, I started working at a PR agency where I stayed for 2,5 years but the company took a hit and there were several layoffs. Now I work at a company as a content writer, I mostly just write articles on a daily basis and it’s so dull. I consider myself to be a good writer and i used to enjoy writing, but I have realised that I despise writing on command and about topics that don’t interest me. The company itself is very chaotic and i despise going to work every day, the company is just not a fit for me. I’ve been browsing new jobs in my field but i just feel so sick of everthing and want to do something totally different. I despise sitting behind a computer the entire day, however i do enjoy the opportunity of doing remote work when needed. The job market is horrible right now and none of the openings in my field interest me, a part of me feels like i chose the wrong career path. Then again at times I feel like I might enjoy my field if i find a company and a team that fits me. Anyways, the retail firm is looking for a Visual Merchandiser again (usually there are no openings as the people stay there for years) and I decided to apply. I feel like I need to take a step back for a while and try to figure out what I want to do with my career. But a part of me feels stupid or like I failed if I throw away my degree and a flexible job that pays a lot better than retail. I haven’t heard back from the company yet and they might not even call me for an interview but i find myself dreaming of working there for a change, even if it is just temporary.
TL;DR: Got a degree, I’m sick of my job and want to return to retail to find myself again. Am I stupid?
submitted by Livid-Sheepherder521 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:10 faisalahm3d Cold engine light (seeking help)

I have bought a 2009 Honda Fit Sport with 174k miles on it about a month ago. For the last few days, I noticed that whenever I start the engine, the cold engine temperature indicator comes up and stays for a few minutes. Everything runs fine otherwise. I don’t wait for the engine to heat up and gently drive until the check engine light goes off. I live in Raleigh, NC and it’s pretty hot out there. The check engine light didn’t come up when I first bought the car. I searched online and found it might be normal especially during colder weather. Since it’s not winter here, I am writing to ask do you think it’s an issue? Thanks!
submitted by faisalahm3d to hondafit [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:10 Intelligent_Art6798 DIL wants 9 bridesmaids & expensive wedding

DIL wants 9 bridesmaids & expensive wedding
My stepson & his fiancée have come into some money. This is a second “marriage”. It’s actually a commitment ceremony bc of financial considerations they can’t actually marry. They’ve already secured a venue that’s expensive & fiancée has asked 9 people to be bridesmaids. They live in a subpar apt; heat doesn’t work right; they’ve never had money before & they’ve been going overboard. Initially they were saving for a house(supposedly) & they were supposed to help their daughter with college tuition. (We are raising my stepsons 2 children).
I need to talk to them when I return home. I’m out of state in business. Their credit is poor & we just helped them with a co-sign on a car lease but will no longer do that since they are not Acting wisely to improve themselves. How can I convince them their behavior is immature & selfish. To spend so much money for one day when there are less expensive options. Both of them have PTSD and high anxiety & in addition to the expenses they will incur with such a large wedding party, they will have difficulty handling 9 bridesmaids + 1. Oh and fiancée is having bariatric surgery in 6 months. Wedding is October of 2025. With her autoimmune disease (very serious) chances are great that she will have difficulty with nutrition, breathing issues, etc. How do I convince them, they are not making wise choices.
submitted by Intelligent_Art6798 to weddingdrama [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:10 lamelanista Am I missing something? Advice needed

For starters, I’m (30F) new to the dating scene and I’m still trying to figure out how to navigate it. I recently was asked out by a coworker (I know, don’t shit where you eat, but bare with me). We went out for dinner and drinks one night, had a great time and spent a little over three hours just talking and getting to know each other. At the end of the date he walked me to my car and we made out and had a little car play. The day after, we texted practically the whole day and things were good. Saw him at work and things were fine. Hung out again 2 times after that. 2nd meet up, just drinks and a few kisses after work, 3rd meet up we saw a movie and hooked up afterwards. All of this happened in just under 2 weeks, 11 days to be exact.
After the second date, the texts were far and few between with me having to initiate. He took some time to reply but always seemed engaged in the convo. After we hooked up, we were talking and he said don’t read too much into it if he doesn’t reply right away. He’s trying to get out of his living situation and has a lot going on. Not even an hour afterwards he texted me saying that he was going offline for a while and he’s not a healthy long term and we would talk about it this week then blocked my number. I thought I may have come on too strong when he just wanted something casual. Then I found out a couple days later (from a different coworker) that the guy I was seeing recently broke up with his ex and he needs to get his shit out of her place asap. We finally talked a few days ago and I told him I knew about his situation. He was apologetic about not being honest with me and told me he was embarrassed about it (seemed sincere but idk).
The thing is, I don’t mind something casual. We had a lot of fun together and I’m happy to just be fwb. Trying to have an actual relationship with a coworker seems messy and complicated, even though a fwb may have the same effect. I just didn’t know how to play it since we worked together. He also didn’t make it seem like that’s what he wanted unless I misread the situation. He’s been fine around me at work for the most part. Slightly awkward at first (before our talk) but we’re back to normal now. The thing that’s bothering me is the fact that my number is blocked. Is it weird if I ask him to unblock me? I don’t know why I’m so hung up on it but I can’t seem to let it go. I enjoyed texting him, even if it’s just friendly, especially since I don’t want to have any non-work related communication with him on our work systems.
I appreciate any advice!
submitted by lamelanista to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:09 Repulsive_Salary3169 No cars spawning at all

I’ve got car mods, cars are enabled, 3d models are enabled, I’ve validated my files and the sandbox car settings on default. I’ve had this issue for a while now and it’s really puzzling.
submitted by Repulsive_Salary3169 to projectzomboid [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:09 luxorvert Blind buy gone wrong…

Blind buy gone wrong…
Just received Xerjoff Erba Pura that I’ve ordered a couple of days ago. It was on a great sale and I thought why not, notes and reviews looked pretty interesting and I needed something unique for the summer. I didn’t have any places nearby to test it and I couldn’t wait for a sample because discount would expire. Packaging is awesome, but scent itself is just not for me. It’s a great, unique and high quality fragrance that’s enormously strong, but I just can’t imagine myself wearing it. Now I don’t know what to do with it, guess it’s just going to sit next to the others…
submitted by luxorvert to ScentHeads [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:08 NatureWellness How to manage this behavior?

Our FS9 has been with us a year and we are in the process of adopting him.
Last week, FS went outside to play. It’s normal for him to play in the woods next to our house and around the houses in our neighborhood. He usually does a good job of staying within voice range and responding when called. Unbeknownst to us, but known to our children, one of the neighbor families was out of town.
FS plays with their son a lot and is very familiar with their house and belongings. My partner went to check in on FS, and found him playing on their property outside. He had maybe been outside an hour. FS showed us a pile of coins that he “found in the woods” and had placed in a pile. Approximately $5, mostly quarters. FS took the coins home.
I got a phone call yesterday from our neighbors. They have just returned home after being gone. They had left their front door locked, but it was unsecured when they returned. Their back door had been closed and secured, but was now open. They had left interior doors in their house closed that were now open. They had left lights off, that were now on. The doors open and lights on were to the pantry and in FS’s friend’s room and some main areas. Their tools were scattered around in disarray and some toys were out. A juice box was abandoned on their deck. There was a box of matches from the parents’ bedroom missing, found outside right next to their house, all burnt up with burnt leaves/twigs.
There are ways to enter their house when the door is locked, FS was aware of those via his friend. They suspected that FS may have been in their house, because it looked like a child had played with toys and tools and matches, and they know that FS enjoys those at their house.
I asked about the coins that FS had found. Our neighbor did some investigation, and found that her son is missing some of his change. She sent a picture of the sorted and stacked coin that he has, where it is clear that some of the stacks have been knocked over and rummaged. It looks like most of the neighbor’s money is still there, and some was grabbed.
We have not talked with our son about this yet, trying to figure out what to say and how to prevent this from blowing up. We live in a very small town, and our neighbor have decided that they do not want their children to know, because it would make their children feel unsafe.
This is not the first time that FS has stolen small quantities of money: he stole my credit card once and has stolen small amounts of money from my wallet and purse and car… at least 4 instances. I no longer keep any cash at all.
This is not the first time FS has stolen and played dangerously with matches. He has played with matches inside our house and we now keep all of our matches secured.
This is the first time he has invaded someone’s house.
The neighbors are pretty calm and kind about it right now. They seem to feel that he needs to know more about boundaries and are consulting a trusted firefighter about fire starting behavior.
What ideas do you have about managing this behavior?
submitted by NatureWellness to Fosterparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:08 luxorvert Blind buy gone wrong…

Blind buy gone wrong…
Just received Xerjoff Erba Pura that I’ve ordered a couple of days ago. It was on a great sale and I thought why not, notes and reviews looked pretty interesting and I needed something unique for the summer. I didn’t have any places nearby to test it and I couldn’t wait for a sample because discount would expire. Packaging is awesome, but scent itself is just not for me. It’s a great, unique and high quality fragrance that’s enormously strong, but I just can’t imagine myself wearing it. Now I don’t know what to do with it, guess it’s just going to sit next to the others…
submitted by luxorvert to Colognes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:08 Emergency-Tap-1021 Mon dégoût des hommes

Ce post est une déclaration de colère envers ceux qui m'ont manqué de respect au fil des années.
Ce post est dédié :
Vous m’écœurez. Je vais voir un psy à cause de vous. J'ai des gros soucis de confiance en l'autre à cause de vous. La fidélité est un mythe, n'est ce pas ?
submitted by Emergency-Tap-1021 to besoindeparler [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:08 ChonkRaccoon1 Found this owl at a gift shop in Fairbanks, Alaska that looked like it had been there for years. The eyes are so crooked I thought “who would ever buy this?” And felt sorry for it Lol so I bought it. It’s been my copilot in my car for the last 4 1/2 years.

Found this owl at a gift shop in Fairbanks, Alaska that looked like it had been there for years. The eyes are so crooked I thought “who would ever buy this?” And felt sorry for it Lol so I bought it. It’s been my copilot in my car for the last 4 1/2 years. submitted by ChonkRaccoon1 to plushies [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:06 Giltvfx Pokemon Lot return scam

Pokemon Lot return scam
I think I already know the answer to this question. I carefully checked each one of these cards for authenticity for this exact reason. He is now claiming authenticity issues due to one of the cards peeling ? I’m guessing he’s trying to pull a fast one and keep my cards and get his refund. Such a bummer I wish mercari protected its sellers more. Appreciate any advice on how to go about fighting this in anyway. Thanks PS: this guy is a big card seller with many sales and 5 star reviews…..classic
submitted by Giltvfx to Mercari [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:06 Public_Ad_5373 The 6 Best Free Email Marketing Services in 2024

When it comes to reaching your audience effectively, email marketing remains a powerful tool.
Whether you’re a small business owner or a seasoned marketer, having access to reliable and feature-rich email marketing software is essential.
Fortunately, there are several excellent free options available.
Let’s explore the top six free email marketing services:
  1. MailerLite: Ideal for Advanced Email Marketers
    • MailerLite offers advanced features for email marketers. With a generous free plan, you get access to tools like automation, segmentation, and customizable templates. It’s perfect for businesses looking to take their email campaigns to the next level.
  2. HubSpot: Great for Segmentation
    • HubSpot provides robust segmentation capabilities even on its free plan. You can organize your contacts effectively and tailor your emails based on specific criteria. If audience segmentation is a priority, HubSpot is worth considering.
  3. Brevo (formerly Sendinblue): All-in-One Marketing and Sales Features
    • Brevo offers a comprehensive suite of marketing and sales features. Beyond email marketing, it includes SMS marketing, landing pages, and more. The free plan allows up to 9,000 monthly emails, making it suitable for growing businesses.
  4. Mailchimp: Perfect for Growing Email Marketing Programs
    • Mailchimp is a well-known name in the industry. Its free plan provides essential features like templates, audience management, and basic automation. As your email list grows, Mailchimp’s paid plans offer additional functionality.
  5. Sender: The Most Generous Free Plan
    • Sender stands out with its generous free plan, allowing up to 15,000 monthly emails. It includes features like automation, analytics, and customizable templates. If you’re just starting out, Sender is worth exploring.
  6. Loops: Automation for Email Marketing
    • Loops focuses on email marketing automation. While its free plan has limitations, it’s a great choice if you’re looking to automate repetitive tasks and improve efficiency.

How to Choose the Right Email Marketing Software

Starting with a free email tool is perfectly fine, especially if you’re not ready to commit to a paid plan. Many of these free options can scale into paid plans as your email marketing efforts grow. Remember to evaluate your specific needs, consider features like audience segmentation, and choose a tool that aligns with your business goals.
Feel free to explore these services further and find the one that best suits your requirements. Happy email marketing. 📧✨
I’ve summarized the key points from the articles you shared. If you’d like more details or have any specific questions, feel free to ask.
submitted by Public_Ad_5373 to MARKETINGTOOLSREVIEW [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:06 ProblemGloomy1988 My cat won’t stop going out to eat trash

I have a cat who is bengalí and he is a male, he got sprayed a bit old so i think there is where the problem is, he used to go out a lot to get cats pregnant but then we sprayed him and he got more calmed, now he goes out to lie down on some tree or that’s what we thought, he started coming with a smell of grease on this head, he smelled like trash, we thought he was going under cars but then in our house he started getting on top of the tables to eat foods, my sister did a test and apparently she saw that eggs were good for cats so she give him some boiled eggs and he didn’t want them, then when he saw some boiled eggs on the counter he went crazy and ate them, we don’t understand why he does that but he only was to eat stuff that’s on the counter.
my mom had to throw away a lot of food because if he sees anything there he will eat it, she is also very worried because she saw him crossing the street a couple times and he could get ran over, is not like we don’t feed them we always do at 8 pm and in the morning and all the cats always wait for us there but he just stopped coming to eat, and even when we do serve him food he just smell it and leaves, any advice?
submitted by ProblemGloomy1988 to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:06 Badboyardie Tesla shareholder files suit. $TSLA

Tesla shareholder Michael Perry on Thursday filed a lawsuit against Elon Musk alleging insider trading when the CEO sold shares worth over $7.5 billion in the last two months of 2022.
The lawsuit, filed by Perry in the Delaware Chancery Court, claims that Musk sold a total of over $7.5 billion worth of Tesla shares in late 2022 before the disclosure of disappointing fourth-quarter production and delivery numbers. Perry alleges that Musk, using his access to real-time data, was aware of the lower-than-expected numbers when he sold shares worth $3.95 billion in November 2022 and shares worth $3.58 billion in December 2022.
Tesla publicly unveiled delivery numbers on Jan. 2, 2023, and Tesla’s stock fell to $108.10 on Jan. 3, down from the $123.18 it closed at on Dec. 30, the lawsuit noted, pegging Musk’s “insider profits” for the aforementioned share sales at about $3 billion.
submitted by Badboyardie to ChartNavigators [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:06 lamelanista Am I missing something? Advice needed

For starters, I’m (30F) new to the dating scene and I’m still trying to figure out how to navigate it. I recently was asked out by a coworker (I know, don’t shit where you eat, but bare with me). We went out for dinner and drinks one night, had a great time and spent a little over three hours just talking and getting to know each other. At the end of the date he walked me to my car and we made out and had a little car play. The day after, we texted practically the whole day and things were good. Saw him at work and things were fine. Hung out again 2 times after that. 2nd meet up, just drinks and a few kisses after work, 3rd meet up we saw a movie and hooked up afterwards. All of this happened in just under 2 weeks, 11 days to be exact.
After the second date, the texts were far and few between with me having to initiate. He took some time to reply but always seemed engaged in the convo. After we hooked up, we were talking and he said don’t read too much into it if he doesn’t reply right away. He’s trying to get out of his living situation and has a lot going on. Not even an hour afterwards he texted me saying that he was going offline for a while and he’s not a healthy long term and we would talk about it this week then blocked my number. I thought I may have come on too strong when he just wanted something casual. Then I found out a couple days later (from a different coworker) that the guy I was seeing recently broke up with his ex and he needs to get his shit out of her place asap. We finally talked a few days ago and I told him I knew about his situation. He was apologetic about not being honest with me and told me he was embarrassed about it (seemed sincere but idk).
The thing is, I don’t mind something casual. We had a lot of fun together and I’m happy to just be fwb. Trying to have an actual relationship with a coworker seems messy and complicated, even though a fwb may have the same effect. I just didn’t know how to play it since we worked together. He also didn’t make it seem like that’s what he wanted unless I misread the situation. He’s been fine around me at work for the most part. Slightly awkward at first (before our talk) but we’re back to normal now. The thing that’s bothering me is the fact that my number is blocked. Is it weird if I ask him to unblock me? I don’t know why I’m so hung up on it but I can’t seem to let it go. I enjoyed texting him, even if it’s just friendly, especially since I don’t want to have any non-work related communication with him on our work systems.
I appreciate any advice!
submitted by lamelanista to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:05 flaconn Debating whether to rent or buy – can anyone validate or refute this analysis? (West Coast USA)

Hi everyone – as the title says, trying to make a decision in this high interest rate + high home price environment. Currently renting a condo I could buy from the owner, all details below. I've used AI and plugged in assumptions about year over year increases in both scenarios, like HOA dues, rent increases, etc. The big assumption that has me leaning towards renting (and seemingly validated by AI) is if I take the down payment and monthly savings on rent vs buy and invest that in the stock market (e.g. S&P 500 index fund). What do you all think about this?
x-posting from RealEstate as I value this community's feedback more than most. Work in software sales, last 5 years W2s > $200k, last 3 years > $300k so not concerned about whether I can afford it but rather what makes more financial sense
Renting Initial Monthly Rent: $3,200 Annual Rent Increase: 10% Investment Return: 7% annually Down Payment for Investment: $157,000 Future Rent Costs Over 5 Years Year 1: $3,200 * 12 = $38,400 Year 2: $3,520 * 12 = $42,240 Year 3: $3,872 * 12 = $46,464 Year 4: $4,259.20 * 12 = $51,110.40 Year 5: $4,685.12 * 12 = $56,221.44 Total Rent Paid Over 5 Years: $38,400 + $42,240 + $46,464 + $51,110.40 + $56,221.44 = $234,436.80 Buying Home Price: $785,000 Initial HOA Dues: $785/month Annual HOA Increase: 10% Interest Rate: 7% Down Payment: 20% ($157,000) Loan Amount: $628,000 Mortgage Payment (30-year fixed rate loan): $4,178/month Future HOA Costs Over 5 Years Year 1: $785 * 12 = $9,420 Year 2: $863.50 * 12 = $10,362 Year 3: $949.85 * 12 = $11,398.20 Year 4: $1,044.83 * 12 = $12,537.96 Year 5: $1,149.32 * 12 = $13,791.84 Total HOA Paid Over 5 Years: $9,420 + $10,362 + $11,398.20 + $12,537.96 + $13,791.84 = $57,510 Additional Costs (Remains the same as before) Property Taxes: $818/month * 60 months = $49,080 Homeowners Insurance: $67/month * 60 months = $4,020 Maintenance Costs: $654/month * 60 months = $39,240 Total Cost of Ownership Over 5 Years Total Mortgage Payments: $4,178 * 60 months = $250,680 Total HOA Payments: $57,510 Total Property Taxes: $49,080 Total Homeowners Insurance: $4,020 Total Maintenance Costs: $39,240 Total Cost of Ownership: $250,680 + $57,510 + $49,080 + $4,020 + $39,240 = $400,530 Equity Accumulation and Appreciation Principal Paid in Mortgage: Estimating 30% of total mortgage payments go towards principal repayment: 0.30 * $250,680 = $75,204 Home Appreciation: 3% per year FV = $785,000 * (1 + 0.03)^5 = $909,515 Net Gain from Buying Future Home Value: $909,515 Initial Home Value: $785,000 Appreciation Gain: $124,515 Equity Build-Up: $75,204 Total Gain in Equity and Appreciation: $124,515 + $75,204 = $199,719 Investment Returns from Savings and Down Payment Let's calculate the returns from both the monthly savings and the initial down payment investment. Monthly Savings Monthly Cost of Owning: $6,502 (as calculated previously) Monthly Rent: $3,200 (initially) Annual Savings Invested Year 1: $(6,502 - 3,200) * 12 = $39,624 Year 2: $(6,820.20 - 3,520) * 12 = $39,609.60 Year 3: $(7,164.21 - 3,872) * 12 = $39,514.52 Year 4: $(7,535.42 - 4,259.20) * 12 = $39,307.92 Year 5: $(7,935.31 - 4,685.12) * 12 = $39,002.28 Investment Growth For simplicity, let's assume each year's savings are invested at the end of the year and grow at 7% annually: End of Year 1: $39,624 * (1 + 0.07)^4 = $52,078.79 End of Year 2: $39,609.60 * (1 + 0.07)^3 = $48,638.05 End of Year 3: $39,514.52 * (1 + 0.07)^2 = $45,246.02 End of Year 4: $39,307.92 * (1 + 0.07)^1 = $42,059.47 End of Year 5: $39,002.28 (no growth yet) Total Monthly Investment Value: $52,078.79 + $48,638.05 + $45,246.02 + $42,059.47 + $39,002.28 = $227,024.61 Down Payment Investment Initial Down Payment: $157,000 Investment Growth Over 5 Years: $157,000 * (1 + 0.07)^5 = $220,319.36 Total Investment Returns: $227,024.61 (monthly savings) + $220,319.36 (down payment) = $447,343.97 Comparison Over 5 Years Cost of Renting: $234,436.80 Investment Returns: $447,343.97 Net Cost of Renting: $234,436.80 - $447,343.97 = -$212,907.17 (net gain from renting due to investments) Net Cost of Buying: $400,530 - $199,719 = $200,811 Conclusion When accounting for the investment returns on both the saved monthly rent and the initial down payment, renting appears to be significantly more financially advantageous over the next 5 years. The net gain from renting, factoring in investment returns, is approximately $212,907.17, compared to a net cost of $200,811 for buying.
submitted by flaconn to HENRYfinance [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:05 Ok_Independent_1257 Slight rant 🤔

So everyone knows the obvious issues with these two, but something that I don’t feel gets talked about enough or maybe it does and I just miss it, is the fact that they let their kids be raised by YouTube videos and screens. These poor babies deserve so much more and it’s actually sad. They have the money and the resources to do better for them and they’re choosing not to instead she’s posting videos about buying her third car but yet her babies Are being raised by tv. Make it make sense
submitted by Ok_Independent_1257 to NarallyNajmsnark [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:05 okogetit_1 Trading in my car after 1 year?

So i need some advice, a year ago i financed a 2011 hyundai sonata @19% for 48 months for 13k. was really desperate for a car and no credit. also didn’t know what i was doing.
i want to trade it in really because i just feel like this is not a car i feel i should be putting all my money in. it just needs repair after repair. i want something maybe newer, more reliable and cheaper to repair like a honda or toyota. i want to know if it would be worth it or if i should just ride it out with this car till the wheels fall off. my mom is no longer helping with payment so it’s just me
payment is about $420 a month i’ll also be paying 20k + by the end of the loan(if i don’t refinance)
i’m 19 y/o and i make $17h.
i just want to know what would be better for the long run
submitted by okogetit_1 to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:05 mkebrew86 Is the tide turning?

Stand up comedy has been booming along with the podcast industryover the past few years…
I listen to way too many comedy pods (more east coast than LA comics) and have noticed a lot them mentioning fewer upcoming ticket sales during their pods than ever before…
I noticed this trend so I started looking at Ticketmaster at some of the bigger acts (theaters not stadiums) and saw a ton of big comedians not selling more than 25-50% of the venue with events occurring in the next couple weeks.
I note 4 potential explanations: 1) It’s possible this is how it has always been and I am completely wrong 2) agents have realized how great comedy has become and have overbooked venue size for comics that should still be in clubs instead of theaters 3) we are in the beginning stages of a full blown economic recession due to persistent inflation 4) comedy booms comes in decade long waves and we are on the downslope to a “comedy recession”
What do you think? What would be your explanation?
submitted by mkebrew86 to Standup [link] [comments]