Dirty text messages to send to your boyfriendirty text message

/r/texts - The Conversations Subreddit

2011.02.15 01:03 laaabaseball /r/texts - The Conversations Subreddit

/texts - The Conversations Subreddit - a subreddit to submit your funny, weird, or random coversations from your mobile or cell phone.

2014.11.20 00:25 JonasBrosSuck AnimalTextGifs = Cute Animals + Text + Gif

Animal Text Gifs is a subreddit for posts with superimposed text over moving images suggesting that the animal in question is speaking about the situation at hand.

2014.10.24 00:23 Cakesmite Funny but fake.

Welcome to /GoodFakeTexts! This subreddit is for posting text messages that are extremely likely fake, yet funny.

2024.06.02 20:00 Individual-North-174 Is the person I am dating no longer interested?

Hi! So I started seeing this guy a few weeks ago after he asked me on a date, and I really, really like him. He is super sweet and thoughtful, and I see myself being with him for a while. The only thing is, about two days ago, the communication between us got weird. When we first started talking, he would take hours to text back or not text at all, and I explained to him that that wasn’t going to work because I like communication. We don’t have to talk all day, but going hours and hours without talking is not something I look for in a guy. He immediately fixed it. We were doing great, and then all of a sudden, he’s back to how he started: taking forever to text back and not texting at all. He planned a date for us this upcoming Wednesday, and when I asked if we were still going, he said, “I don’t think I can,” and I just liked the message, and we haven’t talked since. I want to say something, but I also want to see how long it will take him to text me again. I’ve been really sad about it and don’t know if I’m overthinking or what. I want to say something, but I also feel like if I show too much anxiety surrounding the relationship, it will scare him off. What should I do?
submitted by Individual-North-174 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:00 daioxer my ex blocked me on everything and moved away

me and my ex was together for 3 years and back in August I got a job and he got the same Job in around November. I had a manager that didn't necessarily like him because one time he got mad at me in front of her and kinda raised his voice to me. he ended up quitting really dramatically over her because she called him a bad boyfriend. after he quit he wanted me to block her but at the time she was my only close friend so I was a little upset but I blocked her. but I secretly started talking to her again since she was my manager and it's hard to avoid her. he ended up finding out and we broke up. there's a lot more to this but that's in general what ended the relationship. now that he's gone I want him back so bad and realize I shouldn't have hid secrets. but at the same time he wasn't good to me either?? but there was those good times that I can't let go of and I miss him more and more everyday. I messaged him and he blocked me. I texted his grandma and she was telling me he was moving about an hour away and he's on vacation?? so he's moving away and hes blocked me. and currently gone right now. would I ever get him back or is this really it. it hurts a lot and I miss him. idk what I could do to fix this. I offered to quit my job. I offered anything I could but it feels like it's done but I can't help but cling onto my last bit of hope that he will come back..he was my first everything. I can't imagine a life without him I'd do anything just to get him back and I'd fix everything I wish he'd give me that chance more than anything else
submitted by daioxer to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:59 Fer_ESC What we can (and can't) expect from the Stronghold Crusader Definitive Edition

As many of you know, last year the Stronghold Definite Editition got released and to no ones suprise it did really well. At this point I think the question is not if, but rather when we will get the Crusader DE. And I thought it would be quite interesting to bring up what I personally expect from the Remake/Remaster. I will do this by ranking every entry into one of the categories: Very Likely, Likely, 50/50, Unlikely, Very Unlikely.
1st: UCP Gameplay elements (Likely)
To all of you that don't know: The Unofficial Crusader Patch (UCP) is a fanmade patcher for the game that allows you to customize the game in a variety of ways. This includes bug fixes, better AI behaviour, new AI castles, unit balance changes and many other features.
I personally highly doubt that it can fully be integrated into the Crusader DE, because having a game with a million sliders and menu options just does not make much sense . However this does not mean that UCP features are out of the question. It makes a lot of sense to integrate some of the fixes to known bugs (Fletchers doing unneccesary routes, villagers disappearing, units disappearing while digging moat, ...) into the game. Also many AI's have a few castles that have bugs as well. Did you know the Wolf has a castle where he builds a chapel and immediately deletes it again? He does that repeatedly and basically wastes all his gold. Or the infamous snake castle lacking a gate that leads outside, which makes his entire population go afk. These fixed castles can also easily be implemented into the Crusader DE, mainly because they will likely re-use the engine of the original. Additionally the DE can add other options like a customizable scribe or customizable player color which were already existing in the latest Remake.
  1. Customizable AI Difficulty (Unlikely)
Being able to change the diffculty of AI Lords would not be a new feature as it was introduced in Stronghold Crusader 2 (feel free to correct me if I am wrong). You had two difficulty settings: Easy and Normal. "Easy" made the AI play very passively, while the "Normal"-difficulty made the AI much more aggressive.
The same could be applied to the Crusader DE. I would propose the following three settings:
Easy - The AI uses the original Crusader castles (with Bugs!) and has a much slower recruiting speed which makes them hoard gold and rarely attack, similar to how the Sultan plays in Crusader.
Normal - The AI uses the original but fixed castles and has the same recruiting speeds as in the original game.
Hard - The AI uses slightly optimized castles with a better economy and defence, while also recruiting units much faster. The AI will attack earlier and send raiding troops much more frequently.
  1. Third Crusader Trail (Very Likely)
The Stronghold Definitive Edition did not add any new buildings or units, but it did add a lot of new missions. The main mode of Stronghold Crusader has always been the Skirmish trail so I am very sure there will be new a new one here. I think the new trail will realistically have 20 missions which gives them the opportunity to advertise the game having 100 Skirmish missions. This new trail will start from 81 and will entirely consist of new maps while also using all AI Lords in the game (also the potential newly added ones).
  1. New Historical Campaigns (Likely)
The Historical campaigns in Crusader, probably the most underrated mode there is. Firefly put out tons of new missions and campaigns in the remake so I think we can assume they'd do the same here. The main issue that stops this entry from being very likely is how limited the Crusader map editor was/is. The number of messages you could use in your maps was a joke compared to the huge variation you had in SH1. This mainly comes down to them being pulled from the military-campaign, while Crusader did not have a big fleshed out story. However they could just make all AI-Lord-messages available in the map editor and add a few "neutral" messages from the advisor.
  1. New Units/Buildings/Map Elements (Very Unlikely)
I highly doubt that Firefly would do anything to change the core-gameplay of Crusader. It hurts but I don't think we can expect something here, after they had no new elements in the Stronghold Definitive Edition (apart from troops joining your army).
  1. New AI-Lords (50/50)
I might be too optimistic here, but I don't consider new Lords to be an unrealistic expectation. The Stronghold DE added a new commander with animations and voice lines, so what stops them from making new Lords? The real question here is how much they will do. Adding an entire roster of 8 new Lords again sounds pretty extreme, but 4 sounds like a realistic idea. These could then also be introduced in the third Skirmish Trail, which would make it stand out and gave older players an incentive to pick up the remake.
  1. Steam Workshop Support and Steam Multiplayer (Very Likely)
I don't think I need to elaborate on this one. The Stronghold 1 DE had it, so this one will have it as well. We will finally be able to play online games against the AI again.
  1. Cooperative Campaigns (Very Unlikely)
This is not happening but it would be very interesting to see. The Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition had Coop-campaigns and other RTS games like Command&Conquer did it too. Stronghold Crusader has always been more of a Coop game to most players so this would be a great addition to the game.
  1. Random Map Generator (Very Unlikely)
I am saving the best (and most delusional) option for last. Generating random maps would single handely make this the best version of Crusader. Crusader got everything: Different Lords, different Gold Settings, customizable teams, ... and it really feels like the only limited option is the map selection. Being able to create a random map by setting parameters like Balanced/Unbalanced, No Stone/No Iron, With/Without Animals, oasis sizes, Swamp, etc. would literally give this game infinite replay value.
  1. Conclusion
As you can see, I do not expect much from the Remake as most of the things listed are pretty unlikely to be included. However it is definitely fun to think about and there is A LOT of potential here. Stronghold Crusader is their most popular game and if they do it right this remake could be their biggest success ever.
Feel free to discuss the proposed features, or add you own ideas down below. Let us all hope that we get a return to form and that Stronghold finally gets attention again. Thank you for reading! :)
submitted by Fer_ESC to stronghold [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:59 chiaroscuro-sfumato 27 [M4F] let’s narrow the spaces betwixt you and me

Perhaps we both are in that liminal space, alluding each other in ways we don’t notice. Waiting for that opportune moment to change the status quo. If you think it’s you who I’m looking for all this time please do give this a shot
Some details about myself:
A few things about you:
If you feel like you’re the one and want to give this a shot please do try a message me. Please be ready to EXCHANGE photos as well so we don’t end up wasting each other’s time (I’m willing to send my photo first but please do send yours as well and just tell if if you’re going to pass, no hard feelings). I’m looking for a serious relationship/date to settle.
Would reply as soon as I can, I don’t reply immediately I might be at work or sleeping, rest assured you will get a reply if you send a message (there are some people who sent a message but I can’t reply to, please do try again if you’re one of them)
I hope you actually read through and comprehend the post. Will prioritise dms/messages with substance.
Thanks for getting this far, you’re awesome from reading through it all, if you’re going to give this a shot see you in my dm’s ❤️
Post gets removed once I find someone
submitted by chiaroscuro-sfumato to PhR4Dating [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:58 Melhk031103 The Galactic Gamble 03

First Previous Next
Arjun Singh: EPO Captain
One of the scientists, Sarah, had initially scolded me relentlessly for not being more cautious when capturing the aliens. She pointed out that we had no way of knowing whether they could breathe our air, drink our water, or eat our food. We were apparently incredibly lucky that they didn’t die within minutes after setting foot aboard my ship. Fortunately, once Sarah began interacting with the aliens directly, she quickly forgot about me and shifted her focus entirely to her work.
It took Sarah and her and her more understanding colleague Jack two days to identify which device on the alien ship translated their language into ours. On the third day, the translator was successfully removed from the ship and brought into the interrogation room, where we hoped to finally get the answers we had been waiting for.
A large assembly of generals and admirals alike had formed to watch the questioning unfold. The individual who had identified themselves as Quorin would be up first.
The bald, big-eared alien sat down uncomfortably in a chair, his long arms resting on the table in front of him.
“Where did you come from?” Jack’s voice resonated through the speakers in the observation room.
Quorin’s voice was translated into a clear, but odd sounding English. “We come from a planet orbiting a star very similar to yours, roughly forty-six lightyears away.”
Sarah followed up. “How are you able to breathe our air, and eat our food, it’s almost as if you evolved on earth, considering how similar you are to us.”
“Well I’m no biologist, but it is common knowledge that all live in the galaxy has evolved in very similar ways. I suppose you couldn’t know that if you’ve never encountered other life before. That being said, the gravity on your ships is far more than we are used to, and your food isn’t very well suited to our needs.”
The next few minutes consisted of more general questions about how they functioned, what they ate and how they evolved before Secretary-General Medford decided to interrupt the scientists.
“Enough of this, Sarah. We need to know why they came to us. Ask him what they want from us.”
Sarah processed the request for a second and asked her next question.
“You said you needed help, that your entire civilisation was at risk. At risk from what?”
Quorin was silent for a moment, seemingly trying to formulate an answer in their head. Everyone waited in anticipation of what he would say next.
“The Saruvian empire has been at war with the Coalition of Species, of which my people are a part, for over a thousands of years. No one knows how the war started. But ever since, system after system has fallen to them, uncountable dead, even more enslaved. We are powerless against them. Every time they attack we don’t stand a chance. Every time we try to counterattack, it goes even worse. They are ferocious, they conquer and pillage system after system, seemingly no regard for life. No matter what we throw against them, sooner or later we always lose.”
Quorin seemed dejected as he told his story. But as he continued, a newfound sense of conviction emerged from his voice.
”But we believe, I believe, that with your help we could turn the tide and save both our planets from the fate many others have suffered before us.”
On my left, general Liu scoffed at the alien’s declaration. “So they expect us to fight their wars for them. Is that it? Can you believe it, they ju—”
“Quiet!” Medford’s voice roared through the room. He leaned over to his microphone to instruct the scientists in the interrogation room. “Ask him why he thinks we could succeed, where they failed.”
Sarah relayed the question obediently, though Quorin didn’t seem too eager to answer this time.
When Sarah repeated her question he finally decided to respond.
“Because…. Because you are like them. Violent…. Uncompromising…. Deadly…. These are all traits you share with the Saruvians. But I believe that, if we welcomed you with open arms, you would use them for good.”
Many that were present in the room seemed less happy at being compared to a brutal empire that was pillaging its way throughout the galaxy. Though I could see his point. My mother had told me many stories about how she lived through the war when she barely out of school. Millions died on the frontlines, including my uncle and her only brother. But what happened afterwards was even more devastating. When the nukes started flying a billion people died within days. But that happened almost a century ago now, surely we had progressed beyond that as a society?
“Bring in the next one.” Medford told the scientists.
The questioning went on for at least another hour. The other aliens were asked similar questions in order to corroborate Quorin’s story. And to no one’s surprise their answers matched each perfectly, though some lacked the story-telling abilities their leader possessed.
When the last of the questioning was done the Secretary-General finally stood up out of his chair, and turned around to address us.
“Men, whatever the truth of it may be concerning the threat of these Saruvians and their empire, one thing seems clear to me. Earth is in immense danger. We will need to bolster our defences, expand our fleet, and most importantly, figure out what exactly is happening in the galaxy at large.”
The generals murmured in agreement.
“I propose we send a small contingent of ships on a diplomatic mission to the homeworld of these aliens. Their job will be to assess their true intentions, and gather any information about them, the Coalition of Species, and their enemy, the Saruvians.”
Medford adjusted his gaze to the Chinese general. “General Liu, I want your engineers to work day and night on converting our ships to use the alien warp drives. Allow them to help your engineers, if they really need our help, I’m sure they will gladly do so.”
“We will not sleep until the work is done, sir!” Liu exaggerated.
“Good.” Medford nodded in approval.
“Now then, if you have anything else to say, say it now. Because I have a planet to address.”
I raised my hand.
“Am I really about to do this?” I thought “Why would I want to get dragged into this mess.”
“Go on captain.” The old man urged me on.
“I would like to volunteer myself, and my crew for this mission, Sir.”
Medford smiled, for what seemed like the first time that day. “Good, I hoped you would.”
With that we all followed the Secretary-General out of the room and went our separate ways. Instead of taking the metro to my room, I decided to walk the five kilometre journey, which would give me ample time think about the ramifications of what I had just done.
As I was pondering my poor life choices I could see the discontent among the million or so people on the M.O.S. was still growing.
It had only taken a few hours after our arrival for the news to spread. And when the station got locked down the people got rightfully upset. It was a necessity though, because it allowed us to avoid any unnecessary unrest down on Earth. Or at least that’s what we hoped.
Having arrived in my room I sat down on the small couch, when the screen mounted on the wall suddenly turned on. Medford was standing in front of a microphone, ready to address the people aboard the M.O.S. live, and roughly ten minutes later all of earth would hear it as well.
“Today, march 28th 2146, marks a historical day for humanity. Six days ago, march 22nd at 20:46 UTC, an unidentified spacecraft was detected near Jupiter. The crew on board was captured and taken to mars. But this wasn’t just any crew. They did not come from Earth. We have identified their native star to be Scorpii eighteen, just over forty-six lightyears away. Yes, you heard me right. We have encountered aliens in our very own solar system. And if they are to be believed, there are many more civilisations out there.”
Medford took a look at the screen on the stand in front of him before continuing his address.
“I understand that many of you will be overjoyed by the discovery of alien life. However, their true intentions remain a mystery to us, and war might be on our doorstep. Until we know for a fact that there is no threat to us out there we will not remain defenceless. Starting today we will expand our fleet and improve our planetary defences. The EPO has guarded humanity for these past sixty-seven years. And, with your trust, we will keep doing so, even in these uncertain and dangerous times.”
“I want to leave you all with this message. If any one of these extraterrestrial civilisations thinks they can threaten us, if they think they can catch us off guard, we will make sure they regret it.
First Previous Next
submitted by Melhk031103 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:58 SeaAppearance2965 33[M4F] #Online/Anywhere - Let's hang out today and see where it goes! (pic included)

Hey all,
I'm having a relaxing Sunday, but I'm a little bored. I thought it might be fun to try to meet some new people today. I don't care where you are from, or anything like that. As long as you're feeling chatty, and you're single. I don't have a set agenda or expectations either, just wanting to connect and enjoy someone's company and hopefully brighten their day as well.
Please be open to sending a selfie, and also tell me your age, name, and location in your message. It would also be good if you tell me a bit about yourself and what brought you to r4r today.
Other than that we can learn about each other as we go! Here is that picture I promised you.
submitted by SeaAppearance2965 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:58 Wild_Writer_6881 The Samsung phone and the two missing photos from the iPhone

Much has been written and discussed about Kris's iPhone, but what do the court files say about Lisanne's phone? And: why are two photos missing from the iPhone?
First some general Information:

- The Samsung phone was set to local (Panamanian) time.

On March 31st at 1 p.m., the girls were at Aura Daycare Centre where they met Maria for the first time. Maria informed the girls that they could not work at Aura’s.
At 13:06, Lisanne’s phone connects to a public WIFI and remains connected till 13:28. The WIFI was therefore either at Aura or extremely nearby Aura's. However, the exact place where the girls connected to the WIFI is not mentioned in the files and remains unknown.
Kris connected to the same WIFI at 13:13 and took two photos with her phone at 13: 48 while still connected the WIFI. These two photos would reveal the location the girls were at, but the photos are not included in the court files. Kris’s iPhone disconnected from the public WIFI at 2 p.m. Page 134, SLIP.
LitJ claims that the girls had connected to the WIFI of "a restaurant" (pages 234+276), but according to SLIP, there is no such information in the files. (Unless I have missed something in the text.)
At 16:44, Lisanne’s phone connected to the WIFI of SbtR and remained connected till 17:26. (Kris’s phone had already connected two minutes earlier.)
April 1st; Google Maps was activated at 10:16 on Lisanne's phone. The battery power was at 51% when Lisanne left SbtR at 10:20.
Lisanne's battery power was at 49% at 10:40.
By 17:40 hrs, the battery power of Lisanne’s phone had dropped to 19%. Google Maps had been closed down at the Mirador, at 13:14. (How much battery power did Lisanne have at that time?)
April 1st, 2nd and 3rd, Lisanne’s Samsung WIFI function remained constantly on. Page 110, SLIP.
NFI analysts reported that on Wednesday April 2nd, the Samsung had dialed 112 at 06:58 and had been immediately switched off again. Page 111, SLIP.
NFI analysts reported that on April 2nd, the Samsung had been switched on at 16:19 and had kept running for more than 15 hours. During that time, files were opened, created and changed. Page 111, SLIP.
The Samsung was found inside the backpack with battery and cover. Note that the SIM card is not explicitly mentioned in the list on page 56 of SLIP. This is consistent with what has been described in page 62.
Page 62; In the morning of June 12th, Mayor Luis M., head of the SDIJ, examined the contents of the backpack. Mayor M. reported that the Samsung neither had a SIM card, nor a memory card.
On June 17th, Ministerio Publico / IMELCF employee Luis R. reported that he could not gain access to Lisanne’s phone because it was password protected. At the same time, he took contacts, mobile phone connections and text messages from the SIM card*. These records are present in the court files and they all date from before the girls’ disappearance. Page 62, SLIP. *So where was this SIM card??
Lisanne’s phone arrived at the NFI with its SIM card and battery fixed to the device with adhesive tape. The SIM card was inadvertantly listed as SD card in the (NFI) report. Page 72, SLIP.
On June 20th, NFI investigators were unaware that text messages and contacts from Lisanne’s phone had already been extracted/copied by their Panamanian colleagues. Page 71, SLIP.
The NFI reported that no PIN code was required to access Lisanne’s phone. This is inconsistent with Luis R’s report. Page 108, SLIP.
The NFI was not able to extract any information from the Samsung about its signal strength. Page 118, SLIP.
The following questions arise:
1. Where exactly were the girls when they connected to the public WIFI between 13:06 and 2 p.m., on March 31st?
2. Why are the two photos missing that Kris had made with her iPhone during that time?
3. How much battery power did Lisanne have at 1 p.m. while on the Mirador when she decided to switch off Google Maps?
4. Knowing that on April 1st Lisanne's phone battery had been drained from 49% to 19% in about 7 hours time, why would Lisanne have left her phone on for 15 hours on April 2nd (from 16:19 till the next morning) if she would have wanted to save battery?
5. Why all those inconsistencies at the Panamanian Ministerio Publico regarding Lisanne’s phone (password, no SIM card, no memory card, …?)
  1. What caused Lisanne’s battery to get so drained on April 1st? I can think of a possible cause, but I have no idea how it should or could be tested/verified.
submitted by Wild_Writer_6881 to KremersFroon [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:58 chiaroscuro-sfumato 27 [M4F] let’s narrow the spaces betwixt you and me

Perhaps we both are in that liminal space, alluding each other in ways we don’t notice. Waiting for that opportune moment to change the status quo. If you think it’s you who I’m looking for all this time please do give this a shot
Some details about myself:
A few things about you:
If you feel like you’re the one and want to give this a shot please do try a message me. Please be ready to EXCHANGE photos as well so we don’t end up wasting each other’s time (I’m willing to send my photo first but please do send yours as well and just tell if if you’re going to pass, no hard feelings). I’m looking for a serious relationship/date to settle.
Would reply as soon as I can, I don’t reply immediately I might be at work or sleeping, rest assured you will get a reply if you send a message (there are some people who sent a message but I can’t reply to, please do try again if you’re one of them)
I hope you actually read through and comprehend the post. Will prioritise dms/messages with substance.
Thanks for getting this far, you’re awesome from reading through it all, if you’re going to give this a shot see you in my dm’s ❤️
Post gets removed once I find someone
submitted by chiaroscuro-sfumato to PhR4Friends [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:57 johnhtman Someone I haven't seen in over 10 years since high-school is calling me a pedophile.

So I got a text from a female friend the other day saying that this guy I used to buy weed from in high-school was telling her that I'm a pedophile and not to be trusted. I messaged him and he responded a bunch of literal nonsense gibberish. I'm worried if this guy is falsely accusing me of pedophilia and hating women. Those are incredibly serious accusations and potentially can ruin my life. What can I do to defend myself, and is this something I should go to the police over? I provided screenshots of the messages I sent him and his responses which are clearly very unhinged.
submitted by johnhtman to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:56 gregoryvdiehl Seeking beta readers and critical feedback for a new book on the masculine experience of love, sex, and intimacy

Hi everyone. I'm looking for beta readers who want to read the unfinished draft of a book I've written on the masculine experience of love, sex, and intimacy. The working title is Romantic Idealism. The tone is intellectual and witty, with a bit of crude humor thrown in here and there. It combines vast and interesting personal experiences and societal generalizations to assess the problems preventing men and women from bonding the way they should under ideal conditions.
Please send me a message if you're interested. There's no time rush, and you don't have to read the whole book. You can see my previous work on personal development on Amazon
submitted by gregoryvdiehl to femininity [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:56 gregoryvdiehl Seeking beta readers and critical feedback for a new book on the masculine experience of love, sex, and intimacy

Hi everyone. I'm looking for beta readers who want to read the unfinished draft of a book I've written on the masculine experience of love, sex, and intimacy. The working title is Romantic Idealism. The tone is intellectual and witty, with a bit of crude humor thrown in here and there. It combines vast and interesting personal experiences and societal generalizations to assess the problems preventing men and women from bonding the way they should under ideal conditions.
Please send me a message if you're interested. There's no time rush, and you don't have to read the whole book. You can see my previous work on personal development on Amazon
submitted by gregoryvdiehl to masculinityRevisited [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:56 gregoryvdiehl Seeking beta readers and critical feedback for a new book on the masculine experience of love, sex, and intimacy

Hi everyone. I'm looking for beta readers who want to read the unfinished draft of a book I've written on the masculine experience of love, sex, and intimacy. The working title is Romantic Idealism. The tone is intellectual and witty, with a bit of crude humor thrown in here and there. It combines vast and interesting personal experiences and societal generalizations to assess the problems preventing men and women from bonding the way they should under ideal conditions.
Please send me a message if you're interested. There's no time rush, and you don't have to read the whole book. You can see my previous work on personal development on Amazon
submitted by gregoryvdiehl to masculinemen [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:56 gregoryvdiehl Seeking beta readers and critical feedback for a new book on the masculine experience of love, sex, and intimacy

Hi everyone. I'm looking for beta readers who want to read the unfinished draft of a book I've written on the masculine experience of love, sex, and intimacy. The working title is Romantic Idealism. The tone is intellectual and witty, with a bit of crude humor thrown in here and there. It combines vast and interesting personal experiences and societal generalizations to assess the problems preventing men and women from bonding the way they should under ideal conditions.
Please send me a message if you're interested. There's no time rush, and you don't have to read the whole book. You can see my previous work on personal development on Amazon
submitted by gregoryvdiehl to Masculin [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:54 elena-lang ELENA 6 : How to convert an object to the specific type

In this tutorial we will see how to deal with class types.
ELENA is a dynamic programming language so it is always possible to ignore the object types:
import extensions; class MyClass { add(n) { console.printLine("add(",n,")") } } public program() { var o := new MyClass(); o.add("string"); o.add(2); o.add(3.1) } 
The output will be :
add(string) add(2) add(3.1) 
Still there are situations when we expect the parameter of the specified type. ELENA supports multi-methods so we could simply provide the required type in one of the method overloads:
import extensions; class MyClass { add(int n) { console.printLine("add int:(",n,")") } add(string s) { console.printLine("add literal:(",s,")") } add(n) { console.printLine("unsupported") } } public program() { var o := new MyClass(); o.add("string"); o.add(2); o.add(3.0) } 
The output will be:
add literal:(string) add int:(2) unsupported 
But what to do if we the parameter has a type not listed in a method argument list? In this case we can use typecasting routine. Every time a class is declared the compiler automatically generate the corresponding typecasting method. Let's look at our generated module. To do it we can use ecv-cli tools:
ecv-cli sandbox.nl 
where instead of sandbox you have to write your module name. In the simplest case of a single file project, the module name coincides with a source file name. In my example the file name was sandbox.l, so the module name is sandbox.nl.
To see class methods we have to use the following command:
NOTE: the prefix $private is automatically prepended for a private class. The output will be:
>@parent system'Object #1: @method $private'MyClass.add[2] #2: @method $private'MyClass.add[2] #3: @method $private'MyClass.add[2] #4: @method $private'MyClass.typecast:#cast<'$private'MyClass>[1] 
The viewer will list the class parent (in our case it is a super class - system'Object) and the declared methods. The one we are looking to is the fourth one - $private'MyClass.typecast:#cast<'$private'MyClass>[1]. It is a special type of the message, which converts the object into an instance of the corresponding type - $private'MyClass. In our case it is a trivial case, it returns self variable:
>$private'MyClass.4 @method $private'MyClass.typecast:#cast<'$private'MyClass>[1]->'$private'MyClass xflush sp:0 Lab00: nop Lab01: nop quit @end 
After the optimization, the method does nothing, meaning it returns the reference to the method self variable.
If you wish to convert your class into an instance of another one, you can declare your own typecasting method, For example, let's declare a new class containing the custom conversion routine. To do it we have to declare a special type of the method, named cast without argument list and specifying the output type we want to convert our class to.
class IntWrapper { int value; constructor(int value) { this value := value } int cast() = value; } 
Now let's try to use it in our code:
public program() { var o := new MyClass(); var wrapper := new IntWrapper(4); o.add("string"); o.add(2); o.add(wrapper); } 
The output will be the following:
add literal:(string) add int:(2) unsupported 
Why was the class not converted to int type despite the conversion routine?. The problem is add method is a mult-method and it will handle only the types we explicitly declared. One possible solution can be to typecast it directly:
public program() { var o := new MyClass(); var wrapper := new IntWrapper(4); o.add("string"); o.add(2); o.add(wrapper :as int); } 
where :as is an inline template code used to typecast the object to the type on the right side. More traditionally you can invoke cast directly:
o.add(cast int(wrapper)) 
But it is less intuitive, so as keyword is preferable way to convert in ELENA 6
The result this type will be correct:
add literal:(string) add int:(2) add int:(4) 
Do we need always to use explicit convertion. No there are two ways how to deal with it. First we can extend our default multi-method to handle int type for example:
 add(o) { if (o; is int n) { ^ self.add(n); }; console.printLine("unsupported") } 
In this code we use a statement if:is, designed to simplify the code where we need to try to convert the object to a specific type. The statements inside if:is will be executed if the object o can be correctly converted to int type and the variable n contains the converted value.
So the update code will look like this:
import extensions; class IntWrapper { int value; constructor(int value) { this value := value } int cast() = value; } class MyClass { add(int n) { console.printLine("add int:(",n,")") } add(string s) { console.printLine("add literal:(",s,")") } add(o) { if (o; is int n) { ^ self.add(n); }; console.printLine("unsupported") } } public program() { var o := new MyClass(); var wrapper := new IntWrapper(4); o.add("string"); o.add(2); o.add(wrapper); } 
The result will be:
add literal:(string) add int:(2) add int:(4) 
Alternatively we can habe only one method add with int argument. In this case the single dispatch code will be generated and it will try to convert the argument to int type automatically.
class MyClass { add(int n) { console.printLine("add int:(",n,")") } } public program() { var o := new MyClass(); var wrapper := new IntWrapper(4); o.add(2); o.add(wrapper); } 
with the result:
add int:(2) add int:(4) 
Another way how can we deal with type conversion is to declare the conversion constructor:
import extensions; sealed class MyIntValue { int value; constructor(string value) { this value := value.toInt() } constructor(real value) { this value := value.toInt() } constructor(int value) { this value := value } int Value = value; } class MyClass { add(MyIntValue v) { console.printLine("add(MyIntValue(",v.Value,"))") } add(n) { console.printLine("unsupported") } } public program() { var o := new MyClass(); o.add("2" :as MyIntValue); o.add(3 :as MyIntValue); o.add(4.0 :as MyIntValue); } 
The output will be:
add(MyIntValue(2)) add(MyIntValue(3)) add(MyIntValue(4)) 
The conversion constructor must be unnamed and contains only a single argument of the type we want to convert from. If the conversion constructor exists for the corresponding types it will be used. Otherwise the typecasting message will be called. For example if we declare the variabe of type MyIntValue and try to assing the different types:
public program() { MyIntValue v1 := 3; MyIntValue v2 := "2"; MyIntValue v3 := 4.0; } 
In all cases the conversion constructor will be called, so you don't need to typecast the type. And only if the conversion type does not exists the conversion code will be used:
 MyIntValue v3 := 4l; 
The following code will be compiled like:
>@function program.function:#invoke xflush sp:0 open :3, :0 store fp:1 xstore sp:0, longconst:4 peek sp:0 // ; sending a typecasting message to the long number mov mssg:typecast:#cast<'$private'MyIntValue>[1] call vt:0 store fp:2 peek fp:1 Lab00: nop close :0 quit @end 
And it will raise an error:
system'LongNumber : Method typecast:#cast[1] not found Call stack: sandbox'program.function:#invoke:sandbox.l(37) system'$private'entry.function:#invoke:app.l(28) system'$private'entrySymbol#sym:app.l(79) 
In this tutorial I've shown you how the object can be converted to the required type and introduced the concept of conversion constructors. A class can have a conversion method to the another type, or the type may have conversion constructor to get its value from another object. It gives you powerful tools to convert the types in compile-time.
And this is all for today.
ELENA is a general-purpose language with late binding. It is multi-paradigm, combining features of functional and object-oriented programming. To learn more visit us at ELENA Home Page)
submitted by elena-lang to elena_lang [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:52 Black_Cat_86 Q&A with Alexandra

Interview with Alexandra, screenwriter of the story “The Secret of Heaven - Requiem.”
Friends, we welcome you to our modest interview with the beautiful Alexandra, take some goodies, pour some drinks and enjoy your reading!
Hello, first of all I want to congratulate you on the successful start of your story! Our interview is also exciting in the second update, filled with plot twists. How does it feel?)
Let's start with the questions that we dedicated to you; we and the players are interested in learning more about you! Please tell us how you started working at the Romance Club?
Many screenwriters have rituals before starting work. Do you have anything similar, in general, how do you get ready for work?
Can you share a photo of your desk/where you work?
Do you play yourself and what are your favorite stories and favorites in them?
What do you like to do in your free time? Maybe you have some hobbies?
Where do you get your inspiration from?
What kind of music do you like to listen to?
Do you have any pets?
What is your favorite movie/anime genre? What can you recommend to watch?
The Romance Club team is scattered all over the globe, are you used to different time zones? Or do you have certain working hours that are mandatory for everyone?
As a content consumer, how do you feel about glass storylines?
Do you love winter yourself?
We slowly move into questions about the story itself and its development :) How long did it take to develop the story?
Were you involved in the development of Requiem from the very beginning, or were there any other options in the pitches?
Which existing characters do you find the most difficult and easiest to write?
Did the fact that this universe already existed help in the development? Or, on the contrary, was it difficult to comply with the already written “laws”?
Which character is most similar to you in character?
To get a more detailed picture, in what period of the CH2 timeline do the CH2 events take place? Or, is this all after the final of CH2?
Dmitry and Anna are from Russia?
How long ago did eternal winter begin in Rotkov? Judging by the text, there is no longer a warm season there.
Why did Rotkov become the last outpost? After all, there is a place where Dmitry’s detachment came from.
Could someone from the SN cast be flying somewhere far away? Can we meet them? In theory, Malbonte, for example. Would you like this?
Are those immortals we have already seen former Unrecognized or not? Perhaps history introduces us to something new regarding the appearance of angels and demons?
How long have both churches existed in the city of Rotkow and, in general, how old is the city itself in its current state?
People cooperate with immortals and both sides are not happy about it. But according to the laws of the SN universe, immortals had to protect people. Why aren't they happy now? Because of the need for direct contact, or has something changed?
If Lane was able to survive and was not noticed at the funeral of the Siberia team, is there a possibility that any of her other colleagues remained alive? Besides her boss.
Lane has a scar on the back of her hand, but the girl in the cinematic was bleeding from another cut, as if this was done to show the presence of a scar?
“The Book of the Apocalypse” is written in the language of darkness? We wanted to ask exactly this question, but this update gives completely different information. Was this book written by different “people”? Somewhere there is Latin, and somewhere there is something that even Cain cannot see.
Is that distorted corridor Lane's subconscious?
How long did the Sibir team work until its death? How many people were in the team?
Why is it so important for Dmitry to get Lane emotional?
Have all the lovelines been represented at this point in the story?
Cain is so knowledgeable about sensual rituals, did he take part?)
The reference for the estates, especially regarding the estate in Rotkov itself, was the Catherine Palace?
On this note, our interview comes to an end, we express our deep gratitude to Alexandra for her time and patience. And to you, our dear readers, thank you for supporting us! We would like to once again congratulate everyone on the beginning of summer, may these warm days bring you joy. And “The Secret of Heaven - Requiem” will cool us with its icy charm :)
submitted by Black_Cat_86 to RomanceClubDiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:51 DonRedPandaKeys For to which of the angels did He ever say: "You are my Son; today I have begotten you"? And again: "I will be to him for a Father, and he will be to Me for a Son"? And again, when He brings the Firstborn into the world, He says: "And let all God's angels worship him." - Heb. 1: 5, 6

[ Notice: Not my article. Link: https://4womaninthewilderness.blogspot.com/2012/05/question-hi-pearl-is-it-really_15.html ]
(Part 3) QUESTION: Hi Pearl, Is it really important that Jesus was Michael? I really don't have any scriptures that say he is or isn't & so far witnesses don't either. Just a summation or a could be, check out Hebrews 1 I know you know this one, so that's the only one I can point you to. The Son Exalted Above Angels
5 For to which of the angels did He ever say: “You are My Son, Today I have begotten You”? [c] And again: “I will be to Him a Father, And he shall be to Me a Son”? [d] 6 But when He again brings the firstborn into the world, He says: “Let all the angels of God worship him.” [e] 7 And of the angels He says: “Who makes His angels spirits And His ministers a flame of fire.
When I read that scripture that's when I began to question. The witnesses have a lot of truth & over the years things have changed, & that is a good thing. In our examining the scriptures there was a text of the day that referred to Michael but never once pointed that he was Jesus, could the light be getting brighter. If we continue to email each other I will paste & copy it for you, but most likely you may have read it. Hope we speak again.
ANSWER: The reason why it is important to understand these details, when YHWH says that "I have begotten you", this is unique. Even the other anointed ones, are not begotten by YHWH. True, there is 1Peter1:22;
Now that YOU have purified YOUR souls by [YOUR] obedience to the truth with unhypocritical brotherly affection as the result, love one another intensely from the heart. 23 For ~YOU have been given a new birth, not by corruptible, but by incorruptible [reproductive] seed, through the word of [the] living and enduring God.~
This was a promise given by the word of God, which never fails. That incorruptible "seed" is Christ. The anointed Christian grows according to this "model" (1Pet.2:21) until they grow to the full stature of Christ (Eph.4:13). My point, is that the 144000 receive spirit life, not from YHWH God directly, but from Christ. He is the basis of their glorification, through the forgiveness of sins. The way they become Sons of God, is through adoption after their resurrection, not through being directly "begotten" by God. Jesus is the only-begotten Son of God (John3:16).
The scriptures you cite in Hebrews, do not indicate that Jesus was not Michael. They indicate that ~of all the~ ~anointed~ ~angels,~ only Jesus was directly begotten by God.
This is why Heb.1:6 says that all those angels will serve and worship Jesus. He is the King of those kings. (see John1:51; Gen.28:12; Dan.7:13; Rev.22:3,4). When that Kingdom arrives, all 144000 will serve under Jesus. He is the one that paid the price for their thrones (Rev.5:9,10). He will oversee their kingdom work. And perhaps you also noticed at Heb.1:6 these firstborn ones (Rev.14:4; Heb.12:22,23) will come back into the earth during the kingdom. (Rev 3: 12) (Rev 21: 2, 9, 10) (Galatians 4:26, 31) This is what "Jacob's Ladder" is about. You might like to read an article at Obadiah Blogs: Jacob's Ladder
Again, unless you clearly see that these "angels" are the 144000, you will still think that these scriptures support divorcing the identities of Jesus and Michael. He is not talking of angels who were born as spirits in heaven. He is referring to those partners of Christ (~See~ ~Heb.1:9~). Notice in that verse, that they are "~anointed~" with the "oil of exultation" just like Jesus, but less so. These are not heavenly-born angels. Those do not get anointed. These "angels" are Abraham's seed (see Heb.2:16; Gal.3:29).
So again I tell you, the angels that Jesus is exalted above, are the 144000. Among these, only Jesus was directly begotten by YHWH God. The rest are adopted after they get spirit life from Jesus (Rom.8:23) who is their spirit father first (Rev.14:4; Psalm45:16; Isa.9:6). ("Firstfruits to the Lamb"; "your sons"; "eternal father" 2Thess.2:13,14).
The scripture you are citing does not mean what you presume. Neither does it clarify the subject of Jesus being or not being Michael.
Since Satan now dominates the Organization, I would not expect brighter lamps from the anointed leaders above it (Matt.25:8).
I think it may help you tremendously to reflect upon the situation God's people are in, at the time of the appearance of "Michael".
Do you remember that "all the earth" turn to worshiping the wild beast and its image (Rev.13:8)? Apparently, they feel that this is more worthy of worship than YHWH God. Remember what distinguishes the faithful from the rest? They are busy declaring;
And they keep on crying with a loud voice, saying: 'Salvation [we owe] to our God, who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb.' Rev.7:10 (see Rev.14:7)
So then, what is the central issue in the time of the end? The central issue at the end (which means the difference between life and death) is the recognition, appreciation, acknowledgement, and devotion to YHWH God as the only one worthy of worship, glory, and credit for salvation. The threat to that is a pervasive Idolatry.
So then, in that climate, what role do you think Jesus ("the faithful witness" Rev.1:5) would take? Would he not be active in establishing the truth, that there is no one like God? Not the wild beast, not the false prophet, not the Great Harlot, not the dragon, not the locust-scorpions, not the Image. NONE of them, compares to YHWH.
Would that not be the message that he and his "angels" are battling over, against all those agents of worship for Satan? Small wonder that the role of the end-time Jesus is named "Michael", which means "Who is like God?"
If you truly are looking for increasing light, do not look to the darkness. Best Regards, Pearl
submitted by DonRedPandaKeys to ExJwPIMOandPOMO [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:50 Express_Age521 29/M gay guy looking for a nice man to chill with

Love, taller, masculine, fit, big bro energy, lift your energy and feelings.
Would love to chat with a nice man, laugh, share feelings, cry in his arms haha.
Just a nice kind human being 🥹
Send me a message, love face pics so kindly if you can.
submitted by Express_Age521 to LetsChat [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:49 Express_Age521 29/M Gay guy looking for a nice man with chat with

Love, taller, masculine, fit, big bro energy, lift your energy and feelings.
Would love to chat with a nice man, laugh, share feelings, cry in his arms haha.
Just a nice kind human being 🥹
Send me a message, love face pics so kindly if you can.
submitted by Express_Age521 to InternetFriends [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:49 extaaz0106 Father (36M), I doubt my paternity. Have I been with a manipulator(35F)?

I'm from Belgium, Europe, English isn't my language, all this has been translate by google but can you help me ? I gonna to translate with google all your answer :)
Hello, here I wanted to publish a story which for the moment leaves me in a very fragile psychological situation before my stay in a psychiatric hospital and I am looking for answers/advice from the community
I am 36 years old and I am the father of 2 boys (5 years and 18 months) with my ex-fiancée (35 years old).
Everything was going pretty well in our relationship despite the arguments quite often but nothing alarming in itself, we were just a very explosive couple but nothing physical
But after several years, my ex radically changed his behavior, finding himself more and more absent and our libido was dropping.
Until the announcement of our second child, she was already insisting that we go on vacation. Which I could understand but was already on alert that she had a late period, a first test revealed negative during our stay, it was a week later that a new test took place and there he was positive, I was surprised but happy.
A first alert occurred when the gynecologist announced that she was indeed pregnant but that the date of conception did not correspond to one of our antics. That day, we had argued but in the morning she had a selfie showing that she was in the wash house, I found that strange
During the pregnancy, she distanced herself more and more until one day, I discovered a train ticket to the sea when she was 7 months pregnant. In rage I tore off the train ticket and made up 3 different stories.
I kicked her out but with a good heart and being the mother of my children, I decided after not even 2 hours that she could come back, she will come back the next day and the bridges were sunk.
The birth went rather well apart from the fact that in her pain at the end of the pregnancy, she isolated herself in the room because supposedly it bothered me that she was screaming. But it was wrong, so I took it out of pain
BUT everything changed at the birth, youth assistance was called and I also had to take care of the big one, and my ex always found excuses to tell me to leave, I didn't know how to stay in the hospital for long or in the bedroom otherwise she would get angry or I would get angry.
We were in financial problems and what surprised me was that she strangely received money supposedly from the supposedly cleaning lady…. It's true that she helped us eat it but I don't know why I felt that this baby wasn't mine, we had to wait until the 10th day for recognition. I even discovered on a note left by a nurse that the baby's name was my ex's name and not mine, supposedly because I haven't gone to do the recognition yet.
After the stay, my ex jumped on me and we made love like we had never done in a long time.
And the months pass but the problems with youth assistance turn into regular arguments and even push me to the edge before their arrival sometimes, which transforms youth assistance into youth protection .
His behavior becomes more and more mysterious, more and more repeated abscences and shocking revelations:
I learned through pressure that she had slept with the godfather of a sixty year old
I heard the godfather say I love you and kissed you when I was in the bathroom
That the godfather had a lot of things for a hidden son
Smells of another man
The months pass and the feeling that my second child was not mine becomes more and more oppressive, but she was absent to see her daughters in an animal park in the company of my sons and especially the father of her daughters. Lining up Big plush toy, very expensive gift, I said to myself, he has to be the father
And here it is….
My ex-fiancee went to a maternal center to avoid placement of the children, and I started to examine the photos and either I became paranoid from having been rejected by her but
My first child has the cheeks and nose shape of the Godfather, his ultra protective behavior makes me think that he is the father
My second child has the nose and eye color of the father of my ex's daughters
A slip of the tongue from the Godfather: “How can he be allergic to gluten, I was never uh uh uh, how did they find that”
Since youth protection has decided to place the children in emergency placement and Madam has cut ties sending hearts to the father of her daughters
She cut ties for 2 months but came back after my suicide attempt after Christmas, I spent 2 months in psychiatry but understand that I had become a toy for her, because she did not stop making me pass for the guilty (without bitterness), manipulating me
I had a lot of financial problems after my stay, I shouted on the phone because she was also my friend, I shared photos of my anger and that's when she blocked me, I sent back hateful messages because for me it was the most total betrayal that the mother of my children, my friend, decided to turn her back on me when I was at my lowest.
Unfortunately the audio recordings were sent to youth protection and visitation rights to my children were withdrawn, she also asked if the godfather could have visitation rights, which was refused.
Except that after stalking MY Facebook account, I discovered that the visit was authorized.
What to do now, have I been with a manipulator (who swore to me that I was not a toy for her), done a paternity test for both. But if I do this test what should I do in this case if it is negative, should I deny the children or on the contrary still show that I love these children which leaves a place with her, because despite all that I I still love and that I can prove that I can forgive all the bad things that I have done, or that she has done to me.
That if it is negative, what will be the future of the children, should I warn the protection of the youth from my suspicions that I am not their father.
It's all I have left in this world, I have no friends, no friends, I live secluded at home, trying to heal myself.
I am impatiently awaiting your response, know that everything I say is the truth and the strict truth, I have not been able to add any other details that lead me to think that I am not their fathers or that she I maintained several relationships because there we enter into the most total intimacy but know that even in the physical form of the reds flag these are engaged.
submitted by extaaz0106 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:49 Express_Age521 29/M Gay guy looking for a nice man to chat with

Love, taller, masculine, fit, big bro energy, lift your energy and feelings.
Would love to chat with a nice man, laugh, share feelings, cry in his arms haha.
Just a nice kind human being 🥹
Send me a message, love face pics so kindly if you can.
submitted by Express_Age521 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:49 halliejune Suspect my bf of cheating but no real evidence. What should I do? 2 years together, live together for a year. 25f 29m

Hello, I’d like to start by saying I’ve been suspicious of my bf for a while now as he follows a ton of women online, majority women. He also stopped posting on all social media when we met and has refrained from posting pictures including me in them. When questioned he said “I only posted so women im interested in don’t think I’m some weirdo” I replied by saying by not posting at all he’s appearing single and available while I post pictures of us and stories. Plus he only ever repost a story if it doesn’t have me in it. Fast forward last November (we mutually share location as it makes me feel safer when I’m alone) for lunchtime he didn’t respond to my messages which got me worried as he always responds. I checked his location to be sure he was okay and he was at a random park about 20 minutes away from his work… and he only gets an hour lunch mind you so that’s a pretty far drive. He gave me some excuse that him and his buddy wanted to go check out the park and eat. The next day I see some random woman texting him and I manage to get a picture of her name and of course the time on the clock was 4:44. A sign? Lol idk. I looked her up on his instagram and they followed each other but after a week or so they unfollowed each other. I brought it up to him and he got very angry that I’ve been a “detective” and I don’t trust him, i violated his privacy. Mind you I didn’t go through his phone, it was sitting on the table when the message from her came so i was able to see it easily. Is he right? Have I been paranoid for no reason? I never accused him of cheating I just asked who she was because he’d never mentioned that friend before. He later told me she was “making moves” on him and he unfollowed her to respect our relationship. I felt weird when he told me that because he left that out the in the beginning and only told me that at the end of the conversation. He has also accused me of trying to meet up with a friend who he thinks I’m lying about. He thinks my friend is covering for me to meet up with someone else and it’s 100% not true but him saying that made me feel even more weird about this whole situation. How do I stop being so paranoid? I’ve been cheated on in all my relationships so I think to some degree I’m just working myself up but I’m not sure. Any advice would be greatly appreciated and I truly love my boyfriend and he treats me very well.
TL;DR suspect my bf may be lying about being with a friend after he accuses me of doing the same thing. Help with overcoming paranoid thoughts of cheating appreciated. Thank you in advance.
submitted by halliejune to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:49 BreadBagSock Extremely blurry and pixelated photos

Extremely blurry and pixelated photos
Longtime Android user. On an S24 Ultra, via Verizon, using Google Messages as text app. Over the last few weeks, I suddenly, though not always, have begun receiving extremely blurry and pixelated photos. This is from iPhone users, in both single and group texts. Example here. It's maddening- anyone have similar issues and a fix? I just switched over to Samsung Messages today to see if it will fix the issue.
submitted by BreadBagSock to GalaxyS24Ultra [link] [comments]
