Stat 10 practice 1st grade

Breast Implants Gold Coast

2016.01.12 10:30 static10 Breast Implants Gold Coast

Breast Implants is among the very most famous processes, also referred to as breast augmentation girls can be found by this technique the alternative regarding how big and what shape they had love their breasts. Over time the technology with implants and surgical techniques have let this technique to eventually become quite safe. This is an activity that's very common that numerous breast surgeons are knowledgeable about, when a patient is prepared to replace the implant size or transform.

2008.01.25 18:54 The Wilderness Survival subreddit

Wilderness Survival

2015.06.15 20:05 IIIISuperDudeIIII Inaccurate Predictions

Inaccurate Predictions

2024.06.02 19:24 Living-River-5751 I’m so tired of not being believed

I’m like 99% sure I’m autistic
The first time I brung it up to my fiancé This was his response was something along the lines of
“No way you don’t look like that”
It took him a bit but I convinced him to hear me out and took a test online it’s was RAADS I believe . Anyways this was 3ish years ago since then I did more research and just watch other people experience on being autistic and some people I can relate with and other I don’t.
I’m gonna name things on why I believe I am
1.every since I was young loud noises affected me I had to cover my ears and would get very upset even now as an adult with loud high pitch noises ,loud tv , babies crying (even my own 😔 ) car horns etc.
  1. As a child and still now I always feel different then everyone , I feel like things that should be easy for me bc they are normal things that others have no issue with . Like driving , cooking , making a dr app, talking otp . As a child things things others could do was so difficult for me and I would breakdown/shutdown when I was unable .
If I want to do something I feel like I can’t do it around people like a hobby or even being on the phone it’s very difficult for me to be otp with anyone while others are around me (idk if that has anything to do with it but that’s what I noticed )
  1. I either didn’t talk loud enough or I talked to loud . I either talked too much or didn’t talk enough.
When I was very young everyone would always say speak up speak up I can’t hear you
As I got older I thought that what I was suppose to do then it was your to loud Quiet down
I also was a very active child I was told I moved to much and I believe that what made my grandmother take me to the doctor to check me for adhd although the doc brushed my gma off bc I was able to sit still in front of the doctor ( I believe I was masking bc I didn’t wanna get in trouble for moving to much)
I’m not sure if I have adhd though.
i’m really passionate about a subject. I will. I guess what it’s called as info dump and I do this a lot with my partner and I feel like sometimes it might be too much for him because I’ll talk a lot.
  1. I didn’t like to pretend play Like if I was with my cousin who did pretend play like mermaids I never understood how Like I love mermaids but how do you pretend? We don’t have a tail idk I tried with her but she was always the one coming up with the scene/scenarios .
My form of playing was getting set up . All my “littlest pet shops” “play horses “ etc . I would essentially line them up and after I got them all lined up in their correct spots the fun was over.
  1. I have special interest and when I get in them I hyper focus on those things but I can’t keep them for long before I’m onto the next . That’s not to say I won’t go back to those things though . They still all interest me but I’ve noticed with a lot of things I leave unfinished. It’s hard for me to start on something if I know I will not have time to complete it bc I hate getting interrupted so it usually lead to depression bc a lot of my interest are crafts/creative things /art etc.
  2. I tend to over explain myself I don’t know if that has anything to do with maybe being autistic and when I get really into a subject (talking wise) I talk really fast and with emphasis in my voice
  3. I feel emotions deeply . TOO MUCH. I get upset over things other find crazy to get upset about and I look as if I’m just wanting attention or being dramatic but I can’t help what I feel . I’m trying my best to have a control of my emotions . I can understand others very well if they are being up front with me about what’s going on to truly understand I have to ask questions .
  4. Eating has always been a struggle Textures and taste
I can’t help if I don’t like something if it’s got a texture like mashed potato I can eat them if they are MASHED If they have chuck in them still no way.
Ice cream has to be a certain texture frozen if to melted then no and not with any chunks of chocolate There more but you get the gist.
Now as adult I have a struggle with food bc I would get in trouble for not eating something I didn’t like as a child .
My fiancé still struggles to understand this one with me Everyone calls me picky …
  1. Ido have a hard time in social settings I don’t know how to make small talk . It’s boring and I wanna get to know you at the same time with anxiety I’m scared to talk . As an adult I have no friends and it sucks.
  2. I have trouble with relating to much. So if someone says something about a struggle I sometimes (I’m working on it ) can get wrapped up in my own experience and like yeah this happens to me and this is what I did When really the other person might not want advice but just to be heard.
  3. Being in large groups is exhausting Being in public in a mall or a large area with tones of energy I will get overwhelmed very easily . Esp bc I have kids now .
  4. When I was in 9th grade my teacher told us about jobs and how to be in a interview and to keep eye contact to show your interested well that’s all I toook from it and used it to any social interaction and I think I used eye contact to much for years and prolly made a lot of people uncomfortable. I know for me it’s was uncomfortable.
  5. I feel like I do stem but in different ways . I don’t really have a fidget toy I will tap my fingers or roll my hoodie string around , music is a form for me like listening to the same song over and over. Rubbing my feet together.
  6. I’m not in school anymore but focusing on subject that didn’t interests me was hard and I failed test a lot bc I couldn’t stay focused and my brain would be in other places . Now I have to work very hard to stay focused while listening to someone in my head if it’s boring . If it’s interesting I don’t have an issue .
  7. I love learning about psychology Body language, the mind all of it. I guess that. Might go with hyper fixation.
13.I can’t watch a movie without either applying it to my life in some way or studying the characters and trying to understand them.
It’s a movie is slow I will skip it or ifs it’s very emotional I willl be feeling the same emotions whether it’s happy ,sad,angry etc.
I could prolly go on but what’s the point Do yall think this is me just having high functioning anxiety. When I bring it up again to my partner yesterday. He told me that we could get it checked out by the doctor and see to make sure it’s not just high functioning anxiety which makes me feel like he doesn’t support me in think it autism.
I’m starting to overthink again and maybe I’m wrong to think I might be autistic.
What do y’all think?
I told him I’m willing to get myself checked out when I go to the doctor because I have appointment tomorrow. I just don’t know if I want him in there with me because I’ve been talking about this for the past three years and it’s like he still doesn’t believe me and like he hasn’t did no research on autism.
He does have ADHD himself and diagnosed with that. I’m just like why like I don’t understand since he is someone with a diagnosis of some kind why he can’t be understanding of me and just assumes It’s high functioning, anxiety .
Like for example, with my whole driving issue, he’s like oh well I dealt with that when I was a teenager and I got over it so like you, I believe you can too . And like I don’t know if I can I’ve tried to drive many of times and yes, I’ve driven successfully but every time I’ve gotten into the driver seat it was very overwhelming for me and I almost have hit car and like I don’t know if I can I’ve tried to drive many of times and yes, I’ve driven successfully but every time I’ve gotten into the driver seat it was very overwhelming for me and I almost have hit vehicle before before because I was so overwhelmed and I didn’t know if I could change the lanes on the interstate and it was super busy. I was looking out of my mirrors, but I couldn’t do it like I tried to go over and then they honk the horn and I was like oh my God I just freaked out like oh my God almost almost hit them because I thought I could go over, but I couldn’t.
Anyways I got that off my chest .
submitted by Living-River-5751 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:23 OriginalSprinkles718 [PS5/PS4] Absolute Apocalypse! Immersive, satisfying, survival MOD LIST.

My goal was to build hard but balanced, immersive survival experience.

√ New game on survival difficulty required √ All six DLCs are needed √ Adding/removing mods later might break your game √ Only PS5 game version was tested

√ Very stable, no crashes


* And many more...


* Can't open Wattz Consumer Electronics terminal (Kill roach behind wall using melee/explosives).


Mods and entries in bold are neccessary, don't skip them! 1. •Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch [UFO4P] [PS4]• Thousands of small bug fixes for FO4. 2. •Looted World - PS• - Removes 90% of loose loot in the world. Easily accessible and obvious places are almost empty. Some areas like habited settlements or vaults still have items. Makes you pick up less, play more. You can still buy shipments of components and now scraping settlements is a great early source of materials. Small boost to performance. If you are tired of constantly picking up loot, this is a good choice. 3. •[PS4] Pip-Boy Paint Jobs - Colors Of The Wasteland Pack (Club Freedom)• - Adds simple Pip-Boy skins. Remember you can click touchpad while using pip-boy to zoom. Again a master file. 4. •Kane's Items Sorting (PS4)• - Tags quest items, components, bones, bobbleheads, holotapes, notes, chems, liquors, syringes, 99% of junk for better item management and easier looting (water, aid, stealthboys, few food items and some mags are marked by Immersive gameplay). Empty bottles/vases are not marked. 5. •[PS] Useful Technical Documents - Legendaries• - You can swap legendaries for free, create new ones using technical documents. 6. •Named NPC Protection [PS4]• - Protects named quest npc's, merchants, important characters from random encounters with enemies. 7. •Ghouls Of Commonwealth• - Adds over 1100 feral ghouls for zombie apocalypse and chaos. 8. •Tribals of Commonwealth• - Adds tribal groups, often found in wilderness. 9. •Snipers Of Commonwealth• - Adds over 150 snipers including few unique ones. 10. •Rabbits, Chickens, Crabs, Wolves, And Gulpers In The Commonwealth• - Adds more creatures and enemies. 11. •Hermit Crabs Of The Commonwealth• - Adds 12 hermit crabs to the map. 12. •Wolves Of The Commonwealth• - Adds wolf spawn points to the map. 13. •More Behemoths In Commonwealth• - Adds 5 more behemots to the Commonwealth. 14. •DLC Creatures In The Commonwealth [PS4]• - Adds 200 creature spawns to the commonwealth for constant war, danger and chaos. 15. •Behind Enemy Lines• - Adds plenty of enemies to the glowing sea region. 16. •Roving War Parties, Raiding Packs And Hordes Of MY• - Adds wandering groups that attack some key locations. Some groups are very strong. 17. •More Radstags• - Adds plenty of radstags, especially north and into forests. 18. •Better Radstags• - More agressive radstags. 19. •Not a Princess• - Humans can grab you/others and slam on the ground, make karate moves, dogs can hold your legs/arms, bloodbugs suck your blood. 20. •Disable Minutemen's Annoying Quests [PS4]• - Disables 7 types of repetitive and not important radiant quests. 21. •[PS4] Grounded Updated By Sarinia• - Adds tons of ground foundations, floors, walls, mounds of dirt to Structures-Concrete menu. 22. •Miscellaneous Settlement Items Unlocked [PS4] By Callias• - Adds 49 objects to build in settlements. 23. •Cinder Block Walls And Sandbags Unlocked [PS4] By Callias• - Adds 16 objects like cinder blocks and sandbags. 24. •Constructible Faction Guards• - Adds ability to hire guards for caps in build menu, but only after allying with a faction. 25. •[PS4] OCDecorator• - Adds inventory items as a decorational building objects. 26. •[PS4] OCDecorator DLC• - Support for addons for the above mod. 27. •Tweaks - Survival Fast Travel Settlements All DLC• - You can fast travel to settlements on survival difficulty. 28. •1st Person Animation Tweaks [PS4]• - In first person mode you lower your gun automatically. 29. •[PS4] Swinging Animated Meat Bags• - Adds animation to supermutant meat bags and flies with buzzing sound to corpses. 30. •No Sneak Indicators• - Completely removes all sneak indicators. 31. •[PS4] Dogs Not Brahmin• - Provisioners and traders use dogs instead of brahmin. 32. •[PS4] Simple Settlers (Mortal Edition)• - Provides bigger settlers pool (five times more) and names them. Immortal version available. 33. •Quieter Settlements PS4 - Vanilla• - Generators, turrets and hammering are much quieter. 34. •Fallout 76-Style Region Music• - Changes music in regions for less boring/repetitive background tracks. 35. •Reverb And Ambiance Overhaul - ALL DLC [PS4]• - Tweaks sounds for better ambient and reverb and adds sliders to options. 36. •Better Dialogue• - Camera focuses on NPC, changes made to some irritating generic dialogues and tweaked dialogue interuption. 37. •Esk QuietPerks [PS4]• - Muted five annoying perks like idiot savant. 38. •No Experience SFX• - Silences sounds when gaining experience from various sources. 39. •[PS4] Dead Beat• - Removes heart beat sound at low HP. 40. •Combat Music Remover• - Mutes combat music, so there is silence and suspension when enemy detects you. 41. •Commonwealth Visual Overhaul & DLC [PS4]• - Changes colours, atmosphere and makes nights darker. 42. •UCW - Unified Commonwealth Weather• - Adjusted weather for regions and integrated DLC weather for Commonwealth. 43. •[PS4] No More Fake Puddles• - Removes ugly puddles that stay 24/7. 44. Reduced Rubble Etc. - Decreases intensity of grass, rubble, twigs and other unimportant objects. 45. •TLS Fallout 4 Subtle FPS Improver• - Small changes like decreasing grass and water movement speed, and tiny radius decrease of some light sources. Windy weather grass/branches fix.* 46. •[PS4] Enhanced Flickering Firelight• - Better light effects for fire sources including oil lamps. 47. •Sunlight Alignment Tweak - Better Dawn And Dusk [PS4]• - Changes sun and moon movement for better lighting and atmosphere during dusk, dawn and night. 48. •Vanilla Moon (4x)• - Much bigger moon. Anything bigger looks low quality. 49. •Crafting Blur Removal (PS4)• - Removes blur while looting containers, from crafting screen, power armor. 50. •Ironsight Blur Removal (PS4)• - Removes blur while aiming. 51. •More Map Markers (PS4)• - Adds some new markers on map. 52. •VATS Third Person Only• - As the name says, just changes the cameras used in VATS. 53. •Component Tagging Helper• - Allows to easily tag basic components on cooking bench and you can quickly view how many you have in total. 54. •Grenade and Mine Pack• - Adds some new weaker, but modified explosives. 55. •Animations Be Gone• - Removes plenty annoying hammering spots in sanctuary. 56. •Power Goggles (All DLC) - Power Armor Mods For Goggles, Visors, And Glasses• - As the name says. Two mods for glasses for high level characters. 57. •Clothes For Every Stats Wz• - Most clothes can be worn under armor and you can upgrade them after unlocking ballistic weave. 58. •Bear Trap and Caltrops Fix [PS4]• - Bug fix and small changes in how traps work and balance to them. 59. •See-Through-Scopes [PS4]• - Adds new combat scopes in place of 2.5x and 4x magnification. 60. •See-Through-Scopes - Nuka World [PS4]• - Different combat scopes for handmade rifle and western revolver. 61. •See-Through-Scopes - Far Harbor [PS4]• - Different combat scopes for radium and lever action rifles. 62. •Legalized Top Tier Legendary Effects [PS4]• - Balances few legendary effects. 63. •Targeting Sensors On Recon Scopes(Colour Coded NPCs Version)[PS4]• - Modified recon scopes that highlight enemies, friends and dead bodies in specific colours. 64. •Immersive Gameplay Combat Mostly PS4• - Core of this modlist. Hundreds of changes. 65. •Immersive-Gameplay. Low Tech, No Powerarmor Justification Patch. (PS4)• - Makes fusion cores worn. Balances the game around power armor. 66. •Immersive Gameplay Seasonpass Patch (Playstation)• - DLC compatibility for IG. 67. •Immersive Gameplay Rough Start (PS4)• - Overwrites starting level to 1. 68. •Medium Settlement Raids PS4• - Makes enemy raids less ridiculous and balanced. 69. •Zombie Walkers (PS4)• - Most feral ghouls act like slow rotten zombies. 70. •Curse Of Darkness - Normal Edition -• - Zombies are faster and more dangerous after midnight. 71. •Esk No More Teleporting Creatures [PS4]• - Molerats and radscorpions don't teleport. 72. •Realistic Insects Health [PS4]• - Makes insects easier to kill and more balanced. 73. •Loot Logic And Reduction Complete - Enhanced• - Restricted harvest, lower and/or different production output for settlements, empty bottles renamed, Scrounger perk less ammo, less meat, less loot. 74. •Rough Start - Less Handouts• - Removed some workbenches in starting locations. Different loot in Vault111, radroaches balanced, 14 starting stats (overwritten if mod #99 used). * 75. *•Food, Drink and Crop Overhaul•** - Improved cooking, lead belly perk, farming magazines give important upgrades. Better recipes are locked behind perk ranks, added milk and crop seeds. 76. •PreWar Food +• - Prewar food is more useful. Balance and fixes. 77. •Settlement Progression-Local Leader (UOF4P)• - Changes cost and perk requirements of some important structures, changes local leader perk and adds rank 3. 78. •Wasteland Baubles Ring Overhaul! PS4• - You can find unique rings at traders, in suitcases, cabinets. Allows scraping and modifying and even crafting legendary rings. 79. •(PS4) Improved Lighting Ballistics• - Improves lighting for projectiles such as bullets, lasers, gauss, plasma, missiles, flares and explosions. 80. •[PS4] Realistic Bullets: Improved Lighting Ballistics Edition• - Makes bullets travel faster, more realistic and fixes some shooting bugs. 81. •Immersive Gameplay Dismemberment - A Patch Or Standalone Feature• - Higher damage to headshots, easier to dismember limbs. 82. •Tackle! Immersive Gameplay Knockdown Version• - Lets you stagger enemies by sprinting into them after aquiring a perk. 83. •Idiot Savant & Better Criticals Redone (PS4)• - Idiot savant is better the more INT you have, muted perk chart, better criticals perk for crits outside VATS. 84. •[PS4] STS - All-In-One• - Allows scraping almost all settlement objects for extra resources and clean bases. 85. •Faster Positive Affinity For Companions• - Removes cooldown between companions liking/hating your actions and gain five times more positive affinity. Or use extra mod #4. 86. •[PS4]More XP Per Level (Base:600, Bump 120)• - Increases experience required to level up for balance purposes. 87. •Increased EXP• - Increases the amount of EXP gained to make Immersive Gameplay and mod list balanced and playable. 88. •No Building Houses XP Gains PS4• - Building settlements don't provide experience. 89. •Realistic Death Physics - No Animation - ALL DLC [PS4]• - Decreases the amount of force of both melee and ranged attacks, so bodies wont fly away. 90. •Increased Settler Limit - Awareness - Wire Length - Corpse Collisions [PS4]• - More aware settlers with limit of 50 per settlement and longer wires. Mind the limit. 91. •Power Conduits Radius Increase And No Build Limit - All DLC [PS4]• - Infinite build limit and two times longer range electricity conduits. 92. •Settlement Attack Spawns Outside The Settlement PS4• - Moves attack spawns outside the settlement borders. 93. •[PS4] Creation Club Skins (Weapon & PipBoy) Generic Compatibility Patch• - Makes weapon paints from Creation Club show up in crafting menu. 94. •Pip-Boy Flashlight• - Pipboy light is now a flashlight. 95. •PS4 - Longer Headlamp Light• - Makes flashlight much bigger and changes headlamp and power armor light. 96. •No Enemy Respawns• - Game areas don't respawn loot and enemies, after time have passed. 97. •Accelerated Fast Travel• - Fast travel takes less in-game time, should be also relevant to survival needs. 98. •Time Scale Changed From 20 To 10 [PS4]• - Day and night lasts twice as long. 99. •[PS4] Starting SPECIAL = 7• - Changes starting SPECIAL stats to 1 in each category so you start weak. ---•If you decided to skip some mods, go check out 'Extra mods' below and add any you like.• ---•After installing above mods RESTART YOUR PS4/PS5!• ---•In options change game difficulty to survival.• ---•Play on performance 60fps mode (visual 60fps is not very smooth).• ---•Complete vault 111 until you get to the surface, do exit autosave and install below mod.• 100. •Saving Survival Mode• - Adds ability to save in survival difficulty through pip-boy MISC category. Option to save are always on top (3 autosave slots plus 1 main save slot shared by all survival characters). ---•Go to options, sound and reduce ambience level by 7 clicks and reverb by 3.• ---•For even more immersive settings, go to settings, gameplay and turn off quest markers.•

---•Set music volume to half, camera sensitivity to max or your choice, hud color to minty blue, pip-boy to red or any colour you like.•

Extra mods:

  1. •No Bugs In Vault 111 [PS4]• - No radroaches in starting area. Add as a last mod and leave or delete it afterwards.
  2. •Immortal Cats - PS4• - Invincible cats. Add after mod #84.
  3. •Vertibirds Unghosted• - Tweaks invincible vertibirds for danger and realism. Add after dogs not brahmins #31.
  4. •No Affinity Cooldown• - Removes cooldown between companions liking/hating your actions. Swap with mod #85.
  5. •Quieter Settlements PS4 - Contraptions DLC• - Quieter production lines. Add after mod #33.
  6. •Quieter Settlements PS4 - Wasteland Workshop• - Quieter fusion generators. Add after mod #33.
  7. •Pip-Boy Flashlight (Brighter)• - *For small, bright flashlight swap with mod #94 and move #95 one space above.
  8. •CleanVATS - Green Tint Remover PS4• - Removes fullscreen green tint effect while in VATS. Add after mod #51.
  9. •Longhorns Of The Commonwealth• - Adds longhorns to more empty areas on the map. Add after mod #9.
  10. •Gulpers Of The Commonwealth• - Adds gulpers to more empty areas on the map.
  11. •Radium Rifle Suppressed Sound Fix• - As the mod name suggests. Must be on top of mod list, its a master file. Add after mod #1.

12. •Explorer Restored - Cut Perk Mod PS4• - Adds rank two of VANS. New perk shows map markers. Add after #82.

V. 1.00 - Old version. V. 1.03 - Previous version. V. 2.00 - Completely remade. Have fun.
submitted by OriginalSprinkles718 to Fallout4Mods [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:22 OriginalSprinkles718 Absolute Apocalypse! Immersive, satisfying, survival MOD LIST.

My goal was to build hard but balanced, immersive survival experience.

√ New game on survival difficulty required √ All six DLCs are needed √ Adding/removing mods later might break your game √ Only PS5 game version was tested

√ Very stable, no crashes


* And many more...


* Can't open Wattz Consumer Electronics terminal (Kill roach behind wall using melee/explosives).


Mods and entries in bold are neccessary, don't skip them! 1. •Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch [UFO4P] [PS4]• Thousands of small bug fixes for FO4. 2. •Looted World - PS• - Removes 90% of loose loot in the world. Easily accessible and obvious places are almost empty. Some areas like habited settlements or vaults still have items. Makes you pick up less, play more. You can still buy shipments of components and now scraping settlements is a great early source of materials. Small boost to performance. If you are tired of constantly picking up loot, this is a good choice. 3. •[PS4] Pip-Boy Paint Jobs - Colors Of The Wasteland Pack (Club Freedom)• - Adds simple Pip-Boy skins. Remember you can click touchpad while using pip-boy to zoom. Again a master file. 4. •Kane's Items Sorting (PS4)• - Tags quest items, components, bones, bobbleheads, holotapes, notes, chems, liquors, syringes, 99% of junk for better item management and easier looting (water, aid, stealthboys, few food items and some mags are marked by Immersive gameplay). Empty bottles/vases are not marked. 5. •[PS] Useful Technical Documents - Legendaries• - You can swap legendaries for free, create new ones using technical documents. 6. •Named NPC Protection [PS4]• - Protects named quest npc's, merchants, important characters from random encounters with enemies. 7. •Ghouls Of Commonwealth• - Adds over 1100 feral ghouls for zombie apocalypse and chaos. 8. •Tribals of Commonwealth• - Adds tribal groups, often found in wilderness. 9. •Snipers Of Commonwealth• - Adds over 150 snipers including few unique ones. 10. •Rabbits, Chickens, Crabs, Wolves, And Gulpers In The Commonwealth• - Adds more creatures and enemies. 11. •Hermit Crabs Of The Commonwealth• - Adds 12 hermit crabs to the map. 12. •Wolves Of The Commonwealth• - Adds wolf spawn points to the map. 13. •More Behemoths In Commonwealth• - Adds 5 more behemots to the Commonwealth. 14. •DLC Creatures In The Commonwealth [PS4]• - Adds 200 creature spawns to the commonwealth for constant war, danger and chaos. 15. •Behind Enemy Lines• - Adds plenty of enemies to the glowing sea region. 16. •Roving War Parties, Raiding Packs And Hordes Of MY• - Adds wandering groups that attack some key locations. Some groups are very strong. 17. •More Radstags• - Adds plenty of radstags, especially north and into forests. 18. •Better Radstags• - More agressive radstags. 19. •Not a Princess• - Humans can grab you/others and slam on the ground, make karate moves, dogs can hold your legs/arms, bloodbugs suck your blood. 20. •Disable Minutemen's Annoying Quests [PS4]• - Disables 7 types of repetitive and not important radiant quests. 21. •[PS4] Grounded Updated By Sarinia• - Adds tons of ground foundations, floors, walls, mounds of dirt to Structures-Concrete menu. 22. •Miscellaneous Settlement Items Unlocked [PS4] By Callias• - Adds 49 objects to build in settlements. 23. •Cinder Block Walls And Sandbags Unlocked [PS4] By Callias• - Adds 16 objects like cinder blocks and sandbags. 24. •Constructible Faction Guards• - Adds ability to hire guards for caps in build menu, but only after allying with a faction. 25. •[PS4] OCDecorator• - Adds inventory items as a decorational building objects. 26. •[PS4] OCDecorator DLC• - Support for addons for the above mod. 27. •Tweaks - Survival Fast Travel Settlements All DLC• - You can fast travel to settlements on survival difficulty. 28. •1st Person Animation Tweaks [PS4]• - In first person mode you lower your gun automatically. 29. •[PS4] Swinging Animated Meat Bags• - Adds animation to supermutant meat bags and flies with buzzing sound to corpses. 30. •No Sneak Indicators• - Completely removes all sneak indicators. 31. •[PS4] Dogs Not Brahmin• - Provisioners and traders use dogs instead of brahmin. 32. •[PS4] Simple Settlers (Mortal Edition)• - Provides bigger settlers pool (five times more) and names them. Immortal version available. 33. •Quieter Settlements PS4 - Vanilla• - Generators, turrets and hammering are much quieter. 34. •Fallout 76-Style Region Music• - Changes music in regions for less boring/repetitive background tracks. 35. •Reverb And Ambiance Overhaul - ALL DLC [PS4]• - Tweaks sounds for better ambient and reverb and adds sliders to options. 36. •Better Dialogue• - Camera focuses on NPC, changes made to some irritating generic dialogues and tweaked dialogue interuption. 37. •Esk QuietPerks [PS4]• - Muted five annoying perks like idiot savant. 38. •No Experience SFX• - Silences sounds when gaining experience from various sources. 39. •[PS4] Dead Beat• - Removes heart beat sound at low HP. 40. •Combat Music Remover• - Mutes combat music, so there is silence and suspension when enemy detects you. 41. •Commonwealth Visual Overhaul & DLC [PS4]• - Changes colours, atmosphere and makes nights darker. 42. •UCW - Unified Commonwealth Weather• - Adjusted weather for regions and integrated DLC weather for Commonwealth. 43. •[PS4] No More Fake Puddles• - Removes ugly puddles that stay 24/7. 44. Reduced Rubble Etc. - Decreases intensity of grass, rubble, twigs and other unimportant objects. 45. •TLS Fallout 4 Subtle FPS Improver• - Small changes like decreasing grass and water movement speed, and tiny radius decrease of some light sources. Windy weather grass/branches fix.* 46. •[PS4] Enhanced Flickering Firelight• - Better light effects for fire sources including oil lamps. 47. •Sunlight Alignment Tweak - Better Dawn And Dusk [PS4]• - Changes sun and moon movement for better lighting and atmosphere during dusk, dawn and night. 48. •Vanilla Moon (4x)• - Much bigger moon. Anything bigger looks low quality. 49. •Crafting Blur Removal (PS4)• - Removes blur while looting containers, from crafting screen, power armor. 50. •Ironsight Blur Removal (PS4)• - Removes blur while aiming. 51. •More Map Markers (PS4)• - Adds some new markers on map. 52. •VATS Third Person Only• - As the name says, just changes the cameras used in VATS. 53. •Component Tagging Helper• - Allows to easily tag basic components on cooking bench and you can quickly view how many you have in total. 54. •Grenade and Mine Pack• - Adds some new weaker, but modified explosives. 55. •Animations Be Gone• - Removes plenty annoying hammering spots in sanctuary. 56. •Power Goggles (All DLC) - Power Armor Mods For Goggles, Visors, And Glasses• - As the name says. Two mods for glasses for high level characters. 57. •Clothes For Every Stats Wz• - Most clothes can be worn under armor and you can upgrade them after unlocking ballistic weave. 58. •Bear Trap and Caltrops Fix [PS4]• - Bug fix and small changes in how traps work and balance to them. 59. •See-Through-Scopes [PS4]• - Adds new combat scopes in place of 2.5x and 4x magnification. 60. •See-Through-Scopes - Nuka World [PS4]• - Different combat scopes for handmade rifle and western revolver. 61. •See-Through-Scopes - Far Harbor [PS4]• - Different combat scopes for radium and lever action rifles. 62. •Legalized Top Tier Legendary Effects [PS4]• - Balances few legendary effects. 63. •Targeting Sensors On Recon Scopes(Colour Coded NPCs Version)[PS4]• - Modified recon scopes that highlight enemies, friends and dead bodies in specific colours. 64. •Immersive Gameplay Combat Mostly PS4• - Core of this modlist. Hundreds of changes. 65. •Immersive-Gameplay. Low Tech, No Powerarmor Justification Patch. (PS4)• - Makes fusion cores worn. Balances the game around power armor. 66. •Immersive Gameplay Seasonpass Patch (Playstation)• - DLC compatibility for IG. 67. •Immersive Gameplay Rough Start (PS4)• - Overwrites starting level to 1. 68. •Medium Settlement Raids PS4• - Makes enemy raids less ridiculous and balanced. 69. •Zombie Walkers (PS4)• - Most feral ghouls act like slow rotten zombies. 70. •Curse Of Darkness - Normal Edition -• - Zombies are faster and more dangerous after midnight. 71. •Esk No More Teleporting Creatures [PS4]• - Molerats and radscorpions don't teleport. 72. •Realistic Insects Health [PS4]• - Makes insects easier to kill and more balanced. 73. •Loot Logic And Reduction Complete - Enhanced• - Restricted harvest, lower and/or different production output for settlements, empty bottles renamed, Scrounger perk less ammo, less meat, less loot. 74. •Rough Start - Less Handouts• - Removed some workbenches in starting locations. Different loot in Vault111, radroaches balanced, 14 starting stats (overwritten if mod #99 used). * 75. *•Food, Drink and Crop Overhaul•** - Improved cooking, lead belly perk, farming magazines give important upgrades. Better recipes are locked behind perk ranks, added milk and crop seeds. 76. •PreWar Food +• - Prewar food is more useful. Balance and fixes. 77. •Settlement Progression-Local Leader (UOF4P)• - Changes cost and perk requirements of some important structures, changes local leader perk and adds rank 3. 78. •Wasteland Baubles Ring Overhaul! PS4• - You can find unique rings at traders, in suitcases, cabinets. Allows scraping and modifying and even crafting legendary rings. 79. •(PS4) Improved Lighting Ballistics• - Improves lighting for projectiles such as bullets, lasers, gauss, plasma, missiles, flares and explosions. 80. •[PS4] Realistic Bullets: Improved Lighting Ballistics Edition• - Makes bullets travel faster, more realistic and fixes some shooting bugs. 81. •Immersive Gameplay Dismemberment - A Patch Or Standalone Feature• - Higher damage to headshots, easier to dismember limbs. 82. •Tackle! Immersive Gameplay Knockdown Version• - Lets you stagger enemies by sprinting into them after aquiring a perk. 83. •Idiot Savant & Better Criticals Redone (PS4)• - Idiot savant is better the more INT you have, muted perk chart, better criticals perk for crits outside VATS. 84. •[PS4] STS - All-In-One• - Allows scraping almost all settlement objects for extra resources and clean bases. 85. •Faster Positive Affinity For Companions• - Removes cooldown between companions liking/hating your actions and gain five times more positive affinity. Or use extra mod #4. 86. •[PS4]More XP Per Level (Base:600, Bump 120)• - Increases experience required to level up for balance purposes. 87. •Increased EXP• - Increases the amount of EXP gained to make Immersive Gameplay and mod list balanced and playable. 88. •No Building Houses XP Gains PS4• - Building settlements don't provide experience. 89. •Realistic Death Physics - No Animation - ALL DLC [PS4]• - Decreases the amount of force of both melee and ranged attacks, so bodies wont fly away. 90. •Increased Settler Limit - Awareness - Wire Length - Corpse Collisions [PS4]• - More aware settlers with limit of 50 per settlement and longer wires. Mind the limit. 91. •Power Conduits Radius Increase And No Build Limit - All DLC [PS4]• - Infinite build limit and two times longer range electricity conduits. 92. •Settlement Attack Spawns Outside The Settlement PS4• - Moves attack spawns outside the settlement borders. 93. •[PS4] Creation Club Skins (Weapon & PipBoy) Generic Compatibility Patch• - Makes weapon paints from Creation Club show up in crafting menu. 94. •Pip-Boy Flashlight• - Pipboy light is now a flashlight. 95. •PS4 - Longer Headlamp Light• - Makes flashlight much bigger and changes headlamp and power armor light. 96. •No Enemy Respawns• - Game areas don't respawn loot and enemies, after time have passed. 97. •Accelerated Fast Travel• - Fast travel takes less in-game time, should be also relevant to survival needs. 98. •Time Scale Changed From 20 To 10 [PS4]• - Day and night lasts twice as long. 99. •[PS4] Starting SPECIAL = 7• - Changes starting SPECIAL stats to 1 in each category so you start weak. ---•If you decided to skip some mods, go check out 'Extra mods' below and add any you like.• ---•After installing above mods RESTART YOUR PS4/PS5!• ---•In options change game difficulty to survival.• ---•Play on performance 60fps mode (visual 60fps is not very smooth).• ---•Complete vault 111 until you get to the surface, do exit autosave and install below mod.• 100. •Saving Survival Mode• - Adds ability to save in survival difficulty through pip-boy MISC category. Option to save are always on top (3 autosave slots plus 1 main save slot shared by all survival characters). ---•Go to options, sound and reduce ambience level by 7 clicks and reverb by 3.• ---•For even more immersive settings, go to settings, gameplay and turn off quest markers.•

---•Set music volume to half, camera sensitivity to max or your choice, hud color to minty blue, pip-boy to red or any colour you like.•

Extra mods:

  1. •No Bugs In Vault 111 [PS4]• - No radroaches in starting area. Add as a last mod and leave or delete it afterwards.
  2. •Immortal Cats - PS4• - Invincible cats. Add after mod #84.
  3. •Vertibirds Unghosted• - Tweaks invincible vertibirds for danger and realism. Add after dogs not brahmins #31.
  4. •No Affinity Cooldown• - Removes cooldown between companions liking/hating your actions. Swap with mod #85.
  5. •Quieter Settlements PS4 - Contraptions DLC• - Quieter production lines. Add after mod #33.
  6. •Quieter Settlements PS4 - Wasteland Workshop• - Quieter fusion generators. Add after mod #33.
  7. •Pip-Boy Flashlight (Brighter)• - *For small, bright flashlight swap with mod #94 and move #95 one space above.
  8. •CleanVATS - Green Tint Remover PS4• - Removes fullscreen green tint effect while in VATS. Add after mod #51.
  9. •Longhorns Of The Commonwealth• - Adds longhorns to more empty areas on the map. Add after mod #9.
  10. •Gulpers Of The Commonwealth• - Adds gulpers to more empty areas on the map.
  11. •Radium Rifle Suppressed Sound Fix• - As the mod name suggests. Must be on top of mod list, its a master file. Add after mod #1.

12. •Explorer Restored - Cut Perk Mod PS4• - Adds rank two of VANS. New perk shows map markers. Add after #82.

V. 1.00 - Old version. V. 1.03 - Previous version. V. 2.00 - Completely remade. Have fun.
submitted by OriginalSprinkles718 to Fallout4modsps4 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:21 Bitter-Mine1633 Off by 1 20picks straight should I just quit

Off by 1 20picks straight should I just quit
Just check out the dates🥵🤦🏽‍♂️🤬🤯
submitted by Bitter-Mine1633 to underdogfantasy [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:20 Blooper_Bot Game Thread: Athletics @ Braves - Sun, Jun 02 @ 01:35 PM EDT

Athletics @ Braves - Sun, Jun 02

Game Status: Warmup - First Pitch is scheduled for 01:35 PM EDT

Links & Info

NLE Rank Team W L GB (E#) WC Rank WC GB (E#)
1 Philadelphia Phillies 41 18 - (-) - - (-)
2 Atlanta Braves 32 24 7.5 (98) 1 +4.5 (-)
3 Washington Nationals 26 31 14.0 (91) 7 2.0 (103)
4 New York Mets 24 34 16.5 (88) 10 4.5 (100)
5 Miami Marlins 21 38 20.0 (84) 12 8.0 (96)
Probable Pitcher (Season Stats) Report
Athletics Luis Medina (0-0, -.-- ERA, 0.0 IP) No report posted.
Braves Charlie Morton (3-2, 4.29 ERA, 56.2 IP) No report posted.
Athletics Lineup vs. Morton, C AVG OPS AB HR RBI K
1 Toro - 3B .000 .500 1 0 0 0
2 Andujar - LF .167 .500 6 0 0 2
3 Bleday - CF .000 .333 2 0 0 0
4 Rooker - DH - - - - - -
5 Brown, S - RF - - - - - -
6 Gelof - 2B - - - - - -
7 McCann - C - - - - - -
8 Schuemann - SS - - - - - -
9 Soderstrom - 1B - - - - - -
10 Medina - P - - - - - -
Braves Lineup vs. Medina AVG OPS AB HR RBI K
1 Harris II, M - CF - - - - - -
2 Riley, A - 3B - - - - - -
3 Ozuna - DH - - - - - -
4 Olson - 1B - - - - - -
5 Albies - 2B - - - - - -
6 Duvall - RF .333 .666 3 0 1 2
7 Kelenic - LF .333 .666 3 0 0 1
8 Murphy, S - C - - - - - -
9 Arcia, Or - SS - - - - - -
10 Morton, C - P - - - - - -

Division Scoreboard

WSH 0 @ CLE 0 Warmup
AZ 0 @ NYM 0 Warmup
TEX 0 @ MIA 0 Warmup
STL @ PHI 07:10 PM EDT
Last Updated: 06/02/2024 01:21:06 PM EDT
submitted by Blooper_Bot to Braves [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:19 OriginalSprinkles718 [FO4][PS5/PS4] Absolute Apocalypse! Immersive, satisfying, survival MOD LIST.

My goal was to build hard but balanced, immersive survival experience.

√ New game on survival difficulty required √ All six DLCs are needed √ Adding/removing mods later might break your game √ Only PS5 game version was tested

√ Very stable, no crashes


* And many more...


* Can't open Wattz Consumer Electronics terminal (Kill roach behind wall using melee/explosives).


Mods and entries in bold are neccessary, don't skip them! 1. •Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch [UFO4P] [PS4]• Thousands of small bug fixes for FO4. 2. •Looted World - PS• - Removes 90% of loose loot in the world. Easily accessible and obvious places are almost empty. Some areas like habited settlements or vaults still have items. Makes you pick up less, play more. You can still buy shipments of components and now scraping settlements is a great early source of materials. Small boost to performance. If you are tired of constantly picking up loot, this is a good choice. 3. •[PS4] Pip-Boy Paint Jobs - Colors Of The Wasteland Pack (Club Freedom)• - Adds simple Pip-Boy skins. Remember you can click touchpad while using pip-boy to zoom. Again a master file. 4. •Kane's Items Sorting (PS4)• - Tags quest items, components, bones, bobbleheads, holotapes, notes, chems, liquors, syringes, 99% of junk for better item management and easier looting (water, aid, stealthboys, few food items and some mags are marked by Immersive gameplay). Empty bottles/vases are not marked. 5. •[PS] Useful Technical Documents - Legendaries• - You can swap legendaries for free, create new ones using technical documents. 6. •Named NPC Protection [PS4]• - Protects named quest npc's, merchants, important characters from random encounters with enemies. 7. •Ghouls Of Commonwealth• - Adds over 1100 feral ghouls for zombie apocalypse and chaos. 8. •Tribals of Commonwealth• - Adds tribal groups, often found in wilderness. 9. •Snipers Of Commonwealth• - Adds over 150 snipers including few unique ones. 10. •Rabbits, Chickens, Crabs, Wolves, And Gulpers In The Commonwealth• - Adds more creatures and enemies. 11. •Hermit Crabs Of The Commonwealth• - Adds 12 hermit crabs to the map. 12. •Wolves Of The Commonwealth• - Adds wolf spawn points to the map. 13. •More Behemoths In Commonwealth• - Adds 5 more behemots to the Commonwealth. 14. •DLC Creatures In The Commonwealth [PS4]• - Adds 200 creature spawns to the commonwealth for constant war, danger and chaos. 15. •Behind Enemy Lines• - Adds plenty of enemies to the glowing sea region. 16. •Roving War Parties, Raiding Packs And Hordes Of MY• - Adds wandering groups that attack some key locations. Some groups are very strong. 17. •More Radstags• - Adds plenty of radstags, especially north and into forests. 18. •Better Radstags• - More agressive radstags. 19. •Not a Princess• - Humans can grab you/others and slam on the ground, make karate moves, dogs can hold your legs/arms, bloodbugs suck your blood. 20. •Disable Minutemen's Annoying Quests [PS4]• - Disables 7 types of repetitive and not important radiant quests. 21. •[PS4] Grounded Updated By Sarinia• - Adds tons of ground foundations, floors, walls, mounds of dirt to Structures-Concrete menu. 22. •Miscellaneous Settlement Items Unlocked [PS4] By Callias• - Adds 49 objects to build in settlements. 23. •Cinder Block Walls And Sandbags Unlocked [PS4] By Callias• - Adds 16 objects like cinder blocks and sandbags. 24. •Constructible Faction Guards• - Adds ability to hire guards for caps in build menu, but only after allying with a faction. 25. •[PS4] OCDecorator• - Adds inventory items as a decorational building objects. 26. •[PS4] OCDecorator DLC• - Support for addons for the above mod. 27. •Tweaks - Survival Fast Travel Settlements All DLC• - You can fast travel to settlements on survival difficulty. 28. •1st Person Animation Tweaks [PS4]• - In first person mode you lower your gun automatically. 29. •[PS4] Swinging Animated Meat Bags• - Adds animation to supermutant meat bags and flies with buzzing sound to corpses. 30. •No Sneak Indicators• - Completely removes all sneak indicators. 31. •[PS4] Dogs Not Brahmin• - Provisioners and traders use dogs instead of brahmin. 32. •[PS4] Simple Settlers (Mortal Edition)• - Provides bigger settlers pool (five times more) and names them. Immortal version available. 33. •Quieter Settlements PS4 - Vanilla• - Generators, turrets and hammering are much quieter. 34. •Fallout 76-Style Region Music• - Changes music in regions for less boring/repetitive background tracks. 35. •Reverb And Ambiance Overhaul - ALL DLC [PS4]• - Tweaks sounds for better ambient and reverb and adds sliders to options. 36. •Better Dialogue• - Camera focuses on NPC, changes made to some irritating generic dialogues and tweaked dialogue interuption. 37. •Esk QuietPerks [PS4]• - Muted five annoying perks like idiot savant. 38. •No Experience SFX• - Silences sounds when gaining experience from various sources. 39. •[PS4] Dead Beat• - Removes heart beat sound at low HP. 40. •Combat Music Remover• - Mutes combat music, so there is silence and suspension when enemy detects you. 41. •Commonwealth Visual Overhaul & DLC [PS4]• - Changes colours, atmosphere and makes nights darker. 42. •UCW - Unified Commonwealth Weather• - Adjusted weather for regions and integrated DLC weather for Commonwealth. 43. •[PS4] No More Fake Puddles• - Removes ugly puddles that stay 24/7. 44. Reduced Rubble Etc. - Decreases intensity of grass, rubble, twigs and other unimportant objects. 45. •TLS Fallout 4 Subtle FPS Improver• - Small changes like decreasing grass and water movement speed, and tiny radius decrease of some light sources. Windy weather grass/branches fix.* 46. •[PS4] Enhanced Flickering Firelight• - Better light effects for fire sources including oil lamps. 47. •Sunlight Alignment Tweak - Better Dawn And Dusk [PS4]• - Changes sun and moon movement for better lighting and atmosphere during dusk, dawn and night. 48. •Vanilla Moon (4x)• - Much bigger moon. Anything bigger looks low quality. 49. •Crafting Blur Removal (PS4)• - Removes blur while looting containers, from crafting screen, power armor. 50. •Ironsight Blur Removal (PS4)• - Removes blur while aiming. 51. •More Map Markers (PS4)• - Adds some new markers on map. 52. •VATS Third Person Only• - As the name says, just changes the cameras used in VATS. 53. •Component Tagging Helper• - Allows to easily tag basic components on cooking bench and you can quickly view how many you have in total. 54. •Grenade and Mine Pack• - Adds some new weaker, but modified explosives. 55. •Animations Be Gone• - Removes plenty annoying hammering spots in sanctuary. 56. •Power Goggles (All DLC) - Power Armor Mods For Goggles, Visors, And Glasses• - As the name says. Two mods for glasses for high level characters. 57. •Clothes For Every Stats Wz• - Most clothes can be worn under armor and you can upgrade them after unlocking ballistic weave. 58. •Bear Trap and Caltrops Fix [PS4]• - Bug fix and small changes in how traps work and balance to them. 59. •See-Through-Scopes [PS4]• - Adds new combat scopes in place of 2.5x and 4x magnification. 60. •See-Through-Scopes - Nuka World [PS4]• - Different combat scopes for handmade rifle and western revolver. 61. •See-Through-Scopes - Far Harbor [PS4]• - Different combat scopes for radium and lever action rifles. 62. •Legalized Top Tier Legendary Effects [PS4]• - Balances few legendary effects. 63. •Targeting Sensors On Recon Scopes(Colour Coded NPCs Version)[PS4]• - Modified recon scopes that highlight enemies, friends and dead bodies in specific colours. 64. •Immersive Gameplay Combat Mostly PS4• - Core of this modlist. Hundreds of changes. 65. •Immersive-Gameplay. Low Tech, No Powerarmor Justification Patch. (PS4)• - Makes fusion cores worn. Balances the game around power armor. 66. •Immersive Gameplay Seasonpass Patch (Playstation)• - DLC compatibility for IG. 67. •Immersive Gameplay Rough Start (PS4)• - Overwrites starting level to 1. 68. •Medium Settlement Raids PS4• - Makes enemy raids less ridiculous and balanced. 69. •Zombie Walkers (PS4)• - Most feral ghouls act like slow rotten zombies. 70. •Curse Of Darkness - Normal Edition -• - Zombies are faster and more dangerous after midnight. 71. •Esk No More Teleporting Creatures [PS4]• - Molerats and radscorpions don't teleport. 72. •Realistic Insects Health [PS4]• - Makes insects easier to kill and more balanced. 73. •Loot Logic And Reduction Complete - Enhanced• - Restricted harvest, lower and/or different production output for settlements, empty bottles renamed, Scrounger perk less ammo, less meat, less loot. 74. •Rough Start - Less Handouts• - Removed some workbenches in starting locations. Different loot in Vault111, radroaches balanced, 14 starting stats (overwritten if mod #99 used). * 75. *•Food, Drink and Crop Overhaul•** - Improved cooking, lead belly perk, farming magazines give important upgrades. Better recipes are locked behind perk ranks, added milk and crop seeds. 76. •PreWar Food +• - Prewar food is more useful. Balance and fixes. 77. •Settlement Progression-Local Leader (UOF4P)• - Changes cost and perk requirements of some important structures, changes local leader perk and adds rank 3. 78. •Wasteland Baubles Ring Overhaul! PS4• - You can find unique rings at traders, in suitcases, cabinets. Allows scraping and modifying and even crafting legendary rings. 79. •(PS4) Improved Lighting Ballistics• - Improves lighting for projectiles such as bullets, lasers, gauss, plasma, missiles, flares and explosions. 80. •[PS4] Realistic Bullets: Improved Lighting Ballistics Edition• - Makes bullets travel faster, more realistic and fixes some shooting bugs. 81. •Immersive Gameplay Dismemberment - A Patch Or Standalone Feature• - Higher damage to headshots, easier to dismember limbs. 82. •Tackle! Immersive Gameplay Knockdown Version• - Lets you stagger enemies by sprinting into them after aquiring a perk. 83. •Idiot Savant & Better Criticals Redone (PS4)• - Idiot savant is better the more INT you have, muted perk chart, better criticals perk for crits outside VATS. 84. •[PS4] STS - All-In-One• - Allows scraping almost all settlement objects for extra resources and clean bases. 85. •Faster Positive Affinity For Companions• - Removes cooldown between companions liking/hating your actions and gain five times more positive affinity. Or use extra mod #4. 86. •[PS4]More XP Per Level (Base:600, Bump 120)• - Increases experience required to level up for balance purposes. 87. •Increased EXP• - Increases the amount of EXP gained to make Immersive Gameplay and mod list balanced and playable. 88. •No Building Houses XP Gains PS4• - Building settlements don't provide experience. 89. •Realistic Death Physics - No Animation - ALL DLC [PS4]• - Decreases the amount of force of both melee and ranged attacks, so bodies wont fly away. 90. •Increased Settler Limit - Awareness - Wire Length - Corpse Collisions [PS4]• - More aware settlers with limit of 50 per settlement and longer wires. Mind the limit. 91. •Power Conduits Radius Increase And No Build Limit - All DLC [PS4]• - Infinite build limit and two times longer range electricity conduits. 92. •Settlement Attack Spawns Outside The Settlement PS4• - Moves attack spawns outside the settlement borders. 93. •[PS4] Creation Club Skins (Weapon & PipBoy) Generic Compatibility Patch• - Makes weapon paints from Creation Club show up in crafting menu. 94. •Pip-Boy Flashlight• - Pipboy light is now a flashlight. 95. •PS4 - Longer Headlamp Light• - Makes flashlight much bigger and changes headlamp and power armor light. 96. •No Enemy Respawns• - Game areas don't respawn loot and enemies, after time have passed. 97. •Accelerated Fast Travel• - Fast travel takes less in-game time, should be also relevant to survival needs. 98. •Time Scale Changed From 20 To 10 [PS4]• - Day and night lasts twice as long. 99. •[PS4] Starting SPECIAL = 7• - Changes starting SPECIAL stats to 1 in each category so you start weak. ---•If you decided to skip some mods, go check out 'Extra mods' below and add any you like.• ---•After installing above mods RESTART YOUR PS4/PS5!• ---•In options change game difficulty to survival.• ---•Play on performance 60fps mode (visual 60fps is not very smooth).• ---•Complete vault 111 until you get to the surface, do exit autosave and install below mod.• 100. •Saving Survival Mode• - Adds ability to save in survival difficulty through pip-boy MISC category. Option to save are always on top (3 autosave slots plus 1 main save slot shared by all survival characters). ---•Go to options, sound and reduce ambience level by 7 clicks and reverb by 3.• ---•For even more immersive settings, go to settings, gameplay and turn off quest markers.•

---•Set music volume to half, camera sensitivity to max or your choice, hud color to minty blue, pip-boy to red or any colour you like.•

Extra mods:

  1. •No Bugs In Vault 111 [PS4]• - No radroaches in starting area. Add as a last mod and leave or delete it afterwards.
  2. •Immortal Cats - PS4• - Invincible cats. Add after mod #84.
  3. •Vertibirds Unghosted• - Tweaks invincible vertibirds for danger and realism. Add after dogs not brahmins #31.
  4. •No Affinity Cooldown• - Removes cooldown between companions liking/hating your actions. Swap with mod #85.
  5. •Quieter Settlements PS4 - Contraptions DLC• - Quieter production lines. Add after mod #33.
  6. •Quieter Settlements PS4 - Wasteland Workshop• - Quieter fusion generators. Add after mod #33.
  7. •Pip-Boy Flashlight (Brighter)• - *For small, bright flashlight swap with mod #94 and move #95 one space above.
  8. •CleanVATS - Green Tint Remover PS4• - Removes fullscreen green tint effect while in VATS. Add after mod #51.
  9. •Longhorns Of The Commonwealth• - Adds longhorns to more empty areas on the map. Add after mod #9.
  10. •Gulpers Of The Commonwealth• - Adds gulpers to more empty areas on the map.
  11. •Radium Rifle Suppressed Sound Fix• - As the mod name suggests. Must be on top of mod list, its a master file. Add after mod #1.

12. •Explorer Restored - Cut Perk Mod PS4• - Adds rank two of VANS. New perk shows map markers. Add after #82.

V. 1.00 - Old version. V. 1.03 - Previous version. V. 2.00 - Completely remade. Have fun.
submitted by OriginalSprinkles718 to FalloutMods [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:18 Trick-Use6124 Tower concept: Avengers Garrison. Feedback is appreciated

Tower concept: Avengers Garrison. Feedback is appreciated
DESCRIPTION: Two armored Twilight Avengers that will use their knowledge of hexes to inflict all nearby enemies with a blasting curse. This curse will last 10 seconds and if the enemy dies while under the curse then they will blow up dealing magic splash damage to all nearby enemies. You can think of this as either its own unique tower, or as a alternate 4th tier upgrade for the Elite Harrasers.
•STATS at LV4:
Health: 250. Armor: Medium Physical(40%). Damage: 25-40. Attack Speed: 1.1 seconds. Respawn Time: 12 seconds. Blasting Curse Damage: 80 magic splash damage.
Advanced Hexing: the explosion caused by the blasting curse will now deal 100/120 magic splash damage.
Beetle Tamer: Avengers will now respawn from the tower as Mounted Avengers. Mounted Avengers will boast 40-50 damage, a attack speed of 1.1 seconds,120 health and medium(50%) magic armor. Upon death, Mounted Avengers will become normal Avengers.
submitted by Trick-Use6124 to kingdomrush [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:17 NotoCap Feeling Fustersted

Failed for a second time today. I reviewed the QAE mostly this second time (along with the doshi book and some udemy practice tests) and I felt good going into the test and during it. I felt like I was narrowing my answer down and picking the most logical ones. This types of test have always been hard for me not sure what else I can do to prepare and get a passing grade.
I’ve been in internal Audit for close to 2 years, any advice/ recommendation for passing I am feeling discourage from failing again. Many say this is an easier test but I can’t seem to get by it and I’m fusterated with the money I’m spending on failing.
submitted by NotoCap to CISA [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:16 ikatatlo Weekly Discussion and Help Thread

Here are some great guides by the community:
Player Price List by u/redcountrybear (Awakened Uozumi update - 23/10/2023)
Beginners Guide by lifeskychan1314
Beginners Tips by the community
Beginners Guide for F2P by u/zearthdota
Beginners Video Guide by u/ValioaJustice (2 hours with timestamps)
Player Attributes Spreadsheet (Legendary Mitsui update - 23/11/2023)
Stats description by u/ikatatlo
Rebounding Mechanics by u/redcountrybear
Training Plan Primer by u/redcountrybear
How to Use Shuffle cards and Enhance Skins
Awakening Skill (partial) List by u/redcountrybear
Team Composition Guide by u/redcountrybear
Legendary Akagi Talent Upgrade Guide by u/redcountrybear
Ultra Fukuda Talent Upgrade Guide by u/redcountrybear
Awakened Rukawa Guide by u/JToPocHi
Koichiro Nango Guide by u/KirinHaven and u/redcountrybear
Tatsumasa Oda Guide by MY_Caine & u/redcountrybear
Toru Hanagata (ultra) Guide by Atrocity & u/redcountrybear
Nobunaga Kiyota (ultra) Guide by QY & u/redcountrybear
Sendoh Guide by u/zearthdota
Mitsui Guide by u/zearthdota
Old Rukawa Guide by u/theun11verse
Jump-Block Miyagi Guide by u/cHHBBB
Nobunaga Kyota Guide by u/cHHBBB
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submitted by ikatatlo to SlamdunkMobile_EN [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:15 kappifappi PC price check on these

PC price check on these
Looking to trade these two pieces wondering if any of them are a non caps trade.
submitted by kappifappi to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:15 Vishnu1297 TAMU Spring 2025 Admission

When I applied to TAMU in Fall of 2024 for Public Health, I was not in the top 10 percent of my high school class. As a result, I was offered PSA. However, after GPA updated after graduation to reflect this spring’s grades, I finished in the top 10 percent of my class. I do not want to participate in PSA, so can I reapply for Spring 2025 admission when the application opens. If so, does the top 10 percent automatic acceptance rule still apply?
submitted by Vishnu1297 to TAMUAdmissions [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:15 jilinjames aespa’s ‘Armageddon – The 1st Album’: All 10 Songs Ranked

submitted by jilinjames to musicnews24 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:14 Brad313DGunZ I found a exploit to make my ruckus go faster that is cheap and doesn't require a mod chip testing fuels

So the other night I was testing out all my options of gasoline normally I just use regular and go 30-35mph. I tried mid grade and I got worse performance I could still hit 30mph but I had to baby the throttle to get it there wide open it wanted to do 20mph. Premium gave me really bad performance misfires and struggled to do 25mph. The 10$ a gallon racing fuel was the worst misfires and stalling at idle 25mph down hill.Here is where it gets good I tested e85 you know that gas that is like half ethanol alcohol and cheaper than regular and the performance was amazing the 0 to top speed improved and it can hold 40mph and even up steep hills does 35mph like it is easy. Now I understand that that e85 is hard on the rubber components of whatever it is used in so take this as you will,but as for me I think I will swap the weaker parts for ones rated for e85 and go faster and save money on gas. If you use e85 once in a blue moon it won't hurt any thing its long term use use can though! Side note everyone in my family said they can't smell e85 exhaust fumes but I can an it has a weird strong smell to me lol I can tell if you run e85 or the 10$ a gallon stuff by the smell of your ride!
submitted by Brad313DGunZ to Ruckus [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:14 AutomatWrongelboer Cleaned up my swamp without any shocking! now what?

I wanted to share my experience as a first time pool owner. I bought this green soup filled pool last winter, filled with debris on the bottom. It is equipped with a sand filter and chlorine-acid dispenser. I planned to clear it up, based on all your experience expressed in this forum.
As cyanuric acid was around 100 ppm, I vacuumed the floor debris to waste two times, resulting in about 20% of the pool water being replaced by fresh water (in total), and cya dropping to 70ish. I had the intention of shocking the pool, but to my surprise, the pool completely cleared up two days after the second vacuuming. The chlorine dispenser kept redox potential at 630mV (chlorine concentration >5ppm with taylor , 5-10 ppm with a strip, can't read above 5ppm with my taylor kit). FC is in the same range. pH kept constant at 7.3. TA is okay, TH is still quite low (about 80).
Of course I am very happy with the result. Now, after a week or two, a slight green film develops , attached to the vinyl wall. The water stays perfectly transparant. When I brush the liner,, it stays clear again for a week or two. I add a floc sock before brushing.
Question is: how do I prevent the green film developing on the liner? Is two weekly brushing good practice? Getting a pool robot keeps this in control? Or will shocking keep it clear for a longer time?
T is now too cold to swim regularly here in western europe., so for the moment I don't want to spend a lot on chemicals.
submitted by AutomatWrongelboer to pools [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:14 thebiggerd Did you know that when you buy two $5000 Breitling sweatpants they’ll give you a free watch?

Did you know that when you buy two $5000 Breitling sweatpants they’ll give you a free watch?
Wife got me my favorite Navitimer for our anniversary and had a loving note in her handwriting engraved on the buckle.
submitted by thebiggerd to PrideAndPinion [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:14 axefaktor Everything I read on Marvel Unlimited: Weeks 17-22, Apr. 21-June 1 Yes, I am still doing this

Everything I read on Marvel Unlimited: Weeks 17-22, Apr. 21-June 1 Yes, I am still doing this
I've really struggled to keep up with posting, but I have still been reading a good amount of comics on a weekly basis, some weeks more than others, and tracking them as I go. I intend to keep this project going all year, even if my reading/posting slows down.
I'm no longer reading at anywhere close to the pace I was earlier in the year, but I've still managed to keep current on a couple things, and dive into some older backreading while I do.
Without a doubt, one of the best things I've read this year has been the X-Factor run from 2005 by Peter David. I wouldn't have predicted that a run full of guys I barely know and mostly don't care about would be as good of a read as it was, but if anyone's looking for a 100+ issue run to sink into, I highly recommend it.
Elsewhere, I am trying my best to keep pace with Fall of X. I'm current on Unlimited on a couple runs, and getting closer on the rest. Here's my update, at a glance.
Top 3 reads this week since I last did this:
  1. X-Factor (2005)
  2. Alpha Flight (2023)
  3. Uncanny Spider-Man (2023)
Here are the stats:
Week 17-22 issues: 151
Regular issues: 151
Infinity Comic Issues: 0
Total issues this year: 867
Weekly Duration average issues per day: 3.6
Yearly average issues per day: 5.6
Here's everything I'm "current" on via Unlimited:
  • Captain America (2023)
  • Immortal Thor (2022)
  • Incredible Hulk (2023)
  • Invincible Iron Man (2022)
Previous weeks: Weeks 15 & 16, Week 14, Week 13, Week 12, Week 11, Week 10, Week 9, Weeks 7 & 8, Week 6, Week 5, Week 4, Week 3, Week 2, Week 1
submitted by axefaktor to MarvelUnlimited [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:13 Dinosaur_on_a_bike Private Bed/Bath in West LA $1,498

I’m seeking a roommate to share my 2 Bed/2 Bath home in West LA. You get your own bedroom, bathroom, and assigned parking spot. Room will be available July 1st. I’m a mental health worker and have a small 10 lb trained terrier mix. I also enjoy engaging in performing arts as an actor and music artist for fun. If you have a similar balance of stability and creativity in your life, we might be a good match.
submitted by Dinosaur_on_a_bike to LARentals [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:10 Zagaroth [No Need For A Core?] - CH 193: Beach Day

Cover Art <<Previous Start Next >>
GLOSSARY This links to a post on the free section of my Patreon. Note: "Book 1" is chapters 1-59, "Book 2" is chapters 60-133, "Book 3", is 134-193, "Book 4" is CH 194-(ongoing)
The vastness of the ocean was hard to understand until you truly saw it. Kazue mused upon this thought as she and Moriko walked slowly along the beach of this port city. It was the third and last day they would be spending here before they moved on. Since they had left the capital, they had been much more careful about how long they lingered in any one location. Most places they gave no more than one non-traveling day to, but this city was Kazue's first visit to the sea, and there was much to see and learn here.
Though somewhat surprisingly, neither of the spirits she currently had bonded to her related directly to the sea or sand, or other such ocean themed concepts. The first of them was a rather esoteric, ephemeral entity; a creature of light and shadow, of liminal places and the borders between. Kazue still didn't know why this was the spirit that responded when she was seeking a solution to how the sun readily burned her skin, but she suspected it had more to do with the light and shadow aspects than the liminal aspects, even if these things weren't entirely separable. And it had provided her with the spell she needed.
Of course, the reason she needed it was that Moriko had insisted they buy dresses in the local fashion, though Kazue had insisted that Moriko join her in wearing the short pants that were commonly paired with the lightweight dresses that barely fell to mid-thigh. The fabric was thankfully thicker across the chest because it was borderline sheer in other places, and it was only held up by a thin pair of straps for the shoulders.
And this exposure was no doubt a good portion of why Moriko had insisted on such flimsy casual wear. Not that Kazue had much to complain about, as it did give such a wonderful view of her wife's legs and the way the sun shone on Moriko's skin as the muscles beneath flexed. Yum. While the wide-brimmed hat that Kazue was wearing did make it harder to look up to see people, it did help hide her gaze when she wanted to admire her wife's figure discreetly.
That figure had been such a beautiful sight last night, when Moriko had recklessly chosen to dance in the air with the thunderstorm. It had been both enthralling and terrifying to watch the half-elf laughing almost maniacally as she leapt across the sky; wind, rain, and lightning swirling about her lithe form. While Kazue might have been able to pull together enough spells to enable her to at least join her wife up there, it wouldn't have really been dancing the same way. Kazue would have been moving despite the elements, not with and because of the elements, and she would have had to put a lot more effort into ensuring that lightning didn't strike her.
Not that Moriko was immune to a direct hit from a natural bolt of lightning, no, the reckless woman was entrusting to her control of the elements to keep such a strike from hitting her.
But if Moriko hadn't gone out to dance in that storm, Kazue wouldn't have met the second spirit she was keeping bonded right now: a spirit of lightning and storms. While not so esoteric as her liminal spirit, it could be almost as ephemeral. She knew that they would continue to exist as discrete entities so long as they were bonded with her, but they were the sort of spirit that might otherwise dissipate when conditions were no longer optimal for them. Especially the liminal one; Kazue thought it might have come into existence because she'd been putting effort into finding something that could help her out.
What she was hoping was that if she could keep them bonded long enough to give them a stronger sense of identity and self that they'd be able to exist independently. It was limiting for her to keep them bonded; she could only keep two bonded at a time, and it took several minutes under optimal conditions to bond with a new one. But she didn't mind and thought that her liminal spirit worked really well with her ability to bring dreams and imagination briefly to the surface of reality. Her trick for making it briefly hard to tell where she was as random images of might-have-beens flickered around her could be amplified along the edges of spaces, letting her slide through reality a bit more. She could move further so long as it was along a border and squeeze through gaps she otherwise shouldn't be able to fit through.
Her lightning and storm spirit did not synergize quite so well, though it could speed her up and that did help, and its bolts of lighting were probably her most powerful ranged abilities at the moment. But she hadn't had a good chance to test it out yet, not inside of city limits. But maybe tomorrow while they were on the road.
For now, Kazue was listening to Moriko recount yesterday's events back home.
"So after breakfast, Mordecai tormented the kids by waiting a while before asking if there was anything that wanted to talk about. Then he just nodded thoughtfully when they spoke and asked things like 'is there anything else?' while smiling patiently and encouragingly. The two of them spilled their guts." Moriko was having trouble not laughing while she recounted the tale, and it made Kazue grin.
Nothing truly inappropriate had happened, but it they were at the edge of different social rules. There was a difference between the three of them sharing a room with well-understood rules, and very different for one of them to spend the night in the other's private room. And it certainly wasn't the dungeon's place to 'punish' them for any sort of indiscretion, perceived or otherwise. But as the adults in charge of the area, it certainly fell to them to help encourage a healthy amount of responsibility. Thus Mordecai 'forcing' Derek and Shizoku to tattle on themselves and explain exactly why that wasn't supposed to happen.
Moriko continued happily, "After he'd gotten them to give themselves their own guilt trip, Mordecai gave the pair heavy head rubs and laughed at them before letting them know they weren't in any trouble. His only real concern was responsibility, and he thought that they were both pretty responsible overall but that going forward they should be more careful. He didn't say it directly, but he implied that being responsible might be harder as time went on."
Which was a pretty fair assessment. The Azeria clan worried about it a lot less than even other kitsune clans as all pregnancies were causes for celebration and there was plenty of support for the girl without a need for the father to be in the picture. Kazue had no illusions that this meant her clan was some bastion of enlightenment. Part of the reason that Shizoku leaned so heavily on her grandmother and the forest spirit for parental guidance was that her father had five wives who also wanted his attention and Shizoku's mother hadn't felt the need to be very responsible when there were other women who were happy to spend time cooing over Shizoku and taking care of her. Kazue was fairly certain that this was also the reason that the young kitsune had a tendency to crush on older men, but hopefully, that was taken care of now.
"So after that, Fuyuko decided she wanted to make her contract with the dungeon official. Mordecai made sure to write everything up with her becoming our ward and after it was done he sent a copy of it to both Riverbridge and Azeria to get her status recorded. And then it was on to training! Gentle training this time. Well, mostly. For Shizoku and Fuyuko it was focused around marksmanship practice, mixed with switching their weapons out on the fly. He doesn't think that Shizoku would need to swap between gun and staff quickly very often, but there was no reason to skip that part of the training. For Fuyuko, he's popping up surprise targets for her and mixing them up with some 'targets' that are actually innocents. He says that it should help her get her battle rage under control. Oh, and the swords that came with her bracers are falcatas. They aren't good for fancy sword work but he figures that sometimes she might just need to hit things hard, so these will be better than her long daggers. I have to say, the only reason those things are 'daggers' is because of how tall she is. They'd probably feel like short swords for me, and almost certainly be swords for you, ankle biter."
Well, Kazue wouldn't mind biting Moriko, but that was a slightly different topic and she had her honor to defend. "Careful what you say, my love. This little ankle biter has very sharp teeth and knows exactly where you sleep every night. And she might just think you are tasty enough to take a big bite out of."
"Eek, I am terrified," Moriko said while laughing, "oh please don't eat me all up scary fox lady, I don't know what I'd do." Ignoring Kazue's threatening glare Moriko continued passing on the dungeon's events. "Anyway, the blades are heavier than Fuyuko is used to and weighted a little strangely, but Mordecai says she's adapting fast. Now, as for Derek, well, Mordecai is pushing him a little bit more. Our husband has sectioned off part of the arena to be an elemental testing and training ground. It generates random sparks and bubbles of different elements which naturally drift toward any living thing in the area and speed up as they get closer. Derek has been sitting in the middle of it and his training is to use only his elemental abilities to push them away. And Mordecai has made sure to lean heavily on fire and lightning as those seem to be Derek's weakest elements right now. Man, the poor kid. But he at least has some moral support, Bellona is right there with him. She's taking more of a beating actually, she doesn't have any influence over wood and only indirect influence on metal. She's not going to be there every day though, and Mordecai plans on this being the majority of their training to finish out the first month of the exchange program."
Given how long it had taken the kids to get through the dungeon, there wasn't a lot more time to finish out a month, so everyone had agreed to just start the program early. After this, Derek and Shizoku would arrange to travel with other groups back to his home and after a few days of rest head back to the dungeon, where Fuyuko would rejoin them and they would all head to the Azeria clan to begin a month of training.
"Everything else has just been going smoothly. With your non-combat path, we've been attracting a lot of people who are willing to spend weeks to get through the dungeon instead of the days it takes the combat teams. Though there aren't a lot of teams clearing the wetlands, most of the ones who finish the river zone don't even try it. The people on your path usually only give up if it's taking too long. Oh, and Mordecai says he'd like you to practice working with enchanting crystal-focused items, especially anything that involves altering the crystal itself. He's hoping that the two of you combined might be able to manually convert other gems and crystals into core matrix, though it will probably take both of you to figure it out."
Well, as much as Kazue admired their husband, she did have to admit to herself that it was kind of nice to see that he wasn't as all-knowing as he sometimes appeared to be. And that wasn't a bad idea, it could make a nice project over the winter, when they weren't occupied by other things. Warm thoughts and feelings flowed with that idea, only to be dashed by a sudden sensation of dread and danger. Kazue spun to put her back to Moriko as she frantically searched for the source of that sensation.
A few moments later she realized that the source was inside her, a tug and pull toward her faraway home. She crushed down the panic that wanted to bubble forth and turned back to Moriko, who had gone still and pale.
Moriko met her worried gaze and confirmed Kazue's fears. "We're under attack."
<<Previous Start Next >>
Also to be found on Royal Road.
My Patreon My Discord Top Web Novels - - TVTropes
$3. : 10 Early chapters, lore excerpts $5. : 20 Early chapters, Short Stories $10 : 30+ Early chapters, New stories not published anywhere else (Until after I finish this story at least) . . . . . "A Girl and Her Dungeon", "The Celestine Fox", and AU Core 1: "Coreless"
submitted by Zagaroth to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:10 bastresnovae When is it time to find a new PCM?

I've been seeing my primary care doctor for several years, and have been moatly happy with the relationship because at least at first, she was relatively fresh out of med school and seemed empathetic and listemed.
When I started seeing her, I mentioned my frustration with some previous issues that I'd experienced with revolving door of mostly male doctors (due to mives, insurance changes, etc.).
The most traumatizing was a back injury that resulted in weight gain and numerous unsuccessful attempts to get a diagnosis and treatment... it took 7 years to find a back pain sepecialist, who sent me back to physical therapy just to create a paper trail for insurance before trying laser nerve ablation, only for this PT to discovetreat the muscle spasms and resulting impbalance that was the root of all of it.
The other was exercise-induced compartment syndrome, which was incorrectly assessed as shin splints during my entire 6 years of staggerring through PT tests in thr Army.
In retrospect, I think I was beyond clear what my symptoms were and these should have been readily diagnosed, had the providers I had access to at the time been even marginally curious, rather than seemingly chalking my symptoms up to weight or suspected malingering.
So, I admit I have a chip on my shoulder about not being heard.
With my current provider - I hadn't had anything too traumatic with her until recently. But I did have a negative experience with an orthopedist after I experienced arthritis in my knees, seemingly triggered by some kind of mild autoimmune response to an upper respiratory illness but also apparently just bad luck in the genetics dept. My symptoms were disproportionate to the degree of the arthritis, which either he or my PT explained was the result of patellar dislocation from the especially shallow groove. I still had to fight for cortisone injections, which are what ultimately calmed the inflammation (despite the orthooedist's extreme reluctance to treat with anything but advil, despite it giving me ulcer-like symptoms). I genuinely believe the arthritis was partly reactive to that initial illness or the continued inflammation (caught in an inflammatory cycle) because I haven't had issues since but I did not feel very validated when I tried to ask questions to get to the bottom of it, and ultimately switched orthopedists - though I haven't needed to see the new one again since the switch.
I actually don't want to keep switching doctors every time something goes wrong - so how do I find one that listens to patients?
So, here's the deal with my current doctor: I had been asking about ADHD for a few years, and she brushed me off or implied the only treatment for adults was skills based training and not worth pursuing. At the time, I was preparing for bariatric surgery and had too many appointments, and care was hard to come by during the pandemic, so I dropped it.
During the year post-surgery, my symptoms were getting substantially worse.
She insisted ADHD doesn't get worse.
I found a specialist on my own and asked for a referral when their waitlist opened, and she did write the referral - but also wanted me to see a psycologist who works with her medical system's practice.
That psychologist was terrible. She listened to me spill my guts for 30m, then said ADHD symptoms always appear in childhood and I appear to be successful at work, so I don't meet the criteria. When I tried to point out I had in fact pointed to many symptoms going back to childhood and mentioned how my job was being affected, she noted on my chart that I was noncooperative.
Now that I am working with a specialist, I think my symptoms are pretty obvious and that the issue is that perimenopause has a clear impact on ADHD traits that may have been better managed for, though definitely present, prior to horemonal or life changes around that age.
My PCM refused to manage my medication (saying "of course everyone feels more productive on amphatamines - despite the fact I don't even get a stimulant effect from my meds... because I have ADHD). So I continue to meet with a psychiatric nurse for that, which is OK, but one of my ADHD traits is rejection sensitive dysphoria - so it is tough continuing to see a doctor who so clearly does not believe/approve of my treatment for a documented medical issue, especially when it was diagnosed only after a lengthy and very thorough assessment by a specialist.
However, now I want to see an OBGYN to find out if HRT might also be beneficial, since perimenopause likely exacerbated their presentation. So during my recent physical, i mentioned HRT and asked for a referral, which she wrote.
On paper - so far, so good.
But then I read the chart notes.
Long story short, I feel like bits and peices of our visit were cherrypicked and framed, often misleadingly, in a way that suggests my request should not be taken seriously.
My doctor audio records our visits to help with charting, so there should be limited ambiguity - ans I studied communications in school, I do understand that people can have very different interpretations at time. But I make every effort to be clear when describing symptoms for this reason... and based on these notes, it's like we weren't even in the same conversation.
It's subtle, but... for example, I mentioned I had an appointment later that week to get some labs done (for my bariatric doctor), and that I'd hoped to have them done before the appointment - but I'd tried to drop in the previous week but the line was hours long.
She wrote that she "reminded me" to do this and "stressed their importance."
Then she noted she asked about my diet, and I "gave a vague answer" ... which is true, but it was because it was the very end of our visit and I interpreted it as a "how is that going, anyway?" question about my experiences post surgery, which was 18 months ago. I didn't realize she was expecting a more detailed accounting of my diet, and she didn't clarify, but now I feel like she's implying my answer was evasive.
There's a few other things like that, but it culminates with my ask for a referral to discuss HRT with an OBGYN, where she expresses skepticism ("no clear reason to believe") my concerns about focus/concentration and sleep are attributable to perimenopause, vs my "other" comorbid conditions (The ADHD she doesn't believe I have and my sleep apnea that's been treated for 10 years, presumably).
Except ... I literally walked her through why I do believe this, in detail. That declining estrogen, a neurotransmitter, exacerbated my ADHD focus issues. That it was right around a few years ago, in my early to mid 40s, my anxiety medication had seemed to stop working and the dosage had to be increased (though it was probably just inadvertently treating my then-unduagnosed ADHD). That I had also been waking up early lately, and having trouble fallijg back asleep, which is also a permemenopause symptom.
And then lastly, she writes I have a family history of breast cancer, which would appear to be a clear contraindiction for HRT.
Except ... what I mentioned during the visit is that I do have too much cancer in my family, but that its not clear to me at all if it would be a contraindiction because I have one aunt on my dad's side who has breast cancer in her late 70s, but it is triple hormone negative and that there is no other family history of breast cancer at all on that side of the family. And that on my mom's side, I have an aunt who had a different cancer - not breast cancer - that was discovered late in her treatment to be hormone sensitive, and that she'd subsequently tested positive for two BRCA mutations... but that my mom had been tested and had neither of the mutations in question.
So basically... am I reading too much into this, because doctors are busy and not writing a transcript? Or should I be legit concerned my doctor is trying to set me up as an unreliable narrator for the next provider by completely skipping over important info and then twisting other bits in ways that at best don't reflect our conversation, at middle, perhaps reflect mild biases on her part, or at worst, seem to present me as an unreliable narrator?
submitted by bastresnovae to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:07 cheedle Was this a happy accident?

Was this a happy accident?
So I accidentally clicked to buy 10x2680 buy for collectible chests instead of the S Grade equipment 10x BUT I think I ended up getting really lucky by pulling 2 yellow grade(epic?) by chance on my first 10 pull. Here’s a screenshot was this a good accident?
submitted by cheedle to Survivorio [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:07 mariantah Yeah idk what to do?

Hey im looking for advice ig. A little about my self first, Im 18M from Delhi and i have zero self esteem coz im 5'4 and my weight is 39-40Kgs. So you can probably imagine how i look like and due to this im also super introverted like I don't go out at all coz obv, i cant even walk in public without thinking about how am I looking. Im in 12th grade(pcm) rn and I don't come from a well to do family like my family's monthly income is 55k but it's combined of my father and 2 of my elders sisters and one started working 2 years ago and one a year ago, before that it was 22k also we live on rent so yk. My family doesn't have any land or property either and my eldest sister is 26 and 2nd eldest 24 so they are both going to get married this year or next. Thats why they started working in the first place coz there are no savings and they are saving money for marriage.
So basically I'll be out of school next year and I'm scared as shit coz idk what to do. In 10th i took pcm coz thats what I thought was the best choice and I was like okay I'll prepare for jee and what not but then I never joined any coaching coz of financial reasons even now I don't go to any tuition or coaching i just study from youtube, barely passed 11th. I didn't prepare online either for jee coz I looked up the fees of iits and nits and they were like 7-10 lakh for 4 years and honestly i dont think I have it in me either. The fees of BTech from any good college is around this and obv can't afford and truthfully I don't even have any interest in doing btech or anything like this if anything I don't have any interests like zero(I suck ik). I just wanna be rich fast( not gonna happen ik) coz my sisters will be married in 2 years Max and my father is 50ish and works as a security guard. I mean I have to be the income source of my family right? So what can I do after 12th? Should I develop a skill or just aim for college? Prepare for entrance exams? Is there any other way I can earn money without college and become successful? I also want to increase my weight coz wtf is my weight but can't afford gym. Talked to my elder cousin who goes to gym and he said with gym i also have to follow a proper diet and everything, total came out like 5-6k per month on just me, cant do it obv. Mentally idek where I'm at, I go to bed at 12 but end up sleeping at 2-3am coz of overthinking and me making random good scenarios in my mind. So ig if you have anything??
Also, this is like my 4th post on reddit ever so sorry if you feel like this is not well written or all over the place. Thankyou.
submitted by mariantah to india [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:07 Dragonoir44 A precise question: Vibing with someone with a percussion box - What music to learn?

So basically, I'm kind of a new bassist. I've been playing for a year. I never had teachers, so I even though I litteraly practice every day, I don't really know how to improvise musics.
So at the 10 of June, I'll be having a picnic with some friends, and some guy proposed I bring my bass to have things to do at the picnic, and he'll bring a percission box.
Do any of y'all know a good bass music that works well solo with a percussion box, and that would entertain the rest of the friend group? May it just be groovy bass lines, bass lines that everyone knows, or other ideas
submitted by Dragonoir44 to Bass [link] [comments]