Growing patterns math worksheets

My dad “moderated” his alcoholism and now my partner is someone who does the same.

2024.05.20 08:27 spikeonreddite My dad “moderated” his alcoholism and now my partner is someone who does the same.

I’m sober 3 yrs. My partner, who I love, has the same pattern as my dad—admitted problem drinker who moderates and tries to limit intake in various ways. Both have even identified as alcoholics but think of themselves as functional/consider their issues to be occasional. My dad’s quiet alcoholism affected me as a kid/young adult and I grew into my own quite early. My drinking presented itself differently from theirs and I am in AA. Neither of them show a desire to permanently stop.
It’s honestly my only concern when it comes to my boyfriend and imagining a future together. In every other way he is wonderful. His drinking doesn’t interfere with our relationship most of the time—he is respectful about it around me, he doesn’t often get drunk, but before we started dating he used to drink very often. The few times I have seen him pretty drunk I’ve been very upset. He isn’t an angry or mean drunk - kind of a silly one tbh - but it’s pissed me off. Similar to my dad, my bf is able to not drink too much when around me (for my dad it’s my mom) but when he’s not with me I feel like it can be a coin toss.
I can’t help but feel paranoid when I don’t hear from him or upset when I realize he was drinking while we were on the phone (we are long distance rn). I can’t tell if it’s the ptsd from my ACA childhood, my own recovery challenges, or if this is a pattern I need to be concerned about. My last significant relationship was with a stoner and love/sex addict (this was a terrible and completely different relationship but I still feel the need to acknowledge that part). Since getting sober I have had a rule about only dating people who aren’t really into drinking, but then I fell in love and he happens to also enjoy scotch and has a ridiculously stressful job.
Last night my dad got drunk around me for the first time in a while and it really upset me. He was harassing me about why my bf and I aren’t married yet and why he hasn’t popped the question. I talked to my bf for a while after I got home and he listened as I explained why I was upset, how annoying it was to go through that, etc. He also comes from a family impacted by alcoholism. He was very understanding but still said to me that when we have kids it will be important to him that they don’t see him drunk, but when they’re old enough he hopes he can be a model for moderation and that they’ll want to do the same. That well-meaning statement triggered me because I feel like that is what my dad tried to do for me growing up. And while he wasn’t necessarily as big a trainwreck as I became, I still would not say it worked or left me without scars.
Feel like crying as I write this. Thanks for listening.
submitted by spikeonreddite to AlAnon [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:24 Withyaboyyyyfriend Should I send my friend a letter?

I had a best friend in college, roommate codependent best friend. She had a really bad break up leading up to graduation. She was broken. Her drinking became more and more of a thing, she was even more lethargic, sad, not taking care of herself or her things. Not telling her family important things. This was covid times. She just really seemed unmotivated and broken and could not cope. But she was still herself in a way and her drinking while heavy, exhibited the same characteristics she always had when drunk in college. She was not responsive and eventually agitated when we tried to help. We all thought on the basis of the situation that only time would help.
She moves home after school she doesn’t stay for the summer. This was where we got extra concerned because the girl never wanted to go home at all no questions. Come August we all have to move home and we all stay somewhat in touch but there are no new updates or things coming from her really, and no one wanted to ask about the breakup but we did ask how she was and suggest she should go to therapy as her anxiety was growing. She has always had pretty intense physical symptoms of anxiety. I won’t go into detail about the last three times I saw her, but between that summer and now she basically cut everyone off except for another friend that eventually went to rehab herself. This friend I have not reached out to since the last time I saw her. I just feel the dread of hearing the same thing I always hear. The pattern the apologies and then the alcohol breath. The guilt about not being honest or firm with her and getting myself back in the same frustrating sad situation. These are not my first alcoholics.
Sorry basically, my best friend from college I can see she’s is in rehab/sober living. I knew at a time years ago that this was threatened by her parents. I mean damn it was offered its not a bad thing. But she has not talked to me, answered me meaningfully over the past few years, or told me about rehab. Should I send her a letter or maybe just text her that I love and miss her? Or should I just let her do her own thing. I am worried her anxiety will never let her accept that her friends care and still care always cared. She just dropped off she stopped answering she was distant even in person.
I can’t tell if she truly doesn’t want my friendship or if she was just so into being drunk to a certain point that we were hindering that.
submitted by Withyaboyyyyfriend to AlAnon [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:12 manturgekarruhi Population Health Management: A Comprehensive Approach to Better Health Outcomes

Hey Reddit!
I wanted to share some insights on Population Health Management (PHM), a concept that's increasingly vital in today's healthcare landscape. Whether you're in the industry or simply a health-conscious individual, understanding PHM can provide valuable context for current trends and future developments in healthcare.

What is Population Health Management?

Population Health Management refers to the collection and analysis of health data from a specific population to improve the health outcomes of that group. It's about identifying patterns, managing chronic diseases, and implementing preventive measures. The goal is to provide better care at a lower cost by targeting health interventions more effectively.

Why is PHM Important?

  1. Improved Health Outcomes: By focusing on the health of entire populations, PHM aims to reduce the incidence of chronic diseases, manage existing conditions more effectively, and improve overall health and well-being.
  2. Cost Efficiency: PHM helps in reducing healthcare costs by preventing diseases through early intervention and efficient management of chronic conditions, thereby reducing the need for expensive treatments and hospitalizations.
  3. Data-Driven Decisions: Leveraging big data and advanced analytics allows healthcare providers to make informed decisions, tailor interventions to specific populations, and measure the effectiveness of these interventions.
  4. Patient-Centered Care: PHM emphasizes a holistic approach to patient care, considering not just medical history but also social, economic, and behavioral factors that affect health.

Key Components of PHM

  1. Data Collection and Analysis: Gathering health data from electronic health records (EHRs), patient surveys, and other sources to identify trends and risk factors within a population.
  2. Risk Stratification: Classifying the population based on health risks to prioritize care for those who need it most.
  3. Care Coordination: Ensuring that all members of the healthcare team are working together efficiently, with seamless communication and shared goals.
  4. Patient Engagement: Encouraging patients to take an active role in their health through education, support, and resources tailored to their needs.
  5. Performance Measurement: Continuously evaluating the effectiveness of interventions and strategies to improve and adapt them over time.

Challenges and Future Directions

While PHM offers numerous benefits, it also faces challenges such as data privacy concerns, integration of disparate data sources, and ensuring equitable access to care. However, with advancements in technology and growing emphasis on value-based care, PHM is poised to become a cornerstone of modern healthcare.

How You Can Be Involved

  1. Stay Informed: Keep up with the latest trends and research in PHM.
  2. Advocate for Data Privacy: Support policies and practices that protect patient data.
  3. Engage in Your Health: Utilize resources provided by healthcare providers to manage your health proactively.
  4. Community Involvement: Participate in local health initiatives and support efforts aimed at improving public health.
PHM is not just a healthcare strategy; it's a movement towards a healthier future for everyone. By understanding and supporting PHM, we can contribute to a system that prioritizes preventive care, efficient management of chronic diseases, and overall better health outcomes.
Feel free to share your thoughts or ask questions about Population Health Management. Let's discuss how we can all play a part in this transformative approach to healthcare!
submitted by manturgekarruhi to u/manturgekarruhi [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:02 AnonBee23 “figure it out yourself?”

What does “Figure it out yourself” mean?
How does confidence correspond with competence? If I walk into a construction site and they said to “figure it out yourself” but you never did construction before is it possible to figure it out? Will having confidence help me build the house? Will low confidence make it harder?
Basically, how does confidence help you when you’re confused,un knowledgeable or anxious? Isn’t it practice? Is it knowledge? How on earth do others just “figure it out”? My brain doesn’t do that. A puzzle? Sure. Telling me to recognize a pattern? Or teach myself a math problem? Nope. With a tutorial, sure, but by its self, nope.
I’m told to figure things out myself, but when is it, oh stop bothering me for help, vs. I truly don’t know what to do(assuming I can’t look online) and is it easy for everyone where as for me it’s not, noticing things too like no, I would not think to check last weeks list to check an error for this week. Or the seat was warm meaning to not sit in it because someone’s coming back? How do you even notice if think of this stuff. Those were all pointed out to me. How can I notice and figure out more?
I know I know, figure it out lol
submitted by AnonBee23 to DecidingToBeBetter [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:28 lovelymargarethe Online Baby Boy Bodysuits: Comfort and Style from Lovely Margarethe

Shopping for online baby boy bodysuits can be both an exciting and daunting experience. With so many options available, it’s important to find outfits that are not only adorable but also comfortable and practical. At Lovely Margarethe, we pride ourselves on offering a selection of baby boy bodysuits that tick all these boxes, making it easier for parents to find the perfect clothing for their little ones.

Why Bodysuits are a Must-Have for Your Baby Boy

1. Convenience Bodysuits, also known as onesies, are a staple in every baby’s wardrobe due to their practicality. They are designed to be easy to put on and take off, which is essential for quick diaper changes and dressing a squirmy baby.
2. Comfort Made from soft, breathable materials like cotton, bodysuits provide maximum comfort for your baby. The snug fit keeps your baby warm and cozy without restricting movement.
3. Versatility Bodysuits can be worn alone or layered under other clothing, making them suitable for any season. They come in various styles, from short sleeves to long sleeves, allowing you to dress your baby appropriately for the weather.
4. Style With a wide range of designs available, bodysuits can be both functional and fashionable. From simple, solid colors to playful prints and patterns, there’s a bodysuit for every occasion.

What to Look for When Buying Baby Boy Bodysuits Online

1. Quality of Material The fabric of the bodysuit is crucial. Look for 100% cotton or organic cotton options, which are gentle on your baby’s sensitive skin. Avoid materials that can cause irritation or allergies.
2. Ease of Use Snap closures are a common feature in bodysuits, making diaper changes hassle-free. Check for well-placed snaps that are durable and easy to open and close.
3. Size and Fit Babies grow quickly, so consider buying bodysuits in multiple sizes. Look for options with a bit of stretch to accommodate your baby’s growth and movements.
4. Design and Aesthetics Choose designs that reflect your style and preferences. From minimalist and classic looks to vibrant and quirky patterns, there’s something to suit every taste. Remember, practical doesn’t have to mean plain!

Top Picks from Lovely Margarethe

1. Organic Cotton Essentials Our range of organic cotton bodysuits is perfect for eco-conscious parents. These bodysuits are soft, durable, and come in a variety of colors and prints. The hypoallergenic fabric ensures your baby’s skin stays rash-free.
2. Playful Prints and Patterns For parents who love fun and whimsy, our collection of bodysuits with playful prints is a hit. From adorable animal motifs to bright, geometric patterns, these bodysuits add a splash of joy to your baby’s wardrobe.
3. Seasonal Specials Our seasonal collections include long-sleeved bodysuits for winter and sleeveless options for summer. These bodysuits are designed to keep your baby comfortable regardless of the temperature, ensuring they are well-dressed all year round.
4. Personalized Bodysuits For a special touch, consider our personalized bodysuits. Add your baby’s name or a cute message to create a unique outfit that also makes a wonderful gift.

Tips for Shopping Online

1. Read Reviews Check customer reviews to gauge the quality and fit of the bodysuits. Other parents’ experiences can provide valuable insights.
2. Check Size Guides Always refer to the size guide provided on the website. Sizes can vary between brands, so it’s important to measure your baby and choose the correct size.
3. Look for Deals Online stores often have sales and discounts. Keep an eye out for promotions on Lovely Margarethe to get the best value for your money.
At Lovely Margarethe, we understand the needs of both babies and parents. Our selection of baby boy bodysuits combines comfort, quality, and style, ensuring your little one is dressed in the best. Shop with us today and discover the perfect bodysuit for your baby boy!
Feel free to modify these posts to better fit your blog's style or add specific product links from your collection.
submitted by lovelymargarethe to u/lovelymargarethe [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:25 kidfromtheast Is there a tutorial to create your own PyTorch Module (Linear), Loss (Least Squares), and Optimizer (Gradient Descent)?

Hi, my intention is to prepare myself for the upcoming academic year on September.
I want to have the ability to write my own PyTorch's Module, Loss, and Optimizer. I intend to start easy with Module (Linear), Loss (Least Squares) and Optimizer (Gradient Descent).
My goal is to implement: 1. LeastSquares loss which subclass the torch.nn.modules.loss._Loss class. 2. GradientDescent optimizer which subclass the torch.optim.optimizer.Optimizer class. 2. Cubic Polynomial module which subclass the torch.nn.Module class.
What I've tried: 1. Read Learning PyTorch with Examples
The Learning PyTorch with Examples teach how to define autograd functions. This became a dedicated StackOverflow question
The rest of the examples teach how to use existing Loss function (such as torch.nn.MSELoss), Optimizer (such as torch.optim.SGD) and Module (such as torch.nn.Linear).
After spending a day. I am confused on how torch.nn.modules.loss._Loss, torch.optim.optimizer.Optimizer, and torch.nn.Module works. Is there a tutorial how to create your own PyTorch Loss, Optimizer, and Module?
The code below is trying to mimic PyTorch. But, I don't know how optimizer.zero_grad(), loss.backward(), and optimizer.step() can update the model.parameters(). So, I put everything in 1 class.
I am open to learn the design pattern and so on. Please point me to the right direction.
``` import numpy as np import math import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class Module: pass
class CubicPolynomial(Module): a: np.float64 b: np.float64 c: np.float64 d: np.float64
learning_rate: np.float64
def init(self, learning_rate=1e-6) -> None: self.a = np.random.randn() self.b = np.random.randn() self.c = np.random.randn() self.d = np.random.randn()
self.learning_rate = learning_rate 
def call(self, x: np.ndarray): return self.a + self.b * x + self.c * x ** 2 + self.d * x ** 3
def loss_ln(self, y_pred: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray) -> np.float64: return ((y_pred - y) ** 2).sum()
def zero_grad(self) -> None: # Manually zero the gradients after updating weights self.grad_a = None self.grad_b = None self.grad_c = None self.grad_d = None
def backward(self, y_pred: np.ndarray) -> None: # Backprop to compute gradients of a, b, c, d with respect to loss grad_y_pred = 2.0 * (y_pred - y) # d/da (y_pred - y)² # 2 * (y_pred - y) self.grad_a = grad_y_pred.sum()
# d/db (a + (b * x) + (c * x²) + (d * x³) - y)² # 2 * (y_pred - y) * x self.grad_b = (grad_y_pred * x).sum() # d/dc (a + (b * x) + (c * x²) + (d * x³) - y)² # 2 * (y_pred - y) * x² self.grad_c = (grad_y_pred * x ** 2).sum() # d/dd (a + (b * x) + (c * x²) + (d * x³) - y)² # 2 * (y_pred - y) * x³ self.grad_d = (grad_y_pred * x ** 3).sum() 
def step(self) -> None: # Update weights using gradient descent self.a -= self.learning_rate * self.grad_a self.b -= self.learning_rate * self.grad_b self.c -= self.learning_rate * self.grad_c self.d -= self.learning_rate * self.grad_d
dtype = np.float64

Create random input and output data

x = np.linspace(-math.pi, math.pi, 2000, dtype=dtype) y = np.sin(x)
plt.plot(x, y, 'blue')
learning_rate = 1e-6 model = CubicPolynomial(learning_rate=learning_rate)
for t in range(2000): # Forward pass: compute predicted y y_pred = model(x)
# Compute and print loss loss = model.loss_ln(y_pred, y) if t % 100 == 99: print(t, loss)
# Before the backward pass, use the optimizer object to zero all of the # gradients for the variables it will update (which are the learnable # weights of the model). This is because by default, gradients are # accumulated in buffers( i.e, not overwritten) whenever .backward() # is called. Checkout docs of torch.autograd.backward for more details. model.zero_grad()
# Backward pass: compute gradient of the loss with respect to model # parameters model.backward(y_pred)
# Calling the step function on an Optimizer makes an update to its # parameters model.step()
print(f'Result: y = {model.a} + {model.b} x + {model.c} x2 + {model.d} x3')
plt.plot(x, y_pred, 'orange')
%reset -f ```
submitted by kidfromtheast to datascience [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:20 Beneficial_Status_44 How ANALYTICS help SMEs

In today's fast-paced market, small firms must leverage every competitive advantage to thrive. YouTube is an excellent platform for SMEs to showcase products and engage with potential customers. However, understanding consumer behavior and applying data analytics to create tailored solutions is crucial for growth and innovation.

Strategies for Using Data Analytics in SMEs

  1. Customer-Centric Approach
  1. Operational Efficiency
  1. Market Intelligence
  1. Digital Transformation

Popular Analytics Tools for SMEs

  1. HubSpot
  1. Google Analytics
  1. SEMrush
  1. MailChimp
  1. FOCII
  1. VidIQ


The FOCII Chrome Extension, currently in its MVP stage, provides advanced analytics for YouTube creators, including audience emotion analysis, heatmaps, and engagement trends. It helps optimize content strategy and improve viewer engagement beyond basic metrics like likes and views, featuring an "Engage to Earn" model to convert screen time into earnings.
submitted by Beneficial_Status_44 to youtube [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:12 TrackingSystemDirect Do Vehicle Trackers Reduce Insurance Premiums for Teenage Drivers?

Do Vehicle Trackers Reduce Insurance Premiums for Teenage Drivers?

Ensuring Safe Teen Driving: Harnessing Technology To Manage Risk and Lower Insurance Costs

Concerned about your teen's driving habits? You're not alone. The thrill of newfound freedom and the impulsiveness of adolescence can lead to risky behavior on the road. The good news? Technology provides a solution. Have you heard of GPS trackers designed for teen drivers? These devices help monitor your teen's driving behavior and keep them within set boundaries. Ready to learn how they work?

Best Plug & Play GPS Tracker For Teen Drivers

Visit Website:
GPS trackers use a network of 31 satellites to pinpoint your vehicle's location, accurate to within 5 meters. With real-time data, you can watch over your teen's driving behavior right from your phone or a third-party site. These programs provide insights beyond just location, including driving speeds, sudden braking, and more. Isn't it great to have such detailed information to coach your teen into safer driving habits? Many even send alerts if your teen strays or skips school. As an added bonus, you might even save on insurance costs!

Best Wireless GPS Teen Driver Monitor

Visit Website
Konnect is the ultimate GPS tracker for keeping an eye on your teen's driving. In Texas, 1 in 5 teen drivers is involved in a crash during their first year. Attach this mini, wireless tracker to your teen's car and get real-time updates on their driving habits. Know if they're speeding, making unscheduled stops, or veering off-route. With Konnect, you can ensure your teen is driving safely and responsibly.
Peace of mind for parents! Konnect's user-friendly app for iPhone and Android allows you to monitor your teen's driving without them knowing. The tracker uses a global SIM card for accurate, real-time tracking anywhere. And don’t worry if you're not tech-savvy—Konnect offers free lifetime technical support. Proudly made in the USA, this powerful GPS tracker is designed to give you peace of mind. Stay connected to your teen's driving 24/7 and keep them safe on Texas roads with Konnect.

The Real Cost of Adding a Teen to Your Car Insurance

Let's tackle the elephant in the room – insurance cost for teen drivers. It's no secret that it's significantly more expensive. Estimates range widely, but you can certainly expect a substantial increase. Remember, adding your teen to your policy is cheaper than a separate one. Can you believe that separate policies can cost upwards of $2,000?
To illustrate, adding a 16-year-old girl to your policy could cost between $1,165 and $3,036 annually. However, separate policies can range from $2,453 to a whopping $6,479! Does your teen happen to be a boy? Well, that would cost even more due to their higher likelihood of risky driving behavior. But remember, adding them to your policy still saves you money in the long run.

Top 5 Teen Driving Monitoring Apps

Many car insurers offer discounts for safe driving. For this, you need a teen GPS tracker, which monitors your teen's driving habits. These devices check daily mileage, the time of driving, sudden acceleration or braking, and more. The better the driving, the better your rates. But how about trying out some driving monitoring apps? Here are the top 5 teen driving monitoring apps according to parents:

TrueMotion Family Safe Driving

TrueMotion offers a comprehensive and user-friendly monitoring experience, and the best part is that it's free. It includes the feature of geofencing, allowing you to set boundaries for your teen's driving behavior. The app also allows for speed restrictions and curfews, and if any of these limits are crossed, you'll get immediate notifications. The app tracks your teen's driving habits and grades them on a scale of 100 points, so your teen can see their driving improvement over time. The app requires GPS capability to be enabled on your teen's phone, and it's available for both Android and iOS platforms.


Another free app, DriveSmart offers a more personalized experience compared to TrueMotion. It's designed more for the teen than the parents, offering the teen opportunities to improve their scores in lagging categories, such as braking. However, it's up to the teen to decide when to start the app. Some notable features include a reminder for the driver to buckle their seatbelt and monthly driving challenges. It's available for Android and iOS phones. Pro

This app is one of the pricier options (ranging from $4 per month to $35 per year), but it comes with a unique feature: hands-free messaging capabilities. The app automatically puts the phone in hands-free mode when the vehicle is in motion. It reads text messages and emails in real-time and allows the driver to respond accordingly. However, it may take some time to get used to the app, and some research suggests that hands-free mobile device use can still be distracting for drivers. The app is currently available only for Android phones.

Toyota Safe & Sound

Although created by Toyota, this app isn't restricted to Toyota vehicles. It puts the phone in do not disturb mode when the car is moving, similar to Pro's app. If the teen driver exhibits poor behaviors such as speeding or texting, the app automatically plays a predetermined playlist as a form of deterrent.

AT&T DriveMode

AT&T's app is not limited to AT&T customers. It turns on safety features when the car is moving at 15 MPH or faster, which includes muting text alerts and replying to messages with a standard response. If the app is turned off, parents will receive a notification. The app is available for both Android and iOS platforms.

Encouraging Facts About Teenage Drivers

Finally, let’s remember that not all of the changes that come with adding a teen driver to your family are bad. Yes, your car insurance prices will go up; that happens anytime you add additional drivers to a plan, and so it only makes sense that policies would especially get more expensive when you are adding a driver from what is generally considered the riskiest driver pool, drivers between the ages of 16 and 19. Teen drivers are, however, generally safer now than they have been in previous years, with fewer fatalities and accidents reported each year as a general trend.
Additionally, check out the following 10 positive facts about teenage driving:

Top 10 Positive Facts About Teenage Driving

  1. Seat belt use among teen drivers has been increasing for decades, from only 74 percent 15 years ago to almost 95 percent today.
  2. Another encouraging trend: Whereas 15 years ago nearly 40 percent of teenagers surveyed said they had either ridden with someone who had been drinking or knew of peers who had driven after drinking, that number is much closer to 20 percent now.
  3. Younger drivers have faster reflexes. While this sometimes lends itself to riskier driver behavior, this also means that teen drivers can also make for better drivers, as they may be more quickly able to respond to negative driver behavior by other drivers, or may be better equipped to avoid potential accidents than older drivers.
  4. Similarly, younger drivers are better able to respond to changing traffic laws or traffic patterns. Roundabouts, for instance, are far more common now than they were ten or twenty years ago; teen drivers are far less likely to have trouble with roundabouts than older drivers.
  5. Teen drivers also have better memories than older drivers, meaning they are less likely to forget street names or directions. This can be especially important for navigating complex directions, for instance.
  6. Younger drivers pay more for insurance because of their risk profile, but that also means they help drive down car insurance costs for everyone else.
  7. That also means that if you are in an accident and the other vehicle is driven by a teen driver, it is far more likely that the car insurance company will cover the cost of damages, as teen drivers are often required to have better insurance because of their risk profile.
  8. Learning how to drive can also help teens develop a sense of independence and autonomy that is important, especially as they prepare to go off to college or otherwise begin living their lives as autonomous people and no longer children under their parents’ supervision. (Yes, this can be hard for parents to hear...but it’s also part of watching their children grow up.)
  9. Having a teen driver in the family can also sometimes help free up parents for other tasks. Being able to ask a teen driver to run an errand or take their younger brother or sister to school activity or sports practice, for instance, can be a huge help for busy families.
  10. Giving your teen driver a chance to drive can also help give you a bonding experience, as you can commiserate over just how many bad drivers there are out there!
Regardless of what choices you make—for yourself, your teen driver, and your car insurance options—know there is lots of good information out there. GPS trackers might be an answer for some families, just as they might not be for other families. Ultimately, it is up to you to determine what is the best course of action for you and your car insurance needs. Know, though, that being educated about your options can help you negotiate and reduce car insurance prices for you and your teen driver!

Using Car GPS To Track Teenagers

Live GPS tracking units can be installed permanently or simply hidden on a vehicle operated by a teen which will then give parents the ability to oversee the driving activity of that teen at any time. Car tracking units will document the locations a teen visits, speeds they drive and more. Parents can even compare the driving data with text message records to determine if a teen is texting while behind the wheel. By comparing text and driving records Montana parents can at least eliminate one of the high-risk driving behaviors associated with teenage driving. However, the live tracking data also provides parents a simple way to locate their teen if the teen runs out of gas, becomes lost or simply needs some form of emergency assistance.
Clearly, the issue of safety among teenage motorists in Montana is a serious one that needs to be addressed frequently and intelligently. The old way was not working and if car tracking units are going to help parents in Montana then that should be something discussed in detail. No state wants to have the distinction of being the most dangerous state for teenage motorists and no parent wants to have their child harmed in a vehicle-related accident. Things need to change in Montana.

Best Auto Insurance For Teen Driver

When a teen finally passes their written and driver's examinations at the DMV a whole new world of opportunity is opened up. Solo car rides or drives with friends to burger joints, movie theaters and almost any location are now only a set of car keys away. However, with that freedom can come a substantial cost in the form of car payments and auto insurance. In fact, one study conducted by NerdWallet showed that family car insurance goes up roughly $1500 per year when a teen gets added to the auto insurance plan! Ouch! So what is the best way to keep car insurance for newly licensed teen drivers as low as possible so parents don't go broke trying to keep up with rising auto insurance rates?
Auto insurance providers are data-driven businesses so they are fully aware that teen drivers are for more likely to engage in risky driving behaviors such as speeding. They also understand teen drivers can easily succumb to peer pressure and by doing so make unwise driving decisions. Lastly, car insurers know teens can be careless which can result in potential auto-theft. However, one piece of technology called the GPS car tracker can help reduce many of these liabilities. For example, when a parent equips a vehicle tracker on a teen's car, that parent will then have the ability to monitor everywhere that teen is going and how fast they are driving. What's even better is that the real-time GPS units can also send out alerts to notify parents if the vehicle was stolen or if a teenager is driving their car too fast! Many auto insurance companies recognize the benefits associated with GPS vehicle monitoring and will provide discounts on car insurance packages for this. However, GPS auto tracking technology is more than just a tool to reduce car insurance rates for teens because the devices can literally save lives.
The best car GPS tracking devices will cost parents around $99.00-$199.00 per device.

Grades Matter

Car insurance companies study the facts and they know firsthand that teens that perform well in the classroom are statistically more likely to perform well on the road. In fact, many insurance providers will offer anywhere from a 10-15% discount on auto insurance for teens who maintain a "B" average or better in the classroom. Therefore, parents that keep their kids focused on the schoolbooks will also keep more money in their pockets.

Professional Driving Courses

In every facet of life the one constant is that experience matters. Therefore, teens who go the extra mile by enrolling in various driving programs and professional driving courses are often rewarded by auto insurers with discounted rates.

Shop, Compare And Combine Insurance Plans

Shopping around and comparing quotes is always good advice, but combining insurance plans can also help reduce rates. Family plans where the entire household is on one coverage policy are shown to save families sometimes as much as $3,000 annually! So combine those insurance plans and shop around to find the most cost-effective option!
Auto insurance is not only the law it's also extremely beneficial, especially when/if bad things occur. However, that does not mean that auto insurance for teen drivers should break the bank. Parents can save some cash on their teen auto insurance by investing in GPS tracking systems, inspiring their kids to do better at school, enroll them in professional driving classes. Of course, don't forget to shop, compare and combine auto insurers. Stay safe while driving and always try and save some cash!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are Some Strategies To Lower Teen Car Insurance?

Considering the cost, it's natural to want to lower your insurance expenses. Here are some tips:
  • Compare rates: Shopping around and comparing prices can yield better deals.
  • Look for discounts: Insurers often have discount programs. Did you know that good grades can lead to lower insurance costs?
  • Older cars: Insuring your teen on an older car could save you some cash.
  • Add your teen to your policy: As we've already established, this is a significant money-saver.
  • Consider usage-based insurance: This could reward your teen's good driving habits.

What Is The Most Dangerous State For Teen Driving?

You might think populous states pose the most risk for teen drivers. However, states like New York and California aren't even in the top half for unsafe teen driving. Surprisingly, Montana holds the dubious honor of being the most dangerous state for teen drivers. This fact is sparking a search among Montana parents for new safety measures for their young drivers. conducted a survey focusing on multiple factors. These included teen driver deaths per 100k population, texting behaviors, alcohol use, and insurance costs. It also covered other relevant details. Montana scored alarmingly high on several of these high-risk aspects. It ranks third for teens who text while driving and tops the list for teen drunk driving with 13%. This report, although troubling for Montana parents, is vital for developing better safety measures.
Faced with these findings, many Montana parents are taking action. They're turning to car tracking technology, allowing them to monitor their teens' driving habits directly.
Learn more about teen driving monitors here:
submitted by TrackingSystemDirect to GPStracking [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:05 Content-Following202 WDID if my boyfriend would rather jerk off than be intimate with me?

So my boyfriend 25M and I 22F have been together for almost 4 years now and recently I have felt like he is loosing attraction towards me. I don't know what to do so I'm coming here for advice.
We met on tinder summer 2020, we met just to hook up but continued to hang out and ended up dating after about 1 week or 2. I had to go to another state for college but we continued to be together, I would drive to see him every other week (about a 3 hour drive) and would stay with him. Everything was good and we had intimate time often.
We figured out quite quickly that his love language is quality time and mine was physical touch. He has never been much of a touchy person so that was something I had to get used to.
Fast forward two years we both have graduated and now live together in his hometown. I love it here, our home, our life here. He has a great job that pays great and I am very grateful for him because without him I wouldn't be able to afford this life. I love my job (I am a teacher) but it gets stressful taking care of children all day. He worked very hard to get to were he is now so I am very proud of him for it.
I do most of the cooking, we split the cleaning and chores around the house. Yes we have had some disagreements over the years about things but we have always been able to talk it through and work something out that works for both of us when we have had a long week.
We have very good communication skills in our relationship so I have never felt like I can't talk to him about something that's been bothering me. So when it comes to this I feel like I have tried so much I am just tired of talking and ready for fixing.
About 2years ago I caught him talking to another girl, she blew him off but from what I understand (parts were said on Snapchat and the rest were on messenger) he just wanted pictures and she wouldn't send them. I was gone back to my hometown for a week. I called often but he didn't talk much. Hes not much a talker on the phone so I didn't think much of it, so when I got home and I saw the messages (he left his phone open in the bathroom). The next morning I confronted him and he said he was lonely and missed me. I told him that I need to talk to him and even FaceTime but he was always too tired or not in the mood.
It took about a month to get through that but I still feel alarms going off in my head when I see him on his phone late at night or closing out apps when I walk in the room.
I feel like that was the start of me feeling like he was looking interest in me. Sexually anyways. He was always loving it every other way, I felt comforted and cared for which I didn't get while growing up.
Since than it was good, we went on weekly dates, spent time together talked through emotions when we'd get overwhelmed or was having a hard time mentally because of stress. I love him and I always felt like he loved me.
But we still were not being intimate. When I would try he'd say he was tired from work or just not in the mood. I would try to get him in the mood with massages, dirty talk, foreplay, lingerie etc. But it just didn't do anything. I found a pattern that he'd only be in the mood in the morning on Saturdays or Sundays.
When I would bring it up he'd say he didn't realize that's what he was doing and he was sorry for making me feel like he wasn't attracted and that he loves me very much and he just doesn't have much of a sex drive because of the medication he is taking or work has been a lot. He was also getting his bachelor's online and that was also taking a lot of energy from him. I always understood.
One Friday when I got home I did the cleaning, I cooked and served him before he had his weekly gaming night with his friends I tried to get him in the mood and I was shut down like always. "I'm too tired and I just want to relax and get the game ready for tonight." Is what he said. So I left him alone, I had a good night by myself with dessert some wine and get up the bathroom for a bath.
Before I got in the tub I realized I forgot my robe in our bedroom, so I got on a towel and went over to get it and when I opened the door I found him in bed jerking off to some porn. Which I found out later that he doesn't watch porn on sites he comes on Reddit.
"I'm sorry, I forgot my robe!" I blurted out after I stood in the door a second stunned because I have never walked in on him before. I hurried and got my robe before sprinting out the door back into the bathroom. I heard him yell I love you and something else but I shut the door before I heard.
At first I laughed because it's embarrassing to be caught and it was just funny to be honest. Then I started crying, I felt like I hadn't cried in so long from how hard I cried. It hurt. To only be touched, kissed more than just a peck, once a month. It hurt more than I realized.
I understand that its easier to just take care of it yourself, I'm no one to judge, you know yourself best and there is no shame in that. And sometimes yes sex can take a lot of energy. But to be shut down every time, it wasn't like I was asking all the time like I'm a horndog, it fucking hurt.
After a few hours in the bathroom I finally went to bed and he was sound asleep. I felt like I was being dramatic, like I was crazy and I needed to get over myself.
The next day I explained how I have been feeling. How it feels like I'm just someone that comes home and cooks, takes care of things and then we sleep in the same bed.
He said he didn't notice this and thought everything was going good. I have brought up how little we have sex before and it was always the same answer. I told him that yes everything has been good, but I just don't feel like your attracted to me anymore, how we used to have sex weekly, more than once a week. After that we had more conversations and had intimate times more but still limited, I took what I could get.
It was still only when he'd be in the mood but still I felt like it had to have something else to get in the mood, like he'd only be ready after being on his phone or if his office/bathroom for a while. Or right when he'd come home from work. I still felt like I couldn't get him in the mood.
Lately at night he has been going out to the living room before bed saying he was too hot in the room, which I understood because he gets hot easy and I get cold so I always have multiple blankets. We sleep with separate blankets for that reason, which other people said is weird for a couple but I'm fine with it as long as I get my blankets.
As more of a joke I asked him if he goes to the couch to jerk off and then come back to bed. He said yes sometime. Which again hurt. I'm right here! What do I have to do to get some dick! He said he didn't want to lie and say no but he also didn't want to hurt my feelings.
I just don't know what to do anymore, I just want him to look at ME and see something he wants. I want him to want me. I want him to see me and think how sexy I am and want me. Am I not good enough? Do I gross him out? Have a done something to make him not want that from me? I am chubby, but he said he likes chubby girls and I never felt insecure about it till all this...What do I do?
submitted by Content-Following202 to whatdoIdo [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:01 Marc_wastheone The Comprehensive Dynamics of Showering

Showering is a multifaceted hygienic practice that integrates numerous complex processes involving physics, chemistry, and physiology, all orchestrated within a controlled aquatic environment. The typical environment for showering is engineered through a sophisticated plumbing system designed to deliver water via an elevated nozzle or series of nozzles known collectively as a showerhead. The manipulation of valves or taps that regulate the flow and temperature of the water is critical, ensuring an optimal balance for both thermoregulation and mechanical cleansing of the epidermis.
When an individual initiates the showering process by adjusting these valves, they enable the precise control of water temperature and pressure. The interaction between water, modifiable to various thermal states, and the skin—the body’s largest organ—occurs through laminar and turbulent flow dynamics. These dynamics enhance the mechanical agitation necessary to dislodge sebum, sweat, dead skin cells, and particulate matter accumulated from daily environmental exposure. Gravitational forces aid in transporting these impurities away from the body, directing them towards the drainage system that efficiently disposes of such waste.
The mechanical aspect of showering is augmented by a significant chemical component involving surfactants and emulsifying agents found in cleansing products like soaps and shampoos. These agents reduce water's surface tension, allowing it to more effectively penetrate and dissolve oils and hydrophobic substances present on the skin and hair. Surfactants operate by forming micelles around oil particles, encapsulating them, and facilitating their removal during rinsing. These chemical interactions are pivotal in disrupting the lipid bilayer of microorganisms, thereby exerting a powerful antimicrobial effect, which is essential for maintaining overall hygiene and health.
The physiological response to showering is equally intricate. Exposure to varying water temperatures induces vasodilation or vasoconstriction, contingent on whether the water is warm or cold. Warm water typically causes blood vessels to dilate, enhancing blood flow and promoting a sense of relaxation. In contrast, cold water can cause vasoconstriction, which invigorates the body by increasing alertness. Thermoreceptors in the skin detect these temperature changes, triggering a cascade of neural responses that influence the body's homeostasis and contribute to the subjective experience of comfort or rejuvenation.
The act of scrubbing during a shower adds another layer of complexity. Repetitive rubbing and scrubbing the skin stimulates the somatosensory system, potentially triggering the release of endorphins, the body's natural painkillers, leading to a sensation of well-being. Tactile stimulation from scrubbing also promotes lymphatic drainage, aiding in toxin removal from the body and enhancing overall immune response. This physical interaction with the skin is not merely about cleanliness but also plays a role in maintaining physiological and psychological balance.
Moreover, showering has significant psychological benefits. The routine can provide a meditative and reflective time, allowing individuals to mentally prepare for the day ahead or unwind from daily activities. The combination of physical cleansing and mental clarity achieved through showering can significantly contribute to an individual's mental health and emotional stability. This dual benefit underscores the importance of showering beyond mere hygiene.
From a biochemical perspective, the interaction between water and skin initiates numerous reactions. When water contacts the skin, it softens the keratinocytes—the primary type of cells in the epidermis—making it easier to remove dirt and dead cells. The role of water temperature in these processes is critical; hot water can open pores and allow deeper cleansing, while cold water can close pores and tighten the skin, offering different therapeutic effects.
The use of various cleansing products introduces additional chemical interactions. Shampoos and conditioners, often containing specific pH-balanced formulas, interact with hair cuticles, ensuring that the hair shaft remains smooth and manageable. These products frequently contain proteins, vitamins, and minerals designed to nourish the hair and scalp, emphasizing the showering process's role in comprehensive personal care.
Additionally, the aromatherapy aspect of showering should not be overlooked. Many shower products include essential oils and fragrances that can affect mood and well-being. Lavender, for instance, is known for its calming properties, while citrus scents can invigorate and energize. These olfactory stimuli interact with the brain's limbic system, further contributing to the psychological benefits of showering.
Environmental factors also play a role in the showering experience. The design and ambiance of the shower space—lighting, color schemes, and even the materials used—can influence the overall experience. Modern shower systems often include features such as adjustable spray patterns, rainfall showerheads, and even integrated music systems, all designed to enhance the sensory experience and provide a personalized bathing ritual.
Water conservation and sustainability are increasingly important considerations in the design and use of shower systems. Innovations such as low-flow showerheads and systems that recycle greywater are becoming more prevalent, reflecting a growing awareness of environmental impact. These advancements ensure that the practice of showering can be maintained sustainably without compromising the comprehensive benefits it offers.
The societal and cultural dimensions of showering are also noteworthy. Showering practices vary widely across different cultures and historical periods, reflecting diverse beliefs about cleanliness, health, and social norms. In some cultures, communal bathing practices are an integral part of social life and tradition, highlighting the role of bathing in community bonding and cultural identity.
From a historical perspective, the evolution of bathing practices—from ancient Roman baths to modern showers—illustrates the changing perceptions of hygiene and the technological advancements that have shaped our current practices. Innovations in plumbing and water heating have transformed showering from a luxury into a daily necessity for many people worldwide.
Showering also intersects with healthcare and therapeutic practices. Hydrotherapy, the use of water in various forms to treat illness and maintain health, has been practiced for centuries. Modern adaptations of hydrotherapy can be found in therapeutic showers designed to aid in rehabilitation and recovery, showcasing the intersection of hygiene and medical care.
In conclusion, showering is a complex and multi-dimensional practice that extends far beyond basic hygiene. It involves an intricate interplay of physical, chemical, and physiological processes that contribute to overall cleanliness, health, and well-being. The benefits of showering are holistic, encompassing physical cleansing, mental clarity, relaxation, invigoration, and even social and cultural significance. As such, it remains a fundamental daily ritual that supports both individual health and broader societal practices.
submitted by Marc_wastheone to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:00 The_Ineffable_Sage Another day of trading sideways

Another day of trading sideways
Don’t forget the math. We’re trading sideways. It’s about perspective. We’re finally the casino, and the laws of math say house always wins. We have infinite time, and they have finite supply of money (like walking into a casino with $100. The casino will eventually get that $100, no matter how much you win, and they can’t leave the casino)
To adjust a Pirates of the Caribbean quote: " No doubt you've discovered that currency is no longer the currency of the realm, as your hedge funds believe. Then what is? Time is the currency of the realm.”
And we’re younger than those old dragons sitting on their ill gotten hordes, separating the workers from the means of production, creating a system that beats a dead horse into bone meal and sells it to the highest bidder as fertilizer to grow more injustices.
So hold. DRS. Book. Vote. And be patient. Put your shares in your will to your children. They will not give up their thrones for jail cells. This is how it happens.
And shopping. How many hours have you spent playing your favorite game from GameStop? What did that cost you? $0.08 an hour? That $5 coffee you guzzled down in 15 minutes this morning cost you $20 an hour. Go buy a plushie or treat yourself to a new game if you need a fix to feel good.
These price fluctuations aren’t it. It gets old. Fast. I’m not phased by these price shifts, because I know it’s bullshit. I’ve been watching the price and the news for 3 years, and they’re not correlated.
The system is rigged. So bunker down, and don’t give them your energy.
Get zen. It’s rocket fuel, and we need a lot of fuel if we’re taking EVERYONE to the moon with us.
Disclaimer: I’m not a money guy. I’m a philosopher. I studied morals and ethics. So I can’t tell you what to do, but I can tell you you’re not alone.
TL; DR: me either, so sorry for typos.
submitted by The_Ineffable_Sage to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:00 artsyrvmen Need an evaluation of where I’m at

Hello, I‘m a rising junior who wants to attend a top 10 school for economics. Sometimes, I feel delusional. I would really appreciate some feedback on where I’m at and the plans I have. If anyone has any tips or programs that they would recommend, I would love to hear those too! My main extracurricular is the violin.
Academics: 4.0 UW, 5.0 W, 35 ACT (will retake + take SAT next year probably), high chance of 5s on AP macroeconomics (self studied) and AP world history. APs for the next 2 years will probably be Calc BC, Lang, US History, Gov, Microeconomics (self-studied), Stats (may replace with topics, which isn‘t an AP), Psychology (possibly self-studied), Bio, Physics C, Lit, Spanish, and Compsci A
  1. Seated concertmaster at high school orchestra, winner of concerto competition (will win again in senior year) and played a solo
  2. Soloed with a university orchestra, numerous prizes and accolades in other competitions (mainly local but a few national level), another solo recital coming up, performed at city’s music festival
  3. Recently accepted into a chamber music group that has advanced to the semifinals of an international competition, a very good chance of advancing further this year
  4. Plans to try for the National YoungArts awards for music, Scholastic Awards for visual arts
  5. Will be starting an automated Etsy shop to sell prints of my artwork
  6. Will be a 4 year varsity athlete in golf, on the state championship starting lineup, placed third and first at state as a team
  7. Planning summer book clubs and tutoring services for youth in the community. Book clubs will be focused on building critical thinking skills with literature from many time periods. All profits from tutoring will go to organizations that help children with literacy and education
  8. Leadership at UNICEF and Tri-M, large service clubs at my school
  9. Artist for the school newspaper, many spreads sent to competitions
  10. Plans for summer research with an economics professor
  11. Musical volunteer at my church. Every week, we perform at mass. Recently, I have gotten offers to perform at other churches.
I have a growing interest in mathematics, so next year I will work hard to try and make our school’s state math team. Might not work out though. I also have plans to start a social sciences club at our school, but honestly I feel like I have enough on my plate already. I am also uncertain about summer programs to apply to, as I feel like it is too late to do many more.
submitted by artsyrvmen to ApplyingIvyLeague [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:58 Dagelmusic Math involvement in UT?

Recently accepted an offer as a UT inspector trainee (this is my first foray into NDT in general) and from my research out of all methods UT in particular is the most math heavy? Is it doable from someone who is bad at math? For some context to the bad at math statement I graduated high school back in 2015 and my senior year only ever made it to algebra 2 (which I had failed) and haven’t used much of any math beyond simple addition subtraction multiplication and division since then. Throughout my life/school career in general growing up I always had a math tutor to help me with my math classes growing up.
Is this career field for someone detailed above a death sentence for me?
submitted by Dagelmusic to nondestructivetesting [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:57 Dagelmusic Math involvement in UT?

Recently accepted an offer as a UT inspector trainee (this is my first foray into NDT in general) and from my research out of all methods UT in particular is the most math heavy? Is it doable from someone who is bad at math? For some context to the bad at math statement I graduated high school back in 2015 and my senior year only ever made it to algebra 2 (which I had failed) and haven’t used much of any math beyond simple addition subtraction multiplication and division since then. Throughout my life/school career in general growing up I always had a math tutor to help me with my math classes growing up.
Is this career field for someone detailed above a death sentence for me?
submitted by Dagelmusic to NdT [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:49 Embarrassed_Ad_660 I made this one for my husband...

...and he had absolutely zero interest in actually doing it lol! So instead I'll share it here.
Because it was for my husband it doesn't really follow the standard "patterns", but I think it should still be relatively straightforward.
Hints: Category 1: >! Heroes in a half shell! !< Category 2: >! Oh look, a painting. !< Category 3: >! They don't ALL date 25 year olds !< Category 4: >! The math is mathing !<
submitted by Embarrassed_Ad_660 to NYTConnections [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:48 That_Anonymous_One [F4M (24F here)] 18+ Fantasy advance-lit roleplay partner search! "The Lost Princess"

The continent of Gêde is a sprawling land of diverse biomes, vegetation, and different walks of life. Humans, animals, fairies, orcs, vampires. All sorts of creatures inhabit the land and over thousands of years, have formed civilizations, villages, and kingdoms.
There are three prominent kingdoms in Gêde. In the northwestern temperate regions lies the kingdom of [writer’s choice]. In the northeast mountain ranges of Gêde lies Sovia, a kingdom of ice and snow, which is ruled by powerful warlords and greedy kings.Sovia is inhabited by frost giants, yetis, and uldra. But the monarchy consists of a long lineage of Vampyres who have taken favor of the sprawling, mineral-rich land and everlasting arctic nights. Down towards the tropical Niraqian Sea stretches the smaller peninsula kingdom of Al-Khuna. This kingdom, fertile by the sun and sea, is dominated by humans and sun elves on land and Suvannamacchi—mermaid-like creatures—in the sea. Al-Khuna was particularly rich in spices, exotic vegetation, silks, and it was said to have had enough gold to make the sun god himself jealous of the kingdom’s radiance.
Well. that was 100 years ago.
For the last century, the royal Al-Khunian kings of the family Farashi had made some…rather critical financial decisions, mostly driven by greed, ignorance, and arrogance. It was always rumored by the other neighboring kingdoms that one day Al-Khuna would collapse under its own rule. The economy was rapidly beginning to collapse. The frivolous spending, greed, and ignorance of the late Raja, his father before him, and his father before him had plunged the land into its downfall. The entire kingdom had gone into a deep famine, and poverty was running rampant. Even as the old generations of the royal family died off and the new generations were coronated, no one could solve the famine. Drought plagued the land, and trading ports were not outputting enough goods to bring in profit. Al-Khuna was growing desperate.
The Raja should have approached the king in the northwest for help. Perhaps then, Al-Khuna might have been saved. But no. Stupidly, Al-Khuna had struck a deal with Sovia.
All Sovia needed to do was provide food and money and the Al-Khunians would sell their services in any way possible, but more conflicts were arising. The Sovians would demand services and goods that the Al-Khunians did not want to provide, but the Sovians were demanding more payment than what was originally agreed upon. Contracts were broken, and loopholes were taken advantage of. The Raja of Al-Khuna made impulsive mistakes that ultimately left too many vital parts of Al-Khuna as collateral.
A war broke out, but Sovia was too powerful. The Raja of Al-Khuna was too proud to surrender, and when he and his Rani were finally assassinated by the Sovians, every kingdom in Gêde watched as Al-Khuna fell under Sovian control.
The only ones of the Farashi line that were spared were the young Prince Adan and his baby sister Princess Iirana, who were ordered by the Sovians to be taken far away where they would not cause any trouble. It was against Sovian morals, of course, to spare children when decimating an entire country.
Prince Adan remembered the massacre, however, and as his birthright to the throne, he planned well into his adulthood how to regain control of Al-Khuna.
The Prompt:
"Go! GO! Into the woods!" The booming voice of the prince was nearly drowned out by the sounds of screams, cannons, metal clashing against metal, and destruction. Another battle was raging mercilessly, this time right in the heart of Al-Khuna... It started as a failed assassination attempt on the Sovian prince, who was to marry Princess Iirana—who was now 21. It was all planned out by Prince Adan to regain control of Al-Khuna. They were to arrange matrimony between Prince Veric and Princess Iirana. They were to meet during the Festival of Lights, an annual Al-Khunian traditional party held every Summer Solstice. Iirana was to seduce him, take him somewhere private, and kill him with a kiss with the nightshade painted on her lips.
The Sovian guards saw right through the plan, and all hell broke loose.
Iirana and Adan managed to flee the palace. Shouts and commands could be heard somewhere in the disarray of the battle as Sovian soldiers attempted to track and pursue them. Adan grabbed Iirana's hand and led her through the fray. They ran for what seemed like hours, and they had almost made it to the edge of the kingdom before the prince collapsed with a painful thud. "Adan?" Iirana's eyes widened at the sight of a Sovian arrow impaling right through his leg. He sucked in a sharp breath and yelled through his teeth, "Don't wait for me! Into the woods, Iirana, NOW!!"
She wanted to protest, she wanted to drag him with her, but she knew better, and she fought herself as she fled far into the forest. Far, far away from the raging battle, the screams, the clashing of weapons, and the collapse of buildings on fire. She did not look back to see what had become of her brother.
Al-Khuna was destroyed. The Sovians would make sure there was nothing left for Iirana to return to. The only direction she could go for another safe civilization was northwest across the entire continent.
And that she did.

The scene:
“Your Highness! My Lord!” Rowan, The captain of the Royal Guard of the northwestern castle barged into the throne room, interrupting the business his king was attending to. He never behaved in such a manner, and certainly never barged in without a formal announcement. His eyes seemed wide with confusion and urgency, and behind him, two guards were slowly escorting a female figure between them.
“Please forgive me for this sudden intrusion, my lord, but—” Rowan turned his head to watch as his armored men came closer, and the figure slowly becoming more visible to their ruler on the throne.
They had her held firm by arms, but she was not cuffed. She did not seem to struggle either, but rather allowed them to guide her where they wanted her. She was young. Human. Although like no human in this kingdom. She was dressed in a ragged gray peasant dress and black cloak. Her skin was a dark olive tone, as if kissed by the sun god himself. Her fingers and hands were adorned with swirling intricate curlicues of a faded red stain. Her feet were bare, painted with the same patterns. Her hair was thick and falling over her shoulders like tendrils of endless black night. Her dark downcast amber eyes seemed…tired. Empty. Dark circles plagued her gaunt face; it was clear that she hadn’t eaten in some time, it seemed like she hadn’t slept in…months. The tightness of her pupils resembled that of an old warrior, one who had seen death and was forever haunted by the horrors of the past.
This was not a normal girl. Not one that was from anywhere near here.
“My lord,” Rowan straightened as he spoke. “She says she is from Al-Khuna. Says she had been traveling for several months. Says she fled from a Sovian attack. They’d apparently done a massacre. Says she escaped.” He spoke rapidly, trying to recount everything that she had told the guards when she initially approached the castle. They didn’t believe her at first, but upon looking at her foreign appearance, they knew they needed to get her to the king right away for his judgment. After that encounter, however, she hadn’t said another word. The exhaustion was simply too much.
After Rowan spoke, the young woman slowly raised her head to meet the king’s eyes. As exhausted as she appeared, there was a certain look about her. There was a certain fire in her eyes that told him that she did indeed come from a powerful line. And she had seen things that only true hell could produce.
My HARD Rules:
I only roleplay on Discord.
I roleplay in 3rd person only.
Advance-lit only. I write with detail and flesh out 2 to 3, sometimes even 5-paragraph responses. I expect my partner to hold the same writing standard.
You must be 18+. This roleplay will contain adult themes like gore, violence, and possibly sexual themes.
I am in US Central Time.
Explore your creative freedom! You'll be playing the "leader" of the northwestern kingdom (you get to name the kingdom as well), whether that be king, prince, emperor, or whatever you'd like to call your character. Have your kingdom be any race you want! Humans, elves, orcs, vampires, etc., or make up your very own! They can of course have magic or any other special traits that you'd like. This is your domain to play with.
Thank you for reading this rather long prompt. If you are interested, please message or DM me through Reddit with your RESPONSE to the prompt, as if you are starting the roleplay with me. I want to see how your writing is and if you are what I’m looking for. If you are not interested, thank you anyway for your time, and happy roleplaying!
submitted by That_Anonymous_One to RoleplayPartnerSearch [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:45 higurashi0793 ENFJ Guide from a Jungian Perspective

Hello! I've seen that a lot of people are confused about ENFJs and how exactly we work, and considering that there are many websites with different —even contradictory— concepts and definitions of ENFJ, I wanted to provide one closer to what Carl Jung first described in Psychological Types in 1921. I hope this will help people gain a wider perspective of our type, and clear up some associated misconceptions.
But, before we begin, there are some concepts and questions that need to be addressed first:
Are websites like 16 Personalities reliable? What about tests?
📣 No, they aren't. 16 Personalities has wildly different concepts about types, and most importantly: while it's not outright stated, their personality model isn't based on jungian functions or the types Myers-Briggs described in Gifts Differing in 1980. Their test and type description is based on the Big Five personality model, which is something else on its own. You can check this in more detail on their FAQ page. If you used 16p to discover your type, there's a high chance it may not be the same type as what Jung or Myers-Briggs describe in their respective books. Other websites and tests may also handle different concepts, so take their results with a grain of salt.
If tests and websites are unreliable, how can I be sure of my type?
📣 By reading! I'm afraid that there isn't a quick shortcut to instantly know yourself and what type best fits you. Knowing your type is a journey in itself, full of self-reflection and doubt. It's hard, but very rewarding. However, if you are doing this just for fun, feel free to take any popular tests floating around.
I am friendly and outgoing, but sometimes I need space. Am I INFJ or ENFJ?
📣 Social extraversion/introversion and cognitive extraversion/introversion are two different things. Jung managed his concepts and descriptions of different psychological phenomena and gave them different meanings from what we're familiar with. I know, it's confusing. But I'll do my best to clear up what he actually meant later on, so don't worry!
Where are you getting all this information?
📣 Psychological Types, by Carl Jung. I also have Gifts Differing: Understanding Personality Type by Isabel Briggs Myers with Peter B. Myer, however, I am not fond of Myers-Briggs' interpretation of Jung's writings. In my opinion, it's an oversimplified version of types and functions, and she displayed an obvious intuitive bias in her book. Another book that's popular is Lectures on Jung's Typology by Marie-Louise von Franz, who also worked together with Jung to describe types and functions. However, be warned: by her own admission, she dislikes Fe-dom types and her description of ExFJ is rather insulting, so expect some bias as well.
Before we begin talking about what is ENFJ, we have to understand Jung's word salad and what he meant with all these concepts and descriptions. It takes a lot of patience and effort to understand Psychological Types, because as you may know (or not!), psychology is a relatively new science, and many of its roots come from philosophy, anthropology, and even religion. Jung refers to a lot of other authors, philosophers, and other literary figures to describe what he believed were "personality types".
What was the goal with all this? Well, Carl Jung was a Swiss psychoanalyst, and by associating certain patterns of behavior with different mental illnesses, he aimed to make their diagnosis easier for other psychiatrists. So, understandably, Psychological Types is full of technical language that may be hard to understand for anyone who isn't already familiar with the field of psychology. This is why a lot of other websites and other authors, while relying on Jung to describe types, tend to water down concepts and inevitably miss some important context that can't be properly explained until you take the effort to read the entire thing. That's why we have like 10 different descriptions of the same type or functions floating around.
Jung associated Fe-types like ENFJ or ESFJ with hysteria. Of course, this was back in the 19th century, and the target of this diagnosis was almost always women. Thankfully, it's no longer an official mental illness.
⚠️ An important consideration: most of the original texts that laid the foundation for MBTI to exist are from the early 19th century. Expect a lot of sexism and traditional gender roles.
"It may seem superfluous to the reader if I add a special chapter on definitions of terms to the text of my study. However, I have had ample experience of the fact that it is precisely in psychological works that one cannot be careful enough with terms and expressions, since it is precisely in the field of psychology, as nowhere else, that the greatest variations of terms occur, which often give rise to the most stubborn misunderstandings." Jung, Carl. Psychological Types (p. 476).
I will not be listing every single concept, because it'd take the entirety of this post and even more to explain what everything means. I'll list the most common ones that show up when describing types.
🫂 Extravertion and Intravertion:
"If we look at the course of a human life, we see how the destinies of one person are more conditioned by the objects of his interests, while the destinies of another are more conditioned by his own inner being, by his subject. As we all deviate somewhat more to one side or the other, we are naturally inclined to understand everything in terms of our own type." Jung, Carl. Psychological Types (p. 4)
As I said before, extraversion and introversion have different meanings in this area, so when we talk about an extraverted type, we mean to say that it's a type whose dominant function is an extraverted one. To understand better what is an extraverted function, we need to have two vital concepts in mind: subject and object.
🌎 The object, in this concept, is anything that exists outside your mind: it may be the world, it may be people, it may be experiences, it may be sensations, anything that is not inherently part of you. It may be what's happening in your environment, or the environment in itself. It's the external, that which exists without needing any additional interpretation or guessing.
👤 The subject is you. Your mind, your feelings, your values, your logic, your impressions, your subjective interpretation of ideas or people or what's happening around you. Anything that is purely personal, be it your inner understanding of how things fit together, your interpretation of a painting, your like or dislike of a song, etc. Your subjective experiences or thoughts, that's the subject.
In a way, it's you, the subject vs. the world, the object. Of course, there's much more to this, but this is the easiest way I can explain it. You'll see these two concepts popping around because they're the very foundation of functions.
"But every human being possesses both mechanisms, extraversion and introversion, and only the relative predominance of one or the other determines the type." Jung, Carl. Psychological Types (p. 5).
Extraversion and Introversion, as I was saying before, are defined by what's your disposition towards the external world vs. the inner self. If your decisions are mostly influenced by what's happening outside your mind, then we are talking about an extrovert. If your decisions are influenced by your own inner world, regardless of what's happening outside of it, then we talk about an introvert.
"If the orientation towards the object and the objectively given prevails in such a way that the most frequent and most important decisions and actions are not conditioned by subjective views but by objective conditions, we speak of an extraverted attitude. If this is habitual, we speak of an extraverted type. If someone thinks, feels and acts, in a word, lives in a way that directly corresponds to objective circumstances and their requirements, in both a good and a bad sense, then they are extraverted. He lives in such a way that it is obvious that the object as a determining factor plays a greater role in his consciousness than his subjective view. Certainly he has subjective views, but their determining power is less than that of external objective conditions." Jung, Carl. Psychological Types (pp. 384-385).
It's important to know that Jung initially described only four functions: Feeling, Thinking, Intuition, and Sensing. These functions would be either extraverted or introverted depending on how they relate to the external, objective world vs. the inner, subjective world. For example, Extraverted Feeling (Fe) is an extraverted feeling function because it favors the external feeling environment over more personal, subjective feelings that only belong to the subject.
In contrast, the introvert prefers to make decisions based on their inner self, on their personal views and convictions, regardless of what's happening around them. Someone whose function is introverted will not value the outside world a lot, and feels like is a threat to them:
"The introvert has an abstract attitude towards the object; basically, he is always anxious to withdraw his libido from the object, as if he had to prevent the object from overpowering him." Jung, Carl. Psychological Types (p. 380).
Now that we have some basic concepts cleared out, I hope understanding the Extraverted Feeling type is a bit easier. I want to start by how Jung described Fe:
"Feeling in the extraverted attitude is oriented towards the objectively given, i.e. the object is the indispensable determinant of the way of feeling. It is in accordance with objective values. Whoever knows feeling only as a subjective fact will not readily understand the nature of extraverted feeling, because extraverted feeling has freed itself as far as possible from the subjective factor and has instead subjected itself entirely to the influence of the object." Jung, Carl. Psychological Types (p. 411).
❗️We have to understand here that feelings are not emotions. Under this context, feeling is what we either accept or reject, what we value or not, how do we feel about something. An emotion, in this context, is something that causes a bodily response: if you feel angry, your heartbeat increases, your arms shake, and your face turns red. If you feel sad, you'll start crying and shaking. If you feel happy, your heartbeat increases and you smile. In contrast, just liking or disliking something may or may not make you react in any way. For example, let's say that you have an intense dislike of a celebrity. You don't start shaking and crying just because you dislike that celebrity. But what if you're a fan of a certain band? If you listen to one of their songs, you may start feeling happy. In both of these cases, we have two concepts floating around: a "feeling" (disliking a celebrity or liking a band) and an "emotion" that may be a reaction to that feeling (feeling happy when listening to your favorite band).
Feeling types usually have this misconception going around that we're emotional wrecks and can't think logically. This misunderstanding comes from the confusion that Feeling means being emotional. And while a feeling can give rise to an emotion, it's not emotion in itself, these are two different things. To put it simply: Feelings are values, and emotions are reactions to those values.
Now, to continue on how Jung described Fe, he gave a great example of how this type of Feeling is influenced by the outside world:
"I can feel compelled to use the predicate "beautiful" or "good", not because I find the object "beautiful" or "good" out of subjective feeling, but because it is appropriate to call it "beautiful" or "good"; and appropriate insofar as a judgment to the contrary would somehow disturb the general emotional situation. Such an appropriate emotional judgment is by no means a simulation or even a lie, but an act of fitting in. Thus, for example, a painting may be called "beautiful" because a painting hung in a salon and signed with a well-known name is generally assumed to be "beautiful", or because the predicate "ugly" could offend the family of the happy owner, or because the intention on the part of the visitor is to create a pleasant emotional atmosphere, for which it is necessary that everything is felt to be pleasant. Such feelings are directed according to objective determinants. As such, they are genuine and represent the entire visible feeling function." Jung, Carl. Psychological Types (pp. 411-412).
A common misunderstanding surrounding Fe, and by extension Fe types, is that Fe is by nature insincere and fake, and that we're double-faced and superficial. But I think of it differently: if your friend got a bad haircut and they look terrible, is it dishonest to say that it isn't that bad if it comes from an honest intention of not wanting to hurt their feelings over something they can't change? Do you always need to tell people what you think, regardless of how it may affect them? I think honesty without kindness is just cruelty.
But, moving on!
"The evaluations made through the act of feeling correspond either directly to objective values or at least to certain traditional and generally accepted standards of value. It is largely due to this kind of feeling that so many people go to the theater or to a concert or to church with properly measured positive feelings. It is also to thank for the fashions, and what is far more valuable, the positive and widespread support of social, philanthropic and other cultural endeavors. In these things, extraverted feeling proves to be a creative factor. Without this feeling, for example, beautiful and harmonious sociability is unthinkable. In this respect, extraverted feeling is just as beneficial and rational a power as extraverted thinking." Jung, Carl. Psychological Types (p. 412)
To me, Fe represents that desire for human connection, to feel community, to think about others. We live in an age where hyperindividualism is encouraged everywhere, to care about yourself only, to isolate and disregard anyone who doesn't make you feel good. If that kind of mindset is pushed constantly by corporations and influencers, a lot of people will have a hard time understanding something like Fe, since it opposes everything hyperindividualism stands for. It's frustrating, but I think it's also not surprising to see a lot of people in the MBTI community having an intense dislike of Fe types, especially Fe-dom types, because of this. The idea that only you, as an individual, matter, is so prevalent that for some people, caring about something other than yourself is just dumb.
⚠️ Another thing to take in mind is that Jung determines the dominant function by what we value the most. By this, it means that your intention is what matters, not the results. For example, a socially awkward person can be an ENFJ as long as they value the outside feeling environment over everything else, no matter how clumsy they may be at it. We tend to think of ENFJ as mind-readers, masters of socialization, or community leaders, and it certainly can be the case! But, just as the ENFJ can be a well-loved, charismatic therapist, it can also be the nervous shrinking violet who awkwardly tries to please people around them. We often make the mistake of measuring someone's preference of a function by how "skilled" they are at it, by how much positive results come from them using that function, when in reality, you can be an absolute dimwit and still be a Ti-dom. Your dominant function is always the one that dictates your decisions, regardless of the results of those decisions.
Now, as with all functions, Extraverted Feeling has its dark side.
"However, this beneficial effect is lost as soon as the object gains excessive influence. In this case, the overly extraverted feeling draws the personality too much into the object, i.e. the object assimilates the person, whereby the personal character of the feeling, which is its main stimulus, is lost. This makes the feeling cold, objective and untrustworthy. It betrays a secret intention, or at least arouses such suspicions in the unbiased observer. It no longer makes that pleasant and refreshing impression which always accompanies a genuine feeling, but one senses posturing or acting, when perhaps the egocentric intention is still quite unconscious." Jung, Carl. Psychological Types (pp. 412-413).
It's possible to care too much. When Fe gains excessive influence over the psyche, it places so much value on harmonious relationships that it comes at the detriment of the subject. Unhealthy Fe demands that you adapt to every single social environment, to make sure to please everyone, and to sacrifice your personhood in favor of the external feeling world. This is why the unhealthy Fe user comes across as fake and dishonest: it's impossible to be a different person to fit in with different social settings without sacrificing your integrity.
"Since situations in life constantly alternate with one another, triggering different or even contrasting emotional tones, the personality dissolves into just as many different feelings. One time you are one thing, the next time something completely different - apparently, because in reality such a diversity of personality is impossible." Jung, Carl. Psychological Types (p. 415).
When we talk about types turning unhealthy or acting in erratic or destructive ways, we also have to talk about their inferior function. After all, is your inferior function that keeps your dominant function in check, so to speak. Your inferior function is a sensible counterpart that, while it opposes your dominant function, it provides a different perspective, like another voice that says "yes, but..." to anything you say. This is the role of Introverted Thinking (Ti).
❗️Contrary to popular belief, inferior Ti is not when you lack intelligence, logic, or intellect. To begin with, Thinking isn't related to intelligence. It can lead to it, but just like Feeling can lead to emotions, it ultimately isn't emotions in itself. In the same way, Thinking can lead to intelligence, but it isn't intelligence in itself. It's a process of thought, not the result of that thought. For example, you can think about a math problem, but that thinking may not necessarily lead to a correct answer.
The relationship between the dominant function and the inferior function is the most important one. If the balance between the two functions is disturbed, it leads to destructive or toxic behaviors, or as how Jung called it, neurosis. So what is the relationship between Ti and Fe?
"You can only feel "right" if nothing else disturbs your feelings. But nothing disturbs feeling as much as thinking. It is therefore easy to understand why thinking is suppressed as much as possible in this type of person. This is by no means to say that such a woman does not think at all; on the contrary, she may think a great deal and very intelligently, but her thinking is never sui generis, but an epimetheic appendage of her feeling. As far as feeling permits, she can think very well, but any conclusion, however logical, which might lead to a result disturbing to feeling, is rejected a limine. It is simply not thought." Jung, Carl. Psychological Types (p. 414)
Thinking is the opposing force to Feeling. And for a type that values Feeling the most, it's only to be expected that it tries to suppress Thinking the most. If a logical thought has the power to disturb the social harmony, the average or unhealthy ENFJ will do their best to pretend it isn't there. But it's impossible to completely suppress a part of your mind. The thoughts that you're desperately trying to push away, will always come back in different forms:
"Unconscious thinking reaches the surface in the form of ideas, often of an obsessive nature, whose general character is always negative and devaluing. There are therefore moments in women of this type when the worst thoughts attach themselves to the very objects that the feeling values most highly. Negative thinking makes use of all infantile prejudices or comparisons that are suitable for casting doubt on the value of feelings, and it draws on all primitive instincts in order to be able to explain feelings as "nothing but". Jung, Carl. Psychological Types (p. 417).
By this, Jung means that the suppressed Ti will leak out in the form of harsh criticism, prejudice, or comparing people according to unreasonable expectations of them, destroying the previously positive feelings about them. Basically, Ti will turn destructive, making the usually pleasant ENFJ assume the worst out of someone.
All of the above paints a picture of a dishonest, paranoid, and troubled ENFJ. They're desperate to win people over, to make everyone happy, but they have lost themselves in this desire and sacrificed their integrity to the point they sound hollow, they lack substance, and the more they try, the less convincing they are. At the same time, their inferior Ti makes them think all sorts of terrible things about the people around them, and they start doubting their relationships and the sincerity of the people they love.
🫂 I will be making a part two later describing Ni from Jung's perspective and how to tell ENFJ and INFJ apart. Ni is kind of tricky to describe, especially as an auxiliary function, but I'm sure it'll help a lot of people who may be confused about their type! Also, the majority of what I described above can be applied to the ENFJ's sensor counterpart, ESFJ. And as I said before, Jung only described four functions and eight personality types, which later expanded to 16 personality types under Myers-Briggs system, therefore there isn't a "function stack" to speak of right now, but I can do my best to describe the closest thing we have to it from Psychological Types.
I hope this was helpful. Thank you for reading! 💖
submitted by higurashi0793 to enfj [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:44 That_Anonymous_One [F4M (24F here)] 18+ Fantasy advance-lit roleplay partner search! "The Lost Princess"

The continent of Gêde is a sprawling land of diverse biomes, vegetation, and different walks of life. Humans, animals, fairies, orcs, vampires. All sorts of creatures inhabit the land and over thousands of years, have formed civilizations, villages, and kingdoms.
There are three prominent kingdoms in Gêde. In the northwestern temperate regions lies the kingdom of [writer’s choice]. In the northeast mountain ranges of Gêde lies Sovia, a kingdom of ice and snow, which is ruled by powerful warlords and greedy kings.Sovia is inhabited by frost giants, yetis, and uldra. But the monarchy consists of a long lineage of Vampyres who have taken favor of the sprawling, mineral-rich land and everlasting arctic nights. Down towards the tropical Niraqian Sea stretches the smaller peninsula kingdom of Al-Khuna. This kingdom, fertile by the sun and sea, is dominated by humans and sun elves on land and Suvannamacchi—mermaid-like creatures—in the sea. Al-Khuna was particularly rich in spices, exotic vegetation, silks, and it was said to have had enough gold to make the sun god himself jealous of the kingdom’s radiance.
Well. that was 100 years ago.
For the last century, the royal Al-Khunian kings of the family Farashi had made some…rather critical financial decisions, mostly driven by greed, ignorance, and arrogance. It was always rumored by the other neighboring kingdoms that one day Al-Khuna would collapse under its own rule. The economy was rapidly beginning to collapse. The frivolous spending, greed, and ignorance of the late Raja, his father before him, and his father before him had plunged the land into its downfall. The entire kingdom had gone into a deep famine, and poverty was running rampant. Even as the old generations of the royal family died off and the new generations were coronated, no one could solve the famine. Drought plagued the land, and trading ports were not outputting enough goods to bring in profit. Al-Khuna was growing desperate.
The Raja should have approached the king in the northwest for help. Perhaps then, Al-Khuna might have been saved. But no. Stupidly, Al-Khuna had struck a deal with Sovia.
All Sovia needed to do was provide food and money and the Al-Khunians would sell their services in any way possible, but more conflicts were arising. The Sovians would demand services and goods that the Al-Khunians did not want to provide, but the Sovians were demanding more payment than what was originally agreed upon. Contracts were broken, and loopholes were taken advantage of. The Raja of Al-Khuna made impulsive mistakes that ultimately left too many vital parts of Al-Khuna as collateral.
A war broke out, but Sovia was too powerful. The Raja of Al-Khuna was too proud to surrender, and when he and his Rani were finally assassinated by the Sovians, every kingdom in Gêde watched as Al-Khuna fell under Sovian control.
The only ones of the Farashi line that were spared were the young Prince Adan and his baby sister Princess Iirana, who were ordered by the Sovians to be taken far away where they would not cause any trouble. It was against Sovian morals, of course, to spare children when decimating an entire country.
Prince Adan remembered the massacre, however, and as his birthright to the throne, he planned well into his adulthood how to regain control of Al-Khuna.
The Prompt:
"Go! GO! Into the woods!" The booming voice of the prince was nearly drowned out by the sounds of screams, cannons, metal clashing against metal, and destruction. Another battle was raging mercilessly, this time right in the heart of Al-Khuna... It started as a failed assassination attempt on the Sovian prince, who was to marry Princess Iirana—who was now 21. It was all planned out by Prince Adan to regain control of Al-Khuna. They were to arrange matrimony between Prince Veric and Princess Iirana. They were to meet during the Festival of Lights, an annual Al-Khunian traditional party held every Summer Solstice. Iirana was to seduce him, take him somewhere private, and kill him with a kiss with the nightshade painted on her lips.
The Sovian guards saw right through the plan, and all hell broke loose.
Iirana and Adan managed to flee the palace. Shouts and commands could be heard somewhere in the disarray of the battle as Sovian soldiers attempted to track and pursue them. Adan grabbed Iirana's hand and led her through the fray. They ran for what seemed like hours, and they had almost made it to the edge of the kingdom before the prince collapsed with a painful thud. "Adan?" Iirana's eyes widened at the sight of a Sovian arrow impaling right through his leg. He sucked in a sharp breath and yelled through his teeth, "Don't wait for me! Into the woods, Iirana, NOW!!"
She wanted to protest, she wanted to drag him with her, but she knew better, and she fought herself as she fled far into the forest. Far, far away from the raging battle, the screams, the clashing of weapons, and the collapse of buildings on fire. She did not look back to see what had become of her brother.
Al-Khuna was destroyed. The Sovians would make sure there was nothing left for Iirana to return to. The only direction she could go for another safe civilization was northwest across the entire continent.
And that she did.

The scene:
“Your Highness! My Lord!” Rowan, The captain of the Royal Guard of the northwestern castle barged into the throne room, interrupting the business his king was attending to. He never behaved in such a manner, and certainly never barged in without a formal announcement. His eyes seemed wide with confusion and urgency, and behind him, two guards were slowly escorting a female figure between them.
“Please forgive me for this sudden intrusion, my lord, but—” Rowan turned his head to watch as his armored men came closer, and the figure slowly becoming more visible to their ruler on the throne.
They had her held firm by arms, but she was not cuffed. She did not seem to struggle either, but rather allowed them to guide her where they wanted her. She was young. Human. Although like no human in this kingdom. She was dressed in a ragged gray peasant dress and black cloak. Her skin was a dark olive tone, as if kissed by the sun god himself. Her fingers and hands were adorned with swirling intricate curlicues of a faded red stain. Her feet were bare, painted with the same patterns. Her hair was thick and falling over her shoulders like tendrils of endless black night. Her dark downcast amber eyes seemed…tired. Empty. Dark circles plagued her gaunt face; it was clear that she hadn’t eaten in some time, it seemed like she hadn’t slept in…months. The tightness of her pupils resembled that of an old warrior, one who had seen death and was forever haunted by the horrors of the past.
This was not a normal girl. Not one that was from anywhere near here.
“My lord,” Rowan straightened as he spoke. “She says she is from Al-Khuna. Says she had been traveling for several months. Says she fled from a Sovian attack. They’d apparently done a massacre. Says she escaped.” He spoke rapidly, trying to recount everything that she had told the guards when she initially approached the castle. They didn’t believe her at first, but upon looking at her foreign appearance, they knew they needed to get her to the king right away for his judgment. After that encounter, however, she hadn’t said another word. The exhaustion was simply too much.
After Rowan spoke, the young woman slowly raised her head to meet the king’s eyes. As exhausted as she appeared, there was a certain look about her. There was a certain fire in her eyes that told him that she did indeed come from a powerful line. And she had seen things that only true hell could produce.
My HARD Rules:
I only roleplay on Discord.
I roleplay in 3rd person only.
Advance-lit only. I write with detail and flesh out 2 to 3, sometimes even 5-paragraph responses. I expect my partner to hold the same writing standard.
You must be 18+. This roleplay will contain adult themes like gore, violence, and possibly sexual themes.
I am in US Central Time.
Explore your creative freedom! You'll be playing the "leader" of the northwestern kingdom (you get to name the kingdom as well), whether that be king, prince, emperor, or whatever you'd like to call your character. Have your kingdom be any race you want! Humans, elves, orcs, vampires, etc., or make up your very own! They can of course have magic or any other special traits that you'd like. This is your domain to play with.
Thank you for reading this rather long prompt. If you are interested, please message or DM me through Reddit with your RESPONSE to the prompt, as if you are starting the roleplay with me. I want to see how your writing is and if you are what I’m looking for. If you are not interested, thank you anyway for your time, and happy roleplaying!
submitted by That_Anonymous_One to AdvLiterateRP [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:43 That_Anonymous_One [F4M (24F here)] 18+ Fantasy advance-lit roleplay partner search!

The continent of Gêde is a sprawling land of diverse biomes, vegetation, and different walks of life. Humans, animals, fairies, orcs, vampires. All sorts of creatures inhabit the land and over thousands of years, have formed civilizations, villages, and kingdoms.
There are three prominent kingdoms in Gêde. In the northwestern temperate regions lies the kingdom of [writer’s choice]. In the northeast mountain ranges of Gêde lies Sovia, a kingdom of ice and snow, which is ruled by powerful warlords and greedy kings.Sovia is inhabited by frost giants, yetis, and uldra. But the monarchy consists of a long lineage of Vampyres who have taken favor of the sprawling, mineral-rich land and everlasting arctic nights. Down towards the tropical Niraqian Sea stretches the smaller peninsula kingdom of Al-Khuna. This kingdom, fertile by the sun and sea, is dominated by humans and sun elves on land and Suvannamacchi—mermaid-like creatures—in the sea. Al-Khuna was particularly rich in spices, exotic vegetation, silks, and it was said to have had enough gold to make the sun god himself jealous of the kingdom’s radiance.
Well. that was 100 years ago.
For the last century, the royal Al-Khunian kings of the family Farashi had made some…rather critical financial decisions, mostly driven by greed, ignorance, and arrogance. It was always rumored by the other neighboring kingdoms that one day Al-Khuna would collapse under its own rule. The economy was rapidly beginning to collapse. The frivolous spending, greed, and ignorance of the late Raja, his father before him, and his father before him had plunged the land into its downfall. The entire kingdom had gone into a deep famine, and poverty was running rampant. Even as the old generations of the royal family died off and the new generations were coronated, no one could solve the famine. Drought plagued the land, and trading ports were not outputting enough goods to bring in profit. Al-Khuna was growing desperate.
The Raja should have approached the king in the northwest for help. Perhaps then, Al-Khuna might have been saved. But no. Stupidly, Al-Khuna had struck a deal with Sovia.
All Sovia needed to do was provide food and money and the Al-Khunians would sell their services in any way possible, but more conflicts were arising. The Sovians would demand services and goods that the Al-Khunians did not want to provide, but the Sovians were demanding more payment than what was originally agreed upon. Contracts were broken, and loopholes were taken advantage of. The Raja of Al-Khuna made impulsive mistakes that ultimately left too many vital parts of Al-Khuna as collateral.
A war broke out, but Sovia was too powerful. The Raja of Al-Khuna was too proud to surrender, and when he and his Rani were finally assassinated by the Sovians, every kingdom in Gêde watched as Al-Khuna fell under Sovian control.
The only ones of the Farashi line that were spared were the young Prince Adan and his baby sister Princess Iirana, who were ordered by the Sovians to be taken far away where they would not cause any trouble. It was against Sovian morals, of course, to spare children when decimating an entire country.
Prince Adan remembered the massacre, however, and as his birthright to the throne, he planned well into his adulthood how to regain control of Al-Khuna.
The Prompt:
"Go! GO! Into the woods!" The booming voice of the prince was nearly drowned out by the sounds of screams, cannons, metal clashing against metal, and destruction. Another battle was raging mercilessly, this time right in the heart of Al-Khuna... It started as a failed assassination attempt on the Sovian prince, who was to marry Princess Iirana—who was now 21. It was all planned out by Prince Adan to regain control of Al-Khuna. They were to arrange matrimony between Prince Veric and Princess Iirana. They were to meet during the Festival of Lights, an annual Al-Khunian traditional party held every Summer Solstice. Iirana was to seduce him, take him somewhere private, and kill him with a kiss with the nightshade painted on her lips.
The Sovian guards saw right through the plan, and all hell broke loose.
Iirana and Adan managed to flee the palace. Shouts and commands could be heard somewhere in the disarray of the battle as Sovian soldiers attempted to track and pursue them. Adan grabbed Iirana's hand and led her through the fray. They ran for what seemed like hours, and they had almost made it to the edge of the kingdom before the prince collapsed with a painful thud. "Adan?" Iirana's eyes widened at the sight of a Sovian arrow impaling right through his leg. He sucked in a sharp breath and yelled through his teeth, "Don't wait for me! Into the woods, Iirana, NOW!!"
She wanted to protest, she wanted to drag him with her, but she knew better, and she fought herself as she fled far into the forest. Far, far away from the raging battle, the screams, the clashing of weapons, and the collapse of buildings on fire. She did not look back to see what had become of her brother.
Al-Khuna was destroyed. The Sovians would make sure there was nothing left for Iirana to return to. The only direction she could go for another safe civilization was northwest across the entire continent.
And that she did.

The scene:
“Your Highness! My Lord!” Rowan, The captain of the Royal Guard of the northwestern castle barged into the throne room, interrupting the business his king was attending to. He never behaved in such a manner, and certainly never barged in without a formal announcement. His eyes seemed wide with confusion and urgency, and behind him, two guards were slowly escorting a female figure between them.
“Please forgive me for this sudden intrusion, my lord, but—” Rowan turned his head to watch as his armored men came closer, and the figure slowly becoming more visible to their ruler on the throne.
They had her held firm by arms, but she was not cuffed. She did not seem to struggle either, but rather allowed them to guide her where they wanted her. She was young. Human. Although like no human in this kingdom. She was dressed in a ragged gray peasant dress and black cloak. Her skin was a dark olive tone, as if kissed by the sun god himself. Her fingers and hands were adorned with swirling intricate curlicues of a faded red stain. Her feet were bare, painted with the same patterns. Her hair was thick and falling over her shoulders like tendrils of endless black night. Her dark downcast amber eyes seemed…tired. Empty. Dark circles plagued her gaunt face; it was clear that she hadn’t eaten in some time, it seemed like she hadn’t slept in…months. The tightness of her pupils resembled that of an old warrior, one who had seen death and was forever haunted by the horrors of the past.
This was not a normal girl. Not one that was from anywhere near here.
“My lord,” Rowan straightened as he spoke. “She says she is from Al-Khuna. Says she had been traveling for several months. Says she fled from a Sovian attack. They’d apparently done a massacre. Says she escaped.” He spoke rapidly, trying to recount everything that she had told the guards when she initially approached the castle. They didn’t believe her at first, but upon looking at her foreign appearance, they knew they needed to get her to the king right away for his judgment. After that encounter, however, she hadn’t said another word. The exhaustion was simply too much.
After Rowan spoke, the young woman slowly raised her head to meet the king’s eyes. As exhausted as she appeared, there was a certain look about her. There was a certain fire in her eyes that told him that she did indeed come from a powerful line. And she had seen things that only true hell could produce.
My HARD Rules:
I only roleplay on Discord.
I roleplay in 3rd person only.
Advance-lit only. I write with detail and flesh out 2 to 3, sometimes even 5-paragraph responses. I expect my partner to hold the same writing standard.
You must be 18+. This roleplay will contain adult themes like gore, violence, and possibly sexual themes.
I am in US Central Time.
Explore your creative freedom! You'll be playing the "leader" of the northwestern kingdom (you get to name the kingdom as well), whether that be king, prince, emperor, or whatever you'd like to call your character. Have your kingdom be any race you want! Humans, elves, orcs, vampires, etc., or make up your very own! They can of course have magic or any other special traits that you'd like. This is your domain to play with.
Thank you for reading this rather long prompt. If you are interested, please message or DM me through Reddit with your RESPONSE to the prompt, as if you are starting the roleplay with me. I want to see how your writing is and if you are what I’m looking for. If you are not interested, thank you anyway for your time, and happy roleplaying!
submitted by That_Anonymous_One to roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:33 caps-von [Highly Opinionated]A guide to getting a job in tech startups

Attention -> This guide is highly opinionated, if you're looking for a post from a perspective from a highly experienced dev then you should probably stop reading and check out other posts. I've been working full-time for over 2 years only but I've been a part of startups in different capacities for the past 4 years, either as an intern or a contractofreelancer. Resources might be outdated but still check them out and decide accordingly, but in my opinion you should read my post since, I fall under these buckets ->
  1. NON CS and Tier 2/3/4.. College -> I had 50k+ rank in JEE and was only able to land Civil in a Tier 3 college due to home state quota, later got a circuit branch from branch upgrade.
  2. Off Campus Placement -> I had already started freelancing since culture at a company is a very very crucial to me and I loved the freelancing lifestyle this I skipped on campus placements altogether. Also due to freelancing I was making more than what all the companies who were part of our placement drive were offering.
  3. Got placed primarily due to my past experience and projects as opposed to my CP ranking -> I asked my HR why was I hired and she mentioned that it was my past experience + projects which caught their attention, of course I went through their standard selection rounds but they still preferred my profile over Tier 1 students with good coding platform ranks due to my past work experience.
  4. Consistent earning -> While someone can dismiss my current job as a fluke I've a history of making good money($20K in 6 months from scratch) through freelancing with multiple clients and was able to translate that experience into a job at a startup as well. My PPO comp was 40 base and a very sizeable portion of equity of a very fast growing startup. If we were to do the cringy CTC calculation it was a 1 CR+ job offer.

What makes someone hire a candidate?

I've interviewed over 40+ people and 4 batches of interns. Working at a startup has allowed me to be very close with recruiting process and work with recruiter with over 10+ years in premier MNCs and startups and there's a lot that goes into hiring but I think it can be put into some buckets.
Hiring for interns/freshers -> We personally don't hire for freshers roles and instead all junior devs go through our intern process but this is where the most non traditional profiles can break in tech early. I've noticed that for senior roles a lot of emphasis is given to the the companies they've worked in and which team were they a part of. Working folks might be aware that for senior roles usually the hiring manager personally have a chat before adding the candidate in interview pipeline and based on our debriefs I've noticed that institute rarely comes up but rather their work at the teams that they've been a part of takes the highest priority. Now a argument can be made that being from a Tier 1 institute allows the ability to get a headstart but a lot of folks are able to breakthrough into big tech even after working at WITCH so entering into high paying startups isn't that big of deal for them as tech profiles converge the more experienced one get. For interns and freshers a solid development and a mix of coding platforms experience should get you a job in startups with a very high probability.
To put more emphasis in why profiles matters let's take a look at a couple of profiles that I'm personally aware of ->
My friend working at a High Growth Seed Round
Highlights of his profile ->
  1. Very very low ranking Engineering College.
  2. No prior intern at a big company instead mixture of work at small startups and his own ventures.
  3. Didn't apply for a job at all since he was also happy as a freelancer but finally decided to work at a startup and got a job in flat 16 days.
  4. Comp-> 16 lpa base + seed round equity.
The best part about this friend why how deep his profile was. He has always been passionate about computers since school time and had experience in cyber security, crypto, fullstack-development,etc. As you can guess the secret of how quickly he was able to get a job was how many past experiences he had. When he started finding jobs at he was able to get calls from a couple of startups and he had a offer within 20 days. Wellfound was a a suprisingly good place to find jobs at small startups since my friend was able to receive a lot of calls for interview rounds.
My batchmate working at a FAANG equivalent MNC ->
  1. Same college as mine.
  2. Prior intern at a MNC but overall mid projects and a couple of development profiles and hackathons under his belt.
  3. Average codeforces profile but experience of solving a lot of questions hence able to breeze through leetcode rounds.
  4. Got a on campus placement here so didn't apply anywhere.
  5. Comp -> 20l base + ~60l in equity.
His profile is a mix of development and a lot of coding rounds but the curious case in his case was how a lot of candidates with similar profiles in coding platforms or even better were knocked out from the selection process in the system design round. His previous experience in development surely helped him here in comprehending system design case studies and hence he was able to ace this round whereas others with better coding profiles weren't able to do so.
My batchmate working at FAANG and now a high growth startup ->
  1. Same college.
  2. Prior intern at startups and deep experience in development since school which includes projects in full stack development, compilers and couple of hackathons.
  3. Better than average codeforces profile and breezes through standard OA rounds due to lots of practise.
  4. Comp -> 50+ CTC at FAANG earlier and 25l base at a startup now.
His profile is similar to the first profile but way more competitive coding experience as well. Similar deep experience in projects and very passionate about software engineering and computer science in general.
A common pattern amongst the profiles posted above and mine is development experience allowed us from low tier colleges to be able to get a job quickly. This matters a lot since you'll get calls for interview rounds doesn't matter how tough the market is though what will fluctuate is how much are these companies are offering.

All of your eggs in one basket

It's pretty easy to see how big the market for DSA and Algorithm is. Youtubers are popping left right and center, but is it worth investing all of your time in getting a great rating in Codeforces. First thing first let's make this very clear that standard interview questions are very different than competitive questions and while it is true that due to market saturation some companies have resorted to asking questions that you would see as part of codeforces rounds in their OA. This though isn't the norm and you can do fine if you're good enough for Leetcode rounds. My whole post can be described that we need to stand out from other profiles if we fall into buckets of Low ranking colleges , Non CSE branches, etc.


The following section is a collection of resources that I and my friends used during the placement process ->
  1. Roadmaps -> Roadmaps, Roadmaps, Roadmaps. Youtube is filled with didi bhaiya trying to come up with the best roadmap that they can. Honestly speaking while there's nothing wrong with that I always prefer roadmaps which are open source and updated time to time by community or the author to stay relevant. Go to and pick paths. Focus more on topics rather than content, find whatever resource you can to read up on topics rather than sticking to one youtube channel. Similarly for people who might not be from a CS background the Open Source Society University is a very popular roadmap to follow.
  2. Resume -> I used the variations of the following template. Overleaf is a solid platform for creating resume in latex. Keep your resume simple and keep on iterating with what you should and shouldn't have. If you want you can always ask recruiters what they found nice in your resume and double down on expanding those sections.
  3. Freelancing Platforms -> Personally for me Upwork worked very well, I was able to get the chance of working on a lot of high paying jobs but based on what I've heard from candidates and personally managing profiles for a couple of friends the platform seems to have shifted in terms of job quality a lot. I'm noticing a lot of low quality jobs, underpaid jobs which has made it highly unlikely for new candidates to break through here. I would personally not recommend Freelancer and Fiverr since they have low quality, low paying jobs as compared to Upwork. Also fiverr follows a marketplace model so hard for non experienced folks to get discovered.
    1. If you're a experienced dev and have a solid profile and need a better platform as compared to Upwork checkout Toptal and
  4. Job Platforms -> I personally had a great experience with Cutshort since it apart from applying on jobs as a candidates also has a strong emphasis on recruiters reaching out to candidates. Apart from that I've had a good experience with LinkedIn jobs purely in terms of response times. Atleast recruiters reached out quickly even though the quality of jobs wasn't great. As mentioned above is also a good resource for finding startup jobs. Apart from this cold mailing recruiters should be a part of your job hunting cycle. We used to go over startups which were recently funded and then messaging their client or staff for queries regarding openings.
  5. Youtube channels -> I usually relied on the following channels during my prep and I what I usually watch as well.
    1. Traversy Media -> Followed his tutorials the most.
    2. Academind by Maximilian Schwarzmüller -> For learning full stack development I've mostly used his courses and honestly speaking they are amazing. I've also heard great things about her courses, Dr. Angela Yu.
    3. Tech News and General Tech Videos ->, Ben Awad, Devon Crawford, ForrestKnight. They Ben and Devon aren't posting these days but they are the reason why I found tech to be super cool.
    4. DSA and Algo Training -> Stick to no nonsense channels like TUF, Back To Back SWE, CS DOJO, Tushar Roy, NeetCode, Nick White, Priyansh Agarwal.
      1. Couple of websites which I liked a lot of practise includes USACO Guide, CP Algorithms, CSES.
The above post is a very opinionated post about what helped me, let me know what helped you in your job hunt.
submitted by caps-von to delhi [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:22 GuiltlessMaple Best Cd Storage Boxes

Best Cd Storage Boxes
Looking for the perfect solution to store your CDs and keep them organized? Look no further! In this article, we've compiled a list of the best CD storage boxes on the market, designed to fit your needs and budget. These handy storage solutions will protect your precious music collection and make it easy to access your favorite tracks.

The Top 16 Best Cd Storage Boxes

  1. Organize your CDs with style - Snap-N-Store CD Storage Box - Snap-N-Store CD Storage Box: Effortlessly organize your CDs with sturdy assembly and stylish design.
  2. Double-Wide CD/DVD Storage Box for Organized Media - Sturdy and customizable, this Snap-N-Store Berry Double-Wide CD Storage Box accommodates various CD/DVD sizes and features a chrome label holder for ease of organization.
  3. Clear CD Storage Tote with Movable Dividers - Keep your music, movies, DVDs and games organized and secure with the Iris Large Media Storage Box features, including a clear lid and body for easy identification, and stackable design that saves space.
  4. Birchwood CD Storage Cabinet with Vintage Details - Store and protect your music collection like a library with this 24-drawer Birchwood CD/DVD storage cabinet, featuring library-style drawers, sturdy construction, and retro-style finger pulls.
  5. Versatile CD Storage Box Set for Optimal Organization - The HATTERTOP CD Storage Box Set of 3 is a durable, collapsible, and versatile solution for organizing up to 165 discs, suitable for both car travel and home storage needs.
  6. Aluminum Hard Case for Media Storage: 1000 CD DVD Storage Holder w/ Chrome Metal Reinforcement - Secure your media with Hongwa's 1000 CD/DVD black aluminum hard case, featuring a quarter-round shape and durable construction for ultimate protection.
  7. Organize Your CDs with Style: Snap-N-Store CD Storage Box Set (Set of 2, Black) - Organize your music collection effortlessly with the Snap-N-Store CD Storage Boxes, featuring reinforced corners, sturdy construction, and space-saving design, while adding a tasteful accent to any room.
  8. Luxury CD/DVD Storage Binder Set by Bellagio-Italia - Keep your media safe and secure with the Bellagio-Italia's Imperial & Persian CD/DVD Storage Binder Set, featuring a 128-capacity organizer for DVDs, CDs, Blu Rays, and video games, all in a classy, unique, and secure design.
  9. Stylish Acrylic Media Storage Box for CDs and DVDs - Organize your CDs in style with the AUXPhome Clear Acrylic DVD/CD Storage Box, featuring a unique and durable design that makes finding your favorite music a breeze.
  10. Megadisc 300 CD DVD Premium Aluminum Storage Case for Maximum Disc Storage - Secure your collection with the SimpTronic Tech New Megadisc 300 CD DVD Premium Aluminum Storage Case Silver, featuring durable aluminum construction, hanging sleeves for up to 150 CD/DVDs, and a sleek black interior.
  11. NETTIA ABS Storage Box for CDs, DVDs, and Blu-rays - Stay organized and protect your precious discs with the NETTIA CD/BD/DVD Storage Box - a sophisticated, moisture-proof solution perfect for home and office use!
  12. Eco-Friendly Storage Box for CD, DVD & Blu-Ray Collection - Store your DVDs, CDs, and Blu-rays with ease and style in this high-quality, eco-friendly, and scratch-resistant storage box, available in black (10290).
  13. Safe and Space-Saving CD Storage Drum - Store up to 80 CDs, DVDs, or Blu-ray Discs safely with the Atlantic Disc Manager 80 Disc Storage Drum, featuring space-saving design, protection from scratches and dust, lockable door, and easy disc organization.
  14. Portable CD/DVD Storage Wallet with 96 Capacity - UENTIP's 96-capacity CD Holder is a highly protective and durable storage solution for CDs and DVDs, saving space and keeping discs scratch-free and organized.
  15. Semikolon Multimedia CD/DVD Storage Box with Marine Blue Design - The Semikolon Multimedia CD/DVD/Photo Storage Box is a versatile and stylish solution for organizing your media, featuring 5 adjustable tabs and window on the front for personal touch.
  16. Alluring CD Storage Box with Elegant Chrome Accents - Organize your CDs with style and durability - the Snap-N-Store Standard CD Storage Box offers space for 165 discs, features reinforced corners, and comes with a chrome card holder for labeling convenience.
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🔗Organize your CDs with style - Snap-N-Store CD Storage Box
I recently tried out the Snap-N-Store CD Storage Box for my music collection, and I must say it exceeded my expectations. The sturdy industrial snaps made it a breeze to assemble and secured it perfectly for long-term use. The card holder was a great addition, as it allowed me to easily label each section with the name of the music artist.
The leather-like PVC laminate exterior gave it a sophisticated, stylish appearance, complementing any room decor. However, one minor drawback was that the boxes slightly overlapped when placed next to each other, creating a stacking issue. Overall, I'm happy with this product and highly recommend it for anyone looking for an organized, attractive solution to managing their CD collection.

🔗Double-Wide CD/DVD Storage Box for Organized Media
The Snap-N-Store storage box in the eye-catching Berry color is a fantastic addition to any home or office for organizing your music and movies. I love how sturdy it is - the reinforced corners and heavy-duty panels with industrial-sized snaps really hold everything in place. It's such a simple yet effective solution for keeping CDs and DVDs neat and tidy.
The box can hold up to 60 full jewel cases, 120 slim cases, or 330 CDs/DVDs in sleeves. The chrome card holder on the front is a nice touch for easy labeling. And, with 50% post-consumer recycled content, there's a positive environmental impact to boot.
However, one thing that bugged me was that the center divider is slightly slanted or crooked, making it difficult to hold two rows of CDs properly. Despite this minor flaw, the pros definitely outweigh the cons. Overall, a great find that I can highly recommend for those looking to keep their music and movies organized.

🔗Clear CD Storage Tote with Movable Dividers
I recently needed a reliable storage solution for my extensive music collection and stumbled upon the Iris Large Media Storage Box. I was thrilled to see that it could accommodate up to 120 CDs, giving me ample space to organize my favorite tunes. The tote's clear design allowed me to easily identify the contents without needing to open it, which was a game-changer for my music storage needs.
One of the standout features was the snap-tight lid, which kept my precious CDs secure and protected from dust and potential damage. The clear lid and body were also perfect for quick identification, while the movable dividers made it simple to customize the container box to fit my storage preferences.
However, I did encounter a minor inconvenience when trying to organize the CDs. The plastic sleeves were challenging to remove without causing scratches on the disc itself. This required extra care and attention during the organization process.
Overall, the Iris Large Media Storage Box has been a fantastic addition to my music storage routine. Its sleek design, ample space, and protective features make it a top choice for anyone looking to keep their CDs organized and secure.

🔗Birchwood CD Storage Cabinet with Vintage Details
I recently had the chance to try out this beautiful media storage cabinet in my own home, and I must say I'm quite impressed. The walnut finish adds a touch of warmth and elegance, while the library-style drawers remind you of a bygone era.
One of the things that stood out to me was the sturdy construction. The 24 deep drawers hold 19 discs each, which is perfect for my CD collection. The assembly-free delivery was a bonus too—no need to spend hours piecing it together myself.
However, the finger pull hardware on the drawers could have been better. While the label slots are a nice touch, some of the hardware felt a bit flimsy. I also noticed that the slides in a few drawers didn't seem as smooth as I would have liked.
All in all, this storage cabinet is a great addition to my home. It looks fantastic, keeps my discs dust-free, and offers plenty of room for my growing collection. The minor issues with the hardware and slides were easy to overlook considering the benefits.

🔗Versatile CD Storage Box Set for Optimal Organization
I recently came across this amazing CD Storage Box set of 3, and I must say, it's been a game-changer for me. I used to have a mess of CDs scattered all over the place, but this set solved my storage woes in a jiffy. The large capacity is seriously impressive - it can hold up to 165 discs! The non-woven fabric material is sturdy and durable, making it the perfect long-term storage solution for my CDs.
One of the best features of this set is the lidded design that keeps my discs away from dust. It's also collapseable, which is great because it saves space when I'm not using it. And the best part? It's not just limited to storing CDs – I've found it to be a versatile organizer for all sorts of things, from books to passports to toys.
Of course, no product is perfect. I wish the handles were a bit stronger, but overall, this CD Storage Box set has been a lifesaver for my ever-growing CD collection. If you're in the market for a reliable and spacious storage solution, give this set a try – I don't think you'll be disappointed.

🔗Aluminum Hard Case for Media Storage: 1000 CD DVD Storage Holder w/ Chrome Metal Reinforcement
Embracing the world of technology and organization, I found myself in need of a reliable and sturdy disc storage solution for my growing collection of CDs and DVDs. Enter the Hongwa CD/DVD Hard Case, a sleek and shiny addition to my media room.
Setting up the hard case was a breeze; its quarter round shape and robust aluminum construct make it a solid and durable storage solution. I was particularly impressed with the chrome metal corner and extra strip reinforcements, ensuring that my discs remained safe and secure. The case came with two hinges and two chrome locks, providing a secure and stylish enclosure for my treasured media.
As I filled the Hongwa Hard Case with my vast collection of CDs and DVDs, I marveled at the spaciousness it offered. The ability to store up to 1000 discs made me wonder how I had ever managed without it. The sleek aluminum exterior not only looked fantastic, but it also provided my discs with an extra layer of protection, keeping them free from scratches and fingerprints.
Despite its impressive features, the Hongwa CD/DVD Hard Case did have a couple of downsides. The price point might be a bit higher than some competing products, but when compared to their durability and capacity, it was well worth the investment. Shipping times were also a little longer than I would have preferred, but considering the care and attention to detail invested in the product, I was willing to be patient.
In conclusion, the Hongwa CD/DVD Hard Case is an excellent addition to any media enthusiast's setup, offering a stylish and sturdy solution for disc storage. While there might be a few minor issues with the shipping times and price point, the overall quality and functionality of the case far outweigh these shortcomings, making it a worthy investment for anyone looking to organize and protect their valuable media collection.

🔗Organize Your CDs with Style: Snap-N-Store CD Storage Box Set (Set of 2, Black)
As someone who enjoys having their CD collection handy but also neatly organized, I found the Snap-N-Store CD Storage Boxes to be a game-changer. Set up was a breeze - just snap the sides together and your music organizer is ready to use. The sturdy construction and reinforced corners made these CD boxes a reliable choice, and the chrome card holder on the front was a convenient touch for labeling different genres.
However, there were a couple of drawbacks that I noticed. Firstly, the snaps on some of the boxes didn't seem as tight as I would have preferred, causing them to pop open occasionally. Secondly, the label on the card holder seemed a bit small, making it difficult to read the genre from a distance. Despite these minor issues, the Snap-N-Store CD Storage Boxes did a great job of keeping my CDs organized and within easy reach.

🔗Luxury CD/DVD Storage Binder Set by Bellagio-Italia
Imagine walking into your living room and being greeted by a luxurious touch of elegance. This Bellagio-Italia DVD Storage Book Box set, consisting of an Imperial black and a Persian burgundy combo, does just that. These classy, eye-catching patterns not only provide a unique storage solution but also add an element of sophistication to any room in your house.
What stood out most was the complete enclosure made by the side and lid, ensuring the protection and security of your discs and other valuable items. Each box comes with 12 sheets installed, capable of holding up to 48 discs. The patented 3-ring rivet even allows for expansion with other Bellagio-Italia Insert Sheets for a more extensive collection.
The only drawback I found was its limited capacity, but given the small luxurious footprint it occupies, it's well worth it. Overall, this CD/DVD Storage Binder Set by Bellagio-Italia is a fantastic addition to your home, providing both style and functionality, and I couldn't be happier with my purchase.

🔗Stylish Acrylic Media Storage Box for CDs and DVDs
This AUXPhome Clear Acrylic DVD/CD Storage Box has been a game-changer in my life. The sleek and stylish acrylic design fits perfectly with my kitchen countertop, and it's been a fantastic way to keep my CD collection organized. Its open design makes finding the specific disc I need a breeze. Plus, the unique floating and invisible effects make it look like a piece of art, not a mere storage box.
What truly sets this CD holder apart from others is its high-quality acrylic construction. Unlike those made of artificial leather or plastic, this media storage box has proven to be very durable. No more worrying about damaging my CDs or having to deal with unsightly storage solutions.
However, one downside of this product is the price point. It may seem a bit steep compared to other CD storage options, but the durability and elegant design it offers certainly make it worth the investment. Overall, I highly recommend this AUXPhome Clear Acrylic DVD/CD Storage Box for anyone looking to smartly organize their CD collection while upgrading their kitchen countertop's aesthetic.

🔗Megadisc 300 CD DVD Premium Aluminum Storage Case for Maximum Disc Storage
As someone who constantly deals with stacks of CDs and DVDs, I was thrilled to find the SimpTronic Tech New Megadisc 300. This sleek silver case provides a safe and convenient home for up to 300 discs, with a velvet lining and solid chrome metal corners to keep them secure. The aluminum frame, along with the ABS panel, gives the case a sturdy feel, while the chrome handle makes it easy to transport.
However, I did notice that the quality of the hanging sleeves could be improved. Sometimes, the material felt a bit cheap, and the fit was a bit tight, which could make removing the discs a bit difficult. Overall, though, I'm impressed with the product's durability and capacity, and I'm confident it will last a long time in my collection.

🔗NETTIA ABS Storage Box for CDs, DVDs, and Blu-rays
I recently had the chance to try out the Nettia CD/BD/DVD Storage Box with Moisture Protection, Lockable - a handy little gadget that's perfect for keeping my music and movie collection organized, secure and easily accessible. This bad boy can hold a whopping 50 CDs, which is ideal for both my personal and office use.
The first thing I noticed about the Nettia box was its sturdy build. It's crafted from a high-impact ABS material, ensuring that my discs are well protected and the box lasts a long time. I also appreciated the transparent AS lid that not only allows me to show off my collection but also helps me easily locate the disc I'm looking for without having to open the lid.
However, there was one thing that bothered me - the anti-theft lock. While it's great for providing added security, it sometimes felt a bit tricky to operate. But overall, the Nettia CD/BD/DVD Storage Box with Moisture Protection, Lockable has been a game-changer in keeping my music and movie collection neatly organized. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a reliable and stylish storage solution for their CDs, BDs, and DVDs.

Buyer's Guide

CD Storage Boxes offer a convenient and organized way to store your CDs. These boxes can be found in various sizes, designs, and materials. Whether you are an avid music collector, a professional organizer, or simply someone looking to declutter their space, CD Storage Boxes can be a great investment. This buyer's guide will help you understand the key features to consider and provide general advice to make the best purchasing decision for your needs.

Size and Capacity
Before purchasing a CD Storage Box, consider the number of CDs you want to store. Most boxes come in standard sizes that can hold between 20 to 150 CDs. However, if you have a larger collection, you may want to look for an extra-large or modular storage solution. Make sure to measure the space where you plan to store the box to ensure it fits within your desired location.

Materials and Durability

CD Storage Boxes come in various materials such as plastic, metal, and wood. Each material has its advantages and disadvantages. Plastic boxes are lightweight and affordable, but they may not be as durable as metal or wood alternatives. Metal boxes offer better durability, but they can be more expensive and heavier. Wood boxes are aesthetically pleasing, but they can be more susceptible to moisture damage and would require regular maintenance.

Organization and Accessibility

Organization is essential when it comes to CD Storage Boxes. Look for boxes with dividers or separate compartments to easily sort your CDs by genre, artist, or any other categorization that suits your needs. Additionally, consider a box with a transparent top or side panels for easy identification of your CDs without having to open the box every time. The box should also be easy to access with clear openings and handles for effortless lifting.

Design and Aesthetics

CD Storage Boxes come in various colors, designs, and finishes to complement any room decor. Consider where the box will be placed in your space and choose a design that matches your existing interior. Additionally, if you plan to store your box in an area where it will be visible to guests or in a professional setting, look for a box with a clean and stylish design.
When purchasing a CD Storage Box, focus on size and capacity, materials and durability, organization and accessibility, and design and aesthetics. Consider your specific needs, the number of CDs you want to store, and the space where you plan to store the box. By evaluating these features, you can make an informed decision and find a CD Storage Box that suits your requirements and preferences.


What are CD Storage Boxes?
CD Storage Boxes are specially designed containers meant for holding and safely storing CDs, DVDs, and other optical discs. They come in different sizes and materials to suit various needs and preferences.

Why do I need a CD Storage Box?

You need a CD Storage Box to keep your discs organized, protected from dust and scratches, and easily accessible. Investing in a good CD Storage Box can help prolong the life of your discs and make it easy to find what you're looking for when you need it.

What types of materials can CD Storage Boxes be made from?

CD Storage Boxes can be made from various materials, such as plastic, metal, or wood. The most common types are plastic and metal, as they tend to be more durable and lightweight. Wooden storage boxes offer a more aesthetic option for those who prefer a classic look.

What is the difference between a CD Storage Box and a DVD Storage Box?

A CD Storage Box or a DVD Storage Box essentially serve the same purpose, which is to store and keep optical discs safe and organized. The main difference between the two is the size, as CDs are usually smaller than DVDs and require a slightly smaller storage box.

How do I choose the right size CD Storage Box?

To choose the right size CD Storage Box, consider the number of discs you need to store. Measure the height and width of the discs to determine the correct dimensions for your storage box. Most CD Storage Boxes come in standard sizes, but customized options are available for more specific needs.

Can I use CD Storage Boxes for other types of discs, such as Blu-ray or game discs?

Yes, you can use CD Storage Boxes for other types of discs like Blu-ray, game discs, or even vinyl records. Most CD Storage Boxes are adaptable to different disc sizes, but make sure to measure the discs you need to store to ensure a proper fit.

How do I prevent CDs from getting scratched or damaged in storage?

To prevent CDs from getting scratched or damaged in storage, make sure the discs are not exposed to direct sunlight or extreme temperatures. Handle the discs gently and avoid touching the shiny, reflective side. If the storage box has an interior lining, it can help protect the discs from scratches and dust.

What are some safety precautions when using and storing CD Storage Boxes?

When using and storing CD Storage Boxes, make sure the containers are placed on level surfaces and not exposed to excessive heat or moisture. Keep the boxes away from sources of direct sunlight, and avoid stacking heavy objects on top of them. Regularly check for any signs of wear or damage to ensure the safety and longevity of your discs

Where can I find the best CD Storage Boxes for my needs?

You can find a wide variety of CD Storage Boxes online and in retail stores. Look for reputable brands, such as AmazonBasics, Satechi, or Plustek. Consider factors like the size, material, and any additional features when choosing a storage box. Read customer reviews to get an idea of the product's performance and durability.
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submitted by GuiltlessMaple to u/GuiltlessMaple [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:20 AwesomeGeekyGadgets Embrace the Future of Wellness with the AMOVAN Halo Smart Ring

Embrace the Future of Wellness with the AMOVAN Halo Smart Ring
In a world where technology and personal health are increasingly intertwined, finding devices that not only track health metrics but also seamlessly integrate into daily life is a growing necessity. Enter the AMOVAN Halo Smart Ring, a cutting-edge innovation designed to keep wellness at your fingertips—literally. This stylish, stainless steel ring is more than just an accessory; it’s a comprehensive fitness and health monitor discreetly wrapped around your finger.

Design & Comfort

The AMOVAN Halo Smart Ring features a sleek, minimalist design that suits any style. Made from high-quality stainless steel, it’s durable, hypoallergenic, and comfortable enough for continuous wear, day and night. Forget about bulky wrist-worn fitness trackers; this ring is so subtle, you won’t even notice you’re wearing a powerhouse of health technology.

Health Tracking at Your Fingertips

With the AMOVAN Halo Smart Ring, key health metrics are always close at hand. This device uses advanced sensors to track heart rate, steps, calorie burn, and even sleep patterns. By providing insights into your daily activity levels and overall health, the Halo Smart Ring empowers you to make informed decisions about your lifestyle and fitness.

Safety at Your Fingertips

The AMOVAN Halo Smart Ring features a crucial SOS Emergency Assistance function, providing users with immediate help after touching the ring for 8 seconds. Integrated discreetly within the ring's sleek design, this feature allows users to activate an alert by a predefined tap pattern, sending critical location data instantly to predefined emergency contacts and emergency services. It ensures user safety by allowing discreet and immediate communication in emergencies without the need to access a phone or other device. Offering customization in choosing which contacts are alerted, the SOS feature adds a significant layer of security and peace of mind, making the AMOVAN Halo Smart Ring a stylish yet life-preserving accessory for every wearer.

Remote Control Capabilities

The AMOVAN Halo Smart Ring not only focuses on your health and safety but also enhances your digital interaction with its advanced remote control function. This feature transforms the ring into a versatile controller for your smart devices, offering seamless control over multiple applications with simple gestures.
1. Music Playback/ Switching: Slide your finger along the surface of the ring to play or switch tracks on your music player. Whether you’re exercising, commuting, or just relaxing at home, control your music effortlessly right from your finger.
2. Photography and Video: Long-pressing the ring triggers your smartphone to capture photos or start recording videos, perfect for snapping selfies or recording moments without having to touch your phone.
3. Navigating Media and Documents: Swipe up or down to scroll through videos, web pages, or Powerpoint presentations. This feature is incredibly useful during presentations or while multitasking, providing a discreet way to manage your media.
4. Social Media Interaction: A long press on the ring can also act as a 'like' button on social media platforms. Show your appreciation or approval without having to reach for your phone, keeping your social interactions as fluent and ongoing as your day.

Seamless Lifestyle Integration

What sets the AMOVAN Halo Smart Ring apart is its ability to integrate into your life so seamlessly. It doesn’t buzz or beep; instead, it works quietly, collecting data that you can sync with your smartphone. The accompanying app is a user-friendly gateway to viewing your health stats in detailed graphs and summaries, helping you understand your physical state over time and adjust your habits accordingly.

Long-lasting and Low Maintenance

Concerned about battery life? The Halo Smart Ring is designed to last. With a battery that supports up to a week of use on a single charge, it’s ready to go the distance with you. Charging is fast and easy, ensuring that your ring spends more time on your finger and less time on a charger.
The AMOVAN Halo Smart Ring stands out as a beacon in the wearable technology space, proving that powerful tech can come in elegant, minimal packages. Whether you’re tech-savvy or simply health-conscious, this smart ring is designed to impress and empower. Its ability to blend style with functionality makes it an ideal choice for anyone looking to take control of their health without compromising on fashion. Sophisticated, smart, and subtle, it’s not just a tool for better health—it’s a modern essential for anyone who values wellness and style. Experience the future of personal health management with AMOVAN Halo Smart Ring – where technology meets wellness at the ring of your finger!
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