Honey and mr markus


2021.08.18 19:05 BitchQueenHsgirl MrHoneySaturday

This is sub dedicated to the ship between Honey Badger, aka Daniel Ricciardo, and Mr. Saturday , aka George Russell

2022.03.18 11:25 honeylovespellcaster honeylove

Dr. Honey love was born on 20th – 02 – 1965 in the mountains of Kigoma Tanzania in the family of Mr & Miss Yahaya Zawade and Sarah Zawade. During my birth, I was not born like other kids I was born without a skin reason being my mother had just given birth to my 3 other siblings and she was tired of giving birth, she was using traditional birth control medicine to prevent more birth, fortunately I was born with the powers of my ancestors. Honey love

2024.06.01 10:45 Ready-Bat-8824 May 2024 Hilaria Baldwin’s IG Recap = 5 Posts or “The Baby Also Has Sewer Slippers?!?”

May 2024 Hilaria Baldwin’s IG Recap = 5 Posts or “The Baby Also Has Sewer Slippers?!?”
~Hillary & Alec’s IG Stats~
  • January 2024 = Hillary 17 posts & Alec 28 posts
  • February 2024 = Hillary 8 posts & Alec 20 posts
  • March 2024 = Hillary 2 posts & Alec 21 posts
  • April 2024 = Hillary 4 posts & Alec 15 posts
  • May 2024 = Hillary 5 posts & Alec 28 posts
Hillary’s IG Stats Overview
  • May 2022 = 433 posts including the Chantecaille Episode = Hilz received lotions from luxury brand Chantecaille and posted a pic of Edu in a diaper with said lotions. The company didn’t repost, nor did they partner with her. Two days later, she donned her sewer slippers and accosted unsuspecting “needy” people, handing them gifts bags filled with Chantecaille lotions and $50 bills (and recorded herself doing so).
  • May 2023 = 18 posts including the infamous “humpy yoga” fiasco featuring unnerving eye contact.
Every choice in this video was wilder than the last.
  • May 2024 = 5 posts
  • May started with Alec appearing on the “Our Way with Paul Anka and Skip Bronson” podcast. I tried recapping it, but it was basically three boring privileged old white men rambling about their wealth and privilege. Anka’s description of living in a “Murdoch created” gated community near Malibu near the “good airport” – to avoid the unwashed masses at LAX one presumes – was where I gave up on the recap idea and just listened with a scowl.
  • Some lowlights:
On Having More Kids & Moving to Vermont
Alec: Well, in my family now, I'm the only person I know who drops four kids off at school in the morning and comes home and I still have three kids waiting for me. When I get home, I have seven - I have eight children. Ireland, my oldest daughter who's married, Ireland has a baby, and she and her boyfriend are living in Oregon. And I met my wife and I got remarried and I had seven kids in nine years. It's crazy. (I think you meant to say, “my wife is batshit crazy.” The devil is in the details, Zander)
And then, all of a sudden, I met my wife, who I love dearly, (I think he repeats this in virtually every interview to counter the years of talking shit about Kim Basinger) every time the baby would get to be two years old, we’d go, maybe it's time for one more baby, one more baby, so we have seven kids. But we're actually selling our house, moving to Vermont. We bought a place in Vermont, and I'm trying to get everybody to start to acclimate up there…I think my wife wants a little change of scenery now, it's so crowded out here…I love Vermont. It's so peaceful. We got a great deal. We got fifty-five acres; house was built in 1792. It's very pretty.
The Kids Want Alec Around All the Time
Host: What do you do away from your family? Meaning, do you play golf? Do you play tennis?
Alec: I play tennis all summer...The thing that's happened in these last ten years, especially the last three or four years, is my kids are used to me being around…I mean they really rely on that… when I'm gone, they're like, you know, they're on FaceTime. If I travel to go away for a couple of days to get a paycheck, they’re on my FaceTime going you know, where are you? What are you doing? You know, they're completely baffled when I go away. (God bless those kiddos and I’m preeetttttty sure they rely on Leonela/Leonetta a whole lot.)
Drug & Alcohol Use
Alec: Every day for two years, I think I snorted a line of cocaine from here to Saturn. We did one on the rings of Saturn. Then we came home. We took it back home. I mean, cocaine was like coffee back and everybody was doing it all day. I did a lot of coke and then I and then February 23rd, 1985…I stopped doing drugs and my drinking increased, which is they tell you that's going to happen, and that did happen. I just started drinking. I mean, and the thing, I miss drinking. I don't miss drugs at all, but I do miss drinking. I like to drink. (I appreciate next to nothing about this man, but I appreciate the honesty of this statement).
Host: But because you don't drink, and because you don't do drugs, what do you do? Do you meditate? What do you do to deal with the pressures of the outside, you know, forces, (I think you mean “lawsuits”, Paul) what do you do to get away from that?
Alec: (deadpan) Drink. I drink. I lied; I've been drinking nonstop since 1985. I lie. I tell people I'm sober and I drink my balls off. (Laughs) But no, I do miss drinking, I must say…New York relaxes me. I walk around and I see aspects of it that I've never seen before. I look at a building and I'll go, my god, I never noticed that about that building. Those doors. You know. New York is like a European city. You walk around and keep your eyes open. And I have lunches and coffee with my friends. (Um is he talking about the owner of Madman Espresso? Because that’s the only coffee related person we’ve ever seen him around.) And, I'd like to get out of here because the city is chaotic. (But also relaxing? What the hell?) But we live in the village. It's a little bit more residential. I love New York. I go to the symphony and the opera and the ballet all the time, you know, pretty regularly. But I do try to meditate. Meditating with seven children is like trying to play ping pong on the deck of an aircraft. It's a real pain in the ass. (But they rely on you, Alec?!?!)
  • Back on IG, Alec commented on a video that Ireland posted of Kim Basinger and Ireland’s partner, André, playing with baby Holland, apparently in the backyard of Kim’s home. The doting abuelo’s comment was “I know that pool deck!” – dude, say something, ANYTHING, about your daughter’s child.
He probably screamed at poor Kim on that pool deck.
An irate comment on Alec's IG: \"I cannot believe he is wearing street shoes on those floors!\" Now deleted.
  • People magazine published a puff piece entitled “Alec Baldwin Is 'Understandably Worried' as His Rust Involuntary Manslaughter Trial Looms” (Exclusive Source). Here’s the entirely of what the exclusive source Yoel had to say:
    • "Alec is stressed. He is understandably worried."
    • "He has an excellent legal team. I don't think anyone is thinking jail time but given the decision for Ms. Gutierrez-Reed it’s hard to know."
    • "You have to understand that at the end of the day Alec is a professional actor, so when he's on set, you wind him up, you say action, he pulls out the gun and does whatever he's supposed to do on his job. Then suddenly he's facing criminal charges. It's like, how did that even happen?"
  • In real news, the manslaughter charging document was released – interesting read!
  • Surprisingly, Alec did not post a tribute to his wife to honor her “mi cultura upbringing” on the first Sunday in May - when it's celebrated in Spain.
  • On May 6th, Alec’s lawyers vultures-for-hire filed additional motions to have the case dismissed while Said the Pap for hire posted a pic of himself with Crackhead Barney (who was wearing not much besides some Daisy Dukes a la Hillary Lynn) and Alec was spotted in the wild (with a nanny in tow, because only the peasants walk around without staff).
Imagine having to listen to this guy bloviate in addition to raising his kids.
A pepino prayer: Lord, keep the nannies safe and sane. Amen.
  • Over on his scintillating IG account, Alec posted the news that he will be co-directing a production of Macbeth with Geoffrey Horne for Shakespeare Downtown this summer. Good thing this will be in June, because there might be a bit of a scheduling conflict for Alec in July.
  • Alec posted two pictures of Edu: one totally scrunched in a too-small stroller and one making the patented Baldwin duck lips. Against all logic, the pic of the kid perched on a tiny stroller became the picture Alec chose as his new profile pic.
  • On Mother’s Day, Alec dug deep, looked back on his grid, landed on this picture he first posted in December 2023 and said, “this is the one!” It features Alec, his wife, one of their 7 kids, two very hungry caterpillars, and stars the ubiquitous Madman Espresso single use coffee cup. ¡Feliz día de la madre, Híláríá!
Low effort personified.
Obsessed with the one and only comment this video garnered: “what’s the stethoscope for?”
Oh Daniel, where to begin?
\"To be honest\" is not a phrase typically associated with Grifty McGrifter.
  • The day a judge heard the motion to throw out Alec’s indictment was also Romeo's birthday so Hillary posted a story (#2 of 5 posts) of her, Alec, and the birthday boy as well as a grid video collage set to John Lennon’s “Beautiful Boy” (#3 of 5 posts) – a solid choice, nothing bad to say here. Alec, on the other hand, did not make a happy birthday post but found time to repost a “Crush the Can” fundraising campaign video from the Baldwin Fund. These videos are not good, if only they had connections to folks the filmmaking industry…
Bye, Wig!
  • A public service announcement for the Reddit Cares brigade: not posting about a kid’s birthday on IG or not liking a family member’s IG post is not usually an issue. I am well aware that countless people live offline and exchange private messages; however, we are gathered here today and most days to talk about Alec and “Hilaria” Baldwin. They use social media, and IG in particular to cultivate a brand/façade/public persona. Given that, liking/not liking or posting/not posting is of note. This concludes our announcement.
  • Listen, at this point in the game, I am HERE for Said the Pap. I am just going to lean into the theory that he’s an agent of chaos and a savvy social critic because this picture is a true gift to this sub. Live long and prosper, amigo.
Tiny. Baby. Sewer. Slippers. And is she holding a phone?? Call for help, sweet pea.
  • On the day of Holland's first birthday, StepAbuela Hilly posted a “candid” shot of her and her three oldest boys, skipping through NYC in a light rain (post #4 of 5). When I tell you I cranked up the Gypsy Kings, poured a sangria, and flamenco flurried my way over to the comments – and was delighted:
    • u/FamousOhioAppleHorn: When I see a woman dressed like that in FL, I know she's gonna buy 5 Hour Energy, cigs and scratch off tickets while telling everyone her entire life story.
    • u/NightOwlsUnite: Subway...in fucking slippers. She's a walking germ factory. If and when the next pandemic hits, thank her.
    • u/smallpepino: Typhoid Larry.
    • u/Sun_will_rise_again: Those slippers are going to walk themselves to the trash…. They’re DONE, they’ve been through enough 🚮 Also this looks like something Britney Spears would write…. Just a jumble of random shit.
    • u/ ca17miledrive: There she is again. The Dope of Greenwich Village.
    • u/MallorcanMalarkey: The rain in Spain falls mainly on the insane.
So many pockets, so little sense.
  • Since Hilly is being so shy about showing her face. It’s a good thing the trusty folks at the Daily Mail have no such qualms. Alec and Guest Baldwin attended the 25th anniversary of a pretentious restaurant that gleefully reposted a picture of the duo calling them “amazing stars.” Restaurant Sirs, you have been bamboozled.
Maybe she should have kept the sweatshirt from the other day on her head?
MichWho was also there- if only Hillary's mallet could tap some life into the frozen tundra of Mich's mask/face.
  • Also, is this iteration of Hillary’s face giving Danielle Staub and/or Countess LuAnn vibes, or no?
Does one just ask for the squinty and taut special?
\"PeePaw\" just about took me out.
  • The next day a New Mexico judicial district judge denied the motion to dismiss the involuntary manslaughter case. This means that Alec must stand trial in July; sometimes the judicial system works in the interest of fairness. If nothing else, it is gratifying to know that he is spending through the nose to mount this legal defense.
  • With her usual ham-fisted timing, Hilz got to work and posted a grid video of Alec showing his phone to Ilaria Sin Hache (props to u/Longjumping-Stage647 for the moniker). It’s cute – who doesn’t love a baby in a onesie trying to talk and toddling around? Hilz for damn sure knows the value of her “vending machine of joy” and captioned her video: “I want dada, I want dada”….shes talking more and more. This is her first sentence 🤍. They love watching puppies together. The sweet things we are grateful for…that laughter. It calms the heart ⛅️”
23,791 of Hillary’s 989K followers liked this video.
  • Hilz responded to some comments and then a few zingers found their mark:
    • Commenter 1: Daddy’s little girl 💕💜💕💜
    • Hillary: “def…I was a little jealous…all our other 6 said mama first, but this one said dada 😂. All kidding aside…it’s such a beautiful relationship. Gives him life and strength ❤️”
    • Commenter 2: Such a sweet little one. I miss your updates. Come back ❤️
    • Hillary: I will…I promise 💚
    • Commenter 3: This is a cute sitcom. Far from reality as many things on social media. But cute and happy, and that is what we want to see. Not the maids, fights, and tantrums
    • Commenter 4: Awe so cute! Grandparents are the best!!!
  • May 26th was the two-year anniversary of Carol Baldwin’s passing and Alec posted a picture of the two of them captioned (verbatim): “two years ago today Your work continuesWe all miss you”
Alec was more effusive in his RIP post about Sam Rubin, an LA entertainment reporter who passed, than about Carol.
  • I offer you Billy Baldwin’s caption for the picture of himself and his mother the same day:
    • My Mom: Honey... HOOOOONNEEEEYY!!!
    • Me: Yeah Mom!!!
    • My Mom: Do me a favor??
    • Me: Sure Mom.
    • My Mom: Go grab me the... the... the whatchamacallit?
    • Me: The what?
    • My Mom: You know... the thingamajig that has that little doohickey on the side. It's in the kitchen junk drawer next to the whooziwhats!!!
    • This never meant the same thing twice but every time she said it... I knew exactly what she wanted. Gone two years today. Smart, funny, tough, wacky, wild... and a heart of gold. Miss you dearest Mama!!! ♥️
  • Maybe Alec couldn’t focus on a more heartfelt tribute to his mother because was distracted by his wife’s unusual move of taking an Uber – quite normal for many but for Hillary My Ancestors Arrived on the Mayflower Hayward- Thomas, it’s usually a private car double parked for maximum chaos or sewer slippers slapping against the grime of NYC sidewalks, so this middle ground must have been confusing for PeePaw.
Your body is nice, Hillary. You don't need the alien appendages on the right or the multiple bras at once on the left.
  • Alec’s defense team added 9 new witnesses on the last day they were permitted to do so (5/6/24) and did not provide witness statements. Prosecutors argued that this was done in bad faith and that “the State has now been prejudiced by the defendant's strategy to gain a tactical advantage as the State is unable to file pretrial motions as it relates to the new witnesses, is unable to properly investigate the statements of the witnesses and list its own new witnesses to refute the testimony of the belatedly disclosed witnesses.” So on 5/31, the prosecutors moved to exclude the witnesses from the trial. Stay tuned…
  • As this legal mess was going down, Alec and Hillary made their signature move: a staged pap walk in NYC wearing ill-fitting clothes, clutching phones and Madman Espresso products. How the mightily mediocre have fallen…
The unfiltered images must be...something else.
submitted by Ready-Bat-8824 to HilariaBaldwin [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:14 Jerry_217 [H] Rare games updated 5-31 [W] US amazon digital gift card, tf2 keys, Field of Glory II: Medieval and all DLCs, Rain World: Downpour, Resident Evil Village, Witchtastic, Bosorka, Loot River, Battletoads, Songbird Symphony, Elderand, Battletoads,Bud Spencer& Terence Hill 2, Double Dragon, wishlist

Region is NA.

If you have my wishlist games, Chat with me anytime. Only accept games from your own collection.

My REPs: 200+ successful trades, stopped tracking after 202.

Wishlist is in the end of this post

My steam games for trade (Can make gift links if possible):

Added recently:

Amanda the Adventurer
Bravery and Greed
King Of The Castle
Mediterranea Inferno
Yakuza: Like a Dragon
Fashion Police Squad
HUMANKIND™ Definitive Edition
Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga
The Callisto Protocol
The Excavation of Hob's Barrow
Victoria 3
One Hand Clapping
Ultimate Chicken Horse
Mad Max
Mortal Kombat 11: Ultimate
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor GOTY
Middle-Earth: Shadow of War Definitive Edition
Injustice 2 Legendary Edition
Gotham Knights
Back 4 Blood
Batman™: Arkham Knight Premium Edition
Batman™: Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition
Batman™: Arkham City GOTY Edition
Batman™: Arkham Origins
.hack//G.U. Last Recode
Katamari Damacy REROLL
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition
Dragon Knight (delisted, 18+, PM for price)
Hell Girls (delisted, 18+, PM for price)
Super Star (delisted, 18+, PM for price)

Steam games:

9 Years of Shadows
A Juggler's Tale
A Plague Tale: Innocence
Aces and Adventures
Ad Infinitum
Agent in Depth
Alchemist's Castle
Alchemy Garden
Aliens vs. Predator Collection ( includes Aliens vs. Predator + Aliens vs Predator Swarm Map Pack + Aliens vs Predator: Bug Hunt Pack)
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
Amnesia: The Bunker
Among Us
Aragami 2
Arcade Paradise
Arise: A Simple Story
Army Men RTS
Assault Suit Leynos
Autonauts vs Piratebots
Beacon Pines
Big Pharma
Bionic Commando Rearmed
Black Paradox
Black Skylands
Blade Assault
Blood And Zombies
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Borderlands 3: Super Deluxe Edition
BPM: Bullets Per Minute
Castle on the Coast
Cats in Time
Chicka Wars Chicken Meat (delisted)
Children of Silentown
Citizen Sleeper
CivCity: Rome
Click and Slay
Colt Canyon
Conan Chop Chop
Concept Destruction
Construction Simulator (2015) Deluxe Edition
Cookie Cutter
Corridor Z
Crayon Physics Deluxe
CROSSBOW: Bloodnight
Cultist Simulator
Curse of the Dead Gods
Dagon - The Eldritch Box DLC
Dark Deity
Dead Age
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition
Death Squared
Deceive Inc.
Desperados III
Destiny 2: Beyond Light DLC
Destroy All Humans! 2 - Reprobed
Destroyer: The U-Boat Hunter
Detached: Non-VR Edition
Dicey Dungeons
Disciples: Liberation
Disco Elysium - The Final Cut
Dishonored Definitive Edition
Distant Worlds Universe
Doctor Strange Defenders Skin
Double Cross
Doughlings: Arcade
Doughlings: Invasion
Dragon Knight (delisted, 18+)
Draw Slasher
Drawful 2
Due Process
Dungeons 2 - Complete Edition
Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising
El Hijo
Emily is Away <3
Endless Space 2
Epic Chef
Expeditions: Rome
Farming Simulator 17
Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue
First Class Trouble
Five Dates
Fling to the Finish
Fobia - St. Dinfna Hotel
Forged Battalion
Fortissimo FA INTL Ver
Founders' Fortune
Friends vs Friends
From Space
Full Metal Furies
Fun with Ragdolls: The Game
GameGuru Classic
Garfield Kart - Furious Racing
Generation Zero
Geometric Sniper
Ghost 1.0
Gloria Victis
Go Home Dinosaurs!
Going Under
Golf Gang
Good knight
GRID Ultimate Edition
Grow: Song of the Evertree
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload
Guns & Fishes
Guts and Glory
Hack 'n' Slash bundle (including Hack 'n' Slash + Hack 'n' Slash Soundtrack + Spacebase GIFT)
Hardspace: Shipbreaker
Heart Fragment - Book Two: Belief Fragments (Shannon & Lana)
Hedon Bloodrite
Hell Girls (delisted, 18+)
Hell Pie
Hidden & Dangerous 2: Courage Under Fire
Hidden & Dangerous: Action Pack
Hokko Life
Hollow Knight
Honey, I Joined a Cult
Hot Brass
Hotshot Racing
How to Sing to Open Your Heart
Hyper Gunsport
I’m not a Monster
Internet Cafe Simulator
Interplanetary: Enhanced Edition
Intruders: Hide and Seek
Iron Danger
Iron Harvest
Izmir: An Independence Simulator
Just Cause 3 XXL Edition
Just Cause 4 Complete Edition
Kerbal Space Program
King's Bounty II
Kraken Academy!!
Labirinto 2
Lacuna – A Sci-Fi Noir Adventure
Last Oasis
Late Shift
Lawn Mowing Simulator
Legend of Keepers
Legion TD 2 - Multiplayer Tower Defense
Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Don't Dry
Let Them Come
Life is Strange 2 Complete Season (incl. Mascot Bundle DLC)
Little Misfortune
Little Orpheus
Lords and Villeins
Lost Planet 3 Complete Pack
Lost Ruins
Lust for Darkness
Lust from Beyond: M Edition
Maid of Sker
Meow Express
Merchant of the Skies
Metal: Hellsinger
Metro Exodus
Midnight Fight Express
Midnight Ghost Hunt
Mini Metro
Mini motor Racing EVO (delisted)
MirrorMoon EP
Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp
Monster Sanctuary
Monster Train
Monster Train: The Last Divinity DLC
Moon Hunters
Morbid: The Seven Acolytes
Motorcycle Mechanic Simulator 2021
Moving Out - Movers in Paradise DLC
Mr. Prepper
Murder by Numbers
My Friendly Neighborhood
My Time At Portia
Mythic Ocean
Nadir: A Grimdark Deckbuilder
Necromunda Hired Gun
New Super Luckys Tale
Nickelodeon All Star Brawl
Nobody Saves the World
Non-Stop Raiders
Of Orcs And Men
Offworld Trading Company
One Hand Clapping
Orbital Racer
Out of Reach: Treasure Royale
Outward Definitive Edition
Outward The Soroboreans DLC + soundtrack (DLC only)
Paint the Town Red
Partial Control
Patch Quest
Pathfinder: Kingmaker Enhanced Plus Edition (NA only) + Royal Ascension DLC + The Wildcards DLC
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Enhanced Edition
Pathfinders: Memories
Peaky Blinders: Mastermind
Per Asperatrar
Pill Baby
Planet TD
Port Royale 3 Gold
Project CARS (delisted)
Project Chemistry
Project Nimbus: Complete Edition
Project Wingman
Propagation VR - Co-op
PULSAR: The Lost Colony
Pumped BMX +
Quantum Break
Radio Commander
Railroad Corporation
Railroad Tycoon 3
Rebel Inc: Escalation
Remnant: From the Ashes - Complete Edition
Remnants of Naezith
Resident Evil Revelations
Resident Evil Revelations 2
RIOT - Civil Unrest
Road 96
Roarr! Jurassic Edition
RollerCoaster Tycoon 2: Triple Thrill Pack
RPG Maker VX
Rubber Bandits
Rym 9000
Saints Row
Sakura Succubus, 18+
Sakura Succubus 2, 18+
Sakura Succubus 3, 18+
Sakura Succubus 4, 18+
Sakura Succubus 5, 18+
Sakura Succubus 6, 18+
Sakura Swim Club, 18+
Sam & Max: Devil's Playhouse
SCP : Secret Files
Secret Neighbor: Hello Neighbor Multiplayer
SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell
Shadow Tactics: Aiko's Choice
Shady Part of Me
Shotgun King: The Final Checkmate
Sid Meier's Railroads!
Siege Survival: Gloria Victis
Skullgirls 2nd Encore
Slinger VR
Smile For Me
Sniper Elite 3
Sniper Elite 4
Sorcerer King: Rivals
Soul Searching
Spellcaster University
Spirit Hunter: Death Mark
Spirit of the Island
Starpoint Gemini Warlords
Stirring Abyss
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones
Super Chicken Catchers
Super Magbot
Super Star (delisted)
Surviving the Aftermath
Sword Legacy Omen
Tails Noir
Telefrag VR
The Amazing American Circus
The Ascent
The Beast Inside
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan
The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope
The Deed II
The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos
The Golf Club 2019 Featuring PGA TOUR
The Gunk
The Legend of Tianding
The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante
The Long Dark
The Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice Edition
The Pale Beyond
The Quarry
The Red Lantern
The Serpent Rogue
The USB Stick Found in the Grass
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition (steam inventory gift)
The Witness
The Wolf Among Us
There Is No Light
Ticket to Ride
Tin Can
Titan Souls
Tools Up!
Townsmen - A Kingdom Rebuilt
Traffic Jams
Train Station Renovation
Treasure Hunter Simulator
Trek to Yomi
Tribes of Midgard
Twilight Struggle
Twin Mirror
Two Point Campus
Ultimate Chicken Horse
Underland: The Climb
Unity of Command: Stalingrad Campaign
Vanishing Realms
War for the Overworld
Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Drenn Redblade
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Exceptional Card Pack
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Saga of the Great Awakening
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Wrath of the Damned
Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin Ultimate Edition
We Happy Few Season Pass
We Were Here Too
Where the Water Tastes Like Wine
White Noise 2
Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus?
Worms Rumble
X-COM: Complete Pack (including X-COM: UFO Defense + X-COM: Apocalypse + X-COM: Enforcer + X-COM: Interceptor + X-COM: Terror from the Deep)
XCOM: Enemy Unknown Complete Edition
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (including X-Morph: Defense + X-Morph: Defense - European Assault + X-Morph: Defense - Survival Of The Fittest + X-Morph: Defense - Last Bastion)
Yakuza 4 Remastered

Other platforms:
Command & Conquer Remastered Collection (ORIGINkey)
Liberated (GOG key)
STAR WARS: Squadrons (Origin)
Wanderlust Travel Stories (GOG key)


My Wishlist: (prefer gift links for bolded games)

Street Fighter 6
Rocket League
Poker night
poker night 2
Game of Thrones - A Telltale Games Series
NBA 2k16, 2k17
WWE 2K16, 2K17, 2K18, 2K19, 2K20, 2k23
The Last Remnant
Doctor Who: The Adventure Games
Hell let loose
Crusader kings 3
Spiderman remaster
F1 2020, 2019, 2017, 2016, 2012, 2011
Pistol Whip
Automobilista 2
Gears 5
monster hunter rise
Tiny tina's wonderlands chaotic great edition
Spyro Reignited Trilogy
Fable Anniversary
Victoria 3
A Hat in Time
rFactor 2
ZERO Sievert
monster hunter world
Life Is Strange Complete Season
phoenix wright
Gotham Knights
Rivals of Aether
DOOM Eternal
Deep Rock Galactic
Dead by Daylight
quantum break
slay the spire
Yakuza kiwami 2
Stardew Valley
stray blade
clash: Artifacts of chaos
Wizard of Legend
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Rain World: Downpour
Resident Evil Village
Bud Spencer & Terence Hill - Slaps And Beans
River City Girls Zero
Bud Spencer & Terence Hill - Slaps And Beans 2
Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons
Loot River
Cosmo's Quickstop
Fly Punch Boom!
The Knight Witch
Cookie Cutter
Ghost Song
American Truck Simulator
Euro Truck Simulator 2
Guardians of Holme
One Hand Clapping
Blasphemous 2
Astebreed: Definitive Edition
Floppy Knights
Mahokenshi - The Samurai Deckbuilder
Astrea: Six-Sided Oracles
Book of Hours
Dungeon Drafters
Nobody Saves the World
Dead Estate
F1 2018

other humble choice title games


Note: for some games from humble I might ask for gift links. There is a rumor 3 years ago that humble bans users due to making gift links only. I make gift links every week, never have any issues. I have no idea why humble would ever ban its customers for using a feature it provides to its custimers.

Here is a guide how to make gift links from support.Humblebundle.com: https://support.humblebundle.com/hc/en-us/articles/202712460-Purchasing-and-Sending-Gifts

I do not believe humble teaches you how to make gift links, so it can ban you, lol

submitted by Jerry_217 to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:14 Jerry_217 [H] Rare games updated 5-31 [W] US amazon digital gift card, tf2 keys, Field of Glory II: Medieval and all DLCs, Rain World: Downpour, Resident Evil Village, Witchtastic, Bosorka, Loot River, Battletoads, Songbird Symphony, Elderand, Battletoads,Bud Spencer& Terence Hill 2, Double Dragon, wishlist

Region is NA.

If you have my wishlist games, Chat with me anytime. Only accept games from your own collection.

My REPs: 200+ successful trades, stopped tracking after 202.

Wishlist is in the end of this post

My steam games for trade (Can make gift links if possible):

Added recently:

Amanda the Adventurer
Bravery and Greed
King Of The Castle
Mediterranea Inferno
Yakuza: Like a Dragon
Fashion Police Squad
HUMANKIND™ Definitive Edition
Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga
The Callisto Protocol
The Excavation of Hob's Barrow
Victoria 3
One Hand Clapping
Ultimate Chicken Horse
Mad Max
Mortal Kombat 11: Ultimate
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor GOTY
Middle-Earth: Shadow of War Definitive Edition
Injustice 2 Legendary Edition
Gotham Knights
Back 4 Blood
Batman™: Arkham Knight Premium Edition
Batman™: Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition
Batman™: Arkham City GOTY Edition
Batman™: Arkham Origins
.hack//G.U. Last Recode
Katamari Damacy REROLL
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition
Dragon Knight (delisted, 18+, PM for price)
Hell Girls (delisted, 18+, PM for price)
Super Star (delisted, 18+, PM for price)

Steam games:

9 Years of Shadows
A Juggler's Tale
A Plague Tale: Innocence
Aces and Adventures
Ad Infinitum
Agent in Depth
Alchemist's Castle
Alchemy Garden
Aliens vs. Predator Collection ( includes Aliens vs. Predator + Aliens vs Predator Swarm Map Pack + Aliens vs Predator: Bug Hunt Pack)
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
Amnesia: The Bunker
Among Us
Aragami 2
Arcade Paradise
Arise: A Simple Story
Army Men RTS
Assault Suit Leynos
Autonauts vs Piratebots
Beacon Pines
Big Pharma
Bionic Commando Rearmed
Black Paradox
Black Skylands
Blade Assault
Blood And Zombies
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Borderlands 3: Super Deluxe Edition
BPM: Bullets Per Minute
Castle on the Coast
Cats in Time
Chicka Wars Chicken Meat (delisted)
Children of Silentown
Citizen Sleeper
CivCity: Rome
Click and Slay
Colt Canyon
Conan Chop Chop
Concept Destruction
Construction Simulator (2015) Deluxe Edition
Cookie Cutter
Corridor Z
Crayon Physics Deluxe
CROSSBOW: Bloodnight
Cultist Simulator
Curse of the Dead Gods
Dagon - The Eldritch Box DLC
Dark Deity
Dead Age
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition
Death Squared
Deceive Inc.
Desperados III
Destiny 2: Beyond Light DLC
Destroy All Humans! 2 - Reprobed
Destroyer: The U-Boat Hunter
Detached: Non-VR Edition
Dicey Dungeons
Disciples: Liberation
Disco Elysium - The Final Cut
Dishonored Definitive Edition
Distant Worlds Universe
Doctor Strange Defenders Skin
Double Cross
Doughlings: Arcade
Doughlings: Invasion
Dragon Knight (delisted, 18+)
Draw Slasher
Drawful 2
Due Process
Dungeons 2 - Complete Edition
Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising
El Hijo
Emily is Away <3
Endless Space 2
Epic Chef
Expeditions: Rome
Farming Simulator 17
Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue
First Class Trouble
Five Dates
Fling to the Finish
Fobia - St. Dinfna Hotel
Forged Battalion
Fortissimo FA INTL Ver
Founders' Fortune
Friends vs Friends
From Space
Full Metal Furies
Fun with Ragdolls: The Game
GameGuru Classic
Garfield Kart - Furious Racing
Generation Zero
Geometric Sniper
Ghost 1.0
Gloria Victis
Go Home Dinosaurs!
Going Under
Golf Gang
Good knight
GRID Ultimate Edition
Grow: Song of the Evertree
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload
Guns & Fishes
Guts and Glory
Hack 'n' Slash bundle (including Hack 'n' Slash + Hack 'n' Slash Soundtrack + Spacebase GIFT)
Hardspace: Shipbreaker
Heart Fragment - Book Two: Belief Fragments (Shannon & Lana)
Hedon Bloodrite
Hell Girls (delisted, 18+)
Hell Pie
Hidden & Dangerous 2: Courage Under Fire
Hidden & Dangerous: Action Pack
Hokko Life
Hollow Knight
Honey, I Joined a Cult
Hot Brass
Hotshot Racing
How to Sing to Open Your Heart
Hyper Gunsport
I’m not a Monster
Internet Cafe Simulator
Interplanetary: Enhanced Edition
Intruders: Hide and Seek
Iron Danger
Iron Harvest
Izmir: An Independence Simulator
Just Cause 3 XXL Edition
Just Cause 4 Complete Edition
Kerbal Space Program
King's Bounty II
Kraken Academy!!
Labirinto 2
Lacuna – A Sci-Fi Noir Adventure
Last Oasis
Late Shift
Lawn Mowing Simulator
Legend of Keepers
Legion TD 2 - Multiplayer Tower Defense
Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Don't Dry
Let Them Come
Life is Strange 2 Complete Season (incl. Mascot Bundle DLC)
Little Misfortune
Little Orpheus
Lords and Villeins
Lost Planet 3 Complete Pack
Lost Ruins
Lust for Darkness
Lust from Beyond: M Edition
Maid of Sker
Meow Express
Merchant of the Skies
Metal: Hellsinger
Metro Exodus
Midnight Fight Express
Midnight Ghost Hunt
Mini Metro
Mini motor Racing EVO (delisted)
MirrorMoon EP
Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp
Monster Sanctuary
Monster Train
Monster Train: The Last Divinity DLC
Moon Hunters
Morbid: The Seven Acolytes
Motorcycle Mechanic Simulator 2021
Moving Out - Movers in Paradise DLC
Mr. Prepper
Murder by Numbers
My Friendly Neighborhood
My Time At Portia
Mythic Ocean
Nadir: A Grimdark Deckbuilder
Necromunda Hired Gun
New Super Luckys Tale
Nickelodeon All Star Brawl
Nobody Saves the World
Non-Stop Raiders
Of Orcs And Men
Offworld Trading Company
One Hand Clapping
Orbital Racer
Out of Reach: Treasure Royale
Outward Definitive Edition
Outward The Soroboreans DLC + soundtrack (DLC only)
Paint the Town Red
Partial Control
Patch Quest
Pathfinder: Kingmaker Enhanced Plus Edition (NA only) + Royal Ascension DLC + The Wildcards DLC
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Enhanced Edition
Pathfinders: Memories
Peaky Blinders: Mastermind
Per Asperatrar
Pill Baby
Planet TD
Port Royale 3 Gold
Project CARS (delisted)
Project Chemistry
Project Nimbus: Complete Edition
Project Wingman
Propagation VR - Co-op
PULSAR: The Lost Colony
Pumped BMX +
Quantum Break
Radio Commander
Railroad Corporation
Railroad Tycoon 3
Rebel Inc: Escalation
Remnant: From the Ashes - Complete Edition
Remnants of Naezith
Resident Evil Revelations
Resident Evil Revelations 2
RIOT - Civil Unrest
Road 96
Roarr! Jurassic Edition
RollerCoaster Tycoon 2: Triple Thrill Pack
RPG Maker VX
Rubber Bandits
Rym 9000
Saints Row
Sakura Succubus, 18+
Sakura Succubus 2, 18+
Sakura Succubus 3, 18+
Sakura Succubus 4, 18+
Sakura Succubus 5, 18+
Sakura Succubus 6, 18+
Sakura Swim Club, 18+
Sam & Max: Devil's Playhouse
SCP : Secret Files
Secret Neighbor: Hello Neighbor Multiplayer
SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell
Shadow Tactics: Aiko's Choice
Shady Part of Me
Shotgun King: The Final Checkmate
Sid Meier's Railroads!
Siege Survival: Gloria Victis
Skullgirls 2nd Encore
Slinger VR
Smile For Me
Sniper Elite 3
Sniper Elite 4
Sorcerer King: Rivals
Soul Searching
Spellcaster University
Spirit Hunter: Death Mark
Spirit of the Island
Starpoint Gemini Warlords
Stirring Abyss
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones
Super Chicken Catchers
Super Magbot
Super Star (delisted)
Surviving the Aftermath
Sword Legacy Omen
Tails Noir
Telefrag VR
The Amazing American Circus
The Ascent
The Beast Inside
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan
The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope
The Deed II
The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos
The Golf Club 2019 Featuring PGA TOUR
The Gunk
The Legend of Tianding
The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante
The Long Dark
The Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice Edition
The Pale Beyond
The Quarry
The Red Lantern
The Serpent Rogue
The USB Stick Found in the Grass
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition (steam inventory gift)
The Witness
The Wolf Among Us
There Is No Light
Ticket to Ride
Tin Can
Titan Souls
Tools Up!
Townsmen - A Kingdom Rebuilt
Traffic Jams
Train Station Renovation
Treasure Hunter Simulator
Trek to Yomi
Tribes of Midgard
Twilight Struggle
Twin Mirror
Two Point Campus
Ultimate Chicken Horse
Underland: The Climb
Unity of Command: Stalingrad Campaign
Vanishing Realms
War for the Overworld
Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Drenn Redblade
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Exceptional Card Pack
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Saga of the Great Awakening
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Wrath of the Damned
Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin Ultimate Edition
We Happy Few Season Pass
We Were Here Too
Where the Water Tastes Like Wine
White Noise 2
Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus?
Worms Rumble
X-COM: Complete Pack (including X-COM: UFO Defense + X-COM: Apocalypse + X-COM: Enforcer + X-COM: Interceptor + X-COM: Terror from the Deep)
XCOM: Enemy Unknown Complete Edition
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (including X-Morph: Defense + X-Morph: Defense - European Assault + X-Morph: Defense - Survival Of The Fittest + X-Morph: Defense - Last Bastion)
Yakuza 4 Remastered

Other platforms:
Command & Conquer Remastered Collection (ORIGINkey)
Liberated (GOG key)
STAR WARS: Squadrons (Origin)
Wanderlust Travel Stories (GOG key)


My Wishlist: (prefer gift links for bolded games)

Street Fighter 6
Rocket League
Poker night
poker night 2
Game of Thrones - A Telltale Games Series
NBA 2k16, 2k17
WWE 2K16, 2K17, 2K18, 2K19, 2K20, 2k23
The Last Remnant
Doctor Who: The Adventure Games
Hell let loose
Crusader kings 3
Spiderman remaster
F1 2020, 2019, 2017, 2016, 2012, 2011
Pistol Whip
Automobilista 2
Gears 5
monster hunter rise
Tiny tina's wonderlands chaotic great edition
Spyro Reignited Trilogy
Fable Anniversary
Victoria 3
A Hat in Time
rFactor 2
ZERO Sievert
monster hunter world
Life Is Strange Complete Season
phoenix wright
Gotham Knights
Rivals of Aether
DOOM Eternal
Deep Rock Galactic
Dead by Daylight
quantum break
slay the spire
Yakuza kiwami 2
Stardew Valley
stray blade
clash: Artifacts of chaos
Wizard of Legend
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Rain World: Downpour
Resident Evil Village
Bud Spencer & Terence Hill - Slaps And Beans
River City Girls Zero
Bud Spencer & Terence Hill - Slaps And Beans 2
Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons
Loot River
Cosmo's Quickstop
Fly Punch Boom!
The Knight Witch
Cookie Cutter
Ghost Song
American Truck Simulator
Euro Truck Simulator 2
Guardians of Holme
One Hand Clapping
Blasphemous 2
Astebreed: Definitive Edition
Floppy Knights
Mahokenshi - The Samurai Deckbuilder
Astrea: Six-Sided Oracles
Book of Hours
Dungeon Drafters
Nobody Saves the World
Dead Estate
F1 2018

other humble choice title games


Note: for some games from humble I might ask for gift links. There is a rumor 3 years ago that humble bans users due to making gift links only. I make gift links every week, never have any issues. I have no idea why humble would ever ban its customers for using a feature it provides to its custimers.

Here is a guide how to make gift links from support.Humblebundle.com: https://support.humblebundle.com/hc/en-us/articles/202712460-Purchasing-and-Sending-Gifts

I do not believe humble teaches you how to make gift links, so it can ban you, lol

submitted by Jerry_217 to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:14 Jerry_217 [H] Rare games updated 5-31 [W] US amazon digital gift card, tf2 keys, Field of Glory II: Medieval and all DLCs, Rain World: Downpour, Resident Evil Village, Witchtastic, Bosorka, Loot River, Battletoads, Songbird Symphony, Elderand, Battletoads,Bud Spencer& Terence Hill 2, Double Dragon, wishlist

Region is NA.

If you have my wishlist games, Chat with me anytime. Only accept games from your own collection.

My REPs: 200+ successful trades, stopped tracking after 202.

Wishlist is in the end of this post

My steam games for trade (Can make gift links if possible):

Added recently:

Amanda the Adventurer
Bravery and Greed
King Of The Castle
Mediterranea Inferno
Yakuza: Like a Dragon
Fashion Police Squad
HUMANKIND™ Definitive Edition
Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga
The Callisto Protocol
The Excavation of Hob's Barrow
Victoria 3
One Hand Clapping
Ultimate Chicken Horse
Mad Max
Mortal Kombat 11: Ultimate
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor GOTY
Middle-Earth: Shadow of War Definitive Edition
Injustice 2 Legendary Edition
Gotham Knights
Back 4 Blood
Batman™: Arkham Knight Premium Edition
Batman™: Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition
Batman™: Arkham City GOTY Edition
Batman™: Arkham Origins
.hack//G.U. Last Recode
Katamari Damacy REROLL
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition
Dragon Knight (delisted, 18+, PM for price)
Hell Girls (delisted, 18+, PM for price)
Super Star (delisted, 18+, PM for price)

Steam games:

9 Years of Shadows
A Juggler's Tale
A Plague Tale: Innocence
Aces and Adventures
Ad Infinitum
Agent in Depth
Alchemist's Castle
Alchemy Garden
Aliens vs. Predator Collection ( includes Aliens vs. Predator + Aliens vs Predator Swarm Map Pack + Aliens vs Predator: Bug Hunt Pack)
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
Amnesia: The Bunker
Among Us
Aragami 2
Arcade Paradise
Arise: A Simple Story
Army Men RTS
Assault Suit Leynos
Autonauts vs Piratebots
Beacon Pines
Big Pharma
Bionic Commando Rearmed
Black Paradox
Black Skylands
Blade Assault
Blood And Zombies
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Borderlands 3: Super Deluxe Edition
BPM: Bullets Per Minute
Castle on the Coast
Cats in Time
Chicka Wars Chicken Meat (delisted)
Children of Silentown
Citizen Sleeper
CivCity: Rome
Click and Slay
Colt Canyon
Conan Chop Chop
Concept Destruction
Construction Simulator (2015) Deluxe Edition
Cookie Cutter
Corridor Z
Crayon Physics Deluxe
CROSSBOW: Bloodnight
Cultist Simulator
Curse of the Dead Gods
Dagon - The Eldritch Box DLC
Dark Deity
Dead Age
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition
Death Squared
Deceive Inc.
Desperados III
Destiny 2: Beyond Light DLC
Destroy All Humans! 2 - Reprobed
Destroyer: The U-Boat Hunter
Detached: Non-VR Edition
Dicey Dungeons
Disciples: Liberation
Disco Elysium - The Final Cut
Dishonored Definitive Edition
Distant Worlds Universe
Doctor Strange Defenders Skin
Double Cross
Doughlings: Arcade
Doughlings: Invasion
Dragon Knight (delisted, 18+)
Draw Slasher
Drawful 2
Due Process
Dungeons 2 - Complete Edition
Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising
El Hijo
Emily is Away <3
Endless Space 2
Epic Chef
Expeditions: Rome
Farming Simulator 17
Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue
First Class Trouble
Five Dates
Fling to the Finish
Fobia - St. Dinfna Hotel
Forged Battalion
Fortissimo FA INTL Ver
Founders' Fortune
Friends vs Friends
From Space
Full Metal Furies
Fun with Ragdolls: The Game
GameGuru Classic
Garfield Kart - Furious Racing
Generation Zero
Geometric Sniper
Ghost 1.0
Gloria Victis
Go Home Dinosaurs!
Going Under
Golf Gang
Good knight
GRID Ultimate Edition
Grow: Song of the Evertree
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload
Guns & Fishes
Guts and Glory
Hack 'n' Slash bundle (including Hack 'n' Slash + Hack 'n' Slash Soundtrack + Spacebase GIFT)
Hardspace: Shipbreaker
Heart Fragment - Book Two: Belief Fragments (Shannon & Lana)
Hedon Bloodrite
Hell Girls (delisted, 18+)
Hell Pie
Hidden & Dangerous 2: Courage Under Fire
Hidden & Dangerous: Action Pack
Hokko Life
Hollow Knight
Honey, I Joined a Cult
Hot Brass
Hotshot Racing
How to Sing to Open Your Heart
Hyper Gunsport
I’m not a Monster
Internet Cafe Simulator
Interplanetary: Enhanced Edition
Intruders: Hide and Seek
Iron Danger
Iron Harvest
Izmir: An Independence Simulator
Just Cause 3 XXL Edition
Just Cause 4 Complete Edition
Kerbal Space Program
King's Bounty II
Kraken Academy!!
Labirinto 2
Lacuna – A Sci-Fi Noir Adventure
Last Oasis
Late Shift
Lawn Mowing Simulator
Legend of Keepers
Legion TD 2 - Multiplayer Tower Defense
Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Don't Dry
Let Them Come
Life is Strange 2 Complete Season (incl. Mascot Bundle DLC)
Little Misfortune
Little Orpheus
Lords and Villeins
Lost Planet 3 Complete Pack
Lost Ruins
Lust for Darkness
Lust from Beyond: M Edition
Maid of Sker
Meow Express
Merchant of the Skies
Metal: Hellsinger
Metro Exodus
Midnight Fight Express
Midnight Ghost Hunt
Mini Metro
Mini motor Racing EVO (delisted)
MirrorMoon EP
Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp
Monster Sanctuary
Monster Train
Monster Train: The Last Divinity DLC
Moon Hunters
Morbid: The Seven Acolytes
Motorcycle Mechanic Simulator 2021
Moving Out - Movers in Paradise DLC
Mr. Prepper
Murder by Numbers
My Friendly Neighborhood
My Time At Portia
Mythic Ocean
Nadir: A Grimdark Deckbuilder
Necromunda Hired Gun
New Super Luckys Tale
Nickelodeon All Star Brawl
Nobody Saves the World
Non-Stop Raiders
Of Orcs And Men
Offworld Trading Company
One Hand Clapping
Orbital Racer
Out of Reach: Treasure Royale
Outward Definitive Edition
Outward The Soroboreans DLC + soundtrack (DLC only)
Paint the Town Red
Partial Control
Patch Quest
Pathfinder: Kingmaker Enhanced Plus Edition (NA only) + Royal Ascension DLC + The Wildcards DLC
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Enhanced Edition
Pathfinders: Memories
Peaky Blinders: Mastermind
Per Asperatrar
Pill Baby
Planet TD
Port Royale 3 Gold
Project CARS (delisted)
Project Chemistry
Project Nimbus: Complete Edition
Project Wingman
Propagation VR - Co-op
PULSAR: The Lost Colony
Pumped BMX +
Quantum Break
Radio Commander
Railroad Corporation
Railroad Tycoon 3
Rebel Inc: Escalation
Remnant: From the Ashes - Complete Edition
Remnants of Naezith
Resident Evil Revelations
Resident Evil Revelations 2
RIOT - Civil Unrest
Road 96
Roarr! Jurassic Edition
RollerCoaster Tycoon 2: Triple Thrill Pack
RPG Maker VX
Rubber Bandits
Rym 9000
Saints Row
Sakura Succubus, 18+
Sakura Succubus 2, 18+
Sakura Succubus 3, 18+
Sakura Succubus 4, 18+
Sakura Succubus 5, 18+
Sakura Succubus 6, 18+
Sakura Swim Club, 18+
Sam & Max: Devil's Playhouse
SCP : Secret Files
Secret Neighbor: Hello Neighbor Multiplayer
SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell
Shadow Tactics: Aiko's Choice
Shady Part of Me
Shotgun King: The Final Checkmate
Sid Meier's Railroads!
Siege Survival: Gloria Victis
Skullgirls 2nd Encore
Slinger VR
Smile For Me
Sniper Elite 3
Sniper Elite 4
Sorcerer King: Rivals
Soul Searching
Spellcaster University
Spirit Hunter: Death Mark
Spirit of the Island
Starpoint Gemini Warlords
Stirring Abyss
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones
Super Chicken Catchers
Super Magbot
Super Star (delisted)
Surviving the Aftermath
Sword Legacy Omen
Tails Noir
Telefrag VR
The Amazing American Circus
The Ascent
The Beast Inside
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan
The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope
The Deed II
The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos
The Golf Club 2019 Featuring PGA TOUR
The Gunk
The Legend of Tianding
The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante
The Long Dark
The Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice Edition
The Pale Beyond
The Quarry
The Red Lantern
The Serpent Rogue
The USB Stick Found in the Grass
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition (steam inventory gift)
The Witness
The Wolf Among Us
There Is No Light
Ticket to Ride
Tin Can
Titan Souls
Tools Up!
Townsmen - A Kingdom Rebuilt
Traffic Jams
Train Station Renovation
Treasure Hunter Simulator
Trek to Yomi
Tribes of Midgard
Twilight Struggle
Twin Mirror
Two Point Campus
Ultimate Chicken Horse
Underland: The Climb
Unity of Command: Stalingrad Campaign
Vanishing Realms
War for the Overworld
Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Drenn Redblade
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Exceptional Card Pack
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Saga of the Great Awakening
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Wrath of the Damned
Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin Ultimate Edition
We Happy Few Season Pass
We Were Here Too
Where the Water Tastes Like Wine
White Noise 2
Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus?
Worms Rumble
X-COM: Complete Pack (including X-COM: UFO Defense + X-COM: Apocalypse + X-COM: Enforcer + X-COM: Interceptor + X-COM: Terror from the Deep)
XCOM: Enemy Unknown Complete Edition
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (including X-Morph: Defense + X-Morph: Defense - European Assault + X-Morph: Defense - Survival Of The Fittest + X-Morph: Defense - Last Bastion)
Yakuza 4 Remastered

Other platforms:
Command & Conquer Remastered Collection (ORIGINkey)
Liberated (GOG key)
STAR WARS: Squadrons (Origin)
Wanderlust Travel Stories (GOG key)


My Wishlist: (prefer gift links for bolded games)

Street Fighter 6
Rocket League
Poker night
poker night 2
Game of Thrones - A Telltale Games Series
NBA 2k16, 2k17
WWE 2K16, 2K17, 2K18, 2K19, 2K20, 2k23
The Last Remnant
Doctor Who: The Adventure Games
Hell let loose
Crusader kings 3
Spiderman remaster
F1 2020, 2019, 2017, 2016, 2012, 2011
Pistol Whip
Automobilista 2
Gears 5
monster hunter rise
Tiny tina's wonderlands chaotic great edition
Spyro Reignited Trilogy
Fable Anniversary
Victoria 3
A Hat in Time
rFactor 2
ZERO Sievert
monster hunter world
Life Is Strange Complete Season
phoenix wright
Gotham Knights
Rivals of Aether
DOOM Eternal
Deep Rock Galactic
Dead by Daylight
quantum break
slay the spire
Yakuza kiwami 2
Stardew Valley
stray blade
clash: Artifacts of chaos
Wizard of Legend
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Rain World: Downpour
Resident Evil Village
Bud Spencer & Terence Hill - Slaps And Beans
River City Girls Zero
Bud Spencer & Terence Hill - Slaps And Beans 2
Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons
Loot River
Cosmo's Quickstop
Fly Punch Boom!
The Knight Witch
Cookie Cutter
Ghost Song
American Truck Simulator
Euro Truck Simulator 2
Guardians of Holme
One Hand Clapping
Blasphemous 2
Astebreed: Definitive Edition
Floppy Knights
Mahokenshi - The Samurai Deckbuilder
Astrea: Six-Sided Oracles
Book of Hours
Dungeon Drafters
Nobody Saves the World
Dead Estate
F1 2018

other humble choice title games


Note: for some games from humble I might ask for gift links. There is a rumor 3 years ago that humble bans users due to making gift links only. I make gift links every week, never have any issues. I have no idea why humble would ever ban its customers for using a feature it provides to its custimers.

Here is a guide how to make gift links from support.Humblebundle.com: https://support.humblebundle.com/hc/en-us/articles/202712460-Purchasing-and-Sending-Gifts

I do not believe humble teaches you how to make gift links, so it can ban you, lol

submitted by Jerry_217 to GameTrade [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:02 Quesonoche [H] Turok 1 and 2, Humble Leftovers, Choices [W] Crash Trilogy, Paypal, Offers

Random Keys I have:
observer_ 11-11 Memories Retold 60 Parsecs! 911 Operator 911 Operator - Special Resources DLC A Good Snowman is Hard to Build A Mortician's Tale Aaero Acceleration of SUGURI 2 AER Memories of Old Agents of Mayhem Alien Spidy Almost There: The Platformer Always Sometimes Monsters AMID EVIL Anachronox Armello Assassin's Creed® Origins Avernum 3: Ruined World Awesomenauts Awesomenauts Cluck Costume Banner Saga 2 Battle Chef Brigade BATTLETECH BATTLETECH - Flashpoint BATTLETECH - Shadow Hawk Pack Bear With Me - Collector's Edition Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians Bejeweled™ 3 Bionic Commando Bionic Commando: Rearmed BIT.TRIP Presents... Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien Wii U Black the Fall Blackguards Blaston BlazBlue: Chronophantasma Extend Bleed 2 Boundless Brigador: Up-Armored Edition Broken Age Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Brutal Legend Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box Origin Key Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Additional Content Capsized Chasm Cities in Motion 2 Coin Crypt Company of Heroes™ 2 - The Western Front Armies: Oberkommando West Cook-Out Cook, Serve, Delicious! Cook, Serve, Delicious! 2!! Crazy Machines 3 Cthulhu Saves the World Cursed Castilla (Maldita Castilla EX) Daikatana Dandara Darkside Detective Darksiders II - Wii U Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition Darksiders II: Deathinitive Edition Darksiders Warmastered Edition Deadlight Dear Esther Destiny 2 Planet of Peace Exclusive Emblem Detached DiRT Rally 2.0 - H2 RWD Double Pack DiRT Rally 2.0 - Opel Manta 400 Dirt Rally 2.0 - Porsche 911 RGT Rally Spec Distance DmC: Devil May Cry Do Not Feed the Monkeys DUCATI - 90th Anniversary Dungeons 3 Duskers Dustforce EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1: Blood Storm EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1: BM03 Vegalta Gold EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1: Depth Crawler Gold Coat EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1: Gigantus DCC-Gogo. Marking EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1: Gigantus DCC-Zero Marking EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1: Gigantus Tank, Bullet Girls Marking EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1: Gigantus Tank, EDF IFPS Markings EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1: Gigantus Tank, Natsuiro HS Markings EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1: Gleipnir EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1: Ifrit EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1: Mission Pack 1: Time of the Mutants EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1: Mission Pack 2: Extreme Battle EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1: Pure Decoy Launcher 5 Pack A EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1: Pure Decoy Launcher 5 Pack B EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1: Reflectron Laser EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1: Spark Lancer EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1: Sting Shot EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1: Volatile Napalm Eidolon Element4l Emily is Away Too Endless Space Emperor Edition ENSLAVED™: Odyssey to the West™ Premium Edition Espire VR Eterium Evergarden Evil Genius 2: World Domination Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes FarSky Fight'N Rage Figment Finding Teddy Fluffy Horde Forged Battalion Forgive Me Father Frostpunk: The Rifts DLC Frozenheim Full Metal Furies Furi Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams GNOG God's Trigger Golf With Your Friends - OST GRID 2 Guacamelee! Gold Edition H1Z1 H1Z1 Trickster Crate Hacknet HackyZack Half Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax Ultimate Boy Hard Reset Redux Hedon Bloodrite Hellbound Hello Neighbor Hide and Seek Hidden Folks Hitman 2: Silent Assassin Hitman: Codename 47 HIVESWAP: Act 1 HIVESWAP: Act 1 Holy Potatoes! We're in Space?! House Flipper VR I'm not a Monster Immortal Redneck Interplanetary: Enhanced Edition Jalopy Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth KickBeat Steam Edition Killing Floor 2 Killing Floor 2 Kona Lara Croft GO Laser League Last Day of June Late Shift LEGO Batman LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 LEGO® Batman 2 DC Super Heroes™ Little Nightmares Lone Survivor: The Director's Cut Lost Castle Lostwinds Love is Dead Lovely Planet Magicka Magicka + 2 DLC Maize METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES MIND: Path to Thalamus Mini Ninjas Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine Monster Prom Monster Train: The Last Divinity DLC Moon Hunters Moonlighter MOTHERGUNSHIP Mr. Shifty Music Maker EDM Edition Mutant Mudds Deluxe NAIRI: Tower of Shirin NBA Playgrounds NeuroVoider Nex Machina Nongünz Old Man's Journey Orcs Must Die! GOTY Orwell: Keeping an Eye On You Out of the Park Baseball 14 Outland - Special Edition Overgrowth Overgrowth Secret Preorder Forum (SPF) access Override: Mech City Brawl Owlboy Pac-Man 256 PAC-MAN™ CHAMPIONSHIP EDITION 2 Panoptic Paper Beast Paradigm Paratopic Party Hard Pathologic Classic HD Pikuniku Planet Alpha Planet Coaster - World's Fair Pack Pool Panic Populous Origin Key Prehistoric Kingdom Project Warlock Psychonauts Puss! Puzzle Bots Q.U.B.E. 2 Quake Champions Early Access plus 50 Shards, 100 Platinum, 2000 Favor RAD Rapture Rejects Rapture Rejects - Humble Exclusive "Safari Outfit" DLC Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered Red Matter Regions of Ruin Regular Human Basketball Resident Evil Revelations Resident Evil Revelations Resident Evil Revelations 2 - Episode 1: Penal Colony Reus Rising Storm 2: Vietnam + 2 DLCs Road Redemption RUINER Sairento VR Sanctum 2 Sanctum: Collection Scanner Sombre Seasons After Fall Serial Cleaner Seven: The Days Long Gone Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom Shoppe Keep Silence Slipstream Sniper Elite Speed Brawl Splasher Sportsball Wii U Star Wars™ Jedi Knight Dark Forces II Star Wars™ Jedi Knight™ II: Jedi Outcast™ Star Wars™ Jedi Knight™: Jedi Academy™ Star Wars™ Starfighter™ Star Wars™: Dark Forces Starfinder: Pact Worlds Campaign Setting Starseed Pilgrim State of Mind Stealth 2: A Game of Clones Steel Rats Stick Fight: The Game Stories Untold STRAFE: Millennium Edition Strider STRIDER™ Subterrain Sudden Strike 4 Sundered Super Daryl Deluxe Super Hexagon SUPERHOT Surgeon Simulator: Experience Reality Surviving Mars Sword Legacy Omen Swords & Soldiers II - Wii U Swords and Soldiers 2 Shawarmageddon Swords of Gurrah Tannenberg Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure The Adventure Pals The Blue Flamingo The Bureau: XCOM Declassified The Darkness II The Dwarves The Elder Scrolls: Legends: 2 Card Packs (Skyrim) 1 Event Ticket 100 Gold 100 Souls The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing - Complete Pack The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II The Journey Down: Chapter Three The LEGO® Movie - Videogame The Norwood Suite The Sexy Brutale The Shrouded Isle The Spiral Scouts The Surge The Swapper The Tenants This is the Police Thomas Was Alone Thomas Was Alone Tiny Echo Tom Clancy's EndWar™ Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell® Blacklist™ Tom Clancy's The Division™ Tom Clancy's The Division™ - Survival Tomb Raider Total War: ROME II - Caesar in Gaul (DLC) Tower Tag Train Valley 2 Tropico 4 Type:Rider Ultra Street Fighter® IV Until You Fall Viking: Battle for Asgard Vikings - Wolves of Midgard VVVVVV VVVVVV Wandersong Wands World of Goo World to the West Worms Revolution Wurm Unlimited X-COM: Apocalypse X-COM: Enforcer X-COM: Interceptor X-COM: Terror from the Deep X-COM: UFO Defense Year Walk Zombie Night Terror Zombotron
MAY 2024 HUMBLE CHOICE Yakuza: Like a Dragon Steelrising Loddlenaut King of the Castle Amanda the Adventurer Mediterranea Inferno
APRIL 2024 HUMBLE CHOICE Victoria 3 The Callisto Protocol Humankind Definitive Edition Fashion Police Squad Terraformers Symphony of War Coromon The Excavation of Hob's Barrow
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JANUARY 2024 HUMBLE CHOICE Marvel's Midnight Suns + Dr Strange Defender Skin Two Point CAmpus Aragami 2 OTXO Roguebook The Red Lantern Twin Mirror
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OCTOBER 2023 HUMBLE CHOICE The Quarry Deluxe Edition Metal Hellsinger Dark Pictures House of Ashes Rebel Inc: Escalation Spirit of the Island Lords and Villeins A Juggler's Tale Mr. Prepper
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AUGUST 2023 HUMBLE CHOICE SuchArt: Genius Artist Simulator Hot Brass Trek to Yomi Road 96 Tin Can
JULY 2023 HUMBLE CHOICE Shotgun King: The Final Checkmate Ozymandias: Bronze Age Empire Sim Merchant of the Skies Roadwarden Yakuza 4 Remastered Kraken Academy!! JUNE 2023 HUMBLE CHOICE Turbo Golf Racing Honey I Joined a Cult Eternal Threads Meeple Station GRIME Curse of the Dead Gods MAY 2023 HUMBLE CHOICE Spiritfarer: Farewell Edition Operation: Tango Bendy and the Dark Revival Windjammers 2 Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery Builder Simulator The Invisible Hand APRIL 2023 HUMBLE CHOICE Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante Revita Rollerdrome Life is Strange 2: Complete Season Founders' Fortune
DECEMBER 2022 HUMBLE CHOICE Where the Water Tastes Like Wine Blade Assault Backbone First Class Trouble Super Magbot NOVEMBER 2022 HUMBLE CHOICE Roboquest UnMetal Morbid: The Seven Acolytes Raji: An Ancient Epic Eldest Souls
JUNE 2022 HUMBLE CHOICE Gamedec Pumpkin Jack SUPERHOT: MIND CONTROL DELETE Siege Survival: Gloria Victis Call of the Sea I am Fish Star Wars Squadrons Phoenix Point: Year One Edition MAY 2022 HUMBLE CHOICE If Found... Surviving the Aftermath Genesis Noir Command & Conquer Remastered Collection Embr Spellcaster University APRIL 2022 HUMBLE CHOICE Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos Suzerain Killsquad NARUTO TO BORUTO: SHINOBI STRIKER
JANUARY 2022 HUMBLE CHOICE 7 choices remaining Farmer's Dynasty Midnight Protocol Between the Stars Rebel Cops Retrowave The Henry Stickmin Collection Rustler DECEMBER 2021 HUMBLE CHOICE 7 choices remaining Greak: Memories of Azur TOHU Fling to the Finish 8 Doors Lacuna - A Sci-Fi Noir Adventure The Survivalists Partisans 1941 NOVEMBER 2021 HUMBLE CHOICE 5 choices remaining Timelie Due Process Mbius Front '83 WRATH: Aeon of Ruin Juno: New Origins OCTOBER 2021 HUMBLE CHOICE 11 choices remaining Syberia 3 Hiveswap Friendsim Black Future '88 Tools Up Ring of Pain Guts and Glory Amnesia: Rebirth GARAGE: Bad Trip The Textorcist: The Story of Ray Bibbia 112 Operator John Wick Hex SEPTEMBER 2021 HUMBLE CHOICE 9 choices remaining Orwell: Ignorance is Strength Swag and Sorcery Röki Narita Boy FRAMED Collection Fort Triumph Atomicrops Heaven's Vault West of Dead AUGUST 2021 HUMBLE CHOICE 8 choices remaining ENCODYA Blue Fire Drake Hollow As Far As The Eye Nowhere Prophet Out of Space Cepheus Protocol JUNE 2021 HUMBLE CHOICE 11 choices remaining Ikenfell DESOLATE Worms Rumble + Legends Pack DLC Going Under Panzer Paladin Paw Paw Paw Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse Disjunction Secret Neighbor Effie Milky Way Prince - The Vampire Star MAY 2021 HUMBLE CHOICE 10 choices remaining Relicta Levelhead Morkredd Hellpoint Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3 Fury Unleashed Retimed Size Matters Family Man Vane APRIL 2021 HUMBLE CHOICE 11 choices remaining Aven Colony Remothered: Broken Porcelain Colt Canyon Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts Rock of Ages 3: Make & Break Main Assembly In Other Waters Shenmue III SIMULACRA + SIMULACRA 2 Popup Dungeon Skully MARCH 2021 HUMBLE CHOICE 10 choices remaining Wildfire Pesterquest Boreal Blade XCOM: Chimera Squad Ageless WWE 2K BATTLEGROUNDS ELEX Peaky Blinders: Mastermind Cyber Hook Hotshot Racing OCTOBER 2020 HUMBLE CHOICE 11 choices remaining The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day Shadows: Awakening Fantasy Blacksmith The Suicide of Rachel Foster Fae Tactics GOAT OF DUTY Autonauts Basement Lightmatter Sunless Bundle (Sunless Skies + Sunless Sea) Iron Danger JULY 2020 HUMBLE CHOICE 10 choices remaining EARTHLOCK Sigma Theory: Global Cold War Basingstoke Age of Wonders: Planetfall - Deluxe Edition Railway Empire Beat Hazard 2 Metal Unit Void Bastards Verlet Swing Battlestar Galactica Deadlock JUNE 2020 HUMBLE CHOICE 6 choices remaining Remnants of Naezith Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones Overload The King's Bird The Stillness of the Wind Supraland The Messenger Felix The Reaper MAY 2020 HUMBLE CHOICE 10 choices remaining Heave Ho XCOM® 2 + 2 DLC Niche - a genetics survival game Rise of Industry MO:Astray Jurassic World Evolution + 1 DLC NEOVERSE The Swords of Ditto: Mormo's Curse Horace Chess Ultra Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War WARSAW APRIL 2020 HUMBLE CHOICE 8 choices remaining Opus Magnum Driftland: The Magic Revival Raiden V: Director's Cut 雷電 V Director's Cut 雷電V:導演剪輯版 This Is the Police 2 The Bard's Tale IV: Director's Cut MOLEK-SYNTEZ Capitalism 2 Truberbrook / Trüberbrook Turok 2: Seeds of Evil Shoppe Keep 2 MARCH 2020 HUMBLE CHOICE 7 choices remaining AI War 2 Etherborn 198X Turok Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark Niffelheim Battle Chasers: Nightwar EXAPUNKS FEBRUARY 2020 HUMBLE CHOICE 7 choices remaining Warstone TD SHENZHEN I/O Night Call CryoFall The Hex Book of Demons Project Warlock JANUARY 2020 HUMBLE CHOICE 6 choices remaining GRIP + 1 DLC Them's Fightin' Herds Bad North: Jotunn Edition Middle-earth™: Shadow of War™ Street Fighter V Whispers of a Machine Trailmakers Mages of Mystralia DECEMBER 2019 HUMBLE CHOICE 9 choices remaining Ancestors Legacy Horizon Chase Turbo Desert Child Dead In Vinland Dark Future: Blood Red States Aegis Defenders Phantom Doctrine X-Morph: Defense
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2024.05.31 18:02 nahimavegan (Selling) Huge List Of 1100+ Movies! Lots Of New And Rare Titles!

**Prices firm, but I take off $1.00 for every $10 spent (multiple items)*\*
**I accept PayPal, Venmo, & Cashapp*\*
**Codes are always split/dual portion where applicable, & have no DMI*\*
**Only redeem the portion you pay for!*\*
Birds of Prey HD/MA $3.5
Scoob! HD/MA $3.5
Wonder Woman: Bloodlines HD/MA $3.5
New additions
2000s 10-Film Bundle (The Departed 4K, I Am Legend 4K, Pan's Labyrinth 4K, The Hangover 4K, A History of Violence HD, Best in Show HD, A.I. Artificial Intelligence HD, Mystic River HD, Ocean's Eleven HD, Letters from Iwo Jima HD) HD/MA $30
48 Hrs HD/VU $6
65 HD/MA $4.5 or SD/MA $2.5
80 for Brady HD/VU $5
976-Evil HD/MA $5.5
A League of Their Own 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
A Monster Calls HD/MA $3
A Most Violent Year HD/VU $4.5
A Quiet Place Pt 2 4K/VU $5.5
A Simple Favor HD/VU $4
About Time HD/MA or IT $3.5
Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter HD/MA $3.5
Abyss 4K/MA $6.5
Addams Family '19 4K/IT $4.5
Afflicted HD/MA $4
Aliens 4K/MA $6.5
Almost Famous 4K/VU $5
American Psycho 4K/VU $5.5
American Sniper 4K/MA $5.5
Angels & Demons 4K/MA $6
Ant-Man & the Wasp Quantumania HD/MA $5.5
Anyone But You HD/MA $7.5
Aquaman & the Lost Kingdom HD/MA $7
Armageddon Time HD/MA $4.5
As Good as it Gets 4K/MA $6
Asteroid City 4K/MA $6.5
Atlantis Milo's Return HD/MA $5 or HD/GP $4.5
Avatar The Way of Water HD/MA $4.5 or HD/GP $4
Back to the Future Trilogy HD/MA $10
Bad Boys 4K/MA $5.5
Bad Boys for Life 4K/MA $5.5
Bad Guys HD/MA $4.5
Bambi HD/MA $4
Banshees of Inisherin HD/GP $3.5
Barbie HD/MA $6
Battle for Terra HD/VU $4.5
Beast HD/MA $4.5
Beguiled HD/IT $3
Beyond Re-Animator HD/VU $4
Big Chill 4K/MA $5.5
Big Eyes HD/VU $4
Billy Lynn’s Long Half Time Walk HD/MA $4
Black Adam 4K/MA $5.5
Black Phone HD/MA $4
Blockers HD/MA $3.5
Blood Father HD/VU $3
Bloodshot HD/MA $4
Bob Marley One Love HD/MA $10
Body Double 4K/MA $5.5
Boogeyman HD/MA $5.5
Book Club Next Chapter HD/MA $5
Book of Life HD/MA $3.5
Broken Hearts Gallery HD/VU $4.5
Bros HD/MA $4.5
Bullet Train 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
Burrowers HD/VU $4
Call Jane HD/VU $4.5
Cannibal Cabin 4K/VU $5
Charlie's Angels '00 4K/MA $5.5
Cheech & Chong's Up in Smoke HD/VU or IT $3.5
Christmas Classics 4-Film Set (Miracle on 34th Street '94, A Christmas Carol '84, Home Alone, Jingle all the Way) HD/MA $12
Cinderella '15 HD/MA $3.5
Cinderella '50 HD/MA $4.5
Cobweb 4K/VU $7.5
Cocaine Bear HD/MA $5
Colossal HD/VU or IT $4
Contagion 4K/MA $6.5
Creature from the Black Lagoon '54 HD/MA $3.5 or 4K/IT $4
Creed 3 4K/MA $6.5
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 4K/MA $6
Counselor HD/MA $4
Da Vinci Code 4K/MA $6
Dagon HD/VU $4
Dark Skies HD/VU $3.5
DCU All Star Superman 4K/MA $6.5
Dear David 4K/VU $6
Dear White People HD/VU $3.5
Den of Thieves HD/IT $3
Devil's Workshop 4K/VU $5.5
Devil's Workshop HD/VU $4.5
Devotion 4K/VU $6 or HD/VU $4.5
Diary of the Dead HD/VU $4
Dig 4K/VU $5.5
District 9 / Elysium Bundle HD/MA $7.5
Dora & the Lost City of Gold HD/VU $3.5 or 4K/IT $4
Dragon Blade HD/VU $3.5
Dr. Strangelove 4K/MA $5
Dragonheart 5-Film Set HD/MA $13
Dreamland HD/VU $4.5
Dream Scenario HD/VU $7
Drive HD/MA $4
Dumb Money HD/MA $6
Dune Part 2 HD/MA $9
Easy Rider 4K/MA $6
Elemental HD/MA $6
Emperor HD/VU $3.5
Equalizer 3 4K/MA $7 or HD/MA $5.5
Equalizer Trilogy 4K/MA $15
Escape Plan HD/VU $2.5
Everything Everywhere All At Once 4K/VU $5
Evil Dead '13 4K/MA $5.5
Evil Dead Rise 4K/MA $6 or HD/MA $4.5
Evil Under The Sun HD/VU $4
Exorcist '73 (2-cuts) 4K/MA $6.5
Exorcist Believer 4K/MA $7 or HD/MA $5.5
Expendables 1-3 Set 4K/MA $10 or HD/VU $7
Expendables 1-4 Set 4K/VU $15 or HD/VU $11
Fall 4K/VU $6 or HD/VU $4.5
Fast & the Furious 10-film Set 4K/MA $30 or HD/MA $22
Fast X HD/MA $5
Feast (Unr) HD/VU $4
Fifth Element 4K/MA $5.5
Fifty Shades 6-Cut Set (Thea & Unr) HD/MA $12
First Purge HD/MA $3.5
Five Nights at Freddy's HD/MA $6
Fool's Paradise HD/VU $6
Force of Nature '20 HD/VU $3.5
Forger HD/VU $3
Forrest Gump HD/VU $4
Freeheld HD/VU $4
Friendsgiving HD/VU $4
Fright Night '85 4K/MA $5
Front Runner HD/MA $4
Frozen '10 HD/VU $4
Funny Girl 4K/MA $5.5
Gandhi 4K/MA $5.5
Gateway 4K/VU $5.5
Gattaca 4K/MA $6
Ghostbusters Afterlife HD/MA $4
Ghoulies Go To College HD/VU $3.5
Glory 4K/MA $6
Godfather 3 Coda HD/VU $4
Godzilla '98 HD/MA $4
Good Boys HD/MA $3.5
Good House 4K/VU $5.5
Goodnight Mommy HD/VU $4
Goosebumps 2 HD/MA $3
Gran Turismo 4K/MA $7 or HD/MA $5.5
Grand Budapest Hotel HD/MA $4
Grease Trilogy HD/VU or IT $9
Green Knight 4K/VU $5
Green Room HD/VU $4
Groundhog Day 4K/MA $5.5
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner 4K/MA $6
Hail, Caesar! HD/VU or IT $2.5
Hammett HD/VU $4
Halloween Ends HD/MA $4.5
Halloween Kills (Ext) HD/MA $4.5
Halloween Trilogy (2018, Kills, Ends) 4K/MA $15
Harriet 4K/MA $6 or HD/MA $4.5
Hex 4K/VU $5.5
High Tension HD/VU $4.5
Hellbenders HD/VU $4
Hellraiser: Judgment HD/VU $4
Hobbs & Shaw HD/MA $4
Home Alone 1 & 2 Set HD/MA $6.5
Hook 4K/MA $6
Hot Tub Time Machine 2 HD/VU $3.5 or 4K/IT $4
Hotel Transylvania 2 HD/MA $3.5
How to Train Your Dragon HD/MA $4
How to Train Your Dragon Hidden World HD/MA $3.5
Hunger Games 4-Film Set 4K/VU $15
Hustlers 4K/IT $4.5
Ice Age Continental Drift HD/MA $3
I, Frankenstein HD/VU or IT $3
I Saw the Light HD/MA $4
Ice Age HD/MA $3.5
Identity Thief HD/IT $3.5
If Beale Street Could Talk HD/MA $4
Imaginary HD/VU $9
Indiana Jones & the Last Crusade HD/VU $4 or 4K/IT $4.5
Inhabitant HD/VU $4.5
Insidious 4K/MA $5.5
Insidious The Last Key HD/MA $3.5
Insidious Red Door HD/MA $5
Iron Claw HD/VU $6.5
Jay and Silent Bob Reboot HD/VU $3.5
Jerry Maguire 4K/MA $6
Jesus Revolution HD/VU $4.5
John Wick 4 4K/VU $6.5
John Wick 4-Film Collection HD/VU $13
Journey to Bethlehem HD/MA $5.5
Jumanji '95 4K/MA $6
Jungle Book '67 HD/MA $4
Jurassic World 6-film Set HD/MA $18
Jurassic World Dominion (Thea & Ext) HD/MA $5
Kandahar HD/MA $5.5
Kiss the Girls 4K/VU $6
Knights of the Zodiac HD/MA $5
Kramer vs Kramer 4K/MA $6
Last Action Hero 4K/MA $5.5
Last Christmas HD/MA $4.5
Last Night in Soho 4K/MA $5.5
Lawless HD/VU $4
Leprechaun 8-Film Set HD/VU $15
Liar Liar HD/MA or IT $4
Licorice Pizza 4K/IT $5
Little Mermaid '23 HD/MA $5
Long Shot HD/VU $4
Lost Boys 4K/MA $6
Love Again SD/MA $2.5
Lucky Number Slevin HD/VU $4.5
M3GAN (Thea & Unr) HD/MA $5
Ma '19 HD/MA $4
Madame Web HD/MA $8
Mamma Mia Here We Go Again HD/MA $3
Manchester by the Sea HD/VU $4
Manodrome HD/VU $5.5
Marsh King's Daughter 4K/VU $5.5
Martyrs HD/VU $4.5
May HD/VU $4
Mean Girls '24 HD/VU $9
Memories of Murder 4K/MA $6.5
Menu HD/GP $3.5
Meryl Streep 8-Film Set HD/MA $22
MIB International HD/MA $4
Mickey's Christmas Carol HD/MA $4
Midnight Meat Train (Unr) HD/VU $4
Miller's Girl 4K/VU $8.5
Miracle on 34th Street HD/MA $4
Missing HD/MA $5
Mist 4K/VU $6.5
Mitchells vs the Machines HD/MA $4.5
Monster High Electrified HD/MA or IT $2.5
Moonfall 4K/VU $4.5
Moonrise Kingdom HD/MA $4
Mortal Kombat Legends Cage Match HD/MA $5.5
Mr. Holmes HD/VU $3.5
Mulan '98 HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 HD/MA $3
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 HD/MA $5.5
My Girl 4K/MA $6
National Champions 4K/IT $5
New Mutants 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Night at the Museum Secret of the Tomb HD/MA $3
Night Swim HD/MA $8
Night Train to Lisbon HD/VU $4
No Good Deed HD/MA $3
No Hard Feelings HD/MA $5.5
Nope HD/MA $4.5
Nun 2 HD/MA $5.5
Ocean's Trilogy 4K/MA $16
Old 4K/MA $6 or HD/MA $4.5
Office Space HD/MA $4.5
Oppenheimer HD/MA $6
Other Side of the Door HD/MA $4
Out Of The Blue HD/VU $4
Overlord 4K/VU or IT $4.5
ParaNorman HD/IT $4
Parental Guidance HD/MA $2.5
Parents HD/VU $4
Parasite HD/MA $4
Paw Patrol Mighty Movie HD/VU $6.5
Pearl HD/VU $4.5
Pet Sematary Bloodlines HD/VU $5.5
Peter Pan Return to Neverland HD/MA $4.5 or HD/GP $4
Philadelphia 4K/MA $5.5
Pick 1 (Black Christmas '18 4K, Dog's Purpose 4K, Sparks Brothers 4K, Raw, Agnes Bourne, Antz, Being Frank, Loving, Don't Let Go, Kicks, Final Account) HD/MA $4
Pinocchio '40 HD/MA $4
Pitch Black (Unr) 4K/IT $4.5
Pitch Perfect 3 4K/MA $5
Pixels HD/MA $3
Plane 4K/VU $5.5
Poor Things HD/MA $7.5
Pope's Exorcist HD/MA $5
Prey for the Devil 4K/VU $5.5
Priscilla HD/VU $6
Punch-Drunk Love 4K/MA $6.5
Purge 4-Film Set HD/MA $12
Queen & Slim HD/MA $4
Quick & the Dead '95 4K/MA $6
Rambo First Blood HD/VU $4
Rambo First Blood Pt 2 HD/VU $4
Rango HD/VU $3
Real Genius 4K/MA $5.5
Red Rocket HD/VU $4
Red Sparrow HD/MA $3.5
Renfield HD/MA $5.5
Requin HD/VU $4.5
Resident Evil Welcome to Raccoon City HD/MA $4
Robin Hood '73 HD/MA $4
Rosemary's Baby 4K/VU $6.5
Rhythm Section HD/VU $3.5
Ruby Gilman Teenage Kraken HD/MA $5.5
Rudy (Dir Cut) 4K/MA $6.5
Rudy 4K/MA $6
Run Lola Run 4K/MA $6.5
Saint Maud HD/VU $4
Samurai Jack Complete Series HD/VU $40
Saw 8-film Set (Unr except Jigsaw) HD/VU $20
Secret Life of Walter Mitty HD/MA $3.5
Shaun of the Dead HD/MA $4 or 4K/IT $4.5
Shaun the Sheep HD/VU $3.5
Shrek 6-Film Set (1-4, Musical, Puss in Boots) HD/MA $19
Skiptrace HD/VU $3.5
Scorpion King 4-Film Set (1, 3, 4, Book of Souls) HD/MA $12
Scream 3 4K/VU $5.5
Scream 5 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Scream 6 4K/VU $7 or HD/VU $5.5
Sharktopus HD/VU $3.5
Shazam 2-film Set HD/MA $8
Shazam Fury of the Gods 4K/MA $6 or HD/MA $4.5
She Said HD/MA $4.5
She's the Man HD/VU $3.5
Sin City HD/VU $4
Silver Linings Playbook HD/VU $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Sixteen Candles HD/MA $3.5 or HD/IT $3.5
Sleepless in Seattle 4K/MA $6
Smile HD/VU $4.5
Social Network 4K/MA $6
Sometimes They Come Back...Again HD/VU $4
Sometimes They Come Back...For More HD/VU $3.5
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 4K/VU $5.5
Spartacus 4K/IT $4
Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse 4K/MA $7 or HD/MA $5.5
Split HD/MA $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Spoiler Alert HD/MA $5
Spy (Unr) HD/MA $3
Star Wars A New Hope HD/MA $4
Starship Troopers 4K/MA $6
Step Brothers 4K/MA $6.5
Stillwater HD/MA $4
Studio 666 HD/MA $5
Sum of All Fears 4K/VU $5
Supercell HD/VU $4.5
Super Mario Bros Movie 4K/MA $6.5 or HD/MA $5
Superfly HD/MA $4
Suspiria (2018) HD/VU $4
T2 Trainspotting 4K/MA $6
Talk to Me 4K/VU $6
Talladega Nights 4K/MA $6.5
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Out of the Shadows HD/VU $3.5 or 4K/IT $4
Thanksgiving 4K/MA $7.5
The Bay HD/VU $4
The Color Purple '23 4K/MA $8 or HD/MA $6.5
The Creator HD/MA $6
The Descent (Unr) HD/VU $4.5
The Flash HD/MA $5
The Last Dragon 4K/MA $5.5
The Marvels HD/MA $6.5
The Natural 4K/MA $6
The Other Guys 4K/MA $6
The Professional (Ext) 4K/MA $6
The Space Between Us HD/MA $4
The Sting HD/MA $3.5
The Super '17 HD/VU $4
Ticket to Paradise HD/MA $4.5
Titanic 4K/VU or IT $6 or HD/VU $4.5
Top Gun Maverick HD/VU $4
Toy Story 3 HD/MA $4
Trading Places 4K/VU $6
Transformers Rise of the Beasts 4K/MA $7 or HD/VU $5.5
Trolls 3-Film Collection HD/MA $12
Trolls Band Together HD/MA $6.5
Tusk HD/VU $4.5
Umma HD/MA $4.5
Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent 4K/VU $5
Underwater HD/MA $4.5
Unfriended HD/MA $4
Universal Monsters 4-Film Set 4K/MA $17
Up '09 HD/MA $4.5
V for Vendetta 4K/MA $6.5
Vanilla Sky HD/VU $5.5
Varsity Blues 4K/VU $6
Velvet Goldmine HD/VU $4.5
Venture Bros Radiant is the Blood of the Baboon Heart HD/MA $5.5
Violent Night HD/MA $5
Walking Dead Season 9 HD/VU $7
Watchmen Ultimate Cut 4K/MA $7.5
Waxwork 2 HD/VU $3.5
Welcome to Marwen HD/MA $4.5
Welcome to Monster High HD/MA or IT $3
Whiplash 4K/MA $6 or HD/MA $4.5
White House Down HD/MA $3.5
Whitney Houston I Wanna Dance w/ Somebody HD/MA $4
Wicker Man 4K/VU $5.5
Wish HD/MA $7
Witch HD/VU $3.5
Woman King 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $4
Woman Walks Ahead HD/VU $4
Wonka HD/MA $7
You're Next HD/VU $3.5
X HD/VU $4
X-Men 1-4 Set SD/MA $7.5
X-Men Trilogy (X-Men, X2, Last Stand) HD/MA $11.5
Zombieland 4K/MA $5.5
Zombieland Double Tap HD/MA $4
All other movies (A-Z)
10 Cloverfield Lane HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
101 Dalmatians '61 HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
13 Hours HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
14 Blades HD/VU $3.5
1917 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
2 Guns 4K/MA $4 or HD/MA or IT $2.5
21 Jump Street HD/MA $3
22 Jump Street HD/MA $3.5
3 Extremes HD/VU $4
3 From Hell (Unr) 4K/VU $4 or HD/VU $2.5
3:10 to Yuma 4K/VU $5
31 HD/VU $2.5
47 Meters Down HD/IT $3.5
47 Meters Down Uncaged 4K/VU $4.5 or HD/VU $3
47 Ronin HD/MA $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
600 Miles HD/VU $3.5
71 HD/VU $3.5
A Christmas Story 4K/MA $6
A Dog's Purpose HD/IT $3
A Good Day to Die Hard (Ext) HD/VU $2.5
A Journal For Jordan HD/MA $4
A Quiet Place HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
A Walk Among the Tombstones HD/IT $3.5
A Wrinkle in Time HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
A.C.O.D. HD/IT $3.5
Abominable 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
About Last Night HD/MA $3
Ad Astra HD/MA $4
Adaptation 4K/MA $6
Adverse 4K/VU $5
After Earth HD/MA $3
Aftermath HD/VU $3
Air Force One 4K/MA $6
Aladdin ‘19 HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Aladdin ‘92 HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Alien HD/MA $4
Alien Covenant HD/MA $2.5
Alfred Hitchcock 4-Film Set Vol 1 4K/MA $18
Alfred Hitchcock 5-Film Set Vol 2 4K/MA $21
Alien 6-film Set HD/MA $16
Alita Battle Angel 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
All Eyez on Me HD/VU or IT $3
All is Lost HD/VU $3.5
All the Money in the World HD/MA $3.5
Allied HD/VU or IT $3.5
Amazing Spider-Man 2 HD/MA $3.5 or SD/MA $1.5
Amazing Spider-Man HD/MA $3.5 or SD/MA $1.5
American Assassin 4K/VU $4.5 or HD/VU $3
American Hustle HD/MA $3.5
American Ultra HD/VU or IT $4
American Underdog 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Anatomy of a Murder 4K/MA $5
Anchorman 2 HD/VU or IT $2.5
Angel Has Fallen 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Angel Heart 4K/VU $5.5
Angel of Mine 4K/VU $5.5
Angry Birds Movie HD/MA $3.5
Anna Karenina HD/IT $3.5
Annie ‘14 HD/MA $3.5
Annihilation HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Antebellum 4K/VU $5
Antlers HD/GP $3
Ant-Man & the Wasp HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Ant-Man HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Apache Junction HD/VU $3.5
Apollo 13 4K/MA or IT $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Arctic HD/MA $4
Arrival HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Art of Self-Defense HD/MA $4
Assassination Nation HD/MA $3.5
Assassin's Creed HD/MA $3
Assignment HD/VU $4
Atomic Blonde 4K/IT $4.5 or HD/MA $3
August Osage County HD/VU $3
Avengers Age of Ultron HD/GP $3
Avengers Endgame HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Avengers Infinity War 4K/MA $4 or HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Baby Driver HD/MA $4
Backdraft 4K/MA or IT $5.5
Bad Grandpa HD/VU or IT $2.5
Bad Words HD/MA or IT $3
Bandslam HD/VU $4
Bank Job HD/VU $3.5
Barb & Star go to Vista Del Mar HD/VU $4
Barbie & Her Sisters in the Great Puppy Adventure HD/IT $3.5
Bart Got a Room HD/VU $4
Battle Royale HD/VU $4.5
Battleship 4K/MA or IT $4.5 or HD/MA $3
Beauty & the Beast ‘17 HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Beauty & the Beast ‘91 HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Bedknobs & Broomsticks HD/GP $3.5
Before I Fall HD/VU or IT $3.5
Begin Again HD/VU $3.5
Beiruit HD/MA $3.5
Belly 4K/VU $5.5
Ben-Hur ‘16 HD/VU $3.5
Between Worlds HD/VU $3.5
Big Hero 6 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Big Lebowski 4K/MA or IT $5.5
Big Short HD/VU $3.5
Big Wedding HD/VU or IT $3
Billy Elliot HD/MA or IT $4
Birdman HD/MA $4
Black & Blue HD/MA $4
Black Christmas '19 HD/MA $4.5
Black Panther 4K/MA $4.5 or HD/GP $2.5
Black Panther Wakanda Forever 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
BlackKklansman HD/MA $4.5
Blacklight HD/MA $4
Black Widow HD/GP $3
Blackhat HD/IT $3.5
Blair Witch Project ‘99 HD/VU $4
Bleeding Steel HD/VU $3.5
Blindspotting 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Blood Money ‘17 HD/VU $3.5
Blood Ties HD/VU $3.5
Blue Jasmine HD/MA $3.5
Blue Ruin HD/VU $4
Blues Brothers HD/MA $4 or 4K/IT $4.5
Bob's Burgers Movie HD/GP $3
Body Cam HD/VU $4
Bohemian Rhapsody 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Bombshell 4K/VU $5
Book of Life HD/MA $3.5
Boss Baby HD/MA $2.5
Bourne Identity 4K/IT $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Bourne Legacy HD/VU $2 or 4K/IT $2.5
Bourne Supremacy HD/MA $3.5 or 4K/IT $4
Bourne Ultimatum 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Boy ‘16 HD/IT $3.5
Boy & the World HD/IT $3.5
Braven HD/VU $4
Breakfast Club HD/MA or IT $4
Breakthrough HD/MA $3
Brian Banks HD/MA $3
Bridge of Spies HD/GP $3.5
Brothers Bloom HD/VU $4.5
Bumblebee 4K/VU or IT $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Butler HD/VU $3
Cabin in the Woods HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Cake HD/MA $4
Call of Wild 4K/MA $4.5 or HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Calvary HD/MA $4
Candyman '20 4K/MA $6 or HD/MA $4.5
Candyman 3 HD/VU $4
Captain America Civil War HD/GP $2.5
Captain America First Avenger HD/GP $3.5
Captain America Winter Soldier HD/GP $3.5
Captain Marvel 4K/MA $4 or HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Captain Phillips HD/MA $3.5
Captain Underpants First Epic Movie HD/MA $2.5
Carol HD/VU $4
Cars 3 HD/GP $2.5
Casablanca 4K/MA $5.5
Case for Christ HD/MA or IT $2.5
Casper HD/IT $4
Celebrating Mickey HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Chaos Walking 4K/VU $5
Chappaquiddick HD/VU $4
Chasing Mavericks HD/MA $3.5
Chicago HD/VU $4
Child 44 HD/VU $4
Children ‘08 HD/VU $4
Christopher Robin HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Clerks 3 4K/VU $4.5
Clifford the Big Red Dog HD/VU $4
Cloverfield 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Coco HD/GP $2.5
Cold Pursuit 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Collection HD/VU $3.5
Collide ‘17 HD/VU or IT $2.5
Colma The Musical HD/VU $4
Colombiana (Unr) HD/MA $4
Colony 4K/VU $5
Come & Find Me HD/VU $4
Commuter 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Company of Heroes HD/MA $4
Conspirator HD/VU $4
Contraband HD/IT $3
Contractor HD/VU $4.5
Cooler HD/VU $4
Cool Hand Luke 4K/MA $5.5
Cooties HD/VU $4
Cotton Club Encore 4K/VU $5.5
Countdown ‘16 HD/VU $3.5
Courier 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Craft Legacy HD/MA $4.5
Criminal HD/VU or IT $3
Croods HD/VU $3.5
Cruella HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Crypto 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Daddy's Home HD/IT $2.5
Daddy's Home 2 HD/VU or IT $3
Damsel HD/VU $4.5
Dangerous 4K/VU $4.5 or HD/VU $3
Danny Collins HD/IT $3.5
Dark Crimes HD/VU $4
Darkest Minds HD/MA $4
Dark Places HD/VU $4
Dark Tower HD/MA $3.5
Darkest Hour ‘17 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes HD/MA $3.5
Deadpool 2 (w/Super Duper Cut) HD/MA $4
Deadpool HD/MA $2.5
Death of Me HD/VU $4
Death on the Nile HD/GP $3
Death Wish '18 HD/VU $3
Deepwater Horizon HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Deliver Us From Evil HD/MA $3.5
Dentist 2-Film Set HD/VU $7
Despicable Me 2 HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Despicable Me 3 4K/MA or IT $4.5
Despicable Me 4K/MA or IT $4.5
Detroit HD/MA $3.5
Devil Inside HD/VU $3.5
Devil's Due HD/MA $3.5
Die Hard HD/MA $3.5
Die Hard 5-film Set HD/MA $18
Die in a Gunfight 4K/VU $5
Dirty Dancing 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Disney Animated Short Films Set HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Disneynature Monkey Kingdom HD/MA $3
Django Unchained HD/VU $3
Doctor Strange HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Dolittle HD/MA $3.5
Dom Hemingway HD/MA $3.5
Don Verdean HD/VU $4.5
Doorman HD/VU $3.5
Doors 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Downsizing HD/VU $2 or 4K/IT $2.5
Downton Abbey A New Era HD/MA $4
Downton Abbey The Movie HD/MA $3.5
Draft Day HD/IT $3.5
Dragged Across Concrete HD/VU $3.5
Dragonslayer 4K/VU $5.5
Dream a Little Dream HD/VU $4
Dreamkatcher HD/VU $4
Dreamworks 10-Film HD/MA $25
Dredd 4K/VU $4 or HD/VU $2.5
Dying of the Light HD/VU $2.5
E.T. Extra Terrestrial 4K/MA or IT $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Early Man 4K/VU $5.5
Earth Girls are Easy HD/VU $4
Eddie the Eagle HD/MA $4
Edge of Seventeen HD/IT $3
Edward Scissorhands HD/MA $3.5
El Chicano HD/MA $4
Elysium HD/MA $3.5
Emoji Movie HD/MA $3
Empire of Light HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Empire State HD/VU $3
Encanto 4K/GP $3.5
Enough Said HD/MA $3.5
Enter the Dragon 4K/MA $6
Epic HD/MA $3
Equalizer HD/MA $3.5
Equalizer 2 HD/MA $3.5
Escape From Planet Earth HD/VU $3
Eternals HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Everest HD/MA $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Everything Must Go HD/VU $4
Evil Dead 2 HD/VU $3.5
Ex Machina HD/VU $3
Exodus Gods & Kings HD/MA $3.5
Expired 4K/VU $4.5
Fair Game (Dir) HD/VU $4
Fantastic Four ‘15 HD/MA $4
Fast & Furious 4 4K/MA $5
Fast & the Furious 8-film Set HD/MA $17
Fast & the Furious 9-film Set HD/MA $19
Fast Color 4K/VU $5.5
Fatale ‘20 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Fatherhood HD/MA $4
Fault in Our Stars HD/MA $3.5
Fear of Rain 4K/VU $5.5
Fences HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Ferdinand HD/MA $3.5
Field of Dreams 4K/MA or IT $5.5
Fifty Shades Darker (Unr) HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Fifty Shades Freed HD/MA $4
Fifty Shades of Grey (Unr) 4K/MA or IT $4
Finding Dory HD/GP $2
Finding Nemo HD/GP $3.5
Finest Hours HD/GP $3
Firm 4K/VU $6
First Man HD/MA $4
Flashback ‘20 HD/VU $4
Flight HD/VU or IT $3
Florence Foster Jenkins HD/VU or IT $3
Footloose ‘11 HD/IT $3
Forbidden Kingdom HD/VU $4.5
Ford v Ferrari HD/MA $4
Forest HD/IT $3.5
Forever My Girl HD/IT $3
Fortress HD/VU $3.5
Fortress Sniper's Eye HD/VU $3.5
Fox & the Hound 2 HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Foxcatcher HD/MA $4
Frank & Lola HD/VU or IT $3
Free Guy HD/GP $3
French Dispatch HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Friday the 13th 4K/VU $5.5
From Here to Eternity 4K/MA $5.5
Frozen (Sing-Along) HD/MA $2 or HD/GP $1.5
Frozen HD/GP $2
Frozen 2 HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Frozen Ground ‘13 HD/VU $3.5
Fury HD/MA $3.5
Future World HD/VU $3.5
G.I. Joe Retaliation HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Gambit ‘12 HD/MA $4
Gambler HD/VU or IT $3
Gamer 4K/VU $5.5
Gemini Man 4K/VU or IT $4.5 or HD/VU $3
Get Out 4K/MA or IT $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Ghost in the Shell ‘17 HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Ghost in the Shell ‘95 4K/VU $5
Ghost Team One HD/VU or IT $3.5
Ghostbusters ‘84 HD/MA $3.5
Ghostbusters (Thea & Ext) ‘16 HD/MA $3
Ghostbusters 2 HD/MA $3.5
Gifted HD/MA $3
Girl on Train HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Girl w/ All Gifts HD/VU $4
Giver HD/VU $3.5
Glass Castle 4K/VU $5.5
Glass HD/MA $4
God Bless The Broken Road HD/VU $3.5
God's Not Dead 2 HD/MA or IT $2.5
God's Not Dead 3 HD/MA $3
Gods of Egypt HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Gold ‘16 HD/VU $2.5
Good Dinosaur HD/GP $2.5
Good Kill HD/VU or IT $3.5
Grease 2 HD/VU $3.5
Great Wall 4K/MA or IT $4.5 or HD/MA $3
Greatest Showman HD/MA $3.5
Green Book HD/MA $4
Grey HD/VU or IT $3
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 1 HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 HD/GP $2
Guilt Trip HD/VU or IT $3
Gunman HD/MA or IT $3
Guns of Navarone 4K/MA $5.5
Hacksaw Ridge 4K/VU or IT $4.5 or HD/VU $3
Halloween ‘18 HD/MA $3
Hammer of the Gods HD/VU $2
Hannibal S.1 HD/VU $5
Hansel & Gretel Witch Hunters (Unr) HD/VU $3
Hard Luck Love Song 4K/VU $5.5
Hard Target 2 HD/IT $1.5
Hardcore Henry HD/VU or IT $3.5
Hate U Give HD/MA $4
Hateful Eight HD/VU $3.5
Heat (Director's Cut) ‘95 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
Heaven is for Real HD/MA $3.5
Hercules ‘14 HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Here Comes the Boom HD/MA $3.5
Hereditary HD/VU $3.5
Hidden Figures HD/MA $3
High Note HD/MA $4
Highlander 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Hitchcock '12 HD/MA $4
Hitman Agent 47 HD/MA $3
Hitman's Bodyguard HD/VU $3.5
Hocus Pocus HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Home HD/MA $3
Home Again HD/MA $3
Home Alone 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Homefront HD/MA or IT $3
Homesman HD/VU $3
Honey 2 HD/VU $3
Hostiles 4K/VU $4.5 or HD/VU $3
Hotel Transylvania 3 HD/MA $3.5
Hot Fuzz HD/VU $4
Hotel Mumbai HD/MA $4
Hours ‘13 HD/VU $4
House of 1000 Corpses HD/VU $4
House of Gucci 4K/IT $5.5
House w/ a Clock in Its Walls sHD/MA $4
How to Train Your Dragon 2 HD/MA $2.5
Hugo HD/VU $3
Hunt for Red October 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Huntsman Winter's War (Ext) HD/MA $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
I Can Only Imagine HD/VU $3.5
I Feel Pretty HD/IT $2
Ides of March HD/MA $4
I Know What You Did Last Summer 4K/MA $5.5
Imitation Game HD/VU $3
In Secret ‘14 HD/VU $4.5
In the Blood HD/VU $4
Incredibles 2 HD/GP $3
Independence Day ‘96 HD/MA $4
Independence Day Resurgence HD/MA $2.5
Indiana Jones & the Raiders of the Lost Ark 4K/VU or IT $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom 4K/VU or IT $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Indignation HD/VU $4
Indivisible HD/MA $3.5
Inferno HD/MA $3
Initiation 4K/VU $5
Initiation HD/VU $3.5
Internship HD/MA $3
Interstellar 4K/VU or IT $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Interview HD/MA $3.5
Into the Woods HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Invisible Man '20 HD/MA $3.5
Invisible Man ‘33 HD/MA $3.5
Iron Man 3 HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Iron Man & Hulk Heroes United HD/GP $3.5
Iron Mask ‘19 HD/VU $4.5
It Follows HD/VU $3.5
It's a Wonderful Life HD/VU $3
Jack & Jill HD/MA $3.5
Jack Reacher 4K/IT $4.5
Jack Reacher Never Go Back HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit 4K/IT $4 or HD/VU $2.5
Jacob's Ladder HD/VU $4
Jane Got a Gun HD/VU $4
Jason Bourne HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Jesus Music HD/VU $3.5
Jexi HD/VU $3.5
Jobs HD/MA or IT $3.5
Joe HD/VU $3.5
Joe Kidd HD/IT $4
John Wick 1 & 2 Bundle HD/VU $4
John Wick 3 Parabellum 4K/VU $4.5
John Wick Chapter 2 HD/VU $3.5 or 4K/IT $4
John Wick HD/VU $2 or 4K/IT $2.5
John Wick Trilogy 4K/VU $13 or HD/VU (#3 4K) $9 or all HD/VU $8
Journey to the West Conquering the Demons HD/VU $3.5
Joy HD/MA $3
Judy 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Juliet, Naked 4K/VU $5.5
Jumanji Welcome To The Jungle HD/MA $2.5
Jungle Book ‘16 4K/MA $4.5 or HD/GP $2.5
Jungle Cruise HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Jurassic Park 3 HD/VU $3.5 or 4K/IT $4
Jurassic Park 4K/MA or IT $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Jurassic World 5-film Set HD/MA $14
Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom 4K/MA $4.5 or HD/MA $3
Kama Sutra HD/VU $4
Kick-Ass 2 HD/MA $3.5
Kid ‘19 HD/VU $3.5
Kid Who Would Be King 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
Kill Zone ‘05 HD/VU $4.5
Killer Elite HD/IT $3
Killing Gunther HD/VU $4
Kin ‘18 4K/VU $4.5 or HD/VU $3
King Kong ‘05 4K/MA or IT $5 or HD/MA $3.5
King of Staten Island HD/MA $4
King's Man HD/GP $3.5
Kingsman The Golden Circle HD/MA $3
Kingsman The Secret Service HD/MA $3.5
Knives Out HD/VU $3.5 s Knowing 4K/VU $5.5
La La Land HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Labor Day HD/VU or IT $3
Lady Macbeth HD/VU $4.5
Lady of the Manor 4K/VU $5
Lair of White Worm HD/VU $4.5
Lake Mungo HD/VU $4
Lara Croft Tomb Raider 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Last Dragon HD/MA $4.5
Last Duel HD/GP $3.5
Last Exorcism HD/VU $4
Last Knights HD/VU $3.5
Last Man ‘19 HD/VU $4
Last Vegas HD/VU $3
Last Witch Hunter 4K/IT $3.5
Lawrence of Arabia 4K/MA $5.5
Legends of Oz Dorothy's Return HD/MA $3.5
Leprechaun 7-film Set HD/VU $12
Let's be Cops HD/MA $3.5
Let Him Go HD/MA $4
Life ‘17 HD/MA $3.5
Life of Crime HD/VU $3.5
Life of Pi 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA or IT $3.5
Light of My Life HD/IT $3.5
Lightyear HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Like a Boss HD/VU $3.5
Lilo & Stitch 2 HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Lion HD/VU $4
Lion King ‘19 4K/MA $4 or HD/GP $2
Lion King ‘94 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Little HD/MA $3.5
Little Mermaid ‘89 HD/MA $4
Live Free or Die Hard HD/MA $4
Locked Down 4K/MA $5.5
Logan HD/MA $3
Logan Lucky HD/MA $3.5 or /IT $4
Lone Ranger HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Lone Survivor HD/VU $2.5
Longest Week HD/VU $3.5
Looper HD/MA $3.5
Lorax HD/MA or IT $3
Lord of War 4K/VU $5.5
Lords of Salem HD/VU $4
Lost World Jurassic Park HD/MA $3.5
Love & Mercy HD/VU $3.5
Love the Coopers HD/VU or IT $4
Love, Simon HD/MA $3.5
Loving HD/VU or IT $3.5
Luca HD/GP $3
Lucy 4K/MA or IT $4.5 or HD/MA $3
Lyle, Lyle Crocodile HD/MA $4.5
Madagascar 3 HD/MA $3
Magic Mike's Last Dance HD/MA $4.5
Magnificent Seven ‘16 HD/VU $3
Maleficent HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Maleficent Mistress of Evil HD/GP $2.5
Man Who Fell To Earth ‘76 4K/VU $5
Man Who Shot Liberty Vance 4K/VU $5.5
Marauders HD/VU $3.5
Marksman HD/MA $4
Martian HD/MA $3.5
Mary Poppins ‘64 HD/MA $3.5 or ‘64 HD/GP $3
Mary Poppins Returns 4K/MA $4.5 or HD/GP $2.5
Mask of Zorro 4K/MA $6
Mauritanian 4K/IT $5
Max Steel HD/IT $3
Maze Runner HD/MA $3.5
McKenna Shoots for the Stars HD/IT $2
Meatballs HD/VU $4
Memory HD/MA $3.5
Men HD/VU $4
Men in Black 3 HD/MA $3
Men in Black 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
MI-5 Spooks '15 HD/VU $4
Mickey & Minnie 10 Classic Shorts HD/GP $4.5
Mid-Century 4K/VU $5
Midnight in the Switchgrass 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Midway 4K/VU $4.5 or HD/VU $3
Mile 22 HD/IT $3
Million Dollar Arm HD/GP $2.5
MindGamers HD/MA or IT $3.5
Minions 4K/MA or IT $4.5 or HD/VU $3
Miracles from Heaven HD/MA $3.5
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children HD/MA $3
Mission Impossible 3 4K/VU $5
Mission Impossible 6-film Set HD/VU $17
Mommy HD/VU $4
Moneyball HD/MA $3
Monster High Electrified HD/IT $2.5
Monster Hunter HD/MA $3.5
Money Monster HD/MA $3.5
Monster Trucks HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Monsters University HD/GP $3
Monuments Men HD/MA $3.5
Moon 4K/MA $5.5
Morbius HD/MA $4
Morgan HD/MA $4
Mortal Engines 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
Mortal HD/VU $4
Mortal Instruments City of Bones HD/MA $3
Mortdecai HD/VU $3.5
Mountain Between Us HD/MA $2.5
Mr. Peabody & Sherman HD/MA $3
Mulan ‘20 4K/MA $4.5 or ‘20 HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Mummy ‘17 4K/MA or IT $4.5 or HD/MA $3
Mummy ‘99 HD/MA $3.5
Mummy 4-Film Set (Mummy 1-3, Scorpion King) HD/MA $12
Mummy Trilogy 4K/MA or IT $14 or HD/MA $9 4K/IT
Muppets Most Wanted HD/GP $3
Murder on the Orient Express HD/MA $3.5
My All American HD/MA or IT $3.5
My Best Friend is a Vampire HD/VU $4
National Lampoon's Vacation 4K/MA $5.5
Nebraska HD/VU $3
Need for Speed HD/GP $3.5
Needle in a Timestack 4K/VU $5.5
Nerve HD/VU $3.5
News of the World HD/MA $4
Night at the Museum Trilogy HD/MA $11
Night House HD/MA $4.5 or HD/GP $4
Nightmare Alley HD/GP $3.5
Nightmare Before Christmas 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
No Time to Die 4K/IT $4.5
Noah HD/VU or IT $2.5
Non-Stop HD/VU or IT $3
Norm of the North HD/VU $2.5
Nostalgia ‘18 HD/MA $3.5
Now You See Me 2 4K/IT $4
Now You See Me HD/VU or IT $2.5 or SD/VU $1
Nutcracker & Four Realms HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Oblivion 4K/MA or IT $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Occupation ‘18 HD/VU $3.5
Occupation Rainfall HD/VU $4
Office Christmas Party 4K/IT $3.5
Olaf's Frozen Adventure HD/GP $3
Oliver! 4K/MA $5
On Chesil Beach HD/MA $4.5
One Ranger HD/VU $4.5
Onward HD/GP $2.5
Open Water 2 Adrift HD/VU $4
Open Water HD/VU $4
Operation Avalanche HD/VU $4
Ouija HD/MA or IT $3.5
Our Kind of Traitor HD/MA $4
Outlander S.1 Vol 1 HD/VU $5
Overboard ‘18 HD/VU $3.5
Oz the Great & Powerful HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Pacific Rim Uprising HD/MA $4
Paddington HD/VU $3.5
Pain & Gain HD/VU or IT $3.5
Paper Towns HD/MA $3
Paradise Highway 4K/VU $5
Paranormal Activity 3 (Ext) HD/VU or IT $3
Paranormal Activity Ghost Dimension (Unr) HD/VU or IT $3.5
Paranormal Activity HD/VU $4
Paranormal Activity The Marked Ones HD/VU or IT $3.5
Passengers HD/MA $3.5
Patriot Games 4K/VU $5
Patriot's Day HD/VU $3
Paul Apostle of Christ HD/MA $3
Peanuts Movie HD/MA $3
Penelope HD/VU $4.5
Peppermint HD/IT $3.5
Percy Jackson Sea of Monsters HD/MA $3
Perks of Being a Wallflower HD/VU or IT $3 or SD/VU or IT $1
Pet Sematary ‘19 HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Pet Sematary ‘89 HD/VU $3.5 or 4K/IT $4
Peter Rabbit HD/MA $3.5
Pete's Dragon ‘16 HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Phantom Thread HD/MA $4
Philomena HD/VU $2.5
Pirates of the Caribbean 5 HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Pitch Perfect 2 4K/MA $4 or HD/MA $2.5
Pitch Perfect HD/MA $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Pixar Short Films Set Vol. 3 HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Planes Fire & Rescue HD/GP $3
Planes HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Planes, Trains & Automobiles 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Playing w/ Fire HD/VU or IT $2.5
Poltergeist ‘82 4K/MA $5.5
Poltergeist (Ext) ‘15 HD/MA $4
Pompeii HD/MA $3.5
Power Rangers ‘17 HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Predator ‘18 HD/MA $3
Predator ‘87 HD/MA $4
Pride & Prejudice & Zombies HD/MA $3.5
Primal HD/VU $3.5
Promise HD/MA or IT $3.5
Proud Mary HD/MA $3.5
Psycho 4K/MA $5
Pulp Fiction HD/VU $4
Punisher War Zone 4K/VU $5.5
Purge Anarchy HD/MA $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Purge Election Year HD/MA $3.5
Purge 4K/MA or IT $4.5 or HD/MA $3 or
Push 4K/VU $6
Quarry 4K/VU $5
Quartet HD/VU $4
Queen of Katwe HD/GP $2.5
Quiet Ones HD/VU $3.5
Rambo ‘08 HD/VU $4
Rambo 5-film Set HD/VU $18
Rambo Last Blood 4K/VU $4.5 or HD/VU $3
Ran ‘85 4K/VU $5.5
Raya & the Last Dragon HD/MA $3.5
Rear Window 4K/IT $3.5
Rebel Without a Cause 4K/MA $5.5
Reclaim HD/VU $3.5
Redline ‘10 HD/VU $4.5
Reign of Assassins HD/VU $4.5
Replicant ‘01 HD/VU $3.5
Replicas HD/VU $3.5
Rescuers Down Under HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Rescuers HD/MA $4.5 or HD/GP $4
Reservoir Dogs HD/VU $4
Resident Evil Retribution 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Retaliation ‘17 HD/VU $4
Revenant 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Ricki & the Flash HD/MA $3
Riddick (Unr) HD/VU or IT $3
Ride Like a Girl HD/VU $4
Right At Your Door HD/VU $4
Right One 4K/VU $5.5
Rio 2 (Sing-Along) HD/MA $3
Riot HD/VU or IT $3
Risen HD/MA $3
Rob Zombie Trilogy (3 From Hell, House of 1000 Corpses, Devil's Rejects) HD/VU $8
Robin Hood ‘18 HD/VU $3
Robocop ‘14 HD/VU $2.5
Rocketman ‘19 HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Rocky Horror Picture Show HD/MA $4
Roman J. Israel Esq HD/MA $3
Ron's Gone Wrong HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Room '15 HD/VU $3.5
Rough Night 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Run The Race HD/MA $3
Runner Runner HD/MA $3.5
Rush HD/IT $3
Safe HD/VU or IT $2.5
Same Kind of Different As Me HD/VU or IT $3
Samson HD/MA $3.5
Santa Clause HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Santa Clause 2 HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Santa Clause 3 HD/GP $2.5
Sapphires HD/VU $4
Sausage Party HD/MA $3.5
Saving Mr. Banks HD/GP $3
Saw (Unr) 4K/VU $4.5
Saw 7-film Set (Unr) HD/VU $16
Saw HD/VU $3
Scarface HD/MA $4 or 4K/IT $4.5
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark 4K/VU $4.5
Schindler's List 4K/MA or IT $5.5 or HD/MA $4
Scream '96 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Scream Trilogy HD/VU $11
Secret Garden ‘20 4K/VU or IT $5.5
Secret in Their Eyes HD/VU or IT $3
Secret Life of Pets 4K/MA or IT $4.5 or HD/MA $3
See No Evil 2 HD/VU $3.5
Serenity ‘05 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
Seriously Red HD/VU $4
Sex Tape HD/MA $3.5
Shallows HD/MA $3.5
Shang-Chi Legend of the Ten Rings HD/GP $3
Shape of Water HD/MA $3.5
Sherlock Gnomes HD/IT $2.5
Shivers HD/VU $4
Show Dogs HD/MA $3.5
Sicario HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Sicario Day of the Soldado HD/MA $4
Sicario, Wind River, Hell or High Water HD/VU $7.5
Side Effects HD/IT $3.5
Silencing HD/VU $4
Silent Night, Deadly Night 3-Film Set (3-5) HD/VU $7.5
Silk Road 4K/VU $5
Sing ‘16 HD/MA $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Sing Street HD/VU $4
Sinister HD/VU $3
Skeleton Twins HD/VU $4
Skyfall HD/VU $2.5
Skyscraper 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Sleeping Beauty ‘59 HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Sleepy Hollow 4K/VU $6.5
Smokey & the Bandit HD/MA $3.5
Smokin' Aces 4K/MA $5.5
Smurfs The Lost Village HD/MA or IT $3
Snitch 4K/IT $3 or HD/VU $2.5 or SD/VU or IT $1
Snow White & the Huntsman (Ext) 4K/VU or IT $4.5 or HD/VU $3
Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs ‘37 4K/MA $6 or HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Snowden HD/MA or IT $3.5
Snowpiercer HD/VU $4.5
Solo A Star Wars Story HD/GP $3
Son of God HD/MA $3
Sonic the Hedgehog 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Soul HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Source Code 4K/VU $5.5
Southpaw HD/VU $3
Spectre HD/VU $3.5
Spider-Man 2 (Thea & Ext) HD/MA $4.5
Spider-Man 3 HD/MA $3.5
Spider-Man 4-Cut Set (Spider-Man 2 w/ Thea & Ext) HD/MA $11.5
Spider-Man Far From Home HD/MA $3
Spider-Man Homecoming HD/MA $2.5
Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse HD/MA $4.5
Spider-Man No Way Home HD/MA $4 or SD/MA $2
Spies in Disguise HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Spinning Man HD/VU $4
Spiral 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Spontaneous HD/VU $4.5
Spy Who Dumped Me 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
St. Vincent HD/VU $3
Stand Up Guys HD/VU $3.5
Star Trek 3 Search for Spock 4K/VU $5
Star Trek Beyond HD/VU $3
Star Trek Into Darkness HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Star Trek The Motion Picture ‘79 4K/VU $5
Steel Dawn HD/VU $3.5
Still Alice HD/MA $4
Straight Outta Compton (Unr) HD/MA $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Strange World HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Suburbicon HD/VU $3 or /IT $3.5
Super 8 4K/VU or IT $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Sword in the Stone HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Taken 2 HD/MA $3.5
Taken 3 (Unr) HD/MA $3.5
Tangled HD/GP $3.5
Ted (Unr) HD/MA or IT $2.5
Teen Spirit ‘19 HD/MA $4
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ‘14 4K/VU or IT $4.5 or HD/VU $2.5
Terminator 2 Judgment Day (Special) HD/VU $4.5
Terminator 2 Judgment Day 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Terminator Genisys HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Texas Chainsaw ‘13 HD/VU $3.5
Thanks for Sharing HD/VU $4
The Heat HD/MA $3
The Impossible HD/VU $3.5
Think Like a Dog 4K/VU $5
This is the End HD/MA $3.5
Thor Dark World HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Thor Love & Thunder HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Thor Ragnarok HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri HD/MA $3.5
To Kill a Mockingbird HD/MA $3.5
Toll HD/VU $4.5
Tomorrowland HD/GP $3
Top Gun ‘86 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Total Recall ‘90 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Touched w/ Fire HD/VU $4.5
Toy Story HD/GP $3.5
Toy Story 4 4K/MA $4 or HD/GP $2
Training Day 4K/MA $5.5
Transformers Age of Extinction HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Transformers Dark of the Moon 4K/VU $4.5 or HD/VU $3
Transformers The Last Knight 4K/VU or IT $4 or HD/VU $2.5
Trust ‘16 HD/VU $4
Tulip Fever HD/VU $4
Tumbledown HD/VU $4
Turbo HD/MA $3
Turning HD/MA $4
Ugly Dolls 4K/VU or IT $5.5
Unbreakable HD/GP $3.5
Uncharted 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
Uncle Drew HD/VU $3.5
Underworld Awakening HD/MA $3
Underworld Blood Wars HD/MA $3
Untouchables 4K/VU $5.5
Us ‘19 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
Valerian & the City of a Thousand Planets HD/VU $3.5
Vampire Academy HD/VU $3.5
Vanishing ‘18 HD/VU $4
Venom 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Victoria & Abdul HD/MA $4
Virtuoso 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Vivo HD/MA $4.5
Voices ‘14 HD/VU $4
Voyagers 4K/VU $5
Walk HD/MA $3.5
Wall '17 HD/VU $4
War for the Planet of the Apes HD/MA $3
War of the Worlds ‘53 4K/VU $5.5
War on Everyone HD/VU $4
Warcraft 4K/IT $4.5 or HD/MA $3
Warhunt 4K/VU $4.5
Warning HD/VU $4
Watch HD/MA or IT $3.5
Wayne's World HD/VU $4.5
We Die Young HD/VU $3.5
Weekend HD/VU $4
Werewolf The Beast Among Us (Unr) HD/MA or IT $3.5
West Side Story 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
What We Did on our Holiday HD/VU $4
When the Game Stands Tall HD/MA $3
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot HD/VU or IT $3
Why Him? HD/MA $3
Widows HD/MA $3.5
Wild Card HD/VU $3
Willow HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Wilson HD/MA $3.5
Winchester HD/VU $3.5
Winnie the Pooh Springtime w/ Roo HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Wolf Hound 4K/VU $4.5
Wolf of Wall Street 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU or IT $3.5
Wolverine (Unr) (w/Thea) HD/MA $3.5
Woman in Gold HD/VU $3.5
Won't Back Down HD/MA $3.5
Woodlawn HD/MA or IT $3.5
Wraith HD/VU $4
X-Men Apocalypse HD/MA $3
X-Men Days of Future Past HD/MA $3
XXX Return of Xander Cage HD/VU $2 or 4K/IT $2.5
Z for Zachariah HD/VU $4
Zero Dark Thirty HD/MA $3.5
Zeros & Ones HD/VU $4
Zootopia HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
submitted by nahimavegan to DigitalCodeSELL [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 15:55 Infamous_Mortimer Funny Mr. D headcannons pt. 8 (feel free to add on) [pjo]

1: the last time Mr. D drank water was 23 years ago.
2: Dionysus definitely has “youngest kid syndrome.”
3: Recently a new camper arrived. Her name is Neveah. Mr. D thought it was so funny that he started saying Camper’s names backwards.
4: Mr. D refuses to get a real wallet. His “wallet” is a ziplock sandwich bag filled with dollar bills, drachmas, receipts, a godly debit card, and expired coupons.
5: When Mr. D is mad at Chiron, he will read horse facts out loud to make Chiron uncomfortable.
6: Forget Ginger Ale, Mr. D would mix a batch of Kykeon for his kids when they got sick (wine, goat cheese and honey shoved in a blender) . It just made them worse. But hey their immunity system is better (probably evolved so they don’t have to eat that stuff again)
7: Mr. D refuses to watch “Tangled” because he believes in Barbie Rapunzel supremacy. That movie is top tier, he loves it, and he refuses to watch any other adaptation.
8: You think your family sucks? Mr. D has TWO relatives that have a mental disorder named after them.
9: Mr. D brought his mama back from the underworld and made her a minor goddess. Now Thyone (aka Semele) is a goddess of Bacchic “fertility rituals” so sometimes she has “oopsy” demigod children. These weird hippie kids automatically go to Mr. D’s cabin. And boy do these half-siblings drive him bonkers. But mama says he has to be nice to them or else.
10: Mr. D absolutely HATES Elmo (Sesame Street). Pollux pesters him about it. He’s like, “Hey dad why is Elmo your arch nemesis he’s just a lovable fluffy red thing?” And Mr. D will go on an hour long rant about child development and storytelling.
11: Mr. D will straight up lie about Ancient Greek life. Why? Just cuz he can. He’ll be sitting at the campfire with a bunch of preteens and say, “When I trained under Chiron we did not have toilets, we weren’t bougie like my wife in Crete. Instead we all had to use a singular vase, it was called the pee vase and we were only allowed to use it twice a day because we practiced stoicism.” And Chiron would be like, “… That never happened.”
12: Even though Pollux is currently attending Juilliard, he and his dad still find things to bond over from a long distance. For instance, they send each other the most horrendous, deep fried memes that are more cursed than their bloodline. Percy thought his memes were bad, then he saw Pollux’s messages and was like, “I know your dad’s the god of mental health, but do you need help?”
submitted by Infamous_Mortimer to camphalfblood [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 14:36 Theeaglestrikes The Last Guard of Earth (Part I)

Part I - Part II - Part III - Part IV
I am the last guard of Earth.
When the sun sets on me, it’ll set on you.
I was told that, an age ago, there were thousands of us. Protectors scattered across the world, forever casting horrors back to the black realm. For darkness can never truly be killed. Only ever kept at bay.
Fernsby often talked of a time before recorded history. Early humans were shielded by their knowledge of forces beyond our world. Gifted men and women practised spiritual arts. They formed the Guard. An order founded on the basis of standing against the darkness which had long consumed the Earth.
For millennia, the Guard brought life into the light. We no longer bent to the whims of horrid beings from the hungry world adjacent to ours.
However, as is nature’s way, prosperity invited growth. Humans multiplied. People spread to even farther corners of the Earth, and the threads which bound all tribes started to thin. Many people failed to teach their descendents of the Guard. They forgot about the spiritual world. The black realm became nothing but a ghost story.
And then it became nothing at all.
Over the following centuries, the once-mighty order of Earth’s guards shrank from thousands to hundreds. From hundreds to dozens. Men instead waged wars under the banners of individuals, and they abandoned the one true war against the darkness.
By the twenty-first century, only Whitlock remained. The man who gave me this gift — this curse. After he was gone, Fernsby spun fresh fables of the Guard for my yearning ears, but I still felt alone. She was devoted to the order, but she was not splintered.
I know I must start from the beginning, but that feels like dreaming of an alternate self.
Eight years ago, Evie and I moved to an island off the coast of England. Newly married and driven by naivety.
We docked at a humble wooden pier, which was held together by rotten beams and misplaced faith. With a youthful spring in my step, I dropped onto the makeshift dock and ignored the disapproving groan of its ancient planks. And then I delicately lifted my wife over the edge of the small ferry, softly pecking her lips as we embraced.
“This feels like home,” She softly said.
I smiled. “It does. We belong here.”
There was an elderly man at the end of the modest pier. He wore a well-ironed police uniform and an unpractised smile — beaming from a face that hadn’t known joy for a long time. But I thought little of his sullen expression. Evie and I were surprised to see anybody waiting for us. We hadn’t expected a welcoming party — even a party of one.
“I’m Chief Constable Arthur Whitlock. Kane Foster?” The man broadly asked, extending a calloused hand.
I nodded, shaking it. “Yes, that’s me. It’s lovely to meet you, Arthur. This is my wife, Evie.”
“Pleasure to meet you both,” The man said, eyeing me strangely. “Welcome to the island.”
It was a nondescript isle in the North Sea. At first glance, no more than a sleepy haven. I was an unobservant boy. My eyesight has worsened over the years, but I see so much more clearly. I’m thirty-six, and I feel twice that age. On the day of my arrival, however, I was young. Mind boundlessly optimistic. Face fresher than the stiff boots on my feet.
“Look at this place, Kane!” Evie gasped.
Whitlock kindly drove us to our new home, and we admired the island from the passenger windows. The main town was quintessentially British, in a modern sense — rows of branded shopfronts and supermarkets desperately tried to tie the forgotten isle to the twenty-first century. I didn’t care about any of that. It was the isolated setting of the idyllic place which set it apart from the mainland. It would be Evie and me. Nobody and nothing else. That was all we wanted.
Our mouths hung loosely as our household appeared on the horizon. We’d seen pictures, of course, but no photo did it justice. The eyes of young lovers may have romanticised the view, of course, but the building was a spectacle. A striking three-storey farmhouse at the outer rim of town. And it belonged to us. Neighbouring farmlands bordered the property on all four sides, but we had abundant space. For the first time in years, I would actually be able to breathe.
“So, the farming life beckoned you?” Whitlock asked.
“Aye,” I said.
“You’ve chosen a rough season to start,” The man replied.
I shrugged, cheerily eyeing Evie. “It’ll be a challenge, but we’ve been through worse. Not that Evie ever shies away from hardship. This one thrives with her back against the wall.”
“So do you,” My wife whispered, chuckling as she suggestively raised an eyebrow.
I stifled laughter, but Whitlock either missed or ignored the comment.
“Are you prepared?” The police officer asked. “I’ve lived here for fifteen years. Don’t let appearances deceive you. Island life is not like country life. It’s brutal. Unrelenting. This isle is no more than a glorified ship. We’re stranded at sea, fending for ourselves.”
I nodded politely, believing Whitlock to be needlessly theatrical.
“We’ve been through tougher things,” I repeated.
“I don’t doubt it, corporal,” Whitlock replied.
My stomach tensed, and Evie’s fingers clenched mine. Whitlock briefly glimpsed me in the rear-view mirror, before returning his eyes to the road ahead.
“Sorry, Mr Foster. It’s my duty to vet newcomers. I protect every last person on this island,” He explained.
I shifted my eyes downwards. “I understand, but I’m no corporal anymore. I’d rather forget those days.”
“Which regiment?” Whitlock pressed, lacking any semblance of social etiquette.
I sighed. “The Duke of Lancaster.”
“And why did you leave?” He asked.
“Listen, we really appreciate the warm welcome, sir,” Evie interjected. “But Kane doesn’t like talking about that part of his life. It was an obligation forced upon him. He never really wanted to be a soldier.”
“Only fools do, Mrs Foster,” The man whispered.
Whitlock rolled the car to a stop at the entrance to our farmhouse. Expressing uncomfortable gratitude, Evie and I hurriedly collected our belongings. I waited until the police cruiser was halfway down the dirt track to speak.
“What an idiot,” I muttered.
Evie smiled, rubbing my back. “It’s over now, honey. You’ll only have to see him… well, every single time you leave the house, knowing what small-town officers are like.”
“Huh. Good point. We shouldn’t ever leave the house then,” I grinned, lifting my giggling wife off the porch and carrying her across the threshold.
We had nothing to our name but four walls and a roof. Years of savings had been poured into that fresh start. After enduring the horror of serving my country, farming provided an opportunity to find peace.
War, however, always seems to find me.
The first year on the island was a struggle, but we quickly learnt the ropes of farming. The following year, our crop yield improved, as did our standing in the community. Even Whitlock, over time, became more of a bemusing grandfatherly figure than a grouchy recluse. I found our new existence a little strange at first, but I quickly adjusted — quickly switched off. And Evie could teach Geography anywhere, so she was more than happy. If I could’ve lived that life until my dying day, I would’ve been buried with a smile.
That life — the only real life I’ve ever lived — lasted for two years. Two cruelly brief years.
On an evening of belligerent rain and thunder, I pulled into Jerry’s petrol station. A rest-stop that bridged the gap between the main town and our farmhouse. Usually, the jolly owner would emerge from his shop to greet me. On this fearsome night, he did not appear, but I didn't blame him — the weather was vile. Still, I did find it a little peculiar to see a brightly-lit shop area with an unattended till. Though he received little custom, Jerry practically lived behind the counter.
He must be taking a break, I decided.
As I fiddled with the petrol pump, rain soaked my clothes and chilled my flesh. Even the canopy for the station’s pumps didn’t shield me from the near-horizontal downpour. Once my car’s tank was full, I repeatedly tapped the drenched self-checkout touchscreen. It didn’t register my finger. Every time I dried the screen with my jacket’s sleeve, a fresh curtain of water coated it seconds later.
“Come on,” I huffed.
A sudden crash sounded.
Jolting backwards fearfully, my credit card flew from my hand, landing in a puddle. Once I’d overcome the initial shock, I was surprised that I’d heard anything over the booming weather. Curious, I peered around the petrol pump, and I saw that the store’s power was out.
“Jerry?” I called.
My voice was drowned by a pistol-whip of thunder. Something about the lightless shop filled me with unease. I wish I’d driven home, grabbed Evie, and fled to the mainland. Foolishly, however, I crept towards the shopfront — propelled by a wilful breeze. The canopy’s fluorescent lights cast enough light for me to distinguish a faint outline in one of the aisles. A man was kneeling on the floor, hunching over something. And when I reached the automatic double doors, I was surprised to find that they opened.
It can't be a power cut, I realised.
“Jerry?” I called again.
The man didn’t turn. He continued to kneel, making an awful munching noise. The visceral sound of unnatural chewing. I could’ve assumed the man to be a thief, but I recognised that red, chequered shirt. It was definitely Jerry.
What’s he eating? I wondered. Is he okay?
The automatic doors closed behind me, and the rain became a muted, distant backdrop. Seeing no more than a few feet ahead of me, I walked through the silent shopfront towards the man on his knees. When I reached him, I crouched down and placed a hand on his shoulder.
“Jerry, what are you doing?” I asked.
In a sudden snap that sent me sprawling backwards, the man’s head twisted – twisted beyond bodily limits. And he revealed the source of the feasting.
The owner was eating shards of glass.
Jerry sat in a pile of shattered tube fragments, and I looked above to see a burst light fixture.
“I like the feeling of it...” He panted in a garbled, barely-audible voice.
Jerry leant forwards, inching out of the shadows. His face was finally illuminated by the lighting from the outdoor shelter.
And it was not a face at all.
Holes tunnelled through the cavities that should have revealed his eyeballs and mouth, but those openings instead continued to the other side of his head.
I wailed, scrambling to my feet, and Jerry inexplicably rose in mirrored unison – as if I were puppeteering him.
Is he puppeteering me? I fearfully wondered.
The man howled, widening the tunnel that had been burrowed through the back of his mouth, revealing the blackened shopfront beyond. Without waiting for an explanation, I turned on my heel and sprinted to the exit.
As the two doors parted, I returned to the weighted blanket of a thunderous night. And I immediately noticed that a vehicle was parked alongside mine — a police cruiser. Beside it, Arthur Whitlock was standing in the rain with a bulky, grey pistol raised.
“MOVE!” He yelled over the downpour.
Driven by a soldier’s instinct, rather than conscious thought, I dropped to my knees.
There sounded a crack more deafening than thunder. I shuddered at the cold familiarity of a gunshot. With my head between my hands, and sodden jeans pressed into a puddle, I momentarily returned to Nigeria in my traumatised mind. It took a while for Whitlock’s voice to permeate my thoughts.
“Kane?” He shouted over the rain. “Are you hurt?”
I looked up at the man and silently shook my head, before turning to face the store behind me. I expected to see a slaughtered man — or once-man — lying in the puddle outside the doorway, but I did not. Jerry’s hellish form was hobbling into the forest, oozing a silky, shadowy substance from the headless stump that Whitlock had created.
“Quickly,” The officer said, grabbing my arm to pull me to my feet. “It might come back.”
We climbed into my car and eyed the rainy windscreen for a few quiet minutes.
“What was that?” I eventually whispered.
“Not Jerry,” Whitlock eventually said. “It was the thing that killed Jerry. It needs a host to remain in our world, and it forever flits from rotting corpse to rotting corpse.”
“Jerry didn’t have a face…” I mumbled.
“It wasn’t Jerry,” Whitlock repeated. “There is a world beyond ours, Kane. I wish you hadn’t seen that. However…”
The man ruffled his grey beard thoughtfully. “We’ve become close, Kane. Is it fair to say that?”
“What?” I asked, still not entirely present. “Aye. We’re friends… You were a little abrasive at first.”
“Abrasive?” He grunted. “You will soon see what I’ve seen, and you’ll understand. After all, you must take my place. You’re splintered.”
“Pardon?” I questioned.
“You carry it in your eyes, mostly,” Whitlock explained. “Splintering is a birth-defect. The tell is an innate look. I saw it on the day you arrived. You were always broken, weren’t you, Kane? Long before you fought for your country.”
I turned away, eyeing the woods from my side window. I thought Whitlock to be a madman.
The man continued. “It’s not purely about strength or intelligence. It’s not even about the cobalt bullets that send them running back to their world. After all, those dark things return. They always return.”
“What are you saying, Arthur?” I irritably asked. “I don’t understand.”
“I am a guard of Earth, Kane Foster,” Whitlock explained. “And I am the last of my kind. I have long searched for someone to take my place, and you are the first splintered soul I have met in a long time. I want you to take the Oath of the Guard. I want you to fight the dark realm.”
I turned to face him, narrowing my eyes. “I’ve just seen something that has made me question the very essence of reality. I never want to see anything of that nature again, and you’re asking me to actively pursue such things.”
“Guards don’t pursue,” He said, shaking his head. “We defend.”
“I will forever be grateful to you for saving my life, Arthur. But you need to get out of my car. I’m going home to my wife. And I’ll forget this night, just as I’ve forgotten countless nights of horror.”
The officer sighed. “You’ll change your mind, Kane. The day will come.”
The Chief Constable stepped into the rain, shutting the passenger door behind him, and I immediately slammed my foot onto the accelerator. I wanted to put some distance between myself and that haunted station — that haunted man.
I was enraged. After two years of tranquillity, I’d finally started to heal — finally reached a point of happiness in my life — only for a new nightmare to rear its head. Unable to process what I’d just witnessed, I turned to my old coping mechanism. Suppress and forget.
“What’s wrong?” Evie asked.
I’d barely taken my damp coat off, and my wife was already anxiously eyeing me in the front hallway. She could see the whiteness of my face. I never mask trauma as well as I like to imagine.
“Just a bad day. I… hit a deer on the drive home, and I had to call Arthur. He put it down,” I lied.
Evie knew I was hiding something, but she didn’t press the subject. Like me, she was afraid — neither of us wanted to face the possibility of a psychological relapse. We fled from my pain on the mainland, and I planned to leave it there.
I resolved to move past the horror of the petrol station, and I thought Evie had forgotten all about it. But she surprised me a couple of days later.
“Come in here, Kane!” My wife giggled from the living room.
I put the food in the fridge and strolled into the lounge to see something entirely unexpected. On the sofa, Evie was sitting cross-legged with a golden bundle in her lap. A Labrador.
“He’s called Benny, and he’s thirteen weeks old,” Evie gushed, playing with the dog’s floppy ears. “Somebody abandoned him outside the high school. Isn’t that horrible? Anyway, I asked Laura at the vet, and she gave us permission to foster him until she finds a new owner… Unless…”
I lifted an eyebrow and grinned. “Unless…?”
Evie chuckled. “We keep him.”
I attempted to muster a stern stance, but my disposition softened upon locking eyes with little Benny. The glistening, golden furball in my wife's lap. Before I was conscious of doing so, I found myself sitting next to Evie and petting the loveable Lab.
“So, that’s a ‘yes’?” She laughed.
I sighed, rolling my eyes. “Sure. Will it delay the talk about kids for another few years?”
It might sound strange to those who’ve never had a pet, but Benny changed me. His calming presence on the farm help to mend old wounds in my battered mind. Evie, essentially, brought a therapy dog home. She knew exactly what she was doing, and I loved her for it. After all, it worked.
A ‘splintered’ man, I thought, scoffing. Arthur’s got it wrong. I’m better now.
And I was getting better. But all good things end.
A week later, on a night that I have long sought to forget, a noise woke me. Two noises, actually — Benny’s barking, and the crunch of gravel beneath flat feet. I groaned, slipped into a T-shirt, and sleepily shuffled out of the bedroom.
“I’m coming, Benny!” I whispered loudly, attempting to calm him whilst not waking Evie. “Mum’s teaching in the morning, and she won’t appreciate…”
I stopped mid-sentence. Benny was growling at the living room window. The motion-sensor had activated our property’s exterior lights, and something was standing motionlessly in the driveway.
A headless man.
“Jerry…” I whispered.
Keeping my eyes on the horrifying creature, I side-stepped towards the living room door. The headless abomination didn’t even sway in the wind. It was glued rigidly to the spot. And then the outdoor lights turned off — only to return after a skittering sound filled the still night.
The man on the driveway was gone.
And the foundations of our house began to whine under a sizeable weight. Something was crawling up the outer wall. I could hear it, and I could sense it. Jerry had scurried out of sight in less than a second. Before I could think of what to do, however, there came the sound of an upstairs window breaking, followed by a shrill scream.
“Evie!” I shouted.
I ran upstairs, and Benny overtook me, barking wildly. We flew across the landing and burst into the bedroom. Inside, I witnessed a scene of dread. The corpse of Jerry Black, mutilated by a force from another world, was slowly digesting the body of my half-living, wholly-seizing wife.
As her upper body was consumed, she immediately became limp.
I fell to the floor in a detached state as Benny lunged at the abomination. Events passed in a haze – I refused to comprehend what I’d seen. The hellish being effortlessly kicked my courageous puppy aside. Not that my wounded friend was deterred, of course, as he quickly clambered to his feet and began tearing at Jerry’s trouser leg.
The creature didn’t care about the Labrador. Though it had no face, I could tell it was looking at me.
Waiting on my knees, tears staining my face, I watched the undead devourer lumber towards me. I closed my eyes and braced for death. Prayed to be reunited with Evie. The monstrosity took measured steps, relishing in the build leading to my demise. The stale breath of the demon rose from the depths of its stump-like neck opening. A sickening stench billowed against my face.
Inches from me, the footsteps stopped, and I heard floorboards creak on the landing. And then came a guttural bellow. A squelching tussle followed, and the brief encounter ended with a human yelp of pain.
When I opened my eyes, I saw the blade that had been driven through the corpse’s abdomen. A medieval sword which glistened in the moonlight. Jerry’s undignified corpse began to twitch violently, and ethereal matter evaporated in black streams from his near-fleshless body. The hilted blade and the unearthly thing crumpled into a lifeless mess on the ground.
Leaning against the door frame, Whitlock was clutching his pained side. A dark, bloody wound stained his shirt, and black vines were spreading quickly across his flesh. I wanted to say something. Do something. But my eyes were drawn to the empty bed.
Evie was gone.
“I… I’m sorry…” Whitlock wheezed, coughing. “She… I tried to stop it…”
I didn’t want to live anymore. Benny was sadly surveying me, whilst whimpering softly, but I barely registered him. I barely registered Whitlock. I thought only of Evie — of life without her.
“I’m so tired…” Whitlock spluttered. “Earth needs a true guard, Kane Foster.”
“She’s gone…” I sobbed, disconnected from the conversation.
“I know, Kane. I know,” Whitlock croaked. “But we’re here. The world is turning. And you–”
“– It’s up to you, Kane,” I whispered. “You must fight. A man who doesn’t fight for his country? That’s no man at all. My father said those words to me. That was how he justified his coercion — forcing me into the Army at the age of sixteen. That was how he justified beating my mother and me too.”
Whitlock spluttered.
“You were right when you said that only fools want to be soldiers, Arthur,” I continued. “I was a fool. They might teach me how to put Dad in the ground for good, I thought. So, I did as my father asked. And the cigarettes took him in the end. Meanwhile, I became an expendable pawn in someone else’s war. I’ve always been a footsoldier because my life has never been my own.”
“Kane, I’m…” Whitlock began.
“– I loved this island, Arthur,” I interrupted. “We were living for ourselves. I had a life here. And I’ve just watched it die in front of me. Evie was the only person who made the world seem a little brighter.”
Benny whined and padded towards me, brushing his soft head against the back of my hand.
Whitlock heaved heavily, inspecting the wound on his rapidly rotting flesh. “It left Jerry’s corpse… It’s trying to claim me as its host. We can’t kill it–”
“– Can’t kill darkness,” I absent-mindedly muttered.
“No… But if it has no host, it can only flee to the black realm,” He whispered. “I must be killed before it spreads…”
“Killed?” I repeated.
The old man wearily nodded. “You must do it, Kane. First, however, you must take the Oath. A spiritual binding that will open your eyes to the black realm, as it did for thousands of guards before you.”
“It’s over, Whitlock…” I whispered.
“NO!” The man roared violently. “This is about everything, Kane. Everything. Reality as we know it. Will you condemn billions of souls to eternal blackness because you lost your–”
“– Don’t…” I sliced into his sentence. “Don’t diminish her death.”
“I’m not,” Whitlock grumbled, lowering his voice. “But our world is dying, Kane. For decades, as the last of the guards have perished across Earth, the black realm has widened its reach. I have scarcely kept it at bay. Horrors skirt past me, and they take innocent lives. Without a guard of Earth, the terror will be tenfold.”
The man collapsed, clutching his wound, and we sat in silence for a while. I was thinking. Processing. Contemplating ways in which I could take my life and join Evie.
A supernatural realm exists, so there must be something after all of this, I thought.
But what would she say? My wiser voice asked. Would she smile? Would she forgive you for condemning friends and loved ones to an eternal torture?
I knew the answer, but I did not like it.
“I will take the Oath, but I will not be the last to do so,” I finally said.
Whitlock’s weary, near-lifeless eyes welled. “You are a good man, Kane Foster.”
“A splintered man,” I gruffly said.
“To be splintered is not an evil thing,” Whitlock explained. “It is a reflection of your inner turmoil, not the character of your heart.”
The man tossed his firearm to the carpet.
“Cobalt-laced bullets,” He coughed. “You know Fernsby, don’t you? My dearest friend. She manufactures them for me. Cobalt repels darkness. It’s in the sword. The bullets.”
I picked up the rusty handgun, realising I hadn’t held a weapon in three years. It felt too natural. Too easy. Everything else faded away. When the body is at war, the self dies.
“The Oath…” Whitlock whispered, removing a hefty book from his coat and placing it on the carpet. “I don’t have much time… Place your hand on the cover.”
I obliged, placing my unarmed left hand atop the cobalt-bound book.
“Do you swear to uphold this realm, Kane Foster?” Whitlock hoarsely asked.
“I do,” I answered.
“Will you protect every inhabitant of Earth? Man or creature? Good or evil?”
“I will,” I said.
“Kane Foster…” Whitlock coughed, spluttering blood with a black tinge. “I… grant you the title of Guard.”
An unexpected pressure pierced my palm – as if the book were binding me to it. The world changed. As if I’d unlocked a previously forbidden nook of my brain, I suddenly saw Earth’s darkness. Saw every rip in reality. Every opening through which horrors had entered.
And then the pain ceased. I lifted my hand, and I felt peaceful. As if a weight had been lifted.
“What does it mean to be a guard?” I asked, noting Whitlock’s fading eyes. “I… don’t know what’s required of me.”
“You were a decorated soldier, Kane Foster. You already have the brawn and the intellect to face hostile enemies,” He said. “Following the Oath, you’ve gained sight. But wisdom? Well, that can only be earned. You will come to understand your role. Trust your sight. Trust…”
Whitlock lost the strength to talk, and his breathing grew increasingly laboured. The blackened vines were clawing at his cheeks.
I rose to my feet, preparing myself for what had to be done. It was hard to be present — even harder to take note of my friend’s death. All I saw was the swirling darkness enveloping our world — the ever-multiplying cracks in reality, inviting unimaginable horrors.
Exhaling deeply, I lifted the handgun and aimed at the dying man’s temple.
A single shot filled the room with a mighty spark of light and sound.
I am the last guard of Earth. I search for others so that, one day, I might end my lifelong war. On that day, I will be Kane again.
And I will be with Evie.
Part II
submitted by Theeaglestrikes to ByfelsDisciple [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 11:59 FineBus9368 [FNV] any idea whats causing this goofy stance everybody is doing? TTW btw

[FNV] any idea whats causing this goofy stance everybody is doing? TTW btw

Automatically generated by Vortex

Companions Invincible.esp
The Mod Configuration Menu.esp
YUP - Base Game + All DLC-PowerArmorRevamped.esp
CPI Icons.esp
ADAM Complete.esp
Advanced Recon Tech.esm
Advanced Recon Ranger Helm TWEAKS - TTW.esp
Advanced Recon Gear TTW.esm
Advanced Recon Gear.esm
Advanced Recon Equipment Patcher NV.esp
Ambient Temperature.esm
Authentic Burned Man.esp
Atmospheric Lighting Tweaks TTW.esp
Better Character Creation.esm
Improved Ballistics Effects V2.esp
Beyond The Beef Tweaks.esp
CFWR TTW Hand Placements.esp
Casino UnBanner.esm
Classic Fallout Weapons Remastered v1.2.esp
CC - 3D Rain.esp
CC - Rain.esp
Cloud Shadows.esp
CourierPA NV.esp
CourierPA TTW.esp
DC Arsenal 2.esp
Delay DLC - TTW.esp
Diagonal movement.esp
Ed-E AddOn - LR ANIM.esp
Ending Slideshows Ultimate Edition Overhaul.esp
XFO - 9a - Enemies - AI revamp.esp
XFO - 9da - Enemies - NPC Healing - low.esp
XFO - 9db - Enemies - NPC Healing - med.esp
XFO - 9dc - Enemies - NPC Healing - high.esp
dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp
Enhanced Vegas Ruins.esm
FCO - GlowingOne.esp
Faster Terminals.esp
Titans of The New West - No Backpack.esp
Titans of The New West.esp
Fps Slide.esp
Un-nerfed Gobi.esp
HUD Extended - Ambient Temperature.esp
HUD Extended.esp
Immersive Hit Reactions.esp
Interior Rain - TTW.esp
Bullet Impact Increased LOD.esp
Interior Rain.esp
JIP Companions Command & Control.esp
JIP Improved Recipe Menu.esp
JIP MiniMap.esp
JIP Selective-Fire.esm
TTW Kyndra's Megaton Player Home.esp
Junker - BLA-H17 Type 3 Gauss Pistol.esp
Lighter Gold Bars.esp
Longer Weather Transitions.esp
Main And Pause Menus Overhaul.esm
Misc Content Restoration.esp
More Fiends.esp
NVRA - Uzi.esp
New Vegas Landscape Overhaul.esp
Gomorrah Redesigned v2.esp
New Vegas Redesigned 3.esm
New Vegas Redesigned 3.esp
Power Armor Holo Panel.esp
JAM No AP Drain Outside Combat.esp
JVS No AP Drain Outside Combat.esp
no-nonsense stealthsuit.esp
PAMS Light.esp
PA Footsteps.esp
Player Headtracking.esp
Project Nevada - The Legacy of X13 Patch.esp
Project Nevada - Core.esm
Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp
Project Nevada - Equipment.esm
Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp
Rainier AK.esp
Radio Hotkey.esp
B42 RWMS.esp
realistic headshots.esp
Root 'n Loot.esp
Skill Based Perks for TTW.esp
Skill Practice.esp
Skill Practice TTW Patch.esp
Stimpak Hotkey.esp
QSWP - TTW Patch.esp
TFH Better Authority Glasses.esp
TTW - Energy Visuals Plus .esp
TTW - Essential Caravans.esp
TTW RC House.esp
The Groovatron NV.esp
Titans of The New West - Power Armor Sprint JAM.esp
Titans of The New West - Power Armor Sprint JVS.esp
CourierPA TNW - No Backpacks.esp
CourierPA TNW NV - No Backpack.esp
CourierPA TNW NV.esp
CourierPA TNW.esp
Uncut Wasteland.esp
Unique Fort Armor - PAVE.esp
Unique Fort Armor.esp
Unofficial Patch NVSE Plus.esp
Bitter Springs Redesigned.esp
WWP 44 Mag Replacer.esp
WWP AR Series.esp
WWP Cowboy Repeater.esp
WWP Hunting Revolver.esp
walther mpk.esp
WFO - Vanilla.esp
Vurt's WFO.esp
Weapon Retexture Project.esp
Weapons of the Modern Millenia.esm
FPS Weapon Lowering.esp
AmaccurzerO's Animated Wastelands.esp
NV Laser Bolt FX - EVE All DLC.esp
NV Laser Bolt FX - EVE No DLC.esp
NV Laser Bolt FX - EVE No GRA.esp
TTW Reputations.esm
Real Weapon Names.esp
TTW FO3&NV&DLC Killable Children.esp
submitted by FineBus9368 to FalloutMods [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 10:07 stlatos Etymology of Tocharian Loans from Indo-Iranian

Khotanese Culture

Tocharian has many loanwords from other languages, showing the path its speakers traveled and who they interacted with. Fairly recent loanwords from Khotanese are usually slightly more archaic than the oldest known Khotanese forms, allowing insight into there origin (if not already obvious from other Iranian cognates). Several important ones, also showing the nature and timing of sound changes, are :

  1. *pRoti-doH3- > Iran. *pati-daH- > *pati-ðā- > *paitðā- > *-td- > *-dd- > Os. fedun ‘to pay’, > *-tθ- > *-θ- > Kho. pīha- >> TB pito ‘price’

TB pito shows that -h- came from a dental, thus it is cognate with Os. fed-. Doubt expressed by Cheung and Dragoni about the need for *d vs. *t do not matter when *pati-daH- had both. If it was a common verb, metathesis to shorten it to 2 syllables would not be odd, and unique *tð (or similar depending on timing) could easily be “fixed” in separate ways in each sub-branch.

  1. OKho. pārgyiña- ‘garden’, pājiña- ‘treasury’ >> TA pāśiṃ ‘treasure’

Since -rC- / -C- is known, these Kho. words must be the same, both from ‘surrounded by a wall’. This is the exact origin of Av. pairidaēza- ‘garden’, etc. (E. paradise, from *dheig^h- ‘(shape) clay’, G. teîkhos \ toîkhos ‘wall’, etc.). Since anyone would expect a treasury to be enclosed, and this is also attested for ‘garden’ in Iran., the changes must include th common Iran. suffix *-aina-. For *paridaiźa- / *paridaiźaina- ‘surrounded by a wall’, haplology > *paridaiźna- > *paridaiźńa- > *paridźaińa- > pārgyiña-, possibly with other i-i dissimilation.

  1. *marrāγā- > OKho. mrāhā- ‘pearl’ >> TB wrāko, TA wrok ‘(oyster) shell’

Sog. marγār(i)t and the likely Iran. loans G. márgaros ‘pearl oyster’, margarī́tēs ‘pearl’, show the basic form, related to PIE *m(y)rg(h)- (Li. mirgėti ‘twinkle / glimmer’, Germanic *murgVna- / *margVna- ‘(to)morrow’, Greek mirgā́bōr ‘twilight’). Dragoni doubts this, based on *mŕ̥ga- ‘bird’ > Kho. mura- and Beekes’ idea that G. margarī́tēs was possibly from Proto-Iranian *mŕ̥ga-ahri-ita- ‘oyster’, literally ‘born from the shell of a bird’. This meaning makes no sense, and no cognate requires *mŕ̥ga- instead of *margar-, etc. At just the right time, *marγārā- > *marrāγā- in PKho., allowing new *γ to merge with *x between V’s, both > h. It is possible that *mrr- > *wrr- > wr- in PT (others with mr- exist in TA, TB), but see below for other ideas.

  1. Av. maðu- ‘wine’, Kho.? >> TB mot ‘alcohol’; LKho. gūra- ‘grapes’, *gūraeṇaka- > *gūrīṇaxa- > gūräṇaa- ‘of grapes’, gūräṇai mau ‘grape wine’, *gurin-madu >> TB kuñi-mot

Dragoni assumed that r vs. 0 was due to -rC- / -C- (above). However, even the latest Kho. forms have gūräṇaa-. Considering how archaic most loans are, it seems unlikely that an even later *gūräṇi > *gūrṇi > *gūṇi existed. There is no evidence for these stages, or that they could possibly have occurred before the TB attestations. If TB mot was borrowed at the same time (suggested by the exact match of gūräṇai mau : kuñi-mot, with few other Iran. languages without *d > l in the area that could have been the source),the *d > t would confirm it was borrowed earlier than the earliest Kho. attestation. Since all other evidence favors an old loan, the only way to explain loss of *r is that it was not lost. Indo-Iranian had nasal sonorants (Whalen 2023), shown in part by loans into TB with *r > *n (Whalen 2024a) :

Skt. karpā́sa- >> *kanpās > TB kampās ‘cotton’

Skt. kṣudrá- ‘small’, Av. xšudra- ‘fluid’
Skt. kṣaudra- > *kšautna > *tšautan > TB cautāṃ ‘honey’

With this, there’s no reason to doubt that the same existed in Kho., allowing stages starting with the oldest features *gūrīna-madu > *gurin-madwä > *kunin-matw > *kuni-mot > *kuńi-mot > TB kuñi-mot (maybe with *n-n > *n-0, but nm / mn also doesn’t seem regular).

Though Dragoni gave *gudra- > gūra- ‘grapes’, this seems related to Iran. Y. γôro ‘bunch of grapes’, NP γôreh ‘unripe grape’, (lw.) D. γooráa ‘grape’ and Dardic Kho. guruts \ grùts ‘bunch of grapes’, A. ghrútsa ‘wild strawberries’, etc. Alone, this would require *gutsra- vs. *grutsa-, and the meanings allow Skt. gutsá- \ guccha- ‘bundle / bunch of flowers / tussock’, Hi. gucchā ‘bunch of fruit’, etc., to be included. Since r vs. 0 also exists here, without knowing the cause and exact original form, the cause of r vs. 0 in Kho. >> TB remains uncertain.

Sanskrit Meters

The most recent loanwords are usually from Sanskrit (often Buddhist terms), with little or no adaptation. Some Sanskrit words (or related Middle Indic versions) are slightly older, with some sound changes. Many of these are the Skt. names of kinds of meter (in song, etc.; when their nature is known, of the form ‘a meter of 4 X 14 syllables; rhythm 7/7’). Several important ones, showing the nature and timing of sound changes in TA, TB, and Skt., are :

  1. TA kutsmāt

Gerd Carling gives :

kutsmāt (n.masc.) 1) ‘?’, 2) name of a tune (stanza 4 × 12 syllables)
Possibly borrowed from Skt. kukṣimat- ‘pregnant’ (BHSD:184b) via MI, cf. Pa. kucchimant.

Since Tocharian had both ts and c [č], as well as tts and cc, there’s no reason that a word like kucchimant would become kutsmāt. Skt. kukṣimat- itself is fully capable of transforming into kutsmāt, since TA had ks > ps, and there’s no reason unique psm could not dissimilate P-P > T-P in tsm.

  1. Skt. kanda- ‘a bulbous or tuberous root / a bulb / the bulbous root of Amorphophallus Campanulatus / garlic / a lump, swelling, knot / name of a meter (of four lines of thirteen syllables each) in music’, *kanda-karṣana- ‘pulling out tubers’ >> TB kantsakarṣaṃ ‘a meter of 12/12/13/13 syllables (rhythm a and b: 5/7, c and d: 5/8)’

Tocharian *d > *dz > ts is known in many native words, but disputed (since it is not regular). The timing of *d > *dz is thought to be early, since it is not found in other loans (Bactrian kamirdo ‘head/chief’ >> TB kamartike ‘ruler’; OKh. tvaṃdanu >> TA twantaṃ ‘reverence’; Av. maðu- ‘wine’, Kho.? >> TB mot ‘alcohol’; *pati-dā- > Kho. pīha- >> TB pito ‘price’; maybe Kho. dānā- >> TB tāno ‘seed / grain’). Seeing it in a recent loan probably indicates that Tocharian merging of voiced/voiceless stops/affricates was late, with a phoneme /d/ pronounced [d] / [dz], explaining why loans could give both.


Gerd Carling gives :

kusu (n.masc.) name of a tune (stanza of 4 × 12 syllables)
Possibly borrowed from Skt. kusuma- ‘flower’

Since Skt. kusuma-vicitra- ‘having various flowers’, kusuma-vicitrā- ‘meter of 4x12 syllables’ also exist, it is likely this name was shortened (like others) to the 1st word. Then, kusuma > *kusum > *kumsu > kusu. At that stage, there would be no counterexamples known preventing *ms > *ws from being regular, or *kuwsu > kusu. However, another word, TA koṃsu ‘tune (4 × 12 syllables)’ also exists. Since u > o occasionally happened (Skt. kuṇḍala- >> TA kontāl ‘ring’), it is likely that Skt. u became PT *wä, optionally > *wO > (w)o, otherwise to u. This is also seen in (Whalen 2024b) :

*ukso:n > *wäkso:n > *wäkso:n / *wOkso:n > TB okso

*H2anH1-tmHo- ? >> *ana-lmö > *OnO-lme > *(w)O- / *wu- > TB onolme \ wnolme ‘creature / living being / person’

Adams also gives 2 words with *sup- > sop- or sp-, showing the same alternation, though he doesn’t discuss it. The same variation in *yä / (y)e for :

*sindhu- > MP hyndwg, *hinduka- >> *yäntuke > *yE- > TB yentuke

PIE *yetewotor ‘he moves / strives’ > PToch. *yetyäwetär > *yetäwyetär > TA *yetäyetär > *yetetär (y-dissim.) > yatatär ‘is capable of / can (be)’, TB *yetäwetär > *yotwotär > yoto-

Together, these allow a path *kusum > *kumsu > *kuwsu > kusu vs. *komsu > koṃsu, of the same meaning. It is possible that only *ums > *uws was regular, but with so many irregular changes, I would not insist on it. A similar oddity in another IIr. loan, *marrāγā- > OKho. mrāhā- ‘pearl’ >> TB wrāko, TA wrok ‘(oyster) shell’, so several cases showing that IIr. m could become PT m or w make its optionality likely (helped by related cases of *r > r / n, etc., above).

Adams, Douglas Q. (1999) A Dictionary of Tocharian B

Carling, Gerd [in collaboration with Georges-Jean Pinault and Werner Winter] (2008) Dictionary and Thesaurus of Tocharian A

Dragoni, Federico (2023) Watañi lāntaṃ: Khotanese and Tumshuqese Loanwords in Tocharian

Whalen, Sean (2023) Indo-Iranian Nasal Sonorants (r > n, y > ñ, w > m)

Whalen, Sean (2024a) Notes on Tocharian Words, Loans, Shared Features, and Odd Sound Changes (Draft)

Whalen, Sean (2024b) Etymology of Greek hetoîmos ‘at hand / ready / imminent / active / zealous’, Skt. yatná- ‘zeal / effort’, TA yatatär ‘is capable of / can (be)’ (Draft)

submitted by stlatos to HistoricalLinguistics [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 08:11 BalrogofGondor Capon is the world's best poet

So I started the amorous adventures of bold sir Hans Capon, and I just completed honeyed words.
The first part went as it should. Win the dice tournament, get the necklace, slaughter the entire camp because want some new dice.
Deliver said necklace to Karolina. Ok. Here's where things get interesting.
In broad daylight, I'm about to break into the butcher's house to deliver the items. Except the butcher is there. So I put him to sleep. Someone saw me do this somehow. Ok, no worries.
I infiltrate the butcher's home before the law arrives, and find Karolina standing in her room. Where I have to put the items in her trunk. Without her noticing.
SO... I take the only reasonable course of action and choke her out. Items delivered successfully. I walk outside to see the bailiff and two guards. I unsuccessfully try to charisma my way out of the situation, and end up spending ten days in jail.
I kill pious, because I had brought him back to rattay to rot in jail. Unimportant but still. Then I sleep in jail to pass time, get energy, and save.
I run to the butcher, purchase all of his dried meat and consume it. I run to sir Hans, who is taking a bath. He tells me to get the musk of infinite allure.
I go to sasau. I break into the charlatan's home like any reasonable person would do in the dead of night, and purchase the recipe for 2k groschen because I have 146k in my inventory (I am the CEO of prybislavits incorporated)
I return to rattay and purchase the required alchemical components. I brew the potion. ( I have 10 alchemy so I get three) I proceed to drink it to see what it does. Nothing.
I deliver the potion to sir Hans and his skin breaks out like a teenage boy with zero hygiene. I tell him he looks like shit and give him a marigold decoction to help. It works.
We go to the graveyard where I hide in a bush to prompt him with poetry.
I read him a beautiful poem, and he rants about tits and whores and sucking his salty bits. Most beautiful shit I've ever heard.
Just kidding it was absolute horse shit. Hans blames me for his failures. Sure, whatever Hans.
Oh shit, Karolina's dad the butcher is coming. Hans infiltrates the home while I buy him time.
He accused me of pursuing his daughter. What? No! I'm visiting my great grandmother's grave obviously!
Hans and Karolina start yelling.
Ah, it was just the neighbors Mr. Butcher! You have nothing to worry about!
No no, you're just hearing voices in your head!
Shit, they're arguing very loud now. Once more I take the most reasonable course of action.
Burst into song as loudly as possible.
The butcher finally decides I'm a madman and leaves. I wonder why he would think that? Meh, whatever. Clearly I'm in a perfect mental state!
Hans returns, tells me it went terribly and says I'm an awful wingman.
Long story short, I am perfectly sane, and I'm the best wingman in bohemia.
First God damn quest of the DLC, and this is the funniest shit I've ever done in this game.
submitted by BalrogofGondor to kingdomcome [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 06:21 a_modest_espeon [H] Lots of Games, Please Look [W] Games(See Below)/Offers, Wishlisted Items, and Paypal

I am currently taking paypal for games, you always go first and cover fees
For game trades, you always go first and message me, usually it takes me about 1-2 days to get back to you at the latest
My Rep Page has not been updated in about 5 years, but I have a lot of trades finished
Bolded items are just the ones I would like to consider keeping so don't feel as though you need to offer more for the game
Stellaris (and dlc)
Fallout 4
Wishlist Items
A Plague Tale: Innocence
Bridge Constructor Portal
Chivalry 2 - Epic Edition
Deep Rock Galactic
Disco Elysium - The Final Cut
Doom Eternal
Elite Dangerous
Endless Space 2 - Digital Deluxe Edition
Honey I Joined a Cult
Lost Ruins
Mass Effect Legendary Edition (temporarily unavailable)
Rebel Inc: Escalation
SCP:Secret Files
Songs of Conquest
Spyro™ Reignited Trilogy
Surviving Mars
Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales
Yakuza 4 Remastered
7 Grand Steps
observer (x3)
A Good Snowman is Hard to Build
A Juggler's Tale
A Mortician's Tale
A New Beginning - Final Cut
Aces and Adventures
AER Memories of Old (x2)
Age of Wonders III
Agents of Mayhem
AI War: Fleet Command
Alien Spidy
Aliens:Fireteam Elite
Alina of the Arena
All You Can Eat
Aragami 2
Arcade Paradise
Army Men RTS
Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation (x2)
Assassin's Creed® Origins
Assault Android Cactus
Atom RPG Trudograd
Bad End Theater
Banner Saga Trilogy - Deluxe Pack
Banners of Ruin
Bastion (x2)
Batman Arkham Origins (x2)
Battle Chef Brigade
Beacon Pines
Beat Hazard Ultra
Bee Simulator
Before Your Eyes
Beneath Oresa
Between the Stars
Beyond a Steel Sky
Binary Domain
Bioshock Remastered
BioShock: The Collection
Black Book
Blade Assault
Blazing Beaks
Bleed 2
Bloodstained®︎: Ritual of the Night
Bone - Episode 1 & Episode 2
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Borderlands 3 Super Deluxe
Boreal Blade
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Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
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Bury Me, My Love
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CivCity: Rome
Coffee Talk
Company of Heroes 2 + Company of Heroes 2 - Whale and Dolphin Conservation Charity Pattern Pack
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Crusader Kings Complete
Cultist Simulator (x2)
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Darkside Detective
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Dead In Bermuda
Deadly Days
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Decieve Inc.
Desperados 3
Destroy All Humans!
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Disciples: Liberation
DISTRAINT 2 + Soundtrack
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Drawful 2
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Duke Nukem Forever Hail to the Icons
Duke Nukem Forever The Doctor Who Cloned Me
Dungeons 3 (x2)
Dusty Revenge: Co-Op Edition
Eastside Hockey Manager
Eldest Souls
Emily is Away <3
Endless Space® - Collection (x2)
Epic Chef
Eternal Threads
Euro Truck Simulator 2
Europa Universalis IV
Evan's Remains
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Fallout 1
Family Man
Farmer's Dynasty
Fibbage XL
Fights in Tight Spaces
Finding Paradise
First Class Trouble
Five Dates
Fobia - St. Dinfna Hotel
Fort Triumph
Founders' Fortune
Framed Collection
Framed Collection (x2)
Freddi Fish 2: The Case of the Haunted Schoolhouse
Freddi Fish 3: The Case of the Stolen Conch Shell
Freddi Fish 4: The Case of the Hogfish Rustlers of Briny Gulch
Freddi Fish 5: The Case of the Creature of Coral Cove
Freddi Fish and Luther's Maze Madness
Freddi Fish and Luther's Water Worries
Freedom Force
Freedom Force vs. The Third Reich
Friends Vs Friends
Full Metal Furies
Full Throttle Remastered (x2)
Fury Unleashed
Gas Station Simulator
Genesis Noir
Get In The Car, Loser!
Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy
God's Trigger
Golf Gang
GRAV (Early Access)
Grow: Song of the Evertree
Growing Up
Guns of Icarus Online
Hacknet (x2) + Hacknet Labyrinths DLC (x1)
Haiku, the Robot
Hard Reset Redux
Hardspace: Shipbreaker
Heaven's Vault
Heavenly Bodies (x2)
Hell Let Loose
Hell Pie
Hello Neighbor Hide and Seek
Hero Siege Complete + Cyberpunk Samurai + Demon Slayer Bundle + Extra slots & stash space + ClassShield Lancer + Shaman + Plague Doctor + Marauder + Amazon+Avenger Paladin DLCs
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Hexcells Complete Pack
Hidden & Dangerous 2: Courage Under Fire
Hidden & Dangerous: Action Pack
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Hokko life
Hollow Knight
Hot Brass
Hot Wheels Unleashed
Hotshot Racing
Hyper Light Drifter
I am not a Monster: First Contact
I'm not a Monster
If Found...
Impostor Factory
In Between
In Sound Mind
Injustice Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition (x3)
INK Deluxe Edition
Iris and the Giant
Iron Harvest
Jack Move
JumpJet Rex
Jupiter Hell
Jurassic World Evolution - Deluxe Dinosaur Pack
Just Cause 3 XXL Edition
Kerbal Space Program
Kill it with Fire
Kingdom Classic
Kingdom Two Crowns
Kingdom: New Lands (x2)
Knights of Pen and Paper 2
Kraken Academy!!
Late Shift
Later Alligator
Lawn Mowing Simulator
Legend of Keepers
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham Premium Edition
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LEGO Ninjago Movie Video Game
LEGO® Batman 2 DC Super Heroes™
LEGO® Worlds
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Let's Explore the Jungle (Junior Field Trips)
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Life is Strange 2: Complete Season
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Lovecraft's Untold Stories
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Luna's Wandering Stars
Mad Max
Mafia: Definitive Edition
Mafia: Definitive Edition
Maid of Sker
Majesty 2
Majesty Gold HD
Masquerade: The Baubles of Doom
Massive Chalice
Meeple Station
Merchany of the Skies
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Metro Exodus
Midnight Protocol
Mind Scanners
Mini Metro
MINIT (x2)
MirrorMoon EP
Monster Loves You
Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp
Morbid: The Seven Acolytes
Moving Out
Mr. Shifty
Mushroom 11
My Memory of Us
My Time at Portia
Narita Boy
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Necromunda: Hired Gun
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Neon Abyss
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Newt One
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Nimbatus The Space Drone Constructor
Ninja Pizza Girl
No Time to Explain Remastered
No Time to Relax
Not For Broadcast
Not Tonight
Offworld Trading Company + Jupiter's Forge Expansion Pack (x2)
Old Man's Journey
OlliOlli World - Rad edition
OlliOlli2: Welcome to Olliwood
One Step From Eden
Operation Flashpoint: Red River
Opus Magnum
Orwell: Ignorance is Strength (x2)
Orwell: Keeping an Eye on You (x3)
Out of the Park Baseball 18
Overcooked! 2 - Surf 'n' Turf Pack
Overcooked! 2 - Too Many Cooks
Overlord II
Pajama Sam 2: Thunder And Lightning Aren't So Frightening
Pajama Sam 3: You Are What You Eat From Your Head To Your Feet
Pajama Sam's Lost & Found
Pajama Sam's Sock Works
Pajama Sam: Games to Play on Any Day
Pale Echoes
Panzer Corps 2
Paper Fire Rookie
Paradigm (x2)
Paradise Killer
Party Hard (x2)
Patch Quest
PayDay 2
Peaky Blinders: Mastermind
Pinstripe (x2)
Plague Inc: Evolved
Planet of the Eyes
Planet Zoo
PlateUp! (x2)
Police Stories
Police Stories
Portal Knights
Primal Carnage: Extinction
Project Highrise (x2)
Project Winter
Putt-Putt® and Pep's Balloon-o-Rama
Putt-Putt® and Pep's Dog on a Stick
Putt-Putt® Enters the Race
Putt-Putt® Goes to the Moon
Putt-Putt® Joins the Circus
Putt-Putt® Joins the Parade
Putt-Putt® Travels Through Time
Putt-Putt®: Pep's Birthday Surprise
Puzzle Agent
Puzzle Agent 2
Q.U.B.E. 2
Q.U.B.E: Director's Cut
Quest of Dungeons
Railroad Corporation
Railroad Tycoon 3
Railroad Tycoon II Platinum
Rain World
Raji: An Ancient Epic
Rapture Rejects + Safari outfit
Rebel Cops
Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville
Regency Solitaire
Regions of Ruin
Regular Human Basketball (x3)
Remnants of Isolation
Resident Evil 0 HD REMASTER
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition
Resident Evil 6
Resident Evil HD REMASTER
Resident Evil Revelations (X2)
Resident Evil Revelations 2 Deluxe Edition
Retro Game Crunch
Rise and Shine
Rising Dusk
Road 96
Road to Ballhalla
Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball
Rock of Ages 2: Bigger & Boulder™
Rocket Birds: Hardboiled Chicken
Rogue Heroes:Ruins of Tasos
Rusty Lake Paradise
Saints Row: The Third
Sam & Max: Season 1
Sam & Max: Season 2
Satellite Reign (x2)
Scribblenauts Unlimited (x2)
Secrets of Raetikon
Shadow Complex Remastered (Epic Games)
Shady Part of Me
Shelter 2 (x3)
Shenmue I & II
Sid Meier's Railroads!
Sigma Theory: Global Cold War (x2)
Size Matters
Sniper Elite
Sniper Elite 3 (x2)
Sniper Elite V2
Snowtopia: Ski Resort Builder
Song of Horror
Speed Brawl
Spellcaster University
Spirit of the Island
Spy Fox 2 "Some Assembly Required"
Spy Fox 3 "Operation Ozone"
Spy Fox in "Dry Cereal"
Spy Fox In: Hold the Mustard
Squad (Early Access)
State of Mind
Stealth 2: A Game of Clones
Stick Fight: The Game (x4)
Streamline Early Access
Streets of Rage
Stronghold Crusader 2
Subsurface Circular (x3)
Suchart:Genius Artist Simulator
Sudden Strike 4
Super Daryl Deluxe
Super Galaxy Squadron EX
Super Hexagon (x2)
Super House of Dead Ninjas: True Ninja Pack
Super House of the Dead Ninjas (x2)
Super Lesbian Animal RPG
Super Magbot
Super Time Force Ultra
Surgeon Simulator + Anniversary Ed. Content
Surviving the Aftermath
Swag and Sorcery
Sword Legacy Omen
SYNTHETIK: Legion Rising
System Shock 2
System Shock: Enhanced Edition
Tainted Grail: Conquest
Tales from the Borderlands
Tales of Berseria™
Tales of the Neon Sea
Tangledeep + Soundtrack
Tank Mechanic Simulator
Team Indie
Teleglitch: Die More Edition
Telltale Texas Hold'em
The Adventure Pals
The Ambassador: Fractured Timelines
The Ascent
The Ball
The Battle of Polytopia
The Blackout Club
The Dungeon of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet of Chaos + Goodies + OST
The Dwarves
The First Tree (x3)
The Forgotten City
The Gardens Between
The Henry Stickmin Collection
The Journey Down: Chapter Three
The Legend of Tianding
The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante
The Quarry Deluxe Edition
The Red Lantern
The Serpent Rogue
The Stillness of the Wind
The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead - 400 Days
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier
The Walking Dead: Final Season
The Walking Dead: Michonne - A Telltale Miniseries
The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners
The Walking Dead: Season Two
The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series
The Wild Eight
The Witness (x2)
theHunter: Call of the Wild
Them and Us
There is No Light:Enhanced Edition
Think of the Children
Thirty Flights of Loving
This is the Police
This War of Mine
This War of Mine: Final Cut
Throne of Lies® The Online Game of Deceit (x3)
Tilt Brush
Tin Can
Titan Quest Anniversary
Titan Quest Anniversary Edition
ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove (x2)
Tokyo 42
Tooth and Tail (x2)
Torment: Tides of Numenera
Total Tank Simulator (x2)
Tower of Guns (x2)
Train Simulator 2017 + Platform Clutter + Town Scenery
Train Station Renovation
Tribes of Midgard
Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince
Tropico 4
Turbo Gold Racing
Twin Mirror (x2)
Two Point Campus
Ultimate Chicken Horse (x3)
Vampire: The Masquerade - Shadows of New York
Vault of the Void
Vertiginous Golf
Vikings - Wolves of Midgard
Void Bastards
Volgarr the Viking
Waking Mars
Warhammer: Chaosbane
Werewolf: The Apocalypse Heart of the Forest
West of Dead
Westerado: Double Barreled
Where the Water Tastes like Wine
Wizard of Legend (x3)
World of Goo
Worms Revolution
Wuppo (x2)
WWE 2K Battlegrounds
WWE 2K Battlegrounds + Brawler Pass
WWE 2K23
Yes, Your Grace
YOU DON'T KNOW JACK Vol. 4: The Ride
YOU DON'T KNOW JACK Vol. 6 The Lost Gold
Zombie Night Terror
Others GameMaker Studio Pro
Ashampoo BackUp Pro 14
Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 7
Ashampoo WinOptimizer 18
Battleborn Starter Skin Pack
Darkest Dungeon Shieldbreaker DLC
Double Fine Adventure Documentary
GWENT - Ultimate Starter Pack
Killing Floor - Community Weapon Pack 1 DLC
Killing Floor - Community Weapon Pack 2 DLC
Killing Floor - Community Weapon Pack 3 DLC
Mage and Minions - $10 In-Game Currency
Music Maker EDM Edition
Music Maker: Hip Hop Edition
PAYDAY 2: Sydney Mega Mask
Starfinder: Pact Worlds Campaign Setting
XCOM® 2: Reinforcement Pack
XCOM® 2: Resistance Warrior Pack
submitted by a_modest_espeon to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 06:21 a_modest_espeon [H] Lots of Games, Please Look [W] Games(See Below)/Offers, Wishlisted Items, and Paypal

I am currently taking paypal for games, you always go first and cover fees
For game trades, you always go first and message me, usually it takes me about 1-2 days to get back to you at the latest
My Rep Page has not been updated in about 5 years, but I have a lot of trades finished
Bolded items are just the ones I would like to consider keeping so don't feel as though you need to offer more for the game
Stellaris (and dlc)
Fallout 4
Wishlist Items
A Plague Tale: Innocence
Bridge Constructor Portal
Chivalry 2 - Epic Edition
Deep Rock Galactic
Disco Elysium - The Final Cut
Doom Eternal
Elite Dangerous
Endless Space 2 - Digital Deluxe Edition
Honey I Joined a Cult
Lost Ruins
Mass Effect Legendary Edition (temporarily unavailable)
Rebel Inc: Escalation
SCP:Secret Files
Songs of Conquest
Spyro™ Reignited Trilogy
Surviving Mars
Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales
Yakuza 4 Remastered
7 Grand Steps
observer (x3)
A Good Snowman is Hard to Build
A Juggler's Tale
A Mortician's Tale
A New Beginning - Final Cut
Aces and Adventures
AER Memories of Old (x2)
Age of Wonders III
Agents of Mayhem
AI War: Fleet Command
Alien Spidy
Aliens:Fireteam Elite
Alina of the Arena
All You Can Eat
Aragami 2
Arcade Paradise
Army Men RTS
Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation (x2)
Assassin's Creed® Origins
Assault Android Cactus
Atom RPG Trudograd
Bad End Theater
Banner Saga Trilogy - Deluxe Pack
Banners of Ruin
Bastion (x2)
Batman Arkham Origins (x2)
Battle Chef Brigade
Beacon Pines
Beat Hazard Ultra
Bee Simulator
Before Your Eyes
Beneath Oresa
Between the Stars
Beyond a Steel Sky
Binary Domain
Bioshock Remastered
BioShock: The Collection
Black Book
Blade Assault
Blazing Beaks
Bleed 2
Bloodstained®︎: Ritual of the Night
Bone - Episode 1 & Episode 2
Boomerang Fu (x3)
Borderlands 3 Super Deluxe
Boreal Blade
Boyfriend Dungeon
Broken Age (x2)
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
Brutal Legend
Burly Men At Sea (x2)
Bury Me, My Love
Chicken Police
Children of Silentown
CHUCHEL Cherry Edition (x2)
CivCity: Rome
Coffee Talk
Company of Heroes 2 + Company of Heroes 2 - Whale and Dolphin Conservation Charity Pattern Pack
Conan Chop Chop
Crusader Kings Complete
Cultist Simulator (x2)
Curious Expedition
Cyber Hook
Darkside Detective
Darksiders Genesis
Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition (x2)
Darksiders Warmastered Edition
Dead In Bermuda
Deadly Days
Death Squared (x2)
Decieve Inc.
Desperados 3
Destroy All Humans!
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Disciples: Liberation
DISTRAINT 2 + Soundtrack
Distrust (x3)
Drawful 2
DUCATI - 90th Anniversary
Duke Nukem Forever
Duke Nukem Forever Hail to the Icons
Duke Nukem Forever The Doctor Who Cloned Me
Dungeons 3 (x2)
Dusty Revenge: Co-Op Edition
Eastside Hockey Manager
Eldest Souls
Emily is Away <3
Endless Space® - Collection (x2)
Epic Chef
Eternal Threads
Euro Truck Simulator 2
Europa Universalis IV
Evan's Remains
Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered
Fallout 1
Family Man
Farmer's Dynasty
Fibbage XL
Fights in Tight Spaces
Finding Paradise
First Class Trouble
Five Dates
Fobia - St. Dinfna Hotel
Fort Triumph
Founders' Fortune
Framed Collection
Framed Collection (x2)
Freddi Fish 2: The Case of the Haunted Schoolhouse
Freddi Fish 3: The Case of the Stolen Conch Shell
Freddi Fish 4: The Case of the Hogfish Rustlers of Briny Gulch
Freddi Fish 5: The Case of the Creature of Coral Cove
Freddi Fish and Luther's Maze Madness
Freddi Fish and Luther's Water Worries
Freedom Force
Freedom Force vs. The Third Reich
Friends Vs Friends
Full Metal Furies
Full Throttle Remastered (x2)
Fury Unleashed
Gas Station Simulator
Genesis Noir
Get In The Car, Loser!
Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy
God's Trigger
Golf Gang
GRAV (Early Access)
Grow: Song of the Evertree
Growing Up
Guns of Icarus Online
Hacknet (x2) + Hacknet Labyrinths DLC (x1)
Haiku, the Robot
Hard Reset Redux
Hardspace: Shipbreaker
Heaven's Vault
Heavenly Bodies (x2)
Hell Let Loose
Hell Pie
Hello Neighbor Hide and Seek
Hero Siege Complete + Cyberpunk Samurai + Demon Slayer Bundle + Extra slots & stash space + ClassShield Lancer + Shaman + Plague Doctor + Marauder + Amazon+Avenger Paladin DLCs
Heroes of Hammerwatch
Hexcells Complete Pack
Hidden & Dangerous 2: Courage Under Fire
Hidden & Dangerous: Action Pack
Hidden Folks
Hokko life
Hollow Knight
Hot Brass
Hot Wheels Unleashed
Hotshot Racing
Hyper Light Drifter
I am not a Monster: First Contact
I'm not a Monster
If Found...
Impostor Factory
In Between
In Sound Mind
Injustice Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition (x3)
INK Deluxe Edition
Iris and the Giant
Iron Harvest
Jack Move
JumpJet Rex
Jupiter Hell
Jurassic World Evolution - Deluxe Dinosaur Pack
Just Cause 3 XXL Edition
Kerbal Space Program
Kill it with Fire
Kingdom Classic
Kingdom Two Crowns
Kingdom: New Lands (x2)
Knights of Pen and Paper 2
Kraken Academy!!
Late Shift
Later Alligator
Lawn Mowing Simulator
Legend of Keepers
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham Premium Edition
LEGO DC Super-Villains Deluxe Edition
LEGO Ninjago Movie Video Game
LEGO® Batman 2 DC Super Heroes™
LEGO® Worlds
Let's Explore the Farm (Junior Field Trips)
Let's Explore the Jungle (Junior Field Trips)
Leviathan Warships
Life is Strange 2: Complete Season
Life is Strange: True Colors
Lone Fungus
Lords and Villeins
Lovecraft's Untold Stories
Lumino City
Luna's Wandering Stars
Mad Max
Mafia: Definitive Edition
Mafia: Definitive Edition
Maid of Sker
Majesty 2
Majesty Gold HD
Masquerade: The Baubles of Doom
Massive Chalice
Meeple Station
Merchany of the Skies
Metal Hellsinger
Metro Exodus
Midnight Protocol
Mind Scanners
Mini Metro
MINIT (x2)
MirrorMoon EP
Monster Loves You
Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp
Morbid: The Seven Acolytes
Moving Out
Mr. Shifty
Mushroom 11
My Memory of Us
My Time at Portia
Narita Boy
Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Strikers
NBA 2K20
Necromunda: Hired Gun
Necronator: Dead Wrong (x2)
Neo Cab
Neon Abyss
Neon Drive (Steam)
Newt One
Niche (x3)
Nimbatus The Space Drone Constructor
Ninja Pizza Girl
No Time to Explain Remastered
No Time to Relax
Not For Broadcast
Not Tonight
Offworld Trading Company + Jupiter's Forge Expansion Pack (x2)
Old Man's Journey
OlliOlli World - Rad edition
OlliOlli2: Welcome to Olliwood
One Step From Eden
Operation Flashpoint: Red River
Opus Magnum
Orwell: Ignorance is Strength (x2)
Orwell: Keeping an Eye on You (x3)
Out of the Park Baseball 18
Overcooked! 2 - Surf 'n' Turf Pack
Overcooked! 2 - Too Many Cooks
Overlord II
Pajama Sam 2: Thunder And Lightning Aren't So Frightening
Pajama Sam 3: You Are What You Eat From Your Head To Your Feet
Pajama Sam's Lost & Found
Pajama Sam's Sock Works
Pajama Sam: Games to Play on Any Day
Pale Echoes
Panzer Corps 2
Paper Fire Rookie
Paradigm (x2)
Paradise Killer
Party Hard (x2)
Patch Quest
PayDay 2
Peaky Blinders: Mastermind
Pinstripe (x2)
Plague Inc: Evolved
Planet of the Eyes
Planet Zoo
PlateUp! (x2)
Police Stories
Police Stories
Portal Knights
Primal Carnage: Extinction
Project Highrise (x2)
Project Winter
Putt-Putt® and Pep's Balloon-o-Rama
Putt-Putt® and Pep's Dog on a Stick
Putt-Putt® Enters the Race
Putt-Putt® Goes to the Moon
Putt-Putt® Joins the Circus
Putt-Putt® Joins the Parade
Putt-Putt® Travels Through Time
Putt-Putt®: Pep's Birthday Surprise
Puzzle Agent
Puzzle Agent 2
Q.U.B.E. 2
Q.U.B.E: Director's Cut
Quest of Dungeons
Railroad Corporation
Railroad Tycoon 3
Railroad Tycoon II Platinum
Rain World
Raji: An Ancient Epic
Rapture Rejects + Safari outfit
Rebel Cops
Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville
Regency Solitaire
Regions of Ruin
Regular Human Basketball (x3)
Remnants of Isolation
Resident Evil 0 HD REMASTER
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition
Resident Evil 6
Resident Evil HD REMASTER
Resident Evil Revelations (X2)
Resident Evil Revelations 2 Deluxe Edition
Retro Game Crunch
Rise and Shine
Rising Dusk
Road 96
Road to Ballhalla
Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball
Rock of Ages 2: Bigger & Boulder™
Rocket Birds: Hardboiled Chicken
Rogue Heroes:Ruins of Tasos
Rusty Lake Paradise
Saints Row: The Third
Sam & Max: Season 1
Sam & Max: Season 2
Satellite Reign (x2)
Scribblenauts Unlimited (x2)
Secrets of Raetikon
Shadow Complex Remastered (Epic Games)
Shady Part of Me
Shelter 2 (x3)
Shenmue I & II
Sid Meier's Railroads!
Sigma Theory: Global Cold War (x2)
Size Matters
Sniper Elite
Sniper Elite 3 (x2)
Sniper Elite V2
Snowtopia: Ski Resort Builder
Song of Horror
Speed Brawl
Spellcaster University
Spirit of the Island
Spy Fox 2 "Some Assembly Required"
Spy Fox 3 "Operation Ozone"
Spy Fox in "Dry Cereal"
Spy Fox In: Hold the Mustard
Squad (Early Access)
State of Mind
Stealth 2: A Game of Clones
Stick Fight: The Game (x4)
Streamline Early Access
Streets of Rage
Stronghold Crusader 2
Subsurface Circular (x3)
Suchart:Genius Artist Simulator
Sudden Strike 4
Super Daryl Deluxe
Super Galaxy Squadron EX
Super Hexagon (x2)
Super House of Dead Ninjas: True Ninja Pack
Super House of the Dead Ninjas (x2)
Super Lesbian Animal RPG
Super Magbot
Super Time Force Ultra
Surgeon Simulator + Anniversary Ed. Content
Surviving the Aftermath
Swag and Sorcery
Sword Legacy Omen
SYNTHETIK: Legion Rising
System Shock 2
System Shock: Enhanced Edition
Tainted Grail: Conquest
Tales from the Borderlands
Tales of Berseria™
Tales of the Neon Sea
Tangledeep + Soundtrack
Tank Mechanic Simulator
Team Indie
Teleglitch: Die More Edition
Telltale Texas Hold'em
The Adventure Pals
The Ambassador: Fractured Timelines
The Ascent
The Ball
The Battle of Polytopia
The Blackout Club
The Dungeon of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet of Chaos + Goodies + OST
The Dwarves
The First Tree (x3)
The Forgotten City
The Gardens Between
The Henry Stickmin Collection
The Journey Down: Chapter Three
The Legend of Tianding
The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante
The Quarry Deluxe Edition
The Red Lantern
The Serpent Rogue
The Stillness of the Wind
The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead - 400 Days
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier
The Walking Dead: Final Season
The Walking Dead: Michonne - A Telltale Miniseries
The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners
The Walking Dead: Season Two
The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series
The Wild Eight
The Witness (x2)
theHunter: Call of the Wild
Them and Us
There is No Light:Enhanced Edition
Think of the Children
Thirty Flights of Loving
This is the Police
This War of Mine
This War of Mine: Final Cut
Throne of Lies® The Online Game of Deceit (x3)
Tilt Brush
Tin Can
Titan Quest Anniversary
Titan Quest Anniversary Edition
ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove (x2)
Tokyo 42
Tooth and Tail (x2)
Torment: Tides of Numenera
Total Tank Simulator (x2)
Tower of Guns (x2)
Train Simulator 2017 + Platform Clutter + Town Scenery
Train Station Renovation
Tribes of Midgard
Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince
Tropico 4
Turbo Gold Racing
Twin Mirror (x2)
Two Point Campus
Ultimate Chicken Horse (x3)
Vampire: The Masquerade - Shadows of New York
Vault of the Void
Vertiginous Golf
Vikings - Wolves of Midgard
Void Bastards
Volgarr the Viking
Waking Mars
Warhammer: Chaosbane
Werewolf: The Apocalypse Heart of the Forest
West of Dead
Westerado: Double Barreled
Where the Water Tastes like Wine
Wizard of Legend (x3)
World of Goo
Worms Revolution
Wuppo (x2)
WWE 2K Battlegrounds
WWE 2K Battlegrounds + Brawler Pass
WWE 2K23
Yes, Your Grace
YOU DON'T KNOW JACK Vol. 4: The Ride
YOU DON'T KNOW JACK Vol. 6 The Lost Gold
Zombie Night Terror
Others GameMaker Studio Pro
Ashampoo BackUp Pro 14
Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 7
Ashampoo WinOptimizer 18
Battleborn Starter Skin Pack
Darkest Dungeon Shieldbreaker DLC
Double Fine Adventure Documentary
GWENT - Ultimate Starter Pack
Killing Floor - Community Weapon Pack 1 DLC
Killing Floor - Community Weapon Pack 2 DLC
Killing Floor - Community Weapon Pack 3 DLC
Mage and Minions - $10 In-Game Currency
Music Maker EDM Edition
Music Maker: Hip Hop Edition
PAYDAY 2: Sydney Mega Mask
Starfinder: Pact Worlds Campaign Setting
XCOM® 2: Reinforcement Pack
XCOM® 2: Resistance Warrior Pack
submitted by a_modest_espeon to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 02:43 In_Cider [H] games [W] you list o' games

Been a few months since I last asked so I thought I'd see what was new. IGS rep here. If I haven't got the game and it is a fair trade I am likely to accept. I've been on the humble monthly since April 2017 so I won't need anything that's been in those bundles. In any case, feel free to share your list and I'll have a look!
submitted by In_Cider to GameTrade [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 21:11 muddy2311 r/CountOnceADay Posts

Day 1: 54805 - Minecraft House on a Hill
Day 2: 55010 - Doubleplayer Minecraft
Day 3: 55046 - Glitched Minecraft Door
Day 4: 55354 - Kirby, the Keychain
Day 5: 55402 - Upsidedown Water Fountain
Day 6: 55548 - BiBiBisexsexsexualualual
Day 7: 55673 - Two Minutes
Day 8: 55823 - Mario Kart 9
Day 9: 55961 - It Doesn't Matter Who You Click With
Day 10: 56101 - Boobs or Dick
Day 11: 56256 - Think Before You Speak Hate
Day 12: 56409 - Putting the API Behind a Paywall
Day 13: 56527 - Middle Finger
Day 14: 56721 - Tag a Friend
Day 15: 56807 - Bisexuals Who Hate Their Dad
Day 16: 56920 - Choose Three
Day 17: 57022 - You Ate My Quesadilla
Day 18: 57161 - We Look Like a Trans Flag
Day 19: 57228 - Big Paws or Big Tail
Day 20: 57325 - The Dress
Day 21: 57432 - Just a Reflection, Somehow...
Day 22: 57632 - Start Pos
Day 23: 57652 - 2024 Election
Day 24: 57762 - Broad, but Fat or Skinny and Tall
Day 25: 57934 - IRL Battlebus
Day 26: 58023 - The Deficit
Day 27: 58114 - fortnitegod, the Discord User
Day 28: 58231 - Urinate on a Skeleton
Day 29: 58390 - The Non-Straight Pride Flag
Day 30: 58431 - God Didn't Want Boys to Like Boys
Day 31: 58613 - Dawko, the Employee
Day 32: 58713 - Springtrap, with a Knife
Day 33: 58778 - Amusement Parks of the U.S.
Day 34: 58943 - Coffee Cup
Day 35: 59082 - Ghostbusters Car
Day 36: 59225 - My Childhood Friend
Day 37: 59364 - A Mild Femboy
Day 38: 59541 - To Cripple a Generation
Day 39: 59747 - Users Will Bypass Anti-Ad Blockers
Day 40: 59852 - It's Not a Dog
Day 41: 60189 - The Joy of Creation
Day 42: 60210 - You Depressed Fuck
Day 43: 60382 - SantaDecides Nice List
Day 44: 60606 - Become Your Fursona
Day 45: 60801 - Sitting Positions
Day 46: 60916 - I'm So Wet
Day 47: 61172 - Temporarily Banned
Day 48: 61409 - I Fell For Guys
Day 49: 61527 - Sigma Male Gaming Tips
Day 50: 61722 - Dog Eats Dog
Day 51: 61810 - Spigit Finner
Day 52: 62034 - Which One Are You
Day 53: 62121 - Gay St.
Day 54: 62285 - Sobbing Cat Emoji
Day 55: 62394 - To Dissapoint My Family
Day 56: 62563 - Climbed the Stairs on All Fours
Day 57: 62656 - Being a Cat-Person
Day 58: 62817 - A PlayStation in His Pocket
Day 59: 62976 - It is Wednesday My Dudes
Day 60: 63066 - Holding a Puppy
Day 61: 63146 - Gay Bars
Day 62: 64259 - Hugging Positions
Day 63: 63420 - Homosexuality is Not Unnatural
Day 64: 63401 - Mushroom Characters
Day 65: 63626 - Being Depressed
Day 66: 63787 - Features Like These
Day 67: 63909 - Tell Paul You're Sorry
Day 68: 64025 - Not My First Mouthful
Day 69: 64140 - It's My 69th Day of Posting
Day 70: 64296 - Girl with Backpack and Black Cat
Day 71: 64326 - Top or Bottom
Day 72: 64485 - Freddy Fazbear, the Twitter User
Day 73: 64627 - Blocked by Ruben Sim
Day 74: 64719 - Upload Image
Day 75: 64840 - Overwatch 2, a Critically Acclaimed Game
Day 76: 65013 - Lightning Rod's Famous Quad Down
Day 77: 64091 - Eclipse Wishes You a Happy Birthday
Day 78: 65234 - The Shrug Emojis
Day 79: 65330 - Mr. Goodbars
Day 80: 65520 - Target Employee is Not Racist
Day 81: 65603 - How to Steal Girls
Day 82: 65724 - My Nintendo Broke, Call an Ambulance
Day 83: 65856 - Blocking Will Be Removed
Day 84: 66006 - All Your Chats In One Place
Day 85: 66122 - Hamhamhamburburburgergerger
Day 86: 66267 - Unus Annus
Day 87: 66385 - Can't Get a Girlfriend
Day 88: 66472 -
Day 89: 66613 - Astley Paradox
Day 90: 66795 - Still Cis Though
Day 91: 66950 - About to Take a Shower
Day 92: 67065 - Denfur... Denver, They're the Same
Day 93: 67156 - Chef's Kiss "Day 93: Creamy!"
Day 94: 67279 - Rainbow Depression
Day 95: 67391 - Steel His Look
Day 96: 67522 - I'm Going To Die
Day 97: 67684 - Dad Saw My Fursona
Day 98: 67782 - Find 5 Differences
Day 99: 67895 - I'm Fucking Gay, Get Over It.
Day 100: 68026 - Written "Day 100: 68026"
Day 101: 68152 - Don't All Boys Want To Be Catgirls?
Day 102: 68259 - Kittyyy
Day 103: 68377 - The Next Number Should Be...
Day 104: 68501 - A Wheelchair In A Handicap Parking Spot
Day 105: 68616 - PSP, the Steam Deck
Day 106: 68762 - I'm Not Gay
Day 107: 68878 - Mom Texted Me
Day 108: 69010 - Exit Sign
Day 109: 69126 - Gay Couples Have To Pay For Kids
Day 110: 69253 - Boys Night Out
Day 111: 69374 - Congrats!
Day 112: 69523 - Book of Life
Day 113: 69657 - 4
Day 114: 69786 - No, but a tin can!
Day 115: 69933 - Egg Mayonnaise
Day 116: 70065 - K.O.
Day 117: 70158 - Shallots
Day 118: 70275 - F'taang!
Day 119: 70445 - No, about 20cm off the ground
Day 120: 70567 - Eleven
Day 121: 70653 - No
Day 122: 70822 - Christ
Day 123: 70822 - B
Day 124: 71078 - Sucksess
Day 125: 71164 - Minstrels
Day 126: 71298 - Knit One, Pearl One, Drop One, Curl One
Day 127: 71419 - PENCIL
Day 128: 71557 - Mary Rose
Day 129: 71712 - 8
Day 130: 71867 - Psychedelic Boogie Child
Day 131: 71961 - A Torch
Day 132: 72101 - Fat Bloke
Day 133: 72266 - Convict
Day 134: 72417 - Spangulated Codnacker
Day 135: 72566 - You Run, You Run So Far Away
Day 136: 72653 - Bran
Day 137: 72865 - No!
Day 138: 72943 - Flangeworth
Day 139: 73124 - Abundance
Day 140: 73220 - ASDA
Day 141: 73296 - Ok Then
Day 142: 73424 - A Walk
Day 143: 73551 - Pen
Day 144: 73593 - The Answer
Day 145: 73704 - An Elephant
Day 146: 73819 - ⬋ That One
Day 147: 73977 - n
Day 148: 74053 - HORSE
Day 149: 74207 - H
Day 150: 74314 - 17.
Day 151: 74443 - Seal!
Day 152: 74603 - +1 Skip
Day 153: 74785 - v
Day 154: 74848 - Shoe Polish
Day 155: 75087 - Arsefacey
Day 156: 75197 - Go To 28
Day 157: 75305 - Woof. Woof. Woof.
Day 158: 75436 - Babycham and Human Faeces
Day 159: 75563 - 7
Day 160: 75669 - No; Nope; No Way; Of Course Not
Day 161: 75760 - Cylindrical Adventures
Day 162: 75889 - Afro
Day 163: 75988 - 42
Day 164: 76091 - Tom Cruise
Day 165: 76218 - Cataracts
Day 166: 76341 - 🕈︎ ☼︎⚐︎☠︎☝︎
Day 168: 76517 - No
Day 169: 76696 - 🔴
Day 170: 76894 - SNAAAAKE!
Day 171: 76972 - Splapp-Me-Do
Day 172: 77098 - O.K.
Day 173: 77202 - [Spam Click]
Day 174: 77344 - 🥕
Day 175: 77439 - ...But Pa Might Not
Day 176: 77519 - A Games Console For Wholemeal Biscuits
Day 177: 77654 - 🔵🔴🔵🟡
Day 178: 77746 - Erm... One?
Day 179: 77848 - Shepherd's Pie
Day 180: 77940 - [Spam Click]
Day 181: 78072 - Yes!; No...
Day 182: 78165 - 👍
Day 183: 78271 - Moss
Day 184: 78382 - Tasteless White Filth
Day 185: 78529 - EGG > 28
Day 186: 78727 - Largest
Day 187: 78850 - !
Day 188: 78964 - [Rub the Cat with Mouse]
Day 189: 79105 - LOL, 69
Day 190: 79257 - Using Its Anus
Day 191: 79371 - 🟩
Day 192: 79504 - 💡
Day 193: 79608 - ?
Day 194: 79714 - No One Knows That
Day 195: 79826 - Escape!
Day 196: 79927 - Surgar Honey Honey
Day 197: 80016 - Question 77
Day 198: 80116 - Four
Day 199: 80203 - U
Day 200: 80345 - Filthy Romanians
Day 201: 80386 - R
Day 202: 80473 - [Rub the Rod]
Day 203: 80605 - [Click All Ten Toenails]
Day 204: 80661 - National Dyslexic Association
Day 205: 80828 - Fish
Day 206: 81011 - 🌠
Day 207: 81080 - I Loved It!
Day 208: 81206 - The Prince
Day 209: 81298 - Spain
Day 210: 81414 - .
Day 211: 81494 - [Spam Click]
Day 212: 81591 - Blindness
Day 213: 81721 - Nonce
Day 214: 81782 - Jamaica?
Day 215: 81895 - [Rub the Paper Along the Horizontal Axis]
Day 216: 81976 - 194; 27; 26; 14; 9; 3; 2.5; 1; 0.4
Day 217: 82077 - → Go!
Day 218: 82183 - [Wait]
Day 219: 82230 - 🔴
Day 220: 82331 - A Right Mess
Day 221: 82420 - 10+ Times
Day 222: 82550 - Blue, Red, Blue, Yellow
Day 223: 82656 - Next 14 Question 2½
Day 224: 82761 - Two
Day 225: 82816 - Chihuahua
Day 226: 82959 - 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴
Day 227: 83012 - 🌶️
Day 228: 83112 - 🌜
Day 229: 83216 - Banana
Day 230: 83358 - ←
Day 231: 83437 - [Just Wait]
Day 232: 83566 - 4 8 15 16 23 42 Execute
Day 233: 83627 - →→→→→→→
Day 234: 83714 - Up His Sleevies
Day 235: 83814 - Paint
Day 236: 83921 - Earth
Day 237: 84006 - American
Day 238: 84130 - Carrot
Day 239: 84235 - Udder
Day 240: 84333 - $1
Day 241: 84403 - 8
Day 242: 84485 - →
Day 243: 84588 - 10 Letters In
Day 244: 84725 - [Spam Click]
Day 245: 84888 - Go! →
Day 246: 85029 - 🗝️→🔒
Day 247: 85089 - Fine
Day 248: 85180 - Lederhosen
Day 249: 85289 - 14. 14.
Day 250: 85376 - A Backwards Dog
Day 251: 85520 - Chris
Day 252: 85597 - [Hover Over the Brown Balloon]
Day 253: 85687 - Fly Sandwiches
Day 254: 85777 - Fusestopper
Day 255: 85877 - [Pop All the Pimples]
Day 256: 85987 - 30
Day 257: 86121 - Pink Clouds
Day 258: 86234 - [Drag the Number Circle to Create A Tic-Tac-Toe]
Day 259: 86425 - Space
Day 260: 86465 - When It's A Jar
Day 261: 86558 - You Run. You Run So Far Away
Day 262: 86663 - 1
Day 263: 86766 - Twice
Day 264: 86877 - This Is Sparta!
Day 265: 86958 - 💎
Day 266: 87048 - Dough
Day 267: 87160 - 0
Day 268: 87248 - Drive Down the M4
Day 269: 87375 - 👆
Day 270: 87470 - 33
Day 271: 87576 - Death
Day 272: 87641 - Aim for the Face
Day 273: 87718 - Tequila
Day 274: 87803 - [Move Mouse Off Screen]
Day 275: 87937 - [Mash Your Keyboard]
Day 276: 88003 - 🗝️→🔒
Day 277: 88109 - Toucan
Day 278: 88144 - 🔴
Day 279: 88280 - [Drag Horse-Worm's Fist and Drop it on Pig Buster]
Day 280: 88365 - Left Turn
Day 281: 88413 - The Answer
Day 282: 88517 - H
Day 283: 88596 - Bran
Day 284: 88714 - Egg Mayonnaise
Day 285: 88777 - Mary Rose
Day 286: 88865 - Tom Cruise
Day 287: 88984 - Splapp-Me-Do
Day 288: 89027 - No, About 20cm Off The Ground
Day 289: 98202 - 👍
Day 290: 89340 - ?
Day 291: 89402 - Blindness
Day 292: 89488 - What You Say!!
Day 293: 89624 - E-I-E-I-O
Day 294: 89741 - 🎈
Day 295: 89845 - Around Orion's Waist
Day 296: 89950 - Universal Serial Bus
Day 297: 90056 - USB Ports
Day 298: 90098 - X Q (Caps Lock) B :
Day 299: 90213 - 4 3 ? 9 (Enter)
Day 300: 90263 - [Spam (Delete)]
Day 301: 90389 - [Spam Click the Dogs Mouth]
Day 302: 90459 - [Rub the Dog With Mouse]
Day 303: 90515 - Chic
Day 304: 90647 - Camel
Day 305: 90730 - [Rub the Lamp]
Day 306: 90817 - G
Day 307: 90872 - 🐁
Day 308: 91011 - 👆
Day 309: 91104 - Pokémon
Day 310: 91154 - 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10
Day 311: 91257 - LOL Micropenis
Day 312: 91359 - 🎈
Day 313: 91417 - Four
Day 314: 91545 - Blue Light
Day 315: 91625 - [Space]
Day 316: 91708 - I Don't Know
Day 317: 91833 - R
Day 318: 91939 - Do Not Pull
Day 319: 91998 - This Author
Day 320: 92074 - To Get To The Other Side
Day 321: 92203 - Edam
Day 322: 92261 - [Q]
Day 323: 92364 - V
Day 324: 92425 - 🪐🍴☁👜🦷🟤
Day 325: 92550 - Goat's Blood
Day 326: 92708 - They Can't Run Off to Vegas
Day 327: 92817 - 🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃
Day 328: 92923 - 🔑→🔒
Day 329: 92026 - Checkpoints Are For the Week and Mentally Challenged
Day 330: 93176 - Nay
Day 331: 93259 - 2
Day 332: 93373 - Plaster
Day 333: 93384 - [Spam Click]
Day 334: 93526 - 28.8kbps Modem
Day 335: 93604 - Violence
Day 336: 93676 - [Spam Click]
Day 337: 93770 - No
Day 338: 93815 - 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15
Day 339: 93927 - AIDS
Day 340: 94006 - Deleted Them
Day 341: 94076 - A Fat Bloke
Day 342: 94164 - [Rub Crank]
Day 343: 94245 - [Drag "On" to the Circle]
Day 344: 94325 - A Corpse's Bra
Day 345: 94408 - 🦆
Day 346: 94492 - Obvious
Day 347: 94574 - Next →
Day 348: 94725 - 🔵🔴🔵🟡
Day 349: 94799 - NEVAR!
Day 350: 94883 - [U]
Day 351: 94967 - They're Scrooges
Day 352: 95032 - 🍳
Day 353: 95077 - [Do Nothing]
submitted by muddy2311 to u/muddy2311 [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 16:55 Jerry_217 [H] Rare games updated 5-30 [W] US amazon digital gift card, Rain World: Downpour, Witchtastic, Bosorka, Loot River, Battletoads, Hi-Fi rush, hell let loose, Nioh 2, WWE 2k23, crusader kings 3, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, Fable Anniversary, Poker night 1, 2, F1 2012, 2011, Euro/American Truck, tf2 key

Region is NA.

If you have my wishlist games, Chat with me anytime. Only accept games from your own collection.

My REPs: 200+ successful trades, stopped tracking after 202.

Wishlist is in the end of this post

My steam games for trade (Can make gift links if possible):

Added recently:

Blade of Darkness
Amanda the Adventurer
Bravery and Greed
King Of The Castle
Mediterranea Inferno
Yakuza: Like a Dragon
Fashion Police Squad
HUMANKIND™ Definitive Edition
Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga
The Callisto Protocol
The Excavation of Hob's Barrow
Victoria 3
One Hand Clapping
Ultimate Chicken Horse
Mad Max
Mortal Kombat 11: Ultimate
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor GOTY
Middle-Earth: Shadow of War Definitive Edition
Injustice 2 Legendary Edition
Gotham Knights
Back 4 Blood
Batman™: Arkham Knight Premium Edition
Batman™: Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition
Batman™: Arkham City GOTY Edition
Batman™: Arkham Origins
.hack//G.U. Last Recode
Katamari Damacy REROLL
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition
Dragon Knight (delisted, 18+, PM for price)
Hell Girls (delisted, 18+, PM for price)
Super Star (delisted, 18+, PM for price)

Steam games:

9 Years of Shadows
A Juggler's Tale
A Plague Tale: Innocence
Aces and Adventures
Ad Infinitum
Agent in Depth
Alchemist's Castle
Alchemy Garden
Aliens vs. Predator Collection ( includes Aliens vs. Predator + Aliens vs Predator Swarm Map Pack + Aliens vs Predator: Bug Hunt Pack)
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
Amnesia: The Bunker
Among Us
Aragami 2
Arcade Paradise
Arise: A Simple Story
Army Men RTS
Assault Suit Leynos
Autonauts vs Piratebots
Beacon Pines
Big Pharma
Bionic Commando Rearmed
Black Paradox
Black Skylands
Blade Assault
Blade of Darkness
Blood And Zombies
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Borderlands 3: Super Deluxe Edition
BPM: Bullets Per Minute
Castle on the Coast
Cats in Time
Chicka Wars Chicken Meat (delisted)
Children of Silentown
Citizen Sleeper
CivCity: Rome
Click and Slay
Colt Canyon
Conan Chop Chop
Concept Destruction
Construction Simulator (2015) Deluxe Edition
Cookie Cutter
Corridor Z
Crayon Physics Deluxe
CROSSBOW: Bloodnight
Cultist Simulator
Curse of the Dead Gods
Dagon - The Eldritch Box DLC
Dark Deity
Dead Age
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition
Death Squared
Deceive Inc.
Desperados III
Destiny 2: Beyond Light DLC
Destroy All Humans! 2 - Reprobed
Destroyer: The U-Boat Hunter
Detached: Non-VR Edition
Dicey Dungeons
Disciples: Liberation
Disco Elysium - The Final Cut
Dishonored Definitive Edition
Distant Worlds Universe
Doctor Strange Defenders Skin
Double Cross
Doughlings: Arcade
Doughlings: Invasion
Dragon Knight (delisted, 18+)
Draw Slasher
Drawful 2
Due Process
Dungeons 2 - Complete Edition
Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising
El Hijo
Emily is Away <3
Endless Space 2
Epic Chef
Expeditions: Rome
Farming Simulator 17
Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue
First Class Trouble
Five Dates
Fling to the Finish
Fobia - St. Dinfna Hotel
Forged Battalion
Fortissimo FA INTL Ver
Founders' Fortune
Friends vs Friends
From Space
Full Metal Furies
Fun with Ragdolls: The Game
GameGuru Classic
Garfield Kart - Furious Racing
Generation Zero
Geometric Sniper
Ghost 1.0
Gloria Victis
Go Home Dinosaurs!
Going Under
Golf Gang
Good knight
GRID Ultimate Edition
Grow: Song of the Evertree
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload
Guns & Fishes
Guts and Glory
Hack 'n' Slash bundle (including Hack 'n' Slash + Hack 'n' Slash Soundtrack + Spacebase GIFT)
Hardspace: Shipbreaker
Heart Fragment - Book Two: Belief Fragments (Shannon & Lana)
Hedon Bloodrite
Hell Girls (delisted, 18+)
Hell Pie
Hidden & Dangerous 2: Courage Under Fire
Hidden & Dangerous: Action Pack
Hokko Life
Hollow Knight
Honey, I Joined a Cult
Hot Brass
Hotshot Racing
How to Sing to Open Your Heart
Hyper Gunsport
I’m not a Monster
Internet Cafe Simulator
Interplanetary: Enhanced Edition
Intruders: Hide and Seek
Iron Danger
Iron Harvest
Izmir: An Independence Simulator
Just Cause 3 XXL Edition
Just Cause 4 Complete Edition
Kerbal Space Program
King's Bounty II
Kraken Academy!!
Labirinto 2
Lacuna – A Sci-Fi Noir Adventure
Last Oasis
Late Shift
Lawn Mowing Simulator
Legend of Keepers
Legion TD 2 - Multiplayer Tower Defense
Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Don't Dry
Let Them Come
Life is Strange 2 Complete Season (incl. Mascot Bundle DLC)
Little Misfortune
Little Orpheus
Lords and Villeins
Lost Planet 3 Complete Pack
Lost Ruins
Lust for Darkness
Lust from Beyond: M Edition
Maid of Sker
Meow Express
Merchant of the Skies
Metal: Hellsinger
Metro Exodus
Midnight Fight Express
Midnight Ghost Hunt
Mini Metro
Mini motor Racing EVO (delisted)
MirrorMoon EP
Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp
Monster Sanctuary
Monster Train
Monster Train: The Last Divinity DLC
Moon Hunters
Morbid: The Seven Acolytes
Motorcycle Mechanic Simulator 2021
Moving Out - Movers in Paradise DLC
Mr. Prepper
Murder by Numbers
My Friendly Neighborhood
My Time At Portia
Mythic Ocean
Nadir: A Grimdark Deckbuilder
Necromunda Hired Gun
New Super Luckys Tale
Nickelodeon All Star Brawl
Nobody Saves the World
Non-Stop Raiders
Of Orcs And Men
Offworld Trading Company
One Hand Clapping
Orbital Racer
Out of Reach: Treasure Royale
Outward Definitive Edition
Outward The Soroboreans DLC + soundtrack (DLC only)
Paint the Town Red
Partial Control
Patch Quest
Pathfinder: Kingmaker Enhanced Plus Edition (NA only) + Royal Ascension DLC + The Wildcards DLC
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Enhanced Edition
Pathfinders: Memories
Peaky Blinders: Mastermind
Per Asperatrar
Pill Baby
Planet TD
Port Royale 3 Gold
Project CARS (delisted)
Project Chemistry
Project Nimbus: Complete Edition
Project Wingman
Propagation VR - Co-op
PULSAR: The Lost Colony
Pumped BMX +
Quantum Break
Radio Commander
Railroad Corporation
Railroad Tycoon 3
Rebel Inc: Escalation
Remnant: From the Ashes - Complete Edition
Remnants of Naezith
Resident Evil Revelations
Resident Evil Revelations 2
RIOT - Civil Unrest
Road 96
Roarr! Jurassic Edition
RollerCoaster Tycoon 2: Triple Thrill Pack
RPG Maker VX
Rubber Bandits
Rym 9000
Saints Row
Sakura Succubus, 18+
Sakura Succubus 2, 18+
Sakura Succubus 3, 18+
Sakura Succubus 4, 18+
Sakura Succubus 5, 18+
Sakura Succubus 6, 18+
Sakura Swim Club, 18+
Sam & Max: Devil's Playhouse
SCP : Secret Files
Secret Neighbor: Hello Neighbor Multiplayer
SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell
Shadow Tactics: Aiko's Choice
Shady Part of Me
Shotgun King: The Final Checkmate
Sid Meier's Railroads!
Siege Survival: Gloria Victis
Skullgirls 2nd Encore
Slinger VR
Smile For Me
Sniper Elite 3
Sniper Elite 4
Sorcerer King: Rivals
Soul Searching
Spellcaster University
Spirit Hunter: Death Mark
Spirit of the Island
Starpoint Gemini Warlords
Stirring Abyss
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones
Super Chicken Catchers
Super Magbot
Super Star (delisted)
Surviving the Aftermath
Sword Legacy Omen
Tails Noir
Tainted Grail: Conquest
Telefrag VR
The Amazing American Circus
The Ascent
The Beast Inside
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan
The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope
The Deed II
The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos
The Golf Club 2019 Featuring PGA TOUR
The Gunk
The Legend of Tianding
The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante
The Long Dark
The Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice Edition
The Pale Beyond
The Quarry
The Red Lantern
The Serpent Rogue
The USB Stick Found in the Grass
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition (steam inventory gift)
The Witness
The Wolf Among Us
There Is No Light
Ticket to Ride
Tin Can
Titan Souls
Tools Up!
Townsmen - A Kingdom Rebuilt
Traffic Jams
Train Station Renovation
Treasure Hunter Simulator
Trek to Yomi
Tribes of Midgard
Twilight Struggle
Twin Mirror
Two Point Campus
Ultimate Chicken Horse
Underland: The Climb
Unity of Command: Stalingrad Campaign
Vanishing Realms
War for the Overworld
Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Drenn Redblade
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Exceptional Card Pack
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Saga of the Great Awakening
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Wrath of the Damned
Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin Ultimate Edition
We Happy Few Season Pass
We Were Here Too
Where the Water Tastes Like Wine
White Noise 2
Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus?
Worms Rumble
X-COM: Complete Pack (including X-COM: UFO Defense + X-COM: Apocalypse + X-COM: Enforcer + X-COM: Interceptor + X-COM: Terror from the Deep)
XCOM: Enemy Unknown Complete Edition
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (including X-Morph: Defense + X-Morph: Defense - European Assault + X-Morph: Defense - Survival Of The Fittest + X-Morph: Defense - Last Bastion)
Yakuza 4 Remastered

Other platforms:
Command & Conquer Remastered Collection (ORIGINkey)
Liberated (GOG key)
STAR WARS: Squadrons (Origin)
Wanderlust Travel Stories (GOG key)


My Wishlist: (prefer gift links for bolded games)

Street Fighter 6
Rocket League
Poker night
poker night 2
Game of Thrones - A Telltale Games Series
NBA 2k16, 2k17
WWE 2K16, 2K17, 2K18, 2K19, 2K20, 2k23
The Last Remnant
Doctor Who: The Adventure Games
Hell let loose
Crusader kings 3
Spiderman remaster
F1 2020, 2019, 2017, 2016, 2012, 2011
Pistol Whip
Automobilista 2
Gears 5
monster hunter rise
Tiny tina's wonderlands chaotic great edition
Spyro Reignited Trilogy
Fable Anniversary
Victoria 3
A Hat in Time
rFactor 2
ZERO Sievert
monster hunter world
Life Is Strange Complete Season
phoenix wright
Gotham Knights
Rivals of Aether
DOOM Eternal
Deep Rock Galactic
Dead by Daylight
quantum break
slay the spire
Yakuza kiwami 2
Stardew Valley
stray blade
clash: Artifacts of chaos
Wizard of Legend
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Rain World: Downpour
Resident Evil Village
Bud Spencer & Terence Hill - Slaps And Beans
River City Girls Zero
Bud Spencer & Terence Hill - Slaps And Beans 2
Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons
Loot River
Cosmo's Quickstop
Fly Punch Boom!
The Knight Witch
Cookie Cutter
Ghost Song
American Truck Simulator
Euro Truck Simulator 2
Guardians of Holme
One Hand Clapping
Blasphemous 2
Astebreed: Definitive Edition
Floppy Knights
Mahokenshi - The Samurai Deckbuilder
Astrea: Six-Sided Oracles
Book of Hours
Dungeon Drafters
Nobody Saves the World
Dead Estate
F1 2018

other humble choice title games


Note: for some games from humble I might ask for gift links. There is a rumor 3 years ago that humble bans users due to making gift links only. I make gift links every week, never have any issues. I have no idea why humble would ever ban its customers for using a feature it provides to its custimers.

Here is a guide how to make gift links from support.Humblebundle.com: https://support.humblebundle.com/hc/en-us/articles/202712460-Purchasing-and-Sending-Gifts

I do not believe humble teaches you how to make gift links, so it can ban you, lol

submitted by Jerry_217 to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 16:55 lofiiiiii I stumbled into a gang initiation, and now I about to become their victim

My hand was resting on my thigh, nervously caressing a little box tucked away neatly in a corner of my pocket. My date for the evening was sitting on the other end of the table and was animatedly talking on the phone.
Well, not my date exactly – Chloe and I have been seeing each other for more than 5 years now. But this was where we first met, right here, by the patio of this cozy little café – on a blind date set up by friends. We had just returned from a movie, a whodunit mystery and Chloe was going over the story with her mother, completely ruining all the suspense for her. Every time she updates her online status about a visit to the cinemas, you can be rest assured her friends will make themselves scarce for the next few hours at least. And she’s always been this way – spontaneous, impulsive, excitable, and yet kind, compassionate and earnest. She likes to act on impulse, and worry about the consequences later.
Good or bad, she needs to get everything off her chest, which is in complete contrast to me.I, on the other hand, am known for being reserved, restrained, shy, even stoic under pressure, and yet, always brooding underneath the surface. A state of mind that is constantly striving to combat a form of pensiveness.
At least that’s the general impression people have of me, I think.
But it was not always this way. I used to be a fun loving kid with a normal childhood who used to love the outdoors.
But something happened to me on my 9th birthday when I was returning home from school, and I suddenly experienced a panic attack for the first time in my life. Since then, I have experienced many more.
Over the years, I realized I was increasingly prone to an attack when my mind was under stress. And this would ultimately lead to what has now become a familiar sequence of symptoms that would course through my body, leaving me feeling utterly helpless.
My legs would first go stiff, as if being weighed down by lead. This was followed by an acute dryness that would grip my throat, leaving it parched andinstantly yearning for a sip of water. The hands at my sides would start to tremble next as I tried desperately to recover from a severe shortness of breath. Meanwhile, huge beads of sweat would have already formed around my forehead while I felt my heart pound away in my chest. But what scared me the most was the very thing that triggered the panic attacks.
I would start seeing strange visions unfold in front of my eyes that often made me question my own sanity. These manifestations would occur randomly, seemingly out of nowhere, and I would immediately start experiencing the physical symptoms. It was as if my mind was ready to tap into the portal of a different dimension at that very moment.
I would then stand transfixed in horror, unable to move, as the anxiety quietly took hold of me, crippling both my body and mind, eventually leading to a blackout. When my parents became aware, they grew consumed with worry. My dad finally even quit his job and relocated our family to the suburbs, in the hopes that a change of scenery in a quieter place would turn out better for my mental health.
And it did help in my recovery because it brought me in contact with Coach Riley, my physical education instructor at my new school. A deeply spiritual man, Coach Riley introduced me to the benefits of meditation and encouraged me to adopt a disciplined lifestyle. Despite my initial doubts about his methods, I eventually realized that the panic attacks were slowly fading away with time. And that provided me with the necessary motivation to follow through on his instructions with devoted commitment. I meditated and exercised every day and gradually embraced a regimented lifestyle that would continue well into my adulthood.
By prioritizing my mental health, I managed to minimize my exposure to triggers that could lead to such attacks. This involved limiting frequent visits to crowded or unknown places to the extent possible without undermining the quality of my life, and by also creating safe spaces that I could regularly visit. I also abstained from all forms of intoxication and avoided the party scene entirely. Thankfully, I cultivated a small but loyal circle of friends who consistently made me feel valued in their presence. Although, there have been times when I have wondered if I was being too hard on myself and forgotten what it meant to have a good time. But I can’t fault the method because I know it has been working. I haven’t had an episode in over 10 years now.
So, when Chloe came into my life it was like a breath of fresh air, igniting a spark in me that I thought was buried away for good.
Being around her rekindled the inner child in me and I wanted to experience the world with her. For someone, who saw himself as generally unlucky in life from a young age, it was as if Lady Luck had finally decided to shower her blessings on me. And I began to grow as a person, strongly fuelled by a burning desire to be a better man for her. As a result, I became more outgoing, even willing to spontaneously suggest a visit to the cinemas, or take a leisurely stroll down a market with her by my side, or simply lie down at the beach, soaking in the sun and enjoying the waves. I also secretly saved up enough money over the last few years by working overtime to buy a new home of our own.
As Chloe sat engrossed on the phone, she suddenly became conscious when everyone at the café began to stare at her. And I saw her jaw drop when she turned around in her seat to find me down on one knee, holding a ring.
Her eyes quickly turned moist as she immediately cut the call. She cupped my face with her hands and said, “Yes. Yes. Yes! Took you long enough!” As we kissed and hugged, the whole café erupted into a wave of applause. Her mom’s return call remained unanswered, as the two of us stood there locked in a tight embrace. The mother would have to wait now to get to the rest of the story.
Just then, an elderly lady came over to our table and offered to take a photo to record this moment for posterity, and we were only too happy to oblige. A couple of clicks later, we requested one more and decided to stand right next to the café’s large nameboard on the wall, since this was where it all began. The old lady holding Chole’s phone moved back a little, so that she could also accommodate “PROVIDENCE CAFE” into the frame – to feature alongside the newly engaged couple. Just as she was about to take the picture, a young kid around 12 years of age, ran into the elderly woman causing her to stumble and fall. I quickly ran towards her to help, while the boy merely stood and watched from a distance.
To my surprise, there was not a hint of remorse in him. He even smirked as he scooped up the phone when it bounced off the floor. This was deliberate on his part. Chloe noticed this as well and looked livid. She walked towards the boy and demanded that he apologize to the old woman.
He just stared back at her, the smirk on his face now widening into a grin. “Chloe don’t….. get back!” I yelled, but it was too late. He attacked her, and she hit the pavement hard. Before I could make another move, he managed to kick her in the stomach and face. And then ran back 20 feet.
When I got to her, I saw blood streaming down her nose, her face was already swollen and she was bleeding from the gums as well. A volcano of anger erupted within me. I felt an unbridled fury simmering in my head, as I watched the boy laughing from a distance holding up Chloe’s phone, dangling it by his fingertips.
Chloe clutched tightly at my arm and said, “Honey, don’t. He’s just a kid. Let’s just …..” But I was already half way across in pursuit, running as fast as I could.
The kid was quick on his feet and zig zagged his way through the bustling sidewalk, casually pushing unsuspecting pedestrians, and toppling trash cans along the way – all in an effort to slow me down. But I managed to keep pace with him.
A couple of blocks later, he took a sharp left turn to enter an alleyway and looked back to check if I was following.
He then slowed down to a saunter, mockingly gesturing to me with his hands that he was waiting for me to catch up, before turning a blind corner and disappearing from view. The alarm bells began to immediately go off in my brain. I was standing in a deserted alley chasing a kid, who clearly was up to no good.
Every instinct in me warned that I was walking into a trap, but my legs defied reason as I continued to move forward. All I could see was Chloe’s face in shock, looking bloodied and vulnerable, and I couldn’t shake that image out of my head.
I wasn’t even sure what I would do if I managed to get a hold of the boy, but I continued on anyway and turned the corner. It led to a dingy parking lot where close to 10 people lay in wait. I saw the boy standing next to a man dressed in a dark grey hoodie with the hood pulled up, obscuring part of his face in the shadow. The man, unmistakably the leader of the pack, was resting comfortably against the bonnet of a car. For a second, I contemplated turning tail and making a quick retreat. But three of his henchmen were ready and had their guns trained at me. I felt like a little rat that had been lured to the edge of a cliff, only to realize at the last moment that there was no way back.
One of the henchmen, a chubby figure, walked towards me with his gun pointed at my face. He was clad in a black leather jacket adorned with silver studs. He had rings on all his fingers, and a thick gold chain swung around his neck. As he frisked me, the henchman fumbled my wallet, causing it to slip and fall to the floor. With a frustrated grunt, he swiftly swooped down to retrieve it before resuming his search for weapons. Finally satisfied, he grabbed the back of my shirt and pushed me forward to continue walking. “Stand right there!” he said, as I reached the middle of the parking lot, surrounded by gangsters on all sides, dressed in oversized hoodies and baggy jeans.
“Yo, Jamal, what’s the move on this one?” he inquired, waving his firearm in my direction. The leader of the pack got down from the bonnet and slowly stretched his limbs. He was a well-built man in his early thirties with heavily tattooed forearms. His baggy jeans hung low on his hips, emphasizing his muscular frame, while a pair of black combat boots added to his imposing demeanor. My eyes next darted to the two people flanking him on either side. To his right, was the kid who had lured me in, and was still looking mighty pleased with himself.
The guy to his left, however, wore a worried look on his face and was about the same age as the gangster. He was dressed in a crisp white shirt, seamlessly tucked into sharply creased trousers, and paired with well-maintained Oxford shoes. He stood out in this milieu like a sore thumb. “Jamal please …. don’t do this,” he suddenly spoke while adjusting his horn rimmed glasses, desperation evident in his voice.
The gangster casually threw his arm around the little kid and smiled at him. ”Rashad, what’s the matter with your brother?” he asked in a soft voice while feigning an air of innocence. “He seems all wound up. Is he always like this at home too?”
The boy rolled his eyes and nodded in acknowledgment, as if he had been waiting all day for someone to ask him that very question about his brother. He replied, “Like, all the time! It’s so annoying Mr Jamal” “Sunny, you catch that? Your kid bro ain’t givin’ you much credit huh?” “Someone’s really turnin’ a new chapter here,” Jamal quipped, while casting a quick glance at the person standing next to him.
Sunny just dropped his head in silence. The weight of the moment hung heavily on his shoulders, and a sense of impending doom settled around the desolate parking lot.
Lines of worry were etched across his forehead, and it was clear he would rather be anywhere but here. “Please Jamal” he begged, as he continued to look at the floor and that was all he could muster. “What!” the gangster asked all fired up. “You are one who came into my office today after all these years. You wanted me to go easy on your lil brother… let him break free from the gang…. right?” “RIGHT?” he repeated again, demanding a reply from him this time.
Sunny simply nodded his head a couple of times in silence. “A’right, I hear you. I hear you!“ remarked Jamal, fervently nodding back in acknowledgment. “So here’s your shot. Take him out,” Jamal said, pointing his finger at me. “And then take your brother home. And that’s the end of that.”
I felt a bottomless pit in my stomach when I suddenly realized I had walked into a gang initiation, and that I was their lamb meant for the slaughter this evening.
All this while, I had feared a robbery was about to take place, accompanied possibly by a vicious beating. But this was turning out to be so much worse than I had imagined.
“We ain’t got all night Sunny. You need to make a choice. So what’s it gonna be?”
“ Your brother Rashad’s freedom for this man’s life. Ain’t gonna get simpler than that,“ Jamal declared in a matter of fact manner.
Sunny finally lifted his head and began to speak, the strain in his voice slowly fading away as he summoned the courage to voice his thoughts.
“Jamal, that is not how things are going to play out. And you know that, and you know that I do too. If I were to shoot this man, whom I have never met in my life before, it would anyway be recorded on a camera by one of your boys.” “And it would be later used as leverage to get me to work for you permanently. So how is this going to work?” he asked, his voice tinged with frustration.
“Alright, you got me, I confess!” Jamal said, sarcastically throwing his hands up in exasperation while also casually winking at a nearby crew member.
“So, here’s what you can do. You can simply trade your freedom for your brothers’ by takin down that man. I don’t care either way. It’s the best deal you gonna get,” he said, pointing his hand at me a second time.
“Jamal, please, … listen..” Sunny began.
“Listen to what Sunny?” Jamal snapped back in anger. ”You think I’m some kinda fool?” “This ain’t some whorehouse that you can come and go as you please. I got a rep to protect here. If you think my world is so damn bad, you should’ve schooled that kid better. And I ain’t gonna push him away if he lands at my doorstep on his own. This is on you, Sunny, for not holding it down as his brother.”
Jamal leaned against a car, casually bidding his time amidst the uneasy silence that followed.
He was holding Chloe’s phone, and kept turning it subconsciously with his hand while glaring at Sunny. The two clearly had a history that stretched back many years.
I could also see that he was a calculative man, aiming to arrive at the best possible outcome in his favour. And he had Sunny exactly where he wanted, and was now slowly turning the screws on him. “What can I do to make this right, Jamal?” Sunny finally asked a few moments later, determined to work out a solution. “Come work for me. Be my numbers guy. I always knew you had the smarts.” “In fact, you was supposed to roll with me in the game, promote my product, and help me expand our operations.” “I invested in you Sunny, thinking you had the loyalty to rise with me and even sent you to a fancy school, all on my own dime. But nah, you had to suddenly catch a conscience outta nowhere, and look where it got you.” “I paid you back in full for my education Jamal, and that too with interest” Sunny interjected. “This ain’t just about the money, you fool!” Sunny shot back. “I treated you like my own brother. You were my homie, and you turned your back on me and the crew.” “All for what?” “ For a piece of ass?” “And where she at now? She’s dead and buried six feet under.” Jamal then turned around in his tracks to face his crew and started speaking again in a slightly mocking tone. “Our man, the hot shot banker here, then quits his job and permanently walks away from the corporate scene. Only to hit up the same public school his girl used to grind at, now dealing day and night with them tough kids from the street.” “And homie’s been busy ever since – forever, living under his dead girl’s shadow.” Jamal slowly turned around to face Sunny. “And what do you have to show for it huh?” “Your own brother’s knocking on my door, hungry for a slice.” Jamal’s gaze bore into Sunny, the weight of his words hanging thick in the air. “We could’ve ruled the streets Sunny. Lived like kings. But nah, you had to throw it all away.” Jamal said, shaking his head, making sure his disapproval was known for everyone to see.
“Anyways, that’s enough chat for the night. Give the man his piece. Let’s get the ball rolling.” One of his henchmen then removed a sidearm from the small of his back and forced it into Sunny’s hand. “I can’t go through with this Jamal,” Sunny said, finally locking eyes with his one-time friend.
“You don’t have to. You’re free to leave. But your brother? He’s staying.” “Got some big moves planned for him,” Jamal responded, breaking into a grin. “Yo, young blood. You down to hustle and earn your spot?” he queried out loud to Rashad. The kid fervently nodded back. The young boy’s face immediately lit up when Jamal directly addressed him. “You really need to leave my brother alone, Jamal. Your beef is with me, and I’m here. You can take it out on me. Let him go. He needs no part in this.” Sunny spoke, still trying to be the voice of reason.
“Stop wasting my time Sunny. What needed to be said has been said. Now either get to it, or leave,” Jamal retorted. He flicked his fingers again to signal one of his boys who came and stood next to Sunny, and aimed his gun a couple of metres away from his head. A few seconds of silence followed as Sunny assessed the situation while holding a gun in his hand. “How am I supposed to shoot this man? I don’t even know him.” he suddenly protested, waving his hand in my direction while looking at Jamal. “Oh, like you would have otherwise jumped into action if it was a rival? You’ve always been the squeamish sort when it comes to confrontations.” “So, I told Rashad to pick a noob from the street …… just for you.” “Thought it would help ease the friction between you two. You know, foster a bonding moment between siblings,” Jamal remarked with a smirk, leading to small fits of laughter all around. “But hey, you really wanna know about him? I got this right here.” Jamal said while holding up Chloe’s phone in his hand, and started scrolling through it. “Well, well, well…. what do we have here ….Look!” he said, turning the phone towards us. It had a picture of me and Chloe beaming, with her pointing towards the new rock on her finger. “Our man just got engaged today. Timestamps say Chloe and Marty here.” “Congratulations Marty!” “Cute couple! I must say!!”
Sunny’s shoulders sank further as he stood gripping the gun in one hand, his eyes shut in contemplation, while the other hand pressed hard against his temple as he massaged it. Things just got more awkward for my only well-wisher in this isolated parking lot. “Enough with this shit” Jamal said, putting the phone away. “KENNY, START THE COUNTDOWN.”
When Kenny emerged from the side-lines, I realized he was the same gangster who had first frisked me when I stumbled into the parking lot.
“TEN!!” the man yelled at the top of his voice, as the countdown started.
submitted by lofiiiiii to trytosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 16:55 Jerry_217 [H] Rare games updated 5-30 [W] US amazon digital gift card, Rain World: Downpour, Witchtastic, Bosorka, Loot River, Battletoads, Hi-Fi rush, hell let loose, Nioh 2, WWE 2k23, crusader kings 3, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, Fable Anniversary, Poker night 1, 2, F1 2012, 2011, Euro/American Truck, tf2 key

Region is NA.

If you have my wishlist games, Chat with me anytime. Only accept games from your own collection.

My REPs: 200+ successful trades, stopped tracking after 202.

Wishlist is in the end of this post

My steam games for trade (Can make gift links if possible):

Added recently:

Blade of Darkness
Amanda the Adventurer
Bravery and Greed
King Of The Castle
Mediterranea Inferno
Yakuza: Like a Dragon
Fashion Police Squad
HUMANKIND™ Definitive Edition
Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga
The Callisto Protocol
The Excavation of Hob's Barrow
Victoria 3
One Hand Clapping
Ultimate Chicken Horse
Mad Max
Mortal Kombat 11: Ultimate
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor GOTY
Middle-Earth: Shadow of War Definitive Edition
Injustice 2 Legendary Edition
Gotham Knights
Back 4 Blood
Batman™: Arkham Knight Premium Edition
Batman™: Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition
Batman™: Arkham City GOTY Edition
Batman™: Arkham Origins
.hack//G.U. Last Recode
Katamari Damacy REROLL
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition
Dragon Knight (delisted, 18+, PM for price)
Hell Girls (delisted, 18+, PM for price)
Super Star (delisted, 18+, PM for price)

Steam games:

9 Years of Shadows
A Juggler's Tale
A Plague Tale: Innocence
Aces and Adventures
Ad Infinitum
Agent in Depth
Alchemist's Castle
Alchemy Garden
Aliens vs. Predator Collection ( includes Aliens vs. Predator + Aliens vs Predator Swarm Map Pack + Aliens vs Predator: Bug Hunt Pack)
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
Amnesia: The Bunker
Among Us
Aragami 2
Arcade Paradise
Arise: A Simple Story
Army Men RTS
Assault Suit Leynos
Autonauts vs Piratebots
Beacon Pines
Big Pharma
Bionic Commando Rearmed
Black Paradox
Black Skylands
Blade Assault
Blade of Darkness
Blood And Zombies
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Borderlands 3: Super Deluxe Edition
BPM: Bullets Per Minute
Castle on the Coast
Cats in Time
Chicka Wars Chicken Meat (delisted)
Children of Silentown
Citizen Sleeper
CivCity: Rome
Click and Slay
Colt Canyon
Conan Chop Chop
Concept Destruction
Construction Simulator (2015) Deluxe Edition
Cookie Cutter
Corridor Z
Crayon Physics Deluxe
CROSSBOW: Bloodnight
Cultist Simulator
Curse of the Dead Gods
Dagon - The Eldritch Box DLC
Dark Deity
Dead Age
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition
Death Squared
Deceive Inc.
Desperados III
Destiny 2: Beyond Light DLC
Destroy All Humans! 2 - Reprobed
Destroyer: The U-Boat Hunter
Detached: Non-VR Edition
Dicey Dungeons
Disciples: Liberation
Disco Elysium - The Final Cut
Dishonored Definitive Edition
Distant Worlds Universe
Doctor Strange Defenders Skin
Double Cross
Doughlings: Arcade
Doughlings: Invasion
Dragon Knight (delisted, 18+)
Draw Slasher
Drawful 2
Due Process
Dungeons 2 - Complete Edition
Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising
El Hijo
Emily is Away <3
Endless Space 2
Epic Chef
Expeditions: Rome
Farming Simulator 17
Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue
First Class Trouble
Five Dates
Fling to the Finish
Fobia - St. Dinfna Hotel
Forged Battalion
Fortissimo FA INTL Ver
Founders' Fortune
Friends vs Friends
From Space
Full Metal Furies
Fun with Ragdolls: The Game
GameGuru Classic
Garfield Kart - Furious Racing
Generation Zero
Geometric Sniper
Ghost 1.0
Gloria Victis
Go Home Dinosaurs!
Going Under
Golf Gang
Good knight
GRID Ultimate Edition
Grow: Song of the Evertree
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload
Guns & Fishes
Guts and Glory
Hack 'n' Slash bundle (including Hack 'n' Slash + Hack 'n' Slash Soundtrack + Spacebase GIFT)
Hardspace: Shipbreaker
Heart Fragment - Book Two: Belief Fragments (Shannon & Lana)
Hedon Bloodrite
Hell Girls (delisted, 18+)
Hell Pie
Hidden & Dangerous 2: Courage Under Fire
Hidden & Dangerous: Action Pack
Hokko Life
Hollow Knight
Honey, I Joined a Cult
Hot Brass
Hotshot Racing
How to Sing to Open Your Heart
Hyper Gunsport
I’m not a Monster
Internet Cafe Simulator
Interplanetary: Enhanced Edition
Intruders: Hide and Seek
Iron Danger
Iron Harvest
Izmir: An Independence Simulator
Just Cause 3 XXL Edition
Just Cause 4 Complete Edition
Kerbal Space Program
King's Bounty II
Kraken Academy!!
Labirinto 2
Lacuna – A Sci-Fi Noir Adventure
Last Oasis
Late Shift
Lawn Mowing Simulator
Legend of Keepers
Legion TD 2 - Multiplayer Tower Defense
Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Don't Dry
Let Them Come
Life is Strange 2 Complete Season (incl. Mascot Bundle DLC)
Little Misfortune
Little Orpheus
Lords and Villeins
Lost Planet 3 Complete Pack
Lost Ruins
Lust for Darkness
Lust from Beyond: M Edition
Maid of Sker
Meow Express
Merchant of the Skies
Metal: Hellsinger
Metro Exodus
Midnight Fight Express
Midnight Ghost Hunt
Mini Metro
Mini motor Racing EVO (delisted)
MirrorMoon EP
Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp
Monster Sanctuary
Monster Train
Monster Train: The Last Divinity DLC
Moon Hunters
Morbid: The Seven Acolytes
Motorcycle Mechanic Simulator 2021
Moving Out - Movers in Paradise DLC
Mr. Prepper
Murder by Numbers
My Friendly Neighborhood
My Time At Portia
Mythic Ocean
Nadir: A Grimdark Deckbuilder
Necromunda Hired Gun
New Super Luckys Tale
Nickelodeon All Star Brawl
Nobody Saves the World
Non-Stop Raiders
Of Orcs And Men
Offworld Trading Company
One Hand Clapping
Orbital Racer
Out of Reach: Treasure Royale
Outward Definitive Edition
Outward The Soroboreans DLC + soundtrack (DLC only)
Paint the Town Red
Partial Control
Patch Quest
Pathfinder: Kingmaker Enhanced Plus Edition (NA only) + Royal Ascension DLC + The Wildcards DLC
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Enhanced Edition
Pathfinders: Memories
Peaky Blinders: Mastermind
Per Asperatrar
Pill Baby
Planet TD
Port Royale 3 Gold
Project CARS (delisted)
Project Chemistry
Project Nimbus: Complete Edition
Project Wingman
Propagation VR - Co-op
PULSAR: The Lost Colony
Pumped BMX +
Quantum Break
Radio Commander
Railroad Corporation
Railroad Tycoon 3
Rebel Inc: Escalation
Remnant: From the Ashes - Complete Edition
Remnants of Naezith
Resident Evil Revelations
Resident Evil Revelations 2
RIOT - Civil Unrest
Road 96
Roarr! Jurassic Edition
RollerCoaster Tycoon 2: Triple Thrill Pack
RPG Maker VX
Rubber Bandits
Rym 9000
Saints Row
Sakura Succubus, 18+
Sakura Succubus 2, 18+
Sakura Succubus 3, 18+
Sakura Succubus 4, 18+
Sakura Succubus 5, 18+
Sakura Succubus 6, 18+
Sakura Swim Club, 18+
Sam & Max: Devil's Playhouse
SCP : Secret Files
Secret Neighbor: Hello Neighbor Multiplayer
SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell
Shadow Tactics: Aiko's Choice
Shady Part of Me
Shotgun King: The Final Checkmate
Sid Meier's Railroads!
Siege Survival: Gloria Victis
Skullgirls 2nd Encore
Slinger VR
Smile For Me
Sniper Elite 3
Sniper Elite 4
Sorcerer King: Rivals
Soul Searching
Spellcaster University
Spirit Hunter: Death Mark
Spirit of the Island
Starpoint Gemini Warlords
Stirring Abyss
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones
Super Chicken Catchers
Super Magbot
Super Star (delisted)
Surviving the Aftermath
Sword Legacy Omen
Tails Noir
Tainted Grail: Conquest
Telefrag VR
The Amazing American Circus
The Ascent
The Beast Inside
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan
The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope
The Deed II
The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos
The Golf Club 2019 Featuring PGA TOUR
The Gunk
The Legend of Tianding
The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante
The Long Dark
The Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice Edition
The Pale Beyond
The Quarry
The Red Lantern
The Serpent Rogue
The USB Stick Found in the Grass
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition (steam inventory gift)
The Witness
The Wolf Among Us
There Is No Light
Ticket to Ride
Tin Can
Titan Souls
Tools Up!
Townsmen - A Kingdom Rebuilt
Traffic Jams
Train Station Renovation
Treasure Hunter Simulator
Trek to Yomi
Tribes of Midgard
Twilight Struggle
Twin Mirror
Two Point Campus
Ultimate Chicken Horse
Underland: The Climb
Unity of Command: Stalingrad Campaign
Vanishing Realms
War for the Overworld
Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Drenn Redblade
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Exceptional Card Pack
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Saga of the Great Awakening
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Wrath of the Damned
Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin Ultimate Edition
We Happy Few Season Pass
We Were Here Too
Where the Water Tastes Like Wine
White Noise 2
Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus?
Worms Rumble
X-COM: Complete Pack (including X-COM: UFO Defense + X-COM: Apocalypse + X-COM: Enforcer + X-COM: Interceptor + X-COM: Terror from the Deep)
XCOM: Enemy Unknown Complete Edition
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (including X-Morph: Defense + X-Morph: Defense - European Assault + X-Morph: Defense - Survival Of The Fittest + X-Morph: Defense - Last Bastion)
Yakuza 4 Remastered

Other platforms:
Command & Conquer Remastered Collection (ORIGINkey)
Liberated (GOG key)
STAR WARS: Squadrons (Origin)
Wanderlust Travel Stories (GOG key)


My Wishlist: (prefer gift links for bolded games)

Street Fighter 6
Rocket League
Poker night
poker night 2
Game of Thrones - A Telltale Games Series
NBA 2k16, 2k17
WWE 2K16, 2K17, 2K18, 2K19, 2K20, 2k23
The Last Remnant
Doctor Who: The Adventure Games
Hell let loose
Crusader kings 3
Spiderman remaster
F1 2020, 2019, 2017, 2016, 2012, 2011
Pistol Whip
Automobilista 2
Gears 5
monster hunter rise
Tiny tina's wonderlands chaotic great edition
Spyro Reignited Trilogy
Fable Anniversary
Victoria 3
A Hat in Time
rFactor 2
ZERO Sievert
monster hunter world
Life Is Strange Complete Season
phoenix wright
Gotham Knights
Rivals of Aether
DOOM Eternal
Deep Rock Galactic
Dead by Daylight
quantum break
slay the spire
Yakuza kiwami 2
Stardew Valley
stray blade
clash: Artifacts of chaos
Wizard of Legend
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Rain World: Downpour
Resident Evil Village
Bud Spencer & Terence Hill - Slaps And Beans
River City Girls Zero
Bud Spencer & Terence Hill - Slaps And Beans 2
Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons
Loot River
Cosmo's Quickstop
Fly Punch Boom!
The Knight Witch
Cookie Cutter
Ghost Song
American Truck Simulator
Euro Truck Simulator 2
Guardians of Holme
One Hand Clapping
Blasphemous 2
Astebreed: Definitive Edition
Floppy Knights
Mahokenshi - The Samurai Deckbuilder
Astrea: Six-Sided Oracles
Book of Hours
Dungeon Drafters
Nobody Saves the World
Dead Estate
F1 2018

other humble choice title games


Note: for some games from humble I might ask for gift links. There is a rumor 3 years ago that humble bans users due to making gift links only. I make gift links every week, never have any issues. I have no idea why humble would ever ban its customers for using a feature it provides to its custimers.

Here is a guide how to make gift links from support.Humblebundle.com: https://support.humblebundle.com/hc/en-us/articles/202712460-Purchasing-and-Sending-Gifts

I do not believe humble teaches you how to make gift links, so it can ban you, lol

submitted by Jerry_217 to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 16:55 Jerry_217 [H] Rare games updated 5-30 [W] US amazon digital gift card, Rain World: Downpour, Witchtastic, Bosorka, Loot River, Battletoads, Hi-Fi rush, hell let loose, Nioh 2, WWE 2k23, crusader kings 3, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, Fable Anniversary, Poker night 1, 2, F1 2012, 2011, Euro/American Truck, tf2 key

Region is NA.

If you have my wishlist games, Chat with me anytime. Only accept games from your own collection.

My REPs: 200+ successful trades, stopped tracking after 202.

Wishlist is in the end of this post

My steam games for trade (Can make gift links if possible):

Added recently:

Blade of Darkness
Amanda the Adventurer
Bravery and Greed
King Of The Castle
Mediterranea Inferno
Yakuza: Like a Dragon
Fashion Police Squad
HUMANKIND™ Definitive Edition
Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga
The Callisto Protocol
The Excavation of Hob's Barrow
Victoria 3
One Hand Clapping
Ultimate Chicken Horse
Mad Max
Mortal Kombat 11: Ultimate
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor GOTY
Middle-Earth: Shadow of War Definitive Edition
Injustice 2 Legendary Edition
Gotham Knights
Back 4 Blood
Batman™: Arkham Knight Premium Edition
Batman™: Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition
Batman™: Arkham City GOTY Edition
Batman™: Arkham Origins
.hack//G.U. Last Recode
Katamari Damacy REROLL
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition
Dragon Knight (delisted, 18+, PM for price)
Hell Girls (delisted, 18+, PM for price)
Super Star (delisted, 18+, PM for price)

Steam games:

9 Years of Shadows
A Juggler's Tale
A Plague Tale: Innocence
Aces and Adventures
Ad Infinitum
Agent in Depth
Alchemist's Castle
Alchemy Garden
Aliens vs. Predator Collection ( includes Aliens vs. Predator + Aliens vs Predator Swarm Map Pack + Aliens vs Predator: Bug Hunt Pack)
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
Amnesia: The Bunker
Among Us
Aragami 2
Arcade Paradise
Arise: A Simple Story
Army Men RTS
Assault Suit Leynos
Autonauts vs Piratebots
Beacon Pines
Big Pharma
Bionic Commando Rearmed
Black Paradox
Black Skylands
Blade Assault
Blade of Darkness
Blood And Zombies
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Borderlands 3: Super Deluxe Edition
BPM: Bullets Per Minute
Castle on the Coast
Cats in Time
Chicka Wars Chicken Meat (delisted)
Children of Silentown
Citizen Sleeper
CivCity: Rome
Click and Slay
Colt Canyon
Conan Chop Chop
Concept Destruction
Construction Simulator (2015) Deluxe Edition
Cookie Cutter
Corridor Z
Crayon Physics Deluxe
CROSSBOW: Bloodnight
Cultist Simulator
Curse of the Dead Gods
Dagon - The Eldritch Box DLC
Dark Deity
Dead Age
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition
Death Squared
Deceive Inc.
Desperados III
Destiny 2: Beyond Light DLC
Destroy All Humans! 2 - Reprobed
Destroyer: The U-Boat Hunter
Detached: Non-VR Edition
Dicey Dungeons
Disciples: Liberation
Disco Elysium - The Final Cut
Dishonored Definitive Edition
Distant Worlds Universe
Doctor Strange Defenders Skin
Double Cross
Doughlings: Arcade
Doughlings: Invasion
Dragon Knight (delisted, 18+)
Draw Slasher
Drawful 2
Due Process
Dungeons 2 - Complete Edition
Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising
El Hijo
Emily is Away <3
Endless Space 2
Epic Chef
Expeditions: Rome
Farming Simulator 17
Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue
First Class Trouble
Five Dates
Fling to the Finish
Fobia - St. Dinfna Hotel
Forged Battalion
Fortissimo FA INTL Ver
Founders' Fortune
Friends vs Friends
From Space
Full Metal Furies
Fun with Ragdolls: The Game
GameGuru Classic
Garfield Kart - Furious Racing
Generation Zero
Geometric Sniper
Ghost 1.0
Gloria Victis
Go Home Dinosaurs!
Going Under
Golf Gang
Good knight
GRID Ultimate Edition
Grow: Song of the Evertree
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload
Guns & Fishes
Guts and Glory
Hack 'n' Slash bundle (including Hack 'n' Slash + Hack 'n' Slash Soundtrack + Spacebase GIFT)
Hardspace: Shipbreaker
Heart Fragment - Book Two: Belief Fragments (Shannon & Lana)
Hedon Bloodrite
Hell Girls (delisted, 18+)
Hell Pie
Hidden & Dangerous 2: Courage Under Fire
Hidden & Dangerous: Action Pack
Hokko Life
Hollow Knight
Honey, I Joined a Cult
Hot Brass
Hotshot Racing
How to Sing to Open Your Heart
Hyper Gunsport
I’m not a Monster
Internet Cafe Simulator
Interplanetary: Enhanced Edition
Intruders: Hide and Seek
Iron Danger
Iron Harvest
Izmir: An Independence Simulator
Just Cause 3 XXL Edition
Just Cause 4 Complete Edition
Kerbal Space Program
King's Bounty II
Kraken Academy!!
Labirinto 2
Lacuna – A Sci-Fi Noir Adventure
Last Oasis
Late Shift
Lawn Mowing Simulator
Legend of Keepers
Legion TD 2 - Multiplayer Tower Defense
Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Don't Dry
Let Them Come
Life is Strange 2 Complete Season (incl. Mascot Bundle DLC)
Little Misfortune
Little Orpheus
Lords and Villeins
Lost Planet 3 Complete Pack
Lost Ruins
Lust for Darkness
Lust from Beyond: M Edition
Maid of Sker
Meow Express
Merchant of the Skies
Metal: Hellsinger
Metro Exodus
Midnight Fight Express
Midnight Ghost Hunt
Mini Metro
Mini motor Racing EVO (delisted)
MirrorMoon EP
Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp
Monster Sanctuary
Monster Train
Monster Train: The Last Divinity DLC
Moon Hunters
Morbid: The Seven Acolytes
Motorcycle Mechanic Simulator 2021
Moving Out - Movers in Paradise DLC
Mr. Prepper
Murder by Numbers
My Friendly Neighborhood
My Time At Portia
Mythic Ocean
Nadir: A Grimdark Deckbuilder
Necromunda Hired Gun
New Super Luckys Tale
Nickelodeon All Star Brawl
Nobody Saves the World
Non-Stop Raiders
Of Orcs And Men
Offworld Trading Company
One Hand Clapping
Orbital Racer
Out of Reach: Treasure Royale
Outward Definitive Edition
Outward The Soroboreans DLC + soundtrack (DLC only)
Paint the Town Red
Partial Control
Patch Quest
Pathfinder: Kingmaker Enhanced Plus Edition (NA only) + Royal Ascension DLC + The Wildcards DLC
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Enhanced Edition
Pathfinders: Memories
Peaky Blinders: Mastermind
Per Asperatrar
Pill Baby
Planet TD
Port Royale 3 Gold
Project CARS (delisted)
Project Chemistry
Project Nimbus: Complete Edition
Project Wingman
Propagation VR - Co-op
PULSAR: The Lost Colony
Pumped BMX +
Quantum Break
Radio Commander
Railroad Corporation
Railroad Tycoon 3
Rebel Inc: Escalation
Remnant: From the Ashes - Complete Edition
Remnants of Naezith
Resident Evil Revelations
Resident Evil Revelations 2
RIOT - Civil Unrest
Road 96
Roarr! Jurassic Edition
RollerCoaster Tycoon 2: Triple Thrill Pack
RPG Maker VX
Rubber Bandits
Rym 9000
Saints Row
Sakura Succubus, 18+
Sakura Succubus 2, 18+
Sakura Succubus 3, 18+
Sakura Succubus 4, 18+
Sakura Succubus 5, 18+
Sakura Succubus 6, 18+
Sakura Swim Club, 18+
Sam & Max: Devil's Playhouse
SCP : Secret Files
Secret Neighbor: Hello Neighbor Multiplayer
SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell
Shadow Tactics: Aiko's Choice
Shady Part of Me
Shotgun King: The Final Checkmate
Sid Meier's Railroads!
Siege Survival: Gloria Victis
Skullgirls 2nd Encore
Slinger VR
Smile For Me
Sniper Elite 3
Sniper Elite 4
Sorcerer King: Rivals
Soul Searching
Spellcaster University
Spirit Hunter: Death Mark
Spirit of the Island
Starpoint Gemini Warlords
Stirring Abyss
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones
Super Chicken Catchers
Super Magbot
Super Star (delisted)
Surviving the Aftermath
Sword Legacy Omen
Tails Noir
Tainted Grail: Conquest
Telefrag VR
The Amazing American Circus
The Ascent
The Beast Inside
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan
The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope
The Deed II
The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos
The Golf Club 2019 Featuring PGA TOUR
The Gunk
The Legend of Tianding
The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante
The Long Dark
The Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice Edition
The Pale Beyond
The Quarry
The Red Lantern
The Serpent Rogue
The USB Stick Found in the Grass
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition (steam inventory gift)
The Witness
The Wolf Among Us
There Is No Light
Ticket to Ride
Tin Can
Titan Souls
Tools Up!
Townsmen - A Kingdom Rebuilt
Traffic Jams
Train Station Renovation
Treasure Hunter Simulator
Trek to Yomi
Tribes of Midgard
Twilight Struggle
Twin Mirror
Two Point Campus
Ultimate Chicken Horse
Underland: The Climb
Unity of Command: Stalingrad Campaign
Vanishing Realms
War for the Overworld
Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Drenn Redblade
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Exceptional Card Pack
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Saga of the Great Awakening
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf - Wrath of the Damned
Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin Ultimate Edition
We Happy Few Season Pass
We Were Here Too
Where the Water Tastes Like Wine
White Noise 2
Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus?
Worms Rumble
X-COM: Complete Pack (including X-COM: UFO Defense + X-COM: Apocalypse + X-COM: Enforcer + X-COM: Interceptor + X-COM: Terror from the Deep)
XCOM: Enemy Unknown Complete Edition
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (including X-Morph: Defense + X-Morph: Defense - European Assault + X-Morph: Defense - Survival Of The Fittest + X-Morph: Defense - Last Bastion)
Yakuza 4 Remastered

Other platforms:
Command & Conquer Remastered Collection (ORIGINkey)
Liberated (GOG key)
STAR WARS: Squadrons (Origin)
Wanderlust Travel Stories (GOG key)


My Wishlist: (prefer gift links for bolded games)

Street Fighter 6
Rocket League
Poker night
poker night 2
Game of Thrones - A Telltale Games Series
NBA 2k16, 2k17
WWE 2K16, 2K17, 2K18, 2K19, 2K20, 2k23
The Last Remnant
Doctor Who: The Adventure Games
Hell let loose
Crusader kings 3
Spiderman remaster
F1 2020, 2019, 2017, 2016, 2012, 2011
Pistol Whip
Automobilista 2
Gears 5
monster hunter rise
Tiny tina's wonderlands chaotic great edition
Spyro Reignited Trilogy
Fable Anniversary
Victoria 3
A Hat in Time
rFactor 2
ZERO Sievert
monster hunter world
Life Is Strange Complete Season
phoenix wright
Gotham Knights
Rivals of Aether
DOOM Eternal
Deep Rock Galactic
Dead by Daylight
quantum break
slay the spire
Yakuza kiwami 2
Stardew Valley
stray blade
clash: Artifacts of chaos
Wizard of Legend
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Rain World: Downpour
Resident Evil Village
Bud Spencer & Terence Hill - Slaps And Beans
River City Girls Zero
Bud Spencer & Terence Hill - Slaps And Beans 2
Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons
Loot River
Cosmo's Quickstop
Fly Punch Boom!
The Knight Witch
Cookie Cutter
Ghost Song
American Truck Simulator
Euro Truck Simulator 2
Guardians of Holme
One Hand Clapping
Blasphemous 2
Astebreed: Definitive Edition
Floppy Knights
Mahokenshi - The Samurai Deckbuilder
Astrea: Six-Sided Oracles
Book of Hours
Dungeon Drafters
Nobody Saves the World
Dead Estate
F1 2018

other humble choice title games


Note: for some games from humble I might ask for gift links. There is a rumor 3 years ago that humble bans users due to making gift links only. I make gift links every week, never have any issues. I have no idea why humble would ever ban its customers for using a feature it provides to its custimers.

Here is a guide how to make gift links from support.Humblebundle.com: https://support.humblebundle.com/hc/en-us/articles/202712460-Purchasing-and-Sending-Gifts

I do not believe humble teaches you how to make gift links, so it can ban you, lol

submitted by Jerry_217 to GameTrade [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 14:44 Fermule Character Chat: Wooster

Our guy here may be something of a James Bond knockoff, but he has one thing keeping him distinct from 007 - he doesn't get laid.
Today I had everyone draw straws, and Commander Ardsley Wooster drew the short one, which is just his luck.
Ardsley (...Ardsley? What kind of sadistic parents did this guy have?) Wooster is a notable member of England's secret service, a 00 agent with the rank of Commander. He's implied to have had a number of adventures in his youth, sometimes with Albia's official Sparky Hero Adventurer Trelawney Thorpe. His most major assignment was becoming an acquaintance/adventuring partner to Gilgamesh Wulfenbach in Paris, which later got him the job as Gil's personal valet. A golden opportunity for a spy, if he hadn't already been secretly found out by Gil beforehand. Points for trying!
During his time with Gil, he's a perfectly professional Jeeves-type butler valet, and the two of them acted as good friends to one another despite the double deception between them. It's in this role that he eventually meets Agatha. Wooster is privy to some of Gil's secrets even the Baron may not know, such as the locations of Gil's secret labs and projects on Castle Wulfenbach. However, Gil asked for Wooster knowing he was a spy - presumably, much of the intelligence gathered by Wooster on the Empire for England was simply what Gil wanted England to know in the first place. Fun fact, Sun Tzu calls an enemy spy you deliberately keep around to feed false information to a "doomed spy".
After Agatha escapes Castle Wulfenbach, and later proved to be alive and near Sturmhalten, Gil is not in a position to be able to go after her. Therefore, he drops the pretense of buying Wooster's cover and, in one of the most explosive displays of Sparkiness in the comic, intimidates Wooster into rescuing Agatha and getting her safely to asylum in England, with the the threat of melting England if he fails or disobeys. This effectively ends any friendship between Gil and Wooster, and Wooster remains utterly terrified of Gil from then on. But he does obey.
Wooster does manage to track her down in Sturmhalten with some help from the Circus of Adventure, and aids Agatha against the Baron in the ensuing battle. In the aftermath, Wooster offers asylum in England to the Circus and Agatha. The Circus takes it, but Agatha decides to go on to Mechanicsburg. Wooster tags along with Agatha - he can't force her to go to England, but he can at least keep her alive and occasionally nag her about it. He assists up until Agatha gets into Castle Heterodyne. While she's off adventuring in the Castle, Wooster gathers intelligence on the Baron's plans for Mechanicsburg and delivers it to the Jager Generals, proving to them that the Baron has no intention of letting Agatha walk away alive and ensuring the Jagers don't cooperate with Klaus in the ensuing battle at Mechanicsburg.
British Intelligence is less than satisfied with his performance (or, at least, Wooster has that impression), and after the time skip we see him assigned to the refugee camp outside Mechanicsburg, stuck in a damp cave with a bunch of pent-up Jagers monitoring the frozen town. When Agatha ends up in those same caves, she asks for Wooster's help in getting her to England via Paris. He joins her in her journey from Mechanicsburg to Paris and then England - mission accomplished!
In England, is happily reunited with colleagues like Trelawney Thorpe, and unhappily reunited with colleagues like Hadrian Rakethorn and Hippocrates Brunel. He plays escort to Agatha and later Tarvek as they move through England (escorting Gil is wisely assigned to anyone else), and, by virtue of being capable and nearby, is placed in charge of the murder investigation at the Royal Society's undersea dome. Turns out that was just a cult, and Wooster assists in thwarting them and their plans. Lucrezia ends up invading the dome later, and in the ensuing battle against her and her revenants, Wooster swears his unending loyalty to Albia and England right in Lucrezia's face, which gets him vaporized. He receives a state funeral headed by Albia herself, and a posthumous promotion to Commodore. Zeetha makes a bawdy joke on the same page.
As a member of Agatha's party, Wooster's most useful asset is that, being a worldly sort of guy, he has loads of exposition to deliver on the local history and politics of wherever they're currently adventuring. Wooster is also a decent Spark-handler, able to get Sparks to at least temporarily focus on the task at hand through the subtle art of yelling. He is capable at intelligence gathering and in disguise, but he prefers to work alone when doing spycraft, so most of his cloak-and-dagger work is done off-screen. He's generally on the ball and calm under pressure, but Gil's little rant makes him freak the fuck out whenever Gil is even mentioned - he believes, to his bones, that Gil could and would melt England. In a fight, Wooster is capable in a melee, managing a sucker punch on Bang of all people, but defaults to guns. Wooster's drink order is invariably tea.
Major relationships:
Any fond memories or eulogies you'd like to share about the dearly departed? Do you think killing Wooster off was for the best or not? If not, what exactly would you have liked to see from Wooster after the England arc? How close do you think he got to getting England wiped off the map entirely?
submitted by Fermule to girlgenius [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 07:33 yawningvoid28 Turner Classic Movies (U.S.) Daily Schedule for June, 2024.

(All Airtimes E.S.T.)
(1:00AM) Scott Joplin (1977/1h 36m/Biography/Jeremy Kagan)
(3:00AM) The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp (1943/2h 43m/WaMichael Powell)
(6:00AM) The Sun Comes Up (1949/1h 33m/Drama/Richard Thorpe)
(8:00AM) MGM CARTOONS: Barnyard Babies (1935/0h 9m/Animation/Rudolf Ising)
(8:10AM) The Day of Rest (1939/0h 9m/Comedy/Basil Wrangell)
(8:20AM) Glimpses of Florida (1941/0h 9m/Documentary/James A. Fitzpatrick)
(8:30AM) The Last Ride (1944/0h 57m/Crime/D. Ross Lederman)
(9:30AM) Lincoln's Doctor's Dog (1955/0h 30m/Comedy/H.C. Potter)
(10:00AM) POPEYE: The Spinach Roadster (1936/0h 6m/Animation/Dave Fleischer)
(10:07AM) The Falcon and the Co-eds (1944/1h 8m/Mystery/William Clemens)
(11:30AM) Alaska Lifeboat (1956/0h 20m/Documentary/Herbert Morgan)
(12:00PM) The Producers (1967/1h 28m/Comedy/Mel Brooks)
(1:45PM) The Bad Seed (1956/2h 9m/HorroMervyn Le Roy)
(4:15PM) The Boy with Green Hair (1948/1h 22m/Drama/Joseph Losey)
(5:45PM) The Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars And Motor Kings (1976/1h 50m/Comedy/John Badham)
(8:00PM) The Gunfighter (1950/1h 24m/Western/Henry King)
(9:45PM) Gun Crazy (1950/1h 27m/Crime/Joseph H. Lewis)
(12:00AM) Tomorrow Is Another Day (1951/1h 30m/Film-NoiFelix Feist)
(2:00AM) The Remains Of The Day (1993/2h 14m/Drama/James Ivory)
(4:30AM) Cries and Whispers (1972/1h 35m/Drama/Ingmar Bergman)
(6:15AM) The Honeymoon Killers (1969/1h 46m/Crime/Leonard Kastle)
(8:30AM) Cast a Dark Shadow (1955/1h 25m/Suspense/Lewis Gilbert)
(10:00AM) Tomorrow Is Another Day (1951/1h 30m/Film-NoiFelix Feist)
(11:45AM) A Star Is Born (1937/1h 51m/Romance/William A. Wellman)
(1:45PM) Big City (1948/1h 43m/Crime/Norman Taurog)
(3:45PM) Auntie Mame (1958/2h 23m/Comedy/Morton DaCosta)
(6:15PM) Critic's Choice (1963/1h 40m/Comedy/Don Weis)
(8:00PM) American Graffiti (1973/1h 49m/Comedy/George Lucas)
(10:00PM) Peggy Sue Got Married (1986/1h 45m/Comedy/Francis Ford Coppola)
(12:00AM) The Cossacks (1928/1h 40m/Drama/George Hill)
(2:00AM) El casado casa quiere (1950/1h 22m/Drama/Gilberto Martínez Solares)
(3:30AM) Los que volvieron (1947/1h 18m/Drama/Alejandro Galindo)
(5:00AM) Everybody's Hobby (1939/0h 54m/Comedy/William McCann)
(6:00AM) The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938/1h 42m/Adventure/Michael Curtiz)
(7:30AM) Quality Street (1937/1h 24m/Comedy/George Stevens)
(8:00AM) A Star Is Born (1954/2h 56m/Musical/George Cukor)
(9:00AM) The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938/1h 42m/Adventure/Michael Curtiz)
(10:45AM) A Star Is Born (1954/2h 56m/Musical/George Cukor)
(1:45PM) Mutiny on the Bounty (1935/2h 12m/Adventure/Frank Lloyd)
(4:00PM) Ben-Hur (1959/3h 32m/Drama/William Wyler)
(8:00PM) Out Of Africa (1985/2h 42m/Romance/Sydney Pollack)
(10:50PM) The Mission (1986/2h 5m/Drama/Roland Joffé)
(1:00AM) Johnny Belinda (1948/1h 42m/Drama/Jean Negulesco)
(2:45AM) Max Steiner: Maestro of Movie Music (2021/2h 0m/Documentary/Diana Friedberg)
(4:45AM) Koyaanisqatsi (1982/1h 27m/Documentary/Godfrey Reggio)
(6:15AM) The Casino Murder Case (1935/1h 23m/Mystery/Edwin L. Marin)
(7:45AM) Fast and Loose (1939/1h 20m/Mystery/Edwin L. Marin)
(9:15AM) No Time for Comedy (1940/1h 33m/Comedy/William Keighley)
(11:00AM) Mourning Becomes Electra (1947/2h 50m/Drama/Dudley Nichols)
(1:45PM) The Feminine Touch (1941/1h 37m/Comedy/Major W. S. Van Dyke II)
(3:30PM) The Women (1939/2h 12m/Comedy/George Cukor)
(6:00PM) The Velvet Touch (1948/1h 37m/Suspense/John Gage)
(8:00PM) Bright Eyes (1934/1h 23m/Comedy/David Butler)
(9:45PM) Moon Over Miami (1941/1h 31m/Musical/Walter Lang)
(11:30PM) The Gang’s All Here (1943/1h 43m/Musical/Busby Berkeley)
(1:30AM) Sun Valley Serenade (1941/1h 26m/Musical/H. Bruce Humberstone)
(3:15AM) Duchess of Idaho (1950/1h 38m/Musical/Robert Z. Leonard)
(5:00AM) Thrill of a Romance (1945/1h 45m/Musical/Richard Thorpe)
(7:00AM) Cat People (1942/1h 11m/HorroJacques Tourneur)
(8:15AM) The Picture of Dorian Gray (1945/1h 50m/Drama/Albert Lewin)
(10:15AM) The Scapegoat (1959/1h 32m/Suspense/Robert Hamer)
(12:00PM) Victim (1961/1h 40m/Drama/Basil Dearden)
(1:45PM) Diabolique (1955/1h 47m/Suspense/Henri-georges Clouzot)
(3:45PM) The Last Of Sheila (1973/2h 0h/Mystery/Herbert Ross)
(6:00PM) Strangers on a Train (1951/1h 36m/Suspense/Alfred Hitchcock)
(8:00PM) Stagecoach (1939/1h 36m/Western/John Ford)
(10:00PM) The Searchers (1956/1h 59m/Western/John Ford)
(2:30AM) Sergeant Rutledge (1960/1h 51m/Western/John Ford)
(4:30AM) Journey to Italy (1954/1h 24m/Drama/Roberto Rossellini)
(6:00AM) Code Name: Emerald (1985/1h 33m/WaJonathan Sanger)
(8:00AM) The Americanization of Emily (1964/1h 57m/WaArthur Hiller)
(10:00AM) George Stevens: A Filmmaker's Journey (1984/1h 50m/Documentary/George Stevens, Jr.)
(12:00PM) 36 Hours (1964/1h 55m/WaGeorge Seaton)
(5:30PM) George Stevens: D-Day to Berlin (1994/0h 50m/Documentary/George Stevens, Jr.)
(6:30PM) Overlord (1975/1h 25m/WaStuart Cooper)
(11:00PM) The Longest Day (1962/3h 0m/WaKen Annakin)
(2:15AM) Eye of the Needle (1981/1h 51/Suspense/Richard Marquand)
(4:15AM) I See A Dark Stranger (1946/1h 52m/Suspense/Frank Launder)
(6:15AM) Hamlet (1948/2h 35m/Drama/Laurence Olivier)
(9:00AM) Sherlock Jr. (1924/0h 51m/Silent/Buster Keaton)
(10:00AM) City Lights (1931/1h 27m/Silent/Charles Chaplin)
(11:45AM) Confidential Report (1955/1h 39m/Suspense/Orson Welles)
(1:45PM) Bananas (1971/1h 21m/Comedy/Woody Allen)
(3:30PM) Invitation to the Dance (1956/1h 33m/Musical/Gene Kelly)
(5:30PM) Yentl (1983/2h 14m/Musical/Barbra Streisand)
(8:00PM) Lincoln (2012/2h 29m/Drama/Steven Spielberg)
(10:45PM) In the Name of the Father (1993/2h 7m/Biography/Terry George)
(3:15AM) My Beautiful Laundrette (1985/1h 37m/Comedy/Stephen Frears)
(5:00AM) Central Park (1932/0h 58m/Comedy/John G. Adolfi)
(6:00AM) Sunday in New York (1963/1h 45m/Comedy/Peter Tewksbury)
(8:00AM) MGM CARTOONS: The Chump Champ (1950/0h 7m/Animation/Fred “Tex” Avery)
(8:08AM) Dirt Track Racing (1957/0h 8m/Short/Heinz Scheiderbauer)
(8:17AM) In the Valley of the Rhine (1953/8m/Short/?)
(8:26AM) Alcatraz Island (1937/1h 1m/Crime/William McGann)
(9:30AM) The Silent Partner (1955/0h 26m/Comedy/George Marshall)
(10:00AM) POPEYE: I'm in the Army Now (1933/0h 6m/Animation/Dave Fleischer)
(10:08AM) The Falcon Out West (1944/1h 4m/Mystery/William Clemens)
(11:30AM) The Flag of Humanity (1940/0h 19m/Short/Jean Negulesco)
(12:00PM) In Caliente (1935/1h 24m/Musical/Lloyd Bacon)
(1:45PM) Tension at Table Rock (1956/1h 33m/Western/Charles Marquis Warren)
(3:30PM) Angel Face (1953/1h 31m/Crime/Otto Preminger)
(5:15PM) Battle Cry (1955/2h 29m/WaRaoul Walsh)
(8:00PM) A Matter of Life and Death (1947/1h 44m/Romance/Michael Powell)
(10:00PM) Wings of Desire (1987/2h 8m/Drama/Wim Wenders)
(12:15AM) No Abras Nunca Esa Puerta (Never Open That Door) (1952/1h 25m/Film-NoiCarlos Hugo Christensen)
(2:00AM) Si muero antes de Despertar (If I Should Die Before I Wake) (1952/1h 13m/Film-NoiCarlos Hugo Christensen)
(3:45AM) Platoon (1986/2h 0h/WaOliver Stone)
(6:00AM) Nancy Goes to Rio (1950/1h 39m/Musical/Robert Z. Leonard)
(7:45AM) Holiday in Mexico (1946/2h 7m/Musical/George Sidney)
(10:00AM) No Abras Nunca Esa Puerta (Never Open That Door) (1952/1h 25m/Film-NoiCarlos Hugo Christensen)
(11:45AM) Si muero antes de Despertar (If I Should Die Before I Wake) (1952/1h 13m/Film-NoiCarlos Hugo Christensen)
(1:30PM) Fanny (1961/2h 13m/Romance/Joshua Logan)
(3:45PM) Rome Adventure (1962/1h 59m/Romance/Delmer Daves)
(6:00PM) Designing Woman (1957/1h 58m/Comedy/Vincente Minnelli)
(8:00PM) The Lost Weekend (1945/1h 41m/Drama/Billy Wilder)
(10:00PM) Alias Nick Beal (1949/1h 33m/Suspense/John Farrow)
(12:00AM) Our Modern Maidens (1929/1h 15m/Comedy/Jack Conway)
(2:00AM) Coup De Grace (1976/1h 35m/Drama/Volker Schlöndorff)
(4:00AM) The Night Porter (1974/1h 55m/Drama/Liliana Cavani)
(6:00AM) The Jolson Story (1946/2h 8m/Musical/Alfred E. Green)
(8:15AM) Above and Beyond (1952/2h 2m/Drama/Melvin Frank)
(10:30AM) Buck Privates (1941/1h 24m/Comedy/Arthur Lubin)
(12:00PM) Irma La Douce (1963/2h 22m/Comedy/Billy Wilder)
(2:30PM) Days of Wine and Roses (1962/1h 57m/Drama/Blake Edwards)
(4:30PM) La Strada (1954/1h 55m/Drama/Federico Fellini)
(6:30PM) Laura (1944/1h 28m/Film-NoiOtto Preminger)
(8:00PM) Psycho (1960/1h 49m/HorroAlfred Hitchcock)
(4:45AM) The Luzhin Defence (2000/1h 46m/Adaptation/Marleen Gorris)
(6:45AM) The Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse (1938/1h 27m/Crime/Anatole Litvak)
(8:30AM) Confessions of a Nazi Spy (1939/1h 50m/Suspense/Anatole Litvak)
(10:30AM) All This, and Heaven Too (1940/2h 23m/Romance/Anatole Litvak)
(1:00PM) Out Of The Fog (1941/1h 33m/Crime/Anatole Litvak)
(2:30PM) Blues in the Night (1941/1h 28m/Drama/Anatole Litvak)
(4:00PM) The Long Night (1947/1h 37m/Crime/Anatole Litvak)
(5:45PM) The Journey (1959/2h 3m/Drama/Anatole Litvak)
(8:00PM) Blood and Sand (1941/2h 3m/Drama/Rouben Mamoulian)
(10:15PM) Forever Amber (1947/2h 20m/Drama/Otto Preminger)
(12:45AM) Broken Lance (1954/1h 36m/Western/Edward Dmytryk)
(2:30AM) Spartacus (1960/3h 2m/Drama/Stanley Kubrick)
(6:00AM) MGM Parade Show #13 (1955/0h 25m/Documentary/?)
(6:30AM) Way Back Home (1932/1h 21m/Drama/William Seiter)
(8:00AM) Street Scene (1931/1h 20m/Drama/King Vidor)
(9:30AM) Stranger on the Third Floor (1940/1h 4m/Crime/Boris Ingster)
(11:00AM) Lightning Strikes Twice (1951/1h 31m/Crime/King Vidor)
(12:45PM) The Night of the Hunter (1955/1h 33m/Suspense/Charles Laughton)
(2:30PM) Look in Any Window (1961/1h 27m/Drama/William Alland)
(4:00PM) Rear Window (1954/1h 52m/Suspense/Alfred Hitchcock)
(6:00PM) Night Watch (1973/1h 45m/Suspense/Brian G. Hutton)
(8:00PM) Topper (1937/1h 37m/Comedy/Norman Z. Mcleod)
(9:45PM) Topper Takes a Trip (1939/1h 25m/Comedy/Norman Z. Mcleod)
(11:15PM) Topper Returns (1941/1h 25m/Comedy/Roy Del Ruth)
(1:00AM) Arsene Lupin (1932/1h 24m/Comedy/Jack Conway)
(2:30AM) Arsene Lupin Returns (1938/1h 22m/Mystery/Geo. Fitzmaurice)
(3:15AM) The Bride Wore Red (1937/1h 43m/Romance/Dorothy Arzner)
(5:00AM) The Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Story (1950/0h 56m/Documentary/Herman Hoffman)
(6:00AM) The Great American Pastime (1956/1h 29m/Comedy/Herman Hoffman)
(7:30AM) Ladies' Day (1943/1h 2m/Comedy/Leslie Goodwins)
(8:45AM) Death on the Diamond (1934/1h 12m/Suspense/Edward Sedgwick)
(10:00AM) Fireman Save My Child (1932/1h 7m/Comedy/Lloyd Bacon)
(11:30AM) Alibi Ike (1935/1h 13m/Comedy/Ray Enright)
(1:00PM) Speedy (1928/1h 25m/Silent/Ted Wilde)
(2:30PM) The Babe Ruth Story (1948/1h 46m/Drama/Roy Del Ruth)
(4:30PM) The Jackie Robinson Story (1950/1h 16m/Drama/Alfred E. Green)
(6:00PM) The Stratton Story (1949/1h 46m/Drama/Sam Wood)
(10:00PM) Billy Elliot (2000/1h 51m/Comedy/Stephen Daldry)
(12:00AM) The Band's Visit (2007/1h 26m/Comedy/Eran Kolirin)
(2:00AM) Some Like It Hot (1959/2h/Comedy/Billy Wilder)
(4:15AM) An American in Paris (1951/1h 53m/Musical/Vincente Minnelli)
(6:15AM) Callaway Went Thataway (1951/1h 21m/Western/Norman Panama)
(7:45AM) Invitation (1952/1h 24m/Romance/Gottfried Reinhardt)
(9:15AM) Till the End of Time (1946/1h 45m/Drama/Edward Dmytryk)
(11:15AM) Trial (1955/1h 45m/Drama/Mark Robson)
(1:15PM) Susan Slade (1961/1h 56m/Romance/Delmer Daves)
(3:15PM) A Summer Place (1959/2h 10m/Drama/Delmer Daves)
(5:30PM) Friendly Persuasion (1956/2h 17m/Drama/William Wyler)
(8:00PM) The Chalk Garden (1964/1h 46m/Drama/Ronald Neame)
(10:15PM) Gambit (1967/1h 49m/Crime/Ronald Neame)
(12:15AM) The Odessa File (1974/2h 8m/WaRonald Neame)
(2:30AM) Tunes of Glory (1960/1h 45m/WaRonald Neame)
(4:30AM) The Seventh Sin (1957/1h 34m/Romance/Ronald Neame)
(6:15AM) Saturday's Children (1940/1h 42m/Drama/Vincent Sherman)
(8:00AM) The Discontented Canary (1934/0h 8m/Animation/Rudolf Ising)
(8:09AM) Fine Feathers (1933/8m/Short/Jules White)
(8:18AM) Cherry Blossom Time in Japan (1936/0h 8m/Short/?)
(8:27AM) Bodyguard (1948/1h 2m/Suspense/Richard O. Fleischer)
(9:30AM) The Titanic Incident (1955/0h 30m/Drama/Ted Tetzlaff)
(10:00AM) POPEYE: The Paneless Window Washer (1933/0h 6m/Animation/Dave Fleischer)
(10:07AM) The Falcon in Mexico (1944/1h 10m/Mystery/William Berke)
(11:30AM) Heart to Heart (1949/0h 21m/Documentary/Gunther Von Fritsch)
(12:00PM) On An Island With You (1948/1h 47m/Musical/Richard Thorpe)
(2:00PM) Lilies of the Field (1963/1h 34m/Comedy/Ralph Nelson)
(3:45PM) The Winning Team (1952/1h 38m/Drama/Lewis Seiler)
(5:30PM) Rio Bravo (1959/2h 21m/Western/Howard Hawks)
(8:00PM) Central Station (1998/1h 55m/Drama/Walter Salles)
(10:00PM) Fruitvale Station (2013/1h 30m/Drama/Ryan Coogler)
(12:00AM) Call Northside 777 (1948/1h 51m/Film-NoiHenry Hathaway)
(2:15AM) Vertigo (1958/2h 8m/Suspense/Alfred Hitchcock)
(4:30AM) I Confess (1953/1h 35m/Drama/Alfred Hitchcock)
(6:15AM) The Entertainer (1960/1h 44m/Drama/Tony Richardson)
(8:00AM) Edward, My Son (1949/1h 52m/Drama/George Cukor)
(10:00AM) Call Northside 777 (1948/1h 51m/Film-NoiHenry Hathaway)
(12:15PM) East of Eden (1955/1h 55m/Drama/Elia Kazan)
(2:30PM) Daughters Courageous (1939/1h 43m/Romance/Michael Curtiz)
(4:30PM) A Family Affair (1936/1h 9m/Comedy/George B. Seitz)
(5:45PM) The Courtship of Eddie's Father (1963/1h 57m/Comedy/Vincente Minnelli)
(8:00PM) Life with Father (1947/1h 58m/Comedy/Michael Curtiz)
(10:15PM) Father of the Bride (1950/1h 33m/Comedy/Vincente Minnelli)
(12:00AM) Wolf Lowry (1917/0h 50m/Western/William S. Hart)
(12:00AM) The Bad Buck of Santa Ynez (1915/0h 20m/Western/William S. Hart)
(1:45AM) The Makioka Sisters (1983/2h 20m/Drama/Kon Ichikawa)
(4:15AM) Judex (1963/1h 44m/Crime/Georges Franju)
(6:00AM) Raintree County (1957/3h 7m/Drama/Edward Dmytryk)
(9:15AM) The Mask of Dimitrios (1944/1h 35m/Mystery/Jean Negulesco)
(11:00AM) The Champ (1979/2h 2m/Drama/Franco Zeffirelli)
(1:30PM) Doctor Zhivago (1965/3h 17m/Drama/David Lean)
(5:00PM) The Great Escape (1963/2h 48m/WaJohn Sturges)
(8:00PM) In the Heat of the Night (1967/1h 49m/Mystery/Norman Jewison)
(10:00PM) Superman (1978/2h 23m/Science-Fiction//Richard Donner)
(3:30AM) Papillon (1973/2h 30m/Adventure/Franklin J. Schaffner)
(6:15AM) Sweet Adeline (1935/1h 27m/Musical/Mervyn Le Roy)
(7:45AM) Sweet Music (1935/1h 35m/Romance/Alfred E. Green)
(9:30AM) Murder, My Sweet (1944/1h 35m/Mystery/Edward Dmytryk)
(11:30AM) Seven Sweethearts (1942/1h 38m/Musical/Frank Borzage)
(1:15PM) Sweet November (1968/1h 54m/Romance/Robert Ellis Miller)
(3:15PM) Sweet Bird of Youth (1962/2h/Drama/Richard Brooks)
(5:30PM) Sweet Charity (1969/2h 29m/Musical/Bob Fosse)
(8:00PM) Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953/1h 31m/Comedy/Howard Hawks)
(10:00PM) All About Eve (1950/2h 18m/Drama/Joseph L. Mankiewicz)
(12:30AM) Laura (1944/1h 28m/Film-NoiOtto Preminger)
(2:15AM) The Graduate (1967/1h 45m/Comedy/Mike Nichols)
(4:15AM) The Prisoner of Second Avenue (1974/1h 45m/Comedy/Melvin Frank)
(6:15AM) They Live by Night (1948/1h 35m/Crime/Nicholas Ray)
(8:00AM) A Woman's Secret (1949/1h 25m/Drama/Nicholas Ray)
(9:30AM) Born to Be Bad (1950/1h 34m/Drama/Nicholas Ray)
(11:00AM) Flying Leathernecks (1951/1h 42m/WaNicholas Ray)
(12:45PM) On Dangerous Ground (1952/1h 22m/Film-NoiNicholas Ray)
(2:15PM) The Lusty Men (1952/1h 53m/Drama/Nicholas Ray)
(4:15PM) Rebel Without a Cause (1955/1h 51m/Drama/Nicholas Ray)
(6:15PM) Lightning Over Water (1980/1h 31m/Documentary/Nicholas Ray)
(8:00PM) Car Wash (1976/1h 37m/Comedy/Michael Schultz)
(12:00AM) Super Fly (1972/1h 36m/Crime/Gordon Parks, Jr.)
(1:45AM) Shaft (1971/1h 38m/Crime/Gordon Parks)
(3:30AM) Sparkle (1976/1h 38m/Drama/Sam O'steen)
(5:15AM) MGM Parade Show #13 (1955/0h 25m/Documentary/?)
(6:00AM) I'm From the City (1938/1h 5m/Western/Ben Holmes)
(7:15AM) Henry Goes Arizona (1939/1h 6m/Western/Edwin L. Marin)
(8:30AM) Way Out West (1930/1h 11m/Western/Fred Niblo)
(10:00AM) The Dude Goes West (1948/1h 26m/Comedy/Kurt Neumann)
(11:30AM) Bad Bascomb (1946.1h 52m/Western/S. Sylvan Simon)
(1:30PM) Big Jack (1949)/h 25m/Western/Richard Thorpe)
(3:00PM) Jackass Mail (1942/1h 20m/Western/Norman Z. Mcleod)
(4:30PM) Many Rivers To Cross (1955/1h 32m/Western/Roy Rowland)
(6:15PM) Dirty Dingus Magee (1970/1h 31m/Western/Burt Kennedy)
(8:00PM) Rear Window (1954/1h 52m/Suspense/Alfred Hitchcock)
(10:00PM) The Far Country (1955/1h 37m/Western/Anthony Mann)
(12:00AM) Mr. Hobbs Takes a Vacation (1962/1h 56m/Comedy/Henry Koster)
(2:15AM) The Spirit of St. Louis (1957/2h 18m/Drama/Billy Wilder)
(4:45AM) Malaya (1950/1h 38m/WaRichard Thorpe)
(6:30AM) It Happened on 5th Avenue (1947/1h 55m/Comedy/Roy Del Ruth)
(8:30AM) Black Gold (1947/1h 32m/Drama/Phil Karlson)
(10:15AM) The Phenix City Story (1955/1h 40m/Crime/Phil Karlson)
(12:00PM) Cyclops (1957/1h 15m/HorroBert I. Gordon)
(1:15PM) Bitter Creek (1954/1h 14m/Western/Thomas Carr)
(2:30PM) I Was an American Spy (1951/1h 25m/WaLesley Selander)
(4:00PM) Love in the Afternoon (1957/2h 10m/Romance/Billy Wilder)
(6:15PM) The Strangler (1964/1h 29m/HorroBurt Topper)
(8:00PM) Sylvia Scarlett (1935/1h 37m/Romance/George Cukor)
(9:45PM) Gay USA (1977/1h 18m/Documentary/Arthur J. Bressan)
(11:15PM) Torch Song Trilogy (1988/2h 0m/Comedy/Paul Bogart)
(1:30AM) The Queen (1968/1h 08m/Documentary/Frank Simon)
(2:45AM) The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant (1972/1h 59m/Drama/Rainer Werner Fassbinder)
(5:00AM) The Blue Angel (1930/1h 44m/Drama/Josef Von Sternberg)
(7:00AM) Queen Christina (1933/1h 37m/Romance/Rouben Mamoulian)
(9:00AM) Artistic Temper (1932/0h 17m/Short/Roy Mack)
(9:30AM) Hot Cargo (1956/0h 30m/Drama/Tay Garnett)
(10:00AM) POPEYE: Organ Grinder's Swing (1937/0h 6m/Animation/Dave Fleischer)
(10:07AM) The Falcon in Hollywood (1944/1h 7m/Mystery/Gordon Douglas)
(11:30AM) King for a Day (1934/0h 21m/Comedy/Roy Mack)
(12:00PM) A Chorus Line (1985/1h 53m/Musical/Richard Attenborough)
(2:15PM) The Song of Fame (1934/0h 21m/Short/Joseph Henabery)
(2:15PM) Tip Tap Toe (1932/0h 18m/Short/Alfred J. Goulding)
(3:00PM) Kramer Vs. Kramer (1979/1h 45m/Drama/Robert Benton)
(5:00PM) Out Of Africa (1985/2h 42m/Romance/Sydney Pollack)
(8:00PM) The Go-Between (1971/1h 56m/Drama/Joseph Losey)
(10:15PM) Sunday, Bloody Sunday (1971/1h 50m/Drama/John Schlesinger)
(12:15AM) The Locket (19461h 26m/Film-NoiJohn Brahm)
(2:00AM) The Two Mrs. Carrolls (1947/1h 39m/Suspense/Peter Godfrey)
(4:00AM) Conflict (1945/1h 26m/Suspense/Curtis Bernhardt)
(6:00AM) Sinbad the Sailor (1947/1h 57m/Adventure/Richard Wallace)
(8:15AM) Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1932/1h 30m/HorroRouben Mamoulian)
(10:00AM) The Locket (1946/1h 26m/Film-NoiJohn Brahm)
(11:45AM) Kind Lady (1951/1h 18m/Suspense/John Sturge)
(1:15PM) The Cobweb (1955/2h 4m/Drama/Vincente Minnelli)
(3:30PM) Butterfield 8 (1960/1h 49m/Drama/Daniel Mann)
(5:30PM) Sense and Sensibility (1995/2h 15m/Romance/Ang Lee)
(8:00PM) The Sand Pebbles (1966/3h 13m/WaRobert Wise)
(1:30AM) The Red Lily (1924/1h 21m/Silent/Fred Niblo)
(3:00AM) The Face of Another (1966/2h 1m/Drama/Hiroshi Teshigahara)
(5:15AM) Wedding in Monaco (1956/0h 31m/Documentary/Jean Masson)
(6:00AM) Tom Jones (1963/2h 11m/Comedy/Tony Richardson)
(8:15AM) Watership Down (1978/1h 32m/Adventure/Martin Rosen)
(10:00AM) The Thing from Another World (1951/1h 27m/HorroChristian Nyby)
(11:30AM) A Streetcar Named Desire (1951/2h 2m/Drama/Elia Kazan)
(1:45PM) Cool Hand Luke (1967/2h 9m/Drama/Stuart Rosenberg)
(4:00PM) Avalon (1990/2h 7m/Drama/Barry Levinson)
(6:15PM) Throw Momma From The Train (1987/1h 28m/Comedy/Danny De Vito)
(8:00PM) The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1939/1h 57m/HorroWilliam Dieterle)
(10:15PM) Little Women (1994/1h 55m/Drama/Gillian Armstrong)
(12:30AM) The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (1964/1h 35m/Musical/Jacques Demy)
(2:15AM) A World Apart (1988/1h 53m/Drama/Chris Menges)
(4:15AM) Glengarry Glen Ross (1992/1h 40m/Drama/James Foley)
(6:00AM) Washington Story (1952/1h 21m/Romance/Robert Pirosh)
(7:30AM) Scene of the Crime (1949/1h 34m/Mystery/Roy Rowland)
:30AM) The Bride Goes Wild (1948/1h 38m/Comedy/Norman Taurog)
(11:30AM) Easy to Love (1953/1h 36m/Musical/Charles Walters)
(1:30PM) Brigadoon (1954/1h 48m/Musical/Vincente Minnelli)
(3:30PM) The Last Time I Saw Paris (1954/1h 56m/Drama/Richard Brooks)
(5:45PM) The Caine Mutiny (1954/2h 5m/Drama/Edward Dmytryk)
(8:00PM) State Fair (1933/1h 20m/Comedy/Henry King)
(10:00PM) The Model and the Marriage Broker (1951/1h 43m/Comedy/George Cukor)
(12:00AM) The Kiss of Death (1947/1h 38m/Crime/Henry Hathaway)
(2:00AM) The Great Santini (1979/1h 55m/Drama/Lewis John Carlino)
(4:00AM) The Outfit (1973/1h 42m/Crime/John Flynn)
(6:00AM) The Story of Mankind (1957/1h 40m/Fantasy/Irwin Allen)
(8:00AM) Three Strangers (1946/1h 32m/Drama/Jean Negulesco)
(9:45AM) Hotel Berlin (1945/1h 38m/Drama/Peter Godfrey)
(11:30AM) They Met In Bombay (1941/1h 26m/Drama/Clarence Brown)
(1:15PM) The Man Who Knew Too Much (1934/1h 24m/Suspense/Alfred Hitchcock)
(2:45PM) The Beast with Five Fingers (1946/1h 28m/Suspense/Robert Florey)
(4:15PM) You'll Find Out (1940/1h 37m/Musical/David Butler)
(6:00PM) M (1931/1h 39m/Suspense/Fritz Lang)
(8:00PM) Moulin Rouge (2001/2h 6m/Drama/Baz Luhrmann)
(10:30PM) The Others (2001/1h 41m/HorroAlendro Amenábar)
(12:30AM) To Die For (1995/1h 40m/Drama/Gus Van Sant)
(2:30AM) The Hotel New Hampshire (1984/1h 50m/Drama/Tony Richardson)
(4:30AM) Our Town (1940/1h 30m/Drama/Sam Wood)
(6:00AM) Dracula A.D. 1972 (1972/1h 40m/HorroAlan Gibson)
(7:45AM) The Satanic Rites of Dracula (1973/1h 28m/HorroAlan Gibson)
(9:30AM) It's Alive (1974/1h 30m/HorroLarry Cohen)
(11:15AM) From Beyond the Grave (1973/1h 37m/HorroKevin Connor)
(1:00PM) Equinox (197/1h 21m/HorroMark Thomas McGee)
(2:30PM) The Shout (1978/1h 26m/HorroJerzy Skolimowski)
(4:15PM) Wicked, Wicked (1973/1h 35m/HorroRichard Bare)
(6:00PM) AFI Life Achievement Award: 50th Anniversary Special (2023/?/Documentary/?)
(8:00PM) The 49th AFI Life Achievement Award: A Tribute to Nicole Kidman (2023/?/Documentary/?)
(11:30PM) The 49th AFI Life Achievement Award: A Tribute to Nicole Kidman (2023/?/Documentary/?)
(1:00AM) AFI Life Achievement Award: 50th Anniversary Special (2023/?/Documentary/?)
(3:00AM) VictoVictoria (1982/2h 14m/Musical/Blake Edwards)
(6:00AM) MGM Parade Show #13 (1955/0h 25m/Documentary/?)
(6:30AM) Purple Noon (1961/1h 58m/Crime/René Clément)
(8:45AM) Journey Into Fear (1942/1h 9m/Drama/Norman Foster)
(10:00AM) Looking at Lisbon (1953/0h 8m/Documentary/?)
(10:15AM) The Conspirators (1944/1h 41m/Adventure/Jean Negulesco)
(12:00 PM) To Have and Have Not (1944/1h 40m/Romance/Howard Hawks)
(1:45PM) Glimpses of Austria (1938/0h 9m/Documentary/?)
(2:00PM) The Third Man (1949/1h 33m/Suspense/Mystery/Carol Reed)
(4:00PM) Glimpses of Western Germany (1954/0h 8m/Documentary/James A. Fitzpatrick)
(4:15PM) Berlin Express (1948/1h 26m/Suspense/Jacques Tourneur)
(6:00PM) Glimpses of Morocco and Algiers (1951/0h 8m/Documentary/?)
(6:15PM) Casablanca (1942/1h 42m/Romance/Michael Curtiz)
(8:00PM) Caged (1950/1h 36m/Drama/John Cromwell)
(10:00PM) Happy Together (1997/1h 37m/Drama/Wong Kar Wai)
(12:00AM) Brokeback Mountain (2005)2h 14m/Drama/Ang Lee)
(2:30AM) Some of My Best Friends Are... (1971/1h 40m/Drama/Mervyn Nelson)
(4:30AM) Desert Hearts (1985/1h 31m/Drama/Donna Deitch)
(6:15AM) A Taste of Honey (1961/1h 40m/Drama/Tony Richardson)
(9:00AM) The Golden Equator (1956/0h 17m/Documentary/Hamilton Wright)
(9:30AM) It's Always Sunday (1956/0h 30m/Comedy/Allan Dwan)
(10:00AM) POPEYE: My Artistical Temperature (1933/0h 5m/Animation/Dave Fleischer)
(10:07AM) The Falcon In San Francisco (1945/1h 6m/Mystery/Joseph H. Lewis)
(11:30AM) Movie-Mania (1937/0h 21m/Short/Joseph Henabery)
(12:00PM) Funny Girl (1968/2h 35m/Musical/William Wyler)
(2:45PM) The Long Voyage Home (1940/1h 45m/Drama/John Ford)
(4:45PM) The Narrow Margin (1952/1h 11m/Film-NoiRichard Fleischer)
(6:15PM) The Fastest Gun Alive (1956/1h 32m/Western/Russell Rouse)
(8:00PM) Coming Home (1978/2h 8m/Drama/Hal Ashby)
(10:15PM) The Last Detail (1973/1h 45m/Drama/Hal Ashby)
(12:15AM) No Questions Asked (1951/1h 21m/Film-NoiHarold F. Kress)
(2:00AM) June Bride (1948/1h 37m/Romance/Bretaigne Windust)
(4:00AM) June Night (1940/1h 29m/Drama/Per Lindberg)
(6:00AM) Untamed Youth (1957/1h 20m/Drama/Howard W. Koch)
(7:30AM) Age 13 (1955/0h 26m/Short/Arthur Swerdloff)
(8:15AM) Jailhouse Rock (1957/1h 36m/Musical/Richard Thorpe)
(10:00AM) No Questions Asked (1951/1h 21m/Film-NoiHarold F. Kress)
(11:45AM) Come Fly with Me (1962/1h 49m/Comedy/Henry Levin)
(1:45PM) The Opposite Sex (1956/1h 57m/Musical/David Miller)
(4:00PM) Tootsie (1982/1h 56m/Comedy/Sydney Pollack)
(6:15PM) Girlfriends (1978/1h 26m/Comedy/Claudia Weill)
(10:15PM) Enemy Mine (1985/1h 52m/Science-Fiction/Wolfgang Petersen)
submitted by yawningvoid28 to movies [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 05:14 Vile_Impulse WTT: OBNE Visitor, Fuzz Bender, Reel Dealuxe, The Depths, vinyl records WTTF: Cloudburst, offers

Would love to paibundle some of these up towards a cloudburst…
OBNE Visitor
Templo Reel Dealuxe
Boss BD-2 Galaxie Mod
Keeley Fuzz Bender
EQD The Depths v1
Demonfx Reverb Delay Workstation (Keeley Clone)
One Control Strawberry Red OD 4K (can run on 18v)
TC Corona Mini
TC Rusty Fuzz
TC Ditto
Bardic Audio Devices ADB200
Caline Snake Bite
Caline The Americana
Sonicake Sonic IR
Mooer Acoustikar
Or can also trade some of these records:
Strymon Cloudburst
Mini pedals are great cause I have no board space…
Some other things I’ve been wanting to try:
Duke of Tone
Suhr Riot (mini)
JHS Crayon or Cheese Ball
Hotone Soul Press II
Mooer Modverb
Boss OD-3
EHX Hot Wax
One Control Honey Bee Mini
TC Helicon Mic Mechanic / Harmony Singer 2
SE v7 / Senheiser e945 / Shure SM58 or beta
Studio Condenser mic (needed for vocals into a Focusrite Scarlett 2)
Fender Blues JR (or similar)
Boss SY-200
Greer Lightspeed
9” and/or 12” Worlds Best Cables Mogami Tiny or pancake Patch Cables
Mr. Black Mini pedals
submitted by Vile_Impulse to letstradepedals [link] [comments]
