Teks drama dengan tokoh 10 orang

Apakah negara ideal untuk pindah warga negara untuk WNI saat ini?

2024.05.30 05:05 TheArstotzkan Apakah negara ideal untuk pindah warga negara untuk WNI saat ini?

Mengingat sentimen "ingin jadi WNA" lagi tinggi-tingginya akhir-akhir ini di ranah internet Indonesia karena aliran berita buruk beberapa hari ini, mari coba sebutkan negara ideal untuk rata-rata netizen Indonesia.
Di judul tertulis "negara ideal", jadi saya coba list beberapa kriteria berdasarkan keluhan netizen terhadap negara ini dan juga keluhan netizen ketika sampai di negara tujuan.
  1. Rasisme dari warga lokal sangat sedikit
Ini contohnya kayak kalau lagi di jalan tiba-tiba diteriaki untuk pulang ke negara asal hanya karena beda warna kulit atau suruh lepas hijab bagi yang berhijab. Atau bahkan penegak hukum yang suka random check ke yang dianggap orang asing. Sebisa mungkin hal ini sekecil mungkin
  1. Kondisi politik lokal favorable terhadap imigran
Akhir-akhir ini kalau baca berita internasional, sedang hangat isu politik yang didominasi sayap kanan dan kebijakan anti-imigran. Berarti negara tujuannya secara resmi mesti masih mengakomodir imigran
  1. Jalur menjadi WN cepat dan mudah
Tentu tidak ada jalur instan untuk pindah WN, kebanyakan negara maju mensyaratkan untuk menjadi permanent resident terlebih dahulu lalu kemudian baru bisa jadi WN, itupun dengan persyaratan tambahan. Nah bisa ditulis negara mana yang jalur WNnya terbilang mudah dan/atau cepat untuk average WNI
  1. Kebebasan berpendapat terjamin
Ini tentu banyak negara maju punya kriteria ini, tapi tiap negara punya kebebasan yang bervariasi. Mungkin pakai Freedom Index sebagai acuan. Setahu saya ada beberapa negara yang punya hukum mirip-mirip UU ITE juga. Jadi mana yang menurut penghuni sub ini yang paling bebas?
  1. Kemudahan mendapatkan visa
Paspor Indonesia terhitung lemah, yang berarti masuk negara maju manapun bakal terhalang visa, apalagi jika tujuannya permanen. Mana negara yang termasuk visanya paling mudah untuk calob imigran?
  1. Kemudahan mendapatkan kerja
Keluhan di Indonesia (dan seluruh dunia sebenarnya) adalah sulit mendapatkan kerja. Ada yang berharap jika pindah ke luar negeri, maka chance mendapatkan pekerjaan jauh lebih besar. Ini termasuk pekerjaan blue collar juga.
  1. Pajak rendah atau Pajak tinggi namun dianggap setimpal dengan pelayanan publik yang diberikan
Nah, salah satu alasan netizen akhir-akhir ini adalah keluhan pungutan wajib makin banyak. Jadi silahkan list negara yang pungutan wajibnya sedikit, atau banyak juga gpp tapi dianggap setimpal dengan pelayanan publik (list juga pelayanan publik yang dianggap setimpal dengan pajaknya)
  1. Healthcare dan welfare jauh lebih baik
Ini biasanya negara-negara scandinavia atau Kanada bakal jadi top list, tapi mungkin ada pendapat lain? Intinya healthcare jauh lebih baik dari BPJS dan welfare program yang dapat melindungi imigran
  1. Kemudahan cari makanan halal
Untuk yang muslim, kesulitan utama mereka ketika pergi ke negara lain adalah mencari makanan halal. Mengingat mayoritas warga Indonesia adalah muslim, jadi saya selipkan ini ke dalam kriteria negara ideal
  1. Kondisi politik yang jauh lebih bebas dan dinamis
Di sini politik sudah mulai dicengkeram politik dinasti dan di ambang kediktatoran, jadi silahkan list negara mana yang juga saat ini tidak dicengkeram masalah politik yang sama di Indonesia
Itu kriterianya. Jadi negara mana yang dianggap ideal untuk pindah WN? Tidak perlu memenuhi semua kriteria, cukup list negara yang memenuhi kriteria di atas sebanyak mungkin. Kalau ada poin yang tidak dipenuhi, bisa jelaskan kenapa negara tersebut tidak memenuhi kriteria itu.
submitted by TheArstotzkan to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 03:14 stm827 [Crossplay Server] J.A.G PvP - Launching 6/13/24

JAG Gaming is expanding to add a lawless ASA crossplay PvP server. Server will launch Thursday June 13th at 5pm CDT.
This server is going to be 100% community driven and mostly community governed. The Admins are going to take a hands off approach and only get involved when absolutely needed. All we ask is don't be that guy in full tek gear taking out the level 10 bob on the beach and respect each other.
At J.A.G. we live but the motto that it is Just a Game meaning we are all here to have fun and escape life. We are a no drama, no BS community. That is not to say we don't have fun, the owners and admins are some of the most sarcastic people you will meet but in a fun light hearted way.
5x XP
10x Taming
5x Maturtion
25x Hatching
10x Harvesting
.1 Mating Intervals```
Hypers ORP
Human NPCs
Awesome Spyglass
PvP Scorboard
Auto Engram
TG 10000-90```
4 Person Tribes
No Allies
200 Turrets in Range
Tribe Imprint
Unlimited Mindwipes

If you are looking for a chill friendly gaming community stop by our discord https://discord.gg/Gxz9mzcYHK
submitted by stm827 to SurviveTogether [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 03:11 stm827 [Steam] [ASA][Xbox]PS5] J.A.G PvP - Launching 6/13/24

[Steam] [ASA][Xbox]PS5] J.A.G PvP - Launching 6/13/24
JAG Gaming is expanding to add a lawless ASA crossplay PvP server. Server will launch Thursday June 13th at 5pm CDT.
This server is going to be 100% community driven and mostly community governed. The Admins are going to take a hands off approach and only get involved when absolutely needed. All we ask is don't be that guy in full tek gear taking out the level 10 bob on the beach and respect each other.
At J.A.G. we live but the motto that it is Just a Game meaning we are all here to have fun and escape life. We are a no drama, no BS community. That is not to say we don't have fun, the owners and admins are some of the most sarcastic people you will meet but in a fun light hearted way.
5x XP
10x Taming
5x Maturtion
25x Hatching
10x Harvesting
.1 Mating Intervals```
Hypers ORP
Human NPCs
Awesome Spyglass
PvP Scorboard
Auto Engram
TG 10000-90```
4 Person Tribes
No Allies
200 Turrets in Range
Tribe Imprint
Unlimited Mindwipes
If you are looking for a chill friendly gaming community stop by our discord https://discord.gg/Gxz9mzcYHK
submitted by stm827 to ARK_pc [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 03:07 stm827 [Steam] [ASA][Xbox]PS5] J.A.G PvP - Launching 6/13/24

[Steam] [ASA][Xbox]PS5] J.A.G PvP - Launching 6/13/24
JAG Gaming is expanding to add a lawless ASA crossplay PvP server. Server will launch Thursday June 13th at 5pm CDT.
This server is going to be 100% community driven and mostly community governed. The Admins are going to take a hands off approach and only get involved when absolutely needed. All we ask is don't be that guy in full tek gear taking out the level 10 bob on the beach and respect each other.
At J.A.G. we live but the motto that it is Just a Game meaning we are all here to have fun and escape life. We are a no drama, no BS community. That is not to say we don't have fun, the owners and admins are some of the most sarcastic people you will meet but in a fun light hearted way.
5x XP
10x Taming
5x Maturtion
25x Hatching
10x Harvesting
.1 Mating Intervals
Hypers ORP
Human NPCs
Awesome Spyglass
PvP Scorboard
Auto Engram
TG 10000-90
4 Person Tribes
No Allies
200 Turrets in Range
Tribe Imprint
Unlimited Mindwipes
If you are looking for a chill friendly gaming community stop by our discord https://discord.gg/Gxz9mzcYHK
submitted by stm827 to playarkservers [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 03:05 stm827 [Steam] [ASA][Xbox]PS5] J.A.G PvP - Launching 6/13/24

JAG Gaming is expanding to add a lawless ASA crossplay PvP server. Server will launch Thursday June 13th at 5pm CDT.
This server is going to be 100% community driven and mostly community governed. The Admins are going to take a hands off approach and only get involved when absolutely needed. All we ask is don't be that guy in full tek gear taking out the level 10 bob on the beach and respect each other.
At J.A.G. we live but the motto that it is Just a Game meaning we are all here to have fun and escape life. We are a no drama, no BS community. That is not to say we don't have fun, the owners and admins are some of the most sarcastic people you will meet but in a fun light hearted way.
5x XP
10x Taming
5x Maturtion
25x Hatching
10x Harvesting
.1 Mating Intervals```
Hypers ORP
Human NPCs
Awesome Spyglass
PvP Scorboard
Auto Engram
TG 10000-90```
4 Person Tribes
No Allies
200 Turrets in Range
Tribe Imprint
Unlimited Mindwipes
If you are looking for a chill friendly gaming community stop by our discord https://discord.gg/Gxz9mzcYHK
submitted by stm827 to ARKServers [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 13:52 b00dzyt TIL: Operasi SAR US Navy di wilayah Indonesia pada Masa Lalu

Inspirasi buat bikin post ini karena awalnya ngumpulin informasi tentang salah satu kapal induk US Navy. Setelah baca sedikit sejarahnya, aku menemukan setidaknya ada tiga operasi penyelamatan warga Indonesia yang pernah dilakukan US Navy pada masa lalu.
  1. Desember 1960. Tiga warga Indonesia ditemukan terombang-ambing di lautan selama 74 hari. Tiga warga itu dirawat di rumah sakit US Naval Hospital, Guam. Pada Desember, mereka dikembalikan ke Ternate lewat kapal bernama USS Haverford (DDR). Besar kemungkinan ada eror dalam penulisan kapal yang semestinya USS Haverfield (DE-393) karena kapal perang itu bermarkas di Guam pada tahun itu.
  2. 1 Juli 1980. Kapal USNS Sealift Antarctic (T-AOT-176) menyelamatkan 9 warga Indonesia dan 176 pengungsi asal Vietnam setelah kapal mereka mogok di Laut Cina Selatan. Entah insiden yang sama atau berbeda, kapal berbendera AS LNG Virgo milik Energy Transportation Corp. juga membawa pengungsi asal Vietnam dan pada bulan Juli memindahkan para pengungsi ke kapal Sealift Antarctic. Para pengungsi Vietnam kemudian tinggal selama 5 bulan di Pulau Galang, Prov. Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia. Insiden itu diangkat ke dalam cerita yang ditulis oleh salah satu pengungsi pada tahun 2016 dengan judul My Florida Reunion: 36 years of Gratitude to Seafarers.
  3. 16 Maret 1981. Sebuah pesawat serang A-6 Intruder dari skadron VA-115, USS Midway melakukan patroli rutin melintasi Laut Cina Selatan. Pilot lalu menyadari ada helikopter jatuh dan Midway mengirimkan helikopter untuk mengevakuasi 17 orang yang semuanya merupakan warga sipil dari berbagai negara termasuk Indonesia. Dua hari kemudian Midway tiba di pelabuhan di Singapura dan menurunkan keseluruhan penumpang yang selamat tadi. Salah satu kru VA-115 menceritakan kejadian hari itu.
Tetapi nyaris semuanya klaim dari US Navy berdasarkan manual yang berjudul A Sampling of U.S. Naval Humanitarian Operations oleh Adam B. Siegel tahun 1990. Aku coba crosscheck kedua sumber di Google, tapi hasilnya kutipan atau parafrase dari manual tadi.
Oh iya, ternyata dulu US Navy pernah punya kapal bernama USS Gyatt.
I know it's trivial. Just want to share with my fellow Komodos, that's all.
submitted by b00dzyt to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 11:27 Danielfaris2001 Kembara Tuah diteruskan (part 2)

Kembara Tuah diteruskan (part 2)
"Patik ke mari untuk menyumbang khidmat patik kepada tuanku, berjuang mempertahankan tanah kita yang berdaulat ini. Perjuangan yang akan disertai seluruh ahli keluarga patik. Patik mempunyai dua anak lelaki dan seorang anak perempuan, dua menantu wanita dan seorang menantu lelaki. Mereka mempunyai enam orang anak remaja semuanya. Semua siap untuk mempertahankan Tanah Semenanjung. Patik telah melatih seluruh kehidupan mereka untuk hari ini, tuanku," kata Perak kepada Sultan Alauddin.

Antara novel yang disyorkan semasa PBAKL 2024.
Perjalanan watak-watak legenda kini bersambung.
Hilal Asyraf kembali lagi dengan karya terbaharunya Nirnama 2.
Latar masa 10 tahun selepas jilid 1 membawa pelbagai kisah hidup dan plot pertarungan baharu.
Tewasnya Jagat Suci (pemerintah Indera Kayangan) dan Raja Bersiong (pemerintah Segenting Kra) memberikan keamanan ke seluruh Tanah Semenanjung tetapi keamanan itu tidak berkekalan.
Kali ini, kerajaan Semutar Putih di Tanah Semenanjung menghadapi ancaman lebih dahsyat daripada kerajaan dan bomoh Ayutthaya bagi merampas kembali wilayah peninggalan kedua-dua pemerintah dan meluaskan jajahan ke seluruh Tanah Semenanjung.
Para bomoh Ayutthaya yang terkenal dengan kepakaran ilmu hitam ditambah bala tentera infantri dan kapal perang memberikan ancaman luar biasa kepada keamanan dan keselamatan Tanah Semenanjung.
Serangan dilipatgandakan ke kawasan Melaka bagi menumpaskan pusat kerajaan Semutar Putih lalu fokus diperluas ke seluruh Tanah Semenanjung.
Apakah nasib para perwira kita termasuk Tuah, Jebat, Lekir, Lekiu, Kasturi dan pahlawan selebihnya?
Dapatkan segera di Pesta Buku Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (PBAKL) di PWTC.
submitted by Danielfaris2001 to Ajar_Malaysia [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 18:40 xoxefo3952 Jerat Cinta Pria Pertama dari Rosenorchid untuk Dibaca Gratis - Romansa Cerita Indonesia

Mengandung konten 21+, usia di bawah umur tidak dianjurkan membaca karya ini, bijaklah dalam memilih bacaan. Sebagian menggunakan bahasa Melayu karena tokoh utama menikah dengan orang dari negeri seberang. Sakit hati karena mengetahui kabar perselingkuhan sang suami membuat Rania mengumpulkan sisa-sisa rasa percaya pada Harris, suaminya. Tapi kebodohannya yang mengizinkan Harris menikah lagi, umpama awal dari kehancuran hati. Suaminya bukan menikah karena terpaksa, ternyata wanita itu bekas tunangannya dulu. Kehadiran Alex Rayyan sekali lagi membuatnya memiliki rasa percaya pada sebuah cinta. Mampukah seorang Rania Hani bangkit dari keterpurukan, dan menemui apa yang dicari? Mampukah ia mengobati luka hati karena dikhianati? Read more
submitted by xoxefo3952 to Novelideas [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 13:46 DPO111MIXPARLAY DPO111 7 Calon Pengganti Josep Guardiola di Manchester City, Ada Mikel Arteta

DPO111 7 Calon Pengganti Josep Guardiola di Manchester City, Ada Mikel Arteta
DPO111 - Josep Guardiola berpeluang meninggalkan Manchester City pada 2025 mendatang. Jika hal itu terjadi, siapa saja pelatih yang bisa menggantikannya?
Guardiola mampu meraih kesuksesan bersama Man City sejak datang pada tahun 2016 lalu. Itu termasuk treble winners bersejarah mereka pada musim lalu.
Musim 2023/24, Guardiola kembali membawa Man City merengkuh gelar Premier League. Mereka pun menjadi tim pertama yang memenangkan empat trofi Premier League beruntun.
Usai mengantarkan Man City menjadi juara Premier League 2023/2024, Guardiola memberikan indikasi. Dia mungkin akan meninggalkan tim ketika kontraknya berakhir pada tahun 2025.
“Kenyataannya adalah saya lebih dekat untuk pergi daripada bertahan [setelah musim depan],” kata mantan bos Barcelona dan Bayern Munchen itu.
Jika benar Guardiola angkat kaki, Man City harus mencari penggantinya. Siapa saja pelatih yang bisa menjadi juru taktik Manchester Biru setelah musim depan?
Berikut tujuh calon pelatih pengganti Josep Guardiola di Manchester City.
  1. Michel (Girona)
Michel berhasil membawa Girona tampil mengejutkan pada musim 2023/2024. Mereka berhasil finis di peringkat ketiga pada akhir klasemen La Liga.
Kesuksesan itu membawa Girona mengamankan tiket Liga Champions musim depan. Itu merupakan pencapaian besar bagi Girona mengingat mereka baru promosi ke La Liga dua tahun lalu.
Girona berstatus sister club dari Manchester City karena tergabung ke dalam City Football Group. Dengan demikian, The Citizens bakal lebih mudah mengamankan jasa Michel.
  1. Enzo Maresca (Leicester City)
Enzo Maresca pernah menjadi asisten Josep Guardiola di Manchester City pada musim 2022/2023. Dia berhasil membantu The Citizens memenangkan treble winners.
Setelah satu tahun menjadi asisten Guardiola, Maresca pindah ke Leicester City. Dia berhasil membawa The Foxes promosi ke Premier League 2024/2025 setelah menjuarai Championship.
Maresca kabarnya saat ini sedang didekati oleh Chelsea. Namun, pelatih asal Italia tersebut bisa saja kembali ke Etihad Stadium setelah kepergian Guardiola.
  1. Ruben Amorim (Sporting CP)
Ruben Amorim termasuk pelatih muda yang menjanjikan di Portugal. Dia berhasil membawa Sporting CP meraih juara Liga Portugal pada musim ini.
Itu merupakan gelar kelima yang diraih Amorim bersama Sporting. Pelatih berusia 39 tahun tersebut sebelumnya juga memenangkan gelar Liga Portugal pada musim 2020/2021.
Amorim berhasil merusak dominasi Porto dan Benfica di Liga Portugal. Berkat pencapaiannya, Amorim sudah dikaitkan dengan sejumlah klub Premier League seperti Liverpool dan Chelsea.
  1. Roberto De Zerbi
Roberto De Zerbi berhasil membawa Brighton finis di peringkat keenam klasemen Premier League musim lalu. Mereka pun untuk pertama kalinya tampil di Liga Europa.
Namun, kebersamaan De Zerbi dengan Brighton harus terhenti pada akhir musim 2023/2024. Pelatih asal Italia tersebut memutuskan mundur dari Amex Stadium.
De Zerbi sudah mengenal Premier League. Dia bisa saja mengisi pos yang akan ditinggal Josep Guardiola di Manchester City pada 2025 nanti.
  1. Xabi Alonso (Bayer Leverkusen)
Xabi Alonso berhasil membuat banyak orang kagum. Dia tampil sangat luar bisa pada musim ini bersama Bayer Leverkusen.
Dibawah asuhan Alonso, Leverkusen berhasil mencatatkan 52 pertandingan tak terkalahkan. Sayangnya, mereka kalah 0-3 dari Atalanta di final Liga Europa.
Meski gagal menjuarai Liga Europa, Alonso bersama skuatnya berhasil memenangkan dua gelar pada musim 2023/2024. Mereka mengangkat trofi Bundesliga dan DFB-Pokal.
  1. Vincent Kompany (Burnley)
Vincent Kompany merupakan mantan kapten Manchester City. Dia berhasil membawa Burnley promosi ke Premier League pada 2023/2024.
Namun rapor Kompany di Premier League musim ini terbilang buruk. Tim yang ia pegang mengalami degradasi setelah finis di peringkat ke-19.
Meski begitu, Kompany berhasil membuat Bayern Munchen kepincut. Pelatih asal Belgia itu dikabarkan akan melatih Harry Kane dan kolega pada musim depan.
  1. Mikel Arteta (Arsenal)
Mikel Arteta juga pernah menjadi asisten Josep Guardiola di Manchester City. Pria asal Spanyol tersebut kemudian menekuni karier sebagai pelatih di Arsenal.
Arteta berhasil mendongkrak performa Arsenal. Dia membawa The Gunners menjadi pesaing Manchester City dalam perebutan gelar Premier League selama dua musim terakhir.
Meski gagal meraih Premier League, Arteta pernah menjuarai FA Cup dan Community Shield di Emirates Stadium. Dia bisa menjadi pengganti yang bagus untuk Josep Guardiola di Manchester City.
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submitted by DPO111MIXPARLAY to u/DPO111MIXPARLAY [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 13:29 SoftPois0n What Anime To Watch After A Whisker Away

What Anime To Watch After A Whisker Away

# Name Date Genres
1 Spirited Away 2001-07-18 Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Magic, Romance, Supernatural
2 The Cat Returns 2002-07-18 Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Martial Arts, Romance
3 The Girl Who Leapt Through Time 2006-07-13 Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Romance, School, Sci-Fi, Sports
4 Wolf Children 2012-06-23 Adventure, Fantasy, Romance, Slice Of Life
5 Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop 2021-07-20 Music, Romance, Slice Of Life, Sports
6 Weathering with You 2019-07-17 Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Slice Of Life
7 A Silent Voice 2016-09-15 Drama, School, Shounen
8 Bubble 2022-04-26 Action, Sci-Fi
9 Josee, the Tiger and the Fish. 2020-12-23 Drama, Romance, Slice Of Life, Sports
10 Mary and the Witch's Flower 2017-07-06 Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Magic, Romance, Sci-Fi
11 The Night Is Short, Walk On Girl 2017-04-05 Action, Adventure, Comedy, Ecchi, Fantasy, Music, Romance, Seinen
12 Penguin Highway 2018-08-15 Comedy, Fantasy, Mystery, Sci-Fi
13 Millennium Actress 2001-07-26 Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Historical, Music, Romance, Samurai, Seinen, Sports, Thriller
14 Summer Wars 2009-07-30 Action, Comedy, Martial Arts, Romance, Sci-Fi, Sports
15 The Boy and the Beast 2015-07-09 Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Magic, Martial Arts, Romance, Super Power, Supernatural
16 Tsukigakirei 2017-04-05 Comedy, Romance, School, Sports
17 Whisper of the Heart 1995-07-13 Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Music, Romance, Shoujo, Slice Of Life
18 Teasing Master Takagi-san 2018-01-07 Action, Comedy, Romance, School, Shounen, Slice Of Life
19 Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea 2008-07-17 Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Magic, Romance
20 Inari Kon Kon 2014-01-14 Comedy, Romance, School, Seinen, Supernatural
21 Mirai 2018-07-18 Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
22 Catnapped 1995-06-08 Adventure, Fantasy, Magic
23 Suzume 2022-11-09 Adventure, Fantasy, Magic, Romance
24 Orange 2016-07-01 Drama, Romance, School, Sci-Fi, Shoujo
25 Over the Sky 2020-11-25 Drama, Fantasy
26 She and Her Cat: Everything Flows 2016-03-03 Psychological, Romance, Slice Of Life
27 Love Me, Love Me Not 2020-09-16 Drama, Romance, School, Shoujo
28 Mew Mew Power 2002-04-05 Action, Comedy, Ecchi, Fantasy, Mecha, Romance, Sci-Fi, Shoujo, Space, Super Power
29 Napping Princess 2017-03-16 Adventure, Fantasy, Mecha, Sci-Fi
30 Let's Make a Mug Too 2021-04-01 School, Slice Of Life

List of All Anime Recommendation To Watch If You Liked Nakitai Watashi wa Neko o Kaburui

Follow complete collection list here: https://simkl.com/5743957/list/31203/what-anime-to-watch-after-a-whisker-away

Anime Shows

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submitted by SoftPois0n to Nakineko [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 02:58 OTTJUNKIE What are good movies on Netflix?

What are good movies on Netflix?
Here are some of my favorites. They are not in any particular order except for the one they came to mind.

Must-Watch Films on Netflix (If You Haven't Already)

This list offers a diverse selection of movies across genres, guaranteed to leave a lasting impression.
Check out full detailed Top10 Movies on Netflix Right Now
  • For the heartbroken (or soon-to-be): Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind explores the complexities of love and loss.
  • Crime aficionados: Dive into the gritty world of Reservoir Dogs, a cult classic crime thriller.
  • Dark drama: American Beauty takes a satirical look at suburban life, while Boogie Nights offers a glimpse into the dark side of the adult film industry.
  • Documentaries that tug at the heartstrings: Prepare to shed a tear with Dear Zachary and Hoop Dreams, two powerful documentaries exploring loss and resilience.
  • Adam Sandler beyond comedies: Witness a different side of Adam Sandler in Punch-Drunk Love, a quirky blend of dark comedy and drama.
  • Emotional rollercoaster: Short Term 12 tackles the challenges faced by foster care workers, while Blue Valentine portrays the raw realities of love and heartbreak.
  • For a laugh: Revisit Kevin Smith's comedic gems Chasing Amy and Clerks.
  • Mind-bending journeys: The Usual Suspects keeps you guessing in this neo-noir crime film, while Trainspotting offers a dark and honest portrayal of addiction.
  • Foreign language delight: Y Tu Mama Tambien, a Mexican adventure comedy-drama, follows two friends on an unforgettable road trip.
  • Classic Kubrick: Immerse yourself in the brilliance of Stanley Kubrick with 2001: A Space Odyssey, A Clockwork Orange, and Full Metal Jacket, films guaranteed to spark thought-provoking discussions.
  • Independent gems: Fish Tank explores the raw emotions of a young woman trapped in a tough environment, while Primer, a sci-fi thriller, will leave you pondering the complexities of time travel.
  • Romantic drama: Discover the unique love story in The One I Love.
This list provides a starting point for exploring a variety of films that will stay with you long after the credits roll. Happy watching!
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2024.05.27 16:36 ramdytis3c Unsorted New Tracks - Part 3 [Out Date 2024-05-24] [Merphi Music Group]

.zyko - FIRST LOVE [Merphi Music Group] / Key , BPM 105, , MP3 7.51 Mb
A17N, AuntL - Far Myself [Garden Cactus] / Key Am, BPM 124, 2:54, MP3 7.24 Mb
A2D - Face B [The Tribute] / Key Ebm, BPM 144, 5:12, MP3 12.69 Mb
AKRS - Sprezzatura [Lamp] / Key F#m, BPM 125, 7:18, MP3 17.77 Mb
ANSH - Falling For You [LVLD Music] / Key Ebm, BPM 128, 2:36, MP3 6.50 Mb
Adam (UK), Félix (UK) - Colombia [Do Not Sleep] / Key Gm, BPM 128, 5:48, MP3 14.27 Mb
Adam Gain - Vibrancy [Lamp] / Key F#m, BPM 128, 4:28, MP3 10.98 Mb
Adithya - Falling [YHV Trance Records] / Key Gm, BPM 124, 7:08, MP3 17.44 Mb
Affective Sound, A17N, AuntL - Forever [Fly Over Records] / Key Gm, BPM 125, 2:45, MP3 6.75 Mb
Affectwave, LTSO - Digital Depression [Cresta La Cultura] / Key Bm, BPM 144, 2:40, MP3 6.81 Mb
Albin Loan, Kaluma - Down (Techno Mix) [My.Cover.Music] / Key D, BPM 155, 2:51, MP3 7.16 Mb
Aldo Bergamasco, Antonello Ferrari - Don't Look Any Further (ntonello Ferrari & Aldo Bergamasco Club Mix) [Sunflowermusic Records] / Key Dbm, BPM 120, 6:24, MP3 15.49 Mb
Alejandro Peñaloza - El Aparato [HOTOVEN] / Key F#m, BPM 127, 6:05, MP3 15.01 Mb
Alejandro Peñaloza - Ella Quiere [HOTOVEN] / Key Gm, BPM 126, 6:08, MP3 15.12 Mb
Alex Schultz - Floax [Diia Istot Records] / Key Em, BPM 139, 5:35, MP3 13.46 Mb
Alexander James, REGALO Joints - Take My Heart [Fat Catz Music] / Key Dbm, BPM 114, 6:15, MP3 15.20 Mb
Alexny - Can You Leave [Play This! Records] / Key Dm, BPM 123, 5:29, MP3 13.45 Mb
Alpha Sect - Fragmented Reality [Soil Records] / Key Gm, BPM 149, 4:59, MP3 12.34 Mb
Alpha Sect - La última vez (Curses x Tutto Vetro Remix) [Soil Records] / Key Em, BPM 126, 7:44, MP3 18.94 Mb
Alpha Sect - La última vez [Soil Records] / Key Em, BPM 126, 4:45, MP3 11.81 Mb
Alpha Sect - Le Reve Éveillé [Soil Records] / Key Gm, BPM 130, 5:32, MP3 13.69 Mb
Alpha Sect - Le Reve Éveillé (Raw Ambassador Rework) [Soil Records] / Key E, BPM 118, 7:19, MP3 17.97 Mb
Alpha Sect - Telos Tou Kosmou (Local Suicide & Skelesys Remix) [Soil Records] / Key Fm, BPM 125, 4:33, MP3 11.30 Mb
Alpha Sect - Telos Tou Kosmou [Soil Records] / Key Fm, BPM 122, 5:21, MP3 13.25 Mb
Amine Kohb - Hydrogene [Expanding Project Records] / Key Bbm, BPM 142, 6:23, MP3 15.58 Mb
AnAmStyle - DJ Want To Move [Freedom For Rhythm] / Key Bbm, BPM 124, 5:56, MP3 14.64 Mb
AnAmStyle - DJ Want To Move [Freedom For Rhythm] / Key Bbm, BPM 124, 3:19, MP3 8.36 Mb
Andi Mik - Tour de France [Fame Game Recordings] / Key Dm, BPM 128, 5:19, MP3 13.12 Mb
Andrea Guido - El Beso [Stay Busy Records] / Key Fm, BPM 128, 6:01, MP3 14.70 Mb
Andy BSK - Bellissimo [824 Grooves] / Key F#m, BPM 93, 5:57, MP3 14.57 Mb
Andy BSK - Ecstasy [824 Grooves] / Key Cm, BPM 140, 6:31, MP3 15.95 Mb
Arbor - Berth [French Tabloïd] / Key Bm, BPM 113, 2:59, MP3 7.18 Mb
Arbor, DXx - All Those Moments [French Tabloïd] / Key F#m, BPM 106, 6:24, MP3 15.39 Mb
Are:gone - Ya No Es Tan Rojo [Abstraction] / Key Dbm, BPM 133, 4:42, MP3 11.30 Mb
Aster - Esmeralda [Splice Records] / Key D, BPM 146, 3:04, MP3 7.73 Mb
Attic People - So Much More to Life (Tom-E Project Remix) [Fame Game Recordings] / Key Ebm, BPM 128, 4:21, MP3 10.80 Mb
Augst, roseboy - Feel It [508ight] / Key Bm, BPM 128, 1:53, MP3 4.79 Mb
Austin Reed (Ber) - At Ganz Gavin [Lamp] / Key Dbm, BPM 130, 6:36, MP3 16.10 Mb
Axling - Spektr [Abstraction] / Key Gm, BPM 108, 6:05, MP3 14.64 Mb
B-Liv - Realm Of Drums (Soul Side Extended Mix) [Play This! Records] / Key Cm, BPM 124, 5:45, MP3 14.08 Mb
BEPE, Dom James (UK) - Back At The Party [Hang On Music] / Key A, BPM 130, 6:39, MP3 16.18 Mb
BEPE, Dom James (UK) - Disco Biscuit [Hang On Music] / Key Bbm, BPM 127, 6:03, MP3 14.75 Mb
BEPE, Dom James (UK) - Phat Asses [Hang On Music] / Key Cm, BPM 128, 6:00, MP3 14.63 Mb
Badou Fresh, JamaicanVibes - Freedom Vibes [Alioune Dieng Music] / Key C, BPM 99, 5:11, MP3 12.60 Mb
Big Biggie, Cafe Ya Africa Tshipembe - Fragments of Memories (Afro Organic Mix) [Cafe Ya Africa Tshipembe] / Key Bbm, BPM 125, 5:11, MP3 12.70 Mb
Big Biggie, Cafe Ya Africa Tshipembe - Fragments of Memories (Dance Mix) [Cafe Ya Africa Tshipembe] / Key F#m, BPM 114, 5:18, MP3 12.97 Mb
Big Biggie, Cafe Ya Africa Tshipembe - Fragments of Memories (Extended Afro Organix Mix) [Cafe Ya Africa Tshipembe] / Key Bbm, BPM 125, 6:58, MP3 16.98 Mb
Big Biggie, Cafe Ya Africa Tshipembe - Fragments of Memories (Oriental Mix) [Cafe Ya Africa Tshipembe] / Key Bm, BPM 120, 5:20, MP3 13.06 Mb
Billy Taylor - So Real [G-Mafia Records] / Key Fm, BPM 125, 5:54, MP3 14.41 Mb
Binary Algorithms - Register #01 [Furatena] / Key Cm, BPM 142, 7:10, MP3 17.30 Mb
Binary Algorithms - Register #02 [Furatena] / Key Abm, BPM 136, 5:44, MP3 13.83 Mb
Binary Algorithms - Register #03 [Furatena] / Key Gm, BPM 142, 7:45, MP3 18.70 Mb
Binary Algorithms - Register #04 [Furatena] / Key Cm, BPM 134, 6:05, MP3 14.67 Mb
Boza - Better Day [Fame Game Recordings] / Key F, BPM 128, 4:51, MP3 11.99 Mb
Briel Hollm - Take A Little Trip (Gabriel Slick, Briel Hollm Rethink Instrumental) [Play This! Records] / Key Bm, BPM 122, 5:34, MP3 13.64 Mb
CKS - Rigel [Expanding Project Records] / Key F#m, BPM 132, 5:57, MP3 14.51 Mb
CMPND (BE) - Hindsight [Expanding Project Records] / Key Am, BPM 137, 5:36, MP3 13.69 Mb
CXLLINPLAYA, inaleryy - emptiness (Phonk Remix) [Merphi Music Group] / Key Dbm, BPM 100, 2:18, MP3 5.73 Mb
Cardioid - Fading Light [HIGHTKK MUSIC] / Key Eb, BPM 125, 1:58, MP3 5.06 Mb
Carlton Hudson - Flat 41 (Company Is Family's Sunday Blues Remix) [Play This! Records] / Key Cm, BPM 123, 7:48, MP3 19.03 Mb
Casiokids - Brunsniggelen [Jansen Records] / Key Dbm, BPM 130, 4:48, MP3 11.65 Mb
Casiokids - Ein levende linjal [Jansen Records] / Key Em, BPM 101, 3:47, MP3 9.23 Mb
Casiokids - Tid for hjem [Jansen Records] / Key Dm, BPM 120, 7:48, MP3 18.85 Mb
Cavalier, The Company Soundsystem - Disco Wakeup [3Bridge Records] / Key Am, BPM 125, 5:46, MP3 13.96 Mb
Cence Brothers, Abel & Aaron - Found You [ARRYBA MUSIC] / Key Bm, BPM 127, 3:39, MP3 9.06 Mb
Chris van Baal - Escape Us [tb clubtunes] / Key Gm, BPM 132, 3:34, MP3 8.92 Mb
Chris van Baal - Escape Us [tb clubtunes] / Key Gm, BPM 132, 2:36, MP3 6.59 Mb
Christian p.i.n.n.a - Follow the Rhythm [Bangerang Network] / Key D, BPM 127, 6:04, MP3 14.66 Mb
Chumpion - Drive By [Borderline Records] / Key Dbm, BPM 142, 3:33, MP3 8.88 Mb
Cristian Viviano, Baglione - Oscillator [Mood Child] / Key Dm, BPM 127, 6:04, MP3 14.99 Mb
DJ Alone Again - Feeling [Tunes Delivery] / Key Gm, BPM 124, 5:29, MP3 13.34 Mb
DJ GLC - Dyna Soar [Sounds Better] / Key Ebm, BPM 115, 6:37, MP3 15.99 Mb
DJ GLC - Fck Asrm [Sounds Better] / Key Ebm, BPM 110, 6:48, MP3 16.43 Mb
DJ Raff - Ancestros [Nacional Records] / Key Em, BPM 128, 3:07, MP3 7.60 Mb
DJ Raff - En Camino [Nacional Records] / Key Em, BPM 122, 5:05, MP3 12.31 Mb
DJ Raff - Encontrar [Nacional Records] / Key Bbm, BPM 128, 3:44, MP3 9.08 Mb
DJ Raff - Instantes [Nacional Records] / Key Gm, BPM 112, 3:31, MP3 8.55 Mb
DJ Raff - La Belleza En El Caos [Nacional Records] / Key Dm, BPM 102, 4:19, MP3 10.47 Mb
DJ Raff - La Dolce Vita [Nacional Records] / Key Bbm, BPM 102, 3:33, MP3 8.62 Mb
DJ Raff - La Gran Aventura [Nacional Records] / Key Gm, BPM 102, 4:12, MP3 10.20 Mb
DJ Raff - Muchxs [Nacional Records] / Key Dm, BPM 102, 3:06, MP3 7.57 Mb
DJ Raff - Solsticio [Nacional Records] / Key Cm, BPM 108, 3:36, MP3 8.77 Mb
DJ Raff - Somos [Nacional Records] / Key Fm, BPM 119, 5:53, MP3 14.24 Mb
DJ Sneak - El Projecto [Mood Child] / Key Fm, BPM 127, 6:33, MP3 16.16 Mb
DOUG!, Trace (UZ) - Flex Like Ouu [Repopulate Mars] / Key F#m, BPM 129, 5:22, MP3 13.09 Mb
DSCOSTU, Patches Paradise - Feel the Light (feat. Patches Paradise) (Instrumental) [BonFire Records] / Key B, BPM 122, 2:48, MP3 6.94 Mb
DSCOSTU, Patches Paradise - Feel the Light (feat. Patches Paradise) [BonFire Records] / Key B, BPM 122, 2:48, MP3 6.94 Mb
DSCOSTU, Patches Paradise - Feel the Light (feat. Patches Paradise) (Sangarang Remix) [BonFire Records] / Key Ebm, BPM 130, 3:01, MP3 7.46 Mb
DSCOSTU, Patches Paradise - Feel the light (feat. Patches Paradise) (neutral. Remix) [BonFire Records] / Key B, BPM 132, 3:01, MP3 7.46 Mb
DaWeirD - Deeper Soul [Play This! Records] / Key Gm, BPM 122, 5:23, MP3 13.21 Mb
Daniele Mastracci - On My Way [Play This! Records] / Key Dm, BPM 120, 6:02, MP3 14.79 Mb
Dave Alyan - Linear Prophecy [Expanding Project Records] / Key Bm, BPM 141, 6:15, MP3 15.22 Mb
David Semola - El lo Crejo [Slenders & Unforgiven] / Key Dbm, BPM 130, 5:41, MP3 13.77 Mb
Dawilk, phil's ok. - Feel The Sunset [Paraiso] / Key E, BPM 123, 2:53, MP3 7.29 Mb
Dennis Denero - Fire Starter [Not So Serious] / Key Gm, BPM 126, 6:40, MP3 16.06 Mb
Dhany, Leadback - Forever [dB production] / Key Dm, BPM 126, 3:20, MP3 8.23 Mb
Dissidentt - Fade [Feedback Records] / Key C, BPM 122, 8:39, MP3 20.96 Mb
Dj DIHNO, X-Soul RSA - Bounce Dance [Me and Music Digital Distributors] / Key Cm, BPM 116, 6:41, MP3 16.09 Mb
Dj DIHNO, X-Soul RSA - Ears of Music [Me and Music Digital Distributors] / Key Em, BPM 116, 6:24, MP3 15.41 Mb
Djane Holly Who, Sam Lasoy - I'm Feeling Good [Fame Game Recordings] / Key Abm, BPM 128, 4:02, MP3 10.04 Mb
Don SaS - Defect Counting [Go On Trax] / Key Abm, BPM 130, 5:03, MP3 12.20 Mb
Don SaS - High Sensation [Go On Trax] / Key Dm, BPM 128, 4:03, MP3 9.80 Mb
Dr. MO - Free [In House We Trust Records] / Key Fm, BPM 128, 5:00, MP3 12.04 Mb
Duo K - Panic at the Disco [Lamp] / Key Gm, BPM 130, 6:22, MP3 15.55 Mb
E.P.O - DIMENSIONS (SPED UP) [Tribal Trap] / Key Abm, BPM 116, 2:14, MP3 5.74 Mb
EUSE - Follow Up [Starix Production] / Key Gm, BPM 124, 3:08, MP3 7.80 Mb
Eazyopoluse - Istota [Diia Istot Records] / Key Bm, BPM 92, 3:35, MP3 8.66 Mb
Ecilo - Beyond The Vibes [Planet Rhythm] / Key Abm, BPM 142, 6:00, MP3 14.54 Mb
Ecilo - Downward Tension [Planet Rhythm] / Key Abm, BPM 142, 5:54, MP3 14.30 Mb
Ecilo - Maximum Effects [Planet Rhythm] / Key Bm, BPM 140, 5:33, MP3 13.46 Mb
Ecilo - Phase Of Waves [Planet Rhythm] / Key Dbm, BPM 143, 6:21, MP3 15.38 Mb
Eddie E. - Equilibrium [STIG] / Key Am, BPM 127, 5:42, MP3 13.77 Mb
El Brujo, MaKaJa Gonzales - Avalanche [trench] / Key Gm, BPM 150, 6:08, MP3 15.15 Mb
El Brujo, MaKaJa Gonzales, Van Maesen - We Are Here (Makaja Gonzales Rework) [trench] / Key Dbm, BPM 148, 5:58, MP3 14.74 Mb
Elvis Castellano - Delirio [Wope Records] / Key Bm, BPM 126, 6:13, MP3 15.18 Mb
Elyan - Musketeer [Fame Game Recordings] / Key Abm, BPM 128, 4:53, MP3 12.07 Mb
Emdey - Finally (Techno Extended Mix) [Universal Music GmbH] / Key Bm, BPM 140, 3:03, MP3 7.41 Mb
F3DE, Usai, Luminae - Finally [One Seven Music] / Key C, BPM 122, 3:16, MP3 8.00 Mb
Flash & Dash, NOTLEGAL - Education [2Dutch Records] / Key Dm, BPM 124, 3:23, MP3 8.53 Mb
FlowSeq - Flight (Electric Alchemy Extended Remix) [Initiator Soundworx] / Key Am, BPM 100, 4:17, MP3 10.47 Mb
FlowSeq - Flight (Electric Alchemy Mini Remix) [Initiator Soundworx] / Key Am, BPM 100, 1:08, MP3 2.93 Mb
FlowSeq - Flight (Electric Alchemy Workout Remix) [Initiator Soundworx] / Key Am, BPM 100, 2:00, MP3 5.00 Mb
Fractal House Syndicate - Bassline Therapy [Softrave Records] / Key F#m, BPM 123, 4:39, MP3 11.31 Mb
Fractal House Syndicate - Cybernetic Sunset [Softrave Records] / Key Am, BPM 124, 4:00, MP3 9.73 Mb
Fractal House Syndicate - Fractal Dance [Softrave Records] / Key Gm, BPM 125, 5:00, MP3 12.15 Mb
Fractal House Syndicate - Hypersonic [Softrave Records] / Key Gm, BPM 123, 4:10, MP3 10.14 Mb
Fred Aster - French Cat (Instrumental Mix) [Blur Records] / Key Bbm, BPM 120, 5:30, MP3 13.57 Mb
Fred Aster - French Cat feat. L SPEAKS (Scruscru Remix) [Blur Records] / Key Ebm, BPM 129, 4:43, MP3 11.70 Mb
Fred Aster - French Cat feat. L SPEAKS (Vocal Mix) [Blur Records] / Key Bbm, BPM 120, 5:30, MP3 13.57 Mb
Freischwimmer, Martis - Drop Dead Beautiful [You Love Dance] / Key Dbm, BPM 143, 2:16, MP3 5.64 Mb
Freqmind - Disorientation [trench] / Key Ebm, BPM 146, 5:19, MP3 13.17 Mb
Freqmind - Macro Vision [trench] / Key Gm, BPM 143, 6:23, MP3 15.74 Mb
Freqmind - Prehistory [trench] / Key Fm, BPM 135, 5:56, MP3 14.66 Mb
Friedensreich - Last Day on Earth [Diia Istot Records] / Key C, BPM 93, 3:00, MP3 7.26 Mb
Future Plan - Deeper Ends (Cristian Avigni Remix) [Future Plan Digital] / Key Dm, BPM 122, 3:44, MP3 9.08 Mb
Future Plan - Deeper Ends (Nicholas Jay Remix) [Future Plan Digital] / Key Dm, BPM 127, 3:04, MP3 7.49 Mb
Future Plan - Deeper Ends [Future Plan Digital] / Key Dm, BPM 122, 3:15, MP3 7.95 Mb
Félix (UK) - Brazil Beat [Do Not Sleep] / Key Am, BPM 130, 5:56, MP3 14.59 Mb
Félix (UK) - Drop The Bass [Do Not Sleep] / Key Cm, BPM 130, 5:40, MP3 13.94 Mb
G-DOM - Emotions [Delicious Rebels] / Key Bm, BPM 129, 6:12, MP3 15.26 Mb
G-DOM - Here With Me [Delicious Rebels] / Key F#m, BPM 127, 5:02, MP3 12.47 Mb
GOSSO - Flow [NouShit!] / Key Em, BPM 129, 6:01, MP3 14.69 Mb
GOSSO - Sparks [NouShit!] / Key Gm, BPM 127, 6:05, MP3 14.85 Mb
Gary Cooper SA, Mphoke - From Here [HOH Records] / Key Ebm, BPM 116, 6:42, MP3 16.44 Mb
George Centeno, Tony B! - I'm Your DJ (Tony B! Remix) [Fame Game Recordings] / Key Ebm, BPM 129, 5:18, MP3 13.09 Mb
George Morteanu - Don't Stop The Beat [Dacusan] / Key Dbm, BPM 128, 6:00, MP3 14.76 Mb
George Morteanu - Qwerty [Dacusan] / Key Ebm, BPM 128, 6:04, MP3 14.91 Mb
Gino Love - Brooklyn Banger [Play This! Records] / Key Ebm, BPM 122, 9:01, MP3 21.93 Mb
Gregorgus Geez, Max Grandon - Slave 2da Rhythm (Well Sanchez Beat Master Mix) [Fame Game Recordings] / Key Dm, BPM 128, 5:07, MP3 12.65 Mb
Gulaev - Sneaking Wendigo [Diia Istot Records] / Key Dm, BPM 135, 5:20, MP3 12.86 Mb
HARMAK, Omor Ramzi - Burning Within Me [SwitchLab] / Key Ebm, BPM 122, 6:22, MP3 15.62 Mb
HARMAK, Omor Ramzi - Eyoo [SwitchLab] / Key Bm, BPM 121, 7:01, MP3 17.18 Mb
HDDNSLF - Shared Memory [Diia Istot Records] / Key Am, BPM 113, 5:20, MP3 12.86 Mb
HDER - Fire Escape [Skryptöm records] / Key Fm, BPM 150, 4:48, MP3 11.65 Mb
HDER - Green Feeling [Skryptöm records] / Key Bm, BPM 147, 5:20, MP3 12.93 Mb
HDER - MA26V [Skryptöm records] / Key Bm, BPM 130, 4:00, MP3 9.73 Mb
HDER - Parallel Whisper [Skryptöm records] / Key Am, BPM 98, 5:16, MP3 12.77 Mb
HDER - This Is Special [Skryptöm records] / Key Dbm, BPM 145, 4:48, MP3 11.65 Mb
Harris & Ford, DJane Housekat, NOISETIME - Don't U Feel Alright [ShutUpAndRave] / Key F#, BPM 152, 2:54, MP3 7.21 Mb
Hioll - Make Them Listen (Temudo Remix) [Abstraction] / Key Abm, BPM 136, 6:04, MP3 14.58 Mb
IRLS - Dreams Take Wing [HIGHTKK MUSIC] / Key Am, BPM 116, 2:07, MP3 5.40 Mb
Icke M - Dub 003 [Poor Child Records] / Key Bbm, BPM 147, 2:48, MP3 7.04 Mb
Imran - Forever [Mark Music] / Key Bm, BPM 100, 4:36, MP3 11.16 Mb
Inaya Day, Masterbeat - One World (Sagi Kariv Remix) [Fame Game Recordings] / Key Bm, BPM 128, 7:02, MP3 17.24 Mb
Incorrect Waves - Outburst of Hatred [Diia Istot Records] / Key Em, BPM 143, 5:45, MP3 13.86 Mb
Isaac Knife - Digital Birth [Diia Istot Records] / Key Bbm, BPM 153, 4:29, MP3 10.83 Mb
Isabel, Robbie Miraux - Summernight [Fame Game Recordings] / Key Am, BPM 128, 5:51, MP3 14.41 Mb
Italobrothers, Rocco, French Sisters - Everybody (On The Floor) [Virgin] / Key Cm, BPM 143, 3:11, MP3 7.85 Mb
Jay Crusoe - Alegria [Casa De Crusoe] / Key Am, BPM 120, 6:28, MP3 15.76 Mb
Jay Crusoe - Apple Bottom [Casa De Crusoe] / Key Dbm, BPM 126, 5:58, MP3 14.57 Mb
Jay Crusoe - Bossy Droid [Casa De Crusoe] / Key Em, BPM 128, 5:30, MP3 13.44 Mb
Jay Crusoe - Left Hand, Right Hand [Casa De Crusoe] / Key Cm, BPM 126, 4:10, MP3 10.22 Mb
Jay Crusoe - Major Melon [Casa De Crusoe] / Key Ebm, BPM 127, 4:25, MP3 10.82 Mb
Jay Crusoe - Move That Thang [Casa De Crusoe] / Key Abm, BPM 128, 6:15, MP3 15.24 Mb
Jay Crusoe - Too Sub [Casa De Crusoe] / Key Ebm, BPM 125, 4:37, MP3 11.30 Mb
JayCamel - Found Ü [wavebeats] / Key F#m, BPM 126, 6:10, MP3 15.16 Mb
Joel Coopa, Ella Elias, Signal Blue - Dream A Little Dream Of Me [Crash Your Sound] / Key Am, BPM 121, 2:05, MP3 5.27 Mb
John Modena - Remady (L'ete indien) [Can't Stop Productions] / Key G, BPM 125, 3:14, MP3 7.99 Mb
Jorge Mattos - Lady Back [Mood Child] / Key Gm, BPM 127, 5:37, MP3 13.89 Mb
Josh d Louxlee - Dehumanized Society [DLXL Records] / Key Ebm, BPM 134, 6:17, MP3 15.47 Mb
Josh d Louxlee - Dehumanized Society (Remix) [DLXL Records] / Key Abm, BPM 134, 7:13, MP3 17.69 Mb
KDH, Wux - Favela [Mixmash Bold] / Key Fm, BPM 128, 3:45, MP3 9.50 Mb
KJAER - F*CK Me but I'm Not Famous (Dani Sbert Remix) [Fine Artistry Recordings] / Key Em, BPM 136, 6:29, MP3 15.76 Mb
KJAER - F*CK Me but I'm Not Famous [Fine Artistry Recordings] / Key Em, BPM 136, 6:25, MP3 15.61 Mb
KPD - Doing My Thing [Houseyounite Records] / Key Am, BPM 125, 5:19, MP3 12.81 Mb
Kadosh, KIODINII - ENERGY [LOW CEILING] / Key A, BPM 128, 5:00, MP3 12.20 Mb
Kaonic.Sound - Feel the Beat [Rabbit Label] / Key C, BPM 135, 3:36, MP3 8.76 Mb
Kapitan - Cancel [Sado Records] / Key Dbm, BPM 144, 6:17, MP3 15.64 Mb
Kapitan - Eigth [Sado Records] / Key Em, BPM 138, 5:40, MP3 14.14 Mb
Kapitan - Hard Stuff [Sado Records] / Key Gm, BPM 144, 5:36, MP3 14.00 Mb
Kapitan - Roll and Roll [Sado Records] / Key Ebm, BPM 138, 5:11, MP3 12.99 Mb
Kapitan - Yoyit [Sado Records] / Key C, BPM 148, 9:34, MP3 23.53 Mb
Kaydell, before. - Do My Thing [Nexus Recordings] / Key Abm, BPM 125, 3:22, MP3 8.34 Mb
KlangProd - Inhale [Lamp] / Key Am, BPM 120, 8:42, MP3 21.14 Mb
Kuddy Music - Don't Be a Fool (Extended) [Intentions Records] / Key Bbm, BPM 128, 6:00, MP3 14.78 Mb
Kuddy Music - Getting My Groove (Extended) [Intentions Records] / Key Em, BPM 127, 6:03, MP3 14.89 Mb
Kuprum - Expression Of Joy [Heartbeat Records] / Key Dbm, BPM 120, 7:32, MP3 18.29 Mb
Kuprum - Tell Me [Heartbeat Records] / Key Dbm, BPM 126, 6:29, MP3 15.74 Mb
Kusuri - Form [Blanco y Negro Music] / Key Ab, BPM 125, 2:38, MP3 6.43 Mb
LCK, Tweezy, Frede - Forever (Techno Mix) [Munix Records] / Key Gm, BPM 150, 2:01, MP3 4.95 Mb
LEGATO (UK) - Either Way [LEGATO] / Key Fm, BPM 128, 5:34, MP3 13.72 Mb
LU6IFER - KROME [French Tabloïd] / Key F#m, BPM 178, 2:05, MP3 5.03 Mb
La Mano - Fabbrica [Sound Du Jour] / Key Bbm, BPM 126, 5:28, MP3 13.44 Mb
La Mano - Fiume [Sound Du Jour] / Key Gm, BPM 130, 5:58, MP3 14.64 Mb
La Mano - Onda [Sound Du Jour] / Key Bm, BPM 124, 6:18, MP3 15.44 Mb
La colère - Échecs [à l'ombre] / Key Fm, BPM 141, 3:41, MP3 9.38 Mb
Lady of Victory - Final Step (Alan de Laniere Dark Mix) [Play This! Records] / Key Gm, BPM 116, 5:54, MP3 14.43 Mb
Leandro Kolt - Order [Fame Game Recordings] / Key Fm, BPM 128, 6:35, MP3 16.17 Mb
Lee Rose - Fall In Love [Acid Dolphin] / Key Fm, BPM 132, 5:38, MP3 13.76 Mb
Lee Rose - Fall In Love [Acid Dolphin] / Key Fm, BPM 132, 2:56, MP3 7.26 Mb
Leo Blanco - The Cha Cha (Drama Dub Mix) [Fame Game Recordings] / Key Cm, BPM 128, 5:41, MP3 14.02 Mb
Leon Mar, benzo blanko - Desire (feat. Leon Mar) [benzo blanko] / Key Dbm, BPM 115, 6:05, MP3 14.72 Mb
Lex Field - Diamond [Deep Strips] / Key Fm, BPM 120, 3:50, MP3 9.58 Mb
Libercio - Dont want you [LucidPlain Records] / Key Dbm, BPM 115, 2:18, MP3 5.72 Mb
Linear Phase - Conspicuo [Expanding Project Records] / Key Gm, BPM 139, 6:02, MP3 14.71 Mb
Liquid Bloom, Bloomurian, Onanya - Forest Guardians (CALAGNA Remix) [Desert Trax] / Key Em, BPM 105, 6:38, MP3 16.49 Mb
Liquid Bloom, Bloomurian, Onanya - Forest Guardians (Modality Remix) [Desert Trax] / Key Em, BPM 140, 5:08, MP3 12.88 Mb
Liquid Bloom, Bloomurian, Onanya - Forest Guardians (Nyrus Remix) [Desert Trax] / Key Em, BPM 175, 4:30, MP3 11.34 Mb
Liquid Bloom, Bloomurian, Onanya - Forest Guardians (OZemljen Remix) [Desert Trax] / Key Em, BPM 102, 16:19, MP3 39.70 Mb
Liquid Bloom, Bloomurian, Onanya - Forest Guardians (Tylepathy Ambient Dub Remix) [Desert Trax] / Key Em, BPM 140, 6:37, MP3 16.45 Mb
Liquid Bloom, Bloomurian, Onanya - Forest Guardians (Tylepathy Deep Space Remix) [Desert Trax] / Key Bm, BPM 149, 8:55, MP3 21.98 Mb
Liquid Bloom, Bloomurian, Onanya - Forest Guardians (bodé Remix) [Desert Trax] / Key Em, BPM 108, 8:13, MP3 20.29 Mb
Living Room - Dig This Disco Thing [Fame Game Recordings] / Key Gm, BPM 130, 3:02, MP3 7.66 Mb
Local Suicide, Sugar Rody - Disco Knife (Original) [Nothing Is Real] / Key Bm, BPM 120, 5:14, MP3 12.81 Mb
Lucas Park, Lordz Djs - Your Eyes (Extended Version) [Fame Game Recordings] / Key Abm, BPM 126, 4:51, MP3 11.99 Mb
Luke Willies - Dont Copy My Flow [LABEL EATER] / Key Bm, BPM 99, 3:42, MP3 9.15 Mb
Lulo Cafe, Bee-Bar, DJ Khosto, REGALO Joints - New World Order [Fat Catz Music] / Key F#m, BPM 114, 6:36, MP3 16.02 Mb
LyeForm - Thin Air [French Tabloïd] / Key Ebm, BPM 135, 5:13, MP3 12.55 Mb
MOT3K - Layer Cake [trench] / Key Gm, BPM 134, 6:01, MP3 14.87 Mb
MOT3K - We Sit In The Sun [trench] / Key D, BPM 134, 5:52, MP3 14.50 Mb
MaKaJa Gonzales, Van Maesen - Different Reality [trench] / Key Fm, BPM 150, 1:41, MP3 4.48 Mb
MaKaJa Gonzales, Van Maesen - Either Way [trench] / Key F#m, BPM 140, 6:01, MP3 14.86 Mb
Malikk - Goes Around [Mood Child] / Key Cm, BPM 129, 5:28, MP3 13.54 Mb
Mannymore - Freed From Desire [Future House Cloud (C)] / Key Dm, BPM 126, 3:04, MP3 7.72 Mb
Marco Bocatto - The Guardian [Play This! Records] / Key Am, BPM 124, 5:25, MP3 13.31 Mb
Marcus Gomes - Dreamin' [Deep Argentina] / Key Dbm, BPM 115, 2:38, MP3 6.52 Mb
Marmoon - Don't Stop [CUFF] / Key Abm, BPM 129, 4:37, MP3 11.50 Mb
Mata Jones - Family Affair [Dirtyclub Music] / Key Dbm, BPM 127, 5:48, MP3 14.04 Mb
Maur, Faber - Feel My Love [Sola] / Key Dm, BPM 137, 5:10, MP3 12.67 Mb
Max + Johann - Do You Love Me [Zeitgeist] / Key F#, BPM 167, 2:09, MP3 5.35 Mb
Max Palmer - Sweet Love [Play This! Records] / Key Dm, BPM 123, 6:07, MP3 14.97 Mb
Mayday - Monkey Moves [Fame Game Recordings] / Key Dbm, BPM 128, 5:01, MP3 12.39 Mb
Mayfie - Whispers [Expanding Project Records] / Key Dm, BPM 138, 6:32, MP3 15.93 Mb
Melohaus - FIRE [Rave Residence] / Key Am, BPM 148, 5:16, MP3 13.09 Mb
Menih, Wilfred (COL) - Baka Groove [Ole White] / Key Dm, BPM 128, 6:08, MP3 14.84 Mb
Menih, Wilfred (COL) - Gutural Soul [Ole White] / Key Am, BPM 127, 5:48, MP3 14.05 Mb
Menori - Najade (Noah Jaegson remix) [Shango Records] / Key Ebm, BPM 107, 6:25, MP3 15.62 Mb
Menori - Najade [Shango Records] / Key Ebm, BPM 117, 7:23, MP3 17.93 Mb
Menori - Najade (Viktop remix) [Shango Records] / Key Bm, BPM 121, 7:58, MP3 19.36 Mb
Menori - Sirenas (Extended Deep mix) [Shango Records] / Key Cm, BPM 119, 9:32, MP3 23.10 Mb
Menori - Sirenas (Miza (EG) remix) [Shango Records] / Key Cm, BPM 119, 7:00, MP3 17.01 Mb
Menori - Sirenas [Shango Records] / Key Cm, BPM 119, 7:57, MP3 19.30 Mb
Menori - Sirenas (Rossalto remix) [Shango Records] / Key Cm, BPM 121, 6:56, MP3 16.85 Mb
Metridate - Desert Eagle [KBell Recordings] / Key Em, BPM 124, 7:02, MP3 17.09 Mb
Metroland - Activity As A Timetrigger [Alfa Matrix] / Key Bbm, BPM 125, 3:59, MP3 9.62 Mb
Metroland - Baukultur (The Davos Declaration) [Alfa Matrix] / Key Ebm, BPM 130, 5:20, MP3 12.86 Mb
Metroland - Cooperation In A Fragmented World [Alfa Matrix] / Key G, BPM 125, 4:56, MP3 11.91 Mb
Metroland - Happy Nothing [Alfa Matrix] / Key Fm, BPM 100, 5:43, MP3 13.79 Mb
Metroland - Industry 5.0 [Alfa Matrix] / Key E, BPM 132, 3:47, MP3 9.15 Mb
Metroland - Industry 6.0 [Alfa Matrix] / Key Bbm, BPM 133, 1:38, MP3 4.01 Mb
Metroland - Infotainment [Alfa Matrix] / Key Ebm, BPM 115, 5:50, MP3 14.07 Mb
Metroland - Quantum [Alfa Matrix] / Key Gm, BPM 120, 5:57, MP3 14.36 Mb
Metroland - The Great Reset [Alfa Matrix] / Key Dbm, BPM 120, 7:33, MP3 18.21 Mb
Metroland - World Economic Forum [Alfa Matrix] / Key Am, BPM 120, 3:51, MP3 9.33 Mb
MiNDLEX - Do It Like Me [MiNDLEX] / Key Em, BPM 133, 2:52, MP3 7.13 Mb
Mike Nasty - Do It (House Manifesto) (Dub Mix) [Nasty Tracks] / Key Bbm, BPM 130, 5:03, MP3 12.32 Mb
Mike Nasty - Do It (House Manifesto) [Nasty Tracks] / Key Bbm, BPM 130, 5:03, MP3 12.31 Mb
Mistay - Evolution [Feel Hype Limited] / Key Em, BPM 128, 9:00, MP3 21.96 Mb
Mitchell On Fire - Drowning in Love [Golden Factory Paradise] / Key Dm, BPM 120, 3:43, MP3 9.32 Mb
Mr. Guelo - Esto Es Pa' Ti [8Funk Records] / Key Em, BPM 126, 4:17, MP3 10.49 Mb
Msolnusic - Natural High [Play This! Records] / Key Am, BPM 122, 5:03, MP3 12.41 Mb
My Best Unbeaten Brother - Extraordinary Times [Audio Antihero] / Key Gm, BPM 136, 3:20, MP3 8.18 Mb
N2N - Don't Talk To Me [Strangelove Recordings] / Key Gm, BPM 126, 4:50, MP3 11.95 Mb
Nick Nyrow - Keep Your Dream Tight [Fame Game Recordings] / Key Cm, BPM 129, 5:07, MP3 12.64 Mb
Nico Cortazzo - Exposure [Anxiety Therapy] / Key Fm, BPM 125, 6:13, MP3 15.22 Mb
Nico Cortazzo - For The People Who Like The Blues [Anxiety Therapy] / Key Ebm, BPM 123, 6:52, MP3 16.79 Mb
Nico Cortazzo - Soulful Touch [Anxiety Therapy] / Key Gm, BPM 124, 6:32, MP3 15.99 Mb
Nile Rodgers, Kygo, Zak Abel - For Life (Vandelux Remix) [Kygo/RCA Records] / Key Db, BPM 122, 2:55, MP3 7.13 Mb
Numbers And Parameters - White Balance [Abstraction] / Key Am, BPM 136, 5:15, MP3 12.63 Mb
Nyla, Terri-Anne - Feeling So High [Glasgow Underground] / Key Dm, BPM 126, 4:53, MP3 11.83 Mb
ONEX1NE - DO OR DIE [Cresta La Cultura] / Key Cm, BPM 83, 2:02, MP3 5.17 Mb
Ofenbach, salem ilese - feelings don't lie [Elektra France] / Key Cm, BPM 100, 2:31, MP3 6.29 Mb
Ofenbach, salem ilese - feelings don't lie (extended mix) [Elektra France] / Key Cm, BPM 100, 3:25, MP3 8.44 Mb
Ofenbach, salem ilese - feelings don't lie (instrumental) [Elektra France] / Key Cm, BPM 100, 2:31, MP3 6.29 Mb
Ofenbach, salem ilese - feelings don't lie (slowed down) [Elektra France] / Key Abm, BPM 160, 3:09, MP3 7.80 Mb
Ofenbach, salem ilese - feelings don't lie (sped up) [Elektra France] / Key Em, BPM 125, 2:01, MP3 5.10 Mb
P.Lion - Dream (Ms Project) [Submental Records] / Key Cm, BPM 122, 5:04, MP3 12.32 Mb
POLOVICH - Drug Talk [2NIGHT Recordings] / Key Fm, BPM 130, 4:13, MP3 10.51 Mb
Pale Outsider - Relix [French Tabloïd] / Key Cm, BPM 140, 8:41, MP3 20.88 Mb
Patrick Meeks, Dan Laino - Don't Go [HGA Deep] / Key Gm, BPM 125, 6:19, MP3 15.35 Mb
Paul Trent - Una Canción [Play This! Records] / Key Bbm, BPM 127, 4:42, MP3 11.56 Mb
Phace - BLESSED [Deadbeats] / Key Em, BPM 172, 3:36, MP3 8.79 Mb
Phace - CRAY [Deadbeats] / Key Bbm, BPM 128, 3:43, MP3 9.08 Mb
Phace - CRUISIN [Deadbeats] / Key Ebm, BPM 140, 3:08, MP3 7.69 Mb
Phace - EVERYDAY [Deadbeats] / Key Gm, BPM 92, 4:08, MP3 10.10 Mb
Phace - FATIGUE [Deadbeats] / Key Em, BPM 135, 5:59, MP3 14.51 Mb
Phace - IN HABITS [Deadbeats] / Key Ebm, BPM 114, 4:39, MP3 11.32 Mb
Phace - KAPUTT [Deadbeats] / Key Ebm, BPM 172, 3:24, MP3 8.32 Mb
Phace - LOST TOUCH [Deadbeats] / Key Ebm, BPM 140, 3:12, MP3 7.85 Mb
Phace - RESIST [Deadbeats] / Key Gm, BPM 172, 3:28, MP3 8.48 Mb
Phace - SELF TALKING [Deadbeats] / Key Ebm, BPM 167, 3:57, MP3 9.65 Mb
Phace, Affe Maria - EIN SCHÖNER PLATZ [Deadbeats] / Key Em, BPM 138, 4:33, MP3 11.08 Mb
Phunk - Balearica [Play This! Records] / Key Am, BPM 125, 6:59, MP3 17.04 Mb
PlayMaster, REGALO Joints - Art Of War [Fat Catz Music] / Key Abm, BPM 114, 6:51, MP3 16.61 Mb
PlayMaster, REGALO Joints - Platoon [Fat Catz Music] / Key Em, BPM 114, 6:47, MP3 16.47 Mb
Purple Ocean - Evening Sun [TGR Music Group] / Key Am, BPM 120, 1:55, MP3 4.89 Mb
D/V - Antitesi [Expanding Project Records] / Key F#m, BPM 133, 5:54, MP3 14.40 Mb
RAW_BEE - Elektro Magnetik Kurrent [Vape Trax] / Key Em, BPM 146, 3:29, MP3 8.62 Mb
RAW_BEE - External Influences [Vape Trax] / Key Abm, BPM 127, 4:40, MP3 11.45 Mb
REGALO Joints - Battle Ground [Fat Catz Music] / Key Bm, BPM 114, 7:49, MP3 18.94 Mb
REGALO Joints - Take My Heart (Instrumental) [Fat Catz Music] / Key Dbm, BPM 114, 6:14, MP3 15.14 Mb
REGALO Joints, De Arabian Sax - Tebogo [Fat Catz Music] / Key Ebm, BPM 114, 6:32, MP3 15.86 Mb
Raffi Lusso, Jordan Grace - Don't Let Me Go [BRAIN PAIN RECORDS] / Key Ebm, BPM 126, 2:55, MP3 7.31 Mb
Raptured Roots - Devastation [Raptured Roots Records] / Key Abm, BPM 125, 5:51, MP3 14.09 Mb
Ray La Soul - Hidden Affairs [Lamp] / Key F, BPM 129, 6:31, MP3 15.89 Mb
Red Patrol - Game [Fame Game Recordings] / Key Em, BPM 128, 4:45, MP3 11.77 Mb
Rex Ishwar - Detalles [Scientist Music Records] / Key Em, BPM 126, 6:40, MP3 16.18 Mb
Rex, Billy Taylor - F Cupid feat. Rex [G-Mafia Records] / Key Em, BPM 126, 4:25, MP3 10.85 Mb
Ricks (BR) - System [Fame Game Recordings] / Key Ebm, BPM 126, 4:36, MP3 11.42 Mb
Robb Mc Adam - Tribal Man [Lamp] / Key Cm, BPM 128, 6:48, MP3 16.58 Mb
Roberto Pedoto - Express Delivery [Roberto Pedoto Music] / Key Cm, BPM 125, 3:51, MP3 9.35 Mb
Roberto Pedoto - Feel Alive [Roberto Pedoto Music] / Key Cm, BPM 125, 5:01, MP3 12.14 Mb
Roberto Pedoto - Margin Smooth [Roberto Pedoto Music] / Key Am, BPM 130, 4:43, MP3 11.42 Mb
Roworth - Elevation [Outsiders Recordings] / Key Dbm, BPM 130, 6:24, MP3 15.45 Mb
Roworth - Mi Momento Favorito [Outsiders Recordings] / Key Fm, BPM 130, 5:25, MP3 13.09 Mb
SCHWVFTY - ERROR?! [Tribal Trap] / Key Gm, BPM 124, 2:12, MP3 5.87 Mb
SaberZ, Elshay, MITCH DB - Echo (feat. Elshay) [Soave] / Key Bm, BPM 124, 3:45, MP3 9.25 Mb
Sabrina LCF - Devil Six (Andrea Moroso Housology mix) [Space Beat] / Key Bbm, BPM 125, 5:09, MP3 12.56 Mb
Sabrina LCF - Devil Six (Dinamic mix) [Space Beat] / Key Abm, BPM 136, 5:46, MP3 14.05 Mb
Sabrina LCF - Devil Six (Hpnotic mix) [Space Beat] / Key F#m, BPM 126, 4:53, MP3 11.95 Mb
Sabrina LCF - Devil Six (Minimal Trip) [Space Beat] / Key Bm, BPM 126, 5:11, MP3 12.64 Mb
Sabrina LCF - Devil Six (Original mix) [Space Beat] / Key Em, BPM 129, 5:01, MP3 12.27 Mb
Santa Bárbara - Apple Juice [Leveldva] / Key Am, BPM 105, 6:38, MP3 16.32 Mb
Santa Bárbara - Fine Fizz [Leveldva] / Key Fm, BPM 106, 6:20, MP3 15.62 Mb
Santa Bárbara - Flip a Coin [Leveldva] / Key E, BPM 107, 6:44, MP3 16.56 Mb
Santa Bárbara - Science Class [Leveldva] / Key Dm, BPM 105, 7:28, MP3 18.33 Mb
Saqi, Siren & Seer - Desperada [Jumpsuit Records] / Key Fm, BPM 110, 2:52, MP3 7.19 Mb
Self Deception - Eden Prototype (Original mix) [Aequus Sonus] / Key Dm, BPM 114, 4:01, MP3 10.08 Mb
Sergio Matina, Gabry Sangineto - Sound of Freedom (Valexx & Rayven Remix) [Fame Game Recordings] / Key Gm, BPM 128, 5:15, MP3 12.97 Mb
Shank - 4 tha Godz [French Tabloïd] / Key F#m, BPM 133, 5:20, MP3 12.83 Mb
Shank - D-LITE [French Tabloïd] / Key Ebm, BPM 134, 5:02, MP3 12.34 Mb
Shank - EYEZ CLOSED [French Tabloïd] / Key Bbm, BPM 137, 6:02, MP3 14.75 Mb
Shank - ORIGINAL SOURCE [French Tabloïd] / Key Am, BPM 137, 6:11, MP3 15.13 Mb
Shank - TELEPATHY [French Tabloïd] / Key Eb, BPM 136, 5:55, MP3 14.46 Mb
Sievert Serviert - Housejester [Lamp] / Key Dm, BPM 133, 6:44, MP3 16.43 Mb
Sirus Hood - Brainless [Mood Child] / Key Bm, BPM 126, 6:09, MP3 15.20 Mb
Siyablaq - Blue In The Neighborhood [HOH Records] / Key Cm, BPM 118, 7:19, MP3 17.93 Mb
Siyablaq - Boogy [HOH Records] / Key Bm, BPM 115, 7:23, MP3 18.05 Mb
Siyablaq - Train To Berlin [HOH Records] / Key Dm, BPM 115, 7:14, MP3 17.72 Mb
Siyablaq, The King Chico_SA - My Life (Embadesoul Remix) [HOH Records] / Key Dbm, BPM 117, 6:05, MP3 14.96 Mb
Skonka - El Za [Swing Records] / Key Gm, BPM 132, 5:07, MP3 12.60 Mb
Skru - TOGETHER [French Tabloïd] / Key Gm, BPM 129, 3:06, MP3 7.48 Mb
Soundfall - Shores (Boracay) [Fame Game Recordings] / Key Cm, BPM 120, 6:54, MP3 16.93 Mb
Starmain - Gravity (Tonal Desires Remix) [Fame Game Recordings] / Key F, BPM 128, 4:39, MP3 11.55 Mb
Stefano Vaccaro - Fall [Presscode Recordings] / Key Ebm, BPM 130, 2:17, MP3 5.89 Mb
Stephan Barbieri - Dale Da Da' [Sweet Milk Records] / Key Abm, BPM 128, 5:45, MP3 13.98 Mb
Stephan Barbieri - Eres Tu [Sweet Milk Records] / Key F#, BPM 128, 6:00, MP3 14.58 Mb
Sugar Rody - Disco Knife (Gunce Aci Remix) [Nothing Is Real] / Key Bm, BPM 126, 5:41, MP3 13.89 Mb
Sugar Rody - Jean Claude (Mufti Remix) [Nothing Is Real] / Key Ebm, BPM 115, 5:59, MP3 14.61 Mb
Sugar Rody - Jean Claude (Original) [Nothing Is Real] / Key Ebm, BPM 105, 4:20, MP3 10.65 Mb
Sugar Rody - On The Run (Original) [Nothing Is Real] / Key Am, BPM 122, 5:05, MP3 12.44 Mb
Szmer - Former Vision III [Abstraction] / Key Fm, BPM 134, 4:52, MP3 11.71 Mb
TCHDWN - Experience [Track Deluxe] / Key F#m, BPM 128, 5:49, MP3 14.07 Mb
Techin - Taste [Mood Child] / Key Abm, BPM 127, 7:04, MP3 17.39 Mb
Tek! - Do I Say (Cla$$ & JCult Remix) (Cla$$ & JCult Remix) [Milky Way Records] / Key Dm, BPM 129, 5:43, MP3 14.12 Mb
Telephones - Mariner (9.9 Mix) [European Carryall] / Key Dm, BPM 124, 6:10, MP3 14.96 Mb
Telephones - Nation of Rythms (MS-DOS Mix) [European Carryall] / Key Ebm, BPM 130, 7:27, MP3 18.04 Mb
Telephones - Rieber (Steel Mix) [European Carryall] / Key Bbm, BPM 131, 8:21, MP3 20.20 Mb
Tenor Youthman, SND & RTN - Whitney Houston feat. Tenor Youthman [Echo LTD] / Key Gm, BPM 124, 4:13, MP3 10.19 Mb
Tenor Youthman, SND & RTN - Whitney Version feat. Tenor Youthman [Echo LTD] / Key Gm, BPM 124, 5:45, MP3 13.90 Mb
The Company Soundsystem - The Wilderness [3Bridge Records] / Key D, BPM 124, 6:52, MP3 16.60 Mb
The Kid - El Sabor Que Te Gusta [Wope Records] / Key Dbm, BPM 122, 5:48, MP3 14.22 Mb
Themetique - Don't Look Back (Dub Mix) [Sanelow Label] / Key Cm, BPM 115, 7:16, MP3 17.57 Mb
Themetique - Don't Look Back [Sanelow Label] / Key Cm, BPM 118, 6:34, MP3 15.87 Mb
Therd Suspect - Deep In My Soul [Play This! Records] / Key Abm, BPM 113, 6:02, MP3 14.79 Mb
Tom Siher - Keepers of My Life (Club Mix) [Fame Game Recordings] / Key F#m, BPM 128, 7:14, MP3 17.72 Mb
Tony Deledda - Deep House Spirit [Play This! Records] / Key Cm, BPM 120, 5:42, MP3 13.97 Mb
Tramtunnel - We Found You [Lamp] / Key Fm, BPM 128, 7:41, MP3 18.72 Mb
Tribal Man - Esta Rico [Disturbed Records] / Key Cm, BPM 130, 3:42, MP3 9.11 Mb
TrixX K - Contraption [Lamp] / Key Cm, BPM 122, 6:49, MP3 16.63 Mb
Twosides - Fall [Sony Music / Big Smile Records] / Key Ebm, BPM 134, 3:07, MP3 7.57 Mb
Twosides - Fall [Sony Music / Big Smile Records] / Key Ebm, BPM 134, 2:13, MP3 5.41 Mb
Ugo Anzoino - Chikyū (Japan Edition) (Kazuo Ohmori Remix) [trench] / Key Abm, BPM 147, 6:21, MP3 15.68 Mb
Unit (UA) - Shatter [Diia Istot Records] / Key F#m, BPM 136, 4:35, MP3 11.07 Mb
VOOR - CROW [French Tabloïd] / Key Am, BPM 140, 5:07, MP3 12.31 Mb
VOOR, LU6IFER - VVV [French Tabloïd] / Key Bm, BPM 135, 2:54, MP3 7.00 Mb
Vikki St. Ives - Flying (Room 111 Extended Mix) [Amathus Music] / Key Dm, BPM 130, 4:01, MP3 9.85 Mb
Vikki St. Ives - Flying (Valle Vidal Extended Mix) [Amathus Music] / Key Dm, BPM 130, 4:11, MP3 10.24 Mb
Vince (PT) - Fey [Abstraction] / Key Cm, BPM 140, 5:02, MP3 12.11 Mb
Viti Ruiz DJ - Fantastic [Plasticity Records (ES)] / Key Fm, BPM 122, 4:51, MP3 11.76 Mb
Vortex - Beauty Beats [Progress Recordings] / Key Abm, BPM 127, 7:35, MP3 18.36 Mb
Vortex - Daffa [Progress Recordings] / Key Abm, BPM 126, 7:07, MP3 17.27 Mb
Vortex - Hunter Gatherer [Progress Recordings] / Key Fm, BPM 128, 6:31, MP3 15.80 Mb
Vortex - Phobia [Progress Recordings] / Key Fm, BPM 128, 7:30, MP3 18.18 Mb
Vortex - Solar Storm [Progress Recordings] / Key Am, BPM 127, 7:49, MP3 18.95 Mb
Vortex - The Chips Are Down [Progress Recordings] / Key Ebm, BPM 128, 8:31, MP3 20.59 Mb
Will Sync, Diego Andrade - Falling [Will Sync] / Key Gm, BPM 123, 3:27, MP3 8.43 Mb
Xiasou, Contribute Translation - Eternity [WHITE NOIR] / Key F#m, BPM 125, 7:31, MP3 18.30 Mb
Yaya - Ritmo Bonito [Mood Child] / Key Cm, BPM 130, 5:57, MP3 14.69 Mb
naked AMB1TION - Deeper [Twinspin] / Key Em, BPM 129, 5:13, MP3 12.81 Mb

DOWNLOAD - progonlymusic com
submitted by ramdytis3c to proresivesound [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 21:40 SoftPois0n What Anime To Watch After A Silent Voice

What Anime To Watch After A Silent Voice

# Name Year Released Genres
1 Josee, the Tiger and the Fish. 2020 Drama, Romance, Slice Of Life, Sports
2 Your Name. 2016 Comedy, Drama, Ecchi, Romance, School, Sci-Fi, Supernatural
3 The Anthem of the Heart 2015 Drama, Music, Romance, School, Seinen, Sports
4 I Want to Eat Your Pancreas 2018 Comedy, Drama, Romance, School, Slice Of Life
5 Liz and the Blue Bird 2018 Drama, Music, Romance, School, Shoujo Ai
6 A Whisker Away 2020 Action, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Magic, Romance, School, Supernatural
7 The Fruit of Grisaia 2014 Drama, Harem, Psychological, Romance, School
8 Wolf Children 2012 Adventure, Fantasy, Romance, Slice Of Life
9 Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms 2018 Action, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Military
10 In This Corner of the World 2016 Drama, Historical, Romance, Seinen
11 March Comes In Like a Lion 2016 Comedy, Drama, Game, Seinen, Slice Of Life, Sports
12 Violet Evergarden 2018 Action, Drama, Fantasy, Military, Romance, Sci-Fi, Seinen, Slice Of Life
13 Haibane Renmei 2002 Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Psychological, Seinen, Slice Of Life
14 Colorful 2010 Comedy, Drama, Ecchi, Fantasy, Romance, Slice Of Life, Supernatural
15 Your Lie in April 2014 Comedy, Drama, Music, Romance, School, Shounen, Sports
16 Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai 2018 Comedy, Drama, Ecchi, Fantasy, Mystery, Romance, School, Sci-Fi, Seinen, Supernatural
17 Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju 2016 Comedy, Drama, Historical, Josei, Romance
18 Chihayafuru 2011 Comedy, Drama, Game, Josei, Romance, School, Slice Of Life, Sports
19 A Place Further Than the Universe 2017 Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Sports
20 Samurai X: Trust & Betrayal 1999 Action, Drama, Historical, Martial Arts, Romance, Samurai, Shounen
21 Grave of the Fireflies 1988 Action, Drama, Historical
22 Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day 2011 Drama, Slice Of Life, Supernatural
23 Erased 2016 Mystery, Psychological, Seinen, Supernatural
24 Orange 2016 Drama, Romance, School, Sci-Fi, Shoujo
25 Death Parade 2015 Drama, Game, Mystery, Psychological, Supernatural
26 Blue Spring Ride 2014 Drama, Romance, School, Shoujo, Slice Of Life
27 Tamako Love Story 2014 Comedy, Romance, Seinen, Slice Of Life
28 K-On! The Movie 2011 Comedy, Music, Seinen, Slice Of Life
29 A Sign of Affection 2024 Comedy, Romance, Shoujo
30 Komi Can't Communicate 2021 Comedy, Romance, School, Shounen, Slice Of Life

List of All Anime Recommendation To Watch If You Liked Koe no Katachi

Follow complete collection list here: https://simkl.com/5743957/list/31195/what-anime-to-watch-after-a-silent-voice

Anime Posters

Anime Ranking

Based on Number Of Votes
submitted by SoftPois0n to KoeNoKatachi [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 19:18 Nxx_Analysis Card Review : Artem — Ocean's Enchantment

Heeeey ! I am back with the first review for this banner ! For those who saw me fight with Reddit and several deleted posts, I am sorry, posting this was not easy 😅😅
We're starting with Artem's surfing card, so without further ado, let's start !
Card review
Artem - Ocean's enchantment
As always, the notation is subjective, especially the art one.
Art : 3.5/5 Story plot : 7/10 Story writing : 5/5 Total : 15.5/20
Review summary :
After getting a mission from Celestine, Rosa and Artem go together to the beach so that she can take pictures of him during one of his hobbies. This cozy and short vacation will give them the opportunity to forge unforgettable memories.
Review act per act :
Act 1 :
At a seaside hotel, Rosa, still not quite awake, feels an obstacle at the edge of the bed. Still not opening her eyes, she tries to push it out but "he" gets closer to her neck and tells her to wake up. She finally opens her eyes and sees Artem already dressed up for the day. She asks him why he is already up since they went late to bed. They have been working at Boatview City near the sea the past few days and they only finished working on the case yesterday afternoon. They then got into a hotel they booked there for a few days of vacation before going back to Stellis. He tells her that it's now the best time to surf and reminds her she wanted to learn surfing. Rosa complains that she wants to sleep more so Artem says they can stay in the hotel and come back again another time for surfing. She asks why not tomorrow and he says that tomorrow it will rain. Rosa suddenly feels more willing to get up, telling Artem she might not learn how to surf but she will be taking pictures of him doing so. He asks her why and she realizes she never told her why she wanted to go surf with him. She reveals that it's a mission from Celestine. One month ago, in Celestine's office. Rosa gets closer to the desk to see what her boss is showing and sees tons of pictures of Artem in his usual suits. She comments that there are a lot and Celestine says that's the reason she called Rosa. Themis is doing a directory of their attorneys and they are missing a few photos for the "personal hobbies" section. Rosa tells her she will ask him but Celestine says he won't have what she wants since he doesn't take pictures of himself. Celestine suddenly mentions that Rosa didn't see Artem while surfing, which makes her puzzled because she didn't know he was surfing. She only knew his shooting and driving hobbies. Celestine explains that it happened before she came in the company and that he looked very cool while surfing. She continues suggesting to her to take a small break after their upcoming work in Boatview City and take photos of Artem surfing meanwhile. Rosa accepts, thinking that she would like to see him surf too. Back in the present, Artem comments that he remembers the trip and it was a really good time. Rosa comments that it's a shame no photo was taken. He says that he didn't take pictures because taking one means saving the memories related to it and since he was just relaxing, he didn't need to remember it. Rosa is surprised because she didn't know he saw pictures like this. She takes his hands and says that it's different so they have to save a lot of memories because they are together. Rosa then asks why he didn't tell her he surfed and Artem answers that he never had the opportunity to do so. He gets closer to her and adds that since they have many years ahead of them, it would be more fun to explore things about him like this. He then asks her if she wants to sleep more and Rosa shakes her head while hugging him, saying that she is getting up. They agree on going out to the sea together.
Celestine is like a matchmaker happy to see her favorite couple doing couple things and pushing them. Please, never change girl.
Tho, I beg HYV to give us ONE MORE Shooting Artem card. An SSR.I t's been so long since a mention of him shooting, I would like a fully focused SSR about shooting.
It starts softly. I know it's a “Tears of Themis” signature move, but not putting any flashback would have been better for the flow and cuteness of the moment (so like, starting the card in Celestine's office, then a fast forward to them being in the hotel kind of).
Act 2 :
They gather their stuff and head to the beach. Despite it being only 8 o'clock, a lot of people are already there. Holding hands, they go closer to the sea. Rosa comments that a lot of people are surfing and Artem explains that it's a famous spot. She then notices the waves are not as big as in the promotional video, to which he explains that it's a beginner area with less waves. Artem suggests going in an area with more shade and she agrees. Then, they go to select their surfboards and Rosa notices hers is bigger than Artem's. He tells her a larger board is easier to control than a small one. She guesses that a smaller one is for those with more skills. He agrees, adding it is faster and more agile. Then, they start the lesson. Artem introduces her to basic moves, which is practicing how to catch the waves and stand up while being on the beach. Thanks to his explanation, Rosa quickly grasps how to do it. Artem compliments her and then suggests going into the water. She asks if she can and he says that practical experience is a must and not only theoretical experience and he will always be by her side. She agrees so he ties the surfboard rope on her. After a thorough check they go on the water. But Rosa realizes it's nothing like practice. Each time she tries to control a wave, she fails and falls into the water. Artem rushes to hold her and she hugs him, refusing to let go. He asks if she doesn't want to learn anymore but she answers that she just wants an intermission. Artem agrees, saying they should change position so that she doesn't get sunburnt. He turns his back to the sun, creating a shade for her. While seeing other beginners fall several times, she comments that surfing is hard. Artem argues back that it's not hard and it's simply because she is not used to it. Rosa asks him if he had difficulties learning and he says that he didn't and adapted quickly, maybe because he likes it. She realizes she doesn't know why he likes this sport, so she asks if it's because it de-stresses him or if it's for the thrill of conquering the ocean. After thinking, Artem answers that he never considered surfing as an extreme sport which conquers the ocean and what he does is challenging his own limits. Rosa wonders about the last part so he asks her what she thinks is the most important in surfing. She answers “skill and power” so as an answer, Artem places her hand on his heart. He tells her the most important thing is the heart and feel the rhythm of the waves, adapt the breathing to the sea and be harmonious with the waves. Rosa thinks that it doesn't sound like something he would say since he is logical and meticulous at work. She thinks that what he described feels really similar when Artem asks her what is wrong. She says it's nothing and she should now test if what he said is true since she rested enough. After starting again, she feels the breath of the sea like Artem taught her and ends up finding the rhythm of the waves. Rosa announces to Artem she found a wave and he congratulates her before instructing her to try to stand up like he taught her. With shaky legs, she manages to stand and move forward. Feeling free, she exclaims happily to Artem, who is watching her silently and he compliments her. But, soon enough, another beginner crashes into her and she falls into the water. Rosa, panicking, splashes everywhere calling for Artem. She hears him reassuring her but can't make up from where the voice comes, her vision as confused as her mind, so she continues to splash around. She soon strikes hard against something and she hears Artem grunting. He reassures her before grabbing her hand, taking her into his arms and dragging her out of the water. Feeling him against her calms her down. Artem asks her if she is hurt and she denies, saying she just felt dizzy. He asks if she still feels so and she denies. Remembering how she hit Artem in her panic, she looks at him and sees a red trace near his lips. She touches it, asking if it hurts, but he answers that it's fine. Rosa asks again to be sure and he reassures her before asking if she wants to go again. She answers him.... :
— No, which surprises Artem. She reminds him of the mission she has and he says he remembers, but they still have time so she can try for a bit longer. Rosa says that she is fine and she also wants to take photos for their own memories. Artem says he will do whatever she wants.
— Yes, so Artem suggests holding the board for her. Rosa says that failure is not an option, which makes him wonder why she is so strict all of a sudden. She answers that she has other plans after, which means taking pictures for themselves on top of Celestine's mission. Artem says he will do whatever she wants.
Oh wow, when she panicked and accidentally hit him, it was kinda funny actually. Also I wished she asked him when he started/tried surfing for the first time because I'm SO curious, but maybe it'll come later.
Act 3
They return to the shore, where Rosa takes her camera. Artem asks what she wants him to do, and she tells him to stand under the coconut tree with the surfboard and look at the sea. He does as she said, but unsure of the exact spot she wanted, he asks her for confirmation. She tells him to hold his pose and keep looking at her. While taking pictures, she is dazed by the sight which makes Artem ask her if she is alright. Flustered, she says that she is okay and they need to do the next pose. Rosa looks around before telling him to lean against the empty lookout platform. Artem obeys but struggles a bit with the surfboard's position. She heads over to him and help him adjust his and the board position. She is standing on her tiptoes, pressed very close to him. He asks what he should do and Rosa tells him to be in a pose he feels comfortable in. Artem repeats her words, then pulls her into his arms and puts the surfboard in a way to cut them both off from view. He tells her he thinks taking photos just of him is too boring so Rosa asks him what he wants to do. Not answering, Artem pushes her against the board and says that since its a memory shared between them it would be more meaningful to take it together. Not far from them, people seems to be cheering for the surfers, meaning many of them are going to be coming back on this part of the beach. Rosa pushes against his chest, telling him a waves are coming their way. Artem says he knows, so she asks why he hasn't let her go yet. He simply answers that they haven't taken a picture yet. He hugs her tighter and tells her to focus on him, lifting the camera in front of them. But, since he is not familiar with it, he starts recording a video instead of a photo. Unhappy about it, he says they should try again but Rosa takes the camera from him, telling him to go surf first. Seeing that there are a lot of people in the water now, he agrees a bit reluctantly. He tells her to be safe meanwhile and she answers jokingly that she is not a kid. She notices Artem doesn't seem to want to leave her alone, so she pulls out the board from the sand and urges him to go, adding how she waited so long to see him surf and she wants to take cool pictures. He tells her to stay safe and after smoothing her hair a bit finally goes join the surfers. A huge wave rushes toward Artem, which makes Rosa immediately anxious. But the next minute, Artem emerges from the waters on his board. While admiring the sight, she remembers the reason why he likes surfing. She realizes why his description felt familiar : because it's like their relationship. She snaps a photo, capturing this unique moment.
Rosa loves him so much it's soooo cute to see. And Artem is so caring and clingy, that was also cute to see. It's so fluffy aaa ~
Act 4
Once he is back, Artem asks Rosa if she could take the photo she wanted and she happily confirms she took several. She tells him she realized he likes intense sports, like driving and shooting and now she can add surfing. She continues saying she thought he was the steady and careful type but he gets further from that image now. Artem is shocked before realizing she was joking so he ends up laughing. He puts his hand on her shoulder and says that it's too late to run from him now. Rosa says she never thought about running away. At this moment, her stomach rumbles, making her realize that surfing made her hungry. Artem, holding back his laugh, says that he is hungry too. She asks him if he is laughing at her and he denies, saying instead that she is cute. After this, they get changed and head to a seaside cafeteria. The canteen is simple but well frequented, which Rosa points out. Artem explains that it has been here for more than 20 years, makes their food with local products and only opens during the summer. He hands her a menu in which Rosa discovers a flyer for a fireworks festival. She tells Artem, shows him the flyer, explaining that tonight is the last day for it and asks him if he wants to go. He agrees, mentioning he never watched fireworks in the summer. His eyes stop at a specific spot, making Rosa curious. She sees a picture of a couple playing with sparklers. She wonders in head if Artem wants to do that and as confirmation, he asks her if they can do this tonight. She asks him why M. Wing wants to do it and he pauses, not expecting this question. After a short while, he explains that when he was little, he saw a neighbor child using sparklers and the image is still engraved in his mind. Rosa teases him saying he is jealous, but Artem agrees honestly and asks her if she can fulfill his wish. She agrees, immediately thinking they need to go buy some so that they can make memories and overwrite the one from his childhood. After lunch, they go to search where to buy the fireworks. The sparklers in the city are locally sourced and environmentally friendly but after several shops, they still didn't find any. They end up in a shop converter from a residential house. Rosa rushes into the shop and asks for sparklers at the same time as another woman. They look at each other shocked, the woman sitting on a bicycle, arms wrapped around the guy cycling. Rosa asks her if they want sparklers too and the woman confirms, explaining she wants to light them with her boyfriend. The employee says they only have one box left because a lot of couples are buying them today. Artem asks if they can share them and the young employee says it's bad luck to split a full box of sparklers in this town. Rosa asks what they should do and the employee suggests a competition with the winner earning the box. The other woman asks what competition it is and the employee says they can draw lots and decide. Artem takes her hand and agrees to join like the other couple. Rosa is designated to draw the lot so she pulls a paper from a candy tin, which says "Candy Game". The employee congratulates her on getting the hardest game, and Rosa thinks about how "lucky" she is.
Okay this whole arc was SOOOOOO cute actually, it was simple, yet cute and touching omgggg. Rosa teasing Artem and he responding to it, him complimenting her, then at the restaurant how he opened about his childhood memory and how honest he was when Rosa teased him aaaaaaaaaa ! It was really cute and full of chemistry, I'm so happy about it, that was a beautiful moment !! They are absolutely adorable and comfy together. I love them so much.
On the other hand, now I am worried. What the heck is this absolutely stupid superstition ?? Why was the employee acting suspiciously like this ?? Well let's go on…
Act 5
Having to play this game to get the sparklers, Artem asks about the rules. The employee explains to them that the boys will have their eyes closed, and the girls will have to transfer a candy they have previously put in their own mouth to the other's mouth. They have five minutes to guess the three flavors mixed in the candy and they can only guess wrong once. The employee is smiling, shaking the bag of candies. Rosa says it's more of a party dare than a competition. The employee says it is adapted from a truth or dare game. Rosa gets the feeling the employee just wants them to put on a show. Rosa thinks about how embarrassing it is going to be but also about the fact Artem has no relevant experience since he rarely participates in the truth and dare. She looks at him and realizes he is also looking at her. Artem tells her they can forfeit if she finds it too embarrassing. Rosa asks if he doesn't want the sparklers anymore and he says that they can do it next time. But she remembers how he looked while recalling his memories and her desire of making summer memories with fireworks. Rosa tells him they should compete and it won't be too embarrassing since he will have his eyes closed. She also wants to make him happy since he never played with sparklers. She asks him if he is okay and Artem says he is willing to try as long as she is his partner. The other couple, seeing they agreed, also decide to compete. The guys close their eyes while Rosa is noticing the flavors are quite common except for a fruit called red coconut, which has a light flavor which can be overshadowed easily. Thinking about a way to make it easier for him, she bites into the candy and looks at Artem, who looks kind of "obedient" with his eyes closed. While blushing, she puts a hand on his shoulder, which makes him ask if she is ready. Since she has the candy between her teeth, she can't answer, so she brings it to his lips. After transferring it, she watches him tasting it. He guesses orange and grape fairly quickly which she confirms, and she tells him the last one is red but plain in taste. He tries java apple but is wrong obviously, so they have only one last chance. Their opponent has already remembered the taste but not the name of it so it makes the girl anxious, urging her partner to remember. Artem, feeling nervous too, starts to bite down the candy in pieces. Wanting to help him, Rosa goes to the shop, which is filled with natural cosmetics. She asks the employee if she has some lip balm and among them Rosa manages to find one red-coconut flavored. She buys it, as well as a bottle of water then goes back to Artem after applying the lip balm. She tells him to spit the candy on a paper and to rinse his mouth with water which he immediately does. 1 minute left. Then, Rosa puts her arms around his neck and asks him to say what her lips taste like before lightly kissing him. After some time, Artem says with uncertainty red coconut while releasing her and the employee congratulates them. The employee sells them the sparklers while the other couple, forced to admit their defeat, leave on their bicycle. Artem takes Rosa's hand and smiling, he tells her they should go back to the beach. They are back there as the sun is setting. There are only people waiting for the fireworks remaining on the shore. Artem suggests lighting up the sparklers before the show. She agrees, but wants to do a ritual before, which puzzles him. Rosa tells him to forget about it for now and tell her more about how the kids played when he was little. He says it wasn't special, but they ran around chasing each other which made it look like giant fireflies. She says it's the common way of playing with them and today she will show him something different. She takes his hand and drags him to a higher place.
I had to pause the vid to rant about this part... (sorry it's going to be a bit long so you can skip if you want to continue the review). I'm sorry, imo the story got ruined by this, I find the whole scene there so crudeeeee 😭
You know, I find the action of switching a candy with a kiss ***actually*** VERY cute, but in private. Like, when a couple does it as teasing or playfully, I absolutely ADORE that kind of scene... For example, one having a candy in their mouth and then their lover kissing them without warning, stealing the candy from them and watching them getting angry/flustered... Or the one having the candy in their mouth kissing the other, pushing it into the other's mouth and asking "How is it" while watching the other utterly confused face. Stuff like this, in private OR even in public, but at least it being a spontaneous action from one of the parties involved. But for a “dare” or a competition, in public, without one of them being the one prompting the scene like it was done there nooooo, it made me uncomfy ;;;;;;;;;; Idk if y'all know this thing, but I consider this like the garter game in weddings. I find it similar to the level of crudeness as this "competition" was. While others might find it "funny" or "traditional" or "sweet", I do not like it.
But they really wanted the sparklers to make Artem's wish come true so they had no other choice lowkey… Artem and Rosa are still kind of private with PDA too like orz
Employee/store, get a grip 😭 Girl, go play otome and watch romance drama if you want to see people kiss… It would have been SO CUTE in a different context... And they had to buy them ? They weren't gifted by the store for having done such a "contest" ? *sigh*
On the positive side, I feel like Rosa was really Rosa when she suggested a different way of playing with the sparklers and dragged him around. It really felt like her and it was great to see.
Act 6
Once she found a good spot, Rosa asks Artem to help him. She takes a seashell lying around, hands it to him and asks him to write the names in the sand. After he has carefully written the last letter, she takes his hand, which makes him wonder if he did something wrong. She denies, saying she forgot something and with his hand, they draw a heart around their names. Artem asks what's next and Rosa tells him to simply watch. She takes out a sparkler, scrape it with the shell, spraying the ignitable particles on the heart. While he is surprised, Rosa explains that she saw couples doing that on the campus but he might find it childish. Artem takes another sparkler and imitates her, saying it's not childish but also new for him. He continues saying he didn't do much when he was a student, which was academically fulfilling but lacking emotional experiences. He might have seen stuff like this happening but he didn't pay attention since he felt like it had nothing to do with him. Since he was indifferent before, he wonders if the romantic memories he gives to her are enough. Rosa says she doesn't think that way and she prefers him as a "blank slate". When Artem asks her why, she says it's because every little thing they do as lovers will feel new to him that way and the memories they make together will last longer. The moon slowly rises when Artem asks her opinion. She says that for her, all that matters is doing everything she wants to with the person she loves. After this, they decide to light up the heart to see how it looks. The fire makes its way from one end of the heart to the other, being watched by them holding hands. Rosa snaps a picture of the heart, saying that in the future, when they see this photo they'll be reminded of today. Artem mumbles that even without he will remember, but Rosa doesn't hear it, so he switches topic and asks if they should take the last sparkler out. She agrees and he helps her to light up the last one. At the same moment, the fireworks display starts, lighting up the sky. Completely absorbed by the spectacle, Rosa forgets about what she has in hand, until Artem grabs her wrist and hugs her. He tells her he also wants to do a small ritual. She is puzzled, so Artem continues, saying she watched fireworks with her classmates or friends before. He asks if they were as beautiful as the current ones. She says that they were as big, gorgeous and eye-catching as those. Artem's eyes dims a bit and, as he intertwines his hand with hers, he says that's the reason why he wants to do this ritual : to make the experience totally different from the ones in her past, so that when she thinks of fireworks and sparklers, she will only think of him. Rosa realizes he must have felt a bit jealous, which she finds cute. Getting closer to him, she asks him to close his eyes, adding she will make sure to complete the ritual since she said she wanted to make good memories for him. He understands so he agrees and she kisses him. Their kiss deepens and Rosa is soon out of breath so Artem pulls back, asking if she feels better. She says yes and, to dissipate the awkwardness, she looks at her almost burned out sparkler, which reminds her she didn't take a photo. She hurriedly tells Artem about it and tries to grab the camera but he stops her and the sparkler burns out. Disappointed, Rosa says she wanted to have a beautiful memory. He puts away the sparkler and, lifting her chin, tells her to not feel sorry. He tells her that some memories don't require anything to remember. Artem tells her he will always remember every single thing that happened today before asking her if she will forget. She denies, realizing he is right. He suggests going back to the hotel now that the firework spectacle is over and she agrees. Arm in arm, they walk towards the future together.
I loved this moment between them, Artem getting slightly jealous and opening up about him not being sure he is giving enough to Rosa… It washed away a bit the previous act. Tho when she said “blank slate”, I think it could have been worded better 😅
Personal opinion :
What I liked :
The act 4 in its entirety. It was great, so great, the small teasing from Rosa (which is *surprisingly* kind of rare in their stories now that I think about it considering how teasing Rosa actually is), Artem casually saying Rosa is cute, him asking to do the sparklers and explaining this memory from his childhood he recalls with regret/jealousy… I loved it so much.
What I disliked :
THAT scene. Like, I don't mind PDA if one of the party is doing it willingly. One of my favorite scenes for Artem Rosa is that public kiss at the end of Belle Nuit d'Amour (masterpiece of a card) because it meant so much in this particular moment. But forced PDA is such a yiiiiiiiiiiiikes. This is a huge downside of this card, I liked it until this point which left a bitter taste. They managed to salvage the card with the moment at the end but the Candy Game was unnecessary imo.
Also, I would have loved to have more background about Artem and surfing. Did he learn it before the company trip or during the company trip ? Was it willingly or by coincidence ? How did it happen ? Questions we might never get the answers to…
Would I recommend getting this story ?
No and 70% because you would need 200 pulls to be guaranteed to get it and anniversary is very close. Double SSR banners are not worth pulling except if you like both of the MLs and wouldn't mind getting one or the other.
That's it for now ! As always, do not hesitate to share your opinion about the card ! For now, I will try to do read the other card fast and do the review asap so that it can be posted tomorrow !!
submitted by Nxx_Analysis to TearsOfThemis [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 06:43 Danielfaris2001 Pusat zakat tak membantu?

Shared from Cikgu Mohd Fadli Salleh https://www.facebook.com/share/p/WZiq4xfWH1LfFswN/?mibextid=oFDknk
Bila viral satu-satu kes viral mengenai orang susah, miskin tegar dan seumpamanya, yang menjadi mangsa kecaman netizen ialah :
  1. YB kawasan tu
  2. Pusat zakat
  3. Ketua kampung/imam masjid kariah
Tiga golongan ni paling teruk kena maki hamun dan dipersalahkan. Macam-macam kutukan pada pusat zakat terutamanya.
Dulu aku pun sama. Bila terbaca kes miskin tegar sampai nak makan pun langsung tiada duit, beras pinjam dengan jiran, perkara pertama aku fikir,
'Pusat zakat tak bantu ke? Layak zakat kot. Tahu kutip duit zakat je umum ratus-ratus juta, asnaf tidak dibantu pun'.
Memang ada terlintas begitu. Sehinggalah aku sendiri terlibat dalam membantu orang susah dan miskin baru aku faham.
Boleh dikatakan 9 dari 10 kes yang viral dan mereka dakwa pusat zakat tak bantu tu berbohong. Bila semak nombor ic, keluar data bantuan yang diterima dari zakat.
Ada dua tiga tahun lepas viral perempuan ugut nak pergi minta derma dari gereja kerana dia mendakwa pusat zakat tak tolong mereka. Masa tu kaw-kaw pusat zakat kena kecam. Habis pakat maki hamun.
Sekali pegawai zakat tunjukkan bukti zakat yang dah dia terima lebih RM20k, terdiam terus.
Ada yang memang terima zakat setiap bulan, tapi tak mengaku. Duit perabis ke dadah dan judi, lepas tu mengemis sambil burukkan pihak zakat. Netizen yang tak tahu hujung pangkal pakat serang pusat zakat secara berjemaah.
Ada pun yang layak zakat tapi tak terima zakat ni sebabnya dua sahaja.
  1. Memang mereka tak pernah mohon. Orang kata susah, dia pi cerita susah nak dapat zakat sebab tu mengemis. Padahal tak pernah mohon pun.
  2. Ada mohon, tapi pusat zakat tercicir kes tersebut atas kecuaian pegawai. Yang mana sangat-sangat jarang la berlaku. Tapi kemungkinan tu tetap ada.
Sekarang ni mudah kawan. Buka laman web pusat zakat, ada pautan hubungi Team Penjejak Asnaf. Jika jumpa keluarga yang benar-benar layak zakat tapi tak dapat, laporkan kat mereka, mereka datang ke rumah dan siasat terus.
Jika memang layak, InsyaAllah akan dapat. Yang tak dapat tu biasanya memang tak layak, memang berharta tapi nak ambil kesempatan.
Seorang pegawai zakat pernah bagitahu aku,
"Saya sedih juga orang asyik salahkan kami. Kata kami tak mahu luluskan permohonan mereka.
Saya kalau boleh, semua yang mohon saya nak luluskan belaka. Tapi zakat ni hak asnaf sahaja. Perlu teliti mereka layak atau tidak, nanti mereka ambil hak orang lain"


submitted by Danielfaris2001 to malaysians [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 06:40 Danielfaris2001 Pusat zakat tak membantu?

Shared from Cikgu Mohd Fadli Salleh https://www.facebook.com/share/p/WZiq4xfWH1LfFswN/?mibextid=oFDknk
Bila viral satu-satu kes viral mengenai orang susah, miskin tegar dan seumpamanya, yang menjadi mangsa kecaman netizen ialah :
  1. YB kawasan tu
  2. Pusat zakat
  3. Ketua kampung/imam masjid kariah
Tiga golongan ni paling teruk kena maki hamun dan dipersalahkan. Macam-macam kutukan pada pusat zakat terutamanya.
Dulu aku pun sama. Bila terbaca kes miskin tegar sampai nak makan pun langsung tiada duit, beras pinjam dengan jiran, perkara pertama aku fikir,
'Pusat zakat tak bantu ke? Layak zakat kot. Tahu kutip duit zakat je umum ratus-ratus juta, asnaf tidak dibantu pun'.
Memang ada terlintas begitu. Sehinggalah aku sendiri terlibat dalam membantu orang susah dan miskin baru aku faham.
Boleh dikatakan 9 dari 10 kes yang viral dan mereka dakwa pusat zakat tak bantu tu berbohong. Bila semak nombor ic, keluar data bantuan yang diterima dari zakat.
Ada dua tiga tahun lepas viral perempuan ugut nak pergi minta derma dari gereja kerana dia mendakwa pusat zakat tak tolong mereka. Masa tu kaw-kaw pusat zakat kena kecam. Habis pakat maki hamun.
Sekali pegawai zakat tunjukkan bukti zakat yang dah dia terima lebih RM20k, terdiam terus.
Ada yang memang terima zakat setiap bulan, tapi tak mengaku. Duit perabis ke dadah dan judi, lepas tu mengemis sambil burukkan pihak zakat. Netizen yang tak tahu hujung pangkal pakat serang pusat zakat secara berjemaah.
Ada pun yang layak zakat tapi tak terima zakat ni sebabnya dua sahaja.
  1. Memang mereka tak pernah mohon. Orang kata susah, dia pi cerita susah nak dapat zakat sebab tu mengemis. Padahal tak pernah mohon pun.
  2. Ada mohon, tapi pusat zakat tercicir kes tersebut atas kecuaian pegawai. Yang mana sangat-sangat jarang la berlaku. Tapi kemungkinan tu tetap ada.
Sekarang ni mudah kawan. Buka laman web pusat zakat, ada pautan hubungi Team Penjejak Asnaf. Jika jumpa keluarga yang benar-benar layak zakat tapi tak dapat, laporkan kat mereka, mereka datang ke rumah dan siasat terus.
Jika memang layak, InsyaAllah akan dapat. Yang tak dapat tu biasanya memang tak layak, memang berharta tapi nak ambil kesempatan.
Seorang pegawai zakat pernah bagitahu aku,
"Saya sedih juga orang asyik salahkan kami. Kata kami tak mahu luluskan permohonan mereka.
Saya kalau boleh, semua yang mohon saya nak luluskan belaka. Tapi zakat ni hak asnaf sahaja. Perlu teliti mereka layak atau tidak, nanti mereka ambil hak orang lain"


submitted by Danielfaris2001 to Ajar_Malaysia [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 01:45 Nagashiwa 3rd interview with KARASU by JROCK'N'ROLL

3rd interview with KARASU by JROCK'N'ROLL
First of all, I want to say thank you to everyone who always support JROCK'N'ROLL. For an unknown reason Twitter decided that I broke the twitter rules and suspended my account without any warning.... Just when I was about to rebrand JROCK'N'ROLL Anyway, I started to use two twitter accounts jrocknroll_vkei and jrocknroll_go. jrocknroll_vkei is vkei focused and jrocknroll_go is focused on any genre vkei included but other genres have the piority. So I hope you all gonna folllow both accounts if you love Japanese music!
That said, please enjoy my 3rd interview with KARASU
https://jrocknroll.com/interview-with-karasu-2/ Read full, including videos etc on jrocknroll
KARASU is a visual kei band that has gained a lot of attention for their original and fun live shows and their own unique projects. On 18 June 2024, Karasu’s ONEMAN “Isshi-mukuiru (I’ll take revenge)” will be held in Shibuya, Spotify O-West, this is also vocalist Ryo’s birthday event. Even if you cannot make it to the concert because you live overseas, but still want to celebrate this important day and Ryo’s birthday with them, you can still support them by buying their Cheki’s from their official webshop for 1200 yen each!
Karasu’s 5th single 『赤ずきんちゃん(Akazukin-chan。(Little Red Riding Hood))』MV has been released. Karasu’s new costumes based on red are also very attractive which made the MV stylish with a retro touch of atmosphere which gave the MV a very impressive feeling. The lyrics have the meaning of “living together forver”, which is a great support to many of us.
[About the lyrics]Please tell us something more about the lyrics, which surely has saved the hearts of many people.
Ryo: If I were to say it exactly as I wrote it, that would be it (laughs). This world is cruel to people like us who don’t fit into the normal way of life, so if there are people who can feel sympathy for us, I can’t say anything great about saving them, but let’s stay together. That’s what I’m talking about.
[About the music composing]Please tell us some more background about the creation of Akazukin-chan。
Ryo: When I compose songs, I usually start with the melody of the chorus. Because I’m a melody supremacist.(laugh) Sometimes the form of demo’s changes drastically depending on the arrangement of the other members, but this time, I do have the feeling that everything came together relatively smoothly.
Yuhta: It was kind of difficult to recreate the intro phrase and create the tone Ryo-kun created with his mouth guitar (laugh).
Daichi: This time I created a guitar solo for the first time after joining Karasu! I composed it in a way that Yuhta-san and I could become one with the solo, so I really hope you will listen to it a lot♡
Takuto: There were only two possible intro drum phrases. We discussed it many times and decided on the current phrase.
[About the new costumes]Please tell us something more about the choice of your new costumes.
Ryo: While keeping the cyberpunk decorations which we kept from last looks, together with circus-like colors and fabrics we asked our fashion designer to create a matching look for us. Personally I think it looks like a Wonka-like atmosphere from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, I look like Johnny Depp.
Yuhta: Everytime I wear it, I really think that the sleeves and collar are very cute.(laugh) The decoration on my hands I didn’t request, but our fashion designer did a great job adding those decorations as well, to make me look great! I really like it.
Daichi: My personal theme is a fusion between cool and cute♪ The highlight of the costume is the innerwear and the jacket because its made out of sheer material♡ I wanted to give the jacket a cool look and the inner wear to look cute♡
Takuto: This time I paid attention that my costume would have a size that it would be easy for me to play the drums, even if my pants are wider at the end it’s still easy to play the drums. Also the inner layer also has a patterned design.
[About the coupling song]We were surprised that your fans who went to the in-store events could choose a song out of a few demo songs. Please tell us more about this idea.
Ryo: It was my idea for 90%. I easily come up with ideas which are different from what others do. I want to do whatever I want right away, but in a good way the other members are helpful to stop me if I wanna do things too fast.(laugh)
Yuhta: Ryo’s ideas that immediately come to his mind are always amazing and they always impress me.(smile) On the other hand, his plans that took a long time to think about at home often have lots of points we need to think about carefully firstly…(smile) But I think he is a genius, including that aspect.
Daichi: Because the demo songs are only listenable between us, we were wondering what our fans would think when they would hear them. So I really think it’s a good project♪
Takuto: Also if our fans choose the content of the CD, our CD will definitely sell. (laugh)
[About Cheki benefits] ■ One time one of the bonuses was a video of you guys bungee jumping, which we thought was an interesting and fun bonus.We can see part of the video on X. Do you have any memories of bungee jumping day? And how do you decide the plan on fun bonuses?
Ryo: After I did that, I think that the legendary comedian in Japan is Tetsuro Degawa.
Yuhta: When we made the plan to bungee jump, it was planned that Ryo and Takuto would do it, but two days before, Ryo said “After all, Yuhta and I should jump”, So I also got into it and gave it an OK as well. (laugh) My heart rate increased to the maximum, that’s what I remember from that day. (laugh)
Daichi: Actually because it was my birthday I thought I had to jump. But Ryo said cooly “I’m going to jump instead of you”. his legs looked like a newborn fawn, it looked so cute! (laugh)
Takuto: I ended up riding the freefall myself.
[About lives]On March 5th, Yuhta and Daichi’s birthday event was held at Ikebukuro EDGE. JRNR also attended this show and really could feel the charm of Karasu, as you said in the previous interviews. But, looking back on this event, how was your experience?
Ryo: Honestly, last year at the members birthday event, there weren’t as many people as this year. I thought we still had a long way to go, but I was honestly happy that we were able to have more than double the number of visitors a year later.
Yuhta: The bands that we were collaborating with were all bands we had become closer to over the past year, so when we made them an offer, all of them immediately agreed. It was a happy day and I was also blessed with other important people other than the members and our fans.
Daichi: Since the day I started a band, the thing I wanted to do the most was to be a vocalist, so every year on my birthday I want to sing as well, and it came true this year! So it was a very happy and satisfying day♡
Takuto: Until now, we haven’t held many birthday events, so I was happy that so many visitors came to celebrate Yuhta’s and Daichi’s birthday.
On March 19th, 2024, your 4th anniversary oneman show “Wadachi” was held at Takadanobaba CLUB PHASE. In addition, “Wadachi” was also distributed to subscription sites. We think “Wadachi”is a wonderful song that warms your heart. Looking back on your 4th anniversary ONEMAN, how was your experience and what are your thoughts about the song “Wadachi”.
Ryo: Actually we have been performing “Wadachi’ ‘for a long time. We composed this song right after the COVID-19 pandemic ended, so before we weren’t able to do so much activities and there were a lot of bumps in our road, this is a song thanks to the members who overcame all that together with me and that we are still able to enjoy music together like this.
Yuhta: It’s a song that exists because of the four of us and I think it’s very important. I don’t think I am ever able to buy a new equipment truck, thanks to the lyrics which is about how far you can go in a tattered truck. I have this emotional feeling that we still can go to an infinite number of places. (laugh)
Daichi: It’s a Karasu song with true sense of the lyrics (smile) At first, I thought we shouldn’t release the song digitally, but I felt we should release it because it would resonate with our fans who support Karasu. So I am happy about the song is appreciated ♪
Takuto: When I first heard the demo, I thought it was a lame song…(laugh). But now everytime I play it, I think it’s the best love song ever.
On June 18th 2024, ONEMAN live “Isshi-mukuiru (I’ll take revenge)” at Spotify O-WEST in Shibuya will be held. You often hand out flyers around the town and some people know more about you thanks to that effort. And the song “Akazukin-chan”was broadcast on a radio program “BEAT SHUFFLE”(FM NACK5) as a result of that. Please tell us your enthusiasm.
Ryo: I will do everything I can. You need to be unique from others to have someone to come watch you. If you wear a mask and a hat and work part-time handing out “tissues” you won’t convey it to people. So I think the way we hand out flyers is as important as how we perform our live show.
Yuhta: Thankfully, when I hand out flyers a lot of people know about Karasu. Of course there are still people who don’t know us, but we give our flier to them with all our heart and without forgetting our gratitude for accepting our flier.
Daichi: I am very happy and grateful that more and more people remember us at live shows and when we hand out flyers, and that they call out to us and have fun with us at live shows! Each step has given us more confidence and we are putting more effort into our live performance, so we want to push hard for the rest of the season and give our waist a big heart ♡
Takuto: I think it’s important for all members to work together, to create an opportunity for people to get to know Karasu. Nowaday there are more bands who don’t create flyers at all. But we still go out and hand out our created flyers. The primitive and traditional way of handing things out feels still right these days.
What would you love to do in the future with Karasu?
Ryo: Let’s all go on a trip to Okinawa!
Yuhta: I would like to rent out a boat and do an out-store event over there.
Daichi: I want to work hard towards our next goal!!
Takuto: Space travel.
[About yourself]What do you enjoy on your days off?
Ryo: Editing videos. I’m good at making stupid videos. (laugh)
Yuhta: I recently bought a Classical guitar (gut guitar) as a birthday present for myself. So I do play it all the time when I have time. Nylon strings tend to go out of tune so they take lots of time, which is cute.
Daichi: I often play guitar while I watch live videos and practice my image of a live show. Before I knew it, the day was over in just a blink of an eye. (laugh)
Takuto: I bought a single-lens mirrorless camera, So I often take photos with it when I am on the go.
What are your current favorite foods or drinks?
Ryo: Soft water, highball, tequila, orange juice.
Yuhta: Ezaki Glico milde strawberry Ole.
Daichi: I can’t get enough from gummies.
Takuto: My favorite food is curry and my favorite drink is curry as well.
Are there any anime, manga, drama, movies etc, that you would recommend and love yourself as well?
Ryo: As a vocalist, it might be better to say that I like serious movies and suspense movies based on true stories, but personally, I love the world of movies where I can escape from this shitty reality. I don’t like romantic movies, they never make me cry. However animal and comedy scenes make me 100% cry. I would like to recommend you Doctor Dolittle and the Hangover series.
Yuhta: I like the manga of OUTLAW. Because it is a world that has nothing to do with my own life. (laugh)
Daichi: I love to keep watching the Harry Potter series or Crayon Shin-chan♪
Takuto: My Neighbor Totoro
Please let us know if you had any interesting memorable dreams.
Ryo: I was dancing naked on a southern island with Yoshiatsu-san. Maybe I’m just tired.
Yuhta: If I had made a different choice at that time, this might have happened. I have otherworldly dreams like, “I’m not sure what would have happened if I had made a different choice at that time. Whenever I woke up, my heart was pounding.
Daichi: I had a really scary dream, but I forgot about it…
Takuto: A dream of getting under the covers and saying good night. The moment I meditated, I woke up. Nightmare.
What are the most fun things when you are all together?
Ryo: There are too many stories, which is a problem.
Yuhta: The best changes all the time.
Daichi: There isn’t a day when we’re together that we don’t laugh! (laugh) We laugh so much that breathing is difficult♡
Takuto: That we are smiling together all the time.
We believe that your appeal is evolving daily with each live performance. In terms of live performance and performance, please tell us what you are particularly particular about these days, what you are trying to do, and what you feel in your daily live performances.
Ryo: These days, I feel that the gaze from the audience towards us is changing from “WTF are they?!” into: How is Karasu doing these days?”, “I wonder how Karasu will entertain us today” “I’m looking forward to seeing Karasu”, which feels to me that more people will welcome us and enjoy our shows!
Yuhta: I like to perform live shows, but I’m actually not good at going to live shows as a guest or participating in them… That’s why I try to make sure people like that can enjoy it… I want them to be inspired by me as well. Pien~
Daichi: Karasu has many songs! We have funny songs, cool songs, and sad songs. Of course, I like to express myself with my voice, but I also like to express myself with my body, so I try to show off my charm in different ways, and I also pay attention to my facial expressions, so please pay attention to it♡
Takuto: Performances other than playing the drums. For example, I often perform stick twirling. I am trying to make the audience enjoy the performance visually as well as aurally.
We are looking forward to the future activities of Karasu. Please leave a message to your fans and readers.
Ryo: What’s up? Shall I listen to your worry? (I love you!)
Yuhta: It’s forbidden to fall in love with anyone other than us. (dark smile) Just kidding. I think that by getting to know via other bands, that you will understand even more how good we actually are.
Daichi: Thank you for reading to the end♪ We are constantly evolving, so please don’t miss anything of it♡ I’m looking forward to exchanging my heart with you at the venue ♡ I love everyone who always supports me♡
Takuto: Even though we are like this, we definitely entertain you at our live show. So thank you for your continued support for Karasu!
ONEMAN live “Isshi-mukuiru (I’ll take revenge)” at Spotify O-WEST in Shibuya, Tokyo Please check KARASU’s official website for all the information: —HERE
how to buy Cheki. You can order cheki directly from the official webshop. Shipping cost are 3000 yen; (shipped via EMS) 1 cheki cost you 1200 yen. You can order a maximum of 20 cheki’s at once in total at the webshop. Please don’t exceed this amount.
If you buy: 5 cheki = 1 cheki will have something written on. 10 cheki = You will receive a live video (random) of their latest live. 15 cheki = You will receive a letter from your favorite member 20 cheki = You will receive a live video (random) of their latest live with only showing your favorite member.
submitted by Nagashiwa to japanesemusic [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 01:44 Nagashiwa 3rd Interview with Karasu by JROCK'N'ROLL

3rd Interview with Karasu by JROCK'N'ROLL
First of all, I want to say thank you to everyone who always support JROCK'N'ROLL. For an unknown reason Twitter decided that I broke the twitter rules and suspended my account without any warning.... Just when I was about to rebrand JROCK'N'ROLL Anyway, I started to use two twitter accounts jrocknroll_vkei and jrocknroll_go. jrocknroll_vkei is vkei focused and jrocknroll_go is focused on any genre vkei included but other genres have the piority. So I hope you all gonna folllow both accounts if you love Japanese music!
That said, please enjoy my 3rd interview with KARASU
https://jrocknroll.com/interview-with-karasu-2/ Read full, including videos etc on jrocknroll
KARASU is a visual kei band that has gained a lot of attention for their original and fun live shows and their own unique projects. On 18 June 2024, Karasu’s ONEMAN “Isshi-mukuiru (I’ll take revenge)” will be held in Shibuya, Spotify O-West, this is also vocalist Ryo’s birthday event. Even if you cannot make it to the concert because you live overseas, but still want to celebrate this important day and Ryo’s birthday with them, you can still support them by buying their Cheki’s from their official webshop for 1200 yen each!
Karasu’s 5th single 『赤ずきんちゃん(Akazukin-chan。(Little Red Riding Hood))』MV has been released. Karasu’s new costumes based on red are also very attractive which made the MV stylish with a retro touch of atmosphere which gave the MV a very impressive feeling. The lyrics have the meaning of “living together forver”, which is a great support to many of us.
[About the lyrics]Please tell us something more about the lyrics, which surely has saved the hearts of many people.
Ryo: If I were to say it exactly as I wrote it, that would be it (laughs). This world is cruel to people like us who don’t fit into the normal way of life, so if there are people who can feel sympathy for us, I can’t say anything great about saving them, but let’s stay together. That’s what I’m talking about.
[About the music composing]Please tell us some more background about the creation of Akazukin-chan。
Ryo: When I compose songs, I usually start with the melody of the chorus. Because I’m a melody supremacist.(laugh) Sometimes the form of demo’s changes drastically depending on the arrangement of the other members, but this time, I do have the feeling that everything came together relatively smoothly.
Yuhta: It was kind of difficult to recreate the intro phrase and create the tone Ryo-kun created with his mouth guitar (laugh).
Daichi: This time I created a guitar solo for the first time after joining Karasu! I composed it in a way that Yuhta-san and I could become one with the solo, so I really hope you will listen to it a lot♡
Takuto: There were only two possible intro drum phrases. We discussed it many times and decided on the current phrase.
[About the new costumes]Please tell us something more about the choice of your new costumes.
Ryo: While keeping the cyberpunk decorations which we kept from last looks, together with circus-like colors and fabrics we asked our fashion designer to create a matching look for us. Personally I think it looks like a Wonka-like atmosphere from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, I look like Johnny Depp.
Yuhta: Everytime I wear it, I really think that the sleeves and collar are very cute.(laugh) The decoration on my hands I didn’t request, but our fashion designer did a great job adding those decorations as well, to make me look great! I really like it.
Daichi: My personal theme is a fusion between cool and cute♪ The highlight of the costume is the innerwear and the jacket because its made out of sheer material♡ I wanted to give the jacket a cool look and the inner wear to look cute♡
Takuto: This time I paid attention that my costume would have a size that it would be easy for me to play the drums, even if my pants are wider at the end it’s still easy to play the drums. Also the inner layer also has a patterned design.
[About the coupling song]We were surprised that your fans who went to the in-store events could choose a song out of a few demo songs. Please tell us more about this idea.
Ryo: It was my idea for 90%. I easily come up with ideas which are different from what others do. I want to do whatever I want right away, but in a good way the other members are helpful to stop me if I wanna do things too fast.(laugh)
Yuhta: Ryo’s ideas that immediately come to his mind are always amazing and they always impress me.(smile) On the other hand, his plans that took a long time to think about at home often have lots of points we need to think about carefully firstly…(smile) But I think he is a genius, including that aspect.
Daichi: Because the demo songs are only listenable between us, we were wondering what our fans would think when they would hear them. So I really think it’s a good project♪
Takuto: Also if our fans choose the content of the CD, our CD will definitely sell. (laugh)
[About Cheki benefits] ■ One time one of the bonuses was a video of you guys bungee jumping, which we thought was an interesting and fun bonus.We can see part of the video on X. Do you have any memories of bungee jumping day? And how do you decide the plan on fun bonuses?
Ryo: After I did that, I think that the legendary comedian in Japan is Tetsuro Degawa.
Yuhta: When we made the plan to bungee jump, it was planned that Ryo and Takuto would do it, but two days before, Ryo said “After all, Yuhta and I should jump”, So I also got into it and gave it an OK as well. (laugh) My heart rate increased to the maximum, that’s what I remember from that day. (laugh)
Daichi: Actually because it was my birthday I thought I had to jump. But Ryo said cooly “I’m going to jump instead of you”. his legs looked like a newborn fawn, it looked so cute! (laugh)
Takuto: I ended up riding the freefall myself.
[About lives]On March 5th, Yuhta and Daichi’s birthday event was held at Ikebukuro EDGE. JRNR also attended this show and really could feel the charm of Karasu, as you said in the previous interviews. But, looking back on this event, how was your experience?
Ryo: Honestly, last year at the members birthday event, there weren’t as many people as this year. I thought we still had a long way to go, but I was honestly happy that we were able to have more than double the number of visitors a year later.
Yuhta: The bands that we were collaborating with were all bands we had become closer to over the past year, so when we made them an offer, all of them immediately agreed. It was a happy day and I was also blessed with other important people other than the members and our fans.
Daichi: Since the day I started a band, the thing I wanted to do the most was to be a vocalist, so every year on my birthday I want to sing as well, and it came true this year! So it was a very happy and satisfying day♡
Takuto: Until now, we haven’t held many birthday events, so I was happy that so many visitors came to celebrate Yuhta’s and Daichi’s birthday.
On March 19th, 2024, your 4th anniversary oneman show “Wadachi” was held at Takadanobaba CLUB PHASE. In addition, “Wadachi” was also distributed to subscription sites. We think “Wadachi”is a wonderful song that warms your heart. Looking back on your 4th anniversary ONEMAN, how was your experience and what are your thoughts about the song “Wadachi”.
Ryo: Actually we have been performing “Wadachi’ ‘for a long time. We composed this song right after the COVID-19 pandemic ended, so before we weren’t able to do so much activities and there were a lot of bumps in our road, this is a song thanks to the members who overcame all that together with me and that we are still able to enjoy music together like this.
Yuhta: It’s a song that exists because of the four of us and I think it’s very important. I don’t think I am ever able to buy a new equipment truck, thanks to the lyrics which is about how far you can go in a tattered truck. I have this emotional feeling that we still can go to an infinite number of places. (laugh)
Daichi: It’s a Karasu song with true sense of the lyrics (smile) At first, I thought we shouldn’t release the song digitally, but I felt we should release it because it would resonate with our fans who support Karasu. So I am happy about the song is appreciated ♪
Takuto: When I first heard the demo, I thought it was a lame song…(laugh). But now everytime I play it, I think it’s the best love song ever.
On June 18th 2024, ONEMAN live “Isshi-mukuiru (I’ll take revenge)” at Spotify O-WEST in Shibuya will be held. You often hand out flyers around the town and some people know more about you thanks to that effort. And the song “Akazukin-chan”was broadcast on a radio program “BEAT SHUFFLE”(FM NACK5) as a result of that. Please tell us your enthusiasm.
Ryo: I will do everything I can. You need to be unique from others to have someone to come watch you. If you wear a mask and a hat and work part-time handing out “tissues” you won’t convey it to people. So I think the way we hand out flyers is as important as how we perform our live show.
Yuhta: Thankfully, when I hand out flyers a lot of people know about Karasu. Of course there are still people who don’t know us, but we give our flier to them with all our heart and without forgetting our gratitude for accepting our flier.
Daichi: I am very happy and grateful that more and more people remember us at live shows and when we hand out flyers, and that they call out to us and have fun with us at live shows! Each step has given us more confidence and we are putting more effort into our live performance, so we want to push hard for the rest of the season and give our waist a big heart ♡
Takuto: I think it’s important for all members to work together, to create an opportunity for people to get to know Karasu. Nowaday there are more bands who don’t create flyers at all. But we still go out and hand out our created flyers. The primitive and traditional way of handing things out feels still right these days.
What would you love to do in the future with Karasu?
Ryo: Let’s all go on a trip to Okinawa!
Yuhta: I would like to rent out a boat and do an out-store event over there.
Daichi: I want to work hard towards our next goal!!
Takuto: Space travel.
[About yourself]What do you enjoy on your days off?
Ryo: Editing videos. I’m good at making stupid videos. (laugh)
Yuhta: I recently bought a Classical guitar (gut guitar) as a birthday present for myself. So I do play it all the time when I have time. Nylon strings tend to go out of tune so they take lots of time, which is cute.
Daichi: I often play guitar while I watch live videos and practice my image of a live show. Before I knew it, the day was over in just a blink of an eye. (laugh)
Takuto: I bought a single-lens mirrorless camera, So I often take photos with it when I am on the go.
What are your current favorite foods or drinks?
Ryo: Soft water, highball, tequila, orange juice.
Yuhta: Ezaki Glico milde strawberry Ole.
Daichi: I can’t get enough from gummies.
Takuto: My favorite food is curry and my favorite drink is curry as well.
Are there any anime, manga, drama, movies etc, that you would recommend and love yourself as well?
Ryo: As a vocalist, it might be better to say that I like serious movies and suspense movies based on true stories, but personally, I love the world of movies where I can escape from this shitty reality. I don’t like romantic movies, they never make me cry. However animal and comedy scenes make me 100% cry. I would like to recommend you Doctor Dolittle and the Hangover series.
Yuhta: I like the manga of OUTLAW. Because it is a world that has nothing to do with my own life. (laugh)
Daichi: I love to keep watching the Harry Potter series or Crayon Shin-chan♪
Takuto: My Neighbor Totoro
Please let us know if you had any interesting memorable dreams.
Ryo: I was dancing naked on a southern island with Yoshiatsu-san. Maybe I’m just tired.
Yuhta: If I had made a different choice at that time, this might have happened. I have otherworldly dreams like, “I’m not sure what would have happened if I had made a different choice at that time. Whenever I woke up, my heart was pounding.
Daichi: I had a really scary dream, but I forgot about it…
Takuto: A dream of getting under the covers and saying good night. The moment I meditated, I woke up. Nightmare.
What are the most fun things when you are all together?
Ryo: There are too many stories, which is a problem.
Yuhta: The best changes all the time.
Daichi: There isn’t a day when we’re together that we don’t laugh! (laugh) We laugh so much that breathing is difficult♡
Takuto: That we are smiling together all the time.
We believe that your appeal is evolving daily with each live performance. In terms of live performance and performance, please tell us what you are particularly particular about these days, what you are trying to do, and what you feel in your daily live performances.
Ryo: These days, I feel that the gaze from the audience towards us is changing from “WTF are they?!” into: How is Karasu doing these days?”, “I wonder how Karasu will entertain us today” “I’m looking forward to seeing Karasu”, which feels to me that more people will welcome us and enjoy our shows!
Yuhta: I like to perform live shows, but I’m actually not good at going to live shows as a guest or participating in them… That’s why I try to make sure people like that can enjoy it… I want them to be inspired by me as well. Pien~
Daichi: Karasu has many songs! We have funny songs, cool songs, and sad songs. Of course, I like to express myself with my voice, but I also like to express myself with my body, so I try to show off my charm in different ways, and I also pay attention to my facial expressions, so please pay attention to it♡
Takuto: Performances other than playing the drums. For example, I often perform stick twirling. I am trying to make the audience enjoy the performance visually as well as aurally.
We are looking forward to the future activities of Karasu. Please leave a message to your fans and readers.
Ryo: What’s up? Shall I listen to your worry? (I love you!)
Yuhta: It’s forbidden to fall in love with anyone other than us. (dark smile) Just kidding. I think that by getting to know via other bands, that you will understand even more how good we actually are.
Daichi: Thank you for reading to the end♪ We are constantly evolving, so please don’t miss anything of it♡ I’m looking forward to exchanging my heart with you at the venue ♡ I love everyone who always supports me♡
Takuto: Even though we are like this, we definitely entertain you at our live show. So thank you for your continued support for Karasu!
ONEMAN live “Isshi-mukuiru (I’ll take revenge)” at Spotify O-WEST in Shibuya, Tokyo Please check KARASU’s official website for all the information: —HERE
how to buy Cheki. You can order cheki directly from the official webshop. Shipping cost are 3000 yen; (shipped via EMS) 1 cheki cost you 1200 yen. You can order a maximum of 20 cheki’s at once in total at the webshop. Please don’t exceed this amount.
If you buy: 5 cheki = 1 cheki will have something written on. 10 cheki = You will receive a live video (random) of their latest live. 15 cheki = You will receive a letter from your favorite member 20 cheki = You will receive a live video (random) of their latest live with only showing your favorite member.
submitted by Nagashiwa to visualkei [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 18:56 xoxefo3952 Jerat Cinta Pria Pertama dari Rosenorchid untuk Dibaca Gratis - Romansa Cerita Indonesia

Mengandung konten 21+, usia di bawah umur tidak dianjurkan membaca karya ini, bijaklah dalam memilih bacaan. Sebagian menggunakan bahasa Melayu karena tokoh utama menikah dengan orang dari negeri seberang. Sakit hati karena mengetahui kabar perselingkuhan sang suami membuat Rania mengumpulkan sisa-sisa rasa percaya pada Harris, suaminya. Tapi kebodohannya yang mengizinkan Harris menikah lagi, umpama awal dari kehancuran hati. Suaminya bukan menikah karena terpaksa, ternyata wanita itu bekas tunangannya dulu. Kehadiran Alex Rayyan sekali lagi membuatnya memiliki rasa percaya pada sebuah cinta. Mampukah seorang Rania Hani bangkit dari keterpurukan, dan menemui apa yang dicari? Mampukah ia mengobati luka hati karena dikhianati? Read more
submitted by xoxefo3952 to Novelideas [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 17:41 Danielfaris2001 Pengembaraan Tuah diteruskan

Pengembaraan Tuah diteruskan
Antara novel yang disyorkan semasa PBAKL 2024.
Perjalanan watak-watak legenda kini bersambung.
Hilal Asyraf kembali lagi dengan karya terbaharunya Nirnama 2.
Latar masa 10 tahun selepas jilid 1 membawa pelbagai kisah hidup dan plot pertarungan baharu.
Tewasnya Jagat Suci (pemerintah Indera Kayangan) dan Raja Bersiong (pemerintah Segenting Kra) memberikan keamanan ke seluruh Tanah Semenanjung tetapi keamanan itu tidak berkekalan.
Kali ini, kerajaan Semutar Putih di Tanah Semenanjung menghadapi ancaman lebih dahsyat daripada kerajaan dan bomoh Ayutthaya bagi merampas kembali wilayah peninggalan kedua-dua pemerintah dan meluaskan jajahan ke seluruh Tanah Semenanjung.
Para bomoh Ayutthaya yang terkenal dengan kepakaran ilmu hitam memberikan ancaman luar biasa kepada keamanan dan keselamatan Tanah Semenanjung.
Apakah nasib para perwira kita termasuk Tuah, Jebat, Lekir, Lekiu, Kasturi dan pahlawan selebihnya?
Dapatkan segera di Pesta Buku Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (PBAKL) di PWTC.
Gambar 3 ialah warga istana Semutar Putih. Gambar 4 ialah watak-watak legenda Nusantara baharu dalam jilid 2 ini. Gambar 5 ialah gambar watak-watak jahat dan bomoh daripada kerajaan Ayutthaya.
submitted by Danielfaris2001 to Ajar_Malaysia [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 10:40 Brief-Crew-1932 Komodos, besok saya ujian ahkir kedokteran (CBT UKMPPD), minta doanya biar bisa lulus hehehe

Seperti judul diatas, akhirnya 6.5 tahun gw kuliah akan berakhir dengan besok sebagai penentuan.
Dan karena setelah besok gw bakal jadi pengangguran selama +/- 6 bulan (sebelum internship), barangkali ada saran hobi baru atau kerjaan sampingan / magang S1 kedokteran, mohon ingfokan di kolom komentar.
Edit : Makasih semuanya yang udah bantu support, engga nyangka threadnya bakal cukup rame, maaf juga engga bisa reply semuanya satu-satu, baca comment-comment kalian 10 menit sebelum karantina itu bener-bener memotivasi, jauh lebih memotivasi dari dukungan sodara sendiri.
Dan ternyata CBT UKMPPD enggak semenegangkan dari yang dikira, padahal persiapannya cuma 1 bulan dan engga kursus sama sekali, cuma modal catetan kuliah aja (dibandingin temen-temen di kampus lain, bisa 3-4 bulan, kursus2 dulu dll..), soal-soalnya juga cukup gampang, yang bagong itu pengumumannya bulan depan, lama pisan.
Anyway, sekarang gw udah napak tanah menjadi pengangguran. Selamat tinggal masa muda, selamat datang kehidupan orang dewasa., wkwkwk...
submitted by Brief-Crew-1932 to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 05:59 Danielfaris2001 KENAPA HAIRAN?

Shared from https://www.facebook.com/othman.talib/posts/pfbid0TXUfwxiFir5pZpxXvvqwR1tYHhnhstCxbnqWioL2dnY3k99zd9KippkthLtcKZ5sl
  1. Orang atas pura2 hairan bila ramai ibubapa malah murid yang tak tahu hala tuju selepas SPM. Malah mereka tak tahupun peluang2 pekerjaan yang sesuai melainkan yang lazim, spt guru, doktor, jurutera..
  2. Macamana murid atau pelajar nak ada cita-cita kerjaya, sebab semua subjek pun berat.

Jadi janganlah salahkan murid atau pelajar...

  1. Aku sendiri sbg bapapun pening dgn pemilihan dan pakej subjek yang berceranggah, yang diluluskan oleh beberapa peringkat mesyuarat tertinggi dan professional.
  2. Murid sendiripun pening dgn apa yang mereka pelajari, sehingga dalam Maths pun ada kewangan dan insuran sehingga mereka menjauhi subjek tersebut, lalu menjauhi Maths dan terkapai2 selepas itu.
  3. Akhirnya mereka tak memenuhi syarat kelayakan minima untuk memohon ke program yang mereka mungkin minati, seperti kejuruteraan yang tiada kaitan dah dengan kewangan.
  4. Dgn KSSR dan KSSM, murid nampaknya bukan tidak merancang, tetapi merancang utk menjauhi 'STEM' lalu semakin kering 'paip STEM'.
  5. Aku dulu macam senang je - Sains atau Sastera. Kini macam2 pakej yang ada, tetapi sampai di IPTA, sama je lebih kurang laluan yang ada ketika zaman aku dulu, apa sangat lah yang berbeza selain dari alatan yg semakin canggih, asasnya lebih kurang sama.
  6. Kalau nak baca maklumat tentang pakej-pakej ini, wpun setelah diringkaskan, masih pening. Kena plak buat taklimat berkali2... setiap kali taklimat, murid dan ibubapa disalahkan sebab tak faham... sedang dulu-dulu tak perlupun, ramai juga murid kampung ketika itu.
  7. Ada yang kata 'apa nya yang pening' ? Aku sarankan / cadangkan, buatlah sedikit kajian berdasarkan 'narrative inquiry' dan tanyalah murid dan ibubapa pendalaman, B40, maginal, at-risk, baru tahu apa masalahnya. Hangpa meeting sesama hangpa di hotel, dgn semua dokumen dah siap atas meja..
  8. Yang bermesyuarat tu bukan ibubapa, bukan murid tetapi yang dah berada di atas. Lagi banyak lapisan mesyuarat, lagi banyak idea, lagi complicated. Bila bawa ke Kabinet, YB2 senior yang dah tiada anak di sekolah rendah, bila nampak laporan yang canggih... lulus !
submitted by Danielfaris2001 to malaysians [link] [comments]
