Bleeding after ivf transfer

Crushing it with reddit karma

2014.08.19 01:29 LetterBoxx Crushing it with reddit karma

This is a group for laughing at and mocking the awkward, ridiculous, and sometimes painful things we endure while trying for a baby. Trollingforababy is for people who are trying to conceive, and are not currently pregnant. Please look at our complete list of rules before participating.

2024.06.01 12:56 Successful-Swim-8898 Personalised IVF Support through Acupuncture

In the journey towards parenthood, many couples face the challenging path of IVF (In Vitro Fertilisation). While IVF technology has advanced significantly, the process can be physically and emotionally demanding. This is where personalised IVF support through acupuncture steps in, offering a holistic and complementary approach to enhance fertility and increase the chances of a successful pregnancy.
Understanding IVF and Acupuncture
IVF involves several stages, including hormone treatments, egg retrieval, fertilisation, and embryo transfer. Each step is crucial and can be stressful, impacting the body’s natural balance. Acupuncture, an ancient practice rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), involves inserting fine needles into specific points on the body to promote healing and well-being. When integrated with IVF, acupuncture can help address various challenges and improve overall reproductive health.
The Benefits of Acupuncture in IVF
  1. Improving Blood Flow: Acupuncture has been shown to enhance blood circulation to the uterus and ovaries. Better blood flow means a richer supply of oxygen and nutrients to these vital organs, creating a more conducive environment for embryo implantation and growth.
  2. Reducing Stress and Anxiety: The IVF process can be emotionally taxing. Acupuncture helps in reducing stress by regulating the body's stress hormones and promoting relaxation. A calmer state of mind can positively impact the hormonal balance, which is crucial for fertility.
  3. Regulating Hormones: Hormonal imbalances can hinder the IVF process. Acupuncture supports the endocrine system, helping to stabilise hormone levels, which is vital for ovulation, implantation, and sustaining a pregnancy.
  4. Enhancing Ovarian Function: Regular acupuncture sessions can improve ovarian function, potentially increasing the quality and quantity of eggs retrieved during IVF.
  5. Supporting Overall Health: Acupuncture addresses the body as a whole, improving overall health and well-being. This holistic approach ensures that all body systems function optimally, supporting reproductive health.
Personalised IVF Support at Kerry Rutherford Acupuncture
At Kerry Rutherford Acupuncture, we believe in the power of personalised care. Every individual’s fertility journey is unique, and so is our approach. Our highly experienced acupuncturist, Kerry Rutherford, works closely with each patient to develop a customised treatment plan tailored to their specific needs and IVF schedule.
Our Approach Includes:
Why Choose Kerry Rutherford Acupuncture?
Choosing the right support during your IVF journey can make a significant difference. Kerry Rutherford is dedicated to providing compassionate care and effective acupuncture treatments that align with your fertility goals. With a deep understanding of both TCM and modern reproductive medicine, Kerry ensures that each patient receives the highest level of personalised care.
Take the Next Step in Your IVF Journey
Personalised IVF support through acupuncture at Kerry Rutherford Acupuncture can be a game-changer in your fertility journey. By addressing the physical and emotional aspects of IVF, our holistic approach aims to improve your chances of a successful pregnancy.
Embark on this journey with us and experience the benefits of personalised, holistic care. Contact Kerry Rutherford Acupuncture today to book your consultation and take a positive step towards achieving your dream of parenthood.
submitted by Successful-Swim-8898 to u/Successful-Swim-8898 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:38 xjaym First IVF cycle with embryo transfer today!

Just wanted to share regarding my first IVF cycle following 2 failed IUI cycles. Feeling good but nervous and trying not to raise hopes too high…
Had my egg collection on Monday with 6 retrieved from 3 follicles! I cried when I woke up and heard, although I’m not sure if that was the anaesthesia or joy (maybe a bit of both?) 😂
5 mature and 1 intermediate egg. All underwent ICSI with 4 successfully fertilised the next day. All 4 left to develop until today (day 5) and got the good news that all 4 progressed to the blastocyst stage (yay!). They transferred 1 today and froze the other 3 for future. Now the 2 week wait… hoping for two pink lines 🤞🏻
Edit to add some info about my circumstances: My husband was diagnosed with terminal cancer at the end of last year, both in our late 20s and we want to have a child together regardless of what our future may look like. Never tried before the diagnosis, had 1 chance after diagnosis for a natural conception before he started treatment. Have been using frozen sperm since for our IUI and now IVF. As far as we know, no reason for infertility or potential reason for not having success.
submitted by xjaym to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:48 MossyRock075 Fresh Transfer Experiences?

Hey there folks, we’re starting IVF next month and I really want to try a fresh transfer. Our doc isn’t totally against it but we’ve had 2 losses (not while doing IVF) and she said she really recommends PGT to avoid another (which of course is another $4k). I’m young (32) and we have one living child so I’m assuming that gives me a decent chance but I’m just hoping to hear some of your thoughts and experiences. In my mind, assuming we get a decent number of embryos (AFC was 21), worst case is another loss but then we will hopefully have PGT tested embryos to use after that? Thanks!
submitted by MossyRock075 to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:59 jazzy-90 I’m in a predicament. Please advise me

So I’m 33F and my husband is 35M.. we been married for 2 years now but been dating for 4 years prior. Just a little back story. When we met I was a single mom of 5 and he was a single dad to a daughter. He was not in the best of situations but I helped him quit drinking, helped him go back to school and become a truck driver and he’s now an awesome dad and husband. However before I met him I had tied my tubes because I was in a very abusive relationship and didn’t want more kids as I was basically forced to have the ones I have. Don’t get me wrong I love my kids they’re awesome but is tough being a mom with no family support or friends. Well my husband really wanted a baby. I agreed to have a baby because I know he wanted a boy really bad. My last 2 pregnancy ended in a brain bleed and blood clots in my lungs which is another reason I tied my tubes. So I’m basically risking it now and after doing IVF this baby I’m pregnant with is a girl so now he wants me to have another. And he’s a good dad and an awesome provider and I just don’t know how to tell him that I don’t want to be pregnant again 😞 I’m literally so scared right now and I’m already having complications. I feel like if I tell him then is just going to end the relationship for good. Idk what to do.
submitted by jazzy-90 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:51 Prior-Stable-4217 TTC after miscarriage

Anyone have fertility issues and get pregnant naturally after a miscarriage? My son was conceived through ivf. Had a failed 2nd transfer after him and the end of March found out we were pregnant naturally! We were in complete shock. Babies heart stopped around 9.5 weeks and I'm just about 3 weeks post d&c. Anyone have a similar story and end up getting pregnant again on their own? Only known fertility issues is I have one tube from an ectopic pregnancy but still after 10 years of trying this was the first time I conceived outside of a fertility clinic. I'm just wondering if it's possible to happen again. I'm scared to get my hopes up. ❤️❤️❤️
submitted by Prior-Stable-4217 to CautiousBB [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:25 hiamyjade Can HCG levels drop THIS much in 48 hours??

Monday: 652 Wednesday: 1302 Friday: 290
It doesn’t make sense, can levels drop this much?!
My wife and I had our first IVF transfer on the 13th, we were absolutely blown away to see a positive test 6 days later.
Everything was looking amazing, we went to our clinic to get bloods on Monday - our levels were 652. The next day while travelling back home I began getting strong sharp cramps (like wind cramps) coming and going in waves and had old blood with a few brown stringy clots. We called early maternity who weren’t bothered and our clinic suggested it may be old implantation bleeding. They suggested we go get some HCG bloods taken back home to comfort us and it did! Our results came back 1302. That night I began cramping (same pains) again but this time it was fresh blood.. because the cramps were getting strong we went right up to the early pregnancy emergency who told us I was fine. They checked my cervix and said it was closed, the bleeding had slowed down (was never even enough to fill a pad) and they said because our bloods were doubling we were fine. We went back home and when I wiped - I passed what I can only assume was a gestational sack. We went straight up and I told them my cramps and bleeding completely stopped.. they said all sounded fine because we were checked over and in nicer words said we were being paranoid.
They suggested we went and got more HCG bloods done just to make sure they were doubling, so we got those the next day.
We called the maternity afterhours to get the results and she told us it was 290?! Only 48 hours ago it was 1,302! We were shocked, we asked her to double check there wasn’t another 0, she said nope, it’s 2-0-9.
My question is - is this possible to drop that fast?! I am not holding on to any false hope, we have and are grieving but I didn’t even think that was possible!
submitted by hiamyjade to Miscarriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:20 Kiwipie56 Timeline / logistics question for ER and FET

I know I’ll get more answers next week but curious for feedback if you have any! I met with my doctor on the 29th as a follow up from testing and agreed to move right into IVF. The next step at my clinic is to have a virtual consult with my primary nurse to go over my stims protocol medication and how to inject. My dr said the actual medications they use will likely be determined by my insurance (menopur, final f or follistim) and (certitude, ganirelix or lupron). I had to wait almost a month to get on the dr schedule after testing (which I’m guessing isn’t abnormal it took about that long for initial consult) but my period is due June 11th or 12th. I need prior authorization from my insurance (Cigna) and I’ll be using Freedom Fertility for meds. They are putting a rush on things which I appreciate! I know the process timing could vary, but is there a “cutoff” date to ensure meds would arrive in time to start? Or just a chance they show up late if my period is a day or 2 early? I know some meds only last a certain amount of time but could they be saved for July instead? I did ask if I could do back to back retrievals which my dr will support (I’m 40 and would love 2 kids if things go well but know it might not be in the cards) as long as insurance will cover. This is what our policy says: “You must utilize all frozen embryos stored after a completed cycle with ovarian stimulation prior to coverage availability for another ovarian stimulation cycle (unless the coverage is for cryo-preservation cycle). All embryo transfers (fresh and frozen cycles) will follow the American Society of Reproductive Medicine's embryo transfer guidelines and elective single embryo transfer will be utilized when clinically appropriate.” I read that as no embryo banking but I did chat (on computer) with someone at Cigna who confirmed this wasn’t a restriction on my policy. Also if I do back to back probably will not have PGT-A results back by then, but hoping at minimum they can submit for prior authorization and worst case it gets denied. For insurance I have $30k lifetime (excluding meds) so wondering if it may even be worth paying out of pocket for a second retrieval if it is denied is we will hit the max with 1 ER and FET anyway. And last question - if we need FET right after 1 ER (with PGT-a testing) what could that timeline look like? My clinic does do a mock transfer but believe that wouldn’t impact anything? Do different protocols have different timelines? I have a very regular period - not sure what else goes into the decision making process for protocols. Sorry this is long! Just starting out and trying to be as prepared as possible!
submitted by Kiwipie56 to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:58 Open-Bridge5745 What tests should I get done after two failed IVF transfers?

I 36F and husband 30M, haven been trying to conceive for 7 years. I have two kids 16 & 14 from my previous marriage, He doesn’t have any kids. I’m experiencing unexplained secondary infertility. We went through IUI’s, 2 rounds of IVF and nothing has happened so far. I’m starting to think there’s something else preventing this from happening. I decided to step away from Ivf for now and maybe get some additional testing done to see if we can find some answers. Anyone have any recommendations on tests to get done to rule out or confirm a diagnosis? Any input would be helpful. Today was beta and the results were devastating to me and specially my husband. We’re hopeless 😞
submitted by Open-Bridge5745 to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:16 Aggressive-Sir4046 Stepdown protocol? Pcos

Hi , has anyone done a step down protocol with pcos? I am trying a new protocol where i do 300iu for 2 days and then 150iu of menopur onwards? I have normal amh of 5 , anovulatory pcos and high testosterone- no male factor
I have a normal bmi also! Had a poor round back in italy where we started off with 14 of good growing size follicles lost many on the way .. dk how and then 5 eggs retrieved 3 which were over mature .. lol Had a one day 3 transfer which worked unfortunately lost my angel baby to fetal anomaly . And had a 5 day 3bb which we attempted 2 months after the termination . I was on gonal f 112.5 maybe their timing and everything was wrong i have no idea but it sucked
So we go again this time in the UK.
Currently on day 2 of progesterone! Another 8 days of progesterone then we wait for a bleed to start the stimming!
submitted by Aggressive-Sir4046 to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:01 Nikkileigh85 CNY Recommendations

TW: mentioned MC
My one and only embryo did not make it to 3 days. Because of the costs associated with IVF my husband and I are looking to move on from our home town clinic in Wisconsin and look into CNY. Does anyone have any feedback about switching to CNY. Especially if you switched to them after a failed IVF cycle with a previous provider.
Backstory: after 8 IUIs (one was successful but resulted in a MC) we moved on to IVF. During stims I only had 3-4 responding follicles out of 10. Retrieval day they only retrieved 2 eggs and of those two only one was mature and fertilized. We got word this morning (day of 3day transfer) that the embryo had not progressed since the 2 cell stage.
Looking back now over a year ago when I started with the IUIs I should have taken the advice of my 2nd opinion and moved straight into IVF.
submitted by Nikkileigh85 to DOR [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:56 CV2nm I found out I was recommended for a lap 9 years ago

at 31, my lap (first one) I finally got nearly killed me, leaving me with complications from a major internal bleed and nerve damage.
I requested all my medical records the hospital had on me that operated and found notes id never seen before. It was a GP referral from 9 years ago when I was 22. Back then they thought I had IBS, and I'd been battling symptoms from the age of 17. Id come off the pill and started having bleeding after sex, and between periods. My mums history of endomitosis was noted on file and it was suggested I should go for a laparoscopy by the person who interpreted my ultrasound from back then.
But no one told me. Or my GP. There is a random "review in clinic note" and then a didn't attend note on a blank sheet of paper dated 10 months later, for an appointment ill likely never knew about as I can't see anything on my records. I attend the same hospital several occasions following this for abdomimal pains and it was never brought up. Even when I was referred at 28 with fertility issues and a diminished ovarian reserve, with one failed IVF, and end up back at the same hospital and department for "investigations"- they never mentioned it. It's on none of my records, except this one buried in my hospital file that I recently requested.
I always put my late diagnosis down to me never pursuing it enough. But it turns out I did. And it could have saved my fertility at 22 years old. My recent surgery will leave me recovering for the next 12 months. I don't know how to feel about this. I mean do I get a lawyer? Do I start a petition? Who knows.
submitted by CV2nm to Endo [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:14 Opposite-Lab-1197 Low progesterone

I just need to let this out. Wondering if anyone had same experience. I had my transfer on 5/2. My beta day was 5/14 and it was 980. Second one was 5/16 and that one was 2300. Yay everything was going fine and I was pregnant and it was doubling. I asked then to switch from the pio shot to suppositories. Which I did on 5/17. Fast forward 5/26 I stared spotting that night. I freaked out and called the Dr following day 5/27 even though it was memorial day. They got me in 5/28 for ultrasound. They never did labs just ultrasound. They seen my baby measuring right on track with heartbeat of 75. Google said it was low for being 6w3d. So I was worried about that. But more worried about my bleeding as it was heavier. But kept reading about sch and it being normal with ivf. So kept thinking that wad going to be me too. Yesterday 5/30 had follow up ultrasound (original date for my first ultrasound after my positive betas) and they did not see a baby anymore, it was gone and my uterus was empty. Well except for the remaining blood. I finally got to talked to a Dr yesterday (no one was available on Tues). I asked about my suppositories and switching and it could of affected it. Because I asked they decided to do labs then and get hcg level and progesterone and do more labs of maybe posible other conditions. This is my 3rd transfer. Other 2 didn't work because they said it was a fibroid issue and not letting the baby implant. Did surgery in Dec for it. Dr called today and guess what my progesterone was "lower than normal". So now I'm wondering why they didn't do labs after I switched to make sure it was working like it should? Why didn't they do labs Tues to see where I was at in levels? I'm spending so much money for it not to work because I didn't have the correct level of progesterone something that totally could have been avoided 😭 I hate the shots but I would of continue it and the pain if I knew this was going to be the outcome of switching 2 weeks ago. Just ranting and wondering if anyone else had almost same thing and if this is normal with clinics not to be doing labs.
submitted by Opposite-Lab-1197 to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:32 teacher-creature TWW is absolutely brutal

Hi everyone!
I feel like I'm losing my mind here... I am currently 7dp5dt with a llm mosaic embryo and have not tested at home because I'm honestly too scared at the potential of seeing a negative. I had a failed transfer with my only euploid embryo in February, and did two months of Lupron Depot for suspected silent endo.
I've been having pretty intense tugging/pulling sensations on the right side since the day after transfer, but I truly cannot remember what I felt like after my first transfer so wonder if this has happened before with failed implantation (I think there might be some trauma response type stuff happening, I don't remember a lot about that time period).
The other thing is that I didn't tell a single other person other than my husband that we did another transfer, because one of the worst parts of the first failed one was how excited people were for me, and how painful it was to tell them it didn't work. So here I am looking for some comfort from you beautiful strangers. How do people get through this??? I go back and forth between believing I'm pregnant to feeling like there's no way and I have to prepare my heart for a negative beta. I can't get over how much IVF feels like punishment.
submitted by teacher-creature to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:22 sperjetti How would you like to be told about a pregnancy?

I’m in the two week wait after my second FET. I have two friends and a cousin also going through IVF right now. My cousin, friend and I all did a transfer last week. It’s got me thinking- if I were to test positive, how should I tell them? If they were to test positive- how would I feel and how would I want to find out?
Personally, I would be really happy for them even if mine failed because it would give me hope to see this process work for someone I know in real life. I would hope they would tell me before posting it on social media because we’ve been on this journey together and have supported each other along the way. I get a little sad when I see random people I know are pregnant but knowing it was from someone that was going through IVF just makes me happy for them.
However, I know not everyone feels the same so I wanted to get some opinions! Would it make you sad or happy to see someone you know get a positive while you’re still in the two week wait?
Edit: sorry, I should clarify, I would definitely tell by text and want to find out by text. Just wondering how it would make you feel.
submitted by sperjetti to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:19 Oliveoil_89 Period after failed IVF

3 failed transfers in 7 months. Going into another one and feeling doomed already 😞.
What was everyone’s period like after a failed transfer? Usually when I stop progesterone my period starts like 3-5 days later and is a normal flow. This time with a failed transfer it took >7 days and I feel like I’m just spotting/barely filling a panty liner. Not a real consistent bleed and now it seems I’m done bleeding. I’m nervous because I’m supposed to start suppression for another transfer cycle — if my lining doesn’t properly shed am I just doomed because the old blood will sit there? Or will suppression thin my lining out?
submitted by Oliveoil_89 to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 12:15 Lanky-Orchid-9512 I feel hopeless and need some good stories

I 30F my husband 37M are trying to conceive for about 4 years now. I never get pregnant naturally. After all the IUIs we finally went through with IVF. I have PCOS so they retrieved 26 eggs 12 fertilized and 4 remained on day 5. None of them are tested. My first FET stuck and made me the happiest person. As soon as I was convinced that I would have a healthy pregnancy my baby's heart stopped and I got D&C.
After 6 months I finally felt ready for the second FET. Currently waiting for my transfer. I took letrozole for semi-natural transfer. My eggs are not grown yet I am at day 15. I am not sure If we will be able to transfer for this month. I am in fear. I feel like even if we can successfully transfer, I will go through loss again. I know my situation is not the worst-case scenario. I just fear It will never be me.
Sending love to all the women here going through this. Some days are just so hard.
submitted by Lanky-Orchid-9512 to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 08:35 silver_moon21 Three types of progesterone?

This is my first IVF cycle. We had our nurse coordination appointment yesterday and got the full protocol (which was totally overwhelming but I'm hoping it gets better!)
I had assumed it would be either pessaries or injections for the progesterone support after the fresh transfer but my prescription is for injections every other day AND pessaries twice a day AND tablets twice a day. I haven't seen anyone else describing this protocol. Is this normal? Has anyone else been prescribed this?
I get horrific PMS on a natural cycle so I'm slightly terrified of that much progesterone!
submitted by silver_moon21 to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 08:17 mediacalprocare Effective ICSI Treatment for Infertility in Delhi with Dr. Bhavana Mittal

Infertility can be a challenging journey for many couples, but advancements in medical science offer promising solutions. One such solution is Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), a specialized form of in vitro fertilization (IVF) that has proven effective for many couples struggling with infertility. In Delhi, Dr. Bhavana Mittal stands out as a leading expert in providing ICSI treatment for infertility. Her expertise and compassionate approach have helped countless couples achieve their dream of parenthood.

Understanding ICSI Treatment

ICSI treatment for infertility involves the direct injection of a single sperm into an egg, facilitating fertilization. This technique is particularly beneficial for couples dealing with male infertility issues, such as low sperm count or poor sperm motility. Unlike traditional IVF, where eggs and sperm are mixed in a petri dish to encourage natural fertilization, ICSI ensures that fertilization occurs by directly inserting the sperm into the egg.

Who Can Benefit from ICSI Treatment?

ICSI treatment is recommended for various infertility issues, including:

Why Choose Dr. Bhavana Mittal?

When it comes to ICSI treatment for infertility in Delhi, Dr. Bhavana Mittal is a name you can trust. Here’s why:

Expertise and Experience

Dr. Bhavana Mittal has extensive experience in reproductive medicine and infertility treatments. Her in-depth knowledge and expertise in ICSI ensure that patients receive the highest standard of care. She stays updated with the latest advancements in fertility treatments, ensuring that her patients benefit from cutting-edge techniques.

Personalized Care

Every couple’s infertility journey is unique, and Dr. Bhavana Mittal understands this deeply. She provides personalized treatment plans tailored to the specific needs and conditions of each couple. Her compassionate approach and dedication to patient care make her one of the most sought-after specialists in Delhi.

State-of-the-Art Facilities

Dr. Bhavana Mittal operates in state-of-the-art medical facilities equipped with advanced technology. This ensures that all procedures, from initial consultation to the ICSI treatment itself, are conducted with the highest level of precision and care.

The ICSI Treatment Process

The process of ICSI treatment for infertility involves several steps, each crucial for the success of the procedure:
  1. Ovarian Stimulation: Hormonal injections stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple eggs.
  2. Egg Retrieval: Mature eggs are retrieved from the ovaries using a minor surgical procedure.
  3. Sperm Collection: A sperm sample is collected from the male partner or a donor.
  4. ICSI Procedure: A single sperm is injected directly into each egg using a fine needle.
  5. Fertilization and Embryo Development: The fertilized eggs (embryos) are cultured for a few days.
  6. Embryo Transfer: One or more healthy embryos are transferred to the uterus.

Success Rates and Considerations

The success rates of ICSI treatment for infertility in Delhi with Dr. Bhavana Mittal are encouraging. However, success can depend on various factors such as age, the underlying cause of infertility, and overall health. Dr. Bhavana Mittal provides thorough consultations to discuss potential outcomes and address any concerns.

Achieve Your Dream of Parenthood

Infertility can be a daunting challenge, but with the right support and treatment, the dream of parenthood can become a reality. Dr. Bhavana Mittal’s expertise in ICSI treatment for infertility in Delhi offers hope and a pathway to success for many couples. If you are struggling with infertility, consider scheduling a consultation with Dr. Bhavana Mittal to explore your options and take the first step towards a brighter future.
Infertility can be a daunting challenge, but with the advancements in reproductive medicine, couples have more options than ever before. ICSI treatment for infertility in Delhi offers a promising solution for couples struggling with infertility, particularly those facing male infertility issues. With the expertise of Delhi’s fertility specialists and state-of-the-art medical facilities, achieving the dream of parenthood is within reach. If you are considering fertility treatment, exploring ICSI treatment in Delhi could be your first step towards a fulfilling and joyful journey to parenthood.
submitted by mediacalprocare to u/mediacalprocare [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 07:48 Sufficient-Archer-60 Need good vibes- rant

Sitting in the hospital since Tuesday, 16w with my first baby (ivf). I thought it was an uti because I had cramps and back pain, frequent peeing but doctors are not convinced. Been getting strong antibiotics that should work for all infections. Worst case they say is that it is in the uterus in which case I have high chance of mc :( Since two days ago i started to have some tiny bleeds and even a small blod clot. Now my discharge is fully pink and I'm freaking out. I am hoping it is due to the extensive and a bit aggressive cervical check up two days ago. I also most definitely have a yeast infection (I have massive itching) from a full week antibiotics. My infection rate was finally stagnant yesterday so currently waiting for my test results. If it went down 🤞🤞 I get to go home with tablets.
I've been complaining so much about pregnancy symptoms, shouldn't have taken it for granted even after 12w.
submitted by Sufficient-Archer-60 to IVFbabies [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 06:39 tortoisetortellini Coronary angiogram prognosis & other questions

Hi Medical Professionals,
My Nan is in hospital and I just want someone to explain things to me in a medical way because I can't be there to talk to the staff and I'm getting the layperson's version 2nd hand from my family.
Signalment: Female, 80-something
Presenting complaint: Heart Attack? and Slurred speech post-stroke
Nan had a stroke on the 1st May. Improved over the course of the day in hospital with only slurred speech remaining. During her first hospitalisation she was suspected to have had a bowel obstruction with pieces of metal in it - I'm not sure how this was resolved, but she didn't have any surgery and she was discharged on the 9th. Allegedly she had "a bunch of mini strokes" during her time in hospital and was due for some outpatient testing (I don't know what this was).
On Monday (so 1.5-2 weeks after discharge) was rehospitalised for suspected heart attack. The initial testing for her heart was negative, but she was found to be in kidney failure. She apparently had "a few small heart attacks" before she was sent to a bigger hospital for further workup - the plan was for an angiogram to confirm the need for 2 stents in "blocked arteries". Her angiogram was negative, so she was transferred back to the smaller hospital yesterday. Today she is having a CT to look for suspected coronary bleeding following the angiogram. If there is no bleeding, she will be put on dialysis, if there is bleeding, apparently there's nothing more than can do. They had everyone in to say their goodbyes just now as they don't expect her to survive the CT for some reason?
I understand that thromboembolisms can explain a lot of the things that are going on - I'm just very anxious and would like to know if anyone can give me some actual medical interpretation of this gibberish.
What would they mean by a "mini stroke" or "mini heart attack"? Do these terms have a common interpretation?
Is it more likely that she's been throwing multiple clots or that she's had one big clot break off in pieces, statistically?
Would the angiogram be negative if there had been a clot(s) that had since dissolved/moved on or would there be evidence?
What is the prognosis for a coronary bleed after an angiogram? If it's happened, do we have hours or days? Is there really nothing that can be done, or is her general condition preventing further intervention?
Thanks in advance!
submitted by tortoisetortellini to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 04:18 stillalover My KTS self diagnosis during late pregnancy

I am posting my story here in case anyone down the line ends up in a similar circumstance:
I was scheduled to deliver by planned c section and the date was quickly approaching. I had been having some pain in my leg/forming lumps since mid pregnancy, on the same leg that I have a vascular birthmark on. My entire life I had been led to believe it was just a birthmark, specifically, a port wine stain, and had no health consequences. I brought up the pain in my leg/lumps to multiple doctors, who all wrote it off as one of those random pregnancy symptoms women get sometimes. None of my doctors had knowledge about port wine stains or vascular birthmarks. After my leg became unbearable to sleep on and the small lumps began to multiply, I commenced some of my own research. I googled port wine stain, painful lumps in leg, and pregnancy, and I was shocked by what I found. It seemed likely that as a result of my birthmark, I most likely had an extremely rare condition called Klippel Trenaunay Syndrome. It appeared that I likely had a very mild version, which is why it flew under the radar for my entire life and was written off as something cosmetic. Upon my research, I discovered that Klippel Trenaunay Syndrome can cause many complications during pregnancy, such as the forming of blood clots, the potential for uncontrollable bleeding during childbirth, and vein malformations which can create difficulties in obtaining an epidural or spinal tap.
After joining a Facebook Group for Klippel Trenaunay Syndrome, some of the members were women who had been pregnant while dealing with the same condition. After reading numerous medical journals posted within the Facebook Group about Klippel Trenaunay Syndrome, specifically about Klippel Trenaunay Syndrome and anesthesia, I discovered that the only way to safely proceed with an epidural or spinal tap would be to ensure that I did not have vein malformations in my spine via an MRI. I also discovered that if I did have vein malformations, there was a risk of being paralyzed were I to receive an epidural or spinal tap. In addition to an MRI, I would require an ultrasound of my leg to ensure the pain and lumps I was feeling were not already formed clots or deep vein thrombosis (DVT).
I discovered my likely diagnosis at 38 weeks pregnant with the risk of going into labour at any moment. After consulting with my obstetrician and an anesthesiologist at my original hospital of delivery, I was told that I could no longer safely deliver there and that my care would need to be transferred to the highest level hospital in our city as they were able to handle my very complicated case. After much uncertainty over the long weekend and wondering if I would receive my scans in time, I thankfully was able to receive an MRI and ultrasound of my leg the day before I was summoned in for delivery. While the ultrasound was clear for blood clots, unfortunately my spine did in fact have numerous vein malformations which would result in a spinal tap being extremely risky. After discussions with the specialists at the new hospital, due to these risks, my partner and I decided that it would be safest for me to deliver our daughter under general anesthetic. This in itself would present issues if other vein malformations were discovered when inserting the required tube into my throat, or when cutting into my uterus.
There were many unknowns and both my partner and I were terrified that I would maybe never wake up from this procedure. After saying goodbye to my partner and my family, I was taken into an operating room and worked on by a large team of doctors including 2 anesthesiologists and 2 obstetricians. The last thing I remember was praying to my Mom who had passed away in 2011 to protect my baby and I. I was put to sleep and thankfully, woke up 2 hours later alive and with our daughter also alive and healthy. Our daughter was given to my partner as soon as she was delivered as I would not be conscious for a few hours.
The next two days at the hospital were traumatic in the sense that I was unable to care for my child at all due to still being under the effects of general anesthetic. Despite being surrounded by amazing professionals and having fantastic care, I could not wait to get home and be away from the hospital environment. We are now 6 days post delivery and the bad memories are fading into the background and are being replaced with the happiest times of our lives with our child. I have been able to bond with our daughter and reclaim those moments that were taken from me during her birth. For me and anyone who reads this, please ensure to advocate for yourself and do your own research when something isn’t adding up or feels wrong. Doing so very well may have saved my life.
submitted by stillalover to KlippelTrenaunay [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 22:43 Icy-Perception-5122 I got a chuckle for you

This has to be one of the most funniest things I have encountered while playing this game.
First to start off with the bizarrness of this match I played against dredge who had the name f out my home. The perks he ran Franklin demise, hoarder, insidious, aggravated ( the perk that allows you to transfer bodies faster I effed up the name). Stevie who had all loot perks plunder instinct, ace in the hole.
Spawn at garden of joy, dredge stand in the middle of the house like the Door right in front of the house. Waved us off to not go into the house, me,Jake,near are thinking maybe he's going to chase after us or something or he's doing something so let's just do generators and see how this game go. 4 generator later I see Steve and dredge staring at each other, like this was a final showdown.
The moment Steve proceeded to run to the house the killer attacked, down, walked him out and threw him on the ground outside the house and proceed to go back in the house. Fast forward 27 mins Steve bleed out,nea bleed out. Me and Jake leave(we were forced to he opened the gate). egc results in both two players cursing at each other dredge and Stevie while nea instigated the argument they kept going until the game kicked us all out. Dredge kept all three chests inside of the house and Stevie got none.
Next match I got all them again Stevie DC the second those two cross paths again and garden of joy. Dredge spin around on the top of the house I think I've seen it all.
submitted by Icy-Perception-5122 to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]