Non renewal of tenancy contract letter sampleenancy non renewal letter sampleb

Vent: CEO uses Customer Success as the Scapegoat

2024.06.01 13:50 catlessinseattle Vent: CEO uses Customer Success as the Scapegoat

For context: Our CSM team isn’t responsible for
•Renewals •Upgrades •Confirming cancellation of an account. (Only the Account Manager can officially downgrade / accept termination of contract)
We are responsible for:
•Onboarding •Answering Technical Questions / Implementation •Escalating Bugs to Product (where product tells us to get fucked usually) •Frequent Training of new users on account •Ensuring customers know how to use the product •QBR / Business reviews to remind them the value they get out of the product
The CEO has made it part of our Quarterly Bonus KPIs to reduce churn rate for the non-enterprise plan accounts that we have nothing to do with.
Example: Client wants to leave because of budget constraints. Only sales can approve the negotiation to offer them new features or a decrease on their plan. Client doesn’t move forward, CEO blames customer success for not having a more “active line” of communication even though client expressed not wanting to be contacted by CSM again. He says they weren’t properly trained in the product which is why they didn’t get budget approval
submitted by catlessinseattle to CustomerSuccess [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:54 madssaysugh Where all of the “good” nannies have gone. My Roman Empire.

TLDR: Nannying is a very hard job. There would probably be a lot more nannies who work as hard as one needs to do this job well if the pay matched the value and difficulty of the work.
I’ve been pretty active in this sub lately because I’ve been feeling unhappy at my job and it helps to have a community. I wrote this a while ago and have been nervous to post it but I think it’s important. I saw a post in nannyemployers asking where all of the “good” nannies have gone and this was the response I was writing until I realised the replies were to be from NP only.. I would post in the nanny employers sub if I weren’t terrified of the response. I know I’m singing to the choir here and I know saying it out loud doesn’t change much. But I am so, so angry, so imma just send it.
As a nanny who has two college degrees, practices Montessori, Reggio Emilia, and RIE, and as someone who has always loved and wanted to work with kids, there simply is not enough money in this career path to stick to it. I personally simply cannot rationalise doing the amount of physical and emotional work that is required for me to do this job as well as I want to for the typical pay, even though I absolutely love it.
For my background, experience, and approach, I am in a severely underpaid position (even when disregarding my qualifications it would still be severely underpaid.) Because of my personal and financial situation at the time of my job search, I did not have the luxury to wait for a unicorn family to offer me the salary I was looking for. I found a family that was a good fit and accepted the position even though I felt it was very much underpaid. I am now in a position where I am continuously battling wanting to work as hard as I can for these kids and this family, and realising I can’t break my back for them while being this underpaid (I mean I literally threw my back out during this job). I’m not someone who breaks a commitment easily but I guess I could move from family to family, waiting to find one who is able to financially respect the value of this work, or I could stick it out and get $2/hr raises every year, but I can’t wait 10 years to finally get close to being paid what I know a proper nanny is worth. Yes there certainly are some nanny employers who properly respect this work and are able to financially meet it’s value, but in my experience they are few and far between. I have found that the overwhelming majority of nannies are severely underpaid and overworked.
Nannies are asked to have flexible schedules, work long hours, take on a laundry list of responsibilities, develop personal emotional relationships with children that aren’t theirs while keeping a professional distance, pay for and organise their own continued training, be emotionally and socially engaged with children all day long, and more. But above all, the most important aspect of nannying is managing our stress is such a way that allows us to stay in an executive state of functioning all day every single day. People deeply underestimate and undervalue the amount of hard and constant work it takes to keep oneself in an executive state of functioning day in and day out, especially in a high stress position where you are helping other people regulate their bodies all day on top of yours, AND are constantly sick and tired and being pushed and tested. I think that this ability is what makes the difference in a “good” nanny and is often the most overlooked, misunderstood, and undervalued aspect of the job responsibilities.
I want to be a good nanny, it’s my dream job to be the best nanny there is, and I used to think that I could accept being in an undervalued role because “it takes a village” and I wanted to do my part and this was my passion. But it doesn’t feel good to be undervalued financially and socially, in fact it feels really really bad, and this is why I will no longer be pursuing a career as a nanny. Even if I found my unicorn position, it wouldn’t change the fact that the overwhelming majority of my nanny peers are still underpaid and undervalued, and that doesn’t feel good. It makes me want to leave, and I think all of the other underpaid nannies should leave too. (We need a union or something, is this a thing?)
The market is oversaturated and undervalued. Not everyone needs a nanny now that quarantine is over (a full-time nanny, not babysitter or after school care). I have both worked at a preschool and as a nanny and I have found that a setting with multiple children of similar age is far better developmentally for a child than spending most of their time with a single adult and a sibling or two, even for young babies. I think a healthy mix of a daycare setting and family time at home is probably best but can be the most difficult to achieve with the current work culture. This is no one’s fault, the overworking culture is a burden of late stage capitalism that we all face. However, it is the burden of the parents to solve their work/life balance. This is a very big part of what one signs up for when becoming a parent. It is not the burden of the nanny to work more for less or the children to miss being with their parents (I’d say two doctor NP are pretty much the only ones who’d get a pass here).
It’s no one person’s fault that nannies are financially undervalued, the value of personal childcare and domestic work has a long saturated history fraught with misogyny and racism. Have you compared the average wage of a plumber (male dominated domestic work) to that of a nanny (female dominated domestic work)? And don’t tell me plumbing requires more training or is harder than nannying, I assure you they are of comparable difficulty especially considering there’s no step by step instructions on YouTube for nannying. (And if you do consider plumbing to be that much hard than nannying, what do you think gives you that perception? I mean as a parent, one should know that nannying absolutely is not just playing with kids all day, even if that’s all you ask your nanny to do. What subconscious bias could be giving you the perception that bringing up children is less difficult and of less value than screwing pipes together? Have you taken a race or gender studies class? Have you seen The Help? Don’t answer, just think.)
Plumbers make average $28/hr in the states, mechanics $26, for nannies it’s $20 (and that’s being generous). That’s a ¢70 on the dollar comparison. It is time we all realise that nannying is an underpaid and undervalued role and work to change that. If the wage being offered across the board better matched the value of the work, I think one would find a lot more serious nannies and a lot more current nannies taking the job more seriously.
I didn’t get it at first, why so many nannies at the park seemed so burnt out and disinterested in the kids. Oh boy do I get it now. I want nothing more than to do my best in this role, but in the past few months after nearly being stiffed by NP, not receiving a bonus from them when I really thought I would, and overall realising I am being taken advantage of and am a human mine to them, I have realised that I can no longer put my all into this job for my own health and sanity. Being properly compensated is the primary motivating aspect of all work especially in the society we are a part of. After loosing my sense of respect from NP, I’ve lost most of the non-financial motivation I started out with and am left with what little motivation my petite pay check gives me, and the kids can tell.
Since my fallout with NP, I have pulled back emotionally from the kids. I’m not mean and I am still doing every responsibility in my contract to the letter (and then some still), but I am no longer as emotionally available to them as I was. I am shorter and more curt with them, I don’t take as much time with them to sit and talk about every feeling they have, and I’m not working as hard to help them break the bad habits NP give them that NP specifically ask me to break (one example - NP want NK to walk everywhere with me but then always use the stroller with NP and every time we go out it’s a fight to use the stroller or not. Guess who’s been using the stroller far more often lately). Anyway, the past week my NK 3f has been quietly crying before her nap and I’m sure it’s because she’s felt me pull away from her. It’s breaking my heart and I’ve been trying to give her extra cuddles, but I have to protect myself first now. This is a job and these aren’t my kids and I can no longer rationalise putting them first emotionally especially considering I am burnt TF out, torn down, and left feeling used up and tossed aside without any recognition or proper thanks from NP.
I don’t know what the perfect number is, the number I would say many NP would probably think is too high, and maybe they’re not looking for a nanny who works as hard as I and others do. But I can tell you that $17/hr before taxes in a VHCOL area does not even come close to close. I think we can all easily recognise that the financial value of this job needs to better match the value of the work, in general and across the board. We’re talking about the people caring for and raising the future generations here, I mean how is this not the most coveted role in our society?
This is my Roman Empire and I will die on this hill every. single. time.
submitted by madssaysugh to Nanny [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:49 Financial_Benefit_65 Non-Compete Agreement

Just wanted to ask about Non-Compete Agreement(NCA). Currently, nagrerender pa ko sa current employer ko and last day ko sa June 18. Complete na ko sa lahat ng requirements ko sa Accenture pero may isang tinik talaga sa lalamunan ko.
Yung approved NCA na pinasa ko ay inindicate ko na wala akong NCA, so basically naapproved yun. Aware din naman ako sa clause na yon pero wala kasi yun sa last contract namin.
And then, Accenture is asking me to provide the signed resignation letter from my current employer since nagrerender pa ako. Kaso, itong magaling naming manager HAHAHAHA may nilagay na clause don sa "Acceptance letter of resignation" kuno about sa NCA clause.
Ask ko lang po, need ko bang magsend ng panibagong NCA sa Accenture kahit approved na yung una? Sobra akong nababother dito. Please enlighten me po :(
submitted by Financial_Benefit_65 to Accenture_PH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:41 Short-Silver-4932 Tenancy Contract Issue

I rented an apartment in October 2022 for 1 year and renewed the lease in October 2023 for another 1 year. When I was renewing the lease in October 2023 the landlord's agent snuck in a clause to my contract that says my current agreement is non-renewable, is this legal? I did not receive any formal notice in writing from a public notary or registered email as per the UAE tenancy laws.
I know the landlord has just instructed the agent to get me out of the apartment because my rent is AED60k and the current rates are AED95k.
The agent first told me my rent had to increase 10% (AED5,800) in October 2023 but requested AED1,500 from me to him directly and he would make the rent increase "go away". I later found out that my rent was legally not allowed to increase and when I told him I knew what he did was wrong, he returned the AED1,500 to me immediately.
I would really appreciate it if you had any thoughts on where I stand as I would really like to continue living in my current apartment.
submitted by Short-Silver-4932 to dubai [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:05 TheftyCS My best transfer in FM

My best transfer in FM
So I got promoted to the Premier League for the first time in AFC Mossley history, taking them all the way from non-league. As at the time we got promoted the EUROs were going on I naturally looked at all of the national teams and scouted all of the youngest players of each teams. And I came across this absolute Romanian gem, who still played in the Romanian league. At first, he didn't even have interest in signing for me, but after like 3 weeks, for some reason I could enter contract negotiations, which were described as him being really unsure and preferring a plethera of many better clubs, such as Chelsea, Liverpool and Arsenal. His contract demands were really low though, as he only wanted around 15k a week. So I slightly bumped it up to 20k per week. To my surprise, he chose the Lilywhites over all of the other giants. He's become absolutey instrumental straight off the bat, and he even learned how to play RW in about 3 weeks (?) all the way from scratch. There was one problem though, as a part of the contract, there was a non-negotiable release clause set at a merely 13m€. I was really worried about that and I tried to renew his contract about 5 times in November-December, but he wouldn't even enter negotiatons with me as he wanted me to significantly strengthen the first 11. By January we were in 5th and just 1 point off of 4th. On the 3rd day of January I tried to extend his contract and to my surprise he actually wanted to negotiate, but he still wanted a mandatory release clause that was 90m€ this time, which I was more than okay with. He then guided Mossley AFC to a magnificent 7th place, getting us Europa Conference League in the first season in the Premier League. Bogdan Apostol has be the most inflluential and just all in all best piece of business that I've ever done on Football Manager, can already see him becoming an absolute legend further down in my save :D
submitted by TheftyCS to footballmanagergames [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:49 zeldaluv94 Does a reasonable accommodation request apply to extending a lease?

I’m based in Alaska.
Does a reasonable accommodation request apply to an extension to move out? My understanding those requests are for the “equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling.”
I have a tenant on an inherited lease that is month to month. I told her on April 11th that I would not be renewing their month to month tenancy and their lease would end on May 31st. I also sent notices at the end of April, which the tenant acknowledged they received. This tenant is difficult; she pays the rent halfway through the month, and the unit she is in is in dire needs of repairs. She has more pets than stated on her lease and the whole place is just awful. The unit was in this condition when we purchased it. Which is why her lease is ending, so we can gut the place and remodel it.
I sent her a message two weeks ago checking in with her as her move out date is approaching, and she did not get back with me until may 25th, 6 days before the lease ends. Now she is saying the place she had lined up fell through, and she is going to do a reasonable accommodations request due to her husband’s and children’s disabilities. I am not willing to give her an extension to move out because I am sure she will come up with another excuse in July as to why she can’t move out. I plan on filing for the eviction by June 3rd if she hasn’t left. She is NOT being evicted because of disabilities. Does a reasonable accommodation request apply in this situation?
She sent me a letter that legal services helped her write out, but it is missing any contact information for a medical provider who would be able to confirm the disabilities are impacting their ability to move out.
She has several evictions, which I’m guessing is the reason she is having a hard time securing housing. I also suspect she is using narcotics in her truck in front of the property. I can prove financial hardship as I have a hard money rehab loan on the property with a very high interest rate. She will be setting us back a month by staying in the property. The main reason I don’t want to grant the extension is because I am certain she will have another excuse as to why she can’t move out by July 1st. And then I will have to start the eviction process all over again.
ETA: in her recent texts she makes it clear she hasn’t moved out because she hasn’t found a place, not because of a disability.
submitted by zeldaluv94 to AskALawyer [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:26 Internal_Prune_5108 contracting 101

Residential Contracting 101
With over 20 years of building experience, I would like to share with you my insights in navigating becoming a successful contractor. With many different avenues of the building world its key to understand what problems will arise on any given day. A man once told a saying that stuck-the 6 p’s in life- Piss Poor Preparation leads to Piss Poor Performance. Preparation builds everything in construction, without preparation the jobsite will not run correctly. The best advice I was ever given was to learn a little about every trade giving you the ability to understand trade lingo and secrets. An example would be painters use the terminology flash; this means when the sub structure bleads through the paint. Subcontractors will give the best pricing if they respect your knowledge of the industry. If the subcontractor feels they will have to hold your hand through the job they will charge an extra fee…i.e. I call it the aggravation fee. In this blog I will explain the key elements in finding success in all aspects of the industry. Contracting is a physically and emotionally demanding job which requires planning and foresight to complete projects on time within budget. Picking your customer is just as important as picking your employees or subcontractors. I have worked for some of the most demanding customers leading me to question at the end if the job was even worth it. Sleepless nights, constant changes, lack of payment, lawsuit threats, adding work that was in the contract are just a few things you could face with a tough customer. With so many moving parts at all times it is critical to be able to adapt to changes within a short time frame. Materials will come in damaged, subcontractors will be late, employees will get sick, but the deadline you set does not change. The stress can be overwhelming at times keeping your mind in a good place is key to navigating all that is thrown at you. Choosing your client picking the right jobs-Keep these questions in mind The first question to be asked is what the time frame is to start the job to see if it fits within the timeframe for your business. If the time frame doesn’t work then move on from the project or let them know when you would be available to start. If the client really wants to use, they will wait until you are available. Taking on too much work will only lead to problems. Construction is a serviced based business, staying on top of the project and client will eliminate an unhappy customer and construction issues that will be over seen. With online presence if details are missed and customer service lacks it will only be a matter of time the phone will not ring. The second question to be asked to the client is do they have a budget in mind for the project. If they answer yes this is good, follow through with what the budget is. If the budget seems low let them know, this will eliminate a tire kicker, educate them on what the price range could be. If the budget seems reasonable then continue the discussion to the next question. If they answer no let them know that you can give them an estimate to see if the project is feasible with their finical capabilities. Taking on a job that is not correctly budgeted will lead to an unsatisfied customer due to non-transparency of the construction cost. The third question to be asked is anyone else bidding on the job, if the answer is yes, understand you might just be number check for the contractor doing the job. Dig a little deeper and find out how many numbers they are getting and why. If your business model is to be competitive be completely transparent with customer, this will gain trust with them. Let them know you get what you pay for and if you they choose the lowest bid it could lead into lack of quality of work.
The fourth question I will ask is there any specific subcontractors they wanted to use. If the answer is yes then I would explain to them you only use the subcontractors you have a working relationship with. Otherwise, this could backfire as the subcontractor might not show, do subpar work, talk behind your back to the homeowner. In my experience I would stay away from using any homeowner to alleviate problems down the road. A quick conversation now can save headaches down the road. The fifth question I will ask are planning on getting the job permitted, this needs to be known it takes more time for the permitting process. Plans will have to drawn submitted and approved to the city before work can commence. The sixth question I will ask if a residential remodel is are you going to be living through the remodel if yes understand this will take more time to navigate the project due to answering questions and cleaning the house on a daily occurrence. I would recommend seeing if the customer would be willing to move into an Airbnb or friends for at least the demo portion of the project. If they do plan on living through the remodel add a couple hours a day to accommodate the extra time that will be required. The seventh question I would ask in a residential remodel is how old the house is to see if there is asbestos that would need to removed by a proper company. A home built before 1979 will most likely have some asbestos in the house, use a licensed company with proper insurance to dispose of the materials. If everything looks good to this point find out a little more about the client personality. If the client seems reasonable, I would bid the job. Unreasonable people can cause you more stress than its worth. These are some red flags I would look out for. Some jobs are not worth the money. Very demanding in the way you are going to perform your job- I.e., tell you how you are going to do your job- You’re the professional not them! Give you a hard time about your price- haggle with price you estimated- The price is the price! If they are a family with little money and you want to help them out is one thing, if they are trying to beat you down is another. Mention they have a lawyer-there is no need for them to bring up that they have a lawyer - Run for the hills as if the job goes south, you will be the one losing out! Tell you what the payment terms are. It’s your business you get paid how it works for your company. If you want to get paid every Friday, put it into your contract-If the clients do not agree move on it will save you frustrations If they talk bad about the last contractor, chances are they will talk bad about you. There is a reason why the contractor does not work for them anymore, unless he did subpar work this a red flag Clients are using an interior decorator that will purchasing all of the materials- The materials could be ordered incorrectly by the interior designer your company will not make the mark-up it deserves. Interior decorators usually add time to the job as well as act like your boss. Charging a little extra for the time and stress that it will entail is only fair. Clients want to purchase the materials- You are using your knowledge to buy the correct materials-The mark up on the materials keeps the doors open working for wages only pays the bills The husband and wife do not get along-You will become the mediator between the couple it will lead to taking sides a losing proposition- A drama free work place is always best! Dangling carrot-if you do this job the next one will be better-Only look at what there offering at the present moment, if its not a good fit do not take the job for a job down the road…Its not worth chasing a job that might not happen! The Art of the Sale First things first selling your company is all about presentation. In meeting your clients for the first time show up with a collared golf shirt tucked in, belt, nice jeans, and newer shoes. Have a truck that a clean, no dents scratches, preferably washed the day you are going into your meeting. Have a leather note pad that is clean no dirt or paint visible. Show up 5 minutes early, if you’re running a little late shoot them a text to let them know. Treat the situation as if were going on a first date, best foot forward. As you introduce yourself give them a warm greeting, letting them know you are very interested in the work. Find out a little about them, hobbies, where they lived, etc etc. You are going to be working with them on a daily basis its nice to know what makes them tick. Having a good working relationship from the start is key forming a solid relationship. As the conversation progresses find out who wears the pants in the family…ie who’s the final decision maker. If its fits the wife, chances it is…..then kindly let the husband know happy wife happy life when their in a stall mate on an issue. As your looking at the project throw in some suggestions of what you think would look good from past experiences, this will get their attention that you have knowledge and want what’s best for them. If you see ways to save them money in their project let them know, money is a large point of the sale keep that in mind. Mention that you’re not the least expensive contractor but you’re not the most expensive either. Your customer satisfaction is your number one goal which leads to more time spent on keeping them happy. One happy customer will lead to another, one unsatisfied customer leads to work in the future. Bring up the fact the finishing the job on time is key goal to your business, many contractors run several jobs at once causing the jobs to be finished way behind schedule. You must stand out as having integrity, good morals, and the ability to problem solve to get the job. The clients will be testing you to see if you’re a good fit as well. Keep in mind as you take your notes that you must not forget anything they mention as it will come back before the job is completed…i.e. we mentioned that to you before we started the job! Take pictures of the proposed area for work, that way you can use it to better right your estimate. Let them know you will give them a detailed outline of when the job will be completed letting them see how long each phase will take and correlate it with your payment schedule. Before you leave their house let them know when the estimate will be sent to them. MAKE SURE YOU HIT THAT DEADLINE! Once you sent the email over with estimate make sure you get confirmation that they received it. Wait at least 2 days before checking with them, hopefully they contact you first! If they want negotiate the price, let them know that it is the best price that you can manage, its not worth losing money before you start. I closed 80% of the work I estimated by being very transparent and friendly. If you come off with an attitude charge double what the going rates are you might only land 1 out of 10 jobs as well as getting the reputation of being expensive. Bidding the job Looking up industry standards on pricing is what I would go buy for pricing. If you google the coat of any installation there will be a cost range for everything. Looking at the cost ranging from high to low I would tend to be in the middle. Some items might be low on the internet if this is the case use your best judgment not to lose money. Closing sales is key to success and keep the doors open for business. Being in the middle on pricing is key as most customers shy away from contractors that are extremely low or high on the price range. I tend not bid out hourly as wages do not pay for retirement. Bidding is better as customers no the exact price of the cost of construction. It also keeps the job moving quicker as time and material contractors take longer to complete projects…Thus costing the client more money and valuable time they could spend in their house. Using a Contract Using a detailed estimate tied to a contract covers your butt in 99% of the time. Having a piece of mind that every aspect of the job is covered in the estimate and contract protects both your company and the client. Key terms to include in your estimate/contract are. Have a schedule on excel showing the start dates and dates of each trade this will show the customer you are organized with time lines. If not written in the detailed in the estimate the item is excluded- This ensures if its not written down its not included. TBD- To be Determined- A phrase on a line item that has yet to had final decision of products or service needed. -The pricing will follow the decisions to be finalized Give out what your written warranty will be for parts and labor this changes state to state. If the homeowner provides the product than no warranty will be given on that particular item. In the contract have a start date and end date with the verbiage subject to change due to weather, product delivery, change orders Have a progress payment schedule to ensure the client understands when funding will be expected-Including if not payment is rendered service to the project will stop. Have written terms of how change orders will be charged-cost plus 20% or a set fee Make sure in your contract that arbitration is required versus going to court- This will save lawyer fees and going to court Many contracts can be found online and each state requires different contracts
Finding leads Finding leads is easy with the right network of people. I personally do not find working for friends or family members a good fit. Relationships get strained when money is involved, causing undue stress for both parties. I have listed a couple of ways to build a network or find work using the internet. Get in contact with realtor’s- Realtors have a big client base of homeowners who need work done Contact local Architects to see if they are working with any general contractors Leave some business cards at your local materials suppliers-Doowindow/lumber-many times clients will ask salesman for a referral. Join a business networking group- BNI is one of many Join a internet website lead generation company- Houzz, Angie’s List, Home Advisor, thumbtack, Yelp run an ad on craigslist Use a marketing company to market your website-This could become costly with little results Create a Facebook business page Create a Yelp business page
Building your subcontractor base Having 2 subcontractors for every trade, gives you the flexibility of completing jobs on time if the one the subcontractors is too busy at the time you need their service. Your subcontractors are the face of your business, choose owner run companies that are professional. Check to make sure there license are up to workman’s comp, liability insurance, state license. Choosing subcontractors with lettered vans, logoed t-shirts is s key to looking professional in the clients’ eyes. In the past I have gotten a lot of subcontractors for material supply shops, stopping by jobsites, researching the internet using Yelp, Home Advisor, etc etc. Once you get one good subcontractor ask them if they know any other trades they would recommend. One good subcontractor leads to another in most cases. The key to having a good group of subcontractors is to let them know that you are there to get help them get the job done. They do work for you but without them you are nothing…keep that in mind! Make them aware a clean jobsite is required at the end of everyday to ensure the proper safety for all parties including theirs! Over the years I have referred a lot of companies work when there is only 1 trade needed. Referring work to subcontractors is a good way to get top priority when you have work that needs to be completed ASAP. Timing is everything in times of emergency having a good group of subcontractors will make your business run smoothly. Pay your subcontractors immediately after performing work, this will make them feel appreciated! A happy subcontractor is one that will gladly go the extra mile for you knowing that there not just a number to your business! Buying lunch once a week for the jobsite is always a good token of appreciation!
Supervising In supervising any jobsite its key to monitor everything from materials on hand, weather, vehicle parking (if applicable), jobsite safety, and subcontractors’ workmanship. If you hired a professional there should be little supervision in the work being performed, on rare occasions a new hire might need some mentoring to get the results completed correctly. If you see a problem with there work address it with the worker directly, no need to call his boss…. building repour with the worker letting him know you got his back goes miles down the road! Checking in on the job first in the morning to answer any questions or changes that need to be conveyed and once in the afternoon to make sure all work be completed is done per construction industry standards. A job that is run blindly will have many more issues than one that is watched over. I have seen many jobs with no site supervision, leading to subpar quality work as well as safety hazards. Its better to be like an eagle than cluck like a turkey!
Working with the City/Inspectors On permitted jobs the city and site inspector will be a large part of how smoothly the job runs. Each phase of construction has an inspection allowing for the project to continue. Make sure your subcontractors are aware that the project is inspected before starting the job. The best way to stay on his good side is to provide a clean jobsite and having the job built to the highest standards possible. When having the site inspected be courteous to the inspector asking any questions or concerns you have with the work during the job. Being completely transparent will save you aggravation of problems down the road. The more he trust you the better if you seem sneaky or rude he will make your life a living nightmare! Many inspectors will have an attitude towards you….I suggest keeping quiet and doing what ever he wants….he’s the boss no need to get in a pissing match you will not win at. How to deal with irate customer Stay calm during any argument with an irate customer. Never raise your voice or show that you are bothered by their disgruntled behavior. If the customer is trying to get more from you than agreed upon stand your ground. Worst case scenario is you walk from the job, which in the long run be more of a loss for the client. I have only run into a couple of these clients; they are unreasonable and not worth losing sleep over a few dollars. Its best to terminate the relationship as it would be my best guess that a referral from this customer would not be one you wanted anyway. If you feel it was just a miscommunication on your end, take reasonability and remedy the problem. Taking accountability for your mistake will go a far way in their eyes and on future issues that arise. Prepping the homeowner pre-construction Before starting the job, it very important to give the homeowners a warning of what will happen during the construction process.
  1. All furniture in the proposed working area must be moved- I would recommend having the clients take care of this to limit the risk of damage to their belongings.
  2. There will be dust that will be in the house up to 3 months after construction-I would recommend hiring a construction cleaning company at the end of the job even so after it is cleaned dust will be present months after words.
  3. There will be conflicts between you in the homeowner at some course of the job. - You will do your best to eliminate them as quickly as they arise-i.e. material damages, miscommunication, job delays
  4. All decisions on materials must be made before the start of the job- this will eliminate job stoppage due to materials not being on site.
  5. All materials will be on site before commencement of job-
  6. Payment structures must be made per contract otherwise job will stop until payment rendered
  7. Cars are to be moved out of the driveway- Ensures ease of loading and unloading of materials/tools
  8. Give the specific hours that workers will be present- i.e. 7-3:30
  9. Determine what areas are allowed to be used as staging for tools/materials
  10. If animals are present in the home that they put outside or in a room during the day
  11. All valuables in the house are locked in safe
  12. Ask if using client’s household bathroom is okay or to bring in Porter Potty
  13. Being transparent as possible is key to keeping a great relationship with your client!
During Construction During construction it is key to take detailed photos to eliminate any damages that were not caused by the construction process. I would also make a video to ensure all areas are included. All subcontractors should also take progress pictures to ensure if problems arise in the future, they will not be responsible for any work that they did not perform. Keep an on-going log of progress to the homeowners and share the pictures for there records. This will keep homeowners excited of the progress being made. When the house is gutted to the studs it is important to have construction photos showing where all utilities are run in the walls or sub floor. If there is a problem in the future there will photos showing all utility locations. Protect all flooring with plywood or floor protective. I also like to protect front door and tarp all areas where subcontractors are to be working. Make sure to cover any chandeliers/furniture/doorways with plastic to eliminate dust. Ask the homeowners if they have any concerns that they could think of. We’re all human and possibly a detail was missed! Post Construction Phase If the project went smoothly appreciation should be shown to the customer. Find out if the husband likes a particular type of liquor. Bring the wife a bouquet of flowers. Send a Christmas card to the family letting how much you appreciated the work. You know you have done a good job if they tell you they will refer you to their friends. The best compliment you could receive is a good referral. In Summary Try to find a knitch in the market, I found kitchens to be a great remodel projects. Bathrooms are tough as they are small, expensive with little profit margin with every trade involved. Windows/doors are also another great knitch as they can be installed quickly. There are so many different remodeling items that can be stream lined to make the selling installing process flawless. Once the core group subcontractors are in place the job almost runs itself. Every day is a learning experience with new materials or methods in construction. Keeping up with codes, materials, fluctuating labor and material cost is a job within itself. Anyone can be a contractor with the right mindset.
submitted by Internal_Prune_5108 to Contracting [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:25 ayeskatin I want to quit my job, but it’s too risky. What should I do?

I’m a Job Order employee sa isang government agency. I’ve been exposed na rin naman sa government agencies noong internship ko. Totoo talagang toxic expected ko na yun. Pero ibang level ng katoxican itong nararanasan ko sa work ko ngayon. Pinepersonal masyado bawat kilos bawat galaw. Hindi objective ang mga tao sa pag evaluate ng work performance mo.
I came from Big 4, graduated with honors, and passed the board exam recently lang. This is my first job pero I think I’m doing well naman, hindi bibo hindi rin petiks, sakto lang. But I know I’m smart and hass ang critical thinking. Ang pangit don sakin bagsak ng trabaho, sayo ipapasa yung mga trabaho na hindi naman parte ng job description mo. If you make mistakes, pansin agad. Pero sa mga kasabayan ko? Hindi sila fresh grad pero hindi sila napapagalitan kapag may mistakes. Ako hinihingan nila ng help tapos ako rin nadadamay kapag may mga faults sila. Alam mo yon pare pareho kami ng sweldo. Ako nga yung fresh grad bakit ako ang takbuhan nila?
I’m tired, puro ako help nang help tapos parang bawal ako tumanggi. My other co-workers na JO din pwedeng tumanggi. And palaging sakin yung pangit na sched, hindi naman ako masipag sakto nga lang huhu. Nahihirapan ako feel ko nassuffocate na ko sa work. Yung stress ng work nadadala ko sa bahay. Alam mo yung bearable na matoxic ka sa trabaho pero yung mga issues at pamumulitika nila, ayun eh don ako naapektuhan.
June is the last month of our contract. I don’t want to renew na pero hindi ko alam ang hirap? Parang ang pangit kasi sa resume 6 months lang ako nagwork sa first job ko? Hindi rin supportive ang pamilya ko magresign ako. Sila kasi yung mahilig magtiis sa mga ganyan ganito. Tbh, naiinvalidate ang feelings ko dahil puro ganon talaga ganto talaga.
Gusto ko magbakasyon kahit 3 araw lang para pag isipan ang plano ko. Pero ni dalawang araw na off hindi ako mapagbigyan.
I’m trying my best to suck it up kaso hindi ko alam. Parang isang pitik lang sakin aabot ko na resignation letter ko. It sounds childish or immature pero I’m sorry, pagod na ko.
If ever ba, no need to render 30 days if tatapusin ang contract? Wala naman kasing naka indicate sa contract namin about sa rendering.
submitted by ayeskatin to PHJobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:10 SourceMedium6031 Daily News Report: 05/25/2024 - 05/31/2024

Date: 05/31/2024

Reading time: 2 minutes, 423 words

🏛️ Politics & Government

PM claims ODIHR’s conclusion on domestic transparency law lacks legal arguments

Georgian PM Irakli Kobakhidze said the report was mirroring the opinion of the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe. The ODIHR concluded that Georgia’s newly approved law on transparency of foreign influence contained “serious deficiencies” that made it “incompatible” with international human rights standards. The Venice Commission last week “strongly recommended” the Georgian Government to repeal the legislative piece in its current form.
AgendaGe, Majority MP: OSCE/ODIHR report is prepared by Saakashvili’s lawyer, OSCE/ODIHR: Georgia’s “Transparency of Foreign Influence” Law does not comply with democratic standards, human rights, OSCE/ODIHR: Georgia’s “Transparency of Foreign Influence” Law does not comply with democratic standards, human rights, OSCE/ODIHR: Georgia’s “Transparency of Foreign Influence” Law does not comply with democratic standards, human rights

MFA of Ukraine: We condemn unfriendly statements of the PM of Georgia

It is sad to see the consistent and constant degradation of the political statements of the Prime Minister of Georgia, – this is stated in the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. Ukraine condemns Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze’s “another unfriendly statements and his distorted assessments of the current events in Ukraine”

President not Invited to Police Day Ceremony Because of Grigoriadis’ Pardon

Georgia celebrated Police Day on May 31. President Salome Zurabishvili was conspicuously absent from the official ceremony marking the day. Interior Minister Vakhtang Gomelauri said she was not invited because she had pardoned a convict "who wanted to burn a policeman alive"

Lithuanian Ambassador summoned to MFA Georgia regarding statements on “Russian Law”

Lithuanian Ambassador Andrius Kalindra summoned to Georgia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Georgian Foreign Ministry says the move is not compatible with relations between the two countries. Lithuanian Foreign Minister Andrius Roth: I fully support Ambassador Peter Fischer.

💵 Economy

Georgia’s GDP Up by 11.8% in April 2024

Georgia’s estimated real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth rate amounted to 11.8% for April 2024 compared to the corresponding period of the previous year. The average real GDP growth for January-April 2024 equaled 9.0% according to the National Statistics Office of Georgia.
CivilGe, GEOSTAT: Georgia’s economy grew by 9% in January-April

Date: 05/30/2024

Reading time: 3 minutes, 725 words

🪖 Military

Ukraine Latest: Macron Says Kyiv Should Be Allowed to Use Western Weapons on Russian Military Sites

The main battlefield developments in the Russian invasion of Ukraine as of Thursday morning are as follows: The death toll in a Russian attack on a hardware superstore in the eastern Ukrainian city of Kharkiv has risen to 11, says the regional governor. Russia's naval forces destroyed two Ukrainian sea drones in the northwest of the Black Sea, as they headed for the Crimean Peninsula, Russia's Ministry of Defense said in a Google-translated Telegram post.

🏛️ Politics & Government

Chinese Ambassador says Anaklia port project will be “turning point” for cooperation with Georgia

Chinese Ambassador to Georgia Zhou Qian said the Anaklia port project would be “a turning point” for cooperation between China and Georgia. He said the Chinese consortium is set to be announced as the Georgian Government’s private partner in the construction of the port.

Georgian CSOs to Challenge Agents’ Law in Constitutional Court

Georgian civil society organizations announce they are preparing to appeal to the Constitutional Court of Georgia in the nearest future, demanding the repeal of the Foreign Agents Law. CSOs say they will use all domestic and international mechanisms to impede its implementation until the law is unconditionally repealed.
CivilGe, Lithuanian MFA Summons Georgian Ambassador Over Final Adoption of Agents’ Law

Fund Withdraws Free Dental Service Project for Oni Kids, Citing Agents’ Law

The Fair Trees Fund withdrew a project aimed at establishing a free dental clinic for children in the western Georgian town of Oni. The decision was met with public outcry and as an ominous sign of the Foreign Agents Law's harmful impact on foreign aid and projects funded by Georgia’s international partners. The NGO says it cannot take on additional financial responsibilities while even the active projects are at risk.

Testing Interventions by SABUKO in Iori Plateau to Achieve Conservation and Protection of Local Species

Georgia’s Kakheti region is distinguished by amazingly beautiful landscapes, rich biodiversity, and unique ecological treasures. However, sadly, this natural haven faces a significant challenge – the delicate balance between maintaining a living landscape and the looming threat of desertification. The project places a strong emphasis on the restoration of wildlife habitats and fostering collaboration with the pastoralist community.

Parliament Adopts Amendments to Election Code

Parliament of Georgia adopted amendments to the Election code with 80 votes in favor. Changes include abolishing the CEC advisory group, which consists of a representative of the Public Defender as well as the national and international experts selected by observer organizations.

PM Kobakhidze Talks Controversial Topics with Media

Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze spoke to the media at the opening of a new bridge in Tbilisi. He blamed the ‘radical opposition’ for the alleged ‘hate campaign’ against the Georgian Dream members who supported the Foreign Agents Law and their families. He also said that the ruling party would not allow the “Maidan” to happen in Georgia.
CivilGe, PM: Germany should not send such ambassadors who make anti-Georgian statements, Ambassador of Georgia summoned to Lithuanian MFA for overriding of President’s veto on “Russian Law”

CoE GRECO Report: Low Level of Implementation of Anti-Corruption Recommendations

Council of Europe’s Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) published its results of the Fourth evaluation round: non-compliance procedure for its low level of implementation of its recommendations for preventing corruption in respect of MPs, judges and prosecutors. Georgia had one of the highest levels of compliance among the countries monitored.

🧪 Science & Technology

Supporting Georgia’s Growing E-Commerce Sector

Georgia's e-commerce market grew from 11% in 2018 to 23% in 2020. By 2025, the report predicts that online shopping will grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 52%, yielding a penetration rate of 4.7%. The biggest online shopping sector in 2020 was comprised of electronics and household appliances.

Date: 05/29/2024

Reading time: 4 minutes, 931 words

🪖 Military

Europe is increasing its support for Ukraine

EU foreign ministers are meeting in Brussels. They will still try to overcome Hungarian resistance and provide Ukraine with military assistance it needs. At the moment, the aid package worth about 7 billion dollars has been suspended, the only opponent of which is the Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orbán. Ukraine needs more air defense, including Patriot air defense systems, says Jens Stoltenberg.

🏛️ Politics & Government

Matthew Miller: GD moved the country farther away from European integration path

Matthew Miller: Georgia's leaders are choosing to forgo the steps needed to advance Georgia in the Western direction that its people want. The ruling parties actions threaten Georgia’s democratic trajectory, future economic security, EU membership, and also put the U.S.-Georgia relationship at risk.

CSOs Announce Disobedience to Foreign Agents Law

Georgian civil society organizations issued a statement announcing their disobedience to the Foreign Agents Law, which was adopted yesterday. In the statement, the organizations pledge to defend the rights of demonstrators against the Agents Law and to protect each citizen’s vote in the upcoming parliamentary elections.
CivilGe, Response to the "foreign influence" law

Statement of the ombudsman regarding the placement of those detained at the rallies in "hostile" cells

The representatives of the Public Defender visited two detainees participating in the protests, the information about their ill-treatment was spread on May 29. The detainees are in the 8th Penitentiary Institution of Gldani. Their lawyers requested to change the cell for the defendants, to have a public defender with the defendants.

Khazaradze: Plans of Russian gov’t have been announced openly to us by stopping Anaklia project

Chinese consortium will be announced as winner of Anaklia port project tender in coming days. Leader of Lelo party: 'We will send away the Russian regime to Moscow in October'

British-Georgian Academy’s founding partner Natia Janashia set to terminate the agreement with Georgia Capital

Natia Janashia, the partner and director of the British-Georgian Academy, cites the investor’s failure to fulfill contractual obligations as the rationale behind this decision. The Tbilisi City Court, recognizing the merit of the petition, imposed a security measure, requiring mutual agreement among partners of the school to secure the lawsuit.

German Ambassador: Agents’ Law Bars Georgia from EU Accession Talks

The German Ambassador to Georgia Peter Fischer stressed that the European Union will not start the accession talks with Georgia as long as the Foreign Agents Law is in effect. He also reiterated the Venice Commission’s opinion on the law that this legislation goes against the fundamental rights of Georgians.
CivilGe, Parliament Overrides President’s Veto, Adopts ‘Offshore’ Law, Domestic Reactions to Presidential Veto Override, Final Adoption of Foreign Agents Law, International Reactions to Presidential Veto Override, Final Adoption of Foreign Agents Law, The opposition announces a boycott of parliamentary work, White House: Suppressing civil society is what authoritarian governments do, Austria “deeply regrets” final adoption of law on “transparency of foreign influence”, Carl Bildt: EU path of Georgia has for the time being come to an end, White House: Suppressing civil society is what authoritarian governments do, UK “extremely concerned” over veto of bill on transparency of foreign influence, Georgian President to the “Russian Law” protesters: You create a referendum, I’ll sign it, Carl Bildt: EU path of Georgia has for the time being come to an end

Kremlin-affiliates Hold Another Conference in Tbilisi

On May 24, the Kremlin-affiliated Eurasia Institute held another anti-Western conference in Tbilisi. Participants discussed their version of Georgia’s history under the Russian empire. They also adopted a resolution calling the prospect of withdrawing the Foreign Agents Law a “complete capitulation” of Georgia. The resolution also calls on the Georgian government to “openly” restore relations with Russia.

Chinese consortium to be announced as winner of Anaklia port project tender

A Chinese consortium — China Communications construction company Ltd, together with China harbor investment — was selected as a private investor for the construction of the new deep-water port of Anaklia. Georgia terminated the contract with the “Anaklia Development Consortium”, which was supposed to build the port, due to non-fulfillment of its obligations.

Date: 05/28/2024

Reading time: 3 minutes, 727 words

🏛️ Politics & Government

Charles Michel: Adoption of Transparency Law Takes Georgia Away from EU

“The adoption of the law in the parliament is a step backward and takes Georgia further away from its EU path,” says the President of the European Council.
CivilGe, International Reactions to Presidential Veto Override, Final Adoption of Foreign Agents Law, HVP Borrell on Final Adoption of Agents Law: EU and Member States are Considering all Options, Josep Borrell: “Foreign influence” law does not correspond to EU values, GD expected to override President’s veto on “Russian Law,” protesters surround parliament building

Shamba: Tbilisi wanted us back for 30 years, they will want it for another 300 years

Abkhazia’s security council secretary Sergey Shamba responded to the statement of the Prime Minister of Georgia, Irakli Kobakhidze. Shamba claimed that there are many unresolved problems between the two breakaway regions. He claimed that when the time comes, we will discuss such a readiness, but we are not going to discuss issues of confederation.

CoE Secretary General on Final Adoption of Agents Law: Free and Fair Election Environment Could Be Jeopardized

Council of Europe Secretary General Marija Pejčinović Burić expresses “deep concern” about the law’s “adverse impact on informed public debate, pluralism, and democratic checks and balances,” adding that it “could potentially jeopardize also the environment for free and fair elections” The statement stresses that with this decision the Georgian authorities gave up “an ultimate occasion” to withdraw the law.
CivilGe, HVP Borrell on Final Adoption of Agents Law: EU and Member States are Considering all Options

PM: Agents’ Law will Create a Better Basis for Ensuring Georgia’s Accession to the EU

Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze said the law “will create a better basis for ensuring Georgia’s accession to the European Union.” He said citizens of Georgia have the right to know who is financed by whom in this country, who carries the positive or negative interests of a foreign power in Georgia.

Protesters against Foreign Agents Law Fined

On May 20, and the court fined several activists GEL 500 (approximately USD 180) in connection with protests against the Foreign Agents Law. This is the maximum fine for the offense, according to Article 174 Prima of the Administrative Code. Those fined include Saba Skhvitaridze, Anri Gorgiladze, and Boris Chele Kurua of the opposition party.
CivilGe, Special Tasks Department Chief Admits to Battering Targeted Protesters at anti-Agents Law Demonstrations

Georgian Health Minister, US Global Health Centre Director discuss joint projects, cooperation

Georgian Health Minister Mikheil Sarjveladze is in Geneva to deliver an address at the 77th session of the World Health Organisation's annual Assembly. The meeting was held as part of the official visit to Geneva, Switzerland.

Date: 05/27/2024

Reading time: 2 minutes, 458 words

🏛️ Politics & Government

Occupied Abkhazia, Tskhinvali: Kobakhidze’s statement on return of breakaway regions non-perspective

Georgia's Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze said that he wants to return Abkhazia and Tskhinvali to Georgia. The so-called ministry of foreign affairs of occupied Abkhazaria evaluated the statement of the Prime Minister of Georgia as a “populist” and non-perspective statement. They claim that any attempt by the Georgian leadership to “return Abkhaziia to Georgia is absolutely unpromising.

EU High Representative says EU Foreign Affairs Council “exchanged views” on Georgian transparency law

Foreign Affairs Council of the European Union had “exchanged views” on the controversial Georgian law on transparency of foreign influence. The law requires registration of non-commercial legal entities and media outlets in the country as “pursuing the interests of a foreign power” if they derive more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad.

President Calls for ‘Full Mobilization’ of Diaspora in October Elections

Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili called for “full mobilization” of Georgians living abroad for the October parliamentary elections. The President, along with opposition parties and civil society organizations, has called for a more active engagement of the diaspora. Calls for the Georgian government to do more to facilitate the exercise of voting rights for Georgian emigres have largely gone unanswered.
CivilGe, VP Harris to Zurabishvili: Georgian People Look to You to Champion Country’s Euro-Atlantic Future, Opposition Parties to Sign Georgian Charter Initiated by President, Opposition parties join President’s Georgian Charter, President offerspolitical parties “Georgian Charter”

Why Georgian Dream Should Not Underestimate US Sanctions

U.S. prepared to impose sanctions on members of Georgian Dream party responsible for promoting it and obstructing the country’s Euro-Atlantic integration. The sanctions are only the first stage of sanctions pressure on sub-sanctioned persons, says Vakhtang Partsvania.
CivilGe, “MEGOBARI Act” Envisages Sanctions for Undermining, Injuring Georgian Democracy

Legal Issues Committee Endorses Overriding Presidential Veto on Agents’ Law

The ruling Georgian Dream is expected to override the veto in the plenary session tomorrow, on May 28. President Salome Zurabishvili vetoed the law on May 18. If the veto is overridden, the bill becomes law.

Date: 05/26/2024

Reading time: 0 minutes, 89 words

🏛️ Politics & Government

Georgian Charter: President Proposes Unified Goals for Short-Term Parliament, Technical Government

President Salome Zurabishvili presented the roadmap for resolving the political crisis and returning to the path of EU integration. She said that there is no alternative to the European future for Georgia and that the Georgian society, which she knows, is waiting for concrete plans.

International Partners Congratulate Georgia on Independence Day

On May 26, Georgia celebrates the 106th anniversary of the declaration of the first independent democratic republic. The King of the United Kingdom, Charles III congratulated Georgia in a letter addressed to the President Zurabishvili. President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev wrote a congratulatory letter.

Date: 05/25/2024

Reading time: 0 minutes, 71 words

🏛️ Politics & Government

Ruling party Sec Gen says Parliament will override veto on transparency law, despite “expected US sanctions”

Georgia will override President Salome Zourabichvili's veto on law on transparency of foreign influence. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced visa restrictions for “those responsible for undermining democracy” in Georgia in connection to the transparency law.

Deputy Finance Minister Resigns

The U.S. House of Representatives has announced its decision to pull back on the controversial law. The decision comes after a series of high-profile incidents in the state of Georgia, Georgia, in the past.
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submitted by SourceMedium6031 to Sakartvelo [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:51 domino916 AP - with criminal record- how it went.

A bit of background- I got a felony and a misdemeanor when I was 18 - due to a friend inviting me to a house where he was not allowed to be ( i did not know this at the time) therefore I was also not allowed to be and ended up in jail.
When I first asked my lawyer she advised that I should not travel with AP as there would be too much risk of not being allowed back in.
I decided to go against my lawyers suggestion and I traveled anyways - I was told to enter via a liberal state - luckily I live close to San Francisco ( it does not get more liberal than that).
When I returned from Mexico with 7 days left on my AP - and 1 month away from my DACA expiring.
Got in line for the non citizens - the officer got me escorted to a back room, I was shaking with fear at the time, I’m the back room they stamped my AP document and was let in with no issues.
On a separate note - submitted for renewal on Feb 2 - work permit expired May 18 and got my acceptance letter on May 27th.
submitted by domino916 to DACA [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:40 stabby- Can a Non-Renewal be overturned?

This is out of curiosity, it actually isn't about me so I'm going to keep details brief.
Beloved teacher was non-renewed in his 3rd year right before getting professional status, no warnings or writing on the wall (we suspect because of a brand new principal this year with personality difference). The community, other staff, and students are devastated due to his particular position. Parents on a parent organization are writing letters of support for the teacher, one of whom is on the school committee, students are organizing and showing up in huge groups in the principal's office... etc. This particular teacher did EVERYTHING, which is how he got so much love in his community in such a short time. He was on a ton of committees, organized field trips and events, and did a ton of extra things for his district and community beyond contracted hours.
Is community pushback even a thing that can make a difference, or is it all too late?
submitted by stabby- to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:19 badwolf1415 UK short term study visa refusal

Hi everyone,
I’m doing an Erasmus Mundus joint master program and one of the requirements of the master is to attend a 3 day summer school event at the UCL (University College London) in July.
I’m from a non EU country so I need to apply for a visa. I applied two weeks ago and today I got a refusal letter. They basically said I didn’t provide enough information that I will be leaving the UK at the end of my visit and they had doubts about my enrollment as a full time student.
I’m so confused by this decision. I provided them with multiple digitally signed documents from my uni stating that I’m a full time student and that this event is mandatory for my program. One of the documents is a student contract which is 20 pages long and it details my whole two year study with all the courses and credits and obligations. I had a letter from the UCL also stating the purpose of my travel there and everything. My home uni is also confused and so is UCL. We are trying again by sending them even more documents from my studies but I don’t have high hopes.
If anyone has advice I’d greatly appreciate it.
The decision for my refusal. The income I have is from the scholarhsip I get from the uni and I provided them with two spearate documents showing that I'm recieving the scholarship. The cost of the trip is also covered by the university (and I provided a certificate from the uni stating so)
submitted by badwolf1415 to ukvisa [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:11 Disastrous_Fix4894 Mortgage Situation

I need your expert opinion on the following situation:
My bid on a house has been accepted, and we are now applying for a mortgage. While my fixed-term contract is expiring next month, my wife has a permanent contract. Unfortunately, my company has decided not to renew my contract due to their business circumstances, but they have agreed to provide me with a letter of intent, which is required for the mortgage application. Our financial situation is stable enough to cover the monthly mortgage payments. My question is, will the bank raise concerns after a month when there is no salary credited to my account? What could be the potential consequences?
Thank you
submitted by Disastrous_Fix4894 to NetherlandsHousing [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:52 effdubbs Job change?

I’m seeking some insight into whether I should change jobs or not.
Last year, I took a job in an ICU a little over an hour from home. My parents live in the area, so I stay during my work week. My lead schedules me 3 in a row, so it’s been fine and kind of fun.
Here’s the rub. I really, really like this job. It pays well, I do a fair amount of procedures, the bedside staff is very good, the docs are super supportive, and our APP team is great. However, we have a new CEO (not a clinician and ran non-healthcare businesses before this gig!) and he is making significant cuts everywhere. They are even getting rid of docs and breaking contracts with larger systems who supplied docs.
Now, they are forcing us to go to night shift rotation. They are also cutting our daytime staffing. We will also be covering floor phone calls for one of the surgical lines, answering rapids, and doing line placements on the floors. There are rumors we will also be forced to cross train to IR to support yet another service line. This is in addition to covering the unit.
When I received my offer letter, I specifically asked about night shift and they replied that there was no night shift requirement. Additionally, we are not being given extra pay for nights and do not have a collaborative agreement with said surgical service. I did nights up until 3 years ago. I did them my whole career, but as I age, I find that I can’t sleep during the day. For real, it’s been a major issue. I tried everything, and I’m not keen on medicating myself so I can sleep, especially for a job.
There are 4 of us in total. One is out already, he got a job closer to home for more money. Another is actively looking. One of the surgeons whose contract was broken has asked me to come work for her, very close to my home and likely a pay raise.
I hate to change jobs so soon, but I don’t see a long term benefit in staying. I suspect they are reducing operating costs in order to sell to a larger system. I don’t care about the potential sale, but the cuts have been brutal.
I’m not going to cause a stir about what was in the offer letter because I feel the risk>benefit. They’ll probably just lay me off or find a way to fire me.
I’m finding the NP role in hospitals is becoming unstable. They are piling on responsibility, but we have little to no representation. This is very disheartening.
Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
submitted by effdubbs to nursepractitioner [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:43 ComfortableOil8349 Exela Technologies Q1 2024 Earnings: Navigating Challenges with Strategic Initiatives

Revenue Performance
In the first quarter of 2024, Exela Technologies reported revenues of $258.8 million, marking a 5.4% decrease year-over-year. This decline was primarily attributed to a 9% decrease in the Information and Transaction Processing Solutions (ITPS) segment. However, the impact was partially mitigated by a 3% growth in Healthcare Solutions and a 6% growth in Legal and Loss Prevention Services (LLPS).
Segment Analysis
ITPS Segment:
Experienced a significant 9% decrease. A major factor was the non-renewal of a $27 million contract.
Healthcare Solutions:
Showed resilience with a 3% growth. Contributed positively to the overall revenue.
LLPS Segment:
Achieved 6% growth. Demonstrated robust performance amidst broader challenges.
Financial Metrics
Gross Margins:
Improved to 22%, a rise of 107 basis points from the previous year. Significant improvements noted in Healthcare and LLPS segments.
Operating Expenses:
Reduced, mainly in legal and professional fees. Contributed to a net loss of $25.6 million, an improvement from the previous year.
Adjusted EBITDA:
Reported at $12.9 million => Reflects operational efficiency and cost management.
Balance Sheet and Cash Flow
Current Liabilities:
Decreased by 23% => Indicates improved financial health and reduced short-term obligations.
Interest Expenses:
Reduced by 52% year-over-year => Significant savings enhancing net profitability.
Cash Flow:
Improvement in cash flow from operations. Unrestricted cash at the end of the quarter stood at approximately $10 million.
Strategic Initiatives and Outlook
Exela Technologies is focusing on revenue stabilization and growth with several key initiatives:
a. Achieved a 96% renewal rate.
b. Secured 85 new logo wins.
c. Prioritizing continued margin improvement and expanding liquidity.
Given the non-renewal of the significant $27 million contract and the ongoing challenges in the ITPS segment, how do you view Exela Technologies' ability to achieve sustained growth and stability in the coming quarters? Do you believe the growth in Healthcare Solutions and LLPS is enough to offset the declines in ITPS?
submitted by ComfortableOil8349 to pennystocks [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 10:49 QueenPraxis Non-renewed in low-income NorCal charter due to “cultural fit” and they’re “moving in a different direction.”

Got an email from HR specialist asking me to meet with him and principal after school. Found out I was nonrenewed. I am a seventh year 11th grade ELA teacher. Was told that they’re moving in a different direction and the decision is a matter of cultural fit.
This is a shock to me. I had a great evaluation, great classroom management, and great test scores. Positive relationships with faculty and generally with administration.
I asked for what they meant by all this. No specifics were given. They didn’t explain why they thought I wasn’t a good cultural fit. No examples, no write ups, no documentation. Just that we’re at-will and they have conversations like this every year. And I won’t be coming back next fall.
I was also told that they have openings at our middle school site and I was encouraged to apply.
Fortunately, the principal is willing to write me a letter of recc, and he expressed privately in a Zoom call right after the meeting that he had nothing but positive things to say about me. Principal himself is leaving, and he revealed last week in PD that he is leaving because he himself felt not philosophically aligned with the school. Think he may have been forced out. School has been through three principals in three years. High faculty turnover.
In the meeting, they also had the art teacher. She got non-renewed too. Somehow, it didn’t cross HR’s mind that we should do a separate meeting for each of us. Ugh.
This school has been really rotten to me and treated their whole staff like garbage. I don’t understand what’s going on. Is this legal? What should I do next?
submitted by QueenPraxis to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 00:38 saquon4heisman Family member being sued for violating non compete (PA)

I have a close family member and their new employer being sued by their former employer.
My family member worked for the former employer for 25 years and had relationships with multiple accounts they had run during their employment. My family member had been asking for a raise, did not get one, so finally left for new employer.
They informed all current clients they were leaving for another company (did not name company) and hope they can stay in touch one day as they had known each other for 15+ years for most accounts and often went on lunches and out for dinners. Every single client stated they wanted to follow them to new employer and did not want to continue with former employer unless they were the one handling it.
Family member started new job and updated social media, LinkedIn, Facebook etc. within a week all former clients had reached out to work with new company. We are talking around 10 clients and a good bit of business. New company accepted and within a week, former employer has sent a letter stating they are sueing for violation of non compete.
New employer is getting a lawyer, and advised we get our own due to conflict of interest, but new employer will pay legal fees, stating that client free will cannot be impeded by former employer. All clients have been served to attend court and testify, and all have stated they will defend family member stating even if they did not follow my family member, they would have stopped working with former employer regardless because my family member was the only reason they worked with them.
Any advice on what kind of lawyer to get, and if it is worth attempting to settle or fight in court?
Is client free will a real thing? Can a former employer deny clients to leave them if they were not under contract and not solicited by family member but instead wanted and insisted on following?
I have seen some threads on non-competes before, but they all seem relatively small and questionable. This one sounds legit as both companies have millions and millions to take to court. Not a money issue and client base was affected for the former employer.
Thanks for any advice.
submitted by saquon4heisman to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 21:18 chonkshonk RESPONSE: Refutation a moderator from 'AcademicQuran' makes an enormous blunder

After stumbling across two old posts targeting me (I avoid direct linking to prevent brigading but the title of those posts is reflected in my post title), I thought I'd dismantle them, their representation of my comments, and their discussion of the sources they mention.
A question I discussed with an apologist in the past is if Jahiliyyah narratives are correct in depicting the Jahiliyyah as largely illiterate. The apologist claims the "Jahiliyyah" only refers to late pre-Islamic Arabia (though many traditionalist definitions put it much further back). For the sake of argument, we'll look at literacy in the late pre-Islamic Hijaz. During this conversation, I brought up a statement made by Ahmad Al-Jallad:
The abundance of written records in Arabia suggests that writing was widespread among both settled people and nomads (Figure 7.2); however, its function among both groups was quite different. Macdonald (2009: vol. 1; 2010) established an important distinction between literate societies and non-literate societies based on the role of writing for the functioning of society. Ancient South Arabia exemplifies a literate society. Its officials set up thousands of public inscriptions, recording their deeds, dedications to deities, legal decrees, and so on. The existence of public inscriptions, however, cannot stand as witness to widespread literacy among the general population, as they reflect the work of professional scribes and highly skilled masons. As Stein has pointed out, the wording of even the most personal letters suggests that the sender did not compose the text himself himself, and that recipients were not expected to read them. To explain this, he hypothesized the existence of scribal centres where documents were composed on the behalf of their authors. On the other hand, Macdonald draws our attention to another category of inscriptions in South Arabia that intimates widespread knowledge of reading and writing graffiti. Unlike commissioned inscriptions, graffiti are informal works of individual expression, and as such, must be carved by the author. The existence of thousands of graffiti in South Arabia, always composed in the monumental and only rarely the minuscule script, suggests that a sizable segment of the population could employ writing for informal purposes. The use of the monumental script rather than the day-to-day script of the wooden sticks could have been symptomatic of the medium and need not imply that knowledge of the minuscule hand was more restricted. The evidence for the major oasis towns of North and West Arabia is not as plentiful. Nevertheless, after a close and skillful analysis of the material, focusing mainly on the appearance of inforrmal letter forms and ligatures in the inscriptions, Macdonald concluded that the settled populations of these areas also belonged to literate societies and, as in South Arabia, large segments of the population knew how to write, and presumably, read (2010: 9 –15). (Al-Jallad, "The Linguistic Landscape of Pre-Islamic Arabia," pp. 116–117)
The apologists response was to this reference was to assure me that Al-Jallad (the worlds top authority in this field) is misunderstanding the earlier work of MacDonald (keep in mind that MacDonald was Al-Jallad's mentor and they're in direct contact with each other). He says MacDonald's real opinion is that "Arab culture was in all important respects fundamentally oral" — just like in the Tuareg tribe (!), where the ability to write is widespread but only employed for informal purposes. He goes on and on — but as it turns out, Stephen Shoemaker made the same mistake as this apologist did in his book Creating the Quran. For this reason, we turn to a correction from another paper: Marijn van Putten: "The Development of Hijazi Orthography," Millennium (2023). This is a major and original study demonstrating pre-Islamic Hijaz was a "literate" society in MacDonald's sense:
a number of idiosyncrasies ... all point to a single conclusion: Not only has the Arabic script had a long and storied history, it is clear that there was a formalized system of scribal practice with significant sophistication and idiosyncrasy that must have been present and developed already in the pre-Islamic period. This challenges the notion that the pre-Islamic Hijaz was a “non-literate” society as for example Stephen Shoemaker would have it.⁷⁰ Neither the Quran, nor the pre-Islamic inscriptions of the centuries leading up to the rise of Islam, show the kind of ad hoc non-literate literacy as one sees among the Tuareg or may hypothesize for the nomadic pre-Islamic Arabic writers that employed the Safaitic script. Instead, there was a formalized scribal practice that required formal education to properly execute according to the existing norms.⁷¹ (pp. 125-126)
So Van Putten finds that the late pre-Islamic Hijaz was literate and Van Putten is clear that his conclusion is meant in terms of MacDonald's categorization of a literate society and not just widespread ability to write but only employed for informal purposes like with the Tuareg tribe. Van Putten goes on in fn. 70: "[Shoemaker] cites Michael Macdonald to make this point. But one must stress that Macdonald is not talking about the Hijaz of the 6th century but rather the Nomadic writers in the South Arabian scripts. See Macdonald 2010: 5–28; Shoemaker 2022: 125." In other words, the Tuareg analogy is irrelevant and at best concern nomadic Arab tribes until the 4th century.
The user also made a second post with roughly the same title. He claims I misunderstood Juan Cole's comments about literacy in the late pre-Islamic Western Arabia because Cole was describing Islamic-era 7th century inscriptions. Yet Cole specifically concluded: "the Believers were keeping the suras as parchment or papyrus pamphlets even in the time of the Prophet", implying an established practice of writing already existed. Since the apologist fails to grasp the relevance of these and similar 7th-century inscriptions, I quote fn. 71 of the earlier paper by Van Putten:
One may further note Petra Sijpesteijn’s observation that early Islamic Arabic administrative formulae from the very beginning of Islam are distinct from the Greek ones (even in bilinguals) and are not calques. This seems to suggest an already established administrative practice. See Sijpesteijn 2020: 468.
Al-Jallad similarly says:
Thus, the growing body of pre- Islamic evidence strongly indicates that the use of Arabic for administration in the early Islamic period does not reflect an ad hoc invention, but the continuation of an established tradition of administration in Arabic which must have its origins in North Arabian and Syrian scribal practices. ("The Linguistic Landscape of pre-Islamic Arabia," pg. 119)
From the recent AMA event this subreddit has had with Hythem Sidky, we have the opinion on this subject now by yet another significant expert. I asked Sidky: "What are your thoughts about literacy in the pre-Islamic Hijaz?" Sidky responded:
It's hard to put concrete numbers on it. But based on both the cursive nature of the script itself and the inscriptions, they were literate in the ways the matter. Also, Quranic codices don't strike me as that community's first attempt and producing a book. And if you look at the text of the Quran itself (in contrast to hadith), there are verses that strongly suggest we're looking at a sufficiently literate culture. Emphasis on writing down deeds and contracts, etc..
In another comment, Sidky also wrote: "I think the Meccans had a scribal school."
And that concludes this post. The late pre-Islamic Hijaz was a literate society, so-defined as a society with an established tradition of writing that is employed in fulfilling formal societal functions. Thus, Jahiliyyah characterizations late pre-Islamic Arabia as illiterate or even with MacDonald's category of non-literate are historically inaccurate.
submitted by chonkshonk to AcademicQuran [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 18:51 AdamLuyan Peach Flower Catastrophe

Peach Flower Catastrophe
This is an ancient Chinese legend, also known as “Jade Girl Ridding Tiger”, is a Buddha level juristic case.
Catalog of Peach Flower Catastrophe:
1 Death with Eyes Open
2 Peach Flower Fortune
3 Wordless Tombstone
4 Mental Illness Treatment
5 Fate Through
6 Consummation Buddha

1 Death with Eyes Open

Constant Fair is an orphan since childhood in Publican Liu’s pharmacy as a long laborer. He was not smart since he was a child, score of school was not that good, and always made mistakes when he grew up and learned how to do business. However, Publican Liu not only took good care of him in every aspect, but also always tolerated and harbored him, and did not hold him accountable for his faults. Constant Fair had never met Publican Liu since he was a child; he also often wanted to see him to salute and thank him in person, but it was always out of place, and was disrupted by some strange and unexpected arrangements.
Constant Fair knows, Publican Liu is eccentric, often go out to travel, leisure time in the study of ancient books, do not like to see people. In addition, Constant Fair also knows that he is not good health, there is a kind of what, no one can say the strange disease.
One day, Publican Liu commissioned a matchmaker to propose marriage to Constant Fair, to betroth his daughter, Peach Flower Girl, to him. He heard that Peach Flower Girl is intelligent, beautiful, and her medical skills are even more brilliant, to her matchmaking are more than to kick through the threshold, is not marriage. The matchmakers showed him articles written by Peach Flower Girl, told him what she had done, and created opportunities for him to meet her, so have a chance to see her in person. Constant Fair saw that Peach Flower Girl was beautiful; the articles she wrote were clearly organized, with wonderful words; the affairs she had done were all skillfully arranged. Constant Fair thought he was not worthy of her, so he refused. As a result, he heard later that the Peach Flower Girl was also unwilling and called him stupid.
Some days later, again, Publican Liu asked the matchmaker to marry Peach Flower Girl to Constant Fair and tried to persuade him. Constant Fair finally said, "As long as Peach Flower Girl is willing, I am willing." As a result, Constant Fair heard that Peach Flower Girl was not willing again.
After some time, Publican Liu asked the matchmaker to marry Constant Fair and Peach Flower Girl again, saying that, this time, Peach Flower Girl had already agreed. Constant Fair heard that Publican Liu and the matchmakers had been trying to persuade Peach Flower Girl to marry him, and that the father and daughter had quarreled over the matter often recently. He thought to himself, "This is that Peach Flower Girl let me to delay for a few days so as to let her father have a rest and a few days of fun, and then it is me to reject it. Constant Fair then said to the matchmaker, “I'll think about it then”. After a few days, he told the matchmaker: “No.”
In this way, Publican Liu and the matchmakers used many ways to set up the marriage between Peach Flower Girl and Constant Fair, which was a long time coming, but just not possible. Time passed, Peach Flower Girl and Constant Fair both passed the age of normal marriage.
In one middle night, a matchmaker who had become friends with Constant Fair came running to tell him, “I don't know what's wrong! Old Publican Liu is acting like crazy! He said he would ‘die with eyes open’ (Note 1), until he sees you and Peach Flower Girl get married, and enter honeymoon house. He also secretly let people in the preparation of a small inner courtyard, to you and the Peach Flower Girl locked inside; not married to not let you two out. I thought, ‘What's going on here! I had to tell you!’ I also found out that they know that you and I are friends and have sent someone to watch me, so I found a chance to sneak out. With that said, I must return, in case of that I am discovered.”
Note 1, It is said that to cast this curse is to keep doing good things to the being cursed person for life, while only asking him one favor for return. That person knew or later learned of the wish of the person who placed the curse, had the ability to do it but did not fulfill it. After the curse caster dies, the being cursed person falls into the curse, even not die, will not live long. Troupe Leader Liu said that there is no other way to solve this curse, but to fulfill the caster’s wish.
Constant Fair was shocked when he heard this and thought, “This can't be done! Then I ruin Peach Flower Girl for life! No! I must Leave!” That night, he escaped from Publican Liu's pharmacy. He didn't go back to his hometown because he was afraid that Publican Liu would send someone to catch him.
Constant Fair lived a life of anonymity, wandering around. Of course, he also needed to make a living, and later he worked as a shopkeeper in a pharmacy. For the first few years, the business did quite well, and the business grew. Later, he realized that someone was working against him in business and went to resign with the proprietor. The proprietor said, "Now, our business is so big that we can fight with them! I trust you, and I don't blame you if you lose money." Constant Fair said, “I don't want to fight with them. To tell you the truth, I suspect those opponents are related to one of my former benefactors”. The proprietor understood the matter well and said: “In that case! I cannot force you.”
Constant Fair left the pharmacy and wandered to another place, where he found another job in a pharmacy. Something similar happened to the last job. He found out that there were against him in business, and still thought that those people were related to the former boss Publican Liu, so he voluntarily gave up the job again.
In this way, Constant Fair changed job after job, always feeling that someone was struggling with him and unwilling to fight back against his opponents, but his bad reputation spread, and he couldn't find a job. So, he went back home.

2 Peach Flower Fortune

On his way to his old village, Constant Fair met a messenger. The messenger asked him, "Do you know Constant Fair from Fair Family Village?" He replied, “I am!” The messenger said, “The people in your home asked me to tell you that your father passed away.” Constant Fair thought to himself, “I have been an orphan since I was a child, and replied, “You are mistaken! I'm not the person you're looking for!” The messenger verified, “XXX County, YYY town, Fair Family Village, the name is Constant Fair!” Constant Fair replied immediately, “Yes! It is me!” The messenger added, “The news that the people in your hometown asked me to convey to you is that your father has passed away. I'm just a messenger, and the rest, I don't know!”
At this, Constant Fair felt uncomfortable in his heart and sensed that something was wrong. When he arrived home, he inquired if there was anyone else in the village also name Constant Fair. He found out, in his county, only has one Fair Family Village, and in the past 40 years, only his name is Constant Fair in the Village. For several days in a row, he felt a tightness in his chest.
On this day, Constant Fair went to the marketplace for a walk. From a distance, he saw a group of people surrounding a fortune-teller. Constant Fair never believed in ghosts, gods, fortune-telling, and the like. But somehow! That day he stood at the back of the queue and wanted to listen.
The fortune-teller saw Constant Fair immediately and said, “The one at the end of the line is in a hurry! Let him come first! Those in front wait a while.”
Constant Fair said, "I'm not in a hurry, I can wait."
The fortune-teller said, "Come over here if you're told to!"
Constant Fair walked up to the fortune-teller, and before he could say anything, the fortune-teller said, “Congratulation! You've got Peach Flower Fortune (Note 1)!”
Note 2, what is peach flower fortune? Equivalent to the Western world's "The Chosen One" (i.e., the Golden Boy, Adam), except that the peach flower fortune is expressed in terms of the woman's (Eve, Jade Girl) beauty, talent, rich, and power to express this concept. How did the fortune teller see it? The Chinese fortune-teller profession and the Chinese juristic teacher profession use the same set of books. The Golden Boy and Jade Girl (Figure 2.1-3; see 10.9 Godly Trinity) is the basic model in that book, and the Peach Flower Catastrophe is one of the main cases in that book.
Constant Fair replied, “I don't know! I can still have Peach Flower Fortune!”
The fortune teller asked, "In the past, when you worked for someone, was there a proprietor who treated you very well, but you never saw him?"
Constant Fair replied, "Yes!"
The fortune-teller said, “He is dead, and with eyes glaringly open!”
Constant Fair heard, feel the head "buzz" a moment, the sky spinning, earth gravity vanishing, organs are moving. When he calmed down, felt his chest clogged, as if pressing a stone, heard the crowd talking about really God's calculations, a look to know! No wonder that he was said to be in a hurry!
Constant Fair turned around and started to walk home. The fortune-teller said: “Wait, I haven't finished yet! I think you really don't know! When Peach Flower Fortune comes, no one can stop it, there's no other way. You can only obey the wish of that old proprietor of yours and go to his house quickly. Even if you must spend all your money to pay for the betrothal gift, you still must gain their favor, wed their daughter, and enter honeymoon house, before you can be relieved of this Peach Flower Catastrophe.”
Constant Fair reached into his pocket and realized he had no money with him, so he said, "I'll go back to get the money and return it to you."
The fortune-teller said, “No need, I don't want your money.”
Constant Fair felt strange and asked why he didn't want his money. The fortune-teller said, “To tell the truth! Judging from your face, you won't live more than a hundred days. It's unlucky to spend dead people's money!"
Constant Fair said, "Thank you very much! I will definitely repay you when I have the chance in the future."
The fortune-teller added, "Wait! On the way, you must drink more water; drinking water will renew your life. Also, you must keep walking; if you fall, you may never get up again!"
Thanking again, Constant Fair went home, packed his bags, and went on his way that night.
A few days later, Constant Fair felt his chest getting more and more clogged, his stomach gurgling, and problems with his stomach and intestinal motility; sores began to grow on his skin. Whenever he arrived at a place, he first looked for a well, drank his fill, then filled two jugs of water to carry with him, ate something and immediately rushed on. In this way Constant Fair traveled day and night, rushing to Liu's medicine farm.

3 Wordless Tombstone

The world had changed, and Publican Liu’s family moved back to his home village, Peach Flower Village, a long time ago. After a lot of trouble, Constant Fair was sent to the cemetery of Peach Flower Village by a carter who took pity on him.
At the cemetery, Constant Fair read the inscriptions on every grave, but he did not find Publican Liu's name. He was so tired that he sat down to rest in front of a wordless tombstone. At that moment, a woman wearing mourning clothes came to him. He hurriedly stood up and asked, "Dare I ask this big sister, whose grave is this?"
Woman replied, “This is my father's tomb.”
Constant Fair hurriedly asked, “Can I ask what your father's name is?”
Woman said, “My father said I was not his daughter, caused him to die with eyes open, would not allow me to say his name at his grave.”
The two then talked at the grave. Constant Fair first told his story; then the woman told hers.
Woman said, “When I was born, have a peach flower birthmark on my leg, so people called me Peach Flower Girl. When I grew up, I was picky in choosing husband, couldn't find one. My father appointed one for me, a longtime laborer in our medicine farm. His name was Constant Fair, was a fool. I did not agree. Later, my father had a small courtyard built up, and he planned to confine him and me there, not letting us out until we married. In the middle of a night, I created an opportunity for one of Constant Fair's friends to slip out, so Constant Fair ran away. My father sent people to look for him everywhere. A few years later, my dad became seriously ill, so we moved back to our home village. Not long after, my dad passed away.”
Peach Flower Girl said: “Before my father died, he said to me, ‘You are not a real woman, you are not destined to have a husband, and you can't enjoy the happiness of being a woman; therefore, I have detained a husband for you. You can only be happy if you marry him. One day, after I die, a man will come to my grave to commonwealth and bow to me. At that time, you will take these two letters: one is my will; another is eight hieroglyphics that I summarized what I have learned and done in my whole life. You ask him to guess the eight hieroglyphics. If he does, he is your husband. You kneel and ask to marry him.' My father handed this dagger (see illustration 3-2, Philosopher Stone Pestle, note 3) to me and said, ‘If he doesn't agree, you kill yourself with it.'"
Peach Flower Girl continued, “Years passed, and no one came to visit his grave. I had not the heart to marry anyone either. A few days ago, I heard that a man was going around looking for a grave. I asked my butler to see what was going on. He followed you and saw your fainting, so he carried you here. I will send someone to bring you some food later.” Peach Flower Girl finished her talk, turned around heading back to the village.
Note 3, see section 11.1 for the meaning of Philosopher Stone Pestle. This dagger is a variation of the Philosopher Stone Pestle, also known as Philosopher Stone Pestle, but with the additional meaning of the holy ghost. Holy ghost is an extreme form of the "conversion disorder" disease in modern medicine. By asking the Peach Flower Girl to present the Philosopher Stone Pestle to Constant Fair, Publican Liu is reminding him that I have cursed both of you with the curse of “Death with Eyes Open”, so that the Holy Ghost have attacked you, will also attack Peach Flower Girl!

4 Mental Illness Treatment

Constant Fair felt more comfortable, but chest is still congested, in front of the grave to cry loudly, while crying while thinking: what is Publican Liu’s life doing? He thought about it for two days and two nights but could not figure it out.
At dawn on the third day, Constant Fair heard someone call his name, like his father. At that moment, the man said again, “Constant Fair! Do you not even recognize me!?” As the man set down the meal, he said, “Look at what I brought, all your favorite foods when you were a child.” Only then did Constant Fair notice that this meal delivery man was Uncle Grain, who had taken care of him as a child and treated him the best.
Uncle Grain said, “When the old master was alive, he would always ask me to bring you some of the delicious food made in the backyard kitchen. Every time, he told me, ‘Just say whoever sent it, do not say I sent it.’ These are all your favorites, eat them while they're hot to warm your body.”
Uncle Grain continued, “The day before yesterday, Lady said that you were not sick. I came to bring you food, saw that you were sick all over. Last night, I went to my Ninth Uncle's house, who is a famous medical doctor in this area. I told him about your condition and begged him bitterly. My uncle was cornered, so he told me, ‘This is a matter of life and death, you must not tell outsiders. Yesterday, a few of us old doctors discussed Constant Fair’s case. Your old Master Liu is a famous benefactor, who all know for hundreds of kilometers around. But he was so unfair to Mr. Fair that he put his life in danger. Publican Liu was a rare man of the world, and if he were to cast the curse of ‘Death with Eyes Open’, it would certainly be done seamlessly.’”
Uncle Grain said: "I then flattered my uncle: Uncle you very knowledgeable! But in the end, I don’t understand what the cause of Constant Fair's illness is. Our old master asked Constant Fair to guess the eight words that summarized his life's learning and doing, but how could Constant Fair guess out with his little literal inks? Can you make it simple for me? I need to understand, otherwise I came begging you for nothing!”
“My uncle said, Constant Fair is also a scholar! He grew up with Publican Liu, how could he be less educated?”
“I said, I watched Constant Fair grow up, he was stupid since he was a child! He was afraid of being beaten by the teacher at school, often skipped school. Old Master Liu trusted me and asked me to take care of him. I was lazy and concealed on either end. Every time our old Master Liu asked me, I told him that Constant Fair was smart and diligent, but he was always stupid and didn't learn well. Later, Master Liu asked me to lend Constant Fair his favorite books. Whether Constant Fair read it or not, I told old Master Liu that, ‘Constant Fair liked it so much that he read it two or three times, could almost recite it'.”
“My uncle scolded me, ‘Why do you work like this! Publican Liu's godly business is ruined by you!’.”
“I say, Uncle Ninth! It's useless for you to scold me, even to beat me. If Constant Fair sickly died, haven’t I been a man in vain! Then I won't live long. Constant Fair has been kind and filial since he was a child, how could he get this strange disease! Isn't this someone setting him up!”
“My Ninth Uncle immediately said, ‘That's right! Publica Liu died with eyes open; and he and Constant Fair had a factual father-son relationship. Constant Fair, he is a great rebel, self-inflicted sin, could not live! But he was framed also. That's what's illness with him. If word of this gets out, your Publican Liu will be disgraced! Don't you understand? Then what's the Liu family spying on everyone in our village now!”
Note 4: Uncle Dragon said that in the original story of Peach Flower Catastrophe, the original author used Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, God Theory, Ghost Theory, and other twenty more ancient Chinese philosophies to discuss the cause and treatment of Constant Fair's illness. In this book, see 10.6 Principles of Curing Mental Illness.
Uncle Grain said to Constant Fair, “I then knelt down to my Ninth Uncle and begged him to come up with a solution.”
“Ninth Uncle said, ‘I didn't realize that this matter had brought you into the circle. Yes, this happened in our Peach Flower Village, several of us old doctors feel frustrated and irritated. This medicine is the result of our discussion yesterday. But if the mental illness is not removed, Constant Fair's physical illness will not be cured.'”
Uncle Grain continued to say, “I said to my Ninth Uncle, ‘Our old Master is a learned man, and he asked Constant Fair to guess eight hieroglyphics, but with Constant Fair's little learning, he couldn't guess them! What, according to you, Uncle, are those words?”
“My uncle immediately became angry! He shouted, ‘Good Son’s Uncle (that is real name for Uncle Grain)! In terms of seniority, I'm your uncle; in terms of age, you're still two years older than me.' How can you say that?”
“Later, my uncle explained: ‘Publican Liu learned Taoism from Extremely-Vague Real-Human (Annotation, also being called Non-Position Real-Human that is True Suchness, is nature law) in his early years and was the closing door (i.e., the last) disciple, who had received real teachings. In terms of seniority, he is my teacher uncle. My teacher uncle set up a trap and I'm here to break it, that is I am cheating on teacher, terminating ancestors! But in terms of Publican Liu's personality, he's not a man who bites off more than he can chew and shows off his metaphysics; for a scholar, those should be a few common hieroglyphics.’”
“I asked my Ninth Uncle what I can do for Constant Fair then?”
“He said, ‘Tell Constant Fair truthfully all that Publican Liu had asked you to do to him behind his back!Let him comply with Publican Liu's wish, that's the only way out, otherwise, he surely dies.'"
Uncle Grain looked around again, handed Constant Fair the medicines for internal and external use, such as Shenling Baizhu San (see figure 2.3-3, Note, this is an ancient remedy for gastrointestinal ulcers), and whispered, “I have to go, if not they may never let me bring you food again.”

5 Fate Through

Constant Fair sent Uncle Grain away, while eating while tears dripping. He was sometimes happy, sometimes sad, sometimes crying, sometimes angry, sometimes leisurely, and thinking, thinking, thinking, he remembered what happened to him when he was a child (note, what is called Fate Through).
Constant Fair lost his mother when he was young and lived with his sick father. One day, he saw children eating candied haws on the street, and he cried and asked his father for them. His father carried him outside the courtyard of Publican Liu, pointed to the big house of the Liu family and said: "You are engaged to the eldest lady of this family, but our family is poor! We don't expect this marriage. Dad is sick. When Dad is gone, you come to his house. When you grow up and make money by yourself, then you can buy whatever you like!"
At this time, Constant Fair came up with the first four hieroglyphics of eight, “former generation’s marriage reasoning factor”.
On the fourth day, three shopkeepers came to visit Constant Fair and said, “To tell you the truth! We were all present when the old Boss Liu died. He really could not rest in peace. Why did he die with eyes open? We all know! Peach Flower Girl is stubborn, she never believed a word the old Boss Liu said since child. Death with eyes open, all because of worrying about her! The spirits keeping term had not even passed, so she gritted her teeth and said, ‘My dad died with eyes open because he was mesmerized by that stupid guy Constant Fair.’ She swore she would kill you and sent people around to look for you.”
Constant Fair said, “Thank brothers, for your truthful words, but I am still willing to stay here for spirits keeping, and to think out his will.” After the shopkeepers left, Constant Fair threw himself on the Publican Liu's wordless tombstone and cried aloud. While crying, while thinking, I was stupid since childhood, not good at reading, often beaten and scolded by teachers. When I grew up, I was slow in learning to do business and often made mistakes. Fortunately, Publican Liu's favoritism harboring, I strugglingly learned some pharmacy to rely on for life. Since leaving Liu's family, I was not able to return home, and there was no place to complain about the bitter, barely able to support myself, until now nothing has been accomplished. The old master Liu chose me to take care of his family, causing the merchant group to fall apart. Crying, Constant Fair felt a stream of warmth flow like warm water from top of his head to his whole body (note that this is anointing; see 10.4-2 Anointing), after that, he felt much more comfortable in his heart and body than before.
On the fifth day, several shopkeepers came to advise Constant Fair again: "Old Master Liu is erudite and a rare man of the world, how can we guess his mind! The Peach Flower Girl is a temperamental person with a goddess’ face and a scorpion’s heart, no one can get a good fruit with her. It's not worth wasting time here for a woman like her. Go! We several old brothers will gather money for your treatment, we don't need her Peach Flower Girl!"
Constant Fair said, “Thank brothers, for your truthful words, but I am still willing to stay here for spirits keeping and to figure out old master’s last words.” After the shopkeepers left, Constant Fair threw himself on the wordless tombstone and cried loudly. As he cried, he thought, “Is it true that I don't have that kind of learning and can't come up with that kind of words!?”
For many days, Constant Fair's friends came to persuade him every day: “What if you guessed those eight words? Peach Flower Girl will not do what our old boss wants! You are so sick now, and she said you are not sick. Since you came back, no one has seen her sad for you. She is still happy, admiring flowers in the backyard, and still has leisure heart to read books. Some people also saw her laugh stealthily in the garden.”
One day, in the Peach Flower Village's auditorium, Peach Flower Girl was deliberating with the shopkeepers when a little servant ran in in a panic, shouting, “It's no good! The new Boss fainted on the mountain!”
Peach Flower Girl rebuked sharply: "Shut up! Who is your new Boss!"
The little servant hurriedly changed his words and said: “The new son-in-law fainted on the mountain!”
Peach Flower Girl was furious: “Get out of here! Let you watch him! It's that if he dies, don't let the wild dogs carry his corpse away, so that I can have something to build his grave and wear mourning for him!"
A shopkeeper said anxiously to Peach Flower Girl: “Big Boss! You're the best healer in this house, we must immediately go to the mountain to look!”
Peach Flower Girl was indeed a skilled healer, after a few pinches here and pokes there, Constant Fair woke up. Peach Flower Girl stood up and said, “He's not sick” , then, went back to the village.
On this day, several shopkeepers came to Constant Fair's tent again and said: “O brother! This time we are not here to advise you, but to bid you farewell. As you know, the world is going downhill, and people's hearts are not in the right place. It is hard to business nowadays, the business of all our pharmacies is getting worse day by day, also we must support our families.”
Constant fair became anxious when he heard this: “You've all left! What about our lady!?”
A shopkeeper said angrily: “This is something I really don't understand! Your own life is at stake, and you're still thinking about her!”
Constant Fair froze, sighed, and muttered involuntarily: “This is my fate!”
The shopkeeper yelled: “I know you don't believe in God, Buddha, or ghost, when did you start believing in fate!?”
At that moment the old butler came running in a great hurry, gasping for breath as he said: “I thought I wouldn't be able to catch up with you!”
A shopkeeper said to him: “I thought you weren't leaving! Why do you still come to us!”
Constant fair asked the old butler: “Why don't you leave?”
The old butler said: “I took an oath! Once the old Big Boss told me in tears, ‘Peach Flower Girl has been afraid of being alone since she was a child! I'm most afraid that in the future she won't even have anyone to talk to around her.' So, I swore, ‘Don't worry! Big Boss, no matter what happens, I'll stay by her side and talk to her.’”
A shopkeeper asked: “Then what are you doing here?”
The old butler said: “I was afraid that our lady had secretly changed the old Big Boss’ will, so I made a copy and replaced the real one with a fake one. I also have no place to keep this will, I trust you shop managers and want you to keep it for me.” The old butler said, handing the letter to the shopkeepers, and added: “I must go back; our lady can't be left without someone to talk to.”
Constant Fair realized and said: “I guessed it! Brothers! Our lady is a person who loves face, for my sake, stay for a few more days.” Saying this, he wrote eight hieroglyphics, “Former Generation’s Marriage Factors, Predetermining Fate”.

6 Consummation Buddha

Early the next morning, Constant Fair, and the shopkeepers, as well as the villagers, all came to the hall of Peach Flower Village for the ceremony of announcing Publican Liu’s Will. Peach Flower Girl opened the letter with the eight-hieroglyphics testament and saw that Constant Fair had guessed correctly, so she said, "Then I will go and fetch the will."
The people waited in the hall. The old butler, anxious, went to Constant Fair and whispered, “The false will, I'm afraid she'll change it too!” Shopkeepers all felt that it made sense. So, the old butler led the way, and the group went together to the backyard to look.
One smells the smell of burning paper as one enters the study. Peach Flower Girl was there reading the will! Seeing that people were coming, she smiled and said, "I just wanted to read my father's will first, so I made the group wait impatiently! Good! Let's just go back to the hall!"
The old butler tugged at Constant Fair's sleeve and whispered, "Announce the will right here!" One of the shopkeepers understood and said, "Big Boss! Everyone is here, let's read the will here!"
Peach Flower Girl smiled and said, “It's not so bad to be in a hurry for a while, I think it's better to look dignified in the hall. Constant Fair! What do you think?”
Constant Fair said, "I also think that there is more solemnity in the hall, there are still many clan members waiting there!"
On the way back to the hall, the old butler pulled Constant Fair aside and asked, "When you entered the house, didn't you smell the odor of burning paper?"
Constant Fair replied, "I did!"
The old butler said, "Isn't it obvious! She created a fake will and burned the old boss’ will. By the time we got back to the hall, the ink on the will she wrote was dry."
Constant Fair replied, "The old boss made the will, and his daughter wants to change it. What does that have to do with me?"
When the old butler heard this, he fell and said, "This has something to do with me! I've been the old boss’ butler for 50 years, and I can't even keep his will safe, so how am I going to see the old boss after I die! Constant Fair! You must help me!"
Constant Fair said to him, “You do this and this…”
When the two of them returned to the hall, people were waiting for them! Peach Flower Girl asked Constant Fair, "Who do you think will read the will?"
The old butler volunteered, “If the people trust me, I am willing to issue the will on behalf of Publican Liu." The people all agreed that the old butler was indeed the right person to represent the old proprietor Liu, so he read out the will.
According to the will, all the property of Publican Liu is inherited by Constant Fair, and Peach Flower Girl and Constant Fair hold a nude wedding in front of Publican Liu's grave. When the old butler handed over the will to the clan for checking, people find that what is written in the will is different from what the old butler read, so they asked the old butler, “what is going on?”
Peach Flower Girl heard and saw clearly: butler did not read it as she had written it; he had recited the will of Publican Liu. Shame on her; everything was just as Papa had said, and she didn't even have one trustworthy person by her side. "What's the point of you living! It's better to die!" Thinking about what her father had said, the Peach Flower Girl literally pulled out the Philosopher-Stone Pestle, wanted to kill herself.
Constant Fair was prepared and snatched the dagger with one hand. Peach Flower Girl was stunned, and her anger rose from her heart. At this moment, people heard a "plop" sound! It turned out to be the old butler kneeling while howling loudly: "Old master! I'm sorry! Lady! I'm sorry!"
People were shocked, and hurriedly asked what was going on. The old butler crawled to Peach Flower Girl and hugged her legs, crying as he said, "My lady! It's all because of me, the old family slave that I'm all faults!"
Peach Flower Girl asked in surprise, "Old Uncle! What are you doing! Stand up if you have something to say and speak slowly."
The old butler said, “If you don't forgive me and promise me you won't kill yourself anymore, I'll die here on my knees. If Missy is dead, I don't want to live anymore! But I can't die, I don't have the face to see the old master!”
People advised Peach Flower Girl, “Speak up! The old butler is so old, it's not decent for him to kneel like this!” The two of them were at a standstill for a while. Peach Flower Girl was over it and had a step to take. She promised to forgive the old butler and not to kill herself.
People asked the old butler, "What on earth is going on? No one understands if you don't tell them!"
The old butler said, “I was afraid that Missy would read the real will and commit suicide, so I wrote a fake will and gave the real one to those shop managers for safekeeping.”
People then asked those shop managers, “Where's the real will? Take it out quickly!”
The clan checked the will and confirmed that it was Publican Liu's handwriting. Constant Fair suggested, “Burn this fake will, don't make things difficult for the old butler.”
Those shop managers asked Peach Flower Girl, “Big Boss! What should we do about this?”
How smart Peach Flower Girl is! After looked and listened, she understood everything and said, “Then leave it all to you managers!" She stood up and went back to the backyard. Those shop mangers discussed, this is a matter of life and death! Everyone who should be here is already here. The wedding should take place immediately!
On the same day, everyone went to the mountain. Constant fair and Peach Flower Girl married naked in public in front of the grave. As soon as the two of them kowtowed in front of Publican Liu’s wordless tombstone, people saw turquoise smoke rising from his grave (see illustration 2.7-40). crowds cheered: auspicious! Auspicious! Auspicious! Auspicious!
What is the auspicious? As the old saying goes something old, something new, something borrowed, something turquoise blue!
What is the old? The wordless tombstone is the tombstone of an ancient god, and there is this legend in many cultures around the world, no one knows how old it is.
What's the new? The ancient wordless tombstone manifests words again, this Peach Flower Catastrophe story is new.
What is the borrowed? The eyes of audiences and readers of the Peach Flower Catastrophe are borrowed. Publican Liu left words in his will: I want Constant fair and Peach Flower Girl to nakedly commonwealth and bow to my grave, let the audience and Peach Flower Catastrophe story readers laugh at this pair of beastly unfilial children (see illustration 2.7-42) instead of me.
What's turquoise blue? That turquoise blue smoke! Turquoise blue is a greenish blue color, a constant of Constant Silent Sky (see illustration 2.7-2;the none objectively have sky is also being called as Constant Silent Sky, Nirvana, Salvation, Empty After All, etc.) which can represent God.
What is that fire that is burning them? It is memory of the two of them before they were three years old (as in Figure 2.7-36 below). That memory is like “along thoughts ego in mind mechanism, is called Fortune in Chinese Culture, also known as Big Strength God, which is so powerful that there is no mundane match for it. Fortune is known as Juvenile in Buddhism, Brahmin in Hinduism, Abel in Christianity Islam and Ancient Egyptian culture, and Magni in Germanic culture, and Quetzalcoatl in Mexican culture.
Why then are the memories represented by fire? That memories have long since entered the unconscious and become part of unconscious, and of the Four Big Seeds, unconscious is God-sense, which is fire (cf. the Four Big Seeds in section 11.2), so the ancients said that they both spurted godly flames, burned up mundane world, and fused together.
↪️ Return to Catalog of Peach Flower Catastrophe
submitted by AdamLuyan to LifeTree [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 18:24 Professional_Disk131 Element79 Gold Corp Completes Maverick Springs Option Deal (CSE:ELEM, OTC:ELMGF)

Element79 Gold Corp Completes Maverick Springs Option Deal (CSE:ELEM, OTC:ELMGF)
  • Element79 Gold successfully manages a diverse portfolio, optimizing financial returns and advancing key projects such as the high-grade Lucero project in Peru.
  • The company demonstrates a strong commitment to sustainable mining and community collaboration, notably through partnerships with local artisanal miners to enhance mutual economic benefits.
  • Through strategic sales and partnerships, such as the Maverick Springs transaction, Element79 Gold enhances its financial stability and provides non-dilutive capital to fuel further exploration and development.
Element79 Gold Corp. (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) (FSE: 7YS) has successfully concluded the Binding Option Agreement with Sun Silver Limited, resulting in the transfer of ownership of the Maverick Springs Project to Sun Silver. This achievement marks a significant step in Element79 Gold Corp.’s ongoing strategy to enhance shareholder value through judicious asset management and partnerships.
About Element79
Element79 Gold (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) (FSE: 7YS), a mining entity focused on gold and silver, is strategically positioning itself for significant operational advancements. The company is on track to recommence production at its Lucero project in Arequipa, Peru, targeting a restart by 2024. Lucero, known for its high-grade deposits, stands as a cornerstone in Element79 Gold’s portfolio.
In addition to its developments in Peru, Element79 Gold holds an impressive suite of assets along the Battle Mountain trend in Nevada. This includes the promising Clover and West Whistler projects, which show potential for rapid resource development. Notably, three properties within this portfolio are poised for sale to Valdo Minerals Ltd., with the transaction expected to be finalized in the first half of 2024.
Expanding its geographical footprint, Element79 Gold is also making strides in British Columbia. The company has initiated a drilling program and signed a Letter of Intent to acquire a private company holding an option for 100% interest in the Snowbird High-Grade Gold Project. This project comprises 10 mineral claims located strategically near Fort St. James, reinforcing the company’s asset base in central British Columbia.
Further enhancing its asset management strategy, Element79 Gold has moved its Dale Property, located approximately 100 km southwest of Timmins, Ontario, into a spin-out process through its wholly owned subsidiary, Synergy Metals Corp. This strategic realignment is aimed at maximizing shareholder value through efficient asset utilization and focused corporate structuring.
Highlights of Element79 Gold’s Strategic Developments
Since its acquisition in 2021, Element79 Gold has diligently advanced the Maverick Springs project, culminating in an updated 43-101 compliant inferred resource estimation of 3.71 million ounces of gold equivalent (AuEq).
In pursuit of strategic partnerships to further develop Maverick Springs, Element79 Gold’s management successfully negotiated and entered into a Binding Option Agreement with Sun Silver in August 2023. This pivotal move aligns with the company’s strategic focus on the high-grade Lucero Project in Peru, which boasts near-term production potential. The transaction with Sun Silver not only shifts the company’s focus but also realizes significant value for Maverick Springs. Originally acquired and carried at CAD $3.337 million, the project was sold for CAD $5.033 million, reflecting an impressive return on investment of 51% within 28 months.
The sale generated substantial financial gains for Element79 Gold, amounting to CAD $4,400,000 in cash and 3,500,000 ordinary shares in Sun Silver, valued at AUD $0.20 per share (fair market value of AUD $700,000). These shares are anticipated to be listed on the Australian Stock Exchange around May 15, 2024.
A portion of the proceeds, CAD $2,200,000, will be allocated to settle the loan tied to the Waterton Contingent Value Rights Agreement. The remaining funds will be strategically used to further the development of other corporate projects and operations, reducing both capital debt and accounts payable. This strategic financial management underscores Element79 Gold’s commitment to optimizing its asset portfolio and enhancing shareholder value in the competitive mining sector.
Key Financial Highlights
  • Updated Resource Estimation: 3.71 million ounces of gold equivalent (AuEq).
  • Sale of Maverick Springs: Achieved a final sale value of CAD $5.033 million, marking a 51% ROI over 28 months from an acquisition and carrying cost of CAD $3.337 million.
  • Proceeds from Sale: Totaling CAD $4,400,000 in cash and 3,500,000 shares in Sun Silver, priced at AUD $0.20 per share.
  • Share Listing: Shares expected to be listed on the Australian Stock Exchange around May 15, 2024.
  • Loan Repayment: CAD $2,200,000 of the proceeds will be used to settle the loan associated with the Waterton Contingent Value Rights Agreement.
  • Funding Future Projects: Remaining funds will be used to advance other corporate projects and operations, while reducing capital debt and accounts payable.
“The successful closing of the transaction highlights Element 79’s steadfast dedication to executing its strategic roadmap. This is a critical milestone in the Company’s history: it stands as proof of our team’s ability to generate value through project execution, and indicates a potential turning point in our ongoing mission to build a stronger and more focused company; it reinforces diligent financial management by to clearing up the balance sheet from past endeavours, and it provides non-dilutive capital to support operations and advance strategic exploration programs on our core properties to generate further value for our investors.“
James Tworek, CEO of Element 79 Gold Corp
Collaboration with Artisanal Miners at Element79 Gold
Element79 Gold (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) (FSE: 7YS) has actively engaged with local artisanal miners in Lomas Doradas to promote sustainable mining practices and community collaboration. In April, the company’s community relations team organized a significant meeting aimed at enhancing mutual support and establishing a formal collaboration for mineral extraction and ore sale processes.
During this meeting, Element79 Gold presented draft contracts proposing 10-year surface access rights for exploration at the Lucero mine site, alongside similar access for local miners in designated areas. These agreements were intended to unify efforts and optimize ore market pricing, with the goal of creating mutual economic benefits.
A critical follow-up meeting was held in Chachas on April 28th, where the community voted on these initiatives. This gathering aimed to solidify the partnership between Element79 Gold and the artisanal miners, moving towards formalizing their cooperative relationship and ensuring continued updates on the initiative’s progress.
Element79 Gold (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) (FSE: 7YS) is exemplifying strategic acumen and operational dexterity across its diverse portfolio. By actively managing its assets from the Lucero project in Peru to strategic ventures across Nevada and British Columbia, the company is effectively balancing exploration potential with financial stability. The successful negotiation and sale of the Maverick Springs project, alongside collaborative engagements like those with the artisanal miners of Lomas Doradas, highlight Element79 Gold’s commitment to ethical practices and community involvement.
submitted by Professional_Disk131 to stockfreshman [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 18:22 Professional_Disk131 Element79 Gold Corp Completes Maverick Springs Option Deal (CSE:ELEM, OTC:ELMGF)
Element79 Gold Corp. (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) (FSE: 7YS) has successfully concluded the Binding Option Agreement with Sun Silver Limited, resulting in the transfer of ownership of the Maverick Springs Project to Sun Silver. This achievement marks a significant step in Element79 Gold Corp.’s ongoing strategy to enhance shareholder value through judicious asset management and partnerships.
About Element79
Element79 Gold (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) (FSE: 7YS), a mining entity focused on gold and silver, is strategically positioning itself for significant operational advancements. The company is on track to recommence production at its Lucero project in Arequipa, Peru, targeting a restart by 2024. Lucero, known for its high-grade deposits, stands as a cornerstone in Element79 Gold’s portfolio.
In addition to its developments in Peru, Element79 Gold holds an impressive suite of assets along the Battle Mountain trend in Nevada. This includes the promising Clover and West Whistler projects, which show potential for rapid resource development. Notably, three properties within this portfolio are poised for sale to Valdo Minerals Ltd., with the transaction expected to be finalized in the first half of 2024.
Expanding its geographical footprint, Element79 Gold is also making strides in British Columbia. The company has initiated a drilling program and signed a Letter of Intent to acquire a private company holding an option for 100% interest in the Snowbird High-Grade Gold Project. This project comprises 10 mineral claims located strategically near Fort St. James, reinforcing the company’s asset base in central British Columbia.
Further enhancing its asset management strategy, Element79 Gold has moved its Dale Property, located approximately 100 km southwest of Timmins, Ontario, into a spin-out process through its wholly owned subsidiary, Synergy Metals Corp. This strategic realignment is aimed at maximizing shareholder value through efficient asset utilization and focused corporate structuring.
Highlights of Element79 Gold’s Strategic Developments
Since its acquisition in 2021, Element79 Gold has diligently advanced the Maverick Springs project, culminating in an updated 43-101 compliant inferred resource estimation of 3.71 million ounces of gold equivalent (AuEq).
In pursuit of strategic partnerships to further develop Maverick Springs, Element79 Gold’s management successfully negotiated and entered into a Binding Option Agreement with Sun Silver in August 2023. This pivotal move aligns with the company’s strategic focus on the high-grade Lucero Project in Peru, which boasts near-term production potential. The transaction with Sun Silver not only shifts the company’s focus but also realizes significant value for Maverick Springs. Originally acquired and carried at CAD $3.337 million, the project was sold for CAD $5.033 million, reflecting an impressive return on investment of 51% within 28 months.
The sale generated substantial financial gains for Element79 Gold, amounting to CAD $4,400,000 in cash and 3,500,000 ordinary shares in Sun Silver, valued at AUD $0.20 per share (fair market value of AUD $700,000). These shares are anticipated to be listed on the Australian Stock Exchange around May 15, 2024.
A portion of the proceeds, CAD $2,200,000, will be allocated to settle the loan tied to the Waterton Contingent Value Rights Agreement. The remaining funds will be strategically used to further the development of other corporate projects and operations, reducing both capital debt and accounts payable. This strategic financial management underscores Element79 Gold’s commitment to optimizing its asset portfolio and enhancing shareholder value in the competitive mining sector.
Key Financial Highlights
“The successful closing of the transaction highlights Element 79’s steadfast dedication to executing its strategic roadmap. This is a critical milestone in the Company’s history: it stands as proof of our team’s ability to generate value through project execution, and indicates a potential turning point in our ongoing mission to build a stronger and more focused company; it reinforces diligent financial management by to clearing up the balance sheet from past endeavours, and it provides non-dilutive capital to support operations and advance strategic exploration programs on our core properties to generate further value for our investors.“
James Tworek, CEO of Element 79 Gold Corp
Collaboration with Artisanal Miners at Element79 Gold
Element79 Gold (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) (FSE: 7YS) has actively engaged with local artisanal miners in Lomas Doradas to promote sustainable mining practices and community collaboration. In April, the company’s community relations team organized a significant meeting aimed at enhancing mutual support and establishing a formal collaboration for mineral extraction and ore sale processes.
During this meeting, Element79 Gold presented draft contracts proposing 10-year surface access rights for exploration at the Lucero mine site, alongside similar access for local miners in designated areas. These agreements were intended to unify efforts and optimize ore market pricing, with the goal of creating mutual economic benefits.
A critical follow-up meeting was held in Chachas on April 28th, where the community voted on these initiatives. This gathering aimed to solidify the partnership between Element79 Gold and the artisanal miners, moving towards formalizing their cooperative relationship and ensuring continued updates on the initiative’s progress.
Element79 Gold (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) (FSE: 7YS) is exemplifying strategic acumen and operational dexterity across its diverse portfolio. By actively managing its assets from the Lucero project in Peru to strategic ventures across Nevada and British Columbia, the company is effectively balancing exploration potential with financial stability. The successful negotiation and sale of the Maverick Springs project, alongside collaborative engagements like those with the artisanal miners of Lomas Doradas, highlight Element79 Gold’s commitment to ethical practices and community involvement.
submitted by Professional_Disk131 to PennyStocksWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 18:20 Professional_Disk131 Element79 Gold Corp Completes Maverick Springs Option Deal (CSE:ELEM, OTC:ELMGF)

Element79 Gold Corp Completes Maverick Springs Option Deal (CSE:ELEM, OTC:ELMGF)
  • Element79 Gold successfully manages a diverse portfolio, optimizing financial returns and advancing key projects such as the high-grade Lucero project in Peru.
  • The company demonstrates a strong commitment to sustainable mining and community collaboration, notably through partnerships with local artisanal miners to enhance mutual economic benefits.
  • Through strategic sales and partnerships, such as the Maverick Springs transaction, Element79 Gold enhances its financial stability and provides non-dilutive capital to fuel further exploration and development.
Element79 Gold Corp. (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) (FSE: 7YS) has successfully concluded the Binding Option Agreement with Sun Silver Limited, resulting in the transfer of ownership of the Maverick Springs Project to Sun Silver. This achievement marks a significant step in Element79 Gold Corp.’s ongoing strategy to enhance shareholder value through judicious asset management and partnerships.
About Element79
Element79 Gold (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) (FSE: 7YS), a mining entity focused on gold and silver, is strategically positioning itself for significant operational advancements. The company is on track to recommence production at its Lucero project in Arequipa, Peru, targeting a restart by 2024. Lucero, known for its high-grade deposits, stands as a cornerstone in Element79 Gold’s portfolio.
In addition to its developments in Peru, Element79 Gold holds an impressive suite of assets along the Battle Mountain trend in Nevada. This includes the promising Clover and West Whistler projects, which show potential for rapid resource development. Notably, three properties within this portfolio are poised for sale to Valdo Minerals Ltd., with the transaction expected to be finalized in the first half of 2024.
Expanding its geographical footprint, Element79 Gold is also making strides in British Columbia. The company has initiated a drilling program and signed a Letter of Intent to acquire a private company holding an option for 100% interest in the Snowbird High-Grade Gold Project. This project comprises 10 mineral claims located strategically near Fort St. James, reinforcing the company’s asset base in central British Columbia.
Further enhancing its asset management strategy, Element79 Gold has moved its Dale Property, located approximately 100 km southwest of Timmins, Ontario, into a spin-out process through its wholly owned subsidiary, Synergy Metals Corp. This strategic realignment is aimed at maximizing shareholder value through efficient asset utilization and focused corporate structuring.
Highlights of Element79 Gold’s Strategic Developments
Since its acquisition in 2021, Element79 Gold has diligently advanced the Maverick Springs project, culminating in an updated 43-101 compliant inferred resource estimation of 3.71 million ounces of gold equivalent (AuEq).
In pursuit of strategic partnerships to further develop Maverick Springs, Element79 Gold’s management successfully negotiated and entered into a Binding Option Agreement with Sun Silver in August 2023. This pivotal move aligns with the company’s strategic focus on the high-grade Lucero Project in Peru, which boasts near-term production potential. The transaction with Sun Silver not only shifts the company’s focus but also realizes significant value for Maverick Springs. Originally acquired and carried at CAD $3.337 million, the project was sold for CAD $5.033 million, reflecting an impressive return on investment of 51% within 28 months.
The sale generated substantial financial gains for Element79 Gold, amounting to CAD $4,400,000 in cash and 3,500,000 ordinary shares in Sun Silver, valued at AUD $0.20 per share (fair market value of AUD $700,000). These shares are anticipated to be listed on the Australian Stock Exchange around May 15, 2024.
A portion of the proceeds, CAD $2,200,000, will be allocated to settle the loan tied to the Waterton Contingent Value Rights Agreement. The remaining funds will be strategically used to further the development of other corporate projects and operations, reducing both capital debt and accounts payable. This strategic financial management underscores Element79 Gold’s commitment to optimizing its asset portfolio and enhancing shareholder value in the competitive mining sector.
Key Financial Highlights
  • Updated Resource Estimation: 3.71 million ounces of gold equivalent (AuEq).
  • Sale of Maverick Springs: Achieved a final sale value of CAD $5.033 million, marking a 51% ROI over 28 months from an acquisition and carrying cost of CAD $3.337 million.
  • Proceeds from Sale: Totaling CAD $4,400,000 in cash and 3,500,000 shares in Sun Silver, priced at AUD $0.20 per share.
  • Share Listing: Shares expected to be listed on the Australian Stock Exchange around May 15, 2024.
  • Loan Repayment: CAD $2,200,000 of the proceeds will be used to settle the loan associated with the Waterton Contingent Value Rights Agreement.
  • Funding Future Projects: Remaining funds will be used to advance other corporate projects and operations, while reducing capital debt and accounts payable.
“The successful closing of the transaction highlights Element 79’s steadfast dedication to executing its strategic roadmap. This is a critical milestone in the Company’s history: it stands as proof of our team’s ability to generate value through project execution, and indicates a potential turning point in our ongoing mission to build a stronger and more focused company; it reinforces diligent financial management by to clearing up the balance sheet from past endeavours, and it provides non-dilutive capital to support operations and advance strategic exploration programs on our core properties to generate further value for our investors.“
James Tworek, CEO of Element 79 Gold Corp
Collaboration with Artisanal Miners at Element79 Gold
Element79 Gold (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) (FSE: 7YS) has actively engaged with local artisanal miners in Lomas Doradas to promote sustainable mining practices and community collaboration. In April, the company’s community relations team organized a significant meeting aimed at enhancing mutual support and establishing a formal collaboration for mineral extraction and ore sale processes.
During this meeting, Element79 Gold presented draft contracts proposing 10-year surface access rights for exploration at the Lucero mine site, alongside similar access for local miners in designated areas. These agreements were intended to unify efforts and optimize ore market pricing, with the goal of creating mutual economic benefits.
A critical follow-up meeting was held in Chachas on April 28th, where the community voted on these initiatives. This gathering aimed to solidify the partnership between Element79 Gold and the artisanal miners, moving towards formalizing their cooperative relationship and ensuring continued updates on the initiative’s progress.
Element79 Gold (CSE: ELEM) (OTC: ELMGF) (FSE: 7YS) is exemplifying strategic acumen and operational dexterity across its diverse portfolio. By actively managing its assets from the Lucero project in Peru to strategic ventures across Nevada and British Columbia, the company is effectively balancing exploration potential with financial stability. The successful negotiation and sale of the Maverick Springs project, alongside collaborative engagements like those with the artisanal miners of Lomas Doradas, highlight Element79 Gold’s commitment to ethical practices and community involvement.
submitted by Professional_Disk131 to Pennystocksv2 [link] [comments]