Reproducible bible study sheets for senior citizens

Support for Latter-day Saints overcoming pornography and masturbation

2019.02.13 19:56 Support for Latter-day Saints overcoming pornography and masturbation

Support for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who struggle with pornography, masturbation, and any other sexual addictions. We want to be your community and hopefully, because of the anonymity of Reddit, you'll feel comfortable sharing these tough issues with us and allowing us all to talk it out. You can do this and we can help.

2024.06.01 08:49 SteamedSpy4 [EVENT] Briefing on the 2100 Initiative for Incoming Supreme Baraza Representatives




... in brief, the premise of the 2100 Initiative is that the African demographic pyramid is not moving in a favorable direction. By 2100, the Union will be approaching a situation in which the working age population quickly becomes insufficient to support the aging population without major restructuring, due to the rapid population growth of the mid-century trailing off as the UASR becomes a more developed economy. For historical reference, the problem is similar to the well known ‘demographic cliff’ faced by China and the East Asian democracies, before the collapse of the PRC and subsequent developments in the region.
The proposal of the 2100 Initiative is to, over the next 30 years, achieve a 75% post-scarcity economy. In layman’s terms, this means the ability to sustain current levels of economic productivity with 25% of the work force. The economic basis for this project is to combine the Africosmos/Pact space mining initiative with the Union robotics program. Kaabu inherited a large amount of android/drone infrastructure via captured ADIR “gigafactories”, while Union developments after the Great Liberation War included both advanced combat drones and theoretical research into improved actuation technologies.
The availability of space based resources is expected to improve dramatically in the next two to three years. The SOLOMON mining program entered low rate production in early 2072 and will ramp up to full rate delivery by 2076. Two space elevator-class tethers are currently in transit from the Zuhuramji carbon mills over Venus, and will be docked with the orbital and ground installations for the New Mombasa and New Libreville space elevators in 2073 and brought online by 2075, reducing the cost for delivery of material from orbit essentially to zero.
On the automation front, various state-owned and communal groups have iterated on a large number of industrial automatons that have been rolled out in limited numbers. Industrial automatons are most prevalent in Kaabu, which had an enormous need for workers in construction and industry during the reconstruction effort after the Great Liberation War, and to an extent still has not completely recovered. The animal-like designs first introduced by Nakuru Arms during the 2060s rearmament program remain prevalent; the body plans of African wildlife are well suited to African terrain, and drones resembling elephants, rhinos, and buffalo are common in agricultural and construction applications. These drones are typically powered by hydrogen or advanced battery technologies, as the nuclear batteries favored by military variants are considered unsafe for commercial sale.
Socially, the program has proven controversial. Sawahil, Kaabu, and Cuanza have all historically been extraction-based economies, and transitioned to industrial-based economies in the past fifty years. Mass automation of skilled manual labor therefore threatens to eliminate large swathes of the job market. Large-scale retraining, as was policy during the restructuring of the industrial sector in the depths of the resource crisis, can only go so far when the fundamental nature of employment is changing. The problem is not mass poverty, as the Initiative will introduce vast material wealth into the commune system, but managing the societal repercussions of this transition.
Kaabu is of note as both the republic that has advanced furthest along the Initiative, and the republic that has seen the greatest social challenges. Organized Islam was badly discredited by the Arab League’s religiously-motivated mass killings during the Great Liberation War; in only ten years, Kaabu plummeted from an extremely religious republic to one with 48% of citizens self-identifying as atheist, rivaling Sawahil’s 57%. A notable sub-population has proven to be particularly skeptical of replacing human labor with machines- the so-called “empty shells” movement. The empty shell protests have been most directed at the humanoid drones used primarily as industrial labor. The growth of this movement has been the subject of several studies…


CLEARED FOR PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION [NO INFORMATION CONTROLS] of the New Libreville and New Mombasa space elevators consists of three primary programs. The elevator tethers were constructed at the Zuhuramji carbon mills, condensed in Venus’ upper atmosphere. One tether remains at Zuharamji, where it is being installed at the colony proper. The other two were shipped to Earth for installation over the UASR and are currently in transit as of 2072, with arrival in early 2073.
The ground facilities consist of two Oshun platforms installed 20 kilometers off the coast of Libreville, Equatorial Guinea and Mombasa, Kenya respectively. Unlike most Oshun platforms, the surface anchor platforms use the Waaq 2 architecture developed by the Navy for durability against accidents and attack, and are anchored to the ocean floor by reinforced nanocomposite steel tethers instead of being free to move under their own power. Both platforms are ringed in major port facilities, and are connected to the mainland by a 20 kilometer rail bridge serving the RPAfricaRail system.
The orbital facilities include a series of large orbital transshipping docks defended by nine Iron Beam 2MW-class lasers, analogous to the defenses at the Daraja Mbinguni L4 station. Construction began in 2068 and the major station components were launched from Daraja Kuwa in 2070, with the orbital sections completed in late 2072. Docking of the tethers is scheduled for early 2073, and construction of the elevator infrastructure is currently projected to be complete by mid 2075...
submitted by SteamedSpy4 to worldpowers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:14 eric_bidegain NYT: “Women are increasingly reporting sexual harassment and abuse in the sport, including accusations against the renowned climber Nirmal Purja.”

NYT: “Women are increasingly reporting sexual harassment and abuse in the sport, including accusations against the renowned climber Nirmal Purja.”
May 31, 2024 —
In a memoir published in December, the professional mountaineer and former Miss Finland Lotta Hintsa briefly described an upsetting incident with a “very famous male climber” whom she didn’t name.
During a March 2023 business discussion in the man’s hotel suite in Kathmandu, Nepal, he “kissed Lotta completely without warning,” Ms. Hintsa and her co-author wrote in the Finnish-language book, “The Mountains of My Life 2.” “The situation was absurd, unreal and unpleasant.”
But in interviews with The New York Times, Ms. Hintsa said her experience was more disturbing than she had described in the book. And her story highlights a concern that women in the climbing world are starting to talk about more openly.
Ms. Hintsa said the man was Nirmal Purja, whose successful 2019 quest to climb all 14 of the world’s 8,000-meter peaks in record time was chronicled in a popular Netflix documentary. She said he led her to the bedroom, pulled off her shirt, trekking shorts and underwear and tried to remove her bra. She said she repeatedly told him no and offered excuses to get him to stop without agitating him. The episode ended with him masturbating next to her, she said.
“I just need to get out of this and pretend that it never happened,” Ms. Hintsa, 35, recalled thinking at the time.
Through his lawyer, Mr. Purja declined requests for an interview. The lawyer, Philip M. Kelly, said in a written statement that Mr. Purja “unequivocally denies the allegations of wrongdoing. These allegations are false and defamatory.”
As high-altitude mountaineering has gained popularity, women have become increasingly visible and formidable in a sport still largely dominated by men. Statistics from Mount Everest speak to the trend: Last year, 65 women reached the summit — about 10 percent of the climbers who summited — up from 45 in 2013 and just 10 in 2003, according to the Himalayan Database.
But in recent years, members of the broader climbing community have acknowledged that the sport comes with unseen risks, especially for women. More and more women in the sport, which includes everything from indoor rock climbing to ascending snowy peaks, are coming forward to talk about moments they’ve described as unsettling or worse.
In 2019, a group of professional female rock climbers started an Instagram account “about the ridiculous and inappropriate messages, photos, and solicitations we receive in our DMs,” one of the women said in a social media post. The account, whose creators said it was later shut down by Instagram, shared screenshots of harassing messages sent to women in the sport.
In February, a 39-year-old climber named Charles Barrett was convicted of three counts of sexual abuse for repeatedly assaulting a woman who was visiting Yosemite National Park for a weekend hiking trip in 2016. The U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of California said in a statement that Mr. Barrett had “used his renown and physical presence as a rock climber to lure and intimidate victims who were part of the rock-climbing community.”
And in interviews with The Times, Ms. Hintsa and another woman, a former client of Mr. Purja’s high-altitude guiding company, described experiences in recent years in which he kissed them without consent, made aggressive advances or touched them sexually against their wishes. They said they felt powerless and wary of angering Mr. Purja.
“I didn’t know what to do,” recalled Dr. April Leonardo, a family physician from Quincy, Calif. She said Mr. Purja repeatedly grabbed, kissed and propositioned her during an expedition to K2, the world’s second-tallest mountain. “I’m on this crazy climb. He’s my guide. I don’t want to do anything to put myself in jeopardy.” The statement from Mr. Purja’s lawyer also unequivocally denied Dr. Leonardo’s allegations.
Soon after the encounters the women described having with Mr. Purja, they shared their stories with friends and relatives and sent them text messages about their experiences. The Times reviewed the text messages and confirmed the conversations with the other people.
The outdoor recreation world has started to address sexual abuse and harassment, though haltingly. In response to the #MeToo movement, members of the United States climbing community created an initiative in 2018 called #SafeOutside to study the scope of the problem in the sport. The organizers surveyed more than 5,000 climbers from over 60 countries and found that 47 percent of women and 16 percent of men said they had been subjected to unwanted sexual behavior while climbing. And a few months ago, The Mountaineers, an outdoor recreation group in the Pacific Northwest, created a sexual harassment and assault prevention advisory committee to address the risk among its 15,000 members.
But it’s nothing new for women to feel mistreated in the sport.
“It’s the most vulnerable position I can imagine being in,” said Alison Levine, the captain of the first American women’s Everest expedition in 2002, who said she experienced verbal abuse and threatening behavior from a guide during that trip. The climbers turned back short of the summit as weather conditions deteriorated.
Ms. Levine continued, “The thing that was most challenging, the scariest, and produced the most anxiety and fear on that mountain came from a human, not the environment.” She didn’t return to the big mountains for another five years, then went back to Everest in 2010 and reached the summit.
“There is so much inherent risk in the environment itself,” she said. “When you add in risk from interpersonal relationships, that makes it even more frightening.”
This month, hundreds of climbers scaled Everest and other Himalayan peaks. Above 8,000 meters (about 26,000 feet), they enter what is known as the Death Zone, where there is not enough oxygen to sustain human life for long and they expose themselves to hazards like frostbite, icefall, crevasses and high-altitude pulmonary or cerebral edema. Eighteen climbers died on Everest during the spring 2023 season, and this year five have died and three have been reported missing.
Clients pay tens of thousands of dollars to attempt these ascents — Everest expeditions start at around $40,000 and can cost six figures for a more luxurious experience — and entrust their guides with their lives.
Mr. Purja, 40, is one of mountaineering’s most recognizable and influential figures, with more than two million followers on Instagram. Known as Nims, he’s a naturalized citizen of Britain, where he lives with his wife and young daughter. But in his native Nepal he is revered as the kind of climbing superstar the country hasn’t seen since Tenzing Norgay completed the first ascent of Mount Everest in 1953 alongside Sir Edmund Hillary.
Through his guiding company, Elite Exped, Mr. Purja has helped usher in a new era of commercial climbing on the world’s tallest peaks and has encouraged women on social media to take part.
He has guided high-profile female clients like Asma Al Thani, a member of the Qatari royal family, and the Russian model Victoria Bonya. “Thanks for inspiring me to push my limits. I’m grateful for everything you taught me,” a Swiss climber named Christine Vogondy posted on social media last fall, with a photo of her and Mr. Purja atop Gasherbrum I in Pakistan.
Ms. Hintsa, who became a professional climber in 2018, crossed paths with Mr. Purja at base camps in Nepal and Pakistan while on the climbing circuit. They corresponded intermittently about expeditions they were taking, and Mr. Purja invited her to guide for his company.
Mr. Purja was often flirtatious in those text messages and in exchanges with Dr. Leonardo, according to a review of the messages by The Times. The women sometimes bantered back, and Ms. Hintsa, a former Sports Illustrated swimsuit model, once sent a photo of herself from the magazine. Often, though, the women changed the subject or didn’t respond.
Ms. Hintsa and Mr. Purja agreed to meet in Kathmandu in March 2023 to discuss working together on an expedition Ms. Hintsa was organizing. Mr. Purja suggested having coffee in his hotel suite to avoid the attention he would get in the lobby, Ms. Hintsa recalled.
Given the tenor of some of their earlier text messages, Ms. Hintsa said, she sought to draw clear boundaries. She said she texted Mr. Purja on WhatsApp that this was “not a booty call,” and that he replied agreeing that it was not. Ms. Hintsa no longer has this text exchange because Mr. Purja’s app was set to make messages in their chat disappear after seven days.
In Mr. Purja’s suite at the Marriott on March 30, Ms. Hintsa recalled, she was “frozen” and “confused” as he led her to the bed. She said she felt like she was having an out-of-body experience as he removed her clothes even as she continued to say no. She told him she had her period, she said, but he didn’t stop. At one point he touched her vagina, she said.
“I can’t get through to him. He’s in this extremely aroused state where a ‘No’ means nothing,” Ms. Hintsa recalled. She said she was afraid to agitate him because of his strength and the training he’d received in Britain’s military, including its special forces.
She said that Mr. Purja appeared to grow frustrated as she continued to refuse him and that he seemed to lose interest after she physically resisted his removing her bra. She described feeling relieved when he began to masturbate, hopeful that the episode would soon be over.
Mr. Purja then showered, she said, which gave her time to compose herself and get dressed. They left the room and he showed her the store he operates at the Marriott, then asked a driver to take her to her hotel, she said. Mr. Purja behaved as if nothing had happened, she said. That day, Ms. Hintsa texted a friend describing her experience. The Times reviewed the message. Later, she recounted it in person to the friend, Heidi Paananen, who confirmed their conversation.
A driver for Mr. Purja, Krishna Bahadur Tamang, said in a written statement provided by Mr. Purja’s lawyer that he took Mr. Purja to the Marriott that morning. He said Mr. Purja returned to the car “within 20 minutes.” Ms. Hintsa recalled being at the hotel with Mr. Purja for close to an hour, and she provided time-stamped photos she took that day on her way to meet Mr. Purja and at his store. They corroborated her timeline.
Ms. Hintsa did not end up doing business with Mr. Purja’s company.
Outdoor sports have unique risk factors for sexual harassment and misconduct, said Gina McClard, an Oregon lawyer specializing in gender-based violence prevention. In 2019, she co-founded a consultancy called Respect Outside that works with outdoor recreation groups such as mountaineering clubs and guide services on policies, procedures and trainings to prevent sexual harassment and discrimination.
These activities can entail weekslong expeditions to remote settings, where participants live and sleep in close quarters. The culture surrounding outdoor sports, which celebrates pushing boundaries and glorifies people who pull off rare feats, may also create situations where inappropriate behavior goes unchecked, she said.
“Much of the outdoor industry is still an ‘old boys’ network,” Ms. McClard said in an email. “If you do not conform to how things are done, you may find yourself marginalized and iced out of the club.”
Mr. Barrett, the climber who was convicted of sexual abuse this year, is set to be sentenced on Tuesday. He was prosecuted in part because of the 2018 #SafeOutside survey, according to court filings earlier reported by Outside Magazine. The woman he assaulted answered the survey saying she had been raped by a “well-known, professional California climber” on a trip to Yosemite. Another respondent said she had been sexually assaulted by the houseguest of a professional climber she was visiting. Survey organizers followed up with the women and connected them after they both identified Mr. Barrett as the person who had assaulted them. The Yosemite hiker reported Mr. Barrett to the authorities in 2020.
Mr. Barrett’s was a familiar name in California rock climbing. He wrote guidebooks on bouldering in popular areas like Mammoth and Bishop, and he ascended difficult routes with the famous American rock climber Alex Honnold. A 2016 profile in Climbing Magazine, later taken down from the website, described Mr. Barrett as “a master of the California climbing game.”
He was living and working in Yosemite at the time of the assault of the female hiker. Mr. Barrett “violently raped” her after inviting her into the woods to watch a meteor shower, prosecutors said, and also assaulted her during a hike and in the employee housing area. Three other women, including the other survey respondent, testified at his trial that he had sexually assaulted them. Those incidents happened outside federal jurisdiction, and state prosecutors did not bring charges.
Based on her work with groups throughout the outdoor industry, Ms. McClard said that company policies rarely extend beyond physical safety to include psychological or emotional safety of clients and employees. Most smaller outdoor companies don’t have in-house human resources departments, she said, and bigger players in the industry have not invested the time or money that she believes this issue requires.
“There’s no industrywide movement,” she said. “I feel like we are alone in what we’re doing on sexual harassment in the outdoor industry.”
Dr. Leonardo, 41, the California physician, met Mr. Purja at a teahouse in Nepal in 2021 before she summited Mount Everest with a different company. She later learned that he was organizing a guided ascent of K2 the following summer. Drawn in part by the danger of the climb, she signed up, paying $55,000 for the two-month trip, which began in June 2022.
After arriving at K2 base camp, at about 17,000 feet, the team held a puja, a ceremony to pay respect to the mountain and ask for safe passage. She recalled that during the celebration afterward, she was looking for a trash bag and ran into Mr. Purja, who took her to a storage tent to get one. As she turned to leave, she said, Mr. Purja grabbed her arm, pulled her close and kissed her. She recalled Mr. Purja then saying, “I will have you.” Stunned and unsure of what to do, she said, she walked out.
“I just feel like I need to avoid him and keep anything from happening, but I’m afraid to do or say anything about it,” Dr. Leonardo recalled thinking. Another climber on the mountain at the time said Dr. Leonardo told him during her trip that she and Mr. Purja had had this interaction and that she did not want to be alone with him. The person asked not to be named for fear of professional or personal repercussions.
On another occasion, Dr. Leonardo said, Mr. Purja showed up uninvited at her tent. She was in her sleeping bag, wearing a shirt and underwear, she recalled, and he crouched next to her and said he wanted to check on her knee, which she had injured. Mr. Purja reached inside her sleeping bag, which made her feel panicked, she said, so she quickly pulled her leg out. He kissed her, she said, and grabbed her hand and placed it on his crotch, forcing her to feel his erect penis through his pants. She said she felt trapped in her sleeping bag, unable to leave because she wasn’t dressed.
According to Dr. Leonardo, Mr. Purja told her he wanted to have sex with her but had to wait until no one was around, and then left.
Another time, she said, Mr. Purja grabbed her arm while she was walking alone through camp and asked, “When can I mount you?” He suggested they go to her tent, she said, but she made excuses.
Dr. Leonardo sent her father, Leon Leonardo, a text during her trip saying that Mr. Purja kept trying to have sex with her. “Not ok,” she wrote in the message, which was reviewed by The Times.
Two employees of Elite Exped on Dr. Leonardo’s K2 expedition, Chandra Bahadur Tamang, the head chef, and Ramesh Gurung, a senior guide, said in statements provided by Mr. Purja’s lawyer that they provided security for the storage tent because it contained valuable items and that Mr. Purja never went inside it during the expedition. Dr. Leonardo said people were often around the tent but no one was there when she and Mr. Purja briefly went inside.
Another senior guide, Pasang Tendi Sherpa, said in a statement that Mr. Purja “was not in any private setting” with Dr. Leonardo during the trip. Pasang Tendi Sherpa’s statement did not explain how he knew that and he did not respond to interview requests. Mr. Gurung did not agree to an interview. The Times could not reach Chandra Bahadur Tamang.
For several months after the trip, Dr. Leonardo had cordial text exchanges with Mr. Purja, partly because she was waiting for reimbursement for some lost gear, she said. She didn’t see him again.
The women who spoke to The Times about Mr. Purja said that they didn’t know what recourse they had. Elite Exped is a small company run by Mr. Purja, and because the incidents happened outside their home countries, the women weren’t sure what to do. They did not alert law enforcement or other authorities.
Ms. Hintsa said she was telling her story in hopes of making the male-dominated sport of mountaineering safer for women. Only with time has she come to understand the effects of her experience.
“I hadn’t realized the scars that it had left,” she said. “It has made me realize that it’s not only the rock fall or the avalanches that are dangerous for a female climber.”
Mr. Purja’s star has continued to rise. As a face of high-altitude climbing, he has worked with major companies like Red Bull and Nike, which this past winter released a clothing collection inspired by Mr. Purja, called 8K Peaks, and featured him in a towering Manhattan billboard. In December he received an honorary doctorate from Loughborough University in England. Outdoor brands including Grivel, Osprey and Scarpa have worked with him on co-branded products.
Dr. Leonardo’s achievement of summiting K2, she said, was tainted by what she experienced. She hopes that sharing her account will help other women avoid a similar scenario.
“I can’t let it keep happening,” Dr. Leonardo said, adding: “I don’t want another woman to have to go through this.”
submitted by eric_bidegain to Mountaineering [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:35 ar_david_hh What happened in Armenia on Friday, May 31? // TT News

12 minutes of Armenia coverage by Transcaucasian Telegraph. Follow for regular updates.

protesters led by Bagrat Galstanyan clashed with police while attempting to enter the Foreign Ministry building

The pro-Russian former regime continues to demand PM Pashinyan's resignation. Yesterday protest co-organizer Bagrat Galstanyan said he was preparing a "surprise" for the government.
On Friday, Galstanyan and a group of supporters clashed with the police after he gave FM Mirzoyan and other ministry officials "30 minutes to come down and talk" and said he would enter the building if they didn't come. Galstanyan said he wanted the crowd to enter the building, too, but the police was against it.
Galstanyan said that the police "would be responsible for any clash". He said he didn't care if the police brought 2,000 more officers because he was determined to enter the building. The crowd eventually clashed with the police. The officers pushed them back. Galstanyan threatened the police chief: "You will answer with your head." Galstanyan wasn't happy that the foreign ministry leadership refused to meet him. The police warned him not to incite the crowd. He blamed the police for the incident.
Galstanyan was rousing the crowd before the clash. He accused the police of hooliganism and using insults, and urged his supporters to treat the police "like they treat you". He held the loudspeaker at the police and gestured for his followers to shout at them. The situation began to intensify. Some officers began slamming their batons against their shields but the commander signaled them to stop, and they did.
Galstanyan instructed his followers not to back down: "Do not take a step back... Our patience has limits." Galstanyan kept accusing the police of inciting things while the police stood there without taking action. The police spokesman also brought a loudspeaker and accused Galstanyan of being an agitator and inciting the crowd.
7 police officers and several protesters were hospitalized after the clash. 28 protesters were arrested and are facing charges.
During the evening speech, Galstanyan said he doesn't regret today's events and urged his followers to take action and get arrested if necessary:
GALSTANYAN: If you do not get arrested today by this government, tomorrow you will have to answer for that. //
Hanun Republic party chief Arman Babajanyan, a former churchman, said that Church leader Garegin B will be responsible for future clashes incited by his "imprudent son" Bagrat.
BABAJANYAN: I hope FM Mirzoyan and others won't meet this clown and won't interact with him. This movement has become an entertainment for media outlets in Turkey and Azerbaijan. //
REPORTER: The number of protesters is small. Is the protest fading?
ARF MP GARNIK (co-organizer): It's not the protest that's fading, it's those people [Nikol]. We have many supporters in the state apparatus who will join us. //
Bagrat Galstanyan was nominated by the former regime as their candidate to replace PM Pashinyan. In response to observations that Galstanyan cannot be a PM because he must wait at least 4 years after ending his dual citizenship, Galstanyan's supporters say there are ways to bypass the restriction. For example, Serj-era Justice Minister Gevorg Danielyan claims there are no constitutional obstructions, while Galstanyan's supporter lawyer Arsen Babayan [Serj-era parliament official] suggests ignoring the Constitution altogether.
ARSEN BABAYAN: When the issue is to save the country, the Constitution and the law must be pushed to the background. This is very important. We cannot lose the country because of the law and the Constitution. Let's not forget that it's the people who decide how the Constitution should be. I want Galstanyan to be appointed as the PM and then amend the Constitution, not the other way around. //
RULING MP: The daily nonsense continues. In other words, Arsen Babayan admits that there is a legal obstruction but he wants that obstruction to be ignored and changed later.
REPORTER: ARF MP Garnik Danielyan says they have supporters in state agencies who are ready to join them when the time is right.
RULING MP: It doesn't matter what Danielyan says; he is just selling hope to his supporters.
REPORTER: Your administration failed to "clean up" the state agencies and carry out "lustration".
RULING MP: We promised after the 2018 revolution not to carry out a vendetta and to allow experts to stay in their positions. This is why so many employees with ties to former administrations continued to work and receive higher positions. It's another thing that they didn't understand and appreciate the opportunity to serve the state and not the government. Today the opposition is doing the [self-]lustration much better than we could have ever done.
Today the protest organizers are trying to bait the authorities to take certain actions against protesters so the organizers can present it as a valid reason to end the protests because they understand they have reached a dead end. The only thing they have accomplished is annoying the residents and obstructing their roads. //
The opposition doesn't have enough votes to initiate an impeachment process against Pashinyan, let alone succeed by securing a majority of votes. They are short of 1 vote to initiate the process. They are hoping to convince their former partyman Ishkhan Zakharyan to join the process but Zakharyan left their ranks a while ago to continue his service as an independent MP and doesn't seem to be eager to join the impeachment. On Friday Zakharyan was seen with Pashinyan's Chief of Staff Arayik Harutyunyan during the session of the Executive Committee of the Pan-Armenian Games. Zakharyan recently told protest leader Bagrat Galstanyan that he "doesn't reject" the impeachment process but there are no reports of him joining it either.
In other news. Bagrat Galstanyan's supporter Don Pipo, a criminal subculture figure wanted by Armenian authorities since 2022 for allegedly organizing a murder, is organizing groups of Russian-Armenians to travel to Armenia to join Galstanyan's protests.
In other news. The police announced the arrest of a protester who had a dispute and allegedly stabbed a fellow protester in the cheek and neck in the backyard of St. Anna church where Galstanyan regularly holds evening gatherings to announce the plan for the following day.
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Pashinyan spent Friday eating ice cream and attending the opening ceremony of a newly rebuilt amphitheater in Vedi

He distributed ice cream to kids.
video, video, full ceremony, source,

the Church owns hundreds of apartments that are not being taxed: ruling party MP

MP VARDANYAN: There needs to be a study to understand the volume so we can decide how to tax just as we tax other things under Armenia's law. //
The MP pulled out a phone with an Excel sheet reportedly displaying the list of properties owned by the Church and scrolled it for several pages to show it to the reporters.
MP VARDANYAN: There needs to be a study to understand how these properties are being used. The ones used for commercial purposes and manufacturing must pay taxes like everyone else does. This study is my personal initiative with a group of colleagues; it's not an official process yet.
REPORTER: When was this idea born?
MP VARDANYAN: We were discussing it some time ago and the conversation was revived after the recent public discourse about the Church and taxes. In the past, we discussed the import of raw paraffin under "charity" which was later re-categorized and today it's imported from EAEU. Perhaps all these discussions weren't interesting in the past while we were having it. Every citizen must pay taxes and no one should be above the law.

will the Church be taxed?

REPORTER: Various representatives of the ruling party have lately mentioned the need to tax the Church. Is there a process to tax it?
CUSTOMS CHIEF: No. I'm not aware of any process.
REPORTER: A ruling party MP said today that they are studying the issue. Do you know anything about it?
CUSTOMS CHIEF: I'm not aware of the details. We will provide taxation statistics if they request it. No requests have been made so far.
REPORTER: Is the Church paying taxes today?
CUSTOMS CHIEF: They have some employees engaged in commercial activities so they pay income tax from their paychecks. The law grants tax exemptions to the Church for the sale of certain ceremonial products, property tax, and various other exemptions.
REPORTER: Why were they granted those exemptions?
CUSTOMS CHIEF: For various reasons. If there are activities relating to religion it can have exemptions but it's necessary to understand what's religious and non-religious.
REPORTER: Why was the taxation brought up now?
CUSTOMS CHIEF: We've been discussing changes to the tax law with the Church for several years. We discussed the law on charity. We suggested that they make payments for imports of paraffin and tserezin. We offered to cover the full cost of import duties on those items but for some reason the Church refused. [Pashinyan said earlier that they offered the Church to improve its financial transparency by having them pay taxes and receive all of the paid taxes back.]
REPORTER: Why did the Church turn down the suggestion?
CUSTOMS CHIEF: I don't know the reason.
REPORTER: The MP said they are studying thousands of properties owned by the Church and that they might prepare a resolution.
CUSTOMS CHIEF: As I said, we are ready to cooperate by providing statistics if necessary.
REPORTER: What is your personal opinion on taxing the Church?
CUSTOMS CHIEF: Things with religious purposes should not be taxed but when you sell something and collect a profit, that's something we can discuss.
REPORTER: Can you bring an example?
CUSTOMS CHIEF: No problem when the Church receives a donation, but if the Church sells an item for profit, including candles, it should be taxed.
REPORTER: Have you already studied the volume of such sales?
REPORTER: Protest leader Galstanyan said businessman Hayk Shahnazaryan's business was investigated because of supporting him. Is this policy applied in the case of other businesses as well?
CUSTOMS CHIEF: You just presented misinformation as a fact. The individual you mentioned has been at the center of customs checks since 2023 and the same violation happened again so that was the reason for the latest action as well. There is always an attempt to manipulate the enforcement actions by distorting the timing of events. Today one of the MPs said that a supermarket belongs to a ranking police official and asked "why do you not investigate them?". I published the list of investigations against that supermarket, showing ֏10 million in fines imposed on them. These manipulations are common. Everything is a conspiracy, starting from the weather.
source, source, source,

IRS chief about the 2023 budget:

• State budget revenues rose by ֏296B ($764M) or 15.4%.
• In 2023 we studied 2022's VAT/profit/income tax gap and it was 3.06% of GDP, down by 0.5% YoY.
• Tax-to-GDP ratio was 23.9%, and if we include the mortgage loan return program, that's +0.84% YoY.
• We returned ֏363B ($937M) to taxpayers. That's up by ֏100B ($258M) from the previous year.
• We built the Margara customs checkpoint [with Turkey], the EU is helping rebuild and modernize the Meghri checkpoint [with Iran], the Gogavan [Georgia] checkpoint was renovated, and Bagratashen [Georgia] is being widened.
• After the digitization reforms in the preliminary customs declaration procedures, the time for certain import procedures was reduced from 2-3 days to 2-3 hours. Businesses save time and money.
• 82 educational events were organized for businesses to help them. Around 1,030 hours of classes were held for 1,665 taxpayers.
• A survey shows the satisfaction rate for each agency: tax agency 87%, customs agency 78%.
• Several new digital platforms for residents and non-residents.
• We have successfully passed an audit for informational security and received an international ISO certification.
• We continue to improve the 49 analytical methods and the 66 risk criterions. These allow us to identify red flags.
• 31,000 inspections were carried out with the use of red flag systems, for a sum of ֏52B ($134M). That's +43% YoY.
more stats,

anti-corruption: prosecutors seek ֏20B ($51M) from former Ecology Minister Vardan Ayvazyan as part of asset forfeiture case

This includes 3 real estate properties, 2 vehicles, money-kasha, company shares, etc.
source, source,

anti-corruption: prosecutors seek to seize 23 real estate properties, 9 vehicles, and other allegedly illegally obtained assets from the former head of State Revenue Service Vardan Harutyunyan

Includes millions of dollars and a London property.

other anti-corruption busts

source, source,

court acquits ex-President Serj Sargsyan on $1 million agricultural fuel embezzlement charges

Serj Sargsyan and co-defendants, including the owner of Flash fuel company, were accused of conspiring to embezzle fuel meant for farmers. The case was brought almost 5 years ago. Some of the key witnesses died of natural causes and COVID during the process, which lasted for so long that all the defendants qualified for release under the statute of limitations even if they were found guilty. The court returned a not-guilty verdict on Friday. Prosecutors will appeal it, which means the case will be heard by the recently-formed Anti-Corruption Court of Appeal.
source, source, source,

court instructs two media outlets to retract a defamatory statement against ruling party MP Hakob Arshakyan

It was regarding a story about the Engineering City in Yerevan. One of the outlets has already issued the retraction.

NGO chief Daniel Ioannesian threatens to sue protest co-organizer ARF MP Garnik Danielyan for "defamation"

IOANNESIAN: ԱԺ պատգամավոր Գառնիկ Դանիելյանը հայտարարեց, թե իբր ես անցել եմ իմ ընտանիքի անդամների «նկատմամբ» կատարված ինչ-որ քրեական գործով: Գառնիկ Դանիելյանը պատասխան է տալու դատական կարգով։ Ես երբեք որևէ քրեական գործով չեմ անցել։ Երբեք որևէ քրեական գործով (կամ հետաքննությամբ) անգամ չի քննարկվել իմ կողմից՝ ընտանիքիս անդամի դեմ կատարված որևէ արարք։ //
Ioannesian accused the MP of spreading the "same fake news" that Tsarukyan's BHK allegedly spread about him in 2018.
IOANNESIAN: At least BHK was using its army of online bots to spread it to avoid legal consequences.

Efes Insurance launches two health insurance products in Armenia

Cancer insurance and international health insurance. They are working with European companies.

over 40 foreign diplomats visited the disaster zone in northern Armenia to learn about the flood damage and restoration efforts

Armenian Interior Ministry has officially asked the European Union to active its civil protection mechanism in order to receive assistance from the UN office to strengthen expert capabilities for more accurate assessment of the consequences
You can sign up to volunteer for cleanup. Hundreds of students and professors have joined the efforts.
video, source, source,

short video from Alaverdi showing the damaged railway track


these are the main blockers of the AM-EU visa liberalization

• A comprehensive biometric passport system (on its way, procurement launched)
• A comprehensive medical insurance system (on its way in 2025)
• Certain border control procedures (on its way, possibly starting August)
• and other minor things

the government has purchased devices to measure the strength of radio signals coming from neighboring countries so it can refer violations to the international organization tasked with distributing radio frequencies

RULING MP ARSHAKYAN: Often while traveling in border regions or even Yerevan, the car's antenna picks up radio signals from neighboring countries. This is difficult to prevent since we don't have a giant concrete-metal wall on our borders. Since we didn't have professional devices with international standards to measure the signal strength, we couldn't contact the international union to ask them to require our neighbors to reduce the power of their towers located near Armenia. This is why the Rohde & Schwarz measuring radio-monitoring devices were acquired and I'm glad they are in Armenia now. Have you measured the signals and contacted the international body?
HIGH-TECH MINISTER Hayrapetyan: The issue requires multiple steps and owning the $1.3 million equipment alone won't solve the issue. The government decided to first understand where these signals are coming from and the clarity in Armenian frequencies. We are hiring more staff in Goris station. We have not yet launched the measuring process. We are still preparing the infrastructure and qualified staff. We are competing with the private sector to attract specialists.
A lot of the problems will be addressed after the digitization of radio. The Finance Ministry agrees to allocate additional resources for this digitization in 2025-2027. //

Armenian government resumes the broadcast of Russian television Channel One over public multiplex after the channel pays the outstanding ֏2.5M debt

That was quick. 'Channel One paid its debt in full the next day.'
source, source,

Armenian National Supercomputing Center names Armenia's new supercomputer after Charles Aznavour: VIDEO

• Supercomputer's location: Engineering City in Yerevan.
• Purpose: Research, calculations, cloud computing, machine learning, data analysis, AI, etc.
• 1 petaflops
• 10 to 15 operations per second
• 24,500 cores connected by high-speed channels
• Access to 1,500 terabytes of storage devices
• Armenia is the first among the Eastern Partnership countries where such a computer was installed
• It's a gift from Toulouse University. It was upgraded by investments from the Armenian government and World Bank.
• Made by global giant Atos.
• Nikola Aznavour: My father Charles was a big fan of technology. He began using computers in the 1980s to write lyrics and record the music.
• Ապրեք 👏
source, source, video,

Armenia will not take part in the Russian-led CSTO Defense Ministers Council meeting on Friday

The cold war continues between Armenia and Russia.

U.S. is sending military advisors to the defense ministry of Armenia to make them more compatible with U.S. forces and to move them away from the Russian model: Intelligence Online

The U.S. believes the government of Armenia is "keen to exit Moscow's orbit".
The effort, carried out by a private organization, will eventually pave the way to future procurement of their reformed armies
source, [source,](tass world/1796081)

foreign ministers of U.S. and Turkey discussed the opportunities to support peace and prosperity in Transcaucasus

No details.
submitted by ar_david_hh to armenia [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:18 Outrageous_Blood_145 being mixed-race in the bible belt and tanning beds

Y'all. We need to talk about this. Because I've never seen it talked about- anywhere.
Background- I'm mixed race. My dad is white, mom is Venezolana. I lived in South Florida for the first 30 years of my life. For the first 30 years of my life, I never had a single day in which I was white-passing. And that never stood out to me. My body was just what it was. I'm also queer and trans-identified. So much community loss.
Then I ended up in the bible belt. In the winter I do not recognize myself. Which means painful reminders of the loss of my community, my family and my own sense of self. Others don't recognize me for who I am which means I experience more casual racism in one winter than I did in the entirety of my 30 years back home. When I am white passing people here assume thar means I am white and they say what they really mean.
To top it all off, I am a therapist. A damn good one, despite my incessant impostorism demons. Im DBT certified, run supervision groups and am sought out regularly for consultations by therapists more senior in the field- for 6 winters all of my skills, cope ahead strategies, supports were not enough to keep me out of a 6 month long major depressive episode. Hundreds of dollars on light therapy boxes did nothing. Antidepressants, which I had never needed before, helped a bit.
I tried the tanning bed at the urging of my spouse, who is a doctor. In 6 minutes I was emotionally grounded, emotional liability fully stabilized. Both me and my own therapist were shocked. After only 2 visits i saw myself in my reflection again. I saw my mom, my abuela, my tias, my cousins there on my skin. Its been 8 years and Im still not used to being so far from that part of my identity. My makeup did what it had always done again. I happy cried harder than I did on my wedding day. I tried sunless tanning and that made things worse.
SADs, Major Depressive Disorder, Minority Stress- these things are all complex. They do not have a singular cause and almost all of the data that we have suffers from an overrepresentation of white folks in both those studied and those creating/interpreting the study and its results.
When you look for harm reduction information on tanning beds you get a whole lotta nothing. When folks post here asking about it they get a whole lotta "just say no".
So, I am humbly requesting that we consider how effective just say no strategies are, consider the complexity of each individual and have conversations around this and any topic in responses we give to folks.
For me- the risk is worth the benefit. I go max 7x a year, which isnt a lot but it isnt nothing. If I don't go my mental health deteriorates fast, guaranteed. And I would love to chat about harm reduction. But know- if you are not a person of color and you want to chime in to say "just say no", I will not be taking any of that into consideration because even though it's well intended, its not applicable. 🤎
submitted by Outrageous_Blood_145 to 30PlusSkinCare [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:08 BAIN_420 Cat's at the Cradle 2

Lori watched the shuttle gently grasp their life pod with some sort of tractoring tech. Her mind racing with a million thoughts as she tried, and failed, to keep her nerves under control. Who where these aliens that called themselves Humans. The Great Admiral had ordered everyone before exiting warp NOT to resist these humans as they had acknowledged the galactic standard call for help they had broadcast when the warp bubble they had been traveling in started shrinking exponentially as their ships where mauled by the Varille battleship.
That ship had methodically destroyed one ship after another. It's Captain staying just outside range of the capital grade lasers the Orion cruisers mounted and used it's long range missiles to first wound, then utterly destroy five Orion cruisers and the only destroyer that managed to survive getting into FTL. They had been trying for several cycles to find an exit so they could leave the FTL lanes without being outright destroyed by the Varille. Then they had gotten hit on the Regents Pride, the missile somehow managed to tear a hole from port to starboard but missed everything vital. However many civilians were lost during the loss of atmosphere and the decompression of those areas.
The blue and white shuttle steadily towed them into a much larger ship called the Titan 7. The Humans had built a giant brick with what appeared to be a hundred cargo bays! She thought seeing the massive behemoth swallow other shuttles towing life pods similar to her group. Most of the refugees on her pod where juveniles, a few expecting mothers too far along to be in fighting condition, and a wounded V.I.P. she had helped a medical officer carry the stretcher onto the pod with the badly bandaged Orion woman. He had hurried off shortly after that being summoned to assist wounded a deck below the life pods.
They went through some sort of shield and she could see other pods opening and the tall Human guards in black and grey combat armor escorting other Orion's into large clusters near interior blast doors. She found herself wondering again why these humans had decided to help them. She knew they had passed at least seven other warp gates and broadcast the same distress signal.
No one had allowed them entry. So many of the survivors had died on those ships the Varille battleship had destroyed. So many more had died on her home world of Farcee trying to escape the Varille fleet bombardment and the Brood's landing cluster's. The Varille, she knew, liked taking slaves for their mining/industrial planets. But the Brood only kept non insectoid sentient creatures around to lay their eggs in. She shuddered involuntarily as the thought wormed it's way into her thoughts.
The pod jostled as the tractor fully sat it down and released it. A light above the pods door turned a solid yellow indicating breathable air and with a "PWOOOOSHHH" the door unsealed and swung outwards. The lights inside where suddenly dim as the door revealed a towering human in a black and grey combat suit. Lori squinted as a tall, imposing human stepped into view, some sort of pulse rifle slung over it's shoulder and two small lights on the side of its helmet.
"Welcome to Sol. You have been granted temporary asylum. Please follow Sergeant Havora to your debrief. Any hostility will be dealt with swiftly and will immediately render your asylum void." The voice sounded male through it's helmets audio but with this being first contact the only thing she could think of was how big this human was! It towered over the tallest Orion adult by at least five hands. Orion's started milling about in the pod as best they could and soon where being escorted to an area denoted for their use as a gathering spot and two more pods groups soon joined them.
Lori found herself studying these humans. They had two arms and legs, an apparent head and torso. One group of people seemed to stand out, they were dressed in white with a red "+" insignia on their left shoulder. A small round machine with the same insignia hoovered along behind them. Anyone that was found as being wounded, they pulled from the groups, some that were wounded in the final battle with the Varille battle ship as they entered the Sol FTL gate. She still couldn't get a good look at their faces.
A throat was cleared near the interior blast doors as Lori spotted the small form of a humanoid reptilian only six hand's tall! It cleared it's throat and with a flick of it's small tail another humanoid biped in a black and grey combat suit stepped forward and with a very loud "clang" as they stomped a heavy metal boot and shouted, "ATTENTIONNN!"
Almost instantly she and the other Orion's went silent, their attention riveted to the small cluster of aliens arrayed in front of them. She could see various different species represented and found herself idly wondering if her first impression of humanity had actually been from a human.
"Thank you Lieutenant Commander," said the small reptilian alien in a slightly nasal voice,"I am Sargent Crom. We have been ordered to get you folks settled in for transport to more accommodating conditions." Sgt. Crom paused for a moment making sure everyone was understanding the translation before continuing. "Your wounded will be taken care of and treated as our own until they recover. Mrs Vali," Sgt Crom waved a small hand at the wounded V.I.P. she was still near and a very tall obviously female alien that had almost sparkling green skin stepped forward, her limbs long and thin, in a white body suit that had a red "+" emblazoned on the left shoulder. Several others dressed similarly to her cautiously followed her as she pulled out some sort of small flat device and ran it over the V.I.P. before motioning to two of the smaller aliens and ordering them to do something in a voice and language that sounded like tinkling bells to Lori's sensitive ears.
As Miss Vali and her team of healers worked through the crowd of Orion's, Sargent Crom continued. "Now, let's continue by saying WELCOME to the United Sol Alliance territories. As you can tell, the U.S. Alliance has several member species and government's. I am a Jabilix. Miss Vali is an Elladrin, and the lieutenant commander is Human." Lori's eyes immediately snapped back to the man in black and grey combat armor as he stood at attention slightly behind and to the left of Sargent Crom.
"We are not all of the U.S. Alliance member species," she paused, "I am sure you will eventually meet us all. Now if you would form two lines here, and here." As Sargent Crom spoke a strip of light lit up on one side of the blast doors, and as she finished another set on the other side lit up. "We will see you to a bunk, something to eat, and then your debriefing. Don't worry, we just want to know what is going on. There is no right or wrong answers. We already have most of the ships logs so this is mostly just to follow protocol." Sargent Crom waited for a few moments before adding, "Move people! We have many more pods to retrieve and space is limited."
With that Lori found herself joining the rest of the people from her pod in forming into the desired lines and soon found they where moving farther into the ship and down several decks. The humans ship was very plain with no artistic flair. Everything was solely for a purpose, and built to last. An Orion ships corridors may have been arrayed in a similar layout, they would have had beautiful curves and even aesthetically pleasing geometric patterns anywhere NOT needed for a system or station. Most doors they passed had numbers or weird letters and sometimes both.
They were eventually led to what Sargent Crom called a "Mess Hall" and shown a rather large room with the designation 104-B right next to the mess hall that was arrayed with bunks and two lockers at the end of each set of beds. Their group was informed on meal time's, shown how to access the necessities and then went through the debriefing. All in all Lori found the ordeal to be over within a few hours.
Everyone had been processed and she had even received a fancy bracelet and shown how to access it's basic functions. It was a small personal data chit! This would have cost her nearly two year's of pay back on Farcee. The Sol Alliance had already integrated the Orion language and alphabet into their system so she could see many of the other Orion's sitting about the mess hall reading whatever had caught their attention on the Sol "Internet". She had picked a table away from everyone, her thoughts on the current situation she found herself in warring with the sorrowful memories of the last few cycles. She picked at the plate of something she couldn't even start to identify but the woman with the white cap had called it "goulash", remembering when she had been picked to get on one of the three ships. Her mother, father, and older siblings had not been picked.
She had just had her name day and been granted permission to participate in the great matching ceremony that essentially would allow her to start her family and pick a suitable mate. She was at the temple of Hal'Ick having just donated the required amount of fauxauall and tuardanium which had taken a year to procure and received her license when it was reported the first Swarm ships had dropped off freighter's from the Sagoth Brood system and landed on Farcee's southern continent.
A low growl escaped as she remembered the news reports and the images of the butchered Orion's. Initially the authorities had thought the Brood ships were unsuspecting host's, having unwittingly carried them into the Orion system. They mostly thought this because the freighter's didn't run after the Swarm ships detached from their hulls and dropped into the atmosphere.
No they had instead waited for most of the Farcee home fleet to be busy trying to intercept a dozen large asteroids that had suddenly been detected moving from the outer system directly into Farcee's orbital path. Once the main force was occupied with the asteroids the freighter's, which were the old long haul sublight hulls with modified hyper drives allowing them to use the Gates had suddenly blown out sections of their own hulls revealing some sort of new plasma cannons that where already spooled up and aimed at the unsuspecting orbital defense platforms and to everyone's horror the two platforms that defended the Farcee FTL Gate. The view of the combined Varille, Sagoth Brood, and the Swarm fleets exiting out of the gate and descending on the Farcee home fleet and their brave sacrifice to allow as many civilians to escape would forever be burned into her memory. As well as the image of Farcee in ruins as the three ships ladden with skeleton crews and as many civilians of "viable" reproductive age as the Regent could get into the new experimental ships. (They had been sitting behind the second moon Boida along with the destroyer Kaighan, and 5 other cruisers which were shredded trying to defend them in side the FTL lains, so they were the only military ships able to respond to the Regents evacuation call along with many brave merchant ships which probably didn't make it.) She had taken a few bites and found herself savoring the "goulash", it was quite good!
"Mind if I join you?" Came a deep baritone voice.
She looked up and to her surprise, standing in front of her on the other side of the table was a bipedal humanoid with two small patches of fur on it's definitely primate like face. He wore a black and grey military fatigues with a black hexagonal patch prominently displaying three stripes and a delta insignia on his grey collar. After an uncomfortable moment of her staring into his bright blue eyes she replied, "Yes......yes of course." She gestured to the bench on the other side of the table. How had she understood him?!
"Thanks." He sat down and extended a hand over his food. "Names Tim, Tim Reynolds"
She had seen this greeting on her data chit and tentatively took his hand to "shake" it up and down slightly in the alien's weird greeting gesture. Why couldn't they just flick their ears like her people? "Lori." was all she replied. She hadn't chosen a mate yet so in her culture she couldn't take a second name.
He sat down and began to eat. She had wondered how the utensils wrapped in some sort of soft fiber pressed into a sheet where used. She had known basically what the dull knife was, (though why it was dull still escaped her!) She had figured the pronged instrument was for stabbing but without context and with a dull knife, she had resorted to what every other Orion had opted to do. What was natural, they had used their finger's. But seeing Tim use them she quickly adapted and before long had the basics down on holding them and their use.
"So where are you from?" He asked, before taking a bite of his food.
Her mind immediately went to the last image of her home planet she had seen through the viewport. She knew she had only been let on a ship because she had been lucky. She had been grabbed, scanned, and crammed into one of the ships. "Farcee." She said meekly remembering the craters that had been once beautiful cities suspended above a vibrant purple rainforests on massive supports. She could still see the plasma burning large swaths of it as they obliterated strong points the Orion army had set up to at least slow the bug's ground assault. No warning, no declaration of war. No reason given. One moment the Orion's were long standing trade partners with the Hive Confederacy, the next they are locked in full scale war.
The worst part had been nobody could reach the Vatt system, the next Orion inhabited system and a naval outpost to warn them. And of the dozen courier ships sent out to ask our "allies" for assistance, none was received before they had finally escaped the system through an old very rarely used gate, but had been heading away from Orion space.
The man cleared his throat and in a solemn tone said, "Uhhh, sorry Lori. I didn't mean to bring up any bad memories." He rubbed the back of his neck clearly at a loss as to what to say and she still couldn't understand how she could understand him?!
"How can I understand you?" She asked. "And you can understand me?" He just nodded at the last part as he stuck a small tube through a juice box and slurped a couple times as he appeared to be deep in thought.
"Yep. Whenever you were issued your communicator," he pointed at her's, "did you feel a small prick as you synched it tight?" As she nodded now looking at her communicator he continued. "That was your standard personal nanites." She looked up puzzled by the word.
"Nanites?" She asked. She had never heard of whatever that was. The briefing had said that they had or would received them, but not where or how, or what they where.
Taking the question for what it was Tim began. "They are microscopic robots programmed to automatically repair damaged tissue, fight diseases, and viruses common through out known space. As soon as they entered your bloodstream they began reproducing and will lay dormant there until needed. Since I have my own nanites, we can communicate without much delay. To an outsider, without nanites, you are speaking your native language and I am speaking English. But we hear the words and to a minor extent feel what some psychic races say."
She stared at him for a moment, processing what he had just told her. These people were years ahead of her's in technology! She looked back down at the data chit and said, "Amazing." That was all she could get out as not a heartbeat later a proximity claxon wailed as a mechanical female voice chimed, "WARNING! Proximity Alert. Unidentified hostile ship detected." It repeated itself. All the Orion's in the mess hall were looking around nervously as others rushed out, she assumed to hurry to their duty stations. Tim though didn't budge.
He just casually slurped his juice box and absently typed something a few times on his communicator and he was suddenly looking at a screen depicting the outside of the ship. It wasn't disorienting because there was no "up" or "down" in space. Only where you or your target where in relation to each other.
She could see a sleek black spider like craft on his projected screen. It's engines at full burn as it headed towards what looked like another FTL Gate. This Gate was very busy and Lori could see cargo freighter's lined up in que, a greenish blue planet with pink splotches in the background./
"What the hell is that?" Tim asked no one in particular. She remembered seeing these ships above Farcee, or actually dropping onto it in a sneak attack.
"I think that is a swarm ship! By all the reports from the ground back on my home planet that ship has several queens on board and an entire battalion of Broodlings! " She was still looking at his communicators holographic image, and the planet in the background. "You can't let them reach a planet!" Her voice suddenly rising in a panic. If that ship reaches that planet there wouldn't be any way of stopping the Brood from establishing a colony. And once a single colony was established, they would begin systematically stripping the planet of biomass to rapidly increase their numbers, becoming a plague of the worst kind.
"Oh they aren't going anywhere." He extended his arm to provide her a better angle as a silver winged vehicle zipped by closely followed by three more. Lori could tell the Broodlings ship was much larger than the silver ship's but the United Sol ships were quickly gaining on the much larger enemy ship. Soon one of the silver ship's shot the spider like ship with what looked like a laser. One shot and she could see it's sublight engines splutter and fail. Within a few heartbeats three of the four appeared to "attach" themselves to the larger spider like vessel of the Broodlings. "Those Marines just had their day made. They get to play for a change instead of being stuck on ship." He chuckled as she caught the glint of his canine's as he smiled a definite predatory smile.
"Those are Broodlings and potentially a few of their Varille allies." She gulped. "They tore our defenses apart. They are very dangerous, you should warn them!" She looked back at the communicator. "Even these 'Marines' deserve a chance to live!"
"Calm down miss," Tim said with a sudden grin spreading wider across his face if it was possible, his white teeth flashing. "I can almost guarantee you that the scariest thing in that cluster of ships is the Terran Marines." He started shaking his head. "No, those poor bastards are having more fun than they have had in a few cycles."
The certainty in his voice and his demeanor caused her to relax somewhat. Just how strong was this Sol Alliance she wondered as she watched the communicator and finished her "goulash". She found it quite good compared to the minimal rations she had been eating on the Orion ship. She couldn't help but wonder yet again as to just what kind of people were these humans? Had they found an ally or would the U.S. Alliance end up being where her people's story ended.
Looking across the table at the young human slurping on his juice box she couldn't help but wonder which way this would go.
submitted by BAIN_420 to humansarespaceorcs [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:56 BAIN_420 Cat's at the Cradle 2

Lori watched the shuttle gently grasp their life pod with some sort of tractoring tech. Her mind racing with a million thoughts as she tried, and failed, to keep her nerves under control. Who where these aliens that called themselves Humans. The Great Admiral had ordered everyone before exiting warp NOT to resist these humans as they had acknowledged the galactic standard call for help they had broadcast when the warp bubble they had been traveling in started shrinking exponentially as their ships where mauled by the Varille battleship.
That ship had methodically destroyed one ship after another. It's Captain staying just outside range of the capital grade lasers the Orion cruisers mounted and used it's long range missiles to first wound, then utterly destroy five Orion cruisers and the only destroyer that managed to survive getting into FTL. They had been trying for several cycles to find an exit so they could leave the FTL lanes without being outright destroyed by the Varille. Then they had gotten hit on the Regents Pride, the missile somehow managed to tear a hole from port to starboard but missed everything vital. However many civilians were lost during the loss of atmosphere and the decompression of those areas.
The blue and white shuttle steadily towed them into a much larger ship called the Titan 7. The Humans had built a giant brick with what appeared to be a hundred cargo bays! She thought seeing the massive behemoth swallow other shuttles towing life pods similar to her group. Most of the refugees on her pod where juveniles, a few expecting mothers too far along to be in fighting condition, and a wounded V.I.P. she had helped a medical officer carry the stretcher onto the pod with the badly bandaged Orion woman. He had hurried off shortly after that being summoned to assist wounded a deck below the life pods.
They went through some sort of shield and she could see other pods opening and the tall Human guards in black and grey combat armor escorting other Orion's into large clusters near interior blast doors. She found herself wondering again why these humans had decided to help them. She knew they had passed at least seven other warp gates and broadcast the same distress signal.
No one had allowed them entry. So many of the survivors had died on those ships the Varille battleship had destroyed. So many more had died on her home world of Farcee trying to escape the Varille fleet bombardment and the Brood's landing cluster's. The Varille, she knew, liked taking slaves for their mining/industrial planets. But the Brood only kept non insectoid sentient creatures around to lay their eggs in. She shuddered involuntarily as the thought wormed it's way into her thoughts.
The pod jostled as the tractor fully sat it down and released it. A light above the pods door turned a solid yellow indicating breathable air and with a "PWOOOOSHHH" the door unsealed and swung outwards. The lights inside where suddenly dim as the door revealed a towering human in a black and grey combat suit. Lori squinted as a tall, imposing human stepped into view, some sort of pulse rifle slung over it's shoulder and two small lights on the side of its helmet.
"Welcome to Sol. You have been granted temporary asylum. Please follow Sergeant Havora to your debrief. Any hostility will be dealt with swiftly and will immediately render your asylum void." The voice sounded male through it's helmets audio but with this being first contact the only thing she could think of was how big this human was! It towered over the tallest Orion adult by at least five hands. Orion's started milling about in the pod as best they could and soon where being escorted to an area denoted for their use as a gathering spot and two more pods groups soon joined them.
Lori found herself studying these humans. They had two arms and legs, an apparent head and torso. One group of people seemed to stand out, they were dressed in white with a red "+" insignia on their left shoulder. A small round machine with the same insignia hoovered along behind them. Anyone that was found as being wounded, they pulled from the groups, some that were wounded in the final battle with the Varille battle ship as they entered the Sol FTL gate. She still couldn't get a good look at their faces.
A throat was cleared near the interior blast doors as Lori spotted the small form of a humanoid reptilian only six hand's tall! It cleared it's throat and with a flick of it's small tail another humanoid biped in a black and grey combat suit stepped forward and with a very loud "clang" as they stomped a heavy metal boot and shouted, "ATTENTIONNN!"
Almost instantly she and the other Orion's went silent, their attention riveted to the small cluster of aliens arrayed in front of them. She could see various different species represented and found herself idly wondering if her first impression of humanity had actually been from a human.
"Thank you Lieutenant Commander," said the small reptilian alien in a slightly nasal voice,"I am Sargent Crom. We have been ordered to get you folks settled in for transport to more accommodating conditions." Sgt. Crom paused for a moment making sure everyone was understanding the translation before continuing. "Your wounded will be taken care of and treated as our own until they recover. Mrs Vali," Sgt Crom waved a small hand at the wounded V.I.P. she was still near and a very tall obviously female alien that had almost sparkling green skin stepped forward, her limbs long and thin, in a white body suit that had a red "+" emblazoned on the left shoulder. Several others dressed similarly to her cautiously followed her as she pulled out some sort of small flat device and ran it over the V.I.P. before motioning to two of the smaller aliens and ordering them to do something in a voice and language that sounded like tinkling bells to Lori's sensitive ears.
As Miss Vali and her team of healers worked through the crowd of Orion's, Sargent Crom continued. "Now, let's continue by saying WELCOME to the United Sol Alliance territories. As you can tell, the U.S. Alliance has several member species and government's. I am a Jabilix. Miss Vali is an Elladrin, and the lieutenant commander is Human." Lori's eyes immediately snapped back to the man in black and grey combat armor as he stood at attention slightly behind and to the left of Sargent Crom.
"We are not all of the U.S. Alliance member species," she paused, "I am sure you will eventually meet us all. Now if you would form two lines here, and here." As Sargent Crom spoke a strip of light lit up on one side of the blast doors, and as she finished another set on the other side lit up. "We will see you to a bunk, something to eat, and then your debriefing. Don't worry, we just want to know what is going on. There is no right or wrong answers. We already have most of the ships logs so this is mostly just to follow protocol." Sargent Crom waited for a few moments before adding, "Move people! We have many more pods to retrieve and space is limited."
With that Lori found herself joining the rest of the people from her pod in forming into the desired lines and soon found they where moving farther into the ship and down several decks. The humans ship was very plain with no artistic flair. Everything was solely for a purpose, and built to last. An Orion ships corridors may have been arrayed in a similar layout, they would have had beautiful curves and even aesthetically pleasing geometric patterns anywhere NOT needed for a system or station. Most doors they passed had numbers or weird letters and sometimes both.
They were eventually led to what Sargent Crom called a "Mess Hall" and shown a rather large room with the designation 104-B right next to the mess hall that was arrayed with bunks and two lockers at the end of each set of beds. Their group was informed on meal time's, shown how to access the necessities and then went through the debriefing. All in all Lori found the ordeal to be over within a few hours.
Everyone had been processed and she had even received a fancy bracelet and shown how to access it's basic functions. It was a small personal data chit! This would have cost her nearly two year's of pay back on Farcee. The Sol Alliance had already integrated the Orion language and alphabet into their system so she could see many of the other Orion's sitting about the mess hall reading whatever had caught their attention on the Sol "Internet". She had picked a table away from everyone, her thoughts on the current situation she found herself in warring with the sorrowful memories of the last few cycles. She picked at the plate of something she couldn't even start to identify but the woman with the white cap had called it "goulash", remembering when she had been picked to get on one of the three ships. Her mother, father, and older siblings had not been picked.
She had just had her name day and been granted permission to participate in the great matching ceremony that essentially would allow her to start her family and pick a suitable mate. She was at the temple of Hal'Ick having just donated the required amount of fauxauall and tuardanium which had taken a year to procure and received her license when it was reported the first Swarm ships had dropped off freighter's from the Sagoth Brood system and landed on Farcee's southern continent.
A low growl escaped as she remembered the news reports and the images of the butchered Orion's. Initially the authorities had thought the Brood ships were unsuspecting host's, having unwittingly carried them into the Orion system. They mostly thought this because the freighter's didn't run after the Swarm ships detached from their hulls and dropped into the atmosphere.
No they had instead waited for most of the Farcee home fleet to be busy trying to intercept a dozen large asteroids that had suddenly been detected moving from the outer system directly into Farcee's orbital path. Once the main force was occupied with the asteroids the freighter's, which were the old long haul sublight hulls with modified hyper drives allowing them to use the Gates had suddenly blown out sections of their own hulls revealing some sort of new plasma cannons that where already spooled up and aimed at the unsuspecting orbital defense platforms and to everyone's horror the two platforms that defended the Farcee FTL Gate. The view of the combined Varille, Sagoth Brood, and the Swarm fleets exiting out of the gate and descending on the Farcee home fleet and their brave sacrifice to allow as many civilians to escape would forever be burned into her memory. As well as the image of Farcee in ruins as the three ships ladden with skeleton crews and as many civilians of "viable" reproductive age as the Regent could get into the new experimental ships. (They had been sitting behind the second moon Boida along with the destroyer Kaighan, and 5 other cruisers which were shredded trying to defend them in side the FTL lains, so they were the only military ships able to respond to the Regents evacuation call along with many brave merchant ships which probably didn't make it.) She had taken a few bites and found herself savoring the "goulash", it was quite good!
"Mind if I join you?" Came a deep baritone voice.
She looked up and to her surprise, standing in front of her on the other side of the table was a bipedal humanoid with two small patches of fur on it's definitely primate like face. He wore a black and grey military fatigues with a black hexagonal patch prominently displaying three stripes and a delta insignia on his grey collar. After an uncomfortable moment of her staring into his bright blue eyes she replied, "Yes......yes of course." She gestured to the bench on the other side of the table. How had she understood him?!
"Thanks." He sat down and extended a hand over his food. "Names Tim, Tim Reynolds"
She had seen this greeting on her data chit and tentatively took his hand to "shake" it up and down slightly in the alien's weird greeting gesture. Why couldn't they just flick their ears like her people? "Lori." was all she replied. She hadn't chosen a mate yet so in her culture she couldn't take a second name.
He sat down and began to eat. She had wondered how the utensils wrapped in some sort of soft fiber pressed into a sheet where used. She had known basically what the dull knife was, (though why it was dull still escaped her!) She had figured the pronged instrument was for stabbing but without context and with a dull knife, she had resorted to what every other Orion had opted to do. What was natural, they had used their finger's. But seeing Tim use them she quickly adapted and before long had the basics down on holding them and their use.
"So where are you from?" He asked, before taking a bite of his food.
Her mind immediately went to the last image of her home planet she had seen through the viewport. She knew she had only been let on a ship because she had been lucky. She had been grabbed, scanned, and crammed into one of the ships. "Farcee." She said meekly remembering the craters that had been once beautiful cities suspended above a vibrant purple rainforests on massive supports. She could still see the plasma burning large swaths of it as they obliterated strong points the Orion army had set up to at least slow the bug's ground assault. No warning, no declaration of war. No reason given. One moment the Orion's were long standing trade partners with the Hive Confederacy, the next they are locked in full scale war.
The worst part had been nobody could reach the Vatt system, the next Orion inhabited system and a naval outpost to warn them. And of the dozen courier ships sent out to ask our "allies" for assistance, none was received before they had finally escaped the system through an old very rarely used gate, but had been heading away from Orion space.
The man cleared his throat and in a solemn tone said, "Uhhh, sorry Lori. I didn't mean to bring up any bad memories." He rubbed the back of his neck clearly at a loss as to what to say and she still couldn't understand how she could understand him?!
"How can I understand you?" She asked. "And you can understand me?" He just nodded at the last part as he stuck a small tube through a juice box and slurped a couple times as he appeared to be deep in thought.
"Yep. Whenever you were issued your communicator," he pointed at her's, "did you feel a small prick as you synched it tight?" As she nodded now looking at her communicator he continued. "That was your standard personal nanites." She looked up puzzled by the word.
"Nanites?" She asked. She had never heard of whatever that was. The briefing had said that they had or would received them, but not where or how, or what they where.
Taking the question for what it was Tim began. "They are microscopic robots programmed to automatically repair damaged tissue, fight diseases, and viruses common through out known space. As soon as they entered your bloodstream they began reproducing and will lay dormant there until needed. Since I have my own nanites, we can communicate without much delay. To an outsider, without nanites, you are speaking your native language and I am speaking English. But we hear the words and to a minor extent feel what some psychic races say."
She stared at him for a moment, processing what he had just told her. These people were years ahead of her's in technology! She looked back down at the data chit and said, "Amazing." That was all she could get out as not a heartbeat later a proximity claxon wailed as a mechanical female voice chimed, "WARNING! Proximity Alert. Unidentified hostile ship detected." It repeated itself. All the Orion's in the mess hall were looking around nervously as others rushed out, she assumed to hurry to their duty stations. Tim though didn't budge.
He just casually slurped his juice box and absently typed something a few times on his communicator and he was suddenly looking at a screen depicting the outside of the ship. It wasn't disorienting because there was no "up" or "down" in space. Only where you or your target where in relation to each other.
She could see a sleek black spider like craft on his projected screen. It's engines at full burn as it headed towards what looked like another FTL Gate. This Gate was very busy and Lori could see cargo freighter's lined up in que, a greenish blue planet with pink splotches in the background./
"What the hell is that?" Tim asked no one in particular. She remembered seeing these ships above Farcee, or actually dropping onto it in a sneak attack.
"I think that is a swarm ship! By all the reports from the ground back on my home planet that ship has several queens on board and an entire battalion of Broodlings! " She was still looking at his communicators holographic image, and the planet in the background. "You can't let them reach a planet!" Her voice suddenly rising in a panic. If that ship reaches that planet there wouldn't be any way of stopping the Brood from establishing a colony. And once a single colony was established, they would begin systematically stripping the planet of biomass to rapidly increase their numbers, becoming a plague of the worst kind.
"Oh they aren't going anywhere." He extended his arm to provide her a better angle as a silver winged vehicle zipped by closely followed by three more. Lori could tell the Broodlings ship was much larger than the silver ship's but the United Sol ships were quickly gaining on the much larger enemy ship. Soon one of the silver ship's shot the spider like ship with what looked like a laser. One shot and she could see it's sublight engines splutter and fail. Within a few heartbeats three of the four appeared to "attach" themselves to the larger spider like vessel of the Broodlings. "Those Marines just had their day made. They get to play for a change instead of being stuck on ship." He chuckled as she caught the glint of his canine's as he smiled a definite predatory smile.
"Those are Broodlings and potentially a few of their Varille allies." She gulped. "They tore our defenses apart. They are very dangerous, you should warn them!" She looked back at the communicator. "Even these 'Marines' deserve a chance to live!"
"Calm down miss," Tim said with a sudden grin spreading wider across his face if it was possible, his white teeth flashing. "I can almost guarantee you that the scariest thing in that cluster of ships is the Terran Marines." He started shaking his head. "No, those poor bastards are having more fun than they have had in a few cycles."
The certainty in his voice and his demeanor caused her to relax somewhat. Just how strong was this Sol Alliance she wondered as she watched the communicator and finished her "goulash". She found it quite good compared to the minimal rations she had been eating on the Orion ship. She couldn't help but wonder yet again as to just what kind of people were these humans? Had they found an ally or would the U.S. Alliance end up being where her people's story ended.
Looking across the table at the young human slurping on his juice box she couldn't help but wonder which way this would go.
submitted by BAIN_420 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 02:34 Vegetable_County2875 DAT Breakdown (25AA/24TS/21PAT)

DAT Breakdown (25AA/24TS/21PAT)
Hi! Personally I read a ton of breakdowns throughout my study process whenever I wanted a break and I found them to be super insightful and informative so I thought I’d give it a go!
PAT: 21
QR: 26
RC: 27
BIO: 26
OCHM: 23
TS: 24
AA: 25
Background:Currently a senior science major with a 3.70 GPA.
Materials Used:
  1. DAT Booster - This was the only source I used, everyone I knew used Booster or Bootcamp and I didn’t really look into it and chose Booster simply because of the price. I honestly completely credit Booster with my score and felt they were a perfectly good review source. I heard a lot of people say that Bootcamp holds your hand more but I thought Booster was thorough and covered the basics just fine.
    1. Videos - I watched EVERY single video available. Even ones I probably could have skipped because I had a strong background in the subject, I made sure I was watching and getting the most out of this resource. I think the videos were extremely important as a refresher of concepts before diving into the questions. I took notes on the videos for every science subject but I only looked back at the ones for Gen Chem and Ochem. For Bio I used other resources so I wish I wouldn’t have wasted time taking notes in that subject.
    2. Questions - I tried to do as many of the questions as possible. I completed all of Gen Chem, Ochem (questions and rxn bank), reading, and QR question banks. For PAT I did probably a third of what was available. For biology I did all the bio bits except for diversity of life (ran out of time) and genetics (TA for the class for over a year). The more questions you expose yourself to the better, because there are quite a few either identical or very similar questions on the real DAT.
    3. Quizlet - I tried to use ANKI for like two days and I gave up on it. I don’t like change and I have used Quizlet my entire life (have a plus membership) so I stuck with that. I ended up using the learn section on Booster’s decks for every area I was struggling with in Biology (structures & systems, and development). I went through the set before completing the bio bits and by the end I felt very confident in these sections.
  2. Organic Chemistry Tutor DAT study guide review video on youtube - I used his mechanism videos when I was actually taking Ochem so I was comfortable with the way he explains things. I watched this video about a week before my test and skipped through the parts that were outdated/ irrelevant. It was a helpful overall review but I don’t think it really impacted my score in any way.
Study Timeline:My study schedule was definitely unique. I started off following Booster’s ten week study schedule and immediately fell behind. I was studying during the semester and just did not have enough time in the day to accomplish phase 1 in the allotted time I gave myself. I started the last week in February and studied about 5-6 days a week. It ranged from 1 hour days when I was super busy to 7 hour days (Sundays). I gave up my spring break and studied in the library like 8 hours every day and this was definitely necessary to finish when I wanted to. I think I finished all the videos and questions around mid April (had not started any bio bits). At this point I was doing probably 10 PAT questions from each category every day also.
After this my studying took a downward spiral for about two weeks. This was a horrible idea and I would not recommend it. It was right around the end of the semester and it got super nice out on campus and I got FOMO so I hung out with my friends constantly. Like it was so bad that I considered it a good day of studying if I did the daily warmup.
When the semester ended at the beginning of May I moved out and knew I had to lock in on my studying. Over the span of 2 weeks I took 5 practice tests and spent about 6-10 hours a day studying just depending on if I had work or not and such. The days I took practice tests I’d take them, review them, then take a lunch break and study something else in the evening. This was probably not great stress wise but it felt necessary in the moment. After those 2 weeks, it was my last week of studying and I did a practice test Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, then took the exam Thursday. On the days I took practice tests I still studied afterwards. Within these last 3 weeks is when I did the quizlets for bio and the bio bits. I also did the Ochem rxn question banks during this time period and read the formula sheet every single night before bed. I also reread all of the general chemistry notes to make sure I had the fundamentals down. At this point I felt confident in reading and QR and didn’t study them beyond reviewing them on the practice tests. These 3 weeks were really chaotic and it was just a constant science blur really.
Day Before Exam
The day before my exam I was drained and just wanted everything to be done already. In the morning of this day I reviewed the science sections in all my old exams. I then took a break and in the evening I read every Biology cheat sheet and made sure I understood it. Lastly before bed, I read the Ochem formula sheet one last time.
Day of Exam
  • Bio (26): Bio felt like a breeze on the actual exam day. It sucks to have to learn so much material when you see so little of it, but once you know it all you can score well. I think the more exposure the better, do as many bio bits as possible. I definitely spent the most time studying for this section but it’s necessary in order to succeed here.
  • GC (24): There were a lot more fundamentals questions and fewer calculations than I expected. The calculations were easier than on Booster’s practice exams too. I wish I would have redone some of the question banks or spent more time looking at practice questions rather than just rereading the notes.
  • OC (23): Do not blow off memorizing IR like I did. I thought to myself that getting more than one question on it would be insane… I got quite a few. It is easy points and simple memorization, just spend the time doing it. Some of the predicting products questions were a bit more complicated than I expected, so really making sure you have those locked down will make your life much easier. The conceptual questions I did feel very prepared for and they were similar to practice exams.
  • PAT (21): I honestly put PAT on the back burner for most of the studying process. I consistently scored around a 21 and I felt that other sections were more important to improve upon. The questions did feel to be a similar difficulty to practice exams though.
  • RC (27): I’m a speedy reader so this section was never very challenging for me. The questions were also all pretty straightforward, stuff you can search in the text and answer. I will say on the actual exam the screen is bigger and brighter than a laptop so it did hurt my eyes by the end of it.
  • QR (26): This felt slightly easier than on practice exams and I got done quicker than normal. I’m not sure if I got lucky or not but I felt like this section was easier than I expected.
I had some time left at the end of every section and I reviewed only the marked questions. In hindsight I should have reviewed all of the questions because I had enough time but in the moment I just wanted to be done. For the scheduled break time I used like ~7 minutes of it to go to the bathroom but when I was back in the room I couldn’t stand staring at the timer and moved onto reading immediately. It worked out good enough for me but I think it’s a personal preference and depends on the individual's stamina. Also there is a survey at the end that feels like it’s never ending but it’s not that many questions so just relax and answer them.
Ending Advice:On almost all of my practice tests I scored a 21 AA and was getting so discouraged. Literally from tests 2-8 I got a 21, then on #9 I moved up to a 22 and on #10 I got a 24. This was hard and I felt like my brain wasn’t big enough, because everytime one section improved another one dropped. Just trust in your studying and know that if you have enough time it will all come together eventually. I was hesitant to spend the money but your DAT is an investment in your future and I would not have gotten my scores if I didn’t use a resource like Booster. It’s a really sucky ten weeks both for your bank account and stress levels but the relief after seeing your score is absolutely worth it. Good luck!
submitted by Vegetable_County2875 to predental [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 00:52 napoleonsfart 'Great to see' increase in tourists from the Republic
The number of tourist visits from the Republic of Ireland to Northern Ireland has tripled in the past decade, new analysis suggests.
Economists at Ulster University and Dublin City University have looked at official data and interviewed industry stakeholders.
The data suggests there were 400,000 south-to-north trips in 2013- which had jumped to 1.3m by 2023.
Ken Pringle has run a café on Great Victoria Street, opposite the Europa Bus station in Belfast, for 22 years.
Speaking to BBC News NI, he said he has noticed an increased in visitors from the Republic of Ireland in recent years.
"We would get a lot of tourists in here picking up a sandwich before getting the bus," he said.
"I think people from the south historically wouldn't have come up here because of the Troubles or the roads weren't great but obviously now things are different.
"On Friday afternoons on this street it's like another world. People coming up for stag and hen dos, you see them coming out of the bus station carrying their bags, the nightlife has gotten a lot better here, it's great to see."
Lynne McCabe owns Arthur’s of Royal Hillsborough, a boutique guesthouse and coffee shop, as well as two other guesthouses in Moira and Dromore.
Ms McCabe said she has also seen an increase in people visiting from the Republic.
“My gut feeling is there are more and more people coming from the south.”
She said this is aided by an increasing amount of cross-border events, particularly sporting events and concerts.
The businesswoman added that she had also seen a rise in foreign tourists including a trip to Northern Ireland to their holiday.
“They fly into Dublin, do their tour of the south and then head up to us.”
A significant part of that growth has happened since the coronavirus pandemic.
During the pandemic people were prevented from flying to overseas destinations, which led to an initial bump in visitor numbers which has been sustained.
There were an average of 120,000 south-to-north trips each quarter before the pandemic but the new average is 200,000.
The economists say that growth has been concentrated in the short breaks market describing it as "striking" that despite the number of trips increasing substantially, the average number of nights spent on a cross-border trip has remained largely unchanged.
It has stayed at approximately two nights a trip, peaking at 3-3.2 nights a trip after the initial easing of pandemic restrictions in the first half of 2021.
Why are tourism numbers going up? Speaking to BBC Radio Ulster's Good Morning Ulster programme, Anastasia Desmond , Senior Economist at Ulster University's Economic Policy Centre, said value for money and changing perceptions of Northern Ireland were behind some of the reasons for the increase.
"There has been a pattern of arriving into Dublin Airport and, we call it 'turning right and coming up the road instead of turning left', but there is still a need there for increasing the promotion of Northern Ireland," Ms Desmond said.
The study says that almost half of visitors to NI stay with friends and family compared to just over a quarter of visitors to the Republic
Electronic Travel Authorisation The Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA) is a permit which non-British and non-Irish citizens, who do not require a visa, will generally need to enter the UK.
That will include international visitors who arrive in Dublin and then plan to travel to Northern Ireland.
"It has been identified as a potential barrier to both regional and cross-border travel," Ms Desmond said.
"Any sort of barrier has to have some sort of effect whether that be positive or negative, but in this instance we can't see any positive impact likely to come out of this.
"We’ve come an awful long way considering that we’ve had an extended period of civil unrest and as a country we’ve got a real vibrant tourism industry in years after that that we’ll be looking to continue to grow."
The study also points to continued structural differences between the tourism industries on either side of the border.
The Republic’s industry is much bigger, with the output of the broad tourism sector estimated at almost €14bn (£11.9bn) in 2019 compared to about €2.9bn in Northern Ireland.
It also attracts a bigger proportion of "pure" holiday visitors compared to NI, where people visiting friends and family remains the largest share of the market.
The report adds that this will "have a knock-on impact on levels of expenditure by visitors".
It suggests the one opportunity for growth in NI could be "emerging capacity constraints" in the Republic’s market.
submitted by napoleonsfart to northernireland [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 12:51 vspkschool Who Offers the Best School in Delhi?

Choosing the right school for your child?

Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions every parent makes. In a big city like Delhi, there are so many schools that choosing the right one can be really difficult.
But if you are looking for a school that focuses on academics as well as physical and mental development of children, then VSPK International School is the perfect choice for you!

VSPK International School - An Excellent School

Located in the heart of Delhi, VSPK International School has established itself as an excellent educational institution. The school is known for its modern facilities, dedicated teachers and comprehensive curriculum. The school also aims to promote the personal development of every child.

Vision and Mission

VSPK School aims to create an environment where children can learn together, think independently, and try to create and understand new things on their own and keep learning throughout their lives.
Mission- VSPK School aims to provide children with enough knowledge, skills and values so that they can be successful in today's complex world and never be dependent on anyone.

Academic Excellence

In Vspk School, emphasis is laid not only on the education of children but also on their overall development. Here, children are not only given knowledge, but they are also made to develop the habit of thinking on their own, understanding on their own and learning everything on their own. So that they do all their work thoughtfully and do not depend on anyone for their work and they keep learning all these things throughout their life.

Let us see how Vspk School teaches children in a different way-


Children are taught very well in VSPK school. The curriculum here is difficult but very good. This school teaches children by combining both Indian and foreign curriculums. It provides education from pre-primary to senior secondary level.

Education for small children

VSPK school believes that a good foundation for children is very important at a young age. Therefore, a way of learning in a playful way is adopted here for small children. The objectives of this course include teaching children the habit of thinking on their own, teamwork and learning to interact with others. Along with this, work is also done to increase the interest of children in studies.

Education for primary and middle school

VSPK school also has a mixed curriculum for primary and middle school children. This curriculum includes computer, art, physical education and important subjects like mathematics, science, sociology and languages. By teaching in this way, children get good information about the whole world.

Studies for older children

VSPK School offers a variety of courses for older children. These courses are in subjects like Science, Commerce and Humanities. The school's curriculum prepares children for further studies and difficult exams. To help children who want to study further in a particular subject, the school also provides special coaching and advanced placement courses. So that they can work on their good specialties in a stream.

Infrastructure and Facilities

VSPK School is a place where children will get everything they need for their studies. Modern facilities and new technology are used here. All these things make the studies of children even better and all these things make it even more fun for them to learn anything and due to good orientation in all these, they learn all these things quickly.
Let's see what things children get in VSPK School -

State-of-the-Art Classrooms

The classrooms of VSPK School are full of modern things. Here things like interactive learning tools and smart boards are available to teach children. All these things help children learn new things, and they also take interest in learning from them and learn quickly.


The library of VSPK School is no less than a treasure! Here you can find books, magazines and many things to read on the Internet. This library is a great place for children to study and do research alone.


The school has modern labs for computers, physics, chemistry and biology. In these labs, children get a chance to do something and then learn it, which makes it easier for children to understand the concepts of science and this clears all their science concepts.

Arts and Culture

The school has facilities like music room, art studio and auditorium. Where children can learn singing, do art work and do any kind of performance. The school encourages children to participate in these activities so that they can hone their artistic talent.

Holistic Development

VSPK School believes that children's development is not only through studies. But it is important for them to be well-educated in every aspect. This means that children should develop mentally, mentally, physically and socially. So that they can be prepared to face any difficulty in life easily without being dependent on anyone. Let's see how VSPK School develops children in every aspect-

Emotional and social development

Emotional understanding

VSPK School focuses on developing emotional understanding in children. This includes knowing oneself, controlling anger, working hard, understanding the happiness and sorrows of others and learning to help each other and work together.

Working together with friends

Group activities, projects and team sports are conducted in the school. All these things teach children to develop the habit of working together, helping each other and communicating well.

Physical Development

Physical Education

Physical education classes are also held in schools for the physical development of children. In these classes, children are taught to play sports, stay fit and develop good habits. PT teachers tell children how important sports are for health and different types of games are played for fitness.

Nutrition and Health Education

Children are also told about good food and drink in school. They are encouraged to take a balanced diet, drink water and develop good habits as all these things are very important for their health.

International Exposure

In VSPK school, children are taught not only about India but also about the whole world. The school makes them aware about the culture of different countries of the world, the habits of the people there and the big problems of the world. By learning in this way, children become global citizens. Nowadays the world has become like a village, so it is very important that children know about the world.

Let's see how VSPK school creates international thinking in children-

Student Exchange Activities-
VSPK school conducts exchange programs in collaboration with schools of other countries. Under this program, children of VSPK go abroad for some time and study there and learn the culture there. Similarly, children of foreign schools also come to VSPK and study.

International Collaborations-
VSPK school does many types of projects in collaboration with schools of other countries. Teachers together teach children, do research and learn about each other's culture. This helps children develop the habit of solving problems together and understanding other cultures.

Parental Involvement
VSPK School believes that parental involvement in children's education is very important. According to the school, when parents and schoolwork together, it has many benefits for the child's education and development.
Let's see how parents can get involved in VSPK School-

Parent-Teacher Associations (PTAs)
The school has a Parent-Teacher Association (PTA). This association works as a communication between parents and the school. In this PTA meeting, parents can express their views, give their suggestions and get involved in the school's policies and programs.

Frequent Communication
The school adopts many ways to maintain contact with parents. The school uses parent portal, email and newsletters to give them important information. Through all these things, parents remain informed about important activities happening in the school, progress of children and other news related to the school.

VSPK School focuses on the education of children, their all-round development and preparing them for the world. This school not only gives children bookish knowledge but also gives them the opportunity to learn values that will be useful in their life.
If you send your child to VSPK School, you are investing in their future. Here they will get help in studies, socialization and self-development.
VSPK School has excellent teachers, modern facilities and a positive atmosphere. All these things together make VSPK the best choice for your child's education in Delhi.

submitted by vspkschool to u/vspkschool [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 03:47 Naesi [PF2e][9pm-12am ET][Online/Forge][25+] LF 1 player. Long-term campaign. Roman Republic themed campaign.

Hey my name is Gabe. I am looking for 1 hardcore nerd that wants to play PF2e with about a 50/50 spread of combat and RP. I am the DM of this game and I've been running games for 7 years now in various forms. The group will have approximately 6 people. We'll be starting late at night on EST. There will be a session zero starting the 8th of June. This will be to get everyone together and acclimated to each other.
We run Forge with Foundry VTT and we use discord for chatting and cytube for music. You must be able to use all these applications at once. Foundry can be somewhat taxing on your computer so you may need a decent setup to play with us. I create a lot of maps on my own and create a lot of custom monsters and other things to help facilitate the feeling of my world. I find this game allows me to express myself creatively. I really enjoy it and want to share my stories with my players. I expect you to make most Saturdays and to be prompt and on time. I want players who are really into PF2e and love the rules and want to get even further in depth with them.
The campaign is based heavily in my own custom world built around the pantheon of the PF2e universe. There are a few custom gods. I've been running this world for about three years now and all of my campaigns take place in the same world. Meaning you can run into old PCs and experience the way the world has been shaped from previous adventures.
Games will be EVERY SATURDAY from 9pm et to 12am et. Punctuality is very important
Here is the basic premise of the game:
"You are a citizen of the Continent of Erde. You live in Trier on the outskirts of the great calamity. The calamity was a result of an interaction of the king’s magic with a spell from the Duergar uprising. You don’t know what caused this but the result is that the lower south eastern portion of the Continent is completely uninhabitable. It is overrun with monsters and poisonous clouds of vapor. Underneath the continent is an amassing force of Duergar. A teeming horde of millions of warriors come to ransack what remains of the southern portion of the continent and hope to push back into the northern portion of it. You don’t know what is holding them back however. Seemingly it’s been impossible for them to move from the poison lands to the northern, verdant lands. A previous party informed the Kingdom of a leshy encampment in the south west portion of the continent and they are all likely dead at this point but many wonder if it’d be possible to save them. Their significance is that they are one of two independent villages or nations within the Empire. Some senators want to push in and conquer the Leshies as a matter of principle. You can choose to side with the Leshies or the Senators in this case. If you do indeed find the Leshies amidst all of the destruction. The crater in which the Leshies live is a unique land filled with different flora and fauna. This land sits in the middle of a 12km wide crater that is utterly unique. It is important to the senators because it would add another Senator to the roster and lead to another vote. There have been wars fought over less in the empire.
As a citizen of Erde you follow one of a few gods. Irlee, God-King Hotherus, or any of the other pantheons of lawful and good deities. Your character may be evil but it will be very difficult for an evil character in this setting. All of the Senators are nominally lawful. They are all from families that are extraordinarily wealthy and powerful. They are the old men (and women) of the Empire after all. Each of them represents a different district of Borliner and a different province of the empire. They wield their Imperium with impunity, they represent the greatest empire upon this planet afterall. All corners of the world are impacted by the strength of their empire.
The Senator, descendant of Creon Larcius, Demene Larcius is in charge of Trier and leads the First Legion. They push against the corruption of the southern Calamity. The Legion stands at the precipice of the poisoned lands and prepares to push into them. The King’s magic prevents the poisonous clouds from moving further in.
There are stories of heroes defeating gods in your land. The destruction of a beast named Yash’tilla. Ladugeur’s death as well came at the hand of someone, that someone being a demi-god of some extraordinary power. His heart threatened to resurrect him, it was located in a large trans-dimensional area. This trans-dimensional area was destroyed by Creon and his party.
There are stories, so many more stories to tell but this is the history that the teacher Engels preaches. Engels Immanuel is, or was your professor emeritus. He taught you everything you know about the Kingdom. Education of children and young adults is mandatory in the Empire. You must have gone to school at some point in your history, or else taken up an apprenticeship. This schooling likely led you to your current profession whatever that may be. In addition all men and women of the Empire are required to spend four years of their lives in a Legion. You can do many things in a Legion from Procurement, to Fighting, to Cooking. In addition, being a Veteran of the Legion opens up your lives to a truly fulfilling citizenship. All legionnaires are granted a plot of land to work and a home. That land usually extends to 4 acres. Your land is on the outskirts of Trier. You may refuse the land for whatever reason but nothing else will be given in its place.
Your home life:
You awaken in your home. Your significant other (wife, husband, whatever) and children (optional) greet you as the Pater familias. You are the leader of this little clan of people. You saw the destruction of the king’s swords raining down from the sky. It was as if the sky was coming down to meet the ground. Clouds of white hot fury exploded outwards creating large bangs in the atmosphere shattered glass windows and stained glass windows of the churches of Trier. Even your home on the outskirts of Trier experienced an enormous seismological event. Your family was shaken and you took to Trier to find out what happened.
Upon arriving at Trier you experienced pandemonium in the streets. People were running around Praying to Irlee, Hotherus, and Tsukiyo. The three major gods of the Empire. The Zoggleif district of the town was where all of the fighting Men and Women gathered and set up to find out what to do about this incursion on their holy lands.
Engels greets you all in the center of town, looking as vibrant and powerful as always. He stands at about six foot four and looks to be well-muscled despite his old age of sixty-seven. He is ready to give a lecture to all those who would hear it and specifically requests his former students to come to his aid. He was christened a Senior Centurion and wants you all as part of his Contubernium. You will march with him. He demands it of you, and you wouldn’t refuse your old teacher would you? The sky is a dark blue, the atmosphere is electric. It’s been centuries since the mainland has faced any sort of threat and now this threatens to bring down the Empire around you all. This is your calling. The defense of your great Empire and the destruction of the Duergar.
A Centurion leads a group of 100 men and as a Senior Centurion Engels Immanuel coordinates all of the Centuries together in the form of one group. He is in charge of making sure all of the Centurions step in the same direction. A legion is composed of approximately Six Centuries.
You as members of his Contubernium are in a ten man group, led by Engels himself as the Decanus. He is pulling triple duty and needs your help as his most loyal students to keep everyone in check. You are eight people with two support staff in the Contubernium. Your roles are to do the fighting and as senior, perhaps graduated Legionnaires you are expected to march in line with Engels.
Your first task as Engels puts it is to reacquaint yourself with Trier. He wants you to go around and explore the temples of Irlee, Hotherus, and Tsukiyo. He also wants you to go to the local mercenary guild and make sure there are no able bodied layabouts there that belong in the Legion.
You have a loyal Owlbear as a pack mule. All of the legions utilize Owlbears since the advent of the most loyal owlbear Owly. Owly was a loyal Owlbear to a party of Adventurers centuries ago. His breeding and the long period of time raising these animals over the past two centuries has led to the greatest war beasts the Empire has ever seen. Fighting alongside the powerful Mastiffs of the Legions the Owlbears pull double duty as armored war steeds and pack mules. Almost all Contuberniums posses an Owlbear at this point.
Just recently the Empire has begun to mass-produce firearms. They come in the form of Muskets and a small amount of rifled weapons. The rifled weapons are created by the Flintmaster Dwarves. They are slow to create but their accuracy makes them essential on the battlefield. The Duergar utilize hand cannons and regular cannons crafted from brass and bronze. They are extremely unreliable unlike the Empires Steel and Iron muskets and cannons. The Rennaissance is upon the Empire and mass-manufacturing is around the corner. They've begun to construct massive factories housing thousands of people working day and night to create ships, firearms, and other such things.
The average adult Erdean owns a firearm of some kind now and most of the people in the Erdean continent have a very positive attitude when it comes to firearms. Your contubernium's cannon is held by your Owlbear and is carried around in a large cart behind the beast."
You can expect a similar level of quality going forward for RP and such. So if you like what you read above please fill out the form below and DM me! Stuff like race restrictions will be talked about when we talk after you apply.
Required Google Sheet Please fill it out:
Please take some time and effort when applying. Generally the people who put in the effort stand out the most and will get recruited.
submitted by Naesi to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 03:33 ar_david_hh This is what happened on Wednesday, May 29. // TT News //

17 minutes of Armenia coverage by Transcaucasian Telegraph. Follow for regular updates.

Defense Minister Papikyan continues the Europe trip

• Attended a working dinner of Defense Ministers from the EU and partner countries at the invitation of Joseph Borrell.
• Discussed European security during the Schuman Security and Defense Forum.
• Held meetings with his counterparts from Sweden, Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus, and Georgia
• Met General Robert Brieger, the Chairman of the European Union Military Committee, to discuss AM-EU defense cooperation.
• Discussed the reforms that are being introduced in the Armenian army.
source, source, source,

ranking Russian officials attended the event celebrating Azerbaijan Day on May 28: video

LDPR leader Slutsky praised Ilham Aliyev for solving the Karabakh issue and said now it's time to rebuild the areas under Azerbaijani control.
Russia's Deputy Foreign Ministers Galuzin, Rudenko, and Pankin were also present, and so was ranking Senator Grigory Karasin, who described Azerbaijan as "brothers for centuries" with strategic cooperation with Russia.

Armenia's public television channel aired a report about the government's decision to suspend the broadcast of the most popular Russian TV channel in Armenia

As you know, yesterday the High-Tech Minister said that Russia's Channel One hasn't paid its dues for 2.5 months and had to be suspended until the payment is made. The suspension applies to their broadcast in public aimultiplex only. The ministry won't disclose the exact amount owed but "it's not a big sum".
FREE SPEECH NGO (Melikyan): I think there is a political context and the [Armenian government] used the debt as a pretext to once again tell the Russian channel and Russia's information tsars that we are not going to put up with their mud-throwing. Criticism from Russia is okay, but non-journalistic propaganda should be blocked.
REPORTER: In the past, the issues with Russian channels were regarding the content in specific shows. Two months ago the shows run by Vladimir Solovyov were banned in Armenia's public multiplex [and private companies decided to voluntarily join the ban at the time].
ORDUKHANYAN (politolog): Similar violations exist in Channel One and other Russian channels today.
REPORTER: PM Pashinyan said on May 7 that Russian channels would be blocked if they did not follow the law and respect the Armenian state and citizens.

parts from Pashinyan's presentation in Parliament during the discussions around the 2023 budget, economy, and politics:

It's expensive to have a state, which is why taxation is necessary. How should we spend these taxes? Implement the programs of a small group of isolated political elites who seek "historical justice", or should it be spent on the prosperity of citizens? Our citizens want to live, not survive. They want to be free, prosperous, and happy.
"Security" is no longer enough because peace is needed. What we called "security" for decades was security in name only; it was quite a dangerous security. Peace is what ensures real security. This is part of the conceptual differences between Real Armenia and Historical Armenia.
After the independence, the most prominent trend in Armenia was the emigration. People finally created an independent state but had to emigrate to be able to live. Does that mean Armenia was not a livable place for them? How did that happen? Because Armenia was managed by a group of elites with clerical-feudal ideology that hadn't progressed for centuries. This ideology was injected into our citizens, all of us, through the educational system. That's why we have that gap, when you create an independent state then find it necessary to leave in search of another place to live.
A man wearing shorts is enjoying coffee on his balcony in the morning. The onlookers criticize him for "insulting" their "perceptions". How dare you enjoy a coffee in shorts while ignoring the Higher Ideology we are currently fighting for? The man wears colorful clothing and they shame him. "How could you wear colorful clothes? Who is going to mourn if we all start wearing colorful clothes? You scum traitor."
One, two, three such encounters and the person wants to emigrate and live in a place where he can enjoy the coffee on the balcony without being shamed.
Our political party's mistake was continuing these clerical-feudal traditions after 2018. This is what's happening to us today. We are breaking free of it today despite the revolt by the authors of the clerical-feudal system. We are "traitors" for breaking it.
The state must be a tool to provide justice, vivacity, and prosperity to its citizens. To accomplish this, at a political level, we need to have an effective state. An effective state is one that is capable of adapting to the changing world and the new challenges. This is the key to ensuring the long-term existence of the state. This is the path we have chosen. You read a textbook in school and received a "5" [max score], but if we attempt to deal with today's reality by implementing our school knowledge, we will lose our state.
In 2022-2023 I said that if we can succeed in preserving our statehood over the next 2 years, its long-term existence will be ensured. The 2023 budget [today's topic] was used for overcoming that challenge, to ensure Armenia's existence. If in 2021-2022 we saw a VERY direct and immediate threat to the existence of the Republic of Armenia, then today I can announce that we have overcome, controlled, and neutralized that threat by using the aforementioned formulas [by being flexible in a changing world]. We have given a short and medium-term solution to it, but it's necessary to have a long-term strategy as well. In a changing world, we must have flexible a Government and Parliament.
We must work if we want prosperity. "Employment" must be the state ideology and those who choose not to work should not be respected. We must first have a quality education that doesn't encourage people to berate others for drinking coffee in shorts. The education system must teach that in order to live well, you must choose professionalism and diligence, and develop your own skills.
We must break free of the clerical-feudal educational system that taught people that suffering was the only way. They created a box and didn't want you to think outside of it. The school must give you the skills to have a good life, part of which is the development of identity and values. This is why in 2019 for the first time we attempted to formulate what our national values are. This was needed because it was all too common to witness how everything was presented as a "national value". So in 2019, I found it important to list the national values because they are part of our identity, and each person must have an identity to be happy. These are the national values, perhaps partial:
• Armenian statehood and Republic.
• Independence, sovereignty, citizenship, democracy, army.
• Armenia's history, Armenian people's folklore, the epic and legends, and beliefs.
• Armenian language and literature, scripts, knowledge, and science.
• Panarmenian potential and diaspora. Even if you left us, you are still part of our identity.
• Homeland, family, and individual. The individual is a national value and must be valued and should not be mistreated because of the color of their clothes. The society cannot decide what color of clothes the individual must wear on the streets. You must be able to wear whatever color represents your identity.
• The Church and Christianity. Today they claim we mistreat the Church but that is not true. If there are specific individuals within the Church who discredit the Church with their actions and give the Government the right to respond, that is not the Government's fault.
• Armenian folk and modern music and dance, theater, and architecture.
• Nature with its diversity.
continue here, զահլես գնաց
What is the connection between these national values and the performance of the 2023 budget? There is a direct link. The budget is meant to serve those values.
Now some budget numbers from 2023:
• The 8.7% economic growth was above the 7% annual average growth that we set during the 2021 electoral campaign.
• Armenia's economy has grown by around 30% since 2018.
• GDP per capita compared to 2017 grew in real terms by 37% in drams and doubled in dollars.
• Over 206,000 new jobs were recorded in Dec 2023 vs Dec 2017.
• The unemployment is down by 5% but there was a change in methodology so it's not very accurate to compare with the distant past, but under the new methodology in 2023 also the unemployment decreased, to 12%.
• Tax collection was up by ֏298B or +14.5% YoY, and up by ֏1.063T or +92% compared to 2017.
• Citizens received ֏68B in income tax refunds, up by ֏63B from 2018.
• 37,000 applicants have received mortgage loans since 2017 as part of the special program. The increase is 1648%. Under this program, part of the income tax you pay is returned to you to buy a house, while the other part is used for building roads and infrastructure for your building. The construction quality is not necessarily great including because of historically low construction volumes; our companies didn't have enough experience. That leads us to...
• Capital expenditures were ֏494B which is 3.3x greater than the 2018 volumes. Part of this were defense projects, but defense was included in the past as well. It's time to raise the construction standards in Armenia. When a school roof collapses on a student's head, he develops a negative attitude towards the State.
• The "added value" refunds to businesses amounted to ֏88B, up 3.2 times since 2018.
• Average nominal monthly salary grew 14.6% YoY, while real wages with the inflation taken into account grew by 12.4%.
• Real wages have increased by over 30% since 2018.
• Seniors received over ֏5B in cashback for shopping with bank cards instead of cash. The non-cash turnover by seniors grew to ֏60B. It's suspicious that "seniors" used their cards to purchase very large quantities of cigarettes last year, so we might have to restrict the types of goods that qualify under this program so that our seniors and their grandchildren can live a healthy lifestyle.
source, source,

Finance Minister about the economy in 2023

HOVHANNISYAN: We have finally overcome the chronic underperformance of the capital expenditure budget. 2021: 92.5%, 2022: 94.9%, 2023: 95.8%.
Not only the performance rate has improved, but the size of expenditures has also increased by ֏105B ($271M). That additional sum was spent on defense, road networks, urban development, water networks, ...
The debt grew by 14.5%, driven by a 31% increase in internal debt. The debt-to-GDP ratio was 48%. To control the risks, we increased the share of dram and internal debt, while diversifying the debt in foreign currency by decreasing dollars and increasing euros.
source, source, source,

Why was the Catholicos Garegin B briefly prevented from approaching the Sardarapat Monument yesterday?

Context: Ex-regime protesters attempted to derail Pashinyan's ceremony yesterday morning so Pashinyan had to postpone his visit to the afternoon. The Catholicos, who is the protest co-organizer Archbishop Galstanyan's boss, also arrived in the afternoon.
PASHINYAN: He approached the area of the state ceremony without an invitation and we weren't informed that he expected an invitation. The police wanted to clarify whether the Catholicos came to continue the provocation started by his Archbishop. After the police received the assurances that the visit was only ceremonial, his entry was authorized to the area where the state ceremony was taking place. Catholicos is the leader of the movement [co-led by Archbishop Galstanyan] that earlier took steps to obstruct the ceremony, so the police had to clarify his intent.

Is there a chance Armenia and Azerbaijan could sign a peace agreement this year, perhaps during COP29?

PASHINYAN: Every day is a great day to sign a peace agreement as long as there is an agreement around the text of the peace agreement. To be more precise, an agreement around the principles has already been reached during the meetings in Prague, Sochi, and Brussels. The only thing left is to reflect these agreements in the peace agreement. I believe we have an opportunity to conclude this work soon.

Why is Azerbaijan avoiding mentioning the 1991 Almaty Declaration in the peace agreement if we have already begun using it for delimitation?

PASHINYAN: There are nuances here and I'd like to share some details with you. In reality, the work around the peace agreement's text is multi-layered, and sometimes the sentences and comments made regarding the agreement are not always perceived accurately by those who do not possess the full details of the text and dynamics. FM Mirzoyan and NatSec Grigoryan have spoken about that, but the perception and reality might not match. In reality, Armenia and Azerbaijan have already agreed to refer to Almaty in one of the sections of the peace agreement that has been accepted by both parties. So [what Mirzoyan and Grigoryan were saying about Azerbaijan's refusal to include Almaty] is about something else, something I cannot comment on because there is diplomatic work around it.
QUESTION: In other words, Azerbaijan is not refusing to solidify the Almaty by including it in the peace agreement?
PASHINYAN: Let's recall the public statements made by Baku recently. The President of Azerbaijan announced that they are committed to the Prague agreement and the Almaty Declaration. During the process of reproducing that in the peace agreement, there are work issues that can be resolved. There are sensitive diplomatic nuances preventing me from discussing this in-depth publicly.

Are we close to a peace agreement?

PASHINYAN: There is a very significant change in the atmosphere but we haven't reached the end yet.

Any update on lifting the blockade on Armenia?

PASHINYAN: The Crossroads of Peace reflects our understanding of unblocking every communication link in the region. We are ready to implement it at any moment, including with Azerbaijan. The CoP is larger than Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Why did your wife organize a "party" while northern Armenia was struck by a disaster? [was she wearing shorts by any chance]

PASHINYAN: The primary beneficiaries of that event, which was planned 6 months ago, were the mothers who lost their sons in the 2020 war. They need support to overcome the grief.

Will you meet Archbishop Galstanyan?

PASHINYAN: I regularly meet people. There is a procedure to schedule a meeting with me. Everyone can contact us to be added to the list. //
ARCHBISHOP GALSTANYAN: It is the government that should want to meet us, not the other way around. Their actions display convulsions. Pashinyan will leave, he is smart. //
People began to take notice of the repeated nature of statements by opposition leaders that Pashinyan would be removed or leave "soon" under the pressure of the Holy Struggle. Famous actor Hovhannes Azoyan (curly Hovo) made fun of the "1-hour" ultimatum Bagrat gave to Pashinyan on May 9:
AZOYAN: Հրապարակը զբաղեցրած սառցազանին մի հատ ժամացույց նվիրեք ու ասեք, որ 1 ժամը 1 ամիս ա արդեն անցել ա, համ էլ շոգերը, որ եկավ … հալելու է
source, source, source,

from an interview with ex-PM Aram Sargsyan about Armenia's industry and factories, and protests

SARGSYAN: The Church [leadership, not just Bagrat] has entered politics by making statements unprecedented since the 1990s, which opens the door for politicians to enter the Church and treat it as a political opponent. There is a clash of two ideologies right now, between those who prefer Russia and CSTO, like the ARF, and those who prefer the West. At least Robert Kocharyan had the courage to be open about who he is, the possibility of joining a Russian Union, and what he supports, unlike those who deny their affiliation. This group's global interests align with that of Russia and they don't have a functional peace plan.
REPORTER: Do you believe Archbishop Galstanyan and the forces surrounding him in Republic Square want to move Armenia closer to Russia?
SARGSYAN: Of course. That's what they presented in their plan. They formed a wing of diplomats consisting of former officials from the foreign ministry, led by Vartan Oskanian. They read the document, according to which it's unacceptable to change Armenia's foreign vector today and that it's necessary to strengthen cooperation with Russia. We did strengthen ties with Russia, and what did that give us in Nagorno-Karabakh?
REPORTER: Your opponents say the infrastructure-for-debt was done under your administration while you were a Prime Minister, and that you supported it.
SARGSYAN: A total lie. First, the infrastructure-for-debt happened in 2003 under PM Andranik Margaryan [with Robert Kocharyan as President], who signed the documents. Under my tenure, even the ՀԷՑ (power network) that they planned to sell...
REPORTER: I was referring to the preparatory work...
SARGSYAN: ... the ՀԷՑ was supposed to be sold not to Russia but to a Western firm with a presence in Georgia. One of the main advocates of that deal was the current President of Armenia. But I saw a massive corruption risk and I took steps to exclude ՀԷՑ from privatization. Not a single state company of this kind was privatized under my tenure.
Under my tenure, we resumed the operations of the Nairit Chemical Plant. Robert Kocharyan is alive so you can verify this with him: When I offered to relaunch Nairit, Kocharyan told me that it was a "black hole" and that any investment would be lost. As a man from the industry, I disagreed and said there was an opportunity to resume its operations. Kocharyan told me to prepare a written statement that I assume full responsibility for Nairit and any losses. Nairit had a total of 8 ացեկ(?) and it functioned with 6 ացեկ during USSR. The other 2 were routinely stopped for repairs. It was profitable. We launched it with just 2 ացեկ with the other 6 suspended, yet it was still profitable. We didn't reinvent the wheel there. Do you know how we managed to do it? I issued an order that Nairit's output could only be sold by its director and with his signature. Prior to that, anyone could just sell the product and pocket the cash; it was a massive network of corruption. So Nairit worked under my tenure.
We also relaunched the Agarak copper combine under my tenure. At the time the mine was entirely flooded with water. Kajaran's director Maxim helped me fix it; he had the pumps to remove the water. In return, I helped Maxium with his problems. He told me that his molybdenum was being processed without giving him money so his factory was on the brink of bankruptcy. Since I knew how smelters(?) worked, I stayed in Ghapan for a week to help him install two of those. So they failed to push Kajaran to bankruptcy to buy it out. Who wanted to buy it? You know who, because they were able to execute their plan after my departure. Kocharyan wanted it to go bankrupt.
I didn't want to brag about this, but any time if I had any involvement with industrial factories, it was in order to make them function. I know the industry. I think Pashinyan is a terribly bad economist with zero record of resuming abandoned factories.
Bagrat Galstanyan took a swipe at me saying if you were a man why didn't you build the factory in Yeraskh [Context: Azeris shot at the Indian workers so the factory had to be moved]. First, I'm not the one building that factory, it's a US company with my brother's son-in-law owning a share. Good for him. Okay, let's suggest I'm the one building it. This is the only factory that's being built in Armenia today with real money. If you drive nearby you'll see the modern...
REPORTER: ... what stage of construction has it reached?
SARGSYAN: They invested $6M but Azerbaijanis shot at it so they moved the location further away, when you turn left from the so-called Zod bridge. It's a beautiful factory. It's different from every factory built in the USSR.
REPORTER: When will they finish the construction?
SARGSYAN: A metal smelter, especially for copper, usually takes 4-5 years but they want it in 2-3 years.
REPORTER: What will they melt?
SARGSYAN: At first they will work with scrap. Armenia doesn't have enough scrap so they'll import it.
When they built the two factories in Hrazdan, they were for the ferrum mines in Hrazdan. There were legal processes there as well, surrounding ex-Nature Minister Vardan Ayvazyan, the Chinese, $30 million, etc. The fate of these mines is unclear today but it was all calculated during the USSR. The factories in Hrazdan were almost ready and they could function if there was a good government.
The same about perlite. Armenia has massive reserves of those; it's the largest amount of mining material Armenia has today. It's going unused.
A British company offered a water resource program. They wanted to invest about 6.4 billion. I brought the plan and showed it to Pashinyan, and we took it to ANIF. Do you know why it didn't work? Because Armenia lacks the legal framework and the legal mechanisms. You have to import many substances and equipment and store them the right way. All of this requires the right legislative framework for the investor to understand what to do. This is why investors build hotels instead of complex factories in Armenia.
REPORTER: Do you expect Armenia and Azerbaijan to sign a peace agreement this year?
SARGSYAN: Last year I spoke with various US political circles and they were full of hope that the agreement would be signed in 2023. But Azerbaijan carried out the removal of Armenians from Nagorno-Karabakh and the peace process stopped. Americans understood that Azerbaijan lied to them and that it wasn't an honest partner. I believe this will one day be used to punish Azerbaijan, especially since there is a World Court order. There was almost no talk about the peace agreement afterward.
It resumed on April 3 with Anthony Blinken's phone call to Aliyev. Prior to this, Azerbaijan wanted Armenia to withdraw from 4 villages without officially delimiting borders. After the April 3 conversation, Aliyev wrote on his official website that he is committed to Prague and Almaty. This was followed by the April 19 AM-AZ border delimitation document with "Delimitation" in the title and the 1976 maps [and Almaty as principle].

opposition and ruling MPs traded jabs during a parliamentary hearing

The opposition has so far been allowed to hold their Republic Square gatherings and marches across the city without clashes with the police. The police forcefully remove activists from the streets when they shut down traffic outside of those events. The opposition complained about excessive force during the unblocking of roads.
On Wednesday a pro-Russian opposition MP asked a ministry official if they pay the police officers in Azerbaijani manats to use excessive force. The room exploded with insults. A ruling party MP, in turn, accused the opposition MPs of being paid in Russian rubles.
RULING MP: How many millions of rubles did Korotchenko send you and what percentage of that did you embezzle? When people send you rubles, at least have the decency and don't steal the rubles because they keep complaining about it while referring to you as [unintelligible].
video, video,

drone video of the Akhtala bridge damaged during Saturday night floods


government members provide updates on disaster zone efforts:

• River water levels continue to sharply drop, allowing more restoration activities to be carried out.
• Significant work was done on the M6 road and other roads, allowing utility services to reach new areas for restoration activities.
• Utility services have been partially restored in several communities.
• In two days the main sections of M6 road will become accessible but certain areas will be one-way for now.
• A meeting was held with railway experts to discuss the use of undamaged parts of the railway network. The railway will function until Ayrum station, where the cargo will be unloaded and distributed to other parts of Armenia with trucks. The crews are currently strengthening the bridge near Ayrum to allow trucks to use it.
• Railway tracks were damaged in Georgia as well but it's minor and they'll repair it in 3 days.
• Discussions were held with bridge experts to modify some bridges to make them usable.
• The number of volunteers has increased to 200. They help with cleanup.
• Backyards and buildings are being cleaned up in Alaverdi, and the trapped vehicles are being removed. The main work will conclude tomorrow in certain neighborhoods.
• Groups are dispatched every day to the villages [partially] isolated from other communities to assess the needs and evaluate the property damage. Various methods are being discussed for restoring a primary road connection.
• The water pipe feeding Akhtala was destroyed. It could be fixed within "days". A 4-ton water truck arrived there to serve the residents.
• Drones were used for delivery in some areas.
• Ախթալա, Շամլուղ, Մեծ Այրում, Փոքր Այրում, Ճոճկան, Բենդիկ currently have electricity, gas (except in Akhtala's station district), water (except in all of Akhtala), communication, and necessities.
video, source, video, center-left in the last photo... noice,

anti-corruption: former head of Yerevan's Arabkir district is charged with felony abuse of power

Authorities say the 2005-2007 head of the Arabkir district used his relative to illegally sell part of a park and legalize an illegal building on it.

anti-corruption: two customs agents are charged with accepting large bribes from businesses in return for ignoring violations


anti-corruption: authorities raided the Armavir Medical Center and detained the deputy director and head of the ambulance department


U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration and Armenia's Interior Ministry signed a cooperation agreement to combat narco-trafficking


Saudi Arabia's newly appointed Ambassador Salman Abd Al-Rahman Al-Sheikh submits a copy of his credentials to Armenia's Deputy Foreign Minister Kostanyan

The two discussed the expansion of cooperation, mutual visits, the unblocking of regional roads, and the formation of a legal framework between the AM-SA relations. Armenia and Saudi Arabia established diplomatic relations in 2023.

European Film Festival launches in Yerevan with 23 films

It will open with a film from Belgium, the country currently holding the Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
The festival will be closed on 7 June 2024 with the Armenian film ‘Aurora’s Sunrise.’ The festival is open to the public free of charge.

Armenia will host yet another international sports competition

2026 European Shooting Championships
submitted by ar_david_hh to armenia [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 00:27 Diotoiren [CLAIM] JAPAN 日本国 ALL UNDER THE MIDNIGHT SUN

Find previous issues of The Mainichi here
A Better Society

The Mainichi

Economy International Politics National Power Opinion English 日本語

Hello // The Wonder Child // Imperial Prime Minister, the Princess Alice

"The beginning of her government, the beginning of a Grand Empire, the world only the Wonder Child sees."

BY: Takei Madoka (format credit to _Penelope__)
A star has been born in the sky...
That is not an ordinary star, my son.
That star is the tear of a warrior, of a soul who has started her battles...
A star who wishes to rest amidst the lofty realms of the Empire.
Long and illustrious have been the governorships of our Prime Ministers, from the Father of the Nation whom ushered us through the dark days of war, to the Empire Builder whose inspiring might brought forth a new era of the Sun, even the Tyrant who entered Japan into its age of Imperial Will. And yet, amidst these giants stands one taller than the rest, sitting among those who have reached the greatest heights this Empire, this Nation, and His Majesty's people have ever seen. We of course, refer to only one person, who like her father before her came from the icy-lands of Scandinavia, with her traditional Japanese replaced by the sing-song creole of our Nordic brethren. She is, the Wonder Child, the one who has uplifted the Empire to even greater heights, our Imperial Princess Alice of the House Yamato. Having studied under the tutelage and guidance of King Valdemar, the brother of His Imperial Majesty, our Wonder Child is the product of generations of study, experience, and wisdom.
Despite being the second-born daughter to His Imperial Majesty and Her Imperial Majesty, the Imperial Princess Alice has excelled since the moment of her wonderous return, quickly being named not just to His Imperial Majesty's privy council but also rising to the position of Imperial Prime Minister, through the unanimous approval of the Three Ministers of Empire. She has in her short life thus far at only 37 years old, has been one filled with triumph after triumph.

GALLERY: The Imperial Princess Alice pictured recently in Hokkaido

Even as rumors continue to grow over a possible love affair, or rather, courtship between our Imperial Princess and the future King of the UNSC, our Imperial Princess has remained stalwart and hard at work - launching some of the largest economic investments in Japan's long history. Largely conducted through the WONDER Consortiums, this has culminated in the apex of Japanese industry and the founding of the City of Fuyū, located in the IAS Oceania region of the Ross Sea. Likewise, through SAFER, AIDE, and QUARTET - our Imperial Prime Minister has launched a multitude of efforts to revitalize every ally, every portion of the splendid Empire. She is perfect, the successor of our elder statesmen that we had hoped for - one to lead us, and guide the Empire into glory, prosperity, and vast splendor. It is likewise clear, that His Imperial Majesty the Emperor Hisahito thinks similar, as he works closely with the Imperial Princess and his heir, the Imperial Prince Masahito.
Perhaps however, the current Imperial Prime Minister's crowning achievement has been, much like the Honorable Nakano Kanna before her, the expansion of the Imperial Will to even greater heights. In the wake of the Alfr-Civil War and collapse of the Caliphate as it was known, Her Imperial Highness has overseen the expansion of Empire in Oceania, the Sierra, Siberia, and even the heart of Europe itself through the remnants of an Alfheim once ruled by the deceased Aesir Dederick von Lohengrin. In addition to the vast splendor the Japanese people now enjoy, has come with it loyal and unwavering allies. To this day, and perhaps in large thanks to the kinship shared between our peoples - the once Commonwealth of Nordic Kingdoms now the United/Irish-Nordic-Siberian-Cypriot Confederation continues to stand by the Empire's side, behind His Imperial Majesty in this New World. Many wars, conflicts, and days have been spent as allies, may they continue forevermore. And alongside our kin in the North, also come our loyal allies in Argentina, the punished Slayer, and now even GIGAS Custodianships in Mexico and Italy.

GALLERY: The extent of the Empire / 2073

In the past, we would with such grand achievements be saying goodbye to such a Prime Minister who would have seeing the work, and seeing it was good, entered into retirement to allow the next generation a chance to further our Imperial Will. And yet, our Imperial Prime Minister is just getting started. The fall of the Alfr, of the Caliphate, has given rise to an Imperial Golden Age the likes of which have never before been seen. At no time in this world's great history, has any empire achieved the magnificent splendor that the Midnight Sun now enjoys. Even the bastions of Rome, of Macedon, have never even imagined a world like the one now under our Midnight Sun - even American Hegemony, in those dark years of Presidential Rule, none could have imagined this future we find ourselves in.
The Midnight Sun, our Empire, our Japan, has entered into an era of unprecedented power, splendor, size. Some, even now, would question the motives of our vast Empire, and yet as the author Ryoji Kihihara who first coined the term All Under the Midnight Sun once put it, "I remain confident that history will not repeat itself." The Japanese people are the force that ushers in this era of peace across the Pacific, now, across the world. And the rest? Certainly they will follow suit, of that we are sure. For what other light is there now? Other than that which is cast by the Midnight Sun.
Tokyo, Japan

All Under the Midnight Sun: The Empire in 2073

STATE DOCUMENT Issued January 1st, 2073 - 12:00 Tokyo, Japan
  • The Empire of Japan - 2073
  • The 1st Imperial Administrative Zone (Japan)
    • Population: 200,317,194
    • Population (Children of the Whales): 112,000,000
  • The 2nd Imperial Administrative Zone (Kawaii)
    • Population: 6,500,000
  • The 3rd Imperial Administrative Zone (Taiwin)
    • Population: 67,348,953
  • The 4th Imperial Administrative Zone (Southern Japan)
    • Population: 213,899,333
  • The 5th Imperial Administrative Zone (New Caledonia, Polynesia, Wallis/Futuna)
    • Population: 3,800,000
  • The 6th Imperial Administrative Zone (Paradis)
    • Population: 40,234,053
  • The 7th Imperial Administrative Zone (Koma Kulshan)
    • Population: 39,888,900
  • The 8th Imperial Administrative Zone (Nenshō Tochi)
    • Population: 88,434,953
  • The 9th Imperial Administrative Zone (Reunion)
    • Population: 3,500,000
  • The 10th Imperial Administrative Zone (Manchuria)
    • Population: 488,358,833
  • The 11th Imperial Administrative Zone (Yangon)
    • Population: 83,453,333
  • The 12th Imperial Administrative Zone (Sichwin)
    • Population: 122,953,033
  • The 13th Imperial Administrative Zone (Northern Manchuria)
    • Population: 162,843,546
  • The 14th Imperial Administrative Zone (Southern Marley)
    • Population: 23,388,305
  • The 15th Imperial Administrative Zone (Antarctica)
    • Population: 7,854,000
  • The 16th Imperial Administrative Zone (Tibetwin)
    • Population: 843,533
  • The 17th Imperial Administrative Zone (Oceania)
    • Population: 76,853,033
  • The 18th Imperial Administrative Zone (Death Valley)
    • Population: 20,420,000
  • The 19th Imperial Administrative Zone (The Redwoods)
    • Population: 56,954,000
  • The 20th Imperial Administrative Zone (Siberia)
    • Population: 18,530,000
  • The 21st Imperial Administrative Zone (Caribbean)
    • Population: 6,430,000
  • The 22nd Imperial Administrative Zone (Wewelsburg)
    • Population: 202,439,000
  • The Empire of Japan
    • Population: 2,047,224,002
    • GDP (Nominal): $201,796,046,500,000 (not including Oceania)
    • Notes: The Empire has seen a major slowdown to economic growth, with the fringes of recession beginning to form. This however has been backstopped by ongoing "backroom trades" being allowed to persist, particularly in Southern Marley.
Category Percentage Allocated Funds
Imperial Office of the Interior 34.00% $27,444,262,324,000.00
Imperial General Headquarters 19.50% $15,740,091,627,000.00
Imperial Office of Industry and Trade 15.00% $12,107,762,790,000.00
Imperial Office of Education, Culture, Sports Education, Technology, Science, Space, Culture 15.00% $12,107,762,790,000.00
Imperial Liaison of the ATLA 9.00% $7,264,657,674,000.00
Imperial Office of Stability 6.00% $4,843,105,116,000.00
Imperial Office of the Viceroys 0.50% $403,592,093,000.00
Imperial Office of Foreign Affairs 0.50% $403,592,093,000.00
Imperial Office of Law 0.50% $403,592,093,000.00

SWP Álfheimr Institute for International and Security Affairs

 German: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP) 

EMPIRE / / The Maw of Madness

"Once there was competing Empires, now as Madness opens its gaping Maw, there is only Empire."

January 1st, 2073
Finn Böhm
Published: New York, The Republic of New Alfheimr
The following has been written by Alfheim political-theorist Finn Böhm, senior Research Fellow and expert in Geopolitical Theory and Foreign Policy. This piece has been published by the SWP.
Issue One: Madness / Japan through the Looking-Glass
Issue Two: Madness / The Burning Lands
Issue Three: Madness / Welcome to Paradis
"There she finds that, just like a reflection, everything is reversed, including logic." ~ Description of Alice's new World in Through the Looking-Glass.
This is an excerpt compiled from the last letters written by Finn Böhm before his arrest and later execution at the hands of Japanese officials in Wewelsburg. It is an incomplete, brief, yet poignant written work by one of the few non-Bandung authors writing on the subject of the Midnight Sun.
I am recording this, because it may be the last thing I ever say.
It's over, there was efforts, we - my colleagues and I tried warning you. There is only madness now, a shadow of rot that festers, breathes evil across this and every land. No hands are clean. The Bandung Pact has sided with the Devil, Scandinavia our fair-haired brethren with the Devil they lay. Even Russia, o' mighty Goliath you once where, the Devil now is your friend. Even our father, Dederick, was a fool to have ever trusted the haze of the Midnight Sun and now look at him...the bottom of an ocean so far from home, his Kingdom, his Berlin, swallowed like all the rest, by the gaping maw of madness that sits filling its glutinous viscera in the Pacific. Too think, that even the so-called Bandung Pact and its calls of humanity, rights, and liberty has elected to lay with the, entirely laughable.
But there is no time to mourn, no more tears to weep. Like they came for South Afrika, for Paradis and the Amerikas, what they ordered us to do in's to late for all of that now.
They are coming to take me away, I and countless others...we'll be off to some debt camp in Paradis no doubt. Let no one say they had not been warned.
The SWP in its final publication, has also attached multiple files alongside this excerpt.
These documents have been carefully selected having been retrieved from the Caliphate Archives before its collapse. The SWP has curated these sources in particular as one final "whistle blown".
MOD NOTE: For meta purposes, while disputed by Japan - the information above is now fully public. Noting that Japan has a "Great Firewall" so its citizens are either supportive of the actions taken, or otherwise don't care about said document releases.
submitted by Diotoiren to worldpowers [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 21:16 SocialDemocracies Megapost: A list of statements, press releases, and other sources reporting and expressing concern and criticism about Israel's war in Gaza and related aspects of the war. (Part 6)

Megapost: A list of statements, press releases, and other sources reporting and expressing concern and criticism about Israel's war in Gaza and related aspects of the war. (Part 6)

Notes: This is a work that is currently in progress; please check back for updates. Titles have been edited to provide details.
Part 1 is here:
Part 2 is here:
Part 3 is here:
Part 4 is here:
Part 5 is here:
United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF): There is ‘nowhere safe to go’ for the 600,000 children of Rafah, warns UNICEF: With hundreds of thousands of children in Rafah injured, sick, malnourished, traumatized or living with a disability, UNICEF calls for children to not be forcibly relocated, and the vital infrastructure on which children rely to be protected (May 6, 2024):
US campus protests of Israeli ‘genocide’ offer hope to students from Gaza (May 6, 2024):
Brant Rosen: We Tried to Bring Food Into Gaza—but Israel Blocked and Arrested Us: As Israel continues to starve the people of Gaza, a delegation of rabbis marched toward the Erez Crossing during Passover carrying sacks of flour and demanding a cease-fire. (May 6, 2024):
Catholic Workers Movement: After Arrests, Students Renew Call for Notre Dame to Follow Catholic Teaching on War, Investments (May 6, 2024):
Trade unionists use Derry May Day rally to place focus on war in Gaza (May 6, 2024):
Hala Rharrit, former State Department official: Biden’s militaristic policy in Gaza is a failure — diplomacy is the solution (May 6, 2024):
Progressive Workers Union Statement on Gaza Solidarity Encampments (May 6, 2024):
Unitarian Universalist Association: Statement supporting student activism on Gaza (May 6, 2024):
United Campus Workers of Arizona (UCWAZ), CWA Local 7065, Official Statement on Violent Repression of Student-Led Protests at the University of Arizona and Northern Arizona University (May 6, 2024):
750+ Jewish Students Affirm Support for Pro-Palestine Campus Protests [In Response to Biden’s Speech, 750+ Jewish Students on 140+ Campuses Stand Against Israel's Rafah Invasion, Urge Jewish Institutional Action to Halt Gaza Assault] (May 7, 2024): &
American Friends Service Committee: T­h­e C­o­m­p­a­n­i­e­s P­r­o­f­i­t­i­n­g f­r­o­m I­s­r­a­e­l­’­s 2­0­2­3­-­2­0­2­4 A­t­t­a­c­k­s o­n G­a­z­a (Updated on May 7, 2024):
‘I am leaving for the unknown.’ Palestinians fleeing Rafah describe their fear and despair (May 7, 2024):
Kenneth Roth: Biden Should Not Stand in the Way of the ICC (May 7, 2024):
Labour Party of Ireland Eurocandidate for Ireland South, Niamh Hourigan: European Union leaders must push for ceasefire in Gaza (May 7, 2024):
Labour Party of Ireland Further and Higher Education Spokesperson Senator Annie Hoey: Solidarity with Trinity College Dublin and University College Cork Students protest for Gaza (May 7, 2024):
Leaked clip shows Israeli tank crushing ‘I love Gaza’ sign in Rafah (May 7, 2024):
Letter by Bill Deutsch on behalf of the Decorah Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers): Urge immediate ceasefire in Gaza (May 7, 2024):
Letter by Ch. Lt Col (Ret.) Stephen Tillett to the Editor: Veteran Calls for Ceasefire in Gaza (May 7, 2024):
OPEN LETTER OF LEGAL CONCERNS REGARDING GAZA FROM LEGAL PROFESSIONALS, DOMESTIC & ABROAD [Signed by "27 legal professionals in their personal capacities who work for the following departments: 1. U.S. Department of Justice, 2. U.S. Department of Homeland Security, 3. U.S. Judiciary, 4. U.S. Department of Labor, 5. Social Security Administration, 6. U.S. Department of Energy, 7. Attorneys who did not list their agency; 156 legal professionals in their personal capacities from the 1. Private Sector, 2. Public Sector, 3. Legal Academia, 4. European Commission; And the following organizations: 1. Democracy for the Arab World Now, the brainchild of Saudi Arabian journalist Jamal Khashoggi, is a non-profit focused on efforts to promote democracy and human rights in the Middle East and North Africa. 2. Association of Muslim American Lawyers, which provides essential programs and activities to help support American Muslim Lawyers. 3. Law for Palestine, a non-profit registered in the United Kingdom and Sweden that aims to create a global network of professionals interested in Palestine and International Law."] (May 7, 2024):
Syrian American Surgeon Describes Amputations, 'Doctor-of-War Mentality' After Mission in Gaza (May 7, 2024):
Three Orange County medics describe wartime health care in Gaza: A once-modern string of hospitals has been reduced to desperate physicians and others relying on wits and luck. Most of their patients are children. (May 7, 2024):
Vera Institute President Nicholas Turner: Police Violence on College Campuses is Unacceptable (May 7, 2024):
ACLU’s national director of policy and government affairs Mike Zamore and ACLU senior policy counsel Kia Hamadanchy: A disturbing national security bill could silence nonprofits and college protests (May 8, 2024):
Al Jazeera shutdown in Israel spells 'dark day for democracy,' say media groups (May 8, 2024):
Ann Wright, retired U.S. Army Colonel and former diplomat: If I had not resigned 21 years ago in opposition to Bush’s stupid war on Iraq, I certainly would have resigned long ago in opposition to US complicity in the Israeli genocide of Gaza (May 8, 2024):
Blinken Says Israeli Units Accused of Serious Violations Have Done Enough to Avoid Sanctions. Experts and Insiders Disagree. (May 8, 2024):
Jeremy Brecher: Anti-Genocide Students Are Fulfilling Their Duty to Prevent War Crimes; Will You? (May 8, 2024):
Orange County doctor returns home after providing medical support in Gaza: He said most of the patients he treated in the war-torn region were young children with gunshot wounds. (May 8, 2024):
Senator Bernie Sanders Statement on Biden’s Hold on Bomb Delivery to Netanyahu’s Government (May 8, 2024):
The NYPD’s New Sizzle Reels Aren’t Just Dumb. They’re Dangerous. “This is copaganda, designed primarily to provide the mayor with political cover, but then also to show off the military might and alleged professionalism of the NYPD.” (May 8, 2024):
Association for Asian American Studies: Statement in Support of Student Protestors and Recommitment to BDS (May 9, 2024):
An open letter to Middlebury College from alumni in support of the Middlebury Gaza Solidarity Encampment [1000+ signatures] (May 9, 2024):
Haim Bresheeth-Žabner deplores the rot in Israeli society: 'Israel has turned into a Nazi society': The son of Holocaust survivors, Haim Bresheeth-Žabner believes the majority of Israel has been taught to normalise the occupation of Palestine (May 9, 2024):
‘It’s not human’: What a French doctor saw in Gaza as Israel invaded Rafah: When asked about the conditions of the hospitals he worked in, Dr. Zouhair Lahna is pained by the memories of the sick, wounded and dying. (May 9, 2024):
Japanese American Citizens League Calls for Ceasefire in Gaza (May 9, 2024):
Republicans Funded by Arms Industry Fume Over Biden Threat to Withhold Bombs From Israel (May 9, 2024):
Senator Bernie Sanders Statement on Israel’s Threat to Attack Rafah (May 9, 2024):
Students against genocide speak for themselves (May 9, 2024):
Trapped in Rafah, I'm watching genocide unfold before my eyes: Gazan journalist Amjad Yaghi's eye-witness account in Rafah describes the horrors of Israel's ground invasion as Gazans desperately try to flee to safety. (May 9, 2024):
76 Universities in Spain Suspend Ties With Complicit Israeli Universities (May 10, 2024):
Abdullah Ghali: I Was in Gaza. I Had to Saw a Child's Bone Without Proper Anesthetic (May 10, 2024):
Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project: US Student Pro-Palestine Demonstrations Remain Overwhelmingly Peaceful (May 10, 2024):
Biden’s arms threat to Israel ‘better than nothing’ but too late, say U.S. officials who resigned over Gaza policy (May 10, 2024):
'Israel’s genocidal war in Gaza must end' – Sinn Féin Chairperson Declan Kearney tells Global Anti-Apartheid Conference on Palestine (May 10, 2024):
Rick Salutin: I protested at Columbia in 1968 and today’s campus protests give me hope (May 10, 2024):
Right-wing media encourage invasion of Rafah, Biden impeachment: After the Israeli military seized a key border crossing for humanitarian aid into Gaza, Biden’s statement urging restraint from Israel was met with backlash from right-wing media figures (May 10, 2024):
Senator Bernie Sanders Statement on Rafah (May 10, 2024):
Strapped down, blindfolded, held in diapers: Israeli whistleblowers detail abuse of Palestinians in shadowy detention center (May 10, 2024):
U.S. medical volunteers in Rafah hospital say they've never seen a worse health crisis (May 10, 2024):
Pro-Israel website ramps up attacks on pro-Palestinian student protesters (May 11, 2024):
Sen. Lindsey Graham says Israel should do 'whatever' it has to while comparing the war in Gaza to Hiroshima and Nagasaki: The GOP senator compared Israel’s military operations to the U.S. dropping atomic bombs on Japan in World War II, saying, “Israel, do whatever you have to do.” (May 12, 2024):
Gazans strive to study as war shatters education system (May 13, 2024):
‘Total outrage’: White House condemns Israeli settlers’ attack on Gaza aid trucks: Protesters block convoy, throw food into road and set fire to vehicles at Tarqumiya checkpoint near Hebron (May 13, 2024):
Trump Wants to Deport Pro-Palestine Protesters—and GOP Lawmakers Are Filing Bills to Make It Happen: Republicans continue their push to punish dissent. (May 13, 2024):
U.S. Army Officer Resigns From Defense Intelligence Agency Over Gaza Policy: Maj. Harrison Mann's letter criticized the U.S. for still supporting Israel, "which has enabled and empowered the killing and starvation" of Palestinians. (May 13, 2024):
University of California Santa Barbara Sociology Department Faculty Letter Concerning Student Protests (May 13, 2024):
Coalition Renews Calls For Full Israel Arms Embargo: “It will take a strong, unified, multi-sector demand of people all across the country to push this forward right now.” (May 14, 2024):
Columbia-Affiliated Union Theological Seminary Votes to Divest from Israel’s War on Gaza (May 14, 2024):
Fares Abraham: A Palestinian Christian Plea for Compassion in Gaza (May 14, 2024):
‘It is a shame on humanity': Dallas-Fort Worth doctor stuck in Gaza urges ceasefire (May 14, 2024):
Palestinians mark 76 years of dispossession as a potentially even larger catastrophe unfolds in Gaza (May 14, 2024):
The High Costs of Displacement: Difficult Childbirth in Gaza: As often occurs in conflict zones, Palestinian women and children have paid the highest price of Israel’s military assault in Gaza. (May 14, 2024):
‘We give birth only to lose them’: Injured Palestinian mothers grieve for babies killed in Gaza (May 14, 2024):
Amnesty International: Mass forced displacement in Gaza highlights urgent need for Israel to uphold Palestinians’ right to return (May 15, 2024):
House Democrats Fume Over Unprecedented Israeli Rebuke Of Lawmakers: Congressional aides told HuffPost a May 8 letter from Israel's ambassador was “stunning,” “embarrassing” and “verging on offensive.” (May 15, 2024):
Mahmoud Sabha: I’m an American doctor stuck in Gaza. As Israel moves into Rafah, where will physicians and our patients go? ["Some doctors and nurses have been volunteering here for a long time. Some of us have been to Gaza several times. Yet we continue to be shocked by the cruelty. We are not used to this degree of carnage. Even the local staff continues to be shocked."] (May 15, 2024):
"So many children:" Charlotte doctor describes despair in Gaza hospital (May 15, 2024):
The Clean Clothes Campaign stands in solidarity with the workers of Palestine on Nakba Day 2024 (May 15, 2024):
Houston doctor Abdullah Ghali: I saw what the war in Gaza is doing to children (May 16, 2024):
Human rights expert condemns death of Palestinian doctor in Israeli custody, urges independent inquiry (May 16, 2024):
Lily Greenberg Call, Jewish staffer who quit Biden administration over Israel policy: ‘There are so many of us who feel this way’ (May 16, 2024):
Muhammad Abu Salmiya, director of Al-Shifa Hospital: Stop the Gaza genocide immediately (May 15, 2024):
The Unpunished: How Extremists Took Over Israel: After 50 years of failure to stop violence and terrorism against Palestinians by Jewish ultranationalists, lawlessness has become the law. (May 16, 2024):
University Professors Are Losing Their Jobs Over “New McCarthyism” on Gaza: As brutal police repression sweeps campus encampments, schools have been cutting ties with pro-Palestine faculty members without tenure. (May 16, 2024):
With More Bombing And Less Aid, Gaza’s Humanitarians Are Feeling The Squeeze: Many Palestinian aid workers are facing an uphill battle trying to coordinate humanitarian assistance in Gaza while keeping their families safe. (May 16, 2024):
Oxford and Reading Trade Unions Stand in Solidarity with the Oxford Action for Palestine Encampment (May 17, 2024):
Students are making history. All of us should join them: Statement from Ontario Federation of Labour President Laura Walton on the one month anniversary of the start of the university protests in solidarity with Palestine. (May 17, 2024):
They were treating waves of wounded in Gaza. Then an Israeli assault trapped the foreign doctors (May 17, 2024):
Western nations (Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, South Korea, Sweden, the United Kingdom) urge Israel to comply with international law in Gaza (May 17, 2024):
A U.S. doctor in Gaza wants President Biden to know 'we are not safe' [Dr. Adam Hamawy, a U.S. doctor and former U.S. Army combat surgeon who is currently in Gaza, says he has "never in my career witnessed the level of atrocities and targeting of my medical colleagues as I have in Gaza."] (May 18, 2024):
Inside a Gaza hospital: A Los Angeles doctor’s story (May 18, 2024):
Gaza’s wounds shake Mark Perlmutter, a North Carolina surgeon who went to help: ‘It’s mostly the children’ [“It’s much worse than I expected,” he told me. “A thousand times worse than what I expected.” ... “If you combine Ground Zero and you combine Katrina and what I saw on four trips to Haiti, combine to it all the carnage I saw from ugly accidents in all the countries I’ve ever been to, all that combined isn’t equal to what I saw in Gaza in the first week — just the first week — it doesn’t come close, not even close,” he said.] (May 19, 2024):
U.S. Scholars to University Presidents: Honor Peaceful Protesters Standing Up for Justice [1600+ signatures] (Last updated on May 19, 2024):
French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs: International Criminal Court – Prosecutor applies to ICC for arrest warrants ["For many months now, France has been warning about the imperative of strict compliance with international humanitarian law and particularly the unacceptable nature of the civilian losses in the Gaza Strip, and insufficient humanitarian access. France supports the International Criminal Court, its independence and the fight against impunity in every situation."] (May 20, 2024): https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fen/french-foreign-policy/international-justice/news/article/international-criminal-court-prosecutor-applies-to-icc-for-arrest-warrants-20
Hadja Lahbib, Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs: "Crimes committed in Gaza must be prosecuted at the highest level, regardless of the perpetrators. The fight against impunity wherever crimes occur is a priority for Belgium. Belgium supports the work of the International Criminal Court. The Request submitted by the Court's prosecutor, Karim Khan, for arrest warrants against both Hamas and Israeli officials is an important step in the investigation of the situation in Palestine. Belgium will continue to support the essential work of international justice to ensure that those responsible for all crimes are held accountable." (May 20, 2024):
Statement of ICC Prosecutor Karim A.A. Khan KC: Applications for arrest warrants in the situation in the State of Palestine (May 20, 2024):
Amnesty International: ICC applications for arrest warrants for Netanyahu, Sinwar and other senior Israeli and Hamas officials crucial step towards justice (May 21, 2024):
Backing settlement, Ben Gvir says he’d be ‘very happy to live in Gaza’ after the war: If ‘hundreds of thousands’ of Palestinians leave the Strip, ‘we will be able to bring in more and more people,’ National Security minister says (May 21, 2024):
Harvard Faculty Overwhelmingly Vote to Allow Seniors Disciplined Over Encampment to Graduate (May 21, 2024):
Israeli historian Ilan Pappé: I was detained at a US airport and asked about Israel and Gaza for 2 hours. Why? Border agents asked whether I believe Israel is committing genocide and what I think of popular protest slogans shortly after I landed in Detroit (May 21, 2024):
Nearly 500 Harvard Faculty, Staff Blast Sanctions Against Pro-Palestine Protesters in Open Letter (May 21, 2024):
The ICC Wants to Prosecute Israeli Leaders. The U.S.’s Rejection Threatens the Rules-Based Order (May 21, 2024):
Maggot infestations and wounds that never heal for Gaza’s malnourished: Growing rates of malnourishment are compromising the health of a people battered by Israel’s war, preventing them from ever fully recovering. (May 22, 2024):
PREPARED REMARKS: Bernie Sanders on ICC Seeking Arrest Warrants for Hamas and Israeli Leaders Amidst the Ongoing Humanitarian Disaster in Gaza (May 22, 2024):
Letter to President Biden Regarding Threats to the International Criminal Court [Signed by: Action Corps (US); Adehsur; The Advocates for Human Rights (US); The African Centre for Justice and Peace Studies (Sudan); African Francophone Coalitions for the ICC; Alliance for Peacebuilding; American Association for the International Commission of Jurists; American Friends Service Committee; Amnesty International USA; Aotearoa Lawyers for Peace (New Zealand); Arab Canadian Lawyers Association (Canada); Asociación Nacional de Centros de Investigación, promoción social y desarrollo (Peru); Asociación Pro Derechos Humanos (Peru); Association of Reintegration of Crimea (Ukraine and France); Atrocities Watch Africa; Australian Centre for International Justice (Australia); Ayus Network of Buddhists Volunteers on International Cooperation (Japan); Barah Aamen (Egypt); Basel Peace Office (Switzerland); BDS Tokyo (Japan); Brooklyn For Peace (US); Caminos de la Memoria (Peru); Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (Canada); Center for Civilians in Conflict; Center for Constitutional Rights (US); Center for Egyptian Women’s Legal Assistance (Egypt); Center for International Policy; Centro de Desarrollo Étnico (Peru); Centro de Investigación de Crímenes Atroces (Mexico); Centro de Investigación y Promoción de los Derechos Humanos (Honduras); Centro de Prevención Tratamiento y Rehabilitación de las Víctimas de la Tortura y sus Familiares (Honduras); Centro Investigación Capacitación Asesoría y Promoción (Peru); Chernobyl Hibakusha Support, Kansai (Japan); Citizens for Global Solutions (US); Colectivo por los Derechos de las Personas Adultas Mayores (Peru); Comisión de Derechos Humanos de El Salvador (El Salvador); Comisión de Justicia Social (Peru); Corporación Humanas Centro Regional de Derechos Humanos y Justicia de Género (Colombia); Darfur Women Action Group; Demand Progress Education Fund (US); Derechos Humanos y Medio Ambiente (Peru); Dominican Leadership Conference (US); Due Process of Law Foundation (US); Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedoms (Egypt); Egyptian Human Rights Forum (France); Egyptians Without Borders Foundation (Egypt); Eleanor Lives! (US); Ensaaf (US); Fundación Ecuménica Para el Desarollo y la Paz (Peru); Ganoubia Hora (Egypt); Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect; Global Justice Center; Grupo de Iniciativa Nacional por los Derechos del Niño; Historians for Peace and Democracy (US); Human Rights Center, UC Berkeley (US); Human Rights First (US); Human Rights Now (Japan); Human Rights Watch; iACT; Institute for Genocide and Mass Atrocity Prevention; Institute for the Study of Genocide; Instituto de Defensa Legal (Peru); Instituto de Democracia y Derechos Humanos de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; International Criminal Court Alliance (US); International Federation for Human Rights; J Street (US); Japan Campaign to Ban Landmines (Japan); Japan International Volunteer Center; Just Foreign Policy (US); KYOTO AALA (Japan); Laboratorio de Paz (Venezuela); Law and Democracy Support Foundation (Germany); Lawyers Alert (Nigeria); Legal Pact for the Future; Media Initiative for Human Rights (Ukraine); Middle East Democracy Center; Minnesota Peace Project (US); Movement Medicine Japan; Movimiento Jatarishun (Peru); MPower Change Action Fund; National Advocacy Center of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd United States; Network Against Japan Arms Trade; Network for Peace in Syria (Japan); Never Again Coalition (US); No Business With Genocide (US); No Peace Without Justice; Parliamentarians for Global Action; Passionists International (US); Pax Christi (US); Paz y Esperanza (Peru); Peace Action (US); Peace Direct (US); Piece of Syria (Japan); Plataforma de Comercio Justo y Consumo Ético Perú (Peru); Plataforma por la Democracia (Peru); Presbyterian Church (USA); Programa Venezolano de Educación Acción en Derechos Humanos (Venezuela); Red para la Infancia y la Familia – Peru; REDRESS Trust; The Regional Coalition for Women Human Rights Defenders in Southwest Asia and North Africa; Réseau Equitas Côte d’Ivoire; Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights; The Sentry; Sinai Foundation for Human Rights (Egypt); Sisters of Mercy of the Americas – Justice Team; (US); Sudan Human Rights Network; The United Church of Christ (US); Ukrainian Legal Aid Foundation (Ukraine); US Campaign for Palestinian Rights; Veterans For Peace (US); Win Without War (US); WITNESS; Women for Weapons Trade Transparency; Women’s Active Museum on War and Peace (Japan); Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice; World Federalist Movement – Institute for Global Policy; World Service Authority; World Without Genocide (US); YMCA of Japan; Zarga Organization for Rural Development (Sudan)] (May 22, 2024):
‘Terrible idea’: Bernie Sanders on Netanyahu addressing Congress as ICC seeks his arrest (May 22, 2024):
American Sociological Association: Statement on the 2024 Member Resolution for Justice in Palestine ["A member resolution entitled “Resolution for Justice in Palestine” was approved by a membership vote. The American Sociological Association, on behalf of its members, calls for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza. Further, the association supports members’ academic freedom, including but not limited to defending scholars’ right to speak out against Zionist occupation."] (May 23, 2024):
Dr. Adam Hamawy Describes Desperate Conditions at Gaza Hospitals Amid Attacks & Lack of Supplies (May 23, 2024):
Medics in Gaza risking their lives to save people hurt by Israel’s war: Palestinian and foreign medics are working in impossible circumstances to save countless lives in Gaza (May 23, 2024):
Public and Commercial Services Union: Civil servants have a right to oppose apartheid and genocide in Gaza (May 23, 2024):
UNISON: Statement in solidarity with student protests for Gaza: Peaceful protests, encampments and occupations on university campuses have played an important role in many struggles against injustices in the world (May 23, 2024):
European Union staff sign letter expressing concerns over its handling of Gaza crisis: More than 200 signatories cite EU’s ‘continued apathy’ to plight of Palestinians and seek official call for ceasefire (May 24, 2024):
Maritime Union of Australia members united in calling for peace, safety and justice in Palestine (May 24, 2024):
"Very abnormal": Expert worries pro-Israel megadonors trying to make Dems a "pro-Netanyahu party" (May 24, 2024):
Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) open letter to University of Toronto President ["As the voice of Ontario’s labour movement, the OFL unequivocally supports the right of students to engage in peaceful protest on campus, as they call for a ceasefire and divestment from companies that are complicit in war and occupation."] (May 25, 2024):
Canadian Union of Public Employees: Solidarity with peaceful student pro-Palestine protests (May 27, 2024):
Gaza hospitals operating in 'medieval' conditions: UK doctor (May 27, 2024):
In dismissing calls for Netanyahu’s arrest, the west is undermining its own world order: Holding actors like Putin to account relies on international law. If Israel’s allies flout it, how can they convince others to respect their rules? (May 27, 2024):
‘Nothing justifies what we have witnessed here’: the doctors returning home from Gaza: British doctors Mohammed Tahir and Omar El-Taji thought they were mentally prepared to help treat people in Rafah. But what they and other foreign volunteers faced was beyond anything they could have imagined (May 27, 2024):
Ontario Federation of Labour rallies with students at University of Toronto encampment: As attacks kill yet more civilians in Rafah, students at their allies at UofT say they will not stop pressuring the university to divest from Israel. (May 27, 2024):
Coalition of Black Trade Unionists demands ceasefire, calls for Palestinian state (May 28, 2024):
Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières: Israel must end its campaign of death and destruction in Gaza (May 28, 2024):
European Trade Union Confederation appalled by harrowing developments in Rafah (May 28, 2024):
Lily Greenberg Call: Biden was my boss. I resigned because as a Jew I cannot endorse the Gaza catastrophe: The president has weaponized the idea of Jewish safety to justify the atrocity in Gaza. I could no longer stand by (May 28, 2024):
Stop the massacre – European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) Workers' Group Press Release following the Rafah bombing (May 28, 2024):
UAW 4811 Executive Board: Solidarity with University Encampments Across the Country (May 28, 2024):
US-made munitions used in deadly strike on Rafah tent camp, CNN analysis shows (May 28, 2024):
‘We have nothing.’ As Israel attacks Rafah, Palestinians are living in tents and searching for food (May 28, 2024):
Open letter by Gaza academics and university administrators to the world: We call on our supporters to help us resist the Israeli campaign of scholasticide and rebuild our universities. (May 29, 2024):
submitted by SocialDemocracies to Social_Democracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 17:10 Street-Common-4023 Advice for Calc 2 ?

Hey everyone,
First I just wanted to say thank you. I was always lurking on the sub while taking Pre Calculus & Calculus 1.
I’m a High School Senior and have been doing dual enrollment since my sophomore year. Last semester I got a B in Pre calculus and wasn’t satisfied at all. I used Professor Leonard to help me study and made review sheets. Just consistently spamming practice problems 2 weeks before the test. I started off rough with a 71 on my first test but then I got an 88 on test 2 and a 90 on test 3. In the end I did extremely well on the final and finished with an A in calculus.
I’m planning to study Mechanical Engineering this fall and all of my 50 credits including College Algebra, Pre Calc and Calc are transferring.
My only question that I ask is any advice for Calculus 2? I’ve heard that it’s the hardest Calc class and deals with more advanced integration.
Any advice?
Thank you
submitted by Street-Common-4023 to EngineeringStudents [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 15:31 Kimisleeps help needed asap!

i live in banglore, and we recently moved in with my nanaji (maternal grandfather) as he was "sick" ever since nanjiji had died. it's been 15 days now, and i've noticed a change in the way he looks at me, he has tried to molest me when my parents weren't home. both my parents go to work and i really don't want my parents to know about this matter, but i don't want to drop this matter either. i'm 17 years old, and i really need help as i want to file an FIR without my identity to be know by anyone, i want to file an FIR being anonymous. please help me asap,
update : i wanted to explain the entire situation, i really need help and i really hope i get some solution to this. so i'm in 12th grade rn, i live with my parents, and my younger brother in banglore, but we're from jaipur originally
one day, when dad was wfh, he got a call from my naniji that nanaji had took poison
, and dad and mum immediately went to the hospital, he was on the verge of dying, cuz docs couldn't find out the poison he had taken, but dad went out and searched for the poison bottle in the garbage and somehow saved his life
mum and dad later asked him why he's try to end his life, he said that he had taken a LAP of 10 lakhs, from a local person, and since nanaji couldn't repay it, he took poison and the guy was about to take the property worth 80 lakhs, in just 10 lakhs, basically cheating nanaji so dad decided to help him, and took a loan to repay the 10 lakhs everything was fine but then after that, nanaji used to drop by at home and take, 5 lakhs, 2 lakhs, 8 lakhs from dad for the "other" loans he had taken, dad had just agreed to pay the loan worth 10 lakhs, not the other 15 lakhs nanaji would just casually ask from dad as if he owed him so to give those 15 lakhs to nanaji, dad again took a loan on dad's name, dad is soft at heart and thought that ofc nanaji wouldn't cheat him because he's family....we're not "rich" so ofc dad needed something in return to compensate the loss of 25 lakhs that had happened to us and i was in 10th grade then. so, nanaji gifted the site to mom, it was alright, we were happy that we wouldn't be in loss since we had a property worth 80 lakhs now. but, oneday, we received a legal notice in november 2022, from the banglore civil court. nanaji had put a case on mum that she had cheated nanaji and had taken his property by cheating and that she was harrasing nanaji and nanijia nd he basically cheated us, used the senior citizen act and all that to get the property back he took 25 lakhs from us, and now even if we wanted to sell the property to recover the loss, we couldn'the always said that "i don't have any money, i don't have any money" while we ourselves saw 7-8 lakhs in his fd and all while this, the company had reduced dad's pay to 55k only, while he earned 1.5 lakhs in 2022 because of recession or smth dad works for msi international, banglore, and we had taken a loan from indiashelter, for 25-30 lakhs, at 16% interestand the emi is 40k, where only 1k goes to the principal, and rest 39k to intrest only , we had seen the account statment. 15k is left per month, where he has to pay for our house rent, which is 12k, our school fees, and all this to manage everything, and to hire lawyers to fight the case, and all this he had taken a loan of 5-6 lakhs more and the total emi he has to pay now, is approx 70-80k per month+our home rent, school fees, food, water, electricity bill, everythinghe was fed up, but didn't give up he took loan from family, friends, everyone and since he can't give emi to all the banks, he is suffering a lot, and the emi has bounced for 2 months straigh tmeanwhile, last year in november, naniji got sicka nd we had to take her to the hospital nanaji has a lot of money, but didn't spend a single penny on naniji's treatment we somehow spent approx 2-3 lakhs more for our naniji but she unfortunately died on jan 1st 2024 the moment she died and my mother called nanaji, all he asked about was the "death certif" so that he could apply the death certif to the bank account of naniji, and take out 3-4 lakhs more he right now has around 10-11 lakhs we know everything, he thinks he has cheated us and we don't know anything at all and that we're fools later in march 24, dad somehow convinced him to lift the case my dad is a an, analytical person, aswell as a soft hearted and a calm person, he never wanted to register a case on nanaji out of sympathy... he always thought that nanaji would maybe support us in the future but he didn't we finally were tired as we couldn't pay the rent and the landlord kicked us out, and we now live with nanaji in his hous ehe doesn't like us staying with him at all later, i had noticed him looking at me creepily, and he has tried molesting me i'm very terrified, mom is broken, she's very tired of all this dad is always very busy with maintainng everything we have a very good history, dad's cibil has always been excellent, we were doing amazing but due to nanaji, everything is falling apart now we have no source of funds and we've taken loan from everywhere and everyone we're helpless and rightnow, nanaji's plan is that since dad will be unable to repay the amount of some banks, they'll put him in prison, and nanaji will put a case on mum again, and since me and my brothers are still minors, we won't be able to do anything and he'll sell this house our relatives live in mumbai and jaipur, no one lives here in banglore we're very, very tired of everything nanaji has done to us i really don't know what to do dad and mum are still staying strong, fighting against all odds dad has tried explaining the situation to nanaji, but he barely listens. .i can't just go to the police and confront nanaji, it'll just deepen the burden of mum and dad...and also, nanaji has a temple, he doesn't even leave the temple's money! he takes approx, 25k per month from the temple itself i'm taking about the "hundi" where people donate moneya nd right now, the property is on mum's name we can sell it easily if we want to but, nanaji has striclty said that he'd not let anyone sell it and we know if we oppose him, he'll create chaos all around and he has also spread misinformation among people that we've cheated nanaji, and we're harrassing him, so people are very ready to support nanaji, as he has very good connections with people around so if he creates chaos, people will come in front and will fight with us, and nanaji will put case on mum again and then we won't be able to even sell this property as it'll come under "stay order"so till he's around, there's no way we can recover and i really want to report this man to the authorities, and i want to put a case on him, because he has been molesting me but i don't want anyone to know that it was "me" who had put a case on nanaji...please help me out if you can..and i go to school, come back and stay in my room all day long, can't even go to the hall to get smth, he's always resting on the bed in the hall during the afternoon, as he doesn't go to the temple in the afternoon. i really don't know what to do...all this is affecting my studies too...i had been an excellent student till 10th grade...i really want to study, and move forward in can barely manage to pay the school fees, it's been 7 months since he paid our fees, but thanks to the school principal, she's holding back because she knows that i'm an excellent student, but my marks have been dropping recently, I'm slipping into depression, and if she thinks that i don't score the same and asks for the school fees from dad, it would be terrible...
submitted by Kimisleeps to LegalAdviceIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 15:06 alf_landon_airbase biolgy


Biology notes
Predators and prey

Population dynamics
The variety of things that live in an area

Bacteria prey on each other encircling themselves giant kelp fastesed growing thing 1 meter per day 2

Anything that ends in ace is enzyme, enzymes are used to breakdown the corresponding molecule DNA polymerase and adds a short row of DNA bases in the five prime to three prime direction everybody see where they call that the lagging strand the next primer another fragment is they're made and the process is repeated again once the new DNA has been made the end another DNA polymerase enzyme then fills in the gaps that are left behind with DNA finally the enzyme DNA ligase seals up the fragments of DNA in both strands to form a continuous double strand everybody see kind of how that works and remember that it's a semi conservative process which means that so we unzip it 1/2 of the be named it's gonna like we got two new strands of DNA half of each strand so like one side of this is going to be the original DNA and then the other half is going to be new but they're going to be exactly alike so we can each side of it's gonna serve as a template so because can only bond with's if I've got an A here it's gonna be complementary and it's gonna look the new strands gonna look exactly like that other strand does that make sense keep in mind the other thing that they do like here we're only showing like one part of the DNA but in reality like they show replication work but the reality of it like they're gonna tap same way so they're gonna be coughing it at the same time so you can have one DNA helicase unzipping it this way right which means this would actually be the leading strand for this one this one would be lagging on the other half so it's actually a bubble they always show half of that and there's gonna be 100 sometimes even thousands of these healer cases on each two that makes sense to start those bubbles and they're gonna be going up directions there's ones coming from the other end they're gonna meet up with it when they meet up then they drop off connects that stuff again but it can actually do this whole process copy more than all the textbooks in this classroom perfectly like

Stableising selection

No offense to Darwin's parents if you want your son to be Catholic and it turns out his theories are one day the basis of atheism that opposes your religion you may have done something a bit wrong They make it sound like Darwin's inspiration is otherworldly This is complete and utter nonsense are you really basing modern society off of this fish can't turn into people and Birds can't turn into dinosaurs I don't care how much time you give it I'm honestly surprised Also, it misrepresents the views of Christianity the Bible didn't say they couldn't change the Bible said they did, but they all started out as a base species and evolved from there, there was a first fish bird lion dog they are the first thing, but they adapted to their environment so that God's creation could spread better and be unique

If I was still shaking by the time we had to go back there and call like a 40 minute run back to town in his bowl bought some 220 grain bullets instead of a 150 other shoes but we go back like everything's like torn up like just an area probably about the size it reduce stumps very bushes like just a little potassium and he's dead there but they kept asking me like all right now where do you think how far were you and I was like first time I shot it was probably like 10 yards I bet you just kind of pulling my dad to decide to go well you are a kid like that would get scared but we're not really finding the shell casings I know how close I was to the bear cuz I don't worry about it it's not they're going to cost self-defense so you're not in any trouble you know you can take like basically the max amount of points into licensing confused without like losing all hunting Privileges and keep the bear or we can just call it something like that because the bear itself honesty was probably about estimated about 450 lb is a bigger bear than it's declined like his his canines were busted off somebody got a little older bear that he should have been an 800 lb bear but he was going to make the dinner but we're finally we're going to find my shell casings to go to roll the bear over to take some measurements he was on top of all three of my shopping list pour that up when he stumbled back and I ran basically he couldn't I had two more shots to make four round clip and One in the Chamber but I don't most of those other two shots would even done anything about that that's that's my little bear story though yeah they they figured he was when they did the study so he was probably like it like a 15 year old there that I had kind of reached his Peak and was on the she just helps speed up nature of the picture here Grace seems to be the lucky number my sister had three I had three of my brother had three I have two other brothers that didn't have any kids And they're losing population yeah so they're having a lot smaller families and that's happening in this country too late then what's going on in Italy here none my of them are unemployed unless they want to BEI like it is like okay do we have a bunch of are the cow up that we have a bunch of like old ones that are passive pipe reading age all right so we need to eliminate some of those Solutions more cow tags maybe the Bulls are all young ones, but there's not very many big mature bulls so maybe we need to reduce the number of bull tags right those are all they get variations on but basically like demography that kind of do that to look at how popular they can change what you hear that word using a lot too seeing that it's an election year and apologize for my generation in the nearby generation stupidities that's on full display during an election year going to go probably shut up my Facebook and any social media because I don't I don't even want to know no I just everybody wasting everything I don't know, but demographics will be like oh this candidate just really well with Millennials or this demographic ally wildlife biology it's like all right are they reproduced juicing age are they up-and-coming stuff like that, but basically it's a statistical study of populations here. Here's how here's how old they are here's a structure here's how many miles or something female few pictures of populations we'll talk about these and don't worry about writing these they're all 70becausew they're all retired and down just yet because there's like first three slides on side size two or three on density two or three on this person those are all things we looked at I kind of laughed at this one don't get this confused for a really large long necks no boost thanks for my best friend, and they had 12 gauges it ended badly for this one actually leave here I still send did you create me a pass idiot you can take out your computer to do stuff swallowing time and so press for about three times as big as like a goose breast would have been so they cut the breath like in the thirds and tried to make it look like this breath I guess it didn't taste too bad I didn't get to eat any of this one but all right let's make it a quick one okay then when you're coming to class next time you come late though I'm not going to let you use the bathroom time anyway size is the number of individuals in an area and so if you look at the magazine the Department of Wildlife sends out you can look at and go okay unit 84 has this many deer unit 67 which I don't have enough points to ever draw there as like 20 billion Elks there not really that's exactly there's a lot of fun I think it takes like I remember when I used to work at the Elks walk there, and I'm all set like when a guy drew a buck tag on 4th Street and shot at three point block opening day like it took like 9 points 10 points to draw any shot like a little freeway like it's great if you find it over the countertop ton anyway grateful lots of health care jobs lots of jobs and nursing homes got a lot of former students that are nurses and size is the number that's there growth rate we've actually kind of talked about this already but just a couple words to look at there you got birth rate death rate neutrality means birth rate right so if like a lot of times like where you go to have your babies at the hospital that's the neonatal unit right so that's why they have first hopefully don't have to go to the Nick you, but that's the needle invented Care Unit right so that's like if it's a little bit of they're all rocking it Touch and Go they have concerns so we'll put them there but basically like population size we look at birth rate death rate immigration and immigration right so he's kind of looked at this okay kind of like a typical age structure pyramid for developing country and just take a look at that I want everybody to kind of see what they see if they notice anything odd and usual or some more female yeah they're going to females live about 7 years longer than us dudes I think it's from the added stress the rest guys have to deal with it but maybe go fishing and lightning storms and stuff maybe you get like the Thunder is rolling over fishing butt, and I'm sure we'll be fine weather changes going to turn that'll get the bike going for sure right it's a don't know, and it grows pretty symmetrically 5-year-olds to 14-year-olds at papers off some more internet right so they start off with a lot of babies the numbers drop fast we start off with a lot of babies the numbers drop fast est it's its pretty tough like there's and honestly there are countries that are least developed like there's someone like South and Central America and Asia there's a good number in Africa Afghanistan basically back in the Stone Age now really it has not the kind of stone we talk about here in Colorado that's like that's a rock at you and that's you until you die but if you don't have the vaccinations right, so there's pretty, pretty massive death rates there lets ditched earbuds there, but my dad I came up with six or seven you mean, and you may not Afghanistan is in the Stone Age like tradition wives not technology wise I mean they still have some Modern amenities there I'm sure at least some oh yeah dead people dead kids survival rate they die from old age women still outlive us guys somehow it increases from floor to 15 well, and they just did you see here though they're not having as many babies you're not having as many kids so that's actually going to be like all the guys are dead by 70%? I figure if I make it everyday over 80s probably going to be bonus for me so it depends on what jeans I got I think I probably got the junk ones though I look if I tell them I look just like my grandpa Larson who had a heart attack so he came to my age, so I don't know I grab a blocker was like 96 but actually here's what's crazy my grandpa not great grandpa my grandpa fought in World War One not many people can say that he was plotting the war when he is pretty young had my dad when he was ancient I think my dad was the youngest of six my dad kind of waited my dad didn't get married till he was in his 30s, so I don't know he was born late, and we had five in our family and then all right, but emotional people by what standard the baby boom after everybody got back they started having a lot of a lot of kids Orange you see how that like kind of smaller families he had me and my brother kind of late and so yeah my Grandpa bought me a little one got to see fun stuff like chemical worker all the Americans were the best one of the best fighters in order one, and I'll turn the tide they don't have to be interesting to see what would happen if we join the central power as you might have Canada and Mexico or something demons we'll send it back with if he scrapes and catch him like me anyways I know really and not well can I just have noodles can I just have meatballs with no sauce on them I don't I don't get that light cousin eat your date spaghetti sauce well it's fun in the 10 days a year that they're out there to see it I'm not going to change the eating habits and I'd rather have them still like like me then like so I have to go to the back room like I cannot believe how picky the gosh thing kids are like bubble like instead of yelling at the kids flavors it shut up that exactly right there anymore oh you owe me by the way I met your sister today and I said nice things about you the one that's yeah yeah that's your name I don't know it's just battles with I just figured his uncle is not my job to change what we have it I'd rather have them like 15 years from now remembering like that Uncle TJ's are freaking shirt I'm like you know I really like Sarah knuckle TJ if I need something I can always count on those days why all right I'll pretend I'm not angry but they just want meatballs with no noodles okay density all right population density is the number in a given area and density is one part of it but kind of cool Island I grew up on highest population density of brown bears in the world also at the highest Nest density for bald eagles in the days out there had like the highest density of humpback whales in the summertime in fact it's kind of funny if they show commercials and they're showing humpback whales probably 60% of the time is a and it's changing a little bit but for years they have like a humpback whale research that would base out of my hometown and they go right out front right go fishing every day so they chill humpback whales going up and bubbling it in my car that's like oh that's right that's that's right by danger point right there if they did that stuff here you'd be like oh that's Huckleberry Hill or you know but yeah with so basically then not that there was those one and a half per square mile not that there was any half Bears running around I guess we could have man bear cake South Park Washington has any of the school about kids in Colorado Steve got a lot of pretty red areas and then I kind of like living in areas where it's like 0 to 2 or maybe 2 to 25% notice how they got persons per square mile and you kind of see if you're looking at Denver there we've got a lot of you know basically Front Range that's going to be like Fort Collins all the way down to about Pueblo there sweet actually on the tail end of that cuz we're part of Pueblo County but considered more considered more rural I guess I saw it on Facebook my grandma did they make it and honestly like I always like oh wow going down to the lake and something was at something happened at the lake so they were doing the guy the lake had a heart attack and they were just I heard well in they sounded to me like they just like in the back of their truck started out like sitting in the back of the truck and started having a heart attack like I won't say who but some of the right kit like show me your fell asleep but everybody can see how that dead population density works and that's one of those ones too and they do elections like they have I don't know I'll just throw this out there a little bit too much politics because popular both do anything to benefit when you're like when you're living in the white or the elevator well not not really like so like if that state has that chunk of delegates and you know it's kind of old or nothing on those delegates like it's kind of but it does it it's like the YouTuber presidential candidates will come to Pueblo because they're trying to win Colorado Colorado is a big enough chunks that they'll go there they never go to Alaska California California and Texas EA in California at 7:00 a.m. But that's why I never want to go I wouldn't eat as a real person I'd never want to go to a popular vote. Like we'd be irrelevant like I don't care what happened in Colorado there's not enough let alone Wyoming or Montana or whatever like who cares okay and we talked about these already the immigration immigration right immigration where they're coming in immigration means they're leaving if they're coming into somewhere else that means they're leaving somewhere else so right like a lot of the like right now are borders like wide open that's another sorry about like a lot of it like there's like there's a lot of people that are literally like walking from Venezuela okay here it's kind of interesting as at that science convention right before spring break is actually in one of the seminars I was talking to a guy actually he's from California but basically he was teaching almost all like she was teaching a lot of those immigrant kids science in Spanish is that John he's like some of those kids it's like blocked all the way through Venezuela they go out some there's some stories there at the same time like okay Crossing in I got to pay taxes your parents have to pay taxes I think president everybody else pay taxes soon don't raise my health insurance density and we talked about density dependent and in the independent factors density dependent these are things that when you get a really big population there's more of an impact so when they left off the list here at Big one so you have disease competition parasites predation right so if you get a year or we have just a ton of rabbits then we end up with a ton of coyotes and a ton of boxes and a ton of bobcats yeah and then when the rabbit population goes back down they eat each other right and sometimes you get those years I remember when I talked to Beulah like one year they're just ton of rabbits like yeah I only hit two rabbits on the way to work today the there's zodiac your Predator price Cycles those are all density dependent factors and affects both of them those independent factors those are going to be like natural like natural catastrophes basically so like if there is a weather the population's endangered or whether there's a ton of them if there's a massive forest fire it's going to wipe a bunch of them out either way right or if there's a like we talked about during air Evolution unit where which half of the island like which app do you guys fell into the ocean when the island like blew up and slow up into the ocean camera which party you guys remember went to Adams State Medical right girl and I'm here I am I thought you just ended up no honestly going back to Alaska was always kind of the original plan but it never worked out so I think it's just where I was supposed to be not not a bad place at all I know High School everybody's always in a hurry but later on when you like get your education see the world do that stuff and you're starting a family like it's a great place to come back too and okay the last part I'm going to get to so when we're looking at like populations they're not always going to be the same and I'm actually just going to click over to this next slide because it just has a graphic at the same thing but populations can be clumped they can be even or they can be random okay so like on Elf or a good example of a clump population I remember one year I was pretty frustrated I averaged like 8 miles a day elk hunting for like 5 days and I didn't see one freaking pill not one the next season it wasn't even legal shooting light yet and there was 200 of course I had a cow tag and there's like a massive 7x7 like 80 yards broadside the rest of the herd that the cows would like 400 yards away I had to watch him for like 10 minutes before finally one of the cows like the herd was spread out enough cuz I didn't want to like and there's a big one right there at the back here we go pictures yeah I didn't want any accidental collateral I had to stop looking at that big bowl through my loaded 30 ought 6 or it was going to have to might accidentally went off and then I'd have been in pain I'd had some explaining to do big Bagel but Snapchat let's get a countdown? How come you don't see herds of mountain Li ons they're solitary and predatory predatory it's not good no you probably do like it go for a double leg and I try to scrub it on too slow and then I'd hit my head or something if you get the match to go longer than 2 minutes then you probably have a good chance I get you in the first I have to do my damage there right and a lot of time beach one has your territory and why not if there's a higher concentration of ray pray they might be able to have smaller territories and tire concentration Treasures Predators but the for the most part it's going to be even if everybody see why cuz they're territory they're not they don't like running like yeah thank goodness it's all right yeah have you guys see that video where the guys hiking in Utah and that mountain lion keeps like chasing them he's like no no no he's like throwing rocks and one more time yes hey it was just riding a brightness bike and I guess he wrote between like a salad and some Cubs and Lexi just like from the bear claws like there's clicking it and he's like he actually spent his crankshaft like he was so hard like he had to get it if you guys fried so like it was into him because I had it I've had it in German piano we had to buy some alligator jerking when he went to the gator farm Christmas I want to shoot a lot me too especially if you process it yourself but that's also to get it right now if you only did that senior field trip this year to the Denver Museum and I was supposed to have to drive a bus my buddy one of my best friends apologize I could have went for free like very paid for everything my brother-in-law backed out can't go but like they wouldn't have been able to do the field trip without me wanted to go so bad but honestly like 2000s about what you get for if you bought a piece of the night so I'd be about the same price please me I've got all the processing equipment I thought they cost pretty it's not a bad deal and you can have the height and some people turn around the problem so actually cheaper than if you look at it that way and you get to go shoot a buffalo and go away on Facebook all right I've got about as far as I want to go here all right so I'm talking population density right about Admiral Sea Island where I grew up having the highest population density Brown version Rolex haven't told you guys about the one time I actually saw one in the woods this was actually going into my freshman year you guys want to listen this is like my best best story but going into my freshman year and they're like you can shoot six deer per person in your family for you season starts in August so it's August 2nd I shot three the day before shot tomorrow the second we are on our way back and Hudson deer blood and stuff on my pants but I was like my dad wanted to stop him my dad basically wanted to cook up The Tenderloins and I'm like Dad I'm going to run up to Beaver fun to see if I can get one more cuz I shot one not too far from there the day before so I walked up to Beaver ponds nothing not even at Dell what the heck so I'm walking back and everywhere in there like it's stick rain for us everywhere you walk is actually a very true love walking back on a Bear Trail it was just getting like really really thick like really thick older brush and just like Harem back in my neck was standing up my man if I saw baroness I would be I'd be in big trouble so I started making a lot of them I started singing really loud I'm like making noise good night it was so thick I had to crawl on all four seconds it was just super thick I get to where I can stand up and I hear it you're a branch Creek and I'm like like looking for like a beer butt bounce into or something got my gun ready looking don't see anything and then at about 30 yards it's Bears pick his head out from behind his big old tree then well he's just looking at me first right then of course it's all brown bears there and he's just looking at me and I'm like wow that's not going to believe that so sitting there going like okay to see a bear don't shoot him in the head because a lot of times it'll balance I think about really six goals make sure you get a good body shot if you ever have to do that I'm sitting there and and honestly I'm pretty scared and nervous kids dirty guys but it just kind of looking at it and then we kind of stepped up the rest of the way out of the trail and all of a sudden the hair goes up on the back of his neck and you just start going and he's kind of doing the like straight on into the sideways but like your hair punch ing a picture I'll blow ing myself in there getting the sewing machine leg really bad okay like use a low voice they calm but make yourself look and sound big so I was going to go my biggest twice as you can go hey and to be in that you guys might be really late to disconnect and he started charging and I'm like oh Greg and it's so sick like it's not even I can't even get a shot on like I know he's coming but I can't even get a shot on until he probably about like maybe a little bit further from them from like me to loosen and he's like three quarters and I have my 30 ought 6 so I hit him right behind the shoulder and that's when I really don't care cuz I hit him like three quarters right behind the shoulder and part of my friends but pissed him off like you started going like fighting it inside like a feast on him or something please like spinning around in circles like biting it inside so he's got his and I had a pump truck and so I could or not shotgun pump 30 out today don't buy one that wouldn't give up on me a couple years later but that's another story anyways like jammed another one in so he's got his other shoulder to me couldn't fight night his side pants and him a second bam jacked another one and hit him at third time right so once recorder twice peroxide right behind the shoulder and at that point he's probably about like for me to Gavin he goes to stand up on his hind legs and kind of stumbled backwards and like I can't even describe how terrified I'd like and I just started running for the beach as fast as I could really really sick like blueberry bushes and stuff and there's a little bit of a ravine that I sell and I stop for like a Split Second Adventure crash crashed on my lights off I remember looking at those like those claws are like the size of your fingers that's right and like seeing those and I'm running as fast as I can to the beach but I honestly thought like I was waiting at any point for like him to come from behind it you know one of those can I get to the beach I'm like did I get you kill it or no I think it was chasing me so you know got my brother we got in the boat got out of there went back to town one of our good friends there wasn't a fishing game tonight but he worked for them sometimes like he's cute stuff so late we go back there and we finally found it like we go back there which was kind of nerve-wracking
submitted by alf_landon_airbase to humansbgone [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 14:37 Full-Discussion3745 Understanding how Russian interference works and how they are trying to capture the EU

There are a lot of news about how Russian interference works. From direct spying (and EU MEPs basically getting off Scot free). To actual poisonings to singular bribes, to basically buying governments, to online trolls, to stoking fears to understanding digital marketing better than the connected modern world.
I mean they have done some crazy shit.
Internet penetration is so much higher in the modern world but I am pretty sure that this is the EU election where the highest amount of senior citizens have been online and been interfered with some direct or indirect Russian persuasion program . The Russian persuasion programs is not to get you on Russia's side but rather to fragment their opposition as much as possible to create as much discord as possible.
All of this info comes out of the PANDORA PAPERS LEAKS
To illustrate a fairly big case right now on how Russia sows discord I investigated South Africa's case for genocide against Israel. My question was specifically not questioning the legitimacy of the case but rather why did South Africa ( a developing country in the global South) specifically bring the case a case that is seriously polarizing the modern world. I post this with some of the legitimate verified journalistic sources who got their info mostly from the PANDORA LEAKS, not aunty McNutty's conspiracy sites of wonders.
The South African government (ANC) ICC Genocide case is instigated by Russia. Think about it. South Africa has zero skin in the game in the Middle East. Why exactly was it they and not lets say Ireland that brought the case before ICC, and who paid for this considerable expense? To be fair for its historical apartheid past South Africa (and I am in SA about twice a year I utterly love it) is quite a tolerant society now despite a few extremists. South Africa's challenge is the ruling party's greed not race. Their morality is available to the highest bidder.
Now surely the genocide in Ethiopia against the confirmed 600 000 + dead Tigrayans is a much more closer issue for the SA government to take to the ICC. (black Africans being mass murdered) but the Genocide in Ethiopia will not destabilize the modern world. The conflict in Israel and Palestine will. And the more brutal the more destabilized.
In recent years, the African National Congress (ANC Ruling party of South Africa who is bankrupt) has received significant financial support from entities directly linked to Russian oligarchs closely associated with President Vladimir Putin. One confirmed instance is for example the donation from United Manganese of Kalahari Ltd, a company in which Viktor Vekselberg, a Russian oligarch under U.S. sanctions, holds a significant investment. This company donated approximately 15 million rand directly (about $826,000) to the ANC just in 2022 to help fund its electoral conference​​​​ and indirectly enough to pay the salaries of a significant number of ANC officials in 2022. DIRECTLY AFTER THE RUSSIAN INVASION OF UKRAINE AFTER WHICH SOUTH AFRICA CHANGED ITS OFFICIAL POLICY FROM PRO UKRAINIAN TO NEUTRAL/PRO-RUSSIAN (NALEDI PANDOR , FM SOUTH AFRICA CONDEMED RUSSIA'S INVASION OF UKRAINE IN THE DAYS AFTER THE INVASION ONLY TO BE REBUKED AND ALL HER STATEMENTS TO BE WITHDRAWN)

State capture: Zuma, the Guptas, and the sale of South Africa

And we know the the South African government has been sold before.
This financial support has raised concerns and criticism, particularly regarding the ANC's stance on international issues such as the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the Palestinian Israeli Conflict. Critics argue that such donations influence the ANC's political positions and undermine its claims of neutrality​​​​. Specifically the investments made after October 7 2023 to help fund the ANC election campaign for the elections happening today, 29 May 2024
Additionally, the ANC's investment arm, Chancellor House, is involved in billion dollar joint ventures with companies linked to Vekselberg, further intertwining the financial interests of the ANC with those of Russian oligarchs closely associated with President Vladimir Putin.
These financial ties have been a point of contention and have sparked debates about the extent to which foreign donations influence South Africa's political landscape and the ruling party's foreign policy decisions.
To understand how much money Russia has in South Africa and what control they exert over the South African government
submitted by Full-Discussion3745 to europeanunion [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 13:43 MihawkDameyayo Urgent. Need Seniors' Guidance Once Again.

First of all, thanks to the 3 people who responded to my suicidal post. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Now, coming to the topic, let me provide some context. 2 months have passed since my coaching has started. My current chapters are going pretty well, (except physics, which is barely touching even mains level) and here is my current progress (the problems are listed below that) :--
Chem - Atomic + Mole upto Adv. level
Maths - Sets, Relations and Functions + Trigo upto decent level (60-70% Adv).
Phy - Basic Maths + U&D + Kinematics + NLM (Mains level)
Now, here is the issue, the teachers in my coaching have selected a few students to prepare for so called "Ranks". Now they have burdened us with completing the Entire JEE syllabus in 11th itself. I have some sort of confidence that I'll manage Maths + Chem but Phy is f'ed up. So, I face the dillema of - "कैसे". I aim to complete entire 11th+12th Maths and Chem by December end or Mid-Jan. Now please guide me on how to complete the physics portion in roughly 7-8 months? And please keep in mind I do not want to compromise with the quality of studying, I want to complete the syllabus till Advance level. Plus, here is my current flow of studying ---
Chem Teacher's notes or lectures Module JEE(M+A) PYQ'S NSEC PYQ'S Some selected problems given by my coaching sir (Adv. + lvl.)
Maths Teachers' notes or lectures Coaching sir's sheets (goated) Module PYQ'S List of good questions (same as chem)
Phy Teacher's notes or lectures Module PYQ'S (bas itni hi aukat hai physics me)
Desired Timeframe for Syllabus Completion June 24 To Dec 24
Now, please if any of the seniors (2025 or even 24tards) can give me some guidance upon a rough roadmap on how to complete the syllabus in the given timeframe, I will be more than grateful. And yes, I almost forgot, if anyone suggests to get into the top batch of the coaching and just follow them, then :--
There is only 1 branch of my coaching in my city where top batches are present and I can not transfer to that branch because it is too far away from my house (roughly 30km travel everyday to get to that place) so I have to keep my current branch.
Now, all suggestions are warmly welcomed.
May ya'll get your desired college too. Peace.
submitted by MihawkDameyayo to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 13:13 USA_Anti_stalking Government Sponsored Harassment Program:

Government Sponsored Harassment Program: Life-long Official Torture Must Be Stopped Now
This article was first published several years ago. It’s still very relevant. Then Senator Joe Biden himself is one of the sponsors of COPS, the government program for community harassment of targeted individuals.
Following are excerpts from a well hidden article published on the disinformation site called Veteran’s News Now. I’m leaving out the disinformation, and publishing the part that I know to be fact, having had to deal with it for a life time.
These ‘gangs’ of spies are taught harassment techniques such as “gas-lighting” within the U.S. military. I’ve learned this from people who’ve gone through the training and who have confessed of its existence. Government jobs are the rewards given to those who participate. Welfare entitlements are also used as forms of payment so that the financial burden of this army of tormentors is placed on the shoulders of those of us who are employed, and most Americans are now in the minimum wage service economy. Pretty much everyone else has already been dispossessed of their assets. The psychopaths who control this army don’t have to spend a dime of their own money for the program, which even has an official name: COPS. It’s made out to look good, of course. It’s not. Perhaps there are others out there who recognize the patterns described in this article and will join me in speaking out.
What penalty is appropriate for criminals who destroy lives slowly by pretending to be a friend or by marrying their victims, and charging the tax payer for this service?
By Rahul Manchanda, Esq. on August 21, 2016
In Bill Clinton’s COPS Gang-Stalking Program, civilian spies are recruited from every segment of society, and everyone in the “targets” life is made a part of this ongoing, continuous, and systematic form of control and harassment, with such actions that are specifically designed to control the target and to “keep them in line,” like a Pavlovian Dog. These actions are also designed to mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially, socially, and psychologically destroy the target over years, to make them appear to be crazy, leave them with no form of support whatsoever, and ultimately to drive the target to suicide.
In 1975 Senator Frank Church convened a joint senatorial/congressional inquiry into the egregious human rights and civil liberties violations of the Central Intelligence Agency (“CIA”), National Security Agency (“NSA”), as well as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”) against people both foreign and domestic. Such blatant transgressions included the “neutralization” and “elimination” of political dissidents, “enemies of the state,” real or imagined threats to National Security, and anyone else on the proverbial shit list of the Military Industrial Complex (“MIC”).
The terms ‘enemy of the State’ refers to traditional enemies of the Masonic mob. The Catholic enemy is simply the Roman Catholic Church and the families that have supported it for centuries. They are law and order people.
The Mob calls them enemies.
The “Church Committee” a U.S. Senate committee chaired by Senator Frank Church (D-ID) in 1975, was a Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities. A precursor to the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, the committee investigated intelligence gathering for illegality by the aforementioned agencies after certain activities had been revealed by the Watergate affair. Of course, intelligence agencies protect each other.
To discredit one spy agency is to discredit all of them. The number of jobs, sub-contractors, perks and freebies is beyond measure at this point. There were spy families before, now there are entire spy populations who live internationally, have several identities in several countries who live very, very good lives and get immunity from just about any prosecution. They get their pick of government jobs, all of them are easy, and they get the fast lane when applying for free government benefits.
The December 22, 1974 New York Times article by Seymour Hersh detailed operations engaged in by the CIA over the years that had been dubbed the “family jewels”. The article pretends that all these covert action programs of assassination were attempts against foreign leaders to subvert foreign governments. In actuality, the only thing foreign to this fraudulent government are Catholics, the assassinations were against Catholics, the subversion was against American Catholics.The fact of such programs were reported for the first time: (7) efforts by intelligence agencies to collect information on the political activities of US citizens; and (8) countless other examples, both overseas and domestically. (See original article for references)
The end result of the Church Committee Hearings was the outright banning on CIA assassinations as well as the FBI/DOJ COINTELPRO gang-stalking programs.
This means that anyone and everyone who is employed or who volunteers to torment the life any other individual is guilty of a federal offense and should certainly stand trial. Those found guilty should be punished in such a way that the punishment will deter future perpetrators of these multi-generational crimes.
In 1975 and 1976, the Church Committee published fourteen reports on various U.S. intelligence agencies’ formation, operations, and the alleged abuses of law and of power that they had committed, with recommendations for reform, some of which were later put in place.
Under recommendations and pressure by this committee, President Gerald Ford issued Executive Order 11905 (ultimately replaced in 1981 by President Reagan’s Executive Order 12333) to ban U.S. sanctioned assassinations of foreign leaders. It did not mention domestic leaders.
Does it ban assassinations of American future leaders in the 20-23 age range? Is this permitted?
The Church Committee’s reports supposedly constitute the most extensive review of intelligence activities ever made available to the public. Much of the contents were classified, but over 50,000 pages were declassified under the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992.
Thanks to the concept of ‘redactions’, these declassified documents still protect the assassins and the names of the victims, by giving the Mob Government the right to black out anything they choose to. Those of us who are targeted and who’ve lost family members are left completely defenseless, unable to identify these assassins and fraudsters who continue to invade our personal lives with impunity.
The Church Committee learned that beginning in the 1950s, the CIA and FBI intercepted, opened, and photographed more than 215,000 pieces of mail by the time the program was shut down. Certainly this is a lie. The spying of mail started much earlier in Europe. The Church report found that the CIA was zealous about keeping the US Postal Service from learning that mail was being opened by government agents. CIA agents moved mail to a private room to open the mail or in some cases opened envelopes at night after stuffing them in briefcases or coat pockets to deceive postal officials. This is still going on of course, and it didn’t begin in the 1950’s. I’ve found evidence of it throughout the South during the Civil War.
On May 9, 1975, the Church Committee called CIA director William Colby. That same day Ford’s top advisers (Henry Kissinger, Donald Rumsfeld, Philip W. Buchen, and John Marsh) drafted a method to protect their beloved assassins and torturers, many of whom have been rewarded with the highest public offices throughout the world.
No one in government expressed concern for the victims or for the survival of our nation.
The Ford administration, particularly Rumsfeld, was “concerned” about the effort by members of the Church Committee in the Senate and the Pike Committee in the House to curtail the power of U.S. intelligence agencies. It seemed that Rumsfeld et al was comfortable giving the power to arbitrarily destroy anyone as “enemies of the state” by anyone working in the IC and MIC.
COINTELPRO (COunter INTELligence PROgram) was a series of covert and illegal projects conducted by the FBI aimed at surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting domestic “political dissidents.”
FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, brother of Al Capone, issued directives on COINTELPRO, ordering FBI agents to “expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, neutralize or otherwise eliminate” the activities of the targeted. Under Hoover, the agent in charge of COINTELPRO was William C. Sullivan.
Their actics against the very people whose tax contributions pay their salary included anonymous phone calls, IRS audits, and the creation of documents that would divide their target’s families. I’ve experienced all of this.
One way of dividing a family is by confiscating their house. My personal and present experience with this is that a number of these agents cooperate to steal proof of tax payment and also to steal the notifications sent out by the Sheriff’s office about tax liens and tax sales on the property. When one prays and places oneself under God’s protection, it’s possible to overcome these tactics. In my case, pure coincidence allowed me to discover that my own proof of payment of property taxes had been stolen and that my house had already been given to a company in Minnesota, Lima Investments to be exact, for the grand total of about $200.00 or the tax for one year, all that was allegedly owed. Having a government places us all in great danger, and it’s just time to get rid of it. All of it.
These government tactics are used against us, our relatives, our friends.
The Final Report of the Select Frank Church Committee blasted with hot air the behavior of the intelligence community in its domestic operations (including COINTELPRO) in no uncertain terms:
“The Committee finds that the domestic activities of the intelligence community at times violated specific statutory prohibitions and infringed the constitutional rights of American citizens. The legal questions involved in intelligence programs were often not considered. On other occasions, they were intentionally disregarded in the belief that because the programs served the “national security” the law did not apply. While intelligence officers on occasion failed to disclose to their superiors programs which were illegal or of questionable legality, the Committee finds that the most serious breaches of duty were those of senior officials, who were responsible for controlling intelligence activities and generally failed to assure compliance with the law. Many of the techniques used would be intolerable in a democratic society even if all of the targets had been involved in violent activity, but COINTELPRO went far beyond that – the Bureau conducted a sophisticated vigilante operation aimed squarely at preventing the exercise of First Amendment rights of speech and association, on the theory that preventing the growth of dangerous groups and the propagation of dangerous ideas would protect the national security and deter violence.”
They continue the pretense that individuals aren’t targeted, only “groups and movements “. According to attorney Brian Glick in his book War at Home, the FBI used four main methods during COINTELPRO:
(1) Infiltration: Agents and informers did not merely spy on selected targets. Their main purpose was to discredit and disrupt. Their very presence served to undermine trust and scare off potential supporters of the target through lies and false accusations. The FBI and police exploited this fear to smear genuinely good people as agents, accusing their victims of doing what the FBI itself was doing;
(2) Psychological warfare: The FBI and police used myriad “dirty tricks” to undermine people who they opposed. They planted false media stories and published bogus leaflets and other publications in the name of targeted groups. They forged correspondence, sent anonymous letters, and made anonymous telephone calls. They spread misinformation about meetings and events, set up pseudo movement groups run by government agents, and manipulated or strong-armed parents, employers, landlords, school officials and others to cause trouble for activists. They used bad-jacketing to create suspicion about targets, sometimes with lethal consequences; They sent people to marry into and befriend the families of their perceived enemies, also usually with lethal consequences.
(3) Harassment via the legal system: The FBI and police abused the legal system to harass regular people and make them appear to be criminals. Officers of the law gave perjured testimony and presented fabricated evidence as a pretext for false arrests and wrongful imprisonment. They discriminatorily enforced tax laws and other government regulations and used conspicuous surveillance, “investigative” interviews, and grand jury subpoenas in an effort to intimidate activists and silence their supporters;
(4) Illegal force: The FBI conspired with local police departments to threaten dissidents; to conduct illegal break-ins in order to search dissident homes; and to commit vandalism, assaults, beatings and assassinations. The object was to frighten or eliminate dissidents and disrupt their movements.
The FBI specifically developed tactics intended to heighten tension and hostility between various factions in their targeted groups and individuals, and this resulted in numerous deaths.
While COINTELPRO was officially terminated in April 1971, evidence is that reforms did not succeed in ending COINTELPRO tactics, which now includes harassment on social media, obstruction of commerce through social media censorship, search engine censorship, hacking into independent websites and denial of emergency welfare benefits.
“Community-Oriented Policing,” (“COPS”) is a strategy of policing that focuses on police “building ties and working closely with members of the communities.” It originated in 1994 when then Senator Joseph Biden wrote and then President Bill Clinton enacted the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act (“VCCLEA”) establishing the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (“COPS”) within the US Department of Justice.
Community policing is supposedly a policy that requires police to engage in a “proactive approach” to address public safety concerns, and is a cornerstone of the Clinton Administration, gaining its funding from the 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act.
Common implementations of community-policing include:
(1) relying on community-based crime prevention by utilizing “civilian education,” neighborhood watch, and a variety of other techniques, as opposed to relying solely on police patrols;
(2) restructuring the patrol from an emergency response based system to emphasizing proactive techniques such as foot patrol;
(3) increased officer accountability to civilians they are “supposed to serve;” and
(4) decentralizing police authority, allowing more discretion amongst lower-ranking officers, and more initiative expected from them.
In other words, federal and state sanctioned and approved PUNISHMENT FOR NO CRIME COMMITTED.
Gang Stalking has many similarities to workplace mobbing, but takes place outside in the community or in the home after infiltrating social groups, where the target is followed around and placed under surveillance by groups of organized civilian spies/snitches 24/7, 365 days a year.
When a target moves or changes jobs, the harassment continues. There is no mercy with the GOVERNMENT. If the target complains, the look of triumph is seen ON THEIR FACES, for there is no one to complain to but other spies, double agents and enemies in the pay of the government. Some of us are absolutely surrounded and live that way our entire lives, unless the mercy of God intervenes.
Targeted Individuals are harassed for months or years before they realize that they are being targeted by an organized Life-Torture Program.
Many innocent people are targeted for these harassment programs. Their friends, family, and the community at large, through massive prescription drugging, brainwashing and media control, are used to monitor, prosecute, and harass them. In the former Jewish controlled USSR these programs accused innocent people of being an “enemy of the state,” or “mentally unfit,” and many were institutionalized or murdered using this form of governmental systematic control.
In Bill Clinton’s COPS Gang-Stalking Program, civilian spies are recruited from every segment of society, and everyone in the “targets” life is made a part of this ongoing, continuous, and systematic form of control and harassment, with such actions that are specifically designed to control the target and to “keep them in line,” like a Pavlovian Dog.
Despite the fact that these actions are designed to mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially, socially, and psychologically destroy the target over years, to make them appear to be crazy, and leave them with no form of support, whatsoever,in actual practice something very different happens.
I’ve observed that these malicious operatives end up becoming mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially, socially, and psychologically destroyed themselves over the years, while their targets, such as myself, manage to adapt our lives in very creative ways. Those who end up appearing to be crazy, and with no form of support, whatsoever, are the ones doing the torturing.
For the state, this appears to be a way to keep their targets in line, control them, or ultimately destroy them. Instead, we’ll be seeing the state itself destroyed along with every pirate who depends on it for cash and status even while they work to destroy the very source of that cash and status, the productive tax payers whose dependence on their pirate system diminishes as a result of the harassment.
This systematic form of control is funded at every level of government, every agency is involved in it. All of them.
Targets can be chosen for many reasons, but mainly they are targeted for knowing too much or for being legitimate, historically Catholic bloodline that has shunned inbreeding. This bloodline makes for an intelligent and capable individual who will tend to differ with the Masonic Mob in terms of political views and ideas of right and wrong. People who don’t cooperate with the rape and pillage of our nation will find themselves labelled as:
(1) whistle-blowers;
(2) political dissident;
(3) one who asserts rights at work;
(4) one who has personally displeased a member of the DeMolay Society;
(5) one who is too outspoken;
(6) one who is an investigator ;
(7) a signer of a petition;
(8) a writer of letters;
(9) one who is reported as “suspicious” by a civilian spy/snitch; or
(10) one who is a religious/ethnic/racial minority, which means being Catholic, which to the Pirate State makes us an enemy.
The goal of the COPS state sanctioned organized gang-stalking and domestic torture program is to isolate the target from all forms of support, so that the target can be set up in the future for arrest, institutionalized, or forced suicide. Other goals of this harassment are to destroy the targets reputation and credibility, and to make the target look “crazy” or unstable.
The process often involves sensitizing the target to every day negative and even horrific “stimuli” as a form of control, which is used to control targets when they “get out of line.” Targets of this relentless and merciless harassment become vulnerable and destitute, and often become homeless, jobless, have a breakdown, are driven to suicide, similar to targets of the banned COINTELPRO. The government eliminates perceived “enemies of the state” in this manner.
Every time the target moves, the same defamation, lies, libel, and slander will be spread, and the systematic harassment will continue. Online defamation, libel, and slander on the internet has made this continuation of COPS gang-stalking a great deal easier.
People from all segments of society can be recruited to be the “eyes and ears” of the state, such as laborers, drug dealers, drug users, street people, prostitutes, punks, church groups, youth groups, your best friend, your lawyer, local policeman, doctor, emergency services, a neighbor, family, social workers, politicians, judges, dentists, vet, supermarket cashier, postman, religious leader, care worker, landlord, anyone.
Most of these recruited civilian spies/snitches do not understand or even care that the end consequence of this harassment protocol is to eventually destroy the targeted person, and function as “useful idiots” of the state sanctioned COPS gang-stalking program.
It has been reported that people and family members participate in this COPS gang stalking because it:
(1) gives them a sense of power;
(2) is a way to make friends;
(3) is something social and fun;
(4) breaks down race/gendeage/social barriers;
(5) is forced or blackmailed upon them by the State or police to take part;
(6) is told to them that they are part of “homeland or national security” to help keep an eye on “dangerous” or “emotionally disturbed” individuals where they are “heroic spies for the state;”
(7) is used on local thugs or informants who are already being used for other activities where their energies are diverted into these COPS gangstalking community spy programs; (8) is either a choice of spying for the State or police, or else go to jail; (9) involves outright lies and slander about the target to get them to go along with ruining the targets life; (10) includes average citizens recruited by the state the same way citizens were recruited in the former East Germany and other countries.
Some techniques used against targets in this organized COPS Gang-stalking program include:
(1) classic conditioning where a target is sensitized to everyday stimuli over a period of months and years to harass them in public to let them know they are constantly being harassed and monitored;
(2) 24/7 Surveillance following the target everywhere they go, learning about the target and where they shop, work, play, who their friends and family are, getting close to the target, moving into the community or apartment where they live, across the street, monitoring the targets phone, house, and computer activity; I’ve known them to marry family members. Watch the Cable Guy movie for an illustration of how they operate.
(3) isolating the target via defamation, libel, and slander campaigns, (eg, people in the target’s community are told that the target is a thief, into drugs, a prostitute, pedophile, crazy, in trouble for something, needs to be watched, false files will even be produced on the target, shown to neighbors, family, store keepers);
(4) constant or intermittent noise and mimicking campaigns disrupting the targets life and sleep with loud power tools, construction, stereos, doors slamming, etc;
(5) talking in public about private things in the target’s life;
(6) mimicking actions of the target and basically letting the target know that they are in the target’s life; (7) daily interferences, not too overt to the untrained eye, but psychologically degrading and damaging to the target over time;
(8) everyday life breaks and street theater such as flat tires, sleep deprivation, drugging food, putting dirt on targets property;
(9) mass strangers doing things in public to annoy targets such as getting called/text messages to be at a specific time and place to perform a specific action;
(10) blocking targets path, getting ahead of them in line, cutting or boxing them in on the road, saying or doing things to elicit a response from the target;
(11) “baiting” tactics where a surveillance operation can selectively capture evidence of a targeted person responding to harassment, and then that evidence could then be used to justify the initiation of more formal scrutiny by a government agency.
The COPS Gang-Stalking Program, as all other state sanctioned/approved gang-stalking programs, have always been funded by the Government. They are the only ones with enough money, coordination, and power to keep such a system in place. These coordinated efforts then join hands with others for this systemic form of control and harassment.
Such operations have nothing to do with the target’s criminality – they are led and perpetrated by federal agents and intelligence/security contractors, often with the support of state and local law enforcement personnel. Unofficial operations of this type are often private investigators and vigilantes – including many former agents and police officers, sometimes on behalf of corporate clients and others with connections to the public and private elements of America’s security industry.
The goal of such operations is “disruption” of the life of an individual deemed to be an enemy (or potential enemy) of clients or members of the security state. Arguably, the most accurate term for this form of harassment would be “counterintelligence stalking.” I would call it simply “Torture”.
Agents of communist East Germany’s Stasi (state police) referred to this process as Zersetzung (German for “decomposition” or “corrosion” – a reference to the severe psychological, social, and financial effects upon the victim). Victims have described the process as “no-touch torture” – a phrase which also captures the nature of the crime: cowardly, unethical (and often illegal), but difficult to prove legally, because it generates minimal forensic evidence.
Tactics include online and personal slander, libel, defamation, blacklisting, “mobbing” (intense, organized harassment in public), “black bag jobs” (residential break-ins), abusive phone calls, computer hacking, framing, threats, blackmail, vandalism, “street theater” (staged physical and verbal interactions with the minions of the people who orchestrate the stalking), harassment by noises, and other forms of bullying.
Such stalking is sanctioned (and in some cases, orchestrated) by federal agencies; however such stalking is also sometimes used unofficially for personal and corporate vendettas by current and former corrupt employees of law enforcement and intelligence agencies, private investigators, and their clients.
Since counterintelligence stalking goes far beyond surveillance – into the realm of psychological terrorism, as it is essentially a form of extrajudicial punishment. As such, the harassment is illegal – even when done by the government. It clearly violates the US Constitution’s Fourth Amendment, which prohibits unwarranted searches, and the Sixth Amendment which guarantees the right to a trial. Such operations also violate similar fundamental rights defined by state constitutions. Stalking is also specifically prohibited by the criminal codes of every state in America.
As was stated above, organized stalking methods were used extensively by communist East Germany’s Stasi (state police) as a means of maintaining political control over its citizens. Although this is supposedly illegal in the US, the same covert tactics are quietly used by America’s local and federal law enforcement, and intelligence agencies, to suppress individuals.
Although Edward Snowden’s revelations about the National Security Agency (“NSA”) in 2013 and 2014 generated a great deal of public discussion about mass surveillance, US domestic counterintelligence activities such as the COPS Program receive relatively little attention.
The FBI’s COINTELPRO operation is still happening, involving even more advanced surveillance technology – and this program is none other than Joseph Biden and Bill Clinton’s COPS Program.
US Department of Justice crime statistics from a 2006 survey indicated that an estimated 445,220 COPS gangstalking victims reported three or more perpetrators (the only ones reported), and this number is growing exponentially on a daily basis.
In addition to being morally reprehensible, the COPS gang stalking program, just like the original version of the FBI’s COINTELPRO operations, is very, very illegal. It violates criminal laws in all fifty states against stalking, as well as grossly violates the US Constitution’s prohibitions against warrantless searches and extra-judicial punishment.
What is extra-judicial punishment? It is punishment without trial, without a charge and without even the acknowledgement that a life-long punishment is inflicted.
submitted by USA_Anti_stalking to anti_gang_stalking [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 10:41 Dependent-Painting59 Should I bother w/ ivies? Chance an anxious intl student!!

People on a2c are crazy 😭😭 Should I even bother trying for T20s?? I live in Canada and my grades are good enough to guarantee a spot in top Canadian universities (I can graduate in three years, and cheap!!) so if I want to go to the US it needs to be a god tier (want to work there). Pls lmk if I have a chance!!
Demographics: Female, Asian, Canada, your average non competitive public hs (1500 ish ppl? Nobody goes to T20s tho), no hooks 💀, need at least 50% aid 💀💀
SAT: 1500 (750 on both), will take again in June aiming for 1520-1550
UW GPA: 4.0, school doesn’t rank AP: school doesn’t offer, self studied some— 10th grade: psych 5,macroecon 4 11th(current): Stats, bio, Chinese 12(planning): calc bc, micro econ
Intended major: cog sci/ neuro
ECs: - Ice skating— 9 yrs, 2x national team (in home country), 2x provincial team (Canada) Many awards provincially/ nationally. Helped (was paid) to translate & write applications of national team members to sport grants. Taught adults & children 10th-current. Synchro skating 11th, national qualifiers, provincial champions. 20 hrs/ week on average
-German (6yrs): Idek why I started, DELF B2 with merit. Starting volunteering at German senior home next month!!
-Harp: 6yrs, no awards whatsoever, just for fun.
Awards aka nothing : skating awards, northeastern essay shortlist, language certificate
Predictions: LORS— 7/10s? Will give brag sheets. Teachers like me, but no specific connections w/ them? Counsellor 8/10 , maintained good relationship
Essays— 8/10s (I think& hope) pretty good writer, have ideas for lots of essays
Schools: Canada— I’ll probably get into them U of T McGill UBC SFU
US— close to no shot?? Mostly ivies cuz fin aid
Upenn ED(legacy, fin aid for Canadians) Princeton Yale Harvard (for fubsies) Cornell (fin aid) Amherst Jhu ( fin aid)
Thx for reading my rant :) pls help!!
submitted by Dependent-Painting59 to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:24 Army_Bot Summary For: Weekly Question Thread (05/06/2024 to 05/12/2024)

Seasonal Allergies Immunotherapy
Hi I’m planning on applying for OCS when I graduate in May. But im currently taking allergy shots for my seasonal allergies. I would have no problem pausing them during basic etc. Resuming when I’m past training, but is this something I have to do? Is it worth having to get a medical waiver for it? Do I need to tell my recruiter?
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Currently in the process of reenlisting as a prior service who was chaptered out in AIT for SI. Submitted and turned over all my paperwork to my recruiter and awaiting MEPS. My recruiter said this is the longest part of the waiting game from his experience. How long should I be expecting to wait realistically? I would ask my recruiter but I feel like I've bothered him enough over the past few weeks lmao. - Thanks!
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Hey guys l need some advice so i'm gonna get straight to the point. I am 20 and a junior in college. I ship in June and i have 3 Mos choices so far. 19D, 11b and 19k. Which do y’all recommend?I'm hardworking and not lazy so yeah. I am joining for many reasons but one of the main reasons is travel. Would I get to do tha much? Thank you
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Hey guys, I enlisted with an airborne contract that has my first assignment at Fort Liberty. How likely is it that I get assigned to the 82nd?
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Weight loss
I'm currently 5% body fat over for the arms 2.0. I'm eating way better and consuming 12-1,500 calories and losing an average of 3,000 calories a day. I've been running/walking 2 miles a day of hill terrain. My recruiter said I need to lose 10 pounds by May 17. I need tips and tricks on how to lose those pounds by then
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Army National Guard recruiter says at MEPS you can choose from several dates to start basic. Is that accurate?
If so, typically how many dates are there to choose from and how far in the future? I have a great civilian job, so would like to know my date as far in advance as possible.
Edit: would go on to traditional state OCS (yea, I know the internet’s opinions on it but it fits my life really well) afterwards.
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I've got 4 years active and 3 years guard under my belt and I've always put in to my tsp to get the match. I know you need 8 years to keep the matching, but my unit has drained what little motivation I had left for the army, and I've decided I'm done. I'm curious if anyone can help me figure out if there's any option that will help me keep my tsp matching besides a 1 year extension. I doubt the IRR counts towards 8 years, and from what I understand, the inactive guard is simply a pause button. So instead of pushing me to 8 years, it's just delaying my 7th till next year or something. I'm also wondering if a future federal job would contribute to that 8 years or if it has to be all concurrent. Thank you for any help or any resources or links yall can send me to figure this out.
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I was wondering if I could join the army with depression, anxiety, and OCD. All diagnosed. I have no suicide attempts or anything like that, no inpatient care either. All of these are somewhat mild and manageable, and I haven't been on any medication. But that was another concern of mine, if I was to get on any medication, would that disqualify me? Thanks a lot.
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Im currently a senior in high school trying to enlist in the army since December but I’m at a loss of what to do. I took the asvab scored a 61 but autism came up on my records from when I was a kid. I had to get a full medical Record for meps then they wanted my pharmacy record and now they want some more records my recruiter made me sign a form for my old doctors to get it from them about a month and a week ago. I called him the earlier this week and he said he Kentucky or Kansas (I didn’t hear him well and forgot) doing some training I honestly just don’t know what to do I’ll graduate from high school in a few weeks and I probably have a month after that before my parents kick me out any advice?
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Hey all, I wanted to get some insight on whether you all think I would be able to enlist with Crohn's. I've seen online that it's generally marked as an "unwaivable medical condition" but sometimes goes on a case by case basis. My IBD is very mild, I honestly forget that I even have the damn disease because it doesnt effect my daily life at all. I have it managed by taking an 8-week biologic but have gone on extended breaks from it before due to insurance reasons (roughly 2-3 months without any meds) and had no flare ups or any issues of the sort. However, my doctor is thinking of switching me to a daily pill (Rinvoq). I don't have any food sensitivities like a lot of Crohn's patients have (caffeine, alcohol, dairy, etc.) and have never had any surgeries nor does my GI doctor think i'll ever need one. I wanted to enlist for a 17C contract as im already in college for tech anyhow, I'm not sure if that would effect my standing. However, dream MOS is 18X but I figure that may be tougher to get by a recruiter. Any advice or thoughts? Army has been my dream forever and I don't want to have to give it up, so I'd really do anything haha.
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I have 2 non violent felonies from 2011 and PTD from 2022 for possession. I've been upfront and honest with my recruiter. He sent me to test today and I scored 63 on Asvab and GT of 113. Is there a chance for me? Thanks in advance. 30 and in great health and shape.
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What bases would you do bmt if your in cyber security and aviation mechanics?
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I ship out in a week. Went to meps and signed in March. Can I change my MOS? Or is it too late ?? I want something language related because I’m fluent in Arabic (already passed DLPT)
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For anyone that has done OSUT at Fort Moore, how long does it typically take before they’ll tell you where your FDS is?
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I have read a few horror stories where someone enlisted with X,Y, or Z in their contract, but after basic they where told something else and could not confirm the original. For example, someone claims they had a specific location through Option 19, only to later be told they are going somewhere else.
My first question is: has this happened to anyone here, and if so and how was it resolved?
My second question is: after signing your contract, how do you gain acess to it later? Do you receive a physical copy for yourself? Can you download a copy? Is there someone you can ask in the Army to retrieve it for you? Will it be acessable on a portal of somekind?
I am considering enlisting with option 19 and the location is very important to me. Thank you!
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Is phone use in BCT only delegated to calls? Also does phone use depend on what phase you're in, like, red phase 20 minutes, blue 30 minutes? Going to jackson
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Not the best time to swear in, waivers
I have all of my waivers approved, however, I won’t be swearing in due to job circumstances. If things change, can I still go back into the army or will I blocked out of it forever?
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I have an AAM and 3 COAs which S1 has been tracking for months but which have yet to reflect on my PPW. Do I have any recourse?
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my recruiter says that I can't get option 4 in my 35W contract but I really want to be airborne as a 35p/m so I have a higher chance of having my skills be put to use. Can i put in for airborne at DLI or AIT? what is the earliest I can do this and how would I go about it? I just went through the normal MEPS process not the airborne physical fyi
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Is a bonus worth choosing the Army over the AF?
In general, I’ve heard that the army’s QoL is less than that of the Air Force. However, the army has way more jobs w bonuses that I’d be interested in. And it’s the same or similar jobs as the Air Force, but w a bonus. I know the Basic Training for army is also longer, but a bonus can be convincing. I have the same question, but in regards to joining the navy as well. I want to focus on my education during my enlistment & get my bachelors & id also like travel opportunities. I haven’t taken my ASVAB yet, it’s scheduled the 16th. I scored rlly well on the PiCAT, and according to those scores I qualify for some army jobs w a bonus. I know it’s not as simple as that, and it’s a whole process & based on what’s available. Just want some opinions on if I was offered an army job w a bonus as opposed to the same/ similar Air Force job without, would you consider it worth it based on your experience?
I already got some answers from a post I made about this, but moderator deleted it and said to comment here. But any additional info/ insight is greatly appreciated. I want to make the best choice for my future in the case that I don't want to do 20 years.
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I'm joining up rn and working with a recruiter. We've got my waivers and everything. Pretty much just have to pick a job. For background I was an IET separation back in 2009. From what I've read and what me and my recruiter have gone over I am glossary non-prior service. I could have sworn I read (albeit a while ago) that business rules did not apply to GNPS, so I should be free to pick my MOS. However, I talked to my recruiter earlier today and he wants me to sit with his 1SG and go over the job options available for prior service. Am I wrong and I just get what I get?
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Please help!
I was looking to join the guard but in my medical records it shows I had Guillan barre. I was feeling some numbness in my legs, but looking back at it, it was very cold outside and I was just a bitch who would try to get out of school by any means possible. They did a spinal tap and never found any trace of the disease however. I was in the hospital for a couple of days, the gave me immunoglobulin and then I went home and nothing ever came of it. I am currently completely asymptomatic This was when I was 12 or 13 years old. Now I’m 18 and want to join but my recruiter said I have to get all the records and stuff. What is the chance that I will still be able to join? I tried looking it up online but I couldn’t find an answer. Also if I’m able to join, will I need a medical waiver?
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My MOS is 68W, I'm shipping out in June and I'm taking the OPAT in a couple of weeks. I'm 5'2 and 115ish pounds. I'm pretty fit. My biggest worry is the standing long jump. I want to pass the OPAT with flying colors and keep my MOS. Is there any advice or tips y'all can give me?
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I’m looking to graduate and enlist in a month but can’t decide on what MOS I want. I think 11B because I don’t want to individuate and do army shit or 68W but I’m not sure if I can get advanced combative training or other schools I want. I want to do something that’s “high speed” and meaningful while working my way towards Ranger reg. Is the 82nd Airborne a good pathway to that? How is civil affairs? Can you enlist directly into it while being active duty?
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Thinking about reenlisting to army with 8.5 PS in USMC. Been out < 5years. Will I have to repeat AIT if I keep my same MOS? I know this is the wrong channel for USMC feedback but also considering going back there if it would mean not repeating AlT. Thanks in advance!
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Hi everyone! I’m a high school student planning on joining the military. I’m Muslim, so I want to be sure that whichever branch I join is accommodating to Muslim needs. If it changes anything, I’m planning joining through the ROTC route.
My main concerns are, does the Army give beard waivers for Muslims? Is it possible to take short breaks throughout the day to pray? Can you fast during Ramadan? Can you be provided with halal (no pork/no alcohol) food?
Also, I’m interested in infantry or armor (or any kind of ground forces officer in general). Would these accommodations interfere with being selected for these careers or being mission ready? (Such as a beard, fasting, etc.)
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i’m a current nasty girl and i’m looking to transfer to Active duty. i understand i need a conditional release in order to sign a new contract and need my G-1 to sign off on it. i’m looking for info on the process from someone who’s gone through the process.
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What are the odds of getting a waiver for ulcerative colitis? I was EPTS’d out in march 2023 after being diagnosed while I was at 30th AG. My GI said I was in remission as of jan of this year. I take 4 Lialda pills a day and get an entyvio infusion every 2 months. I feel perfectly fine now though. Scored a 74 on the asvab.
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Medical record
In the navy currently and getting out in a year. I had a back injury prior to enlisting that I didn’t disclose. I plan on entering the army after my contract. If this comes up will my discharge from the navy be lowered or my benefits revoked?
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So my recruiter told me that I have to get a lease first, but the thing is, is that we don't have one with our landlord. It's more like an oral lease and he's a slumlord who never tries to communicate with any of us. That being said, my recruiter then said that I should find a lease online and edit it to where I state that I'm paying the rent to my sister instead (who has a valid ID) He also stated that my sister and I have to go to a check-cashing place to get it notarized. Is this all ok to do and will the BHA be approved? Also if it's approved, does this mean that the rent we pay which is $1,365.50, is going to be paid for while I'm away and how exactly??
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Can I enlist if I have a Mexican highschool diploma? (I am american, just finished highschool in mexico) And don't have a address in the USA???
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I am thinking of finishing up my bachelors and joining as an officer, my question was whether it was possible or not to guarantee mos 17c in the army if I join as an officer.
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I just got told that I cant enlist for 2 years after my waiver got denied for a history of depression. I stopped feeling depressed last August but got officially cleared into remission in February. I was told theres no point in a consult and the most I can do is reach out to a congressman. Other than reaching out to a congressman, is there really nothing I can do?
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Questions about Virginia National Guard
I want to do OCS! Now here’s my confusion. My recruiter is saying that the moment I swear in is the moment my contract is going to start and will count towards that 6 year! So, if he is right, I will basically complete 2 years training if I do state OCS. But I would like to have more control on what branch I get! My top 3 are: cyber warfare, signal, and intel. Should I do accelerated in that case? Also how likely am I to get one of those aforementioned three if I do state OCS of 18 months? My bachelor was in Computer Engineering, and I am currently enrolled in ASU for master’s pursuing Computer Science! Will I get that 24k a year tuition fee because he said there’s a possibility I might get it since it’s fully online? Can I get tuition assistance and loan repayment both? Does getting either one incur additional service time?
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im thinking of joining as a officer and going into ocs, what is the best branch for a well paying civilian job after completing my service, for context my major right now is relg studies plus maybe bio.
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I leave for Future Soldier Preparatory Course for the fitness aspect on the 21st, has anyone gone through it recently? There’s not a whole lot of information on it online, I was just wondering what it’s like, and what to expect. Do you get issued all of your gear since you will be going to bmt after? What is reception like? Any and all information and tips is greatly appreciated!
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So my husband is going to meps next week. he has 2 different sets of scars on his left arm. He works at a mobile home plant building houses. One was from when he got caught on a nail so it's a little deeper looking and another was from some sheet metal at work. He didn't disclose it to his boss because he works on a line and it would've put his team behind so he just put some bandaids on it and went about his day and cleaned it up when he got home. This was about 1-2 years ago. What is his meps experience going to be like? They aren't self harm obviously but we've heard horror stories about the doctors at meps not believing people and DQ them. He honestly forgot about telling his recruiter and his recruiter has already sent in all his medical history and got him scheduled for meps. Should he still go ahead and tell his recruiter or just wait and disclose it at meps?
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Should i go in as 17c or try my luck at ocs?
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I'm currently in process Enlisting in the Reserve, while holding an associate's degree in mechanical engineering technology, with some side education in programming. While I am working towards my bachelor's degree, I'm looking to pick an MOS that will help my career, or at the very least, be interesting. I don't remember my scores, but my Recruiter told me whatever I pick, my score won't be the limiting factor.
Top of the list for career jobs is 15 series, from what I've heard from currently enlisted in my friend group, wrenching on aircraft in general is a fast track to a cushy job on the outside with my education. 25 series looks boring but useful as anything IT/electrical complements my degree. On the more interesting side, I was looking at 91 series, either 91F or 91P.
Am I going anywhere wrong with any of these jobs? Anything I should be keeping in mind?
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25D or 35T I just wonder which MOS would be better for career. I am really interested in IT. I know 25D is not entry MOS. Let’s say you meet requirements for both MOS. If you stay as enlisted side, what would you recommend?
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I’m heading to ait now at fort Moore for 91M do I get my phone and am I in a dorm how is that like
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Hi all,
I am a permanent resident here is the US, and last week I finished my ASVAB mock test with a 95 on my AFQT. The recruiter says I am eligible for everything that doesn't require a security clearance which is kind of a problem as my dream MOS are the 35-series and 17-series (As both of these are locked behind clearance requirement)
After some thinking, I narrow down to the following, but there are still too many so I hope I can get your feedback on what I am doing. My aims are: a/I want something that will translate into the civilian world well if my time in the army doesn't go well, b/I want an MOS that can advanced through warrant or becoming a commission officer if my time in the army does go well, and c/I want to push myself to the limit and break out of my comfort zone to see where I can go. If I sound arrogant, please forgive for that: I am just trying to be as careful as possible. I am nearly reaching my thirty, and I want to take deliberate steps because I no longer have the luxury of youth and family to try and fail.
The MOS are:
11-series, 12B and 12D: I have a soft spot for these despite knowing they don't translate into the civilian world. But in my heart somewhere is a wild child that wants to test my physical prowess and wants to blow things up. I do know my knees and lower back will hate me for picking this.
15 series: With exceptions to 15C, 15J, and other works related to flying or being mechanics of sensitive equipment, I can be an aircraft technicians. I read that there are demands for airplane mechanics but I don't know much about this field other than a/I got to repair planes, b/people seem to hate it because you have to sign a long contract if you become a warrant.
68A: I did see this MOS getting recommended a lot but after reading its description, I am not very sure if I want to do it either both in the army or afterwards. I must also admit I don't have a good insights onto the day to day life of this job. Can someone shed some light about this MOS for me?
68C: Becoming a nurse seems like a very safe choice out of the military given that the BLS projects nurse to be in high demand and being able to take care of your family sounds like a big plus to me; however, I don't know if I like being a nurse. My parents were doctors, and having seen the hospital environment I can say I am not a fan. I also look into 68A but BLS prospect for it didn't seem good, and the training on 68E, 68D, and 68V look a little bit too short. Do you really become a dental assistant just with 10 weeks of training?
68W: I must admit, I have a soft spot for 68W as it allows me to be both learn some medical skills and be on the field. However, I do notice that 68W only translates to paramedic/EMT post-army, while 68C translates to becoming a nurse (which is more valued and regarded as "better" than paramedic or EMT and thus in higher demand)
88H, 92A, 92F, and 92Y: I pick these because, according to BLS, there is a projected increase need for people in warehousing and transportation. From my limited understanding of the fields, you will be in charge of handling logistics such as maintaining unit inventory, ordering supplies and weapons for your units, etc. but I am not very sure on the difference between, say, 92Y and 92A.
So, can you give me a suggestions? May anyone who has been in these MOS share their experience to help me pick? What are some of the MOS I miss?
Thank you, and I look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
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Is the 09m program ending at the end of may?
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How does one secure a religious exemption before basic training? My recruiter said we would talk about it down the line but it’s getting down to the wire and I’d rather it not get forgotten.
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Hi my duty station is at JBLM I’ll hopefully be there around May of 2025. I still have too go through basic and AIT but I was hoping that I could get some info about the barracks and hopefully get in touch with some of the people that are getting stationed/ already stationed There that are aviation, specifically 15Y. Thank you
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How can i improve my chances of success after the military?
I'm going to meps in 2 weeks and im shooting for a 25 series mos. 25H was what was available at the recruiters after i took my practice asvab. I'm not the brightest bulb but, hey, I'll take it. Aside from college ,which i want to continue to pursue throughout my time in the army (or after depending on my mental fortitude once i'm actually in,) how can i set myself up for success in the civilian world? Any input from past 25h or 25 series who somehow translated their career into decent paying jobs will be much appreciated.
I'll add I'm only joining the army for the college benefits and free training as i come from a poor household and have no other feasible way to pay for it.
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Hello everyone,
I was recently laid off from a $64k job, and honestly, I'm not too upset. I was already feeling burnt out and unhappy, staying primarily for the promised educational benefits to facilitate a career change, which obviously fell through with the job loss. Now, I'm considering my options and the military as a new path has been sounding appealing to an extent. The VA loan and GI Bill are particularly enticing because they would help me pursue a degree without getting into debt, and enabling the career change I've been considering. And the thought of being able to buy a house at this age/economy seems awesome.
At 28, I'm weighing the implications of joining now, especially considering the pay cut and spending four years AD without the guarantee of going overseas which for me would make it much more worthwhile. Also, I'd likely be one of the older members among younger peers, which is another factor to consider. My entry rank would be E3 due to my associate degree told by the Air force recruiter I met, but I'll need a moral waiver for a misdemeanor I had at 18, which might limit my job options not to mention she told me I would have to be at the disposal of whatever the Air Force wanted me to do? Which I am assuming means that I could enlist for one thing that they tell me nope get your doing this.The Air Force recruiter told me that I would be just fine and I would be able to get in as long as my ASVAB score is high enough.
I'm torn about whether to commit to AD and save myself or a longer term in the military via reserves but still stuck in the same loop of feeling in fulfilled, unable to afford university and in a place I would rather leave. Insights from anyone who joined the military later or faced similar decisions would be incredibly helpful.
Thanks for any advice!
P.S I am also ok with the idea of the military as a career as I would still be able to retire earlier than many of my peers if I pursue the 20 year route..
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I’m reenlisting at the end of this month (was NG but going active). My husband is also active and I was wondering how likely is it that I can be in the same battalion as my husband? I know married couples aren’t supposed to work directly together but would that still be considered “working together”?
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Hi All, I'm 23F graduating college with my bachelor's in international relations at the end of July. I speak intermediate Spanish and would be open to learning more languages. I am looking for a mos that doesn't restrict me to behind a desk or sitting on my ass all day. I was thinking of something intelligence related. I would appreciate any advice/help.
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So i have hemorrhoids right now and I go to MEPS monday. I have a Drs visit from about 2 years ago where she prescribed me the cream to use. The cream says to only use it when you have hemorrhoids. I still have the cream. Will I pass MEPS if I bring that the Dr visit. or should I get a new one the day before? It's Saturday so my recruiter won't answer.
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So I enlisted on Friday. (25H) and I ship to BT in August. I’ve made my mind up before enlisting that I was going to make a career out of it. So now I’m here before you all to ask… what’s some advice you could give someone looking to do 20. Like what’s steps would you take if you could go back to make the most of your Army career? I remember my dad who served in the navy would always say “choose your rate choose your fate” and I think I started off on the right foot. Any suggestions to help make the correct steps in my new career path?
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Going back in. Needing some suggestions on different MOS.
So when I was in the first time I was a 25U. I was 16 when I swore in to secure my mos and left at 18YO. I’ve decicided to go back in. Im picking between 19 jobs, I qualify for all of them as I keep my old asvab scores. I scored over a 105 in everything so I have a pretty big list to pick from. These jobs have good jobs outside of the army and that’s my angle, I know 25U translates to a good job outside of the army but it’s not my cup of tea. So any info on the jobs in the army and civilian life for these mos would be greatly appreciate. The jobs are: 68L 68X (specifically because I want to help vets who are/have suffered) 88H 35F 25B 35M 35G 35L 88K 88N 88U 27D 31E 12M 15Q 15N 25U 88L 88M
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Already signed my contract but I really really wanna change my MOS by the time I ship out for BCT in mid-July, what would be the best way to approach and ask my recruiter to change my MOS? The one that I want is really in demand (19K) so maybe that might help?
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Background: Greencard holder, 6yr+ experience in IT field. No degree. Married.
Always wanted to join the military and finally have the opportunity to do so.
What I want to experience from the military;
I want the opportunity to grow in the IT field and have military experience and later on attain a contractor job in overseas installations. Very interested in being able to move overseas for a few years specially Japan.
My biggest interest is to grow in my career + experience other countries.
Recruits have also told me that for active duty they are allowing first duty station to be chosen because the army apparently has a shortage of people joining so they want to motivate people to join by allowing them to choose duty stations. This has made me consider going active IF they aren't lying about this + the job security has always been a plus to me.
My primary plan was :
Going reserve, getting my citizenship while in basic training, changing my mos to 25B then finding government contracting job overseas preferably (Japan) and changing my unit to Japan to drill there (Camp Zama). Overall my biggest goal is to move overseas and be in the IT field.
What is the best route? Advice is greatly appreciated in advance:)
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I want to enlist as a 19D Wont be for a year or so still but trying to do my research and evrything and make sure this is what i want, So far it looks like it is but i have a couple of questions that i need answering before i decided to enlist. 1. as a 19D with 19C coming will 19D still be manning Bradleys 2. What are my chances of being assigned to a cav unit i really dont wanna be assigned to an infantry or god knows what else 3. Am i able to enlist as active at 17?
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Is it hard to get a self harm waiver? It happened one time three years ago. My recruiter is pushing for it now
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I'm going to MEPS this week and I was told that the Job I'm really interested in (12w) is rare and to not get my hopes up. I'll be doing research about some other jobs, but if I really want that job should I just wait for a slot to open up or go with alternate choices?
Does anyone have any experience with this job and how often slots show up?
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Vision Waiver Acceptance Probability
So I’m wanting to enlist as an 11x OP 4in the army, went to MEPS a few weeks ago, and am currently waiting on a current injury to be waived. I’m just kind of worrying about my vision waiver. Recruiter said we have to wait for this to be cleared first, then we can launch the vision waiver.
What’s the probability that a vision waiver will be accepted with Visual Acuity of 20/30 20/50 corrected vision. I understand everything is case to case, I’m just kind of worrying that it’ll end up being denied.
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Is there a list of all the different Options in contracts? Like Option 40, Option 4, Option 19, etc?
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In the process of renegotiating my contract before shipping out and I'm seriously considering 19K (M1 Armor Crewman). Recruiter told me that anyone can volunteer to go to airborne school at BCT and I really want to go airborne but it seems like 19Ks don't really do it as much as other MOS's. Is it true that i will have the opportunity to volunteer myself for airborne school at basic? If not, how can I attend Airborne or any other specialized school as a tanker?
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Leaving for BT in 2wks. First stop Ft Lenwood and then ft sill for AIT. Then off to Ft Drum for my 1st duty station. Can anyone offer insight on what to expect at each location/stage? 13F if it matters. Much appreciated.
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Just reserved mos 88L Water craft engineer.
Was excited at first as I’ve e heard a lot of good things about this mos, but i have a wife, 6yr old and another on the way and am worried that i wont be home that often given this mos. Im supposed to go to meps in 4 days and swear in. Im really not trying to be away from my family all that often. Is this mos bad for family life? Have i made a mistake? Or should i keep it and roll with it. Any recommendations on what i should do?
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Hello, I’m in ROTC right now but I’m about to go to CST. I have been looking into branches as much as possible and am pretty set on ADA but I wanted to ask if anyone here has been on a HIMAD or SHORAD deployment that can give me some insight on what it’s like, more specifically SHORAD but I do want to hear both sides.
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Joining the army
hi, I am 17 turning 18F, and im joining the army and going to boot camp soon. What are some advice or anything you would tell someone before they go to boot camp or thinking about joining the army?
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Hello, I'm currently a high school senior who is interested in joining the ROTC. I've reached out to ROTC recruiters in the colleges that I will be attending however, they never picked up their phones nor responded to their emails after multiple attempts. I've also scheduled appointments with them only for them to not show up multiple times. I've also called the army and they said they would have someone call me but they never did either. I was wondering if anyone could help me get in touch with an ROTC recruiter as I got a few questions about the Army ROTC as well as the process to proceed.
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Can you go to an maritime academy before your service then get it paid when you join? Can you take maritime academy while active duty?
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What are possible first duty stations for Army officers out of ROTC by MOS?
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2024.05.29 02:24 Army_Bot Summary For: Weekly Question Thread (05/06/2024 to 05/12/2024)

Seasonal Allergies Immunotherapy
Hi I’m planning on applying for OCS when I graduate in May. But im currently taking allergy shots for my seasonal allergies. I would have no problem pausing them during basic etc. Resuming when I’m past training, but is this something I have to do? Is it worth having to get a medical waiver for it? Do I need to tell my recruiter?
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Currently in the process of reenlisting as a prior service who was chaptered out in AIT for SI. Submitted and turned over all my paperwork to my recruiter and awaiting MEPS. My recruiter said this is the longest part of the waiting game from his experience. How long should I be expecting to wait realistically? I would ask my recruiter but I feel like I've bothered him enough over the past few weeks lmao. - Thanks!
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Hey guys l need some advice so i'm gonna get straight to the point. I am 20 and a junior in college. I ship in June and i have 3 Mos choices so far. 19D, 11b and 19k. Which do y’all recommend?I'm hardworking and not lazy so yeah. I am joining for many reasons but one of the main reasons is travel. Would I get to do tha much? Thank you
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Hey guys, I enlisted with an airborne contract that has my first assignment at Fort Liberty. How likely is it that I get assigned to the 82nd?
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Weight loss
I'm currently 5% body fat over for the arms 2.0. I'm eating way better and consuming 12-1,500 calories and losing an average of 3,000 calories a day. I've been running/walking 2 miles a day of hill terrain. My recruiter said I need to lose 10 pounds by May 17. I need tips and tricks on how to lose those pounds by then
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Army National Guard recruiter says at MEPS you can choose from several dates to start basic. Is that accurate?
If so, typically how many dates are there to choose from and how far in the future? I have a great civilian job, so would like to know my date as far in advance as possible.
Edit: would go on to traditional state OCS (yea, I know the internet’s opinions on it but it fits my life really well) afterwards.
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I've got 4 years active and 3 years guard under my belt and I've always put in to my tsp to get the match. I know you need 8 years to keep the matching, but my unit has drained what little motivation I had left for the army, and I've decided I'm done. I'm curious if anyone can help me figure out if there's any option that will help me keep my tsp matching besides a 1 year extension. I doubt the IRR counts towards 8 years, and from what I understand, the inactive guard is simply a pause button. So instead of pushing me to 8 years, it's just delaying my 7th till next year or something. I'm also wondering if a future federal job would contribute to that 8 years or if it has to be all concurrent. Thank you for any help or any resources or links yall can send me to figure this out.
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I was wondering if I could join the army with depression, anxiety, and OCD. All diagnosed. I have no suicide attempts or anything like that, no inpatient care either. All of these are somewhat mild and manageable, and I haven't been on any medication. But that was another concern of mine, if I was to get on any medication, would that disqualify me? Thanks a lot.
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Im currently a senior in high school trying to enlist in the army since December but I’m at a loss of what to do. I took the asvab scored a 61 but autism came up on my records from when I was a kid. I had to get a full medical Record for meps then they wanted my pharmacy record and now they want some more records my recruiter made me sign a form for my old doctors to get it from them about a month and a week ago. I called him the earlier this week and he said he Kentucky or Kansas (I didn’t hear him well and forgot) doing some training I honestly just don’t know what to do I’ll graduate from high school in a few weeks and I probably have a month after that before my parents kick me out any advice?
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Hey all, I wanted to get some insight on whether you all think I would be able to enlist with Crohn's. I've seen online that it's generally marked as an "unwaivable medical condition" but sometimes goes on a case by case basis. My IBD is very mild, I honestly forget that I even have the damn disease because it doesnt effect my daily life at all. I have it managed by taking an 8-week biologic but have gone on extended breaks from it before due to insurance reasons (roughly 2-3 months without any meds) and had no flare ups or any issues of the sort. However, my doctor is thinking of switching me to a daily pill (Rinvoq). I don't have any food sensitivities like a lot of Crohn's patients have (caffeine, alcohol, dairy, etc.) and have never had any surgeries nor does my GI doctor think i'll ever need one. I wanted to enlist for a 17C contract as im already in college for tech anyhow, I'm not sure if that would effect my standing. However, dream MOS is 18X but I figure that may be tougher to get by a recruiter. Any advice or thoughts? Army has been my dream forever and I don't want to have to give it up, so I'd really do anything haha.
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I have 2 non violent felonies from 2011 and PTD from 2022 for possession. I've been upfront and honest with my recruiter. He sent me to test today and I scored 63 on Asvab and GT of 113. Is there a chance for me? Thanks in advance. 30 and in great health and shape.
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What bases would you do bmt if your in cyber security and aviation mechanics?
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I ship out in a week. Went to meps and signed in March. Can I change my MOS? Or is it too late ?? I want something language related because I’m fluent in Arabic (already passed DLPT)
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For anyone that has done OSUT at Fort Moore, how long does it typically take before they’ll tell you where your FDS is?
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I have read a few horror stories where someone enlisted with X,Y, or Z in their contract, but after basic they where told something else and could not confirm the original. For example, someone claims they had a specific location through Option 19, only to later be told they are going somewhere else.
My first question is: has this happened to anyone here, and if so and how was it resolved?
My second question is: after signing your contract, how do you gain acess to it later? Do you receive a physical copy for yourself? Can you download a copy? Is there someone you can ask in the Army to retrieve it for you? Will it be acessable on a portal of somekind?
I am considering enlisting with option 19 and the location is very important to me. Thank you!
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Is phone use in BCT only delegated to calls? Also does phone use depend on what phase you're in, like, red phase 20 minutes, blue 30 minutes? Going to jackson
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Not the best time to swear in, waivers
I have all of my waivers approved, however, I won’t be swearing in due to job circumstances. If things change, can I still go back into the army or will I blocked out of it forever?
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I have an AAM and 3 COAs which S1 has been tracking for months but which have yet to reflect on my PPW. Do I have any recourse?
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my recruiter says that I can't get option 4 in my 35W contract but I really want to be airborne as a 35p/m so I have a higher chance of having my skills be put to use. Can i put in for airborne at DLI or AIT? what is the earliest I can do this and how would I go about it? I just went through the normal MEPS process not the airborne physical fyi
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Is a bonus worth choosing the Army over the AF?
In general, I’ve heard that the army’s QoL is less than that of the Air Force. However, the army has way more jobs w bonuses that I’d be interested in. And it’s the same or similar jobs as the Air Force, but w a bonus. I know the Basic Training for army is also longer, but a bonus can be convincing. I have the same question, but in regards to joining the navy as well. I want to focus on my education during my enlistment & get my bachelors & id also like travel opportunities. I haven’t taken my ASVAB yet, it’s scheduled the 16th. I scored rlly well on the PiCAT, and according to those scores I qualify for some army jobs w a bonus. I know it’s not as simple as that, and it’s a whole process & based on what’s available. Just want some opinions on if I was offered an army job w a bonus as opposed to the same/ similar Air Force job without, would you consider it worth it based on your experience?
I already got some answers from a post I made about this, but moderator deleted it and said to comment here. But any additional info/ insight is greatly appreciated. I want to make the best choice for my future in the case that I don't want to do 20 years.
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I'm joining up rn and working with a recruiter. We've got my waivers and everything. Pretty much just have to pick a job. For background I was an IET separation back in 2009. From what I've read and what me and my recruiter have gone over I am glossary non-prior service. I could have sworn I read (albeit a while ago) that business rules did not apply to GNPS, so I should be free to pick my MOS. However, I talked to my recruiter earlier today and he wants me to sit with his 1SG and go over the job options available for prior service. Am I wrong and I just get what I get?
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Please help!
I was looking to join the guard but in my medical records it shows I had Guillan barre. I was feeling some numbness in my legs, but looking back at it, it was very cold outside and I was just a bitch who would try to get out of school by any means possible. They did a spinal tap and never found any trace of the disease however. I was in the hospital for a couple of days, the gave me immunoglobulin and then I went home and nothing ever came of it. I am currently completely asymptomatic This was when I was 12 or 13 years old. Now I’m 18 and want to join but my recruiter said I have to get all the records and stuff. What is the chance that I will still be able to join? I tried looking it up online but I couldn’t find an answer. Also if I’m able to join, will I need a medical waiver?
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My MOS is 68W, I'm shipping out in June and I'm taking the OPAT in a couple of weeks. I'm 5'2 and 115ish pounds. I'm pretty fit. My biggest worry is the standing long jump. I want to pass the OPAT with flying colors and keep my MOS. Is there any advice or tips y'all can give me?
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I’m looking to graduate and enlist in a month but can’t decide on what MOS I want. I think 11B because I don’t want to individuate and do army shit or 68W but I’m not sure if I can get advanced combative training or other schools I want. I want to do something that’s “high speed” and meaningful while working my way towards Ranger reg. Is the 82nd Airborne a good pathway to that? How is civil affairs? Can you enlist directly into it while being active duty?
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Thinking about reenlisting to army with 8.5 PS in USMC. Been out < 5years. Will I have to repeat AIT if I keep my same MOS? I know this is the wrong channel for USMC feedback but also considering going back there if it would mean not repeating AlT. Thanks in advance!
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Hi everyone! I’m a high school student planning on joining the military. I’m Muslim, so I want to be sure that whichever branch I join is accommodating to Muslim needs. If it changes anything, I’m planning joining through the ROTC route.
My main concerns are, does the Army give beard waivers for Muslims? Is it possible to take short breaks throughout the day to pray? Can you fast during Ramadan? Can you be provided with halal (no pork/no alcohol) food?
Also, I’m interested in infantry or armor (or any kind of ground forces officer in general). Would these accommodations interfere with being selected for these careers or being mission ready? (Such as a beard, fasting, etc.)
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i’m a current nasty girl and i’m looking to transfer to Active duty. i understand i need a conditional release in order to sign a new contract and need my G-1 to sign off on it. i’m looking for info on the process from someone who’s gone through the process.
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What are the odds of getting a waiver for ulcerative colitis? I was EPTS’d out in march 2023 after being diagnosed while I was at 30th AG. My GI said I was in remission as of jan of this year. I take 4 Lialda pills a day and get an entyvio infusion every 2 months. I feel perfectly fine now though. Scored a 74 on the asvab.
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Medical record
In the navy currently and getting out in a year. I had a back injury prior to enlisting that I didn’t disclose. I plan on entering the army after my contract. If this comes up will my discharge from the navy be lowered or my benefits revoked?
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So my recruiter told me that I have to get a lease first, but the thing is, is that we don't have one with our landlord. It's more like an oral lease and he's a slumlord who never tries to communicate with any of us. That being said, my recruiter then said that I should find a lease online and edit it to where I state that I'm paying the rent to my sister instead (who has a valid ID) He also stated that my sister and I have to go to a check-cashing place to get it notarized. Is this all ok to do and will the BHA be approved? Also if it's approved, does this mean that the rent we pay which is $1,365.50, is going to be paid for while I'm away and how exactly??
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Can I enlist if I have a Mexican highschool diploma? (I am american, just finished highschool in mexico) And don't have a address in the USA???
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I am thinking of finishing up my bachelors and joining as an officer, my question was whether it was possible or not to guarantee mos 17c in the army if I join as an officer.
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I just got told that I cant enlist for 2 years after my waiver got denied for a history of depression. I stopped feeling depressed last August but got officially cleared into remission in February. I was told theres no point in a consult and the most I can do is reach out to a congressman. Other than reaching out to a congressman, is there really nothing I can do?
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Questions about Virginia National Guard
I want to do OCS! Now here’s my confusion. My recruiter is saying that the moment I swear in is the moment my contract is going to start and will count towards that 6 year! So, if he is right, I will basically complete 2 years training if I do state OCS. But I would like to have more control on what branch I get! My top 3 are: cyber warfare, signal, and intel. Should I do accelerated in that case? Also how likely am I to get one of those aforementioned three if I do state OCS of 18 months? My bachelor was in Computer Engineering, and I am currently enrolled in ASU for master’s pursuing Computer Science! Will I get that 24k a year tuition fee because he said there’s a possibility I might get it since it’s fully online? Can I get tuition assistance and loan repayment both? Does getting either one incur additional service time?
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im thinking of joining as a officer and going into ocs, what is the best branch for a well paying civilian job after completing my service, for context my major right now is relg studies plus maybe bio.
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I leave for Future Soldier Preparatory Course for the fitness aspect on the 21st, has anyone gone through it recently? There’s not a whole lot of information on it online, I was just wondering what it’s like, and what to expect. Do you get issued all of your gear since you will be going to bmt after? What is reception like? Any and all information and tips is greatly appreciated!
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So my husband is going to meps next week. he has 2 different sets of scars on his left arm. He works at a mobile home plant building houses. One was from when he got caught on a nail so it's a little deeper looking and another was from some sheet metal at work. He didn't disclose it to his boss because he works on a line and it would've put his team behind so he just put some bandaids on it and went about his day and cleaned it up when he got home. This was about 1-2 years ago. What is his meps experience going to be like? They aren't self harm obviously but we've heard horror stories about the doctors at meps not believing people and DQ them. He honestly forgot about telling his recruiter and his recruiter has already sent in all his medical history and got him scheduled for meps. Should he still go ahead and tell his recruiter or just wait and disclose it at meps?
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Should i go in as 17c or try my luck at ocs?
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I'm currently in process Enlisting in the Reserve, while holding an associate's degree in mechanical engineering technology, with some side education in programming. While I am working towards my bachelor's degree, I'm looking to pick an MOS that will help my career, or at the very least, be interesting. I don't remember my scores, but my Recruiter told me whatever I pick, my score won't be the limiting factor.
Top of the list for career jobs is 15 series, from what I've heard from currently enlisted in my friend group, wrenching on aircraft in general is a fast track to a cushy job on the outside with my education. 25 series looks boring but useful as anything IT/electrical complements my degree. On the more interesting side, I was looking at 91 series, either 91F or 91P.
Am I going anywhere wrong with any of these jobs? Anything I should be keeping in mind?
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25D or 35T I just wonder which MOS would be better for career. I am really interested in IT. I know 25D is not entry MOS. Let’s say you meet requirements for both MOS. If you stay as enlisted side, what would you recommend?
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I’m heading to ait now at fort Moore for 91M do I get my phone and am I in a dorm how is that like
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Hi all,
I am a permanent resident here is the US, and last week I finished my ASVAB mock test with a 95 on my AFQT. The recruiter says I am eligible for everything that doesn't require a security clearance which is kind of a problem as my dream MOS are the 35-series and 17-series (As both of these are locked behind clearance requirement)
After some thinking, I narrow down to the following, but there are still too many so I hope I can get your feedback on what I am doing. My aims are: a/I want something that will translate into the civilian world well if my time in the army doesn't go well, b/I want an MOS that can advanced through warrant or becoming a commission officer if my time in the army does go well, and c/I want to push myself to the limit and break out of my comfort zone to see where I can go. If I sound arrogant, please forgive for that: I am just trying to be as careful as possible. I am nearly reaching my thirty, and I want to take deliberate steps because I no longer have the luxury of youth and family to try and fail.
The MOS are:
11-series, 12B and 12D: I have a soft spot for these despite knowing they don't translate into the civilian world. But in my heart somewhere is a wild child that wants to test my physical prowess and wants to blow things up. I do know my knees and lower back will hate me for picking this.
15 series: With exceptions to 15C, 15J, and other works related to flying or being mechanics of sensitive equipment, I can be an aircraft technicians. I read that there are demands for airplane mechanics but I don't know much about this field other than a/I got to repair planes, b/people seem to hate it because you have to sign a long contract if you become a warrant.
68A: I did see this MOS getting recommended a lot but after reading its description, I am not very sure if I want to do it either both in the army or afterwards. I must also admit I don't have a good insights onto the day to day life of this job. Can someone shed some light about this MOS for me?
68C: Becoming a nurse seems like a very safe choice out of the military given that the BLS projects nurse to be in high demand and being able to take care of your family sounds like a big plus to me; however, I don't know if I like being a nurse. My parents were doctors, and having seen the hospital environment I can say I am not a fan. I also look into 68A but BLS prospect for it didn't seem good, and the training on 68E, 68D, and 68V look a little bit too short. Do you really become a dental assistant just with 10 weeks of training?
68W: I must admit, I have a soft spot for 68W as it allows me to be both learn some medical skills and be on the field. However, I do notice that 68W only translates to paramedic/EMT post-army, while 68C translates to becoming a nurse (which is more valued and regarded as "better" than paramedic or EMT and thus in higher demand)
88H, 92A, 92F, and 92Y: I pick these because, according to BLS, there is a projected increase need for people in warehousing and transportation. From my limited understanding of the fields, you will be in charge of handling logistics such as maintaining unit inventory, ordering supplies and weapons for your units, etc. but I am not very sure on the difference between, say, 92Y and 92A.
So, can you give me a suggestions? May anyone who has been in these MOS share their experience to help me pick? What are some of the MOS I miss?
Thank you, and I look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
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Is the 09m program ending at the end of may?
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How does one secure a religious exemption before basic training? My recruiter said we would talk about it down the line but it’s getting down to the wire and I’d rather it not get forgotten.
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Hi my duty station is at JBLM I’ll hopefully be there around May of 2025. I still have too go through basic and AIT but I was hoping that I could get some info about the barracks and hopefully get in touch with some of the people that are getting stationed/ already stationed There that are aviation, specifically 15Y. Thank you
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How can i improve my chances of success after the military?
I'm going to meps in 2 weeks and im shooting for a 25 series mos. 25H was what was available at the recruiters after i took my practice asvab. I'm not the brightest bulb but, hey, I'll take it. Aside from college ,which i want to continue to pursue throughout my time in the army (or after depending on my mental fortitude once i'm actually in,) how can i set myself up for success in the civilian world? Any input from past 25h or 25 series who somehow translated their career into decent paying jobs will be much appreciated.
I'll add I'm only joining the army for the college benefits and free training as i come from a poor household and have no other feasible way to pay for it.
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Hello everyone,
I was recently laid off from a $64k job, and honestly, I'm not too upset. I was already feeling burnt out and unhappy, staying primarily for the promised educational benefits to facilitate a career change, which obviously fell through with the job loss. Now, I'm considering my options and the military as a new path has been sounding appealing to an extent. The VA loan and GI Bill are particularly enticing because they would help me pursue a degree without getting into debt, and enabling the career change I've been considering. And the thought of being able to buy a house at this age/economy seems awesome.
At 28, I'm weighing the implications of joining now, especially considering the pay cut and spending four years AD without the guarantee of going overseas which for me would make it much more worthwhile. Also, I'd likely be one of the older members among younger peers, which is another factor to consider. My entry rank would be E3 due to my associate degree told by the Air force recruiter I met, but I'll need a moral waiver for a misdemeanor I had at 18, which might limit my job options not to mention she told me I would have to be at the disposal of whatever the Air Force wanted me to do? Which I am assuming means that I could enlist for one thing that they tell me nope get your doing this.The Air Force recruiter told me that I would be just fine and I would be able to get in as long as my ASVAB score is high enough.
I'm torn about whether to commit to AD and save myself or a longer term in the military via reserves but still stuck in the same loop of feeling in fulfilled, unable to afford university and in a place I would rather leave. Insights from anyone who joined the military later or faced similar decisions would be incredibly helpful.
Thanks for any advice!
P.S I am also ok with the idea of the military as a career as I would still be able to retire earlier than many of my peers if I pursue the 20 year route..
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I’m reenlisting at the end of this month (was NG but going active). My husband is also active and I was wondering how likely is it that I can be in the same battalion as my husband? I know married couples aren’t supposed to work directly together but would that still be considered “working together”?
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Hi All, I'm 23F graduating college with my bachelor's in international relations at the end of July. I speak intermediate Spanish and would be open to learning more languages. I am looking for a mos that doesn't restrict me to behind a desk or sitting on my ass all day. I was thinking of something intelligence related. I would appreciate any advice/help.
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So i have hemorrhoids right now and I go to MEPS monday. I have a Drs visit from about 2 years ago where she prescribed me the cream to use. The cream says to only use it when you have hemorrhoids. I still have the cream. Will I pass MEPS if I bring that the Dr visit. or should I get a new one the day before? It's Saturday so my recruiter won't answer.
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So I enlisted on Friday. (25H) and I ship to BT in August. I’ve made my mind up before enlisting that I was going to make a career out of it. So now I’m here before you all to ask… what’s some advice you could give someone looking to do 20. Like what’s steps would you take if you could go back to make the most of your Army career? I remember my dad who served in the navy would always say “choose your rate choose your fate” and I think I started off on the right foot. Any suggestions to help make the correct steps in my new career path?
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Going back in. Needing some suggestions on different MOS.
So when I was in the first time I was a 25U. I was 16 when I swore in to secure my mos and left at 18YO. I’ve decicided to go back in. Im picking between 19 jobs, I qualify for all of them as I keep my old asvab scores. I scored over a 105 in everything so I have a pretty big list to pick from. These jobs have good jobs outside of the army and that’s my angle, I know 25U translates to a good job outside of the army but it’s not my cup of tea. So any info on the jobs in the army and civilian life for these mos would be greatly appreciate. The jobs are: 68L 68X (specifically because I want to help vets who are/have suffered) 88H 35F 25B 35M 35G 35L 88K 88N 88U 27D 31E 12M 15Q 15N 25U 88L 88M
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Already signed my contract but I really really wanna change my MOS by the time I ship out for BCT in mid-July, what would be the best way to approach and ask my recruiter to change my MOS? The one that I want is really in demand (19K) so maybe that might help?
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Background: Greencard holder, 6yr+ experience in IT field. No degree. Married.
Always wanted to join the military and finally have the opportunity to do so.
What I want to experience from the military;
I want the opportunity to grow in the IT field and have military experience and later on attain a contractor job in overseas installations. Very interested in being able to move overseas for a few years specially Japan.
My biggest interest is to grow in my career + experience other countries.
Recruits have also told me that for active duty they are allowing first duty station to be chosen because the army apparently has a shortage of people joining so they want to motivate people to join by allowing them to choose duty stations. This has made me consider going active IF they aren't lying about this + the job security has always been a plus to me.
My primary plan was :
Going reserve, getting my citizenship while in basic training, changing my mos to 25B then finding government contracting job overseas preferably (Japan) and changing my unit to Japan to drill there (Camp Zama). Overall my biggest goal is to move overseas and be in the IT field.
What is the best route? Advice is greatly appreciated in advance:)
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I want to enlist as a 19D Wont be for a year or so still but trying to do my research and evrything and make sure this is what i want, So far it looks like it is but i have a couple of questions that i need answering before i decided to enlist. 1. as a 19D with 19C coming will 19D still be manning Bradleys 2. What are my chances of being assigned to a cav unit i really dont wanna be assigned to an infantry or god knows what else 3. Am i able to enlist as active at 17?
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Is it hard to get a self harm waiver? It happened one time three years ago. My recruiter is pushing for it now
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I'm going to MEPS this week and I was told that the Job I'm really interested in (12w) is rare and to not get my hopes up. I'll be doing research about some other jobs, but if I really want that job should I just wait for a slot to open up or go with alternate choices?
Does anyone have any experience with this job and how often slots show up?
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Vision Waiver Acceptance Probability
So I’m wanting to enlist as an 11x OP 4in the army, went to MEPS a few weeks ago, and am currently waiting on a current injury to be waived. I’m just kind of worrying about my vision waiver. Recruiter said we have to wait for this to be cleared first, then we can launch the vision waiver.
What’s the probability that a vision waiver will be accepted with Visual Acuity of 20/30 20/50 corrected vision. I understand everything is case to case, I’m just kind of worrying that it’ll end up being denied.
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Is there a list of all the different Options in contracts? Like Option 40, Option 4, Option 19, etc?
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In the process of renegotiating my contract before shipping out and I'm seriously considering 19K (M1 Armor Crewman). Recruiter told me that anyone can volunteer to go to airborne school at BCT and I really want to go airborne but it seems like 19Ks don't really do it as much as other MOS's. Is it true that i will have the opportunity to volunteer myself for airborne school at basic? If not, how can I attend Airborne or any other specialized school as a tanker?
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Leaving for BT in 2wks. First stop Ft Lenwood and then ft sill for AIT. Then off to Ft Drum for my 1st duty station. Can anyone offer insight on what to expect at each location/stage? 13F if it matters. Much appreciated.
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Just reserved mos 88L Water craft engineer.
Was excited at first as I’ve e heard a lot of good things about this mos, but i have a wife, 6yr old and another on the way and am worried that i wont be home that often given this mos. Im supposed to go to meps in 4 days and swear in. Im really not trying to be away from my family all that often. Is this mos bad for family life? Have i made a mistake? Or should i keep it and roll with it. Any recommendations on what i should do?
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Hello, I’m in ROTC right now but I’m about to go to CST. I have been looking into branches as much as possible and am pretty set on ADA but I wanted to ask if anyone here has been on a HIMAD or SHORAD deployment that can give me some insight on what it’s like, more specifically SHORAD but I do want to hear both sides.
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Joining the army
hi, I am 17 turning 18F, and im joining the army and going to boot camp soon. What are some advice or anything you would tell someone before they go to boot camp or thinking about joining the army?
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Hello, I'm currently a high school senior who is interested in joining the ROTC. I've reached out to ROTC recruiters in the colleges that I will be attending however, they never picked up their phones nor responded to their emails after multiple attempts. I've also scheduled appointments with them only for them to not show up multiple times. I've also called the army and they said they would have someone call me but they never did either. I was wondering if anyone could help me get in touch with an ROTC recruiter as I got a few questions about the Army ROTC as well as the process to proceed.
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Can you go to an maritime academy before your service then get it paid when you join? Can you take maritime academy while active duty?
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What are possible first duty stations for Army officers out of ROTC by MOS?
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