Christensen kockrow fundamentals 5th ed


2011.12.21 07:42 thedirtysixthirty Gangstalking

/gangstalking is a subreddit that focuses upon presenting information about predatory gangstalking and also to exist as a community to organize as a group to spread awareness and education.

2024.06.01 12:06 Avondran Neuropsych testing came back negative [24F]

Tried to post in the ADHD subreddit but my post wasn’t working for some reason so here I am 😊
Hello everyone, I’m very sad and frustrated because my ADHD evaluation came back negative. I got neuropsychological testing done and he suggested I have persistent depressive disorder and anxiety. I don’t feel like I’m depressed since I still enjoy things I like to do. The thing is that I’ve been on anxiety meds but they made me feel numb so I got off of them. I still could only hold on to my job for a year as a special ed teacher with a mental health break (fmla). So when I explained to my doctor I think there’s something else going on she just gave me a different anxiety med. I loved working with special needs kids but everything else made it hell. My therapist said it’s because I was a teache fast food worker only so I haven’t had a chance to find a job I like. Fair but I also struggled in college: constantly being late and almost dropping out even though I think I’m smart.
As a kid I daydreamed and was buried in books. I had a hard time making friends and was very shy and anxious but was gifted. Social anxiety has gotten better as an adult but I still feel like I never fit in. I have to write everything down or I will forget it, I hate getting ready in the morning for work and want to do stuff but it’s hard for me to get myself to do it. I fixate on foods in cycles it’s really weird and didn’t understand until I learned about adhd. I have sensory issues but don’t know if that is an adhd thing. I can obsess over certain things and then get bored super quickly. I had a job as a 5th grade teacher and quit within 2 weeks because I was so overstimulated and could not for the life of me figure out how I was going to execute these lessons and be organized for grading of 28 kids.
I bite my nails until they are bleeding and also have a hard time concentrating on driving and my online schooling. I find the everyday tasks of getting ready, working and then coming home and cleaning and cooking takes so much effort. My working memory was in the 23rd percentile while everything else was average. But he said it was my anxiety affecting my working memory. Two of my sisters have ADHD. I’m so tired of being dismissed by everybody. Im not trying to self diagnose and maybe i am just lazy or have something else. Maybe C-PTSD? All I know is that I need help. I mask and seem normal to everyone in my life, so maybe I am making everything up. Sorry for the long rant. Should I get a second opinion or do all my symptoms sound like depression? Please be nice I am sensitive lol.
submitted by Avondran to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:06 erika_baker Navigating the Waves: A Student's Guide to Signal Processing in University

Signal processing: it's the backbone of modern technology, from your smartphone to medical imaging systems. As a student entering the realm of signal processing at university, you're stepping into a world where mathematics, engineering, and computer science converge to unravel the mysteries hidden within data. But fear not, for this guide is your compass, helping you navigate the waves of this captivating subject.
Riding the Crest: Your Journey Begins
As you embark on your signal processing journey, the first wave you'll encounter is understanding the fundamentals. From Fourier transforms to digital signal processing, grasping these core concepts lays the foundation for everything that follows. Don't be intimidated by the complex equations and abstract theories; instead, approach them with curiosity and determination. Remember, every wave starts with a ripple.
Charting Your Course: Courses and Resources
In the vast sea of signal processing, there are numerous courses and resources available to aid you in your quest for knowledge. Universities offer a plethora of lectures, labs, and workshops tailored to suit different learning styles. Additionally, online platforms such as Coursera and edX provide access to courses taught by leading experts in the field. Remember, it's not just about riding the waves; it's about learning to navigate them effectively.
Taming the Waves: Tackling Assignments
Ah, assignments – the inevitable part of university life. While they may seem daunting at first, think of them as opportunities to apply your newfound knowledge. Whether it's analyzing signals or designing algorithms, each assignment is a chance to sharpen your skills and deepen your understanding. And if you ever find yourself struggling against the tide, remember that there are services like that provide signal processing assignment helpers who can provide you with a helping hand.
Riding the Current: Extracurricular Opportunities
University life isn't just about academics; it's also about exploration and growth. Consider joining student clubs or research groups focused on signal processing. Engaging in extracurricular activities not only expands your network but also exposes you to real-world applications of signal processing. Who knows, you might even discover a passion project that leads to groundbreaking research.
Navigating the Unknown: Challenges and Rewards
Like any journey, your path through university will have its ups and downs. There will be challenging courses, late-night study sessions, and moments of self-doubt. But remember, it's all part of the adventure. With perseverance and determination, you'll conquer the waves of signal processing and emerge stronger and more resilient than ever before. And when you finally reach the shore, you'll look back at your journey with pride, knowing that you navigated the waves with courage and conviction.
Final Thoughts
As you set sail on your signal processing journey, remember that you're not alone. From your fellow classmates to professors and mentors, there's a vast community ready to support you every step of the way. So embrace the challenges, ride the waves, and chart your course towards success. The journey may be long, but the rewards are immeasurable.
submitted by erika_baker to Matlabstudies [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:16 Ryu-tetsu Mateo’s salsas - pending deletion?

Anyone know whether Mateo’s salsa is on the way out? One of my local stores told me two weeks ago that they would restock it after selling it all for May-5th. Someone in the same store told me this week that it’s marked, “pending deletion.”
Anyone know?
Ed: selection fixed to deletion.
submitted by Ryu-tetsu to Costco [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:34 EphemeralForest How to make more guy friends

I’m a guy and i’m in my 5th year of uni and i’ve realised a majority, almost all my friends i’ve made that i consider close, are girls.
I have male friends who I will casually talk to and say hi to if I see them, but in terms of hanging out and especially in group settings, I have not been successful in making close male friends.
I went to a co-ed public school so only a few people from my high school go to UNSW, so I don’t have hs cliques.
What should I be doing to make more friends who are guys?
submitted by EphemeralForest to unsw [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:07 Ill_Advised_Gaming [Technomancer][5thEd][Online][Modern Science-Fantasy][$15/session at StartPlaying][Fridays 7pm-10pm EST][Weekly][Campaign][Beginner/LGBTQ/Disabled/ND Friendly]

Looking for 3-6 players.
What if science and sorcery grew together and were married in an alternate Earth? A world where Pandora's Box was opened by Dr. Oppenheimer's necromantic ritual and the power of the atom. A world changed by mana active fallout in the shadow of the good doctor's Hellstorm. A world of industrial alchemy and black ops dragons. Of atomic liches and ambulatory necrotic plagues. Of magic colleges and teleporting supported moon bases. A world both absurd and dangerous.
Do you want to see the world of Technomancer?
submitted by Ill_Advised_Gaming to lfgpremium [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:57 Electrorocket3 [Online][5thEd][Campaign][All Time Zones][Fridays][8pm MST][$20] Dragons of Stormwreck Isle with 1 Player waiting, looking for 3-5 more

Google Drive with Images of my D&D in Foundry VTT
Link for more Campaign information
My Profile with information about me
This game takes the players from level 1-3 in a wonderful introduction to Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition. You will experience the magical scars left behind by the death of dragons on Stormwreck Isle, a small island. Faced with the evil schemes of one living dragon and the righteous anger of another, you'll have the chance to explore whether peace between the feuding dragon families is possible—or if you must resort to violence to resolve the conflict on this isle.
Stormwreck Isle is a place of adventure, where daring souls delve into ancient strongholds and explore the ruins of long-lost kingdoms. Amid a lawless wilderness of jagged, snow-capped peaks, alpine forests, bitter winds, and roaming monsters.
Session 0, or your first official session if you join later on, is free.
We play once every week for 3~ hours, up to 30 minutes longer if we don't reach a satisfying end and the party agrees to attempt to 'finish' the section if they think they can.
submitted by Electrorocket3 to lfgpremium [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:06 nochukoo3 Chances at College of the Holy Cross?

These are my stats, ecs, etc. Do I have a shot at College of the Holy Cross if I apply ED? (I know it's not an Ivy League but it's top 30)
US citizen
State/Location of residency: Midwest
Extremely competitive public high school
Grade 11 going on 12
GendeRace/Ethnicity: Female, White, American
Other special factors: 504 Mental Health Plan, neurodivergent
Major: Psychology
Cumulative Unweighted HS GPA: currently 2.85
Cumulative Weighted HS GPA: currently 2.89w on a 5 scale (freshman grades were heavily affected by mental health but now I earn all A's. it'll be a 3.0w once my grades for this semester finalize though)
Class Rank: HS doesn't do class rank
ACT/SAT Scores: N/A
AP Scores: AP Psych (predicted 5)
AP Psychology, AP Environmental Science, Comp I & II (college class), Advanced Digital Music Production
Won a competitive school-wide writing contest and read/published the piece at a winners banquet
Gold Standard of Excellence Award (x2)
National Society of High School Scholars
multiple passion projects
multiple extensive research projects
4 years of French (in school)
self taught in German and Korean
UC BerkeleyX Psychedelics and the Mind Course (edX, certificate)
HarvardX Fundamentals of Neuroscience Course (edX, certificate)
HarvardX Building Personal Resilience: Managing Anxiety and Mental Health (edX, certificate)
Girls Go STEM program (attended two years in 6th and 7th grade)
U of I performing arts summer program
student government (x2) in elementary school
played competitive/academy tennis for 5+ years and was a featured player
AAA school safety patrol in 6th grade
volunteered as an instructor at my high school’s summer tennis camp
competitive swimming, 2 years
running club & XC in junior high, 1 yr
part-time job on weekends, 6hr shift
catholic religious ed program
played clarinet for 4 years in school band
self taught in piano
(will be doing an immense amount of catching up this summer in terms of more community service, internships, college programs and activities)
Haven’t written yet an essay but will receive LORs from multiple teachers and other mentors outside of school
submitted by nochukoo3 to ApplyingIvyLeague [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:25 josephlamcoz221 [PDF AVAILABLE] deWit's Fundamental Concepts and Skills for Nursing 5th Edition

[PDF AVAILABLE] deWit's Fundamental Concepts and Skills for Nursing 5th Edition
Title: deWit's Fundamental Concepts and Skills for Nursing
Authors: Patricia A. Williams MSN RN CCRN
Edition: 5th Edition
Format: PDF
ISBN-10: 9780323396219

Feel free to comment below or email at []( :)
submitted by josephlamcoz221 to textbookrequest_2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:28 CharacterOk8322 A semi ranty reflection in honor of the last day of EDS/HSD Awareness Month: Zebra Citizen Science: The collectivity/individuality Dialectic and its implications for science as chaos & democracy as experiment

“You’ve seen one Ehlers-Danlos patient, you’ve seen one Ehlers Danlos patient.” –Ancient EDS/HSD Proverb
According to the philosopher and historian of science Paul Feyerabend, science is a fundamentally anarchistic endeavor, and the notion of the uniformity of scientific method is a fantasy. The nosological and diagnostic criteria crisis in the field of connective tissue disorders is a perfect example. This is GREAT news for Zebras. We have a golden opportunity to take up the mantle of Citizen Science and join the Chaos! We can actually help solve a great scientific puzzle! Just by communicating with our physicians, PTs, specialists and other medical professionals. We wanted to stop being gaslighted an/or misdiagnosed, dismissed, or accused of being drug seekers or difficult patients by members of the medical-industrial complex, right? Let's contribute to the nosological and diagnostic criteria efforts of physicians and researchers around the globe by making our Zebra-hood known and recognized as legitimate by the medical establishment. Like the other great historian of science of the last century Thomas Kuhn famously observed, the most important changes in science have always required revolutions. Let's make it plain to the MIC that we don't just want and deserve the recognition due our dilemmas; we also want accuracy, even if that means that there turns out to be as many individuals! I jest, of course. That’s never going to happen, but my point is that we need to remember to try and always emphasize that our situation/s is/are fundamentally non-paradigmatic, viz., that it’s time for some of the old ways to die, that our uniqueness is just as much medical necessity as it is scientific puzzle; that despite many of us being neurodiverse on top of being sufferers of connective tissues disorder, we are also, even perhaps paradoxically, united by and in that diversity; and that even though we are subjects in experiments aimed at taxonomical precision, we are not only, as Susan Sontag put it in her seminal book on medical gaslighting Illness as Metaphor, we are also Citizens in The Democracy of the Zebras.

Even though Feyerabend was fond of characterizing science as fundamentally anarchistic, he usually added that he did not endorse anarchy as good government, and that his conclusions were not ideologically prescriptive and/or normative, but historically descriptive. If this is true, it entails that Zebras are yet involved in another paradox, that between the experimental anarchy of science and the attempts of the medical establishment to nosologically order its conditions, disorders, syndromes and diseases. It’s my contention that phenomenon like the invention of the Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder and similar labels are artifacts, at least in part, of a constant dialectic between the state of experimental chaos and democratic idealism, which for Zebras seems to me to usually manifest as the need to be seen and heard not only as a collective of solidarity, but simultaneously as individuals with unique, case-by-case issues.

The idea that we live in a perpetual experiment is not unusual, especially to the citizenry of the United States and those who live in countries founded upon similar moral-political philosophies and classical liberalism. Our founding fathers called the constitution a great experiment, and while their understanding of science and its methods could be construed as primitive compared to ours, there’s still plenty in it to carry their sentiment over to our times. As unsettling as the chaos of our US and US style democracy can feel to some of us right now, it only takes a brief survey of the history of those democracies to see that our contemporary situation is tame compared to events like the American Revolution, the American Civil War, and our involvement in fighting European fascism in the first half of the last century. We often hear the mantra, “We’ve never been so divided,” but surveys like this provide demonstrative evidence that’s likely nothing more than recency bias.
With appreciation and respect, ~l
this was also post at Hypermobility and ehlersdanlos
submitted by CharacterOk8322 to Hypermobility [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:23 CharacterOk8322 A semi ranty reflection in honor of the last day of EDS/HSD Awareness Month: Zebra Citizen Science: The collectivity/individuality Dialectic and its implications for science as chaos & democracy as experiment

“You’ve seen one Ehlers-Danlos patient, you’ve seen one Ehlers Danlos patient.”
–Ancient EDS/HSD Proverb
According to the philosopher and historian of science Paul Feyerabend, science is a fundamentally anarchistic endeavor, and the notion of the uniformity of scientific method is a fantasy. The nosological and diagnostic criteria crisis in the field of connective tissue disorders is a perfect example. This is GREAT news for Zebras. We have a golden opportunity to take up the mantle of Citizen Science and join the Chaos! We can actually help solve a great scientific puzzle! Just by communicating with our physicians, PTs, specialists and other medical professionals. We wanted to stop being gaslighted an/or misdiagnosed, dismissed, or accused of being drug seekers or difficult patients by members of the medical-industrial complex, right? Let's contribute to the nosological and diagnostic criteria efforts of physicians and researchers around the globe by making our Zebra-hood known and recognized as legitimate by the medical establishment. Like the other great historian of science of the last century Thomas Kuhn famously observed, the most important changes in science have always required revolutions. Let's make it plain to the MIC that we don't just want and deserve the recognition due our dilemmas; we also want accuracy, even if that means that there turns out to be as many individuals! I jest, of course. That’s never going to happen, but my point is that we need to remember to try and always emphasize that our situation/s is/are fundamentally non-paradigmatic, viz., that it’s time for some of the old ways to die, that our uniqueness is just as much medical necessity as it is scientific puzzle; that despite many of us being neurodiverse on top of being sufferers of connective tissues disorder, we are also, even perhaps paradoxically, united by and in that diversity; and that even though we are subjects in experiments aimed at taxonomical precision, we are not only, as Susan Sontag put it in her seminal book on medical gaslighting Illness as Metaphor, we are also Citizens in The Democracy of the Zebras.

Even though Feyerabend was fond of characterizing science as fundamentally anarchistic, he usually added that he did not endorse anarchy as good government, and that his conclusions were not ideologically prescriptive and/or normative, but historically descriptive. If this is true, it entails that Zebras are yet involved in another paradox, that between the experimental anarchy of science and the attempts of the medical establishment to nosologically order its conditions, disorders, syndromes and diseases. It’s my contention that phenomenon like the invention of the Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder and similar labels are artifacts, at least in part, of a constant dialectic between the state of experimental chaos and democratic idealism, which for Zebras seems to me to usually manifest as the need to be seen and heard not only as a collective of solidarity, but simultaneously as individuals with unique, case-by-case issues.
The idea that we live in a perpetual experiment is not unusual, especially to the citizenry of the United States and those who live in countries founded upon similar moral-political philosophies and classical liberalism. Our founding fathers called the constitution a great experiment, and while their understanding of science and its methods could be construed as primitive compared to ours, there’s still plenty in it to carry their sentiment over to our times. As unsettling as the chaos of our US and US style democracy can feel to some of us right now, it only takes a brief survey of the history of those democracies to see that our contemporary situation is tame compared to events like the American Revolution, the American Civil War, and our involvement in fighting European fascism in the first half of the last century. We often hear the mantra, “We’ve never been so divided,” but surveys like this provide demonstrative evidence that’s likely nothing more than recency bias.

With appreciation and respect,
this was also post at Hypermobility and ehlersdanlos
submitted by CharacterOk8322 to eds [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:12 nochukoo3 Chances at Holy Cross?

These are my stats, ecs, etc. Do I have a shot at College of the Holy Cross if I apply ED? US citizen State/Location of residency: Midwest Extremely competitive public high school Grade 11 going on 12 GendeRace/Ethnicity: Female, White, American Other special factors: 504 Mental Health Plan, neurodivergent Major: Psychology Cumulative Unweighted HS GPA: currently 2.85 Cumulative Weighted HS GPA: currently 2.89w on a 5 scale (freshman grades were heavily affected by mental health but now I earn all A's. it'll be a 3.0w once my grades for this semester finalize though) Class Rank: HS doesn't do class rank ACT/SAT Scores: N/A AP Scores: AP Psych (predicted 5) AP Psychology, AP Environmental Science, Comp I & II (college class), Advanced Digital Music Production Won a competitive school-wide writing contest and read/published the piece at a winners banquet Gold Standard of Excellence Award (x2) National Society of High School Scholars multiple passion projects multiple extensive research projects 4 years of French (in school) self taught in German and Korean UC BerkeleyX Psychedelics and the Mind Course (edX, certificate) HarvardX Fundamentals of Neuroscience Course (edX, certificate) HarvardX Building Personal Resilience: Managing Anxiety and Mental Health (edX, certificate) Girls Go STEM program (attended two years in 6th and 7th grade) U of I performing arts summer program student government (x2) in elementary school played competitive/academy tennis for 5+ years and was a featured player AAA school safety patrol in 6th grade volunteered as an instructor at my high school’s summer tennis camp competitive swimming, 2 years running club & XC in junior high, 1 yr part-time job on weekends, 6hr shift catholic religious ed program played clarinet for 4 years in school band self taught in piano (will be doing an immense amount of catching up this summer in terms of more community service, internships, college programs and activities) Haven’t written yet an essay but will receive LORs from multiple teachers and other mentors outside of school
submitted by nochukoo3 to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:24 SpiderzJerusalem Do I need to change my resume? Or is the job market just tough?

I've been applying to dozens of jobs out there on linkedin and indeed but I'm struggling to get interviews at any positions. I'm constantly getting the not interested answer from companies before i get a chance to speak to anyone. I'm applying usually for an analytics role, a data engineer role, or a cloud based role but so far no luck. Does anything need changing on my resume? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by SpiderzJerusalem to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 13:56 ComprehensiveArt1528 I WILL SPLIT THE $150 REFERRAL BONUS WITH YOU IF YOU USED MY CODE 8FLBRI6EH3. That's $75 EACH . reach out to me no games. HALF AND HALF

ONE HAND WASHES THE OTHER. Used my code and I will split the referral bonus with you . Facts! I can send it cash app, Venmo or PayPal after you complete the sign up steps. Download the CSL app and used my code while signing up in the app 8FLBRIGEH copy and paste. Ones you complete this steps reach out to me. That's $75/$75 each .
submitted by ComprehensiveArt1528 to CSL [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 13:51 ComprehensiveArt1528 💰🔥I WILL SPLIT THE $150 REFERRAL BONUS WITH YOU IF YOU USED MY CODE 8FLBRI6EH3. That's $75 EACH . reach out to me no games. HALF AND HALF 💰🔥

ONE HAND WASHES THE OTHER. Used my code and I will split the referral bonus with you . Facts! I can send it cash app, Venmo or PayPal after you complete the sign up steps. Download the CSL app and used my code while signing up in the app 8FLBRIGEH copy and paste. Ones you complete this steps reach out to me. That's $75/$75 each .
submitted by ComprehensiveArt1528 to CSLPlasmaReferrals [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 07:09 Soothsayerman Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi declare peaceful assembly illegal
The right to protest is a fundamental pillar of a democratic state where public power and public opinion is valued. Any reduction of tolerance by the state to allow this is an attack on personal liberty and a harbinger of much worse things to come.
You can protest legally and you can be disruptive and not destroy property or break laws. You have the RIGHT to peacefully assemble in a public space. The police declaring your peaceful assembly "unlawful" has NO meaning whatsoever because your right to peacefully assemble is guaranteed in the 1st amendment and protected under the 1st, 5th and 14th amendments.
Law enforcement's role is not to protect your rights, protect your body or serve your interests. Their sole purpose is to protect private property and enforce the will of the state which may or may not follow the constitution. That is a reality you have to deal with. Right off the bat, police declaring a peaceful assembly in a public space "unlawful" is breaking the law.
The disruption of business is the number one way to protest because there is unfortunately, no other meaningful way in our society to engage in civil disobedience. You have the right to disrupt business through peaceful assembly. The writers of the Constitution were not concerned with commerce when they wrote these rights, they were concerned with the will and interests of the public. That supercedes all other considerations.
Why do people assemble in the road? because sometimes that is the only public space available. The Constitution puts no restraints on the type of public space you may assemble in.
The corrupt supreme court has gone against the constitution and allowed three states to make peaceful assembly illegal. Those states are Texas, Mississippi and Louisiana all bastions of fascism.
Cops show up in riot gear to escalate the situation to bait you to break the law. They may put their hands upon you and take you into custody without reading you your rights or explain why you are being detained. Just chill out and go along with whatever they want because you have not yet broken a law. If you resist arrest, resist being taken into custody or start yelling at police you will be charged so be as cooperative as possible.
Fascism has taken root as much as it has because fascism has sympathizers. Most of these sympathizers are such because of their ignorance and the fact that they have been brainwashed by "conservative" media. Conservative is just a label, there is no such thing as conservative media anymore all that is left is fascist propaganda. If you run into these people who are upset that you are protesting, ignore them and do not engage, you are wasting your time and theirs. At this point, they are nothing but dead weight and a waste of oxygen.
submitted by Soothsayerman to USAFascism [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 06:02 Ill_Advised_Gaming [Technomancer][5thEd][Online][Modern Science-Fantasy][$15/session at StartPlaying][Fridays 7pm-10pm EST][Weekly][Campaign][Beginner/LGBTQ/Disabled/ND Friendly]

submitted by Ill_Advised_Gaming to roll20LFG [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 05:57 Thecrookedpath Stellen Burkin

Stellen Burkin
5th/3rd BindeKnight of the Sacred Seal, Champion of Otiax. Far-Spawn Human.
Dunno if there's an equivalent class in 5th Ed.
submitted by Thecrookedpath to dndai [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 05:13 nochukoo3 Chances at Holy Cross?

These are my stats, ecs, etc. Do I have a shot at College of the Holy Cross if I apply ED?
US citizen
State/Location of residency: Midwest
Extremely competitive public high school
Grade 11 going on 12
GendeRace/Ethnicity: Female, White, American
Other special factors: 504 Mental Health Plan, neurodivergent
Major: Psychology
Cumulative Unweighted HS GPA: currently 2.85
Cumulative Weighted HS GPA: currently 2.89w on a 5 scale (freshman grades were heavily affected by mental health but now I earn all A's. it'll be a 3.0w once my grades for this semester finalize though)
Class Rank: HS doesn't do class rank
ACT/SAT Scores: N/A
AP Scores: AP Psych (predicted 5)
AP Psychology, AP Environmental Science, Comp I & II (college class), Advanced Digital Music Production
Won a competitive school-wide writing contest and read/published the piece at a winners banquet
Gold Standard of Excellence Award (x2)
National Society of High School Scholars
multiple passion projects
multiple extensive research projects
4 years of French (in school)
self taught in German and Korean
UC BerkeleyX Psychedelics and the Mind Course (edX, certificate)
HarvardX Fundamentals of Neuroscience Course (edX, certificate)
HarvardX Building Personal Resilience: Managing Anxiety and Mental Health (edX, certificate)
Girls Go STEM program (attended two years in 6th and 7th grade)
U of I performing arts summer program
student government (x2) in elementary school
played competitive/academy tennis for 5+ years and was a featured player
AAA school safety patrol in 6th grade
volunteered as an instructor at my high school’s summer tennis camp
competitive swimming, 2 years
running club & XC in junior high, 1 yr
part-time job on weekends, 6hr shift
catholic religious ed program
played clarinet for 4 years in school band
self taught in piano
(will be doing an immense amount of catching up this summer in terms of more community service, internships, college programs and activities)
Haven’t written yet an essay but will receive LORs from multiple teachers and other mentors outside of school
submitted by nochukoo3 to CollegeAdmissions [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 04:03 FoxesAreCrying Why can’t I just get genetic testing approved

I am so annoyed at this is like the 5th+ doctor who said I should get EDS genetic testing but I do not pass the scale so I didn’t get approved. Today I went to my immunologist and there it was asking if if I had genetic testing for EDS yet and I’m like no I can’t find anyone who listens to my whole medical history because I get 2/9 or 0/9 on the scale . She said it really does sound like EDS , and I agreed with her but that doesn’t really do much.
submitted by FoxesAreCrying to ehlersdanlos [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 23:57 Zacoftheaxes Justice Merchan, I ask that you be kind and allow Mr. Trump to stay at this island. It's only a 45 minute drive from Trump Tower making it easy for his friends and family to stay nearby when they visit.

Justice Merchan, I ask that you be kind and allow Mr. Trump to stay at this island. It's only a 45 minute drive from Trump Tower making it easy for his friends and family to stay nearby when they visit. submitted by Zacoftheaxes to neoliberal [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 23:27 Prosopopoeia1 Museum of blockage and banning

Subject of discussion: Whether using "literal" translations of the New Testament like Young's will help people more accurately understand the use of the Greek term aionios and the concept "eternal" therein
My last comment before being blocked:
This won’t really help anyone who doesn’t anyone have a good grasp on Greek or linguistics in general. It very well may only confuse them further.
I think I’ve seen some outdated lexicons — and many others — try to reduce the fundamental meaning of aion to “age,” under the guise of greater literalism. This is a huge fallacy, though. Critically lexicographically speaking, aion has no fundamental meaning that’s shared between all of its uses. For example, you’ll be hard-pressed to find any real semantic connection between its old Homeric and poetic use as “life-force” or even “marrow,” and its use as “permanence, perpetuity.”
However, the adjective aionios clearly etymologically derives from the latter meaning of aion — also clearly distinct from the late use of aion as “age, era.”
Subject of discussion: On the meaning of the noun kolasis in koine Greek, and whether it's semantically distinct from the related noun timoria
My last comment before being blocked:
Yeah the comment that I linked to has been taken out of its original context (because the original post was removed). But it’s a response to the claim that kolasis is ultimately a form of correction done for the benefit of a person, while timoria is truly retributive punishment or torture.
Aristotle had specific rhetorical aims in offering an analysis that was somewhat akin to this — though not as specific.
But what everything after the intro of my linked comment demonstrates is that in actual usage from about the 5th century BCE onward, there’s no semantic distinction between the words at all. Kolasis is ubiquitously used to refer to execution and all sorts of gnarly torture.
Note: Legitimately no clue why I was blocked. Conversation was on the AncientGreek subreddit, and was barely even related to Christianity at all.
Subject of discussion: Roughly the same as the previous one.
My last comment before being permanently banned from ChristianUniversalism:
So for the non-Greek speakers, let me explain. This meme appears to be arguing that the phrase on the left — not actually used in the Bible — truly means "eternal torment"; but the phrase on the right, which is used in the Bible, means only a temporary kind of constructive correction or punishment.
There are quite a few problems here, though. To start with the most significant: It's somewhat unusual to see the adjective adialeiptos held up as the model for expressing true eternality or perpetuity: one that the Bible might have used if it had really intended to do so (in distinction from aionios), as alleged. It's unusual because adialeiptos is used twice in the Bible; and in both of these instances, it's very clearly not used to express eternality or perpetuity. Instead, it seems to be used more often to denote something that's constant in frequency — including over a comparatively short period of time — rather than something that endures over long expanses of time and/or truly eternally.
More often than not, the more common argument these days is that an adjective like aidios is what truly expresses eternality in distinction from aionios. I covered this other claim rather exhaustively in this recent post, too.
As for the nouns that they modify in the meme: BDAG, the standard lexicon of Biblical Greek, notes for kolasis that earlier philosophical "limitation of the term . . . to disciplinary action . . . is not reflected in gener[al] usage." This also addresses the misconception, perpetuated in more questionable lexicons from the earlier 20th century, that in actual Biblical and contemporaneous usage, kolasis denotes constructive or educational correction while timoria denotes retributive punishment or torture. Instead, they appear to be used interchangeably in all relevant literature.
Finally, some notes on form and spelling. Timoria is feminine, so the accusative will be timorian, not timorion. And now my most pedantic gripe: as a general rule of thumb, it's kind of awkward to cite generalized or hypothetical phrases in the accusative. Instead the nominative is standard here; so you can just use kolasis instead of kolasin, etc.
Note: It's inarguable that this comment led to my ban. However, the moderators went on to claim that it was instead part of a larger pattern of combativeness, and that this was the real reason. At the time, I protested this, and pointed to my recent comment history on the subreddit and how it demonstrated a lack of combativeness. On further clarification, the mods eventually admitted that it was more a pattern of constant disagreement with users on the subreddit rather than combativeness/rudeness per se, and that they preferred a subreddit of like minds (even if claims that were constantly repeated there were historically inaccurate, etc.).
Subject of discussion: The Hebrew syntax of Leviticus 18:22/20:13, and whether the adverbial accusative phrase מִשְׁכְּבֵי אִשָּׁה can function qualitatively or not
My last comment before being blocked:
It’s hard to believe people treat Hebrew here as if it should function exactly like English (mostly) does. There are plenty of instances in Hebrew where the accusative alone functions qualitatively, where elsewhere we might see an explicit preposition. (To add to that, there's no explicit "in" either.)
This is the case elsewhere even when we have a cognate accusative, as in Leviticus 18:22/20:13 — such as in Leviticus 25:42.
As a sidenote, interpreting it overly literally as "woman's bed(s)" is a mistake, too. מִשְׁכְּבֵי אִשָּׁה is effectively the same idiom מִשְׁכַּב זָכָר as in Numbers 31:17 and elsewhere, just with the gender switched, and flipped active/passive. All together, Lev 18:22 is very clearly should not sleep/have sex with a male in the same manner as [one would have] intercourse with a woman — just as Leviticus 25:42 talks about how Israelites shouldn’t be sold in the same way as slaves are sold, לֹא יִמָּכְרוּ מִמְכֶּרֶת עָבֶד.
Subject of discussion: Whether נָחַם in Genesis 6:6 means "avenge" or "console," or alternatively "regret."
My last comment before being blocked
So even if it can mean that, you still need to offer an argument as to why it more plausibly does mean that here. Possibility is not probability.
Subject of discussion: On what grounds my interlocutor interpreted the lesson of the Tower of Babel narrative in Genesis 11 to be about "the dangers of hierarchy and the ways the powerful seek to kill God"
My last comment before being blocked:
You speak of “reading the text” as if there’s anything else said about the building process itself other than those three sentences that I posted.
Also, midrash (as in actual rabbinic midrash) is near-medieval fan fiction with utterly no historical relation to the original narrative, nor any critical insight into it.
Subject of discussion: Whether the Latin Vulgate's translation of the New Testament introduced distorted notions of afterlife punishment, in contrast to the original Greek.
My last comment before being blocked:
Do you know Greek or Latin?
Subject of discussion: The meaning of "savior"/saved in 1 Timothy 4:10, and whether this suggests different degrees of mores of eschatological salvation
My last comment before being blocked:
I’m not contrasting interpretation and evidence. Why on earth would I be doing that?
I’m precisely claiming that all of the evidence suggests exactly what I claimed: that 1 Timothy 4 has nothing to do with degrees of eschatological salvation — a notion utterly absent from early Christianity, maybe outside Gnosticism.
Subject of discussion: Whether there was any (rudimentary) notion of purgatory in the New Testament; and whether I'm "clearly a Catholic/Christian trying to fish for people by coming off (poorly) as an intellectual."
My last comment before being banned from excatholic: Too long to post in full; here are the first and last lines:
Your combative and dismissive tone almost makes it seem like you have some sort of emotional or theological investment in this issue. Try viewing it more dispassionately, from a purely historical perspective.
The New Testament isn’t a cohesive theological work, but a repository of different and indeed contradictory traditions — sometimes even within the same individual book. Eschatological traditions are no different. Don’t think like a fundamentalist.
Subject of discussion: The function of the morpheme מִ in the word מִשְׁכְּבֵי in Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13, and whether my interlocutor claimed that it functioned prepositionally/comparatively or not.
My last comment before being blocked:
You cannot be serious. You said it was a particle of comparison!
You… don’t even know the distinction I’m talking about, do you? You have a degree in Hebrew and you think the distinction between basic nominalization of a verb with preformative mem and the presence of inseparable min is a somewhat artificial one? That is literally shocking.
Subject of discussion: Whether there was an attested Jewish practice of quoting the first words of a psalm as shorthand for reciting the psalm.
My last comment before being blocked:
You can call it “evidence” or “counter-evidence” or “a pineapple.” But I can’t believe I have to explain that if you want someone to believe that a claim you’re making is true, you’ll actually have to provide data/arguments to support it.
Your word alone isn’t good enough. That’s why we don’t hire random people off the street to be scientists or professors.
(As for my own claim, I’m claiming something doesn’t exist — viz. it’s not attested. I’m not sure how I can further prove that. The only way we could falsify it is if you offer contrary evidence that it does exist.)
Subject of discussion: Whether the "Gehenna" referred to in the New Testament was a literal trash pit around the time of Jesus.
My last comment before being permanently banned from dankchristianmemes:
It’s a myth that it was used as a trash pit. In the Hebrew Bible it’s a notorious valley in which children were immolated in ritual sacrifice.
By the time of the New Testament, the idea and imagery of Gehenna had been transformed — from an actual earthly valley to an otherworldly realm of afterlife punishment.
Note: Originally perma-banned for "antisemitism." I had to go to lengthy effort to track down the moderators, and finally convince them that my comment was a mundane reference to how the Biblical texts themselves (Jeremiah 7:31, etc.) mention idolaters/heretics in the First Temple period sacrificing their children by fire in the valley of Hinnom. Ban was reversed after this.
Subject of discussion: Whether eternal conscious torment was believed by any Christian prior to the 4th century, and/or only became prominent "around the 11th century"
My last comment before being blocked: Looks like I edited/removed the bulk of the comment. If I remember correctly, I was indeed quite rude.
Notes: Yeah I think I deserved this one.
submitted by Prosopopoeia1 to u/Prosopopoeia1 [link] [comments]

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submitted by AssassinsArt to lfgpremium [link] [comments]