Illinois broom festival

🔱Pitchfork Music Festival🔱

2015.06.21 09:44 beramiah 🔱Pitchfork Music Festival🔱

Subreddit for fans of Pitchfork Music Festival.

2012.03.14 01:43 Gonzzzo Summer Camp Music Festival: For those who spend Memorial Day weekend in Chilicothe, Illinois


2013.02.14 19:26 Bukharin Chicago subreddit for the Far North Side

Chicago subreddit for the Far North Side: Edgewater, RogersPark, Uptown, Lincoln Square, and neighbouring areas.

2024.06.01 05:48 Eckman83 Anything will help

Anything will help
Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here:
submitted by Eckman83 to monopolygo_fairtrade [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:33 ravedeath1917 'Fragment on War, National Questions and Revolution', Rosa Luxemburg
Introduction (by Rida Vaquas)
There were three core strands to Luxemburg’s opposition to national self-determination. Firstly, it was materially unviable given that no new nation could achieve economic independence owing to the spread of capitalism. Secondly, pursuing national self-determination in the form of supporting independence struggles did not make strategic sense for socialists as it inhibited them from placing political demands upon existing states. Finally, and most saliently for socialists today, even if national self-determination was politically and economically more than a utopian pipe-dream, it would still be against the interests of the working class to pursue it.
National self-determination, in Luxemburg’s words, “gives no practical guidelines for the day to day politics of the proletariat, nor any practical solution of nationality problems”.11 As we can observe from Lenin’s policies on nationalities, there is no consistent conclusion that comes from the acknowledgment of this “right”. The only real conclusion is that affairs must be settled by the relevant nationality, which is presented as a homogeneous socio-political entity, as opposed to a site of class struggle in itself. The impracticality of this formula was not only resisted by Luxemburg, but also by Fritz Rozins, a Latvian socialist. Rozins, criticizing the position of Lenin in 1902, made the argument that several nations can occupy the same territory which problematized the demand for national self-determination.12
When examining contemporary manifestations of the national problem, these issues are thrown into sharper focus. In the case of Israel and Palestine, the framework of two competing claims of national self-determination which need to be reconciled with each other ultimately leads to endorsing an indefinite political and economic subordination of one nation by another. One way some sections of the modern Left attempt to address this is by rendering one nation’s claim (Israel’s) as inherently illegitimate, on account of its annexationist political project and racist domestic policy, and hence dismissing Hebrew Jewish people as constituting a national people with particular rights. However, making the right of national self-determination contingent upon the political project of its claimants would leave very few nations, if any, with this “right” at all, as its claimants tend to be an aspirational national bourgeoisie, whose class interests are tied to the continuation of the subjugation of the working class peoples within a territory, including working-class national minorities. The best way forward is to abandon such a “right” altogether, which assumes a basic unity between the interests of the oppressor and oppressed as part of the same nation. The question should instead be examined from the perspective of the common interests of the Israeli and Palestinian working classes against the Israeli state.
What fundamentally determined Rosa Luxemburg’s attitude was understanding that nationalism was not an empty vessel in which socialists could pour in proletarian content. The ideology of nationhood intrinsically demands temporary class collaboration, at the very least, to the advantage of the ruling classes. An article she penned in January 1918, intended as friendly criticism of the early Soviet government’s policy on nationalities, most clearly articulates this perspective:
“The “right of nations to self-determination” is a hollow phrase which in practice always delivers the masses of people to the ruling classes.
Of course, it is the task of the revolutionary proletariat to implement the most expansive political democracy and equality of nationalities, but it is the least of our concerns to delight the world with freshly baked national class states. Only the bourgeoisie in every nation is interested in the apparatus of state independence, which has nothing to do with democracy. After all, state independence itself is a dazzling thing which is often used to cover up the slaughter of people.”16
This has been vindicated by historical experience. When we look at Poland today, a right-wing government is installing “Independence Benches” that play nationalist speeches.17 The speeches were delivered by none other than Józef Piłsudski, a former leader of the PPS who later abandoned socialism altogether. The warning of the Polish Communist Party, published in 1919, a year after Polish independence, that bourgeois “independence” in reality meant “the brutal dictatorship of the bourgeoisie over the proletariat” has proven more correct than any fantasy about the achievement of independence offering a permanent resolution to the national question, opening up the battlefield of class struggle.18 The formation of new class states does not resolve national oppression, so much as redistribute it.
Revolutionary internationalism, or the so-called “international proletariat fundamentalism”, stands as a rejoinder to those who seek shortcuts to social revolution by the construction of nation-states. Yet it also allows for a more positive assessment of nationalities. Rather than being bound to the political form of territorial states responsible for the oppression of millions across centuries, the traditions, institutions, and languages associated with nationalities can become part of a universal cultural legacy and human inheritance that requires neither the violence of borders nor of class rule. We can be moved by the words of the poet Adam Mickiewicz without scrambling to statehood. Capitalist development has made the endgame of the exercise of national self-determination, the nation-state, a dead-end for socialists. It is now necessary to pose the national question once more and seek different answers.
Fragment on War, National Questions and Revolution (by Rosa Luxemburg)
When hatred of the proletariat and the imminent social revolution is absolutely decisive for the bourgeoisie in all their deeds and activities, in their peace programme and in their policies for the future: what is the international proletariat doing? Completely blind to the lessons of the Russian Revolution, forgetting the ABCs of socialism, it pursues the same peace programme as the bourgeoisie, it elevates it to its own programme! Hail Wilson and the League of Nations! Hail national self-determination and disarmament! This is now the banner that suddenly socialists of all countries are uniting under — together with the imperialist governments of the Entente, with the most reactionary parties, the government socialist boot-lickers, the ‘true in principle’ oppositional swamp socialists, bourgeois pacifists, petty-bourgeois utopians, nationalist upstart states, bankrupt German imperialists, the Pope, the Finnish executioners of the revolutionary proletariat, the Ukrainian sugar babies of German militarism.
Nationalism is an instant trump card. From all sides, nations and nationettes stake out a claim for their right to state formation. Rotted corpses rise out of hundred-year-old graves, filled with fresh spring shoots, and “historyless” peoples, who never formed an independent state entity up until now, feel a violent urge towards state formation. Poland, Ukraine, Belarussians, Lithuanians, Czechs, Yugoslavia, ten new nations of the Caucasus. Zionists are already erecting their Palestine Ghetto, provisionally in Philadelphia. It’s Walpurgis Night at Blockula today!
Broom and pitch-fork, goat and prong… To-night who flies not, never flies.
But nationalism is only a formula. The core, the historical content that is planted in it, is as manifold and rich in connections as the formula of ‘national self-determination’, under which it is veiled, is hollow and sparse.
In Russian Ukraine, up until the October uprising in 1917, nationalism was nothing, a bubble, the arrogance of roughly a dozen professors and lawyers who mostly couldn’t speak Ukrainian themselves. Since the Bolshevik Revolution it has become the very real expression of the petty-bourgeois counterrevolution, whose head is directed against the socialist working class. In India, nationalism is the expression of an emerging domestic bourgeoisie, which aims for independent exploitation of the country on its account instead of only serving as an object for English capital to leech. This nationalism, therefore, corresponds with its social content and its historical stage like the emancipation struggles of the United States of America at the outset of the 18th century.
So nationalism reflects back all conceivable interests, nuances, historical situations. It shines in all colors. It is everything and nothing, a mere shell. Everything hangs on it to assert its own particular social core.
So the universal, immediate world explosion of nationalism brings with it the most colorful confusion of special interests and tendencies in its bosom. But there is an axis that gives all these special interests a direction, a universal interest created by the particular historical situation: the apex against the threatening world revolution of the proletariat.
The Russian Revolution has awakened a fuming, foaming, trembling fear and hatred of the threatening spectre of proletarian dictatorship in the entirety of the possessing classes in every single nation. It can only be compared with the sentiments of the Paris bourgeoisie during the June slaughters and the butchery of the Commune. ‘Bolshevism’ has become the catchword for practical, revolutionary socialism, for all endeavors of the working class to conquer power. In this rupturing of the social abyss within bourgeois society, in the international deepening and sharpening of class antagonism is the historical achievement of Bolshevism, and in this work — like in all great historical contexts — all errors and mistakes of Bolshevism vanish without a trace.
These sentiments are now the deepest heart of the nationalist delirium in which the capitalist world has seemingly fallen, they are the objective historical content to which the many-colored cards of announced nationalisms are reduced. These small, young bourgeoisie that are now striving for independent existence, are not merely trembling with the desire for winning unrestricted and untrammeled class rule but also for the long-awaited delight of the single-handed strangling of their mortal enemy: the revolutionary proletariat. This is a function they had to concede up until now to the disjointed state apparatus of foreign rule. Hate, like love, is only grudgingly left to a third wheel. Mannerheim’s blood orgies, the Finnish Gallifet, show how much that the blazing heat of hate that has sprouted up in the hearts of all small nations in the last few years, all the Poles, Lithuanians, Romanians, Ukrainians, Czechs, Croats, etc., only waited for the opportunity to finally disembowel the proletariat with ‘national’ means. From all these young nations, which like white and innocent lambs hopped along in the grassy meadows of world history, the carbuncle-like eyes of the grim tiger are already looking out and waiting to “settle the accounts” with the first stirrings of “Bolshevism”. Behind all of the idyllic banquets, the roaring festivals of brotherhood in Vienna, in Prague, in Zagreb, in Warsaw, Mannerheim’s open graves are already yawning and the Red Guards have to dig them themselves! The gallows of Charkow shimmer like faint silhouettes and the Lubinskys and Holubowitsches invited the German ‘liberators’ to Ukraine for their erection.
The ruling classes once again show their unerring instinct for their class interests, their wonderfully fine sensitivity for the dangers surrounding them. Whilst on the surface, the bourgeoisie are enjoying the loveliest weather and the proletarians of all countries are getting drunk on nationalist and ‘League of Nations’ spring breezes, bourgeois society is being torn limb from limb which heralds the impending change of seasons as the historical barometer falls. Whilst socialists are foolishly eager to pull their chestnuts of peace out of the fire of world war, as ‘national ministers’, they can’t help but see the inevitable, imminent fate behind their backs: the terrible rising spectre of social world revolution that has already silently stepped onto the back of the stage.
It is the objective insolvability of the tasks bourgeois society faces that makes socialism a historical necessity and world revolution unavoidable.
No one can predict how long this final period will last and what forms it will take. History has already left the well-trodden path and the comfortable routine. Every new step, every new turn of the road opens up new perspectives and new scenery.
What is important is to understand the real problem of the period. The problem is called: the dictatorship of the proletariat, the realization of socialism. The difficulties of the task do not lie in the strength of the opponent, the resistance of bourgeois society. Its ultima ratio: the army is useless for the suppression of the proletariat as a result of the war, it has even become revolutionary itself. Its material basis for existence: the maintenance of society has been shattered by the war. Its moral basis for existence: tradition, routine, and authority have all been blown away by the wind. The whole structure has become loosened, fluid, movable. The conditions for struggle have never been so favourable for any emergent class in world history. It can fall into the lap of the proletariat like a ripe fruit. The difficulty lies in the proletariat itself, in its lack of maturity, or rather, the immaturity of its leaders, the socialist parties. The working class balks, it recoils before the uncertain enormity of its duty again and again. But it must, it must. History takes away all of its excuses: to lead us out of the night and horror of oppressed humanity into the light of liberation.
submitted by ravedeath1917 to Marxism [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:53 Greengiant304 Dope Lineup for Miracle in Mundelein

Dope Lineup for Miracle in Mundelein
This is Illinois' first open cannabis consumption festival, back for a second year. I didn't go last year but I just bought tickets for this year.
submitted by Greengiant304 to calireggae [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:17 HeatMoist7550 Help please

Help please submitted by HeatMoist7550 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 10:41 31852 What I have/need

What I have/need submitted by 31852 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 22:25 Paper_Substantial Let’s trade 1:1!

Let’s trade 1:1! submitted by Paper_Substantial to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 21:31 NoCalligrapher5311 I have over 600 stars right now, who want's to help with my last 3?

I have over 600 stars right now, who want's to help with my last 3?
Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here:
submitted by NoCalligrapher5311 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 21:28 NoCalligrapher5311 I just need these 3....

I just need these 3....
Im so close to my first album, i was at this point when the last one ended, and i don't want this one to end the same.... please help!! 🥺🥺
IGN: Dalton
Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here:
submitted by NoCalligrapher5311 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 08:33 thehangrycaterpilla Trades?

Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here:
submitted by thehangrycaterpilla to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 04:31 Adorable-Ad300 Vegas -> Tennessee for Bonnaroo

taking lil over two weeks for this. hitting red river gorge and rocky mountain national park. don’t have much time on the way there… any suggestions?
submitted by Adorable-Ad300 to roadtrip [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 21:35 NoCalligrapher5311 My last 3!

My last 3!
I got stars to trade! Who can help me out?!
IGN: Dalton
Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here:
submitted by NoCalligrapher5311 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 21:26 NoCalligrapher5311 I'M SO CLOSE!!

These are my last 3 cards i need to finish my album, and I'm practically on my knees... any help would be AMAZING!!!!
IGN: Dalton
submitted by NoCalligrapher5311 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:20 Hopeful-Meringue-243 Please I need dice

Please I need dice
I tried to include sets w 3* dupes and up. Sweet duets and omo! Are my priority atm
submitted by Hopeful-Meringue-243 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:42 Sweet-Count2557 Best Things to Do in Morris Il

Best Things to Do in Morris Il
Best Things to Do in Morris Il Looking for the best things to do in Morris, IL? Look no further! We've got you covered with a list of the top attractions and activities in this charming town.From shopping and antiques to outdoor adventures and family fun, Morris has it all. So buckle up and join us on this exciting journey as we explore the hidden gems and must-visit spots in this wonderful town.Let's embark on an adventure of freedom and discovery together!Key Takeaways3 French Hens Market and True North: The Warehouse are popular destinations for shopping and antiques in Morris, offering a variety of vendors and unique items.William G. Stratton State Park, Gebhard Woods State Park, and Goose Lake Prairie State Natural Area provide opportunities for outdoor activities such as boating, fishing, hiking, and camping.Letty Maes Tea Room is a charming vintage-style tearoom known for its delicious food, including their famous strawberry soup.Family Fun Zone offers a range of entertainment options suitable for all ages, including bowling, laser tag, and arcade games.Shopping and Antiques in Morris IlWe have several excellent options for shopping and finding antiques in Morris Il. Whether you're a seasoned antique hunter or just looking for a unique shopping experience, Morris Il has something to offer.One of the must-visit places is 3 French Hens Market, a charming market with various vendors. Here, you can browse through a wide selection of antiques, knick-knacks, and unique items. But that's not all! The market is also known for Pam's Corn Dogs, a local favorite that will satisfy your cravings for delicious food.Another great spot for antique lovers is True North: The Warehouse. This antique and craft store boasts over 70 vendors, each offering their own unique treasures. From antique furniture to vintage items and handmade crafts, you'll find a wide range of options to explore. It's like stepping into a treasure trove of history and creativity.When it comes to shopping in Morris Il, these unique experiences aren't to be missed. Whether you're searching for a specific antique piece or simply enjoy the thrill of discovering something new, Morris Il has it all. So grab your shopping bags and get ready for a day filled with antique hunting and delicious food.Recreation and Outdoor Activities in Morris IlFor those of us who enjoy spending time outdoors, there are plenty of recreational and outdoor activities to explore in Morris Il. Whether you're a nature lover, an adventure seeker, or just looking to relax in the great outdoors, Morris Il has something for everyone.One of the top outdoor activities in Morris Il is exploring the hiking trails. The area is home to several scenic trails that wind through forests, meadows, and along rivers, offering breathtaking views and a chance to immerse yourself in nature. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced hiker, there are trails suited for all skill levels.If you're a fan of water sports, Morris Il has you covered. The nearby William G. Stratton State Park offers boat access to the Illinois River, allowing you to indulge in activities like boating, fishing, and even water skiing. The park also has picnic areas where you can enjoy a meal with a view.For those who prefer a more laid-back water experience, Gebhard Woods State Park is the perfect destination. Bordered by the Illinois & Michigan Canal and Nettle Creek, this park is ideal for canoeing and kayaking. You can paddle along the calm waters, taking in the serene surroundings and enjoying the peacefulness of nature.Dining and Refreshments in Morris IlWhen it comes to dining and refreshments in Morris Il, there are plenty of options available to satisfy our taste buds. Whether you're in the mood for a cozy tea room experience or some locally brewed beer, Morris has something for everyone.If you're looking for a charming and vintage atmosphere, Letty Maes Tea Room is the place to go. This delightful tea room serves up delicious sandwiches and drinks, and is known for their famous strawberry soup. The cozy atmosphere and friendly staff make it the perfect spot for a relaxing afternoon.For those who enjoy a good brew, Morris is home to some fantastic local breweries. These breweries offer a range of craft beers, each with its own unique flavors and styles. From hoppy IPAs to smooth stouts, there's something to please every beer lover's palate. Grab a pint and enjoy the laid-back atmosphere of these breweries, where you can chat with the brewers and learn about the brewing process.In addition to tea rooms and breweries, Morris also offers a variety of other dining options to satisfy any craving. From casual diners to upscale restaurants, you'll find a wide range of cuisines to choose from. Whether you're in the mood for pizza, burgers, or a fine dining experience, Morris has it all.Home Decor and Shopping in Morris IlWe found several great home decor shops and stores to explore while shopping in Morris Il. One of the must-visit places for vintage enthusiasts is the 3 French Hens Market. This market is known for its charming atmosphere and offers a wide range of antiques, knick-knacks, and handmade crafts. One of the highlights of this market is Pam's Corn Dogs, a local favorite that you shouldn't miss.If you're looking for a unique shopping experience, True North: The Warehouse is the place to go. This antique and craft store features over 70 vendors, each offering their own selection of antiques, vintage items, handmade crafts, and furniture. You can spend hours browsing through the different stalls, discovering hidden gems and one-of-a-kind pieces.For those who love a mix of old and new, Outside In By Cappenollie is the perfect home decor shop. With multiple vendors, this shop offers a variety of treasures, including upcycled and handmade items, as well as vintage finds. Whether you're looking for a statement piece or just want to add a touch of nostalgia to your home, you'll find it here.Now that you've explored the home decor and shopping scene in Morris Il, it's time to move on to the next section about family entertainment. But don't worry, there's plenty of fun to be had in Morris Il, from bowling and laser tag at Family Fun Zone to the thrilling attractions at Haunted Trails Family Amusement Park. Let's dive into the exciting world of family entertainment in Morris Il.Family Entertainment in Morris IlThe Family Fun Zone offers various attractions and games, including bowling, laser tag, and arcade games, that are suitable for all ages. Whether you're looking for a fun activity for the whole family or a place to hang out with friends, this entertainment center has something for everyone.One of the highlights of the Family Fun Zone is the skating rink. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned skater, you can glide across the smooth surface and enjoy the thrill of skating. And if you're up for a challenge, you can take part in a thrilling game of laser tag. Strap on your vest, grab your laser gun, and engage in an epic battle with your opponents. The laser tag arena is designed to provide an exhilarating and immersive experience, making it perfect for adrenaline junkies.If you're in the mood for something spooky, the Family Fun Zone also offers haunted trails. Get ready to be scared as you navigate through a maze of darkness, encountering creepy creatures and spine-chilling surprises along the way. This haunted attraction isn't for the faint of heart, but if you're looking for a good scare, it's definitely worth a visit.In addition to these thrilling attractions, the Family Fun Zone also has an amusement park with rides, games, and more. From classic carnival games to exciting amusement park rides, there's no shortage of fun and excitement here. Whether you're a kid or just a kid at heart, you're sure to have a blast at this family-friendly entertainment center.Frequently Asked QuestionsAre There Any Specific Events or Festivals Related to Shopping and Antiques in Morris, Il?Yes, there are shopping events and antique festivals in Morris, IL. These events offer a great opportunity to explore unique antiques and shop for one-of-a-kind items.From markets like 3 French Hens Market and True North: The Warehouse to home decor shops like Outside In By Cappenollie, there are plenty of options to satisfy your shopping cravings.Keep an eye out for upcoming events and festivals in Morris, IL, and indulge in the joy of shopping and discovering hidden treasures.Can You Provide Any Recommendations for Restaurants or Cafes Near the Outdoor Recreational Areas in Morris, Il?Sure, we've some great recommendations for restaurants and cafes near the outdoor recreational areas in Morris, IL.You'll be pleased to know that there are a variety of options to choose from. Whether you're craving a hearty meal after a day of hiking or a cozy cafe for a quick bite, Morris has you covered.From charming cafes with delicious pastries to family-friendly restaurants serving up tasty dishes, you're sure to find something to satisfy your appetite.Are There Any Local Artisans or Crafters Who Sell Their Products at the Home Decor Shops in Morris, Il?Local artisans and crafters showcase their products at the home decor shops in Morris, IL. You can find a mix of old, new, upcycled, handmade, and vintage treasures at places like Outside In By Cappenollie.Keep an eye out for specific events and festivals where these talented individuals often participate.While exploring the area, don't forget to check out the various shopping, antiques, and dining options, as well as the outdoor recreational areas suitable for all ages.Is There a Specific Age Limit or Height Requirement for the Attractions at the Family Fun Zone in Morris, Il?At the Family Fun Zone in Morris, IL, there's no specific age limit or height requirement for the attractions. This means that people of all ages and heights can enjoy the various activities available.From bowling and laser tag to arcade games, there's something for everyone to enjoy.Whether you're a kid or a kid at heart, the Family Fun Zone offers a fun and entertaining experience for the whole family.Does the Skating Rink in Morris, IL Offer Rental Skates or Do Visitors Need to Bring Their Own?At the skating rink in Morris, IL, you have the option to rent skates or bring your own. It's convenient for those who don't have their own skates or want to try different styles.The rink offers a range of skating options, from casual open skate sessions to lessons for beginners. Whether you're a seasoned skater or just starting out, the rink has something for everyone.ConclusionWell, folks, that concludes our tour of Morris, IL! We hope you've enjoyed this whirlwind adventure through shopping, outdoor fun, dining, and family entertainment.Remember, Morris may be a small town, but it's bursting with charm and hidden gems.So, next time you're in the area, be sure to check out these top attractions and activities. Trust us, you won't be disappointed!Happy exploring!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 17:48 sophia_101010 1:1 trades

1:1 trades
add request and link , include what set ur desired sticker is from !!
submitted by sophia_101010 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 23:57 JOJOJOJ-1 anyone have video? they have a show at 2019?
submitted by JOJOJOJ-1 to neutralmilkhotel [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 22:48 DannyLumpy Summer Events Denver 2024!

I'm trying to make a list of all of the things to do in Denver for this summer. Does anyone know of anything I should add?

Music Festivals

Culture Festivals

Food / Drink Festivals

Art / Crafts / Shopping Festival

Other Festivals

Farmers Markets

Saturdays List of Farmers Markets


Great List of Free / Cheap Concert Series by Day of the Week
Free Outdoor Concerts
Outside Paid Venues
Paid Indoor Venues
Concert Lists (by Genre, Search, Etc)

Parks / Nature

National Parks
State Parks
City Parks

Water Activities

Splash Parks
Water Parks


Theme Parks / Roller Coasters
Themed Festivals

Outdoor Movies

Local Projections
Drive Ins

Theatre / Opera / Symphony / Dance / Burlesque Shows

• Denver Center for the Performing Arts Big Performing Arts Complex with Several Auditoriums for Plays, Concerts, Symphonies, Shows, and More 1350 Curtis Street, Denver, CO 80202
• Miners Alley Playhouse Local Children’s Theatre 1224 Washington Ave, Golden, CO 80401
• Adams Mystery Playhouse Full-time Murder Mystery Theatre 2406 Federal Blvd, Denver, CO 80211
• Arvada Center for the Arts and Humanities Local Playhouse for Concerts and Plays 6901 Wadsworth Blvd, Arvada, CO 80003
• Vintage Theatre Local Play House Specializing in Revival and Contemporary Musicals and Play 1468 Dayton St, Aurora, CO 80010
• Firehouse Theatre Company at The John Hand Theatre Performance Art Group 7653 E 1st Pl, Denver, CO 80230
• Curious Theatre Company Cutting Edge Theatre 1080 Acoma St, Denver, CO 80204
• **06/11-08/13 Colorado Shakespeare Festival 972 Broadway, Boulder, CO, 80302
• 07/18-07/20 Colorado Burlesque Festival - 7PM Doors; 8PM Show Prices TBD 18+ Burlesque, Drag, Aerial, & Variety Performance Ophelia’s Electric Soapbox, 1215 20th St, Denver
• 06/29-08/04– Central City Opera’s 2024 Festival – Opera Shows including The Pirates of Penzance, The Girl of the Golden West, and Street Scene Central City Opera House
Theatres to Keep an Eye on
• The Source Theatre Company Local Performing Arts Theatre 721 Santa Fe Dr, Denver, CO 80204
• Lone Tree Arts Center Contemporary Center Which Hosts Plays, Concerts, and Events 10075 Commons St, Lone Tree, CO 80124
• Cherry Creek Theatre Performance Art Center 350 S Dahlia St, Denver, CO 80246
• 05/18-06/04 Control Group Productions Immersive Dance Theatre Shows 1801 Brentwood St., Lakewood, CO 80214

Museums / Exhibits / Gardens

Science / Nature

Things to Do Year Round

Other Resources

General Compilations
submitted by DannyLumpy to Denver [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 22:28 TechnicalGrape7041 CARDS I HAVE AND NEED. PLEASE HELP IF YOU CAN!!

CARDS I HAVE AND NEED. PLEASE HELP IF YOU CAN!! submitted by TechnicalGrape7041 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 19:24 xoxo12345xoxox Have/ need

Have/ need submitted by xoxo12345xoxox to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 17:42 niamoss I’ve only got a few sets left to complete!

I’ve only got a few sets left to complete!
If you need anything that I have got let me know and I’ll give back what I can 🩷
Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here:
IGN: Nia
submitted by niamoss to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 23:47 Quiet-Organization99 Have Tycoon Hustle for any of these 5 ⭐️

Have Tycoon Hustle for any of these 5 ⭐️ submitted by Quiet-Organization99 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 22:23 Eldritch_Skirmisher [Tournament Thread] COMBO BREAKER 2024 Day 3 May 24th — 26th Feat. Hungrybox, Magi, Ben, Drephen, Bbatts, KoopaTroopa895, Grab, Blue and more!

COMBO BREAKER 2024 May 24th — 26th Schaumburg, Illinois

COMBO BREAKER is a 3-day video game festival and tournament series held each year over Memorial Day weekend. A convergence of culture and competition, COMBO BREAKER has become one of the most well attended competitive fighting game events in the world.
Combo Breaker is a regional event this year for melee!


Streaming Information

Event Schedule All Times CDT (UTC-5)

Time Zone Converter
Friday May 24th
  • 9:00PM-10:30PM: Doubles
Saturday May 25th
  • 10:00AM-6:00PM: Melee Pools
  • 2:00PM-6:00PM: Melee Round 2
Sunday May 26th
  • 11:00AM-2:00PM: Melee Top 24
  • 2:00PM-5:30PM: Melee Top 8

Melee Seeding

  1. Liquid Hungrybox (Jigglypuff) [Florida, United States]
  2. Magi (Falco) [Louisiana]
  3. UWSRF Ben (Sheik, Marth) [Minnesota]
  4. ZSB Drephen (Sheik) [Ohio]
  5. MOTW Bbatts (Peach) [New Jersey]
  6. KoopaTroopa895 (Marth) [Southern California]
  7. Grab (Marth) [Kentucky]
  8. Blue (Fox) [Indiana]

Other Information Twitter Combo Breaker Website
submitted by Eldritch_Skirmisher to SSBM [link] [comments]