Feelings chart for adults

Car Seat Headrest Fans

2018.04.10 19:45 MissNothingV Car Seat Headrest Fans

This is a subreddit dedicated to fans of the indie rock band Car Seat Headrest. News, discussion, memes, art, and anything in between​.

2012.12.07 07:42 vacuumsaregreat /r/VacuumCleaners: Purchase Advice, Repairs, and More

Dedicated to the most glorious house cleaning device, known simply as the Vacuum Cleaner. We cover all vacuums old to new, and are eager to help you find a part or fix a broken machine. NOTE: Discussion of other cleaning products (mops, brooms, shampooers, etc.) is welcome here as well.

2013.02.22 07:10 forerestore Foreskin Restoration

A place to proactively and positively discuss Foreskin Restoration. Newcomers please visit our Wiki (in the Menu tab on mobile) and do some research before introducing yourself in a post.

2024.05.17 12:21 AlertCommunication27 Is there power play in this relationship?

I’ve asked a few people and some found it weird and some did not so decided to take it here:
Context A - Male Poly Student (17 y/o) B - Female Working adult (25 y/o)
A starts working for the company as a Part Time Sales Promoter. B is the supervisor for all sales promoters under the same company.
Somehow, A and B developed feelings for each other and are now together till today
Some people may argue its fine because age is just a number (now A is early 20s)
But another argument can be that there is power play (due to legitimate power being supervisor-crew) and also he was only 17 years old. At the same time, I should just mind my own business and yes I am not cockblocking
Any thoughts?
submitted by AlertCommunication27 to askSingapore [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:18 kuharido Living in Saudi again

I’m a Saudi guy who grew up in Jeddah. I lived here until I was about 18 and another two years when I was 25, I am 40 now and except the years mentioned, I’ve always been abroad, mostly Europe and the United States.
When I lived in Jeddah I enjoyed my childhood but after becoming an adult and working I felt i outgrew the place. Keep in mind this was around 2008 era
I also didn’t like how closed things were, in the sense that there weren’t any avenues for things I liked such as music, certain sports, challenging work and education. All of which seem to have improved a lot
Finally the last thing I disliked was a sense of exclusion based on how “Saudi” someone was. Myself I’m only half Saudi and was often made to feel like I didn’t belong here.
I’ve been struggling with a dilemma of moving back. There are many positives like the development, work opportunities, the beautiful warm culture and also convenience of living here. On the other hand I still sense it would be very difficult for me to integrate socially, it seems that in general it is and then doubly so for a 40 year old single guy more comfortable speaking English or non Saudi dialect. I think I’m going to face constant judgement everywhere and not really belong or be able to be effective in this circle. Curious what you think
I’m also told that “all the opportunities are in Riyadh” unless I’m doing something entertainment related, but I prefer Jeddah
submitted by kuharido to saudiarabia [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:18 shmoodles01 [Long] My best friend (23m) fell in love with me (22f) even though he had a girlfriend, and I was the one who had to leave our friend group

This is a really long story but I’ve been so desperate to just tell it from start to finish so thank you in advance if you make it all the way through.
To provide context to the rest of the story, I (22f) was in a very bad, very controlling relationship for three years. Near to the start of this relationship, I worked at an escape room where I met an awesome group of people and we started to play DND together – DM’d by the guy who ended up becoming my best friend, we'll call him Brad (23m). My ex got worse over time in various ways, but one of which was his jealousy which seemed to focus on Brad. Every time that I would go to DND I would have to remind my ex that Brad was already in a relationship with his long-time partner, Bella, and therefore he did not have feelings for me. This came up constantly and was always a fight.
It was incredibly difficult to escape, but with the support of my three closest friends, Jenna (23f), Millie (26f), and Brad, eventually I got out. I moved back in with my mum, but I was in a very bad mental state at the time and would do everything in my power not to be alone. For this reason, I would have sleepovers at all my close friends’ houses as often as I could – sleeping in Brad and Bella’s closet when I would stay at theirs. I did become closer with all of the other members of my DND group too (there were 7 of us in total) but for the purposes of keeping things simple I will focus on these four. I leaned on these friendships hard. All my friendships had been so monitored and controlled for years before this and I was so excited to be a normal adult finally. For about six months, life was amazing.
It was some time around October that I met my now partner (22m) and we started to form a relationship. He was kind and funny and I was so excited to share it with all my friends. Brad always seemed apprehensive about it, but I figured that was just because of my previous relationship. It was also around this time that Brad started struggling with something but wouldn’t share what. Jenna and I genuinely theorised that he was terminally ill with the way that he was acting. One night, I had driven Brad home from work, and I used the opportunity to ask about it because everyone was really worried. After a bit of coaxing, he told me that he thought that he was polyamorous. He had been with Bella for about five years at this point and he was worried by revealing this to her that he would destroy their relationship. He said that aside from his therapist, I was the first person that he had told and asked me not to tell anyone, which I obviously agreed to. Eventually he told her, and they told the group together, and said that they were going to make it work.
It was about December now, and I moved jobs and fell into a depressive episode. I stopped seeing my friends very much at all, and at the worse of it I had made an attempt at my life. My partner was amazing through this considering how little time we had been together, and not long after I started to get help and rebuild. When I tried to rejoin DND, everything felt different. Brad was suddenly talking over me when my character would try to speak up, wouldn’t have NPCs speak to my character, and really he would hardly look at me. I had tried to meet up with Jenna, Millie, and Brad, to tell them about what had happened with me during my episode, but Brad blew me off every time. I was so stressed that I had done something wrong, but I couldn’t figure out what since I had been away for the past couple of months.
Finally, shit really hit the fan in May at Millie’s wedding. I was standing with Bella while she told the story about her and Brad working out polyamory, and in telling the story she said that she had been the first person that he had told. This threw me for a loop, since I knew that he had told me first, and it massively irked me that he had hid that from her. I left the conversation to find Jenna to tell her, to which she took me aside and told me that Brad had been in love with me for a while now, and I had caused a lot of issues in his and Bella’s relationship. I felt awful for the rest of the wedding and sat on the cold street to vent this all to my partner.
I went to a few DND sessions after that, but I felt so self-conscious about the arguments that I had apparently caused between two friends, and since Brad was basically ignoring me in the sessions anyway, I decided one day to send a short and sweet message to the group thanking them for the years of fun, but that I would be dropping out for now.
My first regret was, when Brad pressed about why I had left, softening the blow as much as possible. I did tell him that I knew about his feelings, but I said that I was mainly leaving for my mental health, which was not true as I was in a much better spot at this point. He was very angry at Jenna for telling me, but otherwise the conversation was fairly civil. He apologised, gave me more context, explained that that was why he had been distant, confirmed that I had been a big issue in his and Bella’s relationship, and explained that I was the reason that he had figured out that he was polyamorous – I expect from me staying over at their house so often. Finally, he told me that I would be welcome back to DND at any time. I said that I was frustrated that he hadn’t spoken to me like an adult because I just thought that he had hated me, and he said that I was just a complicated situation. He also told me not to tell anyone about any of it, but especially Bella that we had had that conversation as he wanted to be the one to do it. Fine. I was upset, but I still figured that I would be able to return to the group at that point.
Months pass, and I haven’t been to any group events for a combination of reasons. I feel too uncomfortable to face Brad and Bella, I figure that removing myself from the situation is the kindest thing to do to give them space, and since I can’t tell anyone else about what happened, I feel socially a bit isolated. No worries, I can rejoin the group again when I feel comfortable, right? I have Millie over one day and she asks why I left. After a bit of back and forth, I think that she knows some level of what happened, but more than that I am just desperate to get this off my chest, so I give a brief, sympathetic overview of the situation. She is an amazing listening ear, which was exactly what I needed because this had been eating me away, and she is very mature when I ask this to not affect her relationship with him. Little did I know that I had just thrown a match into a powder keg.
I’m not totally clear on what happened, but basically Brad hadn’t told Bella that we had had a conversation. Millie accidentally revealed that I had told her, and Bella (rightfully so honestly) was furious with Brad, who then was furious at me for telling Millie. In this second conversation with him, I explained that I had thought that Millie had known to a degree anyway. He kept going on about how much of an impact this had made to his and Bella’s relationship, and I got frustrated and explained that they were actually the sole reason that I had left the group when I did, and it had had a massive impact on me too. He got apologetic, but in retrospect I think it was just trying to tide me over. He told me that Bella was uncomfortable when he and I were in a room together, which put the final nail in the coffin for my hopes to ever return to the group. He still swung the conversation back around to how hard it had all been for them and ended the conversation with a long list of Bella’s insecurities. In retrospect, this was a bit random and I’m not sure why he did that. In any case, I responded with a big paragraph refuting each of her insecurities one by one and talking about how great she is. I wish that I had just sent this message straight to her, as honestly, I doubt, she would have ever seen it.
So now we’ve had two conversations, and I don’t see any way that I can return to the group. Months later again, and I see them for the first time at a Halloween party. I had made a great new group of friends at this party, and given the history, I thought that it was fairly reasonable not to go up and have a chat with them. At one point, I am talking with someone when Brad walks up, without Bella, and says hi to me. Maybe I was petty, but considering Bella wasn’t even there and one of the last things that he had told me was that Bella was uncomfortable when he and I were in a room together, I wasn’t particularly excited to chat. I just said a cordial hi, stayed in the conversation for a minute longer, and then migrated away.
Honestly, I hadn’t even thought twice about this. By this point, I hadn’t seen Jenna for maybe six months, and the rest of the DND group for even longer. The only one who I’ve stayed in contact with is Millie. One day, I ask Millie out for coffee, and about halfway through she has this look of realisation pass her face. She tells me that “she thought I knew” and that was why I had asked her out for coffee. Knew what? Well apparently, Brad and Bella had organised basically a formal meeting with the whole friend group to tell them what had happened with me on that night. Obviously, they had not told me. Millie is amazing and relays to me what happens at the meeting which thankfully is fairly true, but there are two points that irk me. One is that it is entirely “woe is them” focussed, as if I didn’t lose all of my friends, and two is that Brad makes a remark that he thinks that I knew the whole time that he had feeling for me and that I wasn’t just innocent and naive. This is infuriating for me for reasons that I will get to. What actually breaks my heart is that apparently Jenna got up at the meeting and apologised to everyone for telling me in the first place. After that, I had two more people from the group reach out and reconnect, but not everyone and not Jenna.
This all started in July of 2022, and it’s now May of 2024, so I’m largely over it, but here are some of my feelings on the matter. One, I know that I am non-confrontational, and as much as it was initially supposed to be a kindness, I do think there was an element of running away from my problems. Two, my family and close friends kept telling me that I should send screenshots of everything to group chats or tell everyone my perspective. I think that more than anything, I had already lost everyone, and I really didn’t want to turn the group against each other. I think that would have been vindictive and petty and not me. Three, maybe I should have seen the signs that he had feelings for me earlier on, and I feel a lot of guilt about that. However, I had the exact same relationship with him as I did with Millie and Jenna, and I’ve always been of the belief that males and females can absolutely be friends. Maybe my relationships with Millie and Jenna were too close too, but after having been socially isolated for three years I suppose I was and still am hazy about where the boundaries lie. To be so clear, though, nothing ever actually happened. The best clue that I can recall was when he would say I love you man, but that’s the kind of thing that we all said to each other. Otherwise, as far as I was aware, we were just really close friends. Furthermore, I had also just come out of a long-term relationship, where I was frequently convincing my ex that Brad did not have feelings for me. I never told anyone that part because I didn’t want Brad to blame himself, but now that I’ve found out I was wrong, I’ve been going down a spiral about what else my ex may have been right about and what other behaviours he had that may have been justified. I digress. I’ve mourned the loss of my friends and support network more times than I can count, and I am aware that I could have fought to stay in the group and Brad isn’t entirely to blame for that, but it does really frustrate me that, as was clear in the board meeting he and Bella held about me, what I have been through does not seem to even cross their minds. Brad was supposed to have been my best friend. Although, now I can’t help but feel like he, intentionally or not, saw me at a vulnerable point and took advantage of it to get inappropriately close to me, and we were never really “best friends”. If I could erase our entire friendship, I would in a heartbeat. At least then I would still have the rest of my friends. I am open to hearing what people have to say, but as far as I am aware my only crime was being naïve. There are honestly so many more details but this post is already obscenely long. My final note is that my partner is the real MVP as he probably heard me vent and cry about this two dozen times and supported me through all of it. Thank you so much for reading if you made it this far.
submitted by shmoodles01 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:17 Smooth_Theory Tips on how to develop thick skin while being a PM

I (25F) got my PM job straight out of college a year ago, so I'd say I'm quite fresh to being a full fledged working adult with not that much working experience under my belt besides internships.
While I find myself lucky and grateful to have landed a PM role, even got promoted (God knows how lol), I find myself struggling with imposter syndrome and not having a thick skin which leads me to taking alot of things done and said by my sales people to heart. And it definitely makes me doubt if I'm really built for this job, company, industry, etc.
I work in an industry that is heavily male dominated so I'm dealing with middle age men on a daily basis. They can be quite mean and almost bully-ish. I feel that they don't trust or respect me enough because there are occasions when I don't know enough or feel confident enough to answer all of their technical questions and need to pull in my R&D team to solve those issues directly.
From one side I really love being a PM, from the other side with the kind of approach my sales teams have, it feels like a thankless and unappreciated job which isn't exactly motivating. Now being in this position is no easy feat, because you do have alot of eyes on you and you're the first person to have fingers pointed at if anything goes wrong with a Product, launch, etc. So it's definitely not an easy job which can take a toll on your mental health if not handled properly.
So I'm looking out for some tips that have worked for you and your experiences dealing with similar situations :)
submitted by Smooth_Theory to ProductManagement [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:17 kuharido Living in Jeddah again

I’m a Saudi guy who grew up in Jeddah. I lived here until I was about 18 and another two years when I was 25, I am 40 now and except the years mentioned, I’ve always been abroad, mostly Europe and the United States.
When I lived in Jeddah I enjoyed my childhood but after becoming an adult and working I felt i outgrew the place. Keep in mind this was around 2008 era
I also didn’t like how closed things were, in the sense that there weren’t any avenues for things I liked such as music, certain sports, challenging work and education. All of which seem to have improved a lot
Finally the last thing I disliked was a sense of exclusion based on how “Saudi” someone was. Myself I’m only half Saudi and was often made to feel like I didn’t belong here.
I’ve been struggling with a dilemma of moving back. There are many positives like the development, work opportunities, the beautiful warm culture and also convenience of living here. On the other hand I still sense it would be very difficult for me to integrate socially, it seems that in general it is and then doubly so for a 40 year old single guy more comfortable speaking English or non Saudi dialect. I think I’m going to face constant judgement everywhere and not really belong or be able to be effective in this circle. Curious what you think
submitted by kuharido to Jeddah [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:17 QuietChaos333 YA book read 1990s - teens stranded on an island with an injured adult during a sheep mustering trip

I borrowed this one from the library. I read it in Australia as a teen in the 1990s. It could have been written earlier, hard to be sure. It might be an Australian or NZ book but not confident of that.
Had the same 'young person (people) overcome a difficult situation' coming of age feeling as Blue Fin by Colin Thiele.
It wasn't hugely long. Probably that thumb width size of book of many YA books with under 300 pages.
The MCs were kids/teens (one boy, one girl I think), possibly siblings or cousins, who go by boat to an island with their father or uncle or male relative to round up sheep. Pretty sure they get dropped off, with the boat not scheduled to return until a specific point in several weeks at least.
There are sheep left on the island to graze during certain parts of the year which need to be rounded up so they can be transported off the island for sale or similar. During this trip, the teens are supposed to be helping out but early on the adult is badly injured, possibly a broken leg, he might not be lucid all of the time. I think they have to rig up splinting and a litter to get him from wherever he injures himself back to the shepherd's hut. It's pretty basic accommodation as it's only used for a few weeks a year.
They have to keep him and themselves fed and warm in the shepherd's hut on the island (lots of tinned food), and care for his injury with very few medical supplies. There's mention of scratchy woollen blankets, simple camping cots, no electricity, cooking on a woodfire stovetop. There's no way to call for help, either no radio or it's broken. The weather is often blustery and unpleasant as the island is of a size where wind off the ocean comes from every direction.
During the day, they check in on the injured adult and still do the work to round up the sheep because the family will need the money. At night they use a lantern and maybe a mirror to flash an SOS message out to sea (towards the mainland?) in the hopes a passing ship will see it.
I can't remember if a ship sees the SOS or the original boat just comes back when it's scheduled to but eventually a boat does come. The teens/kids have managed to keep the adult alive and the sheep are all rounded up and waiting in the pens to be collected. Pretty sure the book ends with them all being taken onto the boat, knowing the adult will finally get medical care and a bit of 'how'd you manage this all by yourselves' acknowledgement of the challenges they faced.
I've been googling into the void with different word combinations and even with this level of detail, I've had no luck so far. If anyone can give me any clues or knows what this book is, that would be amazing.
submitted by QuietChaos333 to whatsthatbook [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:14 caffeome Charmed by the theology of the Orthodox, not so sure about becoming one

I've become charmed by the Eastern Orthodox theology, at least on paper. I've been reading Kallistos Ware's The Orthodox Way and now the Pilgrim's Way. I have a whole list of other books that I want to read about Eastern Orthodoxy. I've also been watching services online. I enjoy it, but I don't see myself going there (yet): most women are wearing head scarves and seem from a different ethnic group. Their church is under Moscow, which I'm also a bit weary about.
I've been visiting a Lutheran church with a female pastor (this is contrary to EO, I know). Recently there was a adult baptism of a trans-gender (also contrary to EO, I know). It all felt very genuine and I don't think that person would have ever gotten to that point in the EO. So there must be something good about other modern approaches as well. Another thing: I'm not gay myself, but I don't think I could ever seriously convince gays that are living together faithfully for decades are living in sin because I'm not convinced of that myself. I've been watching catechism online from a local parish. It wasn't as charming as what I read from Kallistos Ware, quite polarising (condemning Roman Catholicism as being the first protestants) and a bit simplistic to be honest.
So for now, it might be best for me to keep reading about Orthodoxy through the lens of the best of their writers and sympathize with large parts of it, without actually becoming Orthodox.
What I at least got out of Orthodox theology is, through the doctrine of the monarchy of the Father (as explained by Beau Branson) I went from unitarian not-so-sure-about-how-Jesus-relates-to-God to Nicene-creed confessor. This has opened up mainstream christianity for me again, whereas before I would dismiss most things that were too much based on the doctrine of the trinity. Seeing how Orthodoxy approaches trinity vs how it's done in the West (egalitarian) explained a lot to me. To me it also makes a lot of sense how the Orthodox do not confess the Filioque, I tend to agree with that.
I would have expected to see large difference with respect to "justification by faith" but the Orthodox Study bible has this comment on Ephesians 2:8-10:
Works cannot earn us this great treasure—it is a pure gift—but those who receive this gift do good. We are not saved by good works, but for good works
As someone who floats in protestant circles mostly, I think most people would understand it the same over there.
Anyway, thanks for reading my ramblings. I'm posting this on ExOrthodox since I'm following both OrthodoxChristianity and ExOrthodox to get a more balanced view. Feel free to react to this.
submitted by caffeome to exorthodox [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:10 EyesShootingSparks My partner is good at everything and it makes me angry

I know I am being petty, but I feel so sad right now. My neurotypical partner is good at everything.
He tries something one or two times and he masters it. While I struggle with working out, still try every day but don’t make a lot of progress (I am dyspraxic), he runs a few times a week for a couple of months and he is running a marathon this weekend. I can’t drive, so I need his help a lot of times. He is taking care of the largest part of the morning routine with our kids every day, because he is organized and fast and I am already overwhelmed with trying to shower and dress myself.
He is smart, creative and great at his job and everybody loves him. I am struggling at work never really build a career and recovering from burn-out. Again. I am smart and creative too, but my productivity is terrible. Even with meds.
I am really trying to look at the things I am good at, but it all seems so mediocre. When I mess up while cooking he comes running to save the situation and I feel like a little child. I’ve asked him to stop rescuing me all the time, because it makes me feel inferior. But he doesn’t get it. He says it’s not a big deal for him, just an easy small task and he likes to help. He doesn’t understand how it feels to hear someone say that the things I keep on failing at, are so easy and minor to him. It makes me feel stupid.
It makes me feel resentful, and sometimes I am so angry at him for being so darn perfect all the time. I know it’s really sadness I feel, and I don’t feel good enough, but I can’t stop feeling angry. I am already in therapy for two years, and make a lot of progress in general. But in comparison to him I still feel like a failure at being an adult and a parent. I am a 40+ woman…
When I ask him what he thinks I am good at, he tells me I am empathetic and the sweetest mother. And he likes that my brain is different, not ‘boring’. But he can’t think of anything I am good at DOING. A skill. He never asks me to help him with something, so I can feel useful for once.
I notice I become very critical of him and I know it’s a childish way for me to feel better about myself. I know, it’s awful.
I really don’t want to feel mad, he is a good guy, tries to understand my brain, helps me a lot. And I am lucky to have him in my life. So now I feel bad feeling angry. Is this relatable to anyone? Is this a form of RSD? What helped you?
submitted by EyesShootingSparks to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:09 advice-burner-123456 The Woman 10 Years Older then Me I Met On The Internet.

I don't even know how to phrase this post without immediately looking like a victim, but the years of backstory are extremely important so please go into this avoiding the obvious issue as I knew I was in the wrong even as a child and just address the current problem, please.
When I was 12 I met a 22-year-old woman with borderline personality disorder who lives in Asia while scrolling through self-harm hashtags on Instagram. Initially, I lied to her about my age, but this didn't last long as my guilt caused me to tell the truth within a few weeks. She was reasonably upset, she texted my mother, commented under all of my posts how bad of a person I was, and then blocked me on everything.
We didn't talk again until I was 15 when she randomly texted me to ask how I was doing. She had moved to Canada and wanted to meet one day now that she was much closer. Our sweet talks lasted for a month or so until my teenage hormones led me to try and get sexual, which was when our relationship really began.
It started pretty tame just pictures and texts, but I knew what I was doing was wrong, and I felt a bit of power from it. This lasted for a few months until I got a girlfriend, and access to a woman who wasn't through a screen made me abandon her. I really did care for her though, and I knew that if I didn't fully cut connections with her she would never move on. So I sent her some very very mean messages, telling her I was using her and that she meant nothing to me, that she was just a toy and I played her. I truly didn't mean anything I said, i knew it was cruel then, but looking back it was so so much worse than I knew. I completely disregarded her feelings, her mental health, and even her suicidality. Every time I think about it I cringe knowing I'm capable of being so awful to someone I said I love.
That was enough to stop us from talking, over the years my guilt ate at me, I wondered how she was doing, or if she was even still alive. When I was 19 I found her new Instagram and messaged her, my intentions were pure, I just wanted to make sure she was okay.
This lasted for a while, but soon we went back to how we were before, sending each other pictures, always talking about sex, and even having phone sex almost daily. Me being of age emboldened both of us and soon we planned for her to come to America and meet me.
I absolutely love bombed her. I didn't even know what it was until she told me that's what I did, but it's true. I tried to make up for everything I said to her when I was younger by telling her how much I loved her, that I would always be there for her, supporting her in every decision, and even talking to her about a future together. I truly was unfair, I'm not much more mature now it's only been a year but even now I see how many empty promises I made.
This was when I really started to see the effects of her BPD. She seemed so childish, always needing to be doted on, throwing tantrums when she didn't get her way, wanting to talk at literally every hour of the day. She would scream at me if I didn't stay on calls with her while I was at work. This was when I started getting worried too, as if I was being looked at like something that she cultivated. She started to threaten me with suicide a lot. She had talked to me about it long before she started using it as a threat, so it was very hard for me to differentiate at first.
I felt like I made her this way though, the promises I made, the attention I gave, the focus I put on loving her, I set the expectations how could I be upset at her for wanting what I promised? I was so conflicted, I knew I wasn't mature enough for her, but I kept going I couldn't go back now.
Our relationship escalated past 2 people who knew each other on the internet and we felt like a couple, even though I had never met her we treated each other like we had been together for a long time. Since we had known each other she always told me I felt older than I am, and I believed her, but I don't know if that's true anymore.
Recently things have changed a lot, I've been dealing with my own mental health and trying to progress my life, and she has been so so angry at me, every delay of plan or minute I'm not speaking to her she's afraid I'm leaving. I feel so manipulated, but I simultaneously want to give her the benefit of the doubt i truly believe she is a good woman and her BPD just makes her impulsive.
So I guess what I'm here for advice on is what I should do now. Am I being manipulated? Are my fears justified does she look at me like her toy? I just wanted some opinions cause I don't feel like I can talk to anyone in real life about this. I know the obvious issue with our relationship, even if I'm an adult now(currently 20) I still know that feeling will always hang over us. What do I do?
I've never even felt worthy of her, or her forgiveness. I treated her so awfully when I was younger and having these thoughts about her makes me feel so bad already, and as I said earlier I feel like I set these expectations how can I be upset that she wants what was promised to her, I just need an outsider's perspective, please tell me what I should do next.
Edit: Awful grammar.
submitted by advice-burner-123456 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:07 rdappls Family is going on holiday without me

Hello, I am venting a little bit, i am myslef aware this is a very small issue (or non issue). My parents just let me know they are going on a trip to Spain and i am but hurt they didn't invite me with them. As I am writing this i realise this is stupid so i guess writing it down works great to feel better.
My parents travel a lot,minimum 4 times a year outside the country (we are in E.Europe) and they always complain that I don't join them. This is true because most times they travel last minute and often they'll ask after they already bought the trips for themselves or one day before they board the plane and I doubt there even are any more spots available:)). Last week my dad asked me if i wanted to come with them to Egypt to an all inclusive resort and i said i couldn't, i have some issues with my body,i lost 60 kg and being in a bathing suit around all their friends makes me and my loose skin feel bad. They know about this which is why i always bring up traveling to non beach related places. If it were just me and my parents i don;t mind the beach but their friend group is pretty big and i don;t know them.
Now comes Spain. I have never been to Spain before and it's on my wishlist for a very long time. I was shocked when they told me they were going there in 2 days(so in May not June). When I was a kid they skipped my highschool graduation and my prom to go to Spain and I am stil upset they chose the trip over me (it's been 10 years but it still hurts and i even talked about it to them a few years back). What made me sad is that I had invited them to a picnic at the botanical garden (it's rose season) and they said yes and now they are going to spain. they didn't even mention the picnic, i was on the phone with my mom asking her if she wanted to join me at a different event and she said she's going to spain. so if i hadn't called they may have just let me prep the food and everything and then not show up? i am confused by their logic,I even sent out an invite by post (i got into caligraphy and was seals,it's a thing) so it s not like she had forgotten. I live about 1.3 hours away so i always try to figure out activities in my city that they can enjoy, the picnic was their idea.
I think if it were any other country i probably wouldn't mind but I felt horrible not having anyone at my hs graduation and prom because my mom and dad were in Barcelona having fun,if they had said we're off to Turkey to lounge on the beach it would have been fine. I think i m just but hurt it's Spain:))
Obviously my parents can go on holiday without me,i am an adult not a child, they have no obligation to take me with them anywhere or to invite me to trips etc. I do wish they would stop complaining that I never go anywhere with them since these trips always involve their friends and are almost always last minute or my favorite is when they've already booked it and they are asking without even checking availabilities. But they plan these trips with their friends, with me it's like: hey, do you want to go to x location? we are leaving in 2 days and there might not be another spot available unless you make up your mind in the next 5 minutes. Now that i write this i realize my parents never ever asked me where i would want to go or planned anything with me,it's almost like they want me to say no. They have a different life,they run their own businesses so they can take time off last minute more easily. I work from home and i could take time off but it affects the money i make since i am a freelancer,plus some projects have deadlines etc.
To psychoanalize this some more:)) i am an only child to parents who were always absent when i was growing up,i am the kid who never asked for homework help,who managed her schedule (school,food,cleaning,learning wtc) since 1st grade and never could ask them for help because they were never there. I do wander if anyone knows how to move on from this? But i guess i am but hurt when they ignore me or cancel plans on me because of the way i grew up and not because going to Spain by themselves is an isssue. This post is all over the place, i would apreciate some thoughts on how to be less but hurt in the future:) thank you for reading, i hope you guys have a great summer!
submitted by rdappls to FamilyIssues [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:02 Mysterious-Bubble-91 Question about SGA and baby centiles

30f Pregnant Smoker
Doctors are innacurately classifying my current and previous baby as SGA and I don't know what to do about it, it's affecting my appointments and it disqualified me from MLU and it's going to affect any future pregnancies.
I'm 35 weeks and my baby isn't underweight or small, they are saying she's SGA, under 10th centile, for no reason. For reference my previous kids (10 years ago) were 3.4kg (12th centile) and 3.3kg (7th centile) and it's very very innacurate, 3.3kg is absolutely normal and should in no way be under the 10th centile?!
Any research I do on this shows that both my previous children should've been over the 20th centile.
I'm looking at my current centile growth chart and the expected 50th centile at 40 weeks is 4.1kg, that's not normal and way too big of an expectation for me?! And 3.5kg is barely over the 10th centile. History clearly shows that my kids are under 3.5 and that's normal for ME, why do they expect me to have a huge baby?
Also I'm a smoker and I feel like I'm added to the statistic of "smoker = low birth weight" even tho there was absolutely nothing wrong with my kids birth weights
I'm also worried because I read that SGA babies nowadays tend to be induced at 37 weeks, and i don't want to be induced for no reason, especially when I don't trust doctors judgements (induction hasn't been mentioned to me yet, I'll see if they say anything at next week's appointment)
Can someone explain to me if my train of thought is wrong on this
submitted by Mysterious-Bubble-91 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:02 throwawaycat25 My Reddit experience so far...it started in Alasjuicy and I'm planning to end it here sa Offmychest Part 1

TW: mention of sexual abuse
This is a throwaway account.
Context: I'm a female (33), NBSB, a Christian, also one of the leaders in church. Caveat is, I am one SUPER HORNY CHRISTIAN.
My Reddit experience started in Alasjuicy June of last year, and a lot had happened to me since then. Gusto ko lang magkwento of the hit or miss, the pitfalls, the comebacks, the heartaches, and lessons learned along the way.
Intro: my first ever Reddit post
Lurker lang ako sa Reddit for the longest time since I created my account. Ginagamit ko lang to pangcheck sa chismis and random info or trivia. Not until I came across about the subreddit na Alasjuicy. Dahil horny Christian nga ako, I found a new way to release, you know with all those juicy nsfw stories. Reading them gave me a courage to post sa Alasjuicy.
Additional context about me which included in my now deleted post: I was SA victim when I was about 5-7 years old. The culprit was my mentally challenged adult male relative na nakitira nun sa bahay namin. The abuse included him touching my private parts, pinapahawak at pinapasubo nya din yung kanya, minus lang actual penetration. Ilang beses nangyari yun. Natigil lang din nung lumayas sya nung 7 years old din ata ako nun, till now di ko na ulit sya nakita.
Aaminin ko, masarap, nasarapan ako. Tipong hinahanap ko. Dahil dito, I learned to explore my body and sexual side elementary pa lang ako. I learned how to relieve myself even at a young age. Nadala ko till adulthood. Pero me, myself and I lang lagi. I never had a boyfriend din kasi so tamang nood ng porn or tamang basa ng nsfw stuff. It has been a struggle for me kasi feeling ko ang dumi dumi kong babae. At lalo ko pang naging struggle nung naging Christian na ako, tas naging leader pa like I lead single women in church.Kamusta naman daw yun diba. Ang hirap na called ako ni Lord pero may tawag din ng laman. It took a strain sa mental health ko. Ang nasa isip ko lagi, kasalanan to ng abuser ko.
Gladly, after almost 20 years na tinago ko sa pamilya ko yung SA experience ko, nagkaron ako ng lakas ng loob na mag open up sa kanila. May iyakan, may yakapan. Alam ko di totally naiintindihan ng family ko pero sapat na na nasabi ko at ramdam ko ang love and support nila sa akin. I took meds for my mental health. Then I also took spiritual counseling by my leaders sa church to address my SA experience. They prayed for me. I prayed for myself. God knows how much prayers were uttered, I claimed healing then.
Not until I was triggered again noong 2021 and the pain and fear from that SA experience resurfaced. I still lead sa church pero yung libido ko lagi pa ding mataas. At mas lalo pa nga ata tumaas. This led me to Alasjuicy and to post my struggle there na Christian ako pero horny. Andun ako sa point nun na gusto ko mag explore, na gusto ko makarinig ng POVs nang di ako majujudge. Hindi ko na din kasi kaya iopen up ulit nun yung topic sa leaders ko. Naging mas sensitive na ko. Kaya sa Alasjuicy ako napunta. And that single post led me to a rabbit hole....
(Wait bili lang ako dinner kasi gutom na ko haha. Kwento ko yung next part ano ang nangyari after my post in AJ)
submitted by throwawaycat25 to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:01 daddy-was-baddy Feeling cute? Then join us for Feeling Cute Friday in r/regarts

Feeling cute? Then join us for Feeling Cute Friday in regarts

Every Friday is Feeling Cute Friday in regarts. We have a different theme every day of the week. Feel free to visit and check out some of our other themes too. Don't forget to vote in or even submit an entry to our Sexiest Feet Showdown every Sunday.
regarts is an adult-orientated Art Gallery intended for NSFW (but not overly explicit) posts. We are a close-knit community that thrives on candid posts from users who actively participate in the comment sections. We also thrive on original content that is not spam or someone else's content. We're also not above having a bit of fun and joking around.
We would love for you to visit the sub and maybe even submit a post based on the theme of the day or whatever you like (within the general rules of the sub). Come check it out. Tell your friends, tell your neighbours, tell your family. We'd love to see you.
submitted by daddy-was-baddy to FeelingCute [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:01 Gamble-on-love My (38m) best friend (31f) is engaged to be married, and I don't know how to tell her my honest opinions, or if I even should. What do I do?

My best friend got engaged to someone she knew in high school and hasn't talkd to in years who is long distance in just 5 months. I can't really tell her my honest opinions without it coming off as jealousy. How do I help her, or do I just let her do this?
The meaty version:
I met my best friend years ago. I used to do makeup effects for movies/TV, but when I started I took gigs for basic makeup for various things. She was a model, 19, just starting out. We got along way more than we should and hooked up after the shoot. We went out own ways and life took us in a weird loop back to each other, seven years later.
We met again at my new job. It was hard to stay in the business, so I had to make ends meet with Trader Joe's. That's where I saw her again, and we clicked like we did back then. It was just friends at first. We had both been out of bad relationships and I just wanted to better, so we hung out a lot as friends. After a year, she wanted more and I very hesitantly complied. She broke up with me about a year and a half later, and it broke my heart. I really tried to hate her and not talk to her, and it was easy because at that point she moved stores for other reasons, so I thought I'd never see her again. She understood, too, and left me alone, but checked in on me.
We somehow reconnected a couple months later. I don't even understand how, honestly. We just gravitate to each other. And we became close friends again, and have been for the last 5 or 6 years. She is my best friend, and I care about her a lot. We hang out all the time. If not physically, via text or mostly Discord. We do everything together when not at work.
It's been fine for years. I am demisexual, so dating is usually not a priority to me, but I have dated a bit. Usually friends, all know about my friendship with my Bestie, and nobody has really cared. She is bi and leans way more towards women, and it's pretty evident lol. She's told me I was the only guy she's dated as an adult and she's not usually interested in men. But I was struggling a while back with feeling those feelings for her and as I was going to come out to her, she told me she had been dating someone.
I know she had been to Florida a couple months back, and according to her and her timeline of events she met up with this guy she had a crush on in high school. They both liked each other back then, but both never acted on it and they lost contact. And apparently on this trip, they met and he just started his transition and they met up and things happened. She has gone to Florida twice, for only a week at a time, and around Balentines day he proposed. Five months later. She said she didn't tell me because she felt like she started to suspect I had feelings for her and she didn't want to hurt me, or lose me as a friend.
We were fine after. We had a big talk, I told her my feelings, and look. I get it. It's weird. But she's still my favorite person, so I was in. And being demi, you get feelings for friends and only friends, lol. Would I want more? Absolutely. Do I need it? Absolutely not. My love doesn't end at sexual interest or lack of. I did take some space, though, and we eventually got back into our usual groove.
The timing of everything is already weird, but then I could see little things. The guy got her a gift. I was there when she opened it, and she didnt like it. It was a shirt she'd never wear, and she complained about how he does that often. She complains about him a lot for different things. Usually I try to be devils advocate, I dont want to rag on the guy, but most of the time in my head I'm thinking he doesn't know her at all. How could they? They barely know each other. They've lived whole lives. Hell, he went from being a woman to a man and she didn't even know.
Meanwhile, we go out and I get her. I know her drink, I know her go to food order from any spot, we finish each other's sentences, our characters compliment the other. I'm not saying I want her. I'm just saying that her and this guy don't know what they're doing and they're moving way too fast. And I don't know how to tell her any of this. I'm not fighting for her, I'm just worried she's setting herself up for failure. What if she moves all the way over there?! Away from her family and friends and then this thing implodes. She's going to be alone and too proud to ask for help. Or, I could be wrong and they work.
submitted by Gamble-on-love to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:57 Gioxx7 Worst week of my trading career

First of all, I apologize in advance for my English, I’m from Italy but I hope you can still understand me and get my point. I’ve been trading for almost three years (I know it’s not that much) and using ICT concepts since March 2023, a year basically. The last two months have been the best ones for me, I got funded with Topstep trading NQ futures and with another propfirm trading cfds in the London Session. I finally had a clear model to follow and thought “everything will be fine, I did it and I’m set for life.” This week I suddenly started gambling like never before, almost lost my hard earned funded account and I’m currently in the worst mood I’ve ever been in. I was also influenced by others in terms of bias and started doubting my analysis because of what others were saying. And the irony is that the one who got the bias right was me but I didn’t manage to follow it because I was influenced. I know what I have to do but I don’t do it and most importantly, can’t do it. I can’t sit in front of a chart and not taking a trade, I feel like I have to rush it but deep inside I know it’s a marathon. And last but not least, I know I can trade, I proved it to myself a lot of times, and that’s why it hurts, because you know you have a good model and a good understanding of the market behaviours but still get trapped in my mind like a newbie. It’s so hard…if anyone is in the same situation I would really appreciate to talk to you. Thank you all and be safe, God bless you!
submitted by Gioxx7 to InnerCircleTraders [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:55 R2D2N3RD Creepy Ex listened to his teenage son being intimate...can't be legal right?!

My 17 year old asked to go out of town with his partner and her family for a week. I got a call from my ex that he didn't want our son to be given a "Free pass for sex" so didn't want him to go. I said that was silly because they have been dating well over a year they have probably already had sex. His reply, "I know they have" I asked if our son told him that and he responded, "No I was listening in and heard the whole thing" 😳 my ex admitted that he had installed Spyware on our son's phone and he could listen at anytime. I found it incredibly gross that he did that to my son and his girlfriend. She is 18, not sure if that matters legally that she is an adult.
I divorced my ex because he was abusive. He's been arrested for it a few years back. I realized that some of the things he has said to me seem odd like he knows very specific conversations I've had with my kids. I now know it's because he can listen in on their phones. This makes me feel very vulnerable and like I can't be comfortable in my own home.
So my question: is sending "spyware" to someone else's home legal? Is listening to your child have sex illegal or just creepy af?
Edit: I'm in the USA, Missouri
submitted by R2D2N3RD to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:49 thefrankyg How to get them to care?

Note: The we is the royal we, not a target on all
This week I have started to wonder if adults have stripped caring about tests and education from kids. We sepnd so much time telling kids that tests don't matter, that we take the whole child in, that this isn't really showing what they know and the kids are hearing this and going well it doesn't matter. I mean, we saw this during and now after COVID in ge eral with education. Our expectation changed to lower and the students adapted to it.
I see this similar to participation trophies. We blame the young generation for the trophies the adults created.
It honestly feels if we want to fix student drive, we also need parental drive as well as changing how we talk about tests and school with kids.
submitted by thefrankyg to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:45 Material-Factor-7083 The Birth & Death of the Church of Romance

It started with musing on my ideal romantic day: a warm afternoon spent between cool sheets with a loving partner; listening to our favorite records and singing our favorite songs; hugging and kissing the day away. Whatever came after would be irrelevant because we would still have that moment. Then, in a flash, I realized this to be the focus, the inception, of the Church of Romance. Partners and consenting adults would form our congregation, and our holy relics would be a turntable and a pair of speakers. The congregation would make offerings of their favorite pressed vinyls, and services would proceed as described above, preferably in a large open space with dozens of fresh mattresses. The more zealous practitioners might imbibe psilocybin and cannabis to more fully experience the Sabbath's grandeur. Worshippers would leave feeling refreshed and at peace, ready to face the week's rigors knowing the support of the community would be waiting for them. For what could be more universal than love and music?!?! But my next thought was of how the Church would be perceived and eventually labeled. Drug-addled, perverted, polygamous fornicators; New-Age free love hippies with no real beliefs and no discernible benefit to God or country. Then would come the forced disbandings, public ostracization, and the eventual crushing of the Church's spirit and self... And so the Church of Romance died as it had lived- while I was listening to side A of Weezer's Teal album. Specifically, while listening to their cover of "Take On Me," but ironically not during their cover of "Happy Together."
submitted by Material-Factor-7083 to shortstory [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:45 Material-Factor-7083 The Birth & Death of the Church of Romance

It started with musing on my ideal romantic day: a warm afternoon spent between cool sheets with a loving partner; listening to our favorite records and singing our favorite songs; hugging and kissing the day away. Whatever came after would be irrelevant because we would still have that moment. Then, in a flash, I realized this to be the focus, the inception, of the Church of Romance. Partners and consenting adults would form our congregation, and our holy relics would be a turntable and a pair of speakers. The congregation would make offerings of their favorite pressed vinyls, and services would proceed as described above, preferably in a large open space with dozens of fresh mattresses. The more zealous practitioners might imbibe psilocybin and cannabis to more fully experience the Sabbath's grandeur. Worshippers would leave feeling refreshed and at peace, ready to face the week's rigors knowing the support of the community would be waiting for them. For what could be more universal than love and music?!?! But my next thought was of how the Church would be perceived and eventually labeled. Drug-addled, perverted, polygamous fornicators; New-Age free love hippies with no real beliefs and no discernible benefit to God or country. Then would come the forced disbandings, public ostracization, and the eventual crushing of the Church's spirit and self... And so the Church of Romance died as it had lived- while I was listening to side A of Weezer's Teal album. Specifically, while listening to their cover of "Take On Me," but ironically not during their cover of "Happy Together."
submitted by Material-Factor-7083 to flashfiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:44 Mysterious-Bubble-91 Please explain SGA and Centiles to me like I'm 5

Doctors are innacurately classifying my current and previous baby as SGA and I don't know what to do about it, it's affecting my appointments and it disqualified me from MLU and it's going to affect any future pregnancies.
I'm 35 weeks and my baby isn't underweight or small, they are saying she's SGA, under 10th centile, for no reason. For reference my previous kids (10 years ago) were 3.4kg (12th centile) and 3.3kg (7th centile) and it's very very innacurate, 3.3kg is absolutely normal and should in no way be under the 10th centile?!
Any research I do on this shows that both my previous children should've been over the 20th centile.
I'm looking at my current centile growth chart and the expected 50th centile at 40 weeks is 4.1kg, that's not normal and way too big of an expectation for me?! History clearly shows that my kids are under 3.5 and that's normal for ME, why do they expect me to have a huge baby?
Also I'm a smoker and I feel like I'm added to the statistic of "smoker = low birth weight" even tho there was absolutely nothing wrong with my kids birth weights
I'm also worried because I read that SGA babies nowadays tend to be induced at 37 weeks, and i don't want to be induced for no reason, especially when I don't trust doctors judgements (induction hasn't been mentioned to me yet, I'll see if they say anything at next week's appointment)
Can someone explain to me if my train of thought is wrong on this
submitted by Mysterious-Bubble-91 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:44 Rough_Ingenuity_7570 [F4M] looking for creative detailed dominant players, school theme play.

[F4M] looking for creative detailed dominant players, school theme play. all characters are 18+. discord only I'm a school girl who's nerdy,sweet and innocent.i have never dated anyone and usually rejects most of the guys. But i have a busty figure, fairly big tits and a round ass,a decent height,long hair,thick thighs with flawless fair skin that makes me pretty.all this wasted on me who's not interested to date anyone.You're my classmate who has a crush on me,we have just exchanged some conversations a few times.i am not interested in you neither we are friends.you're an above average student in studies and sports, people know you cause of your academic achievements.everyday u see me in red skirt and white shirt in school and bus(we both share the same bus to home) and desires start to rise inside you and you feel lustful towards me,having dreams about me, jerking off to me at home etc.soon this lust becomes an obsession and you just wanted me to be yours at all cost,you were like my biggest fan,you know and stare at each and every corner of my body that you could see, visualising me in different positions under you.one thing i wasn't aware is that I'm submissive in nature and bed to a real respectful dominant man. This is not a romantic play.both characters are adults I need a detailed creative guy who can describe me,my body, his thoughts and the situation.this'd be a slow burn plot with buildup to intimacy.If you could send gifs or pics related to the scene that's a plus but not necessary! Also someone who'd come up with ideas for the scene together and not just expect me to do everything,we can brainstorm together.Dm me if you like the idea or could put ur ideas into it to make it good roleplay for both of us.pls dm me with some effort of your writing style if you loved the idea cause i only want players who'd enjoy and be invested in it.dont dm me with just hey/hi or sticker,i don't reply.more into my kinks and limits is in my profile previous posts. Thanks!
submitted by Rough_Ingenuity_7570 to IndianNSFWRoleplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:43 Professional-End2316 How to get a prescription covered by insurance? - please help!

Hello everyone-
I have been struggling with my weight nearly my entire adult life and need some help.
I went thought Ro to try and get a prescription however my insurance only covers it if I have Type 2 Diabetes so I either need to get fatter and sicker, loose weight miraculously on my own (if I could have do this by now I would have) or pay $1200 mo. out of pocket.
It is so frustrating seeing others find a way and feeling locked out of the club to a better outcome on this journey I am on.
What help, advice or suggestions would you give me?
Thank you in advance for any and all help!
submitted by Professional-End2316 to Ozempic [link] [comments]
