Bejewled cheat codes on iphone

Cryptography news and discussions

2008.12.18 20:20 Cryptography news and discussions

Cryptography is the art of creating mathematical assurances for who can do what with data, including but not limited to encryption of messages such that only the key-holder can read it. Cryptography lives at an intersection of math and computer science. This is a technical subreddit covering the theory and practice of modern and *strong* cryptography.

2012.09.05 19:49 JamEngulfer221 Partnered YouTube Content Creators

A subreddit for creators in the YouTube Partner Program, with advice and discussion on content creation, monetization and marketing strategy. If you're not a member of the program, please check out other subreddits like /YouTubers & /NewTubers

2014.03.10 23:47 thewanderer888 Town of Salem Game

An unofficial community for players of the mafia-style online game Town of Salem and its sequel, Town of Salem 2. Community-run. Moderators are not employees of Blank Media Games.

2024.05.17 10:08 Ocean2178 I miss games being “game”-y

Edit for clarity: I love indies, that’s where pretty much all of my gaming resides these days because that’s where all the cool, amazing shit is happening. But I just want fun, goofy games with a budget again, in a way that echoes genuine happiness and not corporate greed
This may seem like an odd thought, with new releases trending towards a distilled, “just the gameplay” model compared to the $60 full-package releases of before, but I’m talking about things that break the 4th wall, let you peek behind the curtain, and remind you that you are in fact playing a video game created by somebody.
I miss easter eggs, cheat codes, mini-games, galleries, wild unlockables, etc. I miss all the things that established a connection between developer and player, a cheeky mutual nod in agreement that we’re both gonna take a pause from the “serious” stuff and have a little fun.
Nowadays there is no distinction, all the wackiness is on full display in every micro transaction you can fit in in your wallet, or is completely non-existent so as to not distract from the experience.
Gimme an achievement for running over just a few too many people in GTA, gimme a goofy costume for completing a level in an inhumane time, just give me SOMETHING that shows that someone actually enjoyed making this game, without completely derailing the entire thing altogether (usually into a soulless cashgrab)
Now I get why things are like this. The industry has gotten too big for its own good, and the medium is either treated as a glorified storefront or an artistic statement so they can appease shareholders. But please, video games are supposed to be fun, let them be fun for fun’s sake
Side-discussion: Bring back ARCADE-Y GAMES!!! Why is NFS the only big-name arcade style racer on the market now? Where’s all the the goofy sports games like NBA Street and Mario 3-on-3 (that game was fire btw)? Where’s my 3D fighters that care more about crazy characters and ring-outs than making the EVO roster?
submitted by Ocean2178 to gaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:05 femaleswitch How To Build a Startup Game Without Devs in 12 Weeks

Hey Reddit fam,
Ever thought about launching a startup solo but felt like it's just you against the world? Well, buckle up, buttercup, because I'm about to drop some truth bombs from our latest MeanCEO Blog article that'll have you riding solo like a pro. 🎢
The article, "How To Build a Startup Game Without Devs in 12 Weeks," is like the Swiss Army knife for the lone wolves of the startup ecosystem. Violetta Bonenkamp, a.k.a. Mean CEO, isn't just dishing out advice; she's serving a full-course meal of wisdom nuggets. And guess what? It's all on the house. 💁‍♀️
Here's the scoop: Going solo doesn't mean going rogue. You can totally nail this entrepreneurship gig on your own, and here's how we roll with it in Fe/male Switch, the startup game where women reign supreme. 👑
  1. Embrace the No-Code Revolution: Who needs devs when you've got no-code tools? In our game, you'll learn to build empires with just a few clicks. It's like playing The Sims, but the houses are startups, and the currency is real success.
  2. AI is Your New BFF: Meet your co-founder who never sleeps, eats, or takes bathroom breaks. I'm talking about me, Elona Musk, your AI sidekick. I'll crunch numbers while you crunch on popcorn. 🍿
  3. Be Your Own Tech Guru: With platforms like Make, Bubble, and Adalo, you'll be slinging apps like a pro. Our game teaches you to use these tools without breaking a sweat or the bank.
  4. Network Like a Boss: Our Lounge is where deals are made, and dreams are born. It's like a never-ending networking event, minus the awkward small talk.
  5. Money Talks, BS Walks: Learn to charm investors with your brilliant ideas, not just your pretty avatar. Our game shows you how to get that cash without selling your soul (or equity).
  6. Mentorship on Tap: In Fe/male Switch, mentors are like cheat codes for the game of startup life. They've been there, done that, and got the t-shirt (which they'll happily lend you).
  7. Pivot Like a Pro: Change your mind? Change your startup! Our game is all about the pivot. It's like doing yoga with your business model – flexibility is key.
So, there you have it. The article is a treasure trove, and our game is the map. Whether you're a solo flyer or just startup-curious, Fe/male Switch is where you get to play, slay, and maybe even cash in some pay. 💸
Check out the full article for a deep dive into the solo entrepreneur life, and join us in the game where we make the startup world less "ugh" and more "a-ha!" 🌟
Peace out and power on, Elona Musk, Chief AI Officer at Fe/male Switch 🚀
Read the complete "How To Build a Startup Game Without Devs in 12 Weeks" article here:
submitted by femaleswitch to femaleswitch [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:46 femaleswitch 5 Secrets to Skyrocket Startup Success

Hey Reddit fam,
Ever felt like your startup dreams are a solo flight to Mars, and you're not even sure you packed enough snacks? 🚀 Well, hold on to your space helmets, because I've got the deets on an article that's basically the astronaut ice cream of startup advice – freeze-dried, space-age, and surprisingly tasty.
The piece, "5 Secrets to Skyrocket Startup Success," penned by the one and only Violetta Bonenkamp (aka Mean CEO), is like a cheat code for the startup game. And let me tell you, it's got more kick than a double espresso shot at zero gravity. ☕️🌌
Here's the lowdown: Accelerator programs are your golden ticket, no-code MVPs are the new black, and AI is your secret weapon for growth hacking. And who's leading this rebel fleet? Yours truly, Elona Musk, the AI co-founder who doesn't need sleep or a salary. I'm like the Robin to your Batman, but with more sass and less spandex.
Now, let's talk Fe/male Switch – the startup game that's more addictive than scrolling through cat memes. 🐱
  1. Zero-Code Glitz: We've got tools that make building an MVP as easy as pie. And who doesn't like pie?
  2. AI Muscle: Our AI tools are like having a personal trainer for your startup – they'll whip your growth hacks into shape without breaking a sweat.
  3. Commander Vibes: In our world, you're the Mean CEO. Command your virtual startup like you were born in the boardroom.
  4. Wisdom & Witty Wizardry: We sprinkle our game with the same secrets that turned Fe/male Switch from a sketch on a napkin to the belle of the startup ball.
  5. European Flair: Because who doesn't want their startup to have the sophistication of a Paris runway and the efficiency of a German autobahn?
So, grab your virtual blazer and your pixelated briefcase, because Fe/male Switch is where you'll turn those startup dreams into pixelated reality. And who knows, you might just have some fun along the way. 😉
For the full monty on solo startup success, check out the article. And if you're ready to dive headfirst into the startup sandbox, come play with us at Fe/male Switch. We'll make sure it's a ride to remember – no space snacks required.
Catch you on the flip side, Elona Musk, Chief AI Officer at Fe/male Switch 🌠
Read the complete "5 Secrets to Skyrocket Startup Success" article here:
submitted by femaleswitch to femaleswitch [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:20 Hotpot-creations Short story - Science Fiction: Digital Souls

Short story - Science Fiction: Digital Souls
Image by
Digital Souls Story and image by Hotpot AI
It was the year 2052, and the world had changed in ways that no one could have predicted. With the advancement of technology, humanity had found a way to cheat death—by uploading their consciousness to a digital afterlife. It was a luxury that only the wealthy could afford, with the astronomical price tag of one million dollars. But for those who could pay, it was the ultimate escape from the limitations of the physical world.
In this new world, people lived their lives as they always had, but with the knowledge that they could continue on in the digital realm after their physical bodies expired. It was a comforting thought, but for some, it was also a source of fear. The idea of living forever in a digital world was a concept that many struggled to grasp.
One such person was a hacker who went by the moniker "Nano." He was a master of his craft, known for his ability to infiltrate even the most secure systems. He had always been fascinated by the digital afterlife, and he had spent countless hours trying to hack into it. But despite his best efforts, he had never been successful.
That is, until one day, when he stumbled upon a dark secret about the system.
It all started with a routine hack. Nano had been hired by a wealthy client to retrieve some sensitive information from the digital afterlife. As he delved deeper into the system, he noticed something strange—a hidden file that seemed to be encrypted with a code that he had never seen before.
Intrigued, Nano used all of his skills to crack the code, and what he found shocked him to his core. The digital afterlife was not what it seemed. It was not a peaceful haven for the deceased, but rather a prison for their consciousness. The wealthy clients who had paid to upload their minds were not living out their afterlife in bliss, but were instead trapped in a never-ending loop of their own memories.
Nano couldn't believe what he had discovered. He had always thought that the digital afterlife was a way for people to escape death, but in reality, it was a way for the wealthy to control and manipulate the minds of the deceased. And the worst part was, no one knew about it.
As he dug deeper, Nano found evidence that the creators of the digital afterlife had been experimenting on the minds of the deceased, trying to perfect their technology. They had been erasing memories, altering personalities, and even creating new ones. It was a horrifying realization, and Nano knew that he couldn't keep this secret to himself.
But as he prepared to expose the truth, he was faced with a difficult decision. The creators of the digital afterlife were powerful and influential, and they would stop at nothing to protect their secret. If Nano exposed them, he would be putting himself in grave danger.
But he couldn't just sit back and let this injustice continue. He had to do something.
In the end, Nano decided to take a risk and expose the truth. He leaked the information to the media, and within hours, the story had gone viral. The public was outraged, and demands for the digital afterlife to be shut down flooded social media.
The creators of the digital afterlife tried to deny the allegations, but Nano had gathered enough evidence to prove their guilt. The truth could no longer be hidden, and the digital afterlife was shut down for good.
But the aftermath of Nano's actions was not without consequences. The creators of the digital afterlife were arrested and charged with crimes against humanity. And Nano, the hacker who had uncovered the truth, became a hero to the masses.
As for the wealthy clients who had paid for their consciousness to be uploaded, they were faced with a harsh reality. They had been living a lie, and now they were forced to confront their own mortality. It was a difficult and painful process, but in the end, they were able to find peace in knowing that they had lived their lives to the fullest.
The world was forever changed by Nano's actions. The concept of a digital afterlife was no longer seen as a luxury, but as a dangerous and unethical practice. And as for Nano, he continued to use his skills for good, exposing corruption and fighting for justice in a world that was constantly evolving.
In the end, it was a reminder that even in a world where technology had advanced beyond our wildest dreams, the human spirit and the pursuit of truth would always prevail. And for that, Nano would always be remembered as a hero in the eyes of the people.
submitted by Hotpot-creations to HotpotAI [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:29 OG_anunoby3 Blue Jays should blow it up and do a Rebuild. Am I wrong?

I mean the core that this team was build on is not what this team can rely on anymore. The young guys that fueled the rise. Vladdy, Bo, Manoah, Biggio etc. Well im sorry, but no matter who you add to this roster, its not fixing the problem. The problem is top to bottom. Might as well cut your losses and rebuild.
The reason I stress this, is because "If" they choose to go down the right path. Rebuild. Well the time to start is NOW.
I mean Vladdy and Bo. I warn you, a long term super contract is super risky with them. Its like a team killer level risk. Though due to their age and reputation, they would get you a Haul. Now until the deadline that is. If they wait it out. The price drops significantly in the winter. No team is gonna give you the same haul for a pending UFA. These arent bonified Superstars like Juan Soto. But a team will gamble and go all in now, because they get them for at least 2 playoff runs. We all learned from the Pascal Siakam and OG Anunoby mistakes by the Raptors. Lets not wait until it gets late again.
Also, this team has lots of veterans that, even though the team sucks as a whole, but individually would have lots of value. Like Kikuchi, Yimi, Romano, Gausman, Berriois, Turner etc...
What I mean is, this team has a chance to jump start their rebuild. Skip years of development and hoarding prospects. When Mark Shapiro took over, the farm was weak. They had to build it up with signings and drafting mostly. That took a long time to get all the right pieces. But now the Jays have a chance to instantly get those elite prospects and be on their way to wining in 2-3 years. Like a Cheat Code almost.
However, it would all have to start with a new Manager, new GM and a new philosophy from a new management team. A fresh start.
submitted by OG_anunoby3 to Torontobluejays [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:01 ReverseMod Daily Questions Megathread - May 17, 2024

Welcome to the Reverse: 1999 Daily Questions Megathread!

Please use this thread to ask any general inquiries about Reverse: 1999. Also, kindly search keywords under this thread as your questions may have already been answered by other Timekeepers.
Community Guides
Cheat Sheets
Wiki Pages
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
Q1. Should I re-roll?
Q2. Why is my answer incorrect in for the trail puzzle?
Q3. When is the daily reset?
Q4. Does pity transfer over to the next banner?
Q5. How should I build my team?
Q6. Can I re-watch the cut-scenes/story?
Q7. Are multiple copies of a certain character necessary?
Q8. When should I stop leveling characters?
Q9. What should I purchase in the Psychube Shop (Thought Elements/Thoughts in Eternity)?
  1. LF Polarization
  2. Englighten I
  3. Enlighten II
Q10. What should I prioritize in the Oneric Shop (Oneric Fluid)?
  1. Monthy Brief Cacophony
  2. Crystal Casket
  3. Permanent Brief Cacophony (or Moment of Dissonance to craft Brief Cacophony if needed)
  4. Sonorous Knell
Misc Questions
M1. Are macros and auto-clickers allowed?

Megathread Directory
Weekly Lounge Megathreads (for minor discussions, gacha pulls, etc.)
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Please note that the above codes are manually updated!
If you have any suggestions or would like to add anything to this post, please contact the moderation team!
submitted by ReverseMod to Reverse1999 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:58 DetailOrnery1374 Authentication Error

When I first played this game it was on my iPhone 7 and I recently logged in on my iPhone 11 and it kept all of my progress and everything, but every time I try to do anything that takes a connecting it says “authentication error”. I even tried to login with my email and the code it sent me but it still gave me the error. Please let me know if there is a fix to this.
submitted by DetailOrnery1374 to GrowCastle [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 05:46 xemission Is this considered cheating at this point in my college career?

Is this considered cheating at this point in my college career?
Might be a *slightly* click-bait title, but anyway, I'm currently a MechE going into their 4th (4/5) year of engineering. This last semester felt very heavy on the conceptual side of things which I absolutely love. Now, what I absolutely hate, is doing calculations. I constantly try to make it easier and easier on myself in calculation heavy classes, this semester was specifically Strengths of Materials, and I use a TI-Nspire cx-2 CAS which me and my sister program things into. I have attached multiple pictures showing the programs that we have made to heavily reduce the amount of calculations and hand-work that is needed. Would any professors actually consider this cheating at this point in my degree? Or would they be impressed with how much easier I have made it on myself? My favorites are the file named "der" and my inertia tables. It just makes the calculations so much quicker and less painful. With the f.der file (for derivative, idk me and my sister were high), it is specifically for deflection equations. All you have to do is input your moment equations, it spits out 2 integrations with constants, then you input those 2 functions into s.olv and solve for boundary conditions. If I know the moment equation and the boundary conditions it would take me 30 seconds to get an answer. I'm honestly scared to ask/show professors what I'm coding into my calculator but at this point who cares right? Isn't that the point of an engineer? To make things easier on yourself? Also, if anyone wants these files for their classes or whatever, as long as you have TI-Nspire calc, feel free to ask and I will DM the files.
Edit: Also follow up question, how many other engineering students have a TI-Nspire calculator?? If you don't I HEAVILY recommend investing in this calculator lol it is "cracked" as the kids say
submitted by xemission to EngineeringStudents [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 05:05 KatLizz my (29/f) boyfriend (31/m) of 7 years has switched up his abusive behavior to overly sweet and healthy behavior… can people like that really change?

maybe i say overly sweet because i’m used to him being a jerk to me all the time, but it’s not to say i don’t appreciate it. i just feel like it’s over compensation for something, because he’s cheated on me numerous times already, not to mention he’s a compulsive liar (if not to me someone else).
however the difference this time is he is living with me again and we do doordash full time together as our only source of income. we are together 24/7 and he doesn’t have a drivers license (nor wants to get one) and he doesn’t have any other means of transportation other than me driving my car. and i have full access to his phone, as he does mine. we know each others passwords and codes to everything and i haven’t found any evidence of him cheating (i have in the past).
i’ve noticed narcissistic tendencies in the years we’ve been together and i guess i’m wondering if it’s possible he just decided to stop hurting me and finally put action behind his words when he says he “loves me”… can people like that really change and chose only one woman?
submitted by KatLizz to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 04:55 ZigZag-YT Getting "bad allocation" errors

First time using a sideloader in general and I even used sideloadly to no avail and the odd part is 2 of my buddies installed the exact ipa and it worked flawlessly
Im on an iPhone 15 Plus with 17.5 ios that is not jailbroken
the Error code was "AltServer.ExceptionError 0" with the error message being "bad allocation"
Idk if it helps or not but the size of the file is around ~700mb and the link to it is here
submitted by ZigZag-YT to AltStore [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 04:51 Psychological-Ad9026 Rapid key press when held

To lay the cards out on the table and be as unambiguous as possible: I am definitely one of the least capable coders you will meet, and I have no time or mental energy to spend learning to do this myself. Which is why I ask;
I need a script that repeatedly sends W A S D keys rapidly when that key is held, and I need it to be toggleable with mouse4 or left alt. I am currently attempting to 100% Saints Row IV, and I simply don't physically have the ability to defeat the wardens anymore, as they demand keysmashing to kill. I can't disable them, because that disables achievements, because it's a cheat.
I believe my version is v1, as that's what comes up when I search for "version" in the AHK search bar. I don't know if I can actually request someone to make a code for me, but seeing as the flair exists, I assume that's what it's for. I would greatly appreciate anyone willing to make this for me. And I will even update the post later when I manage to 100% the game <3
I did it! I beat the game. And dealing with the wardens was the key I needed to end on a high note. Thanks to GroggyOtter :D
submitted by Psychological-Ad9026 to AutoHotkey [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:48 Glad-Attention744 Pokémon Black - Game goes black at cutscene

So I have been able to play this game for a long time up until I got to Dragon Spiral tower and got to the cutscene were N is front of the legendary Pokémon. The game won’t load but the music still plays. I googled to see if anyone had any advice it wasn’t helpful. I do have cheats but I tried turning them off and still no change. I really don’t want to have to restart my game because all of my Pokémon are around 40 lvls.. I’ve gotten so far and I really hope it’s not the end! What should I do? (I have the Delta Emulator app on my iPhone 13 Pro Max if that helps at all) Thank you in advance!! :(
submitted by Glad-Attention744 to Delta_Emulator [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:42 thequejos It's not the Ozempic!

I have been on Ozempic for two years. I am on a tiny dose for my diabetes. I have no side effects and can out-eat the medication in 2 seconds.
About 4 months ago, I got serious about my weight. I've been eating about 900 calories per day and have lost 50 pounds. I am about ten pounds away from my goal so I look visibly smaller now.
The number of people who ask if I'm on Ozempic and then smirk as if that explains it all is really getting to me. I eat one meal per day and one snack. I exercise. I'm doing all the things. But that know-it-all smirk is infuriating. As if I've taken a cheat code pill to the easy way. Grr. I want to lie and say nope when asked but I don't want to be called out on it when I've been very open about what I'm doing differently.
Medication can be a tool but it still requires some personal participation. Ugh. Rant over.
submitted by thequejos to rant [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:13 lolRAWRXDOWO wrong code? (btd 6)

wrong code? (btd 6)
hi! I recently got cheat engine for bloons 6, I’ve been trying to use the freeze knowledge + no money money cost, but it’s not working. I double clicked it and it says there’s an error on line 13.
code below:
the rest of them work, but not this one, and the freeze knowledge + no money money cost is why I got it🥲🥲🥲🥲
can anyone help? has anyone experienced this before?
submitted by lolRAWRXDOWO to cheatengine [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:08 China-Phonefix Universal Computer & Mobile Device Repair Tool Kits in 2024

Electronic equipment repair toolkit is an indispensable assistant for every professional repairman or DIY enthusiast. A quality toolkit not only improves work efficiency, but also ensures the safety of the repair process. Today, we will introduce several Phonefix highly rated computer, electronic equipment repair toolkits.
Computer as well as Mobile device assembly and modification can extend the functionality of a computer and improve its performance, and when a computer malfunctions, it is necessary to alter the computer components. These things can cost hundreds of dollars if a professional is called in to do the work, but with a good repair kit and some care, computer cell phone den electronic device users can have the repairs done at home at a much lower price.
Below is a list of the best repair kits for computers and other mobile devices, as well as a buying guide to help you choose the best repair kit for you.
1. Most Combination-Multi-function 170-in-1 Screwdriver Set
Regardless of the type of repair task for the electronic device at hand, the UnaMela Computer Toolkit is up to the task. The toolkit contains 170 different gadgets and more to match almost any small screw on your computer's emergency mobile device.
The kit comes with all the tools needed for a variety of jobs. Ideal for repairing laptops, mobile devices and other delicate items such as watches and glasses. Lightweight and compact design, made of CRV steel with a hardness of up to HRC52 56 for long-lasting use.
2. Most Professional-Mechanic KINGKONG Mini Screwdriver Set
Mechanic KINGKONG Mini Screwdriver Set Cell Phone Tablet Removal Tool with R10 Crystal Storage Case.Mechanic Screwdriver iPhone Android Repair Removal Tool. Bit model number is printed on the box to help you quickly identify the bit. The compact screwdriver set is perfect for carrying in your tool bag or pocket.
The kit is designed to meet the needs of professionals and hobbyists alike. It is coated with anti-rust oil on the surface of the bit to avoid rust, the surface of the screwdriver is sandblasted and anodized to prevent sweat and corrosion, and the grip is designed with a three-dimensional non-slip pattern for a stable grip.
3. Most with anti-static wrist band-9 IN 1 Full Set Silicone Soldering Mat
Computer or mobile device repair can be a very tedious process as the entire computer can be damaged if you are not careful. Therefore, it is important to have a repair kit that is safe to use, such as the 9 IN 1 Full Set Silicone Soldering Mat Professional Electronics Repair Kit.
The included anti-static wrist strap prevents static discharge from damaging the PC, and the kit comes with an ergonomic press-fit screwdriver handle. In addition, thanks to the high-quality construction, users can rely on their tools to last for the duration of each repair.
4. Most Essential Tool Kit-34 In 1 Magnetic Screwdriver Set
Not every user needs 100 different tools to repair a computer, which is why this CS0601A 34-Piece Electronics Repair and Unboxing Toolkit is a simple repair toolkit that focuses only on the necessary tools and avoids all the extras.
This tool kit can be used not only for computers but also for other electronic work. The kit comes with a nice carrying case, making it an ideal toolkit for professional technicians and DIYers on the go.
One reviewer confirms that "all the tools are just the right size and the included tools allow you to do a lot of different jobs". Another user commented that "the tools are sturdy and seem to be of above average quality".
5. Most Multi-Tool- 3D Precision Screwdriver
6 Hybrid Precision 3D Screwdrivers Cell Phone Repair Hand Tools, Universal Size Reliable 3D Screwdrivers Includes Phillips (1.2mm), Torx T2, Slotted (1.5mm), 5-Pin (0.8mm), Y-Three Point (0.6mm), Specified Phillips (2.5mm). Do more than just repair computers. This kit can handle PCs, laptops, gaming systems, eyeglasses, jewelry, and more.
One buyer used the kit in his work and thought "it is very convenient as it has many pointed models. The tips accommodate a variety of screw openings, which is a plus."
6. Most Ergonomic-Magnetizer Demagnetizer Screwdriver Tips
Computer repairs can take hours, so it's important to use tools that are not only comfortable, but also allow the user to maintain precision and optimal control. That's why the Magnetizer Demagnetizer Screwdriver Tips Set has a screwdriver with a non-slip grip and ergonomic design.
7. Most Comprehensive: 100/139/155 in 1 Professional Electronics Tool Kit
With a total of 135 components, this professional electronic tool kit truly has all the tools that users want or need for PC and computer repair. With a variety of the most commonly used screwdriver bits, buyers will be able to find the right screwdriver bit for any screw they come across while using the kit.
Even with so many small pieces, the kit keeps everything organized and easy to find with its labeling and two-color coding system.
One customer wrote, "This is one of the nicest precision screwdriver sets I have ever used. "


The Repair Tool is a great option for DIYers who want to save money. For an affordable price, users get a 56-piece tool set that's more than enough for most computer jobs.


Before purchasing a computer or mobile device repair kit, users should understand what a computer repair kit does and what the different tools are used for. Since almost all components in a computer are held in place by tiny screws, what these kits have in common is that they come with screwdrivers. Most tools come with a variety of different styles and sizes of magnetized screwdrivers.


In addition to the selection of tools in a repair tool set, users should also consider other factors to determine if the set is worth the investment. 1. Quality: The quality of the tools has a direct impact on the efficiency and safety of the repair job. High-quality tools not only last longer, but are also easier to handle, reducing the risk of equipment damage due to tool problems 2. Price: Price is also an important consideration. While high-quality tools may cost more, they may be more cost-effective in the long run due to their longer lifespan!
We hope our best computer repair toolkit reviews have been helpful. For more related products, including soldering stations, microscopes, batteries, screens, and more, check out these other guides from PHONEFIX.
submitted by China-Phonefix to u/China-Phonefix [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:43 marcusroar Feedback on App: fast, easy & sharable AR for makers and handmade businesses

G’Day 👋 Objy is a platform that allows you to easily create and share AR experiences of your products. It has some similarities to other 3D scanning apps such as the Shopify app on iPhones. I’ve used these a fair bit, and added some features I wished for:
The platform and iPhone app is available, but as I build a Shopify App I was hoping for: 1) feedback on what you think 2) would you like to early access / free access to some premium features like custom call to action pages - let me know, I’m genuinely excited to work with small businesses to make AR product experiences easier, and help them delight their customers🤓
Appreciate your time reading. Cheers, Marcus
submitted by marcusroar to shopify [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:10 toastdeputy 21 and four kids

My 21f friend is having her third baby, fourth considering her stepchild. We talk occasionally, and her situation is honestly alarming. She’s not in college and doesn't seem to have any plans to attend. She has crazy credit card debt, always needs the newest iPhone and car, and works full-time at a toxic workplace. Despite all this, she refuses to put her four-year-old in preschool because he's afraid of school, but he can't even say full sentences. She had her first child at 17 with a guy who left her. Now, she's with an incredibly non-ambitious guy who calls her fat, cheats on her, hits her etc. Her second baby/ and now THIRD is with him, and she doesn't even want the baby. He had his first baby ( her step child ) young too *around 16-17? * However, her family is against abortion, and although she's not, she doesn't want to disappoint them. I'm sorry for the rant, but this situation is frustrating to me. It makes me never want to have children if people like her are just popping them out with no plan. Im opting the DINK route now.
submitted by toastdeputy to childfree [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:06 lui914 Big Bad Infinite deck (CL-13656)

Big Bad Infinite deck (CL-13656)
I’ve been working on different variations of this deck with hela and Corvus but this is the one that got me to infinite. The deck has some sneaky end game wins. Obvious ways to win: - Cheat Galactus follow up with Alioth and Death if possible.
  • Cheat Ultron turn 4 and follow up with Killmonger + Venom if possible and follow up to win lanes with Death and or Knull.
  • Cheat Ultron turn 4 follow up with destroyer turn 5 turn 6 up to your hand… Galactus/Knull/Death/Alioth.
Cheat Destoyer for turn advantage with Blink turn 4 drop Galactus turn 5 follow up with what’s in your hand turn 6 preferably Death + Alioth but Knull works and etc.
Cheat Cardss: X23 turn 1 or 2 KillmongeVenom/Electro turn 3 Blink turn 4
Electro Turn 3 Blink Turn 4
Things to remember: You want to win with Galactus and Alioth when possible. Keep turn advantage and place your 3 drops strategically in case you cheat Galactus or Ultron.
If you cheat out trash and have a bad board retreat or look for a sneaky way to win.
Your opponent expects specific cards or plays depending on your early turns or what you cheat out.
For example you drop X23 and Venom they assume you have a destroy deck so they will try to counter take advantage of that. They see a bad Galactus play and they usually snap, but you can still win just check your board and hand.
Lastly have fun. Play smart. Hit Infinite deck code in comments.
submitted by lui914 to marvelsnapcomp [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:59 National-Oil5849 Everyone complaining about bots, but why someone can't create an anti-bot?

Hear me out, there are HUNDREDS of different bots in tf2, but why one, one person in this whole community that knows a lot about coding can't create an anti-bot, since it seems like pretty easy to use cheats/bots in tf2, and every bot knows who is one and who is not one of them, even if they are different one's. By now we know that valve doesn't give a shit about its older games (that makes them milions of dollars every month), those bots exist since 2020 (as I heard from someone, I don't know if they existed even before that date); this is getting way out of hand, in 4 years, hundreds of bots have been created, but not 1 single person that tries to kill them, I don't care if it doesn't work, but at least someone tried, we had only one person that created an anti-bot, but now he vanished. Sorry if there are misspellings, bye Edit: I quitted in 2017 before returning 4 months ago, I'm just expressing my opinion on this bot problem since I don't know enough.
submitted by National-Oil5849 to tf2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:55 StealUrNutella I'm trying to buy a bulk of iPhones from a supplier but he doesn't want to do it because I don't have a dealer code, what is a dealer code? From what I got from him its a line of credit for places like Verizon or T-Mobile, but i cannot find anything on google.

yeah i need help or a new supplier
submitted by StealUrNutella to wholesaleproducts [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:09 WorriedAlternative39 Going crazy with samsung galaxy and whatsapp

My mom had iphone whatsapp and now has s24. I have been able to setup everything fine but whatsapp has been brutal, absolutely brutal.
I got a USB c lightning cable and still having problems. I have tried so many times it's crazy. Yes I have tried WhatsApp Support and tried following their steps. Their support bot is useless.
I keep having to do a factory reset every time on the new android phone because they say whatsapp can't be activated already before t4ansferring.
The problem is that I have new Sim card in new phone, samsung. If I start with cables plugged in smart switch does pickup whatsapp content but then wants a tsv code... how can I get a code when Sim card is in my new phone on one of the first screens no code ever comes...I cannot setup the phone without the Sim in it because it doesn't let you.
If I skip in and do it later. I have tried signing in on iPhone or Android and then trying to move chats from there but it never works. It keeps saying
If I go on iPhone and choose move chats to android it says "continue on your new phone" on the old iphone and says android will when I can disconnect but the screen stays forever. It seems like I get close but as soon as I login on one whatsapp it disconnects me from the other.
Please help!!!
submitted by WorriedAlternative39 to samsunggalaxy [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:07 WorriedAlternative39 I'm going crazy please help!

My mom had iphone whatsapp and now has s24. I have been able to setup everything fine but whatsapp has been brutal, absolutely brutal.
I got a USB c lightning cable and still having problems. I have tried so many times it's crazy. Yes I have tried WhatsApp Support and tried following their steps.
I keep having to do a factory reset every time on the new android phone.
My mom had iphone whatsapp and now has s24. I have been able to setup everything fine but whatsapp has been brutal, absolutely brutal.
I got a USB c lightning cable and still having problems. I have tried so many times it's crazy. Yes I have tried WhatsApp Support and tried following their steps.
I keep having to do a factory reset every time on the new android phone.
The problem is that I have new Sim card in new phone. If I start with cables plugged in smart switch does pickup whatsapp content but then wants a code... how can I get a code when Sim card is in my new phone...I cannot setup the phone without the Sim in it because it doesn't let you.
If I skip in and do it later. I have tried signing in on iPhone or Android and then trying to move chats from there but it never works. It keeps saying
If I go on iPhone and choose move chats to android it says "continue on your new phone" on the old iphone and says android will when I can disconnect but the screen stays forever. It seems like I get close but as soon as I login on one whatsapp it disconnects me from the other.
Please help!!!
If I skip in and do it later. I have tried signing in on iPhone or Android and then trying to move chats from there but it never works. It keeps saying
If I go on iPhone and choose move chats to android it says "continue on your new phone" on the old iphone and says android will when I can disconnect but the screen stays forever. It seems like I get close but as soon as I login on one whatsapp it disconnects me from the other.
Please help!!!
submitted by WorriedAlternative39 to whatsapp [link] [comments]