Antique house plans

Brewing up ideas

2011.07.25 17:31 Nefarious- Brewing up ideas

TheBrewery is a professional community focused on issues related to the production of Beer, Wine and Liquor. This subreddit is for the discussion of all things related to the industry such as Business Plans, Marketing, Startup, Licensing, Distribution, and Technical issues.

2011.10.24 19:15 Joe Biden

Together, we can finish the job for the American people. Are you with us? Join our campaign to re-elect Joe Biden today!

2011.03.22 06:03 moongoon Houseplans - Show and Tell, Help, Critique and Bragging rights for fine home design

A place for posting great house plans or asking for help finding the right home design, critiquing your custom designs, or showing off your construction results! SIMPLE RULES 1. When posting a design - STATE THE DESIGNER, and STATE YOUR RELATION TO THE PROJECT. 2. Respect Copyrights - credit the owners of any images used. Do not post plans that violate copyrights. 3. If asking for critique, be specific on feedback requested. Do NOT just post a plan with "What do you think?"

2024.06.01 15:59 SexyNugget_ Huge Yard Sale

Huge Yard Sale!
Having a Huge yard sale for an elderly woman who has a literal barn full of things to get rid of. We have everything from baby clothes, reg clothes (vintage), fishing gear, house hold tools, antiques, a so much furniture and more! please stop by this weekend! EVERYTHING MUST GO
842-1 W. Larson Road
Will be open Saturday the 1st and Sunday the 2nd 10am to 5pm!
submitted by SexyNugget_ to FerndaleWashington [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:57 Sensitive_March8309 Day 1, any advice?

I set today as my date on the calendar to cut back on drinking. Given that it’s morning I’m feeling very optimistic about it but I know when 3 PM hits I’ll feel different about it. Any words of wisdom? I’ve got a bit of a plan to drive out to a beach with my daughter and dog and in the past leaving the house during my temptation hours has been a huge help…
submitted by Sensitive_March8309 to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:56 Alone_Associate5319 Would you do smth different in my situation?

Hello everyone,
I want to share my situation to know your opinion. Even though I think it’s the right strategy, it’s always good to see other pov’s, as maybe I’m not considering something. I have posted the same in a Spanish community, but I also want to know what European minds think.
I currently have: - 50k in TR (4%). I have a little over this limit which is currently in N26 (2.26%), but I will move it to Bank Norwegian (3.7%) or buy XEON. - ~20k in Indexa (spanish roboadvisor). I'm probably paying fees that I could save, but not having to worry about anything, it really suits me. - ~1k in VWCE in DEGIRO. A little experiment I did. Right now, it no longer makes sense as it has a large overlap with Indexa, and I prefer the funds tax-wise. - 300 in BTC. I have recently started to buy a little bit, but it won’t be more than 5% in my portfolio.
Every month I earn about 3.3k after taxes, of which let's say I only spend an average of ~400, invest 900 (800 indexa + 100 btc) and save about 2k.
Before you say that I have too much cash, it's because I plan to buy a house in the short term (1-2 years).
Maybe I should set up a max price of the house and stop accumulating when I reach the amount needed for the downpayment? Or keep saving to have less debt in terms of mortgage?
submitted by Alone_Associate5319 to eupersonalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:53 chickenpoppy My mom thinks I'm not gonna make it

I'm 20 years old, I'm studying in the maritime merchant academy in Italy. The thing is that i study 2 months in the academy and then i work for 4-5 months on a ship. I finished studying at the end of March and this 2 month frankly i wasn't doing anything, basically sleeping, watching movies and going out. I have a plan for my future, 3 years of academy, then 1 year of online course for a bachelor degree and then university studying maritime affairs. In the meantime i would work on yacht or cruise vessels. The thing is that my mom doesn't really believe that i will get into the university or that I'll make enough money to buy houses or yachts because this 2 months i wasn't studying (which isn't entirely true, cause i was studying for my driving license).
She thinks that the best i can do for my future is work on yachts and find a rich husband that will then support all my future studies and future ideas. She says that's it ok that I'm not studying and that I'm just resting this 2 months, but i should stop dreaming and actually accept the reality that i will not make it and that I'll not be able to make enough money. The salary of a captain is like 20-30k a month and she thinks that will not be enough to fulfill my dream, which is to buy all the abandoned houses in the village where i live, fix them and start doing business. Maybe she's right, maybe i should stop dreaming but the fact that she doesn't believe in me just because instead of studying and reading these 2 months i was resting ( And i truly deserve this rest because for 2 months in the academy i studied 8 hours a day and soon i will work everyday for like other 8-10 hours a day on a ship) is disappointing
submitted by chickenpoppy to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:53 PiccadillyWorm Advice needed

My husband (34m) and I (33f) just found out we’re expecting our first baby after a chemical in April. It’s obviously very early (only 6 weeks), but my best friend (37f) and her husband are coming to visit from out of state when I am at 10 weeks. She is the most important person in my life, but I have mixed feelings about telling hehow to tell her. This friend has been through 3 rounds of egg retrieval where they were unable to retrieve any viable eggs. I watched her physical and emotional pain as she went through this process and my heart just broke for her after each failed retrieval. She had some other reproductive health concerns before attempting the egg retrievals, but regardless, it was absolutely brutal. They haven’t “given up” on the idea of children, but they’re taking a break on fertility treatments since they took such a toll on her. When my husband and I started trying, she was a cheerleader for me and was a huge support during the chemical pregnancy/loss. She told me “you two will get pregnant, and you have to promise me you’ll announce it to me in a cute way when you do! I’ll get pregnant after so we can go through motherhood together.” We had joked that I would pass along my fertility statue (a coworker brought back from Africa as a wedding gift) to her if it worked for me. Now that we’re expecting, I’m conflicted about whether she truly wants something showy. My original plan was to give her a tour of the house (it’s been over a year since they visited and we’ve done some minor upgrades) and show the nursery last. It obviously won’t be fully decorated but I would have a stuffed bear with the ultrasound and the fertility statue. My husband thinks it might make her a little bit sad/uncomfortable, and that I should tell her on the phone or something before they visit so she can process it first. I’d love some advice on how to approach this. I almost feel guilty that it was easier for us and I don’t want to cause her any pain or sadness at all. I know she will be genuinely happy for me, but I don’t want to “rub it in”. TIA!
submitted by PiccadillyWorm to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:52 vhdlandchill First time house buy - flats approved for build behind.

Hi All,
Currently in the process of buying a house in SE England. First time buyers.
Offer accepted and just received searches from the solicitors, and we've found out the car park behind the house has just had planning permission approved for flats (2 blocks, 2-3 stories tall).
Looking through docs, and building is set to start no later than 3 years from the date of approval. Looks to be a council owned project for affordable housing. The design is not too tall so be overlooking garden etc. from what we can see.
We weren't aware of this before putting in the offer, and as we are both majority WFH are a little bit spooked by the discovery.
Unsure on how disruptive this would be? Is it worth renegotiating the price with the potential to walk away?
Any advice appreciated. Thanks.
submitted by vhdlandchill to HousingUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:51 Any_Conference550 3 weeks off for self improvement.

Later this month, I’ll have 3 weeks off, and I want to use that time wisely to dive deep into self-improvement. I’ve started drafting a schedule and would love any tips or advice you might have. Here’s my plan so far:
  1. Career Development (2-3 days)
    • Resume and LinkedIn Revamp: Spend a couple of days updating my resume and optimizing my LinkedIn profile. • Career Planning: Define short-term and long-term career goals, research potential paths, and develop a strategy. • Worst-Case Scenario Preparation: Create a contingency plan in case of job loss, identify networking opportunities, and list companies of interest.
  2. Home Life Improvement (2-3 days) • Decluttering and Organizing: Spend a few days methodically decluttering and organizing each part of my house to create a calm and comfortable environment. • Home Improvement Projects: Identify and complete small projects to enhance my living space.
  3. Mental Health Improvement (2-3 days) • Journaling and Reflection: Dedicate time to journaling and reflecting on my thoughts and emotions. • Mindfulness Practices: Incorporate mindfulness techniques like meditation or yoga. • Mental Health Strategies: Plan how to integrate these practices into my daily routine.
  4. Future Planning with Family • Long-Term Goals: Discuss and define long-term goals with my husband. • Current Living Situation: Evaluate if we are happy with where we live and discuss potential future moves. • Family Action Plan: Create a plan to achieve our desired future, including financial planning and lifestyle changes.
  5. Physical Health Improvement • Daily Exercise Routine: Incorporate a consistent exercise regimen. • Healthy Meals: Plan and prepare meals. • Medical Check-ups: Schedule regular medical appointments.
  6. Skill Development • Identify a Skill: Choose a skill to learn or improve. • Daily Practice: Dedicate time each day to practice or take an online course. • Track Progress: Set milestones and track my progress.
  7. Social Connections • Reconnect: Reach out to friends and family I haven’t spoken to in a while. • Plan activities or gatherings.
Any additional tips or advice to enhance this plan would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance!
submitted by Any_Conference550 to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:49 khalixis any ideas how to do it?

Situation is: my family (my parents: my dad retired, and my mom a housewife, me: a college student, and my brother: junior high school student) is about to move out of my childhood house with my extended family for many many reasons.
Initially, I planned on moving out with them AFTER I graduated college and found a job stable enough to support the 4 of us. But I'm still in my first year of college, practically living off of my DOST scholarship. I wanted to take advantage of the return service to immediately secure a job especially since I study engineering in UP.
It just so happened that the move out was early by a couple of years, and my only source of income is my scholarship and my art.
I used to have art commissions for when I badly needed to buy something, but even then they were few and far between (mostly because I don't do marketing and I'm busy) It's not stable enough even after I quit my extra curriculars and focus on that.
I have some unpolished plans... And my parents are also trying to figure out a way to have a source of income in this new place.
Suggestions regarding my art career goes a long way (@createwithyza on socmeds for reference ). Commissioning me for something is much much appreciated !!
I really don't have any other priorities besides my family,, I do strive academically for them.
submitted by khalixis to PHJobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:47 Ok-Promotion-5743 I feel like I’d be dumb to leave..

Hi I don’t post on Reddit much but I have found this subgroup of people that I relate to heavily. I’ve been with my pwbpd for over a year now and I have never experienced such psychological pain in my life. The things I have done to them have made them feel betrayed and started to resent me early on in the relationship. Such as me not wanting to cut off my bestfriend & not wanting to move with them after them threatening to cheat on me if I didn’t cut off my bestfriend & comparing me to his exes and still keeping contact with them because I won’t cut off my best friend knowing she loves him…but I love him too..
I feel like I’d be dumb to leave because although he psychologically and emotionally tears me down… he is: Successful Great at sex, like amazing! Handsome, like gorgeous. Insanely in shape Goal oriented High IQ Dresses very well Has connections Very Healthy and Tall.m He buys me nice things Insane work ethic
On a surface level this guy is the ideal man for me, he’s a rarity. However, his splits and his character is so mean to me. He needs to knows any time I leave the house because I didn’t tell him I was going to a concert one time. I don’t hang with my bestfriend anymore, I’ve had constant panic attacks, I’ve given him money I didn’t have. He told me how he could be with other girls and call them right now, he said I was promiscuous because I’d been with 5 men before him in my life. I’ve lost my self esteem, I dont do much unless it’s with him. He was upset I took a plan b even though he said he didn’t want it. (I told him I would keep the baby to keep him at one point months ago). Constantly accuses me of cheating and so much more…but he’s a rare kind of man. My health might be at risk and I love this man so much, I’ve tried everything. We are even in couples counseling. I’m extremely attached and worried I will never find this again but healthy. I hit the jackpot but the love feels like it comes at a cost every time… and I don’t know what to do, I can’t let go…advice?
submitted by Ok-Promotion-5743 to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:46 South-Ordinary5224 My (36F) ex’s (38M) girlfriend of two years is trying to replace me as mommy to my two daughters 5 and 6.

TLDR: my ex husband’s girlfriend hates me, is controlling and abusive towards my ex, is manipulating my young children, wants to replace me as their mom, and move them to Costa Rica.
My ex husband and I were together for almost 15 years and we have two daughters that are 5 and 6 years old. I initiated our separation and divorce almost three years ago in 2021 after learning about his failed plan to have my 10 year old Pomeranian taken and euthanized while I was on vacation. We shared custody with a seven days on, seven days off schedule which was working well for us at the time. In August 2022 I sustained a serious head injury, and I agreed to a temporary emergency custody change so that the girls would stay with him full time while I recovered. During this time the county ordered that I pay him child support at $800 a month despite him making three times as much as I was and being unable to work in my usual job as a clinical therapist. What was supposed to be a temporary custody change became a nightmare when he refused to give them back. My children had been mentioning a new babysitter named Sadie (not her real name), and it became clear after a couple months that this woman was not a babysitter but his new girlfriend. I had no love for him anymore and I did not care one bit that he was seeing someone. I even told people that another positive adult in their lives was a good thing and I thought she and I could have been friends. When I first met her she seemed shy and almost intimidated by me, but it didn’t take long for it become clear that she was the dominant one in their relationship. My ex and my girls moved into her home full time and she became hostile towards me when she got more control. I was in a relationship with a man who was physically abusive and after he was arrested for assisting me, I needed a ride home from the hospital because I had an injury to my eye. I called my ex when I couldn’t get ahold of anyone else, and she volunteered to drive me home. When she got to my house, she came inside, started going through my and my boyfriend’s things, threw all of his clothes, pictures, and other personal belongings in a pile in my backyard, lit all of that on fire, and she stole his jewelry, cologne, small electronics, knives, and a BB gun. She also stole my Cricut machine and a digital picture frame off of my wall. When I asked for those things back I was told by my ex that they threw them away. I’m pretty sure that’s a lie and that they sold them, but either was it was theft. Things got worse from there, and my contact with my kids was limited to one hour a week at a secure facility with supervision and camera monitoring. This was not court ordered, there was never any CPS involvement, and my kids were never removed from care. I agreed to a TEMPORARY EMERGENCY custody change and he was given the power to have “ultimate discretion” about my parenting time with the kids and how long he should have full custody. I noticed my girls started to call Sadie Mommy, which bothered me at first but I let it go because she taking care of them full time and was in a motherly role. Then they started calling me by my first name instead of mommy. When asked them about it they said that’s what they were told to call me. My youngest who was just turning four at the time asked me if I was her “real mommy,” and it was clear that they were becoming confused. I started to complain about this and reported it all to my lawyer, the kids’ therapist, and anyone else who would listen. I was being verbally harassed and embarrassed by Sadie when I attended any school functions, sports, and dance recitals. They told me I wasn’t allowed to be there because it was outside of my supervised visitation hours, but I reminded them that it’s a public place and I had a right to attend. One day I brought new shoes I bought for them to T-ball practice and my ex and Sadie threw a fit, yelled at me in front of my kids and other parents, and ripped the shoes out of my five year old daughters hands. Later I was informed they got rid of the shoes. The next practice I came to, I was told that I was not welcome and that they were calling the police to have me served with a restraining order. I was served with two restraining that they sucessfully got ordered after lying many times in the paperwork. I have all of the screenshots and other evidence that proves they lied. They started telling the girls that they are going to move to Costa Rica where Sadie owns a second home. I raised the alarm and reported this to everyone including my attorneys who responded with: “well that’s illegal. He can’t do that.” I’m aware it’s illegal. People do illegal things all the time. Including them when they stole from me and lied on legal documents. Sadie would communicate with me while impersonating my ex and she sent at least ten unhinged, incoherent messages to me in our coparenting app that she is not supposed to have access to. She painted herself into a corner when she got a restraining order because she couldn’t harass me anymore, so she started attacking my mother, my best friend, and anyone else she could get to. She is a drunk, got fired from her job, yells and screams at my ex and my kids, threw a rock through her own house window in a fit of rage, and last night she refused to let me speak to my children on the phone when she answered my ex’s phone. I have reported all of this to my lawyers, therapists, and family members but no one takes it seriously. She had ovarian cancer ten years ago so she has no children of her own. I think she is jealous of me and my relationship with my girls. They love me and want to be with me all the time. I am so scared that she is manipulating my kids and actively working on parental alienation. My girls are young and I’m terrified of how impressionable they are and I’m scared they will be turned against me. No one will help me and no one wants to acknowledge her control and abuse. I don’t know what to do.
submitted by South-Ordinary5224 to ParentalAlienation [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:42 PorridgeCranium2 Top minds are already preparing to claim any violence that happens is a false flag to make them look bad. This is true because trusted source Alex Jones is predicting it, and he's never wrong.

Top minds are already preparing to claim any violence that happens is a false flag to make them look bad. This is true because trusted source <checks notes> Alex Jones is predicting it, and he's never wrong. submitted by PorridgeCranium2 to TopMindsOfReddit [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:40 DottedWriter The Heart Thief

Nancy Brooks was the first victim. She was a popular cheerleader, & an energetic one at best. Everyone enjoyed her bubbly personality. So you can imagine the shock and despair that swept over our school and the entire town when she was found dead.
They said she was found in a dumpster at the back of the local pizzeria. The cause of death was nasty. A large gaping hole in her chest. But that wasn't the worst part. The worst part was that her heart was missing. This means that whoever did this had ripped her heart out with their bare hands in some brutal fashion.
The police questioned us, asked if Nancy had any enemies, and asked if there was anyone who wanted to hurt Nancy, but we couldn't think of anyone who would like to harm her. It wasn't like she did anything to warrant hatred from anybody. They continued to investigate, even with the few suspects they had, and the few amount of evidence they had.
Meanwhile, the community was in uproar over who would kill an innocent teenage girl like Nancy, and in such a brutal manner. While a memorial at Nancy's locker was made, and a vigil was held in honor of her. Rumors spread throughout the hallways over who the culprit might have been.
"I still can't believe she's dead," My friend Stanley said as we sat on his front porch. His voice was a little shaky. "It's just, how could something so horrible happen to someone like her?"
"I don't know," I said, staring at the road as cars passed by here and there. Although my face didn't show it, I felt paranoia, slowly growing in my body. It was like a seed that had just been planted into the ground and started to grow.
"They'll probably find the culprit," I told Stanley. "They'll probably find them..". The way I said it made it sound like there was hope, but at the same time, I felt like they would never catch the person responsible for killing Nacy.
Unfortunately, my prediction was proven right, they never caught the culprit. After 2 months, Nancy's case went cold. It wasn't long until the next murder happened though.
This time it was Grant Reese, a smart and slightly chubby guy. Although naive, he meant well, and some students respected him for that. He was found dead in his backyard in the same gruesome manner as Nancy—a large gaping hole in his chest.
School was canceled again, the police investigated again, and they questioned us again. But nothing turned up, again.
Eventually, the media started to dub the killer "The Heart Thief" due to how he "stole" his victims' hearts from right out of their bodies. This however didn't stop the fear and paranoia seeping over the town.
Stanley was more on edge after Grant's murder. He was more paranoid now, and who wouldn't be, there was a deranged killer on the loose, tormenting our town. And the police haven't caught them yet. But still, it was disheartening watching Stanley slowly start to become a shell of what he used to be.
Whenever I saw him, I noticed that the dark circles around his eyes seemed to grow larger, he began even to be afraid of his own shadow. Every time I talked to him, he'd always spout out a fake smile, but his eyes told a different story, they showed terror, terror of being killed by a lunatic. I still tried to make him feel safe, I still wanted to make him feel like everything was okay, even though at the back of my mind, I knew it wasn't. I was just as scared as Stanley, but I couldn't tell him about my invulnerability.
A month after Grant's murder, the Mullins twins were found dead at the local park, their hearts both missing. Even worse, only 2 weeks later, two teenage lovers, Whitney Rowe, & Troy Osborne were found dead in Troy's car, and in the same manner as Nancy, Grant, & the Mullin twins.
If Nancy and Grant's murders caused Stanley to be paranoid, this made that paranoia worse than before. He eventually stopped talking to people, he'd subsequently stop coming outside. My fear was still growing, but Stanley's was more rabid. I wasn't any better. My sleep schedule started to falter, I'd lie awake at night, trying to get rid of the Heart Thief from out of my head, and go to sleep. But I just couldn't. I couldn't get the thought of a psychopath looming over our town, killing innocent teenagers.
Eventually, Stanley stopped texting me. I wasn't too worried, but I was still concerned, but it was just for one day. He just stopped texting for one day. That wasn't much of a big idea. Was it?
Then he didn't text me the next day or the following day.
After the fourth day of not responding, I decided that I would have to check on him in person. That wasn't so bad, go to his house, ask his parents if he's okay, and check up on him. Easy job-
What if he's dead?
I shook the thought out of my head. No, he can't be. He's fine. He's fine.
"He's fine," I mutter as I walk up the steps and touch the door handle. My eyes slowly widen as the door opens. Why is the door unlocked? That doesn't make any sense-
What if the Heart Thief got him?
NO. No. He's fine. He's fine.
I carefully tread through the house, my footsteps being soft due to the shoes I'm wearing.
"Stanley...?" I said, in a hallowed whisper.
I walked forward, my heartbeat started to beat more and more. My heart rate slowly started to shoot out like a bottle rocket. Then I saw something.
Stanley's parents. They were strung up on the floor. Their necks were both snapped, and their eyes hung lifeless. I couldn't focus on the scene for long when I heard a terrible noise from upstairs. The sound of something being ripped.
I went up the stairs, my heart surged as I reached the top, and I went to Stanley's room. My thoughts were frantic as I reached his doorway.
Then my body stopped. My breathing paused as I was taking in the scene before me.
Stanley was on the floor, puking out blood as a hole was punctured through his chest. His crazed, horrified, and tearful eyes turned to mine. But then something impossible happened.
Somehow, Stanley's heart was pulled out from his chest, and it hung in the air like something was holding it. Some invisible force was holding onto Stanley's heart. Then it held it up high and then dropped it. It vanished like it fell into a mouth, and was consumed in one big gulp. I couldn't comprehend what I was witnessing. I couldn't understand how any of this happened. I just stared at what was left of my friend as the life escaped his eyes. He croaked out one final word before dying though.
I just stood paralyzed, unable to do anything, my mouth hung dry as I tried to get a word out.
Then I felt a presence right next to me. It made me sweat even more than I already was at the sight of my dead best friend. My breathing grew more rabid as I felt like someone loomed over me. But no one was there. Nothing was there. But it felt like someone was. It felt like something was. Something horrible.
Then I heard a "Shhh" noise being whispered into my ear.
Suddenly, I didn't feel that terrifying presence. It left Stanley's room. It was gone, but Stanley's body wasn't.
My stomach felt sick as I exited Stanley's house, dialing 911. I only managed to mutter about finding my friend dead in his home, before I collapsed from shock on the front porch.
I eventually woke up in the hospital. My parents were tearfully thankful that I was okay and safe. Two detectives visited me too. They asked me questions about Stanley, and I answered them wearily. But even then, I couldn't tell them what I saw. I couldn't tell my parents about what happened in Stanley's home.
They did find Stanley and his parents' bodies though. Some people wondered why the Heart Thief went out of his way to kill two adults, some were still angry that the psychopath had claimed another victim. But regardless of that. I still couldn't recover from the events that unfolded in Stanley's house.
I attended his funeral, and I gave a heartfelt speech, bottling up my sadness in an attempt to look stable. But I wasn't.
Some neighbors and classmates look at me with pity on their faces, and some of them look at me funny. I could hear the whispers about me behind my back. Some of them were filled with remorse over how I lost my best friend, some were filled with suspicion over how I could have killed Stanley, or maybe even the other victims. The rumors didn't help either.
I've had to take therapy three times a week now, I feel like it's helping, but at the same time, I feel like it isn't. Nothing will ever help me recover from what I saw that afternoon.
Ever since Stanley's death, I've started to slowly become a shell of what I used to be. I began to become more aware of my surroundings, and I started to become more jumpy. My sleep schedule started to become worse too. I've had many nights where I'd lie awake at night. My mind constantly replays what happened at Stanley's house over and over.
"This is probably how Stanley felt before he died," I say, as my eyes stare at the ceiling.
The paranoia that was once set inside me has evolved into something bigger, something worse.
But that's not just it, I know who the Heart Thief is now, I know how he manages to kill his victims without ever getting caught.
I don't know why he still hasn't come for me yet. I was a direct witness to one of his murders after all. So why hasn't he come after me yet? Why hasn't he killed me? Was this all just part of his plan? To watch me break into a panicked state? To watch me devolve into a cowardous human being?
Because if this is his plan, it's working.
submitted by DottedWriter to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:40 medium_wall Who needs garbage trucks? [removed from r/climatechange]

A year and a half ago I was discussing climate change with my sister who's pretty conspiratorial and science-denier adjacent. She told me that she used to recycle until she saw the garbage truck pick up her trash one day and they dumped the sorted recycling right into the truck along with the main trash.
I agreed with her that was bullshit.
So that month, without any real plan, and not being one to miss an opportunity to make myself even more morally superior, I decided to cancel my garbage subscription just to see what happens. I figured worst case scenario I could just sign up again. I was already composting all my food scraps so it wasn't like the extra garbage would stink anything up.
Loosely I had the idea of sorting it and storing it into a compact form. So that's what I did for a year and a half; I sorted all the plastic and cardboard packagings and compacted everything as neat and orderly as I could for storage.
What did I get from this? Well, for one, I save $330/yr which is nice. For two, I have an abundance of plastic and cardboard material for all kinds of little macguyver projects and scenarios. It's like having a really big and more organized junk drawer. It's nice too knowing that nothing is ever accidentally thrown away anymore; I now have complete confidence that every single thing I can't find is indeed somewhere in my house, and was likely lost due to my own negligence.
The other big thing I got from this was a greater awareness of the amount of trash I was generating and bringing into my house on a regular basis. It was a sober realization to be honest. Now when I shop, the way a thing is packaged (or ideally not packaged!) is much more important to me since I have to deal with the consequences. I have an extra reason to favor the produce section at the supermarket now, and you can be damn sure I put those veggies directly in the cart; none of that tissue-paper plastic bag nonsense.
Overall it's been a good experience. It wasn't nearly as burdensome as I feared it might be at the start before I got a basic system going. And although I'm just one person and not putting much of a dent in garbage truck miles, I like knowing I'm not contributing to those giant 30-ton vehicles putting stupid amounts of stress on our roads and causing them to need maintenance (paid for with tax dollars) much sooner than they otherwise would.
Oh and for the the other 1-5% of stuff that can't be reused or repurposed (single-use plastics and such), I've been snipping them up into smaller pieces into an indoor garbage can. I plan to fill 4-5 of them up over the course of 5-10 years and then dump them at a landfill for a $90 charge (the landfills around me have a minimum 2-ton fee).
submitted by medium_wall to climatecringe [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:38 Specific_Number_3336 I (F27) just found out the guy I like (M31) is arranged to marriage by his parents what do I do?

So, I had been in a relationship myself for the past couple of years. Me and him met over half a year ago when he opened his shop at the end of my street while I was still in a relationship. We became good friends but I never looked at it in a different light due to my own relationship. We live in Morocco. I am not Moroccan but me and my mom moved out here six years ago.
I had to split up with my ex and I had to move over my stuff to the other village I was moving to, so the guy from the shop who me and my mom became good friends with arranged everything with his truck and helped us move over to our houses. He's been here for me and never initiated things while I was still in my other relationship. Now that I am seperate I opened up a bit more to him and we found out we're actually so compatable. I grieved my previous relationship within the relationship itself as it wasnt healthy. Very relieved I got out.
Me and the boy from the shop (how im going to call him here 🙃) have been hanging out and if we aren't, he lets me sleep with him on the phone since I moved out to a very big house where I am kind of scared in alone at night. Ive been waking up with his snoring on the phone in the morning ever since and I normally hate people snoring but i cant help but feel so happy when I hear his.
His dad died exactly one year ago and he has been taking over all the responsibilities since. He's from a wealthy family (much stores and appartment complexes) so he's the one who is responsible now. Very busy guy but he always finds the time to comfort me, take me out and text or calls me through the days. And obviously at night to make sure im alright here. He also has two of his own businesses to deal with, in which one of them I already help him for the last couple months.
Me and him are like the same. We breath the same. Values, humor, affection, everything. Here's the problem.
2 days ago we were drinking coffee in my backyard when he suddenly started crying. I asked him what was wrong and he confessed to me that his parents arranged him a marriage to his far cousin. Whenever they talked about it in home he would say I have to go, and ran out of the house. He doesn't love the girl and says that if his father was still alive he would just have to tell him this and his father would understand. His mom, not so much. She's been grieving his fathers death in a unhealthy way and the only thing she looks forward to now is the wedding of him and his far cousin.
I was shocked as this is not that common here anymore. He kept on crying and I just comforted him the best way I could. He confessed he was in love with me from the first day he saw me walk into the shop but never said anything as I was in a relationship.
He wants to come clean to his family but is scared his mom is not going to forgive him as his mom has already been calling and planning with the mom of the girl.
What do I do? Do I stay around waiting or do I distance myself to protect myself? I never met someone as compassionate as him and im scared he is going to go for the hapiness of his mom instead of his own. I also think his mom wants to keep the wealth in the family and thats why she thought this might be a good idea. Im an independent women who has her own properties here and I do not need their wealth. I just want to be with him for who he is as a person.
TL;DR the guy im falling in love with has an arranged marriage planned by his family
submitted by Specific_Number_3336 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:38 majapahit_arquebus A Hard Bargain

“Tick, tick, tick” an antique clock sang its rhythm.
Within a luxurious meeting room, an accord was about to be made. The negotiating parties included the Union of Terra and the Grand Duchy of Gaimellasz. Both nations had grown increasingly hostile towards one another, as straight lines on the galactic map had caused a border dispute.

It was common knowledge that violence is not always the answer. The price for bloodshed, more often than not, outweighed the benefits. You may receive a few systems, but for what? Millions, even billions could die in a single conflict. Those who lost their loved ones would ask for accountability, which would not bode well for the politician’s approval rating. And more importantly, wars tend to cause a dip in a nation’s GDP. No sane statesperson liked the idea of an economic recession.

And so, to avoid a wasteful war, both nations negotiated. The Carparkian Republic mediated the assembly, as well as providing a spot at their grand hotel.
And yet, despite being mediated by a third party;
despite being held in a room designed to ease hostilities with its grandeur;
and despite both sides having no desire for aggression;
Tensions still persisted within the atmosphere of the chamber. Nobody was willing to budge.

The Terran ambassador, Cyrus Rodriguez, sat at one side of the table with his entourage. His posture was firm. Across the table, Guhlor-Marrosz, the serpentlike Ducal envoy, seated straight alongside his assistants. He maintained a fierce eye contact with the human ambassador.

The uneasiness remained, until suddenly, it was disrupted by the avian Carparkian diplomat. “Perhaps the Terran side could readjust their demands?” The diplomat uttered. Tiredness was evident in her voice.

“Very well,” Cyrus spoke. “We are willing to compromise as long as we maintain our possession of the Gallibello System.”

Confusion reigned over the Gaimellasz envoy. Understandable, as the Gallibello System was exceptionally unexceptional. It boasted no resources of note. It was not located in a central position within the intragalactic network. The only central thing was the dim and trivial red star.
It was only one of the systems in the galaxy.

Perplexed, Guhlor raised a question. “Out of our curiosity, what is the significance of the Gallibello System?”

“The exact reasons for Gallibello’s strategic importance to the Union is not of your concerns." Cyrus stated. "However, you should understand that the system is relevant to our ‘Project Highway’.”

‘Project Highway’; one of the Union’s many industrial plans. While it was still ongoing, its impact on the Terran economy was evident. The Union became a manufacturing powerhouse, with factories churning out products that drowned the galactic market with consumer goods.

But what made a useless, backwater system so essential to this scheme? Had the Terrans discovered reserves of energy? Had they found deposits of rare minerals? Or perhaps an ancient artefact was buried somewhere in the system?

With these questions lying within his mind, Guhlor requested. “Our side of this negotiation wished for this meeting to be adjourned for the day and continued tomorrow.”

All sides, exhausted from the dialogue, agreed. All representatives stood up and left the room. On his way to an accommodation, the Gaimellasz envoy contacted the prime minister. They conversed on all possibilities for the Gallibello System; and reimagined how the disputed systems could be incorporated into their plans.

Perhaps the planetary bodies could be surveyed for exotic elements. Maybe Gallibello's sun emitted a special kind of radiation. Or possibly the debris within the system contained precursor technologies. Regardless of the possibilities...
...their perception had changed.


“Tick, tick, tick” an antique clock continued its rhythm.
Another day, another meeting. All sides of the negotiation sat down at their respective sides. The air of tension began to build up once more.

After a simple greeting, the Carparkian diplomat opened the mediation enthusiastically. Well, at least more than previously. “Perchance the Gaimellasz representatives would like to inform us of their revised demands?”

“We do,” Guhlor stated. “After much deliberation, we consider the Gallibello System to be central to our development projects as well.”

“Pardon me?” the Terran ambassador raised his voice. He was unmistakably confused. “As we have mentioned previously that system is crucial for our projects. What makes it so significant to your nation?”

“Ambassador Rodriguez, would you please calm your voice down.” The Carparkian diplomat mediated. “Ambassador Marrosz, would you like to elaborate?”

Hearing that, Guhlor replied smugly. “The exact reasons for Gallibello’s strategic importance to the Grand Duchy is not of your concerns.”

The Terran ambassador closed his fist tightly. It seemed as if his plans were thwarted. Just as he opened his mouth -- ready to raise his voice once more -- his assistant tapped his shoulder to calm him down. They then had a short discussion.

“Very well,” Cyrus spoke. “Considering Gallibello’s prominence, we are willing to part with it ONLY IF the Grand Duchy is willing to also part with other disputed systems.”

Guhlor tried to maintain composure. He attempted to hide his joy; usually expressed via his species’ equivalent to a smile. Which, coincidentally, is a smile. He felt victorious, as the Terrans were unable to hide their petty schemes from the Grand Duchy.

“That seems to be an appropriate demand.” The Gaimellasz ambassador spoke. “Perhaps an agreement is achievable, after all.”

After a lengthy discussion, both sides settled. The Grand Duchy receives the valuable Gallibello System. While the Union received the rest of the disputed territories.

In an instant, Guhlor-Marrosz became a celebrity. He became a household name, for his achievements of ruining the Union of Terra’s plots.
He became known as the person who provided Gallibello to the Grand Duchy.


10 years after the agreement…
“Tick, tick, tick” a different antique clock sang its rhythm with a Gaimellasz accent.
In an office in the Gallibello System, Guhlor-Marrosz sat at his desk. His face pressed into the table. Overwhelmed.

A few years after the agreement, the Ducal Government followed through with their revised plans.
They tried to explore the system for energy reserves.
They tried to find any rare mineral deposits.
They tried to excavate to find any ancient artefacts.
Still nothing.
The only thing they managed to build in the system was a glorified warehouse.

On the Terran’s side, however, their systems flourished. They managed to find plentiful reserves of resources for their ‘Project Highway’. New companies -- both private and government-owned -- were set up and extracted the area’s boundless deposits. Some strategic systems were transformed into logistics hubs that could deliver goods swiftly to the Union’s trade partners.

After seeing what a failure the deal had turned out, the Ducal Cabinet was displeased. They repositioned Guhlor as the governor for the Gallibello System. Fortunately for him, he had nothing much to do in this assignment. Unfortunately for him, he had nothing much to do in this assignment. And now, he could only waste away in his office, wondering when things went wrong. If only, back then, he knew…
…that there was no “Gullible” written on the ceiling.
submitted by majapahit_arquebus to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:35 SexyNugget_ Huge Yard Sale!

Having a Huge yard sale for an elderly woman who has a literal barn full of things to get rid of. We have everything from baby clothes, reg clothes (vintage), fishing gear, house hold tools, antiques, a so much furniture and more! please stop by this weekend! EVERYTHING MUST GO
842-1 W. Larson Road
Will be open Saturday the 1st and Sunday the 2nd 10am to 5pm!
submitted by SexyNugget_ to Whatcom [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:34 TeacherExit Can't function well/feel overwhelmed when house is not clean. Anyone else

Hi friends
Hard to explain but I have a 5 bedroom home with 4 kids. I am a single mom.
I have delucttered. Reorganized. You name it. And yet nothing always something needing to be redone or worked on.
My dresser is a mess. My pantry needs to reorganized and cleaned yet again. Garage is a nitemare.
I feel like I cannot function in work and life with my house not in order.
Which I then cannot get it together so waste hours doing barely anything and non stop stressed about it.
Just going places seems chaos. Purse not right. Behind on hair appointment. Messy console I never open in car.
The heaviness of this all is always on top of me.
All I do is plan and try to change the house around to feel like its managed.
Embarrassing. Like my room is decluttered and nothing on floor. But inside my dresser is ridiculous shit shoved.
But I need to dust too. And clean the windows. And the curtains are still creased from Amazon package and looks like shit. Closet has boxes and shit on floor. It just looks like shit. Bathroom. Already did multiple rounds of declutter organizing in drawers. Ceiling fan has dust in it. On and on.
But no drawer liners. So just feels and looks like shit.
Times that by every literal section of My house.
If anyone of you struggle and get placed into this stress vortex ...which makes me not do anything.... and time rolls by and I could have tackled xyz. But no. Just further into hell.
Anyone know what I am trying to say? Or have gone or go through? I feel like I cannot live life with chaos and disorganized shit at home. Feels gross.
Thank you 😊 🙏
submitted by TeacherExit to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:34 Good-Amphibian-3336 How much is contruction cost in PH (materials c/o owner)

Hi. We are planning to build a 140sqm house in Cavite. May I know how much would it cost us per sqm if we will be the ones to purchase all the materials? Any idea how the cost is computed? Thanks
submitted by Good-Amphibian-3336 to phinvest [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:32 Equivalent-Floor-174 Considering AWS Cloud Institute for late career change

Hello, I am a late 40’s public school music teacher looking to change careers and go into AWS services. I enjoy working with computers and have a reasonable amount of transferable skills from my 20 year career in education and music. I need to leave my current job in July due to health reasons, burnout etc and I’m likely making a major move to San Diego after selling my house. I’ll have no debt and a little retirement saving momentum (although admittedly I am not independently wealthy). My plan is to focus on my health while teaching music lessons part time, but eventually I’d like a full time remote position with benefits. Salary is not a huge concern as I am single with no children and can live a fairly simple lifestyle. Would this institute be apropos for someone like myself?
submitted by Equivalent-Floor-174 to it [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:31 HRJafael Land use, economic development to begin Royalston master plan process
Initial efforts to craft a new master plan for the town will focus on its housing needs and potential economic development.
Senior Planner Tracy Murphy of the Montachusett Regional Planning Commission and its principal planner, Joseph Boyle, recently met with the town’s Selectboard, Planning Board, Master Plan Committee and other residents to discuss the commission’s role in overseeing the process of developing a master plan for the town.
The two planning professionals also went over their expectations regarding the town’s role in the process.
The town has already received a $104,000 District Local Technical Assistance grant, which will cover the cost of completing the first three chapters of the proposed master plan. A second grant proposal, through the Community One Stop for Growth program, is in the works. Murphy told the Athol Daily News, “We are working on a community vision and goals that will begin to develop the goals and strategies chapter, and we will also be working on the land use and housing and economic development chapters. I am currently working with Royalston helping them submit a grant for the remaining chapters, which include historic and cultural resources, natural resources, open space and recreation, and implementation.”
The Community One Stop for Growth grant, if approved, will provide about $150,000, according to Murphy. The grant program is overseen by the state Executive Office of Economic Development and the application must be submitted by June 5.
The best way to encourage public input also generated a fair amount of discussion. All agreed that it will be necessary for residents to actively participate in development of the master plan if implementation is to be successful. Boyle mentioned that public meetings are included in the development process, but Phil Rabinowitz, who also serves as chair of the Capital Plan Development Committee, suggested a series of smaller meetings should take place prior to a large public gathering.
“We would work with the Master Plan Committee on how the town feels it’s best to do that,” Murphy said. “So, if that’s how you’ve done things in the past and it worked, there’s no reason why we wouldn’t do that.”
It’s hoped a strategy for proceeding with development of the plan can be finalized in the next few weeks.
Asked after the meeting if developing proposals to promote economic development and housing strategies for a small town like Royalston presents unique challenges, Murphy described that as a “multifaceted” issue.
“Royalston is unique in a special way,” Murphy said. “That is why starting the process with public participation events is paramount. (The MRPC needs) to listen to the townspeople to understand and respect what their collective future aspirations are and how those can be used to develop the community vision. Every community is different, and the emphasis comes in different areas depending on the town.”
Murphy said as very little revenue is generated through commerce in towns like Royalston, she expects there will be an emphasis on maintaining level municipal services and town facilities before determining if the current economic climate can sustain development.
Creation of affordable housing in Royalston could also be a daunting task. Under Chapter 40B, the state encourages at least 10% of a community’s housing stock be categorized as affordable or subsidized housing. According to the state’s Office of Housing and Livable Communities, as of June 2023, just over a half-percent of Royalston’s housing stock falls into that category.
submitted by HRJafael to NorthCentralMA [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:27 medphysics Good settlement agents in Auckland?

Hi everyone,
I'm planning on selling my house to a member of my family. Long story short, there's a lot of trust between us, and we just want to write up a settlement statement to arrange for payment and handover of the property.
Does anybody know where I can go to find a settlement agent who can draw this up for us properly? Or are there any better ways to go about this?
Thanks a lot!
submitted by medphysics to PersonalFinanceNZ [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:26 captainvause Fiance visa accommodation and income requirement question

I am hoping that my partner (US citizen) will be starting the application soon for a fiancé visa to join me (UK citizen). We may be looking to live with my parents until we have a bit more in savings to buy a house. Anyone who has done the fiancé visa in a house owned by yourself/a family member how did you prove you have adequate accommodation? Are we able to measure up the house ourselves and submit that or do we need to get someone in to look at the house? My dad (now retired) was an energy assessor and used to do house surveys all the time so I could easily get him to help draw up a floor plan or something. The house is a three bed and it's just me, my parent's and my brother who live there so we are not overcrowded. The house has been in our family for the last 28 years so it is not like we have a recent survey as proof.
On the subject of financial requirement stuff, is my understanding correct that they just look at the last six months paychecks and use the lowest one to see if you meet the financial requirement? I've been pulling in overtime since the end of last year and this month will be my sixth paycheck. The pay year at my workplace runs from April to March and this year my last pay check from the last financial year did show me as earning over 29k for the year. However if I had to provide more than six months of pay slips the lowest amount I earned in that time wouldn't meet the 29k if multiplied by 12.
I'm quite anxious about the financial element as we don't know if/when the financial requirement will go up again and my health isn't good enough for me to pull in the amount of overtime I'd need to for the next potential increase(s).
submitted by captainvause to ukvisa [link] [comments]