

2013.05.09 23:26 GuruMeditationError Zoloft/sertraline

A community for people taking Zoloft (sertraline) to discuss questions, concerns, and success stories. Zoloft is an antidepressant and anti-anxiety medication in the pharmaceutical class SSRI.

2022.01.11 20:01 Reignitethatfirebaby zoloftsocialanxiety

For all the strong people battling social anxiety and trying to get control back. Thanks to Zoloft. Among other things.

2011.10.18 03:08 chroncile Antidepressant Drugs

Supporting those that are taking antidepressants for anxiety, depression, OCD, panic disorder, etc. This sub is for offering support, sharing experiences, sharing information, helping people in withdrawal or tapering. Offering suggestions based on first hand experiences.

2024.05.17 12:11 Similar_Swordfish_24 Tapering off of 25mg, any tips?

I have been on Zoloft/Sertraline for 2 years.
I started taking it every other day and did this for two weeks.
Then every two days and did this for a week.
I’ve now gone 6 days without taking my meds.
Should I take my meds 1 time a week for 2-3 weeks then stop?
Or should I just see how it goes after 14 days of no meds?
Current symptoms: Dizziness. Mood swings. Fluttery heart / low blood pressure / anxiety / irritability
I’ve been able to work through these symptoms with behavioral therapy.

Why: I’m tired of the brain fog, creative apathy, and forgetfulness. I’m feeling a lot more focused and creative already. It’s actively ruining my careerelationships/goals being so unmotivated and apathetic/ forgetful.
My doctor will also refuse to see me if I miss one more appointment for any reason. I figure might as well prepare in case that happens. Best case scenario I can try a different SSRI, Zoloft works but I am unmotivated to a point of sadness. Worst case scenario: I’m off of Zoloft because my doctor wont see me or prescribe it anyway. I know I should not stop taking my meds without speaking to my doctor. But I am very aware of what is a symptom of withdrawal versus a relapse. I do not want to wait 1/3rd off the year to get back to doing what I love: creating.
Health Concerns: I am not afraid to stop taking my medication, I know I can always start it again if I need to. It is a tool in my tool box of life and anxiety.
Risks: I have never been actively suicdal (though I did suffer from suicdal ideation, I have not acted on it) Isolation, Depression, severe anxiety, starving myself, tremors, avoidance, PMDD, and the fun things that come with those are why I started.
Currently my biggest issue is being so dizzy.
My alternative to stopping is to take Zoloft every other day. That is as much as I want to take.
submitted by Similar_Swordfish_24 to zoloft [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:03 Economy-Stomach-6775 Poremecaji depresonalizacije i derealizacije

Pozdrav svima, da ne duzim usled velike anksioznosti aktivirali su mi se ovi poremecaaji. Ne mogu nikako da prihvatim da mi je ovako stanje i to me najvise zajebava. Znam da mi ne bi smetali ovoliko da jednostavno moj mozak i organizam ne proverava svakih 2 minuta dal je sve normalno ili ne. Tehnicki sve je normalno i kako treba da bude samo eto meni neki osecaj da nije i ne mogu da se oduprem iako znam da ne trebam da se borim sa tim.
Poceo sam sa terapijom ( danas je drugi dan ) Zoloft 50mg i uzimam pred spavanje jer sam imao problema sa spavanjem Calixta 15m 2h pred spavanje i rivotril 1/4 2mg 30 minuta pred spavanje jer sam u poslednjih 2 nedelje sjebo sad znacajno.
Da li je neko od vas imao poremecaj taj, na koji nacin st euspeli da ga se resite i neki savet ako imate. Imam zakazano kod terapeuta u subotu
submitted by Economy-Stomach-6775 to serbia [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:00 Illustrious-Sign1095 Sweating

I've been sweating way more since I went on zoloft, currently on 100mg, and with the slightest of exercise I start sweating like crazy, especially in my face and neck.
It's incredibly embarrassing to have a sweat stain by my neck at work. I tried buying a face cream that reduces face sweating but it barely works.
I feel even more self conscious now, I have extreme self-esteem issues and this is making it worse. I constantly feel like sweat is dripping from my face, (it feels worse than it looks in my face, but it's still annoying)
submitted by Illustrious-Sign1095 to zoloft [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:15 Odd-Fill-321 Zoloft question !

Hello everyone since I'm not an actual ssti user but rather maoi I'll keep this short and sweet is it true that unlike most ssris Zoloft suffers due to its dopamine enhancing effects and also because of this not actually clarified as an ssri??
submitted by Odd-Fill-321 to SSRIs [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:07 Nanshe3 Gan Mai Da Zao Tang

Would appreciate feed back on using this (30 drops 3x daily) with low dosages of Buspar (10 mg 2x day) and Zoloft (25 mg 1x day). Thanks.
submitted by Nanshe3 to ChineseMedicine [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:04 rosetta_embles Does the hair grow back?

Hi all,
I'm 33f and on 75mg of sertraline. I started to noticing my hair get thinner a couple of weeks ago, when I was still on 50mg. Comparing selfies between now and early March (on 25mg back then), it's very obvious to me that my hairline is receding. At first I thought it was because I gave birth last summer, but the hair loss definitely didn't start until several months postpartum.
I'm wondering for those of you with a similar experience - does the hair eventually come back while on the medication? Or did it not reverse unless you stopped? I've been experiencing significant benefits for my OCD, but this is a massive blow to my self esteem. I'm used to having a head full of unmanageable thick hair with lots of benign shedding, and this is the first time I can see my scalp.
I know it's trivial but still...
submitted by rosetta_embles to zoloft [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:50 Push-it- Zoloft + recreational drugs (Advice)

I was hoping someone could give me some advice. I started taking Zoloft around 3 months ago and it has moderately help me get out of a pit I was in.
I know it’s strongly recommended to not use drugs while on them, particularly MDMA.
I love a good party and did used to take recreational drugs quite a lot and go to events. I have toned that back massively now over the recent years and only have a blow out at festivals.
Now, I have a festival coming up. I look forward to this time of year as it’s the only time all my friends are together in once place and I feel it’s when I’m at the festival I’m the happiest I am all year. It’s 100% likely that I am going to want to take some drugs while I am there.
I just want to know how long of a break I should have from Zoloft before this to prevent things like serotonin syndrome.
I know it’s not ideal to have a break from Zoloft but I just want to be safe. If I can have as little time off it as possible then that would be a win.
I understand that my way of life might be different to others and you may not approve of taking drugs like MDMA but please do not be too judgmental.
Thanks in advance
submitted by Push-it- to zoloft [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:48 pballa2020 Just can’t seem to feel okay tonight.

Just started Zoloft 50mg came from Lexapro. Been noticing a lower heart rate than what I am used to while resting hovering in the 50s. So of course this caused me some distress. Now I am back to normal high 60s low 70s, but I can’t seem to convince myself to sleep. Oh you know the typical impending doom somethjng must be wrong. I will say though I do enjoy not having a heart rate in the 130s and I even felt the wave of panic in my chest. I guess I am just ranting. Thanks for coming to my ted talk. I just want to sleep now.
submitted by pballa2020 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:43 Strait_Pimp Is it just me or do yall also name DS characters after medicine?

So currently im playing a StrDex in DSR and my character is named Propranolol. I also have a Int build named Zoloft and another Int build named Prozac. I think the names sound better with Int or Faith builds. A mage named Zofran seems so fitting.
Prozac & Zofran are both depression medication
Propranolol is a beta blocker
what do yall think? lmao
submitted by Strait_Pimp to darksouls [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:39 Awkward-Chipmunk7138 Day 21 and still not better?

I thought it kicks in about week 4 and I’ve just started 100mg and depressive mood swings..: did anyone get better after this stage?
submitted by Awkward-Chipmunk7138 to zoloft [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:21 Apprehensive-Result5 Side effects

Hi guys! I’m (m, 19). Right now on day 17 and 100mg dose+0,5mg fluaxon. I’ve got dry mouth and night sweating a lot recently. Also my legs sometimes feel kinda as candy floss. Is this normal? Thanks
submitted by Apprehensive-Result5 to zoloft [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:09 Limelightt Medication question

My significant other is in the process of beginning her flight training. She has created a medxpress account and started filling out the required info for the 3rd class medical with the intentions of possibly working for the airlines. I’m aware she will have to get a 1st class for this.
Question: we do not have health insurance so no record of this medication would be searchable in any sort of “insurance database record” if even such a database existed. She has been taking sertraline HCL 100mg (Zoloft) for a few months now. This has been prescribed by the company called “HIMS” they do hair loss meds for men and also now provide services for women under the name “HERS”.
It’s of my opinion that according to her application she “does not take any medication” is the route I want to go with this. I see it’s approved for a special issuance but I’m not quite sure I want to go down that road. She’s willing to stop taking it as well.
submitted by Limelightt to flying [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:42 Cultural_Fruit4952 25mg. Worse before better?

I increased my dose of Zoloft to 25 mg two weeks ago. Since then my depression and anxiety have gotten worse. Will it get better soon?
submitted by Cultural_Fruit4952 to zoloft [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:32 ssfamilyjules Has anyone had chemical menopause done or ovaries taken out?

My pmdd has caused a sever stunt in my life. I will bed rot for days, blow up at people I love, make unhinged Facebook posts, cry at work uncontrollable, quit jobs I like randomly, I have attempted suicide three times before I realized it was pmdd. When I went to college I didn't understand what was happening and dropped out multiple times. Luteal phase sets me back so much in life. I will sleep for 15 hours straight. There have been maybe twice where I was actually on the verge of some sort of psychosis. I take zoloft and xanax. It does help, but more like as if I am taking Tylenol for Scarlett fever.
I need a better solution. I'm a burden to my family.
Does anyone have experience with chemical menopause or ovary removal? Thank you
submitted by ssfamilyjules to PMDD [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:06 Strange-Library9722 first week

hey everyone I’m 22m , I just started Zoloft 50mg today I take 50mg for one week then 100mg the next week then 150mg the third week then 200mg the fourth week. When I took my first half pill I feel like I got tired , and also nauseous. I drank water and I also did have lunch before. I don’t want to feel like that every time I take it , is there anything I can do? Is this a normal effect or side effect? I had stopped my medication for a while for financial reasons, the last medication I was on was Prozac and I didn’t get any of those side effects but it wasn’t doing enough for me. I appreciate any help I can get. I also do take multi vitamins. But I have to stop starting tomorrow because I ran out.
submitted by Strange-Library9722 to zoloft [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:02 KevRoss86 Can a second go around of sertraline work, if it kind of quit working the first time

To make this short: Was on sertraline for maybe a year and some change, seemed to kind of quit working. Moved over to ecitalopram and then that really quit working. Recently I switched to vilazodone and that is not jiving with me at all. Since I’m kinda in a rut I didn’t really know what to do. When I talked to my doctor we decided to go back to sertraline until we can decide to do next. What I want to know is if it kind of quit working before, will it only get me back to that level of feeling or will it maybe work a small bit better ( I’m not saying work better than before, but maybe not where it seemed to drop off.) Seeing if anyone else has experience with this. Thank you
submitted by KevRoss86 to zoloft [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:29 pxpxyaws scared of increasing the dose

hi :) i never use reddit so i'm pretty new to all of this but i need advice. i started taking sertraline 3 days ago because of panic attacks and agoraphobia. i get panicky very quickly, even from a weird feeling in my head or something so it's easily triggered. i started with 12,5mg. the days before starting it i was so afraid i cried a lot so obviously when i took my first dose i was very overwhelmed and anxious. had a panic attack because i kept telling myself something bad is gonna happen. i calmed down and it turns out i was really just over thinking. it was fine and i didn't feel any bad side effects later on. day 1 and day 2 were good days, though i didn't feel a difference, i also didn't feel worse! maybe it's because 12,5mg is a very small dose. but anyway.. yesterday was day 3 and it started out good, but a few hours after taking it i was so incredibly anxious and i couldn't calm down the whole day before like 8pm. even had a panic attack in the car and we had to turn around and bring me back home because it was so bad ;-; I'm really disappointed because i managed to not panic while driving for months now, fighting my agoraphobia, but now i feel like i can't do it again. i'm on such a low dose i really don't understand why yesterday was so rough.. but anyway, today is day 4 and i'm thinking about taking 25mg. i'm just worried it will be worse than yesterday and i won't be able to do anything today. i know that the first two weeks will be rough but i'm on day 4 and i woke up so anxious and i was immediately awake. how do yall manage to get through the first two weeks or even moreee? since i'm so anxious already i don't know if i should increase the dose, but i just want to get this over with and feel better. it would be nice to hear yalls experiences with increasing the dose in the first few weeks and on which dose it got better!! i know 25mg isn't a lot but i'm basically a raging ball of anxiety atp🥲
submitted by pxpxyaws to zoloft [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:21 hotcocobangbang66 I got diagnosed with depression 😭

but it's cool i knew i had it and have been dealing with it butttt
the psychiatrist set up an adhd screening for my next appointment because of some of the things I told her i deal with aswell as telling her i think i might have adhd.
I wasnt really serious in my tone or expression when i said it, it was just a thought i had and i said it but basically she didnt really say much in response to it and so i continued conversing about my problems with depression and focus.
She prescribed me 50mgs of Zoloft and a few hours after I got a call from the place and a lady told me they got an adhd screening put in place for me.
I'm pretty excited to see if I really have adhd or not, I hate self diagnosers but i'm pretty sure i probably have it because i did some reading on adhd and had some huge realizations.
I don't really know what response I expect to get from this post but If your reading this thanks for reading
submitted by hotcocobangbang66 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:15 catied710 DAE sometimes dread going to sleep because you have no control over what you dream about?

Title. I don’t have night terrors or anything, but I’ve been going through some internal conflict lately (and doing plenty of weed to deal with it) and my dreams these days have been really crazy and confusing. It’s even started affecting me in my waking life in subtle ways. I’m just tired of it now. FWIW, I’m also on Zoloft and lithium.
submitted by catied710 to DAE [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:07 Responsible-Use975 I’m on 50 mg of Zoloft for a month now still crying every day and very depressed is it the meds are they not working ?

Should I stick it out if I’m being honest I don’t feel much relief yet but not sure what to expect
submitted by Responsible-Use975 to zoloft [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:02 about21potatoes I can emote, but where's the emotion?

It's week 5 for me (50 mg) and for the past four or five days, I've felt probably the deepest emotional numbness I have in a long time. However, I can still visibly emotionally express myself to others, and I still laugh at things I find funny. I'm just not sure if there's any real emotional drive behind any of that, though. Whatever is there, it feels very faint. And it's almost as if I am processing emotional situations using mostly logic. It's like I'm a robot.
It's weird because the previous week, I was actually able to cry at something really sad. And now I can't even do that. Last night, even, I had a pretty traumatic dream involving my mother. But after I woke up and for all of today, even though it was on my mind, it didn't really bother me much.
I also feel more or less blasé about things. Positive and negative consequences of my actions don't make me feel strongly one way or the other. It's kind of just like "meh, whatever".
Is anyone else dealing with this? Is this going to last for a while? I just don't know how to feel about any of this. I'm not even sure if I can feel anything about this.
submitted by about21potatoes to zoloft [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:01 Dr-Snowball What side effects did you experience?

I started with 50 mg for two weeks, now I am on 100mg for the last week. Yesterday I had to travel really early in the morning. I was running on no sleep, no food, I was in a rush, anxiety was high.
I slipped into losing touch with reality. This has happened before but this time was different. My memory was wiped. My wife was a stranger. I tried asking her for help but she didn’t understand. I couldn’t let her know what was going on because she knew I was crazy and telling her would make it worse somehow. I’ve had similar things happen before but this was on a completely different level.
Does this get better with time? Does anyone have any tips
submitted by Dr-Snowball to zoloft [link] [comments]
