Back pain shifts from one side to one side

The All Meme

2012.03.28 17:53 semizero The All Meme

The best place to find One Piece memes! We celebrate the comedic and casual side of the series One Piece. Casual or low effort content, normally removed from OnePiece, is likely welcome!

2011.04.06 04:25 1276284 Are you in the wrong?

Describe a situation or scenario, providing all relevant information. Then seek the opinion of the masses. Were you ethically or morally wrong? See what sides the internet takes.

2016.04.01 20:31 Art Progress Pics

Post pics of how your art used to look and how it looks now.

2024.06.01 14:23 Thick-Grab-8821 25 [M4F] #Germany - Romantic Rebel Looking for a Study Buddy With Benefits?

I’m sort of caught in the gears of academic life, university is no joke, I tell you (sigh). Alongside my studies, I’m on personal quest too… trying to piece myself together, to heal and grow. It’s a little like wandering through a maze, gets quite lonely at times but hey, it’s all part of the journey (or so they tell me).
About me:
I’m a man of contrasts. I have a romantic soul, with a twist.
You might be curious about what exactly I mean. Imagine I'm returning home from a tough day at work, and you're there to let me unload all of that tension, whether by simply getting on your knees and giving a passionate... (readacted but ask if you're curious) ;) I’m interested in taking c*ntrol, but I also enjoy the idea of cooking you your favorite meal and taking you up as my passenger princess or simply cuddling as we binge our favorite tv show. This represents the fusion between the heartfelt romantic and the masculine side (with a playful streak) that is me.
Interests? I’ve got 'em:
Here’s what you get:
I'll stop now, if your heart did that weird little leap while reading this, maybe we’re on the same wavelength.
If you’re down for a bond where we can cheer each other on through life’s weirdness.. with the occasional detour into cuddle town, then hit me up. Let’s keep it light, but let’s also make it matter, you know?
We might not have all the answers to life’s big questions, but maybe we’ll figure out a few together.
submitted by Thick-Grab-8821 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:22 TomCropper Joint mortgage house sale support

Based in England - North West
Long story short, my partner recently ended our 6 year relationship, in which we own a property together (joint mortgage).
We are both currently still living together as she will not move out, even though she has somewhere to go and I physically have nowhere to go, plus have to finish off parts of the house before I can put it on the market. (I know she has every right to stay in the property).
The property cost £190,000 and I put the full deposit down (£28,500) as well as paid all the solicitors fees etc using funds from selling my own property prior to the purchase of this one.
I also pay 65% of all bills, in comparison to my ex paying 35% due to our wage difference.
I have done a multitude of jobs on the property and paid for all work carried out on said property. Her father is a joiner by trade and did help with a lot of the work on the property and the agreement was that this would contribute to part of her stake in the house that she could not provide financially.
Unfortunately, I did not get a deed of trust or get a tenants in common mortgage to cover the money I put into the property as I never anticipated this happening.
We had a verbal agreement that if we ever sold the house, I would take my deposit back, then split the remaining funds equally due to her father helping me. However, the house was intended to be a longer term investment and we also have around £15k of debt to pay off once the house is sold. So we may struggle to get back the deposit, pay off all debts and have much left over.
Unfortunately, my ex does not appear to be willing to honour said agreement and I know she is legally entitled to half due to it being a joint mortgage.
Is there anything I can do here?
Thank you in advance!
submitted by TomCropper to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:22 GeorgePadmore 🦅 for a long time lurker

🦅 for a long time lurker
Finally joined the eagle club today at second attempt. First attempt was a year ago on a reachable par 5 and I left the putt short. Today was a driveable par 4 - absolutely smoked it, threaded the needle between the two green side bunkers, rolled to the fringe at the back. Fortunately pin placement was at the back and I drained around a 10 footer - there was no way I was going to leave this one short!
That capped off a front 9 in 5 over. I proceeded to make triple bogey on the next two holes…
submitted by GeorgePadmore to golf [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:21 InABoxOfEmptyShells Who else didn't find Jak 2 all that difficult?

Replaying the trilogy for the first time in easily a decade, largely because I found this sub as a matter of fact. Everyone talking about how brutally difficult Jak 2 was, and I was steeling myself for a struggle.
Well, just beat Jak 2, and the sparse checkpoints were a pain in the ass occasionally, but I don't really remember dying more than twice in any particular mission. (Okay, except the palace hoverboard platforming section... that one was indeed pretty rough, I fell to my death like 5 times due to hoverboard-related bullshit lol.)
Overall? Not that bad. I think the skill minimum is much higher than a lot of modern games, how well you have to do to progress. But the skill cap of modern games is much higher, how well you can do and still have it make a difference. Maybe it's because I jumped straight from the first game to the second? I think ironically the canon explanation for the first game is pretty accurate, it was indeed excellent training to prepare myself for the trials of the second game lol.
submitted by InABoxOfEmptyShells to jakanddaxter [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:21 Jonasbru3m TensorFlow Model Only Predicts 2 Classes out of 475

Hello Reddit Community,
For my Bachelor Thesis im currently trying to train my first ever model with tensorflow, but I'm encountering a strange issue where my model only predicts 2 classes out of the 475 possible classes. The model was trained on a HPC with 304 Nvidia A100 and 352 Nvidia A40 GPGPUs in 82 nodes.
Thats my training script:
 import os import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator from tensorflow.keras.applications import EfficientNetB7 from tensorflow.keras import layers, models from tensorflow.keras.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint, TensorBoard import tensorflow_addons as tfa import logging import json # Setup logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') # Check if GPUs are available gpus = tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices('GPU') if gpus: try: for gpu in gpus: tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(gpu, True) tf.config.set_visible_devices(gpus, 'GPU')"Using {len(gpus)} GPUs.") except RuntimeError as e: logging.error(e) else: logging.error("No GPUs found. Check your device configuration.") # Data directory data_dir = "/app/FOOD475/" # Image dimensions and batch size img_height, img_width = 600, 600 batch_size = 64 # Data preprocessing and augmentation train_datagen = ImageDataGenerator( rescale=1./255, rotation_range=40, width_shift_range=0.2, height_shift_range=0.2, shear_range=0.2, zoom_range=0.2, horizontal_flip=True, fill_mode='nearest', validation_split=0.25 ) # Load and preprocess images train_generator = train_datagen.flow_from_directory( data_dir, target_size=(img_height, img_width), batch_size=batch_size, class_mode='categorical', subset='training' ) validation_generator = train_datagen.flow_from_directory( data_dir, target_size=(img_height, img_width), batch_size=batch_size, class_mode='categorical', subset='validation' ) # Model creation function def create_model(input_shape, num_classes): base_model = EfficientNetB7(include_top=False, input_shape=input_shape, weights='imagenet') base_model.trainable = True inputs = layers.Input(shape=input_shape) x = base_model(inputs, training=True) x = layers.GlobalAveragePooling2D()(x) outputs = layers.Dense(num_classes, activation='softmax')(x) model = models.Model(inputs, outputs) return model def find_latest_saved_model(checkpoint_dir):"Looking in checkpoint directory: {checkpoint_dir}") if not os.path.exists(checkpoint_dir): logging.error(f"Checkpoint directory does not exist: {checkpoint_dir}") return None, 0 subdirs = [os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, d) for d in os.listdir(checkpoint_dir) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, d))] if not subdirs:"No subdirectories found for checkpoints.") return None, 0 latest_subdir = max(subdirs, key=lambda x: int(os.path.basename(x))) latest_epoch = int(os.path.basename(latest_subdir))"Latest model directory: {latest_subdir}, Epoch: {latest_epoch}") if os.path.exists(os.path.join(latest_subdir, 'saved_model.pb')): return latest_subdir, latest_epoch else:"No saved_model.pb found in the latest directory.") return None, 0 # Mirrored strategy for multi-GPU training strategy = tf.distribute.MirroredStrategy() with strategy.scope(): saved_model_dir = 'model_training' checkpoint_dir = os.path.join(saved_model_dir, 'checkpoints') latest_saved_model, latest_epoch = find_latest_saved_model(checkpoint_dir) if latest_saved_model:"Loading model from {latest_saved_model}") model = tf.keras.models.load_model(latest_saved_model) else:"No saved model found. Creating a new model.") model = create_model((img_height, img_width, 3), len(train_generator.class_indices)) if not os.path.exists(saved_model_dir): os.makedirs(saved_model_dir) summary_path = os.path.join(saved_model_dir, 'model_summary.txt') with open(summary_path, 'w') as f: model.summary(print_fn=lambda x: f.write(x + '\n'))"Model summary saved to {summary_path}") optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=0.0002) model.compile(optimizer=optimizer, loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy', tf.keras.metrics.TopKCategoricalAccuracy(k=5), tfa.metrics.F1Score(num_classes=len(train_generator.class_indices), average='macro')]) # Custom Callback for Saving the Best Model in SavedModel format class SaveBestModelTF(tf.keras.callbacks.Callback): def __init__(self, monitor='val_accuracy', saved_model_dir='model_training'): super(SaveBestModelTF, self).__init__() self.monitor = monitor self.saved_model_dir = saved_model_dir def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None): current = logs.get(self.monitor) if current is None: logging.warning(f"Monitor '{self.monitor}' for saving the model is not available in logs.") return"Epoch {epoch + 1}: saving model to {self.saved_model_dir}/checkpoints/{epoch + 1}") epoch_path = os.path.join(self.saved_model_dir, 'checkpoints', str(epoch + 1)) if not os.path.exists(epoch_path): os.makedirs(epoch_path), save_format='tf') # Callbacks for monitoring progress tensorboard_cb = TensorBoard(log_dir='./logs') # Save class indices to a JSON file class_indices_path = 'model_training/class_indices.json' if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(class_indices_path)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(class_indices_path), exist_ok=True)"Directory {os.path.dirname(class_indices_path)} created.") with open(class_indices_path, 'w') as file: json.dump(train_generator.class_indices, file)"Class indices saved to {class_indices_path}") # Model training total_epochs = 7 train_generator, initial_epoch=latest_epoch, # Start from the next epoch epochs=total_epochs, validation_data=validation_generator, callbacks=[SaveBestModelTF(saved_model_dir=saved_model_dir), tensorboard_cb] ) # Evaluate the model eval_result = model.evaluate(validation_generator)'Validation Loss: {eval_result[0]}, Validation Accuracy: {eval_result[1]}') # Save the final model as a SavedModel format (including .pb files)'model_training/finished_model')"Finished model saved in SavedModel format at 'model_training/finished_model'") # Convert to TensorFlow Lite converter = tf.lite.TFLiteConverter.from_saved_model('model_training/finished_model') tflite_model = converter.convert() tflite_path = 'model_training/lite_model/trained_model_lite.tflite' if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(tflite_path)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(tflite_path), exist_ok=True)"Directory {os.path.dirname(tflite_path)} created.") with open(tflite_path, 'wb') as f: f.write(tflite_model)"Model converted and saved as {tflite_path}") 
During training i got following output:
Found 182235 images belonging to 475 classes. Found 60544 images belonging to 475 classes. Epoch 1/7 2848/2848 [==============================] - 11914s 4s/step - loss: 1.7624 - accuracy: 0.5931 - top_k_categorical_accuracy: 0.8152 - f1_score: 0.4739 - val_loss: 1.1666 - val_accuracy: 0.7043 - val_top_k_categorical_accuracy: 0.9013 - val_f1_score: 0.6053 Epoch 2/7 2848/2848 [==============================] - 11096s 4s/step - loss: 0.8293 - accuracy: 0.7788 - top_k_categorical_accuracy: 0.9435 - f1_score: 0.7094 - val_loss: 0.9409 - val_accuracy: 0.7533 - val_top_k_categorical_accuracy: 0.9277 - val_f1_score: 0.6818 Epoch 3/7 2848/2848 [==============================] - 11123s 4s/step - loss: 0.6247 - accuracy: 0.8274 - top_k_categorical_accuracy: 0.9632 - f1_score: 0.7760 - val_loss: 0.8422 - val_accuracy: 0.7761 - val_top_k_categorical_accuracy: 0.9386 - val_f1_score: 0.7080 Epoch 4/7 2848/2848 [==============================] - 11101s 4s/step - loss: 0.5070 - accuracy: 0.8562 - top_k_categorical_accuracy: 0.9743 - f1_score: 0.8165 - val_loss: 0.8002 - val_accuracy: 0.7885 - val_top_k_categorical_accuracy: 0.9428 - val_f1_score: 0.7249 Epoch 5/7 2848/2848 [==============================] - 11079s 4s/step - loss: 0.4261 - accuracy: 0.8766 - top_k_categorical_accuracy: 0.9814 - f1_score: 0.8445 - val_loss: 0.7757 - val_accuracy: 0.7940 - val_top_k_categorical_accuracy: 0.9458 - val_f1_score: 0.7404 Epoch 6/7 2848/2848 [==============================] - 11100s 4s/step - loss: 0.3641 - accuracy: 0.8932 - top_k_categorical_accuracy: 0.9856 - f1_score: 0.8657 - val_loss: 0.7639 - val_accuracy: 0.8003 - val_top_k_categorical_accuracy: 0.9472 - val_f1_score: 0.7432 Epoch 7/7 2848/2848 [==============================] - 11129s 4s/step - loss: 0.3142 - accuracy: 0.9068 - top_k_categorical_accuracy: 0.9889 - f1_score: 0.8838 - val_loss: 0.7701 - val_accuracy: 0.8014 - val_top_k_categorical_accuracy: 0.9470 - val_f1_score: 0.7474 946/946 [==============================] - 2671s 3s/step - loss: 0.7682 - accuracy: 0.8008 - top_k_categorical_accuracy: 0.9470 - f1_score: 0.7456 
And when I try to load the model and make a prediction with this code:
class own: def __init__(self): if not os.path.exists("models/own"): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Model path models/own does not exist") try: self.model = tf.keras.models.load_model("models/own", custom_objects={'F1Score': F1Score}) except Exception as e: print(f"Error loading model: {e}") raise if not os.path.exists("models/own/class_indices.json"): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Class indices path models/own/class_indices.json does not exist") with open("models/own/class_indices.json", 'r') as file: self.class_indices = json.load(file) self.index_to_class = {v: k for k, v in self.class_indices.items()} def classify(self, img_path): if not os.path.exists(img_path): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Image path {img_path} does not exist") # Load and preprocess the image img = tf.keras.preprocessing.image.load_img(img_path, target_size=(600, 600)) img_array = tf.keras.preprocessing.image.img_to_array(img) img_array = np.expand_dims(img_array, axis=0) img_array /= 255.0 # Make prediction predictions = self.model.predict(img_array) print("Raw predictions:", predictions) top_index = np.argmax(predictions[0]) top_class = self.index_to_class[top_index] print(f"Top class: {top_class}, Probability: {predictions[0][top_index]}") top_n = 5 top_indices = np.argsort(predictions[0])[-top_n:][::-1] for idx in top_indices: print(f"Class: {self.index_to_class[idx]}, Probability: {predictions[0][idx]}") return top_class 
it always either predicts Steak or Omelette:
2024-06-01 14:17:27.571776: I tensorflow/core/util/] oneDNN custom operations are on. You may see slightly different numerical results due to floating-point round-off errors from different computation orders. To turn them off, set the environment variable `TF_ENABLE_ONEDNN_OPTS=0`. WARNING:tensorflow:From C:\Users\[Name]\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\keras\src\ The name tf.losses.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.losses.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy instead. C:\Users\[Name]\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\tensorflow_addons\utils\ UserWarning: TensorFlow Addons (TFA) has ended development and introduction of new features. TFA has entered a minimal maintenance and release mode until a planned end of life in May 2024. Please modify downstream libraries to take dependencies from other repositories in our TensorFlow community (e.g. Keras, Keras-CV, and Keras-NLP). For more information see: warnings.warn( C:\Users\[Name]\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\tensorflow_addons\utils\ UserWarning: Tensorflow Addons supports using Python ops for all Tensorflow versions above or equal to 2.12.0 and strictly below 2.15.0 (nightly versions are not supported). The versions of TensorFlow you are currently using is 2.15.0 and is not supported. Some things might work, some things might not. If you were to encounter a bug, do not file an issue. If you want to make sure you're using a tested and supported configuration, either change the TensorFlow version or the TensorFlow Addons's version. You can find the compatibility matrix in TensorFlow Addon's readme: warnings.warn( WARNING:tensorflow:From C:\Users\[Name]\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\keras\src\saving\legacy\saved_model\ The name tf.gfile.Exists is deprecated. Please use instead. 2024-06-01 14:17:31.363666: I tensorflow/core/platform/] This TensorFlow binary is optimized to use available CPU instructions in performance-critical operations. To enable the following instructions: SSE SSE2 SSE3 SSE4.1 SSE4.2 AVX2 AVX512F AVX512_VNNI AVX512_BF16 FMA, in other operations, rebuild TensorFlow with the appropriate compiler flags. WARNING:tensorflow:From C:\Users\[Name]\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\keras\src\engine\ The name tf.executing_eagerly_outside_functions is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.executing_eagerly_outside_functions instead. WARNING:tensorflow:From C:\Users\[Name]\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\keras\src\layers\normalization\ The name tf.nn.fused_batch_norm is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.nn.fused_batch_norm instead. 1/1 [==============================] - 4s 4s/step Raw predictions: [[4.23421043e-05 1.45377373e-06 1.09034730e-02 1.19525917e-04 4.45407240e-05 5.72818244e-05 5.68609731e-03 5.15926695e-05 1.89958355e-05 1.39491487e-04 3.20717366e-03 9.63417915e-06 1.22947793e-03 4.01171012e-04 3.64649204e-05 1.75396308e-05 3.09416023e-03 7.56465085e-03 2.89075997e-05 3.90331191e-03 2.16231216e-03 4.18351328e-06 5.89632022e-04 9.40740295e-03 6.80321036e-03 2.32697069e-03 4.23964392e-03 1.56047070e-04 2.14435873e-04 6.95710623e-05 1.38103365e-04 1.78470847e-03 3.75193194e-03 5.94434096e-03 5.69255608e-05 7.57165905e-03 1.52613886e-03 9.48755944e-04 8.21925176e-04 3.18029453e-03 3.89393512e-03 8.41296278e-05 8.34997976e-04 3.14124190e-04 6.81638776e-04 1.10320523e-02 1.10815199e-04 6.18589204e-03 2.17406079e-02 3.72037102e-05 1.65579877e-05 1.30886221e-02 1.01435784e-04 2.13157946e-05 1.25499619e-05 8.94762017e-03 4.36880719e-03 4.78018774e-03 8.53170827e-03 1.45823974e-02 1.05571962e-05 1.12631078e-05 5.09415939e-03 8.12840741e-03 1.48212257e-05 1.52864438e-02 9.66716034e-05 2.25000476e-04 3.60531732e-04 9.28066402e-06 8.15156789e-04 1.09069003e-02 3.43796797e-04 2.53324561e-05 7.89516326e-03 1.44943051e-05 4.06841224e-04 1.67445414e-05 3.78527766e-05 1.80476491e-04 3.33699776e-04 4.13847056e-06 3.32273915e-03 6.51864940e-03 7.48403618e-05 2.68448726e-04 1.54245936e-03 2.95383972e-03 2.26996126e-05 3.64100002e-03 2.81597768e-05 3.11967051e-05 1.48438021e-05 8.46863433e-04 4.05767525e-04 1.75380992e-04 4.76581818e-06 5.42160356e-04 2.19287374e-03 1.18714366e-02 1.41884899e-04 8.76697595e-06 3.85931274e-03 4.37544841e-05 4.01919424e-05 3.87528981e-03 3.88057524e-05 2.69062322e-04 4.46968805e-03 1.17368818e-05 3.70194939e-05 1.55831876e-04 1.63894765e-05 2.38729117e-04 1.19046052e-03 2.12675819e-04 1.08185853e-03 3.01667496e-05 6.18575094e-03 3.91955400e-05 1.40065713e-05 3.02084809e-04 6.46927813e-03 3.37069832e-05 5.15250103e-05 2.31142567e-05 2.20274273e-03 3.17445702e-05 1.04452763e-02 6.80019803e-05 7.81101780e-03 1.23853814e-02 1.04819983e-02 3.20679283e-05 6.71340758e-03 6.94293885e-06 1.98310101e-03 5.29599565e-05 9.02036484e-03 4.57535089e-06 1.93145883e-03 4.06190008e-03 8.42716638e-03 1.50314684e-03 8.58115556e-04 1.22383237e-03 8.49474862e-04 5.48258470e-03 6.09953167e-05 1.57669128e-03 5.43692382e-03 4.88058169e-04 6.75312986e-05 3.43937165e-04 1.93276245e-03 4.06867871e-03 5.20323374e-05 7.78318281e-05 1.93508764e-04 1.14409677e-05 2.21324177e-03 1.90052821e-03 8.52691382e-03 2.43102224e-03 2.88419239e-03 2.53974522e-05 9.51182563e-04 2.32981285e-03 9.86064842e-05 4.14316915e-03 1.66544644e-03 1.02754391e-04 3.95776224e-05 3.02393187e-06 1.32082617e-02 4.14707232e-04 3.40229672e-05 4.81802830e-03 1.90598912e-05 4.08358377e-04 5.95443300e-04 1.22634810e-04 5.74091624e-04 8.57623760e-03 2.60962266e-03 2.95263715e-03 1.58088005e-05 1.64122172e-02 2.09987498e-04 2.36775051e-03 3.00696083e-05 3.46693669e-05 1.16249910e-04 6.94001559e-03 1.58400853e-05 1.95188422e-05 2.19169408e-04 3.09433235e-04 5.44128183e-04 6.35302160e-04 7.07127433e-03 1.19772732e-04 5.37439200e-06 1.91133395e-02 1.27979312e-02 3.89739592e-03 1.97048103e-05 2.29625002e-05 2.21050854e-04 1.92064399e-04 1.20139657e-05 3.20516920e-05 4.26828819e-06 3.64828011e-05 7.55213068e-06 2.67963973e-03 3.17923805e-05 6.19895945e-05 3.99544797e-06 2.68664648e-04 1.83274597e-02 8.71072552e-05 1.38439747e-04 4.96710254e-06 3.56023484e-05 1.34899991e-03 2.05766381e-04 3.96062108e-03 5.61600551e-03 5.31910664e-05 6.77773132e-05 1.36139952e-02 7.41477634e-05 1.63904135e-03 4.74587978e-06 1.45082246e-04 2.09337009e-06 8.13181920e-04 3.63194500e-04 6.46722084e-03 5.02364383e-05 6.90550078e-05 6.36972545e-05 2.09673337e-04 1.79036579e-05 2.36021675e-04 6.37291942e-06 5.70875318e-06 2.56235455e-03 2.72009202e-04 3.77103061e-05 5.63449021e-06 2.25979857e-05 2.61697169e-05 3.42375762e-03 1.04161156e-02 2.22223607e-05 6.27681802e-05 1.88465419e-04 2.82149922e-05 4.01149562e-04 1.31122259e-04 5.97863036e-05 2.41098423e-05 7.71318519e-05 3.57087993e-04 3.41462255e-05 1.01930054e-04 5.23206063e-06 2.95026781e-04 7.02897159e-05 3.99115682e-02 1.89455808e-03 1.74146010e-06 1.14775894e-05 7.84916210e-06 1.93041191e-03 2.37918808e-03 3.49449110e-03 6.98623667e-03 7.64393993e-03 4.12582303e-05 1.24030013e-03 1.72785169e-03 7.18316660e-05 5.17749111e-04 7.84919783e-03 1.04525541e-04 9.83856899e-06 8.77521088e-05 1.68125369e-02 4.09213862e-05 1.09552668e-04 2.54421811e-05 4.65482954e-05 6.95294410e-04 6.72869501e-05 2.40904570e-04 2.15112406e-04 3.85226776e-05 2.51369456e-05 4.68338234e-03 1.26862462e-04 9.00995801e-04 4.16984549e-05 7.36891707e-06 1.51534463e-04 1.48332631e-03 4.95935837e-03 1.91499032e-02 3.01804044e-04 6.28613270e-05 4.78365598e-03 8.38827982e-05 1.70516931e-02 1.52653758e-03 5.85798814e-04 3.11521399e-05 2.11968741e-04 7.41351105e-05 1.40834545e-05 8.93215940e-04 1.45371505e-05 4.96711982e-05 4.11317131e-04 8.89070239e-03 5.06997202e-03 3.08362325e-03 2.77415646e-04 3.75299685e-04 1.19906381e-05 1.50029315e-03 1.14443043e-04 2.52026439e-05 9.22407198e-04 3.51146841e-03 1.11564566e-06 1.36691102e-04 3.53032886e-03 2.15746608e-04 8.79282816e-05 4.36248304e-03 1.77966576e-04 1.47887832e-03 6.94399816e-04 8.03673174e-04 5.23004041e-04 3.90421192e-04 1.06344873e-03 3.55399796e-04 6.01265463e-04 1.55850008e-04 1.33491016e-03 1.09734829e-04 4.38019342e-04 2.42487862e-04 6.84730615e-03 1.02040754e-03 1.07652310e-03 3.51822848e-04 9.20735547e-05 7.50967592e-04 1.44127226e-02 3.58455327e-05 5.16555374e-05 1.31370616e-03 9.02966480e-04 1.24254671e-03 5.20300702e-04 8.57163919e-04 3.66344648e-05 2.01024144e-04 6.52487564e-04 5.93215809e-04 5.76604251e-03 6.19325438e-04 1.16480421e-03 2.37531040e-05 2.50119111e-03 7.08868974e-05 5.99786472e-05 2.55976247e-05 4.62695534e-05 4.24469297e-04 6.20667648e-04 4.15926515e-05 7.03983005e-06 8.77018738e-06 5.21141301e-05 2.11411956e-04 7.74205779e-04 5.31276630e-04 6.44316664e-04 4.07212786e-03 2.68336060e-03 1.74210854e-05 3.76385942e-05 6.74255705e-03 4.46323538e-05 2.76757801e-05 2.56290223e-04 1.22213329e-04 1.22734054e-03 7.73016480e-04 1.11903930e-02 3.16570923e-02 2.75775470e-04 5.73344238e-04 2.86890985e-03 1.10085262e-03 1.35615155e-05 2.66479654e-03 1.99418981e-03 4.31017601e-04 9.68350447e-04 3.51598108e-04 8.54862970e-04 3.52715979e-05 1.46333405e-04 5.10955288e-05 1.48639630e-03 1.80458324e-03 7.51840998e-05 1.13529910e-04 3.89828119e-06 8.74532212e-04 1.12358983e-04 3.93593837e-05 6.01037289e-04 2.06997487e-04 3.94766452e-03 1.09549124e-04 2.11403880e-04 6.95336203e-04 5.99777419e-03 5.45272342e-05 2.56420486e-03 2.20299728e-04 4.23851707e-05 6.69996080e-04 2.66609713e-04 1.55276459e-04 2.75739990e-02 3.43240798e-03 2.68303775e-05 1.52821158e-04 9.82575657e-05 4.00313947e-05 6.07266993e-05 5.28094570e-05 1.02948405e-04 6.20577412e-05 2.12161940e-05 2.99842539e-03 1.17558768e-04 1.58015324e-03 3.30074807e-04 1.19093776e-04 2.52985101e-05 1.59350988e-02 4.89539379e-05 1.05491054e-05 1.09012712e-04 2.97089737e-05 7.28885690e-03 1.87386977e-05 1.85028894e-05 5.79945299e-05 1.54079917e-05 9.85169099e-05 1.05076749e-03 7.55816349e-04 2.62255053e-05 1.18091421e-05 2.95209320e-05]] Top class: omelette, Probability: 0.03991156816482544 Class: omelette, Probability: 0.03991156816482544 Class: steak, Probability: 0.03165709227323532 Class: tacos, Probability: 0.027573999017477036 Class: breakfast_burrito, Probability: 0.021740607917308807 Class: pulled_pork_sandwich, Probability: 0.01914990320801735 (own): omelette - 3.66s 
Help would be appreciated because im slowly losing my mind :(,
submitted by Jonasbru3m to tensorflow [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:21 oatmilk666 [H] humble games [W] games/charity donations/paypal/giftedgames

All are humble bundle codes.
Ill gladly take gifted steam games (a la you buy it to me) instead of paypal.
I dont want to do giftlinks.
Im also willing to trade you codes vs a charity donation
to some reputable charity for example UNWRA or Internet Archive (a nonprofit digital library)
or some of your own choosing against providing me a copy of the receipt.
Epic Chef
One-armed cook: Gourmet Upgrade
Sugar Shack
Chef: Full Menu Bundle
Cafe Owner Simulator
Abalon (Summoners Fate)
Blood: Fresh Supply
Doom 64
Driftland: The Magic Revival
PGA Tour 2K21
X-Morph: Defense + European Assault, Survival of the Fittest, and Last Bastion DLC
Euro Truck Simulator 2
Rover Mechanic Simulator
Kerbal Space Program
Eastside Hockey Manager
Endless Space - Collection
Kingdom Classic
Regular Human Basketball
This War of Mine
Vertiginous Golf
Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising
Gremlins, Inc.
MotoGP 15
MXGP - The Official Motocross Videogame
Satellite Reign
Cities in Motion
Cities in Motion 2
Car Mechanic Simulator 2018
911 Operator
Train Simulator 2020
Train Simulator: CSX AC6000CW Loco Add-On
Train Simulator: Miami - West Palm Beach Route Add-On
Train Simulator: Riviera Line in the Fifties: Exeter - Kingswear Route Add-On
Train Simulator: Western Hydraulics Pack Add-On
Void Destroyer
Super Mega Baseball: Extra Innings
Drawful 2
Majesty 2 Collection
Telltale Texas Hold ‘Em
Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion
Galactic Civilizations® II: Ultimate Edition
Galactic Civilizations® I: Ultimate Edition
Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game
Crusader Kings Complete
Crusader Kings II
Crusader Kings II
Crusader Kings II: The Republic
Crusader Kings II: Legacy of Rome
Crusader Kings II: Sword of Islam
Crusader Kings II: Sunset Invasion
Crusader Kings II: The Old Gods DLC
Carrier Command: Gaea Mission
Think of the Children
Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion
Siege of Centauri
Company of Heroes 2
Satellite Reign
Driftland: The Magic Revival
ΔV: Rings of Saturn
Grey Goo
Kingdom: New Lands Royal Edition
The Long Dark
The Final Station
Primal Carnage: Extinction
Idle Champions Celeste's Starter Pack
Kathy Rain
11-11 Memories Retold
Thomas Was Alone
Puzzle Agent
Puzzle Agent 2
Road to Ballhalla
The Walking Dead: 400 Days
Broken Age
Full Throttle Remastered
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition
Draw Slasher
Machinarium Collector's Edition
Police Quest Collection
Doodle Derby
Dub Dash
Safety First!
Kingdom Classic
Kingdom: New Lands Royal Edition
Hyper Light Drifter
No Time to Explain Remastered
Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor
Stick Fight: The Game
Sonic and SEGA All Stars Racing
Death Squared
Oh My Godheads
Octahedron: Transfixed Edition
Deadbeat Heroes
Deep Sky Derelicts
Gift of Parthax
One Way Heroics
Book of Demons
Orbital Racer
Roarr! Jurassic Edition
Hyper Light Drifter
BioShock Remastered
Tormentor X Punisher
Sniper Elite
No Time To Explain Remastered
Action Henk
Deadbeat Heroes
Stick Fight: The Game
Resident Evil Revelations 2 - Episode 1: Penal Colony
RESIDENT EVIL 2 All In-game Rewards Unlock DLC
Deadly 30
How to survive 2
Duke Nukem Forever
Expensive & rare / delisted & removed from steam:
Max Payne 3 (Rockstar games store)
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
Sonic CD
Sonic 3 & Knuckles
beyond eyes
Sam & Max: Season 1
Sam & Max: Season 2
Bone Episode 1 & Episode 2 Telltale Out from boneville & The great Cow Race
Citizens of Earth
Jurassic Park: The Game
F1 2011
Minecraft: Story Mode - A Telltale Games Series
Smashbox Arena
Carnival Games VR
Telefrag VR
Slinger VR
Paper Fire Rookie
GameMaker Studio 2 Creator 12 Months
Intro to Game Development with Unity
Music Maker EDM Edition
PDF-Suite 1 Year License
Clickteam Fusion 2.5 Standard
Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 7
Ashampoo WinOptimizer 18
Ashampoo BackUp Pro 14
GameMaker Studio Pro
clickteam fusion
Music Maker: Hip Hop Edition
Free with trade:
Liberated (GOG)
Wanderlust: Travel Stories (GOG)
Intro to Game Development with Unity (not sure if valid)
Open to offers & all kinds of games, let me know.
Possible titles gifted trough steam or willing to overpay for:
Elden Ring DLC
Dark souls 2
Frostpunk + DLCs
Thief: Deadly Shadows
obscure 1 + 2
Blood West
shadow warrior 1 + 2 + 3
organ trail
I dont want TF2 keys.
submitted by oatmilk666 to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:20 IwasaDaddyonce1 created plays

I've created a bunch of plays, most work great with a competent quarterback, some even better with a guy like Troy Smith who mostly hits the short to intermitten routes. Heres a few of them.
Shotgun 4 wide with a rb.
I personally overload sides to help with rubs and setting up longer or shorter routes. I put wr1 on the left as far as i can set him. 2 is inside him a few yards. 3 is inside of him a few yards and 4 is far right. I usually go playaction, wr1 runs a slant. 2 wheel outside. 3 either a streak or a post to distract the safety and 4 either a streak or slant if i want to give the qb a second quick option.
same formation, 3 runs a quick out, 1 runs a medium in and 2 runs a deep out or in while 4 runs a streak.
same formation: 1 runs a quick in, 2 runs a deep out and 3 runs a medium out while 4 runs a slant.
flip formation, wash and repeat.
If i am going for more of a run attack, i'll go under center in either the singleback big formation or single te.
If i go singleback te, i'll put receivers in a lined bunch formation, the order doesn't really matter much in this case, but i'll put one wr closer to the LT maybe a few a square away, he runs a post, the one next to him runs a drag and the outside wr does a cross, the te then runs a quick out with playaction going left, and the qb rolling right.
same formation: te runs a medium out to give the playaction time to work, the inner wr runs a drag, wr 2 runs post, outter wr runs a cross
same formation: inner wr runs the post, wr2 runs wheel, wr 3 runs post, te runs a corner.
Inside the 5, i love reforming the goalline, so i'll move te1 next to te2 just off his back foot and move te3 to the line or a hair back so long as it's a legal formation. i can't remember the plays name, but essentially te's 1 and 2 run the designed route bc it works best for them to both run short and medium crossing routes, te3 gets most of the love on this one bc he runs a slant. Since usually my te3 is my slowest te, the slant is open 80ish% of the time and the defense follows the bigger threats across the field.
Finally, I do enjoy a good mobile quarterback, but subbing the rb in works as well. I go with the qb blast and i'll shift the te's outside to a similar formation as what i used earlier, except I put three on the left and two to the right. It forces the defense to spread (in man) or at least shift out a little in zone. Thus, creating a lane for the qb to run in. Now, this one seems to work really well with a guy like Josh Johnson or troy smith, primarily because they are the faster qbs in the game in the beginning. however, assuming your rb has decent bcv, he should still get some decent chunks.
I ran a few variations of this play in my last play through, leaving the te's in their positions on the line and motioning te1 just behind the LG (more where the FB lines up in the strong or near formation) and it worked relatively well. He eats up the first guy through and Johnson could dance around and pick up 7 nearly every time. However, as with anything, run it too much and it fails.
These are just a few of the formations and route combos i run, i have a ton more, but hopefully these can help others or at least spark some creativity in play calling and/or sharing your created plays.
submitted by IwasaDaddyonce1 to NFLHeadCoachSeries [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:20 Polypedatess Is this even bad enough to have ptsd from

I'm just so tired all the time, it literally feels like I can sleep all day. I have a normal sleep schedule, but everyday I just feel so exhausted. I have dark circles under my eyes and I have no energy to do anything anymore. I just lay in bed all day and want to rot. I feel suicidal, I just want to die all the time and it's getting worse. I get nightmares of him, not of what exactly happened but just of different sa from him. I feel like there's no point in going on anymore, I don't think it's going to get better. I don't exactly know what it's like to have a flashback, but I think I've experienced them. I have really bad maladaptive daydreaming, but I don't think it's that. It's like I'm there again, I can't control it or stop it or rewind it. It's like it's happening all over again and that I'm there and I can feel it. When it's happening I just sit there and cry and I feel like screaming but I obviously can't do that so I have to hold it in. My head feels like it's burning constantly too, like the back of my head feels so fucking warm and hot. Like my brain is melting. And I just want to die and I'm so tired I just want to sleep and never wake up again.
•The one big thing that makes me feel valid is that, when I was 11, my stepdad fingered me in my bedroom. I won't go in to too much detail or anything, it's unimportant. But the entire time he just stared at me and everything was silent, like he was waiting for my reaction. Our relationship has always been odd, so I wanted it. But eventually I got scared and told him something, I don't remember what it was but it got him to stop immediately and he apologised too. I don't remember much after, as in I don't know if he left my room or I left first, but I immediately went to the bathroom. Which was when I discovered I was bleeding.
•Around this time, for some strange reason I would repeatedly say to him "fuck me daddy." This would either be in person, or over messages. I remember once, when I was in school, I messaged him that. He told me to stop in case one of my friends saw. I don't know why he didn't tell me to stop for other reasons.
•One day, after telling him that in person, we were in my parents bedroom. I was sat on his bed and he was in front of me in his weird chair. He then started going in to detail about how I wanted him to fuck me, I can't remember exactly what he said, it was like I zoned out. Everytime I try to recall it now it literally feels like bugs start to crawl up me, I don't understand why. I remember the last part, and his really disgusting hushed and gentle voice. He asked if I wanted him to "cum inside of me", or he was just explaining how that would finish. I'm not really sure.
•Still around this same time period of me being 11-12, I would ask him to 'squish me.' The reason why we would call it that is because I would be on my back, my legs would be up all the way to where my head is and he would be on top of me in a way that would 'squish me'. Basically like that one sex position. I would usually be wearing my school uniform when that would happen, so a skirt. During the 'squishing', he would push down on me, so our crotches would basically be against eachother. I don't know why, but I would continuously ask him to 'squish me' and during it I would even say the whole "fuck me daddy" thing. Only recently have I realised that he was probably just pretending to fuck me.
•Other things had happened around that age too, like how we would talk about how many times we masturbated a day and compare it to eachother. Sometimes if I was abruptly going to my room, he would ask if I was going to go masturbate, since we were 'close like that' I would tell him. He would often recommend me NSFW Instagram model accounts. I was once tricked in to sending feet pics to this guy, which really isn't that serious and whenever I brought it up with friends they find it fucking hilarious. But the detail I always leave out is that, I did bring that up with my stepdad and he proceeded to tell me that he already knew. Which means he was spying on me through the crack of the door. If that already didn't bother me, I don't understand why he just allowed me to send those pictures, if he was watching why the hell didn't he stop me?
•I'm pretty sure this also happened around the age of 11 as well, recently, a memory resurfaced but I barely remember it. Basically, I was sucking on his neck. I don't remember who said it, but either him or my mum spoke up and laughed, saying that I needed to stop otherwise I would "give him a hickey." The reason why I wouldn't be surprised if my mum was in the room at the time is because she doesn't care about what he does. She knows everything and just doesn't fucking care.
•I'm very sure that, around that age, my parents begun to expose me to their loud sex. I wouldn't be surprised if it started even younger, however. Obviously, I tried to bring it up with them at the ripe old age of 11 and my mum immediately shot me down with a "it's natural." This only stopped recently, around this year, because I had a big panic attack over hearing them and my mum finally felt guilty. I started getting panic attacks over it the minute it started, maybe the panic attacks were a sign of the trauma when I was younger, but I'm convinced it is now. I heard it so many times that I began to get paranoid every night, I would start to hear it even if they weren't upstairs (I sound crazy, I know.) I would get so anxious every night in case I would hear it, to the point I started to really resent them from it. I know fine well I could just go to sleep before them, but sometimes they even woke me up with it, on numerous occasions.
•I'm convinced my stepdad wanted me to hear it. Around the time of it finally stopping, I got mad because i was hearing it again (I'm unsure if it was due to me hearing shit or they actually were) but it caused me to take my bedding and go downstairs to sleep. In the morning, I was rudely awoken to my stepdad slamming the door open and storming past. He's not usually like that when people are sleeping, so it instantly gave me the impression that he was pissed off and the only reason I can think of is that he was angry I wasn't there to listen.
•He used to tease me for my paranoia to. As a way to discourage them from getting intimate, I would leave my door open at night. This happened around this year, but I was doing that again and I messaged my stepdad if they were actually going to sleep. It then somehow turned to him making a dig about how he knew I gets anxious at night and when I asked why he sent me "In case me and your mam have sex. 😜" Before, I tried to resolve this issue by begging them to just tell me if they were gonna have sex or not so I could sleep downstairs (because I was gonna find out the hard way anyways.) And they kept on refusing? Which just gave me the impression that they wanted me to listen more.
•Around 11 again, he would often tell me details about his and my mums sex life. Like how he was always good at pulling out and the only time he would wear a condom is right when he was about to finish. But the reason why my sister came to be was because he just failed to pull out that one time and my mum refused to get an abortion. Another time, he went on about how him and my mother had sex during her period and how they had to use towels and they didn't enjoy it because it was too messy.
•I don't know if he did things before the age of 11, my memories are very faded and it's like there are major gaps throughout everything. I'm worried that he did, however. When I was very young, I remember having no accidents at all during the night. But then, around the ages of 9, I would have an accident basically every night and would get a lot of water infections. I know that's a classic sign of child sexual abuse, but I don't want to jump to conclusions or anything.
•Another reason as to why I believe more things had happened to me than what I know of is because I always seemed to know what sex was when I was young, but I wouldn't know the name or anything specific about it like how to get pregnant or what cum was. Though, even though I didn't know what it was, it was like I always thought about it, I could never not think about sex, it was disgusting. This stayed until I was around 13. I remember where I even asked my 'boyfriend' at the time, we were both around 8, if he wanted to have sex, and I have no idea why.
•Over the years, he would flash me frequently. Everytime, I would always believe it was an accident because he'd never acknowledge it, besides from that one time which he always jokes about it and blames me. Everytime he would flash me, it would either be because of a convenient hole in the crotch of his pants or because he was wearing very lose fit shorts and it would just be hanging out. The more I think about it, I'm very sure he would have been able to feel such a thing, especially when it was poking out of the hole, but it was like he was just oblivious.
•For some strange reason, when I was younger, I would make comments about small dicks. I don't know if I was commenting on his dick specifically, but he would always say the same thing. "Width matters more than length."
•Recently, around 16-17, he made a joke about how he listens to me masturbating. Once he noticed how shocked I looked, he then went on saying about how my vibrator is too quiet to hear.
•Around 17 again, I went to use the shower. The shower I use is the one that's connected to my parents room. When I locked the door, he got madish and started making comments about it. I had to defend myself, saying how 'the door would open on it's own if I didn't lock it'. Eventually, he backed off.
•I don't understand the point in the fucking door and lock to my bedroom anymore. Whenever I decided to lock my door, my parents start shouting at me through the walls, asking why I locked my door. My stepdad barely knocks, it's like a tap and he doesn't even wait sometimes. I remember seeing a past message from an old friend saying how he tried to walk in when I was changing and that he knew I was changing. I didn't explain myself, I really wish I did because I don't remember this.
•(Around 17.) We were messaging eachother and it somehow turned in to him hinting if I saw this one animated video, it was a porn one. I said no, and to that he sent me a screenshot of it. It wasn't anything bad or anything, just the start of it and nothing was revealing, he then asked if I was sure. And how he was surprised that I hadn't.
•(Around 17.) I don't really get my period, we still don't know why. But as I was getting a lot of blood tests, my stepdad was trying to check things off the list of what it could be. One of those being that my opening is just extremely tight I guess, because he asked if I ever tried penetrating myself. I admitted that I did, but I couldn't get it to exactly go in. Which he then decided to make a comment saying how It's just my 'technique'. I wonder if the only reason he asked that was to see if I ever tried anything out of morbid curiosity.
•(Around 17 again.) He randomly bought me dildo's once, I didn't ask him for them, he just bought them for me and it was wildly uncomfortable. Once he gave me them, he asked if I wanted him to show me how to use them. I said no, which he then said something about how if I ever did then I could ask him. I worry what would have happened if I did say yes.
•When I was around 14, I went glamping. I ended up having to share a bed with him. One of the nights, I woke up to his hand just on top my crotch. I tried grabbing it and moving it away but it just fell back down on to it. I don't know if he put it back there on purpose. I still question if it was a dream, I'm very sure it wasn't because I remember going back to sleep, but it still just bugs me.
•Around 17, I was upset for some reason and he was comforting me. During this, he randomly grabbed the inside of my thigh. I usually just wear a shirt and boxers, so he basically just grabbed my naked thigh but I don't know if he was doing it in a comforting way.
•Usually when I draw, I have my knees up to my chest so it's easier to use my tablet. Considering what I wear for pyjamas, I can always see him looking at my crotch when he comes in to my room. If he really can see everything I don't understand why he doesn't just tell me to put my legs down.
•He's made a lot of uncomfortable jokes over the years too. One of the ones that upsets me sometimes is that, when he was measuring me for a binder, I was constantly moving around because it was uncomfortable since I was just in a sports bra. As he was leaving, I think I told him about how it was uncomfortable for me or something along those lines. He then turned around and shouted "oh come on, it's not like i was fingerings your pussy or anything."
•Very recently, I asked him if I looked okay before going to college. After a bit of back and fourth he said "I wouldn't kick you out of bed, maybe you could find someone in college who would do the same."
•Other times when I asked him if I looked okay, he'd go on tangents about how my ass is great or how he would date me or be too nervous to talk to me if he was my age.
•One of the more recent jokes was when I dropped a mayonnaise lid on my lap. Nothing got on me, but my stepdad turned to me then turned to my mum and shouted "if anyone starts accusing us, just tell them it was mayonnaise!" Or something like that.
•I remember after we watched the new mean girls film, he started going on saying about how he wanted to rewatch it for the Halloween seen (if you know you know) for the 'panty action'. Which rubs me the wrong way because I'm very sure the girls are supposed to be around my age.
•I'm very sure he also made this fake account, pretending to be one of my old groomers that I tried to cut off, just to message me about nsfw topics and ask for pics. It's a whole long yap about paranoia and just suspicions so I won't get into it though. If I tried to provide all the evidence I have, it'll take forever and there's no point.
There's definitely way more things that he's said, joked and done. But I'm only now beginning to realise that they're not okay. Even when I was younger, I was sort of uncomfortable around the jokes so I would just zone out, leading me to not remembering them now.
I probably will never accept that what happened to me was bad, or a big issue. Especially due to the 'lovely' people on here. Thank you for telling me immediately that I was a liar before you even knew what happened, that I shouldn't blame an 'innocent man', that you hope he comes in and rapes me to the point I split open and bleed. Thank you for telling me that my parents were just trying to promote a sex positive household, that some of the things were questionable at most. Thank you so much for saying I deserved it because I didn't send you pictures. You all made me feel like shit and I'm probably never going to tell people in person what happened to me, out of fear I would be ridiculed due to how much of a baby I'm being. I wasn't raped, so I have no place to cry or even think about it. I'm being overdramatic.
If you even read to this point, you're an angel.
submitted by Polypedatess to abusesurvivors [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:20 Subject-Estimate6187 AITAH for turning away a labcorp visitor because he came earlier?

Delete this please if not allowed, but I am writing it on behalf of my lab technician friend.
She works at LabCorps, and her site doesnt accept walk ins. The site is rarely busy.
There is this middle aged man who often has to take blood tests due to unusual autoimmune diseaese, and my friend says he always comes like, 7AM In the morning even though the earliest appointment possible is 9. She tells him to o come back later and he throws a tantrum because there was no one else waiting. Depending on who is on the shift, he is either let in or wait 2 hrs sitting there. My friend is like ,"lol let him wait". I m thinking that its not a big deal to just get over with it when no one isnt around.
Is my friend asshole?
submitted by Subject-Estimate6187 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:19 Nonex359 Why is it when I talk about how aspergers effects me, alot of NT people say they're experiencing the same things when that clearly isn't the case?

For example, I was explaining to a co worker how exhausting socializing is for me. How the more drained I feel, the more effort it takes to find the right words to say, saying them at the right time, maintain the right amount of eye contact, etc.
That's when he expresses "You're not alone, everyone feels like that."
What bothered me is that this guy is biggest social butterflies I've ever met. It could be 9 hours into the shift, and he'd still be able to chat your ear off.
I've had similar experiences in and out of work.
"Same bro, same"
"I get that"
"I feel the same way"
"Everybody's like that"
No, it's not the same! Talking isn't a free activity for me like it is for everyone else.
It's frustrating when no one understands or believes me. It's frustrating when I can't think of a better way to explain it. It's frustrating that I get tired and anxious from talking to much while everyone else can do it all f***ing day!
submitted by Nonex359 to aspergers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:17 blownawayx2 Venting about feeling alone…

As somebody who lives with an incurable lymphoma (and has now for 8 years, having gone through 3 failed treatments already, the fourth now, a clinical trial with a median effective rate of 18 months, where I am now), my life has been so tremendously affected by lymphoma but it seems like nobody gets it.
Add COVID into things and how so many of our lives were impacted by that, and now the aftermath of pretending like there’s this pulmonary/cardiovascular disease out there that doesn’t exist, and I’m just tired.
I’m a dad, husband, son and brother. The sole breadwinner in my family in a high pressure job that now, and for the last four years, works from home. When I’m around crowds of people, I usually get sick, so I pick and choose moments when I’ll do that.
Thanksgiving gave me a “cold” for a month. My niece’s birthday in January, sick for another month. I then got something in March (tested COVID negative but had major body pain, particularly the lower back) and was sick for weeks. Took the kids to Disney in April so they could experience some normalcy (BTW- they’re 9 and 11 and don’t know that I have “cancer” because that equals dying to them) and then had a “cold” for weeks thereafter and now have shingles for the last 3 weeks. My parents are boomer Trumpers. My siblings “don’t want to make their lives more difficult” so avoid being emotionally honest with them about anything, effectively making me their emotional scapegoat for my living with cancer and being a detriment to all.
It’s such a f-ing drain emotionally. My condition, Waldenstrom’s, is one that’s “highly treatable” but typically affects people 65 and older. I’m now 48 and this has been the most mentally and physically taxing experience of my life, but the biggest part of it is that nobody (except for my wonderful wife) truly understands.
I feel like I constantly have to explain why I WFH, why I need people to be honest about whether they have “colds” or “allergies” and would prefer not to be around people who don’t know/don’t care. Why my focus is on ME and MY family and not my parents, siblings, anybody else.
I don’t trust anybody more than I trust myself any more but am tired of having to battle everybody and everything. I don’t see a light at the end of the tunnel… to me, it’s a black cloud in the distance that inevitably ends in sadness and heartbreak for me, my wife and my kids.
My biggest breakdown came when my doctor wrote “Stage IV lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma” in my chart after two failed years of chemo and as I was sobbing said to me “but that’s what this is.” My response “but you never spelled it out like that.” Seeing those words changed something in me.
I’ve had therapists/seen psychiatrists. At one time I was diagnosed with depression secondary to anxiety (delayed onset as the result of the diagnosis they called it) because when asked the question “do you see this coming to an end,” I answered “no. There is no end to this.”
Beyond a cure, I KNOW I am not wrong. I’m also not particularly hopeless in the sense that I see the world as terrible. I don’t. The world can be wonderful. I love my wife and kids. But…
What am I missing about my reality that everybody seems to think I’m getting things wrong and I feel the need to constantly defend myself?
I feel like I’m being gaslit to the ultimate degree about how I SHOULD feel. About my dysfunctional family dynamics. About the end game for my health.
Treatment options ARE running out. Chemo DOES f-ck me up. My immune system DOES function poorly.
I’d have to be the eternal Pollyanna optimist to think this is all going to end well for me and, I know I’m not that.
Just venting. Nobody gets it. Nobody beyond my wife. But, I also don’t want her to have to be on this train until it crashes into the ground, which it will eventually. Sooner? Later? Who knows. Just sucks to feel like a lemon. I thought life would get better in my 40s. But at 48, living with this black cloud truly blows.
submitted by blownawayx2 to lymphoma [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:16 Seline_Kirotashi First time kitten owner here, with a few questions regarding normal kitten behaviour

So I got a kitten for my 17th birthday yesterday (her name is Mitsy and she's the cutest little thing ever!) and she's also my first ever pet so I'm really worried that I'm gonna screw something up and to hopefully avoid that I have a few questions! She's 6 months and 3 weeks btw

  1. How often should I change the litterbox? I've been doing it immediately after my kitten uses it but I'm pretty sure that's not necessary.
  2. Is it okay for her to be licking her stitches from her desexing surgery thingy? I assumed it wouldn't be okay but the pet store I got her from didn't seem to care too much about it since she wasn't wearing a cone. Also, I'm not sure how old the stitches are but I have to take her to the vet in two weeks to get them removed if that matters
  3. She keeps trying to eat her litter (its absorbing litter) and I keep trying to distract her and/or firmly telling her 'no' and getting her to drop it but I'm not sure how to get her to stop completely or even if this is normal behaviour. It's probably super dangerous though
  4. Mitsy keeps randomly making a weird croaking sound and it's probably just a hairball but she also ate a dust ball a few hours ago before I was able to stop her and she ate something crunchy (probably litter) that I couldn't see a little bit after that, but like. I'm still a bit scared.
  5. I'm keeping the litterbox and food and water in my bedroom along with Mitsy for now because my Nanna doesn't want her wandering around the house at night, but I'm planning to move it all to the bathroom when she gets accustomed to my house and we get a cat fence for my Nanna's bedroom (she dislikes cats, the absolute monster!), but I was thinking that keeping the litterbox in my room is a bad idea and I feel kind of guilty about having her locked in my room all night and her waking up before me and probably wanting to explore and play
  6. Any tips on getting kittens to feel more comfortable around stairs? I want to let her know that downstairs is okay too (she seems to be okay upstairs now) and I've been trying to coax her down one step at a time using treats but its not really working. I also don't want to pick her up because I don't want to accidentally touch her stitches and hurt her.
  7. Since Mitsy is already litter trained, its okay for me to give her treats whenever right? And on a similar note, is it normal for kittens to avoid treats when they're in a new home?
  8. She hasn't done anything 'bad' yet, but when she does, what's a good way of teaching her not to do that? I don't want to yell at her or spray her with water or anything because that's mean and I want to be a nice cat mum and she doesn't know any better
  9. Is getting a cat harness worth it? I'm never going to let her out into the backyard or outside because of how easy it is for her to run into a possibly not so friendly cat or escape the backyard which is literally bordering a road that has a lot of cars and she doesn't know the area so she can't find her way back home. I'm thinking that maybe I can take her on walks like a dog but my family said that's stupid so I'm not sure
  10. I've been playing with her a lot with a feather toy (sorta, its actually a star on a string and it had a moon as well with bells but those came off) and she keeps jumping really high and twisting in midair which looks like it should be painful because of the stitches (can you tell I'm really worried about the stitches?) but maybe she's just really good at hiding pain?

I think that's it, please please please answer even one of these if you can and any assorted kitten raising tips are greatly appreciated!
submitted by Seline_Kirotashi to cats [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:15 Any_Frosting4145 Undiagnosed, where do i begin? What was your experience.

Undiagnosed, where do i begin? What was your experience.
My whole life ive dealt with hyper mobility. I noticed things like my ribs pop upwards, and my knees hyperextend backwards. Although, it was never properly diagnosed by a doctor ever. My parents weren’t the best, i seldomly went to the hospital and i cant remember the last time they took me to a doctors appointment. With that being said - i do not have a family doctor and i live in Ontario where the hospitals and clinics are simply understaffed, so a lot of the time youre basically dismissed.
So anyways - a few weeks ago i started noticing a pain on my left side when sitting for a long period of time. It was very uncomfortable and not like anything ive ever experienced. As it started getting worse i noticed it looked as though one of my ribs had slipped backwards. This led to a google search that obviously led me to slipping rib syndrome, and now i am here. Im just wondering how you went about getting medical care and what the steps were with getting diagnosis and treatment.
I work a very physically demanding job as a server in a very busy restaurant. I can’t afford to take time off and the pain is starting to get worse.
Picture to show what my rib currently looks like
submitted by Any_Frosting4145 to SlippingRibSyndrome [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:15 Warm-Tap-52 midi controller/keyboard with Logic integration that doesn't make you cry

I have just had the worst WORST experience trying to set up an M-Audio keyboard (Oxygen Pro 49) with Logic Pro 11 on OS 14. I'd like to program the pads to launch Live Loops scenes. Didn't think it was that much of an ask!
I don't know if it was just bad timing with Logic 11 release but by god this company is coming across as a bunch of useless asshats. They can't even implement a chat bot on their website properly ("We offer live technical support chat right here on our knowledge base. Click the chat bubble in the bottom-left corner of this page to get started." - um, there is no chat bubble present - anywhere on the page). Go to submit feedback, it asks for completion of a captcha, which is only half visible...
Yesterday I had the board working ok, but was having trouble with user assignments. Couldn't get pads to behave as individual midi signals, for example, using the "learn" function. Tried installing a software update ( "there is absolutely no harm in downloading and installing the latest firmware") - from the M-Audio site, by searching here: M-Audio Drivers and Updates. That promptly broke the existing setup and it went back to being a basic midi keyboard. No transport links to play/stop buttons, nothing. Tried switching the setup back to the same as before ie reinstalled the controller surface, using Mackie/HUI as input and output. No love.
I am reading on the M-Audio site now that folks should not update to OS 14 but that's no good to me - I was already running it before I bought the thing.
I think I am going to seek a return. I moved to Logic from PT ten years ago because an M-Box was giving me grief every time the OS was updated and I am now getting flashbacks. Thought perhaps things would have improved in a decade.
  1. Am I going to end up just as upset if I try an Arturia? Plan was either Essential 49 or MK2 49? I wasn't a fan of the keybed when I tried one in-store, but if the software is less of a nightmare I'll take it. The store I bought from doesn't have Nektar which from reading around a little on reddit sounds like it has decent Logic integration.
  2. Am I being unfair? Is this just because Logic Pro 11/OS 14 is new or something? Does anyone out there use Oxygen Pro 49 with Logic Pro 11 on Mac and love it?
submitted by Warm-Tap-52 to LogicPro [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:15 Golden_Pineapple07 Ideas for my fanfics title?

At the minute I only have a working title of A Heroes Journey. I want to change it however I don't know what to.
It's about Akari, a girl with the quirk Phantom-Kenisis. It grants Akari the ability to telekinetically manipulate objects while experiencing a unique sensory connection with them, as if they are extensions of her own body. When Akari focuses on an object to manipulate, she not only controls its movement but also perceives tactile sensations associated with the object, such as texture, temperature, or even elemental properties. Basically she can connect with certain objects or things and when she connects them it's as if they're a phantom limb.
I'm thinking about expanding her quirk to be one that allows her to possess others aswell however I'm unsure on if I will go through with it.
Anyways, she is the biological daughter of Takami, a villain, and the bio sister of Keigo (Hawks). Like him, she was brought into the HPSC. She embraced the challenge of becoming a hero, trusting the adults around her to guide her and sticking to the rules they made.
At a young age, Endeavor began to take interest in her. Eventually, her training was split between stay and doing things at the HPSC and going to Endeavors house, training under his guise with Shouto.
The visits to the Todoroki household increased and, eventually a but after Touyas death, Endeavor adopted her mainly to fight off negative press, after all, a hero adopting the daughter of a villain be defeated would gain alot of positive interactions. Plus, Akari can manipulate elements like ice and fire.
Throughout the years, he trained her and Shouto together into a dynamic of leader and follower. Shouto led and Akari followed. He viewed Akari as an extention of Shouto, almost like a sidekick. This rubbed of on her. She doesn't see any wrong in how Endeavor trains them due to her black and white view of society (basically she thinks there are only good guys and bad guys and doesn't see the grey area in-between, part of her development will be her recognising this area and categorising certain people like Endeavor into it).
Eventually, the HSPC gets back in contact and tells Endeavor they want to talk to Akari. They send Akari on a mission to infiltrate All For Ones gang of villain (the LOV) and she adapts a villain persona, offering up info about UA and basically acting as the UA traitor.
Character development wise, she becomes less of a follower and more of a leader. She fights her way out of Shoutos shadow and becomes her own person, becoming less reliant on his quirk, and more independent. I'm going to have her hero costume convey this part of her development. To start of with, it's adapted to work with Shoutos quirk however later on she adds things to enhance her own quirk and allow her not to rely as much on his one. I'm planning on Bakugou helping her bring out her full potential and a very strong friendship between the two of them, since they both at the start share the belief that being a hero means destroying the villains.
She also comes to understand why Shouto doesn't want to use his fire and this brings them closer. At the start, she doesn't see Shouto as much of a brother despite the adoption however this changes.
As I said before she sees the grey areas of society. I'm planning to do this through the Stain arc and Endeavors character.
As for her sibling relationship with Keigo, they go without seeing eachother for years. Eventually, they do get back into contact, from around the sports festival onwards and they begin to re kindle their relationship.
I am also planning on her finding out about OFA early on and her dedicating herself to protect Midoriya because she sees alot of potential and sees that he's the only one who could defeat AFO.
Anyways, this is basically the run down. If you have any questions, do ask.
submitted by Golden_Pineapple07 to BNHA_OC_Characters [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:14 angeldoesntknow Moving my cat to a smaller apartment

Hi everyone! It would really mean a lot if you could help me out here. My family and I have gotten a cat around a year ago from today and my kitty will be 2 in August. We live in a pretty big house in a very urban city and so he doesn’t really go out. He is able to run around a lot as well have multiple floors and still loves to play a lot. Next year, I am moving away from home and found a small apartment (25 square meters) in a somewhat rural place. My parents are not really around and that’s one of the reasons why we got a cat. I’ve grown extremely attached to him and he spends almost everyday and every night with me. I would be devastated to leave him but I can get past that if it’s better for him. I don’t want to take him away from everything he knows. However, as I said my parents aren’t really home that much (get home late, leave early, travel quite a lot). My brother told me that if I leave without him he could move back in to take care of my cat but he doesn’t really know him and I know he travels a lot too. He wouldn’t be left alone when they travel obviously but he would be taken care of by a pet sitter so it’s not the same. If I take him with me, I would be able to go on walks with him or just hang out with him outside, he will just have to be on a leash which I’m not sure he’d like. What do you think? Where will he be happier? I don’t want to be selfish but I’m also not sure what the best option is.
submitted by angeldoesntknow to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:14 Embarrassed_Ideal306 Y2K bandana brands

Hey there! Hopefully someone has some knowledge about bandanas in this subreddit, and I know this is a bit of a vague post without a photo but I'm looking for a bandana that I've had as a child that was recently stolen from me. I've had it more than two decades and it pains me that I'll never see it again. The material was amazing! I'm assuming it was an elephant brand bandana since the font looks so similar but I am unsure if other bandana brands used the same fonts around that time. I'm unsure though because a lot of 'vintage bandanas' I'm seeing look like drop-shipped new bandanas 🥲 The particular one I'm looking for is pretty unique, it was sold pre-folded (sewn together so it was always in a triangle shape) with rhinestones and silver diamond shaped studs all over. But I will definitely be hunting for that, I just was hoping someone could recommend other brands to look out for!
submitted by Embarrassed_Ideal306 to findfashion [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:13 Altruistic-Exit2706 Can stop but won’t stop vaping

I’m aware how bad vaping is to my body, specifically sa lungs and that’s the very reason why I refuse to quit.
I’m done. I’ve been trying to look for a reason to fight and to survive, like purpose to live, or yung reason lang why I must not die yet but I really can’t find answer. All issues and situations in my life just lead to you know, giving up. Since I was a kid I’ve been working hard. I’m from a broken family but hindi ko yon hinayaan maging hindrance to have a normal life and to even excel in school kahit na minsan pamasahe lang papunta ng school pera ko (₱10-₱12 fare that time, around 30-min ride), nagsumikap pa din ako, diskarte na lang kung pano makakain and makauwi. And sa kabila non, mataas pa din grades ko, active sa extracurricular and I graduated with honors and several awards.
Nung college okay naman din, hindi honor pero never nag-fail sa subject. I was a full scholar nga din pala mula nung hs. Then kasabay nyan I also have side hustles, kung ano anong raket para dagdag baon and hindi maging pabigat sa mama ko.
I started working in the government right after I graduated. Walang pahinga pahinga, rekta trabaho as in tapos sabay din ng start ko sa law school, unfortunately di kinaya ng budget, katawan and mental health ko so I had to stop sa law school. I’ve always wanted to be a lawyer since I was little, kaya I was really disappointed with myself hanggang ngayon bc I feel like I’m a failure, and alam ko disappointed mga tao sa paligid ko.
9 years na ko sa government and ang tindi ng quarter life crisis ko. Gusto ko makapag-isa ulit ng apartment kasi I’ll be starting na sa training for the wfh I applied for and natanggap ako, but I don’t know how I’ll be able to focus since I need my solitude and serenity to function well. And simpleng ganon iguiguiltrip ako ng mother ko, the fact na I’m paying for everything dito sa apt ko, I was living na alone before pero sinamahan nya ko, ngayon parang utang na loob ko pa na sinamahan nah ko eh napakasimple ng gusto ko, mapag-isa. She used to live with my brother, well we’re all living together before ako huniwalay. It’s not like I’ll stop supporting them , ang sakin lang ay I want to be freaking alone. Gusto ko tahimik sa place ko, gusto ko maayos yung place ko, kung ano yung ayos na gusto ko, and araw araw nalilinis ko. But kahit yun lang di ko pa makuha. Sakal na sakal na ko.
When I was living alone before, I was able to juggle two jobs, one sa govt and one wfh, kasi nga nasa focus ako. Payapa ako. That’s all I’m asking.
Basta madami pa ibang reasons.
Basta pagod na pagod na pagkatao ko at katawang lupa ko.
Na-diagnosed nga pala ko with MDD and GAD in 2020. Nag stop na ko sa medication kasi ayoko maging dependent and para tipid din.
I’m not even 30yo pero yung responsibilities and problema na sinalo ko and nagkukusa din ako tumulong without my family asking. Kaso pano naman ako? Diba sarili ko lahat. Simpleng bagay di ko mabigay sa sarili ko, na makakatulong sana para mas maging productive ako, na at the end of the day para din naman sa kanila.
Idk. I’m too damn tired. Sorry some of you might say napakababaw pero di ko kasi maikwento lahat kasi iniisip ko pa lang nanghihina na ko. Mas lalo ko gusto bumigay.
Pa-vent out lang. Wala naman kasi ako mapaglabasan.
So ayun. Can’t unalive myself, I’ve tried many times pero di ko kaya. All I know is if may chance or may opportunity, di ako iilag or iiwas. Basta for now, magvvape na lang ako gang mamatay. At least may nagawa ako para sa sarili ko kahit harmful lol
Thank you guys. Mej gumaan. * sabay hipak *
submitted by Altruistic-Exit2706 to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:13 anonme1995 Can you quit your job & still qualify/ apply for PFMLA??

Looking for some PFMLA advice, or maybe someone who has done this before. There's so much information online for PFMLA and the verbiage sometimes is hard to understand. I am wondering if I quit my job prior to the birth of my child or qualifying for early medical leave (if requested by doctor), can I still apply and recieve PFMLA benefits. For example, lets say I resign August 1st, baby is born end of September, will not working for 8+ weeks or any amount of time void me from qualifying for PFMLA benefits? Aka the 12 weeks of family bond leave + whatever the doctor approves for medical leave (most likely 6 weeks additional if uncomplicated).
Background/ rant: I am a FT employee and have been with the same company for 6 years. I am currently 22 weeks pregnant and so far my pregnancy has been great. No issues. Haven't even had to use any sick time so far. The company is spiraling, lots of major changes in the company. My position has changed drastically since the beginning of the year. I was given a promotion with intent to a pay raise, its been 90+ days since said promotion and my pay plan "wont be ready until July". I was informally promised it would've been ready May 1st. Despite this, I still continue doing everything asked of me and more. I started working a little longer hours and now work weekends which I hadn't in years. I had just been informed they are moving which office I work out of to a new location in a different town. I have been working in the same office for 6 years and never was told that there could be a possibility to move. The move happens July 1st. I currently live a 2 mile drive from my job, that was the most attractive reason I took it in 2018. Now the new office is located 25 minutes, I know this is not a lot for some people, but I live in the city, traffic gets bad, highways get backed up and I just don't want to travel extra for work. I'm not the only one moving, so is both of my staff members who i oversee, They are uprooting our entire department. One of my employees came to me a month ago, talking about how stressed she was from work that she would go home and cry. I fought for months with my directors to let them know how the entire department feels on not being paid for new roles/ extra work & being promised by them, but they under deliver. I warned them that people may quit. They said "let them quit". Yesterday one of the girls I have been working with side by side and then became her manager since 2019, resigned. She just hit 5 years with the company. She cried but said it was effecting her way too much, between the extra work no pay and all of the changes. When she resigned, our COO replied with "thanks for letting me know" and that was it. This has been my tipping point. I don't think I can work here anymore. I don't want to spend my 3rd trimester stressed. It's not good for me or baby.
So, if I resign, would I still qualify for PFML benefits since I have been paying into it since it started in 2021..
submitted by anonme1995 to massachusetts [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:10 AshLyn32 [Spoilers All][OC]Time To Be Storytellers: The Dragon Age Weekly Writing Prompts- Catch Up Week

Good morning everyone! Welcome to the writing prompt thread for the Dragon Age series. I hope everyone has fun and lets their muses fly free and they have an excellent weekend!
Submit Writing Prompts Here
Hey everyone. Welcome to the writing thread that is now seven years old.
Below are some general guidelines for the thread. Also please don’t hesitate to add prompts to the linked doc just above. This helps me out greatly when choosing prompts. Whether it’s a specific pov, or a line of a dialogue, or a theme choice, or whatever strikes your interest. Label the type of prompt you want it to be (Examples: bard style, villain pov, Modern Day AU, What If?, 100 Word Drabble Dialogue Only, etc) and then whatever phrase or idea for the prompt itself. Anyways, guidelines below, and also the prompts!
  1. Constructive Criticism and interaction is always welcomed and encouraged on the thread. What is not welcomed nor encouraged: Making people feel unwelcomed, whether through unneeded negative comments or downvoting, copying others work and trying to pass it off as your own, or trying to bring in unnecessary fandom feuds/wanks. Please keep any and all negativity off this thread, and continue making it a welcoming place for sharing stories, writing and ideas. This is a place to share our works and encourage creativity in the community.
  2. Word limit is between 1500-1800. You are welcome to respond to multiple prompts, butPLEASE DO NOT PUT YOUR WRITING IN MULTIPLE POSTS. It makes the thread hard to read. Instead, link to AO3, google docs, etc if you go past the reddit post limit. Please keep all visible content SFW. ANY CONTENT THAT CAN BE CONSIDERED NSFW MUST BE PLACED IN GDOC OR ON A WEBSITE AND LINKED-This Thread is To Be SFW If you are unsure about something, then put it in a doc and link it, just to be on the safe side.
  3. The writing thread will be going back down to 4 prompts- 3 plus freeform.. Every now and then there will be Challenges, or Themes. Every 5 to 6 weeks will be Catch Up Weeks. If you are interested in a specific prompt, challenge, or theme to appear, please don't hesitate to PM me on Reddit or Discord. Also, the prompts are for any character set in the Dragon Age Universe, in any form of media. Ranging from Original Characters, to an NPC in the game or comic, or anything that happened in the books.
  4. MOST IMPORTANT: PLEASE HAVE FUN! Make us cry, laugh, growl in frustration, cover our faces in secondhand embarrassment, snicker, or awwww at the disgustingly cute fluff. And I want to continue to thank everyone for their part in making this an awesome place to indulge our creativity.
Addition: If you are indeed posting, but the post is not showing up, please message the moderators of the subreddit to let them know that there is a glitch.
** Welcome to Catch Up Week! Below are the last five weeks of the weekly threads, where you can dive into the old prompts! **
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
submitted by AshLyn32 to dragonage [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:09 PocketPillow Just finished my first ever playthrough of Fallout 4. My thoughts.

I'll be honest, I'm that guy that picked it up for $20 because of the TV show. I know the game came out ages ago but when it came out my kids were young and my video game time was nil.
I wanted to share my thoughts, if anyone cares. Maybe no one does, but I'm guessing everyone here has played through a bunch of times, has a bunch of mods downloaded, etc. so maybe you will.
1) Dogmeat is annoying, I made Codsworth my follower out of frustration.
Literally shot that dog dozens of times since he would jump between my gun and the enemy trying to be helpful. Then had to stimpack him out of guilt.
2) The Sad Couple and Minuteman Mission Giver made me avoid Sanctuary.
I know it's supposed to be home, but I actually made my home the Drive in Theater instead where I didn't have to listen to the could complain or risk being given another Minuteman mission that I didn't want. I made a really cool base (at least I loved it). Building was tricky, but I basically made tiers of society up to the top of the screen. Wasted a ton of time but had a lot of fun.
I wished I could have reserved the top bed for myself, but I basically had the King's Quarters on the highest level, my citizens the next level down, shops below that, then my workshops, and surrounded on the bottom level with turrets.
And then... My citizens kept getting trapped under the ramshackle palace, which was annoying. But otherwise building was fun.
3) I loved exploring the world overall.
The little sidequest stories found on various terminals were really cool. Especially the vault ones, but also finding little email arguments and whatnot. I always read what they said. Getting the special power armor chest from that lab was also cool, they should have had more stumble upon things like that.
4) I found all 3 factions distasteful, but went with the Institute as my choice.
The Institute was the least bad option, and it had my family loyalty. I also loved the backstory of how it was founded by survivors living in tunnels and that they created a paradise, and were still expanding underground.
I didn't like how the story tried to drive me into the arms of the railroad. Sorry not sorry: AI isn't people. Building a machine for a purpose and using it isn't "slavery."
Meanwhile the Brotherhood wanting to destroy everything and rule through military might just drives the world into further dystopia.
Did I agree with everything the Institute was doing? No. Replacing people with Synths and experimenting on people is obviously bad, and is too "Vault" type thinking, but it felt like the game wanted me to find out the evil part of the seemingly perfect society in order to push me into the arms of the railroad but didn't make the evil part all that shocking.
Sorry not sorry, but attempting to murder and destroy people over "enslaving" technology that they make themselves wasn't my cup of tea. So the Institute was the least bad of 3 immoral options. At least society isn't going to be a brutal fascist Brotherhood or run by people that want to stop using technology to improve humanity.
5) After the main quest line was over everything was meaningless.
It felt like a real lost bit of potential not to have a "part 2" to the game where you rebuild society. Fishing the main quest should have been the halfway point. I would have loved post-main quests based on your faction of choice. Like reestablishing the CIT. Cleaning it up and using the Minuteman network to recruit townships and create a functioning society.
I've glanced at mods and I don't mean "download a mod that makes this town look like it did before the fall". I mean like recruiting townsfolk to produce wall panels and machinery in one of the factories. Establishing local school houses. Using the Institute to invent some Environmental Rad Away Processors to slowly purify the lake water. That sort of thing.
Part of the hollow feeling was that the world didn't change. We destroyed the Railroad and Brotherhood, but then... It's just raiders and super mutants. No where to progress. Not even a cheesy montage with a time lapse of society improving over the course of decades and a credits scene. No closure. Just back to killing NPCs that are trying to invade Greentop again... Overall I enjoyed the game, just felt like it was unfinished.
I was only level 41 when I finished the main quest line too. Just did Minuteman quests for a while. I put off finishing it until I unlocked the final level of mods for weapons and armor, but probably would have been fine to finish it 10 levels earlier.
6) I also didn't love that I was required to unlock hacking and lockpicking to finish the game.
I was going to anyway, but the game sets up for customizing you're character and then forces you to build a certain way. I felt like I was required to have a high Charisma guy that could pick every lock and hack every terminal. If I wanted to be an ignorant brute just kicking down doors that option wasn't open to me. That master lock can't be picked? BS, I'm wearing power armor and can punch a giant monster to death, pretty sure I can rip a wooden door off it's hinges!
7) The fact that Deacon was supposed to be their idea of "cool" showed the writers grew up watching 80s movies.
It was laughable how big of a dork he actually was.
submitted by PocketPillow to Fallout [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:09 shiftposting Literally impossible to wake up, tried everything

So, everyone I know knows I have a problem with waking up. There could be the apocalypse going and I would still ronf ronf peacely in my bed. I tried everything I am aware of. Alarm clocks on the other side of the room? I wake up, go turning them off, get to bed again (and when I wake up after I have no recollection of it happening). Caffeine and medicines beside my bed? I take them, I take Ritalin and Wellbutrin too for ADHD but they either don't work or I don't remember to take them to wake up. I have an alarm clock that absolutely BLASTES the sound and wakes up everyone in the house, and I still do not wake up, and people are getting annoyed so I have to find another way. I tried the vibrating alarm clock one time and it did not work, but I want to try a vibrating watch but damn some of them are really expansive, but I am afraid I will turn it off too. I really don't know what else to try. I have one of those morning alarms that lights up but it doesn't work anyway and even if I stay with the windows open I can still sleep with the sun coming up. Is there anything else I can try that will not wake up others in the house and that I cannot turn off? Sometimes I sleep even when I do not turn off the alarm, and sleep through it. I even have my mom call me on my phone sometimes, and even when I'm in a call with her and TALKING, I am still fucking almost sleeping and I end up going to bed again and wake up hours later (I have the "sleep persona" where I lie that I am awake but I am actually still in bed) I really do not know what else to do. I tried hiding the clocks too or blocking the path to them but I still find my way to turn them off in my sleep. I even tried doing all of the things I listed at the same time and even with the combination of all of them I still wake up only some hours after.
What else is there to try? As I said I'm gonna try a vibrating watch but that's my last hope. I already plan on getting a sleep study in the future, but I need a new option now :/ Thank you
submitted by shiftposting to sleep [link] [comments]