Eviction template

trying to figure out how to write an eviction notice(in GA) that is NOT for a rental agreement or lease

2024.05.28 02:41 Fuzzy-Lingonberry-51 trying to figure out how to write an eviction notice(in GA) that is NOT for a rental agreement or lease

to clarify, the person has been staying here free, their is no sort of paperwork or money involved, my relatives girlfriend needed a place to stay and i had extra room in my house so i just let her stay, but now shes becoming a problem so i would like her out asap, but legally shes been here long enough to qualify as a resident so i need to actually formally evict here
the problem being while i can find plenty of templates and stuff for such notices for rental agreements none of them pertain to no landlord situations, and i dont want to use anything that would imply some sort of legal agreement and potentially make this more complicated
so can someone help me either find one of these templates that isent specifically for leases, or at least help me find out what i need to include to write one up myself
submitted by Fuzzy-Lingonberry-51 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 14:42 Afraid_String_2490 Urgent Help Needed: Revolut Account Restricted for Nearly a Week!

Hi everyone,
I'm reaching out for urgent help and advice. On May 22, 2024, my Revolut account was restricted after I attempted to make a cryptocurrency payment to an eBay seller for a document template. The restriction message initially stated that it would last for three hours, but it has now been nearly a week, and my account remains blocked.
This is my only bank account, so I've been unable to make any transfers or payments. The situation has left me in a very precarious position where I haven't been able to properly eat or use public transportation. To make matters worse, I have a small dog who hasn't eaten properly for the last few days.
Despite numerous attempts to contact Revolut's customer service through their in-app chat, email, and social media, I have not received a satisfactory response or solution. Several of my subscriptions have been cancelled due to non-payment, and I am incredibly embarrassed to say that I have had to beg for money to buy food over the last few days.
The most pressing issue is that I must pay my rent on Tuesday. If I cannot access my funds to make this payment, I will face eviction and homelessness. I do not have any other bank accounts or financial resources, and I am not eligible to claim any benefits in this country, so I cannot rely on public funds or government or council assistance.
I am desperately seeking advice on how to resolve this issue as quickly as possible. Has anyone experienced something similar with Revolut? What actions can I take to expedite the resolution of this problem? Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance for your support.
submitted by Afraid_String_2490 to Revolut [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 00:35 Liquid_disc_of_shit The legal precedent cheat-sheet: learn how to write emails quoting the law to neuter your landlord and crush his will to resist or just impress a cute lawyer you meet at a party.

Edit if you know of any good cases, leave the links to them in the comments below and tag me. I will add them. u/unanimousstargazer

"The war you win is the one that ends before it begins"
Me. I said that
So you need to email your landlord to get your deposit back, or you want to let them know that you intend to fight them in court about the inspection report or the overpriced rent or something.
No one likes going to court, even if you know you can win. It adds months on to your case and can be costly and stressful. Quoting legal cases and text in your communication to the landlord can scare him into compliance especially when it comes to situations where he is undoubtedly in the wrong, such as withholding your deposit. Often a landlord might not consider it worth the hassle if he suspects he could end up in court losing more money than he can gain. But what cases do you reference and where are they?
Most (if not all) court cases fought have their final judgements upload to this database:
Rechtbank database
Odds are that someone has already fought a case just like yours in court. Legal precedence is the principle by which if an earlier court rules in a similar case, the ruling can be applied to future cases or at least strongly support yours.
To understand the Judgements, it is important to get a few key terms in.
In Dutch the word "afsluiten" (concluded) means to "begin a contract", not to end one so be wary when you see the translation.
Wetboek is the dutch word for Civil Code. When you see something like 7:2xx WB lid 1, it mean Book 7 of the Dutch Civil code, article 2xx, subsection 1..
Book 7 deals with contract agreements: you can read an english translation of the book here

Some key articles from Book 7 that you might see in your lease agreement:Article 7:271 concerns terminating a lease agreement and what your rights are with a temporary contract:
Lid 1: This deals with temporary contract and state that the contract does not automatically end on the last day unless the landlord notifies the tenant in advance (minimum 1 month). If he doesnt do this, the contract becomes permanent.
Lid 5a: Summed up as "If you pay monthly, you can cancel monthly,"
The tenant must inform the landlord that he/she wishes to end the lease agreement at least 1 day before the payment date for the next month(s). if your landlord includes a notice period longer than this (e.g, "tenant must give 2 month notice to terminate the lease agreement even though they pay monthly") you can ignore his notice period and refer to this article 7:271 WB lid 5 in your termination notice.

Article 7:249: The tenants right to bust the place at the Huurcommissie. This one is suppose to be mentioned in the contract but landlords often leave it out.
Article 7:230: This one is important if your landlord keeps you on 1 year temporary contracts. It states that any contract your landlord offers you for a second time for the same apartment/house, is a considered to be an indefinite extension of the first. Your landlord cannot keep you on temporary contracts.
Article 7:258: Lets you bust an All-in rent price
Article 7:259: Landlord must give you a service cost overview for the year, no later than 6 months after the contract ends. if he doesnt, you can take him to the Huurcommissie to force him to.
Article 7:274 : Details the reasons a landlord can terminate a contract prematurely.
Doesnt apply to temporary contracts that end without any excuse required. If the landlord want you out sooner than that then he must give a reason.
Lid 1a: Not behaving as a good tenant should. This is a very broad umbrella clause.
Lid 1c: Landlord urgently needs the property for his own use.
Lid 1e/3a: He want to renovate or tear down the building.

ECLI:NL:RBNHO:2022:10074 : An all-in rental price cannot be considered liberalized and is in theory bustable to a certain extent. If you have an all-in contract and you are too late for an initial rent assessment, you can use this precedent . If you have an all-in rent price, the HC will set the basic rent to 55% of the current all-in price and set the service costs to 25%: 20% discount instantly for you.
ECLI:NL:RBMNE:2022:2575: If your apartment has no energy label and you attempt to bust, your landlord may be allowed to have an energy label issued after you move in included. Beware of this ruling when busting an apartment that has no energy label.
ECLI:NL:RBAMS:2023:6590: A tenant is given a contract that has features of a temporary model B and permanent model A contract. Landlord didnt allow the tenant to leave early but also made a contract extension conditional on his consent. The tenant went to the HC for a rent reduction but the HC ruled that he didnt have a temp contract and declared his case inadmissible. Tenant went to court and Judge felt that the ambiguity was the landlords fault (Halivtex Criterion ) as he wrote the contract and shouldnt have mixed the two contract types. Tenant won a rent reduction. This one is very important if you have an ambiguous contract.
Agency feesECLI:NL:HR:2015:3099: a 2015 supreme court ruling that bans real estate agents from charging tenants agency fees if they are already in the employment of the landlord (paid or unpaid). This applies if the landlord was their first person of contact, if you applied to an ad on a housing website, if you didnt directly commission the agent to find a house for you. Agency fees can be reclaimed by using this template.
ECLI:NL:RBMNE:2019:6025: Landlord offers tenant 12 month contract with no termination possible. Tenant goes to Huurcommissie and landlord decides to end contract after one year. Tenant refuses and landlord tries to dissolve contract on basis that he thinks its a temp contract and that tenant is a nuisance because she owns a cat. Judge disagrees and states that a temporary contract must allow the tenant to leave early which the landlord didnt. eviction is rejected. If you have a contract with a statement like "minimum rental period" / "no early termination possible "/ possiblity to extend contract with consent of landlord", you can use cases like this to educate your landlord about why it is not wise to go to court.

ECLI:NL:RBNHO:2023:10279: Landlord cannot withhold parts of the deposit for "defects" if he did not do a check-in or check out inspection report that was signed by the tenant. If your landlord wants to keep the deposit for damage that was already there when you moved in, send him a letter (template from here) with this ruling if the situation matches yours.
Rent Increase:
ECLI:NL:RBAMS:2023:3124 : A rent increase clause for a liberalized contract from a corporate landlord is struck off the contract due to an EU directive 93/13 EC (Unfair Contracts Directive) . Use this case if you wish to protest a rent increase from a commercial landlord.
ECLI:NL:RBAMS:2017:7771: A landlord cannot enter a tenants apartment without permission for the purposes of doing spot checks. Only in an emergency can a landlord enter. Judge ruled that checking to see if he was growing dope was not an emergency. Landlord can enter for maintenance but only in consultation with the tenant. Use this to warn your landlord about entering your apartment.

submitted by Liquid_disc_of_shit to Rentbusters [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:15 BunnyBoiEthos [BB] Bunny's Pokémon Big Brother Finale: CHAMPION ROYALE (The Season)

Beginnings. Illustrious. Vivacious. Monstrous. Scintillating. Star-Studded. Nautical. Creeping. Vainglorious. Luminous. Villainous. Venerable. Exuberant. Esteemed. Legendary…. Epic. Wonderful, Briliant, Victorious, Foundational, Iconic!!! Champions. Sixteen of them. One prize. One Ultimate Champion. Who will beat all other winners and become the ultimate winner themselves? As we get ready to close the curtain one last time on Bunny’s Big Brother, let’s find out who is the Shining Star of our champion cast in Bunny’s Pokémon Big Brother CHAMPION ROYALE!
Season Finale: CHAMPION ROYALE!!!
Meet the Cast:
Season 1 – Lance the Escavalier
Season 2 – Carlos the Pangoro
Season 3 – Nickels the Nickit
Season 4 – Xio the Meowscarada
Season 5 – Selene the Lampent
Season 6 – Candy the Wigglytuff
Season 7 – Splaatz the Stunfisk
Season 8 – Dirk the Kricketune
Season 9 – Echo the Arctibax
Season 10 – Mobee the Bewear
Season 11 – Professor Bane the Crobat
Season 12 – Lisette the Solrock
Season 13 – Maeva the Chimeco
Season 14 – Dayley-Jane the Dewgong
Season 15 – DJ Volt Switch the Emolga
Season 16 – Benedict the Chespin
Intro: We are reporting live at the site of Bunny’s Pokémon Big Brother Finale House! The crowd is thick and loud as fans from all over are excited to watch the sixteen champions enter the house LIVE! We stand in Poketopia, home of the Battle Revolution! The Shining Neon Colloseum, in a penthouse suite in the grand city is where the final bout will begin! Here come the Legendary Sixteen right now!!!! Lance the original winner is so stunning in his armor! Carlos has evolved and looks much tougher. Nickels is strutting in conifdent as ever next to Xio, who looks completely unphased by all of the winners around her! Selene fits right in with the bright lights. Looks like Candy is evolved as well and—OH—she tripped over Splaatz. That’s embarrassing and you can tell she isn’t happy even if she’s putting on a smile. Dirk and Echo are next, both eyeing up the competition already. Echo being evolved now already ups his threat level. Mobee gets an uproarious cheer from the crowd! And WOW the Professor gracefully glides over the crowd! He really did escape capture back in Mazda’s Season. Lisette seems to be meditating and Maeva is pumping herself up. She looks a bit snooty now that we know how she really is but we are eager to see how she plays. Dayley-Jane gets another huge cheer from the crowd. She really is a lovable gal ain’t she? DJ clicks a track on the DJ booth to keep one last song playing but then hops out to join the entourage. She’s still keeping up her day job too, so inspiring! Finally, Benedict walks up. Unlike the others, he looks somber. Wonder what his deal is? Oh well, let’s watch them all compete in the bright stadium for the first HOH!
First HOH: In this bright lights HOH, the houseguests all race to complete a task, with the first to complete it knocking someone out of the running. In the first heat, Maeva clears first and knocks out Bane because he came in second and is a huge comp threat. In the next round, Echo wins and takes out Maeva, who just won. Splaatz wins round three by accident and takes out Day, who was big on his original season. Candy wins next and takes out Nickels. Xio takes out DJ, followed by Benedict winning and immediately knocking Xio out. Candy wins again and takes out Dirk. Echo then wins again to take out Candy before she gets too much momentum. Carlos wins and takes out Lance, Mobee then wins and takes out Carlos, Benedict then wins and takes out Mobee! Splaatz wins again and takes out Selene as she is hiding in the background. Lisette wins the next round to take out Benedict. In the final three, Echo wins again and takes out Lisette, as she did a good job hiding til then. In Splaatz versus Echo, the fish surprisingly keeps up with the dragon and at the last second, takes over?!?!?! Splaatz is the first HOH!
Week 1: Splaatz is very confused how he won that last round but Echo comes up and congratulates him. The two get along well and Splaatz works up the courage to ask to be in an alliance, which the dragon happily agrees. Bane goes to Candy to tell her that the villains need to stick together, she agrees and they grab Maeva. She is initially reluctant, not trusting Bane, but she agrees eventually. Mobee goes to monitor the living room like before and DJ flies up to him. They end up chatting and realize they enjoy each other. At the nomination ceremony, Splaatz has decided to put up DJ and Dirk, saying how he doesn’t want to make too much waves and this seems to be the way to do it best. Dirk is unamused and DJ is frightened. Echo gets suspicious of Bane and shares his thoughts with Nickels, they pull in Carlos to form an anti-villain alliance. Benedict eavesdrops and plans his next move. He goes up to Nickels and makes up how Dirk must be playing the villain this time, because he is acting weird. Nickels considers his approach but ultimately decides to trust him as an alliance member. At the veto, Carlos, Echo, and Mobee all play but it comes down to Carlos and Splaatz. Splaatz ends up winning again but while actually trying and is exuberant! DJ pleads with him but he ultimately keeps his noms the same.
After the veto ceremony, Benedict tells DJ to do as he says and trust him, as Gigi did. She agrees and starts buttering up to the villains. She gets Candy to be even nicer to the house and apologize to Splaatz. She also helps Bane create a new game. Meanwhile, Benedict starts prodding Dirk and Day, causing them to be at odds with each other. Dirk eventually snaps and lashes out at Day, shocking everyone. Maeva can tell something fishy is happening but rolls with it since it is week one. At the eviction ceremony in the glittering colosseum, the two nominees tell why they should stay. Dirk is more bitter while DJ stays heartfelt, convincing everyone but a suspicious Maeva. In the end, by a vote of 12 to 1… Dirk, you have been evicted.
Week 2: The next HOH is a high flying roulette-themed obstacle course, based off of the Neon Colosseum’s roulette rules. DJ and Mobee work together to get to the end but Nickels keeps up with them. In the final stretch, Mobee sees Nickels catching up and throws DJ, giving her just enough of an edge to win the HOH! Nickels and Maeva both approach DJ to tell her their suspicions on Benedict’s behavior. At first, they fight, but realizing they have the same goal causes them to cut it out long enough to tell her. DJ is reluctant but Maeva reminds her how he betrayed Gigi and she is firm. Benedict and Carlos become the nominees. Day, Echo, and Maeva play in the veto and Echo actually manages to come out on top over Day. Echo talks with Nickels about saving Carlos but she is hesitant, telling him that Carlos makes a good pawn next to benedict because everyone likes Carlos. He ends up not using it. During the week, Benedict begins making breakfast early, irritating his roommate Carlos and causing him to be grumpier. Xio confronts Benedict for this, telling him he is purposefully making Carlos mad and it’s brutal. He tells her he doesn’t understand the problem if Carlos doesn’t like breakfast. She sneers but doesn’t have a comeback. The next day, Benedict holds a house meeting. He apologizes if he’s been rubbing people the wrong way but he is just trying to fit in since he is newer. Lisette says that everyone should give him a chance, which the villains, Selene, and Mobee agree with. Echo, Carlos, Nickels, and Maeva are all hesitant. At the eviction ceremony, Carlos is grumpy and bitter and doesn’t do much to defend himself. Benedict, again apologizes. In a 9 to 3 vote… Carlos is evicted.
Week 3: Several house membets are completely shocked by Carlos going home, including HOH DJ and his two allies, Nickels and Echo. Also surprised is Xio. The next HOH is an endurance comp called the floor is lava based off of the Lava Colosseum! Mobee, Splaatz, and Xio are the last three remaining. Knowing she was on the outs of the last vote, Xio fights hard to survive, fighting her pain. Splaatz eventually drops and Mobee remains with Xio. Eventually, Mobee drops and Xio wins! Xio already knows her noms. She puts up Benedict next to Selene, as she was one of the people vouching for him last round. Benedict chooses to stay back and not make too much of a scene this round, lest he blow up his cover. Meanwhile, DJ and Mobee plan how to move forward. Maeva is listening in to this convo and realizes how close they are. At the veto, a mental comp, Selene ends up winning by a landslide, saving herself. Maeva rushes to Xio about the DJ and Mobee situation, and points out how Mobee is a comp threat as well. Xio decides Mobee is a good replacement, as he is likeable and a good pawn next to Benedict. Mobee holds a house meeting and cries during it, thinking he was doing so much better at being friendly this time. Maeva calls him out for his crocodile tears and argues that he is putting on an act. Lisette calls out Maeva for being so harsh and chastises her for being such a villain. Maeva asks her if she is planning on voting for him to stay and she is silent, but says that shouldn’t matter. Maeva retorts and says it’s not jury so jury management doesn’t exist yet. At the eviction, Mobee is shaking next to a smug Benedict. Benedict’s speech touches on how Mobee doesn’t seem ready for the big leagues. The bear gets up angrily and almost picks up Benedict, shocking everyone. He stops himself and realizes what he did. The vote comes in and by a vote of 8 to 3, Mobee, you have been evicted.
Week 4: The next HOH begins as they houseguests must ascend a glimmering rock wall, themed after the Crystal colosseum. Day and Maeva take an early lead but are caught up by falling rocks. Lisette closes the gap and eventually surpasses Maeva. Day and Lisette race for the end and… Lisette win! Lisette in her HOH room ponders about who to put up and ally with. She turns to Xio, Day, and Selene as her allies. The Witch’s Coven, as they call themselves, wants to shift the focus, as Benedict is doing too well at not going home. Instead, Lisette targets Maeva, who is playing sneaky, as well as Benedict’s ally, Echo. Bane laughs at Maeva being on the block and she is enraged with him. He says “it doesn’t matter since it’s not jury yet.” Having her own words turned on her, Maeva storms out and swears she will get revenge on him and Candy. At the POV, the witches’ coven is playing with three members and Xio ends up winning! She chooses to keep the nominations the same. Splaatz goes to Lance to tell him how much it means to be there with one of his heros, but Lance mishears him and calls him out for calling him a rude name. The two get in a petty argument where Lance’s bad hearing keeps making things worse. Meanwhile, Maeva tries to get the vote off of her by spreading anti-Benedict propaganda around the house. Day has a change of heart about this and wants to vote out Echo, even while her alliance is targeting Maeva. Benedict, aware his name is still out there, pleads to DJ not to vote out his ally. At the eviction, Maeva thinks she has done enough work but the vote comes out and is a 5 to 5. The Coven is shocked, one of their own must have flipped. But Lisette gets to break the tie, and is all too happy to evict her target, Maeva.
Week 5: The next HOH is themed after the Sunset colosseum, and sees the houseguests racing to stack piles of rubble. Echo, DJ, and Xio make the highest stack but DJ’s crumbles before the time limit. Both wanting to take control, Echo and Xio try really hard to build the highest. The timer buzzes aaaand Echo is the winner! Benedict instinctively high fives Echo and celebrates with him. Later, Nickels is peeved that Echo is so publicly working with Benedict. Echo tells her she had the opportunity to have a good ally but she chose to burn that bridge and that’s her fault. Offended, she tells him to make that alliance with Benedict work out but she won’t be part of it. Echo is saddened, but doesn’t want to put Nickels up. Instead, he shifts the target to former villains, with Bane being the target and Selene going up next to him. Xio cheers that Selene could be going home, making the Lamp angry at her, since they were supposed to be working together. Benedict goes on to win the veto and vows to Echo not to use it. However, at the veto ceremony, he uses it to save Selene, shocking everyone as he winks at Xio. Echo then solidifies this by putting Xio up. Selene goes to her to tell her she is sorry for their misunderstanding but they work together. Candy turns to Lisette and tells her she is tired of working with Bane and if she helps her get the Professor out this week, she will work with her. Lisette agrees, knowing everyone wants Bane out anyways. At the eviction, Xio seemingly patches things up with everyone. The vote comes in, by a unanimous vote… Bane, you are evicted.
Double Eviction: Surprise! The Jury starts tonight and the next HOH is beginning right now with one more person leaving! A quiz colosseum is held in the Sunset colloseum, with one miss causing someone to be out of the running. It comes down to DJ, Nickels, and Lisette. But Lisette gets the last question right and the other two miss, with Lisette winning her second HOH. Lisette puts up Nickels and Day. Nickels because she is playing a lowkey game but making waves in the Benedict situation. Day because she wavered on her vote for Benedict. She doesn’t put down Benedict as he is good for drama and polarizing the house, which is good for her game. Nickels wins the veto and takes herself off. Lisette decides to put up Splaatz, because she is worried he will fumble his way to the end. Most people seem to share this idea except for Echo, who wants to wotk with Splaatz. The vote comes in. By a vote of 7 to 1… Splaatz, you have been evicted and will be moving into the jury house.
Week 6: The Next HOH begins as a race through the mysterious mansion in the courtyard colosseum. No one can tell where anyone is but Candy comes out first and wins! As HOH, Candy calls in Benedict. She tells him he has been playing a sloppy and obvious villain game and he is gonna get evicted too soon if he doesn’t simmer down and get some real allies. He is shocked and admits he just wants to win. She says they all do and the least they can do is help each other. She says she will help him if he keeps causing more chaos and also gets DJ on their side. He agrees and talks to DJ. The squirrel is hesitant but decides it would be a great way of getting revenge on Benedict if she gets the chance. Candy puts up Lance as the pawn next to her target, Xio, who has been against Benedict’s chaos this whole game. DJ goes on to win the veto and chooses to not give Candy any suspicion by not using it. Meanwhile, the witches coven fractures, with Day not agreeing with Lisette and Xio feeling not supported on the block by Selene. DJ infiltrates this meeting after storms out, telling them about Xio being the real target but she has a plan to keep her without drawing suspicion if they can get Day to play nice. Xio borrows an item from Lisette and breaks it. Lisette then goes to “rant” to Day, who is being nice with her, thinking they both will vote Xio. Echo, meanwhile, confirms his alliance with Benedict, and feels like he is finally gaining more traction. But the house takes this the wrong way. At the eviction, the vote comes in, and by a vote of 4 to 3… Lance, you have been evicted.
Week 7: The next HOH begins, a waterfall diving competition, based off of the Waterfall Colosseum. Whoever makes the biggest splash wins! With her natural watery prowess, Day dives in and wins the HOH! Day is approached in the HOH by Candy and Benedict, who ask her to work with them. DJ sees whats happening and goes back to Lisette and Selene. The two talk and realize that they can’t beat Benedict’s control of the house by just going against him, but they have to work with him. So the three of DJ, Lisette, and Selene enter the HOH “accidentally” and propose the six will control the house. They say they want Echo to go on the block, as he is getting too good at the comps. Benedict is hesitant but Candy nudges him, as secretly this will be great for her game. He agrees and tells Day he won’t be mad if this happens. Echo goes up next to Nickels. The two former allies face off in the veto, both bitterly making jabs at the other for turning on them. It comes down to just the two nominees and… Echo edges her out, winning the veto. Echo saves himself and puts the power in Day’s hands to put up a replacement. Her choice is the person not in her alliance who has made affronts to her, Xio. Lisette has the whole house do tarot readings to ease the tension which goes down well. Lisette gets the Sun, a symbol of positivity and creativity. Benedict draws the Moon, symbolizing Illusion and inner conflict. He shudders when the white moon of the card turns red in his hands. Echo draws the Fool, a card of new beginnings but also endings. Selene draws death, the card of change in the game. Nickels draws the Hermit, a card of isolation and reflection. Candy draws the Lovers, with the card representing connections and pairs, symbolizing her manipulation of Benedict. Day draws Strength, a card of inner strength and Willpower. Xio draws the Tower, representing sudden downfall and incredible sudden changes. She shudders and uses the moment to apologize to everyone, saying she wants to be a beacon of hope but got lost. The house receives this well. Benedict considers flipping to Xio because of her show of faith being bad but Candy reminds him that Xio is on the bottom of the pecking order on that side, likely meaning they don’t even have to take her out. He relents and the eviction goes through. The vote comes in and by a vote of 5 to 1, Nickels you have been evicted.
Week 8: The Next HOH begins in the Sunny Park colosseum, with contestants having to hunt for pellets and use them to knock out targets. DJ and Echo prove the most adept but in a last second victory, Echo wins. Benedict goes to Echo in the HOH but Echo has realized too late that Benedict is working with everybody, even causing him to turn on Nickels. Benedict doesn’t try to hide his smug smirk as he agrees and walks out, daring him to put him on the block. He feels this must be hiding something and starts asking around the house for their opinions. Xio reveals the existence of the Witches Coven, and how they have been together for weeks, including saving her last week. Knowing of this alliance, Echo saves Xio and puts up Selene and Day. At the veto, Selene wins. Selene approaches Echo, telling him she knows of someone playing both sides, revealing DJ trying to play double agent. After she pulls herself off the block, DJ goes up as the replacement. Candy works on ingratiating herself with the outsiders in Xio and Echo, trying to forge paths ahead. But is unsuccessful at breaking Echo. Echo is accosted by DJ for putting her up over Benedict. He asks her to say why she was double crossing and she says its because she was trying to sabotage Benedict. If anything, Day, Selene, and Lisette should be the real double agents. Echo goes to rage to Selene for how she tricked him but she swears it was the truth completely, and he chose to believe it in a negative light, not her. Day joins the fight and lashes out at Xio and Selene for being the reason she is on the block. Lisette stays out of it, knowing the time to jump ship is coming up. At the eviction, Dj and DayJay give their pleas, but the votes are tallied. By a unanimous vote… Dayley-Jane, you have been evicted.
Double Eviction!!: Second double eviction because you know we gotta! The HOH starts with a lightning round of dodgeball on wooden poles. Selene is knocked out first. Then DJ gets knocked out by Candy. Lisette falls off on her own. Xio goes after Benedict but is taken out by Candy. Then Candy expertly dodges and takes out Benedict, winning the HOH. She nominates the two people who are on the bottom of the pecking order, Echo and Xio. The veto plays out with Benedict winning. Echo pleads for Benedict to help him out, as they were friends. Benedict doesn’t even look him in the eye as he chooses to not play the veto. Echo pleads to the voters to let him keep playing and he will take out Benedict, but Lisette and Selene have basically already jumped ship and moved on. The vote comes in, and by a vote of 4 to 0… Echo, you have been evicted.
Week 9: With Six houseguests remaining, they are taken to the Gateway colosseum to have mock Pokemon battles. In the first round, Xio beats Lisette and Selene beats DJ, with Benedict drawing a spot in the top 3. In a first to win two times in a row scenario, Selene beats both and comes out victorious. Selene and Lisette decide that they have to cut ties and work with the more devious players to have a better shot at the end. Selene puts up DJ and Xio, with DJ being the target. Benedict is alone in his room when he hallucinates more blood on his paws. He shouts and Xio comes in to see whats up. She helps him calm down and he realizes he is down a bad path. She helps him calm down and he thanks her, even with him harassing her all game she still helped him. Candy witnesses the two help each other out and is beyond irritated, she goes to Selene, who is still iffy on Xio, to warn her. At the veto, Candy wins it. She takes off DJ and Selene spitefully puts up Benedict, who trembles going to the block. Lisette confronts Selene for making such a rushed decision, as the goal was to keep Benedict and his threat around longer. At the eviction, Benedict argues that he has realizes how the game has changed him and he wants to prove how he changed. Lisette doesn’t believe him but DJ seems to be enamored. The vote comes in, and by a vote of 2 to 1… Xio you have been evicted.
Week 10: Five stars remain and there are five points in the Stars of the Main Street colosseum, where the houseguests go to do a full BPBB quiz! Lisette misses one question and gets behind as the other get ahead. It comes down to a tie-breaker between Dj and Benedict and the winner is… DJ! Benedict goes to apologize to DJ for real and she forgives him, happy to see his true self back again. She feels played by Selene and Candy so they go on the block. Lisette is still suspicious of Benedict and starts watching him for suspicious activity, noticing him look at his paws a lot. She decides to talk to him with the ruse of working together. At the veto, DJ wins again and claims her game, choosing not to use the veto. Realizing the danger they are in, Selene and Candy go to their respective closest allies, Benedict and Lisette. The two touch base with Benedict telling Lisette he is fine voting Candy with her, as he doesn’t want to force DJ to have to break a tie. At the eviction, the votes are read and by a vote of 2 to 0… Selene, you have been evicted. Benedict looks over at Lisette with a shocked look, realizing she caught on to him.
Week 10: As the final HOH starts, the houseguest are in the Stargazer colosseum for an epic triathlon of quizzes, endurance, and races. In the first part, Benedict pulls ahead, with Lisette on his tail. He falls behind in part two, giving Lisette and Candy a chance to catch him. The three are neck and neck in part three but Lisette comes out on top! Benedict goes to Lisette on her HOH to grovel but she stops him, saying she misheard the vote last week and though the vote was for Selene anyways so its good he didn’t make poor DJ break the tie. He feels reassured and goes back out. Lisette puts up DJ and Candy as the nominees. Lisette reassures DJ about how Benedict likes her and she wouldn’t go home. Benedict touches base with Lisette, claiming that he knows DJ has too much social traction and needs to go next because of this. On his way out, Candy enters the room and chats with Lisette. She says that the noms should stay the same so DJ can be evicted for sure this week. Lisette doesn’t trust her and tells her to her face she is no better than Benedict, but is powerless without him. The two stare each other down. At the veto, Lisette wins it, and Benedict sighs a sigh of relief. But Lisette shocks everyone by saving Candy and puts up Benedict. Lisette calls him out for faking his turnaround to play with everyone’s emotions. He breaks down, claiming his intense want, no, NEED to win the game. He can’t get it out of his head and it burdens him with the thoughts of betrayal, including the allies he betrayed this season, with Nickels, Echo, and even Xio who showed him so much kindness leaving because of him. DJ is in tears and even Candy can’t watch. Afterwards, Benedict goes to his only real ally, Candy. He begs her for advice on how to get out of this, as she helped him so much. She looks him in the eye as she tells him that he did this to himself. At the eviction, Candy gets the sole vote to evict and casts it to evict, Benedict.
The Reunion: Folks we are live again right outside the Neon Colosseum for the Finale of Bunny’s Pokémon Big Brother Champion Royale! Our Sixteen winners have been whittled down to three and it is not what we expected at all! In a house where everyone wants to be the biggest truck on the highway, we have three mid-sized sedans who have slipped through the gaps and swept their way to the end. DJ VOLT SWITCH, Elesa’s iconic Emolga who created the jams we are listening to even right now! She plays up her social game very well with honesty and loyalty, but is no slouch in the competitions. Though she has been left out of some secrets in the game, she was well=liked in the house and leveraged her position between alliances to get information! Sweet Candy the Wigglytuff who played Sickly Sweet last but downright Sick this time. She got in close with all of the villains but managed to be the cherry flavored licorice that was easier to manage. She avoided detection aligning with big villain Benedict and hiding behind the scenes of his chaos, even almost controlling his moves at points. The Sunstone herself, LISETTE the Solrock, who foresaw victory once, but is this a double reading? Lisette bided her time throughout the game, getting whatever information she could and waiting to play it until the time was right. She was at the center of multiple alliances but always stayed just far enough away from the drama that no one was even targeting her. The Sun? No Lisette is after The World!
Joining us on stage now are the 9 jurors! Starting with Splaatz—Ope watch your step, you gotta be careful or else you’ll trip. Here comes Lance the OG! Though he is old he is still our knight in shining armor. Nickels struts up so casually ooh lala. Here comes Echo, kind of sheepishly, don’t be shy buddy! Day gracefully swims up on stage, still to audience cheering. Wait, the cheering is getting louder? Oh it’s Xio! She is surprisingly well-received. Selene keeps the applause growing. She seems to be goading the audience on with her behavior, not wanting to stay out of the spotlight hmm. And then—oh wow I can’t hear anything with the thunder of the crowd for… Benedict? Interesting outcome here that our little villain has become a real crowd pleaser. Even as he walks to his seat with his head held low.
The jurors speak with our lovely reporter. Lance speaks about how great it was to come back and how this game is way changed from when he won season 1. Xio and Nickels agree, but they still worked hard to adapt to the changes. Selene scoffs a bit, another early winner, she notes that herself and Candy were very well integrated, they just needed to change their approach. Xio says it was much harder playing from the bottom rather than the top and it was a fight, but she had a ton of fun doing so. Day mentions she felt the same way. A house full of winners is not to be underestimated for a second, as they all could be planning many different things behind each other’s backs. Splaatz is—oh he’s asleep… moving on. Nickels asks Echo about how he changed his game this time, and why he turned on her. He apologizes, saying he was blinded by seeing opportunities with Benedict because he didn’t fight with him, only told him what he wanted to hear. And he realized too late that that was a ruse. She accepts his apologies and all eyes turn to Benedict. He looks up, seemingly just noticing eyes are on him. He looks down at his paws. “All I’ve seen since last season is blood on my paws. The need to win never left me. I had to do it at all cost. I lost myself in that game and resorted to every trick in the book to make the winners trust me. And it worked… but I fell deeper and deeper down the hole. And now, I don’t feel like I deserved to win at all.” Xio jumps up and makes him look up. “You deserved your win as much as we all deserved ours. It’s a game, it doesn’t have to define you. You define you, so get up and prove it.” Benedict is in disbelief that Xio is still defending him. “You hear that crowd? They were entertained, we entertained them! Your devioushness entertained them! You gave them a show by tricking a bunch of winners, so own up to it and be the entertainer we know you are.” He gives off a small, barely noticeable,but definitely real this time, smile. Xio turns to the crowd “ARE YOU GUYS READY FOR OUR FINAL THREE???” The crowd erupts in excitement!! “THEN GET READY BECAUSE HERE THEY ARE!!”
Final HOH Part 1: The HOH opens on top of the rotating Roulette wheel in the Neon Colosseum, with the audience now filled and the three houseguests circling in the middle, holding on for dear life. At the same time, they are throwing dodgeballs at each other. Candy is targeting Lisette out of spite, putting on a performance for the audience about how Lisette is a traitor to their alliance. DJ is caught in the crossfire but expertly dodges. She manages to catch a ball that Candy threw and chucks it back, knocking her out. Lisette smiles at DJ but DJ knows she still has to win. She tells Lisette she is sorry but she is done working with people and has to take her game into her own hands, not relying on others to fail but herself to succeed. Lisette agrees, but she wants to be the one to succeed. Lisette lobs a ball at Dj and knocks her out, winning Part 1.
Final HOH Part 2: Part begins with Candy and DJ on the Rotating Roulette platform again, racing around to land the colored balls in order of the competitions and the winners of each one. DJ takes an early lead, having been very aware of the game the whole beginning. Candy struggles at first but when she catches up to leaving the villains alliance and joining Benedict, she takes off, knowing how well she played Benedict as her own puppet that she controlled votes for that she easily crushes the midgame part. Her lead takes her ahead on time going into the endgame. DJ misses a key vote and has to go back, but Candy remembers who saved Benedict countless times, and gets it right, winning part 2.
Final HOH Part 3: The crowd is in uproars as Candy and Lisette reach the stage for final quiz, again on our roulette platform (we paid a lot of money for that). Each juror question goes by, with Lisette and Candy answering in tandem, Both get question after question correct, eventually reaching the last question about Benedict. The crowd is shocked as they both answer together again and… get it wrong. Well, that’s anticlimactic. Benedict sighs, no one knew his true self. But the tie-breaker is revealed, how many rotations has the rotating platform made? With both answering two numbers away from each other, Candy goes just over, eliminating her, and crowning Lisette the final HOH. Lisette has both DJ and Candy in front of her. She doesn’t say much but looks at them. She says that DJ played an impeccable social game and is incredibly loved by the fans and the house. Candy, meanwhile, played a strategic game and almost fooled her a couple times. She turns to Candy “I made a gamble with bringing a social threat to the end before with Amni, but not this time. Candy, let’s give em a show.” And casts her vote to evict DJ.
The Jury Questioning: DJ isn’t shocked, she did a lot this time around and knew she made herself a bigger threat. She exits the house and gets cheers from the audience! She hops to the DJ booth and begins playing the final epic track for the showdown between Candy and Lisette. Both have been in this position before in the final 2 and both have won, but now, only one can become a two-time winner and be crowned the ultimate Champion! Lisette opens with her speech first. She pitches her game strong, how she gravitated towards groups in the early game without committing too strongly, so she didn’t go down with the ship. She still managed to control so many votes in the house by having reach with her Witches Coven and eventually jumping ship and siding with Benedict, as she knew he was under Candy’s thumb and she could infiltrate that alliance to get to the end and destroy it. The jury is impressed by her showing and all eyes turn to Candy. Candy starts saying how she knew her game was already known going into the house and she had to play different. Her main strategy was to fall into the background and connect with the players playing sloppier than her so she could be the puppetmaster and sneak to the end. And for her, that was found in Benedict, who she found it very easy to manipulate. She is the villain they all knew she was but she wasn’t targeted because of her great strategy. She saved Benedict’s game and carried him to the end so that she could have a guaranteed extra life in the endgame with him. Murmurs arise from the jury, Benedict looks incredibly hurt. Xio asks Candy what her biggest move was outside of controlling Benedict. Candy says that she made sure that the villains she worked with got cut before she could get too powerful, even working with Lisette to get out Bane and Maeva. DJ gets up from the booth and asks Lisette why she went to the end with Candy instead of her if she thought Candy was going to be tougher. Lisette clarifies that she thought Candy would be good at explaining her game, but she knows not to rely on other’s failing but on herself to succeed, and DJ has a great story and was well-loved and if she wanted to win, she had to cut DJ and masterfully explain her game to the jury. Benedict finally speaks up to ask Candy if he meant anything to her at all throughout the game. She hesitates, caught off guard, before replying in all honesty that, she wanted to mentor him to be a better player. He says he did well enough for making it to the end twice and didn’t need her to do all that. In their final speeches, Candy says that she used other people as her pawns and navigated a really good game to make it to the end hidden amongst the other players. Lisette says that she played a perfect game, not even touching the block and noting that she has not received a vote against her in either of her games, this one being perfect. She finishes by saying how she played more up front and aggressive to counter the sneakier players of the season and did not back down from the threats that all the winners possessed. The jury is impressed and goes to cast their votes.
Jury Voting: Splaatz says he had a fun time playing again and wants to vote for someone who played really good, even showing him more how to play. Lance says that while some people are old school, some people are REALLY old school, but can still play with the best of the best and be even better. Nickels says she is honored to be in the winners season but one winner played like how she thinks a winner should. Day says she worked with both finalists, but she always felt the house pulling towards one player, as the sun has a lot of gravity and control over the tides. Echo says point blank that he felt the manipulation from both sides, but one felt malicious, and another felt like game, and he knows which he respects more. Xio says that some lines shouldn’t be crossed. Selene says that she was honored to be so thoroughly outplayed, turning from the Queen to the Pawn who was merely a stepping stone in someone elses game, it was thrilling. Benedict silently casts his vote. DJ cues the final tune before hopping down with her vote, saying that it should be obvious. The votes come in… by a vote of 9 to 0… the winner is…
Winner: Lisette!
Runner-Up: Candy!
Confetti cannons and flamethrowers start lighting up the sky with neon streams shining bright all over the sky! Though it is the dead of night, it is as bright as the sun, and Lisette is feeling absolutely radiant. Candy sits in shock, in disbelief. Lisette throws her the Lovers card again. “You misread it the first time so maybe you can learn before you try to tell the fortune teller what her fortune is.” Candy throws the card on the ground in anger and pouts. The jurors go and cheer for Lisette, the ultimate champion and two time winner, STILL having never received a single vote to evict in two entire seasons. The fan favorite vote comes in and… IT’S A TIE???
Fan Favorites: Benedict and Xio!!!
Benedict goes up to Candy, still fuming, and looks her in the eyes. “You know what, you really did teach me something. You taught me that some people never change, but I don’t have to be one of them.” Xio comes up and takes Benedict back to the celebration, sticking her tongue out at Candy as she leaves. The party goes through the night. The sun eventually rises, as Lisette has risen to the top of the competition, as this era of Bunny’s Pokemon Big Brother has come to an end.
My Thoughts: I enjoyed this season a lot. It kept me on the edge as the winners played their games again, some way better than others. Gameplay-wise, I think I preferred last season but I think it’s more so because of the subtle moves made in the dark as no one wanted to be too big of a target. The villains ended up flopping early, which kind of was to be expected, given that everyone else is a relaly smart player to have won. Candy surprised me this time, sneaking in to take over Benedict, being a key player in his storyline, even a bigger villain than he tried to be. It really helped me tie up the storyline really well and I like how it happened. She also played a stellar game again, controlling things from the chaos in the shadows. The other side of the house was not slouching though. Lisette, Selene, Xio, and Day all played smart games, not committing too much to each other but still working well enough to not crumble. Lisette as a winner for this season is great! She put in work to keep her position, as it was in danger of falling apart so much. She leveraged every ally she had and every competition she had to get forward every week. And it worked as she got to the end without hitting the block AGAIN and played a PERFECT game, not receiving a single vote to evict and getting every vote to win. She did that in a winner season too, ultimate winner for sure!
So whats next? Well... that's the end. I knew since the beginning that Season 17 would be the end but it coming up still feels so weird. I am about to start a busy summer and don't have as much time for all of my hobbies but I still feel sad finishing this series. I think I am going to make a series epilogue soon so stay tuned for that but... otherwise that's it. I thank you all again so much for sticking with me the whole time, it's been a wonderful journey!
submitted by BunnyBoiEthos to BrantSteele [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 18:16 BunnyBoiEthos [BB] Bunny's Pokémon Big Brother Season 16: The LEGENDARY Sixteenth (The Season)

It’s time. Eighteen Legends await. We have done introductions and revelations. These houseguests have unfinished business and one of them will finally get to finish it. Let’s not keep them waiting. Bunny’s Pokemon Big Brother Season 16: The LEGENDARY Sixteenth begins now!
Season 16L The LEGENDARY Sixteenth
Meet the Cast
Tiny the Lanturn – Season 1, Season 6
Styles the Quaquaval – Season 1, Season 6
Krishna the Copperajah – Season 1
Gage the Toxel – Season 3, Season 6
Mazda the Scolipede – Season 4, Season 6, Season 11
King the Pikachu – Season 5
Lora the Ledian – Season 8
April the Meowstic – Season 9
Whimzamina the Lunatone – Season 9
Chess the Reuniclus – Season 10
Lissia the Lurantis – Season 10
Benedict the Chespin – Season 10
Nanuq the Swinub – Season 12
Princess Amni the Yamask – Season 12
Violet the Weedle – Season 13
Whelan the Dhelmise – Season 13
Adelynn the Lopunny – Season 13
Gigi the Garchomp – Season 15

Intro: 18 Legends line up in front of the Legendary Mt. Silver in the Kanto-Johto region, blistering wintery winds stinging their scales, feathers, fur, leaves, etc. In front of them stands the entrance to a cavern, carved with a myriad of spectacular adornments and stone sculptures. A door stands in the cavern. A massive golden door with a maze-like pattern leading to a master ball symbol in the middle. This door leads to the most-majestic house we have built yet. Adelynn shivers, not used to the cold on these heights. Violet shakes off the snow, used to it on her home of Mt. Coronet. Styles eyes Tiny, all too aware of his old ally’s developments in the years between their last time playing together. She eyes him back, aware that he is just as eager to play difficult as she is. Lissia and Krishna sense each other’s caretaker presence and know what to watch out for. Chess and Benedict smile, knowing their previous alliance potentially re-uniting. Whelan looks over at Gage, wondering what he is scheming while scheming up ways to game these gamers. He is watched by King, who is observing everyone’s behaviors. April is keeping careful watch on Mazda, ready to act if he tries any criminal moves. Whimzy stares at the moon above them, looking to it for guidance. Nanuq and Lora are silent, mentally preparing themselves for the titanic games they have to play. In the middle of the pack, Gigi stands stalwart, looking at the door. He reaches out a claw and…
First HOH: The door opens on its on and the houseguests are ushered into the grand central chamber where the set for the First HOH stands waiting for them. A replica of the Season 1 house with a silver statue of Lance the Escavalier in the center. 18 Swords are jutting from the pedestal of the statue and the houseguests each step on them. The swords begin to rotate and this endurance competition has begun. Violet gets dizzy and drops first. She is followed by Styles, Benedict, and then Whimzy. The swords begin to rotate faster, causing Adelynn and Chess to drop. Shortly after them, Lora, Amni, and April fall off. Suddenly, the swords slow down and stop, causing Gage and Nukka to lose their balance and fall. The swords begin to retract into the walls, providing less space for the final 7 to stand on. They begin to move as this happens, causing Lissia, Whelan, and Mazda to fall simultaneously, Krishna runs out of space to stand and falls as well. King, who has lasted surprisingly long, drops shortly after, leaving Gigi and Tiny facing off. They go on for a while longer getting dizzy but eventually, Gigi loses his footing and gives Tiny the victory and the First HOH!
Week 1: The houseguests move into the house, celebrating Tiny and her victory. Styles congratulates her for how far she has come from Season 1. Krishna piles in and hugs her as well, having not seen her since then. More reunions are had between Amni and Nukka, and the Season 10 trio. A quick duo that immediately forms is when Krishna sees Amni like a little sister and they bond. Lora makes a strategy to bond with some of the more dubious players in the house and gets in close with Mazda, Styles, and Whelan. Chess does the same with Gage but Nukka catches on and latches on to the trio, knowing it will help him in the long run. Styles is posturing, feeling safe with his former number one Tiny as the HOH. But she knows his threat and isn’t willing to risk anything. Tiny sees Lora’s gaming and tries countering it by nominating Styles and Whelan, shocking the duck. The veto picks are strong, with Mazda and Nukka competing as well. Mazda and Whelan end up going head-to-head, with Mazda scheming to save Styles. But Whelan, knowing the pressure of the hot seat, prevails and wins, getting to save himself.
Chess goes up to Amni to propose they work together to sneak through the game, picking off bigger names. She agrees but the conversation is overheard by Gage, who, not wanting to be undermined, tells Tiny to watch out for Amni, who might be repeating her Season 1 game. Whelan, arrogant in his victory, starts beef with Violet, who got more famous than him after their initial season. Lissia begins defending Violet and getting heated with Whelan. Styles enters the picture and, trying to pull his old tricks, brings Amni into the conversation. Lissia, not playing mama bear to the girls, calls out Styles for his old tricks. She is aided by Krishna who is very defensive of the small. At the eviction ceremony, Amni and Styles both make pleas to stay in the game. Amni ends up coming off more sincere and Styles is still distrusted. Tiny calls him out for using outdated tactics on the newest season. The vote comes out to 11-4 and Styles is the first Legend evicted.
Week 2: With Styles gone, everyone knows that no Legend is safe, no matter their legendary status. A bronze statue of Carlos the Pancham rises from the floor and the houseguests compete in Carlos’ HOH: a physical comp involving punching a punching bag back and forth through a maze. Violet ends up impressing everyone but Whelan with her strength. While Lora and Krishna keep up with her. Lora falls behind and at the last second, Krishna pulls ahead, taking the HOH. She goes to shake Violet’s hands but realizes she has to be gentle not to crush her. Krishna is pondering the noms with Amni when she brings in Chess. Chess offers that he isn’t working with the rest of the Season 10 members and is willing to lose Benedict in an effort to further his game. Krishna sees this as a chance to get out a very dominant player early and puts up Benedict next to April, who she feels everyone is overlooking. Benedict immediately knows something is up when he is put up but doesn’t cause a scene, knowing that would put the target on his back. The veto starts and he ends up in the top 2 with Lissia. She knows something is up as well since she saw Chess working with Krishna and throws the comp to Benedict. He saves himself with the veto! Krishna sees that the seasons with large numbers are bigger targets and she can trim her target if Tiny leaves, having already established her threat by winning HOH. Amni and Violet connect as the smallest competitors and know that the big names have to go first. They agree to vote Tiny. But Mazda begins pushing to get April out of the house because of the crazy eye she has on him. At the eviction ceremony, the votes comes out 10-4 with Mazda’s push to the villains being successful, and April goes home.
Week 3: A statue of Nickels comes out of the floor and the lights turn off. The houseguests are now hiding from detective Nickels, with the last one found winning HOH. The competition comes down to Mazda, who is used to hiding from detectives, Nukka, who has already analyzed the whole house, and Lora, who is very adept at hide and seek. Mazda gets caught and Nukka is found shortly after, crowning Lora the HOH. Nukka’s performance at the competition puts a target on his back as a perceptive player. Lora consults her alliance with Mazda and Whelan and they both agree. Amni goes into the HOH room and tells her that Gigi is a sleeping threat right now. Lora decides the best course of action is to put up Gigi and Nukka. The veto competition comes up next, playing to Nukka and Lora’s strengths again. They face off again and history repeats with Lora winning. She confirms the nominations stay the same. Gage, who is safe, is flaunting his ego around the house, rubbing the rest of the legends the wrong way for thinking he is better than them. Lissia, who is making an effort to play nicer this time around, goes on to befriend more people, including Amni. Nukka tries to go on damage control, offering to those who will listen that Gigi is intentionally sandbagging. Gigi thinks it is wiser to not campaign too hard, as that will make him look worse. Amni bites on Nukka’s idea and helps him campaign. At the eviction ceremony, the vote comes out to with Nukka’s gaming making him seem like he’s playing too hard, causing him to be evicted.
Double Eviction: An early double eviction starts with a jade statue of Xio rising up from the floor. The contestants have to swing across vines to get through a course first. Adelynn, Chess, and Mazda are the frontrunners. Adelynn slips on a vine and falls behind. Chess, really wanting to make a big move here and capitalize on the chaos, swings one big jump and beats Mazda to become the HOH. His noms are Whelan and Krishna, shocking the elephant, thinking they were working together. Adelynn, Amni, and Gage are picked for veto and Adelynn wins it! She keeps the nominations the same. Whelan pleads for them to keep him as he hasn’t been double crossing or floating around, planning to play a more trustworthy game this time around. Krishna says she is playing honestly and wants to go to the end for her sisters back home. The vote comes out to 11-1 with Lora being the odd vote out. Whelan is evicted.
Week 4: A golden statue of Selene rises from the ground, illuminating the whole room. The houseguests minus Chess are competing in a quiz where if they get a question wrong, a candle goes out. The top three comes down to Lora, Whimzy, and Adelynn. Lora stumbles with multiple questions and Adelynn follows behind. Whimzy wins the HOH! Lora confronts Mazda for not doing enough to sway votes in her favor. He calls her out for playing too hard, saying she needs to cool it down a bit. They continue their dispute, choosing not to work together. Whimzy is joined in the HOH room by Amni and Lissia. Gage is obviously rubbing everyone the wrong way and Amni pleads for him to go up. Whimzy agrees and he goes up next to Krishna, whose story is getting too strong. Lissia and Amni are both drawn for the veto as well and Amni ends up winning. During the next few days, Krishna makes an effort to bond with Amni and touches her heart with her story. Meanwhile, Lora lashes out at King for defending Mazda. He tells her she is getting way too worked up over Mazda. At the veto, Amni saves Krishna and Whimzy, seeing an excellent opportunity here, puts Mazda up. Gigi begins going around the house trying to undo Nukka’s damage last week and people tell him not to worry. At the eviction ceremony, the two greatest villains of the series sit next to each other. Mazda spins tales of his importance to the game and how he is really deserving of staying. Gage apologizes for his behavior, confusing the house. Lora switches her vote last minute to Gage, seeing his threat level with his manipulation. The vote comes back 6-5, the closest yet, with Mazda eliminated. Lora smacks herself in the head for her risk.
Week 5: The houseguests are told that jury starts this week, but the jury house will gain two players by the end of the week, foretelling a double eviction. A statue of Candy rises from the floor with Opal eyes. The contestants vote a player out every round based off of superlatives. Violet, Tiny, and Lissia end up the final three. Tiny and Lissia vote out Violet, with everyone casting their votes between the two. Lissia, whose butt-kissing has paid off, is crowned the HOH. Lissia consults her closest allies with Amni and Whimzy who continue to push for Gage. When Whimzy leaves, Amni pulls in Violet. Violet tells her that they have to go after people who are playing under the radar and Whimzy is doing that while slowly making moves. Lissia agrees and Whimzy goes up next Gage, shocking her. When she gets Houseguest choice for the veto, Lissia selects Violet. This pays off when Violet wins the veto, solidifying her trust in her new allies. She keeps the nominees the same, hoping that Whimzy gets taken out. Whimzy knows she is in hot water so starts branching out. She goes to Gigi, Benedict, and King, who have also avoided suspicion so far, and tells them if she goes, they could be targets next. Gigi and Benedict think about this and decide working with her could be a good idea in the future. She even goes to Violet and Amni and mends the relationship. The two small ones realize that keeping Gage is too much of a risk as well. At the eviction, Whimzy successfully saves herself and Gage is evicted unanimously.
Jury Double: A copper statue of Splaatz rises from the ground, with the houseguests playing an endurance round of Muddy Water. Adelynn holds firm next to Krishna and Tiny, hoping to win something finally. She almost gives up but trips and falls fully into the water, giving her just enough time as Tiny and Krishna leave. Adelynn is the double HOH. Thinking quickly, she puts up the Season 1 legends because they are some of the biggest names in the house so far. At the veto, Lissia and Benedict give Adelynn a run for her money, but she continues to show her worth by winning the veto. The noms stay the same and Krishna and Tiny look at each other sadly, knowing one will go home. At the voting ceremony, they don’t even go after each other out of respect, instead both hoping the one who stays will go on to win. In the end, it’s a close 5-4 vote with Krishna joining Gage in the Jury house.
Week 6: An emerald statue of Dirk rises from the ground. The HOH is a musical competition, with contestants having to match the song to its track. Chess and Amni excel at this because of Amni’s musical background and Chess being very calculated. In the end, Chess wins. Gigi and Benedict go to Whimzy to confirm working with her from last week. They suggest branching out to find new allies. Benedict pulls in Tiny who could be a shield for them and doesn’t have season 1 to rely on anymore. Chess puts up Tiny on the block because of her threat level, and wants to nominate someone else who has been laying low. Amni goes to speak to him as an ally and, trying to save Whimzy, offers up King. King goes up next to Tiny. Chess selects Benedict for houseguest’s choice, trying to extend an olive branch. However, Benedict knows this is a calculated move from his friend and him and Lissia throw the comp. Amni wins it and, satisfied with the noms, keeps them the same. Gigi and Tiny bond, solidifying their alliance. King goes on a rant to Violet, thinking she is part of the reason he is up. Seeing she has no chance of convincing him, she goes to Lissia instead for support. Benedict extends the olive branch to Lissia to counter Chess and she, along with Violet, joins his alliance. At the eviction, Lissia and Amni throw stray votes at Tiny, but the alliance has successfully moved the vote to King, evicting him.
Week 7: A white marble statue of Echo rises from the floor and chilling icy winds enter the house. The houseguests must build snowforts to survive a snowball fight with the last one standing winning. Lora and Adelynn go head-to-head as the key throwers but Lora wins it, gloating over the latter’s frustration. Adelynn goes to complain to Whimzy about Lora and Whimzy agrees that her ego is getting too big. She consults with Benedict and Gigi and they decide to pull together the alliances as well as add in Amni and Adelynn. Lora tries to consult Violet about nominees, but the Weedle is hesitant to work with her or give her names. Lora is infuriated by this and puts her on the block next to Tiny, who keeps surviving. At the veto, Whimzy tries to give a dejected Violet a chance to win, but she is not focused, so Whimzy takes the veto. She and Amni go into defense mode and work throughout the week to convince Lora that Chess is the bigger threat. She seems to bite and this is confirmed when Whimzy saves Tiny and Chess goes up as the nominee. Benedict pretends to work with Chess by bad-mouthing Tiny. Chess thinks he is safe with his buddy and makes a comment about it to Violet. Violet, irritated about the whole week, lashes out at him for his playing the game with too much math and ignoring the thoughts of people. At the eviction, Chess is completely blindsided by a unanimous vote. Lora seems to realize something is up as well as she thought at least one vote would go to Violet.
Week 8: The next HOH comp starts with a sparkling statue of Mobee rising from the ground. A bunch of balloons also rise and each player is assigned a color. Whoever’s color is last left, wins. Gigi and Violet work together to eliminate everyone else leaving just them. Violet uses her agility to get his last balloon, crowning her HOH. She immediately flips the script on Lora by putting her on the block next to Tiny, who she knows has nine lives in this game. Lora panics, knowing she is at the bottom of the house. Amni goes on to win the veto and goes to Violet to ask her about saving Tiny and making sure its okay. Violet appreciates the gesture and the two bond. Tiny is saved and Adelynn, who Violet knows is a threat from her first season but isn’t her target, goes up. Lora, knowing she’s toast, begins to have a breakdown. Adelynn goes to her and comforts her, reminding her this game doesn’t have any standing on her as a person. The bug thanks her for her kindness even though they’re both on the block. Benedict is complaining about Tiny being saved again which Tiny overhears and confronts him on. The conversation turns bitter when she implies that he wouldn’t be saved from the block like she is. At the eviction, Lora accepts it as she is unanimously evicted.
Another one?: SURPRISE! Someone else is leaving tonight! An amethyst-laden statue of the Prof descend from the ceiling, starting a quiz competition sponsored by—no just kidding we aren’t doing the sponsorships anymore. It comes down to a tiebreaker between Gigi and Adelynn and Adelynn accidentally smudges her answer, causing her to write the exact right choice, winning it! Knowing that her big alliance was only meant to counter Chess, she begins to turn on it, putting up Whimzy next to Violet. Tiny goes on to win veto and, knowing that she has been saved, and it was a big mistake for people to underestimate her, she doesn’t use it. Violet makes a case for her being a great ally while Whimzy talks about her leaving being a catalyst of doom? In the end, by a vote of 4-1, Benedict and Gigi water at the mouth to send home a titan, and Whimzy is evicted.
TRIPLE EVICTION!: SUPRIRSE ONE MORE PERSON IS LEAVING!!!! A topaz statue of Lisette rises up and the contestants have to sort through tarot cards to get a full deck. Amni remembers her deck from the season and takes an early lead. But she doubles up on cards by mistakes, causing the game to continue with Tiny winning it! Tiny puts Violet back up but also knows how pivotal Benedict, Lissia, and Gigi are in the house and puts Benedict up because of his comments to her that week. Benedict powers through and wins the veto. Tiny is sad that the chance to get out Benedict has passed but puts up Lissia in his place. At the eviction, Lissia makes a good case for her game that causes Gigi some concern. He votes for her and it causes a tie. Tiny uses this tie to cut out a key member of the house structures by evicting Lissia.
Week 9: The final 6 are brought to a room with a pearlescent statue of Maeva. The HOH is a fast paced bell ringing competition to remake the sounds of her chimes. Violet, knowing she is on the outs, goes hard. But Gigi tries to reclaim his game and does so by winning the HOH. Amni consoles Violet, who knows she is toast. Adelynn gloats to the worm, knowing she is going further this time. Amni defends her, making them a pair. Gigi puts the small gals next to each other on the block. Violet and Gigi know they have to win veto to save themselves. Benedict and Gigi talk during the week about who goes up if one of them goes down. Benedict pushes for Tiny because she has a massive threat and somehow keeps surviving the block, but maybe she can get backdoored. He has to wait until veto though. Amni and Violet are the top 2, but both have a game to win and they respect each other for it. Amni wins and saves herself. Gigi, receptive to Benedict’s influence, puts Tiny on the block. Adelynn proposes an all-girls alliance to Tin and Amni, tired of laying low and wanting to flip the script on Benedict and Gigi. Tiny agrees to save herself. At the eviction, Adelynn and Amni are enough but Benedict also knows he has no shot at getting out Tiny, and Violet goes home unanimously. Amni hugs her on the way out.
Week 10: A statue of Day rises from the floor along with 4 rocky outcrops over a pit of water. Last one standing, wins the final 5 HOH. Amni and Benedict don’t l ast long, reducing the game to Tiny and Adelynn. Adelynn wants to take her game into her hands and Tiny is refusing to drop, irritating her. Eventually, Tiny does drop, making Adelynn the HOH. Adelynn goes to Tiny about the all-girls alliance but the fish doesn’t seem serious about it. Adelynn pivots and decides if they won’t work with her, they are against her. Amni and Tiny end up as her nominees. At the veto, Adelynn and Tiny are so focused on beating the other that they don’t realize how well Benedict is doing, wanting Tiny out so bad. He wins and keeps the noms the same, now going to Gigi about the vote. However, Gigi, who feels used by Benedict and not treated like an ally, decides to try and flip up the vote. At the eviction, Gigi turns on Benedict by voting Amni, causing a tie. Adelynn is all too happy to be the one who finally gets to end Tiny’s game.
Week 11: A statue of DJ descend from the ceiling, which Gigi turns away from in shame. The contestants have one last music match where they have to dance dance revolution! Adelynn is sad she can’t play in this. Gigi, distracted, messes up early. Between Benedict and Amni, Amni knows she is up against the three of them, and Benedict wants a big move on his resume after losing out on the Tiny vote. Turns out, Amni learned dance between Season 12 and now and she smashes the competition, securing herself a spot in the finale! She sees Gigi and Adelynn as the bigger competitors in the finale competitions, so she saves Benedict. Benedict confronts Gigi about his flipped vote the week prior and the dragon tells him how he feels like Benedict is trying to control him, rather than see him as a friend. He says he learned his lesson his season that he should have treated DJ as a friend rather than an ally. Adelynn and Amni watch, Amni tearing up while Adelynn brings popcorn and smirks. Tragically, Benedict rebuffs Gigi for this, saying he needs to finally win and why can’t he see that. Gigi tells him he is playing for himself too, not for Benedict. The fight ends coldly with everyone saddened. Benedict wins veto and doesn’t use it. At the eviction, with the sole vote to evict, Benedict uses it to turn on his number one through the whole game, and evicts Gigi!
The Reunion: Outside of the house, the jurors are all sat on the grand icy stage. On top of the mountain, a rainbow dais stands ready for the final HOH competitions. The blizzard blows more angrily than when the 18 houseguests stood before the house at the beginning of the season. This time, only three remain. Amni, walks up the steps, lagging behind the other two, reflecting on her game. She played a really good social game, slipping under the radar around people who were intentionally slipping under the radar. She managed to avoid detection yet still make moves and get herself to the end. Next to her is Adelynn. She struts confidently, knowing her endgame has been immaculate. She knows she has played more cutthroat than her first time and has even beat her rival, Violet. She smirks right before she trips over the top step. Benedict helps her catch her fall and continues upward. He had to betray parts of himself in order to get this far. He wants more than anything to win this game and has played too well strategically for it all to crumble now. Betraying Chess, Whimzy, Lissia, and Gigi, he looks down and hallucinates blood on his paws, shaking his head to dispel the illusion as he climbs the stairs. They reach the top and the 11 jurors greet them.
The three are led to part 1 of the HOH, an endurance chamber underneath the dais where they can’t hear the jurors talk. The round starts and the three hold on tight to their platforms. Krishna and Gage go first in talking about their games. Gage talks about how this game was not one where old tricks work, and his social game was rusty from the early seasons. Krishna says everyone was much more distrustful around other legends and she wasn’t able to find someone solid. Tiny tells Gage that he needed to adapt like she has done everytime, evolved her game and herself, which he never did. Chess asks how many people were secretly aligned and most of the jury reaches up. Gigi rightfully gives credit to Whimzy for promoting the idea and rolling with it. She thanks him but acknowledges his and Benedict’s role in tearing it apart from the inside out. Lora stares off into the icy horizon, saying she knew it was coming but wasn’t able to see. Suddenly, Chess points below them where Amni has dropped from her perch, leaving Adelynn and Benedict competing for part 1. Lissia comments how sweet Amni is and how she felt like she changed who she was because of her integrity. Violet says she always had a partner in her, no matter the circumstances. King pipes up saying he thought he had that in Benedict but was left out of a big alliance in the end. Violet speaks again about Adelynn this time, noting she has much more confidence this time around and slipped past everyone’s detection. Whimzy says she played the game they all wanted to play but a little bit better. Suddenly, Benedict drops and Adelynn is the winner of part 1.
Final HOH part 2: Adelynn cheers as Benedict and Amni are taken to the center of the house again where the darkness obscures an empty pedestal. They have to race to complete a days competition to build up the statue to be of them before the other. Both pay a ton of attention and have been preparing for this, both having been runner-ups before. Though Benedict takes an early lead, Amni catches up quickly. They trade pieces back and forth but eventually someone comes out victorious. Adelynn and the juror watch from the top of the mountain as the winner of part 2 walks up the steps. Benedict.
Final HOH part 3: Adelynn and Benedict face off in a quick fire jury quiz round with the sound of howling winds behind them. Adelynn answers with arrogance as she gets answers correct. Benedict is stone-cold, with a determination to win that has transcended his emotions. At the final question, with them tied up, both give different answers. Benedict’s answer is…incorrect. Adelynn is the final HOH. Amni comes back up and she gloats over the two of them about her victory and taking control of her game. But she puts it bluntly and says she has a much worse chance competing against a social butterfly than a traitor, and evicts Amni.
The Jury Questioning: Amni joins the jury, leaving Adelynn and Benedict to face them. Adelynn is eager to begin and confidently owns her game. She knew from the beginning the big names would go out early and the small names would target the big names so they could slip by. But she felt like she was firmly in the middle and could easily play dumb and avoid detection and she did just that, outplaying all of the sheep to be the top lion. She is asked by Violet who her closest ally was in the game and Adelynn bruntly replies that she only had herself, as being too close to someone else cost her the game last time. Benedict gets his turn to speak and with glazed over eyes, starts up. He says he wants to win this game more than anything else and had to play much tougher to do so with such a great cast. He says at each turn in the game, he flipped on an ally who stood in his way and learned that to win, he also had to rely on himself. He owns that his game differs because he was strategic from the beginning. He formed a backbone for him to work from and took out the pieces who most got in his way. He knows he has blood on his paws but if he wins, it’ll all be worth it.
Jury Voting: Gage comments that you either lose the hero, or see yourself live long enough to become the villain, and that’s pretty cool. Krishna says she knew a legend season would be tough, but has no qualms voting for the legendary winner. King smirks when he votes and smugly comments how Mazda needs to open up two new spots for his next villain cast. When Chess votes, he says he calculated everything but betrayal in his game, but it was intriguing in how well it worked…just not for him. Lora says she has to vote for someone who will own their win. Whimzy says she knows she was outplayed and is ready to commend it. Lissia comments that her character development was cut short, but both finalists developed their characters in an…unappealing way. Violet says she isn’t happy in this vote, but at least one person here played better and deserves the win. Tiny says she know her vote won’t change the outcome, but maybe an imperfect record will teach someone a lesson. Gigi says he may not have won but he became a better person, hope the win was worth losing a friend. Amni says she has lived on this world for a very long time and watched this series ton, and is honored she got to play with such legends. The votes are tallied and the winner is…
Winner: Benedict
Runner-Up: Adelynn
As Benedict is crowned the winner, he wants to cheer, but he realizes that this moment isn’t as satisfying as he though it would be. Adelynn gets up disappointed but pats him on the back. He doesn’t notice but instead stares down at his hands, the falling snow turning red in his illusions. With the jury cheering around him, he feels alone in this moment. Adelynn finally shoulder checks him and snaps him out of it. “You won” she says “At least pretend to be happy.” He stares at her a moment before forcing a smile. They full cast cheers the night away as the night falls over Mt. Silver, ending this Legendary Season as the blizzard peters out.
Fan Favorite: King
My Favorites: Amni, Tiny, Krishna, Chess, Whimzy, Lissia, Violet, Mazda. So many honestly this cast was fantastic.
My Thoughts: This season was absolutely as Legendary as the name implied. These were gamers ready to play and they all came in knowing how they would play and how they would react to the world around them. The strategy revolving around big targets but then small targets but then just being a free for all was fantastic and no alliances were truly solid, even the final 3 were not solid with each other. The storylines were also Legendary. Lemme name a few. Tiny, wow, Tiny. She is my favorite player of the whole series since season 1 and her coming back to play another season and do really well again was just phenomenal. She was the block warmer yet she never really felt in danger of going home because she knew how to survive the block. She lived up to her legend status. Amni and Violet both were the small fish but created paths for them to the end! Whimzy was a strategic genius who masterminded a plan to the end. If she wasn’t betrayed, she easily could have won. Gigi made a big come back, learning his lessons from last season and going far because of it. Same appies to Lissia who had much stronger footing this time around. Chess and Lora both started strong but ended up lost in the rush. Adelynn was so strong this time around, really controlling the narrative in the end game and ensuring she was not caught in the crossfire. I’m impressed by her comeback. And Benedict. He was robbed on his first season and we all knew it. But he came back with a fire that really tore through this game. He knew he wanted to win and did whatever it took to do so. He betrayed so many allies and played very cutthroat, staying on top of the game and dominating how we knew he would without having to win a single HOH but…at what cost. The statue of him stands built in the house, representing the 16th and final main winner of the series.
Thank you guys again for the amazing characters and amazing season. But one last season remains…
submitted by BunnyBoiEthos to BrantSteele [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 05:37 BunnyBoiEthos [BB] Bunny's Pokémon Big Brother Season 15: The Iconic Fifteenth (The Season)

As our show has gone through fourteen seasons, our popularity has increased immensely. So much so that we are receiving submissions from Pokémon of legendary, almost celebrity status! This season is dedicated to those star-studded Pokémon with incredible battling experience. 17, yes you heard me right, SEVENTEEN Pokemon each representing a different gym or leader or legendary trainer are here to show why their trainer’s team is the best and also win the glory and prize for themselves! I'm sure you’re getting excited so let’s reveal the celebrity cast for this season of Bunny’s Pokémon Big Brother 15: The Iconic Fifteenth!
Season 15: The Iconic Fifteenth!
Meet the Cast:
Arabella the Aggron – Representing Jasmine of the Johto league, Ara is a fiercely loyal member of the Olivine community. She grew up really shy and timid but after training with Jasmine for so long, she grew stronger and bigger and incredibly protective. Though she is still shy, she will fight to protect her team and at all costs in order to protect the person who saved her and the people she cares about the most.
Eliza the Vileplume – Representing Erika of the Kanto League, Eliza is ready to bloom into her own in this game. Eliza was always teased for being an ugly and smelly flower and shied away from others because of it. Her lovely trainer, Erika, took her in and showed her love and kindness which allowed her to grow into a beautiful and graceful fighter. She wants to show the world what love and kindness can do!
Eloise the Banette – Representing Phoebe of the Hoenn Elite Four, El is…well she is here. El fought fiercely for Phoebe alongside her sister for many years, spooking away and tricking any Pokemon who would even try to open against her team. But when Phoebe went to diversify her team for the big leagues, El was dropped and her sister stayed. Now, with a sense of indifference to life, El is just here to have something to do so she doesn’t rot away in the box.
Ember the Dragonair – Representing Clair of the Johto League, Ember is a perfect match for her trainer. She was trained specifically for battle and knows that power means authority. She knows who is superior to her and who is inferior to her and does not take any orders or direction from those weaker than her. She knows her own worth and is ready to find some strong competition in this game, but doubts anyone will be as strategic as her.
Genshin the Gengar – Representing Agatha of the indigo League Elite Four, Genshin hides a lot behind his smile. He is the OG prankster and mischievous ghost, wrecking many teams who dared face him down. He is good at tricks and pranks yet also can charm anyone with his wide smile. Despite his trickery and impish nature, he is still incredibly loyal to Agatha and wants to win for her sake!
Gehrmund the Slaking – Representing Norman of the Hoenn League, Gehrmund has woken up. Gehrmund has spent his whole life holding back and not going full out because of his leader’s place in the league. He can shake off his laziness but if he went at full strength, all of the baby trainers in his region would never be able to get a gym badge. Norman has given him full permission to go full out this time and Gehrmund has done his stretches and is ready to crush the competition.
Gigi the Garchomp – Representing Cynthia, Champion of Sinnoh, do we even need an introduction here? Gigi one of the most notorious team sweepers in any Pokemon League, known for his devastating and versatile tactics of tearing down even the most well-prepared teams. His strength comes from an unbreakable bond with Cynthia, and he is actually a very kind and gentle soul. He is here to show that he can do stuff on his own, without Cynthia, and still tear apart the competition.
Irina the Palossand – Representing Acerola of the Alola League, Irina is super excited to play! Irina is high energy and huge strength! She was one of the founding Pokémon in the Alola league and was nervous about it then, but her many victories as well as learning to accept losses has shaped her into a Pokemon with a bright outlook on what it means to win and lose. She is super positive, if not a little bit creepy, and wants to see the strength that other Leagues have to offer.
Levon the Beartic – Representing Candice of the Sinnoh League, Levon is going to cast an icy wind over the house. One of the more recent additions to Candice’s team, Levon was rescued as a cub and nurtured back to health. He doesn’t really like talking to other people, but is willing to do so if it makes Candice happy. In his past, he was hostile and aggressive and is proud to have overcome that side of himself to be where he is today.
Lizadon the Charizard – Representing League Victor Red from Kanto, Lizadon is here to kick butt and take names. Liz was one of Red’s first Pokémon and was a core member of his team. Together they had two goals in mind: Catch em all, and Win every battle. She has been with him since the beginning and is incredibly loyal to him and him only. She knows this game is about social connections but deep down only wants to win and see if she can add more Pokémon to Red’s roster.
Lucky the Lucario – Representing Maylene of the Sinnoh League, Lucky is focused and charged up for the competition. Lucky has gotten to be a feared name in the Sinnoh league not because of his luck but because of his fierce discipline and focus. He is agile and strong, ripping through teams even unfettered by his teammates. Yet, he is also very calm and loyal in real life and plans to use that to his advantage in the game.
Luis the Golisopod – Representing Guzma of Team Skull notoriety, Luis isn’t here to play fair. Luis has a tough exterior, intimidating those who would even think about going up against him or Guzma. He is untouchable in combat and doesn’t take any insults lying down. Despite this, he is actually a scared Wimpod oon the inside. When the going gets tough, he gets going, scared to let down the man who trained him his whole life. He still won’t play fair in the game, however, because that’s no fun.
Matthew the Dudunsparce – Representing Larry of the Paldea League, Matthew is about as normal as they come. He was never the star of his team, only a mere grunt. He felt overshadowed his whole life and being on Larry’s team just felt like another boring job. As such, he is bored and unimpressed by life. He has no hobbies, no friends, and a meaningless job, so what can he lose by signing up for this show?
Missy the Seadra – Representing Cissy of the Orange League, Missy is here to prove the strength of the Orange League. Missy knows she is strong but has gone her whole life dealing with people who tell her that the Orange League doesn’t count and that Cissy isn’t a real gym leader. She has never and will continue to not take that, and is here to show why. She is Missy, the prized Seadra of Cissy, and you will know her power!
Persephone the Zorua – Representing Celebrity Trainer N of Unova, Persephone is going to use this game as her platform. Once a cunning trickster in Castelia, she didn’t really care for others too much. But after meeting and training with by N who trained her as a friend outside of a Pokeball, she learned the strength of bonds with others. She wants to play this game for other abandoned or mistreated Pokémon and show them that they have a purpose and place where they belong.
Raba the Emolga – Representing Elesa of the Unova League, DJ Volt Switch is going to get this party started! DJ has always known she isn’t the best fighter. Being part of a gym leader’s team is a big surprise to her. Yet she makes up for strength with her incredible strategy including Volt Switching every turn to make her team unoredictable. She is a musical mastermind and worked behind the scenes on every theme for the Unova league as well. Maybe the game will help her promote her album!
Zoltan the Jolteon – Representing Celebrity Trainer Serena of Kalos, Zoltan is overflowing with energy! Zoltan has always been a hyper Pokémon, reaching an incredibly high speed stat very early in his life. Serena harbored his love to run into a battle strategy that promoted his off the wall energy. He is very eager to learn and try new things even if he goes through them very quickly. He plans to cool down just long enough to strike at the right moment and win the game!

Intro: Seventeen Pokémon stand on separate lifts in a dark room, all in anticipation of the Legendary summer that is approaching. Suddenly, the sound of mechanical whirring starts and the lights flash on. Each lift moves upwards and upwards at a steadily increasing pace until they finally arrive at the top in another darkened room. All look around at each other for a moment before KAPOW the shades on the windows drop and multicolored lights floods in. The beautiful mosaic glass windows of the Kalos Pokemon League stand regally in front of our houseguests. They represent the iconic nature of the season we are presenting in this grand castle. All of them get ready to compete in the first HOH,
First HOH: All houseguests are in Champion Diantha’s room standing on platforms suspended over the abyss (with safety cushions underneath duh). Periodically, an element of the Kalos Elite 4 strikes out, knocking houseguests off. As the houseguests fall off they are sent to their new rooms. Matt doesn’t even make it to the first obstacle before falling off. When the waves of Siebold start washing over, Irina is washed away and Luis emergency exits. Ember holds to the end of the wave but gets washed away at the last second. Next, Malva’s flames burn up. Levon can’t take the heat and drops. Followed by DJ and soon Persephone. Eliza is the last to succumb to the flames. Next, large swords start to swing and the houseguests must jump over. Genshin is the first to trip up. Lucky gets knocked out next. The swords swing for a while, claiming Gehrmund as well who is slacking off. Finally, Drasnea’s dragon blows hot dragon breath, sending a wind at the houseguests remaining. It is supereffective on Gigi, and Missy feels the heat as well. The wind continues to blow, catching in Lizadon’s wings, leaving it between Zoltan and Ara. Ara sends strong due to her heavy metal, but Zoltan is having a breeze, and after a long time, Ara gets tired and slips up, giving Zoltan the first HOH!
Week 1: Fresh off the HOH competition, Houseguests are split into rooms based off of the four Kalos league members. In the fiery Malva room, Matt sulks while Levon and Genshin sideeye Gigi for being Cynthia’s Garchomp. In Siebold’s wavy room, Irina, DJ, and Missy all enjoy each other’s company while Lucky rests up. In the steel type Wikstrom’s room, El and Persephone begin scheming while Liz complains to Matt how she got so close. The irony is lost on her. Finally, the draconic Drasnea’s room has Ember and Gehrmund already at Odds while Ara and Eliza try to keep the peace. In the HOH room, El and Persephone plot to get in good with Zoltan to keep them in safety this week. Genshin goes to Gehrmund’s room to complain about Gigi, while Levon does the same about Levon, thinking he is gonna be a massive threat. Sensing Gigi’s name going around, El plots to get Gigi on their side by telling him about his name floating around. He takes it well, knowing he would be a threat. He does agree to work with them though.
Zoltan ends up settling on two noms, Matt for being pitiful at the first challenge, and Missy because her tenacity in the challenge and her drive to win is scary. Irina, El, and Lucky are all chosen to compete in the veto. Zoltan tries to hold back Missy by misleading her, causing him to lose as well with Matt jusy doing bad. Missy still holds up but can’t catch up and the other three pull ahead. Irina comes out victorious. Missy pleads with her roommate to save her but Irina doesn’t want to rock the boat and keeps nominations the same. Missy goes on the offensive, making statements about wanting to prove the strength of the Orange league. Matt, meanwhile, does his best but, only Gigi will take the time to listen to him. Gigi offers to his alliance about maybe keeping Matt because he would be easy to beat. In reality, he just pities him. They decide to but El tells him the vote is still for Matt, so he doesn’t know to try and keep Missy. At the eviction ceremony, Gigi is shocked as he is one of the few to vote for Matt, seeing Missy out the door as the first evictee. She is distraught but says she still felt she did well.
Week 2: Week 1 was long but set things up well! The HOH is a tribute to Gym leader Viola, with large webs setting up silks sacs that the contestants hang from. It comes down to Genshin, Gigi, Gehrmund, and Ara, some of the strongest mons in the game. Genshin scares Gehrmund causing him to drop and making him mad. Genshin’s laughing causes him to fall as well. Between Gigi and Ara, Ara lasts longest and wins this time. Lucky starts lashing out at DJ for her music being a disruption. The Emolga is saddened and goes to play it elsewhere, which makes Ara think she is an easy target. Ara puts up DJ next to Luis, who is not making enough waves for her. DJ bonds more with Levon with her music and then selects him for Houseguests Choice in the veto. They end up the top two of the veto and he wins. Despite their bond though, he doesn’t save her. She realizes she has to fight for herself now and starts trying to work on Irina and El. Lucky goes off on El for her sneaking around and she decides she needs to spite him. So she starts to work on the house, convincing Levon he made a mistake by not saving DJ. Persephone makes her statements about working for neglected Pokemon and it goes well with the house, allowing her to go to Levon and further drive in the point of DJ being on the outs. At the eviction, the work of the duo is successful, and Luis emergency exits out of the game. Gigi feels left out of the vote again.
Week 3: This HOH is a tribute to gym leader Grant, being a rock wall competition which comes down to Ember, Eliza, and Persephone. Ember calls out the other two, saying that she is not losing to people inferior to her. She is the next to drop though, followed by Eliza, giving Persephone the win. In the HOH room, Levon, Irina, and Liz come up to the room with Persephone to complain about noticing El and Zoltan scheming. To save her skin and avoid implication, she plays coy and suggests they keep an eye out for those two. Each of them go back to their rooms and bring in a plus one to the alliance, adding in Ara, Eliza, and Matt, who is evstatic to be involved. To avoid suspicion from both sides, Persephone nominates two of the strongest houseguests, Lucky and Gehrmund. At the veto, Lucky goes on to win it. Lucky, now safe, admits his fears to Irina and DJ about not being strong enough when it matters. When replacement nominees are thrown out, the alliance suggests El and Gigi, but Persephone deflects by bringing up Ember and Genshin which causes the alliance to split between them. She sides with Eliza and puts up Genshin. Not wanting to get let out of the vote again, Gigi goes to El to ask her how the vote is going and she says Genshin is going. He doesn’t trust her and goes to people outside of his alliance, Irina, Lucky, and DJ in the next room, to see what they think. All of them want Gehrmund out so Gigi goes with his gut. At the eviction, his gut is correct and only three votes go to Genshin, evicting Gehrmund 9 to 3.
Double Eviction: Are you surprised to see one so early? Well with 17 contestants we had to keep the season going smoothly so why not see two pre-jurors out on the same night? The HOH is a cycling tourney from Grant which sees Irina, Ember, and DJ in the lead. DJ, empowered by her music and knowing she is on the bottom, goes on to win it. She puts up Lucky for being a jerk to her and Gigi because she wants to make a big move against him. At the veto, Zoltan lets slip to Gigi about their alliance which tips off DJ that something is up. Lucky ends up winning and saving himself. DJ puts up Zoltan because of knowing of his alliance with the dragon. Both alliances split up on the vote and ends up with Persephone being the deciding vote between the two. She chooses to cut off Zoltan, evicting him so early.
Week 4: With Zoltan gone, one more HOH is being played, and DJ is unable to compete. This time, the contestants are in a skating rink like Korrina’s gym, skating and avoiding obstacles to be the last one standing. Persephone easily skates through and wins it. DJ compares notes with Gigi after he gets off the block and he reveals Persephone was working with them too. She talks to Irina in her room, and he talks to Genshin in his room who don’t know a thing about it. But when Irina goes to Ara and Eliza about it, they are ticked that Persephone was alluding them like that. The six form an alliance. Persephone continues using easy nominees to hide her loyalty seeing Lucky hit the block again next to Ember. The veto is close, with Lucky looking he will win again. But Ara pulls out the win and stops him from saving himself. The new six person alliance is split on who to vote, with DJ and Irina seeing Lucky’s strength and wanting him gone. But Gigi, Eliza, and Ara know that Lucky is Persephone’s target and doesn’t want her getting her way. El plots with Gigi to convince him about Lucky winning too many vetoes to try and sway his vote. At the eviction, the house is split between honoring Persephone’s wishes or evicting someone who is kind of a jerk. Ember doesn’t make it easier by claiming she is better than most of them. In the end, strategy wins out and Lucky is sent home, leaving Gigi at odds with his alliances again.
Week 6: This is the last week before jury and it is a vine climb challenge themed after Ramos. Irina, Levon, and Liz climb the fastest but Irina finds a shortcut and wins. Irina and Eliza confront Persephone about her double-crossing and she storms off. Liz, Matt, and Levon ask how they found that out but they brush it off. El, having done a lot of behind the scenes plotting, comes into the spotlight as the target next to Ember, who isn’t making any new friends with her attitude. DJ begins playing samples of her music around the house to people who will listen to her. Irina and Liz actually are swayed by it and the three bond more. At the veto, Persephone is in the lead, aiming to save El. But Genshin blocks her at the last second to win. He keeps the nominations the same, seemingly sealing El’s fate. Liz lashes out at Persephone for her betrayal, saying that it was awful. Persephone says it is just a game and to relax. Ember borrows something from Eliza but then breaks it. Her reaction is to tell Eliza “oh well” and shrug it off. Annoyed, the plant goes to her different alliances and tells them Ember is too much of a liability to have in the house. Genshin remains insistent on El leaving but DJ considers it, seeing that El’s game is in the open now. She tells Gigi that the plan has shifted to Ember and he appreciates her for telling him, solidifying their bond. At the eviction, the push is successful and Ember is sent out of the door. She initially refuses, saying that she is superior and no one else deserves the win. But Levon cuts her off, claiming that if she was the best she would have proved it, and kicks her out of the door.
Week 6: The jury starts this week! The HOH is themed off of Lumiose tower and Clemont’s gym! The quiz includes physical and endurance elements as well which is an equal opportunity for more people, especially the smaller DJ and El. El pulls ahead and ends up winning, chuckling looking at everyone else’s faces. Persephone tries to come back to her but she brushes her off, saying that she put her game in danger but she won’t hit the block because she appreciates her friendship as long as she doesn’t talk. El also gets the power to shuffle the rooms, choosing to put people with others that they hate. {Persephone, Genshin, and Eliza are together. Liz, DJ, and Levon are together. Leaving Irina, Gigi, and Matt in the last room. Her initial target is Eliza for seemingly having a lot of roots in the house. She is put up against Matt, for being a good pawn. At the veto, El is irritated as Persephone tries to trick her and give her a run for her money. El ends up winning but stays bitter at Persephone. Matt tries to go on the offensive, campaigning against Eliza. But Eliza has a lot of power through most of the house and Irina, Levon, and Liz aren’t really on his side. Persephone jumps on the anti-Matt train to spite El, with Gigi and DJ finding out and sticking with the house to not rock the boat. At the eviction, El watches as her target stays and Matt leaves unanimously.
Week 7: The next HOH is themed after Valerie’s Fairy gym and sees the houseguests navigating the maze-like house to come out first. Ara, Gigi, and Irina continue to stay leading the comps, with Irina winning her second HOH. DJ realizes that she can shield herself using these strong players and tries to work on getting Ara on her side. Meanwhile, El and Gigi get into an argument, dragging in Liz to Gigi’s defense. Irina decides that this is the time to pick sides and consults Ara and Eliza, who decide to side with Gigi and turn on Liz, putting her and El on the block. Persephone breathes a sigh of relief for avoiding the block. At the veto, Irina goes on to win it again. Liz approaches her, flaming mad wondering why she was on the block instead of Persephone for being a sneak. Irina backs down on her plan, much to Eliza’s chagrin, and takes Liz off the block, sitting Persephone next to El. Eliza goes on a tour of the house, checking in with her allies on both sides to make sure she is still in good with them all. Due to her good nature, it is well received. She convinces Liz that Persephone already blew her own game up and owes more to them than El does. At the eviction, Liz flips her vote to El, breaking the swing and evicting EL.
Week 8: The next HOH is a quiz themed after Olympia and her psychic Pokémon. Gigi does well again but Eliza proves to be really smart and comes out on top. With Irina and Ara, she decides how they should play this week and which side they should pick. Eliza has the idea to let the two sides fight, and they survive in the middle, not getting picked off. Genshin and Liz go on the block, confusing everyone. Liz is filled with rage and knows she can’t trust Eliza or Irina now and takes her game into her hands by winning the veto. Levon goes on the block in her place. DJ has a breakdown when she realizes that she was played. She cries to a similarly annoyed Gigi, who comforts her and tells her they need to plan ahead. Genshin and Persephone get in a big fight, as he blames her somehow for him going up. Ara pushes the fight forward, hoping that the two sides stay at each other’s throats. DJ and Gigi are resolute in saving Genshin, as Liz is to keeping Levon. But Persephone hesitates, not really trusting Levon as part of her alliance anymore. At the eviction, Persephone confirms that she is voting Levon, causing Ara and Irina to vote that way as well, evicting him in 9th place. Liz and Persephone decide not to work with the trio anymore though.
Double Eviction: Surprise part 2! We are continuing this crazy week by sending one more person to the jury house! The next competition is a crazy psychic maze. Liz goes all out to save her skin but is unsuccessful when Gigi finally wins. He puts up the obvious two in Liz and Persephone. At the veto, he goes on to win it. In the interim, Liz gets into a shouting match with Ara and Irina. At the veto ceremony Gigi looks to DJ after they had a talk. DJ nods at him and he saves a shocked Liz. In his place goes Irina. However, at the eviction ceremony, Irina has a beautiful statement prepared, exposing Persephone as the ultimate double-crosser and revealing nasty things she said about everyone. The houseguests voting realize they have no choice but to vote Persephone, who goes home unanimously.
Week 9: The final gym leader HOH is the icy block pushing comp themed after gym leader Wulfric’s gym, with ice slides leading to new rooms. Fresh off the block, Irina wins it. Ara ends up in the Drasnea room with DJ and Gigi while Liz, Genshin, and Eliza end up in a room together. DJ and Gigi get closer to Ara in order to get closer to her and stay safe this week. It works when Ara vouches for them to Irina when deciding who goes up next to Liz and Genshin hits the block. At the veto, Liz wins again, saving herself. Feeling scared for himself, Gigi talks privately with Irina about DJ trying to save all of the big names to be shields over her to get her put up over him. Irina likes both of them though and shifts the target to Genshin, putting up Eliza as a pawn. Gigi is shocked but hides his deception out of shame. Liz continues to isolate herself because she feels on the outs, but DJ goes out of her way to comfort her, saying that no one deserves to feel lonely for so long. Genshin commends Irina for finally turning on Eliza and says they can make a sneaky ghost type final 2 deal. At the eviction, Gigi cotes Eliza to try and break the alliance, but everyone else votes for and blindsides Genshin.
Week 10: The HOH is a gym badge puzzle consisting of elements from every gym. It is a close race but Ara beats out Eliza for the win. Because of her connection to DJ and Gigi, she wants to save them again, so she puts up Liz next to Eliza for winning way too much. Liz is used to this by now and starts to give up on herself for being in such a bad spot. DJ continues to try and hype her up, even though she doesn’t want to keep her, she hates seeing her so sad. Liz fumbles in the veto, seeing Irina win again. When she saves herself, Ara puts up Eliza in her place. Angry at Ara for picking a side, Irina and Eliza reveal to DJ that Gigi and Ara tried to throw her under the bus. She thanks them but then goes off to cry, feeling distraught and feeling even more on the bottom. At the eviction, it is a clean sweep vote to eliminate Liz.
Week 11: The next HOH begins, sending the final 5 through all four of the elite 4 rooms in the same order as the first HOH. In Siebold’s room, Eliza finishes last and is eliminated. During Malva’s room, DJ and Irina swiftly make it through the competition but Gigi catches up, barely making it through. Gigi continues to fall behind in Wikstrom’s room, eventually losing his footing and falling off. Finally, Irina and DJ go head to head in Drasnea’s wind battle. DJ wants to prove herself and finally win something while Irina wants to preserve her lead on the game. DJ ends up coming out on top, winning. DJ knows Irina is tough competition so puts her up next to Ara, who she feels betrayed by. At the veto, Ara goes on to win and saves herself. Eliza goes to remind DJ about her betrayal at the hands of Gigi, and DJ sadly puts up Gigi. Gigi goes on damage control and goes back to DJ, who is initially reluctant to see him. However, he is sincere with his apology, and reflects on his shame. She says she doesn’t know how to feel and needs some time. Once he leaves, Eliza goes back to whisper in her ear. She whispers rumors and plays on DJ’s fears of beating him in the end. At the eviction, Eliza sticks with Gigi by voting Irina, while Eliza votes Gigi. DJ is faced with the tie and ends up forgiving her friend, voting out Irina.
Week 12: The final 4 HOH is a Champion cup between Eliza, Gigi, and Ara. They all are in Diantha’s room, enduring a grueling rotating competition. During the comp, Eliza tries to haggle with Gigi and Ara, knowing she is on the outs. She ends up cutting a deal to save the two of them if she wins and Gigi, on the edge of his wits, agrees to the alliance. Him and Ara drop, crowning Eliza the final 4 HOH. She immediately goes back on her word by putting Ara and Gigi. They both feel betrayed but can’t say anything with DJ clueless of the competition. They just have the veto to save themselves. To their shock though, DJ beats both of the powerhouses she was using as shields to win the veto, proving herself. Gigi goes to DJ again to explain his situation but this time, DJ is even more mad. She says that he keeps trying to turn on her whenever it seems right for him and then feels guilty and apologizes like it’ll fix everything. The Garchomp reflects on this, not really knowing the pressure of being on the backfoot being a veteran battler. He asks her at least to consider taking her closest ally to the final 3 and she says she doesn’t have one of those. At the eviction, DJ has the power to decide who goes home again, with Gigi on the block again, but she hesitates with the opportunity to eliminate Ara. In the end, she reveals that she is evicting Ara, shocking Gigi and Eliza both.
The Reunion: In the front plaza of the Kalos League, we sit with all of the jurors so far. Matt, El, Levon, Persephone. Genshin. Liz, Irina, and Ara are here to talk about the game. El and Persephone are up first to talk about their drama. El says that she may be sneaky but at least she was up front and didn’t claim to fight for neglected Pokemon before leaving her allies behind. Persephone says that its just a game. Liz points out that it is a game broadcasted to so many people live and Persephone could have let her dans down. Levon asks Irina and Ara about their choosing sides, wondering why they were so obvious about being in the middle. Ara says that they had to choose their best path to the end. Irina then counters Ara questioning why she sided with Gigi and DJ instead of her and Eliza, who she thought they had something with. Ara is speechless at being called out. Matt goes to speak but is cut off by Genshin starting beef with Levon. The jurors are asked who they are rooting for so far. Ara says that Gigi is super strong and deserves to get another champion crown. Levon and Genshin agree. Irina and Liz back up Eliza for having roots all over the house. Persephone agrees, saying that she played sneaky and only told the parts of the truth that would save her and put other people under, which is smart. Matt finally speaks up. Telling everyone not to sleep on DJ. She is incredibly kind and sociable but also can win challenges and positioned herself in a place where she was never at risk of going home. El agrees, saying that she picked the right allies who slowly tore their own games apart. The jury reflects and comes out still not knowing who to pick.
Final HOHL Gigi, DJ, and Eliza prepare for part 1 of the HOH, a grueling physical race up victory road. Gigi easily clears the other two. Watching on screen, Ara comments that she was right about his strength. DJ and Eliza face off in part two, piecing through each gym badge who played in what competitions during each gym badge and whoever got the fastest wins. Eliza gets confused due to not remembering which side she was on each week but picks up steam near the end. DJ uses her agility to get ahead, even when she is confused. DJ’s time is faster by a minute and a half. Levon thinks aloud how she really did know a lot more than she let on. Liz says that she probably had a tune for every week and type. In the final part, DJ and Gigi face off. During the quiz, Gigi again tries to apologize to DJ. She simply tells him to focus on the comp so she has real competition. It comes down to a tie-breaker question about the gallons of water flushed through any competition using water. Gigi guesses an admirable amount but DJ realizes the question is a trick, as none of the water would hold in the pipe system, so she answers and wins!
Final Eviction: Gigi and Eliza face eviction from DJ. She tells them both that they were great gamers and she feels honored to play with them. She feels like she really grew into her own in the endgame and was able to beat people at competitions! But she says that her choice tonight comes down to honesty. One person was honest with her with the painful truths, while the other was only honest to save their own skin, and the line between the two is very blurry with these two. Ara says there is no way she saves Eliza now. Genshin says that this is about Gigi for sure. But she shocks almost everyone in the jury when she evicts Gigi. The dragon accepts defeat. He apologizes to DJ, who is starting to finally break and cry, for his betrayal and commends her strength in evicting him. He promises to learn more and be a better champion level Pokemon. She hugs him as he leaves, Eliza smirking in the background.
Jury Questioning: Eliza and DJ face the jury. Eliza goes first, she claims her game with absolute eloquence and finesse. She had vines all over the house, granting her a certain path to the end. Even when she was on the block, she had more allies voting on her side and still got her way with who hit the block every time. She states how she manipulated the ultimate champion and caused him to break, showing her power and how great she was at the game. DJ follows, initially Timid. She tells a story about starting on the bottom, not really in any alliances, but how she found her footing and won competitions to win. She looks up and Gigi is looking right at her from the jury. He nods, and she composes herself. After a breath, she speaks with utter confidence that she deserves to win the game more than anybody else. She was always honest and upfront and dominated the social game to the point that no one wanted to put her up because of her joy. She convinced Irina’s trio to side with her and Gigi, convinced Ara to side with her and Gigi, and won out at the right time, deciding who went home in the last three evictions to shape her game to where it needed to go. And now, she sits next to someone who claims to be in control but really, had a huge blind spot. Or more like a deaf ear to the amazing symphony of music happening right next to her. The jury is speechless, Gigi and Liz both smiling.
The jury Votes: Matt says he told everyone and they didn’t believe him. El says that she believed him and everyone better now. Levon says he is very impressed and ready to buy in, Genshin asks how much the album will cost when it comes out, Liz says she is voting for the person who showed her the utmost kindness even when she broke down. Irina says that she has no choice now well this jury speech went, Ara says that she learned about true power tonight. Gigi gets up and goes to vote. He says that he may be a champion’s Pokémon, but someone here is a Champion-Class Pokémon who he is proud to call a friend. And the winner by a unanimous vote is…
Winner: DJ!!!!!
Runner-Up: Eliza
Fan Favorite: Ara
My Favorites: DJ, Gigi, Liz, Irina, El, honestly almost everybody.
My thoughts: I enjoyed writing this season more than most. A lot of it seemed like there were so many shifting alliances or friendships that the decisions came out of nowhere and I was able to write in how they happened and how they got there. And it created one of the most touching winner storylines we have had yet. I don’t think DJ really had full control over the game and was playing from her foot, but she had cheek and charm and didn’t give up even when the times were tough. Her allyship with Gigi was beautiful and him continuing to turn on her only to back out was heartbreaking. But it did make fir a good story to write about it. DJ is an emotional and great winner for her social game and deciding the end game by herself pretty much. Other storylines that were good were the Persephone and EL storylines collapsing around them while Gigi survived. Liz falling apart but still winning her way further than she should have. Eliza and Irina leading the house only to lose control because of Ara. And Eliza using her half truths and deals to squeak by at the end. But DJ had a really good story and came out absolutely jamming.
So what’s next? Well there are two seasons left and I already have ideas about them. Keep an eye out for the next sign-ups as they will be a bit different. It will also include a poll about this season and it’s legendary characters as well. Thank you guys for another iconic season, til next time!
submitted by BunnyBoiEthos to BrantSteele [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 17:36 Ok-Alps-4378 Since rentoids are illiterate I made this visual eviction notice

Since rentoids are illiterate I made this visual eviction notice
You can use this template during eviction to explain your rentoids what are doing and what is happening to them. It is proven that the visual displays increase comprehension in people with limited capacity.
submitted by Ok-Alps-4378 to LoveForLandchads [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 01:00 BunnyBoiEthos [BB] Bunny's Pokémon Big Brother Season 13: The Exuberant Thirteenth (The Season)

We have reached the thirteenth season of Bunny’s Big Brother. Thirteen is an unlucky number in many places around the world. In fact, everywhere has different symbols and superstitions about luck. Breaking a mirror is bad luck. Picking up a penny from the ground is good luck. But our houseguests are looking to pick up more than just a penny. No, they want one million Poke dollars! And they are ready to compete at their highest level in order to outwit, outplay, out…luck their competition! May lady luck be on their sides in Bunny’s Pokémon Big Brother Season 13: The Exuberant Thirteenth!
Season 13: The Exuberant Thirteenth!!!

Meet our Lucky Contenders
Aaron the Rotom Wash – Representing the luck involved in RNG, here comes the most unlucky one. RNG, as his competitors call him, is a competitive battler who does quite well considering he has some of the worst luck. One miss is whatever. Two is unlucky. Three is bonkers. FOUR is just CRAZY and FIVE is ABSOLUTELY UNBELIEVABLE. Needless to say, he just wants to make it past one week and have fun.
Adelyn the Lopunny – Representing the lucky Rabbit’s Foot, is this bunny from Eterna city. Adelyn is quite the klutz, and as such she can’t be trusted with held items. Yet despite this, everytime she trips seems to end up working in her favor. In fact, she met her current husband by slipping and falling right into his arms. But can she fumble her way into a victory in this game?
Anahi the Togetic – Representing the good luck of Angel Numbers, Anahi is here from the Lush Jungle. Anahi was born on 11:11, every significant event in her life happens when numbers repeat like 12/12 or 4:44pm. And everytime it seems life just gives her what she needs. This sort of favor can leave one feeling empty and Anahi hopes this game can give her a new lease on an exciting life.
Big Money the Meowth – Representing the Maneki-Neko, Big Money is checking in from MeleMele Island. Big Money is called as such because he is good at winning money big! He is extremely lucky when gambling, so much that his addiction helps him rather than hurts him. He has guessed every winner of our show correctly but…can he guess that he will win and be correct?
Chi the Aipom – Representing the mysterious Monkey’s Paw, this monkey from the Lush Jungle is swinging in. Chi’s mother wished for a beautiful daughter but died during childbirth. Chi wished for more friends but her best friend left her. She wished for success in love but her home burned down. Everything she wants comes with a price. She hopes that the million dollars doesn’t cost her everything.
Dee the Pansage – Representing the Four Leaf Clover, it’s this cutie from Celadon! Dee lives a simple life just going through it as simple as possible. Although the wind seems to always be in her favor ever so slightly. She can walk through construction sites without realizing it yet go unharmed or fall down a hill yet end up in a nice pile of leaves. Maybe this game will give her a cute little chance at more chance!
Dom the Mightyena – Representing the luck of the Sole Survivor, it’s Dom from Driftveil. Dom used to have a ton of friends and a loving family. He had good luck and was incredibly intelligent, but it came crashing down. His mom was harmed in an accident that he survived unharmed. He survived an accident that left his friends injured. Due to being the only one of his close circle unharmed, he now doesn’t trust or let anyone close to him, for their own sake.
Fidge the Spearow – Representing Lightning striking twice, this old bird is here to roost. Fidge is ages old and has survived every disaster known to man. Lightning has struck her THREE times yet she lives. And it seems that third time caused her to be blessed with immense survivability. It doesn’t natter what the disaster is, she will survive. Her great grandchildren believe she even beat the reaper. But can she survive this game too?
Ifeoluwa the Litten – Representing the superstitious black cat, another Lush Jungle kitty is jumping in. Ife has gone his whole life with people avoiding him for some reason. His parents abandoned him at a young age and he can’t seem to make any lasting relationships with other people. Many people believe he is bad luck personified. He is resolute to beat this superstition and come out on top of the house and be the strength of all of the rejected and neglected.
Iyan Bros the Dodrio – Representing how good things come in threes, these Viridian birds are prving that three heads are better than one. Dayton is smart but weak. Valian is kind yet dumb. Beldan is strong yet mean. Together they cancel out eachother’s weaknesses but also strengths. The Iyan Bros have had things happen to them in threes. When one wins the lotto, another finds a twenty dollar bill on the ground, and the other gets a perfect score on the test. But will they come together to win?
Maeva the Chimeco – Representing the Dreamcatcher charm, Maeva is blowing in from the Abundant shrine. Maeva has always taken a key part in the rituals of her ancient town. Her purpose ends up leading to her catching all of the bad dreams and nightmarish events so the town can all have good dreams and fortune. It is a small cost she is willing to take for the others in her life to succeed. But can she advocate for herself enough in the game to succeed?
Malchance the Absol – Representing a bad omen, Malchance is warning you to watch out. Mal loves the town of Couriway with all of her heart, but her presence seems to echo disaster for the citizens, so they shun her. All she wants to do is warn them but they have mistaken her as the perish song. She comes to this game to prove her good intentions, even in her old age.
Saban the Ledian – Represting how ladybugs are good luck, this Jubilife star is punching onto our big screen! Saban is known on TV for being super strong and mighty, yet to him it is all a big misunderstanding. He lucked into his position and lucked through a lot of things in life and now has to hope that people are willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and no one will realize that he is actually kind of week. But his brain is strong and he wants that, rather than his luck, to win him this game.
Violet the Weedle – Representing the number thirteen, Violet is here! Violet has had a whirlwind of a life. Everyone in her life that was close to her had a life that ended in tragedy. Even Violet was captured by a malicious trainer and brought to Sinnoh. She finally found a good trainer but when he passed, she was left alone on cold Mt. Coronet. Honestly, she was just happy to get taken off of her mountain for a bit but winning the show would be nice too.
Whelan the Dhelmise – Representing the Wheel of Fortune tarot card, Whelan is steering in from Snowpoint. What goes up must come down, but what goes down can also go back up. Llife has its cycles and Whelan is all too aware. Whenever life is going well, he is already preparing for a bad turn. And when it takes that bad turn, he is ready to ride the good cycle. But will his cycle end up on top of the game?
Zalmon the Whiscash – Represnting the prosperity of catfish, Zalmon is making a big splash. Zalmon is the wisest in his village and is often looked to for advice because of this. He has the unique ability to sense out the right pathway for other Pokemon to take to reach success and uses it to his advantage. Himself, he has lived a long life and has many more years ahead of him. But can he discern the path to victory in this game?

Intro: We go now to a mysterious land full of many different types of Pokémon. Most notable are Pokemon Rescue teams who go on mysterious expeditions through many dungeons across the land. And while they are away, we get to use their house as ours! How lucky! Hence, we will be renting out Sharpedo Bluff for this lucky season! And here comes our lucky contestants now. Zalmon the Whiscash actually lives close by so he had a short visit. But everyone else mysteriously woke up just outside and walked in. Well…some stumbled down the stairs, some slipped on fruit peels, and some fell through the ceiling but another Pokémon caught their fall. This is going to be… a long season.
First HOH: In a wild twist, the first hOH will be decided by a vote. There’s no way that these hooligans can cause massive damage using voting cards. Chi does get a papercut and ger vote for Adelyn ends up smudged and turned to a vote for RNG. Mal warns Dee about Dom and Adelyn and the monkey teams up and votes for her. But, the stray vote for RNG sees him the victor! Entering the house, these unlucky folks start forming sides from the get go. Ife finds that people like him in the house. He becomes quick friends with the Bros and finds Mal a comforting motherly figure. He also bonds with Chi, Whelan and Violet. On the other side of the house, Fidge gets shocked by a lightbulb and Anahi carries her to the HOH room. RNG resuscitates the bird, who seems fine. As Anahi leaves, Adelyn stumbles into the hall and knocks her over. But their fall is caught by Maeva and Saban. The four consider this a sign to work together.
Mal and Ife spend a lot of time together, so they are the first targets of RNG. They are dejected, as they both are outcasts in their normal life. At the veto, Anahi finds herself and RNG against the two nominees. She waits til just the right time to press her flying advantage and wins the veto right at 5:55. Ife goes to Fidge to ask for advice, but she bites her tongue and squawks a lot at him. He mistakes it for her yelling at him. Whelan is so unlucky his name wasn’t legally changed on our intake forms so he is telling everyone his name is Matt. Adelyn rolls with it and spreads that news. At the eviction ceremony, Mal senses that her time is up and wishes Ife luck in the game. She then warns the whole house that a grave danger is soon approaching. Hmm, that’s foreboding. It’s probably just the wind. Anyways, she is right that her time is up and she is the first evictee.
Week 2: The next HOH is the houseguest soup endurance competition. Chi and Anahi drop first, making it seem like an even race between sides of the house. But shortly after, Anahi’s side keeps dropping until only Ife, Violet, and Whelan remain. In the end, Whelan wins it for his side, turning the tides in his favor. He wants to prepare for the future so he puts Lucky Dee up next to RNG. At the veto, RNG’s amazing competition skills come in handy and he snipes a victory over Dee. He saves himself so Whelan puts up Saban. Dom stays isolated from the house and Anahi tells everyone how this scares her. She also tries to call out Big Money, but he wins the casino game in the house and gets money and food for everyone, so they forgive him. At the eviction, everyone has seen how well Dee makes her way through random challenges and she is evicted 10 to 2.
Week 3: The next HOH competition seems at first to be a physical challenge, but the competition gets shaky when a balance beam is involved. Maeva and Anahi excel a tthis and Maeva wins, saving her side for the week. However, she decides she can’t take any risks with RNG in the house and she has to make the decision o cut him so none of her allies do. She puts him up next to Dom, who is still isolating. At the veto, both the noms are Maeva’s biggest competitors. But RNG misses a critical throw and falls out of the running. Maeva wins it. Maeva lets the power of winning both comps get to her head and she develops and ego. Saban is frustrated about this and vents to Violet. The two bond about their weird situations in life. At the eviction ceremony, Dom comes out of his shell and talks to everyone for once. Though a couple key players try to still get him out, everyone else considers RNG a threat and he is evicted 7 to 4.
Week 4: With his renewed confidence, Dom comes out swinging in the HOH. And even though Ife is giving him a tough competition, he still ends up winning it. Ife and Violet get to Dom in the HOH room first and try and get him on their side. Anahi pushes in and tries to make them leave so she can talk to Dom alone. They get in an argument over it and eventually Adelyn gets pulled in. It takes Zalmon coming in and causing an earthquake to make them stop. I hope that has no lasting effects on the house. Dom puts up Anahi and Saban because of the fallout of the fight. Fidge continues to fail every single veto when she gets hit by a falling rock. Saban go head to head with Dom but he establishes his place in the house by winning veto. After the fight, the rest of the week seems too calm in comparison. Anahi tries to make up with the rest of the house but people are still acting cold to her. At the eviction ceremony, it is Saban’s close connection to Violet that gets him the vote he needs to stay and Anahi is sent home, her luck running out.
Week 5: The next HOH comp sees the houseguests have to compete in a roulette wheel competition and Big Money brings im his first win. Maeva regrets turning on her alliance and tries to capitalize on the house dynamics to get the tide back on her side. Whelan also senses the tide changing but Big Money won’t let anybody in his HOH room. After two long days, he reveals his nominees are Dom and Ife. Big Money has decided to roll against the house and go with Maeva’s side. However, he draws a bad hand at the veto and is elimated first. In fact, as it is a knockout round, everyone drops one by one until the sole survivor, Dom, comes out on top. Big Money decides to take another gamble and puts Fidge up. Though her two closest allies were on Maeva’s side of the house, it doesn’t seem like they’re too close to her. During the week, Adelyn falls off the stairs for the fourth time and lands on Chi’s hand. Chi forgives her and they bond a bit. At the eviction, Ife’s own allies turn on him. But the rest of the house decided to eliminate Fidge instead. When she leaves, she falls off the bluff. But miracyously, even though she landed on several rocks, she survives and flies back home, grumbling the whole way.
Week 6: The next HOH is a disco endurance competition where the contestants fall off one by one. Ife’s side of the house dominates again but Dom beats Violet and Saban for the HOH. However, he only wants to trust a couple of people in the house and his closest are Violet and Ife. So he puts up the Bros and Chi to get them to himself. Whelan senses that the tides are changing for the worse so he jumps ship from his alliance. Maeva goes on to win the veto and doesn’t use it, as she sees this as an excellent opportunity to weaken the other side of the house. The Bros do her a favor and start arguing with each other, making some mean comments about the other houseguests. They spill a rumor that Zalmon told them about Chi, which causes Chi to be mad at the fish. Whelan also tells the whole house how convenient it is how Adelyn keeps falling into important conversations. Maeva tries to push the vote to Chi, as she is smarter than the Bros, but is unsuccessful, and the Bros are evicted 5 to 3.
As the last houseguest evicted is sent packing, the earth starts to shake. There’s... a lot of cracks in the ground. Oh no…oh no the bluff is falling apart! That Earthquake myst have knocked it loose. The houseguests scramble but all of them are caught up in the landslide…
When the dust clears, it looks like everyone is safe, if not a little shaken up. The house is a mess but, it’s mostly in tact here by the raging ocean. We will set up some ladders and just have to be super careful from now on. No more earthquakes Zalmon.
Week 7: In the meantime, the HOH set is…wait it is still together? And Zalmon happens to be at the finish line due to the Earthquake? Well I guess Zalmon is the next HOH by default. You win this time catfish. In the rebuilding week, Ife realizes more and more that everyone but Chi and Violet aren’t talking much to him. Maeva seems to be leading the house rebuilding effort and is in Zalmon’s ear. He doesn’t really need her strategic advice though, as he knows his best path is to knock out Ife’s side of the house. So he puts up Chi and Ife. Maeva again wants to keep the status quo, so she pulls out another veto win. It seems like she is catching the excess good luck in the house. Zalmon seems to be eerily calm about crushing the house and everyone is really not digging it. Saban and Violet reconnect and Violet complains about Maeva to the ladybug. He apologizes that he isn’t strong enough to beat her but he knows she, along with Adelyn, is trying to get Ife out. Violet says they should try and keep Ife to stop Maeva’s plans and also break Adelyn’s connection with Chi. At the eviction, the vote is a close one but Violet and Saban’s plan succeeds and Chi gets evicted.
Double Eviction!: As Chi gets carried away into the ocean, the next HOH is revealed to be the long awaited double! Seeing all of his friends get evicted or leave him, Ife tries hard to salvage his game and goes for the HOH. But Dom ends up winning it. The hyena considers Ife a friend though, and continues to stick with him, putting up Zalmon and Adelyn. However, the veto competition goes awry when Ife makes a comment about how nobody likes him. Dom is reminded why he can’t trust anybody and gives up on the veto. This allows Zalmon to win and save himself. A heartbroken Dom puts up Ife, who is shocked. The bugs team up with Whelan to try and save Ife but Maeva finally gets her way when Dom breaks the tie and sends the unlucky cat floating away.
Week 9: At the next HOH, the final 3 are Zalmon, Violet, and Adelyn. Zalmon and Adelyn both are fighting for their side of the house but Violet realizes that Dom is isolating himself again and isn’t with her so she has to save herself and she does just that, winning the HOH. And her nominees are clear, Zalmon and Adelyn. In her mind, if Maeva wins, she saves one of them and the other can go home. But if one of them win veto, Maeva can go up. Violet selects Dom for veto, to her dismay, as he gives up entirely, allowing Zalmon to win. Violet confides in Saban, who says that Dom might just be too heavy to carry through the game. Dejected, Violet agrees and Dom goes on the block next to Adelyn. Meanwhile, Maeva is furious that Zalmon didn’t let her win the veto, as she could have been in real danger. She only got saved by Dom being Dom. Zalmon tells her that she must not be catching bad luck, but bad attitudes, because she is very nasty now. At the eviction, Dom’s continued isolation from the house sees him easily evicted in a complex week.
Week 10: The Lucky Seven remain! And they must certainly be lucky to survive such a chaotic house. But can they survive this week? Well, Zalmon sure can, as he wins the next HOH! He decides to play it smart this round by targeting the middle players of the house. As such, Saban and Big Money go on the block. Violet plays hard at the veto and turns out to be one of the best comp threats in the game as she beats Maeva and wins the veto. She obviously uses it to save Saban. Zalmon then puts up the next best floater, Whelan.Whelan buddies up to Saban to try and get the bugs on his side. Saban does feel nice about it but alos is irritated he keeps going back and forth. The bugs do side with him against the gals duo and the vote ends up in a tie. Zalmon breaks it by sending home Big Money.
Double Eviction!:>! Oh we love putting two of these in these crazy seasons. During the HOH comp, Whelan secretly makes a deal with Maeva for them to work together, turning on the bugs almost immediately. But this doesn’t play out as he wants when Violet wins the HOH. Adelyn and Zalmon go up so she can knock that side of the house down a peg. Zalmon wins the veto and saves himself, finally allowing Violet to turn the tide on Maeva, putting her up. However, with Whelan on her side, Maeva is able to survive the vote, with Adelyn leaving 2 to 1.!<
Week 12: So only 5 survived that week, but 4 will come out of this week. It is Saban versus everyone for the HOH and he does not want to lose, as him and Violet will certainly go up. Maeva taunts him as a weakling who can’t really win any competitions, but he proves everyone wrong by finally winning! Violet is ecstatic and cheers him on. However, later that night, Zalmon pulls in Violet and Whelan and tells them they have to have something to take them to the end. Maeva has to go down before she wins the endgame comps. Violet agrees and the three of them form a tentative alliance. Despite their best efforts in veto, Maeva comes out on top and saves herself. Saban’s only option is to put Whelan up next to Zalmon. Zalmon hates seeing his plan crumble and almost causes another earthquake. Though that one is stopped by Violet telling him that he has to accept it. He calms down and accepts his fate. As Whelan has found himself in a good position suddenly with both Maeva and Violet as allies, he stays and Zalmon goes.
Week 13: This unlucky week will be the last for one of these final 4 houseguests. Maeva knows she does not want it to her last and she continues her competitive win streak, winning a spot at finale night. She obviously puts the bugs up next to each other. She then goes on to absolutely obliterate the veto as well, leaving everyone in her dust and winning the veto. The vote now lies between the two bugs and at first, Whelan is convinced to keep Violet, as she would take him to the end for sure. But Maeva gets in his ear and convinces him that Violet would be very tough to beat in any competition and competing against the two of them would be a death sentence. He breaks and at the eviction, sends home number 13 on week 13.
As Violet leaves, the whole house starts to shake again. Zalmon must have caused another earthquake. Wait no, it’s just the reunion stage rising up. But it…its rising from under the water where the house fell. Things are flying everywhere, rocks are falling from the cliff, beds are falling down, the house is sideways! Looks like everyone is safe again but we have to roll with a sideways house this last week.
The Reunion: Well we have the stage might as well start the show! The first 8 jurors are brought on to stage. The Iyan bros are surprisingly not arguing with each other the whole time. Chi and Adelyn walk out together with Chi having a bandage around her hand. She says Adelyn slipped and fell for real into it. Adelyn has a cast on her foot and claims she actually broke a bone this time. Ife tries to talk to Dom but the wolf continues to ignore him. Violet reconciles with the two friends and reminds them that they found each other in the house, so they have to remain friends. Though they don’t say much, Dom does smile a bit when he thinks no one is watching. Big Money is missing his coin on his forehead and when asked why, he says he lost it gambling. It looks like his lucky streak has ended. We ask the jurors about our finalists. Zalmon says Whelan is a traitor and a floater but he is incredibly smart. Everyone on the jury had worked with him and likes him. Ife chimes in how Maeva did a ton of work on everyone and led her side of the house to last the longest. She was powerful at competitions and won when she had to to survive. Violet tells everyone not to count Saban out, as he was a true friend to her but also a real good guy in general. How could you not love Saban?
The Final HOH: The final 3 houseguests go to compete in the competition. The first round is an endurance roune. It looks like Maeva is struggling but holding on. However, when Saban drops, she drops right after, knowing she has a better chance at beating him at a physical comp than beating Whelan at an endurance comp. In part 2, the next comp is a physical mental split where Maeva goes up against Saban. And to her credit, she is right, and she beats Saban. Adelyn mentions how it seems like Maeva has gotten incredibly lucky as the competition went on and she could win it all. Ife says it is definitely fishy how her side of the house survived weeks of the other side being HOH and was intact for so long. At part 3, Maeva and Whelan come out live before the jury and compete in the final quiz comp. And though both houseguests do really well. It all ends in a tie. The two write down their answers but Whelan drops his chalk and it scribbles down another number onto his board. This puts him over the answer and Maeva wins the final HOH by sheer…luck.
Reunion part 2: The jury awaits the results of Maeva’s final HOH. Some speculate she will keep Whelan because they are allies in the game. Some say she has to keep Saban to have a better shot at winning. She speaks up, claiming that Whelan has been a great ally, but she knows he was floating around the house to everyone and it is now time for her to jump ship on him. She saves Saban, and evicts Whelan.
The Jury Questioning: Saban and Maeva face the jury to defend their games. Maeva goes first and claims how she was basically the head of her side of the house and played a dominant game. She says that she did win a lot of competitions but did not have to rely on them, as she was able to save herself from getting evicted by making the people on the block with her look worse or by forming secret alliances to save her. Saban says he played an honest game and stuck with the allies he knew he could count on. He says that he may not have won as many competitions as Maeva and didn’t lead an alliance like her, but after working with her and seeing how she was, he wanted to be the real life hero and take her down. Violet is perplexed and asks Saban what he means by working with her. He stutters a bit but does eventually come clean to Violet that he was allied with her Maeva from the very beginning but he did break from that alliance eventually. Violet is shocked and feels betrayed by him. Adelyn asks Maeva who her best ally was and she replied Zalmon because he kept the heat off of her. Adelyn scoffs at this and tells her she was just lucky. Maeva says that she did rely a lot on luck to get this far but she was lucky when everyone else was not and why is that her fault. Whelan asks Saban to name his best move in the game and he says that it was siding with Violet, because she was able to win competitions for the two of them. The jury is not entertained by this answer.
The Jury Votes: The Iyan Bros all argue over who to vote for but eventually put a name in the keyholder. Chi says that she wished the season had a great winner and she got voted out, so it must be the one she is voting for. Ife says that he feels like he has to vote for the better player, Dom silently goes up to vote and puts his key in without a word. Big Money says that he doesn’t feel his vote is a gamble at all. Adelynn drops her keys as she comes up but grabs the one she thinks she wants and puts it in. Zalmon says he knows who took the wisest path to the end and they deserve it. Violet shakes her head at Saban, not pleased. Finally, Whelan wraps up the season with a comment about how the tides of luck are always changing and with immense good luck comes immense bad luck. Maybe this will tip the pot.
The last part of our game is the fan favorite vote! The fan favorite not only wins the money, but also a spot in the next returnee season! The votes come down to Adelyn, Big Money, and Dom and the winner is… Adelyn! She cheers but mentions how her doctor told her she won’t walk correctly again ever so she can’t compete. That is so sad… well then I guess second place gets to go back and that is… Dom! Now lets reveal the season winner…
Winner: Maeva
Runner-Up: Saban
Fan Favorite: Adelyn
My Favorites: Violet, Ife, Zalmon, Dom
My Thoughts:>! Well that was an exciting season! I am glad that we finally saw a true split house at the beginning. Both in the alliances and in terms of …well…the house falling apart. The two sides were both full of gamers and they fell apart equally as fast in the pre jury phase. But when the jury phase came around I was certain Dom would solidify something with Ife’s side and they would go on to take over but it actually went the opposite way, with every HOH still being a toss up. And Maeva’s side!!! Maeva did well in controlling her closest allies. It was like she drained the luck out of them and not just in competitions, but in social events and nominations, she kept avoiding the block or the eviction. She did rely a lot on comps but she took out everyone who was good at comps systematically so the endgame was hers to lose. Ife and Dom was a very sad storyline that I was distraught fell apart the way it did. The great duo of Saban and Violet took over as the rootable pair but even they didn’t have the luck. In the end, we had a good season and winner and I am satisfied.!<
Well we have to give our winner the prize money now. But wait, some wind has caught the check. Maeva is chasing after it but a tremor causes a small rock to fall and pin her to the ground. Whelan starts to speak “What goes up…” Maeva’s money flies away “Must come….” She breaks free from the rock and goes to chase it again “…Down” The whole of Sharpedo Bluff collapses entirely. Maeva flies frantically through the falling rubble and manages to avoid getting hit but when the dust and debris settle, it is too late. Her check is in tatters and broken. She screams out into the cold night in agony. Well… with the money it will cost us to repair this place before the rescue team gets back, we don’t have enough to give her more. I guess Maeva will have to wait for her next chance…
submitted by BunnyBoiEthos to BrantSteele [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 04:03 BunnyBoiEthos [BB] Bunny's Pokémon Big Brother Season 12: The Venerable Twelfth (The Season)

Time can never be your trusted friend or your sworn ally. And in Bunny’s Pokémon Big Brother House, that is entirely true. This time around, we bring 16 Pokémon who together, have eons and millenia worth of experience on this planet. And with that time lived, comes the determination to win. These timely Pokémon may try to make trusted friends and sworn allies, but in this game, only one can win. Who will show that they are not only the best of their time but also the best of ours? Find out this time on Bunny’s Pokémon Big Brother Season 12: The Venerable Twelfth!!
Season 12: The Venerable Twelfth!

Meet the Cast:
Azriel the Sigilyph – This guardian of the stony wilderness ruins is ready to start a new venture in life! Azriel spent his entire life guarding and protecting ruins with his fellow Sigilyph. But being a guardin, and not knowing from what, can really get boring after several millenia. Maybe a jaunt through the Big Brother house will change that.
Bev the Beheeyem – The party lights in the Giant’s Mirror are not just strange phenomena, they’re the night lights from Bev’s parties! Bev is a party guy through and through, he serves drinks and fun all night at the underground clubs and knows how to charm people around him and plans to play down his smarts and play up his suave to win the game!
Coelia the Relicanth – Known as the ghost of Sootopolis, Coelia is a unique Relicanth who makes a living out of scaring the pants off divers. By day, she is easygoing yet snarky, and lives a relatively carefree life. But at night, she works to haunt the ocean and prevent divers or poachers from destroying the reefs and caverns she has called home for her whole, LONG, life.
Eugene the Hisuian Zorua – The Icy lands of Sinnoh are home to this ghostly monster! Eugene-er-Deathshadow as he likes to be called, is a rebellious punk teenager who just KNOWS the world is all against him. He is obsessed with feeling ennui and blaze with the trials of the world. But deep down he wants some friends. Weird that his mom made him do this show then…
Karol the Hisuian Zoroark – Oh wait…she came with him. Yep, Eugene – Or “Genie” as she likes to call him, is in the game with his mom. And Karol is no slouch of a mom either. Fighting crime as a police officer is already a taxing job, but being a single mother is a full time job on its own. Karol wants to help her son open up and see the brightness of the world, even if all he can see is darkness, she knows he can make new friends.
Halivanth the Hisuian Braviary – Some say this watcher of the Alabaster Icelands has never roosted in his life. Halivanth has watched over the northern Sinnoh provinces since it was still the Alabaster Icelands in ancient times. He flew over the ice age and stone age and iron age and has yet to truly connect with anyone. Will he remain stoic in the house or will this be the wind that finally causes him to rest?
Lord Helix the Omastar – aaabaabbbab aabbbd aaaa bbb u d dd lr lr llllll u o llll aab a r alld rbba rl alkrl krdddfffjgjb… Oh oops sorry we let our chat take over for too long. Lord Helix of Mt Moon has that effect on people. He developed a huge following back in the day that saw many join his unknown cause just to relish in his company. Now, he plans to do the same in the house!
Korinne the Cofagrigus – This Nimbasa mummy is NOT stuck in the past. Korinne took a nap thousands of years ago expecting to wake up a couple of hours later. After she woke up in modern times, she decided to embrace it rather than long for the old days. She loves fashion and dancing and has her own drag routine in Nimbasa city. Though she also advocates for ancient Pokémon keeping up with the modern age, will she be able to keep up with the house?
Leik the Archeops – Honestly, we don’t even know if half of what Leik tells us is true, but we think he’s definitely a good enough character for TV! He’s a mad scientist, inventive and wild, with a unique personality. Some childhood tragedy sent his mind into a spiral, but for the most part it has helped him be creative and make a name for himself in Mt. Silver. Will that name carry any weight in this house though?
Lesi the Sneasler – From the Ilex forest, we got this Sneasler to come out of hibernation! Li lives her whole life to protect and guide her younger brother. She raised him when their parents disappeared and spent so much time caring for him, she never developed a social structure of her own. She is doing this show for her brother, but will she be able to come out a more independent Pokémon?
Lisette the Solrock – From the Whimsamina branch of fortune-telling, Lisette has taken over the Haina desert with her reads. Lisette reads the stars and the cards and communes with nature to determine the best course of action. Some say she once told a river to bend south and caused a continent to split just because she did not want to move. The Sunstone of Alola can definitely see her future winning this game.
Marsche the Aurorus – Well I’ll be, we have a legend among us! This fishing master is here ready to make a big catch this summer to the tune of 1 million Poke dollars. Marsche is the first crowned Pokemon Fishing Champ by winning DD the Dewgong’s fishing tourney 18 years in a row. He has mastered the art of fishing but can he master the art of social navigation?
Nanuq the Swinub – What do you expect looking at this little creature from Oni Mountain? Well be ready to be shocked when this superfan reveals his fangs to the competition! Nukka has been studying game theory since the dawn of time, and Big Brother is his latest obsessions. He knows all of the ins and outs but is ready to go unnoticed and stay under the radar before striking at just the right moment to win.
Princess Amneris III of the Relic Castle the Yamask – With a title like that, who needs introductions? Amni, as she prefers to be called by close friends, is doing this competition as a social service to her father, the king. She is tasked to learn etiquette and social skills and branch outside of her small world to experience more of the world. But will being so far in the past hold her back, or will she learn new skills and come out on top?
Yasmin the Yanmega – Do you feel these winds of change? Well that’s just Yas breezing through this competition. Yas worked hard to become as strong as she is and she believes every Pokemon should know it. She plans to use her superior strength to dominate the competition. She will only lose an HOH or POV competition if she threw it, in her eyes.
Zita the Claydol – So many representatives hail from the Relic Castle and yet none are as put together as Zita. Zita keeps all of her ducklett’s in a row and can easily see her path to any solution she wants because she denounces any chaos in her life. She is reserved, as talking is usually unnecessary. Yet she believes she can play her cards right to win the game!

Intro: Deep in the desert of Hoenn, there is a series of ruins that was recently unearthed. And would you believe it that it is shaped perfectly to be the house for this next series of Bunny’s Pokémon Big Brother? It’s fate! Just like these 16 houseguests rolling in now are fated to this house! But just how much can fate be decided in this house? Only time will tell. Meanwhile, a bunch of ancient Pokemon tumble out of archaeologist’s jeeps and roll into the house and straight to the first HOH competition!
First HOH: The first HOH is a race across a series of ruined pillars on the way into the house. Nukka sees himself at the front of the pack at first with Yas and Azriel buta wrong turn sees the three of them turned around. Zita and Halivanth take the opportunity to catch up due to Halivanth’s speed, but get side tracked by Amni, who stops in her tracks when she sees herself in a mirror. Nukka and Yas catch up to Zita and the three race to the end. Nukka decides to lay low so waits for Yas to get ahead. Yas comes in first winning the HOH competition!
Week 1: Upon entering the house, the house guests all get acquainted with each other. Marsche’s reputation preceeds him and a lot of houseguests don’t want him to win because of his fame. He settles into a Jade room where Lisette is calming a distressed Amni, who realized just what she got into. Lisette lays eyes on Marsche and tells him he is fated for greatness in the game with her. The three settle in and form an alliance. Eugene likes the Topaz room with Bev having a party vibe and Helix being very charming too. Karol tries to follow him into the room but Halivanth has the last bed so she instead goes to the Amethyst room next door with Azriel, Nukka, and Coelia, a much quieter bunch. Li and Korinne hit it off in the Aquamarine room. Leik is there too just goofing around. But Zita sees this as an opportunity to make it good with a strong competitor and rats out the Korrine and Li duo to Yas, forming an alliance with her in the process. Yas decides to put up this duo on the block to break em up before they get too big.
The veto goes back to the first room where they must now navigate the maze in reverse with climbing walls involved too. Li excels because of her climbing and easily navigates the walls, winning herself the veto and saving herself from the block. After the veto, Lisette starts reading cards in the living room, which everyone actually enjoys. Az and Zita bond a bit, but she intentionally says something a little off to cause him to fly off in a rage. At the veto ceremony, Li saves herself and is replaced by Az. Marsche continues to be a pariah but Amni offers him comfort, as he is teaching her about the modern age due to his fishing experience. Korinne tries to convince everyone they need to get with the times, but the group of millenia old Pokémon don’t take these comments well. At the eviction ceremony, Korinne reveals that she has previously won a Pokemon drag competition and how important it is for the old farts to branch out. But this sets most of the Pokémon against her and she is sent down the quicksand slide out of the house.
Week 2: The next HOH takes the house guests to an endurance round, hanging on pillars above the quicksand pit. Zita and Eugene go head-to-head for a while but eventually Zita drops, crowning Eugene the new HOH. Bev and the Topaz room celebrate the win with a party but doom and gloom Deathshadow is actually not that fond of the party. He puts Bev up next to Amni, who he thinks is standoffish. Yas moves into the Aquamarine room with Zita but the latter’s cleaning habits begin to annoy her. They silently decide they can’t live together the whole summer. At the veto, Amni, cheered on by Lisette, goes on to win and save herself. Deathshadow pivots to putting Halivanth on the block because he is too quiet, the exact opposite of Bev. Amni and Marsche are helped by Lisette to start making more friends around the house. They end up getting in good with Coelia and Bev. Karol goes to her son and tells him he needs to embrace a nice and quiet life. He is mad at his mom and decides chaos is his path. Coelia and Helix both make waves of anger in the house as Coelia is spooking people and Helix is trying to have people swear fealty to him. At the eviction ceremony, Halivanth remains quiet while Bev puts on a light show to save himself. The vote comes in at a tie and Deathshadow breaks it in favor of chaos to rebel against his mom. He votes Halivanth out and keeps in loud Bev.
Week 3: >! At the next HOH, the houseguests are sent in a shrinking maze one by one for the best score. Nukka tries to throw but ends up getting a really good score. Beating him is Karol and Yas. Yas gets the highest score and gets a second HOH. In the Jade room, Lisette guides Amni about the past while Marsche tells her to look forward to the future. The three get in a debate and Amni storms out of the room, leaving the alliance in shambles. Karol tries to tell Eugene he made a reckless move but he yells at her about trying to control his life too much. Yas revels in the chaos by putting up Eugene and Lord Helix. At the veto, Leik comes out of nowhere and turns into a mad bird. He wins the competition by a landslide. He chooses to keep the veto because it is shiny. Zita goes back to schmooze up Yas again and it works, the two bonding. Li is stressed about the game and how she feels in the house. Lord Helix goes up to her and convinces her of his greatness, gaining a follower. At the eviction ceremony, Deathshadow again lashes out at his mom. She decides that he isn’t learning his lesson in the house and votes against him. With 7 votes, Deathshadow is evicted. He spits on his mom on the way out.!<
Week 4: The next HOH is a series of tunnels and traps. As houseguests are eliminated they are sorted into new rooms. The new Topaz room sees Marsche and Lisette with Yas and Nukka. Zita, Az, and Bev end up in the Amethyst room. Amni, Li, and Leik go into the jade room. Helix, Karol, and Coelia are the final three but Coelia wins, sending Karol to Jade and Helix ot Amethyst. Sensing the growing cult, Coelia tries to nip it in the bud by putting up Helix and Li. Helix picks Amni to play for him for veto and she is conflicted about her allegiances. Zita, however, ends up winning the veto. She chooses not to use it in order to get in Coelia’s good books. Yas grows suspicious of Zita and points it out to her room. Karol makes a passing comment to Helix about him being a bad influence on her son and the two get into a heated argument over it. Meanwhile, Bev wins a task and throws a party for the house. Li continues to isolate herself from the house due to Eugene reminding her of her brother. Helix uses the opportunity to praise Abba and everyone enjoys the party. Lisette and Bev compare notes during the party and silently agree to work with each other. At the eviction, Li’s isolation comes back to haunt her and she is unanimously evicted.
Week 5: All of the houseguests seem hesitant to make any strong moves in the house and the big personalities continue to remain over the not so big personalities. However, everything could change at the next HOH. Amni, Helix, and Leik are the top three but Helix’s insistence on Amni joining his NOT cult, throws them both off, and Leik takes the lead and wins. Amni goes back to Marsche and Lisette and decides they need to remake an alliance against Helix. Lisette deduces that since Amni shared a room with Leik, she can swoop him in and they can have power over the week. She also goes back to Bev and they form the Anti-Helix Squad. Leik agrees on the idea and knows they need to backdoor Helix so he puts up Nukka and Azriel. Nukka can tell the rest of his room has been spending more time together and tries to go to other rooms to start branching out but he only has light success with Azriel, who is also on the block. The veto is a wash, with Leik winning. He stays true to his word and takes Az off of the block, putting Helix in his place. Nukka is suspicious that Az got taken off instead of him and is worried that he is in danger. Azriel gloats over the week and everyone gets kind of annoyed. Helix spends the week mumbling curses in the corner, confusing everyone. Zita continues to try and get close to the power players of Yas and now Leik, but no one is biting, as Yas has warned the Anti-Helix squad of her brown-nosing. At the eviction ceremony, the Anti-Helix squad successfully dethrones lord Helix.
Week 6: Everyone expects the jury phase to start but it is revealed that the jury phase will not start for two more weeks. The next HOH is a competition that benefits those with patience over strength and fittingly, Marsche wins! The AHS get together and decide that they can stick together to win the game. Lisette pitches that Azriel is an easy nominee to go up since it won’t reveal too much to the house yet about their alliance. Marsche agrees and also puts up Zita, who has been aloof towards him. Zita tries to get closer to Marsche again but he catches her power move. She scoffs and warns him she is against him. The two go head to head in the veto but Marsche narrowly wins. He keeps his noms the same. Amni and Bev decide that it might be a good idea to keep Zita since no one trusts her. The AHS agrees and, even though Zita is blowing up her own game, they work to keep her. Nukka sniffs out the alliance and tries to make an effort to find out which members are in it. Karol meanwhile, starts going on a streak about being a single mom and everyone listens and tries to soothe her. At the eviction, the AHS minus Leik votes for Az, causing a tie. Marsche goes on to break the tie sending Az home, shocking half of the house.
Week 7: Nukka is full on convinced about the alliance now and decides he needs to win a competition now to prevent them from taking over. He ends up with Karol as the top 2 but doesn’t want to put his faith in her, only himself, so he pushes out to win. The AHS has a dispute when Leik is angry that he was left out of the plan to blindside Az, causing the previous fights to flare-up. Nukka puts up Yas and Zita, believing them to be in the main alliance because the blindside saved Zita, and she was close to Yas. When Yas goes on to win the veto, Nukka deduces the next best move is to put up Marsche, since he openly and shockingly saved Zita. Marsche and Amni continue to argue, causing Lisette to go into damage control mode. She holds a house meeting where she does a reading for the whole house. Her calming energy is nice for the house and it eases some of the tension that Nukka caused. He tries to counter act her strategy but people think he is just a grumpy-umpus. Karol, Leik, and Lisette stay after the meeting and end up bonding as well. Leik spills the beans about the AHS to Karol with Lisette their and Lisette reacts quickly by saying she was a pawn and Marsche was the true leader. The pair are convinced and they decide to vote out Marsche. At the eviction ceremony, it is revealed that this week someone will be going to jury. And with Yas voting to save Zita, the former-AHS members split their votes. Lisette ends up the deciding vote to blindside and evict Marsche.
Double-Eviction! : As Marsche is evicted, it is revealed that he is the last pre-juror, while the next person evicted is the first juror and that will happen tonight! What a crazy time for it to happen with alliances falling apart. The HOH is a quickfire round and mad scientist Leik wins it. Zita and Nukka go up as easy noms as Zita is the house suck-up while Nukka is too smart for his own good. Nukka realizes the danger he is in and prepares to win the veto. He is unsuccessful though as Leik tears apart everyone. However, to everyone’s surprise, he saves Zita and puts up Yas, who is a fierce physical competitor. Unfortunately for Leik, the rest of the houseguests see this as an attempt at a big move and know that a strategic threat in Nukka is still in the house. Nukka is evicted unanimously and is taken up to the throne room a.k.a. the Jury House.
Week 9: The next HOH is a quiz to wrap it up in a timely manner. Yas, Zita, and Karol are the top 3 who go into tiebreaker. Zita and Yas bicker and end up losing to Karol, who becomes the next HOH. The rooms become divided in two. The Sada room consists of Zita, Yas, Leik, and Amni. The Turo room is Lisette, Bev, and Coelia. Lisette says it is fitting because she is always looking forward to the future. Karol leverages her relationship with Lisette and Leik in the HOH room to form an alliance. The two pull in their former allies Bev and Amni and form their new alliance which Lisette says should be named after her favorite tarot card, the Star, since there’s five of them. They decide Yas and Zita have to be the next to go. Zita selects Lisette to compete in veto, as she somehow trusts her. Lisette purposefully bombs the veto. Amni and Leik are up against Zita and when Zita drops, Amni decides to let Leik paint a bigger target on his back so she throws the veto to him. Leik chooses not to use the veto. Sensing her impending doom, Yas tries to buy more time in the house by making amends with people she has angered. When Zita goes on an angry streak, it looks better for Yas. Bev and Karol get into a slight disagreement when his recklessness causes him to break an item of hers. She is reminded of what caused her son to be evicted but bites her tongue and refuses to lash out at her ally…yet. At the eviction, the vote comes in to unanimously evict Zita, ending her time warming the block.
Week 10: At the next HOH, Leik is one of the prime physical players left and he sweeps the competition, only struggling against Yas, who barely loses. Yas approaches Lisette, who she considers a friend, about forming an alliance to get to the end. She notices that Leik and Karol are close and she can pull in Coelia. Lisette agrees and brings this info back to Leik and Karol. After the five meet and then disperse, Karol says that they now have options of which way to move. Leik hears options and decides he has to decide which alliance to work with now. He stupidly puts up Bev and Coelia, angering both who thought they were allies. The veto is a mental competition and Lisette accidentally wins it. She formulates a plan to do a card reading in her room. Coelia and Bev are engaged but when the draw doesn’t clearly state who to use it on, they argue. Lisette says that maybe it means she doesn’t use it and the two continue to direct their anger towards the other when she doesn’t save either of them. Bev goes to Karol for sympathy and the two continue to bond, but she is reminded again about his influence on her son, and swears vengeance. At the eviction, she commandeers the vote and is the deciding vote to evict Bev.
Week 11: >! The next HOH sees Coelia come out on top! Amni is dejected seeing Bev leave and realizes that the Star was not a true alliance to her after all. Leik and Lisette spend time in the HOH room which confirms this to Amni. She goes to Karol for comfort and the two bond. Coelia decides those two have to go on the block. At the veto, Amni is so dejected that she can’t focus. She loses her footing and is out first. Yasmin ends up winning. Karol goes into action and goes to Yasmin, appealing to her sympathy of how sad Amni looked. She says that if she saves Amni, a bigger threat in Leik or Lisette could go on the block and make her more likely to win competitions. Yas agrees and saves Amni. Coelia is shocked and angered at being forced to switch noms. She likes Lisette more so she puts Leik on the block. Lisette does another reading for the house about the Star being torn apart from within. Everyone is spooked by this reading. Most of all is Amni, who is convinced that Yas saved her to work with her and Karol was ready to turn against her. Though Yas tries to vote out Leik, Amni is more convinced that Karol turned on her, and she votes with Lisette, who knows Karol is more lovable to the jury, to evict Karol.!<
Double Eviction part 2!!: As a saddened Karol leaves, it is announced that there will be one more surprise tonight and one more person joining her. So cruel right at the end, right? Well, Mazda’s House of Villains was a hit success so we might as well take one of their great ideas! Yas goes on to win the HOH, as she decides she needs to put the power of the game into her own hands. During the competition, Lisette locks eyes with Amni and motions to her cards, with a fish being on top. They nod, understanding they need to work together again. Yas puts up Leik and Coelia, her two big targets, on the block, hoping to finally get Leik out. Lisette wins the veto and doesn’t use it, as she wants to see Amni off the block. However, she then goes to vote for Coelia, forcing a tie. Yas is all too eager to get up and immediately vote out Leik.
Week 13: As the HOH starts, Lisette throws it, being allied with all 3 remaining, she knows they all hate each other more than her. Coelia ends up winning and, as predicted, puts up Yas and Amni. She is thankful for Lisette for saving her the previous week as she knows it was Amni who wanted her gone. Lisette doesn’t throw the veto, as she does not want to be taken out by an angry Amni or a bitter Yas. However, Amni pleads with her that they have been so close all game and they have to go to the end together. Lisette relents and saves Amni, evicting Yasmin.
The Reunion: The Jurors are all brought onto the stage, gathering around the throne where your wondrous host, Bunny, awaits. With only 6, awaiting one more, the crowd is quite small. However, the beef is large. Yasmin and Zita have a lot of drama to hash out immediately. Zita calls out Yasmin for not being a good ally to her and turning on her. Yasmin fires back calling out Zita’s attempted floater game and how she played it so poorly she was on the block every week. Ouch. Leik then piles on Yasmin, demanding an answer to why she turned on him. She claims he was too strong and wouldn’t get votes so why is he mad. He asks if he wasn’t getting votes, why wouldn’t she just try to take him to the end. She is pretty quiet. Also quiet is Nukka, who sits back and lets the drama happen. When the contestants are asked who they want to win, the room is pretty divided. Karol believes Amni has learned so much about the world and has played an excellent social game, even if she did make a blunder by voting her out. Nukka back’s Lisette, amazed that she wasn’t evicted yet because she seemed to have roots al around the house and no one realized it. Bev claims that Coelia has an uphill battle if she makes it to the end, as she seemed to not do much whenever he tried to game with her. Yasmin claims that she was in an alliance with her so no way would she try and ally with him. Karol makes a snide comment about Bev being a bad influence and the alien shuts up.
The Final HOH: The jurors are shown the final HOH competition. The first round is an endurance round where the contestants have to hold keys the longest. Seeing as how none of them have real hands, it is up to speculation how they were intended to do this. Amni drops first. Lisette lasts a little bit longer but drops shortly after, making Coelia the winner. In the throne room, Nukka points out Lisette’s convenient timing in losing right after Amni. Part 2 begins between Amni and Lisette. In the race to put together a stone bridge based off of the competitions in the season, Lisette seems to be taking her time. Amni does incredibly well however, and even with Lisette trying to keep up at the end, Amni comes out on top. Bev points out how Lisette doesn’t look worried at all. Karol tells him to shut up and enjoy Amni’s victory. The Final Part of the HOH sees Coelia and Amni on a large scale competing in a quiz. Amni reveals all of the knowledge she learned from each individual houseguest and uses that to correctly answer the questions, seeing her as the pivotal final HOH! It is a foregone conclusion for the jurors and the nominees, as Amni goes up to decide who to take to the end. She claims that she has to do one more thing for the person who guided her the most, and she evicts Coelia, taking Lisette to the end.
The Jury Questioning: As Coelia leaves, Bev mutters an “I told you so” before getting smacked upside the head by Karol. Lisette and Amni now get to plead their cases to the jury. Lisette goes first. She says she played an impeccable social game and intentionally lost competitions just see her allies want to save her. She claims she only really needed to win the final 4 veto but she knew anyone left would want to take her to the end. She says her endgame was paved by people who trusted her more than anyone left in the house because of the work she put in and she was never nominated til the final 2. Amni is next to present and starts by thanking the jury for all they have done for her. She came into the game afraid and scared but learned more about the new modern world because of everyone around her. She says she played a game that relied on her allies but that she feels like she made some powerful connections that made people love to have her. She ended up on the bottom but still climbed back to the top. In questioning, Nukka asks Amni what her biggest move was. She claims it was allying with Marsche, as he got her in key positions to be in the center of the house. Yasmin asks Lisette why she turned on so many of her allies. Lisette says her early game was about creating strong groups of people who trusted her, but when they started to gain too much agency or traction, she knew she needed to cut them off before they got the idea to cut her off, as she always had options throughout the house. Coelia asks Lisette just who she was working with in the house and Lisette lists off every single one of them.
The Jury Votes: Nukka says that he came in wanting to play under the radar but played against someone who beat the radar entirely. Zita votes for the player who played an incredibly clean game. Bev votes for the finalist with an incredibly touching story. Karol says she wants to vote with her heart but her instinct is telling her otherwise. Leik votes for someone who had a plan just so crazy it might work, and it did. Yasmin admits that she feels like a fool looking back, but isn’t too mad about it. Coelia votes for the person she trusted most in the game, even if it was game, it meant a lot to her. And the winner is…
Going to be announced after the pre jury comes out! That’s right we have a lot of them so we might as well see them back. Korrine struts on stage in her finest garb, immediately stealing the audiences affection. Marsche and Halivanth follow. Li walks in and hands down a pamphlet for Lord Helix, who is rocking a new pair of sunglasses. Az swoops in carrying Eugene, he leaps down and runs to hug his mother. He tells her he is sorry for how he treated her and watching her compete and do so well made him realize what she was trying to do for him. It’s touching, seeing a mother’s love for her son. In the audience are family and friends of the finalists. King Atvenkhamen VI, Amni’s father, says that his daughter has proven herself and can return to her kingdom a queen. She laughs and says she wants to explore the world now. He disagrees but relents, wanting his daughter to be happy. In the audience for Lisette is her mentor, Whimzamina. Whimzy says she is proud of Lisette for doing what she tried to do, but even better. The festivities continue for the voting of the fan favorite. As a twist, the winner is an immediate pick for the next returnee season of the show. It comes down to Leik, Karol, and Yas. And the winner is… going to be revealed after the season winner…

Winner: Lisette
Runner-Up: Amni
Fan Fave and Returnee: Karol!
My Favorites: Karol, Nukka, Amni
My Thoughts:>! A season’s winner can sometimes shape the season for me and this is definitely one of those times. Lisette played a near perfect game and had every other houseguest around her fingers…er…spines? I loved how whenever an alliance formed, Lisette was always at the center of it. She had roots all over the house that she worked hard to settle and only one person really caught on, Nukka, but he caught on too late, and got evicted shortly after. She had so many great moves, voted at every single eviction and only was on the wrong side of the vote once, and never sat on the block until finale night. Lisette is without a doubt an S-Tier winner. As for the rest of the cast, we continue to get some amazing characters season after season and I would agree that this season had some great ones with amazing dynamics. Amni was a favorite for sure. She really had a great social game if not for Lisette just doing it better. Karol and Eugene’s dynamic was adorable. I have a strong relationship with my mother and I couldn’t help but feel compassion for Karol and want to see her succeed and was happy she got in power and made it as far as she did. Can’t wait to see her return. Other highlights were Zita’s collapse. Zita and Yas’ rivalry, Marsche clawing his way to a power position, Leik accidentally exposing his two alliances followed by Lisette’s damage control, and just Lord Helix lmao.!<
So what’s next? Another normal season I think. I haven’t thought of a crazy theme yet so I might just let it be a free for all with normal rules and see what we get. This series is fueled by you guys’ creative characters and I cannot thank you enough for contributing like you do! Even those who have yet to have characters win, you definitely have had tons of characters that I enjoy and I cannot wait to see what else you come up with!
submitted by BunnyBoiEthos to BrantSteele [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 19:58 LastRadiant Looking for a Note to Cure before Foreclosure

The short story is we collect the mortgage for a seller financing deal of real estate. This mortgagee is several months behind and was discovered to have failed to pay taxes on the property. I was advised to send a note to cure prior to a letter of foreclosure. Would anyone happen to have some sort of template along these lines? I've started to modify an intent to evict but it is taking much more time than I'd like. Also, any advice or things to watch out for would be appreciated as this is my first experience with a situation like this.
submitted by LastRadiant to PropertyManagement [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 01:48 superfuzzycat What the best (or most reliable) legal AI/software out there for solo practice?

I started own law firm and solo practice nearly a year ago. I’m based in New York and mainly do transactional work and occasionally appear in court (traffic tickets, contract breach, eviction matters, etc).
I am currently looking to expand my practice. I’ve heard of Westlaw, Lexis, Lawyaw, Casetext, Smokeball, Clio, CoCounsel, etc. but haven’t used any of them.
Are there any reliable legal AI/software out there (ie does not spit out nonsense) and offers all (or most) of the following features -
I’m willing to set aside a monthly budget of $1,000 for the AI/software.
submitted by superfuzzycat to LawFirm [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 01:36 superfuzzycat What is the best (and most reliable) legal AI/software out there?

I started own law firm and solo practice nearly a year ago. I’m based in New York and mainly do transactional work and occasionally appear in court (traffic tickets, contract breach, eviction matters, etc).
I am currently looking to expand my practice. I’ve heard of Westlaw, Lexis, Lawyaw, Casetext, Smokeball, Clio, CoCounsel, chatGPT 4, Spellbook etc. but haven’t used any of them.
Are there any reliable legal AI/software(s) out there (ie does not spit out nonsense) and offers all (or most) of the following features -
I’m willing to set aside around $1,000 monthly for the AI/software subscription.
submitted by superfuzzycat to Lawyertalk [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 16:27 Illustrious_Pain1067 Landlord harassing us to empty house.

Hello, we are currently renting a house, our landlord asked us to leave this house in October and gave us an eviction notice until jan. We are in the process of getting a mortgage done so we asked for an extension and he gave us time until the end of March 2024.
We have a sale agreed and our mortgage has been approved so there's a few weeks left still but he keeps calling us and harassing us to empty the property.
We have contacted our local council for help but they said unless we provide them with certain documents ( S21 notice from 6A template, EPC, Gas safety certificate) they are unable to help.
Is there anything we can do? Or is there a way he'd be able to kick us out? The reason why we can't move is because we cannot afford to move twice in a short time, into a different rented house and then into our own house as it would cost too much moving the furniture and giving deposit along with all the fees with mortgages
. Also the property is not for the landlord himself he wants it for his son as he's moving out.
submitted by Illustrious_Pain1067 to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 02:57 BunnyBoiEthos [BB] Bunny's Pokémon Big Brother: Mazda's House of Villains (The Season)

The time has come! You have all been waiting for this moment for a while now and I can finally deliver! In just a few moments I, the luxurious Mazda, will step into the house to compete against fifteen other of the most dastardly villains known to this game. Be amazed as you watch and learn how the true contenders out play their competition. Rest assured; this will be the greatest season of reality TV show history yet! And as always before we go we have a quick refresh of the cast…
Mazda's House of Villains
Meet the Cast:
Averetta the Salazzle a.k.a. the Ringleader
Daenerys the Serperior a.k.a. the Vengeful Queen
Dread the Druddigon a.k.a. the Bully
Cyclone the Vivillon a.k.a. the Olympian
Ivana the Volcarona a.k.a. the Muckraker
Overlord the Spewpa a.k.a. the Accomplice
Lulu the Luvdisc a.k.a. the Movie Star
Mazda the Scolipede a.k.a. the Investor
Paloma the Vileplume a.k.a. the Prosecutor
Professor Bane the Crobat a.k.a. the Professor
Rockefeller the Dwebble a.k.a. the Baron
Vanity the Espathra a.k.a. the Corporate Vixen
Veena the Arbok a.k.a. the Model
Vomittar the Muk a.k.a. the Contamination
Xavi the Voltorb a.k.a. the Grifter
Zephyr the Dustox a.k.a. the Stunt Actor
Intro: H-hello? Are we…we live? Oh we are? Oh! Welcome all to Bunn—Mazda’s House of Villains! It is I, Bunny, your host for this adventure! And do not worry, there is no fine print keeping me trapped here in the studio to help while Mazda competes! Let’s go to the house and finally see our contestants enter the house! We go now to... wait what??? THEY GOT THEIR OWN PRIVATE ISLAND FOR THIS???? Um—I mean yes the Centipede Corps private island located off the coast of Undella town in Unova. Hey isn’t there an underwater ruin there? Anyways, we tune in now to see a series of jetties, helicopters, and boats settle in at the island.
Right as the get on the island, Dread goes to attack the Prof who deftly dodges. He is only stopped by Vomittar whose muck traps him. Looks like we have some tensions already. But just like tensions, some villains have some freidnships already. But will these alliances stick or does Rockefeller intend on betraying Overlord again? We will find out. Meanwhile, the first HOH is beginning! This sponsorship filled tourney is hardly recognizable but it appears to be a surfboard themed endurance competition. Veena of course does well as does Dany. Cyclone the athlete and Zephyr the Stuntman compete really well as well. But in the end, Cyclone comes out victorious.
Entering the house, Zephyr and Veena commend each other on their strong competition and decide they would be a good duo but they have to keep it secret and branch out. They agree on Lulu as a good ally too. Zephyr gets Rockefeller to join him but the Baron is wary of the easy alliance so makes a side deal with Mazda. Mazda keeps an ear on the house and realizes Lulu and Veena are in the center, so he gets in close with Veena. Cyclone puts up strong competitors on the block with Paloma and Zephyr. At the veto ceremony, Cyclone uses houseguests’ choice to choose her brother, Overlord, to compete. He fumbles the ball and the veto comes down to the two nominees. But to Zephyr’s surprise, Paloma pulls out all of the stops and wins, proving she is so much tougher than season 1.
Cyclone decides that her brother is too threatening with his brain and puts him up next to Zephyr, intending to get a strong social player out first. The week continues very affably, with all of the evildoers plotting in the shadows but being quiet up front. One notable conversation sees Dread and Dany connect the dots about their mutual benefiters who sold them out to bounty hunters but can’t figure out the exact name. Leading up to the eviction, Veena agrees to save Zephyr as do the duo of Vanity and Paloma. But Mazda did work with Lulu and Rockefeller to cut off the center of the house so they could be in control. At the first eviction ceremony, Zephyr is confident his alliance will pull through but is shocked when he is blindsided and evicted first.
** the chicken is out the nest, I repeat, the chicken has flown the coop** Why are we calling it the coop? **I did not decide on these code names, sir, I am simply the messenger** Okay… well thank you for your valuable info, poison powder. **hopefully we will get more in the coming weeks**
Week 2: Wow what a shocking blindside on week 1, it can only get better from here! The HOH becomes super important for the next round, with lines already being drawn and confused. Veena guns for it and is surprised when Lulu is going strong next to her. But it is Vanity who wins the competition and HOH. Her and Paloma reflect on the status of the house and read the pulse well with their combined intuition. Rockefeller and Vomm end up as the scapegoats and go up. The veto is a blowout with Xavi beating both nominees. Rockefeller tries to strike a deal with Xavi to save him but the orb knows all of the tricks and spins it on him, lashing out at his bad faith deals. Cyclone and Overlord reconcile after last week and realize brain and brawn together is better. Vanity tries to further her place in the house by getting in close with primadonna Lulu. Dread continues to get sources from Ave realizing she was sold out as well and it is likely Vomittar was but he needs to save Vomittar to find out. This strong push is counter to a strong push from Lulu and Mazda who want to silence Vomittar and save Rockefeller. At the eviction ceremony, it is enough of a push when they recruit Dany as well and Rockefeller is sent packing.
**moonlight here, looks like twister has reached the inner sanctum but there’s some sort of puzzle lock on the door** That’s not good. We have to find someone who can solve that. Someone who likes ruins. **affirmative, sir, our scouts may know just the bird**
Week 3: These first two weeks have been turbulent and the power structures keep losing out. This HOH is important but could see more leaders fall. Dread guns to win the HOH to continue getting info but him and Vomm are not enough when Veena sees herself against them. She finally wins her first HOH. Much to Dread’s dismay, she puts up Dany. She also puts up Paloma for being too aloof and probably smart or something. Dread and Ave decide to work towards their mystery and team up. Overlord spies this and blackmails them into an alliance with him and Cyclone. At the veto, Dany beats Ave and Veena. Though Veena gets a tip from Cyclone about the criminal’s alliance and replaces Dany with Ave. The criminals decide to pull through with operation chaos to make sure the vote stays going to Paloma. Knowing Veena finds Vanity very standoffish, Overlord flips mattresses all over the house to blame it on Vanity. Ave also steals one of Paloma’s belongings and gives it to Lulu, who breaks it thinking it’s Ave’s. Some more chaos leads to Xavi having a meltdown. At the eviction ceremony, everyone is so worn out over the chaos that no one has flipped to Ave. The hail mary is successful and Paloma is sent packing.
**poison powder here, there has been a hitch in the plan. we may need to use bird’s eye view surveillance now.** Poison Powder your efforts are commended but you must keep yourself out of harms way.
Week 4: The next HOH begins and it’s the wall comp! Doing surprisingly well, Mazda and Vomm face off to the end until Mazda finally drops. Vomm wins the HOH. Dread and Ave try to take the opportunity to get information from Vomm in the HOH room but he rebuffs them and is actually happy he got caught. As such, he has no qualms about putting up Dany on the block next to Ivana, the social butterfly. Vomm uses his houseguest choice at the veto to pick Lulu, solidifying his allegiance to her side of the house. When She wins the veto, she returns the favor by not using it and keeping his nominations. Dany lashes out at Lulu for her deception and running the house but Lulu acts like the victim and causes Dany to fly into a rage. Her anger leads to her breaking a ton of items around the house and even Dread admits keeping her would be risky. Ave tries to push for her to stay but Overlord convinces her that she has no new information. At the eviction ceremony, only Ave votes to save Dany, and the grass snake goes home.
**flamethrower, come in, ancient power has cracked the code and allowed for ttwister to make progress. we are sending in flash to survey the place** Copy that, have her send camera feeds to Calm Mind **affirmative, sir, we are looking into that now**
Week 5: The next HOH is a snow ball rolling competition and Veena continues to set herself off as a physical threat with her second HOH win. Veena puts up Ave and Vanity due to both of them being the most visible social players in the game and their potential connection from their season. Ave selects Cyclone in the veto to try and give Veena a stronger run in the veto. But as strong competition as they are together, Veena comes out and wins again. The stress of his search falling apart, Dread has a loud meltdown. Overlord and Cyclone decide they might need to jump the sinking ship and begin trying to branch out more. Overlord reaches out to Ivana and the Prof to reconnect and have a non-major side alliance. Cyclone schmoozes up to Lulu to get in the center structure of the house. Vomm finishes the push against the criminals by being another push against Ave. At the eviction ceremony, a combination of Vomm voting Ave and Overlord flipping sees Ave as the final pre-juror.
Week 6: The jury phase has started and the house is muddier than ever. Mazda is still in the house and firmly at the center so it looks like I’m stuck here hosting for a while longer. The next HOH is a knockout round where the winner eliminates others from the game. It comes down to Xavi and Bane and Bane wins the final round and the HOH. Having clued into Overlord flipping, he puts him up next to Xavi. Vanity struts around the house arrogantly which gets on everyone’s nerves. She believes herself untouchable. At the veto, Dread is selected to play and wins it. He saves his ally Overlord and Vanity is put up by Bane, who sees through her manipulative game. Veena is appalled as she was starting to want to keep Vanity. She gets in a huge fight with Bane about why they need to keep her as a jury goat. Though she is rattled, Vanity switches gears to being super sweet and kind to everyone and turning on the corporate narcissism. Due to this, and Xavi slowly crumbling under the pressure of the game, Xavi is sent to the jury shed unceremoniously.
** calm-mind I have reached another lock. but I can hear noise on the other side. The electrical currents are stronger right here** Copy that, Flash, I can sense a cavern north of where you are, looks like you can navigate through there to find another entrance. **got it, I will keep you updated**
Week 7: The next HOH is the infamous contaminated water HOH. Vomm was literally born for this competition and easily trounces it. Dread and Vanity are the easy weekly targets. Dread goes up to Lulu, who considers him an ally, to try and get another week of life in the game. She reveals that Vomm is getting too powerful and he needs to go soon. Dread wins the veto competition and saves himself. Vomm wants to narrow the pool of strong competitors and reveals his plan all along was to backdoor Veena. Veena is dejected and tries to turn to Vanity for friendship, but to her dismay, Vanity has turned her act on her, screaming at her for being an awful friend. She only has the Prof to turn to I this time of sadness. Lulu and Mazda, meanwhile, are scrambling though, as Veena helps them stay in the center of the house dynamics. They try hard to keep but with Vanity’s act, enough villains want to see the chaos and Veena is eliminated in 9th place.
Double Eviction!:>! Surprise!!!! This double eviction is happening really early this time! Isn’t that devious? In a shocking and karmic twist, Vanity wins the HOH. She puts Ivana up next to the Prof, who was Veena’s close ally and her new target. Dread wins the veto and doesn’t use it, hoping to see his old rival finally evicted from the game. But at the vote, Overlord cannot resist the urge to betray his other former ally and keep enough big dogs in the game for him to ride the coattails of and turns on his alliance and Ivana, sending her home as the second victim. !<
**moonlight, this is twister, we are making progress on the bust but we need another scout with water traveling capabilities to make it happen** Moonlight, this is Poison Powder speaking, we also need you to do something for us that you might not be happy about…
Week 9: Everyone is shocked at the rogue vote that broke a tie that should have existed and people begin to panic. One who doesn’t panic, is the Prof, who knows he survived by the skin of his teeth. He yakes advantage of the panic to win HOH. Overlord pins the rogue vote on Lulu and she loses the trust of her incredibly disloyal allies. The Prof puts Dread on the block as his former rival who he knows is gunning for him. He also puts up Overlord, who he has figured out saved him as a game move. And he wants that stupid move to be his last big game move. At the veto, Dread uses his pent-up rage to destroy the competition and win it. He saves himself and claims he will figure out just how the Prof turned on him and betrayed him outside of the game. Mazda pivots to the Professor and the two bond again. They look through their options and decide that Vomm has the next most power in the game so he goes up next to Overlord. Lulu sees her loss of power and has a monstrous tantrum throughout the week. The Professor gloats to Dread that his closest ally turned against him and voted to save the Prof. Dread is incensed but holds in his rage. At the eviction ceremony, Overlord sees his overplay bite him in the butt when Dread flips on him and sends him home.
**absolutely not** Moonlight its of major importance to the success of the plan. **I have not spoken to them in years. they broke me and are not trustworthy. is dizzy punch not enough?** If she was enough would we be asking you to find S—uh let’s call them Morning Sun. **…. fine but I am not happy about this.** We don’t need happiness, just success.
Week 10: At the next HOH, a lot of power players are gunning for this important power. But Dread uses his anger to solidify his spot in the final 6 and as the dominant power player in the game. Cyclone decides to form a side alliance with the house divas, Lulu and Vanity. But she then goes to Dread and says that Lulu tried to get her to join an alliance. She hopes that Dread will turn his anger from the Prof to Lulu, allowing the bat to last longer in the game and send Dread home. This works when Dread puts Lulu and Vomm up next to each other. Unfortunately for her, Lulu goes on to win veto. She saves herself and the Prof goes up. Cyclone goes into panic mode and goes to Dread about how the Prof is actually the one he needs to keep, with Vomm still having secrets. The Professor confirms this but won’t give any details. Meanwhile, Lulu goes on the offensive, being super sweet again and cleaning up Vomm’s mess around the house. Causing the sludge to lash out. Dread gives Vomm one more chance to tell him all he knows about the person who betrayed him and turned him in but the puddle spits in his face. At the eviction ceremony, Cyclone votes for the Professor to force a tie. Then, Dread shocks absolutely everyone by voting to evict Vomm from the game.
Double Eviction Part 2!: Oh yeah! We have a second double eviction! Isn’t that even MORE devious??? Tonight 7 goes to 5! Dread is unable to compete in the HOH but he gets to watch his best ally Cyclone win. Cyclone decides that the Prof and Dread will keep teasing each other but never send the other home quick enough she bites the bullet and puts Mazda up next to the Prof, with a secret plan to backdoor an ally if a nominee wins veto. She is lucky when Mazda ends up winning. She puts the dragon up next to the bat and the two rivals see each other on the block. Unfortunately for the dragon, Vanity and Mazda both have closer ties to the Professor (and his sponsors) so they choose to evict Dread. He refuses to leave and claws his way to stay in the house. The Professor gloats about his victory over the Bully again and says he will never beat him. Together with Cyclone, the two make a big gust to sweep away the shell-shocked Bully.
** flamethrower, this is calm mind. it looks like the plans are falling into place. finale night is when we make our move.** Excellent, every operative is in place? **yes sir. moonlight and poison powder are awaiting their deployment. ancient power and flash are in the caverns with the action team. morning sun and dizzy punch are preparing the net.** And off the coast? Did we find another operative there? ** yes sir. twister is awaiting with aurora beam** Excellent. And our target? **still in the house sir. we may have to capture every last one of them** I was hoping it would not come to this but we have a solid plan. **flamethrower, sir, we might have to be on ground duty ourselves** I feared as much, Calm Mind. This might be our last communication for a while. **we will get them sir. don’t worry.** Worrying is not in my nature.
Week 11: The five house guests left may seem friendly but they have all been trying very hard to make close ties throughout the house to succeed in this endgame. Cyclone needed Vanity or Lulu to win the HOH but Mazda goes on to win it. He recognizes Cyclone’s strong moves and puts her up next to Vanity, if only because the Prof and Lulu bring him more money. The veto is won by the Prof, who initially does not want to use it. However, he realizes that of the trio of girls, one of them has to work with him if she stays and the others do not. He saves Cyclone, forcing Mazda to put Lulu on the block. The two gals try to out nice the other all week by doing chores and cooking or acting super nice. Cyclone goes to the Prof to admit his move to keep her was very strategic and very smart because she has to work with him now, but he also has to work with her. They decide to let Mazda ruin one of his votes by forcing another tie. Mazda considers evicting Vanity but leans into his corporate Greed and evicts Lulu instead.
Week 12: the top four HOH comes down to a quiz comp that Cyclone stands no chance in. She relies on the Prof but he fumbles worse than she did, causing her to become suspicious. Vanity ends up winning it. The Prof reveals he voted Lulu to try and save Vanity and she is swayed to keep him. Cyclone and Mazda become the initial nominees. Cyclone realizes the Professor used the tie vote against her and tries desperately to win the veto. Unfortunately, Mazda wins it. The Prof is put up next to Cyclone and he smirks, knowing Mazda would keep him over her. At the eviction ceremony, he is proven correct when Mazda votes to evict Cyclone.
The Reunion: The Jurors are brought out of the Jury shed and into the finale night set, an impressive beach set full of fire and tiki torches! The jurors are sat out nice on their chairs and encouraged to speak about their experience in the house and who they think will win the game. Tensions don’t seem as high as they should be for being trapped in a shed for weeks but the eliminated houseguests do talk eventually. Veena goes first to gripe about how everyone in the house was really good at lying and playing nice for a bunch of villains. She pinpoints Lulu as someone who had a lot more power than she realized. Lulu smiles and calls her an idiot for not realizing it sooner. Vomm steps in to point out that Lulu’s allies all turned on her with a long way left in the game and she was never going to make it to the end. He claims that she left too many strong players in the game and was incapable of winning a competition herself, especially next to the big bully, Dread. Speaking of Dread, he is muzzled and tied up, but is growling angrily the whole time. Through his muzzle he growls out how the Professor and Cyclone will never see another daylight if he has his way. Cyclone, who is sitting right next to him, flutters away next to her brother. The two admit that they allied with Dread mostly to see the Professor leave but they both got outplayed by him. Veena pipes up again to say how Vanity also used her manipulation against many of them to survive the block next to them. In fact, in a game of villains, it’s the smartest and most manipulative to survive. Xavi admits that Mazda has no chance sitting next to Vanity or the Professor as they both survived off of their brains and survival instinct while Mazda simply headed a Ponzi scheme.
Final HOH: The jurors are shown part 1 of the final HOH, a log rolling competition which Vanity epically fails. After a long bout, the Professor says that he is up against two corporate overlords and, as a representative for education everywhere, he must win. Mazda laughs and sweeps him into the water. Vomm laughs, noting that the Prof was never going to win a physical endurance competition and his bold words were a bit mis-timed. Xavi hushes him as part two starts. The Prof and Vanity must complete a maze of previously evicted houseguests and competitions the fastest. The Prof, who spearheaded proper studying techniques, easily crushes Vanity in that competition. Lulu cringes when Vanity is revealed to have taken so long that the timer broke. The final 3 are then brought out of the house for part 3 of the final HOH, where they see the jury in front of them. Mazda puts on a concerned smile but the Professor stays focused. In the final jury-based competition, the Professor wins it, becoming the Final HOH. Back in the house, he gets to decide which of Mazda or vanity becomes the final juror. He goes on a preamble about how his biggest competition is already out of the house and he only won to ensure he had a bigger impact on the game. He flips a coin and it lands on heads. He evicts Mazda as the final Juror.
Reunion Part 2: As Mazda exits his house, I don’t get a rest from hosting as this is finale night. But the pre-jurors are flown in on helicopters so that’s pretty cool. Rockefeller steps off and nods at Ivana. They both send a daggering stare at Overlord, who winces having betrayed them both. Dany, Ave, and Zephyr enter the stage shortly after. Ave and Dany reveal they are actually close friends after how crazy the season was. They tell Dread that bygones can be bygones and he can still be in their little troupe if he pleases once he calms down. Zephyr is quiet the whole time, seemingly looking for something in the distance. Paloma starts to ramble about how she wasn’t given much of a chance to succeed and that she was evicted because of her ally and not herself. Ivana stops her and reminds her she is on a show about the villains, she stood no chance with a heroic mindset.
The Final 2 Face the Jury: The Prof and Vanity face the jury, both putting on their most affably evil personas. They go off claiming their moves in the game. Vanity’s big strategy involved sucking up to everyone and putting herself first all the time. She survived the block next to Ave and Xavi because of it, and turned the tables on Veena using that strategy. When Overlord asks her who she would have broken the tie for if he didn’t flip his vote, she says obviously the Professor would not be there. The Prof claims his strategy was reactionary. He waited for his opponents to make moves and then played the perfect counter to them. He cites putting Overlord on the block even though he voted to save him as not allowing Overlord to keep credit for a big move. He also points out that he used several tie votes to his favor including causing Vanity to put Cyclone up at the Final 4 because of his position in the tie. When Lulu asks him what would have happened if she won HOH instead of Vanity, the Prof says he would have lied but also, Lulu stood no chance at that HOH. Cyclone asks the Prof why he never took a shot at Dread and he says the dragon was setting up his own game to fail. Plus, he knew one of his allies would eventually want to turn on him. He gives Cyclone a wink as he says this. She shrinks a bit. Mazda asks Vanity if she truly saw him as a big asset to her game and she says that his power and strength in the game was what allowed her to get as far as she did. Xavi rolls his eyes.
The Jury Votes: Xavi says that one villain out-villained all of the rest of them and deserves the win. Veena says she has two allies up in the final two but one of them had her back all the time, which even villains need. Ivana says that both finalists would make excellent stories to write but one of them has an easier tale to tell. Overlord comes right out and says he got outplayed and recognizes it. Vomm commends the finalist who played the most chaotically. Dread grumbles through his muzzle but we can’t tell what he said. Lulu shines and sparkles as she walks to the voting booth and silently casts her vote. Cyclone flutters over and echoes her brother’s sentiment that to beat the best, you have to be the best, and she got beat. Mazda goes last and thanks the final 2 for an amazing program. He knows the rating will go through the roof and they will be picked up for a second season. And the winner is…
Winner: The Professor
Runner-Up: Vanity
Fan-Favorite: Cyclone
My Favorites: Cyclone, Overlord, the Prof, Vanity, Dread
My Thoughts: This season definitely lived up to the hype as an All-Villains season. No one played a truly loyal game and the winner was someone with no true close allies by his own volition. Everyone played viciously and backstabbed or manipulated and it was glorious. The crumbling criminal’s alliance was of course a highlight. And the revival of the Dread and Professor rivalry was fun to see happen again. But to watch as Cyclone unwittingly played into the Professor’s hand by getting Dread to keep him was amazing. Cyclone was a true power player who made a ton of strong moves in the game and could have won if she won just one more competition at the end. I think a Cyclone and Professor final 2 would have been even more epic, but he did not want to risk that and it was epic when he pulled his tie against her. Dread was not who I expected to be running the strongest alliances of the house but I guess he had a demanding presence this time around. And of course watching Lulu come back at full Lulu diva force was epic, even if her game fell apart. Overall, my personal favorite season!
What’s next?: Well that was an exciting first season of Mazda’s House of Villains and at this rate it will be picked up for a second seas—wait whats that? Is that…Stellar Guard in the Jury Shed? But how did he…? And April too??? Wait a minute it looks like Paloma is opening the doors to the house to let Pokémon Police to the stage along with Tiny and Peeps? Naomi is tugging a boat and Dayley Jane is rounding up the villains. Who is that up by the moon? Zephyr is flying with…Seraphina! The two are spreading a big ole net all over the stage with the help of Lora and they are wrangling everyone! Mazda your villainy is over! “And I would have gotten away with it too if it weren’t for you meddling kids!”
I am finally free! Admittedly Mazda is a great producer but that fine print and those NDAs really threwoff my mojo. But I have plenty of ideas for future seasons and am reinvigorated to see the next set of newbies enter the next house! But first, lets go see all of these dastardly villains sent home in cuffs!
**calm mind—er--april here, it worked out actually quite well that mazda left the house so late for story reasons, but we have checked and no riggory or cheating was detected on his part. turns out he actually was good at the game this time around. wait there's a silhouette flying towards the moon. did we miss one? oh well... it can't be that serious... i hope**
submitted by BunnyBoiEthos to BrantSteele [link] [comments]

2024.04.14 22:11 FuyuhikoFan4Ever [BB] Reality Gauntlet I, Round 1

Hello, fellow simulators and entertainers! It's been 4 years since the last iteration of Drama House, but the producers (literally just myself) present to you a brand new series that blends Big Brother, Survivor, and a dash of The Challenge all into one series! Introducing...

Reality Gauntlet!

Here's how the series works: every season will consist of 5 rounds. 4 of them are "qualifiers" while the fifth one is an "all-star" round. Throughout the 4 initial rounds, players earn points corresponding to how they play the game, whether it's through winning challenges or simply staying safe for the week. Players who finish in the top haalf will advance to the next round to compete against new players, but those who finish in the Elimination Zone are eliminated from the Gauntlet for good. Earn enough points throughout the 4 qualifiers to be eligible to compete in the fifth final round, where whoever has the most points will be crowned the winner, meaning it is possible that a player may not necessarily have to win the simulation if they're able to earn enough points
This round, 14 contestants will walk into a house for a shot to qualify further and for the coveted title of the first ever winner of Reality Gauntlet. I'll make another post at a later time going into more details of how the rest of this season will go, but for now, I'm your host, Enzo Kuzuryu, and this is Reality Gauntlet!
Below, players were asked during the final stage of casting to submit videos describing and introducing themselves. In case you can't contain your excitement, you can skip right into the round here! This season's voting chart. And this season's scoreboard! Here is a document going over how points are scored. Note that this only for Big Brother rounds and it is subject and open to change, so leave your thoughts on it below and I'll try my best to accomodate.
Other than that, enjoy the cast's bios and my personal thoughts on the season below and I'll see you again shortly to go over more information regarding the series!
“Hola, everyone! It’s Peru’s finest, Anexo Sánchez! I play football or “soccer”, as you Americans call it, for a living and I have a beautiful family to care for. I’ve scored almost 100 goals in my career already and I’m just getting started. Right now, the season’s a little slow and it’s been harder to earn money but then I heard my friends talk about this new reality show that’s looking for people for a possible long-term, multi-season commitment. I’m not sure how they define “long-term”, but the more exposure I can collect, the better for building my career and representing my beautiful home and my family. So bring on any challenge you got; Anexo’s ready!”

“Hello, friends. My name’s Emmanuel, and I’ve been told to record a little introduction video during this final round of applications so… yeah! Here I am, I suppose. I operate my own independent Mexican restaurant that locals love and the gringos that come in always give us free advertisement, which doesn’t hurt anyone, am I right? Let’s see… I’m actually a pretty big fan of a series called Drama House and even auditioned a couple times for that show before it got canned suddenly. This new show popped up by the same crew and the producers and host even reached out to me personally to let me slide through the application process greatly so I’m very thankful for that, haha. The restaurant could definitely benefit from some more funds, so anything I win all goes back towards my business. Hell, if this thing goes really well I might be able to open a second location! One step at a time, though, I guess. Catch you guys on the other side.”

“Hey, hey, it’s Kacy. I just put the kids to bed so I finally have some me-time to record this. I’m from Indianapolis, I’m a mother of two, and I’m hoping to go all the way with this show! I heard there’s multiple rounds to go through, but the grand prize would be sooo worth it for my family. My husband and I actually applied together because we love to watch reality TV together, but I ended up advancing farther than him into the casting process! That’s just a testament to my good aura I give off and I hope that’ll attract some players to work with me considering I’m not as physical as I used to be. But I have a big heart and pretty clear head that should hopefully help me lay low and snag the competition from under everyone’s feet! Wish me luck!”

“Alright, that should be rolling now... um, hi! My name’s Layla. I’m currently in my final year at college and I happened to come across a flyer for this show during my spring break and thought I could try it out just for fun. I mean, I haven’t really done a whole lot throughout the last four years since I’ve been here. I pull all-nighters, fuck up my sleep schedule, never go out, get above-average marks across all my classes… Needless to say, I need a break. And what better way to spend a needed break than to win some money during it? The money would definitely come in clutch with paying off some outstanding debt, plus I really want to pay my parents back for everything and help them retire sooner than later. Then again, I think I deserve just a little bit for myself after not doing anything but becoming an academic monk… Well, that’s all only if I can win. Which I plan on doing.”

“Wassgud, wassgud, I’m Leon, I’m honestly only here as a result as a stupid bet. I got drunk with a couple friends at some shitty bar, literally stumbled into a casting director on our way out, and that night we all recorded a stupid audition tape for the show and they apparently liked me the most out of my friends so… here we are. Who am I to turn down a possible multi-season engagement? That just means more money for me to move out of this excuse of a city. I mean, it ain’t all bad. I’m not that bad of a chef and it pays okay, I guess. I’m just ready to get my life started, y’know? I’ll win the show, walk away with money to stop working for a few years, and call it a deal. It’ll be in and out. Simple. King’s here to cook, y’all. Get ready.”

“I honestly can’t imagine this will even go anywhere but… hello. I’m Mary, 40 years young and beautiful, and I’m here to kick some even younger ass. As soon as you hit your fourth decade, people automatically count you out. You’re past your prime, your ‘young’ days are over. I’ve got lots of money to replace any morals lost over the last few years of being in the real estate business. It’s tough, it’s stressful, and it’s a miracle I still look the way I do. I’m in this competition for myself and myself only. And you can step in line if you think you got what it takes to overthrow me. I can see the crown; it’s just a matter of if someone will snatch it from me quicker than I will.”

“Bro, I’m surprised they even let me on this show, for real. I told them I was 21 and I got this far before they even asked for any identification. Shit’s crazy. One of the producers personally vouched on my behalf to move me forward and not be disqualified so here I am, I guess! I’m Naelle, originally from Haiti, moved here when I was, like, 4 and I’m gonna be your next winner. Or, like, I guess your first since this is the first season or whatever, I don’t know. Point is, I made a bet with my boyfriend that I would get cast over him and that I would maybe split the cash with him if I won. Emphasis on the maybe; there’s a lot I could do with it, not gonna lie. And I already know these people are gonna look at me and think I’m just a kid that doesn’t know anything but what they don’t know is that I hate assumptions and that I get super competitive. I’m so ready to play this game and I hope y’all can get used to this face quickly!”

“Hey, I’m Nashita, and I’m currently studying chemistry in college with a minor in fashion design. Ambitious, I know. Which is why I signed up for this show. Part of the reason, anyway. I honestly just thought it was fun and thought I deserve a bit of a break from the grind. I actually used to be pretty apt with all sorts of reality shows. Then I started college and I fell behind on all of them so now I got to cram as much info into my brain before going out. My only fear going on the show is my parents. They constantly text me multiple times a day, they know where I am 24/7, so if they were to see I’m not in school, they would totally flip. I’m also here partially on account of their money so let’s just hope I win some cash and I can dedicate that towards paying them back some.”

“You know, all things considered, things could be a lot worse for me. Sure, I’m recording this at my parents place in my old bedroom, but at least they’re nice enough to let me crash for some nights rent-free, y’know? I don’t always live here, don’t get me wrong, I just can’t stand my roommates sometimes and need to get away, especially when they start going on about me finding a job when I just can’t seem to hold one down. This whole job market blows… Sorry, I should probably introduce myself. The name’s Waldo, or Oswald, per the government and my parents. Went to community college after high school, didn’t do too bad, now I’m just kinda in a weird state of whether or not to go full college or just take my chances trying to find a really dope job. Then I saw a flier for this show, talked with some people over the phone, and now submitting this video for the world to see. Look, times are hard, and I’m not looking for any handouts whatsoever, but the money could literally be life-saving. And besides, who doesn’t love a good game every now and then?”

“Guess who’s stepping back into the reality sphere! Some of you may remember me, but I’m Rick from season 20 of Drama House, finished in 4th place with a healthy 3 HOHs under my belt despite not being one of the best physically out there. I had just started my transition a few months before going out and now, I’m 5 years on testosterone! I’m a lot more used to and proud of my body and I’m so stoked I got the call to play again. No beasting my way through the mid-game like last time, though. I really want to try to play a more personal and social game, which I’d say I did pretty well at already with my first run around, but I want to double down on it, if I can. Overall, I’m ready to show the world I still have more in the tank and that I’m gonna crush it like I did last time without relying on competitions.”

“Good morning all, I’m Ms. Rita Higgins, principal of 25 years and counting. Believe it or not, I actually get a good kick out of these reality shows. Sure, I’m not particularly apt at physical competitions, but for what I lack I make up for in sociability and being friendly. Don’t get it twisted, though. I’m here to play just as hard as anyone else claims to play. I’ve put up with a lot of crap from students over the years and I really enforce zero-tolerance unlike some other soft schools that only mention it because it sounds professional. I’m not afraid to kick ass and win some cash, so either get with me or giddy on outta here, Ms. Higgins is here to school you.”

“Wassup guys! I’m Ryan and I’m going to embark on a 12-week vacation to hopefully win half a million dollars! I’m actually doing this as a result of a poll that was voted on by my viewers for helping me hit 10 million subscribers, and an overwhelming percentage of the votes were for auditioning for a reality show and making it all the way to getting cast and competing. So, hopefully, you should be seeing this vid now since that means I made it. But yeah, I honestly have no clue what I’m gonna do once I make it. I’m not particularly the most savvy and this seems like the competition where you have to be savvy and cutthroat, but I don’t vibe with that, honestly. I’m just gonna go in there, be myself, try to be good with everyone, and we’ll see where that lands me. As long as I don’t go home first, I’ll gladly call it a success!”

“Hey guys, it’s Shane. I’m currently a manager at a convenience store and I’m hoping to win some cash and move on with my life. It’s not a bad store at all, but I really don’t want to be here till I’m, like, 50, y’know? That would be miserable. Plus, I get to take advantage of those sweet PTO hours so, honestly, I get paid either way, but half a million sounds a lot better. Funnily enough, I had already been trying to get into better shape and going back to the gym, and suddenly a flyer for this show was posted and it felt like destiny. I can’t say I’ll be the strongest, but I put up a good fight for someone who primarily sits at a desk all day. I’m honestly just here for the experience and just get something new out of life. Anything more is just a bonus, but you best believe I won’t just let someone take this from me.”

“Hey, hey, it’s Black Diamond, and you boys better watch out. This competition is totally my speed. Physical challenges? Sociability? You know I got all of those ticked off. Plus, a rockin’ bod never hurts anyone, right? I know I look good and I’m not afraid to take advantage of that if it gets me farther. But full disclosure, I’m not looking for any relationships right now. And I don’t want anyone to misconstrue what I do in the house. It’s all for the game, after all. Nothing more, nothing less. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to go out of my way to deliberately lie to people to get ahead. Nice people can triumph, too, and I’m hoping to be a clear example of that when I come out on top!”----------------------------------------------------------------
Personal Thoughts: All things considered, I honestly really enjoyed this round! It was just really dope to finally get a new series out after wanting to start a new one for so long. I will say pretty much all the pre-jury boots were people I were rooting for and enjoyed creating backstories for the most, but the jury phase through the end didn't disappoint at all. Nashita comping her way from final 5 onwards was refreshing to see only because Black Diamond had one every other competition, but even she served as an entertaining final boss to beat. Shane might seem like a disappointing winner at first, but what's a reality show without an underwhelming winner? He and Nashita played great social games and rarely ever faced eviction, and a 4-3 vote really showed that both players did play the "winning game". Very excited to see how Nashita navigates during the upcoming rounds she competes in, along with Kacy, Mary, and even Ryan, who sorta stumbled into a really great position before immediately being taken out right as soon as he had solid footing.
submitted by FuyuhikoFan4Ever to BrantSteele [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 06:15 BunnyBoiEthos [BB] Bunny's Pokémon Big Brother Season 10: The Luminous Tenth (The Season)

In this most expensive season yet, Bunny has finally secured all of the funds to get an all-shiny season! Don’t ask how the funds were secured, we totally wouldn’t sell out to corporate investors! Anyways, 16 that’s right SIX TEEN shiny Pokémon are here to show off their bright colors and unique shines! In a new studio, with new amazing rooms and jeweled competitions, who is going to shine brighter than everybody else? Find out this time on Bunny’s Pokémon Big Brother Season 10: The Luminous Tenth!!
Season 10: The Luminous Tenth

Meet the Cast
Aarti the Jumpluff - This Sinnoh fluff is ready to go anyway the wind blows in the competition. Growing up alone in Pal Park, she has gotten used to managing life alone. She was always seen as different for being shiny and is ready for her pink colors to be normal in this game!
Averetta the Salazzle – Did somebody call the circus? No? Well this Poni island ringleader is still ready to smash these clowns. Averetta knows she is unique and popular because of it. Her circus has grown incredibly popular because she does WHATEVER it takes to succeed. She is ready to do the same in this game.
Benedict the Chespin – Nothing in Lumiose city shines brighter than Benedict, at least in his mind. Benedict is wealthy and has a lot of connections throughout the world. He uses his connections to meet previous contestants and gain their knowledge. But can he apply his skills when his wealth doesn’t matter in the house?
Chester the Reuniclus – Something weird from Unova this way comes. Chess is strange and weird but incredibly analytical. He may not be the most socially adept but he plans to mathematicise the game and tally all the numbers to figure out how to be the most liked houseguest and win the game!
Fiona the Skorupi – Innocence is bliss with this Pastoria bug. Fiona loves to sing and play with her friends and just all around have a good tine. Her plan in this game is simple. First, make a bunch of new friends, second ??? Third, Win!
Hendrix the Toxtricity – Spikemuth is known for bright lights and great music and Shredder is definitely all of those and then some! He started a band with the intention of being all shinies and put in all of the hard work to find and train the shinies he wanted. He is a natural leader and plans to use his leadership to dominate the game!
Hibi the Mareanie – Hau’Oli city is the home base for this wandering coral. Due to an unfortunate pollution accident, Hibi was forced to leave her home on her own and wander Alola supporting herself. Though she is strong and independent, she just wants a place to call home. But will the Big Brother house be the home for her?
Lissia the Lurantis – Watch out, there’s a shiny mother from Lush Jungle coming through! Lissia knows her worth as a shiny Pokémon and uses that inherent value to do the best for children…even if it is by not the best of means. Retail workers fear her and other moms avoid her. But this mom is planning on pulling out all of the mom cards to win!
Luxe the Chansey – If you ever need health care in Fuschia city, Nurse Luxe will be here for you! Luxe has dedicated her whole life to kindness and healing. But deep down she despises her job and want to live the high life. She plans to win and use the money to go live the life of luxury she deserves!
Mobee the Bewear – Did…did that animatronic just move? Oh wait that’s just our friendly Hau’Oli mall mascot Mobee! Mobee considers everyone a friend and would never hurt or betray any of his friends. He wants to give everyone the biggest of hugs, even though he might not know his own strength sometimes…
Owen the Grumpig – Get ready because the chill train from Castelia is arriving in town! Owen is a self-described hippie and aims to keep the vibes absolutely immaculate. He has a supportive family who may question his methods but want to see the best for him and he is here to play the game for them!
Oxossi the Whimsicott – Peace, love, and understanding are all you will feel around this Pinwheel forest leader. Ossi is a symbol of unity and wisdom within his tribe in the pinwheel forest. Though as of late the forest has been experiencing danger and Ossi wants to gain the funds to defend his tribe. He will do all it takes to win and save his homeland.
Pearl the Sandslash – Hailing from a town deep in the mountains in the east, Pearl has been training her whole life for this moment! Growing up with her dad as one of the only people she talked to often, he trained her to grow stronger and broaden her skills. She plans to use her strength to do all the talking for her.
Royle the Oricorio – The music never stops when this Ula’Ula bird is around! Royle is full of life and dance and always keeps the vibes going strong. He’s been a star in several large shows and is incredibly popular because he has great charisma! He plans to use his charm to make it all the way!
Stellar Guard the Turtonator – Hailing from Hau’Oli city, this dragon is ready to take the center stage. Guard is his name and his job as he dedicates his life to protecting known celebrities. Guard has body guarded several of our Big Brother celebrities like the Prof and Dr. Vinyl. But can his experience transfer to his own success in the house?
Vanity the Espathra – Business booms in Vanity’s district of Mesagoza. Vanity is a very astute and erudite business woman who knows what it takes to rise to the top. She previously invested in a serum that provides a shiny gloss to any Pokémon who wants to stand out and is already seeing good returns on investment…

Intro: Welcome one and all to the shining bright new studio location of our new house: the Penthouse suite of Centipede towers in Castelia city! This suite is decked out with all of the shiniest amenities that our sponsors could buy! And our sponsors are very rich and generous this season. In fact, we are able to house not only a gold and silver room but also a diamond and pearl room! The kitchen has titanium appliances and the living room is the most lush and luxurious furniture known to man. We definitely would have broken our bank without our lovely sponsors. Our houseguests are ascending the elevators now! First to arrive are Unovan locals Owen, Ossi, and Chester. The next elevator carries the residents from Kanto and Sinnoh with Luxe, Pearl, Fiona, and Aarti. From the northern continent, here comes Benedict, Vanity, and guitarist Shredder. Finally, six Alolans cram the final elevator: Hibi, Lissia, Stellar Guard, Royle, Averetta, and big ole Mobee gets his own elevator. The first HOH competition is about to set up but first…a word from our sponsors.
A tale as old as the seven seas, love is in the air- er- throughout the currents in this ocean! He is a big popular fish, and she is a small reef gal. But a chance encounter in the reef may bring these two closer than ever. Experience the love when “Awash with Luv” arrives in theaters soon!
First HOH: Welcome back, all of the houseguests are in place to begin the first HOH competition! Themed after the new movie, Awash with Luv, the houseguests must endure the tides of the Luv Luv reef! All of the houseguests put in their best foot. In the top 3 are motherly Lissia, strange Chester, and aloof Hibi. After Lissia drops, Chester and Hibi begin to struggle. After short bursts of water start going off, Chess falls and Hibi wins the first HOH!
Hibi gets to move into the Platinum HOH room and makes herself at home, immediately regretting it when a lot of people try to talk to her all of a sudden. She ends up kicking everyone out except for Mobee, who she knows from back home, and Chester, who seems to get her quiet demeanor. Meanwhile, the rest of the houseguests begin to move into their rooms. Luxe moves into the Gold room with Benedict and Owen while Guard watches over. Lissia and Ave move into the Silver room with Vanity and Mobee happens to be there too. Chester goes to the Diamond room and hits it off with Royle. Aarti moves in there as well but shes relatively quiet and dampens Royle’s mood. Finally, in the Pearl room is Shredder, Pearl, Fiona, and Ossi. Fiona begins to try and make friends with Hibi but Hibi is irritated and has to get her to go out of the room. She plans to move into the Diamond room with Chester but Aarti living there is throwing her off. At the nomination ceremony, Fiona and Aarti go on the block.
At the veto,Hibi and Chess hold down the fort and Hibi wins, keeping her nominations the same. Fiona goes around the house trying to make everyone be her friend but the constant asking is throwing everyone off. Ave sneaks past guard and into the room with Luxe and Benedict. Seeing his charm as an asset, she starts talking to him about an alliance in the works. Luxe is there as well and tries to butt in but Ave seems to be intentionally ignoring her. She storms off in irritation. Hibi goes to Aarti to ask her to move rooms but the Jumpluff doesn’t want to move away as she feels like there is no one else who wants her. Hibi is mad and lashes out. Mobee hangs out in the living room and everyone ends up airing their grievances to him. The eviction ceremony starts and the elevator opens up. Fiona says she is happy she made so many friends and the house collectively rolls their eyes. Aarti is shy in her speech but manages to get a couple of words out. The vote comes in and both houseguests receive votes, having not made a huge attempt to make meaningful connections. In the end though, Fiona is revealed to have been evicted. She cries as she is sent down the elevator. Hibi sighs a breath of relief.
Another ad break?: This summer is the time to watch the Amazing Insect Pokelympics! Bug Pokemon from all over the world are competiting in Nimbasa city in a variety of sports and events! This years festivities include the usual sports like 400M fly and the Web Weave. But this year a new sport arrives with a superstar being teased: Wind Storms! But who is this mysterious new athlete?
Week 2: The Pokelympics are the theme of the next round and this myserious Wind Wave is the theme of the physical competition. Pearl, Guard, and Benedict are the clear frontrunners. Benedict comes out victorious! Benedict and Ave talk about who to target and Lissia joins them. She says the Pearl room makes too much noise at night and needs to go. Benedict is unconvinced but Lissia than offers up how Owen smells and acts weird so he becomes the target. Going up next to him is Chess, who Bene knows is close to Hibi. At the veto, Chess ends up winning and pulls himself off the block. Hibi, who has moved into the Diamond room, begins to open up a little bit to Aarti but still stays distant. Lissia and Ave go to the HOH room and fight over who they think should go up. Lissia gets louder about how she dislikes the Pearl room and Pearl thinks she is talking about her. The two have a massive fight. Benedict wants to appease Lissia so he puts up Shredder, whose music is pretty loud. Royle is talking to himself in the living room and is surprised when Mobee speaks up out of nowhere. He shares a personal story about his previous job and the two bond. Ave starts to push to flip the vote onto Shredder but Lissia, who doesn’t want her move usurped, counters that move and gets the rest of the house on board to stay on Owen. At the eviction ceremony, only Ave is surprised when Owen is sent down the elevator.
Shininess. A rare condition confined to only the luckiest of Pokémon. Not anymore! Glistening Globes, the revolutionary new product that allows Pokémon to experience the joy of new shades without having to be born that way! Shininess is just a zap away with Glistening Glibes
Week 3: Sponsoring this weeks HOH is Glistening Globes TM. Glistening Globes is a shiny new serum that can change a Pokémon’s tint temporarily into their shiny form! Vanity smiles knowing her orbular friend is sponsoring the show. Mobee and Aarti are the frontrunners in the game but… what’s this? Vanity came out of nowhere and won the shiny paint off? Well, I guess Vanity is the HOH! Having spent all week listening to their fighting, Vanity puts up Ave and Lissa next to each other. Vanity spends some time in the living room talking with Mobee, getting to know him and offer up some ad deals for him. Hibi sees this and tries to talk him out of it, saying she is just trying to get Alola to turn on each other. He seemingly doesn’t care so she is saddened. Vanity picks Mobee for the veto. Also playing for Alola is guard. Mobee wins and the Alolan gals think he will save them, but Vanity glares at him and he doesn’t save either of them. Benedict goes to Chess and Shredder to apologize to them for nominating them. This goes well and they all get along. Guard spills some important Alola tea to the house about how Averetta runs her circus by exploiting the workers. The house is shocked but he also talks about Lissia’s reputation in the jungle. At the eviction ceremony, Ave’s bad reputation follows her as Benedict turns on her and sends her out the eviction elevator.
THIS WEEK ONLY!!! Big ROCK SALE GOING ON!!! In marketplaces near you!!!! Big rocks! BIGGEST ROCKS!! The shiniest of rocks and brightest of rocks! Heat rocks and damp rocks. Moon Stones, Sun Stones, and every stone in between. HUGE SALE GO NOW!!! Baron Co. TM.
Week 4: The Baron Company has sponsored the next HOH, a Rock finding competition! Chess and Benedict end up in the top again with Benedict taking the top spot again! Benedict invites some of his newer friends into the HOH room with Chess and Shredder. The Alolan guys also jump in and the 6 decide to work together against the evil in the house. Benedict’s first move is to put up Vanity next to Pearl. Guard questions why Lissia didn’t go up but Benedict and Chess say how Pearl is a comp beast who can win. The veto goes and Aarti ends up winning it! Vanity goes to her to pressure her into using it to save her. Hibi gets to her right afterwards and tries to sway her against Vanity’s whims. Aarti decides to trust her even though they started off on the wrong foot and doesn’t use it. Guard starts pushing the vote to Vanity but Shredder wants to flip it on Pearl. Guard shuts that down before it can gain traction. Vanity threatens Mobee and his job which causes him to sweat…a lot. Luxe just wants to enjoy the luxury suite so locks herself alone in the Gold room. At the eviction ceremony, our sponsors have a surprise for the nominees! Awash with Luv is presenting them with special hydrating cream as a compensation! The two nominees get washed down but…GASP! Vanity is…NOT A SHINY!!! Vanity’s tint is washed away and everyone gasps. The votes come in and she is evicted with a huge vote. Embarrassed, she storms into the eviction elevator.
Do you want to be beautiful this summer? Do you want to stun everyone when you arrive on the beach? Toxic Fashion is releasing their new summer clothing line - r o g u e – with the best new summer beach line for all Pokémon. Surf away all of your competition with r o g u e by Toxic.
Week 5: r o g u e by Toxic is sponsoring this HOH with a surfing battle! Alolans Mobee and Royle face off in their favorite sport against Pearl, who is good at any sport. Pearl comes out on top over the two, disgracing Alola. Pearl wastes no time putting Lissia up and sends her up against Luxe, who is isolating herself more and more. Mobee ends up winning the veto and, free from Vanity, does not use it. Pearl wants Lissia gone a ton so pushes really hard for her to the house. Lissia pivots to the nice mom role and starts to cry about her kids. Ossi feels bad for her so he starts spreading the word of her love. When Luxe continues to isolate herself and Lissia being friendly, Lissia gains traction. Guard’s stiffness is funny to Royle, so he starts pranking the turtle, who is quite annoyed. At the eviction ceremony, the writing is on the wall for Luxe, who is quickly evicted.
BREAKING NEWS!!! Gang crime is on the rise in Opelucid City. A string of Pokémon related crimes has been occurring at night in the city, putting plenty of innocent Pokémon at risk. Authorities suspect local Kingpin, known only as “The Bully”. But the Bully’s gang alone couldn’t be responsible for the level of crime on their own. Until this mysterious co-conspirator is found, the mayor is encouraging Pokemon to stay in their homes at night time.
Week 6: And the jury is starting! Wait…we have received news that the house is on a lock down with criminals making waves around Unova. Well, that’s alright as this weeks HOH is a blackout HOH! Aarti and Lissia navigate the maze well but Chess starts to catch up. Aarti manages to narrowly edge out the psychic and wins HOH. She has a tough time choosing her nominees. Her end choice is Ossi as a pawn, next to Hibi, who was a bully to her. Aarti goes on to win the veto and Hibi goes to her to apologize to her and plead her to save her. But this is unsuccessful as Aarti turns up her nose and doesn’t save her. Ossi continues to try and bond the whole house and is joined by Lissia. Lissia returns Ossi’s favor by pushing for him to stay. Chess and Royle are initially conflicted to stay with their Alolan roommate but eventually decide to save her. However, Pearl bonding with Hibi sets Lissia off. The mantis turns around and warms up to Chess and Mobee, convincing the two that their Alolan alliance is in danger. Though he isn’t from Alola, Chess realizes Lissia has more social influence right now and sticks with her. At the eviction ceremony, Hibi is blindsided when Chess flips on her and votes her out.
BREAKING NEWS!!! The carnage in Unova continues this time in the center of the region. Lostlorn forest is experiencing rampages beyond the normal level danger. Locals say they saw a 50 foot long creature rampaging with an anger of a thousand dragons. Authorities are uncertain what caused the increased rampages but encourages a continued curfew to ensure the safety of all residents.
Week 7: Well our lockdown is continuing so the blackout HOH continues. Maybe a forest hunt themed HOH is appropriate! Guard’s skills come in handy as he easily captures everyone’s flags and wins. He reiterates to everyone how he wants to seek out all evil in the house. The rooms are shuffled for the next phase of the game. Benedict, Pearl, and Mobee end up in the Ruby room. Chester ends up with Lissia in the Sapphire room but ends up spending time with Bene and Mobee in the Ruby room. The four of them decide to form a final four deal. Aarti, Shredder, Royle, and Ossi end up as the chill quadrilogy in the Emerald room. With the aim of ousting Lissia, Guard puts her next to Ossi so he can’t save her. Lissia guns it to win veto but Guard stays on top of her and uses his training to beat her. Now relying on her social skills, Lissia makes efforts around the house to make people love her. The chill room continues to party with Royle pranking Shredder. Lissia goes to the Ruby room and shares stories about all of her kids. Mobee confirms hearing all about her and her children of the jungle and the two bond. At the eviction ceremony, Ossi and Lissi sit with bated breath hoping that their social efforts paid off. At the end, Lissia’s work paid off as Chess and Mobee flipped to keep her, sending Ossi to jury.
BREAKING NEWS!!! The carnage has reached Castelia city as various water sources have become contaminated with sludge seeming to belong to poison type Pokémon. Authorities have traced the contamination back to the sewers but are confused how it is traveling so far up so quickly. Residents are encouraged to boil their water to make sure it is safe until authorities can root out the cause.
Week 8: Great, now we are out of good water for the HOH so it looks like we are throwing our houseguest’s in sludge. Lissia knows she is in the hot seat, so she pushes through her disgust. Pearl, her rival, doesn’t want her to win so she goes as long as she can. At the end, Lissia comes out on top. Mother dearest wastes no time in putting up Pearl and Shredder, her least favorite house guests. At the veto, Lissia pulls out another victory. Pearl knows she won’t be saved so she goes to her allies Chess and Mobee to save her. However, the two are actually working with both sides of the house and are unsure who to side with. Chess realizes how Royle’s position is getting better so he decides he has to cut him later. Aarti does the same with Benedict and starts trying to convince the house to turn on him. Chess and Mobee decide to keep their alliance with Pearl so they tell Aarti that Shredder is working with Benedict, leading her to want him out. But Royle and Guard are trying to stick with Shredder so the eviction votes ends up a tie. Lissia is very pleased to break the tie and send home Pearl.
BREAKING NEWS!!!! MORE CARNAGE IN UNO----BZZZZZZZZZTTTTTTTT B BBZBZBZBZBZBZBZZZZZZTTTT BBBBBBB---- Are we back? Oh welcome back! Ignore that. All the danger in Unova has been mitigated and under control. But let’s talk about the real tea: Celeb Gossip! I’ve learned all of the secrets and now I’m here to share what I’ve scraped from the bottom of the barrel. They don’t call me Muckraker for no reason!
Week 9: Well that’s a relief! Good thing too because we are opening up the next HOH with our celebrity gossip quiz! The celebs? None other than the evicted house guests! Guard has been keeping a good eye out on everyone so he trounces the competition. He puts up Lissia as the root of all evil in the house and sets Aarti next to her to protect his alliances. Before the veto starts, Lissia goes to the chill room when Aarti is gone to talk to Shredder. He is convinced by her that she wants to work with him and they can cut Guard when the time is right. Shredder is picked for the veto and wins it! To the shock of half of the house, he saves Lissia. Guard is in a pickle because he has to put up someone that he is close to now. He decides to divide the rooms and puts Royle next to Aarti. Royle keeps the party up in the chill room by himself and is joined by Mobee. Aarti tells them to quiet down and Royle tells her not to spoil the mood. She leaves the room in a huff. The house is divided between the two with Mobee and Shredder wanting to keep Royle and Lissia and Benedict wanting to keep Aarti. Chess sees himself and the middle and calculates that he could beat Royle in the end easier than Aarti. He casts the deciding vote to send Aarti down the eviction elevator.
And now, another word from our sponsors. Have you been involved in an accident related to water contamination, criminal activity, or dangerous forest Pokémon? Are you struggling to find compensation for the losses you incurred? Green and Jean law firm has you covered. From criminal to civil to class action, Green and Jean has amassed a powerful team to gain back what is rightfully yours! We got your back in these troubling times. We will protect you!
Week 10: Thank you Green and Jean for sponsoring this HOH competition! To avoid common accidents, our house guests are racing through a dangerous course! Chess continues to do well but it is Lissia, who knows she is in hot water, who takes the victory! The rooms are shaken up again for the end game. With Lissia in the HOH room, Guard, Shredder, and Mobee in the Platinum room, and Royle, Chess, and Benedict in the Crystal room. Lissia easily puts Guard on the block but in a shocking move, turns on Shredder and puts him up next. Everyone but Royle plays in the veto, which comes down to a nailbiting competition between the two nominees, who are the strongest competitors left in the house. Guard ends up winning, saving himself. Guard tries to get Lissia to put Royle up, telling her about his chill manner taking him to the end. Out of spite for Guard, she instead puts Benedict up in his place. Chess calculates the people left in the house and starts telling his sad stories, produced by AI, to everyone else and it works to garner sympathy. He also tries to reaffirm a trio with Mobee and Royle but everyone is too on edge to commit. Due to his conniving nature last week, everyone is hesitant to keep Shredder, At the eviction, he is unanimously sent home.
But wait, theres more!: That’s right, Green and Jean will double their coverage if you are involved in a recent accident, much like how tonight is the double eviction! Lissia is horrified as her fate lies in her ability to win a competition as she has no time to socialize. Royle finally wins something and Lissia is put up next to Guard. Chess, Guard, and Lissia are the frontrunners for the veto and Lissia comes in clutch saving herself. She takes a back seat to the rest of the week. Royle decides he has to make a big move this week and puts up Chess next to Guard to even the competitive field. At the end, it is Chess’ connections with the house that saves him, sending Guard to the jury house.
Coming to theaters near you soon is the newest feature thriller! A silent force protects Petalburg forest from all who would cause it harm. But one day, this ninja discovers a plot bigger than he could have imagined. Teaming up with his childhood friend, it is up to this bug to defeat the haunting figures that threaten his forest! Hidden Wind: Curse of the Ghostlight, comes out soon!
Week 12: Hidden Wind: Curse of the Ghostlight is a new movie coming out soon that is sponsoring the final five HOH! Hiding from the Ghostlight, our houseguests are picked off one by one until only the new HOH remains and that person is…Mobee! Lissia goes to the HOH room and convinces Mobee that Alola needs to stick together. Mobee is convinced and puts Chess up next to Benedict. Lissia continues to spend time with Mobee all week, offering hugs and motherly love. Chess wins the veto and everyone thinks Lissia has to go up. But her motherly love convinces him to put Royle up over her. He holds a house meeting where he talks about how much he feels like he has been used in this game and how he wants this week to be his own to control. Benedict rolls his eyes seeing Lissia use him as a puppet. Despite her talk of Alola staying together, Lissia votes with Chess to keep Benedict, ending Royle’s rumble in the game.
Are you struggling to find the path to further your education? Well, look no further than Sonar U. Sonar U is an online university funded by and for academics who want to pursue a career in business. With courses tailor-made to help you with investment, leadership, and financial management, Sonar U is here to provide you with the most certain path to success!
Week 13: Thank you to Sonar U for sponsoring the final 4 HOH! As the foremost leader in online education, Sonar U is presenting a quiz competition to test the house guests online know how! Though it is a tough competition for all 3, Benedict manages to win the tie breaker against Lissia, securing himself a spot on finale night. He puts up Lissia and Chess, as he knows Mobee isn’t a threat without a puppeteer. He decides to take over that role and gets in Mobee’s ear about how Lissia used him last week. At the veto, Mobee is dejected and loses focus, allowing Benedict to come out and win it. Lissia is certain that Mobee will vote to keep her so she doesn’t do much talking this week. Chess, meanwhile, starts buttering up more to Mobee. Mobee smirks, he knows he has been the most well regarded house guest and everyone wants him on their side. At the eviction, he backstabs the person most likely to backstab him, Lissia.
Finale Night: Prior to part 1 of the Final HOH, the jurors are brought on stage to talk about the game on the reunion. Hibi and Aarti reveal that they have made up and actually become close friends in the jury house. They both are loners and now have each other. On the other hand, Pearl and Lissia don’t even look at each other all night. Lissia tells everyone how she feels about Pearl being a no good loud-mouthed mountain girl while Pearl talks about how prissy and unbearable Lissia is and she is glad mobee backstabbed her. Shredder and Royle have started a band in the jury house with Ossi on drums, reuniting the chill house. Notably absent is Guard. Production is saying not to worry about it…hmm.
Part 1 of the Final HOH is a tough endurance match between two of the best endurance competitors of the season and Benedict. Predictably, Benedict comes in last and Mobee wins it. The Pre-Jurors join the jurors on stage and the tension immediately goes up. Despite losing her shine, Vanity is worse than ever. Her and Ave are bickering the whole time. Luxe looks annoyed to be on stage with them and Owen is dazed out of his mind. Fiona is very chipper and happy to be back with all of her friends!
Part 2 of the Final HOH is a physical quiz mashup competition. Chess has an upper hand having kept up with everyone throughout the game and studying for the quiz. Chess takes the win. Guard finally comes on to stage and apologizes for the delay. When asked about where he went, he says he had a problem with his mic and had to go to production to solve the technical difficulty. He reflect on his time at the house as an excellent experience and that he has gained a lot of intel, whatever that means.
The Final Part of the Final HOH is a competition about the Jury. Chess seemingly has the upperhand due to his almost calculated social game. But Mobee sat in the living room stone still for every single day of the comp gathering info and beats Chess by 1 point. Mobee has to decide between Chess and Benedict, his two best friends. The jury sits on stage and awaits the final juror. The jury is split on whether Chess or Benedict will join them but it is revealed that CHESS has been evicted as the final juror.
The Jury Questioning:>! Benedict and Mobee face the jury. Benedict opens up saying that he played a dominant game and always had friends in the house so he was well insulated. He also won a lot of competitions to prove to his allies that he was good to keep around. Mobee comes out swinging and says that he was never in any real danger of leaving the house from night one. He had his Alola alliance wanting to keep him around, he had his alliance with Chess trying to keep him around, and he had Vanity, Ave, and Lissia all trying to keep him around. He knew everyone saw him as a goat so he kept playing up that card in order to keep being carried along. When asked about their best moves in the game, Benedict says that he got out two of the biggest villains in the game with Vanity and Lissia leaving on his HOHs. Mobee says that he intentionally made base in the living room so people would always feel comfy talking to him and he became very well socially positioned because of it.!<
The Jury Votes: Hibi votes for someone who will always be a good friend to her. Ossi says his vote goes to the player who promoted the togetherness of the house the best. Pearl says the strength of the person she is voting for is unmatched. Aarti votes for someone who made sure she was never lonely. Shredder votes for the person he wants in his band. Guard is distant as he votes and says the player he voted for is intelligent and ready to go. Royle votes for the guy with the best vibes. Lissia votes for the player who better win the game. Chess says his vote goes to the smartest player and the one that shines brighter than everyone else. And the winner is….
Winner: Mobee!
Runner-Up: Benedict
Fan Favorite: Chess
My Favorites: Chess, Lissia, be afraid, Hibi, Guard
Potential All Stars: why would anyone here be an all star?
Thoughts: Well, that’s a cap to an incredible season! Some great characters her for sure with the Alolan bunch leading the charge and all being interesting. Mobee is a standout for sure as he did exactly what he came to do and won doing so! Definitely a lovable winner. Lissia played a great cutthroat game and provided great TV. Guard was a good hero for the series and we know what you tried to do but we are one step ahead. Benedict was smart and dominant but he played a vanilla game on a season that was very flashy so I was kind of rooting for vanity, you did well, the sponsors are pleased, we will see you soon with your report but your stunt will not go unpunished. And finally the Hibi and Aarti drama was an interesting arc that I wish we saw go further. Maybe it was for the best that Hibi didn’t go too far though because this was a ruthless game. Anyways, a great season for sure and I can’t wait for the next!
So what’s next? I have some plans for some future themes an----- BZZZZZZZT BZBZBZBZT BBVZVZVZV ------are we back? Oh good! Sorry but did you think our sponsors did this all for exposure alone? No we need something else. Your show! Yeah sorry, Bunny, but we are taking over this company…hostile…y. From now on, Mazda runs the show and we all are supporting him. After all, our investors own 51% of the company and make all of the decisions. I guess your all shiny season was too good to be true! Toodles! Muckraker, signing off.
submitted by BunnyBoiEthos to BrantSteele [link] [comments]

2024.04.05 06:03 BunnyBoiEthos [BB] Bunny's Pokémon Big Brother 9: The Vainglorious Ninth (The Season)

Water. The type of tidal waves and wild currents. Ice. The type of Freezing hails and howling blizzards. Dragon. The type of legendary beasts and fierce battles. Poison. The type of toxic waste and radiation sickness. Psychic. The type of mental fortitude and eerie impulses. Rock. The type of mountainous structures and stalwart fortresses. Flying. The type of soaring winds and blistering gales. These seven types have yet to win Bunny’s Pokémon Big Brother but this time, one or more of them are finally going to achieve victory. But which of these types will finally get a spot in the hall of fame? Well go watch the season and find out on Bunny’s Pokémon Big Brother Season 9: The Vainglorious Ninth!
Season 9: The Vainglorious Ninth
Meet the Cast
Water Type
Ike the Quaxwell – All the world is a stage when Ike is in town! This Quaxwell from the royal hills of Kalos aspires to be an actor. Though he takes on a bunch of small roles now, he dreams to be on the big screen. Can he act his way to success or will he take his final bow before the show is over?
Vanessa the Vaporeon – Wait did someone call for a cross over? How did this drag queen find her way into Pokemon and Big Brother? Maybe it’s because of her iconic exit line from RuPaul’s Drag Race season 10 or her iconic run on Season 11. Maybe it’s because she isn’t afraid to call out the bull and get loud. Miss Vanjie!
Dragon Type
Dread the Druddigon – Dread is definitely an appropriate name for this Opelucid beast. He is the kingpin of bullies and thugs in Opelucid and is absolutely ruthless. Though one doesn’t become a kingpin without also being smart and crafty. He is here to show that he is the strongest dragon in the world!
Vivianne the Altaria – Mother has arrived! From Fortree City, Vivi has adopted and raised many birds and aspiring dragons her whole life. Though she has many proteges, she has no children of her own so joining the show is no sweat off her back. She is in it for the long run and to show these kids how to mother.
Rock Type
Cecil the Shieldon – Cecil is the reason for the Jurassic season in Oreburgh City! Having spent most of his life alone and contained for research, he now roams the streets of Oreburgh alone. Though he much prefers it that way. But can this lone wolf win the game or will he have to find friends along the way.
Whimsamina the Lunatone – This self-proclaimed Moon Stone of Mossdeep city can see a path to victory. During the day, she is a researcher on space and geology but by night, Whimsy puts on an act as Madame Moonstone, selling fortunes to those around her by reading their rocks. Some say her radiant b blue eyes guide her to success.
Psychic Type
April the Meowstic – From Anistar city, April is taking a new lease on life! Looking deep into her eyes, you will see mystery and intrigue. April keeps her cards to her chest but is definitely using this show to help her have a mental reset. Just how much can she keep in tact in this game though?
Peeperidge the Natu – Though they are actually from Violet city, the Ruins of Alph might as well be this archaeologist’s home. Though young, Peeps lives for the mysteries hidden deep within the rocks of the earth. They are certain they’re knowledge of the world will carry them far.
Ice type
Echo the Frigibax – Hailing from Dalizapa passage, this little icy beast has huge aspirations. Full of fervor and determination, Echo has yet to lose his innocence and love for the world. After watching his idol, Melodia, do so well on the show, he is now inspired to succeed himself!
Summit the Snom – Literally hailing from Glaseado mountain, Summit is the peak of unevolved Ice types. She has spent her whole life training, she has developed intense inner strength and is ready to share her gifts with the house. No one will rock her boat as she avalanches through the house.
Flying Type
Skye the Pidgeot – There’s no place like home for this high flying Vaniville bird! Skye is ready to use his charm and experience as a flight attendant to play a full out game! But he isn’t afraid to cook a meal or two to have everyone want to keep him around longer. He is in it for the long run.
Gene the Vivillon – The winds blow harsher when this Santalune bug flies into the house. Gene is the sister of Overlord from the previous season and, just like him, comes with a reputation and strength. Though not as ruthless as him, she has a uniquely powerful ability to create gusts, hence her nickname, Cyclone.
Poison Type
Meadow the Galarian Slowbro – Meadow isn’t exactly sure how she got on the show but she is ready to represent the Isle of Armor! Innocent to the darker sides of life, Meadow wants to go with the flow and go through life with a zen attitude. But can she float the house successfully or will she coast early?
Professor Bane the Crobat – Are you ready to learn a lesson? Well this Striaton bat is ready to educate you! The Prof is a well known and respected member of the community…at least that is what our background checks came up with. He is incredibly smart but…maybe too smart for his own good…

Intro: In the harbor of Fall City arrives a fleet of boats. On these boats are various Pokémon of all ages and sizes and backgrounds. The boat from the eastern continent carries a little green bird, a big blue bird, a blue-eyed moon, and an ancient creature. From the western continent, a shady bat and aloof dragon are already plotting in their heads. From the northern continent there are two boats. One carries two icy Paldean mountain climbers and a naïve little slacker. The other carries a whole crew of Kalosian wonders from an actor, a drag queen, a flight attendant, an Olympic air machine and a mysterious cat. All of them are guided to the northern part of the city where the house awaits. Here stands a grand mansion with unique rooms and locations based around the 7 types. An icy kitchen, a watery bathroom, a rocky have-not room, a sky high flying kitchen, and three bedrooms based off of the Poison, Psychic, and Dragon types. But the houseguests are ushered instead to the backyard where a magnificent dais of all 18 types awaits them, along with the set of the first HOH competition!
Week 1: This first HOH competition is based off of the Ice type. The houseguests must hold onto a rope on icy slide and be the last to fall off. With all of her training and her calming breaths, Summit outlasts Whimsy and Vivi and wins the first HOH! The Prof and Dread officially talk and Dread catches on to something wrong with the Prof. He decides to bluff and blackmail him into working together. The Prof smirks and agrees as they settle into separate rooms to make alliances. Prof settles into the Poison room with April and Echo, who he gets closer to. Dread moves into the Dragon room with Cecil, who he immediately begins to intimidate into an alliance. Vivi isn’t bending and he is wary of her so he throws her name out to Summit when he visits her later. In the Flying room, Skye and Ike bond right away and Cyclone is friendly with them too. And finally, Peeps and Whimsy try to maintain peace in the Psychic room with Vanjie around. Summit sets up her stuff there and is surprised not to see April in the room. Due to limited time to make nominations, Summit reflects on the week and chooses to nominate Vivi and April for not really getting too close to their roommates yet.
Dread and Bane are both picked for the veto and go wing to wing with Vivi, who is very determined to win. In the end, Prof comes out on top and decides to save April. He then goes up to Summit to clarify that April actually is pretty chill and its Meadow in the Poison room who seems to be kind of out there. Summit understands and, not wanting to rock the boat, puts up Meadow. During the week, Cecil borrows a fossil related memorabilia from Peeps as it reminds him of home. Peeps is eager to show him as they are an archaeologist. But when it breaks later, Peeps is very irritated and starts to distrust Cecil. Whimsy puts on a Madame Moonstone for the house. Vivi treats the kitchen like her domain as she is trying to play mother but people, particularly Skye, are not enjoying the mother act. Also annoying everyone is Vanjie who is constantly shouting MISS VANJIE whenever she does something.
The first eviction ceremony comes around and the housemates are brought around a giant statue of Arceus the all typed! Vivi pleads her case to stay while Meadow is kind of confused and just kind of…does nothing when it is her turn to talk except for laugh. At the end of the night, this doesn’t matter as Vivi’s goose is already cooked. Meadow is so much more chill and manageable so Vivi becomes the first evicted houseguest.
Week 2: The house guests hit the ground running in the Psychic based quiz comp. The Professor and Whimsy are the clear standouts and go to a tie-breaker. By one number, Professor wins. With Prof in the HOH room and Summit in the Psychic room, the remaining poison roommates band together with their suspicions of the Prof. April goes to Summit in the psychic room and they decide to ally together and pull Whimsy in as a genius. The Prof continues to put Meadow up but also uses his HOH to target Dread, as his blackmailing could come off as desperation and save the Prof. Meanwhile, Skye has taken over as house chef and is pleasing everyone with his food. Well-fed, Skye shows off well in the veto against Dread but comes up short to Echo. Echo saves his ally Meadow. The Prof wants the house to suffer a bit so he puts Skye up in hopes that no cooking will make the rest of the house go insane. In the psychic room later, Peeps talks to Whimsy about the broken item and Whimsy reads their rock fortune, telling them that they have a huge undertaking to rebuild after breaking. Peeps appreciates the gesture. Dread strongarms Cecil into trying to go to bat for him but because of Skye cooking, he isn’t very successful. At the eviction ceremony, Dread tries to say that the Prof is hiding something big and he needs to go after him but just as predicted, he seems desperate. In a landslide, Dread is backstabbed out of the house.
Week 3: The next HOH is a Rock type balancing competition. Whimsy is one with the rocks and so is Cecil so the two do well, as Cecil has to come back from losing his ally. However, it is smooth Summit who wins the competition. Though she is wary of the Prof, she knows he is smart enough to get out of a tight spot and is close to April, her ally. She decides that Peeps and Whimsy are getting too close so puts Peeps up next to Skye. The veto is a flashy competition but Peeps comes up short and Ike wins it. He likes Skye but knows that Skye is more liked than him so he chooses to leave him on the block. Cecil confronts the Prof about him backstabbing his closest ally but the Prof brushes him off, telling him that Dread was a bad guy and he should trust the Prof and vote for Peeps. Cecil is initially resistant but in the end is convinced. Meanwhile, Peeps goes to Summit to figure out what to do to save themselves and Summit realizes that she actually likes Peeps. Summit tells Peeps about a game to win money for the house and Peeps wins it, making a bunch of people extra happy. At the eviction, Skye makes a great pitch about his cooking and charms everyone. But Peeps makes extra sure to really sell their win this week and how they want to rebuild the house. With the backing of Whimsy and their alliance, Peeps is saved and Skye is sent home.
Week 4: Its another quiz comp this week but it’s a surprise water type quiz. The Prof does well but Echo has a lot of knowledge about the oceans so he beats him for the HOH! The water theme of the week results in the rooms being washed up and switched around. The Prof ends up with April, Meadow, and Peeps in the Ice room. Summit, Ike and Cyclone chill in the water room. And the Rock room is loud central with Vanjie, Whimsy, and Cecil. Echo feels for Whimsy and puts up Cecil and Vanjie who are getting on everyone’s nerves. The veto is a flying competition that Cyclone finally gets to show off her amazing skills at. She wins and chooses not to use it, hoping to see Vanjie go home. Vanjie is fuming about being on the block and starts going off and calling everyone out. Summit comes for her, telling her she doesn’t need to get loud for everything. Vanjie is pissed when Summit rolls her eyes. Peeps gets away from the situation with Echo and the two laugh over the whole thing. Realizing how Vanjie could easily send the house into more chaos and isn’t that good at the game, the more strategic players of the house decide to keep her. This comes to Cecil’s dismay when, at the eviction, he is sent home. Peeps smirks, getting vengeance.
Week 5: >! The next HOH is a poison type competition involving sitting in a bath of disgusting sludge. Summit and Ike both do well but in the end, Ike pushes through and wins it. With Ike out of the Water room, Summit and Cyclone bond a bit and Cyclone admits she is laying low for now with all of the loud still in the house. Ike goes right for the jugular with his nominations, putting up the Prof next to April, as the two keep plotting in the Ice room. The veto is tense when Cyclone realizes that she is the only one with a chance of beating the Prof. Though it is a photo finish, the Prof barely out speeds her, saving himself. Ike is frustrated, but easily puts up Vanjie again just for the heck of it. Vanjie is worried about her status in the house and holds a house meeting to “untuck” and apologizes, claiming she is here for a Rudemption. It works out well. Meanwhile, Summit makes a snide comment about Cyclone not laying that low and an exhausted Cyclone goes off on her. At the eviction ceremony, Vanjie claims again that she is Rudeemed. But April has more allies who want to keep her and ironically, with Vanjie not being as chaotic, she isn’t as appealing to keep in the house. She backs out the front door saying “Miss Vanjie….Miss….Vaaaaaanjie……Missss…..VAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNJIE”!<
Week 6: It is officially time for the jury house to open right as the next competition, a draconic eating competition, is revealed. Summit, whose stomach is apparently really big if she manifests it to be, takes her third HOH, much to the chagrin of her fellow houseguests. The easy nominees for her are Cyclone, who she now is beefing with, and the Prof, who knows everyone is on to him. Unfortunately, the veto is another one in his favor, as it is a Poison and Psychic poker playoff. Whimsy and Prof showdown this time and just as she comes up close, he beats her, saving himself again. One of the Ice room members is given the opportunity to move into the rock room and Peeps eagerly accepts, reuniting with Whimsy and Echo. Summit realizes she is allied with everyone in the house except for Cyclone and Ike and puts Ike up next to Cyclone, royally ticking off her roommates. Cyclone goes off on Summit again, as she knows its too late to be nice, and ends up causing a windstorm in the house. Peeps wins money by rearranging the house back to normal the quickest afterwards. Summit is worried she made the wrong choice, but Echo reassures her of her willpower and the Glaseado way! Prof gets into April’s head and about Ike acting too good and how he knows he is a famous professional actor and hiding it. April, who was going to vote for Cyclone, questions her vote and goes to Echo to question it. Echo realizes that its safer to keep Cyclone, who they know more about than Ike. At the eviction ceremony, those two flip their vote and send Ike home.
Week 7:>! In the high flying HOH, Echo realizes he made a mistake with Cyclone when she is going all out for it. He makes up the slack and ends up barely catching up, beating her for his second HOH. The rooms are then swept up in a tornado and switched. Prof, Whimsy, Peeps, and Cyclone are in a very tense Rock room. April, Summit, and Meadow are in the calming Psychic room. Echo realizes this is one of the last chances to backdoor the Prof so his initial nominees are Cyclone and Peeps. Peeps is hurt, as they though Echo was their close friend but realizes that he must have been doing some deals behind their back. Much to everyone’s dismay, the Prof is chosen for the puzzle veto. Realizing he is too far behind, Echo starts to help out Peeps. They overtake the Prog and Summit catches on, trying to win to break up Peeps and Echo. But Peeps comes out and wins, saving themself. Echo is delighted that he gets to put up the Prof on the block. In the Psychic room, Summit bonds with Meadow, who she finds really chill. The Prof comes in to talk to April but she isn’t there. Cyclone follows him in and lashes out again due to the perceived game talk. Summit and her get in a massive fight that ends up in the living room. The Prof sees the opportunity to advance and backs up Summit, lashing out at Cyclone. Echo April finally breaks up the fight and goes with the Prof, Meadow, and Summit back to the room. The Prof convinces them that Cyclone must go. At the eviction, Whimsy and Echo are blindsided when the house votes to evict Cyclone over the Prof. Peeps even says that there isn’t enough evidence to suggest he is anything other than a really nice teacher.!<
Week 8: The next competition is a Flying and Poison vine hanging extravaganza. Realizing that she has been betrayed, Whimsy steels herself for a long night. Meadow and Summit end up lasting really long as well when Summit starts meditating and Meadow falls asleep. After a grueling 6 hours, Meadow drops and Whimsy wins. Feeling betrayed by Peeps, she puts them up next to the Prof, who she KNOWS is too sketchy. The veto is another game that is too good for the Prof. Its everyone versus the Prof. Or so it seems that way as April is hiding that she is trying to save him. Whimsy catches on and so does Echo. Echo ends up winning. He makes up for his move last week by saving Peeps from the block. Whimsy doesn’t want to risk anything and puts up Prof’s closest ally, April. Back in the Psychic room, Peeps goes to see Echo but finds only Meadow there. The two have a nice conversation and Meadow’s relaxing presence is a good aura for Peeps. Meanwhile, in the Rock room. April’s eyes glaze over and she comes to a realization. She confronts the Prof about his supposed rigging and side deals but he brushes her off. Why would a nice professor such as himself have access to information about all of the challenges in the game. April goes to Whimsy and asks her if she can read the fortune of the Prof. Whimsy points out that many legs are feeding Bane. April tries to tell the whole house but the Prof silences her and they fight all day before the eviction ceremony. At the ceremony, April comes out with her truth, the Prof has been fed information about the competitions by embezzling funds from the school and giving them to an unknown source in Castelia city who has to be a bug who previously competed on the show. How does she know this? Well she is actually a plant from Pokemon interpol who applied in order to find out his secrets. Everyone is shocked as they though his crime would be murder or something. Nonetheless, embezzlement is pretty bad, so the Prof is evicted and glares out April on the way out, promising that she has no evidence and he will not get caught.
Double Eviction!: Surprise! The tense atmosphere is broken with a confetti cannon as it is announced that tonight the house will go down to 5! Everyone is open mouthed in shock but have to get right into gear for the Rock and Dragon type bullriding competition. Peeps puts up a valiant effort but in the end, Summit beats them with their unmatchable zen. With Whimsy getting out the Prof, she is the target for the big move. She goes up next to Peeps. The veto is also really close and Summit almost wins again but Echo comes out on top. He pulls Peeps off the block again, not wanting his best friend to go. April goes up instead. Peeps wants to keep Whimsy, who inspired them to push forward so far in the game, but Meadow and Echo keep their alliance intact by voting out Whimsy.
Week 10: The next competition is a psychic and rock quiz. Peeps knows they are outnumbered, so does everybody else. When the competition comes down to Echo and Peeps, Peeps pleads to Echo to let them win. Echo is shaky but can’t strike up that deal. Peeps pushes through and wins anyways. Knowing that Summit is a competition beast, Peeps puts up Summit next to April, who has shown all of her cards. Echo and Peeps get together and Echo apologizes. He says he wants to get out Summit as well because no one is beating her at the end. . At the eviction ceremony, Meadow sticks with Summit and Peeps is relying on Echo to vote Summit so they can break the tie. However, this ends up a bold-faced lie. Summit instead piles another vote on April, sending her home and blindsiding Peeps.
Week 11: At the final 4 HOH, all bets are off and Echo declares game on against Summit. In the clash of the two, Summit comes out on top. She wants to come out on top and break up a duo so Peeps and Echo go up next to each other. Meadow works together with Summit in the veto but the two end up confused and lost. Meanwhile, Peeps and Echo help each other out and go head-to-head in the final round, which Echo wins. Knowing he has the deciding vote, Echo faces the conundrum of keeping his best friend in the game, or keeping Meadow, he may be an easier beat at the end. At the eviction ceremony, he goes up and says that he has to make an absolutely heart wrenching decision and votes out Peeps.
The Reunion: All of the Jurors are sitting together in the studio and get to talking about the season. There is some small talk made about Ike being an aspiring actor and not actually a famous name. April swears she saw him on tv but Ike says that his dad is pretty famous for commercials in Paldea. The real elephant in the room is the Professor. The Professor denies that he ever embezzled funds and used them to sneak secrets about the competitions. He goes after April and asks how she found out about his connection with Mazda. She reveals that she isn’t actually an agent and just made all of that up as a ploy to make sure he went home. Everyone groans but they all remain confused as we still don’t know just why he seems so suspicious. Peeps and Whimsy talk about a new venture they plan to start together when the show is over. Madame Moonstone and the Squeak Squad exploring ruins and examining the rocks! Their excitement for the idea warms up the crowd. Peeps does talk about Echo and how they feel betrayed but understands it is a game and is warmed that they were seen as such a threat. Cyclone is asked about Summit because of their rivalry and admits that she is impressed by her ability so succeed in the game. She thinks Summit slowly broke down her lay low strategy because she saw her as stiff competition.
The pre jurors are brought into the room to chat as well. Dread immediately tries to go for the Prof but Cecil and Vivi pull him back. Miss Vanjie steals the stage and announces she would like to formally Rupaulogize. She eagerly awaits her call for All Stars. Vivi talks about how she is disappointed she went first but is happy Dread left right after her. Dread sneers but says nothing all game. However, it is Skye who shocks everyone when he talks. He speak about how he flew a certain business bug around Unova recently and heard some mumbles about all stars contracts and trying to forge some. As your host, I can neither confirm nor deny all stars rumors but I can squash that rumor before it gets flying. Guess we will NEVER know the Professor’s crime!
The Final HOH: Echo, Meadow, and Summit arrive on the Dais for the final HOH. In this epic triathlon, these three are fighting for the most important power of the whole season. The endurance comp in part 1 seems like a shoo in for Summit. But Meadow has been keeping up all season and finally out-endures the mountain climber, winning part 1. Echo and Summit go up against each other in part 2. In a physical competition, the two are more evenly matched. It’s a close race but Echo wins. Finally, in part 3, Meadow and Echo have to answer questions about the Jurors. Due to Meadow’s good vibes, everyone talked to her a lot so she knows all of the information and trounces Echo, shocking him and Summit that Meadow came out of nowhere so strongly in the final HOH. Meadow makes the decision between Summit and Echo and the easy choice to make for her is to eliminate Summit, as her resume is way too strong.
The Jury Questioning:>! Meadow and Echo face the jury. Meadow goes first and explains how she really doesn’t know how she got on the show and didn’t know what she was doing at first. But with good allies like April and Summit, she was able to learn about the show and quickly adapt. She says she played a great social game and everyone loved to be around her so she never was in any real danger of leaving. Echo goes next and claims his game started from the beginning. He hit the ground running from the get go and knew he had to make good alliances and win competitions to prove his loyalty. He says he was up against a behemoth with his fellow Glaseado mountaineer, Summit, but worked around her everytime she was HOH and ended up making choices that got him to the end game and eventually the final 2.!<
The Jury Votes: Summit congratulates the two and says that she is surprised by the game this person played and supports it. Peeps says that they don’t take anything personally and want a great representative for this season. April says that inner strength is important but outer strength is pretty great too. Whimsy votes for someone who she knew from the beginning had a mountain to climb and overcame it. The Prof claims that no one paid him to vote the way he is about to. Cyclone says that getting to the end is not enough and it is adversity in the game that decides the victor. Ike votes for someone who played great socially and won a lot. And the winner is…
Winner: Echo!
Runner-up: Meadow
Fan Favorite: April
My Favorites: Peeps, Dread, the Prof
Potential All Stars: Peeps, the Prof, Whimsy, Summit
My thoughts: This was my favorite season to write up as I tried a couple new things with it and it worked out really well! The simulator also kept validating my thoughts on who was in each room with each other which made it work out really cool too! Game wise, this was an uphill battle for almost everyone, There was a big alliance that existed but they never outright controlled the game beyond winning a bunch of HOH competitions. They also were some of the most rootable people as well. The storylines this season worked well within what we head. The Prof was an intriguing villain, so many people were on to him but he just could not get eliminated. Everyone went to Whimsy or Meadow for advice and those two stayed long because of it. April bluffing her way further in the game was pretty funny as I was sure she would go further. The Peeps storyline had me rooting for them in a way I haven’t done since Tiny back in season 1 and they really delivered up until the bitter end when they got blindsided by Echo. And Echo! Echo was a great winner. He went up against Summit who was dominating this game single-handedly and managed outlast her. Him winning part 2 of the final HOH made him certain to go on to the end and he did it and won. A lot of strong duos and now…criminal lore for the series too? Idk but Mazda better not be doing any shady dealing….
What’s next? Well with my season planning we have one more season left to go until another all stars season. But I also have a long trip next week and won’t have time to get it out so Im hoping to get out season 10 this weekend and work to season 11 next weekend. I’m considering staying with this type and location theming but we shall see….
submitted by BunnyBoiEthos to BrantSteele [link] [comments]

2024.04.02 21:05 BunnyBoiEthos [BB] Bunny's Pokémon Big Brother 8: The Creeping Eighth (The Season)

Though we have gone 7 seasons so far pretty successfully, there’s still been something that has been bugging us here at Bunny HQ. Literally, theres been a bunch of bugs around! That is because this next season is inspired by the ever present and incredibly adorable little friends wandering around the world, this next season is here to represent Bunny’s favorite type, the Bug Type! So get your nets ready and turn on your fans while you get weaved into this web of deception, lies, friendship, and the most legs this competition has seen yet (I didn’t do the data on that but it’s safe to assume)! Find out who will reign as queen bee in this season of Bunny’s Pokémon Big Brother 8: The Creeping Eighth!
Season 8: The Creeping Eighth
Meet the Cast
Blitz the Scizor – A minor league boxer from Goldenrod city, Blitz does not know the definition of mercy. She is here to sucker punch her way through the competition and knock out every foe one by one. Can she do that or will this be a TKO?
Bygone Jr the Scolipede – Don’t be fooled by the Junior in his name, this Nuvema centipede is ancient. Junior is second in a long line of ancestral Scolipedes. He is here to show his great great grandchildren Bygone IV and Bygone V that they can still be the best of the best when they are his age.
Dirk the Kricketune – This handy helper from Fortree city is always offering the best directions. He will tell you where to go and how to get there and even offer a little advice for how to deal with your problems. Secretly, Dirk is worried about people not being able to help themselves if he helps too much but can he help himself through the game?
Eugene the Shuckle – Hailing from Goldenrod city, Eugene is the class clown downtown. He is all about goofing around and having a good time and even does standup on his free time. He is confident that if he can get people to love his goofy self, he can win this game!
Ivana the Volcarona – Watch what you say around this Glaseado gazetteer. Ivana is the Tsarevna of Information of the cold snowy regions of Glaseado where she trained her mind and body,. She is a rumormonger and knows how to play the information. She plans to use this to end up headlining the season!
Jean “Overlord” the Spewpa – Weakness policy is not in this Santalune bug’s playbook. Jean worked so hard to not let Santalune forest be weak that all of the bugs looked up to him. Though they call him Overlord, it’s mostly a charming joke as they appreciate his training…and his lack of intimidation being a Spewpa.
Knox the Lokix – Kneading is usually for cats, but its all this Cortondo bug knows. Knox started life as a baker’s assistant even helping gym leader Katy at times. He learned that his strong chops and kicks were incredibly useful in shaping bread. But just how much can he shape this game to his liking?
Lora the Ledian – If you ever get lost in Viridian Forest, Lora will be there to guide you. Lora is a guiding friend to all in the forest both literally and mentally. She is calming and an easing presence when she can be alone but how will she fare in the house?
Maya the Rabsca – Asado desert is the home to this fortune teller. Maya grew up with her twin sister, a dancer, and her dad. She took up fortune telling when she realized her gift could help her sister get by when their father disappeared. Can she foresee a victory in this game?
Melanie the Leavanny – A resident fashionista of Lumiose city, Melanie is a true romantic. She loves fashion and café dates and sightseeing. Yet she is sharp and witty as well. Although deep down, she wants to find love in this game.
Melodia the Wormadam – If you ever hear beautiful melodies from Eterna forest, it must definitely be from this Verdant Virtuosa! A retired luminary who took a brief respite from fame, Melodia wants to turn around the fortune of musicians in this game and prove that rhythm and grace can find victory in this cutthroat world.
Rock Baron the Dwebble – This business giant from Southern Unova is ready to mak e amonopoly of this game. The Rockefeller of rocks, Rock Baron could make boulders out of pebbles and mountains out of molehills. But just how high can his business acumen raise his stock in this game?
Sir Lionel the Escavalier – Neither dungeon nor dragon nor raging dynamax Pokémon can face down this Hammerlocke paladin. Sir Lionel the Valiant – or Leo as his friends call him – spent his whole life fighting valiantly to protect all Pokémon. When he is not smiting evil, he likes to play DnD with his friends.
Zaphira the Galvantula – Deep in the corners of Pinwheel Forest are where you will find this lightning bug. Zaph is shy and introverted and spends almost no time talking to others. Despite this, she is incredibly smart and loves forming one on one webs of friendship with people she finds close. Can a lonely bug survive in this web?
Intro: From deep forests to alluring cities, our certified National Park Bug catchers were released into the world to catch all our 14 contestants. Although most of them came willingly, it was still a matter of principle! At the end of the day all 14 were brought back to the location where we have been preparing the house for them: the National Park itself! A beautiful mansion hidden away in the luxurious gardens full of many activities to do. Though Park traffic might be limited, its all for the best with this game!
First HOH:>! As the houseguests enter the park, they are told to mingle and interact. Overlord makes a bad first impression by coming on to strongly to the fully evolved bugs. Meanwhile, Lora swoons everyone with her calmness and Melanie charms everyone. The contestants all are told to vote to the bug who gave them the best first impression and it comes down to those two. Melanie ends up getting the most votes and becoming the first HOH. As the week starts, Overlord makes an attempt to recover social capital and succeeds with Melanie and Maya. Meanwhile, Eugene and Leo bond over their love for D&D. At the first nominations, Melanie puts up Lora and Bygone Jr because they are some of the most popular bugs around the house. !<
At the veto competition, Lora outspeeds Melanie and wins the veto for herself, saving herself from the block. In response, Melanie puts up Eugene because he is a good social threat already with his bright energy. No one has any hard feelings towards her as they all know the intricacies of good social games. Fresh off of the block, Lora goes to meditate when she is approached by Dirk who proposed the two can work together, she eagerly agrees. Annoyed by the lack of drama, Ivana goes around trying to pry negative feelings out of other houseguests to stir the pot. She isn’t successful with quiet Zaph or Maya who saw her coming, but she does find out that Overlord has some tensions with Eugene. Because she wants to keep the drama, she starts spreading rumors about Bygone. Though Maya and Melody see through her, she has enough standing in the house to convince a lot of people. At the first eviction ceremony, Bygone Jr is at the receiving end of a release into the National bug catching contest where all the bug catchers race to catch him the first.
Week 2: As the next week begins, Melanie decides that it is too dangerous to work with Overlord. The endurance HOH is right up the alley of Dirk, Knox, and Rockefeller. Though they all do well, Rockefeller ends up winning. Overlord and Rockefeller plot, as the two small and underestimated bugs, that they have to get out the heroic types before they get too much momentum. Rockefeller puts up Leo and Maya. At the veto, Ivana ends up winning the veto. She likes Rockefeller and Overlord’s plan and decides to join their duo as their Muckraker. After the veto, Rockefeller introduces all of the bugs to the stock market, and they are all pleased. Melanie and Knox bond when they bid on the same imaginary stocks. The two start to hit it off. At the eviction, both Leo and Maya have great rousing speeches about what they stand for and the vote comes to a tie. Rockefeller gets to break the tie, and though Ivana pushes for Leo going, Overlord pushes for Maya because she can see the future, and he evicts her into the Bug catching contest.
Week 3: At the next HOH, the houseguests race through a maze to make smores. Though Blitz is fast and Overlord is good at making Smores, it is Dirk, who is good at navigating the maze, who ends up winning the HOH. He confides in his closest ally, Lora, that he wants to do what is best for the house. She suggests getting out someone with a lot of negative energy and he surveys people to get his two nominees: Ivana and Blitz. Lora and Dirk do well in the veto, but it is Blitz who wins out. She saves herself and Dirk puts up Melanie in her place when Lora gets bad vibes from her. Melodia puts on a performance that night and Knox comforts Melanie as the two get even closer. Ivana spreads this information around the house but most people find the potential showmance adorable and let them be. At the eviction ceremony, Ivana does her best to defend herself, but the wave of love overpowers, and Ivana is sent packing.
Week 4: The next HOH is a butterfree catching competition. Zaph’s webs help her, but Melanie’s grace and speed give her the victory fresh off the block. Melodia and Lora go into the HOH room after Knox leaves to tell Melanie about potentially seeing Knox spending a lot of time with Blitz. Melanie thinks its just training but still feels hurt. She puts up Dirk obviously but also wants Knox to prove himself so puts him up. Knox is hurt and betrayed by this and performs poorly at the veto. Dirk ends up winning it himself. Melanie realizes that she made a mistake and tries to rectify it by putting Melodia up for manipulating her. Overlord and Rockefeller recognize the danger of the showmance and make an effort to rile up Knox as much as possible. This culminates when Knox confronts Overlord as the one who must have manipulated Melanie and the argument almost gets physical except for Knox saying he wouldn’t hit a puny Spewpa. At the eviction ceremony, his words come back and bite him and he gets most of the votes. Melanie is distraught that it was her HOH and she let him leave. The two share a last embrace before he is caught by the bug catchers.
Week 5: The next HOH is an endurance round on the trees that Leo has a huge advantage in and wins with no trouble. Him and Eugene talk about duos left in the game. Dirk and Lora are tight. Rockefeller and Overlord are close. They also see Zaph and Blitz spending a lot of time together being socially not as strong. But seeing as they are a strong competitive duo, Leo puts up Zaph and Blitz. At the veto, Leo realizes the risk he took putting Blitz on the block and has a very tough fight ahead of him. But he wins out in the end and keeps his nominations. Leo starts to loosen up this round and his D&D talk starts to annoy more people in the house. Particularly Rockefeller, who he keeps calling a gnome. Rockefeller goes to a crestfallen Melanie and invests in her stock by bonding with her, hoping to gain a pivotal ally in the game. Zaph goes to Eugene to leverage their previous relationship which he barely remembers. But he also knows about Blitz from back home in Goldenrod and was never planning on voting Zaph out. At the eviction ceremony, this comes to fruition and Blitz is knocked out. Good this she is only a couple routes away from home.
Week 6: The peak season of National bug contests is beginning and now the jury phase is as well. With a bunch of strong connections left in the house, everyone kicks it into gear to claim power at the HOH. Melanie ends up claiming the victory for the third time. She puts up Leo due to how he acted last week and she puts up Overlord for his perceived role in getting out Knox. The veto is a mental game that works to Rockefeller’s strength and he wins. Lora and Rockefeller get into an argument in front of Melanie as they both try to throw the other’s ally under the bus for the Knox situation. Rockefeller asks Melanie for permission to use the veto and she is honored that he would ask. As such, he saves Overlord and she puts up Dirk, alienating herself from Lora. Lora puts in a ton of work the next couple of days behind Dirk’s back, as he told her that he doesn’t want her to struggle for him. Eugene tries to push back to save Leo, but with him blowing his social game the week prior, Leo doesn’t stand a chance. At the eviction ceremony, many bug catchers are lined up and with a vote of 5 to 1, the bug catchers get to go over a large Escavalier named Sir Lionel the Valiant and take him to the jury house.
Week 7: The next HOH begins and Eugene is ready for vengeance after losing his closest ally. He guns for and wins the HOH. Overlord, knowing Rockefeller is making moves behind his back, works on getting closer to Eugene. He doesn’t want to outright flip on Rockefeller so he pushes for a Melanie nomination. Eugene is on board and also puts up Melodia as an easy pawn due to her relatively drama-free nature. Zaph wins the veto and gets a lot of pressure from Melanie to use it to save her. Zaph doesn’t have close connection to Melanie and doesn’t want to use it, but she still feels a lot of social pressure and has a breakdown before choosing not to use it. Rockefeller introduces more stock market games to the house and this time; goofball Eugene is actually doing well at it. Suspiciously well, according to Dirk, who tries to say this could be a sign of Eugene sandbagging his intelligence. Lora realizes her close ally is falling apart and is stressing. Luckily, Melodia is there still singing songs and reminding her to breath. The eviction ceremony is an easy one, as Melanie has won too many competitions and Melodia is too well liked throughout the house. As such, Melanie becomes the second member of the jury.
Week 8: Melodia comes off the block with a heat to win but when Zaph starts gunning for it, Dirk goes on to power mode and zings to the victory and HOH. Lora tells Dirk she is concerned by his increasing intensity and weirdness and he goes off on her, severing their alliance. He ends up putting her on the block next to Eugene, who he is now claiming a rivalry with for some reason. Rockefeller and Overlord intentionally throw the veto to Dirk, as they do not want to put targets on their back. Rockefeller wants to keep Eugene over Lora because she has been under the radar the whole time and an unknown value which stresses him out. Overlord agrees, not revealing that him and Eugene already have a secret alliance. At the eviction, Lora is sadly evicted by her former best friend, Dirk, who is continuing to spiral.
Week 9 aka Double eviction: In a surprise twist, this round is actually a double eviction. The houseguests are sent into a quiz comp that Melodia, being the only calm one left, wins. She puts up Overlord and Eugene because of Overlord’s increased aggression and trying to control her vote. At the veto comp, everyone plays and Eugene wins. Melodia notices Rockefeller and Zaph are getting close and doesn’t want to be wedged between duos, so she puts Zaph up in Eugene’s place. At the eviction, Dirk, who is still spiraling, spins this on Melodia and how she is no longer singing harmonies. No one bats an eye. However, Overlord does make a speech about why he deserves to stay that border on revealing his alliance with Eugene and threatens Rockefeller. The two both realize for different reasons that they must cut him off here. Overlord becomes the next victim of the double eviction.
Week 10: In the next week, it is pivotal to make big value moves, and Rockefeller knows this. He goes on to win the next HOH by a landslide. Having pivoted to working mostly with Zaph and Eugene, it is an easy decision for him to put up Dirk and Melodia. Eugene saves himself by winning the veto. He considers turning on Rockefeller to force him to put up Zaph, but doesn’t think he could get two votes for her and Rockefeller wouldn’t break a tie against her. Therefore, Eugene keeps the nominations the same. Zaph goes to Rockefeller and starts to weave a web of doubt for Melodia saying that she has done a good job being incredibly likeable and that she has to go, especially with Dirk basically being so weird and irrelevant suddenly. The vote ends up a tie and due to Zaph’s influence, Rockefeller breaks the tie to send Melodia home.
Week 11: Coming into this week the only thing that matters is winning comps to save yourself. Dirk and Eugene are neck and neck but Eugene ends up winning the HOH. He talks with Rockefeller about the path moving forward and Rockefeller confirms that Zaph is no longer of any use to them. He is ready to short that stock. Eugene puts up Zaph and Dirk. However, in the most chaotic event possible, Dirk comes out winning the veto when he reveals his spiral was all a ruse to make people underestimate him. Zaph feels betrayed, having gone outside of her comfort box to try and talk to him but it was all an act. Dirk says he really wanted to see everyone’s true colors and he saw all that he needed. At the eviction ceremony, Zaph gets the boot.
Final 3: Dirk, the cunning viola, an instrument that often accompanies the melody without taking control. He hummed along in the background, playing down his threat by playing up a song of discord and chaos. Choosing to cut his own ally, he ended up shooting his game very far. Rock Baron, the fortuitous cello, a base line and power structure to the melodies of the season. Rockefeller was at the base of the season, holding firm the structure of the house while still moving at ground level to capitalize on his investments. He ensured his own stability taking only the risks he needed. Eugene, the funky violin, a mainline melody that harmonized with every instrument. Eugene was friends with everyone not out of any strategic reason but because that’s just who he is. However, he used his smarts to leverage his connections into greater heights in the composition of the season.
Final HOH: In part 1, Rockefeller and Eugene last for hours in an intense endurance showdown. Rockefeller ends up winning it. Dirk and Eugene then go up against each other in a physical comp that Dirk figures out quicker and wins, leaving Eugene’s fate up to whoever wins part three. Both Dirk and Rockefeller are smart, but when he was hiding in the background, Dirk learned a lot about his fellow houseguests, and he beats Rockefeller for part 3. At the eviction, he knows that both Eugene and Rockefeller have huge resumes and reasons to win, but one person just played too solid of a game and he doesn’t stand any chance to beat him. With that said, Dirk crashes the stock market by evicting Rockefeller.
Jury Questioning: Eugene and Dirk present their games to the jury. Both present their really good social games but Eugene claims more points in that regard due to not intentionally making himself a social pariah. Dirk does come back to say that his strategy ended up taking him all the to the final 2 because he lowered his threat level to below even Melodia and Zaph’s when it was getting too high. From a competition standpoint, Dirk won and succeeded in more, which impresses the jury that he was so versatile. Eugene counters that he had so many connections and allies that he didn’t need to win every single comp to make it to the end, he was even taken to the final two despite not winning final HOH. Strategically, Eugene claimed a lot of his strategy was just being a lovable dork who nobody wanted to eliminate. Dirk says that Eugene never had a real plan to sell his game. He says he took a big risk to shoot himself in the foot to propel his game and it paid off with him now in a prime position to win.
The Jury Votes: Rockefeller says that the key to victory in the business world is knowing that sometimes to go up, you have to go down first. Zaph says she has to vote for someone who she realizes she learned more about herself from. Melodia says she can’t vote for background music when the main melody was too strong. Overlord votes for the person who he feels really represents the strength of all bugs the best. Lora says she made peace with her situation and knows the bugs are safe with her vote to win. Melanie votes for the person who had a clear path and embraced it. Leo echoes the sentiment of protecting and representing the bugs best and knows that he is making the correct choice. And the winner is…..
Winner:>! Dirk!<
Runner-Up:>! Eugene!<
Fan Favorite: Melodia
My Favorites: Overlord, Rockefeller, Lora
Potential All-Stars: Overlord, Rockefeller, Zaph, Melanie, Lora, Eugene
My Thoughts: Bug is my favorite type and we had a really great and diverse selection of bugs so I KNEW I would enjoy this season and I was right. There wasn’t a power alliance that steamrolled the whole season but instead a lot of cogs working in and around each other. Rockefeller and Overlord were some of the most active players and they really had a good thing going before Rockefeller brutally let Overlord go at the double eviction. Also, fun fact, there were two tied votes this season and Rockefeller was the HOH who broke both of them. Just goes to show he kept his eggs in a row and had even house splits on his weeks. The Knox and Melanie situation being a driving force to the house dynamic changing was great and I loved that it was the beginning of Dirk’s spiraling strategy. Speaking of Dirk, he truly did have a unique way of winning, and him coming back to evict the social threat Zaph right before the Strategic threat Rockefeller had me shook. I thought Eugene played very well but just like Vinny in season 5, he played next to someone who had a more defensible game and he was dead in the water at final 3. Overall, my favorite season yet. Maybe I am biased because I love bug type but…oh well, my favorite type won the season LOL!
So what’s next? I do love these type themed seasons but before we go further I know there are several types who have yet to win a season and I want to see more of these have their chance. So next time will be a brawl where the six types yet to win will compete to finally have a representative in the hall of winners!
submitted by BunnyBoiEthos to BrantSteele [link] [comments]

2024.03.31 18:18 BunnyBoiEthos [BB] Bunny's Pokémon Big Brother 7: The Nautical Seventh (The Season)

Do you hear that? The tides are raging and the ocean breeze is calling! Oh and also the big brother house is flooded!!! This time on Bunny’s Pokémon Big Brother, 14 new FISHY houseguests are taking a dive into reality TV! These watery foes will battle it out to determine who will sink and who will swim. But which way will the current go and who will be in the doldrums? Find out on this season of Bunny;s Pokémon Big Brother Season 7: the Nautical Seventh!
Season 7: The Nautical Seventh
Amaranth the Shellos – This Pastoria slug is sure to bring all the laughs to this season! Amaranth is a comedian and jokester ready to bring smiles to the house before he wipes em away and wins the game!
Ariel the Feebas – Inner beauty is the mantra of this Lilycove fish. Refusing to evolve into a Milotic, Ariel believes her true beauty is within oneself and wants to prove that simplicity is sometimes all it takes!
Cassie the Cloyster - Born in the Seafoam Islands, Cassie knows only of focus and dedication. Tunnel vision is an understatement to what happens when Cassie has a goal. Yeah she may be lonely, but she sure is successful!
Dayley-Jane the Dewgong – This seal knows country life and big city life having moved from rural Johto to metropolitan Unova. She is a sorority sister with a heart of gold and a way of partying through life. But don’t be fooled by her fun façade, she has a strategic bone to pick.
Irwin the Feraligatr – A true hero to the conservationist community in Galar, Irwin is ready to bring his message to the big screen. Having been hunted in his younger days, he wants to combat poaching and hunting the best he can. But he still plans on hunting his prey down in this game!
Johnny the Wartortle – Another marsh stomper from Pastoria, Johnny wants to win at all costs. Hes good at what he does and he knows it. And he will make sure everyone knows it…whether he wins or loses. But don’t be on his bad side either way.
La’Day the Lileep – This Superfan hasn’t seen the sun in years…millions to be exact. Having slept through the extinction events of other fossil Pokemon, La’Day still prefers isolation and spends most of her time watching TV and OUR SHOW! She just hopes the sun isn’t too bright…
Lulu the Luvdisc – This Sootopolis princess knows what she wants and will stop at nothing to get it. She is the mean girl and has no shame in it. It isn’t her fault she’s right all the time. Now just give her the money because we all know she is winning this thing, right?
Marley the Simipour – Peace, love, and good vibes are the message of this Akala simian. Marley is a musician who wants others to feel entertained and chill around him. He is kind of a legend in the Akala music community and wants to be a legend in this game.
Naomi the Dragalge – Having created urban legends off the coasts of Cyllage City, this seahorse is ready to make huge waves in the competition. Naomi is a speed racing demon who plans on using her speed and agility to win all of the competitions. And no, she is not signing autographs.
Robin the Palafin – It’s a bird…no…it’s a PLANE…no…its…its ROBIN! This Paldean superhero is a champion for equality among all Pokémon big or small! Robin will make sure everyone feels included and wants to show that honesty and morality can win the game!
Scout the Dewott – Do you hear that? How can you not when its this Sootopolis motivation speaker doing the talking? Scout is loud and proud with a huge emphasis on the LOUD. He wants to support and motivate sometimes to the extreme.
Splaatz the Stunfisk – Castelia city is home to many successes but Splaatz is not one of them. Splaatz is the definition of falling downstairs through life. He is awkward and weird and kind of just fails at most things he does. He is almost certain he will fail at this but…it could be fun!
Yves the Brionne – A dancing legend from Akala island…wait where have we heard this before? Akala seems to be the home to some of the greatest entertainers and Yves is arguably one of the best. An enchanting Ballerina, she is certain you will not miss a beat of her performance this season.
Intro: It’s the big day. Night 1 in the Big Brother house. A lot of natural construction was done this time to create great environments for freshwater and saltwater Pokémon alike to live together and flourish without destroying the natural environment. The solution? Rainbow Island! This natural island in Oblivia is home to many bodies of water and provides a great place for a spanning underwater cavern to hold the next Bunny’s Big Brother house!
Week 1: The 14 fish are put into a race through the cavern for the first HOH. Naomi and Day naturally take to the water and end up in the lead. Funny enough, Amaranth manages to keep right alongside them. When Naomi tries to take a shortcut to cut off Day, the two both crash and Amaranth comes out on top! When the housemates settle in, a lot of the ocean fish bond right away. Robin and La’Day form a close bond with Amaranth and Splaatz happens to be there as well by pure luck for the first time in his life. Irwin and Scout also bond due to Irwin being very vocal about his love for conservation. La’Day tries to go to bed really early but ends up thinking Cassie’s shell is a bed and the two laugh about the mistake because they both just want to quietly exist in corners.
Due to the two of them being the loudest out the gate, Amaranth puts up Scout and Irwin. The veto is a house hunt requiring speed and agility and smarts to find the differences in the house. Irwin and Day seem to be the frontrunners until they can’t find the last pivotal piece. Lulu comes out casually with the final piece, winning veto. Lulu teases Scout that she could use it and gets his hopes up but pulls the rug out underneath him and chooses to keep him on the block. Scout has a big breakdown over her dishonesty and how that’s not what water Pokémon should do when so many of them face challenges just getting thtough life. Splaatz stumbles into the breakdown by accident and apologizes for literally stepping on Scout’s toes. Everyone takes it metaphorically and he is loved for it, much to his amazement. Irwin has a chat with everyone about why he came on to the show to vouch for conservation efforts in the wild and he feels like his work might be better done outside of the house. At the eviction ceremony, Irwin tells the houseguests that he already got a huge amount of word out and he tells Scout to spread his message with his public speaking skills. It’s a sad vote but Irwin is evicted first.
Week 2: The next HOH starts and Ariel and Scout are the frontrunners to win the food delivery competition. Scout pulls out all of his emotional fortitude to win it out, ensuring his safety. La’Day and Marley have a falling out when Marley starts singing more and more by her and Cassie’s hidey corner. Scout uses this as a good reason to put Marley up next to Amaranth. At the veto, Naomi doesn’t make the same mistakes as before and wins the veto. Scout and Naomi talk and they realize Amaranth already has an alliance so they decide to team up and make a counter alliance including Johnny and Ariel. Ariel knows that the other side isn’t close enough to Marley and it’ll be an easy vote to get him out so they have to do a lot of work to target Amaranth. Naomi chooses not to use the veto. Lulu gets into more shenanigans by teasing Scout and screaming at Marley mid song. La’Day has had enough with Yves dancing as well and flips her bed over to expand her corner. Ariel does some work with Cassie and Day, who chill in La’Day’s corner and they actually don’t hate Marley that much. Cassie forms a plan to make Amaranth have a huge ego by hyping up all of his jokes and this rubs everyone but his allies the wrong way. At the eviction ceremony Amaranth tells some bad jokes and claims the house is a tough crowd. This makes it all the more of a blindside when he is evicted by everyone but his allies.
Week 3: The houseguest Soup HOH is next. A dirty water cave is prepared for the houseguests to endure. Lulu flat out refuses to even enter and Naomi barely lasts any longer. Splaatz enters early but is so flat no one sees him and Cassie and Johnny step on top of him so he can’t move. The competition goes on and comes down to Yves and Cassie with Splaatz still trapped. Eventually Cassie drops and Splaatz is stuck to her so he is eliminated too. Yves wins the HOH! She wants to get back for the hatred towards Marley last week so she puts up La’Day and Scout for his meltdowns. Scout goes on to win the veto so Yves puts up the other person who kicked Marley out of his corner, Cassie. Naomi and Lulu get into a spat over some missing items. La’Day finds them in her corner and gives them back to Lulu to make her just shut up already. Lulu believes Cassie must have taken them there to frame La’Day. La;Day doesn’t care and just goes back to corner sitting. At the eviction, Lulu leads the charge against Cassie and her thieving ways. Cassie reminds them that small currents exist in the cave but the tides are too much her way and she is evicted from the house.
Week 4:>! Ariel realizes the Yves is more loyal to the good vibes crew of her, Marley, and Day so she splits off from Yves. At the HOH, Johnny and Ariel take a quick lead and accidentally knock a bunch of important dirt onto Splaatz. Splaatz is blinded and accidentally makes his way to the end first, knocking off the dirt into the collection box. But he stops when he doesn’t know where he is and Johnny takes the win! Johnny continues the crusade against the other sides of the house putting up La’Day as the head of her alliance and Marley as the head of the Good Vibes alliance. Ariel and La’Day are close in the veto but Ariel comps out and wins. She chooses to stick with her alliance and not use the veto. Feeling down, La’Day retreats to her corner. Splaatz accidentally drifts in and tells La’Day about him kind of failing through life. He is surprised he made it to week 4. The two bond and she lets him stay in the corner. Naomi gets vindictive thinking that her alliance is going to target the wrong side and flips Yves mattress AGAIN. Yves doesn’t take this well and flips out on La’Day, who is innocent this time. This action is enough to convince Day and Robin that Yves and Marley together are not as chill. At the eviction ceremony, Marley is sent home.!<
Week 5: The next competition is a BB quiz comp. With her huge knowledge of the show and determination not to go on the block again, La’Day finally wins HOH! Robin goes to congratulate her in her corner (which has become her HOH room) but he is so loud about it she silently decides against working with him. She puts up the two people who have made her life the most difficult: Yves and Scout, the two alliance leaders. The veto comes down to two members of each alliance and eventually Ariel wins. She easily takes down her number 1 Scout, willing to sacrifice someone else in his place. This person put up by La’Day is Johnny. Naomi continues her crusade against Yves and lashes out at her for her mistreatment of La’Day getting her on the block. Ariel calms down Naomi and apologizes to Yves, making both of them feel more solid with her. At the eviction Ceremony, the good vibes and deep-sea alliances both flip on Johnny and seeing the writing on the wall, Ariel does too. Johnny is evicted with only 2 votes to save him.
Week 6: The cave howls as a back door reveals a tunnel to the jury house on Dolce Island. They have reached jury phase! In the underwater paint competition, Splaatz is kicked up by accident by Day and paints beautiful colors, only missing one. Naomi ends up beating him at the last second. Realizing one of her allies voted Johnny out, Naomi breaks up the alliance. She is most suspicious of Scout so she puts him up next to poor Yves. Lulu wins the veto and goes to Yves to offer it to her. Scout tries to tell Yves this isn’t real but Yves believes her only to get her heart crushed when Lulu doesn’t use it again. Seeing Naomi not wanting to work with her anymore, Ariel switches gears and buddies up to the Good Vibes alliance, getting closer to Robin and even closer to Day. With everyone fighting each other now, La;Day and Splaatz take the week off. At the eviction ceremony, Scout makes his case for the negative energy in the house and how he needs to break it. But Yves claims he is a huge reason it exists and he is evicted unanimously. A whirlpool pulls him down the tunnel to the jury house.
Week 7: The next HOH is an endurance competition on Clawitzers. Splaazts is thrown around into an awkward position where he can’t get thrown off. After Lulu is eliminated, her Clawitzer bumps his, knocking him loose and giving Yves the win. Lulu goes to apologize to Splaatz who is chilling with La’Day in order to rile him up. He is chilling and doesn’t even realize what happened. Ariel and Day walk in to see La’Day and Lulu covers herself up by proposing a five-person alliance. Everyone kind of shrugs and agrees. Yves puts up Naomi for being generally mean next to La’Day who she still has beef with. Day comes in clutch to win the veto and uses it to save her new friend La’Day, who is actually pretty chill. Yves puts Robin up next to Naomi because he is a nice guy and Naomi is certain to leave next to him. Splaatz drifts out of the cave and La’Day gets very emotional because of it. Naomi has a huge meltdown and is only stopped when Splaatz drifts into her. She thanks him for calming her down. Lulu covers her tracks by getting personal with Ariel. Through gritted teeth she calls Ariel beautiful. Ariel isn’t buying her lies and is suspicious of her suddenly chipper behavior. At the eviction ceremony, Naomi graciously accepts her position in the game and is flushed down the whirlpool to the jury house.
Week 8: The pressure cooker returns as the next HOH competition! All of the fish without arms do really well! Splaatz accidentally falls asleep on his button but this time, La’Day drops before him and he wins HOH! Ariel and Day decide they need to plan for the endgame and go to the HOH room to tell Splaatz their suspicions about Lulu. Day proposes a trio and Ariel agrees. They leave a confused Splaatz. He puts up Yves and Robin because they don’t spend a lot of time with him and he knows Yves is too good at this game. Lulu goes on to win the veto and Yves immediately chastises her for teasing them before Lulu even started the teasing. Lulu rubs it in both of their faces that one of them is going home and doesn’t use the veto. Back in her corner, La’Day starts a checkers tournament with almost everyone and Day actually comes out on top. Yves passive aggressively tells her she finally won something and the two get in a big fight. Having been closer to her in the past and wanting to use her to go further, Ariel pushes for Yves to stay. Despite this, at the eviction ceremony she is too much of a game threat and is evicted 3 to 1.
Week 9: It comes out at the eviction ceremony that Day and Ariel are working with Splaatz but he genuinely is confused about when that trio started. Lulu is incensed that they are working without her. She powers through and wins the HOH. She puts up Day next to Robin hoping that anyone but Ariel wins veto. Stupidly, this bites her in the butt when Ariel wins veto and takes down Day. La’Day goes up in her place. La’Day retreats to her corner and is approached by Robin to cheer her up. Day calls him out for trying to play the good guy and gain sympathy when La’Day is clearly hurting. He doesn’t know how to respond and simply leaves. Ariel tries to tell Day that this is a good chance to get out La’Day before she gets too much momentum but Day doesn’t want to turn on her. At the eviction ceremony, Ariel is frustrated when Robin ends up leaving in a 2 to 1 vote.
Week 10: This shaky 5-person alliance has made it all the way to the top 5. The HOH is close between Day and La’Day in the Qwilfish disco. However, Splaatz ended up in another weird position. Without Lulu there to knock him loose, he ends up lasting the longest and wins again. Splaatz goes to La’Day and decides its time to get out Lulu finally. He puts her up next to Day. La’Day suggests they try Ariel as a backup target but he doesn’t agree. At the veto, she forces his hand…er…fin by winning and taking Day off the block. Day realizes what almost happened to her and goes to confront Splaatz. Splaatz plays coy and pretends not to know what is happening. Frustrated, Day leaves. Knowing she can’t convince Day to vote against Ariel, she works on trying to get Splaatz to break the tie. He counters that Ariel may be smart but she isn’t a threat to him. She keeps pushing that she is hiding her capabilities. At the eviction ceremony, the vote comes down to a tie. Splaatz decides to stick to his convictions and casts the sole vote to evict Lulu.
Week 11: At the final four HOH, La’Day sees herself going up against a strong duo. Ariel proves her thoughts right by winning. However, due to Splaatz saving her, she decides to put up La’Day next to Day. The veto is tough but Day pulls out the win next to La’Day. Ariel sadly puts Splaatz up next to La’Day. The two go to La’Day’s corner, which now takes up half the cave, and she confides in him that she didn’t think she would make such a close friend in the house. He says the same to her and how he honestly never had any close friends. At the eviction ceremony, Day is given the choice to evict either one of the two and claims that one of the two is a strong competitor with a good social head while the other kind of just floats through the house doing nothing. She chooses to evict the stronger threat in her eyes, La’Day.
The Final 3: >! Ariel, the Inner Beauty, has swam gracefully through the tumultuous tides of this game. She escaped the sinking ship of her former alliance and always swam above the rest of the pack to strategically navigate every situation the game gave her. Dayley-Jane, the Roaring Tide, played a loud and proud game. Seemingly showing everyone her cards, she allowed people to think they knew her before revealing that she was the one pushing the tides in competitions. Splaatz, the Leftovers, the definition of failing to the top. Splaatz fell up stairs over and over again somehow being at the right place at the right time. Honestly, we don’t even know how he got here.!<
The Final HOH: Though Day and Ariel are close, Day is uncertain how close Ariel truly is. The duo competes very tough against each other but forget that Splaatz is there and he wins part 1 by default. They compete again for real in part 2 where Ariel comes out on top. At the quiz comp in the final part, Splaatz knows the answers but accidentally guesses the wrong answer every single time. Ariel comes out the final HOH. Ariel says her choice might seem easy as her best friend is in the top 3 with her. But she claims that she can’t let tough competition sit next to her and evicts Day, shocking everyone, especially Splaatz.
The Jury Questioning: Ariel and Splaatz face the jury. Ariel is very clear and concise with her words. She confidently claims her game as one where she knew where the current was going to take her. She talks about having to let go of her Deep-Sea alliance when it was clear it was a sinking ship and how she expertly pivoted to working with Day and Splaatz. She says she hid her competitive threat until the end and then won it out to claim her spot at the end. Splaatz is floundering, kind of shocked to be here at all. He says he doesn’t know what to say at all. He is hurt that even at the end, the people he thought of as friends kept him in the game only because he was a failure to them who they could easily beat. He says his only strength was continually being underestimated and carried really far but he made so many more friends in the game and is thankful for all of that.
The Jury Votes: Day votes for the person who showed kindness and who she realized too late just how strong their threat was. La’Day votes for someone she could be calm around even when she was being too strategic. Lulu voted for the threat she didn’t see coming until it bit her. Robin votes for someone who had the superpower of invisibility. Yves votes for someone who played a lot better socially and inspired some new dances. Naomi votes for a surprisingly refreshing fish in the house. Scout votes for someone who deserves for their voice to be heard more. The votes come in and the winner is…
Winner: Splaatz!!
Runner-Up:>! Ariel!<
Fan Favorite: Yves
My Favorites: Ariel, La’Day, Splaatz
Potential All Stars: Ariel, Day, La’Day, Yves
My Thoughts: Well that was wild! Its great to someone with a storyline like Splaatz come out on top. He really fumbled his way upwards and I loved to see it. The house dynamics between three different alliances eventually coming down to one collaboration was really neat. I loved building La’Day’s corner and watching her redeem herself from somewhat of a mean character to one of the hearts of the season. Ariel was an amazing strategic player and I think if she had taken Day, she would have won. She just fell for the trap everyone else did by underestimating Splaatz. Overall I think this season was one of my favorites to type up because of all of the dynamics.
What’s next? More themed seasons! Im thinking theres one that’s been bugging *hint* me that I really want to do. My life has been crazy busy so it’ll be a bit longer to get some good seasons out but I want good quality over just rushing them. Anyways, thanks guys! See you next time!
submitted by BunnyBoiEthos to BrantSteele [link] [comments]

2024.03.22 01:55 Liquid_disc_of_shit 101 answers to the most common Rentbuster questions as requested....by absolutely no one

1: Yes
2: No
3: You can only bust a rent price after you sign the contract. If you mention it to the landlord beforehand, he will snatch the offer from you and give it to someone else.
4: It is better to get legal insurance before you sign the contract as it will raise less red flags with DAS or Arag than if you got it 1 month before you start busting the place.
5: You can get free legal aid if you earn less than 31k per year (42k if you are a couple)
6: No I am not a lawyer so that isnt legal advice.
7: Busting is the process of moving into an apartment with foreknowledge that the rent price is too high and then plotting to get the rent price reduced by the Huurcommissie.
8: Maybe
9: It takes between 4 and 6 months between starting a case and getting a judgement. You need to wait 8 weeks after the judgement before you start asking for the money back or cutting your rent payments to service the debt the landlord will owe you
10: This is the difference in the meaning of the "Free Sector" and the "Private rental Market"
11: There are no income requirements for busting a place. Low income housing and social sector are two different things (see 10)
12: Scarlett Johannsson
13: Its in the glossary post
14: You cannot bust the apartment that you moved out of 3 years ago. You can only bust your apartment after you leave if you had a temporary contract and if you do so within six month of leaving. For permanent contracts you should bust within the first six months.
15: The HC hearing takes 15-20 mins and you must speak dutch there or have someone translating for you. The whole thing is done via Teams and is mainly used to clear up any questions the commission have about your case. The commission do not like things to be introduced during the hearing. Submit everything you want to discuss before the hearing (5 days before max). If you really dislike your landlord, consider asking me to help you. The HC dont like angry exchanges/rants.
16: The inspection takes about 15-30 mins depending on the complexity of the case. All defects should be reported/submitted beforehand. The inspector doesnt like surprises. if the defect is something that the landlord couldn't have not known about, it should be okay to have "forgotten" to report it (e.g, no ventilator in the windowless bathroom/kitchen). Defects like broken windows or mould should be mentioned in the registration form when you file the case.
17: The inspectors dont like to chitchat. If the landlord is trying to be pals with him/her, dont copy them. These inspectors are usually really busy and want to go to the next place asap. Most inspectors will speak english to you but may switch to dutch if the landlord is there. Be sure to have a friend you can call who can translate.
18: I can visit your apartment to measure it at the weekend if you need to be sure if it is bustable.
19: You have to pay your full priced rent while the case is ongoing. if you stop paying, you could leave yourself open to eviction proceedings
20: A split is an administrative designation for an apartment/studio that separates its from the building for tax and legal purposes. Splits are important for getting subsidy and determines the property tax (WOZ). You can check if your place is split here
21: 14 days, unless you don't get the full deposit (for example because the check out report showed there were damages) in which case it is 30 days. (thank you Ninja)
22: juridischadvies
23: Yes, you were scammed
24: Its not a ghost, you are just lonely
25: Your home is a Rijksmonument and is likely unbustable. You can check if your home is a rijksmonument here
26: Renovation costs can be included but only if they are recent (<5 calendar years old) and only for things not already covered by a) the energy label b) kitchen or bathroom points. The landlord needs to provide receipts and invoices for these renovations and the HC will grill the shit out of him.
27: Your landlord is lying.
28: No, you cannot bust your 120sqm, label A, penthouse in Bilthoven
29: Change your locks is a good first step. You can buy a replacement cylinder at Praxis for 10 euro. All you need is a screwdriver and a two minute youtube video. The second option is installing a camera in your room. Landlords will shamelessly enter your room while you are out.
30: The biggest bust I got was 1500 euro per month. Landlord paid 21k for the tenant to leave
31: No, 300 euro per month furniture depreciation cost is not normal. A normal amount is the total cost of the furniture divided by 60. All the furniture costs 3000 euro? Then 50 euro per month is the max the landlord can charge (assuming the furniture is new or relatively new).
32: let me google that for you
33: Your landlord can stack up rent increases up to five years if they are allowed in the contract: this isnt illegal.
33: It depends
34: The independent calculator is here
35: The max rent prices for rooms can be calculated here
36: The onrender calculator doesnt work for Rooms.. that calculation is too easy to do on the official calculator
37: The WOZ is sometimes missing from the wozwaardeloket.nl because either the property was recently split, the undergoing maintenance or its just missing in the system. if my calculator spits out this error then contact me or do the manual check (see 34)
38: No, I wont take time out of my day to explain how I determined that ad was overpriced after you just insulted me. Read my bloody sticky post, you landlord bootlicker
39: The old HC judgements can be found here
40: Itching and burning sensation while you urinate.
41: Thats illegal: the maximum yearly rent increase for 2024 is 5.8%. If they charge more, you need to protest within 4 months
42: the answer is 42
43: I am the last person you want to do a housing search for you. Alot of the makelaars know me and if they see me, they will flee in terror, thinking that I am there to bring death, destruction and slashed rents to their doorstep.
44: Yes, the c**ksucker did hit me with a shovel
45: Any contract that specifies a minimum rental period and still claims to be a temporary contract (7:271WB lid 1), is not one. A temporary contract must allow you to terminate the contract before the end date (with usually 1 month notice). The landlord is cherry-picking conditions from permanent and temporary contract types (Model A and B) and hoping that he can force you to stay there for x period and kick you out at the end if you cause rent-busting trouble.
46: You can use these charts to identify what the best size apartment in Amsterdam to bust is
47: A housing permit is a statement that you earn below a certain amount and can live in the area designated by the Gemeente. These are only required in Den Haag and Rotterdam. It is not required to apply for a rent reduction. Most dutch cities dont have these permits. The permit is suppose to be for housing that is priced as social sector but many landlord charge a Vrij Sector price anyway.
48: Telling Lewis hamilton I wanted to shag his ex-girlfriend. He got me back though..called me the 40 year old virgin
49: Donations only, if you need a number, say 10%...you do have to pay me if you withdraw the case prematurely. It might only be 25 euro but I dont think I should have pay because you changed your mind or cut a deal with the landlord
50: You can find your energy label here or here. Enter the address as "1234AB 9" into the searchbar where 1234AB is your postcode and 9 is housenumber
51: [info@rentbuster.nl](mailto:info@rentbuster.nl)
52: +31681261764 better to call me on whatsapp. I am usually free for calls up to 1am and prefer talking to texts
53: You can file your case here... you need DigiD and you need to be reasonably sure that the rent price is bustable. Usually the procedure you want is "Toetsing Aanvangshuurprijs". Be careful not to choose "Huurverlagen op grond van punten" by accident...this is for people who already lived there for a long time and have a social sector rental. Contact me if you arent sure. Again, be sure you know what you are doing when you file your case
54: These are the things you need to do when viewing an apartment you intend to bust (checklist)
55: Decker isnt a replicant.
56: You need to measure the apartment first and take at least three photos of the apartment: the hallway, the kitchen and the bathroom. IDeally you will also have the pdf of the points calculation. No point asking the landlord after you leave for access to the apartment to do this measurement
57: Jack shit....I cant build houses or change government policy. I dont lose any sleep at night thinking that what I am doing might be bad for the market. If what a lone irish man at his desk at 2am does can threaten a housing market, then it wasnt very robust to begin with. You assholes are just scapegoating tenants who stand up for themselves.
58: This link explains the woz cap
59: EL means energy label
60: Dogshit EL means a "Dogshit Energy label"
61: Dogshit means that the label is a simplified version from 2015 to 2020 that the landlord awarded himself with an "ABC guide on how to grossly inflate the energy efficiency of your property". The HC ignore these labels and give them zero points
62: Where you take a dump on someone's chest for sexual gratification
63: Yes you can ask for a rent reduction retroactively.
64: I am good, how are you?
65: Cant be sure but I think the government doesnt make it mandatory because they are afraid to piss off the landlord lobby who prob support them. Housing is a controversial issue and no one wants to get blamed for being the straw that finally broke the tenant's/landlord's back.
66: Police said that the body was desecrated, left with a 2 inch hole in the head, burnt, half eaten by wild jackals and when they found him, they could only identify him by his dental records....he went on to setup HuurPrijs Hulp
67: HC means Huurcommissie. I dont like having to type it out everytime.
68: The areas in red are the zones where a rental property MIGHT qualify for the +15% stadgezicht (conservation) bonus to the rent price. The landlord must prove he spent 10k or more making the out of the building look historical.
69: You've gotta shave the heads of your victims and pull the teeth out for the sake of the pig's digestion. You could do this afterwards of course, but you dont want to go sieving through pigs shits now do ya?
70: Adolf Hitler, Marcel van Hooijdonk and Ted Bundy, in that order.
71: Lost by a single point because the landlord installed a ballustrade on the balcony the day before the inspection, then claimed it was there for years. tried using satelitte photos to convince the commission that the landlord ripped it down years ago and never intended to replace it until the tenant started a case at which point the landlord claimed that the tenant always had access to the balcony. The lesson was clear: always get it in writing what you can and cannot do and what areas you have access to so the landlord can't backtrack later and add things to the points report that you never were given before.
72: 879 euro or 147 points is the liberalization border for 2024
73: 808 euro or 136points is the border from July 23 to december 23. The first half of the year uses a different calculation method.
  1. 768 euro or 142 points for 2022.
75: WOZ cap only came into effect in May 2022 so you wont be able to get your rent reduced as you signed your contract before then. Unfortunately your points score must include all 75 WOZ points.
76: Only if you have your own contract with the landlord. Room contracts are always considered social sector in this case and you can always bust them, even past the 6 month mark.
77: There is no such thing as certificates of ownership. Dont pay this person.
78: No, sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken
79: Use the template from the !woon website to get your deposit back
80: Use the template letter from the !woon website to get the illegal agency fees back
81: You can read all about that here on page x. I translated the HC Guide book into english
82: You are suppose to receive the service breakdown before July of each year
83: You can go back to 2021 with the service cost breakdown request.
84: He isnt suppose to make profit from that service costs advance
85: Unless you leave your radiators on all summer, 400 euro per month in GWE is too much.
86: Natalie. We kissed in front of the Effiel tower.
87: Her name is Maria. She is a life-sucking red-headed bitch from whom there is no escape.
88: Yes. You can definitely find a place to live in Amsterdam for under 700 euro. Dont listen to those landlord bootlicking Atlas Shrugged reading Libertarian dipshits... you do have to bust the place though...
89: Dont sign it. Its a group contract
90: One obvious sign is that they include "Expat" in the title of their business. Thats a major red flag for "I want to screw you and take all your money"
91: Just send me a PM.
92: Your mom...
93: Your sister..
94: Your mom with your sister...together.
95: Pararius and Funda are the two big websites you want to look at. Any Makelaar worth their salt will post their. Note that by the time at ad appear there, the viewing will likely be full. Go straight to the source: the makelaars website to respond to the ad faster than everyone else. Also try Hestia on telegram. Its like a free version of RentBird.
96: If its not there or its a dog shit label, you can be sure that the Landlord is gonna get one as soon as he figures it out that he can get it included later. Unfortunately the Supreme Court ruled that labels cannot be automatically excluded just because the landlord forgot to get one.
97: My Dutch is terrible...I have a very strong accent also...a west ireland accent is not compatible with any european language. I get by okay at the hearings though.
98: Not much. Turns out there isnt much money to be made in working for free. I work part time to support myself. I sustain myself on landlord tears.
99: You should consider making a deal. Landlords get nasty when things dont go their way. Not saying you cannot beat them but a little less money is worth it if it means a whole lot less stress.
100: It is never 100% accurate. The calculation I made is always gonna miss one or two things. Some ads are clearly overpriced which I can say with high confidence are bustable but some flirt with the liberalizatiegrens a little too much and are never more than 2-3pts away from the Vrij Sector, a gap the landlord will try very hard to close. I try to make it clear in the post if this is one of those borderline cases. The risk of moving into a place that you want to bust must stay with you....I can never offer guarantees of success.
101: Of course, you can play with my laser measuring tool!
submitted by Liquid_disc_of_shit to Rentbusters [link] [comments]

2024.03.15 17:01 Matty2233 [BB] BBRAN/Big Brother Random Season 1-Las Vegas (Season)

BBRAN Season 1-Las Vegas
Season- https://brantsteele.com/bigbrothetemplate/r.php?c=bgCGRkQL

Yusaku-Yusaku may be the first Yu-Gi-Oh! protagonist who is an anti-hero. He is not a bad person, but he can appear cold and apathetic. He is shown to be intelligent and clever, but also calculating, standoffish, reserved, and somewhat anti-social. He prefers to distance himself from others and doesn't usually interact with people. With a game to be played will he be able to overcome his challenges and win Big Brother? u/Potential-Stock8986

Kouta-Kota is an earnest and cheerful yet naïve and short-sighted young adult who wants to help others, but sometimes ends up causing more trouble than good. He is another one with quite a horrible past and life long trauma. But with a lot to fight for and a title of winner, can he show us what it takes to win Big Brother? u/Potential-Stock8986

Squiddly- Squiddly is an upbeat octopus who owns a music. Squiddly is very musically inclined, she's shown to have a very high intellect. She can sing and is very popular on social media. She owns a music store in Jellystone and likes starting fashion trends. With clear social skills and passion for music, does she have the skills to lie and scheme on Big Brother? u/Potential-Stock8986

Käärijä- Käärijä, is a Finnish rapper, singer and songwriter. He represented Finland in the Eurovision Song Contest 2023 with the song "Cha Cha Cha", placing second. He clearly has skill in what he does on stage. But does he have the skill to take on 13 other houseguests and win Big Brother? u/Username8888888_

Tito- Tito Dick is a very manipulative prick who who is always an asshole to his nephews and is overall a huge jerk. He might not be liked because of his manipulative tendencies but in Big Brother that could be his key to victory. u/Username8888888_

Jane- Jane is a confusing one to say the least, she has choices made in her life that constantly change things and must adapt to them. With a lot of people disliking her and a lot of people liking her. She may have a hard time or a easy time trying to win Big Brother! u/Username8888888_

Nala- Nala is the queen of the Pridelands within the African Savannah. She is a reserved and wise ruler, showing bits of persistence and even aggression if she ever feels it necessary to get her point across. She is loyal to those she trusts and will stick by them if she feels they are making the right choices, and is quite strong in both mental and physical challenges if ever required. But Is Nala gonna win Big Brother? u/LeapBlock

Cake- Cake is a chocolate piece of cake from the land of Goiky. He has a single father, and is very easily emotional, with a heavy reliance on his friends or family. He, however, wants to be able to learn how to compete and think for himself. With a legacy to begin, will he be able to beat the odds and win Big Brother? u/LeapBlock

Sydney- Sidney is a survivor of a cartoonish amount of multiple murder attempts by killers who disguise themselves as the infamous ‘Ghost Face'. Throughout all of her experiences, she has been able to prove her cunningness, strategic mind, and physical strength, making her well prepared for any fight she is up against. She is loyal, however, if suspicious, she will turn on the ones who wronged her if it benefits her or the people she’s loyal with. Her main problem however, is her threat level management, as once she starts proving her skills, there’s practically no stopping her. u/LeapBlock

Hunter- Hunter is known more as a liability to a lot of people. People also think he's not the brightest, but he actually hides that he's smart to avoid any suspicious activity. He joins these types of shows for one thing only and it's obvious what he wants... But will his wants, get in the way of him winning Big Brother? u/IdkWhatToDoHere-

Harold- Harold is a master prankster. but most of the time is caught. He mostly hangs out with his buddy George. And overall a funny guy. He's also here to stop anything as he also caused captain underpants to be created in the first place. Now he's here for the jokes and laughs... Will he entertain us all the way to the end? u/IdkWhatToDoHere-

Sabrina- Sabrina is an American singer and actress , She has been on eveything from Disney to comedies to selling out stadiums of people listening to her music. She is clearly successful at every corner... Will she be able to do the same on Big Brother? u/Ferro_LedStreet

Julia- At first glance, Julia is a serene, friendly and charming modern social media influencer. She exhibits excellent composure even in life-or-death situations. Julia conceals a hidden nature that is marked by rudeness, proving herself to be backstabbing, selfish, vicious, short-tempered and attention-seeking. With a huge personality and a urge to win... how will she last? u/Nahuelfire39

Amber- Amber is not your model rabbit nobility. Well, she is, but she also isn't. Socialite, intelligent, industrious, curious, she ticks all the boxes. Problem is, that last one - curious... Will this curious rabbit hop its way to a win or stumble out of the Big Brother house? u/BigTeddyBear20

Welcome to BBRAN Las Vegas! Where 14 people will be clashing it out in Las Vegas the home of luck and gambling and we got just the group to put to the test and experiment as they play the game and at the end of it only 1 of these fine houseguests will win 500,000$ and the title as winner of Big Brother.

Week 1-
The 14 houseguests enter the house, and all sit down in the living room and start introducing themselves. Sabrina gets a confessional a quick confessional talking about how crazy it's seeing a walking piece of cake with a face. The HoH suddenly starts with everyone running to the backyard. everyone gets on a pole and hold a kite in the air and keep themselves from crushing their sandcastles. Tito talks about how random the challenge was and says it was dumb as fuck. The winner is... Cake! Amber was super close, but Cake was used to weird challenges. After the challenge, everyone goes and starts packing, Yusaku tells Amber she did super good in the challenge and would like to work with her. Amber agrees and is willing to work with him. Kouta is quick to talk with Cake about making a final 2, Cake likes all the attention and agrees to it. The nomination ceremony begins, Cake nominates... Julia and Harold. Mostly because he gets bad vibes from Julia and Harold is too likeable. Harold instantly goes to who he feels closest too, which is Käärijä and Squiddly and he forms a alliance and calls it Bomb Squad! They agree to work with him and try and save him. Sydney has a confessional about how she is gonna try and find who the threats are... then take them all out.

The Veto challenge begins, The HoH, Nominees and Hunter, Amber and Kota chosen at random will compete for the PoV. They all walk out and see tons of random objects sectioned in numbers and all are told to remember them. We will ask a question about a item and give a number... If you think you know it. You can bet, if you don't or are the furthest. You are out. The winner is... Cake! Harold was super close but just didn't get it. Kota notices Jane and Nala talking after the challenge ends and tells Cake to follow. Kota offers a alliance and they all agree calling it In The Jungle. Squiddly quickly tries to gather votes to save Harold and people are considering her loyal. Tito is really getting annoyed by everyone and just can't quite fit in with the group. The Veto ceremony, begins and Cake doesn't use the veto. Hunter gets a confessional about how he wasn't expecting all these crazy contestants and can't really go in with the same strategy he had which was to be "The Player" like always. The live vote and eviction begins... and by a vote of 8 to 3. Julia, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house. Please grab your things, say goodbye and leave quickly. Julia leaves a little sad, that she couldn't get more time to stir the pot but leaves calmly.
Week 2 -
The Remaining 13 houseguests all are still getting along pretty well, nobody has caused drama yet... will that change on Big Brother? The HoH challenge is quickly shown beginning... The houseguests must grab a scoop of laundry detergent and bring it across a slippery floor to fill up a bowl and retrieve the ball will be the HoH. The winner is...Yusaku! Tito got 2nd because he fell right when he had the last scoop several times and is shown on a reloop falling. In confessional he calls the challenge bullshit and stupid again. Harold tells Yusaku that Jane is a bit weird and might have to go up. Yusaku is noticing several bigger targets he might want to take out. The nomination ceremony begins, Yasaku nominates... Harold and Kota. Mentioning that Cake was right, and Harold is too likeable and decent at challenges. Kota is clearly one of the biggest threats because he is in most people's ears. Kota is a bit upset that he is already considered a threat but just goes to his allies and begs. Amber tells Yusaku that he just made a big move and that might split the house up.

The Veto challenges begins The HoH, Nominees and Squiddly, Tito and Jane will compete. The houseguests must dig through mud to get ballots and bring them back to their station for a certain amount of points, the houseguest with the most will win. The winner is... Kota! Yusaku really wanted to win, so his nominees would stay they same. Squiddly is once again upset at Harold going up and is fighting just as hard to keep him in. Cake is a bit scared that he will go up as a replacement, Kota is kind of worried of the same thing. The veto ceremony begins, Kota uses it on himself and Yusaku puts Jane up mentioning how Harold called her creepy trying to paint a target on his back. Sabrina is a bit shocked at how crazy everyone is playing and is glad to be in the middle of it all. Nala is trying to campain for Jane to stay because she is her closest ally. The live vote and eviction begins, by a vote of 8 to 2. Harold, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house. Please grab your things, say goodbyes and leave quickly. He leaves kind of annoyed but understands that he got played and leaves. Harold wishes he hadn't been up against Jane who wasn't really doing much, or he might have survived.
Week 3 -
With a big personality gone and several people making huge moves, 12 people remaining and 1 more has to go... Find out who on Big Brother! The HoH challenge begins, Everyone will roll under a wooden pole into syrup and find donuts, when they do. They will bring them back into their side and win the HoH. Several people get stuck in the syrup and making awful noises and Tito is constantly cussing, Cake is kind of enjoying it and The animals are getting through good. Sabrina finds all the hard spots and wins HoH. After last week Kota tries to talk to everyone and prove he is just gonna be loyal. Sabrina doesn't have many connections, so she decides if she wants to play safe or take a threat out. The HoH Ceremony Begins, Tito and Cake. She sees Cake as a clear threat at challenges and Tito is just getting annoying. Yusaku tells Sabrina if someone comes off then Squiddly should go off, she is giving him bad vibes. Sabrina says she will consider it. Yusaku soonly goes and talks to Squiddly just incase the worst case comes. They end up bonding and Yusaku feels a little guilty but he knows it's only a game.

The Veto challenges begins, The HoH, nominees and Nala, Jane and Squiddly will compete for this. The are in a poker table and they are given a truth and lie token and the people will take turns trying to pick the truth tellers from the liars. If you guess a liar is true, you lose a point if you are correct, you gain a point. The winner is... Squiddly! Sabrina was close but didn't wanna become too much of a threat. Squiddly tells Käärijä that she is gonna use the veto on Cake and he agrees that it's a good idea. The Veto ceremony begins, Squiddly uses the Veto on Cake and Sabrina replaced him with...Käärijä! Squiddly is shocked but still thinks Tito is going. Hunter trust Kota and tells him that he really dislikes all the weirdo's in the house... Like a peice of cake or a rabbit... Kota tells him that he should be quiet trying to be kind. Hunter didn't like that and continues, Amber hears him and goes and tells Yasaku. The live vote and evictio begins, by a vote of... 7 to 2. Tito, you have evicted from the Big Brother house. Please grab your things, say goodbye and leave quickly. The grabs his bags and leaves the house without saying a word. Everyone feels a bit tense. Tito tells everyone on the show they can fuck themselves!
Week 4 -
The 11 remaining houseguests are still tense after last vote and many people having targets on their back, find out who leaves next on BIG BROTHER! everyone heads into the backyard for the HoH challenge and their are disco balls hanging from the ceiling, everyone will hold on to them while they spin, last one standing wins HoH. Cake tries to act like these challenges are hard and throws it. The winner is Hunter! Kota just about to win but gets thrown off. Cake realizes how big of a threat Hunter is and declares him as his next target. The Hoh ceremony begins, Hunter nominates Nala and Amber because of his dislike towards them. Sydney has been voted to do a task and win a cash prize. She has to do a puzzle in under a minute and completes it getting everyone 2,000$! Yusaku tells everyone that voting Amber would be a bad idea.

The Veto challenge begins, Kota, Sabrina and Squiddly where chosen randomly to compete with the HoH and Nominees. There are food items inside of a bowl of slime, they must dig it out and put them on a menu board. The person with the best menu board will win the Veto. The winner is...Squiddly! Nala just about to win but doesn't have as good of food items. Cake is considering voting Nala if he has too because he has a decent connection with both. Sydney has a confessional about how several people like Käärijä and Jane are barely talking and kind of confused. The veto ceremony begins and Squiddly doesn't use the veto, not want Käärijä to go up again. Amber and Nala both have last minute scrambles for votes. The live vote and eviction begins... by a vote of 5 to 3. Amber you have been evicted from the Big Brother house. Please grab your things, say goodbye and leave quickly. Yusaku is a bit shocked but mainly sad to see his ally go so soon. Amber kindly hugs everyone and leaves the house.
Week 5 -
With 10 people remaining and people being blindsided by last vote. How will everyone get along this week in Big Brother? Everyone heads to the backyard for the HoH, They must go into a tub of water and slowly get disgusting things poured on them and last person standing wins. Yusaku denies to do it and sits out over on the side without ever getting in the tub, bitter about last vote. The winner is... Jane! Sydney trying to win but didn't wanna ruin her hair forever with certain items so doesn't win. Jane talks about how she was laying low and really only talked to her alliance as in Kota, Nala and Cake. The Nomination ceremony begins, Jane nominates Hunter and Yusaku. One for being a obvious threat and not really the nicest. One for not attempting the HoH challenge. Squiddly is starting to find her ally Käärijä creepy because of how energetic he is.

The Veto challenge begins, Kota, Sydney and Nala are chosen to compete in the veto with the Hoh and Nominees. the challenge begins One at a time everybody will be put on a chair and must decide which 2 faces are being morphed into 1. The faces will be of houseguests. THe winner is...Yusaku! Hunter just getting 1 wrong and losing it. Yusaku tells everyone to suck it after calling him a quitter and Nala makes a bad joking revolving that. Everyone is kind of concerned and walks away from the awkwardness. The veto ceremony begins, Yusaku saves himself and Jane replaces him with...Käärijä. Claiming that he is a clearly likeable person and a very big personality. Squiddly wont give up on her ally even though he is a bit weird and energetic. Hunter tries to get people to vote for him to stay. The live vote and eviction begins, by a vote of... 5 to 2. Hunter you have been evicted from the Big brother house. Please grab your things, say goodbye and leave quickly. He leaves without saying bye to anyone but people are not as tense this time.
Week 6 -
With the Jury starting and only having a single digit number of players, how will things heat up in the Big Brother house. The HoH challenge begins, everyone walks out into the backyard, There is a balance beam across from each contestant is 6 kegs, they must balance and carry around 25% of their body weight to keep it fair. The winner is...Kota! Yasuka almost wins but Kota is a bit faster to the catch. Sabrina tries to paint a big target on peoples back by making a sign that says, "Kota is a snake and has 2 alliances, I am in" and posts it in the bathroom, so eventually someone is gonna see it. Kota notices it... but it doesn't affect his nominees. At the nomination ceremony, Kota nominates...Yusaku and Sabrina mostly for being big threats. Nala loses trust in her alliance after the stuff about Kota being leaked and leaves their alliance.

The Veto challenge begins, Cake, Sydney and Squiddly are chosen by random to compete with the HoH and Nominees. Everyone must race across pond with lily pads but... your feet are gonna be tied together. Cake pretends to instantly fall and everyone gets a laugh out of it. The winner is...Squiddly for the 3rd time! Sydney was close but Squiddly was pretty dominant. Jane and Cake are kind of being seen together a lot and it's painting them as a duo or final 2 to everyone. The veto ceremony begins, Squiddly doesn't use the veto claiming they are both threats and good luck. Sydney talks about how Käärijä doesn't seem trustworthy just by how much he talks to everyone. The live vote and eviction begins, by a vote of... 4 to 2. Sabrina, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house. Please grab your things, say goodbye and leave quickly. She tells everyone that she wrote the note that was outside the stall, and it was true and the alliance contains Ice cream and Jane probably too then leaves. Everyone is quite literally speechless, several people trying to do damage control.
Week 7 -
With a threat out and a big personality off the board and people being exposed... with only 8 people... there is no where to hide. What will happen this week on Big Brother!? The HoH challenge begins, everyone heads to the backyard. Everyone will be held at a 20 foot ledge and will have to sit their and hold themselves up, once they lose grip, they will drop about 15 feet. Käärijä tells everyone he is afraid of heights and instantly bows out of this challenge. Squiddly mention how exicting some of the challenges. The winner is...Yusaku! Sydney getting 2nd again and tries to act like it doesn't hurt. Käärijä and Nala both tell Yusaku that the other would be a good nominee. Yusaku has a good idea on who he wants to put up. The nomination ceremony begins, Yusaku nominates... Kota and Nala. Käärijä is pretty happy that his word was listened to. Yusaku mentions how Kota put him up and Nala is a good pawn. Squiddly stops worrying about others this season and finally wants to worry about herself making it to the end and winning, meaning she leaves Käärijä alone.

The Veto challenge begins, OTEV is a classic on American Big Brother and we had to replicate it, Sydney, Squiddly and Jane, HoH and Nominees are competing and everyone will sit on wheel. On Go... Otev will spin the wheel beneath you and you will have to go find and grab the item that is asked for. Last one to make it or if it's wrong, you are out...Squiddly and Jane are in the last 2 and they are asked for a pair of teeth and go out and Jane brings it back and wins the Veto. Jane is given a confessional talking about how she only wins when needed. She needs to save a ally and not get renominated, so she pulls through and wins the veto. The veto ceremony begins, Jane says Kota because of the rumors that are going around and doesn't wanna seem like a snake. Yusaku replaces him with... Käärijä. Yusaku mentioning that they were after eachother and it's only fit. Nala takes some time in these next few days to collect herself and ends up crying because of the stress and paranoia.The live vote and eviction begins, by a vote of... 3 to 2. Nala, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house. Please grab your things, say goodbye and leave quickly. She gives everyone a hug and leaves in a better mood than earlier getting to finally be out of that house.
Week 8 -
With a lucky number of houseguests left and a queen leaving the house, how will the rest play of them do...Find out on Big Brother! The HoH begins, Everyone will be asked a true of false question, if you answer right, you get a point and if you don't get it right. Then you will get no points, The winner is...Käärijä! Squiddly just getting 2nd trying to beat her former ally but just loses. Käärijä has a confessional about finally having power and is ready to make a big move. The nomination ceremony begins, Sydney and Squiddly calling Sydney a pawn and Squiddly a threat... nothing personal. Yasaku wants to take all the floaters out so he isn't unreasonable to keep in.

The Veto challenge begins, Everyone heads into the backyard, Kota, Yasuka and Cake as well as HoH and Nominees will compete... There is a tower of 8 faces of the voted out houseguests, the person to get the eviction order and climb their tower and grab the key will win the HoH. The winner is...Kota! Cake getting 2nd but didn't pay too much attention. Yasuka puts on a peice of paper in the kitchen that says "Sydney was apart of it" and everyone sees it and starts pointing fingers. The veto ceremony begins Kota, saves Sydney not liking that she was getting outed and is replace with Jane. Käärijä has a small push to tell everyone to vote Squiddly but didn't really need it, as Jane is in a alliance. The live vote and eviction beings, by a vote of... 2 to 2... we have a tie. Käärijä please stand and choose to evict 1 of the Nominees. He chooses to evict his previous ally and new rival. Squiddly, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house. Please grab your things, say goodbye and leave quickly. She doens't hug everyone but thanks them and tells them good luck before leaving.
Week 9 -
More than halfway through the game and these 6 players are ready to continue on day 64 in the Big Brother house. The HoH challenge begins, Everyone will sit on a mechanical bull and it will go on and last one standing... but of course... that aint it. You are gonna be going right into Fish sauce, I know yummy! The winner is Yusaku determined to not get dirty, Cake was okay with getting dirty and ends up giving in and falling in and making a soy sauce cake. Sydney is getting super angry that she can't win a challenge and is noticably not happy. Yusaku doesn't wanna get rid of Sydney and would rather go for threats. The HoH ceremony begin and... Jane Kota is nominated. Cake gets a confessional about being worried that he could be a replacement nominee.

The Veto challenge begins, Everyone will compete this time because of the lack of people. Everyone will start on different colored planets and must glide to the middle, grab the color assorted peices and put them together and the first person to do so wins the Veto. The winner is...Jane! Yusaku was super close but now worries about a replacement nominee... Sydney gets overheated by being last, Kota starts talking about being close and Sydney is mocking him visibly and Kota is a bit annoyed, Sydney ends up calling him annoying and Kota leaves and hopes that gets her put on the block. The veto ceremony begins, Jane uses the veto on herself, and the replacement is...Käärijä! Yusaku Thinking he is a big enough threat to go and would probably be happy to see the Jury. Jane is seeing a lot of liability from Sydney and doesn't wanna work with her anymore. The live vote and eviction begins and by a vote of...2 to 1. Käärijä, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house. Please grab your things, say goodbye and leave quickly. Käärija hugs people and wishes them all luck before leaving the house.
Week 10 -
With a huge threat gone and only 5 people remaining in this huge house... who will leave it next? Find out on Big Brother!!! The HoH begins, everyone has a mirror and using the mirror, you must direct a ball out of a maze behind you. Once done... break the mirror and you win HoH. The winner is...Sydney! Kota gets 2nd not being able to do the maze quick enough. Cake and Kota are seen hanging out all the time. The Nomination ceremony begins, Sydney nominates Jane and Cake. Cake is too much of a social threat entirely... and Jane has done amazing in challenges to save herself. Kota wants to win so he can make sure that his plan happens tonight

The Veto challenge begins, Everyone walks out and sees a stock market. The challenge is to count the items and get the price for them and then do math when asked certain questions about. If you answer 1st you get a point, person wtih the most wins. The winner is...Kota! Yusaku realizes that he just probably lost the game and gets a bit morally defeated, The Veto ceremony begins expecting him to use it on Cake and he doesn't use it. Yusaku is so happy and everyone else is shocked... Kota tries to reamend both relationships in case the worst happens. The live vote and eviction begins, by a vote of... 1 to 1 we have a tie. Sydney please stand and evict 1 of the Nominees. She chooses...Cake! saying he is too good. Cake, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house, please pack your things, say goodbye and leave quickly. He has a good laugh with everyone and hugs them before leaving.

Week 11 -
What will the remaining 4 houseguest do now... all of these players are legends now. Find out who goes home next on Big Brother!!!! The HoH begins, we are gonna do a previous challenge and ask questions before and after questions about house events and then reveal and the person with the most correct answers win. The winner is...Kota! Alliances are kind of over this late in the game and everyone has deals with everyone... it just matters who wins the Veto and who makes the decision. The Nomination ceremony begins, Kota nominates Yusaku and Sydney. Jane is super glad she got through last vote and is planning on staying even more quiet because she is the lowest threat right now and wants to keep it that way for right now.

The Veto begins, everyone heads out into the backyard and see a black box, everyone is gonna be given a small light sorce and must hold it against a wall and once you find the word Veto on the wall, you win! The person who finds it is...Kota! as he solidifies that. He feels glad that he got to control the week. Sydney goes up to him explaining how she needs the money to get her family and friends all safety and somewhere a killer couldn't get them and starts crying to add on to it, Kota feels bad and agreesto help her out. The veto ceremony begins and Kota uses the veto on Sydney and replace her with Jane. Sydney is in confessional shocked that it worked and is calling Kota a fool for ever giving her the power but is scared she can't beat Yusaku and Kota in the final 3 or 2. The Live vote and eviction begins, Sydney please stand and vote for 1 of the Nominees to leave again. She chooses... Yusaku. Yusaku, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house. Please grab your things, say goodbye and leave quickly. Yusaku kindly congratulates them on final 3 and leaves the house.

The Final 3 -
Who will win the Final HoH and who will declare who sits next to them in the BIG BROTHER FINALE!!! Everyone is a bit scared for the final challenges in this game, Jane... the quiet and sneaky type player who was always behind the scenes but never in front of the light. Kota... has been pulling most the strategic game this season and with 6 challenge wins coming in the final 3, he is clearly a threat to win. Sydney... She didn't get her footing in the first half of the game but has had a strong second half coming off with a lot of personality and eventually winning a challenge.

The 1st challenge begins of the night, Everyone heads out and sees fishing hooks going up and down. Everyone must hold on and show their endurance to win the first half. Sydney falls first because she doesn't think she stands a chance against Kota but Jane stays and fights eventually Kota gets to nauseous and gets off the hook making Jane the winner!!! Everyone heads back in and congratulate Jane and get ready for the next challenge.

The 2nd challenge begins, This is a puzzle/memory challenge, you must remember all the final nominees in a week and who was gone. Once you have gotten all of that right. You will move onto the 3rd challenge and fight to be the final HoH. Kota gets a good start remember most of the people he voted out and blindsided but ends up failing at the end to which Sydney copies his first part and finishes the 2nd part. Making Sydney the winner of the challenge. Kota congratulates her but is secretly screaming in his head right now.

The 3rd challenge begins, This challenge is about knowing the jury members... they will be asked 5 questions and you will guess who answers, if you are correct. You get a point. person with the most points win the final HoH. Jane scores point 1 about Cake being on another show. Sydney scores point 2 about Sabrina being a actor, Sydney gets point 3 about Käärija being on eurovision and Sydney scores point 4 for guessing that Squiddly made music before Jane and Sydney is the Final HoH!

Kota and Jane both spend their night trying to convince Sydney to bring them, The live vote and eviction begins... Sydney stands for the 3rd night in a row and decides who leaves the house. She chooses... Jane to be evicted mentioning that they barely talked.

The Finale -
Both of the finalist stand before the Jury and are asked to give speeches

Kota- I deserve to win because I performed better on the challenges, I won 6 overall challenges, I had a better social game, and I survived despite being nominated 4 times.
I controlled most the social game and made the best moves I could make, People started spreading papers around me and nobody believed them, that is how good I was at playing this game.

Sydney-I deserve to win because I played a more loyal game, I had a better strategic game, and I did not receive a vote the entire game. Sydney mentions that the same thing happened to her and people spread rumors about her. She mentioned that acting and being a survivor naturally came into major use here and is glad she played the way she did.

The Jury all ask their questions respectfully and then all sit back down and go and cast their votes for a winner.

Sabrina's Vote-Sydney
Nala's Vote-Kota
Squiddly's Vote-Sydney
Käärijä's Vote-Kota
Cake's Vote-Kota
Yusaku's Vote-Kota
Jane's Vote-Kota

Winner -Kota
Runner-Up -Sydney
Fan Favorite -Käärijä
Comments Favorite (To Be Decided)
Host Favorite -Sabrina
Player Of The Season -Kota
Most Robbed -Jane
Biggest Hero -Squiddly
Biggest villain -Yusaku
Biggest Underdog -Yusaku
Most Entertaining -Cake
Best Duo -Cake and Kota

All Stars -Kota, Sydney, Yusaku, Squiddly
Other Returning Seasons -Sabrina, Cake, Jane, Käärijä, Harold and Amber

My Thoughts- This season was very good, gave me a lot to work with writing wise, not going to act like my writing is top tier because it sucked this time around but I tried my best. Give any tips to me, I take criticism pretty calmly. I really enjoyed the winner, probably 1 of the most dominant winners I have have written ever and everyone carried their weight. Have a good day!!! =))

Also vote for a Favorite and this will be edited and the Comments favorite will be decided
submitted by Matty2233 to BrantSteele [link] [comments]

2024.03.14 21:56 Successful-Stick7306 Beware: Nightmarish Customer Support (NSF Rent Payment)

Long story short: If you don't run into problems, then the card is otherwise great. However, your rent payment is important and the consequences of it not working as expected can be high. Think about trusting that to a company that has no phone support and relies on robots to do most the work.
Here's my story:
I got the card to pay my rent and at first all was as expected. I get a confirmation from Wells Fargo, a hold was put on the card, and my property management confirmed rent was processing - all normal.
Days later, the payment declines and my landlord treats it as an bounced check. This is serious - if you read the terms of most leases, that subjects you to NSF fees, late fees that are a percentage of your rent, they can accelerate your rent for the lease duration, and in the worst case eviction if your landlord wants to choose that option.
In my case, I got hit with a hefty NSF fee. I would think it's reasonable to expect BILT to take some responsibility when the product is not working as advertised.
Guess what customer supports looks like and what BILT will do for you?
Well, you won't be able to reach them on phone, live chat is a robot, and you can't actually start a DM with BILT on reddit despite them replying on every thread.
Email support gives you templated responses and bounces across different people. They direct you to deal with it through Wells Fargo and your property manager.
The property manager tells you they're charged by the bank and they just forward the fee. Wells Fargo tells you the fee is levied by the management company and they have written instructions to deal with rent payment through BILT, so they send you to email support.
After many hours, of getting tired of being bounced around, BILT email support will leave you holding the bag because all of this is out of their control and refuse to do anything.
Update: BILT reached out over reddit and escalated the case to their team. Someone quickly reached out over email and offered to reimburse the fee.
Also wanted to share some tips I learned to help avoid this experience. If it's your first rent payment, it could be worth calling Wells Fargo to make sure they don't block it. Also, don't lock the card at anytime between the payment posting until things fully settle.
submitted by Successful-Stick7306 to biltrewards [link] [comments]
