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2024.06.05 16:42 Own-Inflation-1990 Soul core recommendations

Soul core recommendations
These are my current soul cores/guardian spirits and stats, any recommendations on if I should change certain spirits/soul cores?
submitted by Own-Inflation-1990 to Nioh [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:41 _dsco_ Budget: ≤ $1,000 Country: U.S. Request: Laptop for University


submitted by _dsco_ to SuggestALaptop [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:41 AutoModerator ADCC / CJI Drama Megathread #5: or, The JawCrank Redemption. Only news about the events as top-level posts. Everything else goes here.

This thread is for:
News about ADCC/CJI are still allowed as top-level posts. All other stuff goes in this thread. We understand that the line between speculation and news can sometimes be blurry, but we don't want to put everything into a megathread unless we have to. So for now, this will be our approach.
What is going on with ADCC / CJI?
ADCC is arguably the most prestigious no-gi tournament in the world. B-Team instructor Craig Jones has been vocal about low pay for ADCC (see payout structure).
This year, Craig has announced the Craig Jones Invitational (CJI), which plans to pay each fighter $10k to participate and $1 million for the winner of each bracket. CJI is also scheduled to go head-to-head with ADCC in the same city on overlapping days: CJI on 8/16-17 and ADCC on 8/17-18. Craig believes the income for big tournaments should be spent on fighter pay, not production value or more expensive venues (link). His anonymous sponsor may provide funding for future years if successful (link). There are superfights on the CJI card as well; Craig is looking for separate sponsors for those fighters.
A number of fighters who were signed up for ADCC have already jumped ship to CJI, including Ffion Davies, William Tackett, Nicky Ryan, Nick Rodriguez, Jozef Chen, Mason Fowler, UFC fighter Luke Rockhold, and Lucas "Hulk" Barbosa.
Other athletes have been invited to fill in for now-vacant ADCC spots. No official news yet on Gordon Ryan's plans. Currently it is understood that he is in the ADCC superfight against Yuri Simoes.
Recent developments
Previous Megathreads: #1 #2 #3 #4
Comments automatically sorted by new!
submitted by AutoModerator to bjj [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:40 ZaRealPancakes Endgame, but lots of missing info!

Hello All,
So I need your help the clearing the game page shows 2 possible ending. Defeat Heir or Share Wisdom. Which one is recommended it do first? I'm assuming I can do both after finishing one of them is that right?
My stats are golden: - Att: 5 - Def: 5 - Potion: 4 - HP: 6 - SP: 3 - MP: 4 - Well Coins: 10
Is this good enough for the heir? if possible I would love to raise SP 1 level if you can give me hint where to find one. Also I don't get the power ups the coin give you... Especially one with fire sword.
I'm a little confused about the guide image page shows:
I still don't know:
Also I cleaned the leaves in a room in eastern forest got a golden trophy or smth but it didn't show in my inventory.
submitted by ZaRealPancakes to TunicGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:40 No_Pickle_7147 Top Well Health Tips in Hindi wellhealth for a Well-Balanced Life

Maintaining good health is essential for a happy and productive life. In today’s fast-paced world, it can be challenging to prioritize health, but making small, manageable changes can lead to significant improvements. Here are some well-rounded health tips to help you achieve a balanced and healthy lifestyle.
1. Eat a Balanced Diet
A balanced diet is crucial for overall well-being. Include a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats in your meals. Eating a rainbow of fruits and vegetables ensures you get a wide range of nutrients. Avoid processed foods, sugary snacks, and excessive amounts of red meat. Instead, opt for foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
2. Stay Hydrated
Water is vital for your body’s functions, including digestion, circulation, and temperature regulation. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water a day. If you find plain water boring, try adding a slice of lemon, cucumber, or a few mint leaves for a refreshing twist. Herbal teas and coconut water are also good options for staying hydrated.
3. Exercise Regularly
Physical activity is essential for maintaining a healthy weight, improving cardiovascular health, and boosting your mood. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week. This can include activities like walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, or even dancing. Find an activity you enjoy, as it will be easier to stick with it.
4. Get Enough Sleep
Quality sleep is crucial for your physical and mental health. Adults should aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Establish a regular sleep schedule by going to bed and waking up at the same time each day, even on weekends. Create a relaxing bedtime routine, avoid screens before bed, and make sure your sleeping environment is comfortable and dark.
5. Manage Stress
Chronic stress can negatively impact your health, leading to issues like high blood pressure, heart disease, and depression. Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as practicing mindfulness, meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga. Taking time for hobbies, spending time with loved ones, and getting regular physical activity can also help reduce stress levels.
6. Maintain Social Connections
Strong social connections are important for your mental and emotional well-being. Spend time with family and friends, join clubs or groups with similar interests, and make an effort to meet new people. Social interactions can provide support, increase feelings of happiness, and help you live a longer, healthier life.
7. Avoid Harmful Habits
Avoid smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and recreational drug use. These habits can lead to severe health issues, including cancer, liver disease, and respiratory problems. If you need help quitting, seek support from healthcare professionals, support groups, or counseling services.
8. Regular Health Check-ups
Regular check-ups with your healthcare provider are essential for early detection and prevention of health issues. Schedule annual physical exams, dental check-ups, and screenings for conditions like high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, and certain cancers. Stay up-to-date with vaccinations and follow your doctor’s recommendations for maintaining good health.
9. Practice Good Hygiene
Good hygiene practices, such as regular handwashing, can prevent the spread of illnesses. Brush and floss your teeth twice a day, shower regularly, and keep your living environment clean. Good hygiene is a simple yet effective way to protect your health.
10. Listen to Your Body
Pay attention to your body’s signals and respond appropriately. If you feel tired, rest. If you are hungry, eat nutritious food. If something doesn’t feel right, consult a healthcare professional. Listening to your body can help you maintain balance and avoid burnout.
Incorporating these health tips into your daily routine can lead to a more balanced and healthier life. Remember, small changes can make a big difference, and it’s never too late to start prioritizing your health. Stay motivated, be consistent, and enjoy the journey to better health and well-being.
submitted by No_Pickle_7147 to u/No_Pickle_7147 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:40 Slipknot_lover1966 My room

My room
I feel trapped in this tiny room and my dad has the two big rooms 1 of he never uses and as a bonus i have no friends to hang out with or talk to and my job makes me feel empty any advice or help is appreciated
submitted by Slipknot_lover1966 to femalelivingspace [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:38 According_Top_1475 Second card input for 21 year old with minimal spending

Hi! I currently have a Discover It card that I lightly use because I want to keep my utilization low (2% is what it is averaged to) but want to open a second card to help build my score/allow me to get more rewards for money I am spending. I am fortunate to not have many expenses while in college and probably spend $150 a month on groceries, $75 on gas, and an incidental amount on miscellaneous things. My FICO score has been sitting at 771 since January and I opened my card 1 year and 2 months ago. I am going into my senior year of college so anticipate my spending will go up soon once I graduate and have real expenses. I am thinking about Citi Custom Cash card or Citi Double Cash card, but also on the fence if Amex Blue Cash Everyday card. I doubt I will hit the spending requirements to get welcome bonuses so that is not much of a factor relevant to me. I am open to any input on these cards/others I should consider that you think I could get approved for, I just do not want an annual fee. Thanks in advance!
submitted by According_Top_1475 to CreditCards [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:38 Ottobawt Nova 3 Helmet users: fitment? ear protection? audio/music upgrade?

I bought a used nova 3 setup, everything works, however, I can't really say it fits remarkably.
The adjustable head strap doesn't make sense to me, can't easily adjust it, and if usefully snug, then very tricky getting the helmet on.
The ear pads are comfortable, but it seems odd how much dang sound the helmet lets in, ear plugs are mandatory even when it's just me and the whip in my container. I'm wondering if trying a different size ear pad would help?
I've noticed they offer a communication audio product for the helmet, but I lack quite a bit of faith that it can be heard while blasting, based on my experience so far; I'm also desperate to be able to listen to music/podcasts clearly while blasting. I'm wondering if anyone can share their experiences, have a solution?
Overall, seems like a good helmet for the job, just odd weak points for a 1.5k plastic hat.... like... entry level motorcycle helmets have waaay more going on at a fraction of the cost(supply and demand sure)... but ya know what I mean?
submitted by Ottobawt to Sandblasting [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:38 whodeeekneefoo [pc] Another roll on the railway rifle what’s this one worth?

[pc] Another roll on the railway rifle what’s this one worth?
Let me know
submitted by whodeeekneefoo to Fallout76Marketplace [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:35 LastConsideration948 Is it worth it do max out bard?

Is it worth it do max out bard?
And what talents should I use if it is?
submitted by LastConsideration948 to RushRoyale [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:33 Witney06 Hacker problem!

As the same with many others, my account was reset to 1! Lost all skins, levels, etc. you get the gist of it! Just looking to see if there’s anyone who could just put me back to prestige 2 - level 52! This is on Xbox btw, if any help, that would be greatly appreciated! Hackers gamertag: OGSMOKEYOG12 (not sure if he’s a common one)
submitted by Witney06 to mw3 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:33 nyckidd Ukraine Weekly Update #37: Russian Advances, Russian Setbacks

Ukraine Weekly Update #37: Russian Advances, Russian Setbacks
I'm back from my vacation (which was awesome). Highly recommend Buenos Aires and Santiago de Chile if anyone else is thinking about travelling to South America. Doing this today because I'm not going to be at my computer tomorrow and can't do it on my phone.
I am not an expert on this in that my education did not directly relate to studying Ukraine, but I have been following this conflict since 2014. While I try my best to only post valid information, take everything you read here with a grain of salt.
Why is US military aid to Ukraine Important?
  • Establishing the precedent that nations can take territory by force once more is dangerous for the whole world, particularly when it comes to China and Taiwan.
  • Russia specifically poses a credible threat to the NATO alliance, especially if NATO is perceived as weak and not unified. Part of the point of the war is Russia testing the United States to see how far it will go to defend European countries.
  • The aid we've provided so far is a tiny percentage of our total military budget. Much of what we've given is obsolete equipment by our standards that would cost money for us to hold on to or destroy.
  • The war has shown how much more effective our military equipment is than Russia's creating demand for our equipment all around the world, benefitting the US economy and the our global standing. Much of the aid money dedicated to new production has also been spent in the US, further stimulating our economy.
Maps (keep in mind that almost two weeks have passed, so changes may seem larger):
Kharkiv two weeks ago:
Kharkiv this week:
  • No changes here. This offensive has quickly turned into an abject failure, helping Ukraine much more than Russia. Ukraine already had to staff this border with some troops before, while Russia did not. Now Russia has to divert crucial troops to a sector that has no chance of success. And because of this attack, Ukraine has been given the greenlight to attack Russian troops across the border using American weapons. They've already destroyed a convoy or two within Russia.
Kupiansk two weeks ago:
Kupiansk this week:
  • Very small advance by Russians here.
Kreminna two weeks ago:
Kreminna this week:
  • No changes.
Chasiv Yar two weeks ago:
Chasiv Yar this week:
  • Small Russian advance into Klishchiivka, otherwise the front here is stable. Ukraine has been defending this area very strongly, and the Russians have been taking heavy manpower and vehicle losses here.
Ocheretyne two weeks ago:
Ocheretyne this week:
  • Significant Russian advance here along the Netailove-Karlivka road here. They also expanded their salient outside of Ocheretyne. If we see a similar level of movement next week, I'll be concerned about an operationally significant advance.
Marinka (bringing it back because Russians have taken ground here, this map is from 5.16):
Marinka this week:
  • Heavy battles are ongoing around Krasnohorivka, and the Russians have advanced into the town.
Robotyne two weeks ago:
Robotyne this week:
  • Russia has made a significant reduction in the Robotyne salient.
Events of the past two weeks:
  • The Ukrainian strike campaign against advanced Russian air defense systems continues to gain steam. It's hard to directly quantify the losses because the radars are the most important part of the system, so even the loss of just one or two radars can make a system practically useless, and they are extremely expensive and difficult to replace. There are also many different types of S-300/350/400 systems, though they all play a similar role. But they've destroyed about 14 launchers and 3 radars from the most advanced S-400 systems so far, which is a significant number of the total Russia has. ATACMS and GMLRS with cluster warheads have played a big role in these strikes.
  • Ukraine has also been conducting a strike campaign against advanced Russian early warning radars, destroying several of these very expensive and difficult to replace systems in the past few weeks. While this campaign is important for shaping the ground for Ukrainian F-16s, it is also dangerous as these radar sites are an important part of Russia's network for detecting ICBM launches, and degrading that capability could make Russia more likely to accidentally respond to a false positive launch.
  • Russia struck a supermarket in Ukraine with no military value whatsoever with precision missiles, killing civilians and injuring many more. This is what it looks like when a state is intent on committing war crimes as a method of war.
  • In other war crime news, Russia returned 75 Ukrainian POWs, who, like many other Ukrainian POWs, showed very clear signs of mistreatment, malnutrition, and torture. Russia violates the Geneva convention constantly, and this is one of the worst examples. Meanwhile, most Russian POWs taken by Ukraine are treated humanely and even get to call their parents. This is how you can tell the good guys from the bad guys.
  • A member of the Polish government stated the he had knowledge that the US had told Russia any use of nuclear weapons would result in overwhelming conventional strikes against Russian positions in Ukraine. Reports also came out that the leaders of China and India, both nominally friendly to Russia, have told Putin that the use of nuclear weapons constitutes a firm red line.
  • Rumors are spreading that Russian purges will continue. 5 senior officers have been arrested so far, and it's possible that dozens more will be soon.
  • Ukraine has demonstrated a new capability of air-to-air FPV strike drones that can hunt down other drones. This is a big development, as Russian reconnaissance drones in particular have proven to be huge enablers, and their low cost and ubiquity makes it hard to justify using expensive AD missiles on them. Blowing them up with cheap FPV drones is a much more effective strategy.
  • France and Ukraine have signed a deal to have French troops train Ukrainians within the country. This is the first time NATO troops have publicly been authorized to work in Ukraine, and represents a big development. Hopefully other countries will follow. If any of these French trainers end up getting killed by Russian strikes, that would be a dangerous development, however. Maybe NATO will provide air cover for the areas where French troops are training Ukrainians.
  • Spain announced a new 1 billion Euro aid package that includes more desperately needed Patriot missiles and refurbished Leopard 2A4 tanks.
  • Sweden announced a big new package for Ukraine that crucially includes an AWACS radar surveillance plane and AMRAAM missiles for F-16 fighters. Sweden also said it had no problems with Ukraine using Swedish weapons to strike targets in Russia.
  • Zelenskyy stated that Russia is now hitting Ukraine with up to 3,000 guided bombs per month.
Oryx Numbers (remember to divide additions by two this week):
  • Total Russian vehicle losses: 16,129 (+184)
  • Russian tank losses: 3,054 (+25)
  • Russian IFV losses: 4,081 (+59)
  • Russian SPG losses: 748 (+7)
  • Russian SAM losses: 242 (+8)
  • Russian Naval losses: 26 (+2)
  • Russian Aircraft losses: 114 (+1)
  • Total Ukrainian vehicle losses: 5,852 (+50)
  • Ukrainian tank losses: 839 (+11)
  • Ukrainian IFV losses: 924 (+7)
  • Ukrainian SPG losses: 351 (+8)
  • Ukrainian SAM losses: 154 (+2)
Kind of surprised to see lower than average losses on both sides the past two weeks, since the fighting has seemed very bad, with the exception of Russian SAMs, which have taken heavier losses than we've ever seen before.
Predictions (please don't take these too seriously):
Note, all predictions are now targeted towards August 1st 2024, unless otherwise specified.
  • Will Russia take Chasiv Yar: 45% (-10)
  • Will Russia take Vovchansk: 10% (-30%)
  • Will Russia reach Komyshivka on the Ochereyne front: 50% (+10%)
  • Will Ukraine be flying Gripens: 50% (-40%, haven't seen any news on this in a while, suggesting it may not happen)
  • Will Ukraine be flying F-16s: 95% (no change)
  • Will Hezbollah and Israel engage in full scale war: 55% (+45%, Hezbollah started big wildfires in Israel this week, and Israel has ratcheted up strikes and rhetoric against Hezbollah)
  • Will the Myanmar Junta fall: 45% (no change)
Thank you all very much for reading, commenting, and supporting Ukraine.
submitted by nyckidd to Destiny [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:31 Normodox What Is Jewish Cuisine?

The story of Jewish food is multicultural and diverse. Jews have lived—and continue to live—in communities around the world, and their local foods reflect the flavors and tastes of the places they reside. Some Jewish communities are thousands of years old, and have developed culinary traditions that are steeped in history and significance. Jewish law plays a role as well, and there’s a reason gefilte fish is boneless, cholent takes 24-hours to cook, Moroccan doughnuts are made with oil, and why you can’t order a ham sandwich in a kosher deli.
Below is a history of Jewish foods, a roundup of Jewish foods from different communities, Jewish holiday favorites, and a collection of 30 Jewish food recipes to cook and enjoy.

The History of Jewish Food

Jewish food history—like Jewish history in general—is complicated. About 2,000 years ago, despite an already burgeoning diaspora community, the epicenter of Jewish life was Judea, an area located within what is today modern Israel, and as the names “Jewish” and “Jew” imply, the indigenous homeland of its inhabitants.
In the first centuries of the common era, after decades of Roman oppression, Jewish revolts, horrible and bloody wars, and the forced exile of Judea’s population—as refugees, captives sold into slavery, and others—the Jewish exiles moved into already-established diaspora communities, and, over time, established many others as well.
As the Jewish diaspora grew, Jewish foods evolved as well. New non-Jewish neighbors, novel local ingredients, and different cultural assumptions influenced the new Jewish arrivals; and they, as the years went on, concocted new Jewish staples. But it was two factors central to Jewish identity that kept those new Jewish foods “Jewish:” the kosher laws, and other laws related to the sabbath and holiday observance.
Kosher” is a Hebrew word that means “proper” or “fit,” although most people use it in reference to food. In Jewish practice, the kosher laws of food are abundant and complex—so much so that they're the subject a young scholar needs to master in order to be ordained as a rabbi—and fall into four general categories: 1) the types of animals that are permissible to eat (chicken, yes; piglets, no), 2) the way an animal is slaughtered, 3) forbidden mixtures (like milk and meat), and 4) specific agricultural requirements generally only applicable in Israel.
Jewish laws related to sabbath and holiday observance led to notable Jewish delicacies as well like gefilte fish, which is the result of a biblical injunction called borer that prohibits selecting or choosing, or, in the case of fish, picking out bones (gefilte fish is ground up and boneless); cholent (Ashkenazi) and hamim (Sephardi), which are slow-cooked stews that were developed as workarounds in order to eat a hot meal on the Sabbath day despite a biblical injunction against cooking; and challah, which while not necessarily Sabbath-related—it takes its name from a biblical tithe—has become the go-to sabbath and holiday bread.

Jewish foods around the world

For the greater part of the last 2,000 years, Jews have been on the move, although they lived in a number of places long enough to develop distinct, hyphenated identities (like Jewish-Americans, or Yemenite Jews). Below is a roundup of a few of the more significant Jewish diaspora communities.

Ashkenazi Food

Ashkenazi Jews are the descendants of Jewish people who settled in and around the Rhineland Valley, in what is today Germany and France, about 1,100 years ago. They were often on the move, and, over the centuries, established communities throughout Europe, with large populations centered in places like Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine, and Russia.
Ashkenazi Jews were often very poor, and crafted wonders from the meager options available. Classic Ashkenazi dishes include stuffed cabbage, kreplach, gefilte fish, and cholent. Go here for links to recipes and to learn more.

Sephardi Food

Mizrahi, or “Eastern,” Jews are Jews from North Africa and the Middle East, and are usually what most people mean when speaking about Sephardic Jews. They represent the most ancient diaspora communities, with—in some cases—roots dating back to biblical times.
Sephardic cooking is diverse, and represents the Jewish experience in places as disparate as Morocco, Iraq, India, and Iran. Go here for more Sephardic food history and links to different recipes.

Ethiopian Jewish Food

Ethiopian Jews are Jewish people who, for centuries, lived in the Lake Tana region of northern Ethiopia. They are commonly referred to as Beta Israel, which means “House of Israel” in Ge’ez—the classical Ethiopian language that Jews and Christians still use as a liturgical language—although nowadays, most Ethiopian Jews speak Amharic. The community’s origins are uncertain, although travelers, scholars, and others mention them in accounts dating back to the 15th century—and possibly even as early as the ninth—while the community’s own oral history dates them back to biblical times.
Go here to learn about Injera, a sour Ethiopian flatbread.

Yemenite Jewish Food

Yemenite Jews trace their roots to Biblical times, although much of the population immigrated to Israel on Operation Magic Carpet between 1949 and 1950. Go here to learn more about mouthwatering Yemeni foods like Malawach, Jachnun, Kubaneh, Hilbeh, and Schug.

Israeli Food

Despite the founding of the modern Israeli state in 1948, and the ingathering of Jewish exiles from around the world, Israeli food still managed to maintain its eastern Mediterranean flair. It’s high in fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, seafood, and lots of extra virgin olive oil. Go here for a roundup of not-always-healthy Israeli foods.

Jewish Holiday Food

The Jewish holidays are often food-centric celebrations, and include specific commandments and customs that are specific to those particular times (think matzah on Passover, significant omens on Rosh Hashanah, and nothing on Yom Kippur).

Passover Food

The focal point of the Passover celebration isn't in synagogue or out somewhere in public, it's at home, gathered around the dinner table with your family and friends, and eating. Foods play a central role in telling the Passover story: be it the matzah the Jewish people baked in a rush on their way out of Egypt; the bitter herbs eaten to remember the suffering of bondage; the roasted bone that's a stand-in for the Passover lamb, and is symbolic of the time God passed over the Jewish houses while smiting the Egyptian first born; and the four cups of wine that parallel the four expressions of freedom mentioned in the Torah while telling the story of the exodus.
Go here for a few unique Passover recipes.

Rosh Hashanah Food

Rosh Hashanah is the first day of the Jewish new year. To start the year off on the right foot, many people try to eat sweet foods, which is indicative of their desire to have a sweet new year. Go here for a number of sweet Rosh Hashanah recipes.

Traditional Hanukkah Food

Hanukkah doesn’t just commemorate a specific military victory or celebrate an unusual miracle, it’s an eight-day exercise in Jewish survival. Throughout history, the Jewish people have outlasted every nation that has tried to destroy them, and they have also stayed committed to being Jewish. That’s not normal.
Hanukkah is an eight-day celebration. In Jewish mystical thought, “seven” represents the regular, physical world: seven days of creation, seven days of the week, seven colors in a rainbow, and so on. But “eight” represents a level beyond physicality, and is a step into the mystical. Similar to what the number eight represents, Jewish survival transcends the limits of the physical world, and slips into the miraculous.
Hanukkah is also the celebration of a miracle that involved oil. Needless to say, many Jews are accustomed to eating oily foods on Hanukkah. Here are eight recipes for Hanukkah.

30 Traditional Jewish Food Recipes

  1. Deli roll is layers of deli meats wrapped in flaky, savory puff pastry, and topped with mustard.
  2. Hareesa is a Tunisian Shabbat overnight stew that started as an Arab overnight dish of wheat and meat.
  3. Lahmajoun is a Middle Eastern and Armenian dish consisting of a thin flatbread topped with a flavorful ground meat mixture. Serve it with tahini and a fresh salad on the side.
  4. Classic Latkes
  5. Krembo: a crumbly cookie base, a soft, heavenly meringue filling, and a crisp chocolate exterior.
  6. Kibbeh: ground meat croquettes
  7. Challah
  8. Potato Kugel, the world’s most Ashkenazi food
  9. Laffa: Middle Eastern bread that’s like a stretchable pita without a pocket
  10. Lachuch, meaning "hotcake" in Yemenite Arabic, is a flavorful pancake-like bread
  11. Chocolate Babka: layers of soft, buttery dough swirled with a generous helping of decadent chocolate filling
  12. Arayes: savory pita pockets stuffed with spiced meat
  13. Chocolate Rugelach
  14. Shakshuka: eggs poached in a spicy tomato sauce.
  15. Moufleta: Moroccan flatbread
  16. Sambusak: cheese-filled Syrian pastry
  17. Kubaneh: overnight Yemenite bread
  18. Hamantaschen
  19. Kreplach are amazing meat-filled dumplings eaten on the “hidden” holidays of Purim, the last day of Sukkot, and the day before Yom Kippur
  20. Khoyagusht: frittata-like egg dish with chicken
  21. Classic chopped liver
  22. Sfenj is a Moroccan Hanukkah doughnut
  23. Jachnun: overnight pastry with spicy tomato sauce
  24. Injera: Ethiopian flatbread
  25. Jerusalem Kugel: black pepper, spaghetti, and a pickle
  26. Kosher dills: make your own pickles
  27. Kasha Varnishkes: sautéed onions, buckwheat groats (kasha), and bowtie pasta
  28. Almond Mandel Bread: think Jewish biscotti
  29. Cheese blintzes
  30. Knish: an oversized, potato- (or anything-) filled dumpling

Jewish Food FAQ

Are bagels Jewish food?

Although a Jew probably didn’t invent the bagel, Jews jumped on the bandwagon early in bagel history, and Ashkenazi Jews brought their bagel-wisdom with them when they immigrated to the United States late 19th and early 20th centuries. Bagels have since become associated with Jewish-American identity and culture. Read the fascinating history of Jews and bagels here.

Can Jews eat Halal food?

Halal meat is ritually slaughtered according to the customs of Muslims. It is not kosher, since the kosher laws include additional regulations like the removal of blood, removing certain veins and fats, and other requirements. A Jew may not eat Halal meat—or other Halal foods for similar reasons—and, in general, Muslims do not rely on kosher laws or supervision as well.'
What Is Jewish Cuisine? -
submitted by Normodox to BeneiYisraelNews [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:30 the_blue_pil Fast-track your retirement with ASTS (AST Spacemobile)

They said the tech doesn't exist because it isn't possible
they invented and have proven the tech.
They said the satellite would not unfold.
“The size of the antenna is terrifying… there’s only a handful of entities that have deployed a foldable thing in space that big and they’re NASA and intelligence entities… it’s an extremely difficult thing to do and it’s also more or less impossible to accurately test on the ground.” (Former Director of Engineering at SpaceX - Kerrisdale report 2022)
legs spread wide with no issues.
They said it was too big and thin to be structurally stable in orbit.
“The problem with AST SpaceMobile is the structural dynamics of their spacecraft – the way they intend to build a giant phased array antenna is really poorly thought out… their knowledge of structural dynamics is so positively infantile; I don’t know how they got as far as they did. I think their approach to making a giant antenna just won’t work. I think even if you could talk directly to a handset from space, they wouldn’t be able to do it.” (Physicist and Former Senior Engineer, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory - Kerrisdale report 2022)
The satellite is #solid as a rock#
They said the panels would overheat with no appropriate cooling solution
“When I look at this AST spacecraft, I don’t see this as a spacecraft that is going to function well because it’s going to start overheating… so you can’t have it on for very long and so at that point, what are you proving?” (Former Senior Spacecraft Systems Engineer, OneWeb - Kerrisdale report 2022)
It's cool as a cucumber and solution patented

"ASTS has proven the viability of its technology, which was previously thought to be an impossible challenge and is set to address three hurdles largely within its control: financing its constellation, securing U.S. regulatory approval, and finalizing its initial commercial agreements"

-The KOOK Report (Full 172 page up-to-date DD found here)
  • Financing it's constellation - they are rapidly nearing "too big to fail" status. Their tech is needed and desperately wanted by deep pockets which will not allow it to fail.
  • U.S. regulatory approval - U.S. Department of Defence has already paid ASTS $500k to run tests using their single current test satellite. The military wants this tech YESTERDAY. There's no way the US government will allow regulators to cockblock their own military. They already have the positive enthusiasm of the FCC behind them. This is pretty much a given, and IMO just a matter of time.
  • Finilasing it's commercial agreements - They have already begun finalising commercial agreements with AT&T and Verizon
The AT&T and Verizon definitive deals are HUGE. Not just because they're inking revenue, but because they own adjacent spectrum, as well as FirstNets additional low band spectrum, they're more capable of penetrating walls and other obstacles and provide continuous service:
"Also with First-Net spectrum, Verizon has adjacent spectrum there that is adjacent to AT&T spectrum and so this adds up to large continous chunks of lowband spectrum. The way cellphones currently work they can’t carrier aggregate slivers of lowband but they can use single continous wide chunks of spectrum. And so this partnership will allow a much better user experience a better quality of service and true broadband speeds. No one else comes close." - CatSE---ApeX---
  • Worlds first phone call direct from space to unmodified phone (AT&T even included this milestone in their following earnings call).
  • Worlds first video call from space directly to unmodified phones.
  • Worlds first video streamed from space directly to unmodified phones.
  • Worlds first 2G, 4G LTE, and 5G connectivity from space to unmodified phones - achieved full compatibility with phones made by all major manufacturers.
  • Largest satellite in space. Only the space station is a larger orbiting body. Their next iteration of satellite, Block 1 Bluebirds, have 10x the processing power of their current test satellite (Bluewalker 3), and Block 2 Bluebirds have 100x the processing power of Bluewalker 3 using their custom ASIC chip design in collaboration with TSMC which recently entered tape-out phase - Block 2 Bluebirds are on the way at 0.2% the cost per mhz of processing power compared to Bluewalker 3
ASTS INVENTED the direct-to-device market, everyone else you're hearing about jumped on board after the fact.
  • Starlink & Tmobile
  • Globalstar & Apple
  • Lynk & Palau National Communications
  • Huawei & China Telecom
  • ASTS & AT&T - More than 100 million U.S. families, friends and neighbors, plus nearly 2.5 million businesses.
  • ASTS & Verizon - One of the world’s leading providers of technology and communications services. Headquartered in New York City and with a presence around the world.
  • ASTS & Vodafone - A leading telecommunications company in Europe, Africa, and Asia. With approximately 265 million customers.
  • ASTS & Rakuten - Serving users worldwide through businesses based in 30 countries and regions. Rakuten Group has 70+ businesses and 1.6 billion members across the world.
  • ASTS & American Tower - Global provider of wireless communications infrastructure. They offer solutions and services to deploy and support wireless networks in 25 countries located on six continents.
  • ASTS & Bell Canada - Canada’s largest communications company providing advanced Bell broadband wireless, Internet, TV, media and business communications services.
  • ASTS & Telefonica - One of the largest telecommunications service providers in Spanish America offering a wide range of digital services for more than 110 million residential and business customers across the region
  • ASTS & Nokia - A leader in building telecom network infrastructure, signed a multi-year agreement with AST SpaceMobile to help close gaps in cellular-broadband coverage and get unconnected communities online all over the world
  • ASTS & 40+ other MNOs (Mobile Network Operators) including Orange, MTN, Africell, Telstra, Indosat Ooredoo, Liberty Latin America, TIM, Etisalat, Zain, et al....
Spacemobiles current MNO partners have a combined 2.5billion+ subscribers.
vs Starlink @ ~190million subscribers
and Lynk @ 43million subscribers
Not that Spacemobile need these extra subscribers, but I foresee that it won't be long before even those few MNOs abandon the SoS text messaging ship in favour of ASTS' broadband offering. Why would they choose to travel by horse while everyone else is driving cars??
Something these "competitors" all have in common is that the service they provide is trash in comparison to Spacemobile. Most of them are self proclaimed SOS emergency text messaging services when deployed.
The Apple service applies to iPhone 14 and above, is outdoor SOS service, and you need to use an app that shows you which direction in the sky you need to point your phone toward in order for it to work lol...
ASTS will be able to deliver data at attractive rates that disrupt current satellite data services and become a viable substitute for terrestrial data services. At low enough prices, ASTS should be able to address a large market (unlike existing satellite services that are high-cost niche products) and spur new use cases that were previously cost-prohibitive -The KOOK Report
Why aren't AST Spacemobile known?
You're not their target customer - MNOs are. Partners like AT&T are the target for ASTS, and you're the target for AT&T. No advertising overheads for Spacemobile, just lines of cocaine with MNO C-suite shotcallers in luxury suites. The way ASTS have long been speculated to have structured their deals with early investors is a straight 50/50 split. So once they send their satellites up to space, they just need to maintain them until de-orbit. Nothing but profit while the MNOs advertise and sell the service to you - as seen here in the recent AT&T commercial starring Ben Stiller and featuring an ASTS satellite.
Their initial test results surpassed all of their own expectations. So much so in fact, that they revised the number of satellites required for global coverage, reducing their costs in the 100s of millions.
You don't need the latest iphone for this. This isn't just SoS text messaging. This is full broadband connectivity from space, no extra chips, antennas, or satellite dishes needed. Out in the woods? middle of the desert? camping in the mountains? drifting in the ocean? You're connected. Gone are the days where movies rely on their characters having no phone signal for their plot to work. This isn't just so you can browse Insta while on a cruise and avoid paying $30/day for their on-board internet. This will bring affordable access to everyone globally. Some kid in Somalia now has access to an education which leads to them discovering the cure for cancer. Poverty stricken teenagers around the world can rip the head off it streaming deep fakes of Zendaya getting railed in full HD. This will change the world.
There are 400 million people which live in areas with no internet infrastructure AT ALL - forget moving in and out of coverage. Let's say they're the poorest places that the service is provided to and therefore coverage for them will be priced at ~$2/month with ASTS getting half. Let's say only half of those 400 million opt in to the service, so $1 x 200million. Let's go with the BASIC 5x valuation. That's $2.4billion/year x 5 = $12billion company valuation, giving a share price of $48. That's considering a cheap service reaching the wallets of half the population of the areas with no coverage at all, so a pretty bleak scenario.
Typical wsb responses
"But SpaceX has thousands of satellites more than ASTS"
-_____- ...
"But SpaceX has unlimited money, they can catch up in no time"
ASTS has patents and patent claims in the thousands which solve issues SpaceX is still stuck on or hasn't even thought of yet. SpaceX have even applied to lower the altitude of their satellites to solve some of their major issues around beam forming, and the FCC told them to go fuck themselves, it will never happen. By contrast, go take a look at Jessica Rosenworcels (Chairwoman of the FCC) excitement to approving the framework ASTS would rely upon in the March 2024 hearing. Around 1:12:00 for the cream.
"So? with their funds they will eventually solve these issues and catch up"
Even if they did, they don't have MNO partners that control spectrum to meaningfully transmit over.
"SpaceX can just buy them out"
Abel Avellan, CEO and founder of AST Spacemobile holds ~84% of the controlling shares. He was founder and CEO of a satellite company called Emerging Markets Communications (EMC) until he sold it for a cool $550million in 2016, and then founded Spacemobile the following year. He went in to this venture after making enough for generational wealth, he could have kicked back and relaxed, but he didn't. He's not looking to sell, he's looking to create a legacy. He knows what this is worth, and even 10x the current market cap wouldn't cut it. To date, there hasn't been a single insider that has sold shares. Not one share.
"But zoom out on the graph, the company is going down! It always drops after a run"
The initial spike doesn't really count for anything, that's just SPAC merger rush. All the other dips are from delays and dilutions. Some of which could not be helped, and some of which were just bad management decisions, such as great news followed by news of dilution in the same day. A lot of the delays from suppliers have now been remedied by moving a lot of their fabricating and manufacturing in-house, with the added bonus of cutting down costs. Dilution will hopefully be warded off now as more MOUs become definitive agreements and funding. There are multiple upcoming catalysts for this stock, and after each one there will be a new bottom, we're rapidly approaching a turning point where the company begins generating meaningful regular revenue.
"But SpaceX SpaceX SpaceX"
The Starlink offering was touted as 17mbps, with a 15% packet loss, and the numbers were recorded 2/3rd of the way up to it's final altitude orbit, so who knows what the actual figures are... what we do know is that you need at least 5mbps to stream 1080p video and yet here is the video quality Starlink demonstrated 3 weeks ago - and you can forget expecting even this pixelated garbage when they launch the service, because this supposed "17mbps" is PER BEAM shared across many users in a large area. To his credit, Elon does somewhat set expectations, but the praise expressed in the X responses makes it clear that his followers only consume the headline. 18:00 in.
Now compare this to ASTS and their 4 way video call using a 14mbps 4G connection over 8 months ago. 2:00 in to their video titled "First-Ever 5G Connectivity from Space to Everyday Smartphones Achieved by AST SpaceMobile" which I can't link because the link contains 3 consecutive characters of a stock you can't discuss...
And also compare it to ASTS' demo streaming the AT&T commercial while their test satellite, Bluewalker 3, flew over a remote region of Hawaii on a rainy night.
"I never see these posts till the run has happened"
Currently at +249% for the month - this is not the run. This stock sits at ~$8 right now, the last time it was $16 they had just announced that their test satellite was on the way to the launchpad. They have 5 more sats set for launch Q3 this year. I believe we will see $20+ this year easy. This is NOT the run - the run is 8000% "long term". Duetsch Bank have given this a 2027 price target of $672. Given Spacemobiles track record with staying on schedule, I'm inclined to be pessimistic about the timeline, but I have no doubt $672 is possible. That's just $81billion market cap. Annual revenue of 10-16billion per year would be fair value for that share price, and is easily achievable for Spacemobile once full constellation is up.
Latest speculation:
Earlier this month, AT&T announced their definitive agreement with ASTS. As part of this deal, their Head Of Network - Chris Sambar, was to join the ASTS board of directors. Days after this announcement, Verizon announced their own definitive agreement with ASTS. These two events were the catalyst for the 300% jump we saw this past month. Earlier today, it was announced that former Chief Technology Officer of Vodafone, Johan Wibergh joined the ASTS board of directors. Not only is he just a valuable asset to have, but he is also on the board of directors for Bell Canada. In the last few days Bell Canada also happens to have found it's way to the front of the Strategic Partners page on the ASTS website where they display just 6 - 8 entries even though they have much more. Will we see the pattern continue and expect a Bell Canada or Vodafone definitive agreement in the comiing days? More discussion around this speculation can be found here.
But you can ignore reading the tea leaves about Johan Wibergh and just count on other impending solid catalysts highlighted by CatSE---ApeX---'s recent post on WSB, each of which will give the SP a nice bump
I've been invested in this company pre-spac merger and have lost a significant amount on short dated options and even leaps expiring worthless - so I wouldn't recommend it... I know long term holds aren't the typical WSB play, but it's extremely rare to discover companies like this where you have the opportunity to get in at the ground level, and make similar gains from holding these shares, that you dream of making with Option yolos.
I get most of my DD from these far more intelligent and knowledgable sources. They're able to understand a lot more of the technical side of what's going on and translate that for everyday retail investors to understand. You can follow them here: / CatSE---ApeX--- / apan-man / No_Privacy_Anymore
submitted by the_blue_pil to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:28 Helpful_Scallion9238 FETCH Rewards Referral Code: NE6WA 1,000 Bonus points

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submitted by Helpful_Scallion9238 to FetchAppReferralCode [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:27 DenEJuAvStenJu Why is it so hard for Protoss to play vs. Zerg below mid Master league?

Sorry for long post.
My winrate against Terran is upwards of 70% at D1/D2, same with my winrate against Protoss.
However, my winrate against Zerg is about 10%.
Why is it so hard to play against Zerg at this level? It feels like I have absolutely no chance vs. specifically Lurkers. Since Lurkers have 200 hp they can actually siege my bases without having to worry about storms or disruptors, because they can take 3 storms before going down and 2 disruptor shots. The disruptor also gets hit because the ball max range is 9 I believe (+1 at the tip of the AoE) and Lurkers have 9 range with the upgrade. So unless you know exactly where the Lurker is, you're going to get hit. And observers simply get shot down because Zerg economy and map control is always superior to Protoss, so he roam with Hydras and overseers. So you need oracles. But you can't have too many, because they become dead weight in a fight because Diamond/low master-players don't have the control to micro HTs, Disruptors and Oracles as well as position the army so it doesn't get shredded by the Lurkers.
Also, since Zerg will always have map control and a larger economy and larger army, you can forget about any aggression. They lose 1 fight, they go back and remake it. You lose 1 fight, the game is lost.
I'm asking for advice on my level, not just being told that "Hero can win against Zerg". That doesn't help me one bit. I see his games too. And his build orders. I simply cannot pull off his playstyle, and I don't have his experience and control.
I try to harass with oracles and adepts, but the Zergs simply have 4-6 lings at home with queens and my adepts to almost nothing. At best 2 drones per adept, but very often 1 or even 0. The Oracle usually gets 2 drones because by the time an oracle is out, he has both spores and queens in every base. If I go for more I usually lose my Oracle. And since all D/low M Zergs make spores in every base, DTs are a no-go. Creep also makes Zealot-runbys ineffective as he will just send speedlings there.
I've tried going early carriers, with 30% winrate. Which is better than my usual winrate, but still pretty bad. Zerg at this level ALWAYS tries to hit your third, so now I get like 3-4 cannons at it, and 1-2 cannons at my natural in case he tries to shift his focus. That's a lot of minerals, but it has actually helped me survive these standard pushes.
I just feel like against Terran I can play with more freedom for failure and still have a chance at winning. Vs Zerg, if you mess up a single thing, you're dead. Mess up the Sim City? Dead, ling runby. Make a sub optimal main base? Mutas depower everything and kill any stalker that's warped in. Too much static D? Dead, lack of units. Too little static D? Dead, runbys. Carriers? Zerg has free scouting with lings and overseers, so he will have enough corruptors, trust me. Ground? Go ahead and lose to Lurkers every single time.
How do you actually keep up with the Zerg without making huge openings for timings that you lose to? How do you actually harass effectively against Zergs that mostly play reactive so they can vastly outgrow you economically whilst always having the option to make lings for a runby if you make any base that isn't babysat? How can you apply pressure on a Zerg early to early-midgame without just gambling on an adept-glaive timing that will kill you if it fails?
submitted by DenEJuAvStenJu to starcraft2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:26 lbabinz [PSN] Summer Game Fest Sale

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Freddi Fish 2 The Case Of The Haunted Schoolhouse $15.99 $19.99 20% off New Lowest
Freddi Fish 4 The Case Of The Hogfish Rustlers Of Briny Gulch $11.99 $19.99 40% off New Lowest
Freddi Fish 5 The Case Of The Creature Of Coral Cove $15.99 $19.99 20% off New Lowest
Freddi Fish And The Case Of The Missing Kelp Seeds $13.99 $19.99 30% off Matches low
Freddi Fish Collection $53.59 $66.99 20% off New Lowest
Freedom Planet 2 $23.99 $29.99 20% off New Lowest
Fuga Melodies Of Steel 2 $32.09 $53.49 40% off New Lowest
Fuga Melodies Of Steel $26.74 $53.49 50% off New Lowest
Fuga Melodies Of Steel $26.74 $76.99 65% off New Lowest
Fuga Melodies Of Steel Ultimate Edition $44.99 $89.99 50% off New Lowest
Fuga Melodies Of Steel 2 Deluxe Edition $47.99 $79.99 40% off New Lowest
Fuga Melodies Of Steel 2 Ultimate Edition $53.99 $89.99 40% off New Lowest
Fury Unleashed $4.04 $26.99 85% off Matches low
Ghost Of Tsushima Directors Cut $37.79 $ 85% off Matches low
Ghost Trick Phantom Detective $26.39 $39.99 34% off Matches low
Ghosts N Goblins Resurrection $13.19 $39.99 67% off Matches low
Giga Wrecker Alt $3.34 $33.49 90% off Matches low
God Eater 2 Rage Burst $12.79 $79.99 84% off Lowest price $10.39 on 2021-4-28
Gods Trigger $3.99 $19.99 80% off Lowest price $1.99 on 2024-4-24
Going Under $6.74 $26.99 75% off Matches low
Golf Guys $4.54 $6.99 35% off New Lowest
Gord $19.79 $49.49 60% off New Lowest
Gorn $13.49 $26.99 50% off Lowest price $10.79 on 2023-12-20
Gorn $13.49 $26.99 50% off Lowest price $10.79 on 2023-12-20
Gravity Rush Remastered $16.49 $32.99 50% off Lowest price $8.24 on 2019-12-2
Greedfall Gold Edition $16.04 $53.49 70% off Matches low
Grid Legends Ps4 Ps5 $7.99 $79.99 90% off Matches low
Grimgrimoire Oncemore $33.49 $66.99 50% off Matches low
Grimoire Organizer $0.74 $1.49 50% off Matches low
Gris $4.59 $22.99 80% off New Lowest
Gris Ps4 Ps5 $4.59 $22.99 80% off New Lowest
Gundam Versus $39.99 $79.99 50% off Lowest price $11.99 on 2022-1-5
Gunman Clive Hd Collection $4.19 $6.99 40% off Matches low
Gunvolt Chronicles Luminous Avenger Ix $9.99 $19.99 50% off Matches low
Gunvolt Chronicles Luminous Avenger Ix 2 Ps4 Ps5 $16.74 $33.49 50% off Matches low
Hackgu Last Recode $6.49 $64.99 90% off Matches low
Heavy Burden $4.04 $6.99 42% off New Lowest
Heliborne $15.99 $39.99 60% off Matches low
Heliborne Weedcraft Inc $32.99 $59.99 45% off New Lowest
Helix Jump $4.89 $6.99 30% off Matches low
Hexologic $4.04 $13.49 70% off Lowest price $2.69 on 2024-4-10
Hexologic $4.04 $13.49 70% off Lowest price $2.69 on 2024-4-10
High On Life $40.11 $79.99 49% off Lowest price $34.76 on 2023-11-17
Hirilun Ps4 Ps5 $8.09 $13.49 40% off Matches low
Hole Io $4.54 $6.99 35% off New Lowest
Horror Adventure Zombie Edition Vr $2.69 $13.49 80% off Matches low
Horse Tales Emerald Valley Ranch Deluxe $33.49 $66.99 50% off New Lowest
Hotline Miami $3.37 $13.49 75% off New Lowest
Hotline Miami 2 Wrong Number $3.99 $19.99 80% off New Lowest
Humankind $33.49 $66.99 50% off Matches low
Icey $7.99 $19.99 60% off Matches low
Ikkarus And The Prince Of Sin Ps4 Ps5 $8.09 $13.49 40% off New Lowest
Immortals Fenyx Rising Ps4 And Ps5 $15.99 $79.99 80% off Lowest price $11.99 on 2024-1-31
In Celebration Of Violence $12.24 $17.49 30% off New Lowest
Indivisible $8.02 $53.49 85% off Matches low
Infinity Strash Dragon Quest The Adventure Of Dai Ps4 Ps5 $53.59 $79.99 33% off Matches low
Inscryption $13.49 $26.99 50% off Matches low
Instant Death $2.69 $13.49 80% off New Lowest
Instant Death $2.69 $13.49 80% off New Lowest
Insurgency Sandstorm Deluxe Edition $33.49 $66.99 50% off New Lowest
Invector Rhythm Galaxy $25.11 $33.49 25% off New Lowest
Jet Kave Adventure $13.99 $19.99 30% off New Lowest
Jet Kave Adventure $13.99 $19.99 30% off New Lowest
Jigsaw Abundance $2.74 $5.49 50% off Matches low
Johnny Trigger $4.54 $6.99 35% off New Lowest
Jojos Bizarre Adventure Allstar Battle R Deluxe Edition Ps4 Ps5 $32.72 $93.49 65% off Matches low
Journey Collectors Edition $16.49 $27.49 40% off Lowest price $5.49 on 2019-12-21
Judgment $11.99 $79.99 85% off Matches low
Judgment $16.04 $53.49 70% off Matches low
Jujutsu Kaisen Cursed Clash Deluxe Edition Ps4 Ps5 $79.86 $106.49 25% off New Lowest
Jurassic Park Classic Games Collection $29.99 $39.99 25% off New Lowest
Jurassic Park Classic Games Collection $29.99 $39.99 25% off New Lowest
Just Dance 2024 Edition $31.99 $79.99 60% off Matches low
Just Dance 2024 Ultimate Edition $54.99 $109.99 50% off Matches low
Kamiko $2.79 $6.99 60% off Matches low
Kamiwaza Way Of The Thief $13.37 $53.49 75% off New Lowest
Katamari Damacy Reroll $9.99 $39.99 75% off Matches low
Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition $13.37 $53.49 75% off Lowest price $12.83 on 2020-3-4
Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition $13.37 $53.49 75% off Matches low
Kids Learn $2.19 $10.99 80% off Matches low
Kingdom Hearts $31.99 $79.99 60% off Lowest price $19.99 on 2021-11-19
Kingdom Hearts Melody Of Memory $31.99 $79.99 60% off Matches low
Kings Bounty Ii Lords Edition $8.99 $59.99 85% off Matches low
Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series Ps4 Ps5 $13.37 $53.49 75% off Matches low
Knack 2 $11.99 $29.99 60% off Lowest price $7.49 on 2019-12-2
Lab Crisis $3.49 $6.99 50% off Matches low
Lake $10.99 $21.99 50% off Matches low
Lake $10.99 $21.99 50% off Matches low
Langrisser I And Ii $23.44 $66.99 65% off Matches low
Last Day Of June $6.74 $26.99 75% off Matches low
Lego Batman 3 Beyond Gotham $6.24 $24.99 75% off Matches low
Lego City Undercover $9.99 $49.99 80% off Matches low
Lego Jurassic World $6.24 $24.99 75% off Matches low
Lego Star Wars The Force Awakens $6.74 $26.99 75% off Lowest price $6.47 on 2021-6-9
Lego The Hobbit $6.74 $26.99 75% off Matches low
Lets Revolution Ps4 Ps5 $21.59 $26.99 20% off New Lowest
Lets Sing 2024 With International Hits $37.09 $52.99 30% off Matches low
Lets Sing 2024 With International Hits Platinum Edition $51.44 $73.49 30% off Matches low
Life Is Strange True Colors Ultimate Edition Ps4 And Ps5 $42.59 $106.49 60% off Matches low
Life Is Strange True Colors Ps4 And Ps5 $23.99 $79.99 70% off Matches low
Like A Dragon Gaiden The Man Who Erased His Name Ps4 Ps5 $38.99 $66.99 41% off New Lowest
Little Cities Bigger $26.79 $33.49 20% off New Lowest
Lost Judgment Digital Ultimate Edition Ps4 Ps5 $29.99 $119.99 75% off Matches low
Lost Judgment Ps4 Ps5 $19.99 $79.99 75% off Matches low
Lovers In A Dangerous Spacetime $9.99 $14.99 33% off Lowest price $5.99 on 2020-5-6
Low Story $6.59 $10.99 40% off Matches low
Low Story $6.59 $10.99 40% off Matches low
Lumo $13.49 $29.99 55% off Matches low
Lunar Lander Beyond $31.99 $39.99 20% off New Lowest
Lunar Lander Beyond $31.99 $39.99 20% off New Lowest
Lunark $13.49 $26.99 50% off Matches low
Mad Rat Dead $26.74 $53.49 50% off Matches low
Make Love Not War $2.44 $3.49 30% off Matches low
Make Love Not War 2 $2.44 $3.49 30% off Matches low
Manitas Kitchen $11.36 $17.49 35% off New Lowest
Meadow Gallop $1.04 $1.49 30% off Matches low
Mecha Party $18.89 $37.49 49% off Lowest price $18.74 on 2024-4-24
Mega Man 11 $13.19 $39.99 67% off Matches low
Mega Man Legacy Collection $7.59 $18.99 60% off Matches low
Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 $10.79 $26.99 60% off Matches low
Mega Man X Legacy Collection $11.99 $29.99 60% off Matches low
Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2 $11.99 $29.99 60% off Matches low
Mega Man Zerozx Legacy Collection $13.19 $39.99 67% off Matches low
Memory Lane 2 $1.49 $2.99 50% off New Lowest
Mercenaries Lament Requiem Of The Silver Wolf $21.59 $26.99 20% off Matches low
Mercenaries Lament Requiem Of The Silver Wolf $21.59 $26.99 20% off Matches low
Mercenary Kings $13.49 $19.99 32% off Lowest price $6.74 on 2019-7-12
Metro Exodus Gold Edition $8.02 $86.49 90% off Matches low
Middleearth Shadow Of Mordor Game Of The Year Edition $7.49 $29.99 75% off Matches low
Minekos Night Market $18.89 $26.99 30% off New Lowest
Mirror Sided $0.74 $1.49 50% off Matches low
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Deluxe $32.72 $93.49 65% off New Lowest
Monster Hunter Rise Deluxe Edition Ps4 Ps5 $21.43 $66.99 68% off New Lowest
Mortal Kombat 1 Premium Edition $55.99 $139.99 60% off New Lowest
Moving Out 2 Deluxe Edition $21.99 $43.99 50% off Lowest price $8.79 on 2024-4-24
Mushroom Savior $4.19 $6.99 40% off New Lowest
My Friend Pedro $6.74 $26.99 75% off Matches low
N Plus Plus N $9.99 $19.99 50% off Lowest price $5.99 on 2020-11-4
Narita Boy $6.69 $33.49 80% off Lowest price $3.34 on 2023-12-20
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm Trilogy $18.72 $53.49 65% off Lowest price $13.37 on 2023-2-15
Need For Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered $10.99 $54.99 80% off Lowest price $5.49 on 2024-3-13
Nephenthesys Ps4 Ps5 $5.19 $7.99 35% off New Lowest
New Super Luckys Tale $9.99 $53.49 81% off Matches low
Ni No Kuni Wrath Of The White Witch Remastered $12.99 $64.99 80% off Matches low
Nightghast $2.79 $3.99 30% off New Lowest
Nightghast $2.79 $3.99 30% off New Lowest
No Straight Roads $11.38 $53.49 78% off Matches low
No Straight Roads $11.38 $53.49 78% off New Lowest
Nyakamon $1.99 $3.99 50% off Matches low
Oddworld Strangers Wrath Hd $8.09 $26.99 70% off Matches low
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir $19.99 $59.99 66% off Matches low
Offroad Jeep Quest Mountain Trails $5.69 $9.49 40% off New Lowest
One Last Breath $19.19 $23.99 20% off New Lowest
One Last Breath $19.19 $23.99 20% off New Lowest
Onimusha Warlords $10.79 $26.99 60% off Matches low
Operation Wolf Returns First Mission $19.99 $39.99 50% off New Lowest
Outbreak Lydia Daniels Collection $59.99 $99.99 40% off New Lowest
Outbreak The Fedora Files What Lydia Knows Definitive Collection $32.09 $53.49 40% off New Lowest
Outriders Complete Edition $25.99 $39.99 35% off Matches low
Overcooked $4.59 $16.99 72% off Matches low
Pachi Pachi On A Roll $6.64 $9.49 30% off New Lowest
Pacific Drive $31.99 $39.99 20% off Matches low
Pajama Sam 3 You Are What You Eat From Your Head To Your Feet $13.99 $19.99 30% off Matches low
Persona 5 $10.79 $66.99 83% off Matches low
Persona 5 Royal $39.99 $79.99 50% off Matches low
Persona5 Strikers $23.99 $79.99 70% off Matches low
Plumbers Dont Wear Ties Definitive Edition $20.24 $26.99 25% off New Lowest
Police Simulator Patrol Officers Extended Edition $37.59 $46.99 20% off New Lowest
Portal Knights $8.09 $26.99 70% off Matches low
Power Of Ten $12.79 $22.99 44% off Matches low
Power Of Ten $12.79 $24.99 48% off Matches low
Powerwash Simulator $23.44 $33.49 30% off New Lowest
Prince Of Persia The Lost Crown $41.99 $69.99 40% off Matches low
Prince Of Persia The Lost Crown Deluxe Edition $47.99 $79.99 40% off Matches low
Prodeus $20.09 $33.49 40% off New Lowest
Pump Press $1.99 $1.49 -33% off Lowest price $0.74 on 2023-11-27
Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 $10.69 $53.49 80% off Matches low
Quake $5.39 $13.49 60% off Lowest price $4.45 on 2023-11-17
R Drive $0.74 $1.49 50% off Matches low
R Wheel $1.99 $1.49 -33% off Lowest price $0.74 on 2024-2-7
Raiden V Directors Cut $15.99 $46.99 65% off Lowest price $11.99 on 2019-11-22
Railbreak Definitive Collection $16.44 $46.99 65% off New Lowest
Rainbow Reactor Fusion $11.99 $15.99 25% off New Lowest
Ratchet And Clank Rift Apart Digital Deluxe Edition $49.99 $99.99 50% off Matches low
Reactorx $3.49 $6.99 50% off Matches low
Reactorx 2 $3.49 $6.99 50% off Matches low
Reading World Vr $14.99 $19.99 25% off New Lowest
Resident Evil 2 $13.37 $53.49 75% off Matches low
submitted by lbabinz to VideoGameDealsCanada [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:25 AdvancedLifeCoaching The Science of Attraction: Limerence vs. Love and How to Foster Genuine Connections

Distinguishing between Love and Limerence is Crucial, as understanding the difference can significantly impact the Quality and Longevity of Relationships.
### What is Limerence?
Limerence is characterized by an intense, Obsessive Attraction towards another person. It is often marked by a hormonal cocktail that includes testosterone, estrogen, dopamine, and norepinephrine, creating a Powerful initial Connection.
This state is designed by evolution to facilitate reproduction by creating a strong, almost irresistible attraction between individuals. During limerence, critical thinking is often impaired, making it easy to overlook potential red flags in a partner.
### The Temporary Nature of Limerence
One of the Primary issues with Limerence is its Temporary Nature. It is designed to wear off over time, typically after the initial stages of a relationship. This can be problematic if individuals mistake this intense infatuation for true love. As the limerence fades, the relationship may face challenges, especially if there hasn't been a deeper, more meaningful connection established.
### Signs of Limerence
Limerence often involves:
  1. **Obsessive Thoughts**: Constantly thinking about the other person, to the point where it interferes with daily life.
  2. **Emotional Dependency**: A strong need for reciprocation and validation from the other person.
  3. **Idealization**: Overlooking flaws and red flags, seeing the other person as perfect or ideal.
  4. **Intense Emotions**: High levels of emotional intensity and excitement when thinking about or interacting with the other person.
### Transitioning from Limerence to Love
True love, on the other hand, is characterized by a deep, meaningful connection that goes beyond physical attraction. It involves seeing and accepting the other person’s flaws and virtues, and working through conflicts together. Love is built on mutual respect, trust, and understanding, and it develops over time as partners truly get to know each other.
### Recognizing the Difference
It’s essential to recognize the difference between limerence and love to foster healthy, lasting relationships. Here are some key differences:
  1. **Projection vs. Reality**: In limerence, there's a tendency to project idealized qualities onto the other person. Love, however, is about seeing the person as they truly are.
  2. **Emotional Stability**: Limerence often involves emotional highs and lows. Love tends to be more stable and enduring.
  3. **Dependency vs. Partnership**: Limerence can create a sense of emotional dependency, whereas love fosters a sense of partnership and mutual support.
### Personal Growth and Subconscious Reprogramming
The Heart Energy Relationship Coach emphasizes the importance of personal growth and Subconscious Reprogramming to move from Limerence to Love.
Techniques such as Meditation and accessing Alpha and Theta brainwave levels can help individuals reprogram their Subconscious Mind, fostering healthier relationships and deeper connections. These practices help individuals align with their Heart Energy, making it easier to Attract Genuine, Heart-to-Heart connections rather than superficial, transactional ones.
### Conclusion
Understanding the distinction between Limerence and Love is Essential for building Lasting, Fulfilling Relationships. Recognizing the signs of limerence and moving beyond it to develop a deeper connection can help individuals find True Love that endures beyond the initial infatuation phase. By focusing on Personal Growth, Emotional Intelligence, and Heart Energy, one can foster Genuine, Meaningful Relationships that stand the test of time.
submitted by AdvancedLifeCoaching to True_Love_Secrets [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:23 Knock5times FAQ

Hello hello! I’ve been seeing a lot of repeated posts recently and instead of posting individual comments each time, I took the time to put together the questions I’ve been seeing as a makeshift FAQ.
Keep in mind this is only my perspective! Feel free to contribute your frequently heard questions or your take on answers to any of the questions I’ve added. Let’s collaborate! 🙂
Sometimes this community can initiate on a trial-by-fire basis and this is meant to offer a cool drink of water before diving back into the flames.

1. Hi I’m new here, where can I find this bag?

You’re going to hear this a lot: search the sub. Many people have looked for the same bag before. Need a top seller for Chanel flap? How about a Dior Saddle Bag? If it isn’t a super exclusive limited edition, it’s probably been asked about.

2. How do I get started?

There’s a few lists and rules in the about section of this sub, but this sub is generally unmoderated so it won’t have too much. My advice is to scroll, scroll some more, and then scroll more. Read the posts, the comments, search around. Pay attention to who is commenting and what feels off or starts to seem normal.

3. How can I trust this seller?

There is a list of trusted sellers in the sub. I personally have never purchased from them so I cannot comment on the experience. At least one is mod of this sub, so take that information as you will.
But many posts are people rehoming items. For them, you can do the following:
• Check their Reddit profile. Is it new? No karma? Weird seemingly-AI posts in pics or awww? Probably a fake account.
• Ask for buyer feedback.
• Ask for POP (proof of purchase).
• Pay via PayPal Goods and Services. Some sellers will not accept this and that can be a completely legitimate way to go BUT you must be willing to take that risk. Paying via Goods and Services gives you some protection. You can also be sure to pay via credit card on PayPal. This may also offer some protection. BUT and this is a big but: do not spend what you are not willing to lose!! This is always a game of chance.

4. This person DMed me! Are they a legit seller?

Eh, proceed with caution. Sure, a person may see you asking about a Gucci Horsebit and say hey I have this one for sale, but a lot of bots and scammers will DM everyone they see posting/commenting to steal your money. Be wary.

5. How can I get contact info for ___?

Please use the search of the sub. 9 times out of 10 you can find the information you’re looking for by searching. There’s also a list of sellers in the sub’s information. (Again, never used, cannot endorse or oppose.)

6. Am I being scammed?

If you have to ask, probably. If you can’t find reviews of the seller or if something feels too good to be true/something feels wrong, you’re probably being scammed. This is a gamble, be careful, and don’t spend money you can’t afford to lose.

7. Help! Can you QC this bag?! Is it high tier??

Hopefully, you’ve done some basics here and have compared auth with rep. If not…come on now, girl, get it together. It’s helpful if you state the brand, style, and anything you’re particularly concerned about. Maybe the stitching looks funky to you? Or you’re wondering if it’s a fantasy color (color that’s never been produced) because you’ve scoured the web and can’t find an auth photo.

8. I asked a question but no one is replying to me. How am I supposed to learn if no one replies?

Did you search the question you asked? Did you look through comments or similar posts? You can reasonably find common answers with a bit of elbow grease. If your question is very specific, people may just not know. We’re all in our own busy lives and can’t answer everything. Just be patient and keep looking.

9. Can I ask someone who posted for their sellers info?

If you do, don’t be surprised if you get downvoted or get no reply. Most of the sellers are well known to those who have been around and the contact info is available if you search here or other rep dedicated subs. Try searching for that bag, or if the poster includes the name of the seller, search that name. Check the seller list. The general mindset of the rep community is to do your own research.

10. This is my first time buying… what do I do?

First: heyyyyyyyy! Welcome to the club! In all circumstances, you should be kind. There is a human being on the other end of you message. Stay patient and speak how you want to be spoken to.
Factory/seller: • Once you have found a seller and a bag/item you wish to buy, ask any questions you have. Typically this is best done one at a time.
• Keep the questions simple if you can, remember the seller may not speak fluent English.
• Be patient.
• To ask about a bag, pictures are best. You can screenshot from their album or send auth photos to ask if they can get access to a bag. Sometimes sellers can get access to a bag/item that they don’t have listed.
• It’s okay to ask whatever you need to know to feel comfortable ordering. How does shipping work? What is the total cost? Is this buckle supposed to be scratched?
• Do not expect long, complex conversations. More than likely you will get one word answers. This is not them being rude, they just have limited English and a busy schedule.
• Prices are typically set, negotiation is not something I’ve seen.
• You can and should absolutely ask about shipping and seizures policy. Oftentimes, they will offer some percentage covered.
*Rehome: * • Comment and DM the seller about your interest.
• Prices can be more flexible/negotiated but this varies by person.
• Payment is typically PP or Venmo. Some will take G&S while others won’t. Weigh your risks. Is it too good to be true? It probably is.
• You can request a specific shipping company but accept if the seller says no. You will be paying for shipping.
• You can ask for POP, buyer feedback, more pictures, a video, etc. But again, the seller has the right to say no. You also have the right to walk away if you are uncomfortable.
• These sales move fast. Don’t be surprised if you DM for a bag and it’s already sold.

11. What does ___ mean?

POP: proof of purchase
PP G&S: PayPal goods and services
PP FF: PayPal friends and family
GF: god factory
ISO: in search of
QC: quality check
PSP: pre-shipment photos
DM/PM: direct message/private message
FB: facebook
Fantasy: a color or pattern that has never been offered in the authentic item

12. What does high/mid/low tier actually mean? What about 1:1? Is there a standard?

There’s no standard here, this is all opinion. I’ve seen people say this tier level is completely BS and don’t bother. Personally, I think it’s generally helpful but not the end-all-be-all. High tier for me may be mid tier for you. You can ask a seller for the highest quality item but remember the price will reflect that. Items with mistakes, poor stitching, stamps in wrong places, or fantasy colors would generally be mid to low tier. However! A bag may be perfect, indistinguishable from auth and still be a fantasy color. You have to decide what is acceptable for you and what you’ll be happy with. You’re carrying the item around and you should love it!
Once again, I am just one lady who has gone down the rabbit hole of reps. I’m not insanely experienced, I’m not special. I’m just here because I enjoy this and get a thrill from reps. Please don’t demolish me 🙃
submitted by Knock5times to RepladiesDesigner [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:19 Important_North3776 Internship or not?

Hello everyone, I have a unique situation here. I'm an accounting student planning to graduate with my bachelors in Spring 2025.
Some background info: 1. I'm completing my bachelors in accounting and have transfer credits from a previous degree. 2. I'm a career changer with a family to support so my current income is important. 3. I've received an internship offer for Winter 2025, in the same semester I'll be graduating. My total degree length will take one year due to to transfer credits from my previous bachelors. The downside to this is I didn't have a good time frame to secure an internship.
My problem is this I have received this offer but was made aware that I wouldn't start a FT position until over a year after the internship is complete. This is in order to encourage interns to obtain their CPA during that wait time.
I would need to quit my current job for the internship and then find new employment while I wait for this full time position.
So given the circumstances, would it make the most sense to just forgoe an internship and apply for entry level associate roles when I'm done next year.
Give this internship a try
Complete a masters to help knock out the CPA and do an internship somewhere else in Winter 2026 as I'm finishing my MAcc given the firm offers FT employment right after?
submitted by Important_North3776 to Accounting [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:19 Fclsspov Lets help new players

To my Experience i have seen some newer players struggle so to those that are in here, Here are some tips i can think of to help: To those experienced feel free to drop some tips below.
  1. Do join events as much as possible as they give alot of XP but dont start a event without more players as it makes it less likely to achieve the best rewards having one high level does not always mean they can carry an event.
  2. If your low on ammo join an event take a few shots at an enemy and let others finish them.
  3. To sell more at your Vendors TURN ON your camp visibility in the map.
I will continue to drop tips in the comments as i think of them.
submitted by Fclsspov to fo76 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:13 FarmersOnlyJim Looking for advice/recs on PC gaming DACs

Hey folks, looking for some help determining what exactly I need for my desktop gaming rig. Moving away from mid tier Bluetooth gaming headsets, wanting to get more use out of my Sony XM5s. Wanting to improve audio while also having some form of interface for audio mixes, volume leveling in apps, etc. My brother has a Steelseries gaming DAC, looking for something similar.
Microphone integration is a plus but I don’t think it’s necessary. Budget is flexible, looking for something at a similar level to the rest of my devices. I’d like to keep it under $150 but I’ve got no issue spending more if the value is there.
Background info:
Audio devices… Sony XM5s, Klipsch Pro Media 2.1 (I’d like to have two outputs if possible).
Mic: Logitech Yeti GX (usb no xlr).
Thanks for the help
submitted by FarmersOnlyJim to HeadphoneAdvice [link] [comments]