Medication help quit dipping

A place for redditors to find help quitting smokeless tobacco, or to mentor others wishing to quit.

2012.05.20 13:09 Imperiousdesigns A place for redditors to find help quitting smokeless tobacco, or to mentor others wishing to quit.


2009.06.04 14:22 KingOfZalo Information about bipolar disorder and associated issues.

A subreddit for people with bipolar disorder to discuss who we are, how we think and what helps us cope in life.

2013.07.11 03:27 kirkkommander Quitting Kratom

Welcome to Quitting Kratom! Our purpose is to give and receive support with QUITTING KRATOM, withdrawal & recovery. This sub is for those wanting to QUIT FOR GOOD. Except for tapering, we don't condone any use of Kratom whatsoever. We've no opinions on "minimal usage" or usage for pain management, etc. TOGETHER we CAN!

2024.06.04 20:11 Few-North-7404 AITAH for telling my boyfriend to leave

So me 22f and my boyfriend 22m met in November. we always say how attracted we are to each other and how grateful we are to have each other. We both work he has a job in another city I work from home I’ve had my own flat for 3 years so I’m settled in but still struggle from time to time and about two months ago He moved in.
my problem is that he basically never offers to help with things... at first I was covering all expenses including bills and food and doing everything myself because it was my flat and he was still pretty much a guest but now two months in I’m starting to get quite irritated. His One job is to take out the bins and I have to remind him every single time I wait for it to overflow a little bit to see if he will notice, but he never seems to so I always remind him I also feel like he pretends to be clueless about these things and honestly I’m starting to run out of patience…
I had cleaned out my fish tank and left some of the stuff in the bath and later in the day asked him if he would please run me a bath as soon as I walked into the bathroom, I noticed dirt on the side which I wiped off and then got in Only to notice more dirt under the water he clearly hadn’t cleaned the bath. when he came to check on me. I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to hurt his feelings but then when he got in and joined me, I asked him if he cleaned the bath before running one, he said there was dirt on the side that he cleaned up which I knew wasn’t true because it was the first thing I saw when I walked in I honestly felt so disgusted and annoyed.
I always do the cooking which I actually like but not long ago I was burnt out for a couple days. The dishes had piled up and I kept telling him about how I’m too tired to wash up and too tired to cook Hoping he would help out or suggest something else, but he didn’t so I washed up anyway and made something for us both Last night, our fridge and cupboards were EMPTY I let him know The day before and the morning of that we will need to go to the shop to get something I wasn’t getting paid until today wich he knew and he knew it was his responsibility to sort something out later in the evening. I told him I was getting hungry and he said what do you wanna do? This really annoyed me because he knew the plan. I didn’t want to ask him to buy some food for a third time because it actually felt a little degrading/fustrating So I Made packet noodles which I didn’t eat, cause I wasn’t in the mood for it, but it was literally all we had so we had a little argument about it, and he said I was being whiny and how will he know if I don’t ask but in my opinion, he’s being inconsiderate
another example is a few weeks ago he told me that he doesn’t like that I pay my own rent and bills and that he wants to deal with all that washing machine broke two weeks ago and I’ve been visibly and vocally stressed about this as I currently have a lot of financial things to sort out such as trying to get my car back because it’s been towed. today I paid somebody to come and fix the washer It was quite a lot of money for me and I made it clear that it was a lot for me and he never even offered to pay half he has been going half on rent and food and I’ve been covering the other half of Rent,food and all the bills I also do all the Cooking and the majority of the cleaning (The only thing I expect from him is the Bins)
he’ll sit there and listen to me stress about finances but won’t give me anything unless I ask and even then I’ll have to remind him this makes me feel really bad about myself even though all I’m doing is asking for money for stuff That we both use and share.there’s something so embarrassing and degrading having to ask anybody for money i’m starting to feel like I’m nagging him but honestly, if he would just offer, I wouldn’t have to ask. Today I brought up how I was feeling and how frustrated I am having to take on all these responsibilities of a space that we both share he immediately became defensive and said something along the lines of “I help out where I can” and I honestly can’t remember what I said to make him say this to me but he said “ this sounds like a you problem”. So I responded “ well then this looks like my flat. And it looks like you need to pack your bags and leave” I went to get my food shop and when I came back, he was still here. He’d Mopped the floors that I asked him to do yesterday And All he said was “ let me know how much half the bill was” And then left like???? Why now when you’re not gonna be staying here are you wanting to chip in I honestly thought that was kinda manipulative.
also, I know we are young and a lot of people my age genuinely don’t know this stuff if they haven’t lived by themselves before but he has two children B3yr and g1yr I never wanted to be a stepmom, but I thought the one upside to him having kids would be that he would be more mature and responsible but when he asked me if he should get water from a tap, (where else? A well??) and other obvious questions I started to wonder if I’m actually just gonna be mothering him as well.
submitted by Few-North-7404 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:11 cummingouttamycage What are some cases that have (in your opinion) been hindered by others trying to protect the victim's reputation?

In the aftermath of almost every single violent crime, the victim -- who is often deceased -- is described in the media in a way that is nothing short of glowing and positive. They "had a smile that could light up a room". They had a great career, good grades, and big goals and dreams. They were "smart" and "ALWAYS locked their doors and took precautions" and were a "good judge of character". They "kept to themselves", "kept a tight circle of friends", and had close relationships with family/friends and would "100% absolutely always tell their mothefathesibling/aunt/grandma/best friend if they ever needed something". The victim did nothing wrong, and stumbled into an unfortunate end by complete happenstance, at no fault of their own.
Something that is uncovered time and time again, though, is that this "glowing description" doesn't always reflect how the victim lived their life in practice. But in some cases where there is strong evidence that the "victim in theory" =/= "victim in reality", family or friends of the victim remain firm in their idealistic view of their loved one. They'll become hostile toward other connections of the victim who share stories or anecdotes that contradict the picture they've painted. They'll refuse or discourage investigation into a lead or theory. They'll invest thousands of $$ into private investigations chasing leads or theories, with little evidence, where their loved one was the "perfect victim".
Of course, this may not be a result of the victim's family being intentionally untruthful -- these descriptions are typically given by the victim's parents, and parents are often left in the dark about their adult child's day to day life (particularly with things they're not proud of). They can absolutely be in denial, while grieving the loss of their loved one. Sometimes the victim was involved in something or with someone sketchy but did a VERY good job covering their tracks of this, resulting in their family/friends thinking it'd be impossible.
But sometimes it's hard not to wonder if the victim's loved ones are presenting or rejecting theories or leads as a way of protecting the victim's reputation. There are obviously real, tactical reasons for this -- the police & the public are FAR more likely to help or advocate for a "perfect" victim. But could also be a last "gesture of goodwill" to their deceased family member to have them be remembered fondly. It could also be more selfish, with many parents feeling that their child's reputation reflects their own. Some family/friends of victims may be doing so to protect themselves or surviving family/friends from investigation into other illicit activities.
What cases do you see as examples of this?
One that comes to mind given the timing/recent book release is Lauren Spierer's disappearance. Lauren was a known partier, with a history of recreational drug use. However, Lauren's parents vehemently disagree with any theory involving drug use playing a role in her disappearance... They insist she wouldn't have used any drugs, that she was on medication and had a heart condition. Yet many of Lauren's friends, who saw her that night or on others leading up to it, say otherwise. A small bag of cocaine (personal use size) was found in her room. Even still, Lauren's parents are firm in their belief that she must've met intentional foul play (drugging and/or intentional attack + coverup) by an outside party, mostly suspecting the guys she was seen with that night.
IMO, it seems illogical to not consider a theory where drug use was involved in some way.
Just to note: This type of drug use is NOT unheard of for a college student -- many successful college kids party, use hard drugs and grow out of it as they enter adulthood (i was one of them). And while these may be "hard drugs" (cocaine, ecstasy, etc.), the buying/selling/using of this is NOT like the movies... Nobody gets killed over "seeing something they shouldn't" or having a "drug debt", and "drug dealers" are not some el chapo type... they're often just some frat guy who knows a guy who acts as the middleman. So when I say "drug use was likely involved", I am not referring to some "organized cartel killed over drugs hollywood"-type thing.
HOWEVER, I think there's a strong likelihood of Lauren's drug use resulting in an accidental death -- either by overdose, or misadventure leading to death. I knew several women like Lauren in college -- they were determined to party, refusing to go home or go to bed even at others' insistence. They weren't afraid to walk there on foot, or hop into a stranger's car. If there was obviously a party going on at some house, they had no hesitation walking up to the door and joining in even if they didn't know anyone there. They'd take drugs or alcohol from anyone, and/or would openly ask around for it, seeking it out.
I think it's possible Lauren overdosed or died by misadventure in a location that was never found, coming into contact with no one (who knows if she got into someone's car, fell into water). She may have been killed as a result of an accident by someone else who panicked and disposed of her body -- ex. running into the street and getting hit by a car. Maybe she overdosed with a group (whether it be the guys she was with or not) and those with her panicked. Maybe she crossed paths with an opportunist with nefarious intentions... And I don't think this type of person would have to fight to get Lauren into a car (imo, she'd fall for a ruse like "need a ride?", "want some coke?").
What cases fit this bill for you?
submitted by cummingouttamycage to TrueCrimeDiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:11 ReportsStack Aerosol Cans Market Size, Key Trends & Projected Growth Report from 2024 to 2030

The global aerosol cans market is projected to grow at a significant CAGR of approximately 4% from 2024 to 2030, having been valued at over USD 10 billion in 2020. The rising demand from various end-use industries such as personal care, healthcare, and automotive is a key driver of this market growth. Additionally, shifting consumer lifestyles and increasing disposable income are further propelling the market.
To know more about this study, request a free sample report @
Market Trends:
Sustainable Packaging: There is an increasing emphasis on sustainability within the aerosol cans market. Companies are adopting more eco-friendly practices by using recyclable materials such as aluminum and steel for manufacturing aerosol cans. This shift aims to reduce the environmental impact of these products. Additionally, innovations in production processes are focused on minimizing carbon emissions and enhancing the overall sustainability of aerosol packaging.
Material Innovations: While traditional materials like aluminum and steel dominate the market due to their durability and recyclability, there is a growing niche for plastic aerosol cans. These plastic cans are favored in specific applications, such as insect repellents and air fresheners, because they are lightweight and shatterproof. The choice of material is often guided by the specific requirements of the product and consumer preferences for lightweight and recyclable options.
Dominance of Personal Care Products: The personal care segment is the largest and fastest-growing segment within the aerosol cans market. Products such as deodorants, hairsprays, and shaving creams are extensively packaged in aerosol cans due to their convenience and the ability to dispense the product evenly and efficiently. The demand in this segment is driven by consumer preferences for products that are easy to use and offer precise application.
Advanced Propellants: The use of liquefied gas propellants, such as hydrocarbons and fluorocarbons, is prevalent in the aerosol cans market. These propellants are effective in dispensing products smoothly and are particularly popular in personal care and household products. Compressed gas propellants, like nitrogen and carbon dioxide, are also significant, especially in medical and scientific applications where precise control over the dispensing mechanism is crucial.
Diverse Applications: Aerosol cans are used across a wide range of industries beyond personal care. They are essential for household products like cleaning agents and air fresheners, automotive products such as lubricants and cleaners, food items like cooking sprays, paints, and medical products including inhalers and topical sprays. This diversity in application underscores the versatility and utility of aerosol cans in various sectors.
Market Opportunities:
The aerosol cans market presents numerous opportunities driven by evolving consumer preferences and technological advancements. One major opportunity lies in the increasing demand for sustainable packaging solutions. Companies can capitalize on this trend by developing eco-friendly aerosol cans made from recyclable materials such as aluminum and steel. Additionally, the growing personal care and household products segments offer significant potential for market expansion, particularly in emerging markets like Asia-Pacific, where rising disposable incomes and urbanization are driving demand for convenient and efficient packaging solutions. Innovations in propellant technology and smart packaging are also creating opportunities for manufacturers to enhance product functionality and user experience, making aerosol cans more appealing across various applications including healthcare, automotive, and food products.
According to the recent report published by RC Market Analytics, the Global Aerosol Cans Market is expected to provide sustainable growth opportunities during the forecast period from 2024 to 2030. This latest industry research study analyzes the aerosol cans market by various product segments, applications, regions and countries while assessing regional performances of numerous leading market participants. The report offers a holistic view of the aerosol cans industry encompassing numerous stakeholders including raw material suppliers, providers, distributors, consumers and government agencies, among others. Furthermore, the report includes detailed quantitative and qualitative analysis of the global market considering market history, product development, regional dynamics, competitive landscape, and key success factors (KSFs) in the industry.
Browse the Full Report Discretion @
Geographically, the aerosol cans market report comprises dedicated sections centering on the regional market revenue and trends. The aerosol cans market has been segmented on the basis of geographic regions into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. Aerosol cans market estimates have also been provided for the historical years 2020 to 2023 along with forecast for the period from 2024 - 2030.The report includes a deep-dive analysis of key countries including the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Germany, France, Italy, China, Japan, India, Australia, Mexico, Brazil and South Africa, among others. Thereby, the report identifies unique growth opportunities across the world based on trends occurring in various developed and developing economies.
The Aerosol Cans Market Segmentation:
By Material:
By Type:
By End-Use:
By Region:
Some of the leading companies in the global aerosol cans market include Ball Corporation, Trivium Packaging, Crown, Mauser Packaging Solutions, and Toyo Seikan Co. Ltd. These companies are expanding their market presence through strategies such as investment, service innovation, and collaboration. By expanding into new regions and pursuing acquisitions, they aim to achieve competitive advantages through synergistic partnerships.
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Key Questions Answered by Aerosol Cans Market Report:
About Us:RC Market Analytics is a global market research firm. Our insightful analysis is focused on developed and emerging markets. We identify trends and forecast markets with a view to aid businesses identify market opportunities to optimize strategies. Our expert’s team of analysts’ provides enterprises with strategic insights. RC Market Analytics works to help enterprises grow through strategic insights and actionable solutions. Feel free to contact us for any report customization at
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Company Name: RC Market Analytics Pvt. Ltd. Contact Person: Vijendra Singh Email: Visit us:
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2024.06.04 20:11 Ne0nrlver Help fixing damage?

Help fixing damage?
I have this piece of peach satin spar that has taken quite a few falls and has become quite beaten up. Now that I finally have a stable stand for it, I wanted to ask if anyone knew of anything I could do to help fix some of the bumps it’s acquired? I have some fine grit sandpaper but am unsure if that would help or make things worse. Any advice appreciated, thanks!
submitted by Ne0nrlver to Crystals [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:11 Roxxxxy22 Mini meltdown in work

Hi looking for advice pls.
I’ve been a low level CS for 26 years. I’m extremely knowledgeable in my dept and I’m a hard worker who tries to do my very best as much as I can. That said I’m starting to get pissed off in work & over emotional. I recently moved to a new team within the organization and I’m not settling in very well. I’ve found the dynamic in the team a bit off. It’s quite cliquey as can be expected as they have all worked together for a while and there’s quite a bit of whispering and backbiting. I hear this but try not to get involved. I’ve always found a niche on all my other teams and I can and do get on well with everyone as a rule. I’ve never had an issue before. My manager doesn’t seem bothered by any of this. I’m unsure if they are oblivious or are just choosing to ignore it for peace’s sake. A minor issue kicked off on team today between myself and another member of staff. It wasn’t a huge deal but I found myself angry at how I was spoken to and looked at by the rest of the team. There was no screaming or shouting but I was made to feel I was in the wrong on a work issue when I really wasn’t. I defended my position but I was upset I did snap and I feel bad about it . I’m loosing confidence in myself more and more every day. I found myself getting more & more upset and wound up so I spoke to my Manager who effectively made me feel like I was mental. The slack jawed way he looked at me set me off even more & I started really bawling. He muttered something about my mental health being important and if I had any more issues to see him again but he didn’t attempt to help me resolve the situation or address it with the other member of staff. I’m so embarrassed and frankly incredibly anxious about this whole situation. I feel like a complete fool who will be picked apart and discussed at length on team and I don’t know what to do next. Any suggestions?
submitted by Roxxxxy22 to TheCivilService [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:11 mEsTiR5679 Looking for tips for my 2 fur babies

I've had a tuxedo indoooutdoor boy cat for the last 4-5 years that the ex wife brought in. Back in Jan, we adopted a 4-5 month old girl and she transitioned fairly well. Took until April to get her fixed and vaccinated. The boy didn't enjoy her company, and hated any contact she tried to make with him, but never got aggressive. The wife and I split a couple months ago and took the boy with her, and I kept the girl. (Her name is Cotton Candy).
I work full time Mon-Fri and felt she needed a companion for when I'm not home. I've adopted a boy (named Mochi)(1.25yrs) from SCARS (great service) and it took a week or so to accommodate their acclimation to each other. The first week was all hisses and growls from her, and a general discomfort to being near him. I did all the tricks like putting their food dishes on either sides of the quarantine door, and giving treats when they spend time in each other's company. This process got her to lighten up and now they're playing and hanging out.
My concern now is that she gets quite jealous when I spend time with him, and she tends to interfere with playtime I spent with him directly. He does get a little aggressive with her and sometimes her presence will trigger some biting aggression. I'm worried he'll have more troubles bonding with me on one hand, but worst case is that he'll eventually break skin with her when I'm not home. He does seem to bite fairly quickly and hard with me sometimes, I'm learning his triggers and behaviours to correct my petting techniques with him, but it really seems that he craves contact, but gets aggressive if she gets too close to us.
Right now, I've got a room dedicated to just the cats stuff. A cat tree against the window in that room, with a litter box and food as well as a bunch of toys available. Another cat tree in the front window in the living room with more toys and I bought one of those giant treadmill loops. I've also been trying to swap out the toys semi weekly.
I've got a daily routine of feeding them soft food in the morning and night which I think helps them stay civil. They have constant access to 2 water bowls (refilled in morning and evening) and dry food as well (filled as needed).
Basically, I'm trying to max out enrichment and keep them safe, but I notice behaviors that make me nervous slightly. Any tips on playing habits and routines I can include to keep them happy and content?
submitted by mEsTiR5679 to CatTraining [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:10 Ok_Ordinary_4990 Cat with probable cancer: try to raise funds or hospice care?

TLDR is that we're unable to afford a 2000$ surgery (leg amputation) for a stray cat we recently adopted, and we're concerned that even if we did amputate, he still may not make a full recovery, as the kind of cancer he may have is unclear.
We might be able to try starting a Gofundme and other things to put it together, but even then, there is a lot of uncertainty as to whether or not it can cure him, or if we're going to make him suffer before he passes.
Is it worth it for us to try and raise funds for him or should we prioritize spoiling him rotten until his quality of life declines (in which case we'd euthanize him)?
---- For full story and details, as well as all the bits of medical information we gained and when, please keep reading ----
My partner and I have cared for an outdoor stray for a few years, but for financial and space reasons, we put off bringing him inside. He is an incredibly sweet cat, comfortable with humans and incredibly affectionate and adorable. His face looks perpetually upset, so we named him Grumpy, and we're terribly fond of him
Late April, we noticed him limping on his rear left paw, which prompted us to snag him and bring him to a vet because we thought he had a broken paw. He was eating and drinking well, but lethargic. We also had to shave swaths of matting off of him and he got a little spicy, but seemed otherwise fine, albeit weak. Around May 3rd, after some x-rays, it turns out it was a tumor on his toe, and he was originally given antibiotics in the form of a shot and told to come back in about week if its not better, to have his toe removed. It seemed to go down a touch half way through, but it didn't get better, so we got him checked out by our main vet, as this was initially done by an emergency clinic.
Around May 24th
The pre-surgery evaluation done on him was a general health checkup. We figured out his age, gave him rabies shots (the last vet didn't) learned he probably had worms, and also did a full manual evaluation of his abdomen, listening to his breathing and feeling around to see how he was. The vet told us, though stressed that he couldn't guarantee, that he didn't think it was cancer but an infection, possibly from something being stuck. This vet is awesome by the way and we greatly appreciate him.
We were booked for a neutering, a surgery to lance or possibly amputate the toe if it reached the bone, and a FIV test, based on his background. This was already a bit of a stretch for us in terms of cost, and was about 600 USD if it needed amputation, which it did.
Around May 27th After the initial surgery we were told that he does have FIV, and that they did have to remove the toe from him. Another thing to note was that there was a swollen lymph node found, I'm not sure where, but it was possible it was from him fighting off infection. It was unclear based on circumstances what caused it. We also had the option to get it biopsied and tested at the lab for cancer, which we declined due to the cost (200$). We figured that if it is cancer, we probably couldn't afford treatment, and we didn't want to have him suffer unnecessarily. We were booked for a stich removal a week-ish after and given oral antibiotics (amox) to use to help recovery.
While the FIV was an obstacle because we have non FIV cats (they were kept separate the entire time) we were under the impression he'd make a full recovery. And aside from him being upset with the cone and groggy coming off of anesthesia, he started acting incredibly happy, bright and active. He seems to be doing better than ever before and we assumed that was that he'd be fine.
One thing, which raised concerns was that halfway through, after we removed his bandages, was that his foot was oozing small amounts of blood, and this resulted in kitty litter being stuck in it, despite our best efforts to clean it. A few days before we brought him in to have his stitches removed, we noticed some swelling just above the amputated toe and we thought that it was possibly being reinfected. Again, acting otherwise a lot better
Yesterday, June 3rd
After the stitches got removed the vet told us that the lump looks like the tumor is returning (based on some of the photos we had, shortly after the bandage was removed, it wasn't that the surgery didnt take all of it out), and they strongly suspect it is cancer based on the speed. There is a pronounced lump on his foot that is now more and more clear. They cannot confirm what kind of cancer, whether it originated from elsewhere in the body or not, or how aggressive it is, etc. without a biopsy. But they did tell us that as it continues to grow it will start to necrose. It seems clear that if he is to live for a significant time after, he needs treatment
They did say that its likely if they removed his leg that would probably take out whatever was on his foot completely (again assuming it hasnt spread and its not a tumor from elsewhere). The issue is the cost. We can't afford the 1500-2000$ estimate we were given, and another issue we have is the uncertainty of how treatment will come out. Our best shot would be to start a go fund me, or other forms of fundraising, but as mentioned, we're unsure if its enough and if we should just let him be happy as long as possible.
He is currently doing incredibly well- active, happy, social, a little aggressive with the dog but otherwise seemed like he was going to make a full recovery
Should we try anyway?
We adore this cat, and would love to keep him, but we also don't want him to suffer, especially if we can't cure him. If there is a good chance he can make it with just the amputation then we'd try to fundraise, but if it is more likely than not going to cure him... we again, don't want to make him suffer. I understand no one can make a diagnosis just based on this, but given what we know, does it seem... possible, even, that he can recover with just the leg amputation?
I am NOT an expert or vet, but I did read that cancer that starts primarily in the toe tends to be aggressive, and if it is a tumor metastasized from elsewhere, its usually lung cancer, and kitty chemo is also something we can't afford- hence the concerns. Are they unfounded? The vet never raised concerns about his other organs from the abdominal exam, or found other lumps or anything.
I know no one can know or make a full diagnosis or anything like that, but it seems like if it is cancer, it seems like it may be far more money than JUST the 2k and an unclear treatment effectiveness.
Species: Cat
submitted by Ok_Ordinary_4990 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:10 throw-away-976 I am 30 years old, makes $120,000 , live in San Francisco work in Customer Success and went on a Bachorlette Trip To Tulum

Section One: Assets and Debt
Net worth: $212,723.31
Section Two: Income
Income Progression:
Main Job Monthly Take Home:
Side Gig Monthly Take Home - $200-500 a month depending on how much I teach as a fitness instructor
Any Other Monthly Income Here - None
Section Three: Expenses
Pre-trip Expense
Day 1:
Day 2:
Day 5:
Final thoughts:
As the planner of this trip, prior to booking anything I had sent out a survey asking people how much they were willing to spend on the airbnb per night, for the entire trip and what they were willing to cover for the bride. We went with the common denominator and covered all drinks for the bride. I also itemized everything people ordered, so this way it'd be more fair for those that were trying to stick to a certain budget. I would say this is on par with how much I typically spend on trips. I don't typically track how much I'm spending on trips but am aware of if what I'm spending on a meal is on par with what I'm comfortable with.
*I went on the trip a while ago and keep forgetting to write it so this may feel like a more detailed summary than a real travel diary.
submitted by throw-away-976 to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:09 PHNobel1954 Looking for advice/direction.

This is my first post & I am thankful I found this group. Background; 64yo white male. I’m also a disabled veteran. Had Covid @ five years ago. Although fitness is relative, within my age group I am in outstanding shape. 90 minute workouts every other day. Rowing 30 minutes, followed by incline walking at level 15 for 1.5 miles. Followed by strength training. Resting pulse (when asymptomatic ) is always 54-64BPM. BP within normal limits at 120/8O. Low cholesterol. Easy peezy, right? But…last three days mimic my long Covid symptoms that have troubled me over the past years.
Currently, if I attempt to walk more than 15 yards, or attempt any aerobic activity, it turns into torture; my heart start’s palpitating against my chest, BPM skyrockets, I suffer from Hypoxia, dehydration, brain fog, fatigue, lactic acidosis in my limbs. My BP will sometimes drop to 65/40. And because I suffer from both PTSD & major depressive order, I get hammered mentally and it’s an hour by hour struggle to stay sane.
I am a former Navy special operations combat medic. So, I have some minor medical training which allows me to sometimes convince myself that I know more than I do. But, for the most part I am in tune with my body. I try and follow a healthy diet. I drink little alcohol other than the occasional glass of wine. I do have my MMJ card and love how marijuana helps with depression, anxiety, and sleeping.
I’m fortunate that I receive my medical care (thank you taxpayers) through the VA and its wonderful medical professionals. In 2018 & 2022 I underwent a whole-body battery of tests - brain scan, X-rays, MRI of bladder & prostate, chest & heart Doppler, blood tests, etc. - everything was normal. No abnormalities were found. This did not surprise me.
So, ladies & gentleman, what can be done? I’m frustrated & I am looking for any advice, however minor. This F&$@-;g sucks. My quality of life disappears when long covid makes a house call.
submitted by PHNobel1954 to LongCovid [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:08 THROWRAPINKPONY i (f27) married to (m30) together 7 years but lost love for eachother. anyway i can fix this?

I (F27) married to my husband (M30) for 4 years and been together for 7 years. We have two young kids together and i quit my job to stay at home with the kids when my first was a year old. i’ve always had resentment towards him because he got to keep his career because it made more money and i had to stay at home and cook and clean and take care of the kids 24/7. we have no family or friends who will help us care for the kids so we’ve never had breaks to spend time with each other but my in-laws will watch the kids probably 4 times a year when we have something planned we really want to do but it’s always a struggle to even get them to do that. He also cheated on me the first year we were together with one of his friends that was a girl and i found out a year after it happened. After we got married his alcohol use got super heavy and he ended up in rehab he’s super mean when he drinks and we were fighting a lot. He relapsed only after a few months though. Our youngest is now a year old and i kind of feel like we both only agreed to have another to try to save the intimacy and try to build our family and see if we could salvage the feelings between us but it only drove us further apart by fighting over responsibility and me fighting with him over needing a little bit more freedom to see my friends once a month because he’s been controlling since day 1. We’ve tried couples therapy but he refuses to see his wrongs. We barely kiss or have sex and both agree the feelings are completely gone. I also feel like i may be more attracted to girls. Is there any way i can give this one last try to rebuild the intimacy and feelings before i go to divorce him? TIA
submitted by THROWRAPINKPONY to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:08 Proudlymediocre Passed the NMLS Exam (NMLS Test)-- Notes On My Experience

I passed the NMLS test on the first try with an 80. Here are my non-expert experience in case anyone -- like I was -- is looking for information:
Before I started classes on April 22nd, I had zero professional experience in the mortgage and real estate industry (this hampered me a little on the test, I think, since experience with mortgages and transactions would have definitely helped on many of the test questions). But I love people and I love numbers and I love contracts, and have purchased a few properties in my life wherein I enjoyed the loan process, so am pursuing Loan Origination as my next career.
My goal was to study two hours per day for three weeks. For a week I stuck to this, except being 55 with responsibilities sometimes life gets in the way and the reality is I studied for two hours a day for the first week, a couple of hours every couple of days for the next 1.9 weeks, then studied about 6 hours the final day.
I have a graduate degree, but the last time I took any kind of courses or test was 30 years ago (!). I realize now why I hated school so much as a kid, was okay with Bs in high school and college, and swore after getting my graduate degree I'd never go to school again -- for me, I don't like the artificial stress of tests. Life is too short to fret about the nits of tests. Because of this, I struggled a bit spiritually before and during the test -- what was the point of this, I kept asking myself. I'm relieved that part -- the internal debate -- is over. I don't know that I'll ever take another test again.
I struggled on how to study. 3x5 index cards? Quizlet or a similar flashcard app? Handwritten notes? (I had a decent memory until I was about 40, so in college I would skip all the classes/lectures since sitting in a lecture is akin to hell for me, and instead would read the assigned readings with a yellow highlighter during the semester, then rewrite highlighted passages by hand the day before the test, and that was enough for me to do okay on a multiple choice test). For the NMLS exam, I made lots and lots and lots of paper flashcards, but ultimately what I went back to was to write sample test questions in Google Sheets (Question was in column A, I answered in an oversized column B, the Answer key was in Question C), take the test (I answered each question in B then I'd check my answer in C and highlight in red any question that I missed), then dictate any question I answered incorrectly into a Voice Memo which I would listen to this on my daily walks. I tried to create jingles for questions I missed repeatedly ("HMDA is Regulation C, That's Section X of 1003").
I also struggled on what materials to study. I wasn't impressed with the online 20 hour course I took for the pre-education piece so was reluctant to pay $ for a test prep, plus I personally don't like prerecorded web/video lessons. I tried taking online tests, but because ultimately I didn't trust the validity of these tests I never answered more than a few questions on any one of them. Ultimately, I banked on a 4-hour free YouTube video. The video spent a lot of time on RESPA, TILA, the specifics of the various loan products, not a lot of time on specific scenarios. I watched the entire video, took detailed notes on the video, and then wrote nearly 500 test questions based on the video. I got to where I knew those 500 test questions like the back of my hand. If the test matched that video, I was going to pass!
Turns out, I don't think I bet on the right video. Maybe half the questions on the test were on the video wherein I knew I nailed the question. That means the remaining 50 percent of the questions were a modified form of a crapshoot -- these are not good odds to play. In fact, maybe a sixth of the questions I was taking wild guesses on where I was taking a swing in the total dark. I realize now that the video was just a high-level cliff notes version of a small portion of what was on the test. In retrospect, I would have spent more time reviewing the course materials from my class, looking more at the specific scenarios and the finer points of TRID (there were quite a few questions on TRID, which the video didn't really cover in detail; there seemed to be very few questions related to UAT and only four math questions). OMG about two-thirds through the test, I thought -- I'm screwed. Mid test, I started making my plans for when I failed - what would my next step be?
I noticed too that the questions were phrased in ways I didn't anticipate. For example, I know that business days are considered any day other than Sunday and legal holidays. And there was a test question about this, but it was phrased as "Monday through Saturday except legal holidays" for one answer choice and something like "Monday through Saturday except legal holidays, unless the branch is open for business on Sunday." These little twists challenged me a lot. I was also surprised how some questions were more detailed in their phrasing than I expected while others were much more simple in their phrasing than I expected. There were more than a few questions where I knew the answer, except the answer choices were ambiguous enough to make the best choice not so clear cut.
Regarding time -- there was way more time than necessary. I've always been a very very very slow test taker, and was one of the last people to finish the test, but still had more than 90 minutes remaining when I finished.
By some miracle I passed. But because only half the questions I studied were on the test, I don't know that I"m in a place to offer advice on if it's worthwhile investing $ in a test prep course, and if so which prep course. I think if anyone asked me, I would say to take 8 weeks not 3 weeks to study, and to rely more on the course textbook (i.e. study it, know it) and less on free YouTube videos.
That's it. Good luck to any and all!
submitted by Proudlymediocre to loanoriginators [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:08 SingleTape Trying to find friends and stay true to myself while homeless

I'm in my mid 30's and I'm struggling to find good friends in general. I'm homeless and not working so I have a lot of time on my hands and I kind of expect the same from others to some point but it feels like the people who have the time aren't interested in spending it with me and the people who would be interested dont have it.
On top of all of it I feel the need to be able to regress around other people but I haven't quite been able to find anyone or the circumstances to feel comfortable doing it. I've been regressing in public at times and sometimes in an obvious way yet the moment someone tries to interact with me I get pulled back into my big self and it's really frustrating.
One example of this is I went to a park last weekend, I was wearing wings, a cute outfit and using my binky, all while throwing rocks in the river to try to dislodge a ball from the back current. Just as I gave up, I turned around to see an elderly couple admiring me and taking photos (I can be quite the spectacle at times and this is becoming normal in my life). As soon as we started talking I wasn't regressed anymore and although I enjoyed the interaction I wasn't where I actually wanted to be.
So I feel like I'm stuck in this weird place of wanting to be recognized as a little but the moment I am I don't have the conviction to keep going.

My current circumstances don't really help with all of this. As I mentioned, I'm homeless. This is partly out of my control but also somewhat due to my own intentional inaction. I couldn't find steady work for a while and that's what l led me here to begin with, but now that I'm here I don't really want to give up the freedom that I've found and I've completely lost the will and motivation to live in our traditional economy.
So now I'm stuck in this place where I'm barely taking care of myself and I don't know what other means I have to do so. And I honestly love the idea of having a full-time CG who can help me with my needs but I also don't want to be in a situation that's unhealthy where one of us is taking advantage of the other.
And it's not like I don't want to contribute (I volunteer whenever I'm able, whether formally or just helping someone out on the street) , but outside of doing work that makes me feel miserable, like my life is meaningless and feels like it's just perpetuating a broken system, I really don't know how to while also having my own needs met.
submitted by SingleTape to ageregression [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:08 Emergency-Monitor-78 Should I cut out bread?

I 19F struggle with binge eating, usually it’s on sugar (anything i can get my hands on) which would make me binge 1-2k extra calories. However I have gone added sugar free and instead of binging on sugar I end up binging on bread, crackers, deli meats and walnuts but especially bread because it’s the same texture as cake 😭😭 the number of calories isn’t quite as bad but I do feel more bloated and worse than if i’d binged on sugar.
Would cutting out bread + crackers (not any other carbs) help me to not binge and would it be sustainable? I do have cheat days where I allow myself to binge on sugar for holidays (christmas, easter, birthdays, holidays etc).
submitted by Emergency-Monitor-78 to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:08 Intelligent-Cry-1004 Will my emails put me in trouble?

I’m a college student in U.S, and im kinda in trouble. I need some help.
I have these 2 classes i really need to take for graduation(i am already here more than 4 years due to adding another) major. I’ll call them 5 and 0. There r 4 pre-requisite for these classes, and i’m supposed to have C or higher. I got B for 2 classes and A- for 1, but I got C- for one pre-req class.
During that semester when i got C-, i had a very hard time due to one of my family members’ illness(Possibly one of the worst things that can ever happen to your family). I left my dorm early and even paid for penalty fee for leaving early.
I told about this to professors 5 and 0. There were some emails going, then prof for 0 allowed me(esp after the dep. policy allows exception with prof’s permission) for next spring.
Ratemyprofessor and my fiends who took prof5’s class said he’s class is quite difficult and he is strict and picky. Idk why but apparently he’s the only professor for that class for a long time and i checked he’s the only professor for last spring, this summer, and fall.
I talked about dep’s policy and why I had a hard time at the semester to prof for 5 as well , and asked what can I do for permission code this summer(Monday(6/3) was the first day, but considering day 1 is about syllabus, i believe i can catch up although it’s known for quite tough class. I just said there’s no class after Thursday, and I can work hard to catch up in email.) but he replied I have to take it again.
I don’t want to take that again because of that few percentage.
I was thinking about going to see him in person after his class(his class hour is on school website), but I wasn’t born in US and I’m not good at talking in general, so i’m not sure if it would be a great idea to go see him on Wednesday.
So, I’m going to ask the prof 5 that there is a prof who allowed me, and i know prof 5 isnt that prof(i aint gonna tell about prof for 0, and it’s not violating the policy), but there must be something i can do to take it this summer, since it’s possible. If he agrees and gives me a permission code, then its good, but if it’s not i’m thinking of keep sending an email. He could just keep saying no or ignore, but i’ll keep sending email(like once in like every 4-6 hours, paraphrasing everytime i send, ofc polite and short.) prob until the 2nd week because i dont think i can catch up after 2nd week with my school email. Would this endless email put me in trouble?
submitted by Intelligent-Cry-1004 to University [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:07 DurianDull2914 Personal Statement for Medical School

Hello Yall! So as the title states I need help revising my personal statement for medical school. I have been tweaking and changing things for what feels like forever and feel its best to just get another opinion. I feel like there are issues with how it flows and kind of jumps from one thing to another. If anyone would feel up to helping me out it would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by DurianDull2914 to PersonalStatement [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:07 TrueSolid611 How mentally well are you?

Serious question. I have bipolar but I’m quite lucky in the fact it rarely affects me. I get mania rarely which can kind of be a train wreck in my life (since being medicated I’ve been years without anything) but on the whole I wouldn’t say I’m depressed, or maybe I am? I don’t like myself very much and I am definitely not as outgoing and gregarious as I used to be. I was quite popular at school but I’m now in my 30s and haven’t made any new friends as im a lot more quiet these days, but I’m still in contact with a couple of old friends and I have my wife. Would rather do something with people I’m close to anyway than go out and mingle anyway. I’m definitely more introverted with perhaps some other things going on. My quality of life is pretty good now but obviously could get rocked with another episode. What about you guys?
submitted by TrueSolid611 to AskUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:07 throwawayLEGAL5813 Upcycled Fort from Old Deck

Upcycled Fort from Old Deck
How do we look so far?
My partner, a notoriously bad photographer, took these using cellphone wide angle lens so might look curved on the edges or tilted.
Helped tear down an old trap house originally built to withstand nuclear fallout. Using I beam steel and old turpentine dipped phone poles sunk about ~3’ deep. 12x16 or 18’ on the I-beams, I cannot recall. All wood is aged pressure treated lumber ~3+yrs old or aged cedar (flooring).
Shout out to my partners hoarding because we’ve only bought windows and screws/bolts for this project.
submitted by throwawayLEGAL5813 to Decks [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:06 Front-Needleworker-9 Is it helpful to winning ssi benefits if deemed 100% approved for indigent medical care in my county?

Wife applied for ssi/ssdi a year back, she just got approved for indigent medical assistance 100% and said we are at 123% poverty level. What guidelines does SSI use if this is even a factor? She has medical issues galore, which I have mentioned in other threads. The letter also said the hospital referred her to Resource Corp of America for financial help. Not sure what that is exactly. Does SSI and the SSA consider this in evaluation of her case? Is it good or bad? Should I send copies of these approval for assistance letters to SSI? My thinking is YES because it shows a dire need. But I want some feedback. Thanks
submitted by Front-Needleworker-9 to SSDI_SSI [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:06 JaySpeaking MLB DFS pitchers/stacks for DraftKings - 6/4/24

Pitching GPP core:
L. Gil, 10800 – Good matchup against the Twins. He’s been great. Has big time K-stuff. Twins not striking out at the rate that they did last season, but they still will. Expensive, but I get it. I like him a lot and he’s going to be my GPP SP1.
J. Flaherty, 9200 – Decent matchup against the Rangers. Flaherty has been having a great season with a K-rate sitting at a pretty 34%. The Rangers are no longer all that scary of an offense, I don’t care what anybody says, I will play quality pitchers against them and Flaherty fits that billing.
Pitching cash core:
S. Imanaga, 10600 – Good matchup against the White Sox. He finally had a bad start, it happens, but this is still a guy whose talent that I firmly believe in, and the White Sox are awful against lefties. He’s expensive, and winds are blowing slightly out which doesn’t help pitchers, but Imanaga is certainly still going to be in my pool in this matchup. I do think he’s a bit safer than Gil, while lower upside, so I will make him my cash SP1 but keep an eye on weather as Roth has it Yellow/Orange (based on his write-up, I think it will be fine, but it’s something to keep an eye on.)
G. Kirby, 8800 – Good matchup against the A’s. Hasn’t been great recently, but he’s affordable and the matchup is solid. One of the safer arms on the slate.
Top Stacks:
  1. CHC – Chris Flexen Day! There’s also some wind blowing out at Wrigley, boost to bats.
  2. CIN – Reds in Coors, part 2. They unleashed in Coors yesterday and I wouldn’t be surprised to see them do it again against Blach.
  3. COL – I like the other side of Coors quite a bit too, which is weird to say about the Rockies, but in Coors they’re often playable and they face Montas today who is awful. Full game stacks of this game are very much in play.
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submitted by JaySpeaking to dfsports [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:06 Magsmooschnoo Posting scan pics on social media

I would love to know what other people think about this. I’m sure some of you have done it and I don’t want to sound like I’m judging anyone for their personal choices, I just wanted to share my experience.
I find seeing scan pics on social media really distressing. I’m 15 weeks into my second pregnancy and had a missed miscarriage for my first- we found out at our 12 week scan. Whenever I see a scan picture it brings back that trauma, of seeing our lifeless baby on the screen, not looking like a 12 week scan, because they died at 8 weeks. I’m still terrified of scans, we’ve had quite a few this pregnancy because I’ve had a number of bleeds and I tend to keep my eyes closed- I’ll have tears rolling down my cheeks as my radiographer tries to encourage me to look, and connect with my baby. Do people who post just not realise how traumatic these pictures can be for people? Would it be helpful if I shared my experiences? As I know so many people don’t talk about pregnancy loss.
I don’t have a problem sharing with close family and friends, but on platforms like Facebook people often have hundreds of Facebook friends, given 1 in 4 pregnancies end in loss that is quite a lot of people who could be deeply impacted by these posts; we have absolutely no way of knowing what our Facebook friends experiences have been and they have no control over their news feeds and what they see. I completely understand people wanting to announce their pregnancies, but does it have to be with a scan pic?
I’m aware it could come across as sour grapes, and if I’m honest there is a part of me that resents people who can be excited and enjoy their pregnancies, like we were with our first, before our loss. But the trauma is very real- every time I see a scan pic I do a sharp intake of breath and I feel like I’m being stabbed in the heart.
Sorry for the long post, would appreciate your thoughts (but please be kind).
submitted by Magsmooschnoo to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:05 celegana7 Did you have help stay with you following c section?

I am having a scheduled c section this Friday due to our little one being breech. My husband and I had originally planned for it to just be us for the first few weeks. Neither of our families are close by so them coming in means them staying in our home which is quite small.
Yesterday I had an attempted ECV and it was quite traumatic. I am now considering having my mom fly out for the c section and want to gauge whether people found this helpful? She would stay at our house for the 3 nights we were in the hospital and our first two nights home.
I am close with my mom but I know my partner finds having company stressful and is worried about not having the early moments just us.
submitted by celegana7 to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:04 No-Cantaloupe-1041 burnt out ! pushed the exam . can't pull up myself again and lost .

I started studying seriously in March, aiming for a score of 235+. I'm a very average student and have a mixture of ADHD and anxiety. I don't feel like I learn well from question banks; I tend to take it quite personally. The only way that worked for me was to unsuspend the Anki cards for each block first and then would do the block.
One month before the exam, I took NBME 10 and scored 212. I thought I was on the right track. Fifteen days before the exam, I took NBME 11 and scored 202, then NBME 12 two days later and scored 220. I had a lot of test-taking strategy issues, which accounted for about 70% of my mistakes. I felt extremely tired during both tests. When I start doubting myself, my mind goes into panic mode, which I always struggle to control or cope with. I ended up postponing the exam, and now I don't know what to do or how to fix this.
I've had a lot on my plate this year, which I've been dealing with in addition to preparing for the exam. Now, I'm feeling clueless about what I should do next. I feel terrible, drowsy, and constantly in a fog. And yes, I definitely used AI to help me write this. my mental capacity can barely send texts to my mother telling her i am fine .
submitted by No-Cantaloupe-1041 to Step2 [link] [comments]