Drosophila dihybrid cross

Monthly Homework Help Megathread

2024.05.27 18:00 AutoModerator Monthly Homework Help Megathread

All requests for help with exam study and homework questions must be posted here. Posts made outside this thread will generally be removed.
Are you a student in need of some help with your genetics homework? Do you need clarification on basic genetics concepts before an exam? Please ask your questions here.
Please follow the following basic guidelines when asking for help:

Please use the following template when asking questions:
Question template
What I know:
What I don’t know:
What I tried:
End template

Type: Homework
Level: High school
System: Cats
Topic: Dihybrid cross
Question: “The genetic principles that Mendel uncovered apply to animals as well as plants. In cats, for instance, Black (B) is dominant over brown (b) fur color and Short (S) fur is dominant over long (s) fur. Suppose a family has a black, short-furred male, heterozygous for both of these traits that they mate with a heterozygous black, long-furred female. Determine and present the genotypes of the two parent animals, the likely gametes they could produce and assuming they have multiple, large liters what is the proportion of kittens of each possible phenotype (color and length) that the family might expect.”
Answer: N/A
What I know: I understand how to do a Punnett square with one allele. For example, Bb x Bb.
B b
b Bb bb
What I don’t know: I don’t know how to properly set up the Punnett square to incorporate the additional S (fur length) allele in the gamete.
What I tried: I tried Googling “cat fur genetics” and didn’t find any useful examples.
Other: What happens if there is another allele added to these?
End of Example

This format causes me abject pain, why do I have to fill out the template?
  1. We want folks to learn and understand. Requiring the user to put in effort helps curb the number of “drive-by problem sets” being dumped onto the sub from users expecting the internet to complete their assignments.
  2. Posters often do not include enough information to adequately help answer the question. This format eliminates much of the guesswork for respondents and it allows responders quickly assess the level of knowledge and time needed to answer the question.
  3. This format allows the posts to be programmatically archived, tagged, and referenced at later times for other students.
Type: Where did the question come from? Knowing the origin of the question can help us formulate the best available answer. For example, the question might come from homework, an exam, a course, a paper, an article, or just a thought you had.
Level: What is the expected audience education level of the question and answer? This helps us determine if the question should be answered in the manner of, “Explain like I’m 5” or “I’m the PI of a mega lab, show me the dissertation” E.g.--elementary school, high school, undergraduate, research, nonacademic, curiosity, graduate, layperson
System: Which species, system, or field does the question pertain? E.g.—human, plant, in silico, cancer, health, astrobiology, fictional world, microbiology
Topic: What topic is being covered by the question? Some examples might include Mendelian genetics, mitosis, codon bias, CRISPR, or HWE.
Question: This is where you should type out the question verbatim from the source.
Answer: If you’ve been provided an answer already, put it here. If you don’t have the answer, leave this blank or fill in N/A.
What I know: Tell us what you understand about the problem already. We need to get a sense of your current domain knowledge before answering. This also forces you to engage with the problem.
What I don’t know: Tell us where you’re getting stuck or what does not make sense.
What I tried: Tell us how you’ve approached the problem already. What worked? What did not work?
Other: You can put whatever you want here or leave it blank. This is a good place to ask follow-up questions and post links.
submitted by AutoModerator to genetics [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 14:51 milkshake-4242 Need resource on A2 bio genetic inheritance chapter topical qp

does anyone have a worksheet that has a collection of monohybrid or dihybrid cross, chi-squared related questions, and t-test related questions?
submitted by milkshake-4242 to alevel [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 20:33 enasty236 Yes and yes? (Fl #4 spoiler)

Yes I know D is a better answer but isn’t A correct too? If the female is heterozygous males would be 50/50 on phenotype and if female was homozygous male progeny would be 100/0 on phenotype. I picked D because you could also determine with female progeny but like you could determine with choice A right??
submitted by enasty236 to Mcat [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 13:05 Inevitable-Opinion57 can someone help me understand this question

can someone help me understand this question
question is from ON23 V42 Q5a I just copied the ms
submitted by Inevitable-Opinion57 to alevel [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 07:28 seagullmcsussy help how to do thus 9700/43/mj/18

help how to do thus 9700/43/mj/18 submitted by seagullmcsussy to ALevelBiology [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 04:48 PA99 Current state of knowledge about endogenous DMT

The biosynthesis of DMT is not limited to plants. In fact, it has been found to be endogenously produced in a number of animals, including rabbits,136 rats,137,138 and humans.139 A recent review analyzed 69 published studies from 1955−2010 that attempted to measure putative endogenous psychedelics such as DMT, 5-OH-DMT (i.e., bufotenin), and 5-MeO-DMT in human body fluids (e.g., urine, blood, and cerebral spinal fluid).131 The authors conclude that there is overwhelming evidence that humans produce DMT and 5-OH-DMT, but that data regarding 5-MeO-DMT is less conclusive. Many early studies measuring DMT levels in animals have been criticized for their lack of specificity; however, these early results have been confirmed recently using highly sensitive and specific modern analytical methods such as liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC−MS/MS).138 Furthermore, specific diets, antibiotics, and other medications do not seem to influence DMT levels in humans,131 making it likely that DMT is produced endogenously rather than originating from the ingestion of plant material, the production by gut microbiota, or the metabolism of pharmaceutical agents. Now that the presence of DMT in humans has been firmly established, further research needs to be done to determine if endogenously produced DMT can influence brain function or is simply an insignificant metabolic product of tryptophan metabolism.
The enzyme indolethylamine N-methyltransferase (INMT) catalyzes the methylation of a variety of biogenic amines, and is responsible for converting tryptamine into DMT in mam- mals.140 Homologous proteins to human INMT have been found in several animals141,142 with the human and rabbit forms being 88% identical.140 Human INMT is expressed in most tissues including the brain with the lungs exhibiting the highest levels of expression.140,143 Interestingly, the ex vivo activity of INMT varies as a function of age with INMT preparations from the perinatal period exhibiting the greatest activity.26 This difference in activity does not seem to be a result of changes in enzyme expression as a function of age, but rather from changes in the levels of an unidentified endogenous, dialyzable, peptidic inhibitor of INMT that represses native activity of the enzyme.144,145 In principle, rapid degradation of this inhibitor could allow for precise temporal control of DMT biosynthesis.
Our current understanding of the function (or lack thereof) of endogenous DMT is severely limited by our lack of knowledge regarding exactly when and where this molecule is produced in the body.131 To date, most studies have attempted to measure DMT levels in body fluids (e.g., blood and urine); however, measuring local changes in metabolism within specific regions of the body is likely to yield more useful information due to the rapid metabolism of DMT as well as the fact that INMT activity varies as a function of tissue type (e.g, it is highest in the lungs). Microdialysis experiments are useful in this regard, and one such study recently detected DMT in the pineal gland of rats.138 Several authors have hypothesized that DMT secreted from the pineal gland might give rise to dreams, mystical states, and various sensations associated with near-death experiences.6,146 However, others have argued that the small size of the pineal gland make it unlikely to be able to produce the quantity of DMT estimated to be necessary to produce a mystical experience (ca. 25 mg of DMT within a few minutes for a 75 kg individual).147 As DMT rapidly crosses the blood−brain barrier after entering the bloodstream (vide supra), a large, highly vascularized peripheral organ expressing high levels of INMT, such as the lungs, seems a more likely source of DMT than either the brain or pineal gland. Though challenging, lung microdialysis studies148 would shed light on this issue.
While very little is known about the synthesis and biodistribution of endogenous DMT, it is clear that under normal physiological conditions, DMT is produced in exceedingly small quantities, causing it to be labeled a trace amine. The single most important question for the field to answer is whether or not endogenous DMT is produced in sufficient quantities to have meaningful biological effects. As DMT is an inhibitor of INMT,143,149 it is likely that such product inhibition of the enzyme limits the amount of DMT that can be synthesized rapidly, making it unlikely that the concentration of endogenous DMT could exceed the threshold for inducing hallucinogenic effects or mystical experiences, except for maybe under extreme conditions. However, endogenous DMT does not need to reach high concentrations to exert significant effects on mammalian physiology. Ly and coworkers demonstrated that a subhallucinogenic dose of DMT in rodents (based on allometric scaling of a hallucinogenic human dose)150 can produce long-lasting changes in neural plasticity.46
Currently, we do not know how DMT concentrations change as a function of age, sex, or behavioral state. There is preliminary evidence from the 1970s suggesting that endogenous DMT production in rats increases following stress, specifically after experiencing electric shocks.133 Both our lab and others have demonstrated that high acute doses of DMT result in anxiogenic effects such as increased immediate freezing following foot shocks, decreased exploratory activity in the open field, and less time spent in the open arms of an elevated plus maze.52,98,151,152 However, we have also shown that DMT promotes structural and functional plasticity in the prefrontal cortex46 and facilitates fear extinction learning.52 It is possible that in rodents, endogenous DMT produced during stress serves an adaptive or protective role by (1) potentiating initial fear responses (e.g., increased freezing and reduced time spent in open spaces) and/or (2) promoting structural plasticity in the prefrontal cortex, thus facilitating fear extinction learning and preventing the formation of patho- logical fear memories. If true, this would have important implications for understanding the pathophysiology of post- traumatic stress disorder. However, it is also possible that stress does not increase endogenous DMT concentrations to levels sufficient for causing changes in behavior or plasticity.
As a final thought, endogenous DMT might play a greater role in neurodevelopment than in adult physiology. First, INMT activity is highest during development.26 Second, Ly and coworkers have demonstrated that DMT is a potent psychoplastogen capable of inducing the growth of dendrites and dendritic spines while also promoting synaptogenesis.46 Moreover, DMT likely mediates its effects on neural plasticity via an evolutionarily conserved mechanism, as psychedelics are capable of promoting neurite outgrowth in both Drosophila and rodent neurons.46 At this point, any potential role for endogenous DMT in normal mammalian physiology should be considered highly speculative at best, and new research in this area is necessary to close this knowledge gap.
Dark Classics in Chemical Neuroscience: N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT). Lindsay P. Cameron and David E. Olson. Jul 23, 2018. ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 9, 10, 2344–2357. DOI: 10.1021/acschemneuro.8b00101 (ENDOGENOUS PRODUCTION IN ANIMALS, pages 2349–2350)
(6) Strassman, R. (2001) DMT: The Spirit Molecule: A Doctor’s Revolutionary Research into the Biology of Near-Death and Mystical Experiences, Park Street Press, Rochester.
(26) Lin, R.-L., Sargeant, S., and Narasimhachari, N. (1974) Indolethylamine-N-methyltransferase in developing rabbit lung. Dev. Psychobiol. 7, 475−481.
(46) Ly, C., Greb, A. C., Cameron, L. P., Wong, J. M., Barragan, E. V., Wilson, P. C., Burbach, K. F., Soltanzadeh Zarandi, S., Sood, A., Paddy, M. R., Duim, W. C., Dennis, M. Y., McAllister, A. K., Ori-McKenney, K. M., Gray, J. A., and Olson, D. E. (2018) Psychedelics Promote Structural and Functional Neural Plasticity. Cell Rep. 23, 3170−3182.
(52) Cameron, L. P., Benson, C. J., Dunlap, L. E., and Olson, D. E. (2018) Effects of N,N-dimethyltryptamine on rat behaviors relevant to anxiety and depression. ACS Chem. Neurosci. 9, 1582−1590.
(98) Geyer, M. A., Light, R. K., Rose, G. J., Petersen, L. R., Horwitt, D. D., Adams, L. M., and Hawkins, R. L. (1979) A characteristic effect of hallucinogens on investigatory responding in rats. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 65, 35−40.
(131) Barker, S. A., McIlhenny, E. H., and Strassman, R. (2012) A critical review of reports of endogenous psychedelic N,N-dimethyltryptamines in humans: 1955−2010. Drug Test. Anal. 4, 617−635.
(133) Christian, S. T., Harrison, R., Quayle, E., Pagel, J., and Monti, J. (1977) The in vitro identification of dimethyltryptamine (DMT) in mammalian brain and its characterization as a possible endogenous neuroregulatory agent. Biochem. Med. 18, 164−183.
(136) Mandel, L. R., Prasad, R., Lopez-Ramos, B., and Walker, R. W. (1977) The biosynthesis of dimethyltryptamine in vivo. Res. Commun. Chem. Pathol. Pharmacol. 16, 47−58.
(137) Saavedra, J. M., and Axelrod, J. (1972) Psychotomimetic N- methylated tryptamines: formation in brain in vivo and in vitro. Science 175, 1365−1366.
(138) Barker, S. A., Borjigin, J., Lomnicka, I., and Strassman, R. (2013) LC/MS/MS analysis of the endogenous dimethyltryptamine hallucinogens, their precursors, and major metabolites in rat pineal gland microdialysate. Biomed. Chromatogr. 27, 1690−1700.
(139) Karkkainen, J., Forsstrom, T., Tornaeus, J., Wahala, K., Kiuru, P., Honkanen, A., Stenman, U. H., Turpeinen, U., and Hesso, A. (2005) Potentially hallucinogenic 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor ligands bufotenine and dimethyltryptamine in blood and tissues. Scand. J. Clin. Lab. Invest. 65, 189−199.
(140) Thompson, M. A., Moon, E., Kim, U. J., Xu, J., Siciliano, M. J., and Weinshilboum, R. M. (1999) Human indolethylamine N-methyltransferase: cDNA cloning and expression, gene cloning, and chromosomal localization. Genomics 61, 285−297.
(141) Morgan, M., and Mandell, A. J. (1969) Indole(ethyl)amine N-methyltransferase in the brain. Science 165, 492−493.
(142) Mandell, A. J., and Morgan, M. (1971) Indole(ethyl)amine N-Methyltransferase in Human Brain. Nat. New Biol. 230, 85.
(143) Thompson, M. A., and Weinshilboum, R. M. (1998) Rabbit lung indolethylamine N-methyltransferase. cDNA and gene cloning and characterization. J. Biol. Chem. 273, 34502−34510.
(144) Marzullo, G., Rosengarten, H., and Friedhoff, A. J. (1977) A peptide-like inhibitor of N-methyltransferase in rabbit brain. Life Sci. 20, 775−783.
(145) Wyatt, R. J., Saavedra, J. M., and Axelrod, J. (1973) A dimethyltryptamine-forming enzyme in human blood. Am. J. Psychiatry 130, 754−760.
(146) Callaway, J. C. (1988) A proposed mechanism for the visions of dream sleep. Med. Hypotheses 26, 119−124.
(147) Nichols, D. E. (2018) N,N-dimethyltryptamine and the pineal gland: Separating fact from myth. J. Psychopharmacol. 32, 30−36.
(148) Zeitlinger, M., Muller, M., and Joukhadar, C. (2005) Lung microdialysis–a powerful tool for the determination of exogenous and endogenous compounds in the lower respiratory tract (mini-review). AAPS J. 7, E600−8.
(149) Chu, U. B., Vorperian, S. K., Satyshur, K., Eickstaedt, K., Cozzi, N. V., Mavlyutov, T., Hajipour, A. R., and Ruoho, A. E. (2014) Noncompetitive Inhibition of Indolethylamine-N-methyltransferase by N,N-Dimethyltryptamine and N,N-Dimethylaminopropyltrypt- amine. Biochemistry 53, 2956−2965.
(150) Nair, A. B., and Jacob, S. (2016) A simple practice guide for dose conversion between animals and human. J. basic Clin. Pharm. 7, 27−31.
(151) Adams, L., and Geyer, M. (1982) LSD-induced alterations of locomotor patterns and exploration in rats. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 77, 179−185.
(152) Wing, L., Tapson, G., and Geyer, M. (1990) 5HT-2 mediation of acute behavioral effects of hallucinogens in rats. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 100, 417−25.
The DMT Debate w/ Dr. Jon Dean (dmtquest.org YouTube channel)
The DMT Debate #2 w/ Dr. Steven Barker (dmtquest.org YouTube channel)
Also see my post about the connection between ayahuasca and meditation.
submitted by PA99 to Ayahuasca [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 18:53 Mountain-Count-8526 April 28th Shift 2

Overall, not at all bad.... Everyone said stuff like so much deleted syllabus. I crammed logic gates, polymers and all in the last second and none of them came loll. Results out on 3rd May mostly.
And to the ones who said it was a bad experience I'm extremely surprised!! They had water cans in the building, only in the exam hall we weren't allowed to drink (only dumb rule but not too bad). They had air conditioned rooms, staff were very friendly and quite helpful. They were ready to provide extra additional sheets and only collected it in the last 3 minutes. There was also a person making announcements to help us out. Everything was very neat and organized so I'm not sure if only my centre was nice or whatever.
Phy was kinda bad but not tooo bad. Many came from electromagnetism and there were some other questions from collisions, optics and modern phy. Some from deleted syllabus like zener diode. Surprisingly nothing from AC if I'm not wrong and a few from electrostatic and electrodynamics. But focus was on 12th.
Chem most of it was organic, almost everything was there in present syllabus. Some additional stuff like victor Meyer test, boiling point of fatty acid and all was also asked. Better to learn tests, acidic basic character and all. A few from biomolecules came. One or two structures from p block came and there was a few questions from structure of atom, equilibrium, thermodynamics, electrochem and kinetics. It wasn't like other batch, not a lot from inorganic and quite a few from physical. Focus was on 12th topics.
English and aptitude just generic stuff, pretty easy.
Bio was annoying but nothing too hard. Dihybrid cross, plant hormones and some pathogen and disease test and all came. Mineral nutrition 2 questions. Plant physiology important. Some stuff from pH?? And a few from Biotechnology, biochem, tcs, cell organelle, genetics and ecology unit. Focus was on 12th and it was pretty easy. I didn't even touch zoology and luckily for me there wasn't anything from zoology lol, just a few from animal Kingdom which thankfully I remembered from class 😂
And i heard math was very tough but not sure how true it was cuz i didn't write it, but in the previous shifts i heard it was kinda hard is what I heard so I'm not sure.
Anyways all the best!
submitted by Mountain-Count-8526 to Vit [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 18:00 AutoModerator Monthly Homework Help Megathread

All requests for help with exam study and homework questions must be posted here. Posts made outside this thread will generally be removed.
Are you a student in need of some help with your genetics homework? Do you need clarification on basic genetics concepts before an exam? Please ask your questions here.
Please follow the following basic guidelines when asking for help:

Please use the following template when asking questions:
Question template
What I know:
What I don’t know:
What I tried:
End template

Type: Homework
Level: High school
System: Cats
Topic: Dihybrid cross
Question: “The genetic principles that Mendel uncovered apply to animals as well as plants. In cats, for instance, Black (B) is dominant over brown (b) fur color and Short (S) fur is dominant over long (s) fur. Suppose a family has a black, short-furred male, heterozygous for both of these traits that they mate with a heterozygous black, long-furred female. Determine and present the genotypes of the two parent animals, the likely gametes they could produce and assuming they have multiple, large liters what is the proportion of kittens of each possible phenotype (color and length) that the family might expect.”
Answer: N/A
What I know: I understand how to do a Punnett square with one allele. For example, Bb x Bb.
B b
b Bb bb
What I don’t know: I don’t know how to properly set up the Punnett square to incorporate the additional S (fur length) allele in the gamete.
What I tried: I tried Googling “cat fur genetics” and didn’t find any useful examples.
Other: What happens if there is another allele added to these?
End of Example

This format causes me abject pain, why do I have to fill out the template?
  1. We want folks to learn and understand. Requiring the user to put in effort helps curb the number of “drive-by problem sets” being dumped onto the sub from users expecting the internet to complete their assignments.
  2. Posters often do not include enough information to adequately help answer the question. This format eliminates much of the guesswork for respondents and it allows responders quickly assess the level of knowledge and time needed to answer the question.
  3. This format allows the posts to be programmatically archived, tagged, and referenced at later times for other students.
Type: Where did the question come from? Knowing the origin of the question can help us formulate the best available answer. For example, the question might come from homework, an exam, a course, a paper, an article, or just a thought you had.
Level: What is the expected audience education level of the question and answer? This helps us determine if the question should be answered in the manner of, “Explain like I’m 5” or “I’m the PI of a mega lab, show me the dissertation” E.g.--elementary school, high school, undergraduate, research, nonacademic, curiosity, graduate, layperson
System: Which species, system, or field does the question pertain? E.g.—human, plant, in silico, cancer, health, astrobiology, fictional world, microbiology
Topic: What topic is being covered by the question? Some examples might include Mendelian genetics, mitosis, codon bias, CRISPR, or HWE.
Question: This is where you should type out the question verbatim from the source.
Answer: If you’ve been provided an answer already, put it here. If you don’t have the answer, leave this blank or fill in N/A.
What I know: Tell us what you understand about the problem already. We need to get a sense of your current domain knowledge before answering. This also forces you to engage with the problem.
What I don’t know: Tell us where you’re getting stuck or what does not make sense.
What I tried: Tell us how you’ve approached the problem already. What worked? What did not work?
Other: You can put whatever you want here or leave it blank. This is a good place to ask follow-up questions and post links.
submitted by AutoModerator to genetics [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 19:19 SongLongjumping1744 Does anyone know how to do this😭

Does anyone know how to do this😭 submitted by SongLongjumping1744 to edgenuity [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 19:32 Okabaaaki DiHybrid cross

Hey Guys how many possible genotypes are possible in a dihybrid cross. Let’s say between HhNn and HhNn thanks. Is there an equation to use or just keep trying. THanks!
submitted by Okabaaaki to APbio [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 15:45 Cone_silenced Bio doubt help pls🙏

Bio doubt help pls🙏 submitted by Cone_silenced to MEDICOreTARDS [link] [comments]

2024.04.06 07:53 Ambitious_Worth_3954 how do i solve this qn ans given is 3

how do i solve this qn ans given is 3 submitted by Ambitious_Worth_3954 to MEDICOreTARDS [link] [comments]

2024.04.03 12:17 dandy-are-u [Highschool : AP BIO] please help with using chi-square to determine gene linkage.

[Highschool : AP BIO] please help with using chi-square to determine gene linkage. submitted by dandy-are-u to HomeworkHelp [link] [comments]

2024.03.27 18:56 lelepote Fruit fly infestation due to plumbing leak in the kitchen

Hello everyone,
(I've also posted this in cleaningtips but I could not use the cross-post function for some reason. For the last month we have been dealing with a dark-eyed fruit fly (drosophila repleta) infestation. The species of the fly has been confirmed by a pest control company.
After trying numerous solutions with nothing working, we discovered that there was a leak in our plumbing, in the cabinet under the kitchen sink.
In the pic attached, there was a wooden part keeping the black part of the pipe closed off, so the problem was not obvious to us. The plumber unscrewed it and inspected the situation. Water is leaking on this black part of the pipe, which is most likely coming from an apartment above us. He fixed what he considered was the problem in the pipe of the apartment directly above about 5 days ago. However, I returned from a three day trip yesterday, and today I noticed a very thin line of water dripping on the black pipe and creating moist soil (or whatever it is) underneath it.
The plumber will come again to try and locate if the cause is for example 2 floors above us, but I am not too optimistic about the results.
My main question is what can I do if the problem persists, to at least get rid of the infestation that plagues us for 1 month now. I am currently keeping the cupboard constantly open to avoid too much moisture from forming, as well as keeping the flies under control with bug spray, which however is not killing the eggs. Is there any way I can make that space an inhospitable breeding site despite the leakage (e.g. through using alcohol or any other solution)? What should I apply and where (e.g. on the pipe, the wall behind the pipe, the soil under it)?
Thank you very much.
submitted by lelepote to pestcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.03.20 19:40 SlightSecretary7140 Thiscommunityrequirestitletobemorethan15characters

Q33 ke 1st part mai dominant traits heterozygous ya homozygous h , yeh specified nhi h. Toh ismai maine dominant ko homozygous liya. Kya karna chaiye tha?
submitted by SlightSecretary7140 to CBSE [link] [comments]

2024.03.20 15:28 kaboo_m practice genetics

hey everyone
I'm currently searching for mendelian genetics and linked genes worksheets, qbanks, whatever could help, that's not something I could practice with, maybe even a textbook, but I need more practice then theory right now dihybrid cross, trihybrid cross, incomplete dominance
I understand the theory but I need practice as well
submitted by kaboo_m to premed [link] [comments]

2024.03.18 10:17 gandmaralol saale ne delete kardiya 💀

saale ne delete kardiya 💀
faltu me itna stress diya iss bande aur iski mausi ne
submitted by gandmaralol to ICSE [link] [comments]

2024.03.18 10:09 Best-Weakness6866 KOI ISKA IP ADDRESS EXTRACT KAR (gotta fulfill my batman duties)

KOI ISKA IP ADDRESS EXTRACT KAR (gotta fulfill my batman duties) submitted by Best-Weakness6866 to ICSE [link] [comments]

2024.03.17 15:36 Osumcreeper I NEED HELP

mera sense organs pura baki hai and mera nervous system ka last 5 pages i tried watching sir tarun rupanis video on sense but usne ache se nahi samjaya structure and working
I am good at plant chapters it will take 1.5hr to revise all since i have done it alot of time and have notes same with endocrine and reproductive
I am also good at chromosome but not number of chromosome questions and in genetics the "pure bred pea plant is crossed with" and dihybrid cross those type of questions i dont know please give help for this
Regarding the last three chapters i have studied pollution and have notes and have done evolution but need to revise and population i have not done i need help i dont know what to do
ill be able to revise last three chap in the morning but what should i do for sense organs and nervous system i wasted all my time doing circulatory and excretory as i was weak in them and now i know most of them
submitted by Osumcreeper to ICSE [link] [comments]

2024.03.17 02:52 Ok_Owl8185 👁👄👁I forgot how to do the crosses tf , SOMEONE PlEASE HELP

👁👄👁I forgot how to do the crosses tf , SOMEONE PlEASE HELP
I'll die.
submitted by Ok_Owl8185 to ICSE [link] [comments]

2024.03.16 17:10 fckubitch69 Genetics Doubt

do we have dihybrid cross in detail like crossing two characters or just phenotypic ratio??
submitted by fckubitch69 to ICSE [link] [comments]

2024.03.06 18:14 CHY1970 Proposal for Research on Bio-AI Clustering of Fruit Fly Brains

The integration of biological components into artificial intelligence systems, known as Bio-AI, has gained significant attention in recent years. This research proposal aims to explore the potential of using fruit fly brains as a platform for bio-inspired neural computation and clustering algorithms. By leveraging the intricate neural networks found in these tiny yet remarkably complex organisms, we seek to develop novel approaches to data clustering and pattern recognition.
Background and Significance:
Fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) have long been a model organism in biological research due to their short life cycle, ease of maintenance, and well-studied genetics. Additionally, their compact yet highly organized nervous system, consisting of approximately 100,000 neurons, offers a unique opportunity for studying neural computation and information processing at a tractable scale.
Recent advancements in neurotechnology and interfacing techniques have enabled researchers to record and manipulate the activity of individual neurons in living organisms. By combining these capabilities with computational models and machine learning algorithms, we can explore the potential of harnessing the inherent computational power of biological neural networks for data analysis and pattern recognition tasks.
Research Objectives:
  1. Develop a bio-hybrid system by interfacing and recording the neural activity of 50 fruit fly brains.
  2. Implement computational models and clustering algorithms that leverage the distributed and parallel processing capabilities of these biological neural networks.
  3. Evaluate the performance of the bio-hybrid system in clustering and pattern recognition tasks using benchmark datasets.
  4. Investigate the potential advantages and limitations of bio-inspired neural computation compared to traditional artificial neural networks.
  5. Explore the scalability and robustness of the bio-hybrid system by gradually increasing the number of integrated fruit fly brains.
Proposed Methodology:
  1. Fruit Fly Brain Preparation and Interfacing:
    - Establish a controlled environment for maintaining and preparing fruit fly specimens.
    - Develop and optimize techniques for interfacing with and recording the neural activity of individual fruit fly brains.
    - Explore non-invasive or minimally invasive methods to ensure the viability and functionality of the neural tissue.
  2. Computational Modeling and Algorithm Development:
    - Develop computational models that can interpret and process the neural activity data from the fruit fly brains.
    - Implement bio-inspired clustering algorithms that leverage the distributed and parallel processing capabilities of the biological neural networks.
    - Explore techniques for encoding input data into patterns that can be effectively processed by the bio-hybrid system.
  3. Evaluation and Benchmarking:
    - Evaluate the performance of the bio-hybrid system on various benchmark datasets for clustering and pattern recognition tasks.
    - Compare the results with traditional artificial neural networks and other state-of-the-art clustering algorithms.
    - Analyze the strengths, weaknesses, and potential advantages of the bio-inspired approach.
  4. Scalability and Robustness Analysis:
    - Gradually increase the number of integrated fruit fly brains to assess the scalability and robustness of the bio-hybrid system.
    - Investigate the potential for distributed and parallel processing across multiple biological neural networks.
    - Explore methods for fault tolerance and graceful degradation in case of individual neuron or brain failure.
Expected Outcomes and Impact:
This research project has the potential to contribute to the following areas:
  1. Advancing the field of Bio-AI by demonstrating the feasibility and potential advantages of bio-inspired neural computation for data clustering and pattern recognition tasks.
  2. Providing insights into the computational principles underlying biological neural networks and their potential applications in artificial intelligence.
  3. Developing innovative techniques for interfacing and harnessing the computational power of living biological systems.
  4. Exploring the scalability and robustness of bio-hybrid systems, paving the way for future applications in various domains, such as data analysis, pattern recognition, and neural prosthetics.
Furthermore, the successful implementation of this research could open up new avenues for interdisciplinary collaboration between fields such as neuroscience, computer science, electrical engineering, and biotechnology, fostering cross-pollination of ideas and advancing scientific knowledge.
Timeline and Resources:
The proposed research project is expected to span over a period of three years, with the following tentative timeline:
Year 1: Fruit fly brain preparation, interfacing techniques, and computational modeling.
Year 2: Algorithm development, performance evaluation, and benchmarking.
Year 3: Scalability and robustness analysis, result dissemination, and publication.
The project will require a dedicated research team consisting of experts in neuroscience, computer science, electrical engineering, and biotechnology. Specialized equipment and facilities for fruit fly maintenance, neural interfacing, and computational resources will also be necessary. Collaboration with researchers from other institutions or industry partners may be beneficial for sharing expertise and resources.
In conclusion, this research proposal outlines an ambitious yet promising endeavor to explore the potential of Bio-AI for data clustering and pattern recognition tasks by harnessing the computational capabilities of fruit fly brains. The outcomes of this project have the potential to advance our understanding of biological neural networks, foster interdisciplinary collaboration, and pave the way for innovative applications in various fields.
submitted by CHY1970 to NPU2024 [link] [comments]
