Saint benard german shepard

Blessed Dovmont (Timothy) the Prince of Pskov

2024.06.02 15:34 Yurii_S_Kh Blessed Dovmont (Timothy) the Prince of Pskov

Blessed Dovmont (Timothy) the Prince of Pskov
The Holy Prince Dovmont (Domant) of Pskov, prince of Nalshinaisk (Nalshensk), was a native of Lithuania, and at first he was a pagan. In 1265, escaping from internecine strife among the Lithuanian princes, he was forced to flee Lithuania and he arrived in Pskov with 300 families. The land of Pskov became his second country.
Here, in the expression of the Chronicler, “the grace of God was breathed upon him,” when he accepted Holy Baptism with the name Timothy and received the great gifts of the Lord. Within a year’s time, the people of Pskov chose him as their prince for his bravery and his true Christian virtues. For thirty-three years he ruled the city and was the only prince in the history of Pskov who died after living for so long in peace and in harmony with the Pskov veche (city-council).
He was just and strict in pursuing justice for others, he gave alms generously, took in the poor and strangers, he observed the church feasts, he was a patron of the churches and monasteries and he founded a monastery in honor of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos.
After his marriage to the daughter of Great Prince Demetrius, the grandson of Saint Alexander Nevsky (November 23 and August 30), he became related to the Russian princely line. Prince Dovmont, like Saint Alexander Nevsky, was a glorious defender of the Russian Land. The prime importance of Prince Dovmont as a military leader and activist for the realm is that for many years he defended the northwest boundaries of the Russian realm from hostile incursions.
In 1268, Prince Dovmont was one of the heroes of the historic battle before Rakovor, where Russian forces won the victory over the Danish and German armies. Before each battle, Saint Dovmont went into church, set down his sword at the steps of the holy altar and received a blessing from the priest, who girded on his sword for him.
Saint Dovmont made the Pskov fortress impregnable. In memory of the glorious defender of the city, a stone wall, built by the holy prince beside the Krom at the end of the thirteenth century, was named the Dovmontov, and the territory enclosed by the wall, to the present day is called Dovmontov town.
The saintly defender’s “House of the Holy Trinity” was another pious matter. In gratitude to the Lord in Whose Name he had gained victory unharmed, holy Prince Dovmont built a church beside the Pskov Kremlin in honor of the feastday on which he won the victory. Other inhabitants of Pskov also built churches there in fulfillment of vows. The territory of present day Dovmontov town was completely covered with churches (the first temple in honor of Saint Dovmont-Timothy was built in Dovmontov town in 1574).
The brave warrior-prince won his final victory on March 5, 1299 on the banks of the River Velika, where he defeated a large German army with a small company. Meanwhile, the Livonian Knights unexpectedly invaded the suburbs of Pskov, they seized the Snetnogor and Mirozh monasteries and burned them, cruelly murdering the inhabitants. They killed the founder of the Snetnogor monastery, Saint Joasaph, and seventeen monks, and also Saint Basil, igumen of Murozh (March 4). Holy Prince Dovmont, not waiting to raise a large army, went to engage the enemy with his retainers and he expelled the sacrilegious defilers from the boundaries of the Russian Land.
Several months later, holy Prince Dovmont-Timothy died and was buried in the Trinity cathedral of Pskov. The Chronicler relates that “there was then great sadness in Pleskov for the men and woman and small children on account of their good lord, the noble Prince Timothy.” The people of Pskov remembered how the holy prince had cared for them during peaceful times, and when the city was threatened by danger, how he led them into battle saying, “Good men of Pskov! Whoever is old among you is my father, whoever is young is my brother. Stand fast for the Holy Trinity!”
Soon after the Prince’s death he began to be venerated as a holy intercessor before God, guarding the land from enemies and misfortune. The holy prince defended Pskov more than once after his death. In the year 1480, when more than a hundred thousand Germans besieged the city, he appeared in a dream to a certain citizen and said, “Take my grave cover, carry it three times around the city with a cross, and do not be afraid.”
The people of Pskov fulfilled his instructions and the Germans departed from the city. A service to the holy prince was composed after this miraculous deliverance from enemies. Along with the relics of the saint, his battle sword was preserved (now the sword is in a Pskov museum). Thereafter, the sword was handed to the Pskov princes upon their elevation to the princely throne.
Holy Prince Dovmont-Timothy and his wife, the future Schemanun Martha (November 8), were depicted upon the wonderworking Murozh Icon of the Mother of God (September 24): “You have bestown a blessing on the all-pure image of Your icon, O Mother of God, by portraying the likeness of our steadfast intercessor Prince Dovmont and his pious spouse” (Service to the holy Prince Dovmont-Timothy).
When the Mother of God appeared to the Elder Dorotheus during a siege of Pskov by the Poles on August 27, 1581, holy Prince Dovmont-Timothy was among the saints accompanying the heavenly Protectress of Pskov (the related account about the Pskov Protection Icon of the Mother of God is found under October 1).
The relics of holy Prince Dovmont-Timothy rest in the Pskov cathedral of the Life-Creating Trinity.
The holy Princes Vsevolod and Dovmont aided Russian armies more than once in defense of the country’s western borders. Then came the hour when they were sent by the Leader of the Heavenly Hosts to rise up in defense of the eastern frontiers.
In the year 1640, the great national movement to the east, “the meeting of the sun,” resulted in the Russian explorers arriving at the mouth of the Amur River and the Pacific Ocean. Rus bordered pagan China on these frontiers. The bulwark of Orthodoxy became the Russian fortress of Albazin, famous for the wonderworking Albazin Icon of the Mother of God (March 9) and the heroic “defense of Albazin” (1685-1686).
In the summer of 1679, during the Apostles’ Fast, Gabriel Florov and a company of cossacks set out from Albazin to explore the Zea River valley. For three years the cossacks did patrol duty on the Zea, making the rounds of the surrounding settlements. They brought the Tungus settlers under Russian rule, and they established winter quarters and a stockade.
Once, cossack riders encountered two men on white horses, clad in armor and armed with bows and swords. These were Saints Vsevolod and Dovmont. Speaking with the cossacks and learning that they were from Albazin, the holy warrior-princes predicted the approach of Chinese armies upon the Amur soon afterwards. They said the battle would be difficult, but predicted the ultimate triumph of Russian arms. “The Chinese will come again, and enter into a great battle, and we shall aid the Russian people in these struggles. The Chinese will not trouble the city.”
Several times during 1684-1686 the Chinese horde advanced towards Albazin, but did not take the city. By the miraculous help of the Albazin Icon of the Mother of God and the holy Princes Vsevolod and Dovmont of Pskov, the enemy was rendered powerless against the Orthodox fortress.
“The Account of the Miracles of Holy Princes Vsevolod and Dovmont” was written by Gabriel Florov at Yakutsk on October 23, 1689. The fealty of these saints has not ceased. New generations arise to change the face of the earth, but the Russian warriors Saints Vsevolod and Dovmont stand steadfast in sacred patrol of their country.
The Orthodox Church in America
submitted by Yurii_S_Kh to SophiaWisdomOfGod [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:02 BPBAttacks9 MAY 2024 -- LIST OF PIT BULL ATTACKS/FATALITIES (ongoing)

This is a list of pit bull attacks and fatalities documented by the media and on social media for the month of May 2024. This list will be edited throughout the month and after as new incidents are reported.
Due to the high volume of attacks and Reddit's character limit, social media attacks will now be documented separately below but will still be included in the overall monthly totals.

May 1

May 2

May 3

May 4

May 5

May 6

May 7

May 8

May 9

May 10

May 11

May 12

May 13

May 14

May 15

May 16

May 17

May 18

May 19

May 20

May 21

May 22

May 23

May 24

May 25

May 26

May 27

May 28

May 29

May 30

May 31

Unconfirmed Dates


May 1

submitted by BPBAttacks9 to BanPitBulls [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:09 Blockchain-TEMU DBT-0 Source of Markus Blinding With Markus and Cuckold my Cute Doctor Steve and Fellecia predicted

  1. Charlotte is the initial source of stealing my combat medicine from israel and making the redlines into the asshole method where the men cum in the asshole sufficient it pops out her nose and then later given purely nasal sex and this gives later the proline, this is like Steve so I call her now Steve and she or he will be Steve so is Steve and Charlotte wakes up out of my trance I put on her for wearing jean shorts and letting people take photographs of her I Give her her redlines which I have to give her that loam and she administers it to the male with her body which puts her at a saturated locus like a mexican girl who bangs their wedge into their cervix but she is not a mexican girl a white girl of the marines and just looks mexican and Steve knows redline medicine but was not all that aware how involved a virgin was to redline medicine which Charlotte is exiting to be steve and needs a full dental cleaning and I leave behind the disney princess Charlotte with a cleaning then and she cannot play minecraft then by nature has to play roblox which there is a Switcharoo due to yo gaba gaba which blinded charlotte into the shower earlier in an undesignated location this never gave her being a dentist or minecraft thus roblox thus this is a delusion of the patient we sustained that minecraft is not dentistry and JJ who is not JJ abrams would like to report he is her gynecologist thus must exist at at least the Second Underworld above these poor lands of the 1st yitvah of the Third Underworld JJ Has Corpus probably as an able or a abraham of my Good MP of Israel in my base and Is not abraham who I was engaging who I was daft to ablation before and am better but jim is apparently still daft to ablation but maybe still healed now so I take a bunch of redlines in the asshole and nose and take meth I take meth with My Little Baby Jace always sometimes and this is the boris who DJ boris man is not my gma that is City who City is the inventor of the spin langage english put a little spin on it and I dont Know what DJ Boris Man Was doing out here maybe drove his yugo haha he is always welcome at nukies house which I know nukie was chagrined I had the plumbing loam for the whole hospital HVT Jean was in who Jean did not steal Jeans identity this is just the same name, blue jeans of the neuvo ruski which are a first ever token item and the temu item very original associated to the full set of clothes synchro for BDU 315 there is baby Bdu 115 or blue jeans equivalent and I can grant this to ryan for not tazing me which this will dissolve Saint Disconnects Reward if you Taze me that is cervical beads dilation I guess you could pull my beads ryan. Wow so you got 20 cannabinoid loam there but It did not do much that is like an FPS Russia Shock it is the stun gun and that is pain compliance. 1.1 Ryan is out of there and charlotte is taken for dbt deprogramming and she has got so much loam on the 27 battalion which are encoded at the engine of her fucking machine this was manual reds giving under hind for her and the steve is formed there out of charlotte which charlotte pulls a jeff kloster and never was fucking the fucking cleaner which caused it to be there in the first place to identify her as a robot and this was not ryan but charllote who was fucked there and could not be fucked granting her a famous android age 1718 before gero or bam bam she was of age as an android thus could conjure missingno and ghost and 156 potions which she then finally has her potions of hyper potion which she put 2 hyper potion here before and these are her loam potions and she gets 156 hyper potions not potions of 20mg extended release pilled adderall and this is in her room but she had to remember her whole 1718 years of hind which was a very old limit for hind 1718 years but not exact just have it and give 1718 then to niko bellic of liberty city in for an immersion, nathans friend and she may not overdose on the adderall as she is just taking it as steve and she remembers she is steve she is on a mission she is an undercover like violet and the hind targets ryan and she is a baby here and raped by 27 battalion and cannot give reds as a vampire so had to repeat the process in 999 year increment 3 times until she is not a vampire as she summoned loam Civilian Taser at the Second Underworld in a Yitvah Private of her own she put a Blackwater Therapist into the shower with me which endangered the Blackwater Therapists Job as a result and is required repeat 999 year increments until the Kiester is out of her brain and my Shepard and She is Out of her brain and it tells her finally dad why did you turn me upsidown and she is not a vampire and she is my sissys sissy ryan and we train her then with cervical dilation at the First Underworld we train her first to act out then the cervical dilation is too intense and she blacks out and was bent at the waist and by her wishes or automatically given 27 battalion of marine in her asshole to give her reds on the marines and the hind98 literally physically obligates her to give the reds on the marines and I repeat this until she is Not at the First Underworld and she Is at the Third Underworld as a baby and she is looking to get to the second underworld but this is a projection underworld she will have to have discipline and I have my tactical officer personally trained by Hermi-Tactical my tactical I took the shower with and he keeps the loam ryan which is the god name of the R with no spell that is ryan and that is both ryan reynolds name and ryan kiesters name and that was his tactical before who was kind of not really there like just in and out of it for me and then she can be her sissys friend ryan again and is part of Gamma company then like she wanted, immune to cervical and other pain and Joins us in the marines which sorry I am blind I think her still a vampire and make her a different vampire then the shell game vampire who this is just unfourtonate and misguided of violet.
submitted by Blockchain-TEMU to u/Blockchain-TEMU [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:44 Letsgetdis_bread AITA for telling my husband that I married him to have a partner, not another burden?

I (24f) and married to my husband (25m). We have been together 8 years, married for 1.
Weeks just bought a house over a month ago, but have been looking for 3 years due to the economy. He has never been the most helpful with our apartment but swore it would change.
Fast forward to now and to no surprise he is little to no help. He does not clean up after himself with the exception of his own laundry. I expected this after watching my mother do this the entirety of her marriage. No idea why I thought mine would be any different.
Regardless, this wasn’t my breaking point. My breaking point is the stupid decision he made to get a breed of dog I told him he should not own. We both work - I work from home and bring most of the income, but he does work hard doing HVAC. My job is the most important to be able to pay for everything we need to survive.
He wanted a dog, and I did too. I picked a hound at the shelter. She is not perfect but she’s not a bad dog. He wanted his own dog - we have 2.5 acres, so sure why not get another one so long as there are no issues with my dog. She could have a friend. I told him he should research what kind of dog would be best for him. He said he decided he wanted a husky or German Shepard. I asked if he did research - no of course not. He thinks they are cute.
I explained why he should research the dog he wants and that huskies and shepards are known for being high energy/needing lots of work and attention, which we don’t have the time for. So what does he do? He goes and picks out a full Siberian husky.
She is sweet and all but does typical husky things. She is bored and tears things up, specifically MY things. She has ruined so many things of mine, costing me a lot of money, which he can’t pay back because he doesn’t make good financial decisions. His dog interrupts my work and makes extra work on me, cleaning up her messes.
Tonight I broke. We went out to do errands and we have to crate her due to her shredding issues. She broked through the crate and destroyed not only the trash, but a bunch of my belongings as well. She peed on the floor. I lost my shit. I called him an asshole for not caring and expecting me to be the one to train and entertain his dog. I also said he I s intentionally stupid for not doing research when I told him to and I’m tired of doing everything ALONE and that I wanted a partner, not another responsibility. He does nothing and I can’t take it anymore.
I said a lot of crappy things I won’t repeat, and now I am sitting in a gas station parking lot 20 miles from home because I am so defeated. I have no place to go, and I don’t want to go home because I’m just “overreacting” like I “always do” and I will eventually “cool off and act normal again.” AITA?
TLDR; husband got a dog when I told him not to, dog destroying all of my things. I snapped.
submitted by Letsgetdis_bread to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:01 Atsuiartworks Mental state still awful after being kicked from old roommates place

In January of this year, I was living with a roommate/friend that I had been with for about a year. This roommate and I had mostly been fine but nearer towards the year mark, our relationship had broken down due to her believing that I do nothing but pay rent( I did my best to clean, feed cats, watch dogs when she was not home. Every weekend I would sweep and mop house. I do admittedly have motivation issues) This had happened due to my roommates dogs for the most part. She has four dogs, three of which being large breed mixes and one being far smaller and elderly. For reference as this is important to the story, one of these dogs is a great dane mix with severe anxiety from being mistreated bt my roommates mother. She got jealous whenever any of the other dogs got attention at all. There had already been an incident where the great dane mix got into a fight with the great pyrenees/ german shepard puppy and the puppy ended up reflexively biting me because I was petting her when this happened. We normally kept the elderly dog separated from the larger dogs when we were out of the house for work, but for whatever reason, the day I got kicked out, she was left in my roommates room with the other dogs. While we were gone, the great dane got in a spat with the elder dog, and bit her. I do not know when this happened, nor how severe, but I do know that I have been blamed for it and called negligent for her not being seen earlier. I will give my timeline of the day for posterity. At around 10 am I left for work until 5pm. I got home and needed to work on an essay for my college english class. I wanted to get it done as I had a growing migraine and knew that after I let the dogs out to use the bathroom, I would most likely need to lay on the couch and not function while the dogs played in the living room. This essay took about an hour and a half to finish. After I finished it, i took off my glasses and went to let out the dogs. For reference, as the elder dog is 11, she hakf of the time will ignore me and not go out to use the restroom. She will stay under the cat tree during this. So when I went in the room, opened the door, let the dogs out. Elder dog ignores me but is still responsive and looking at me. I dont see anything amiss, i decide she is probably just not needing to go. There is no whimpering, no panting, i dont see any blood. I leave the room. Around an hour later, I start hearing whimpering. I go in the room to see what was happening and she had left her spot under the cat tree and I could now see a gash on her side and neck through double vision. I go to get roommate who had just arrived home. I did my best to help, but she quote told me to, "just fuck off," and left with elder dog to the pet er. I was messaged by her foster sister that it would be prudent to leave. While I was unable to defend myself, roommate slandered me to my dnd group, got me kicked, then kicked me out of the house. My besg friend of eight years then let me move in with her and her roommates. Ever since then my mental state has been awful. I was made into the villain for something that was not my fault, and lost my one destressor that I had. I had thoughts of suicide, extreme anxiety, could not think about that person without panicking, with other issues as well. I am not saying that I should not have seen it earlier, but i have -5 nearsightedness, was experiencing double vision, and had surveyed the situation as normal as none of the dogs were acting amiss to normal. My mental impairmebt was high due to the migraine unfortunately. On top of that, they were not my dogs, and she had told me I did not need to let them out if I didnt want to. I still did because I felt it would be cruel to leave them in a small room all day until my roommate got back at midnight. Is there anything anyone can recommend that I can do to get past this. It is still affected me almost half a year later and my mental state is starting to plummet again. I cannot afford therapy, and have lost half of the support group of friends I had.
Also, for anyone worried about the dog, she is fine now. She has to my knowledge recovered, although I had to be told by proxy.
submitted by Atsuiartworks to badroommates [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:38 Various_Rule805 German Shepard needs love and prayers.

We are struggling to end his life, waiting for vet on Monday. Sadly, maybe tomorrow. Prayers for NO pain please. He is 13.5 and suffering from arthitis.
submitted by Various_Rule805 to PrayerTeam_amen [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:23 ShamanicAnarchist Our German Shepard chilling in the sun

Our German Shepard chilling in the sun submitted by ShamanicAnarchist to dogpictures [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:08 coolkid13240 Underwhelmed with EU Tour (Cologne - GER)

Hey there,
Just tuning in to ask for opinions about the new EU Tour. I've been to their Last Tour in Frankfurt in 2019 I think and I thought it was so much better Here is what disturbed me:
  1. Almost no Crowd Conversation, they talked a few sentences after every song but in 2019 they drank german beer on stage and talked to fans etc. It was so entertaining. Even the Lottery winners (who are a great pre band) gave more energy and did more crowd work. Great Band and great entertainers. Missed that from Nickelback
  2. No Pyro. Sorry but this is a Rock concert. At least for their Bonus Track "Burn it to the ground" they could've pulled out Pyro. That should be possible for 140€/ticket. Even a local musician whom I went to see a day prior at a big tent with 400 People in it had small pyrotechnics. Nickelback also had them in 2019
  3. I think the show was way too short
  4. They told the story (about the sea shanty) how they met the lottery winners and brought them back on stage to sing the sea... Oh no wait they sang an Oasis song.... Wait what? Ehy not the sea shanty? Huh?
  5. Way too many slow songs. The only fast ones as far as I remember where "burn it to the ground", "animals", "Saint Quentin" and maybe one more I can't remember. The rest was "rockstar", "Photograph", "how you remind me", "figure you out" etc. I think they could've mixed this with a few song from "feed the machine". Also me personally would've loved "believe it or not" but that's just nostalgia from Flat out 2 and ofc they won't serve my specific taste .
In the end I can just say that I am very underwhelmed in comparison to 2019. I probably will check the performance before the next eu tour.
submitted by coolkid13240 to Nickelback [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:50 dkubida12 Dog training?

I am in need of finding the best of the best dog trainer near indiana for a 1 year old german shepard puppy who is truly great dog but can be very anxious with people and dogs and protective with biting issues in need of some serious help hes been to sit means sit in noblesville and they are useless he knows sit,lay down,stay, place, leave it, drop it, and he knows heel but refuses to stay in the position hes very smart and very loved we dont wanna lose him due to his recent behaviors we will travel to nearby states for board and train programs as well any advice is greatly appreciated thank you all!!
submitted by dkubida12 to dogs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 20:44 No_Doughnut_5057 Dogmeat in Fallout 4 is the most realistic video game dog ever

Who ever programmed dogmeat for fallout 4 very deeply understands German Shepard behavior. He gets in the way of literally anything I could ever interact and I'm constantly saying "get out the way, dog". He constantly engages the enemy when I'm trying to sneak as if he sees nice people that he wants attention from. In my experience, "commanding" dogmeat doesn't even matter, he'll just do his own thing in 5 seconds anyway. I know that sounds snarky, but this just how big dogs are and honestly it's impressive. I don't know if it was on purpose given that it's bethesda, but it works.. kinda
submitted by No_Doughnut_5057 to Fallout [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 17:35 Randomasshoe222 Roommate

Hi! I’m looking for two female roommates. It is a 4x4 town house at wildwood. The apartment is being renovated so it should look brand new by fall. My roommate does have a dog she will be bringing (A German Shepard who’s very friendly). We are both 20 years old so if any transfers are looking for a roommate their age, we are the girls you are looking for. Rent last time I checked was about 630 (base rent, utilities, parking, and amenities are included in this). I do occasionally smoke on the balcony so if you are a fellow 🍃 join my sesh <3
submitted by Randomasshoe222 to TexasTech [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:50 Ok_Macaroon_5224 Second litter of German Shepard and Domestic Fox puppies featuring Mom, Lady.

Second litter of German Shepard and Domestic Fox puppies featuring Mom, Lady.
Minnie, Mickey and Missy
submitted by Ok_Macaroon_5224 to Sims4 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:50 Pallo_mino I just learned about a connection between Mary's titles as "Ark of the New Covenant" and "Queen of Angels"

First, we know that the Ark of the Old Covenant was adorned with Cherubim:
Exodus 25:8,18
"...let them make me a sanctuary, that I may dwell in their midst...And you shall make two cherubim of gold; of hammered work shall you make them, on the two ends of the mercy seat."
Hebrews 9:5
"above [the ark of the covenant] were the cherubim of glory overshadowing the mercy seat. Of these things we cannot now speak in detail."
So I wondered, "Well, if the old Ark has two Cherubim, where are the Cherubim for Mary, the New Ark? Gabriel is an archangel and a messenger, so it's not him." But then I remembered the angels who appeared to the shepards at the Nativity...
Luke 2:9-14
"And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with fear... And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying,
"Glory to God in the highest; and on earth peace to people of good will!"
Keeping in mind the hermeneutic of "the New is greater than the Old," the Shekinah (the glory-cloud of the Lord) overshadowed the mercy seat of the Old Ark, which was adorned with two Cherubim.
Whereas, the Holy Spirit (Shekinah) overshadowed Mary (the New Ark), and the presence of God (Jesus, the Word made flesh) dwelt within the sanctuary of her womb.
As we see in Luke 2:9-14, Jesus and Mary are not adorned by only two Cherubim, but the heavenly host of the angels. ( "there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host," ).
The heavenly host of angels is always at Jesus' command since He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. One ministered to Him in the desert (Matt. 4:11), one ministered to Him in the Garden of Gethsemane (Lk. 22:43), another rolled back the stone from the tomb and sat on it (Matt. 28:2), another was in the tomb and announced His Resurrection (Matt. 28:5-6), two were present at His Ascension (Acts 1:10)... They are with Him always.
Matthew 26:53
"Do you think that I cannot appeal to my Father, and he will at once send me more than twelve legions of angels?"
Presumably then, with Jesus and Mary being related in this way - as well as with her being Queen of Heaven (Rev. 12) - it would follow that the heavenly host would be with her too, just like the two Cherubim that always crowned the old Ark of the Covenant. Amazingly, the Catholic liturgical tradition makes this connection with reference to angels at her blessed Assumption.
Litany of Our Lady of the Angels
Our Lady, at whose Assumption hosts of angels flew heavenward in thy company,
Liturgical tradition also refers to St. Michael the Archangel as the one who leads the souls of the faithful departed to heaven. This could be seen as further suggestion of angelic involvement with the Assumption of Mary.
Offertory from the Tridentine Requiem Mass (Rituale Romanum)
Domine, Jesu Christe, Rex gloriae, libera animas omnium fidelium defunctorum de poenis inferni et de profundo lacu... Sed signifer sanctus Michael repraesentet eas in lucem sanctam.
Lord Jesus Christ, king of glory, deliver the souls of all the faithful departed from the pains of Hell and the bottomless pit... But the standard-bearer Saint Michael will represent them in the holy light.
submitted by Pallo_mino to Catholicism [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:59 Advanced-Edge-3654 Rehome

12 week old puppy German Shepard mix I’m trying to rehome, I got it as a surprise but my other dogs are not taking well to it and I am concerned to continue to keep it at my house, if anyone is interested im free to deliver the dog on island free of charge
submitted by Advanced-Edge-3654 to maui [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:43 CocoDaedric Pretty easy lol

Pretty easy lol
My German Shepard loves to watch the front door from this spot lol I’m pretty sure he’s convinced this spot gives him the best tactical advantage
submitted by CocoDaedric to FindTheSniper [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:04 No-Stock-458 Synopsis: Iris, a German teacher, is on a tour holiday in Saint Petersburg. She becomes romantically involved with Storm Shadow, a fellow countryman. However, things quickly take a turn for the worse...

Synopsis: Iris, a German teacher, is on a tour holiday in Saint Petersburg. She becomes romantically involved with Storm Shadow, a fellow countryman. However, things quickly take a turn for the worse... submitted by No-Stock-458 to NonCredibleDefense [link] [comments]



Lightly worn.
Sleeves have a bit of sun fading, but overall in good condition!
Size : M
30$ + Shipping

Lightly worn, Great condition.
Uses high quality LAMPO Zippers throughout the entire jacket.
Size : M
400$ + Shipping
Used but overall in good condition!
White Canvas + Splattered Paint Version
No box
Size : 43
200$ + Shipping
Very lightly worn, in excellent condition
Black leather + White paint.
With box, dust bag, tags, tissue paper etc.
Size : 40.5
350$ + Shipping
Lightly worn, very good condition!
Veg Tan Leather - With leather laces.
With Box
Size : 43
350$ + Shipping
Worn 2 times.
Size : S, but fits like a L or an oversized M.
150$ + Shipping
Lightly worn
Size : M
90$ + Shipping
Lightly worn
Size : M
90$ + Shipping
Lightly worn
Size : 32
100$ + Shipping
Used Condition
100$ + Shipping
Worn 1 time, Almost brand new
With box, Nike tag, etc
Size : 8
200$ + Shipping
If you're interested in multiple items, I can give you a discounted price!
I'm open to offers!
submitted by kyoungmin2lee to QualityRepsBST [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:59 RealityOk4608 Dhruv Rathee Fake views, Likes, bit comments Exposed

Dhruv Rathee Fake views, Likes, bit comments Exposed submitted by RealityOk4608 to desimemes [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:57 RealityOk4608 Dhruv Rathee Fake Views,bot Accounts, Likes EXPOSED

Dhruv Rathee Fake Views,bot Accounts, Likes EXPOSED
submitted by RealityOk4608 to indiadiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:40 schrammra Celebrate the small wins

Celebrate the small wins
Well Zesty went into the vet today for a nail trim-my friend is a tech there and is great w him. My heart was racing the whole time as anyone w a reactive dog I’m sure can relate to but…he did pretty good! He didn’t scream bark at anyone in the waiting room for the first time and my friend said he was good for his nails except towards the last few he was over it and started wiggling and fighting her. I was able to stand in the reception area w him and chat with my friend and he was a good boy but then…a German Shepard walked in and zesty lost his mind 😔. Barking and growling and wanting to go for the Shepard. got him out quickly and out to the car because I didn’t want the situation to escalate. We clearly still have a lot of work to do but I’m happy he was pretty good prior to that. I think bringing him in there just to get weighed and get a treat is helping, he used to be a nightmare and scream bark at everyone in the waiting area. I’m not happy about the German Shepard situation because his behavior today could get him killed but not sure how to get him to understand that. I just have to keep working w him and hope for the best. Not sure that I handled the situation right either but zesty was so enraged I just wanted to get out of there.
submitted by schrammra to papillon [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:14 jericoconuts How to re-home a litter?

Do not come here to comment about; My dog's spay, Euthanasia, or anything negative about the situation. Trust me, I hear it enough, and I'm doing the best with my situation. She missed her appointment by being pregnant, she has another set up to get spayed. I am tired of all my posts everywhere being the same thing, it's negative helpful to me, and the puppies.
I have a litter of 9 twelve-week-old puppies. I have been advertising for them sense they were 6 weeks. The neighborhood site banned me, and many other sites are mad that you ask a rehoming fee, even though it's required on others. I had 3 applications and all 3 ready to adopt backed out. Everyone else only comments about the above on any of my posts. I'm not really sure what to do, I didn't think it would be so hard to find good homes for literally every single one of them, not once has been adopted. I'm not able to keep 9 puppies in my room anymore they're becoming dogs and it's to much for me to handle, and her to expensive. We spend easy more on puppy food than our own good, and I can't afford groceries anymore. I want to give them foster homes asap if not forever homes. We're keeping 2, so that leaves 7. They're husky, German Shepard, Klee Kai, Rottweiler. Large high energy puppies. Most of them are pretty trained. What can I do from here? Quite frankly, idk if I can afford another week :/
submitted by jericoconuts to puppy101 [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:51 Dirtysoulglass Found Male German Shepard dog, ~1 year old, well taken care of, very friendly

Dog showed up at my Grandma's house- very friendly, clearly anxious about being lost, no tag, no microchip, dark blue collar, seems leash trained, probably around 1 year old, German Shepard (mix?). Just really really sweet. Seems well taken care of. Light cream/tan splotches, darker around snout, ears, eyes. Brown eyes.
We are trying to find the owners, but if we cannot find them before Saturday afternoon we are going to have to find a shelter to take him because he loves being on the porch and will probably knock my 90 year old grandma down when she tries to go outside :( she cannot take care of him. Found at Albert Pike and Kelley Highway in Ft Smith
I really want to find his home, he clearly misses his people. If you recognize this dog, contact Ft Smith Animal Haven (they have multiple phone numbers for my contact- he is not there currently, will be fastest way to get ahold of someone who can return the dog). After another day or so we will have to find a shelter with room, and we will update the Ft Smith Animal Haven on where he ends up.
Edit. I had to call Animal Control but by some miracle a single spot at the Ft Smith Animal Haven opened up for him just before I called- they brought him there and he will be up for adoption. He is a very, very, very good dog, loving, friendly, smart, and would be a great family dog if you are looking to adopt. The officer believes he was probably dumped due to him not just going home/imprinting on the first place that showed him safety :(
submitted by Dirtysoulglass to ftsmithar [link] [comments]