Cerita main biras

Sebuah harapan dibalik orang yang tidak berduit

2024.05.15 02:05 DanielAnakBudi Sebuah harapan dibalik orang yang tidak berduit

Di post ini, aku mau cerita bedasarkan kisah nyata dari sebagian besar orang yang pernah ngobrol sama aku (plus dengan pengalamanku pas bersama mereka) dan mungkin ini bisa menggerakkan hati atau kita makin positif sih. Ada 2 cerita yang bakalan aku bahas, dan kalian bisa pilih aja mau cerita mana yang mau kalian baca. And ofc, i make it short to save everyone's time.
The story has 2 perspective : Gojek, dan Tukang parkir (niatnya mau ada tambahan 1 lagi, yaitu cerita tentang guruku.. maybe next time i guess.)
Let's start with Gojek.
Gojek Kejadian ini terjadi pasca tahun 2021-an (kalo ga salah). Ceritanya, Sahabat jauh dari solo pulang ke sentul dan aku main sama beliau sambil ngobrol bareng kondisi-nya disana. Kami bercengkrama sampai dengan jam 8 malam, dan aku memutuskan untuk pulang (karena nyokap udah nyariin). Aku akhirnya dianterin pulang dengan mobil nyokap sahabatku yang kebetulan lagi satu jalan dari AEON. tapi, aku denger kabar kata-nya bokap-nya temen tiba-tiba sakit dan Nyokap-nya perlu beli obat. Aku nawarin untuk nemenin beli obat + nunjukin apotik terdekat, tapi akhirnya aku cukup minta diberhentiin aja di Lampu merah dekat CCM. Karena aku takut-nya mengganggu juga + takut pulang kemaleman. Cukup ucapan semoga cepat sembuh, dan akhirnya pergi ke kantor polisi perempatan CCM buat pesan Gojek.
Jujur, aku kaget ketika yang dateng ketika pesen Gojek yang dateng adalah perempuan. Aku ga permasalahin kamu kerja jadi apa... tapi dengan kondisi malem seperti ini dan beliau berani narik Gojek? oh my. That's a daring move and deserve my respect. Tapi pas aku mau naik, beliau bilang.. ini baru pertama kali dia ambil pesanan malem-malem dan kebetulan aga capek (kalo ga salah inget). Aku tawarin untuk ngendarain motornya (it was a scoopy. its has good handling but slow as snail speed. but it has good fuel economy. hehe, maaf terlalu mendiskripsikan motornya).
Kami ngobrol di jalan dong... tanya-tanya abis ngapain dan ini itu. Sampai aku nanya ke beliau "Ibu kenapa mau kerja jadi Go-Jek?". Beliau dengan lumayan santai-nya bilang something along like "Karena ada-nya ini pada saat ini, dan saya harus membiayain kedua anak saya". Aku sambil mengucapkan maaf nanya kepada beliau "Maaf bu, saya kalo boleh nanya.. Suami ibu apakah tidak kerja?". Beliau bilang "Suami saya kabur". That bring a chill on my spine... karena ini ngobrol secara langsung. Beliau bela-belain Nganter barang sampai malam, dan bahkan nyoba nge-gojek. it's somewhat shows how mother figure should always be. She wants nothing but her kids to become succeed and didnt end up like her.
And today 2024, i share her story to here... it shows that maybe even at the very rock bottom, you cannot see down but only up. and you need to keep on going whatever your situation is.
okay, Mari kita langsung aja cerita kedua.
Tukang Parkir Mixue Miksu (ga boleh nyebut merek meskipun keliatan dikit, atleast its for the sake of the funni)
Nah, ini sebenarnya kejadian yag masih baru-baru banget. Cerita-nya ini abis ngampus.. Karena lagi kepengen makan eskrim, pergilah aku ke Miksu deket Sate Tegal Laka-laka yang ada di cibinong. Kebetulan disitu ada tukang parkir (yang kebetulan sering ketemuan dan dia ramah).. ngobrol lah aku sama beliau. He give me many wise words dan saran sebelum beranjak ke dunia yang bener-bener dewasa. it was all fun and game.
But then, i ask him... "Tapi pak, dengan pemikiran dan wawasan yang luas. Kenapa bapak jadi tukang parkir?" He said ketika beliau di pelabuhan tanjung priuk, dulunya dia kerja sebagai pengangkut barang dan disukai sama bos-nya karena etos kerja-nya yang tinggi (Sambil nunjukin kertas kerja-nya, dan dokumen penting lainnya ketika kerja di pelabuhan tanjung priuk. I was surprised how did he trust me to the point to show me this). He got paid handsomely, dan dia kerja dari pagi ke pagi. Sampai ketika orang dalam plays along dan kompetisi yang ga sehat mulai masuk. Dia suka disenggol dan begitu sebagai-nya... dan bahkan sudah berfikir kalo sebagai pengangkut barang udah bukan passion dia lagi (karena terkadang dia mesti berantem pas ngangkut barang di jalan entah sama pungli, dll).
Dan dimasa dimana dia udah kepala 5 atau 6 ini (kalo ga salah). Dia hanya ingin meninggal dengan tenang aja. Dia bilang sama aku "Keinginan muda dan tau pasti berbeda. Semakin kamu tua, kamu semakin belajar kalo dalam hidup itu ga semuanya bisa kamu dapatkan. tapi kamu ga boleh nyerah, dan harus tekun".
He's respectable person... even as tukang parkir. Maybe some people doesnt have a choice and ended up like him. Bahkan orang berjasa kayak beliau aja di-injek". like damn..... Hope he's having a good day
That's the story for today folks. Have a good day !
edit : typo :b
submitted by DanielAnakBudi to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 00:38 caule07 Reddit itu seperti apa?

Reddit itu cara mainnya seperti apa ya? Bercerita atau bagaimana menurut kalian pengguna app yang sudah lama?
Karena saya masih baru disini dan melihat cerita orang seru-seru dan ya saya suka membacanya.
Tikok untuk melihat video lucu but the comment bisa dibilang sudah bisa tercemar gitu, F untuk mencari informasi tapi kebanyakan bapak-bapak main burung, then g sekarang yang paling better, twiter sangat frontal tapi bisa juga menjadi tempat berkeluh kesah untuk diri sendiri. setelah ketemu reddit seperti balik ke dimana sosial media masih natural dan no gimmick tempat berkeluh kesah dan bertanya paket kumplit.
Terimakasih untuk pengalaman baru dan saya merasa bernostalgia.
submitted by caule07 to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 06:40 novkriz puhhh sepuhh ajarin dong puhh

puhhh sepuhh ajarin dong puhh
Pada zaman dahulu, tersebutlah kisah seorang puteri raja di Jawa Barat bernama Dayang Sumbi. Dia mempunyai seorang anak laki-laki yang diberi nama Sangkuriang. Anak tersebut sangat gemar berburu dia berburu dengan ditemani oleh Tumang, anjing kesayangan istana. Sangkuriang tidak tahu, bahwa anjing itu adalah titisan dewa dan juga bapaknya. Ketika kembali ke istana, Sangkuriang menceritakan kejadian itu pada Ibunya. Bukan main marahnya Dayang Sumbi begitu mendengar cerita itu. Tanpa sengaja dia memukul kepala Sangkuriang dengan sendok nasi yang dipegangnya. Sangkuriang terluka. Dia sangat kecewa dan pergi mengembara. Setelah kejadian itu, Dayang Sumbi sangat menyesali dirinya. Dia selalu berdoa dan sangat tekun bertapa. Pada suatu ketika, para dewa memberinya sebuah hadiah. Dia akan selamanya muda dan memiliki kecantikan abadi. Setelah bertahun-tahun mengembara, Sangkuriang akhirnya berniat untuk kembali ke tanah airnya. Sesampainya disana, kerajaan itu sudah berubah total.
Di sana dijumpainya seorang gadis jelita, yang tak lain adalah Dayang Sumbi. Terpesona oleh kecantikan wanita tersebut maka, Sangkuriang melamarnya. Oleh karena pemuda itu sangat tampan, Dayang Sumbi pun sangat terpesona padanya. Pada suatu hari Sangkuriang minta pamit untuk berburu. Dia minta tolong Dayang Sumbi untuk merapikan ikat kepalanya. Alangkah terkejutnya Dayang Sumbi ketika melihat bekas luka di kepala calon suaminya. Luka itu persis seperti luka anaknya yang telah pergi merantau. Setelah lama diperhatikannya, ternyata wajah pemuda itu sangat mirip dengan wajah anaknya. Dia menjadi sangat ketakutan. Maka kemudian dia mencari upaya untuk menggagalkan lamaran Sangkurian.

submitted by novkriz to rdatadao [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 08:44 arbeyz Minta saran & masukannya dong gan

Cerita nya gini aku pribadi lagi mau Deket sama seseorang yang dulunya temen satu kampus kita udah saling kenal satu sama lain sampe sering juga diajak main kerumah dia ataupun main bareng keluar bareng nah permasalahannya selama ±3thn ini hubungan kita tuh gak jelas ntah Itu kita cuma temenan atau ngga nih,
Saran dong kalo aku mau tembak dia tapi nggak bikin canggung kalo semisal ditolak harus gimana ya agan agan semua ?
Terimakasih sebelumnya
submitted by arbeyz to ondonesia [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 17:40 Xanimal123 The TNI should, in fact, be called out for committing war crimes.

Kemanusiaan yang adil dan beradab
- Sila kedua Pancasila
The world’s eyes are currently on Gaza right now, and for VERY good reasons. After Hamas’s October 7th attack, Israel has razed the entirety of Gaza to the ground with missile strikes, in addition to the deliberate starvation of the population in Gaza of any kind of aid like food, water, fuel, and medicine as collective punishment. Many, and I mean many, war crimes have been documented being committed by the IDF including massacres of innocent civilians, rape, and torture. Israeli officials, soldiers, and segments of the public have been astonishingly clear that they want to ethnically cleanse Gaza of all Palestinians. It’s fully obvious right now that what’s happening in Gaza is a genocidal campaign being committed by the Israeli government with the full backing and funding of the US as well as parts of the Western World.
Some of you may see where I’m going with this, but I think it’s important for me to lay out an example that I’m sure most of you can see is pretty morally unjustifiable and use it to make analogies with what I’m gonna talk about, implicitly or otherwise.
As I’m sure most of you are aware by now, there’s been some recent discourse around the circulation of two video recordings that recently went viral on Indonesian social media where it showed a group of TNI soldiers torturing a Papuan man known as Definaus Kogoya inside a barrel filled with water that was contaminated with his blood. One of the videos shows the soldiers punching, kicking, and beating him in the head, while the other shows someone cutting him with a knife. The soldiers themselves recorded this.
The backlash against the TNI because of the video was so bad that the military had to apologize, investigating 42 soldiers and arresting 13 among them that were suspected of being involved in the torture. The TNI accused the man in the video of being a KKB member who was planning to commit arson, but there’s no evidence of this provided, with members of the man’s family claiming he was just fixing his roof along with another friend of his, Alianus Mirok, when TNI soldiers captured them.
After they were handed over to the police, they were released soon afterwards due to there being a lack of evidence against them. After Defianus was already tortured.
There are also some articles that state that Defianus died from his injuries, which if true would make this whole situation extra fucked.
However, this is far from the only incident of torture that has been committed by the TNI. In February of 2020, a civilian named Jusni was tortured to death by a group of 11 soldiers, with most of the perpetrators only getting 9 to 11 months in prison, and only 2 received a sentence of more than a year as well as getting fired.
Even more recently as I was making this, there was a recent article reporting on how TNI soldiers tortured a journalist in Northern Maluku for reporting on the TNI seizing a ship with minyak tanah and threatened to kill him unless he signed a deal where he promised to stop reporting on their activities and quit being a journalist.
The TNI always had a pattern of behaviour when it comes to this, with there having been 431 cases of torture in Papua by apparatuses happening all the way back from 1963 up until 2010, with only 2 having been committed against pro-independence militants, the rest of them being civilians. Of these cases, 65% of them were committed by the military, 34% by the police, and 1% by separatist militants.
Why was there such a high amount of torture by the military against civilians? Aside from the soldiers having a power complex over other people and for the most part feeling immunity from any kind of punishment, there’s another important reason, racism.
Sangat sulit (mengidentifikasi) karena mukanya hampir sama. Mereka brewok
- Mayjen Izak Pangemanan, Commander of the Cenderawasih Military Area Command, when asked by the press why the military had a hard time distinguishing between civilians and militants.
So, to be clear, because TNI soldiers were incapable of telling the difference between a regular civilian and a separatist militant, they captured civilians who weren’t even involved with the militants in the first place and since they were free to do whatever they want, tortured them. Apparently, this problem is so bad that Papuan men have a term for it, musa (muka sama) because they’re afraid that they’ll be mistakenly captured as being a part of the TPNBP and tortured by TNI soldiers.
Now, with the recent discourse surrounding the use of torture by the TNI in Papua, there’s been some comments by people I’m gonna refer to as “ultranationalists” that try to justify or defend what the TNI soldiers had done in Papua. Some of them are current soldiers that say that because TNI soldiers and POLRI men have been killed by TPNPB members, that they shouldn’t be held accountable for their actions. Then there are your netizens that will basically defend everything the military does and say that the people criticizing them are unpatriotic western bootlickers who should go to Papua themselves if they care so much about HAM.
To put this one straight, I strongly disagree with these deflections, I think they’re war crime apologias and I’m gonna spend the rest of my post arguing against them.
And just to be extra clear, when I say “war crimes,” to my understanding it means violations of international law (including torture) that are committed during an armed conflict, at least from what I read from the UN.
There are 2 main arguments I want to make for this case, the first are the political arguments and the second are the moral arguments.
Political Arguments
If we’re looking exclusively from a realpolitik perspective where the main goal is the integrity of the current borders of NKRI, then what happened in Papua, and most likely continuing to happen, is a fucking optical disaster, and undermines that goal entirely.
In Papua itself, stuff like this would radicalize the fuck out of your average Papuan person, imagine if you found out that a family member of yours was tortured by TNI soldiers and the perpetrators went scot-free, of course you would be fucking livid. It further erodes trust in the institutions of the state and galvanizes the pro-independence movement, as chances are they’ll either join one of the civilian pro-independence organizations, or if they’re in the more rural and mountainous areas take up arms with the TPNPB. TPNPB members don’t just come out of nowhere.
We’ve seen this phenomenon played out countless times already, torturing or oppressing a group of people with the aim to instil fear in a population and subdue them usually leads to the opposite effect. As an example, not long after Oct 7, support for Hamas, which advocates for armed resistance, has increased among Palestinians in both Gaza and the West Bank due to Israel’s incessant bombing of Gaza as well as increasing violence with Ultra-Orthodox settlers in the West Bank, while support for the Palestinian Authority has plummeted to the ground.
Internationally, it hurts Indonesia’s credibility on the world stage, turning public opinion against Indonesia’s handling of Papua. People often forget that one of the reasons why Western governments decided to no longer back Indonesia’s occupation of East Timor (may Henry Kissinger burn in hell) was because of the Santa Cruz massacre, in which Indonesian soldiers gunned down unarmed protesters that killed about at least 250 civilians, with footage of the massacre causing international outcry as well as pressure on Western governments to cut their support for Indonesia, similar to what we’re seeing in Gaza right now.
If your goal IS the integrity of the current Indonesian borders, then you should scream out of the top of your lungs to say that shit like this is unacceptable, because this just leads to the opposite effect.
Moral Arguments
As far as moral arguments go, it essentially boils down to this, torture is morally bad, no exceptions.
For one, torture has terrible effects on the victim. Physically, it can lead to chronic pain, brain damage, hearing and vision loss, cardiovascular and respiratory problems, and physical scars. It also psychologically traumatizes the victim, causing them to have depression, PTSD, sleep deprivation, and in the case of stripping the victim naked, strips them of their identity and causes shame.
Two, torture also affects society at large, as the use of torture can lead to its continued and increased use. If soldiers are allowed to torture someone without any consequences, that leads to the entire military feeling that they can get away with it, leading to more cases like Defianus.
The military should not have leeway when it comes to using extrajudicial punishments, as there’s the rule of law when it comes to stuff like this. The use of torture is a violation of the law itself, as Indonesia is a party of the ICCPR (International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights), which among other things include the prohibition of torture, as well as of UNCAT (United Nations Convention Against Torture). Heck even in the 1945 constitution of Indonesia itself, at verse 28G of chapter 10A (which is a chapter that focuses solely on human rights), it explicitly states the right to be free from torture.
“BuT HAM iS JuSt WeSTeRn SJW ProPagAnda” Pancasila&Orba_supporter_#315645, I dare you say that to our founding fathers.
If we legitimize extrajudicial torture as a legitimate form of punishment by the armed forces, who’s to say that the same tactics can’t be applied to you when you’re, say, protesting or criticizing the government? It sets a bad precedent that your civil rights don't need to be taken into account when it comes to the military or authorities for that matter, as well as further creating a culture of impunity among the military and police. I’m sure most of us here don’t want the return of the Orba regime.
Even if the victim was in fact a KKB member who has done some heinous shit, torture in general, aside from being a bad way to make someone tell the truth as it just leads to people lying in order to escape the pain, is just a harm to the individual and society as a whole, hence why I think it should be universally opposed.
So yeah, that about wraps up the main part of my long fucking Reddit post. Normally in a situation like this, I would just write a comment on a post and call it a day, but certain comments riled up my brain that I felt the need to write this all down.
I’ve seen the same logic espoused by Zionists to justify to their ongoing genocide in Palestine by blaming Hamas being said by Indonesian ultranationalists who try to justify the torture of Papuan civilians because of the actions of the KKB, which is EXTREMELY ironic to me, considering I know that these same people would consider themselves to be Pro-Palestine.
To be extra, extra clear, the killing of civilian workers as well as the burnings of public facilities by Papuan militants are completely unjustified and also constitute war crimes. In the same breath, I’m sure that some TNI soldiers feel pain from the loss of friends to KKB gunshots. But that’s the thing though, some of those people part of KKB probably joined the group at least initially because TNI soldiers did some fucked up shit towards either them or their family and friends, but that surely doesn’t justify their attacks on civilian workers on the vague assumption that they’re “spies for the enemy”, neither should that apply for the TNI (and in case the analogies weren’t obvious enough, this also applies to both Hamas and the IDF).
The insane number of comments, lies, and abuses that were levied against the Rohingya Refugees that landed in Aceh by netizens as well as Acehnese students shows to me how dehumanization rhetoric can affect basically everyone, it just depends on how susceptible you are to it. It’s the main reason why I decided to make this post in the first place. We shouldn’t fall into dehumanization rhetoric of an entire group of people just because of the actions of a few. Terrorism committed by the TPNPB should not give the military impunity to do whatever they want, and vice versa for that matter. If we do, we end up using the same justifications that Zionists use.
Di sila kedua Pancasila, dibilangnya kalau semua kemanusiaan itu adil dan beradab. Which to me certainly suggests that all people have equal rights, a.k.a., HAM (gasp, scary acronym). I’m not sure if ultranationalists Orba types who defend TNI soldiers torturing civilians and tell protesting students at BEM UI to KKN to Papua realize that they’re going against a literal principle of Pancasila but guess we all have our blind spots.
A few of the responses to this post will say that I’m just a stupid, unpatriotic, SJW who’s out of touch with the real situation in Papua, and maybe I am, but hey, at least I’m not a war crime apologist.
submitted by Xanimal123 to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 07:11 tanah_jawa Main Seru: Ide Permainan Kreatif untuk Anak

Selamat datang di blog "Main Seru"! Di sini, kami akan berbagi berbagai ide permainan kreatif yang bisa membuat anak-anak Anda tetap aktif dan terhibur. Dari permainan dalam ruangan hingga permainan luar ruangan, kami memiliki banyak ide untuk mengisi waktu luang anak-anak dengan cara yang menyenangkan dan mendidik. Mari kita mulai dengan beberapa ide permainan yang pasti akan membuat mereka senang!

1. Permainan "Treasure Hunt" (Petualangan Harta Karun)

Petualangan Harta Karun adalah permainan yang menyenangkan dan merangsang imajinasi anak-anak. Sembunyikan beberapa hadiah atau barang-barang kecil di sekitar rumah atau taman, dan berikan petunjuk kepada anak-anak untuk menemukan mereka. Petunjuk bisa berupa teka-teki, gambar, atau pesan tersembunyi. Biarkan anak-anak bersenang-senang mencari harta karun sambil belajar tentang kerjasama dan pemecahan masalah.

2. Permainan "Indoor Obstacle Course" (Lintasan Rintangan dalam Ruangan)

Buatlah lintasan rintangan dalam ruangan dengan menggunakan bantal, kursi, dan peralatan rumah tangga lainnya. Anak-anak dapat melompati, merayap di bawah, dan mengelilingi rintangan-rintangan ini secepat mungkin. Permainan ini tidak hanya akan membantu meningkatkan keterampilan motorik mereka, tetapi juga memberikan kesempatan untuk berkreasi dan bergerak secara aktif.

3. Permainan "DIY Board Games" (Permainan Papan Buatan Sendiri)

Ajak anak-anak untuk membuat permainan papan mereka sendiri! Mereka dapat membuat papan permainan, kartu, dan potongan-potongan permainan dengan menggunakan kertas, pensil warna, dan barang-barang bekas. Setelah selesai membuatnya, mereka dapat bermain bersama teman atau keluarga. Ini adalah cara yang bagus untuk merangsang kreativitas dan mengajarkan anak-anak tentang aturan dan strategi permainan.

4. Permainan "Outdoor Water Balloon Dodgeball" (Dodgeball dengan Balon Air di Luar Ruangan)

Di hari yang cerah, tidak ada yang lebih menyenangkan daripada bermain dodgeball dengan balon air! Isi balon air dan bagi anak-anak menjadi dua tim. Mereka harus menghindari balon air yang dilemparkan oleh lawan sambil mencoba untuk mengenai lawan mereka dengan balon air. Ini adalah cara yang menyegarkan dan menyenangkan untuk menghabiskan waktu di luar rumah.

5. Permainan "Storytelling Circle" (Lingkaran Bermain Bersama Cerita)

Buat lingkaran di sekitar anak-anak dan mintalah setiap anak untuk menambahkan satu bagian dari cerita yang sedang dibangun secara bergantian. Cerita bisa menjadi apa pun yang mereka inginkan, dari petualangan di luar angkasa hingga petualangan di hutan yang misterius. Ini adalah cara yang bagus untuk merangsang imajinasi dan keterampilan bahasa anak-anak.

6. Permainan "Nature Scavenger Hunt" (Petualangan Cari Barang di Alam)

Ajak anak-anak untuk menjelajahi alam di sekitar rumah dengan permainan mencari barang. Berikan daftar barang-barang yang harus mereka cari, seperti batu, daun, atau bunga. Biarkan mereka menemukan barang-barang ini sendiri sambil menikmati udara segar dan keindahan alam.

7. Permainan "DIY Musical Instruments" (Alat Musik Buatan Sendiri)

Biarkan anak-anak mengeksplorasi kreativitas mereka dengan membuat alat musik sederhana dari barang-barang rumah tangga. Mereka bisa membuat drum dari panci, shaker dari botol plastik, atau flute dari sedotan. Setelah selesai membuatnya, biarkan mereka membentuk band dan bermain musik bersama. Ini adalah cara yang menyenangkan untuk mengembangkan keterampilan musik mereka sambil berkreasi.
Itulah beberapa ide permainan kreatif yang dapat Anda coba dengan anak-anak Anda. Ingatlah bahwa permainan bukan hanya tentang bersenang-senang, tetapi juga tentang belajar dan tumbuh bersama. Semoga ide-ide ini membantu Anda menciptakan momen-momen berharga bersama anak-anak Anda! Jangan ragu untuk berbagi pengalaman Anda dengan kami di bagian komentar di bawah. Terima kasih telah membaca!
submitted by tanah_jawa to u/tanah_jawa [link] [comments]

2024.03.23 00:41 Optimal_Constant221 Dicariin Mantan di Facebook

Ini pertamakalinya posting di reddit Indonesia. Semoga ga salah kamar.

Aku mau cerita. Pertengahan tahun lalu mantanku waktu jaman bloon2 dulu tepatnya waktu kuliah inbox aku di fb. Aku kaget tapi seneng karena sebenernya aku juga pernah nyariin dia tapi karena dulu gak tau nama lengkapnya jadi gak pernah ketemu. Singkat cerita dulu aku ninggalin dia kalo gak salah krn kita beda agama. Eh skrg pas dia inbox ngabarin kl kita sdh seagama. Tapi dia sdh nikah. Aku juga.

Dari obrolan2 pendek aja aku ngerasa ada yg salah krn aku ngerasa sdg selingkuh walau pun kita gak ngomongin soal cinta2an. Walau perkawinanku sdg ada masalah dan perkawinannya juga ada masalah tapi aku ttp ngerasa salah. Aku seneng ketemu dia lagi tapi terus aku pamitan dan blokir dia di fb.

Sakit banget rasanya. Perkawinanku sdh di ujung tanduk. Aku sdh dapet pengacara buat ngurus semua. Aku mau berdiri sendiri krn cape punya pasangan yg tak seirama. Suatu waktu aku ingin main ke tempat mantanku itu krn dia tinggal di pulau yg indah. Tapi aku gak niat hubungin dia sih cuma kebetulan aku punya anak yg aku sponsorin juga disana. Aku mulai kerja supaya gak ngandelin suamiku. Tapi stlh kerja bbrpa bulan ternyata penyakitku makin kambuh. Aku gak bisa kerja lagi.

Aku gak mungkin berdiri sendiri lagi. Aku tergantung sama suami apalagi ada anak2. Tapi jauh didalam lubuk hatiku aku tersiksa hidup sama dia.
Anyway, Sepertinya Tuhan benar2 ngelarang aku bahkan untuk sekedar pergi ke tempat mantanku itu karena jalanku langsung diblokir lewat penyakitku. Satu hal yg aku syukuri dr bertemunya aku dgn dia lagi walau cuma di dumay yaitu aku jadi aktif bikin video di youtube. Dari Agustus smp skrg aku sdh bikin 113 video. Cuma video edit mengedit sedikit tapi itu cukup membuat kepalaku lega sedikit tiap melakukannya disamping melakukan pekerjaan rumah plus ngurus anak2.

Kpd yg membaca tolong dido'akan ya semoga suamiku kl tdk cinta lagi mau melepasku baik2.
submitted by Optimal_Constant221 to Perempuan [link] [comments]

2024.03.22 13:59 zeldaxpenny Cawag Hexa

Sa mga nakapag-Cawag Hexa na pero hindi harkor like me, gaano katagal duration niyo?
Balingkilat traverse to Nagsasa lang natry ko and it took our group 15hrs mainly because maraming nahirapan sa steep parts na pababa ng Balingkilat and naghintayan kami since isa lang guide namin. Marami rin kami pahinga before mareach Bira-bira kasi kampante kami dahil twinhike lang naman talaga event namin.
Now, gusto kong bumalik kasi halos wala kaming clearing sa Balingkilat and gusto kong magpapic sa marker hahahaha. This time, I want to finish the hexa. Pahingi naman idea ilang oras ginugol niyo to reach each summit. Thank youuu!
submitted by zeldaxpenny to PHikingAndBackpacking [link] [comments]

2024.03.22 12:15 Melosiar The "games"

Cerita ini Daripada abang jiran Saya Yang pindah Ke **** Di kedah,Panggil abang jiran Saya ni,hafilul, hafilul ada computer window second hand Yang power,Dia Dulu gamer,Dia Selalu upload Kat YouTube,tapi,Saya Tak Tahu kalau Dia famous Ke Tidak,Satu Hari,Dia download game betajuk the games,Masa abang Saya download,Mak Dia Panggil,make Dia Kata "hafilul,Mai Makan,mak Masak Ayam Masak kicap" Pada Pukul 12:12,Game Itu Sudah download Dan hafilul Pergi Ke computer Dan Duduk main,Saat hafilul bermain game,game Itu menanyakan kalau Dia Ingin pilih kakanya Atau ibunya,hafilul memilih Ibu,Tiba-Tiba kakaknya menjerit,Saat hafilul Masuk Bilik kakaknya,Hafilul Melihat kakaknya terangkat tercekik diatas langit,hafilul menolong kakaknya Tetapi Tidak boleh Kerana kakanya semakin tinggi Di langit,mak Bapak hafilul Datang Ke Bilik kakaknya Dan menolong kaknya,Dan innalilahi,kakaknya menningal,keeseokan harinya, kakaknya Di Kubur Di Tempat Di sekitar sekangor,Selepas kakaknya dikubur,hafilul Masih ada jiwa Tidak Tahu,Jadi Dia main Lagi game Itu Lagi Sekali,Game Itu menanyakan "Kalau Kamu tersesat Di Hutan,Selepas Itu kamu jumpa harimau Dan singa,Kamu Ingin BUNUH Mereka menggunakan Apa?,Gunting?,Pistol? Atau Pisau?'',Hafilul menjawab pisau,Tiba-Tiba,mak Dan bapanya mengambil pisau Dan BUNUH diri,hafilul Melihat hak Itu Dan hafilul menangis,hafilul call Nenek Dia Dan Nenek Dia tenangkan hafilul Dan Tidur Dengan hafilul,keeseokan harinya,Ibu Dan ayahnya dikuburkan bersebelahan Dengan Kakak hafilul, hafilul pula Sudah pindah Ke **** Di kedah bersama neneknya.
submitted by Melosiar to scarystroiestoread [link] [comments]

2024.03.08 11:03 CoomerDoomer92 [CopyPastaFB] ADIL ???

[CopyPastaFB] ADIL ???
ADIL ??? Saya rasa ramai pernah nampak kedai dan promosi ni. 1. Nama kedai ni Baker’s Cottage
  1. Dia buat promosi yang amat menarik.
  2. Seekor ayam panggang pada harga 16.90 sahaja
  3. Banyak tahun dah dia buat
  4. Strategi dia sangat power
  5. Dulu Baker’s Cottage ni mcm dah sendu sket...….
  6. Tapi diaorang buat strategy loss leader ni, Ramai orang datang membeli
  7. Dan dia berjaya buka banyak outlet satu Malaysia
  8. Tapi kenapa saya letak tajuk ADIL ??
  9. Macam ni citer nya
  10. Baker’s Cottage ni kedai lama.. brand dah lama
  11. Jual roti.. kedai bakery la
  12. Ok la roti dia sedap
  13. Tapi business dia tak strong sangat
  14. Sampai satu hari keputusan dibuat untuk di jual...
  15. Dan di beli oleh syarikat Leong Hup
  16. Siapa syarikat Leong Hup ni
  17. Dia jual ayam...
  18. Walau anda seorang Muslim yang claim anda tak beli ayam dari kedai bukan muslim… kemungkinan besar anda silap
  19. Leong Hup ni adalah salah satu syarikat integrator kat Malaysia ni
  20. Selain mereka ada lebih kurang 10 syarikat macam mereka
  21. Apa dia orang buat?
  22. Diaorang sediakan anak ayam, dedak ayam, dan ikat kontrak dengan penternak ayam
  23. Bila ayam dah besar, diaorang akan beli balik ayam daripada penternak itu.
  24. Jumlah transaki ayam diaorang capai level puluhan juta sebulan
  25. Senang cerita 70% ayam kat Malaysia datang dari diaorang
  26. Walau awak beli dari kedai melayu kat pasar, kemungkinan BESAR ayam tu datang dari giant ni ni...Kadang boleh kata hampir pasti
  27. Yes mereka la giant.. Leong Hup salah satu giant terbesar di Malaysia
  28. Sebab apa giant, sebab mereka la yang hari hari decide berapa harga ayam nak jual kat pasaran
  29. Kita dok tibai menteri kalau ayam naik harga… sebenarnya kartel ni lagi besar dari kementerian
  30. Susah nak faham harga ayam
  31. Tapi takper la… itu satu hal… selagi dia sembelih , ada sijil halal… saya rasa ok la nak buat mcm mana....
  32. Mmg tak ramai supplier lain… Tapi kita usahakan la support brand mcm Ayam Bismi dalam perjuangan mereka..
  33. Harap Ayam Bismi boleh saing dgn mereka segera , Aamiin (di baca)
  34. Tapi bukan itu yang saya nak tekan kan hari ni
  35. Ni citer Bakers Cottage ni
  36. Leong Hup beli Bakers Cottage...So BC dgn pengalaman banyak, dan duit boss baru yang banyak...Dia dah jadi level big brand...
  37. Lepas tu LEONG HUP supply ayam kat BC ,
  38. Pastu BC beli oven combi...panggang ayam... jual sekor ayam panggang harga 16.90
  39. Order banner besar letak depan kedai...Ayam Panggang 16.90
  40. Hahaha... terdiam gak tengok harga dia
  41. Untung la pelanggan....hari hari masuk...beli ayam sauk gak roti dan lain lain...Bijak betul strategi ni
  42. Tapi peniaga lain gigit jari
  43. RM 16 tu kalau peniaga lain ...harga kos belum masak, tak masuk kos pekerja , sewa dan lain lain
  44. Pengsan beb
  45. Dah celah mana nak bersaing... tapi ni bukan masalah peniaga ayam jer...
  46. Banyak bisnes kecil... tak kisah la jual ayam ke..ikan ke, tapir ker hatta jual pensil tekan sekali pun...selalu hadap dilemma ni...
  47. Company start up yang belum ada volume susah nak dapat harga kos yang rendah
  48. Maka terpaksa jual pada harga tinggi
  49. Bila dia jual tinggi ,nak kena lawan dgn company giant mcm Leong Hup ni...Yang ada modal banyak dan kos rendah..Also R&D yang power... Maka company start up tak leh lawan guna kekuatan produk semata mata
  50. Sebab tu banyak brand start up main sentimen lain... contoh ..perkauman, agama, simpati, gimik, influencer, gimik, dan lain lain.
  51. Ramai yang bash... ni la company local...takder daya saing... Tapi apa daya saing yang ada time tu...Lepas tu cakap peniaga ni penunggan agama
  52. Contoh mudah cuba tengok Syukor Burger la...... Dia buat burger level street...Sama taraf dgn McD... pada harga marhaen... (So jangan compare kan dia dgn brand Woodfire lak)
  53. So kalau Syukor Burger letak sebelah sebelah dgn McD... of course la automatik orang akan cakap burger syukor tak sedap, service tak power, brand tak standard, staff tak friendly...
  54. Mekdi tu dah berpuluh tahun niaga kot...Syukor baru setahun buka kedai burger... Mmg tak leh lawan
  55. Sebab tu dia kena guna strength personal branding dia dulu... tarik pelanggan... Guna unsur Bmf, simpati... dan slowly perbaiki segala aspek yang ada...
  56. Nak perbaiki ni take time... takkan boleh nyer tetiba terrer.... heheheheh
  57. Ada orang complaint ELEWSMART lagi mahal dari 99 speedmart... Again... berapa volume Elewsmart berbanding 99... berapa harga dia beli berapa harga dia jual... Tapi kalau ELEWSMART dapat bertahan , di sokong pelanggan...lagi 20 tahun dia ada 500 outlets, time tu dia boleh jual murah gile la
  58. Saya takder apa apa against Leong Hup dan Baker's Cottage... Saya ada je beli ayam dia...sedap gak for the price...
  59. But kalau kita nak menyaksikan ada lonjakan ekonomi kat Malaysia... kena ada gerakan besar besaran untuk support small brand yang baru nak naik ni.
  60. Dan berdamai yang brand baru nak naik ni tak boleh sempurna di peringkat awal... at least 10 tahun pertama mereka akan keep on buat mistake.
  61. Faham yang brand start up kadang kena jual mahal... Kalau tak nak beli takper tapi jangan jatuhkan mereka dgn kecaman berjemaah
  62. Saya tak pertikai ADIL ke Baker's Cottage jual harga ayam murah...dia power buat strategi...dia ada kelebihan..adil la guna.. No prob..Respect!!!
  63. Tapi saya nak tekan kan.. Adil ke Bulan ramadhan nanti , kalau korang nampak orang meniaga ayam golek kat Pasar Ramadhan... jual harga RM 22 sekor... pastu cakap "ni la peniaga nak gi haji balik hari, menipu harga jer...Baker's Cottage boleh je jual murah..."
  64. Jeng woiii !!!
  65. Saya menulis pasal dunia F&B dan perkongsian pengalaman dan pandangan saya.. Banyak lagi content cenggini kat FB Saya.
#NAZDAIM 6 Mar 9.33am
submitted by CoomerDoomer92 to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2024.03.03 09:15 it-will-pass Transaksi di LN & tabungan valas

first post here,
halo, as background in general mungkin saya izin cerita sedikit ya; jadi pengetahuan saya mengenai keuangan masih konvensional, selama ini hanya punya debit BCA dan tabungan di digital bank Jago. this year i want to learn and experience more of financial options out there, for example: thinking of applying my first CC (probably BCA JCB & MCxTiket -- gatau bakal lolos apa ngga wkwk) after 3 days reading lots of CC threads here, and did research here and there. so planning to incorporate CC in my daily transaction and less for debit needs
kemudian background lagi utk my main question; tahun ini juga i will have my first trip to Japan (after a decade of not traveling lol). I already gathered that CC BCA JCB prob is a great option for credit transaction in Jp, but others said I better have some cash on me as well. sure, I'll prepare some cash too (prob will visit VIP or further reading which better money xchangers in Jkt), but wondering if I can go with debit transaction in Yen thus this thread title. So far saya ketemu rekomendasinya: Jenius, DBS, OCBC
so the question I haven't found answers for is: which digital bank wins in foreign transaction for traveling and for investing in fx?
inginnya ga hanya utk Yen tapi bisa utk future traveling plans (hence I plan to get BCA MCxTiket too (not aiming for miles bcs I'm not a big spender)) dan mungkin bisa tipis2 nabung valas juga. Banyak yg rekomen Jenius tapi sejujurnya saya kurang percaya sama Jenius wkwkw (dulu pernah punya Jenius tapi udah ditutup sejak ada feesible dan macem2 berita)
so my option lands on DBS or OCBC, any insights? other banks also welcomed (kalau ada yg mau merubah pikiran saya ttg Jenius juga boleh wkwk)
also, if it depends on what countries, I have big dreams of visiting Thai, Europe (esp Spain), UK. others maybe SG, MY, HK, Aus, FYI.
Sorry if my question is weird/broke any rules, but TIA!
edited: barusan kebetulan bgt ada yg nanya juga di app sebelah wkwk, ternyata sebutannya Multicurrency Account ya, jadi punya rekening valas di digital bank. kalo BCA gitu katanya tabungan valas harus dipisah semacam akun BCA IDR & BCA USD gitu, not preferable si
submitted by it-will-pass to finansial [link] [comments]

2024.02.28 03:27 MeanCryptographer449 Day 2

Hari selesa xixix saya lupa untuk mencatat di sini . Seperti biasa saya bangun tidur,mandi dan berangkat sekolah . Akan tetapi hari itu sangat melelahkan karena saya di hajar oleh mata pelajaran yang hampir semua orang tidak suka atau ingin sekali melewatkannya, yaa matematika nama nya. Akan tetapi hari itu saya sangat suka karena terdapat jamkos di akhir akhir jam pelajaran. Dan saya melakukan kegiatan yang tidak baik seperti saya melarikan diri dari ekstra futsal yaa karena saya sedang sakit . Namun walau saya sakit saya tetap main sampai malam sekitar jam 12 malam . Hal itu yang membuat saya lupa untuk menulis dan mengirim kan cerita saya:) , dan segitu aja cerita saya nilai hari itu ( 8,5/10 ).
Yesterday day xixix I forgot to note here. As usual I wake up, shower and go to school. However, that day was very tiring because I was beaten by a subject that almost everyone doesn't like or really wants to skip, namely mathematics. However, I really liked that day because there was a boarding school at the end of the class period. And I did bad activities like I ran away from extra futsal because I was sick. But even though I was sick, I still played until around 12 o'clock at night. That's what made me forget to write and send my story :), and that's all I rated the story that day (8.5/10).
ここにメモするのを忘れていました。いつものように起きて、シャワーを浴びて、学校に行きます。しかし、その日は、ほとんどの人が嫌い、または本当にサボりたがる科目、つまり数学に負けたので、とても疲れました。でも、授業期間の最後に寄宿学校があったので、その日はとても気に入りました。そして体調が悪くてフットサルのエクストラから逃げるなど、悪いこともしました。でも、体調が悪くても夜の12時くらいまで遊んでました。それが、私がストーリーを書いて送信することを忘れた原因です :) そして、それがその日そのストーリーを評価したすべてです (8.5/10)。
submitted by MeanCryptographer449 to u/MeanCryptographer449 [link] [comments]

2024.02.26 11:43 rtkz_ 28 [R4R] Searching online friend to chat about random things.

Open for chat about anything online. Male female I'm ok. Purpose lebih karena ingin lebih membuka diri aja untuk mendengar cerita dan berkenalan dengan orang2 baru. Siap mendengar kalau ada yg butuh tmn chat dan ngobrol santai atau serius.
About me: - Arab (ethnic, cannot speak arab, just read a little), Islam, religious one (minority) - Currently taking education in Interaction Design (UI/UX) - Hobby nulis, biasanya soal kehidupan - Suka main game (mostly switch/pc). Beberapa yg disuka kyk Mario, Smash Bros, Ace Attorney, Megaman, Hifi Rush - have high interest in technology and design. - suka baca buku, mostly komik/novel/self development - like listening to life story and other new things - can confidently said a Great listener - INFJ
Feel free to chat or comment if interested!
submitted by rtkz_ to IndoR4R [link] [comments]

2024.02.12 13:05 abdulsamri89 Solo leveling punya anime slow doh..

Solo leveling punya anime slow doh..
Bila nak masuk part best boleh pulak episode tamat 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
Slow burner lar anime ni tp ke hype dia jer lebih?
Dengar kata cerita ni mcm SAO ,masa mula2 lemah lar main character dia tp last2 jadi OP mcm Kirito
submitted by abdulsamri89 to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2024.02.09 04:03 Jco_00 Just found out my "gf" is seeing another dude behind my back. Feel like I've been stabbed in the back and burned.

Tbh this is a continuation of my previous post I made here. Singkat cerita, kemarin tanggal 15 Desember kami sempet putus karena ortunya nyuruh dia untuk fokus kuliah, dan dia sering ngerasa kesepian karena aku sering sibuk slowrespon dan nggak bisa nemenin kayak dulu. Tapi gimana mungkin aku bisa nemenin terus 24/7 kalo aku sibuk dengan kuliah dan punya banyak masalah lainnya sebagai anak rantau? Bahkan untuk nyari makan aja harus hemat banget dan harus jalan kaki kemana mana karena nggak punya uang untuk transportasi. Meskipun kami putus, dia nangis nangis mohon nggak mau lost contact sama aku, pengen tetep dekat tapi hanya sebagai sahabat. Dia pengen tetep bisa cerita cerita dan curhat dengan aku. Dia juga ngomong kalo nggak mungkin bisa nemu cowok sebaik aku dan akan selalu inget aku. Besoknya setelah putus, hubungan kami tetap sama aja seperti sebelumnya, hanya tanpa status pacar. Dia terus curhat dan cerita ke aku setiap hari tentang kehidupannya; bahkan kami aja pernah nonton bareng di bioskop dan makan berdua; ketemuan dan foto bersama saat ada acara alumni di SMA. Waktu akhir Januari, dia bahkan pengen agar aku "mesra bucin" lagi kayak dulu dan manggil dia sayang lagi. Jadi, apakah aku salah ngira bahwa kami sudah balikan karena ini bukan seperti sahabat biasa? Setidaknya hubungan kami setelah putus bisa dikatakan "Hubungan tanpa status", kan?
Baru baru ini aku sadar kalo aku cuma dimanfaatkan saat dia kesepian. Aku ngeliat tanda tanda di medsos kalo ada cowok lain, seorang polisi yang dekat sama keluarganya dan sudah pernah aku curigai sebelumnya. Sebelumnya nggak lama setelah putus tanggal 22 Desember, kami sempat berantem besar gara2 dia bohong dan nyembunyiin kalo dia pergi jalan berdua dengan orang itu naik mobil keliling kota. Bayangin coba gimana perasaanku waktu tau padahal nggak ada seminggu putus dan dia nyembunyiin itu. Dia malah marah dan nangis, ngomong kalo aku nuduh tanpa dasar dan suka berprasangka buruk padahal orangnya cuma temen. Eh orang yang sama ini beberapa Minggu yang lalu makan makan bareng keluarga dia dan duduk sama foto bersebelahan terus. Kejadian lagi seminggu yang lalu dia bikin story di Tiktok jalan berdua lagi naik mobil sama orangnya itu lagi, nggak lama kemudian dihapus sih storynya tapi aku dah terlanjur liat. Hal yang sama terjadi beberapa kali sendiri dan dia juga nggak bilang apa2 ke aku. Padahal selama ini dia masih deket banget sama aku, setiap hari dia cerita dan curhat ke aku tentang hal2. Aku berusaha positif thinking belajar dari kesalahan masa lalu supaya optimis terus dan nggak gampang jealous jadi nggak aku permasalahin kejadian2 itu ke dia.
Eh ternyata aku barusan sadar setelah nggak sengaja liat repost tiktoknya dia (Jarang banget buka tiktok) isinya hal2 yang nggak mungkin berkaitan sama aku tapi cocok sama orang itu, contohnya kayak: Tetep perjuangin orang batak (Si cowoknya itu batak sedangkan aku suku lain dan dia tau persis itu); Walaupun beda umur tapi cintaku nggak akan luntur (Si cowoknya itu umur 23 dan dah kerja sedangkan kami seumuran umur 19); Lirik lagu yang deskripsiin dia tinggi banget dan kekar (Si cowoknya itu tinggi dan kuat soalnya polisi sedangkan aku pendek dan kurus). Ada beberapa juga yang nyindir aku sih kayak surviving ex from "Nama sekolah" dan ex yang sering slowrespon ketiduran dan sebagainya. Nggak cuma itu, semua postingan yang berkaitan sama aku juga dihapus di semua medsosnya padahal habis putus pun masih ada loh beberapa, tapi sekarang ilang semua wkwkwk. Dia juga ngepost video gitu di tiktok dan ada temennnya yang nyindir ke cowoknya itu.
Intinya ngerasa betrayed soalnya aku kira kita dah balikan tapi kenyataannya malah dah ada yang baru dan disetujui keluarganya wkwkwkkw. Padahal ini dia setiap hari juga sering minta ditemenin curhat juga loh. Dia aja jealous dan ngekang banget sampe temenku cewek ada yang dilabrak gara2 terlalu deket sama aku, aku slowrespon gara2 main game aja dimarahin. Ya nasib deh, mungkin ini cara Tuhan sadarin aku atau gimana gitu. Maaf nulisnya kepanjangan dan nggak jelas ya, aku cuma bingung mau cerita ke siapa soalnya nggak ada siapa siapa yang bisa aku share hal ginian. Sekian dan terimakasih.
submitted by Jco_00 to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.02.09 00:48 Lemonirefresh Got taken down an hour after posting, but not before the guy gets reamed in the comments

Got taken down an hour after posting, but not before the guy gets reamed in the comments
Guy offers no compensation other than rent and insists that’s enough.
submitted by Lemonirefresh to ChoosingBeggars [link] [comments]

2024.02.08 07:36 aphrodite_mj Portal berita favorit

Diriku nge-post ini karena tadi pagi tiba-tiba pengen cari berita, apapun. Alasannya, beberapa hari lalu diriku dengerin obrolan komika yang pernah masuk penjara. Dia cerita, sebelumnya dia tiap pagi baca berita cuma buat dapetin input buat otaknya, soalnya selama beberapa bulan di dalam sel, dia sama sekali ga tau ada apa di luar, dan itu bikin dia stres.
Nah, portal berita yang diriku buka pagi tadi adalah voi.id , karena ingat salah satu influencer di twitter sering re-post dari sana. Ternyata webnya cukup bersih ga banyak iklan, ga ada multi pages di tiap beritanya.
Kalo portal berita favoritmu apa aja nih? Ga harus berita sih, saya juga beberapa kali main ke Loudwire buat nyari info musik, kali aja ada yang cocok.. yang isinya hoax juga boleh
submitted by aphrodite_mj to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.01.31 11:28 Rakan_Dzakwan DnD bertema Nusantara

Saya sendiri belum terlalu banyak main DnD, baru akhir-akhir ini aja. Setelah ngikutin beberapa sesi dan tertarik, saya jadi kepikiran bisa gak ya cerita DnD bertema Nusantara, terutama temanta legenda rakyat dari abad pertengahan di Nusantara yaitu jaman kerajaan Hindu - Buddha. Apalagi di Nusantara banyak mahluk-mahluk mitologi, mungkin bisa menarik kalo bisa diaptasi dengan format DnD. Buat Komodo di sini yang suka main DnD, apakah kalian kepikiran DnD bertema budaya tradisional Nusantara? Gimana imajinasi kalian kalo ada demikian?
submitted by Rakan_Dzakwan to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.01.22 21:21 JohannesMeanAd2 The Champion Formula 1 Never Had: The Full Story of Jean-Pierre Wimille, Part 2

The Champion Formula 1 Never Had: The Full Story of Jean-Pierre Wimille, Part 2
Hello, and welcome back to the full story of Jean-Pierre Wimille, the French Grand Prix racing driver who passed away 75 years ago on January 28th, 1949. In the previous installment of this series [which you can check out here], I covered Jean-Pierre Wimille’s moderately successful years of racing prior to the war, which included several regional Grand Prix victories, as well as two wins at the 24 Hours of Le Mans.
This installment will continue where the first one left off, at the outbreak of World War II in 1939, so sit back and enjoy the ride.
Jean-Pierre Wimille. Image credits to The Bugatti Revue.
Part 2a: The Early War Years (1940-1942)
I suppose it’s best if we understand just how difficult the outbreak of war actually was for Jean-Pierre Wimille. He was only 31 years old at the time war occurred, and in those days drivers were considered healthy and fast all the way until their late 40s in terms of age. A good example would be Tazio Nuvolari, the European Champion who was originally a motorcycle racer but pivoted over to cars at the late age of 35. Nuvolari continued to be in his prime all the way until WW2 began, by which time he was 47!
Wimille was effectively stripped away of his best years to be a racing driver. The same would be true of several other strong Grand Prix drivers of the late 1930s, such as Giuseppe Farina, Luigi Villoresi, and the Siamese Prince Bira, all of whom were in their late 20s or early 30s when war broke out. Although Wimille had hoped for a way to increase his political influence, especially thanks to the connections afforded to him with his then-girlfriend Christiane “Cric” de la Fressange, the war would slow that down, too. This left Jean-Pierre with no choice but to pivot to a new line of work.
A trio of Hawk 75Cs, the sort of plane Wimille flew while in the air force.
As the fighting began to encroach on French territory in early 1940, Jean-Pierre Wimille would enlist in the Armee de l’Air, France’s version of the Royal Air Force, presumably viewing it as a natural extension of his fighting spirit. Wimille would successfully make it to fighter training school in Etampes, but by mid-1940 France was caught in a battle for its survival as the Germans invaded. Wimille and Cric went down to the south with former racing acquaintance Marcel Lesurque for safety.
Christiane de la Fressange, Jean-Pierre Wimille’s wife. Image credits to AU-PIED-DE-MON-ARBRE.
Despite qualifying for the Armee de l’Air, Wimille wouldn’t see much action, as the French surrendered in June, with a full demobilization of the air force complete by September. This again left Wimille without a job, but now virtually trapped in Vichy France, he made his way over to Briançon near the Italian border. There, he would marry Christiane de la Fressange in a private yet intimate ceremony.
By 1941, Jean-Pierre Wimille’s national status as a successful racing driver in his Grand Prix and endurance escapades, had afforded him quite a reputation within Vichy France. According to Joe Saward in his fabulous The Grand Prix Saboteurs book, Wimille would use what pull he did have with the leaders of Vichy to attempt to establish contact with compatriot and longtime on-track rival, Raymond Sommer. You see, Wimille wanted to tempt Sommer to join him in a project to return to motorsport together.
Although virtually all of Europe’s car racing industry had been shut down due to the danger of war and the necessity for manufacturing to prioritize weaponry, there was still one major market left running by 1941: The United States. Still not officially in the war yet, normal life continued just as before, so Wimille and Sommer made plans for a trip over to America to race the great Indianapolis 500 (Saward, pp.251-252). However, they were unable to receive the funding as Wimille’s attempts to reach out to Vichy’s ministry for sport went unanswered.
The Wimilles moved from residence to residence within Vichy France during the early years of the war.
It would be moot anyway, as by the end of 1941 the USA would be involved in the war effort and the Indy 500 would be stopped, halting the American racing industry. This left Wimille very frustrated, but he didn’t give up. He and Christiane spent the remainder of 1941 in Corsica with the great Monegasque Louis Chiron. With any glimmer of hope for real racing now gone, Wimille fully turned his efforts over to the “other” side of the garage, so to speak.
In 1942, if you used to have a career in racing and weren’t officially involved with the war yet, all that was left for you would be the theoretical aspect of racing, creating designs for that ‘hypothetical’ day that normal life resumed. One particularly great instance of this would be Alfa Romeo; that year their legendary designer Gioacchino Colombo built the Tipo 512, a mid-engined and very powerful replacement of their existing ‘158’ race car. Needless to say, the 512 never saw the light of actual race time, but it was a way of passing the time. With no other avenues to pursue his passion, Jean-Pierre Wimille would soon embark on this endeavor himself.
Throughout all of 1941 and early 1942, Wimille was getting in touch with mechanics from his days as a Bugatti works driver, at least those that he got to know personally. The mission was to recruit them for a secret production car concept which Wimille was designing in his spare time. His stay with Chiron likely helped encourage more to join in on the project, given Chiron was also a successful Bugatti driver.
The Wimille prototype road car. This car would make its debut after the war ended, but its roots were during Wimille’s downtime in WW2.
By 1942, Wimille and his team of engineers began work on building his revolutionary new design, which never officially got a name. The car was impressive aerodynamically, boasting an extremely low drag coefficient, according to Classic Car Catalogue. It also featured the unique seating arrangement of the driver in the middle, much like the McLaren F1. Although Wimille’s car didn't have that much power, only using an old pre-war Citroen engine with 60 horsepower, the strong aerodynamics promised upwards of 100 miles per hour for top speed, coupled with an efficient electric gearbox.
As attention-grabbing as this car sounds on paper, Wimille would soon be forced to put it on hold. In early 1943, he got a call from his old friend from Bugatti, Robert Benoist, who asked Wimille to join him in a secret espionage network for the Resistance in Paris, hosted by his former colleagues from his racing days. Wimille and his wife Christiane both accepted the offer, and thus they officially became part of what was nicknamed “the Grand Prix Saboteurs.”
Part 2b: The Late War Years (1942-1945)
I suppose it’s best if we see how this network evolved from the beginning. Just to preface this, I would like to clarify that most of the incoming information is from Joe Saward’s incredible Grand Prix Saboteurs (Morienval Press, 2006), which I highly recommend you read in full should you ever get the chance.
SOE Members, and former racing drivers, William Grover-Williams [left] and Robert Benoist [right].
After France was originally occupied, Benoist had escaped to England and joined his old colleague, William C.F. Grover, in the British Special Operations Executive, or SOE for short. They quickly finished their training camp, and would soon be tasked with creating a bespoke network of agents, operating directly within Paris, supplying valuable strategic information to the resistance movement.
Grover-Williams (as Grover was called) adopted a codename of “Vladimir" and in mid-1942, began setting up his network under the name “Chestnut.” By the end of 1942, Grover-Williams had several agents operating under Chestnut, though he refused to accept Jean-Pierre Wimille into the network due to political differences.
Although Wimille and his wife were not part of this first network, Chestnut’s work set up a pattern for what was to come later. Their first task was in sabotaging Autogiro, another SOE network which had been double-crossed thanks to the involvement of double-agent Mathilde Carre. After that, Benoist soon parachuted into France and helped move Chestnut over to his own personal residence. From there they were able to serve as a checkpoint for British ammunition to make its way over to the Resistance movement.
The Chestnut network (and several other SOE networks) would unfortunately collapse in June 1943, after another double-agent, Henri Dericourt, defected and exposed them. After being ratted out, Benoist’s home was raided by the Gestapo. They successfully captured Grover-Williams on July 31st, and held him in Berlin’s Reichs Office as a prisoner. A few days later, they caught Benoist, though he managed to miraculously escape by jamming open the door of the car the Gestapo arrested him in, finding his escape through the Passage des Princes.
Jean-Pierre Wimille [left] after beginning his work with Clergyman.
After a few weeks evading further capture, the RAF successfully airlifted Benoist to safety, after which he began work on another SOE network based in the western city of Nantes, this time called “Clergyman.” Benoist would recruit Jean-Pierre and Christiane Wimille for this network, giving Jean-Pierre the codename “Gilles.” For the first time in several years, Wimille was finally seeing some action with direct involvement in the war after avoiding it for so long.
One of Clergyman’s first major roles would be joining forces with the Turma-Vengeance resistance movement, one of the largest underground networks in Vichy France. Benoist established contact with them in late August 1943, and arranged a deal for Clergyman to act as a middleman and supply arms to them directly from the UK, just like Chestnut. Benoist made Jean-Pierre his deputy, and Christiane was an assistant for transporting the weapons to the Clergyman base.
A gravestone commemorating a member of the Turma-Vengeance movement at the Pere Lachaise Cemetery. Image from French Wikipedia.
At the start, things progressed rather smoothly, with weapons reaching the Turma-Vengeance movement at a brisk pace as 1944 started. However, in February, things went awry after Benoist’s main radio operator was taken into custody, forcing Benoist to obtain new supplies from London. While he went back to the UK, Jean-Pierre Wimille operated Clergyman directly, making sure to keep as low of a profile as possible.
A week later, Wimille re-established contact with Benoist and returned to Paris. He brought with him his new operator, fellow SOE agent Denise Bloch, who required separate transport via Christiane Wimille to get into Clergyman’s base after parachuting in during the night.
Location of Nantes within France. “Clergyman” was based very close to this city, so disrupting facilities would help the allied invasion.
With everyone back in Nantes safely, the supply to Turma-Vengeance continued for a couple months. But then, on June 6th, the allied invasion of northern France, otherwise known as the D-Day landings, would begin. With Clergyman’s base so close to the western French shoreline, they would play a crucial part in improving the efficiency of the landings. Prior to the invasion itself, Clergyman’s aim was to blow up several electricity pylons around Nantes, thereby disrupting the German-controlled rail network which ran through the town.
After the Wimilles quickly transported the necessary arms back to Clergyman, they officially began work in early May to be fully ready for the allied invasion. The sabotage work done by Benoist and all the others was highly effective, as according to Saward (pp. 254) it took the Germans over a week to restore power to Nantes, and within a few days the saboteurs cut power again.
After the invasion began, there were apparent plans to bomb the power pylons on June 17th, but things would soon turn disastrously wrong. Robert Benoist broke SOE protocol and organized a meeting of all Clergyman officers, warning them of his impromptu visit to his ill mother in Paris. In the event he didn’t return the next day, Benoist ordered everyone to run away. As fate would have it, this was the last day Jean-Pierre Wimille saw his former racing idol alive. Perhaps wanting to continue their efforts in sabotage, Benoist’s warning wasn’t taken, and the following day he was arrested by the Gestapo while attempting to visit his mother.
A Hotchkiss 686, rumored to be one of the top patrol vehicles for the Germans in occupied France.
The Germans soon interrogated Benoist, though it took nearly 20 hours to get the information they needed out of him. After the interrogation was over, they began their raid on Clergyman’s base. In the evening, despite a silently growing fear at Benoist’s lack of communication, Clergyman prepared for dinner with Christiane and Jean-Pierre arriving with fresh eggs. While Christiane was helping the women cook the food, Jean-Pierre was outside with several of his assistants having some drinks. The men then heard in the distance the sound of a sputtering Hotchkiss, rumored to be the Gestapo’s favorite French patrol car.
Wimille sounded the alarm to the house and led his assistants down an escape route near the garage, but the women and other operators within the house had almost no time to escape. The Germans arrived and detained every single member of the cell, and sent out a search party for the remaining members of Clergyman. It didn’t take them long to find the others, but Jean-Pierre was nowhere to be found.
Through a combination of sheer blind luck and ingenious thinking, Wimille took refuge in a nearby river, staying fully submerged behind a few bushes leaving only his nose above water for breathing. A fine display of refusal to give up, he truly risked drowning himself to avoid capture. With every other Clergyman member captured, the Germans subsequently burned their base down. The following morning, Wimille returned from the river alone, but alive (Saward, pp. 264-266).
Jean-Pierre Wimille’s Special Forces Roll Of Honor photo.
One cannot even imagine the guilt within Wimille’s mind at the prospect of potentially losing his wife, his SOE colleagues, and closest friends from his Grand Prix days to the war, not to mention the psychological damage. Sure enough, he would never see Robert Benoist again, who would be killed in the Buchenwald concentration camp on September 11th. The same went for Benoist’s partner in crime William Grover-Williams, who was killed at Sachsenhausen six months later.
Indeed, the fast-paced and unpredictable nature of war meant Wimille would be forced to continue without having any knowledge on the whereabouts or condition of any of the people he worked with, including Christiane. Through the rest of the summer of 1944, Wimille carried on as the new leader of Benoist’s former SOE network. He drove himself back to his home city of Paris, where he would set up shop with a handful of SOE officers, coordinating targeted attacks on German command posts throughout the city. This would continue throughout August, until finally the allies liberated Paris on the 19th.
An advertisement for the Red Cross during WW2. Imaged by Heritage Auctions.
There was yet more good news to come for Wimille that month, too. While his wife Christiane was held awaiting deportation to Germany, she had run into her younger brother Hubert, disguised as a member of the Red Cross in an attempt to free her. She was able to take on the same disguise, avoiding detection from the train’s guard, and together they escaped from the station and returned to Jean-Pierre’s base in Paris by motorcycle (Saward, pp. 286-287).
With his wife now safe, Jean-Pierre came full circle in his wartime journey and used his credentials from the start of the war to join the liberated French Air Force in 1945, flying several attack missions over Germany. Finally, on May 8th, Germany surrendered and war in Europe was finally over. An exhausted Jean-Pierre Wimille returned home to Paris feeling lighter and happier than he’d felt in several years.
Despite the happy event of his marriage, the war years were ultimately years of sacrifice for Jean-Pierre Wimille, which would be true of everyone who served during World War II. Not only did he lose his wife temporarily, but he would outlive several of his racing colleagues from the 1930s, such as Robert Benoist, William Grover-Williams, and Rene Le Begue to name but a few. Indeed, the war also took Wimille away from racing, the thing he loved most of all.
One can never truly know the full psychological impact the war had on Jean-Pierre Wimille, but it must have been huge. In any case, with the war now over, the promise of a return to normal life in the near future was greater than it had ever been before. This gave Maurice Mestivier, president of the French motoring organization AGACI, an inspired idea. In September 1945, as a celebration of the end of war, he devised a series of three motor races to be held in Bois de Boulogne in Paris, open to all French drivers. There was a race for small cars dedicated in memory of Robert Benoist, and another race for large thoroughbred racers called the “Coupe des Prisonniers,” or the Prisoner’s Cup.
The news of automotive racing finally returning to European soil for the first time in five years was slow to dawn on Jean-Pierre Wimille, but when he learned of it, his excitement came rushing back to life, like a light bulb. Wimille tracked down his old Type 50B Bugatti (which was sold to him when war started) and entered in the Prisoner’s Cup.
The Start of the Coupe des Prisonniers. Motor racing was back, and boy did it sound glorious. Image credits to Veloce Today.
Wimille arrived late due to still being in the French Air Force, but he was greeted warmly with the welcome of several old friends, such as Raymond Sommer and Philippe Etancelin. With a crowd of over 200,000 pouring in for the event, the race lived up to expectations, with Wimille starting from the back of the grid and battling wheel to wheel with Sommer en route to a convincing victory.
Granted, this race had virtually no technical regulations aside from engine size, and most drivers just turned up with whatever they had. Even so, Jean-Pierre Wimille’s success was a popular one, especially with a calm but calculated drive with such prejudice, you’d think he was already a champion. For most others, the return of motorsport may have been a wonderful bout of nostalgia to satiate their battle-hardened minds, but for Wimille, it was unfinished business…
Jean-Pierre Wimille racing his old Bugatti around the Bois de Boulogne circuit during the Coupe des Prisonniers. Image from flickr.
This retrospective will conclude next week for part 3, focusing on Wimille’s successful return to Grand Prix racing in the immediate post-war years, solidifying himself as one of the finest racing drivers in Europe.
Once again, thank you so much for reading this retrospective, I hope you had as much fun reading this as I did writing it. Although there wasn’t very much actual racing in this part, the espionage work that Jean-Pierre Wimille and his former racing colleagues contributed to is truly awe-inspiring, and deserves to be remembered for many generations to come.
I also want to give a big shout out to the historical resources that I consulted online, such as historicracing.com, The Bugatti Revue, and 8W/Forix, not to mention Joe Saward’s Grand Prix Saboteurs book. This post wouldn’t be what it is without their amazing work documenting the story of Wimille, Benoist, Grover-Williams, and so much more.
Take care, and see you all next week to conclude this! :)
submitted by JohannesMeanAd2 to formula1 [link] [comments]

2024.01.20 21:46 LongEnormousSchlong Rant about my friends. Will be written in BM because I’m angry.

Assalamualaikum, nak rant pasal perangai member.
Ada member aku, Ali dan Amir bukan nama sebenar.
Ali ni jenis perangai dia tak hormat masa orang. Pernah sekali Ali nak pinjam tools bapak aku nak buat moto katanya. Aku cakap la “hantar kedai la”, dia boleh balas “hantar kedai mahal la aku buat dekat rumah kau je la”. Aku dah pening tak tau nak reply apa. Apa dia ingat rumah aku ni kedai moto ke? Aku dah la ada plan hujung minggu, dia dengan selamba nak datang buat moto dia guna barang aku. Kalau pinjam tools je boleh la, ni dia nak guna tools pastu buat moto dekat rumah aku. Aku dah jem. Dia ni tak paham ke masa aku cakap “hantar bengkel la”. Dah dia datang mesti kena layan punya ragam dia.
Sekarang pasal Amir pulak. Perangai dia ni pulak acah keras acah hebat. Bila lepak cerita dia paling hebat. Dia paling berani, dia paling rajin, dia paling baik. Setiap sekali aku cakap aku tak pergi kerja sebab sakit Amir ni akan cakap “ah kau ni pemalas, banyak alasan!”. Ayat yang sama akan keluar bila aku cakap aku tak kerja sabtu dengan ahad. EVERY FUCKING TIME AYAT YANG SAMA. Setiap kali lepak mesti keluar ayat ni. Dah la dia ni tak reti berborak, bila borak keluar ayat bodoh macam ni. Asal lepak menghadap anime, hadap tiktok. Apa function kau datang lepak babi?
Satu lagi perangai dia, semua benda dia ingat boleh buat lawak. Aku pernah kena kacau, ada orang ketuk pintu bilik tapi family aku semua dah tidur. Time ni memang aku takut gila, auto bukak semua lampu bilik. Esoknya aku pun cerita la dekat si Ali & Amir. Ali ni boleh ajak borak lagi, dia reti panjangkan conversation. Tapi si Amir ni antara spesis babi. Time aku tengah cerita dia boleh potong and cakap, “alah kena kacau sikit dah takut”. Aku balas “kau tak pernah kena kacau kau diam”. Amir balas “aku dah pernah kena la dulu, setakat bunyi jalan dekat siling rumah, bunyi ketuk2 ni dah biasa”. Aku pun balas “ha kalau macam tu kau tak boleh nak samakan level berani kau dengan aku. Kau berani jangan anggap orang lain berani macam kau babi”. Amir reply “aku mana berani” suara slow je pastu dia diam. Reti pulak guna suara slow? Selama ni cakap bukan main gah. Bukan main kuat cara kau cakap sebelum ni. Bila kena point out terus jadi slow suara?
Dia punya perangai sumpah aku tak boleh brain. Dia tak paham perasaan orang. Dia tak reti baca situasi. Tak reti berborak. Tak reti panjangkan conversation. Bila lepak jadi hiasan penuhkan ruang je. Bila cakap menyakitkan hati. Nak kata introvert, kita dah jadi kawan lebih 15 tahun kot. Nak malu menda kawan dah 15 tahun?
Sekian, terima kasih.
submitted by LongEnormousSchlong to malaysians [link] [comments]

2024.01.20 18:25 jazkiana dating younger guys struggle..

jd gw adalah cewek yg udah umur 28 tahun ini. gw pacaran sama seseorang yang 5 tahun lebih muda daripada gw, dan kita ketemu di suatu online game. awal kita pacaran itu semuanya oke oke aja, gw masih fresh grad yg ga terlalu banyak pressure di kerjaan jd ngegame adalah suatu hal yg dulu gw passionate bgt dan gw sm cowok gw ini bisa ngobrol apa aja krn mutual interest, dia jg orangnya baikk bgt dan pengertian bgt.
awal mula masalahnya adalah pas di awal covid dimana dia diharuskan buat kuliah online, di semester itu dia struggling bgt sm kuliahnya dan nilai dia banyak yg fail dengan IPK yg ambruk bgt, di saat itu gw marah bgt tp memutuskan untuk stay krn gw yakin dia bisa berubah.
fast forward ke sekarang, 3 tahun setelah kejadian perkuliahan dia yang kacau itu, menurut gw dia masih ga banyak progress dan masih cukup sering dapet nilai E. dia harusnya lulus tahun lalu tp belom bisa krn masih banyak nilai yg jelek. paling cepet dia lulus akhir tahun ini atau paling lambatnya tahun depan krn setelah itu harus DO.
di sisi lain, gw juga udah pindah kerja dan di kerjaan gw yg sekarang itu pressure, beban, dan responsibilitynya jauhh lebih gede dibanding dulu. gw udah hampir gak pernah main game dan gw kadang butuh teman untuk bertukar pikiran. gw mostly sekarang udah suka cerita tentang kerjaan yg mana dia gak ngerti, dan dia masih suka cerita tentang game yg mana gw udah gak gitu minat. kita sekarang jadi jarang ketemu, chat/tlp saking udah gak ada lagi yg bisa diobrolin.
gw pribadi sejujurnya gak ada rush untuk cepet2 nikah krn keluarga gw gak ngepressure gw, dan gw juga sebenernya gak pengen punya anak, jd gw bukan ngebet nikah krn takut terlalu tua pas punya anak jg. tapi semakin kesini semakin capek buat gw untuk nungguin dia 1-2 tahun lagi sampe lulus, itu juga belom nyari kerjaan dan nabung buat nikahnya, gak ada yg tau kapan dia bener2 bisa settle dan ready for marriage. sedangkan kalo putus pun gw juga takut gak bisa dapet cowok sebaik dia krn jujur dia di sisi apapun selain masalah kuliahnya itu cocok banget sm gw, gw jg punya background jelek yg gw rasa cowok in general susah untuk terima. cm kalo gw nungguin dia lama2 tp ujungnya gak jadi nikah jg gw gimana yah, krn umur gw yg udah gak muda2 bgt dan banyak yg bilang kl cewek di atas 30 udah susah cari pasangan, itu jg nambah kekhawatiran gw krn gw takut gw malah jd single seumur hidup haha
oh ya, buat soal komunikasi itu gw udah sering minta dia buat berubah dll, he always says he’s trying to be better but I guess it’s hard for people to change unless itu kemauan diri sendiri juga. gw jg udah pernah ngomong soal keresahan gw ini dan dia bilang I can leave if I want to, tp dia blg sejujurnya dia pengen gw buat nungguin dia.
jd mungkin disini gw pengen tau pendapat kalian, should I stay and wait for him? ada gak pengalaman dimana kalian ngerasa takut untuk putus krn takut gak nemu yg sebaik yg lama tapi setelah putus you actually met someone better?
submitted by jazkiana to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.01.20 07:25 Destroyer_machine How do i get out of this lifestyle?

(21M)I have Depresion and General Anxiety Disorder, For my entire life i have been staying inside for most of it, 5 tahun lalu kena gejala ringan depresi & kecemasan singkat cerita keluarga ga peduli gw udh minta tolong pinjem duit buat konseling tpi ga dikasih, 1 tahun lalu gw kuliah happy dapet temen banyak, tapi sekarang itu ilang sejak gw drop out karna ga mampu bayar, sekarang gw cuma di rumah udh 1 tahun lebih ga keluar2 kamar.
gimana caranya biar gw bangkit?
  1. gw udh nyari kerja, nyerah karna kudu s1, ditempat lama gw kerja jg kudu s1, gw jg lamar dicafe dll belum ada panggilan, tpi gw ga mau berhenti
  2. gw udh keluar rumah lagi bersosilisasi, tapi bikin gw stress bgt, gw ga bisa ngomong, kecemasan gw parah, kek orang ketakutan padahal sama temen sendiri
  3. gw olahraga setiap harii
yang gw mau kuliah lagi & kembali bersosilisasi, ini mungkin akibat didikan ortu gw dulu gw diasuh sama mama gw gw dimanjain, ga boleh main keluar rumah ( klo main mulu nakal ), gw ga boleh pacaran pas sma yg bikin gw nyesel, hal hasil gw skrg ga bisa bergaul kek stress bgt sumpah ketakutan gitu sama temen sendiri jg , bokap tuh kek ga ngangap gw ada ga pernah ngajak ngobrol, ga pernah ngajarin gw sesuatu.
kek keluar jalur aja gitu sekarang ga tau apa yang harus dilakuin? serius hampir bundir kemaren sekarang cukup gw kudu berubah, gw dah cukup menderita kek gini, semua game gw hapus, sosmed gw hapus kecuali reddit, gw ngajak keluar temen2 lama gw hari ini
gw kesepian bgt, depresi, ga tau harus ngapain sementara temen2 gw udh pada lulus kuliah, udh pada sukses, sahabat gw keterima polisi gw seneng mereka begitu, cuma ngerasa tertinggal jauh.
gw udh coba antidepresan cuma memperburuk, gw coba konseling yayasan pulih, gw ngerasa tertekan setiap hari, cemas bgt ga bisa santai, ga ada energy lemes....
ada saran kah gw harus ngapain? gw soalnya di tuntut buat sukses sama ortu, mereka ga mau gw kerja kek ngegojek, indomaret malu katanya, tapi bokap jg ga kerja yg menurut gw lebih malu.
serius gw minta tolong buat arahin gw harus ngapain sekarang? biar gw ga nyesel, gw pengen kuliah lagi nikmatin masa muda kek orang2, cuma yaitu ga ada duit.
serius gw bangun dari tempat tidur aja berat banget, makan & mandi jg kek 10x lebih berat buat gw lakuin, gw udh coba keluar dari lingkarang ini & ga ada hasil sampe gw pasrah, ngapain nyoba kalo gagal terus.
gw lagi nyari solusi, thanks yg dah luangin waktunya buat baca.

submitted by Destroyer_machine to indonesia [link] [comments]
