A bump on the roof of baby s mouth

Baby Bumps

2010.11.27 19:56 hersheykiss7761 Baby Bumps

A place for pregnant redditors, those who have been pregnant, those who wish to be in the future, and anyone who supports them. Not the place for bump or ultrasound pics, sorry!

2016.11.04 18:46 SeacattleMoohawks Big Mouth

A subreddit dedicated to the TV show Big Mouth (and its spinoff, Human Resources)

2019.11.15 23:03 shhhimatworkrn This Is The Way

A subreddit dedicated to the beautiful Baby Yoda. All seasons of the Mandelorian are streaming on Disney+

2024.05.20 02:01 AaMomma136 AITAH for asking husband to let his mom spend more time with me?

I work 8a-5pm M-F and husband works from home, has his own timings. We both have a one year old and another one on the way this year. After my maternity leave last year, my mom came and lived with us for 6 months to help with the baby, and after she left, now my mother in law is here to stay for 6 months. This is the first time I am spending more than few days with her, and really wanted to build a bond. She has been amazing with my son, has blended into the family so well, but ever since she came, my husband has never left her alone with me. In the distant past, 6 yrs ago, MIL had said some harsh things about me, but that was purely as part of an argument with my husband and she later even apologized that she didn’t mean any of that, she only said that about me to hurt my husband and I never even was mad about it coz frankly I never had relationship with her and she didn’t say anything to me directly (we live in different countries and this is the first we are seeing her after 5yrs). Fast forward now, my husband also drives for DoorDash and we need that extra cash, and he started taking his mom with him for driving everyday since she came, so initially it was fun and I was happy they were bonding and all of that. As days passed I realized, the moment I come home, he is leaving me with baby and taking her out, they come home way past 830-9pm, and whole evening I am left alone with baby, meaning I can’t cook clean or do anything useful except watch baby play, he wouldn’t let anyone do anything. Also I come home hungry, coz I am eating for two now, and it’s getting difficult for me to wait until baby sleeps around 730 and then fix myself a dinner, I expressed this with my husband saying if MIL can watch the kid after I come home, I can quickly finish cooking/cleaning and have food ready to eat after baby sleeps. He can very well drive alone like he used to before, ofcourse he can take her once in a while, its not like he isn’t getting time with her, he spends whole day with his mom ever since she came as I am away at work during 8-5. But he is saying that I am unable to digest him and his mom having quality time during those drives, I honestly dont give a fuck about them, all I needed is someone to be with baby, it feels waste she going out everyday and me waiting to start housework till after baby sleeps. He is also saying I should just eat whatever and they would later cook something once they are home from doordash, wtf, this is one family and he would rather have her cook something late into night for him than have a combined nice meal cooked earlier in the evening, he is making me feel like AH for expressing my thoughts and wanting to wrap up housework sooner, I even asked him if he doesn’t want me to bond with her, is that why he never let me alone with her, he said there’s nothing for me to talk with her, I don’t know if I am wrong and missing something here
submitted by AaMomma136 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:00 Thewhatandthewho Lump on roof of mouth.

Hey, I'm 28 white male, I'm a smoker, I rarely drink. 2 weeks from today I was eating a chicken strip and I noticed slight pain in the back roof of my mouth, I went to feel it with my tongue and noticed a bump. It's the same color as the roof of my mouth. It feels very hard, it only kinda hurt for maybe the first day or two then no pain at all. I want to say it's getting smaller than what it started with but it's hard to tell. Only description I can give is that it doesn't feel as defined as it did 2 weeks ago. It's located right near where the Hard palate starts on the left side, I'd say it's probably the size of a pea now. I have no insurance and wanna make absolutely sure it's either something to worry about before and go drop a ridiculous amount of money on test. Thank you for the advice.
submitted by Thewhatandthewho to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:00 TotallyFearl Partner of 12 years told me he has another Child

I 28/F have been with my partner 28/M for 12 going on 13 years. He’s my only REAL relationship experience as we got together when we were 15/16. I came from a very troubled household so in a lot of ways he has been my savior growing up. However in 2021 things started to get difficult, I put it on myself because both of my parents had passed away that year and I was in a very dark place. I started drinking a lot and stopped taking of myself (taking my medications) and I ended up pregnant. I knew I was very emotional and going through some things so I tried my hardest not to be clingy but he just stopped caring, I remember begging him to not to leave me in the house big,pregnant and depressed but it never worked. After we had the baby, I found out that he was distant cause he had cheated and once again I made excuse cause I knew my pregnancy was difficult, and I was very sick as well as grieving, I just felt like I wasn’t a good partner so I attempted to forgive(really I was so alone, just lost all the family I had and the one I built with the man I loved was crumbling before my eyes, I just wanted things to stay the same) . So fast forward a year and things are still rocky. We argued 2 months ago and he let me know that he has another child (basically he has been cheating the whole 12 years and has decided that he knows he wants us now) I tried to explain how that’s such a big betrayal of trust, and literally broke my heart but somehow I was told that I was being selfish and him having a baby just out in the world doesn’t effect me. Now he has involved family who are telling me I’m being selfish for wanting to leave. ( I should mention that at the start of 2021 we moved across country and I do not have any friends or family at all) maybe I am being selfish but it’s impossible to believe he could love me. Now it feels like he’s begging me to check back in to the relationship but I can’t look at him without being disgusted. Am I wrong for planning to leave?
TLDR After 12 years with my partner he told me he had a child sometime during our relationship but that’s all. Now he’s calling me selfish because I told him it changes everything.
submitted by TotallyFearl to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:54 Bransblu Decant review

Decant review
Ordered five decants from awesome u/AyybrahamLmaocoln a few weeks ago. Very organized, quick shipping, and excellent presentation.
I’ll give my quick thoughts on them.
Smoked Ebony
This is a tough one for me as it almost seems too strong and masculine (39M). I sprayed it on and was not crazy about it. It’s the only one of the five I received compliments for. Which was about two hours after I sprayed.
Never tried Ysl baby cat, but it reminds me a lot of Ysl tuxedo, and similarly ambre musc. I love the dna and it’s my favorite of the five. It’s sweet and smooth. Not sure what people around me think, but it makes me happy.
Pineapple musk
Was most interested in this fragrance, and I like it but I also have so many other pineapple (aventus) Montagne fragrances that while different, I don’t know if I would buy a bottle. Aventus either the smoke turned up.
Alexander II
This is my second favorite of the bunch. First spray I wasn’t impressed but the dry down is amazing. Never tried the OG, and some say this is feminine, and I love it. Just like bobcat, I found myself spraying a few extra sprays on.
Le e’pice de mer
Creed Viking clone and so far my least favorite of the bunch. I like it and it’s very masculine. Seems great for a night out. I do feel like giving this some time and I may like it more. Also I feel this one will have great performance.
Anyone have Alexander II or bobcat to trade I would look at my collection of MP!
submitted by Bransblu to MontagneParfums [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:53 ChrisE1289 Breech at 39 weeks

Hello all.. i'm basically just looking to see if anyone else had a similar experience to my own?
I found out at 38+2 that my baby was in a breech position. I was so upset because the entire time my midwife had been saying hes head down and in postion and ready to go... there was a large bump id always feel around my belly button and she said thats his butt! He's head down! apparently not-- apparently that bump is his head. As was confirmed by the ultrasound tech.. She still is under the belief that he suddenly turned breech but i highly doubt it because the position of the "butt" never changed- its just been his head.
Any who- I went in for an ECV two days later at the hospital and after almost 30mins of straight pain we called it and decided on a CSection at 39+5 (2 days before his due date). The idea of the CSection isnt sitting well with me as its just not the way I thought this would go.
Has anyone had a baby turn on their own in week 39? I'm tempted to delay the CSection and see if giving him more time will help but this is my first baby and I know nothing on how these things work. I'm also struggling with the idea that maybe he is breech for a reason and I should just let this surgery happen. Its just so---- weird to have a planned birthday lol I feel like I'm getting in natures way.
Any feedback is welcome!
submitted by ChrisE1289 to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:52 Ok-Condition-7668 Can a psych major get started in data analysis?

Can a psych major get started in data analysis?
Hello! I am currently going to college for my psychology degree and only have 1.5 years left. The only thing that I really need to work on is picking a minor and sticking with it (my school does not allow majoring in psychology without a minor.)
I’m realizing more and more that I want to work on the technical side of things, like data analysis. I asked my statistics rofessor about this because I didn’t know if I could get into it with a bachelors in psych and if I needed to switch to another major, but he said it’s doable.
I’m just wondering which minor would look good for my future schooling. I’m planning on either getting a graduate certification in data analytics, or going to a boot camp like the one at KU. I also just don’t know if my psych degree would look good for it. I know my professor said it’s doable, but is it realistic?
I also am starting to look into undergrad internships, but I don’t know how to boost my resume to look good for these types of internships. Before I decided to switch to something like data analytics, I had multiple jobs in the social work and mental health field; that’s all I have though. I used to be super involved in school, but had to stop being so involved because I have a baby now.
Long post I know, but I just don’t feel super confident in this because of my major. I’m really interested in the field, but I can’t really afford to switch my major and stay in school even longer. Any advice?
submitted by Ok-Condition-7668 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:52 picodg 8 month old puppy suddenly cannot settle on his own

My puppy is super active but used to conk out on the couch/his bed/the floor etc when he was tired. He is 8 months old now and in the last month or so instead of settling down on his own when he’s tired, he acts absolutely insane barking/zooming/mouthing us until I put him in his pen for an enforced nap. The second I shut the door to the pen he falls asleep for a 2-3 hr nap but he will not go in there without being prompted. Is this a normal teen thing, and is there anything I can do to help teach him to settle again? I miss being able to just hang out on the couch with him! His needs are being met above and beyond and he’s getting enough sleep thanks to the enforced naps now, but at this age I guess I was thinking he wouldn’t need to be told when to nap all over again 🥲
submitted by picodg to puppy101 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:51 Careless_Proof_4006 Sister is pregnant again..

I almost didn’t post this because my mom has been spying on my account. I need to share with someone though.. sorry it’s long.
In 2021, I had my first miscarriage. At my first ultrasound I was told baby didn’t have a heartbeat. A few weeks later, my sister told me she was pregnant and it was a surprise. She said she didn’t know how to tell me. I was really upset but I did my best to be supportive. Later that night I was crying on my bathroom floor telling my husband I wanted to die. He held me and begged me not to talk that way. Needless to say it was rough.. I did my best to be there for her during her pregnancy. Not going to lie, my family was kinda weird around me. Didn’t talk about her baby a lot. Didn’t ask for me to help with the baby shower. I was happy they didn’t ask much of me because I didn’t have the capacity to do those things.
A few months later, I got pregnant again. A few weeks after that, I miscarried again. It was awful. My sister was still pregnant and I had to continue to force myself to be supportive. I met my niece a few months later. Held her, smiled.
I decided to take a break from trying again. I wanted to focus on healing my mental health first. Months turned to years and I was content. I felt like I could live without kids and focus on traveling and being an aunt.
Fast forward to last summer. I had a feeling I was pregnant and took a test. It was positive. I had a mixture of feelings. Thinking back now, I was just scared. My past had traumatized me enough that I was extremely anxious about losing this pregnancy. I did everything I could to prevent that from happening. What I ate, who I spent time with, etc. Well, some things you just can’t prevent I guess. I lost my daughter right before our third trimester. It’s been 3 months. I’ve been a mess ever since. Some days are better than others. I’ve gone back to work and everyone is pregnant or their wife is pregnant. I’ve grown a huge resentment toward everyone there. I hate my job that I once loved. I don’t want to be there. I don’t want to see the happy pregnant people. I try to think nice things but the negative thoughts are so strong. I hate them. I hate their happiness. I don’t want to see them, I don’t want them near me, I don’t want to hear about their babies. I know that’s mean and unhealthy but this voice in my head is loud.
Then, yesterday, my sister text me saying she’s pregnant again. I want to die. How am I supposed to be around her when she’s pregnant? Listen to my family talk about baby stuff? I can’t. I told her I needed space until I deal with this news and it, understandably, upset her. My mom called me and told me that I need to work towards getting better and even though I can’t control what’s happening, I can control how I respond. She told me I need medication, more therapy, all that. I don’t think they really understand what’s going on in my head. How sick I am when I think of babies knowing I won’t ever see mine again. How angry I am at the universe or God or whatever it was that didn’t protect my daughter when I needed her to be ok. What did I do to deserve this? How could this happen again? Every time something extremely traumatic happens my sister gets pregnant and I’m supposed to deal with it? How is that fair? I hate my life and I’m in a dark place.
submitted by Careless_Proof_4006 to babyloss [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:50 Right2Liberty Please give me some hope… (sorry - long post)

We lost our beloved, sweet, goofy black lab in Nov. at the age of 14. We now have a 15 week old male black lab pup. We’ve had him for 7 weeks. He’s from champion hunting lines so he’s bred to be a hard-charging, high energy field lab. Which is what my husband wanted because he bird hunts. This pup is SO different and SO much more… intense… than our last one and I’m worried that maybe we have a problem on our hands.
My husband is retired and home all the time so the new pup (Amos) has a LOT of attention and interaction. We’ve worked on his training since the day we brought him home. Here are the “pros” so far: 1. No hint of separation anxiety 2. Fine in his crate from day one. Never cries or whines in there, slept thru the night from day one - even at 8 wks old. Never had an accident in the crate. 3. We use a playpen for him in our living room to keep him confined to one area so he can’t destroy everything or get into anything that might harm him. He entertains himself on his own in his pen with tons of toys. He doesn’t cry to be let out or have any issues with his playpen or the outside dog run that we sometimes confine him to for a few minutes in the yard so he can be outside without 100% direct supervision. 4. We work on his basic obedience training every day, throughout the day. He knows sit, down, stay, come, leave it, off, and how to shake. He also walks pretty well on a loose leash. 5. He seems very bonded to both me and my husband and loves to lick us and get belly rubs. 6. He’s 98% housebroken. He’s never had a poop accident in the house and only occasionally has a pee accident now - maybe once every 7-14 days - and only if we miss the signals he has given us.
Now for the more concerning issues. 1. He bites. Hard. And he has literally laid open my husband’s hands multiple times. He was HORRIBLE with this the first few weeks (he came from a large litter) and we’ve worked hard on it. He’s much better with the frequency, but he’s still very mouthy and still gets sudden bouts of extreme snappiness regularly and we have to constantly correct him for it. Nothing we have tried has worked. We’ve tried probably 5 or 6 different procedures from different online trainers. Nothing seems to work with him. What is the most concerning to us is sometimes when he’s acting up and we’re trying to calm him down or get him back under control, he lunges and snaps at us and tries to bite, often delivering a hard bite. I keep reading this isn’t true “aggression” but it sure seems like it is, in the moment! 2. His chewing is insane. We can’t have him out in the house out of his playpen under direct supervision for more than 5 minutes (surrounded by toys and various chews) without him going from furniture to furniture and chewing on them. If we try to stop him and redirect him to a toy, he just spits it out and goes right back to the furniture. He will do this over and over until we simply have to put him back in the playpen. He does the same thing when he’s loose in our backyard. We’ve puppy proofed it the best we can but it’s still a large yard with flowers and bushes and rocks. He’ll go from one to the other, grabbing a rock in his mouth and running away, or breaking off huge branches off the bushes and just generally acts like a crazy dog. If we try to take things out of his mouth (always trading him first something else, he often gets snappy) 3. On walks, he barks and lunges toward people and other dogs. Not in aggression, but in excitement to get to them. We’re working on not letting him jump up on people, but he’s CRAZY when he meets new people or dogs and if we handle him to try to calm him down or keep him from jumping on someone, he often will whip around and snap at us. 4. He’s been prone to overstimulation from the first day we brought him home and the more wound up he gets, the more snappy he gets. But how do we socialize him without letting him get overstimulated? 5. He has times where he’s great on his leash and walks well and is fine. But other times, he grabs his leash and bites it, pulls on it, spins on it, and if you try to calm him down or make him stop, you guessed it - he snaps and tries to bite.
In short, he can be super sweet but he’s also EXTREMELY strong-willed and we’re just not sure if his behavior is “normal” for 15 weeks old and we just need to keep working through it or if we truly do have a problem on our hands and need to bring in a professional behaviorist. Can some of you please tell me what you think? Are we expecting too much of him at 15 weeks? And what were your labs like at 15-16 weeks old?
Thank you!
submitted by Right2Liberty to labrador [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:49 Ok-Condition-7668 Can a psych major get into data analysis?

Hello! I am currently going to college for my psychology degree and only have 1.5 years left. The only thing that I really need to work on is picking a minor and sticking with it (my school does not allow majoring in psychology without a minor.)
I’m realizing more and more that I want to work on the technical side of things, like data analysis. I asked my statistics rofessor about this because I didn’t know if I could get into it with a bachelors in psych and if I needed to switch to another major, but he said it’s doable.
I’m just wondering which minor would look good for my future schooling. I’m planning on either getting a graduate certification in data analytics, or going to a boot camp like the one at KU. I also just don’t know if my psych degree would look good for it. I know my professor said it’s doable, but is it realistic?
I also am starting to look into undergrad internships, but I don’t know how to boost my resume to look good for these types of internships. Before I decided to switch to something like data analytics, I had multiple jobs in the social work and mental health field; that’s all I have though. I used to be super involved in school, but had to stop being so involved because I have a baby now.
Long post I know, but I just don’t feel super confident in this because of my major. I’m really interested in the field, but I can’t really afford to switch my major and stay in school even longer. Any advice?
submitted by Ok-Condition-7668 to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:48 Ready-Recognition240 Things my baby likes to put her in mouth that are not my boobs

So I had to switch to exclusive pumping around 3 months pp due to a bottle preference from my baby. We’re almost 5 months pp now and I try to latch her every so often with the hope that maybe she’ll magically like to feed again. She makes a disgusted face and spits my boob out for those who are wondering how it’s going. However she’ll put literally everything else in her mouth and chomp at it - pacifier, Sophie, piano that came with her playmat, playmat, clothes, my hair, my fingers, tried my toes as well and got mad I didn’t let her. But god forbid she latches on. I love her to bits but this is next level rascality.
submitted by Ready-Recognition240 to ExclusivelyPumping [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:44 Fun_Effective6846 [CHAT] Help please! How do I do the face on this pattern? Extra info below pic

[CHAT] Help please! How do I do the face on this pattern? Extra info below pic
I’m pretty sure this is allowed (if not I apologize and will take it down!) but this pattern I’m working on doesn’t have any detail in the faces. I’ve worked on a few patterns that do this and don’t mind leaving it, but the rest of it is so detailed I’d really love to at least attempt to add eyes and a mouth or something.
Could I do vague stitches that make it look like a face from further away (the Mona Lisa I posted a few days ago does this)? Or if these faces are too small for that, would backstitching look okay or would it be out of place if there’s no other backstitch in the entire piece? Agh idk what to do, any advice is appreciated!!!
submitted by Fun_Effective6846 to CrossStitch [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:44 Worth_Cry2956 What would you do?

TLDR; registered sex offender in the neighborhood frequently riding bike by house; waving to LO.
In my neighborhood (probably 4/5 away), there is a woman on the registered sex offender list. I first saw her several month ago and immediately recognized her but forgot from where. A few weeks later I was checking the location map of registered sex offenders and saw her face (she’s a woman in her sixties, short hair, unmistakable). I ended up googling her and was mortified to find out that she was arrested and served prison time for molesting an infant she babysat.
My problem is, is that she frequently bikes past our place. She has made attempts to wave/say hi to our toddler as well (I act like I don’t see her, I’ve panicked each time and taken LO inside). She does the same thing to our neighbors with children. Now that the weather is nice, I see her by our place 2x a day on average, riding up an down our block.
Obviously I can’t take legal action as what she is doing is not illegal, but I still feel really uncomfortable and frightened at times. What would you recommend I do, if anything? I just want to keep my baby safe.
submitted by Worth_Cry2956 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:43 Xmasdeer223 AITA for telling an old lady not to touch me?

I (21f) am currently 24 weeks pregnant with my second and third (twins). I’m showing a lot more bump this time around due to there being two instead of one. I haven’t really had any issues with this until now. One thing to note is that both my daughter (2.5) and I are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
My daughter and I went grocery shopping on Wednesday. We’d had a great and busy day; she’d been so good all day! I let her pick out a toy since she’d done so well despite having a busy day and being out of her routine. She was looking at the toy aisles deciding what to get and a grandmother walked on the aisle we were on. I didn’t think anything of it; she asked how old my daughter was and if I knew where something was. I told her that it was near us, we were on the other side of the aisle. She walked over to us and started looking at the toys.
Out of nowhere she touched my bump and said “oh! How far along are you? I just adore babies!” To which I instinctively backed up and said “please don’t touch me or my bump”. She huffed and said “I was just trying to make conversation! You don’t have to be rude!” By that point my daughter hadn’t picked anything out and signed for “all done”. I scooped her up, put her in the cart and started walking away until I heard “you’re not going to apologize for being so rude?” With all the huffing and puffing you could imagine.
I walked away without saying anything and let it go. We finished grocery shopping and went to check out. Guess who was there! If you said the lady from before but with her daughter you’d be right!
The lady turned and pointed at us, unfortunately I wasn’t in a place in line that I could just move. The daughter storms over and says “did you actually call my mother a creep? How dare you! She just misses when she was pregnant! Have some respect!” Note that this lady saying this was maybe in her mid 40s, her mother being maybe mid to late 60s-70s. Luckily we were next to check out.
So AITA for telling her not to touch me?
Note: my daughter picked to get one of those apple juices with the characters on them as her treat.
submitted by Xmasdeer223 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:42 Finchsticks WILD turkey SLAMMED and SHATTERED my window! 🦃🦃🦃 This is a video of me wrangling it out of my bedroom.

WILD turkey SLAMMED and SHATTERED my window! 🦃🦃🦃 This is a video of me wrangling it out of my bedroom.
Turkey Wrangling
Came in with some velocity!
tldr: Wild turkey flew through and shattered my second-floor window, I wrangled it.
I was watching a scary movie when I heard the crash upstairs, I was the only one home watching my 6mo. I was frozen, wondering what I just heard… did a mirror fall off the wall? Then, I started to hear thuds. It was 9am on a Saturday, why was someone breaking into my house... and from the second floor?
On my way to investigate, when I went past the front windows, I saw my neighbor happened to be walking by and his wife was pointing up at my house. While holding the baby, I opened the front door to check with the neighbors to see what was going on, and just at that moment, something caused me to turn around and look up the stairway. I saw this turkey head, doing its stupid turkey strut 🦃 🦃 🦃 right across the top of the stairs and into my bedroom!
I turned back around and yelled at my neighbors, “There’s a fucking Turkey in my house!!!” I ran outside I asked the neighbors wife to hold the baby, grabbed my dog and closed him in the garage. I had a moment of clarity and thought to myself that this had to be some sort of set up for an insurance commercial, then headed back toward the front door. My neighbor asked if I needed help and all I could say was, “Probably!”. The film picks up at this point.
submitted by Finchsticks to funny [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:41 greatpartyisntit Introductions advice. New cat can calmly sleep in the same room as our resident cat, but...

Hi all, last week my wife and I adopted a new cat, Margie, and have slowly started to introduce her to our resident cat, Cooper.
We followed Jackson Galaxy's method and are at the stage of mealtimes on opposite sides of a baby gate. M&C are now comfortable eating together and show no signs of aggression or fear. They're past a mutual sniffing/curiosity phase and actually seem pretty disinterested in one another after mealtime is over. When we've removed the barrier and let them eat side-by-side, they're also ok... until Cooper tries to sniff Margie's food and she hisses or growls when he gets too close. To us, these all seem like small "warning" noises from her and she shows no other signs of distress, but we've been ending the interactions at this point just in case. Only once have they run at each other, but this has ended with big hissing from both and then running away in opposite directions (no physical contact).
To move forward more gently, we've instead been waiting until they're sleepy and placing them in the same room so they can rest near each other (maybe ~3m away). They both seem fine with this: Cooper will sometimes wander over to Margie to peer at her from a distance, and she'll either glance at him and go back to bed or slow blink in his direction. No stare-downs, which is great. They've happily rested/slept in the same space for a matter of hours while knowing the other cat is there. When Cooper has gotten too close and Margie's hissed or growled, he's respected that and backed off.
We're not really sure how to move forward from here or whether we should just keep doing what we're doing.
I've read hissing and growling are to be expected, so are we limiting their interactions too much by ending them immediately when Margie shows signs of discomfort? We feel a bit guilty because Margie will often go and hide in her own room after these interactions, but I know we have to respect her needing alone time.
tl;dr: New cat and resident cat are ok eating together + being placed in the same room if already sleepy, but resident cat is a bit Too Curious when we've tried to initiate more contact. We're pretty much in the same situation as this post. What would you do here?
Thanks so much!
submitted by greatpartyisntit to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:41 Excellent_Golf7969 Mother-in-law disagreement about BM

Posting because I just need some clarification on if I overreacted towards my MIL or if I have every right to go NC. Sorry in advance for such a long post.
For background I’ve been with DH for 10 years in October and we have 3 bio-kids together. DH never dated HCBM she got pregnant with SD after they slept together a few times and were just having “fun”. In the beginning his mom would come to our house and say little things that seemed a little inconsiderate to my feelings about how DH and BM were such good friends (DH denies that they were ever friends) and how she wishes they could of worked it out. Also, our 3 bio kids are girls too and every time I told MIL the gender of our babies during pregnancy she would say hurtful things about how it’s too bad that he’s not having a boy. These statements are especially hurtful because I have a son from a previous relationship that DH has been involved with since before he was 2 and my son refers to DH as his dad. DH has told his mom many times that she needs to be respectful and kind to me and we’ve even had short periods of not speaking to her because of her unwillingness to admit any wrong doing and continues to play victim.
Now for HCBM, DH has always expressed to her his want to be more involved as a parent but she constantly acts like he’s not good enough to be SDs dad and has tried to replace him for the entirety of this little girls childhood. DH has a squeaky clean record and is a phenomenal father to all of my kids so I’ve never understood this especially because she’s been arrested for child abuse in the past (abuse against her ex’s child not SD) and lost custody of SD for probably half a year. When they were going to court HCBM didn’t let DH see SD for a year and moved a little further away so he couldn’t get 50/50 when everything was said and done because her school was too far. During that time MIL also didn’t hear from her despite reaching out and in court HCBM basically said MIL lived in a shit hole and didn’t want her daughter at her house. She’s also tried to lie about other things in court like saying DH had never even met his daughter and so many other things I can’t even remember them all right now. It just seems like she’s constantly out to make us miserable.
But despite all of that MIL and her have become fast friends since their parenting plan became finalized. I know that I can’t control other peoples relationships but what bothers me is that when my husband ask MIL a simple question about if his daughter was over there the other day she said “yes but I don’t have to inform you of what she does on her mothers time” this also isn’t the first time that she’s done something like that and I’ve tried to kindly explain to her that her son wanted more time with his daughter and if she’s seeing her then she could at the very least give him a heads up and maybe offer some of that time to him. It does absolutely no good to explain calmly to her so when she said that to him I lost my cool and told her that she’s delusional and if she can’t be respectful of our wishes to at the very least be notified of when she’s seeing SD then she will no longer have contact with my kids since she doesn’t respect their parents our entire family will go NC with her and she told me that she only sees them when it’s beneficial for us anyways which couldn’t be further from the truth. I feel like she basically chose SD and HCBM over my kids and it hurts knowing she’s so comfortable disrespecting us but would never say those things to HCBM. Also we didn’t limit her time with SD when SD was with us she could have visited or ask us to drop her off at any reasonable time and we would have. There’s just been too many occasions where we’d hear from one of our other kids that SD was at nana’s today or from other people that DH’s mom had SD the other day and we had no clue.
submitted by Excellent_Golf7969 to stepparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:38 EntertainmentFar2298 Rolling over

My 14 week old who is 10 weeks adjusted age decided to roll over this week. So we cold turkey stopped swaddling and switched to the zipadee sack. Night sleep hasn’t been too bad, same number of wake ups and playing some paci pong in the middle of the night to settle him. He is trying to roll all around the bassinet. It’s actually funny. As soon as I put him in the bouncer he wants to try to get those legs up to roll over, same with the bath. Needless to say, he’s done being a still potato and is on the move. I have also noticed that he has been extremely fussy the past couple of days. If he’s not sleeping or eating he’s fussy. Did anyone else go through this when their baby started practicing rolling over? How long did it last if so? My husband and I have been giving him lots of floor time since then so he can master his new skill!
submitted by EntertainmentFar2298 to newborns [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:38 Personal-Island6197 My autistic sister (19) accused our uncle of sexual assault

Just like the title says, my sister accused my uncle of kissing her inappropriately on the b**bs and on her mouth. None of my immediate family truly believes me or her.
My sister went to live with my grandmother after my mom died. I am 26 and was not really in the position to care for her at the time. My two uncles both in their late 30s live there as well. She has been living there for about 2 years now.
Last night, she told me that about a year ago my uncle assaulted her. I immediately took action and called my grandmother and she stated there’s a strong possibility she is lying for attention. In the past, this is always the excuse from her when odd things pop up.
I don’t know what to do. I’m at my wits end. I talked to my grandmother today and she did listen, but she stated she wants to find my sister a psychiatrist and doesn’t want us to immediately call the police. I want to call the police and make a statement and have him removed from the home.
My sister is staying with me for the week. What is my next move?
I am terrified.
submitted by Personal-Island6197 to family [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:37 Dangerrah Jax is an AI (TADC)

Okay, so. I just saw the latest video.
Theres one point i feel like should have been mentioned, that could also hammer the nail on the head. And that, is the media TADC is based off of:
I have no mouth and i must scream.
Now i believe the creator herself mentioned it over on tumblr, but IHNMAIMS was an inspiration for the series.
Now, if you don’t know what IHNMAIMS is about, it surrounds five humans (Ted, Benny, Gorrister, Nimdok, and Ellen) being left at the mercy of a rogue master computer called A.M: a super computer made for a potential WW3, After it gained sentience and completely eradicated the human race besides the five mentioned. To torment them for over 108 years to satisfy its lasting hatred for humanity.
And off the bat we can somewhat compare characters to each other, Pomni is clearly like Ted, the “youngest”. She’s the freshest to the circus, so technically she would be the youngest.
Ragatha is similar to Ellen since both are described as Empathetic towards the others. As well as the fact they’re both closest to the main character in their own right.
Kinger is tricky but i would kind of compare him to benny? Both lost most resemblence to who they were. (Especially if kinger was a potential bug finder as a human.) Since both had high intelligence that is now lost.
Zooble and Gangle are hard to match with any character especially since we know very little about them. But if i had to guess, zooble would seem tied more so to Gorrister due to their semi-apathetic approach to the situation they’re in. But that leaves nimdok to Gangle and..yeah. It’s a bit messy round here.
But, whats important to note is- the only other character we can compare jax, our supposed “last human”, is A.M himself. Which, if jax was an NPC that supposedly gets worse further down the line..it’d make total sense.
It’d also be a hell of a plot twist, making Caine seeming to be the only one to counterpart A.M, when in reality it’s one of our “player” characters?
But i dunno. Just spitballing.
submitted by Dangerrah to FilmTheorists [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:36 Soft-Professional-63 Seeking Advice for Pet Raccoon

So about a week ago a family friend found a baby raccoon absolutely covered in ticks and larvae (inside and out) at death’s door. They believed their dog had killed the mother because he had blood on him days before. We called all our local rehabs and there was no room for him during this busy season and told us to make him comfortable because he was soon to pass. Well, instead we cleaned him up, got as many larvae and ticks off and out of him and gave him a fighting chance. We thought we’d lose him a few times the first days we had him, but I’m sososo happy to say that he is well, eating, no long pooping larvae, sleeping plenty, moving, and showing us his lil personality. We’re pretty sure we just found the last remaining tick on him too :)
I love animals, have been around them my whole life, but have never had experience with raccoons though they have always been a dream to have around one day. I want to make sure though that I’m not going into this just excited about a raccoon, but doing what is best for him. I am completely open to reintroducing him to the wild if it comes to that, but for now we’re happy to have him around. We’re applying for a permit to keep him, but before that happens I just want to hear what experienced owners or people with expertise period can tell me about the pros, cons, highs, and lows of owning a raccoon as well as any advice. Please be real and honest, I want to go into making this decision informed and in both of our best interests.
submitted by Soft-Professional-63 to racoon [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:34 SayNoToBrooms How to freshen up 30 year old Elmo?

How to freshen up 30 year old Elmo?
He’s in surprisingly great condition, and hardly even stinky! However, I would like to give him a little refresher, maybe get the color back in his nose, and get some of the fur unmatted.
He’s been mine since I was a baby, my mother just uncovered him from her basement on my 30th birthday. While I’m willing to toss him in my washing machine on gentle, I just want to make sure that’s the right move, first. I don’t wanna mess him up now, we’re like halfway to AARP benefits for him at this point and I don’t wanna ruin a good thing lol
submitted by SayNoToBrooms to CleaningTips [link] [comments]
