Old time pottery patio furniture

Disney Dreamlight Valley

2022.03.01 19:48 LongJonSiIver Disney Dreamlight Valley

Disney Dreamlight Valley is a hybrid between a life simulator and an adventure game rich with quests, exploration, and engaging activities featuring Disney and Pixar friends, both old and new. Fully released on December 5th 2023 on PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Windows, Mac, and iOS. Run by the community!

2013.03.11 07:05 renovation101 /r/Renovations is your source for homeowners helping homeowners.

/Renovations strives to provide assistance to homeowners repairing or renovating their own properties. We are also a showcase for DIYers who have completed projects in and around their homes.

2008.03.13 22:19 PC Gaming

For PC gaming news and discussion!

2024.06.02 19:19 Traditional_Rule_358 So, I Watched A Video On Rumble...

And it had 3 separate whistleblowers speaking about the Looking Glass device housed at Area 51. They all told virtually the same story, that a group of elites were panicked because they could not see any option other than a "great awakening" taking place by the close of 2012, no matter what they did. The underground bunkers these folks were constructing were for a cataclysmic event that was due to happen on the Spring solstice in 2025. An article on the oft-banished website, Nobulart.com confirms this event happening in the near future. Apparently, the good faction of our military (White Hats, Oath Keepers, etc.), were able to remove us from that doomed timeline and place us on this safe one that involves an in-process currently great awakening. So, if you believe these three individuals who claim they worked closely with this project, then these M.E.s that we're all discussing here all began on 1/1/13. The first mention that I can recall of a M.E. was in 2015, I believe. Obviously, it would have taken some time for them to start being discovered because news of this timeline shift wouldn't have been exposed to the public. It was very informative and entertaining, this video. If anyone wants to view it, it's on Rumble on the channel Old World Disclosure and Forgotten History. If this has already been discussed, I apologize.
submitted by Traditional_Rule_358 to MandelaEffect [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:18 EastWindBreaks Is 24-70 mm f2.8 good enough for shooting the Milky Way?

I have an old Nikon d610 with 24-70 mm f2.8 lens. It’s the only lens I have and I have been thinking to get a portrait lens like the 50mm f1.4. I have a trip coming up where I have a chance to shoot the Milky Way on top of a mountain. I have zero experience in using the camera at the stars. I don’t know when would be the next time to shoot at stars again. Is 50 mm f1.4 better than 24-70 mm for Milly way? I am hoping to hit two birds with one stone rather than getting a dedicated lens just for stargazing. Is 24-70 decent enough for instagram? Should I just stick with 24-70mm?
submitted by EastWindBreaks to photography [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:18 the_wally_champ Aleix Espagamow

Aleix Espagamow
Could have gone out on the old girl today (20yrs old & 50k miles strong!) buuuut decided that stickering this bad boy instead was a much better use of my time
submitted by the_wally_champ to Aprilia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:18 sheenyfeeny 1st born is an angel child. anxious to try for a 2nd and end up resenting and comparing

My (f34) son is 2 and a half. ever since he was born, he’s just been the absolute best kid. He sleeps great and has ever since he was 10 weeks old, barely cried as a baby, has the best temperament, is a happy and funny kid, and is incredibly intelligent (like far and above 2 year milestones). None of this is our parenting lol yea I think we’re doing pretty good but I also know we jsut got lucky with an awesome kid.
Yes we all love our kids and think they’re exceptional, but we also get comments literally all the time from people telling us how lucky we are and how easy we have it.
We know we want a second kid, especially since both my husband and I have siblings. I also love being a mom so much.
But I have such debilitating anxiety bc I feel like our first born has made being a mom easy. And im so well aware how exceptional he is on my own, plus the constant comments from grandparent, aunts and uncles, friends and even strangers. I know lightening rarely strikes twice and it’s so unlikely we’ll have an easy baby again. Everyone also always says how the first one tricks you and the second can be an absolute monster
I know I want my family to grow but I’m also so scared we’re going to ruin the amazing life we’ve built bc we were selfish and wanted another child. And I’m so so so scared both I and my husband will end up resenting any second kid that comes along and we’ll just always be comparing to the first and how easy he is.
I don’t know what I’m looking for exactly by posting - I guess people sharing similar feelings and how to things worked out? Any reassurance would be so helpful
submitted by sheenyfeeny to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:17 momming_af Zekes Speech

Zekes Speech
So...he could say Dada and now he says absolutely nothing! He still babbles like a baby at 3 years old because his mother doesn't do jack shit to help him. She doesn't have him in PT so why would she bother having him involved in speech therapy? It's ridiculous! Any time she shows him doing this so called "reading time" she just hands him a huge book and films him struggling to even hold it and look at it. He's just flopping the hard pages back and forth. She doesn't bother to sit and actually READ with him or teach him and it's extremely apparent. Side note and quick theory...What IF Halee can't read? I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she didn't know how to read and that's why we never see her reading to him or why her own children have completely failed at their own speech! ALL the more reason to have them in speech therapy. OR better yet SCHOOL!! Gabe should DEFINITELY be in school by now. Why isn't he? She damn sure isn't going to be able to homeschool him. She can't even say BREAKFAST correctly.
Not to mention the sounds and Zekes voice are just...odd as hell. All she's doing when she shares these videos is proving that he has regressed, hasn't learned anything and looks and sounds neglected! This poor boy doesn't stand a chance! She's a terrible mother and I'd be embarrassed if I were her!
Halee...if you're able to read and you're reading this...DO BETTER! Get your kids off the internet and put them in school and /or therapy. If your excuse is that it's too far or you don't have a car or transportation or something lame like that, I call BULLSHIT!! My 2 yr old disabled Son is in Physical therapy and has been since he was 2 months old and we are able to do his appointments via Zoom calls! So there are absolutely zero excuses for any of that nonsense. If the reason is just because it's too much for YOU to handle, that's also BS because it's not about YOU!! It's about the wellbeing, health and future of your children. Get off your lazy ass and DO something for your kids. They WILL eventually grow up and resent you for sabotaging their lives.
submitted by momming_af to zekeandhalee [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:17 Pure-Following-9447 Travelling without baby

My husband and I are set to leave our baby for a week soon. She will be a year old and will be staying at our house with the grandparents. She spends a ton of time with these grandparents and they have done plenty of sleepovers in the past.
My worry is that she is becoming really clingy with me lately (which I adore), and I think some separation anxiety is developing. I wasn’t worried at all when we booked the trip but now I’m second guessing our decision.
She isn’t in daycare as I’m a SAHM so her routine will be followed closely and the grandparents have tons of activities planned (zoo, park, Fourth of July, etc.)
We’ve spent nearly 10k on flights and accommodation and really want to go. It’s for a close friends wedding in Europe so the time change will also be a factor. My husband and I haven’t been on a trip together in over two years and we are really looking forward to it.
Has anyone left their one year old for a week before - how did it go? How were they when you returned?? I guess I’m worrying that she will feel abandoned and will be distant when I return and I’m so scared to cause any emotional scarring 😭 is there any advice other than FaceTiming daily that anyone has for us?
submitted by Pure-Following-9447 to beyondthebump [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:17 burntcucumberxyz Chronic but non-urgent paraphimosis in dog

I adopted my 8lb chihuahua mix dog in November 2021, and he was around 2 years old. I believe he had been neutered slightly before I adopted him.
Starting in the summer of 2022, he started having full-on erections, not just pink lipstick. His bulbis glands also come out which is a disturbing sight. This happened semi-frequently, multiple times a week. There didn’t seem to be any particular trigger, maybe sometimes if he would get up from lying down he would get an erection.
Starting a few months later, around January 2023, he had pink lipstick often, but sometimes it would go back in the sheath. He didn’t seem bothered by it. Then after a month or two, it was out all the time. When we went to the vet for the annual, she didn’t seemed concerned and just recommended to use lube and a glove to roll the sheath over, since his sheath was rolled inward. Often after rolling his sheath to cover the exposed parks, my dog would lick at it to roll it back up. A few times I saw my dog have a full on erection with the sheath not properly rolled back which seemed painful, so maybe he pre-emptively rolls it up.
As of the last week, even when I roll his sheath over, a tiny bit sticks out whereas this wasn’t the case before. Also if he sheath is rolled over, then he frequently licks at it when he goes outside to pee. Otherwise, he pees fine, and has normal energy.
Any idea on what this can be? This does not seem to be a problem others on the internet have faced and the vet was at a loss. I am worried that my dog is uncomfortable, especially since it seems to be slowly progressing over time, and I don’t want this to be the symptom of an underlying medical issue. This whole adventure has been pretty disturbing and not something I could've ever anticipated by owning a male dog.
submitted by burntcucumberxyz to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:17 Spotlight_James I love Supremacy, but

I haven't played since the microtransactions days on PC and about a year after that in 2018 I quit because of aimbotters. Fast forward to 2024 I bought it on xbox and man do I slay online, probably due to me defending myself from Aimbotters on PC for all that time. I understand why the community is so small now due to the game being so old, but why does everyone avoid the Resistance Era maps? I probably only played 3 supremacy maps in that era, it seems the community avoids as a whole.
submitted by Spotlight_James to StarWarsBattlefront [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:17 mchvll E&B filter is amazing

I got a 6-cup E&B brewer a while back to replace my old 6-cup Bialetti. I also got a 9-cup Bialetti because it suits my needs.
I usually use pretty nice beans from a local roaster. With those beans, I never noticed a difference between E&B and Bialetti. I figured the E&B filter was a bit of a gimmick and not worth the price.
Now, the other day I was at Costco and needed beans, so I figured I'd save some money and try their beans for 1/3 of the price I usually pay.
Kirkland House Blend. It's marked slightly darker than medium. I knew I messed up when I opened the bag and it was what I'd consider a very dark roast. Very oily beans.
I brewed up a batch in my Bialetti. As expected, there was a lot of unpleasantness and bitterness. It was alright coffee, but not good coffee. It definitely benefited from the addition of water or milk. Every time, it was like this. I did not find myself looking forward to my morning coffee. I was kicking myself for being cheap and not just getting my usual beans.
Then I brewed some in my E&B and found it lacked any of the unpleasantness. It was a good cup that I was really enjoying. In the E&B brewer, it comes pretty close to my usual beans that cost 3x as much. It's pretty awesome and I'm not dreading going through 3 pounds of these beans anymore.
Has anyone else noticed this? I really didn't notice a difference with better beans, but with cheap beans the difference is huge.
submitted by mchvll to mokapot [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:17 Misshell44 Advice on puppy

Hi everyone.
Last week on Wednesday we lost our rescue, a staffy mix (possible lab). And while I thought I won’t be able to have another one so soon, I came across a 8 week old lab girl.
Now I’ve always rescued older dogs, so I’m not used to puppies. I know they require a lot of care and time especially when young, but this is when I’m torn. I have to work at the office 4x a week (very dog friendly office) and my partner has his own business and sometimes is home sometimes isn’t.
It’s possible we could have her next weekend, but then I’d have to resume my schedule. We would have possible help from my friend as well.
Is it a stupid decision? Should I wait? Is there anyone who got a lab pup and still couldn’t stay home as much?
I just need someone experienced to give me some advice as I’m probably just deciding based on the grief.
submitted by Misshell44 to labrador [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:17 ThomazM My player has a character ideia that is raising a few red flags in my head... I want a second opinion.

My player has a character ideia that is raising a few red flags in my head... I want a second opinion.
I'll keep this short.
A player of mine is discussing with me his character ideia that envolves a curse. This curse is driven by the hatred of/desire to exterminate those who silence a Truth about the world that his character strongly believes in. This curse, therefore, manifests as his Great Old One Warlock Patron in various ways. One of these, is what he's choosing to call Merciful Misery, that whenever he gets the HYWTDT on a offender of his Truth, he rolls a die and depending on the result, a shadowy mists surrounds the party and the offender, killing them, regardless if the party wanted to keep them alive for interrogation or otherwise. Following this thread, he's also suggesting that by leveling up, this curse would start to consume him more and more and as such, start to make his character more intolerant and zealous about his Truth, as well as making his magic more chaotic and hazardous to himself and perhaps the party.
His character is, otherwise, accepting of others, willing to work in a group and even open to discenting opinions, only turning into hateful whenever this somewhat specific lore piece is dropped (his so-called Truth).
It is also important to note that his character is woefully unaware of this curse, losing all memory of it as is possesses him. Attempts to explain his possession to him would make him defensive and try to explain it away as nothing.
My thing about it is... I'm not too keen on introducing character traits that could add so large a friction between a party. Also, I'm a bit afraid of this causing a main character syndrome. In all honesty, this feels to me a bit tropey (not that anything is necessarily wrong with that) and anime-y? The nice guy turned into a demon-like persona because of a shadowy curse feels... I don't know. This person is also very into anime, so this might be skewing my perspective a bit. He also had problems many years back with main character syndrome in tables. He's a great person, just... Let's call it quirky, at times.
Overall, I want to hear other opinions. I'm considering approaching the person and politely asking if the curse could be a less obtrusive character trait, at least in the beginning, and letting us figure it out as we go, and airing out my concerns. But I'm genuinely afraid I could be overreacting. I'd love some help with this. Thanks!
submitted by ThomazM to DMAcademy [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:16 WestAppointment2484 When should my puppy return to normal after passing a foreign object that was making her sick?

Around 3am Saturday morning, my 5 month old German Shepard was puking nonstop and had low energy and no appetite. We took her to the vet and they found a gas bubble/suspicous object in her smaller intestine. They gave her fluids and cerenia for the vomiting to see if she would pass this on her own before we do surgery.
That night she pooped out some fabric/mesh from our weed barrier in the backyard. This morning she has diarrhea and passed a little bit more of this fabric. However she is still pretty tired and not much energy. She’s still not eating her kibble. She will eat wet food and drink from our water hose a bit. She is peeing and pooping. But not eating normally, and her behavior hasn’t returned to normal yet.
We plan to bring her back monday if she doesn’t get better, we were hoping this object is what she pooped out, but she isnt perking up quite yet, however she isn’t declining. Not sure if it takes time after she passes the object or what, or if this isn’t the object on the xray and there’s something else? Just not really sure what to expect since she is passing stuff when she poops.
submitted by WestAppointment2484 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:16 scrambledmeatball Never Good Enough

Seems like there are a lot of posts with this same idea around no matter how hard you try, you never feel good enough.
I’m a 36F, happily married, working mom to a 1-year-old. No matter how hard I try to be a good wife, a good mom, a good employee, I never feel like it’s good enough.
Today was a prime example. My partner was upset with me and said some pretty hurtful things, out of frustration. We wanted to take a day trip to the museum as a family. I had spent the last day with my son away from my partner so I asked if my partner could handle the baby this morning. He was upset that I didn’t think to pack us a lunch. “I wish I had a partner that thought to pack us a lunch.” Those words are like daggers to my heart. Yet I know he is just frustrated because he does so much and feels like I don’t do enough. Yet, he is often very understanding to my ADHD and gives me a lot of grace. But when it becomes too much for him, it bubbles over and he sometimes explodes in frustration.
At work I get a talking to if I speak up with a question when maybe the question should’ve been asked in a different setting. Sometimes my mouth moves faster than my brain when my brain needs time to process. Something I’m working on but when I get that talking to I immediately think I should quit because of my disorder.
I just never feel good enough. I’m medicated, I go to therapy, I’m trying to eat better and exercise…but it just isn’t enough. What do you all do to cope with this? What can I do to help my marriage before one day my partner’s explosion becomes divorce papers? Not trying to sound dramatic, but I genuinely am worried.
submitted by scrambledmeatball to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:16 timber63401 Tourist Itinerary Check?

Me and wife going for a few days in about a month and this is what we have carved out to do. Wanted any advice on what we are missing or what maybe isn't worth our time. Thanks.
Great Plains Nature Center
Old Cowtown Museum
Museum of World Treasures
Exploration Place (Is this too kid oriented for 2 adults to go to?)
Kansas Aviation Muesum Witita Gardens
Starlight Theater
Dillion Nature Center

She likes the store Ollies and store like it. I see there are 3 in town, Im sure they are enough alike where 1 will be fine. Is there any of them to stay away from, maybe for "bad part of town" of any other reason? Lastly no one knows the best places to eat better then locals so any suggestions on that front is greatly appreciated. Thanks for any and all suggestions.
submitted by timber63401 to wichita [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:16 HenryV1598 Information on (not quite antique) American-Made China

My wife and I recently bought a set of china from an estate sale. We aren't all that concerned about valuation (though if we were to find out it's worth several thousand -- highly unlikely -- we'd be happy to part with it for the cash), but we're trying to understand the set better. There's a couple of different types of plates and bowls that are slightly different from each other, but we aren't quite sure why.
The set is made by American Limoges. On the pieces that have a maker's mark (not all do), there's a single-digit number next to the mark. These vary from piece to piece and we're trying to understand the meaning.
Does anyone have any good recommendations for references to this sort of thing? Every time I do a search, I get TONS of information on Limoges -- the French Limoges -- china, but little on the American Limoges sets. I can find replacements at replacements.com... but I'm not worried about that, I want information.
Any ideas? (I'd post this on finechina... but I need prior approval... and I'd post on antiques, but apparently it has to be at least 100 years old first... ugh).
submitted by HenryV1598 to collectables [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:15 renopu Nowadays, Panzer Dragoon Saga is kinda underwhelming

Hello everybody,
The goal of this post isn't to spit on the game, as it doesn't deserve to be spit on. PDS has a real identity, and is definitely interesting to play, even nowadays, this is not some kind of hate post or whatever.
PDS is the kind of games a lot of RPG collectors consider to be their grail. It's very expensive, and is featured on a lot of "top 10 RPGs of all time" lists everywhere on the net.
I've been that guy, and managed to exchange a lot of meh games to get this one in a local shop. Getting a physical copy of PDS has been a goal for me since I was a kid, and I finally pressed the trigger. I never played it, it was supposed to be the reward of finally getting it.
PDS has been put on the same pedestal as heavy hitters like FFVI, Chrono Trigger and Suikoden II for dozens of years now. Sadly, I really dont think it holds up well compared to these guys. Even though PDS finally makes travelling fun in a RPG (which is NOT an easy task), and its gameplay is impressive for a game that old, it would be really hard for me to advise my friends to play it. My principal argument would probably be "don't worry, it's a short one", which, well, doesnt feel right.
I'm not saying the game is bad by any means, but if you feel no nostalgia whatsoever with the game, it absolutely isnt worth its price, so even if you're against it, please consider emulating it first, even if it's your grail.
PS : yeah no game is worth 1000$ blablabla, well I dont agree, there are a lot of games I would not sell for 1000$ if it means I can no longer play them ever again
submitted by renopu to SegaSaturn [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:14 sanrigabro Gaia BH3, the black hole that shouldn't exist.

Gaia BH3, the black hole that shouldn't exist.
The binary system, consisting of a black hole (dubbed Gaia BH3) and a very metal-poor (and therefore very old) star, is located 2,000 light-years from Earth, in the galactic halo. Astonishingly, the mass of Gaia BH3 is 33 times that of the Sun. " This is the most massive stellar black hole ever discovered in the Milky Way.
Gaia BH3 is unusual in that it is a dormant black hole. It is too far from its star to be able to rip material away from it, which would show up as an emission of X-rays and have enabled it to be directly detected earlier (2024).
submitted by sanrigabro to spaceporn [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:14 Just_ME_28 Neighbors aggressive cat

So, I’ve never met a cat I had a problem with. I’ve fostered and worked closely with animal rescue for years, and even the most feral cats are fine if you just leave them alone. But not this cat that lives on my block, Jordan. He’s gigantic- the king of the neighborhood- and was pretty chill for the first two years we lived here, often visiting and rubbing on my legs/begging for pets. Until I got a kitten.
My cat is now 6 months old, and loves supervised outside time on a long cat harness. But Jordan has noticed, and we’ve had a few close calls even in our fenced backyard with Jordan briefly attacking my cat (like snarling, full on wrestling) from the bushes before I could scare him off. My cat runs away or to me whenever he’s sees him, he is not initiating at all.
Not only that, but now Jordan has started “guarding” my house from ME. Even when my cat is not outside, if I have to take out the garbage/ do yard work/ get the mail and Jordan is around, he will follow me, hiss/growl at me, and “herd” me back inside. I’ve had to take a different door to get outside before because he was guarding the front door and wouldn’t let me out. I can chase him away with loud noise/clapping towards him, but I think this has made him fear me more.
Today I was taking out the garbage and he was between me and the garbage bins. I took a wide circle around him to get to them. On my way back, he was rolling around/ acting nonchalant like he used to, and then took a step towards me and “chirped” the way he would months ago when he begged for pets. I cautiously extended my hand towards him, maybe 2 feet away, wondering if he wanted attention like before. This was foolish. He lunged at my arm, snarling, and scratched two deep gouges on my forearm. I chased him away after that.
So I guess my question is whether there is anything to be done. It’s only our household that he does this to according to some talks with our neighbors, and I’m sure it’s connected to getting my cat, as there’s no other houses either cats on our block. But I want to be able to exist in my own yard without fear for ME, and ideally want my cat to be able to play outside without worrying about ambush/ injury from a cat who is twice his size.
I do know who Jordan belongs to though I’ve never talked with them. He is already neutered. Any ideas?
submitted by Just_ME_28 to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:14 SweetTeaMoonshine Hooking up she never initiates contact.

I’m a 30 year old man I’ve been hooking up with a 21 year old woman, for over a month now. I know there’s a big gap. She knows I don’t live in her area I’m just working there, I live 4 hours away. When I’m with her we always joke around and enjoy each others company. We’re always affectionate when we are together.
She told she’s been cheated on a lot of times both physically and emotionally. She also said I’m more handsome than her exes. Also the best in bed she ever had. I’m probably a step up of her league. She’s a bit chubby but she’s cute. I’ve been told by many women they’re surprised I’m single because I’m very handsome. Also I stay in shape and take care of myself.
We sometimes see each other 1 or 2 times a week go out on dates. Then hook up in my truck or I’ll get a hotel. Because I have a roommate where I stay at. She’s cool with it she even offered to pay for the hotel last time. Last time I joked if she wants to be my girlfriend. She seemed confused about it and really didn’t know. I also joked we’re in situationship. I said what do you think of us in the future? She didn’t really wanted to talk about it.
After sex we’ll cuddle and talk about our lives and about everything for hours. Last time we hooked up she told me to stay with her and call of work (memorial day) I did. Sometimes we feel like a real couple even went shopping together.
The thing is I usually initiate contact through text. She responds almost immediately. She calls me love when she texts me. She only texted me once to see how I was doing. She always picks up when I call her. I don’t text her everyday or call. Every few days. I’ll text her the same day to meet up and she’s always down to see me.
Last time we saw each other was Monday morning. I texted her Thursday evening. Exchange like 5 replies and she laughed at one of my jokes. She texted last I didn’t reply. It’s Sunday now still nothing. I know we’re just hooking up but I want a relationship. I haven’t told her, I guess I’ll just call to see where we are at. Probably end the hook ups because it’s becoming stressful now. I guess I’m becoming attached and invested more in this.
submitted by SweetTeaMoonshine to dating [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:14 Godwhyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Custom Haunted Mansion home in Sword-Singer’s Redoubt [PSN]

Custom Haunted Mansion home in Sword-Singer’s Redoubt [PSN]
Still a work in progress!
Built the front porch recently, I think I’m happy with it now. I don’t think I’ll change the frame anymore, but I keep moving around the gargoyle statue….
I’ve completely destroyed and redecorated the inside multiple times, but I think this set up is good. The Hlallu salt lamps in different colors for each room gives a spooky effect I think.
Working on gathering materials to make more furniture and then I’ll be building the upstairs inside!
submitted by Godwhyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to elderscrollsonline [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:14 fyodorMD_irl AITA if i leave my friends

Well I have these two friends who i have had a fall out with, they had sent a message which they didnt know that i saw which quoted that i was a b***h and that i was goig t lose two friends (them) so i decided to distance myself before any drama would start. Yesterday i had made like a post on twitter, i blocked them so no idea how they saw which said 'im actually done with u' well it was aimed at them but i didnt mention aything or say anything bad, i usually use twt as like updates abt my life or ranting n stuff. Well they saw it, and they textd me so then i told them about the message i saw which is why i was done with them. They told me the message was aimed at someone else (an old online friend) and not me. I really did believe them at first but it still didnt add up cz the day they sent that message i was given dirt looks throughout skl so i decided to try and get hold of that online friend and asked them about it and turns out that those two were lying and that message was aimed at me. I dont want to stick with them anymore as i know if i do i probably will neve feel comfortable again or trust them in this friendship after everything has happened. One of them had aso previously mocked my religion, which at the time i did let slide cuz forgiveness, and also in general all they do is talk bs about people and im genuinely tired of it. It sucks that i have school tomorrow too and everythijg has only happened like 20 hours ago. Should i confront them that they are lying to me? Im not sure what to do please give me advice
I havnt gone into too much detail about the situation cuz its really complicated
submitted by fyodorMD_irl to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:13 PlasticStrawUser328 I get sick every two weeks

Not sure if this is the right subreddit, but I've been getting sick almost every 2 weeks since december. I am a 17 year old male, I am 187cm tall and around 73kg. I am from Croatia and I smoke. I am currently taking antibiotics and brufen 600mg (ibuprofen). I didn't go to the doctors every time, but the times I did they prescribed me antibiotics. I believe my immune system isn't great so I would like some advice on improving it.
submitted by PlasticStrawUser328 to AskDocs [link] [comments]
