Da form 4856 ,aug 2010


2011.03.01 01:47 flipmosquad r/23andMe

Talk about your genes and their possible implications! Discord: https://discord.gg/3Jjc3GdmtB

2020.07.22 14:47 madazzahatter Aloha and welcome to /r/PearlHarborOahu ~ E Komo Mai!

Aloha and welcome to /PearlHarborOahu, a place for anything local, like news, pics, sports, events or just stop by, talk story. It's not a place for stink eye or downvote menehunes.

2024.05.19 21:32 Marcello_randazzo UNA BELLA IPOTESI LEGATA AL WEB3

Una breve teoria del tutto $BBBY $GME $IEP
TLDR: RC ha sviluppato un piano nascosto e ben congegnato per utilizzare l'ecosistema Web3 con l'ambizioso obiettivo di costruire una rete complessa di rivenditori al dettaglio online e fisici al fine di rivoluzionare l'esperienza del consumatore prevenendo l'oligarchia della fine del XX / inizio del XXI secolo dal trasferire le loro pratiche di corruzione poiché l’ambiente Web3, se utilizzato correttamente, respingerà intrinsecamente i metodi machiavellici ma rigidi della mafia del mercato. In tal modo RC contribuirà a definire le prime iterazioni di una transizione sociale e tecnologica così profonda che sarà presto intesa come una nuova era dell’uomo, distinta dal passato prossimo e unica per tutta la storia umana. ———————————————-
✅ Molto tempo fa, in condizioni di mercato lontane, un giovane imprenditore canadese di nome Ryan Cohen diede uno sguardo attento al panorama digitale dominato da Amazon per scoprire uno spazio digitale sottoservito se non completamente non rappresentato in quello di un mercato online che teoricamente potrebbe sposa l'esperienza del servizio clienti in negozio con la comodità dello shopping digitale.
✅ Laddove la maggior parte della vendita al dettaglio online dell'inizio del 21° secolo competeva quasi esclusivamente sul prezzo, semplicemente introducendo la mano invisibile del capitalismo sul web2, e pochi altri sfruttavano la nicchia dei prodotti unici/artigianali consentendo margini maggiori, Ryan Cohen ha visto che nessuno di questi le aziende stavano superando lo spartiacque impersonale dello schermo del computer per personalizzare l'esperienza, deliziare il cliente e, come affermato in precedenza, sposare essenzialmente il fascino del rivenditore a conduzione familiare del passato con l'efficienza di un'esperienza digitale ottimizzata.
✅ Quale segmento migliore della categoria Animali Domestici per colmare il divario digitale. Dopo i bambini, la categoria degli animali domestici è pensata per un approccio orientato al cliente. Se Amazon ti contattasse con una nota personalizzata per commemorare l’acquisto di una batteria, patiresti immediatamente una crisi esistenziale. Ma fiori per il compleanno del tuo animale domestico, lettere di condoglianze dopo la perdita del tuo migliore amico, un team di assistenza clienti che ha tenuto registri meticolosi e ti ha parlato come un cliente stimato piuttosto che un semplice numero d'ordine, insieme a un impegno chiaro nel catalogare ogni individuo transazione ed ecco le caratteristiche di un negozio all'angolo digitale. Aggiungete a ciò una generosa politica di restituzione e l'impegno a consentire ai rappresentanti del servizio clienti di utilizzare la meticolosa tenuta dei registri in modo da far sentire ogni cliente come un membro della famiglia Chewy e avrete il connubio perfetto tra Main Street e Silicon Valley. RC capì implicitamente che umanizzare l’esperienza di acquisto digitale, normalmente senz’anima, non solo avrebbe facilitato una straordinaria fidelizzazione dei clienti, ma avrebbe allo stesso tempo favorito una cultura di fiducia attraverso una relazione simbiotica tra il rappresentante del servizio clienti e il consumatore costruita sul principio del piacere reciproco.
✅ I venture capitalist erano nel migliore dei casi scettici, nel peggiore dei casi sprezzanti. Il concetto richiederebbe un’attenzione maniacale ai dettagli, una continuità del messaggio quasi perfetta dall’alto verso il basso, dipendenti ben formati, un posto di lavoro ben organizzato e arricchente, offerte salariali competitive ecc… Ma soprattutto, se RC in qualche modo dovesse costruirlo, nel momento in cui inizieranno ad arrivare in massa Chewy incontrerebbe il grande filtro web2, Amazon e il suo attacco su più fronti contro chiunque si avvicini a una quota di mercato significativa. Un attacco che sfrutta le vendite allo scoperto illegali, l’annullamento della vera scoperta dei prezzi, la manipolazione dei media, l’infiltrazione aziendale e la chiusura di un sistema normativo compromesso.
✅ Conosciamo tutti la storia, Larry Cheng, con il suo approccio asimmetrico alla valutazione delle opportunità, è intervenuto con il capitale iniziale che ha dato a Ryan Cohen le risorse per costruire l'infrastruttura del piacere. Cohen si è trovato faccia a faccia e, con la pura volontà di forza, è riuscito a passare attraverso il grande filtro dell'Amazzonia. Ma nel processo fu costretto a confrontarsi con una sorta di rete istituzionale centralizzata così ossessionata dal mantenimento del potere e del controllo che si potrebbe essere inclini a intenderla come la parte inferiore strettamente intrecciata del subconscio collettivo o, meglio ancora, dell’ego collettivo. L’ego deve sopravvivere, temere la sua forza trainante e quindi l’incessante consolidamento del potere e delle risorse come mezzo per aumentare le probabilità di sopravvivenza delle oligarchie alla fine crea una macchina così grande che nessun individuo può rallentarla dall’interno.
✅ Ryan Cohen ha trovato un difetto intrinseco in questa macchina autosufficiente, nel senso che mentre effettivamente manteneva il dominio e il controllo a breve termine, la sua natura ingombrante la rendeva destinata a soffocare la concorrenza, indebolire l'impulso all'ingegno tra il pubblico in generale, soffocare pari opportunità e alimentano inavvertitamente le fiamme della discordia sociale attraverso la disuguaglianza dei redditi e il collasso economico ciclico. Queste fiamme minaccerebbero inevitabilmente l’oligarchia stessa e le élite, per quanto disprezzino le masse, richiedono un certo grado di conformità e passività per perpetuare il loro potere.
✅ Nella sua essenza il sistema era autodistruttivo, nel peggiore dei casi diffondeva tossicità in tutto il mondo in modi sia sottili che palesi. E così, dopo aver raccolto miliardi dalla vendita della sua partecipazione in Chewy, RC si imbarcò in un progetto così fantastico che non poteva osare rivelarlo ad alcuni dei suoi più stretti confidenti poiché le parti mobili erano tali che la testa non poteva sapere cosa fosse il cuore. fare, e viceversa. Un progetto volto a ottimizzare un ambiente digitale inospitale al colosso centralizzato.
✅ E quindi, sia da un punto di vista tecnologico che sociale, era in corso una grande corsa, anche se la maggior parte, compresi molti membri dell'oligarchia, erano sordi al suo segnale iniziale, quindi continuarono semplicemente ad accumulare il peso del capitale dirottato, il peso ciò li avrebbe ironicamente rallentati una volta che si fossero resi conto che la corsa era iniziata. Questo è stato lo sprint inaugurale aperto solo agli imprenditori più lungimiranti. Presto sarebbe seguito l'evento aperto sotto forma della grande migrazione al Web3.
✅ Primo passo, acquistare una partecipazione di controllo in una vendita al dettaglio di mattoni e malta criminalmente per eccesso di cortocircuito con due caratteristiche chiave. Una nostalgia radicata nel cuore di generazioni e uno spazio perfettamente situato per guidare la migrazione al Web3. Gaming, dove gli NFT avrebbero preso piede prima di diventare un punto chiave nel tessuto stesso della società.
✅ Lo short squeeze di GameStop del 2021 è stato un momento di svolta non solo nella storia del mercato, ma anche come perfetto presagio delle implicazioni sociali del sismico cambiamento digitale all'orizzonte. Nei primi WSB, Superstonk e subs oltre, abbiamo visto la coalescenza dei precisi elementi necessari per creare un consenso organico così potente e adattivo da rappresentare una sorta di precursore analogico della rivoluzione digitale caratterizzata dal più completo ed efficiente sistema di decentralizzazione delega di autorità sempre disponibile per l’uomo, per ordini di grandezza. Quale modo migliore per creare un controllo e un equilibrio per le strutture oligarchiche sempre più obsolete e i loro monopoli di disinformazione che si limitano ad arricchire pochi a scapito di molti se non una macchina per la costruzione del consenso che richiede verità, trasparenza e cooperazione contro il potere corruttore.
✅ Ma, come se fosse stato un segnale, l'ego collettivo non poteva tollerare l'ondata di paura limbica cosmica dell'ignoto causata da un evento così inaspettato e travolgente che la loro risposta istintiva fu essenzialmente quella di rompere il contratto sociale in pieno giorno. e sfidare i contadini a cercare di fermarli. Ai loro occhi questa era una dimostrazione di potere assoluto, attraverso la lente della storia sarà ricordata come una follia nata dalla disperazione. Perché è stato qui che hanno commesso il loro errore fatale. Hanno mostrato la guarigione del loro Achille.
✅ Ricorrendo a una criminalità così sfacciata potrebbero aver guadagnato un po' di tempo, ma hanno perso la loro risorsa più grande, l'illusione di onnipotenza attentamente elaborata. Non solo potevano essere battuti nel loro stesso gioco, ma erano così impreparati che i titani dell'industria diventarono semplici mortali in un batter d'occhio.
✅ Per quanto mi riguarda, gli ultimi tre anni hanno poco a che fare con il prezzo delle azioni del GME e tutto a che fare con un piano in rapido sviluppo che coinvolge un numero di attori chiave che portano tutti un patrimonio di know-how ed esperienza rilevanti e altamente specializzati sia nella vendita al dettaglio che nei moderni meccanismi del mercato, insieme a un disprezzo generale per il casinò di mercato ispirato a Madoff, Griffin perpetuato che continua a lasciare un percorso di distruzione sulla sua scia. Un sentiero ricoperto di cenere da cui ora ha cominciato a rimbombare una Fenice.
✅ Solo Ryan Cohen sarebbe così audace da aumentare il livello di difficoltà di questo progetto a 11 non solo tracciando il percorso verso Web3 tramite GME utilizzando gli stessi strumenti di delega, responsabilizzazione, cooperazione e integrità che alla fine costruiranno i templi digitali del domani, decide, in un inno alla giustizia poetica nella sua forma più raffinata, di resuscitare i marchi familiari un tempo amati di un'era in declino, la cui scomparsa è stata il risultato diretto, o almeno facilitato da, BCG, Citadel, Dark Pool, Jeff Bezos. Nancy Pelosi, macchina degli hedge fund Vulture. Una macchina così ossessionata dalla propria crescita da non aver mai considerato la possibilità che sarebbe stata troppo ingombrante per passare attraverso la porta modesta e democratica del Web3. Una piccola porta verso una distesa illimitata. Il panorama aziendale dell'esperienza Web3 sarà intrinsecamente rivoluzionario in quanto faciliterà naturalmente i movimenti rivoluzionari di tutte le forme e dimensioni. Ciò è in contrasto con le strutture di potere centralizzate della storia che intrinsecamente soffocavano la rivoluzione finché la volontà del popolo non traboccava in una violenta protesta. Facilitare e persino incoraggiare i movimenti rivoluzionari pacifici costituirà forse la caratteristica più importante di Web3 poiché nella pace digitale accelereremo il risveglio spirituale collettivo.
✅ Il CEO di Overstock Jonathen Johnson ha gettato le basi con il suo editoriale su Linkedin del 2020 prevedendo, o forse sostenendo, l'emergere del modello di cooperazione aziendale supportato dalla blockchain basato sul principio giapponese di Keiretsu, un concetto in cui varie aziende con vari gradi di interesse competitivo , formano una rete cooperativa per condividere risorse e manodopera accuratamente selezionate, ciascuna selezionata per le sue caratteristiche reciprocamente vantaggiose senza invadere i vantaggi proprietari e/o i segreti commerciali dei singoli partecipanti. Laddove il tradizionale Keiretsu giapponese si basava sulla fiducia implicita sostenuta da un’enfasi culturale sull’integrità rispetto alla concorrenza spietata, il Keiretsu Web3 sarà protetto tramite la tecnologia blockchain che consente lo scambio di informazioni selezionate attraverso una rete sicura. La blockchain proteggerà contemporaneamente le informazioni proprietarie aziendali e la proprietà intellettuale sensibile, eliminando così la necessità di fiducia cieca. A mio parere non è una coincidenza che Overstock sia un attore chiave nell'accordo BBBY, soprattutto considerando la loro storia unica nella lotta contro la macchina di Bezos.
✅ Carl Icahn, il leggendario attivista, trovò in Ryan Cohen un successore con una visione così avvincente e con un grande piano che incorpora così tante parti in movimento che avrebbe richiesto una ricchezza di esperienza, intelletto e completa segretezza insieme a un set di palle grandi abbastanza da generare una spinta gravitazionale all'interno dei testicoli, una sorta di sistema binario a sfera.
✅ Carl odia i bulli, molto, odia i bulli ma odia i ragazzi che lasciano che i bulli li maltrattano ancora di più. Vuoi che il bullismo finisca, non abbassare la testa e tremare di paura sperando che non si preoccupino di un'anima timida. Hai appena garantito che le tue peggiori paure ti seguiranno. Dai un pugno in faccia a quel figlio di puttana, se devi subire un pestaggio temporaneo, allora prendilo, alzati, asciugati e colpiscilo di nuovo prima che si sfaldi. Domani sarai dolorante, il tuo corpo farà male ma la tua anima sarà intatta. La carne guarisce, l'anima o si nasconde o si libra in volo. Combatti sempre e la tua anima ricompenserà dieci volte il tuo coraggio. Carl vuole sferrare un ultimo pugno e questo taglio superiore sarà il colpo mortale che ha aspettato di sferrare per tutta la sua carriera. Carl ha fatto carriera combattendo i bulli della vecchia guardia e, anche se ha abbastanza punti per arrivare alla vittoria, Carl è il tipo di persona che arriva al 15° round KO.
✅ Brett Icahn è un attore chiave qui. In poche parole, il mercato Web3, come immaginato da Ryan Cohen, faciliterà la costruzione del consenso tra una serie di comunità diverse, a volte sovrapposte, consentendo a queste comunità di monetizzare i propri sforzi senza dover fare affidamento su un’infrastruttura centralizzata per facilitare lo scambio di beni e servizi. per il capitale. Inoltre Web3 creerà un universo in continua espansione di sforzi creativi il cui valore sarà determinato da un'applicazione leggermente evoluta dei principi standard della domanda e dell'offerta.
✅ L'ambiente digitale del Web3 faciliterà anche un ambiente fisico del 21° secolo che sminuirà le file infinite di scaffali riforniti concentrandosi su offerte di stock semplificate per fare spazio alle esperienze di acquisto AR in negozio fornendo agli sviluppatori di prodotti una miriade di opzioni esplorare approcci innovativi e in continua evoluzione al marketing, fornendo così al cliente informazioni preziose e conoscenze del prodotto per facilitare un processo di acquisto altamente informato. Oltre all’AR ci saranno una serie di tecnologie complementari in negozio che delizieranno il cliente in modi troppo vari per essere previsti. Ma se l'ultimo grande vantaggio competitivo della vendita al dettaglio è l'acquisto istantaneo in negozio, allora l'AR non porta semplicemente l'esperienza online nel negozio sacrificando l'acquisto istantaneo?
✅ Entra Ovidio. Invito tutti a cercare su Google il progetto Ovid di Newell, il loro ambizioso progetto di catena di fornitura OmniChamnel, in lavorazione da oltre due anni e mirato a creare una rete di distribuzione estesa ed altamente efficiente per garantire il ritiro in negozio lo stesso giorno. Due punti da considerare. Primo, sono disposto a scommettere che Project Ovid non punta solo alla spedizione nello stesso giorno entro un'ampia finestra di spedizione (4-6 ore dopo l'ordine), ma piuttosto si tratterà di un sistema che consegnerà un prodotto AR selezionato entro 15-30 minuti di acquisto. Come lo farà? Keiretsu ovviamente. ( Flexport è il partner logistico perfetto per questa impresa)
✅ L'unica cosa su cui le aziende concorrenti collaboreranno naturalmente è lo stoccaggio dei prodotti e la spedizione consolidata per aumentare la vicinanza dei prodotti al negozio, accelerare i tempi di consegna e aumentare la gamma di opzioni di ritiro in negozio per servire esponenzialmente più clienti, ad esempio ordinare online presso Teddy.com e ritiralo in uno qualsiasi dei negozi partecipanti, sicuramente uno di loro sarà nelle immediate vicinanze. Per facilitare un rapido ritiro in negozio, la condivisione dello spazio di magazzino sia in negozio che tramite una rete di centri di distribuzione consentirà ai rivenditori di garantire che ogni prodotto venduto tramite AR o qualsiasi altro mezzo virtuale sia in negozio o, nella migliore delle ipotesi, a poche miglia di distanza.
✅ La seconda cosa, e l'ho già menzionata in precedenza ma penso che meriti di essere ripetuta, è ciò che non posso fare a meno di vedere come un enorme uovo di Pasqua nel nome del progetto di fornitura Omnichannel di Newell, Ovid. Questo è un riferimento al grande poeta Ovidio e in particolare alla sua opera epica intitolata Metamorfosi. Questo pezzo di letteratura altamente ambizioso non può nemmeno essere vagamente legato all'idea di una navigazione efficiente poiché questa poesia è una meditazione sulla storia epocale dell'uomo vista attraverso le epoche distinte che sfidano le epoche (Oro, Acciaio ecc...), epoche con distinte caratteristiche che aiutano a spiegare la complessa interazione tra adattamento individuale e progressi umani collettivi. I progressi contemporanei nelle varie epoche sono, in un certo senso, guidati dalle macrocondizioni dell'epoca specifica, ma nel tempo l'ingegno dell'uomo crea scoperte tecnologiche che alla fine facilitano l'emergere di nuove macrocondizioni che a loro volta alterano le dinamiche governative, sociopolitiche e interpersonali in modo profondamente che diventino gli ingredienti per il prossimo Grande Balzo in Avanti. Una nuova era dell'uomo. Perché cazzo dovrebbero intitolare un progetto di fornitura omnicanale con un argomento così grandioso?
✅ Se Ovidio fosse vivo oggi sarebbe costretto a contemplare l'alba del Web3, un'era che verrà a gettare un'eclissi sulle prime iterazioni del Web come lo intendiamo attualmente. Un’eclissi così opaca che ogni sviluppo tecnologico del XX e dell’inizio del XXI secolo che lo precederà sarà visto attraverso la lente storica come semplicemente un periodo di sviluppo delle infrastrutture di base per un’evoluzione digitale così ampia da segnare l’inizio della vera era digitale dell’uomo. Un’epoca che modificherà profondamente i governi, le istituzioni, l’autonomia dell’individuo e quindi il panorama socio-politico, soffocando essenzialmente il polmone d’acciaio delle entità centralizzate egoistiche i cui meccanismi di controllo perderanno il loro più grande vantaggio, la capacità di controllare la diffusione dell’informazione poiché deve ora viaggiare attraverso una rete di complessità cosciente sempre crescente.
✅ Quindi, se questa tesi si rivela corretta, ne consegue naturalmente che il cavallo di Troia di Ryan Cohen nell'iterazione ottimale di Web3 sarà un mercato incentrato sul cliente, potenziato dall'AR e supportato dalla catena di fornitura omnicanale, che mostrerà proprio la categoria che si rivolge agli aspetti più fondamentali e sacri delle esperienze umane. Bambini.
✅ Portare la vita in questo mondo e allevare il bambino attraverso il labirinto di un mondo in continua evoluzione è un processo che richiede uno yin-yang di incertezza e stanchezza che ogni nuovo genitore deve scoprire. Quello Yin può essere Teddy, il rivenditore Web3 che soddisfa le esigenze individuali della tua famiglia in modo così completo e con tale attenzione ai dettagli e al piacere che ti accorgi di vederlo come la roccia su cui puoi riposare la testa stanca e trovare soluzioni a un problema. serie di sfide in continua espansione.
✅ Teddy non avrà bisogno dell'impronta di vendita al dettaglio, l'AR può essere facilmente implementata in casa come in negozio (anche se il negozio dovrà offrire funzionalità esclusive per rimanere rilevante). Immagina una futura mamma che indossa occhiali AR all'avanguardia che pedala tra la culla, la carta da parati e le opzioni del fasciatoio nella futura stanza del suo piccolo. Questa esperienza diventerà tradizione quasi istantaneamente. Teddy può facilitare una fusione inversa di Baby, forzare la chiusura dei cortometraggi, utilizzare questi marchi commerciali mondiali e spalancare la porta all'esperienza di vendita al dettaglio Web3 online / in negozio / Keiretsu / AR che esploderà sulla scia della valanga della stampa libera questa mossa farà scalpore. A parte l'ubiquità dei punti vendita, Teddy avrà una serie di partner di vendita al dettaglio per facilitare il ritiro in negozio lo stesso giorno, mentre molti clienti andranno bene con la spedizione standard in due o tre giorni. L'enfasi sarà deliziare mamma, papà e bambino in modi che non dimenticheranno mai.
✅ Se c'è qualcuno adatto a farcela è Ryan Cohen e non c'è nessun secondo vicino. Lanciando con successo un'esperienza Teddy che non solo implementa il meglio di ciò che offre Chewy ma migliora sia il servizio clienti che i componenti logistici, Ryan Cohen mostrerà al mondo il vantaggio intrinseco dell'esperienza di acquisto Web3. Con una prova di concetto innegabile, le richieste di partnership e collaborazione da parte di aziende di tutto il mondo arriveranno a frotte.
✅ Ma prima di costruire nuove alleanze, RC innalzerà il Jolly Roger commemorativo, segnalando la resurrezione di quei marchi familiari del passato, ciascuno vittima della macchina corta e distorta. Bed Bath e oltre tramite Overstock, Blockbuster, Sears, Toys R Us, ovviamente Buy Buy Baby e probabilmente molti altri rimasti per rivenditori morti dei nostri nostalgici tempi passati. Queste attività saranno riorganizzate per soddisfare le esigenze dell’era moderna e la loro ascesa simbolica rappresenterà un colpo di cannone sull’arco dell’oligarchia delle SS, segnalando la fine del loro regno di terrore. Mentre i criminali ondeggiano nei mari spietati, salutiamo per l'ultima volta il cuore stesso del marciume sistemico al centro dell'era postindustriale mentre affondano lentamente negli abissi dell'infamia, la loro ultima visione è quella dell'ascesa trionfante del marchi che avevano lasciato per morti emergono da tombe improvvisate mentre la nave che un tempo dominava i mari cade impotente sotto la marea.
È importante notare che, sebbene le speculazioni sulla strategia di Ryan Cohen discusse in questo post possano o meno realizzarsi, imploro sinceramente ogni membro di questa comunità di considerare seriamente l'inevitabile passaggio sociale al Web3 e le numerose opportunità che abbondano. Sebbene le comunità di investimento si siano dimostrate abili nel mantenere un discreto grado di continuità in mezzo all’incertezza, al FUD, alla manipolazione dei media e contro un nemico spietato e potente, resta il fatto che il nostro successo rimane intrinsecamente legato a elementi fuori dal nostro controllo, al successo o al fallimento di le aziende in cui investiamo.
La forza di questa comunità si trova nella sua vasta condivisione di risorse, nella sua vasta gamma di competenze individuali ed esperienze uniche, in un senso di gioia e umorismo ovunque e in un incentivo finanziario per alimentare le fiamme dell'innovazione e dell'esplorazione. In particolare dopo Moass, possiamo formare senza soluzione di continuità una varietà di iniziative di crowdsourcing a scopo di lucro che si rivolgono a una moltitudine di settori, soprattutto considerando il nostro dito collettivo sul polso della vendita al dettaglio online, del mercato NFT in evoluzione e molto, molto altro ancora.
submitted by Marcello_randazzo to GMEITA [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:25 HumbleInterest The Tragic Implications of Debling's Interest in the Northwest Passage

“This book is on voyages to the North, where Lord Debling intends to travel.”
“Miss Featherington, are you reading about the fabled Northwest Passage?”
(S3 E4 11:16)
Hi everyone! I posted a comment about it right after season 3 dropped, and I have seen a bit of interest in the Northwest Passage on here recently. I thought that for those of you who didn’t learn about it extensively in school in the small corner of Canada that I did, I’d put together a little informative post on the extremely brief (and perhaps even inconsequential!) reference to the Northwest Passage in Episode 4. I’ll provide an overview of the Passage and its history, touch on some characteristics of travel to this region, and conclude with some completely speculative comments on the literary purpose of evoking the passage in this scene in Season 4.
A quick note on the colonial nature of this post: Throughout this short post, I refer to several colonial expeditions to the land many of us call Canada. Although I attempt to be cognizant of my language, it is important to note that the Inuit people who live in the arctic regions that I reference have navigated the sea ice for thousands of years (Panikkar et al., 2018) and that the written history of this region are often hegemonic and euro-centric narratives that were formed within colonial frameworks.
More information on the Inuit and their culture, language, and traditions can be found here: https://www.itk.ca/about-canadian-inuit/
References are at the end. If you like this post, you might also like the speculative post I made about the influences of the Eros/Psyche quote in the Polin sub which is also endless academic yapping.
Exploring the Northwest Passage- a bit of context
In August of 1820, Lieutenant Edward Parry, a member of the British Royal Navy observed the dense ice and snow of arctic land and sea that was thought to be the location of the mysterious Northwest Passage. From a simple look, he knew that no ship in existence would be able to pass through ice sheets of such a great thickness and that extended for such a long distance (Brandt, 2011). Despite his pessimism, by Parry’s time, British sailors and explorers had been explicitly seeking the passage for hundreds of years (Williams & Costley, 2010; Day, 2006, p. xxiv), dreaming of exploiting the desirable economic prospect of a Western route from Europe to burgeoning Asian markets.
First encounters: When European sailors first encountered North America, it was in pursuit of a route west to Asia. They were, of course, incorrect about the location of Asia. And although a great deal of interest shifted to mapping the new continent, there was also an acknowledgement that there would be great economic benefits to finding a way around this newly encountered landmass (Day, 2006). Over time, the reasons and methods of locating the Northwest Passage changed and evolved, but interest never truly went away.
Renewed British interest: Notably, at the end of the 15th century, when the Ottoman Turk’s empire extended into the Mediterranean and eastward, European merchants were no longer allowed to move and trade freely (Day, 2006). Seeking new routes for the Pacific, European (and especially British) explorers turned West. The Northwest Passage was a concept, a theoretical possibility, for European explorers. It was seen as a potential commercial sea route to the trading markets that were already established and burgeoning in Asia. The Passage was a route with phenomenal economic potential, especially as European consumers sought spices, materials, salts, and woods from foreign markets (Williams & Costley, 2010).
Based on their knowledge of the Southern Hemisphere and the potential geography of the world, many believed that a similar passage would be reflected in the earth’s northern pole (Day, 2006). As a result, there was a massive potential for financial gain for colonial governments and individuals, should such a passage ever be found.
Public fascination: The passage became a point of national fascination for many members of the public. In pursuit of this fascination, many enthusiastic researchers “persuaded persons of influence and wealth to send out discovery expeditions” (Williams & Costley, 2010, p. xv). With governments in Europe stabilizing, the emergence of an economy of cheap labour (lower class men who were willing to take on the dangerous work at sea), and the rapid development of ship technology, the 1600s was a prime time to set out on expeditions.
The fascination with the Passage continued for 300 years until a passage was finally navigated by sea in full in the 1900s. Over the course of history, Anthony Brandt describes the fascination with the Passage’s discovery as a tragedy (2011). He writes: “hubris, an all-too-human arrogance and pride that triggered a particular calamity” (p. 5) as being the tragedy of the exploration for the Passage. Despite the fascination of the public with it, the ice “remained intractable, impenetrable, and, for those who challenged it, a kind of fate” (p. 5) George Malcom Thomson reported that the Passage did not exist where popular imagination speculated it must be (Day, 2006). He noted: “the whole enterprise was founded on a misapprehension, a geographical fiction, a fairy-tale … and downright inventions that scholar manufacture to amaze themselves” (p. xxv).
The danger of the passage: Voyages to and in search of the passage were fraught. Many never returned, and those who did survive faced immense physical and mental challenges. There were, of course, significant difficulties with massive ice drifts and shelves. However, the relative location of the expeditions to the north pole led to issues with magnetic variation for compasses. Fog further complicated travel (Williams & Costley, 2010).
There were also extreme mental dangers to pursuing the NWP. MooSmith’s expedition in the mid-1700s reported “potentially murderous quarrels between officers” (Williams & Costley, 2010, p. xvi); John Franklin noted that the things that occurred on his ship “must not be known” (p. xvi); and it was noted that on the McClure, Beckler, and Collinson expeditions, “tensions” erupted “as captains and subordinate officers exchanged threats of court martial, and some officers spend years under close arrest on their ships” (p. xvi).
In the time of Bridgerton: The end of the Napoleonic Wars in 1815 allowed for greater expeditions by the British Royal Navy (Day, 2006). This would have included surveys of a large portion of the global north and the Arctic. There were a large number of “successful” (depending on how you define it) land expeditions that had made progress in producing surveys and maps of the region. Despite significant ongoing interest in discovering the Passage, in particular, little progress had been made. Later still, despite more advanced mapping by the Hudson Bay Company and expeditions by many notable sailors, there was still no route by the 1820s (Day, 2006).
What does it signify? If a character in Bridgerton was voyaging to the Arctic, it could take them less than a year to reach areas of the Hudson Bay that would be suitable for a scientific voyage. That in itself is not overly dangerous. However, the reference to the Northwest Passage is an interesting literary point. Of all of the places to voyage in the Arctic, even at the time, it would have been an immensely dangerous trip to set out on. The persistent lack of success for a solid 30 years after this season takes place may reference the fact that this is a voyage that Debling is unlikely to ever return from.
It doesn’t help that Debling’s odds are really stacked against him. He does not eat meat, one of the only renewable sources of food for arctic expeditions. There is little to no fresh naturally occurring produce (during the Coppermine expedition, the surviving crew members famously ate lichen to survive once they lost the favour of local indigenous groups and fur traders) and did not do well.
Certainly, it lends a very tragic potential element to the story. The Arctic, if mentioned alone, is not necessarily an overly dangerous location to travel to. Yes, marine travel in the 1800s was still a dangerous endeavour in its own right, let alone in an area as unnavigable by sea as the Arctic. However, the North, in many regions, had active whaling expeditions, Indigenous populations that were willing to trade and work with sailors, and (in some areas) active fur trades. If the purpose of Debling’s travel was only to highlight his unique interests and sense of purpose, the show had many methods of doing so. The choice to reference a notorious and dangerous Northwest Passage, there is an extremely interesting element of danger that is introduced.
What would this potential marriage mean for Penelope? Of course, Penelope’s name is a reference to the wife of Odysseus, who unwillingly takes ten years to return home after the Trojan war. In contrast to Colin, who returns with a steadfast conviction, Debling may represent a kind of eternal limbo for Penelope, should she marry him. Although Debling’s trip is set to take 3 years, it would be hard to prove his death. Likely, she would be a widow for years, if not her entire life, before they were able to locate his ship. The HMS Terror was famously lost in 1845 and not located until 2016(!). As a result, Penelope would likely be stuck at home, awaiting his return, in the same tragic fashion of her namesake in Greek mythology.
As such, not only is there a potential tragic reference to Debling’s future, but there is also a dark illusion to what Penelope’s life may look like as his wife. Of course, this is all based entirely on implication, but it is an interesting act of speculative foreshadowing.
Thanks for reading!
Brandt, A. (2011). The man who ate his boots: the tragic history of the search for the northwest passage. Anchor.
Day, A. (2006). Historical dictionary of the discovery and exploration of the Northwest Passage (Vol. 3). Scarecrow Press.
Panikkar, B., Lemmond, B., Else, B., & Murray, M. (2018). Ice over troubled waters: Navigating the Northwest Passage using Inuit knowledge and scientific information. Climate Research, 75(1), 81-94.
Williams, G., & Costley, S. (2010). Arctic labyrinth: The quest for the Northwest Passage. University of California Press.
submitted by HumbleInterest to BridgertonNetflix [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:20 DougDante A father despaired in a private Facebook group that he recently won in court, and while appealing he feels mom is poisoning the children against him.

A father despaired in a private Facebook group that he recently won in court, and while appealing he feels mom is poisoning the children against him.
Here is my reply, edited to maintain anonymity, in the hopes that it helps to protect children from child abuse, parents from domestic violence, and that it serves the interests of justice. Those doubting the authenticity of appeals are invited to join fathers groups on Facebook and observe how sadly common such appeals and posts are there.
I'm not an attorney and this is not legal advice.
You wrote:
A motion for contempt of court is one path to seek parenting time and prevent this abuse:
Sometimes a former, or soon-to-be former, spouse or co-parent can make your life difficult by refusing to pay support or cooperate with parenting time or fighting your efforts to resolve your divorce. When inconvenience and annoyance crosses the line into the violation of court orders, you may be able to use contempt of court proceedings to correct the other party’s behavior and get your case, and your life, back on track.
Minimum standards for child abuse:
Federal law definitions of child abuse and neglect
Federal legislation provides guidance to States by identifying a minimum set of acts or behaviors that define child abuse and neglect. The Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) (42 U.S.C.A. § 5106g), as amended by the CAPTA Reauthorization Act of 2010, defines child abuse and neglect as, at minimum:
"Any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker, which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation"; or
"An act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm."
Possible failure to respect:
"There is a fundamental right under the Fourteenth Amendment for a parent to oversee the care, custody, and control of a child."
Troxel v. Granville, 530 U.S. 57 (2000)
Promoting hatred of a parent may be child abuse. If the authorities are aware of this and allow it to persist they may be failing to report that abuse:
A person who, while engaged in a professional capacity or activity described in subsection (b) of section 226 of the Victims of Child Abuse Act of 1990 on Federal land or in a federally operated (or contracted) facility, or a covered individual as described in subsection (a)(2) of such section 226 who, learns of facts that give reason to suspect that a child has suffered an incident of child abuse, as defined in subsection (c) of that section, and fails to make a timely report as required by subsection (a) of that section, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 1 year or both.
18 U.S. Code § 2258.Failure to report child abuse
18 U.S. Code § 242 - Deprivation of rights under color of law
Possible honest services fraud:
For the purposes of this chapter, the term “scheme or artifice to defraud” includes a scheme or artifice to deprive another of the intangible right of honest services.
18 U.S. Code § 1346.Definition of “scheme or artifice to defraud”
State child support, parenting time, and child protection, and elder abuse are all primarily funded under federal law Title IV-D and Title IV-E. Consider filing complaints.
HHS Office of Inspector General
Phone. 1-800-HHS-TIPS (1-800-447-8477)
HHS Office of Civil Rights
Failure of the authorities to protect civil rights of parents may be:
Possible cause for a federal civil rights action or lawsuit (often against a municipality, state, non-profit agency, or company) under:
42 U.S. Code § 1983 - Civil action for deprivation of rights
US courts provide forms:
Complaint for Violation of Civil Rights (Non-Prisoner)
Possible basis of a class action lawsuit for similar situated people:
Please keep us updated.
I wish you the best of luck in your search for justice.
submitted by DougDante to MensRights [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:18 Worldly_Swim_8884 gute abwehrspieler

gute abwehrspieler
Erfahrene Verteidiger
Erfahrene Verteidiger sind ein wichtiger Bestandteil jeder erfolgreichen Mannschaft, sei es im Fußball, Eishockey oder einer anderen Sportart. Sie bringen nicht nur ihre athletischen Fähigkeiten mit, sondern auch eine Fülle von Erfahrungen und taktischem Verständnis, die in entscheidenden Momenten den Unterschied ausmachen können.
In Sportarten wie Fußball sind erfahrene Verteidiger oft die Rückgrat einer Mannschaft. Sie haben gelernt, den Spielfluss des Gegners zu lesen und rechtzeitig einzugreifen, um gefährliche Situationen zu entschärfen. Durch ihre Erfahrung können sie auch jüngere Spieler führen und ihnen helfen, sich zu verbessern.
Aber Erfahrung allein reicht nicht aus. Erfahrene Verteidiger müssen auch physisch fit sein und über eine starke mentale Verfassung verfügen, um den Anforderungen des Spiels standzuhalten. Sie müssen in der Lage sein, unter Druck ruhig zu bleiben und kluge Entscheidungen zu treffen, auch wenn das Spiel hitzig wird.
Neben ihren spielerischen Fähigkeiten sind erfahrene Verteidiger oft auch wichtige Persönlichkeiten außerhalb des Spielfelds. Sie können eine beruhigende Präsenz in der Umkleidekabine sein und jüngeren Spielern mit Rat und Tat zur Seite stehen.
Insgesamt sind erfahrene Verteidiger ein unschätzbarer Vermögenswert für jede Mannschaft. Ihr Fachwissen, ihre Führungsfähigkeiten und ihre Fähigkeit, unter Druck zu performen, machen sie zu unverzichtbaren Mitgliedern des Teams und zu Schlüsselspielern in entscheidenden Momenten.
Zuverlässige Abwehrkraft
Eine zuverlässige Abwehrkraft ist entscheidend für die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden. Unser Immunsystem spielt eine entscheidende Rolle dabei, uns vor Krankheiten und Infektionen zu schützen. Es ist ein komplexes Netzwerk aus Zellen, Geweben und Organen, das zusammenarbeitet, um eindringende Krankheitserreger zu erkennen und zu bekämpfen.
Es gibt viele Faktoren, die die Stärke unseres Immunsystems beeinflussen können. Eine ausgewogene Ernährung, regelmäßige Bewegung und ausreichend Schlaf sind wichtige Säulen für ein gesundes Immunsystem. Eine Ernährung, die reich an Obst, Gemüse, Vollkornprodukten und magerem Eiweiß ist, liefert wichtige Nährstoffe und Antioxidantien, die das Immunsystem stärken können.
Darüber hinaus spielen auch Stressmanagement und eine positive Lebenseinstellung eine wichtige Rolle. Chronischer Stress kann das Immunsystem schwächen, während Entspannungstechniken wie Meditation und Yoga helfen können, Stress abzubauen und das Immunsystem zu stärken.
Ein weiterer wichtiger Faktor für eine zuverlässige Abwehrkraft ist eine angemessene Hygiene. Das regelmäßige Händewaschen und die Einhaltung von Hygienemaßnahmen können dazu beitragen, die Verbreitung von Krankheiten zu reduzieren und das Immunsystem zu unterstützen.
Neben diesen Maßnahmen können auch bestimmte Nahrungsergänzungsmittel, wie zum Beispiel Vitamin D oder Probiotika, dazu beitragen, die Abwehrkräfte zu stärken. Es ist jedoch wichtig, solche Ergänzungen nur in Absprache mit einem Arzt einzunehmen, da sie nicht für jeden geeignet sein können und möglicherweise Wechselwirkungen mit anderen Medikamenten haben.
Insgesamt ist eine zuverlässige Abwehrkraft ein Zusammenspiel verschiedener Faktoren, die alle dazu beitragen, unseren Körper stark und gesund zu halten. Durch eine gesunde Lebensweise und die Einhaltung einfacher Hygienemaßnahmen können wir unser Immunsystem unterstützen und uns vor Krankheiten schützen.
Taktisch versierte Verteidiger
Taktisch versierte Verteidiger sind in jeder Sportart von unschätzbarem Wert. Ob im Fußball, Eishockey oder Basketball, diese Spieler haben eine besondere Fähigkeit, das Spiel zu lesen und strategisch zu agieren, um die gegnerische Mannschaft zu stoppen und möglicherweise sogar Tore oder Punkte zu erzielen.
Im Fußball sind taktisch versierte Verteidiger oft die Säulen der Mannschaft. Sie verstehen es, die gegnerischen Angriffe frühzeitig zu erkennen und zu unterbrechen, indem sie geschickt Position beziehen und die Räume eng machen. Diese Spieler haben ein ausgeprägtes taktisches Verständnis und können ihre Mitspieler durch klare Anweisungen und Organisation auf dem Platz führen. Darüber hinaus sind sie oft auch bei Standardsituationen gefährlich, da sie ihre Kopfballstärke oder ihr taktisches Gespür nutzen, um Tore zu erzielen.
Auch im Eishockey sind taktisch versierte Verteidiger von großer Bedeutung. Sie können den Spielaufbau des Gegners stören, indem sie geschickt Forechecking betreiben und den Puck erobern. Zudem haben sie ein gutes Auge für den Spielaufbau und können präzise Pässe spielen, um ihre Stürmer in gute Positionen zu bringen. Defensiv sind sie robust und können körperbetont spielen, um die gegnerischen Angreifer zu stoppen.
Im Basketball sind taktisch versierte Verteidiger oft diejenigen, die die Schlüsselspieler des Gegners verteidigen. Sie studieren deren Spielweise genau und entwickeln Strategien, um sie zu neutralisieren. Diese Spieler haben ein gutes Gespür für Raum und können geschickt Doppeldeckungen durchführen oder in Passwege eindringen, um den Ball zu stehlen.
Insgesamt sind taktisch versierte Verteidiger unverzichtbar für jede Mannschaft, da sie nicht nur defensiv stabilisieren, sondern auch das Spiel nach vorne ankurbeln können. Ihr taktisches Geschick und ihre Spielintelligenz machen sie zu wertvollen Akteuren auf dem Spielfeld.
Starke Defensive Spieler
Titel: Die Bedeutung von starken defensiven Spielern im Teamsport
In vielen Teamsportarten spielen defensive Spieler eine entscheidende Rolle für den Erfolg des Teams. Egal ob im Fußball, Basketball, Eishockey oder anderen Mannschaftssportarten, die Fähigkeiten und Eigenschaften der defensiven Spieler beeinflussen direkt das Spielgeschehen und können den Unterschied zwischen Sieg und Niederlage ausmachen.
Eine der wichtigsten Eigenschaften eines starken defensiven Spielers ist die Fähigkeit zur taktischen Disziplin. Dies bedeutet, dass der Spieler in der Lage ist, die taktischen Anweisungen des Trainers umzusetzen und sich an die jeweilige Spielsituation anzupassen. Ein defensiver Spieler muss in der Lage sein, den Gegner zu lesen, seine Bewegungen vorherzusehen und rechtzeitig zu reagieren, um Tore oder Punkte zu verhindern.
Darüber hinaus ist eine starke physische Präsenz auf dem Spielfeld von entscheidender Bedeutung. Defensivspieler müssen körperlich robust sein, um Zweikämpfe zu gewinnen, den Gegner auszuboxen oder zu blocken und den eigenen Torwart oder Spielmacher zu schützen. Eine gute Ausdauer und Schnelligkeit sind ebenfalls wichtige Faktoren, da defensive Spieler oft große Strecken zurücklegen müssen, um den Gegner zu verfolgen oder Lücken zu schließen.
Neben den technischen Fähigkeiten ist auch die mentale Stärke von großer Bedeutung. Defensivspieler müssen auch in schwierigen Momenten Ruhe bewahren, konzentriert bleiben und unter Druck kluge Entscheidungen treffen können. Sie sind oft diejenigen, die in entscheidenden Situationen den Kopf hinhalten und das Team zusammenhalten.
Insgesamt sind starke defensive Spieler unverzichtbare Schlüsselspieler in jedem erfolgreichen Team. Sie sind nicht nur dafür verantwortlich, Tore oder Punkte zu verhindern, sondern tragen auch maßgeblich dazu bei, die Teamstruktur aufrechtzuerhalten und die Moral der Mannschaft hoch zu halten.
Abwehrspezialisten sind hochqualifizierte Experten, die sich auf die Verteidigung gegen verschiedene Bedrohungen spezialisiert haben. Diese Fachleute sind in der Lage, eine Vielzahl von Techniken und Strategien anzuwenden, um Bedrohungen zu erkennen, zu analysieren und darauf zu reagieren. Ihre Aufgaben reichen von der Sicherung von Unternehmensnetzwerken über die Abwehr von Cyberangriffen bis hin zur Überwachung und Analyse von Sicherheitssystemen.
Um Abwehrspezialist zu werden, ist in der Regel eine umfassende Ausbildung und Erfahrung in Sicherheitsbereichen erforderlich. Viele Experten haben einen Hintergrund in der Informationstechnologie, Informatik oder einem verwandten Bereich. Sie müssen über fundierte Kenntnisse in den Bereichen Netzwerksicherheit, Verschlüsselungstechnologien, Penetrationstests und Forensik verfügen.
Abwehrspezialisten arbeiten oft eng mit anderen Sicherheitskräften zusammen, um komplexe Bedrohungen zu bekämpfen. Sie können in Unternehmen, Regierungsbehörden, militärischen Einrichtungen oder Sicherheitsberatungsfirmen tätig sein. Ihre Rolle ist entscheidend für die Aufrechterhaltung der Sicherheit von Organisationen und der Schutz sensibler Informationen vor unbefugtem Zugriff oder Missbrauch.
In der heutigen vernetzten Welt, in der Cyberangriffe und Datenverletzungen zunehmen, sind Abwehrspezialisten von entscheidender Bedeutung. Sie spielen eine wesentliche Rolle dabei, Sicherheitslücken zu identifizieren, Schwachstellen zu beheben und proaktiv gegen potenzielle Bedrohungen vorzugehen. Durch ihre Expertise tragen sie maßgeblich dazu bei, die Integrität und Vertraulichkeit von Daten zu schützen und die betroffenen Organisationen vor erheblichen Schäden zu bewahren.
submitted by Worldly_Swim_8884 to u/Worldly_Swim_8884 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:09 Weisssssssssssssssss The Confederation of Ecuator - Alternate Brazil (Lore in comment)

The Confederation of Ecuator - Alternate Brazil (Lore in comment) submitted by Weisssssssssssssssss to imaginarymaps [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:53 Critical_Parking1319 For all Mankind Timeline (2003-2012)

Here is a fan made creation on a speculation of the Timeline between Season 4 and 5. Hope you enjoy!!!!
submitted by Critical_Parking1319 to ForAllMankindTV [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:29 reddit_wueman AUF1-Werbung vom Fahrdienst

AUF1-Werbung vom Fahrdienst submitted by reddit_wueman to ichbin40undSchwurbler [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:55 Klutzy_Newspaper_879 Cyberpunk Orion Writers deep dive

Anna Megill, Lead Writer:
QA Tester: Cyberlore Studios, 2004 - 2004:
Various roles: Smith College, 2004-2008.
Writers/QA Lead: Pileated Pictures May, 2007 - Sep 2009.
Lotcheck QA: Nintendo, 2009 - 2010.
Writers/QA Editors ArenaNet LLC, Mar 2010 - Sep 2012.
Writers/Narrative Designers: Murdered: Soul Suspect.
Writers: Ubisoft, May 2014 - Aug 2014:
Creative Director: Project Untold, Nov 2014 - Jan 2015:
Writers/Narrative Designers: Cynixy LLC, Jan 2015 - Jan 2017:
External Writers: Dishonored: Death of the Outsider.
Pre-Production Narrative Lead: Control:
Lead Narrative Designers: Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora.
Former Lead WriteNarrative Lead: Fable:
August 2023 - prior to joining CDPR: Unknown.
Writer: The Game Writing Guide.
Writer: The Pocket Mentor for Video Game Writers.
Alexander Freed, Writer:
Started off writing short fiction.
Freelance Game Designer, 2002-2006:
Senior Writer and Managing Editor: Star Wars: The Old Republic:
Shadow Realms (Canceled game):
Co-Writer: Star Wars: Uprising.
Editor: The Banner Saga 2.
Editor: Tyranny.
Additional Design: Mass Effect: Andromeda.
Worked on Shuyan Saga.
Writers: Star Wars: Battlefront 2.
Freelance Writer and later Studio Writing Director: Fogbank Entertainment, 2017 - 2020:
Additonal Design: Anthem.
Additional Writing: Wasteland 3.
Senior Writer: Battlefield 2042.
Freelance Writing/Narrative Design/Consultation for various studios:
Comics/Graphic Novels:
Writer: Star Wars: The Old Republic, Blood of the Empire.
Writer: Star Wars: The Old Republic, Lost Suns.
Scriptwriter: Dragon Age: The Silent Grove.
Scriptwriter: Dragon Age: Those Who Speak.
Scriptwriter: Dragon Age: Until We Sleep.
Writer: Star Wars Purge: The Tyrant's Fist (Story arc).
Writers: Anthem: Strong Alone, Stronger Together.
Writer: Assasin's Creed Valhalla: Forgotten Myths.
Writer: Violet Dawn.
Writer: Battlefront: Twilight Company.
Writer: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (Novelization).
Writer: Alphabet Squadron.
Writer: Shadow Fall.
Writer: Victory's Price.
Short Stories:
Writer: The Last Battle of Colonel Jace Malcom.
Writer: One Thousand Levels Down.
Writer: The End of History.
Writer: Contingency Plan.
Writer: The Man Who Built Cloud City.
Wrote original short fiction for magazines and anthologies:
Published articles on Gamasutra.
Wrote blog entries on his personal website.
They also have several of the Cyberpunk 2077 writers still at the company, though most of them seem to be working on The Witcher 4, and Mike Pondsmith will likely be involved with the game's development.
submitted by Klutzy_Newspaper_879 to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:55 Timeset_VC Quantum Leap: History of Vacheron Constantin Calendar Watches Part 9

Quantum Leap: History of Vacheron Constantin Calendar Watches Part 9
Quantum Leap: History of Vacheron Constantin Calendar Watches Part 3.3
by Alex Ghotbi, 12th of December 2011, 11:03 - click on scans for larger view
Malte Perpetual Calendar Minute Repeater
In 2006 Cal 1755QP (as for Quantième Perpetuel – perpetual calendar in French) was used in the now defunct round shaped Malte (41mm case) in rose gold giving it a more modern and masculine look. In 2010 the last 8 Cal 1755QPs were cased in a round Malte case but this time in platinum.

Malte Perpetual Calendar Chronograph Collection Excellence Platine
Normally, the Excellence Platine collection consists of platinum case and dial versions of existing models however this version launched in 2007 is a one shot as it did not exist as a regular production model making it even more rare and desirable! Made in only 50 pieces it houses the manual wind cal 1141QP.
Patrimony Traditionnelle Calibre 2755
Presented in 2007 the Patrimony Traditionnelle Caliber 2755 (how’s that as a dry name for such an amazing watch?) is currently Vacheron Constantins most complicated timepiece (610 components). However, it’s just not “just” a perpetual calendar, tourbillon minute repeater but the greatest sounding repeater I have ever heard thanks to a centripetal speed-regulator in the striking-mechanism, an original device which eliminates the noise interference normally experienced with pallet systems (the bzzz often heard when the repeating mechanism is activated).
As with the ref 30020 and 30040 the case has been carefully designed and manufactured to give the minute repeater a remarkable resonance, which is optimised by the ingenious use of a stud linking the case to the striking mechanism. And, thanks to its high copper content, which gives it its colour, the pink gold case adds to the quality of resonance.
In 2010 the Cal 2755 was also launched in platinum with an opaline and a slate grey dial, the later having an even more contemporary look. Normally platinum is a metal which “absorbs” the chimes but the watchmakers at Vacheron Constantin have done a fantastic job and the chimes are almost as loud and pure as in the rose gold version.
I have to admit that the Cal 2755 has the most amazing chime I have ever come across (a close second being the Patek Sky Moon tourbillon), the first time I heard it, it was in a room with people talking and music in the background and still the chimes could be perfectly heard.
The Cal 2755 for me is a condensed representation of what Vacheron Constantin is: a beautiful design which is classical yet with a twist, perfect proportions, technical mastery and drop dead amazing movement finish. Techniques have not been sacrificed for design and there is no compromise in the design for the sake of techniques
The cal 2755 is assembled from A to Z by the same watchmaker who also tunes the gongs (by filing away on the base of the gongs) to achieve the perfect chime. As Chrystian Lefrançois, master watchmaker at Vacheron Constantin says “achieving the perfect chime is extremely difficult as you need to adjust the gong by filing the metal and at one point you know that you have reached the best possible sound and one file too much and you go from the best chime to the dull sound of a spoon hitting a pot!”
About less than one Patrimony Traditionnelle Cal 2755 come out of the ateliers of Vacheron Constantin per month, considering that it can take 3-4 months to fine tune and assemble. It exists in rose gold and platinum (with opaline or slate grey dials), a limited edition with a gorgeous chocolate dial was made for Parisian retailer Dubail as well as a pièce unique for the New York Boutique.
centrepetal regulator
New York Boutique
click for video

Metiers d'Art: Les Masques
Rarely have the words art and masterpiece been used so correctly. My first reaction to this collection was the same as being thunderstruck: breathless, speechless, heart beating fast and wobbly knees! It’s hard to define the divine but you can recognize it when you see it and for me the hands of the gods guided the designers at Vacheron Constantin to create such original, bold and daring pieces.
At an epoch where originality resides in the use of carbon fibber and black PVD or the most improbable partnership with cars, motor cycles and boats Vacheron Constantin opened a whole new untreaded path where art and horology met.
The concept was to use an art form still little known to the general public: the so called primitive arts. Geneva has the chance of housing one of the most prestigious collections of primitive arts: the Barbie-Muller Museum and collaboration between the museum and Vacheron seemed therefore unavoidable. The museum lent a certain number of pieces to Vacheron for replication but the great difficulty resided maintaining the proportions in a miniature version. Different techniques were tried but the final results were unsatisfactory. Vacheron Constantin finally turned to the Geneva Engineering School for help in making a three-dimensional image of each mask. By putting the plans together on a computer, they were able to modify the volumes point by point and find the best angle for fitting the whole mask into the case while safeguarding the harmony of its forms. It was thanks to the magic of laser technology that the miniaturisation of the masks became possible.
The time is read by means of four discs indicating the hours, minutes, days and date in windows. A clever technique using transparency and specially-treated glass creates the impression that the masks are floating. Each sapphire crystal has a different tint, obtained by a unique metallisation process, so that it sets off the colour of the mask.
Michel Butor’s (a contemporary French poet) short poems dedicated to each mask circle the sapphire dial in letters of gold and can only be read when the light strikes it from a certain angle. This effect is achieved by vacuum metallisation, a sophisticated technological process in which the gold letters are sprayed onto a sapphire crystal.
The effect is amazing and depending on the inclination of the wrist the sapphire crystals hues vary as well as the coloring of the letters. There is such subtility and depth in the dial that you can almost drown in it and spend hours just staring at it mesmerised by its sheer beauty.
This series launched in 2007 consisted of 25 sets of 4 watches each. A new set was also launched in 2008 and 2009.
Set 1: 2007
Set 3: 2009
click for video
part 10 to follow soon ...
submitted by Timeset_VC to VACHERONISTAS [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:46 ryuu-chan42 Anketa - Didaktički odgoj

Pozdrav, molim Vas da ispunite kratku anonimnu anketu (svega 3-5 minuta) da pomognete studentici za istraživanje i plasiranje proizvoda na tržište. Hvala svima! :)
submitted by ryuu-chan42 to croatia [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:44 ryuu-chan42 Anketa - Didaktički odgoj

Pozdrav, molim Vas da ispunite kratku anonimnu anketu (svega 3-5 minuta) da pomognete studentici za istraživanje i plasiranje proizvoda na tržište. Hvala svima! :)
submitted by ryuu-chan42 to hrvatska [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:37 Leif_xD Netzwerkkabel Hausbau

Guten Tag, welches Kabel würdet ihr bei einem Neubau verlegen lassen. Ich habe derzeit Cat 7a in Auge? CAT 8.1 ist wohl zu starr und dick. Gibt es schon Netzwerkdosen/Keystones für CAT 7a? Oder nimmt man da CAT 6a / CAT 8 Dosen/keystones.
submitted by Leif_xD to informatik [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:34 kirby__000 Maccabi Tel Aviv Campeão Israelense 2023/24!

Maccabi Tel Aviv Campeão Israelense 2023/24!
Maiores campeões
Maccabi Tel Aviv 24
Maccabi Haifa 15
Hapoel Tel Aviv 14
Hapoel Petah Tikva 6
Beitar Jerusalém 6
Hapoel Be'er Sheva 5
Maccabi Netanya 5
submitted by kirby__000 to futebol [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:58 Rhendricks Over/Under May 19th - Vs Red Sox, 12:05 CT - Nick Pivetta Vs Matthew Liberatore

Hey Everyone! Welcome to the Cardinals Reddit Daily OveUnder Contest! I’ll post these daily as long as I’m able to, but I’m sure real life will get in the way here and there. This is all for fun. No prizes other than bragging rights.



1st Place: 3 Points
2nd Place: 2 Points
3rd Place: 1 Point
Correct Tie-Breaker: 1 Point
10/10 Correct: 1 Point
0/10 Correct: 1 Point
I'll keep a tally and post the results as a comment in that day's post and link it in the next day's contest thread. Points will keep accumulating throughout the season. I will be using MLB GameDay and ESPN for official scoring.
Good luck, everyone! I hope you enjoy! I'm also always open to feedback on how to improve or suggestions for questions (it can be tough trying to get enough variety!).
Not required for entry, but I’d appreciate leaving a comment/vote for visibility on the page

OveUnder Contest: May 19th


Vs Red Sox, 12:05 CT


Nick Pivetta Vs Matthew Liberatore


OveUnder Form Link


May 18th Results


May Standings

Reddit Username Points
u/DSchibler 12
u/Flimsy-animator756 7
u/Weezy2337yadude 6
u/dan81989 5
u/dquizzle 5
u/gonelikecommonsense 5
u/Nurlitik 5
u/SomethingAvid 5
u/fujiesque 4
u/Kevindoesnotcare 4
u/more_whales 4
u/FKACaptainFlaherty 3
u/jmikesyo 3
u/newtickled 3
u/PCBangHero 3
u/SGT_Apone 3
u/zap_the_frank 3
u/EE89 2
u/InternetGoodGuy 2
u/jacksonfake 2
u/ski_mom 2
u/StrangerFront 2
u/Xerowaltz 2

Overall Standings

Reddit Username Points
u/DSchibler 26.5
u/InternetGoodGuy 12
u/zap_the_frank 12
u/gonelikecommonsense 11
u/more_whales 10
u/Dan81989 9
u/NotGordan 9
u/Nurlitik 9
u/StrangerFront 9
u/Flimsy_animator756 8
u/PCBangHero 8
u/jacksonfake 7
u/MVPBaseball2069 7
u/SomethingAvid 7
u/jmikesyo 6
u/Paulspike 6
u/SGT_Apone 6
u/theredd636 6
u/Weezy2337yadude 6
u/dquizzle 5
u/EE89 5
u/seattle_lib 5
u/fujiesque 4
u/Kevindoesnotcare 4
u/Nerp_Rufflez 4
u/aga1397 3
u/FKACaptainFlaherty 3
u/iamfluffhead 3
u/JayBSmith 3
u/kyla__ren 3
u/LookitstheMeta 3
u/newtickled 3
u/No_communication101 3
u/ohforschern 3
u/Pizzayolo96 3
u/tehmeat 3
u/TronaldDumpsLogs 3
u/Vasego1 3
u/Actually_Actuarially 2
u/Bigdaddyice69 2
u/Clueless_in_Florida 2
u/Da_Choppa 2
u/defiant_edge 2
u/jabbernut56 2
u/PhaedrusThaSquatch 2
u/PTF_Voidwalker 2
u/Redflanehot 2
u/rjaspa 2
u/ski_mom 2
u/thachiefking47 2
u/untitled5a1 2
u/Waystonebb 2
u/Xerowaltz 2
u/7thton 1
u/Abyss_in_Motion 1
u/Da_Munchy76 1
u/FrogsOfWar14 1
u/jessner88 1
u/Lefty808 1
u/MissouriOzarker 1
u/UnlikelyCheddar 1

OveUnder Questions for later reference:

1) Innings Pitched by Matthew Liberatore - O/U 5.1 2) Batters Faced for Nick Pivetta - O/U 24.5 3) Hard Hit (95+ MPH Exit Velocity) Balls Allowed by Matthew Liberatore - O/U 5.5 4) Batters Hit by Both Starting Pitchers Combined - O/U 0.5 5) Stolen Bases by Cardinals - O/U 0.5 6) Errors Committed by Both Teams Combined - O/U 1.5 7) Team Batting Average with Runners in Scoring Position for Red Sox- O/U .2335 8) Total Pitchers Used by Cardinals - O/U 3.5 9) Cardinals Runs Scored Via Home Runs - O/U 2.5 10) Total Pitches Thrown in the Game by Red Sox - O/U 142.5
Tie Breaker: Total Combined Runs Scored in All MLB Games Today
submitted by Rhendricks to Cardinals [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:30 xiaolii [H] Lots of Games [W] Trade for Games or Paypal (EU)

Last Updated List: 19/05/2024
I'm primarily looking to trade for games from my wishlist, otherwise I am also open to selling them. I am not interested in games I already have and all games I'm getting are for me and activated on my own account. Other than that feel free to offer your list of Steam games and something I may not have and fulfills my criteria I could/would be willing to trade for it/them.
If you're either trading or buying please state the game(s) you are interested in and your offer (game(s)/list/price).
I kindly ask of you is to be reasonable when making offers to make it a fair trade for both of us.
Let's have a good exchange/trade!
List of games:
submitted by xiaolii to GameTrade [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:30 xiaolii [H] Lots of Games [W] Trade for Games or Paypal (EU)

Last Updated List: 19/05/2024
I'm primarily looking to trade for games from my wishlist, otherwise I am also open to selling them. I am not interested in games I already have and all games I'm getting are for me and activated on my own account. Other than that feel free to offer your list of Steam games and something I may not have and fulfills my criteria I could/would be willing to trade for it/them.
If you're either trading or buying please state the game(s) you are interested in and your offer (game(s)/list/price).
I kindly ask of you is to be reasonable when making offers to make it a fair trade for both of us.
Let's have a good exchange/trade!
List of games:
submitted by xiaolii to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:09 DrYangHF7 Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door cured my paralysis (瘫痪)

I am grateful to the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva for offering me this precious opportunity to share my experience of practising Buddhism with you.
I am 62 years old. Today, I can eat, sleep and walk like a normal person. However, did you know that I once was a paralyzed woman who could not even get up from bed, had difficulty turning over, and could not take care of myself? Through practising Buddhism and reciting Buddhist scriptures, I have completely freed myself from the misery of hell. I want to tell you with hard facts that practising Buddhism and reciting the scriptures has not only given me a second life, but has also benefited me immensely. I want to share with you how I transformed myself from paralysis to health within four years without undergoing any surgery! May my presentation plant the seeds of bodhi in your hearts, so that more people will have faith in Guan Yin Bodhisattva who has boundless supernatural power, and recite Buddhist scriptures as soon as possible to be free from suffering and gain happiness!
1. When I was young, I opened two bars so I created bad karma, and karmic retribution is right on my heels!
I am the eldest daughter of my family and the eldest daughter-in-law of my in-laws family. Both my mother and mother-in-law are Buddhist practitioners and urged me to practise Buddhism as well. However, because of my youthful ambition and good fortune, at the age of about 36, I ran two bars and enjoyed the pleasure of earning money, not bothering to practise Buddhism at all. By then, I was young and foolish, in the bars I gained filthy money by means of woman’s charms, which invariably created a lot of bad karma. How many people lost their morals and conscience for my sake of monetary gain? How many families have been broken up behind the scenes? How many people have done many things against ethics and morality under the paralysis of alcohol? I hereby express my deepest repentance to Guan Yin Bodhisattva! Karmic retribution is inescapable. I planted the evil cause so I reap the evil effect. The bad karma I created within two years of running the bars has brought me a tragic retribution 13 years later! (So, dear fellow practitioners, please take this as a warning!)
In 2010, I was 49, my predestined 369 calamity arrived. One day in July, my karma exploded. I suddenly collapsed at home kitchen while stirring frying vegetables. In an instant, I felt that the sky was falling, and I had nowhere to turn for help. An otherwise healthy me entered a life of hell on earth from then on. Every day, I ate, drank, pooped and peed in bed, had difficulty turning over, couldn't wash my hands and face, had trouble swallowing, so it was worse than death. I was paralyzed in bed from then on. The doctor said I had a herniated disc in my lower back. All the bones in my back were misaligned. Both knee bones were necrotic and so swollen. I have visited all the local city and provincial hospitals, big and small, to seek medical care. I almost spent all the several hundreds of thousands of RMB I had gained from my bar business. However, the condition got worse and worse.
2. Since encountering the excellent Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door, I have been practicing Buddhism hard to overcome any obstacles on the way and finally achieved a new life.
Perhaps it was the blessing from my family members who had been making offerings to the Buddha and practising Buddhism for years. Thanks to the mercy of Guan Yin Bodhisattva, I finally encountered the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door in 2012 when I was in the most desperate situation in my life. The person next door to my bar heard that I was sick and came to see me. She brought me Buddhist scripture, recitation device, Buddhism in Plain Terms, counters and many other Dharma gems. She told me the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door was very efficacious, and asked me to try it. Although I could not move on bed, I listened all Master Lu's recordings like a thirst. I was pleasantly surprised to hear cases of patients who had been cured of cancer and serious illnesses by practising Buddhism and reciting the scriptures. The recordings of Master Lu's programs were like a bright beacon in the darkness, bringing me hope for life and giving me great encouragement. I felt I was awakened by a powerful energy, stirring up my strong desire to live. I told myself: I must survive; I must save myself! I started to practice Buddhism and recite scriptures as if I had grabbed a lifeline.
I am illiterate, so I had to lie in bed every day and learn to recite word by word with the recitation device. Due to the heavy karma, there was no virtuous and the high-minded practitioner around to teach me how to burn the Little Houses in a rational and lawful way. I foolishly took an ashtray instead of a plate to burn the Little Houses, which resulted in the ashtray blowing up. In order to eliminate karma quickly, I was foolishly reciting the Heart Sutra and Amitabha Pure Land Rebirth Mantra after ten o'clock at night, which resulted in the light bulbs breaking several times (Here, I sincerely remind my fellow practitioners: Master Lu enlightened us not to recite the Heart Sutra and Amitabha Pure Land Rebirth Mantra after ten o'clock at night. Please make sure to read the Introduction to Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door carefully in order to avoid practising Buddhism irrationally). Therefore, we must follow the instructions of Master Lu, and never do what the Master does not allow us to do. The whole process of reciting Buddhist scriptures to eliminate karma is very bumpy. It is really easy to create karma, but very hard to eliminate it! However, I firmly believed that the Bodhisattva is infinitely powerful. As long as I diligently practised Buddhism, my fate would definitely get changed. Hence, I relied on the blissful cases in Master Lu's recordings as my spiritual support. I kept persevering, not afraid of any difficulties, and recklessly recited Buddhist scriptures.
Since I ate, drank and pooped in bed, my aura was very bad. As I could not get up by myself, so I had to lie in bed to recite the sacred Buddhist scriptures. I felt guilty and torn, wondering if this was the appropriate way to recite the sacred Buddhist scriptures. Will it affect the effect of the recitation? Gratitude to Guan Yin Bodhisattva for Her compassion, and I dreamed of Master Lu that night. Master Lu who was dressed in a black suit smiled at me and kindly comforted me: “don't worry.” After I woke up, I was very grateful for Master Lu's compassion. Master Lu knew about my special situation, so this is a sympathy and a condolence to me. After I recited Buddhist scriptures 4 to 5 months late, my neck and head were able to turn significantly. Such a Dharma blissful change thrilled me. All the trials and perseverance I had gone through in the past had not been in vain. Guan Yin Bodhisattva has boundless supernatural power, which had given me a glimmer of hope for recovery! (Here, I sincerely remind my fellow practitioners: In the absence of illness, recitation of Buddhist scriptures must be respectful. A point of respect harvests a point of benefit.)
3. The unique characteristics of attending the Dharma conference and formally acknowledging Jun Hong Lu as my master allow my physical health to improve with Dharma joy
In February 2017, I befriended a fellow practitioner. She invited me to attend the Macau Dharma Convention together. I thought to myself: “can I take the bus by myself?” “Can I attend the conference?” With a strong faith from my inner heart, I attended the conference via keeping reciting the Great Compassion Mantra on the trip. Unbelievably, I arrived at the conference as I wished with the blessing and protection of Guan Yin Bodhisattva, although my bulky legs could only barely support my body in the seat. I was in tears when I listened Master Lu's wise words and saw the holy icon of Guan Yin Bodhisattva. On the night of the conference, I dreamed of Guan Yin Bodhisattva! Gratitude to Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva for saving me from suffering and giving me a new life. At the end of the Macau Dharma Convention, I instantly made two vows: to be a vegetarian for 15 days per month and liberate 10,000 fish.
Before I attended the Macau Dharma Convention, I had to take a break whenever I walked two steps, and my body was not able to move much. After returning, my legs started to become strong enough to support my body and I could walk on flat ground. Despite they were not very flexible, they were no longer the same as when I was paralyzed like a limp in bed. My whole body is getting better and better in essence, vital energy, and spirit. I was very surprised! Master Lu has enlightened that there are many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas coming to bless attendees at each Dharma conference!
In August 2017, before the Dharma Convention in Malaysia, my fellow practitioners urged me to formally acknowledge Jun Hong Lu as my master. Since I am an illiterate, compassionate fellow practitioners helped me to fill out the application form of seeking discipleship. My fellow practitioners told me that there were so many people wanted to formally acknowledge Jun Hong Lu as their master that I might not be able to reach my wish this time. Then, I had to wait for the opportunity next Dharma Convention. I told myself that whether I could reach my wish or not this time, I would actively participate in Master Lu’s Dharma Convention. Considering my age, it is a blessing for me to attend one more Dharma Convention. To my surprise, one week later, my application for seeking discipleship was approved. Gratitude to Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva!
On the day of seeking discipleship, I was very excited. During the process of seeking discipleship, I heard a voice in stereo that was very loud. When I opened my eyes, I was surprised to see Tathagata Buddha, and many other Bodhisattvas coming down from heaven. At that moment, I saw that the upper half of Master Lu's Dharmakaya appeared transparent with a huge lotus flower. I was suddenly moved to tears. I was oblivious to the fact that Master Lu had come to my side until the time of issuing the discipleship certificate. Master Lu was very compassionate and empowered me with blessing. Master Lu enlightened, "Because five people opened their eyes during the worship ceremony, they have no lotuses planted in the pure land. But it's okay, when the ceremony is over, you can go to the front and kowtow to ask the Bodhisattva (to plant a lotus)." I then rushed to the front to worship. Before I finished worshiping Bodhisattva, a young fellow practitioner came over. He asked, "How do you feel? Did you see anything?" I said, "I saw Tathagata Buddha." He asked, "How are you sure that was Tathagata Buddha?" I said, "Both my mother and mother-in-law are Buddhist disciples, and Tathagata Buddha has curly hair."
I was grateful for the compassionate blessing from Guan Yin Bodhisattva and Master Lu. When I returned home after seeking discipleship, I made two vows: to be a vegetarian for the rest of my life and never kill (animals). The power of a vow outweighs the force of karma. After I made the vows, Master Lu’s Dharmakaya came to help me heal my legs in my dreams. Once, I saw Master Lu’s Dharmakaya passing by my room while I was half-squinted. Master Lu asked me, "Which foot is uncomfortable? Where is aching?" Instantly I woke up and then I found that my feet didn't feel as heavy as they used to be and I walked more lightly. I excitedly shared the news with my old father, "Master Lu has come to bless me again!" I am grateful to Master Lu for his compassionate care for every sentient being. Every time I dreamed of Master Lu, he would always compassionately endow me with abundance of blessing, and I was always surprised by the improvement in my health.
In a short time, I could not only separate my feet and take turns to walk up and down the stairs independently. Moreover, I could bend back and forth freely with my arms crossed. The bones in my back, which were all misaligned and uneven, were now completely normal again. Previously, I couldn't raise my hands to wash my face, brush my teeth or comb my hair because the bones in my back would pull the nerves and cause severe pain when I raised my hands. In those days, whenever I sneezed or defecated, I felt like to cheat death on pain. In those hellish day I went through unimaginable pain and suffering. Now, however, I can take care of myself completely and move around freely. Sometimes I get a little tired after walking for too long, but I can recover after 10 minutes of rest in bed. Although it is still slightly bumpy while I was walking, if you don't look closely, you can't see it. My family was overwhelmed to see the dramatic change from being paralyzed and bedridden to walking independently since I practised Buddhism. My old father, who was taking care of me at the bedside, complimented me straight away: you have completely changed, becoming healthier and healthier now! I was so excited that I had tears in my eyes. Without the rescue of Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva and Master Lu, I really wouldn't have the blissful transformation I have today!
In 2019, at the Dharma conferences of Indonesia and Singapore, I pleaded with my fellow practitioners to be merciful to give me the opportunity to volunteer. According to the rules of the Dharma conference, I was already overage. However, I was adamant that I must do volunteer work. Guan Yin Bodhisattva has given me a second life, so I have to serve all sentient beings physically. I am grateful for Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva who helped me out. When I came back from the conferences, I found that I could bend and squat easily and freely, and I had no problem even sitting on the floor. I am grateful to Guan Yin Bodhisattva for compassionately helping me to eliminate my karma at every conference, so that I can obtain incredible blessings and improvement occur every time.
4. The incredible blessing of setting up the Buddhist altar accelerated my health recovery and created a medical miracle.
From the time I set up the Buddhist altar in 2017, I insisted on offering Bodhisattvas incenses morning and evening every day. At first, the body was still straight and could not bend and bow. For two years, in front of the Buddhist altar, I prayed for Bodhisattvas to bless me so that I could recover my health a little better so I can use my own experience as an example to convince sentient beings to gain faith on Dharma and practise Dharma. Gradually, I was able to stand to offer incense to Bodhisattvas, to bend and bow, and finally to kneel in front of the Buddhist altar to recite the scriptures. I was full of Dharma joy! Initially, my back still hurt from kneeling. With the karmic obstacles being removed, my back didn't hurt anymore. Sometimes when I went out with fellow practitioners to set up the Buddhist altar, particularly on the Buddha's Birthday, I could kneel to recite the Eighty-eight Buddhas Great Repentance for an hour and a half. My fellow practitioners couldn't keep it up, so I was the only one who kept it up until the end. I am so grateful to Guan Yin Bodhisattva for Her compassionate blessing!
At one time, the doctor at the provincial hospital told me that I had to have surgery to put two steel plates into the bone, but I refused. Because I firmly believe that with the of blessings of Guan Yin Bodhisattva and Master Lu, I am afraid of nothing. Buddha is an extraordinary doctor. The only way to recover completely is to repent sincerely and practise Buddhism. I can now move as freely as a normal person. This medical miracle achieved was completely relied on practising Buddhism, reciting scriptures, being a vegetarian, helping new practitioners to set up Buddhist altars, volunteering at Dharma conferences, and actively propagating the Dharma. To improve my family economic financial, I went out to work on construction sites as a helper, do cleaning and housekeeping!
Those patients who were once slightly paralyzed did not recover as quickly and well as I did, even with surgery.
Dear readers, when you see such a dramatic change in me, what are you hesitating for? Hurry up and pick up the Buddhist scriptures to recite! I am the living example, the ironclad evidence. Guan Yin Bodhisattva does exist, and She is Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate, answers any prayers.
Thinking of the bad karma I created in the two bars when I was young, I feel grievously sinful. I have earned ill-gotten wealth, but the karma was produced, and karmic retribution is inescapable. If one hasn't been retributed, the time hasn't come yet. After I got old, all the retribution came to me. Not only did I use up all my money, but I also had to suffer from physical illness and paralysis. I advise everyone to remember Master Lu's enlightenment: Do not do anything that is evil; Do not fail to do good no matter how petty the deed; Do not engage in evil no matter how trivial the deed. Dear readers, please consider it carefully before earning any money, and don’t commit such deep sins as I did for the sake of monetary gain, or else the consequences will follow you!
Without the merciful salvation and blessings of Guan Yin Bodhisattva and Master Lu, I would not have been reborn today! I made a few great wows: honour the teacher and respect his teachings, live an ascetic life for lifetime, be a vegetarian lifetime, not kill, not eat eggs, not smoke, not drink; transcend the cycle of rebirth for good and attain enlightenment in one lifetime. In this life, I will follow Guan Yin Bodhisattva to cultivate my mind and change my behaviour and never quit. I will follow my benefactor, the Compassionate father, Master Lu, to propagate Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door and never stop! Although I am over 60 years, I will continue using my own experience as an example to convince sentient beings to gain faith on Dharma and practise Buddhism. Together with my fellow practitioners, I will get up early and go home late to help set up Buddha altars for new practitioners. No matter how far and how difficult the trip is, I will always be strict with myself. I will go wherever I am needed. Even if I am eating, as soon as I receive a mission for propagating Dharma, I will put down my chopsticks and set off without delay.
Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door is peerlessly efficacious, and Guan Yin Bodhisattva is Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate, saves beings from suffering, has supernatural power, and answer all prayers. As long as we have a devout heart and we persist in reciting Buddhist scriptures and practicing Buddhism, no difficulty can defeat us! My physical changes are the most powerful evidence! May my true presentation give some inspiration to those people who are still suffering from illnesses, so that they can acquire faith to practising Buddhism, and pick up the Buddhist scriptures to recite. May more sentient beings having affinity with Buddha break free from delusion and attain enlightenment, balance egoism and altruism, and free from suffering and gain happiness.
My deepest gratitude to the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva!
My deepest gratitude to all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas from ten directions and three periods of time!
My deepest gratitude to the Dharma protectors!
My deepest gratitude to the selfless and altruistic Master Jun Hong Lu!
If there is anything that is not rational or in line with the truth in the presentation, I’d like to seek forgiveness from the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva, all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, Dharma protectors, and Master Jun Hong Lu.
I’d also like to seek forgiveness from my fellow Buddhist practitioners.
I, not my fellow practitioners, will be responsible for my own karma!
Shared by: Dharma Practitioner Ganen, Gratitude and Namaste!
Translated by: Frank
Statement by Translator
  1. Story was translated from Chinese into English by meaning, not word by word. If there is anything that is not rational or in line with the true meaning of the Chinese version, I’d like to seek forgiveness from the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guan Yin Bodhisattva, all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, Dharma protectors and Master Jun Hong Lu.
  2. Author Ganen was interviewed by Frank during the translation for the detailed information.
It would be greatly appreciated if you would forward this presentation to all sentient beings you know, sick or healthy. You will accumulate immeasurable merits and virtues. Saving a life is more meritorious than building a seven-floor pagoda!
Would you like to change your destiny?
We will show you how to do the Five Golden Buddhist Practices of Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door: (1) making vows, (2) reciting Buddhist scriptures (sutras and mantras), (3) performing life liberation, (4) reading Buddhism in Plain Terms, and (5) repenting. You will personally witness how you and your family can achieve physical and mental stability, relief from illness and grievances, wisdom growth, academic progress, career advancement, and family happiness through Dharma. It’s free of charge.
Buddhist practitioner: Lily
Email: [sunnypurplelily@gmail.com](mailto:sunnypurplelily@gmail.com)
WeChat: HanJing20210820
1. 年轻时开酒吧造恶业,得现世报!
2. 得遇殊胜法门,坎坷学佛路中坚持不懈地修行换来重生
3. 参加法会与拜师的殊胜,让我的身体不断法喜蜕变
拜师当天,我激动万分。在拜师过程中,我听到一个非常立体、非常响亮的声音。我睁开眼睛时,我竟然看到了如来佛祖,还有好多菩萨都从天上下来了。这时,我看到师父上半身的法身呈现透明状,有一朵大大的莲花。我顿时感动得泪如雨下。直到颁发弟子证的时候,我浑然不觉师父已经走到我的身边。师父非常慈悲,给我灌顶加持。师父说:“因为拜师过程中有5个人睁开了眼睛,所以莲花没有种上去。不过没关系,等拜师仪式结束后,可以到前面去磕头求菩萨。”我就赶紧跑到前面去拜。我还没拜完,就过来了一个年轻师兄。他问我:“您感觉怎么样?有没有看到什么?” 我告诉他:“我看到如来佛祖了。” 他说:“您怎么确定那是如来佛祖呢?”我说:”我家母和家婆是学佛人,如来佛祖头发卷卷的。”
感恩观世音菩萨与师父的慈悲加持。拜师结束回家我就发愿: 终生吃全素,不杀生。真是愿力大于业力,发愿后,师父又来梦里帮我治疗双腿。有一次,我半眯着眼睛看到师父从我的房间经过。师父问我:“还有哪只脚不舒服?还有哪个地方疼痛的?” 瞬间我就醒了,醒来我发现我的双脚没有了原来的沉重感,走起路来更加轻盈了。我激动地跟老父亲分享:“师父又来加持我啦!”感恩师父慈悲关怀着每一位众生。每次梦见师父,师父都慈悲给予加持,我的身体总会有惊喜的好转。
4. 设佛台的不可思议加持,加速我身体恢复健康,创造医学奇迹
Disclaimer of Liability:
The contents of the presentation and answers, including text, images, and other information obtained from Dharma practitioners, are provided strictly for reference purposes. Due to the unique nature of individual karma, results similar to those experienced by the authors may not be replicated. The experiences and advice shared should not be construed as medical advice or a diagnosis.
In the event of an emergency, it is crucial to promptly contact your doctor or emergency services by dialing 911. Relying on any information found in the answers is done solely at your own risk. The translator and answerer bear no responsibility for the consequences. By using or misusing the contents, you accept liability for any personal injury, including death. It is imperative to exercise caution and seek professional medical guidance for health-related concerns.
submitted by DrYangHF7 to CittaPureLand [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:00 Particular_Art_2212 London life

I took a cab the other day and the cabbie was listening to a typical rightwing call in show. Some overcooked gammon caller was complaining about trannies to a slightly undercooked gammon presenter.
Him scoffs "I swear mate (addressing me. A trans woman) if you say something transphobic these days you get arrested and thrown in jail."
Dead silence for about 20 seconds. As I look out of the window contemplating my aspirations and my mistakes all at once whilst gazing at the stunning st pancreas hotel glistening in the morning sun. The hundreds of commuters flooding the pavements below it. I'm snapped out of my daze by the lovely morning breath releasing from his heavy mouth breathing.
Me "Sorry?"
Him "I said, if you say something transphobic these days you get arrested and thrown in jail da ya no whatta mean mate??"
Me "Really?"
Him "Honestly!"
Me "What? So if you were to say anything transphobic they arrest you on the spot and put you in a prison?"
Him "Yes! These days!"
Me "Interesting. I hadn't heard that."
Him "Yeah they'll arrest you pal. You can't say anything!"
Me "And they throw you in prison? Sentenced by the cps?"
Him Nods to me in the rear view mirror
Another awkward silence
Him Sighs "this bloody country! In fact you can't say anything anymore without -"
Me "Getting arrested and thrown in jail?"
Him "Exactly! You get it lad"
Me "Like racist stuff?"
Him "Huh?"
Me "Nothing. Just one last time for my sanity (oh wait my stops there. Damn he's missed my stop) ...you're genuinely saying that if you say something transphobic that y-
Him "These days! It weren't like this before. You could say what you think! But theeeesssseeee daaaa-"
Me Yes these days, you're saying that you'll be arrested and thrown in jail! And that's something you've noticed is it? That's something the metropolitan police are doing is it? Rounding up all the transphobes?"
Him Silent
Me Disbelief
Him "Well no... Not exactly. But if you scribble out the gender identity section on a census form and write 'no trannies in this cabbie' they will reject it and send you a new form."
Me "Are you a chaser?"
Him "Big time"
I was never seen again.
/uj I'm broke and I have no business being in a taxi. And yes I practically stole this from a Stewart Lee bit.
submitted by Particular_Art_2212 to transgendercirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:53 kayakero What are support and resistance in trading?

What are support and resistance in trading?

What are supports and resistances in trading?

Supports and resistances are an extremely important factor in the world of trading, which is why they are established as an essential factor in technical analysis.
At the support and resistance levels, the price will take on another trend (the opposite of what it has been doing) , due to the competition between supply and demand.
  • A support is a price that is below the current price (declining) and usually coincides with a previous minimum on the chart. When there is support, the normal thing is that the purchase exceeds the sale due to the decrease in price and, therefore, it increases again.
  • In resistance the opposite happens; an uptrend price stops and begins to decline (usually coinciding with a previous peak on the charts). When there is resistance, the usual thing is that the selling price exceeds the buying price, in this way its trend will change and it will begin to fall.
This is a psychological factor, since it is the traders who operate at these levels and help to intensify the support and resistance levels.
It is worth remembering that the difference between support and resistance is virtual : Both are the same thing, except that the supports are below the current price and the resistances are above.
Needless to say, once a resistance is overcome, it becomes support , as it becomes below the price. The same thing happens the other way around . If support is pierced, it will become resistance since it is now above the last price.

What is the purpose of identifying supports and resistances?

1.- To guess the direction the price will take
The price will tend to move without hesitation between support and resistance, slow down when approaching one of these and, sometimes, bounce when it reaches it and is not able to cross the barrier. This alone is a key consideration to take into account when considering operations.
2.- To determine where to place your safety stop
If we know that the safety stop has to be placed where we do not expect the price to reach, it makes all the sense in the world that we hide it behind a support or resistance.
For example, if we open long, we will place a safety stop somewhere below the current price. If we place our stop just below the nearest support, we will be placing it in an area where it will be reached with a very low probability. That is, only when we have made a mistake with the direction of the price in such a way that it has been able to pierce the support, will our stop loss be triggered.
3.- To know how far we have to wait before entering a position
You may want to buy Exxon Mobil stock as a long-term investment. However, it is always advisable to wait for the price to approach its local minimum. Sooner or later the price will approach significant support and there you will have your opportunity to buy cheap.
4.- To recognize channel breakouts and be prepared for any price explosion
It is common for the price to shoot out after the breakout of a channel. If you have marked your supports and resistances well, you will know exactly when the price leaves the channel and you will be able to anticipate by placing conditional entry orders just outside the channel.

How to calculate supports and resistances?

Now we will focus on how to look at the chart to locate the supports and resistances that the price has found, and is likely to find.
To detect supports and resistances on a chart we must take into account the following aspects:
In general, supports and resistances are nothing more than "hard" levels in which the price chart advances with greater difficulty and in which, due to this, the price sometimes bounces and changes its course.
Knowing this, the easiest way to locate support/resistance is to look for the levels at which the price slows down or rebounds . Supports and resistances are not always determined by a very defined price. Sometimes, they are more like price ranges.
Regarding the relevance of supports and resistances, this increases the more price rebounds they have and the longer the time frame to which they belong. That is, support is more relevant if it is seen on a weekly chart than if it is only found on a 10-minute chart. What's more, any support or resistance seen in a higher time frame also affects any of its lower ones.
Since at Novatos Trading Club we have the daily charts as a reference for trading, we first look for the supports and resistances in the weekly charts , thus we locate the most relevant ones and, later, we can look at those visible only in the daily or lower frame.
If you trade on another time frame, say, 5 minutes, then move up to the 30-minute time frame to locate the most relevant supports and resistances.

Find support and resistance step by step

In summary, to locate support and resistance, we will start by looking , on the chart with a longer time frame than usual, for those points where the price clearly slows down and/or rebounds. I recommend you mark them with a horizontal line, since the relevant supports and resistances last over time: Additionally, there are also less visible (and usually less relevant ) supports/resistances that you can also easily locate:
  • See if there are round number prices in the area. For example, it is much more likely that there will be support at $40, than at $37.84. Round numbers are typical brackets.
  • Look for congestion areas . The areas in which the price moves in a range usually define support/resistance.
  • You will find support/resistance in the middle of the notably long candles and also in the middle of the gaps .
  • Fibonacci retracements also contain support or resistance levels hidden in plain sight.
One last note: Sometimes you will see or read that a certain price "rests" on its moving average. This leads to common confusion. The price always rests on a support and the moving average can easily coincide with this support at any given time. Stockings, by themselves, do not serve as support or resistance.
Locating the supports and resistances of a value is basic and should always be your first step when analyzing a chart.
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submitted by kayakero to CapitalistExploits [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:50 BingussDingus Problematische Email Situation meines Vaters - Was muss ich tun?

Mein Vater hat mich gestern gebeten, ihm dabei zu helfen sein Email Programm zu reparieren. Es wollte einfach nicht mehr starten (Outlook 2010...).
Wir haben uns dann darauf geeinigt, seine Email Adresse auf seinem Laptop (anstatt an seinem sehr alten PC) einzurichten. Er hat eine eigene Domain und das ganze wurde von irgendeinem "IT Spezialisten" vor 10 Jahren oder so eingerichtet.
Er hat mir dann die Daten für das POP3 Email Konto gegeben und ich habe (erfolglos) versucht, die Email Adresse im neuen Windows 11 default Emailprogramm zum Laufen zu bringen.
Dabei gibt es jetzt folgende Probleme:
submitted by BingussDingus to de_EDV [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:47 Rare-Answer-2822 lecce udinese

lecce udinese
Lecce Serie A Spielplan
Der Spielplan der Serie A für Lecce ist für viele Fußballfans von großem Interesse. Als eine der bedeutendsten Fußballligen der Welt zieht die Serie A jedes Jahr Millionen von Zuschauern an, die gespannt auf die Spiele ihrer Lieblingsmannschaften warten. Für Fans von Lecce ist der Spielplan von besonderer Bedeutung, da er die Termine für die Spiele ihres Teams festlegt.
Der Spielplan für Lecce in der Serie A bietet den Fans eine klare Übersicht über die gesamte Saison. Er zeigt die Termine der Heim- und Auswärtsspiele sowie die Gegner, gegen die Lecce antreten wird. Dies ermöglicht es den Fans, ihre Kalender zu planen und sicherzustellen, dass sie kein Spiel verpassen.
Darüber hinaus gibt der Spielplan den Fans auch einen Einblick in die Herausforderungen, denen sich ihr Team während der Saison stellen wird. Sie können sehen, wann Lecce gegen starke Gegner antreten muss und wann sie möglicherweise eine gute Chance haben, wichtige Punkte zu sammeln.
Für die Spieler und Trainer von Lecce ist der Spielplan ein wichtiger Leitfaden für ihre Vorbereitungen. Sie können sich gezielt auf die kommenden Spiele vorbereiten und ihre Strategien entsprechend anpassen.
Insgesamt ist der Spielplan der Serie A für Lecce ein entscheidendes Element für Fans, Spieler und Trainer. Er bietet eine klare Struktur für die Saison und ermöglicht es allen Beteiligten, sich bestmöglich auf die bevorstehenden Herausforderungen vorzubereiten.
Udinese Fußballmannschaft
Die Udinese Fußballmannschaft, offiziell bekannt als Udinese Calcio, ist ein professioneller Fußballverein mit Sitz in Udine, Italien. Der Verein wurde im Jahr 1896 gegründet und hat eine reiche Geschichte im italienischen Fußball.
Udinese Calcio spielt seine Heimspiele im Stadio Friuli, einem Stadion mit einer Kapazität von über 25.000 Zuschauern. Die Vereinsfarben sind schwarz und weiß, und ihr Maskottchen ist eine schwarze Pantherfigur namens "Friulano".
In den letzten Jahren hat Udinese eine bemerkenswerte Leistung in der Serie A gezeigt, der höchsten Spielklasse im italienischen Fußball. Der Verein hat sich oft für europäische Wettbewerbe qualifiziert und hat einige bemerkenswerte Erfolge in nationalen und internationalen Wettbewerben erzielt.
Die Mannschaft hat im Laufe der Jahre einige herausragende Spieler hervorgebracht, darunter auch Spieler, die große Erfolge auf internationaler Ebene erzielt haben. Udinese ist bekannt für seine starke Jugendarbeit und hat viele junge Talente hervorgebracht, die später in ihrer Karriere große Erfolge erzielt haben.
Die Fans von Udinese, auch bekannt als "Bianconeri", sind leidenschaftlich und unterstützen ihr Team bei jedem Spiel enthusiastisch. Die Rivalität zwischen Udinese und anderen Vereinen in Norditalien, insbesondere mit Teams wie Juventus und Inter Mailand, sorgt für spannende und mitreißende Spiele.
Insgesamt hat Udinese Calcio eine feste Position im italienischen Fußball und wird weiterhin ein wichtiger Akteur in der Serie A und anderen Wettbewerben sein.
Lecce Stadion Tickets
Das Stadio Via del Mare, auch bekannt als Stadio Ettore Giardiniero, ist das Hauptstadion in Lecce, einer Stadt im südlichen Italien. Es ist die Heimat des Fußballvereins US Lecce und bietet Platz für über 33.000 Zuschauer. Wenn Sie ein Fußballfan sind und ein Spiel im Stadio Via del Mare sehen möchten, benötigen Sie Tickets.
Der Kauf von Tickets für Spiele im Stadio Via del Mare kann je nach Verfügbarkeit und Nachfrage variieren. Es gibt verschiedene Möglichkeiten, Tickets zu erwerben. Eine der einfachsten Methoden ist der Kauf über die offizielle Website des Vereins oder über autorisierte Ticketverkaufsstellen. Hier können Sie die verfügbaren Spiele und Sitzplatzoptionen einsehen und Ihre Tickets bequem von zu Hause aus kaufen.
Es ist auch möglich, Tickets direkt am Stadion zu kaufen, insbesondere an Spieltagen. In der Regel gibt es an den Tagen vor dem Spiel einen Anstieg der Ticketnachfrage, daher ist es ratsam, Ihre Tickets im Voraus zu kaufen, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie einen Platz im Stadion bekommen.
Die Preise für Stadiontickets können je nach Sitzplatzkategorie, Spielgegner und Wettbewerb variieren. Es gibt normalerweise verschiedene Ticketoptionen zur Auswahl, von Standard-Tickets bis hin zu VIP-Paketen mit exklusiven Vorteilen und Annehmlichkeiten.
Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass der Kauf von Tickets über nicht autorisierte Quellen riskant sein kann, da sie möglicherweise gefälscht oder überteuert sind. Um sicherzustellen, dass Sie echte Tickets erhalten und keine Betrugsopfer werden, sollten Sie immer bei vertrauenswürdigen Quellen kaufen.
Udinese Spielergebnisse
Udinese ist ein italienischer Fußballverein, der in der Serie A spielt. Die Spielergebnisse dieses Teams sind von großem Interesse für Fußballfans auf der ganzen Welt. Die Leistungen des Vereins werden von den Anhängern sowohl in Italien als auch international verfolgt.
In der vergangenen Saison hat Udinese eine gemischte Bilanz erzielt. Die Mannschaft hat sowohl beeindruckende Siege als auch enttäuschende Niederlagen erlebt. Die Spieler haben hart gekämpft, um ihr Bestes zu geben und das Beste für den Verein zu erreichen.
Einige der bemerkenswerten Spielergebnisse der letzten Spielzeit umfassen Siege gegen starke Gegner wie Juventus und Inter Mailand. Diese Siege haben gezeigt, dass Udinese in der Lage ist, gegen die besten Teams der Serie A zu bestehen und sogar zu gewinnen.
Auf der anderen Seite gab es auch Spiele, in denen Udinese nicht die gewünschten Ergebnisse erzielen konnte. Niederlagen gegen vermeintlich schwächere Mannschaften haben gezeigt, dass noch Arbeit zu erledigen ist, um die Konsistenz und Stärke des Teams zu verbessern.
Für die kommende Saison hoffen die Fans, dass Udinese seine Leistungen verbessern und um eine bessere Platzierung in der Serie A kämpfen wird. Die Spieler sind motiviert, hart zu trainieren und alles zu geben, um die Ziele des Vereins zu erreichen.
Insgesamt sind die Spielergebnisse von Udinese ein faszinierendes Thema für Fußballfans, da sie Einblicke in die Leistungsfähigkeit des Teams bieten und die Leidenschaft und Hingabe der Spieler für ihren Sport zeigen.
Lecce gegen Udinese Vorschau
Am bevorstehenden Spiel zwischen Lecce und Udinese treffen zwei Mannschaften aufeinander, die beide in der Serie A antreten. Lecce hat in der laufenden Saison einige Höhen und Tiefen erlebt und kämpft weiterhin um den Klassenerhalt. Ihr letztes Spiel war ein hart umkämpftes Unentschieden gegen einen starken Gegner. Doch trotz ihrer Herausforderungen haben sie gezeigt, dass sie in der Lage sind, gegen starke Teams zu bestehen.
Udinese hingegen hat in dieser Saison solide Leistungen gezeigt und befindet sich derzeit in der oberen Hälfte der Tabelle. Ihr letztes Spiel war ein überzeugender Sieg, der ihr Selbstvertrauen gestärkt hat. Sie werden motiviert sein, diese Form beizubehalten und gegen Lecce zu punkten.
Beide Mannschaften werden hart kämpfen, um wichtige Punkte zu sammeln. Für Lecce ist es ein entscheidendes Spiel im Abstiegskampf, während Udinese ihre Position in der Tabelle festigen möchte. Die Zuschauer können sich auf ein spannendes und intensives Spiel freuen, in dem beide Teams alles geben werden, um zu gewinnen.
Es wird interessant sein zu sehen, wie sich das Spiel entwickelt und welche Taktiken die Trainer einsetzen werden, um die Oberhand zu gewinnen. Die Fans beider Mannschaften werden gespannt sein, wie ihre Teams abschneiden werden. Es ist ein Spiel voller Bedeutung und Potenzial für Überraschungen, das die Aufmerksamkeit der Fußballwelt auf sich ziehen wird.
submitted by Rare-Answer-2822 to u/Rare-Answer-2822 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:27 Bragior Civ of the Week: America (2024-05-19)


Check the Wiki for the full list of Civ of the Week Discussion Threads.


Unique Ability

Founding Fathers
  • (Base Game only) Accumulate Government legacy bonuses in half the usual number of turns
  • (R&F, GS) All Diplomatic policy slots are converted into Wildcard policy slots
  • (GS only) +1 Diplomatic Favor per turn for each Wildcard policy slot in the current government
Starting Bias: Grassland & Plains Mountains (Tier 3); Desert & Tundra Mountains (Tier 5)
  • Starting Bias only applies when Teddy Roosevelt Persona Pack is enabled

Unique Unit

P-51 Mustang
  • Basic Attributes
    • Unit type: Air Fighter
    • Requirement: Advanced Flight tech
    • Replaces: Fighter
  • Cost
    • 520 Production cost (Standard Speed)
    • (GS) 1 Aluminum resource
  • Maintenance
    • 7 Gold per turn
    • (GS) 1 Aluminum resource per turn
  • Base Stats
    • 105 Combat Strength
    • 105 Ranged Strength
    • 5 Attack Range
    • 10 Movement
    • 4 Sight Range
  • Unique Attributes
    • +5 Combat Strength against Air Fighters
    • Earns +50% more experience points
  • Differences from Replaced Unit
    • +5 Combat Strength and Ranged Strength
    • +2 Movement
    • Unique attributes
Rough Rider
(Only available to certain leaders)
  • Basic Attributes
    • Unit type: Heavy Cavalry
    • Requirement: Rifling tech
    • Replaces: Cuirassier
  • Cost
    • 385 Production (Standard Speed)
  • Maintenance
    • 2 Gold per turn
  • Base Stats
    • 67 Combat Strength
    • 5 Movement
    • 2 Sight range
  • Bonus Stats
    • Ignores enemy zone of control
  • Unique Attributes
    • +10 Combat Strength when fighting on Hills
    • Earns Culture from kills while in the same continent as the Capital
  • Differences from Replaced Unit
    • +55 Production cost (Standard Speed)
    • Does not require resources
    • -3 Gold maintenance per turn
    • Unique attributes

Unique Infrastructure

Film Studio
  • Basic Attributes
    • Infrastructure type: Building
    • Requirement: Radio tech
    • Replaces: Broadcast Center
  • Cost
    • (Base Game, R&F) 580 Production cost (Standard Speed)
    • (GS) 440 Production cost (Standard Speed)
  • Maintenance
    • 3 Gold per turn
  • Base Effects
    • (Base Game, R&F) +4 Culture
    • (GS) +2 Culture
    • +1 Great Artist points per turn
    • +2 Great Musician points per turn
    • +1 Citizen slot
    • +1 Great Work of Music slot
  • (GS) Powered Effects
    • Base Load: 3 Power
    • +4 Culture when Powered
  • Unique Attributes
    • +100% Tourism pressure from this city towards other civilizations starting from the Modern Era onwards
  • Restrictions
    • Must be buit on a Theater Square district with an Arts Museum or Archaeological Museum
  • Differences from Replaced Infrastructure
    • Unique attributes

Leader: Teddy Roosevelt (Default)

  • Replaced by Bull Moose and Rough Rider personas when Teddy Roosevelt Persona Pack is enabled

Leader Ability

Roosevelt Corollary
  • Units gain +5 Combat Strength in the same continent as the Capital
  • +1 Appeal to all tiles in a city with a National Park
  • Gain the Rough Rider unique unit


Big Stick Policy
  • Likes civilizations that have a city in his home continent
  • Dislikes civilizations that start wars in his home continent

Leader: Teddy Roosevelt (Bull Moose)

  • Required DLC: New Frontier Pass or Teddy Roosevelt Persona Pack

Leader Ability

Antiquities and Parks
  • Breathtaking tiles gain additional bonuses when adjacent to specific tiles
    • +2 Science when adjacent to a Natural Wonder or Mountain tiles
    • +2 Culture when adjacent to a World Wonder or Woods tiles
  • +1 Appeal to all tiles in a city with a National Park


The Bull Moose
  • Attempts to settle near tiles with high Appeal and build districts and wonders to maximize Appeal
  • Likes civilizations with many high Appeal territories
  • Dislikes civilizations with many low Appeal territories

Leader: Teddy Roosevelt (Rough Rider)

Leader Ability

  • Required DLC: New Frontier Pass or Teddy Roosevelt Persona Pack
Roosevelt Corollary
  • Units gain +5 Combat Strength in the same continent as the Capital
  • Each Envoy sent to city-states that has a Trade Route with America counts as two Envoys
  • Gain the Rough Rider unique unit


Big Stick Policy
  • Likes civilizations that have a city in his home continent
  • Dislikes civilizations that start wars in his home continent

Leader: Abraham Lincoln

Leader Ability

  • Required DLC: Great Negotiators Pack or Leader Pass
Emancipation Proclamation
  • Industrial Zones grant +2 Amenities
  • (R&F, GS) Industrial Zones grant +3 Loyalty per turn
  • (R&F, GS) Plantation improvements reduce 2 Loyalty per turn
  • Receive a free Melee unit upon constructing Industrial Zones and their buildings
    • Free units do not require resources to create or maintain
    • Free units receive +5 Combat Strength


Preserver of the Union
  • Likes civilizations that have the same government as him
  • Dislikes civilizations that have a different government as him, especially governments forms of the same era

Civilization-related Achievements

  • Let Teddy Win — Win a regular game as Teddy Roosevelt
  • Addressing Gettysburg — Win a regular game as Abraham Lincoln
  • 100th Anniversary — As America, make a National Park each of Crater Lake, and both tiles of Yosemite in one game
  • A Man A Plan A Canal Panama — Build the Panama Canal as Teddy Roosevelt
  • Pizza Party — Activate Leonardo da Vinci in New York housing Great Works from Michelangelo and Donatello, and a Sewer built in the city

Useful Topics for Discussion

  • What do you like or dislike about this civilization?
  • How easy or difficult is this civ to use for new players?
  • What are the victory paths you can go for with this civ?
  • What are your assessments regarding the civ's abilities?
    • How well do they synergize with each other?
    • How well do they compare to other similar civ abilities, if any?
    • Do you often use their unique units and infrastructure?
  • Can this civ be played tall or should it always go wide?
  • What map types, game mode, or setting does this civ shine in?
  • What synergizes well with this civ? You may include the following:
    • Terrain, resources and natural wonders
    • World wonders
    • Government type, legacy bonuses and policies
    • City-state type and suzerain bonuses
    • Governors
    • Great people
    • Secret societies
    • Heroes & legends
    • Corporations
  • Have the civ's general strategy changed since the latest update(s)?
  • How do you deal against this civ if controlled by the player or the AI?
  • Are there any mods that can make playing this civ more interesting?
  • Do you have any stories regarding this civ that you would like to share?
submitted by Bragior to civ [link] [comments]
