Replying to a job interview request sample

Prepare For The Part

2012.06.13 19:18 Apostolate Prepare For The Part

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2012.05.01 16:11 cezinho Job Search Hacks

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2012.11.11 03:49 Students of Mind and Behaviour

We are a place for students of psychology to discuss study methods, receive assistance with homework, enquire for job-searching advice, and all else that comes to mind. This community is aimed at those at the beginner to intermediate level, generally in or around undergraduate studies. Graduate students and professionals are recommended to our sister subreddit, AcademicPsychology.

2024.05.20 07:30 rdk67 Spring Day 61: Hot Cicada Sunday

Today! Today issued forth these existential moments, when the absence of human activity is the defining feature of the landscape – not because there is a disaster or a change of heart about the human project but because, well, I don’t know, so I grab my backpack, which stands for aspects of the soul that only sprout in alternate realities – and charge into the day to find out. By noon, the heat is like a flickering color in the mind – unseasonably early for this sort of highlight, and then I remember the cicadas are appearing, which might explain the sudden interest by the rest of the universe. Not halfway down the block, I’m startled by the first cicada of the season – near the top of the tallest tree by the building that houses the renowned music program. The cicada makes music all by itself, and it is like a siren made of clicks, a drumstick pulled across bones.
This is just the beginning of the historical emergence, and the location where I live is one of the nationally recognized hot spots. The people, I don’t believe, have evacuated, but they certainly aren’t rubbing their hands over the trembling earth, waiting for bulging eyes and knobby legs to drag a dirt-stained cicada out of the ground, then off to a place to molt. The molting process is brimming with the sort of metaphor we associate with heaven – something below ground for its whole remembered life, save for a brief time after it hatches, falls out of a tree and into the grass, crawls down into the soil to find a tasty dandelion root to suck on. That original body, on the brightest day of the year, goes searching for a hard vertical surface to cling to, like the side of the tree it was feeding on, then escapes out of its body through the hind end of its own skull.
The heat seems to have its own sense of choice in evidence. While I’m standing there, listening for more clicks, the heat generates a crackling sensation across my shoulders, like patches of my skin are sparkling below my shirt. The clouds – more of those cumulonimbus dreams-come-true – are simultaneously isles and aisles – two bulging eyes – both work, so whichever, either one a somewhat brawny pronunciation, like the words have to walk with a slight bow about the legs, because of the pronounced thigh muscles. Just as I turn to walk away from the lone cicada at the top of the school of music’s tallest tree, the clicking begins again. I stop and turn back to the tree – it stops. I turn to walk, and the clicking sounds again. Maybe the cicada brood will be so large, the movie we call reality has given them final cut, at least for the next few months, so I carry on.
That cicada was a female – they make that clicking sound by rubbing their wings together, and I picture the males all hearing the clicking as a variation of – could some big strong male crawl on over and open this jar for me? The male call is the more familiar whooping siren, which is made with a spasmodic diaphragm on their abdomens – Jerry Lee Lewis at his most raucous – though I believe he did play piano with his feet, so there are dissimilarities, too. The big winners will be the birds and fish, which are looking forward to extra animal protein wherever they look for the next couple of months, second nesting seasons all but in the bag. At the height of his fame, Jerry Lee famously wedded his 13-year-old cousin. Myra Williams was her name, and she said later, after the divorce, she was always the adult in the relationship. They stayed married for 13 years.
Scientists speculate that cicada broods follow such irregular cycles – 7 years, 13 years, 17 years – because they are prime numbers and therefore difficult for predators to sync to over time in the performance of their own boom and bust cycles. I like this theory, though I wonder why the rest of the animal kingdom hasn’t likewise worked the numbers – like cicadas launched themselves into a probabilistic deep-space orbit inside the mind of nature, and never looked back. I picture Neil Armstrong on the ladder of the lunar module, freezing in place, mission command busy on the radio but no reply from Neil until, all wet and new, he bursts forth through the back of his space helmet, as naked as the day he was born, gets busy inflating his wing casings, as mission control cheers, and the scientists all light cigarettes to relieve the stress, maybe hand out cigars.
The heat is a measure of energy in the system – to the extent it also accounts for human absence, we stay huddled inside on hot days like today due to chronic overabundance – nature is giving us too much – which is also true for many allergies and fevers – but with the overabundance of energy, you can find relief through the judicious application of even more energy, which option I used to always forego on general principle – I want to feel the reality of days overabundant as surely as days where the molecules are all optimally excited. These days, I’m in charge of a mid-sized HVAC operation, and thus, feel part of my body living inside a factory of probability that stretches around the world. We humans, on days like today, take it as a given that temperature-controlled climates are part of the deal, that molecules should be in optimal states of excitement.
Which, with self-similarity across scale in mind, might suggest nature treat our excitability with similar regard. Oh to live the life of temperate climes, where fairness and passion are concerned! I’m on my way to the library to borrow a book about love and rage, written by a Buddhist, who examines the roll of anger in transformation. I have no truck with my fellow human sufferers – literally no anger at all – but with human systems? Disembodied intelligences? Those aspects of the hyperform that privilege torment and indifference? When it climbs to a high enough part of the tree to be heard, I can indeed hear my anger. What’s that? A false reality precipitates false authority? Yet knowing this, hyperforms readily believe wealth confers merit. The exaggerated accumulation of capital is an existential disease assuaged with the delusion of personal success.
A block from the library, I come upon two boys playing in a pile of sand beside a garden. The one boy seems to be trying to burrow inside it, and the other is battering the sand with the flat side of a child-sized metal shovel. He has the wrong shovel for the job, a fact I choose to keep to myself, especially since the one really is trying to thwack the tall pile just as hard as he can. The sort of thing kids do in a spirit of curiosity – what happens to the world when the force of one’s anger is applied to a giant pile of sand? Perhaps the urge to use force for no reason is the human behavior we end up with when ambient energy gets so overabundant. This is what life seems to be – the planet’s novel approach to dissipating heat. We are much more than that, of course, and fortunately, the kids have plenty of time and energy to prove it. Their parents tell them to stop.
When a cicada molts, the effect is more than just a body crawling out of a body – for instance, in the moments before this happens, the cicada is visibly squirming inside its former self, which is permanently clinging to the side of a tree, and all the while, it is feeling the pronounced effect of gravity for the first time in its life, not to mention terrestrial life in the trees, where the sap flows freely and sunshine dances on those giant globular eyes for the first time. Emerging cicadas first do a backbend, then hang upside down by their hind ends, letting the legs, wings and abdomen inflate and adjust to the atmospheric pressure, which pressure gracefully draws the body back to an upright posture. They stay that way, letting their wings inflate, flatten out, stiffen. Veins in the wings were veins, were flesh, before the flesh became the will to fly, a means of saying hello.
Nearer the library, I catch sight of someone squatting in the subsurface terrace of the Unitarian-Universalist peace church – I spot a bedroll and backpack, a forty-ounce can of something cold to drink on such a sweltering day. The guy is leaning against the brick wall, staring into space, and I picture him being the pile of sand from the block before – the one repeatedly hit over the head with the flat side of a shovel. At the library, they’re resetting the furniture after a musical performance. I don’t really know who it was – I just see my favorite librarian thanking someone with a violin case, the sort of hardened case they used to carry machine guns around in, and for a moment I hear the rat-a-tat-tat that stands for the sound of anger overcoming us – but then it becomes that highest cicada, back at the top of her tree, rubbing her wings, building railroads.
The heat on the walk home – neighborhoods still evacuated – is like a drunken horse I’m forced to ride. I can feel my body swaying from side to side a little more than usual, so I try to imagine some other time – for instance, when our bodies will be able to take the heat on a day like today and do something with it – cranial stimulation or micromachines to repair the body or even just a way for the body to stay cool without installing an HVAC system. A crow stops me cold when I hear it imitating the sound of a cicada – it doesn’t have the tone exactly right, but it’s doing the clicks, and I know this is true of crows – they acquire new elements of language from what they hear, and the crows must be hearing female cicadas calling out to the others. What a witness! I call up to the crow – or maybe it’s just got a cicada in its beak. In instant reply, the crow shrieks.
submitted by rdk67 to MetaphysicalWeather [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:26 Illgetbacktothis Interview help with ICC

Hello everyone,
This might be a long shot but I still wanna try.
I have an interview later this week for a position at Ipswich city council and I am super nervous since I really need this job (RIP to us all in this economy). I have been sent a set of questions and instructed to "prepare and present" my answers to them during the interview.
Would it be over the top to bring my laptop to give them a small presentation of the answers I've gathered/plans I have? Or will I look better just memorising it like a lunatic and not bring anything?
If anyone working for the council has any tips at all to ace an interview, that would be amazing. Thank you very much!
submitted by Illgetbacktothis to ipswich [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:26 zaijam3 FAA References Wait Time

Had my second interview with the FAA for an aerospace engineering position on 5/9. The guy gave me a verbal offer and said that he’d be contacting my references and will get back to me shortly. Seeing some of the timeline posts on here, I could be waiting months for that offer if it’s even still there. On the other hand, the interviewers themselves have said they’re trying to hire fast.
How long have people waited after the FAA contacts references (assuming they reply right away)? Gotta find a place to live by August hence the urgency. Thanks!
submitted by zaijam3 to usajobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:25 noseshamer Getting Terrible Treatment At Workplace

I am an experienced SEO content writer looking for a job in Karachi. At my current job, I am treated unfairly. My articles rank well, but I am paid the same as new employees. And when I tried to talk about it they called me spade a spade their opening line of the lecture was پنجابی میں اک کہاوت ہے ۔۔۔ نوکری کی تو نخرہ کیا کی۔ Later, they were being personal redirecting the topic and again targeting me. And lastly they say yes you deserve more but remember one thing we will increase salary for sure. لیکن اگر آپ کے دس ہزار بڑھاؤنگا تو باقی لوگوں کے بیس I asked if my work isn't good though I know it is fine I often check traffic on site. And it is good I know. And he also admitted it is fine it's good. Then I asked I can improve more but don't be unfair and he again changed the topic. And insinuated me, humiliated me.
He also said I am 008 I replied it is 007 and he said you are way ahead of James bond. Wth?
This treatment and their negative attitude towards women are hurting my mental health. They often say "عورت سے بڑا فتنہ کوئی نہیں," which is very upsetting. I need a job where my work is valued and I am paid fairly.
Ps: I just wanted to vent. I feel uneard everywhere.
submitted by noseshamer to karachi [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:23 twiggypiggie School list review

Hi! I just graduated undergrad and plan on applying in the upcoming cycle while taking one gap year. Please help me adjust my school list based on my app :)
cGPA-3.91 and sGPA-3.86 1. MCAT score(s) and breakdown: 521 (131/130/131/129) 2. State of residence: MD 3. Ethnicity and/or race: South Asian 4. Undergraduate institution or category: T20 5. Research experience: 1. ~700 hours at undergraduate institution, pub anticipated in next year, poster at institution symposium 2. ~400 hours at NIH summer internship, work was published in mid tier paper, also did a summer intern poster 6. Clinical experience: 1. ~300 hours as a volunteer scribe and Spanish interpreter at local free clinic (once a week over 3 years), will continue volunteering during gap year 2. ~100 hours as a paid patient care assistant in local hospital 7. Shadowing experience and specialties represented: ~90 hours in various specialties (GI, Allergy, Oncology) 8. Non-clinical volunteering: 1. ~200 hrs crisis text line counselor 2. ~50 hrs medical organization for underserved population related to specialty of interest (lower hours due to late involvement but plan to continue volunteering) 9. Other extracurriculars: 1. ~700 hrs as captain of club sports team, huge part of undergrad life and lots to talk about in interviews 2. ~500 hrs as a TA and tutor, held leadership as a TA and emphasized teaching in app 3. ~200 hrs in other clubs/organizations which involved mentorship or travel for leadership development conferences 4. ~100 hrs as biotech company intern 5. ~350 hrs as a barista during first year of school, which is when I slightly lowered my GPA but then stuck an upward trend (idk if I’ll end up including this?) 10. Gap year: 1. Starting job as a CRC at well known institution, will involve patient interaction + research 2. Continue to volunteer at free clinic 11. LORs: Science professor that I TA’d for (strong), PI (strong), science professor and public health professor (hopefully good) 12. Essay: Ties around research and clinic, seeing two sides of a specialty that I have a strong interest in and ties throughout my whole application
School List: 1. Top: Hopkins, Harvard, WashU, Stanford 2. High: Cornell, UChicago, Northwestern, Vanderbilt, Brown, Emory, UVA, Mount Sinai, Einstein, Michigan 3. Mid: Maryland, BU, Georgetown, GWU, Tufts, Hofstra, USF Morsani, Stony Brook, Rochester, Arizona, Ohio State, UMass
Let me know if there's any I should add/remove. Thank you!
submitted by twiggypiggie to premed [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:17 pkpklong123 Review: Hotel Kabuki in Japantown

After visiting San Francisco for a friend's wedding for a weekend, my partner and I found ourselves staying in Japantown at Kabuki Hotel. Reason why I'm writing this review is because coming from out of town, we felt heavily cat-fished by this hotel and the reviews we read felt inaccurate to what we experienced. Hope folks coming from out of town to please triple check what they're getting at Hotel Kabuki.
-- How we found Kabuki --
After reading many recommendations online, including reddit that Kabuki hotel is highly recommended and that Japantown is a great area to stay. The pictures showed brightly lit rooms with modern contemporary style. We decided to book a queen sized bed room through Chase.
-- Check-In--
When we first checked-in, the lobby gave a great first impression. An updated bar, clean couches and overall, a chic open concept lounge where everyone was enjoying themselves. The host was welcoming, but unfortunately gave us the wrong room number. NBD.
-- Immediately, the bad --
On our way to the rooms, the hallways were a stark contrast to the lobby. Lights were dimmed with exposed lightbulbs. Paint job, carpet and elevator was dated and worn. It felt I was back in 2000s Hong Kong community apartments. Upon entering the room, we were surprised by two things: the size and the emptiness of it. About 40% of the room was empty space, decorated with a single chair + desk combo. Lamps were provided as the sole source of light. We had to request another chair to be brought up (clearly one brought from the lobby) or else we'd have to sit on the ground.
Our room was located in the second building on the 3rd floor, which on paper, seems like a decent height. But in reality, it's right next to the streets where I felt closer to the homies each night. You can infer from the latter that sound proofing is almost non-existent in the room. We had to request earplugs to make due each night.
-- The Good --
The room was really clean despite the whole room being borderline dingy. The bathroom and shower were 2x the size than it needed to be. Water pressure was good. Hair dryer and basic toiletries were provided.
-- Ending Notes --
Check-out was quick but they inform you about additional destination fees that are only briefly mentioned during booking. These are NOT included in the price of the hotel so PLEASE beware. We ended up getting charged an extra $120 for 3 nights.
Kabuki is a standard 3 star hotel with nothing much to write home about. The pictures are definetly heavily filtered and videos online are always filmed on bright days. This is in our opinion NOT a 4 star hotel. It provides all your necessities and gets the job done. I would NOT recommend out of town folks to stay here unless you really like Japantown (which as of 05/16, the pagoda is under construction until 2026).
submitted by pkpklong123 to sanfrancisco [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:15 sunloverch Dan has told his followers and gifters to block us or set their DM to friends only. I guess SheTaylor (who is also a mod for John J) didn't listen. She started DM me today. With ridiculous messages I can hardly comprehend. 🙄🤣

Dan has told his followers and gifters to block us or set their DM to friends only. I guess SheTaylor (who is also a mod for John J) didn't listen. She started DM me today. With ridiculous messages I can hardly comprehend. 🙄🤣 submitted by sunloverch to DanCoryReceiptsHGD [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:13 New_Adhesiveness_825 Explosive Growth in Allogeneic Cell Therapy: Market to Hit USD 2.13 Billion by 2030

Allogeneic Cell Therapy Market was valued at USD 0.46 Bn. in 2023 and is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 24.5% in the forecasted period. The forecasted revenue hints at a growth of around 2.13 Bn. USD by 2030.
Allogeneic Cell Therapy Market Overview: The Allogeneic Cell Therapy Market research report provides a comprehensive analysis of the market's position over the forecast period. This thorough investigation focuses on primary and secondary drivers, market share, leading segments, and geographical analysis. The study also examines key players, major collaborations, mergers and acquisitions, as well as innovative trends and corporate strategies.
Sample Report Link:
**Market Scope:*\* We conducted an in-depth investigation of the Allogeneic Cell Therapy Market using both primary and secondary research methods. This approach helped us understand current market dynamics, including supply-demand imbalances, price trends, product preferences, and consumer behaviors. The data is compiled and analyzed using various market estimation and data validation techniques. Additionally, we employ an in-house data forecasting model to predict market growth through 2030.
By Type
Stem Cell Therapies Hematopoietic Stem Cell Therapies Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapies Non-stem Cell Therapies Keratinocytes & Fibroblast-based Therapies Others
By Therapeutic Area
Haematological disorders Dermatologic
By End User
Hospitals Speciality Clinics Research Organisations
**Key Players:*\* The report also focuses on the global key industry players in the Allogeneic Cell Therapy Market, providing details such as company biographies, product images and specifications, capacity, production, price, cost, revenue, and contact information. It examines the Allogeneic Cell Therapy Market Trend, volume, and value at global, regional, and corporate levels. By analyzing historical data and future prospects, the study illustrates the total Allogeneic Cell Therapy Market Size from a global perspective. Leading Allogeneic Cell Therapy market companies are evaluated for their market rankings. Highlighted players in this report include:
North America 1. Allogene Therapeutics 2. Bluebird Bio 3. Mustang Bio 4. Nkarta Therapeutics 5. Precision BioSciences 6. Sangamo Therapeutics - United States 7. WindMIL Therapeutics 8. Gilead Sciences 9. Iovance Biotherapeutics 10. Gamida Cell 11. MaxCyte 12. Poseida Therapeutics 13. eureka therapeutics inc.
Europe 14. Adaptimmune Therapeutics 15. Cellectis 16. Celyad Oncology 17. TC Biopharm 18. autolus
APAC 19. CRISPR Therapeutics 20. Mesoblast
Middle East and Africa 21. aspen pharmacare ltd
South America 22. Biovac
Know more about the report:
**Regional Analysis:*\* The study offers a detailed overview of the sector, including both qualitative and quantitative data. It provides an overview and forecast of the global Allogeneic Cell Therapy market by segment and offers market size and forecast projections for five key regions: North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, the Middle East & Africa, and South America, from 2024 to 2030. Each region's Allogeneic Cell Therapy market is further subdivided by respective regions and segments. The research analyzes and forecasts different countries, considering existing trends and prospects in the region.
**Key Questions Answered in the Allogeneic Cell Therapy Market Report:*\* - What are some of the most promising high-growth opportunities in the global Allogeneic Cell Therapy market by product type, end-user, and region? - Which Allogeneic Cell Therapy market segments will expand the fastest, and why? - Which regions will develop quicker, and why? - What are the primary elements influencing Allogeneic Cell Therapy market dynamics? What are the market drivers and challenges for the Allogeneic Cell Therapy market? - What are the Allogeneic Cell Therapy market's business risks and threats?
**About Us*\* Maximize Market Research is one of the fastest-growing market research and business consulting firms, serving clients globally. Our revenue impact and focused, growth-driven research initiatives make us a proud partner of the majority of Fortune 500 companies. We have a diversified portfolio and serve various industries such as IT & telecom, chemical, food & beverage, aerospace & defense, healthcare, and others.
**Our Address*\* Maximize Market Research Pvt. Ltd. 3rd Floor, Navale IT Park Phase 2, Pune Bangalore Highway, Narhe, Pune, Maharashtra 411041, India. ✆ +91 9607365656 🖂 []( 🌐
submitted by New_Adhesiveness_825 to u/New_Adhesiveness_825 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:11 Vegetable_Revenue542 Husband no longer loves me: TL;DR: My husband of almost 3 years has admitted to falling out of love with me but says he wants to still try to work it out and save our marriage, while simultaneously proving unwilling to put any work into salvaging the relationship at the same time.

Husband fell out of love with me
I'm posting anonymously as this is very humiliating and just not something I'm ready to discuss with anyone I know as of yet. I'm sorry if this is really long but I need advise and to just get all of this off of my chest. Will most likely delete later.
I (26f) have known my husband (28m) since we were young children. We grew up together for a while and then separated for over a decade when our families moved. I moved to a different part of town while he and his family moved to another town and hour and a half away. We hadn't spoken or seen each other until he managed to find me on social media when I was 21. I had been in an emotionally and mentally abusive relationship at the time and was having a hard time finding my way out of that situation. When he messaged me I initially didn't even recognize him or his name. I was just going to leave him on read. But my curiosity got the better of me and I decided to go back and look at his page and that was when I recognized him. He helped me muster the courage I needed to break out of the turmultuious relationship I had been in and then drove an hour and a half just to see me. That meant a lot to me at the time. Shortly after we began our relationship and I quickly fell pregnant. We kept witnessing strange things that hardly felt like coincidences and had both come to the agreement that they we signs from the universe that we were on the correct path.
Fast forward to now. We have been together for almost 5 years and married for 3 after next week. We have two very young children together and have weathered many hardships as a couple in this time. In the beginning all was well. My husband still tried. He put in effort where he could. He watched me battle post partum depression after a very traumatic birth experience with our first child. Almost two years later we fell pregnant with our second which I was very apprehensive about because of the troubles I had in my first pregnancy. Things started changing with him after I became pregnant again (which I forget to mention he was initially very happy and excited about) his demeanor toward me had subtly started to change.
He stopped being as loving and affectionate. He seemed annoyed or indifferent to when I was upset or struggling internally. If I was crying or having a hard time he would just walk straight by me not even batting an eye. Before I had our second I lost one of my sisters unexpectedly and still am having a hard time handling the grief. When my sister passed away my husband offered me no condolences or emotional support what so ever. I was forced to face my grief alone. I've tried communicating with him about the way I've been feeling but he is completely emotionally closed off. I began to notice that the man I had married was a very emotionally unavailable person and I had tried to suggest seeking help to work through his communication issues and emotional unavailability but he is heavily against seeing a professional. He refuses still to this day to work on himself as a person at all.
Since having our second child we moved back to the town his family is from. We live in a home, my husband found a new job that he has to get up very early for and works very long hours through the week. When I would bring up how neglected I felt by him he would chalk it up to just being "too tired" "too sore" "too stressed". He puts absolutely no effort into our marriage at all. It's not the example of marriage I want set for our children let alone the fact that it eats away at me, makes me wonder if there is something wrong with me, and leaves me feeling unwanted, unloved, and like I don't matter at all. It makes it hard for me to be the mother I want to be. I find myself always overstimulated, and I feel like I'm constantly pouring from an empty cup.
I'm sure a lot of you will say "sounds like he's cheating" but I'm ashamed to admit that I have checked his phone, he never hides it from me. I found absolutely nothing on it and when he's not working he's always home with us. Just off on his own working on our house or only spending time with the kids or sleeping as he has to be up early. So if he is cheating he must be a professional at it cause he covers his tracks very well.
That brings me to recently. I've had this dull feeling in the pit of my stomach that I have found myself in a loveless marriage. I've been changing my appearance and dressing nicer. Doing my hair and make up more. And it doesn't seem to make a difference to him. Everyday I can feel depression quickly consuming me. I'm falling deeper and deeper into a place I've been working very hard to heal from and not fall back into. But now here I am. My husband's been slightly mean to me with some of the comments he's made about my appearance lately. making me feel completely unlovable and worthless. Everyday that passes without any kind of affection from him has built up in me and finally last night I was so upset. That knawing feeling in the pit of my stomach that something was amiss In my marriage I could no longer surpress. I've been having troubles sleeping. I can barely eat. My body dismorphia is coming back as well as eating disorders I used to have.
Last night I just couldnt sleep. I was so restless with the feeling of being trapped in a loveless marriage I couldn't stop my mind from racing. I finally fell asleep on the couch at about 6 am and dreamt that I had confronted my husband about my gut feeling to which he admitted he didn't love me in the dream. I woke up feeling distraught because of it. My husband was already up, tending to the kids acting as though everything was fine when I couldn't hold it in anymore. I finally confronted him. I told him about the gut feeling I had and asked him if he still loved me. He said he did. I rephrased the question and asked if he was IN love with me. That's when he looked down and fell silent. My heart plummeted and I began shaking feeling as though my life was crumbling around me. I then asked him if he wasn't in love with me, then was he in love with someone else to which he replied no and seemed sincere about that. I asked him why he had fallen out of love with me and he said because he sometimes felt like I wasn't pulling enough weight with chores. (Which may I add I may not get everything done in a day while tending to young hyperactive kids but I do make sure everyday that he does come house to all the toys picked up and floors swept and vacuumed if anything. And I try to get as many dishes done as I can with kids pulling on my pant sleeves.) So I'm not sure if I believe that to be the true reason. I asked where he wanted to go from here. Did he want me to take the kids and leave and let him pick up where he had left off from before we ever got together or if he wanted me to stay and try to fix our relationship. He said he wished for me to stay and we work on our marriage. I suggested couples counseling and he immediately shot it down saying we could work it out ourselves to which I asked how and then he shrugged and said, verbatim, " I figured you'd just read a book". That was when I got angry. At that moment I knew he wants me to be the one to figure out how to get him to fall back love with me. which in turn means he will not be willing to put any work into actually fixing our marriage. Even after all of this he still won't hardly communicate, still not being affectionate, hell he still hasn't even apologized or shown any remorse for hurting me so deeply.
I'm now at a loss. I'm so hurt by this. I'm humiliated, I feel betrayed. I have so many doubts about him in this moment. I've let him know that I'm not just going to be able to get over this. I severely dissociated after his revelation of no long being in love with me. I'm so upset because I do love him still and have sacrificed everything for him. Absolutely everything. Almost my life included. I told him I'm having a hard time deciding whether I'm going to stay or go. Frankly I just want to disappear from this world.
Does anyone have any insight? What should I do?
TL;DR: My husband of almost 3 years has admitted to falling out of love with me but says he wants to still try to work it out and save our marriage, while simultaneously proving unwilling to put any work into salvaging the relationship at the same time. I'm very hurt by his admission of no longer being in love with me and don't think I can move past this. What should I do?
submitted by Vegetable_Revenue542 to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:10 Ok_Swordfish4817 I'm completely over this.

I have been hunting for a job for four months. Going into places and filling out applications, handing my resume to managers directly, applying online, and I have yet to get a SINGLE call. All these places are claiming to be urgently hiring, but refuse to actually do anything to get employees. I'm not applying for anything hard to get, just cashier jobs, housekeeping, office jobs, pizza shops, delis... I mean seriously. I have no money. I cannot find a job. I am at my wits end, and have given up hope. Over 120 job applications in the past month on indeed alone. No calls, no texts, no open interviews. I have had to ask my family members for money on three separate occasions in the past month and a half, and I feel horrible doing so because I know they're barely able to get by either. I am so over this. I just give up.
submitted by Ok_Swordfish4817 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:09 TheBig712even I learned being a solo SaaS founder isnt for me

Backstory- Im 24 and have ran probably 5+ businesses so far. I cant code and have always done service/product businesses. Never SaaS
Recently i wanted to do a SaaS as I thought i had seen a big market opportunity. I posted in a discord that i was looking to get the MVP made, and after some interviews i found my person. So far it’s been great and hes done a phenomenal job.
Today i asked the dev how much in salary would he need to do this full time. He said he cant’t because he had his own startup.
This truthfully fucked me up because i am so used to being useful. I had to accept that being a solo SaaS founder would likely be the WORST thing i could be. Imagine me hiring a software engineer and then me, the ONLY founder, sitting in my office not writing a single piece of code. I’d lose my entire engineering team.
Should I keep trying to do service/product businesses or bust my ass to find a technical co founder who wants to do this with me?
submitted by TheBig712even to Business_Ideas [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:09 deadly_ultraviolet Spotify Ad During MRI

Spotify Ad During MRI
Picture this: You go into a local hospital to get an MRI of your brain. The tech is great, very friendly, explains the procedure in great detail to help ease any anxiety. They offer to play music through special MRI headphones to try and block out some of the obnoxious machine noise for you, so you agree.
You request classical piano, because you have a hard time not singing along to songs you know and enjoy, and during the procedure description the tech specified in no uncertain terms that the machine is very, very sensitive to any movement, and this shouldn't take too long provided they can get some good scans right away.
So you enter the room with the gargantuan plastic donut with a table protruding from the center. You lay on the table and get all situated, receiving the headphones, adjusting a cute little mirror so you can see through the donut hole to the gorgeous upside-down landscape painting on the wall, and settle in while preparing to not move for at least 15 minutes.
The tech goes back to the control room, checking in once more to ensure there's no discomfort then starting the music. All is well for a few minutes, the machine is louder than you expected, but the soft piano music does a wonderful job distracting you from the thousands of pounds of machinery spinning inches from your face yet concealed by a thin layer of plastic.
You become accustomed to the machine, finding the rhythm between the bursts of clicks and the short pauses, so you guess the pauses are when you can feel more comfortable swallowing without worrying too much about ruining the imaging in the event of excessive movement.
There's a gradual flourish in the current piano piece which coincides with a burst of clicks and thunks from the machine, then the music is left to echo into nothingness as the machine also falls silent.
For a moment, everything is peaceful. You can relax into this for now, nothing is expected of you but to relax and wait. The stiller you lay, the sooner you can be done. You consider trying to sleep, though you're pretty sure that's not good for the test. Suddenly, before even the machine can start again, "ARE YOU READY FOR SUMMER???"
It's an ad. A spotify ad. You're basically trapped inside this tiny tunnel in the middle of thousands of pounds of spinning death where you had just gotten comfortable with the idea of relaxing for at least 10 more minutes without moving a muscle, when you're subjected to the capitalist punishment put upon those unwilling to pay for spotify premium for the low, low price of $10.99 per month, and you can't do a thing about it.
Now do please try not to move while you hear all about the great deals that you've ALREADY paid to not have to listen to, but that this hospital WILL NOT pay for their patients to not have to listen to.
TL;DR: A few minutes into my MRI I was forced to listen all the way through an ad on spotify because the hospital doesn't pay for premium and I wasn't allowed to move without ruining the scan.
submitted by deadly_ultraviolet to ABoringDystopia [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:08 TheBig712even I learned being a solo SaaS founder isnt for me

Backstory- Im 24 and have ran probably 5+ businesses so far. I cant code and have always done service/product businesses. Never SaaS
Recently i wanted to do a SaaS as I thought i had seen a big market opportunity. I posted in a discord that i was looking to get the MVP made, and after some interviews i found my person. So far it’s been great and hes done a phenomenal job.
Today i asked the dev how much in salary would he need to do this full time. He said he cant’t because he had his own startup.
This truthfully fucked me up because i am so used to being useful. I had to accept that being a solo SaaS founder would likely be the WORST thing i could be. Imagine me hiring a software engineer and then me, the ONLY founder, sitting in my office not writing a single piece of code. I’d lose my entire engineering team.
Should I keep trying to do service/product businesses or bust my ass to find a technical co founder who wants to do this with me?
submitted by TheBig712even to SaaS [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:07 Affectionate-Spot781 How to differentiate bad at texting vs. uninterested friend?

How to treat a friend that replies to messages in an hour or so, but never ask about you?
I'm always asking about him, my friend answers everything but never ask the questions back. I feel awkward ending conversations like that so we end up texting daily, which involves him just answering everything I ask trying to keep a conversation going.
I don't feel super happy about this, but I do care about him and his life so I keep asking. He does open up and talk about more personal stuff when we hang out and ask about me as well, so it's a little confusing. Is he bad at texting and I should just call him to check in instead? Or is he not interested in maintaining our friendship?
I don't mean to be stereotypical, but is this one of those guy vs girl friend type of thing? With my girl friends we always text more descriptively and response time varies drastically, but if we have a lot to talk about we would just call or facetime. I'm see my other guy friends regularly at this time so I don't have another sample to compare, would it be easier to just ask him to hang out to catch up?
EDIT: We are college students in our 20s to add more context. Also would it be advised to communicate this directly with him? Although I do not want to come off as insecure, self-centred or needy etc.
submitted by Affectionate-Spot781 to socialskills [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:06 Baddie_Vibes What should I do?

I 24 F met my friend A 24F 2 years ago online and we ft and text all the time. We live 4-5 hours away from each other and life has really gotten in the way of us seeing each other. So I am going to a concert that’s 1-2 hours away from her. I bought the ticket and I’m going by myself (she doesn’t like the artist) I bought a hotel for 3 days. I asked her 3-4 months in advance if we could hang out on june 4-5th or even one of these days . I confirmed it with her and said are you 100% sure. She 100% said yes and fast forward it’s may 5th she gets a new job and I said hey please before your first day say hey I need these 1-2 days off I have prior plans. She says “I’m scared” “I keep forgetting” ect. I remind her everyday. Also I don’t want any money from her for the hotel I just want to hang out with her! She says I’ll come by after work…… on just June 5th.. haven’t replied. That means she won’t get off until 5pm and it’s a 1-2 hour drive so 7-8 pm she won’t get there until and that’s the whole day wasted. Also Because I am putting my time and money into finally meeting her and she isn’t even trying and if she needed gas money I would give it to her. In the past this has happened 2 more times with 2 different people. I’m just annoyed and I haven’t texted her back and it’s may 20th and I don’t know what to text her or if I should because she hasn’t even said anything after the “I’ll come by after work”.. Also no I can’t drive up to her bc of life. She would have to come down to where the concert is being held which she 100% agreed to and knew way in advance. ADVICE?
submitted by Baddie_Vibes to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:06 books_bikes_boobs 30 years old but essentially still a teenager. Looking for advice, inspiration, anything.

Hey everyone. I'll try to keep this brief.
I'm thirty and my life is barely different from when I was a teenager. In the realm of love and romance I'm about what you'd expect (a "wizard" as it used to be called). I haven't had a real job pretty much ever but I've started and quit A LOT, like nineteen total that I can remember, including a very good job that's easily the second biggest regret of my life behind not getting to know my mom more. I don't have much life experience, work experience, social experience, or romantic experience. That's why I say I really just feel like I'm a teenager still.
My mom died in February after a prolonged illness but she rapidly deteriorated. One day she was sick in the same regular way she had been for months and the second day I could barely hear her speak and the third day she was pretty much unconscious. I managed to talk to her on the second day and promised I would get my life together.
It's been a few months and I'm struggling again. The primary advice I'm looking for is work related. I have never essentially worked for more than a few months at a time and I'm 30. It is brutal trying to get interviews for any decent job. Hell, I know it's hard for people with regular work histories. I've resorted to lying on my resume and making up experience (unrelated to the jobs I'm looking for; just to clear the gap up a little). Honestly, the only thing I can get is working at Amazon, which I've done before and hated (it's multiple parts of those 19 prior jobs). I can't ask anyone in my life for help because my resume has no real work experience. And it just seems like any job I can get means losing my weekends or working overnights. On top of that I have around $18k in credit card debt I need to pay off before I can move out or anything like that. It's hard not to feel doomed, especially when my friends are traveling the world full time, making hundreds of thousands of dollars, opening businesses, starting families, buying homes, etc. Meanwhile I've never had a job or even a girlfriend, and I'm not building a career or wealth or anything.
My life isn't totally doomed. I managed to get a college degree, graduating in 2020 with a computer science degree from a decent school. I only have Dep. of Education student loans which means with the SAVE plan I'm pretty safe on those. I do have a solid group of friends. I'm not homeless and can live at home. I recently became an artist and am very driven about it and into it which has been a major boon in my life.
But some of that good stuff is a double edged sword. If I didn't have a degree then getting one would be an obvious step. But I do have one, and I have no work experience (let alone experience in any white collar field), and it's been over three years since graduating so I'm not in that "new grad" territory any longer. How can I possibly solve this? My goal is to become a technical writer. I'm worried I'll never have a shot again at upward mobility.
Similarly, my friends are great but like It's becoming harder to relate to them, and if I take a job working weekends or overnights it'll be even harder to ever see them. They're already talking about a big group vacation this summer but I won't be able to go because jobs in America won't even give you reasonable unpaid time off. One of the ballasts of my mental health is becoming an anchor.
Anyway, I'm not looking for advice that's really specific. I don't think it'd be possible to give any. I guess I'm just curious for general advice or stories or any inspiration or hope you can offer.
submitted by books_bikes_boobs to DecidingToBeBetter [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:05 TheEyeOfTheBubbly 🤷🏻‍♀️

🤷🏻‍♀️ submitted by TheEyeOfTheBubbly to exposemakeupqueenn30 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:03 ReasonBeneficial4834 Hinge date applies for a job while on date

i met this guy on hinge and he seemed like a chill vibe. Based off of his photos he seemed to be someone i would be attracted to. dark complexion, medium build , introverted, and kind of nerdy. We had matched, exchanged numbers, and developed somewhat of a connection but nothing serious. we had mutual interest like video games, and x-men comics. i wanted to get to know him better outside of messaging and asked him if he wanted to see a movie. he responded with “i would love to, but i am currently not working and wouldn’t be comfortable with you paying for your own ticket on the first date.” i found that commendable, and understood that it was currently hard to get a job in our city at the moment (Toronto/GTA AREA). as we continued to talk he became eager to meet me in person, and asked if we could go on a walk. i agreed, but he proposed that we meet him somewhere five minutes away from his house, which was a 30 minute drive away from mine. i expressed that i didn’t feel comfortable doing that because i didn’t see the difference in paying for my own movie and paying for my own gas there and back to see someone for the first time. he also didn’t offer to meet anywhere in between which i would’ve been fine with. for context he told me he didn’t drive or have his license. he agreed with my sentiments and apologized, so we met somewhere in between the both of us. we walked around a local mall for an hour and i told him where to meet me. he had a little bit of trouble but we saw each other and embraced each other with a hug. he then pressed me for not giving him better details on where he could find me but i never thought anything of it. if i’m going to be honest i expected him to look different. firstly he lied about his height, which didn’t make any sense to me but whatever i don’t care for height. i also noticed his hygiene was off. he had insanely cracked dry skin, peeling lips, foam in the corner of his mouth, and an insane amount of build up under his long finger nails. i ignored it and just continued to walk and talk. i notice he couldn’t hold a conversation for his life making it very awkward but i sympathized with him, as he could’ve been nervous. time goes by we’re just walking, window shopping and then he asks for us to go get patties. we went to the patty shop, i bought a patty and he bought one. he noticed the hiring sign, and while on the date he filled out an application for that job. while he was filling out the application i was planning an exit in my head out of this situation. i found it a bit awkward and maybe rude to do so on your first date with someone. i didn’t say anything and then we went home. i went to my car and asked if he needed a ride. he said no, i drove here. at this point i wanted a gun to shoot my self. he had already told me he doesn’t have his license so i was confused how he drove here and why he wanted me to drive all the way to his end of the city if he could drive. i confronted him and told him i thought he didn’t drive. he told me its his dads car and he just takes it sometimes. we then hugged and went our separate ways. the next day he messages me talking about the kind of relationship he wants and tells me he just wants a sexual relationship but nothing serious. i was thinking of a response as this was random and we never had this convo or any conversation like this before. but as time went on i couldn’t think of a reply and ended up ghosting him. do you think i was justified in my actions, or should i have made a better effort to come up with a response?
submitted by ReasonBeneficial4834 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:01 AutoModerator Binance Support Thread

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2024.05.20 07:00 AutoModerator [OFFICIAL] Daily Feedback Thread

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2024.05.20 06:55 UnDead_Ted By Prayer and Petition

By Prayer and Petition
Philippians 4:6-7 NIV
  • 6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Daily Dose of Scripture

What I believe....

Meaning and Interpretation:
  1. "Do not be anxious about anything":
    • Paul is encouraging the believers to not let worry and anxiety dominate their lives. This exhortation acknowledges that anxiety is a common human experience but offers a divine solution to it.
  2. "But in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God":
    • Prayer and Petition: Paul advises the believers to turn their anxieties into prayers. This means they should communicate with God about their worries and needs.
    • With Thanksgiving: It's important to note that Paul adds "with thanksgiving." This suggests that when believers bring their concerns to God, they should also remember to be thankful for God's past blessings and faithfulness. Gratitude is essential in maintaining a positive perspective and trust in God's provision.
    • Present your requests to God: This phrase emphasizes the act of entrusting one's concerns to God, recognizing His sovereignty and care.
  3. "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus":
    • The Peace of God: This refers to a deep sense of tranquility and well-being that comes from trusting in God, irrespective of external circumstances.
    • Which transcends all understanding: This peace is described as surpassing human comprehension. It is not based on logical reasoning or situational factors but is a divine gift that provides comfort beyond what is normally conceivable.
    • Will guard your hearts and your minds: The metaphor of guarding suggests protection. God's peace acts as a sentinel, safeguarding believers' emotional and mental well-being.
    • In Christ Jesus: This peace is available to those who are in a relationship with Jesus Christ. It is through their union with Him that believers experience this divine peace.
Practical Application:
  • Turning Worry into Prayer: The passage teaches Christians to convert their worries into prayers, making a habit of seeking God's help and guidance in every aspect of life.
  • Maintaining Gratitude: By focusing on gratitude even while presenting requests, believers can cultivate a more positive and trustful outlook.
  • Experiencing Divine Peace: This peace, which is a result of faith and trust in God, helps believers navigate life's challenges without being overwhelmed by anxiety.
Overall, Philippians 4:6-7 provides profound spiritual guidance for dealing with anxiety and finding peace through a close and trusting relationship with God.
In our fast-paced world, anxiety often feels like an unavoidable part of life. The pressures of work, relationships, and the uncertainties of the future can weigh heavily on our hearts. However, Paul’s words in Philippians offer a powerful antidote to our worries.
Paul tells us, “Do not be anxious about anything.” This isn’t a dismissive command to simply ignore our problems but an invitation to trust in a deeper, more sustaining source of peace. He guides us to approach every situation with prayer and petition, coupled with thanksgiving. This process transforms our focus from our troubles to God’s presence and faithfulness.
When we bring our concerns to God, we acknowledge His sovereignty and care. But Paul emphasizes that we should do this "with thanksgiving." Gratitude shifts our perspective, reminding us of God's past faithfulness and helping us to trust Him with our present and future needs. It's an act of faith to thank God even while we’re still in the midst of our struggles.
The promise that follows is profound: “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” This peace is not just a temporary relief or a fleeting emotion; it is a divine calm that protects our innermost being. It transcends human understanding because it doesn’t depend on our circumstances. Instead, it flows from a relationship with Christ, who is our source of ultimate peace.
  1. Start with Prayer: Begin each day by bringing your worries and plans to God. Spend time in prayer, laying out your concerns before Him.
  2. Practice Gratitude: Make a habit of thanking God for His blessings. Keep a gratitude journal to remind yourself of His faithfulness.
  3. Trust in His Peace: When anxiety arises, recall this promise and trust that God’s peace will guard your heart and mind.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your promise of peace that surpasses all understanding. Help me to turn my anxieties over to You in prayer, with a heart full of gratitude. Guard my heart and mind with Your divine peace, and help me to trust in Your constant care. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Thought for the Day:
When we exchange our anxiety for prayer and thanksgiving, we open our hearts to the profound peace that only God can give. Let’s choose to trust Him today and every day.
Study Questions for Philippians 4:6-7

Understanding Anxiety:

  • What does Paul mean when he instructs us to "not be anxious about anything"? How does this command relate to the realities of everyday life? He is encouraging believers to trust in God's sovereignty and care rather than being consumed by worry and fear. This command does not mean that we will never feel anxious, but it invites us to respond to anxiety in a way that relies on God's presence and power. Modern life comes with various stresses, including job pressures, financial concerns, relationship issues, and many more problems. Paul’s instruction is a call to handle these stresses by leaning on God rather than trying to manage everything on our own. Life is full of uncertainties and unexpected challenges. Paul’s message is a reminder that, despite these uncertainties, we can find peace in trusting God’s plan and provision.
  • Can you identify specific areas in your life where anxiety tends to dominate? How do these verses speak to those areas? Work and Career, Finances, Relationships, Health. Trust God with your future, knowing that He holds it in His hands. Pray for His direction and thank Him for the guidance and opportunities He has provided so far. Make it a habit to start your day with prayer, presenting your concerns to God and thanking Him for His faithfulness, Keep a journal to record things you are thankful for each day. This practice can help shift your focus from anxiety to gratitude, Memorize and meditate on Philippians 4:6-7, allowing these verses to remind you of God’s peace and provision throughout your day.

Prayer and Petition With Thanksgiving

  • Why do you think Paul emphasizes the importance of thanksgiving when presenting our requests to God? Paul's emphasis on thanksgiving when presenting our requests to God is not just a suggestion but a vital aspect of a healthy and effective prayer life. Thanksgiving helps us remember God's past faithfulness, shifts our focus from worry to gratitude, aligns us with God’s will, enhances our relationship with Him, and transforms our hearts. By incorporating thanksgiving into our prayers, we develop a deeper trust in God and experience His peace that transcends all understanding.
  • Write down a list of current anxieties and concerns you have. Next to each one, write a prayer and a few things you are thankful for related to that concern. Plan a time each day this week to intentionally practice praying with thanksgiving. Note any changes in your level of anxiety and sense of peace throughout the week. Share this passage with a friend or family member who may be struggling with anxiety. Discuss together how you can support each other in applying these principles. By identifying specific anxieties and pairing them with prayers and expressions of gratitude, we can transform our worries into opportunities for deeper trust and reliance on God. This practice not only helps manage anxiety but also fosters a heart of thanksgiving and faith.

Reflection and Action:

  • How can you practically apply the principles of Philippians 4:6-7 in your daily life? Establish a Daily Prayer Routine, Present Specific Petitions, Incorporate Thanksgiving, Engage in Mindfulness and Reflection, Memorize and Meditate on Scripture, Seek Community Support, Live a Healthy Lifestyle, Practice Trust and Surrender, Engage in Acts of Kindness and Service, Personal Reflection and Action Plan. By consistently applying these steps, you can effectively manage anxiety and experience the peace that surpasses all understanding, as promised in Philippians 4:6-7.

The Peace of God

How can practicing gratitude transform your perspective on your problems and needs? Practicing gratitude can profoundly alter how you perceive and handle your problems and needs. By consistently practicing gratitude, you can transform your outlook on life, making your problems seem more manageable and your needs less overwhelming. Gratitude shifts your focus from what's lacking to what's abundant, fostering a mindset of appreciation and positivity.
Can you think of a time when expressing gratitude during a difficult situation changed your outlook or feelings about that situation?
Situation: Imagine a person named John who unexpectedly lost his job. This situation initially caused significant stress and anxiety due to financial pressures, concerns about the future, and feelings of inadequacy.
Initial Reaction: John felt overwhelmed by the uncertainty and the sudden change. The loss of income and the challenge of finding a new job in a competitive market weighed heavily on him. He was worried about how he would support his family and meet his financial obligations.
Incorporating Gratitude: To cope with the stress, John decided to start a daily gratitude practice. Each day, he made a list of things he was thankful for, even amidst the difficulties. His list included:
  • Supportive Family: John expressed gratitude for his spouse and children who provided emotional support and encouragement during this challenging time.
  • Health: Despite the job loss, John was thankful for good health, which allowed him to actively search for new opportunities.
  • Skills and Experience: He reminded himself of his skills and experiences that made him valuable in the job market.
  • Opportunity for Reflection: John saw the job loss as an opportunity to reflect on his career path and consider new directions that might be more fulfilling.
Changed Outlook: As John continued his gratitude practice, he noticed a shift in his outlook and feelings:
  • Reduced Anxiety: By focusing on the positive aspects of his life, John's anxiety about the future lessened. He began to feel more hopeful and less overwhelmed.
  • Increased Motivation: Recognizing his skills and experiences renewed John's confidence. He became more proactive in his job search, reaching out to his network and exploring new opportunities.
  • Stronger Relationships: Expressing gratitude for his family's support strengthened his relationships. He felt more connected and supported, which boosted his emotional resilience.
  • Positive Perspective: John started seeing the job loss not just as an end, but as a new beginning. He became open to exploring new career paths that he had previously overlooked.
Outcome: Ultimately, John's gratitude practice helped him navigate the job loss with a more positive and resilient mindset. He found a new job that aligned better with his interests and skills, and he felt more fulfilled in his career. The experience also deepened his appreciation for his family's support and strengthened his overall sense of gratitude.


Expressing gratitude during difficult situations can transform one's outlook and feelings. By focusing on the positive aspects and acknowledging the support and strengths available, individuals can reduce anxiety, increase motivation, and find new opportunities in the midst of challenges. This shift in perspective can lead to personal growth, stronger relationships, and a greater sense of fulfillment.
submitted by UnDead_Ted to TheDailyDose [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:53 Synthetic_Solution Why is it so hard to find a job these days?

I live in the United States and I last worked at my local zoo, but it wasn't paying enough, and it was corrupted, so I quit and took a break. I decided to go job searching to find a job with more decent pay. I've seen jobs that claim to be "urgently hiring." But when you apply to said job, they never reach out to you. You could have all the qualifications required for the job yet they still won't call you back.
Jobs are complaining how people are quitting or they're understaffed, but they push away someone who qualifies to work. Older people sometimes call the younger generation lazy for not wanting to work when in reality, WE ARE TRYING TO WORK! It's not just me, other people my age (I'm 22) have applied left and right, some applying to 200+ jobs, and barely any respond back.
I'm still young, maybe there's something I don't understand. I don't want to be unemployed. I want to make money and help my family. But it's almost impossible in this day and age. Wtf am I supposed to do? I had an interview yesterday, it went well, only to get a follow up email the next day basically saying I didn't get the job and that they chose other candidates, despite them knowing I have experience in the specific field they have.
I just don't understand anymore.
submitted by Synthetic_Solution to rant [link] [comments]