Diabetes fu? pathophysiologie diabetischer

Die Wissenschaft hinter Ozempic: Wie funktioniert es zur Gewichtsreduktion?

2024.05.18 17:59 Humsafer Die Wissenschaft hinter Ozempic: Wie funktioniert es zur Gewichtsreduktion?

Ozempic, auch bekannt als Semaglutid, hat sich in den letzten Jahren als vielversprechendes Medikament zur Unterstützung der Gewichtsreduktion etabliert. Aber wie genau funktioniert Ozempic, und warum ist es so effektiv? In diesem Artikel werfen wir einen detaillierten Blick auf die wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen von Ozempic und erklären, wie es beim Abnehmen mit Ozempic hilft.

Was ist Ozempic?

Ozempic ist ein Medikament, das ursprünglich zur Behandlung von Typ-2-Diabetes entwickelt wurde. Sein Wirkstoff, Semaglutid, gehört zur Klasse der GLP-1-Rezeptor-Agonisten (Glucagon-like Peptide-1). Diese Substanzen imitieren die Wirkung des natürlichen Hormons GLP-1, das im Körper eine wichtige Rolle bei der Regulierung des Blutzuckerspiegels spielt.

Der Wirkmechanismus von Ozempic

Appetitregulation und Sättigungsgefühl

Einer der Hauptwege, wie Ozempic zur Gewichtsreduktion beiträgt, ist seine Wirkung auf das Hunger- und Sättigungsgefühl. Abnehmen mit Ozempic wird erleichtert, weil das Medikament auf Rezeptoren im Gehirn einwirkt, die für das Hungergefühl verantwortlich sind. Durch die Aktivierung dieser GLP-1-Rezeptoren wird das Sättigungsgefühl verstärkt und der Appetit reduziert. Dies führt dazu, dass Patienten weniger essen und ein Kaloriendefizit erreichen, das für die Gewichtsabnahme notwendig ist.

Verzögerte Magenentleerung

Ein weiterer wichtiger Mechanismus ist die Verzögerung der Magenentleerung. Ozempic sorgt dafür, dass die Nahrung länger im Magen verbleibt, was zu einem anhaltenden Sättigungsgefühl führt. Diese verlängerte Sättigung hilft den Patienten, weniger oft zu essen und die Gesamtkalorienaufnahme zu reduzieren. Dies ist ein wesentlicher Aspekt beim Abnehmen mit Ozempic.

Verbesserung des Glukosestoffwechsels

Obwohl der primäre Nutzen von Ozempic in der Behandlung von Diabetes liegt, trägt seine Wirkung auf den Glukosestoffwechsel auch zur Gewichtsreduktion bei. Durch die Stimulierung der Insulinsekretion und die Hemmung der Glukagonfreisetzung hilft Ozempic, den Blutzuckerspiegel zu stabilisieren. Ein stabiler Blutzuckerspiegel verhindert Heißhungerattacken und verringert die Neigung, übermäßig zu essen.

Klinische Studien zur Wirksamkeit

Die Wirksamkeit von Ozempic bei der Gewichtsreduktion wurde in mehreren klinischen Studien nachgewiesen. In einer großen Studie, die in der Fachzeitschrift "The New England Journal of Medicine" veröffentlicht wurde, verloren die Teilnehmer, die Ozempic einnahmen, durchschnittlich 14,9% ihres Körpergewichts über einen Zeitraum von 68 Wochen. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen deutlich, dass Abnehmen mit Ozempic nicht nur theoretisch, sondern auch praktisch funktioniert.

Nebenwirkungen und Sicherheitsprofil

Wie bei jedem Medikament gibt es auch bei Ozempic mögliche Nebenwirkungen. Zu den häufigsten gehören Übelkeit, Durchfall und Verstopfung. Diese Symptome treten oft zu Beginn der Behandlung auf und nehmen mit der Zeit ab. Es ist wichtig, dass Patienten diese möglichen Nebenwirkungen mit ihrem Arzt besprechen und eine individuelle Risiko-Nutzen-Analyse durchführen, bevor sie mit der Behandlung beginnen.
Ein weiteres
wichtiger Aspekt ist die Sicherheit bei langfristiger Anwendung. Langzeitstudien haben gezeigt, dass Ozempic im Allgemeinen gut verträglich ist und ein akzeptables Sicherheitsprofil aufweist. Dennoch sollten Patienten regelmäßig überwacht werden, um sicherzustellen, dass keine schwerwiegenden Nebenwirkungen auftreten.

Vorteile von Ozempic gegenüber anderen Gewichtsabnahme-Medikamenten

Effizienz und Nachhaltigkeit

Im Vergleich zu anderen Medikamenten zur Gewichtsreduktion hat Ozempic den Vorteil einer höheren Effizienz und Nachhaltigkeit. Während viele Gewichtsabnahme-Medikamente nur eine kurzfristige Lösung bieten, zeigen Studien, dass Abnehmen mit Ozempic auch langfristig erfolgreich sein kann. Die Patienten behalten ihr Gewicht eher bei, wenn sie Ozempic weiterhin einnehmen, was auf die anhaltende Wirkung auf Appetit und Sättigung zurückzuführen ist.

Positive Auswirkungen auf die allgemeine Gesundheit

Neben der Gewichtsabnahme hat Ozempic auch positive Auswirkungen auf die allgemeine Gesundheit. Patienten berichten von einer verbesserten Blutzuckerkontrolle, einem niedrigeren Blutdruck und verbesserten Lipidwerten. Diese gesundheitlichen Vorteile machen Ozempic zu einer attraktiven Option für Menschen, die nicht nur abnehmen, sondern auch ihre allgemeine Gesundheit verbessern möchten.

Anwendungsgebiete und Zielgruppen


Ursprünglich wurde Ozempic für Typ-2-Diabetes-Patienten entwickelt, und in dieser Gruppe ist das Medikament besonders effektiv. Die doppelte Wirkung auf Blutzuckerkontrolle und Gewichtsabnahme macht Ozempic zu einer idealen Wahl für übergewichtige Diabetiker.

Übergewichtige ohne Diabetes

Auch Menschen ohne Diabetes, die stark übergewichtig sind, können von Abnehmen mit Ozempic profitieren. In klinischen Studien haben auch nicht-diabetische übergewichtige Teilnehmer signifikant an Gewicht verloren, was die Vielseitigkeit des Medikaments unterstreicht.

Potenzielle Herausforderungen und Überlegungen

Kosten und Verfügbarkeit

Ein möglicher Nachteil von Ozempic sind die Kosten. Das Medikament ist relativ teuer und möglicherweise nicht für alle Patienten erschwinglich. Zudem übernehmen nicht alle Krankenkassen die Kosten, insbesondere wenn Ozempic nicht zur Behandlung von Diabetes, sondern nur zur Gewichtsreduktion verschrieben wird.

Individuelle Reaktionen

Nicht jeder reagiert gleich auf Ozempic. Während viele Patienten signifikante Gewichtsverluste verzeichnen, gibt es auch Fälle, in denen die Wirkung weniger ausgeprägt ist. Es ist wichtig, dass Patienten realistische Erwartungen haben und sich bewusst sind, dass Abnehmen mit Ozempic keine Wunderlösung ist, sondern Teil eines umfassenden Behandlungsplans sein sollte, der auch Ernährung und Bewegung umfasst.


Ozempic stellt eine bedeutende Innovation in der Behandlung von Übergewicht und Adipositas dar. Durch die Kombination von Appetitregulation, verzögerter Magenentleerung und Verbesserung des Glukosestoffwechsels bietet Ozempic eine effektive Möglichkeit zur Gewichtsreduktion. Klinische Studien unterstützen die Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit des Medikaments, und viele Patienten haben von positiven Ergebnissen berichtet.
Trotz einiger Herausforderungen, wie den Kosten und individuellen Unterschieden in der Reaktion auf das Medikament, bleibt Abnehmen mit Ozempic eine vielversprechende Option für viele Menschen, die Schwierigkeiten haben, ihr Gewicht auf herkömmliche Weise zu reduzieren. Es ist jedoch wichtig, dass Patienten Ozempic unter ärztlicher Aufsicht einnehmen und es als Teil eines ganzheitlichen Ansatzes zur Gewichtsreduktion betrachten.
submitted by Humsafer to u/Humsafer [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:23 whitefire2016 Can large weight loss change correction/prescription?

I am restarting my weight loss journey after a couple of years of depression and things associated—becoming an adult orphan and major job loss. I have finally come to the conclusion that I want to rid my life of glasses. Had them as long as I can remember and have had years of frustration in finding ANY frames that properly fit.
I am considering either lasik or disk replacement. Either way, my question is this: if I get corrective surgery and finally get to my goal weight, will my prescription have changed in a precivable way?
Google-fu only takes me to references to diabetes diseases and other such items. While I am borderline diabetic, M/51 400#, and high blood pressure, I am cautious about getting this correction now.
Thanks for reading and adding constructive feedback.
submitted by whitefire2016 to lasik [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 18:48 Ricosss The effects of ketogenic diet on brain gene expressions in type 2 diabetes background. (Pub Date: 2024-05-09)



Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a major risk factor of a number of neurodegenerative diseases (NDDs). Ketogenic diet (KD) has significant beneficial effects on glycemic control and may act effectively against NDDs, but the mechanism remains unclear. In this study, we aimed to investigate the potential effects of KD on gene expressions in the brains of T2DM model mice. Male db/db mice at the age of 9 weeks were fed with KD or normal diet to the age of 6 months, and the whole brains were subjected to mRNA-seq analysis for differentially expressed genes. KD significantly lowered fasting glucose and body weights in db/db mice (P<0.05), and the expression of 189 genes in the brain were significantly changed (P<0.05, log2>1). Gene Ontology and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes enrichment analyses revealed that the differentially expressed genes upon KD are involved in inflammatory responses and the functions of biosynthesis. In inflammatory responses, NF-κB signaling pathway, viral protein interaction with cytokine and cytokine receptor, and cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction pathways were enriched, and in biosynthesis pathways, genes functioning in lipid and amino acid metabolism, protein synthesis, and energy metabolism were enriched. Moreover, consistent with the gene set enrichment analysis results, proteasomal activity measured biochemically were enhanced in KD-fed T2DM mice. These data may facilitate the understanding of how KD can be protective to the brain in T2DM background. KD could be a new strategy for the prevention of NDDs in T2DM patients.


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submitted by Ricosss to ketoscience [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 05:02 ChippingCoder The Role of Nutrient Deficiencies in Acne: A Comprehensive Review

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is a crucial nutrient for skin health, and its deficiency has been linked to acne. A recent study published in the Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology found that oral vitamin A supplementation may be a possible substitute for isotretinoin in the management of acne [1].

Vitamin D

Several studies have investigated the relationship between vitamin D levels and acne. A case-control study combined with a randomized controlled trial found that patients with acne had significantly lower levels of vitamin D compared to those without acne [2]. Another study found that active vitamin D administration improved the clinical outcomes of acne vulgaris [3]. Additionally, a meta-analysis and systematic review found that serum and supplemental vitamin D levels were associated with insulin resistance in populations with type 2 diabetes mellitus [4].

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)

Pantothenic acid, also known as vitamin B5, has been studied for its potential role in acne management. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study found that a novel pantothenic acid-based dietary supplement improved mild to moderate facial acne [5]. Another study demonstrated the feasibility, tolerability, safety, and efficacy of a pantothenic acid-based dietary supplement in subjects with mild to moderate facial acne blemishes [6]. Dr. Jeffrey Dach, MD, has also written about the use of pantothenic acid for acne treatment [7]. Furthermore, a paper published in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine discussed how pantothenic acid may help in the treatment of both acne vulgaris and obesity [8].

Other Nutrients

Several other nutrients have been studied for their potential role in acne management, including:
A study by Shalita et al. also investigated the use of a prescription dietary supplement containing B vitamins and zinc in the management of inflammatory acne [17].


The evidence presented in this blog post suggests that nutrient deficiencies may play a significant role in the development and management of acne. While more research is needed to fully understand the relationship between nutrients and acne, the studies discussed here provide a strong foundation for further investigation. If you are struggling with acne, it may be worth discussing nutrient supplementation with your healthcare provider as part of a comprehensive acne management plan.
Join the discord here:


  1. Oral Vitamin A for Acne Management: A Possible Substitute for Isotretinoin
  2. Comparison of Vitamin D Levels in Patients with and without Acne: A Case-Control Study Combined with a Randomized Controlled Trial
  3. The impact of active vitamin D administration on the clinical outcomes of acne vulgaris
  4. Lei, X., Zhou, Q., Wang, Y., Fu, S., Li, Z., & Chen, Q. (2023). Serum and supplemental vitamin D levels and insulin resistance in T2DM populations: a meta-analysis and systematic review. Scientific reports, 13(1), 12343. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-39469-9
  5. A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of a Novel Pantothenic Acid-Based Dietary Supplement in Subjects with Mild to Moderate Facial Acne
  6. Feasibility, Tolerability, Safety and Efficacy of a Pantothenic Acid Based Dietary Supplement in Subjects with Mild to Moderate Facial Acne Blemishes
  7. Pantothenic Acid, B5 for Acne by Jeffrey Dach MD
  8. A Stone that Kills two Birds: How Pantothenic Acid Unveils the Mysteries of Acne Vulgaris and Obesity
  9. Michaëlsson, G., & Edqvist, L. E. (1984). Erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase activity in acne vulgaris and the effect of selenium and vitamin E treatment. Acta dermato-venereologica, 64(1), 9–14.
  10. Treatment of Resistant Acne Vulgaris in Adolescents Using Dietary Supplementation with Magnesium, Phosphate and Fatty Acids (Omega 6 and 7): Comparison with 13-Cis-Retinoic Acid
  11. Effect of dietary supplementation with omega-3 fatty acid and gamma-linolenic acid on acne vulgaris: a randomised, double-blind, controlled trial
  12. Chan, H., Chan, G., Santos, J., Dee, K., & Co, J. K. (2017). A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to determine the efficacy and safety of lactoferrin with vitamin E and zinc as an oral therapy for mild to moderate acne vulgaris. International journal of dermatology, 56(6), 686–690. https://doi.org/10.1111/ijd.13607
  13. Verma, K. C., Saini, A. S., & Dhamija, S. K. (1980). Oral zinc sulphate therapy in acne vulgaris: a double-blind trial. Acta dermato-venereologica, 60(4), 337–340. https://doi.org/10.2340/0001555560337340
  14. Selenium Supplementation and the Effects on Reproductive Outcomes, Biomarkers of Inflammation, and Oxidative Stress in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
  15. The Effects of Chromium Supplementation on Endocrine Profiles, Biomarkers of Inflammation, and Oxidative Stress in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: a Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial
  16. de Souza Pereira R. (2023). Treatment of Resistant Acne Vulgaris in Adolescents Using Dietary Supplementation with Magnesium, Phosphate and Fatty Acids (Omega 6 and 7): Comparison with 13-Cis-Retinoic Acid. Journal of dietary supplements, 20(5), 706–716. https://doi.org/10.1080/19390211.2022.2100550
  17. Shalita, A. R., Falcon, R., Olansky, A., Iannotta, P., Akhavan, A., Day, D., Janiga, A., Singri, P., & Kallal, J. E. (2012). Inflammatory acne management with a novel prescription dietary supplement. Journal of drugs in dermatology : JDD, 11(12), 1428–1433.
submitted by ChippingCoder to acne_help [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 23:05 Canine9084 My favorite Costco membership money saving perk when something goes on sale After you already bought it

My favorite Costco membership money saving perk when something goes on sale After you already bought it
I’ve been a long time Executive Costco member for over 15 years and only found this out this tip when I did a short stint working in the membership dept.
Ever buy something only to see it went on sale the next week or day? You can go to the refunds dept. and request the price difference to come back to you. Simply take a picture of the sale sign for the item # and/or bring your receipt in.
Hope this helps someone! I’ve already saved about $75 in just one year.
Item number is at the top left of pricing signage.
submitted by Canine9084 to Costco [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 06:13 Anonymous-420xo I think we are kindda FUC*ED from a health point of view

I don't mean as in our school system is so bad its driving kids toward self harm, kids not getting enough exercise, build up of skinny fat and other stuff.
I am saying is that we have Fuc*ed up by these high processed food brands like MCdonalds and stuff AND history of collianism.
Cuz of colinism our DNA LITTRALLY changed to store fat after years of man made famine, we as Indians ( south asians) have a higher chance of getting diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and CVD.
Not to mention our diet is FU*KED UP, we have started drinking soda, chips, and all this other stuff, WE ARE LITTRLLY ADDING FUEL TO THE FIREE!! Many of us don't exercise cuz of studies and stuff WE NEED EXERSIE!!! WE NEED SEND KIDS OUT TO PLAYY.
not to mention kids can literally developed nearsightedness at and early age, from not going out and playing sport
I know its hard but like, if we don't do something about this we might end up like the older Gen's, Obisity, diabite and heart risk, which i can tell no one of us want to have.
My grandma had diabites and would really kindly not like to have that, so vegetables are the way to go then 🫛😞
submitted by Anonymous-420xo to IndianTeenagers [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 00:04 Late_Fondant_924 Qual o melhor MEDIDOR DE GLICOSE? Top 3 Medidores de Glicose 2024 DIABETES

Qual o melhor MEDIDOR DE GLICOSE? Top 3 Medidores de Glicose 2024 DIABETES ➤ Sites Indicados no Vídeo [100% Seguro]: ✅Medidor de Glicose G-Tech Free em OFERTA: https://amzn.to/4b3ymtS ✅Medidor de Glicose Accu-Chek Active em OFERTA: https://amzn.to/3JvAOh3 ✅Medidor de Glicose G-TECH Lite em OFERTA: https://amzn.to/3QCpROT ✅Seleção de Medidores em OFERTA: https://amzn.to/44f3qVx
Medidor de glicose é um aparelho usado por pessoas que tem diabetes para medir os níveis de açúcar no sangue. Ele funciona por meio de um pequeno dispositivo que é colocado na ponta do dedo fazendo assim uma pequena punção, retirando uma gotinha de sangue. Então, uma pequena quantidade de sangue é transferida para uma tira reativa, que é inserida no dispositivo. O instrumento avalia a concentração de glicose no sangue e apresenta o resultado em apenas alguns segundos. Este dado é crucial para que indivíduos com diabetes possam acompanhar seus níveis de açúcar e adotar as medidas necessárias para mantê-los dentro dos limites saudáveis.
#saúde #medidordeglicose #diabetes #saudeebemestar
Neste Vídeo: 00:00 Qual o melhor medidor de Glicose 00:54 Top 3 Medidores de Glicose 01:40 3° Lugar Medidor de Glicose 02:00 Medidor de Glicose 02:35 Testes de Glicose no dia a dia 02:52 Facilidade na verificação da Glicose 03:25 Monitorar os níveis de Glicose no sangue 02:57 Dica de Saúde e Beleza 03:33 2° Lugar Medidor de Glicose 03:59 Diabete 04:36 Verificação da Glicose 05:04 1° Lugar Medidor de Glicose 06:11 Adicione o medidor ao carrinho 06:15 Qual medidor de glicose atende suas necessidades? 06:30 Obrigado por Assistir
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🩵Inscreva-se no canal: https://bit.ly/voce_saude 📌Compartilhe este vídeo para ajudar mais pessoas: ➡️ • [NOVO] Qual o melhor MEDIDOR DE GLICO...
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submitted by Late_Fondant_924 to u/Late_Fondant_924 [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 14:21 282_Naughty_Spark Just some OmegaQuant drama..

Edit: I have an established needle phobia, I'm not trying to scare anyone or say that the OQ is terrible or anything, it's just like any other needle stuff, the problem is all mine.
OK, I finally got it done, it only took me the whole morning, some oxazepam, three beers and two shots of rum, liberal application and re-application of topical lidocaine, a few tears and wishing I was like 5 years old so I could sit in someones lap before, during and after, but yeah, third omegaquant is done.
This really is the last fu(&#%ng time I'm subjecting myself to this little white and blue torture device, I find them to be quite unpleasant.
I "installed" a second CGM an hour earlier, and while they also use a needle for insertion I honestly can't feel it the same way, though I use topical lidocaine for that too, figured I'd do a twofer since I had already broken out the oxazepam.
As I've said earlier, I'd make a terrible diabetic, and luckily my CGM experiment is confirming that I'm definitely not, rather the opposite.
Anyway, I'd advice against acquiring a needle phobia if you can help it, kids...
I'm done for today, over and out...
Results will be in soon, and while I hate to maybe have to share some less than stellar results I can't really back out now, can I, lol
submitted by 282_Naughty_Spark to SaturatedFat [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 01:28 Infamous-Strength-85 Life took the jump out of my joy, sorry, Friend.

Life took the jump out of my joy, sorry, Friend.
So, here's the back story...sorry it's long...I promise I left a lot of stuff out.
We've been friends our entire life. We've had our ups and downs but ultimately decided our friendship is more important than any stupid fued. Well, this time I'm struggling a bit because she's mad at me for not being extatic to celebrate her birthday.
This is what I have going on and she knows it. -I'm at the end of a courtcase for my son who was kidnapped 13 years ago. -I have a ton of medical stuff going on. In January I was diagnosed with and hospitalized by diverticulitis and colitis. -I have Interstitial cystitis with hunner's ulcers in my bladder, both are incredibly painful. I have been pretty much bed ridden for 10 months. -Most recently, something is wrong with my knee and I'm not able to get in with my doctor until days before her birthday. -I have 2 other kids that are young and they are more than a handful...I mean my youngest is so wild I looked away for one minute and he fell and fractured his skull. And they both sleep walk. I have them always. I'm tired.
The BBQ night I wasn't excited, it was 10pm and I had to listen to her for 4 hours about how unprofessional the place we ordered from was because she ordered an app that didn't come and it wasn't on her receipt.
Now, I have to add, she planned a trip home for the holidays. I did a lot of looking at prices and sending her links. Lots of discussion about comfort v. money, plane v. bus. She decided on bus. I mentioned my concerns one last time and she should find out about refunds. The morning before she was to head here my lawyer emailed me asking for proof with a deadline. I explained to friend I would be available for emergency stuff only. I got a few calls when they stopped for fuel. At the 7h/53h mark she calls me bawling. She can't handle the pain. I need to call her mother and find out if she'll buy a plane ticket. She hopped on a plane. It was after 10 on a school night and I'm up until 1 booking flights and hotel rooms and finding restaurants that she can eat at because she has all the food disorders and can't eat anything...while living off candy, fast food and pasta. I went to bed when I was done. That was hours lost on court research. I also picked her up and dropped her off at the airport which I didn't mind even though it was like 10pm pick up 4 am drop off.
I know she has things going on too like her father died a few years ago. They were best friends. Her mother is absolutely refusing to go on after her 2nd husband died so she's worried something would happen and she couldn't get home (she moved home 2 month's after her holiday visit). She's diabetic and has anxiety. Any other health problems she has she blows off because she's afraid.
submitted by Infamous-Strength-85 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 15:31 writer-in-residence2 A story I wrote about my cat Eggbert

Eggbert had feline diabetes and was about 24 lbs when I adopted him. This rhyming book is for kids and hopefully they will understand how overfeeding a pet is a bad thing.
Eggbert, the Big, Fat Sugar Cat - Kindle edition by Kalina-Metzger, Stephanie. Children Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.
submitted by writer-in-residence2 to FelineDiabetes [link] [comments]

2024.03.31 23:11 Door_Number_Four Resource for kids

Hello all-
I recently have confirmed that my ten year old son’s obesity has now brought him to borderline pre-diabetic state.
Just took him for his first run, and it is going to be a journey. I knew that going in, but it became even more apparent.
I am looking for two things:
1)Running inspiration for kids. I want to get and keep him excited.
2)resources on how to to be a positive coach.
My inner motivation in athletics has always been a form of “ FU” , that stemmed from severe childhood asthma that left me the runt of the litter.
Running, basketball, every sport was fueled by that. I know that won’t be what drives this kid, for better or worse.
submitted by Door_Number_Four to beginnerrunning [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 21:58 HappyBuddha8 Things to help with integration and calming the nervous system

Things to help with integration and calming the nervous system
There are a lot of questions about integration after a TRE session. Also a lot of questions about anxiety and an unbalanced nervous system. The good thing is that things that calm down the nervous system also help with integration and vice versa. I want to share my thoughts and what is helping me. Hope this is benefical for you 🙏

Enough rest between TRE sessions This is a matter of trying and experimenting. In the Beginner's Section there is a good guideline. What does rest mean? Rest means restoring your energy, let the nervous system calm down and proces the releases. Remember your body is made to move. I noticed that sometimes my heartrate was higher when sitting, then when slowly walking, why? Because while sitting I was stressed. When I walked, the nervous system could calm down. Also, a higher heartrate while moving is no problem, that is normal. It is better to have a high heartrate while moving then while sitting or lying down.
I want to emphasis the following: If you feel bad and don't know what to do, get up and take a walk.
Of course seek medical / professional help when needed, this is just a general rule.
This video talks about ways to rest and how to manage your energy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxYscKkDkEA
Also take regular breaks during the day. Science shows that taking breaks every 30 minutes increases focus and productivity. It doesn't have to be a long break. Just take a few minutes to make yourself something to drink or go to the toilet.
You can use the Pomodoro Technique: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pomodoro_Technique
I also use Stretchly on my laptop that shows a gray screen with a timer to take a break from screentime. If you are interested: https://hovancik.net/stretchly/
During rest you can also do the things I describe below like: The Basic Exercise, Breathing Exercises, Recovery-walking, caring for your houseplant, etc.

No stimulating substances No cafeïne, no nicotine, no alcohol, no sugar. These will agitate your nervous system and this will mess with integration. You want more balance, no extreme UPS and DOWNS. Abandon everything that make you overactive.

Recovery-walking This type of walking helps to lower your heartrate, reduce stress, helps with integration and increases bloodflow. It doesn't tax your nervous system and actually helps to calm it down.
Recovery-walking is walking at a slow pace. Your heartrate should be between 50% - 60% of your maximum heartrate. If you don't know you maximum heartrate, this is a rule of the thumb:
220 - (your age) = maximum heartrate
Example: if you are 40 years old, then your maximum heartrate is 220 - 40 = 180 beats per minute (bpm). 50% of 180 = 0,5 * 180 = 90 bpm. 60% of 180 = 0,6 * 180 = 108 bpm. So if your are 40 years old, you have a maximum heartrate of 180 bpm and during your recovery-walking your heartrate should be between 90 and 108 bpm.
You can measure your heartrate with the Samsung Health app on Android and on Apple there should be a similar app.
What I really like about recovery-walking is that I don't have to worry about taxing my nervous system and I can do it for a longer time then other forms of movement.
Recovery-walking in nature for extra benefits Science shows that nature has a calming effect on the nervous system and lowers stress. Especially nature with green and blue. Green meaning trees, bushes, flowers, gras, etc. Blue meaning water (river, pond, lake, ocean), sky.Looking and listening to animals are also good for the nervous system.This can be animals like different kinds of birds, bees, Lady bugs, butterflies, etc.

Forest bathing We talked about nature in combination with recovery-walking, but you can also be in nature and pay special attention to your senses. Do you feel the sun on your skin? Or the rain? Do you smell the flowers? Or the grass? Do you hear the river? Or the birds? Do you feel the wind? Or the ground under your feet? Being in nature and silently give your senses the space to experience, that is called Forest Bathing. In Japan it is even an offical therapy. You can learn more here: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/travel/article/forest-bathing-nature-walk-health

Caring for houseplants Buy houseplants for your home and care for them. This will give you a sense of meaning and connection. I read a study once where they gave old people in a nursing home a houseplant. In one group they just gave this plant to them and the nurses would take care of it. In the other group they had to take care of the houseplant themselves. The result was that the group that had to take care of the houseplants lived longer and with more health.
Recently came across a beautiful story that illustrates the impact that houseplants can have.
The power of caring for plants 🌿🌱🍃🎋🌳🌻🌼🌸🌺🌹🌷
From fear and depression to love and joy 🙏
"Hi Everyone. A little background: I started gardening seriously after my father died of brain cancer four years ago. He had been ill for twenty years and I was his caregiver. I already had a few plants, but nothing like this. My existing anxiety and depression worsened after he died. I had been struggling with anorexia nervosa for ten years at that point. I had no reason to get out of bed; no one or nothing needed me enough to get up. But I didn't want to die either. The sadness consumed me completely. I was diagnosed with stress-induced diabetes.
A colleague who moved to her parents' house in northern India gave me five plants to care for. This was during the first wave of COVID. I put them on my bay window and finally got up to take care of them. Something changed in my brain and I continued to take care of it. Watching each new leaf brought me joy, and I felt less pain as I saw new life blossom.
I now have over 600 plants - about a hundred on the patio and in a small area outside, about 300 houseplants scattered throughout the house, and 200 flowering plants on my patio.
I stopped taking my antidepressants and anxiety medications (benzodiazepenes) completely after taking them for 8 years. I wake up every day excited to see my plants, and I look forward to caring for them. I'm not completely healed by any means, but I have plenty of reason to live and love. I take care of my street companions (4 dogs and 3 cats, all sterilized and vaccinated).
I plan my watering so that I cover one space per day. I have a full-time job and do volunteer work. I continue to repot over the weekends."

Start a worm compost (vermicomposting) This has the aspects of nature and caring. The beautiful thing is that you can create your own ecosystem and thus help against climate change. The waste you can give to your worms in the worm compost, they give you compost that you can use for your houseplants, the houseplants will grow healthier and stronger, they will give your house a nice look and you can make cutting and always have a wholesome gift to give. This will create a habit of things that increase your welbeing and results in a balanced nervous system.
While walking in nature (during Forest bathing and/or Recovery-walking), you can search for compost worms. You see, you can combine all these beautiful things to increase your wellbeing.

Hug with a stuffed animal Your body reacts the same while cuddling with a person and when cuddling with a animal. The body will produce oxytocin which is the love hormone and will make you feel better. Buy a stuffed animal and you can cuddle whenever you want. Even take the stuffed animal to bed. Let go of the idea that grownups can't have stuffed animals. Just do what makes you feel good.
You can make it even more nice to cuddle by buying a weighted stuffed animal.

Earplugs To lessen the stimuli your nervous system is exposed to, you can wear earplugs. This will reduce the distractions of noise and give you more rest. You can wear them while needing rest or a break. This can be while resting on bed, or while you want quiet time reading something or when you go to bed, or just whenever you want some silence.

Draw, colour, paint This is a great way to express yourself even if you don't have the words. There is research that shows that while drawing, colouring and/or painting there is less filter and thus it shows more truly what actually is going on inside.
Research shows that drawing causes more happiness and less stress. For example, an experiment was done with the online drawing platform Piccles. During the experiment, a workshop was organized in which participants were instructed to use the online drawing platform to answer the following question: "What does well-being mean to you?". This resulted in great drawings and accompanying special stories. The greatest amount of happiness was measured using changes in the participants' facial expressions and eye movements. In addition to the huge spike in joy, a significant decrease in mental effort was also noted while drawing.
The content of the participants' drawings also have a story to tell, a story that is different from traditional research methods, said Bent (creator of Piccles). “People don't know how to put a veil on the truth of what they really feel when they draw.”
Including, apparently, how happy it makes them.
Participants at an Emory University Hospital workshop drew these images in response to the question, “What does wellness mean to you?” using the Pickles platform. “The drawings are great,” said Piccles creator Chris Bent, “but the stories are gold.”

Help others and be kind Helping others makes you happy (increases oxytocin, serotonin, dopamin) and makes the other happy. It is a win-win. Helping can be almost anything. Even saying hai to someone is already an act of kindness, because you are acknowledging the existence and worth of this person.
![img](n1zgo43yz4rc1 " ")
Watch as the camera tracks an act of kindness as its passed from one individual to the next and manages to boomerang back to the person who set it into motion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwAYpLVyeFU

Gratitude At the end of the day write down three things you are greatful for. This creates a habit of looking at things that are good in you life. Remember we are creatures of habit, you can learn to be grateful and after sometime this will become natural.

In moments of extreme anxiety / panic / stress, try these:

The Basic Exercise (by Stanley Rosenberg) This exercise (when performed regularly) would help most people move from a state of stress or shut down to a more calm, healthy and functional state of the nervous system. This simple exercise repositions the 1st and 2nd cervical (neck) vertebrae, increases mobility in the neck and the entire spine and thus increases blood flow to the brain stem where the cranial nerves (necessary for optimal function) originate. It is effective, easy to learn and easy to do and takes just 2 minutes to complete.
Three video's that explain this exercise (choose the one you resonate with the most):
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbowIy6kONY
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFV0FfMc_uo
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-S8KT7w4uaA

Breathing exercises There are lots of different breathing exercises. The fact that you focus on the breath helps already with excessive thoughts and anxiety. In general you want your exhale longer then your inhale.Inhale longer then exhale = action, fight, flightExhale longer then inhale = rest, digest, calm
You can try this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vkYJf8DOsc
Also there is a breathing exercises backed by science called the Physiological Sigh: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/vErS61fumLc

More things that are helping me to integrate and calm down my nervous system:
Chamomile tea This is a real gem. When in extreme anxiety/panic/stress, you should certainly try strong concentrated chamomile tea. Boil water and put it into a mug. Dip the chamomile tea bag into your mug 100 times and leave it in. Once it has cooled down a bit you can drink it. I also simply put a liter in a thermos and then left 3 bags in to brew. Doctors I spoke to indicated that chamomile tea is not addictive.
Learn your nervous system when to be active and inactive When your nervous system is unbalanced it is constantly active and has trouble to be inactive (in rest) again. The alternation between movement and rest will learn your nervous system when to be active and when to be inactive. The alternation looks like this: move, rest, move, rest, ........, move, rest. When moving your heartrate goes up and this is natural and normal. When you rest your heartrate should go down. In the beginning your nervous system can have difficulty lowering your heartrate, but as you keep alternating, it will learn to calm down quicker.

Hope this is helpful
We are in this together, so please share the things you do to integrate and calm down
Love you all


submitted by HappyBuddha8 to longtermTRE [link] [comments]

2024.03.27 10:05 PretoriaWinright MY NEIGHBOUR KUNLE

Years ago I had this neighbor, Kunle, he was into forex and was doing well for himself. Kunle was a serial player. It was impossible to keep track of the number of women that visited him so I just stopped memorizing their names and called them ‘our wife’
I liked him cos he’s funny, jovial and not proud despite the small change he had. Infact, most nights he took me clubbing and usually declared in the compound whenever he hits a major deal, which was often.
My girlfriend hated him & anytime she was around, I would act like I disliked him too & stay away until he noticed. So, whenever my babe was around, he kept his distance.
One morning I was with Kunle when one of the married men in the flat came out & immediately…
Kunle raised his hands up and shouted, “Senior man sir, respect sir good morning sir!”
The guy laughed then came over to greet us, and after he left, I turned to Kunle and said
“Kunle, Kilode, why you greet Mr Kenneth like that?”
He laughed & said that he has to give honor to whom honor is due. I was lost so I asked him to explain
He said the guys wife is very sweet, too sweet infact, so he respects the guy cos of what he enjoys every day
“How do you know she’s very sweet?” I asked confused.
He now told me that he knacked the guys wife last night so he has to show the guy respect cos it’s not easy to chop that sweet thing everyday & not have diabetes
I was stunned, Mr Kenneth is a doctor & works night often & the wife is very holy, always praying & going to church.
The following weekend, we were outside drinking when our caretaker passed and immediately Kunle jumped up
“Senior man sir, respect sir, Good afternoon sir.”
The caretaker smiled and came over. Kunle ordered drinks for him and he took them and left, smiling…
“Wait Kunle, no tell me say you knack caretaker wife too.” I asked in disbelief
“Haaa, no nah, I no bad like that.”
I laughed in relief “Omo I for fear you”
“Na him daughter I knack” he simply added
My mouth stayed open for some seconds…
He laughed & gisted me about how sweet the girl was. Few days later we drove out together in his Benz and as we got to the gate, the security man came out and right inside the car Kunle screamed
“Senior man, sir, respect sir, Good evening sir.”
“My oga, no whine me. Na u be sir.” The security man said smiling while Kunle reached into his glovebox & handed him some cash
As we drove off I asked
“Guy, even our security too? So, who u knack for him family this time, wife or daughter?”
“Younger sister” He said with a grin.
The day I knew I had to start avoiding him was when he invited me to his church. After service he took me to greet the pastor and as soon as we got into his office, Kunle screamed
“Senior man, sir, respect sir, Good morning Pastor sir.”The pastor laughed then thanked him for the special seed. I couldn’t concentrate throughout the meeting and after we left, I asked him
“Kunle, your pastor, who, his daughter or choir mistress?”
He smiled and said his wife.
Ah, u slept with ur pastors wife? If he could sleep with his own pastors wife, who is safe. Thank God my babe hated him so I knew I had to cut off. This guy was a menace, a penidemic!
I travelled for 3 days for a work trip… but we finished very early on the second day & so I came back to Lagos afterwards.
As I entered the compound, I saw Kunle’s car parked at its usual spot. I knew he would want us to go out once he sees me & I didn’t want to. So, I called my babe to come over. At least if she’s around he’ll avoid me while I planned how to also avoid him
As I was still on the call with her, Kunle stepped outside his room and Immediately he saw me, he screamed… “Senior man sir, respect sir, welcome sir!”
Immediately, my phone dropped from my hand in shock and then Kunle screamed, “Yeee, I don fu THE END
✍️ Ajebo writer
submitted by PretoriaWinright to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.03.14 02:53 BlackMetal146 Which black metal fan do you relate with the most?

Which black metal fan do you relate with the most? submitted by BlackMetal146 to MetalForTheMasses [link] [comments]

2024.03.12 21:23 tutscommy Am I good?

Hi guys I’ve been stressing over admissions for fall 2024. Here are my stats:
I had a 10.0 gpa at Harvard university at the age of 7. Set to be the new owner of Microsoft, with 27289202 hours of volunteering, wrote a nationally awarded linear algebra thesis, got a 1900 on my sat, took 32 AP classes, my parents also make $20k a year, I know at least 23 languages, won the national math competition 7 years in a row, won the national tournament for, football, swimming, tennis, baseball, basketball and wrestling, I also cured diabetes, whilst making an AI that predicts the future with 99.999999% accuracy, while also fighting in Iraq, I also invented a new math that calculates time dilation, I then created a multiverse teleporter like how they did in family guy, I also taught the entire calculus series, while teaching quantum mechanics, while also teaching organic chemistry, my essay was read by 3 nationally ranked authors and they said it was fantastic, I also played 12 instruments for 12 years, I also have an internship at Microsoft, google, and Amazon, I also am a master at Kung fu, karate, taekwondo, judo, Brazilian martial arts, Muay Thai, boxing, and kendo, I also played in the 2020 Super Bowl and scored the last touchdown, while also winning the latest World Cup, I am also a top detective for the FBI while also being a bounty hunter for Jabba the hut, I also directed 23 movies, all with a rating of 8-10 stars out of 10, i also was the club founder and president of robotics, math, NHS, physics, chemistry, writing, and the CS CLub all at once, I also skipped 3 whole grades and I’m set to graduate this year, I saved 900 puppies from being abandoned on the street, I then worked in construction and is currently designing the light rail in federal way, I then created GTA 7 with no game engine, and only using linear algebra and calculus, I also made the Delorean from back to the future in real life, I also won a karate tournament with an illegal kick beating my bully for being the new kid and being poor, I also stopped Jason vorhees and Freddy kruegar from coming back in real life, I also gave therapy to multiple mentally ill people curing them from what they were struggling with, I also won the Putnam competition and got a perfect score on the Gaokao, JEE, and suneung, I then won 5 CSGO majors, while also winning 3 LEAGUE OF LEGENDS WORLD champions, I was also featured on graduation by Kanye west, and was featured in Kendrick’s DAMN album, I also won 2 FNCS competitions, I also gave brain surgery to 29 people saving them all, and lastly created a new Pokémon in real life.
I also applied for creative writing. Am I getting in?
submitted by tutscommy to UofO [link] [comments]

2024.03.11 20:15 pascal_testet (Werbung) Abitima Clinic Hautpflege

(Werbung) Abitima Clinic Hautpflege
(Werbung) mein heutiger Test mit Abitima Clinic Hautpflege 🧴Ablauf: die Produkte bekam ich auf dem Postweg zugesendet 🧴Fazit: langanhaltend,feuchtigkeitsspendend, medizinische Hautpflegeserie, zur Pflege von trockener bis sehr trockener Haut, für die ganze Familie, parfümfrei, zumeist aus natürlichem Lanolin, steigert Feuchtigkeitsgehalt, innerhalb kurzer Zeit um bis zu 50 %, macht die Haut wieder weich und geschmeidig, ausgezeichnet, verträglich und angenehm auf der Haut, ohne Parabene, Tierversuche, Parfüm und Allergie getestet, zur Körper und Fußpflege bei Diabetes, nach UV Bestrahlung, zur medizinischen Hautpflege bei Neurodermitis, Pflege bei Druckwunden, unterstützt Pflege bei Hautekzemen; Gesichtscreme: ideale Tages und Nachtpflege, glättet schuppige Gesichtspartien, reguliert Feuchtigkeitsgehalt, der Haut, natürliches Lanolin. Glycerin, Vitamin E; Körpercreme: nachhaltig Feuchtigkeitsregulierend, zieht schnell ein, sorgt für weiche und glatte Haut, natürliches Lanolin, Glycerin; Urea Bodylotion: intensiv feuchtigkeitsspendend, Abstoßung trockener, schuppiger Hautzellen wird gefördert, Spannungsgefühle werden gelindert, zur Therapiebegleitung zum Beispiel bei Neurodermitis, Psoriasis und diabetischer Haut geeignet, Urea, Vitamin E, Sonnenblumenöl #produkttester #produkttest #pascaltestet #abitima_hautpflege #liebedeinehaut @the_insiders
submitted by pascal_testet to Produkttest [link] [comments]

2024.03.10 10:00 AnthonyYouuu Am I cooked?

Hi guys I’ve been stressing over admissions for fall 2024. Here are my stats:
I had a 10.0 gpa at Harvard university at the age of 7. Set to be the new owner of Microsoft, with 27289202 hours of volunteering, wrote a nationally awarded linear algebra thesis, got a 1900 on my sat, took 32 AP classes, my parents also make $20k a year, I know at least 23 languages, won the national math competition 7 years in a row, won the national tournament for, football, swimming, tennis, baseball, basketball and wrestling, I also cured diabetes, whilst making an AI that predicts the future with 99.999999% accuracy, while also fighting in Iraq, I also invented a new math that calculates time dilation, I then created a multiverse teleporter like how they did in family guy, I also taught the entire calculus series, while teaching quantum mechanics, while also teaching organic chemistry, my essay was read by 3 nationally ranked authors and they said it was fantastic, I also played 12 instruments for 12 years, I also have an internship at Microsoft, google, and Amazon, I also am a master at Kung fu, karate, taekwondo, judo, Brazilian martial arts, Muay Thai, boxing, and kendo, I also played in the 2020 Super Bowl and scored the last touchdown, while also winning the latest World Cup, I am also a top detective for the FBI while also being a bounty hunter for Jabba the hut, I also directed 23 movies, all with a rating of 8-10 stars out of 10, i also was the club founder and president of robotics, math, NHS, physics, chemistry, writing, and the CS CLub all at once, I also skipped 3 whole grades and I’m set to graduate this year, I saved 900 puppies from being abandoned on the street, I then worked in construction and is currently designing the light rail in federal way, I then created GTA 7 with no game engine, and only using linear algebra and calculus, I also made the Delorean from back to the future in real life, I also won a karate tournament with an illegal kick beating my bully for being the new kid and being poor, I also stopped Jason vorhees and Freddy kruegar from coming back in real life, I also gave therapy to multiple mentally ill people curing them from what they were struggling with, I also won the Putnam competition and got a perfect score on the Gaokao, JEE, and suneung, I then won 5 CSGO majors, while also winning 3 LEAGUE OF LEGENDS WORLD champions, I was also featured on graduation by Kanye west, and was featured in Kendrick’s DAMN album, I also won 2 FNCS competitions, I also gave brain surgery to 29 people saving them all, and lastly created a new Pokémon in real life.
I also applied for creative writing. Am I getting in?
submitted by AnthonyYouuu to udub [link] [comments]

2024.03.01 20:09 Still10Fingers10Toes Ozempic and ADHD

I’ve just been prescribed Ozempic for type 2 diabetes and I’m interested in the experiences of people with ADHD have had. I know it’s supposed to affect brain chemistry and since my brain chemistry is already FU with ADHD, I’m wondering how it could impact mine. I’m currently unmedicated for my ADHD and depression but I’ve taken different stimulants and SSRIs in the past. My wife was on Ozempic for a while but it made her so nauseous she stopped after a couple months. Just looking for others experiences. Was it effective for sugars control? Plus I could really lose weight side effect.
submitted by Still10Fingers10Toes to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.02.19 10:49 clinicone Benefits of eating Apple

Benefits of eating Apple
Apples are a highly nutritious fruit that offers many health benefits when eaten regularly.
Rich in fiber and antioxidants helps lower the risk of many chronic conditions. They also aid in weight loss and improve gut and brain health.
Your Health First - Clinic One
#healthylifestyle #healthtips #food #foodtips #foodhealthy #healthyfood #healthyeating #healthcare #chronicillness #diabetes #Antioxidants #weightloss #diet #diettips #dietitian #guthealthforlife #brainhealth #foodmatters #YourHealthFirst
#clinic #clinicone

submitted by clinicone to u/clinicone [link] [comments]

2024.02.06 11:57 Fiddlinbanjo 2 years of calisthenics at 42 years old – Progress report!

Hi everyone,
I've been enjoying this community for the past two years. I can hardly believe the progress I've made over the past two years, so I thought I'd share another progress report as a way of thanking all of you who offer advice on this subreddit and maybe inspiring some out-of-shape, over-the-hill calisthenics hopefuls.
About me: 42M, 75 kg/165 lbs, 179 cm/5’10”, approx. 13% body fat (???) Challenges: full time job, father of 2, type 1 diabetes (aka youth diabetes or the autoimmune kind), age-related slower recovery Here is my physique with calisthenics at 6 months (70kg), 1 year (81 kg) and 2 years (75kg / current weight): https://imgur.com/a/YgnEDUz Here a few more current pics, if interested: https://imgur.com/a/oL2mmBD
My Renpho scale usually gives me a 13 or 14% body fat estimate, does that sound accurate? The visibility of the vein on my biceps and muscle fibers on my pecs and shoulders makes me think it could be less.
First off, here’s an overview of my modest achievements, compared to young athletes. Personal bests (with direct, hard work):
Free gains (without direct work or very irregular direct work):
I started my calisthenics journey in February of 2022, unable to do a single pull up. I was on the upper end of the recommended bodyweight for my size, so you could say I was on the fat side of skinny-fat: chicken legs, spaghetti arms and a pot belly. However, I was a hobby runner. I would go running once or twice a week for 10 kilometers. It really did nothing for my strength or body composition. The only positive effect was good endurance. It didn’t help much at all for my blood sugar control as a diabetic. If anything, it made glucose control more difficult. Basically, all my gains have been newbie gains, but at an over-the-hill age. I never did strength training in my life. The only time I can remember doing a pull up before turning 40 was probably when I was in middle school gym class at 13. Since starting calisthenics, my fastest muscle growth was when I bulked over a 6 month period in 2022-23. Then, my bicep measurements went from 32 to 35 cm, but my pull up numbers were largely stagnating due to the increasing weight. Since then, my biceps have grown up to about 37 cm. I think 2 cm of growth since last year is pretty good, especially since I haven’t gone on a bulk since my first year of calisthenics. I’ve just been focusing on staying lean. Benefits as a type 1 diabetic and more: Now that I have a completely different body composition (slim waist, visible six pack, muscular arms, shoulders & lats), my blood sugar control is amazing. For those who understand, my HBA1c was 5.5, 5.2 & 5.6% on my last three quarterly visits to the endocrinologist. For those unfamiliar with these numbers, it means my blood glucose is consistently within a healthy, normal range. Having greater muscle mass does wonders for your sugar metabolism, and I’m proof of that. My sudden & chronic lower back pain has also been much better. I would like to do more intense leg & posterior chain work, but for now I’m just working on pistol squats and sets of 30 deadlifts with a 24kg kettlebell, which is too easy so maybe I should do KB swings. My workout routine:
For my workouts, I generally follow the Recommended Routine with weighted pull ups, chest-to-wall headstand push ups, tuck planche push ups and tuck FL rows. I generally skip the core triplet in favor of 3 super sets of: pelican curls, triceps extensions & ring muscle up transitions with feet on ground. Lately, however, I’ve been trying out a skills cycle focussed on Planche & Front Lever. It’s going well, but I am considering stopping it and first building up more strength with OAC, HSPU progressions & direct muscle up work, which are actually the goals that I’m most excited about.
At the beginning, I was very consistent with practicing 3x per week. Since moving on to more intense exercises like weighted push ups or OAC progressions, I've generally cut down to twice a week to give my old body more time to recover.
Who has really inspired me?
At the beginning, it was Chris Heria videos that got me started. Overall, however, my biggest inspirations and sources of great knowledge in the area of calisthenics have been: FitnessFAQs, Stephen Low (Overcoming Gravity2), Mindful Mover & all the unknown heros who put work into creating and maintaining the Recommended Routine and answering questions here on reddit.
In a nutshell:
Don’t let your age or lack of experience stop you. I’ve gotten so much out of calisthenics despite being over 40 and not having any prior strength training experience (only running and kung fu in the past). You can still gain muscle and skill when you’re over 40, unless maybe you are a life-long calisthenics athlete who peaked in their 20s. Also, don’t let your lack of a perfect set up and optimal equipment stop you. Start now and make the most out of what you have – even if that’s just the floor. Here’s my 1-year calisthenics update, if you are interested: https://www.reddit.com/bodyweightfitness/comments/10qpaif/m41_nearly_1_year_calisthenics_progress_report/ My goals for the next progress report in February 2025:
Thanks for reading and thanks for all your encouragement over the past 2 years!
submitted by Fiddlinbanjo to bodyweightfitness [link] [comments]

2024.01.27 07:57 lhmquan Leitfaden für eine diabetische Katze – Was Sie wissen müssen, um Ihre Katze effektiv zu pflegen

Dieser Leitfaden bietet umfassende Informationen zur Pflege von Katzen mit Diabetes, um sicherzustellen, dass sie ein langes und gesundes Leben führen können. Er beinhaltet wichtige Aspekte wie das Verständnis von Diabetes bei Katzen, die Erkennung von Symptomen, die geeignete Behandlung, Ernährungsrichtlinien, Bewegung, Überwachung des Blutzuckerspiegels und regelmäßige Kontrolluntersuchungen beim Tierarzt. Indem Sie die Informationen in diesem Leitfaden befolgen, können Sie die Lebensqualität Ihrer diabetischen Katze erheblich verbessern und ihr ein glückliches und gesundes Leben ermöglichen. Read Full At: https://petyolo.org/leitfaden-fuer-eine-diabetische-katze-was-sie-wissen-muessen-um-ihre-katze-effektiv-zu-pflegen/
submitted by lhmquan to petyoloblog [link] [comments]

2024.01.27 00:45 lhmquan Hoher Blutzuckerspiegel bei Katzen

Hoher Blutzuckerspiegel bei Katzen
Ein hoher Blutzuckerspiegel, auch Hyperglykämie genannt, ist eine ernstzunehmende Erkrankung bei Katzen, die unbehandelt zu schweren gesundheitlichen Problemen führen kann. Ursachen für einen hohen Blutzuckerspiegel sind häufig Diabetes mellitus, eine Fehlfunktion der Bauchspeicheldrüse, die zur mangelnden Produktion von Insulin führt, oder eine Nebennierenerkrankung. Symptome eines hohen Blutzuckerspiegels sind unter anderem vermehrtes Trinken, gesteigerter Appetit, Gewichtsverlust, häufiges Urinieren und Lethargie.
Die Diagnose eines hohen Blutzuckerspiegels wird durch eine Blutuntersuchung gestellt. Die Behandlung richtet sich nach der zugrunde liegenden Ursache und kann Medikamente, eine spezielle Diät und regelmäßige Blutzuckerkontrollen umfassen. Eine frühzeitige Diagnose und Behandlung sind wichtig, um Komplikationen wie diabetische Ketoazidose (DKA) und diabetische Neuropathie zu vermeiden.
Ursachen für einen hohen Blutzuckerspiegel bei Katzen:
Symptome eines hohen Blutzuckerspiegels bei Katzen:
Diagnose eines hohen Blutzuckerspiegels bei Katzen:
Behandlung eines hohen Blutzuckerspiegels bei Katzen:
Komplikationen eines hohen Blutzuckerspiegels bei Katzen:
submitted by lhmquan to petyoloblog [link] [comments]
