Lamictal and birth controll

I can't wrap my head around it sometimes

2024.05.20 05:03 Fun_Fisherman8178 I can't wrap my head around it sometimes

Like the title says, lately, I cannot wrap my head around what I went through. The concept, premise, that my parents both, the ones who gave me life, since my birth, have been conspiring to either subjugate me, or destroy me all together. I have been going to therapy and journaling a lot recently and have had tons of unpleasant memories rise the surface. It has been a recurring theme that I just cannot yet bring myself to accept, the truth that neither of my parents loved me.
The only reason they had me and my brother was for each of their own selfish reasons. I was simply a pawn to be moved about their little chess board for their gratification. If I did not serve their needs (which after escaping them, I do not) they are more than happy to try and flip the board and crush the pieces.
I have found myself lately walking to the door of acceptance of the reality of who my parents truly are and how they view themselves and me in relation to them and as I peer through to look at the reality, it feels like opening the door on a sub zero winters day, the breathe gets vacuumed from my lungs and all I want to do is slam the door back shut.
I know I cannot do this forever if I want to reach the next level in my recovery journey but I can say that am afraid that I am not yet ready to brave this kind of cold. I feel a coward. I find myself disconnecting from reality the closer I get to the the door. The painful memories flash through like lightening strikes.
I know the only way they were able to control me was to convince me to mime a prison cell within my mind and use me to act as a jailer for my own free will and desires. Even with this awareness and insight, the programming has been so deeply ingrained in me after 25 years that I still fear being fired on as an escaped convict fleeing the prison grounds.
I am not sure if I will find peace. I have broken many systems that have been toxic and oppressive but when you fight reality, it tends to fight back even if you do so with righteous intentions.
My desires have always been that of the common man, to work to build a life that I feel proud of and can act as a stable platform for my future children to jump off of. This desire based on the evils perpetrated against me seem to be like that of a distant fever dream if my goal is to break the cycles. How can I truly be certain that if the programming is this effective this far out, that even after years of personal work, some formerly dormant systems are not waiting for the chance to reactivate once I am the position my parents were in?
I truly envy those who never have these thoughts. This form of abuse ages you in ways that the flesh can never keep up with. I am tired, I want to find peace, love, and support in this life yet it is so illusive. So much so that I think that it may not even be real. My fear, even if it isn't real, if I give up hope, then they have won. They have crushed the light that exist within the inner chambers of my spirit.
For that possibility alone, I feel that I owe it to myself, whatever the eventual outcome, I must keep on!
submitted by Fun_Fisherman8178 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:00 AconiteAgony Lump under skin for the past 6yrs, don't know where to go now

Hello all. I'm hoping to maybe have someone point me in a direction to bring up to my GP. I am 5'4", 96lbs, and 23F. Was 5'4, 115lbs, 17F. Current medications are Adderall XR, metoprolol, and the birth control patch. I am diagnosed with hEDS, endometriosis, and POTS. At the time of the discovery, I was on the birth control patch, topamax, and as needed rizatriptan.
When I was about 17, I discovered a lump under my skin near my left hip. At the time of discovery, it was small and not able to be seen above the skin, but was able to be felt. Since then, it has grown pretty decently. I recently got sick and lost a bunch of weight, and has made it visible above the skin; (not a great photo, but the best I've been able to get)
I have gotten it checked out multiple times by multiple doctors. Every single one has been able to feel it and has been concerned over it, so I have had several ultrasounds, and a few transvaginal ultrasounds. Every single time, nothing shows up on the scans. They will be directly over it or right next to it and unable to see anything. Due to that, they've just been making guesses ranging from a herniated fallopian tube, to a bloated small intestine.
At this point, it's beginning to hurt. It used to cramp only during my periods, but it's starting to cramp and hurt even while off, to a point of doubling over in pain.
Another thing is that I was not sexually active at the time that this showed up. I was a virgin. Which has ruled out anything related to that for it.
If anyone has any ideas of what I should bring up to my GP, or any idea of what it could be, I would really appreciate it.
submitted by AconiteAgony to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:59 Lopsided_Ad_9520 Should I take Plan B?

Just wanted someone else’s opinion as I can be irrationally anxious.
I got off of birth control about a month ago and while my boyfriend and I normally use condoms, lately we’ve been using the pull out method, making sure he pees before we have sex each time and dries and cleans his penis with soap and water on a washcloth as he is uncut.
Tonight we had sex twice, an hour between each round, and while he did urinate between rounds, he only cleaned the semen off his penis with a dry washcloth and forgot to rinse. As he is uncut I’m a bit worried if there was any residual semen it could be a problem although it seemed very dry.
I took an ovulation test and I’m due to ovulate soon, so plan b may be useless either way.
Looking for some reassurance.
submitted by Lopsided_Ad_9520 to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:53 UniqueDistrict3239 Weight Gain Nexplanon

Hi everyone, I’ve been feeling a little discouraged with the amount of weight I gained. I got my implant last September of 2023. I was 150 before putting in my implant and I gained 5 pounds after a week or so and was really stressed about it so I’ve tried to work out more and watch what I eat. I am now 15 pounds heavier and I’m not sure what to do… Nexplanon has been one of the best birth control I’ve had (regarding my mental health) but the weight gain is stressing me out (which is ironically messing with my mental health). This is the heaviest I’ve been and I am starting to hate looking at myself in the mirror.
Do any of you have any advice on how to lose weight or maintain my weight with nexplanon? Should I bring this up with my doctor? I always have this fear that my doctor will just tell me to exercise and diet when I already do.
submitted by UniqueDistrict3239 to Nexplanon [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:52 gucci_gas_station Question Concerning BC

Hello, friends!
This probably a very silly question but I’m looking into starting my Catholicism journey, and was reading up on nfp. I noticed birth control is discouraged, but i have pcos. I have too high of testosterone and my hormones don’t function right without the estrogen pill to balance it out. I’m assuming this rule has exceptions for medical purposes? Would I have to get approval before hand? This is all new and I just want to understand. Thanks for any answers in advanced 🌸
submitted by gucci_gas_station to CatholicWomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:51 Western_Command_385 Geriatricand pregnant 4 months pp

Tw: Pregnancy and talk of termination
Has anyone had back to back pregnancies in their 40s?
I’m only 4 months PP and got pregnant having sex one time during my period while nursing FT. I know, I’m an idiot, but I thought the chances were low given my age and ya know...period. I’ve used the rhythm method the majority of my life but apparently by body is just shooting out eggs now. I assume I ovulated early.
I don’t know if this pregnancy is viable yet, as I’m only 5 weeks as of Monday (5/19), but I’m scared. I had gestational diabetes and anemia this past pregnancy. Thankfully, I’ve had iron infusions so I should be good on that, and I was diet controlled with GD, so it never got out of control. I’m currently eating as if I’m a diabetic anyhow, as my sugars have been weird after birth and I’m somewhat insulin resistant (pre-pre diabetes). I mention these things because I hope to have a handle on it.
So my question is, has anyone been through this as an older mom? I know I have options, but I’ve terminated in the past when I was going through a separation. It was the right decision at the time, but it weighed on me heavily, and I’m not sure I could do it again. I’d appreciate if this thread doesn’t turn into a discussion on pro vs. anti, but this is the internet, so I just ask y'all be nice. Termination is not off the table if it's too risky, but I haven't met with my OBGYN yet.
The main thing I’m asking is if anyone else has been through this. I’m worried about my health and the potential babies getting pregnant back to back in my early 40s. I am embarrassed I am pregnant again so soon. Tell me something hopeful, give me a reality check, idk. My brain is all over the place right now. TIA
submitted by Western_Command_385 to beyondthebump [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:47 misanthropymajor Going from the pill to HRT

Anyone else? Am 53 and have fully entered menopause as of a few months ago. I took the pill with no problems for many, many years. In fact I chose to stay on it even when I didn’t need birth control bc it stabilized my mood and prevented my getting as many headaches (I’d sometimes take a few months off), and as I got older my PMS and cramping were off the charts.
I switched to HRT 2.5 weeks ago and I already notice a change in mood (feeling quite down and nothing in life is upsetting me, nothing has changed), and I also swear I already see a change in my facial skin — the delicate skin under my eyes (esp where the cheek begins) seems crepey and thinner.
Am I imagining things? I know the skin thing seems very vain but …
submitted by misanthropymajor to WomensHealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:47 littleuser00 Intense mood swings on minipill

I’ve been on the mini pill for about a month and I’ve found if been extremely emotional since taking it. I’ll begin to cry over the smallest things and I’ve just been more angry/sad in general - my only major change in my life has been beginning birth control so I’m 99% sure this is the root. Has anyone else experienced this and does it go away the longer I’m on it?
submitted by littleuser00 to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:42 salty_worms Re: pass legislation in CA to make it a crime for dr to deny sterilization based on fear of regret

I had the post up all day and looked at all of the comments on there, thank you so much for your feedback. I re-wrote it and it is about 2× as long now, but it is written much better than before. Here it is:
 Good evening, my name is [redacted], I’m an 18 year old woman and I want to bring your attention to an aspect of women’s rights California legislation has, unfortunately, neglected. Tonight I stand here to raise awareness to the fact that despite abortion being set in California’s constitution, and birth control and plan B being widely available, there are other reproductive healthcare procedures women are frequently denied by doctors, because some doctors only trust us to make medical choices regarding our body when it fits their agenda. Those procedures are elective sterilizations. Being a young, childfree adult is more common now than you think. In adults aged 18-34, 49% want to remain childfree. When you single out just women in that age range, 55% of us want to be childfree. This is according to a poll from the Pew Research Center published February of this year. That means over 92 million (92,400,000) women in the United States, or about 11 million (10,743,477) Californian women. In today’s political climate regarding women’s reproductive healthcare it is imperative that the issue of women being infantilized by our medical providers, and denied medical procedures because of it, receive a lot more attention than it is getting. If Trump gets elected, abortion will become a federal crime and women will turn to less safe methods to end their pregnancy. We are one election away from losing reproductive freedom, and this is especially dangerous for childfree women. I have known I didn't want kids since I was 12, and as a childfree adult woman I won’t be safe to exercise my childfree lifestyle in Donald Trump’s anti-abortion America. Birth control and plan B may be banned next in his legislation, and childfree women like myself shouldn’t have our unwanted fertility putting us at risk of an unwanted pregnancy due to that type of environment. I believe the lack of access around elective sterilization is something pro-choice and pro-life can agree on, as it helps to meet both goals. The bipartisan nature of this issue is another reason why it is important to direct our efforts to absolve the passive and dismissive nature doctors take towards young, childfree women opting for a procedure that will ultimately bring peace of mind if abortion is federally banned. Our goal to protect reproductive freedom should have more focus on ending the infantilizing discrimination against women in healthcare, and giving us a choice on if we want to risk subjecting our bodies to something as body-altering as pregnancy by refusing to tolerate doctors denying women medical procedures based on a doctor projecting their fear of regret onto level-headed women. About three months before my 18th birthday, I had a consultation with my doctor to talk about permanent sterilization. Of course, I was 17 so I knew I would not be granted any procedure until after my 18th birthday, but I wanted to find out more about what options are out there, risks, benefits, and how likely I am to be approved by a surgeon. What I found out is most hospitals will want female patients to be at least 21, 25 or sometimes over 30 before they will consider elective sterilization. This isn't because of legitimate medical concerns with the procedure, this is because they think women are likely to regret being childfree, and their lack of trust in our decision making is both infantilizing and insulting. On my 18th birthday, I called to schedule another consultation to get a referral for sterilization. I will be 19 next month and I am about to have my fourth consultation to attempt to get a referral for a surgery to remove both fallopian tubes, called a bi-salp. A bi-salp is the safest and most effective form of female sterilization, and it is low risk as far as surgery goes. I have been denied three times in one year, despite that I have known I am childfree since I was 12, and I have been wanting to become sterilized since I was 14. Doctors treat me like I don’t know what I want, and like they know better than me. It is infantilizing, discriminating against women, and shows a lack of ignorance when you look at statistics of regret rates. According to a study done by S D Hillis et al, the least likely groups of women to feel regret after an elective sterilization are childfree women under age 30 (6.3%) and women over the age of 30 (5.9%). The study followed over 11 thousand women aged 18-44 for 14 years, and showed the risk of regretting elective sterilization is low, even in young women. If you compare those numbers to other elective surgeries, such as cosmetics, the percentages are much higher. According to a paper by Dr. Aaron Stanes, as much as 40% of people regret rhinoplasty surgery. Even comparing the rates of regretting sterilization with the rates of regretting an unplanned c-section, elective sterilization has a much lower rate of regret than an unplanned c-section, which had a whole 73% of patients regretting it according to Yasmine L Konheim-Kalkstein et al. Denying adult women elective sterilization on the grounds that the doctor thinks we will regret it later is barbaric and borderline inhumane in today’s political climate, as well as ignorant when you factor in the actual statistics. Today, I want to bring attention to this issue to the public, and at some point I want to make it a crime in the state of California for a doctor to deny elective sterilization to adult women based on fear of regret. I want a world where women’s reproductive choices are not limited to the government’s opinion, or our doctor’s feelings. Granting adult women the dignity of choice is essential to our reproductive equality. Thank you for your time. 
submitted by salty_worms to childfree [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:32 sr14568 weight gain, birth control?

hi all -
i (24f) started birth control for the first time in my life, almost 18 months ago. i have been on two pills - first vestura and, now, lo loestrin fe. prior to starting vestura, i was 130 pounds. i noticed significant weight gain after starting vestura, which caused me to switch to lo loestrin ~8 months ago. i now weigh 166lbs and am unable to lose this weight. when i explained this to my obgyn, they said it was impossible for the pill to have caused the weight gain.
for the doctors - is it possible that either of these pills caused the weight gain? and most importantly, how can i lose this stubborn weight that doesn't seem to go away? i am relatively active, i work out 4 days a week (pilates/cardio/strength training) and get an average of 5k - 8k steps per day.
any advice would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by sr14568 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:32 Agreeable-Hour-653 How to comfort/reassure my friend of her abortion

Hi, I’m not sure if this is NSFW but it does contain talking about abortions which can be a sensitive topic for most, so TW for that. Also posting on a throwaway account because I don’t want her to find this somehow.
My friend recently took a pregnancy test and it came back positive. She had an absolute meltdown and called me in hysterics crying for me to come over. Now we are both young and in no place for either of us to have children. And she has made it clear that she does not want to continue seeing the guy she’s with and will be ending the relationship in about a month due to her moving away.
She’s been on and off her birth control, and I guess during the night it happened she assumed she would be fine as she wasn’t ovulating supposedly. She planned on taking the morning after pill but then once again thought she would be fine.
The issue arises that she is now beating herself up and can’t stop crying about how stupid she feels.
I also would like to clarify we are both 100% pro-choice, and we both have said that if either one of us gets pregnant right now, we would get an abortion. So when we saw that positive pregnancy test, we both knew immediately she would be getting one.
It is not so much the procedure itself, especially because she’s only about 6 weeks so she can just take the pill version, it’s more so her being upset that she got pregnant in the first place and should’ve taken the Plan B. I’ve been looking everywhere for advice on how to comfort her but it’s all articles saying how to comfort her after getting the abortion. She won’t regret it, knows she wants it, and it isn’t a difficult decision for her, she just can’t believe it happened and is blaming herself.
I keep reassuring her things like this happen all the time and it’s not her fault, that she is smart and she shouldn’t be so harsh on herself, but I just feel helpless and so upset to see her like this. Is there any advice on what to say or do. I’m already preparing a day of pampering, relaxation, and comfort, but besides that what else is there to do?
submitted by Agreeable-Hour-653 to TheGirlSurvivalGuide [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:26 Actual-Painting9456 PMDD worsens my AvPD symptoms

Sorry if this is tmi but I have PMDD and AvPD and it's been a rough ride. My periods are all over the place, sometimes really frequent, and PMDD hits me hard with severe depression each cycle. It's like there's no break from the emotional rollercoaster and constant negative feelings.
I've been prescribed birth control pills by my doctor but I experienced really bad side effects (including a clot) so that’s not an option. I’ve also been prescribed antidepressants and they just seemed to make me more erratic. My psych doesn't seem to understand pmdd or how it exaggerates avpd symptoms, so I'm left figuring this out on my own once again.
If you have any tips or have found anything that helps, please share. I’m looking for strategies to manage without meds or anything.
Thanks so much for any advice
submitted by Actual-Painting9456 to AvPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:23 GoatEnvironmental117 Can boyfriend get precum on hands when applying condom?

I have pretty bad contamination ocd so I’m sure that has to do with this… my boyfriend said he didn’t touch the part of the condom that touched his dick when putting it on but I’m just so nervous he got precum on his hands when applying the condom and doesn’t know.
He put it the condom on, we had sex but I didn’t finish so I wanted him to finger me instead (he pulled out and then came). Then he fingered me without taking the condom off or touching it afterward. What’s the chance he got precum on his hands from when he previously put on the condom or he touched a part of the condom that touched his dick that had precum on it, because he fingered me with those hands about 5-10 minutes later.
TLTR: is it possible to put a condom on without getting precum on hands? could i get pregnant if boyfriend gets precum on his hands from putting on a condom and then fingering me? I’m not on birth control.
submitted by GoatEnvironmental117 to amipregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:21 Santa_seeking What type of seizure was this?

(Or was it even a seizure?)
In 2020, I was diagnosed with epilepsy after a friend witnessed me have a nocturnal tonic clonic seizure. Since then, I have had several more (still only in sleep) and am now aware I was having them beforehand (having woken up ill approximately 30 minutes after falling asleep in classic postictal fashion).
One event in 2012 (I was 16) still confounds me. I believe it could have been another seizure but don’t know what type if so.
***** The event in question*****:
I ran out of bed sharply in the morning, hungover on about 3 hours of sleep to speak with my mum. As we were talking, my pupils dilated and I began to sway then topple over completely, then even lost control of my bowels. Through this all, I lost physical control of myself, lost my sight (everything went black), but I remained completely conscious through the whole thing; I still hear my mum yelling, catching me, etc. I came to after about 20-30 seconds, assured my mum I was okay and apologized for crapping on the kitchen floor.
Does this episode sound like something you have experienced or know about? Many thanks in advance!
My childhood is littered with signs that something might have been brewing (hypoxia at birth, family history of epilepsy, sleepwalking, head injury and namely, a handful of aura-like feelings in my teens that my neurologist suspects may have been focal aware seizures).
FYI: my journey is ongoing as different combos of lamotrigine, clobazam and Keppra have not been successful in controlling my seizures/clusters (though they’re certainly less severe). I just spent two weeks in the EMU where I had four seizures, three of which originated in the occipital lobe. Now onto follow-up scans, exams, and onwards!
submitted by Santa_seeking to Epilepsy [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:08 Creative_Heart_11 Techne's Creative Genius, the One and Only Taylor Armstrong!

“True happiness comes from the joy of deeds well done, the zest of creating things new.” Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Name: Taylor Bennett Armstrong Date of Birth: 04/03/2024
Age: 15 years old Gender: Demiboy (he/his, they/them)
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual Nationality: Canadian
Ethnicity: Irish-Jewish Languages: English, French, Japanese
Hometown: Toronto, Canada Demigod Conundrums: ADHD


Name Relation Age Occupation Relationship ------------
Benjamin Armstrong Father 42 years old Artist Taylor shares a special bond with his father, Benjamin Armstrong. Despite being a single parent for much of Taylor's life, Benjamin always made sure to provide a loving and nurturing environment for his son. He recognized Taylor's unique talents from a young age and encouraged him to explore his creativity without limitations. Benjamin's own passion for art and innovation served as an inspiration for Taylor, shaping his worldview and igniting his love for invention. Benjamin supports Taylor's dreams and ambitions wholeheartedly, even if he doesn't always understand the mechanics behind his son's creations.
Eliza Armstrong Stepmother 43 years old Graphic Designer She brings a different perspective to Taylor's life. As a graphic designer, she values precision and order, which sometimes clashes with Taylor's more spontaneous and chaotic approach to creativity. However, despite their differences, Eliza cares deeply for Taylor and wants what's best for him. She worries about Taylor's safety and well-being, especially when his inventions go awry and cause unintended chaos. She often finds herself playing the role of the voice of reason, urging Taylor to think things through more carefully before diving headfirst into his next project. Despite their occasional disagreements, Eliza recognizes Taylor's potential and admires his boundless imagination and ingenuity.
Rachel Armstrong Half-sister 10 years old Student Rachel Armstrong, Taylor's half-sister, adores her older brother and looks up to him with wide-eyed admiration. From a young age, she was fascinated by Taylor's inventions and artistic talents, often trailing after him like a curious puppy, eager to learn and explore alongside him. Taylor sees Rachel as the most precious angel in the world and is very protective of her. He takes great joy in teaching her how to sketch, build, and code, fostering her own love for art and invention. Rachel, in turn, idolizes her big brother and cherishes their time together.


Faceclaim: this Picrew Voiceclaim Walter from Spies in Disguise
Features Description
Height 5’8 feet
Weight 157 lbs
Hair Ginger
Eyes Blue
Skin Tan
Build Lean, slim
Scent Ink, paint, oil
Attire Gamer Aesthetic
Overview: Ginger Hair: One of Taylor's most noticeable features is his vibrant ginger hair, which seems to have a life of its own. His locks cascade in untamed waves around his head, framing his face in a fiery halo. Despite occasional attempts to tame it, Taylor's hair always manages to retain its wild, rebellious spirit, reflecting his own untamed nature. Taylor's eyes are a mesmerizing shade of blue. They sparkle with curiosity and intelligence, constantly darting from one point of interest to the next. Across Taylor's nose and cheeks are scattered a constellation of freckles, like tiny stars dotting the canvas of his face. Despite his intelligence beyond his years, Taylor's face retains a youthful charm and innocence. His features are soft and rounded, with a hint of boyish mischief lurking behind his bright smile. There is a sense of wonder and curiosity in his expression, as if he is forever on the brink of discovering something new and exciting. Taylor's fashion sense is a reflection of his personality, blending comfort with a hint of geeky flair. He favors graphic t-shirts adorned with characters from his favorite video games, showcasing his love for gaming and pop culture. His hoodies are oversized and well-worn, providing both warmth and a sense of familiarity. Taylor's cargo pants are practical and utilitarian, offering plenty of pockets to store his tools and gadgets for tinkering. His sneakers are his constant companions, scuffed and worn from countless adventures and late-night gaming marathons.


“Creativity is a wild mind and a disciplined eye.” Dorothy Parker
Quality Traits Positive Optimistic, Creative, Kind-hearted, Spontaneous, Resilient Neutral Naive, Chaotic, Impulsive, Eccentric, Idealistic Negative Gullible, Overbearing, Impatient, Inattentive, Stubborn
Overview: Taylor radiates an infectious positivity that lights up any room he enters. He greets each day with boundless enthusiasm, seeing every challenge as an opportunity for adventure and growth. His optimism is unwavering, even in the face of adversity, and he has a knack for finding the silver lining in the darkest of situations. Taylor's sunny disposition makes him a joy to be around, and his genuine smile can brighten even the gloomiest of days. Taylor marches to the beat of his own drum, embracing his individuality with gusto. He has never been one to conform to societal norms or expectations, preferring to chart his own course through life. Taylor's free-spirited nature is reflected in everything he does, from his spontaneous inventions to his unconventional approach to problem-solving. He thrives on the freedom to express himself creatively, unbound by rules or conventions. Taylor's energy is boundless, and he approaches everything he does with an infectious sense of excitement and wonder. He is easily captivated by new ideas and experiences, often bouncing from one project to the next with the fervor of a child in a candy store. Taylor's excitable nature fuels his insatiable curiosity, driving him to constantly seek out new challenges and adventures. Despite his youthful exuberance, Taylor possesses a keen intellect far beyond his years. He is a natural problem-solver, able to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions to even the most daunting of challenges. Taylor's mind is a whirlwind of ideas and possibilities, constantly buzzing with new inventions and artistic endeavors. His creativity knows no bounds, and he revels in the thrill of bringing his imagination to life. Taylor's intelligence and creativity have instilled in him a healthy dose of confidence, bordering on cockiness at times. He knows his worth and isn't afraid to show it, often speaking his mind with a brashness that can catch others off guard. However, Taylor's confidence is tempered by his humility and genuine humility. He is quick to acknowledge his mistakes and learn from them, never allowing his ego to overshadow his humanity. At the core of Taylor's personality is a deep well of kindness and empathy for others. He genuinely cares about the people around him and goes out of his way to help those in need. Taylor's compassion knows no bounds, and he often puts the needs of others before his own. He is quick to offer a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on, and his unwavering support has endeared him to many. Beneath Taylor's cheerful exterior lies a vulnerability that he often tries to conceal. He is sensitive to the opinions of others and fears being rejected or misunderstood. Taylor's insecurities stem from a desire to be accepted and valued for who he truly is, flaws and all. Despite his outward confidence, he struggles with feelings of loneliness and self-doubt, yearning for genuine connections and validation. Taylor's drive for excellence can sometimes border on perfectionism, leading him to be overly critical of himself and his work. He sets high standards for himself and is often disappointed when he falls short of his own expectations. However, Taylor's perfectionism is tempered by his resilience and determination to persevere in the face of failure. He sees each setback as an opportunity to learn and grow, refusing to let obstacles dampen his spirit. Taylor has a gift for communication, able to express his thoughts and feelings with clarity and sincerity. He is a natural storyteller, captivating audiences with his animated anecdotes and infectious enthusiasm. Taylor's ability to connect with others on a deep emotional level makes him a trusted confidant and valued friend. He listens intently to others, offering words of encouragement and wisdom when needed. Taylor approaches life with a sense of adventure, always eager to explore new horizons and push the boundaries of what is possible. He thrives on the thrill of discovery, relishing in the excitement of unknown possibilities. Taylor's insatiable curiosity drives him to seek out new experiences and embrace the unknown with open arms. Whether embarking on a daring quest or simply trying out a new recipe, he approaches each adventure with the same sense of wonder and excitement. Taylor has a playful sense of humor that often borders on mischievousness. He loves to joke and laugh, finding joy in the absurdities of life. Taylor's playful nature brings levity to even the most serious of situations, helping to ease tension and lift spirits. He delights in pulling harmless pranks and sharing witty banter with friends, always with a twinkle in his eye and a grin on his face. Taylor is incredibly adaptable, able to thrive in any environment or situation. He approaches change with a sense of curiosity and excitement, eager to embrace new challenges and opportunities. Taylor's ability to adapt to different circumstances has served him well throughout his life, allowing him to navigate the complexities of both the mortal world and the realm of the gods with ease.
Favourite... Item Food Macaroni and cheese, mango milkshake Colour Electric Blue Season Summer Weather Sunny, warm, clear skies Music Pop, rock, orchestral, jazz, celtic Animals Bunnies and Cats Book/Movie Genre Fantasy, Sci-fi, Romance, Slice-of-life, Adventure, Action Media Avatar: The Last Airbender, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Chronicles of Narnia, Kingdom Hearts, Legend of Zelda, Genshin Impact, Honkai Impact 3rd, Honkai: Star Rail, Pokémon, a scary amount of anime, etc…
  • Drawing
  • Painting
  • Crafting
  • Sewing
  • Video Games
  • Cosplay

Demigod Info

Name Type Description
Psychometry Domain The ability to glean information from a particular object relevant to the parent's domain, especially its material make-up and method of creation. (Crafts, Mechanics and Art)
Enhanced Skill Proficiency Domain A trait where one is naturally adept in the skills lorded over by their parent. (Crafts, Mechanics and Art)
Summon Tool Domain The ability to summon any small tool. (Once every 5 minutes or per turn.) (Duct Tape or Superglue)
Machine Communication Minor A trait where one is able to understand and communicate with automatons and machinery (includes code).
Electrical Resistance Minor A trait where one is able to resist electricity to a such degree that they are able to withstand badly interacting with small appliances.
Machine Manipulation (Technokinesis) Minor The ability to directly control mechanisms, machines and automatons.
Basic Enchantment Major The ability to imbue weapons, crafts, machinery and automatons with magical properties (modmail for specific enchantments). Options: Weapon Transformation—into a mundane item; Monster Hunting Proficiency for a) Fleshy Monsters—Sharpness, b) Armored Monsters—Bludgeoning, c) Ghosty Monsters—Absorption
Weapon of Choice: Bastard Sword
Fatal Flaw: Naivety Taylor's fatal flaw lies in his inherent naivety, stemming from his trusting and optimistic nature. Despite his intelligence and creativity, Taylor often lacks the worldly wisdom and discernment needed to navigate the complexities of the world around him. His naivety makes him vulnerable to manipulation and deception, as he struggles to see the darker intentions lurking behind the smiles of others.

Items and Equipment

Name Age Description
Sketchbook 7 years old Taylor always carries a sketchbook with him, filled with doodles, sketches, and designs inspired by his vivid imagination.
Art Supplies 3 years old As someone who enjoys art, Taylor keeps a collection of art supplies like pencils, markers, and colored pencils, allowing him to bring his creative visions to life wherever he goes.
Tool Kit 5 years old As a budding inventor and tinkerer, Taylor carries a compact tool kit with him at all times. It contains essential tools like screwdrivers, pliers, wrenches, and a mini soldering iron, allowing him to repair gadgets, fix mechanical issues, and work on DIY projects on the fly.
Nintendo Switch 2 years old Taylor never leaves home without Nintendo Switch. He keeps a selection of his favorite games in his backpack, ready to play whenever he has a spare moment to indulge in his love of gaming.
Music Player 3 years old Music is a constant source of inspiration and motivation for Taylor, so he always carries a portable music player loaded with his favorite tunes.
Cat Headphones 1 year old High-quality headphones that allow him to escape into his own world of music whenever he needs a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. They are cat-themed for no reason other than Taylor felt like it.


  • Zodiac Sign: Pisces
  • MBTI: ESTP-T (The Entrepreneur)
  • Enneagram: Type 7 (The Enthusiast)
  • Love Languages: Words of Affirmation (receive); Acts of service (give)
  • Quirk: Doodling on almost every surface he sees when bored.
  • Fears: Hurting People, Big Animals


“There is no innovation and creativity without failure.” ***Brené Brown*
Taylor Bennett Armstrong was born into a creatively vibrant family. His father, Benjamin Armstrong, was a dedicated artist who often spent hours in his studio, painting and sculpting. Benjamin's work was deeply inspired by classical art, and his studio was filled with references to mythological themes and ancient techniques. This environment planted the seeds of creativity in Taylor from a very young age.
Taylor’s biological mother was Techne, the goddess of art, craft, and invention, but he had no knowledge of her divine heritage. His mother left shortly after his birth, leaving Benjamin to raise Taylor on his own. Despite the absence of his mother, Taylor's early childhood was filled with love and encouragement from his father.
When Taylor was five, Benjamin met Eliza, a talented graphic designer, at an art exhibit. They quickly bonded over their shared love for art and soon married. Eliza embraced Taylor as her own, though she struggled to understand his unique, often chaotic way of thinking and creating.
Even as a young child, Taylor showed remarkable intelligence and creativity. By the age of six, he was building simple machines and drawing intricate designs. His father was both amazed and slightly concerned when Taylor began to take apart household appliances to understand how they worked. While Benjamin encouraged his son's curiosity, Eliza worried about the constant mess and occasional accidents that resulted from Taylor's experiments.
Taylor’s half-sister, Rachel, was born when he was five. She looked up to her big brother with admiration, often following him around and watching as he created his various inventions. Despite the occasional mishap, Taylor and Rachel shared a close bond, with Taylor frequently making small toys and gadgets to entertain her.
School was both a blessing and a curse for Taylor. His intelligence allowed him to excel academically, but his unique way of thinking and his constant tinkering often got him into trouble. Teachers labeled him a "problem child" due to his inability to sit still and follow conventional methods. Taylor's inventions occasionally caused disruptions, further cementing his reputation.
Socially, Taylor found it hard to connect with his peers. His enthusiasm and intelligence often intimidated other children, and he was frequently taken advantage of by classmates who used him to boost their own grades. These experiences left Taylor feeling lonely and self-conscious about his naivety, although he never let it dampen his cheerful spirit.
Taylor's life took a dramatic turn when he was 15 years old. One day, while working on a particularly ambitious project in his makeshift workshop, he was visited by Oleander, a satyr sent by Camp Half-Blood. Oleander had been observing Taylor for some time, noting his extraordinary abilities and his connection to the divine.
Oleander revealed to Taylor the truth about his mother, Techne, and his demigod heritage. At first, Taylor was skeptical, thinking it was some sort of elaborate joke or fantasy. However, Oleander's ability to demonstrate his satyr powers and his deep knowledge of Taylor's unexplained talents eventually convinced him.
Explaining the situation to his family was a challenge. Benjamin, who had always suspected that there was something special about Taylor, took the news in stride. Eliza, though worried and confused, ultimately supported the decision, understanding that Camp Half-Blood could provide Taylor with the guidance he needed. Rachel was both excited and scared for her brother, worried about the dangers he might face and she would miss him.
Thankfully, despite the huge distance he and Oleander had to travel from Toronto to Long Island went calmly, for the most part, with not many delays or monsters attacking them.
Well, at least until they reached New York. After that, the whole “calm journey” was out the window. It almost seemed like all the monsters decided to wait until they were close to their destination to suddenly appear one after the other. First they had to somehow avoid a cyclops. Then they were attacked by dracanaea. And finally, they were chased by harpies until they crossed the border of Camp Half-Blood.
By some miracle, they were still alive.
What a way to be introduced to demigod life.

Present Day

“Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun” Mary Lou Cook
Taylor's arrival at Campbell Half-Blood was… something, alright.
You know, being chased by monsters from New York to Long Island, passing out in between attacks and then waking up in the Medic Cabin feeling like you've been hit by a truck and maimed by a cat at the same time was, in short, not fun. It also didn't help the fact that he had to stay in bed to get treated for what, hours. Which, for someone like Taylor, was absolute torture. Good for him then that demigods, apparently, had magic healing and he didn't have to stay for days instead. At least Oleander was around to explain every detail about the world he's been thrust into now that he was out of danger. And as a plus, he was also claimed, so yay! He had no clue who Techne was, but he was sure he would learn soon enough.
So, what does Taylor do after getting patched up? Does he wait and rest for a bit just to make sure everything is okay with him? Does he stop for a moment to process everything that has happened to him in the last 24 hours?
No! Of course not! This is Taylor, after all. Him staying put for more than 10 minutes would be a miracle already.
Instead, he just went off on his own to see what this Camp Half-Blood was all about. He just had to get to his cabin first, which would be relatively easy with Oleander's instructions, and then he could explore this place to his heart's content!
Hopefully, Camp Half-Blood would be ready for the chaotic force Taylor would prove to be.
[OOC: Hello, everyone! Say hello to my new character, Taylor! Feel free to interact with him literally anywhere at Camp, he's probably going to be there at some point anyway lmao. Thanks for reading;)]
submitted by Creative_Heart_11 to CampHalfBloodRP [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:04 festi57 i struggle so much with taking my meds consistently

i’ve been on a mood stabilizer and anxiety meds for years that have proven to work, but i go through periods where i dont take them for weeks or months, then am reminded of why i need them in the first place and realize i just need to take them. the biggest issue is how they upset my stomach if i dont have them with food. this seems like such a dumb post cuz the solution seems simple “oh just have breakfast” but im a superrrrr picky breakfast eater and go thru phases with my food. i was having a bagel consistently every day for breakfast these last few months and was rly good about taking my meds bc of it, then i got sick of the bagel and got out of my routine and taking the meds went with it. sometimes i’ll take them after lunch but i get it in my mind that if its after a certain time of a day im completely off routine and i might as well just not take them that day. then that day turns into weeks.
then all i want to do is rant and cry to my friends when i get upset over something (currently trying to control intense anger in the car with my family as im writing this) but like I KNOW ITS BC I DONT TAKE MY MEDS and i just feel so guilty and annoying bc of it cuz then ofc they just tell me over and over “u need to take ur meds” and yeah they’re right. they currently dont know that i havent taken them for a few weeks tho but i just ugh its like im my own worst enemy.
another reason this is bad is bc one of my medications is lamictal, which my psychiatrist always tells me is SOOOO important that i take consistently bc ig bad stuff can happen if u just stop it suddenly. nothing bad has ever happened but idk one day it could and its literally my fault.
does anyone else struggle with something similar??? bc i rly gotta get this figured out, its been a problem for years. my therapist has suggested keeping protein bars in my car but sometimes protein bars literally make me nauseous if im not in the mood for them. like i just cant force myself to eat breakfast that i dont want, it makes me feel sick. also i already have a daily reminder on my phone that says “take your meds or you’re going to cry today” but that doesnt seem to work anymore lol. and i have them all in a pill organizer in my counter so i see them every morning when getting ready but i just dont take them. please tell me someone has advice other than “just take them”
submitted by festi57 to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:40 IceTheCakes Help. I think I'm pregnant and don't know how to tell my boyfriend.

I (22f) have been taking birth control pill consistently for almost 4 years. I haven't had any spotting in a while after switching brands so I bought a dollar store pregnancy test. 2 lines popped up, positive test. I'm terrified. Money has been really tight for a long time. My boyfriend (22m) of 4 years just locked in a job after being unemployed for a while due to unfortunate circumstances. We live with his family. He's been really stressed out lately and it's taken a slight toll on our relationship. I don't know how to tell him. I'm scared he's going to have a poor reaction. Our first & last pregnancy scare was at the beginning of our relationship and he didn't handle it very well, he was very panicked but we were 18/19 at the time. We have discussed multiple times not being ready for children but we both want to be parents eventually. He wants to travel & be young & have fun. I live in a state with very very strict abortion laws, so that's not an option. (I don't know if I'd be able to go through with it even if it was). I really don't know what to do. Should I wait to tell him? How do I tell him? I'm so confused and scared. 😭😭😭
submitted by IceTheCakes to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:34 flowr12 Hair loss after quitting birth control.

Hair loss after quitting birth control.
I quit bc in October 2023, and spironolactone December-ish. I’m confused though because I had hair thinning months before which I believed was due to a breakup. But due to the stress I was being faulty with taking my pills on time which is one of many reasons why I quit bc.
I’m looking for others experience on how long it took to regain hair fullness after going off of birth control and if anyone has remedies that helped.
submitted by flowr12 to FemaleHairLoss [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:32 Tinfoiltheories2030 Should I stay no contact with my 18 year old?

I’ll try to keep this to the point but my life is kinda a mess right now. I (38f), am a mom to 3 children, all teenagers. My oldest is in college (1st yr) but still lives at home, (19m). I have a (14f) daughter that is a student still and my middle daughter is just turned 18 and doesn’t live at home. About 8 months ago in the middle of the night my middle child, we will call her Kelsey, left our home through the window and proceeded to go to her boyfriend’s house. We had an argument the night before telling her she had a curfew until she was 18, because she was not being considerate or communicating. She was pissed and huffed upstairs to bed, like any teen that gets reprimanded. Needless to say in the morning I was shocked and upset, the laws in my state dictate that Kelsey, who was 17 at the time could come and go as she pleases and did not have to stay home or abide by a curfew. Also under the law she can legally move out while still making me responsible for her until she is 21 financially. This was a lot to take in and the law didn’t make sense, my husband and I were extremely frustrated with the law and got absolutely no help and Kelsey’s boyfriend whom was 19, didn’t offer any help and either did his parents. We were emotionally hurting and felt helpless as this was shocking and lawyers, children services etc were no help at all. She still Lives with them today and has cut all contact with us, unless she wants something. Earlier this spring she surprisingly called me in tears, I was still hurt but I am a mom and did the whole mom thing, and answered/ came to her rescue. She said she was pregnant and the boyfriend and his family wanted her to get an abortion or move out. Trying to keep it short, over the next 48 hrs my husband and I, along with my children at home were nothing but supportive and didn’t bring up the past. I took her to the doctor and bought dinner, made up her old bed, we watched tv, etc and it was like old times. Oh and if you are wondering, the reason she left in the first place is because she had a curfew of 11pm even though she was graduated, until she was 18. ( might sound stupid but my house my rules) anyway, it turns out the nurse called to inform me that not only was Kelsey not pregnant but, she was NEVER pregnant! and in fact was menstruating currently or had been, they were able to tell by her blood work. Kelsey had shown me 3 pregnancy tests that she took that were positive. She was hysterical when she initially called and had already been picking out baby names. I had no real reason to doubt her, also with her not living at home I didn’t know if she was still taking her birth control or not. After further sleuthing on my part, I found bloodied underwear and used pads and wrappers in the garbage can. I also found out that you can fake a pregnancy test by dipping it into cola/coke. ( I’m not saying she definitely did this but it sounds like that’s probably how she got the positive tests) She was never pregnant. She lied to me and my entire family, her boyfriend and his family, etc. but why? For what? None of it made sense, in fact e her boyfriend called crying on the phone while she was at my house for her to please get an abortion because he was in college and this would “ ruin their lives”. His parents said they wanted her to get an abortion as well or she would need to move out as they didn’t want a baby in their home. When I confronted her with the medical evidence and physical evidence as well she didn’t even flinch. She didn’t get mad or yell or cry. Just, sat there and eventually yelled at me and accused me of calling her a liar. I asked her calmly to leave the house. It turned out she had her boyfriend’s mom on the way to get her anyway. I was so confused and hurt. Why would she do this? Attention? Surely everyone would find out she was lying. I don’t understand. I would like to also say that Kelsey has been treated for depression and borderline personality disorder since 2020. She also has had issues with manipulation/lying, and all around sketchy behavior. My husband and I have given her all we can, we have supported her and given her as much love, care and attention as possible. I know this is long, but this kills me as a mother. She lives 3 miles away from me and just turned 18. I had to block her phone number recently because she has a habit of calling and just starting shit for no reason. I always answer because I fear the one time I don’t could be important. I’m in therapy and have contemplated where I went wrong, what did I do? What could I have done differently? Etc. I feel so empty and I miss her so much that I cry often when no one is around. It has affected my mental health and my marriage as well. I feel like I lost a child. I miss my daughter but I also feel like she is dangerous and has underlying problems that will cause major issues in the future for her. Should I keep the no contact with her? AITA mom? Has anyone else ever experienced this?
submitted by Tinfoiltheories2030 to family [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:23 ConsistentAnything54 birth control on period

hello! i (17) went to the dermatologist this week and was prescribed birth control to help combat hormonal acne possibly caused by PCOS. i was told to start it on sunday, as long as i wasn’t on my period. i checked beforehand that i wasn’t bleeding, but i have a pretty irregular cycle so there was no guarantee that my period would have started today or within the next few days. of course as my luck would have it, 5 minutes after taking my first pill… i got my period! 🙂
the dermatologist warned me to not start it on my period, but i’m not really sure what’s going to happen… did i screw up? stopping the pills until i’m done with my period isn’t really an option for me, so i’m just wondering if there are any side effects that i should be aware of, as this is my first time starting birth control.
submitted by ConsistentAnything54 to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:04 anaiisnin Is this consistent with PCOS?

To start, please forgive my ignorance and questions, I’m just starting to try and figure out what’s going on with my body. I was on birth control for about 10 years. Had great skin all throughout. Went off it (10+ years ago) and had horrible breakouts. All along chin, neck, jaw. Was prescribed spironolactone and it went away immediately. Was on it for about 5 years and stopped when I got pregnant. I had no acne throughout pregnancy. Am 1.5 years postpartum and the hormonal acne on jawline and chin is flaring up horribly again (can’t go back on spiro since I’m trying to conceive again). Periods are usually regular and not longer than 35 days. I don’t have a lot of other symptoms consistent with PCOS but I’m just so confused about what this hormonal acne means. My OB said it could be consistent with PCOS, but she will look into it at my next appointment (in 3 months!). In the meantime, I’m just trying to figure out what this acne means. I’m sorry if this is a superficial post, I just really don’t know where else to go to start finding some answers. Thank you in advance!
submitted by anaiisnin to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:55 rita_ritos Accutane for Hormonal Acne

Okay so I know there is a debate whether accutane works long term for hormonal acne. Some say it does and some say it doesn’t. I gained remission from hormonal acne for 5 years after accutane paired with continued use of birth control. When I tried to get off birth control my break outs started again. From my own experience and that of others I want to believe that accutane does help hormonal acne long term especially if paired with birth control or spirnolactone. Any thoughts success stories of accutane and hormonal acne.
submitted by rita_ritos to Accutane [link] [comments]