Apap codeine elx erowid

Homemade wock sauce.

2024.04.02 22:27 cryptoencryption Homemade wock sauce.

Homemade wock sauce.
Made via CWE of Codeine/Apap tablets + Promethazine or DPH. Love the color on this batch.
submitted by cryptoencryption to codeineinthedrought [link] [comments]

2023.08.09 21:01 killerarmidillo Blue Lotus

Blue Lotus (Nymphaea caerulea) is a calming plant native to Egypt with aphrodisiac, euphoric, mood boosting, mild stimulant, mild analgesic and sedative properties. Some people have drawn a comparison to the effects of marijuana. It contains the alkaloids Apomorphine and Nuciferine. Apomorphine being a dopamine agonist, also found in California Poppy, having a morphine like structure. Nuciferine having little information about exact effects but it is commonly known to be partially responsible for the psychoactive effects of the plant. I read one erowid report likening the effects to a mild dose of codeine, although effects are subjective, I would say that makes the plant potentially viable as a kratom alternative. Blue lotus is commonly ingested via extract, tea or smoking form. Blue lotus also has a history of use in the form of wine, the pedals and stems are submerged in wine for an extended amount of time so that the alkaloids dissolve in the alcohol, the two are known to synergise very well. Another type of lotus known to be psychoactive is nelumbu nucifera also known as pink lotus, its effects are quite similar just less potent.
Considered a sacred plant, closely linked with Egyptian deities like Osiris, Nefertem and Ra, blue lotus had also been used as a religious sacrament, along with being a component of a recreational “feel good” drug. The blue lotus flower has many spiritual meanings. It is often seen as a symbol of wisdom, knowledge, and truth. The blue lotus is also associated with the divine, and is seen as a symbol of enlightenment. The flower is also said to represent the path to nirvana, and is seen as a symbol of peace and serenity. The Egyptian blue lotus flower has mythical roots in the creation story itself. It is the story of continuous rebirth and renewal.
submitted by killerarmidillo to KratomAlternatives [link] [comments]

2023.02.11 13:38 ighoodtendencies I have a few of these tees left if anyone wants to cop

I have a few of these tees left if anyone wants to cop submitted by ighoodtendencies to streetwearstartup [link] [comments]

2022.12.26 20:21 amstobar Drug dose/fatal dose.

Drug dose/fatal dose. submitted by amstobar to amstobared [link] [comments]

2022.11.19 10:51 WildlyWash33 Drug dose/fatal dose.

Drug dose/fatal dose. submitted by WildlyWash33 to coolguides [link] [comments]

2022.11.01 17:04 Chamitomoder List of trip reports of BZY combos

Feel free to post any combos that you have tried, or any reports that I’ve missed and I’ll add them here. This list is a record of what are safe and unsafe combos and also to show what else would combo well.
submitted by Chamitomoder to Benzydamine [link] [comments]

2022.10.18 15:47 Open_Metal2482 Drug dose/fatal dose.

Drug dose/fatal dose. submitted by Open_Metal2482 to u/Open_Metal2482 [link] [comments]

2022.10.18 15:08 ayapici35 Drug dose/fatal dose.

Drug dose/fatal dose. submitted by ayapici35 to coolguides [link] [comments]

2022.09.18 01:38 Joe_Not-Exotic Why do so many Nurse Practitioners want to prescribe codeine to kids under 12?

I'm a pharmacist. About 5 years ago, the FDA made it clear that codeine is contraindicated for use in children under 12 because of the CYP2D6 hypermetabolizer issue. I've noticed that NPs tend to prefer it in this age group for some reason. Why is this? Is there some sort of NP-preferred outdated resource they use?
Just yesterday I called a NP because she prescribed codeine for a 6 year old kid with a broken arm. It was just codeine, no APAP or NSAID. I suggested changing it a drug that is not contraindicated in this age group and she lost her mind and threatened to report me to the pharmacy board for "patient abandonment" if I don't fill the codeine. I declined and gave her my license number and told her there are several other pharmacies which may or may not fill the rx.
submitted by Joe_Not-Exotic to Noctor [link] [comments]

2022.06.13 14:32 lilphoenixgirl95 The prescribing of opiates/opiods does cause addiction. But that doesn't mean the solution isn't to prescribe.

As someone who's had a longtime interest in the pharmacology of pretty much all drugs, I've been reading extensively around the current response to the "opioid crisis" in the US. My perspective is coloured by living in the UK, where it's always been extremely difficult to be prescribed any opiate/opiod at all beyond co-codamol (30mg of codeine with 500mg of paracetamol/APAP).
My perspective is further coloured by my history of addiction. Now, I've never been a "drug addict" or "junkie" in the traditional sense. However, I share many similarities with people who are. There's a misconception that drug addicts just want to "get high" and are selfish, hedonistic, etc. Sometimes that's true. But, more often than not, drug addicts are - like chronic pain patients - trying to relieve their pain.
In my case, I was prescribed codeine when I was seventeen by a doctor I visited about my severe, spasming back pain. He had me do some stretching in front of him, didn't comment on it, then asked if I wanted to try pain relief. I wasn't clued up enough to understand that back pain at seventeen years old isn't normal and should be investigated, so I took the codeine. And it worked! I was so relieved, and excited even. Not because I was "high" (it was only codeine, after all) but because I was pain-free.
My physical health has deteriorated in the twelve years since, and I'm now in chronic pain in multiple areas of the body every day. Strangely enough my back pain bothers me the least these days. Unfortunately, my mental health deteriorated a lot, too. I was severely abused and neglected as a child, always felt "weird" and misunderstood, and then in adulthood I continued to be abused by partners, even strangers. Bullied at school, then bullied at work. I was confused, scared, and suicidal for a long time.
Because of my mental health issues that include OCD and bipolar, if I do something that provides relief in any way, I keep doing it compulsively until it stops working. It's not impulsive; it's this constant compulsive need to keep doing it to make the thoughts and feelings go away. Then I despair when it no longer works, and find a new compulsive addiction. I've had addictions to exercise, binge eating food, not eating food, video games, spending money. And of course, drugs.
Usually these "addictions" are very short-lived, maybe a few weeks, until I realise it's now making things worse and switch over to a new addiction. So, I've tried a huge variety of drugs but never had one pervasive, destructive addiction. However, codeine and similar drugs like Tramadol are the most addictive for me, because I remember those times they took the pain away, and the relief I felt.
That's because, like a lot of "drug addicts", addiction isn't really the problem. The problem is pain, whether it's psychological or physiological. For me, it's a mixture of the two. Not prescribing opiates/opiods increases pain, which increases the likelihood of addiction. The solution to this "crisis" is to treat pain, not to exacerbate it.
The problem is, that's extremely complicated. Treating pain means better identification of abused children in schools, counselling and support for troubled children, easily accessible mental health care that actually works and isn't just fobbing someone off with an SSRI or platitudes. Physical healthcare needs to actually investigate the root cause of pain and try to treat it. If that's not possible, doctors should of course prescribe adequate pain relief.
Children should be taught in school how to manage their emotions, minimise intrusive thoughts, take care of themselves after a traumatic event. Parents should have higher standards of themselves in regards to the emotional aspect of parenting. People should have actual rights in the workplace. No one should only be able to afford the absolute necessities. People should be given the freedom and opportunity to create meaning in their lives. They should be taught how to create meaning.
People should be taught how to improve their self-worth and self-esteem so they don't tolerate abuse. And if they have no choice to but to tolerate it, there should be more help available for a safe exit. Illegal drugs shouldn't be easier to find than someone kind and supportive. People should have much more compassion, empathy and understanding towards one another.
And that's why it's easier to blame "drug addicts" who just want to "get high". No one wants to live with constant pain, physical or emotional. Lots of "drug addicts" are victims of chronic pain too. Sometimes that's emotional pain and that's just as valid.
submitted by lilphoenixgirl95 to ChronicPain [link] [comments]

2022.05.22 19:35 ZanitySystem 14 Day Migraine 2-days of Meds

So I saw the ER on day 4 because the pain was debilitating and I was urged by friend and the receptionist at the doctor's office.
CT Scan, Blood Tests normal. Some IV medications, a long nap, and on the way home the pain comes back. They also sent me home with an Rx of Codeine-Barbital-APAP-Caffeine and Methylprednisolone (6days blister packet).
My PCP I saw a bit later was upset that I was Rx'd Codeine for it. We're now trying Sumatriptan(as-needed) and Amatriptyline 10mg before bed.
Today there's still pain but it's more intermittent, and a lot less. However I feel heavy derealization, like I'm high AF, and my hand-eye coordination has taken a major hit.
Am I dealing with a postdrome phase? The pain isn't totally gone.Can amitriptyline cause slight numbness, derealization, etc?
What are your personal experiences? (i.e. not looking for medical advice, just how have you experienced postdrome and the use of amatriptyline?)
I'll be following up with my doctor in 3 days.
Thank you in advance.
submitted by ZanitySystem to migraine [link] [comments]

2022.05.02 20:24 ChickFilA-Enjoyer Pure Krokodil doesn't make people's skin fall off

“Krokodil” is the street name for the semi-synthetic opioid derivative desomorphine.
It's commonly claimed that Krokodil will make your skin fall off: https://www.drugs.com/illicit/krokodil.html
Those who inject these caustic agents into their veins can develop extreme skin ulcerations, infections, and gangrene -- a discolored (green, grey, black) scale-like skin
Wherever on the body a user injects the drug, blood vessels burst and surrounding tissue dies, sometimes falling off the bone in chunks.
The drug turns a user's skin green and scaly around the area where they inject it as blood vessels burst and the skin rots away.
If properly prepared, the toxicology of desomorphine is similar to other opiates. However, contaminants which can be mixed in with the desomorphine due to lazy preparation can cause necrosis. Similar chemicals are used during mass production of heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine, but they are more thoroughly removed before final packaging.
The claim that Krokodil makes people's skin fall off is no more accurate than a claim that heroin gives people HIV.
Source: https://sci-hub.se/https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24650492
Repeated administration of desomorphine can cause severe medical complications which include physical and psychological dependency, tolerance and a withdrawal syndrome if the substance is no longer taken, similarly to heroin (Grund et al., 2013; Erowid, 2013). The dependence potential of desomorphine was initially described by Eddy et al. (1957) and was verified later by Sargent and May (1970) during their study with monkeys. No further studies have been conducted after those concerning the dependence potential or its dependence liability of desomorphine compared to morphine. Other effects of desomorphine are similar to those of opiates, including miosis, flushing and paresthesia (neutral effects). Common negative effects are constipation and urinary retention, nausea and vomiting, as well as more serious medical implications, such as allergic reactions, seizures, and respiratory depression leading to death (Grund et al., 2013; Erowid, 2013). All the above effects are expected as they are inherent of an opioid like desomorphine.
The final product [of common street synthesis] is often contaminated with various toxic and corrosive by-products or residuals. Thus, synthetic analogues of codeine, other drugs such as tropikamide, ephedrine or acetaminophen (often found in codeine containing preparations), phosphorous, iodine or even heavy metals like lead can be found in the “krokodil” street samples, as a result of poor synthesis. All these substances are considered to be responsible for the most of the undesirable or toxic effects that appear after the repeated injections of “krokodil” which actually is a cocktail of all the above substances; desomorphine, by-products and residuals.
The toxicity of by-products and residuals of the manufacturing process along with dirty needles and poor injection technique can lead to a slew of horrific consequences that are not related to the opiate effects of desomorphine but to the toxic effects of impurities in “krokodil” (Grund et al., 2013; Gahr et al., 2012a). Indeed, the synthetic method followed for the production of homemade desomorphine yields an impure, orange-colored liquid contaminated with various toxic and corrosive by-products or residuals like paint thinner, lighter fluid, gasoline, lead, zinc, hydrochloric acid, iodine and/or red phosphorus that are used for its preparation (Erowid, 2013; Thoma and Lehmann, 2011). Since this homemade cocktail is routinely injected with little or no purification, it can cause immediate skin irritation and ulcers, a discolored (greenish) scale-like appearance, similar to that of a crocodile's, destruction of skin and severe muscle and cartilage tissue damage. Thrombophlebitis can also appear. The presence of gasoline and hydrochloric acid still in the finally injected liquid solution is considered responsible for these damages. Once the skin around the injection site is damaged, the area becomes a target of gangrene. This leads to skin and muscle decay around the injection site, and, in time, the skin sloughs off due to the rupture of the blood vessels, often exposing the bone below. The same effects are also caused by the presence of phosphorus that is usually scraped from matchboxes. The damaged tissues are susceptible to infections that may lead to inflammation, abscesses and rotting as this flesh-eating drug kills slowly from the inside out (Christensen, 2013; Grund et al., 2013; Erowid, 2013; TOXNET, 2013; Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Office of Diversion Control, 2013; Gahr et al., 2012a; Dinis-Olivera et al., 2012). In most of the cases, extensive amputation is the only solution.
submitted by ChickFilA-Enjoyer to UnpopularFacts [link] [comments]

2022.01.06 19:28 Ann_Fetamine "Tiny Benign Liver Cyst" Caused by Tylenol? Cause for Concern?

36 y/o, 127 lbs, 5'1, F, duration unknown (just found on CT scan), liver (location)
Conditions: Endometriosis, migraine, GERD/hiatal hernia, suspected Sjogren's Syndrome, chronic codeine/acetaminophen use, IBS-C
Daily Rx meds: Prozac, Topamax, Dexilant, Adderall 15mg XR, Flonase, Tylenol #3
Daily supplements: N-acetylcysteine, Valerian root, Vitamin D3, melatonin.
So I just went to the ER with flank pain (suspected kidney infection) & full-body rash lasting 2 weeks that turned out to be "nothing". The ER doc sent me home with a laxative because the CT scan showed constipation which is the norm for me due to IBS-C and opioid use but does not cause upper back pain. There were traces of blood in my urine which were also dismissed as "nothing." Okay, fine. I spent 5 hours in there for them to tell me all was well. Great. What a relief.
So I check my online medical records today and see that the CT scan showed a "tiny benign liver cyst on the right lobe" and "common bile duct is upper limits of normal" in diameter. BUT THEY DIDN'T FIND THIS WORTH MENTIONING? When that's the exact region I've been experiencing pain in?
Here's the full report:
"1. No acute intra-abdominal or pelvic process. 2. Moderate fecal loading of the colon and rectum. Correlate clinically for constipation.
All CT scans at this facility have been certified as using dose modulation, iterative reconstruction, and/or weight based dosing when appropriate to reduce radiation dose to as low as reasonably achievable
Narrative CT abdomen and pelvis with contrast 1/3/2022 6:16 PM CST
Comparison: None.
History: R10.9: Unspecified abdominal pain.
Technique: Following IV administration of 100 cc of Isovue-370 contrast helical tomographic images of the abdomen and pelvis were acquired. Delayed images were acquired. Sagittal and coronal reconstructions were created.
The visualized lung bases are clear.
Tiny benign cyst is noted within the right lobe of the liver. The liver is otherwise unremarkable. The gallbladder is grossly unremarkable in appearance. Common bile duct is upper limits of normal in diameter. There is no evidence of distal stone or mass. The pancreas, spleen, and bilateral general glands are grossly unremarkable in appearance. The bilateral kidneys are unremarkable demonstrating symmetric enhancement and excretion of contrast. No evidence of obstructive uropathy.
The visualized GI tract, including the appendix, demonstrates no evidence of an acute inflammatory process. A moderate amount of fecal material is noted throughout the colon and rectum. There is no evidence of bowel obstruction. No intra-abdominal free fluid or free air identified."
I guess my questions are: Could taking high doses of acetaminophen for long periods cause a liver cyst, and are liver cysts in general something to worry about? Everything I'm seeing about them says they're benign but might grow largespread.
I know high doses of APAP are terrible for the liver for other reasons but wouldn't the damage show on routine blood tests that check ALT/AST and other liver markers? I know they test for acetaminophen's presence if they suspect acute overdose, but what about chronic overdose? I can find nothing about this online. All my liver tests have been EXTREMELY normal in the years since I started taking Tylenol #3's daily but I definitely plan to cut back on the dose since seeing this CT scan result. The dose is far too high for too long. I drink zero alcohol & don't have hepatitis or other (known) liver problems but this has me scared.
(Please no preaching about acetaminophen poisoning. I'm well aware of the risks of that. I just want to know whether it can cause liver cysts or if chronic high doses of APAP would show up on a Comprehensive Metabolic Panel or other blood tests that check liver values).
Thanks so much.
submitted by Ann_Fetamine to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2021.11.10 22:24 JP1021 WebMD Kava Article Discussion

Hello kava lovers!
I took quite a bit of time today to dig into this. It's been a long running issue that when you type in "Kava" in google you get some dubious results on the first page. I'm taking it upon myself to list those here, and refute them where they have issues.
Search Results for "Kava" on google in incognito window.
Result 1: Webmd
  1. Overview
  1. No issues with point one.
  1. And my issues start here. “Cases of liver damage and even some deaths have been traced to kava use” is a hotly contested conclusion, and rather inflammatory when such paltry evidence exists to support it. The paragraph then goes on to state “However, most countries have allowed kava to return to the market since that time.” My issue here is; why are we not seeing these cases of liver failures and injury in countries where it’s freely available today, if it’s as liver toxic as it was said to be?
  1. “But there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses.” Hilariously they give quite good scientific evidence to support these uses directly in their references. Kava and kava extracts have been proven in double blind placebo controlled studies to reduce anxiety scores, and increase sleep duration/quality.
  2. How does it work?
  1. No issues with this. This has been demonstrated repeatedly in research.
  2. Possibly Effective for
  1. Strangely, they just got finished saying there is no good scientific information on which to support these theories. Extra note: WS-1490 is an extract that has been embroiled in controversy. The extract is contested on the grounds that it was changed several times throughout the research periods from an ethanolic extract to an acetonic extract with no indication. You can see this by noting how the kavalactone percentage changes arbitrarily from 30% to 70%.
  2. Possibly Ineffective for
  1. They conveniently don’t mark their sources in the article, but this one comes from Dr. Sarris in Australia in 2020. This research concluded that kava was more suitable for the reduction in stress and tension related to ‘situational’ anxiety, than it was for direct treatment of G.A.D.
  2. Insufficient Evidence for
  1. It can reduce anxiety, but the actual physical withdrawal is not treated by any action of the kavalactones themselves. It’s likely that the steady tapering of the BZP drug was what allowed these participants to cease their use with less acute withdrawal. Kava definitely helps, but it has different actions at the GABA-A receptor that are not similar to that of benzodiazepine drugs. Benzos target the BZP allosteric site on the GABA-A receptor where they exert their effect. Kava and flumazenil (a very potent anti-benzo or BZP antagonist) were administered at the same time in studies, and the effect of kava was not blocked.
  1. I would say this “insufficient evidence” is actually an order of magnitude more studied and documented than the “liver damage” at the very beginning of this article. I’ve added additional citations below this papers citations, and I stopped citing at 12 research studies that show anti-cancer effects.
  1. The World Health organization monograph (2002) describes insomnia as a state supported by clinical data. This is generally accepted, however there were participants in studies on kava that dropped out due to insomnia complaints. While kava is overall a good fit for sleep issues, it likely won’t present that way to 100% of the people who drink it. We actually do see people complain about not being able to get to sleep after a strong kava. I say this to agree with the above paragraph where it states the research is inconsistent. It helps me with sleep, but that doesn’t mean it will be the same for everyone.
  1. While maybe insufficient, there is good evidence to support this. Two individual studies found improvement in mood, reduction in depression, and reduction in anxiety in perimenopausal individuals.
  1. This is an odd one to say has insufficient evidence. A number of researchers including Münte, Sarris, Cropley, and Aporosa have found kava reduces symptoms associated with mentally stressful tasks.
  1. This is in line with reality. We only see glimpses into kava’s ability to modulate glutamate. Kavain was shown to inhibit veratridine-activated sodium channels. It’s possible that kava may help reduce seizures, but as said, there is insufficient evidence to say it precisely.
  1. This I don’t agree with, and it’s a strange one to be saying there’s insufficient evidence for. Kava has marked antinociceptive (pain relieving) and muscle-relaxing properties. A good number of independent research studies have confirmed this.
  1. I’m not really sure what to say here. I suppose it’s quite accurate to say that there is insufficient evidence for kava causing superhero-like powers to emerge.
  2. Side Effects
  1. This is good, and goes pretty far based on the double blind placebo controlled studies. The one issue I have is the 6 month limit. There really isn’t any indication that taking kava beyond this time frame causes issues, it’s just when they cut the time limit of the study. Empirical evidence suggests kava, when consumed as a beverage, is safe indefinitely as shown by the South Pacific people who drink kava on a daily basis and have for generations. In regards to driving, I fully agree. If you’re consuming anything that makes you question your abilities with driving, call an ubelyft.The risk is simply not worth it.
  1. That’s pretty honest, however the phrase “The use of kava for as little as 1-3 months has resulted in the need for liver transplants and even death in some people” really understates “some people”. The number of individuals allegedly harmed by kava is limited to less than 10. There has been no intrinsic (unable to be separated) toxicity seen in kava or any kava extracts, however idiosyncratic reactions of the immunologic type have occurred. This is extremely rare. I can’t say that enough. We’re talking on the scale of winning the lottery, being hit by lightning, and finding Jimmy Hoffa all at the same instant. If we turn our attention to things such as green tea extracts or acetaminophen we see intrinsic, predictable toxicity to the liver. This does not exist with kava.
  2. Special Precautions and Warnings
  1. They’re speaking about kavalactones, and they’re not “dangerous chemicals” however we don't fully understand the function of GABAergic substances on the developing brain. Kavalactones are known as lipophilic, meaning they tend to combine or dissolve in fats. This means they could likely also pass on through breastfeeding. There is no data confirming this suspicion, however with no experience available, kava is not recommended for use by pregnant or breast-feeding women. It’s much better to err on the side of caution. In regards to kava affecting the uterus, I’m afraid there is absolutely nothing confirming this. It’s an old myth from Fiji that kava stimulates the uterus, this doesn’t happen, and shouldn’t be listed as a precaution. Histopathology was performed on rats at 2.0g/kg of kavalactones and found no-effect level on the uterus. (2012. “Toxicology and Carcinogenesis Studies of Kava Kava Extract (CAS No. 9000-38-8) in F344/N Rats and B6C3F1 Mice (gavage Studies).” National Toxicology Program 571 (1): 1–186. https://ntp.niehs.nih.gov/publications/reports/t500s/tr571/index.html)
  1. Well this sounds familiar. This will be the 3rd time this website has decided it was pertinent to warn us of liver damage. What they’ll throw at you sometimes is the instance of GGT elevation in metabolism tests seen in kava users in the late 80s and early 90s in Australia's Northern Territory. This is NOT indicative of liver damage. It indicates liver adaptation and is seen in kava drinkers that consume about a pound of dried kava per week. AST and ALT increases are not seen. I would even go as far to say here that kava is not even detrimental to those with liver problems. Kava is not intrinsically toxic to the liver in any way.
  1. This one is interesting. You have research on one side saying kava has no or very little activity at dopamine, then you have other research indicating that some kavalactones drop dopamine levels considerably. The one kavalactone in question here is Yangonin. Yangonin has shown in research to lower dopamine to below detectable levels. I personally believe that this is happening evidenced by the extrapyramidal movements seen in kava drinkers that went way overboard. They end up looking like they have parkinsons. If you are on medication such as levodopa that is specifically meant to increase free dopamine levels in the brain, kava can counteract this effect and cause the resurgence of parkinson's symptoms. So yes, I agree with this statement. If you have parkinsons it’s best to skip the kava.
  1. This is not talked about very much but should be taken into close consideration when approaching a surgery. Kava has many properties that haven’t been studied all that intensively. Kava has shown to have some mild antithrombotic actions. This means it may be able to prevent, to a degree, blood clotting. Give yourself at least a week if not two before any surgery to let your system flush out. Kava has also been shown to increase the sedation of anesthetic drugs. You’ll want to observe this just to be on the safe side.
  2. Major Interactions
  1. Agreed
  1. Agreed as well. Sedation seems to be the pharmacodynamic interaction here.
  2. Moderate Interactions
  1. I believe this to be correct. Levodopa is a medication meant to increase the levels of dopamine in the brain. Yangonin can decrease dopamine levels in the brain and counteract this medication.
  1. This is also correct. CYP1A2 is the pathway of metabolization for caffeine. Kava causes inhibitory actions at this pathway and as such causes caffeine to appear in serum levels for much longer than without kava in the system. The individual effect of this combination may differ from person to person. CYP1A2 activity has a range of 40% between individuals. As such it’s quite difficult to make predictions of which drugs will do what when this pathway is inhibited.
  1. Correct as well; however, issues at this cytochrome with drugs that use this pathway are not heavily researched in regards to kava. They generally encompass the sedative effects and their increase when in combination with the drugs above. Caution should still be taken when combining these drugs with kava as it will likely make them stay in your system for considerably longer periods of time. DMY seems to be the most potent inhibitory kavalactone in this regard.
  1. This inhibition was seen strongest with methysticin, the number 6 on chemotypes. The effect seen with methysticin was low, with only 1% of the strength of their positive control (Sulfaphenazole). I truly believe this would not have a strong impact on drugs that also use this pathway being kava/kavalactones have such a low affinity for it.
  1. This is incorrect. Kava has no inhibition property at this cytochrome even at absurdly high concentrations, and as such this is wrong.
  1. Again methysticin is the only kavalactone shown to interact with this cytochrome and it does it quite weakly. I wouldn’t suspect any immediate issues with drugs that use this pathway combined with kava.
  1. This effect, if present, will be very light. Kava has shown very slight inhibitory properties at CYP3A4 with methysticin being the most potent inhibitor. Methysticin has shown to be about 1% the inhibitory properties of their positive control, Ketoconazole. I would not expect major interactions with pharmaceuticals along this pathway with kava.
  1. A single dose of 800mg kavain gave a serum concentration level of 40ng/ml or .1um. This plasma level is unlikely to cause any significant inhibition of P-gp in vivo. Also, 800mg of kavain is quite unlikely to be consumed at once in a typical kava consuming session. The likelihood of inhibition here is very low. Results obtained in vitro vs in vivo were contradictory.
  1. It should be obvious to limit the intake of liver toxic compounds, however some of them are rather ubiquitous. Acetaminophen, also known as APAP, Panadol, Paracetamol, and Tylenol is a potent hepatotoxic drug due to its metabolites. Kava likely does not interact with these drugs other than APAP. There is research leaning to indicate that the combination of APAP and kava should be avoided on the issue of glutathione degradation. IF kava does indeed reduce glutathione levels, mixing it with APAP would increase its toxicity.
  2. Dosing
  3. Paragraph 1 “By Mouth: For anxiety: 50-100 mg of a specific kava extract (WS 1490, Dr. Willmar Schwabe Pharmaceuticals), taken three times daily for up to 25 weeks, has been used. Also, 400 mg of another specific kava extract (LI 150, Lichtwer Pharma) taken daily for 8 weeks has been used. Five kava tablets each containing 50 mg of kavalactones have been taken in three divided doses daily for one week. One to two kava extract tablets has been taken twice daily for 6 weeks. Calcium supplements plus 100-200 mg of kava taken daily for 3 months have also been used.”
  4. This really doesn’t tell us anything to go by for our own personal dosing. In truth, there is no recommended dosage for powdered kava. These dosage recommendations come from several studies as well as the German Commission E. I take it that these numbers indicate the minimum amount of kavalactones it requires to see any effect without seeing intoxication. Seeing that many of us aim for intoxication these numbers are simply meaningless.
Citations Removed for length. See kavaforums post for full citations.
Kavaforums Discussion Thread: https://kavaforums.com/forum/threads/webmds-article-on-kava.19070/
submitted by JP1021 to Kava [link] [comments]

2021.10.30 19:47 deviantcowards Do I have comorbid ADHD and autism

I'm 23 and have seen two psychiatrists and they've said that they're sure I have some mental/neurodevelopmental disorder but they can't pinpoint what it is exactly.
Ever since I was a child I would get into a lot of trouble. I was polite but extremely impulsive (moreso than other kids my age) and used to lose things and forget to turn off the tap/TV which would get me beaten by my father. I didn't seem to learn a lesson. I also had an extraordinarily good memory (not me saying this but others) which I still have to this day.
I was never able to make friends as I'd weird/annoy people. I experienced severe depression and thoughts of suicide back in 2011. In late-2012, something happened which changed my life completely. I experienced euphoria like never before. I took ecstasy and cocaine two years ago and was stunned by how I could have felt exactly like that as a kid without taking any substances. I had so much motivation to do anything. For the entirety of 2013, I genuinely believed that my life would be happy and trouble free. I did well in school but eventually became to euphoric that I forgot to study. I also attempted to castrate myself after listening to Sting's - If I Ever Lose My Faith In You. One thing that a lot of people mentioned (and still do today) is that I had a creepy grin on my face. A guy in my class in school actually thought I was high all the time because he said I had a constant grin.
The next year, the depression returned only this time, it lasted for the whole year. It was really horrible and one night in November, I felt horrible. The next week my mother and I got into an argument and I assaulted her physically. Something I have never done and which shocked both of us.
I continued going to school but eventually I started making homicidal/suicidal comments which disturbed students and they told the principal in 2015. My principal contacted social service who contacted my parents and said that they'd have to bring me to a GP. My GP organised an appointment with CAMHS and I saw a psychiatrist the next month. I was prescribed the antipsychotic Abilify and Prozac and though it got rid of my homicidal thoughts, I felt suicidal again as well as extremely tired. I stopped attending school physically and was homeschooled.
After failing school and having a bad experience with the psychiatric system I decided to start self-medicating. That's around the first time I discovered sites like erowid, bluelight, drugs-forum and Reddit's /drugs. My GP also gave me a large supply of benzodiazepines and that started my addiction. I soon started taking benzos, OTC opioids (codeine), nicotine, and alcohol. When I went to America, I tried my aunt's hydrocodone pills and loved them even more.
I came back to Europe and started forging scripts until I got caught and cautioned.
Today I'm drug-free (sort of) but still have difficulty making friends and I'm constantly called annoying, weird, and immature (my parents think me wanting to castrate myself is immaturity and I'm not sure about that). On the plus side, the same people who put me down also say I'm really smart but I'm not sure about that especially as I'm 23 and only entering college while others my age are out in the world working and living independently.
My GP said he thinks I might have ADHD or Aspergers. He said that if it was the former, prescribing Ritalin, Adderall, or Vyanase would help my symptoms.
He believes that I may have been mistakenly diagnosed with Aspergers due to the difficulty making friends which is common in ADHD. The one difference though is that I have no problems reading peoples facial expressions and have no problem with eye contact (even maintain it for too long especially when looking at others). The other think that leads him to believe it's ADHD is my constant posting of random topics on the internet (I showed him my Bluelight posting history and Reddit posting history).
submitted by deviantcowards to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2021.08.24 18:19 kovarexx Clearing up some misconceptions about MDMA and other drugs (and some other general information and harm reduction resources)

Why write this post?

After Destiny's adventure in Amsterdam, and the subsequent stream i figured it was a good idea to write up a post containing some good information and sources about drugs and drug use. Mainly because i was seeing a lot of bad information being thrown around by people in chat and on this sub (even some by Destiny himself). Drugs are fun, but you should try to be safe and responsible when taking them, and hopefully this post will help some people out. Do your research, read up on the drug you are going to take!


Ecstasy is MDMA + another drug

Ecstasy, E, XTC, Emma, Molly, Mandy, and MDMA are all names referring to the same drug: MDMA. In the Netherlands XTC and ecstasy are often used to refer to MDMA in pill form. MDMA is usually used to refer to MDMA in crystal or powder (powder is just crushed crystals btw) form. This might be different in other countries, but it seems its the same in other countries.
An Ecstasy pill SHOULD ONLY contain MDMA, and should not contain adulterants or other drugs. Combining MDMA with other drugs, especially other uppers, can lead to increased stress on your heart and can lead to increased neurotoxicity (source). So a pill with more than just MDMA should be avoided and pills with multiple ingredients are NOT desirable. To prevent taking contaminated ecstasy pills, you should test your drugs!
Sometimes MDMA is cut with other adulterants, or what you were sold is not MDMA at all. This is even more reason to use a test kit. You don't want to end up taking meth by accident when you were expecting MDMA :)

Ecstasy in the Netherlands

Someone in chat mentioned that 99% of ecstasy pills in the Netherlands contain MDMA. Destiny did not believe this.
In the Netherlands in 2019 99.2% percent of ecstasy pills were found to contain MDMA according to research by Trimbos institute (an independent Dutch organization for drug, addiction and mental health research). Of that 99.2%, 81,4% contained ONLY MDMA. In the other pills tested trace amounts of left overs from the synthetization process were found, which pose no significant health risk. Only 0.8% of all tested pills contained no MDMA at all. These usually contained other drugs like 4-FA or 2C-x.
Dutch source

Crystals or powders are 'pure' MDMA

The form your drugs are in does not give you an indication of purity. Powders and crystals can just as easily be cut with other substances. The only way to know for sure is by testing your drugs!

Pure MDMA should not give you a comedown

This is simply false. The intensity of the comedown is not an indication of drug purity. Some people are more affected by it then others. It also depends on other factors like:
For more information on dosages, preventing comedowns and other tips check the resources at the bottom.

You can identify MDMA (or any other drug), just by looking at it

Its very hard to know for sure what a substance is, without using a test kit. A lot of drugs look alike, and sometimes a drug can look very different between batches (MDMA for example can have a brownish, yellowish colour or it can be a white/clear crystal). This is why you should a reagent testing kit. This makes sure you know what substance you are dealing with. Or, you can accidentally take meth and miss out on a debate.
When in doubt, use a test kit!

Drug testing

Let Destiny's adventure be a lesson for everyone out there, test your stuff! Test kits are readily available online and you should use them. Don't just take your dealers word for it.
The following types of reagent tests are the most ones most commonly used:
Test Usually used for More info
Marquis Amphetamine-type compounds (Speed etc) including Methamphetamine, MDMA (Ecstasy/Molly), MDA, MDE, Opiates (Morphine, Codeine or Heroin), LSD https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marquis_reagent
Liebermann cocaine, morphine, PMA and PMMA, MDMA, and to differentiate between different Amphetamines (like Methamphetamine and Amphetamine) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liebermann_reagent
Mandelin Amphetamines, Methadone, Cocaine, Opium, Research Chemicals etc. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandelin_reagent
If you want to read more about testing your drugs, /reagenttesting has a ton of good info like tutorials and links to vendors that sell testing kits.
Edit: As someone pointed out in the comments i should make it clear that reagent tests do not guarantee purity. Even though a test might come back positive for a certain drug does not guarantee that there are no other drugs in the sample. The only way to be certain that there are no adulterants is to get it lab tested.
Some countries (like the Netherlands) also have testing services publicly available. These services allow you to bring in a sample of your drugs, and they will test it in a lab for you. You should get the lab results within a week. At Dutch test locations they also do a reagent test right there on the spot, to immediately give you an indication of what substance you are dealing with. The lab test give you a lot more information though. For example, they can give you an indication of the dosage (when for example you bring in an Ecstasy pill they can give you an indication of how much and what is in it, same goes for powders and crystals), and it can find any potential adulterants.
Find out online if this kind of service is available in your country.There is also a list here, but i'm not sure how up to date it is.


Since Destiny is not sure what he took, and he was looking for drugs it could possibly be, i would like to point to a few research chemicals that are popular in the Netherlands. These research chemicals have similar effects to what Destiny described. Bear in mind that these research chemicals are quite popular, and people want to buy them. So they are usually NOT sold as MDMA, but under their own name. And this is all pure speculation, the only way to know for sure is to use a test kit. It could also just be meth lol.
The following research chemicals have similar effects and durations as described by Destiny, and sometimes come in crystal form:
I'd also like to add that taking 200mg of MDMA (which he thought it was) is a very high dose, even as an experienced user. Before taking anything please look up the recommended dosages!


If i made any mistakes please let me know in the comments, so i can correct my post ;)
TL;DR Test your drugs, read up on the effects before taking it
submitted by kovarexx to Destiny [link] [comments]

2021.07.15 12:52 SuperbResponse2297 New Information Regarding The Dangers Of 7-OH-Mitragynine a Kratom Metabolite.

Soooo, for the longest time now people have been saying kratom cannot cause death because tests done on rats with IV, and IM Mitragynine produces no respiratory depression. This is a in-accurate way to determine the safety of a substance expecially when dealing with Mitragynine which is mainly a Pro-Drug.
So why is it that kratom can/cant cause death?
Recently studys have proven when taken orally mitragynine is metabolized into 7-OH-Mitragynine which is a partial agonist of the Mu receptor, and a antagonist of the kappa and delta site.
This partial agonist, 7-OHM is about as potent as buprenorphine.
Since 7-OHM is only present after metabolization (Most will argue its present in leaf but this hasent been proven, and the amount is incredibly tiny even with how potent 7-OHM is) over doses are un-likely. The reason for this is just like codeine, or lisdexamphetamine it is rate limited. This means you liver can only process a givin amount of Mitragynine at a time, so at a certain point taking more Mitragynine wont produce more 7-OHM but instead will metabolize the Mitragynine later on producing a longer duration.
7-OHM is also only a partial agonist so respiratory depression is unlikely but not impossible.
Anyway i just wanted to write this for anyone who is scared of an OD or the new "kratom OD case studys" to feel more safe.
Also here a pure 7-OHM report on erowid for anyone interested
submitted by SuperbResponse2297 to JustaTeaLeaf [link] [comments]

2021.06.06 19:34 mel1754 Dispensing in individual syringes for oral solutions?

Just got an RX for APAP-Codeine oral solution 120/12
Notes requested that I dispense in 10ml increments in capped oral syringes qty 50mls
How do y’all feel about this? Should I be nice and actually do this? Or give a 50ml bottle and pop In an adapter and supply the empty oral syringes?
submitted by mel1754 to pharmacy [link] [comments]

2021.03.06 01:27 dimethyl-tripwithme Alcohol addiction VS an opiate addiction - discussion

Health wise, alcoholism is clearly worse. Mentally as well, I’d say. Damaging to the persons body/psyche, at the very least. However, addiction is addiction and I’d like to start a discussion.
I myself am an opiate addict, but always find I can stop drinking whenever, at least now. So this question came up in my mind. At 4 drinks, or at 1 I can always seem to stop. Before that though, I knew once I started drinking Inwoikdnt stop til the rooms spinning. However I am not an alcoholic anymore - I have now graduated to an opiate addict. My life’s okay, but substance wise I have been taking them on and off for 5 years with every hurdle within you could think of. Throwing up sick as dog...Most euphoric highs known to man (better than pure 80%+ MDMA)
But it didn’t start out like this. I started with drinking and smoking bud, then MDMA then drinking+cocaine, then finally just cannabis and opiates, which is what I do now. I feel like my drug use has matured over the years to be the most sustainable and safest way of doing drugs, i.e testing, weighing etc. I always rationalise my opiate use (abuse occasionally) with hey! at least my health’s meh. Could be worse. Could be doing speed every day / killing my liver with alcohol. Ironically I do this anyways with the APAP/Fillers in my happy pills. I CWE, but still some damage remains.
Anyways, here’s my question
All you alcoholics out there, how would you feel about if you weren’t ready to give it up, so instead you simply...traded your addiction for another? One that allowed you to not seize, to still get a buzz, and to become a functional member of society (if you weren’t beforehand)
I.e beer for codeine... Or vodka for oxy? Maybe everclear for methadone/diamorphine? As this is essentially just the route for MAT with Opiates, with subs or methadone being the big 2, I’ve noticed that with alcoholism it’s mainly long slow medical tapers or medical detox, very similiar to benzo withdrawal, except benzo WD can be much, much much worse depending on how high you get your doses up. There’s a certain physical limit with alcohol, to where you’d just rip your throat up and stomach which is not the case with benzos. Around 40-60 units or so MAX a day after gaining tolerance after years. And this WILL wreak damage on your body long term if you were to keep it up. However one could use opiates essentially forever and still be healthy, at least compared to alcohol. Only issues really is being more sensitive to pain, hypergonadism, and testosterone being stumped.
Anyways how would you feel about trading addictions? What is it about alcohol that really draws you in? I’ve never understood alcoholism as there’s just so many “better” choices out there to get addicted to, as in the end it is just a choice. My mother choice to get addicted to crack and my father alcohol. I don’t want the “brain chemistry” aspect of the argument, I want your side of the argument. What makes it stand out?
I fully understand if drugs are hard to source/too expensive. That’s reasonable, I’d drink instead as well, which isessentially what I used to do back when I was 12-13. But now I know about other substances, alcohol seems rather benign compared. Obviously cocaine/mdma etc aren’t even in the same ballpark, but we’re speaking strictly downers for discussion here. Aka my cup of tea.
So what makes you pick alcohol instead of anything else? Is it the numbness? As opiates provide that. Is it the euphoria? opiates trump that x10. The health risks? Opiates don’t really have those, unless of course there’s issues with supply being faked / cut. But that’s due to the illegality, not the substance.
This isn’t meant to come off WHATSOEVER as a “please stop drinking, do fentanyl” sort of post. I really do hope for everyone in here, everyone struggling with any addiction to be able to overcome it and be strong in your weakest moments.
I’m just curious as to why you pick Ethanol instead of any other depressant, apart from obvious sourcing / price issues. Maybe you just don’t want to overdose but don’t want to be sober? Idk, educate me below
Looking forward to interacting with you guys if the mods keep this post up! I read the rules and it seems okay.
Bonus question: Any of you do opiates but settle with alcohol for reasons that werent Cost/Supply? I’d love to understand why, as I have family friends who are alcoholics and see that subs are a medical way of going through it, maintaining but why is this not the case with benzos?? If i’m on heroin... And someone says hey! Drink! I’d shove that bottle so far up there arse....
I never see benzos being maintained unless they don’t have on their record “alcoholic” lmao. So backwards, so stupid. Maybe it’s just the first world countries. Backwards ideas on addiction. Just give em the fucking drugs they’re gonna do them regardless...
Fun fact : they actually “cured” alcoholism with morphine in the 1800’s I believed. Said it cured all the ailments of alcoholism - fighting, vomit, less crime.
Side note - I always see people say they’d rather go through serious opiate WD than benzo/alc WD. This is another aspect of the discussion that I find really interesting, as well as PAWS. I’m not trying to devalue anyone’s hard times, but I have never had to detox off alcohol but have many times off opiates so I can’t really talk about that particular aspect with personal experience but Ive been around a lot of addiction and suffering., but generally speaking people I know would much rather come off 600-900mg+ of oxycodone than 30mg xanax. As even with a taper, shits uncomfortable. PAWS as well. Benzos/Alcohol seem to last a lot longer than opiates for the PAWs as well.
submitted by dimethyl-tripwithme to alcoholism [link] [comments]

2020.12.23 11:55 SolomonGilbert A clovey question.

Hi all :)
Not a toxicologist, but have a (hopefully) healthy interest in the subject. Am also growing my own small poison garden in the hope that it acts as a conversation piece to tell my mates a little more about this fascinating topic, and spread some awareness too. This is all to say, not a physician or a toxicologist (actually am in InfoSec), but not necessarily naive either.
One thing which has puzzled me for a while is as follows, and I'm interested on general thoughts and opinions:
Back when I was younger, maybe 16 or so, I drank some home-brewed clove tea from a pretty substantial amount of ground clove - no motivations for that other than I like the taste. For a while during this time in my life, I'd experience these strange, almost debilitating pains radiating from my shoulder blade. They'd happen infrequently, but I wouldn't be able to do move until the pain subsided.
Anyway... I drank this tea and began maybe 30 minutes later to start experiencing this pain. I thought nothing of it, until it began spreading across my chess, intercostal muscles, back, and shoulder. After an hour it became utterly unbearable, maybe a 9/10. I was given 400mg ibuprofen and 1g APAP, waited an hour or so with no positive change. At this point the pain was utterly excruciating, nauseating, and I couldn't breathe without sharpness in my ribs. Eventually I was taken to hospital where I was given 60mg codeine, hooked up to an ECG, and monitored until the pain subsided.
I'm not one to over exaggerate my pain, and have always had an enormous respect for NHS staff. I'd never knowingly waste their time, so for me to decide to head to hospital was not insignificant.
This was the first time I ever tried brewing clove tea. I had previously experimented with a variety of substances, but had not done so within any significant period of time before drinking this tea. I've just sort of chalked it up as a weird thing that happened to my body, maybe growing pains/physical panic (I have suffered from extremely severe but very infrequent panic attacks since ~17), but something in me can't help shake the fact it was brought on by the tea. I have no idea why.
Obviously there's a significant amount of Eugenol in clove, which of course had some use in dentistry, but I can't think of any reason whatsoever why it would cause such an extreme response physiologically. So, that's my question to you all. I'm not looking for medical advice, I'm not asking for answers, and I'm leaving it relatively open. Think of this as more of an "in what way could clove cause something like this" thought experiment, not as a "please tell me what happened and what was wrong with me, was I poisoned" medical advice post.
So guys, what do we think? If you want to ask me questions about the event, my previous medical history, or whatever else might confirm/rule out a theory, I'm happy to answer to the best of my ability, as long as it's not something I feel could jeopardise my confidentiality.
Looking forward to hearing the discussion :) x
submitted by SolomonGilbert to toxicology [link] [comments]

2020.10.15 18:54 death_strandicoot Screenshots from Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (Playstation 4) (yes, I know what sub this is)

Background: I found these screenshots I took when decomissioning my PS4 to make room for the upcoming PS5, and thought you folks might enjoy. I know that I'm fascinated by the layman's interpretation of drug products. For what it's worth, I'm a pharmacist.
For those of you who haven't played the game, (most of you, no doubt), there is a flashback section of the game where a player controls a young Nathan Drake (the main protagonist) while he and his brother break into an elderly woman's mansion home. This woman (Evelyn) is clearly in failing health, and the ridiculous number of pill bottles strewn about her living-space is meant to indicate this to the player before you meet her. This is a tiny detail in the game and clearly not something they cared enough about to get a professional consultation from an actual medical professional. Some of what they came up with is...off.
Image 1
On this dresser, there are three (!) bottles of "Thyroid Hormone 1000mg". Sadly, there are no prescription labels on these bottles, so who knows how Evelyn is taking it. Hopefully not a whole tablet per day--even assuming this is dessicated thyroid and not T3 or T4, 30.8 grains is a LOT--but then again, why have so many 100-count bottles? Diagnosis: Probably dead by thyrotoxicosis.
The next thing is t he giant bottle of "Vitamin D 20mg". Again, since 50,000 IU is about 1.25mg, this is a comically huge dose. Sadly, the NDC is missing a digit in the first (manufacturer) section. Mislabeling? Diagnosis: Probably dead by Vitamin D toxicity.
There are smaller bottles of "Blood pressure Tablet USP" and "Gastric Ulcer Medicine 40mg", I'm not aware that the USP has a formulation for "Blood pressure Tablet 20mg", so we can safely assume misbranding on this one. The "Gastic Ulcer medicine" is likely a PPI based on the dosage--pantoprazole or esomeprazole are my guesses. This one might actually be safe to take, assuming the rest of the legally required labeling information is on the side of the bottle we can't see. It even comes in a 90-count bottle. Someone on the development team must have been taking a PPI.
There are also a few OTC items and cosmetics visible, most notably a petroleum-jelly-type balm called "Lition" and a stick of deodorant.
An amber vial with the label turned away is also there. Luckily, the game allows you to pick it up and inspect it further.
Image 2
Weston's pharmacy fails to label the bottle properly. The pharmacy's address and phone number do not appear to be printed on the bottle (though much of the ink seems to be worn away). They also do not print Evelyn's full name, as the writers failed to give her a surname. It also does not seem to indicate the prescribing doctor, number of refills, quantity, or expiration date. Shame on you, Weston's! Due to the weathering, I have to guess that this is APAP/Codeine based on the strength of 300/50mg. 50mg of Codeine is not available in any formulations, but perhaps these were compounded? (Illegally?) Evelyn seems to take 1 BID. She very well could have a high codeine tolerance due to long-term opioid use, so this might actually be safe. I assume this is for breakthrough pain because BID dosing would not cover chronic pain. Still, PRN is not indicated on the sig, so...I dunno.
EDIT: As WeMustUnite pointed out, that actually looks like it could be 300/60mg, which is Tylenol #4. BID dosing without any other pain management is still strange, but let's assume that's PRN breakthrough pain and there is a long-acting opioid in a drawer somewhere.
Image 3
Here we have a different dresser, with a couple of bottles of different brands of Ethanol, a couple of labeled bottles with the labels turned away from the player, a 7-day pill calendar, and another bottle of "Gastric Ulcer Medicine 40mg". There is also a bottle of aftershave (?) which appears to be clipping through the base of a lamp.
There is also that fascinating brown liquid bottle. This one appears to be from a pharmacy called "Prescription Medicine." Polypharmacy anyone? It is labeled "Antibiotic 200mg". Wait, is this not a liquid? "Take 2 tabets one time daily. Take with plenty of water." So this is tablets? Why is it in a liquid bottle? Again, tons of information is missing from the label, including patient name, prescriber name, quantity, expiration date, refills, pharmacy address and phone number, etc. I'm not sure what the text on the bottom says due to the apparent ridiculous age-weathering of this bottle but it begins with "DAY" and ends with "TW". Who knows?
Image 4
Lastly, we have some repeats. Another bottle of "Thyroid Hormone 1000mg", 2 more bottles of Vitamin D 20mg, another bottle of "Blood pressure Tablets 20mg USP", and an unlabeled tube of [ointment/cream/gel/toothpaste?] which has been left slightly open so it goes bad. Several books about health and cancer are stacked up beside the drugs. "Healthy Diet" is there twice. Perhaps the second one was a gift. An in-home IV stand is next to the table. It would seem Evelyn is dying of cancer (as well as multiple drug overdoses and dangerously misbranded and mislabeled products).
Thank you for your time.
submitted by death_strandicoot to pharmacy [link] [comments]

2020.07.18 17:57 Army_Bot Summary For: Weekly Question Thread (3/11 to 3/17)

wtf do ad soldiers do at ft dix, in my window and thinking about it just want to know if im getting myself into a ft polk situation but in bumfuck jersey
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I'm an AIT soldier on orders to my first duty station. I filled out my part of the DA 5434 but my sponsor hasn't filled out there section and it's been a few weeks. I was told they won't cut my orders unless the sponsor fills out the form. What do I need to do to get a sponsor?
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Current 31B with 4 months left in my reserve contract. Graduating with my Bachelors degree in May and I was trying to decide what I want to do next. Retention told me to just go full hooah and re-enlist for another 6 years and eventually I’ll get slotted for OCS, which is my end game move. I want to move to the 35F or 35L but retention said it doesn’t matter and I should just take the bonus for the 31B re-enlist and move on because OCS will change what I’m doing anyways. I think he’s full of it and I was hoping for an unbiased opinion.
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What is 13F life like as a Ranger, both at home and deployed. Do they hang back but close enough to call for stuff or will they go in with infantry and door kick/trigger pull some times?
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Is 33 too old to enlist?
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What is cat 4?
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Can meps see your medical records ? I know a lot of you guys are going to say I’m lying to meps the only reason I’m asking is because my recruiter told me to lie . I don’t want a bunch responses telling me not to lie because I have already decided lying is the wrong choice
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so i was made aware that i cant get either option 40 or 4 due to my med waiver for 1 screw in my leg. however was curious about me being able to volunteer for airborne and or rasp... in that case some people told me i likely would not be able to even volunteer due to my injury which occured 6 years ago and hasnt even given me trouble since . is this true. i would really like to take a shot at airborne and rasp. but cant find much info as it pertains to my specific predicament
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Long story short, I've been on IRR for 3 years with no contact with the Army besides sending in a yearly deferment for school the entire time. I report to BOLC this Fall and after 3 years I have forgotten pretty much everything I've learned prior to commissioning.
What can I do as a refresher in the meantime so I'm not completely lost? I'll be taking the bar this summer and I'm branched in a non combat arms position on active duty.
Also can't get my orders from HRC because I don't have a valid CAC but that's a different headache.
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Can you transition from active duty to reserve in one term? Or do you have to wait til your enlistment is renewed?
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So I just enlisted today for a six year contract with 25S signal corps. Ive talked to a few people about it and some say really good things, and some people say some really bad things. Some say its easy as hell and some say its as hard as Crypto-linguistics. Can someone set me straight on this? Im doing satellite communications operatomaintainer. Hell some people even says its alot of travel.
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Looking to pick the brain if anyone who has been to CBRN BOLC in the past few years or so.
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Has anyone ever met with a battalion commander to get a waiver approved? Just want to know what to expect.
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I noticed I have like a 2 week gap between my 11X OSUT and jump school on my orders- obviously, because that’s when the next school cycle starts and such. I guess my question is what am I gonna do during that gap? Do I get to take leave, or am I gonna hang out at my training company and do whatever? Just curious.
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Who is responsible for fastening a troop strap on an lmtv? Or who is liable if a soldier falls out the back and there in no troop strap?
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Thoughts on 35p and 68s?
My husband did DLI twice, so I'm a little more familiar with that.
68s sounds fantastic and I'm currently finishing my bachelor's with classes that focus on environmental health and epidemiology - so it seems right up my alley. (It's a general studies degree since I had the hrs but no true concentration - it ended split between education and health promotion).
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My spouse is choosing to live away from me. I did not force her or neglect her. She is living in another town and got a job by her own accord. All of my BAH goes to military post housing. We have no children. Am I obligated to send her any of my regular pay?
I'm gonna check with my post legal aid office on Monday, but if anyone can share some insight, I would appreciate it.
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PCS from OCONUS to CONUS. Do I get a seperate 10 PTDY to pick up my car from the one I used to house hunt?
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I’m thinking about re enlisting because I received an entry level separation from the navy and all my meps stuff is still good but I want a good MOS that will transition well into a civilian job my ASVAB score was a 91. And the recruiter I’ve been talking to is doing what he can to help but the sergeant in charge of the station is pushing me and trying to rush me into signing a contract
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Still looking at MOS' to decide on, I like the concept of 35Q and 17C ive already gotten some info on 17C, but id like to know more about 35Q (i already checked the mega-thread and only found two mentions of the MOS, and it was only in passing.)
Im particularly interested in the Day to Day and what the work is like.
Im also looking for a position that has a decent to high chance of allowing me to live off base (with or without recompense) as i have a pet cat that I would like to keep with me, (I obviously dont mind having to leave him here with my parents for basic and AIT)
Im fine with hearing recommendations for other completely different MOS's aswell! I really dont know specifically what I want to do, so anyone who has experience with an MOS and thinks It might fit me feel free to point it out.
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Can 35 series volunteer for Regiment? If so, are they just enablers with a scroll or are they doing Ranger shit? Where does the new RMIB fall into all this? Is this where all intel Rangers end up? Thanks.
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I'm some kid just asking questions, don't know much
-Thinking of enlisting after college. Heard that college boys become 2nd lieutenant but they go to through OTC, is this true? -If I was to enlist active duty, what's the minimum and average I have to serve? -If I do 32nd Airborne that's more years on my service? -Can I change my MOS throughout or ? I'm thinking of doing 31B (military police) or 31D (criminal investigations special agent) because it leans more towards my career path in FBI. However, 18B (special forces weapon sergeant) is cool af becuase i like guns and that's an interest to me. -Can I choose where I can be stationed? Like Germany?
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Can I join the army if I have a herniated disc? I have a herniated disc that's causing my sciatic nerve to shoot pain down my left leg, been like that for 8 months now. If my back ever improves can I join? Should I? I'm currently a high school junior.
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Had juvenile misdemeanor when I was 17, got it expunged and all that jazz. Recently went to a recruiter to join, told him about past history and he said he may not need waiver for it. Took background check and everything came back clean, nothing showed up. He’s suggesting to not tell anyone and not claim any past criminal history occurred. Is my recruiter setting me up for failure? Should I request to start the waiver process regardless of what he suggest?
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Awesome that’s for the help, didn’t sit well in my gut. Thanks again for the reassurance.
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Is there a regulation concerning rucksacks? I brought a malice back for when I attend ABOLC and just want to make sure I'm good or if I should return it?
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How easy is it to get a medical role in the army and what would life look like in that kind of role? I'd really like to be able to travel and learn new skills!
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We're about 20 months from a potential deployment and were allegedly getting NOS'd this month (National Guard).

If our state accepts the mission, whats the next step? When do we actually receive orders?

Bonus points if anyone knows anything about the UH60 A/L situation in Afghanistan because ive heard there are very very few.
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Anyone know anything about the current status of 35L being open to non-prior service? I've googled around and I can't find anyone who has actually done it or if they're still taking people.
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Reserve officer here, looking to go Active early next year. My question is about the new paternity leave policy. If I'm reading the reg correctly, I will only get the 3 weeks of paternity leave if I had already served for 12 months of active time prior to that. My situation is that we WERE planning to have a baby summer of 2020, but at that point I may have only been active for a couple of months. Would there be other leave available for me to use? Or would I be screwing myself over and we should just pick a different time to have another kid? Just not familiar with leave policies in general on active duty. Thanks for any explanation.
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So as far as 35P goes: Are they currently in demand right now? And what exactly justifies the $40k signing bonus?
I see it’s listed in demand on GoArmy.com but I don’t know how often it gets changed/if it’s really accurate so figured I’d ask here.
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Hello! I am going through a difficult situation right now and am asking for anyone with expertise on the subject. I enlisted for 3 years 40 weeks for active duty. I then re-enlisted to serve in the National Guard near the end of my active duty obligation for a 3-year $5,000 bonus. I am now being told that my ETS from the National Guard isn’t until my MSO. My MSO is 4 years 1 month and 4 days from the time I enlisted in the National Guard, not 3 years. When I spoke with Retention, they told me that their was no option to only serve 3 years, and that there is only a try a year option or serve out the entirety of my MSO. I am now being kept a year passed what I thought would have been my ETS, and am being involuntary pulled out of college and being sent to Kuwait. Thoughts? Knowledge? HELP!
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Question about receiving bus driver training:
Our instructor said there used to be a way that you could take your certificate to the DMV of your respective licensed state and get your CDL using just that piece of paper and testing out on the written test there.
Is there still a way to do that? Is it still a thing?
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Any recommendations on Army and/or Air Force Recruiters (both Active and NG) in the DFW area?
I thought that this community might have some specific connections and recommendations for recruiters in the DFW area, especially those involved in Guard units in the area. Are there any specific recruiters in the area you would recommend, or should I just go to the nearest recruiting office?
Also, I likely need a med waiver. So I would need someone willing to work with me on that.
I have a bachelors degree (3.35 GPA in an engineering field) so I think I could be eligible for OCS/OTS as well as enlisted.
Are there any NG units in the area you would recommend?
Any additional advice would be appreciated- thanks!
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I’ve heard rumors and I don’t want to take them without getting a more current view. Will being a Mormon affect a career as an us army officer?
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Looking to join the reserves with no prior service. I had two felony charges for possession of marijuana under 2.5 oz and possession of paraphernalia resulting from the same incident as an adult a long time ago. In the state I was arrested in, any amount was considered a felony. Both charges were dropped due to a pretrial diversion program I entered. They showed up on my rap sheet with a statement that said "No Felony Convictions." My recruiter isn't sure what to make of it.
Is it possible to get a moral waiver for this and is there a realistic chance at doing so if I can?
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I would like to enlist in the military for personal reasons and financial reasons, but I would also like to be a graphic designer and hopefully lead myself into UX/UI design. Has anyone here done any graphic design in the military? I know if there has been work done its been really small. I only hear the Navy has a small portion of work done in there. But recently I found out the Army has their own page dedicated for graphic design called Multimedia Illustrator. https://www.goarmy.com/careers-and-jobs/browse-career-and-job-categories/arts-and-media/multimedia-illustrator.html
Im 17 and I want to pursue this career path but i'm wondering if the Army and this enlisted job specifically can help me out in this field for experience. I already have high school experience.
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how close are you to combat as 14p, i’m stuck between it or 19d, thanks.
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So I’m very close to joining the Reserves currently, but I also am 100% certain I want to go to college, I have a weighted gpa of 3.86, i am apart of honor society, and a junior in high school. I love my country and I want to join both because of that and to help pay for my education. My question is what is the procedure for applying to college? For basic and AIT it would take 6 months to complete after high school. Do I apply to colleges and universities before I leave for basic or do I apply once I get back? I guess my main worry is getting stuck in a crummy college because I took 6 months after graduation to apply. But I’m not sure how the application process for that works, can i apply and get accepted and not start school until the following spring after training? Or do I have to wait to apply all together? I know I asked a lot and it might be confusing if you need some clarification I might be able to try and word it differently, but thanks to anybody who can help.
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I'm currently a freshman in college and after this semester will have over 40 credits completed. I'm planning on being an actuary which is a very weird job that involves risk management for insurance companies. The way to get further in your field is by taking exams that are absurdly difficult and require intense amounts of studying.
Because these exams are supposed to be so hard I'm worried that going through college and then joining the military would be a bad option since I'd likely forget a lot of what I learned. I'm debating on going into a financial type of MOS (such as Financial Management Technician 36B) for either 2 or 4 years, then if I want to make a career out of the military I can while also being able to work on my degree and either finish it while on duty or after my years are up.
Thoughts or suggestions?
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So I may or may not have improperly washed my ACU top and fucked up the velcro. Is there anyway to fix it? I've tried cutting at it with scissors and shaving it a bit but it doesn't seem to be too effective, am I doing it wrong?
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MEPs processing. How picky are they? Also, has anyone had an issue with being Dq’d and how soon can you try again after that? Also I’m a fully certified civilian EMT. Wanting to translate to 68 whiskey. What is the round about afqt percentage that will get me there? I know the GT and ST req’s but all the practice testing I have been using do not show the line scores like the icat or the asvab.
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  1. Recruiter had to send my paperwork to the USAREC surgeon. Anyone know how long this usually takes?
  2. Would I be able to take the DLAB and pick a job on the same day since already have my physical/asvab done?
  3. How does the job selection process work for the army?
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Yeah, I mean it was my first choice of an MOS but I was also considering 91B because I know that would help both in my personal life and also if I decided to go to school for Mechanical Engineering but like I’ve said, I’m also interested in business administration, I guess I just have to weigh all the options in the coming months.
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I have had financial troubles in the past, leading to a couple things reported in collections on my credit report. They total up to around $2500. Will this prevent me from enlisting?
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I am an approved DAT waiver. MOS I'm most interested in is 15W but there is a chance that I may not get it because of security clearance. I got mixed answers at my recruitment station and said I may still be able to get it.
Are DAT waivers completely closed off to jobs even with the lowest level of security clearance?
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I'm reenlisting for Alaska for a 20 level slot. However, I'm definitely going to be a SSG before I report there. Is there any chance of my orders just getting deleted due to this or will I still go?
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I'm preparing for Ranger school and I read in a couple of places that you shouldn't take creatine while training before going. Is this legitimate advice? I don't see how it could negatively affect me, but maybe I'm missing something.
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I'm preparing to enlist with the army but still didn't decide on a MOS My brother recommended 2MOS's: Infantry and Calvary scout How is life for Infantry or Calvary scout? Is it a deathly job? I'm not very afraid to go out to combat but I don't want to die out in combat and leave my family alone. Also can anyone recommend any other MOS's?
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Can I join with clinical depression and ADHD? I want to join the National Guard when I get older but idk if my depression/ADHD will disqualify me?
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Can I bring my dog with me to bolc?
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What’s everyone’s favorite shoes to wear for PT?
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Best way to lose 180 lbs quickly to re enlist?
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Does being in the army lead to health problems? you hear about soldiers who served having back pain, arthritis and no cartilage left in their knees.
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Any of you Army folk at kadena on this thread? I need a favorino 😭, you’ll even make some moneys. My ocps got torn and i need a new set but they won’t let me buy them 😂
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Is there anything that would be good to bring with me to basic?
Will anyone look at you sideways if you use a fountain pen in OCS?
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Can I enlist if I'm diagnosed with a mild case of Bi-Polar disorder?
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Is there a regulation with a time limit on receiving a negative counseling? And or even receiving both of those counselings at the same time? I.E. getting 2 counselings 14 days later at the same time for two missed appointments, with an immediate recommendation of article 15.
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hey, weird question. If you wan to be a doctor in the army, do you have to go through med school first or do you go through med school as your technical school after basic?
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Does anyone still report to a new unit in dress uniform?
I'm talking like knocking on your commander's door in your Blue's, saluting and stating "So and so reporting to such and such unit."
Just wondering if that would impress a BC these days or just make him or her think you're a fucking weirdo
I think I saw a Major do it at my first unit at Campbell, but haven't since.
Edit: Yes, downvote me for asking an honest question, thanks!
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